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Name: 20080925_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 25, 2008
1527 lines.
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Okay, we are skipping the next break in between votes in the House and doing his work and his lunch.
He's joining us.
He'll be with us until about 23, 24 after.
So note to networks, we're skipping the next break.
Congressman Ron
Paul joins us, former presidential candidate as libertarian, then for president.
He has been for decades warning about how the international banking system would cause a world implosion.
He's been intensely warning the last few months on national television in Congress and here on this radio show.
And I specifically want to get from him the breakdown of what's happening, this unprecedented power that the Treasury is asking for to make itself a private hedge fund, and also to give themselves amnesty from any crimes that have been committed by the financial order.
Paul Watson has the headline on PrisonPlanet.com, Bush and McCain blackmail America with economic terrorism.
Two parties have circled the wagons.
They're saying you must give us unlimited power and five trillion dollars, according to Bloomberg's, the real number, Bloomberg Financial, or depression will strike, which itself is enough to send the markets into oblivion.
So please, Congressman Ron Paul, who was just questioning Bernanke and the Banking Committee yesterday, the only one asking real questions, tell us what we're truly facing right now.
Who are the culprits?
Do people need to be brought to justice for this so that the criminal activity stops?
And what is your idea of a plan to try to avert what's happening versus their stick-up bailout, Congressman?
Well, obviously it is very, very serious and we've been warning about it, as you have on your radio program, and it's here.
But when they say that if we don't do exactly as they say and turn over more of our money and more of our liberties and exempt themselves from any court in the whole nation,
They're trying to intimidate us and stampede us into doing the wrong thing.
But they're also right when they say that if they don't do that, we're going to have serious problems.
Yes, we are.
But we're going to have much more serious problems if we do what they want.
I'll call him back.
We lost him.
Okay, classic there ladies and gentlemen.
We lost the congressman over the congressional phone line system.
And so we are calling Congressman Ron Paul back right now on this key day with the decision of this nation being decided.
This is one of the most important crossroads in this country and in the world's economic history.
Will the criminals that have orchestrated this crisis
That has nothing to do with the subprime loans.
That's less than a hundred billion of the trillions of junk and derivatives that are out there.
Will they be able to orchestrate an expansion of their power out of the crisis they've committed to bring us even under greater control of the economic fascist
Or will the American people rally and say no and come up with a real plan to avert economic depression?
This is make it or break it right now and we're getting Congressman Ron Paul back up on the line.
For folks watching at PrisonPlanet.tv right now we are...
Streaming live, Bush and McCain blackmail America with economic terrorism.
Excellent article by Paul Joseph Watson that everyone should read and also get out to your email list, friends and family and others.
Because it's key right now that the American people understand why and how this is happening and who the culprits are.
That is absolutely essential right now that that happen.
And the good news is, in the Ross Mewson polls and other polls, under 30% or 28% in some polls, lower in some others, higher in others, but never above 30%.
Only 30% of the people are supporting this.
And that is very, very exciting.
Were we able to get the Congressman back?
It is pandemonium up there at the Capitol with the phone system.
We will get the congressman back on with us.
Lawmakers, financial bailout agreement reached.
This is Associated Press.
This just came out ten minutes ago.
Warned of possible financial panic.
Key Republicans and Democrats reported agreement in principle Thursday on a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry and said they would present it to Bush administration hubs of a vote within days.
Emerging from the two-hour negotiation session, Senator Chris Dodd, the Senate
The Banking Committee Chairman said, we are very confident that we can act expeditiously.
I now expect that we will indeed have a plan that can pass the House, pass the Senate, and be signed by President, said Senator Bob Bennett, Republican, Utah.
The bipartisan consensus on the general discussion of the legislation was
Reported just hours before President Bush was to host presidential contenders Barack Obama, John McCain, and congressional leaders at the White House for discussions on how to clear obstacles to the unpopular rescue plan.
See, it's unpopular, so you have the establishment showing.
It's the establishment against the people giving dictatorial powers to these private interests.
He's back.
Congressman, I had a little snafu there, but at least we've got ten minutes left with you.
Please go back to where you were.
You were dealing with the very people that have engineered this are now saying give us unlimited blank check power.
Yeah, that's what they want, and they don't want any review of any court.
So they want dictatorship.
They want to pass all the penalty and suffering on the average person on Main Street.
They talk about illiquid assets, but what they should say is assets that have no value, then everybody would know what they're talking about.
And they just want to dump the real assets on us, and the bankers and others who are in special locations will pick up pieces of the good assets that were left over.
And we will have a depression or recession.
It's locked in place due to previous Federal Reserve action.
The only question is,
Whether this will last one year, or ten years, or a full decade, and we lose a lot of liberties in the meantime.
I was saying earlier that it looks like, from what I sense in this Congress, they're opting out for a decade plus of depression, rather than saying, let's correct our ways, let's balance the budget, let's cut taxes, let's bring our troops home and do all sensible things.
And what they're going to do is more the same of printing money and spending, so that will prolong the agony and prevent the correction that is mandatory.
If we're talking about 13 to 15 percent real inflation compounded, that is going to be devastating to people on fixed incomes, but the general economy itself is already grinding to a halt right here in Texas, even in Austin, supposedly the most successful city in the country right now.
Things are bad, Congressman.
We've had in addition over in our area, you know, along the coast, we've had the addition of the hurricane problem.
But, you know, if you're starting to feel it there, you can imagine what it must be like living in Nevada and California and Michigan and all these other places that have been suffering for a lot longer than a month or two.
It's been a year or two, and there's still a long way to go.
And my point is, as long as you prevent and slow up the liquidation and the correction, the longer the pain and the suffering lasts.
What about criminal charges?
I mean, there's no doubt that the brokerage firms and hedge funds that put out all this fake paper knew they were engaging in criminal activities.
I mean, don't we need to have some investigations and prosecutions so that Wall Street will stop engaging in these activities?
Yeah, there's no doubt about it, but probably if you wanted to prosecute the most guilty party, you'd have to prosecute the Federal Reserve Board and the politicians who promote that, because that's where the biggest fraud is.
Yes, that is true.
This encourages fraud and deceit and all this speculation, but I like to see that as local as possible.
Just remember not too many years ago when Enron went bankrupt.
It motivated everybody to say, hey, there's not enough regulation, so they passed Sarbanes-Oxley, which was totally unnecessary and has hurt our economy.
In Enron, people were prosecuted under Texas anti-fraud laws.
So the whole idea of getting the FBI involved, that's sort of the FBI, BATF approach, and we don't like national police, so yes, they should be convicted and put in prison when they defrauded the public.
So you want to see state grand juries in the proper role under the Tenth Amendment that have very serious teeth, and the crime is public, so they need to convene grand juries right now.
Yeah, and we have proper authority for that, and experience with it.
I think the Enron case is a good example.
Okay, solutions.
I mean, you have won world economic awards.
I don't like to toot your horn, but you've won some of the most prestigious awards out there by different schools of economics.
Of course, the Austrian school, the Von Mises Institute.
What is your plan?
What would you do right now if you were the president and you were having this meeting coming up in a few hours?
What would Ron Paul do?
Of course, you have to realize a constitutional president is cautious about not becoming a dictator himself.
I know what the policy should be, of course, and you have to find out what the Congress is going to do.
But there would be a lot you could do.
You could probably... I think the most important thing is to send the message that we're going to quit living beyond our means.
And the President can set the standard for that.
And he has the most control under the Constitution on foreign policy.
He could say, look, no more wars.
We're done with these wars.
We're not going to take on the Russians.
We're not going to go take on people in Venezuela.
We're going to start talking to the Cubans.
And bring our troops home and save hundreds of billions of dollars.
That would send a powerful message that the dollar would respond to and actually oil prices would come down.
But then you have to get a consensus.
You have to get people to say, look, are you ready for a new idea about government?
Something that the founders knew about?
Government should be limited to protecting liberties.
We have to talk about unraveling the welfare state.
And we have to give up our ideas of world empire.
And that is the most important thing a president could do.
In the meantime, the policy ought to be shrink the size of the government, decrease the regulation, work toward the sound money, remove the authority of the Fed to create money out of thin air, and get tax reduction.
We need radical tax reduction.
They want more money in the economy.
Well, if we didn't have an income tax and did away with the spending, we'd all be a lot richer, and all of a sudden I think we would thrive in a short period of time.
I would permit the liquidation of debt to continue.
All right, Congressman, we have the AP reporting that a financial bailout agreement has been reached.
Basically, they're going along with almost all of what Paulson called for in his new financial imperium are failing forward.
Getting back to prosecution, I mean, if you're saying go after the Fed governors, are you talking about Alan Greenspan, the former chairman?
Are you talking about Helicopter Ben?
Who are you talking about?
All of them, but you know, in a way that's a symbolic gesture because they are
People who have been put in office, you know, through the system and the president, I don't think we'd get anywhere on there, but morally speaking, they're the culprits.
And, you know, in 1792, when we had our first corny jack, they said anybody that counterfeited money deserved a death penalty.
That's what they thought, because they hated inflation.
And here we are, we endorse inflation, legalize it, and put, you know, how long was Alan Greenspan considered the maestro?
Nobody would say boo to him.
Here he set up the whole stage of this whole problem that we have.
