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Name: 20081017_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 17, 2008
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Well, he's a former judge, former bank head, former oil company head.
Back in the mid-90s, they traveled the world to make the film The Money Masters.
Everything they talk about in it is coming true now.
How the Great Depression was engineered before that.
How the Rothschilds took control of England.
Three and a half hour film available at InfoWars.com on DVD.
I hope you get a copy of it, the two DVD set, because this is something that's very important to own and share and show your friends and family and neighbors.
After the break, we're going directly to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
For those watching on PrisonPlanet.tv live right now, we've already had Pat on for 50 minutes.
But I wanted him to recap, basically, what this international banking system is, how they're operating for this short segment, and we're going to come back and go to your phone calls.
Well, the international banking system is interconnected.
Essentially what it is, is an economic scheme.
And the scheme entails the creation of money by private banks.
Most people think that the government creates all of our money because they look at our currency and it's printed by the Bureau of Engraving and so forth, and they see there are coins by the U.S.
But the fact is, due to the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, which established our present, our fundamental banking law, our fundamental economic law for the United States,
Uh, that we still have.
It's nearly 100 years old now.
Uh, it allows banks to, uh, make loans and only have 10% of the funds of the loan and reserve, meaning they don't have deposits for it, uh, 100% behind the loans.
It's only about 10%.
Actually, due to certain exceptions to the law, it's more like 2%, but just for simplicity, it's about 10%.
And so, of the, uh,
Of the loans in the United States, which total nearly $10 trillion, the government has benefited from creating only about 10% of that, and who gets the rest of the benefit is private banks.
And of that, of course, benefits indirectly the stockholders of those banks, and those people now control as much wealth, 1% of the United States population owns as much as the other, as the lower 95%.
So we've had a tremendous concentration of wealth, which has changed the structure of American society.
It's making the great bulk of Americans into debt slaves and a very, very few fabulously wealthy.
And this latest economic crisis has accelerated the process.
The banks have used their money and their political influence of buys to obtain this $700 billion bailout.
uh... which they're using to consolidate wealth even faster and right now we have no politician is in a position uh... of power to resist it so it's uh... it's a sea change that's going on it's not totally new as i said it's been going on since nineteen thirteen and meanwhile the subsidiaries of this small group of private banking families that bought control of the british and u.s.
government in the last two hundred years uh... they are
I think so.
You know, De Beers, Oppenheimer, Diamond Monopoly, they brag, they hire mercenaries and coups.
I mean, this small group of global families, less than a hundred, and in the banking it's only four or five big ones.
I mean, while their CEOs are making $500 million a year, they are leveraging trillions and trillions and have created a tsunami of fiat currency that they are buying up the world with.
While at the same time devaluing the currency of everybody that's saved, and then telling us we've got to pay in taxes, pay off all of this fiat currency they created.
I mean, it is so diabolical.
And folks, you've seen nothing yet.
The hyperinflation, 25-30% by next year, compounding 15% a year right now.
You've already lost half your value just in the last 6-7 years.
Uh, it is, it is just gonna be absolutely horrible.
And it's gonna be horrible for all you enforcers out there, too.
But you like black uniforms, so I guess it's okay.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We have the producer of the number one film I've ever seen exposing the private banking cartel.
This runs your whole life.
It's why.
The social engineering, all of it.
You heard him earlier talking about, you know, the book that they gave to the U.S.
Foreign Service and the CIA, commissioned for the government as their historian, internally of the British Roundtable Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations, the real government.
of the United States and, of course, England.
And it's all stated there.
I've read the book, actually all 900 pages.
I read about half of it years ago, and I actually read the rest of it a few months ago.
Not just the quotes.
I mean, it's all there.
And this isn't a joke.
It isn't a game.
And it's not just in that document.
It's in thousands of others.
And they told you it didn't exist.
They said, don't worry, there's not bad people.
Nobody's cheating you.
Be lazy.
You don't want to believe that.
And now they're bringing the country down.
I mean, this is going to dwarf the Depression the way it's shaping up.
I want to go to your phone calls here.
