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Name: 20081020_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2008
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Alright, we're live at PrisonPlanet.tv, going out on the AM and FM dial, global shortwave, the internet, satellite, and streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv for the next hour and 52 minutes.
Helen Watt is our guest right now.
Next hour I will cover all the economic news, and we're only, what, 13, 14 days from the election.
All the election fraud going on at the computer
uh... software level with the machines designed for fraud and then the retail voter fraud itself being illustrated by acorn again signing of people like mickey mouse and uh... and uh... you know famous football players in basketball players to vote uh... dead people being signed up to vote uh... the media trying to focus on that you know uh... retail
Fraud down to low-level by individuals, which is a problem, but nothing statistically compared to top-down fraud.
So that is coming up.
Over the next 51 minutes, we're joined by Alan Watt, cutting to the Matrix.
Alan Watt, first I want to get into the fact that the Trilateral Commission documents, the CFR statements, the Club of Rome statements back in the 70s and 80s of engineering a world financial
I think?
We've already been in it for years, and in my film, Endgame, you've also covered it.
It's admitted that the North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership is already being merged.
Bush even gave speeches with Barroso and Merkel on the White House lawn over a year ago, where they admit that they are already merging the European Union and the North American
We are seeing the implementation of a plan made long ago, even before Bretton Woods in World War II.
At the beginning of the 1900s, they talked about the creation of this world system under the League of Nations, and how they'd eventually have to bring in a World Bank.
People didn't go for the League of Nations too well, especially in the U.S., and so they quieted it down.
They brought in World War II to bring us to our knees, and even then they tried to bring in the whole world global system, and people still wanted to retain nationalism, so they worked covertly from then on.
In fact, they bypassed any idea of democracy.
There is no democracy.
They ignore the public.
And this is the next part of the plan, as I say.
Maurice Strong, who is a frontman for Rockefeller, was instrumental in setting up this world banking system.
He was the head of it for a while.
And it will be the big, big stick.
The economy plus nature
The world environment are going to be used to bring in a new type of world order where it's scientifically designed, run by technocrats and bureaucrats who will decide who lives, who dies, who will be born, who is needed, who will not be needed.
It's a whole regulated society that's to come out of this and it's to be a hundred years war going on right out for the whole century.
Until they bring up their new types of servants, the new carefully made society, through cloning, etc., and genetics.
But a much smaller population will serve this global elite, who said in their own writings that they will not alter themselves mentally, their brain capacity, they'll keep their abilities for self-preservation, but the public won't need them anymore, because the state will be making all the decisions for them.
That is the Brave New World scenario that we're going through now.
And as I say, it's been going on.
Professor Carl Quigley said in the 1960s in his own books, The Tragedy and Hope, that this parallel government had run America for 60 years in his day.
So basically for 100 years, they've been working towards this great utopia.
It's a utopia for the elites.
And they all openly admit that they're setting up a world government for and by, run by the private central banks, that they would use environmentalism as a pretext to demonize human life and to cheapen it, so the state can carry out the orderly force reduction of at least 80% of the population.
And also, I read recently from the CFR's own website, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is just the British branch of it,
That they're now ready, the public are ready, they've been conditioned, and they said scientifically conditioned, to accept this.
And people don't realize that everything they watch on television, everything they read, is nothing but propaganda to shape their minds along a road to accept all that is coming down today.
They are literally brainwashed and controlled.
And they know it at the top because they have constant surveys on the internet, they know what we're all thinking and doing.
And they can tell that their conditioning and their propaganda has worked to the maximum.
There's only a few people who have functioning brains anymore, and an intellect that actually works and reasons, and the masses, unfortunately, have been conquered.
So that's the key problem right now.
They did say, too, a hundred years ago, that eventually, after all the wars that they would create to bring the world in to world governments,
We're good to go.
And the government now that's in with the banks will be into your bank account deciding what you can withdraw, what you can buy, what you can eat and so on and so on.
All for environmental and, it's a pincer attack, anti-terror reasons as Richard Haass in 1991 in the Club of Rome document said they would use phony environmentalism to create neo-feudalism and serfdom to control and regulate the public.
We're good to go.
For decades we told people they would set up a world financial crisis, they would get the population into debt, they would then restrict liquidity, they would then have a quote bailout that would give the central banks even more power, they would openly set up a world banking government that regulated all the currencies of the world in a trilateral system.
In the last two weeks we've seen it all announced in detail, global government, new world order,
I went and saw the film W last night.
They admitted it's about a new world order, you know, through Oliver Stone.
They're just throwing it all in our face, but still, my message board on InfoWars.com, the comments on the pages are saying, when I post AFP and Bloomberg and Reuters all admitting this,
They say, no, you're a liar, none of it's happening, those aren't real links.
Now, I know a lot of those are government agents, but some of them aren't.
They are people so wedded to the delusion and the old lie that none of this existed while they were building it, that now that they're unveiling it, the public is still denying it.
Can you speak to that psychological system?
That's right.
You see, most people never live in a state of consciousness and awareness.
They live in a world of fantasy
Surrounded by their egocentronic behavior of what they like to do, what's going to be pleasing to them.
Yes, and I'm sure you've heard the same thing too with the Futurists and all those guys.
Who are all for this genetic engineering and creating new types, a small type of selected people.
They truly believe they all will be chosen to come through this because they're superior.
In other words, they're calling themselves clone-worthy.
That's the term they're using now.
And it's so amazing to me how they've used the New Age again to a massive build-up.
A creation of a religion is no big deal.
If you have big, powerful, wealthy foundations backing you, you can churn out thousands of books to promote what's called the New Age.
And they will openly announce that they're a cultist, that they're into theophacy and Lucifer, but then they'll tell you if you criticize it, oh, you're just a religionist, you have a closed mind, and I'm saying, no, I'm secularly analyzing what you're saying and doing, and they just use doublethink and say, no, it doesn't exist, as they announce it themselves.
As they announced it themselves, they all belong to the various societies with secrets, as they call it, themselves.
And they all swear to obey this great plan, to the great work, and work towards it diligently.
And it's to be done covertly, because everyone else, they call the profane.
Those in the world of darkness, non-understanding, are called the profane.
Now that ties in with the war on terror, because if you read
The American Psychiatric Association's books on the population and the American Journals of Psychology, you'll find many, many professors in there talking about the world and the population and it being technically insane.
So they are therefore the terrorists.
And they say the family is insane, and must also be broken down, and that people shouldn't breed, or people shouldn't have children.
It's a culture of death.
It's really the most ancient form of total war, is to conquer a people through siege, and then not let them appropriate.
That's exactly right.
And we find it's a blend of what we saw as the communist system, the Soviet system, with capitalism.
Coming together as it was designed to do after 70 odd years, Lenin talked about this.
And sure enough, the Club of Rome announced that they looked at all the different systems in the world, and the one that they promoted most, or thought was the best kind to rule the people, was collectivism, which is basically the sovietized system.
And that's what's coming in.
That's why the big services like childcare are now authorities.
Everything is an authority over the public.
That's right, or the prison guards, to boil it down.
The schools are prisons to induct your children into official prison, or to get them on welfare, or to give them a psychiatric designation so they have no liberties or freedoms.
It's all about enslaving the population.
We're going to skip this break for the online listeners at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Everybody else will be back in four minutes.
Don't be a victim of... Okay, John.
I'm going to continue with discussions.
Alan, I mean, this is so hellish, and then I see so many mainline liberals
You know, the right wing is all for police state and total tyranny and surveillance to keep them safe from, you know, the evil Arabs or the evil Muslims.
They're being sold on that.
But the more sophisticated paradigm is the left.
They'll say, yes, we're against the right-wing world government, but we're for the loving U.N.
utopia system of not having to work and milk and honey and the withering away of the state.
And we see the big banks funding that.
And then the left says, what do you mean big banks fund us?
No, we want to shut down the big banks.
Can you explain the brainwashing there, please, Alan Watt?
It's the dialectic.
The dialectical procedure has been understood since the days even before Plato existed, but it's a technique of using... You see, to change society in any direction you must have a conflict, so you must create another... You must create one group which comes up with proposals to change society.
That will automatically foment a group that will oppose them.
And through their conflicts and resolutions, and resolutions are the key, that means like treaties for instance, and laws signed into law, then you are guiding both of them along a pre-planned path.
And that's how you get it.
Now most folk will choose one side or another, that's the nature of humanity, and through the use of politics and sides you're being conned, because eventually the two paths end up on the same road.
I always say there's two
There's two wings on the bird there, on the emblem of the US, and they're both joined to the same body.
And the body is hidden behind a shield.
That's not for public view.
Those that really run the government are not elected.
The social engineering is really heating up.
Again, how do they condition someone, you got someone into it, but I want to get deeper into it, to where they're admitting they're setting up the North American Union, they're admitting they're setting up the Caribbean Union, the African Union, the Asian Union.
