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Name: 20080915_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 15, 2008
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Justin Texas, Alex Jones.
I mean, folks, do you realize how big this economic collapse is?
Do you realize how massive it is to have some of the biggest banks and brokerage firms going under, to have Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest in the country, 80 plus million dollars of exposure, just in two major mutual funds alone, where it's just fake investments.
They took bad mortgages, packaged them as securities, and then sold those, but also used them as the equivalent of assets to then, through fractional reserve banking, loan out ten times that in loans to people, and as asset-backed securities.
The whole system is rotten.
It's biblical in proportion just how big
All of this really is.
And this on the heels of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Trillions and trillions of dollars.
And that's just the exposure the media is admitting, the government's admitting, being taken over by the Treasury.
But then you have all of those securities that were bundled, all those mortgages that were bundled and sold themselves as commodities out there on the open market.
It is mind-boggling.
It's mind-boggling to see this happening, and to know that we, as the American citizens, are going to be put on the hook here two different ways, at least.
One, we're going to be made to quote pay taxes for the bailouts, because the same banks that are being bailed out, the same private Federal Reserve banks,
When the Treasury issues new liquidity, interest is paid to those banks for the right of the government to create the instrument.
So that's the fractional reserve banking scam that the Federal Reserve, the private Federal Reserve, set up back in 1913.
And so they're instituting this implosion by design.
to fully suck the entire economy into it, basically.
We've got Joseph Stickel at Snowbell Prize winner to come on and talk about this tomorrow.
A lot of other big economic guests throughout the week coming on to discuss this, but right now let's go to the calls here.
Micah in New Jersey, you're on the air, welcome.
Yeah, hi Alex.
A couple of things I just want to tell you.
A couple of weeks ago, somebody called up about the sign of the devil that they see a lot of the rock stars and fans doing.
I just wanted to correct that.
When the thumb is out, it's sign language for I love you.
Secondly... So, this is I love you, and then this is the Diablo.
Right, the Diablo.
For television, I'm holding up, like, this is I love you.
I think it's that way.
How is it with sign language?
It's generally... Basically, it's the pinky, the index finger, and the thumb is out.
No, I know, but I think they also put their hand one direction.
I forget, I have to look it up.
I just wanted to correct that.
And then this is, this is hang loose, which means surf's up, dude!
The other thing, as far as the food and a lot of the commercials that you have with efoods.com, I would definitely suggest people start listening carefully, because in my side of New Jersey, the shelves have been going bare for like the last month and a half, and I've been stocking up on cans.
And my third point is, don't mess with the Illuminati, because I was working with somebody who was a mason, and I did not realize he had as much clout as he did.
Basically, he was sabotaging my department, stealing information, etc.
And somehow or another, a big to-do came about.
He managed to get the owner of the facility to get rid of me, even though the administrator wanted to keep me.
Since then, I've been blacklisted in this entire area.
I moved to New Jersey.
Well, it's the same thing in England.
I mean, just type in to the BBC where you can't be a judge or a barrister or a lawyer unless you're a Mason, and that's the problem.
It becomes this good old boy club.
You can debate what goes on secretly, but it becomes this good old boy club where you can't operate or have a job or even basically live in many areas of the world unless you're part of the Brotherhood, unless you're a widow's son.
I mean, I basically had a wonderful reputation and career in New York, and I moved out here to New Jersey, and I did not realize how pervasive this was.
And I only learned about it just basically through you.
I mean, I've dealt with a lot of different types of people in New York my entire life.
But, you know, you come out here and you realize, my God, they've got their claws into everything.
So much so that I've even gone to switch right out of the career that I was in, just as a means of trying to get employment.
It's not happening.
So, it's like, if you work with somebody and they tell you they're a mason, look for another job immediately.
Well, I mean, let's be clear.
You've got people that use the Masonic system, you know, for power and control.
But, I mean, to generalize, most of your masons are what they call useful idiots.
Well, the ones I've run into, even in New York, they were pretty much very egotistical, egomaniacs, to the point where they were even stealing money and food from different
Homeless shelters, and what have you.
