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Name: 20080714_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 14, 2008
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An 11 film everyone must see.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're very honored to have him with us for a full hour today to talk about a host of issues.
His take on the President giving Israel the green light to go ahead and attack Iran.
Almost all the analysts are now saying the attack is on in the next six months.
The plunging dollar, what's happening with the economy.
The Congress announcing there's no more Fourth Amendment and that's how it reads.
He has been speaking out against this for many years, and he is quite a leader when it comes to the issues of freedom.
He is former governor of Minnesota, of course Hollywood movie star, best-selling author, TV talk show host, the list goes on and on.
Quite the renaissance man.
Governor Jesse Ventura.
Governor, thanks for spending time with us today.
Hi Alex, how are you doing today?
I guess we'd say a sad day in America.
Yeah, I've always wondered what it was like for my grandparents to live through the Depression, and it looks like we might be going into one.
Yeah, there's no, you know, it was interesting the other day, I was watching on television up here, and one of the local stations, they have a segment called where you can ask a question, and the question was, how do we make a strong dollar again?
How do we get the dollar strong?
Because obviously the dollar has fallen through the floor.
I mean, there's half a dozen countries now that have a higher value or more than that than us.
And so they went to Hamlin University here in Minnesota, and they went to the head of economics and, oh, I forget his other title, but it was appropriate.
Please excuse me, I just got done working out, so if I'm breathing a little heavy, I just got off the elliptic machine.
Hey, that's great!
But anyway, he listed, in order to bring the dollar to be strong again, it's the exact two things that I've been harping on for the last month and a half.
Number one, to make the dollar strong, as Professor said, is the debt.
We must do something about the $9 trillion-plus debt we owe throughout the world now.
And he said the number two thing that is driving the dollar to its weakness is the war in Iraq.
So the very two issues that are highest on my board are the very two issues that this expert said it would take to bring the dollar back, but apparently our country and most of the people in it aren't that worried about it.
You're right, Governor.
The elite have made the decision to continue the devaluation of the dollar.
Obviously, having the high debt means people don't buy our securities.
So the dollar's devalued.
That's 70 plus percent of it.
The other 25 percent is, of course, the speculation being driven by the war drums for Iran.
You're absolutely right.
The professor's right.
The establishment knows that.
Why do you think they're not going to reverse the destruction of our currency?
Because I don't think they really care.
You know, they're making their money, and they're in their position.
To me, it's clear that there's a war on the middle class in America today, being waged by our own government.
They're out to destroy what was the American Dream, and the American Dream was really the middle class.
We were the country where you could go get a job, and you could support your family, and you could live a life with a fair dream.
That's being extinguished greatly today and it seems our elected illustrious officials don't have a problem with it.
Or they'll say they do, but what they do and what they say are generally two different things.
We're going to break in just a moment and come back within a long segment to go through a lot of important issues, Governor.
But first off, let's spend about a minute on your book.
It's doing quite well.
For those that don't know about your new book, tell us about it.
Well, it's called Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
I wrote it while I was living in Mexico with Dick Russell, a friend of mine and a writer.
I just felt it was time for a bit of a wake-up call to the United States.
I felt that way.
I'm probably not too mainstream today, I guess.
But I felt that we needed a wake-up call to get back to our roots and get back to paying attention to the Constitution and what formed our great country because we've certainly seemed to have taken a path away from the Constitution, especially most recently in the last eight years.
And we don't seem to be heading back towards it, so I thought it was a wake-up call for the lemmings here in the country that march off the cliff and don't look side to side, they just do it.
And that was the reason I wrote the book.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
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How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the bilateral commission, the CFR?
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An inside job?
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Let me talk to Ventura.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
New book out on the New York Times bestseller list.
Don't start the revolution without me.
He's with us for the rest of the hour.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we're going to do something we haven't done on the other two interviews with him.
We've been lucky enough to have.
And that's take some of your phone calls specifically to the Governor.
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Governor, I want to pick your brain about the war, the economy, the Fourth Amendment under attack, all these issues, but obviously you know what I'm going to ask first here, now that we're into the interview.
And I've learned to not trust the mainstream media.
Last week, I called you at home and you said, no, I did not tell NPR that I had committed to run.
I'll announce that next Monday or Tuesday.
Sure enough, the ABC headline said, Governor will run.
I went and listened to the interview.
You said, if I decide to run, here is why I will run.
Then ABC had to retract.
No, I guess it's accurate.
Everybody tells me I will tonight.
I guess it's kind of out of my hands.
I don't want to be called a liar.
Well, how could ABC run that headline that you announced last Thursday when NPR's headline said, Why Governor Ventura May Run?
I mean, how could ABC just make that up?
Well, they'd make everything up, you know.
They're in the business for money.
They're in the business of ratings.
And so if they can beat all the other networks to the punch, they're going to do it.
And accuracy is a secondary thing now.
I mean, if they get it wrong,
They just simply do a little blurb a day later if they have to, and most of the time they won't even bother with that.
Governor, you kind of came out for 9-11 Truth on this show unannounced.
I had no idea you were going to do that four or five months ago, and that caused a national firestorm.
Why not go ahead and tell us if you're going to run for Senate right now on this show?
Because it's the middle of the afternoon and I don't want to be sieged with the media for the rest of the day.
Is that a good answer?
That is a good one, but let me make a guess.
And then the point is, if I say it right now, that's what'll happen.
I think I'd rather say it this evening where I can, like a good Navy SEAL, run off in the shadows and disappear.
Well, here is my take on it.
You wrote a book saying, don't start the revolution without me.
I'm sure you've decided it's now the eve of, or the day of, you making the announcement, the eve of the deadline, to be technical.
And I'm going to make the guess, and it's not a wild guess, in fact I'm going to predict, you're going to announce you're running for Senate.
And this is why you're going to announce you're running for Senate tonight on Larry King, because you love this country.
You saw him shoot down the Fourth Amendment last week.
You see us about to go to war with Iran that will further tank the economy.
You know we need your voice in the Senate, and you love this republic, and so you're going to serve the republic one more time, and you know you've already beaten the sorry excuse for a human being for governor that's running for Senate as well, and so you've been drafted by the American people, and we're not going to start the revolution without
Oh, Alex, Alex, you might be premature.
Don't go that far.
Wait till Larry King tonight.
You mean I better?
Well, you've got higher numbers in the polls this time.
I understand all that, but let me say this, Alex.
It will be a total personal decision, and my family will bear in it a great deal, because you cannot do one of those jobs without the support of your family.
And if my family's support is not there, I will not do it, because... Well, I'll give you one example.
I'm not going to subject my children to be attacked by the media again.
That weighs heavily on me, so what my children say to me is going to have a great bearing on the decision that I make.
Have they said it?
I mean, have you made your decision?
Not quite yet.
I have another child to speak with.
Well, I would like to speak to them and say, look, we need you to gut up for the country.
I mean, I understand they went through a lot.
In fact, when We Are Change Minnesota was up there talking to you at a book signing, you would talk to them, but you wouldn't talk to the media.
You don't talk to the Minnesota media.
Why is that?
I don't talk to them because they attacked my children when I was governor.
The story and the way it went down was I had left to go on the largest trade mission in U.S.
history to China.
I led a trade mission to China from Minnesota.
And none of the media here bothered to send anyone on the trade mission.
It was the June before the following fall's re-election.
And so none of them chose to go on the trade mission.
And here I'm doing something that will directly benefit every person eventually in the state of Minnesota.
Instead, they went out and trumped up a big story on my son.
There was a disgruntled employee that we fired who decided to get his 15 minutes of fame.
And he accused my son of underage drinking in the governor's residence.
Well, first of all, my son was 22.
So I find that a bit peculiar because nowhere in this country are you underage at 22.
Second of all, the media didn't bother to question this employee at all.
They didn't ask him the very simple question, Alex.
He went home every day at 5 o'clock.
How would he know what went on at midnight?
They ran with the story, they trashed my son completely, they put the CBS investigative eye team onto his friends to try to dig up anything they could on my son, and then the day I got back from the trade mission from China, the headlines in the paper were nothing to do with the trade mission, it had everything to do with accusing my son.
Well, I'll tell you why they did that, Governor, and you're not stupid.
You know why.
You literally led the pack on third rail politics.
You scare the establishment.
That's why you had 25 CIA agents there at the Capitol when you showed up on the first week.
That's why ABC preemptively announced that you're going to run, trying to steal your thunder.
They're scared of you.
They don't want you to run.
You know that.
And I'm telling you, you can't give in to them.
So I'm asking you, as the American people,
We need your anti-war, pro-constitution voice in the Senate, and I think you're going to win if you run.
Yeah, but Alex, we're a great minority.
We're a minority, we're not a majority.
Well, a minority of, you know, one who's in the right is a majority.
Yeah, you got a point there.
And it's very difficult, you know.
Running will put a great deal of stress on my marriage, probably, because my wife wants nothing to do with politics.
She never did and never will.
And so it's really, I'd go at it as a loner if I do.
Plus, living on the side of a jungle wall by the Pacific Ocean half the year, I would imagine that is something that's hard to say no to, isn't it?
Sure is.
So, anyway, we'll find out tonight on Larry King.
So, you will announce one way or the other tonight?
Talk about building suspense.
Well, it all kind of started with Larry so I figured that it should either explode with Larry or end with Larry, however it goes.
Yeah, let it end or let it grow from where it started.
Yeah, exactly.
Because it all started April 1st when I came back from Mexico and started my book tour.
And the first show I did was Larry Kane.
You're trying to build suspense.
I do believe you're going to call that final child.
How many children do you have?
Well, one of them is the one that woke you up to 9-11, you said.
So, I mean, he's got to be on board with fighting the globalists.
Well, he's the one I gotta talk to.
Well, he's got to make the sacrifice.
I mean, I know that you're his dad, but we need you too, Governor.
I know.
I know.
Well, let's say this, and this is the same question they twisted, but we'll be clear here.
If you do run, why are you going to run?
If you do run for the U.S.
Senate, why is Governor Jesse Ventura going to do that?
Well, if I did run, I would run because we have to get some type of hold and bring the attention to this deficit.
You notice in the presidential debates right now, they avoid the deficit like the plague, because
They're equally responsible for it, both Democrats and Republicans.
They want to pretend it's not there.
They don't want to talk about it.
They don't want to tell the public that they've put our country so far in debt that if they were in the private sector, they'd be thrown in jail and run and WorldCom ring a bell.
And that's the one reason.
And then now the war, the pounding of the war drums.
I mean, we are now a first-strike nation.
9-11 changed our entire foreign policy.
We will now attack another country before they attack us.
Which we proved in Iraq, because Iraq never did a thing.
If you believe the government story on 9-11, there wasn't one Iraqi involved in it.
So why did we attack Iraq?
And so throughout the world today, many places view us as the people to fear.
You know, many countries feel that the United States is the one you've got to be afraid of, because if you cross the United States, the United States is not above attacking you.
And I think that's sad.
And I think that as the leader of the free world, you should not lead with a big stick.
I think diplomacy is much better.
You notice the Chinese, other than their internal strife, they're not going out and getting involved in any of these wars throughout the world.
Because they want to become the economic power of the world.
That's their focus and they're vast becoming it very quickly because we're so stupid and we're out getting involved in all these wars.
You know, that's a great point, Governor.
Studying history, every time, I mean, nine times out of ten, Napoleon, Hitler, it didn't matter who, the aggressor, the Nazis, they always, no matter how big and bad, they always, in the end, tend to lose.
Well, I think, go back even farther, I think our country right now is paralleling Rome.
I think we're heading right down the same path Rome did, and that is entertainment is the most important thing in our lives now, not our jobs.
It's how do we entertain ourselves.
Clearly that was shown when the media, rather than covering issues, will cover the death of Anna Nicole Smith or Paris Hilton getting thrown in jail.
These are their lead stories, which are nothing but entertainment stories.
I tell you what, Governor, let's talk more about that.
In fact, I'm going to skip this break.
