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Name: 20080807_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 7, 2008
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We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv on the internet video stream.
Your phone call's coming up later in the hour.
A ton of important news.
We're scheduled to have a fellow named Jimmy Justice on, who goes up to police, especially traffic enforcement cops that write you a ticket for anything if you sit on a bench too long.
They write you a ticket.
They treat the public like total scum in New York.
Same thing in D.C.
I've witnessed it.
There'll be a building on fire.
They pull up, block the fire hydrant, get out, nobody cares.
They break all the laws.
They do whatever they want.
And not just what he's going after the cops for, but what all of you can do as little Jimmy Justices.
I've got friends that have, for five, six years, rigged your cars like the Batmobile with little camera pods and digital recorders.
Used to we'd have VHSs, you know, under the seat.
Drive around recording them.
Go out.
It's like hunting, but peacefully.
You know, it's fun to stake the cops out.
Start following the police.
Start videotaping them.
I mean, let's keep them, you know, they want to surveil us, we're going to surveil them.
Let's keep them to a higher standard, not a lower one.
Here is some audio.
The video is up on InfoWars.com.
Are you on drugs?
What is your problem?
You're a traffic enforcement agent and you parked your official vehicle blocking a fire pump and there's a fire outside with firemen out there and they have no access to the pump?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
While you're in the store, you don't hear the sirens?
What's the matter with you?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
You're supposed to enforce the law, not break the law!
What's the matter with you?
Don't you think there's something wrong with blocking a fire hydrant?
Don't you think there's something wrong about filming somebody?
I think you're a police officer who's supposed to enforce the law, but you violated the law by parking your official police car blocking a fire pump.
Somebody else would get a ticket for that.
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
Carl, what are you doing?
Move away from the vehicle.
I'm filming you breaking the law.
Dooley, you broke the law.
Yes, thank you, sir.
You broke the law.
Thank you.
What are you going to do, bite me with your gold tooth?
I'm going to call 311 and I'm going to file a report against you.
No, you just do that.
You just broke the law.
You have all right to do it, okay?
And I'm going to do that.
Thank you.
And I have it on video.
Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
You made my day.
You made mine, too.
Thank you.
Okay, bye-bye.
You're welcome.
I tell you what, back that audio up again to the start, because we're playing the video at the same time here from the studio.
Back it up to where he's in the store yelling at her.
We'll put the video up on screen, where she's blocked the fire hydrant while there's a fire across the street.
And the fire trucks cannot pull in.
They're all backed up, trying to get parked to the water.
Here it is.
Are you on drugs?
What is your problem?
You're a traffic enforcement agent, and you parked your official vehicle blocking a fire pump, and there's a fire outside with firemen out there, and they have no access to the pump?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
While you're in the store, you don't hear the sirens?
What's the matter with you?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
You're supposed to enforce the law, not break the law!
What's the matter with you?
Don't you think there's something wrong with blocking a fire hydrant?
Don't you think there's something wrong about filming somebody?
I think you're a police officer who's supposed to enforce the law, but you violated the law by parking your official police car blocking a fire pump.
Somebody else would get a ticket for that.
What's wrong with you?
Excuse me?
What's wrong with you?
Well, what are you doing?
Move away from the vehicle.
I'm filming you breaking the law.
There's scores of these videos.
Hey, you're not above the law.
You're not God because you get a badge and a gun.
Same thing for mayors and everybody else.
You're not above the law and we're sick of it.
You want to surveil us?
We're declaring war right back on you, the bad cops.
We'll be right back.
Even terrible gas prices don't come close to a disaster of food costs.
Hey, you're not above the law.
You're not God because you get a badge and a gun.
Same thing for mayors and everybody else.
You're not above the law and we're sick of it.
You want to surveil us?
We're declaring war right back on you, the bad cops.
We'll be right back.
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We're going to be talking to Jimmy Justice here in a moment.
He's a model for all of us.
He goes out predominantly with traffic enforcement police, where there'll be a building on fire and they'll just pull up, park in front of a fire hydrant, walk in and get a hamburger.
We all see police break traffic laws, not when they're in hot pursuit with their sirens on, but just do whatever they want.
But if you did that, they'd arrest you for reckless driving.
The police are, well the department likes what he's doing, they sell the service, the police union doesn't like it.
They'd defend anything, which is stupid, by having lower standards than police act bad, then it gives you all bad names.
So you ought to be thanking Jimmy Justice for what he's doing.
