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Name: 20080728_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 28, 2008
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What would you do if you knew all the things we knew?
Would you stand up for truth?
Or would you turn away, too?
And then what if you saw all of the things that's wrong?
Would you stand tall and strong?
Or would you turn and walk away?
What would you do if you knew all the things we knew?
Would you stand up for truth?
There is no doubt that we are headed into a major storm, economically, militarily, societally, on a planetary scale.
Final segment right now with Anthony J. Hilder.
He'll join us again next week for another hour.
We'll take a few final calls and then let him say hi to his friend, Lindsey Williams, who's scheduled to join us in about six minutes.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to John in Illinois.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
This is just a little bit off topic, but it's very important that I impart this to you.
I had dinner with Lieutenant Colonel Bob Bowman last night, and I asked him the pointed question, does he think the military will obey Bush's order to attack Iran?
And even though Bowman's been out of the loop for 25 years, he retired 25 years ago,
He fervently believes that they will not obey that order.
Admiral Fallon wouldn't.
And he pointed that out.
But because he's been out of the loop so long, I take it with a grain of salt.
I think he may be more optimistic.
But then I see the establishment, the Secret Service, attacking We Are Change and Alex Jones, and this tells me that these people are getting desperate.
They are scared.
Well, I wish I just joined the American people.
We're no threat to anybody.
We're not the terrorists that carried out 9-11.
There's no question that there is a fear amongst this evilarchy, and I call it an evilarchy because it is Luciferian.
There is a fear of massive exposure, and the very best talk show in the world is the one that you are on right now with Alex Jones.
He has done so much with so little for so many for so long.
Well, Anthony, the enemy's been in overdrive with COINTELPRO and their mindless parrots attacking me, but that only lets me know that we are really having an effect, and it's the guests we bring on, it's the synergy of information, it's the callers, it's everything, it's the films, it's the celebrities we have on, all of it is
Really having a big effect, but it's very daunting for me to have this responsibility and to realize we are the tip of the spear, folks.
You have found it.
You are here.
This is the ultimate resistance.
This is the best we've got.
Doesn't mean it's perfect, but this is the ultimate right now.
It's all of us working together.
And when I say all of us, I'm talking about the guy who calls in for the first time on the show and says, look, I've got this little bit of information.
It may not be real important, but it is.
It's important that you pick up that phone and you call other talk shows around America.
Because your voice represents 10,000 people.
We have to have a huge, intensifying, building wave of awakening, a renaissance, a revelation, as you say.
And we've done that with False Flag Terror.
Now people know about Inside Job.
It's in the nomenclature.
People are talking about it.
It's in the vernacular.
People are understanding it, and it's exponential.
And I agree with you, Anthony.
The enemy's back is against the wall.
Thank you, John.
I want to go to Jimmy and Chris.
And everybody else, we've got to hurry because Lindsey Williams, I've already backed him up a few minutes.
We're about to get him online right now with very important information.
Right now, let's go to Jimmy in Michigan.
Jimmy, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Hey, thank you a lot for all of the tools that you've given me.
Illuminati, martial law, all of those videos.
It's excellent to wake people up with.
I used them to wake up a lady named Sharon Rainier who's running for the United States Congress here.
In our 7th district.
I introduced her to Mark Hornke.
She knows what's going on.
And they just wrote a big hit piece on her in the Ann Arbor News.
But no big deal.
So what?
They write a news piece about her that says she's for hard money.
They don't open fire on you in the info war until you're hitting them.
That's right.
And the North American Union and things like that.
They say she's crazy.
Listen, Ed, but a lot of people have called in.
I can't even get through to the editor because their line is busy.
People are just constantly calling and saying they're going to vote for her.
You know, thanks for writing the hit piece, you know, because it's cool.
All the Ron Paul people are now going to vote for her.
Got to jump.
Let's take one.
I want to go to Peggy in PA.
Peggy, you're on the air with Anthony J. Hilder.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
One of the things that sometimes gets overlooked is, for people like me, that Satanism doesn't have any power over, it just doesn't interest me.
But for the people that, as you're saying, they do believe in it, and what kind of mind is interested in something like that?
And it's always, and it has been throughout history, someone who is very aggressive, someone who is very masculine in the sense that all the traditional masculine virtues have been
Changed or warped into something that seems demonic to somebody like me.
No, they're beasts.
They're like ravenous beasts that goes about seeing who they can devour.
The Masonic goat is half woman, half man.
At least that's the visual on it.
The Masonic goat is Baphomet, and the Baphomet is the goat of Mendez, and the goat of Mendez is Satan.
This is the seal of Satan.
And it is the icon of the American nation.
Whoever put that on is the same group of people who put that 666 foot penis in Washington D.C.
It's 555 feet above the ground.
It's 111 feet below the ground.
If you take a look at the configuration of the city of Washington D.C., you'll see the satanic
Listen, I gotta let Peggy go.
The interior of the pentagram.
I gotta let Peggy go.
Do we have Mr. Williams?
He's all set.
We need to get to Lindsey Williams here for about 45 minutes.
Just amazing information.
But I wanted to give, because they're friends and know each other, I wanted to give Anthony Hilder a chance before we let him go.
He's gonna be back with us next week to say hi to Lindsey Williams.
And also he's got Lindsey Wims in his new film.
You know, $10 a gallon gas that he's almost done producing.
Well, Lindsey Williams is standing 10 feet tall.
He came over to the ranch where we recorded this for a couple hours.
We'll be able to use maybe five or six minutes out of the couple hours.
That's what happens when we do shoots.
But Lindsey has the inside scoop, and he talked about the massive amount of oil, which is off the North Slope.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, that there's enough oil up there, using the abiotic oil that we do use, it's not fossil fuel.
It's been around for 150 years, but we've got an ocean out there of energy.
We can convert the water into hydrogen, we can end the fuel crisis and the crisis that will bring us down.
Okay, fire out your website, and we're going to let you go, Anthony.
Yes, Free World Filmworks, and it's 800, if you want the number, 800-597-9250 for Skull & Bones, and we'll get to $10 a gallon, and we have to avert this situation, and have alternative fuels, and Willie is on board, as the late Dennis Weaver is on the film.
It's essential.
It's FreeWorldFilmWorks.com.
Thank you, and God bless Lindsey.
Brother, I don't know whether you can hear this right now, but he's standing ten feet tall and is continuing in this fight.
He says he's going to bow out someday soon, but I hope that he stays in.
Thank you, Alex, for allowing me the privilege of being on your show today.
Well, it's great to have you here.
For those that don't know who you are, been hiding under a rock, in just a nutshell, a minute or two, an abbreviated history, tell us how you woke up, what we're facing, and now you've got a lot of new info.
You say you and your family are being threatened.
You're going to be bowing out soon.
I hope that's not the case.
And then you say you've got new information from oil executive contacts that you have.
Your info's proven to be very accurate in the past.
You've got some new bombshell info for everybody today.