We're going to skip this break here for the folks watching online.
Here we go.
Okay, Governor, we are still on air.
I want to just skip that break.
Last minute, continue with the point about... Well, you notice that the media, and then the media claims that's what we want.
They say they're only fulfilling what the public demands of them.
Well, is that truly what our public wants?
That they want national inquiry, inquirer journalism on the evening news every night?
I mean, the news today, I think, would make Walter Cronkite throw up.
Well, I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you.
But also, not just parallels with Rome, what about two hundred and thirty-something years ago, the parallels with the British Empire, never been defeated, and the first place they get beaten is here in the United States, fighting five to one against the ragtag rebels?
Well, you know, it's interesting, too, that we look at this war in Iraq now, and we call them insurgents, these people that are fighting us.
And yet if you go, let's go back to the movie Red Dawn for a moment.
Remember that great movie with Patrick Swayze where it was the hypothetical situation the United States was invaded?
Sure, Charlie Sheen's in it.
Sure, Patrick and the Wolverines were the young kids that went up in the mountains of Colorado and were battling them left and right.
We watched the film and were cheering them on.
You know, America, go get them.
Look at it today.
We would call Patrick Swayze and his group insurgents today.
And we would be the occupiers.
I think that's horrible.
We're now the occupiers and the insurgents are the enemy.
Well that's why we need a voice like you in the Senate.
Because even the Democrats that are against the war are kind of half-heartedly doing it.
We need an independent voice in there who can really get the attention.
I don't believe the Democrats are against the war.
That's what I'm saying.
They just pretend to be, exactly.
They pretend to be.
But they're for it, too.
You notice now that Barack Obama's even hedging.
You know, at first he was, I'm going to pull us out as soon as I get in there.
Well, now all of a sudden it's hedge time.
Because he's being told by the powers, I guess, that you can't do that.
That you can't pull us out.
That we're there.
That it's going to be another Korea.
We're going to occupy this country for long, long into the future.
Well, that's the point that I've been trying to make, is that Barack Obama, for outward consumption, said he would try to end the war, but then the elites that are backing him put out press releases saying, don't worry, he's our boy, and then his foreign policy advisor and several others were at a big summit in Canada on globalism and so-called free trade.
And you know, trying to end NAFTA and GATT, and Barack Obama's people said, don't worry, he's only saying that for the public.
And that's why I'm telling people Barack Obama is a Trojan horse.
That's why I wish you were running for president.
Well, like I've always maintained, Alex, you're not going to see change with a Democrat, you're not going to see change with a Republican.
The only way change happens in this country is to elect an independent, and this country won't do it.
You know, they're too entrenched with the two-party system, and it's too difficult to break through that, because it's very hard, because not only does the two-party system, the two-headed snake, control our government, but they also control all the rules, and it's very, very difficult to beat anybody when they can change the rules at halftime.
Well, a great example of that, I'm going to ask you that when we come back to the full audience.
We're just on the web right now during the break.
When we come back to the full audience, I want to ask you about Ron Paul and how he was winning delegates in some states and the Republicans would just come out and say, you know what, it doesn't count.
We're just going to ignore the process.
So I want to get your take on that and also any other subjects you want to cover.
We're also going to take some phone calls for you as well, Governor.
We're coming back into the main broadcast right now.
During the breaks, we're just for the internet audience, so we don't waste any of your precious time.
Here we go.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
He's got us all in suspense, spellbound here.
He'll be announcing tonight on Larry King Live whether he's going to run for the U.S.
Senate or not.
He's got almost a double-digit lead compared to what he even had when he first announced against the same individual that's running for Senate.
He was behind the fellow in the past.
He's now ahead of him.
And I think even with some of the chicanery with the voting machines, Governor Ventura would win by such a margin, and his views are so popular.
You know, Governor Ventura, I actually disagree with some of what you said here today.
You keep saying that we're in the minority.
We are in the majority with our views.
Every poll shows that.
It's just that I guess you're right that we're in the minority when it comes to people in the power structure, because they are 180 degrees in the other direction of what the people want or what the Constitution and Bill of Rights has to say.
What do you say to that?
Well, you may be right.
I don't know.
I don't claim to know everything.
Maybe we aren't the minority, but if we are the majority, we certainly seem to be silent.
I mean, there's only a few people talking out.
Most people are afraid to say anything about 9-11.
You know, they think you're crazy if you do.
Well, since you bring that up, you've been attacked by a lot of establishment people, but you've also gotten a lot of support in the polls show.
The majority of Americans believe they've been lied to about the story.
I mean, obviously, you told the truth about 9-11.
Why did you decide to take that plunge?
Well, you know, when I started, and I really didn't take the plunge.
I simply asked questions that
That to me have not been adequately answered.
Uh, you know, and I consider myself a demolition expert because I spent, you know, four years on active duty in the Navy as a member of the underwater demolition team.
I was trained by the best demolition men the United States has.
And every time I watch those buildings come down now over and over again, and I look at a building that's been demolitioned, they're identical.
You know, when you watch them fall, but yet, if you bring that up or state that, right away you're considered crazy.
And how dare you make a statement like that?
How dare you be so un-American?
How dare you?
And it goes on and on and on.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
You take the line for a minute.
I've got to run across to my desk because there's something I want to read on your show.
Take your time.
Take your time, Governor.
We've got him for the rest of the hour, folks.
In the next segment, we're going to take a few of your calls, but they need to be for the Governor about the issues we're discussing.
9-11, the war, the economy.
But here comes Governor Ventura back from his desk.
There's something he wants to read for us.
Think about it.
Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura, the former German Defense Minister, high-level members of the Japanese Parliament, the former Italian President, coming out and questioning the official story, or coming right out and saying it's an inside job.
I mean, you cannot downplay this, but the establishment trumps.
Ah, here we go.
I got it here.
I finally found it.
Got it on the wrong desk.
I want to read this, Alex.
And then I want to ask your general audience.
It'll be a good segue to go maybe to callers.
But this is a quote by a pretty famous person.
And when you hear it, it really, to me, parallels the last eight years of thought process here in the United States, where I've been saying that I'm kind of out of the loop now, or it seems that I am.
I'll just read it, okay?
Here it is.
Quote, Naturally, the common people don't want war.
But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy.
And it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice,
The people always can be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
This is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
Now, Alex, do you agree that that seems to be the mental philosophy we've had here since 9-11?
Yes, and that's Herman Goering, head of the Luftwaffe.
You know your stuff well.
That's Herman Goering.
A quote from a Nazi.
Now it troubles me greatly when I start looking at philosophy and how our government seems to be operating, and when it starts paralleling Nazis?
Isn't that about time the flag should fly up for us as citizens?
You're right, and there's no doubt.
I mean, even the... Hitler didn't just attack Poland, he staged an attack on their own military base, and later admitted it, or firebombed his own Reichstag to get his police state going, and we see last week the Democrats, supposedly are so good, no, they said, yeah, we're against the Fourth Amendment.
Well, to repeat for all of us to know, what's the Fourth Amendment again, Alex?
That is the fact that they have to have a warrant and witnesses to search you or tap your phone.
Yeah, and the Democrats voted last week to continue that policy, that they don't have to, that they could invade your privacy and literally disregard the Fourth Amendment.
We'll be right back, Governor.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GDN... Alright.
Repeat for all of us to know, what's the Fourth Amendment again, Alex?
That is the fact that they have to have a warrant and witnesses to search you or tap your phone.
Yeah, and the Democrats voted last week to continue that policy, that they don't have to, that they could invade your privacy and literally disregard the Fourth Amendment.
We'll be right back, Governor.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I already really liked Jesse Ventura since I was a kid growing up watching Predator and the Running Man.
We even watched him some on wrestling.
Rolling around laughing.
I always liked the villains.
But he, in reality, he's the good guy.
And then, when he came on my show and talked about 9-11 being an inside job, you know, I'd met him before that.
When he questioned the official story of 9-11.
Really, his stock went up to 100% for me.
Right up there, really, even past Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has said that he thinks they may stage attacks, or may stage Gulf of Tonkins, or that they may have let it happen, but he just won't come out and say that it looks like a controlled demolition for political reasons.
I really respect Governor Jesse Ventura, and even if he doesn't announce he's running for Senate tonight on Larry King Live, you better believe I'll be watching.
Hope you're watching.
He's done his duty coming out on the show, Question 9-11, speaking out against the police state and everything else he's done.
Before we go back to your calls, Governor Ventura, you were speaking about the parallels with Nazi Germany and with what we're seeing in this country today.
Please finish your thoughts on that.
Well, you know, Alex, it troubles me when you, for the last eight years, you can take a quote like I read from Herman Goering and apply it to the United States of America because that's exactly what we've been told.
We've been told we were attacked.
Which all of us saw, and of course, maybe we were, maybe we weren't.
Only they know for sure, I guess.
And second of all, this nonsense about, you know, people need to remember what Thomas Jefferson said.
He said dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.
And in our republic, that is true.
But yet, in the last eight years, we've had it pounded into our heads that if you dissent, you're unpatriotic.
That if you don't go along to get along, you're unpatriotic.
And then they try to hit you with, if you don't support everything we're doing, you're against the troops.
Well, that is not true.
I'm a veteran.
And to me, supporting the troops means not sending them in harm's way, unless it's vital or absolutely necessary.
And in my opinion, the Iraq War was certainly not vital and it certainly wasn't necessary.
And I support our troops by bringing them home.
Who, you know, to quote John Kerry after Vietnam, who will be the last man to die in Iraq?
Well, you're right.
We also have this hiding behind the flag, which is particularly despicable.
They always say the flag is the last refuge of tyrants.
Patriotism is the last refuge of tyrants and thugs.
And they're the ones that promised the troops they'd be home in six months and knew they'd be there for a decade in their own Pentagon plans.
They're the ones that want to just destabilize the region, not bring democracy, as they say, publicly.
And it's just so despicable to see them continue over and over again to get away with this and then have the nerve.
Bill O'Reilly goes on TV, it's a talking point on Fox and other places, and says, once the war starts you're to shut your mouth and you don't have any say when I thought the troops were fighting so that we'd have a say.
And then you have 75% or more of all the donations from the troops
And you know what gets me to Alex?
Exactly what you said.
These chicken hawks.
Because the majority of the great war supporters of this country are the very people who they themselves would never put themselves in the line of danger, would never put a uniform on.
And I'm talking about our current Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush.
He leads the way.
Dick Cheney with, what, five deferments during Vietnam.
Our own illustrious Norm Coleman, the senator from Minnesota, who was a huge war protester at Hofstra University when he was back in college, when his little Heinger was on the line, and when he might have to go to war, he wanted no part of it.
But today, this guy's rubber-stamped everything with the war, and he's got a kid who's of age to go serve.
Do you think his kid's in the military heading to Iraq?
Absolutely not.
Well, Karl Rove's son lives right here in Austin and he's of military age and we don't see him going.
Speaking of that, George Bush has a lower approval rating than Nixon.
Congress has a 9% approval rating in a scientific poll, the lowest since polling began a century ago.
I mean, this government is completely illegitimate.
More the reason we need you there in the Senate.
As the speaker, so the world knows that the people aren't for this war.
I mean, if we don't punish the Democratic and Republican leaders that took us into this illegal war, then it really does hang around our neck.
We really are guilty of these war crimes.
But if we punish them, then we get some of our name and good faith back.
What would you... I mean, are you for impeachment of Bush?
Karl Rove, I don't know if you know this, fled the U.S.
last week.
There was a congressional subpoena.
He's been indicted now.
He's fled the U.S.
Your take on them being indicted or on impeachment?
Well, I'll put it to you this way, Alex.
I get very concerned and I get very confused in my country today when cheating on your wife is an impeachable offense, but going to an illegal war and killing thousands of people isn't.
I'm still trying to figure that one out.
See, that's what I mean.
I'm not mainstream.
Most people in this country had no problem when Bill Clinton got impeached for cheating on his wife.
Which to me, I don't condone it, but I don't care, just like right now.
