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Name: 20080818_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2008
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Yes, I just talked to clients on the phone and they watch what's happening on my desktop from their desktop.
So I can travel the world and still be here for my date.
It is August 18, 2008.
We've got an hour and a half left in worldwide transmission.
Ryan McGovern has not been on with us in about two weeks since the Russian conflict started.
He's a former top CIA analyst for Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Sr., top analyst in
General overall world affairs.
We have another former White House analyst, former NASA analyst.
He's written for the Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Space and Security News, Houston Post, and many other publications.
He has testified before Congress, before presidential commissions.
He's a top analyst on geopolitical activities, the economy.
He's also one of the leading experts on solid rocket fuel boosters, of all things.
Quite an expert joining us for the next 30 minutes.
I will be taking your calls for those that are holding right before Ray McGovern comes on with us a little bit later in the next hour, but we've got him for about 25 minutes right now.
He is Richard C. Cook, and I wanted to get him on to talk about first, A, what we see with the economy,
I think?
Georgia is now moving missile systems, weapon systems, satellite systems into Poland, Czech Republic.
NATO's new public doctrine, which the Russians have read on television, freaking out that NATO may launch a sneak nuke attack on Russia, saying they need the anti-missile system so the US and NATO can nuke Russia, and so Russia can't defend itself.
And so any retaliatory strike will be shot down.
This is just absolutely incredible, these developments.
So that's basically why we have you, Richard.
Thanks for popping in today.
You've got the floor.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, Richard.
To me, what is really interesting is the connection between the two major events that you're talking about.
The economic collapse and the confrontation now that's building up with Russia.
Because these things don't happen in a vacuum.
It's very interesting.
Obviously, they are trying to keep the economy afloat until the election in November.
And it's starting to me to look more and more like they're trying to kind of back McCain into the election.
Obama's numbers are pretty poor.
The Democrats should be way ahead in the polls now, and obviously Obama's not.
It's a virtual dead heat, which says to me that they're trying to now maneuver McCain back in there by keeping the gas prices down a little bit and keeping the loans rolling over so the economy doesn't just collapse in a heap between now and then.
But I think that we have here a classic wag the dog syndrome.
Ellen Brown had a good article on global research with that as the title the other day.
And it seems to me that this whole confrontation with Russia now is a move of desperation because the people in charge of the U.S.
economy don't have a clue
what to do about the extraordinary explosion of debt that keeps building up and now we have with the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac we have according to the experts who are watching that another three to four trillion dollars in debt piled on the already ten to eleven trillion dollars in the national debt that the government has just taken on so the
Our financial position of the United States is increasingly hopeless.
It is a state of de facto bankruptcy, which has really been acknowledged now for two to three years by economists very close to the Federal Reserve.
They don't have a clue as to what to do about it.
So, not knowing what to do when your economy is collapsing, why not have a nice big war with somebody in the hope that through such an event,
They could wipe the debts off the book and try to start over again.
But of course, for anyone who has to live on this planet right now, it's a potential catastrophe that's brewing.
So that's my take on it.
Richard, continue.
Well, let's even take a step back in history a little bit.
I've always been interested in the
Uh, historical background to our relations with Russia, uh, because, uh, up until 1991, in any case, uh, the United States and Russia were the two, uh, major superpowers.
Uh, but this kind of a division or this kind of a split in, in the power structure of the Western world,
It has been going on a long time.
If you go back in history, which I'm starting to do, I'm doing a lot of research lately on the origins of the present situation, the Western European civilization, which formerly was in the Western European democracies until they self-destructed in World War I and World War II and now lies in the United States,
And the Eastern European civilization, which formerly was the Eastern Orthodox branch of the Church and the Eastern Byzantine Empire, and then it devolved onto Russia as Russia increasingly became a power.
And you know, it was Russia when Napoleon invaded Eastern Europe that finally put Napoleon in his place and became the dominant power in Europe for a while.
So now we have really an age-old split.
Between the western part of the European civilization, which now the United States and Britain really are the representatives of, and the eastern part of the European civilization, which Russia represents, that now have the face-off that began after World War II continuing.
And it's not really a... You know, some people are saying that this is a renewal of the Cold War.
Well, it's much worse than that.
The Cold War, in a way, was a fake.
It was cold, absolutely.
Explain that, because we have the banking establishment here financing them and kind of using the Communists as a wicked doppelganger for them to go take over new lands and infiltrate and kind of a front to overthrow the situation.
Do you agree with that analysis?
Oh yes, absolutely.
The Russia that we allied with in World War II
Was a creature of western finance.
That's very clear from the historical record.
Because I want to point out to people, we're reading from the same sheet of music and don't even know it, because we're just giving you the facts.
This is a new Russia, a rogue outside the New World Order, all evidence shows, and they're clearly trying to encircle it.
The Cold War was cold.
This is hot on the borders with Mother Russia, which hasn't been tried since Operation Barbarossa, and before that with Napoleon, as you just said.
Yeah, that's correct, because all through the Cold War there was never any danger of an American soldier in uniform facing off against a Russian soldier in uniform and pulling the trigger at each other.
That was very carefully avoided.
Everything was done through proxy, it was done through
You know, the different satellites... Yeah, far removed proxies.
Far removed proxies.
Now we're right there up against Mother Russia.
If we send uniformed personnel on the ground into Georgia, we're running a risk of the first time in history of American uniformed personnel and Russian uniformed personnel shooting each other.
This is what the Bush administration is getting us into.
Well, I agree, but I want to go back.
Go back to 1999.
Wesley Clark with the neocons.
The Russians pour into Pristina, the capital of Kosovo.
The Russians are saying, you're not going to have an ethnic cleanse with the Muslims, our Serb brethren.
No, it's part of the same thing, really.
Because after 1991, everyone said, well, Cold War is over, now we're going to get the peace dividend.
And before you know it, NATO under Clinton was in there bombing Belgrade and dismembering Yugoslavia.
It was all part of
The same plan, the same program to encircle the Soviet Union.
And notice how they're just switching the last letter of Iraq with Iran.
It's the same thing with Serbia versus now these breakaway areas with Russia.
Because then they said the Serbs attacked, which wasn't true.
Both sides, obviously, in ethnic warfare were killing each other.
But the Serbs were clearly the ones being attacked by the KLA, backed by the U.S.
and NATO in southern Serbia and Kosovo.
It's the same thing here.
The public believes that Russia attacked for no reason.
Well, that's correct.
