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Name: 20080630_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 30, 2008
1517 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we got Ray McGovern coming up in the next segment.
High-level CIA analyst talking about government stage terror.
Lieberman, latest to pitch for a new terror attack, says it'll really help.
John McCain says if it's Barack Obama, the terrorists are going to attack to test him.
He talked about the first World Trade Center attack.
Now this was a CBS news piece you're about to hear.
For PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, you can go to PrisonPlanet.com and the article that Paul Watson wrote, and you can watch the clip there.
And Dan Rather
Now this is how they report an incredible news story and then do it dryly where you don't realize what you're seeing.
We've interviewed the lawyers.
We've played some of the tapes on air.
It was in the New York Times at the time.
The FBI went out, found Muslims.
They found two guys on welfare who were low-grade retarded, 75 IQs.
They found a blind cleric, Sheikh Abdel Rahman, over a pizza parlor and they paid him a bunch of money and they hired Egyptian security intelligence people and told them we're going to cook a fake bomb and sting them.
And then they told them, make them a real bomb.
And they said, I don't want to do that.
And they said, you're under orders.
So they made them a real bomb, and then they trained them how to drive and park it and blow it up.
So that's provocateured.
And that's a fact.
The government did that.
I mean, they went out in whole cloth, found the groups and did it.
Kind of like they tried to get black street kids to blow
We're good to go.
Had them talk about attacking the White House and a chemical plant with it.
It was a deadly Klan attack.
They were planning to kill everyone.
Let's go ahead and play part of this newscast.
Listen to it.
Last winter, the FBI was praised for its speed in cracking the case of the World Trade Center bombing and bringing four suspects to trial.
Now, there is some evidence that the FBI may have known of the plot in advance through an informant and might, might even have stopped the bombing that killed six people.
Correspondent Jacqueline Adams has the story.
FBI agents might have been able to prevent last February's deadly explosion at New York's World Trade Center.
Alright, stop right there.
Might have been able to stop, and then they calmly report, oh by the way, they ordered the guy to build a real bomb.
The way they say it is they go, and they could have replaced it with non-explosive materials.
No, no, no.
They built the bomb and told them to do it with real materials.
The way that's implied, you have the transcripts and the admissions, they made the bomb.
But the way that's implied, the way they spin that without lying, you'd think, oh, they didn't make that bomb, they just could have replaced it.
Back to the tape.
Last February's deadly explosion at New York's World Trade Center.
They discussed secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, but they didn't, according to the FBI's own informant, Imad Salem.
Unbeknownst to the FBI at the time,
Stop right there!
Stop right there!
That is pure bull!
In the transcripts, he went and recorded them.
He thought they were setting him up, which no doubt they do.
They get Arab agents who think they're going after terrorists, and then set them up.
Because they need a real intelligence officer.
Somebody who looks like they could do it.
Not two retarded street kids.
And so, he went in and recorded hours, one recording was nine hours, saying, you made me build a real bomb, you gave me a real detonator, I'm not stupid, why aren't you busting them?
But see, they just lied right there.
You can read the transcripts of the tapes, they're online.
They just lied and spun that to where, oh, the FBI didn't know, oh, shalom.
Go ahead and play it.
Unbeknownst to the FBI at the time, Salem recorded many of his conversations with his handlers.
I'm holding 903 pages of draft transcripts.
William Kunstler represents Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and... Alright, later I'm going to play the whole thing and decipher it.
It's just, look, they provocateur the attacks or they stage them.
Get that straight.
Haratz reports, Jerusalem Post reports, that a lot of the terror attacks in Israel are done by the government.
That's not me, that's Israel admitting it.
Okay, the government's staging this stuff.
Have you ever thought about what's in your shampoo, soap, or detergent?
Alright, uh, you got my government?
Chlorides, dyes, ethanol, salt?
Not yet.
William Kudsler represents Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and several others... Alright, later I'm going to play the whole thing and decipher it.
It's just, look, they provocateur the attacks, or they stage them.
Get that straight.
Haratz reports, Jerusalem Post reports that a lot of the terror attacks in Israel are done by the government.
That's not me, that's Israel admitting.
The government stays in this stuff.
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Deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We had him on last week.
He's back with us again.
I really appreciate him spending this much time with us.
It's precious time.
Ray McGovern, Senior CIA Analyst.
Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.
gave the morning briefings.
Highly respected.
Heads up, a veteran intelligence analyst for Sanity.
Everything he's talked about has come true or happened.
He's been right all along.
He's confronted, famously, Donald Rumsfeld about his lying about saying the WMDs were in Iraq and then saying he never said that.
He has just done so much.
He's been arrested for protesting in America without a license, like this is the old Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
And he's also battling lymphoma cancer right now, so again, we're very thankful for him.
He'll be with us for the next hour, at the bottom of the hour, just on Iraq, or what's happening with Iran.
You know, those are the main subjects we're talking about today.
Or you can bring up 9-11, or government-sponsored staged events, whatever.
But just on those main issues, 1-800-259-9231.
Going to Ray McGovern.
Mr. McGovern, a lot has happened since you were on with us a week ago.
Yeah, things are moving very fast, Alex, and not in the right direction.
And that's why I appreciate you coming on.
You know the time is short.
They're wanting to attack Iran, as you've said.
Kind of repeat the basics of where we sit, and then I want to give you more time to flesh out what we're dealing with, and just things that Ray McGovern thinks is most important.
Then I want to look at the deteriorating situation, not just in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan, and then all these neocons.
Lieberman, speechwriters, columnists saying terror attacks would sure be great.
I mean, it's really getting obvious here.
These guys are acting crazier and crazier, which has caused for more alarms.
Whatever Ray McGovern thinks is most important, and this is a sizable audience, how do you think we may have some chance in hell of turning this around?
Well, Alex, let me pick up on your mention of the terrorist event that could help John McCain.
If you look beyond the outrageous nature of that remark, one has to conclude that the Republican Party is convinced, and most people would suggest, that were there to be such a terrorist event wherever, that McCain would profit more from it than Obama, certainly, for the same reasons that Bush was able to use the scare tactic to get elected or re-elected.
I'd just like to draw an analogy there between that truism, namely that some sort of event like that would help McCain, to the notion that here's McCain in September, let us say, and he's just as far behind in September as he is now, maybe even farther behind, and they need something to juice up his candidacy, some new event,
And for that and for other reasons, an attack on Iran.
Now, if a terrorist event helps John McCain's chances, then these rather desperate people running the campaign for McCain might well conclude that, you know, a wider war, certainly that would double down.
That would certainly help us.
Because who wants to elect an inexperienced person not familiar with war?
So that's part of the perfect storm that I see coming in September and October where General Petraeus takes charge of CENTCOM, the command overseeing that part of the world.
Petraeus and Cheney
Having a long record of working together very closely to the point of Petraeus actually saying bold-faced lies with respect to Iranian-provided weaponry.
And so you've got all that coming together at a time when it looks like McCain needs something desperate, some deus ex machina, something out of heaven to improve his chances.
Now, the problem is that
Well, the main problem, as I see it, Alex, is that there's been a sea change in our body politic here, and that is that we no longer have a free media.
And that's where you and I come in, in our attempts to spread some truth around.
The problem is the American people have been told the Bill of Goods that Iran is some sort of a threat to all of us, a threat to Israel, and by extension to all of us, and they don't know the basics.
They don't know, for example, that 16
That's all of them.
16 intelligence agencies and the U.S.
government concluded late last year, just at about this time, that Iran had ceased working on the nuclear weapons-related part of its nuclear program.
And that they had ceased doing that in mid-2003, and they had not resumed doing that as of mid-year last year when the estimate went to bed.
Now, it may be, well it certainly is, that Cheney and the President didn't like that conclusion.
Certainly they were saying the opposite when they knew the estimate was going to come out that way.
But now they've totally dissed the estimate.
They act as though they never heard about it.
And that is the major indignity that I see as a former intelligence officer.
If they're going to say that those judgments are wrong,
Well, it seems to me the burden of proof is upon them to say, well, what information have we gotten in since late last year?
Plus, they've been discredited as congenital manufacturers of evidence and liars.
It's not like they were just wrong about Iraq.
They knew it was a fraud.
Exactly, yeah.
And so, one wonders, you know, could they perpetrate yet another godforsaken war, this time on Iran, with the support of the American people?
Well, unfortunately, the American people are very ill-informed.
The American Congress, who sees its role as a defender as much of Israel as of the United States, is hell-bent and determined to cooperate with the Bush regime here, to the point of passing legislation advocating a blockade.
Well, can we look at other nations?
What do you think, with Gordon Brown, England's going to do if this happens?
You know, the English have been an incredible disappointment to me.
I would have expected that after the incredible performance of Tony Blair, that Gordon Brown would be more sensible, but I see no evidence of that.
And I see them sort of going along as our poodle, as they chose to do during the Blair regime.
And now they put Sarkozy in, so it looks to me like they're lining up their ducks.
There's a commitment.
Israel itself.
Why does Israel, when they just lost in Lebanon, against, what would you say, sir, 1, 1 20th of the force the Iranians have, or less?
I mean, if they can't beat
A few guys with rocket launchers, how are they going to beat Iran?
I mean, what's going on with Israel with swirling corruption and bizarre shootings on the tarmac with Sarkozy?
I mean, this is really getting foggy.
Well, we're talking, it's hard to talk about Israel generically because a right-wing extremist group is ruling that country, just as is the case here in the United States.