My IM to the network in Minnesota is down today, so I've mixed up my call list.
Who's up first here?
Rodney in Ohio.
Ah, Rodney in Ohio.
You're on the air with our guest.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex and Patrick.
Pleasure to talk to you.
I'm a first-time caller and a Prison Planet TV subscriber.
Thank you.
I had some other things I was wanting to bring up, but since it's long, I can shift, like you say, shift gears.
No, talk about whatever you want, sir.
Our guests can comment.
Go ahead.
Well, no, this works out just fine because I understand Patrick is a judge and been a judge, a lawyer.
I'm trying to protect myself against some of this, and I filed a denial of corporate existence today.
Patrick, do you think that'll help me?
Is that viable or whatever?
I don't have enough information to comment on it.
I'm sorry.
He'd have to know your specifics.
Well, most people don't understand that the United States was incorporated in 1871, am I correct?
Well, go ahead with the rest of your... I'm not quite sure what you're referring to.
Well, in other words... Well, that claim of it being incorporated in Delaware has been found to be a similar corporate name, but not accurate, but it does operate as a corporation, just like chartered cities do, but go ahead.
Well, that's correct, yeah.
Well, let's... I was listening to Jim Percy the other day on the Power Hour, and I'd heard this term before, and I did some more research,
And, uh, he also brought up the fact that all courts, uh, operate under Admiralty law.
And, uh, that's why they have the, uh, flag with the gold fringe and gold tassel hanging in it because the Constitution is not in effect in their courts.
The judge, more or less, goes about whatever rule he feels fit to enforce.
Is this correct?
Well, there's a lot of sort of esoteric theories like that.
Where is he going with it?
What are you trying to do with this theory?
Defend yourself from what?
Well, it's not about constitutional law.
It's all about corporation law.
I mean, he was an administrative law judge, so he can specifically speak to that.
Well, are you being, are you talking about, is this concerning taxes or what is it?
I'm talking about mortgages, contracts you're entering into as far as mortgages.
When the state, federal government files charges against you or you're brought into law under spina, whatever, it's all in capital letters.
It goes to the straw man.
Let me say this, and Alex is probably better informed about this than I am.
The information I have about the use of these various esoteric theories of the sort that you're mentioning is that they're generally unsuccessful.
There have been a few cases where they have been successful, but very few.
First off, you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences if you're not successful.
I would say, and I appreciate your call sir, let me comment on this.
Generally, we call it Patriot Mythology.
And I've seen a lot of friends and neighbors, people didn't listen to me, going back 12, 14 years, go to prison.
Or lose their houses over this.
Instead of attacking the corrupt system through the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, them violating their own codes and procedures, which they tend to follow more than the Constitution, Bill of Rights itself, and instead of using areas where they violated their own rules, there's all sorts of people with the straw men and the all caps, and it's just pure baloney.
Now, it is true that the flag means Admiralty and that there is Admiralty law and I've seen federal cases where they're seizing people's property in federal court and saying we're doing this under Admiralty.
And look, I mean, here's an example.
There is total lawlessness, say a hundred years ago with Pinkerton security.
Hired by the Rockefellers.
There were hundreds of cases of this, just with them alone, where people would have a title to a gold mine, and there'd be a squatters camp living there with the deed that they got from, say, forest land, out in the territory, and they'd just ride in and kill everybody, and then nobody's going to stand up against Rockefeller, because, you know, he owns Congress, and he owns the local governor.
He'd have certain states where they did own the governor, where they would just kill and mow down whole families and just murder everybody and take land, water rights.
So, it is lawless.
And then you've got brainwashed cops that don't even know which end is up.
The public doesn't know anything.
Doesn't even know the Federal Reserve is private.
And so you do have a lot of rampant corruption saying you've got to take inoculations.
There's no law to do that.
Just writing parents tickets for their child talking in class when there's not even something in the statutes.
I mean, we have a lawless, rogue, color of law, baboon government at the local level.
But that's by design.
The system hires baboons.
They hire thugs and criminals.
Do you agree with that statement?
Hey Alex, hey Pat, how's it going?
