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Name: 20080916_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2008
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
We do have Joseph Stiglitz for the next 30 minutes on the line with us.
We're going to go to break in just a moment and come back with him.
A brief biography of Joseph Stiglitz.
Of course, he's a best-selling author.
He's also known as the chief economist at the World Bank.
In 1995, he did a report of the Intergovernmental Panel on... and he won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
I'll say.
It was a little bit predictable, though, and in fact I probably, if you asked me, I would have said that I did not think the turmoil was over, and that I think it's going to go on for another year, year and a half, two years, the economic slowdown.
Well, we did ask you that, and you did say two to three years, going from memory, and that it would deepen.
Did you think it would deepen this fast?
You can't predict exactly when these kinds of events happen.
Yes, I actually did think it would be happening roughly around now.
Basically, what's been happening is the cumulative effects.
House prices have continued to fall.
That means more defaults.
That means more financial institutions are in deep problems.
You know, you can paper things over for a while, but eventually you have to face reality.
Well, stay there, sir.
We're going to skip this break for TheInfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers with Joseph Stiklitz.
For everybody else, we'll be right back.
Okay, Mr. Stiglitz, let's continue.
I was just breaking there for some stations that left us.
And let's make sure and talk about your new book also before you leave us today, because that ties into all of this.
Why were you, five, six, seven years ago, talking about, in fact I remember first interviewing you about six years ago, you were bringing up the fact that there was no accountability, that they were
Leveraging these asset-backed securities, these debt-backed securities.
I remember four years ago you came on the show, you were talking about problems with mortgages and the real estate bubble in the United States.
I mean, why were you talking about this years and years before anybody else was really talking about it?
Well, the problem is that much of the news, much of the views on what's going on in the financial markets comes from those who are making money out of the financial markets.
So if you were, you know, one of the people in Lehman Brothers, one of the people in AIG, you're going to be talking up the economy.
You're going to say how wonderful the thing is, go buy my shares.
And in fact, the head of
Uh, Lehman Brothers, uh, last April, uh, was quoted as saying, you know, we've turned the corner.
The economy is, you know, is on the uptick.
And the same thing goes for the President and the Secretary of Treasury.
They've been saying that.
Not only have they been telling the American people, they've been going around the world.
I talked to senior government officials all over the world, and they said, you know, we just had a private meeting with the Secretary of Treasury, and he said, you've turned the corner.
And I said, don't you believe it?
The fact is that they're involved in salesmanship.
As an academic, I'm trying to figure out what is really going on, and unfortunately what I saw was really going on was not very good.
In layman's terms, for the average folks out there and for myself, what is going on?
What did you see that was happening that really raised red flags for you?
Well, there were several things.
Let me just pick up one that's related to my book that's just coming out on the $3 trillion war.
Very peculiar things about the financing of this war and the relationship between the war and the economy.
This is the first war in America's history that has been totally financed on the credit card.
That even as we went into the war we had a big deficit and yet the president asked for a tax cut for upper-income Americans.
It's also the first preemptive war just where they've done nothing and we go in.
That's right.
It clearly was a war of choice.
Stay there.
We're going to join some stations.
I want you to start back over about a minute ago and go over your new book, The $3 Trillion War.
Here we go.
We're speaking with Joseph Stiklitz.
He is a Nobel Prize winner.
In fact, he's been involved in several Nobel Prizes here, if I read his bio correctly.
And he's been kind enough to come on the show.
This is probably, I don't know, the sixth or seventh visit of the last seven years or so.
We bring you The Economist.
Who have been right.
We don't bring you the economists who have been wrong, the ones they like to put on TV all the time, though you're on television sometimes, but it's about 90% disinfo in my opinion.
You were getting into the red flags you saw years ago, and then going into this war, and why you've been ringing the alarm bells about really serious financial problems.
So please continue.
Well, what I was saying is that there are several things, both about the war and the way that it was financed, that should have been a cause of concern.
This was a war of choice.
This was a preemptive war.
This was a war, though, that as we went to war, we had a huge deficit, and yet the President asked for a tax cut.
Usually, when you go to war, you ask your young men and women to go
Risk their lives, and then there's a sense of shared sacrifice.
And the only sacrifice the President asked was for people to go down to the shopping malls.
And there was actually a tax cut for upper-income Americans.
Well, the piling up of debt has meant that should a problem occur, and a problem has now occurred, there would be less room for maneuver.
We wouldn't be able to do anything.
I don't know.
We had a surplus of 2% of GDP that gave us a lot of ammunition to use to try to remedy the problem.
Now, this year and next year, we're expected to have the largest deficit in America's history, in one year hitting half a trillion dollars.
Now, that's one problem.
The second problem was that the war is, in my judgment,
Largely responsible for the increase in the price of oil was back in 2003, it was $23, $25 a barrel.
Futures markets understood that there was going to be increases in demand from China, from other places, but they believed that there would be a concomitant increase in supply from the Middle East.
The war changed that equation and now we have
Oil, $100 a gallon.
Now, normally, if a country is spending so much more money abroad as we were, importing oil from Kuwait, from Saudi Arabia, from other countries, it's going to weaken the economy.
But it didn't seem to be happening.
And why?
Well, some people said there was new laws of economics.
Whenever anybody says that to me, I start getting suspicious.
What was going on was very simple.
The Fed decided to let forth a flood of liquidity, lax regulation.
We got a housing bubble.
The housing bubble led to a consumption boom.
Savings in the United States went down to zero.
It sustained the economy for a while, but we were living on borrowed money and borrowed time, and it was just a matter of time before something happened.
And so when I looked at what was going on, how the economy continued, in spite of the high oil prices, in spite of the war,
It was clear to me, and I saw the housing bubble, and I saw what was happening to savings rate.
You didn't have to be a genius to say that there were problems around the corner.
In fact, I saw that number in January of 2007 that was the highest.
Debt ratio for the average American and lack of savings rate, both, since the depths of the Great Depression.
In fact, it was worse than late 1933.
That's right.
And that by itself should have been a sign of a problem, but there were even other signs.
Housing prices were getting higher and higher as part of this bubble.
Most Americans' income were stagnating.
In fact, median income adjusted for inflation was declining.
And again, you don't have to be a genius to say, look it, Americans can't spend more and more if their incomes are going down, more and more on housing, if their incomes are going down and down.
This was a pyramid.
This was a house of cards.
And the banks, in spite of the fact that the housing prices were getting so out of line, increased the fraction of the value of the house that they were willing to lend against.
And they were actually having loans where you didn't even have to pay the interest on the loan.
Just incredible.
Now expanding from there, where do you see this going?
I mean, how do you see the government, the Treasury, the private Federal Reserve, this whole international order dealing with this?
Because I've seen Financial Times of London articles saying, look, other contractions, other speculation bubble,
There are clearly, this is clearly
The most serious problem since the Great Depression, and in some ways worse, in terms of the financial institutions.
The reason, in part, is that while some of the same problems that have occurred then and have occurred since then, excessive leverage, pyramid schemes, bubbles, have happened before, the so-called innovation of Wall Street, the financial innovations,
Thank you.
What the nature of the risk they face.
In fact, that's now coming out where these companies say, we can't show you your books, we don't even really have them.
I mean, it's just, you know, the companies are saying they can't extrapolate how these algorithms are even working, what these computer systems are doing, who owns what debt, how it was leveraged.
Exactly, and that's why no one trusts anybody else.
Who wants to buy Lehman Brothers when you don't know what its liabilities are?
Well, that's my question, because you won one of your two Nobel Prizes for coming up with these asymmetrical models, or looking at certain strata, something they hadn't done, so you're an expert on this.
Exactly, and what I cautioned about, I wrote about these problems of asymmetric information, the fact that
Some people know things that others don't know, but this is in some ways a double problem, because not only do others not know, say, what Lehman Brothers
May know.
Lehman Brothers doesn't know what it ought to know.
Which makes it even harder to say, if you have a fire, no one has a full blueprint of even the building.
So that's where we are in this crisis.
And that, of course, means that no one's willing to lend to anybody else.
And that, of course, restricts credit.
So we have a crisis of trust, not just with the public and the banks, but with the institutions themselves, which sounds like the
That's just about as bad a scenario as... Well, it's particularly bad because, you know, our financial institutions are based on trust.
I mean, you put your money in the bank and you trust that you can get your money out.
If you didn't trust that, you would never put your money in the bank.
So trust is absolutely essential for the functioning of our financial markets, functioning of our economy.
And then there's another level of trust.
You know, outsiders, those in other countries, have to have trust that the American economy is working well.
They have to have trust that when the President says everything is going well, it is.
This administration has really burned that trust.
You know, the president said, oh, there's no problem, just a few too many houses have been built.
Well, if that's the level of analysis that the leader of the United States is giving about what that nature of economic problems,
No wonder everybody around the world is losing a certain amount of confidence.
Well, in fact, in the past, if a president said all is good, the market would go up.
Now, if McCain or even Obama or even Bush, anyone seen as a leader, says, you know, we're going to make it out of this, it's okay, markets go down, which shows almost a terminal
Loss of trust.
Now, going back to this asymmetric data, where people can't see around the tree to the other side to see what's on the other side of it, I mean, projecting forward, which you've really been good at, where do you see this going?
How do you see this on the good side unfolding versus on the bad side unfolding?
Well, there's always some uncertainty about what the government is going to do, and I have to say that the uncertainty has increased because there's clearly now an additional element of uncertainty with the government saying, we're going to pick winners, we're going to decide who we bail out and who not, and so if you have your money in the wrong
firm, you won't get bailed out.
Boy, is that scary to people outside, because they're now making not only an economic bet, they're making a political bet on whose friends are the Bush administration or the Fed, and what their judgment about whether there is systemic risk or not.
Well, let me ask you, who are those friends?
Is it Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Bank of America?
Well, we don't really know.
What we do know, for instance, you know, question
Why was it that we bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
One story that one hears is that there were a lot of investors abroad, some with close connections with one of the firms that the Secretary of Treasury was at before, and so there are the rumors that that may have played an important role in the decision to bail out Fannie Mae.
The Saudis and the Chinese, right?
So the question is, you know, is this being done for the American economy?
You know, how would American taxpayers feel that if the reason they put billions and billions of their money at risk was to help some people in other countries, not to help with the American economy?
Well, of course, they're always going to say, if we lose the confidence in the American economy, where will we be?
But we've lost that confidence.
Joseph Stiklitz, because we've only got you another 10 minutes, I'm going to skip this break and the final break.
We're going to ride up to about 32 after with you.
So we will continue.
Some stations will not carry this, but others will.
And you can go to Infowars.com and pick it up as well.
Here we go with Joseph Stiklitz, two-time Nobel Prize winner.
Okay, this is so important, I want to continue.
Now, I don't consider myself technical or to be some economic whiz kid, but I do read what you write, I do read what hundreds of others say, because this is so important, obviously.
But let's go down from the level of knowledge, say, I have, or somebody who's somewhat informed, down to just very simple.
I understand people listen to you, so you've got to be very technical and explain out why you're saying what you're saying.
But just in layman's terms, I was asking, what's the good side, what's the bad side?
I mean, what do you, from past research, from seeing what's going on now, I know so much of this is secret that you're saying, I can't see through a brick wall, but your best dead reckoning
Where do you see us in 12 months, 18 months?
I see, certainly over the next 12 months, the basic pattern that we've seen for the last 12 months continuing.
House prices will continue to fall.
More mortgages will go into foreclosure.
The value of more and more houses will be less than the mortgages.
More firms will face... more financial firms will be put into crisis.
The hedge funds will... How deep?
I mean, we're now hearing him not say a hundred banks, but a thousand banks, you know, on CNBC.
I mean... It's hard to predict, as I say, because there's such non-transparency in what's been going on.
But I don't think it's...
I just, it's very hard to know.
It could be certainly in the dozens of banks.
Do you think it's more rotten than you previously thought as we kick in more doors and see what's behind, you know, deeper levels of this?
It is a little bit more rotten than I had originally thought.
But, you know, one aspect of what has been going on is everybody realized that
There were, what they called, trillions of dollars in open positions where people were betting against other people.
And you had to ask the question, what were they doing?
Who were they betting against?
They said that they were trying to manage risk, but what risk were they trying to manage?
And, you know, why do some people think that they were smarter than other people, that they knew that the exchange rate was going to go up, or the exchange rate was going to go down, interest rates go up, or the interest rate goes down?
Now what you know is,
We have a lot of people making such big bets.
And you have a lot of volatility in the economy.
There are going to be some big winners and there are going to be some big losers.
And there's also, you can follow back who the consistent winners are and find out who's getting illegal inside information.
And that may be playing a role.
There's no inside information about where the exchange rate is going to go.
There may be some inside information about bailouts and things like that.
That is clear.
Or commodities.
So the point I want to make though is that
Given the level of volatility, there are going to be more financial institutions that are going to be in deep trouble, and given the lack of transparency, there's going to be hard-to-get liquidity, and so I think we can see more problems ahead.
What I am particularly worried about, though, is what I call the real economy.
That's what I wanted to bring up when we come back to the full audience.
Then I want to plug your book.
Here in the five minutes we have left, we're about at half our audience here.
I just skipped the breaks because some stations and the internet certainly likes that.
But that was my next question, was we can talk all day about these big financial institutions.
The real economy does not look good to me, and I'm in the supposedly best city in the U.S., Austin, Texas.
There's restaurants closing, houses for foreclosure,
The sheriff's out grabbing people's houses.
Here we go.
Well, he's a two-time Nobel Prize winner.
He's won one for economics and for peace.
And you don't usually win, too.
Joseph Stiklis, his new book is coming out, The Three Trillion Dollar War, The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict.
And I want to spend a few minutes on that before he leaves us.
But he brought up, just now for those listening at InfoWars.com, not on the MNFM, he just brought up my next question.
He said, I want to talk about the cost on the real economy.
And that was my next question.
I'm in supposedly this great city of Austin for the economy, compared to the rest of the country.
Foreclosures everywhere.
My dad yesterday driving around saw sheriffs outside three houses pulling people out, repossessing them forcibly.
Restaurants I've gone to for years, I pull into one, it's closed.
I pull into another, it's closed.
Stuff's shutting down.
I mean, the real economy is just getting worse and worse.
Meanwhile, Bush is going around, you know, when gas was four bucks a gallon, saying, no it's not.
And there's just this let them eat cake, even from the Democrats in Congress.
That's right.
And it's going to get worse.
I mean, basically, when the financial system starts getting weak...
It is in a position to provide credit, to provide loans, to provide mortgages, and that means in turn that housing prices are going to fall further, businesses are going to contract, unemployment is going to grow, and it's a downward vicious cycle.
A snowball!
It's a snowball, and that's where we are.
We eventually will emerge from it.
We've emerged from every other downturn, so I don't want to be excessively pessimistic, but
You have to be in fantasy land to say everything is fine.
And even to say that we have turned the corner.
I think we are still in the downward phase of this economic cycle.
We're going into a deepening storm.
How much longer does your expertise... I would say that we should not anticipate emerging from this for a year and a half or longer.