They're setting up this global nanny state.
The children are being trained to tattle on their parents, spy on their parents, to rebuke them for taking a hot bath at night.
That was in the New York Times, as you know, a week and a half ago.
For driving a car that uses too much fuel.
And the parents are saying, oh, I'm so proud of my children, telling me what to do.
But that's the state coming in and becoming the parents, but not just parents, turning the children into little Nazis to report on the parents.
I mean, this is classical hardcore tyranny, but it's okay.
Because it's for the environment.
I think?
And the students will give you, the teacher, the interview.
And the first thing out of their mouths will happen to be, do you care for the environment?
You're all for the environment, aren't you?
Do you care about gay rights?
And so on.
These are young students.
And again, that's petty power.
Training the children, they're going to be the enforcers.
And when they become teenagers, the military and police admit, they're turning a lot of public schools into military encampments, into military schools, that the children will then be the enforcers of the state.
I mean, this is so classical tyranny.
This is such classic tyranny, it just blows the mind.
Yes, and to do that, to get to that stage, they had to destroy the family unit.
And that was what was so interesting in the books that were written in the late 1800s.
All right, stay there.
We're coming back to the full audience.
Let's make this point.
Here we go.
Talking to Alan Watt, an amazing researcher, cutting to the Matrix.
He'll be on his website here in the next segment.
There's links to him up on InfoWars.com.
Under the guise of anti-terrorism, the guise of the environment, they're training children all over the country, not just in public schools, but private schools that follow the same curriculum.
Your parents are bad, having children are bad, the police state is good, rebuke your parents, you know, don't let them use too much food, eat too much meat, don't let them take a hot bath, don't let them drive an SUV, and the parents are saying, oh I'm so glad to have my parents
I mean, my children bossing me around.
It's so good to have my children bossing me around.
So first they teach the parents, don't be parents, don't be involved, don't tell your children what to think.
That's so they're a clean slate for the state to indoctrinate them.
Then they get the children on these power trips, and Alan Watt was talking about that, how they're turning them into good little, uh, good little, uh, Stasi's.
Break that down for us.
Yes, well, Lord Bertrand Russell was given experimental schools at the beginning of the 1900s.
By permission of the Crown, the Royal Crown was behind it, and he found it through experimentation and scientific indoctrination that the children would give their total loyalty to their teachers and their school, and they would listen to nothing that their parents gave them on a moral basis, or try to pass on through their tradition or culture.
In other words, the state was to eventually give the children a new morality that they would grow up in.
And that's been successful.
They always go for the children.
We saw that used in the Soviet system.
They had the Young Communist Society, who were absolutely rabid in their beliefs.
They were completely indoctrinated.
And Hitler Youth was the same thing.
Mao had the same thing.
And so now we're using it globally.
And it's part of what they call the First Earth Army that was mentioned back in the, I think it was the 70s.
Because Gene Roddenberry, who gave us the great Star Trek series of predictive programming about the future, done on a space-type area, but it was all about the planet Earth.
If you look through the stories, it was about planet Earth.
Well, the symbol of the Federation is the UN symbol over the Milky Way.
That's right.
And you saw the multiculturalism, you saw a specialized society.
Everyone was a specialist in a certain area.
And anyone who wouldn't join the Free Trade Federation was a bad guy and ugly and nasty.
And so that was all about the world and the United Nations, et cetera, and free trade.
But Gene Roddenberry was a member of NASA, and that's where he got all the predictive programming for that he was to put into his stories to raise a generation who were already prepared mentally through fiction for the society that we brought in in reality, how they actually lived in their lifetime.
And that's how all media works, especially fiction.
It's heavily funded.
The Pentagon has been funding Hollywood since even before World War II.
Alan Watt, how do we break out of this matrix?
I mean, not only do we have the children, eight, nine hours a day, they're expanding the school year in many areas to not nine months, but ten or eleven months in Europe and Canada and some places in the U.S.
They're having after-school programs and encouraging the parents to go have fun at the bar, leave your children here,
And then when they get home, they sit down, children for an average of about four and a half to five hours a day, parents about three and a half hours a day.
So there's really not real human interaction going on.
There's less and less of that.
And if it is, it's a big gladiatorial diversion or distraction in these big communal groupthink events.
I mean, the social engineers know exactly what they're doing, and then they have an overlay that I constantly hear, everything's an accident.
Governments are idiots.
They couldn't plan that.
They couldn't do that.
When we have all their documents and plans, where they were saying they're doing it!
And actually doing it.
I see Lord Bertrand Russell, see initially their idea of Delete in Britain and Delete throughout Europe, their idea was to follow the plan of Plato where they'd remove the children from their parents at birth, or from their mother at birth, and bring them up incommunally.
But they found that if they could get them as young as two,
Yes, we are.
Therefore, they feel more estranged from their parents.
In fact, all they are, are being brought up economically and paid for by their parents.
And that was a good thing, according to Russell.
It would save the state having to fork out the money.
We found the same thing in the Soviet Union.
They tried that because pure communism was to be based on Plato's Republic, where they did remove the children.
They tried it in certain areas, but the parents still liked to have their children.
It was a natural tie, a natural bond.
It's like China.
They let them visit a little bit.
We're good to go.
So, Alan Watts, stay there.
Riveting information.
So important.
I want to get more into what we're going to see under this new World Order system on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, as a father and a husband, one of the enjoyable things in my life has been walking in at night and checking on my children, checking up on my wife, making sure she has the things she needs, but mostly providing for my family and knowing that they're secure, that they feel comfortable every day in their little skins.
They don't have to worry about the oddities of the world taking over and wrecking their lives.
I've always wanted to be a good provider, and I'm not going to change that now just because the economy's in upheaval and because there's a lot of political and social uncertainty.
I think?
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When you're only alive once, do you want to live it as a slave?
Do you want to be conned?
Do you like being dumbed down by a bunch of social engineers?
Do you enjoy them playing games with you and suckering you?
Do you like being schmucks?
Or do you want to get angry, and get informed, and get educated, and take back our societies, individual by individual, city by city, county by county, country by country?
Social engineers, eugenicists, are in control of our society.
We have to say no.
We have to resist.
We have to get informed and get involved.
Don't just sit by, ladies and gentlemen, and watch history go by with a bunch of tyrants controlling it.
Get involved today and resist the new world order.
If you think I'm going to sit by and be a slave and not fight back, you've got another thing coming.
I am not going to live on my knees as a slave.
I am not going to go quietly into the night.
We may be going down, but not without resistance.
I am not going to sit in a ditch and lick the boots of the New World Order.
I am going to go 110% against them, and I'm going to do the best job I can to activate my fellow humans.
Not to even believe what I'm saying, but to look into the true nature of the global power structure.
All right, Alan Watt, fire out your website for folks so they can find out more about the great research you're doing on a daily basis.
Yeah, they can look into cutting through thematrix.com and alanwattsentinel.eu websites for lots of previous talks I've given, filling in a lot of the histories led up to our present state and where we're going with it all.
And I name the big foundations and the think tanks
We're good to go.
80 years ago, and getting the Asian, the Far Eastern states to come in under a block, a trading block.
So that's how long they've been working on all of this inter-generationally towards the same goal.
And people are ignorant.
I mean, they love the cliché of something couldn't last hundreds of years, they couldn't pass it on generationally.
How do you have the Marine Corps?
240-something years old.
How do you have the Army?
240-something years old in the U.S.
or the British Army, been constituted under the same name and system for 500-plus years.
How do you have universities that are 500, 600, 700, 800 years old?
Or churches, you know, like the Catholic Church, 1,800 years old?
I mean, these are generational systems where people sit in the seats of power.
Yeah, they gave us a thing called democracy.
Which was a good panacea.
Because the idea of democracy is you can always vote this bunch out.
That's what you do in democracy.
You don't vote a new bunch in.
You're really so sick of the last bunch, you're voting them out.
So they play this ping-pong game.
And that stops people from having revolutions every four or five years.
That's why they gave us democracy.
But all along, the parallel government has run since the birth of so-called democracy.
This parallel government has been here under many different names.
And now it's so well-funded and organized and funds their NGO groups that create policy.
It's now emerging as the official government.
I mean, why are they now emerging?
Why are they now admitting it's going to be a global government with global controlled currencies under their system?
Because now, as I say with the CFR on their own website, they say that
We're good.
Give in.
Alan, let's talk about
What's going to happen in the future as we capitulate and what the system is going to try to do as there is a Great Awakening?
Because there are a lot of people, you know, it's exponential, who are waking up to this, or at least to certain levels of it.
Well, the people, I tell you now is the time, because they better start taking to the streets and doing these mass demonstrations until they cannot be ignored anymore, because all the talking in the world amongst each other or over the internet is not going to stop this.
