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Name: 20081024_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 24, 2008
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Bob Chapman's our guest here in this fourth hour for the next 30 minutes taking your phone calls on a host of issues.
We just went live at PrisonPlanet.tv as we do every day during the fourth hour.
Some days the whole show is streamed over the web for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Bob, finish up and we're going to go back to calls Jay and others that are holding with Congress
...is demanding documents about the trillions being handed out in the Banker Takeover Bill, not $700 billion.
They admitted that, oh well, we didn't want to give you a number too big, but not one too low.
Just to give you an idea.
It actually said just unlimited, do whatever you want, no transparency, no one can look at you, no agency can ever investigate what you've done.
I mean, this is written for fraud and criminality by those that have caused all the crises.
And yeah, I meant to get to it yesterday, I just mentioned it.
It was on Huffington Post, also up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we linked to it, where Congress was given these blacked out documents about how much these banks are being paid to hand the money out to other banks.
With all these cronies inside Goldman Sachs running the banker bailout, giving the money to themselves, and it's like the CIA where it's all blacked out.
I mean, Bob Chapman, the magnitude, the chutzpah, the arrogance, the over-the-topness of the corruption we're seeing, I mean, it even staggers my mind.
Comment some more on that.
It was truly arrogance.
They don't care what we think.
You know, we're the sheeple and we're to be treated that way.
And, you know, in history, if you look back, all groups or all people who have acted that way end up in a way that they don't want to end up.
And that's what's going to happen in America.
If people think that they can't get to these people, they can't.
Because we're going to have a chaotic situation down the line here, and people are going to say, who did that to me?
And so, there will be a price to pay.
But in the meantime, yes, they're getting paid unholy sums by their friends to handle this supposed saving of America's financial society.
We're talking about, when all is said and done, over $10 trillion.
Right now they're talking about $700 billion or $1.2 trillion, then $1.8.
They ain't even scratching the surface yet.
These people are going to steal so much it's unbelievable, and then the system will collapse.
And they think they're going to get away with it, and they're not!
Because people like you, Alex, have guests on who are going to tell the public what they've done,
And how they've stolen all this money, how corrupt they are.
And the public is gonna react.
Either that or before that, they're gonna shoot you and I, one or the other.
Well, Bob, I mean, I know you're aware of this, but it's on the local news.
Everybody I know is calling me about it.
All over the country, thousands of bankers, the Federal Reserve, branch banks are even calling local banker heads who aren't even part of the intergroup, and they're going to schools, elementary schools, churches, telling them they're our friends, telling them false stories about how all this happened and how some things are coming, but just do what we say, so they know they're in danger or they wouldn't be out beating the pavement
Instead of playing golf or visiting their mistresses, they're all over pushing this and announcing army brigades and trying to intimidate the public.
But I guess they just can't help it.
In the words of PNAC, they've got the power, and they say, we just need to go ahead and use it.
I mean, I guess they just can't help themselves.
It's amazing.
Right, and they've had their way for a long time.
We haven't had a... well, we had the depression, but
By historical standards, it was bad, but not that bad.
I mean, we had the 1870s, which is really bad.
It's no wonder everybody headed west.
They'd rather face the Indians than the people in the cities.
But we had some pretty nasty times historically, and we could be returning to that.
Could be?
We're going to skip this break.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, stay with us.
Alright, Bob?
I want to go to calls right when we come back for Jay, Tony, and everybody else that's holding.
I want to go to them fast.
There's just so many questions I've got for you.
Bad to worse.
I mean, you say it could be heading that way.
I mean, Chrysler's laying off 25% of their employees.
I mean, I live in supposedly the most wealthy, best off, most balanced city in the country.
Austin's rated number one everywhere now, per capita.
And I mean, let me tell you, the economy is, you go to restaurants that you couldn't get in, you know, I'll take my wife out once a week, there's restaurants we have to call reservations, not anymore.
You go to the mall, it's empty.
You go to car dealerships, they're shutting down.
I mean, what's it going to be like in other, like Michigan and California and Arizona?
It's going to be dreadful in Michigan.
And it's going to be... California, anybody who lives there, I tell them, start carrying.
Because you're going to need it.
I mean, it's 200,000 gang members with automatic weapons.
I mean, the police are afraid to do anything to them.
And that's just in the Long Beach, L.A.
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
I just... No, it's going to get nasty.
We're on the right track, and the more people we reach, the better.
At least they'll be able to handle it better.
Now say, hey, Alex said that.
He was right.
Now I know what to do.
We're making a big difference.
Believe me.
I know we are, but a lot of macho guys get into the fact that it's going to get real bloody.
I'm upset by all this.
It's so needless, but you've got these swollen, know-it-all pimps running everything, and they just get away with so much crap.
They're going to destroy everything.
It's very, very, very frustrating.
I wrote a piece this morning, these masters of the universe.
