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Name: 20080930_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 30, 2008
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All right, we've got Colonel Craig Roberts with us.
Again, five years in the Marine Corps.
Also in Vietnam, highly decorated sniper, best-selling author on that subject and many others.
We'll give you his website before he leaves us.
We just went live on PrisonPlanet.tv, Tommy Chung to talk about the police state and the felony drug war.
We'll be joining us in 30 minutes.
I knew about this about a week ago, and Ventura, after he told me, said, now don't tell anybody.
And I said, of course not.
He's on tomorrow for an hour with us, but he said soon it would be out.
Well, it is out, and I know some of the behind-the-scenes stuff, but we'll talk about it tomorrow.
This is up on Yahoo News.
Governor Jesse Ventura working on a new project for TruTV to investigate conspiracy theories.
And, of course, we woke him up to the fact that 9-11 was an inside job.
He's coming down here for a speech with myself and Willie Nelson later next month.
But before the show ends, I'll give you some details of that.
Steve Watson has more of the details.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net right now.
I think I know a lot more than is in this article, but I'm not going to say anything really until Ventura is on tomorrow.
But I will tell you this.
I was pitched by the same group a year ago to do... You've seen that trailer online?
I forgot the name of the show.
They created a little mini pilot.
It was called Conspiracy Nation.
I'm going to, John, Google that, Alex Jones Conspiracy Nation, and later I want to play that little one-minute trailer from that internal pilot they made.
But hey, I'm glad.
I mean, Jesse Ventura, I've been thinking, man, this has got to be great with a TV show doing this.
I'm just glad that that is going on, that that did happen.
This is Time Warner is putting this out, by the way.
They know that's where the, quote, market is.
And that goes to what we were just saying, Colonel Roberts, that this is mainstream now.
The New World Order.
Mainline people know it was true.
They know we're right.
People now know we told them the truth.
I don't see how the New World Order is going to get away with this when even Mainline TV is doing shows about it, Doug.
Colonel Roberts?
Well, you know, it's absolutely incredible.
It's almost insulting that
We have several things going on in the world.
If you get on the internet and you look at news sources overseas, and you see what's really going on in the world, and you can start putting all these things together, then you go back to our own news sources, and it's all been censored out.
You know, all the news that's fit to print according to them.
And so, the American public out here that only watches the three or four main networks, or listens to two or three places on radio, they don't get
The picture of what's going on, obviously, if it's not in that two-second blurb up there on TV, it didn't happen.
And you go to talk to these people, as you and I do, and a lot of your listeners do, and we say, look, you know, did you hear about this?
This is what's going down.
It's already happened.
And they look at it and say, no, that can't be.
It couldn't happen here.
Couldn't happen in this country.
I don't know how many times I've heard that it can't happen in this country.
And yet, it's been happening incrementally for a long time.
Now, that's called Fabian Socialism.
Fabian Socialism is
Is you take a society or a country one little step at a time.
You don't go kicking the door in and rushing with all your guns and shoot the place up.
And that's what they've been doing.
They've been doing it in the legislature, they've been doing it in the UN, and they've been doing it on the local level with a lot of your cities getting away with things that are totally unconstitutional.
So just taking private property away from somebody so they can build a hotel on it because it generates more property tax, that sort of thing.
And then turning around in our courts back up the illegal operations of your local governments.
So we've got a court renegade system out there that's gone amok.
We've got a Supreme Court that is a toss-up.
It's a roulette wheel.
You never know where that thing's going to land.
We've got a federal government right now made up of nothing but special interest groups like this giant Portuguese man-of-war that has all these different tentacles of different lengths that hang down.
And they all have their own agendas, and they're all using the same power of our money against us.
And it's all coming home to roost as we speak.
All right, stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to come back to Colonel Craig Roberts after this quick break.
I'm going to skip the 20 after break for internet listeners, because I don't want to waste any time.
I want to get back in what we were talking about at the end of the last hour, the plan for martial law, how that will unfold.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Colonel Craig Roberts, our guest for another 20 minutes, and Tommy Chung scheduled to be popping in.
We've got two big guests coming up tomorrow.
One of them, Jesse Ventura, about the new TV show he's working on.
There's a lot more than just that, but I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.
But let's go back to Colonel Craig Roberts to talk about the really serious issues of the
Criminal banking system trying to bankrupt the United States.
We're getting into martial law.
They want to use the military and police.
They've tried to train them.
They've got the microwave guns, the sound cannons.
They've got a certain percentage that will do it, but a lot of them are waking up now.
And so the federal government's openly said, we will use foreigners, but not just Mexican, Canadian, U.N.
troops as they've stated publicly.
We've given the evidence of that earlier.
But I want to recap that, Colonel Roberts, because a lot of folks just now joined us.
What about the fact that they're hiring all these illegal aliens for the army?
What about the fact they're hiring aggravated felons for the military?
I mean, that's all admitted.
So they're also doing what Stalin did there.
Break all that down for us.
When you have to resort to taking people who are, you know, known criminals, have felony records, and if you have to take
People who aren't even Americans.
They come across the border illegally and you end up putting them in the military.
That's an indicator you've got a serious problem with your retention and with your strength.
During the Vietnam War, they had to resort to the draft.