Uh, family and friends that the, uh, stock market was inflated and that we're heading toward the crash.
And for those that didn't listen, they lost, you know, tens of thousands of dollars.
And now when I talk to people, they have the mindset that, well, okay, it crashed, but it'll, it'll go back up.
And so when I look at, uh, like back in 1913, the Dow Jones was at like 60, and now it's, you know, around 8,000 something.
So my question to you is, you guys are,
You know, the price of gold, or gold as a commodity, maintains its value, but when someone invests in the stock market over the long haul, does that maintain its value?
Well, it sort of depends on what time period you look at.
It was kind of interesting, but in recent years, you know, stockbrokers have used, when one time period doesn't work, they make it longer or shorter, as the case may be, to
Well, I mean, what I'm asking is, for people that have lost money recently,
Is the mindset that it'll go back up and everything's going to be okay, is that relevant?
I mean, does the stock market increase?
Let me tell you what's relevant.
We're seeing the biggest hyperinflation in U.S.
history since right after its founding.
They had one just as bad then.
We're seeing the worst hyperinflation ever coming.
It's already here, but it's going to get a lot worse.
And so, people are going to have to dump basically everything they've got to get out of the market, and then you're only going to have the big institutions that inflated the currency to get flush in cash, who are going to be able to come in and buy it up.
Mr. Carmack, do you agree with that?
Yeah, I do.
You know, obviously they are creating money at a very rapid rate.
We all know that the government numbers, the CPI, you know, 1 to 2 percent flush in is nonsense.
And that's another form of wealth transfer, because it reduces Social Security payments, and it's used for, you know, for union contracts.
Yeah, that's the key.
People on fixed incomes, by the way, are the ones that are really going to get hammered.
Go ahead.
So, I mean, you may see values go up, but inflation's going to probably go up even faster.
So, you have to factor that out when you make your calculations about the stock market.
In the first place, I don't think anybody quite knows yet how far down it's going to go.
And then how long it's going to be down.
This is a very profound economic crisis that's happening.
Most of the money's on 10 to 15 years like Japan.
So if you're looking for sort of indirect advice on how to invest, I can't give it to you.
These things haven't worked themselves out yet.
Yeah, folks, if you're mega flush in all sorts of assets and diversified, you know, invest all day, but people that have gotten in that position generally, unless it's through inheritance, you know what you need to do yourself, you know your own position.
But for other folks, you need to
You know, get down to basics and prepare for really hard times ahead.
But listen, the general public's going to stay on the stock market until that thing goes all the way down.
The globalists are completely ruthless.
They want to drive it down.
So I would say in the next year, I'll say right now, I think the stock market's going down to below $5,000.
It may go even lower.
And then after they buy it all up, it's going to go back up again.
Then you're going to have hyperinflation on top of that.
Well yeah, it's a pretty safe bet.
It's eventually going to go back up again.
And it's obvious we're going to have very high levels of inflation for the next few years.
I mean, we mean brutal.
Brutal, brutal.
Did that answer your question, Russ?
Yeah, I just think people right now are still in denial that everything's going to be fine and don't see the big picture.
Yeah, well, I don't know how much denial they're in.
They're realizing the banker takeover's a big fraud.
By the way, we had Ron Paul on at the very start of the show today, coming up in about 40 minutes when we go into rebroadcast.
At the very start of the show, Ron Paul with key info.
We'll be right back.
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Yeah, well...
I don't know how much denial they're in.
They're realizing the banker takeover is a big fraud.
By the way, we had Ron Paul on at the very start of the show today.
Coming up in about 40 minutes when we go into rebroadcast.
At the very start of the show, Ron Paul with key info.
We'll be right back.
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Gluten impairs the cells from absorbing... Are you encoding?
Hold on, who are they?
Uh, we got Mark, Isaac, and then Scott dropped off.
Hold on, Mark where?
Um, no, Mark in Oregon's next.
Isaac in New York.
Then we have Chris in Toronto.
That's enough, here we go.
We're gonna keep our guests with us until about 40 after, then I'm gonna cover the forced inoculation news.
Very important information.
And some other key financial information today.
