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Name: 20080707_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 7, 2008
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 7th day of July, 2008.
We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
For all the PrisonPlanet.tv members, you'll be able to see the document cam, the video cam, and of course the camera on myself.
Our guest is Tex Mars for the next hour and 50 minutes.
Coming up later in the second hour with Tex, we will be taking your phone calls.
He has an amazing new book, and when I say that, Tex Mars taught me so much of what I know.
Text Mars in the early 1990s.
He was already a best-selling author on robotics and a best-selling author on passing the military exams.
I mean the best-selling author just on so many fronts.
Air Force officer, University of Texas, space and aeronautics professor, military professor, very well accomplished.
Then he found out about the New World Order and he wrote books in the early 1990s about the RFID chips, the cashless control grid, like Project Lucent.
Now it's more cutting edge than the quote RFID experts you hear out there.
And I'm praising them as well.
It's just Tex is really a man before his time.
He wrote books and things about nanotech decades before.
Then it all turned out to be accurate.
He exposed the phony evangelist before anybody else was doing it.
I mean he is so prolific.
And then I think the best book he ever wrote for information wise was phone book size.
In fact, we're PrisonPlanet.tv members.
I'll hold up how big Codex Magic is.
This is Mysterious Monuments, which is the twin, or the sequel to it, a huge coffee table book.
It is just full of photographs.
In fact, I'm showing people a screenshot of that right now.
I mean, the whole thing is just totally
Jam-packed with thousands of photographs and documents, and we know that the Masonic orders at the higher level are worshipping Lucifer.
They say that in their own books.
But low-level Masons don't know that.
We know it ties into other networks of mystery schools.
We know the global elite are obsessed with the occult.
And he has the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, Holmes and businesses, and the devils and demons and satanic spirits they have all over, the totems, the United Nations,
It's his first book that we carry, by the way.
We've got a deal where you can get both of them together.
On this subject, which is this big coffee table book, is Codex Magicka.
This is the second part to that, and I have to say, it's my new favorite, because
I didn't think that anybody could top the lavish nature, and it is lavish, how well it's done.
You can't put it down.
Perfect to wake somebody up.
Perfect for the average American who doesn't read, because it has a lot of text, but it has so many photos and documents that it keeps you engrossed.
But he's done it with this incredible new book, Mysterious Monuments, that we have on your television screen.
For those of you that are watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, the Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places.
Now, what's important to understand is that just like local gang members, the Crips are the Bloods.
Just like police need to know what those gang signs mean, you need to know what the New World Order gang signs mean.
And with Codex Magicka and with his newest book, Mysterious Monuments, you will see the symbols they have on TV, the symbols in books.
But more importantly, the symbols that are buildings.
They believe they're magical talismans.
And I've had university professors who are secular on to cover this.
They believe they're energizing spiritual power from it.
They believe that this is how they control society.
Now whether it's real or not, they believe it's real, and so this is like learning a new language, French or German or Spanish, except this is the elite
I think?
He's used his scholarly scientific mind to integrate into two books, really the whole of their system.
And this is knowledge we all need to have when we're fighting the enemy.
Tex Mars, it is just wonderful to have you on.
Well, Alex, it's great to be with you again, and I appreciate what you said about my prior book, Codex Magicka.
And this really is a sequel, and yet it's totally different.
You know, I guess it was Shakespeare who once said that the whole world is a stage.
But these people are doing occult magic in plain sight.
And I'll tell you, it's very important.
Because people, you know, every day you come on your program, the Alex Jones Show, with stunning information.
But here's what most people need to understand.
I believe, you know, that your listeners every day do.
This doesn't just come out of a hat somewhere.
I mean, you really research it, you document it, you know the evidence, but it is an intellectual thing for many people, and it's hard for them to fathom and understand, even though it's totally documented, it's out there, and you've done the research to bring this to pass.
And in every day, Chronicle, even your new video, 9-11 Chronicles, Chronicles the truth of that.
But still, some people find it hard to grasp.
And I know I had a friend of mine, a physician, who came to visit me this week, and he said, Tex, how can I get to my friends that the truth of 9-11... You know, I gave out copies of videos to them, books, and they just laugh at me.
They say, oh, come on.
They don't even want to watch the videos.
One other thing that we've done with this book, The Mysterious Monuments,
It's not just intellectual truth, it's actually items people can see.
Once they read Mysterious Monuments and see over 800 photos of architecture, then they say, oh!
And once they understand the architecture, you know, at first you just visit Washington, D.C., as I did many years ago, and you say, how wonderful, oh, you have these great
Buildings of marble and granite, and the huge Washington Monument, and the goddess above the Capitol, and how lovely.
But once you understand the meaning of all this, and then it's not only that, it's not just what was built, you know, 200 years ago in Washington, D.C.
They're building new world order architecture that has a meaning for their coming global empire of Satan.
This is Satanic architecture.
That represents the occult theological view or vision.
And as you said, these are talismans, they're charms.
They're creating what they believe is a black magical environment to entrap men's souls.
You know, many people, Alex, where
We're good to go.
Just as they don't want to watch the videos you put out or listen to your program, they're not going to want to look at this book.
If they did, it would bother them so much they couldn't stand the pressure.
A lot of people just are looking for a comfort zone.
They want to party.
They want to spend their money.
They want to have a good time.
But they don't realize they're in great, great danger.
They're about to go over the cliff, whether it's economically or a war.
Key cities are even on these ley lines, even the Greenwich Mean Time.
Everything they do is part of a giant ritual.
They really believe in this.
Even if people are atheists out there and don't believe this, they need to know that the globalists that govern the planet are all deep occultists, and there's so much
Thanks for your time.
And for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, we're going to be skipping some of the breaks on the radio, and you'll be able to see us at PrisonPlanet.TV, continue the discussion, also on the internet streams at InfoWars.com.
But I will give you some breaks during the next two hours.
Texts, as I know, you probably don't need them, but you might.
So we'll also take a few of those breaks coming up.
But before we go to this first break, Tex,
Going over this book, you're the expert on this.
How should we start in the next hour and a half or so of time that we have to really give people a basic grasp of this?
Well, I think we need to ask ourselves if there is a satanic architectural colossus going up around the world and even being escalated today,
Who is behind it?
Who is behind it?
The second thing is, why are they doing this?
If they're designing these things, who are the architects building these monuments, these new skyscrapers, the statues?
Why are they doing this and what kind of occult wisdom are they using?
And so this is really, who is behind it and why are they doing it?
I think are the two key things we need to look at.
Start Dex, go over it for us.
Well, one of the things you see in this book, and you mention names like Rockefellers, Rothschilds, quite a bit.
The Astors.
Yeah, and I have, you know, an entire section entitled, Where the Illuminati Rich and Famous Dwell.
I actually take you into their estates.
You will see the owl.
You will see the skull and bones at the DuPont estate.
There's the Astors with the dragon.
There's Vanderbilt with occult signs at the Biltmore Estate.
Even their homes in the states reflect their demonic nature.
Okay, we're going to take this break.
We're going to come right back in just a few minutes with Tex Mars, the new book available at InfoWars.com.
Mysterious Monuments.
You want to get it.
Stay with us.
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Most people go through their lives never realizing there is a whole other world around them.
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The fact that we're about to start a new war that could lead to World War III.
Tex Mars joins us to talk about the symbols, the architecture of the New World Order.
His new incredible book, Mysterious Monuments, available at InfoWars.com right now.
Tex, please continue.
Well, you know what, we discussed this architectural colossus that's springing up around the globe, Alex.
What we have to understand, this has its origins all the way back to Mystery Babylon.
In fact, that's how I discovered it.
For many years, I really researched the symbology.
And the monuments, you know, going all the way back to the Tower of Babel and the Book of Genesis and the Bible.
I wanted to see what kind of architecture, what kind of symbols, and what kind of religion were in ancient Babylon, Egypt, and so forth.
Even, you know, the Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, the Incas, and so forth.
But, interestingly enough, as I began to study this,
As I travel around the United States, being on various TV and radio talk shows for other books, I discover the same architecture, the same principles, being built across America than when I went overseas.
I saw it being built in Europe, and now it's really being escalated.
Did you know there's an illuminati city of mystery called Astana, or the Star, in Kazakhstan?
An entire new city!
And it's incredible, they have pyramids, they have huge globes there, they're spending billions of dollars, and they're in a spot of the New World Order elite, have built a great palace of peace and reconciliation.
It's going to be like a United Nations as such, and then there's the Congress of Leaders of World Religions they're bringing together.
In Houston, Texas, they're building a great Spirit of Houston, or at least they plan it, a Spirit of Houston goddess statue.
It's going to be towering, voluptuous.
And I have a picture of it in the book, and it's 555 feet tall, which is the same as the Washington Monument, the obelisk, the great Egyptian obelisk in Washington, D.C., and the reason why, and I explain it and show the meaning of the number 555 numerologically, and of course, if you translate that into inches, it's 6,660 inches.
They don't count the zeros in numerology, so that's 666.
But back to this
Architectural colossus.
I ask myself, who is behind this?
I see these buildings.
I see these monuments.
Who did this?
And why are they continuing at a frantic pace to build up a new paradise or kingdom of Satan on Earth?
And then I found out that the architects behind it are members of the secret societies, the Black Lodges.
And as you know, Alex, they've spawned scores of subordinate organizations.
There's the Scottish Rite with its headquarters in Washington, D.C.
They live in, by the way, they worship in a tomb, literally a tomb, a mausoleum in Washington, D.C.
And I picture that in the book with all its fabulous phoenix serpents and its black altar.
And when you imagine that many of the Senators and even former Presidents have gone there and drank wine from a human skull in the sanctuary of this tomb in Washington, D.C., and I picture it, I did not know, for example, until I began research for this book some 20 years ago, that under the Great Rotunda, that's the central section of the tripartite capital of the United States, there is a crypt for dead bodies.
A crypt under the rotunda!
Nobody ever goes and visits there, but they have a crypt for the dead!
And I think that is very curious.
These people, as you've said before, are fascinated with the dead.
Well, we know that's where the Hellfire Club with Benjamin Franklin in England, they had their orgies in crypts.
They did, and you know, they have now found an astonishing site in the place where Benjamin Franklin lived.
In the building where he stayed when he was in Great Britain, and lived there for a while, they found many dead bodies in the foundation.
Of children.
Yeah, yeah, it's astonishing.
And they date back... And they date back to... That was the beginning of the modern Illuminati.
Exactly, and it dates back to when he lived there.
So these are secret societies, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem, the Scottish Rite, the Order of Skull and Bones, the P2 Propaganda Lodge in Italy.
All of them are building these incredible things around the world.
Tech, stay there.
We're going to continue to talk behind the scenes right now, and I want to continue going through the book, and I've got so many questions about different architecture, different things that I've never seen before.
We're on the mark.
Okay Tex, let's continue here.
When did you decide to do a part two to Codex Magic and when did you decide to do Mysterious Monuments?
You know Alex, actually Mysterious Monuments was a book I began in 1987.
And for some reason, I attribute it to God, I was delayed in doing it.
I don't know why.
I felt like it would be my most important book, but I kept delaying it, and I would do other books.
I've now done about 42 books, but I would just keep delaying it for some reason, and I would keep gathering more and more knowledge.
Now I understand why.
Because now these people are attempting to bring to completion their new world order.
And everything is being set up now for the finale.
That mankind will be in a great slave plantation.
This is reality.
I know now that God wanted me to wait until after Codex Magicka, which shows their secret hand signs, their secret rituals in plain sight.
And now we have this architectural... I mean, we're talking about something tangible.
You can see, you can visit, you can study.
And it's across the globe.
And I realize that God wanted people to know, just a few people, people who really are truth seekers, the truth about these things, and now they're able to include many of the newest monuments.
Entire cities in Brazil, in Kazakhstan, going in South Africa, they built what they call the Lost City, or the Sun City, with phallic towers.
And they are conducting human sacrifice rituals, is my understanding.
They're in Sun City in South Africa, where all the gold and the diamonds are.
In Moscow, Norman Foster, Sir Norman Foster, architect of Great Britain, has designed a great crystal island, an incredible building.
On page 229 of my book, it's pictured.
It's like a huge lotus flower.
Now, the lotus is an ancient occult symbol, and it's very important sexually.
It indicates the male diamond, or phallus, entering the flower of the female.
This is nothing but one gigantic evil sex cult.
And this is the reason for this gigantic building, incredible, going up on Crystal Island in Moscow.
So Brazil, South Africa, United States, Russia, all these things are being built.
And of course, again, it goes back to the ancient roots.
Louvre Museum, you know, the old ornate Louvre Museum.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, Tex.
We're going to come back to the full audience in just one moment.
And yeah, let's just walk through the book for people to try to give them an idea.
And then I want to ask about the Rothschild section.
I want to ask about the Pope going to this weird Catholic church that's a giant pyramid with an all-seeing eye.
Let's go over that right now.
Here we go.
Tex Mars is our guest.
The new book, Mysterious Monuments, Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places.
You can get that new book and also Codex Magicka at InfoWars.com.
PrisonPlanet.tv folks are obviously watching us live on the web right now.
We've got the document cam going, showing the book.
Also, of course, we're here interviewing Tex.
We've got his website up on screen a few minutes ago.
We'll put that back up there.
There's also PowerOfProphecy.com.
We have links to that up on InfoWars.com.
Before he leaves us, we'll tell you several times how to get a free complimentary copy of his newsletter.
I was visiting my uncle
Uh, this, uh, weekend and right there in his office was the copy of the new newsletter.
A big one this month.
You can get on the free mailing list to get a free monthly newsletter as well.