I mean, I've actually seen it, heard it, and I just walked away from that organization that I was volunteering with.
So, it's just, I, okay, don't want to generalize, but just the few that I've had dealings with, they are utilizing their power for corruption.
You know, so basically, it's just, there's a lot going on more than just that.
I mean, even as a civil rights, in terms of the employment, we've lost our bill of rights just in the workforce.
Once you get into the workforce, you don't have freedom of speech or any of that other stuff.
So it started there.
Well, it's more than that.
I mean, they start the drug testing, which sounds reasonable, and the government starts making companies drug test, and then they DNA test, and then you got a thumb scan to get your school lunch.
I mean, it's just this total control grid.
People never think, well, wait, what could the government do with this power?
Could they abuse me?
Then you read their founding documents for all this Big Brother stuff.
It is meant to control you and dominate you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's take another one here.
Let's talk to Carlos in California.
Carlos, welcome.
Hey, John.
Alex, there's too many critical issues out there.
You have the controlled economic collapse, you have the weather-controlled hurricanes, and then we have the passage of the Real ID here in California.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
And so the Real ID just passed the Senate here, and it's in the government's
That's for signing, and you know of course that's a trojan horse for a national ID, but eventually they're going to find a way to microchip us, and that's really what worries me, because what's going to prevent the government, due to the technology that they possess to, once they microchip us,
To make us part of one big database which will be, in essence, a world brain!
Well, exactly.
But, I mean, it's not even... it's even worse than that.
With the face scan, with the plate scan, when you pay cash, having the thumb print,
If you're not a good little globalist, they just turn your biometric number off and you can't buy and sell.
Now that's not from the Bible.
That is separately in the Bible.
That's what the government and international treaties, they say that's what this is for.
But that's why in Australia and Germany and England and the US and Canada, all over public schools, you've got a thumb scan to get your lunch.
You've got a thumb scan to clock in at work.
You've got a thumb scan to get library books.
You've got a thumb scan to go to a tanning salon.
You've got a thumb scan to clock in at work at Dillard's.
You've got a thumb scan.
They are admittedly, this is in their own documents, from the different convention meetings and things they've had,
Where they promote all this, getting us ready for this.
And then, then the corruption is going to be a hundred times worse.
This is a psychopathic control grid, a straitjacket.
So we're chained down so the devils can have their way.
Exactly, Alex.
And, uh, you know, uh, so they have facial recognition characteristics capabilities.
So you walk down the street where there's all kinds of, uh, cameras, even on the spot, you're right there, because they got your number.
They got your facial characteristics.
But like I said, once you're tied to a little brain, they can immediately send a command from their, from their,
Well, I agree.
The people that want to be God and government for 50 years have been working on different wavelengths to make you happy, to make you sad, to make you nauseous, to kill you.
And yes, they have cell tower systems.
This has been in the mainstream news.
They're testing what looks like cell towers.
This is DARPA.
Where it can literally control your mood.
And of course, Bob Woodward is talking about this new super weapon they've got.
These microwave guns that fry people.
And so, what happens is the camera face scans you, a little drone flies by and shoots some radiation beams at you, and then you die a week later.
And so that's why they're so arrogant.
That's why they're like, look, we're going to take your property, we're going to play you all off against each other, and we're going to kill you.
And you're going to like it.
And that's what the soft kill cancer, the soft kill diabetes, all the things they're putting in the food and water and the shots, everybody getting sick.
I mean, we're just like Africa.
Just like Africa, they're killing people there.
They're doing it here now.
And it's just so sick.
Well, this whole system is worldwide, Alex.
Look, I travel to Mexico every month.
I go to Tijuana.
The streets are bare now, because in Mexico, the New World Order, through the complicity of the Mexican government, and of course, the Central Intelligence Agency is probably in there,
...into their control of the drug networks have perpetrated a wave of crime across Mexico.
They have justified now the deployment of so much military all across various cities.
They've deployed like 40,000... Oh, listen.
Stay there.
Stay there, Carlos.
I'm going to hold you over because I want to hear about this from an eyewitness.
But it's admitted.
1,000 murders.
Yes, we are.