We had Canadians that came across and joined the Marines and served with us.
Great distinction.
But when I went to boot camp in Los Angeles,
I was on a Greyhound bus where there was three of us, I think, that did not have what was known as a choice, and the choice was from a judge that you're going to go to the state penitentiary at Chino or you're going to join the Marine Corps.
The judge gave these guys, and they elected joining the Marine Corps, most of them East L.A.
street gang type guys, and they ended up joining the Marine Corps and going to boot camps.
So the precedent had already been set.
We call it the dirty dozen mindset.
You go to the prison, you give these guys a chance to get out of prison to go die for their country type deal.
Well, when we start doing that, that's an indicator that, A, we don't have enough of our own people enlisting or re-enlisting to maintain the troop levels we want, or B, there's something else afoot that kind of stinks, and that could be a situation where we need to get people in that owe us more than they owe anybody else, so they're going to do what we tell them to do no matter what.
And those are the ones I would be afraid of.
Those are the ones who might be ordered to shoot Americans at a roadblock and do so.
What have they got to lose?
They're trying to get citizenship.
They're trying to get benefits.
They're trying to get something else.
They're trying to stay out of prison, whatever it is.
They would go along with that mindset.
Now, that's a minority of people in the military right now, but you never know what could happen in the future.
On the police side of the house, I've talked to police officers from California to Tennessee, and the mindset basically is the officers that are about 35 years old and older,
Are seeing all of this happen and understanding what's going on and getting on board and learning more and educating themselves and talking to other people and getting more concerned, where those below 35, especially those in their 20s, they're not quite there yet.
They're the babes in the woods.
They're still going along with the yes or yes or three bags full, and they're still in what we call the Wyatt Earp Syndrome.
You know, I got a badge and a gun, I'll enforce the law and obey orders.
And that sort of thing.
And their scope hasn't focused out yet to see what's really going on in the world.
So, I kind of take those guys with a grain of salt because they haven't matured yet into the politics outside of their own police department or outside of their own city or county.
Another problem that I've seen going on, though, that's worried me, and we've talked about this one before, is cross-deputization.
Now, cross-deputization is when you have a state and a county and a city and a federal government
And the tribal police all become deputized in their various organizations to where they can enforce any law they want, any place they go.
And it's the same as the guy that has jurisdiction there.
In other words, it's a multi-jurisdictional situation.
And it's going to end up at the point where we're going to have a federal police force, a uniformed federal police force, even though it may say the California Highway Patrol or the
Houston Police Department or something like that on the guy's shoulder.
He'll have another patch or he'll have another ID card that will show him that he can be a federal marshal or a... Well, that's already happening.
I mean, that's already going on and it's federalized radios.
They put in these local regional command centers with the National Guard right next door and everything fused in together.
Well, and they're pulling it all together under the guise of Homeland Security because they couldn't make it work under FEMA like they wanted to.
FEMA was a disaster.
So now they're pulling it together under Homeland Security.
And, you know, it just makes me ill to think that you've got the same people doing the same thing that would represent my police department and TSA.
As far as I'm concerned, TSA is a total disaster.
I call them the airport Nazis.
It's another situation of overreaction to something by the federal government, but in the end they created bureaucracy with police powers that is totally terrifying.
You, I mean, you lose, when you walk into an airport today, for instance, you lose the First Amendment, you lose the Second Amendment, you lose the Fifth Amendment, you lose everything.
When you walk into that airport, you can't say anything, you can't have a bad look on your face, or you'll get profiled, you can't complain about anything.
Now they're putting brain scanners, not just in the airports, but on the streets.
And they make you walk through systems that scan your naked body.
Those are now going on the streets, not just airports.
Well, and on top of that, you know, we're going the same direction.
As they did in England, in the UK.
And I just read this morning, as a matter of fact, about the crime rate in the UK, especially in London, has skyrocketed since the British public has basically become disarmed.
But their excuse was, well, we think we've got some good video imagery of the murderers.
There's three of them.
We think we've got some good video imagery of them.
Well, whoop-dee-doo!
That doesn't put them in jail, and it didn't save the guy's life that's lying there bleeding in the street.
But the cameras in England are supposed to solve everything, so what are we doing?
We're following it down the same direction.
We're putting cameras all over the place.
Now, I had a phone call the other day from somebody who said, hey, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we've got cameras on the intersections of every major street now.
Who owns those cameras?
What are they looking at?
And so I said, well, you know, I never even thought about it, but I'll check in, because I don't live in Tulsa anymore.
I moved out of there and moved to the country when I thought it was a good time to do so.
But I started making some phone calls, and I called the police department, and they didn't know.
They're not our cameras.
They belong to the Department of Transportation, or the city, or somebody.
So I called the city street department.
No, they're not ours.
I called all around.
Finally, everybody that seemed to know said, well, we think they're Department of Transportation cameras.
Well, what are they doing on our traffic lights?
And what are they looking for?
What are they looking at?
What are they for?
Well, no one could answer that question.
So I guess if you go up to the State Capitol and find whoever's responsible, you can get an answer.
But we're seeing this all over the country right now.
Well, what does it do?
It makes citizens paranoid.
