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Name: 20080725_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 25, 2008
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I believe the choice is clear.
I ask this committee to think and then to act now in order to enable this Congress to right a very great wrong and to hold accountable those who misled this nation.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to play some more select clips of some of the other testimony.
Very eloquent, very well done.
And later in the next hour, we're going to open the phones up on, now we've got the phones loaded, on a lot of other key issues that listeners want to bring up.
Freeman, of course, does his own radio show and his own TV show and has made his own documentaries.
It was Freeman that encoded my first films on the DVD for us, did that job.
America Destroyed by Design, the Police State Trilogy, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
So he's done a lot of great work with us in the past and he is going to be in studio with us for the next hour and 19 minutes to be precise.
But we will play some more clips next hour of some of the key highlights of the impeachment hearing that is going on in the House of Representatives right now and the incredible testimony that we're hearing.
But I want you to understand.
They just arrested the editor of Vanity Fair last week trying to sneak into Bohemian Grove.
When I first got on the air thirteen years ago, I didn't believe in the occult.
I know people were into it, but I didn't believe the elite was involved in it.
I thought movies like Eyes Wide Shut that came out in the late nineties were ridiculous by Stanley Kubrick.
I thought that was crazy conspiracy theorists in our movement.
I was more conservative.
I only go off what I can prove.
But in deeper research in the last eight, nine years,
I learned it was real.
I'm the only person to ever successfully infiltrate the Bohemian Grove and not go to prison for it.
The second fellow who got a job there and sent me video, he was sent to prison
Another individual went in there and was sent to prison on charges.
Richard McCaslin, a separate individual.
So, this is very serious and by the grace of God I'm alive to even report this information to you.
I'm prominent enough that they don't want to kill me and make everything that I've said and done be highlighted or have an exclamation point after it or be underlined, basically, is the best way of putting it.
Legitimizing everything we cover, but I did sneak in on July 15, 2000.
They did engage in the ancient ritual that I want to talk some about today with Freeman, who's an expert on this and also has made films with Tex Mars.
I know Tex respects.
And he's gone and investigated some of these groups, been a part of some of these mid-level groups, gone and investigated those.
He has a lot of their writings and when you see all seeing eyes and peacocks as the symbols of corporations and triple sixes and you see the UN and their biological diversity assessment saying they want to conduct worldwide human sacrifices for the mother goddess, that's official UN law.
That's in my film Road to Tyranny with the page numbered and you can get it at the library.
I mean you can't, that's the 95 and 87, two of them say it, biological diversity assessments as policy passed by the Secretary General and the full United Nations into UN policy and law.
So again, this all sounds crazy, it's what they're into.
But we told you that the Republican leadership likes gay porn stars years ago, and now that's been all over the mainstream news.
And if you don't know about it, just Google Jeff Cannon.
So we're covering things that are bizarre, but things that are true and really happening.
They understand their mindset and what we're facing.
And so joining us for the next hour and 15 minutes or so is Freeman.
Again, your call's coming up in the next hour on any issue we should discuss.
But I wanted to have him back for part two to get more into this and then also their mind control operations, Disney, some of the really esoteric stuff that he's broken down that we'll be going over today.
Freeman, thanks for coming in.
Hey, it's great to be here, Alex.
Great to have you here with us.
Go ahead and show us that book first.
Yeah, well, you know, one of the things when we're looking at the occult is to realize the amount of knowledge that is put into such a study, that this is a science that has been around for quite some time.
This is the complete system of magic of the Golden Dawn.
Now, that is one of the
I don't know.
And Alistair Crowley is one of these fine members that has channeled entities and they believe from Atlantis.
And this book is stored right here on the UT campus.
Alistair Crowley's handwritten works are stored at the Harry Ransom Center right here next to the Statue of the Goddess, again.
So, you know, how far and how deep does this go when we look on campus and we find signs of Satan?
Why did the elite admire Aleister Crowley?
I know he was a part of most of the European and British and U.S.
secret societies and had gone to the Great Pyramid and done rituals and claimed to have channeled Lucifer.
Yes, and he... Well, the reason he became as popular as he did was this book that's housed at the Harry Ransom Center, The Book of the Law.
And in it, when he started to
Now, what we're looking at in occultism is basically a map, a road map of the other side as they see it.
Now, what I do is I study what Freemasons study and try to understand what they're thinking.
You know, where is their mindset?
All of their proceedings are behind locked doors with an assorted guard standing out front.
So, here we have all of our leaders.
We've got, of course, the Founding Fathers and everyone else coming down through the
uh... ages all being freemasonic you know over half of our presidents belong to a large and the reason we don't know what's going on inside is because they don't want us to know they keep these doors locked that's like uh... whenever tim russert asked uh... then presidential candidate
John Kerry about, well, you and Bush are in the same secret society, Skull and Bones.
Tell us about it.
He goes, well, I'm not going to tell you.
It's a secret.
And they just laughed at him.
Meanwhile, the public says Skull and Bones doesn't exist.
Oh, yeah?
They can admit it exists, but the people have been trained in hypnotism, or what the elite call a spell, to be pre-programmed that that didn't exist.
And that's exactly what they do.
They are our reality manufacturers.
And this is how they do it.
They create these icons, these ideologies, using symbols.
And they know the powers of symbols.
And so, when we get to Aleister Crowley, we find that what he has done is made contact with an entity, and most of the magicians believed him.
Most people in these occult orders believed that he had made an actual contact.
And this is what propelled him to the height of the Order.
Because he had made this contact with Iwas, this supposed Atlantean entity.
And like I say, that is kept at the Harry Ransom Center here in Austin.
So this is what propelled Aleister Crowley to the top of the spectrum, is that they believe he actually had contact.
Now what we continually find is that this contact and these studies go through genealogy, and they are very into genealogy.
You will find this through all of them, through all the different occult organizations, through Mormonism, through even our own presidencies.
We find genealogy being the ruling line, the ruling study that these men follow.
So we have to ask, what is it about genealogy that's so important to magic?
And I find that these that have the so-called God blood that come down from the pharaonic bloodlines have a better contact with these other realms.
Well, that's what they believe.
And we're here looking at what they believe.
I don't believe it.
But we need to understand the elite and their mindset and what they're into and why they have these symbols.
I think they're getting power from these symbols.
I mean, what types of things does Aleister Crowley's book cover?
Well, the Book of the Laws is definitely one of the most disturbing books I've read.
It promotes violence, aggression, just all kinds of what we would call satanic affairs.
I was watching on national Israeli television a clip on YouTube the other day of a top rabbi saying, we want aggression, we want the ego, we want to be violent, we want, and this was this particular sect, for the Kabbalah, that's really what that's about.
Yes, exactly, and they believe in this order out of chaos, and so if they can get more people to get into the chaotic state, then they have more control.
We keep finding this over and over again throughout their actions.
Personally, I find that, you know, I've been to Benjamin Franklin's Lodge in Philadelphia, and you go into the Benjamin Franklin Hall there, and you'll find a sperm, a golden sperm sun sitting there.
So, for me, this goes back to all the way to the creation of America and its purpose.