The other reason that I probably won't fit in good is I'm not religious enough to hold office in this country anymore.
I don't have a minister, I don't go to church.
So therefore, I probably don't have the type of values that they want to see in public offices.
Yeah, but I don't always agree with that either, Alex.
You and I are going to differ on that.
I don't believe that the people of this country truly want the truth.
Do you want a good example?
Tell me.
People say they want the truth.
They stand up and they say they do.
But when push comes to shove, I think they more want to be told what they want to hear rather than the truth.
Case in point, Jose Canseco.
He was the only baseball player who was telling the truth about the rampant use of steroids.
And they got mad at him.
They got mad at him and now he's been vindicated.
Go ahead.
Right, but the point is the public, the media, and the whole country hated Jose Canseco even after the truth came out.
They're still dogging him.
They still won't give him his due.
They still won't say, gee Jose, we owe you an apology.
You were telling the truth.
I know you spoke out against steroids and how dangerous they are.
Well, to me, but it's irrelevant.
You know, if baseball players want to use them, that's baseball's business.
We don't need government hearings on it.
The point is they went after him and persecuted him when he was telling the truth.
You know, in the words of Jack Nicholson and a few good men, I don't believe you can't handle, not you Alex, but the quote, you can't handle the truth.
No, no, I agree.
I was saying the quote.
I think that there's a great deal of honesty in that quote.
In fact, I want that as a soundbite.
Governor, will you please say that again?
You can't handle the truth.
But I'm stealing that from Jack Nicholson.
No, but that is it.
But I think that's starting to change.
You're right.
You know, we had milk and honey for so long.
Our ancestors built, you know, this continent, carved it out.
They weren't perfect, but they were sure, you know, daring and hardworking and piratical.
And then now,
Uh, we got fat and decadent, and thought that evil and corruption was cute, and I think the people are going to find out now with the economy that it's not cute.
Well, you know what I'm, you know what I'm, you know, and I hate to say this, Alex, but you know what I'm happy about today?
And it's a sad thing to be happy about.
What's that, Governor?
I'm happy that the people of America and their economy now are feeling some pain because of this war.
The problem with this war from day one was that it took five years for the pain to get here.
But now the pain has arrived because this war plays a big part in the horrible shape that our economy's in today.
And it's taken this long and prices of $4 to $5 a gallon for gas to finally reach home with the American people that maybe it'll wake them up and tell them that war is not a good thing, that war is not a profit maker, that it doesn't help your economy.
In fact, it does the opposite.
It destroys the economy.
Well, I agree with you, and as you said, the top economist, it's very simple.
Dollar devaluation because of excess government spending and the banks creating too much liquidity, as well as the war driving speculation,
Is what is bringing us down into what mainstream media is now saying could be a depression.
But still, you hear the neocons on radio saying, let's blow the hell out of Iran.
And I've talked to liquor store owners and pizza place owners I know.
They say that whenever there's a war, a bombardment, that they sell out of liquor and pizza.
And these men go home and like feel some manly extension off of seeing cluster bombs being dropped on children.
And actually I was thinking that this morning.
In a sick way, all these decadent people that love the lies, love being bullies, love being part of this evil, do they think the way the universe works that they can be supporting all this evil and that it isn't going to blow back on them?
I don't know, but I've always believed what goes around comes around, Alex.
And we're going to get our comeuppance, I think, pretty quick here.
If we don't change the path we're going on and start leading with diplomacy, that's the one thing I did like about Barack Obama, where he said that he would talk to our enemies, and yet he took all the heat for that.
I don't understand why you get heat for talking with your enemy.
You can always fight him.
Fighting him is always the option.
That's the last option and it always remains out there.
But as I said, it should be the last option.
A war is the result of failed political leadership.
It's that simple.
So all you people out there that are listening, George Bush is failed political leadership.
That's why we're at war.
It's amazing.
I want to take a few calls here with you, Governor Ventura, but in the 15 minutes we've got left, any other key points or things you want to impart to this audience?
No, not really.
Just hopefully the wake-up call that people better start standing up and better start speaking out because, you know, I'm getting tired of doing it.
And standing alone.
Remember my second book, Alex, was Do I Stand Alone?
And I'm excusing you.
You're the one voice out there.
You take a tremendous amount of heat yourself.
And I commend you for having the courage to continue what you do.
Oh no sir, I commend you, we appreciate you, but let me just... Oh no, Alex, you're doing just as much as me, because you're on the air every day.
I'm not on the air every day.
And, you know, the fortune you and I are after is liberty and freedom for our children and grandchildren, our prodigy, our progeny to come.
And so I'm saying to you, you came early.
You came before this thing really came to a head.
Now, you are right at that flashpoint, Governor Ventura, and we need somebody, you know, who's intelligent, who is, you know, manly, who is strong, who is the archetypal leader type
You know, up there with the chiseled jaw and the intellect and the gruff voice to be a leader during these times of crises.
And we've got Ron Paul and a few others.
And so that's why I believe you're going to announce for the Senate.
I hope your son says, Dad, do it.
I know it means six years in that nightmare pit of D.C., but you'll still be able to take some time off for fishing and going out and surfing.
Well, there is no right or wrong decision.
Well, you've certainly already come out and talked about 9-11 and spoken out.
I mean, you've already done your duty.
I'm saying we need you to go above and beyond that.
Well, anyway, Alex, can we go to some corners?
Yes, yes.
I'm just lobbying you here, sir.
My own bad one.
You're doing a good job.
We need you.
Hey, I'm telling you, man, they're building... I mean, you know about the concentration camps they've built, right?
Yeah, I've heard about it.
No, I mean, it's in the Houston Chronicle.
I've been to them.
Bush admits to the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
He's going to pass that on to Barack Obama.
You watch.
Barack Obama or McCain are going to end up being sleepers.
Let's go ahead and take calls for Governor Jesse Ventura.
We're going to skip this break.
Let's talk to Eric in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Mr. Ventura?
Hi, Eric.
How are you today?
I'm breathing.
I'm breathing.
Say, listen, I wanted to first off start by thanking you for what you've done so far for this country.
And I want to say that you're a true American.
Um, I myself was in the military, and my MOS was 12 Bravo, so I also was sort of an explosives expert, and I agree fully with your views on 9-11.
So when you're having work with demolition, when you watch those buildings, you see them like me, that they look like they're brought down with demo?
You know, honestly, I could not see anything besides that.
It took me a while to get to that point, I think, because I was in denial.
I didn't want to believe it.
Well, I don't think anybody did.
I don't think anybody did.
And I just want to say that whatever your decision is tonight, we respect you and we honor that decision, because I know family is a huge commitment.
I do also want to say that we are in a monumental period in history where we can either look back on this and say, you know,
Man, I wish I would have done it, or we can look back and say I wish I had.
Yeah, he's gonna run.
This is greatness right here.
This is the make-or-break-it moment.
Alex, don't say that.
Mr. Ventura, you've got many, many people backing you.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate that.
You know what?
He had the courage to come on this show and talk about 9-11.
I know what's in you, Governor Ventura.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
There's no coward in Mr. Ventura whatsoever.
And we need more people like that in office.
And I know it's a huge sacrifice to be making for your family, but imagine what would happen if you didn't.
Well, what would go on if I don't?
I'm not so fully in tune like everyone else that thinks one person can make the total difference.
I think that I would be like a red-headed stepchild out there.
They would do everything to bury me that they could.
But look how much support Ron Paul got over $27 million.
I think you're going to get that same type of support.
I think most of that movement would get behind you.
And again, the media doesn't have the power it had six, seven years ago.
Remember how they censored you when you tried to do your TV show?
You're not going to be censored now because there's this huge alternative media now
Wait a minute now, that's not true, because if you look at what's happening right now in St.
Paul, where they're going to have the Republican Convention, the police and the courts are already ruling that the protesters will not be allowed on any of the main streets, that they're going to be only to side streets, so that way they'll get them off.
And you should march out there.
You don't have to cover any of the protesting.
I think you should march out there and protest that yourself.
That's the type of aggressive stuff.
Governor, let me advise you covertly.
I mean, we need you as a general at the front of the army out there.
I'm an enlisted man.
I'm not a general.
Well, you're a general now, whether you like it or not.
You're like Chuck Yeager, who ended up being a general.
Don't be calling me an officer.
I knew who my parents were.
Oh my God.
Okay, real quick, Eric, anything else?
That was a joke for everyone out there, so don't get all angry at me.
It's funny.
Mark in California, you're on the air with Governor Ventura, soon-to-be Senator Ventura.
Shush, Alex!
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Mark.
Yeah, good afternoon, gentlemen.
I just wanted to follow up on Walter Cronkite Green brought up in the conversation.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he pro-one world government, the voice of the bohemian grove?
I believe he brought up, he was just bringing up the quote of John Kerry about who will be the last to die.
Just like when I gave a Julius Caesar quote, I'm not for Julius Caesar.
I thought Concrete was brought up in the context of the National Enquirer mentality of the people desiring that level of information.
I don't recall so much as a kid growing up that we had that much news covering the death of Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton.
No, I'm not saying that.
I'm not saying that at all.
Cronkite is supporting the New World Order.
I've seen the World Federalist Association video.
Yes, I do.
The breakdown of the chain of command and taking the powers away from local sheriffs.
I appreciate your call.
We've got to let you go.
Governor Ventura, you're aware that they're federalizing a lot of police.
The President, under his executive orders, is now saying Congress isn't allowed to see the emergency plans, but the declassified version says the President is a dictator.
What's your take on that?
Well, I'm starting to believe that.
That was one of the first things I disliked about Bush when he first got in office was that he flagrantly lied to me.
When we first got in office, of course, you have the National Governors Association that meets with the president, and you have the dinner on Sunday night, and then Monday morning you meet in the White House, and you talk domestic policy, what direction he's going to go, and what you can expect as a governor.
And George Bush, the first year he was in office, looked at all of us and said he was going to be an old Federalist-type president.
In other words, he was going to give power to the states, which I agree with.
I like that.
I like the idea of states being their own entities in this country to where then the state that most fits my beliefs, I can go live in that state because they will be parallel to what I believe in.
Well, Bush, what he did was just the opposite.
Once he got in power, he was the opposite.
He started taking all the power from the states, cases in point.
I believe 12 or 13 states now have passed the use of medicinal marijuana, where doctors should be able to prescribe it, and yet Bush and the federal government says, oh no, we won't allow that.
Oregon two times has passed the Dignity and Death Bill, where the people have voted on it, and yet Bush says, we don't care if you voted on it, we're not going to allow it to happen.
Governor Ventura, getting back briefly to 9-11, then take a few final calls.
I mean, everybody who's in control of demolition, and I've talked to countless people on air, guests about it, say that's a classical control demolition.
We have firemen and police saying, we've been told to get back, they're going to bring the buildings down.
We have all of this going on.
I mean, how dumb does the government think we are to sit there and tell us that we're crazy to question the falling of those towers?
Because they will win!
You notice there's no other investigations happening.
There aren't going to be any investigations happening.
You notice on the Democratic side, if it's brought up to people like Bill Clinton and even Bill Maher,
They yell and scream at the people and tell them they're crazy.
There will be nothing that will happen on 9-11 in my opinion.
9-11 is a buried, done deal.
The history books has recorded it as such.
And it will take a monumental thing.
Because look at John F. Kennedy.
They still hold to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin.
And anybody that can believe that hogwash, but yet the history books have stated that way, aren't they?
But, Governor, we now have the internet and other things, and the history books have finally been discredited, and it didn't take us 40 years to get 80-some percent of people thinking that 9-11 was an inside job, as 80-plus percent now know that Kennedy was an inside job.
But even with all those figures, Alex, it still doesn't matter, does it?
No, you're right.
We're fighting an uphill battle, but we're in a better position than we were in the past, Governor.
That's all I'm saying.
Well, I try to be, but my point is, is that by exposing false flag terrorism, it makes it harder for them to stage it again.
Yeah, that's true, but they will.
Trust me.