And, of course, Serbia has been a Russian ally and, in a sense, a Russian dependency all the way back prior to World War I. And the trap that was set by the people who started World War I in Serbia had the Russians behind it.
So the Russians always had as part of their sphere of influence
Serbia and that part of the Balkans, because they're Slavic people.
It was all part of the general Russian policy of pan-Slavism.
And that's where they stopped the Muslim invasions twice.
Yes, that's correct.
And of course, all of that takes us back to the fact that Russia has always been the guardian of the Orthodox Church and kind of the overseer of the Eastern Christian religion.
If you want to talk about
That divide, that began with what was called the Great Schism in 1054 A.D.
And what we're seeing today, you know, believe it or not, you know, people don't... No, no, Rome is obviously behind the European Union, and so, yeah, break that down.
Yeah, we are seeing, in fact, a continuation of the same split between Eastern and Western Europe that we have seen for a thousand years.
And what it is, in fact,
A lot of people have realized that, and you read Patrick Buchanan's book on the Unnecessary War that just came out, World War I and World War II were civil wars between different elements of European culture.
They were the same racial groups, the same people from the same civilization fighting and killing each other, and they've been doing this for a thousand years.
You could
Carry that out into today's situation and say that the division between the United States as the representative of the Western European civilization and Russia as the representative of the Eastern European civilization
That is just the latest phase in this European Civil War that's been going on for centuries.
Well, I agree.
Richard, we don't have a lot of time with you, so I want to pick your brain on some quick questions.
How did this go for the NATO slash neocon Israeli U.S.-backed operation in Georgia?
Did they get what they wanted as a political diversion to start these brush wars, to try to buoy the dollar, saying, America's still tough, look, we're invading countries?
Or did it go badly for them?
Did they miscalculate?
Where do you see this going in the future?
I think they miscalculated because Russia crushed them.
I think Russia made a fool and a laughing stock out of the Georgian government and the American and Israeli backers.
I think they probably wanted this to be the fall surprise that would divert attention from the U.S.
presidential election.
It failed completely.
Russia was completely prepared.
And the Russian Army on the ground has been known for decades to be the most efficient, powerful ground force on the planet.
These guys are not the Iraqi forces who just cut and run.
I don't want to insult anybody, but the Russian military is very well-trained, they're very tough, they're very well-equipped, and I think they made
A fool out of the Georgian military and the American and Israeli backers.
I can't.
No, the Russians mean what they say.
And they have throughout their history, they're very serious people in this game, and they're not bluffing.
And they've put Poland on notice that if you arm yourselves through missile defense systems and allow the U.S.
to come in and stake out territory for operations against Russia, you are going to have the nukes aimed at you.
And I think Poland realizes this.
This is very, very serious.
This is not
Simply the kind of bluster that we've seen during the Cold War.
This is another level of escalation.
Why have the neocons and their globalist controllers, we know they're just one little instrument they use as a front, within a front.
What do you expect the New World Order, the Anglo-American arm, to do now?
Well, I believe that they're doing this because the United States economy is collapsing.
It's a race against time between creating some kind of a massive diversion.
A tribal rallying point.
Yeah, but it's not even a rallying point because the American government and the American people are broke, are bankrupt.
They cannot continue even to fund the government because at a certain point
The foreigners who are buying the treasury debt to keep this thing afloat are going to stop doing it.
It just cannot go on.
You know what it looks like to me?
It's almost like somebody saying, I have a bomb, I'll blow this meeting up, if you don't do what I say.
It seems like they're holding everybody hostage, showing everyone just how crazy they are.
Well, they are, but there's nothing that they can get out of it other than a war.
There's nothing that Russia or China or anybody can do for the U.S.
To bail us out any further from our own collapsing economy.
In fact, they've been trying to... Well, and that's where it gets confusing.
They've been trying to prop the dollar up for a decade, and then, meanwhile, the White House makes every move to devalue it, and then suddenly jumps in trying to restore it.
And I know there's a method to the madness here, but does it seem helter-skelter and almost like they're crazy?
Well, they're trying to keep the dollar up.
At least through this election, and they've done that by no longer slashing the interest rates and still providing some kind of an environment where foreign investors can come in.
So they want a slow slide, not a total implosion?
I'm sorry?
They want a slow slide, not a total implosion?
At least through the election.
Now, nobody knows what they're going to do after the election and after the inauguration if, say for example, McCain
is put into place.
If Obama's elected, he will try to do another New Deal.
McCain does not seem to be heading in that direction.
McCain seems to be all out for the World War III option.
All right, stay there.
We're going to skip this break with Richard C. Cook.
If you're on the internet, you can listen at Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
Okay, Richard, I'm interrupting here because I have a lot of questions.
What is most important in all of this, and what can we do to try to turn this around?
What can we do?
Yes, sir.
Well, the only rational thing that we can do is to go back to the very beginning and to start over again with rebuilding our productive economy.
Our productive economy was destroyed as a result of the international banker's decision to eliminate the United States as a producer nation that came out starting with the 79 Paul Volcker
recession and has continued ever since and you know you go to the uh... you look at the builder burger meetings that you've tracked alex and this is one of their my major agenda item and then we're forced to be a military economy was a brzezinski said that take everything we've got and then we'll have to be hessian slaves by way of the economy is the only way will will be able to live so domestically prisons checkpoints control surveillance and armored empire and then we supply uh... mercenaries to the corporate board
Well, that's the way it is.
I mean, that's what it's become.
The only way to stop that is for, and I've said this in writing, is for the federal government immediately to take over the Federal Reserve System, to nationalize the credit system, and to use the credit of the United States not to fight foreign wars, but to rebuild our domestic economy.
And that means putting a lot of the debt
That is floating around in the economy that is contributing to inflation, for example, to put that on hold, to put that into bankruptcy reorganization, and to take over the economy and to rebuild it from the bottom up.
That's what has to be done right now.
And people say, well, we don't want the government involved in the economy because it's always corrupt.
The problem is the corporations have already used the government to take control of the economy and then to literally cut it up into scrap and move it overseas.
Well, the economy is run now by the international banking community.
You're saying the people need to take control of the government and take control that way?
The Constitution of the United States starts with the words, we the people.
No, I understand.
Turn that credit loose instead of to select corporations to leverage it and then move everything offshore, tailor it again to where it actually builds the nation up.
Credit has been privatized and it really began in earnest with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
And why would these big banking cartels not take advantage and destroy all their competition and try to set up a monopoly?
