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Name: 20081006_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 6, 2008
1705 lines.
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For the next hour and 52 minutes, we're joined by David Icke, who is in the United States and California.
He had several events with more than 2,000 people, showing up to just one of them.
And we have the same type thing happen.
We have an event 1,200, 2,000 show up.
It is just incredible.
And this is only being done through the alternative media.
So while we see the stock market plunging 600 plus points today after the bankers got their empowerment immunity takeover bill,
Understand that at least the good news is thousands to one, according to members of Congress, phone calls against it last week, even after the White House said depression, depression, and then didn't have the Plunge Protection Team prop up the market last Monday when it went down.
Over a trillion dollars.
Well, the same things happened today, after the bankers got their power, because this is part of a consolidation.
And David Icke is going to talk about that.
He's been writing about that for close to 20 years, how the main power of the New World Order in the physical realm is their banking fraud, their fractional reserve system.
But I want Icke to first talk, the man who needs no introduction, about the incredibly positive thing.
Because as the enemy moves against us, as they try to destroy the middle class and slave the people, so they've got to go to the government for their food,
So that there can be a financial collapse, riots in the streets, so they can use the military on us as they're now announcing in mainstream news to be the saviors, so we accept a militarized banana boat economy.
The positive news that, this isn't hype when I say it, there is an awakening so huge it dwarfs anything a month ago, or anything a year ago.
It is exponential.
Here's an example.
We call up Chuck Norris to come on the show.
Never tried.
He goes, oh, I'm a huge fan.
I listen all the time.
I want to come on.
He comes on, endorses Ron Paul, moves away from the neocons, and says on air he agrees with everything I'm talking about.
I mean, again, Bruce Willis goes public and says, I'm no longer a neocon.
I know there's a new world order.
A false reality.
They're losing all their main icons on the left.
The left is waking up and breaking the paradigm and breaking the controlled tiny box reality and seeing the wider universe around them.
So there is a consciousness shift in information analysis and it is the hundredth monkey.
There is a group consciousness.
It is spreading, it is happening, it is a mass awareness.
And it is beautiful, and so out of this adversity, it's going to get bad.
We're going to be tested.
Realize that this is evil trying to maintain control.
David Icke, after a very successful tour, which thousands and thousands came out to see in California, we welcome you to the airwaves.
Thank you, Alex.
Sir, you've got the floor.
Let's break down the shift, what's happening, the positive, and then get into your analysis on the banking global takeover, then we'll get into the nature of reality itself.
Well, the thing is, Alex, that I've been a kind of barometer of this, because I've been doing it for so long, and when I started talking about these things in Britain in the early 1990s, well, it was just extraordinary, the scale of abuse and ridicule that came my way.
As the years have passed, I've seen this gradually change, and then since 9-11, and another shift after the invasion of Iraq, I've seen it explode.
And what we're seeing now is something I talked about a long time ago.
When something is covertly manipulating along a road to change society in a certain way, there comes a point where it has to break the surface where it can be seen, because that
We're good.
There's a consciousness awakening as well very clearly.
People are waking up and expanding their consciousness on a scale never before in a time that I've known anyway.
And together it's bringing people to a state of awareness where they are seeing what is actually happening.
Now we need to go to the next stage now.
People are coming out and listening to this information in vast numbers.
They're listening to programs like yours in vast numbers.
What we need to do now is start to get together
Drop the fault lines between left and right and center and progressives and all this other stuff and religion and all the rest of it and come together and cross the street and start engaging with this system.
And by engaging, ironically, I mean disengaging with it, ceasing to allow it to enslave us, ceasing to cooperate with our own enslavement.
Because as I talked about last time I was on the show, there are six billion people
I think?
The problem is they're blatantly in front of us.
The game is more and more blatantly in front of us, and that is engaging and focusing people to the understanding that doing nothing is no longer an option.
It's a great time of opportunity, this.
And they only are able to control us by us ourselves, keeping ourselves in that box, in self-regulating to where we're afraid to speak up or afraid to talk to neighbors, and so we just go and watch the television.
But again, that is starting to break up, that is starting
That is starting to shift and it's so beautiful to see, but before we get into the larger shifts in society and how there's only probably less than a hundred global masterminds, a few thousand technicians under them who really get the full structure of the New World Order,
There are tens of millions worldwide who have organically reverse-engineered what they're doing to a stunning level.
We're able to predict what they're going to do and that's really starting to threaten them and that's why they're talking about bringing in total dictatorial martial law to try to suppress it.
I see that act of desperation as a huge failure.
But let's get into the economics first and break down what we're seeing with the banker takeover, how they're proposing a world banking system out of the crisis they created.
Well, I've heard, I've not been so focused on everything.
I've been traveling and moving constantly for about 10 days, two weeks, but I have heard the idea that this banking crisis is like bad for the bankers and is not what they wanted.
We've got to understand a few things.
First of all, the people who are manipulating the banking system do not own
We're good to go.
The masks on the face are changing, but you own the game.
Those are just cutouts!
And if you own the game, you can manipulate the game because you're controlling the rules of the game.
So what we're looking at...
And this has been long predicted, and this is one of the real powerful things, Alex, at this time.
And why it was so important to get this information out about the game and how it's played and what the goals are over the years gone by, because that gives credibility when people look at it and say, hold on a second, this was predicted, this is not just happening now.
And this really does start to take power from the way they manipulate, giving us the impression that, oh no, this is just a problem that's just come out of nothing.
No, no, no.
It's been planned for years.
And the plan is for a centralization of power in every area of our lives and every area of global society, including politics, business, and all the rest of it.
Now, crucial to that is banking.
They want a World Central Bank that dictates to the whole of the global financial system, the whole of the global banking industry, and their families are going to control that.
That's the idea.
Diversity is the worst nightmare of the dictator.
You look at any tyranny, if you want to centralize power, it's no good having lots and lots of points of decision-making, and diversity of decision-making, because you can't centrally control that.
And just look at the way society's gone through the centuries.
It's exactly the same way.
Centralization of power constantly.
Because you can only control from the center in the hands of a few, if your center holds the power that affects
I think
Power, you want to remove as much as you can the number of names, the number of, the amount of diversity.
And that's why the high-level private central banks that are not your regular Main Street banks issued over a thousand trillion in liquidity to other banks and institutions and changed the rules so they could sell derivatives and get into all this fraud because now the elite above get to orchestrate the consolidation.
They get to send down the regulators.
They get to send the tax money to the central
A small inner sanctum or coterie of banks, so that they can manipulate the consolidation.
And in the IMF and World Bank documents, in their own statements, in what Kissinger said last week, what was in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times of London, they all are saying that!
The Financial Times of London said, actually this is good for a few megabanks, and they're the ones that changed the rules.
Meanwhile, you have all these people in alternative media running around saying, oh no, it's an accident.
It's an accident.
It's key for the establishment, the controllers, to sell that lie, so they don't get the blame for what they've orchestrated, so they can play the part of the savior, setting up the World Banking Cartel, which we buy carbon credits from, which are a tax on human breathing, not all the real environmental problems we have, so they can regulate our everyday life with carbon checkpoints and carbon audits of our homes.
Yeah, you see, this is a big point to get across.
People, and I understand why, because that's what they're led to believe, they see private banks and they see the central banks in the different countries as separate.
But the same families control both sides.
Now, this is the game.
They control the game.
So, whether private banks go out of business or not in this crash and crisis that's going on, they control the central banks.
They will control, if we allow them to do it, the World Central Bank, and therefore they will control the system.
The names will be different, but the system will be controlled by them.
That's right.
The system equals control.
That's the whole idea.
David, let's finish up with this topic.
They move as one unit all around the world.
They move as one unit because they have a central bank.
David, stop there.
Let's back up about a minute.
I want you to be able to finish that point when we come back.
Stay with us.
Alright, we're still on air streaming.
We're still on air streaming, but let me just talk to David for a second for the InfoWars viewers out there.
Yes, mate.
You've got a three-minute break.
We'll be right back to you.
Let's finish up with the banking and then get into the bigger picture.
No problem.
Thank you so much, my friend.
I'll tell you one point I could make, Alex.
What they've done with this trillion-dollar-plus bailout is they've undermined the financial security of America while actually doing nothing to change what it was supposed to change.
And, you know, if we get into China as well, because I think China is closing in, if it's not the biggest holder of American debt.
Now, who's going to pick up this trillion dollar debt?
And Henry Paulson has made a hundred visits to China, discussing China.
Well, let's come back and talk about all of that and explain to people, you know, how they're running the scam.
We'll be back in three minutes.
We're good to go!
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Alright folks, we're back live with David Eichardt, our guest for the Balance of the Radio show today.
We'll open the phones up towards the end of the show in the next hour.
The key here is that the unprecedented action out in the open of the President
All the major leaders of the two parties, the Treasury Secretary saying, there's going to be a depression, financial abyss, you've got to pass this Banker Bailout Bill.
And you read the bill, immunity, unlimited power, they can do whatever they want, commit basically any financial crime they want, and it doesn't say $850 billion, doesn't say $700 billion, it says $5 trillion, if you really read the fine print, as Bloomberg Financial and others reported.
So they are the ones terrorizing the market to plunge.
Then they forced through the bill, and last Friday we had the congressman on.
It was on C-SPAN.
They were threatened with physical martial law, David.
I know you've been traveling, you may not know this.
We can play the clip if you want to hear it.
They were threatened with martial law if they didn't pass it.
Now CNN, BBC, Army Times are reporting the Army is to be used during riots.
But again, problem, reaction, solution.
They implode the economy, the welfare checks stop going out, things break down, there's riots, the military saves us, the precedent is set.
So just amazing how they're right out in the open doing all of this, David.
Yeah, because we've reached that point, Alex, where it has to break the surface to become the changes in society that they've been working covertly for for so long.
This is the key, in terms of America, for what's happening on so many levels, in my opinion anyway, and I've been writing this for years.
And what I said was that they're going to use America, or are using America, to destroy America.
Because they want a world government.
A world government cannot possibly have total global power while there's any superpower with massive military and financial might that has, through that, the ability to say to the world government, excuse me, we're not doing that, we're not accepting what you're dictating and telling us to do.
So what they've been doing, and it's been so blatant to me, is that they are using America to destroy America.
First of all, militarily.
They're stretching America all over the place militarily and weakening them on that level.
And now they're attacking the American economy on a massive scale.
And this trillion, and as you rightly say, basically open checkbook, so-called bailout, is not designed to solve the crisis.
It's designed to further massively undermine
The American economy and American financial security.
And who's holding this debt now that, that, um, this, uh, goodness knows how much more debt that's coming in and the debt that's already, uh, owed by America.
Not that it is debt, it's money that doesn't exist.
It's a, it's a scam, but people like China are holding massive amounts of this.
And I found it very interesting, you know, that Henry Paulson,
As Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, which was massively involved in this subprime scam, then becomes Treasury Secretary.
He has apparently made at least a hundred visits to China discussing financial matters with the Chinese authorities.
And here's China picking up more and more of this debt.
I was warned ages ago by various insiders, watch for the time when China becomes
Uh, big economic and military power, because that's when you're going to see the action start.
And what happens when China says, hold on a second, we own, we all hold all this debt.
Therefore, you know, you're not paying us back.
You get in more and more trouble.
We want the assets, please, for the debt that we hold.
Then you've got potential for conflict between the two.
And I was told a long time ago that
It's leading to a conflict involving China, the Third World War, to bring in, finally, this whole structure of world government, world central bank, world army, microchip population, world currency, and all the rest of it.
So all these things are moving as one unit.
They appear to be, to most people, unconnected as you look at the invasion of Iraq.
Afghanistan and its finances.
That was also meant to demonize one flow of energy.
That was also meant to demonize the name of the U.S.
to put the sins of the new world order on the U.S.
like they used the Soviets previously to carry out their dirty work.
They also need a global economic crisis that can be blamed on America to set up their world government and now all over the financial papers the last two weeks they proposed the private banks becoming the world government.
I mean, that is so unbelievable!
I was reading a piece when I was traveling about the head of the IMF saying that the IMF should become a central coordinating, basically, police force for the global banking system.
There's the open suggestion now, this World Central Bank that we've been talking about for so long.