Um, it has to be literally people, people contact is what they need with other people and mass demonstrations to stop this from coming in because a horror show has been planned for the rest of society.
We're already being called off every day in newspapers.
The reporting at New Zealand just today, the men in New Zealand are almost sterile now.
This is a planned takedown because population control was one of the main mandates from the League of Nations back in 1919.
That's right, there is no doubt that different fluorides, different poisons are being put in the water, that there are hundreds of different types of plastics, but the one type that was chosen for universal adoption worldwide is the type that gives off massive amounts of estrogen-mimicking chemicals that feminize boys.
Sterilize them, and then hyper-feminizes women, massively increasing all sorts of reproductive problems and breast cancer.
They admit it.
It's mainstream news, but they're not stopping it.
They're actually intensifying what is lined with this, even tin cans and most other packaging for food.
And then the tetanus shots, the U.N.
has been caught adding hormones to sterilize women there.
This is very, very serious.
Can you break that down?
Yes, this was intentional.
They knew back in 1920s and 30s the effects of bisphenol from the plastics, etc.
They knew by testing it, in fact, with the heavy polluted in the United States, and I think it was Monsanto, they polluted certain villages drinking water with chemicals that were coming out of pipes.
They studied the people and they found that the young men were growing breasts and stuff like this.
The females were having
I think so.
And they have been using it.
However, I do believe that inoculations were also weaponized to also attack certain reproductive organs.
Well, you don't believe.
You know.
It's been proven and you've gone over that research.
They also love the compartmentalization.
The average city facility doesn't know what they're putting in the water.
There's only a few companies that sell them assistance per nation.
They ship it to them.
Even those mixing it.
Are just told this is what we put in there, you know, it's good for the people.
They love that compartmentalization.
They love putting these toxins into the environment where we basically have no way of getting away from it.
Now that people are getting away from fluoride toothpaste and fluoride water, they're now saying we're going to spray it on the crops as a pesticide.
It'll kill bugs, but it'll also go through the membranes, through the cell walls of the plants, and adulterate them, impregnate them with this as well.
Yeah, this is the planned takedown and one of the top players said back in the 60s that they've got to bring the population down and cancer is as good a way to do it as any.
And sure enough, we've had the cancer explosions ever since they've been tampering heavily with the food and the pesticides and stepping up the inoculations as well.
This is planned.
It's hard for people.
You said yourself that just a minute ago
That everything is based on trust.
Even the doctors who give you those shots truly believe it contains what it says it does, but they have no way of proving it.
Look, everyone I know takes their children and gives them shots and says, oh, I should have listened to you.
My child had an autoimmune response, swole up, had to be given all these drugs.
I mean, everybody I talk to won't listen, or they want to get their dog a checkup, and the vets won't see them now.
They're not injected every year.
I know a bunch of vets that say it's ridiculous it should only be every 10, according to, you know, even conventional stuff.
And then they give the dog the shot, and the dogs die or almost die.
I mean, it's there, but they also institutionalize the breast cancer and the other cancers caused by the injections and the hormones, and then they make it a fad.
They make it, oh, everybody's got autism now, you know, from one in 25,000 to one in 86, and then it becomes a campaign issue and the government's going to help you.
Or now I'm hearing ads all over the country, radio, TV, and print.
About how children, foster children, are more, you know, highly susceptible to suicide, drugs, being killed, having post-traumatic stress disorder, than even our troops.
And so the government needs more funds and power because the foster children have got it so bad, when that's all been done by design.
And we have the heads of the state health departments on video, in endgame, saying they have bad gene pools, so we're doing this to them.
That's right.
That all ties together.
Because even with the human genome experiment, this secretive
Worldwide campaign to try and type everyone's genes had many different aspects to it.
And what's a eugenics program?
They want to find out those people with what they call inferior genes, because those are the types who will not be allowed in the future to breed.
They'll die off rather quickly probably, and only those with the specified genes will be allowed to procreate, with permission that is.
At least for one phase of this agenda.
This is a long-term, multi-leveled phase.
That's right.
They're testing each phase, then it goes mainline and they start testing the next operation.
It's just so incredible.
And even in the movie Gattaca, which is well worth the seeing, they show you the genetically enhanced
Uh, people in the future society, not too far in the future, that actually creates a class, a new class of people, those who are past is genetically perfect and superior, and the rest of the people have the rotten jobs at the bottom, they're inferior types.
That's actually coming in shortly.
And then we have control groups, African tribes that won't take inoculations, huge populations of over 150,000 Amish in Illinois alone, where major university studies have been done, none of them have autism, their cancer rates are thousands of percentile lower, and it's because they're not taking the inoculations, they're drinking well water.
And they're not eating the modified food.
The modified food, and this is what I've come to realize after studying the scientists who help
Put it all together.
A lot of these scientists came from warfare institutes.
They have weaponized the food.
They have weaponized the food.
And so for police officers, for FBI agents, for people in the system, for governors listening, you know, for high-level people, you think you're part of the system, it's happening to your children, it's happening to all of you, and you can laugh all day, but everything we've told you is coming true.
This is real!
And I'm sorry that reality is so horrifying, but you can't be like a child and say, well, I choose to not believe it.
Whether you deny it or whether you accept it and decide to fight it, it is still there and still going on.
I've got an article on my website
It was from a mainstream paper where their main headquarters in the United States, from Monsanto, their cafeteria banned the use of GM food for the staff who work there.
They said it was dangerous.
Yeah, I saw that.
So that's how it works.
And of course we have these giant... people don't realize
I've been to London a few times.
Isn't it Windsor Palace that is like 50-something square miles?
Yeah, Windsor Castle.
But I know there's a whole bunch of the Buckingham Palace in London.
It's like a huge part of the city.
But I've seen documentaries with Prince Philip and Prince Charles where they'll go and they have hundreds of these palaces.
You see them throw this in our face in the movie Children of Men, where the government's put something out to basically sterilize the population, and the government staging terror attacks.
They tell you three times in the film, it's the government staging the terror attacks.
But all of a sudden, when they drive into Buckingham Palace, and however many square miles that is,
You know, everything's clean, everything's nice, they have good food, they have good water.
Right outside it's dirty and poisonous, and I saw Prince Philip admit they grow all their own food, raise all their own beef.
On those palaces, tens of thousands live on those grounds, and they all are openly eugenicists.
He goes in and buys himself the organic beef.
Yes, I watched a program on Balmoral Castle in Scotland, where they have the biggest herds for their royalty.
We're good to go.
Meanwhile, they're saying, give up all your rights for the environment, save the Earth, while they are involved, these elites, in cross-species, open-air planting of plants and animals.
They announced in Canada and the U.S., hey, guess what, you've already been eating clone food for years, shut up and like it.
They're already getting all sorts of mutations.
Oh, Alan, I can't believe it's so serious.
Yes, and this was planned as warfare.
See, they declared war on the people a long time ago.
And according to them, the common people are obsolete.
This is part of their religion.
We are obsolete.
They believe they are the most evolved type because they have been into specialized breeding for centuries and centuries.
And having their mates picked up for them, for specific qualities.
Whereas we, the commoners, are the low end of the gene pool, and we're the junk genes.
It's time to eradicate the junk genes, who are now a problem to them.
And then they claim we're junk genes, but in true eugenics, as you know, it's not even positive or negative eugenics, it's truly to dumb the mass down, so they're more easily controlled.
And that's stated!
I mean, that's so cold-blooded.
Everything, this world is a horror show, what's coming in.
It's never been done on such a scale before where you won't be able to do anything at all.
And for yourself.
You can't make any decision for yourself.
An agency of one form or another will decide something for you.
You'll have to have check-ins to see where you are.
Report-ins to see where you are.
And they're the authorities.
Weekly environmental visits.
They're announcing this in Europe and England and U.S.
CPS visits to everyone's homes.
All of this under the social workers' control.
That's correct.
They want to give you annual psychological tests to see if you harbor terrorist thoughts.
Right out of James Orwell's book.
Now they're claiming these quackish electronic machines will decide if you're a terrorist or a liar?
And also, as I say, the financial stick is the big one because Russell and his big think tank back in the fifties said they'll bring in a new type of financial system where the state
...will issue credits into your bank account every week.
You can't save them up.
And that's the new carbon credit!
And carbon rationing, it's actually happening!
And he said it will be used as a form of social punishment if you are against the system, they withdraw your funds and you either starve or you're out.
Because if you have no private property, you'll be rental only.
And you won't be able to afford a roof over your head.
Good God!
We're going to skip this break too for TheInfoWars.com, audio stream listeners exclusively, and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers for those folks.
Because those are two important, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
Everybody else on the MNFM Dial Global Shortwave and Satellite.
This is the one and only GCN Radio Network.
Spread the word however you're listening.