We're coming back to the full audience.
Here we go.
Richard C. Cook is our guest.
Richard C. Cook dot com.
Just Richard, a C, and Cook dot com.
Links up on InfoWars.com.
Don't forget Fabled Enemies, Jason Burmess' new film that I produced, which is a bombshell 9-11 film covering a lot of areas we haven't gotten into yet.
You can pre-order that now at InfoWars.com.
It ships out September 1st.
You'll be able to watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv September 1st as well.
The globalists have strip-mined the country, moved everything offshore to create monopolies.
Now their own empire is in danger of collapsing because they've been so predatory.
How do you think they're planning to salvage this by having a global reorganization where they pose as the saviors through a new corporate world government?
Well, I think that that's part of it.
You've got the concept, for instance, of the North American Union or the North American Free Trading
organization that has been talked about to restructure the North American economy.
And that's a new bubble, that's all that is.
Yeah, but the problem is that they have this multi-trillion dollar debt overhang that nobody knows what to do with it.
That debt will never be repaid.
And that's why I feel that we're heading toward a major war, because they always use war as a means of
Either rolling over debt or inflating currency to the point where it destroys the old public debt, which happened after World War I, or they simply take over and conquer other countries that you owe money to and cancel the debt that way.
They painted themselves into a corner, Alex.
There's no way out of it.
But control freaks, in the case of every other empire, we can study the current psychology by other elite psychology, humans behave the same way, normally just start throwing fits and attacking in all directions, and then things, that only hastens their demise.
Well, they tend at a certain point to decide to set everything in stone so that no surprises can take place.
This is what happened with the Roman Empire.
It's what happened with the British Empire, but the British Empire went bankrupt.
And the reason the United States is in control now was because they took over the bankruptcy of the British Empire, and they did it through World War II.
That's what happened after the Great Depression.
What lifted us out of the Great Depression was World War II.
It was massive arms spending, and it was enormous tax rates that were levied on the entire economy.
And so what you had in essence was for four or five years in the United States, you know, our own version of communism or socialism or whatever, managing and running World War II.
And after World War II, we were the top dog in the world economy.
But they handed those mechanisms over to the internationalists instead of keeping that engine going.
And now we've been basically had our bones picked.
The internationalists took them away.
They were taken away.
That's why they got rid of Nixon, because Nixon opposed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was the internationalization that preceded the World Trade Organization.
Yeah, not that he was even a nice guy, but he wanted an empire for America!
That's right.
He thought, why shouldn't- The strong American economy, and Kissinger took it away.
They got him railroaded out, and from that point on, every American president, but the big one was Reagan.
You know, Reagan presided during the Volcker crash of the economy in 79 to 83 and turned the economy over to the bankers and the international elite.
Who, you know, run the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations and all of that.
And now the bankers are all buying offshore private islands with private security details.
Because I know a lot of them live here in Austin and I know they're lawyers, and I mean billionaires.
They've been pulling... They're just going to let it crash.
Yeah, that's it.
No, they're saying we're crashing everything and then we'll come back and buy it all up for pennies on the dollar.
That's right.
We're going to leave you with the lobotomized idiot cops beating you with clubs.
Have fun.
That seems to be the case.
Well, Richard C. Cook, thank you for your great columns, your great work and analysis.
I want to get you up sometime, maybe later this week or next week, with a full hour.
Thank you for your great insight.
Thank you, Alex.
There he goes.
Alright, Ray McGovern's coming on in eight minutes, but first, your calls.
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Alright, is this listening?
Yeah, I just sent you that current list.
You should have six callers.
Who's up next, Frank?
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Now into the fourth and final hour.
I'm going to Denver next week.
Unless more war drums start going from drums to action.
Hey Alex, last week it was Tuesday.
I think I was actually listening to your show.
I was outside at work downtown in Cincinnati.
I was having a cigarette and I'm looking at the river.
And then I see this U.S.
black military helicopter, you know, just going up and down, up and down the river.
And like, you know,
I kept looking at it, and you know, I was like, no, no.
It's got a radiation detector in it, or it was over houses.
It's got an infrared looking for marijuana grow lights, and that makes the troops think there's really a nuclear threat, and they're really protecting America, and there's all this real security stuff going on as part of the illusion, so when the globalists set a nuke off, they can grandstand as the saviors, and the troops and police would have been, we were looking for nukes.
Yeah, you know, like, I started calling, you know, a couple of the police districts.
Like, I called the one in downtown, District 1.
Of course, they didn't know anything.
They sent me over across the river in Kentucky.
Of course, they didn't know anything.
Then I called the Sheriff's Department, Cincinnati, and pretty much left a message, I guess, with a higher-up.
And he called me back, like, a half hour later, Lieutenant Scudder.
And I was like, sir, do you realize that there's a black U.S.
military helicopter going up and down the river?
And he's like, oh, yeah, we have two of those.
I'm like, huh?
Oh, so it was the Sheriff's Department.
And he's like, oh, yeah.
Well, yeah, they're also giving them their... It wasn't a Blackhawk, though.
They're not giving them Blackhawks, or it was just a Bell.
There had to have been a Blackhawk, Alex.
Looked right at a Blackhawk down, like the movie.
Okay, well I didn't know that they had Blackhawks.
Look, they're federalizing everything in these threat matrix centers.
The feds are in control, CIA.
They're federalizing the police.
I have it in the Washington Post this weekend, finally came out and admitted the whole thing.
I mean, we already knew it.
But it's just getting really crazy.
Yeah, and you know, just talking with him, I was like, uh, did you get this from, like, the Fed?
Did you get this from, like, the military?
Was it a donation, a grant of some kind?
He's like, oh, I don't know.
Well, do you know if it was manufactured at a military, uh... But he said the Sheriff's Department had these helicopters.
Yeah, apparently the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department in the city of Cincinnati.
And like, as I keep talking to him, I'm like, okay, well, sir,
I have been researching how this country has been going towards martial law.
I brought up the situation in Arkansas with... Let me guess, I bet he said, well, martial law will keep you safe.
Oh, he didn't say that, Alex.
As soon as I dropped the phrase, police say, like, oh, sir, sir, I can't talk about that.
I'm like, wait, what?
I'm a taxpaying citizen of the city of Cincinnati, which trickled into your paycheck.
You can't talk about it?
Are you kidding me?
This is my country.
So how did it end?