In fact, since I mention it, Tax, before we go any further, tell folks how they can call and get a free copy of your newsletter or find out about some of the other books and videos that you've made or written.
And by the way, our newest newsletter, and you're right, it's a big edition, about Mysterious Monuments, and there's probably, you know, several dozen pictures and images of amazement in that, and we'll give it to them absolutely free.
If they'll just call our toll-free number, and that's 1-800-234-8000,
They don't have to order anything.
They can just say, I'd like the free newsletter, the new edition, and we'll send them that newsletter.
It'll be out within a couple of days.
Again, they don't have to buy anything.
Nobody's going to ask anything other than their address, so we can send them the newsletter.
That's all.
And it's nice, this one looks like it was eight pages, and it's just all jam-packed, and that newsletter's a good little tool to give somebody to... Tex is really good at getting people to become interested in something the way he presents it, because he's able to telegraph how amazing all this is.
Tex, now let's get into the book.
I mean, there's so many areas to cover, so many facets, so many angles.
I mean, I said 15 minutes ago, where do we start?
And you have started, and you've covered so much.
I'm tempted just to ask you about, you know, different sections of the book or different areas.
But I think, first off, seeing all of this, they want to bring in this one world government, as you were just saying.
They believe now is the time.
They believe they're in a hurry to get this done.
Describe their basic cosmology, and then seeing this, there's all these different cults, but they have the same central ideas in them, and then when you look at the leaders of all the different Rosicrucians and the Masons, you notice it's a few hundred people are the heads of all these major groups, and they're part of other elite groups, hence the symbol is the pyramid for compartmentalization, and they set up all of their institutions
I don't know.
Then some of the details of that that you cover in your book.
I mean, basically what I'm trying to say here is they're building their New World Order.
Why do they believe architecture is such a big part of it?
It shows they're all really on the same team.
If the Communist Chinese and the Russians and the US and the Mexicans and the Brazilians and everybody, the Muslims, the Central Asians, the Middle Easterners, I mean, they're all building the same stuff.
They all are parts of the same group.
Let me just prove your point.
In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, that's where Flight 93 crashed.
Uh, they have spent $54 million of U.S.
taxpayer money to build a monument to the 40 or so people who died on that aircraft, okay?
On 9-11.
Now, would you believe
They have built, or they're building a monument.
And by the way, this was all set up by Senator Alan Spector, oil inspector of Pennsylvania.
Remember, he's a 33rd degree mason.
He's the guy that created the magic bullet theory back during the JFK commission time.
And the two senators and the governor of Pennsylvania are all free basins.
But I want you to understand something.
This is an outrage.
Maybe you've covered it on your program, but I have an actual picture on page 68 of my book.
I'm going to go to page 68 for people watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Tell them what it is, Tex.
This is the new monument called the Flight 93 National Memorial.
Now, people will love the fact they've paid for this.
It's oriented toward Mecca.
And it is a star and crescent moon!
Now let's be clear, it isn't just a star and crescent moon, it's aimed at Mecca.
It's oriented toward Mecca.
It's a star and a crescent moon, which is the symbol of Islam, universally.
And it's actually called, now remember now, they use the star and the crescent moon in Islam.
This is actually called the Crescent of Embrace.
The Crescent of Embrace.
Now, at first you're shocked.
You say, well, are they Moslems, the Illuminati, or these evil Freemasons?
Well, some of the highest symbols of the Masonic orders is the crescent moon, and they wear the red fez for the murder of Christians.
That's right.
The sun and the moon are actually cosmological deities to them.
Now, interestingly enough, the Shriners, which until recently you had to be a 32nd degree Mason to be a Shriner, the Shriners actually have ceremonies in which they worship at the altar of Allah and Mohammed.
So here we have the Shriners, and the very word Shriners of Freemasonry means Shrine of Allah and Mohammed.
Now, keep in mind, this is not even true Islam.
They are intending to bring all of the religions together.
First, they will destroy the true doctrines of religion, such as Christianity and others, and Judaism.
Then they'll bring them all together in this horrible, illuminous religion.
These people are religionists!
And we know that from Albert Pike.
Explain that to the Muslims out there.
Albert Pike said this.
He said he was the former sovereign grand commander of all Freemasonry.
And then an Illuminati chieftain.
He said every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion.
Well, what religion is it?
Well, it's very clear what religion.
It's a Luciferian religion.
They worship the great star god, who is Lucifer.
And by the way, going back to this building of architecture, all the Masons
...say that their God is the great architect of the universe.
Jesus is a word that is not mentioned in the Masonic Lodges or the other occult orders and such, but they will mention the builder or the great architect.
In fact, one of the pictures I have in my book is the Wilshire Tower in Los Angeles, where they have a great carving
I think?
The cosmological gods and deities... Remember, the Bible says that Satan is prince of the power of the air, and they're bringing that god in the form of Zeus, and there are statues of Zeus.
Did you know that there's even one of Zeus on the Rockefeller Center in New York, and he's holding the compass?
The square and compass is the major symbol of Freemasonry.
It's the symbol of the builders.
They are building a new utopia on this planet.
The new world order in stone.
Their gospel is a gospel in stone.
Don't let me interrupt you, but I want to go back to that, but just since you mentioned it, when I got back from Bilderberg in Virginia, there outside DC in Chantilly, I spent off and on more than two days trying to videotape the occult architecture, didn't even know you were working on this book, we're both so busy, and when I return
There laying on my desk is your new book with a nice letter from you asking if I wanted to carry it.
And on the cover is something we shot 20 minutes of video of and marveled at and had police walk up and say you can't videotape it with Poseidon with the mermaids and the mermen and the turtles spraying the water on them and they've got this
These eels, Flotsam and Jetsam swimming around, and I just marveled at that, and shot video of that, and on every building, Supreme Court, you name it, there's little devils, little owls, and then of course, so above, below, they always have the water gods down on the bottom, they'll always have a goddess up on a building looking down, just like in England, they always have the sacrifice, they'll say 10,000 dead troops, 20,000 dead troops, 200,000 dead troops, depending on the monument,
Looking at her sacrifice, it's always the same.
And then they've got in front of the Vice President's residence, right next to the White House, in gold, the goddess with a flaming sword, and down below her, little demons.
And then little demons with pitchforks.
But it's all laid out the same.
And when you're there, I mean, it's like a dog in a butcher's shop if you're trying to shoot a cult architecture.
Everything is just laden and festooned with it.
Go ahead.
Well it does, and it goes all the way back again to Babylon, to Egypt, to Greece and Rome.
Now here's the interesting thing...
Uh, some people say, well, that's Greco, uh, your Greek-Roman architecture.
And even, you know, the state houses, the capitol buildings in Texas and around the United States are all built in this format.
Uh, surely that's not satanic, it's just Greco-Roman.
But wait, wait, wait.
One of the top occultists in the world, Jeffrey Hodgson, wrote a book called The Brotherhood of Angels and Men.
And I quote him extensively in Mysterious Monuments.
He says,
Quote, we, and he says the spirits told him this, we are devils really, we are Greece reincarnate.
We're building fairer cities than even were built in ancient Greece.
Now why Greece?
Greece seems like a nice enough, you know, compatico nation today.
But remember, Greece borrowed all this from Babylon and Egypt and had all these gods and goddesses
And really, they are a function of the satanic court.
In other words, they're a mirror of the satanic court.
And what is going on with this architecture, this architectural... So is above, so below.
That's right.
They're mirroring what they vision as in hell, and they're building it on earth.
They're building a hellish utopia right here on earth.
Let me give you an example.
Of course, it was built by the pharaohs, I believe with demonic intentions.
It's a place of death.
And the sarcophagus of the king or pharaoh is in the king's chamber deep in the middle of that.
But a man named Isaac Tigrett, and I have a picture of him in the book giving a satanic hand sign, a multimillionaire, I think he owned the Phoenix Suns basketball team, NBA, and he's the founder of Hard Rock Cafe restaurant chain.
Now remember, their symbol is the sun!
What page is he on?
What page is he on?
That's the sun god.
What page is that on, Tex?
Uh, I'm not sure what page it's on.
This is a book of 624 pages.
There is an index here.
I just remember looking at it.
It was amazing.
I was just trying to find it.
Go ahead, sorry.
Yeah, Isaac Tigrett went over to Egypt in his own testimony.
This was in American Airlines Magazine, of all places.
He says he bribed the guard so he could spend the night in the King's Chamber deep inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
And at exactly the stroke of midnight, a great light came to him and a voice, and it said, you will build a pyramid like this in our sister city of Memphis in America.
Now, I recognized right away what was going on, because in the ancient mystery religions they had an exact replica of this ceremony in which they went deep into a cave.
They claimed at midnight the sun god came.
They call it the Sun at Midnight.
And by the way, Aleister Crowley, the great British Satanist, who called himself the Wickedest Man on Earth 666, he also said he went through the same ritual and he met an Egyptian demon who told him to write a book about the bloodshed that's coming upon the Earth.
In any case,
Isaac DeGritte came back, went to Memphis, Tennessee, and with other rich Illuminists, they convinced the city fathers to build a great pyramid sitting on the Mississippi River, sister of the Nile, and there it sits today, this gleaming sun pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee.
Now, you see how they do things, but wait, they're not finished.
One of the greatest architects probably of the 20th century, the two, were Frank Lloyd Wright and I.M.
Pye, P-E-I, a Chinese-American.
Mr. Pye went over to France because the Grand Orient Lodge wanted him to build a great pyramid there.
And he built one right in front of the ancient, or I should say ornate, Louvre Museum.
Now can you imagine a King Louis XIV ornate place, gigantic, magnificent building, and now they have a huge
Glass pyramid right in front of it.
And by the way, the man who arranged it, I have a picture of the President of France, Francois Mitterrand and him.
Then I read in the Le Monde, the world newspaper from Paris, sort of like our New York Times... François Mitterrand is totally obsessed with the occult.
It was all over their news, and then he had to get this built before he left, and he was worshipping, and I remember separately seeing that.
Go ahead, Tex.
Yeah, Le Monde says that Mitterrand, each year... Now, we're talking about a modern president, okay?
A guy that has nuclear bombs and submarines at his disposal.
François Mitterrand,
Would go to the top of a sacred mountain in France and use drums and drum up the spirits and communicate with them and get an agenda for France!
From the spirits!
Now, you say, oh, this is impossible.
Hey, Tony Blair, same thing's been in all their major papers.
He goes into these pyramids?
Go ahead.
Yeah, all of these people, and of course we know about Bush's Satanic Order of Skull and Bones, that by the way, those young men chosen each year from Yale University meet in the tomb.
I went back and I studied the life of John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil.
Okay, now this guy, talk about the oil industry and the oil futures market today.
I found out that John D. Rockefeller, his gravesite is a huge Egyptian obelisk.
And I pictured in the book, I have a picture of the obelisk of John D. Rockefeller.
So, I found all the way back, George Washington, I discovered, his gravesite is built in the form
of an Egyptian, has two obelisks and an Egyptian temple.
This is George, our nation's founder, George Washington.
So, by the way, I also found that Rothschild is building an incredible series of pyramidal architecture at Hebrew University.
Now imagine, Hebrew University in Israel, visit it and you'll see in the courtyard, I have a picture of it, a great pyramid!
You go to the city of Eilat, which is the city in Israel that comes out when you go from Egypt into Israel, there Rothschild has built a great pyramid right in the middle of the street.
Everybody has to pass it with pillars and a masonic square and compass.
He's built a huge Supreme Court building.
Their intention is to make this the Supreme Court of the world.
In Jerusalem in 1992, and it's shaped, the library is shaped like a Masonic pyramid with the capstone missing.
There are pyramids all around, there are circles, there are all kinds of occult symbols.
Now back to this, I'm getting ahead of myself, but back to this Standard Oil and John Rockefeller.
I'll tell you what, Tex, stay there.
We're about to go to Bright, but we'll keep talking behind the scenes for folks watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
And again, I'm only interrupting to back up what Tex is saying for those that are out there listening.
Everything he's saying is documented.
Okay, Tex, we're going to continue.
You've gotten to the point about the Rockefellers.
Go ahead.
Well, Standard Oil Corporation has a building of its own in New York City.
And I decided, well, I wonder how the Rockefellers, what architectural style did they use?
So I did some research, and guess what?
I found that the top of the building, it's topped by a tomb!
The Tomb of Mausolus!
Now this was one of the ancient, the seven ancient wonders of the world.
It was called the Halicarnassus.
It was built for King Mausolus,
of Greece and his wife, and the ruins are still over there, and now it's Turkey, because they grabbed some land from ancient Greece.
It's dedicated to Zeus, the god above, and imagine it, here you have a regular-looking skyscraper, but on top is a huge tomb!
The tomb of Mausolus!
It's a place of the dead!
And by the way, then I said, there must be other buildings in New York, and here is really a shocker.
Where the two towers went down, right adjacent to them, really the entrance from the harbor, is the World Financial Center building complex.
I found that every one of the buildings there, the top of them are all in the form of pyramids, a variety of pyramids.
And again, these are all temples then, to their devil gods.
And I have a picture of the
Temples of the Illuminati at the World Financial Center in New York City.
Everywhere you go, if you know what to look for, and you've even mentioned the Frost Building in Austin, Texas.
A gorgeous new, incredible tower, and yet it's shaped like the owl of the Bohemian Grove.
And if that's not enough, they even stick big owl eyes on it.
I mean, it's got the beak, it's got the eyes, it's got the horns.
Just amazing.
You know, I had a daughter and her husband, a chairman of one of the largest oil companies.
And I can't mention the name because I told her I would keep his name confidential.
She told me, she said, Tex, I love my father.
He's super rich.
They lived in a big mansion in California.
