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Name: 20081001_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 1, 2008
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Well, I'm really honored to have him with us for the next 60 minutes.
He is former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, star of Hollywood alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
Two of my favorite movies, The Predator and, of course, The Running Man.
Hi Alex, great to be here.
Looking forward to coming down to Texas at the end of October.
Absolutely, and before this hour ends, I'll tell people specifically about that event.
Out of the gates here, I didn't do any pre-interview, what do you think is most important to start off the hour with, sir?
You know, I don't know really.
I guess the economy right now, of which I'm paying, I think all of us are paying attention to it, trying I guess to figure out
The dilemma is does a bailout work or doesn't it work?
You know, you hear two sides to the story and it certainly puts you in a predicament of picking the lesser of two evils, which means you're still picking evil.
Well, let me throw in my two cents.
They are terrorizing the public with the President and others saying, do this or there'll be a depression.
Stuff like that from a Treasury Secretary and a President itself is firing a theater.
And then if you read the bailout plan, it gives them total immunity.
It allows them to basically be separate from the government with no oversight.
So really, I think the $700 billion itself is a distraction compared to the new powers it gives the Treasury.
Okay, well, I'll trust you on that one.
I've been involved in other things the last week or so.
If that's the case, then I fully do not support the bailout.
I think it's ridiculous because this bailout, if it indeed happens, should come with so many rules and regulations that it's as sound as anything you can imagine.
You can't be just taking money and handing people blank checks and telling them to fix it, because that leaves virtually no accountability.
It's kind of like how the war was run in Iraq.
We've certainly seen a lot of that.
We were lied about the war, we were lied to about so many other issues, and now the same crew.
Let me take the conflict of interest.
We have
We have Henry Paulson, who still has a big stake in Goldman Sachs, directing tens of billions of dollars a week into his own company.
I mean, how can he be doing that?
Well, you know, I guess the best answer to that, Alex, is that we've forgotten that the Constitution today is a thing of the past.
It's a document that doesn't exist anymore, which says there will be a separation of powers into three separate divisions.
And as I look at the country today, I see that that isn't happening at all.
You know, that we aren't a separation of power anymore.
There seems to be no checks and balances whatsoever, which is what the forefathers tried to put in when they created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, was that making it a system of checks and balances.
The problem is we've allowed people... I mean, I kind of laughed the other day when I heard Ralph Nader refer to George Bush as King George.
And a socialist.
I don't think Ralph is that far off with being able to say King George.
Well, I agree.
He's also pointed out that George Bush is more socialist than any president we've ever had.
He's just giving it all to the elite.
Oh yeah, completely.
You know, this is a bailout of wealthy, and their argument is that these are the people that provide the jobs so that it will have a trickledown effect to all of us, which
I have to assume there will be some correctness to it, but again, how do you bail out the top and trust what they're going to do?
You know, clearly, I find it very interesting that the very people that wanted to deregulate everything are the ones now leading the socialist bailout.
Governor Jesse Ventura will also talk about his book that's been on the New York Times bestseller list, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
He is our guest for the rest of the hour after this quick break.
Stay with us.
They allow the top and trust what they're going to do.
You know, clearly, I find it very interesting that the very people that wanted to deregulate everything
Governor Jesse Ventura will also talk about his book that's been on the New York Times bestseller list, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
He is our guest for the rest of the hour after this quick break.
Stay with us.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
You know, as a father and a husband, one of the enjoyable things in my life has been walking in at night and checking on my children, checking up on my wife, making sure she has the things she needs, but mostly providing for my family and knowing that they're secure, that they feel comfortable every day in their little skins.
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David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
Did you know that the rise of the sin time system is actually run behind the scenes by an invisible spirit being called Satan?
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He is causing the blindness of our people as to what is happening to them.
They can't comprehend.
We will lose our national sovereignty, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and all freedoms.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest for the rest of the hour.
There's so many issues.
To be discussed and to talk about.
But finishing up with the bailout, you know, the internationalists that run the banking system created these trillions in derivatives.
They tied it to our bank accounts, our 401Ks.
Now they're saying, come in and invest in this, or basically it's all going to implode.
And these are the same interests that have all been moving offshore.
And so, just in closing, any other thoughts on what's currently happening with the bailout that they are set to vote on in the Senate today, Governor?
Well, you know, again, we have to watch.
My thing to tell all the American people is be vigilant, man.
If you're not holding people's feet to the fire, you're going to get bad government.
And that's the problem in this country as a whole, is that we sit back, we live in our own little worlds, and we don't pay attention to what's going on with the nation.
And then by the time it catches us, we're basically caught with our pants down because we haven't paid attention at all.
You know, maybe the good thing that will come out of this whole bailout issue is that it will finally get the American people to rise up, take their heads out of the sand, and start paying attention, Alex.
Yeah, I don't want to go back to ancient history, but I sure wish you were running for Senate.
I don't blame you for not doing that, because you've got some other ways of getting the word out to the people staying in the fight, and we appreciate you not going back to Mexico to surf.
We know that's probably quite beguiling, but let's get into the fact that you are doing a pilot, and I know you're doing some other stuff, but I don't know how far you can go, Governor.
Well, I've got possibly two, three pilots in the hopper, but I always like to tell people that I don't discuss them in great detail until the first check clears the bank.
You're not a communist!
Because conspiracies have fascinated me for going on 20 to 25 years or better now, you know, starting off with the murder of John F. Kennedy and watching it evolve into everything else and now into the 9-11 conspiracies.
So I think it's very intriguing stuff and even for people that don't believe or don't want to or whatever it may be, it's still very compelling and interesting and to me it's truly better than anything like Tom Clancy could write or anything like that because in many ways real life
Yeah, I think so.
History is not recorded correctly, or history is misled, because then, generations from now, people will never get a clear picture of what went on.
And so, you know, delving into conspiracies, I think, is just great intrigue and great dramatic television.
And not only will it hopefully inform you, hopefully will entertain you at the same time.
Well, I know that the networks are very interested in this, because I've been approached many times with similar ideas by the networks, delving into the secret meetings, infiltrating them, basically exposing what's going on underneath the rocks of government and corporations.
And I can't think of a better person than the
Well, you know, that's going to be the intrigue of the show, as I said in the press release.
You know, I've been a mayor, I've been a governor, now I'm gonna get a chance to be a detective and to be able to go seek out the truth and hopefully go question people and get some answers.
I guess, you know, if I could... What's gonna happen in this show somewhat, I guess, for lack of any other better way to put it, I'm going to become somewhat of a Michael Moore of television, I guess, for this pilot.
But going after harder issues.
I'm going to go ask questions, people.
And I think my credibility precedes me to where they can't take me lightly.
I'm going to go simply ask questions.
Alex, when I was going through underwater demolition training, when we got to second phase, which was land warfare and demolition, when I went through, I had an instructor back then during the demolition phase at San Clemente Island.
And this instructor was a chief warrant officer, and he impressed me very strongly, with no reservations whatsoever, that there is no such thing as a dumb question.
Especially when you work with demolition.
Because not only can you kill yourself, you can kill your teammates along with you.
And so, I've gone through life with that premise in mind, that there is no dumb question.
A question certainly isn't dumb to someone if they don't understand it.
It's not dumb to them.
Well, that's the way that I've gone through life, and that's what the essence of this TV show is going to be, simply that there is no dumb question, and every question deserves an honest answer to it.
So, I'm going to be out and about asking some, you know, solid questions that I certainly don't consider dumb, and I don't think most people in America would either, and we'll see what kind of answers we can
Well that's what I was going to say, is that that's what quote conspiracy theory is, is the mainstream media and the dominant corporate culture.
Anytime you say, hey I think this bailout might not be a good idea.
They've been calling that a conspiracy theory.
Or, you know, I think that we need to question government more, or have more checks and balances, or there might be some corruption in government.
They call it a conspiracy theory.
So basically,
Anybody questioning the official paradigm is called a conspiracy theorist.
And we've seen the same thing, you know, going back to Galileo when he said that the Earth was orbiting the Sun, not the Sun orbiting the Earth.
You know, they called him a heretic.
And is that what's so suspicious about 9-11?
Is that you just ask questions and they stonewall and act so suspicious, Governor?
Well, and to me, that's the question we're going to try to pursue.
Why, if what they've told us is true, then, you know, there's that old quote, the truth will set you free.
Well, why would you have any fear of telling the truth?
Alex, I'd love to tell this story, if I may.
When I was running for governor, at the time it was very much in the early part, where there were six or seven candidates and they were holding debates throughout the state of Minnesota.
We're much different than Texas, where in Texas you get one debate.
Up in Minnesota, generally, you might get 12 to 13 of them.
And when we were at this one particular debate early on, we were seated alphabetical, so naturally I'm over on the far side.
I'll never forget all the seven or eight other participants in the debate came in with stacks of papers and spin papers and all this stuff, and I sat down with nothing.
And I remember there was a black woman, a civilian sitting to my left, and she quietly handed over to me a legal patent pen.
And I looked at her and I handed it back and I said, no thanks.
And she said to me, well, don't you think you'll need that?
And I whispered back to her, I said, when you tell the truth, you don't have to have a good memory.
And she looked at me and smiled and nodded.
She fully understood what I just said to her.
So in these debates, I didn't need all that stuff because in essence, every question I was going to be asked, I would simply tell the truth.
And if you do that, you don't need a good memory.
And so, that's what we're taking forward here, and people who will stonewall 9-11 will lie.
If what you're saying is true, then simply tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
Well, Governor, I mean, take the new NIST report.
They have now retracted their previous five reasons Building 7 fell, that 47-story structure, for those that don't know, that was hit by nothing that day.
And they've retracted that it was bad building construction.
They have retracted that a fuel oil tank blew up and did it.
They have retracted that the North Tower fell and gouged out 25% of the south face of Building 7.
And now they're saying a new phenomenon.
This is like seeing a leprechaun in your backyard.
It's a new phenomenon.
Never before seen.
Thermal expansion did this with 1,200, 1,500 degrees.
Cool fires made it symmetrically fall.
So they're just counting on the public, not looking at the evidence.
And I'm here to tell everybody, and I want to get your take on this, the new NIST report has completely and totally backfired on them.
Well, the last report I saw, and correct me if I'm wrong, the last report I saw from them on Building 7 stated that they said that the fuel in the building, the diesel, was not responsible.
They said the fire that destroyed the building was basically furniture and papers burning.
Yes, and they say it's never happened before.
That was their final line on the report that I saw, and Alex, I looked at it and started laughing.