But not just with this, with police brutality, with police corruption, with police violating procedures in the Constitutional Bill of Rights, video cameras are a weapon of the Info War and liberty that we can turn back against them.
Here is an ABC News piece that was done about Jimmy Justice.
We're going to play part of this and then comment on it and go to Jimmy Justice.
Here it is.
Thanks for watching today's ICOT.
I'm Bianca Rodrigo.
We all hate that dreaded feeling when you walk up to your car and you see a bright orange parking ticket under your windshield wiper.
You may have actually just been in to get a cup of coffee for five minutes.
So you think to yourself, you know, cops are only doing their job.
They're patrolling the streets.
But what happens when you see a cop doing the same thing you actually got a ticket for?
One average Joe in Brooklyn decided to whip out his camera and see if he could catch any cops in the act.
Are you embarrassed that you broke the law?
I didn't break the law.
You parked in a bus stop.
Look, the buses can't get through, can they?
Because of you!
Why couldn't you pull in over there?
You're blocking traffic on a major avenue.
You're not allowed to do that.
He has a mouth.
Are you on drugs?
What is your problem?
He has a camera.
Move away from the vehicle!
I'm filming you breaking the law!
Why are you couple parked?
And if you wear a badge, he may have you all over the web.
You broke the law!
And I got it on videotape.
I'm Jimmy Justice, and your days of running around the city like a cowboy are over!
He cruises the streets to catch New York City traffic cops behaving badly.
And when he locks on a target, he posts it on the internet for the world to see.
In this clip, Jimmy spots a traffic agent parked illegally at a fire hydrant.
During a fire.
You're a traffic enforcement agent?
And you parked your official vehicle blocking a fire pump?
And there's a fire outside?
With firemen out there?
And they have no access to the pump?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
You're supposed to enforce the law, not break the law!
It's pretty gutsy.
You walk right up to these police officers, and some say you don't always show them the greatest amount of respect.
I will only show respect to a police officer who does his job properly.
It's a no-standing-anytime zone.
Here, it's a Board of Education worker.
You're parked on the sidewalk.
It gets ugly.
Jimmy's already on his third camera.
Let me get out of my bike, man!
It's the least that we can ask that the same people that are out there to enforce the parking and the traffic laws obey the laws themselves.
This new video revolution, he says, levels the playing field, giving the average Joe, or Jimmy, a chance to fight back against the powerplayers.
And it seems to work.
The NYPD has launched a full investigation into the officers caught on tape.
Don't spit on me!
Don't spit on me!
Well, I can do what I want!
Jimmy Justice won't reveal his real name, afraid of revenge by the city.
But like most internet warriors, there was a single moment that sent him over the edge.
Last year I witnessed a traffic enforcement agent give somebody a ticket for parking blocking a fire hydrant.
And then the same traffic enforcement agent got back in his official vehicle, he made a U-turn, he blocked a different fire hydrant on the other side of the street, and went into a restaurant to eat lunch.
The NYPD says that they've launched an investigation into the matter and it's unknown yet if anyone has been disciplined.
Okay, we bring you now to the man, Jimmy Justice.
Jimmy, if more Americans do what you're doing, something we've been doing for years, this is our exact type of tactic to show the hypocrisy, a lot of corruption and double standards are going to come to an end.
I commend you, Jimmy Justice.
All right, thank you.
First, I want to say that it's an honor to be invited on your show.
Thank you very much for calling and contacting me.
And I agree with you.
The more video cameras out there, it's going to be much harder for the police to do something wrong.
And we need to put video cameras out, not just to keep an eye on the public, but also to keep an eye on the watchers.
What made you do this?
When did you start doing this?
Well, I work as an audio systems engineer here in New York City, and I also play guitar in a rock band.
And in a lot of places, there are no standing zones, but according to the law, you're allowed to stop temporarily to drop off a passenger or to drop off your cargo, and then you have to move along and park properly.
I'm not sure.
Illiterate drones.
They don't even know the laws that they're enforcing because they openly flout those same laws while they're running their personal errands.
Well, that's a good way to put it.
I mean, New York police, on average, treat the citizens like they are maggot droppings.
I mean, they are just out of control.
And so that's how this started, is you're giving them some of their own medicine now.
Yeah, now, absolutely.
Now, sometimes if I would be getting paid $100 to play guitar at a show, and I would get a ticket for $115, it would cost me money to go and do this.
And this anger has been building up in me for a long time.
And about two years ago, I witnessed a traffic enforcement agent
Right, a civilian assignment for parking, parking behind you.
Let me stop you, Jimmy.