And so, what we're looking at is
Ironically, while America is getting this flag, while America gets the thinker pointed at it, actually, although it's firing the bullets, if you like, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan and what have you, the gun's being loaded in Europe, and there in Europe, you know, in the centre of the secret society web, Europe is basically going, who, me?
I've got nothing to do with it, it's America!
Gotta break when we come back.
Long segment.
I want to hear your solutions.
How to combat this now.
I say expose is really behind it, A, but what else can we do?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I know we're on air, everybody, for a few stations that don't even carry some of the breaks, and for the Internet viewers at PrisonPlanet.tv and folks listening at InfoWars.com.
But, David, don't say anything too much of substance here so some of the full audience can't hear it.
We're going to be back in two minutes and we'll finish up with this and then get into the nature of reality itself and how people can shift their paradigm into a larger horizon, okay?
That would be great.
Okay, we'll be back in two minutes, sir.
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Instead of the states getting rid of some of the three million police, all the welfare, all the largesse to get people domesticated, and all the spending and the billions per major city.
Yeah, billions per city.
New York's had five billion in cameras put in the last four years.
Boston in one year had two billion dollars worth of cameras put in.
Homeland Security's now announced all those free federal traffic cameras, they were DARPA designed by the Pentagon to watch you.
They're scanning your faces.
Now, instead of doing any of that, they are saying they're going to bail out all the states.
$7 billion for California, $5 billion for Florida.
They're going to, quote, bail out select crony corporations owned by the same private central banks.
The stock market's down by 700 plus points right now, and plunging, dwarfing what happened last Monday.
They promised you if you submitted and gave them unlimited power, they'd be nice to you.
And now there's debates on talk radio and TV about, did they say the bailout would do that?
Or are people making that up?
They know the public doesn't have a memory for last week, or does the public?
David, I want to finish up with the economy and get into the nature of reality, but there seems to be a shocking of the conscience.
And I've seen that in some psychological tests they've done.
At major universities studying rodent psychology, which is very similar to human group psychology, in these controlled mazes, shocking, yelling, noise, heat, cold on rats, till they finally just go into a catatonic state and shake in the corner.
And you know, having CBS News come out and say, Mercury is good for your brain,
Taking mercury shots helps your brain cells.
Now, that's an actual newscast.
I've played it 50 times.
I'm not going to play it today, but if you want, I'll play it.
Or, I've got MSNBC saying, actually, poison in food is good for China.
We need poison in the food.
And then tens of thousands, just finishing up this statement, tens of thousands get sick from melamine, on purpose, in the milk, because it shows on a protein test, if somebody tests it, that it has high protein, and then it turns out it's in a bunch of food lines here in the U.S., where most of the food additives and drugs get made, for the U.S.
and now in China, same for Europe, and they admit it's killing hundreds of Chinese that drink too much,
And it attacks your kidneys, gives you cancer, and the FDA comes out yesterday and says, actually, it's good for you.
So it seems like they're almost lying to be caught, as you said, to surface and shock everyone into just kind of submitting your comments.
Well, this will be kind of very interesting.
We've been talking about with the food additives and stuff when we get into the nature of reality and the way it's manipulated.
But in terms of the laboratory mouse or the laboratory rat, well enough, in my talks I do a section about that.
And it's very clear that when you put it all together, Alex, when you put all the shocks, all the constant instructions, all the do's and don'ts,
All the punishments for increasingly fine detail little things like, I talked about last time, people being fined in Britain for feeding the birds, people being fined for putting a card in their car saying it's for sale when it's their own car.
What it is like is exactly like laboratory rat because of course when you, when they're doing those experiments, when the rat goes down certain channels he gets a shock.
After a few shocks, it doesn't go down that channel anymore, and you can take the shock equipment away, it still won't go down that channel, because it's been programmed not to do that by the carrot and the stick.
It's okay going down this one, we'll leave you alone.
Go down that one, there's a problem.
Now, take this on a mass scale.
Well, here's an example.
In England and the U.S., if an adult is at the park, and I, you know, when I was single, went for walks at the park all the time, or jogs, the police come over and ask, are you a pedophile?
I mean, how bizarre.
Or, um, Steve Watson,
Out for a date in London, they come over and put him in a terror database.
Clean cut, nice looking guy, with a master's degree in political science, with a great looking girlfriend.
Everybody I know in England has had this happen to them.
It happened to me when I was there, where they put me in a terror database.
They're letting you know you're a slave.
Yeah, exactly.
And you know, it's something that is very important for people to appreciate.
We're good to go.
When the tasers started coming out, when we started giving... I'm not saying all police are like this... But now they've gotten us conditioned to daily deaths.
Yeah, I've met a few policemen who, if they had a brain cell, it would die of loneliness.
And we're giving these people 55,000 volts of electricity to shoot at people.
Now, there was an article in the newspaper which was looking at this when they first came in, and the headline encapsulated exactly what we're talking about here.
It said,
I'll do anything you say, officer.
Just don't use that thing on me.
And that encapsulates this whole mind game.
It's a cattle prod.
It's a cattle prod for cows in this slaughterhouse.
It's a cattle prod.
Go ahead.
But what we mustn't do...
Yeah, I think so.
And by the way...
And by the way, the first step is the biggest.
Once you realize you are in a hypnotic state with your literal brainwaves from the television, the average American now, the average Brit, they've done studies and we've posted them on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I've also seen them on DavidIke.com.
That people are now in a lower brainwave state than they were just 30-40 years ago.
People are in a sleep state.
They are in a glazed-eyed state.
And what David is telling you is absolutely true.
Yeah, well, when you start to look at what reality is, then this conspiracy takes on a whole new depth, and indeed you get closer and closer to the foundations of it, because the foundations of it, it plays out as banking scams, it plays out as political scams, it plays out as engineered wars, all of which are absolutely vital for us to know about, because you can't cease to be a slave until you realize you are one and what the game is.
So that's vital information.
But alongside that,
We need to understand not just what the prison looks like, but how we open the door and indeed stop the door finally slamming shut.
And to do that, we need to understand reality because the core people, behind the people, behind the people, the shadow people as I call them, they understand the nature of the reality that we're experiencing and they have
We're good to go.
Be free!
Who are we?
Where are we?
What is the nature of reality is so absolutely vital, because it offers the key to the door.
And that's why it's my prime focus now, because this is where the key is held, to open the door to this prison cell that they're building by the minute.
Now to simplify that, they are trying to shock us now and intensify the amount of outrageousness
Well, you know, when they say, Cadbury cakes filled with melamine are good for you, they're doing that because some even greater horrors and intensification of the tyranny is coming, and they're trying to acclimate the mind to where we're so shocked that we're basically numb, and so what you're saying
And you're absolutely right from my perspective and my life and studying history and philosophy and sociology and what's happening is once you realize you're being manipulated, once you understand you're being programmed, once you understand that's going on, then you start looking and then it's a progression of levels as you become more and more aware and that's what the enemy is in a race to block and stop.
Yeah, when you expand your consciousness, your energy field starts to vibrate quicker and quicker and quicker.
As you close your consciousness and you become a prisoner almost entirely of the five senses in how you see reality, you see possibility, and the five senses
Thank you.
I think so.
I think so.
The Laboratory Rat Scenario.
They look outside into this world.
A historical example of horizons and expanding your vision.
The elite, of course, have suppressed a lot of history.
But they know that we are, quote, made in the image of the Creator.
We are great creators.
We can build things.
And that's why a science fiction writer like Jules Verne or HG Wells or any of these people, they could expand just their imagination and almost everything they wrote about and talked about has now manifest because what the mind imagines in steps it is able to later construct
Through this group community, this mass organism that we know of as humanity.
So that's why the elite know to stop a true renaissance to the stars, they have to make us petty, small, hateful, to turn against each other, and fearful of taking action.
Now, I say there's a balance there.
People call it fear.
When I say we've got to take action and go out and warn the people about the New World Order or they're going to enslave us, that isn't fear.
I'm saying we have a positive way to stop this, but things will be bad if we don't.
That's just telling people the lay of the land.
They use a false fear of, uh, keep your mouth shut and everything will be alright.
If you don't, you'll be in trouble.
Do you see what I'm saying, David?
Because I've been very successful in different ways than you have.
You've been successful in other ways than I. By getting people moving, by being a cold bucket of ice water when they're in a trance, I am able, uh, with the information to shock them into waking, and then they find people like David Icke.
Do you see the point I'm saying?
Yeah, I mean, the biggest aspect of this whole conspiracy, Alex, in my view, is that they have manipulated humanity into a false sense of identity.
It's a sense of identity that looks in the mirror in the morning and says, that is me.
I am Chuck Jones.
I am Ethel Smith.
When we are consciousness, having an experience as Chuck Jones and Ethel Smith, and if you identify
I don't know.
We need to start to understand that the prime, bottom line, foundation of this conspiracy is to put us in this fake identity where we identify with being human as human is what we are.
Human is what we are experiencing.
Now, when near-death experiences
I don't
Stories of what they experienced in the intervening time, where their consciousness massively expanded, where they were seeing the past, the present, and the future at the same time, where there was no time, where there was no sequence of events even, where they had this amazing ability to process information on a scale that they would think was ridiculous, impossible when they're in the body.
See, what the body does, Alex, I had this, I was sitting in the bath a few months ago, and I had this
Vision in my mind, it went like this.
First of all, there was a swirling energy, and I knew immediately that was symbolic of consciousness.
Then an eye appeared in the energy, and in front of the eye appeared a telescope, and on the end of the telescope was the Earth and this universe.
And then, this is the crucial point, the telescope morphed into a human body.
And what the human body is,
It's like what it is, a biological computer, but what it does... It's your narrowly focused consciousness.
It locks it into a certain frequency range of reality, which scientists call visible light.
People think when they look out of their eyes that they're seeing everything that exists in the space they're looking at.
They are not.
They are looking at a tiny, tiny frequency range of the mass and matter that
Mainstream science says exists in this universe, and there's a lot more than they've discovered yet.
The electromagnetic spectrum is 0.005% of that, and visible light is a fraction of the 0.005%.
That is the only frequency range that our eyes decode and our brain and genetic system decodes.
And sharing the same space as this, if you like,
I think so.
A frequency range which we decode into this reality, and the physical body, the body computer, locks us into that frequency range.
So when we leave the body, and these near-death experiences experience this, we leave that limitation, that focus, that television station, and suddenly we expand to the full magnitude of who we are.
What the conspiracy is about, because at the core the shadow people understand this, is hypnotizing us
From cradle to grave, to believe that we are the vehicle which is focusing our consciousness to experience this reality, and that we are as limited as that vehicle perceives the world.
That is how you can turn humanity, infinite consciousness, into infinite expressions, into a herd of sheep.
When we break that understanding, when we move our point of observation from, I am Chuck Jones, I have no power, to I am infinite consciousness,
I don't know how you keep up with all these different bits, Alex Jones.
No, no, you're doing a great job.
We've got limited time, and we have millions watching on the internet, you know, hundreds of thousands right now, but over time, millions.
Why not in space and time, not waste that time, because this has passed on?
I mean, talking about reality, look at cyberspace.
It is a real reality now of data, and it's taking our life experiences and our interface, and it is saving that through the space-time continuum, and then it interfaces with this plane of existence.
I don't
I don't think some of the listeners may realize that you're talking about mathematics by mainline physicist and quantum mechanics physicist.
You're talking about real information about all these overlaid dimensions.
And regardless, take Colonel Craig Roberts, you know, Marine Corps sniper, Army colonel, police officer.
He had a surgery for a huge, like, you know, pound tumor in his stomach.
And he died for about ten minutes on the table.
And he literally went through the vortex, he went before this all-powerful entity, and he was downloaded, and this is the type of guy, he's real conservative and straight-laced, this happened in the late nineties, he was downloaded all this information, just like you described it back in the early nineties,
And it was literally just beamed into him, and then this quote, guardian angel, you know, this other thing that had always been there recording everything, it said, no, I'm now going to take you back so you can tell people, and that's that same story over and over again in other cultures throughout times, on the Sanskrit, and on all the other tablets.
That's right.
Understanding there's a balance between that and then the real manifestation, but taking the confidence of the wider horizons and then putting it into action in this spectrum, a very important reality.
We're here for a reason.
I think that's key.
So I want to speak to that because I see a lot of mystics and people, you know, who get into the higher levels of humanity, but they never spend any time going out and warning somebody on the street about the New World Order.