And if you want to work for the Justice Department in Mexico, you've got to take a chip.
So see, it's happening.
But I say it's happening, they'll arrest me for being mentally ill, even though it's in the news.
Let's skip the break, let's skip the break.
John, I want to skip it, I want to go to Carlos.
Carlos, I don't want to waste any time.
People can pull this up.
Google, like, conspiracy theorist, you know, new mental illness designation.
And if you think the government's corrupt, they call it opposition something disorder.
They've got all these different disorders.
But they say that it is a schizophrenic mental illness to say the government wants to put chips in you.
But I've had police chiefs on who say, I've got a chip.
I want to make everybody take chips in my town, Bergen County.
A police chief, they have a police chief for the county in Bergen County.
That's across the water from New York.
It's around Newark, New Jersey.
I've had all these other people on.
I've had the Applied Digital Solutions Company owner on, saying they want to make people take microchips.
But then it doesn't exist, Carlos, and we're crazy.
Well, Alex, you know, the Plan Mexico, now there was a Plan Colombia, where the U.S.
government provided so many millions to so-called fight the drug networks.
But we know it's being used to create havoc and conflict.
Between both sides.
Now there's a plan in Mexico.
They're appropriating $500 million to fight so-called drug networks.
And we know where that's going.
That's going to militarize the whole thing in Mexico.
And like I say, when I go to Tijuana, I see all kinds of trucks with military people toting their guns and showing off their guns.
It's a state of... It's a police state, basically.
People are now intimidated.
The streets are barren, the tourism has dropped by 50 percent.
Well, notice what happened.
Calderon steals his way into office and then magically wars and mass death.
I mean, more dangerous than Iraq, folks.
Much more.
Flare up everywhere.
And then we have Celica Stillo on.
I keep forgetting.
Let's get Celica Stillo back on the show.
I'm going to get him back on.
Write that down for me, thanks.
All of this just explodes, and the CIA is funding Los Santos, funding the drug cartels, and they're having wars with the smaller cartels so that the U.S.
banks get a monopoly over the drug money, and there is a full-scale war going on, but you hardly hear about it in our news.
Two thousand dead on the Texas-Mexico border.
This year alone.
A few years ago we thought 800 and something was bad.
2,000 dead.
Hundreds dead on our side.
Dead U.S.
Dead citizens.
And it's not even hardly in our media, again.
But some kids shoot somebody and they say, let's ban guns in the U.S.
So tell me what else you're seeing in Mexico.
Well, I mean, you know, the strides, tremendous strides are being made toward the imposition of the police.
In the various cities in Mexico, now you got military by the thousands.
Culiacan, Tijuana, Monterrey.
In Monterrey alone, people are afraid to go night clubbing because all the nightclubs, they were starting to have many attacks on the nightclubs, many killings.
Last week, in three different states in Mexico, headless bodies popped up all over the place.
Well, they found eight bodies, what, eight bodies, or was it twelve bodies in one day in Yucatan.
And it all comes from, of course, the drug networks in conjunction with the gangs, in conjunction with the CIA, and that's all to create an aura of fear to justify the militarization of Mexico and eventually the microchipping of the population.
Well, I agree, and hold on, here we go, here we go.
All right, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We're talking to Carlos in California.
I skipped that segment for Infowars.com audio stream listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, but Carlos was talking about all the deaths.
I mean, it's just mass murder, all CIA run down there.
And notice it's how right when this president who stole his way into power gets in, suddenly all the mass killing starts.
And Bush is talking about a hundred plus million dollars to fight the war on drugs.
And what's it produce?
Tens of thousands dead, total destruction of their
People are starting to not go to Cancun now because of all the murder down there.
Society is unraveling.
We're becoming cavemen.
The crooks that run things now just have no sense.
And we're becoming a third world nation just like Mexico.
And that's where we're going to go.
No middle class.
Americans living in cardboard boxes.
You wanted it, you're going to get it.
Anything else, Carlos?