Everything that is going to take place
In this world, in the next 12 months, I plan to tell you in the next 45 minutes.
Now, I'm not going to tell it from my standpoint.
I'm going to give it to you directly from one of the people who know everything that goes on behind closed doors.
Basically, real quick, for a nutshell, I went to Alaska as a missionary many years ago, just after arriving there.
They announced they were going to build the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, that 25,000 pipeliners would converge on the state to build it.
I went to Alaska Pipeline Service Company and said, would you not need a chaplain on the pipeline with that many wicked, cussing, drinking folks?
And they said, yeah.
And finally, they allowed me to have involvement in seven camps.
About six months later, they offered me executive status, which meant that for three years' time, I sat in the board meetings with, lived in the same dorms with,
Rub shoulders with the elite of the world.
Many people write books about these people by reading somebody else's book.
There's no glossary in Energy Non-Crisis because I wrote what I lived, literally, physically, lived with these people for three years, was able to analyze them.
As a result, I wrote my book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
Now, for the past 35 years, I have known that there is a line out there.
I knew that if I ever crossed it, I was in trouble.
People oftentimes have asked me, and I've never been willing to answer them, when have you ever been threatened?
I've never answered that on any radio talk show, even though I've been asked many, many times.
I am answering that now.
1984, it happened, and seven weeks ago, I had the most startling phone call that I've ever had in my life.
On the other end of the line was a gentleman whom I knew well at Prudhoe Bay.
He'd been in my services.
I knew him as one of the top.
He knows everything that's going on.
If anything's going to happen in the world, he knows it.
Now, folks, let me pause here long enough, Alex, please, to say to your listening audience, folks, you believe everything you hear from Alex Jones.
I have the greatest of admiration for him.
I wish I had more opportunity to be on his show, but I guess it takes something like this for him to invite me.
But anyway, I want you to believe everything he says.
He's telling you the truth.
He gives it to you like it is.
And he talks about these people.
They do exist.
They're positively is a group of people on the face of the earth who control the world and Alex has tried his best to tell it to you.
And I'm going to prove it to you today because this is not a conspiracy.
This is an agenda and they know exactly what they're doing.
So here's what happened to me.
This gentleman called me on the phone and he said, Lindsey, you've gone too far.
You're going to have to stop.
I don't know.
If they have the power to tell the President what to do, dictate to Congress what bills to pass, tell the Arabs what they're going to give them for a barrel of oil in any given day, control the currencies of the world, and take the life of John F. Kennedy because he was about to destroy the Federal Reserve, they wouldn't have any problems at all with Lindsey Williams or Alex Jones.
So I didn't argue with him.
I immediately said, what do you want me to do?
And he told me.
He said, you can do this and this, but he said, you can't do this and this anymore.
And if Alex asks me certain questions on the show today, I'm going to not be able to answer you about certain subjects, because if I did, I would be in jeopardy.
As a result, within 24 hours' time, I closed down my website.
You don't believe me?
You know how much a website's worth to a person.
Well, go to my website and see.
You'll see nothing but a front page, lwoil.com.
I called my 800 service and I said, under no circumstances do you ever sell another Energy Non-Crisis DVD.
You pull it from the market, and I don't care how much people want to offer you, you positively do not sell it to them under any circumstances.
But one of the oil companies, Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey, I mean, how do they think they're going to stop it being all over the web?
It's number one on Google routinely.
Well, I told the gentleman this.
I said, there are thousands of that DVD out there.
It's everywhere imaginable.
From this point on, he said there are certain things you do not say.
He said, we know that you can't do anything about things that have already been done.
But he said from this point on, you just positively do not do certain things.
Now let me guess, you said things that aren't very nice.
Did he threaten to kill your wife and grandchildren?
I don't have any grandchildren.
And as far as that question, I can't answer you, but I will put it this way.
What he said was the kind of things that you and I positively don't want to happen.
So as a result, the few things that he said you can't do anymore were not worth the things that I can do not being able to be said.
So as a result, after we'd gotten through with our agreement, and he said, now, if you're willing to do these things, he said, we'll let you alone.
I decided I'd be friendly with him, and this is where your listening audience comes in, Alex, because I'm going to tell you everything that's going to happen from the next 12 months.
I'm going to prove one of them to you, and I am so glad that you're having Dr. Stan Monteith on just after I'm on, and I'll tell you why in just a moment.
You have a perfect lineup of people on your program today, because Dr. Stan was the very first person I went to after this happened.
No, I knew that.
No, I mean, go ahead.
I called Dr. Stan on the phone just after this gentleman had called me, and I said, Dr. Stan, this is what happened to me.
I have the greatest respect of Dr. Stan or probably any man on the face of the earth today in his particular position, both because of his age, his wisdom, and his spiritual atmosphere that he creates.
And I said, Dr. Stan, here's what's happened.
He said, Lindsey, your wife, your family, you come first.
He said, forget about everything else.
And he said,
Why don't you call this man back?
He gave me his phone number.
So why don't you call him back and ask him what you can say?
Well, here's what happened.
After he got through with our agreement, I said to him, I said, how's your family been?
I decided I'd be polite if I could.
And where have you been for the past 20 years since I last saw you at Prudhoe Bay?
He became very polite, very kind.
And so I decided to ask him some questions.
And I said, the price of crude oil, the price of gasoline at the gas pump, it's really hurting the American economy.
I said, would you mind telling me where it's going?
He said, yes, it'll probably go a little higher.
Now, he would not say how much.
Folks, write these down.
You can take this to the bank.
And I'm going to show you one that you can already take to the bank as of Thursday of last week.
But anyway, remember, this was seven weeks ago.
And I gathered from what he said that it would probably go up another dollar before the summer is over.
And then he said something so startling, Alec, that I am still sitting here shocked by what he said.
He said, Chaplain Williams, the price of crude oil is going to $50 a barrel.
My mind began running a thousand miles an hour.
$50 a barrel.
First thing that came to my mind was, how are you going to do this?
So he knows.
There are certain people in the world who know what's going to happen tomorrow.
They have already planned it.
It's an agenda.
Lindsey Williams, stay there.
I'm going to skip.
Lindsey, we've got a break.
But we're going to skip the break.
I just want you to know that.
Everybody, for Infowars.com stream listeners, you'll be able to hear what goes on behind the scenes for the next three minutes.
I don't want to waste any time.
Everybody else will be right back.
And Lindsey, I'm going to briefly have Bob Chapman, because he couldn't come on later, pop in because he wants to talk to you for just a few minutes when we get back.
Then we'll complete your story.
Stay with us.
Okay, we're still on air.
I just skipped that break, but I'm asking the folks in Minnesota, do we have Bob Chapman?
Yes, Bob is here.
Okay, let him know.
I'm going to come to him in three minutes when we come back to the full transmission.
But I want to digress back first, Lindsey.
We've got plenty of time going into the next hour, and if we need to, when Stan Monteith's on the last 30 minutes, we can hold you over with him if you've got the time.
But right now, getting back to these threats.