So this is going to be, this is a different kind of economic downturn from most of those that we've had in the last 75 years.
Most of those are, we call it, inventory cycles.
Businesses accumulate a little bit too much inventory.
It's generated from the bottom.
This crisis is generated from the top.
And it's systemic.
Not just a little excess investment, a little bit
Too high interest rates, it's basically in the basic institutions of our economy, the financial institutions, and it's going to be a difficult road getting out, and it's particularly difficult because for the last five years, especially as the war has gone on, we've been a debt economy.
Yeah, go back into that, because I interrupted you with a break earlier about your book, the facts you're laying out, the $3 trillion war.
Folks need to get it and read it.
I mean, what we're dealing with here, why so many fundamentals have been changed.
That's right.
I mean, as I mentioned, this is the first war that we have put totally on the credit card.
In fact, it's the first war since the Revolutionary War that we had to turn to foreigners to finance.
Because 40% of our national debt is now being financed by foreigners.
We had to borrow $850 billion in recent years, per year.
From foreigners.
Here we have the richest country in the world that can't live within its means.
Households have been borrowing at an unprecedented level.
We mentioned before that national savings rate, the household savings rate was the lowest since the Great Depression.
And the federal government has been piling up debt because it's been borrowing not only to finance the war,
By having such trouble, we are in trouble as an economy.
And you're saying the biggest financial threat since the Great Depression may be even bigger.
Is there some internal bank warfare going on?
People using the lack of confidence, using connections to go and basically sabotage and overtake?
The case of Bear Stearns, out of $2.
Well, part of the problem is, as I said before, that there is such a lack of transparency
We, the taxpayers, do not know, yet months after the bailout, how much we are at risk for that bailout.
That's another point, is we don't know what we're signing on to.
We know it's trillions all together, but I mean, so it's a time bomb.
We've just got about two minutes left with Joseph Stiglitz for folks listening exclusively at InfoWars.com and some of the stations that
Uh, Mr. Stiglitz, I'm gonna let you go here in just about two minutes, but I wanted
To ask you about some solutions.
You know, you put forward quite a few ideas to keep this from happening.
Now that's a little late.
We're now into this happening.
I mean, if you were the economic king for a day, if you were both the Fed Chairman and the Treasury Secretary, which kind of Paulson really is, he's telling the Fed to do right now, that's been reported.
What would you do right now to stabilize this, to build confidence back in and to stop the implosion?
Well, the first thing the economy needs, I go back to the real economy, and it needs a stimulus.
But it needs a stimulus that really works.
So we have to increase aid to states and local governments who are facing a big shortfall of revenue, and they're going to cut back expenditures, cut back investment, cut back basic programs for Americans.
We need stronger unemployment insurance.
With unemployment growing, we need to have some confidence that if you lose your job, no fault of your own, that you're a little bit better protected than we've been.
More investment in our infrastructure.
If anybody visits an airport in Asia, Europe, you realize what state our airports are in.
New Orleans levees, the Minnesota bridges are all emblematic of what has happened to our infrastructure.
So, I would take advantage of this particular time to try to stimulate the economy in ways to provide the basis of our longer-term economic growth.
If our economy is growing, then we will be better able to manage some of this financial turmoil.
But if our economy is going, as I believe it's going to go into a downward direction, it's going to be much more difficult to manage.
And the problem is, the President is still talking about everything being fine in the economy.
Well, that's my final question.
It doesn't appear that they're really planning to change any of the fundamentals that have brought us to this point.
They continue to say full speed ahead, armored to the fog.
A, do you agree with that statement that that's what they're doing?
And B, what will that then lead to?
Well, it's clear that they've not taken into account, they didn't anticipate these problems.
And they're not responding to the problems, partly because the problems are of their own making, and they want to hide their head in the sand and say, oh, everything's fine.
Our recipe, tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, let markets run wild, is a recipe for long-term economic growth and stability.
They've been proven very, very wrong.
Mr. Stiglitz, we're going to let you go in about 60 seconds, but I want to come back to the full audience right now and plug your personal website.
I forgot to do that.
Here we go.
Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, we've kept him a little bit longer than he originally was coming on.
I hope we get him for a full hour in the near future.
Love to do that.
But the great part about Google is if you misspell Joseph Stiglitz, you'll still get his website.
So JosephStiglitz.com.
And he's written quite a few best-selling books.
The new one's just been out for a few months.
The most recent book, The Three Trillion Dollar War, The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict.
The paperback just came out with a new afterword trying to bring us up to date.
Oh, so just a brand new one just came out then?
That's right.
Bringing us up to date on what's happened since the last edition came out.
Well, we appreciate all your time.
Anything that I didn't bring up, anything you didn't bring up?
No, we had a good discussion.
Thank you, Mr. Stiglitz.
Take care.
Thank you.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen, Joseph Stiglitz, joining us.
Look, I mean, I can have the head of the New York Business School on.
By the way, we're going to set him back up for the show.
We can have any of these people on.
We can bring them here and tell you this.
I mean, you heard Stiglitz say, worse than the Great Depression is what we're facing.
And then you look at the on the ground situation.
I keep repeating this because 90% of the American people live in urban areas, that means in cities and built-up suburbs.
Of the 10% that live in what you can call rural areas, the last census, 10%, about half of them, or 5% of the public are somewhat self-sufficient, and most of them say they're self-sufficient when asked in the wider survey.
They have a farming supplement that's part of the
Larger census, they have a business census, what we all talked about on Constitutional, that is a side issue.
Point is, we have those numbers.
So, 5% claim they're self-sufficient.
Now, do you know what percentage were truly self-sufficient going into the Great Depression?
Or a little more.
The problem is, is they were not economically self-sufficient.
They had mortgages on their farms, and so they were driven off their farms at shotgun point, at police gunpoint.
And I don't want to be enemies with the police here.
The point is, the police are going to be used to take your farms, your ranches, your... I mean, these are going to be your families and neighbors.
This is where you're getting your food, cops.
They won't care.
The feds are going to ship them in on the backs of trucks' food, you know, if it gets this bad.
And the cops will literally be taking your land and your property for the banks.
Ted is ready.
They will literally be doing all of this just to get their food.
And remember, none of this had to happen.
You just heard the former head of the Treasury policy, the chief advisor of Ronald Reagan on economics, Dr. Paul Greg Roberts tell you this.
You just heard Stiglitz, two-time Nobel Prize winner for economics and peace on.
These are the top guys.
The top guys don't like being wrong.
So they'll tell you what's really going to happen.
The hacks they put on CNBC and MSNBC and Fox Financial and all this.
They'll tell you everything's great, everything's wonderful.
What scares me is they're finally getting to the point of admitting everything's not wonderful.
And I'm so busy that about 80% of the money I got in this world is just in a business account just to run this company for a few months.
And I'm going, you know, I need to take that out of that account and put it in another account just to run this business.
Should I even be on the air right now when Yahoo's talking about bank runs going on?
And when the Seattle Times is talking about bank runs, and people are starting to advise bank runs,
I realize that I've tried to be fiscally responsible and had enough money to run this place four, five, six months.
Maybe that's even in jeopardy.
Thank God for the money bomb we did, but I'm trying to expand to a TV show, building another studio right now with six cameras, which are all professional, just to put out better information, better package information for people.
That's another reason I didn't go to New York.
I can't fly me and my whole crew up to New York just to give a speech and hang out with a bunch of people.
I'm trying to be frugal here with your money that you bought my videos and books and materials from.
I really see that as your money.
And I see it as a sacred mission to try to stay afloat.
If we go into a full bore depression, I've told my IT people, I want two more servers.
Did we get those last week?
Oh, we did.
We did order two more servers.
I mean, I want them now, because we barely got the servers we need right now, and there are going to be companies going under left and right.
In fact, I'm changing that.
I want four new of those cheap, good servers.
And my crew's doing a great job.
I'm just saying, folks, we are in an emergency situation.
We're in the middle of a typhoon, and I'm the captain on my little ship, and I'm saying, batten down hatches,
You know, get those sails down so they don't rip off.
You know, secure the main mast.
Everybody else below, bail, bail.
And people are running the bailers.
And the yuppies are still giggling and laughing and dancing around and smirking.
And people say, well that's good, that's confidence.
But this isn't a crisis like we've seen before.
This is a top-down crisis.
This isn't a... I just had a Nobel Prize winner on and I said, this is a bottom
issue of us having to be raped, but this didn't originate from the economy.
This originated from the elites.
And that's why it's such a dog and pony show to say, oh, some people that lied on their mortgage forms, they caused that.
No, the banks decided two years ago, a year and a half ago, to stop issuing unlimited fiat to the bottom.
Because they'd already gotten us
In 2007, at the start of the year, it was announced that in 2006 we had become a net debtor nation, individually, greater than even in the depths of the Great Depression.
And at that point, they flipped the switch, they had gotten us in debt, they had bankrupted us, and now it was time for receivership.
That's while banks, quote, make their money.
They issue fake liquidity on a ballot sheet, or now a computer, but the real assets are the farms, the ranches, the companies, the intellectual properties, the technologies.
The military companies, the media companies, the infrastructure, the commodities like gold and silver and timber and uranium and bauxite and nickel and all of these things, and oil, and all its derivatives.
That's what they do during these implosions, and then they got everything they have in shipping and real assets.
Now they're going to come in with a police escort, and enough they are going to take... I meant to ask Dick what Roberts was talking about, how they plan to take the pension funds.
Bush changed the law in 2004, and Congress voted for it.
So again, this is both parties.
You can go pull the vote up, but I remember it was the vast majority in Congress voted for it.
To say your money in a pension fund, money they took from you out of your check is not yours and that companies and the government can take it.
That's why Roberts just said they're planning to take your pension funds.
That's why I've been screaming for four years they're going to take your pension funds.
Newspapers have written a few articles about me and blogs going, he fear mongers and says they're going to take the pension funds with no evidence.
What are you talking about?
They've already taken a bunch of pension funds!
At the time that happened and they changed the law where they can, that's like legalizing murder?
Legalizing grand theft?
Legalizing bank robbery?
I mean, that's what it is.
They wire it out of there.
A guy doesn't go stick somebody up at the front counter.
But it's armed robbery.
You try to go stop the bank from taking your pension fund?
You try to go stop the... They will send cops to kill your butt!
And so, yes, they're going to take your pension funds.
And if you don't like it, they'll gun your ass down to the street!
That's how this works, folks!
Now, you just heard the father of Reaganomics, the former head of the Treasury, tell you that.
Now, before they did this takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and we had guests on, Bob Chapman, Ted Anderson, Roberts and others, we talked about how they were going to drive down oil, they always do that anyways in the fall, then it starts going up again in the spring and summer, they were going to drive down gold, drive down silver,
We laid all that out, that there would be some type of correction, and then it would race back up in the winter.
Now, it was a bigger correction than I thought it would be, which is quite frankly a buying opportunity, so I'm going to try to take a meager amount of capital and put it in some gold.
This is a buying opportunity.
I believe it's hit bottom, and as you see them bailing out trillions of dollars, and talk of the Treasury going insolvent, and talk of Great Depression from Nobel Prize winners, and then the mainstream media is talking about bank runs, it is smart to have 5, 10, 20% in silver, in gold, in palladium, in platinum.
And I believe that people should do this.
I mean, I bought gold at 280 bucks an ounce, and I bought gold at a thousand dollars an ounce, and I feel good about every purchase, and I haven't sold any of it.
Because it is my emergency backup.
It will always have some intrinsic value.
It can't be devalued down to nothing.
And when the bottom finally falls out,
This fantasy land is going to end, and gold now should be rated with inflation up close to 3,000 an ounce, not 22 or 2,500 like it was a year ago.
Now, I don't know if it will ever go there.
In this Alice in Wonderland, they may start claiming pigs can fly, and they may elect a horse president.
I don't know.
We're living in the twilight zone right now.
I mean, there are in-run level implosions every day for the last two weeks, and talk of more for the next few months.
And then stuff will kind of settle down for a few weeks, and then more implosions.
And, oh, don't worry, that was the end.
And then more implosions.
You know what this means?
All these big brokerage firms and banks going under and being taken over and going into receivership and being bailed out?
What that means to jobs and investments?
And they've now got to go in with hundreds of billions of dollars just in the last two days, what's happened?
And revalue all that?
And then they find out there's no way to revalue it?
And now there's talk of thousands of banks going under?
I wanted to bring Ted on.
He hadn't been on in about a month.
Ted, major buying opportunity.
Gold has started going back up again.
Last time I checked, silver, same thing.
The bankers before they did this tried to hammer commodities down, profit take.
It's always the same cycle.
And I really don't see a financial world where gold and silver
And other commodities wouldn't go back up.
A lot of other commodities are still ballooning.
Because they're calling those bubbles, but they really aren't bubbles if it's based on a devalued dollar.
And everything the Treasury is doing, everything the Federal Reserve is doing, is signaling the dollar is kaput.
And so I guess it wouldn't fully plunge.
They bolstered it with the threat against Russia and the muscle flexing.
People said, okay, America isn't dead, but how long can that trick continue, Ted?
Well, it's not going to continue very long because we've got institutions right now that are just so big that the United States government can't bail them out without printing just buckets and buckets and buckets full of money.
I mean, you watch what's going on out there.
That Federal Reserve System with that Open Market Committee
We're now a year and a half into this?
I was wondering if I should even be in this country anymore.
I mean, it was just the kind of businesses that are failing around us.
Total looting, all by design.
Remember folks, we didn't just start claiming this was by design now.
We got infiltrated three years ago.
The Bilderberg meeting, and we also had infiltrators into the Istanbul two years ago, and then obviously got a lot of intel out of Virginia, Chantilly outside D.C.
this year.
And those bastards said three years ago, they said, plus, god hardly that's three years ago, plus, they said, we're going to implode the housing market and start a domino effect to consolidate.
So there's no doubt they engineered this, and I want the people to know that, Ted.
Well, right now, liquidity is everything.
Anybody that has something that's a value that's not tied to the U.S.
currency, they're going to have something.
But anybody that has their money in the bank, they have it in the stock market, they have it in all these different paper-type investments, they're going to get wiped out.
And that's going to put people in the position where they have to hand over their homes, and hand over all these other real assets like you were talking about.
And they didn't triple Johnny Law the last 20 or 15 years for nothing.
They didn't triple the cops for nothing.
That's to take everything you've got.
I'm not even bashing these poor cops.
Another cop's going to take the cops' mama's house.
Well, you know, it is definitely time to batten down the hatches.
Get out of debt.
I've got people that are crying to me that they leveraged themselves long in the marketplace when silver and gold was going up, and now they've got margin calls.
It's like, what are you doing?
You get the stuff physically in your hands so you can hold on to it, and who cares if you bought it at $15 silver or $10 silver?
It doesn't matter.
You can see the thing melting around you.
Yeah, you know in reality, the dollar is birdcage liner and rest in peace.
They may re-dollarize or do something new or tie it to carbon taxes, but regardless,
I mean, for the next decade or so, and that's what every major economist is saying, that dollar is going downhill.