They're all Ivy League.
They're all bright.
They're all connected.
They're willing to pledge obedience to the Illuminate Satan's power in order to have a good life.
I know that three-year curveball was imploding the gold over $150.
That's okay.
Where do you see it going?
Well, it's trying to find a bottom right now.
Uh, both gold and silver.
And whether it's here or not, I don't know.
But when it comes, it comes, and then we'll, they'll go right back up again.
They're not going to change anything.
I told everybody, you're in for the long term, don't you sell anything.
So you just lost, uh, you know, hundreds of, you know, thousands of dollars in profits.
So what?
You're in for the long term.
I can't get you jumping in out of the market like a jackrabbit.
Most of these people are elderly, too.
Elderly is over 50.
All right, here we go.
And so, you know, they're not trained for that.
Yeah, here we go.
Worldwide, there's only one group doing good, and that's the small inner group of private banks.
They're gobbling up the other banks, corporations.
Every major market is bleeding to death.
Every major industry is imploding.
And the bankers are setting up their world government.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
Jay in Texas, then Tony, Prinsetta, Melissa.
Jay, go ahead, quickly.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
What's going on, Bob?
Yeah, Bob stole a lot of my thunder, actually, earlier with the Dow.
I've been in this business for about seven years now.
And he says, you know, the 2002-2003 lows, I think they go much lower than that personally.
And you can actually see the evidence of, if you even believe in the PPT, which I know some, the Plunge Protection Team, I know some do, some don't.
Like, you know, the market was down 500, you know, at the start of the day.
We've just rallied to 100 and, you know, 3,540.
So on the Dow, I think now live, we're about 200 down.
The crisis has hit Wall Street, but it hasn't hit Main Street yet, and we'll know how severe it gets when the October Mutual Fund redemptions come up.
Did I hear you say you don't know if the President's group on open markets is real?
No, that's not me.
I don't know if other people don't believe it.
I personally, I believe it.
I see it in the market every single day.
Well, no, I mean, they admit it.
Bob, you want to comment on that?
Well, you're right, they do.
I think?
It'll stay there.
Who knows where this thing is going?
Do you agree, Caller?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
My personal is 4,500 on the Dow, and I see that within maybe, I would say, a year to 18 months.
Good frame.
Charting-wise, I mean, if you look at the S&P right now, which is mainly what I follow, you see a huge triangle on there right now.
Roughly, if you want to test the 839 lows of October 10th,
We break that, you say goodnight, you see 600, I think in a heartbeat on the S&P.
Today it broke down again, the S&P.
It did, but it snapped back, and you had those snapback rallies, which right there... Well, the snapback is the Plunge Protection Team in there, because since I got on this phone with Alex, they've tried 12 times to rally it.
We're on number 13 right now.
Yeah, it's 163, and I completely agree with you.
Once that breaks, and like I said, when you see the mutual fund redemptions,
Yeah, a lot of companies aren't going to make their dividends, are they?
And you know, you're also going to have redemptions in not only mutual funds, but also in hedge funds.
And that's what the gentleman was talking about.
Oh, by the way, Bob, people keep calling me saying annuities are insured, are secured.
And the experts I talk to, and best I can tell, that's just a fable.
You're right.
But I looked at a portfolio today that belonged to an annuity from Pacific Life.
And quite frankly, it was decent.
I mean, they had to invest in 6 to 8 percent of the total invested capital in that particular annuity, but all the rest of them are 1 or 2 percent.
So it was really spread out, and it lost about 12 percent this year, which is not all that bad.
So you've got to know what you're buying.
Some are good, some aren't.
I've got a question.
I appreciate your call, Jay.
You know, the Dow Jones is the top 30, the blue chips, and then they take losers out, so it's even fixed.
And then, you know, put in winners.
And that, you know, is the benchmark.
And you can look at the other
Well I think the main divining here, and I think the caller will agree with me,
Is, we don't know how much money the government has poured into the market.
And if we knew that, we could get an assessment.
Because they're in every market, 24-7, doing what they want to it.
So it's an unknown factor.
We just don't know.
And until changes come in government, we'll never know until we can access those records and find out what they've been doing.
Well, notice how the Secrecy is first to fight the Russians and other groups, and now it's Al Qaeda, and now it's just every government of every type.
You know, cops beat your kid to death.
They say, we're not going to tell you why.
Or we're not going to release the surveillance footage.
I mean, it's just government is a bunch of out-of-control employees.
I mean, imagine, it's like having employees who slap you around and tell you what to do and then rob you for their paycheck at gunpoint.
I mean, I'm sick of it.
Well, it's all, you know, stuffy.
Uh, type, uh, Gestapo type, KGB type stuff.
Just a gang.
And that's just exactly what they are.
They're, they've become animals.
Tony in Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey, hello, Alex Jones.
I'm, uh, coming from Georgia.