Just like when, what was the old saying from Adolf Hitler?
The bigger the lie, the easier the sell.
Governor, in closing on Iran.
They're talking about hitting him in the next six months.
Bush came out and said go ahead and hit him to Israel.
They're massing Israeli aircraft in Iraq.
Do you see any way of averting this?
And if it does happen, what do you see developing?
Well, I don't see any way of averting it because I think it's going to be Bush's last hurrah.
You know, he's going to get us then entrenched probably in a three war front.
Well, you notice Afghanistan, I just read today, eight of our soldiers were just killed the other day in Afghanistan.
So Afghanistan is rising up.
George Bush never finished the job there because he misdirected all our troops before getting the job done into Iraq.
And that's the classic example of someone who doesn't know jack about military, which is our president.
Or perhaps they want to get us tied up in a war so we'll rally around the flag while they suck the treasury dry.
Well that too, and also it'll make the Republicans for some reason even stronger because another additional war everybody's saying is going to help John McCain.
So don't think it's beyond the Republicans to get going against him to hurt anybody to Iran, and then they're going to sell us on the fact that even though the largest attack in U.S.
history happened on a Republican watch, you notice they're already blaming Bill Clinton for 9-11.
Well, let me ask you this.
Do you think we're in danger of them staging some type of Gulf of Tonkin or other terror event to get us into a war with Iran?
Read the last epilogue in my book.
I wrote that a year ago.
I take two calls, but that's got to be it, Alex.
I think we're gone.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Yeah, let me talk to Ventura real fast.
Hey Governor, we're back in 50 seconds and this is only a four and a half minute segment.
We'll come in, take two final calls, plug the book, and then I'm going to be praying all day that you are hoping above hope that you're going to run for the Senate because I see destiny in this and I really think there's going to be fireworks.
Well, you know, Alex, I hope that if my decision is the other way, you won't hate me forever.
I am not going to hate you, absolutely not, and I would hope that is your decision before you leave in the fall to go back down to the Pacific Coast of Mexico that you'll come back on and talk about the tyranny, because you're speaking out.
A lot of people listen to you and respect you, so you've already done more than your duty speaking out, and we appreciate it.
Well, thanks, Alex.
I appreciate that.
You bet.
You're awesome.
Okay, we're back in about 25 seconds.
Have you thought about what Corey said to you about coming up and speaking with the first responders about getting them health care in New York?
Have we paid for your plane ticket?
Yeah, that's in September, right?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I've heard about it, and I've got all the information in front of me.
Okay, well, maybe I'll call you in a few weeks and see if you want to do it.
Here we go, sir.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mohammed Thomas and Scott
Only time we had to take your calls.
Moving quickly, last five minutes with Governor Ventura.
Just finishing up with that statement, you are worried about some type of staged terror attack as a pretext to go into Iran, sir?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I don't think anything, you know, remember these two political parties and the Republicans are in bad shape right now.
McCain's trailing.
Republicans look like they'll get slaughtered in the congressional races, and they're going to lose all their power.
So rest assured that some type of decision they will have to come up with in an attempt to continue to keep themselves in power, because that's what the two parties do, and that's their main objective.
Well, we also have all these memos confirmed, where the Republicans are saying, we need terror attacks.
I mean, how much more obvious does it have to get?
Yeah, exactly.
My God, these people ought to be all put in chains right now.
And how much more stupid can we be if we buy into this?
Alright, let's go to JJ in Florida, then Mohamed in Chicago.
JJ in Florida, make it quick, we've got about two and a half minutes left.
Hey, how you doing today?
Good, go ahead.
How are you, JJ?
Hey, pretty good.
I was a CH-46 crew chief.
I bet you remember those, huh, Jesse?
Oh, I've jumped out of a few of them.
Yeah, hey, did you do any covert stuff?
I was in the 80s.
And I remember dropping you guys off in the jungles of the Philippines and all kinds of stuff.
Well, I was in from 69 to 73 on active duty.
Well, anyway, I'm way back.
I'm one of them guys.
I was in the Navy when the ships were made of wood and the men were made of steel.
Hey, I was just in Jacksonville for a while, and you ought to see our Navy now.
It'd make you want to throw up.
It's feminized.
Now I went on a smart ship and took a tour.
I couldn't believe it.
Well, you know, I don't know.
I don't find that so bad.
It'd be better looking at some girls than maybe you.
Well, I say that only in fun.
But anyway, serving with girls wouldn't be so bad.
Yeah, I gotta bring some women in for, you know, have some fun.
I was driving a cab for a while and I picked up this one sailor.
You wouldn't believe this girl that jumped in.
He goes, hey buddy, how would you like to have her?
You never had her on a ship, did you?
Have some camp women.
I gotta jump here.
Let's go to another call.
Mohammed in Chicago.
You're on the air with Governor Ventura.
Go ahead.
Alright, thanks for taking my call.
Hello, I'm Mohammed.
Hey, what's up?
Okay, so, I didn't really expect that Ventura was going to be on, but I can just pose this question to both of you all.
Now, it's no denying that we're headed, like, very rapidly into an economic depression, as well as a police state here in America.
And me, I'm kind of young.
I've got the opportunity to travel.
I am scared.
I don't want to be here when everything collapses as far as the economy.
It's going to collapse worldwide.
You've got to blame the politicians now so they'll strengthen the dollar.
What Governor Ventura said earlier, he's gone out and checked with the experts like we all have.
We have got to stop spending as much and stop the wars.
That will buoy the dollar.
Governor Ventura?
Yeah, I agree.
Those are the two main things.
Stop the spending.
Stop putting ourselves in debt.
The main thing is this nine plus trillion dollar debt.
Look at it like you'd look at your own home.
If you've got a mortgage or a debt hanging over your head that's more than you make, that's more than what all the worth you have,
Well, your economy is in big trouble.
Well, that's the same way because of the debt that our economy is in trouble today, and the devaluing of the dollars goes hand in hand with the high oil prices.
Muhammad, does that answer your question?
Well, I just want to say, because I don't want to be here when the dollar is worthless.
Yeah, there's nowhere for you to run.
You want to ask where to go?
That's right, there ain't nowhere to run!
Thank you, Alex.
It's always my pleasure and I look forward to doing it again before I head to Mexico.
Thank you.
We'll talk to you soon, sir.
Very good.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
Was that a hint?
Dr. Roberts, we've had them all on.
We've got a big expert coming up next segment.
Bob Chapman, formerly the biggest gold and silver broker in the world.
He's now retired.
Jesse Ventura, Governor of Ventura, we pray that you will.
We hope that you're going to be running for Senate, but if not, you've done your duty.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's all downloaded, basically.
Just like when conservatives would see Bill Clinton
handing over ports to the communist Chinese military they would freak out and think my god republicans must be good and then run join them see that's how the left-right paradigm works the left feeds the right the right feeds the left in their fear keeping the two groups separate but combined into the same false paradigm tied up together
And so, Republican policies reinforce the left, and Democratic, liberal policies reinforce the right.
Whether it's in Germany, or England, or the US, or Australia, it doesn't matter.
This is a dialectic.
This is a system of control.
And so everybody sees real environmental problems, people dying of cancer when they're 15 years old everywhere.
Leukemia is way up, all these other things way up, autism, people unhealthy, all these new diseases, all these toxicities, all these superfund sites, and then they hear of the solutions of global tax and they say, my God, I'm for it!
How do you approach somebody and go, look, here's how the trick works.
Bush comes out against it, and then you know he's a bad guy and wrong on every other policy, so you think, oh my gosh, it must be good.
I'm for a global warming tax.
You see, just like Bush is so bad, well the left all must be good, so maybe gun control is good if Bush is against it.
But in reality, he tripled the size of the BATF and is coming after your guns.
You see, that's why you've got to get out of the left-right paradigm.
We're not going to save the environment, and it's in trouble, folks, unless we can not let them co-opt us into their false solution of taxing greenhouse gases.
I hope all of this is getting through to you.
They're going to tax your breathing while they engineer grasses, oaks, every food plant, every animal, crossing it with other insects and other animals, hundreds of human hybrids, goat hybrids, pig hybrids, cow hybrids,
Horse hybrids, dog hybrids, jellyfish-humanoid hybrids.
I mean, type in human-animal hybrid into Google and all the National Geographic, AP, Reuters, BBC.
You tell the person on the street that, they don't believe it exists, because they've been taught to fear carbon dioxide, not
Cross-species hybrids that give rise to super-viruses, that then go into bacteria and give you super-mutated bacteria, already killing bees, killing trees, killing the ocean, mutating plankton.
I mean, this is... Oh my God.
We can't worry about something real.
We can't worry about overfishing.
We can't worry about anything real, or chopping down rainforest.
We've just got to tax carbon dioxide.
Alright, we're going to Bob Chapman, and I've got all this other news here.
He'll be with us for the rest of the show, or until about 45 after next hour.
Your calls are coming up, I promise, at 1-800-259-9231 on any issue with Bob Chapman, but especially the economy.
Bob, I want you to recap what we've seen happen the last week with Indy Bank, with Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae,
And then walk us through the basics, recap the basics, and then look at what solutions to this would be, but we know that's not going to happen, so where this is going to go.
And so we can't have big solutions to fix the major problems, which you say is too late, and I agree, but to have a softer landing than what we can do individually.
Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster, thank you for joining us.
And if you'd like, you can comment on the environmental rant I was just engaging in.
No, I thought you covered it brilliantly.
Some of the things that you spoke about, I wasn't aware of, and I think you've got a great grasp on it, and I think the listeners should be happy that you're able to present it in a concise form that way.
As far as what's going on in the financial markets, we can reach back almost a year now.
When the exposure came,
There was a credit crisis.
Needless to say, it had been building for the last couple of years prior to that.
And since then, they really accomplished very little in solving that crisis.
We've seen commercial and residential real estate fall in value in degrees, depending upon where you are and how much your real estate went up.
We've seen a tremendous fraud uncovered with the sale of mortgage bonds called CDOs and SIVs and the mislabeling them of AAA when in fact they were BBB with a difference between a 10 and a 4.
And now we're starting to see the
Falling out of banking structure.
We saw the financial assassination of Bear Stearns.
They never had to go under.
That was the machinations of those on Wall Street in conjunction with the Federal Reserve, which Wall Street owns.
And we then saw beginnings of institutions going under, and that came with the mortgage companies first,
And then there was some 235 or 50 of them that went down.
Then that was followed by IndyMac.
IndyMac happened on Friday after the close of the market.
That's usually when they do those things.
And they've known for a long time that there was a serious problem there, just like they did with Countrywide.
And they had one of their shareholders, Bank of America, step in and buy Countrywide.
And by the looks of things,
The purchase of Countrywide may end up taking Bank of America down in time as well.
And so, IndyMac is, like Countrywide, become emblematic of the decline of, particularly, residential housing.
And it's got a long way to go.
I saw a couple of articles that said, in the last couple of days, especially one today in the Chicago Tribune,
Uh, relating that the subprime alter mortgage problem will be over this month.
Not in their wildest dreams.
That particular segment of the market has got until the end of next June to go.
And all during that period it's going to be nasty.
On top of that... Well, Bob, stop there.
I didn't want to interrupt you because I wanted you to go over all this, but that was in my list of things to ask.
This is the same group that told us six months ago with Bear Stearns that this was the end of the downturn, and they knew the whole time because I was reading some of their internal stuff that leaks out.
They were saying, get ready for curtains.
Meanwhile, they're telling the people everything's great.
That makes them lose more confidence, doesn't it?
Doesn't that make the people trust them even less?
That the fact that they can never tell us the truth?
Doesn't that deepen the crises?
Yes, it does.
And it brings more people to recognition of what's going on.
And it also... So why do they lie?
Because they have no other choice.
They have just decimated the financial and economic system.
Through their greed more than anything else.
And they also want to, as you explained when you talked about environmentalism, that they want to denude the Western nations of manufacturing capability so they can handle them better, bring them down to a lower level.