I thought, wait, how could they possibly?
They're telling me that papers and furniture could cause a steel-structured, girdered building to uniformly collapse in seven seconds?
Alex, if that's the case, then what is being done?
Because clearly, in that era of time, when that building was built, there were probably hundreds of others built throughout our country and the world.
Shouldn't there be steps taken to ensure public safety if merely a fire with furnishings and paper can cause the total collapse of a 49-story skyscraper?
What is being done about that?
Federal agencies then put out new guidelines last month telling them to build buildings differently and major engineering firms and groups are now suing the federal government saying this isn't true, this isn't reality, and they're saying if this is the case then a BIC lighter would be able to burn down a building and we don't need controlled demolition companies anymore.
Well, and that's the truth.
I said that from day one when I read this.
I said, well, the way they can prove this to me is the next time a building has to fall or come down, let's simply go light it on fire.
Let's not bother with any demo or any demolition professionals to come in.
Let's simply light the building on fire.
There's certainly, if furniture and paper can make a building completely collapse in seven minutes, we don't need any demolition.
Do we, Alex?
No, we don't.
Governor Ventura, I don't want you to go too far on the pilot.
You told me some of it behind the scenes, and boy, let me tell you, is it going to be powerful.
But the particular angle you're going to be going at, I think is very effective and hasn't been done yet, you know, even by a lot of alternative media, much less the mainstream.
Well, you know, that's one of the things we're looking forward to, and I'm not going to spring it right now, because, you know, this is the mechanism we're going to go after it as.
And I hope that it is, because one thing I've always been accused of, good or bad, is they've always told me when I was a mayor or governor that no matter what issue came up, that I always had a unique perspective on how I view an issue.
And so, we're going after a little different perspective of 9-11 here, and I think it will be very entertaining as well as back-finding, and I think people are going to find it very, very interesting if we see the light of day.
Alex, I've already warned every people, all the people that I'm working with at The True Network, I've warned them that I still give it only a 50-50 chance that this show will see the light of day.
Well, I don't want to insert myself into the mix, but yeah, the exact same TV show was pitched to them right as it was turning into true TV.
We even have the intro trailer to the pilot that was made.
I never really talked about it on air because I figured it wouldn't see the light of day.
But I think in the last year and a half, so much has changed, Mr. Ventura.
And frankly, you bring a lot more gravitas than Alex Jones does.
You know, movie star, governor, you know, all these other issues.
I think
I mean, I had the executives tell me at three different networks, including the one you're working with, and I know you're working with several others too, it's the same deal, and I had them tell me, they go, look, we know this is what people want, we know this will get ratings, but then from up above, you know, up above programming, even above, you know, the vice presidents, were the big money people saying, we're not going to have that anti-New World Order stuff on here, we're not going to legitimize it, and that's why the mainstream media is being delegitimized.
Well, all I can say is my show coming up has nothing to do with the New World Order.
Yeah, you know, this is just a case of, you know, there's a lot of questions that still loom out there, and we're going to give both sides of the issue.
I want people to understand that, too.
We're not just coming at this show with the perspective in mind that, okay, this is what we're going to promote, this is the way we're going.
We are going to the people that, like at NIST, that
Well, the viewer will see all things, and ultimately the viewer will have to make up their own mind as to what they do or do not want to believe.
Well, Governor Ventura, my whole point is this, to make it clear.
I think this is an idea whose time has come, and I frankly can't think of a more perfect person than yourself, very imposing and intelligent, basically stomping around, going after bad guys and investigating things.
Let me ask this, Alex, so everyone, all your listeners will be clear.
Do you remember the great film, Philadelphia, with Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks?
Yes, the film with... Where Tom Hanks is the lawyer who contracts AIDS, and then goes to Denzel, who's kind of this slipshod lawyer who advertises on TV that we always see, and seeks him out to defend him in this major, major case.
Well, the part I took home from that more than anything is also the attitude I'm going to bring to this show, so that all your listeners will be clear on this.
There's a scene in there where Denzel Washington turns and says these words.
He says, explain it to me like I'm a six-year-old.
Do you remember that from the film?
He makes that statement, explain this to me like I'm a six-year-old.
Well, that's the aspect I'm taking forward on this.
Explain it to me like I'm a six-year-old, so that we will all be able to hopefully clearly understand what these people are talking about, because I think for the most part, most of us feel that if it were explained to a six-year-old, we would be able to grasp it.
Well, I want to get more into 9-11.
Let's talk about, you told me that it was great meeting Karen Johnson out in Phoenix when you were there visiting, when you went to the 9-11 truth event and spoke there.
And I love the video of the media trying to attack you and you throw it right back at them and say, you explain it to me because the official story doesn't answer any of the real questions and even the 9-11 Commission says they weren't allowed to even do their job.
Well, I'll tell you, there's some dedicated people is the first thing I want to say.
You know, Senator Karen Johnson,
To me, she shows tremendous courage because she's a current elected official who is making no bones about the fact that she feels that the 9-11 investigation was completely botched and that there certainly should be a second investigation done, even though at this point in time it would be exceptionally difficult because, as I stated earlier, there's no evidence.
It's all been destroyed.
So nobody can go there and get anything scientific
It's good to see you.
Not only do you have a strong group of young people, whom you would expect.
I grew up in the 60s, so I know what it's like for young people to bolt from the status quo.
I grew up in the generation that we used to say, don't trust anyone over 30.
I remember that famous quote.
And, you know, so you've naturally got young people that are heavily involved.
But then there are also professional people out there who are involved, people who you wouldn't expect to be involved, who have taken time and studied it a little bit.
And I think that's really the thing that needs to happen in this country.
We've got to break away.
I had a guy the other day just look at me and smile, and he's at the golf club, and he said, I don't believe any of that conspiracy stuff.
And I looked at him and I said, well, what knowledge do you actually have?
What have you done to study it at all?
Are you simply going on what the television has told you?
And what the government has told you?
And you just blindly accept that today?
And this guy was a Vietnam veteran, Alex.
I would expect him to be a little bit more cynical.
You know, in light of the fact that he now revealed the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.
They don't want to.
Maybe it's because they don't want to believe anything else, but that isn't the attitude to have, and that's not going to do us any good, because, you know, you can stick your hole in the head, but it doesn't mean things are going to go away and they're going to be right.
The only way that happens is by people being involved, paying attention, and doing a little detective work on their own, and understanding that you cannot trust the mainstream media today, and you cannot trust our government today.
Absolutely, and it's the denial that there could be corruption or there could be a problem that has allowed the corruption to take over.
History shows you're always going to have corrupt groups and criminal organizations and elites trying to take over and set up empires and abuse the average person's rights and liberty and property.
And so to deny
Alex, let me throw this out for a minute.
The other thing I find so mind-boggling in this whole affair of 9-11
Is the fact that we will so quickly believe that 19 Islamic radicals with box cutters could do what happened that day, but we totally throw out that us on the Christian side could never do something like that.
Oh, that's a great point.
In fact, let's keep talking about 9-11, then I want to get into your book, and I want to talk about what's coming up in Austin with yourself and William Nelson and I, and a lot more, and maybe take a few calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be right back in three minutes.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alright, let me talk to Ventura.
Oh, that's a great point.
In fact, let's keep talking about 9-11, then I want to get into your book, and I want to talk about what's coming up in Austin with yourself and William Nelson and I, and a lot more, and maybe take a few calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be right back in three minutes.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings in war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to get back into 9-11 in just a moment with Jesse Ventura.
And yes, I'm going to take a few calls for the Governor.
I'll come up in about 15 minutes.
Kind of a grab bag to see what type of questions you have for the good Governor.
We'll talk about his book, too, before he leaves us.
And he is coming to Austin.
I really look forward to that.
It doesn't get any cooler than getting to hang out with Jesse Ventura.
I'm really excited about it.
And Willie Nelson at the same time and a bunch of others that I'm not at liberty
These are the stories you hear in Whispered Conversations.
We're both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
It's so sick that we can't talk about that.
One would think it wouldn't take very long for that to happen, dealing with people like this.
These are the stories that offer different explanations.
These murders have killed every monster you can imagine, and I do this because I'm the lead in this country!
They are the stories that must be told.
Suspicion of our politicians is not new.
But the number of citizens who distrust the government today has reached an alarming new height.
In New York City, nearly two-thirds of the population believes there is more to 9-11 than has been told.
I believe the title was Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
But where can viewers turn?
American Conspiracy.
Our nation's preeminent conspiracy expert, radio host Alex Jones, takes us beyond the stock stories of the mainstream media.
He asks the questions others won't consider.
Have you been there for the ceremony with the cremation of Carys?
Frankly, I don't think that's something I need to talk to you about.
He explores the places others only talk about.
You're beginning to sink deeper into the rabbit hole now.
He takes us through the doors others won't enter.
Okay, I'm beginning to imagine what we're going to discover.
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Alex Jones uncovers America's darkest secrets.
You need to answer real questions instead of lies.
It is the X-Files, unscripted, all the more frightening, because it is real.
Alright, it goes on from there, but Governor Ventura, what do you think of that?
You got me hooked, I'm ready to watch.
You know, my wife, last night I was telling her about this and she just got so excited.
Frankly, I think you're going to do 20 times better because you're going to be the producer.
And I know you don't want to give us too many hints, but if it gets picked up, what are some of the areas you're going to get into?
Obviously, JFK, because isn't that what originally woke you up more than 30 years ago?
Yeah, you know, there's certain aspects to the JFK murder that can still be looked at even today.
There's certain things that could be done which could shed a great deal of light as to what went on, you know, 40 some odd years ago.
You know, I have the tape of E. Howard Hunt saying he ran the operation.
Well, there's things of that nature, but there's other stuff, too, out there that I will get into.
But JFK, you know, it could lead us to many, many different things that, you know, people have questions about and that there are conspiracies of.
You know, there's a lot of interesting things that deal around Scientology and that religion.
In order to craft skull and bones, I might need a whole seal platoon.
Alex, what?
Wait a minute, I want to ask you something.
Skull and Bones, now that's like the secret society at Yale University?
The Skull and Bones, that's what they do?
Well, isn't George Bush part of that?
Yes, it's very Christian.
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
How can that be Christian?
Well, let me tell you, Bohemian Grove that I snuck into, I'm sure you've heard of that in Northern California, the mainly right-wing Christian leaders go there and they bus in male prostitutes.
I mean, I'm not... I know you're not attacking them either for their sexual preference, but why are they so hypocritical, Governor?