Well, it ended with, oh, sir, sir, I can't talk about it.
And so I asked him one last question.
I was like, OK, OK.
Because he told me, oh, well, the military can go into any city they want at any point in time.
And I'm like, all right, fine, sir.
They've all been trained and acclimated to that, yeah.
Yeah, and I was like, tell me this, sir.
Are you willing to cooperate with military if they come in?
Into the city.
Are you willing to cooperate with the military if they randomly came in?
Oh, yeah!
So you're willing to break Posse Comitatus?
Uh, sir, I'm not breaking Posse Comitatus.
We obviously have different political views and I'm not allowed to talk with you about this.
So, uh, that's all I can say.
I'm like, are you kidding me?! !
They've all been turned into little petty commissariat political spy officers.
It's happened everywhere.
This is the criminal state getting ready to fully repossess the nation and totally bankrupt us all, including his mama, his daddy, his greedy greedy granny that went beep beep beep down Sesame Street.
I mean, it is.
I'm serious.
It's everybody.
And they just think it's cute and funny.
They've been acclimated by all these TV shows to make us the target.
I've been warning everybody, and now they admit that.
Well, good to hear from you.
I appreciate you telling that story.
Ray McGovern's coming up, then we'll continue with phone calls.
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Get, uh, Fabled Enemy.
We're safe to breathe.
Can you cue it up?
He had his hand over the radio while he was getting a countdown.
He takes his hand off and you hear 3, 2, 1, and it was...
Ray McGovern is our guest for the rest of the hour.
We'll also open the phones up.
But specifically on the Iraq situation, the Afghan situation, the upcoming crisis with Iran, what's happening with the former Soviet Union being encircled by NATO, and Israeli forces being the foreign minister, the defense minister of Georgia being so involved there.
I want to pick Ray McGovern's brain about that.
This happened about a week and a half ago.
He's now had a lot of time to study it as the former top White House analyst for Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., assigned from the CIA with the morning briefings.
He's also written for major publications.
He also was an army officer, so he's uniquely vetted for us to really give us some good answers.
He's given us a lot of great material in the past.
Before we go to him, though, he is in my film, Terror Storm, talking about 9-11, questioning the official story, talking about Iran, no WMDs, at that time eight years out from having them.
Well, he's also in the new film, he did an interview with Jason Burmess, Fabled Enemies, which gets into the Israeli connection.
Fox News has learned that some American terrorism investigators fear certain suspects in the September 11th attacks may have managed to stay ahead of them.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis, again, very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Whether it's because they're in intelligence services or what they were doing, I will defer to the Department of Justice and the FBI.
There was a report on the George Washington Bridge that there had been a van stop there that had explosives.
We have a suspect who drifted from building a van and then exploded.
Amdocs Limited, an Israeli-based private telecommunications company.
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It quickly unraveled to be the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States.
The largest.
Documents say they, quote, targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI, and dozens of other government facilities.
There's one big elephant in the living room.
...is the relationship between the United States of America and the State of Israel.
What about this question of advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11?
Well, it's very explosive information, obviously.
A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known?
That is from the film Fabled Enemies.
You can pre-order now at InfoWars.com.
It ships in only 12 days, 12-13 days, on September 1st.
Fabled Enemies, now available.
It'll be out September 1st as well at PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
We are streaming live, by the way, right now on PrisonPlanet.tv, not just going out.
Okay, Ray McGovern, there's so many questions I could ask, but let's say I'm the President.
We're so honored to have you and we appreciate your time.
But let's say I'm the president and I'm asking you, or you were advising a foreign president, what has happened in Russia?
What is the larger geopolitical reasons for this?
What is behind it?
Why has NATO, the U.S.
and Israel, launched a sneak attack on Russia?
What is Russia going to do?
You've studied them for decades.
What does this mean in the larger picture in context with the election Iran?
Well, Mr. President,
It's fairly simple to explain this.
Once you tweak the nose of the Russian bear in a place where you're vulnerable, the Russian bear is going to strike back.
The Georgians took it into their head to mount a full-scale attack on Ossetia, South Ossetia, and even the U.S.
Special Envoy called it, and I quote, deplorable, horrible.
Uh, here's a quote from this fellow, Matthew Berza, who's a Deputy Associate, uh, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.
Uh, to fire on civilians, as the Georgians did on the evening of, uh, August 7th, is simply deplorable.
Uh, it's illegal and, uh, and horrible, says Matthew Berza, U.S.
Special Envoy to the region.
That's what started it.
Now, what the Georgians had in mind is really bizarre.
I think that they would
As divorced from reality as some folks in the White House.
If they thought that the United States of America, which already has all its deployable troops deployed in two godforsaken wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, if they thought the U.S.
would come to their aid, or worse still, if they thought the Russians would sit back there behind their border and take this without reacting, you know, well, he needs to have his head examined because that could never be the case.
The Russians are on the march in this sense.
They're tired of being humiliated.
They're tired of being whipsawed.
We have NATO moving ever closer to the traditional borders of Russia.
We have a missile installment in Poland and a radar installment in the Czech Republic.
Now, those are going to be really handy for protecting Europe against an ICBM attack from Iran.
But Iran doesn't have any ICBMs and can't have them for many, many years.
As a matter of fact, the U.S.
intelligence community unanimously decided that Iran is not working on any nuclear weapons, at least as of mid-2003.
So, you know, for Putin and the rest of the Russian leaders there to swallow all this stuff and not react when they can react.
I mean, they can't do anything about Poland or the Czech Republic, but they sure as heck can do something about their soft underbelly.
And it's not only the Soviet Union or the new Russia, it's the old Russia.
It's the old Russia going back four centuries now that has this very paranoid
I think so.
Mikhail Chagasvely, this guy is on TV and live programs chewing his tie, looking like a complete nutcase.
When there's no threat, he runs in fear, panicking like no leader I've ever seen.
And I'm not saying I wouldn't run from an air raid, but he just...
According to all the reports, he really is out of his mind.
And meanwhile, you've got all these Israelis there.
Jerusalem Post said a thousand Israeli advisors.
You've got U.S.
Special Forces doing drills there two weeks before.
I mean, what were they thinking to gain from this?
Well, again, as far as Sakhar Farsheli is concerned, you know, he's sort of like the Chalabi of Georgia.
Well spoken, pretty glib, in good with the neocons and several other people on the Hill.
And they sort of gave him the impression, some of them at least, maybe as high as Cheney, that, yeah, we're going to tweak this Russian bear and we're going to defend what you consider to be your strategic objectives.