I've heard people say, well, you know, when it comes down to it, I'll just take my shotgun out there and start shooting those cameras off the tops of the polls.
Well, when people start thinking about that, you know we've got some problems.
And these are the average people.
These aren't people that belong to a militia.
These aren't people who would normally go out and break the law.
They're just average people who have had enough.
They're fed up.
And they're tired of big brotherism, and they really, Americans really hate people prying in our private business.
But it's getting worse all the time, and I think it's a spring that sooner or later is going to be compressed to the point to where it flashes back, and it's going to be a big surprise.
That's when there'll be federal government entities step in and say, we have public unrest, we've got to stop civil disturbances here, these people can't get away with this, we're the boss, they aren't.
You know, I mean, totally backwards on that.
And that's when we're going to start seeing military-type reaction to it in the form of martial law.
Well, again, the elite running the planet are criminal, they are out of control, and they are using the police state to try to guard themselves
from prosecution from their past crimes and they want to use a police state apparatus to further consolidate their control and we better get control of our local governments now we better educate our mayors and people now because a few years ago they wouldn't listen now they are listening I'm talking about the Austin police chief you know
I thought he was putting me on behind the scenes and on air saying he's a fan of the show and believes a lot of it but then I found out people that know him separately at parties and behind the scenes at TV stations and radio stations he's doing Alex Jones imitations and talking about me constantly so I guess he's waking up and if I was a police chief
I knew about the stuff.
I would be thinking about it all the time.
I mean, and I see that all over the country with police, as much as I bash them for violating the Constitution.
I think at the end of the day, they realize that it is this country they owe allegiance to, and the bad guys are in control of the government, just like Hitler was in control of Germany.
Well, you know, Alex, I'm an old X-Files junkie.
I really like that show.
But every once in a while, they come up with a real jewel, and one of the things that they said in there was, trust no one.
I don't know if you ever watched it or remember.
It says, trust no one.
No, I remember.
One of the deals.
Well, when it comes to chiefs of police, that is the theme.
Don't trust a single chief of police out there until you get to know them personally, like you did with this guy.
Oh, I'm not even saying he's perfect.
I didn't trust him until I heard behind-the-scenes stuff.
The point is, is that they're waking up, they're paying attention.
Well, yeah, one way or the other.
They're getting on board one way or the other, slowly but surely.
But you've got to understand, and when I say you, I mean... They may be getting on board because they've been told to be friendly.
Well, here's the way it works.
There are chiefs of police organizations out there.
There's the Major Chiefs Association, there's the National Chiefs Association, there's several others.
That they belong to, and they're like clubs, and they all share stuff, and they all come under different federal grant monies, and so on and so forth.
And what they do is they get together, and most police chiefs of any major city is going to be a political appointee.
He's going to be under the, you know, serve at the discretion of... No, I agree.
You've got to watch police chiefs a lot more than the average cop, because that's who's going to be infiltrated.
And, well, most of your police chiefs' organizations are very left-wing, they're very liberal, they're very socialist.
And you have to be very careful.
They're anti-Second Amendment.
They're anti-First Amendment.
I mean, there's so many things that a lot of these chiefs fall in... They wouldn't get picked for that position if they weren't that way.
If you get a good conservative right-wing police chief, he's the odd man out.
You don't see that very much.
Now, you'll see that in the sheriffs because they're elected by the people.
There's a lot of good right-wing sheriffs out there.
There's a lot of good American patriotic home... And by right-wing, you mean paleo-conservative?
Yeah, I'm talking true conservative America.
Yeah, we're going to skip this break for the InfoWars stream listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv folks.
For everybody else, we'll be back in four minutes and we appreciate everybody tuning in, all the sponsors and support.
We'll continue with Colonel Craig Roberts.
Got about ten minutes left with him today.
It's always great having him.
We've got to have him back sooner to continue talking about all this as it unfolds.
Okay, Colonel Roberts, let's continue.
It's internet only right now, but that's a lot of folks watching and listening.
How do you see this unfolding?
You know, we've talked about what's going on, who's behind the power structure, different things that are happening.
I mean, how do you see it unfolding with the international bankers right now?
I mean, I know you're not predicting, but what do you see happening?
Well, you know, what this is, this is October.
And October is the month of Satan.
And October is when you have your October surprises.
October is when a lot of evil things happen.
October is when we have Halloween.
I mean, there's so many things that happen in the month of October leading up to what?
The election.
So within the next six weeks, whatever's going to break loose is going to break loose.
And I actually think that it's going to happen within the next seven to ten days.
Within the next seven to ten days, and we've been looking at this, all my intel guys, buddies that I've talked to, we all kind of, you know, try to war game the different scenarios out.
And we all feel, since about last April or May, that it was all pointing to September or October of this year, because it's an election year in several other years.
No, I've been hearing that for a year, that this is the key zone.
This is it.
From all sorts of sources, yeah.
This is the window.
This is their window of opportunity, whatever they're going to do.
And like your last guest said, I'm not real sure that we'll have the next election.
It could be to the point to where they suspend everything because of economic collapse.
Just like with Roosevelt.
Don't change horses in the middle of a stream.
And they could declare a national emergency, PDD 25, and all the rest of that stuff gets activated.