Don't forget, Ron Paul was on at the start of the show today.
A lot of key info.
Let's go ahead and go to Mark in Oregon.
You're on the air with the producer of The Money Masters, Pat Carmack.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex and Pat.
Alex, I did want to mention to you real quick about if you have the need any time in the rest of your life to have a beer, do not drink any of the
I know they have a lot of bad chemicals in them.
Budweiser isn't even brewed anymore.
It's a syrup added to carbonated water.
Will definitely affect your health adversely in a real quick way.
You know, Pat, I was wondering if you could extrapolate for me a little bit, being as you're well-versed in the economic
I don't
And how the United States is basically funding it, and where are we going to be at, per se, in the United States being on the bottom rung of the ladder of all of this, basically, as far as our welfare on a financial level goes?
Where are we going to be two or three or four months down the line from here?
How will this tremendous iceberg surface in our reality?
On an economic level here, thus affecting our quality of life.
What would be the different aspects?
Well, I would just say we're going to be fully drained to build the New World Order, and then the building of it, we're going to be blamed for.
So we're going to be turned into a third world country, a cesspit of police state, to rule over the slaves.
And then, it's such an important question, I'm putting out my answer, and then we'll also, again, not just pay for the new old order, but then be hated and be blamed for the crises that they then build their new old order out of.
Well, if I understand the question correctly, you know, looking three to four months ahead, I don't think anybody, no matter what side of this issue they're on, thinks things are going to be dramatically better, or even a little better.
It's going to be worse.
Obviously, we're going to see unemployment rise.
Inflation is going to go up considerably more than it is now.
I think you're going to see probably the stock market continue to decline and so forth, and you're going to see the Fed spending hundreds of billions, giving much of it to major banks that the Fed's creating, I mean, the money they're creating.
And that's going to obviously fuel inflation as well, and it decreases the value of everyone else's money to the benefit of the major banks that are receiving those funds.
So, you know, there's not much happy news in the near term that I think anybody would predict.
The housing crisis is probably going to worsen.
You know, there's various kinds of subprime
I forget what they call them, re-adjustments.
Re-adjustments, yeah.
That don't even peak until 2011.
And we've got credit card that's around a trillion coming due.
People are defaulting record levels.
We have car loans, business loans, default, default, default.
You ain't seen nothing yet, folks.
So I think you want to be conservative about things.
It's not a time to go into debt.
Great show.
One other thing, I think it'll take an act of God basically to straighten this one out, Alex.
But again, thank you.
People think the drug war is failing.
It's an incredible success.
They ship it in.
They put your kids in prison, in private prison owned by the banks that launder the drug money.
People think the war on illiteracy is going horribly.
I have all the federal documents.
I've had the former, we had a policy department of education on where they were openly there to dumb everybody down.
And I have the Banking Association documents in their public letter from over a hundred years ago saying we've got to dumb people down.
We've got to buy up the
The schools, the newspapers, and dumb them down.
These people are too smart to be able to be enslaved.
Education is doing a great job, meant to dumb them down.
Drug war is great, more drugs, more people in prison than ever.
This is their business, folks.
These are cold-blooded people with military minds.
Pat, do you agree with that statement?
Well, I think that there's no question the American people have been dumbed down and we need to return to classical education like the Founders had.
You know, they understood what was happening because they were well educated.
Hold on, I'm going to skip this break for the InfoWars listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv folks.
We still have plenty of time to finish up with you.
Stay with us.
We're on the mark.
The Empire is on the run.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, yeah, Pat, we're just on the web right now, but that's a substantive audience.
I want to
I'll let you continue what you were saying.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, like, there's even a, I think it's a homeschool program now called the Jefferson Education or something of that kind.
And people back then were actually well-educated.
Literacy rates were considerably higher in the late 1700s, 1800s in the United States.
Our educational system is a complete bust.
And that, you know, in a way, that's our problem.
Because they never could have pulled off
For instance, this bailout or any of these other horrible changes in laws that are happening in modern times, if people were well-educated, they're able to just lie to the people, misdescribe, misrepresent what's happening, and everyone just accepts it.