I've seen you've got, uh, I've heard you've got a lot of people coming from Georgia.
Apparently you're waking up a lot of people around here, but I'm sitting here watching on
Yahoo News, where they said oil is dropping to $60 a barrel, so their OPEC decides to cut back on production of oil.
Still doesn't work.
Excuse me?
Still dropped.
Yeah, they cut back on making oil, 1.5 million barrels a day.
I really don't understand.
Well, they're cutting it to try to get the price back.
It's hurting them.
Bob, I tell you, Lindsey Williams has never been a baloney pusher, and that's why when he said in the next few months oil's going to drop to $60 a barrel, and when he said that it was $148, you know, he knows that Atlantic Richfield, former CEO, oops-er, another company had, oops-er.
I think there's a bit of good fortune there, because Lindsey's premise was the
A new secret oil fields that are going to come online in Indonesia and the Arctic.
And yes, we know they're there.
They're seven years away.
And yes, eventually oil will go down to $50 a barrel.
But in the meantime, we had deleveraging in the market, and we had our government pounding the energy complex.
Well, obviously it wasn't discovery and bringing to market in two months oil fields, which they have only publicly discovered one of them, and it's not as big as he said.
Obviously the guy was going to give him layers of bull.
But he really did work with these people, he really does know them.
The fact is, they were feeding him a line they wanted put out.
Well, perhaps.
And I'm sure Lindsey reported in totally good faith.
You've got to understand, this is psycho-political warfare, and anything goes, and you know, you can be dead right and be wrong.
And we've just seen that.
I mean, who would have thought that commodities would have dropped 60, 65 percent?
Or the price of gold, 20 or 25 percent?
And silver, 50 percent?
Well, they're doing that to try to cover inflation.
That's right.
But it's a very destructive... Absolutely, and it's going to come back like a wild dog, only the dog's going to be raided this time.
Well, obviously, and they know that.
Oh boy.
Tony, thanks for the call.
Princetta and Louisiana, thanks for holding.
Thank you for taking my call, Mr. Jones.
First, I wanted to say that since April I've listened to your show on a daily basis, and I really do.
I appreciate the very timely and relevant information that you share with everyone.
Well, thank you for tuning in.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to briefly comment on the issue of Barack Obama and the globalists and their plan for the New World Order.
First, I want to say, as a black woman and a member of the Nation of Islam, I can say that we are not deceived by
The globalist plan to use Mr. Obama to deceive black people into looking away from the real issues that are going on with us as a people.
And I want to also say that the globalist plan for the New World Order is not simply that they're arrogant, but they want to depopulate the earth of 90% of people, which actually the black and darker people,
I've got books that go back to the early 1800s on eugenics and even talking and scheming this thing
Yes, sir.
I just want to say that I agreed with Mr. Chapman when he said that something is going to happen, you know, that people are going to be angry, and there's going to be actually a revolution in this country.
Because when people do wake up and recognize, not only the whites, but the blacks, when they recognize how they've been deceived, that these people can put in front of us a black man because he's black, and we're supposed to support him when he has no interest in our issues, but to serve those of his master.
And I also want to say that once everyone recognized that
The plan of the goblins for their New World Order is not going to work entirely because as the Bible... Hold on, Princetta.
Hold on, Princetta.
We're going to skip this break.
We're going to keep talking to you right now.
May I?
Okay, Princetta, please continue.
As I was saying, as the Bible and the Holy Quran make us aware that, of course, the rulers of the darkness of this world have plans
But that what their plans are, the Holy Quran teaches us that, and they plan, and as we call them, the House of Israel plans, but God plans, and He is the best of planners.
So yes, we're going to do some suffering, and there's going to be tribulation in this earth, but you can rest assured that the gobalists will not have the final say, that the God that created the heavens and the earth will have the final say in this matter.
Well, there's no doubt.
You're absolutely right.
Yeah, there's no doubt.
Even if you're an atheist out there and think we're all nuts, the elite really do believe they're worshipping Lucifer.
They really believe they're setting up a world government.
They really believe that they, for their God, have to kill the majority of us.
And we're in a lot of trouble.
And when you understand that psychopathic killers run everything, then everything starts making sense.
Bob, you're trying to say something?
No, I think she's covered it beautifully.
And I think it's important that we stick together as Americans
Not as black, brown, or white Americans all together.
Yeah, it's really bad.
You know, as a black woman, is it painful for you not just to see black folks, but some of the other people being completely suckered by Barack Obama?
And again, I'm not saying McCain's good either, it's just the fact that Obama is a lot slicker and he's really suckering a lot of people, and I feel sorry for him because they're in for a rude awakening.
Well, for me, Mr. Jones, as I said, as a black woman and a member of the Nation of Islam, we're not deceived by what the rulers of this world do.
We understand that Mr. Obama is being used again to deceive black people, so we're aware that God has in His plan and that what the rulers are planning.