And really he's just a little man behind the curtain running the scam.
We only have about four minutes left with you, Congressman.
I wanted to get into the Army Times last week announcing regular combat brigades to be rotated in for crowd control with microwave guns, non-lethal weapons.
We see the federal expansion.
Are you concerned about
About civil unrest, if a depression comes, or if this deepens, and how do we counter that when they start activating regular army groups in the United States?
Well, it's going to be tough, because that's the movement.
They tell you what their attitude is with that provision in Paulson's bill, which says, we're exempt from the courts.
We don't even want the courts to look at this.
They may modify that language, but you know what their attitude is.
And they want to be lawless.
They don't want to be held accountable.
And that's why it is extremely dangerous.
I talk about the economic dangers, and we all should be concerned, because we want a high standard of living.
But ultimately, the only thing that counts is our freedom.
You know, we could be very, very poor.
We could wipe out a lot of wealth in this country.
But if we had our freedoms in the market and found money,
We would all go back to work quickly, we would help our neighbors and our friends, and we would be wealthy in a short period of time.
So that's why what you're talking about, are we going to have martial law?
Or are we going to have more freedoms?
And the more problems that we have, the more likely it is that we're going to have martial law.
So I do think they anticipate and make plans for these things.
In closing, Congressman, you have detailed the fact that government is always co-opted by private corporations and corrupt systems, and no matter how much good you try to put into it, it always turns out becoming corrupted.
But at the same time, people losing their homes, companies falling apart,
The real economy being raided by Wall Street right now with the previous bailout money.
You know, banning the shorting only on themselves, but then turning the dogs loose on the real economy.
I know you're against the bailout of the bankers.
Is it a lesser evil to have some type of bailout of the infrastructure itself because we're like an emaciated person that's been thrown up on the shore?
Or, what do you say to that?
And what do you mean by infrastructure?
Are you talking about material infrastructure, roads, highways, and things?
Well, all of it, and then people losing their houses.
I mean, if we're going to have a bailout, shouldn't it be of the American people?
I mean, I know that's bad, too, but isn't that better?
On principle, I wouldn't endorse that, but I also always have a program of transition.
If money is to be spent, we have to pay for it.
Just recently, we had a disaster relief program, and I voted against it.
And I did, because we don't have the money.
But I'm not against doing some of that, but I'm against building the deficit to do it.
I would cut, you know, if we need $10 billion for survival reasons here, or infrastructure, I would cut $20 billion overseas, put $10 against the deficit, and use $10 here at home.
And that's not perfect.
But, it's so much better than continue to spend money and expand our programs overseas and getting ourselves into so much trouble.
So, the lesser of two evils.
Well, I certainly agree with you there.
This is the final question, Congressman.
They're saying that they're going to go ahead and go with the bailout.
Do you think that's going to fall apart or do you think the scaremongering by both parties' leaders
Well, it's going to be inflationary, but it might calm the markets for a little while, but it will not solve the problem.
It just delays the inevitable.
But yesterday I would have said, boy, there's no way they can get these votes today.
You know, arm-twisting and giving everybody benefits and boosting this package up and passing out more funds.
It looks like they're going to defy the American people.
And it tells you how close the two parties are, because you see, all of a sudden, you don't see McCain and Obama fighting over this.
Uh, they both endorse these bailout principles.
And you see Clinton endorsing basically McCain.
I mean, it's a love fest.
So that tells you that they are in charge and you know that we've complained a lot about the political system and why
Anybody who truly objects to the establishment can't get very far in today's establishment.
Is that why you're endorsing Chuck Baldwin over the Republican candidate?
Well, I've rejected the two-party system and the two candidates, so yes, I did pick Chuck over... Congressman, I think this could end up destroying the New World Order globalist system.
I think they've overreached and this is badly coordinated, and I think this is finally going to destroy the people's confidence in this giant mega-state.
Do you agree with that?
I think that's a possibility, because I think they get to the point where they think they're like God and they can control everything, and they don't realize the market really is more powerful than all the bankers and all the politicians.
The markets rule, it just takes time and sorting out who's going to be the victims and all.
They think they have control, but ultimately, you know, it's the underground economy that
That is the real economy, so I think they could overstep themselves and hopefully we can come out with a better world afterwards.
Well, we're really blessed to have you up there watching the Banking Crime Syndicate.
They're on the House Banking Committee, Congressman, and we just want to thank you.
Please plug some of the websites and the book or any other information or any congressional websites that people might want to check into.
Okay, if you go to ronpaul.org and go to all my websites, but the most significant right now is Campaign for Liberty.
Either one will find me, I'm found very easily on the internet.
Sir, thank you for your time.
Take care.
Okay, thank you very much.
You bet.
There goes Congressman Ron Paul, spending 20 minutes with us today.
We appreciate him taking the time out to do that in his busy schedule.
I know we have loaded phone lines here.
When you hear a caller hang up, it means you can get involved on air.
I'm going to go to your calls, but I'm going to go to them in rapid succession.
For me, that means extremely slow.
But on this call list, John, who is up next?
Matt in the UK.
Matt in the good old UK.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much, sir.
I hope you're feeling a lot better, by the way.
I've enjoyed the topic today.
Yeah, I just want to mention very quickly, I know you've got a lot of calls to your show.
Basically, I watched the bus thing yesterday in the UK.
And I just want to mention that basically, where I live in the UK, there's a lot of houses that have been repossessed.
And what the councils are doing is, is obviously the ones that have been repossessed, they're going to privatise and rent them out.
Um, very, very scary times.
Explain that again, they're going to privatize them.
Who is going to privatize them?
The local councils, or the councils in the UK.
All the houses, like where I live in the UK, have got the highest repossession rate in the UK.
And what they're going to do is, all the houses that have been repossessed, the council is going to buy them off the government.
I saw some plans of that so you have government engaging in predatory activity at every level and of course the United States has said it's going to quote bail out the British banks.
They're talking about two hundred billion pounds or that's four hundred million plus dollars just in the UK with your seventy million or eighty million people over there.
I mean think about the magnitude of this and so the people pay for the bailout
And then they get their houses taken, and then government takes your tax money locally, and buys the houses again, so really the banks are being paid.
That's just like in the U.S.
they're saying, top dollar will be paid for the junk securities and the derivatives, and then the good homes and the bad homes, all of it, by the taxpayer.
Top dollar!
And then we get to have our houses taken!
I mean, I mean, it's just crime on crime on crime and just a mindless public, you know, no idea what's even going on.
They're just absolutely, like people have had their ears gouged out, their eyes gouged out, their tongues cut out, beaten in the head with hammers, just drooling on the side of the road, just worshipping black ski masks, worshipping cameras, worshipping FEMA camps.
I mean, I feel sorry for people.
I mean, I mean, the people in the UK are blinded by this because, like,
The mortgage interest rate has gone up by 8, 9, even 10% in the UK, and people just can't afford it.
I mean, like, I don't know what it's like in the US for like, we have like a minimum wage.
It's like £5.52 UK pounds.
I don't know what that is in US dollars.
But people just can't live on this minimum wage.
And then we're at RPM saying that they've created 3 million new jobs.
3 million new jobs where?
Matt, gotta jump.
Thank you for the call.
Scott, Bill, John, Michael, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
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Grave digger.
Grave digger.
When you dig my grave.
Man, Willie Nelson's voice is soothing.
By the way, just a program note.
I'm going to announce tomorrow or Monday.
We've already judged the essays.
I'm trying to judge the videos.
We want to try to be fair about this.
We already had one wave of contests.
For $3,000, a $2,000 prize and a $1,000 prize.
Those won a month or so ago.
The second wave, it's been a few weeks since that closed out, and we got a couple hundred essays of each, hundreds of videos, and we're just, all of us have been watching, reading, trying to pick the best winners.
So we're going to get on to that.
Also, Willie Nelson was on with us a few months ago, a month and a half ago, and a caller said, hey, you ought to have a 9-11 Truth Rally.
And he said, I'd do that in a minute.
And I said, well, you really want to do it?
And he goes, yeah, set it up.
And then at the dates when he was going to be in Texas, he's not here that much anymore.
It was just conflicts and he said, look, just come to one of my concerts and I'll have you and Jesse Ventura speak there.
And I had no idea how special this concert is and who else is going to be there.
And so Willie said, I mean, by the time he announced it, this concert was already sold out.
And so I kind of like, well, I can't have a bunch of people come to it.
We're going to have a free one.
But we're going to stream it live over the web.
It'll be at InfoWars.com for free.
And we've already been out there and wired all that up out there with his people.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
And I have been so busy I haven't even called Ventura back.
He's set.
He's coming into town in his RV.
Last time I talked to him was like three weeks ago.
I've been too busy.
I'm going to call them tomorrow.
And it's all set up.
It's a done deal.
But I'm just going to, you know, get them both set up to come on and promote the event on air in the next month.
In a few weeks I'll announce where it's at and where it's going to be.
But just know this, in late October you'll be able to watch it for free on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to pay for it and stream it out and do the whole deal.
Willie was offering to hook up his own stuff and do it.
I said, look, I don't want to bug you.
Frankly, with all the economic stuff that's happening, all the things that are going on, I haven't really been thinking about it much.