When is it going to go?
I mean, it's already gone down sixty-something percent, then bounced up five percent, then started going back down again this week.
You know, that's kind of a dead cat bounce.
It's bouncing down the cliff.
I just think people need to move now, aggressively.
This is a major buying opportunity, Ted.
Tell them about the specials.
It is most definitely a major buying opportunity, and right now, the walking Liberty Halves
We're looking at those at $10 a piece right now.
I have them at $6.95.
And that was just a few months ago when they were at that price.
Currently right now you can get them in rolls of $20 at $139.
The British Sovereign, we all know that those were at about $215.
I'm sorry, about $290.
And right now they're at $217.
You're picking this stuff almost for half price right now.
Franks at $173 right now.
Those ones are the ones that are up around $215, $220.
I mean, the silver, without a question, is the one that take the most hit on the downside, and it'll also be the one that rebounds the fastest.
And that Walking Liberty half, I couldn't even get them.
There was no supply.
Well, I had employees that bought gold, under my advice, when it was about $600, and then I said, dump it when it hit $1,000.
And they said, but you're not going to dump yours.
And I said, well, this is insurance for me.
And then they dumped it like two months before, and then it...
That's just the whole point, Alex.
I mean, I hear these people with these leverage positions.
I mean, for God's sakes, don't do that.
Get the gold and take it physically.
Why lose more than you have into it?
You can't hold on to these fluctuations.
Yeah, this is bottom line, a stopgap measure, an emergency thing to do in uncertain times.
Medals are king.
Tell them the specials you've got, Ted.
Yeah, again, pick up the Walking Liberty halves.
They're at $6.95 apiece.
Or you can pick them up at $139 per roll, a 20.
You can't beat that, Alex.
You've got to pick those up.
The British Sovereign gold coin, quarter ounce piece, $217.
Get that one.
Frank Coyne, 173.
That's a fifth of an ounce.
Again, right now is the time to be getting involved in this market.
Do it now.
Do it now before it's too late, because it is getting to be too late real fast, and we've got an opportunity with lower prices.
Well, the incredible thing is, Ted, we see scarcity in gold and silver hard to get with dropping prices.
One word.
Manipulation does that.
They're washing the people with the puts.
The people that are short in the marketplace, they're forcing them out.
And it throws some gyration into the marketplace, but that doesn't affect the physical market.
People that are actually trying to buy this stuff and take possession are having a real hard time accumulating it because there's not anything available.
That's the crazy part about this whole thing.
Well, that's right.
People that were holding all the economy so bad, they're now having to cash it in, too.
Yeah, but right now Alex, there is not a lot of supply.
I try, I mean look at Kitco's front page, look at everywhere, just type in... Well look at this, gold falls as dollar strengthens, but then yesterday the dollar was dropping.
So it's that same thing we saw for a year going into the Great Depression where it's just like a seesaw or a roller coaster.
Well, if anybody has any bit of brains in their head, they're going to know that they have to have something.
They're going to have to have their food, they're going to have to have their guns, and they certainly need their gold.
Give them the number, Ted.
It's 1-800-686-2237.
To take advantage of that, tell them it's the Ted Anderson Alex Jones Special.
Just mention our names right there at MinusResources in the same building as the network.
Or there's links on DailySpecials at InfoWars.com.
Over to Ted at MinusResources.com.
Please don't wait, folks.
Give them a call today.
Physically Hold Metals 800-686-2237.
Great folks at Midas.
We'll be right back with more financial news.
Everybody's attention please.
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
An inside job?
How dare you?
If you know that there's treason going on, you can be held accountable for treason yourself.
People know that 9-11 was a state.
It was engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR.
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
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Read up on us!
You have nothing to lose, but wait.
Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying
They get you trained in the markets and look at it day by day, week by week.
Look at it in terms of years and months.
You can really see the trend.
The death of the dollar.
And it's all by design to bring in a new world order.
I mean, we got it from inside Bilderberg.
Those bastards.
They're greedy.
They want to destroy the economy so they can buy it all up.
We're going to open the phones up.
We have Cindy Sheehan on with us.
We'll talk about the economy, the war, a host of issues.
Weather 1-800-259-9231.
You know, what am I doing?
I just now remembered the main lines for Genesis are down.
So I can't give out the phone number.
Well, I guess we can give out our phone number.
Oh no, the phone lines are back up for the callers.
Okay, good.
Well, what phone lines aren't back up then?
Okay, okay, okay.
You guys can't call out.
People can call in.
Oh, that's good.
We have got so much to cover here.
You know, I could
Recap some of the things that have happened.
Really important story by Paul Watson.
Run on the banks, Americans could lose their deposits.
You know it's bad when Yahoo.com features a story about fiscal Armageddon.
And then we have another report here about Goldman earnings fall 70 percent, sending shares still lower.
Banking crisis in Britain.
Heading for the worst recession since the 1930s.
London Telegraph.
Hewlett-Packard to axe 24,000 jobs, take a $1.7 billion charge.
HP said it will carry out the cutbacks over the next three years while replacing about half the jobs in new areas of its service businesses.
It announced the plan ahead of a meeting with Wall Street analysts to detail the merger plans.
So they're all merging, trying to stay afloat, which is good for the globalist consolidation.
Best Buy Profit Below View Shares Fall.
Best Buy, one of the most successful retailers out there in trouble.
Consumer Electronics Retailer Best Buy reported a worse-than-expected 19% drop in second quarter earnings as it spent more money to improve stores, sending its shares down 7%.
FTSE 100 plunges through $5,000 mark as share route continues.
London Index shares down 229 points, HBOS shares plummet more than 40%, the global market panic followed by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers deepened today when the FTSE plunged to the 5000 point.
Investors continue to reel from yesterday's high drama.
It's kind of patronizing, isn't it?
It's high drama.
And central banks pumped more into the system.
More money into the system.
The index 100 tumbled 229 points to 4,975.2 or almost 4.5%.
Confidence has been shattered.
Well, yeah, for a year they keep telling us it's a conspiracy theory.
If you say it's going to get worse.
They actually use those terms.
Later, the U.S.
Federal Reserve offered to lend $50 billion to banks, having to put $70 billion in yesterday.
Oh, $50 billion today, $70 billion yesterday.
Just all this happening.
Meanwhile, yesterday on Black Monday, McCain said, the fundamentals of our economy are still strong.
Oh yeah, record consumer debt, record corporate debt.
All the real assets have been taken out the back door.
I mean, your cities had billions and billions in assets and secret investments.
See, that's all been transferred out now.
Huge Enron-level collapses.
Bigger than those.
Every day.
Also, the Ukrainian government falls apart.
That's the BBC headline.
Israel's waging a secret war with Iran.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, for the next 30 minutes of the show, we're joined by Cindy to check in with us once a month or so with her historic campaign against the treacherous Nancy Pelosi.
It is treacherous to claim that she was with anti-war, pro-peace people, folks that are against murder.
It's treacherous to then get into power and enthusiastically actually expand the war and cheerlead for it.
And you've got 90 plus percent in polls in the San Francisco Bay Area of the district she's in against the war.
They won it over now.
But Pelosi ignores that.
So if Cindy Sheehan doesn't win, we know something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
We've got fifty-something days until the election.
Here's your chance to get in there, to canvas, to donate, to help Cindy Sheehan as she runs against Nancy Pelosi.
This is what we need to see from people out there.
And she's here to talk about the economy, the war.
She just gets better and better in the speech.
I saw her give out and
Denver was just really powerful.
She talked about the two parties, the twins, and she is now with us for the next 30 minutes.
Cindy Sheehan, good to have you here.
See you again.
Well, it's good to have you here with us.
There's so much to talk about, but how about instead of me throwing questions at you, talk about what you think is most important right now.
What's on your mind?
Well, these past days I've been really sorry that I didn't
Major and economic.
So I've been trying to really focus on that and try to get a handle on what's happening.
And I know what the government is doing is not the best correction for what's happening with our economy collapsing.
And I think that, you know, the major issue around the whole economy is
And people don't acknowledge this.
You don't see anybody in mainstream America on the news or are candidates for president in the two major parties, which I call the monopoly now.
I used to call it a duopoly, but why even pretend that it's, you know, there's any difference in it?
But they don't talk about how our military economy is collapsing, this country, like it collapsed
All other empires before it, and they're not talking about decreasing military spending, or bringing our troops home from Iraq or Afghanistan, or closing our bases around the world, which are just basic imperialism.
They're talking about bailouts, and stimulus, and all these Keynesian things that
that haven't worked for a long time because that they're designed to make the rich richer and disappear our middle class.
Well, you're right.
In fact, they're saying they're going to continue all the exact same policies and then bail out.
And they really designed all this.
We have their documents, Cindy.
Designed this to fully implode the economy.
Basically, the military-industrial complex is just eating the country.
They do what they do everywhere else.
They are eating their own.
They're engaged in cannibalism.
Or strip mining, and they're imploding the economy so they can, quote, have the taxpayers bail them out.
But really that's just so bigger banks can gobble up smaller banks.
Well, you know, absolutely.
And I just don't understand how people think that continuing failed policies is going to make a correction in the economy.
And instead of blaming Republicans, or instead of blaming George Bush or whoever,
You know, we can go all the way back to the Clinton administration for a majority of what's happening today, but we really need to get down to business and we don't need false hope or false change.
A leader who will actually identify the problem and say that we're in deep trouble.
And something beautiful happened.
I want to talk to you about this after the break.
Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich all together saying what you just said, what you've been saying.
We don't need false change.
We need real change and truly diverse political movements that are huge coming together.
They need to get behind Cindy Sheehan and they are behind Cindy Sheehan.
Cindy, stay there.
We'll be back in just three minutes.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, going right back to Cindy Sheehan, who's running for Congress against the traitor Nancy Pelosi.
And it's almost even worse than being George Bush.
You know, he's a warmonger.
We know what he stands for.
He didn't lie.
Say he didn't want foreign entanglements like Clinton had done.
Well, you know, I was in Norway last week when they did that press conference and I think that it's really important to support third party or independent candidates.
I could really just walk into this office here in San Francisco if I would just endorse Barack Obama, but I'm not going to sell out my principles and I'm not going to sell out humanity to endorse somebody who I don't think will be good for the country or good for the world or really have any policies that differ from McPalin or the Bush administration.
So I think that it was very important, it was very historic for
It's beautiful to see this happening.
But break that down for listeners.
If you endorse Barack Obama,
The party, I guess locally, has let you know that they might even let you take Pelosi's seat, or not try to block you, then be a shoe-in, because you're very, very popular, especially with people in the San Francisco area, but all across the country.
But you can't support Obama, because then you'd be compromised.
He is supporting and expanding the war, continuing the conflict.
Well, you know, not only that, he is just
A very conservative Democrat, and there's not very many things that he differs with on McCain.
And yes, I have had pressure from even people on my own staff to come out and endorse Obama.
And I'm not like Obama.
I don't pander to people, and I don't change what I know is right in my heart to get votes, or to get money, or to go forward.
If win or lose on November 4th, I'm going to win or lose with my integrity intact.
And then we can, you know, just like Ron Paul, I don't agree with everything he says, but you know, he is a man of integrity and principle, and he won't sell out his principles for votes for money.
And how successful was he in raising money and raising awareness over the primary season?
So I think that
People recognize and they want leadership.
They want leadership with integrity and they want leadership with courage.
Well, I want to bring up a tough subject.
I was out in the countryside
over the weekend visiting family and uh... some family was visiting and they were uh... some families visiting family that i was visiting were sitting around the dinner table and and one of them was aware that i like you and interviewed you and it's a you know military family most of them are in the military and he said well that she and lady you know she's got a right to say what she wants but what she did is make her son to death count for nothing
She's taken away the sacrifice he made and I just said no.
I don't want to speak for her but I would imagine that she would say that I'm trying to stop other people's sons and daughters from needlessly being killed and instead of him dying for a lie, dying in a fraud, I am making his memory stand out as a testament to the crimes that have been committed so that his life does mean something and so that he didn't die
For a lie that, by the way, he didn't support and wrote to you in letters.
Now, is that accurate?
And I'm sure you can add something to it.
Well, that's 100% accurate.
You know, George Bush is the one who has abused our military and sent people over to die for lies, to kill innocent people for lies, to destroy a country for lies, or to be wounded for lies and deception.
And, you know, it's not a reflection on
Casey or the military is the reflection on the leadership that have done this.
And I believe that Casey did die for nothing.
You know, he died, he was killed by an Iraqi insurgent who wanted Casey out of his country.
And I don't blame that Iraqi insurgent, I blame the system who sent Casey and his comrades to Iraq for no reason except for profit and imperial greed.
So, you know, you answered it absolutely correct, and the reason I fight so hard is to make Casey's death count for something positive, but also for, you know, our children and grandchildren, so they won't have to go through this.
Now, I'll be damned if I let the neocon elite, which Nancy Pelosi is part of that, send our country, or neoliberal, I think her and Obama's views would be more like neoliberal, allow them
I think.
I don't want him to grow up in the same kind of country that Casey grew up in.
How do we ever get to the point where you're not supposed to question the government, you're not supposed to be involved, and we all know the greatest expression of patriotism is to engage in dissent.
I mean, the vast majority of us are against the war, we were taken there over a lie, and they somehow, a million plus Iraqis are dead.
This is an incredible Nazi-level crime, and then they just turn it around and say, oh, you hate America.
I mean, this is incredible.
Well, it's an absolute genocide, and the America that they love is an America that tortures people, imprisons people without, you know, habeas corpus, which has been a basic right for centuries.
This is a country that buys on people without warrant.
This is a country that is impoverishing people to increase the wealth in the bottom line of the
Well, it certainly is.
In fact, I mean, it's so asinine, the lie is so big, it's hard to even articulate it.
I mean, to be butchering and systematically dismantling the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, everything good about this nation, everything that made us great, not that we've ever been perfect, but better than most, and then to claim that they're doing it for America.
This is just more dirt if we don't have our morals.
And we've had our name destroyed worldwide and then we're trying to salvage some of America and then they tell us we hate America because we love freedom and liberty and not attacking innocent countries and not killing a million two hundred thousand Iraqis in the last six years and
Not torturing children and raping and the White House memos about torturing children.
They're saying we're bad because we're against that.
It's just so over the top.
Well, I think it's because we recognize that humanity and love for humanity aren't just contained within the borders of the United States.
People in Iraq and Afghanistan and wherever, they deserve and they want security.
And peace and prosperity as much as Americans want for their children.
And so that somehow makes us anti-American because we're pro-humanity.
But the real true values of this country are the values that we are fighting for to not disappear, not be forgotten, not be shoved down the memory hole of this neo-con ruling elite.
And as long as we're alive, that's not going to happen.
But they're trying to shut us up.
They're trying to keep us out.
And we appreciate your show and other shows that are independent from the mainstream because you know the mainstream media and the corporate media here are really trying to shut us out, to not allow us to present our vision because our vision is so alternative to what they want.