Yes, I know him well.
I've had many, many hours spent with him.
I cannot give his name.
If I did, I would be in jeopardy to no end.
I will put it this way.
There are certain people who know everything that has been decided, everything that goes on behind closed doors.
Super insiders.
But in the past you've told us one of them was an Atlantic Richfield guy, but you can't say if that's who it is.
I positively cannot.
If I did, I'd be in jeopardy.
No, I mean, that's how this high-level mafia stuff works.
They give you a lot of times a chance, and they say, just shut up, but you're still here on air.
They said you can still go on and talk about some things, or does he want you to come out and say, well, it's going to be $50 a barrel?
Well, for five weeks' time, I disappeared.
I literally didn't do a single radio talk show.
I didn't take a single speaking engagement.
I'll admit to you, Alex, I was scared.
I remember I called Dr. Stan Monteith on the phone and I said, Dr. Stan, what should I do about this?
I said, here I'm sitting knowing everything that's going to take place in the world for the next 12 months, and I have a moral obligation to tell the world, but I said I don't dare do it for the sake of myself and my family.
He said, Lindsey, you have the phone number of this gentleman.
Why don't you call him back and ask him about what you said?
Well, we're going to get into that with a full audience in a moment, but I want to understand here, was he saying they were telling him this and he was a messenger or was he threatening you?
I'm not quite sure.
You see, this comes as a we this, we that, this is the way it's going to be, you do this, you do that.
They don't ever tell who they're going to.
You know the mob well enough to know
You know the people in the elite well enough to know that... No, that's exactly... Listen, listen.
We were going to make a big film production in Hollywood.
I'm not going to get into it.
And the producer, within days, people found out what he was doing, not even through channels.
And then he got a call saying, you know, somebody will kill your kids from a general in the Air Force that he knew through his family.
And boy, he backed off real quick.
Oh, that's insane.
Lindsey, we're going back to the full audience.
Listen, I don't mean to bifurcate the interview, but I want to bring Bob in for some comments about what you're saying, and we'll let him go quickly, and then get into your full story, okay?
Here we go.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, best-selling author, is our guest.
So much of what he wrote about in his books and lectures came true, and we do know they have giant oil reserves in Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico that they have blocked to keep the price of oil up.
I want to bring in Bob Chapman, because he's very busy, because Bob wrote a big article titled, Paper Sold to Pools of Liquidity, and Bob has said there's this masses of oil, it's proven, it's documented, which it is.
Bob, you know, has analyzed all this.
But he has said that he thinks it's a couple years away before they fully crash the dollar, massive inflation, then deflation comes.
And he said that months ago on the show.
He sees oil plunging at a certain point.
So I wanted Bob to be able to ask a few questions of Lindsey Williams and make his point for this segment and the next.
And then we're going to give Lindsey Williams the total floor to say whatever he wants.
But we've got to have Bob on now.
We couldn't have him on later.
So for that, I apologize to Lindsey Williams.
Bob Chapman, go ahead.
You can talk to Lindsey Williams.
Well, I'm wondering what the gentleman who called you bases the information on.
Do you know?
When a person that you know is in the position that this individual is, says something, you don't ask him where he got his information.
Because you already know.
You see, there's a difference, Bob, in what I have written and what the average author writes.
And that is, the average author tries to sit back and analyze these people by reading everybody else's book imaginable.
I lived with them.
Having been a pastor for 12 years prior to going to Alaska as a missionary, having a bachelor's degree, having studied psychiatry, being able to analyze these people one-on-one, not in my church, but on their oil field, sitting across the dinner table from them, I knew that whenever one of these, and in particular this one,
Whenever he said what he said, I had no problem whatsoever knowing that he knew everything he was saying.
I didn't ask him any questions.
I knew better than to.
So what you're saying, outside of the natural forces that would normally dictate what oil and gasoline might do, other forces are at play that the gentleman says will drive prices down on oil to $50 a barrel and perhaps
He said it as if he had just returned from the board meeting.
As casually as you and I are talking on Alex Jones Show and I did not ask him for it.
I had asked him where the price of gasoline was going and he said slightly higher.
And then he said out of a clear blue sky the price of crude oil is going to $50 a barrel.
When is he saying this is going to happen, Lindsey?
I tried to find out exactly when.
He would not give me a date.
I did ask him how.
Okay, well that's key, because Bob's saying that'll happen.
How is he going to do it?
That's the first question I asked.
I didn't ask when, because I first wanted to know how.
I said, how are you going to do this?
And again, just as positively as if he had had it on a sheet of paper written in front of him, he said, we're going to open up two major oil fields in the world.
That the world doesn't even know exists yet.
Now remember, this was seven weeks ago, approximately.
Okay, stay there, Lindsey.
Back in 70 seconds with Bob Chapman and Lindsey Williams.
And think about this, Lindsey Williams, when we get back.
See, the problem is, they've bought up all the refineries globally, and so even if they found an ocean of oil the size, it takes about three years to build a refinery, as you know, even if they found an ocean of oil, which we know they do have, they're not going to let that be brought to market.
So, I'm trying to understand this.
We'll be right back.
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We're now into hour number four.
Lindsey Williams is our guest.
I want to state that I
I completely respect Lindsey Williams.
He's a wonderful patriot, a wonderful pastor.
His info has all proven out to be golden.
And on record, we know he was the chaplain.
We know he was in the executive branch with Atlantic Richfield.
And we know that what he says is true from hundreds of other sources.
He's just an insider.
So a window directly into those boardrooms.
So I believe that he believes everything he's saying and I believe this executive told him this, whether he's twisting or spinning or knows how influential Lindsey Williams is.
Is he trying to plant this info with him?
I doubt that because Lindsey called him back and got this.
This guy wasn't pushing it on Lindsey.
So, I think that's a key piece of info.
So, I believe he's been threatened.
We all get threatened here.
Our families.
Bob Chavin, myself, our families, our women, our children.
And I've just said, you know, I've already cast my die.
I'm going all the way.
But I understand what Lindsey's doing.
He's put his info out.
You know, he's older, he doesn't want his wife and family getting murdered.
And I hate to even have to bring these things up, but that's obviously what's happened.
Lindsey, the point is, you know they bought up the refineries to stop other wildcats from bringing oil and gas in.
And that's come out even in the Associated Press, something you talked about years ago, you know, then materialized five years after I heard you talk about it.
So I really respect and believe what you're saying, that at least they're talking about this.
I think what Bob Chapman's saying is, the pipelines aren't done in the stands.
Alex, when I give you the two oil fields that they plan to open up, you'll understand that this is so bizarre.
And so far-fetched from anything that you and I have thought of until it is literally going to blow your mind.
I said, where, how are you going to bring this to $50 a barrel?
Now forget about America, forget about Alaska, forget about oil fields.
They have no intentions in opening up any of them.
He said, we're going to open up an oil field in Indonesia, already known, already ready to go.
You don't know about it.
They haven't announced it to the world yet.