You know, it's exciting, but at the same time, people who never met celebrities, who don't know celebrities, or haven't hung out with real celebrities, you know, people think it's like Cloud 9 and some magical kingdom that no one's ever been to, and you'd just be happy and fulfilled if you'd ever been there.
And me, I just know so many, and I'm not bragging either, it's, it's, you know, the point is, because they're, you know, they think the same, or they agree with me, or they like what I'm doing, or, they reach out.
So many other countless celebrities have reached out, and I don't even... It's really embarrassing.
I'm actually not very good at this.
I had a huge icon of rock and roll call a few weeks ago, and I never even called him back.
Most people would kill for this, and I am just like totally thinking about the New World Order, and banking, and FEMA camps, and army brigades, you know, to occupy the U.S., and it kind of makes me mad.
I wish I could enjoy
You know, having huge people call me up or, you know, finding out about icons that are listeners to this show.
And I wish I had time to, you know, go play golf with Willie Nelson or, you know, get invited out to his place in Maui.
I mean, he's just such a great guy.
Can't do it!
Gotta stay here and be hated on and everything else that goes on.
But it doesn't matter because it is the work that matters.
And also, I'm a little bit gun-shy.
Just a little bit gun-shy.
Every time some huge celebrity contacts us...
Or we run into them and have them on air.
It wakes up new people because it's a fad-driven, celebrity-driven society.
People also resonate with celebrities, getting out of the left-right paradigm and really covering hardcore issues.
People resonate with the courage.
But I also kind of cringe with some of the guests we have coming on next week.
One of them rescheduled, I think, until Wednesday for Monday because of a flight situation, changing flights.
But some big guests next week.
And I almost cringe before they come on because I go,
You know, I want to have these big people on so people can hear what they think about the New World Order, so people can hear their views, but then it'll get media attention, and then it wakes people up, it expands 9-11 Truth, it expands people's awareness, but then the movement itself that is peopled with folks that have, I guess, never had my success, the hating just goes absolutely wild, and the manufacturing
of baloney and the lies about me and it doesn't hurt my feelings.
Only in that, it doesn't hurt my feelings that I'm being attacked personally.
People are lying about me because I got a thick skin and I'm kind of the type of person where it just, you know, in a sick way I just go, ha ha ha.
But I'm trying to not be like that.
I'm trying to not giggle and snicker around the office like Emperor Palpatine.
Because that's a little too comfortable for me to get into that mode and just go, I don't care, ha ha ha.
But you know, I'm trying to not be a hard person.
And I'm trying to let my good side dominate and take over, and then when I totally shift over to my good side, well, we all have a good side and a bad side, I just feel sorry for people, because folks, I'm legitimate.
I mean, I'm the real deal.
And am I perfect?
But I mean, I'm the real deal, and that's why so many millions of people resonate with this show.
That's why people of discernment resonate with this broadcast.
That's why people who
Who are awakening, you know, resonate.
And it hurts my feelings that a lot of people attacking us are not Feds.
You know, it's easy to say, oh, they're Feds, and some of them clearly are, and that's been admitted before.
But a lot of them aren't.
They are just people who really are products of the culture.
And so they don't like the New World Order, and they don't like what's going on, but they also hate anybody doing well.
And see, that's how the New World Order sees things.
They see things like anybody that doesn't like the New World Order or doesn't like tyranny, well, they're just jealous they want the power.
And, you know, the old saying is that revolutionaries or closet want to be elitist or aristocrats.
But I know in my heart, and I know from the people that I work with, the people I'm around, that there are good, decent people who love liberty and want to face down this tyranny.
The very process of unseating tyranny and resisting it does bring power upon those who take power in their hands.
So we have taken power, and to resist tyranny.
And we have to be very careful that in that process we are not turned into what we were resisting.
And that certainly is a great danger.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
But the fruits of this tree, I mean, if we were an apple tree, and Christ said, judge a tree by its fruits, this tree is laden.
The branches are laying on the ground with just huge apples, or oranges, or dates, figs, whatever tree you want to imagine, fruit tree, with pears.
With grapefruit, you know, whatever.
I mean, it is just so much fruit.
The tree is just bulging with it.
And so many of these people that attacked me, they came and, you know, they woke up because of the information we put out.
And then if you're supposedly good people that attack me 24-7, well then how is it that I woke you up?
Or how was it that my work and others I woke up woke you up?
I mean, how is it that we brought in such a mighty harvest
And then you're like a bad son who is 14 years old and is embarrassed to go out to eat with their parents and basically hates their parents and hates how your parents look and hate how they talk.
Now once you're 25 and have kids, you'll love your parents and realize how good they were and everything they did.
But you're like snotting those 14 year olds.
Looking at your daddy.
And who's your daddy?
You know, a lot of you know it.
I'm your daddy.
And you don't like it.
Now listen, I never claimed I'm the best daddy in this movement.
And you know, I've tried to skew the mantle a million times.
But I just can't do it.
I mean, if I'm going to risk my life, go all the way against the New World Order, do everything I can,
Against it, you know, number one, I'm not your leader.
But I recognize a lot of people see me as a leader, and you've got to start being more sophisticated, folks.
The government knows how to manipulate your envy, your greed, your avarice, your hatred, your lust, all of it.
And they know how to whip you up into just incredible things.
And you know, every time I talk about this, my detractors howl with glee thinking that they're hurting me.
You're not.
In a sick way, through negative energy, you're actually building and energizing and pushing this show.
And, you know, if you really cold-bloodedly hated me, you'd never talk about me.
I mean, if you really cold-bloodedly wanted to hurt this radio show, you would ignore it and forget it existed.
So understand, attacks on this show only intensify it.
Only make it stronger.
I mean attacks with people out creating fake websites where they claim that I'm saying kill people and trying to get murder for hire going.
That only made people realize that it was a fraud.
And then there's other schizophrenics and crazies and nuts and people who I really feel sorry for.
I wish I could sit down with them and, you know, get a hold of their hand and look them in the eye and, you know, because it's easy to hate some jealous, envious person who doesn't like you or dislike them or, you know, just disregard and not care and laugh at it.
But it's sad when there's well-meaning, weak-minded people
Who have picked up on COINTELPRO and Mockingbird disinformation.
That's what Mockingbird is.
The CIA puts out their info and others parrot it.
And just to see that, to see people who I know are deceived, and to see people I know are in bondage, and people I know could have so much more potential.
with their radio shows and their films and their websites if they just wouldn't be in fighting little bastards.
And you know who these people are.
There's hundreds of them.
And they always attack.
And there's always someone new they're attacking.
And it's always about who's the best or who puts out what info or who's right about this.
Folks, we're now nearing the economic collapse.
I mean, they're deploying regular army to the U.S.
for a homeland mission against the American people.
What's in John Warren Defense Authorization Act is now openly stated by the Army.
The rubber is now meeting the road, and people, you really need to just have a gut check, and really analyze your own mindsets out there, and ask yourself what direction you're going in.
And you need to do it now, because we need everybody in this movement.
So any of you that aren't government agents, any of you that aren't being handled, you need to really
Be circumspect about it, and look at yourselves.
And I try to look at myself every day, and believe me, I don't like what I see a lot of the time.
And I have to pull up and behave myself.
I mean, Lord knows, man, I'm a worldly person.
And I've been around the block a couple times.
And, you know, I don't claim to be perfect, but I try every day to be a good person.
I try every day to not be wicked.
I try every day to make moral decisions, and to be sharing, and loving, and compassionate, and helpful, and to have empathy for people.
And I know when you have empathy it hurts because you see all the other bad things that are happening to people and then you care and then it gets to you.
Or you could just be a hard person who just doesn't care and I'm out for myself and ask so what?
And kind of go through life but then you shutter yourself in, you limit who you could truly be by not opening your soul up to the world, by not being a good person.
So I would just tell everybody, we're coming towards points in time when things are going to get much worse than they are now.
That's undoubted.
I mean, that's a foregone conclusion.
The only question is how severe will the military, socioeconomic, political, societal... I mean, it's not just the government that's going to hell.
I mean, the public is acting like ravenous demons in parking, in stores, on the street, in business.
Hacking of all types is way up.
Just stealing is way up.
I mean, it's going to get bad.
I mean, it's going to get bad.
And I would challenge our movement to spend all the time you can exposing things we can stop.
The bankers are behind it.
The bankers are criminal.
The bankers engineered it.
Don't drink sodium fluoride and the other toxins they put in there under that name.
Learn how to properly filter.
Don't take mercury-filled shots.
Don't give it to babies.
Don't eat GMO foods.
Don't eat MSG.
Don't eat aspartame.
I mean, this is stuff killing millions of people every year.
And this is something we can do now.
Something warning people.
Folks are really listening.
We've reached exponential flashpoint.
Now is when people will actually listen to you.
We can save lives.
The CPS is in trouble.
Child Protective Services, Family Services caught raping, killing kids everywhere.
Rape rooms at the dormitories.
It's all over the news worldwide in the U.S.
and England, Europe.
I mean, the government is really being discredited right now.
We can go and take over local governments peacefully.
We can get rid of the electronic voting machines.
We're having victories in many areas there where people fight back.
But people say, give me a solution, give me a solution.
It isn't some silver bullet out of Congress.