But I do want to say this, that there is a lot to what these people say when they talk about aliens and all these things.
The rulers of this world know that there's something coming up upon this world, and they know the scriptures, and they know prophecy.
But instead of telling the people the truth, they put it in terms where the people don't understand.
But I say to you, Mr. Jones, and to your audience, that there is something to what these people are saying, and that God, in essence, is what we are witnessing.
I know this may not be something that everyone wants to hear,
No, no, it's very interesting, and we're glad that you're tuned in.
Thank you.
I'm going to try to hurry here, because I guess it's going to leave us in about six, seven, eight minutes.
Melissa in North Carolina, and then Danny, Tony, and Mike, that'll be it for calls.
Go ahead, Melissa.
Hey, yeah, thanks for having me on.
I wanted to tell you, I'm in North Carolina, and I have a statement on what Chuck Bauer and the Revolution
I was trying to get on that ballot to write in his name and his campaign told me that North Carolina had told him a specific date to have their signatures turned in to be on the ballot.
And then they turned around and lied to them and told them that they missed the cutoff date to get on the ballot.
And so that's why I can't write his name in.
The third party guy that is on there, I don't even know his name.
I don't know anything about him.
I'm battling with, should I vote for third party, not knowing who I'm voting for?
I don't want a hand in the evil of voting for any of them.
I just can't bring myself to vote.
Or to be a smart aleck and protest to write Chuck Ball's name in, just even though it doesn't count.
They won't even care.
I mean, only the pollers will see that.
Most of them are thinking about Hollywood Squares or whatever and won't even really see it.
Bob Chapman, you want to comment on that?
I would vote for the third party candidate.
I think that's the best of all the options.
He certainly can't be any worse than the other two.
That's right.
Every election we see the numbers for third party folks getting higher and higher.
Let's go back here to the full audience.
Melissa was asking about...
Not liking either party, so vote for third party.
We were saying, yeah, bill the numbers of any legitimate third party movement, unless it's the Communists or something.
Anything else, Melissa?
Have you heard, I know he's in most of the other states on the ballot.
I haven't heard a lot about him, but he does know about the New World Order, and he says he's against all of what they're doing.
Who, Chuck Baldwin?
Yes, sir, openly.
No, he's a great guy.
I know Chuck, and he's a great candidate.
Have you heard a lot of people say that they're going to vote for him?
Because I think that everybody should vote for him, even the ones that have him on their ballot.
I'm actually just up the road from you here, about 25-30 miles.
I've read about the Trilateral Commission back in the early 80s.
I guess an investigative reporter had written an article in Penthouse Magazine, and I think the problem with it was that he was trying to tie it to the JFK assassination.
Speaking of that, I tried to get in on your show yesterday.
I almost sat down and cried when I saw what you had posted.
I've heard so long and been so insulted for so many years by the lone gunman theory that it was just a real blessing.
We posted E. Howard Hunt.
Exclusive video of him talking about how the government did kill JFK.
Not just the audio, but the video.
This has been in the Rolling Stone Magazine.
And no other mainstream media picked it up, but we exclusively, two days ago, released that.
And in the comments section at InfoWars.com, and on the YouTube comments, there's guys going, this is just some drunk bum they picked up off the side of the road.
Look at how he's having trouble talking.
Yeah, he did two deathbed confessions.
Both times he thought he was going to die.
He's propped up in a chair.
He beat cancer ten times.
He was obviously pretty evil.
He was a sniper in World War II in China against the Japanese and the OSS and CIA.
E. Howard Hunt, he died last year.
He had all his teeth removed, part of his jaw removed.
He had throat cancer and a bunch of his throat removed.
He's propped up in a chair, can barely talk, and he's little cowardly nobodies.
Sit there on the site saying we've made it up and that it's a bum who's drunk.
You know what?
You're going to be old men someday.
You're going to be 87 years old or whatever with cancer all over your ass and let's see if you can sit up and do a deathbed confession.
They instinctively just lie.
They always just instinctively lie to themselves and just say we're lying when it's admitted it's E. Howard Hunt.
It's an incredible exclusive, and instead of saying we're right, they just say, oh, that's just some drunk bum.
Bob Chapman.
I agree.
And I've seen, even after what Hunt did, you know, for years he lived down in Mexico, and then he'd come back and
He was instrumental in a lawsuit against Liberty Lobby and the Spotlight.
I mean, this guy was really evil.
And then he comes out and says, okay, it's all true, on his deathbed, and they're making fun of him.
I mean, it's him there with an air hose in his nose in a hospital bed, it's all there, and they go, it's just a drunk bum, it doesn't matter.
I mean, we give people absolute proof, and they just, eh, whatever.
Bob, do you ever get sick of just absolute denial by people?
It's hard, but you know, they're human and we just gotta keep on working because we gotta hit their hot button so that they'll realize and come into action and inform others.