So here we go.
All they want us to do Keep on killing one another
What an amazing discussion with David Icke.
During the breaks, we're doing some behind-the-scenes talking, but I'd like to keep it congruent to the full audience.
But you can go over to the InfoWars.com streams, the PrisonPlanet.com streams.
Those are separate from any others, including Genesis, and hear the expanded interview there or watch on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Don't forget, with your PrisonPlanet.tv membership, you make what we do here possible.
You get all my films in super high quality to burn them to disk and give to folks, a factory of resistance.
All my films, 20 of them now, 19 I made, 20th I produced, my book and so many other great books and videos we carry are available at InfoWars.com and it is your funding of our operation that allows us to continue but the most important thing is the materials are waking people up and people
Are more ready to receive this information than ever before.
Another great place to find out a lot of shocking information which regardless will open your horizons, make you question and regardless of whether it's all correct or not, it is extremely positive to question.
And I see that's the genius of David Icke, and I really agree with him on 98% of what he covers.
I just haven't been able to tangibly prove the other 2%.
My gut tells me, for God's sake, it's probably true.
But the point is that I stick to what I can prove more in this plane of existence.
Yes, because I found that's more successful with people who aren't further down the research line.
Everybody should visit DavidIke.com.
Just Google David Ike, and of course you spell his name, I-C-K-E, and he's got a lot of great books and videos available there at DavidIke.com.
Okay, David, we've got about four minutes until this segment's over.
We'll already be into the second hour.
You were getting into the nature of reality when I had to cut you off.
For the break there and how we are limited down to just this level of life and everybody knows in their gut and everything else that there's something more.
The sixth sense is proven.
You know when somebody's looking at you in a restaurant.
You know when you're in the woods and somebody's over the next hill.
I mean there's so much more to all of this and the enemy is obsessed with it.
And they're into dark energy and they're into torture and blood and death.
I mean the best example
In the last few months is a sickening artist like Damien Hirst who sells a bucket of maggots, you know, a jar of maggots for four million pounds or a crystal devil skull for a hundred million pounds or ninety eight million pounds or images of razor blades and blood and tortured babies for twenty million pounds and the elite go and buy this and they say we're buying this because we are worshipping this.
This is how we adorate this.
Everything in the end comes down to a vibrational state.
The lower it is, the more limited you are, the more narrow-minded, I would say, narrow-banded you are, the more you expand your consciousness, the more the energy vibrates quicker.
The thing is that we are experiencing a band of frequencies.
Now, our consciousness is vibrating too quickly to interact with it.
If my consciousness tries to interact with this
This book on this table in front of me, I couldn't pick it up, just as Radio A couldn't interact with Radio 2, because they share the same space, but they're not close enough on the dial to interact with each other.
So consciousness takes on an outer shell that is vibrating within the frequency range it wants to interact with.
We call it the human body.
Therefore, because I have that, I can pick that book up, because they're operating in the same frequency range, they can interact.
The whole basis of this conspiracy, Alex, is to manipulate us
Thank you.
You're in a state of seeing everything as a part, which is the perfect vehicle, the perfect landscape to bring about divide and rule to different religions and... One minute break!
Let me talk to Ike!
David, back in one minute, and this is key, I'm going to skip the next break for everybody.
I may even have the station skip it.
We're going to be back in about one minute, and then back up, because I want to, before we get into expanding our horizons, expanding and realizing, not just with the spiritual or ethereal or the other wavelengths,
But as a species, we live on through our children, and that's why we should stand up against evil, to pass better things on to them, you reap what you sow.
You know, there's also, you know, concrete things in this dimension, as you say.
But I want to briefly get into something you haven't covered in a while, the Satanism.
Why are they
Because they say in the Black Magic, they do these horrible things to bring in the entities, to bring them set, to get power, dark power.
Why are the elites into blood and wars and pain and babies being hurt?
Why are they into such horrible things?
Oh yeah, I could get right into that.
Could we just cover one thing when we get back?
Because it goes on for a while.
I've just been talking about what is this reality?
What is this collective reality we're experiencing?
Yeah, let me tell you about the breaks.
This is a 5-minute segment, then a 3-minute break, then a 15-minute segment, and then a 5-minute segment, and then a 18-minute segment, and then the show's basically over.
The next 5-minute segment, I could do this easy.
Here we go.
We're going live.
We're going live right now.
We are now into hour number four on the internet streams.
We are number one on shoutcast period.
Number one on the web for radio on the internet.
And we're not just on the internet, we're on AM and FM, shortwave satellite.
We thank all those affiliates.
Okay, David Icke.
Finishing up with the nature of reality and then expanding into not just the positive reality and love and light and goodness, but then we're going to get into the dark side and what makes up the enemy.
People need to understand that.
David Icke.
Well, this is the key, and this might, you know, shock a few people when they think about it, but this reality that we are experiencing as solid walls and an apparently solid world is just an illusion.
The only place it exists is in our heads, and it is what I call the holographic internet.
If I'm in this room now, and if I look around, there's the wireless internet in this room, but I can't see it.
But if I get a computer and I tune it into the wireless internet, suddenly I have a complete, worldwide, collective reality called the World Wide Web, which can be accessed anywhere in China, though firewalled off to a larger extent, Australia, South America, America, London, anywhere in the world, people can tap in through that computer into the same collective reality.
What they make of it is their unique spin, but it's the same reality.
If you said to people, tell me about the Internet, they'd say, well it's graphics and websites and colours on a screen.
Yes, it is.
But the only place the Internet exists in that form is on the screen.
Nowhere else.
Everywhere else it's electronic circuits, etc.
You say to people, tell me about television.
They say, well it's programs that are moving pictures on screen.
Yes, it is.
But the only place that television exists in that form is on the screen.
Everywhere else.
It is electronic circuits and frequency fields which the television decodes into those pictures.
What we do through this physical vehicle, what we call physical anyway, is we're decoding a reality on exactly the same principle, though fantastically more sophisticated, as the wireless internet.
And this is where we get our collective reality from.
Now this is vital to the conspiracy, Alex, because if you know this, and the people don't,
Then you can manipulate the way they decode reality to fit what you want those people to do.
What is that stage hypnotist doing?
On a stage, he is manipulating the Stooges sense of reality.
In other words, the way they decode reality.
So, he'll give one, for instance, a potato, and he'll eat the potato, but he beforehand will have programmed the brain, the decoding system, to believe that it's an apple.
So as the message goes from the taste buds to the brain, as an electrical signal, the brain decodes that not as a potato, but as an apple.
If you try telling that guy he's not eating an apple, because he's tasting it.
I went to stage images shows when I was researching all this, and I watched it happen.
I watched people reel back with fantastic smells.
Well, it shows predictive programming, and they have those TV shows where they really do it, and they found in studies that the population is more suggestible, massively more suggestible than they were just 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago.
We're being programmed by TV to be more suggestible, and now everything's like,
Times Square where they're taking over reality with blimps and with TV screens and where everything is becoming this Minority Report world.
And because they know that this information I'm talking about now, they understand this at the shadow people level, and they are programming, just like hypnotists, and they are hypnotists, they're programming the decoding system of the brain to decode reality, this wireless internet, this holographic cosmic internet, if you like, we call the physical world, to decode it in a way that suits them in terms of limitation in
And that's what we are.
We're all these individual biomechanical machines marching around the surface of a giant planetoid covered by oceans and a thin ribbon of atmosphere who are all individually experiencing just a very narrow band of reality and then they're even trying to program that narrow band and use our social conditioning to keep us in very small parameters, David, correct?
They're trying to isolate us in the body consciousness vehicle, which has an ability to think for itself.
It's not just like an ordinary computer.
It's a biological computer.
It has the ability to think for itself and react to environmental changes.
That's what we call physical evolution.
David, we're going to skip this break.
It's too important.
Only on the InfoWars streams and PrisonPlanet.tv.
All right, David.
We're going to come back and finish up with what you're saying in three minutes, but I don't want to waste any of this time for the huge internet audience.
Why don't you continue along this line, but a separate substrata.
I mean, give us some microcosm example of the point you were just making.
Well, if you take the stage hypnotist situation, where he's programming into the mind, into the brain, he's actually programming the computer to read reality in a certain way.
And then you put it on the collective level.
That's what Wolf Blitzer is doing, Alex.
That's what people in colleges and schools and academics are doing.
Often, overwhelmingly, not because they know that's what they're doing, but these people are hypnotists.
Crucially, the thing is, this is the whole bottom line of it.
Is that consciousness that which we are eternally experiences this reality through the vehicle and the vehicle itself has the ability to think up to a certain point because it's reacting to environmental influences all the time.
What they want to do is isolate our sense of reality into the vehicle and keep consciousness, the soul some people call it, out of the decision-making process, out of the awareness process, and therefore hold everyone in a state of limitation.
So you take a consciousness out of it, an expanded consciousness out of it, you can turn people
I think?
When people are pressing enter, they're more and more not getting what the computer would normally react with.
So the establishment has to shake things up, have calamities, terrorize the public, back into buying the official reality.
And the establishment says, if you buy into the official reality, if you do what we say, if you go along with the bailout, then everything will be okay.
But then it isn't okay, and they say, we'll go along with this again, and this time it'll be okay.
So I think in the final equation, they don't want us innately, or from our core, our instincts, from the ether, making decisions on our own.
They want us, with their manual, to only make decisions according to what they've prescribed.
To never think on our own, but only go off of what Madison Avenue and the map makers of the mind say and engineer.
I want your take on that as we go live right now.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I asked David Eicher earlier to plug some of his books and videos, and he said, nope, I'm not gonna plug them, I don't care about that.
Well, he's an amazing individual, but he does have great books and videos.
Very enlightening.
They'll link a lot of people up, and you need to get them at DavidIke.com.
And I've gotten to that point, too.
That's why I say my videos are all free on the Internet.
They're in higher quality at PrisonPlanet.tv, or get them and make copies.
But at the same time, you need to support people like David Icke and myself, because then we can have more people, do more, take more action.
I'm running more of a news organization, so my needs are greater.
So that keeps me back on the straight and narrow of just trying to fund this operation.
David now is just traveling around the world, speaking to huge crowds of people and writing books and making videos every year, and we just really appreciate him.
David, I was asking you the question for the InfoWars Internet audience, now we're back on the main audience, about the map makers of the mind.
It's also dangerous if we unlock minds, or people unlock their own minds by us pointing out that they're locked, and then the New World Order has set up lots of spiritual traps, or lots of, you wouldn't even call it spiritual, coding traps is what I would call them, of false rabbit trails
Which are meant to suck people into very dangerous cults, very dangerous Eastern organizations, all sorts of New World Order stuff.
Because the New World Order knows this, they're into it, so they've made it all very dark, and they capture people that break up through the control matrix, and they're swimming up, and the New World Order captures them in
I'm on TV right now.
I'm showing people, you know, here's the mass-controlled consciousness that believes the Federal Reserve is federal, and the government loves you, and everything's fine, and melamine plastic's good for your kidneys, and poison's good for you.
You know, they're down here, but more and more are breaking through, swimming up, so the New World Order's created lots of false solutions, and lots of, I mean, it's very sophisticated, and then they infest the, you know, consciousness crowd, and knowing that people are going to escape, they're there to capture them.
How do people protect themselves from that?
Well, this is the bottom line of what they're doing, Alex.
You can call it soul, I call it infinite consciousness, expanding consciousness, whatever you like.
The idea is to keep that from imposing or infusing its level of wisdom and awareness and love and the understanding that everything is one through the physical vehicle, computer, into this reality.
It wants to isolate the computer and then into what I call body consciousness, which also includes the lower auric field, the electromagnetic field.
And then have us manifest evil through it, using us as a puppet.
Yeah, the thing is that once you disconnect from, if you like, higher levels of awareness, and you become encased in body consciousness,
You're looking outside of yourself for information to get a fix on life, yourself, the nature of reality.
And what comes back, what you learn at school, what you learn through the media, what you learn from bankers and politicians and all the rest of it, in other words, what they're doing is isolating the computer from our consciousness, what you would call soul, and then programming the computer with the reality that suits the agenda.
Now, as people awaken, there are, what I've called in my books, endless cul-de-sacs.