Well, that's what I'm saying, that people gotta be aware that the police state is making a lot of headway here, but it's all Mexican, making a lot of headway in Mexico, and, you know, it's part of a global police state, and so we just gotta be aware of all this stuff, and just try to do as much as we can to alert our friends, our families,
I don't know.
Well, see, now that there's mass killings in almost every town every day, and government-backed, now the government can pose as the savior.
It doesn't matter if it's a total dictatorship down there.
It's the same thing here.
They're fighting terrorism.
Thanks for the call, Carlos.
Let's talk to Rick in Indiana.
Rick, you're on the air.
Alright, Alex, good to talk to you, man.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
I want to read something to you first, man, because I know that you get stressed out.
I can see it on the video.
I can see it on your face.
I understand you get worked up, but I know you're a Christian, and one of the things I want to share with you is, for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope.
So keep the light bright, brother.
Keep it going.
Listen, I work for a broadcast network that you used to be on globally.
It was on shortwave and also on one of our FM frequencies, and I asked why you were polled a while back, because
They pulled you before I actually started working for the company.
I thought, well, why would they pull this show?
You know, because you didn't do anything or didn't say anything on the air that really affected anyone in particular.
So I started looking into it and then I was basically told to quit asking questions.
You don't want to go there.
So I started doing some investigating, got to know some people and some higher-ups in the company and one of the things I asked was, you know, hey, what do you feel about the NAU?
And one of the things they looked at me kind of funny, like, what do you mean?
You know, they gave me a look like,
Ah, whatever, I'm not worried about that.
You know, that's just a bunch of malarkey or one of the conspiracy theorists.
But yet, they had a concern on the CFR.
So I thought, you know, this is a Christian company that I work for that's supposed to uphold the truth in all things.
And yet, here we are, we're bending backwards for the all-powerful dollar that just keeps seeming to fade.
And it just makes me wonder, you know, what can somebody in my position
Anybody that would be in this position would want to know what's going on, and here I am.
Well, you know, that's what happens.
They need to destroy me because I'm a symbol of the resistance, and people need to realize that they're trying to destroy, and I haven't wanted to be one of the symbols or one of the icons of resistance, but they do that.
So, I've been thrown off a lot of networks, a lot of affiliates, a lot of sub-networks,
for talking about 9-11 being an inside job for the things I've done but that isn't enough for the enemy.
They then have to fool the weak-minded out there and they come out and say Alex Jones works for ABC.
Now it isn't true but they repeat it and they say it to then try to discredit me and they don't care what the truth is.
People want to believe a good yarn.
Truth is, there are three radio satellites.
Anybody can go lease a feed on them.
And we're on an ABC Star Guide.
We used to also rent a Clear Channel Star Guide, but they didn't tell us when we signed up for it that they wouldn't give the de-scrambling code.
Station owners and managers don't know how ridiculous this rumor that I work for ABC is, because they understand.
You have three kinds of receivers.
A Jones receiver, an ABC receiver, or a Star Guide receiver.
They're about to come out with some new systems.
You know, to get radio.
People say, well, XM too, but that's separate.
And we wanted to get on there, and Clare Channel owns and controls that and won't put us on there as well.
They know we have a big audience.
So we're censored at every quarter, and so we found out that most stations have ABC receivers, and so we go out and lease one of those, and then they say, oh, we work for ABC, we're an affiliate of ABC.
That's like if I have an AT&T cell phone.
No, I'm not with AT&T or if I have a Sony camera.
I don't work for Sony.
I have, you know, it's like I have Time Warner cable.
I have service from them.
It's not that I work for Time Warner, but stay there.
I want to talk to you during the break because I don't know what network you're talking about.
We're on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We really should be positive.
People worldwide know that 9-11 is an inside job.
The majority of people in every major poll I've seen don't believe the official story.
The bankers' propaganda is not being listened to by the people that count.
You can have billions of couch potatoes that
We're good to go.
James in Ohio, then Sam.
Oh no, James just hung up.
We'll go to Sam in England, Carlos, Steve and others.
Sam in England, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex.
Hello sir.
Yeah, I want to say I love what you're doing with Prison Planet.tv.
Thank you.
You made two of the best films ever, in my opinion.
What films were those?