Well, I don't know nothing about that, but it's hypocritical if it's true.
I mean, Alex, sometimes you go to places that even I don't know exist.
Oh, I don't know a thing about any of that.
Alex, you know what?
You better let me just stick to what I know about and focus on that and get me off track with all this other stuff.
I won't know whether I'm coming or going.
I know.
Well listen, you know a lot about stuff I don't know about, and you're in a very powerful position.
And kind of like two years ago when I gave you Terror Storm, I would love to just be an unofficial advisor and just, I mean, I could send you so much stuff that's admitted, sir.
Well, like I said, we're going to do this first pilot, and then we go, let's get this one on the air, and once this one's on the air, hopefully we will be brought into series, and at that point we'll be looking for a lot more stuff to educate and entertain the people on.
Lord Ventura!
As I said, Alex, we've got to do it one step at a time.
No, I know, I know.
Right now, my focus is to do this pilot and make it as good, entertaining, to give people knowledge and to make people question some things and give them enough facts to the ability to raise some questions and ask them and not be afraid to do it.
We're supposed to be in a free country.
Let's always remember that.
We're supposed to have the First Amendment here.
Well, you know what Mark Twain said?
Mark Twain said in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And you really are a great patriot, one of the biggest names to go public for 9-11, and it is becoming more and more mainstream thanks to you and so many others.
What is it like to see the phenomenon of government-sponsored terror becoming more and more accepted, sir?
Well, you know, we've got to wait and see.
Let's see the chips fall and let's see the education take place.
Hopefully that's what this show will help to do.
As I said, I've got my fingers crossed that the courage will be there and that it will get on the air.
The True Network, I think, has seen, somebody told me, 90 million homes today or 100 million homes.
It's 91 million.
That starts the ball rolling.
It's one of the biggest cable system shows and networks out there, and I tell you, they're lucky to have you.
I'm just so excited about it.
I mean, Jesse Ventura, conspiracy investigations, it doesn't get any better than that.
Getting back into 9-11, there are so many facets to it, but some of the areas that they can't ignore is the White House lying and saying, we never heard of plans to fly planes into buildings.
What gets me the most, Alex, is when I watch Condoleezza Rice testify at state.
We had no idea they would take planes and use them as missiles into buildings.
I don't know.
I'll tell you what insults my intelligence.
I'm in Austin, Texas.
The main network's in Burnsville, Minnesota.
And we have problems about three times a year.
And it's when we have somebody big like Jesse Ventura.
In fact, the last time it happened was when he was on.
And you probably can't hear it, Governor, but somebody's cutting into the line.
John, I want to switch to the other ISDN right now.
I don't know if you're hearing that crackling.
It's switched.
Okay, it's switched.
Yeah, Governor, a lot of weird stuff going on here on our end, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence that somebody cuts our digital lines only when you're on the show.
Well, maybe it's coming from my end, too, because, you know, I wrote about that in my book.
You know, the house that I lived in at the time I was Governor, it turned out that there's pretty big, strong evidence that my lines were capped there.
And after all, Alex, let's remember, our Democrats gave the President the ability to do that again.
And after all, Alex, let's remember, our Democrats gave the President the ability to do that again.
She's already been checked in.
She goes in and eats.
She goes in, the door's cracked.
There's a guy in a suit over her phone putting a device in it.
He screws the top on and runs out of the room past her.
And then of course you talked about what happened at your house.
Tell folks about that again.
Well, you know, we have a system set up where, as the governor in your private home, they give you this red phone that, even if it's knocked off the hook, it will ring automatically the local police, who will come running, which is a good idea.
You know, you don't even have to speak into it.
If the phone is knocked off the hook, that sends a message right to the local police, and they're coming.
But when they install that,
We always had weird clicking on my regular phones and it was so bad it became laughable where my in-laws would automatically state, well, I guess if you're out there, we're talking again.
You know, that type of thing.
And then when I ended being governor, we found a little transformer type thing out on my deck one day that a friend of mine said, who used to do that for the phone company when ordered to, said that that had something to do with, you know, a listening type device.
And then the guys who came out to then rewire my phones back up after the red phone was taken out and all this other stuff, they came up just baffled.
They said, we've never seen phone wiring like this in all the years we've worked on them.
So that's all I can go on, Alex, is that it was a very strange situation, to say the least, my four years in office.
Well, you know, you've told this story, but you never got into much detail here.
Can you briefly get back into one of your first days at work?
You go to the Capitol and there's 23 CIA people in your office, but they won't tell you who they are.
They won't tell... Well, no, they weren't in my office.
They were in the Capitol basement.
Yeah, and let's put it in the right thing.
They requested, quote, requested that I come down and interview with them.
You know, I don't want to say they ordered me to because there was no one that said I had to, but I, being former military and, you know, new to the job, I felt that I guess this is my obligation if the CIA wants to talk to me and I'm the governor of the state of Minnesota, I certainly should talk to them.
So, when it arrived, I went down into the bowels of the Capitol, into this closed room, and I sat in a chair, and they were in a big half-moon circle around me.
Let me also say, they were very professional.
They were very courteous.
They always addressed me as my title, Governor.
All the formalities were there.
I guess the scariest thing about it, Alex, was this.
As I looked around the room at these 23 people, I saw my neighbors.
And what I mean by that is, you would never guess in your wildest dreams that these were CIA operatives, which is their job.
So, obviously, they recruit and they do it very well, because some of the people I looked at would look like the old retired guy down the street that would sweep a step.
Others were younger people, others were professionals, others were blue-collar.
They came with an entire cross-section of what you'd call America.
Amazing, yeah.
And then, of course, I was a little belligerent, being who I am, and I said before I answer any of your questions, I have a few for you.
One of them was, I asked them why they were operational within the United States when
When their orders are that they're not to be operational.
It's a federal law.
It's a felony.
Well, clearly that law isn't enforced because they're entrenched in Minnesota government.
As I talk about in my book.
And what do they say to you?
They wouldn't, really.
They avoided the question pretty much.
I said, your mission statement says you're not to be operational in the U.S.
What are you doing here?
So how did it end?
It was much like when I went through SEER school, survival, escape, resistance, and evasion when I was a frogman.
Well, when they interrogate you there, my actual rate was storekeeper, which is supply.
So I would tell them I'm a storekeeper, I work in supply.
I hand out blankets and requisition parts.
Although I was actually a Navy SEAL, never worked in supply at all.
But in those days you had to go up in rank with a regular Navy rank.
And so I was a storekeeper.
And maybe that's the way it is for these people, too.
That they can make up and not actually do what they tell them to do.
But didn't you say the meeting basically ended there because they wouldn't answer the questions?
Oh, no, no.
Not at all.
It didn't end there.
I took their questions, and amazingly, all their questions dealt around how I got elected.
They wanted to understand how you came out of left field.
And that's their job.
It's like when I went home that day and I called my friend Dick Marcinko, you know, the creator of SEAL Team 6 and a 30-year Navy SEAL.
Dick dealt with the CIA a whole lot more than I ever did.
And I was only in active duty four years.
Dick was in there 30-something.
So I called Dick to ask him about it.
He started laughing.
He said, well, I don't know exactly, but I can throw a guess out.
And I said, well, your guess is going to be better than mine.
Fire it.
He said, they didn't see you coming.
And he said, their job is to report trends.
They want to find out are there
There's going to be six more of these independent governors that might win?
What's going on in the country?
Because that's what their job is to do.
Gather intelligence, present it to the government, so that the government can then make a determination in an educated movement on how they want to react to it.
Well it's hard to believe, Governor, it's hard to believe that we are already right up to the final segment and I know you've got to go.
Maybe I can twist your arm for five more minutes in the next hour so we have time to take four or five calls on the other side.
Plus I want to get into the awesome events coming up and plug the book.
We'll be back in three minutes with Governor Jesse Ventura.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our news websites.
Stay with us.
As a parent, your biggest fear... Well, it's hard to believe... Governor, it's hard to believe that, uh...
We are already right up to the final segment, and I know you've got to go.
Maybe I can push your arm for five more minutes in the next hour, so we have time to take four or five calls on the other side.
Plus, I want to get into the awesome events coming up and plug the book.
We'll be back in three minutes with Governor Jesse Ventura.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our news websites.
Stay with us.
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Let me tell you, the best part about my job is that I get to see people really wake up.
To government-sponsored terror, to corruption, to so much, and to see people all over the planet waking up, and to know that we are on the real cutting edge.
And that I get to associate with people like Willie Nelson and Jesse Ventura, and the former German Defense Minister Andres Van Bielow, and the Italian President.
Former Italian President's gone public saying it's an inside job.
People like Bill Christensen, CIA Section Chief in Berlin, who says it's an inside job.
Bob Baer, who says it's an inside job on this show.
The guy that made Syriana about CIA black op commander.
You know, we are going against the flow, but we're starting to turn people around and wake them up.
Governor Ventura, your book has been on and off the New York Times bestseller list.
If anybody hasn't gotten it, they need to get it in bookstores everywhere.
Don't start the revolution without me.
That said, I am looking forward to hanging out with you for a day and a half.
Here in Austin.
For those that don't know, I'll go ahead and announce the details.
The 26th of October.
The backyard.
The last time.
Because we're moving to an even bigger facility.
This one holds 18.
It's outdoors.
I mean, this one holds 8,000.
And we're going to be having it streaming live for free on the internet at InfoWars.com.
It's Willie Nelson's idea.
The thing is so popular that even when Willie said, come to the event, it was almost sold out then.
So it's sold out.
You might go to Scalpers to get in, but regardless, it'll be free on the web.
Austin City Limits is going to be there putting it out all over the country.
They're going to be taping it for that.
A bunch of other media is going to be there, and so you'll definitely want to watch that for some surprises.
Governor Ventura, do you like Austin, Texas?
You've been down here quite a few times, I think.
I enjoy Austin, Texas very much.
In fact, I would tell you this and I hope I don't offend the rest of the Texans, but if I were to ever move to Texas, Austin would probably be the prime place where I would look because I love the blues and I love
I love Stevie Ray Vaughan, and the whole Austin area down there is a magnificent area.
It's fun to come and visit, and I'm looking forward to coming to the 26th.
Well, if you like Double Trouble and the fabulous Thunderbirds, Jimmy Vaughan is going to be playing at the event, and he is a listener of the show.
He's been a guest here.
He lives in Austin.
Have you ever met Jimmy Vaughan?
He's a fabulous guy.