Which are being set up, little mousetraps, to take people away from the full magnitude of expressing the full power and awareness of who they are, into things like the New Age, and into other things, where they can be, if you like, yeah, put in a cul-de-sac.
I mean, I've called the New Age, in my books, the last cul-de-sac before the goldmine, because it takes people away from understanding that they are the power, and again, it hands power to other people, some guru or some
New Age guy or whatever, just as the religions in all their forms are about the people handing their power and their belief systems over to others.
We are consciousness.
We are infinite consciousness.
We're all expressions of the same consciousness.
That's why the fighting between us is so idiotic and stupid and ridiculous, but that's what happens when you lose that understanding of unity and you see everything in apartness because you're caught in the body computer.
So what we need to do
Yeah, back into myself, and that's the incredible thing, is that
Just in a meat and potatoes way, let's say there is no consciousness about this, which we know is a lie, but through genetic consciousness, it's all a mirror.
I understand that I am all those that came before me, and I am passing on through my children everybody that came before me and who I was.
And I realize I'm going to love my children's grandchildren, who I'll never meet, or their great-grandchildren, as much as I love my children or I love myself, in fact, more so.
And so why would I want to commit a crime against the genetic code?
Why would I want to commit a crime against humanity when I'm related to all these people, whether they be black or white, Chinese or German?
And I realized that, and then I asked myself, how, why does the New World Order revel?
They know the Mercury's damaging the genetic code.
They know the GMO is attacking and actually mutating the human species.
They know they're attacking the Earth.
And then they give us fake environmentalism when we rebel against that, and then use it to control us more.
They know they are killing things.
Now, we've talked about the positive side, the enemy.
I understand this system, but the controllers, the shadow behind the throne,
The power behind the throne, they have made the conscious decision to revel in darkness and destruction.
Well, let's just go one point, which kind of relates to this, but relates to what you just said.
Take consciousness to be the most brilliant computer programmer in the world.
And he's sitting at his desk in front of a computer, symbolic of the body, shall we say, and he's trying to get his genius through that computer into the reality on the screen, this world.
If that computer is destabilized, if it's not working, if it's got viruses, if it's not decoding properly, if it's got various things wrong with it, if it's electrically imbalanced and its decoding system is distorted, I don't care if that guy in that chair
I think?
To make sure that it is inefficient and imbalanced and doesn't operate to the true efficiency and magnitude that it possibly could.
I've got to add something.
It's so incredible what you're saying.
That's the true reason for the microchip, Alex.
In a computer, the central processing unit, the CPU, that filters all the information traffic, is a microchip.
The reason they're talking now about having human computers... It's an electrochemical computer.
Yeah, because they're talking now about connecting the human brain to a computer and you can work the computer through your thoughts, it's because they're connecting two computers.
One more sophisticated by stunning margin than the other, but that's what they're doing.
So the idea is to attack the vehicle, the computer, on every level they can.
That includes programming it through words and repetition of lies, like Bin Laden was behind 9-11 and all this stuff.
No, I was just going to agree with you.
That's why, when you study eugenics, publicly they say it's about making the race better and getting rid of the bad, but real eugenics, at the PhD level, they say, no, we've got to mutate and dumb down the mass of people, so we in the future, and this is 100 years ago, you know, all the top eugenicists, and we put it in the film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, all the proof, there's a bibliography of it, whatistheendgame.com, they say, we really want to wreck humanity so we can greedily control it for ourselves, because they'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.
And so, when you look at the body computer on one level, it is an electro-chemical organism.
What are they bombarding us, not least our kids, with?
Chemical cocktails called soft drinks and food.
Electromagnetic microwave attacks and pollution which we're living in.
And if you want to affect every fish,
We're good.
And they are infiltrating it with all this electromagnetic pollution, which is designed to disrupt the ability of the computer to access higher consciousness.
Let me throw a point out.
Electrochemically destabilized.
That's what it's all about.
Let me throw a point out.
When you go out to southern Utah and Monument Valley,
And there's nobody around.
You can be in your tent.
It's not just the beautiful vistas that raise the soul, as people say, or make the soul sore.
It is that you are not around all the electrochemical pollution.
You are outside of that, and you're also outside the pollution.
And they've proven this.
There's like wavelengths coming off the mind.
They broadcast.
You know, the computer talks, consciousness knows.
That's why when you go into the silence and you're quiet in your mind, you can get incredible insights that you can't when the mind chatter's going.
Because the computer mind chatter never really stops.
Everyone listening to this show will understand what I mean.
Where the mind never shuts down.
It's always talking.
It's always trying to work things out.
It's always trying to create dramas or reacting to dramas and all the rest of it.
I don't know.
And what's happening, you remember that mass mine control manual that came to like, silent weapons for a quiet war?
Yeah, there was a line in that which encapsulates what we're saying here.
It said, keep them busy, busy, busy back on the farm with their other animals.
They're trying to keep our minds occupied constantly because the mind chatter is occupied by that level of entertainment that we get on the television or what passes for it, the news, the televisions they're on, off the radios.
On all the time, Mind Chatter, Mind Chatter, and that holds us in body consciousness reality, because it's dealing with words, which is a body consciousness decoding.
Okay, David, I want to ask you advice about myself personally, because I really respect you in this area, in the behind-the-scenes, internet-only discussion at PrisonPlanet.tv and the InfoWars exclusive streams right now.
For everybody else, we'll be right back.
David, every day I talk about this, or I think about this, and every week I talk about it on air.
At 1 a.m.
laying in bed or sitting on the couch at 10 o'clock at night when my wife and children are asleep, I have just amazing insights.
I write it down on paper.
Huge understandings about the New World Order, predictions that then come true, understanding thousands of pieces of data that my subconscious, whatever you want to call it, is able to analyze.
And then when I get on air, I can never articulate it with any of the depth.
I mean, I do it to a great extent, but nothing like the true depth of that quiet time understanding and that tuning into everything.
And when I tune in to the huge
Well, that's interesting because I know exactly what you mean.
What I've been doing with myself over the last months and years
What we know as a knowing on a higher consciousness level.
It's a knowing!
It's a knowing!
It's a knowing!
And it's a knowing because you're dealing with consciousness that knows.
The reason that you hear silence when you go into higher consciousness is because higher consciousness knows.
It doesn't have to work it out through constant chatter.
I wonder if it's this, I wonder if it's that.
It knows.
And then when you come back into body consciousness, that's what the world does.
But from a genetic expression, they now know that it's not what you call reincarnation.
It is all those millions of people that came before you, all that genetic information passed on.
We really are using 100% of the brain, not 10% like the scientists say.
It's just that we normally are only consciously using 10%.
There is so much more.
It is a species knowledge and a species memory that wants to go to the stars.
I don't
You're not talking about the internet for folks that just tuned in.
You're saying the consciousness is like a Chinese internet where 90% of it is walled off, curtailed, surveilled.
And people through the panoptagon self-surveil and restrict themselves in China.
Yeah, what I'm saying is that the body computer, even though it's just a vehicle, it's a fantastic vehicle and it has potentially the ability to decode far more than it does.
But what they've done, and I think there's been genetic intervention through the thousands of years and many other things,
They have firewalled off, and this is an interesting point, given what we've been talking about.
What does a hypnotist do?
I've seen a hypnotist say to someone, OK, I'm going to ask you your name, and you're not going to be able to know it.
You're not going to be able to know your name.
And he says the key word, and he asks them their name.
They can't remember their name.
I don't
The shadow people that understand this reality, they have done the same.
They have firewalled off the human computer system through the various techniques they use, so we don't decode vast amounts of reality, even within this reality.
David, we're back.
We're back live.
Here we go.
The time's almost up with David Icke.
I might be able to twist his arm for ten minutes more into overdrive today, but I doubt it.
There's so much he wants to talk about, I want to know about why the elite...
People who are aware of all of this like to get into the darkness and why they revel in that and some of the rituals they do.
I mean now Macy's has come out with 666 Knights of Hell Bohemian Grove wear.
It says Bohemian Grove on it.
It's using official Bohemian Grove logos.
Macy's nationwide.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
I want to get into that and then anything else you want to cover, David, and then take a few phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Well, first of all, in terms of where we're going with this, we need to get a blank sheet of paper.
I don't
Identify what you are looking at with the vehicle that's allowing you to experience this frequency range we call the world, and you move your sense of identity to I am infinite consciousness.
I am all that is, has been, and ever will be.
Not that time exists outside of this reality.
It's another figment of our manipulated imagination.
I think?
Which is beyond our comprehension.
It's not, it's not, I love you darling, saw you down the disco.
That level of love is an attraction.
Actually it can be manipulated chemically if you stimulate certain chemicals in the brain.
That's attraction.
I was in a half kind of wake state waking up the other day and going around my head was this statement.
Love is not what you are in, I'm in love with you.
Love is what you are.
And at that level, that level of love, the true definition of love, not attraction, but love for all, love for self, it has
No fear!
Freedom doesn't do consequences.
Love doesn't do consequences.
It does what it believes to be right.
And I tell you what, when you get to this level of consciousness, Alex, something that would change this world overnight because of all that would come from it, if people started making decisions not based on what is right for me in the circumstances before me, and that turns out often not to be right for you anyway, but what is right
End of story in the circumstances that I face.
What is right?
What is just?
What is fair?
What do I need to do to pursue that version of what is right?
And if we did that, there'd be no hunger, there'd be no conflict, there'd be no child abuse, there'd be no environmental abuse, there'd be none of this stuff.
We'd be in a completely different level of consciousness, and therefore we'd be in a different, completely different level of experiences of this world.
As Albert Einstein said,
You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them.
And because we've got caught in body consciousness, and not the high soul consciousness, if you like, that we really are, therefore, we bring a political party in with a certain level of consciousness, and we replace it with another with the same level of consciousness.
We interact with the world with the same level of consciousness, and then we wonder why the world never changes for the better, because the same level of consciousness
But he's creating the problems, then returns to create more problems.
We have to move into an expanded level of awareness of who we are, the nature of reality, the illusory nature of reality that we live in, and then we can have a paradise here.
Because illusions only control you when you think they're real, and that's the key to this conspiracy.
It's been persuading people that this illusion that we're interacting with, and we can have great fun and joy with,
He's actually real, and once you buy that one, you're in body consciousness, and you're in the slammer.
And we're at a time now, with this awakening, when we can open the door and transform this world.
David, I don't want to turn this into a massive extravaganza.
No, but I tell you, you want to go into the dark stuff, I'll tell you about that.
Well, the thing is, I know that you've got a lot of things to do, but I would love, and I promise you we would end it then and also give you a break later, what if we did 20 minutes into the next hour
The show normally ends in 30, but what if we did another 40-50 minutes total, 15-20 minutes into the next hour, because then there'd be no breaks, and it would be internet only, but still massive, so that we would have plenty of time to really let you flesh out your ideas, and then take some phone calls and talk about solutions.
Or do you want to end this in T-minus 30 minutes?
I'd love to do it, Alex, but I've got to be in Nevada City in the time it takes from
What time do you have to be in Nevada City?
Well, I'll hope you'll come back soon and tell us about that.
Oh yeah, no problem.
Well then, we'll talk a little bit more and then jam in some phone calls before you leave us and I appreciate you giving us the two hours.
No problem.
If you want to get into the dark stuff and the ritual, I talk about that because it so relates to what we talk about.
Well, I wanted to talk about the...
You know, the different levels of consciousness, because you talk about what doing what is right.
When I'm calm, when I'm centered, again, I'm not worried about them killing me.
I realize fighting them and standing up to them, and my instinct, or my guts, my spirit tells me, even let them kill me, because, you know, that will only expose them greater, and that... But then, I hear a beeping going on.
John, do you know what's going on there?
I don't hear anything.
Okay, it just went away.
We got it here on the network side.
David, you still there?
Yes, Mike.
But then when I get back into battle mode, the daily mode, which is what I have to shift into to be able to operate, I'm not as worried.
I mean, I'm still a little bit worried about it.
I'm just not completely at peace.
And then you talk about, you know, consciousness.
The problem is, the corrupt elite system is like a cancer.
And so no matter how many of us are good and sweet and loving and do the right thing, which I try to do every day, we still have to stamp out and stand up against corrupt people in our lives, or they will chew us to pieces.
So I want you to explain... Yeah, yeah.
Or I'm not saying lie down and say, walk all over me.