And so I can only reason
The Russians wouldn't respond.
Now here's the president out there in Beijing playing beach volleyball with those comely women and not really being in the picture, Cheney being in charge back home and issuing threatening statements.
Thank goodness Robert Gates made it clear that we're not going to react militarily.
So, the whole thing is an abject lesson, or an object lesson I suppose, is the right word, although abject also fits here, of how these people are not reality-based.
How they thought that they could do this stuff in a place where they can't defend a little nation like Georgia.
How the Georgian leader thought that he could get away with this is beyond my comprehension.
But he did it.
The Russians reacted.
And now they've given a lesson to places like that, that really violated understandings reached back in the early 90s, where these, you know, Ossetia and Abkhazia would enjoy a measure of autonomy.
And that there would be Russian people in there.
They feel closer to Russia than they do to the Georgians.
Well, we know those two areas were given by Stalin to Georgia, because he was a Georgian, and they're 90 plus percent, what, 92 percent one, 90 percent another, Russian.
And the sneak attack where the Georgian peacekeepers were knifing and shooting the Russians in the security zones, inside the peacekeeping bases?
I mean, this is unprecedented treachery.
Yeah, you know, one of the real statesmen at the end of the Soviet era, Shevardnadze, Eduard Shevardnadze, who was the foreign minister, he talked about this whole series of events, and he was careful not to be too terribly critical of what the Russians had done.
But he did point out that there's a way of handling these kinds of things, and it has to do with long-term
uh... cultivation of ties and while he was uh... president of georgia he reached out he went to a house here he went to a six year and he met with the people and there was a gradual rapprochement happening that's not the way uh... our clients uh... do things uh... you know we do shock and awe and we we raid the cities and kill a lot of civilians in the middle of the night that is deplorable that is beyond the pale and that's what
Do you see that, Ray McGovern, as another window into the neocon mindset, that they would obviously greenlight this, that they're so delusional that they just think they're going to see victory everywhere?
Well, yeah.
I think the Georgian president also may have taken it a little farther than he was really
Supposed to, but yeah.
This kind of hubris is what leads to the downfall of lots of people besides ancient Greek heroes.
Okay, Ray McGovern, we're going to skip this break for InfoWars.com.
Listen, for everybody else, we'll be back in about three minutes.
Ray McGovern's our guest.
Stay with us.
Okay, Ray, I want to continue.
I don't want to waste any time here.
I want to get into the Iran-Iraq situation, the big picture there, and where you see this going in the election.
Any new developments the last two weeks since you were last with us?
But finishing up with the Russian situation, it looks like the neocons are escalating things now.
Yes, sir.
I want to, John, get that clip ready with McCain saying, and we also want to Bush, saying in the 21st century nations don't invade other nations.
The hypocrisy.
But first, the big picture with things escalating.
I don't think Ray McGovern knows that we went to break.
Ray, we're still on the air right now, Ray, did you hear that?
I haven't seen the reports on U.S.
troops going to the Ukraine.
Well, they had them, they're training them as advisors, and yes, they're increasing the amount.
And they're flying in, you know, more troops to help in Georgia.
Well, I think that the Ukrainians will have learned this lesson pretty well.
Also, with respect to NATO, of course, they have already
Postponed any talk of accession to NATO by Ukraine and by Georgia.
So there'll be a period of several months now where people will kind of hunker down and weigh the implications of what just happened and realize that, you know, would we want Mexico to be invited to join the Warsaw Pact?
The now defunct Warsaw Pact?
I don't think so, you know?
And what Americans need to do is put themselves in the position of the Russians.
And as the Russians look out on what the U.S.
has done over the last eight years, you know, cancelling treaties, putting new missile systems in Western Europe, invading other countries.
You know, if I were Vladimir Putin, I would think twice about not giving them a lesson when he can so easily do so.
The Georgians were thoroughly penetrated by Russian intelligence.
They knew exactly what was happening.
That's why they were ready to respond.
And for the Georgians that think they can get away with this, you know, it was really started by the Georgians and they're going to have to pay a price.
What about Israel?
What do they think they're going to get?
Part of the oil and gas?
Why are they there?
Well, the oil line there that runs through Georgia is very important to Israel.
But also, you know, if you talk about the military-industrial complex in this country,
You know, there's a great big one in Israel as well, and they have been making megabucks by sending all kinds of armaments and selling them to the Georgians.
And of course, to the degree they can get a foot in Georgia, it's similar to the foot they used to have in Turkey, or even earlier in Iran, of all places, then they have more of a security
So you're saying another huge international blunder for the neocons, Washington and NATO, just another stinging, pathetic fall on their face defeat?
Yeah, and could be worse, Alex.
You know, you have to take five steps back and always ask yourself how the Israeli leaders will look at this.
Now, there have been some really bad things happening as far as the Israelis are concerned.
Number one, we're going to be out of Iraq.
Now, it may take a year, it may take two years.
Tell you what, recap that, we'll come back to the full audience.
We're about a tenth of our audience when I skip these breaks.
Ray McGovern, stay there.
Let's come back and talk about that right now.
Here we go, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, Ray McGovern, the Israelis, heavily involved.
Well, as usual, it's good and bad.
In other words,
It's really bad for the U.S.
to take a punch in the nose of this magnitude.
It's the equivalent of what the Iraqi Prime Minister did a month and a half ago when he said, all troops out of here.
I'm not signing any agreement until you agree to a deterrent or all U.S.
troops should be out of there.
Now, if I'm an Israeli leader, and I know that part of the reason that U.S.
troops are in Iraq
Is the misguided notion by the neocons that that would somehow give Israel more security?
I mean, you know, you can laugh at that now.
I mean, there were no terrorists in Iraq before the invasion, and now it's teeming with terrorists.
But anyhow, if that was one of the reasons, and now the U.S.
troops are going to be gone, well, that part of the world is much more dangerous for the Israelis.
Now, worse than that, take a look at this defeat.
You know, this obvious
Punch in the nose in Ossetia, in Georgia.
How will the U.S.
react to that?
It's clear that some Israelis will say, well, you know, you can't depend on the U.S.
to come to your aid, can you?
And other Israelis would say, forget it.
Israel is not Georgia.
Israel has incredible political capital here in Washington.
And now, lest we waste any more time, we need to start a
Start the kind of fracas that will lead us and lead George Bush to honor his promise to us to take care of Iran before he leaves office.