She said, but I know he's into the occult, and I don't know how to get him out of it.
I said, why do you believe he's in the occult?
She said, he visits the Bohemian Grove each year.
She said, I don't know anything about that secret group, but I do know this.
She said, in every room of our mansion, and she said, we have over a hundred rooms, there is an owl figure.
And my father, when he goes in there, he mumbles something to each of the owl figurines.
I'll tell you what, stay there, stay there, stay there.
Here we go, here we go.
Tex was just talking about, he knows the family and the daughter of one of the biggest heirs, one of the largest oil companies.
And that when he goes into each room, he has little owl figurines in each room, and he mumbles something, you know, frightened to it.
Like an incantation when he enters each room.
See, people say, well, Bohemian Grove, they're in there worshipping the owl, that can be Lilith, there can be any other names.
Why are they doing this?
You know, this is just a play, they're just having fun.
Well, I could have thought that too, but I was in the crowd of several thousand men watching the ritual take place.
They were breathing heavy, grinding their teeth, very silent, until they started doing the mock sacrifice, and they were like, oh yes, oh.
And then Mike Hanson next to me was going, hey, this is a great event.
Boy, that's neat.
And they looked at him with total hatred, and he just shut up.
This was very reverent.
They said be reverent before her,
And now they call it Moloch in some of their writings.
We know the owl is Lilith and some other things in the cultures, but with these occultists it's all interchanged.
We understand that Moloch is a bull, but at Bohemian Grove they call it an owl.
And don't we find this with the occultist texts that they interchange things and have different meanings and multiple names and multiple faces to things?
Oh yes, because they're gods morphed into different beings.
You see, for example, and remember now, even the great symbol of the United States, which is that eagle, with, by the way, the six-pointed star above it, has an obverse, or a reverse, side.
There's always a hidden side.
For example, Vanderbilt.
The Vanderbilts, one of the richest men in the world at one time.
Vanderbilt, at the Grand Central Railroad Terminal in New York, you can still see it, built a great statue of Mercury.
The god Mercury.
Mercury is symbolized in astrology by Gemini.
He's a dual god.
He has two aspects.
So you always call up the double-faced gods.
Remember the Romans worshipped Janus.
So the Masons today, their premier symbol is the double-headed eagle.
So, we have a double-headed all-seeing eye on one side of our great seal, which they put in there with a pyramid, and the all-seeing eye abhors the Egyptian sun god, the sun, S-O-N, of Osiris, and then the other side being the eagle, and yet even the eagle is bastardized
We're good to go.
Who are Mr. Ben Bernanke works, head of the Fed Reserve.
You're going to see a very simple adornment.
Only the great eagle.
So again, they use many things.
Now back to this owl.
Athena, Athena was the goddess of wisdom.
And the owl is the symbol of her wisdom.
It's a knight wisdom.
It's a black magic wisdom.
The owl is the killer of night.
And it can see.
It's like an all-seeing eye.
And again, Athena, one of her representations is atop the statue, atop the Capitol building.
And thus, right below her, way deep below on the earth in the basement, is the crypt that they secretly built there.
Now, not only that, but behind the Capitol, and actually in the street design of Washington, D.C.,
That whole area, if you look at it, and I have a picture of the street layout, you will see the owl.
The owl is actually in the street configuration.
Okay, Tex, stay there.
Let's get into the layout of DC after this quick break.
One minute break, back with Tex Mars in just a moment with us for a whole other hour.
We're going to take some calls later.
We're going through his new book.
We'll be right back.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
An inside job?
How dare you?
If you know that there's treason going on, you can be held accountable for treason yourself.
All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
And if the government has not told the truth,
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I am just biting my lip here because Tex brings up so many points and then I think about the hundreds of things I've learned separately when he's talking about something and I know he's so right on.
I'm just like biting my lip here, not wanting to interrupt because I want to pump him for all the info I can.
There is so much in his new book that I didn't know.
And the more I learn, the more I learn that I don't know that much, but I thought I knew it all about architecture and all the occultism and the things they've done.
But when you really start reading this book and start looking around you, it is everywhere.
In fact, here's an example.
I read junk science fiction sometimes, not very often, I'm so busy.
And I was at my parents' house about a week ago, and my dad reads a lot of science fiction, and there was this book called The Worthing Saga.
And I picked it up, he said, yeah, I've read it, you can have that.
I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
And it shows a guy on the cover, I'm going to put this on screen for people, and
Put it up there on screen for folks that are watching on PrisonPlanet.tv and he's encased in something that is a pyramid and then below him in blue is a pyramid with a white capstone.
And then I started looking around at all the other science fiction books I have.
This is what Alan Watt talks about, and it's all got Illuminati stuff on the book covers.
And you start looking, it is literally everywhere.
Tex, how many adherents to this Babylon mystery religion?
Do you have any idea what the percentage is?
Well, of course there are millions who are involved in various occult things.
And many of them are just dumb people
You know, and independently, not involved in these secret societies and cults, but in terms of the more hideous New World Order elite, I'm going just to say that there's probably no more than 10,000 around the globe that really know the plan, and are accomplishing what they call the great work of the Illuminati, which is to regenerate mankind
To destroy the world that is and build a new world made up of stone and steel and glass because of the visions they receive from demonic spirits.
So maybe 10,000 in the United States, probably only about 1,000 that really are deep into this.
In various areas.
There is no doubt that the world's controllers do believe they're channeling angels.
Space aliens is the more modern thing they say they're channeling.
And they are telling them what to do.
They're telling them genetic engineer and destroy the old, bring in the new.
They're telling them start World War III.
They're telling them kill these children, do these medical experiments.
I mean, whether you believe it or not, folks, they believe it.
I mean, could it be more dangerous that we have these world leaders in control of the nuclear weapons, as you said earlier, and they are completely a bunch of mumbling nutcases?
I mean, mainstream British news reports, Tony Blair flops around on the ground every morning, channeling the, quote, spirit of light.
Yes, indeed.
Yes, indeed.
And you know, I have a picture in the Mysterious Monuments of the European Union's modern-day headquarters.
This is a power of Babel.
In fact, it actually is designed as an unfinished power of Babel.
And the national anthem of the European Union is devoted to the great goddess of magic and fire.
You can find it on page 489 to 491 of my book.
Now, and by the way, I'll also show a picture of, they have a statue, uh, in front of the European Union headquarters, uh, of a great goddess, and she's holding up in her hand the euro.
And below her are people like, they're cowering.
They're supine and they're cowering beneath her.
The whole of humanity is cowering.
And here is the great goddess.
We get back to the same goddess they worshipped at the Bohemian Grove.
The streets of Washington, D.C.
are laid out in one place as a great owl.
I have a picture of also even the landscaping in the pool area of the DuPont estate.
Hold on, Tex.
Okay, let's keep talking to Tex.
Tex, please continue.
I mean, take some time on Washington, D.C.
Take some time on DuPont.
It's not just Washington.
Again, as you said, it's the architecture of all their homes.
Then you get into Maurice Strong and the U.N.
I mean, God help us, we literally have a bunch of crazy globalists who say in their own biological diversity assessments at the U.N.
that they want to bring back human sacrifice.
I mean, that's official U.N.
Please continue.
It is.
These people are believers in the great possibility of death.
Remember, during the French Revolution, they said, death is easy.
Death is not really death.
It's just an eternal sleep.
In the state of Florida, some Illuminist visionaries are planning to build a new Great Pyramid.
It is going to be a crypt where it will contain the ashes of 500,000 dead people.
But then there's the sex cult nature.
A pyramid was considered by the ancients literally as a sign of resurrection, which, of course, the sex cult has translated to erection.
So that's the meaning of the phallic sex architecture of the Illuminati, which is plentiful, believe me.
But back to this death thing.
Remember we mentioned the tomb of Mausolus?
That is built atop the Standard Oil Rockefeller building in New York?
Well, I found another building there built with the same tomb of Mosles atop it.
It's the Banker's Trust building.
Banker's Trust.
It's owned by the wealthy, wealthy billionaire Reichman family of Canada.
So here again, the Illuminists, by the way there's a place called the City Tower in Tel Aviv,
There's another building in Seattle called the L.C.
Smith Tower.
They also have this thing similar to the Tomb of Mosles.
So these people are fascinated with death.
And many of their modern buildings, remember the tomb of the Order of Skull and Bones in New Haven, Connecticut, are actually replicas of tombs.
I believe this is the Congregation of the Dead, Alex.
Well that's their real name is the, I mean their real name is the Order of Death and that's what the SS internal name was, was the Order of Death.
And it of course goes back to the Teutonic Knights festooning themselves with the skull and crossbones in World War I. The field marshals wore big skulls on their hats.
I mean this is the Legion of Death.
It is, and they worship Satan in various, let's just say, images.
that are deceptive.
For example, if you visit the Astor Estate, I show you a building on their estate, one of the richest families in New York, the Astors have the dragon.
That's part of their symbology.
Okay, stop there.
Let's pick up with the Astors and the dragon right now with Tex Mars.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There is no way in two hours or in ten hours or in a hundred hours we can cover everything.
TaxMars has been studying this for decade upon decade.
He has put together the amazing new book.
We've got a live camera shot of the book I'm holding here with a Catholic priest with an all-seeing eye on the Illuminati with sun rays coming out behind him.
He's got Protestant churches with the same thing.
Their higher-level priests and pastors know exactly what they're part of.
What is the world they're building?
What do they plan to do to us?
That's coming up.
Then at the bottom of the hour, we'll be taking your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I want to challenge all of you to purchase Mysterious Monuments Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places.
This is just as important or more so than Codex Magicka, because that gets into their systems, their signs, television, media, their symbols, hand signs they're making.
But just to give to people, because architecture they'll see everywhere, I think this is even going to be a more effective book.
I'm not belittling the other.
That was my favorite until I read this book.
Cannot put it down.
I plan to make a film, actually, about all this, and I've been working on it for years when I'm in capital cities.
But I thought my knowledge was great of this.
This totally blew me away.
I've not been able to put this down.
I've taken it home for the two weeks I've had it.
It just came out last week.
I got an advance copy.
Get your copy at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com today or call toll free to get the new book, Mysterious Monuments.
It is a must-read.
Tex, get into the layout of DC, then get into the Astors, and then let's go through some of the things the Rothschilds are doing.
There's this Rothschild family painting of them in weird hoods with six candles doing a ritual.
But then I want to spend a lot of time on their master plan.
What do they plan to bring in to get their world government, their chaos to bring their order,
How do you see their plan building and then finally failing, or what's the time frame that Tex Mars sees this unfolding in, and what is their endgame?
I really want to spend time on that.
And again, we're very thankful for your time, Tex.
Well, Alex, maybe we should start in Washington, D.C.
with a place of worship, the National Cathedral.
You know, Pierre Lefort, who was an occultist,
Uh, and design the original layout, now, of the city of Washington, D.C.
Uh, said that the National Cathedral would be a church for national purposes.
Remember, after 9-11, they had a big interfaith ceremony.
They had, uh, Buddhist, uh, there, uh, Buddhist monk.
They had, uh, a Muslim, uh, imam.
And, of course, even Billy Graham was there, and the former president.
And the President Bush and everything, they made a big show of the National Cathedral.
Now, I visited the National Cathedral, and I noticed right away the demon gargoyles in stone that wrap around the building.
I found, I decided to do some research on the National Cathedral, and I found the newest, the newest grotesque or gargoyle, horned devil, and so forth, that's gone up is Darth Vader.
The Star Wars saga.
He's actually in stone.
He's looking down on passers-by.
Now, first, it's sort of a comedy.
Darth Vader, you know, the galactic evil commander.
What is this?
Is this some kind of a strange... You know, you mentioned science fiction.
A number of the science fiction writers are privy to the knowledge, as Hollywood directors are.
And Darth Vader, remember,
He was part of the dark force, the force.
Would you believe that the book of Daniel, prophetic book in the Bible, says that the God that they worship in the last days, this Illuminati elite, will be a God of forces?
And he will heap up great treasure, gold, money, to them.
It will not be a God that his fathers worshipped, but instead the God of forces.
Darth Vader
Comically, as it may seem, is now one of the demonic gorgons looking down on people.
I have a huge picture of him in the book.
I think it's on pages 588 to 589.
Now, I found out that the Bishop, who's the Rector of the National Cathedral, is Episcopal, and I have a picture of him in Codex Magica doing the Freemasonry hand sign, where you put your hand under your
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
And by the way, I have a picture of a devil, literally with horns, in stone at the National Cathedral, high up.
You can barely see him.
You need a telephoto lens.
The devil's looking down on people from the National Cathedral.
But I also show in France.
Remember, President Mitterrand would go up to a sacred mountain and pound on drums and communicate with the spirits.
Well, at Rene Le Chateau in the Pyrenees Mountains of France, probably where Mitterrand went, I have pictures of
The chapel there, a Catholic chapel, as you enter, notice there's a sign in France over the door, carved, and it reads, and this is astonishing, Alex, this place is terrible.
Well, right away you know you're in a strange Catholic church.
There's also a skull and bones emblazoned in stone.
I have an image of it in my book.
But once you go in, in the lobby, there is confronting you, to the right of you, a black
With horns!
And he's carrying a little basket.
And what is in the basket?
Of course, one represents Satan, the other represents his son, Antichrist.
This is in a Catholic chapel in Ramez-les-Chateaux, France.
And here again, we have the Satanic Illuminati around the world.
Weren't you mentioning earlier, when we had a break, the Asters and their symbol being the dragon?
Oh yes, yes, I have a picture on their estate.
They have a building, an exterior building, and I believe it must be the chapel where they conducted ceremonies.
And there you will see their great emblem of the Astor family.