Yeah, Jimmy was up at the Ron Paul thing here.
That's right, he told me about that, absolutely.
Jimmy and I talked at the Ron Paul convention, the counter-convention up here in the Twin Cities at the Target Center.
Well, it's a small world, and I'm just honored to be associated with people like you and Mr. Vaughn and others.
God, it's exciting to be on the side of good.
I feel sorry for those that are involved in corruption and bad, because I guess they don't have a conscience or they just don't care, because I love being part of the good guys.
What about you, Governor?
Well, I don't know necessarily.
You've got to remember something.
I was a villain for all those years in wrestling, so I like to cause trouble, too.
Well, I played a villain.
Everyone hated me, Alex.
They paid their hard-earned dollars to get my butt kicked.
You know, when you put it that way, Alex, then you're not always on the side of right and justice, because I was a villain.
Hogan was supposed to be the all-American boy, not me.
No, you know, people understand that, that that's, you know, in the world of pro-wrestling, you're... And much like politics, I think they parallel.
I talked about this at Harvard.
The fact that what you play in the wrestling ring may be nothing like what you're like in real life.
And I think many of the politicians are that way.
What they portray to you in public is nothing like they really are behind the scenes.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Dream Media.
Alright, final segment with Jesse Ventura.
Let's go ahead and go to Bruce in Connecticut.
Bruce, go ahead, you're on the air with the Governor.
Hi, I got a story about Building 7, why it collapsed.
After Towers 1 and 2 collapsed, it felt so depressed, it just gave up.
Well, that's as good a conspiracy theory as the government story, Governor.
I agree, you know, I haven't looked at that yet, but if there's any witnesses that heard that being said from the building, I'd sure like to hear about it.
Well, even better than that, let me throw this one at you.
Do you know that today, you still, today, cannot get Lee Harvey Oswald's tax return?
Hey, listen, I went to the embalmer's office.
He lives here in town.
He's still alive.
And he talked about the FBI guys came in, put his fingerprints on the gun, walked off, and then said on the news his fingerprints were on the gun.
And then I was going to go back and interview him again, and he got ran off the road that day and almost killed at ninety-something years old, so now he can't do the interview.
So this is not a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you, Bruce.
Robert in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Robert.
Good day, gentlemen.
Hi, Robert.
Okay, as an old Navy person like Jesse, you know, my father served in the Navy, my brother served in the Navy, I served in the Navy, my uncle served in the Navy, my other uncle served in the Marines.
And his brother's Jackrabbit served in it.
What's your point?
Yeah, my point is that, well, for one thing, I'm glad that Jesse's getting a new project started off with a more broader view of just our conspiracy theories so we can actually go through these things.
One by one, and I hope it does take off on the ground.
The other thing is that I'm glad other people are waking up, but you know, I've been doing this since 1979, just telling people, you know, getting the looks, getting the stares, you know, since I was in the Navy.
So it's a hard road battle that we have to keep going, you know, and just not give up.
It is, Robert, I hear you.
Yeah, what about going the distance, Governor?
I mean, you know, the truth will out if the good men stand up, won't it?
Well, you'd like to believe that, Alex.
You know, we live our lives believing those things, but I guess I'm a realist, too.
I've already come to the realization that in my lifetime, the Minnesota Vikings will never win the Super Bowl.
No, and I say that in the fact that you're fighting a very, very difficult battle here when you're fighting people that want to censor things and won't allow the truth to come out, and when they have the power to where they can take things, put them away for long periods of time.
All of Rudy Giuliani's papers now are locked up for 25 years.
What is the story with that?
The point is, he was in public service.
Everything he did as a mayor should be public knowledge.
I released every document of my four years in government, are now in the Minnesota State Archives.
Anyone can go over there and read anything they want.
They said Governor Ventura's administration was so forthcoming, even the bad stuff is in there.
Well, that's my, and that's the sound of a good guy, that's my final question.
Are you thinking about running for president in 2012?
Not at this time.
I've got other things.
I've got other fish to fry.
I've got a pilot to get off the ground and possibly two more.
And there's a whole lot of other stuff I could do in the next year or two before I would even entertain anything in 2012.
And so next you're just going to be working on the pilot coming to Austin on the 26th in the backyard with Willie Nelson, myself, Jimmy Vaughn, and others.
And then hopefully I'll be doing two more pilots and then at some point I will go to Mexico, Alex.
I don't dream it, I do it.
That's my break.
See, I'm like a good baby seal.
I attack, I hit my target, and then I go drink beer and relax for a while.
Well, I used to.
In the days when I was in the Navy, I did.
I don't dream it, I do it.
That's my break.
See, I'm like a good baby seal.
I attack, I hit my target, and then I go drink beer and relax for a while.
You don't drink beer.
I've been around you.
You don't drink.
Well, I used to.
In the days when I was in the Navy, I did.
Hey, Governor, you're the best.
Let me say bye to you off air, and everybody else will be right back.
Thank you, Governor, for spending time with us.
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We have to work the dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
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There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
Take your calls in this hour, cover the latest financial developments, and then... We've got a big guest coming up in T-minus 50 minutes.
T-minus 50.
We've got some other huge guests in the fight against the New World Order next week.
I've got to dig around here in my stack.
I had all this stuff printed up on my next guest last night, and so much has piled up here.
I was digging around during the first of the Ventura interview looking for it, and now I can't find it.
I just can't do it all.
I'm trying to do stuff during the breaks, and it's just turned into a total insane asylum here at the office, but I'm exhausted after that interview.
I've got another one coming up, but a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that I know that I can't tell anybody about.
You've got the Depression coming on and all these neat things happening.
For those of us in the fight against the New World Order, we're gaining so much ground right now, but also the enemy is just expanding.
That's why we're gaining ground, because people are finally figuring out the reality of what we've been talking about for so long.
Yeah, I have him in bug inventory with a lot of my videos and materials and stuff.
He's already got a lot of them, but I need to just, I need to give him a crash course in all this stuff.
Because he's a great guy, but, um, like with the bailout and a few things, he wasn't, you know, he didn't trust him, he wasn't for it, but he wasn't up to speed on a lot of it.
And, uh, but what do you expect?
He's a busy guy.
What do you expect for the general public?
Let's, uh, take some phone calls, then I'm gonna regroup here and, uh, get into some of the other news.
That I have here in front of me.
Omar in Canada, sorry you didn't get on with Ventura, go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing Alex?
Yes, you've been talking about neo-feudalism and I'm really starting to see the parallels now with what you're saying.
You had a guest on there before talking about how these government agencies basically have put a letter of marque
Honest, you know, and you think about like a cop or the Ministry of Transport, every time you go down the road, they're standing at the side looking for a handout.
And I don't see any difference.
You know, it really does look like we're going back into, you know, imperial British rule to me.
You know, things like these marine recruiting centers, they're nothing more than
Oh, I meant to ask Ventura about the Army announcing they're going to use Northcom in regular operations against the American people.
There were so many questions that I had mentally thought about, but forgotten to get to with Ventura on air.
Drat, drat, double drat.
But I can have him in studio the Sunday he's here.
Because the Willie Nelson doesn't go on stage until like 10.30 at night.
We're giving our speeches at like between 9 and 10 and at the event and he's here all day.
He comes in the day before that and I'm going to be taking him around town and he's staying basically with us but
I need to get him on air and ask him questions like that because he's got a military background.
A lot of people listen to Ventura that won't listen to me just because they know Ventura and don't know myself.
But, no, I'm glad you bring that point up.
Well, someone had asked him at one of his book signings when he was kicking around the idea of running for office, would he abolish the Federal Reserve?
And he said, that'll get you a bullet in the head.
I, you know, I understand because I'm not the one with the CIA target on my forehead.
Yeah, Ventura,
It knows a lot more than he lets on.
San Antonio Police Chief they tried to buy off, other officials they tried to buy off.
There's a huge, covert, black-op government all around us, and that's evidenced by the former mayor of Minnesota, who kept quiet about it for many years and just now wrote about it.
Alex, I wanted to ask you, do you have any information on the history of the symbol of the dollar?
What, the all-seeing eye?
No, the dollar bill.
Well, I mean, it has an all-seeing eye on it.
Well, you know, it's a mess with the bars.
Someone had told me years ago, this was his take on it, and I thought it really hit the mark.
The F stands for slavery or serfdom, and the two bars are the single bars, the bars of imprisonment.
If you do a Google search, you'll find that the history of it is quite mysterious.
Yes, you're on air.
They know the history of the pound and the lira, but the dollar bill symbol just suddenly appeared at the beginning of your republic.
And nobody really knows what the origins of it are, although they make some assertions it's associated with the Spanish, you know, gold bullion or something like that, which really doesn't make sense.
I just thought what you wondered.
Maybe some monetary historian can call in and let us know.
Thanks for the call, Omar.
Yes, very interesting.
Christian in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
All right.
If you hear me, get a Bluetooth thing.
Loud and clear.
All right, great.
You're good on history.
I do want to know, like, what role did, like, he did have to do with, like, all the... Well, I shouldn't have said it loud and clear, because it's kind of hard to understand you now.
Uh, Christian.
Are you on a speakerphone, Christian?
No, I got Bluetooth on my ear.
Can you hear me now?
Go ahead and make your point, sir.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, I just wanted to ask you a quick question on history.
Like, what, you know, what, uh, what kind of, what kind of role, like, African, African society played on, like, the, uh, the Freemasons and stuff?
What societies?
Ancient Egypt?
Yes, ancient Egypt.
I'm going to let you go because that Bluetooth isn't working too well.
It's very hard to understand you.
I can get pieces of it.
Yes, there are several branches of history, but you had esoteric ancient mystery religions based in the Tigris Euphrates in Babylon, based in the Nile Delta in Egypt, and based in Greece.
And they basically all worshipped the planets, and they had similar names for the planets.
And, you know, they had a God of the Harvest, and a God of the Sun, and a God of the Winter, and a God of the Crocodile, and a, you know, God of this and God of that.
And they worshipped the reproductive cycle in the male and female reproductive organs.
A dome, or capital, is worshipping a heaping stomach of a woman with a chastating baby.
uh... the obelisk or towers are the male phallus or the male sexual organ member and uh... then that got passed on and then you had the dark ages that came after the fall of rome in four ten and before that the sacking and burning of alexandria and the library there and so one of the only groups that actually kept
All of that written down and documented and had private libraries kept by the Levitical Guild or the Levitical Priest of the family of the tribe of Levi, a subgroup of the Hebrews.