But this right-wing extremist group would have us believe that it feels incredibly threatened by Iran.
Now, that requires a mental gymnastic, because Israel has between 200 and 300 nuclear weapons deliverable by sea, underwater, missile and bomber, and Iran has none.
And the notion that were Iran to get one,
That it would commit suicide by firing that one in the direction of Israel?
That's mind-boggling.
Okay, so what are the Israelis really afraid of?
Well, I've been told recently that Israel, of course, depends so much on immigration.
People coming in there and populating not only Israel, but the settlements that they're putting up on occupied land, occupied Palestinian land.
Now it has fallen off.
Well, because the settlers are a little afraid to come into Israel because of all this self-generated propaganda that Iran is a big threat.
Once Israel starts losing more than it's getting as immigrants, and that truly sounds the death knell for the Israeli state.
They're already threatened by the dynamics of population, and they just can't afford
To have this kind of existential threat, in that sense.
And so, they'd like to do this, and the big controlling factor, of course, Alex, is the fact that our president and vice president are only going to be around for six more months.
Our president and our vice president have this special affinity, this passionate attachment, in George Washington's words, toward the state of Israel.
Olmert said it all after he talked to Bush on the 4th of June for an hour and a half.
He said, the President understands, and he knows how we need to destroy this threat, and he's assured me that before he leaves office, he'll take care of Iran.
That's right, that's an amazing statement.
That sounds a lot of finality there, sir.
Yeah, it's not like some commentator on Fox News.
Although it does sound like some kind of commentary on Fox News, this is the Prime Minister of Israel.
Now, does that sound like a man who thinks Bush is full of bluff and bluster?
I don't think so.
And I think that Bush and Cheney both feel that they have this personal commitment they've made to Israel to get rid of the Iranian threat before they leave office.
Now, were they to strike out militarily against Iran, there isn't a person, a sane person in this country that thinks
That we could escape one scathe, or that it wouldn't be a disaster, not only for us, but for the State of Israel.
The Iranians have all manner of ways to retaliate, and they're not a pushover like Iraq.
And so, the logic of the thing is, oh, well this is just bluff and bluster.
But when you look, I think Alex had talked about this before, intelligence analysts, they feed off all kinds of classified stuff,
But the real meat and potatoes for our job are authoritative statements at the highest level, okay?
And when Olmert says what he just said...
And when, what I'm about to tell you, what Scowcroft said just a couple years ago, then you'll understand a little bit better what I'm talking about and weighing the role that Israel's playing.
Yes, sir.
I want to talk about what will, you know, the different breaks, different scenarios that could happen, when you think it's going to happen, if it does, then hopefully ways to turn it around.
Then we'll look at Iraq, Afghanistan, and what's going to happen economically, bare minimum, if this strike takes place.
Ray McGovern on the other side.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
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Do you listen?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
An inside job?
How dare you?
If you know that there's treason going on, you can be held accountable for treason yourself.
All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
And if the government has not told the truth in five years,
Ray McGovern is my guest for the rest of the hour.
Your phone call is coming up later in the hour at 1-800-259-9231.
You've gotten to the point of, yes, Brent Scowcroft, we've had Jimmy Carter come out, so many others trying to warn us.
Please continue, sir.
Yes, Alex.
The thing I'd like to repeat about Brent Scowcroft is simply this, that when you're looking for good sources and intelligence, you look for people who've been around for a while, people who have been on the inside, people who have contemporary information about what's going on.
And the quintessential source in this respect was Brent Scowcroft when he was head of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Now, that's under the youthful president, Bush II.
Under Bush I, he was the National Security Advisor, so he's a heavyweight fellow.
He knows his way around.
Now, in the middle of 2004, he saw fit to go to the Financial Times and say two things to them.
He said,
The American people should know that Ariel Sharon, who was then the Israeli Prime Minister, has our President wrapped around his little finger.
That Ariel Sharon has our President mesmerized.
Those were Scowcroft's words.
The next Monday, of course, he was canned from his job.
But this was so atypical of Scowcroft, it scratched my head.
Why would he do that?
Why would he step out and say those things?
The explanation seems very simple.
He thought it very important for the American people to know that this was an unbalanced president we had, that he has somehow been captivated by his Israeli allies, and that he's pretty much under their spell.
Do you think that's just being captivated, or do you think he's being blackmailed?
Well, you know, it's kind of a fine line here.
Yeah, I don't think they have much to blackmail him on, but they do have Dick Cheney sitting right in there telling him what to do.
It's very, very curious, because Sharon was the person who escorted Governor George W. Bush, when he was governor in Texas in 1999, on a trip by the Republican Jewish Committee.
And they took him over to Gaza, and he took him over in a helicopter over the West Bank and so forth.
And he, you know, swashbuckling testosterone, oozing from every pore, really impressed the President.
That's what the President would really like to be.
And so he's, you know, watch him when he's in Israel and Olmert is praising him.
He turns into sort of like a, like butter and jelly.
Gosh, these people appreciate me.
And he has undertaken, Olmert has said it,
He has undertaken to make sure that the Israelis do not have to live with a nuclear weapon.
Now, Ron Paul's talking about... I'm sorry, sir, go ahead, you were about to say something.
No, I was just going to say, the only break on this activity has not been in the Congress, certainly not in the press.
But on the part of the uniformed military service people.
That's what I was going to bring up was Admiral Fallon.
I mean, this wasn't some shrieking violent.
Why is the brass saying no to the war in a huge exodus?
Well, they know better than anyone else that this would be a disaster, not only for Israel, not only for our country, but for the armed forces over which they hold command and which they care about very much to their credit.
So Fallon, you know, watching the way our policy is being devised, he spoke out and told people he knew would get to the press that we're not going to do Iran on my watch.
And he had used all kinds of reasons why it would be a crazy thing to do.
He knew that would come out in the press.
He was willing to accept the consequences.
Because he didn't want to be on the receiving end of an order from the likes of Dick Cheney and Elliott Abrams.
Why do the politicians throughout history do what Napoleon did, do what Hitler did, even though they were military men?
I mean, they're constantly miscalculating.
I'm no expert, but I can read what all the experts say.
I can study history.
I'm a student of history.
I mean, I guarantee you we've already lost our good name.
If we are sucked into premeditatedly attacking Iran, and then say we're going to nuke them with mini-nukes if they fight back, and then everybody knows we've got special ops in there staging events, I mean, we're definitely the bad guys here.
There's no way to win this.
That's true.
It was also true of Iraq.
But you know, people who have watched this, wise people, people like Thomas Powers, who often writes for the New York Review of Books, he's got an article out in the July issue, and let me just read you a little thing he says at the end, which really struck me.
He says, the President's frustration is really evident.
Saddam Hussein's gone, but Iran remains defiant and more powerful than ever.
The President's male pride
We're on the march.
Well, I think we need to mention, at least intentionally, the oil giants that are back in Iraq now.
The Ike's on mobile, but the ones that were kicked out 36 years ago are now back in.
So if there's anyone in the country that still believes this has nothing to do with oil, that puts a kibosh on that.
And then if you'd like to discuss some of the material that came out of the hearing with Addington and John Yoo last week... Oh, about torture, yeah.
Yeah, that was just an incredibly arrogant performance, and there's lots of stuff in there
Cries out for commentary and if John Conyers
Uh, doesn't face into this kind of humiliation with a strong stance.
Uh, you know, I give up, uh, give up any hope.
Well, we need to talk about why they've got the Congress so gelded, uh, you know, why they're so prostrate.
Uh, so, uh, we'll, uh, talk about the, uh, gelded Congress and some of the strong arm, uh, stuff that is, uh, going on, uh, as well.
Uh, how are you feeling?
How you doing?
I'm doing alright.
Yeah, I have five more weeks of this chemo stuff.
It gets me a little tired sometimes, but I've been very, very lucky in escaping some of the worst side effects and consequences.
So, prognosis is good, and I'm just very thankful.
So, I know you're always a really positive guy, but it really is good.
Well, that is just so fantastic.
We need to keep you around, Mr. McGovern.
You need to see these scallywags go to prison.
We should also speak some about Obama.
He's been talking about Iran being a big threat.
What elite do you think is handling him?
Just because I want to get your analysis on that.
We're going to be back live in one minute, sir.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Senior CIA analyst Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.
gave them their morning briefings.
Highly respected in his field.
Ray McGovern with us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to open the phones up here in about 10 minutes.
1-800-259-9231 specifically for Mr. McGovern.
You can put your questions to him.
We've got several subjects here that we're going to be discussing.
Mr. McGovern, right now, I remember a few months ago people were saying on the inside they're going to attack Iran.
I'm like, they're discredited.
Iran doesn't have weapons.
They're five, six years away from it.
Israel has hundreds of nukes.
But they just don't care.
They're going forward with it.
Looking at this now, do you think they are intending to go ahead and hit him?
Whether the hair, lips, the admiral, just as you said, in September or so, as a springboard for McCain?
Well, they're all set to do it, Alex.
All they need is the execute order from, hopefully from Bush, but it probably will come from Cheney, through Gates, through the Joint Chiefs, and then out to the combatant commanders.
Uh, it'll be different from Iraq.
There'll be mostly air involved.
The Air Force, uh, those folks who live out in those bases where the, uh, those stealth bombers, uh, take off from, uh, uh, keep a lookout and let us know if you see them leave their bases one night because that's what, that's what will start this thing.