It is you gut-checking, looking in the mirror, not spending your time spinning your wheels, fighting and infighting with our movement and saying, who's right, or who's this, or who's that, or he doesn't cover this, he doesn't cover that.
Somebody isn't covering something, call into the show.
Don't accuse them of not covering it.
Say, hey, you ought to have this person on.
Hey, let me tell you about this.
Have an attitude of winners, because the world needs us.
The salt of the earth, the light of the world, they need people that love liberty and love God and love honor and love innocence.
And you're needed, folks, not to have this morbid New World Order spell of just, you know, with each other.
It's disgusting.
And not just against me, it's everybody doing this.
It has to stop.
Those of you that are aware of this information have a sacred duty and honor to get this information out.
Well, how do I do that, then?
Tell me exactly how.
Hey, there's a million ways to do it.
You think of the ways to do it.
I'll give you examples.
Alright, we've got a load of phone lines here.
Somebody disagrees.
So I'm going to skip ahead of... They dropped off.
They dropped off?
And there's no phone lines open?
No, they're all full.
Scott in Arizona.
My question is...
Oh, hey Alex.
We know that we're going to be the ones paying this bill out back, all right?
And I've talked to you about this before, but I want to find out.
We know it's $5 trillion, what Bloomberg's reporting is probably true.
Where are they getting this money?
First of all, where are they getting the money?
Have they released that exactly, printed that out?
No, no, they're going to sell debt that basically the U.S.
taxpayer has to pay for.
So, let me explain.
They're just going to levy taxes and fines and fees, and they're going to raise some of the money by selling U.S.
securities on the world market.
What are those securities that they've listed?
There's different types of bonds, different types of government bonds, different types of government securities.
And that's going to come up with the $700 billion that they're talking about?
Yeah, it's called the national debt.
But again, part of it's financed, part of it's done through, but again, then when those become mature, the American people through taxes have to pay off on those bonds.
Understand how that works?
They issue the bonds, and then when it's time to cash in the one year, the two year, the three year, the ten year, you know, when it's time for those to come in, they're always coming in, we pay.
Guys in black ski masks come and kick down your door and drag you out and sell all your stuff and sell your house.
I got a question for you.
You think they're going to come up with a debtor's prison for Americans that are... England is actually setting those up, and they're talking about arresting you now for debts in this country, yes.
Our debts will not be forgiven.
That's what I'm wondering about, because that sounds like something they're going to come out in the future here real shortly.
Yeah, they're bastards, all kinds of stuff.
Anything else you want to add, Scott?
No, that's it.
Good to hear from you.
We're going to come back and go to everybody who's patiently holding.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites, they are InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com.
Don't forget, I'm a documentary filmmaker, and the film's the most powerful tool we've got in the Info War.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Israel.
Some US investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the US.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
Oh, this song talks about the bankers!
I ride a John Deere tractor.
I'm a liberated man.
The rain, it hasn't fallen since the middle of July.
And if it don't come soon, my crops will die.
The bankman says he likes me.
The bankman says he likes me, but there's nothing he can do.
He tells me that he's coming, but the clouds are coming too.
He ain't my friend.
All right, Bill, Ricardo, Cole, Brian, Christopher.
Bill, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
You know that they're understating it, the amount of money for the bailout and the bill, correct?
You know that Bloomberg said five trillion and he's getting closer, right?
Yes, sir.
And you know it's a lot further out than that, right?
Well, in the bill, the way they have structured it, it's basically unlimited.
It says they can just do whatever they want.
Exactly, and I've been following you and listening to a lot of this stuff, and you know that, we know that.
Is this going to change anything?
It's going to rapidly devalue the dollar, and government is going to squeeze at every level to get assets to pay it.
Will we still be in a depression eventually?
Yes, eventually, and it will be far worse.
Far worse.
Now, do you think this will change any of their agendas for Iran or confronting Russia?
By doing this, they will continue to fund their operations, so it will allow them to continue.
And isn't this thing so far out that they actually need to capture even more resources and more control eventually to keep the Ponzi scheme going?
You said it all, brother.
And what are we doing here?
Why shouldn't we have approached this not as a bailout, but we should approach this as a buyout of the Federal Reserve and end this nonsense.
I agree.
I've been saying nationalize the Federal Reserve, take it over and arrest them, and you heard Ron Paul saying they should be arrested.
And that needs to be a headline on InfoWars.com right there.
I agree.
You know what's going to happen here.
They're going to bankrupt everything.
They're going to suck everything dry.
That's why that one in ten college grads is Homeland Security.
It's going to shift into a military industrial complex economy, and it's going to be hell on earth.
And it's going to be at the barrel of a gun.
They're going to kill a lot of people.
Yep, they're planning a Maoist regime, and folks, we're going into hell.
And Alex, wouldn't you, and I know you would because you're similar, you have children like I have, wouldn't you rather go through a few years of misery
and and face uh... and help other people survive this misery and go back to a uh... you know a well yes i would i mean there's three choices let it crash let them expand the scam and crash it even bigger to consolidate later or uh... arrest them grab these private institutions that have engaged in crime and then bail the american people out and build the infrastructure back and and and you know i don't you even heard ron paul say even ron paul say as big a libertarian as he is we are so debased
There is going to have to be government support of the people.
Alex, there's not going to be any resolution to any of this until we approach the idea of the Federal Reserve and buy them out.
Well, not even buy them out.
They need to be arrested.
It needs to be directly nationalized right now.
You know, when they talk about putting full brigades, and they're rotating them in and out of Iraq, is what I understand.
Yeah, no, they're going to build up a huge force.
It's not one brigade.
When they're here, and they finally get disgusted with having to do this horrible task of confronting the people who will resist, then when they finally look like they may acquiesce to the people, then they're going to float them out again.
Well, they're also going to find out who likes it and who doesn't, and then keep them here in sheep-dipped local commissars.
So you'll just have them in a local federal police uniform strutting around, everyone groveling, bringing them coffee and hot cakes, and strutting around in their glistening armored outfits, and marching, and everyone, oh, sir, thank you, please don't take me away, oh God, I love the government, oh!
It's just a bowing, broke-back nation of people licking boots.
Better write a book.
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We're good to go.
We're going to go to Ricardo in just a few minutes because he was on the line when the show ended yesterday.
Then Cole, Brian, and Christopher.
Bob Chapman writes Shotgun, TheInternationalForecaster.com, the rest of the hour with us.
So much has happened since he was on with us last week.
Things are accelerating fast.
Bob, let's break down from your perspective with the biggest newsletter.
In financial history in the U.S., military intelligence before that, one of the largest gold and silver brokers in one of your incarnations, and you're back out of retirement now with one of the biggest newsletters again, the International Forecaster.
You've been forecasting and breaking all this down for a long time.
You've said within the next two years, total depression, basically no way to get out of that.
Ron Paul was saying it looks like they are going to try to go into martial law with the army brigades.
The Congress is agreeing to a total bailout, basically making Paulson supreme dictator.
The world economy, the power to buy, sell, raid any companies, the way other analysts have read this, it allows them to grab houses, infrastructure under executive orders.
Just break down what we're witnessing from your own perspective, in your own words, Bob Chapman.
Well, first of all, the people who ostensibly
Trying to save us from all of this are the people who executed the whole thing in the first place.
And the American public doesn't know that.
No one has told them that.
Yeah, you'd think that'd be a big news item.
A huge issue that literally the architect of this, even more than Greenspan, is Paulson.
I mean, he is the chief scallywag, the chief thief, the leader of this gang of pirates, and he's running around as our savior.
He was with Goldman Sachs when all this was going on, and so he was a contributor to the
In part, to the collapse of the economic system.
And that was caused by voracious greed on the part of all of these people.
And of course, the ringmaster was previously Sir Alan Greenspan, and now we have Ben Bernanke, whose idea of settling a financial question is to use helicopters and piles of money that they can dump out of.
And, you know, let me tell you something.
Were they not able to pass this bailout, they would have end-ran the thing anyway, and just continue to create masses amounts of money and credit to keep the system floating.
The whole thing is all about bailing out Wall Street and the bankers.
The numbers that we're talking about here, the minimum losses over the next five years will be $3 trillion.
It could get as high as $10 trillion.
Nobody really knows yet, because... So you think that's a good number out of Bloomberg?
Five trillion?
Is that what they said?
Well, that's a good number.
A very good number, because I'm being conservative.
Three to ten.
And I don't know why yet, because I don't know what's on everybody's balance sheets, because they're hiding it.
And these are the same people that Bernanke and Paulson
Are acting for to relieve them of all of this debt that they created through either their incompetence, their corruption, or their greed.
Well, I mean, reading this where it says no one can question, no one can investigate anything they want to buy, sell, any activity they want, you know, all of them retroactively have liability protection.
That's not even the right word.
They're literally being given a pardon.
I mean, this is just, and the public's just walking around going, I mean, I say that, but you only have 28%.
Even worse, Alex, is
The Congress, they know what's going on.
They've known for four years that Fannie and Freddie were bankrupt.
It's a conspiracy of silence.
And I'll tell you, if they vote for this thing, you people out there have got to vote everyone out of office who voted for it in both houses.
We don't want them anymore.
The polls out there are now showing that 66% of the people are against this.
I mean, is that plain enough?