I'm saying the exact opposite.
But just don't stand up against them in a hateful way, do it from a point of love, and I'm sorry, I have to do this.
Yep, well yeah, or even more than that, I am doing this, okay?
End of story.
And what getting to those higher states of consciousness does, it takes the fear out of it, it takes the consequences out of it, and you just do it.
They were going back to the full audience, here we go.
David Icke is our guest.
We've got about 27 minutes left with him today.
I think I'm going to go ahead and, myself, David can't stay with us, but I'm going to go into overdrive at Infowars.com for 20 minutes.
You good to do that, Paul?
Because I want to cover what's happening with the markets after David leaves us.
But I do want to take some time out and take some cold before the show ends as well.
But, David, during the break when we were still talking for the internet audience on PrisonPlanet.tv,
We were discussing, you know, I was saying, well, the elite are like a cancer, though.
They understand this.
They've decided to be dark and evil and to shudder the souls of humanity because it makes them more easily manageable, and they revel in darkness.
And I can't imagine having the knowledge of the wonders of being good and being loving and doing all that, and then making the conscious decision to be dark and wicked.
So why are they doing that?
And as good guys, how do we stand up against them?
Well, they are locked into such a depth of their own body consciousness that's why, and there's other connections to that, but they're so locked into that level of reality that that's why they're so good at manipulating it.
They're almost like
I think so.
I think so.
And because they have no empathy, they have no emotional consequences for what they do to people.
So 3,000 people on 9-11, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed civilians in Iraq.
We couldn't do that because we have empathy.
We have this emotional feeling for the consequences for others of our actions.
When you don't have them, there are no limits.
And that's why they act like they do.
And it's why I've been saying for years, if you see what they would do on the basis of what you would do, then you've lost the plot because they're not the same because of what I've been talking about.
And they are.
I mean, I know I've had lots of ridicule over the years.
I've had lots of ridicule over many things.
I don't care.
I don't know.
Just outside of visible light.
You know, as I said right at the start of this chat today, I'm sitting here in California and all the television and radio stations broadcast in California are sharing the same space that I'm sharing.
They're not on top of each other like a chest of drawers, they're sharing the same space because they're vibrating at different speeds.
Now when you get two stations that are very close to each other, they're close enough for interference.
Interference symbolic of interaction.
And these entities that these people worship in their stupid, sick and horrific rituals are to interact with these entities that operate just outside of visible light, just outside of human sight.
And what these entities do is they feed off low vibrational human energy, which is fear, stress, all these different expressions of low vibrational energy.
And this, Alex, is where the age-old term
All right.
And they put these children and other people too, through horrific rituals, and they build them up to a state of absolute terror.
And this is releasing this really low vibrational energy of terror, and it also puts an adrenaline in the bloodstream, which the human elite drink like a nectar.
So when they do the sacrifice, the entity
All right.
They do these rituals, and so a mass creation of this energy, a mass version of this ritual, we call wars.
We call credit crunches and banking collapses because of all the stress and fear energy that is released by the people in the face of these things.
So on one level, it's not the only reason they do it, but on one level they're manipulating
So it's not just that they're evil and enjoy it, it is a psychic war and they're polluting everything with gloom and doom.
Yeah, they're bringing in everything.
As I said earlier, they are massively locked into low, low, low vibrational consciousness.
There is almost no light there at all, and that's why they act like they do.
We've had this age-old theme, Alex, through the centuries and thousands of years, right across the world in ancient accounts, about the soulless ones.
That's what we're talking about.
And, you know, Christians would talk about demonic entities.
And the Muslims would talk about the jinns and stuff.
These are all different names for the same thing we're talking about here.
Well, I've talked to top psychologists who study the serial killers, and they describe it as if they're dead.
They have no emotion, nothing in life, but there's like a burning light.
They only feel alive while they're torturing a child, while they're doing something particularly horrible.
And so they become total slaves to it.
Yeah, and they're also slaves to something else.
They're slaves to these entities.
Now, this is another important thing to start connecting some dots here.
Why is this human elite obsessed with interbreeding?
Because if, with each other, and not interbreeding outside of itself, because if you really break it down to the level that we're talking about today, Alex,
Well, the Egyptians said they were gods, and they had to keep that bloodline in the family.
Yeah, but what's the obsession with bloodline?
It is this.
Keepin' the money together.
When you procreate, you are, in effect, downloading two hard drives, called DNA and whatever, onto one hard drive, which we call the new child body computer.
The child is consciousness.
The child's body is a computer, like everyone else.
Now, that means that these bloodlines, when they interbreed, what they're holding is, in effect, a software program, a certain vibrational field, which is the fusion of the two aspects of the same genetic line, i.e., the same aristocracy or royal family, whatever.
Now, this means that the
The Elite Bloodlines in physical form within this reality, they are vibrating to a particular frequency which, because it's a hybrid, has a vibrational sympathy with these entities operating just outside of visible light, human sight, and therefore that
I think?
I don't think so.
This allows a vibrational connection with these entities, which allows the possession of these human forms by these non-human entities.
And then you've got the secret society network, which manipulates these human elite bloodlines that we talk constantly about into the positions of power, and indeed their gophers into the positions of power.
And what we're actually doing
We're good to go.
And this is what these bloodlines are about, having vibrational compatibility with these entities which they worship, these gods that they worship.
Well, and I know the elite believes that.
When I was at Bohemian Girl, people would say, oh, it's just a play.
I was there with a thousand plus members watching the ritual.
They were grinding their teeth.
They were in religious rapture.
They did some other ritual over behind the trees that was the real ritual, and they did the mock human sacrifice of the child, and that's in their own literature.
Now Macy's
Uh, has come out with all of this Bohemian Grove, the Knights of the Illuminati, 666, you know, the, uh, you know, the Hell Group.
I mean, now they're really throwing it in our face.
And we always know that through the popular fashions, they telegraph what's coming in the future.
Why are we seeing all the skulls and death and now Illuminati clothing?
Yeah, because, you know, they understand, because they are so entrapped in computer-level reality, they understand this stadium.
And so what they're doing is trying to pull all the time, as we talked about in this chat today, they're trying to pull humanity into a sense of reality that operates in the same stadium.
And that's what the Roman Colosseums are all about, the blood and death.
Yeah, I'll tell you what, Alex, they are absolutely terrified.
of this awakening, which they knew was coming, and they know is now here.
They're terrified of it, and they're desperately pushing this agenda forward, not least the microchip.
The real idea of the microchip, yes, it's for electronic tagging, and the computer knows where everyone is, yes.
But I've been given chapter and verse by a CIA scientist about this, many years ago now, ten years ago now, in fact, 1997-98.
The idea is to hijack the body computer through the
I think so.
Well, we knew that, from the Army plan that was written up in the 80s, declassified in 2000, in February, we know in there that the Army says
That through fads, through security, through prisoners, through Alzheimer's patients, and through having law enforcement be forced to take chips, they could then force the public to do it.
And now if you want to be a fighter pilot, you're going to have to have it.
That's openly mainstream news.
They are preparing the public that if you want to have a job, you're going to have to have basically this little wire port into your brain.
And the Army says that by 2025,
All of us will be... This is what they say.
This is where the movie, The Matrix, came from.
From the DARPA reports.
This is in my book, Descent into Tyranny.
They say that they're going to put us all in tanks to be in the hive mind.
So, that movie is the plan.
Well, the hive mind is something I've been writing about for a long, long time, and you can only put people, because, you know, when I talk about, you know, infinite consciousness, I'm not talking about everyone being a clone and acting the same.
Infinite consciousness is infinite possibilities.
Yeah, tied into the bigger picture, not into the narrow band.
But David, my point is, you're not just saying this, the official army prospectus says this is the plan for full spectrum dominance because there'll be no more war, we'll all be safe if we're in these tanks.
You can't make stuff up that weirder than last year, the British 10-year prospectus talked about having a neutron bomb.
Us, if we resist them, having to kill masses of us, flash mobs.
I mean, people think David Icke is weird or off the charts.
If you read what DARPA and the Pentagon and their head futurist, Mr. Marshall, are saying, it's all even stranger than David Icke.
Oh yeah, I mean, you know, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than any of us have got yet.
The thing is, Alex, as you were saying, and I was pointing out, infinite consciousness is all possibility.
So expressing your uniqueness, your maverick, your unique spin on life, is actually expressing the infinite consciousness that you are.
And that changes the controlled paradigm, so we're taking it over cell by cell.
So when you talk, as you just have, about those documents and how the tanks and everyone becoming a hive mind,
They can only create a hive.
They can't get to consciousness, you see.
It's vibrating too quickly.
It's too powerful for them, anyway.
Their arena is the body-computer decoding system.
And they can only put us in a hive mind by locking us in that level of reality.
Now, they've done it for vast numbers of people, but this awakening is literally breaking the spell.
It's a massive revolution.
Yes, it is.
And people should not, for a second,
Underestimate the incredible, extraordinarily amazing magnitude of what's going on.
Yes, we need to know what the manipulation of the conspiracy is doing, so we're streetwise to it, and there are enormous numbers of people who still don't realize they're slaves, who need that information to realize that they are, then they can do something about it.
David, we've got to go to calls.
We've got to go to calls.
Ladies and gentlemen, the bottom line is this.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, DavidIke.com.
Check it out and then put it into action.
It doesn't mean you'll be a master of this overnight.
Just start questioning the system.
Stop watching TV.
Love your family.
Eat healthy.
Go out and warm people.
Expose the bankers.
And that leads you on the path to expanding your horizons.
David Ike, what an amazing individual.
David, let's take calls.
We're going to skip this next break as well for the Internet listeners.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Is this me?
Yes, sir.
Okay, Michael, yeah.
Hey, thanks, man.
You both express yourself so eloquently.
I've been wanting to talk with both of y'all for a while.
And, you know, talking about the dynamics of these vibrational frequencies, you've covered it pretty good.
What I think we have coming toward us, those that are truth-rising, such as the both of you and your listening audience, is that we're approaching a point of separation.
In our vibration frequencies.
They've kept, by keeping us in fear, they've brought us down to their low life vibration that you've expressed so eloquently.
And by us raising our vibration frequency, by getting above their fear that they're trying to perpetrate us and keep us beat down, we will be able to raise our vibration frequency to a point that they won't be able to exist because they are so low life and dishonest and
You know, they create the killing fields, they've contaminated the planet, you know, the food, the water, everything, you know, and they operate with no conscience.
And I just feel like we're approaching that point of separation where they won't be able to function in their thought forms in a higher vibration.
In fact, that's what they call it.
They call it separation consciousness and the people they torture to create mind control slaves, and that's declassified, David.
Yeah, and I went through years and years in the 90s and early in this century, deeply, deeply researching mind control techniques.
And when I talk to a stream of mind control victims who are now trying to deprogram, they'll tell me the same.
They can't get to consciousness.
The mind control is done on the body computer level.
They even talk in the mind control projects about mind files and things like this.
They understand what the computer is.
They're trying to lock us into that.
And when we look in the mirror and identify who we are with what we're looking at,
Hold on, hold on.
Here we go, behind the scenes.
David, continue, and then Michael in Texas, finish up.
Go ahead.
Okay, what I was going to say is that if you look at society, and the way it's structured, and all the things that are in society to attract us, they're all five sense things.
They're all five sense magnets.
Um, you know, this taste, ooh, this smell, ooh, look at this, hear this, ooh, feel this.
It's all bringing us into the five sense level of reality, and it's done behind the scenes, on purpose.
You know, where is the talk of this stuff?
As you rightly say, you know, the thing is that science is a mass of dots called disciplines that don't talk to each other.
When you connect the dots, they've already sussed what this reality is, but if they don't connect the dots, then the dots don't come together.
You can't see that they've sussed what this reality is, because they don't talk to each other.
And the idea is to keep those dots as dots, so we don't connect it and see the nature of reality we're experiencing, and to hold us in the five senses by creating a society that is appealing to them all the time.
We should be talking about this in the schools and the colleges.
We should be talking about this in the media.
I mean, big questions, which is where you get big answers from.
What is reality?
Who are we?
Where are we?
Why are these big questions never asked in the mainstream of public information?
They're constantly putting out fish allures to drag us into petty, base, five senses, or the basic instincts for the bestial survival level, and through fear they try to put us into the primitive level.