So you think they might be willing to be that obvious?
I think so.
I think because the American people, if the media keeps pumping this big panic on us,
It's really not that big of a deal.
I know, isn't it amazing to see the President saying depression?
I mean, that should cause one right there!
Oh yeah, he's the guy that's supposed to be saying, it's not a huge deal, don't panic, everything's going to be fine, we're just going to have to fix it and shore up what we need to shore up, but it's not your responsibility to do so, we'll take care of it.
You know, the whole thing boils down to the way the media is playing this thing up.
I mean, you watch the guy on the morning show at the stock market, and he's panicking before the stock market even opens up.
He's up there getting so emotional and waving the mic around about how bad everything is, and it could really go downhill today and yada yada.
Well, what that does, that spurs people to make it that way, because they call their broker and they say, sell everything I've got, get rid of it.
And the price goes down, the price goes down, more people panic, and it's a snowball effect.
And it's stupid how many sheep are out there who will buy off on this, because here's what's happening.
Somebody's out there buying that stuff.
Now, let's rewind the tape back to the Napoleonic Wars.
Remember when Nathan Rothschild was at the London Stock Exchange?
During the Battle of Waterloo, and the Rothschild... No, no, I mean my new film, Endgame, covers that.
It's historical fact that they lied and said that Napoleon had won, it crashed by 90-something percent, and he bought it up.
And that's when they got their real power.
Well, the way it happened was, they had a... the Rothschild couriers were allowed to go any place.
They had a red bag that had R on it, on their horse, and they could go any place because the troops let them through because they sent messages to both sides.
And they were financing both sides, yeah.
And so the Rothschild Courier would ride up to the London Stock Exchange bond market and he would go inside and he would whisper in Nathan's ear, who's a big fat guy sitting in the back of the room, and Nathan would just hang his head and just look terrible.
Oh my god, what's happening here?
Oh jeez!
And everybody's taking this as...
Wellington's losing the Battle of Waterloo.
So they start selling the stock.
And then, you know, a few hours later another writer would come in.
He'd go back there and Nathan Rothschild would just wring his hands and just, oh my gosh, I can't believe it.
The news is really bad.
But he wouldn't say anything to anybody.
Yeah, he would stand by the pillar pulling his hair out.
Oh, yeah.
Really going through the deal.
Well, what that was, was that was mind control.
All right, here we go.
We're back to the full audience.
Jimmy Vaughn.
Final segment with Colonel Craig Roberts.
I've got to get him up a lot sooner.
He was getting into the Rothschilds, panicking the stock exchange, basically putting out the disinfo that Napoleon had won the war to consolidate.
And it's through these crashes these elites have the power.
And the Rothschilds are the same elite that we had then, that we have today.
Finishing up with that, Colonel Craig Roberts.
Well, and so here's Rothschild back there acting like they're all gloom and doom.
Well, all these people are selling their stock and bonds in the Bank of England.
And, well, somebody's buying it up, and at the end of the day, here comes this other writer up, and he... I'm sorry, it was another writer, but it wasn't a Rothschild courier.
It was a British Army officer, and he throws the door open, walks in, and says, God bless the king.
Wellington is the victor at Waterloo.
And everybody looked around like, my God, what have I done?
And what they did is they sold their country down the drain because they panicked.
And because they panicked... I mean, isn't this the definition of fire in the theater?
To have the Secretary of the Treasury, the President, the Democratic leaders, the Republican leaders, running around saying, Depression!
If you don't do what we want, then they hammer the market.
You know, through the Plunge Protection Team, drive it down.
I mean, this is pure terrorism!
People can debate whether 9-11 was an inside job, but there's no doubt this economic terrorism, stealing over a trillion, two hundred billion yesterday, biggest one-day drop in history of the Dow, I mean, that's terrorism, isn't it, Colonel?
Well, in my mind it is, because it's political terrorism, it's mental terrorism, it's fear.
Well, what's the definition of terrorism?
It's instilling fear for political purposes.
That's what they're doing.
It's unbelievable.
And it's fooling some people.
They're saying, OK, I don't want to lose my 401K and my pension.
I guess I'll be for the bailout.
And then they sign the blank check.
As Bloomberg reports, it's really $5 trillion.
The whole thing is a shift of power, and it's creating a debt.
Yeah, it's the illusion that we owe it and that they, the bankers and engineers, are the saviors.
I've got to have you back sooner rather than later, Colonel, because so much is happening.
Let me set you up in the next few weeks to come on the radio show as this unfolds.
In closing, give out your website.
I know you're a best-selling author, but you've kind of gotten out of that business.
You've got a few of your books still left in your shopping cart.
Tell us how we get them.
Go to www.RifleWarrior.com.
Rifle as in gun, warrior as in soldier, all one word.
It's all out there in the open.
Nothing's hidden.
Well, my friend, we really appreciate you.
And would you personally ask the military and police to... I know most of them have already done it and found out we're telling the truth, but those that are on the fence, they need to look at what we're saying, don't they?
Well, and I think more and more all the time because it's pretty obvious.
It's right in their face right now.
And it's affecting them and their pensions and their plans for the future.
Well, they just better figure out Crooks run the government or they're going to win!