So they're all set to go.
The question is whether, uh, uh, whether the uniformed service, uh, generals,
And do what they've been doing, and I say, well, Mr. President, let us talk to you about this.
We wish we had done this before Iraq, but this time we just want to make sure that you know what's going to happen on day three and on week two, and what the Iranians are capable of, and whether you really want to do this, Mr. President.
Now, I've been thinking for a long time that that is the only deterrent to this kind of thing for several months.
Cy Hersh's article in the New Yorker,
I think so.
Among the uniformed officers.
And now the President's openly announcing a $400 million dollar escalation.
The Iranians are suing the United States for staging terror attacks.
How can the White House be staging Al-Qaeda attacks while saying that Iran is Al-Qaeda when they're Shiite?
Well, Alex, how can the White House square any number of circles?
The answer is that the
What I call the fawning corporate media, let them get away with it.
And so the American people, busy as they are with two jobs, putting bread on the table, just don't have time or opportunity to learn the truth.
So, you know, McCain can foul up and talk about Al-Qaeda when he means the Shias and all that kind of stuff.
It doesn't really matter, because what they get is a steady diet of support.
Well, as you said last week, Iran has been extremely restrained.
Imagine if the U.S.
was really being attacked by a foreign power.
The foreign power announces, we got special forces in your country, trying to goad them, trying to make it be a political crisis in Iran.
Their people are saying, why aren't you doing something?
All of this is happening.
I mean, what do you and what do other analysts see Iran doing?
I mean, even if Iran does nothing, Bloomberg and other analysts are reporting 5,000 an ounce gold.
Ron Paul is saying a tripling in oil overnight.
We're talking $12, $14 a gallon.
I mean, this is going to be our ruination.
Well, it would cause a worldwide recession, at least, and perhaps depression.
What the Iranians are looking at are a bunch of reckless operators who have recruited the dregs among the minorities that populate the outlying areas of Iran.
These are pinpricks.
They're not going to make any difference other than to make the Iranian people more steadfast in resisting this kind of thing.
The Iranians, of course, have a long history with the U.S., going back to 1953 when we
We're good to go.
And it didn't matter if he was anti-communist and anti-Islamic extremist, and trained in the West, he wouldn't give BP all the oil, Anglo-American oil, so he had to be overthrown by Kermit Roosevelt.
Sure, and they remember that, and they also remember
Yeah, they remember that the U.S.
supported Saddam Hussein when Hussein started a nine-year war against Iranians.
Do you know that the Iranians lost more people in that war than the U.S.
lost in the combination of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam?
It's over a million, isn't it, sir?
And so, you know, they have this history with the United States, and to expect them to regard us with favor,
Given what we continue to do, it is a pipe dream.
Also, didn't our government help train, the British helped train, Savak, who admittedly tortured to death and killed over 200,000 people?
Well, that was a real... Savak was the Shah's secret police, trained mostly by the British and the Israelis, actually, particularly in the torture techniques.
And this is something that's worth mentioning.
When Khomeini came in,
People were thinking, oh, wasn't he smart?
He had these little cassettes, you know?
They'd make cassettes in Paris of his sermons.
And that's what made the revolution.
You know what made the revolution, Alex?
Torture made the revolution.
Everybody and his brother had an uncle or a brother or somebody that they knew who had been tortured by Savak.
And as soon as the balloon went up, they all congregated and got that army the hell out of there.
Khomeini came in.
That reaped the whirlwind, but it was torture that turned those people into a revolutionary mass.
So how dare the Iranians not love us after all we've done to them?
Well, I think that, you know, they hate us so much that I think they may be miscalculating here because, you know, there are things that Ahmadinejad and others could avoid saying that would put them in a better situation diplomatically.
And I dare say that they may be miscalculating because, like everyone else, they realize what a disaster it will be for the United States.
Ergo, Cheney and Bush will not do it.
Bad, bad ergo, huh?
They did the same thing with respect to Iraq.
The betting is that someone will tell Bush what a disaster this will be, and he won't do it.
Well, you know, Bush has not told anything that Cheney doesn't want to tell him.
Bush doesn't read the newspapers.
He admits that.
Well, Bush also says he believes in order out of chaos.
He said it, and he thinks if he gets us in a big enough war, we'll gut up and have to win it.
But now since you bring that up, did you read the letter from one of the Council on Foreign Relations
Well, he's the head of the Hart Rubin Commission, Gary Hart, where he published it in the Huffington Post, and we interviewed him.
We, our change, talked to him, and he said, yes, I'm saying in that letter, our government may stage terror events as a pretext.
And he tells Iran in the letter, he says, you better do what we say.
Don't you think because 80% of the American people don't want to attack you, we won't?
Our government will stage events to come in.
What do you think he meant by that?
Well, you know, this dovetails with what Cy Hirsch says in his article in The New Yorker.
He talks about a meeting that Cheney ran, and the whole subject of the meeting was how to stage a phony incident so that it could be used to start a war.
Say that again.
How to stage an incident
That could be used as a cusp of spelly, a reason for war.
And who was saying that?
This is Cy Hirsch quoting a high-level former intelligence official.
See, that's something I haven't seen, but then we have the White House memo where Bush is talking to Blair about staging events.
Yeah, it's one of the things they were contemplating before Iraq.
They may do it, they may not.
They may succeed in doing it, they may not.
But this whole business in the Gulf is very volatile because we've got more ships in there than you can shake a stick at.
And of course, the Iranians have hundreds of these little boats they can shoot a rocket and sink a ship with no problem at all.
So, you know, if the Iranians were smart, they would number all their little boats and ships and give a listing to the U.S.
Navy and say, now if you find a number that doesn't appear on this list,
Be aware, because this might be what we call a false flag thing, and see if those people are speaking Hebrew.
Good God!
Let's get through a few other subjects here.
Speaking of that, as we know, our own Army's report came out the day before 9-11, said Israel is capable of staging false flags and blaming it on countries to get us into wars.
We have Israel's Haaretz Jerusalem Post admitting Israel has fake, quote, Al-Qaeda groups staging terror events to always snafu the peace process.
We have all of this going on.
We have all the suspicions and questions you've had about 9-11.
Do you think that we're in greater danger than ever of some type of staged event?
Well, I think that's the way... If there's to be an attack on Iran, I think that's the way it will start.
It'll have to be some sort of a staged provocation, and as I tried to say a little while ago,
Eminently easy to do in the Gulf or elsewhere.
The only problem is that it has to be big enough so that the Iranians will feel compelled to retaliate.
Iranians are smarter than anyone thinks.
They can take these pinpricks, and they can take these little assaults, and there's some real question as to whether the Iranians will rise to the occasion.
What I see happening is a provocation, and then the Israelis take off and they do what they did towards Iraq back in 1981.
We give them all the satellite photography, all the means of ingress and egress.
They bomb the hell out of some of the Iranian nuclear facilities.
And then, as night follows the day, the Iranians will be required to retaliate, and we will jump in with both feet, that is, the United States will.
I don't know.
We promised to Olmert, and before him, Chiron, that we'd do it.
We've finally done it.
Let's go off into the sunset.
But there's no doubt, there's no doubt according to every analyst, financial, military, intelligence, that this will cause energy prices to at least double again, maybe triple, and that will sink the dollar, sink the economy, and a lot of you neocon listeners out there, you're talking about potential homelessness.
I mean, it's just, it's insane.
Yeah, and maybe a reason will prevail.
Maybe someone will get to Bush and say, look, you know, Dick Cheney's away tonight, but we'd really like to talk to you about what's really going to happen if you do this.
So there is some hope that it can be avoided, but right now they look like they're on that course.
And with the help of the media and the aiding and abetting by Congress, suggesting things that Olmert originally suggested, the blockade, for example, these things are very disquieting.
And unless, as you know Alex, I think impeachment is the answer here.
If John Conyers got off his rear end and started impeachment proceedings, then our uniformed military would have the kind of encouragement to say, wait a second now, this isn't about danger to us or even Israel.
This is something that the President is going to have talked about.
Well, that's my next point.
That's my next point.
Bush says that Congress can't see PDD 51, but the cover sheet says it basically makes him a dictator.
The John Warner Defense Authorization Act says he's over the governor's the military for insurrection.
And then now I've talked to state police and others, they're being told now and given manuals, and we've seen them, that get ready, the president's going to be your leader, you owe allegiance to him.
I mean there's definitely even some darker things going on here.
That's a subject of great concern, yeah.
And I guess I fall back on the notion, and maybe it comes from an antiquated idea, of what the U.S.
Army is all about.
I was an Army officer, and it was drummed into us that we had to not only swear allegiance to the Constitution, but to act by it.
And for the President to use the Army in domestic law enforcement capacity was verboten by law.
It still is, as far as I know.
The Posse Comitatus Act
And actually, one of the articles of impeachment that Dennis Kucinich has raised against the president is precisely because he's tried to violate that act.
So I think when push comes to shove, I hope anyway, that the uniformed military and perhaps even the governors who are supposed to have some sort of rule over the state police and the National Guard and that kind of thing,
Well, I agree.
I think the bottom line here is that the country has a case of cancer, but we may be able to whip it.
The problem is that
This corrupt elite is in power, but the good news is they are being discredited, they are getting in a lot of trouble, they are running out of steam, but I think they're more dangerous than ever during this last gasp.
But there's no doubt, and would you agree, Ray McGovern, that we're at one of the most dangerous points in American history?