And what is it?
Yes, it's a dragon.
I don't know.
That Anderson Cooper is one of the heirs to the Astors.
And then we've got the other one, Tucker Carlson is an heir to another one of the big families, but you never hear that on the news, so it's still the same people in power.
Speaking of Catholic churches, you've got a lot of big Protestant ones too, I want to go over some of those.
But on page 463, and I'm showing the camera this right now,
You have Pope Benedict said Mass at this luminous designed Catholic Church in Poland, and I mean, this is an all-seeing-eye pyramid with rays coming out, and the whole thing, I mean, it is just unbelievable!
Yeah, that is very interesting.
There on page 462, actually, Pope Benedict saying Mass, and you can tell, look at this church, it looks like something from outer space!
It's in Poland.
They have a new Catholic church called the Cathedral of the Angels, but it must be the Dark Angels in Los Angeles.
It has all kinds of satanic symbology to it.
And of course, there are the Protestant churches as well.
You know, we mentioned the Episcopal Church.
The church in New York City, the largest cathedral there is St.
John the Divine.
And wow!
They actually had a Buddhist statue implanted in the sanctuary for a while, and a statue
Well, you know, the cross and crucifix were behind the altar.
They put up Christa, a goddess statue on a cross.
Now, what about Oral Roberts?
What about Oral Roberts?
Well, the whole University, Oral Roberts.
Oral Roberts is a 33rd degree Mason.
He's probably, he's always voted Democrat, whether it was Bill Clinton or whoever.
He's always voted Democrat, and he is a 33rd degree Mason.
And when you study, and I have about three or four pages of Oral Roberts University, you'll find even the praying hands are built in the form of a pyramid.
You'll see these monuments that look like praying hands, but the hands are in a strange formation.
There's stars, there's circles, there's the sun sign atop the tower.
Everything to indicate
The illuminist, masonic nature of Oral Roberts University, I'm sorry to say.
Even the Oral Roberts University Medical Center is built in that format.
In fact, it's sort of a sex sign.
I also have a picture of Oral Roberts with Gene Dixon.
He was a big friend of the psychic astrologer Gene Dixon, and sought her out for advice.
Oral Roberts once said that he had the healing power he had, he claimed,
Because he was part Indian in his bloodline.
And he said, you know, the Indians have this special power because they're connected to the Earth.
Here again, we have this, the God of Nature.
And of course, the God of Earth is actually this God, Poseidon, or Neptune, whose statue is on the cover of my book, with his horns, with this satanic serpent spitting in front of him.
And by the way, that's the Great Fountain, where Neptune, or Poseidon, the god from under the Earth, remember, as above, so below, he comes up.
The fountain represents the chaos of Earth, the chaotic seas.
And here comes up Poseidon.
This is in front of the Library of Congress.
Now, that represents the collective wisdom of the United States people.
And does this devil that comes up out of the sea,
Represent America?
I don't want it to be so, and I think for the average citizen, it is not so.
This is the elite Illuminati that are forcing this on us, Alex.
Well, I was at the National Archives, and the security guards ran out and threatened to arrest us for being there, but it had every religion on Earth and every god and goddess, including Satan, but no Christian or Judaic gods.
And we were there for about 20... I mean, nothing.
Sorry, go ahead.
That's true.
That's true.
There are all these pagan gods and goddesses all over Washington, D.C.
I want to make a statement here.
Well, OK, we'll do that after the break, Tex, but I want to come back after the break and get to that statement.
But right now, behind the scenes, I want to talk more about the layout of D.C.
So we'll come right back with that statement.
We'll be right back.
Okay, I'm going to go back to text now, behind the scenes, PrisonPlanet.tv folks, we'll come back and make that statement to the full audience in four minutes and then text.
You can have a break at about ten at the bottom of the hour, okay?
Okay, no problem at all.
Okay, you're awesome, this is incredible.
I'm looking at your book on page 392, and there's a lot of maps of this.
And again, the designer of DC admitted it was a cultic, but you've got the owl, you've got the capital in his belly, you've got all these things happening, the skull and crossbones.
Can you speak about that?
That's right.
The owl of Minerva.
Minerva was another being much like Athena.
And Athena, by the way, is the owl goddess.
The goddess of wisdom, so-called.
She's in stone at the Capitol building, at the very top of the pediment.
And this same goddess, by the way, is on Wall Street in New York City, at the New York Stock Exchange building, which is built in the form of a great Greek temple.
But back to the Owl of Minerva, the U.S.
Capitol and its environs, the streets are laid out in the form of this magical nightbird, sacred to the goddess Minerva.
Amazing thing.
And so, by the way, there's also the Skull and Bones in Washington, D.C.
And the entire city itself, on page 391, you'll see Rothschild's hexagram, a six-pointed witchcraft hexagram on the street layout of Washington, D.C.
And there's also the Blazing Star of Freemasonry and the Occult, which is a pentagram, a five-pointed star, hidden in the street layout.
So, everything!
They believe that these give the city tremendous occult powers, which they can use to harness this occultism to usher in the new world order that the Illuminists desire.
So, they have built Washington, D.C.
as a great city of Illuminati mystery.
Now, everything is done numerologically, occultly, astrologically,
For example, the Great Goddess atop the Capitol.
Now, the Capitol building was built in the early 1800s, but would you believe they waited till the occult numerological year of 1860?
Because the number 18 has three sixes in it, and then there's the six.
A great occult numerological year, when they finally mounted the Great Goddess atop the Capitol of the United States.
And by the way,
This was right at the beginning of the Great Civil War, and I believe the Civil War could have been fought partially as a great human sacrifice of blood to the gods of the ancients, the mystery religion.
And so this is why they waited, and then they began this great, horrible catastrophe of the U.S.
Civil War.
And there, then, when President Lincoln actually was president,
The Masons, with a great ceremony, built the great goddess.
And by the way, they don't hide this.
The Druids and other groups come out at Stonehenge, come out to obelisks in Texas, England, in D.C., and do ceremonies of it.
In fact, you have an article from the Mainstream News on page 386, Circle of Harmony.
Women perform a Taoist meditation at the 10th Annual Prayer Vigil of the Earth at sunrise in Washington, D.C., and they're doing it there at the Great Obelisk.
I mean, all the occult groups know this, but then they all want us to be atheists.
You notice these occultists that run things tell you,
There's no God, there's no religion, it's all bull, but meanwhile they're all obsessed with it, so for the general public, they just want everybody blind, so they don't even have a choice.
That's true.
Which is over Washington D.C.
I entitled that, you know, page 386.
Because this is from USA Today.
Stay there, we're coming back to the main transmission.
Let's talk about that now.
Tex Mars is our guest, the one, the only, the new book
Absolutely amazing.
You need to get it at InfoWars.com.
Mysterious Monuments.
I was just now asking him behind the scenes, and he was just getting to it, about page 386, with the witches out worshipping at the phallus there in D.C.
For everybody in the occult, they know what all this is.
It's a big joke the general public doesn't know, and the occultists that run things work to teach you to be atheist, to teach you that there's nothing spiritual in the world, and that there aren't even people that believe in this.
See, they don't want you looking into that, kind of like...
I got protested by the Bohemian Grove Action Network that was real mad about me saying there's a cultism at the Grove and that I should just talk about world policy being set there.
Well, I covered that too in my film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
But then we went out the next year and there they were doing a ritual, a lot of the members of it, sending in their own spirits to fight the global elite.
Now, whether you believe it's real or not, the point is, they didn't want me talking about that.
Tex, get into these witches.
Well, you know, I have a picture from USA Today, a major publication, and by the way, the picture actually is from the Associated Press, in which these witches came to Washington, and they created a great circle, and they did it around the Washington Monument.
So, witches over Washington, D.C.
And they said we're going to have a 33 hour interfaith vigil to pray for peace and the natural world.
Here again, the God of nature.
We're good to go.
Remember, it's the age at which Jesus Christ was slain on the cross, it's believed.
So, they actually, they enjoy thinking about the fact that Jesus was slain.
They don't, of course, talk about his resurrection.
Now, on that same page, Alex, is another picture from Google, google.com aerial view photo of the great 555-foot Washington Monument, the Egyptian obelisk
And it's showing, it's essentially a great sundial, as well as an Egyptian monument.
And I call it the phallus of Neptune, or Poseidon.
Remember the beast that's covered, that cover of my book has the picture in front of the Library of Congress.
Revelation 13.1 in the Bible, John said, I saw a vision.
This is the Apostle John.
This is prophecy now in the last days.
He said, I saw a vision of a great beast rising up out of the sea.
And what is this beast rising up out of the fountain, which represents the sea?
The chaos of humanity.
He's rising up, and there he is in front of the Library of Congress.
And by the way, on the opposite page, page 387, you see that the incredible Delphic Oracle tripod fire urn, which has beasts
Paws and feet and the face of serpentine devils.
And as you said, you have the male phallus of the sea god rising out, the thing that should not be, out of the big reflecting pool as above below.
That's right.
Now here's an interesting thing.
In Alexandria, Virginia, now that's another city sister to Egypt, city of Alexandria, where they had the great Pharaoh's lighthouse.
And interestingly enough, in Alexandria, Virginia, the Masons built the Washington National Masonic Monument.
They actually still have rituals and ceremonies inside this of the various Masonic orders, including the modern-day Knight Templar, they admit.
And at the very top of it is a tower.
And it is a recreation of the great lighthouse of Pharaoh's Egypt, in which sat a great statue to Zeus.
And Zeus had his hands reaching up to the heaven.
Remember, Satan is prince of the power of the air, according to the Bible.
So, here we have below the phallus of Zeus, or Neptune, and there at the Washington National Monument,
Is this great Lighthouse?
He's the God of Light.
Well, it's the same thing.
When I was at Bohemian Grove and the hour-long ritual, they first introduced it as a female.
She heals you.
She's great.
She gives power.
Let our dead brothers who were members be conjured by her.
She orders them back from the dead.
And the men around me were going, oh, and they were really, oh.
Well, I mean, they were taking this, all these world leaders were really taking this serious, bringing back the spirits, you know, of the dead ones to be there, this necromancy.
Then, they addressed it as a male god of the forest, and so they always do the same thing.
Tex, we're going to take a three minute break.
When we get back, don't forget to make that statement, because you were interrupted by the break.
When we come back, make that statement, we'll keep talking, and Jeff takes some phone calls with the one and only Tex Mars.
His new book is out, folks.
Get it today at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
It's also a great gift to wake somebody up in your family.
We're on the march.
The Empire is on the march.
And so they always do the same thing.
Tex, we're going to take a three-minute break.
When we get back, don't forget to make that statement, because you were interrupted by the break.
When we come back, make that statement.
We'll keep talking.
And yes, take some phone calls with the one, the only Tex Mars.
His new book is out, folks.
Get it today at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
It's also a great gift to wake somebody up in your family.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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My mother, there's too many of you to cry
We're going to be going back to Tex Mars here in just a few minutes.
He's graciously agreed to stay about 15 minutes into the next hour so we have more time to take your calls.
And Jason Burmes is going to be in studio.
There was a big BBC hit piece on 9-11 Truth.
We've had a chance to watch it.
He's in there watching it right now, analyzing it.
We're reading different articles that have been covering it.
We're going to break down the propaganda with that piece supposedly debunking that Building 7 was blown up.
Or that they announced that it was going to be blown up beforehand, which they did.
Just a complete failure in what they've done, and so we'll be breaking that down in the last 30 minutes of the show or so.
We're going to go back to text Mars here, as I said, in just a moment.
Up on the PrisonPlanet.tv screen right now, you can see my new film.
That's the 9-11 Chronicles Truth Rising.
And in Truth Rising, we cover the growth of the 9-11 Truth Movement, how they're taking over media events and confronting all these different globalists.
We expose how the government knew that the first responders were breathing dust, were getting very, very sick.
And that all of that was basically covered up for their administrative convenience.
We also get into how they blew the buildings up, why they blew them up, with eyewitnesses to the countdown.
And we also show you the growing police state in the United States.
Such an important film, the 9-11 Chronicles, and it is two hours long with about eight minutes of extras, because I wanted to put everything on one disc.
But it is jam-packed, and it's something that hopefully will energize the population to go out and confront politicians, world leaders, media whores, so that the big lie of 9-11 can completely come down.
An Achilles heel of the globalists is their problem, reaction, solution.
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So that is of the utmost importance to everyone that that happens.
So please get the 9-11 Chronicles Truth Rising, my new film.
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Okay, going back to Tex Mars.
The new book is Mysterious Monuments, and Mysterious Monuments is a book, of course, that we're also carrying at infowars.com, but you can also get it at powerofprophecy.com and at textmars.com.
Tex, make that statement that you were going to make earlier when we had a break.
There was some key statement you wanted to make, and we forgot to do that.
Well, Alex, you know, many listeners to your program are Christian.
But there are also people who are not Christians, but love liberty, love freedom, love our Constitution.
And I appreciate them, even though I'm a Christian.
I appreciate them very, very much.
And no doubt there are people who are into Judaism and even Islam listening to your program.
And they certainly have nothing to do with terrorist philosophy.
Now, what we need to understand, whatever religion you have, or if you have none at all, we should all be opposed to false religion, a satanic religious philosophy.
And what we have to understand, there's three legs to the New World Order.
And the chief leg is religion.
And the subordinate legs of the tripod, you might say, are politics and economics.
But always, believe it or not, spirituality trumps the other two.
And that's why people such as Blair of England and Mitterrand and Bush and all of these people are involved in these satanic secret societies that hearken back to the mystery religion.
So I want to make this statement.
What we're opposed to here is an incredible system of politics, of black politics.