And he said, we're going to open up one there.
of Russia, flood the world with cheap crude oil, bring the price to $50 a barrel.
Alex, that was seven weeks ago, but watch this.
Thursday of last week, July the 24th, 2008.
Verify this with Dr. Stan when he comes on over the next hour, because this will literally send cold chills up and down your spine.
Mind you, this man told me this seven weeks ago.
And on Thursday of last week, Fox News came out with a headline story of eight oil fields north of what's an identical same spot that this man told us.
And you were saying this when you went... This one's bigger than Saudi Arabia, 90 billion barrels.
And you went public, what, a week or so before all this happened?
I went public a week before it all happened, and when Dr. Stan had me on his program last Friday, he was almost shaking.
I just don't know.
I don't know, but I have to assume that even if they're in operating areas, it's still going to take a while.
But, um, and we don't know when they're going to announce this, uh, when they're going to start this.
And so we have to decide, you know, what the timing is.
I can give you the timing if you'd like.
Pardon me?
I can give you the timing if you wish.
Oh, well please do that.
The first thing he said was $50 a barrel.
The second thing he said was the two places they're going to open them.
That is going to plunge the price of crude oil all over the world for $50 a barrel.
And the reason they're doing it is the next question I ask him.
I said, why are you doing this?
This is what will startle the world, and you can take it to the bank.
The reason that Dr. Stan said on this program on Friday, he said, the reason, Lindsey, that I can believe this now,
It's because he said, you told me this seven weeks ago.
No, I know.
Stay there.
Stay there.
I know we're going to have him on.
Stay there.
Here we go.
We're going to talk behind the scenes.
OK, we're continuing.
I skipped that break too, gentlemen.
I mean, I think the question that Bob Chapman's getting at here is that you had said that he wouldn't say exactly when, but then you're saying you do know when.
I mean, do you have a ballpark?
What did he say specifically on that, Lindsey?
Yes, and here's what he said.
When I asked him, why are you going to do this?
He said, we're doing this because, okay, number one, he said, Iran is worrying us to no end.
He said, Iran is becoming one of the wealthiest nations on the face of the earth.
I said, are you talking about the Iranian bullets?
The bank?
Many countries doing business now besides the American dollar?
He indicated in his way of saying it, yes.
And basically, in a nutshell, here are their plans.
They are going to utterly decimate the Middle East.
Can you imagine crude oil being taken from $143 a barrel, where it hit at a peak, to $50 a barrel?
Well, that just won't bankrupt the Middle East.
It'll bankrupt the dollar.
Well, that's exactly... Alex, you hit the... I'm so glad you're thinking ahead of me.
You can also make the price of gold go up, too.
In the Arab world,
Must maintain their economy.
There's a few sheiks and sheiks over there.
They were nothing but nomads roaming the desert, fighting camels a hundred years ago.
Our oil companies went in and made them.
Now, I studied history.
I had a history minor in college.
About every 75 to 100 years, they will destroy one culture.
They did it in the First and Second World War.
They turn around and make another culture.
That's exactly what they're in the process of doing right now.
They are going to utterly decimate the Arab culture.
The few sheiks and sheiks we'll have to get rid of
All of their reserve currency of American dollars overnight in order to be able to try to even maintain some semblance of economy over there because they have a socialistic economy whereby they give the people everything from schooling to housing to medical to you name it.
And all of a sudden it goes to $50 a barrel.
They can't buy our T-bills anymore.
They can't buy our Federal Reserve issues anymore.
We have a $10 trillion national debt now plus.
And what happens to the American dollar when this happens?
It's going through the floor overnight.
Bob, this fits in.
I mean, we'll see if it happens.
Lindsey's been accurate in the past, and I believe he believes what he's saying, that this fella did tell him that.
But, boy, that is a reckless operation, if that's what they're planning.
Bring down the U.S.
and the Arabs, left standing is Europe and Russia, and then move their New World Order centers.
to those places.
We're going to get Bob Chapman's take on this and let him go and we come back to the full audience in just a moment and then let Lindsey Williams roll and then I want to keep Lindsey Williams on in twenty minutes when Monteith joins us and they can all discuss whatever they want.
So here we go with Bob Chapman and Lindsey Williams.
Very appreciative of Lindsey Williams coming on even though he's under threat on this show today.
Here we go.
He wrecks a political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I want Lindsey Williams to recap their master plan.
What the big oil baron told him they're planning to do.
And again, Lindsey's only had accurate info in the past.
He was the chaplain for the executives up there when they found the giant oil reserves in Alaska.
He's been exposing and talking about it.
He's been threatened.
He's still coming on there to discuss it.
But Bob Chapman, any other questions or comments you've got here for Lindsey Williams?
No, I think that we know the groundwork.
And my synopsis from a research point of view and a psycho-political warfare point of view differs from what the gentleman he talked to said.
But then again, I'm not on the inside, maybe this gentleman is, but I see a lessening of problems with Iran.
There's been negotiations going on with them for two years.
And I think that they're soon going to come to an agreement.
And I see more problems in other areas of the world.
As far as flooding the market with oil, it's possible, maybe even probable.
I think there's a time element that'll be attached to it, like we discussed earlier in the program.
And so I think it could be down the line a ways.
And I think in the absence
of warfare in the Middle East that oil probably wouldn't go much higher.
And on the other hand, Lindsey believes that through his contact that oil will go substantially higher because to put it in my parlance, the Middle East is going to become a free fire zone.
And that's possible, but I don't believe that's going to happen.
I disagree with his
A fellow that he's talking to, but then again he's on the inside.
But, you know, I've been studying this for 50 years, so, and I have got a pretty good track record.
Well, regardless, all the policies show and the trends show the dollar going down, and what would a flooding of the market do?
Because a jacking of the oil up hurts the dollar, bringing it down to a mid-level helps the dollar, but plunging it, doesn't that too hurt the dollar?
Well, I...
I think one would offset the other.
And I think that people have got to look at the underlying reason why the dollar is weak.
And it's not because of oil prices.
It's cause and effect.
And the effect is high oil prices, and food prices, and prices for other things.
And that's not changing in the next three years.
No, because they can't change the system, because if they don't create money and credit,
And that continues to devalue the dollar, then there will be still upward pressure, normally, on oil.
Because it's reflected they want to make up for what they're losing.
And it's a hard combination, but... But if they devalued oil, that would then take the pressure off the dollar.
Only to an extent, because these people at the Federal Reserve continue to increase
I can tell you only what he told me.
Exactly how it's going to play out.
I'm quite sure Bob Chapman is much more knowledgeable on that than I. And for the past 35 years, as all of you know, all I have done is told what I have been told at different times by the elite.
And so far, I cannot take any credit for it being true.
It's only true because of the providence of God in that I was allowed to know these people and have been in touch with some of them from time to time as a result
They have told me some things.
They haven't told me all things.
They've told me some things.
And as a result, I have been willing to give it out to the world, just as you have done a marvelous job of giving out what you have known, Alex.