So I think, on balance, because of the increased danger of our departure from Iraq after George Bush leaves, and the situation where we have had a substantial reverse and might need something to kind of compensate for that,
And I would deduce the example of when we lost those 242 marines in Lebanon.
Do you remember that?
Do you remember what we did right after that?
Pulled out.
Remember what we did?
We went and invaded Grenada.
Oh yes, another diversion.
We conquered Grenada, okay?
And we showed the mice of the 82nd Airborne despite the losses in Lebanon.
So, there's going to be a big temptation on the part of the neocons and on the part of the Israelis, you know, the likudniks, the extreme... I'm not talking about the Israeli citizen in the street, I'm talking about the extremist right that has taken over the Israeli government.
There'll be a great temptation for them because of the dangers in Iraq and because of the opportunity to give the United States some sort of way to show, well, we're not just a paper tiger, we can really do things.
It's even more likely, it seems to me, that the Israelis will decide to perpetrate the kind of provocation that will almost require Iran to react, and once they do, the U.S.
will be in there with both feet because the U.S.
President has promised the world that that's exactly what he's
Well, the Associated Press is reporting today, as well as other publications, that the Saudi delegation and the Egyptian delegation, meeting with the Iranian delegation yesterday, told them, do not provocate, do not give in to provocations, back down, talk sweet, because they are really planning to attack you.
I'm sure you saw that.
So overall, what are things looking like right now?
I mean, is it still a green light to go in there before or after the election?
There's no green light yet, Alex.
Although, as you know, I think the green light will flash before too long.
What we have, you know, the most important aspect of this is we have a real Donnybrook happening in the White House.
A big conflict between Vice President Cheney, Elliot Abrams, who's running our policy from the National Security Council, on the one hand, and Robert Gates, the Secretary of Defense, and Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the other.
Mullen and Gates have made no secret of the fact, they think, that opening a third front, what they mean, of course, is striking at Iran, would be a disaster, would be a catastrophe.
It's not what Mullen wants.
He's said that about three times, and they've told the Israelis that.
Now, the question is, and this is the real question, when the Defense Minister from Israel, Barack, for example, or when the head of their intelligence or other high officials come to Washington,
Usually they go to Dick Cheney's house last, okay?
And what they say is, you know, this guy Mullen and Gates, you know, those wimps, you know, they want us not to do anything against this terrible threat from Iran.
What do you think?
And if Dick Cheney winks and says, well, you know, they are kind of soft on this threat, then the Israelis are going to take their cue from Cheney and not from Gates or Mullen, and we'll be off and running.
Off and running.
Three minute break and back with Ray McGovern on the other side to take some of your phone calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones on the G-Town radio network.
Off and running.
Three minute break and back with Ray McGovern on the other side to take some of your phone calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, going back to Ray McGovern.
Ray, before I take calls here in about 10 minutes for you, we're just so honored to have you with us and so blessed you spent time with us to give us your analysis.
Other areas, with Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, I mean, just in the big picture, where does it look like things are going for the United States of Europe?
If you had to project the lines out, what do you see happening in our society overall?
Because with the economy, it just all looks like an empire that's falling in on itself, oppressive domestic police states, both parties backing it.
I mean, it doesn't look good.
It doesn't at all.
The operative factor here is whether the President is really a part of reality, or whether he's pretty much already given up his tasks here.
I don't know if many of your listeners or viewers saw the interview that he gave to a Western reporter, Anchorman, in Beijing.
The fellow started by saying, Mr. President, we like to talk about the problems here in China, but of course the U.S.
has its own problems.
And Bush cut him off.
He said, wait a second, wait a second.
The United States of America doesn't have any problems.
Now, he was serious.
And if that's his attitude, with the economy falling apart, with the stuff in Georgia going on, with Iraq and Iran, I mean, if you think there are no problems, and he's divorced from reality, he's certifiable, and it would probably be a good idea for the psychiatrists in Washington, D.C.
To try and get him committed, although, you know, you'd have to do Cheney at the same time.
So this is a very large factor.
So it really is the bizarre circumstance here that if we can get through the next five months without anything really, really bad happening, then there's some hope for the future.
But as you know, my concern is that these fellows can start a major war within the next five months.
And I see that possibility as so important and so worrying that everybody needs to do their part to get to their representatives and senators that say, look, no war on Iran, no matter how it happens, whether the Israelis start it or however it happens, it's not going to help our country and it will be a disaster for our troops.
Does it worsen things in relation to an Iran attack on air bombardment now that Georgia has been insulted and there's this escalation on their western flank and their southern flank?
Because people, I mean a lot of analysts and political scientists and folks like yourself have all been basically saying the same thing, that Russia and China could be drawn into an Iran crisis,
Well, it does make it more dangerous.
I mentioned the Grenada Syndrome before.
When the U.S.
gets a real bloody nose, as it did in Lebanon when 242 of our Marines were killed by an explosion back in 1983, the first thing we did was try to find some place where we could demonstrate our military might, and we picked the awesome task of defeating Grenada in the Caribbean, okay?
Now, this is a bloody nose of equal magnitude.
And so there will be neoconservatives, there will be hardliners in the White House and the Pentagon who will say, look, you know, we've been given a bloody nose and we've got to demonstrate our prowess, and how better to do that than to help the Israelis defeat the Iranian, quote, threat, the nuclear threat.
So that's the Grenada Syndrome that really bothers me.
The other business, you know,
The rest can just play out for the next five months, although it won't play out favorably for us.
But everyone knows that Bush is a lame duck.
One of the interesting things is that Proffitt, a very influential paper in the Soviet Union, has taken to calling our president to shut up.
An imbecile.
Yeah, and they say he's a clown.
So nobody's taken him very seriously, but everybody's worried about it.
Now, Russia looks at it and says,
And I talked to a Russian producer when I was on Russian TV recently, and I said, aren't you guys worried that the U.S.
might invade, or not invade, but bomb Iran right on your southern frontier?
He looked at me, he smiled, he says, well, you know, what would happen to the price of oil if that happened?
I said, yeah.
He says, well, you know, we get all the oil, right?
Yeah, over half of it, yeah.
He says, well, you know, we'll just live a little higher on the hog here, and you guys will get even
Thoroughly more enmeshed in that situation.
is that I coldly research and then coldly come about with my beliefs and then I get on air and get all hot-headed about it so it looks like I'm wild or looks like I'm ego-driven but I'm actually not and as I get older I lose more and more of my ego.