I'm talking about dark now.
Politics, black magic.
Witchcraft, politics, and economics.
Talk about voodoo economics.
But also, it is a theocracy.
Now, you know, a lot of people worry about a theocracy.
That's a government of horrible religionists that bring in a dictatorship.
This is what this is.
They are actually, with satanic architecture, they believe they are communicating with and receiving powers from devils.
And they create a natural, magical environment.
James Wasserman, who wrote a book, I quote him on page 121 of Mysterious Monuments, he wrote a book about the occult traditions in art and architecture.
He says the basis of the mystery religion is the law of correspondence.
As above, so below.
It goes all the way back, Alex, to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, back way into the Greek city-state era.
But it basically means that they're building on Earth, in stone, or glass, wood, steel, what have you, hell.
They're building a hellish new utopia, and they often conceal the true meaning of this by veiling it
In symbols, in satanic symbols, but not always, because you're going to find in this book such things as serpents and dragons and demons, and as I mentioned at the National Cathedral, even a gorgoyle of Darth Vader there.
And all of this is a, they're creating, remember they say we're regenerating Earth.
And so we're rebuilding Earth.
And everywhere they're building this architectural colossus, even entire new cities in Brazil, in Kazakhstan, and so forth, with the aim of bringing Lucifer's kingdom on Earth.
And they believe they're literally communicating with higher minds, these spirits from beyond.
Yeah, they believe they're talking to, quote, angels or gods and goddesses.
Oh yes, and they're worshipping them.
Now, you know, our Constitution says that Congress will make no law respecting the establishment of religion.
They have established these mystery religions, and they admit to it.
You'll see quote by quote of illuminist and occultist in my book, Mysterious Monuments.
And you have that, but let me just make a point here, backing up what you're saying.
When you go and you look at Washington D.C.
or every other major state capital or governmental buildings, city buildings, whether it's Austin or San Francisco, it doesn't matter.
It is all Babylonian-slash-Egyptian.
If you look at the government buildings in Ottawa or the government buildings in Manitoba, they admit they are occultic.
They were built by occultists.
The people that designed them are occultists.
And so here they are,
Saying, oh, get the Ten Commandments out of a Supreme Court building in Alabama.
Get it out of the Supreme Court in D.C.
Get these little trappings out.
But then they can have their stuff everywhere because they believe it's giving them power.
And so people, even if you don't believe in this,
They believe in it, is the whole point.
This is what drives the world.
Psychologists should look at this.
This is what they believe governs the planet.
No, that they're cross-species chimeras.
Cross-species, you know, spider with goats, humans with pigs, chimpanzees with humans, growing at least for a decade.
Humanoids, they're part bovine, in utero in cows for organ harvesting.
We saw that in medical documents 10-12 years ago.
Now it's mainstream news.
Now it's in newspapers.
I've had top scientists gone who were making millions of dollars until they found out that the potatoes that we're eating are killing us.
Until they found out that all this cross-species stuff is deadly.
They don't care about the environment.
They claim they're taking our rights and carbon footprints and global taxes and regulation and control to save Gaia, but in reality they want to overthrow what they believe is the old creation
And people can say, well that's your Christian view.
No, no, no, no.
You can say you don't believe in God of the Bible.
The point is the elite do.
They hate it.
And they say they're overthrowing it.
So if you really love the earth, and you really love this creation, you need to understand that they are seeking to overthrow it and destroy it.
So they know we love the planet.
They know we have common sense and want to
Alex, that is exactly right.
They want to create a new reality, a new way of thinking, and a new Earth built on these regenerative principles.
Remember, they are not creators.
So their God is not the great creator.
He's the great architect.
He is building a new world order.
And this is the reason for all of this satanic architecture and the great work of the Illuminati, and they actually use that term, the great work.
And it harkens back again to the mystery religion, so it is a theocracy.
And sometimes it's disguised.
For example, let me give you an example.
You'll find various monuments around the United States and Canada.
Uh, of state buildings, including the Manitoba, uh, you know, and Winnipeg, uh, Canada, and I saw this, but also AT&T building, the Rockefeller Center, and others have a, a, a very, uh, beautiful statue of a golden boy.
Who is that golden boy, you might ask?
Isn't that interesting?
The AT&T building in New York City was built exactly 666 feet high.
Okay, I document that in my book.
And they have a great statue of a golden boy holding up lightning bolts.
At the Rockefeller Center, they have a fountain with the golden boy inside a circle, like the circle of the Earth, or a ring.
Now, who is this golden boy?
He's none other than the Greek god Apollo.
He was called Horus by the Egyptians.
Here we have Antichrist, the son of
Of Osiris.
This is amazing.
The Golden Boy, and that's what he was called.
The Golden Boy.
Now Tex, since you brought up 666, remember it was in the Associated Press, I have the article, 666 of these pink, slat, and gold pieces that fit exactly in at the Louvre to build the pyramid and Mitterrand demanded, and it had to be, he told the architect, the 666 pieces.
And then I've had the head professor on who wrote this big book, and he's not even religious, about how up in Canada their government building has a room where they do rituals.
He admitted that it's designed for that.
That's exactly 666, or the calculation for the sun god.
Go ahead.
You know, Rome built a great capital building, the ancient empire of Rome.
They got the religious idea of this from the Etruscans.
The Etruscans always had their capitol building, their capitol of their various regions, and they were built exactly like our U.S.
Now, at one time, each year, on their holy day, where they really worship the devil, they would go into the crypt of their capitol building.
Okay, this is in Rome, this is in Etrusca.
Thank you for
To the bottom of the earth, where they believed the spirits would come out.
They would open up the cover and allow the spirits to come forth to bless their capital city.
Now, realizing this, I began to study the architecture of the U.S.
I found it in the crypt beneath the rotunda, where they actually had a place there.
He was never laid, but they even had a crypt, a sarcophagus for George Washington, built.
But they have what they call the Rose Compass.
It's a cover, and it leads down into the middle of the earth, supposedly.
Now, so there in Washington, D.C., at the Capitol, down in the crypt, I'm convinced these Illuminists actually have an occult ritual once each year when they lift the rose compass plate out of the center of the Capitol
And you mentioned the ley lines.
They believe the Capitol is built on this power of the ley lines.
Well, let me stop you.
They admittedly, with the wine and the corn and the oil, in an ancient Babylonian Masonic ritual, lay the cornerstones and have guys in priest outfits do it.
Oh yes, I have a picture, in fact, of the book where they were laying the cornerstone of the U.S.
Now, in London,
Many of the people there are convinced, and I am as well, that many of the buildings there, the masons actually had cornerstone laying ceremonies.
And by the way, post offices, government buildings, courthouses throughout the United States, you'll find Masonic plaques.
They say, we laid the cornerstone to this building on certain, certain dates.
But in the ancient mystery religions, they sacrificed human beings.
And along with corn and oil and wine, they consecrated this great stone with human blood.
And then they laid the stone.
Now here's an interesting thing for you, Alex.
I want you to picture this.
On the 200th anniversary, that was what, in 1990 or something, the Freemasons of Washington, D.C.
and the United States, from all 50 states actually, held a great ceremony, a recreation.
I have a film of it.
A recreation of the laying, the original laying of the cornerstone.
The second bicentennial.
But guess what?
They claimed that the architect of the Capitol, there's a full-time person, the architect of the Capitol, he could not find where the original cornerstone was laid.
They were going to unearth it and re-anoint it again with their corn and oil in their occult ceremony.
He claimed he could not find it.
I wonder if they actually have human bones.
They killed individuals and laid them under that great cornerstone.
Because this is what the ancient mystery religions did, and this is nothing more than a theocracy of mystery religions.
This architectural colossus is the evidence.
That's right.
Imagine if Christians tried to come out and do a ritual at the laying of new government buildings.
The ACLU would howl, but you have the Masons come in and do that.
They are more than happy.
The Denver International Airport, there is a plaque saying the New World Commission built this airport.
Of course, it was the U.S.
But it was also done by the Freemasons of Colorado.
Well, and then we have the, uh, who built the Rosicrucians building, the Georgia Guidestones, saying they're going to kill 90% of us.
I mean, they mean business, they run things, they're coming, and they think you deserve to die for their god, Lucifer.
We're going to continue.
May I have everybody's attention, please?
Yeah, let's go ahead and go to Tex.
Uh, Tex, I don't want to exhaust you here.
You want to take a break for a few minutes, or you want to keep talking right now?
Hey, I can keep talking if you'd like to, Alex.
You've got me fired up now.
Well, we're going to come back and start taking calls, but can you speak more about the Rothschilds and their homes and their own paintings, and then some about the Georgia Guidestones?
I mean, you cover it all in your book.
I've shown people here on camera a few pages and pointed at it, but I mean, you've got to get the book, folks, at InfoWars.com or at TexMars.com to really understand just how serious this is.
I mean, this is their gang member signs everywhere.
You know, I just threw out those other issues.
How about endgame?
What's it going to look like if they're able to win?
What will they do?
What would the world look like if they succeed and with God's help we don't stop them?
Well, first of all, it's an interesting thing.
In this bit about human sacrifice, this is an unknown philosophy to the lower-ranking members of the Masonic Lodges and these various occult orders.
They believe that the first people to be sacrificed will be their lower-level initiates.
I think it's going to be a big surprise to all these masons and shriners.
But see how that evil system builds it in perfect?
The coups always want to get rid of their minions, because they were the ones that knew where all the bodies were buried and knew all the secrets, and they bring in new dumbbells.
That is a very good point.
The Soviets, the Nazis.
Think of the purges.
Hold on, Tex, let me stop you.
That is key info.
I was aware of that, but the viewers probably aren't.
Flesh that out for them.
You want me to do it right now?
Yes, now they're planning to get rid of their own minions.
Well, you have to understand that they believe these lower-level minions are just dupes and deceived and are worthy of death.
Because if you're so gullible that you've been brought into the religion of Freemasonry and the Illuminati, well, you're deserving of death.
If you worship this and actually think you're worshiping some true god,
That they love the ignorant and the ignoramuses in terms of, these are people worthy of death.
And of course, many of them have been involved.
For example, you and I know that those who planned 9-11, many of them are dead.
I have no doubt at all that many of them are dead.
And this is what they do, the JFK assassination.
How many met unnatural, untimely ends who had some bit of knowledge?
Remember, uh, uh, Georges, uh, Maureen Schmidt,
Who was the CIA contact with Lee Harvey Oswald?
I think the day before he was to testify before the Congressional Committee on the JFK assassination, he was found dead.
Usually a victim of suicide.
Stay there, we're coming back with the full program.
Encapsulate it.
They plan to kill their own minions.
Spend five minutes on what their master plan is going to look like.
Then we'll come back and take 15 minutes of calls.
Here we go with Tex Marsh right now.
Man, if you're not a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, folks, to see these behind-the-scenes discussions, or if you're not listening to the free audio streams at Infowars.com with these guests, it's just unbelievable.
You notice that all throughout history, the Romans would take over an area and then kill the collaborators.
The Nazis would take over an area and then kill the collaborators, people that helped bring them in.
The Soviets had all the purges.
The Catholic Church has done that in areas they take over.
This is standard procedure.
You know, the people that killed Kennedy, they then killed them.
The Illuminati plans to kill the lower-level nations after they get into control.
Now, let's be clear.
They think you're profane, pathetic, morons.
They hang pictures of Albert Pike, and they hang pictures of Manly P. Hall, who admits it's Lucifer, devil worship, all of this.
And then you're told you're worshipping Jesus.
It's a big joke, you're big saps to them.
Tex was getting into that and what their master plan, what the world will look like.
And again, in the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessments, this is in my film Road to Tyranny, we cover it again in Endgame, they say, official UN law, that they want world government and to bring back in human sacrifice to reduce the world's numbers.
This is all public, Tex Mars.
Well, you know, in my newsletter, and people can get that just by calling our toll-free number, free copy, there's a picture in it, in Mysterious Monuments, the book, of three amazing North American Union pyramids built in Princeton, West Virginia, outside of Bluefield.
And by the way, they were built even before the 1995 Concordance, you know, agreed to by Bush and Fox and Lamartine, the Prime Minister of Canada, and the President of Mexico.
So the North American Union was planned, but to consecrate it, 33rd Degree Mason, Senator Robert Byrd, I believe in these people, met and had an occult ritual, a satanic ritual ceremony, inside these three amazing pyramids.
Who would have ever thought?
And by the way, in front of those pyramids, and they were built by the U.S.
Transportation Department with taxpayer dollars, are the flags of Mexico, Canada, and the United States in West Virginia!
The amazing North American Union pyramids with flags of the three countries!
Then we have the Mooney Gardens of all sorts of occult stuff down in Galveston.
Oh yes, these pyramids are going up everywhere.
But maybe if we really want to see what the ultimate is, on pages 434 through 437 of the book, Alex, I talk about the Pyramid Mysteries of the Atomic Bomb.
You must say, what has that got to do with anything?
Well, you were talking earlier in your program, and this is very vital.
Get this in your mind.
You know, there was a movie some years ago, it was almost comical, but after a third world war, people began to worship an idol.
And they went into this temple, and it was an atomic bomb!
They were worshipping the actual atomic bomb.
And at first you say, well, that's crazy.
You know, this is a post-war world, you know.
But wait just a minute.
Maybe it's not so crazy after all.
Because I disclose the pyramid mysteries.
If you visit New Mexico near Alamogordo, they have a monument built near where the first atomic bomb
We're good to go.
This is like the Golden Boy!
It's the Antichrist!
And once he explodes, he has such huge magical power, a great mushroom comes up on the face of the planet, and millions will be incinerated, burned to death in a fire sacrifice.