So, from this point on, I will try my best to tell you what this man indicated to me.
First of all, $50 a barrel.
Secondly, how is he going to do it?
Or how are they going to do it?
These people do exist.
This is a...
This is an agenda, not a conspiracy.
I'm sorry, folks.
I ask you, listen, these people, they control the world.
They know what they're doing.
So anyway, he said, we're going to open up an oil field in Indonesia, north of Russia, flood the world with oil.
I gathered from what he said, even though he wouldn't admit to it, I talked about war with Iran.
Now, I have been under the impression for a long time that there would probably be a war with Iran.
I'm gathering from what he said that the best way to destroy them, because right now our President couldn't go to war with Iran.
The College Tutors of America wouldn't stand for a draft.
The monetary system is in such shabby shape until there's no way.
And what he indicated was that they're basically going to financially break them.
Take it to $50 a barrel, put the Arabs back to roaming the deserts riding camels, that beautiful five-star city over there, Dubai, what's it going to turn out to be?
It'll probably turn out to be a ghost town, and they're going to turn around and build new cultures, as they have done for the past 75 to 100 years in the past.
And this is what's so startling, Alex.
Oh, it scares me to even think about it.
We're going to have to compete with Russia again.
We're going to have another Cold War.
Because here, as was announced by Fox News on last Thursday, Russia now, being equal with Saudi Arabian oil output,
Whenever they can produce eight times more than in Saudi Arabia, 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil announced officially by the Coastal and Geodetic Service of the USGS and Fox News on last Thursday, this is going to make Russia one of the major contenders of the world, both financially in oil
We're going to have another great Cold War.
They're going to turn around, destroy the Middle East culture, utterly decimate it, and build new cultures in Indonesia and Russia.
And this, to me, is so startling, I hate to even think about what could take place.
Now, the CEO of ExxonMobil, and you go back up and look this up for yourself, said on May the 3rd of 2008, he said, quote,
Crude oil should be $50 a barrel.
Now, that was May the 3rd of 08.
How did he know that?
How did the man that called me know it?
Why did they both have the identical same figure?
The reason they did, because both of them know the same boardrooms behind the same closed doors, and they know exactly what it is that they plan to do.
Then... Oh, my goodness, Alex, I hope... I don't know how to even reckon this.
Then he said to me... He said, Chaplain Williams,
Uh, he said, John McCain is our man.
He went from, it was rather odd how he went from subject to subject because he was very friendly and talkative with me.
And he said, John McCain is our man.
And at that point, oh my goodness, my mind was running so fast and I thought to myself, what are they going to do?
Now, he didn't say that they were going to bring crude oil.
To $50 a barrel before the election.
He did not say that.
I asked him and he wouldn't admit it.
He wouldn't say it.
They're going to do something, I gather, just before the election to be assured that their man gets in office.
And he said, whatever it takes, we will try everything possible to see to it that he gets into office and John McCain is their man for what it's worth.
And I'm not saying who I'm for or who I'm against.
I'm just saying that's what the man said.
Then, I asked him the question.
In light of all of this, $50 a barrel oil, you're going to open up these two major oil fields.
These countries will become rich and great, as the Arabs are today.
You're going to totally decimate the Arabs.
You're going to put them back into nomads roaming the deserts riding camels.
You're going to change the whole world around and make Russia a great power again.
I said, what can the United States of America expect at this point?
I'm going to try my best to tell you exactly what he said.
He said, Lindsey, the United States of America is going to see a financial collapse that is going to be so great that it will take years for it to come out of it.
Now, please note these words, because over the next 15 minutes, he talked with me for about an hour and 15 minutes, and when he finished, over that last 15 minutes, he kept saying it over and over and over.
He repeated it.
It is going to take years for the United States of America to come out of this.
And I asked him the question.
I said, are you talking about a 1929 depression?
He wouldn't admit to that.
He would not say that.
He said, I am saying that America is going to see a financial collapse that will be so great that it will take years for it to come out of it.
Now, there are a lot of things that we could read between the lines in all of this.
I've tried my best to tell you just what I think, to the best of my knowledge, may look like, but I've told you exactly to the best that I could what they have planned.
And with these things in light, I decided that I had to tell the American people what I know.
Even though you're under... And as a result, have been willing to appear on a few radio talk shows here in Yellin' and have just finished producing a DVD entitled The Next 12 Months.
I decided I had to give it out.
And give the basic points and then let you go from there as to what you think.
So we've just completed, this past week, a DVD, approximately an hour long, entitled, The Next 12 Months.
Now, I had to do something else also.
In order to even have an Energy Non-Crisis DVD, which I've had for years in my book, Energy Non-Crisis, we had to go back and take certain things out of it.
Uh, and you'll know whenever you look at the new 2008 version of my Energy Non-Crisis DVD, you'll know what it is that I can't talk about anymore.
Because you'll notice those things missing.
But the other things were left in.
And he told me very up front.
Why are they saying it's okay for you to say one area but not the other?
Oh, very easily.
And here's the reason why, Alex.
They have no intentions whatsoever of allowing
Any American oil fields to be produced, Alaska, that huge oil field up in Montana, the one in Utah, they have no intentions of allowing any of this to be developed.
America is going to be kept dependent on foreign oil.
And what I say in my book about Alaskan oil... Stay there.
Stay there, stay there.
We got a break.
We're going to talk behind scenes, but bottom line, they build up Russia and China, give them unlimited oil, turn us off, we're totally in debt, we implode, third world police state.
We'll get your take on that summation right now.
Okay, do we have Stan Montief?
Yeah, I'm calling him right now.
Okay, we're going to get him on after this break, but this is still on air for the internet, Pastor Lindsey Williams.
This is amazing, because I know you gave accurate info the last 15 years.
I know that you're telling the truth, and that these are high-powered people you're involved with, and I believe you've been threatened, and it actually makes perfect sense, the diabolical, and I've always said the new order throws curveballs, and we're certainly going to find out if he's right, or he's putting out this info, this guy that's feeding you this information, but it was always accurate in the past.
We'll find out in the next 12 months is what you're saying, Lindsey, because we keep getting back to that.
He wouldn't tell you when it was happening, but you're saying the next 12 months.
How do you come to that?
He would not give me a date.
Well, then how do you say the next 12 months?
I think that we can see... I'm quite sure we're going to see this $50 a barrel oil begin to develop.
We may have already... Okay, so from the info you have, you are drawing that conclusion.
I'm drawing the conclusion that I'd like to tell people within the next 12 months
Everything that I know that they have to look forward to in the future.
Alright, well all the big economic experts we have on agree it could happen in the next 18 months to 36 months.
This implosion, and they say it will run up through hyperinflation and dive into basically a debt economy with nothing but debt and plunging prices, but the currency destroyed.
Is that the info you're getting?
Yes, very definitely, that the currency is on its way out.
Now, whenever they take it to $50 a barrel,
The Arab world can no longer buy our key bills and our Federal Reserve issues.