Actually, the Rasmussen poll, this is very accurate, shows 28% are for it, so that'd be 72% against it.
Stay there, Bob Chapman.
We'll come back.
Keep breaking this down.
Go to Ricardo, Cole, Brian, Christopher, and others.
800-259-9231 is the number to join us.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our sites.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
...Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
You know, I know exactly what you're thinking when it comes to this economy.
The banks are crashing.
The stock market's a mess.
There's the mortgage crisis.
There's the lending crisis.
There is the food and gasoline prices through the ceiling crisis.
And we are paralyzed a little bit.
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I don't know what to say.
Do what you can do.
What can you do?
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Look at the prices.
You know it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, call's coming up here in just a few minutes.
Bob Chapman with us for the rest of the hour, final hour.
Bob, continue with breaking down what we're seeing unfold right now.
We won't know until probably Saturday what's going to go on.
But all they're doing is buying a little time here.
A little time, maybe a year, two years max, to extend the process of collapse.
And the price that's going to be paid is this horrific debt.
And then on top of it, you're going to have massive inflation because the money that's going to be put into the system was just created out of thin air, effectively.
And it's immediately going to get monetized and immediately be translated to inflation.
As opposed to that normal money and credit being injected into the economy, it takes about a year and a half or a year or six months for it to show up in a form of inflation.
This happens immediately, so I'm calling inflation at 13.58%, and I would think that next year inflation would be over 20%.
And if they continue to do that, because they don't need $800 or $700 billion, they really need $3 trillion, well, you get Weimarism written all over it.
And we're going to go through the same thing that they did
In Germany in 1920 to 1923.
Now Bob, explain to people because it hasn't been taught in school anymore.
Explain what 15% or 20% compounded each year inflation means.
That's like someone coming in your bank account each year and stealing 20% out of it and then it compounds each year until in just three or four years there's nothing left.
Major federal studies, and those are even whitewashes, admit that the last six years, half the buying power of people on social security has already been lost.
My God, if another 20% is lost in the next year, I mean, this is going to be terminal for the real economy.
That's right.
Absolutely correct.
And, you know, they don't want to talk about that in Congress.
I mean, these people are absolutely despicable in our Congress.
They know what's going on.
And yet they're going to go along with the bankers' program.
The program to save the rich.
And, you know, I'm not a rich guy, poor guy sort of person.
I've been a lifelong, hardcore, rock-hard conservative.
And I'm telling you, this is fascism first class.
And I see them talking on CNBC about, if you can believe this term, and I heard Robert Wright this morning, who's the
Former evil dwarf of the Clinton administration, he's an economist at Harvard, talking about socialism and capitalism, the marriage of them two together, which would be called social capitalism.
I never heard anything so insane in my life, and this guy teaches at Harvard.
He's better off teaching tiddlywinks.
Bob, continue.
Well, we're going to have lots of inflation.
We're going to have lots of unemployment.
And I think that wages are not going to increase.
They've been increasing at about 3% a year.
So inflation is 13.5%, 5.8%.
Then we're losing 10%.
You know, the average wage earner is.
And so, you know, 10 years of that, you don't have anything in buying power.
Another thing that people seem to miss here is that our economy has been slowing down into recession for the last one and three-quarter years, almost two years in February.
Now, during that process, we've been having people get laid off.
And so, we've got three figures from unemployment.
The 6.1 they tell you about, the U6, which is 10 and seven-eighths, and the long-term unemployment, and these are government figures, which is 14 and seven-eighths percent.
Now, that is going to at least double over the next three years.
But again, we have all the parrots on radio and... I'm going to get to my punchline here.
Hold on.
Go ahead.
Now, 70% of the GDP right now comes from consumerism.
And I see some figures have been as high as 72%.
We'll call it 70.
The average long-term mean since the Second World War
That the consumer contributed to GDP is 64.5%.
If we just go back to 64.5%, the mean in unemployment will be 35%.
Now I want you to slowly go back over that again, because that is so huge.
Everywhere I hear it parroted, oh, unemployment's only 6.1%, but they cook that number, because after you go off the unemployment rolls, after six months, and are not re-employed, they take you out of the roll, but when you look at the real number,
Which they don't publicize, the long-term unemployment.
You're talking about a staggering double-digit figure.
And, I mean, my God, that is depression level to have.
Go over those numbers again.
The short-term is 6.1.
The intermediate term, including the people that just left unemployment lines or unemployment payments, is 10 and 7 eighths percent.
The long-term, people going back to 1990,
is fourteen point seven percent or fourteen and seven eight percent which is which is fourteen point eight seven five and the government doesn't want you to hear about it just like you said Alex they don't publicize it publicize it but they do publish it now but but then you know they never talk about the birth death ratio this is a little trick that they've got that they use and they hypothetically out of thin air pull figures out as to
How many people entered the workforce and how many people got jobs that they think they got but they don't know?
It's absolute insanity.
Well, that was my next question.
Go over some of the tricks they use to cook the books.
Well, that's the main one.
The birth-death ratio, as it's called.
And in the CPI, they have another thing called hedonics.
That's a real fancy name for hedonists, I guess.
And that figure, what it amounts to is this.
Somebody goes to the store and they want to buy a pound of steak and it costs $5.
They say, I'm not going to pay $5.
I'm going to go over there and get that chopped meat for $3.
So they're saying that when prices rise, people will go to lesser cuts of meat and get them cheaper, thereby reducing inflation.
If you can back into that thinking and philosophy
You want to be in an insane asylum, I'll tell you.
Yeah, they're saying inflation isn't bad because if you can't afford a Cadillac or you can't afford a Ford, you can have an old Gremlin or Pinto, and so now the amount of money you have basically has been indexed off into something else.
It's just total crap.
Let's take some phone calls, and I want to get, because you have a lot of expertise in this,
After we take a gamut of calls here, Bob Chapman, into banning the short trades for 10 days, which is going to end at the end of the week, and 700 and something financial institutions, it's only banned on them, and the way I see this is they have turned loose
The financial institutions are the architects of this doom that we're facing.
They've now turned them loose on what's left of the real economy, and they're now crawling all over what's left of the Fortune 500 that does manufacturing, just blowing the daylights out of it.
Sabotaging it, and gang raping it, and climbing all over it, and trying to short and drive down.
I mean, all sorts of things going on.
So I want to talk about that with you, Bob Chapman, because this appears just to be not just a power grab, but just an all-out military assault on anything not part of the criminal banking order.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ricardo in New Jersey.
Ricardo, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Alex, how are you?
Thank you for taking my call.
I want to talk to you about a police brutality that happened in Redback, New Jersey.
Last Wednesday, September 10th, my wife had a small lipo in her arms and tie.
It was early in the morning, so I picked it up at 1 o'clock.
She looked fine.
She looked perfect, so she went to get my son.
Okay, what happened to your wife?
So all of a sudden, this guy comes over and grabs her through her arms and says, I just had a surgery, please, it hurts.
And the guy put her right against her car.
She started bleeding really bad.
Well, that's what Iraqis, I mean, that's what happens to the Iraqis.
This is how we're all... So they slammed her head in the car.
What happened next?
And they were holding through her arms.
And then another cop came over.
They took my son out of her sight.
My son was crying.
They put him in the car by himself.
And the officer, you're on my side.
You stay in the car.
It's still today that my son gets up like four o'clock in the morning having a nightmare.
They're hiring men whose minds are completely gone from Iraq.
I'm going to hold you over if you need me, but Bob, they're now announcing army brigades to patrol America, as you know.
We covered it last week.
They are now.
Police brutality is just exploding everywhere.
The police have been told, basically, have your way with the public.
Is the government looking for a war, Bob?
They're looking for civil insurrection so they can put it down before too many people are mad enough to stop them.
And if they nip it in the bud now and do not allow the total breakdown financially and economically within society, because that will make everybody mad at government and other things, and they won't have anything, they won't have anything to lose except their lives, and they'll figure maybe I'll lose them anyway, and they'll fight back.
So they want to get them before that.
Well, there's all these videos where the women do nothing, the men, they're tasered, they're beaten, they're attacked, and it's really destroying the police name out there.
God help us.
So what ended up happening to your wife?
Did they take her to jail after they beat her up?
Yeah, all of a sudden, you know, one of the cops, they told her, get in the car, you F-bitch.
So they had her in the car and they take her to the hospital to do some urine tests.
So the officer
Told my wife, you better shut up because I'm going to call DIFAS on you.
So they would threaten her.
They took her to the hospital.
Called who on you?
Did they threaten to CPS your children?
The officer threatened my wife that they were going to send DIFAS to my house.
Stay there, stay there.
We're going to skip the break.
We're going to be talking behind the scenes.
Okay, Ricardo, continue.
Sent who?
I don't understand you.
Sent who to your house?
No, no.
The officer told my wife
You know, he was really nasty and told my wife, you know what?
You shut up, because I'm going to send Dyfus to your house.
What's Dyfus?
Dyfus is the, um, when you mistreat your son.
No, I knew it, I knew it.
That's how they, yeah, they beat you up, then they steal your children.
God help you.
So what, he was mad that she hadn't been drinking, so he decided to beat her up, and then how did this end?
But you know, my wife didn't drink.
She had a surgery in, you know, and they give you some local... No, no, no, no.
I mean, I understand.