They accept what they see on TV, so nobody's reading anymore.
The lack of education is really one of the roots of this problem, and it goes back to
All the way back to when we began mass education in this country, which, by the way, was subsequently heavily financed by the bank, because they saw an opportunity to use it not to educate, but to make sure people were not educated.
There is a movement, you know, homeschooling is part of it, by the way, in the United States, to restore authentic education in the United States.
And that's already got over two million students that are being home-educated.
And so the establishment is countering.
In California they came out, what, five months ago with a ruling, and it said the state, I mean I read the state ruling here on air, it said the state, I mean there's statements like, you know, it's improperly believed, these aren't even findings in law, it just sounds like mumbo-jumbo from a social worker.
You know, that the state has no job parenting, but that's not true.
The state basically is the parent.
And if you don't have a full teaching certificate, specifically a degree in teaching, you can't homeschool.
And they're trying that in other parts of the world and other parts of the U.S.
And on its face, homeschoolers in college entrance exams, in high school exit exams, efficiency exams,
In everything they show, in the Spelling Bees, in Geography Bees, the homeschoolers are, as a group, not just the creme de la creme, but the entire group, themselves of the creme, they are the creme of the creme.
What I'm saying is not just the top of the homeschoolers, but the entire body.
And so the establishment sees that as a threat, and they call CPS on them, and the state is honing in with vicious abandon.
uh... directly on that institution as it grows as we go from a million homeschoolers to closer to three million now it's growing exponentially and we're gonna go back live on the full audience on your comment on that area
For those that are listening on the MNFM shortwave satellite, we were just talking about education being the key and how by design they've done the children down.
We've got millions of homeschoolers now.
It's growing exponentially.
So California is banning homeschooling.
It's totally criminal.
The state doesn't own your children.
But again, this is the manifestation of true tyranny.
And I wanted to get Mr. Carmack, Judge Carmack, former bank president Carmack's comment on the statement I just made.
Well, actually, that was the status of that case, but in California, the same court reversed itself unanimously, as I heard.
Oh, that's good news!
I was saying it was a fraud.
Yeah, they ruled, actually, that families are, in effect, a form of private schools, which made them, therefore, comply with the law, because the law required that kids be in schools.
And so in California, that was successfully beat back.
In fact, Governor Schwarzenegger actually supported the homeschoolers in that.
And so did the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, which is a very fine organization that defends homeschooling across the United States and has helped defeat efforts by
Well, see, people think I know everything.
I get emails every day, why did you report on this?
Why do you cover that?
You're covering it up.
No, I'm not.
There's so much happening that none of us know at all, folks.
In fact, I know very little.
That's what freaks me out.
Well, you were certainly right, though, about homeschooling expanding.
It's definitely an exponential expansion.
And not only that, the quality of it has gone up dramatically.
You know, originally, people, basically back in the 80s,
Yes, sir.
And that's what's changing things now, is that 10, 20 years ago there weren't these huge communities.
Here in Austin, we're right up to the point of having to make the decision whether to homeschool or not, or go the private school route if we can afford that.
Just because it's, you know, quote, easier on us, we know we probably should just go ahead and go that route, but I won't be able to work as much as we do that, and we have the bigger fight.
But now there's these soccer leagues and baseball and groups and they're so diverse and so many choices.
That community, that core community growing, getting back to true communities, that is scaring the controllers.
Well, and actually statistics show that homeschoolers engage in more social activities of the various kinds you've mentioned and others than kids who are in either private or public school.
They also academically outperform private school students.
Yeah, on average they spend about two and a half hours, but it's real learning in the classical method where everybody learned in log cabins and became president and engineers before, and then the rest of the time they go out and have fun.
Well that's right, and you know the Greeks didn't begin really formal schooling until about seven years of age, because early on kids really do need the raw experience with nature.
You know, they need to see frogs in a stream and not see a picture of a frog in a stream in a book.
And they learn much more effectively that way early on, and it provides the raw material for subsequent analytics.
That's right.
Children need to be out very young, seeing people bale hay, planting gardens, fishing, boxing, you know, wrestling.