And people may not like my delivery style, but I've just tried my best to warn people, and now we're not talking about it coming.
We're in the middle of it, exactly as we said it would unfold.
Colonel Roberts, thank you for coming on with us.
We'll see you next time.
You bet.
Take care.
There goes Colonel Craig Roberts.
We're scheduled to have Tommy Chung, and we didn't get time zones messed up.
He's here.
Oh, he's already here?
I just got him on hold.
You already got him.
We're going to go to break and come back with him.
But before I do that, John, did you get that YouTube clip?
The latest one Aaron just sent you?
Yep, I'm recording it right now.
Okay, I'm going to play that after the break.
I talked to Jesse Ventura, who's coming down to town to speak with me and Willie Nelson at an anti-war slash 9-11 truth event later in October.
Willie invited myself, and then I said, hey, why don't we have Ventura come down?
And he said, yeah.
And I'll tell you more about that event in the next few days, but Jesse Ventura is on with us tomorrow.
And I was talking to Jesse a few days ago.
He told me all this great stuff he's involved in.
Let's just say this, he's not going back to Mexico.
And he told me, do not tell anybody about this.
So I didn't.
I just said, there might be some big news Wednesday on the show with Governor Ventura.
Well, Time Warner put out a press release.
They're going to do a TV series with him.
And I know all about this TV series, because I know the company that pitched it to him at TruTV, because they pitched me a year ago, a year and a half ago, two years ago.
And all the major CEOs.
I had a meeting with the President.
And again, I don't go out pitching TV shows, folks.
I'm busy doing what I'm doing.
I don't worry about it.
It was going to be very grueling.
They wanted me to be the producer.
But it went all the way to the top a year and a half ago.
And three different networks said, we know this will get ratings.
But corporate controllers at CEO level basically said, no.
They said, that's too dangerous.
And now, this was pitched to a bunch of people.
But it's basically the same show.
But I am very excited for Governor Ventura.
And there's other stuff I know I can't talk about on air because he asked me not to.
But then, suddenly, Aaron walks in here 30 minutes ago with a PR Newswire deal released by Time Warner about Jesse Ventura.
And by the way, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
We'll see how much he can say tomorrow when he's on the show with us.
I'm really excited to have Tommy Chong, of course of Cheech and Chong fame and a lot more.
They're touring together after decades of not touring together.
And someday we're going to get him and Cheech on together.
That'll really be historical.
But we're really honored to have Tommy Chong about to join us after this quick break.
But tomorrow we don't just have Jesse Ventura, another huge secret guest.
We're on the march.
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Well, not just a cult icon, but a pop icon.
And a great activist against the phony drug war, Tommy Chong is our guest for the next 27 minutes.
And we are going to get Cheech on with him.
That is the holy grail.
These two guys together because they just got reunited.
They're on tour.
We're going to tell you all about that and how I can see it when they're coming to town.
I'm going to go interview them behind the scenes, maybe even get them in studio.
But regardless,
Tommy Chong is a great guy, and we want to get an update on all the stuff that's happening with some of the films he's involved in, some of the persecution he's gone through for standing up against the police state, but mainly about the Cheech and Chong reunion tour, which is just fabulous.
Now, before we do that, again, this just broke.
I've known about it for a while.
I was basically pitched this TV show without looking for it, and it was pitched all these big ways.
They said, we know it'll get huge ratings.
Frankly, another pilot was shot for Discovery Channel, and one of the heads got axed over it.
I don't want to go into a long thing, but it looks like with Ventura it's going to happen.
So I wanted to play this trailer, and I can't say any more, but I'm glad Jesse got this job.
Here it is.
You're either evil or you're good.
These are the stories you hear in whispered conversations.
We're both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so sick that we can't talk about it.
One would think it wouldn't take very long for that to happen, dealing with people like this.
These are the stories that offer different explanations.
These mothers have planned every monster you can imagine, and I do this because I'm the lead in this country!
They are the stories that must be told.
Suspicion of our politicians is not new.
But the number of citizens who distrust the government today has reached an alarming new height.
In New York City, nearly two-thirds of the population believes there is more to 9-11 than has been told.
I believe the title was Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
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Have you been there for the ceremony with the cremation of Carys?
Frankly, I don't think that's something I need to talk to you about.
He explores the places others only talk about.
You're beginning to sink deeper into the rabbit hole now.
He takes us through the doors others won't enter.
It's game again to imagine what we're going to discover.
Alright, it goes on and on.
Anyways, folks, I'm so excited.
Can you imagine Jesse Ventura?
Because that's what they're doing.
Time Warner's announced it.
He's going to be charging around investigating the New World Order.
And I'm just going to leave it there.
Yeah, it sure is, man.
I watched 9-11 was an inside job, the video you did, and I was mesmerized for the hour and a half or whatever it was that it took, because it opened my eyes.
I had those feelings, but it never really jelled until I saw the proof.
And now, just everything makes sense.
Again, and look what they're doing today, attacking Wall Street.
They're using Wall Street as the 9-11 to get more money out of the people.
Oh, you're absolutely on target there.
There's no doubt that they are orchestrating this.