Alan Watts, our guest.
Okay, Alan, I'm jumping in here because everything you're saying is so true and everything you say that I think of a thousand plus examples of where it's backed up.
I mean, we are so far along.
We already have the elite sequestered in their research communities, sequestered in their government reservations and compounds, sequestered in their elite government facilities, in their underground facilities, in their palaces.
You know, it's a governmental system, you know, the Saddam palaces, the royalty palaces in England, and they're in this higher-level technological system.
We're down here being mass poisoned, and it's such a few of the actual even elite that are even aware of what's going on
I think the key here is not just waking up the general public, but waking up people at higher level stratas of the compartmentalized system.
Just like in Orwell's 84 and the real Stasi system, or the malice system.
They're really watching the outer party and the inner party more than anybody.
Doesn't the resistance, as Winston said, start within?
At first he thought it was the proles, but really the resistance is going to be in the inner and outer party.
Yes, that will happen.
And of course, the ones at the top know this, too.
I read books years ago on intelligence agencies and how they operated.
And what was interesting was that the Soviet Union had more files on their employees than the common people.
Masses of data on them and their movements and who they met and who they talked to and what they said on the phones.
That is the same with the lower echelons who work and bring in this system.
And now that's all being standardized with the cell phones, the face scanning, the satellites that can scan your heat residence and how you walk, that's all admitted.
Now they have computers to do it, where they can just pull up a file, so it increases that power of surveillance infinitely.
Yes, and so those who are in the lower echelons, but who are the workers towards this system, eventually will start to see their own demise when they no longer become necessary
Because other departments are taking over their functions gradually.
All the organizations that have been built up and the multi-branches now of police.
It's incredible how many agencies police have now.
And that's the real reason it's all being phased in.
And so those ones who were the quiet bureaucratic type workers who did their job and kept their mouth shut will shortly be obsolete.
But they know too much.
And that's when they become afraid.
Very afraid, and they should be afraid too.
Maybe 10 past.
I'm not on until 39 minutes past.
You have to understand something, ladies and gentlemen.
I read the British Ministry of Defense public documents, the Pentagon plans, they even admitted on C-SPAN with Thomas Barnett, Naval War College, that there's a global government that are enslaving us, period.
And one time I was on the phone with Barnett, trying to get him on the show, and he said, no, you're Alex Jones, I'm not coming on.
And he said, we're going to beat you, I want you to know that.
And I said, no, we're going to beat your New World Order.
And he said, no, you're not.
And literally growled at me on the phone.
So when you're actually talking to one of their planners, they're like, listen, you're going to be beaten.
We're going to win.
And I want you to understand something.
They're ready for you to try to storm London, storm Washington.
They will use a neutron bomb on you.
They state this in mainline government documents.
They're ready for the old frontal assault.
They can't handle a societal awakening to their technocracy and their system.
The information Alan Watt and I cover, and only a few others, unfortunately.
Instead of the rest, it's all New Age, you know, control, which is another new older arm.
And I have to tell you, it's sad that so much of the awakening movement has co-opted
But, thank God, we're some of the most prominent people out there, so folks are listening.
Bottom line here, we need to get this information, get it out, because they are scientifically preparing for us to resist them, and they're worried about you activating, person-to-person, getting healthy, talking to neighbors, educating them about the system, and then just having a general awakening and saying no, and then stop arguing with the New World Order, openly announcing and declaring, we see you, we know the scientific dictatorship,
We are saying no to you, and that's one of the only ways to get around this.
Stop watching, you know, mainline brainwashing TV.
Start spending more time with your family.
Stop being so materialistic.
Stop letting them control you.
Stop making them, you know, let you feel inadequate through Madison Avenue.
Being empowered individually, because they're ready for the frontal assault.
Alan, how do you see us getting around their system?
Solutions for this segment, the next.
The solutions, I'll tell you,
We have to be based on a value system.
We've been raised with a generation of moral relativism, where anything goes.
To the extent they're now displaying corpses in art galleries, and they say it's all very wonderful and pretty.
What they've done, you see, over the last 50 years especially, is to help us to believe and go into this dehumanizing agenda.
We participate in it with everything that we do when we go along, but when there's no disgust
At what's been done to humans.
Fetuses in jars of urine on display as art.
You see, what they're doing is dehumanizing us and saying you're nothing special.
You're just a bunch of protoplasm and nerve endings and so on and so not.
You're ugly!
Yes, and therefore there's nothing special about you.
That's why they had to eradicate the vestiges of religion, which said every person had something sacred within them.
That was their first war was against religion.
Now it's into secular humanism, for the public at least.
You're a parasite, you're a disease, you're a cancer, and they use the peer pressure to teach us we're worthless, to sell us on seeing our own species, and simulated and real murders being torn apart on TV a hundred plus times a day.
All of this, and they teach us with peer pressure to say and do what the TV says.
Folks, if you don't break out of not caring what your neighbors think, and of screaming bloody murder, and breaking out of the conditioning, and shaking it off, if you don't do that, it's over.
We're being enslaved, we're being controlled, we're being euthanized in slow motion.
I mean, isn't that key to just not care what people think anymore and realize we're being brainwashed?
And really that's the key to it.
People's emotions have truly been blunted for the majority of the public.
We live in a world of myth and fantasy.
Yeah, they get upset by my outrage at being a slave with my family under attack.
They think it's abnormal.
I mean, I'm just a primitive human.
I just have my instincts intact to see enslavement and get upset and say, we've got to fight this.
That's a normal propulsion system for protection of the species, and they've gone in and turned that off.
Alan, we're going to be back in 70 seconds.
I want you to continue on that thought.
I tell you, sit down, relax, it's okay.
No, we've been successful because we have told people it's serious.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The global engineers of tyranny bringing in this nightmare technocracy, this scientific dictatorship, are counting on you not having the will and the focus to take action, to reach out, to wake up your friends and family.
Folks, we don't have a choice.
They're already killing us with the soft kill weapons, the fluoride, the poisons in the water, the GMO food.
We have all their documents.
By all their documents, thousands of them.
I'm sure there's tens of thousands more we don't have, but we have it all documented.
That's how we can tell you what's going to happen 2, 3, 4, 5 years ahead of time.
This is such precious information, and I burn with desire to warn you.
If I look at my neighbors and people, they'll quietly go, yeah, I know what you're telling me is true, yeah, yeah, I know, but I don't want to speak out and my neighbors will think I'm a kook.
You know, it's just waiting there, these pathetic people waiting for the government and people to take care of them and tell them what to do.
People have to have some self-respect and take action and take control of their destiny.
Alan Watt, four-minute closing statement.
Yes, the people now have to realize that they can't sit back any longer and allow this to go much further because there's actually a step you go beyond that you cannot turn back on.
If we go into this new monetary system, for instance, that's the big, big stick to control everyone's lives.
Because you have government involved now with how you accumulate money, spend it, on what, and so on.
How you live.
That's all what it's about.
How you live.
Are you living the way you're supposed to, according to the experts, and so on.
So we can't allow it to get to that stage.
And we have to start taking to the streets and mass demonstrations.
It's the only way to start to bring public awareness to this.
And even people who scoff at it eventually become curious and approach the big groups that are marching and ask the right questions.
We can't sit back just chattering over the internet.
It doesn't work that way.
Well, we're seeing coordinated inflation.
They're saying they want to have three global systems controlled by one group so they can have coordinated inflation to destroy and enslave all of us.
I mean, they're so cold-blooded, these predatory banks.
They're very arrogant now because they really do see the end in sight.
They have said that they have, through scientific means, brought the public to this acceptance of being ruled by their betters, the elite, the experts, the scientists.
And, uh, but they don't have all of us.
That's the key to it.
And it's the rest of us who must start making as much noise as possible right now and saying no to this.
Well, let's take a Kansas City cop or a Knoxville officer or an Austin police officer listening.
I mean, if they just go check what we're saying, they're going to find out it's true, then what are you going to do?
I mean, they're putting stuff in you and your children and your wife or your husband that are killing you!
And they're stating it!
I mean, this is... I mean, why aren't you with us?
Why do you defend the system?
I mean, why don't you have enough respect for yourself?
And that's the key to it, again.
You see, this money, this odd thing called money, we've all been trained to go out and accumulate or earn, is the key to it.
They love their paychecks, they love the status they get, they love the power, and they love the fraternity.
In a society where the bonds between people have been broken, the need for the bonding is still there, and the military and the police
Supply that.
They give you, they bring you into protection.
They understand our mammalian needs, and so they give us wicked counterfeits of our brotherhood of warriors.
That's correct.
And they are loyal to each other.
They will fight to the death for each other, against the public if need be, unfortunately.
While they're with the public, being destroyed by the New World Order.
Yeah, that's correct.
See, the useful idiots are always eliminated once their use is over.