And it's the same thing in the financial and economic overall sphere.
And so
We're looking at all these fallouts, and what if from here on out, you're probably going to see a few hundred banks go under, maybe even more.
And the FDIC is $52 billion in round figures, and this buyout saving of IndyMac is going to cost somewhere around $6 or $8 billion, so it's a good chunk of the money that they had.
I noticed that, and they didn't say how, but they said those who had more than $100,000 in their accounts would be compensated in time.
I don't know whether it's this century or the next, but anyway, we've been telling people to take any monies out of banks that were over $100,000, and to think twice about even keeping $100,000 in a bank, because I think many of them, because of this toxic waste in the form
Well there are services that do that and we have one that we recommend to people and they charge a small fee which I think is
Understandable and worthwhile to find out what their rating on such and such a bank is.
But I think the main thing is that you don't want to have a lot of cash around unless you've got a business or something like that.
And even if you've got a business, if you're using a bank, you're going to have to use several banks if you've got like a half a million.
You should have five accounts with 100,000 each of them just to protect yourself.
And people who don't need a great cash flow or money sitting there behind them, I think they should be considering gold and silver-related assets.
And for those who already have a lot of those or don't want any, the only alternative I can see is Swiss franc government bonds.
And they yield to 2.5%, the strongest currency in the world.
They do have enough gold to back their currency if they choose to again.
And so that is that alternative.
So I don't have many things to offer, just gold and silver-related assets and those bonds.
And there's not many places to go.
I think the stock market's going lower.
I think interest rates are going higher in the real interest rate market.
Well, Bob, I was thinking about this.
You said here in late 2007, you said in the seventh month
Well, I know you don't, and I think it's because
You probably haven't been doing this for 50 years, and you gain patience.
And not only that, you recognize the power that the Illuminati has.
I mean, they control the press strings of the entire world.
And they're fighting to stay alive.
They're fighting to keep the system going.
And they're gonna draw it out as long as they can, or until a time is reached when they want it to go down.
And drawing it out makes it worse for us, doesn't it?
No, it makes it worse for everybody.
Because all those guys... We're going to skip this break, Bob.
Stay there.
We're going to talk to Bob behind the scenes here.
May I?
Bob, continue.
Explain that.
I mean, obviously, but for somebody who's making $20,000 a year, they're going to be worse off in a bad market or a depression than somebody worth a billion bucks.
That's right.
But what you said yesterday was very, very important.
And that was that this is going to get so bad that the guys behind the scenes
Who are causing all this are going to lose their wealth as well.
Do you remember that comment?
Oh, absolutely.
That's what the Financial Times of London said.
Very powerful.
Very powerful.
And the reason why is they're going to get swallowed up in their own deal.
And they're going to be ejected.
They're going to lose their wealth.
There's going to be trials.
People are going to go to jail.
Well, Bob, for me, that's the big political question.
Are they going to be able to keep their political mechanisms in place, their police state in place, to keep us from bringing them to justice?
Because the only hope we have is bringing them to justice and changing the system, as Ron Paul and yourself and so many other experts have agreed.
So, you know, the problem I see is them preemptively bringing in a police state so they can financially rape us and then not get in trouble for it.
Well, if that is the case, then we have to kill them all.
It's pretty simple.
Pretty clear cut.
If they go for this whole police state thing, we gotta go after them.
It's called guerrilla warfare and we've gotta do it.
That's the only chance we've got.
See, I think the police and military, they're just so used to following orders.
I think they're just going to go along with it all, even though it totally destroys their future.
And I think there's going to be large groups of people that won't go along with it, but I kind of see us falling like the old Soviet Union.
I think that's the best we can hope for, is not a hot war.
I hope it doesn't come to what you said, and I hope they don't win their police state.
I really see it all going bankrupt where they can't even fund it.
What do you see happening, Bob?
Well, I think it's going to go bankrupt.
But at the same time, I think they're going to implement this police state as well.
And that's why I keep on telling people, make sure you can defend your family.
What I'm telling them to do is get assault weapons.
Well, I think we certainly should discredit the establishment now.
I mean, that's life and death.
So the people know who was behind all that.
I mean, isn't that the key?
Letting the dumbed-down public know that it's the international bankers doing all this?
Yeah, and who they are.
And that's what you do, and I do in part, but you do much more of it than I. And, you know, you're a clarion beacon out there.
You're number one.
I mean, none of these other programs can even come close to yours in informing people.
And, you know, you don't tend to overemphasize things.
You don't make them into...
Well, Bob, let's talk more about that later.
We're going back to the main program right now.
Here we go.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
We just did a behind-the-scenes discussion for TheInfoWars.com viewers.
His website is TheInternationalForecaster.com.
And you can go there and get a free digital copy of it.
It comes out twice a week, twice a month for hard copies.
Before he leaves us, we'll give you the toll-free number to get that.
Before we go back to Bob, I want to thank some of our sponsors.
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We're good to go.
Now, I know you're holding.
You want to talk to Bob Chapman.
That's coming up early in the next hour.
But right now, in the minutes we've got left, Bob, you are continuing to walk through the fact that this is going to bring everybody down.
You agree with the Financial Times of London, you know, saying that this even endangers the overarching order of things.
They meant this to be the debt
Well, I think they, and they've done this before, they overestimated what they could accomplish.
And then, in addition to that, they were very, very surprised at the mess that the Bush administration and
uh... the uh... blair and now uh... gordon brown administration in in london made of iraq and afghanistan it's it's just you know the corporate entity a couple years ago he said i mean this is a nightmare i mean uh... you know that uh... with all the work we did on this thing and these guys have made a mess out of it is it set back the
The timetable for world government by 30 years.
He later said 50.
And I'm happy about that.
But how did they get in the mess they're in?
Those are the two factors.
They reached too far beyond.
And you've got to remember, one of the real problems that they have is they are very, very arrogant people.
They think they're the lords of the world.
The heads of the universe, if you might
If you might.
And they're prone to make those kind of silly mistakes because they have a lot of people working with them 24-7 all over the world because they have endless supplies of wealth, working on their plans for the future.
And then, of course, Brzezinski and Kissinger and people like that take those plans and put them together and shape them into policy for these people, in which you've said, Alex,
You can find all this.
All you have to do is be willing to read and do research.
I mean, Foreign Affairs is the house organ of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I was a subscriber since 1960.
And what they're going to do, they just print it right out and tell you.
And it's part of that arrogance.
We got a break for 60, 70 seconds.
We're going to come back with the fourth and final hour with Bob Chapman and your phone calls.
We're going to talk about the Iran situation.
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Are all those callers still there?
Thousands of special video reports from tainted... Yes sir, they still are all there.
Tell them to hold, I'm going to them at 5 after.
Alright, thank you.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
To all the police, all the military, all the government people, the general public listening, everything that the patriots have talked about, everything we've talked about here, has come true and happened.
You know in your gut we're telling you the truth.
You know we're in deep trouble.
Everybody has this feeling of dread.
This great concern.
The media tells you that's your sixth sense.
Worried about Al-Qaeda.
But you know the dread is what's happening economically and militarily.
Your call's coming up in the next segment.
Bob Chapman, our guest.
The largest in the past gold and silver broker in the world, the largest newsletter in the world, and retired.
He's back in the last few years, I guess six, seven, eight years now, with International Forecaster.
And we're honored that he spends so much time with us each week during these crises.
He's one of our best experts we have on, one of many, but they all seem to be agreeing on the basics.
But his insight is even deeper than most, because he also worked in military intelligence before he got into the financials.
Bob, this is a quick segment, as you know, but I'm going to skip it for behind-the-scenes listeners, so we'll go straight through to the next segment and take calls.
Bush said Friday, and I've got it right here, Times of London, he said, I support Israel going ahead and hitting Iran, publicly said go ahead and hit them.
The Israelis are massing aircraft inside Iraq, huge provocation.
And it looks like that Ray McGovern and others are right that it's a go sometime in September or October as an October surprise.
Why are they planning to do this?
Well, I think the main reason is to detract people's minds away from the economic and financial problems that not only beset the United States, but the world.
Because when the doggy, which is the United States, wags its tail,
All the world thunders and quakes and trembles, economically and financially.
And so, I think it is a move just like Iran and Afghanistan were, to get people looking in the other direction.
I once met a man from Israel and I said, aren't you concerned about the economic climate that's there?
And he said, no, I'm more concerned about whether I'm going to get killed or not.
If you've got these wars going on, people are going to be thinking, well, gee, what's next?
The draft?
Maybe I'll have to go do that.
And so that's one of the reasons.
Of course, they want Iran's oil.
Israel wants to expand.
And they want Iran to be neutralized, just like they wanted Iraq neutralized.
And of course, there's the oil production, which the Western oil companies would like to get their hands on.
And that is clouded by the fact that
Iran has treaties with and agreements with China and Russia.
And the big question is, are they going to get involved?
I would think that if anybody did, Russia might.
And, you know, Israel, if they attack, might get a surprise.
They may be facing Russia as well as Iran.
And I don't know that, but it could happen.
It could escalate.
And also, Russia has said yesterday that they are contemplating now, even though Poland has backed out of the missile deal, putting those missiles ostensibly to shoot down Iranian rockets, when in fact it was to threaten Russia, they said, you know, if you go ahead somewhere over there and you do that, we're going to target all of the major cities in Western Europe.
Just like they did during the Cold War.
You know, that's right.
I mean, think about the rhetoric we're hearing.
Even in the Cold War, they never threatened to nuke us.
And they've had their top foreign minister and others say, we may go ahead, if you even put missiles in these countries, we may go ahead and hit them.
I mean, Russia doesn't just make threats.
They never have.
They do it.
And they're very bright people.
You know, almost all the time I spent in counterintelligence was working against them
That's amazing.
We're going to talk behind the scenes for three minutes for the InfoWars.com listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're going to come back and go right to your calls with Bob Chapman, our guest.
Okay, Bob, I don't want to waste any of your time for behind the scenes with folks watching on the web.
I wanted to talk a little bit about oil.
How high, conservatively, do you see it going by September?
I think it's going to stay in the same general area, somewhere between 125 and 150.
I think that is probably the zone for it into the fall.
And were we to have a conflict, who knows where it'll go.
Because it would depend on the conflict, number one.
And number two, are they going to sink all of the shipping in the Persian Gulf or in the Streets of Hormuz?
Are they going to blow up Saudi Arabia?
There's a lot of questions.
So, in oil, under those circumstances, it could be $200 to $300, I don't know, any number you want to make.
And so, on the downside, if there's no attack, anywhere between $80 and $120, picking $100 or $80 as a bottom on oil,
Yeah, remember the good old days when oil was $100 a barrel?
And of course, that was a nightmare just six, seven months ago when it was $100 a barrel.
People couldn't believe that.
I mean, remember, folks, it was bad when it was $65.
What was it?
It was $45 a barrel, what, three years ago?
That's correct.
And it wasn't long before that.
It got down as low as $9.
But mostly, most of the prices were in the $13 to $15 range.
But still, it was very low.
And you know, you ask yourself, how do these things happen?
Well, there's a lot of manipulation going on, a lot of politics, and we're not behind the scenes, so we've got to get to what they're doing, we've got to back into
Their intentions.
And that will eventually lead to exposure.
And when the exposure comes, you know, they'll lose their power.
Not all of them, but most of them.
Well, that's even scarier than them being somewhat, you know, omnipotent.
I mean, it's even scarier to know that we've got a bunch of arrogant know-it-alls who now are causing a global meltdown.
We're coming back on the main broadcast right now, Bob.
Here we go.
I'm going to commit more acts and bring in martial law.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
So to be clear, Bob, do you think they're really going to hit Iran A, and if they are, Part A?
Well, number one, I think the possibility of conflict is even money.
Again, we're not behind the scenes, so we know that something very well could happen, and might very well happen.
On the other hand, maybe it won't.
So, I just don't know.
I did know two years ago that they would not and about maybe four or five months ago I changed my mind and I said it's a 50-50 chance.