That's a way for a psychologist or sociologist or a union or somebody to put it very, very simply.
But an example is, I'll watch TV just to monitor, maybe two or three times a week, but I can barely do it.
And I'll be on the treadmill in the garage watching Fox TV and there's these beautiful info babes, smiling, putting sexual desire looks, licking their lips, staring at you like, no, oh, and I catch myself shifting into a primitive level, liking her, looking at her, because she's been trained through the TV to look at everyone like she wants to have passionate, wild, primitive sex with you right now, and the programmers know
That that's what they're doing.
And then the men that are on those shows, on Fox especially, they're going for what women want.
A man who's sweet and loving and wants to hear them.
And they'll, oh yes, as they report the news, it could be about anything.
Oh good, thank you.
It's all about a fake genuineness.
There's an example of the false reality.
It's a TV, it's a signal, the woman isn't there, the man isn't there, but it is just base, complete, total, and absolute programming, manipulating the senses of the brain, and people get invested in the ride, like Bill Hicks said, they get invested in the false paradigm, and they get mad at you when you're trying to get them to struggle out of it.
Here we go, final segment.
Okay, David, I was talking about Fox News and TV and how the woman lustfully looks at you through the TV, but it isn't real.
It's a digital image, and she isn't really personally looking at you.
They're manipulating our basic genetic code as a mammal.
You're saying rise above that.
David Icke, and then finish up, Michael.
Yeah, I mean, you know, the five senses are there, and we can enjoy them, and we can experience this world through them.
But once the five senses become the only, or the master level, of experiences... We can be lied to and manipulated through that!
Yeah, I mean, we are then in the trap.
We're then in the mousetrap.
They've got us.
I think so.
Consciousness has to express itself to make the changes in society.
Faith without works is dead!
I mean, if you've really changed your consciousness from evil and destruction to love and light, you're going to try to help people.
Quickly finish, Michael.
All the time.
You're going to try to do what is right.
Not even try.
You're going to do what is right.
If you're not doing that, then don't kid yourself you've got expanded consciousness.
Michael, anything else?
Yes, sir.
Just for your listening audience.
One way through my own personal experience of raising my personal vibration and recognizing it as it happens is the feeling of goose bumps.
That's just a surge of vital energy coming into every cell of your body, head to toe.
It feels good.
It feels warm.
And you can just actually consciously understand and realize how your vibration frequency is changing.
And by thinking about good things, good thoughts, like truth rising or Luke Radowsky standing up to
Whatever that guy's name is.
Getting past the fear.
Taking action.
People think that I'm putting out fear.
I'm not.
I'm saying there's a threat.
We've got to meet it.
It's empowering to take action against it.
I appreciate your call.
David, I know you've got to go have that meeting.
I'm going to twist your arm for only five minutes when the hour ends in three minutes so we can talk to Hashur, Ryan, Tim and Guy.
You can do five minutes after, can't you?
Okay, okay, no problem.
All right, twisting the arm of David Icke, DavidIcke.com, and when this radio show ends on the AM and FM dial in three minutes, you'll have to tune to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on those streams or PrisonPlanet.tv to see us go live into overdrive right now.
Uh, Hashore in Oklahoma, you're on the air with David Icke.
Yes, sir, you're on the air.
Yes, um, Mr. Jones, I've been listening to you for about three years now.
And I have quite an extensive notebook of notes that I've been keeping relative to many of your shows.
This one in particular struck my interest because you're speaking of vibrational energy, which you've been referring to as frequencies.
And I've been studying that phenomenon for some time now, mainly through ancient languages.
And, for example,
I am of the belief, based on extensive research, that what you refer to as the New World Order and the current economic crisis is actually a transformation of the Beast of Mammon that will re-emerge as the Neo-Roman Empire.
And one of the reasons I say that is because of the calendar that Western culture, and most of the industrialized world lives by, is the same calendar that was implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.
And that what we are experiencing now is, in fact, the culmination of the prophecy relative to... Alright, stop right there.
I've got to jump because we're ending the main transmission.
Only five minutes left with David Icke.
Again, my websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
When David leaves us in five minutes, I'm going to cover the latest economic developments in overdrive only at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
But in the 30 seconds we've got left, the main transmission, David,
But we have to end this in just a few minutes, because other shows are coming up, and I've got to get off the line.
Well, we're just going to go into retransmission now, but bottom line, David, they are trying to recreate empires they've had previously, and I'll ask you right now, as we go into overdrive, why they are doing that.
Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, into overdrive, right now.
David, I'm going to let you go in just five minutes, because I'm going to get off this network line, but network, I'm fine to be here for five minutes, I know that.
Comment on what he was just saying.
Well, they definitely throw this forward a very, very long way, and yet we get into the deeper stuff here.
There's a reason why they can do that.
People have said to me, understandably over the years, why would people hundreds of years ago give their lives to
A global enslavement plan when they knew they weren't going to be around by the time it arrived.
But this visible light frequency has a certain version of time.
It's a manipulated version of time.
I mean, you can fly across a mythical line on the planet and go into tomorrow or go the other way and go into today or yesterday or whatever.
And it's just a mythical time based on the timeline actually going through London, the heart of the beast.
And so it's a sequence of events that we measure as time, but it's an illusion.
And these entities that operate outside of this timeline, they can move up and down it and come in at different points.
So the same entities can be manipulated in the 1600s, that are manipulated in the 1700s, that are manipulated in the 1800s, because that's why this bloodline comes through history.
What's coming is the vehicles being passed through history, the compatible vehicles.
They can plan, in our timeline terms, vaster distances ahead, because they've not got the same relationship to our timeline as we have.
And the Roman Empire is massively significant in this, and what they've done is they've just constantly, constantly sought to expand the size of the empire, centralize power more and more.
We were in tribes once, then the tribes became nations.
Central Point is now dictating to all the previous tribes that were looking after themselves.
Now we're into the big way, into the next stage, which is bringing nations together under super states.
And so it's been a coordinated plan over this thousands of years to bring us to the point where there is a global centralized empire, and that's what we're looking at now.
Wow, incredible answer.
Let's jam in these four calls and let you get out of here.
Three calls.
Ryan in California.
Oh, we have time for those three.
I apologize, listeners.
Ryan in California.
You're on with a legendary day of the night.
How are you guys doing today?
Okay, well I'm just going to try to get it quick, since you guys are short on time.
Yeah, when you guys were talking about the know, the infinite knowledge, this is kind of my perspective on things.
So, all form is formless, not to say formlessness has no substance, but to say the substance there is has no foundation outside of conceptualization.
Pure wisdom has no conceptualization.
Pure wisdom is infinite knowing.
Infinite knowledge is similar to intuition, but far greater to the moment of now.
Using that, I think, for you guys as a way to express the know.
Well, here's an example.
I can meet somebody from India or Russia or China who's never heard of me, never heard of David Icke, or I can meet some old lady at a gas station in East Texas who doesn't know who I am, and they have all the basic knowledge, and they know all the tricks of the New World Order, and they understand it innately
Well, I would make this point, and I think it's important to understand this.
Because the whole of this reality is about information, which on one level takes a vibrational form.
You've only got to put your hand in front of your mouth and you can feel the vibration of speech.
I mean, what have we got?
We've got the sound box is a vibration creator.
That's what it is.
And then the receiver decodes that into language through the left brain and that's how communication goes on.
Yeah, I think so.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
Well, I've got to let you go in just a minute, and I want to talk to Tim and Guy, but let me just put out this point, and I'm sure you'll pick up on it and probably already have the same thought or even deeper.
The New World Order are masters.
They are virtuosos, conductors at this.
When they threaten that there are evil terrorists that want to hurt you, that want your freedom, that want to kill you, they know the public subconscious, you know, sixth sense, whatever, is picking up the fact that there are evil groups.
There are terrorists.
Somebody attacked us on 9-11.
Somebody's got some evil plan.
So the New World Order knows they have to have a terrorist group.
Yeah, I do.
And you see, this is where symbolism comes in.
The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is that it was given to New York by French Freemasons who knew what it stood for.
It's Queen Semiramis from Babylon, holding the symbol of Nimrod in Babylon, which is the lighted torch.
And so that, because it symbolizes, whatever something symbolizes, that vibration is what it elicits.
And so they put these symbols around us which symbolize certain concepts of overwhelmingly dark, controlled, really what you call evil concepts.
And that energy is being generated by these symbols because that is what they represent.
Because beyond the physical of that symbol, it's an energy field vibrating.
And people pick them up.
This is how they can and do manipulate the energy field, the sea if you like.
Thank you.
I don't want to take you much longer than I said I would.
We're so thankful, David, for your great insight, and I'm very appreciative of you, and also for you forgiving me eight, nine years ago when I said mean things about you before I really, really thought you were for real and had grown myself.
So I just want to tell you before you leave us that I really appreciate you, David.
No problem, mate.
You bet.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Tim dropped off.
Oh, Tim dropped.
Okay, Guy in Canada, last caller I have time to go to for David Icke.
Go ahead, Guy.
Hi, uh, Alex, Dave.
Hello, Josh.
Um, uh, just a quick comment for Alex, sir.
Um, I was introduced to you at the, uh, taping of the 9-1-1 Blueprint for Truth, uh, with, um, Richard Gage.
Uh, from there, I worked feverishly to get myself off the grid, and I can live off the grid now.
I've gotten some cattle.
Uh, I don't use the regular toothpaste anymore.
And you've really woken me up, and I've used your tools to help wake up all the students.
Well, good job!
I mean, the establishment doesn't want you to be self-sufficient and independent.
They don't want us spread out on the land.
They want us in compact cities.
So you're doing the right thing there.
Anything for David Icke?
Yeah, Dave, I just got your three DVD sets, Freedom or Fascism, Time to Choose.
Great DVD set, and I was wondering, are you going to be heading through Winnipeg, Manitoba anytime soon?
Well, if someone asks me, I will, but every time I come into Canada, why Canada, I don't know, though I've got an idea, I get stopped for hours at the border, all my gear is looked through, they find nothing, and eventually let me in.
So, what the problem is with Canada, I mean, what I find out, as you know, is it's just off mainstream countries, like, you know, the major force in North America, in terms of public awareness, is the United States.
The major force in Central Europe there is Germany.
And yet so much goes on in Canada, so much goes on in Austria.
The country won back from the major country in that area in terms of public awareness and politics and everything.
And so much goes on in Canada, which affects America and affects Canada of course, which is kept quiet in a much more efficient way because it's not in the United States.
You're absolutely right, and of course I got detained when I was in Canada as well.
I appreciate your call, Guy.
In closing, David, a lot is going on, a lot is happening, and I don't put on a lot of events, but if six months down the road I wanted to get a hall that held like 5,000 people, where, say, I would speak one day and you would speak another day, and I mean, would you entertain?
I jump at it.
You know, we guys have got to, you know, support each other and let our differences, you know, go over a bit.
David, I don't think we have any... I was just going to say, smaller they're now becoming.
And just focus together on what affects us all, which is the freedom of everybody.
Okay, well I'll let you rest.
I'll call you in about a week and a half or so.
I just wanted to say that what concerns me is that my guts, my instincts, whatever you want to call it, my sixth sense tells me to work with you, tells me that you're right, and it's just so crazy to realize that reality is so false.
And it's amazing, but we're all together in this.
And like you said, I look into your eyes and see myself.
You look into mine, I see yours.
We look into a woman's eyes in the street.
We look back at humanity and this great journey.
And so David Icke, thank you so much for all the time.
Tell the listeners about your latest book.
Well, it's a massive work called The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy, which I pull all together, all the different elements, and the first two chapters are all that we've been talking about today in great detail.
And the first two chapters, because once we understand the nature of reality, the nature of the society that's been created for us starts to become crystal clear.
David Icke, amazing interview.
Thank you for the two-plus hours, and I hope to have you up every few months when your schedule allows, and I hope to see you in person sometime here in Texas.
Take care.
That'll be great.
Cheers, Alex.
Take care.
There goes David Icke.
I'm going to go ahead and disconnect with Genesis now.
John Harmon, come up and say hi to everybody.
John, what did you think of that two-plus hour interview with David Icke?
That was great.
Great information.
You guys work really good together.
That's pretty much all I can say.
Well, amazing information.
You know what?
You were telling me that the ISDN's freed up.