I've been around for 45 years in this town, and I've not seen the likes of it.
Not Watergate, not Vietnam, not Iran-Contra.
Nothing like it, because the usual forces, Congress first and foremost, that discharge their constitutional obligations in all these other cases, they're not doing it now, both because of fear, both because of trying to make sure they win big in November, and also because of the Israel lobby, which is playing a very, very determinative role in all this.
Well, let's just call a spade a spade.
Most people in Congress know 9-11 isn't what they were told.
They know this is a deadly dangerous elite in power right now, and most of them that aren't on the payroll are, like you said, are scared.
I mean, I talk to people in power all the time, and they, I mean, people are scared.
They know.
And the public better realize that we are on the razor's edge here, folks.
I mean, this is
The difference between our name destroyed, our currency destroyed, and a bunch of nuts running things versus some type of Hitlerian reign of terror.
And we're very close to that, and now is the time to get the word out like never before.
We're going to come back and get into torture.
You were talking to me during a break about, and we're going to keep talking through this break, we're folks behind the scenes watching, about torture.
We have John Yoo testifying, I watched some of it.
Very arrogant, very proud of himself.
Yeah, you know, I hate to quote Shakespeare on lawyers, you know, but it wasn't a real bad idea that he had, you know, first convertible lawyers.
What I watched there was just an unconscionable performance.
And what they missed is the most obvious, and I guess many lawyers do that.
They talk about John Yoo and David Addington preparing these torture memoranda.
But, you know, lawyers give advice.
Lawyers don't implement things.
Lawyers don't give orders.
Who gives orders?
The decider.
And that's what we have here.
And do we have a smoking gun?
Well, the nation needs to know that yes, indeed, we do have a smoking gun.
It's dated February 7th.
Tell you what, stay there.
We're going to talk behind the scenes, but come back.
Okay, Ray McGovern, again, on the internet right now, we're still live.
We're going to come back on the stations right after this.
Let me just put it to you in front of all the listeners here.
I promise I'll let you go then.
I got you on five minutes late.
Can I keep you to the five after?
That way we have time to talk to Eric and Peggy and a few other callers.
We'll come back in the next segment, talk torture, then come back and take a few final calls.
Again, we have new listeners every millisecond.
It's really nice of you to
Spend this much time.
Why do you think the White House was so forthcoming with the fact that they were into torture?
Was that what other dictators do?
Like trying to seduce the public into drinking from the evil well so that they themselves will then be basically sold into what's doing?
Well, since they've already committed to that level of evil, they're just going to go all the way?
Well, I think that and a combination of that Jack Bauer 24 business is part of it.
But I think it's more a part of intimidation, Alex.
You know, if they can torture Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, if, more important, they can torture U.S.
citizens like Jose Patia, born in New York, U.S.
citizen, then they can torture Alex Jones and they can torture Ray McGovern.
And this is supposed to have a dampening effect on what we do and what we say.
I was about to say, that is exactly my analysis, is that they, it's meant to further dumb down and sear the conscience of the dumbbells out there that'll buy anything, but mainly to the intellectuals or just to the general public, it's a threat.
Yeah, we're really dark bad guys.
You better, you know, everybody better be afraid of us.
Go ahead.
And the other aspect, you know, I hate to say this, but there are very distinct
Sadistic tendencies on the part of our President and Vice President.
Vice President bragged about the dark side and all that.
But our President, you know, not only did he blow up frogs with firecrackers when he was 7, not only did he take shots with his BB gun at his siblings when he was 12, but when he was 21, okay?
When he was 21 at Yale, and head of the pledges for his fraternity, he took a coat iron.
Held it over an open fire, as a matter of course, and branded the pledges on their buttocks, okay?
Now, this was part of the routine until one of the- Say what?
Stay there, this is too important!
Here we go.
Absolutely amazing.
I'm just talking to Ray McGovern from Prison Planet TV viewers behind the scenes about why are they torturing?
And he said, well, it's to intimidate the public.
It's not just to intimidate the world or get fake confessions.
It's to let everybody know who is
You know, not a complete sociopath.
That, hey, we mean business.
We're dark.
We're scary.
We are the bad guys.
Dick Cheney brags about the dark side.
I mean, these guys are into darkness, but he brought up how Bush likes to blow living frogs up and torture animals and shoot his siblings.
But then when he was 21, he wanted to brand pledges.
And absolutely, I mean, you can just look at Bush, and I don't usually judge a book by its cover, but if I saw that guy in a suit and tie walking down the dark road, I mean, he's scary looking.
That little demon face he makes, I mean, do we have no discernment?
I mean, Ray McGovern, as a CIA analyst, looking at him, just looking at the mannerisms, he has what maybe one in a thousand have, that just criminal, psycho look.
Ray McGovern.
We used to do, in the analytic part of the agency, what we called at-a-distance psychological assessments.
We had psychologists and psychiatrists doing this with us, and Justin Frank, who has written that wonderful book, Bush on the Couch, is cooperating with us even now as we speak, and we're going to draft a new memorandum to comment on what makes Bush tick from a psychological point of view, because I think that's equally important to any other aspect here.
You can talk geopolitics, but you have to look at the man and the kinds of things you were just mentioning.
Let me just finish up.
When he was 21 at Yale, okay?
And this is the New York Times reporting this, okay?
When he was 21, his job was to haze or to get the pledges into his fraternity or reject them.
He used to take a wire hanger, okay?
Put it over an open fire.
And then sort of brand them on their buttocks, okay?
Now, one of the budgets didn't much like this, and he found out who George W. Bush was.
His dad was a big shot.
He was at the U.N., I think at the time.
And so he called the New York Times, and he said, you know, you really ought to know this.
This is psychopathic.
So the Times called George W. Bush and said, is this right?
Is that what you're doing?
And you know what George W. Bush said?
Well, yeah, but you know,
You know, the scars are nothing worse than, you know, cigarette burns.
Nothing worse than cigarette burns.
Total disconnect with reality.
Now, Colleen Rowley, the FBI agent who made quite a name for herself by blowing the whistle on FBI ineptitude on 9-11, she's one of our Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Saturday.
And she said, Ray, you know, if any of those things, the blowing up the frogs, the shooting your siblings with BB guns, the branding of pledges with white coat hangers, if any of those came to our attention in the resume of somebody applying for employment with the FBI, it would pour right into the circular file, because those people are pre-programmed to criminal activity later in life.
Jeffrey Dahmer!
Yeah, it's the same kind of thing.
So, these things are very important, and I hope that we'll be able to get something even more telling than we did.
Well, everybody knows that people that like to hurt animals are going to turn into psychopaths or criminals.
I mean, that's just a... I mean, 101.
So, we had these people recruited, these lawyers, and we saw them in action last week when they testified before the
And they said, they said, Bush is the law!
And I'm reminded of what General Toguba, you know, the only one that did a decent investigation of Abu Ghraib, I'm reminded of what he told Sy Hersh.
After the investigation was completed, and he actually did an honest one, he finds himself in the back of a Mercedes with General Abizade in Kuwait.
Stay there!
We'll be back in one minute with Ray McGovern on just an amazing interview.
We'll be right back.
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Mr. McGovern, let me talk to McGovern.
Terror Storm, a history of... I'm reminded of what he told Cy Hirsch.
After the investigation was completed, and he actually did an honest one, he finds himself in the back of a Mercedes with General Abizade in Kuwait.
Stay there, we'll be back in one minute with Ray McGovern on just an amazing interview.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I've got a ton of news coming up.
Other guests as well, but I'm backing them up a little bit.
Ray McGovern will be with us until about 12 or 13 after, because I want to be able to take a few calls.
The report has been leaked, okay?
Abizade, I mean, I'm sorry, Toguba did an honest job and it was a very damning report.
So his chief, the head of CENTCOM, turns to Toguba and says, I just want to let you know, General Toguba, that you and your report are being investigated.
And Toguba looks at him.
And then what he says to Cy Hirsch, who's interviewing him, he said, you know, Cy, I'd been in the army 32 years by then.
It was the first time that I thought I was in the Mafia.
Absolutely he is, God!
Now if you look at those lawyers last week, John Yu and David Addington.
The body language was Mafia!
Those were the Mafia lawyers.
The important point, and this is really important, and this is always missed by people, is that we have a smoking gun.
There was one memorandum signed by the President of the United States on February 7, 2002.
It's on the web.
You can download it in PDF form.
You can see the president's signature, which is two inches big with a felt pen.
And this was the authorization to torture.
What did it say?
It said that we're going to exempt the Taliban and Al-Qaeda from Geneva protections, and we will treat them, quote, humanely, comma, as appropriate, comma, and as consistent with military necessity, period, end quote.
That's not what Geneva says.
That was the loophole to which Don Rumsfeld and George Tenet, the head of the CIA, drove the Mack truck of torture.
February 2002.
What's happening with these memos on torture?
Well, those are the smart little mafia lawyers making it all legal, okay?
So you don't proceed against the lawyers, you proceed against the decider.
And the decider decided, and you have it in black and white.
Over his signature, I don't know what's keeping John Conyers and other people from saying, look, you authorized this, Mr. President.
It's torture.
It not only violates international law, it violates the U.S.
War Crimes Act of 1996, passed by a Republican-dominated legislature in this country.
Go directly to jail.
Do not pay $100.