Now we find America being turned into a satanic force.
We find it encoded each and every way that we can in the 666s that we've uncovered in corporate logos and CERN and even the meaning of W and VW.
We get to these concepts of the satanic order.
And as I see it, as they're promoting us through their mass media, you know, which also
They are making us lower-level initiates.
We're being brought through initiations.
That's what 24 is, and the White House putting out memos saying we torture children.
They are now indoctrinating us in their mindset.
Yes, and making us appear to the rest of the world to be a satanic force.
Certainly, when we start to look into what fascism is, we get to corporatism, and we find that through my Masonic studies, through my studies of corporate logos and their incorporation into Masonic ritual.
So if we follow each corporate logo into Masonic ritual, you can outline every single corporate logo into a Masonic ritual.
We're looking at fascism, we're looking at corporatism, we're looking at a secret cabal that has been moving an agenda forward through the means of corporatism.
And so then, now we must realize that these men are globalists.
They are globalists.
And so they are not dedicated to America, right?
Within the Freemasonic rituals, you must admit that you first served the Brotherhood, and then whatever nation you happen to be in.
For internet viewers at PrisonPlanet.tv, we're streaming live.
This will be encoded and posted at PrisonPlanet.tv later.
For everybody else, we'll be right back on the other side, but we're going to continue behind the scenes for InfoWars.com audio stream listeners.
Freeman, continue.
Alright, well...
We cannot deny the allegiance being shown through corporate logos, through the different symbolism that are being shown to us from the pentagram of Texaco, the shell of Shell, the eye in the pyramid of AOL, and all of the others.
As you look into my studies on freemantv.com, you can see all the different outlines
In England, in France, in Latin America,
At all the war memorials, it's the goddess and her cherubim and other sub-goddesses looking down on the memorial.
And they've got World War I ones in London, where it'll say 214,000 infantry in this battle.
And it'll show them, and she's looking down, accepting the sacrifice.
Yes, exactly.
And those are all over America as well.
And it says, oh, we worship the glorious death, around one.
Yes, yes.
Now, one of the earliest cities in America is St.
And when I did a filming campaign there, I found some most amazing things, such as the numerous obelisks, or Osiris's phallus, that were in the city courtyard.
But these phalluses, the obelisks, stand right over the slave market, where they sold humans.
And on that phallus, it says, Our Dead.
Then you have Flagler's College that's surrounded by symbols of torture.
It has an Iron Maiden and others.
And then inside you find, again, the phallus and the bowl.
You'll find that there is... Well, where they...
They killed William Wallace in London.
They built a giant spike, a huge phallus.
They want to keep this in our minds, and they want to keep these type of people in our minds.
They will highlight different people as symbols, so as we hold George Washington as a symbol instead of a man.
Icons, absolutely.
So, in St.
Augustine, in the first city of America, we find the roots of Freemasonry right there at the very get-go, right at the very beginning, with their phalluses.
But then I found other interesting things that connected to Bohemian Grove, where they had a portal, or a frieze over this archway with an owl in a portal and a traumatized angel in the archway.
I'll tell you what, we're coming back to the main transmission.
Let's start there.
And get more into Bohemian Grove and then get into some of the Anna Nicole Smith and all that crazy stuff and of course Britney Spears and most of these girls are then tied into Disney.
Here we go, we're coming back to the main transmission.
Don't you know that it's time to get on board?
And let this train keep on riding, riding on through.
People all over the world don't need no money.
Come on, start a love train.
Freeman is our guest, behind the scenes.
Runforwards.com listeners on the streams there, you don't miss anything.
We were getting into their symbols and their iconography, the power they believe they draw from this.
We're getting into Bohemian Grove, and then I want to get into, you go to Bohemian Grove, not in Monterio, 60 miles north of San Francisco, but their main lodge, and I've been there.
Right by the Golden Dome of the City Council and all that occultism down there.
They have images of men in robes with a baby going and throwing it in a fire carved in by little owls.
And of course that's in their own yearly handouts and literature the members have.
It's really a bull, folks.
People get confused because they then call it an owl during the ceremony when they're representing it as the female goddess, but then they also go back and then address it as a male, and if you really look at it, it actually looks like a bull.
So, so, so, that confuses people, but that's classic occultism.
They might have one idol representing multiple deities, or both sides of the same deity.
A lot of mumbo-jumbo there, but it's just everywhere.
Please continue.
Yeah, and this is how we find out.
This is where we go.
We have to dig into their works, look at what they're looking at.
Now, the owl, obviously, is a symbol of illumination, a symbol of illuminism.
It sees in the dark and can turn its head 360 degrees, so it's really a symbol of illuminism.
What we look at when they start to promote to us the different icons and the ideals to us, then they want to set us up for their agenda.
And so, like in the latest current hits, we find, oh shoot, I forgot her name at this moment, but she sings the song about kissing a girl.
Many, many little teenage girls are going around singing about kissing a girl in her cherry lipstick.
This gets imprinted into our mind.
There's been numerous occasions where this type of programming is being used.
So we find it most especially in the pop stars and the pop icons and so we find that
Led Zeppelin followed Aleister Crowley.
The Beatles followed Aleister Crowley.
The Rolling Stones followed Aleister Crowley.
And all of these different lists that you can go down.
And then they are instilling mind pattern programming into the children.
So you'll find that every song by Kiss is about sex or rape.
But yet you wouldn't know this at 10 years old when I was listening to Kiss.
I didn't know I was singing about sex.
I didn't know what they were programming into me.
So we find that they are using these icons, and the icons are mostly willing to be part of this system, like Madonna.
Now, Madonna has gone full-blown into her Kabbalistic studies, and has now... And by the way, she admits that.
You would say, six, seven, eight years ago, I would talk about her and all the occult rituals she was doing.
You know, we would talk about how the entire production was a ritual.
We'd get laughed at.
Now she says it is.
Oh, so we're right again, as usual.
And she's gone on to take on the name Esther, which is another form of Ishtar, which is back to our same Illuminati goddess here.
Now, yes, and she is used in these high-profile rituals.
And by the way, she's always been real healthy.
Now she's getting anemic, she's getting real sick.
This stuff also destroys you.
It seems to.
I mean, if we're looking at other people in the icon era, with Heath Ledger, or, well, Anna Nicole, and Britney, and all of them, it's definitely not good for your psyche, but it's also not good for your health.
And yes, I'm starting to do a study on the deaths of these occultists, because I want to see, you know, are they dying horrible deaths?
Jim Morrison?
Yeah, most of them seem to.
Even Manly P. Hall was found hours later after his death with ants crawling in and out of his body.
So, we do find a lot of these occultists dying horrible deaths.
And one of such deaths that I have tracked was the death of Anna Nicole.
All right, stay there.
We've got a break for 70 seconds, the fourth and final hour on this Friday edition straight ahead.
But we don't stop there.
I'll be back live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
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Freeman is our guest for the rest of the hour.
Coming up we're going to play a few more clips of the impeachment hearings.
Mix that in.
This is big news.
We're posting all those up on InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com right now, as well as articles about it with the latest info.