That's what this is all about.
We gotta let people know what to expect.
We got to let people know who the bad guys are and how they can defend themselves against it.
Bob, find out the toll-free number of people who get a free introductory copy of your newsletter.
Yes, I will, sir.
And that number is 877-479-8178.
And, of course, it's toll-free.
That's 877-479-8178.
You get a free introductory copy of The International Forecaster.
And if you'd like to go to the site, that address is theinternationalforecaster.com.
The International, F-O-R-E-C-A-S-T-E-R dot com.
All right, Bob.
Thanks for spending time with us today, and have a great weekend.
Thank you very much, and it was my pleasure.
You bet.
Take care.
Sorry I have to go to these calls so quick.
All of you are making great points, but good to hear from you callers.
We'll jam in your final calls, too.
We've got some space age news here for you as well.
After the break, stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You got Steve Shank?
Would you like to know how you... Yep, they got me on hold right now.
Thank you very much, and it was my pleasure.
You bet.
Take care.
Sorry I have to go to these calls so quick.
All of you are making great points, but it's good to hear from you callers.
We'll jam in your final calls too.
We got some space age news here for you as well after the break.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Alright, I'm gonna call him back.
I'll let you know as soon as he's there.
He's here.
I love this line.
I'll be gone.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cry.
Oh, Johnny Cash!
Understand, you old man.
I'm tired of your bad mouthing.
Understand, you old man.
You can sell my other suit to the Salvation Army.
Pentagon wants pack of robots to detect non-cooperative humans.
We're going to be covering that.
military chief says NATO to defend Baltics in any attack.
Voice of America.
Very interesting.
To the Salvation Army.
While I'm untangling.
Alright, that's enough.
I can listen to Johnny Cash later at home.
What I said anymore.
All right.
I'll be gone as a wild goose in winter.
Okay, I'm going to cover these stories before the show ends and take a few final calls from Tony and Mike and a few others.
But for a little while here, I wanted to get Steve Shank up today.
Because while you see commodities falling, there are shortages of all sorts of things, like staple food, gold, silver.
And that shows the manipulation.
Prices falling, but shortages.
That's price fixing.
But food prices aren't going down like other commodities.
They're actually going up.
And since he's the longest continually operated storable foods company in the nation, almost 28 years, and great folks that I get my storable foods from, as part of the economic coverage today,
I wanted to get Steve Shank up from efoodsdirect.com, the J. Michael Stevens Group, to go over what he's witnessing right now in food preparation and in the market.
Steve Shank, thanks for coming on.
Hey, thanks Alex.
I'm glad that we got together, because right now, this last week, and right at present, is the most dangerous time we've ever had in this country.
I'm talking about absolute dangerous.
Because, you know, you've all heard the old story about how to cook a frog.
If you throw him in boiling water, he'll jump right back out.
But if you put him in cool water, then slowly turn up the heat, he's going to be cooked before he knows what's happening.
That desensitization, Alex, is exactly what's happening to our people.
Yeah, no, it's training us up and down the markets.
Commodities up and down.
Meanwhile, Main Street is just shutting down.
And what's happening
What's happening is the events, for example, the stock market drop that we had yesterday and today.
Any other time, that would have been newsworthy to the point that they'd know on that for a whole week and everybody go into a panic.
But we've had so many of them.
So many ups, so many downs.
We have a down, it's a big crash.
The first one was a big deal and people just got all freaked out and started putting in food supplies and knew it was happening.
And then they kind of got it resolved and it came back up again and everybody stops and says, well, gee, it might be better.
And then it goes up and down and up and down.
It's just like cooking a frog.
Very simply, what's happening is our people are becoming desensitized to these extremes that normally it would shake them up and they'd get their tailing.
But we just had a caller who was a stockbroker, and of course Bob Chapman, saying the same thing.
We're being trained for the sucker punch.
I don't know when it's coming.
But regardless of Wall Street and all that, people focus on that too much, and it's in deep trouble way down today.
The main issue is they're hyper-inflating the currency, the industry's falling apart, the banks are taking over dictatorial power, and told Congress that they won't let Congress see who they gave the money to.
I mean, it's just lawless government now, and that's why I think people should get self-sufficient.
Well, the fact is that, you know, we've been talking about, when you and I get together, one of the main things that we keep talking about is
And we have guaranteed hyperinflation coming at us.
And we have guaranteed, now the mainstream press is even saying, okay, gas prices are going down.
Remember, you and I talked last time, and we said gas prices will go down.
Now they're down into the twos, you know, below $3.
Food prices will go down.
Actually, you're the only person I know that said six months ago gold was going to drop.
And it has.
No doubt later it's going to go way back up, all the economists are saying, because of the hyperinflation, when it kicks in.
But how did you know?
Because Bob Chapman didn't even see that one coming.