I'm not sure why, but why don't you go drag Ted in here?
Will you go find him?
I mean, is it okay if I stay connected here with the network for another ten minutes instead of having Ted calling on the phone line?
Sure, I can grab him in the studio.
Okay, go find him for me.
Thank you.
John Harmon.
So we'll stay connected with the network.
Let me give you the latest financial information that we have here.
I just had it on the screen and then my computer browser crashed.
So let me go back to it and give people my comments on the latest things that are happening financially right now.
Look, whether you love David Icke or hate David Icke, he is for real.
He means what he's saying.
And like I said, I agree with about 98% of what he has to say, and he's really a classy guy.
You know, I called him on international television, the turd in the punch bowl, because people back then weren't ready to wake up to even...
Wilder things, and I said, you know, he covers all these things that are true and then goes even further.
But what he says about the elite, I have researched and found that they believe it's true.
So whether it's the truth or not, whether they're in touch with different entities or not, you know, I'm not crazy for reporting on the fact that the elite believe that they're doing that.
The stock market dropped around 700 points.
It's gone up about 200 back from that point as the Plunge Protection Team pumps money in.
When the Federal Reserve and the Treasury and the President and others bad-mouthed
And said the stock market was basically going to die last week if we didn't submit to them and go along with them.
That was economic terrorism and that's the big issue that everybody needs to be discussing and getting out.
That that was a crime.
Yelling fire in the financial theater.
There's all sorts of laws against people in high places involved in financial panics for insider trading.
And that's the key here.
This was insider trading so that they would get immunity and trillions of dollars, not $700 or $851 billion, it's more like $5 trillion according to Bloomberg and other publications.
And they terrorize the public from high places in insider trading to affect the markets, to drive them down, to have the Plunge Protection Team stand back and not pump it up, to totally discredit world markets as world markets all over meltdown.
And now they're saying trillions of U.S.
taxpayer dollars, devaluing our currency and we've got to pay it back in taxes.
We'll now be used to buy up any foreign banks, any assets at full value they want for this select group of interbanks that are going to get all these assets.
This is the biggest bank robbery ever seen.
It's getting worse by the day.
It is just unbelievable.
You know, Ted Anderson, you've been doing this almost 30 years, to consciously deal
With the fact that they are involved in insider trading, that they have engineered all this, that they are plunging the markets yet again, that they are terrorizing the public into giving them unlimited power.
But the good news is the public, 90 plus percent, don't agree with them and the establishment is being revealed and exposed right now.
I wanted to drag you back in here and really get your take on all this, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, I can tell you right now, Alex, that's what's going on.
Right now, we the people, the United States, are financing the elite, like you said, the Federal Reserve System, their banking partners, which, I mean, a lot of people don't know this, but the Federal Reserve System is made up, is owned by the Federal Reserve Bank branches.
In order to be a Federal Reserve Bank branch, you have to have at least 2% of the Federal Reserve System.
You have to own that much of it.
And so the Citicorp, Wells Fargo, all these different, you know, Mellon Bank, Chase Manhattan, all these banks that are members of the Federal Reserve Banking System are part owners of this.
And what we have going on right now is we have the Paulsons coming in and saying, OK, we're going to buy up all this bad debt.
And take it off your hands so you guys can start trading amongst each other again.
You can trust, you know, right now there's a, you know, everything's all locked up because they don't trust each other's portfolios.
Nobody knows what they have or what it's worth.
How can we trade this?
And this whole system set up the way it is really does it.
It transfers the real value of what people worked all their lives for
And just basically dumps it in the hands of these people, and now they're asking for complete immunity to do it.
And the crazy part about it is, is Congress just handed it to them.
I mean, it is just absolutely absurd that if anybody else in the world or in the United States tried to do something like this, I mean, they'd be tried for many crimes, not just one.
I mean, just a whole long list of this.
And here they are, they're able to go in and they're able to buy all this stuff up,
Basically dump all the bad loans that were written on the end.
And by bad-mouthing the market for two weeks saying the world market was screwed, gonna plunge to depression, that destroyed remaining confidence when they'd already built the Ponzi scheme.
They're blowing out their Ponzi scheme to suck up all the pieces of the puzzle that are left because unlike a regular Ponzi, they don't have to run out of town with the money.
They get to now play the part of the savior and expand it into an even bigger
Ponzi scheme, German bank runs, all sorts of crises in Europe, crises in Asia, stock markets plunging all over the planet.
And these bastards, they engineered it all, Ted.
They did engineer it all.
They're ending up with all the real value.
That's the whole point.
I mean, the United States... They bail themselves out at the expense of Main Street and have the nerve to tell us that this was for us.
Yeah, that's what's going on, Alex.
That's exactly right.
Right now, they are saying that the people have gone too far into debt and the people have pushed themselves so far.
Well, it isn't the people that did this.
I mean, they set up this, first of all, this banking system to get money into the system.
We can't even have commerce here in the United States without taking on more debt from the Federal Reserve System.
And as we have more commerce, it becomes more debt to us.
And that's how the system works.
Now they're blaming the people because we went into debt.
They set up a financial system where it was very hard for the average person not to, and they said it was good and the thing to do.
It was all a massive setup.
Again, I'm looking at the news.
As it pours in, and they're probably going to try to terrorize people into even bigger bailouts.
They're saying they're going to bail out all these states, foreign countries, foreign banks, foreign insurance companies, brokerage firms, and they can decide to give it to whoever they want.
They're giving it to their own interest.
We have open insider trading sucking the treasury dry for generations in front of us.
It is so big, it is unspeakable.
Well, the flip side of that, Alex, is that you can't print prosperity.
And you cannot print wealth.
You can print money, but you cannot print wealth.
They just had a trillion dollar defense budget, doubling previous budgets.
They are whoring it all out.
It's going to devalue the dollar.
Before you leave us, Ted, for the internet audience only, I cannot stress enough, and you know me, what I'm privately doing, Restorable Food, everything, they are insane.
You have gold.
You have the French and Swiss francs, excellent coins, that dealers in the U.S.
can't even get.
That your foreign dealers are running out.
Thank God you've got some in your hand.
You've got Indians that you've got, but you can't even at this time get any more of.
For people that missed it earlier when I cut you short for David Icke, tell them what your suppliers in... You've been in this since 1980, 28 years.
You told me this morning, you were freaked out.
You said you have never seen it where all the major suppliers are out.
The gold and silver you've got could be all you're getting.
Usually it's like this, Alex.
I'll call my suppliers and they'll be waiting for me to place an order so I can do it.
And there's usually no restriction.
Right now, my suppliers are sitting there just running around like their tails cut off, looking for places to buy just the material that I'm short in.
And I'm asking them to take on positions right now.
I said, well, what can you put me into that I can actually have so I can deliver it to my customers?
He says, well, 20 francs I can still do right now.
I said, good.
Get me all you have.
What about the British Sovereign?
He says, right now I'm three weeks out on the British Sovereign.
I said, I don't care.
Get as many as you can.
Get them in here so I can get them to my customers.
You know, one of my hosts always says, hey, I've got 10 bags of Franklin halves.
I said, give me all 10.
Because I want my customers into silver, too.
I want them in it right now.
There's just too much risk in the banking system, and this fiat currency, and the stock market, and the bond market, and the annuities.
And Ted, you were telling me, I mean, it's like two weeks ago, the American Mint says, we can't buy enough gold.
We're suspending coining U.S.
coins for now, and they're sold out of the Buffalos, and you can't get Buffalos.
You got a few hundred last week and sold them in a few minutes.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen,
To explain this, they are suppressing the gold market, but it's still rising.
Gold's way up today.
But it should be at like $3,000 an ounce, most economists say, to 1980 inflation.
And then meanwhile, there's runs on it everywhere.
The public's starting to figure this out.
When the general public figures it out, you're not going to be able to get it at any price.
You were telling me earlier, the bullion's all sold out.
You're getting collectible coins that you're being able to sell at below bullion, because you bought them last week before gold raced up.
Well, that's right, Alex.
And then in addition to this, yeah, gold's up 30-some bucks right now.
And I picked up this stuff before it ran up.
And the other thing, too, is that, you know, I mean, you've got U.S.
Eagles gone from the marketplace.
Can't get them.
Maple Leafs, forget it.
You can't get Canadian Maple Leafs right now.
That Buffalo coin we talked about the other day, I mean, what did I sell?
A couple hundred of them?
You know, it's going to be tough to deliver any more further than I had to stop the sale on those things.
That's right.
That's right.
But right now, you have the Franks.
Tell us about the Indian coin.
Oh, that $10 Indian right now, usually the $10 Indian trades for about, I don't know, I guess about three to four times above its melt value, and right now it's practically trading at its melt value.
I said, well, what can I get in collector coin era?
So you're finding a few collectors that nobody noticed that are near melt right now.
These are insane deals.
Well, because here's what happened, Alex.
The economy's taken a big dive and people have been steering away from collector stuff and they've been going into the bullion.
So this stuff here, the bullion's gone up so fast, it's like people forgot about them.
And I've got about a thousand of these $10 Indians that I can sell at a price of about, hang on a second here, let me take a quick look again.
Where are they at?
I have $10 Indians right now at $670.
I mean, these things were like $3,500 here about five, six years ago.
And it's just totally distorted.
It's a gorgeous collectible coin.
It is.
It's close to melt.
Last week prices $800, $686, $2237.
He has European francs.
Those are Swiss.
Those are French.
Gorgeous little coins.
They even have some collector value at very close to melt at last week's prices.
He has the Indian, which is gorgeous.
And you have the Franklin half-dollar silvers, which are running out quick, you were telling me.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, the Franklin, like I said, there's just a small little supply that I have.
When I talk about 20 bags, some of you might think, well, that's a lot.
It's really not.
I mean, not for the kind of volume that we're doing, and not for the kind of volume that the market is doing right now.
Can you believe they terrorize the public into the bailout and look at the market plunging?
Oh, first of all, everybody assumed that was jumping into this thing, that everything was going to be hunky-dory if they did this.
Well, it's obvious that the United States dollar is going to be doomed because they're printing so much more money.
Oh, that's a foregone conclusion.
Yeah, it is just the beginning of the bailout, Alex.
Folks, while the money still has value, get into gold and silver now or you're insane.
Here's the number.
Now, what do they tell the brokers when they call so that they get last Friday's prices at thirty-something dollars cheaper?
All they have to do is call in and say, hey, look, I've heard it on the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Special.
You're going to get the prices that are definitely a better price because
I can tell you right now the market's higher.
And you can call everywhere across the United States.
I've had people call up and it's like, oh, how fast can I get it?
Well, it's going to take your check, it's going to get your yadda yadda.
They call another dealer and find out it's going to take them three, four weeks just to get the stuff shipped.
Ted Anderson has it.
Ted Anderson has it.
Now, Ted, you've got some other coins in your vault.
Either I have it right here in my safe, or it's being shipped to me right now.
But Ted, what is in your safe?
Because you told me you had a lot of stuff customers weeks ago had sold you.
I mean, I know there's a little of this, a little of that.
You want to do the offers of some smaller lots you've got?
Well, I tell you what, I really don't have much because of the demand right now, and I really hate to even say it.
I've got a small amount of some fractional gold coins.
You can ask for those.
I would really suggest, if you want to get into something, probably those $10 Indians are going to be one of your best buys.
Certainly, silver right now, I mean, is in such short supply.
It was in short supply coming into this.
Back when silver was about $3.50 an ounce, every mine that was in the direct production of silver pretty well shut down.
Only the by-product mines are still putting it out.
In other words, the people that had to pull... They were already mining for something else, and it was silver.
Yeah, like copper and magnanese and some of these other nickel, you know, these other products that need to be used in industry.
And silver just happened to be a small little section of whatever came out, so they sold what they had.
Right now, because all those mines shutting down and the government just won't let you set up a new mine.
I mean, strip mining just does horrendous work.
It's insane.
I mean, this market is so manipulated.
It should be at $3,000 right now.
You have trouble getting any of it, but the price is going up, but not like it should be.
You cannot beat these deals.
It also makes the whole network possible.
Midas owns, or is a partner with Genesis.
Ted owns both companies.
Fabulous guy to get your gold and silver from.
Ted, in two minutes, closing comments.
Yeah, just real quick, just take a look at what's going on in the world market right now.