I actually kind of miss it because it's a good propulsion system.
I can tell you don't have much of an ego.
You're more of a scientific type guy with your mindset
But then when I look at these powerful people more and more, especially these neocons and others, it really seems like they are very childlike and have no sense of responsibility and that they are ego-driven.
And I'm not even saying I'm some wonderful person or you're some wonderful person, but just in life, being a father, having responsibilities or having some employees, it seems like I have more concern about the world's future than even they
I don't even know what I'm really saying here.
It's like an ego-driven recklessness when you talk about the Grenada Syndrome, about needing to go kick some little island's butt so you look good or feel tough.
But then I look at the psychology and the statements and the things these people say, and it even scares me more because I realize that they really are just absolutely psychopathic.
Look at Bush and his record, even growing up as a child.
He never was held accountable for anything, Alex.
For nothing was he ever held accountable.
More recently, I remember four or five years ago, when Bob Woodward was writing books about this administration, he interviewed him and said, are you interested in your, do you care about your place in history?
And Bush said, history?
Well, I'll be dead.
Well, you know what?
I always thought that was kind of weird.
And then just two weeks ago, Bush said exactly the same thing.
History will all be dead.
So, you know, what more do you need than that to show how irresponsible or unaccountable he is?
He's not thinking about any future generations.
It's the ultimate selfishness.
It's, I don't care what people 50 years, 100 years say, because it's all about me, me, me, not his grandchildren, not his progeny, not his name, no sense of community, no sense of the future, no sense of connection to the rest of society.
And it's admitted, he brags, that he would kill little animals.
That he would torture animals to death, and that is a psychopath!
Well, he did.
He did, as a matter of fact.
He used to firecrackers in the orifices of toads back there in Texas, and then blow them up.
Colleen Rowley, my good friend, who is the FBI person, whistled on 9-11, and she tells me that if that ever appeared on the record of an applicant for employment with the FBI, the application would automatically be thrown in the
And the trash, because that's a sign of subsequent psychotic behavior.
Now, let me just finish with one thing that scares me most, and that is, if we do strike Iran, Iran, as I've said before, has immense possibilities of striking back at us, to include cutting off our supply lines of our troops in Iraq.
What is the United States going to do then?
Well, somebody said, well, send in more troops.
There aren't any more troops.
But, what do we have?
We have these mini-nukes.
And that is what they're falling back on, because these nail guns, they have no real appreciation for the difference between high-explosive weaponry and the kinds of nuclear weaponry that hasn't been used since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And so, you know, this is really bizarre, because it will be the only thing that will be available for Bush to use under those circumstances, and that's why
I think so.
Well, yeah, I think that
Even if the worst didn't happen and the use of nuclear weapons were avoided, those streets in Hormuz would be closed.
The price of oil would skyrocket.
And we're talking about worldwide depression for all this to happen.
So most people conclude, well, then of course, McGovern, what are you worried about?
It's so crazy the President would never do that.
Well, right.
You look at what he did with respect to Iraq.
He's not really cognizant of what's going on around him in the world.
I mean, I was just telling somebody the other day, look, back in the spring, when there was all kinds of talk in the press, and even in his own press conferences run by his press secretary, you know, Fordow Oil, okay?
Now, he has his own press conference the next day, and one of the reporters said, well, how are you looking, Mr. President of Fordow Oil?
And he says, what?
That's like a fable!
That's like a Aesop's fable with the crazy king that doesn't know the city's burning and he's dancing around playing his flute or his ukulele.
I mean it's just...
You know, I don't know what's more scary, Ray McGovern, that they, we know they armed and trained Georgia for this, but whether they gave them the green light or not, if they gave them the green light, it shows they're crazy and miscalculated, but if they didn't give the green light, it means that they don't even control their own puppet states, meaning they're completely out of control.
What's more scary?
Well, the latter is more scary, because that means that just as the Georgians can think that they can get away with this kind of thing,
So do the Israelis.
And the Israelis, unfortunately, will be right.
Because there's nothing that will stop the United States of America from springing to the defense of Israel, whether or not Israel starts it.
Because that's just the way the political landscape is.
And how is it going to help Israel to launch an attack on Iran?
Well, that's just the idiocy of it.
See, these people have an incredibly myopic view of their security needs.
They think
That in this century they can continue, continue to just, the might makes right.
They're the strongest ones.
They're going to obliterate any opposition.
Well, that's not going to work over the long run.
And so, even in the midterm, Israel, Israel is going to suffer greatly under this myopic policy.
Well, I mean, this seems bizarre to us, but you know history.
I know it somewhat.
Really, if you study history, read that.
Read the basics of what happened.
It's always nuts getting control and doing things like this because there's nothing but yes-men around them.
They have all this power.
They're in marble-lined palaces, and they just lose touch.
You know, it's August, and there's an incredible novel, historical book called The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman.
And I would recommend it about the beginning of World War I. And I would recommend that highly to anyone who wants to read it.
She talks about all kinds of things and draws all kinds of analogies.
And she wrote a subsequent book, The March of Folly, from Troy to Vietnam.
That, too, I recommend, because it shows that people can be oblivious to the realities around them, that their psychophants are around the leaders,
We're good.
On a separate note, read ConsortiumNews.com, dear Colin, just type Ray McGovern, dear Colin, his letter to Colin Powell about how they gave him false intelligence and lied to him, which is criminal right there.
And that's a whole other subject.
Let's jam in a few calls.
I'm going to skip this break, by the way, folks.
Laser in the UK.
Laser, you're on the air with Ray McGovern.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me good?
Yes, I can.
Hi, Laser.
Um, I just wanted to touch on a few points, but I know you guys got a big problem over there.
You got toddlers in the White House.
You know, toddlers don't have the ability to empathize with their... They don't have the ability to take responsibility for their actions.
Yeah, a two-year-old baby is a good description of George Bush.
Now, um, I just wanted to touch on a few things.
I don't know if you guys have noticed the connection between England and Georgia.
I mean, if you take a look at their flags,
The St.
George's flag of England and the Georgian flag.
There's a pretty big connection right there.
They look exactly the same.
And I wanted to talk about... I just see another medieval flag.
I wanted to talk about Gary McKinnon.
A guy who's... He just lives up the road for me.
He's about to be extradited to the United States for hacking into the Pentagon.
NASA computers and a couple other sensitive sites over there.