Exactly, that brings me to another issue and I want to plug the campaign and the different ways folks can get involved but the inventor of the internet
Over in England and others are calling for basically restricting it, certifying websites, internet to governments, the newspapers are imploding, TV ratings are plunging, alternative media is surging.
And the mainstream has been discredited and they're angry at us, the alternative.
They discredited themselves and so they're not just trying to shut you out of mainstream television and print, they're also trying to shut down and restrict the web.
Can you speak to that?
And that's really common in other countries because I travel extensively and you have to register websites and you have to know that if you're on the internet that there are some sites that they're going to block.
But they're overt about it.
In the United States, we know that we're being spied on via the internet, but at least they're covert about it.
We've gone to the lengths to take away our non-biased news on the television.
They've gone to great lengths to do that.
There's no more fairness doctrine.
Nancy Pelosi can be on all the shows everywhere, you know, promoting her book or promoting her corporate malignant vision for America, but we can't demand equal time, and that's just something
That they've been working on very hard for the past few decades.
But then that's the other problem is the Fairness Doctrine, and I would be for it if they're going to have Nancy Pelosi on, you're a real candidate against her, you should be on those shows.
But the point is they would then use that to shut me down and say, well, since Pelosi doesn't want to come on your show, you just can't talk bad about Pelosi.
You know, kind of like the quote campaign finance reform that just doubled the amount corporations can give but restrict citizens.
But you're right.
They are just giving her lavish coverage.
And really trying to shut you down.
But your campaign is exploding and is surging.
Tell us about that.
Well, that's why it's so important for people to support us financially.
If you can't come out to San Francisco to help, we are of course having an influx of people from all over the country here coming to help us.
Just like Camp Casey, people came from everywhere to help.
Except for San Francisco is much nicer than Crawford, Texas.
So, you know, I invite everybody to come out.
But if you can support us financially, anything, $5, $10, $25, up to the maximum donation of $2,300, that helps us get our message out.
All we need to be able to do is buy airtime on TV, buy airtime on the radio, get billboards, get my face up on buses, spread our message to San Francisco.
That way, in a certain way.
Stay there, stay there.
We've got a break.
We're going to come back and we'll talk about that.
That way, we'll do what?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Cindy, you got cut off by that last break.
You were making a point.
Well, I just think that our campaign is going to make up in ground forces and in energy and enthusiasm.
We have people knocking on doors.
We have zone captains figuring out how to blanket their zone.
And, you know, studies have shown people just need to see somebody's name three times and they're more likely to vote for them.
Well, you know, the people of San Francisco know me.
Know what I stand for.
Know that I, you know, am honest and that I do have courage to lead.
I do have courage to tell unpleasant truth.
But just because something's unpleasant doesn't mean it's not true.
And if we don't confront these issues, we're not going to be able to solve them.
And to ask people to sacrifice?
You know, people in America haven't been asked to sacrifice since World War II.
And we're, you know, we're a nation, and this is a district that's filled with
Well, Cindy, I've got an idea.
If you guys are commissioned to say a Zogby poll, but don't let them add their questions.
I've done polls before.
Make it fair and just have it say Nancy Pelosi basically said she wants to continue the war and Cindy Sheehan says that she wants to end the war and have a few questions like that.
And then pull, say, 2,000 San Franciscans.
I think you're going to win that.
And then you can use that to get a lot of media attention and show people that you can win.
Actually, Alex, that's what we're working for right now.
And we actually have to have about $20,000 to do that.
So we're fundraising right now.
Who told you it was $20,000?
Our political consultants.
Well, I've done a few polls.
I mean, you can just do a one-off poll with Zogby or something for $5,000, $6,000, and they'll ask almost 3,000 people.
I'll write on.
Well, we definitely will check into that, because that is something that we want to do, and we agree with you.
When a poll comes out, and there have been some spot polls done here that haven't been what they call a sampling, a good sampling.
I have overwhelmingly beaten Nancy Pelosi in those polls, so I think that that, like you said, would garner a lot of media attention, a lot of donations.
Well, see, I didn't know you'd already been beating her in spot polls, which is common sense.
You need to have those polls out ahead in case they cheat you.
That'll be ammo in the recount or showing the machines are fraudulent to say, look, I won in this poll.
I mean, your consultant may be getting sold, and I'm not saying they're not a great consultant, I don't know who they are, your consultant may be getting sold on larger, bigger packages, they try to sell you, but I'd call up Angus and Reed, I'd call up Mason Dixon, I'd call up Zogby, I'd spend five grand apiece, I'd get three different polls, but I would not let them insert their own questions.
They are out of control, but make it fair so everybody can read the questions.
When you put the press release out, Nancy Pelosi said that she went in the Warb and then have a quote.
She did not.
She says continue it.
Cindy Sheehan says that, you know, elect her.
This is her plan to do it.
On this issue,
Who would you vote for?
Or, with leaving issues out, people know the issues, say, who would you vote for?
Nancy Pelosi or Cindy Sheehan?
And, you know, you are going to win that, my political gut tells me, and then you're going to have that tool.
But, I mean, I know you've got help, so... Well, the thing that we're battling here in San Francisco is the Democratic machine.
You know, all the unions are endorsing Pelosi.
The Democratic clubs, of course, are endorsing Pelosi.
And so they're endorsing war now!
Even though her stamp on the issues of war, accountability, the environment, labor, everything that these people hold dear are, you know, exactly opposite of what they believe, that they're endorsing her because it is just a big Democratic machine town.
So we have to overcome that, and it has to be more issues-based.
And again, you have that ruling order where you've got 90 plus percent against the war, everybody loves you in San Francisco, but the machine loves the power.
Right, and it just, you know, the machine just exists to perpetuate itself.
And they'll run over anybody who gets in its way, even if it's somebody that does have integrity and courage, and who is right on all the issues that San Francisco cares about.
And Nancy Pelosi is wrong on all of those issues.
So that's what we have to have the money to be able to get out to the 8th District.
But like I said, there's just people pouring in from all over to help us.
We have to expand our campaign.
We can't sit in this office anymore, thank God.
It's just becoming a real
Enthusiastic, energetic, committed.
People are quitting their jobs to work on this campaign.
People are moving to San Francisco to work on this campaign.
Cindy, can you do 10 more minutes with us so we can take a few calls and also tell folks how they can donate?
Sure, absolutely.
Okay, we're going to come back and take a few calls specifically for Cindy Sheehan about her campaign or about the larger election.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
OK, Cindy, we're going to be back in about three minutes, OK?
All righty.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You bet.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kin folks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone.
I'll be gone, like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar hi-yah and cussing moan.
We have Cindy Sheehan back on with us.
Folks, you can call us on our local line.
She'll be with us about 10-15 more minutes this segment for questions about the campaign, about the two parties, about how once you get off their skin color or their sexual gender,
There's really no separation.
It's just different flavors of the same corporate lies.
888-201-2244 is the number here in my studio.
We'll take a few calls for Cindy Sheehan.
Cindy, before we run out of time, how do people help the historic campaign?
I want to add, 50-something days away from the election.
Actually, 49 days.
Wow, I've been thinking 50 so long.
49 days.
There's so many, and even if you lose,
It'll expose the voting machines.
You will educate people.
You will show how both parties are controlled.
It's all part of the fight.
If we don't stand up, we don't build movements, and the two parties have a 9% approval rating, they're being discredited.
This is an important process, and that's why I just thank you for what you've done standing up to these people just in a dogged fashion.
So, what's the different basket of tactics and things listeners can do to help you?
Well, we're downloading the voter rolls onto Google Docs.
They'll be able to go into our website and pull out a list of maybe ten voters in San Francisco that they can phone bank or they can send messages to.
Things like that that aren't very expensive that people from around the country can do.
We will be here in San Francisco doing a lot of phone banking.
A lot of door-to-door contact with voters, and like I said, anybody can go on our website, cindyforcongress.org, cindyforcongress.org, and just donate anything that you can.
Our campaign is supported by total grassroots donations.
We haven't received or taken one PAC contribution.
One corporate contribution, and we've raised over $400,000 so far.
And if we could just have $100,000 more dollars between now and November 4th, we would really be able to blanket this city with our message.
Well, I would also keep a little bit back for lawyers and enforcers.
Oh, absolutely.
We're on election day.
We're all about election protection and about
Getting lawyers right there to challenge the vote.
Because, you know, like we said, the system just exists to perpetuate it.
And it's not like we're firing blanks.
People have gone to prison in Ohio and other states for stealing elections.
But unlike these rigged elections, you're not like some of the people we've seen in the past who will stand down.
Oh, heck no.
We're going to fight for every last vote to make sure every vote is counted properly.
To challenge the voting system.
And this election, you know, won't be over one way or the other on November 4th, like you said, where if it turns out that, you know, somehow Nancy Pelosi got more votes than us, we will challenge every vote.
We will challenge that we have a hotline for people to call if there's any kind of voter suppression or voter fraud or any kind of hanky-panky.
I have seen myself on the voter rolls at the Department of Elections
How they scrub people off the voter rolls.
So we also have to do a lot of voter registration and a lot of education about the right to vote and the right to have your vote counted.
Absolutely, folks.
Do not procrastinate.
Donate now.
If you live in California or somewhere else, go door-to-door now.
We have to punish Nancy Pelosi.
We have to reward somebody.
It's not much of a reward.
It'll be torture for her up in Congress.
But to send this
Well, of course, absolutely.
Well, I mean, as you said, though, you are winning in the little polls are doing locally, which, of course, is common sense.
If you don't win, there is definitely fraud.
You already have name recognition.
You are her worst nightmare.
And as this all I mean, what word are you're getting on the street?
What are people saying?
Well, actually, the energy and the positive responses have
It's been overwhelming since we got on the ballot.
People really recognize that this is a serious campaign and that it is a campaign for the people and not for the corporate elite.
And we have been able to hire more staff that get out there.
And when I get out there, of course, it's overwhelmingly positive.
But they're hearing very few negative comments and they're able to talk with people who say, well, you know, I still support Nancy.
She's not doing that bad of a job.
She's doing the best she can.
And when we educate people and are able to talk to them, they change their minds and they say that they're going to vote for me.
So the word on the street is very positive.
And of course, like I said, we're battling, we're battling this almost, you know, undefeatable machine here in San Francisco.
But it's not like I am just Sarah Smith running against
You know, Joe Jones in Montana.
This is Cindy Sheehan running against Nancy Pelosi.
This is Cindy Sheehan, you know, the voice of the people, running against, you know, the Speaker of the House.
And I think that this will fundamentally put a wound in the system.
And everybody in Congress, when we beat Nancy Pelosi, when we beat her, not me, when we beat her, everybody in Congress is going to say, whoa, our jobs are now performance-based.
And we're going to have to be responsive to our constituents, not our corporate lobbyists.
Well, it's a true David vs. Goliath scenario, and it shows how controlled the corporate media is, and the good job they're doing, keeping the people uninformed, that a lot of people in San Francisco wouldn't know that Pelosi was supporting the war in her statements, in her votes, in her actions.
But you're right, as soon as the facts are presented, you even get those that weren't supporting you.
It's all a fight here to get the word out.
Give us the phone number so people can call and donate.
Give us the website.
Okay, it's 415-621-5027 and our website is CindyFORCongress.org.
Alright, I want to go ahead and take some phone calls, but before we do that, give the number out again slowly.
Give the web address out again for folks.
Okay, 415-621-5027.
And the website is cindyforcongress.org.
And listeners, whether she wins, loses, draws, it doesn't matter.
We win by fighting back.
It's a win-win situation for the people.
Well, there's some people on YouTube that edit together my show to make it sound like I'm being incongruent, or engaging in doublespeak.
You know, I talk about election fraud, I talk about rigged voting machines, and then I say, go out and vote, go out and be involved, go out and poll watch.
I'm saying, don't let them take our process, and don't go quietly into the night, and go out there everywhere you can and expose this.
We've sent a bunch of people to prison.
The American people in like seven, eight years, I've seen the polls, have gone from maybe 10% knowing there's election fraud to over 90% in national polls.
People know about Diebold.
They know about Sequoia.
They know about Hart InterCivics.
They know now people are going to jail!
We're winning that fight too!
More of their executives are going public.
More of their programmers are going public.
You know, I'm saying be involved.
Get involved.
Well, I never thought that I would run for Congress or any elective office.
Because of all of these, you know, challenges that you bring up.
But if we just give up and say that they won, then they have won.
And we can't let them do that.
And like I said before, our voices, they can't silence our voices no matter how hard they try.
So I just think that you, by saying that just give up and don't go vote, don't be involved in the process,
Don't do this, don't do that.
You're just saying that it's fine then that the neocons have won.
We've only got about six or seven minutes left with you.
Let's take some phone calls.
John in Oklahoma.
You're on the air with Cindy Sheehan.
Hello, Cindy.
Hello, John.
This is not, maybe not pertinent to your particular race, but it was something that I noticed about the Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton, when they were running together, it was about six or eight months ago.
You mean running against each other?
Yeah, when they took that drink, when they were all taking the drink, Hillary was like, whew, yeah, is this all I got to do to be president?
And Barack Obama was like, if you look at the film footage, I mean,
I'm sure you guys are a lot smarter than I can ever be.
No, we're not.
In fact, I don't know what you're talking about.
When Barack Obama took that drink of wine, it barely touched his lips.
I believe he is a closet Muslim.
And he's just hiding.
Hiding under... Isn't there something in the Koran about... Yeah, when you're in amongst the quote enemies, keep yourself at low... There you go.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
It doesn't matter.
You know, we hear all this talk.
He is bought and paid for by powerful corporate interest.
The president is a puppet now under the COG system to say, you know, to get into him being a Muslim, to get into him not being a Muslim, to get into him this or that.
It doesn't matter.
He's bought and paid for by the global corporate interest.
And, you know, to get involved, well, McCain's bad.
We better vote for him because
Because we can't trust Barack Obama.
It doesn't matter.
We have to stop being fooled into believing that these people aren't corporate stooges.
Well, I agree with you.
It doesn't matter if Barack Obama is a Muslim or not.
And if he is, he sure does a good job of hiding it or being in the closet, because he sure has been very vocal in support of Israel and taking down Muslim countries for Israel.
You know, I think that even if he was a Muslim, it wouldn't have, you know, it wouldn't make that much difference.
It's not supposed to make a difference.
You know, I wish that we didn't hear about religion and politics, that we're not voting for the Pope of America, we're voting for the President of America.
And it doesn't really matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to other people, what religion anybody is.
Well, I agree with you.
They just use that as a
Political football.
It's just a wedge issue, and Palin was totally just to pander to the religious right in this country, who don't, you know, the Jesus that I grew up with.
Well, look.
It's nothing like that.
Well, look, I mean, it's a fraud as well.
I mean, this should insult Christian conservatives.
You know, the fact is McCain isn't for the issues they want, and so all they're doing here
Is, as you said, just using her to add some novelty.
Oh, she's a woman.
Oh, she's Christian.
Oh, she's, you know, she's a pro-gun.
And you're absolutely right.
It is nothing but an attempt to sucker conservatives back to the table.