Now, these are incredible things, but even the name Adam comes from the Egyptian god of death called Atum.
Well, he was an admitted Bohemian Grove member.
Robert Oppenheimer and the Grove admits in their own papers they hatched the plan there at the chalet.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Now, these are incredible things, but even the name Adam comes from the Egyptian god of death called Atum.
Well, he was an admitted Bohemian Grove member.
Robert Oppenheimer and the Grove admits in their own papers they hatched the plan there at the chalet.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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We're good to go.
Jason Burmiss will be with us in about 20 minutes in studio.
Tex Mars is my guest.
He's going to stay with us until 19 after.
We will take a run of your calls after this break in about 8 minutes from now.
I wanted Tex to be able to finish up with the occultist involved with the atomic bomb.
Now this is a fact.
It's even mainstream history.
But his book really documents that.
So please continue Tex.
Well, you know, it's interesting.
The first atomic bomb was dropped.
You say, well, what's the significance of that?
July 16th, 1945.
Add the numbers 7-16-1945, you come up with the number 33.
Of course, that's the highest level of free masonry.
So we have the magical numerological number of the occult, 33.
Everything was planned.
The bomb was called the Little Boy, after the Antichrist, the little boy of the goddess and the great god.
So everything, J. Robert Oppenheimer, of course.
And meanwhile, it was called the Manhattan Project.
Well, what were they doing in New Mexico?
Well, it was because of Illuminati chieftains who had conceived of this.
And what to do about it, to literally incinerate two cities.
And again, everything is numerological.
Two cities, same as in 9-11, two towers.
And this is the Antichrist and Satan, his father, you see.
And so everything is done in a magical, ceremonial, black magic fashion.
And now we know that Hitler wanted more blood, Lenin called in mainstream history for more blood to get more power.
And they took the Babylonian famous gate and the seat of Satan, as it was translated by the Babylonians, south of Baghdad, and Hitler had a huge, my parents just visited it in Berlin, a huge concrete bomb shelter over the entire moved temple just to protect the seat of Satan, and Hitler was obsessed with it.
That's why they make movies about, you know, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Hitler running around wanting all these artifacts.
He was obsessed with it.
You know, that is so true about Hitler and that situation.
The Book of Revelation has an interesting statement.
It mentions the city in Greece named Pergamos, or Pergamon, where the seat of Satan is, or where Satan dwells.
That's actually in the Book of Revelation, the prophetic book in the Bible.
Now, Pergamos
Hitler, they had this incredible museum there in Berlin called the Museum or Temple of Pergamon.
And he actually recreated not only the Great Gate of Babylon, but he had the Great Temple of Zeus built.
And I have that pictured in my book Mysterious Monuments.
So imagine, he was part of this same occult system, even though he sort of double-crossed them and attempted to set up his own world in power there.
You know, Alex, there's one place, I think it's on pages 26 and 27, talk about scary.
Twenty years ago, a Christian group came to visit me.
They had just come back from a missionary trip to the Dominican Republic, and they were frightened.
And they sat in my office and they told me something that seemed fantastic.
And at first, if these people had not been reliable, I would not have believed it.
They said, Tex, you must investigate a great Knights of Malta temple that has been built just outside of Santa Domingo in Dominican Republic.
They said it is a temple of blood, sacrifice and death.
Well, I said, oh, come on, you know.
They said, we believe that Christians and those who oppose the New World Order will be brought in on aircraft, jets, so nobody will, they'll just be the disappeared.
They will be brought in and sacrificed in this fantastic structure that was just opened up in 1992.
Now, I did not believe this, and I began to investigate.
Tex, we've got to take calls, but I want to hear more about this.
I'm looking at the picture right now, folks, on page 26.
It's in the book, Mysterious Monuments.
The final segment with Tex Mars, I promise I'll get to at least five of your calls, everybody holding.
We're going to get to you with Tex Mars.
We'll be right back after this break with Tex Mars.
I'm Alex Jones.
My new film, Truth Rising, is out at InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go.
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Do you have... Aaron was just pointing out that Oppenheimer said, I am death and all that.
He sent you those clips.
Do you have it?
I don't have any clips.
I thought he was just talking about the quote.
I can definitely find them.
No, he said he IM'd you the YouTube clip.
Oh no, I never got it.
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We got a couple clips here that Aaron and Jason Berman just pointed out out there in the other office.
We have a CBS News clip where they admit that Oppenheimer and others hatched the A-bomb plan at the Bohemian Grove where they conduct rituals.
But we've got a clip here of Oppenheimer saying, I have become death.
Passages out of the Bible.
And then they talk about Vishnu and the God of Death, and they talk about Kali, and put it all in religious terminology.
This was a power trip for them, and very, very sick.
See, they're into playing God.
Let's go ahead and play that clip of Oppenheimer.
Here it is.
It's not quite ready.
It has to load up.
Oh, we're loading that clip up.
We're doing all this right here on the fly.
That's what I was trying to ascertain earlier.
We'll play that clip before Tex Mars leaves us.
Tex, you were continuing to make a point when we went into break.
Well, you know, talking about the pyramid mysteries of the atomic bomb and the monument being a pyramid, and Oppenheimer, you mentioned he quoted the Bible of the Hindus, actually, the Bhagavad Gita.
And he actually said, and this was all planned of course, it was a ritual.
As the mushroom cloud of the first Pumice Bomb test came off the face of the desert, he said, I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
This is a quote taken right out of the Hindu Vedic scriptures.
Of course, they worship all of these false religions, and they're like one big jumbo, mumbo-jumbo to the occultist of the Illuminati.
Okay, let's go ahead and play the clip.
We do have it now.
Here he is.
Here's the audio.
We knew the world would not be the same.
A few people laughed.
Few people cried.
Most people were silent.
I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita.
Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty and to impress him.
Takes on his multi-armed form and says, Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
I suppose we all thought that.
So there he is for you.
Now understand folks, you hear it.
They have to become death and then kill you to show you to do as you're told.
You will accept the love of Lucifer.
You will kill people in mass.
The police will wear the black uniform of Saturn.
We will murder you for the love of Lucifer.
For the loving, sweet death of Lucifer.
Isn't that right, Tex?
It absolutely is.
It's so astonishing that they want to bring death to the world.
You know, a Ted Turner who says, we only need 500 million people, that means, well, 6 billion must be exterminated.
You mentioned the Georgia Guidestones, built in Everton, Georgia.
I visited those.
I have pictures of them in this book.
I talk about the Guidestones.
There's a plaque there in eight languages, including Babylon, Babylonian, cuneiform, and hieroglyphics, and English, and it says that we must
Return the world to only 500 million people to keep it in a perpetual balance with nature.
So this is a plan to massacre and a great blood sacrifice.
And Alex, this temple of blood, that's what I call it, in Santo Domingo that I discovered in page 26-27 of my book, in 1992 they had the great opening ceremony
And, uh, a reporter, uh, Freed, Kenneth Freed of the Los Angeles Times reporter, he says that it's a memorial in a 688 foot tall lighthouse monument, it's called.
He says, quote, this is from the LA Times, the new memorial is a gigantic and some say grotesque lighthouse built in the form of a horizontal cross, 10 stories high and two and a half football fields long.
Now, Alex, at the very
I mean, it's huge!
It's like, you know, 50 Walmarts, it looks like, towering.
At the top is built nothing more than a Mayan temple to the sun god.
Remember, they untold thousands of human victims were sacrificed to the devil, the sun god, and the ancients at the very top?
Yeah, it's a supposedly Catholic temple, or church, and the thing is built like an Aztec sacrifice center, just right in front of everybody.
It's just amazing.
It's built as a temple of blood, dedicated to the Mayan deity, the Maze God, who was believed to die and resurrect each year.
I have a picture of him, an idol of him, on page 27.
He had a brutal taste for bloodlust, but he would guarantee a fruitful harvest.
So the Mayan temples had these human sacrifices of maybe hundreds of thousands, where they would cut out literally the beating heart of their victims.
And then they would, as cannibals, eat his flesh!
Now this is so grotesque, it's unbelievable!
This great temple has, in San Domingo, Dominican Republic, has a great laser light beam built into the very top of it.
And therefore, they can beam up a holographic image.
And you know, the Bible warns of the image of the beast that people will be made to worship in the last days.
Made me sort of think of that.
But here's the thing.
This building has no windows in it.
This great monument
Uh, one of the persons who visited said they were only allowed to go in certain areas, but they looked down this gigantic hall that looked like it went for miles.
Uh, maybe only, you know, two and a half football fields long.
They said what looked like to be bars, but dungeons were there.
It's a giant crypt is what it sounds like.
A giant dungeon.
It is, and it was built by the secret order of the Vatican called the Knights of Malta.
They were the ones who helped bring in the Nazis into the United States under Operation Paperclip after World War II and into Brazil and South America.
The Rat Line.
The Rat Line, that's right.
So this is literally a grotesque thing.
Now, they do have what look like windows.
If you look at that picture on page 26, it looks like windows, but let me tell you what that is.
Those are murals, painted murals, of the world's flags.
This represents all the nations of Earth.
So it's a big... Tech, here's the deal.
I've already twisted your arm in the 20 extra minutes.
I've got loaded phone lines and we've got about 5 minutes left.
I don't want to twist your arm to the bottom of the hour, but you can make the choice.
Keep going, and then take calls, or take calls now and get out of here.
Alex, we can do whatever you want to, because I tell you, this is the message of the hour, and we need to let people know there is graphic
tangible proof.
Okay, then let's do this.
Let's do this.
Let's finish up with the bizarre activities of the Knights of Malta, and then let's take these five phone calls.
Go ahead, Tex, and we'll keep you to the bottom of the hour, but then I promise you'll be gone.
Well, this Christian group that first came to see me, they said that they talked to some of the locals who were frightened to talk to them about this, and they say that all the workers
We're good to go.
So that tells you a little bit about talking about those who helped to build the New World Order, the Lower Minions, what they think of those people.
But now, the people told me that they had the message that they would fly people from the United States over there and have human sacrifice rituals, and then they would deposit their bodies or their ashes into the sea, because this great
I think?
Why would they load people up, dissidents or whoever, opposing the new war, why would they load them up on aircraft?
I know they're building gulags in America.
Well, we know they've built in Oklahoma the giant federal distribution center for prisoners, and they say the thing is so huge it could do a million people in just a few days.
I mean, it's way bigger than what they need.
They're just a few prisoners a day going through there, and they're like, it's just gigantic.
Well, that's what escapes me, but on the other hand, you know, I've been pondering this for many years now, and then suddenly with this so-called war on terror, we learn about that euphemism, Alex.
Extraordinary rendition.
What are they doing?
According to European newspapers, there are at least 37 gulag United States prisons around the world.
The Army General Togumbu, the Army General's own reports say, raping children in front of their parents, raping people with acid, ripping off huge objects, only the most satanic stuff you can imagine.
Just absolutely amazing.
Okay Tex, we're going to go to break, I'm going to talk to you behind the scenes.
When we come back, we're going to take five quick phone calls, in fact we'll even start doing that during the behind the scenes.
Glad to do it because this is a massive 624 page book and the evidence goes on and on.
On your TV screen is a picture of the cover of the book, Mysterious Monuments, Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture and Occult Practices.
And folks, it's available for $35.
It's huge.
It's a phone book.
I mean, to print this thing, I bet this book cost $10, $12 a piece to print.
It is available, I know because I printed a few books myself, it is available right now at InfoWars.com.
And I should add, Tex, that it's a free monthly one.
People get a free subscription.
Give the number out quickly.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back, Tex.
Stay there.
All right, let me go to Tex.
Okay, Tex, that was on the main radio transmission.
Now we're behind the scenes just on the web.
I wanted to bring up a side issue here.
I don't normally get into distractions and diversions, but I have found it's been destructive, not of me and what I'm doing waking people up, but of people out there who aren't as sophisticated or don't have the discernment that we have.
I haven't been in it that long.
I've always had you on to talk about the corruption of the Catholic Church, and I say it's New World Order, and say it's bad, but then I still try to get into some denominational infighting, because as we know, all the big ones are run by the New World Order, so what's the point of debating?
I sell books that cover it, I sell your books that cover it, I have guests on constantly,
There's a particular individual that puts out books about the Catholic Church being behind everything, and I've just said that I believe the people saying that are nuts.
Because, I mean, they themselves, not the information, but a lot of their info is wrong too, but that they themselves are a bunch of wicked accusers because they say, I'm a Vatican killer, indefinitely Catholic, and you know my family, we're Protestant, famous Protestants from Texas, you married my wife and I, you're a Protestant, or I'd say a Baptist, I'm not sure what you are,
No, you're not Catholic.
What would you call yourself?
I mean, my whole point is that it's insane.
I mean, they say I'm all sorts of stuff.
They say on the message boards I should be killed.
They say I never cover this when I do.
And I think they're very destructive.
I don't believe the Minions are government agents, but I think some of the leadership may actually be doing this to divide our movement and to discredit people
Because, you know, they say that you are a Vatican assassin.
I'm sure you know that now.
They say that Tex Mars works for the Vatican, when for twenty years you've been writing about it and saying it's bad.
They are such false accusers, but their minions can't ever admit they have been involved in false accusations and bearing false witness.
It's just amazing, Tex.
Well, you know, they get faceted on one little aspect.
And you know, that's why during this program, you and I mentioned that if you're a Christian, you need to oppose these things, because this is a false theocracy, a false religion.
So whether you're a Catholic or a Protestant, or even a Jew or a Muslim, you should oppose the New World Order.
But my whole point is, we know what it is.
They're jealous that Tex Mars works 15 hours a day.
They're jealous that Alex Jones... See, we're successful because we're doing this for the right reason, trying to save our families, save this country, warn people.