Freeman is our guest for InfoWars.com audio stream listeners and PresentPlanet.tv viewers.
We're going to be skipping some of the breaks today.
So if you're listening on the web and don't want to miss any of those, be sure and go get on the right stream, InfoWars.com.
Those are different streams there than the network.
Freeman, continue.
I want to get into
The Masonic information, the messages and the money, because they believe in great power.
That's past.
They believe that commerce is a ritual, so it's added ritual.
They believe us carrying it out over and over again adds to it.
And so I want to get into why they showed the Pentagon attack, the World Trade Center's attack on the money.
I mean, everybody looks sad.
People don't even believe us about 9-11 being an inside job.
Oh my God, that is that.
In the series of money that came out the year before the attacks.
I want to go through all that, but right now, Disney's been caught with occultism.
We told you Madonna was doing rituals.
We told you Britney Spears was, and now they admit they are.
Kissing, and with the snake, and the dancers, and now they admit it.
So see, there's not debating.
They admit it.
But still, you've been programmed to say it's not real.
Same thing with Disney.
Same thing with the Mouseketeers.
Get into that.
Now, when we're looking at these genealogies, once again, a few of them might surprise you.
Now, as we know, we can't prove much of this with, like, Hitler's mom being a maid in the Rothschild mansion, right?
Well, Disney's bloodline is the same.
It's hidden.
It's coded.
Nobody knows who Disney's dad really is.
Same thing with the Bushes.
And the same with the Bushes and the Pierce, which we'll get to.
So, when we start to look into the picture, we find that, okay, first of all, Walt Disney was hired by J. Edgar Hoover to instill mind-pattern programming into the children.
It was an FBI plan.
It was instigated.
By the way, that's come out that the FBI was involved with Disney.
That's mainline history.
And we will find it was E.E.
Conroy that was the actual officer that got Disney involved.
When we come down through it, we find that, of course, Walt Disney World is nothing more than a military-industrial corporation.
The whole ride, every show in there, every ride is sponsored by a military corporation.
So we've got pretty much their dream, their utopia, as symbolized in Walt Disney World.
So now what happens is we've got these list of Mouseketeers.
We've got Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lindsay Lohan, Justin Timberlake, and then Madonna and Prince and Michael Jackson were also all affiliated with Walt Disney, but not Mouseketeers.
And what we find are these five people have won the Emmys the last five years in a row, or two years in a row.
This is ridiculous.
This is obvious.
To me, this is quite obvious.
And then, what they will do is use these people in high-profile rituals.
And so, at the Super Bowl, when Janet Jackson had her breast fall out... She had a sun on it.
She had a sun on it.
And this is the hermaphroditic symbol, because the goddess is always shown bearing a breast, and the god is always symbolized as golden sun.
So, we're back to the hermaphrodite, and that's why they interrelate the god and goddess type.
Male, female, you know.
Exactly, male and female.
And you can see this incorporated in all their architecture, the symbol of Target, the very symbol of the Star of David.
And so that was a black magic ritual at the Super Bowl.
Using us as the people to watch.
Then you can, and of course they believe this gives the spell more power, that everybody's watching, everybody's performing, the same thing Hitler did.
Uh, so then we come down further and we've got Brittany and Madonna and Christina Aguilera.
So we've got all the Mousketeers once again coming down in another high-profile ritual at the MTV Awards.
And this is the one where Madonna's dressed as a worshipful master in her top hat and her gloves, her black tuxedo like a...
A worshipful master of a Freemasonic lodge coming down the stairs and doing an alchemical wedding with Brittany and Christina Aguilera, the two musketeers, giving an open-mouth kiss to Brittany Spears and a closed-mouth kiss to Christina Aguilera, which is also symbolic of the left-hand and right-hand paths of magic.
Yeah, the right hand wasn't as intense, but she gives the wild, passionate left-hand path to Brittany.
And we can find the same symbolism being incorporated in the Temple of the Goddess in Nashville with the Parthenon.
You have the Goddess with the sprite put in the wreath on her head.
I found the same symbolism in the capital of Jackson, Mississippi with the Goddess put in the wreath on.
And I can go around and find the same symbolism in Masonic architecture over and over again.
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So Freeman, they have these public rituals, these rock concerts, these Kabbalic rituals, it's all the same stuff.
The Super Bowl, bearing the breast of the goddess always and only statues bears one breast and they add the sun symbol in with it.
A lot of times in the big monuments you see a goddess carrying a standard that has a sun.
So it's saying male and female.
And if it's fully to the goddess, the sun will be below her, but most of them the sun is above.
But it's showing union of those.
Now they did the same thing with the money, because this is the biggest ritual.
It's passing hands, it's being worshipped, it's being loved.
You'll kill your grandmother, you know, shoot her and bet on which way she'll fall for this money that they produce, that their power comes from.
And during the slideshow we've been showing
And as it cycles through, you'll see the $5, the $10, the $20s, the $100s, all the different aspects, the towers on fire, even at the same levels, the collapse, the Pentagon, everything.
Break it down for us.
Alright, well this was an interesting thing for me, and this is where having some foreknowledge of their tactics helps, because now I had predicted the date of 9-11.
I had followed through, following the fall of Bill Clinton, the rise of the W, and at that moment knew that 9-11 would be the date that they'd pulled their major terrorist attack.
And I told everyone I knew.
Unfortunately, I didn't know you.
So I didn't have it on here, but I had predicted the day of 9-11.
And I didn't know what would occur.
I just knew the date.
I'm following the Kabbalism.
Well, on that day, I had a dozen people at my door, standing there, wondering how I knew.
But now, what was curious to me was that at least four of these people had their bills already folded up into the Twin Towers on 9-11, on the very day.
Now, for me, being a conspiracy theorist, as it were...
I remember the first place I saw that was Chris Athanas and Corey Cordes and others on their show.
First place that broke, I remember, for anybody.
Within days, they were folding money up.
And then, years later, it was all over the news.
And now, it was posted on the internet that day.
And if somebody just happened to figure this out and all of a sudden show it on the very day, I don't believe.
I believe that this is being shown to us, letting us know.
Now, the curious thing is that those bills were... And they're letting you know.
We're the ones that print the money.
We're the ones that did it.
And special forces would leave an ace card in Vietnamese communists they killed.
It's a cue card.
It's marking their territory.
Now, if we're looking at it esoterically, if we're looking at it from a magician's standpoint, they put these bills out in 1996.
And that was when they made the first change.
If you look at the bills prior to 96, they don't fold into the Twin Towers.
I have pictures there, if we can show them, showing the 20s, where you can see that they don't fold into the Twin Towers prior to 96.
And 1996 is the same year that Saddam Hussein is announcing he's Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated, rebuilding the Tower of Babel.
By the way, that was on the news.
Again, Madonna admits she's doing rituals.
They all do.
He's announcing he's an Abercanizer.
Google that mainstream.
I mean, again, they all believe this.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, the headline of Y2K was, Muslims stop the Freemasons from capping the Great Pyramid with gold.
I mean, this stuff has all been in the news.
Everything I say.
There was a big fight in Egypt.