They've started this in the last ten years.
They're civilians, too.
We're not in a martial law dictatorship.
Mayors call us civilians.
They're all civilians, too.
They're not a military occupying force, even if they say they are criminally.
Go ahead.
And just to make a differentiation to your listeners, in New York City, the police department, the actual guys with guns and arresting powers, are called the NYPD.
And the Traffic Enforcement Agency is a civilian arm of the NYPD.
But the NYPD is civilian too, sir.
They're not a military.
Go ahead.
We all use that term.
We need to stop using it.
Go ahead.
Okay, my point was, though, that the Traffic Enforcement Agency has even less training than an actual NYPD police officer.
They don't have arresting powers.
They don't carry a gun.
It's their sole job to help the flow of traffic go more smoothly and to write parking summons.
I don't
These traffic laws as a means of raising revenue.
And here in New York City, they write about 15 million parking tickets per year, and it brings in $500 million into the city coffers.
And it's an outright disgrace.
And what hurts a lot more than receiving a parking ticket, especially if you believe you didn't deserve one, is watching the same officer who gave you that ticket commit the same violation with his official vehicle.
Now, how are they responding to you when they see you on the street now?
I mean, you're pretty bold.
You're polite in most of the videos, but when there was actually a fire going on and you really got in her face, you could tell that you were outraged by it.
And they get these self-satisfied, you-know-what-eating grins, like it's a big joke.
Some of them threaten you, some of them break your cameras.
I mean, are you starting to get heat over this?
Yeah, I'm getting some heat from the police department and from the union that represents the Traffic Enforcement Agency.
And Keith Richburg just wrote an article about me in the Washington Post this week where he quotes James Huntley.
Who is the president of the Traffic Enforcement Agency Union, who said that they are pressing a case against me for harassment and trying to get me arrested.
I mean, this is unbelievable!
You were there showing them break the law, hypocrites, giving someone a ticket and then going and parking illegally five seconds later, and to them and their warped view, there's big editorials and news pieces saying, Jimmy, justice is bad.
I mean, this is insane.
So now they want to get you, quote, for harassment, for talking to the gods,
But the gods, they want to harass us.
Yeah, and they just passed a new law that was signed by Governor Patterson in New York that makes it a Class 8 felony to assault a traffic enforcement agent to be punishable by 7 years in jail.
If one citizen here in New York would punch another citizen in the face, they might get 6 months or a year in jail, but do the same thing to a traffic enforcement agent,
And now you're facing seven years.
By the way, these are the people... Who's the top 60 Minutes guy?
He interviews all the world leaders.
Mike Wallace.
Remember they beat him up and beat his driver up and it all came out in court?
Yeah, I have a faint recollection of that.
No, that was about three years ago.
That was traffic enforcement.
Oh, right.
Yes, that's right.
He was coming in a taxi to his studio.
And they said the taxi couldn't stop and let him out.
At which, even if it was a no standing zone, the taxi is permitted to drop off your passenger and then you have to keep going.
So he argued with the traffic cop and they punched him out and then they had him arrested.
Yeah, let me tell you about New York, folks.
You'll be standing on a huge sidewalk, blocking no one, with a video camera out, not even talking, and a cop will walk around and go, what you doing?
And you'll say, well, I'm just, you're getting some shots.
You got some permit for it!
Listen here, Mac, listen to me, don't you talk back to me, I'll take you to jail right now!
We have video of that in martial law, and I'm told this only started in the last ten years.
What's wrong with these people?
Yeah, I mean, they tried to intimidate me, and the first thing a police officer would say is, let me see your ID.
As if I'm supposed to just shrivel up and melt, because he's asking me for my ID.
This is my slave there, boy!
I would not let something like that intimidate me.
I know that I'm right.
What do you say to the paramilitary forces when they demand your slave card?
Your ID card, your slave card, what do you do when they demand the ID?
I try not to show it to them because I don't want them to know my real name.
Give me justice is a pseudonym.
I picked this name because it sounds like give me justice and that's what I'm all about.
Evening and leveling the playing field.
If they knew my real name, they can come to my house when I'm not there to defend myself and just write a hundred parking tickets on my car.
Alright, when we come back, stay there Jimmy Justice, when we come back, I have an idea, forming in my head, about what we need to do.
We need to create Jimmy Justice squads, ladies and gentlemen, in every major city, and keep putting them on YouTube, Google, put them on local access, show them to the local news.
They don't like it?
Well let's, let's intensify what we're doing.
We don't like being treated like third world slaves either.