Or what is known as the Jews today, they kept all those ideas.
And the Torah is the Old Testament, but then you have the Talmud and several other books that came after that, that are kind of like the Orthodox Jews New Testaments, separate from the Gentile New Testament, and in those you just see codified
The history of Babylon, Greece, Egypt, and those ideas, systems of governing, systems of mathematics, things that were very, very valuable, propaganda tricks that had been learned.
And so that's why our entire culture is, I'd say more than 80% of it, orbits around Judaism,
I mean, that's where Christianity comes from, that's where the Masonic Halls come from, that's where all these basic systems come from, because only the Jews had the most complete records of governing systems and systems of control than all the other esoteric religious stuff, that before they had their own monotheistic system, but then later in their history they adopted, at least in their oral traditions and written traditions,
The entirety of pre-Christian history.
And so, that's why the Masons' biggest secrets, you know, are what happened in Solomon's Temple, and the mathematic equations, and all those secrets, was because all of that was carried through.
And so, people wrongly say that all of your Masonic systems are Jewish mysticism.
Well, no, they're not.
If you want to talk about where it came from, it came from Egypt, Babylon, Tyre, and Greece.
We'll be right back.
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Riders on the storm.
Riders on the storm.
Into this house we're born.
Into this world we're thrown.
Like a dog with
Got a big yes coming up in T-minus 35 minutes.
You only live once, make it count.
You'll be known for what you stood for, what you built, the wrongs and the rights you did.
Your gut knows you're only here once.
So girl, you gotta love your man.
Girl, you gotta love your man.
Gotta take him by the hand, make him understand.
Stop fighting with each other.
You know, I'm entertaining Paul, who just got back from vacation.
You deserved it, man.
Working at KLBJ and KI and here.
How long it been, Paul, since you had a vacation?
A whole year.
What'd you get, a week off?
Lavish week?
You know, people say Americans are lazy.
Some of us are, but most of us aren't.
In fact, statistically, we're one of the hardest working people.
In fact, the most hours anybody in the world.
You know that?
We gotta get a microphone rigged out there for you guys.
Just at the other studio.
We got three studios now.
We got the KLVJ studio, this studio, and the new one we're building.
I can do the show anywhere, I guess.
Just kind of wander around in circles.
Folks, I'm shot.
I was up here working late last night, and then, uh...
For some reason, I couldn't sleep last night.
God, I hope I never get insomnia like some people have.
I mean, I woke up, like, every 20 minutes, and so I'm kind of, uh... Hey, you're not tuning in for that, are you?
You're not tuning in to hear me whine.
You know why I'm tired?
It's so warm in here, with the theater lights on, for the live video stream.
We're not doing it right now.
We have it on for the hour.
Ventura was on with us for the hour plus.
He'll, uh... He'll be back on soon.
He's not running off to Mexico for half a year like he normally does.
Again, we can have him in studio coming up to Sunday the 26th, but that's a little too much for us to go to the show and then drag him over to do the speech.
What do you think, Paul?
Have him down there to those studios?
Somebody's on the message board on Prison Planet saying, does Jesse Ventura know that he looks like Frankenstein with that haircut?
He's funny, man.
Of course he knows it.
You know the Bride of Frankenstein comedy?
And the guy that has, like, long hair on the back, but... I mean, listen, he looks like Frankenstein in person.
I was talking to Jimmy Vaughn a week or so ago.
We were hanging out.
And I said, oh, did you get a chance to meet Ventura?
I'd forgotten when I asked him if he knew Jimmy.
That wasn't a trick question.
He said, oh yeah, we hung out at the Ron Paul deal.
And I said, what'd you think of him?
And he goes, Frankenstein?
Can you imagine?
He's, like, 6'7".
Stomping around with that Frankenstein haircut going after the New World Order on this new TV show.
It's going to be awesome!
And I'm probably, if the show goes, I was kind of begging the question on air, we've already talked, I might end up being the Igor sidekick.
Hey, I'd be happy, you know?
Like the Tasmanian Devil they release on people, have me in a cage, like helicopter lands to go after the New World Order.
Because that was the plan.
Yeah, what happened is, um, really nice guy, who, uh, runs a pretty good sized production company.
He even does production for BBC, but, uh, in New York.
He lives in Knoxville now.
I didn't know that.
He told me he listens to me on WBCR now.
He moved out there.
I called him up yesterday about this Ventura thing, and he said, yeah.
And they pitched it to True TV when it was in an embryonic phase about a year and a half ago.
Court TV was about to switch.
And they pitched.
Because I didn't come up with this.
I don't have time to run around trying to get a TV show.
This has happened several times, by the way.
And they went and they pitched it, and the ones that almost bit, but then up higher, got nixed, was True TV.
And then you read the press release from Ventura's people.
It's the same show.
But people are asking me, am I bitter?
Absolutely not.
I want this to happen.
That's the secret.
I don't care if the Easter Bunny gets the show.
I mean, that's how we, you know, get it done.
But, uh, I know a lot of other behind-the-scenes stuff.
It's just hilarious.
It's just all these people.
Ron Paul, Jimmy Vaughn, Jesse Ventura, TV shows.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
9-11 was an inside job!
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
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No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now!
What's that?
What'd you say?
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now!
Hold on, I'm listening.
Will you guys let the landlord in?
He's showing this place so we have people walking through here.
They'll try to open the door to the studio.
I can invite them on in here.
Since the prehistoric ages!
In the days of ancient Greece!
And the earth kept going through changes!
Hey, come on in!
Let them see the studio!
There's like a complete pig pen in this office.
There's like 90% of the equipment's out of it.
We're not even here most of the time.
I better not let folks know my location.
A certain talk show host local will have his wife come over and go after the vehicles again.
It doesn't matter.
I got so much surveillance over here, it'll make your head spin.
Alright, I'm in too good a mood right now.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I said I'd take your calls, and I want to hear from you.
I want to hear from you, and I want to talk to you.
So let's talk to Stan in Missouri.
You're on the air, Stan, good to hear from you.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, is this Farmer Stan?
I haven't heard from you in about a year.
I know, I know, my friend, I know.
My little sweetie pie.
Monday night, and I listened to you talking about Obama and what they want to do here in Missouri, being as I am from Missouri.
I tried to tell my sister-in-law about that last night, how they're wanting to stifle freedom here in Missouri, and anybody who makes any kind of derogatory comments in writing or on the news media about Obama.
She absolutely went completely ballistic, Alex!
She said, where did you get that from?
And I said, well, I heard it on the radio when this Alex Jones even had comments in the Kansas City News.
And she just completely left me and said, all that is is nothing but barroom talk.
Well, it was on a bunch of TV stations there.
They had the sheriffs and prosecutors on there saying that if you talk bad about Obama and they decide that it's a lie, they're going to come arrest you.
And now they backed off and apologized in the newspapers yesterday, so I didn't even cover it.
But I mean, I guess she thinks that
The bankers aren't trying to cheat us either?
I mean, I guess Obama's trying to... Well, Alex, let me tell you something, my friend.
These people are, like you're always saying, they're living in complete denial.
They are dumbed down from years of watching the news media, and all they think about watching on TV is Comedy Central or Jimmy Kimmel, poking fun of all this.
As far as I'm concerned, these comedians, they're no better than our federal government or Wall Street.
Well, that's what I was about to say.
I've been watching more TV lately, more news, and they have the men and the women just smiling with these fake smiles, and just fluffing everything.
And then the comedians, you'd think, are actually criticizing the politicians, but they're making it a joke!
And it's not a joke!
I mean, that's why I could have played the clips of Sarah Palin sounding ten times stupider than Miss South Carolina, but we never did it because
It makes for good radio, but it's not a laughing matter.
Joke, Alex, when you were talking to one of your callers there Monday night, I can't pick you up very good during the daytime anymore, but one of your callers was advocating cutting the TV cables, and my friend, you done wise by telling people not to get involved with violence.
The time of violence, Alex, as far as I'm concerned, is already here.
The people in Columbia, Missouri, crime is just completely skyrocketing out of control, Albert.
You can call me Albert.
I've always liked that name.
Albert Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The people don't realize what's going on, Alex.
The crime is absolutely sparring out of control in Columbia, Missouri.
And people haven't seen anything yet.
We go into a depression.
Look, we had a well-behaved, orderly Christian nation on average back in the 1920s and in the 30s.
Today, if we have a real depression, which it looks like is a foregone conclusion, you're not going to worry about the New World Order and the police.
The demonic public, the yuppies particularly, are going to be just, look out, Katie, bar the door.
Well, they have these churches completely dumbed down to you, Alex.
They turn these churches into nothing but country clubs, sir.
Well, it's on record that the Feds secretly pay 26,000 preachers to give anti-American speeches and tell people to turn their guns in.
Yes, we all know all about that, Alex.
It's all part of the freedom.
Yes, it is, sir.
Well, they just absolutely, the American people have just absolutely been dumbed down by all this, Alex.
Well, Farmer Stan, a lot of people are waking up, though.
We've got to say there's something, you know, there's a... There's several out there.
There's a rainbow.
There's a silver lining to the nerve gas cloud.
Well, you know, the sad thing about it, you were talking, you were talking to one of your guests on there, the guy that was talking, Deacon Chapman, is that his name?
Bob Chapman.
Bob Chapman.
Albert Chapman.
He is a very smart individual, but I'll tell you what now, if it ever comes down to what he's at, you know, was talking about guerrilla warfare and all this, I live right down, not too far from Whiteman Air Force Base.
Uh, Wagman has a stealth bomber.
They have a B-52.
They can absolutely wipe out these cities in a heartbeat, Alex.
I've talked to people in Special Forces that were in Panama, that told me what went on when they went in to get Noriega.
Puff the Magic Dragon.
Lived by the sea and frolicked in the autumn mist.
With a huge Vulcan Gatling gun.
The land called Hala'li.
Good to hear from you, Stan.
I appreciate it.
The truth is, the New World Order is very easy to militarily push over.
That's only one part of the equation.
The troops, mainly, although they're hiring illegal aliens and felons, are on our side.
A lot of the police in major polls, and we've covered those yesterday with Colonel Roberts on air, are actually on our side.
They had a poll like a year ago, a major national one, where 99% of police said they were pro-Second Amendment and wouldn't confiscate guns.
So, by and large, as I get a little bit more wise, it's the corrupt system.
By and large, the police aren't even the big problem, though they're where the rubber meets the road.
They do a lot of really bad things under orders, and some of them are a bunch of right-head nuts.