George Bush Sr.
flies there, and then they say, no, we're not capping it with gold.
They had huge movie screens with horned goblins dancing and fire shooting up out of the ground.
So what we're looking at now with this bill, and from 1996, not only did they rebuild Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar, they were also building the Nashville Bicentennial Mall that we talked about last time, which you can see pictures of on freemantv.com.
Bill's now in an esoteric, in a magical state, are already promoting to us the idea, the concept, because they believe that we have like a holographic mind and that we are able to incorporate this knowledge without actually seeing it.
And so it's already been there since 1996 up to 2001, five years we've got it being imprinted into us through these bills.
And then on the day, on 9-1-1, they allow us to see it.
They put it out on their interweb.
Now, what I found really interesting was that as they were promoting this, AOL, which of course their symbol is the eye in the pyramid, was putting out a poll, because every time you turn on AOL it gives you a little questionnaire, and their poll was, would you take a national ID card?
So they are instilling this mind pattern predictive programming into us.
They constantly are doing so.
And they do it in what they consider magical means, using exactly what the dollar bill is as a talisman.
It is simply a magical spell.
This is the reason that the one dollar bill has never changed, because it holds most of their archaic symbols.
They don't want to change that.
But as we watch now, in their mind-pattern programming, they're starting to make the bills less and less real.
And they admit that, you're getting ready for a change, they admit that all these major mints are built as temples, and you can even, as you said last week, you can even call up the mints and they'll admit it.
Yes, yes, absolutely.
And you'll find them dated to the Annolucius calendar, which is the Masonic calendar, the Age of Light, straight back to Lucifer again.
But this is a magic spell.
That is what the dollar is.
It's known as a panticle, a talisman.
It's a symbol of what?
You know, of a magic spell.
It's an enchantment.
It has no real value.
It's a piece of paper.
So they are using these symbols, signs, and seals to carry us forth, to bring us forward on their agenda, and we are our lost in the enchantment.
They're using Hollywood, they're using every method that they have at their disposal to bring us into this fascist dictatorship, this corporate reality that we're all begging for.
They have us begging for it.
Well, let's look at this just a little bit deeper, and as we're looking into how they bring us into their agendas, how they do the bind pattern programming, we can travel all the way back to the blowing up of Parliament, the gunpowder plot of 1605, which was brought forth by two men known as Percy and Catesby.
But of course, they didn't want these two men to come forward.
Instead, they would bring about their Fall Guy, and Guido Fox, or Guy Fox, was the original Fall Guy.
But this Percy Bloodline that was known to be the instigators of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up King James in Parliament,
Uh, their bloodline had to change their name to Pierce, and we find this Pierce bloodline comes down to Franklin Pierce, our 14th President of America, and we have the same bloodline from who tried to blow up King James, but of course Franklin Pierce was then ousted and replaced by James Buchanan, who is a direct descendant of King James, the one the Pierce bloodline tried to blow up.
So now is this happenstance?
No, this is ritual, this is agenda, this is a moving forward, this is a bloodline agenda.
You have to understand the Masons are always...
Killing and re-killing and re-resurrecting Hiram Abiff.
So they're into this, doing the same ritual over and over again, and they believe it gives more power each time.
Exactly, exactly.
And we come down to the Pierce bloodline, coming down to Pauline Pierce.
Now Pauline Pierce was friends with Alistair Crowley, and she is known to have gone off to France and had a ritual with
Alistair Crowley.
So Pauline Pierce and Alistair Crowley off doing... Now what you must realize is, once you get up in the higher levels of Freemasonry, with like the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of the O.T.O., this is sex ritual.
It's sex magic.
And that's where you get all of these hermaphroditic sexual symbols like Target, Sunsun.
So Pauline Pierce... Which is a pyramid from on top.
Target symbols looking down on a pyramid.
A step pyramid.
Pauline Pierce then has a sexual ritual with Alistair Crowley.
She comes back and lo and behold she's pregnant.
Now whether or not she was pregnant through Marvin or through Alistair Crowley is not known by the public, but then what we find is that she gives birth to Barbara.
Barbara Pierce then marries the head of the CIA, George H.W.
Bush, and we have
And you've tracked this.
This is a fact.
Well, as much as we can prove Hitler's the Rothschild, I can prove W is the grandson of the beast.
Well, that's even in the mainline history books that his father's mother did work in the Rothschild house and that he did have a bunch of illegitimate children and did place her.
And it was mainstream media when Pauline Pierce went to France with Alistair Crowley and had a sexual ritual.
And so, but then we, and then she is connected to Barbara.
Pauline Pierce is Barbara Bush's mother.
That is a fact.
Yes, absolutely.
Look, that's unbelievable.
You look at the picture, you know?
And Barbara Bush looks very much like Aleister Cawley, and that would make George W. Bush the grandson of the Beast.
666, and that's what Aleister Cawley called himself.
I look at the picture, I look at the news, I see it.
You know, it's up to you to decide.
But to be clear, they admit that Barbara Bush's mother did have a trust with Alisher Crowe.
Absolutely, along with Marvin Pierce, who is the owner of McCall's and Redbook magazines.
Well, she went off without him and returned pregnant.
I mean, it's admitted that Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller, that his mother was a prostitute, and then that's come out.
It's admitted that Rockefellers have secret breeding programs.
They're obsessed with that.
And if we believe this, and we see this over and over again, then this isn't that far outside of the realms of possibility.
And we can actually track this bloodline from the blowing up of King James at Parliament, or the attempt to, all the way up to the presidents and up to George W. Bush today.
This is crazy.
Okay, have one more.
Let me throw you one more.
Anna Nicole Smith, okay?
She was a seeming high-profile ritual goddess for the Brotherhood, much like Marilyn Monroe, James Manfield, that they were used in these high-profile rituals.
Now, it was Mansfield who really was in... She was in the Church of Satan.
Yeah, I mean, that's admitted.
That's admitted, yeah.
And George W. Bush is admittedly a descendant of Marilyn Monroe.
It was in Us Weekly Magazine, I don't know.
And then Barack Obama is related to Cheney and Bush.
You see, we're looking at a huge globalist, capitalist family.
What we find is now, Anna Nicole was being passed around in these different rituals and having sex with many, many people, one of which was Prince Frederick Von Anhalt.
And Prince Frederick Von Anhalt was the one who stood before the whole public that's in my video and said, no, that child is mine.
Do the dates, do the timing.
She was having sex with me on a night that no one seems to remember.
Now, if we look into Prince Frederick Von Anhalt's lineage, we find that he is quite possibly a genetic experiment to artificially inseminate Gretel Braun with Hitler's semen.
Now, we know that Klauberg was the father of artificial insemination, Karl Klauberg, and that they had kept Hitler's semen, so it's possible, right?
But now, Prince Frederick von Ahnholtz, being a Hitler, being a Rothschild, would make Anna Nicole's baby a Rothschild, right?
If he truly was the father, as he says he is.
Well, it goes back to the Greeks, though, that the prostitutes wore at the temple, you'd go have sex with them there.
This is all crazy.
I know a lot of it can be documented, some of it can't.
So bizarre, ladies and gentlemen.