Terror Storm and Endgame.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'd like spoken to him a few times.
Well, I know that it's supposedly banned in England, but the companies keep coming in and planting it near growth belts to infect the other plants.
It's a military operation.
Yeah, well, I just wanted to say on the article it said that they originated from North America, so I wondered what you thought about that.
Well, the big GMO makers, there's only four big companies, they're all basically Pentagon fronts.
Everything, the fake news, the propaganda, the Northcom, Homeland Security, GMO, it's all designed by them for full spectrum dominance.
They've stated this.
And so they come into countries and they buy plots of land and they plant their GMO foods where it's illegal.
And they've caught company workers driving along throwing seeds out of the backs of trucks
into the ditches by farmer's land to infect their crops.
It's a bio-weapon attack.
It's a eugenics attack.
I'm not just saying that.
It really is, folks.
And to realize the full magnitude of that.
It is dumbfounding.
It is dumbfounding.
To come to grips with the fact that we have a completely lawless criminal government, a criminal elite.
But what are people doing up there in your neck of the woods in England?
Are they waking up to the New World Order?
It seems like they are when I do radio interviews.
Yeah, yeah, quite a lot of people are, but not too many in my area because we live in quite a rural area.
So there's not so many people waking up around here.
Well, are they just keeping to themselves or what's happening?
Yeah, they just keep to themselves.
It's like they're in their own sort of world down here.
You say down here, where are you in England?
It's like near Wales, on the border of Wales and England.
We have a lot of chemtrails around here and stuff like that, but people just don't seem to notice.
And they won't notice either when their kids get diabetes for no reason from the shots or they die.
They'll just go to the hospital and die and love the government.
That's what it's all about.
Loving the government.
Never being free.
Never knowing how the world really works.
Just living in darkness.
Well my friend, I would challenge you to wake people up one mind at a time.
And a lot of times you'll find people are just keeping to themselves because they do know what's going on.
So I challenge you to be a light in your area and to expose darkness.
What do you think of all the big banks and things going under and talk of a thousand U.S.
banks going under and hundreds of billions of dollars in losses a day?
Meanwhile, people literally on talk radio are saying the economy's strong, Sarah Palin's going to save us, Barack Obama's going to save us, and they're just dancing in the streets loving it.
What's the difference to, you know, on the American news, CNN and things like that?
They don't really admit, but over here they do seem to admit more that we're in a recession and seem to be a bit more open about it.
Well, it's very upsetting to me, it's very depressing to me to know that the very same parties have designed all this.
We have their documents where they admit they designed it.
The general public doesn't even know there's an international architecture or powerful financiers.
They've been told that doesn't exist.
I mean, it's just so childlike.
Alex, how's it going, man?
Yeah, my concern is with the violence happening in Mexico, man.
I was interested in it because you had an interview with Celica Steele, and I listened to that online.
It was a great interview, by the way, and I'm interested in you having them back online.
But my mom brought this up yesterday.
I was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, and there was an incident where they found 24 people shot at that execution-style close to a ranch that we have down there.
And, um, I know people don't realize, but this violence is going to spill over to the U.S.
porters and the media.
I know, because the media doesn't talk about it.
Well, cops don't know about all the dead cops, because they're only taught to fear the citizen.
They're not taught to ever know what's going on on the border, or what's going on anywhere else.
Just like people fear Al-Qaeda.
Like a child doesn't fear being run over by a car, the real threat to them.
But they fear monsters in the closet.
It's that archetypal fear.
So police fear the citizens, but they don't fear what really kills them, like car wrecks.
You see, the public fears Al-Qaeda, but they don't fear the government that's taking all their rights.
Though, statistically, governments are the greatest takers of liberty and property and life.
You see, but they've been taught to fear.
But, yeah, tell folks what's going on in Mexico.
Two thousand dead in the last nine months alone on the Texas-Mexico border.
Two thousand dead!
And in this atmosphere,
of lawlessness.
There are rapes and murders and killings because when society unravels and when the government goes totally rogue, then the other criminals run wild.