It started last week in the national market.
You're seeing it here in the United States in this meltdown of all these big corporations.
Expect to see the equivalent of that over in Europe and that's going to just add a lot of fuel to the fire.
We're certainly looking at some really horrific times
And I just gotta say, you know, get your gold, get your guns, get your food storage, get your water filters.
Be prepared.
And not only just for you, but think about your neighbors around you as well.
Try to educate as many people as possible because it is a serious, serious time.
Now we're entering into Alex and I just, I can't say it enough.
I don't want this to be this way.
I fought so hard tooth and nail to try to get a sound currency system in here.
I must have put a hundred thousand dollars into the Ron Paul campaign trying to get people to wake up to airplanes and everything else.
I mean, if we had a gold standard right now, whose business do you think would slow down to practically nothing?
It would be mine.
People don't need to have gold if there's a gold standard.
I practically would have ruined my business if we got what I was asking for.
And I can tell you right now, my heart is with the nation.
I want to see this country... Oh, I'm the same way.
We have spoken out against the bankers, the bailouts, all of it, because we know... I mean, we're upset, and the Ted Niles say, yeah, we've been proving right about everything, but God, it's horrible.
Yeah, it isn't that... It's like having a doctor saying, this cancer's going to kill you.
We're not pleased with the fact that we were right.
No, not absolutely.
There's nothing good about what's going on right now.
We should be back.
I mean, that's really the one thing that is good that might come out of this is maybe just maybe the people of the United States of America will finally insist upon constitutional values here.
That would be the very thing that could possibly happen.
The other side of this is that Alex is going to play in like you're describing.
The elite is going to come in.
They keep on putting out, you know, there's problems and then they come in as the saviors and they end up taking more of our liberties away.
Hopefully the people are smart enough to wake up to this and stop it.
We have a Steve Watson article up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Ron Paul bailout on constitutional special interest force bill through Congress.
And he goes through the fact, and martial law was threatened last week.
People need to get this story out to people.
Can you believe, Ted, that I actually had a congressman on who said on the floor they were threatening him with martial law and basically abolishing Congress if they didn't go along with the bailout?
I mean, this is so criminal.
CNN's reporting they may use the army against the American people.
It's just sad.
It really is sad.
I mean, who would have ever... I mean, we've talked about this stuff for so many years, and people probably thought we were cuckoo, you know?
And here it is unfolding right in front of everybody's eyes, and it's just... It's not that, like you said, it's not that I want to be right.
I don't think you want to be right about this stuff either.
It's just that this is what's going on.
And when you tell the truth, and it finally comes to pass,
You know, and people wake up, oh my god, they're right about this.
You know, Ron Paul was right about having precious metals as money.
There's still people out there that don't believe that.
You know, it's crazy.
Well, look at this Bloomberg article I'm going to put on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're going to go ahead and go to 33 after so we can just skip the break and meet with rebroadcast as I was analyzing the total police state banking takeover in the first hour.
Key info if you missed it, then David Icke coming up.
Fed may see companies, states, as next crisis fronts, and they say, we're going to bail out states, meaning the banks with our money are going to buy, because they get the assets, any state stuff they want, any private companies they want.
I mean, this is so criminal, they get immunity, they take our money and buy stuff at full value for private institutions!
And then the public gets nothing!
I'm not for socialism, by the way, but if we're going to have it, it might as well be for the people.
I mean, Ted,
This is even worse than I thought it could be.
Well, just think about the deal that they offered.
Right now they can buy as much bad paper as they want to at a steep discount, and they can sell it back to the United States government at a profit.
Yeah, I don't even know.
I don't know how anybody can justify that.
Well, here's a report from the London Guardian.
Now Wall Street may shun $700 billion bailout.
And a bunch of other private banks and institutions are saying, this allows federal regulators to come in with money, and if we sign on to any of this, sometimes they force it.
Then we have no rights, and our company's taken over?
So see, there's also that, Ted.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I guess I didn't even think about that factor.
What if they decide to come in and take over the company that you're working for, or the one that you own?
It's craziness, man.
It is a complete 180 degree turn from what the Constitution says.
And if somebody has a crooked toenail, they will come after somebody in any business.
And now in the new bailout provision, global
Greenhouse taxes, carbon taxes, carbon cap and trade taxes, regulation.
They're going to change the whole tax code for this.
It's also in there.
People obsessed on some pork barrel.
Forget the 150 million pork barrel they tacked on.
That's nothing.
Folks, they have it with secret IRS spies, thousands of new agents setting up businesses, trying to set you up and catch you in a mistake.
Spies, the IRS running stings, having their own money for informants.
They can spend taxpayer money on themselves personally.
You couldn't make this up, Ted.
No, it's just so sad.
I mean, it is the worst piece of legislation that I've ever heard of.
And here it is happening right in our own lifetime.
And everybody in the United States said no.
Ninety percent, like you said, didn't want it.
And they did it anyways.
Where in the world of these senators and congressmen
You know, where their heads are, I have no idea.
Don't they have kids?
Aren't they concerned about this nation's future at all?
I mean, what, are they trying to stop a depression?
Are they nuts?
The engineer stopping a depression by fear-mongering about a depression?
No, they know that causes one.
They're blowing out the economy, as the IMF and World Bank documents say, so they can criminally, forcibly
Now, Ted, if somebody just has $6, they can call and buy a half-silver dollar, can't they?
They sure can.
If somebody wants to buy one Indian or one Frank, folks, that's how it starts.
And again, I only push what I believe in.
This is great gold at great prices, great silver at great prices, lower than it's currently selling for.
This is last week's prices.
This is such a good deal, it hurts the New World Order.
If the general public figured this out, you wouldn't be able to get it.
You can almost not get it now.
Give Ted Anderson and his brokers a call.
Tell them the Alex Jones Special on the Indians, on the Franks, on the Silver.
Ted, anything else?
No, that's just it.
I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there's problems right now, man.
I can tell you, I wish people were this excited about gold five years ago.
When the prices were so much lower, but I can tell you right now, with the package that we've been just handed by Congress, and watching what's going on with Europe, and knowing that our country is going to be helping bail them out, the United States dollar is going to lose a lot of purchasing power, and it's not going to be a little.
It really will resemble things like what we've seen in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Zambia, Russia, I mean, German Weimar Republic, it's all the same.
And when you start trying to print your way out of problems with the currency, it's done.
We're doomed.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
They think they can solve a depression, Alex Jones, by printing money.
No, they know!
They've made the decision to fully blow the economy out, set up a police state out of the riots that unfold.
They'll use that to scare the public into accepting NORTHCOM and the martial law.
But thank God we've been here warning people, so a lot of people listen to us and we have a lot of credibility now.
Ted Anderson, thanks for talking to us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
You bet.
John Harmon, you can go ahead and cut off the network link to us now for the InfoWars.com streams and the PrisonPlanet.tv folks.
I'm going to play a five-minute clip, by enough respect,
One of the best YouTube directors out there.
Remember a few months ago I did an analysis with pen and paper on the document cam here in studio of how the two-party systems keep you in a controlled paradigm from getting outside the box and seeing the big picture.
I want to encourage everybody listening.
We need to shatter the left-right paradigm and he's done a great job, put a lot of work into this.
If you go
YouTube, Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
It's How the Elite Control Politics is the headline.
Another headline on Prison Planet is How the Illuminati Control Politics.
You will see what's on the YouTube screen here.
Now, I'm not going to make this big screen.
I want you to go see it for yourself, but 62,000 people have seen this in the months since he put it out.
I didn't find this until last night.
We linked to it.
Another 10,000 watched it in the last few hours.
I need this to go mega viral, just like the article Paul Watson's doing today.
That I want to leave up prominently for a week about who to blame, the history of the banking collapse, how it was engineered.
That's also important.
When this five-minute piece is over, we'll rejoin the retransmission with David Icke and your phone calls and my analysis on the implosion as well.
But I want to go ahead right now and play this clip for everybody that is patiently
Patiently holding out there.
I'm streaming it off my laptop so the audio is not as good, but I want to thank enough respect and all the folks that are on YouTube doing things like this because that's how we're force multiplying.
That's how we're having a gigantic effect out there with people.
So I'm going to go ahead and play this video for everybody right now because it is just so vitally important.
And then for everybody else, we'll be back live tomorrow, 11 to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time, but when this ends, we'll go back into the audio stream retransmission.
So, overdrive ends in 5 minutes 50 seconds when this piece is completed.
I wanted to draw a picture for listeners out there, a very simple crude picture that describes effectively the false left-right paradigm.
The Republican Party props up the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party props up the Republican Party.
If you had one of the political parties standing on its own, standing on its own, when the wind came along, it would just fall over.
When pressure, revolutionary pressure from the population, not liking what's going on, or new groups wanting the power structure,
Which is the main source of revolution.
Most of it is driven by evil, just like the elite is driven by evil.
Very rare to have an altruistic revolution.
By itself, a single party system will fall over.
But, if you take the two party systems and you lean them up against each other, this is basically the arch.
Their force going together keeps them together and makes it become a very strong stable platform on which they can build their hierarchical new world order system.
So the current two-party system has been dominated and bought up and controlled by the elite that sits atop it.
Now the elite with a one-party system
would not be balanced on top of one party they would be subject to being toppled being pushed over easily but you put the two parties up against each other they form a royal arch and now it's very hard to separate those two because they're leaning up against each other
I mean, this is really simple, but I want to explain this to people.
Check it out, folks.
Why do you see so many leftists who mean well, like Rage Against the Machine, Tom Morello, or Henry Rollins, who are right on so many issues, but then believe in leftist policies?
We need a global carbon tax!
But there's an elite funding that.
No, no, no, the elite!
The big corporations are against it, because the media advertises that big corporations and oil companies are against it.
Henry Rollins doesn't know, doesn't have the documents.
He doesn't understand that actually that's part of a sophisticated game, that, oh, the big corporations say publicly, we don't want this, it's bad, while they actually fund it.
They know the public's awake to the fact that they're corrupt, so the public will be fooled and go and support the agenda.
It's, please don't throw me in the briar patch.
It's the old briar rabbit situation.
Here's the political field.
And this is where the population resides.
And then we supposedly, through the grassroots, come up into the political party.
And then they lean on each other, as I was saying earlier, and support each other.
If they're standing alone, the pressure of revolution or of new power structures will easily topple it and blow it over.
But leaning together, it's not going to fall down.
Now, I know that's simple, but let me give you an everyday example of this.
As I said, the left sees all of these evil mainline Republicans who we know are liars, and who the media even exposes as being liars.
They see them lying about everything else, so if the Republicans come out and say, we're against a global carbon tax, well then, by God, I'm for a global carbon tax.
And so that's how the two sides leaning up against each other
Give the other side support.
And so, Democrats over here, Republicans over here, Republicans attack Barack Obama.
And then the Democrats attack John McCain.
And then the population who's down here is trained to see John McCain as representing them personally, as being their daddy, of where their personal power comes from, of their camp, their brand name, their brand of soda, their brand of automobile, Ford or Chevy.
And so this is a controlled paradigm.
And so we have
We have Republicans attacking Democrats, and that's the force against them.
And you have Democrats attacking Republicans, and that's the force against them.
And really, it's one unit supporting themselves and containing revolution, so that the people who are down here never learn that there is a world outside of
This control paradigm.
We are locked within the left-right paradigm and then it becomes this huge pageant.
This huge distraction where we analyze every every facet of the two political parties never realizing they themselves are simply a front or puppets for a larger power structure.
Now this is incredibly simple but that's how this works and then the two parties can limit the issues that are debated to this control paradigm.
They can limit
The scope of differences, which if you look at it, there's almost no difference between the two.
Instead of getting the people to look outside the box at the wider world.
Okay, folks, that is the end of it.
We now go back into the transmission with David Icke and a lot more as I take phone calls and analyze what's happening with the markets.
We'll see you back live tomorrow, 11 to 3 p.m.
So much has happened today that we decided to go a little bit over 40 minutes, 41 minutes and 10 seconds, to be precise.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
Expose who's really behind this video on controlled politics.
You may know all about this stuff, but your friends and family don't.
So please, take this video, How the Elite Control Politics.
It's very simple.
It'll be very effective.
Get it out to people.
Thank you for joining us in the battle for the Republic and free humanity.
Take care.