But it's meant to literally put you into a state of non-think.
That was in the Baltimore Sun about four years ago.
They admitted that DARPA was, quote, testing in American cities electronic systems to calm us, and then publicly, oh, we put out the Skeeter system, ultra-low frequency to drive crowds away in the streets, if your business doesn't want loiterers.
Yes, and I've got photographs of them being built.
I've seen the cables that go into them.
They're massive cables.
And there's the big tall green battleship, green antennas.
You know what?
Stay there.
You've got to go in three minutes, but for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers right now, we're going to continue with the final statement from Alan on that.
We'll come back with all the news.
Stay with me.
Hey, Alan, I'm going to give you the last three minutes here, but I've got a TV crew here.
I'm going to run out of the room.
I trust you to take over for about two and a half minutes.
Talk about the technotronic systems that are already in place.
The technotronic equipment is vast.
There's a vast array of techniques they can use from microwave technology, which they are using.
You can't walk to a city and not be exposed to it.
It's everywhere.
It really is everywhere.
It also tracks the new ID cards that have chips in them and so on.
Very advanced equipment monitors all of this and puts it all together and tracks you at every moment of your life.
But also it has effects on the mind.
And they know that by altering the frequencies of it from one level to another, they can either make you very calm or aggressive or depressed even.
They use harp technology as well, a different frequency.
They can cover the entire planet with an array of harp institutes or setups from Alaska all through the world.
They even still have the one in Riga.
In the Baltics, they're all working in concert.
But this new type they're putting up throughout the cities is literally like a massive, thick pole, maybe two feet, three feet wide at the base.
It's a straight antenna, maybe 30, 40 feet high.
And these are meant to set up fields within certain distances and affect and control the minds of everyone within that quadrant.
They can CAM you, and that's the key to it.
They want everyone to be in an almost drugged CAM state as they go through the biggest changes that the world has ever experienced.
And they'll do it CAM-ly, without a thought.
Their higher survival mechanism will not be working at all.
That's the purpose of them.
These have been well documented by top scientists, let's say Brzezinski himself, who worked alongside the NSA
We're good to go.
Alan Watt, thank you for all the time you've spent with us.
I'll just say in closing that your contributions have been invaluable to humanity.
Next time you're on, I want to talk about how they're turning the public into backstabbing, lying, delusional people, destroying our basic morals, so that we'll tattle, steal from each other, engage in all this, so that we're less cohesive.
And we'll discuss that next time that you are with us.
Give out your website again.
Yeah, CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com and AlanWattSentientCentinal.eu.
Alright, thank you for spending time with us, my friend.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
You bet, take care.
There goes Alan Watt.
John, get that clip ready from Press TV, World Wide Iranian TV Part 2.
Back it up a little bit where I'm finishing up my statement, then we go to those guys.
And I'm going to play a few minutes of that, then I'm going to come back and get into all the financial news, then the voting machine fraud that is going on.
Here we go, back to the full audience.
Live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to play a little clip here.
Alan Watt has left us a little clip about 10 minutes from Press TV.
I was on there for about 50 minutes total on the hour-long program.
This is Part 2, 3, 4, and 5.
It gets even more heated.
Where I'm breaking down what's really happening with the financial system.
Here's part of Part 2.
We haven't aired yet.
I'm going to come back, get into the financial news, and of course get into the electronic voting machines and what's happening in Election 2008.
I'm going to take a little bit of a break here.
We have Russian international television, Russia Today, here as well in studio with us.
But here we go right now into Press TV.
Alex Jones, if I may depart from you for a moment, I want to engage the other panelists.
Now, addressing you in Moscow, Anatoly Udkin, now, it's been well argued and documented that essentially the prices of oil, the price of petroleum, has been inherently wrongly valued.
And that's been due to the distortions caused by traders and that it has little to do, if not none, with the amount of oil being produced or consumed.
Now, do you subscribe to this notion?
First of all, I would like to say that there is world government.
And this world government is Washington.
So, you see that the biggest trade between two countries is China and the United States.
All petroleum in the world is sold in dollars.
And the United States can easily solve the problem.
They use small paper.
They make several movements.
And they produce nice Benjamin Franklin $100 per small piece of paper.
This is not fair.
Because before 1971 there was strict deficiency.
What was?
It was $43 per ounce of gold.
The gold and dollar, they were
Let me get a quick reaction from our panelists on the phone line.
Now, Dominic Frisby, why don't you throw in a challenge or a thought here?
Well, listen, I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories, and I don't want to dismiss... They're openly calling for world government by the banks!
Well, it looks like... I'm a believer in the notion that never ascribe as malice that which can be explained as incompetence.
And I really don't think... Gordon Brown isn't calling for a new world order?
Listen, if you just give me a moment, Gordon Brown, if you think Gordon Brown... You're saying it's a conspiracy theory!
We're talking about world government run by banks!
Gordon Brown, if you have any knowledge... You're the conspiracy theorist!
You're the conspiracy theorist, but I'll go ahead.
If you think Gordon Brown is competent enough to manage a new world order and to put something like that into practice,
I'm afraid you have an unduly high opinion of this man.
He does not have the capability to do that.
He's not clever enough, nor is he organized enough.
Okay, Austin, Alex, why don't you take over?
Well, I mean, I don't want to interrupt him.
I want him to be able to make his point.
It's just, I mean, people are tired of these throwaway lines of, oh, conspiracy theories.
The Wall Street Journal, the BBC, it was just on agency French Press.
I mean, on Infowars.com right now, we have like 50-plus mainstream news articles the last week where they're calling for a global
Go ahead.
You go ahead.
They may well be calling for such a thing, but whether they're competent enough to organize it with any sense of success is another matter.
And I can assure you, as an Englishman, Gordon Brown is not competent enough to do that.
I'm not saying Gordon Brown runs them, I'm saying Gordon... If we're heading to... Alex, Alex, why in the leader of... We might be, it's as a result of events, it's not as a result.
Okay, Dominic, if you're done there, Alex, make your point very quickly, I want to go to Moscow.
Sure, sure.
Look, I mean, we've had all these presidents and prime ministers calling for a new world order and a global currency.
All I do is hold up the Associated Press or French news agency and they're calling for it.
I mean, they're on TV and all he says is conspiracy theory.
The global banks engineered this.
We have their own documents.
And they're setting up a world collapse so they can come in as the saviors and rebuild it like they did post-World War II.
This is an economic attack on the Far East and on Russia and on China.
Alex, on that note, and Dominic, I want you to hold your thoughts on that trail now, addressing you, Mr. Utkin in Moscow.
Now, what do you know about this conspiracy?
In my opinion, I never believed in any conspiracy.
It's objective situation.
There is 1 billion of people, average $35,000 per capita a year.
And plus 5 billion inhabitants of this planet who are getting
Around 1,000 a year.
So this is terrific inconvenience.
There is a terrible nonexistence of justice.
This is what's making this world so explosive.
And I would say, I'm not trying to say that it's a conspiracy from White House or anywhere.
Okay, okay.
I think you made your point, Mr. Lutkin.
I want to address you, Dominic.
Now, Dominic, clearly the state of affairs is rather topsy-turvy, as described, but while we're in it, in this state of confusion, if not panic, now the world economy is suffering and the world governments are
Before I answer that question, GP, if I could just finish off on the last subject.
I agree with the American gentleman that we are facing a global economic collapse.
But this global economic collapse is because there's too much speculation, too much debt, and too much leverage in the system.
It hasn't been engineered by central banks, but it has been caused by central banks, because they put interest rates at artificially low levels, causing businesses and borrowers to take on too much debt.
It is a result of central bank incompetence, not central bank engineering.
All right, well, can I counter?
Go ahead, Austin.
Go ahead.
Look, look.
Regardless of whether they designed it, he is right, they certainly are behind it.
And now they're posing as saviors, and they're having secret meetings here in the United States, that's on our news, where they give hundreds of billions of dollars to companies which they previously have worked for, government officials, and then it's secret what they're going to do with the money.
They are taking all this new liquidity and giving it to these international organizations.
That's where all of the quote, rescue money is going.
It's not going to the American people, or the British people, or the people of Germany.
Now, I know in some of the European plans, actually some of it is going to the people, and they pledged 2.2 trillion last week, but the lion's share of that is going to the very private central banks and brokerage firms that engineered this, and they're saying, out of the crisis,
Give us unlimited global government power over the world banking system.
I mean, they caused the crisis.
They offer the solution.
So regardless, they need to be in serious trouble.
Congressman Rob Paul and others on my radio show have called for the current Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, to be arrested.
They've listed reasons why.
They have called for Paulson to be arrested.
Total insider trading.
Absolutely, you know, on its face.
Hiring the former vice president of Goldman Sachs to secretly hand out the money, part of it, to Goldman Sachs?
I mean, we need to bring these people to justice for what they've done.