Well, well, Ryan McGovern,
I've looked at who they've got, you've looked at who they've got, I even have the section chief on, who wrote the book, what, Jawbreaker, about it, admitting that they were told, don't grab real people, that's politically dangerous, they'll try to kill us, just go grab some sheep herders, they'd pay actual Al-Qaeda, actual Taliban, upwards of $25,000 for 12-year-old kids, and then they'd just take them in and beat them to death, rape them, they'd hire jail guards that had bad records,
I mean, this is a sick joke!
I mean, it'd be bad enough torturing real Al-Qaeda, but they knowingly are torturing little kids!
Yeah, that's the worst of it.
The young boys who have grown up in Guantanamo, can you believe it?
What we need to do is get these things front and center, and I applaud Dennis Kucinich for standing up there for more than four hours a couple weeks ago and reading
Thirty-five articles of impeachment against this president.
Now, as you probably remember, Nixon went down with just three.
Three were voted out of the Judiciary Committee in 1974, and he quit the next week.
You don't need thirty-five, but all thirty-five, any one of those things, would be enough to impeach this president and hit John Conyers.
You know?
Maybe, Alex, just maybe.
This wiretapping?
You know, this unauthorized eavesdropping?
Yes, maybe they're doing a J Edgar Hoover on these people.
Maybe they've got stuff on Conyers, maybe they've got stuff on Pelosi and the others.
Well, we know the British are doing that.
It's come out that MI6 and Five are spying on the whole Parliament illegally.
There must be some explanation as to why John Conyers has all of a sudden lost his backbone.
Alright, we're going to keep talking during this break, then come back and take a few final phone calls with Ray McGovern.
Stay with us.
Sir, finishing up with torture and we'll come back and take two calls and then that's going to be it.
First up in line is Eric and Peggy.
Right, John?
That's correct.
I know there's a lot of other calls.
Any other good ones you think for the guest?
Those will probably do it.
Okay, those will probably do it.
Give me one more in case one of them's not there.
Okay, I'll find one for you.
Okay, good.
Ray, just in closing, because a lot of folks will still be watching this on the web later and live now.
To me, there's something otherworldly about, like unreal, not even otherworldly, of having John Euby ask at the CFR in Chicago, I'm sure you've heard the tape, okay, so you can crush children's testicles in front of their parents?
He said yes.
And then to see him in the little piggy eyes and the weird posturing, I mean, it's like Hollywood, usually books don't match the cover, but with these guys,
They look, many of them, even more evil than the Nazis did.
You know, there was something evil looking about Nazis.
I mean, I don't know how to describe it.
It's just hard to believe that they actually do this.
Well, you know, I have to agree with you.
You can see why they kept Addington under wraps.
He's such an arrogant son of a gun that he doesn't do anybody any good by just behaving the way he normally behaves.
You know, it's hard to...
It's hard to question what you just said.
And the way he danced around all those questions and exculpated himself and wouldn't answer them.
If John Conyers and those people on the Judiciary Committee weren't thoroughly humiliated by being subjected to that kind of arrogance, then I just think we'd write off the Judiciary Committee and the House of Representatives because they're a bunch of wimps if they don't pay attention to this.
Well, I just, um...
I mean, to me, it really does look like you've got a pack of aggressive people in a pissing contest showing off to each other, and it's just a pack of yes-men and tough talkers, and I've analyzed who most of these people are, and I think it really does come down to a bunch of wimp punks acting tough and about to wreck the planet.
I mean, I hate to reduce it down to that, but it just really comes off like that.
Do you have any comments along those lines?
Well, I wouldn't expect any more from the Mafia lawyers, okay?
But I would expect more from the Judiciary Committee members who clearly hadn't read the material, clearly were not up to fencing with these very artful lawyerly dodgers.
And so, what we really have here is a breakdown in our system.
These people that we've elected are chickening out, they're not prepared,
And this is important stuff.
I mean, you know, when you let the President justify torture, he can justify anything.
And so we have a situation where they're unwilling to go after the President.
That's why I keep mentioning, please, readers, download the February 7th memorandum that the President signed, an action memorandum to all the members of the National Security Council.
Absolutely, sir.
We're going back live.
Final segment.
Here we go.
Well, the Congress is saying you can devalue the dollar, you can attack innocent countries, you can torture people, you can get rid of the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, the First Amendment.
Well, where do they stop then?
You see, when you just say to an executive,
That you have a blank check, where and when do they stop?
I mean, I guess, in the final equation, Ray McGovern, and we'll take two final calls here, that's what it boils down to, and then I guess, if we even make it to another election, the Democrats are acting like they intend to continue, I guess, AIPAC's directive.
Well, look, that way, and, uh, you know, if we didn't have such good material here, uh, I mentioned not only the 7 February memorandum from the President, but the 25 January 2002 memorandum signed by Alberto Gonzalez, but drafted by David Eddington, which is really a masterpiece.
Talks about the War Crimes Act of 1996 and how the President might be able to escape, uh, prosecution under that.
It's hard to predict the motives of prosecutors and independent counsels who might in the future decide to pursue charges based on the War Crimes Act, but if you determine that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are exempt, this would create a reasonable basis in law
That the War Crimes Act does not apply.
And that would provide a defense against future prosecution.
But it violates U.S.
It violates common law.
It violates... Yeah, does that sound like a mafia lawyer to you?
It's just incredible.
Two final calls.
Eric in California and then Peggy.
Eric, you're on the air with Ray McGovern.
Hey Alec, how you doing?
This is Eric in San Diego.
It's good to talk to you again.
And also, a warm welcome to you, Ray.
I sure do appreciate your work and your great work for the cause of liberty.
Up until last week, late last week, I was a firm believer in writing in Ron Paul, and I went and saw Chuck Baldwin speak.
Sir, we're taking calls for Ray McGovern on the issue of torture, war.
Do you have any comments on it?
Well, my comment is more along the lines of FEMA using asterisks in use of Romans 13.
Okay, let's bring that up to Ray McGovern.
Ray, I'm sure you've heard that it's now come out.
I reported a year and a half before it came out.
I got the classified documents.
They have covertly recruited 26,000 preachers, FEMA has, and have them giving sermons, but they don't tell their flock to turn your guns in, go to camps, Jesus wants you to.
I mean, is that not creepy?
Actually, Alex, I can't comment on that because I've not been up on that.
Yeah, but I know being in the CIA, you read about other communist countries and third world nations where they have similar things.
I mean, that's pretty bad.
Okay, anything else, Eric?
Because I held him over to take a few questions.
You know, when I brought it up to Chuck, during the question and answer session, he said that he was confronted with that program, and he went back to his flock, because he has a church in Pensacola, Florida,
He went back to his flock and told his flock to buy weapons.
I remember him talking about that.
I need to get Chuck Baldwin on.
He's a great guy.
Constitution Party.
And, you know, I'm going from writing in Ron Paul to being a firm supporter of Mr. Baldwin.
Okay, good.
Thank you, sir.
Peggy in Pennsylvania, and I'm going to let Ray McGovern go.
Go ahead.
Mr. McGovern?
Hi, Peggy.
I think you're absolutely right about the lawyerly mind in the United States today.
I've seen it myself in Ohio.
And don't forget that these people form a network in the highest places in the government and also with people of like mind in other countries.
But the one fear that every human should have is fear of a retribution or revenge.
It seems to me that I remember Russia stating that if Iran was attacked by Israel or the United States, Russia would send nuclear missiles back.
Isn't either of these two countries afraid of that?
Well, I'm not familiar with the Russian statement that you quote here.
I am.
It was one of their foreign ministers about two months ago just said, look, we have nuclear weapons and we'll use them.
But go ahead.
The Russians, I can't quite figure out.
I was on Russian TV last week and I asked the people, you know, aren't you concerned about what might happen just south of your border here that might end up using many nukes?
And they smiled and said, well, you know, you guys are digging your own grave here.
And besides, we've got all the oil.
And they're going to make a pile of money on all this.
So they're acting like a bunch of capitalists, and I don't think even they realize how serious the situation is.
Yeah, I think there's a mass delusion of the public.
I talk to business people.
I happen to be at a party, and there was an oil company owner, pretty good size, one of the smaller companies, but still big.
And he's like, yeah, I know the dollar's going in the toilet.
I mean, it just seems like
We've had it good so long, people can't understand that we have... It's almost a bulletproof, like a 14-year-old thinks they're bulletproof.
Yeah, yeah.
That's, I think, a good representation of the mindset, and it's going to be all the worse when the fall comes.
Yeah, I mean, I've seen so many people think they can play in traffic thinking they're bulletproof, folks.
When that semi hits you, you're dead!
Okay, Peggy, thank you so much.
Great question there at the end.
Ray McGovern, I know you're battling, and successfully, good prognosis, lymphoma, cancer, on chemo.
Gave us over an hour, and I'd like to have you back on the next month as new things develop.
You write a lot of columns for, what, Counterpunch?
Well, I see your stuff.
Just Google Ray McGovern, folks, and his writings are just all over the place.
I normally write first for ConsortiumNews.com.
If you want to get it right off the bat, you'll get it there.
Other websites normally pick it up.
Well, thank you so much, sir, and we really appreciate you defending the Republican, all of us, and we know there's a lot of other people with integrity.
Oh, that's a final question.
So many people I talk to in government won't go public, but so many now have.
Isn't that the silver lining that we are seeing?
Have Fallon stepped down?
We are seeing so many bigwigs say this is crazy?
