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Name: 20080609_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 9, 2008
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Well, defamation is the first thing that they've always done on a target, and that was the standard technique they used on all sides during the Cold War, and they still use it yet.
That's the easiest way to discredit people, is to try and smear them, or set them up.
So I'm not surprised at all, because we are in a
A time.
This is all coming down now.
This is a lot of planning for hundreds of years coming to a close now as we transform from one era and age and way of living into a new pre-planned way of living.
And people are not going to like this new system.
And the big boys have planned to handle the strife, the 30 years of riots they see coming.
And they've been building up a massive police and military to deal with this for years under the guise of drugs and so on, the war on drugs.
So we're coming to a stage where we're going into a controlled society.
They want all of the same features you have in a war, a natural war, such as rationing for food, gasoline and everything else.
and uh... they want uh... contribute because that's the only time and uh... carol quickly put this quite plainly said we can get more done in five years of war for the people do what they're told all obedient that we can in fifty years of peace with with propaganda so wartime scenario is what we're going through well alan you're right and they're not invincible you talk about what this rationing scenario what this global carbon tax is going to look like
But let me just tell you, this just broke today.
We have sources inside Bilderberg.
This has been double, triple confirmed.
They're very upset about it.
They're not invincible.
And that is that they are fighting about whether they want to attack Iran or not.
Believing it's waking the people up too fast.
They believe they've started the rationing too quickly.
They're arguing that they're enslaving us too fast.
That it's going to form too much of a resistance.
But they all agree they've got to get the implantable microchip in us.
Because they've now done a lot of the troops to track every purchase, every sale we make, to fully track everywhere we go for their safety because they're upset that they don't have the grid in place yet.
They believe that the riots and things might get too bad as they're dehumanizing us and exterminating us and euthanizing us and that they don't believe their surveillance grid is fully in place yet.
Yeah, even though they've been tracking most people who are already cashless, they don't use money anymore.
They don't use cash, they use credit cards and so on.
And they've been tracking them since they first gave those cards to the people.
So you're quite right.
Everyone, you see, in a totally controlled society, every single person must be completely predictable.
And that's where they haven't got it quite up to scratch yet without a chip.
And so they're very, very edgy.
And believe you me, they'll do anything.
And they also always have plan A, B, C and D on the go at the same time, because they can afford to hire as many think tanks as they wish to work on every aspect of society.
So we're in for a rough time regardless of which way they go and these boys will not give up because we ask them nicely.
I can guarantee you that.
Allen, the Texas Governor's mansion got burned down.
It is 25 to 30 yards, space around a huge spike topped wrought iron fence.
There are state police
Well, there's no doubt.
There's no doubt at all.
But the first thing I'd do is check in to see if this particular person needed some insurance money before they start blaming everyone else for it.
Because that's generally what happens.
But you're quite right, they must start this internal terrorist scenario to get us thinking there's terrorists all amongst us, and to justify their actions.
And you're quite right, Texas is a big player in this.
They have to start bringing it down.
And by the way, that came up from two separate sources, one that works for Bilderberg, another source that
They said, we've got to start the white Al-Qaeda movement now.
We've got to say that Al-Qaeda is, quote, red-haired, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, that everybody's Al-Qaeda.
We've got to start this now to get the chip and tell the people that there's now domestic terrorism.
So I would look in the next year for more Oklahoma cities.
This is a major indicator because they are the top of the pyramid.
At Bilderberg, this is them, remember we can predict wars, predict gas prices off what they say, that now they're getting ready to move into domestic terrorism to blame it on the mainline population.
They built up the homeland security apparatus, now they're going to phase out Al-Qaeda and claim it's domestic groups.
Yeah, they had to do that because it was nothing to do with Al-Qaeda as we know.
It was a strategy that even printed what they wanted to do 50 years, 80 years ago in major think tanks.
And even Joe Average, that knows very little apart from what's on television, is now getting kind of spooked with everything that's happening.
And he realizes he is the target, so now they must justify it.
And I read that article where they say, yes, now El Cada has more westernized recruits with the western features, etc.
Because, you know, I get people visiting from the States quite often.
And they get hassled at the border there, regardless of what they look like.
They don't look like Arabs, that's for sure.