I don't know.
And I just don't have enough intelligence.
Well, the worsening economic straits, I mean, remember the stock market started going down and then they staged 9-11 to kind of be an emotional rally around the flag opiate.
And I mean, do you agree with me?
I mean, I believe from the evidence that worsening economic straits encourages them to go ahead and attack.
Well, you get a very valid point.
It's a very important thing to them.
To misdirect people, and that does push the odds from perhaps even money to 60-40, 60 that it would happen, or maybe 70-30.
Again, because we're not on the inside, we don't know, but those are probably the odds now because of the crumbling of the markets and the terrible problems of bankruptcies that we're seeing in the United States and in Western Europe.
They tried today to keep the market up, we've got about
About an hour to go, 15 minutes, and the Dow is coming unglued again.
And, you know, every time it does that, they come in the market to try to keep it up, to holding off, you know, the inevitable problem of lower prices.
Lower prices are very important to them that they don't happen because the market is the last vistage, the stock market, of anything that is pliable that will
I stand up for you, and that's not happening anymore.
The market has broken down from a fundamental and a technical base, and it should have broken down a long time ago.
But it is now, and so that adds fuel to the fire to have Israel and the United States go in and attack Iran.
But again, will the Russians get involved?
If they do, you get a third world war and it'll go nuclear.
Europe, the United States, Russia will have all kinds of casualties.
Well, I agree with you that it's a 60-40.
If there was any sanity within the elite, it'd be a zero chance.
But the boldness to carry out a complex op like 9-11...
It shows these are very, very reckless, arrogant people and it shows they're into stuff that's spectacular.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we couldn't be in worse straits.
I mean, Bush has been totally unstable and a nice puppet for the elite, but now we face Barack Obama.
And John McCain, both of them equally as bad.
But this is another strike against Obama.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Politico reporting, and they're a good source of news, a cabinet-level position, which if cabinet is in the succession, I believe that violates the Constitution with foreign-born being in the succession line for president.
Arnold, a very dangerous person, just insane with power lust.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said in an interview aired Sunday that he would be open to an idea of serving as Energy Czar in Barack Obama's administration.
Of course, he ran in California on the advisory panel, the Enron scamming, and then posed and ran on a platform fighting Enron.
He's a very corrupt individual.
I mean, just another example of who could, Bob, who could imagine a comic book series where we'd be looking at 2008 with a son of a Nazi who says he wants to be a Nazi dictator, who's in gay porn, running around with some guy whose dad's a Muslim, named Hussein Barack Obama, with a nutcase Manchurian candidate who wants our guns for the Republican.
I mean, this is insane!
It's pure madness.
Only in America.
It's just incredible.
And, you know, the people who sit back and say, well, I'd rather have him than that guy over there.
But they don't notice that they're both totally unqualified, and one's a Marxist and the other's a fascist.
Well, we've got two fascists and one Marxist.
It's madness.
Arnold went on
Well, those Tattletail squads are really
Really something that, uh, I don't listen to your program all the time, so I don't know how much you've covered it, but they've got police and firefighters and paramedics and other people who are out among the public who are employed by government in one form or another.
They are now training them to look for suspicious things.
In other words, let's spy on everybody.
And that's the Stasi.
Yeah, and it is just dreadful.
I mean, it can't get any worse than that.
It's neighbor against neighbor, child against parents, and so on.
Well, and in fact they give children money to spy on their parents, and they have these neighborhood FBI meetings now for six and a half years.
They say, come to the meeting to fight Al-Qaeda.
And you show up and they say, okay, this is a week-long course, you're fighting Al-Qaeda, and then it's like an hour on Al-Qaeda, and the rest is, does your neighbor have pot plants?
Did they spank their kids?
And it's all how to get people in the system.
I mean, this is insane.
I mean, Bob, this is what you fought when you were in intelligence, isn't it?
I mean, isn't this classical tyranny?
I mean, you mentioned the Stasi, and that's exactly what they did.
And now we're finding out who worked for them, and they were supposed to be good guys, and they were really bad guys.
But you know, the Cold War was another giant scam.
And I, like many, many other people in the 1950s and 60s, got sucked in by it.
I mean, we didn't know.
I didn't know then.
And I made a mistake, like many people did.
But we know today.
And that's why, at my age, I continue to try to transmit the information to people that they need to look into this.
They gotta know about it.
They have to know the things that are really affecting their lives.
And by stage, it's compartmentalized.
You were fighting a real war with their operatives, but at the highest levels, we were giving them the nukes, the food, the money, letting them take over countries, because we couldn't be the bad guys then.
The bankers had to have somebody to go around and murder middle classes, but now we're going to be the bad guys.
I think you're right.
It's totally sick.
Quite frankly, in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, the Russians are the good guys.
It's incredible.
Let's take calls here.
And, of course, they're all just interplaying the parts for the bankers.
Roman in California, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hello, Alex.
This is Roman from California calling from Infowars, California.
Since you brought up Arnold Schwarzenegger, I just want to take everybody back to 1846 and the California Black Bell Flag Revolt.
Give me a favor.
Turn your radio off.
This is really blaring.
Oh, is it?
Good, you killed it.
Go ahead.
All right.
Anyway, 1846, California, General Vallejo instilling tyranny, trying to steal the Golden Republic, and here we have Governor Schwarzenegger running around doing stuff that's a hundred times worse, and nobody does anything about it!
I hear you, Bob Chapman.
I mean, again, we know he's a puppet, but I mean, having some arrogant, know-it-all prance around and rob everybody, it's disgusting.
And, you know, again, it's back to the same thing.
The public aren't paying attention.
If they don't care, there's no evidence.
If they do care, there's no evidence of it.
I recognized some of the major problems in California where I lived for 36 years.
In the early 1990s, and I said, I've got to get out of here, because the tax base was eroding, they were overwhelmed with people who didn't pay taxes at all, and the economy continued to deteriorate, and most people couldn't see that.
But it's getting people to do things, and that's what the gentleman is asking.
And we're full circle.
We're doing what we can do.
I just hope they listen.
Well, Roman, thanks for the call.
Let me just ask this question of you, Bob.
We know they've tripled the amount of police.
Bureaucracies are growing at a record pace as we're bankrupt.
There's cops everywhere writing tickets.
Literally every couple months, new tax authorities show up out of nowhere at my business demanding new taxes.
Well, until the people say I won't put up with it anymore.
And they'll revolt, and that's why you have revolutions.
And in most countries, people can't revolt, or their chances of success are very small.
But there's 450 million weapons in the United States, and at least 50 million people know how to use them very, very well.
All you need is maybe 4 or 5 million people throughout the country to challenge.
Are you kidding?
100,000 highly motivated would... I mean, you know the security forces now are all about keeping themselves safe.
They will run and hide in bunkers with their tails between their legs instantly.
It's a total paper tiger.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but you could very well be right.
Well, the problem is they're going to use nerve gas.
The problem is that the central government has said they're going to use nerve gas and just kill everybody.
That's right, cops.
If there's actually a civil war, they're going to nerve gas you with us.
Hope you enjoy flopping around for ten seconds while you die like a fish out of water.
Your God is going to nerve gas you.
Stay there.
I want to skip to Bob Chapman.
By the age of 60, half of all... Take me to Bob.
We're going to come back and take calls in the full program, but we've got tens of thousands listening and watching right now.
I want to talk about that.
The Sunshine Project in 2000 was able to get the secret documents from Congress, only the cover sheets, but you know they have helicopters in every city under a continuity of government.
This goes back to Clinton with knockout gas, opiates, but we also know now they have nerve gas on them, and that they're planning, if there's ever a wide-scale revolt, to nerve gas from the air.
How do you deal with that?
You don't, you die.
Yeah, I guess they're just going to kill everybody.
I guess that's your loving government, huh?
You know, they are wild and mad beyond description.
It's hard to get that over the people because, you know, they run around on television well-dressed and they seem like such nice ladies and gentlemen, when in fact they're evil malefactors.
And people just don't see it because they don't have time to get the depth of thought that we do.
Well, you're absolutely right.
I mean, I study this literally 18 hours a day, and I'm learning more every month than I knew previously.
It seems to all just be... Do you agree everything's accelerating, Bob?
It is accelerating, and the information that we're getting now because of the Internet, and because so many people are now looking into it, is really overwhelming.
And people say to me, you know,
You write that publication.
How do you put up with all that negativism?
And I said, I don't have a problem at all.
You know, after 50 years, you get used to it.
But then again, you never get totally used to it.
It's just like war.
You never get totally used to watching people die.
It's a horrible thing.
Well, my take on it is, we're not being negative.
What's negative is that people don't know we have this infection like gangrene, and we're trying to cut the rotten flesh off, and yeah, it doesn't feel good, but it's going to save the body.
And so to me, I don't get, quote, tired of it, because I know I need to basically lance the boil.
Well, I agree, and that's why at my advanced stage I keep doing this.
You know, people, the letters every day say,
Please don't stop.
Please don't retire.
Do it as long as you can.
You know, keep us apprised of what's going on.
And so I do.
I mean, most people are in a rocking chair and playing golf every day or tennis or whatever they do.
And I'm not doing that.
Neither is my wife.
Well, that's good.
You're going to live a lot longer and be a lot sharper, Bob.
Well, I went to the doctor last week and he said, you're disgusting for 73 years old.
He says, I don't have anybody who's ever come in here that's been as good a shape as you are, even though I'm a little overweight.
And that's good.
Obviously, what I'm doing agrees with me.
Well, it's just so sad to see these wicked criminals just having their way with people and not being caught, not getting in trouble.
But I agree with you.
I think they just got so greedy in their gang raping of the financial system that they now are going to bring their whole rotten mess down on us all.
Yeah, I think that is probably the bottom line on it.
Did you ever have G. Edward Griffith on the program?
Oh, I've had him on a lot, yeah.
Yeah, he's a great guy.
He and I and Alan Stang were, and Gary Allen, who was my partner, we were buddies back in 64.
I've known him all that long.
Of course, Gary's deceased now and has been for 22 years.
Well, it was Gary Allen who woke me up with his non-dare-call-a-conspiracy.
I mean, I already knew about a lot of history and had heard about this stuff, but I read that when I was about 16.
And then I went and checked a lot of it and found out it was true.
Boy, here we go, Bob.
Full transmission.
Okay, back to your phone calls with Bob Chapman.
Zaina in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, hello.
My name is Zaina, and I'm a representative of a movement that started in Georgia that enjoys people for good and forbids the wrong.
The name of my group is Bilal Wadaw and G-O-I, Guardians of Islam.
And our founder would like to speak to you and hold a convention with you if that's possible.
If you can take my information and give the brother a call at your earliest convenience, that would be perfect.
Well, let me give that to John.
He'll put you on hold here in a moment.
Do you have anything to say about what you've been hearing from Governor Ventura and Bob Chapman and others?
Well, I'm African American, and it's no surprise that our government has been corrupt for a long time, but facing the current dangers of everyone that's starving and hurt, I think it's time for us to really start focusing on what we can do to better America.
That's why I called.
We can start introducing you to some people that, I guess, of other nationalities and around the world that's Muslim.
All right, thank you.
John, get her contact info.
I'm always happy to have folks on the show.
I don't know about conventions or travel.
I'm so tied down.
I'm going to 9-11 in New York.
I'm going to Denver to cover that melee.
And so we'll see what happens there.
But thank you, Zaina.
Jeremy in Kentucky, you're on the air with Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster.com.
Hello, Alex and Mr. Chapman.
Hey, I have a quick question and a comment, if I could, about Misadventure after the question.
I understand the economic situation we're in, and I'm not trying to turn this into a spiritual question.
I just need to kind of know the initiative here.
You know, if you believe in God at all, or if you're a Christian, you know that in the end, the good always wins.
What is their drive?
To do all this when they know that their master is going to lose?
Well, number one, we cover the info and what you do with it is your decision.
And I want to get Bob's response to the important question you've asked about what is their drive.