But they're not... a lot of them aren't stupid.
Or if they were stupid, they'd get street smart working on the streets, and they know a scam when they see one.
The problem is, the military predominantly will not fight back against the American people if things break down.
You know, they may try to maintain order, but if things turn into a shooting war, or arrest people, put them in FEMA camps, that's going to break down pretty fast.
They tried to use New Orleans for a few years as a laboratory of that.
The problem is, things will break down, and people will be starving to death, and they will beg to turn their guns in for food.
Speaking of that, I've got a few sponsors.
I didn't even plug my sponsors yesterday, and I should have, because I'm so busy covering news, but let me cover this now, and we'll go to some more of your calls.
And then we do have, in 20 minutes, a big guest coming up.
I am quite excited.
We'll see how it goes.
It should be memorable.
We'll be talking about the bailout with our guest and some other issues.
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I said, because we're moving, man.
But yeah, they're great.
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Let's go back to your calls.
Oh, I got mixed up here.
Scott in Arizona.
You are next, my friend.
Can I call you Albert?
Actually, that's my real name.
I don't know how Stan knows it.
My real name is Albert Louise Possum.
Anyways, go ahead.
You're talking to Albert Downs.
I think that's TMI.
I hope I have time for two points.
If you can hold me over the break, we have a commercial.
I'd appreciate it.
But the first one I want to talk about is Hegelian dialectic.
I think that's the operative term with respect to this bailout.
And for folks that have heard that term, I've heard you talk about it before, Alex.
Yeah, I was trying to get a good definition.
And basically what I'm saying... Alex, my name is Albert.
Okay, Albert.
I'm going to stop screwing around.
Go ahead.
All right, so Hegelian Dialectic, basically what it is is they guide us into a crisis or conflict that lead us to some sort of predetermined solution.
So what I'm seeing with respect to this bailout is I'm listening to media and I'm talking about alternative media, patriotic media, mainstream media.
I'm starting to hear noise about replacing the system.
The system is dead, we've got to replace it.
And their answer is a global government run by the bankers, the very people that engineered it.
Well, I'm not hearing... I always listen to the media carefully.
And I'm not hearing... You mean the mainstream TV or the financial publications?
Across the board.
I'm just starting to hear... So you haven't heard them call for a global government run by the bankers?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I did see some stuff in one of the British papers a couple days ago.
Some Wall Street Journal, you name it.
Kissinger's pushing it.
Well, yeah, I mean, he's been pushing it forever.
That's nothing new.
But what's new is this pushing us into the system's dead.
We've got to replace it.
And they want to bring in a new monetized Mero with the regional currencies, and you'll have to have a national ID card to track your carbon credits, which they're now announcing.
So if I could read, I just have a little quote out of a book I've also heard you mention many times by the Club of Rome called The First Global Revolution.
People haven't read Chapter 5.
I think Chapter 5 is only about 12 pages.
That's all you gotta read.
I mean, it really tells you everything there.
You might have to read it 20 times, but that tells you everything you need to know.
Here's a very short quote, if I can read it.
Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.
Democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.
The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time.
What are we seeing right now?
They're telling us, our Congress, and the people are too stupid to make decisions about their financial future.
And they know the public thinks in 24-hour news cycles, and so the public, some of them, I'm glad to say the majority aren't being fooled, now think that Congress caused the stock market to plunge 700 points, and now believe this is all a new problem, and then they have the other lie that it was all caused by subprime mortgages, which then again blames the public.
So if democracy is inefficient and can no longer, is no longer... Sir, Richard N. Haas, in the same Club of Rome documents, says we'll use fake environmentalism to take their rights and stage terror.
I mean, these guys are... I mean, you could take the quote from David Rockefeller about how we, you know, don't want people running their own countries, we want bankers running it.
They tell you right there in that book that they're going to engineer food shortages, water shortages, and then global warming.
And then they talk about it.
And who set up the meeting in 1989 in Washington, D.C.?
Al Gore.
And then the PR population thinks that the big Texas oilman, Boone Pickens, is putting up air-powered deals in the panhandle of Texas and into other states.
But really, it's all about grabbing the water supply.
And that's all admitted.
I didn't know that.
Oh yeah, that's a stealth deal to grab the biggest aquifer in the U.S.
But it's for the Earth, so it's good.
Do I have another minute to quote something from another book?
Yes, sir.
Okay, so for those people out there, and I know a lot of people you mentioned, I try and get through this material that everybody brings up, at least try and scan it, and we got Carol Quigley's Tragedy of Hope.
The big thousand page plus monster that who can get, I can't get through it.
What I found was Cleon Skousen wrote a nice little hundred and fifty page summary of that book called The Naked Capitalist.
Which really summarizes what Quigley was saying in his book.
Explaining that the bankers created communism and fascism as consolidation combines.
It really goes through all the main points that Quigley was trying to make.
So for people, if you can find it, it took me quite a while to find the Navy Capitalist.
We have his nephew on sometime.
Right, I think his nephew, Joel, actually helped out the Paul campaign.
This quote's a little bit longer, if I could.
Go ahead and read it.
Um, everything the super, super rich collectivists do must be accomplished in an atmosphere of propaganda and deception.
Boy, do we know that.
Stay there.
On the other side, you can read it, then we're going to move on to other calls.
And our illustrious guest is only 10 minutes away.
I get nervous.
I hope he calls in.
And, uh... Funny, Paul.
Albert Jones has got a powerful radio show.
Man, everybody's talking about that Albert Jones.
Folks, I'm under so much stress, that's why I've been screwing around more, because I gotta laugh or I'd cry.
Alright, stay there, uh, Scott.
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Okay, Scott, go ahead and read your quote, your Carol Quigley quote.
Okay, this is from Cleon Skousen's book called The Naked Capitalist, for those people that want to go search for it and find it on the web.
But let me just start again.
I read the first sentence previously.
Everything that super-rich collectivists do must be accomplished in an atmosphere of propaganda and deception.
Otherwise, they keep running into a groundswell of resentment and resistance as they try to compel middle-class Americans to give up their independence
Their property and their constitutional prerogatives.
Let me repeat that.
Give up their independence, their property, and their constitutional prerogatives.
And what is the current strategy of the establishment?
It is two-pronged.
First, pressure from the top.
Second, pressure from the bottom.
The current tactic is to create revolution, create revolution, violence, and extremely serious dislocation at the bottom.
Let me just read that.
They want to create revolution, violence, and extremely serious social dislocation at the bottom, while simultaneously creating an ever-increasing pressure at the top for monolithic powers by demanding that the executive branch of a federal government be given massive power to, quote-unquote, solve all these problems.
I mean, we're watching this happen as we speak.
We're watching right now the bailout.
The executive branch is trying to, this is about a power grab more than it is about money because they're already spending the money.
So what we're seeing here, you read these quotes, we're seeing this being enacted as we go through this.
Now I hear you, and you're absolutely right, and that's the historical fact, and that's what we try
To get people to think about here, and I appreciate your call, Scott.
Bernard, Steve, Mark, Mike, Kevin, and others, our next guest is only going to be with us for 20 minutes.
That's why on InfoWars.com, on the audio streams, and for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, we're going to go back live like we did with Jesse Ventura earlier.
We are going to skip the five after break.
Everybody else will be back after that.
So we'll have a five-minute segment when our guest is scheduled to be calling in in the next five, six minutes.
And then we'll come in with them and skip that segment, that break.
And so we have a full 20-something minutes with our guest today.
So I'm excited about that because more and more we see people really breaking the left-right paradigm and getting the big picture.
About what's happened in our society.
We're also going to continue with phone calls the last 40 minutes of the show, and get into the latest economic developments, what's happening with the stock market, what's happening with commodities, oil, gold, silver, today as well.
And the Senate is set at 7 o'clock Eastern tonight to vote on the quote, bailout package.
Now again, as the caller said, the money isn't even a big issue.
That $700 billion alone.
Bloomberg and others report it's more like $5 trillion.
That is a big issue.
It's all very important.
But compared to the fact that they want to get immunity, and compared to the fact that they want to give even more power to the Treasury, and the fact that they have the mainstream media trying to bully the American people into going along with this, this is not going to save the economic system.
And so we do live in very, very, very interesting times right now.
And we've, you know, people that understand that this is not, quote, capitalism.
This is crony capitalism.
This is corruption.
And the media now, Vladimir Putin came out bad-mouthing the U.S.
And a lot of people are saying capitalism has caused all this.
This is not capitalism when you have corruption and you have people in derivatives running all sorts of economic scams.
This is corruption, and we're talking about over a thousand trillion dollars in derivatives.
And that certainly is not the fault of people with subprime mortgages.
They certainly are guilty of lying on the applications, but this is a system-wide problem.
Ladies and gentlemen, we do have our huge guest, and we'll be back to start the fourth hour in one minute.
And our guest, ladies and gentlemen, is Chuck Norris.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we really do have a icon, not just a cult icon of martial arts and Hollywood films or top-rated TV shows, also an author, political activist, a real conservative, and I'll tell you, he's been getting even more hardcore against the things that threaten the Constitutional Republic.
He's with us for only 20 minutes.
First time I ever talked to him was just during the break.
I was flattered to hear that he's heard the radio show and tuned in.
And we have Chuck Norris with us for 20 minutes.
The new book is out, and I have read much of it.
I just got it a few days ago.
Black Belt Patriotism, How to Reawaken America, martial arts master, actor, and political activist.
We're also live.
Thanks, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be on your show.
You know, so much has happened, so much has been unfolding lately.
I wanted to get your take first on the bailout that's going on right now.
You know, I don't know if it's going to relieve the pressure on our citizens and our Americans.
I'm all for it.
You know, it's so complicated, Alex, you know, and unless you really delve into that to find out exactly what it's going to do, it's a very difficult situation to determine.
And I just hope
If they do pass the bill, that it's not in vain.
We're not going to waste another trillion dollars unnecessarily.
I'll tell you, that's why I wrote this book.
I really did a lot of research because I am so worried, like so many people in America are, about the future, about the direction our country's heading economically, and our national debt, and immigration, and all these issues we're facing.
You know, and doing all the research on this book here, and finding out that the Founding Fathers had a vision for America, and it was not corrupted by greed and power.
And the politicians are so disconnected from the will of the people.
We've got to do something about it, Alex.
That's why in this book here, I just give eight major problems America's facing.
And I give my own common sense solutions to solving these problems.