I am encouraged on that score.
We need more of that, and we need to provide protection for these whistleblowers.
But ideally, when this order is given to strike Iran, somebody's going to go to the E.P.
and tell us a week before, so that we can really rally and try to do what we can to prevent it.
All right.
Thank you, Ray McGovern.
It's been my pleasure, and keep up the good work.
Thank you so much.
Take care, Ray McGovern.
Oh, what a great guy.
He is mooey sick, obviously taking chemotherapy and the rest of it, still spending over an hour with us.
Folks, people think they're bulletproof.
People think they're bulletproof.
The general public thinks it.
And that type of positive outlook helps in some ways in life, but in others it doesn't help.
In other areas of life, it doesn't help.
And, you know, earlier I read to you out of Bloomberg, I have AP, all the foreign headlines saying the dollar's plunging, the world asked the U.S.
to stabilize the dollar, OPEC does not like the prices this high, because they're not higher.
It is the dollar, it's denominated in dollars.
They're saying, you want us to stay on dollars?
To where people have got to use dollars to buy our oil, which keeps the dollar the world reserve currency, but now the world reserve currency is devaluing, so it takes more of them, and that's hurting everybody.
They're saying, why don't we put it in other currencies, like the euro, that's worth sixty-something percent more.
And that's not that complex of a thought, and you tell adults, you tell businessmen, you tell people that, and they just say, my dollar's fine.
I mean, the peso is approaching parity with the dollar.
Now you're going, well I've seen some price increases but I haven't seen that many.
That's right.
It hasn't hit here yet except in commodities like oil.
When it hits, folks, it's going to cascade very fast.
Don't you understand what we're facing here?
I know the listeners do, the general listeners, but I mean there are new listeners every day.
They're busy laughing at us, threatening us, sending us emails, snickering, snickering on the street.
This isn't funny!
And if I had a dollar for every time I've had a yuppie smart mouth me or make a YouTube video saying the dollar's fine, you're full of crap, you conspiracy theorist, I am not full of anything.
I am telling the truth.
Did we get Luke Rudowsky in the wings?
I'll call him right now.
Go ahead and get him on.
And this is another issue.
I'm going to go ahead and... I think about all the different facets to this.
And I try to judge and gauge human, the human condition, the human makeup.
I mean, I have enough trouble trying to gauge my own life.
I just know this, I'm a good guy.
I mean, I got my faults, but I'm doing this because I genuinely know we're under attack and we're under a great tyranny.
And things are getting worse very fast.
And I look at our movement, and I see great people at rallies and on the streets and in the message boards, but when it gets to our leadership, I really don't see a lot that encourages me.
I mean, there's people like George Butler, little known, he's a good guy.
Mark Horn, he's a good guy.
Jack McClam is a good guy.
Pastor Butch Paul is a good guy.
Ron Paul is a good guy.
Maybe there's another dozen or so people that are prominent, Stan Monteith's good.
People I know that are really good.
And it just freaks me out, because I'm like charging the enemy as hard as I can, trying to rally and warn on every rooftop.
I'll be exhausted not wanting to do radio interviews.
I'll just go ahead and do them, because I know I don't want to turn down warning people.
I do this out of wanting to warn people.
I'm not driven by the engine of my ego.
I wish I was.
Ten, fifteen years ago, I was to a greater extent.
I'm losing my ego.
And I've realized that I'm here, rushing the enemy in placements, and I've got a bunch of people behind me, bitching and griping about me, going, oh look, he's a big leader, he's big and fancy, we're jealous, making stuff up and making everything about me.
Which only makes me, quote, bigger.
But it hurts the movement and it's just so frustrating.
You ever have one of those days where everything goes right?
First, I get the best parking space at work.
Tonight, I have a date with a very lovely Rachel.
And today, I gave a killer presentation in Sydney, finalized a contract in London, and demoed our new product in Boston.
Online, from my desk, with Webex.
You got Radovsky?
Let's me take meetings and give presentations from my desk.
Not quite yet.
You didn't answer?
Be, quote, bigger!
But it hurts the movement.
It's just so frustrating.
You ever have one of those days where everything goes right?
First, I get the best parking space at work.
Tonight, I have a date with a very lovely Rachel.
And today, I gave a killer presentation in Sydney.
Finalized a contract in London, and demoed our new product in Boston.
Online, from my desk, with Webex.
Webex lets me take meetings and give presentations from my desk.
I just talk to clients on the phone, and they watch what's happening on my desktop from their desktop.
So I can travel the world and still be here for my date tonight with Rachel.
Travel less, meet online.
Go to Webex.com and try Webex free.
Just click the radiographic and enter promo code 500 to get a... The attacks of September... T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All week in the run-up to the release of Truth Rising on Friday, July 4th, a declaration of independence against the terrorists that carried out the attacks, I'm going to be having We Are Change, 9-11 Truth, everybody in this movement.
I want to get 9-11 Blogger on, I want to get Loose Change guys on, I want to get a whole bunch of people.
I'm trying to think of all the folks we should have on.
But Luke Rudowsky, first and foremost, with us, and then Stuart Howe, VR Change LA, coming up the next segment.
I'm going to get into a bunch of other news I haven't covered and recap some other issues.
Luke, you've seen Truth Rising.
I'm asking everybody to make copies of this like they've never made copies before.
We're going to have a DivX version up on PrisonPlanet.tv for easy, high-quality burn.
Just a regular computer disk.
Most new DVD players have DivX, so you can just give it to everybody that way.
It's time to really turn the heat up, so I'm trying to enlist all the activists to go to the next level, because this film will show people the excitement, show them how to demonstrate, how to take over media events.
It makes it exciting.
It also exposes the first responders not getting treatment.
Tell us what you think of Truth Rising.
Truth Rising is an amazing documentary that pretty much shows it all.
I would ask everybody to get that DVD, burn it on DVD, give it out to everybody, show it to everyone you can, because this is a mind-blowing documentary that will really make people understand what's really going on.
Now, it was late one night when we were covering Bilderberg that you guys had a chance to see it.
I mean, break down your view of the film.
Uh, the film starts off with the street action confrontation.
It goes into great detail with all the first responders who are sick and dying and all the troubles and all the headaches that they have to go through getting the proper help that they deserve.
It goes into many celebrities who are speaking out for not a lot of truth.
It's very well put together.
It's an amazing documentary and it's going to blow people's minds away.
Pass it on.
Make everybody watch it.
Now, I don't know if you heard the show earlier.
You probably didn't, but we have to make an issue out of this.
We need to file a complaint with YouTube.
They act most of the time.
They need to suspend this person calling for murder's account.
But there is an individual on there called Ariel Silverstein.
Who is calling, he says he'll pay $100,000 per 9-11 truther that is murdered with a bullet to the head.
He posted in the We Are Change, so this is your issue, the We Are Change, so you are aware of this?
Yeah, that user has sent us many death threats before.
He's been sending us death threats for the last couple of months.
Well, he says he's in.
He says he's in.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, you've been putting it on the comment, and he's also making fun of my, you know, best friend who passed away, saying a lot of hurtful, negative things, but he's also calling for, you know, the death and the murder of basically what was... And he lives there in New York?
I mean, have you called the police about this?
I have not called the police department yet on this, gentlemen.
It is only on YouTube that this man has been leaving his comments, but I'll probably be... Yeah, but I mean, I found a whole bunch where he says, kill our children, too.
I mean, this is getting serious.
He says, I will pay $100,000 for each truther that's killed, so get hunting.
It says, the only useful thing about this video is it's a convenient resource to identify all the moronic truther schizoids who need
Bullets planted firmly in their heads.
I will pay $100,000 per truther, so get hunting.
Then he talks about Dan has been silenced.
Maggots have eaten you, Dan.
Ha ha ha.
No, no, Dan hasn't been silenced and you're the maggot because this is all being exposed and Dan will live on and his voice will live on and his father who died when the government blew up those towers, the firefighter.
It's sick, isn't it?
His memory will live on forever.
He's the driving force behind We Are Change.
We'll never forget him.
His message is always going to speak through our hearts, through our message.
And you've always said that.
You're not saying that now.
I mean, he may be dead, and his dad may be dead in the towers, but his voice isn't being stopped.
This little bastard needs to know that.
Yeah, it's definitely not going to be stopping, because we will continue to fight for what's right.
And we will remember him, we will love him, and it's sad, and you can see how low and down and dirty these people will get by disrespecting him, who, you know, Dan, who's passed away.
He was one of my best friends, and now even people outside here at Ground Zero, whenever we do our speed actions, they come and they have, you know, big signs with, you know, negative statements about Dan Wallace, and they hold it up next to us, and they try to antagonize us.
They try to start fights with us.
Well, here's how you defeat them, folks.
You don't just say it.
You commit and you do it.
Buy a DVD burner.
They've got dual ones.
They're inexpensive.
Or we're going to have a DivX version, very easy to burn on regular discs.
All of you commit to make 100 copies over the next weekend.
Instead of just eating hot dogs and getting drunk, or doing whatever, or buying Walmart slave products, make copies of Truth Rising this weekend.
Let's have it explode immediately.
Because the globalists are scared, their little minions are scared.
Uh, and, uh, they want to stop us.
We need to intensify this.
The truth is rising.
9-11 truth is exploding everywhere.
No one can deny that fact.
Luke Rodowski, stay there.
Truth Rising comes out Friday.
T-minus four days.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, give me the Luke real fast.