We don't need to be giving them more power.
And then two weeks ago, I had two members of Congress on.
This was on C-SPAN, on National News.
They were threatened with martial law by the Bush White House.
If they didn't pass that Banker Immunity, Banker Takeover Bill.
So we're having a financial dictatorship being set up and that's not just me saying that.
So we're in very strange times right now.
That's just part of Part 2.
There's Part 3, 4, and 5 up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and Russian TV's here covering this live right now.
I'm going to be speaking to them afterwards.
They're making a documentary and I'm going to be live on Russian TV for several hours
On election day, and that isn't just in Russia, it's on in Japan, in England, in Germany, in France, in Africa, in Latin America, it's on most basic cable systems and satellite systems worldwide, so we are certainly getting the word out in a big way.
And listen, I don't talk about this being my exploits, but our job is to be successful getting the word out against the New World Order.
That's what we're doing here.
And I would just invite other patriots and people to come in for the big win here.
You know, we should all be happy that people are finally listening to us.
We shouldn't be happy that the New World Order is carrying out the exact criminal operations we said they would, but people are listening to us right now, and I'm proud of the success we've had against the New World Order.
And that's why I work, really, seven days a week in this fight.
And I do it because I understand we have no future if we don't resist these people, and I know that they can be defeated.
I know.
The New World Order can be stopped.
We're going to take your phone calls when we get back at 1-800-259-9231.
We are live October 20th, 2008.
We have exactly 40 minutes and 5 seconds left in this live show today.
On any issue you want to discuss, stay with me.
Attention please!
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9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
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We're good to go.
I guess Johnny B. Goode was the original O.G.
I'm going to quit screwing around.
The Russian TV crew went across the street in a sandwich.
This kind of gives me a break, man.
Having a TV crew here for hours is exhausting.
Johnny B. Goode!
Oh, man.
Luis, David, many others, your calls are coming up well right now.
Luis in Boston, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi Alex, I haven't talked to you for a while.
Last time I was on, I sounded like a crazy woman.
Some kid was pulling on my leg and he had to go away.
So I'm going to apologize now in case I get some kid yanking on me before I can finish the call.
That's okay, go ahead.
Well, since we last talked, I've been featuring all your documentaries on a cable show that I started back in May.
And I've been playing movies of yours over at the library and the following at the library hasn't been so good but I'm starting to get a little following on the cable show late at night and I'm in the process of starting a talk show where I'm not going to talk, I'm just going to take clips and kind of like do a report of the events that are going on and take snips from your show and play it for the public and it's going to be through the local cable
Radio station.
So I wanted to know that that's been going for a while.
Let me break down briefly the power of that.
Everybody I know says, yeah, at public school they're sending in Federal Reserve representatives and bank representatives to tell them how good the bailout is and how good the banks are and the crisis that's coming, the banks are going to help you.
I mean, they understand talking to crowds of 10, 20, 30 children are important.
Well, I mean, your show, as I guarantee you, how big is the town you're in?
It's about, I don't know, between five and eight thousand people.
And then I would imagine, what, half of them have a local cable?
Everybody's got a cable connection, either Fios or Comcast, and then sometimes it broadcasts out to the surrounding towns.
Well, let's just say that there's a hundred people watching every time it's on.
That's a hundred people you're reaching out to and getting to think.
The enemy's out there programming everybody to go along with what they're doing.
We're there telling the truth.
So, what you're doing is just immeasurable.
I don't care if you have an internet radio show with ten listeners.
I don't care if you have a cable access show with a thousand viewers, or if you have a little local newsletter.
All of it together moves mountains, and it's so important.
It's the information that's key.
Go ahead.
Well, what I've been doing in addition to that is I go out to the local pizzerias and cafe shops, and I put up a posting of the time of the show, what's broadcasting, and the channel.
And I do it, I rotate it every couple of weeks so that everybody knows what's going on.
And people talk to me and say, I can't believe what I saw on your show the other night.
And, you know, it's actually waking up people.
And I talk to strangers, people, I mean, and it's not because they see my show.
I'll be in other locations.
And somebody will say something about how they can't stand the fact that we have done this bailout.
Yeah, it's exponential.
It's fertile ground to wake people up.
That's why they're moving.
I've got a stack of news where they're regulating, shutting down, controlling the web a hundred different ways.
It's now happening.
We've got to use it while we've still got it.
It is working because more people are willing to talk than ever before about this topic.
And before, like five years ago, if I had said something to the effect of, you know, New World Order or whatever, they'd look at you like you had two heads.
But now, people are thinking about it.
That's right.
I mean, I'm not against sports, but you'll be at a restaurant and people will walk by and ask you about sports all day.
You know, we're supposed to only interact on sports.
No, we should be interacting about the corrupt system we have running things.
You've got about a minute left.
What else do you want to add?
One other thing is, I have an international figure coming to the town.
He goes by the name of Amir.
He's from Israel and he gives inside his quote-unquote inside information about the events that are unfolding in Israel and from the Israeli perspective of things and how last time he was here he talked about 9-11 and how those events unfold.
Now I don't know that he believes
9-11 is an inside job or anything, but the reason I'm bringing this up is I intend to videotape his engagement when he comes to speak in this particular town, and I wanted to get an idea of what kind of questions to bring to him, if you have any suggestions.
I would ask him why Israel and Haratch and Jerusalem Post admits they staged terror attacks, fake Al Qaeda attacks, and that if he understands that Israeli intelligence is controlled just like U.S.
and British by the New World Order,
And so I would basically bring those type of issues up.
Keep it up.
You're doing a great job.
Appreciate your call.
More calls straight ahead after this quick break.
David, Gerard, Roy, Jason and others.
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Up on Infowars.com, we are posting We Are Change.
We Are Change Ohio.
They confronted David Gergen about his Luciferian activities.
We're going to play some audio of that in a few minutes.
Also, Robert Baer, the CIA black op commander the movie Siriana is about, who said 9-11 is an inside job.
He talked to We Are Change as well.
We're going to try to have time to play that clip and say, yeah, I know the CIA guy that cashed in his stocks right before 9-11 and had a brother in the White House.
I mean, man, let's get Robert Baer back on.
So much, Bob Baer, so much is happening and coming out.
I mean, I just want to commend all the We Are Change people across the country.
We need to do a show just having a whole bunch of We Are Change on.
Because they are actively out, being real media, real reporters, asking serious questions, then using the internet to expose it and show these people saying incredible things.
And it also has a viral spread of the aggressiveness, but in a nice way, going out and confronting them, getting involved, fighting back, saying no.
It's scaring the system.
Yeah Alex, I have a comment and a question.
The comment is, it's a little scary to hear those people on press TV, how ignorant they are.
But you did begin to change them as you talked more and more.
By the way, it sounded like I was interrupting people there.
The Iranians kept saying, pop in, go ahead, say something.
I mean, I had the producers, they were telling me what fans they were during the breaks.
Same thing with Russian TV, they're saying the boss of the network's like a huge fan.
It's blowing me away, man, how big this show's gotten worldwide.
And again, I'm not bragging about me, I'm giving folks the good news that just this show alone, not to mention all the other great people and groups that are breaking through, is breaking through internationally.
But go ahead.
Oh yeah, and then the question was,
I noticed oil going down and you had a guest, a pastor of mine.
Lindsey Williams, we're getting him back on.
Oh yeah, now what did he say?
Would you enlighten the audience on what he said?
By the way, before I forget, go tell Trace out tomorrow.
Will you go tell Trace to set up Williams for this week sometime?
Before I forget, Lindsey Williams, I keep forgetting to tell him that.
I think I did, and he hadn't gotten around to it.
By the way, Willie Nelson's on First Hour Wednesday.
That's what it's scheduled for right now.
I have a big guest tomorrow.
But, I mean, articles were written at InfoWars and Prison Planet about Lindsey Williams.
What specifically?
You want me to recap?
I was so excited that he said they were going to drive the oil price down to $50 a barrel, and that was going to do something.
And he said in just the next few months, and there it was at $148 a barrel.
I mean, he's got real oil company executive connections.
He really did work for him.
Everything he said has come true.
But he said it was because giant oil fields were going to be discovered in Russia and in Asia, predominantly off the coast of Indonesia.
And I haven't really seen that happen.
I saw an Indonesian field, a small one, discovered.
The big thing is... Alex, what I was really getting to was, how does driving the price of oil down to $50 a barrel ruin our economy?
And or the Arab economy?
Look, look, look.
It's a very complex issue and I appreciate your call because I won't have time to go to the calls if I don't cut you off.
I could talk to you for ten hours.
You're a great caller.
It's a great catch-22 there.
But if you want me to answer the question, I will.