Let's take another call.
Let's talk to Michael in Ohio.
Michael, you're on the air.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
And hello, Cindy.
And Cindy, for president and one, two.
How's that?
Cindy, I just wanted to, in fact, I've been battling something called chemtrails for many, many, many, many years.
I've been on all radio shows, haven't been on Alex's yet, but he knows a lot about them.
And the thing with the chemtrails in the Bay Area in California,
Transcends all the politicking.
Yeah, remember when Arnold wanted to spray the pesticides?
Yeah, the brown apple moth butterfly, that is an isocyanate, extremely toxic, but...
Pelosi, in fact, and all the other people out there that, in fact, are supposed to be our elected officials, ignore this.
This particular issue transcends all of it.
Yeah, what he's bringing up is what Kucinich wrote about in a bill, I think, six years ago, the declassified weather modification and other classified programs.
What would you do in Congress to look into that, Cindy?
Oh, we lost her.
That's why we lost her earlier.
That's strange.
I was going to tell her about something that I wrote in an old brief.
Our phone systems are fine, let me tell you.
In this new studio, man, I want as many backups as possible.
Because this internet phone business is not the way to go.
See, we have regular phone lines here, but not enough to take your calls and have Cindy on.
They're not proud.
So then we have people on IP phones to call into the show and Genesis is doing something similar and it just needs to stop.
It just doesn't work.
It isn't backed up enough.
That's why other major radio networks still use landlines, because they sound better, they work better, they are better.
It's been figured out.
And so, by the way, I want that in the new studio.
I want a five regular line backup in my studio, and I'll just take more and more over it myself.
But we'll just say bye to Cindy right now and let you go too.
Send me your info, send it to trey at infowars.com.
Say your name's Dr. Michael Castle.
So just send that over.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
But look, we had Cindy Sheehan on and that's what matters and that's a done deal now.
Let's go ahead and take another call here from Leo in Mass.
Leo, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Is Cindy still there?
No, she's not.
Anyway, I think that the people calling in from the outside is the most dangerous thing she could ever do.
That's really like curtains because you don't have any control over who's doing the calling.
So get back to her and make sure that she doesn't do that.
What are you talking about?
Cindy was talking about having people calling in to the people, to the prospective voters.
And doing it in an unregulated atmosphere is the most dangerous thing you can do and letting people do things on their own?
Well, a lot of political parties will act like they are phone bank volunteers and call up and say horrible things to people.
That's some dirty tricks.
You know, I think things should be unregulated.
I mean, people are allowed to call who they want, they're allowed to pamphleteer who they want.
It's that bottom-up structure, that unregulated system that has been so successful throughout history.
So, you know, I mean, it's even worse to have only a top-down integration, vertical integration.
Uh, anyway, uh... Hey, do me a big favor.
If you want to be on this show, will you turn off whatever radio or TV show that is on the background?
Oh, yeah, right.
Okay, it's off.
I'm gonna let you go.
I appreciate your call.
It's just too noisy in the background, so it wasn't off.
Um... We're gonna come back.
And I'm going to have open phones throughout the show, more of the economic news, a bunch of big military developments too, between Israel and Iran, the U.S.
We're going to cover all that and then get back into your calls at 888-201-2244, 888-201-2244.
We're on TV in here and there's a fly flying around.
Somebody get me a fly swatter.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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You really can't make things up like this.
City uses DNA to fight dog poop.
There's 2,000 dead on the Texas border in the first nine months of 2008.
Rocket attacks, truck bombs going off, police being killed.
There is a literal drug war raging between the CIA and other drug cartels to control the narcotics.
No one knows about it.
Literally 99% of the public have no idea.
I mean, it's worse than Iraq.
We're in like year number five of this, but it's getting worse.
And cities are going around to bus people's dogs who are pooping in the park and not being cleaned up with DNA going after the animal.
We're going to talk about that.
I've got a bunch of other news.
Georgia is still claiming Russia snuck attack them.
The New York Times is acting like it's serious and has some weight.
Then you read the evidence and it isn't evidence.
Ukraine's government falls apart.
Cheney goes to Ukraine and says, stick behind us, don't worry about the Russians and their government falls apart.
Basically a pro-Russian group is pretty close to taking it over.
So the elite is not omnipresent, they're not all-powerful.
They're trying to be with this casual society, technological straitjacket, technological dehumanization grid that they're putting into place.
And it's Pentagon designed for that.
But if we say no to it now, there's no way they'll get away with it.
Also, Israel's waging secret war with Iran.
And then stuff like this.
Teach the pleasure of gay sex to children as young as five, say researchers.
How about you don't teach anything about sex to children because perverts always want to do this as an excuse to get involved with your children.
Sex education is about eugenics.
It's about teaching children that having children is bad, that sex is somehow bad, that marriage is stupid, that abstinence is stupid, so they can corrupt them.
I mean, they want to teach 2nd, 3rd, 4th graders about things that I didn't know about until I was 12 or 13, and then that destroys their innocence and sexualizes them.
They've got studies in Europe and the U.S.
where they put up anti-smoking billboards, and smoking gets worse.
People think it's rebellious, they want to do it.
They're also introduced to it.
Federally funded since 1990.
Death education in schools has radically, hundreds of percentile points.
It's incredible.
Go look it up for yourself.
Different numbers, but they're all way up.
Depending on how you look at it, but they're all up.
Different ways of measuring, but all those indices are up.
And they teach them how people hang themselves.
They shoot themselves.
They take pills when they get depressed.
And you know, all these twelve-year-old girls kill themselves.
Eleven-year-old girls going, well they taught me how, you know.
And then they kill themselves.
They have a death education class in big schools, and usually some girls every year in every school, they go home and kill themselves.
Again... And then it says here, teach the children how great, quote, gay sex is, and how a queer lifestyle, that's a term they use.
They've taken that derogatory term and made it a good one.
How about you keep your hands off the kids, perverts?
So I'm going to cover that after I cover the foreign war news.
Before I end this hour, I've done three hours now without a single plug for the 19 films I've directed and produced, and the one film I've produced, I've made 20 films total.
Fabled Enemies is out.
It covers how the Continuity of Shadow Government carried out the attacks, how the different intelligence agencies were tied in, how the hijackers were just government patsies.
I hope you will take action now.
And I hope you will go to InfoWars.com and for your library, your collection, but most importantly, so you can make copies of them and give them to people and show them to folks.
Buy one copy, have a few parties, show them to people.
Every little bit is big in the final equation.
Many hands make light work.
So get Fabled Enemies, get Truth Rising, Terror Storm, Endgame at InfoWars.com or watch them super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Jeff, Phil, Misty, Mark, Dave, Kitty,
And others.
The toll-free number to join us is 888-201-2244.
Let's line them up.
Let's put, like, 20 more on there.
And I'm gonna just hammer right through them, one after the other, after I'm done covering the news.
We're on my own phone system today, because gremlins are eating the wiring up at the studio.
Al-Qaeda gremlins.
Some of Bin Laden did it.
We better give up all our rights or little Al Qaeda gremlins will get us, but they're everywhere.
I'm going to get into a bunch of news right now and then your phone calls.
But I didn't really properly plug at the end of that last hour my films.
I mean, Truth Rising really is a great video.
It deserves to be seen, it needs to be seen, and I hope, plus we need the funding,
That you will go to Infowars.com without delay and get Truth Rising.
We've got it as low as $9.95 when you get it with films like Loose Change Final Cut.
I mean you can get some of my videos like American Dictators which exposes the false left-right paradigm.
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, some of these t-shirts cost us $5.50, so we're just selling them at cost.
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And you want to meet like-minded people, wear a Investigate 9-11's and Inside Job t-shirt on the jogging trail.
Wear one in the bar, at the restaurant.
Wear one to work, if you dare.
Or a 9-11 inside job, black ball cap.
Everything we do is about getting information out, and yes, the funds then allow us to operate.
So, InfoWars.com or call toll free.
Just if you call, ask them about the different specials so you can take advantage of those.
888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv and see all twenty of my films in super high quality right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you want to get technical, I executive produced Loose Change Final Cut, but I don't count it as one of my films.
Again, Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, let's look on the foreign front here.
Ukraine's government falls apart.
That is the BBC headline, as I am showing everyone watching us live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
By the way, we're always live
We're almost always live in the fourth hour of the show, the live video cam for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
But today we've been live since noon.
So we now have done two hours.
This will be a third hour for the folks watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Ukraine's government falls apart.
Ukraine's ruling pro-western coalition, that's the new fad, is to have a 25-year-old blonde as your Prime Minister.
Ukraine's ruling pro-western coalition has officially collapsed.
The Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament says President Viktor Yushchenko has been involved in a long-running dispute with Prime Minister Yulia
Taimo Yashchenko.
I can never pronounce that right.
She's an attractive lady that dresses like an elf.
The President's R-Ukraine bloc left the coalition earlier this month.
Parliament now has 30 days to try to form a new ruling coalition.
If those efforts fail, Mr. Yashchenko can dissolve Parliament and call a snap election.
The R-Ukraine party pulled out of the coalition on September 3rd after the bloc sided with the pro-Moscow opposition party of regions to pass several laws that Mr... Well, we'll come back and cover all this.
We're out of time on the other side.
But this is a pretty interesting development geopolitically.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
...Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
You know, I know exactly what you're thinking when it comes to this economy.
The banks are crashing.
The stock market's a mess.
There's the mortgage crisis.
There's the lending crisis.
There is the food and gasoline prices through the ceiling crisis.
And we are paralyzed a little bit.
We don't know exactly how to respond to it.
I don't know what to say.
What can you do?
Do what you can do.
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You do what you can do.
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You know it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, welcome back.
Your calls, all 20 of them, are coming up.
How many phone calls can this system take?
Because you were telling me that you could open it up for, what, 30 seconds and get, like, 20 calls?
That's how many come through the phone system?
Goodness gracious.
A lot of folks out there listening.
I don't know, maybe I should just go to your phone calls right now.
Let me just run through the news.
I said I'd do that, so let me just do that.
So, Dick Cheney, after basically arming and ordering through Israel the sneak attack of a historically Russian enclave, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, on 888, forty days ago or so,
Travels around to Poland, to Ukraine, to the Czech Republic, to a bunch of other countries ringing Russia, former possessions of the brutal Soviet regime, and the governments all start basically falling apart, or on the edge of falling apart.
So this is not looking too good for the United States.
This is what hubris and arrogance and really a kind of self-destructive attitude is generating
Ukraine's ruling pro-western coalition has officially collapsed.
The Speaker of the Ukraine Parliament says, we read part of that,
I officially declare the coalition of democratic forces in Ukraine's parliament dissolved.
Parliament speaker announced on Tuesday, this has been long expected, but for me it's extremely sad, he told the chamber, I would not call this a political apocalypse, though it is true that it is another change of democracy, I hope we can overcome it.
Now remember, Yushchenko's government, the most powerful guy in parliament, the president
has wanted to kick the Russians out of their lease of Ukrainian Black Sea port.
They've wanted to saber-rattle, move weapons systems into Ukraine, which they've done, and it's to menace Russia, and it is causing a major rift, because the Ukraine's trading with Russia more than anybody.
And then after that they're trading with the European Union in Europe, and so they don't want this to happen, and so by the United States pressing this, or the people that run the United States, it's endangering our relationship with all of Eastern Europe.
But hey, our currency's going bankrupt, all the big banks are going under basically, we're on the tab to pay for it all, and I guess this is people's idea of prosperity and happiness.
Meanwhile our government gave Pakistan nukes and they've had Pakistani forces now are shooting at US helicopters.
Pakistan's got nukes.
There's fighting going on everywhere.
The attacks on our troops are now killing more people in Afghanistan than they are in Iraq.
The killing has really expanded there.
All of this is just swarming around and
You can say what you want about it, but out of this global crisis we see the push for world government.
Oh, we had a World War I, we need a League of Nations.
Oh, we had a World War II, we need a UN.
Oh, all this conflict.
We need a global government to stop all of it, and that's what's being called for by all the saviors out there.
The people criticizing the neocons and the neolibs, their bosses, are, oh, this is just terrible, we need to have a more responsive international order to the people and help the poor.
But that's just the more kindler, gentler New World Order stratagem.
In other news, New York Sun has this report that I'm showing folks on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Israel waging secret war with Iran.
New book details mishaps that have likely delayed Iran's efforts to go nuclear.
Israel and America are intensifying a clandestine war on Iran that has run hot and cold since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, but has grown more urgent as Iran races to obtain an atomic bomb.
They're not racing to do that.
All the inspectors have been there.
They gave in to world government.
They gave in to tyranny.
That's the good cop.
The bad cop is actually being bombarded from the air.
See how that's a false choice?
Pakistan can have nukes, China, India, South Africa, Israel, France, England, Russia, Ukraine.
Everybody else can have weapons.
But the United States is mad that Iran isn't
Getting one, really.
It's just the public can't find Iran on a map, but they think that it needs to be attacked.
Now see how that headline
says, races to obtain an atomic bomb.
But the New York Sun knows that's a lie, so then they, in the next paragraph, knowing that most people won't literally understand what that meant, that by the next paragraph they say, that's the claim.
But it's sold as a fact, kind of like scores of AP and Reuters headlines, and New York Post headlines, and CNN and Fox headlines.
Nuclear Iran tonight!
Dun-da-dun-dun, dun-da-dun-dun, coming up!
But first, gas prices.
And then they go, nuclear Iran, as they get more centrifuges and move forward towards the Bashir Peaceful Reactor.
But the headline is, Iran close to being nuclear.
People, they're close to having the nuke!
Just like Saddam had the nuke!
Get them, get them, get them!
Saddam's got nukes too, get him!
They've polled neocon followers and they still think there were nukes in Iraq.
It says, this is the central claim in a new book, The Secret War with Iran.
Oh, it's a claim!
They're not trying to get a bomb.
By an Israeli journalist, Ronnie Bergman.
I want to get him on.
Before I forget that, I want to get Ronnie Bergman on.
Just give this to Trey.
Who also deals a series of mishaps during the past two and a half years that have likely delayed Iran's efforts to go nuclear.
Oh, and it's mishaps.
Well, this is no new news from this Israeli or from the New York Sun.
Cy Hirsch reported four years ago, about a year after we reported from our sources, and others reported, that U.S.
Special Forces backing three separate Sunni groups, one of them headed up by the number three in Al-Qaeda, for the U.S.
have been running pinprick terror attacks police station schools uh... nuclear scientists killing them black ops and and and and now bombing mosque blowing up dams bombing dams and then bush comes out middle last year i guess over a year ago now man times flying on the white house dot gov and says yes it's true
We have special forces working with and enlisted the groups in Iran.
And the groups were all Al Qaeda.
So the U.S.
has Al Qaeda attacking Iran, Houthi.
And then John McCain runs around saying Iran is running Al Qaeda attacks in Iraq and is Sunni.
Look, they're not Sunni, folks.
I don't care.
What you want to believe is mindless little fake conservatives that suck your thumbs and think open borders and gun control is conservatives.
You're not conservatives.