Well, the reason that I knew was the fact that food, oddly enough, most people don't realize it, but food and food prices and availability really sets the value of every single thing in our economy, including the gold.
And what's happening is the food is continuing to increase in price, and I'm not too sure, but if it continues at the rate it's going, and hyperinflation kicks in and adds to the skyrocketing prices of food, I'm not too sure that gold will ever skyrocket like everybody thinks it will, because if food becomes a significant issue, gold will never
Well, the point of having gold is, I'll tell you what, it's going to happen.
Well, we have to look at all avenues here, but the point of gold is, for assets, it's a lot better than a bunch of money sitting in the bank or the stock market.
Oh, absolutely.
Because you're physically holding it.
But I agree.
Water filters come first, and then food and guns.
And you've got to have water, you've got to have food, and you've got to have guns to protect it, and you've got to have a will to use it.
And with all the Northcom and the government saying they're gearing up for all this, and saying they're getting ready for civil disturbances, what are they getting ready for?
Why are they getting ready for mass rioting?
What do you see happening, Steve Schenck?
Well, the reason that mass rioting will occur is over food.
I'll guarantee it just as good as... We're already having worldwide riots.
We're already having worldwide riots over food.
And the thing that we're going to be dealing with
The reason that I talked about the cook and frogs thing is what's happening.
What we're seeing with orders is a big crisis hits, and everybody orders food like crazy.
You and I talk, and we talk about what's going on, and we've got food orders coming in, and they're going like mad.
And then, all of a sudden, it reverses.
And people are being bounced back and forth with the stock market, with the housing situation,
I think so.
They will not move until they actually get cooked in the squat.
And to be clear, this is the business you're in, and the reason you've been the name in it and been in it for 28 years almost, is because you really believe in all this, and you believe in self-sufficiency and not being beholden to the government, and you've seen what they did to the Soviet Union and China using food as a weapon, and what the UN has said.
And regardless of what's coming, we know we're in crazy times.
We know a lot of strange things are happening.
We know hyperinflation's here.
Bizarre sneak attacks on Russia and Iran stuff and these two other wars.
I mean, I really believe people should get storable food.
So I go out and I find the best sponsor there is, the people I decided to buy it from, and you're here.
And so, you're a sponsor, so it's win-win-win-win-win and it's high quality, freeze-dried and dehydrated food.
And it's very inexpensively priced.
And you're a zealot.
You believe in this because you understand history.
And so it's just all the way around a good thing to do.
Tell folks about some of the food packages you get, how they get into some storable food now, and then they're secure.
We don't do this because we live in fear.
We do this because we know it's a real world and we want to be prepared.
If you are independent, you then can be fearless, Alex.
But the fact is that they put together one-year supplies and you do multiples of that.
They have a grab-and-go kit, which is a two-month supply, three meals a day, and it's really good quality food.
It's the same quality that you eat, the only difference is it's a little bit dried, and as a result of that, it retains all of its nutrition and flavor, and you cook with it just like you do straight out of the garden.
But, you know, the thing that's happening
The thing that I'm concerned about is right now, you know, we quoted some statistics last time.
30% of the population is having to decide whether they buy food or pay other necessities.
Now it's up to 40% and that happened in three weeks.
And 60% of American families right now, on a recent New York Times survey, 60% of American families are cutting back on the quality and quantity of their food they've got.
And unless families that are sitting out there, you know, waiting to see what's going to happen move and get food in their possession, we now have a situation with Mr. Colin Powell and Joe Biden, the vice presidential candidate, both making a statement that there is going to be a generated crisis
Shortly after the new president, which they're assuming is Obama.
And Powell even listed the day, the 22nd or 23rd, but says he won't tell us what it is.
But, absolutely.
Steve, give them the number and give them the website for people that do want to check into what you have to offer.
It's 800-409-5633.
On the web, it's efoodsdirect.com.
Now, we're putting up some information about this and what's happening, but efoodsdirect.com, you can get a bunch of information, but the main thing is families have to unfreeze from all of the whipsaw that they've got from all these things going up and down.
First of all, we have a disaster, and then they say it's going to be fixed, and then it's not fixed, and then we have another disaster.
And they're going to get so desensitized that they don't do anything until it's too late.
It's just like the frogs being cooked.
And that's the biggest danger that we have right now, Alex.
It is.
eFoodsDirect.com, just a letter, eFoodsDirect.com, big banners up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
At the top of the page, a very important sponsor, great guy.
We bring you the sponsors we believe in.
This is high-quality, freeze-dried and dehydrated food.
Stores for more than 10 years in climate-controlled, 10 years in your garage or attic if it's not climate-controlled.
It's, again, just the mindset of getting prepared.
Not living in fear.
Living empowered.
I mean, I'm not afraid at night.
Somebody breaks into my house, I've got an instant access pistol safe in half the rooms, and I'm going to gun them down.