The social engineers created the housing bubble to artificially get people to be enticed into deeper debt, to have a $100,000 house get up to $500,000 on average in the last 10 years, to have a $1,000,000 house be $10,000,000, to have a $500,000 house be $2,000,000.
I mean, here in Austin, five, six, seven years ago, you could buy a nice four-bedroom house
uh... for two hundred grand or cheaper depending on the area maybe a hundred and fifty now a four bedroom in just a decent neighborhood got up to about seven hundred thousand okay i mean uh... efficiency apartments were like six hundred bucks a piece okay uh... a decent apartment like two grand i mean i don't know how people afford this stuff so they then popped
That bubble.
The same thing with oil.
30% of its increase, roughly, according to the economists we've had on, was speculation.
And the rest of that was dollar devaluation.
But you've seen the dollar that plunged.
They claim it's climbed.
That's not true.
Other world currencies, as we said, once the true recessionary system started into a depressionary collision within the real economy, there's going to be less oil, less fuel used.
People are going to pull their money, the general public and mid-level investors, out of speculative operations in the stock market.
So the speculation money's left oil.
And the dollar has not strengthened other currencies plunged.
As we kept saying, the more it plunges, it's going to drag other currencies down.
The pound, the euro, the yen, the yuan, the dinar, I mean all of them have plunged.
The Russian currency as well, the ruble.
And so worldwide you have a depression in the real economy because people and institutions don't have money.
And then overlaying that, you have all this liquidity, the only liquidity being pumped into the few private central banks.
So, that's the real reason.
Also, the oil companies were profit-taking because they knew with all this new deep drilling technology that Cheshire Peak and hundreds of other big oil companies have come up with, and that is by oil companies I mean exploration companies, not the big larger consortiums like Exxon Mobil and BP and
Shell and others.
Very complex issues how it all interconnects in.
I'm trying to be simplistic here.
But they are just discovering oil and gas everywhere.
I mean, you ought to see Texas from north of Dallas all the way down to Houston.
All the way down I-45 and then 20-30 miles on each side.
There's gas wells in some cases every 200 yards.
I mean they're just, because now they're going 15-20,000 feet, and I mean they're hitting levels of gas, levels of oil.
I mean it comes out at millions of cubic feet of gas a day.
I mean you've got people that own 20-30 acres who are, you know, making a million dollars a day with their 20% off gas.
I mean, it's just like... I mean, the oil fields, the gas fields.
Before, they would only drill a few thousand feet.
Well, now they're drilling 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,000, 40,000 feet.
And the truth is, the Earth is just... The tectonic plates are floating on seas of oil and gas.
And whereas there is some...
Fossil fuels.
They do find ferns and, you know, shark teeth and dinosaur bones in coal deposits.
They do find petrified forests where it's just solid coal.
A lot of lignite.
A lot of that in Texas.
And all over the world.
There's lignite mines everywhere.
But, when they go deeper with the coal and oil and gas, it's not animal.
It is some type of process with the magma in the mantle and the core interacting with the crust.
And we're floating on oil!
There's so much oil it's insane!
That's why they want global government and environmentalism to regulate who can drill, who can have what.
It's to keep the oil companies safe and keep us through a new Neo-Surfton and Feudalism to suppress new technologies.
All the big government funding for renewable resources and renewable technologies and clean technologies is to fund the direction it goes in a controlled system that doesn't let us have the real technologies.
And folks, that's coming from somebody whose family is in every part of the oil business.
I mean, in Texas, that's what's down here.
From roughnecks to people that work at the plants, to petroleum geologists.
And I've just grown up around this.
And, you know, to see them on the news say there's no more oil that's running out, that's just ridiculous.
Just saying, look at the polar bears!
They're going to drown!
They're the best swimmers of any land animal.
When they hunt, on the ice flows.
Alright, now I'm really out of control.
I've got a lot of clips and a lot of calls to get to.
Gerard in Florida, you're on the air, welcome.
It looks like he dropped off.
He just dropped off as I went to him.
Well, Gerard, it's not your lucky day.
I'm sorry, I wanted to talk to you.
Roy in Ohio, you're on the air.
Loyal shortwave listener for years, but lately all the other programming comes through except yours.
It's very bad.
Yeah, well, we need to talk to WWCR and get a better frequency.
I remember years ago being on two different shortwave stations, WWCR and another one, and wherever we would move, they would move Voice of America to right onto the band over us.
And I have family that are ham radio operators, and they're not the types to say, you know, a phone system goes down, it's the government, or our computers go down.
Most of the time, it's not the government.
One time, we did catch them doing something.
The point is, is that most of the time it isn't.
But no, I mean, there has clearly been jamming and clearly been problems with the radio show.
I mean, what are you hearing?
It's very staticky and very weak.
What frequency are you listening on?
12.160 and 5.070.
Which are the two premium channels to be on.
Yes, and all the other programming comes in clearly.
No, I think people record it for me, and people have done YouTube videos with their shortwave.
You know, in their house, and the shortwave's totally clear, and then it's like AM radio, and then the show ends and mine starts and it goes... Or... You can barely hear me there.
I mean, there's YouTube videos that show that.
I've seen them from Australia, Canada, England.
They'll go, look at this!
I've got the shortwave!
The show's gonna begin!
Watch this!
And we've done our own test that does it.
That's kind of a slash Scottish, uh, slash Irish accent, to get it right.
But I mean, they'll be, you know, going, or like, Crikey, watch this in Australia!
Lookie, the show sounds good!
Alright, Alex is coming on in just a minute, watch this!
I'm not touching it!
And all of a sudden it goes to me and, WWCR, Worldwide Christian Broadcasting, and now the Alex Jones Show!
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun
Oh, I don't know.
But is that what you're hearing?
The show will be clear and then... Exactly.
I mean, to the minute?
To the minute.
Well, I'm sure they've got a minute.
For the last two months.
I know, it's been getting really bad.
I meant to play some of those YouTube videos or post them on the site.
I sent one to Kurt.
He may have posted it and I may have missed it.
I forget the headline.
I've seen a bunch of them.
But everybody should do this.
Get your shortwaves out if you've got YouTube.
Aim your camera.
And then, you know, have the show five minutes before, and then show how my show starts within one minute to two minutes.
It just goes, Ladies and gentlemen, Big Show lined up for you!
Yeah, that's my experience over and over, but don't get discouraged.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
Well, you know, I get excited by that, because that means that they are scared to death of this show.
A lot of people waking up.
I live in Ohio.
We've got an attorney general that's rigged the election here.
Oh yeah, even people go to prison there for it.
Hey, I appreciate your call.
That's why our AM and FM's are the most precious affiliates.
Support their sponsors.
Tell everybody about it.
If you're listening to me on an AM or FM station, close to 70 now.
We just got four more in the last few weeks.
And by the way, John, I'll say it on air.
They say they sent me all these liners from the network for these stations.
I'm starting to get mad.
Aaron can't find them in his box.
Will you get with the affiliate guys, get all of them bundled together, and I will cut those suckers today or tomorrow.
Because I got the network calling me on one hand saying cut these liners and we can't find him and Aaron's out there, he's a smart guy.
John, will you wrangle up the affiliate guys and just get it all in one email to Aaron?
Sure, I'll resend that.
Maybe our spam blockers, blockings, I know you do what you say you're doing.
Go back to your email, you find them, and then send them and we'll do a test there and see if I'm getting them.
No rest for us around here.
Jason in the UK.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Hey, Ben.
How you doing?
I was wondering, do you remember a few months back when it was Obama, Hillary, and Richardson?
They were all singing the national anthem, and Obama was the only one who didn't have his hand on his heart.
Yeah, he wouldn't put his hand on his heart.
That was a signal to the globalists that he's anti-American.
And they said, that's it.
Triple his money.
Well, have you read, well no you must have read it, but if you read Tex Marz's book, Codex Magicka, he talks about how hand on heart is a Masonic symbol.
Well, I mean, doesn't the fact that Obama isn't doing that... To be specific, the hand on the heart, like when I see somebody being violated or a woman being tortured by the police on video, my heart burns with like a desire to help them as a normal mammalian instinct.
And so I've been driving down the road before thinking about people I love, and I literally, because it feels good, you know, I literally, oh, you know, I think of my children, my wife, my parents, my grandmother, I just, oh, oh, I feel the love.
So the enemy always appropriates all our symbols.
This is the lion's paw for a particular degree.
I'm showing people on TV.
This is what Pat Robertson and others do on TV.
The lion's paw is a particular degree.
Forget which one, the 12th or 14th.
You know which one it is?
Which degree is the lion's paw?
I forget.
I've got to pull the book out.
Point is, they've got the lion's paw, so when they do the fingers like that, it is.
But anything else?
Okay, well, I'm not sure if I agree with you there, because, I mean, what, so if Obama is signaling that he's anti-American, you're trying to tell me that Hillary and Richardson are pro-American?
No, I'm not saying that!