We're getting into some of the really esoteric things here with our guests.
We're going to skip this break for InfoWars.com listeners.
Jim Newcomer.
Okay, we're going to cut that off.
Go ahead.
Let me just conclude that thought, because what we find now is the claimants for Anna Nicole's babies, of course, are Howard K. Stern and Larry Burkhead.
But of course, out of the blue comes Prince Frederick Von Anholt, who is the husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor, who is another rumored mind-control slave for the media.
And he honestly keeps her locked up in his mansion with a padlock.
Zsa Zsa Gabor is not allowed out.
Okay, so now we've got this guy connected with a former mind control slave, and now with a new mind control slave.
Now what is curious is when Anna Nicole died, well before her death, I'm sorry, she was given over to Howard Marshall.
Who was a Nazi oil baron.
Had a million dollars, billion dollars in the bank.
And he was married off.
This is the old man that Anna Nicole was married to.
93 years old, I think he was when he married her.
She was like 26.
And he dies the very next year.
But what this does is put his money into her lineage, right?
The will was left kind of open in the air, and even all of the lawyers I saw on the news trying to analyze it couldn't figure out who got the money.
Who gets this oil tycoon, this Nazi oil tycoon's money?
Well, it comes down to Daniel Lynn Smith, who is the daughter of Anna Nicole.
And then notice how the son mysteriously died.
The son dies three days after the daughter's death.
And you'll find that they're into the Trinity, the threes, and so three days after the daughter's birth, Daniel Lynn's birth, the son, Daniel Smith, drops dead in the hospital in front of the baby.
Then three months later, after the birth of the daughter, Anna Nicole drops dead in front of the baby.
In Hollywood.
Florida, that is.
Now, we're looking at this ritually, this all makes sense.
But what we find is that this daughter, this Daniel Lynn Smith, the daughter of Prince Frederick von Anhalt, is a direct descendant of the Rothschild bloodline through Hitler.
And you've got these corrupt oil barons.
And now has a billion dollars from a Nazi oil baron, yes.
What can you say?
I mean, I have this database.
I've looked up a lot of this and found a lot of what you're saying.
I'm not saying you're lying or wrong about the rest, I just haven't looked into all of it.
But it is a fact, and I've seen the documentation before, maybe we can go over that a little bit more, that Barbara Bush's mother did, that is where for us to document, did run off for a time with Aleister Crowley and come back around that time pregnant.
I have the news source linked onto the freemantv.com in the article on Anna Nicole, Brittany, and mind control.
You can absolutely go and check it for yourself.
But like I say, some of these things are hidden.
Like, we can't prove Hitler's bloodline.
We can say that it's most likely... Well, we know he had those records destroyed, and that was in German newspapers.
It was a big deal in German newspapers that he was a Rothschild.
Mainstream newspapers.
And then he had a bunch of people killed.
Yeah, and then we've got Walt Disney.
And then he would only have sex with cousins and people, too.
It was all about a bloodline there.
That's the ancient Egyptian way.
You know, they always had sex with their sisters.
That was one thing that I've tracked for so long to try to understand.
And then they killed his first cousin, Gally.
She was going to speak out about it and they popped her.
Yeah, anyone that comes forth, and you'll see that what they'll do is they'll take the ones like Catesby and Percy that were involved in the gunpowder plot, and they'll kill them on the spot.
But then they'll bring someone like Guy Fawkes, or in the case of Freemasonry, or the Templars, Jacques de Malay.
They bring these people out as a symbol, as a fall guy, as Oswald was a fall guy.
You know, they bring these men out when the true perpetrators of the event were hidden and killed, usually.
You know, if you kill them off right away, then you don't have to worry about the conspiracy getting out.
Well, they're a bunch of lunatics.
I've been to Bohemian Grove, I've seen them do the rituals, and so God knows what's really going on.
But we're looking into it today.
Here we go, back to the full broadcast.
Come, you masters of war!
Here to build the big guns!
Build to destroy!
Here to build the death planes!
Here to build all the bombs!
Is it hide behind walls?
Is it hide behind desks?
I just want you to know I can see through your masks You that never done nothing But built to destroy You play with my world
I got your little toy!
Sounds like Bob Dylan knows what's going on.
You listen to all his lyrics, boy, it's pretty serious.
Yeah, he was definitely one that was trying to move forward with the concepts of liberty and freedom, and down with the understanding.
I mean, once you get into that realm, once you're in the Hollywood music scene, you start to learn quickly who's in charge and who the filter is that allows people to rise to the top.
And we find that
Right now, America is becoming so satanic in its music and its movement into this era of the Dark Hero.
From the moment of Y2K, we have been moving into the era of the Dark Hero, like the latest film of Batman, The Dark Knight.
These are the concepts they want to instill in us.
Vengeance, hate, aggression.
And so they have used every form of media they have in order to instill this type of mind powder programming into us of the age of the Dark Hero, the age of Horus.
Which was heralded by Bill Clinton in his Y2K stance when he said, it is a rising sun, and they had the river Thames burnt to the speed of the sun, and as we discussed before, the capping of the Great Pyramid with gold.
This is absolutely how they work.
This is their enchantment, their spell.
This is why people are dressing up as V for Vendetta character V and going out and doing protests.
This is the power of Hollywood.
If we consider when Jaws came out, the beaches were empty.
Hollywood does have power.
People were afraid to go to the beach after watching Jaws.
There was complaints by everyone in Florida about that.
That's the same hoax with Bin Laden.
Even if you believe it was real Arab attacks, 3,000 killed, you've still got a better chance of being struck by lightning.
Many times chance of grounding or car wreck, but it's that unseen primitive fear.
And then don't worry, the Black Wings of the New Old Order will save you from the evil jaws.
Now we look at their symbol, their symbol is the double-headed eagle with one body.
That's your dad's Masonic ring, wouldn't you say?
So we're looking at very much the Hegelian dialectic, the idea that they are two forces opposed, but they actually are one body.
And this is where we will constantly be caught off guard if we allow them to promote the ideas of, oh, these are the bad guys and we're the good guys.
So we've got to realize that it's us, that it's us the people right now, right here, all of you listening to us that are the good forces.
And they're not going to give us a good force to fight themselves.
They're just not going to do it.
What we're looking at is us having to step forward and not relying on them to solve all our problems for us.
We need to step away from this esoteric order and start to promote ourselves.
And that's what we are doing at this point now in talking with all of you.
Tell the viewers that are watching on PrisonPlanet.tv right now about your dad's ring.
Yeah, what we're looking at, definitely, you've got the double-headed eagle going on with
With this concept of the Hegelian dialectic, two opposing forces, one body.
It's also a symbol of the god Janus.
Looking forward and backward.
Yeah, looking forward and backward.
And what we'll see here as well is the concept of the Hebrew, the Kabbalism being incorporated into it.
Because what you'll see there is the Hebrew letter R, which is Resh, which is in Kabbalism a symbol of the sun.
Just so that you are well informed on this topic, they are practicing Kabbalism.
Albert Pike states this over 70 times in Morals and Dogma.
But the average mason tells you no because they're a porch mason.