You know, the first chapter deals with the, I believe we've forgotten our roots and have drifted from the principles and belief that our country is founded upon.
You know, and then the second chapter is about our national debt, you know, and then the third one is about our nation's borders and the illegal immigration and going all the way down to them.
I think we lost our moral compass in America, the evaluation of human life, feeling of our children, and actually I talk about our health problems also.
You know, I think we have a huge serious health problem here in America.
Yeah, you talk about the trans fats and other chemicals in the food.
I mean, even if you try to be healthy and eat that stuff, you're going to get sick because it's deadly.
Yeah, it is.
It is.
But the thing is, you just got to be more cautious of what it is.
And knowing the right times to eat and the amounts that you eat.
We're the most over-eaten country in the world.
I've been over to Europe and people are very cautious about how they do eat.
Yeah, giant portions.
They have big gulp drinks at 7-Eleven the size of small trash cans now.
I know, I know.
And this thing, we need to put the pressure on our fast food chains too.
You know, start improving on the quality of the foods, you know, don't make them so fat-related, you know.
Did you like the movie, the film, Fast Food Nation?
I thought it was pretty good.
Yeah, it was.
But, you know, the thing is, Alex, we have such a bloated federal bureaucracy, you know, in government.
I'll give you an example.
How many pages do you think there are in the IRS tax code?
I know it's in the tens of thousands, and then they have all these... Yeah, exactly.
66,498 pages, Alex.
You know, and the thing is, who in the world knows what's in those 66,000 pages?
Charlie Rangel, he doesn't know.
And he writes the tax code.
Well, that's what George Orwell said, that in a tyranny, the government writes laws that makes everybody criminal.
Yeah, exactly.
And a good example of that is in 2005, I went researching this book, I found out in 2005, over 6,000 taxpayers, making over $250,000 a year, paid absolutely no taxes.
So we have a broken system here in the country.
In fact, it was unconstitutional until 1913 to even tax our people, and then in 1913 we had the 16th Amendment that made IRS legal.
Well, Chuck, I know you're very well educated, because I know a lot of Dallas police and state police and folks that know you, who years ago, before I ever actually confirmed it, said that you were aware of some of the work that I do and Ron Paul and others.
And I mean, that's it.
We have private bankers, the New World Order, that control both parties.
What's your take on all this globalization and the North American Union and the trans-Texas corridor?
Well, you know, going on, I campaigned for Mike Huckabee, you know, and I met thousands of millennials.
You know, it's interesting to see their take on our country and our world.
And listen, actually I put them in my book, some of the statements they made.
And they said, you know, they think that America has stretched her boundaries too far into other countries' business.
And they say, we believe that America overplays the role of world peace officer.
They believe America sends too much money abroad.
They think we've doled out too much money for foreign aid.
It's become an empire.
It has become an empire.
Listen to this.
Barack Obama wants to send $50 billion to the United Nations as soon as he gets into office.
Now, for the poor, which sounds fine.
But the thing is, when I was in Korea, Alex, we have hundreds of orphanages over there in Korea.
And so America was sending over thousands of dollars in food, aid, medical and money
And only 10% of what was sent over there reached the orphanages.
90% went into the pockets of corrupted politicians over there.
Well, remember after 9-11, when even the Red Cross and others and United Way got over $5 billion, and then they said every dime would go, but then they kept half of it, and then gave some of the money to gun control groups.
Yeah, I know.
It's crazy.
And so the thing is, at $50 billion, how much is really going to go to the poor?
And how much money is going to go in the pockets of the corrupted politicians in the United Nations?
That's what concerns me.
We keep sending money out, and the money's not going where it should be going.
Plus, we've got to worry about our people here in our own country.
We've got the downtrodden, the homeless.
We have very poor people in our own country that need to be taken care of first, before we start doling out money to other nations.
The problem we face is we get different rhetoric from the two parties, but when it comes to action, and I know you're a loyal person and been quite a bit loyal to the Republicans.
No, I'm not really.
Because at least on their platform they were better, but I mean, that's what I'm saying.
What's your take on how both political parties now seem to be going in one direction, you know, 91% of the American people in Gallup polls want to control our borders, or 70 plus percent don't want to be in Iraq, or on and on and on, or 90% don't want the bailout.
But they're still trying to pass it.
You know, truthfully, when the Republicans were in control of the Congress in those first six years of Bush's, you know, they ran us into the ground.
So the Democrats said, well, we'll change everything.
We'll make everything better.
So now the Democrats have control of Congress, and they've run us deeper into the ground.
I don't know who to trust.
I don't think I don't trust any of them.
Ron Paul is the only guy I trust.
And like you heard, Alex, if I had one wish, to give me one wish, I'd like to line up all the members of Congress and have Ron Paul walk with me down the line and say, OK, which one's corrupted?
Which one's corrupted?
And the ones he points to as corrupted, I'll just choke them unconscious and stick them into a pile.
You know, kind of an off-center joke for me.
Well, I saw that in the Cleveland Plain Dealer and he said, I'd keep sticking them in a pile, piling them up so the martial arts star, who at 68 looks as young and buff as in his Walker, Texas Ranger glory days, the ones that are honest, they stay.
And that's my next point, and you get into some of this in the book, but you say that you're aware of some of the things I cover and what Ron Paul gets into.
Chuck, a lot of conservatives listen to you.
I'm aware like you are, or like I am, that the party has been taken over by these multinational corporations, by the foreign lobbyists, by the special interests.
I was asking you about the Globalist, the New World Order, the North American Union, the Army Times.
I know you're a big supporter of the military.
But if we support the military, we've got to keep them doing jobs that are constitutional.
They're announcing NORTHCOM is now going to have active-duty brigades in the U.S.
to, quote, deal with civil unrest.
I mean, that violates posse comitatus.
And I know you're a big friend of law enforcement, but the police I talk to, they're getting upset about the spying on citizens.
Well, the thing is, we can't.
It's such a complicated mess, but I agree with you, Alex.
You cannot start spying on the citizens of America.
I mean, we're getting them spying on us with the Internet.
I mean, I can't even blow my nose without somebody knowing it on the Internet.
It's crazy.
We're all an open book today with the wild frontier of the Internet.
But the thing is, we cannot have law enforcement going in and breaking down doors with just suspicions.
Well, that's the problem.
That's the problem is that they're given these unfunded federal mandates.
They're not allowed to do their constitutional jobs, like control the borders.
And we have 800-plus sanctuary cities that are bankrupting the city, county, state governments.
And then the police go out and squeeze and squeeze with asset forfeiture, seizure, and things that violate due process.
And most of the police I talk to personally, they don't like what's happening, but they're basically being given these orders.
I mean, are we coming to the time
When we need more and more police organizations to say no to unconstitutional actions like, are you aware, because it hasn't gotten a lot of attention, not just gun confiscation in New Orleans, the governor, who needs to be impeached in Illinois, a month ago, and I can play the clip if you want to hear it, said that they want to use the National Guard for gun sweeps and gun confiscation in the entire state of Illinois.
Oh boy.
That's not good.
Where do you stand on gun confiscation?
Well, you know, I have a ranch.
I believe in bearing arms.
I really do, Alex.
I believe the Americans have the right to bear arms.
And the thing is, I wouldn't want anyone taking my guns away from me on my ranch here.
But the thing is, you have to be responsible.
I mean, responsibility.
But the thing is with the Constitution, you know, the Constitution is being played from both ends.
I believe that they are dictating everything that they feel we should do, rather than us dictating to the government what should be in our best interest, and it's irritating me.
Well, you cover a lot of that in Black Belt Patriotism, How to Reawaken America, Chuck Norris.
You know, I went to the House.
I was in D.C.
a few months ago, my wife and I, and we walked into the House chamber, and here's 435 congressmen
They're screaming at each other across the aisle.
And I'm watching this, I can't even hear myself think, and they're screaming about some bill.
And I'm thinking, here's 435 congressmen looking like 8th graders, screaming at each other, and not getting anything resolved.
And finally the House Speaker said, OK, that's enough, time out.
Everyone stopped and walked off.
I'm thinking, this is like an 8th grade class where the teacher's gone and everyone's just going crazy.
I don't
And now Merrill Lynch.
Those are multinational corporations.
What these CEOs are getting when they leave the company, it's just crazy the amount of money these CEOs have run the company down.
And then they get a hundred million dollar bailout.
I mean, it's crazy.
Well, Chuck Norris, you know what's happening.
They've created all this false paper, these derivatives, that nothing is backing them but the U.S.
And most of these companies are global corporations.
Secretary Paulson's come out and said they want to bail out foreign banks.
But this is a black hole that we can't bail out.
It's a black hole, Alex.
And we're going to bail ourselves right into bankruptcy in our country.
Chuck, a lot of people respect you on both sides of the aisle.
The American people, I mean, everybody I know loves Chuck Norris.
And for people listening, I know you're a smart guy and I know you try to hold back and be an even-headed guy and be restrained.
But tell us, here in this interview with the six minutes we've got left,
Bottom line, what you think the individuals could do, because we know the foreign interest have seized Washington, both parties.
I know you know that they're hiring felons for the military, illegal aliens for the military.
They're turning mercenary forces loose that are now not even based in the U.S.
They signed a deal earlier this year for NORTHCOM to use Canadian and Mexican troops in the U.S.
If you're not aware of that, I can give you the mainstream stories.
Congress has been told they're not involved in that.
It's like in Germany.
You're not against the German military if you're a German until bad people take control of it.
And there has to be a point if they're planning to use the military against the American people that we say no.
So, I mean, are you against or are you aware that they're felons, that they're now hiring for the military?
No, I didn't.
I didn't know that.
But, you know, the thing is, what I'm really concerned about is our people in America who work week to week and make a living from paycheck to paycheck.
And all of a sudden that becoming, you know, where they can't live from paycheck to paycheck.
That's why I'm so in favor of the fair tax concept, Alex, because the thing is there's $13 trillion in offshore accounts.
You know, that's where the super rich are hiding their money.
And so if we had a fair tax, the super rich could bring their $13 trillion back into our economy and give our economy a huge boost.
The 3 million manufacturing jobs that are being outsourced to other countries
They can all come back because they're not going to be taxed to death.
You know, we got income tax, employment tax, capital gains, estate, corporate property, social security.
We're being taxed to death, Alex.
Well, you're right.
We're talking to Chuck Norris, the new book, Black Belt Patriotism.
I have to say with this book, it is, I don't want to say eclectic, but it's a great mix of health, patriotism, ways to fix America.