So now you're going to get your own medicine.
It is a big idea.
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Okay, yeah, just close your window.
I'll send them again.
We're good to go.
Take a look out your window babe, there's a scene you'd like to catch.
Jimmy Justice.
Jimmy, what do you think of the idea of people not even meeting with you, but just taking the idea.
We do similar things for years, but I like your idea of showing them breaking petty laws, regulations, still very serious because of the hypocritical nature, and more people in New York City doing this.
And folks, that means if you're looking out your window and see a cop parked in front of a fire hydrant, you videotape it, you don't have to walk up to him, or you could walk up and say, why are you parked in front of that fire hydrant, but you give me a ticket.
You know, now the pregnant woman stops and it's been in the news, sits on a bench too long, they give you a ticket, you're screamed at, you're yelled at, D.C.
was just as bad.
It's all about letting you know you work for them, you are scum, you are a slave.
Jimmy Justice, what about more people across the country doing what you've done?
Do you like that idea?
I love that idea.
And there are many reasons why I started to make these videos and exhibit them on YouTube for the public to see.
First of all, I want the public to be entertained.
I also want the police officers who record a video behaving badly to be embarrassed, and I want other police officers to know that at any moment somebody could pop out from behind a tree with a video camera, so they should think twice before they abuse their authority.
And I also wanted to inspire copycats, because I can't be all over New York City, and I can't be in every city at the same time.
And I ask everybody to go out, pick up a video camera, or if you have to buy a new cell phone, get one with a video function,
But at the same time, I warn you to not interfere with police activity.
Don't get up in their face.
Don't be threatening.
And never put a hand on them.
Do you remember Mayor Bloomberg?
Remember when Mayor Bloomberg said, I'm banning videotaping in the city, and then he wasn't able to do that?
I mean, they want to put cameras on us, but then we're not allowed to have cameras on them.
Violates the First Amendment.
More of this tyranny.
Do you remember that?
Yeah, that's just a lot of bull.
That's another double standard.
You know that in England, they made a proposal to the police department that there should be video cameras on their guns, which would start recording automatically whenever the police officer would pull his gun out of the holster.
And in this way, if the police officer ever had to shoot his gun,
It would be videotaped to show that he, uh, that it was proper or improper for him to do that.
And the police were fighting this.
And I couldn't understand why.
Why wouldn't they want it videoed?
Unless they have something to hide.
Well, I don't even want to start surveilling them that way, because then that'll roll downhill onto us, like they track cops with GPS in their cars now, and, you know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I want my freedom, I want them to have their freedom, but I'm all for citizens, under their First Amendment, videotaping them when they're doing something wrong.
Tell folks about your YouTube channel.
Yes, so, if people want to go to JimmyJustice.net, it'll be down to my YouTube channels, where they can watch any of my videos for free.
And watch me get into the faces of the traffic enforcement agents here in New York City who openly flout the exact same laws which they are paid to enforce.
You've got a lot of videos up there.
I mean, are they starting to recognize you when you come up to them?
Oh yeah, they all know me.
Sometimes if they see me coming, they turn and run away.
Effectively, I can stop traffic enforcement on an entire city block by just standing there with my camera because they will run away and they will go somewhere else.
Sometimes I have to dress differently.
Sometimes I'll come, I'll put a fake mustache on, or I'll dress in a suit or, you know, wear different style of clothes just so I can sneak up on them.
Recently I've been doing it at night, and it's the first time I've been going out at night doing it, so they haven't seen that one coming.
What other types of things are you catching on video that their Lordships are doing?
I see them writing improper tickets, illegal tickets,
I see the way that they harass the public and I see the way that they openly flout the laws.
And when I confront them on it, I usually come to them nicely.
And I just stand there with the camera and I say, Officer, you shouldn't be doing that.
That's not fair.
Someone else get a ticket for that.
And if they show me this attitude as if there's this sense of entitlement that because they work for the city, they're above the law and they can do whatever they want, that's when I
Yeah, you got mad at the traffic enforcer who was in the store laughing and smiling at you at first about the fire outside and she's blocking the fire hydrant.
You got pretty mean to her, which she deserved.
Yes, she did deserve that, and her reaction was stereotypical to how the Traffic Enforcement Agency in New York City behave, and how they treat the public with disdain, and how they believe they're entitled to act above the law.
I didn't know there had been a Washington Post article where they had one of the union people saying that you were the Sarge criminal.
Where is that going?
Well, this article was written on Sunday.
I don't know what is going to happen, uh, if I'm going to end up getting arrested or not.