I mean, this is financial terrorism to say, give us complete immunity for all the Wall Street crimes, give us trillions, it's not $700 billion, or we'll have a depression and then the biggest plunge in the market ever when Congress says no and they blame it on Congress.
That is amazing, Tommy.
Yeah, and the thing is, but it's like gambling.
You know, what they're doing, and thank God the people aren't going for it, is that, you know, these guys have got a gambling Jones and they keep losing.
And they want more money, more money.
They're like a junkie that needs more heroin, you know, and they'll never get enough.
And they're trying to use that.
I mean, you've seen how McCain tried to
Be the knight in shining armor rescuing everything and he stuck his foot right into it when it fell on its face.
And it wasn't just the Democrats that shot it down, it was the real conservative Republicans shot it down.
Absolutely, and you talk about a heroine head as an analogy, or as an example.
This is like a heroine head robbing your house of your stereo and your jewelry, except it's Ben Bernanke and Mr. Treasury Secretary Paulson and Bush that are doing it.
Yeah, well it's Bush and his cronies.
It's the final insult, you know, it's goodbye, we don't care about you.
And like you said, who was it, I think it was
Michael Moore pointed out the fact that Bush is totally owned by the Saudis.
By the way, Michael Moore now is in our new film, Truth Rising, saying that he's looking at 9-11 being an inside job and police and firemen have told him there were bombs in the building.
I mean, they're going to have a big problem when Michael Moore and all these other people are starting to go public, Tommy.
They're in deep trouble.
Well, I know, I know.
And the funny thing is, like, you know, I mentioned this to Cheech, you know, and Cheech, his dad was a cop.
And Cheech is as straight as can be, you know, on certain things.
And Cheech was very, very defensive for these guys.
You know, they said, no, no, no, no, no.
He just laughed it off, you know, like, oh, no, that would never happen.
And he said, you know, and my son, too, Paris, he said, oh, no, you can make any film, you know, say anything you want, you know, with the editing and that.
And so I never said anything.
I said, you know, you guys just got to watch this film.
Just watch it yourself.
Make up your own mind.
You know, I'm not going to be trying to sell anybody anything.
What film was that that you showed them?
Oh, really?
A Terror Storm?
What effect did that have on them?
Well, he hasn't seen it yet.
Okay, good.
Oh, you just gave it to him.
Neither would have seen it.
So that's what I'm going to make sure Cheech sees it before he comes on the show.
Well, I know that Terror Storm, that's what I first gave Ventura two years ago in person in San Antonio, then led him to investigate, then his son gave him loose change and Ventura woke up.
And that's how this is working is person by person, you know, waking others up and it's so exciting.
Yeah, it is.
And it makes so much sense.
You know, because, you know, you can see active terrorism
You know, like in other countries, you know, but why would they pick those particular targets?
Well, why would the Arabs want to bring the wrath into their country?
But, I mean, larger than that, what I ought to send you, you probably know about it, but I can send you the video clip of Keith Oberman reporting and Cy Hirsch of New Yorker that Cheney, just three months ago, planned to paint up US patrol boats like Iranian boats and have Navy SEALs dress up
Dress up as Iranians and attack our ships in the Strait of Hormuz.
I mean, that's admitted!
Well, yeah, all that hanky-panky's going on.
And you know, the funny thing is, Alex, is that these guys, you know, they're so short-sighted.
It just boggles the mind how shallow you have to be.
To go to that length, for what purpose?
There's some sort of insanity that's really hard to comprehend.
Well that's what a lot of our guests have been saying is that they, and I've interviewed a lot of people who are in the government or been in the government, and they say that that's what this current crew was known as when they were junior 20 years ago was as the crazies.
And they have nicknames like the Prince of Darkness, Richard Perle, and that they do, they're risk takers, like psychopathic gamblers.
They want to get caught, they want to go too far.
Yeah, well they're like those, you know, like the Unabombers and those guys where they
They want the publicity.
They want the serial killers.
They want the notoriety.
They want to show people how clever they were.
And if they're so clever they can't get caught, that defeats their purpose.
And so they leave these signs around so that you will find out who were the nuts that
Perpetrated all this disaster stuff.
Well, after World War II, we were a very trusting country.
We began trusting our government too much.
We'd just beaten the evil Nazis.
And then the people became very gullible.
But now the process of waking up to both parties and the whole system is pretty much complete.
9% approval rating for Congress.
Bush has the lowest approval rating of any president ever.
And 90 plus percent against the bailout.
No matter all the fear-mongering that the bankers engage in, it looks to me like it's like somebody, you know, a cousin or something that cheats you one too many times and you just say, I'm done with you.
Oh, yeah.
Well, you know, when I was in prison, the first thing I eventually learned, you know, that everybody has an angle, you know.
And these so-called friends would come up and be, you know, give me things and, you know, talk nice to me and know all about my family and that.
And they're all con artists.
And they're all slick, slick, slick, because everybody's got an angle.
And that's what you find out, especially in the political world, you know, that they make it look like one thing and then
Then they turn around, you know, I mean, like they do.
The problem is, is that after they get caught, then they're not trusted anymore, and it's scary to say that a minority of people in government now don't have an angle, and even a minority maybe of the general public, I mean, I'm not trying to be negative, there's a lot of good people, but I'm, look, I've just learned what you've learned, that even common folks have angles.