Because they don't know a thing.
Yes, that is absolutely right.
Even the worshipful masters aren't certain why they're doing their rituals.
And you have to want to know.
And they'll tell you that too.
And they'll also tell you that they're going to lie to you about it.
Until you figure it out for yourself, because that's the way they act.
That's the world we live in.
Show folks on camera, right here is the camera shot of some of the different features of this ring.
Okay, so if you can see that there, that is the Hebrew letter R, which is a symbol of the sun in Kabbalism.
And then, of course, you have your 32nd degree, which is shown up on the other side, which makes you a high-level Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
So you have the York Rite and the Scottish Rite.
Now, it's curious, now, Pope Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict, as he's known now,
Back when he was Cardinal, Ratzinger was firmly opposed against Freemasonry and secret societies.
He put out palpable statements saying that he is standing in opposition of any secret societies, that they are against God, and that if you are a member of the secret masons, you are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
But now, he has come forth and said, well, you know what?
Those Templars, they were okay.
We're alright with the Templars and their worship of Batman.
Yeah, they did that a couple months ago.
Stay there, let's keep talking about it.
Continue, I don't want to interrupt you.
Keep going.
But I just want to tell the network, IM me, the callers, so we can... Oh, I've got them on screen.
Doug, Joe, John, Mike, Ted, and others.
Okay, in going for people, you've gotten a Ratzinger saying the Templars are now wonderful folks and we apologize.
Yeah, yeah, we apologize.
Was it about four months ago?
And what we'll find is that
Well, now, as I start to look at these encoded dates, encoded numbers, now, 9-11 is not a date, per se, for them.
It is a number.
It is a symbol of Luciferianism, which I could get into if we had time.
But what I'm constantly looking for are these dates, these numbers, to try and figure out their next move.
And when I noticed that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon both had Masonic Cornerstone Lying Ceremonies on 9-11 in their respective building years,
I started looking for other coded dates and I found the White House having its Masonic Cornerstone on 10-13.
And now 10-13 is the infamous Friday the 13th of the death of the Templars.
It was Friday the 13th, 1307, when the Pope and the King came together and said the Templars need to be eradicated.
Now, the Templars are a very interesting study and would take some time to get into, but what I'm looking at right now is the symbols.
And, of course, 1013 is the date on the White House cornerstone, but it's also Chris Carter's production company.
And I don't know, you talked with Chris Carter, and did he say that whole 9-1-1?
No, no, no.
I talked to Dean Haglund, who's one of the stars in both the TV shows Long Gunman and
X-Files, now the CIA would come playin' stories on him, yes.
He talked to Chris Carter, you know.
Okay, because, you know, did they feel like that whole giving away the whole 9-1-1 scenario was just a lucky guess, or what?
And not just a scenario that a criminal group was doing within the government as a pretext for a police state to launch wars in Afghanistan.
And they used drills to make the rest of the government stand down.
So they had every aspect in there.
And Chris... Total coincidence, it's nothing.
Kind of like 7-7, the government ran drills of, uh...
The exact same targets being attacked at the exact same time.
Exact same places.
Well, Chris Carter's production company is 1013, which is the infamous day that Jacques de Molay was murdered, or burnt at the stake by the Pope and the King of France.
So this is a date that I'm currently watching.
And when I was watching 9-11, I was watching it for three years.
I watched it all throughout the Clinton era.
And the reason I was watching the date 9-11 was because I knew that this Patriot Act, this Homeland Security Department, was coming up.
And I knew that it came every early October.
And I knew they were going to need time for public reaction.
So it happened in the middle of September.
I picked the date 9-11 because that was the day H.W.
had announced the New World Order for the first time publicly.
And I know how they are about ritual dates.
So it was 1990, 1999, when H.W.
announced the New World Order for the first time publicly.
And so I use that as my key, knowing that it was strategic and esoteric.
So when we're looking at the picture, we can't simply look at what would be militarily strategic, but we must also look at their symbols and their dates and their timings.
Alright, we're coming back live to everybody right now.
Alright, I want to take some phone calls.
They'll be all over the map, but, Freeman, from your studying, I want to get your perspective, your unique perspective.
The power structure, because they fool us with Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Chinese, German, Mexican.
They confuse us because it's the same whether it's the Jews or the...
The Kabbalistic system, or the Druids, similar, getting into numerology, getting into all of the same gods, different names.
It all goes together, no matter whether it's South Islanders and areas they've dug up from 5,000 years ago, or whether it's Druids 1,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago in Europe, 4,000, 5,000, 10,000 years ago, it's the same thing over and over again.
It's a global system with the sciences that were developed, that we call the sciences today, growing out of that.
Secret universities to guard the knowledge, going back to Egypt, supposedly taught to them by the gods.
And then they love it that, like, they divide us between Democrat and Republican, they divide us between, you know, saying, no, it's all run by Nazis, no, it's all run by Catholics, no, it's all run by Jews, no, it's all run by... over and over again, obsessing on this.
But you see Pat Robertson, the Protestant white guy with the black radical Al Sharpton saying, global government tax, you know, and the environmental tax, you know, they're all together.
You see the football league come out for the global tax, the NFL, it's all the same system now.
They're all really showing us now they're unified.
And so from your research, what is the global power structure?
Break that down for us.
Well, the global power structure lies in these city-states that control religion and economics and military.
They have been working towards their so-called utopia for quite some time.
If you study Freemasonic writings and studies, then they take you back to Atlantis.
They take you back to times anterior to the Temple of Solomon.
These people have been
Well, you know, it depends on how far you want to go, really, because as we're looking at Masonic ritual, okay, we're trying to stick to their main power structure, but we have to understand where they're coming from.
As you mentioned, the rituals of Hiram Abiff, as we get to the Ark of the Covenant, now,
Do we believe in this?
What do we think of the Ark of the Covenant?
Now, when you're in a Masonic ritual, when you're acting out of Hiram Abiff, who was the architect of Solomon's Temple by Masonic standards, we find that this temple was built to house the Ark of the Covenant.
Now if we look into the Ark of the Covenant, now just perfectly, just looked at plainly, the Ark of the Covenant was the first weapon of mass destruction given to mankind by God.
That's what the Israelites would use it for, they'd hold it out in front of them.
That's what the Bible says.
So it's, you know, how far do you want to go with this?
Now, what they had there was the Power of God, as they knew it, what they would call it.
And what this power was known as was the Shekinah, or the Shekinah.
And this is the same term used within Freemasonry when you're asked, what is the Shekinah?
It is the cloud of brotherhood that surrounds the Masonic altar, just as a veil.
And so this is the Holy of Holies, their communication with God.
Now, I take this back and I look at these things as high technology.
I do, from Masonic studies, from their studies, they believe that there is a high technological advanced race in the ancient past that was wiped out and is now coming back to fruition.
To them, America and this new global elite is the new Atlantis.
They are the ones that are studying UFOs, ancient astronauts, the high technology of the ancient past.
If you start getting into these studies, you're going to constantly come to a Freemason that is giving you the information.
That is what they are interested in.
So for me, this story goes way back in ancient past and comes up to forth to today.