And this has to do with the average person getting them trained to be subservient and obedient, bend over when they're told to do it, and hop and jump and do what they're told.
Alan, I was in D.C.
for the last five, six days, from Tuesday to Sunday.
We went a couple days into D.C.
to get shots of the city for the film about Bilderberg, how it was in D.C., or on the edge of it.
It wasn't just us.
The police and security guards were everywhere.
People just walking around with their families with ice cream cones.
They would yell at them, boss them around, treat them like slaves.
On Southwest Airlines last night, we're all just sitting there, people are just talking, and the woman starts screaming, everyone shut up, shut up, shut up!
I want to tell you that the flight's delayed.
And then an hour before the plane landed, she commanded
The first boarding group, which was half the plane, the A group, to line up, and then when people didn't, she said, I told you to line up!
I mean, this is just, they've given the orders to everybody just to get us ready!
Yes, yes they have.
And it's training, it's constant training, and see, most people are frequent travelers on aircraft.
Therefore, they're the first ones to be trained in bending over, as I see, when they're told to, and jump and skip when they're told to.
So, everyone's being trained, and now they're going into
Yeah, it said they're going to be stopping real cars, real people, and searching them.
Alan, please continue breaking this down.
Break down this training.
Yeah, the training is amazing.
I mean, we've all been trained mainly through television.
That helps, too.
There's a whole series of television dramas on now on the border.
The border even canned up big money into making one series, and that's government money backing it.
About all terrorism is everywhere.
It's all amongst you.
And so that first
We're good to go.
And in a war mode, once it starts, if we don't hang on to how it used to be, then we're completely lost.
We're flowing... That's it.
We are going into bondage.
Prepare yourselves.
That goes for you police too.
This is going to destroy your family's future.
We'll be right back with Alan Watt.
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Thanks for watching.
I was sittin' in traffic, listenin' to the radio.
George Strait was singin' the seashores of old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
The Lonestar State should be renamed Texico.
Alan Watt, researcher.
Brave fighter of the New World Order.
Continue with what this future is going to look like.
The Bilderberg group is saying they've got to get these microchips in us.
And again, the people even yelling and screaming and the police treating us all like slaves.
They've been ordered to do this.
They don't understand what they're doing via the compartmentalization.
There's nothing that can be done to the general public without the compliance of the public and the compliance of the recruits they use and they get from the public.
This is the odd thing about it.
We help them fulfill their plans.
Every stage of it, we help them.
We supply the troops, the cops and so on.
We supply the tax money to train them and make them paranoid.
We supply them for the weaponry.
We've supplied the money for the think tanks to be paid that puts us in bondage, and we don't realize that we can stop accepting this.
We can stop accepting this, and their whole plan falls apart without our help.
Well, I mean, here's an example.
How many Americans know that in mainline NASA history,
Uh, that L. Ron Hubbard and Alistair Crowley and the founder of JPL, that it was all founded by a cultist and that they brought the Nazis over.
That's mainline history.
How many of them know that that was set up by the Department of Defense as a separate adjunct, only answerable to the President, and over 90% of their operations are military?
That's just one example.
We have this giant, shadow government, run by a cultist, that do whatever they want, and they're turning the world into hell.
Can you speak to that?
And they're long-term planners.
That's what the public must understand.
They planned in centuries, and they had this part, this part we're going through right now, they had this planned a long time ago.
And we know that the Ford and Carnegie Foundations and so on under the Reiss Commission admitted their job was to help blend the Soviet system with the American system.
So we're going through this phase and they understood the shakeups that would occur.
But this is only part of it because you've seen yourself at this Bilderberg meeting.
They brought in some of the transhumanists, the top transhumanist society members.
And transhumanism is to do with genetically modifying humanity, or select people from humanity for a new species to come, which will then dominate.
As we, the old species, dies off.
And this is all coming together.
This is long-term planning.
And they hope to bring in this new species of perfect slaves around in about 30 years.
And then they will get the live extension themselves, and that's admitted.
That's why they want to carry out the eugenics, the eugenicists in the 1950s founded transhumanism.
And these characters literally, as I say, since 1890 were taking the first census across the Western world.
And to do with your hereditary affiliations and so on, and taking records for this, all to do with what was coming up today.
For those who have allowed to live and those who will die, who must die, they say, they will not bring through what they call the useless eaters into the new system.