You are little pathetic toadies of the party, just like the Democrats who support Nancy Pelosi and her warmongering.
This is unbelievable.
Absolutely unbelievable.
You guys shut that door, it popped up, and that door's driving me crazy.
While President Bush and other Western leaders have warned of the seriousness of the threat that Iran may obtain a nuclear weapon, Little reporting his service in the West and the efforts in the shadows to stop the Iranians.
So first they say they're trying to get a bomb, then, oh, it's just a claim, and then, oh, little has been said about how we're trying to stop them from getting the bomb.
So now they reintroduce it as fact again.
Very deceptive writing.
While President Bush and other Western leaders have warned of the seriousness of the threat that Iran may obtain a nuclear weapon, little reporting has surfaced in the West on the efforts in the shadows to stop the Iranians.
Mr. Bergman himself has had to skate a close line in this area, in part because of military censorship in Israel, where some of the reporting has been withheld from publication pending rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court.
Nonetheless, the Israeli journalist compiles a picture that suggests that the West has some
has had some success in the war to stop the Iranian bomb.
Mr. Bergman reports, for example, that in January 2007, Iran determined that some of its nuclear suppliers in Europe were fronts for Western intelligence agencies, specifically Britain's MI6.
And Mr. Bergman writes that between February 06 and March 07, at least three planes belonging to the Revolutionary Guards crashed in Iran.
And Iran keeps saying, our planes are blowing up.
While carrying personnel connected with the security of the nuclear project.
Now again, it's not a nuclear program.
That's admitted, but they're still killing these people.
And that's... And Iran can't fight back in any way.
In fact, they've said if Iran even shoots one bullet back if they're attacked by the U.S.
and Israel, that will be called terrorism.
And they will go on the news and say, Al Qaeda, for no reason, has snuck attack us.
It won't matter if we've just seen three days of bombings of Iran.
They will just call Iran firing back.
Al-Qaeda is striking.
And they will say, like they did with Georgia.
I'm not kidding.
They will say, Iran launched a sneak attack on our forces.
And people will stick flags on their cars and drive.
But see, they're going to take your pension funds too.
They're not just going to lie and say Iran attacked when they didn't.
They're not just going to lie and attack
into Georgian territory, into Russian areas, and say that Russia did it.
See, when you accept these type of delusions, the elites say, these people are total cattle.
Let's just go all the way with them.
They would have never dared try this before.
So, murdering Iranians.
And Mr. Bergen writes, between February of 2006 and March of 2007, at least three planes belonging to Revolutionary Guard crashed in Iran.
The secret effort appears not to be limited to modifying equipment.
On January 18th, 2007, an Iranian expert on electromagnetics, who worked in an enrichment facility, died in his apartment.
The author quotes the deputy director of the Islamic Atomic Energy Commission, Eli Levati, as saying in a closed forum that operations against Iran gained time for us and have doubtless caused significant delays in the project.
So this is just them acting like they've had a covert victory against a program that doesn't exist.
Because they got their butt kicked in Lebanon and other places.
You know what?
Let's just skip this break and I'm going to finish up with this news and then I'm going to go ahead and start going to the calls because I'll never get to Jeff, Phil, Misty, Mark, Kitty, Gilbert, Dave, Vinny, Ryan, Buck, Tom and others if I don't start going to your calls.
You just read this and it's just complete crap.
And it goes on to say they're killing Iranian terrorists, and that's what these doctors that work in the plants are, they're terrorists.
And when they kill U.S.
microbiologists, it's they're terrorists, I guess.
And when the government launches anthrax attacks, it's to stop terrorists.
And when they do all this, it's for your own good.
No, it's not, and they cynically know that.
Very interesting article.
I not only want to get this Israeli on, I want to get Eli Lake on.
I'm gonna give this to you right now.
I want Eli Lake, please.
And I want this Bergman on.
Ronin actually, calling him Ronnie.
Here it is, we give that to Teddy Bear, whatever his name is.
Thank you, appreciate it.
Folks, I'm out of it lately.
I'm really out of it right now, because I've been jogging like a mile and a half a day, which isn't far.
I'm really out of shape.
Just lifting weights once a week and doing some bicycle, haven't been cutting it, so I've been doing some jogging some.
I have more mental stamina almost when I'm smoking cigarettes and sitting around.
It's strange when I'm actually exercising.
Okay, it doesn't matter.
What's really happening is I'm losing all composure because I'm on the air so much and I'm on the air behind the scenes that everyone is seeing everything now.
Total transparency is the new radio show here.
Kind of the first time this has been done, I think.
It's like reality TV here.
Let me tell you, if I skip the breaks though, then I don't have breaks.
Let me just rest for a second.
Just a micro-nap.
Okay, there we go.
I'm actually relaxed after that.
Actually worked quite nicely.
Oh man, I've got a meeting with my ghostwriter after this for hours and then a bunch of other stuff.
I'm not whining.
I just, there's so much to go over.
You know, I may not even cover this.
Just know it's going on in British and U.S.
and European schools.
Know that B.F.
Skinner tortured his son to death over several years in a small box and is hailed for it.
And know that you've got to get evil people to run a criminal government.
And so a lot of their frontline people and a lot of their technocrats and even high-level people are part of pedophile guilds.
And so what they're doing is they're legitimizing that parents can't talk to their children, can't dry their children off in England with a towel without being government registered to touch their child.
So see, they make everybody else a pedophile for no reason.
And then they teach the children in the U.S.
and England how to not just have gay sex when they're six, seven years old, but how to do things like inserting giant, dangerous implements in themselves.
And I can't even... I mean, there's recordings of what, in Massachusetts, they teach elementary school students that I actually played on air about ten years ago and a few affiliates dropped us.
I mean, it was small children brought to a college dormitory and put in beds.
And then the school taught them how to have sex with each other.
Whether it's heterosexual, homosexual, whatever, it shouldn't be going on and it's wrong.
But I have to say, it is the, quote, gays that are pushing homosexual sex.
And so it seems that because that's a protected group, they're allowed to engage in pedophilia.
We're going to go live right now.
Here we go.
Beautiful friend, this is the end.
My only friend, the end.
On screen, I'm holding up an article that reads, teach the pleasure of gay sex to children as young as five, say researchers.
Yes, we are shifting from Israeli, U.S., British, and Al-Qaeda, Wahhabis, killing and murdering Iranian police, killing doctors, nuclear experts, blowing things up, and our government brags about it in newspapers.
And now we've shifted gears into
This, and this is going on in the U.S., this is going on in England, I covered this a decade ago, and I can't even really read this on air, even though it's out of a major newspaper.
It's homophobic to say you shouldn't teach children as young as five that it's wonderful to have gay sex.
Now, if you teach them heterosexual sex, that's pedophilia, but because they're a protected group, they do teach this.
And it's pedophilia and it's wrong.
And just God help us, just God help us.
Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project and it goes in to say that millions of dollars, six hundred thousand pounds just in one program is being taught in fourteen primary schools.
The parents are told it's part of a stop bullying and prejudice aimed at homosexuals and then in it five-year-olds that have never even heard of sex, who are totally innocent, have their minds ruined.
And again I mentioned earlier
The Feds in this country, in England, started suicide education in 1990, and then every school that did it saw suicide start.
And they teach little girls, so you don't do this, we'll show you how you strangle yourself, or how you eat three bottles of Tylenol.
Did you know girls kill themselves by going and getting all these different bottles of cold medicines, and then it will kill you.
But it's painless, you go to sleep.
Now we're going to show you the basketball diaries of mass shootings in schools.
And then, boom, it all starts.
They know.
And so, oh, let us teach you how to fist each other, and that's in here.
How to bleed!
How pleasurable it is!
Let us teach you how to do this.
And then if you say, I don't want that, you are arrested.
Because to say you're against it is... I'm not kidding.
Just type Prejudice Raids England.
Robin Page, BBC presenter, said that rural communities deserve the same rights as homosexuals and that word homosexual is illegal if they choose.
They have special social network, social services boards
This is not a joke.
This is not satire if you're watching this.
This is happening.
So they just destroy the innocence of these children.
And this is part of the recruiting.
And the eugenicists cold-bloodedly do this so people don't have children.
This is about... And then they say this in the twenties.
They say, we're going to teach this in schools so people don't have children anymore.
And so now they're targeting your children for over a decade and
You know, they're going to corrupt your children.
You put them in a government training camp, you're out of your mind.
But I'm against heterosexual or homosexual indoctrination of five-year-olds.
But, I mean, this is five-year-olds.
And God Almighty, folks, we've played the tapes from the classrooms.
Where they bust the seven, eight, nine-year-olds to college dorms and put them in beds together, and then they teach them and have them, yeah, it's open pedophilia.
Now legal in the country.
Selectively, the only government can practice open pedophilia.
That's why you've had so many Homeland Security State Directors, Deputy Directors caught, because the whole government isn't bad.
All the police aren't bad, all the military isn't bad, the whole system isn't corrupt yet, so they keep busting their own people.
Texas Youth Commission, giant rape rooms, public rape-rape-rariums, coined a term, I mean literally, it's just, it's just, hell has been released!
Alright, for the last 32 minutes or so I'm going to take calls.
Right into the break, the behind the scenes.
Just go to InfoWars.com if you're an internet listener and you can tune into those exclusive screens to hear the behind the scenes.
Everybody else will continue after this break, but I'm just doing this when we run out of time.
I go into overdrive here.
We're very thankful for everybody out there that carries the show.
Let's go ahead and go to Jeff in Michigan.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I've got to switch topics here for a minute.
Oh, we're talking about 100 issues.
What is it?
Well, I had a comment about what you and Cindy were talking about before you lost her, and movies I wanted to recommend.
First, real quick, I wanted to tell you, I know who El Marco is, if you're interested, but we were talking about not wanting to mix religion with the political aspect of it.
I understand... Hey, what do you mean you know who Marco is?
We have a lot of callers named Marco.
El Marco, the guy that tried to set you up in Denver.
Oh my God!
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You know who the guy in the green shirt is or his handler?
The guy that went to the cop and said you hit her.
Hold on, I want to hear this.
Folks got to go to InfoWars.com.
It's just too important.
We're going to continue hearing about this behind the scenes.
You'll be able to hear it.
Everybody else, we'll be right back with more calls in three minutes.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
He runs the Looking at the Left website, right?
And then he's friendly in the videos with the guys in the green shirts who set me up and go, hey, we're buddies with you.
Hey, we're hanging out with you.
And then we learned people associated with him then put out videos trying to falsely claim I'm with those guys.
From the Patriot perspective, exposing that I staged it all, so it's like a triple black op thing run of deception.
I can hardly figure it out, much less the average viewer of YouTube.
But yeah, they come up, hey, we're with Alex Jones, hey, kill Michelle Malkin!
And then later the media sets me up.
And then they kind of leave in the same direction as them and are friendly on video with each other.
But we want to know who the guys in disguises are who were with them.
We know Al Marko goes over and then tells the police knowingly, hey Alex is saying kill Michelle Malkin when he knows it's not me saying it.
But tell us what you know about him.
Well, watching Michelle Malkin's videos, she was doing a lot of set-ups, making somebody go out there and talk to some unknowing, you know, college kid who thinks he's a communist or something, and getting him to spill their guts, and making fun of it with a video on her posting.
No, no, she admitted that she got, quote, attacked the day before, too.
It was all about setting up provocative actions.
And then going, oh my God, I call for putting everybody in camps, and then I go to real hardcore liberal things, and they don't like me, and then go...
I recognized him right away as a guy that I used to rent a room to years ago.
And I watched all the videos up close, listened to them, and it's exactly how the man acted, saying, no, no, no, no, no, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, no, no, no.
And I looked it up.
I can't find him in the state of Michigan anymore.
I looked him up in the United States, and sure enough, there's a guy with his name who lives in Denver.
And I sent two emails to El Marco telling him, I think I know who you are.
If you are, you're from Detroit, you owe me this money.
And I told him, you've got to open your eyes and wake up.
I told him the whole New World Order scheme and never responded.
Absolutely nothing.
I don't know about all that.
I'm not doubting it, but I don't know about that.
I can't confirm or deny that.
Well, then I got back to him and I said, look, since you didn't respond, I know exactly who you are.
And he still didn't respond.
So I looked him up on the white pages.
His name is Dave Lanham.
L-A what?
Oh, so he uses a fake name.
Oh yeah.
El Marco.
I remember him talking about something about El Marco way back in the day.
Well, you have to understand, their people have tried to set us up with this info.
You sound credible, but just write me up something with some proof or give me his contact info, because we caught him other days following us, trying to do stuff.
I have a video of us at a party I threw like 10, 12 years ago.
I mean, you can see who he is.
Yeah, mail it to us.
I mean, I want proof, because we're going back to the full audience.
Here we go.
You know, I said I'd take these 20 phone calls, but this one caller is so great about Malcolm's people trying to set me up.
That's what he's talking about, Al Marco, and he's saying his name is...
Dave Lanham.
But regardless, they got exposed, they got beat.
It came out that they set that up.
And that their people were yelling, kill Michelle Malkin.
And so, another big defeat for them.
Just like she said, we faked the dog, it wasn't real.
The Marines threw her off, that's come out.
And so our credibility goes up, their credibility goes down.
Now, for the dumbed down mass who kind of halfway heard I said kill a woman, that'll be out there forever.
But anytime I'm attacked on it, I can just prove it.
So it won't stick.
And that's what's important.
So Jeff, send me that info, okay buddy?
I will, but Alex, aside from all of Alex Jones' excellent movies, I think people should go check out a movie series called The Illuminati, and another movie called Rings of Power.
And I think it would be a mistake to disregard the spiritual implications of what's happening.
I don't have to explain to you how evil these people are, but it is really a spirit war.
Aren't those like 10 and 20 part series on YouTube?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think I've seen a few of those and even linked to them, so don't think that we're disregarding something just because you don't hear us, the particular show you tune in to cover something.
Listen, I appreciate your calls, Jeff.
Let's talk to Phil in New York.
Phil, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
I wanted to talk to you about something that's going on right now, right under our noses on YouTube.
They're taking a whole other step now at censorship and a number of Patriot accounts
I knew that.
A lot of my videos are being erased.
I mean...
Folks, they're openly saying they want to shut the web down.
They say we're kicking their hind in.
You better get the videos on DVD and make copies of them.
You better spread the files around while you can.
We're going into a major depression, probably.
I mean, my God, it's getting worse faster than I thought it would.
And I'm here, eat, drinking, and sleeping, literally eating on the air, because I'm, you know, working all the time, you know, even during breaks now.
I've somehow got to live here, and it's just getting more and more serious.
Tell us what's happening on YouTube.
Okay, well, if you go to, there was a bunch of longer URL addresses, but I shortened them up.
If you go to tinyurl.com slash YouTube censored, you can watch a video by NuffRespect, one of the greatest patriots we have.
Wait a minute, they banned NuffRespect's account?
No, no, he's not banned yet, but a number of other people are, and he's made a video on this.
Well, I know, he actually won the first contest.