Look, don't worry, he'll probably get Obama, he'll save us.
I mean, everything's fine.
No, I'm not for Obama.
Actually, it's quite interesting.
We are changed.
They confronted Obama in the Federal Reserve, and he just goes, well, you know, we have a strong economy, we have a strong dollar, and he just completely ignores the fact that it's just backed by paper.
Yes, sir.
Pretty amazing.
Actually, can I just say one last thing?
Actually, I've got two things, but Google's CEO...
Eric Schmidt, he's recently said that he expects this to be a carbon tax, so I thought I'd just throw that out.
Well, yeah, I mean, that's in our bill, is to start assessments for carbon taxes in the new IRS code, in the Banker Takeover Bill, known as the bailout, and it's in the European ones.
I mean, Obama said he's going to do it, so has McCain.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, we're in deep trouble.
I want to start now with, great calls by the way, I want to start now with, this is David Gergen, it's like 15 minutes of it total, it's up on InfoWars.com right now, but
from We Are Changing Ohio.
But this is David Gergen, the Illuminist, the Karl Rove of five administrations.
I said four in a film, Order of Death.
It's really five administrations.
And getting upset.
Here it is.
You would not run around naked at annual Bohemian Grove encampments and insisting that you are not poor.
Do you have a quotation?
Do you have a quotation?
Yes, this is actually the first paragraph of this article.
I don't have a direct quotation.
Garvin quits Bohemian Club.
I don't know where that came from.
There's no direct quote.
I didn't say that.
I did resign from the club when I went to the club last year.
That was the question.
Now, I'm assuming this is correct, but you also resigned from these other 17 organizations?
I resigned from one of them.
Maybe to film what's going on there.
We're just journalists.
Oh, you didn't notice the camera?
Of course I didn't notice the camera.
You can't have a dark man like that.
It's unprofessional.
You can go ahead and ask another question.
My bad.
I thought you noticed the camera.
I was just going to thank you for answering my question.
That's all.
Just know, I've been ambushed before on this issue.
We weren't trying to ambush you.
You can do whatever you want, but it's unprofessional.
Alright, hold on.
We're going to come back and play the rest of this in the Bob Bear one.
Just the key clip where he talks about insider trading.
Hey John, you want to cut audio and cut...
Yeah, I'm just going to keep going live here on the AM and FM dial for those carrying it, and on the internet during this break.
Just total transparency, everything.
Behind the scenes, just get it all, folks.
Okay, there's a couple more stations they need to send me.
I think you only have one of them, because there was a Florida station, not just this Illinois, and another one in Idaho, and another one, I think, in Oregon.
So there's two affiliate guys that need to get them all to me.
You were saying I could just cut this over the line to you.
Can I just record this now?
Or is this not going on the recording computers?
We could just do it during a break tomorrow.
That'd be just fine.
It's just kind of hectic right now.
But with the station thing, yeah, I did go back and talk to Branigan.
And just one station wants those liners.
No, he was saying the others wanted it.
Yeah, but then he said, oh, never mind.
Hold off on that.
Because they're not quite sure.
They wanted to do some kind of promotion thing.
So he just said, nah, hold off on that for now.
Because they're still... Well, here's the deal.
Years ago I did this all the time and stations like it and I'm happy to do it for them.
But I need to... and people always ask on the web why we don't list all our affiliates because people...
Then internationally and nationally put them on lists to be harassed.
And then people also from other networks call up and attack them and attack us.
And so we just try to shield our wonderful affiliates from the scallywags out there.
So that's the reason.
But I do cut the liners for everybody.
Maybe I shouldn't cut these liners on air for the enemy operatives out there.
No, we can just do it tomorrow during a break.
Would you just rather me have Rob cut him here and then email him to you?
That's fine.
Well, there was Branigan, and who's the other affiliate guy?
Because he was saying there was some other stuff.
There was at least another Florida one that did want liners.
Yes, sir.
There was one in Rockford, Illinois.
They definitely wanted the liners.
And then it was the Florida station.
They wanted some kind of promotion thing put together, but he said just hold off on it.
They want us to put a promotion thing together?
No, not necessarily.
Just tell them, look, we're here to cater to them.
Tell them whatever they want.
We'll get it done.
If they want me to come on as a guest on some of their morning shows or something, let's get this done.
I'm glad we've got better affiliate relations that are trying to take care of our stations.
Whatever stations want from me, I'll do it.
I'm here to kiss their big fat butts.
He said he would definitely get back to us and let us know.
Everybody knows we have big fat butts in radio here.
So do I. Cut the liners for the Rockford, Illinois and then new ones for us.
Alright, I'm just entertaining the guys out there.
Okay, I'll get it done.
Tell them to send it to Aaron.
Okay, pal?
Okay, you got it.
Alright, here we go.
All right, the David Gergen thing goes on and on about him getting out of Bohemian Grove and not being part of it.
He blew up at me and got in my face in 2004 at the RNC, so I'm walking in.
It was outside the first security perimeter.
There were two more he had to go through.
We went up to him and hit him with some questions about that, and he blew up and said, I won't talk about the rituals.
It's none of your bleeping business.
Classic from the order of death.
But do you have the Bob Bear clip?
Yes, sir.
No, we just sent it to you.
Do you have the part where he's talking about insider trading?
I recorded the part that Aaron told me to.
Okay, go ahead and play it.
CIA Black Hawk Commander.
So, we have to have these answers.
Anyone obfuscating that what actually happened on 9-11 is technically guilty of treason in covering up an act of war.
Why was there no accountability?
Why didn't anybody get fired?
That's a very good question.
People were promoted.
People that towed the party line
The people who stood down the FBI.
We're not talking about Americans.
If I were Americans, I'd demand answers.
That's what we're trying to do.
We're trying to up-dialogue.
We appreciate you talking with us.
Okay, thanks.
Thank you very much.
Last thing I would leave you with is National Reconnaissance Office is running a drill, a plane crashed into their building.
And you know they're staffed by DOD and CIA.
I know the guy that went into his broker in San Diego and said, cash me out.
It's going down tomorrow.
That tells us something.
That tells us something.
When you say that we've hid things from the American people about Iran for 30 years, are you talking about the... Nah, you can go watch the whole thing.
Which, I know We Are Change Ohio has a couple sites.
I should plug that site address.
Regardless, the Bob Bayer and the latest Gergen thing is up on InfoWars.com right now.
Correct, Aaron?
You've got him up.
Well done, Lord Dykes.
Doing a fabulous job.
He's a literal OG.
And so is... Here, I'm going to go live here.
Here, I'm going to get the camera out the window.
I want to show everybody out there.
Hey, Ohio and L.A.
So L.A.
I thought that sounded like Stewart.
did a great job.
Those guys are just, they're doing too much to even be able to comment on all the great stuff they're doing.
Here, here's the camera.
Have the Ruskies showed back up yet from their hamburger?
All right, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
There's the original OG.
Look at that dirty window, spoiled creatures out there.
Actually, that's a piece of plexiglass we just threw up because it was making noise.
We're about to move into the bigger studio.
Maybe I should yell so people can hear me out there!
All right, good job, Commander.
We'll see some more of the guys out there.
There's Aaron working, working hard over there.
The original OG as well.
All right, I gotta quit screwing around here.
You know what the secret is?
You know what the secret is, folks?
I can't stay serious all the time.
There's just too much going on.
I mean, all we do is battle the New World Order 24-7.
I got the Red Dawn attack.
In fact, I hear the Russians pulling up right now.
I like the Russians.
They're waking up to the New World Order.
But it's like Red Dawn around here.
What a stupid joke.
Clichés, man!
I'm the king of them.
Oh, I meant to plug this.
Don't forget, by 9 o'clock at night central, it's going on all day from like 3 to midnight, but Willie Nelson goes on at like 9.30, 10.
I'm going to speak, Willie Nelson's going to speak, Jesse Ventura is going to be speaking, and we're not doing the free event, Willie's having myself come and speak, because that was easier, and Jesse Ventura at a current event, the Last Backyard event.
So I explain that to people, but never fear, you can watch for free,
Over the Internet at Infowars.com Sunday night.
Nine o'clock on, we're going to be out there off their ISDN, off their cable modem, and off our wireless system.
So we'll have two different feeds.
One of them will surely be up all the time, if not both.
But we always have backup for you, and that is coming up.
We have a big guest tomorrow.
The big comedian, Kali Endo.
Yeah, he's on the show tomorrow, OG.
And then we got Willie Nelson on Wednesday.
We have another surprise guest coming up this week.
Talked to Willie quite a bit this weekend.
He is such a sweetheart.
Retransmission starts now with Alan Watt and a bunch of other key guests at one place on the web at InfoWars.com.
Tune in right now and please keep spreading the word about the show.
That's how we're reaching more people.
God bless you all.