And if riots start and there's no food, there's a 10% chance you've got to be ready.
And unfortunately, it's more than that.
And I'm going to sit there, and if anybody tries to take my food, they're deader than a hammer, because I'm taking care of my children.
And, you know, it's that simple.
That's my philosophy, and I know that's Steve's philosophy.
Steve, give folks the number.
And folks will be there.
And people will be there all weekend, or they can order anytime on the web.
Yep, absolutely.
How late are those operators there?
24 hours a day?
Well, yeah, the operators that can take messages on the telephone are 24 hours.
Of course, the web is 24 hours.
If you have specific questions, we keep normal hours, which would be about 12 hours a day.
That's right.
So about 12 hours a day, you've got your expert people inside your company, then it goes to the answering service after that.
But just don't procrastinate.
Steve Shank, thanks for popping in with us today.
Take care, Alex.
Yeah, I know that guy behind the scenes.
He really is into all of this.
I mean, he's up in Utah, so those folks are really always into being prepared and being ready, and I think it makes sense.
I mean, it's really stupid to not be prepared.
I mean, how do we get convinced?
All of our ancestors, I don't care if it was in Africa or Japan or England or Germany, they were into storing food.
Squirrels do it, chipmunks do it, ants do it, birds do it.
Oh, I'm just going to trust the grocery store.
Especially people who live in Chicago or New York, just these concrete jungles.
There's a power outage and people are rioting in an hour and robbing everything.
I don't know, man.
It's just a good feeling to have storable food and not have to worry about it.
I'm going to come back in the final segment and jam in a few calls here.
I spilt my lunch on this or I would show you this news article.
It's up on Infowars.com.
It's an Infowars.net story by Steve Watson.
Pentagon wants pack of robots to detect non-cooperative humans.
And it's mainstream news.
And it's got the Pentagon purchase order.
It says to deal with citizens that don't submit non-cooperative human subjects for domestic use against the American people.
In pursuit and evasion scenarios.
And they've got all these all-terrain robots developed for Mars rovers and others.
Those are like big dogs that run on four legs.
They've got swords that have already killed a lot of people in Iraq.
The little armored robots with grenade launchers and machine guns on them and nerve gas.
And people laugh and say, that's a wimpy thing.
I'll just shoot that.
These are the early generations.
They're pumping a lot of money into this.
And they're transferring to, right now,
More and more control of aircraft and drone systems to where they're pilotless, but not just pilotless, where they're computer programmed.
See, the elite can order troops to go shoot their grandma, they may not do it, but robots will follow orders.
And it allows very small central groups of people to do things with remote control aircraft and things like 9-11.
I'll go ahead and show you the article.
But there's a picture of the
Robots right there on screen, that's just some of them.
And there's a whole other issue, a whole other area to this.
It's the denials.
It's people making jokes and saying, oh look at Alex fear-mongering, the robots are going to get me.
Listen, they really do have combat swords killing people in Iraq.
They really do have, the Air Force says by 2012, half of its fleet is going to be drone, non-manned.
This is the future.
We're in 2008, folks.
You're not in 1950 or whatever when you were born.
There are cross-species human-animal clones.
There are robots they're developing.
I've talked to Marines about classified stuff, a lot of which later came out.
They've got really vicious combat mechs.
A lot of them look like a small army tank, but it's a robot.
It's got its own little brain.
It's got a face scan.
It's got cameras.
One of these things was in the Honolulu paper a couple years ago.
It was a mini tank, and it looked like a joke.
It had like 15 guns on it or something.
Cannons and machine guns and nerve gas sprayers and pepper spray sprayers.
I mean, it's real.
Again, I can't believe the public's denial about all this.
I mean, I just can't believe the denial, or that you don't understand what it means, that they'll send out these robots to find you in the woods, and then that'll call in drones above, dropping nerve gas on you.
I mean, our military's gearing up to attack us with nerve gas.
This is for us, North Com.
I mean, that's what Northcom does.
They train to destroy the American people.
I'm going to skip this break, too.
I don't want to take calls right now.
Here we go.
On the web.
Better than not getting at anybody.
Uh, Trey just came in to ask me a question.
What is that?
Is this okay?
Violet wanted you to proof it.
Proof it for what?
I don't even know what it is.
It sounds good for your press release.
Yeah, but I don't even need to be in the press release.
I just want Willie and Ventura in the press release.
I deliberately wrote that where I'm not in it.
You don't need that in there.
I know she's been putting all day on adding this.
Tell me after the show.
No, I don't want it in there.
I don't want to put myself in there.
So many people coming in here during the breaks.
We're still live on air, by the way, right now.
So many people coming in.
It's like they just ran into each other like a cartoon.
I was in there earlier.
I had two phones to my head and three people in there trying to talk to me.
I said I got a call.
Tony in Canada.
You're on the air, Tony.
Go ahead.