I've got to get around to announcing the second contest winner for censorship with the video we put together.
Well, video we did, he put together.
Okay, well, this is a new video.
This just came out today.
And in the video, he's got a link to an article.
Now, you can see this article also.
It's about YouTube makes Senator Lieberman happy with new anti-terrorism guidelines.
What they're doing is they're going ahead and removing videos that they deem
No, no, that's right.
This is huge news.
We've got to get Paul Watson and Steve Watson and Kurt on this.
I remember a month ago, YouTube got a letter, and Google did, which is the parent of YouTube.
I remember this.
I'm saying, anything that's terrorist, quote, terrorist propaganda, we want you to remove.
And they've already been doing that, like the Marine Puppy video.
They removed it.
Even when ABC News was airing it, and Fox News was airing it, it was anti-American, they said, to show our troops doing bad things.
And then, last time I heard, Google was considering doing this.
And then we have the different homegrown extremist acts.
Well, this article I'm looking at here is on Eflux Media.
It was linked to in NuffRespect's video.
But they're doing this via S-1959, which is this homegrown terrorism bill.
And if you want to look at that, you can go to tinyurl.com slash homegrownterrorism and you can view the bill.
And again with that, you can go to tinyurl.com.
Okay, well, you could see who voted against, you know, free speech, because when this went to vote, only six people said nay, and 404 people said yes, and this is the, you can look for the article on GovTrack.us, it's House vote on passage H.R.
1955, violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism.
Now, now, has that left the Senate yet?
I don't think so.
I'm not sure, but they're already enforcing it on YouTube.
I knew that Lieberman said do that.
Thank you for the call.
Excellent caller.
We will get right on that.
That's the kind of thing where it's in the stack and I don't get to it.
I mean, I did mention it a month ago, but yeah, and saying, look, just anything that's anti-government, anything that criticizes the government, aids the terrorists, take it off.
Remember Calhoun?
The Deputy Attorney General, in 2003, in California, under Bill Lockyer, he was in the newspapers, including the Baltimore Tribune, no, Baltimore, the Oakland Tribune, Oakland Tribune.
I remember, I read it on air over and over again, it was such a big deal, I read it over and over again on air.
He said, in the piece,
That we're banning all protest against the war in California, and he's a Democrat, because the war is against Al Qaeda.
And so if you protest a war, this war, you're for Al Qaeda, saying Saddam was Al Qaeda.
And they're really getting ready for something, folks.
They are coming after the web.
I mean, I get up here and I say, you should appreciate our videos, you should appreciate the access you have to them.
Folks, you better go eight, five, six hours a day
You know, on message boards, on blogs, sending videos to newsgroups and to Lists and MySpace.
I mean, you better bust your butt!
We're having big victories, so they're moving to block us!
And they're moving at every level.
Aaron, did you hear all that earlier?
You didn't hear?
Come on in here.
Come on in the studio.
I'll just have to let you know.
I know he's busy watching videos he's posting on InfoWars.com.
Let me give you just a 30 second synopsis, because I have to do this on air, even though I have calls, 50 of them or something.
On air I was telling you, they're sending it to Aaron at Infowars.com right now.
Remember Lieberman a month ago said that he wanted YouTube and Google to ban anything that was pro-terrorist?
That means if you're against the war, you're pro-terrorist.
Or if you show the troops killing children, you're pro-terrorist.
They're saying that that's now being implemented and that YouTube's banning all these accounts that show troop atrocities and things like that, which we know they do.
And so that's a big story we need to get on, the Violent Radicalization Act passing the House.
And he says NuffRespect has a new video out on it.
So educate yourself on that.
Let's get... He also plugged some URLs.
Check them.
I know everything he was saying is already verified, but just check them and get it up on InfoWars.com right now.
Hi Alex.
I want to say thanks to all you guys in the studio and what you do every day.
You've influenced my life in a huge way.
We started a group here in Greensboro, North Carolina called Tribe 9-11 Truth.
We had our first street action 9-11.
We passed out like 75 copies of loose change that I got from InfoWars.tv.
And 175 pieces of literature.
And we plan on doing something the 11th of every month.
But it's just exciting.
Just thank you, thank you.
Well, thank you!
And my question, this is going to sound really crazy.
With the events, with the economy, and the banks, and maybe even possibly the running of the bank,
If one were to want to leave the United States, I mean, there's going to have to be a time if you plan to leave, or you just stand up and fight, but if you leave, you have to leave before there's too much of a crisis.
Well, they've also passed international laws where they can steal your money for leaving the country, but only big bankers can all leave and have private islands and keep all their money, but you can't really keep much of it.
But yeah, things are shaping up to where
That, you know, evacuation may be needed.
I mean, it's that bad.
I mean, they built death camps.
Rocky Mountain News reported eight years ago, they built giant crematoriums.
And you can argue whether the Nazis had crematoriums or not, but we know they had them for burning dead bodies, but people claim they didn't.
The point is that the governor said, we built all these big ovens to burn people during a bio-attack.
I mean, the black-op government's very, very sick.
And they're eugenicists and they want to get rid of us.
Yeah, they do.
Well, there's nowhere to run, so the best thing to do is stand and fight and wake people up now.
But, I mean, the world tyranny is pretty much everywhere.
Yeah, I guess so.
It's a global, full-spectrum dominance death grid.
I just wonder if you could maintain and survive longer if you run to the mountains of Greece?
I don't know, what do you do?
How long could you stand and fight if they come to get you at 4 o'clock in the morning?
Well, if they come at 4 o'clock in the morning...
With the local, you know, police doing it, and 1% fight back, they'll lose and pull back.
I mean, if we do like the Russians did and get into it, they'll kill millions of us, and they'll do it with enjoyment.
That's who they've been hiring to run these prisons, is convicted rapists and people.
They're hiring criminals, and when the government starts hiring criminals, you're in trouble.
So, you know, that's up to you to make that decision.
But, yeah, there's a lot.
I mean, look at Mexico.
It's consumed with tens of thousands of murders now.
Two thousand on the Texas border alone in the last nine months.
Gringos being kidnapped everywhere and held for ransom.
The whole society's unraveling.
The elite have gone completely corrupt.
I appreciate your call.
Call me back later and we can talk more about it.
I don't want to get everybody here.
Mark in Florida, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Great show today.
I had two quick questions.
One about internet, too, and Mary Ann and I want to know about recently acquired gold.
Should we keep it in a safety deposit box or bring it home and keep it in a home safe area or something?
You know, there is risk in everything, and I'm not going to tell people what they should or shouldn't do.
I'm spreading things out, you know, having some in a savings deposit, but they never seize those now.
Now they just steal them.
California will just go in and grab a whole bank and say it's for a budget shortfall and just steal everything.
You read stuff like that, they just stole everything.
A little there, a little in your house, a little buried, you know, your cousins, but don't tell your cousin.
I think that's good.
Let me ask you about Internet, too.
Suppose things happen the way they do, the way they're anticipating it to.
What about a little, I live in an area where I can't get you on the radio, I either get it on the internet or I call in like this.
What about a little pilot program where I was, if there was no internet, like I can copy your show now, I can put five of your shows on DVD.
I've been asking for six months to have a phone system and then people can listen to free for it and then have sponsorship to pay for it.
How much is it?
How much is it to say have 500 listeners on a phone system I dial into?
How long until I can have that?
Twenty-five years from now.
Listen, I already want that.
And I want a phone system here where we have like a sponsor who you hear a recording at the first of it when you call so that we can pay for it.
That's how radio actually started in Europe.
The first radio before Marconi.
was phone systems and you called in and you subscribed and uh... they had uh... newsreaders there into a big speaker and you know into a uh... a phonograph and and and and and elites paid for that and companies paid for that.
It was a contelligence and uh... we are going to put that in.
And we are going to try to develop a private network for people to get through to.
The problem is, here's how they're going to shut the web down.
I appreciate your call.
They're going to build Internet 2, demonize the first Internet, tax it, regulate it, let the hubs fail, start bringing in filtration, which already the major cable companies are doing, Time Warner, Comcast, others.
Most of Canada has announced.
The two big carriers have more than half of Canada's customers are saying they're only going to give you a few thousand sites you can visit.
So it's already happening.
See, we're back to the future.
It's now all happening.
We're here.
The banks are going bust.
It's all starting.
The slide into this is beginning.
The FEMA camps are opening.
The cops are strutting around bulging their eyes out at the people.
The illegal aliens are running around shooting the place up.
I mean, it's here.
The bedlam, the corruption, the looting, the fun, the anarchy by the criminal state.
And yes, you could then dial in over a phone, record it, and distribute it to people that way.
We could even sell phone subscriptions if we had to, but I want to put it out for free.
How much is a hundred people continually for a month?
How much?
A thousand?
And 5,000 to... But I would only pay for what I actually did, right?
Well, let's make it where I can have... Here, I'm putting the order in, because the thing will be, oh, I wasn't told what to put in.
Put in 200 lines.
I want 200 lines for people to be able to get into it.
But isn't that going to be Internet-based?
It's not IP-based.
Hello Alex.
I'd love to hug you if I was there.
I have learned a lot from you and one of the things is contract law.
I put it to use in my daily life.
Now the thing is I have an issue and I thought I'd like to send you a story and maybe you would read it.
Sure, what's the issue?
It's concerning the Masons and a program, a federal agency called EEOC.
Are you familiar with that?
Yes, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Um, I was sexually harassed at my place of employment.
I was fired for, um, filing a claim.
And, um, EEOC threw out my complaint when I had proof, factual proof, of this.
And I believe that it was an inside job.
What was it?
I mean, you're saying the Masons.
Was he a Mason?
I worked as a nurse's aide at a place called the Masonic Home.
It was a nursing home.
Well, a lot of people get their claims thrown out, but, but, but, but, I mean, it's no doubt that in England especially, uh, I mean, you just, they do whatever they want.
So the whole society's falling apart.
Well, the thing is, is I had proof that it happened.
I had their own admissions, and I got a phone call asking me what I wanted monetarily, and then said that they would be willing to- Stay there, we're gonna talk behind the scenes.
I got to move quick.
I want to hear your story, but I won't get to the others if you don't.
So, I mean, bottom line, they fired you and you didn't get unemployment, or what happened?
The thing is, is EEOC's own website says... Well, they're not there to help you.
They're only there to break up families, break up society, and turn everybody against each other.
All that's just window dressing for fascism.
Oh, I understand.
But I had their own admission saying it.
Well, send me the info then.
I'll try to look at it.
Can you give me an address?
Yes, my address is 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
I appreciate your call.
You can also, if you miss that address, call my toll-free number and then give it to you there.
I didn't finish earlier with Internet 2.
So they have ways of picking it apart, shutting it down, restricting it.
Culling groups, regulating, ending net neutrality, taxing it, but also, then they can launch a cyber attack, they've conditioned us with the movies, claiming terrorists did it, and then, oh, only the new, stronger, better Internet, Internet 2, with registration and sign-on and all this, it, it will keep you safe.
So Internet 1 has to fully die.
So that's how they're going to do it.
And just prepare for it.
Let's go ahead, and we shouldn't all throw fits when it happens.
We should say, see, we told you so, and work as hard as we can to infiltrate that and take that over.
A lot of people, you know, give up.
They get their YouTube account suspended.
They say, I'll never post on you again.
That's not the answer.
The answer is getting 15 accounts.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gilbert and Tejas.
You're on the air, Gilbert.
Yes, hi.
Thanks for your great work.
Thank you.
Yes, I had a question.
I went to a protest a couple years ago, and then after that I went to the protest.
You went to an Al-Qaeda meeting.
Any American meeting in a protest group is evil.
Go ahead.
It was at the School of America, actually, and when I got back, a week and a half later, they threw me out of my bank, and they didn't want to tell me why, and I had done business with them for like seven years.
Oh yeah, you get army spooks on you if you go to that Fort Benning, Georgia deal.
They're now saying it's terrorism if you touch the fence and you'll get like 20 years in jail.
That's where they train people how to torture, how to rape children and all the rest of it.
That's all come out.
That's your government, I guess the good guys, according to them.
And yeah, that's how they run black ops on you.
What else happened to you?
Well, I asked them all, if you're going to kick me out, can you at least tell me?
And I talked to the manager.
I talked to everybody.
Nobody could tell me why they were kicking me out.
They had to, I had to wait a week and talk to the person in Lubbock that was in charge of the entire bank.
And then she finally gave me some technicality that I didn't sign a paper one time when I made two deposits because I had four businesses.
No, I hear you.
I mean, it might be a coincidence, but probably not.
They want to punish you for political action so the word gets out, so people stop having political action.
Here we go, final segment.
Am I going to have to go into overdrive?
Because I want to get to Dave, Vinnie, Ryan, Buck, and Tom.
Yeah, I got like 20 phone calls to make after the show.
Okay, that's an exaggeration, like 15 or something.
And then I've got a book interview I've got to do with my ghostwriter.
And I've got these two great sponsors I want to plug here.
So we're just going to go into overdrive to respect these callers so we can get to all of them.
I like this.
I like taking phone calls on our own end and just taking them one after the other.
It's John's fault that I don't go to him quicker.
I'm joking.
It's completely my fault.
But for some reason, when I'm looking at him on screen, I tend to go to him faster.
I have a sponsor I want to tell you about, Food Shortage USA.
This teaches you how to store food yourself, very economically.
FoodShortageUSA.com, a new sponsor, great folks, great package, great material.
I want to take a moment out right now to tell all of you about an extremely important website, again, that I think all of you should be made aware of, FoodShortageUSA.com.
Here's the thing, if you're like me, you have some
Doubts about the reliability of the country's food distribution system?
You know that there are shortages ahead.
You may be even engineered shortages ahead, which are going to mean soaring prices and perhaps even empty store shelves.
And there's no doubt that's happening.
Well, here's what you can do right now.
Check out the Food Storage USA website.
That's www.foodshortageusa.com.
And watch the free video that's on the site.
You'll learn almost everyone is wrong about how they prepare for the coming food crisis.
In a step-by-step approach, for the average guy to get prepared for what's coming, I think it's the best part about this is you can get off the food grid yourself, even if you don't have a lot of money to spend.
That's FoodShortageUSA.com.
And then of course, I want to tell you about New Vitality, the wonderful folks there.
They are a great company around for decades and decades and they just have the main line, high quality herbs and vitamins and nutrients, trace minerals, things that are just known to really have good health effects and things that are known to have, for thousands of years in some cases, treatments for different ailments.
Go to newvitality.com or link through at infowars.com.
If you forget that website name, their banner is right there.
It's the Aloe Ease Body Cleanse banner.
You can also call them toll free, 1-800-569-4056.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, that number, Aloe Vera is so good for your guts, 1-800-569-4056.
Or you can simply, as I said, go to newvitality.com.
For those of you that have phones, 800-569-4056.
And we are basically out of time for this main transmission.
I do briefly, again, want to remind the listeners I'm a documentary filmmaker and I have made 20 films.
Executive produced another one.
We are busy little bees here, as they say, and you can't count on the internet.
Use it now!