It might be naive of me to think that they don't actually know my real name and address.
I'm sure that they do.
I'm certainly not going to make it easy on them.
Stay there!
I'm going to come back and take calls for us.
We're going to do a few more minutes with Jimmy Justice.
You see?
Videotaping them commit crimes!
He needs to be arrested!
That's not good!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I love what Jimmy Justice is doing.
And it's just amazing that they're talking about how he needs to be arrested for harassment for going out and videotaping police breaking the law.
But that is your rogue government.
That is what this country and the world is turning into.
Well, the counterbalance is people like Jimmy Justice and you out there watching on PrisonPlanet.tv and listening on the radio right now.
Jimmy's going to leave us here in a few minutes.
We'll talk to Michael, Kevin, and others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us.
It's 1-800-259-9231 on any issue you want to discuss.
Absolutely it does.
It is completely insane, and instead of talking about the issue of abuse of authority, the President of the Union and the Commissioner of the Police Department want to launch this ad hominem campaign against me, personally, and call me a stalker, or attempt to have me arrested for harassment.
Oh, really?
Well, then the police are stalking us, which is really what a lot of them do.
I mean, what's wrong with you videotaping their lordships?
I mean, if I'm a stalker, or standing around with a video camera and showing the truth about how they abuse their authority, then what about the meter maids here in New York who stand next to a parking meter that has five minutes left in it, and they're just waiting for that moment that the meter expires so they could slap a summons onto that person's car?
I would think that they're stalking the person who owns that car.
They should be arrested for stalking as well.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as you said earlier.
Anything else you want to add, sir?
I just want to add that in the case of blocking a fire hydrant, what's the difference?
If it's my car, or a civilian vehicle, or if it's the vehicle of a traffic enforcement agent who is eating lunch.
It's a dangerous thing to do.
But that's a god!
You're a civilian slave in a military dictatorship.
See, when you use their term, civilian, you're playing into that.
But that's what they think.
Go ahead.
You're in occupied territory.
You're an occupied schmo to be sucked off of, and nothing more.
I believe that the police department and the government relies upon our ignorance of our rights.
And that's how they trample all over us.
And I want to ask everybody who's listening to read the Constitution, and read all of your local laws, and find out how you can fight back.
Don't let the government or the police take over.
Everybody is born free, and we should remain that way.
Alright, again, JimmyJustice.net.
is the website.
You can watch just masses of videos there.
And if I was you, my friend, I'd get some other people to work with you.
You've gotten enough fame now.
I'm sure they'll want to be involved with you.
It's also fun.
And I would rig a car with hidden cameras that go into a DVR inside the glove compartment and then rig up microphones inside so when they come and harass you, it's even better.
And this is it.
Run stings against them everywhere and see how they like it.
Oh, they're not going to like it, and I've had emails from people in the public that support the work that I'm doing, and they're talking about helping me build such a system of hidden cameras, so I can get much better video.
And I'm going to hopefully soon employ that system into my arsenal.
Well, you act very confident, that's why you haven't been beaten or killed yet.
If you really wanted to set them up, and you're not setting them up, you would act cowardly and acquiesce to them, and then you could have somebody across the street, I mean, the first time you do this, they're going to probably physically attack you, so it's pretty dangerous, and have someone set it up, you know, in a hidden, with a hidden camera in a vehicle or something, and when they come up, act scared and go, oh yes, oh!
And then that,
Triggers the bully mentality, and then you've got them.
But I know that's pretty dangerous.
You might just get tasered to death.
I mean, they call it lighting a person up with four or five all tasered at the same time, and then just start tasering, tasering, until you die.
It's a big celebration of death of America and destruction of freedom.
Yeah, don't tase me, bro.
That's right, you don't ask questions of Kerry even when it's question and answer time, or you will be tased in Land of the Cowards, Home of the Slaves.
Yeah, that was so ridiculous what happened to that poor kid.
Well, it's all part of the freedom, sir.
They're not going to be able to suck the pension funds and destroy the dollar and steal the whole country unless they can have their millions out of their way and that's why what you're doing is so important.
I know there's cops that aren't evil like this, but more and more are becoming evil and the top people want them to be evil because we have a criminal government and we have to say no to these bullies and these mafia thugs.
Jimmy Justice, thanks for spending time with us.
Alright, thank you very much for inviting me and have a great day.
Anything else that's criminal that you want to add?
Just everybody should go out and buy a digital camcorder.
And learn your rights.
You're allowed to use it.
And fight back.