There are some people who are sadistic, sociopathic, they tend to be sadistic psychopaths that are at the highest ranks.
They've always got to have more.
I mean, Caesar runs up to the ocean, he goes across and conquers
You know, Albion or England.
They've always got to have more.
They're hyper-competitive to an insane level.
And they also like to be cruel.
And so they don't believe in God.
They don't believe in helping their species.
They are out for them.
They are cancer cells in the body politic.
Bob Chapman?
Cancer cells upon the entire peoples of the earth.
And basically it's Satan versus God.
And it boils just down to that, good versus evil.
And that's why we do what we do, and that's why they're doing what they're doing.
And in the final analysis, people will realize, because it is going to come to that, and it's not too far away.
Well, you know, people ask why I do what I do.
I burn with passion and desire to warn people.
I get mad at myself because I don't work hard enough, I'm not eloquent enough, I can't articulate my understanding.
Clear enough.
And I mean, I burn with desire to warn people.
I burn to reach new people.
I burn to warn people.
And it's because at an instinctive level, spiritual, whatever you want to call it, I know what comes around goes around.
And I know at an instinctive level, I can intellectually reason it out, and then you reap what you sow as a scientific fact.
I can intellectually, in the geopolitical realm, show you how it is a fact.
But just instinctively,
I know killing a million Iraqis in the last seven years, last five and a half years, killing three million of them conservatively in the last eighteen, that is a great evil done in my country's name that besmirches my forefathers and besmirches my children in the future.
And that there's a law in the universe.
We're going to be hurt because of this.
We're going to pay for this.
And not just when we die, folks.
You pay in this life.
And so I'm trying to rectify that.
My instincts... Bob Chabon, do you see the point I'm making?
And it's the same desire I have.
I won't take it.
I'm competitive enough that I must stop them from what they're doing.
Because what they're doing is wrong.
Now there's a term, crime against humanity.
This is a crime against our species.
Does that answer your question, Jeremy?
Yeah, I guess so.
I just had a quick statement about Jesse, if I could just make a statement real quick.
Yeah, go ahead.
I am a soldier.
I'm not a former soldier.
I'm actually still stationed in the United States and I'm active duty.
And most soldiers are good people, you know.
They're fathers, they're sons, they're husbands.
And I'll tell you what,
They won't tell you, but we're all wore out, you know?
And I've been studying all this stuff.
I've listened to you for a year.
I just got back from Iraq about a month ago, and I listened to you almost the entire time I was here over the internet, and you were my only source.
of entertainment and I gotta give it to you Alex.
You know it takes courage to do everything that we all do together.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to hold you over through this break for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers with Bob Chapman.
The final segment with Bob Chapman.
Take a few more calls and then get his basic economic analysis.
Any other key points he wants to make.
I'm going to try to get him back on later in the week as this develops.
TheInternationalForecaster.com is an invaluable source of information.
Final segment with Bob.
Straight ahead.
But Jeremy, stay there.
We're going to let you talk to Bob behind the scenes.
Here we go.
We're on the mark.
Okay, the Empire's on the run.
Jeremy, you say as your source of entertainment you were listening in Iraq or listening once you got back here?
No, I was listening over the internet.
I had internet in my room and I was listening to you every day.
In Iraq, okay, how many, because we see 75% of the donations, a total of about 40% of all political donations from the troops went to Ron Paul, the rest mainly to Barack Obama because they thought he was anti-war.
We see polls of 75% of the troops against the war a year ago.
What is the feeling of the forces over there right now and how many people over there are aware of the New World Order?
Well, you've got to understand is
I'm actually in the Army, I'm a soldier, and I think most of his probably donations are probably Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
I'm in a special operations community, and they're completely compartmentalized.
If they are there, they're very silent.
I was kind of the only voice in my area, and telling you where I'm at right now, I went to that Ron Paul rally this past weekend, and I got to see how real this really is, and I finally got to be surrounded by people who think like me.
I know that there are out there in the military that understand what's going on, but where I'm at, I'm pretty much all alone, and I understand Mr. Ventura's frustration.
He probably feels like he's isolated, but I'll tell you, most of us soldiers have to give up so much time.
I know I lost my wife.
I'm divorced now.
I got two daughters, and I had to give up a lot of my own personal time, and I love Mr. Ventura.
I feel connected to all of you.
Because I think we're all brothers and sisters in God.
But I really wish he'd reconsider, because I really feel like you do.
He was kind of giving a hint that he's not going to run, but... Yeah, he kept saying, don't get mad at me if I don't.
He said, I'll still come on.
And then he said some things off air that I think I might have... I was trying to push him, and then he did sound like he's maybe not going to do it.
We'll find out tonight.
Bob Chapman, what do you say to these eloquent words we're hearing?
Well, I didn't listen to Mr. Ventura, and so I don't know what he said, but I'll tell you one thing, he's better than anybody else that's got a shot up there.
And so with that said, it would be a good idea if he was able to run.
Well, I totally agree with you.
How many tours do they make you spend overseas?
I've done three tours, Alex.
And well, we need you.
And how many of the guys are going Looney Tunes from the stress?
Well, I'll tell you what, I can't give up a lot of information because I'm not trying to put myself, like you said, you got to pick your own battles.
But I had a very good guy, senior NCO, hang himself when he got back from Iraq.
It was really tough.
And that was because he didn't feel good about the mission?
I don't exactly know.
But all I know is after he did his rotation of seven months,
He came home early, that's when he did it.
So I don't know what got to him, but it's really affecting the social.
You need to tell all those men, join the rebellion against the New World Order, and they'll get their moral compass back, they'll get their strength back, and they'll have the moral initiative, and they'll stop killing themselves.
We appreciate you.
Alright, here we go.
Final segment with Bob Chapman.
Listen, the world's a real place.
You can't live in decadence forever.
We're going into very hard times, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody, including people in this movement, need to have a gut check.
Need to put out the maximum effort right now against the New World Order.
I thought Ventura would definitely run.
It didn't sound good when he kept hinting about, well, don't get mad at me if I don't run.
Alex, I'll do another interview with you before I go back to Mexico.
If he's gonna run for the Senate, he's not gonna be going back to Mexico.
So many people are running to, and we'll find out tonight on Larry King.
Bob Chapman, we were just talking for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, because we do some of the behind-the-scenes talking, talking to that Special Forces officer that just came back, and his commander just hung himself.
And we have record suicides.
In fact, I saw a report, it is 14 times any previous suicide numbers.
14 times!
I mean, they are killing themselves in mass.
And even men, when it's a righteous war, tend to break down a good percentage of them.
Or, they die young of heart attacks, so they're real reckless.
You know, I had a lot of veterans in my family, and they were old guys, and you'd see them, they were always ready to get in a fight with somebody, always macho, not a fake macho, reckless, you know, crazy.
Well, I think you're right about that, and you're also right about the tours and the breakdown of the individual, and it doesn't matter
How smart or how unsmart you are, it affects everybody.
It's an emotional thing.
And for anybody that's ever been in combat, they know that you never want to be there again.
And when you're asked to go three times, that's a little much.
And so you're right, they are breaking down the structure that they've created, this essentially mercenary force.
Because there's no draft involved.
Maybe there's a better word for it, but they call it a volunteer force.
And, you know, that's a tough way to make a living in make-believe wars, where the President has to lie to get us into a war to kill over a million people.
And it's just terrible.
I do a program on Friday with Drew Rains, and most of the listeners are active and retired military people, and I do it because of that.
I'm a veteran myself and most of the Marines and Navy, but we get a lot of people listening from the State Department.
And it's amazing the things that go on.
I don't know if I ever told you, but they told me on the program from the State Department that all of the embassies have a copy of my report every time it comes out.
And Washington is very upset that I am printing what I'm printing.
And so, Alex, we are getting to them, believe me.
Oh, listen, I know.
I found out five years ago.
I mean, photographs that entire councils of the diet have their interns boiling down my radio shows, giving them video clips, watching my films.
I mean, the Japanese government
I don't know.
State Department people on me, and FBI and Army Intelligence on me, I'd finally say, look, I know you coming up asking me questions, I know you're with the government, and they'd say, well, Alex, we're just following what the, what the, what, it's to my face, you know, when nobody was around me, that we're just doing what the, you know, what the commander in chief tells us.
And I said, is there nothing you won't do?
And he goes, well, look, we don't like it either.
I mean, I had the goons following me, going, well, we don't like this either.
And I mean, they weren't just saying that.
They looked like a pile of crap.
I mean, you know, they looked like, they felt like they were a pile of dog crap.
And I hate to talk like that.
They, these were big men.
But they, they know they're bad.
They know they're working for the bad side.
They know, don't they, Bob?
They certainly do.
They certainly do.
And when they can stop people like you and I, or even get us incarcerated, they think, oh, maybe I'll get a promotion.
I mean, that's what their mindset is.
Now, I want to tell them something.
All you're going to get is bad luck, and that isn't some physical threat.
You are foolish if you don't know that when you do bad things, and that means especially messing with somebody who's putting the truth out, that the universe doesn't like that, do they, Bob?
They certainly don't.
And they're going to pay.
And how that will happen, I don't know.
And, you know, it's really not my place to make sure that
They get payback for what they're doing.
There's other forces that will take care of that.
That's right.
That's how it works.
A few final calls.
Let's talk to Chris in Montreal, Canada, then Tony and Peggy.
Go ahead, Chris.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Bob.
Good afternoon.
First, just a couple of comments.
I hope I'm not too off-topic.
First, I'd like to say that Truth Rising is excellent.
It's excellent.
The cinematography, the score, it's a beautiful, beautiful movie.
But my question was about legal militias.
Do they still exist?
I know that in the States and in Canada a lot of the militias have been absorbed either into the National Guard or in Canada, the Reserves, but I'm not really a hundred percent clear on it.
Yeah, that's the organized.
Okay, well let me tell you real fast.
The organized militia wasn't set up until 1906 as the National Guards.
All the Federalist Papers, all the court cases
I mean, that's why a sheriff could deputize, but you had to do what he said.
That was an instant draft by the elected representative, could say, you're coming with me, somebody just killed, you know, some kid, just raped some girl, we're going to chase them if it's across five states.
There was no jurisdiction, they went after them.
So that's when the people were the government, now there's the mistrust of the corrupt government of the people.
So militias are totally legal, totally lawful,
It is your right and duty, 18 to 49, and in enduring emergencies they can call people out even 65.
The governor, the county commissioners, the sheriff, the city cannot call out the militia.
It's a state function and through state chartered institutions.
But the problem is they infiltrate militias and people try to set them up and then feds even try to become leaders to then send everybody to prison
No, I think you've covered it fully.
That's just the way it is, and the government has done that, and they've tried to do that to me several times.
In fact, they've gone to friends of mine and told them that they want them to give all the information they can and spy upon me.
And I didn't know it until years later.
Of course, he didn't do that.
And before he died, he told me that they had come and threatened him and so on and so forth.
And and so they do do those things.
Well, yeah, I'm fully aware of the undermining of any any effort like this.
And like I said, I was just wondering if I mean, I know
I know they're illegal, but they've been demonized and... Yeah, but see, the Second Amendment is... Montana militia is renowned for being these kooks, but I know what a militia is.
I know they're not nuts, and I was just wondering why this isn't happening more en masse.
Like, you would think that as many organized militias as you can in as many places would be very... Chris, let me move on and explain what happened.
The militia movement had state representatives behind it.
Oklahoma passed an anti-UN law and called out the militia.
Then the feds went in there and blew a federal building to Kingdom Come to blame it on the militia.
People would try to form militias.
And then Feds would infiltrate and provocateur.
I mean, I've gone out to pro-Second Amendment meetings that the government here considers a militia, and we had Feds come to it, and locals, and say, let's blow things up and kill police, and then we'd follow them out in the parking lot, and they thought we were so dumb, they were driving unmarked police cars, and then we'd follow the cop home, and he'd say, leave me alone, okay, I was just spying on you.
I mean, they spy on anti-war groups.
They're criminal dirtbags.