Use PrisonPlanet.tv and a monthly $5.95 membership now to download all my films.
You can burn them to disk in high quality DivX versions, Flash, Windows, QuickTime, and they really are super high quality with these new servers we have.
And have a library of this.
Have this material.
Get the high quality DVDs.
Order hard copies in the highest quality at InfoWars.com.
And know that having those hard copies of DVDs is so important.
This knowledge is so important.
So get Fable Enemies, get Truth Rising, get Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
I had Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiklitz on with bombshell economic news saying this may be worse than the Great Depression and I had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on about all the bankruptcies and bank closings and I cover all the bank runs at the start of the show and that retransmission starts now on the internet at one place, Infowars.com.
So we'll be right back.
In fact, we're going into overdrive at Infowars.com.
So we'll be right back for everybody.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Okay, John.
Take care, Alex.
Great job.
I'm going into overdrive here for the InfoWars listeners and I will see you tomorrow.
They ever got the phone system working up at the network?
Yeah, it works, but some of the extensions don't match up.
Oh, it's high quality.
The database isn't quite there yet, but it's getting there.
Hey, thanks a lot, brother.
Hey, anytime.
Back to normal tomorrow.
Alright, you can go ahead and disconnect me.
Thank you.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have... Oh!
Okay, that's it with Genesis.
Let's take these calls, because I got...
A long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm eastbounding down, loaded up and trucking.
Alright, for TV viewers, PrisonPlanet.TV viewers and Infoworks.com listeners, I'm having my lunch.
Horizon Fat-Free Strawberry.
And I threw some blueberries in here.
So I'm going to have a ten second break.
We're going to your phone calls.
You want to go ahead and start my intro music?
Let's have some intro music here.
To officially, you know, I joke and laugh a little bit because stuff is really gloomy.
And my name's on the top of a government hit list.
But they don't want to go after me until they move on everybody.
They want to wait.
It's your pension funds.
It's your future they're after.
By God, they're going to get them.
Criminal lot of scum.
You ready with my intro music?
How about from Flight of the Valkyries?
Richard Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries.
Let's come in with something we haven't had in a while.
And we will go ahead and play that for you.
It's Al-Qaeda!
Run for the hills!
Police in black uniforms!
Grabbing everybody's children!
Save me from Al-Qaeda!
Help me!
Help me!
Take all my rights away!
Take my pension funds!
Take them!
It'll battle Al-Qaeda!
I love the government!
Government's like, that's right, you love the government!
I'm just glad we got a great leader like George W. Bush!
This hour I'm brought to you by Horizon Organic Yogurt.
Power-backed energy.
It keeps me going.
That's a joke.
One time I was out somewhere and had some orange juice.
Or cranberry juice.
I was snappled!
At a... Last year...
Of course!
Somebody gives me a Snapple, and I drink it, you know, not worrying if it's poison.
I'm just like, haha.
And I go, haha, and I see a camera, and I go, delicious Snapple.
That's what keeps me going.
It was like, Alex Jones funded by Snapple!
He's owned by the company that owns him, and everything else.
Now that's a joke.
I wouldn't like to rise in organic dairy products, is my sponsor though.
I'm done singing after four hours of broadcasting.
Yeah, I think.
Alright, enough screwing around.
Let's go to the callers.
Dave, Vinnie, Ryan, Buck and Tom.
That's going to be it.
Dave in California.
Go ahead, sir, you're on the air.
Alex, can you hear me, brother?
Absolutely, Kaebler.
Okay, right on, man.
Hey, listen, that was perfect break music for what I've got to announce.
I've been announcing it on other shows, but I've been trying to get into yours.
It's a little difficult because you've got so many callers, but thank you so much for everything you do.
And I predict that you will go down in history as the most innovative media person ever.
So there you go.
I don't know about that.
We've just tried to use any tool we can to expose the enemy.
Well, put me down as the first person on your list to get one of those phone lines because I, you know, they're not going to stop me from listening to what you've got to say, man.
Well, we'll see if we ever get that.
Well, anyway, so here it is.
I'm starting it.
You guys have been working so hard and I can't really get out.
So I figured, well, I'll do something myself and so that you guys don't have to do anything about.
And so I'm starting a music contest.
I'm supplying all the prizes.
It's going to be called the
Our children will sing great songs to us, music contest, in honor of Richard Perle!
Anyway, and you're going to be prevented from doing anything.
You can take micro-naps if you like, but you've done enough.
So anyway, here's what it's about.
I'm putting up one gold ounce and 20 silver ounces to people that want to compose an epic song.
It must be about the 9-11 Truth Movement to qualify.
But the more inclusive, the better.
Anybody fighting the New World Order, the militia folks, you know, all of them.
The more people you include, the more likely you are to win, because hopefully this will get wide play.
Let's see here.
A friend told me that maybe I'm looking for an anthem.
An anthem would be good, but I'm just one vote.
Okay, listen, you happen to get on the day when I'm in overdrive and I'm really behind.
Give us your website.
I have no website, but I would like to talk to Aaron and I can give him details.
Is that okay if I just mail him in?
Sure, but I mean, you want us to basically run your... No, I don't want you to run it.
The only thing I'm looking for is a forum where I can have the music uploaded and downloaded to an mp3 format.
That's it.
Well, hell, I can hardly keep the lights on.
You know who carries the trash out around here?
But listen, listen.
Yeah, just drop Aaron an email.
We'll try to put you in contact with somebody.
But listen, we're not a big organization, folks.
I know.
And I appreciate your call, Dave.
It's a good idea, what you're doing.
Vinny in California.
Vinny, you're on the air.
Alex, what's happening?
Oh, I'm doing a radio show.
I know, it's a great one today, man.
Great job.
You're killing me, dude.
And eating refreshing Horizon Organic.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'll blab my mouth while you eat for a minute, but real quick, shout out to the guy that was wondering where to put his gold.
You were trying to be nice to him, but no, do not put it in the safety deposit box, because as far as I know, it's written in the Patriot Act that they can come in and take it.
No, no, I was saying diversify.
I was saying it's up to him what he does.
No, you know, that was really good advice on your part.
It really was.
But two things real quick, and I'll get out of your hair.
Like I said, great show today.
First thing is, I watched his deal on the History Channel the other night, and you were on it.
I'm surprised you haven't talked more about it.
But I'm sitting there and I'm just getting absolutely irate because of all the inconsistencies that the so-called experts had.
Yeah, I mean, listen, they've aired that two-hour hit piece more than, I don't know, I think I've heard it's aired like ten times or something.
It airs every month for like the last year, sometimes multiple times daily, so it's probably twenty, thirty times.
I just haven't kept track.
It's all disinfo.
They would show the popular mechanics, yellow journalism, Hearst people in glistening steel, stainless steel, huge windows and fine suits.
Then it would say expert and then they'd show a physicist that wouldn't say expert and blow the video out in the wrong frame rate with their head all like that.
I mean, it was ridiculous, man, it was ridiculous, because every single point that they try to make from the so-called expert, I mean, me, the novice that I am, I could easily rip that to shreds.
But it also makes people go, wait, you mean, and they know not to trust the media.
So, see, it's gone to the point of backfiring.
People know it's a bunch of scum liars and twisters, and so they're going, my God, a two-hour special, saying these people are liars, I better look into it.
And you know what?
That was great, though.
About halfway through, instead of being angry, I said, you know what?
At least somebody's talking about it or has the gut to put some of these people on it that really know what they're talking about.
So I had to twist my thinking around and go from being angry to happy.
So I'm just glad they're playing something.
I think we're winning this battle, my brother.
I really do.
I've got one more thing to say.
Oh, by the way, they've refused to debate me.
Popular Mechanics will not debate me, but I called in on the show once.
When they were on there, and I brought up things like, you say that NORAD never said they intercepted a plane but one time in their history, but here's Reuters, the same expert you used, the head spokesman of NORAD saying 160-something times in the year before 9-11.
And then they said 25% of the building was scooped out, the final NIST report.
The NIST report discredits them, because now it says 25% was not scooped out by the North Tower falling into the 47-story building, Building 7.
But see, people just hear, a government report discredited it.
But if you actually read the Warren Commission, it discredits the Kennedy.
If you actually read the NIST report, it discredits 9-11.
But go ahead.
Okay, no, you're absolutely right.
And I don't remember the exact number, but that whole 25% thing was thrown so much out of proportion.
I think it was 25% of 10% of the building or something like that that was a reality.
Wasn't I right?
No, it's all lies.
Okay, the last thing I want to say... This video in front of the building, it's not true.
It's ridiculous, I know.
A frickin' child could figure that out.
The other thing I wanted to ask you is, you know, the day of Ron Paul's get-together there, we had the third-party candidates and Bob Barr dissed him.
Did you hear about Adam Kokesh, the guy from Iraq Vets Against the War, going in there and telling him to his face that he was pulling his endorsement of him?
Did you hear about that?
No, I didn't hear about that, but I appreciate your call.
Bob Barr's political advisor says the war's great, he loves Bush, he loves the neocons.
Bob Barr's former CIA...
And they just know there's a lot of campaign contributions in all of this, basically.
So Bob Barr is pretty bad in my book.
Pretty darn bad.
We've interviewed him a few times.
We're not attacking him because he dissed us, either.
It's that he dissed Ron Paul and the stuff he's been doing and saying.
And I'm really ashamed of libertarians bringing him in as their person.
But hey, they like thinking they're powerful.
That's what it's all about.
Let's talk to Ryan in Oregon.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
How are you doing today?
Hey, I was calling about our monetary system.
I had served a petition on my Congressman Earl Blumenauer here about why is America's money privately owned and not publicly owned as mandated by the United States Constitution.
I've got all these books and videos and stuff sitting around and I've seen them and burned them and passed them around so I took all those down there to him and dropped them off and I was calling in just to say, maybe there's other folks listening, got some of those same books.
I had Hanson on the IRS, Congressman George Hanson, to harass our people.
Give them as much information that is from their own kind, from their own congressman, and just start putting these people on the spot.
Well, it's every person you wake up, every person you confront, and I appreciate your call.
The government knows it's criminal.
That's why it's hiring SWAT teams, hiring more cops, building more prisons, passing laws for the general public to ensnare us, to go out and eat out our substance, to harass our people, as Declaration of Independence says.
They know.
And so they're moving against us.
Can the military-industrial complex eat America?
Will it be able to take over?
That's up to us.
Ball's in our court.
Buck in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, Buck.
Long time no talk, too.
Thanks for waking me up 11 years ago.
My life hasn't been the same since.
Good to have you on board, my friend.
Ironically, there was another caller just called in about the
Show that was on the History Channel had you and Burmese and his bunch calling us all liars and thieves and, you know, communists and etc.
The main thing I saw was as a filmmaker that they shot us in a different frame rate, made our skin yellow, blew out the video.
I mean, when you look at the interviews with Dylan especially, his head fills half the screen, it's all yellow, and it looks like he's like this.
I mean, they just pulled out every stop.
Oh, absolutely.
Listen, that guy was there, and I said, I want to talk about Operation Northwoods, the official plan.
I want to talk about hijackers trained at U.S.
And he said, I promise it's not a hit piece.
It's all going to be in there.
I promise you.
I swear to you.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
And I said, Hersh Publishing isn't involved in this, are they?
Because I knew they owned part of history.
And they said, I promise you, they are not.
I mean, that's the thing, is that they're a pack of liars, man!
Hey, another thing, ironically, there was a guy called in, said that he had been calling in listening to your show, and every day, I tried to get a hold of you,
When I saw that show advertised, because I have no way to record it, I wanted to let you know it was coming on.
It's been airing for like a year.
Okay, I didn't know that.
I hadn't seen it, and I even tried to email Weldon.
He's a friend of mine, and my computer was having problems, so I couldn't get through that way, and then I tried to call every day, and then I hear people calling and saying that they're listening to the phone
Well, that cuts us callers out that really need to get a hold of you.
No, no, no, no, no, sir.
We're not allowing that to happen, so I appreciate your call.
Everyone fighting over the phone lines.
You will put that in, correct?
I want 200 phone lines for my people.
And I want...
Those other servers, it's all going to hell in a handbasket.
They're going to hurt the people so bad they already have.
Poor, pathetic population.
Just like this to the government.
Oh, they're going to help you, alright.
Final caller, then I've got all these calls to make myself.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have miles to go before I sleep.
Tom in Michigan, you're on the air.
Alex, thanks for getting me on.
I know you're probably pretty exhausted at this point, right?
No, I feel pretty good, actually.
Hey, Horizon Products, good stuff.
I don't mean to plug it on the air, but hey, just let me really quickly... Well, there are Illuminati sponsors, so it's... Let me tell you real quick.
2005, I played a film, Martial Law.
It changed my whole life.
It's a catalyst for who I am, the person I've become now.
2008, I'm trying to get a Master's Degree.
I'm trying to play my music.
I'm trying to do all this stuff, and I don't care about any of it anymore.
All I'm doing... I'm devoted to myself.
I spent all my money two weeks ago on a video camera.
I'm trying to go around, capture conversations with people, and show
Some more people do more of what you're doing because you can't do it all on your own.
And, you know, honestly, it's like... Another thing I wanted to say, too, and it's too bad that we're not on your radio broadcast, but there's people out there listening on the Internet right now in places of influence, places of power, politics, you know, in media, and they know we're sitting there listening to this show, and they're watching all these little news stories drop to the bottom of the river.
And they don't say anything.
People in places of power.
And it's time for those people to start standing up.
Well, they're cowards.
They're cowards.
They do what they think is safe.
And they think it's safest just to sit back and do nothing.
They don't understand that attitude is going to bring us to rack and ruin.
And that's basically what's happening.
I am just out of time, Tom.
Anything else?
Yeah, I just want to say my website's called www.truthsauce.org.
I got a lot of stuff up there people need to see.
Did you say truth sauce?
Truth sauce, like ketchup.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Okay, I am out of time here.
In the rebroadcast coming up in 15 minutes is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Right now on the show I was covering all the economic collapse data, the banks, the runs on banks and
What's happening with the big brokerage houses going down?
And then Roberts was on.
Very powerful interview for 30 minutes.
And then Nobel Prize winner for about 34 minutes, Joseph Stiklitz, was on.
So that'll be re-airing at InfoWars.com on the audio streams and PrisonPlanet.com on the audio streams.
We have more than 50,000, well some days it's 70,000 people downloading the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
Don't forget, that's not the streams.
You can download to your MP3 or iPod the whole show every day.
Listen to it how you want, when you want.
Also have a record of that.
Save that.
Information is our goal.
That's what we're trying to do here.
I gotta talk to Ted about putting my shows up as archives, too, because we just can't let anything hold back the information anymore.
I mean, it's all just coming down.
So, as I said, rebroadcast starts right now.
In fact, go ahead and take me out of here with some Flight of the Valkyries again.
Oh, we're gonna go out with Starship Troopers.
Anyways, that's it for this radio show.
Back live tomorrow, 11 to 3.
We've been in overdrive for 16 minutes.
And we will now join the rebroadcast as it was streaming out with two powerful interviews.
Stay with us.