How gracious of him to allow it.
I appreciate it.
Take care, my friend.
Thanks, bye-bye.
Good job.
Folks, things are way out of whack.
The balance of power is way out of whack.
It's time to stop.
And I've had, you know, Austin cops come to me when I'm 200 yards away, 100 yards away, and say, turn your camera off.
Don't let it hit the checkpoint.
I just go, nope.
First Amendment.
You're interfering with us.
No, I'm not.
I'm a hundred yards away.
They go, OK, I'm going to arrest you.
And I go, OK, buddy.
Well, you're going to get in a lot of trouble for that.
You may beat the rap, but you're not going to beat the rival.
And I sue you.
And they back off.
Or, you can't protest on the street corner.
Don't violate my First Amendment.
The city's lost a bunch of lawsuits over this.
I'm going to sue you personally.
And I was out there just a few, I don't know, six, eight months ago.
It was the last scene in Endgame.
It's actually in the extras.
The Austin police come over, and I think it was a sergeant and some others wanted to arrest me, and then the higher-ups showed up and said, yeah, arrest me.
And then the police basically refused.
They were arguing, and I was going, OK, I'm going to sue you.
Please don't make me spend money to sue you.
And they finally got mad and were like, ugh, and left.
Hey, man, it's my First Amendment.
It's America.
I'm not putting you down.
I'm not making you look bad.
I'm not... I don't want to have confrontations with you.
I know you're a dangerous paramilitary organization.
A gang.
The point is, this is America.
Leave me alone!
You know, get that straight.
Now in New York, they just don't care.
They will arrest you and they've lost hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
It's got to be more than a thousand lawsuits for arresting press, for arresting AP reporters.
I mean, they don't care.
They've been told, hey, we're a criminal op, have your way.
And it's bad, folks.
And when I got to the New York Police Department when they arrested me last 9-11, it was September 9th,
We're good to go.
The first iron door and they go, I'm taking your cuffs off big guy.
You're not going to take a swing like you did at the other offices.
And I said, I mean, I have no respect for you folks.
And I said, Oh my God, I just shook my head.
And they said, we got a special sales for you.
They took me back.
Not that one.
Not this one.
It was probably like 15 cells lined up on the first floor there.
Ancient jail.
You know, they had like the big old keys.
Big giant keys.
And I'm walking by and they're, not that.
Oh, because the empty cells were open.
And then every other cell had a person in it.
No, not that one for you.
I'm going, what's going on?
They take me down to the end.
He goes, here it is.
And as we walk towards the cell, I see water.
on the floor running out to a drain.
And I walk in and he's like, this is your cell!
Literally, like out of a caricature of a movie.
And I'm like, okay.
And overflowed toilet, and you know what, all over the floor.
And by the way, no AC in there.
It was probably like 95 degrees that night, so I'm looking at this 100 degree cell, which is fine.
I just laid down in the cell and thought, well, this'll be big in the news.
Laid down there with the nice aroma wafting up from the floor.
And then about an hour and a half later, let him go!
Let him go!
I hear as they arrive, the chant.
And the place is shaking with let him go, with people all around the building chanting let him go.
All of a sudden, all this brass shows up, captains show up, what are you in here for?
And they're like, and then I hear them talking in the hall, what are you arresting for no sound permit for?
That's not an arrestable offense.
And they come back and then it's like, he wants something to drink!
One little something, they bring me a little McDonald's orange drink, and, oh, we'll get you right out of here!
And then that was one, I think he was a captain, and then another one meets me at the door, and he goes, listen!
You get their people, you get them out of here!
If there's any problems from you, it's rock and roll!
And he goes, hmm, it's rock and roll with his fists!
And I went, it's like an old man saying this to me, I mean, it's the mafia, folks!
And I'm just like, I go outside, I go, okay, let's get out of here, folks!
Because more cops were arriving and massing.
And what it was, was those captains didn't like being called in from watching the football game or whatever it was they were doing.
That night at 11 o'clock at night, 10 o'clock at night.
I was about 11 by then.
It's just unbelievable.
Oh, we've got a special cell for you!
And then they openly discussed framing me for hitting a cop.
No, and those cops came up to me and said, come here and talk to us.
And they said, okay, you're being arrested.
I just stuck my hands behind my back.
They didn't even have to touch me.
Because I knew one wrong move, my head was split.
And the victory against America would intensify.
The attack, the vicious stabbing America in the heart would attack.
They would have their way with America by violating my First Amendment, by setting me up with criminal charges.