Alex, what am I to do when a big flying V-shaped craft flies over my head?
I tried to film it.
I apologize.
I don't have it on film.
Well, we know they have a lot of advanced technologies.
The government does some.
I mean, there's no doubt.
I mean, for almost 20 years, they kept the V-2 bomber secret.
When they rolled it out in 87.
Exactly, and this was absolutely an anti-gravity craft that I saw.
So, who are the people in these areas?
These are the cult orders, once again.
Well, it's admitted that NASA was founded by a bunch of different cults, and Crowley's people were involved, and JPL, and all of that.
We're going to have to get into that next time you are on with us, Freeman, because I need to go to some calls here.
I'm sure they'll be all over the map, but it is awesome having you with us.
Stay with us for the calls.
FreemanTV.com, links to that up on Infowars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I've been a listener for about two and a half years.
My wife and I have distributed hundreds of your DVDs, and I just wanted to compliment you on Truth Rising.
It's a very moving and powerful film.
Thank you.
I wanted to make a point about Romans 13, the controversy over Romans 13.
It's funny, I just clicked on Infowars, a good article written by B.L.
Beard, about that.
I just happened to click on that right when you said that.
Go ahead.
Wow, alright.
Well, and Christine Ebersole's speech was really great in Truth Rising.
I thought that was one of the high points of the film.
And she was talking about authority and truth.
And I just want all the Bible believers out there to realize that our authority is the rule of law in America, and the Constitution of the United States is our authority.
And that's the authority we are to submit to.
And that's what Romans 13 is talking about.
It's talking about lawful government.
And that's the authority we submit to.
And this elite, these criminals, these people that Freeman is describing here, are satanic,
They have taken over our government.
They are the ones that aren't submitting to authority.
They are our enemies, and we must stand against them.
Well, they are the revolutionaries.
They want to overturn the human order.
In fact, they admitted it was a cultic in the French Revolution.
They wanted to have a ten-day week, no rest.
They wanted to change the months of the year.
Change the calendar, yeah.
I don't know why this is complicated for Bible believers.
The authority in our country is the rule of law, and we submit to the Constitution and the rule of law unlike our enemies, and we must stand up against them.
I feel that your show has taken a qualitative leap forward in the last couple of months, Alex.
It's just a great resource and inspiration every day to us.
Thank you for your show, and God bless you.
Well, thank you, my friend.
Things are getting a lot darker, so I'm getting a lot more focused here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Joe.
Afternoon, Alex.
How's it going?
Good, sir.
I have a question.
I apologize.
I just woke up a couple of weeks ago, but since I have awakened, I have discovered a lot of disturbing things going on in my country.
Yes, I was wondering if you were aware of the Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Bill that
Is going through the House of Representatives?
Number HR 8791?
Well, there's a little clip about it on YouTube, and it's pretty scary when you think about one of his last sentences.
A lot of it, he says, is classified.
But one of the things that he does say, Representative John Holler, Pennsylvania 12th District, is
That also, that bill also gives them the ability to draft a new Bill of Rights.
Has this bill passed?
Not that I'm aware of.
Listen, they're announcing they're going to videotape everybody when they basically take tests.
They're announcing anybody who's in any type of real estate will be fingerprinted as a criminal.
They're announcing they're trying to pass two bills where CPS, as we told you they do in Europe now, and when someone's born they come to your house and they check you.
You know, guilty.
We're all guilty.
We all have spies watching us, controlling us.
I mean, it's all happening.
They are making their move.
They're getting ready to shut down the web piece by piece.
I mean, it's being announced?
What's the name of that YouTube clip and I'll pull it up.
Bill, we should all be scared.
It's kind of good to do this on there.
It teaches people to go look stuff up.
It's a minute and 46 seconds.
A minute and 47, the ones I got.
You know, I'm going to go ahead and play it for you right now.
I'm going to put you on hold.
Hold on one moment.
Here we go.
Go ahead and play this for folks.
I've got to get a new audio feed in here.
This one's getting dirtier and dirtier.
Here it is.
This is the clip.
Congress shall now vote for approval of H.R.
And of course, I'm glad you brought that up, because that is from the Onion.
And that's the one I thought it was, and that's why I'm glad that we pulled that up.
And so I am aware of similar bills that do things like that.
And so what the Onion does is, now distributed in most areas of the country, including Austin, Texas, New York, D.C., San Francisco, L.A., Chicago is
You can go to the John Warren Defense Authorization Act that says the President's above the Congress, and he's saying he won't let an online security board who are co-equal to the President even see the plan.
We have the cover sheet, and clearly it says he's a dictator, or whoever the President happens to be.
We have the Military Commissions Act saying they can secretly grab U.S.
citizens and arrest us.
We have the torture memos.
We have all these other pieces of legislation, executive orders about work brigades, Houston Chronicle and FEMA camps, and then what happens is things like The Onion give cover to that.
Because then it turns it all into a big joke.
And then people say, oh I heard about that, that was in The Onion.
I mean, I was just watching this hearing today where they were reading the White House saying, no, we don't let White House people be subpoenaed by Congress.
I mean, Nixon tried that and they were about to impeach him.
And then they quote Nixon saying the President can do something and it's not illegal if it is illegal.
And they said, no, he was wrong and he's wrong now.
And you have the White House saying they're above the law and they can do whatever they want.
And again, they're setting these precedents now.
This is bipartisan.
And so, sir, I appreciate your call, but again, it's things like NACERA, the National Economic Restabilization Act.
Not real, been around for 12 years.
Every day I have to tell people it's not real and they get mad at me.
There's not a secret group in the government to save you and everything's really okay.
There's just so many hoaxes out there.
I mean, I'll talk about something as long as there's some evidence to it.
Like, it sounds crazy that the elite are doing rituals, and it sounded crazy ten years ago we had Tex Marz on saying, Madonna's doing rituals, Kabbalistic rituals, and he wrote books about it, newsletters, and then now for three years he's been saying, I do Kabbalistic rituals.
And I've been doing it for years, and now I'm telling you.
Or it's crazy to, you know, to report on these type things, but it's real.
It's crazy to say I snuck in Bohemian Grove and got video of them doing this.
And the Grove admits I snuck in, and as bad I did it, in TV programs they've talked to, and they've said, the one that aired on Trio Network, but people still deny I even got that footage.
People say that isn't real, when the Grove admits that's real.
So, that's the problem with this background of disinfo that's out there.
That's exactly right.
John in Florida, go ahead, you're on the air.
Go ahead, John.
Hey, I just wanted to touch base and figure out what are the, you know, I kind of grew up in this thing.
I was not dropped out of high school because I felt like I was being programmed.
Me too.
And a lot of what they're doing, how do we unprogram our minds once we become aware that they're doing it?
Sure, to clarify, I didn't drop out of high school.
I quit college because I was total programming.
There wasn't any feel like it.
It was just, my God, I'm paying to be just sophomore level, you know, open brainwashing?
No doubt about it.
You're paying to go to a re-education camp.
That's why you hear them say, education, education, education.
That's to dumb you down.
We've had the former head of policy, Department of Education, on about that.