We bring others on, you bring others on, we build each other up.
We're not in competition with each other.
We're trying to fight the New World Order.
But I found
There's hundreds of groups.
The people saying I cover up for Israel when I expose it.
I just don't hate Jews.
Just like you don't.
Every once in a while I send you a letter.
I get dozens.
I'll send you my response back just so you'll know I've seen them.
Here's why.
Here you are working your back end off.
And I know how hard you work, and it's evidenced by the documentation you present on your show.
And you put your life out there.
Hey, they didn't go down to Waco and stick their finger in the face of an FBI agent who was trying to soft-soak what happened at Waco like you did.
I saw that on TV.
Where are these people at?
They didn't go with a bullhorn to New York behind Geraldo Rivera, who was calling y'all a bunch of wackos.
But let me say something, Alex, and I hope we're still on the air now.
I am condensed.
That if it had not been for the 9-11 Truth Movement, and even the Alex Jones Show, and all of the documentation and videos you put out, hey, we would have already had nuclear war.
They had it on their agenda.
They planned it.
I agree!
And Tex, now we're on the edge of a whole new deal and we're all busy fighting with each other.
It's got to stop, folks.
I'm genuine.
Tex is genuine.
You need to focus on fighting the New World Order.
Here we go, live, final segment.
Well, we've had him for almost two and a half hours.
We've got to let him go.
I've just got to have Tex back in studio, hopefully, in the near future.
He's a very busy man.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Let's go to Daniel in Illinois.
Daniel, your question for Tex Mars.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to know, how does black nobility tie into all of this?
Tex, if you could tell me who are like the top families in which you all talk about.
Okay, here we go.
Thanks for the great question.
Black nobility out of Genoa, out of Italy.
Yeah, the black nobility is based in Europe.
And they're involved with the European Bank and the European Union putting it all together.
So that is the black nobility.
And I believe that extends also to those people who are pushing such things as the Da Vinci Code, and you know that chapel at Rene Le Chateau, and the devil god in there.
And all that's involved with the black nobility.
And of course you have the Habsburg dynasty.
They're still very big.
Queen Elizabeth, all of the British set, are very much involved.
And look what happened to Princess Diana when she became engaged to a Muslim there.
She was most definitely assassinated.
We know that.
So that's the black nobility.
As far as some of the other names, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, seem to be primary.
I just wanted to make a statement and a question real quick.
My statement is that
As you were saying, that these people really believe in Satan, and the elitists really put their time into demon worship, and what I wanted to say is that the Bible also says that we fight in principality and power, not flesh and blood.
And that this is not only an information war, but also a spiritual warfare that's going on behind the scenes.
It's been going on for a long time.
That's a statement I want to make.
The question I have is, is there any whistleblowers on the inside of these higher-up elitists?
Yeah, and they throw them out.
I mean, you always hear about Rockefeller secretaries being shot or thrown out of windows.
They're killing their people all the time, Tex.
Oh yeah, one of the younger Rothschilds was found suicided in a hotel room, and they say he hung himself with a necktie.
So there we have Sinclair was also killed after he went to the Holy Land and began to shoot his mouth off too much.
So this thing happens, and even here in the United States, the Deputy Director of the FBI, O'Neal,
Uh... was found dead and they claimed he was uh... killed.
Yeah, if you look at royalty... If you look at elitist and royalty, there's much higher statistics of being murdered, being drowned, dying suspiciously, then they're always killing each other throughout history to cover stuff up.
Steven Colorado, you're on the air with Tex Mars, go ahead.
Yeah, hi there.
I had two quick comments and a quick question.
We're not going to have time for all three.
Go ahead.
Well, the first one is, oftentimes you hear that the Muslims and the Christians worship the same God.
Well, that's not true, and that's easily provable by the fact that Allah has no son.
That's the first comment.
The second one is that the God of Freemasonry, Pike, clearly declares in his book, Morals and Dogma, he says that Lucifer is God.
Unfortunately, I don't know what page that is.
Text, you may.
And the third thing is, Alex, you had mentioned that there was an article about Tony Blair flopping around on the ground channeling the spirit of light.
Where was that at?
Scores of them.
We wrote articles about him on Infowars like five years ago, three years ago.
He goes to Aztec temples for rituals.
He goes to temples all over.
His wife is an admitted witch.
Tex, you want to back that up?
I don't have it in front of me.
Oh yeah, go to Google.com and put up Blair Occult New Age.
Just use those words.
No, it says he gets on the ground.
It takes him over and he falls on the ground as he channels the spirit of light.
Oh yeah, they have little pyramids in their home.
We're good to go.
And there they bathed in the holy waters inside the cave.
And it said they howled and screamed.
Yeah, it's amazing what you, and of course they do howling and screaming, laying naked in a coffin at the Skull and Bones.
George W. Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Yeah, let's cram one more in and then I'm going to go into the break and say bye to Tex on Air.
And I'm sorry to be going through you guys so fast, I just want to get to all of you.
Travis in Seattle, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Tex.
I was wondering if these people actually think their names are in the Book of Life and they have nothing to lose, so they've got to save their ancestors as such and try to win this battle with God when he comes back.
Is that what they're planning?
I mean, how do you think?
They believe they're reincarnated and they're going to rule with Lucifer, Tex.
I believe they do too, because 2 Thessalonians in the Bible says of the last days that these people will suffer under a strong delusion.
So that they will not believe the truth.
They're deluded by the devil.
The wolf pulled over their eyes.
Tex, stay there.
Let me say bye to you right now.
Here we go folks.
Behind the scenes.
Say bye to Tex.
Take one more call.
That's it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Let me go ahead and talk to Tex.
Tex, we're just going to say bye to you here.
Finishing up with what you were saying to Travis in Seattle.
Well, you know, I think the important thing of our program today
Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason, he was called the greatest Masonic scholar of the 20th century in the Scottish Rite Journal.
He says that architecture, architecture, and I'll just quote him, architecture has remained a chosen instrument for the perpetuation of the grand design, the building of the perfect world.
He said that in his book entitled The Secret Destiny of America.
Architecture, chosen instrument,
For the building of the perfect world, and of course it's a world where six billion people have been massacred and sacrificed, and they have total control of a slave global plantation.
That's their bottom line.
Thank you, Travis, for the great question.
One final, Josh in Oklahoma, and that's truly it for Tex Mars.
Go ahead, Josh.
And go ahead and start bringing in Burmess.
Yeah, with the obsession with the cult, do you think that by every innocent life that they know they have taken, that they gain an almost obsessive enrichment of power, that they become so deranged in the mind that they believe they can possibly even alter their own reality?
Oh yes, they believe when a person is murdered, and the more tortured the better, that energy forces escape out of that body and go into them.
And so they become empowered by the death of others.
Remember, even the crazy man who killed John Lennon there in New York City, he said he wanted to get the power from John Lennon as he sacrificed him.
So this is their game.
Of course it's hideous, it's grotesque.
We as Christians don't believe it, but here's the thing.
They do.
And they're going to bring it into fruition, I'm afraid, with a nuclear catastrophe.
How could you kill 6 billion people, as the Georgia Guidestones say is their goal, without nuclear destruction?
Yeah, they think it's beautiful what they're doing.
Thank you, Josh.
That's it for callers.
Folks, Mysterious Monuments, available at InfoWars.com, also at TexMars.com, or PowerPrivacy.com, links to those up on InfoWars.com.
Absolutely amazing, great spending time with you Tex, and let me have
My producer called you and set you up for just an hour to take calls in the next few weeks.
I know your book's going to be ultra hot.
And again, hopefully, I invited myself to dinner and then you guys invited me and then I couldn't go.
I do want to have you guys over to the house or us over to the house because I truly love you guys and my children love the Bibles, the picture Bibles.
It's their favorite books, all three of them.
You've given them over the years.
And so just tell Wanda thanks for everything, Tex.
Hey, I certainly will, and all the best to you and your wonderful audience.
Keep doing the good work.
You and Jason Burma's there.
Give it to them on that 9-11, and we are definitely going to offer that new video, Truth Rising, 9-11 Chronicles, on our website and such, because this is the key to overturning these people and perhaps even preventing a horrible disaster.
I agree.
Let's talk about that when you're on with us in the next few weeks.
God bless you, Tex.
God bless you.
There goes Tex.
We're back live.
Here we go.
Main transmission.
It's amazing knowing what's really going on in the world and knowing the average person isn't.
I meant to get into this with Tex.
New cars in California must display global warming score.
I told you, everything's going to have a score.
Your house, your person, a car.
When your creds run out, you'll have to do community service to pay those back to the earth, which is the government.
Total enslavement.
Bureaucrats running every facet.
These well-meaning tie-dye control freaks.
A rule of hell is coming with them ruling over you for the globalists.
Total dehumanization.
I'm going to cover that.
We're done with Burma's in about 15 minutes.
It's all jam-packed.
That Tex Mars interview was absolutely amazing.
Wasn't that an amazing interview, Burma's?
It really was, and I totally enjoy Tex Mars' stuff.
I've obviously read Codex Magicka, and I look forward to reading Mysterious Monuments.
We're going to get to you in just a minute because Vermus has had a chance to see parts.
Most of the BBC program, he downloaded it this morning, was watching it out there.
He's seen some clips, he's read some articles they did.
We're going to analyze this hit piece.
I hope Paul Watson's listening.
I want an article tomorrow countering this.
Can you also send him a version of that online one you found?
Yeah, I mean, he's probably already seen it, but I mean, we need people to write debunking pieces of this immediately, because just a cursory view of what they wrote.
They attacked us after they wrote us that we were cult members.
No, they are the cult members in more ways than one.
Before we go back to Jason Bermas, I do want to tell you that
This film is out that I'm showing PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
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Now, before I go any further, I also just want to plug two sponsors and we'll get to Burma's.
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I want to thank those sponsors for making this broadcast possible.
First off, Jason Bermas, I want to thank you for sitting in and doing the show on Friday.
Hey, thank you, sir.
You bet.
Bermas, you have had a chance to analyze the BBC piece.
You've had a chance to also read their hit piece that accompanied it.
Just try to, A through Z, break down what we're looking at here, and then we're going to get an article out in the next 24 hours that we need to hammer them with, because the last BBC piece was so shoddy, we used it to really damage them.
Really expose their lies and fraud and corruption and disinfo, or they're completely retarded.
I mean, regardless, it's pure bull.
The new one, it looks like, is even worse from what you were telling me.
Absolutely, and I'd like to kick it off with the fact that we preempted them with our Barry Jennings interview, and they had to put out an article two days later trying to counter our Barry Jennings interview, and they actually did include Dylan showing them the video in the BBC piece
Yeah, that gave them a heads up to come out with it, but only in the side piece, not in the main piece.
Just like I made Popular Mechanics when we put out reports about how they did a hit piece on Michael Jackson, how they're dishonest, how they lie to people to get the interview, about how they claim it's not a hit piece.
And then I also reported, oh, do you mention in your film that Popular Mechanics owns you?
Do you mention that I hear you're showing the book, advertising it?
They postponed it two weeks and went and removed that, I'm told.
So, go ahead.
Yeah, and then it's just an official version of Lovefest.
For instance, they pay a lot of attention to Martin Lizzo, head of CDI, that's Controlled Demolition Incorporated, the company that was hired to clean up both Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center disaster, and he just goes on and on and on about how there's no way they could have demolished that building.
He would know about it, of course.
Now, another key point is that the BBC themselves reported that the building had fallen 20 plus minutes before.
Now, of course, the BBC tries to spin this and say we're all saying the BBC is part of a conspiracy.
But, if you go back to when you broke that story, Alex, and I called in,
The thing that I said.
I said, and you said, we need to know who told them that.
We need to find out if this was a script.
They laughed in two BBC articles saying nobody told us that, but now they've had to admit they were told that.
Just like I said, it went out over the wire.
It went out over the Reuters wire.
And what is so interesting about that Reuters wire is the fact that they had the official version of why the building had fallen, fires and damage, seven plus years before the report.
And they said, uh, seven plus years.
Well now, if you think about it... Before the new NIST report.
It's not out yet.
Exactly, and so, the Reuters, before, hours before, and then CNN and BBC, it fell from structural fires, a complete collapse, Building 7, Salomon Brothers, getting their script together, and I remember on the news them saying, Building 7 may fall, Building 7 has fell, I remember hearing that on the radio, locals remember it, and we have folks that saw the countdown.
Now, now, I want to go back, let's go through this, Barry Jennings.
Who he is briefly, how he got scared and said, please don't play that, what he really said in this piece, and how they tried to counter our preemption.
Sure, he was an emergency operating officer who happened to be in World Trade Center 7, one of the few people that went there on the morning of 9-11.
Now, he goes there with the City Corporation Counsel, Michael Hess.
Of course, the BBC did not go interview Michael Hess, wasn't interested in his story, was only interested in the story that we had.
Barry Jennings offered us the information that he was stepping over bodies.
If you watch that interview, I don't say, Barry, were there dead bodies?
What were you doing?
He's the one that volunteered the information that, in fact, when he had been rescued, he was stepping over bodies in the lobby.
But the key is the building's blowing up before Tower 1 or 2 falls.
That's the key.
And he's in that 23rd floor and on his way down.
When they hit about the eighth floor, that's when that explosion happens, and that is prior to either tower collapsing.
And that is, again, not in the BBC piece at all.
They just show him talking about explosions inside and outside the building.
They give no relevance to when they occurred, and they go with the official FEMA timeline that it's the first tower coming down, and those are the explosions that Barry heard.
Now, how do they, because you've been sitting there the last few hours washing, and how do they counter Jane Stanley saying the building's collapsed and it's right behind her?