Your phone sounds like an electric razor.
Go ahead and ask a question.
I'm not mad at you.
It's just a bad phone.
Ask a question to Ray McGovern, sir.
That's who we're opening the phones up for.
To Ray McGovern, what do you think about that hacker being extradited?
And also, there is a big story up on CNN.
Well, I think the cyber situation is very important and the fact that the Pentagon
Computers could be hacked, is the case in point.
I'd like to respond to Lisa's comment about the toddlers.
I just helped my grandson in his nursery school and was talking with one of the teachers afterwards and asked her, you know, what do you try to teach children at this age, in the age of four?
And she said, oh, it's very simple.
We teach them how to share.
Chaney and Bush must have missed nursery school.
Because at the basis of all this, it has to do with a limited amount of natural resources in this world and the need to share them.
Not to attack and occupy the country with the second largest world deposits, but to work out some sort of a deal with Russia, with China, with India, with the real, other people with real needs for these national resources, natural resources, to share.
And once you don't have any concept of sharing, and you have the kind of military strength that we have, well, that's what brings this kind of situation.
So it's a good point.
Well, I agree, but this isn't even sharing.
This isn't their oil, this isn't their gas.
And they act like everything's theirs.
So I guess that is kind of like a toddler, where they just think everything is theirs.
Yeah, I never learned that.
I wish they could go back to, you know, being four years old again, where maybe we could retrain them.
Yeah, Lazer, that was a good point you made.
We're going to skip this final break, take a few calls for Ray McGovern, come back and let him have a few minutes of any closing comments.
But Helen and George and others, we're going to you here in just a moment.
Don't forget the editorial he's put out.
It's excellent, a piece.
It's Dear Colon by Ray McGovern, ConsortiumNews.com.
Okay, here we go.
Okay, let's go to Helen in Florida.
You're on the air, Helen.
Yeah, you're on the air.
Hi, Helen.
I wanted to ask you if you happen to notice a flip of the control the media has.
These phones are all really bad.
Can you talk right into that?
A few nights ago on the news, I think it was Brian Williams, the comment was made.
It showed a scene of a woman who was very badly wounded.
And a Russian soldier was helping her and said she'd been shot by a Georgian soldier.
And that was kind of a slip that they let out.
Yeah, that's a whole other subject, and I'm glad you brought this up, Helen.
What about the contempt of the corporate media quietly announcing in each report that it was all a sneak attack by Georgia that precipitated the Russians coming in?
But I saw headlines in the news like, Georgia attacked by Russia, and I have people on the street telling me I'm a liar, I'm getting calls even on air saying that I'm basically a communist, that I'm siding with Russia, and that Georgia didn't attack Russia.
And then McCain comes out and Bush come out and say, you don't attack nations in the 21st century, you don't invade them.
I mean, again, it's more than just delusional.
It's like they're inviting the public to be part of the delusion.
Right, McGovern?
Well, it's the Russians that don't invade other countries.
We can invade Iraq.
It's really a function of how low the media have become here and the fact that
American citizens can no longer learn what's really going on in the world unless they tune in to radio programs like yours or read the alternative press.
You know, one of the more bizarre reflections of this, Alex, was Fox News carrying an interview with a 12-year-old girl who was in South Ossetia when it was attacked.
And she talked about how terrible it was, hiding in the cellar with all these bombs and rockets going off.
And who rescued them?
The Russians!
Now guess what?
As she was getting to the portion to say who rescued them, they went to break.
An early break, I would add.
And then when they came back, they forgot that segment.
Well, Shepard Smith added, we have the clip, we played it.
I'm glad you brought that up, Ray.
He says that's what Russia wants you to believe, and ended the segment.
Yeah, well you know, what we have here now is one of the Russians,
One of the Russian television stations putting on air what actually happened, and excoriating the biased U.S.
press for the way they handle things.
Now, we've come a long way from my days of analyzing the Soviet Union, when of course they had a regime-controlled press.
Now we have the Russians accusing us of precisely the same thing, and sorrowfully, they have a very good point.
Here we go back in the final segment.
Real fast, George in Iowa.
Last caller for Ray McGovern.
Go ahead.
Hi, George.
I actually have three subjects, but since there's not a lot of time, I wanted to talk about
The original 13th Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Okay, letters of nobility that our leaders can't be sold out to foreign interests, kind of like the Logan Act?
Why isn't it there?
Why isn't it applicable to George Bush's ties with Saudi Arabia?
Well, of course it is, but what the problem is is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats just don't have the
Well, it's not that they lack the guts, although that's also true.
They see a political advantage in just letting this thing simmer and not allow themselves to be accused by Fox News of being disruptive or divisive before the election.
Plus, a lot of power has been grabbed and they want that power.
Don't think any of these mechanisms that have been built up that are unconstitutional are going away, right?
Yeah, once this precedent is laid, it's going to be very difficult.
You know, power is never given up.
It's got to be prevented from the kind of accretion that we've seen so far.
And if we don't stand up, if there is no move toward impeachment, that's why I wrote the letter to Colin Powell.
You know, it really is incredible.
What happened here is that the head of the Iraqi intelligence, the head of the Iraqi intelligence, mind you,
And the foreign minister, both of whom Saddam Hussein thought were working for him, were really working for us.
And what did they tell us?
Well, the foreign minister told us six months before the invasion, there are no weapons of mass destruction.
And he was verified.
He was verified in terms of what else he had told us.
And the Iraqi intelligence chief told us in January, so well before Powell's speech, that there were no weapons of mass destruction.
So my letter to Powell on Consortium.news says, look,
If you were told this, you weren't.
If you weren't, for God's sake, you should be raising holy hell and going to Conyers than anybody else.
Yeah, this is open and shut.
They're criminals, it's a fact, and Powell becomes complicit in all this by now not blowing the whistle.
Thank you, George, for the call.
Ray McGovern, an amazing 50-minute interview.
Thank you for all your time, and thank you for everything you do.
God bless you.
You're very welcome.
There goes Ray McGovern.
We are out of time.
Retransmission is going to start on the internet at InfoWars.com.
The full four hours with Richard C. Cook.
Economic news.
I covered the Con Artist Society in the first hour.
And I did dig up, Burmese did for me, that MSNBC about that fake Rockefeller running around scamming all these women.
And that's what the government is.
It's just another scam, another fraud.
I wanted to go over that, but I'll go over that tomorrow.
But I did cover all of that.
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We'll be back in one minute.