But sure, I mean, what's your point?
I mean, I take your point.
Anything else you want to add?
Well that's what I'm saying is how do we unprogram our minds?
I mean when we get something like 9-11 where originally maybe we might have accepted it and then now we know it's a lie and then our mind is constantly going at each other, how do we...
Get over that barrier, because there's so many things that we're told one thing, and then it's something else, and then... Until you just learn to accept lies, and get mad at people that point out you were lied to.
Well, what you'll find also is that you'll go through the different stages of grief that you find when you find you're dying.
Because learning this stuff is very similar to dying, or knowing that you're going to die.
Yeah, the old lie, the old mindset dies.
Yeah, and so you will go through all these different stages until you finally... Denial... Grief and anger, until you finally get to acceptance.
And once you get through these stages of grief, then you will find your path.
You'll find your way through this.
Alright, well God bless you guys.
Take it easy.
Thank you.
We're going to take Mike and Ted's calls in the final segment, and we're going to talk behind the scenes from FullWars.com listeners in the three minute break that's coming up, and let you finish up, Freeman.
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We're going to talk with Freeman behind the scenes, for mfolewars.com, stream listeners, for everybody else, we'll be back in three minutes with some final calls, stay with us.
Okay, Freeman, we've got three minutes left here for all the big audience on the web and the folks that ripped this off PrisonPlanet.tv and put it all over YouTube and everywhere else.
We appreciate them.
But the high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv, we want to thank those members.
You've got about three minutes to talk about anything you want.
We're going to come back and take some final calls.
All right.
Well, I'll tell you, first off, you know, my Anna Nicole Brittany Mind Control article was already repositioned over to the World Wide Web 2.
If you look in the URL of that article, you'll see where it says www2.
I don't know.
It's the only article that they did that they switched over to the World Wide Web 2.
I don't know what that is.
I've been seeing that pop up on a lot of websites, www.... Yeah, and it's the only article of mine, the Anna Nicole Brittany one.
How would somebody get into your website and change that?
Google sent me... I don't know.
It just changed.
I don't know.
Now, what I see coming, Alex, is as I watch their movement into this new paradigm of science as we're dealing with things like HAARP and weather modification.
I mean, China says that they're going to be shooting some rockets up into the atmosphere to keep the rain off the Olympics.
We're looking at an area where now these men seem to have the god-like powers.
They have this ability to generate storms, earthquakes, floods, control weather in ways of heating the ionosphere.
And so what I see them doing, and not to mention that V-shaped craft I spotted, is to bring about this Armageddon script.
And they want to bring about the big show.
I mean, the bigger show than 9-11 ever was.
A global-sized show that brings us into this concept of Armageddon, and then will bring us into the ideas of what they want to bring forth.
And so putting themselves into positions of power through another global false flag event, which would incorporate weather patterns, earthquakes, and things that most people don't realize they have control over, or at least can manipulate.
So this is what I see coming down the pipe, is this, what I call an Armageddon script.
A Project Bluebeam, sort of, only with bigger, even more ramifications than simple extraterrestrials.
The problem is that people aren't aware of these powers.
They aren't aware of HAARP.
They aren't aware of the different... And clearly they've been given the green light, because I don't get into all this stuff, but I know they believe in it.
Because now you have top astronauts coming out and telling newspapers, oh yeah, we met with aliens, it's all real.
You have the Pope saying it's real.
But then we're still not supposed to talk about it or we're kooks.
And you've got all these governments saying it's real now.
It's like they're getting us ready for something.
And I think it's going to be staged.
This is all... I agree.
They're con artists, they're scam artists.
That's what they do.
They love tricking people.
You know, a magic show is not really magic, it's a trick.
And Cosmic Con Artist is what we're dealing with, so we're covering what the lunatic New World Order believes in and how they control us.
Final segment, live.
Here we go.
I wonder if we could get Neil Young to come to the Willie Nelson concert if that happens.
That'd be great.
You heard about that?
I did, yeah.
I'm excited about that.
There's a warning sign!
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Florida.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thank you for holding, sir.
Hey, how you doing?
Good to finally talk to you.
I just called in today to let you know that down here in Pensacola, Florida, we are not all being jellyfish.
We are trying to stand up.
And we've got a 9-11 Truth Symposium that we're putting on on September 27th here in town.
Wanted to extend the invitation to Willie Nelson.
He said he would like to have an event like that to show his face at, and we've got a good one coming together.
Well, that's great.
You know, I'm helping organize the event if we do do one, and he wants to do it in Austin, Texas.
But if for some reason it turns out to be too complex, you don't want to do that, I am going to try to get him to at least come speak at some event.
So leave that to me, as they say, and I appreciate your call, sir.
Is there any website you want to plug for the event that's coming up?
Yeah, GC911Truth.com.
Fantastic, my friend.
Appreciate the call.
Ted, in Texas.
Got to move quick here.
Go ahead, Ted.
Alex Freeman, good afternoon.
I just wanted to report on some comments from the hearings today.
Vincent Bugliosi basically validated the last eight months of work that you've been doing in front of that whole committee, talking about false flag operations, specifically bringing up
I don't
And after he called Bush a murderer, he didn't call Bush... He said they could be charged with murdering him.
The whole place erupted in cheer, and you know, they were... We're posting all those videos on InfoWars.com, on PrisonPlanet.com, on JonesReport.com.
They're going to be there for everybody all weekend.
Those are the sources for all the information on the incredible hearings that we just saw.
Validation for you, Alex.
Thanks a bunch.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, we're going to cover all that throughout the weekend, and I'll have a bunch of clips ready.
We're going to be playing Sunday.
Be sure and join us this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Time.
That's 5 to 7 Eastern, 2 to 4 Pacific, 3 to 5 Mountain.
4 to 6 p.m.
Anybody can listen on the web at InfoWars.com or Global Shortwave, WWCR, or on your local AM or FM dial or satellite.
Hope to see everybody there.
Alex, I wanted to say that I will be at Tex Marz's talk tonight at the Chinese Emperor down south on Congress.
Is that Truth Seekers?
Yeah, at 7 p.m.
And I will be in Portland for one of my lectures in ESO Zone, and I need to promote that a little bit.
Folks, you need to go to your website, Truman.
Truman, I think, or the Truman Show.
I need to go to, that's my wife trying to do all these cameras in here, there at FreemanTV.com.
We are basically out of time.
I was thinking I had time to go to Dick and Ron.
We just don't have time to get to you guys.
I apologize.
Freeman, thank you for coming in.
Thank you.
And I don't know which China emperor that is.
I think there's a couple big Chinese restaurants in town with similar names.
Where is that?
You can find it on PowerOfProphecy.com.
I don't have the address on me.
But, I mean, where is it in town?
It's down on South Congress.
Yeah, I'd have to look it up myself.
You can find it on PowerProblems.
Larger horizons unlocking your minds and souls.
I want to thank all of you for spreading the word about the transmission.
Get my new film, Truth Rising, today and spread it to everybody.
As I said, the InfoWars relaunches for all the great info we covered in T-minus 60 seconds at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you, Freeman.