And they sleep good at night knowing they're setting people up.
They sleep good knowing their boss is bringing the narcotics.
They sleep good knowing they're a mafia.
Badges and guns and a public that's brainwashed.
I mean, how am I supposed to love you?
How am I supposed to like you?
How am I supposed to respect you?
I just thank God I live in Austin, Texas, which isn't one-tenth as bad as New York.
Because in New York, when they shoot somebody in the back, the cops don't get in trouble.
I have to say, Al Cerveda, our new police chief, is actually, when cops shoot some innocent person in the back, he's actually firing them.
People say, oh, he's anti-cop.
If you punish bad cops, then the system doesn't become corrupt and police get respect again.
In fact, the former Seattle police chief just went public in a big Playboy magazine article about two years ago saying, my God, you know, twenty years ago or so, he started having a policy of just defending all the corruption, thinking that would stop lawsuits, and actually it made it many times worse.
And he said police chiefs have to start punishing bad police and this gang mentality.
It has to happen.
I mean, I'm not signing on to live in a third world country where I'm bossed around by gang members in uniforms.
Okay, let's go to your phone calls here.
Let's talk to Bill in New Jersey, then Mike and Scott.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, are you there?
Yes sir.
Oh, I just wanted to ask you about Ralph Nader.
I plan on voting for him this year.
What do you think about him?
Ralph Nader comes on this show, and we try to be nice to those we have on the show, by a quirk of fate.
I was invited to speak at an anti-war rally, and Crawford
On the one year anniversary, I guess it was 2004, March whatever it was, the anniversary, and there's like 500 people, 600 people out there, and the group that got the fairgrounds was nice and invited all the groups.
And then when those groups showed up, when Alex Jones was speaking, and it was a little communist from UT,
They were like, no, we don't want to be part of this.
But Ralph Nader was like, no, let him.
It's their fairground.
Let Alex Jones introduce me.
So I introduced Ralph Nader.
And I've had him on as a guest a few times.
And I think a lot of his go after corporate corruption stuff, anti-war stuff's good.
I don't agree with some of his more socialist aspects, but I think Ralph Nader's a genuine person who means well.
I'm not going to be voting for Ralph Nader.
Number one, we don't have real voting in Travis County, where the electronic voting machine has been proven to be fraudulent over and over again.
So I still, though, vote just to expose the corruption and to make it harder for them to fix elections.
We have to all go vote and be involved.
Around 40% of the country now really doesn't have voting.
That's been proven.
I happen to be one of the towns that has that.
I'll be voting for the Constitution Party to try to strengthen through third parties.
But I wish Ron Paul was still running for president.
You know, when he told us on the air he basically wasn't going to win three or four months ago, people couldn't believe it, even when he said it and said, I lied.
Then I had him back on to say it again, and still they say I'm making that up.
It's kind of delusional.
I'm still getting emails going, how dare you traitor, he will be president.
And I'm just like, okay, alrighty then.
But that's my take on that.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you, my friend.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Georgia.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Great show today.
I love the new Prison Planet and everything you guys have done with it.
The behind-the-scenes interviews and everything.
Well, we're about to redesign Prison Planet again with a different look.
And actually, this new system we're going to have, the header's going to be a different image every day.
It's going to be a more revolutionary website.
Yeah, well, the behind-the-scenes interviews and the live video stream.
Oh, you mean you like what I'm doing on PrisonPlanet.tv?
Yeah, I mean, it's what I've always wanted you guys to do.
It's awesome.
It's great.
I just had two quick questions for you.
Can you tell me what countries are left in the world that
Don't have a New World Order controlled debt-based monetary system.
Well, now, now, now, there are countries that aren't New World Order controlled, but because governments are generally evil and wicked 99% of the time, it doesn't mean those countries are good.
I want to be clear.
Right, right.
So let me tell you, it's every country under attack.
It's Libya, it's Iran... I'm sorry, go ahead and ask your question.
Are there any left that don't have a debt-based monetary system like ours?
Yeah, let me list them.
It's every rogue nation.
When you see the PNAC list of sixty-six rogue nations, every one of those isn't New World Order controlled, and almost none of them have a debt-based private banker system.
They have a government-issued currency.
And so any rogue nation, the good, the bad, the ugly, the corrupt, the not corrupt, there's very few that aren't corrupt.
I mean, Chavez is on the surface anti-New World Order, but he's doing a lot of stuff I disagree with.
You know, I'm for freedom, freedom of the press, the rest of it.