It also gets, you know, some into your
Martial arts history and before you leave in about four minutes, I just want to bring it up now or my listeners will kill me.
Just a few words from you about what it was like actually knowing Bruce Lee and being his best black belt and then starring in films with him.
What was that like?
Well, you know, Bruce and I became good friends.
He was back in New York when I won the world title in 1968.
And then, you know, we started working out together in L.A.
and then he left for Hong Kong to pursue his movie career.
I didn't hear from him for a couple of years, and then he called me out of the blue and said, Chuck, I've done two movies and they're really successful.
I want to do a movie now with a fight scene in the Colosseum in Rome, and I'd like for you to be my opponent.
So kiddingly, I said, well, Bruce, who wins this fight?
I win!
I'm the star of this movie!
I said, oh, because I held the world title at that time.
And I said, oh, I see.
You want to beat up the world champion, huh?
I don't know.
And I've never gotten one encouraging review in all the years I've done in the entertainment world.
Now I write a book, but I felt patriotism, and I've got three five-star ratings.
One moment, Laura Berenger wrote, not being a huge Chuck Norris fan, I wasn't sure what to expect.
Having just finished it, I have to confess that I was quickly drawn in and captivated by the contents of the book, and actually pleasantly surprised by its insight, depth, research, genuineness,
Practicality and motivating nature.
This is not just another political diatribe.
It's a cultural, cultural manifesto.
I have never gotten a review like that in my life, Alex.
Well, you know what's happening, Chuck?
A lot of mainline liberals, obviously, were angry at your political stance on the Second Amendment and things like that.
But now they see so much.
And the left is disenfranchised with the left.
The right is disenfranchised with the right.
The people are figuring that out and coming together.
And there's a huge awakening happening.
And I appreciate your... Well, I hope so.
You know, we need to get away from liberalism and conservatism and think about Americanism, Alex.
Well, look at the crisis right now in closing.
I mean, Ron Paul was right about everything he said about the time bomb with the economy and the banks.
He sure as heck was.
And I mean, you're supporting Ron Paul now.
Do you wish he could, you know, come in and run as a third party?
Well, Ron, you know, why back Mike Huckabee?
Because Mike Huckabee espoused fair tax.
Which I really believe in.
But then when he got out, you were supporting Ron Paul until he got out.
You need to call Ron Paul and draft him to try to run third party now in the last month, just to inject real issues.
Well, everybody's asking me to run a third party.
Who knows what's going to happen, Alex.
Chuck, why don't you run for president in 2012?
Oh man, they need somebody who's smarter than me.
You know, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul.
That's what I'd like to have.
Chuck Norris, I want to say bye to you just for a minute off air here, but give us the website.
People can find this in bookstores everywhere.
I got this at the bookstore, but where else can they get it?
Give us some of your websites.
They can get it at the Amazon.com and they can get it at the Borders and the Barnes and Noble.
They can also get it at Regnery, that's the publisher.
Regnery is our publisher, yeah.
Okay, Black Belt Patriotism, How to Reawaken America.
Chuck Norris, thank you so much.
Okay, let me talk to him, John.
Hey, Mr. Norris.
Yeah, you bet.
Listen, I'd like to get you up some time for 45 minutes or so to take calls, and just in closing, I didn't know that you'd... I mean, I've been told by some police years ago that you were aware of stuff, and they've given you some of my films.
I didn't know if that was the case, but you have heard the show before?
Oh, yeah, I did, yeah, because I've been in Austin quite a bit.
And so, you know, I catch your show when I'm down there.
What do you overall, I mean, I'm trying to get your view overall of the types of things I talk about are a real conservatism.
Yeah, I tell you, what you're talking about, Alex, is right on.
I mean, we got some serious issues in our country, and you're addressing them, and that's what I appreciate about your show.
You do address the issues that we're facing right now, and a lot of people aren't aware of it.
That's the problem, you know, and that's what's good, is that you're
Keeping people abreast of the problems we're having in our country.
Well, I know you've got more interviews coming up.
There's no chance of keeping you over.
We've got to let you go.
Yeah, I've got one in five minutes.
I'm told you're doing interview after interview all day long, but we really appreciate you having the courage to come on this show.
I know it's been somewhat controversial for folks, but all I try to do is defend the Republic, and I know in your heart you're a good guy.
I'm the same way, Alex.
The thing is, everyone says I'm a Republican.
I'm an independent thinker.
You know, I lean conservative, but I'm an independent guy.
So am I, but that's what I'm saying is that even though I've disagreed with a few people you've supported or a few things you've done, I've known your heart was right, and I've known you've known things that I didn't have from my perspective, and so I've just always known that you were a good guy and against the globalists, and I would just love to have you... You know, I tell you what, I'm only two hours away from you.
My ranch is right near College Station.
And so I'm only a couple hours away, so one day, Gene, and I'll drive down.
I'll let you know.
I'll call you.
I got your phone number here.
So when I can make it down there, I'll give you a buzz and see if you have time to get me on the air.
Well, fantastic!
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This is the last segment I'm going to be streaming live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
We already did over an hour with Governor Jesse Ventura earlier.
I was talking to Chuck Norris during the break.
Little bit of amount going on on the web, but we cut it off.
Point is, I forgot to add, and he wanted me to add, that 100% of the proceeds that he's getting, his 20% or whatever, from the publisher, goes to his Kickstart Foundation for children.
And I know that's a good foundation he has.
He's really into having real charities.
You heard him attacking charities that don't actually do what they say they're going to do.
But, I mean, this is just his book sale, and so this is a pure charity, kind of like Paul Newman and his foods.
What a great guy, Paul Newman.
What a loss.
I haven't even talked about him.
I had that in my stack, you know, quotes about him, you know, by him saying, hey, I don't see myself as a philanthropist or some kind of angel.
I'm just like a farmer.
I believe you need to put back into the soil what you take out.
But, yeah, Black Belt Patriotism really is a great book.
And Chuck Norris is wanting to support the Republicans because he thought they were better than the Democrats.
Now he's really waking up, and he's a supporter of Ron Paul, and he told me off-air and on-air that he's been listening to the show for years, and then he said we ought to get together sometime, and people like him don't just say that.
So we'll see.
I think you're seeing the evolution of Chuck Norris.
I mean, guys, how exciting is that?
Because you guys got to hear the behind-the-scenes.
Pretty exciting, huh?
I mean, because what's exciting to me is if I just had Chuck Norris on, talking about just Bruce Lee or himself, or just talking about movies, that'd be interesting, but that's not what the show's about.
It's about these icons.
And Chuck Norris is an icon.
I mean, you know, all these movies, TV, all the appearances.
I mean, people love Chuck Norris.
And there's a million positive jokes about Chuck Norris.
How do the jokes go?
There's so many of them.
And to see him becoming a Ron Paul supporter.
That's why I'm wearing my Ron Paul shirt today, ladies and gentlemen.
You see that?
People say, aha, he didn't win.
Yes, he did.
He was right.
He stuck to his guns.
He exposed the private Federal Reserve.
He did a great job.
And so, today we gave you Jesse Ventura and Chuck Norris, and people say, oh, celebrities don't matter.
Oh, is that why Coca-Cola and Disney will pay millions of dollars for them to work for them?
Is that why the government always wants celebrities to pitch their wars or pitch their police state actions or pitch their agenda?
No, celebrities do matter.
And especially when they write a great book like Black Belt Patriotism, and then getting people like Chuck Norris to be on the show and supporters of the show, people like Jesse Ventura, Willie Nelson, Charlie Sheen, Richard Linkletter.
Let me tell you this.
Over a year ago, I had Rick Linkletter on this show.
A year and a half ago.
Well-known director.
Just on the air.
I had him on about Scanner Darkly that I'm in and consulted on.
My good friend, Tommy Pallotta.
I need to call Tommy.
I'm so busy.
He just called me today.
Anyways, I'm thinking here.
Point is, I know Tommy's listening every time I mention him.
Anyways, and I had him on, and he just starts going off with, hey, I gave your videos, you know, Terror Storm and Martial Law to
To Bruce Willis, when they were making a movie here together in Austin, and Bruce came back a month later and said, I'm totally woken up.
I'm no longer for the Republicans or the Democrats.
Now I see both sides of the paradigm.
Now I know 9-11's an inside job.
And Michelle Malcolm, the same one that said the Marines didn't throw the puppy off the cliff, and that I was a liar, and the same one that had her minions try to set me up in Denver and failed there again miserably.
She won for a few days and lost.
She won the battle, lost the war.
That's how it works.
The truth will prevail.
She came out and said, well, we know somebody that knows him.
Didn't give a name.
And he says Bruce Willis didn't say that, it's pure bull.
Then six months later, Vanity Fair.
Bruce Willis is on vacation, Turks and Caicos, in a fishing boat, does an interview with Vanity Fair, and says the same people that killed Kennedy are running things down, and basically 9-11, involved with 9-11, and I'm not involved in any of the parties anymore, and they're all evil.
I mean, Bruce Willis was like the number one front for the neocons, and he was not a bad guy.
And let me tell you, this guy was about number two.
So you see what we're doing, folks.
We are out there.
These are good men.
They care.
They never had the big picture, just like Ventura didn't.
Hey, two years ago, we go down to an interview with Jesse Ventura with Kinky Friedman.
I walk in there.
Ventura already knew who I was.
Yeah, I've seen some of your stuff.
I said, here's Terror Storm.
Here's Marshall Law.
And then that woke him up, and then his son brought him Loose Change 2nd Edition, and that made him go public, and he went public on this show.
And I had him on about his book, and he just says during a break, he says, now let's talk about 9-11.
I'm ready to do it.
In fact, that behind-the-scenes video, because we shot video in here, is at the end of Truth Rising.
That's how the film ends.
Is Ventura saying, I'm ready to talk, I'm ready to do it.
Because his passion for liberty, his passion for truth and freedom, these are good people.
Are they perfect?
So I salute Chuck Norris.
I salute Jesse Ventura.
I salute people like Bruce Willis, who I know is getting... I'm not going to say anything, but... I love fighting the New World Order!
We are taking their superstars and turning them over to the side of light against the dark side.
We'll be right back with your phone calls, a ton of news, and a lot more on the one, the only, GCN!
We're on the march.
The Empire is on the run!
Cease Info Wars.
PrisonPlanet.tv Transmission.
Government is best which governs least.
Wake up and smell the fascism.
Being in government means never having to say you're sorry.
I love Fight the New World Order.
We are taking their superstars and turning them over to the side of law.