Well, they have Jane Stanley on, and she's upset with us, of course.
She's been harassed.
But she would never come on our show, politely called it.
Absolutely not!
Now, the other guy, the other anchor, let's go through what he said a few months ago.
Sure, we are changed in front of the anchor that was talking to Jane Stanley.
And when he was confronted with the information first, there was a little time discrepancy, so he said he wasn't sure he was there.
But then they showed him the tape, and he was like, well that is really odd, isn't it?
There could be something to this.
First he said, I didn't report on 9-11, I was off.
Who could not remember they didn't report on 9-11?
Okay, he's reporting on it all day long, in there as the main anchor, going to the reporters, on BBC World, and then he goes, oh, I do remember, yes, but now that I remember, he has the full story suddenly.
He's telling the truth, folks.
But then at the end he does say, well, that sounds suspicious to me.
Yeah, absolutely suspicious.
So how does she counter all this?
She does encounter it.
She basically just says, you know, I got that report, it wasn't a question, it was a fact.
In other words, she read it off a teleprompter, off of that Reuters press release.
And they actually have the email from Reuters admitting that Reuters is the one that put out that info.
But all these years we said, we called Jane Stanley, we called the other guy, and say, you got that on the news wire.
You were told that.
Who reported it?
They would say that's a conspiracy.
Remember the guy who wrote, the editor, I mean the head of BBC, wrote two articles saying we were conspiracy theorists and no one told them that and it was a mistake.
Then they said, we said, well give us the original tapes.
Oh no, we lost those.
Then they found them for this report.
Yeah, absolutely.
And they make it out to be like, we were saying, oh, they were covering it up.
Well, they were covering it up.
They obviously have the archives from 9-11.
It wasn't really that big of a search.
They said that they found them in the 2002 section instead of the 2001 section.
You would have thought that someone would have checked that out right from the beginning.
Those tapes are gold.
All the 9-11 tapes were gone over.
I mean, they re-air them on TV from every major channel.
So it's just what we thought it would be.
I mean, the first BBC hit piece claims that you guys say the debris is four miles away, but you used a MapQuest, which you didn't do, and the news reports say eight miles away.
They just made that up!
Eight miles away over a mountain ridge in New Baltimore.
This was not eight miles away in Indian Lake.
This was over a mountain ridge.
Let me say that again.
Eight miles away, over a mountain ridge in New Baltimore, and they just totally gloss over that fact.
And when they talked to the mayor of Indian Lake in Shanksville, in Indian Lake, he's like, oh, well, that's absurd.
When we interviewed him, he said to us on camera, well, I wouldn't have known a plane to crash there until they told me.
I was asking where it was.
Now you have that footage, you didn't put it in a loose change vinyl cut.
Are we going to put that in a viable animation?
We can put that in the extras for sure, just to show, because we're also going to show Anthony Santalamacia, who was Willie Rodriguez's supervisor, we've already cut that together as an extra, backing up his entire story.
Explosions in the basement prior to...
The important part is we have hundreds of witnesses, the firefighters of Willie in there unlocking doors for him, and the debunkers just say, he's a liar, wasn't there.
And John Schroeder is in Truth Rising, you know, and he's a firefighter in the lobby, video evidence, you know he was there, but you've got to understand, Alex, their big argument is they're confused.
Everybody that doesn't agree with the official version of 9-11 is obviously confused, and we need to tell you what happened.
Well, why this BBC thing is important is it's just like in New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand, multiple countries,
Hours before he's captured and his name is released, they already have, the papers come out right about the time Kennedy's killed, he's not caught for hours, that Lee Harvey Oswald did it in print on newsstands before it happens.
Now they got their time zones screwed up.
Same thing with Building 7.
They got their, something went wrong, that's what they kept saying, it's going to come down at 2 o'clock, it's going to come down at 3, at 4, and it's got these little fires and people are going,
Why don't we fight it?
Well, buildings always come down.
It's going to.
You're going to see.
And then it perfectly falls down.
And I've recently seen a video of a much smaller steel-structured building where the facade does fall due to fire, but then when it's gone, oh, the steel structure is still right there.
Well, the debunkers always show buildings where sheetrock and stuff collapses.
That's what we're saying, and there's the skeleton!
Yes, absolutely!
The metal, the steel structure of that building is unharmed when that thing comes down.
You just have to look it up.
And, you know, the debunkers always try to point, well, there's fire, bring the building down.
No, fire is never brought down.
Now, what's this other part you're saying where he put out a press release saying that we're basically a cult?
That's the new thing.
We're a crazy cult of half the population.
Well, the London Independent, you know, followed up this BBC story saying that, of course, we were not going to be convinced, even though Cheyenne Sunder, the guy who told Popular Mechanics that 25% of the building was scooped out, is the main guy, he's the main miss guy, and he's on there going, oh, well, now we've really, the working hypothesis is fire and structural damage.
But we have our own internal report saying it's not fire.
Yeah, that's the FEMA report, where they say it has a very low probability of occurrence.
And it's just wild to me.
I mean, they were making excuses like, oh, if there was a controlled demolition, then the buildings next door, their windows would have popped out from the force.
But you have this building come down in a symmetrical manner, not to damage the other buildings.
See, if it was an asymmetrical collapse, it could have hurt the building to the left, to the right, behind it.
No, no, it's a beautiful job they did, and you did get windows blown out in the buildings beside it.
But, I mean, you have the squibs, the blast, and they just hope that everybody's stupid.
I mean, they're in a lot of trouble, because they've got all these physicists, all these scientists, accredited scientific journals, publishing this now, peer-reviewed.
What are they going to do?
Well, what they'll do is they'll ignore the hard evidence, such as the molten metal under the scene.
They won't show you the NASA thermal imagery that proves there are hot spots beyond what jet fuel could cause under seven.
And that's admitted, that you've got it a thousand plus degrees above jet fuel, and they just won't discuss it.
Well, when the BBC guy, Smith Little Snake, was here, I would say, I don't want to talk about Northwoods, I want to talk about U.S.
troops massed in Afghanistan, Tajikistan is bigger, I want to talk about them trained at U.S.
He would not talk about it.
He said, no, we're not going to talk about that, we're not going to talk about that, we're not going to talk about that.
You know, and then they're here for three, four days following me, and then I switch Galileo with Copernicus, and then that's their big thing, oh look, he got it wrong.
You know, backwards, who discovered what?
Yeah, it's just like when we were on the History Channel, and I mentioned how the FBI had said that their working theory at the time were bombs in the basement.
And I used Pat Dawson as an example.
No, Pat Dawson was told by Albert Turi, but there's a separate clip of the guy on NBC News saying that we think there were truck bombs in the basement that started the explosions that brought down the building.
Well, let's be clear, the state police, the firemen, the governor, there's video of them removing the bombs from the Oklahoma City building, and then a controlled demolition comes in, you've got 65% of the building standing, they cordon it off, they blow up the rubble, take it to a landfill, armed guards from Wackenhut Guard to this day, they bring in hundreds of concrete trucks to mix concrete in with the chunks, so archaeologists can't come in and dig it up and prove bombs.
I mean, how suspicious is that?
And not only that, I mean, Martin Lizzo, the main guy they go to, was on 9-12.
Official version advocate.
Straight up.
He's like, well, the energy is stored in the building to make it collapse upon itself.
That's literally what he says.
All you need is a mechanism to release that energy.
But we all know that the path of greatest resistance is the center of that building.
It had a huge steel core.
And that's why the media had to lie and say it was hollow.
That's right, Bermas, I want to talk behind the scenes for people listening to the InfoWars.com streams.
You have to go to those, if you're listening on the internet, to hear what I'm discussing right now.
Those are the streams.
That way we can jam-pack more in when we have vital guests.
I'm going to come back with some vital environmental information in the final segment.
Jason Bermas is my guest.
We will continue online at InfoWars.com.
Okay Burmiss, I want to go back here and I want to do more on this tomorrow because it's so important and I know Paul and Steve and Kurt are all doing stories on this and they only got clips from YouTube.
I was trying to send them the whole thing.
Is that we have three buildings that fall, buildings that have never fallen from fire, modern steel structures, and we have the BBC running around desperately trying to debunk us when the government admits that the 9-11 Commission was basically ordered to lie.
We know the official story is a fraud and a scam, so I wanted to go back and talk about how did they counter us on Barry Jennings and the piece they put out showing Dylan with the video showing him.
Sure, you know they just said that Barry Jennings was confused, that he had recanted the statement, that he had stepped over bodies.
They show him on film saying he never saw any bodies.
But again, he volunteered that information to us.
Now at first they were saying Dylan was lying.
They said that's not true, he didn't say that, and Dylan showed them.
Yeah, absolutely.
He broke out his little DivX phone and he showed in the interview with Jennings, so they had to put that quote in after we aired it on the internet.
My suspicions is that it wouldn't have been in the original piece.
And then they just kind of gloss over Jennings.
They use other talking heads that really wouldn't know anything about Building 7 to say it wasn't a controlled demolition.
For example, Richard Clark, who is a total official version advocate, okay?
He is not our friend.
I've heard people in the 9-11 Truth Movement say he is.
Let me tell you again, he is not our friend.
When he was confronted years and years and years ago, prior to the war games being public knowledge, he just denied there were any war games going on on 9-11.
Now in this show, he straight up says that any building could be rigged for demolition.
On 9-11, World Trade Center 7 was not.
How would he know?
Who is Richard Clark?
Would Richard Clark be involved in the rigging of 7 for demolition?
Well, I mean, they have experts go up against me on the radio just saying the dollar's not been devalued, and they say, see, the expert says it, and people say, oh, dollar's fine, everything's going to hell in a handbasket, and the dollar's clearly devalued, and they'll just tell you it's not.
Jason Burness, we're all tracking this at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll continue to track this and debunk their debunking.
Tomorrow on the show.
In the last 30 seconds we've got left.
Anything else you want to add?
I just want people to go check this out for themselves.
It's on the Torrent Networks.
It should shortly be on YouTube and Google.
And check out Infowars.com for the best coverage, because that's where it'll be, Alex.
There are some little clips already on YouTube and on the BBC site they have some of their little snibblets.
But you've had a chance to watch the whole thing.
Well, I'm watching it as we speak, but yeah, I just got it.
I saw you had it three hours ago.
Well, I watched in pieces three hours ago.
I didn't have it in full.
Okay, gotcha.
Thank you so much, Burmese, for coming in with us.
Try to write down the key points and give them to Paul to help him out.
You got it.
Okay, thank you so much, Burmese.
Oh, man, you try to in four hours not taking most of the breaks, ladies and gentlemen.
It's amazing.
We're going to come right back with the final main radio transmission right now.
I'm going to take a three-second break.
Listen up murdering scumbags that run the New World Order.
Don't say we didn't go down without a fight.
Chances are you're gonna lose.
Chances are we're gonna bring you down.
So get ready!
I'm taking flight!
I said I'll never give it up!
Stand tall, baby!
Get Truth Rising, get it out!
I want everybody knee-deep in this film!
If we get 9-11 documentaries out, if we savagely, aggressively strewn the landscape with them, there's nothing they can do to stop us!
Turn it loose!
Turn it loose now!
We wouldn't expose these bastards, they'd have carried more out!
We're going toe-to-toe with the New World Order!
We are not backing down!
That's right, we're going for infinity!
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We are at the end of this transmission.
I'm going to spend a lot of time on this tomorrow.
This is big news.
I need to lay it out.
What they're doing, what they're up to.
Listen to this.
Yeah, you think I'm your slave?
You think we're backing down?
You think you're gonna crush the spirit of humanity?
You got another thing coming, you scumbag control freaks!
You weak little chicken-neck bastards!
You pieces of filth!
Lesser men combining forces together to control and dominate greater men!
You will be defeated, scum!
New cars in California must display global warming score.
And I told you they'd do this, because I have the Club of Rome, UN documents.
It has nothing to do with the environment.
The toxic waste, the genetic engineering, they are really hurting the planet.
They are hurting us.
Cancer is up several thousand percent in every category in the last fifty-something years.
We are in a red-level crisis.
But no, there won't be any real environmentalism.
They'll just give somebody the scientific name for water.
And 99% of people will say, ban it!
It's the same thing with carbon dioxide.
Light from the sun, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide is what fuels life on this planet.
They want a tax on it.
And folks, your house is going to have monthly inspectors, control for expiring your trash cans has already begun, everything, land use being controlled, only the elites will be able to build.
It's feudalism again over you and your family.
This is out of greenbiz.com.
New cars in California must display global warming score.
You see, getting you ready for peer pressure.
It's like we're in a yellow star.
Everybody to be tracked.
Everybody to be traced.
Everybody to be, oh my god, it's class warfare being engineered in.
And you pay your taxes to the private central banks.
They're saying these taxes are going to be paid to the states, feds, and you buy the creds from the private central banks.
The bankers becoming controlling the oxygen, controlling the water, controlling the carbon dioxide.
Make some God.
California's making it mandatory for cars to be labeled with global warming scores.
Features that take into account emissions from vehicles used in fuel protection.
The labels will go on the side of your car so everyone can see next year for all 2009 models.
And of course, you'll be arrested if you don't have those.
Gotta have your little slave card.
I'm out of time, ladies and gentlemen!
Retransmission starts!
I had a rampaging power pact in resistance to tyranny first hour!
Death to tyrants!
Death to these weak scum!
And then I had Tex Mars on for two and a half hours.
Totally jam-packed!
Retransmission on the internet starts now at InfoWars.com.
For everybody else, I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 to 3 on the AM and FM and satellite.
Retransmission now!
Weapons launch!
Yeah, baby!