But no, there are very few
Of the 60, I haven't done a study of it, but I know that some of them have a debt money system, but their own, most of them don't.
And so any country that's not basically run by the bankers, where they own the money machines, is covertly overthrown, sanctions, or they're invaded.
One more quick question, and I think it was in-game.
You were talking about the societies throughout history that were truly free, and I think you said there was only something like 11 or 12 that could have been considered truly free.
Could you tell me what a few of those were?
There have been periods in England where there has been, comparatively, freedom.
The Dutch, the Northern Kingdoms, after they rebelled against the Vatican, had a pretty big modicum of freedom.
The five Northern Kingdoms.
Before that, it was Spanish Holland.
And then it was taken into Germany and France.
What we know of as modern Holland is Orange Holland.
There, of course, has been the United States to some extent, Canada to some extent, Australia to some extent.
There were a few Greek city-states that had a modicum of freedom compared to most societies.
There have been a few island states, a few... I mean, there's not many.
I think I say less than ten.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
We'll be right back after this quick break, ladies and gentlemen.
And we will continue with Scott, Helen, and a few others in the final segment of this Thursday edition.
Then you're going to have Jason Burmiss in here tomorrow and on the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
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You know, we've had a little bit lighter discussion in this final hour today.
We had Ray McGovern on for an hour and fifty minutes.
Unbelievable topics covered.
That was in the second and third hour.
And in the first hour, I got into threats against activists, some of the latest threats, people being intimidated, what's happening to Information Clearinghouse, what's happened to OSH, and how important this is.
Ties into the web censorship, all of it.
Don't forget, I have that big internet contest.
Sunday, it's contest at InfoWars.com.
You've got to have it all submitted by Sunday, like at midnight.
Then Monday, I'll announce the winner of a $2,000 prize, making a video about internet censorship that incorporates InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and we're being censored.
And it's whoever gets the most hit counts.
And I've seen a few submissions, but not too many.
I guess it's kind of like, where's the action out there?
We've got one coming up the 19th for $5,000.
Another one.
So let's see some action here.
Help me get it out on video boards.
The whole point of this is to educate people about censorship.
Who's up next here in line?
Scott in Arizona.
Scott in Arizona, then Helen.
I at least want to get to you guys.
Scott in Arizona, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I had a question for you.
There's a guy that I saw on YouTube, claims to be an insider named George Green.
Have you ever had him on your show, or do you know who he is?
Refresh my memory.
Who is it?
He said he was in high in banking, and he said he belonged to, like, he was an insider for a while during the Carter administration.
Oh, did he?
Yeah, did he put out... I think... Is he the guy that wrote Economic Hitman?
I don't know if he wrote that book, but I know that he... Well, he claims that he was in banking, and then they wanted him to work
Doing something with the financial part of it.
Well, we have all the IMF and World Bank documents and have had a bunch of those people on.
I mean, that's all.
You know, there's so many people who, quote, have the inside but no proof.
And I'm not saying he doesn't.
I don't know him.
Instead of just all the admitted documentation we have, I never understand that.
Well, he claims to have, you know, he's backseat and same stuff you are.
But he's, you know, he says he has all the proof to prove what he did.
They asked him to build a concentration camp.
At one point during this time he was involved with them, he said that Ted Kennedy was part of it inside there with Henry Kissinger.
I'll have to look into that.
I'll look into it.
Thank you for the call.
Helen in Florida, go ahead, you're our last caller.
Yes, Alex.
John Perkins, Economic... That's right, John Perkins.
About five years ago, I obtained this book called The Secret Terrorist.
And it's put up by Miracle Ministries in Eustis, Florida.
I couldn't find anything more about it.
I've been sent literally hundreds of those booklets.
It's got America in red with the crosshairs on it.
No, no.
But I put it down three times because I felt so disgusted blaming the Jesuits for everything.
Then I finally looked it up because I was raised a Catholic and went to Boston Catholic College.
I was horrified.
But I began reading it.
Anyway, in 1814-15,
After the Napoleonic Wars, supposedly these monarchs of Europe, including Russia, Prussia, Germany, Austria, and the Vatican monarchy, got together and put together this peace treaty, under the guise of peace treaty.
But their main objective is to destroy all populist governments, which means the United States is the main target.
And then it goes through the whole book, all the documenting.
Thank you for listening to G3 News.
Good job, Jones.
Good job, buddy.
Burmas is in studio tomorrow, and make sure they know the Sunday show is live.
Every time I say somebody's filling in, they'll say, oh, we're leaving for the day.
You know, hell, screw that.