Go ahead and tell folks what's happening in Mexico because I get emails saying it's a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, no, the 2000 number you said is probably a low number because a lot of the deaths that happen down there, a lot of the bodies that are not found, people that are not, that are missing,
They're not considered dead, so they're not even a number.
So 2,000 is a low number, so it's probably higher than that.
Keep going.
I wanted to hear what he had to say.
Are you still there?
Are you still there, Carlos?
Alright, we lost his line, so you can call back in.
I want to hear the story.
Now, I got a new knife this week and I was pulling it out to show people.
And it seemed to scare Paul in there running the show for some reason.
I was going to say, down in Mexico they don't have a lot of guns, the citizens don't.
But the criminals down there do have guns, and all the citizens have are little knives to fight back with.
And if the cops catch you with one of these, you get beat up and go to jail in Mexico.
So, that was my point.
And we see the same domestication now starting here in the United States, where, you know, if they catch a teenager with a little knife in their pocket, it's something we all carried as kids.
I mean, for me, it's totally normal just to have a pocket knife in there, and, you know, I like pick my fingernails with it, pick my teeth with it, I need to cut something, I slice it.
But no, no, this is now
This is even frowned upon in the United States now.
See, I'm becoming a slave.
I'm becoming a serf.
A peon.
And it's just really sad.
And as Mexico unravels, as it falls apart, more and more of these poor people come up here.
Drives down wages further.
So it's quite a mess.
Did Carlos ever get back in?
Say that again?
Carlos ever get back in?
No, he dropped off.
I wanted to hear from him.
Steve in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, sorry!
Put Steve on hold.
I didn't see that.
Brian disagrees.
So we'll put him on for a minute first.
People that disagree, go to the, get preferential treatment.
Which isn't right, but we do it.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Brian.
I got a small fundamental disagreement on 9-11 as proposed in one of your films.
I like most of them.
In fact, I just caught the new one
America, or the old one, one of the first ones, America Destroyed by Design, which I thought was really enlightening about the parks and how they've been turned over to the UN.
That's all in official executive orders.
Oh, I know, I've read them.
But my disagreement is with you.
In the newest film, the most recent loose change one, they didn't go into enough depth on the Pentagon, and Burmese people had more information.
I spoke to Craig Ranke and Aldo of ThePentacon.com out in California, and at the Payment Montehito's Truth Rally over a year ago, they had actual footage where they interviewed on-site the Pentagon police officers that said the plane came in on the north side, which debunked the government's official story.
They've got 13 other north side witnesses that saw it come in over the Navy Annex.
Well, look, I mean, listen, nothing single-handedly, I mean, this radio show, my wonderful listeners, total have had a bigger effect than the loose change phenomenon.
But nothing single-handedly has woken up more people, had a bigger effect than loose change second edition, and now loose change final cut.
The first edition really was kind of an underground deal.
A lot of people didn't see that.
And second edition was much better.
Was it perfect?
Are my films perfect?
No, but 98% accurate, going in the right direction.
The official story is definitely a fraud.
But to say that you guys didn't do enough, or you guys didn't make the right film, it's hard making a film.
It's hard, you know, getting all this stuff done.
And it was loose change second edition that really exposed the Pentagon.
And so to then say that they somehow... I mean, it's kind of like we're on the football field and we've run six touchdowns, seven touchdowns, and other people are in the nosebleed seats with a KERS light and a hot dog.
I'll just knock something off the table here.
Thank God this dressing didn't bust open.
Going, you should have run the shotgun I formation!
I think you should have put in this linebacker other than that one, or this runner.
And frankly, I'm doing everything I can do, and the loose change guys are doing everything they can do, and I just think it's a distraction to say, you had this, you had that.
I know they had some interviews, but they couldn't vet them, they couldn't confirm them, you know, they couldn't put everything in that film.
They also had stuff like hard drives die on them, and it was hard even getting that film out.
It was a three-ring circus.
All the guys were going around and speaking and doing radio interviews and having groupies show up out there and, you know, all the rest of it.
But, I mean, hell, I'm sorry, I'm bad, what can I do for you?
I haven't done enough.
No, no, it's true.