That's what they need.
Of course, a four-year-old can't understand those things analytically, and that, of course, that's precisely why the government increasingly, you know, why it adopted the kindergarten model from Germany, which ultimately came from Prussian militarism.
And why they would like to go earlier and earlier and take the kids out of their families and put them in a concrete box all day.
You don't learn anything in a concrete box at that age.
You can't.
Man, I tell you, Pat, you are just an amazing guy.
I love generalists and everything you're saying is, you know, all the basic research I've done and many others have done.
You're a multifaceted guy.
I know a lot of people are, but it's really great to talk to somebody that really knows what's going on.
Well, actually, I'm president of a national homeschool program, so it's an area I'm interested in.
It's called the Great Books Academy, and it's on Linus.org.
It's an area I'm very interested in because it's part of the solution to this.
The economic problem is, in fact, rooted in people not being able to understand what's happening to them.
Let's take a few final calls.
Who is up next here?
I've got somebody on the list.
Isaac in New York.
Isaac in New York.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex Jones.
Yes, sir.
I was calling because I heard you before on regard about the preachers getting the money to quell dissent.
And I wanted to kind of bring light to a couple of weeks ago I was at a church event and basically the preacher started relating
a story about illegal immigration and how people were upset about losing jobs and complaining and basically he went into a story about how a man had a field and he hired workers and some people started later in the day and at the end of the day they were upset because they got paid the same as the workers who started later and I just thought it was weird
Look, there's a bunch of liberation, there's a bunch of liberation theology.
We call it communism, but it's not.
The banks fund this socialism, and they teach you turn your guns in.
They've hired 26,000 preachers.
We exposed this a year and a half before it was mainstream news.
We got the secret FEMA documents from a pastor.
Butch Paul did, and we covered it here.
And they have them, I mean, literally going off government scripts and being paid.
And if that isn't total tyranny, I don't know what is, Pat.
Well, obviously religion is a tremendously important source of inspiration, and ultimately it inspires political action, and they know that.
So they're going to try to corrupt that just as they have the media, just as they have the educational system, the political system.
So one has to keep one's eyes out for anything like that that is not
You know that raises one's eyebrows and doesn't match the truth.
Be in families.
And that's why the state, who wants the utopia, says they have to destroy the family first.
And that's in all the government documents.
It's total wickedness.
The government is bankrupt and evil.
We have to come out of it.
We have to create our own communities.
We have to decentralize, not centralize.
That is what is going to stop tyranny.
That will never be a utopia.
But I appreciate your call, Isaac.
Scott in Arizona.
And then we're going to let our guest go.
Scott, go ahead.
Actually, Scott dropped out.
Chris in Toronto.
Okay, Chris in Toronto.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon to you and your guests.
How are you guys doing today?
I'm from Toronto, Canada, as you can tell.
Pat, hello to you.
What I'm concerned about, my question concerns in Canada right now, it's like the chickens are really coming home to roost.
What happened in America happened over the last few years or so.
From your knowledge, how is that going to impact differently, or is it going to be somewhat comparative to the U.S.?
What's happening in the U.S.
right now in terms of the stock market going down, inflation?
I mean, Canada has a lot of resources in terms of oil, water, timber, and we're more or less... Look, you have the same controllers that are going to do the same thing to you.
It's the same global management system, Pat.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
Your system's only trivially different.
You know, one of the funny things about Canada lately is the bankers here say, oh, we abolished fractional reserve banking.
And I looked into it, how can they say that, because they still have fractional reserve
Well, because they reduced the reserve requirement to zero.
It's actually a worse form of banking, because they don't require the banks to retain any reserves whatsoever, they just create it.
By the way, the former head of the Treasury Policy analyzed the Banker Takeover Bill, known as the bailout, and he said it's clearly in there for no reserves now here, too.
Yeah, well, they already have.
There's a number of categories of loans, like euro currency loans.
The first, I think it's $93 million in loans and so forth, where there's no reserves required.
That's why about 98% of our money supply is created by the banks, not 90%.
Anything else, Caller?
No, I just want to thank you personally.