Hey Luke, for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, I don't want to waste these three minutes while he's getting Stuart Howell on, and I want to keep you over.
Talk about any issues you want, Luke.
Well, we're just working hard here in New York City planning for this year's 9-11-08 event.
We have many main-level acts like Saigon, Dead Prez, Harris, Chip Food, Channel Live, Cynthia McKinney, family members, rescue workers.
We're doing a huge benefit for 9-11 first responders this year.
In New York City.
Book your tickets right now.
We're doing a huge event at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
We're going to raise a lot of money.
We're going to do a lot of street actions.
And we're going to do the same as we did in 2006 and 2007.
But this year it's only going to be bigger in scale with what we're doing.
So that's pretty much what we've got planned for 9-11-08.
We're doing many important things.
We have a lot of projects in the works.
We're going to have new Confrontations videos coming out soon on our YouTube channel.
It's YouTube.com slash WeAreChange.
We do get a lot of death threats, but we're not scared because we have truth and love on our side and nothing will stop that.
I don't know, actually, if you know this, I'm also starting my own GCN show this Sunday at, I believe, 2 p.m.
I'm going to have my own show on the Genesis Communications Network.
Uh, the We Are Change Radio Network, where we will be debuting confrontations, having many high-level guests on, and we will be talking about everything that We Are Change is doing.
That's basically everything we're doing here in New York City.
We're working very hard, just got done with a couple meetings here, booking venues, booking acts.
This year, 9-11 is going to be one of the biggest here.
The event is called 2008 Now or Never, because it is now or never that we can take this country back.
This is the last year that the Bush administration is in office.
This is the few amount of time that we have now.
To really take back this country, take back the American Constitution, and fight back for it.
Now to be clear, we've got key momentum now, and I had always thought that 9-11 would recede, but now it's gotten so big, I think people realize it's both parties.
I think it's going to continue, but kind of like this, you have hills and then valleys, but you're always going up, and I think we're at the peak point.
I think it'll go like that and then back up, but the reason we expose it is because
By exposing government-sponsored terror, false flag, a Galean dialectic, problem, reaction, solution.
By doing that, the people now suspect attacks, they investigate quicker.
If they do stage another attack, people day one will be picking up on more info, and it really discourages the enemy from staging more events.
It definitely does, and there's actually polls out there saying that there's more not-11-truthers than there are Democrats and Republicans.
We are in the majority of people who are investigating not-11, and we are stopping the next terrorist attack from happening.
We are fighting for this country, we are standing up for this country, and nothing can stop that.
People are waking up every day, just because of YouTube, just because of the Internet.
Every day, even when we're talking right now, people are waking up.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Stay there, Luke, we're coming back.
Think about how far we have come.
We're going to go back to Luke Brodowski.
Stuart Howe of We Are Change LA as well is about to join us.
Countdown to Truth Rising this week.
Midnight Thursday going into Friday morning.
It's going to explode on the web at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got dedicated IT folks and people that are going to be there making sure it smoothly happens.
We appreciate him working and overseeing things on that holiday.
Very important holiday.
One of the few I actually celebrate.
I will not be here Friday.
Burmese may want to sit in.
It may be a live show.
I'm not sure.
I'm tempted to record something.
I've just got to see family and I've committed to take off more so I don't fall apart.
We're going to go back to Luke Radowski and Stuart Howard in just a moment, but I was talking to Luke for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and InfoWars.com internet stream listeners behind the scenes and he was
I'm talking about how they've got polls out where there are more 9-11 truthers than there are Republicans or Democrats.
And that's true.
We are the majority, ladies and gentlemen, and we're growing!
And the establishment's scared, and you little murdering bastards out there are going to be brought to justice, and those of you that have defended this.
You say we make this up.
There's hundreds of declassified examples of where the crooks in government have staged events.
Everybody's learning about that.
Everybody's learning you're liars.
Everybody's learning who you are.
And I think when we take the country back, you're going to be brought to justice, some of you too.
So just be, you know, brought up to speed on that.
You're going to be known.
You're going to have to leave the country and run to Costa Rica or Argentina because you're guilty of treason.
And uh... we're coming for you.
I mean we know you're murdering killers.
We know your supporters and black ops are killers.
And uh... we know you think you can ship your drugs in and run everything and you claim you're patriotic.
We've just had it with you.
And we're not backing off and we're not going away and I'm sure you're going to crush a few of us but that blood makes the liberty tree grow.
And it's just the more you attack the stronger we get.
So just go ahead, nuke Chicago, do whatever it is you're going to do you bastards.
The people are learning you're the terrorist, and you're forcing confrontations that are going to give you your Waterloo, that are going to give you your Barbarossa, that are going to give you your Lexington, your Concord, that are going to give you what's going to bring your system down, what's going to give you your Trenton.
And so just be aware of that.
We're going to go back to our guest here in just a moment.
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Okay, going back to Luke Radowski and then to Stuart Howe, we are Change LA.
This isn't an exercise.
This isn't a drill.
This isn't a game.
This isn't a joke.
This is for all the marbles.
The tyranny is coming down.
They're using terror to bully us.
They're saying we may have an attack and then you'll love us again.
Then you'll learn to let us take your rights.
Then you'll learn to not question us.
Boy, an attack would sure help us.
These bastards think you're so stupid they talk right at you.
They're also threatening more than half the population that knows they did it, saying, you watch it.
We'll do it again.
We'll torture you.
They're a bunch of bully scum.
And Luke, I'm telling you, you need to file a complaint with YouTube because he posted on your page saying you need to be killed.
He's on his own page saying that our children need to be killed.
Man, I just can't handle it anymore.
This America-hating trash just makes me sick.
Luke, he's talking about Dan Wallace.
He says,
Laugh out loud, Dan Wallace.
I told him I would never stop talking about five years ago.
He's in the Trish Rising film.
He's on We Are Change website watching the They Made a Mirror of our trailer.
And he's saying, well Dan, you're not talking now, are you?
So you were wrong.
Laugh out loud.
Laugh out loud.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
He actually pawned himself
here by saying he wouldn't stop doing something when he clearly has.
Still, I guess having already been eaten by maggots, going back on a statement he made, and once again showing how troopers are always wrong and never stick to one thing is the least of the worries.
Laugh out loud.
He he he.
Then he goes into saying how he wants to pay $100,000 to have bullets put in our heads.
This doesn't scare us or anything.
It makes us want to fight you harder.
It makes us commit harder.
It makes the listeners tell more people about InfoWars.com or WeAreChange.
Luke, comments on that before I go to Stuart?
It just shows you how low these people will go to attack you.
And it doesn't just go onto YouTube.
There's actual people who go out to our street action and antagonize us.
You know, using our best friend Manuel who passed away as a way to attack us.
It's like psychological warfare to hurt us and to bring us down.
But I just wanted to say the more they attack us, the more that they try to hurt us, the more that they threaten us, the more we are resilient, the more we will stand up, the more we will believe in truth and love because this is what makes it real.
When we go through all this, this makes it so... Yeah, when you have the cops come up and say, your camera's a gun, we're gonna say you have bombs, we know you don't, we're gonna frame you, you really know the government's the terrorist then.
I mean, you really learn it, folks.
I mean, you can talk the talk, folks, but you gotta walk the walk.
This makes it true.
This makes it real.
And people have to understand it's not a game.
It's life or death.
But we're willing to stand up.
We're willing to put ourselves on the line.
We know Luke the Bible talks about being persecuted is actually a blessing.
I never understood that when I was a child.
It's really true.
You feel sorry for them.
But it also empowers you to help other people that aren't informed and to stand up.
It is a blessing when you're being persecuted.
And makes it all, you know, what we have to go through, it makes it so real.
You just understand that you have to fight even more, and that's what we're going to do.
And people don't, they don't understand, the more they attack us, it backfires on them, because now we're going to release more videos, because now we're going to go corrupt more people.
Now we're going to work harder, not 1108 this year.
We're going to do everything in our power.
To do what's right because we have basically a lot of everything against us but nothing is going to stop us because we really have truth and love on our side and there's nothing else we really need but that and that's what we're going to use as a way to change this country to change this world.
Let's bring Stuart Howe up.
Stuart, sorry we got you up late on the show.
We are Change Los Angeles, a big part of making Truth Rising such a success.
Again, the film is meant to spread activism, activist journalism, whether it's on the North American Union, or trans-Texas corridors, or gun control, or borders, or whatever you're into.
This is a film that is made to be viral, made to energize young people,
And Stewart, as soon, the DVDs are actually being tracked to be delivered tomorrow, but they don't ship out until the Saturday after July 4th.
Everybody needs to get their order in now, but I'll get you a copy, everybody.
In fact, anybody who's with We Are Change, anybody who's contributed, we'll forget.
We're a small operation.
Let us know.
Email Aaron at InfoWars.
We'll make sure you get a copy out.
But I just want to thank you, Stewart, for all you've done.
My pleasure, Alex.
It's an honor and a joy, you know, to be out there with you guys.
You know, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you and Luke.
I've got to tell you, you said something earlier that struck a chord, but this is not a joke, and that was brought home very, very strongly at Bilderberg.
Talk about that sound, Stuart.
Well, you know, just to see the presence of these scoundrels and how they went about their deceptive acts.
You know, Jim Cocker makes a good point that good works are done in the light of day, and evil is done under a cloak of darkness.
And to see the length that these people went to to maintain secrecy was astounding.