We're bad, we're covering up the truth.
But anyways, what else is going on?
You probably didn't know.
All I ask is, can you have the people from the Pentagon on, or April Gallup?
That's it.
April Gallup.
That name rings a bell.
She was pulled through the hole of the Pentagon.
Yeah, that's right.
And then maternity leave.
That's right, maternity leave.
I know who April Gallup is.
I believe we've tried to get April Gallup on.
You know, it doesn't mean that people just come on the show.
There's a lot of people that we've tried to get on, but we'll do that again.
April Gallup.
That's actually a good guest to have on.
Will you make sure that Trey gets that?
I'm sure he's not listening.
Okay, anything else I can do for you?
I will say one more thing.
I was holding Luke's camera up there in Denver, and in no way did you say kill Michelle Malcolm.
I videotaped the whole thing.
Well, thank you, sir.
I appreciate that for you saying that, but we all know that's a lie.
We all know I paid you to say that.
It doesn't matter what all the video shows.
I'm not saying it doesn't matter if people with her said it.
I'm evil.
And you know what?
I'm happy to be the bad guy.
I didn't say it, but if people want to say I said it, that's fine.
Carlos is back.
Carlos is back.
Okay, Carlos, tell us what's happening in Mexico.
Oh hey Alex, sorry about that phone call, really sorry about that.
That's okay, go ahead.
Yeah, speaking of the violence, I have a lot of family back in Chihuahua, Chihuahua right in the heart of Central, really all the violence is at it, you know.
I have grandparents, uncles, and last year my father's cousin got picked up, and as you know, the hijackings and abductions are sky high right now.
He got abducted right next to his house, they found his body the next day, you know, shot again, execution style.
Like I said, it's touched home.
And having so much family down in Mexico, you know, I basically grew up in the drug violence, you know, it's like profit for a lot of people, that's what people live on down there, so...
You know, this drug prohibition in the United States is destroying these Latin American countries, and it started really down in South America with Colombia and all those countries, and as you know, it's moving closer and closer to the United States.
Yeah, well that's what COG did, is they made drugs illegal, and they set up Continental Government to battle drugs, while the CIA is always being caught with crashing airplanes and trucks.
Full of cocaine and heroin.
Our troops openly guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan as eight, you know, eight times what was being produced during the Taliban is now being produced.
I mean, again, Richard Grasso, head of the New York Stock Exchange in 1999, goes to the fart gorillas and says, invest your drug money with us.
They had a law passed in the U.S.
to make it legal.
And then they make drugs illegal, so it makes a huge black market.
It energizes criminal gangs.
It makes them fight with each other.
And then you have the U.S.
and Colombia and Mexico and Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru, all down there killing each other over the cocaine, marijuana and heroin.
And it's a perfect system to wreck the societies.
Just like they made alcohol illegal, and it turned out that it was big Canadian breweries and whiskey makers, distilleries, that had helped get it passed, knowing it would quadruple their... and alcoholism tripled, prices more than quadrupled, it energized the feds, their excuse, their prerogative to go out and do stuff, it energized the mafia, it corrupted the police,
I mean, it isn't enough for the drug dealers.
They're going to ship drugs in, and they're going to put you in jail if you're caught using them in their private prisons that literally are owned by the money laundering banks.
And they're going to take your pension funds, and they're going to take all the money out of the Pentagon.
And they're going to do it because they've got the weapons, and that's it!
Until the dumb public stops going along with it and stops living in la-la land, it's only going to get worse.
But Carlos, tell me more about what's happening in Mexico.
Well, as you know, the drug wars were basically the driving force behind the police state, so you're seeing a lot more military and cops running around everywhere, and people think it's good, but a lot of these cops are just corrupt as the drug dealers themselves.
And again, the U.S.
takes fiat dollars that Americans are going to have to pay for and for the interest on, and then just gives tens of millions a year to Mexico to do it!
So sick!
It's just like Columbia all over again.
It's the exact same thing.
I read, um, was it Paul Scott's, uh, Cocaine Politics in Central America?
No, that was a great book.
I read that when I was like 16.
And it's just, it's the exact same as in Columbia.