That's it.
They have to dump their reserve currency, which is the American dollar, and dump it trillions of dollars at a time overnight.
No, the main thing in their economy is it is going to collapse the American dollar and every bit of that is in perfect line to bring in the North American Union and to issue a new currency.
Yes, which they need, which in their own documents they admit that they want to re-monetize the debt under a new North American Union currency and they also said in the Security and Prosperity Partnership meetings that Judicial Watch sued and got that they plan to use economic
Terrorist and military crises, and that they would then say that the North American Union was the answer to that, and that security and prosperity partnership to give us that security and to, quote, give us prosperity to get the economy going again, that the SPP will be the new bubble or the new Ponzi scheme that they launch that is offered as the solution, but that he was telling you it's not going to be a solution.
They plan a long de-evolution of our economy and our culture.
That is exactly right.
In fact, this is the tool that they would use to accomplish what they want.
Alex, the very thing that you've been intimating about for a long time, but all he did was gave me the intricate tools by which they plan to do it.
Oh my gosh.
We're going to come in with Monteith.
Can you stay with us another 30 minutes?
Okay, good.
We'll just take it right to the end.
That's about 37 minutes, exactly 37 minutes.
We're going to be back on the main transmission in one minute.
Everybody watching on the web, we're going to post the audio of this up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, TruthNews.us, PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com, all of our websites.
We want you to get this audio, this vital interview, because this is different from some of the others.
Bringing in a lot of other integrated information for a big picture, three-dimensional overlay of what we're facing.
Lindsey, fire out, because you said you shut down the other site.
What is the new site where people can get the new DVD?
Please call 800-321-2900, ask for my new Energy Non-Crisis 2008 DVD, and the next 12 months, I would urge you, for those of you who don't have what's happening to the farmers,
Get my entire set of 8 DVDs out very reasonably priced.
I only have 600 Energy Non-Crisis left, and we will never reprint.
I do not plan on reprinting.
Let me just tell you right now... Only 600 people that call in free of charge is a gift.
Well, I want to buy some of those before you get rid of them, so save me a few for the InfoWars.com bookstore.
Here we go.
Dr. Stan Monteef joins us for the next 34, 35 minutes that we have left in live air time.
Syndicated radio talk show host, medical doctor, expert on every facet of the New World Order.
He broadcast himself five hours a day.
And last time I checked it may be more or less now.
And he is on, isn't it close to 100 stations total around the country, Dr. Monteef?
Well, we have 65 outlets, but some of them are 63 outlets, I think, and some of them are shortwave.
Well, I know they go up and down from time to time.
You have been 100 affiliates, because I remember that number before.
Right, well, no, I wish I had that many affiliates.
Okay, so it's 63.
I'm happy to have what we have.
Because we need to get people to understand what you talk about, what I talk about.
Well, that's about how many affiliates we have, but that's just amazing, Dr. Monteith.
We've got Lindsey Williams on.
He's been laying the sound.
He told you about this long before he went public in the last two weeks, and then now so much of what he's already saying is manifesting.
You've got the floor in a nutshell.
Tell us what we're dealing here with, with the information being brought forward by Lindsey Williams.
Well, the only thing I really have to contribute is the fact that probably about seven weeks ago, seven or eight weeks ago, I called Lindsey after he'd taken his website down.
I think it was probably about seven weeks ago.
And I said, Lindsey, what happened?
And he told me about his experience, which he shared with you, being told that he was not to be allowed to bring out certain facts about the things he'd been talking about in the past.
But he told me that he'd talked to this very high official in
In the British Petroleum, who had basically told him what the future held, and the fact that the price of oil was going to come down, that they were going to announce that they had these large oil deposits, one in Indonesia, and this other one, not off, close to Russia, somewhere in the Arctic Circle.
He didn't mention Arctic Circle, but close to Russia.
And you know, and of course, what was amazing was that
These things are coming to pass.
It was, you know, about two weeks ago that the price of oil started to fall.
In many areas now, the price of gasoline is less than $3 a gallon.
But the most significant thing was, and I will have to admit, Alex, when I heard the report that the U.S.
Geological Survey had announced that they had 90 billions of oil up above the Arctic Circle, and of course Russia and the U.S.
were going to be competing for it,
Oh, why, it set a chill down my spine.
Obviously, what Lindsey was told is true, and of course, I mean, this is truly prophetic, but of course, along with that comes the prediction that there are going to be terrible, cataclysmic financial situations in America.
And one of the things Lindsey told me was that when he asked what was going to happen to America, he was told there were going to be very terrible and difficult times for the American people.
Well, I've already felt that.
Well, as I said a few moments ago, the first person I called
After this person called me, it was Dr. Stan, because I admire his wisdom so much, his age, and his Christian background.
Dr. Stan, it's a privilege by the providence of God that you're on this program today, because when Alex Producer called and asked me to be on, he said, did you know that Dr. Stan Monteith was asked to be on today?
So I know that it's the providence of God that you and I both are here at the same time, so that you can verify these things.
I, likewise, was just as startled when I heard them all.
And as a result, it's a privilege to be able to tell the American people what the elitists have planned.
And Alex, I need to say to your audience again, folks, listen to everything Alex Jones says.
Sometimes you may think it sounds a little outlandish, but he hasn't missed it.
And he's right on.
There is a conspiracy.
I mean, there's not a conspiracy.
There is an agenda.
And these people do exist, just like you've heard Alex say.
So even though I may not be on the radio every day,
Because I don't have my own show.
You listen to everything Alex Jones says and Dr. Stan Monteith says, because they've been trying to tell you this for years.
Well, people are finally waking up.
The big, gigantic, liberal website Daily Kos, one of their top writers, has done a huge report admitting there's a world government, a new world order, that it owns both parties, that they're basically eugenicists.
And Dr. Monteith, are you seeing the same thing, that there is a huge awakening taking place right now?
I'm sure there is.
I think more and more people are getting hit by the declining economy, and they're seeing the value of their currency and their life savings are being eroded.
I think we're just on the brink of great awakening across America.
We're going to talk about that, Doc.
Doc, when we get back, we're going to take this three-minute break, and we'll be right back to both of you on the other side.
Understand Monty, Lindsey Williams, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
May I have everybody's attention, please?
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We're going to go back to Lindsey Williams and Audermontee for the Balance of the Radio Show.
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And in closing, be sure and visit the infowars.com online video and bookstore for the scores of different titles, videos, and books we carry, including my 19 films, the newest one, Truth Rising and Endgame.
Going back to Lindsey Williams and Dr. Stan Montief,
Looking at how this is going to affect the United States, and how the globalists are planning to bring in their New World Order with this information you're bringing forward here, Lindsey, and I wish you weren't a credible source.
I wish this wasn't true.
I mean, I wish that you hadn't been told this.
I mean, it could be disinfo, I tend to doubt it.
It seems to actually fit into everything we're looking at here.
But how, did he say anything else?
Any other tidbits, this executive that you knew?
This will have a major impact on America.