And to be confronted by armed men with shoot-to-kill orders as we were out there at night especially, it was really empowering to stand with everybody out there, all the good souls that were out there, and it was amazing.
You know, I bring that power back and let that, you know, empower our whole group out here and moving forward because we've got a lot of work ahead of us and it's an amazing thing to be part of.
Well it certainly is my friend.
You haven't had a chance to see Truth Rising but a lot of the work you guys did is in there.
Also your interview with Martin Sheen that Stewart conducted is in there.
I mean a lot of this stuff you've seen on YouTube here and there.
You may have forgotten about more than you remember.
You'll now see it in its original video quality.
A lot of things that haven't been seen are in the film.
It also chronicles the first responders, the government documents, how they knew the dust was killing them, and then how they blocked funding.
And I saw an article last week with the federal government and the city government saying, oh, you're just hypochondriacs.
You're fine.
When Mount Sinai and when the universities have done the chest scans, they're dying in mass.
All the dogs died years ago.
And they just say, hey, shut up, shut up, you're not sick as your teeth fall out and you go in a coffin.
I mean, there's fire chiefs that are dying who've had heart attacks who are, you know, 50 years old.
There's police dying, and they just say, shut up and die!
Shut up!
I mean, that's what they think of you police and military and emergency workers.
Can you speak to that, Luke?
I mean, that's what they're doing, and it's sick and disgusting seeing New York's bravest, the fire department, the police department, even construction and sanitation workers being spit on and disrespected by the government.
I mean, it is just incredibly disgusting knowing that heroes, literally heroes, went to rescue people.
We're lied to and are being denied the help that they deserve.
And we're here in New York City, we're raising money for these people because these people need all the help they can get.
They were lied to by the government.
They're being denied help by the government right now.
And it's our job as the people to help each other out.
And that's what we're doing at We Are Change.
We just released the first sponsor video a couple days ago.
People could see it on our YouTube channel.
YouTube.com slash WeAreChange.
See the interview we did with a union organizer who basically lost all his teeth because of medication, because of everything he went through, because of Ground Zero.
Well, there's 56,000 of them.
Thousands have now died.
Thousands certified by hospitals, by universities, by CAT scans.
And the government just says, shut up and die, basically.
Shut up!
Just shut up and let us use your name to launch war.
That's what makes me so sick.
Dan Wallace lost his dad, a firefighter, one of the towers.
And these feds show up and make fun of him and his dead dad.
And, you know, the thing is, they're egomaniacs.
They think it hurts us to be dissed.
No, no, it only emboldens us, and I don't even hate these people anymore.
I actually see them for the pathetic, sad, heartless, little crone-like demons.
I mean, you look at it, now it's upsetting for humanity.
And it's upsetting for our own people when they get confused by it, but I mean, overall, it's just we're two different creatures.
I mean, there is a mindset, there's a level.
And I just am so sad that most of the public is locked off in this materialistic, low-level, petty, demon level.
I mean, do you see what I'm saying, Stuart?
I do, I do, and I think, conversely, that's how we're going to win, Alex, because they're overplaying their hand so dramatically.
And they're showing themselves to be completely about deception, and it's these overt acts of lying and of disrespecting the people that are there to look out for us, the police and the military, that's going to help create their downfall.
All deception, all lies, all twisting.
I told Burmas a month ago when I first saw this, he goes, look, one of the main guys on the Screw Loose Chain site, he is saying that he's in the army, he's showing his documents, he's been shipped.
Uh, and uh, and I said, Burmus, that's gonna be a hoax, that's gonna be a fake.
Then a few days later he said, no it's not, I promise.
You know, these guys mean well, they're not agents, he just, you know, he uh, he doesn't think 9-1-1's an inside job, but, and I said, Burmus, it's gonna be fake.
But I said, okay, watch, I'll go on air, and we'll report on it, and then later they're gonna say they hoaxed us, showing what idiots we are.
And he said, no it's not.
But finally Burmese now finally respects me.
I've been right about ten things, he's been wrong about every one of them.
And then later they call in and laugh at me and say, you got hoaxed.
And I just went on air and said, my cousin got a chip, the military's getting chips, it's in these news articles, and these guys at Screw Loose Change, he says he got one, he showed documents.
Now they come out and say we're liars, the military's not getting chips, they hoaxed us.
That only shows they're premeditated deceivers, forgers, and liars.
It doesn't discredit us.
Luke Stewart?
It proves us right.
And these little disrespectful pieces of trash, you know, that's what they are.
And I pity them.
I feel sorry for all of them.
Because, you know, they're empty inside.
They're nothing.
They're worthless.
You know, and if you want to feel like you're doing something right,
You know, you're going to have to make a point.
You're going to have to make a stand behind truth or lies.
And it's going to come a point in time where there's so many not-alone-truthers out there that there's going to be a lot of people who are going to have to make a standpoint where they stand.
Do you stand with the truth?
Do you stand with the lies?
Where do you stand?
It's real simple.
A criminal element stages the attacks and we don't expose them, they're going to stage more.
I don't like having to risk my life and stand up here and do this.
Luke doesn't like it, but we're committed and it's a good feeling once you're committed on the side of righteousness.
Stuart Howe, any websites you want to plug?
Yeah, we've got a new website.
It's WACLA.org.
We have a donate button.
We're running on a shoestring.
We're, you know, doing everything we can to stay in the fight.
So if anybody can help us, that'd be great.
We've got a big action coming up on the 4th of July in Santa Monica.
Top of the Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street Promenade.
And we're doing everything we can to back you up, Alex and Luke.
Well, you guys are great.
I'm asking every We Are Change, every 9-11 Truth Group, everybody.
I purposely didn't make this film about me.
I tried to not even be in it, but I got arrested, so that's in there.
I mean, I really would like nothing more than to energize new leaders and kind of go back into the shadows because I want to see others be leaders.
It doesn't need to be about Alex Jones.
That's what this film is all about.
And I just want to bring out the fact they staged the attacks, and I'm asking everybody to get this film out to everyone.
I am giving it to the world.
Luke Radowsky, Stuart Howe, both from We Are Change.
God bless you, man.
I bless you, brother.
Take care.
We'll come out with the final segment with some final news.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, the SimCom junkies, foreign tribes, Israelis, they're all over our message boards just saying, we're gonna kill you.
And you can go back to their websites, see them in uniform.
They're showing their teeth because they know they're going down.
It's going to come out their boss has carried out the attacks.
It's going to come out they've been working for the wrong team.
And some of you out there, we know we're involved.
You're going to have to get a jury of your peers.
You know what's going to happen to you, right?
We don't look forward to it.
Justice has to be done.
You're going to have to die.
We know we're going to win.
We know we're committed.
And we know that when justice is finally done, a lot of us won't even be here anymore, but you're going to hang high.
You're going to hang high for what you did, committing those murders.
And you're not going to get away with what you've done.
And those of you that have aided it, knowingly, after the fact, you're going to go to prison.
And those of you that we can prove knew it was an inside job and covered it up,
You are going to be accomplices to mass murder after the fact, and you're going to be executed as well.
But I said due process, full due process, full judicial review, the whole nine yards, you will get your constitutional rights that you've tried to keep from us, you've tried to take it from us.
You are murderers, and you will be brought to justice.
Is there no end to you bastards?
We've interviewed special forces colonels.
It's been in some U.S.
newspapers that they flew out 6,000 Taliban Al-Qaeda commanders to safety.
Those forces are now being used to attack Iran.
Here's ABC News today.
Years after we told you about this, is White House blocking search for bin Laden?
Question mark.
Pentagon would use special forces to nab bin Laden in Pakistan, New York Times says.
This is just ridiculous.
Now I've been told by inside sources in the CFR and CIA that he's been dead since...
Early 2002 and then he's on ice and they may pop him out at any time.
We were told that five years ago, of course.
The Pentagon has drafted a secret plan that would send U.S.
Special Forces into wild tribal regions of Pakistan to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden.
Folks, it came out before 9-11 in British newspapers that there were British and U.S.
troops guarding Bin Laden in this very region of Pakistan.
So, it's just, it's just incredible.
But the public thinks Afghanistan is the Middle East.
So, just like they think the dollar is still strong.
And a lot of these people that death threat us and stuff, they really think they're defending the United States.
They don't understand.
I mean, here's Ron Paul, I've also got OPEC saying it and a bunch of others, saying tripling
of fuel prices.
Paul, Iran war will triple energy prices.
Republican Congressman Ron Paul warns against military engagement in Iran, saying bombing will cause energy prices to skyrocket.
In a speech on the House floor, I meant to play that last night, didn't have time, Congressman Paul suggested that the U.S.
is inching towards an endless struggle similar to the Iraq war.
In the last several weeks, in front of
And if not for months, we've heard a lot of talk about potential for Israel and the United States to bomb Iran.
Energy prices are being bid up because of this fear.
It has been predicted that if bombs start dropping, that will see energy prices double or triple, said the Republican.
Yeah, and 70 plus percent is the dollar, and that other 25 percent or so is the war hysteria.
Just amazing.
Truth Rising.
Order it now at InfoWars.com on DVD.
You'll be the first to get it when it ships out this coming Saturday and Monday.
You'll be able to see it at PrisonPlanet.tv Friday.
And also, there'll be a new Prison Planet.
We'll be able to comment on the stories and the new look and all that.
We're going to change it up even in a few months again, but Prison Planet.
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