Oh yeah!
Instead of just stating what they want up front, I don't understand it.
That's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying.
That's what I learned in jail.
I mean, you find out that the people loved the game.
They loved the game.
They loved this, you know, like I was in there with this security thief, you know, and he made millions and millions of dollars stealing, you know, manipulating the stock market.
And while he was in there, he had another company that was, guess what, running mortgages.
So while he was in prison, he was running in mortgages.
He was into mortgages.
That's what he was doing while he was doing time.
And of course, when the mortgaging collapsed, of course it collapsed because that's what these guys were in for.
But his thrill wasn't making the millions and millions of dollars because he was so stoned all the time that he never enjoyed it.
Enjoyed his money.
It was the fact that he could do it.
Well, that's what my dad years ago told me.
He would say, and my grandfather too, he'd say, son, there's people that would rather steal a quarter from you than make a hundred dollars with you honestly.
They get a thrill out of screwing people and lying to people.
And that's exactly what we have in power right today.
You know, that's what the Republican party is, is filled with these people.
That are enjoying the game, like Karl Rove, for instance.
He gets more kick out of seeing how gullible these people are.
By the way, as you know, Tommy, he's said things like that to reporters before.
Sure, I know.
Same as Abramoff.
Remember when Abramoff was stealing from the Indians?
He was bragging about it.
It's unbelievable.
I want to get into the tour.
I want to get into some of the things that have happened with you, aka Tommy Chong.
The government seizing the film, but that only made it bigger.
I want to plug some of the stuff you're up to, because we really love having you on to support everything you're doing, Tommy Chong.
I mean, let's go ahead and get into that now first.
Giving us the latest developments since you were on with us a few months ago with what happened with the film you were involved with and what's happened since then with the continued persecution that you're under where Henry Paulson can steal hundreds of billions but you're in trouble for selling pipes.
Yeah, for shipping a bong across... No, thinking!
Thinking about shipping a bong.
Because it was a conspiracy charge.
And again, they had to hire someone to infiltrate your group to secretly mail it when you on record told them not to mail it to the city.
Oh my God.
That's right.
And it's thinking.
It's a thought crime.
It was a thought crime.
But thinking of selling a paraphernalia of bong across the state line.
And there's a law.
And you know who authored that law?
Joseph Biden.
So then a film comes out about this.
They don't want the film out.
Tell folks what happens.
Oh, well, what happened, the film wasn't, it was in some financial trouble.
And then, you know, because we couldn't get finishing money.
And then Matt Stevens of Urine Luck, you know, the drug testing company,
That helps people pass drug tests.
He stepped up and he bought half interest in the film.
His warehouse was stocking all the AKA Tommy Chong film.
When he was raided by the Feds, and by the way, it was the same person, Mary Beth Buchanan, raided Matt Stevens' offices.
And you know what the charge is, Alex?
The charge is that because his drug testing is causing people to withhold information from the IRS because of his drug testing.
I mean, they bend over.
That is their charge.
And so what they did when they confiscated, of course, all his computers and, you know, it's a big drug testing ring they broke up, you know.
And basically what he did was sell urine.
That was his job, was selling urine to people that needed urine.
So they got the urine and then they found the AKA Tommy Chong CDs or DVDs and so they confiscated a bunch of them.
And when he asked them and they said, you know, you'll get your stuff back in four or five years if you're lucky.
Well, Tommy, let's not let them stop the film getting out.
The film has gotten out, and a lot of them have gone out.
Tell folks how they get that, or I guess just Google AKA Tommy Chung, and it's all over the place.
Or can people go to your website and get it?
Yeah, they can get it.
AKA Tommy Chung is the best website to get the film.
And last time we were on the Alex Jones Show, we sold thousands.
I mean, it was unbelievable.
Matt Stevens couldn't believe it, because all of a sudden he got such a rush for orders for it.
And it's being sold on our tour.
And we're going to be all over the place.
You can go to Cheech and Chong.com or Cheech and Chong tour.com.
You guys have been persecuted just massively.
People need to buy the film.
They need to go to the website.
But also you're some of the best comedians out there.
And this is like Led Zeppelin if they do a reunion tour.
You don't know if you'll see it again.
You guys haven't been together.
Talk about that.
You haven't been together for a long time.
You got back together.
Tell us about the tour.
Well, we haven't been together for something like 27 years since we'd last been on stage together.
So we got together and it was like riding a bike.
It was so simple and we do the old classic Cheech and Chong bits and we just have the best time.
My wife Shelby opens the show and then we have a back screen projector and we show some of the clips from all our past stuff.
And then we, uh, then she snagged him out, and we, we do about an hour, hour and a half,
And it's just all the old Cheech and Chong bits.
Tommy Chong's our guest.
We've only got about eight minutes left in the show, so I'm going to skip this break.
For everybody on PrisonPlanet.tv and listening over the web for the MN FM stations, back in just three minutes with the legend Tommy Chong.
And we're going to get Cheech on with him soon.
That is going to be awesome.
Man, I love this show and I love the great people we get to have on like Tommy Chong.
God bless him.
We'll be right back.
For everybody else, stay with us.