So, no, there's big articles where people go to the dentist and they CPS their kids.
So, tell me... They took her to the hospital because they wanted to do some kind of test.
All of a sudden, this guy tells... My wife is a small thing, Alex.
She's 5'2", 120 pounds.
That guy was 6'4", 6'5", at least 300 pounds.
I know.
You guys, so my wife was desperate to find out where's my son.
I'm trying, he won't.
So the guy told my wife, sit right there.
My wife said, I cannot sit, it hurts.
And you already, you already destroyed me.
So, all of a sudden she gets up and the guy jumps on top of her and that's it.
They broke all the stitches in her leg.
She started bleeding unstoppably.
And those son of a gun, they would tell me, yeah, your wife is in headquarters.
And I was in headquarters waiting for her like an idiot while she was in the hospital.
All of a sudden I get an anonymous call from the hospital saying that
Your wife is in this hospital.
Come over to the hospital."
So I told the guy, I said, why are you being lying to me?
My wife is not in the headquarters.
She's at the hospital.
So they knew that I was on my way to the hospital.
Now, lying to the American people is like part of the game.
It's like a cat playing with a mouse.
Your pain is nothing but pleasure for these demons of hell that are rapidly... Now, how did all this end?
They didn't kidnap your son, did they?
No, no.
They gave me my son and they gave her a DWI
I think, uh...
You see, when somebody... No, they want to get you in the system.
That's how they really get you for the national debt, is as a slave.
By getting you into the criminal system, you are now their slave here in this life.
And, you know, New Jersey, sir, is one of the worst.
Florida's very bad.
New York is very bad.
Michigan's very bad.
California's very bad.
If I was you, I would flee New Jersey.
So, Bob Chapman, you want to comment on this?
It's terrifying.
It's heartbreaking.
It goes on all day, every day.
And I don't know where they're finding these people to hire on the police departments, but they're not there to protect and serve.
They're there to pick on people, make arrests, particularly on minorities.
There's no question.
There's many racists in our society, and some of them happen to be policemen as well.
You know, in the states where you can, get a license to carry.
And they pull that crap, shoot them.
Well, Bob, that's an interesting perspective on that.
Well, what else are you going to do if you're being attacked?
Well, you go to the FEMA camp.
You hand your children over to them.
You let them ship the drugs in.
In the last 40 years in the United States, I never
And my wife never, and my children when they became 12 years old, never went a day without carrying a weapon.
Well, Bob, I just think it's wrong.
The founding fathers were bad, like the government says, like FEMA teaches, and we should just submit to any level of tyranny or anything evil.
That's what freedom's all about.
And, you know, this is the land of enslavement, the land of tears, and that, you know, how dare you conspiracy theory that it's the land of the free, home of the brave.
It's very extreme and sickening.
I'm very ashamed of you right now.
Ricardo, let's go back to the full audience.
Alright, well for those who are listening on the InfoWars stream, not on the MNF, Ricardo talked about him battering his wife's head in the car, beating her up, busting open stitches from a surgery she had, saying CPS is going to take your child, reveling in the blood, breaking things, and
Ricardo, that's just par for the course.
I mean, you know, in Iraq they rape children in front of their parents, they pour battery acid on their body parts, and do things Jeffrey Dahmer did I can't even mention on air.
Official Army Reports.
So, there was a big article in the Chronicle this week about all the psycho cops.
I mean, four or five tours.
Hell has taken their souls, some of them.
Others just break down.
Others still can keep their humanity.
But, how did all this end, Ricardo?
They're still, you know, when the guy jumped on top of her at the hospital, it was dramatic.
There were some social workers there, and everybody was in shock at the hospital.
So the social workers were not vampiric?
They didn't go after you?
Well, that's good.
No, they try to help her mom, actually.
But it bothers me, they didn't even want to tell me where she was.
She was at the hospital.
Well, that's the good news, is that not all the social workers are bad.
And more and more of them are waking up.
That's why they have 50% turnaround with new social workers.
Half of them just say, I can't do this.
And there are actually good divisions of social workers.
It's just the system is corrupt and bad.
Ricardo, did your wife get out of the hospital?
Yeah, she got out of the hospital, but psychologically, Alex, she's destroyed.
She will not dry.
My son gets up like at 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, crying, shaking.
Well, that's why they do it.
It's to let you know, sit down, shut up.
The Congress has been told, sit down and shut up.
The Army Brigades are here, and it's disgusting.
Listen, Ricardo, I appreciate your call.
We'll pray for you and your wife.
What's your wife's name?
Okay, Ricardo, take care.
Bob, you know, this is the one thing I don't like about this show.
I have stacks of news of government corruption, and people think I'm trying to make the government look bad.
No, I can't bring myself half the time to even cover it.
And I know it's true and worse than Ricardo could even describe.
I don't even hate these people anymore.
I am just so disgusted that we have a nation of men that aren't manly.
I mean, a real man doesn't enjoy beating the hell out of women.
A real man doesn't enjoy fighting people that are weak.
A real man, you know, doesn't like fighting, but if they have to, you know, men are warriors.
They want to fight other warriors.
And it's just, I don't know, it's these emasculated, tough guys that watch fake wrestling growing up, that play the violent video games, and they go to the military and get brainwashed, and they just, they're mad dogs.
Bob Chapman, do you want to speak to that?
No, I think you're absolutely right, Alex.
Many of these men have been on three or four tours over there, and what else do we expect them to come back as?
I mean, their lives have been in jeopardy all day long, every day.
Every time they're out there, their adrenaline's pumping 100 miles an hour.
And by the time they're in their 30s, they're totally physically and mentally burned out.
And obviously, police departments are hiring them.
And so it's not unusual to have things like this happen.
It's because we shouldn't have had a war in the first place.
And if we were going to have a war, at least we should have sent enough people to be able to do what we have to do.
Well, I'm going to say this, and it's happening more and more.
Nobody better ever do anything to my children, because I just can't control myself.
And I think the police know that's starting to happen with people.
I mean, you can only push so far.
So, what do you say to that, Bob?
If anybody laid just a hand on one of my children, or tried to do anything to them, of course they're older now,
I don't know.
Well, that's the attitude that made this country great.
And that when tyrants are afraid, they're not afraid anymore.
And Bob, I think the establishment does realize at the top, but low level, I don't think these bullies realize what's rising.
I don't think they understand what is waiting behind just a thin wall, a thin line, just waiting on the other side.
I don't think they have any idea, Bob.
Well, I know there's going to be trouble, but they think they can handle it, just like they thought they could handle
The last corrupt bubble on Wall Street, which was the real estate bubble.
Or just like they thought the whole Israeli... Incidentally, those guys on television today, they've been wrong about everything.
There's nothing they've been right about.
Well, Bob, they also thought that the entire Israeli military can handle a few Hezbollah and checkerboard foundations, but those guys said, we're not retreating, we're not backing off, we're going all the way, and you just can't stop people that are like that, can you, Bob?
No, you can't.
And you're fighting on their territory.
And, you know, the Israelis have not told us the truth.
Stay there.
We're going to skip this break.
We're going to skip this for InfoWars stream listeners.
Here we go.
Bob, go ahead and make your point about how they've, I mean, they've, quote, been wrong about everything.
I mean, they're the authors of this, and they get into the Israeli thing.
Go ahead.
And the invasion of Lebanon.
They just got the crap kicked out of them.
And then, in the last 72 hours,
Before the declared truce, they dropped thousands and thousands of these bombs with the things that go out that hang in trees and are on the ground.
What do they call them?
Cluster bombs and they also use nerve gas.
And all they're killing today is innocent civilians.
Children will pick them up in the street and get blown up and farmers who are out in the fields and
Touched one and they don't have any legs anymore.
It's horrible what they did.
Well, they also used, admittedly, nerve gas from artillery.
Artillery delivered nerve gas and that still didn't work.
God help us, man.
God help us.
Because the New World Order could care less about the police and military.
I mean, they don't care if we get into some shooting war with them.
In fact,
That's part of the larger I-4 plan.
Speaking of the bankers, we're going to come back and take calls.
We're still on the air right now, though, to the internet audience.
Bob, you say that they planned this economic collapse, but it came too early and it's out of control for them.
Is it even more out of control for the establishment now, Bob?
I think it is.
I think that having to act economically with no way out, no way to go back,
Uh, has really stuck them, and even knowing that, and they know more about this than I do because they planned it, even knowing that they still want to head with the real estate bubble and the securitization of mortgages, gouging not only the public, but particularly other bankers in other countries.
You know, 48% of that toxic waste was bought by bankers in Europe.
Never mind how much was bought in Asia, and we'll guess at 55%.
So, what they did is they laid the paper on these people, and then they laid the rest of it off on the United States into what they couldn't lay off, because what happened is Merritt & Whitney came out and said, well, Citigroup isn't worth what they say it is because of this and that, and that started the ball rolling, an untoward event that they never thought would happen.
And it happened, and that just really complicated things for them, because that brought on the credit crisis.
And so, yes, they've got serious, serious, unsolvable problems.
And then they troop these people up, and tell us how smart they are.
I want to tell you something.
My score in the SAT was 1595 out of a 1600.
So they are not any smarter than I am.
And we know what they're doing.
And we're going to catch them at it.
And we're going to try them.