It's just, you know, just like the 1920s without corral prohibition.
It's happening all over again, just on a larger scale.
And, you know, people need to wake up.
Any other stories you want to tell us about what's happening in Mexico?
I mean, French news agency reports 2,000 dead just in two towns on the Texas border, hundreds dead on this side, mass death, rocket attacks, hand grenade attacks on the U.S.
side, total media blackout here in the U.S.
other than local papers.
It's freedom!
Anything else you want to add, Carlos?
Just having Mexican parents, I hear about these stories every morning, you know, every morning.
Well, hold on, we're going to keep talking during the break here.
Carlos, keep telling the folks what's happening.
You know, we need to add drug prohibition.
It's just destroying our youth, destroying this country.
It's horrible.
It's horrible, Alex.
At this point, I can't stress it enough.
We need to add drug prohibition.
That's going to be one major tool that the New World Order will not be able to use anymore, because that's really what they use as a tool to enslave us, and drug prohibition is just that.
Well, it's the excuse to get involved in people's lives.
I mean, first it was, we've got to stop people brewing whiskey without a whiskey tax, so they created the BATF, the Revenuers, as they were called.
And then it was, we're going to create all these other agencies.
And they just create more and more of them to go around eating out our substance.
Yeah, yeah.
Exactly, yeah.
And the more they get involved in our life, the worse all the problems get.
But from their view, is it a problem shipping in more drugs?
Is it a problem putting people in prison?
No, that is a big victory for them.
It is modern slavery through drug prohibition.
God bless you.
Thank you, Alex.
Appreciate it.
You bet.
Good to hear from you, Carlos.
Let's talk to Steve in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Great to talk to you again, my man.
Listen, I'm almost out of force due to a foreclosure for my house that we were renting.
But we're still keeping the faith.
Me and my kids and my wife will all help you out here.
And I can only listen to you on the phone, so unless I go into town, I can't get behind the scenes on the internet.
But I just want to tell you, I don't care what anybody else says.
They call with disagreements.
You're doing a great job with all your films.
And I just wanted to ask you about, basically since Reagan,
With Bush Sr.
being the Vice President, they've been in the White House for about 30 years.
And I'm just wondering what your take is on that as far as... Yeah, well they are the continuity of government.
It was Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld that set up the current plan for martial law through drug prohibition as the front to get rid of posse comitatus.
Now you see generals and admirals running most of the agencies and running local universities.
And this is the bomb makers, the weapon makers, with the bankers.
Right, right.
And what I wanted to know was, what are your takes as far as, you know, with that whole family, with them, you know, being cousins and just all the, them being in power,
For this long, you know, in the United States, even though they're the puppet... Yeah, it's just a sign of that even their puppets stay in power.
It's just a bankrupt... I wanted to know what your take was as far as... I think they're going to enact martial law before McCain or Obama... Alright, let me comment on that.
Let me comment on that.
I appreciate your call.
You know, it's one thing
It's one thing to talk about how the International Banking Crime Syndicate is going to set up a police state so they can loot the treasury and implode the country.
It's one thing to know that's their plan.
It's another thing to see them doing it.
It's another thing, you know, to be here.
It's kind of like you're waiting to be executed and you're now being led up to the gallows.
That's a whole other thing.
And the caller was saying, I think they'll have martial law before the election.
Hey, they snuck attack Russia a month ago.
They could do anything.
The globalists did.
They just bankrupt Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and a bunch of other companies last week.
And a bunch of other consortium slush funds.
They could do anything and everything.
These people are bold.
They fly remote-controlled aircraft into buildings.
I mean, these are some bold people.
They put cancer viruses in the population's vaccines and shoot them up and watch everybody start dying from it.
I mean, these are some bold people.
They're slick.
They're just over the top.
They're the bravado, the chutzpah, the
The will, the scope, the daring.
And against a bunch of arrogant know-it-alls who really don't know anything, it's a bad situation.
I know we've got Tom, Khalib, Chris and others.
Cram Caleb and others here in just a minute.
I didn't really plug anything but my videos once today, and that is what makes this show possible.
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