I understand just from listening to your radio show, I became new to the Truth Movement going back to February.
And, you know, I hear you spilling your guts in the air almost every single day, and I just want to let you know it's not without cause.
You're waking people up.
I mean, you have people in other nations that understand that America needs to be America.
It cannot fall.
The second America falls, I mean, everything else goes with it.
Let me give you the news.
We have fallen, and until we realize that, we've got to get it back.
Fair enough.
Fair enough.
But I'm an optimist.
No, no.
I hear you.
I hear you.
And God bless you.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Let me explain something.
Let's say in Canada, somebody on their own gold mine, or land that gold was found on, or their own timber.
That's what the environmental socialist movement's about, controlled by the banks, and they state this.
Richard N. Haas, head of the CFR, states it in CFR and Club of Rome documents, particularly the 1991 documents.
They selectively come and then sick the regulators on you and don't let you goldmine or don't let you cut timber or don't let you use your property.
But then the big corporations, I mean, here's an example.
You can pull up the numbers from more than a decade ago.
Tyson Chicken,
In Arkansas alone could have thousands, the number was 1,300, I remember from memory in the AP, 1,300 violations at one plant, and they weren't shut down and were hardly fined.
But then another independent separate chicken plant had something like six in a year, and they were shut down.
It's the same thing with beef packing, all of it.
People think big corporations don't want regulations.
The big boys do.
Pat, in closing, can you explain that to them?
Well, it's the power of money.
Again, we've been talking most of the last hour about this vast concentration of wealth, and obviously, for instance, you know these four major banks I talked about with $8 trillion in assets?
Well, they have four presidents, four men, not 4,000 or 400,000, make the ultimate decisions in those banks that affect hundreds of thousands of loans.
I mean, that's incredible power.
And so, obviously, they're tempted to increase it.
These are materialists.
These aren't people highly motivated.
There may be exceptions, but for the most part, they're certainly not highly motivated by religion or ethical values.
They simply want to increase their power.
And that's undeniable, viewing what's happening right now.
And so, they use it to corrupt the political system.
They corrupt the media by buying it.
And that's what you're up against.
So it's no wonder that it creeps down to the level of a small businessman being mistreated by the government and a large one getting away with all kinds of violations.
All right, well, Pat Carmack, judge, former bank head, oil company owner, a lot of other great research that you bring to the table, and the producer of the Money Masters, the classic to understand what's happening.
Everybody needs to see it.
Available right now at InfoWars.com on DVD or call 888-253-3139.
You can also go to themoneymasters.com and get the film and some of the things they offer there as well.
Well, I really appreciate you coming on, Pat, and I want to have you back on in the near future to talk more about your monetary solution plan that you guys have come up with that I think is very, very important and needs to be looked at and is a serious option.
Take care.
Well, thank you for having me on, and I look forward to it.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
That's a really classy guy, ladies and gentlemen.
Worth quite a bit of cashola, but what does he do?
He goes and produces a film.
Not to make money, because that's a pittance I'm sure he's made, to try to educate the public.
To try to warn the people.
And they made the film.
In 1996 it came out.
We're making it in 95.
So it is 12 years old.
And more important now.
That's a classic.
They call that evergreen in the media.
And my books and videos and materials are evergreen.
Why are they evergreen?
Because with time, you're like, wow, was this just made yesterday?
No, that was made 10 years ago.
See, it's not prophecy.
We know what the enemy is doing.
We understand their program of control.
So I do want to challenge the listeners to get the money masters.
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The general public doesn't.
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Please get Money Masters at InfoWars.com.
Okay, I want to go over this financial news and this New Jersey stuff first, because there's been some big new developments there, and I want to go over that.
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Again, ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you will check that out.
Okay, we're going to have five minutes when we come back, but it's going to be totally focused on this that I've been mentioning since the start of the show.
Coming up in exactly ten minutes, Ron Paul is on the show.
Why is that?
He was on at the very start of the show three hours and fifteen minutes ago with key information about the economy and where it's all going.
So after the break, we will get
into New Jersey parents protest mandatory flu shots.
And I'm proud.