Stay there.
We're coming back to the full audience.
Stay there.
Welcome back.
Bob Chapman was just going over the fact that the New World Order folks are not invincible.
And he was saying they're going to be caught, they're going to be tried, they're going to be brought to justice.
Ron Paul was saying that former Fed Chairman needs to be arrested in the current one.
That's a headline we need at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
That's a fireball out there, and that's the kind of talk we need to punish these people, and then that'll bring confidence back in the markets.
Bob, you were talking about people not trusting us, and we're going to Cole, Brian, Christopher, Jamie and others.
The Chinese are no longer doing interbank lending with the United States.
Germany and Reuters, their government's saying the U.S.
is collapsing, will lose its financial superpower status.
I mean, it's happening.
Bailout or no, it looks like it's going.
And I don't know if it's going to be two years, Bob.
We've got just on and on here.
What do you say to this report out of AP?
Alex, we can sum it up very quickly and say, what took them so long?
I mean, they've known this has been going on.
You know, they're probably saying to one another in China and in Frankfurt and Paris, you know, how long are we going to put up with this?
Enough already.
We don't need it.
And they're burying every other country, all to bail themselves out.
And, you know, they've gotten away with it time after time because of the Fed control and who owns the Fed.
And they think they can get away with it again.
And there is a protest.
Whether it will evolve into an active situation where the Chinese don't buy Treasury paper or any other agency paper or any other paper from the U.S.
government, or Europeans do that, I don't know.
I've been waiting for it to happen for several years and it hasn't happened.
So I don't know when it's going to happen.
But, you know, the constituents, the citizens of those countries have got to be saying to the government, look, you know, they're going to destroy us.
And so something is going to happen, and it's starting to happen.
And when it starts to happen, you have that breakdown.
And I think in time, if it happened quickly, I think that the United States would be forced to walk away from their debt.
They would have to renege on it.
They would have to go bankrupt.
I don't see any other way out for them.
And that means people throughout the world wouldn't take the dollar.
I mean, they would have to have some sort of a medium of exchange that people could trust.
And the backing on that medium of exchange would have to be someplace outside the United States, say, in a neutral country like Switzerland or Sweden.
And they would have to probably start
A new currency order.
And all of the currency that they had before would be worthless.
Well that's what China, India, Russia are talking about a new cooperative, the ringing of other nations, a new world order system.
They're calling it the new world order with a new currency.
And Europe's talking about maybe allying with that.
This looks like it was planned to me to bring the U.S.
The de-industrialization, the setup, the CIA releasing the torture photos, making 9-11 so sloppy where it was obvious the government did it, to then be blamed on the U.S., not on the globalist hand inserted into the Anglo-American system.
I mean, Bob, don't you smell and see, and I saw this in some of their documents, pieces of this,
A plan to set us up?
Or are you saying they're not that big of a virtuoso?
Well, I think it was surprising that China said what they said.
And they were going along with the program, so to speak.
They had to know what was going on.
They're not dumb.
And so, maybe this is part of a larger plan.
And, you know, maybe if the United States were to have insurrection, maybe they would
Invite foreign troops in to quell this uprising that can't be controlled by the American military, because 80% of them probably wouldn't shoot at their own citizens.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, the people running the system are not stupid, and they know putting cops in black uniforms and telling them, get rough with the public, and then that goes out all over TV and the web.
I mean, they know that this is setting the police and military up.
I mean, they've got to know that the military and the police, if they go up against the American people and 1% fight back, that they're going to get their butts kicked.
I mean, 1% of the gun owners is over 100 million, over 1 million combatants out of that 100 million.
My God, I mean... They don't stand a chance.
And it could evolve where this New World Order philosophy, we would have a president, one of these two jermunks that are running
Uh, for the office right now, and they could invite the U.N.
to bring in troops.
Well, I mean, Canada actually signed a deal.
They have to fight the American military along with the public.
Well, the United States, yeah, going into global receivership, saying... And you know something I've said for years?
Blue helmets make great targets.
God knows what's going to happen.
The point is, quietly a decade ago they signed deals with Mexico and Canada to use troops, quote, to deal with American terrorists and for violence, break down a society.
Civil unrest is the word.
Now they signed a deal publicly, remember in January of this year, up in Canada with Mexican and Canadian troops to quote, use them in the U.S.
for emergencies.
And then the Congress said, hey, we didn't authorize that, and Northcom just said, go to hell.
So, folks, I know it all sounds crazy, but what's happening now sounds crazy.
You can't make this stuff up.
Let's take some calls, and I want to get into some other financial issues with Bob Chapman.
Well, I'll stay to get his newsletter before he leaves us.
Cole in Florida.
Go ahead, Cole.
How you doing, Alex?
Thanks for waking me up in your modern-day Morpheus.
I wanted to bring attention to a show I called in earlier this week, and they had a talking point, talking about an October surprise from Al Qaeda.
And I brought up some good points to the show, which is 100.7 FM WFLA, the morning show with Preston Scott and Eric Eggers.
And I brought up the big new Brzezinski and a couple other facts about the Northwoods document.
Well, I guess it's funny and they'll just end up being homeless.
And I was really appalled, and I said I needed to call in.
I was real nervous about calling in to the show, but I felt I had to call in, and I've been doing research for over three, four years, so I'm pretty well knowledgeable on what's going on here.
And I just was calling in to congratulate you on what you're doing and keep up the good work.
Another thing I wanted to bring to your attention is Michelle Obama and Jill Biden are coming to Tallahassee, which is where I'm at.
And I was thinking about confronting them.
I was wondering, did you have any advice?
Well, they taser some people now, so just be polite.
Get the question out.
The key is, we know their New World Order, so you're not going to change their mind.
But I don't really even know about Michelle Obama.
I know about her husband.
But I know about Biden.
Boy, he's a ring knocker, a kingpin and all this.
I mean, I would just bring up the fact to them that don't betray your people.
It's not too late to turn back and say no to the New World Order.
And, you know, I would bring up to them that, you know, will you investigate government-sponsored terrorism?
What do you think, Bob?
I mean, what's an idea for Cole to ask of these people?
Well, I think that probably the most important thing on people's minds right now is the economy.
And so, you know, how are you going to produce
More jobs.
Are you going to let Wall Street get away with what Congress has let them get away with by this legislation to loot the American public?
What is your take on that, Mr. Obama?
Yeah, that's a great question.
Cole, what's that radio station again?
And maybe others in your area can call in the next few days and support you.
Okay, it's 100.7 FM WFLA, and the show's called The Morning Show.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I've got two questions for you, actually a question and a comment for you today.
I just got done reading the proposed constitutional model for the new states of America by the Center for Democratic Studies.
Are you familiar with that?
In Santa Barbara, California?
Yes, sir.
I was wondering both of your opinions on this.
Is this something that they might have
Waiting in the wings, where they developed this legislation years before, and then bring it into effect, or is this just an idea they had 30 years ago?
No, no, they already tried to run that through at the Sesquicentennial, if memory serves right, and that's a Carnegie Ford finance deal.
I'm going from memory, but Bob even knows where they're located.
Is my memory serving?
Oh yes, I know them well.
We removed their bell one time.
Oh, tell us about that, Bob, back from the wars.
Oh, they have a bell there that they used to ring, and everybody would come and they'd have their meetings, you know?
Very, uh, very Illuminist.
Hutchinson, or Hutchins, used to run the place.
And it's an Illuminist training ground for things of the future.
And that's basically what it is.
Okay, I hope that answers...
You know, I never told my nephew that we took their bill because he's the assistant chief of police there.
Anyways, go ahead Cole.
I mean not Brian, go ahead Brian.
I was just curious if you thought this was something they might try to institute in the future after they crash the economy and possibly try to bring this legislation in?
Yeah, they've been trying to set up this new system.
I remember reading over that document more than a decade ago.
I know they proposed it officially, didn't they, on the Cessna Scintinio and got some government funding for some big disgusting event.
It's all foundations usually.
It's a payoff also for people who have towed the line.
And they get a nice salary and that sort of thing.
Brian, I've got to move quick here because I've got some other questions.
What was your comment?
Just very quickly, I just wanted to recommend a book called The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
If anybody wants to understand what's going on in the country right now, I think that pretty much lays it out.
Yeah, The Shock Doctrine of the IMF, which is designed to destroy an economy so they can consolidate it.
But let's go ahead and talk to Christopher in Georgia.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I just had a quick question, kind of for closure, I guess, if I could put it that way.
And it deals with the end of Dr. Paul's fight for the presidency.
If all the supporters were behind him until the very end, come what may, and we risked all the resources that we had, or we barely had, to raise money for him,
Spread his message and wouldn't have abandoned him for anything.
Why was there not a relentless effort, you know, on his part or on, uh, for our behalf?
Well look, we asked Ron Paul to run.
He's the best candidate we had.
He's not perfect.
His chief of staff died.
His wife's almost dead.
He's 73 years old and really burnt out.
Okay, if you really want to know.
He's got arthritis so bad he can barely open up his hands.
He does 10-15 radio interviews a day.
He's burnt out.
And there's a lot of backstabbing and a lot of second-guessing now.
And the point is, is that he got in the arena, he got bloodied, he burned himself out.
I'm a young man and this stuff's tough on me.