The one thing that he did say, which I noticed that I haven't said yet, was he said the huge oil field in Indonesia and the one north of Russia, he said, we know known reserves are there that are more than all of the Middle East combined.
Now, please note this, all of the Middle East combined.
Saudi Arabia, take Iran, Iraq, take Dubai, Arab Emirates, all of the Middle East.
Put them together.
And these two oil fields have more oil in them.
Now this was alluded to by the Coastal and Geodetic Service on Fox News on Thursday of this past week.
One of the oil fields, they haven't announced the next one yet.
This means then that no American oil fields will be open.
This is going to affect the economy in that
Alaskan oil is not going to be released.
We'll not get the monetary advantage of being able to produce from our own fields.
We will still be kept dependent on foreign oil.
They have no intentions in allowing other methods of transportation to be developed.
I say this so emphatically because I have seen it, not from what this gentleman said, but from what I have seen.
All of these other little things, from ethanol to you name it,
These things are just kind of little piddly sidelines with them.
They know exactly that they have no intentions in allowing any of this to be increased or built in America.
So I would urge you folks, and here again, I don't want to have to sound like I'm on a soapbox, but I beg of you.
Please, the number is 800-321-2900.
I have stuck my neck out.
I've tried every way possible to put in only what would keep me out of trouble.
The next 12 months, what you should look forward to, mark it on your calendar, watch it happen.
And I beg of you to get all of my 8 DVDs.
I'll give you a copy of my book, Energy Non-Crisis.
We only have 600 left, and when they're gone, they're gone forever.
I understand Google is selling it for, uh, what is it, $1,900?
Because there are no more Energy Non-Crisis books out there.
I'll give you one as a gift with my 8 set of DVDs.
You can get my new Energy Non-Crisis DVD, and the next 12 months, the number is 800-321-2900.
Now, why do I say all this?
Folks, I beg of you, set your house in order.
You need to listen to what Alex, he had some wonderful products advertised there just a moment ago that you need.
If ever you got things ready, do it now.
And the first thing to do, and you'll have to bear with me, I've got a minister for
50 years, set your spiritual house in order.
For goodness sake, read your Bible and get right with Jesus Christ.
Know that your salvation is settled, that your house is on a solid rock and not on sinking sand.
And I try to bring all of this out in my new DVD the next 12 months.
I bring out not just the things that this man told me that we can expect,
But I go into the background, the ramifications of it, the little details, how you set your house in spiritual order, plan a garden this spring, get out of debt, listen to the buzzwords of the elitist, because they do have their own moral code.
Believe me, these people are not totally immoral people.
They have a moral code.
They're required by their moral code to tell you in advance of what they're going to do.
That's their Illuminati system.
Stop right there, Doctor.
I'm on to you, Lindsey Williams, because I just want to bring up a point here.
You can see them gearing up for the martial law.
You can see the police state preparations everywhere as they announce, oh, the National Guard's going to be in Denver.
Oh, the National Guard's going to be in Chicago confiscating guns, you know, on NBC News.
Oh, it's for your safety.
We can see them building up for this collapse.
And we better get the word out to everybody of who's behind it so people don't go along with Barack Obama or John McCain or George Bush.
They're just puppets.
We have to have the revelation
Well, you know, there are a lot of things.
Why won't they develop, you know, or let us develop the oil resources that we have?
Those that Lyndy has talked about in Alaska, certainly the Bakken oil, the shale oil, something like 400
Billion barrels of oil there, according to Governor of Montana.
In fact, there was a fellow named Dr. Price who was writing about this in 2000.
He worked for the Geological Survey.
And just before he got the report finished, he just up and died.
And Chris's report has been repressed ever since then.
400 billion barrels of oil.
And the Governor of Montana has used that figure, and you can Google that in if you want to check it out.
Saudi Arabia only has about
230 billion.
And, Kristen, the question is, why won't they let us develop our own oil resources?
Well, there is a plan, and that is to redistribute the wealth of the American people.
We're putting out over $300 billion a year for foreign oil.
We're importing about 12 million barrels of oil every day.
We're consuming about, well, we were consuming 20.5 billion.
We're down to about 19.7 billion, actually, oil uses.
I think so.
What happened at the last Build-A-Burger meeting, or?
Yeah, they had a shift and said that this is waking the people up too fast, we might want to cut back on prices.
You may very well be right, I mean, but the other thing, the other reason I think they want to cut the price of oil is they've done this repeatedly before.
They go up and down.
And they did it in the early 1980s, and you say, why would they possibly lower the price of oil intentionally?
Well, very simply, because that way you get rid of competition.
I don't think so.
Well, that's happened over and over again.
They jack up oil prices for a while, and then they lower it again.
They admit it's come out in their own documents to bankrupt all of their competition.
This is what I want to do for the last 15 minutes we have.
I want to give the number out to listeners, but specifically only for Lindsey William and Dr. Stan Monteith on energy, on oil,
On the issues we've been talking about in the last hour.
And specifically on this issue, and we'll go to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Dr. Monteith, the gear up of the police state, what do you think they're gearing it up for?
Well, I think they want to take away our freedom, you know.
It is the most amazing thing, Alex, and I know you're aware of this, but maybe you're
Your listeners are not, but this housing bill they passed last week to help, you know, the people who are losing their homes.
What does it include?
Why, everybody working for the mortgage industry is going to have to be fingerprinted.
How many people in the listening audience believe that the reason we have a housing crisis is because the people who work in the housing industry, in the financial industry, aren't fingerprinted?
And then the other thing was, as part of this legislation,
All of the records of everything you purchased with a credit card will now be sent to the Internal Revenue Service.
How many people think that we had a housing crisis because the IRS didn't have a record of everything you buy?
I mean, this is the most incredible thing, how they greet these crises, and then they use them as a cover to collect these dossiers on American citizens.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
They are planning on a dictatorship in America.
I know you probably see a note that
We're good.
You know, to suspend the Constitution and put people in concentration camps.
And now we're alive when all of this has come into fruition.
We're now, all the globalist setups, all their global manipulations to bring in this world government, to bring down the U.S.
We are now, to make China and Russia the new powerhouses.
We are now here at that point.
What would you say, Dr. Monteith,
Pastor Williams, what would you say to the police and military right now who are finally listening to us and finally realize just how real all this is?
Well, I would say, first, your loyalty is the Constitution, not to the people in positions of command.
And when push comes to shove and when they try to declare this dictatorship, which they will do under one guise or another, you're going to have to decide where your loyalty is.
I hope it will be with the Constitution.
Alex, I've done some investigations since I was contacted a few weeks ago.
I am amazed.
I can't give their names because I'm not allowed to.
I wish I could name over the air, which I won't, the number of top oil company officials that I knew when I was in Prudhoe Bay on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline that have moved to a safe haven.
I know where they are.
I've been able to make contact.
Cook Islands, New Zealand?
It is amazing how they've moved out of certain... Hold on, let me ask you.