Where do we see a fair and balanced article exposing how this is a fraud?
Because that is fair and balanced.
It is a fraud.
The Daily Texan.
I mean, I'm seeing pretty good 9-11 inside job articles.
I'm seeing stuff like this.
And we know we've got a bunch of fans and people that have woken up over there.
But then it dovetails with this USA Today article.
Most health workers skip the flu shot.
Most of them won't take it, but they'll make you take it.
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The whole country's on a bus with a crazy driver.
If the passengers can't get hold of the wheel...
We're all gonna go over the cliff.
All right!
You know, I talked at the start of the show about talking to a lady, a neighbor, who...
Her child was just talking in class, so they gave her a $500 ticket and said, no judge, no jury, just a ticket.
And now they have the points program, where even if you're not convicted of it, people are getting $1,000 fines and things in the mail.
I mean, the system is just completely corrupt.
They're raising the money to put it in the private banks and the brokerage firms.
The cities and counties take the vast majority of their money, over 60%, on a national average, with the CFRs, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.
I'm trying to hurry here.
And they invest.
I mean, it's all gone.
They're taking it all.
And you understand, it's a criminal business now.
Now, as if that isn't bad enough, in DC, it's a little private district of criminals, and in New Jersey, they are claiming that it's the law that you've got to take inoculations.
They're claiming that you have to do it.
And then even the vaccine groups are getting roped into this and going, no, no, we have a right to say no to mandatory shots.
There is a waiver, but a waiver for a law that doesn't exist, even that is a fraud.
The way they get you is the truancy clause.
They say under policy you're kicked out of school.
They don't tell you by law they've got to give you the waiver.
But the whole issue is now they've listed in the advertising news, it's the law, everybody's got to take the flu shot.
Which for those that don't know, the last six years they haven't even gotten the flu right.
They're always guessing the year before how it's going to mutate.
It's filled with mercury, still in there, very dangerous.
The flu shots admittedly have killed a lot of people.
A flu season approaches.
Many New Jersey parents are furious over a first-in-the-nation requirement that children get a flu shot.
Just like Texas was first in the nation, girls have to take the HPV.
But there was no law.
They just listed it in the state health department as recommended, and the schools then say it's mandatory.
No law!
But people don't know that!
Requirement that children get a flu shot in order to attend preschools and daycare centers.
The decision should be the parents, not the states.
They continued.
So see, it's just like they could never pass the Animal ID and Primus Society to take over farms and ranches, but they ordered the 4-H club and all the other clubs to just not tell people and then kick them out of farm shows, livestock shows.
They have police escort them off like they're criminals.
Again, they know the public's ignorant, and so they engage in this racketeering.
It's racketeering.
Now if that isn't bad enough, and I'm going to get some guests on about this next week, and of course I'll be live this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central with the abbreviated Sunday 2 hour show.
But USA Today, most health workers skip flu shot.
And here is the article.
Remember when they claimed it was mandatory that all the health workers had to take the smallpox shot and 90 plus percent refused?
According to USA Today, it was the same publication in the LA Times back then.
It was 4,000 out of 14 million first responders.
Most health workers skip flu shot.
Operating room nurse Paula Taylor knows her refusal to get a flu shot is based on faulty logic.
So it goes on to say, oh, she admits she's an idiot.
No, she doesn't.
But ever since she got sick after getting a shot a few years ago, she's sworn off the vaccine.
I rarely get sick.
The only thing I could narrow it down to was I had gotten the shot.
Well, of course, it kills a lot of people, said Taylor, who works for the University Hospital at clinics in Iowa City.
I know that it's not a live virus.
It just seemed pretty coincidental.
Such stories frustrate Dr. William Schaefer.
So they treat us like we're a bunch of idiots.
We won't take it.
You know, you're dumb.
I mean, the swine flu shots killed tens of thousands.
I mean, it kills people.
HPV's killing people.
That's in the CDC, but they have articles about crazy people thinking it might be bad for them.
They're just backwoods knuckle-dragger idiots.
So, it goes on to say the majority of them in here won't take it.
Thank you for listening.