And so, you know, the point is, is that when they attack your Second Amendment right, that's an attack on the militia.
The militia is you being armed and having a few of your friends you've known for your lifetime saying, we're not going to a FEMA camp, and if anybody tries to take us and our family, we're going to stick together.
That's a militia.
Bob, do you agree with that?
Yeah, I mean, folks, let me tell you what's valuable.
Storable foods, water filters, skills, firearms, the willingness to defend yourself.
Okay, and if enough of us just, it's like porcupines.
Wolves leave them alone.
We're not looking for trouble.
I mean, I think our flag ought to be a porcupine.
It's just, we're like, do not mess with us.
Just, you know, leave us alone.
And we're purely defensive.
But I don't like shooting my mouth off.
The point is, is if they try to put you in labor camps, take your kids, you don't have a choice at that point, folks.
I agree completely.
And I preach it on the air all the time, and I'm one of the few newsletter writers, and your personality on radio, that come out and say such things.
There's only a handful of people that have got the guts to do it.
Well, I mean, it's real simple.
It is a moral right and a duty, if they try to take you and your families to camps, to resist that with lethal force.
And all the federal rulings say that.
When the government is engaging in crime, I don't care if they say crime is legal.
You have a right and duty to protect yourself.
And I don't know how they've drummed the instincts out of so many men and women to let them take your children and the rest of it.
I mean, when you lay down like cowards, folks, they win.
We don't have a choice.
And, uh, quit pushing.
I mean, I'm just telling people in government, you're in the wrong, you're not God, and, and, and, and, and... Oh my God.
And there is consequences.
Now, there are consequences, folks.
I'm not happy about this.
I'm not... This is the real world.
Peggy in PA, and then Ariane in the Netherlands.
Go ahead, Peggy.
No, Tony in Australia.
We gotta move fast.
Tony in Australia, go ahead.
You there, Alex?
Yes, I am.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to ring and say that I thought it was important for Governor Ventura to get into politics.
You need a bit of sanity in government over there, and I think you'd be just perfect for the job.
A few things I wanted to mention.
You keep on predicting what will happen in America.
They're already happening here.
They mistest pensions.
If you've saved up a little money, you either don't get the pension or
They reduce it.
They're using the military to police Aboriginal settlements in the outback.
And they're going to bring in carbon trading in 2010 with not very adequate explanation.
Illegal aliens are put into detention camps in the outback.
They can't get adequate medical attention for their children.
And the list just goes on and on and on.
So, what you're predicting is already happening.
That's right, the Australian government.
There was a real Crocodile Dundee.
He looked just like the guy in the movie.
And what was it?
In 1998, he wouldn't turn his guns and they came out to his house and murdered him.
Well, I wouldn't believe it.
Yeah, they've almost completely disarmed you guys out there and they're CPSing your children for no reason.
Yeah, I'm fully aware Australia is really bad now.
Yeah, yeah.
And the Pope is visiting this week and has virtually introduced martial law in Sydney to control the population.
You're not allowed to wear certain t-shirts in case it upsets people, that type of thing.
Yeah, they're getting used to no free speech, no nothing, yeah.
Yeah, so what in effect is happening is that they've got all the procedures now in place,
What people don't realize is if they can use the military to control aboriginal settlements, if they can put illegal aliens in detention camps and not provide adequate medical attention for the children, they can do it to anybody.
No, no, that's absolutely right, sir, and call me back again.
I want to hear more from you.
We've got to go, because Bob's got to go in just a moment.
I've got some final news that's very important I want to cover.
Bob, I mean, he said it all right there, and he's right.
In England, in Australia, it is classical tyranny now, where they're even arresting mainstream reporters now.
I mean, it's getting bad.
Yeah, and you can't even take your children to school unless you've been cleared and it's proven you're not a criminal, and very often
Uh, they will assign a criminal background to somebody who's not criminal.
And then you have to go fight them to prove that you are not a criminal.
Yeah, the government is... It's unbelievable.
Folks, the government went rogue.
That happens nine times out of ten.
It happened here.
Folks, you can't screw around anymore.
They built camps.
They got people working for them.
Every criminal you can... They're openly hiring felons.
Sheriff departments all over the U.S.
are hiring felons.
Not just the military now.
I mean, the government's criminal!
End of story!
Two final calls real fast.
Let's go to Arion in the Netherlands.
I want to go to them first.
Go ahead, Arion.
Hi, Alex.
This is Arion Blauw calling from the Netherlands.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
I would like to thank you for all those years.
I've been listening for more than seven years now, dating the pre-9-11 era.
I was amazed when you were doing the prediction in June of that year.
I want to just move on quickly towards the emergency food here in Holland.
The New World Order has taken over, all but taken over.
You know, it's a lot of stuff that is being, you know, being placed on the Internet.
People are no longer free.
There's so much stuff that is happening right now and people are just sleeping while they should be preparing.
Last week I just ordered
I think so.
And I believe you know that Iran is going to be bombed.
I've got some information.
Bob is not sure.
I understand.
You know, Bob, I respect you very much.
Your analysis, I respect it awfully a lot.
But I do see in Daniel 8 that first Iraq was going to be bombed and later on Iran will be bombed and Israel will take much of the brunt of that attack that is yet to come.
800-375-4188 800-375-4188 or they can go to the site TheInternationalForecaster.com
Bob, I tell you what, you've got about three more minutes.
Let me hold you through, I mean, into this behind-the-scenes break, but at least folks watching on the web and on TV at PrisonPlanet.tv can hear me go to Peggy.
We're going to come back in the final segment with a recap of some newly developed financial news.
The banks, the private Federal Reserve, dumping our tax money in, you're going to fit the bill, can't even prop the stock market up.
I want to get Bob's take on that and then talk to Peggy for three more minutes, then we'll come back in the final segment.
Right here on the one, the only GCN Radio Network.
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I'm not risking my life for nothing here.
You tell them how to listen.
On the web, shortwave and AM and FM.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be right back.
Okay, tell Ted Standby I want to talk to him in the final segment.
Right now, Bob, I wanted to talk to you right now.
Again, give that number out one more time for those that may have missed it.
Do we have Bob Chapman there?
That's 800-375-4188.
Say it again, you were faded down.
Or TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Send an email and get a free email version there.
Don't waste your time.
Just pay for the subscription and get the whole thing.
And you want to get the electronic if you can.
For those that can't, get the hard copy.
It's great stuff.
You get a lot more than you learn here just on the air.
Bob, I want to get you to pop in probably every day for 10-15 minutes.
And if things melt down further, so look at your book right now.
Here on air for everybody.
When can I get you on tomorrow?
Let me pull my schedule up here.
And I have it.
And, um, tomorrow, um, uh, before two o'clock, your time is okay.
All right.
Let's get you on it at noon tomorrow.
Uh, that's hold on.
Let me get a pen here.
Uh, noon.
For 30 minutes.
Uh, that's noon.
Your time would be.
Okay, I got that.
Okay, good.
Let's take one final call from Peggy.
Peggy and P.A.
are on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Sweden is not in the EU yet.
They just passed a law just a few days ago that the internet was going to be censored, or at least their emails and so on were going to be listened to by the government.
Are they new world order?
Oh, of course.
Europe is all in the New World Order.
They're banning free speech everywhere, arresting people for no reason.
I mean, hardcore tyrannies upon us.
I'm just still around because I'm a big fish.
I mean, we're going in to the hardcore tyranny.
Bob Chapman?
I agree.
And it's just going to get maliciously worse.
And again, the only thing out there is a program like this
Where people can hear the truth and perhaps do something about it.
Yeah, I mean, this is a malicious bully trying to intimidate you like a man beating a woman to make her do what he says.
And he's like grabbing you around the neck going, listen to me, you bitch!
Do you hear what I'm saying to you?
I'll knock the rest of your teeth out unless you do what I say.
I mean, that's what they're they're trying to intimidate us right now.
And it's because they're scared.
Don't you agree, Bob?
People only do that when they're frightened and they know they're losing their grip.
And they are just absolutely out of their minds and saying that you're on the air, and I'm on the air, and people like us are on the air.
And people are listening.
Still beaming it out.
That's right.
Bob Chapman, we'll talk to you tomorrow at noon.
God bless.
Take care, Peggy.
Good job, Bob.
Folks, Retransmission starts with Jesse Ventura for more than an hour.
Key economic analysis where I cover the news in the first hour and what we're facing starts on the web only at Infowars.com.
The next few hours for PrisonPlanet.tv members we'll have the Jesse Ventura video hosted.
I want to spend four minutes with Ted Anderson.
I had him on for about five minutes in the first hour, too.
Ted is selling gold and silver that he bought, that he locked in this morning before it went up by 15 plus dollars.
Gold and silver.
And Ted literally makes no money on this.
He pays the brokers like 2% to take the order.
But Ted's doing this to introduce you to metals, physically holding them, and it's because you're my listeners.
You're going to pay $970 something if you buy gold anywhere right now, but Ted has it locked in, and it's somewhat numismatic.
It has collector value.
The coin he's offering, British sovereigns, European francs, Swiss and French francs, and the American silver dollars.
I don't know.
Each one of the coins he was selling, the silver dollars were at $1, or about 90 cents above spot.
You can't get them at that.
And that was at the cost this morning when he locked them in.
They're below spot.
The silver is an insane deal.
And I feel good supporting the network, but mainly supporting you folks when you hurt the New World Order and transfer some of your Federal Reserve notes, because you can pull your Federal Reserve notes out of the bank.
They're just going to devalue there, too.
It's an amazing feeling the little bit of capital we've got is there to fund the operation.
That's why I'm rushing to get the cameras, build the stage for the TV show, to spend the money we got from the money bomb before it's devalued the next year and a half.
You know, we are just last ditch.
We're not running off with our little nest egg.
We are expending it to fight the New World Order.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't protect your nest egg.
Ted, I mean, we've seen the markets go crazy today.
They pumped billions
Into the stock market, it still went down.
This is getting scarier and scarier, Ted.
Oh, it sure is.
It's amazing to see what happened to those bank stocks today.
I mean, it just, they dropped like a stone.
We're talking about major banks.
Yeah, tell folks real fast what happened.
Yeah, well, you'd have to just look at the indexes and look at it, but you can take a couple of examples here.
If you just look at some of the major banks, Citicorp, Zion, Washington Mutual, all that stuff just fell to the floor.
Of course, IndyMac went down from about $30 a share, almost to zero now.
And the market's just getting beat up like crazy.
Gold and silver both up.
$9.76 gold and silver $19.26.
A tremendous increase today in that market.
I'm real surprised to see that happen this time of the year.
Yeah, for those that don't know, headline, Feds spell out Freddie Mac plan.
Which bank will fail next?
Borrowers line up in California withdraw their cash from Citigroup.
1.1 trillion of mysterious assets.
Shadows earnings.
I mean, it's meltdown.
I'm praying everybody's right and we got a year or two before the depression hits.
I mean, it's not a question of if, but when now, Ted.
How do folks call and get gold and silver at insane prices?
Well, right now, 1-800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
We have the Frank coins, like you mentioned.
They're at $212.
We also have the Sovereign coins, too.
Another great buy.
They're at $286.
And those rolls of Silver coins, like you said, right now at $202 per roll of $20.
That is just insane.
And again, very short time ago, Alex, Silver wasn't even available on the marketplace.
I couldn't sell them.
So call 800-686-2237 and take advantage of this.
You need to.
Take a look at what's happening in that banking industry.
It's enough to frighten anybody.
Yeah, this is just bracing for impact here, ladies and gentlemen, and it's only going to get worse.
Politicians are telling you everything's wonderful as everything goes to hell in a handbasket.
Meanwhile, Dick Cheney, two years ago, sold all his dollars for euros and bought a house in Dubai.
Bush is moving to Paraguay.
Carl Rove left the country last week under subpoena and is now under indictment.
Thanks, Ted.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Retransmission starts now at the one, the only Infowars.com.
Retransmission at Infowars.com.
God bless you all.