Cook Islands, New Zealand, Switzerland?
Uh, they've gone to some safe spots in America.
Many of them have moved to Alaska and gotten back out of the way from all of it.
Well, all I know is that a lot of the rich people I know have been leaving the last three years.
Dick Cheney buying a house in Dubai.
Blackwater moving offshore.
Halliburton to Dubai.
But you're saying Dubai's going to be even worse.
They're making preparations for themselves.
And you can be assured that they know what's in the wind.
Okay, let's take a call.
Al in Los Angeles, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, I was wondering, where is it that you can find that specific phrase, North American Union?
Oh, well, it's in Council on Foreign Relations documents where they talk about North American integration.
We've got Vicente Fox on video.
We are change-interviewed him.
It's actually in the extras of, I know it's in the film, in Truth Rising.
We say, you want to set up a North American Union, right?
That's the plan.
He says, yes, that's what we want.
It's in Council on Foreign Relations published books.
It's going back 50 years.
The New York Times has reported on the plan to set that up.
I mean, Dr. Monti, do you want to comment on this?
Well, the Council on Foreign Relations published a book called Building a North American Community.
And they actually published it.
I purchased it from them.
And this is what they want, a North American community, a North American Union.
It is simply part of a master plan.
First of all, to unite Europe, and then to unite North America, and South America, and Africa, and Asia, and the Asian-Rim countries.
They know exactly what they're doing.
And they always deny that there's going to be a North American Union, or there's going to be an Asian Union, or an African Union, or a Mediterranean Union, or a European Union.
I mean, they just last year had the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.
Yeah, I was just also wondering if you could put that up in your famous quote section on your website.
You know, we've posted all the articles and everything else a hundred times.
I don't have the staff to... We need to get a bigger internet staff.
I'm planning on trying to hire some more web people.
I mean, you have no idea.
I'm not whining.
I'm literally working constantly.
I was here at midnight last night.
It's... Dr. Monti, if you want to comment?
Well, I know how hard you work, Alex, and the people out there have to understand that
All of us here on the Patriot Movement have limited funds, and you just need a lot more help, and I appreciate everything you do.
I know how hard you work.
I know my poor wife.
The bulwark of what we do, she works 12 to 14 hours a day just to raise the funds.
We don't get a cent out of this.
We do it because we're trying to save America.
I mean, I've posted the info over and over and over again, had guests on over and over and over again, and we do need to make sections that are easier with the basics, but it's all there.
We can't direct you to all of it.
Thank you for the call.
We're going to skip this break for InfoWars.com stream listeners.
They've got to do this now more and more because this info is too important, too powerful.
So when the podcast everything goes out, you'll be able to hear what's behind the scenes.
Also, PrisonPlanet.tv members are watching this live on the web.
And the final segment is also straight ahead.
I thought we'd play that Walter Cronkite clip where he talks about how much he loves the devil and the world government.
John, you know that little intro you made that has the Walter Cronkite part?
Yes, sir.
Let's come out of this break with that for everybody.
Okay, just that whole track?
Yeah, I mean, we'll play about a minute of it.
Let's go to Fred in Philly right now.
Fred in Philly, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Come along, Fred.
You're on the air worldwide.
Yeah, I want to take a position that's in between Chapman and Mr. Williams.
And that is, I don't really think that you can exactly control a level or create a level price
Of crude oil, commodity like that, if you don't control all the other factors, creation of money, the total demand.
Right, and I do think that it may be attempted, but let's not jump to conclusions about
What will happen or won't happen?
Well, we've got a guest on who's proven to be credible in the past, who's saying his source told him that.
Time will tell.
I'm not saying this will happen.
I believe Lindsey, he's right there, he believes it.
And I think he believes it.
So, you know, we'll see what happens.
Now, the other thing is that I think that you still have this, Alex, you still have this phenomenon of you need a tremendous amount of more of engineers, technicians, legal staff.
That's tending to keep
A price of this high because you never thought that energy was as complicated as this.
No, it is.
I hear you.
Good points.
Let me get a comment from... Let me just point out that, of course, if you see what happened in April, consumption here in the United States, it was down from about 20.5 or 20.7 billion barrels a day, down to about 19.7 billion barrels a day.
And yet, during April, with the demand rising... Wasn't it millions of barrels?
Wasn't it millions of barrels?
Millions of barrels, yeah.
This is what we consume here.
Millions of barrels per day.
And we were using less, but the price was up.
That's right.
The question is, why was that?
Well, simply, it was all the manipulation on the commodity exchange.
And the commodity speculators were driving up the price, while there was plenty of oil.
And certainly, my latest newsletter goes into the background of that.
People from even the oil companies were saying there's plenty of oil out there.
Now, why did commodity speculators drive up the price of oil?
Well, part of it was for profit, but why didn't the commodity regulators under the Bush administration stop them?
They could stop that tomorrow.
We saw them do that back in 1980 with the price of silver, and they wanted to break the price of silver.
They did, and yet they refused to intervene.
In other words, they wanted the price to go up, and they allowed it to go up.
In violation of our laws, when the commodity market is manipulated...
By any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work the dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
The world government is real!
The New World Order is real!
Their dark armies are real!
And all of us face them!
Stop living in denial!
The enemy is before you!
Hordes of evil!
Their flags!
The sculling crossbones!
The pyramid fly in your face!
Arise and face evil!
Prepare yourselves!
Protect your family!
Join us!
Yeah, thank you very much, Alex.
This is from Holland, the first state, one of the three first states of the European Union.
And I've got two quick things just to throw in the basket.
I'm a Christian myself, and I am a strong believer of prophecy, and I've been exposed right now to the $50 per barrel news, and I had one hour to think about it, and the more I think about it, the more prophecy starts to fill in and take places, with Russia becoming a much larger portion and getting
Much larger portion of oil and the effect also that says in prophecy, you know, don't harm the oil in revelations.
It says don't harm the oil and I differ with Dr. Bob Chapman.
About the attack on Iran.
I hear you.
You think it's on.
We gotta jump.
Call me back tomorrow.
Everybody else, J. David.
Gentlemen, this is too important.
Can I get both of you back on tomorrow for another hour to flesh this out and take people's comments and questions?
Dr. Monteith and Lindsey Williams.
I'm always available for you.
Okay, let's check schedules here on air.
Worldwide transmission right now.
Lindsey Williams, when is it a good time for you tomorrow?
This same time tomorrow is fine.
You name the time.
Okay, how about 1.30 Central Time tomorrow, sir?
How about West Coast Time?
That would be... That would be 11.30.
No, it would be 10.30.
You know what, I'm going to have my producer call you both in about two minutes and we'll set it up, okay?
Okay, fine.
Thank you, gentlemen, because we also have Webster Tarpley tomorrow for two hours, but we'll get them all in.
Retransmission on the internet, AM and FM will be back tomorrow or when it rebroadcasts later, but internet, it all restarts right now at one place, InfoWars.com on the streams right there.
God bless you.
Thank you for listening.