Okay, Tommy, we're skipping this break.
Continue with the plug.
We're going to plug it again at the end of the show in about eight minutes when you leave us, but continue with the tour.
I hear some of these are selling out.
How do folks go sign up for this?
Tell folks how they get tickets.
We're still on the air.
Okay, right now?
Yes, sir.
We skipped the break.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, well, listen.
You go to Cheech and Chong Tour dot com.
And it'll list all the dates.
We've been selling out, adding shows.
Los Angeles, we had to add a third show.
And they're looking even at a fourth show.
So the tickets are going like crazy.
And we're selling more merch at every show than the Rolling Stones.
I mean, it's gone crazy.
And the truth is that Cheech and I, even though we hadn't been together, we still
We can still do the old stuff.
And you know, surprisingly enough, the audience, they just want to hear Cheech and Chong.
They don't want us to get into any political rap.
I tried to do a political rap in Detroit and I got shouted down.
No political stuff.
People want to laugh.
They don't want to get involved in thinking or anything else.
So they're high and they just want to laugh at Cheech and Chong like the old days.
And so that's what we've been doing.
And the shows have been incredible, just incredible.
People line up for hours and sometimes days.
We did a show in Los Angeles where they camped out overnight because there was only like 300 tickets and people were camped out for like two days before the event just to get in line to get a chance to get a ticket.
So it's been really, really crazy.
Back being as funny as he's ever been and he's loving it.
He's just having the best time of his life and I've been having the best time.
And being back together again, there was such a love and such a
Magic chemistry between us that is still there.
Well I remember being a little kid and having a babysitter sneak off with me to go see the first Cheech and Chong movie and I just I mean so from the time I was a little kid I just love you guys and that's why it's so crazy to be on air with you right now just just why did you guys wait so long that makes it that much more sweet now and that much more powerful but why did you guys
Well, we were going to get back together, and then I went to jail.
That was a couple of years missing.
Then I was on a year probation, and then Cheech had other commitments.
It was just crazy.
I went over to his place, you know, he wanted to do the tour.
And I went over and we had a fight, a big fight.
Okay, for those that were on some of the stations that carried that segment on the internet listening, we were getting into how Tommy Chong and Cheech got back together and after he got out of jail being set up for selling pipes, or thinking about selling pipes, he goes back over to Cheech's house, he just got to the point of what happened next.
Tommy, continue.
I went over there and I had an idea.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I
There you go.
You guys can get back together.
You're friends.
There's nothing wrong.
It's up to you, Dad.
Cheech wants to do it, so it's up to you.
My son said, Do you want to do it?
I said, Yeah.
So my son just emailed Cheech back saying it was me because he knows that I would put some zinger in there that would blow everything.
Then we got back together.
It has been just one big high ever since.
How long have you been on tour?
Just about a month, right?
Yeah, we've been out about a month.
Yeah, we're getting over a month now.
Okay, well in closing, I want to say bye to you when the show ends here in about two minutes off air, but in closing, Tommy Chung, plug all the websites because folks are tuning in every millisecond.
People need to get the film, The Government Tried to Suppress, a.k.a.
Tommy Chung.
Give out your personal website, give out the tour website, give it all out for people.
Okay, well the a.k.a.
Tommy Chung is on that website, a.k.a.
That's the documentary.
I've got a TommyChong.com personal website where we also are linked up to all the other ones.
And then there's the Cheech and Chong Tour.com that has all the tour information.
And you're coming to Austin in the next few months.
I am going to be there.
And I can't wait to meet you guys in person.
Who knows, maybe we can get you in studio.
If not, do a behind the scenes interview.
And I hope to get you both on before that even unfolds.
In closing, shifting back the last minute and a half to the really big issues that face us, where do you see this bailout going?
What would you say to the public?
Was that heartening for you to see Congress say no to the bailout yesterday?
Well, you know, it's like that do or die thing.
It's like a suicide note.
Either give me the money or I'm going to kill myself.
And then, oh well, he never killed himself.
Yeah, the market went back up today.
Yeah, and the market's doing pretty good.
And then it was like, so the question is, who are we bailing out and why?
God, they act like total criminals!
I mean, this is classic!
Yeah, why do we need to bail them out?
And where's the money going to go?
Where's it coming from?
What are we going to get in return?
What's the collateral?
Well, Congressman Ron Paul on this show called for Paulson and Bernanke and all of their arrests, and they need to be arrested.
They've committed... I mean, talk about conflict of interest.
We've got Henry Paulson still running part of the big brokerage house he was part of, Goldman Sachs, and then he's giving money to his own company.
And do you hear why they came up with that number?
No, I mean, they just pulled... You know what it was?
They needed a big number, so a trillion would look too big, so they said around 750 billion.
That's right, they did say that.
No basis of why they would need that much money.
Okay, Tommy, I'm going to say bye to you here right when the show ends.
For everybody else, retransmission on the internet starts now on the streams.
Had a bunch of big guests on today.
InfoWars.com, big announcements at the start of the show.
Go to the restream, InfoWars.com.
Vaya con Dios, God bless you.
Alright, let me say bye to Tommy.
He's in transmission now on the website.
Hey listen, I'm gonna let you go and I'm not gonna...