Hey Tony, how you doing?
I'm pretty good, thanks.
Greetings from the Great White North.
Yeah, big fan, subscriber, whole nine yards.
Okay, listen, I wanted to just make a point here, and I'll be quick.
I was attending a Nom Chomsky, and I know you're not a big fan of his, and I don't disagree with you.
Well, he talks like this, and so he must be a genius.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I know, I know.
And even at the answer, question and answer period, people were getting up to the mic, you know, and about every person who was getting up there was saying, wringing their hands and saying, well, you know, what can I do?
I'm just a single person, you know, and after about four or five of these, Chomsky just lost it.
And he's like saying to these people,
You know, if the people in Haiti who are one of the most oppressed people you can find can organize and overthrow a government, he says, you know, what's wrong with you people?
Well, that sounds like he might actually be a real human being.
Oh yeah, my point though, when I sent you an email about this, is that, you know, historically most revolutions, including the French Revolution, it was they overthrew an entrenched bureaucracy with less than 7% of the population.
Yeah, same thing with ours.
About 2% started the war, 5% won the war.
I mean, what we've got is, we think we're bad and tough and cool and smart, but really we're a domesticated, lap of luxury, nation of cowards.
But don't worry, getting run over and humiliated will turn you back into a man.
Well, absolutely, but I'm just saying that everybody I've talked to here and mentioned these things, they all know something's up.
Even the people that don't really get into looking into the reality of the situation here.
Everybody knows what they're up to.
They're storing food.
They're stashing cash.
You know, and it's not going to take them.
These guys, their control is by, uh, thumbnails.
No, no, I agree.
The elite are in deep trouble and no amount of combat robots is going to help them if we can defeat the New Order in the next five to ten years.
After that, they're just going to have helicopters flying, pattern grids that are robotic, nerve-gassing all of us.
But the public won't believe it until they see whole cities dying.
Then we'll get the victory.
We're going to win.
It's just how far down the line of the extermination operation will it be?
Hold on, we're going back to the full audience.
But your thoughts will soon be rambling the way they always do And there's nothing much to do
You just wish the trip was through.
It's a good song.
I can just play this out at the end of the show right now.
Here I am, on the road again.
Here I am, up on the stage.
Here I go, playing the star again.
Hey, you're right.
We actually outnumber them.
They've just somehow convinced us that we're the minority.
I think the song says it.
Here we go.
Most times you can hear them talk.
Sometimes you can't.
Well, my whole point is this, Alex, is people should not, you know, I mean, you can listen to the news and it's hard not to get down and depressed and, you know, all anxious and everything else, but, you know, my point is, is that
It's not that it's bad, but you know, it's not like it's the end.
No, I understand that.
We're just, look, we're not trying to even reach people that are already awake.
You know, this show isn't just the choir.
We're on AM and FM, all this other stuff.
We're reaching new people every day, about the tens of thousands, and so we're trying to, with the facts, shock them out of their days.
People say, well, Alex, you know, gets all mad and angry and scary.
The truth is scary, and I think the hard medicine is what's needed, and it actually gets people to go,
Now what are you saying?
Instead of apologetically or nicely telling them, I tell them, look, you look into this right now.
This is serious.
I appreciate your call.
Ken, Dan, Alex, Bruce, everybody else.
We could go into overdrive and take these calls.
No, we don't have time to do that.
We've got a lot of stuff going on.
I want to get to everybody, but I'm just out of time.
I'm sorry.
Call me back Monday, because I probably won't be live Sunday.
I'm going to ask Ventura.
If Ventura wants to go to the show Sunday, and he said he would, but I got a lot of stuff going on.
We may go live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., but I'm at Willie's place before that and then out at the event.
So a lot of stuff going on.
Now, people are still confused by this, and I don't understand why.
Willie on air like two months ago said, yeah, let's have a free concert for the public.
And then his schedule just wouldn't allow it up, you know, until the winter time.
And I didn't want to wait that long, so he said, well look, just come to this event, the last thing at the backyard before they close it and move it.
This venue out in the hill country by Austin.
And so I said, okay, and he said, we'll stream it for free on the web for everybody.
So that's it.
It's, it's, it's, we didn't do the big Alex Jones, Willie Nelson, anti-war thing.
We're doing that here with Ventura and Willie and myself, and it's streamed free on the web.
Some people confuse the event with the ticket sales and stuff.
This thing was sold out when we moved this to this event.
This is just one of Willie Nelson's shows.
It's just a historic one.
He actually founded the backyard.
So good luck getting tickets.
It's been sold out for weeks, but some are available out there at ridiculous prices.
But hey, I'm paying to put it out for free.
At InfoWars.com with the video streams at nine o'clock in the evening on Sunday.
Retransmission, an incredible four-hour show, starts now on the internet.
We'll be right back in one minute there.
Thanks everybody out there.
All right, let me say about it, John.