And so, I'm hearing a lot of talk shows saying 9-11 Troops Dead, bad-mouthing Ron Paul, all this crap.
And then other people are kind of mockingbird and picking that up.
Now, I was worried about this the whole time because there was delusion.
Even when he was shutting down the campaign, it was, that's a lie, it's not really over, and some of these people said I was lying, Ron Paul hadn't told me that he didn't want people to try to take delegates from McCain, and then Ron Paul had to come on air and say he had said that, and I was still bad, and I'm not bashing you here, Christopher,
It's just Ron Paul was one person, one vehicle to wake up tens of millions and energize the young people on campus and we did that and it was one more step in the fight.
This is a long fight.
It isn't one punch.
It's bam, bam, bam.
It goes twelve rounds.
Then it goes twelve rounds again and it's who wants it?
You understand that?
It's over and over and over and over and over and over and over and you don't stop.
It's going the distance.
It's going all the way.
It's the dedication.
It's the commitment.
My wife is in the Navy Reserves.
I was just wondering, in the event of a major financial crisis or depression here in this country, do you believe that those serving in the armed forces are going to suffer from any type of pay slash, or I wouldn't say unemployment, but how would they compensate?
They're not compensating the tribs for the inflation.
Thanks for the call.
And I wasn't trying to bash you, Christopher, but do you want to comment on what he was saying about Ron Paul?
Well, I think people are disappointed and they don't understand the things that you do.
And, you know, the man is 73 years old.
He's two months older than I am.
And he's not as lucky as I am.
I don't have anything wrong with me.
He does.
And he did the best he could.
And he woke up a lot of people.
He showed that there was a lot of people who are unhappy in America.
He brought the message to young people, which is most important.
And I think he did a great job, but he just couldn't take it all away.
With his wife sick, and his campaign manager gone, and the sniping, even from the upper echelon of the supposed right wing of the Republican Party.
And I'm not talking about the fascists in Washington.
And it wasn't easy for him.
And I think you've got to cut him a little slack.
Just be happy he was there for us.
Absolutely, ladies and gentlemen, and put his life in danger.
Folks, you can't...
Take victory from yourself.
And this was a big victory.
And instead of us coming together and breaking campaign records and all that, you know, COINTELPRO goes out and plants seeds of, where'd all the money go?
Well, it's all accounted for.
We know where it all went.
It was all spent.
And you know, well, what's going on with this?
What's going on with that?
We just, you know, keep it downrange, folks.
Ron Paul isn't the problem.
He's not the problem.
I mean, it's that simple.
I asked him to run, so that meant, and I begged him to run privately, and he said I was one of the people that finally turned him to do it, telling him it would be big.
And it was big!
And you know, he opened doors for folks that are coming in the future.
Bob Chapman, behind the scenes at InfoWars.com.
We're out of time.
I want to come back to the final segment here and maybe cram in a few final calls with you.
But in the three minutes we're about to have behind the scenes, folks got to go to the InfoWars.com stream to hear this right now.
We know that 740 something financial institutions, the inner criminal syndicate, the brokerage firms, the banks, the hedge funds, they
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
Okay, Bob, can you break that down?
Well, it's a consolidation of power, the way I see it.
And some of the people who are involved who will be left by the wayside have been devoted to serving the evil master, if you may, the Illuminists.
But they don't care about that.
They're trying to bring together a situation where there's perhaps five major brokerage houses in the country and perhaps five major banks.
They don't hang on the numbers, they're just guesses.
And that consolidates their power.
And they're going to do the same thing in transportation, and manufacturing, and different segments.
They're going to do it with utilities.
It's all part of National Socialism.
Read Mussolini's playbook on it.
And for those who don't know, Mussolini was a Marxist before he was a fascist.
And it's the marriage of the state
With corporations and industries.
And the government will end up owning everything.
So all of these financial bodies, we'll call them, that get left by the wayside, they don't care about that.
And they don't care about the shareholders, obviously.
They care about the bondholders of Fannie and Freddie because they're going to pay them off because most of them are foreigners.
I think it's 1.1 out of 1.4 trillion in bonds belong to foreigners in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Well, legally, to bail them out, and not the shareholders, is insanity.
I mean, they can't get away with that, but they're doing anything they want, because we already have a dictatorial government.
Well, there's no doubt about that, Bob, and that's why this is contrived.
It's admittedly contrived, but it's even scarier that you're saying that you think they've lost some control.
I think it's also an opportunity for us, the old Chinese symbol of, you know,
Opportunity as a negative and a positive side to it.
You know, may you live in interesting times.
We certainly live in those.
And these are times where people are listening now.
They are paying attention to what we say.
And so all of you out there, this is the time to show people documentary films about the New World Order.
This is the time to call in to talk shows.
This is the time to be heard.
I'm glad to hear on Local Talk Radio every other caller is talking about the New World Order on mainstream stations and about how the Federal Reserve is private and how they engineered it.
And so they are losing their control and this is going to be a growing up process for people and we may actually get some real liberty out of this at the end of the day.
We may get some real leaders too.
Younger men, men your age, that can evolve over the next thirty years and
And take our country back to where it should be that will force government to lay the blame on these people and punish them for what they've done.
And, you know, I'm not talking about taking them all out and hanging them.
I'm talking about taking their wealth away from them, which essentially they stole from the American public.
Bob, we're into the final segment.
I wanted to get... Here we go, folks.
All right.
We're almost out of time.
TheInternationalForecaster.com, go there, get a free copy.
My signing up, he'll send you one, comes out twice a week, the hard copy, a couple times a month.
TheInternationalForecaster.com, give you a number.
Now there's also a number, Bob, do you have that on you for people to call and get a free copy?
Well, yeah, I do, I do, I do, I do.
Where is it?
Well, while you're digging it out, Ted Anderson gave a gold offer today of basically gold at below spots.
He was able to buy it before it went up again.
I mean, to me, it's a no-brainer for people to call our sponsor, Midas Resources, and get high-quality gold at very good prices, and silver.
I mean, Ted's even having trouble getting it.
There is a shortage.
While they try to suppress the price, how long can they suppress it?
I mean, it's already gone up a hundred bucks, but...
It's hard to say.
I don't think it's going to be too much longer.
And that phone number you're looking for to call in for a free introductory copy of the International Forecaster is 877-479-8178.
And that's toll free.
Or you can go to TheInternationalForecaster.com.
On the internet.
Bob, in closing, when do you think gold's going to go?
I mean, it's gone up over a hundred bucks in the last week and a half, and they're doing everything they can to suppress it, but it's like holding a beach ball underwater.
When will it go up, you know, past a thousand, and then how high do you think it will go in the next year?
Well, we certainly have a shot at over a thousand.
The next year, we've got to be looking somewhere between twenty-two hundred and three thousand.
And, you know, once they stop suppressing, because they don't have any more gold,
Like you say, it's going to be the beach ball theory under the water.
And there's no telling what'll happen, and you've got to.
You must be in gold and silver related assets.
If you have any money at all, of course you should have paid all your bills off and your credit cards and are prepared with food and weapons and filters and things like that.
There's a lot of things for you to do.
There's a lot of responsibility for you and for your family.
And you've got to do it now.
But there may come a time when the dollars are worthless in the bank sooner rather than later and people will wish they'd transferred some of them into gold and silver before it was devalued.
Bob, we'll talk to you soon.
Thanks for coming on.
Okay, bye-bye.
Take care.
Amazing interview there.
I'm sorry to the other callers.
I'll get to you tomorrow.
In fact, if you call in tomorrow and you say that you didn't get on today, front of the line tomorrow, other big guests tomorrow, important information.
I wanted to bring Ted up in the last minute and a half.
Ted, I was just thinking, that's why I drug you in here.
I was thinking, man, it's crazy.
I mean, I totally believe in gold and silver.
It's great prices.
It's an introductory thing to get folks into the market.
People don't need to wait until this thing even goes up more.
In fact, I'm going to call you today and get some of that silver.
To try to position myself even better.
Tell folks about the offer.
You've got one minute.
Yeah, sure.
Of course.
We've got the British Sovereigns.
They're at $2.41.
We've got the Franks.
They're at $1.96.
And we have the silver.
They're at $1.60 a dime.
I've got to tell you, it's pandemonium right now, Alex.
There's just so many things that are going on.
I can't express it enough.
People need, not if you should get in, and not when there might be a crash.
We're having the crash.
It's all coming right now.
Folks, we've told you what's happening.
We told you what's going on.
The paper is going down the tubes.
The globalists are engineering this.
It goes up, it goes down.
But they're telling you depression.
They're looting everything.
Give Ted Anderson's brokers a call.
Folks will be there till midnight on that smoking deal on gold and silver.
I hope you'll protect yourselves.
Get some firearms, food as well.
But mainly, wake your neighbors, your friends, your family up.
Know who to blame.
Discredit the criminal government.
Again, that number.
That's basically it for this transmission.
Thank you, Ted.
Thank you, Alex.
Now, I had Ron Paul on in the second hour.
I had Webster Tarpley on right near the front of the show.
Amazing analysis.
And I had Bob Chapman on.
Please tune in now for the retransmission at InfoWars.com only.
Thanks to all the affiliate sponsors.
Everybody, God bless you all.
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to G... Good job.