And by 30 years time, through all this chaos, 30 years of chaos, supposedly, that they have planned, that they've admitted to, from the Department of Defense in Britain,
Well, there's no doubt in my mind that they'll produce a Patsy for this fire at the mansion.
They're saying it's arson.
They'll use this as a pretext to set up a police state here in Central Texas.
We've always said Texas is a major target.
A total stunt.
You try to walk up to the gates of that thing and they will arrest you.
Now they're going to put armored concrete all around it like the White House.
Start the harassment in downtown Austin.
It's because they're tired of being bullhorned down there that they've burned down their own mansion.
Shame on them.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
They announced a month ago in a review that the new mission of the state police in Texas, the second largest state police in the country, would be fighting terrorists.
They said terrorists are everywhere, there is new white Al Qaeda everywhere, everyone must be watched, the state police must be federalized.
Then, magically, they claim that someone scaled iron gates with security personnel everywhere.
You walk up near it at night, they all pop out of the bushes.
Literally, this has happened to us, and we're just there to shoot video of it or bullhorn them.
And was able to then set a fire up against the door, and then fire trucks took a long time to arrive.
Oh, they couldn't get hooked up to water, and oh, it was allowed to burn.
And now they're saying, see, we're going to fight terrorists now.
And this is so obvious.
Alan, when you know how they operate, it is so obvious.
I predict they're going to grab some mentally ill person who'll confess to it.
Alan, what do you say?
They could do that, or they do have lots of patsies.
There's a lot of mind control out there.
I don't know if the public know this, but MI6, for instance, in Britain had authorized psychiatrists as far back as the 50s to do experiments on people privately.
visit the clinics, or else the doctor's consulting room, or in hospitals.
That's right, you go in thinking you're seeing a shrink and it's a government operative, that's admitted.
That's right.
Now we know the same thing happened in Britain with Hamilton, the man who ended up going to school and shooting a bunch of children.
He was seen as a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist who had worked with the British government and worked with special air service.
And we know that the police
That's right, he was tied in with the Masons!
That way they could then totally man guns, which they did.
Look, there's no doubt here.
This is a Reichstag fire.
They have firebombed the Reichstag.
We said for years it was the government.
Now it's been declassified just six months ago, five months ago, admitting that Marinus van der Lube, the mentally ill person they threw out naked on the side of the street, didn't do it.
Herman Goering did it and Hitler used.
Oh look, they've burned down the Capitol building.
This is a Reichstag.
This is really bad.
I knew they were going to do this.
The danger here is they might find someone, or already have been working on someone, who we'll say belongs to a Patriot group, and this is his revenge, and that'll start the ball rolling.
This is what they want.
Well, I tell you, I feel great earnest in my spirit, in my soul, in my heart.
I mean, we're up there, Bilderberg's calling up, threatening me, harassing me, doing all this stuff.
I'm flying back, they've burnt down the governor's mansion.
Our movement gets bigger and bigger here.
And look, terrorists, you're not getting away with it.
I mean, just bottom line.
This is so asinine that someone could climb those spiked fences and go burn it down.
And they're saying, oh, well,
Quote, there was somebody here to potentially set the fire.
He declined to give more specifics.
State Fire Marshal Paul Maldobano said early evidence, including interviews with security personnel, bystanders, and some downtown residents indicated there was somebody here to potentially set the fire.
So somebody supposedly... You have cameras all over that place.
These people never end, man.
We know they bombed the little bomb at the Military Recruiting Center, and now they've got people out with signs on the street saying we did it, 9-11 Truth, saying a group that I've basically energized, we are change, with Luke Radowsky saying it.
I mean, it's getting obvious, Alan.
It's obvious, but mine too.
I mean, they have put out statements already that the Pentagon set up a panel to go over all talk show hosts.
This is in the paper.
To go over all your previous talks to see if you've ever said anything that could incite riots.
And this was in mainstream newspapers in Canada here.
That's right, and then they're going to come arrest you on the pick-up list, which they now admit.
Well, good luck to them, you murdering bastards.
You're not going to get away with it.
Yeah, this is our technique, and they must find someone or produce someone or create someone who will take responsibility for this fire and say, yeah, I belong to a Patriot group and I listen to these shows.
It is absolutely amazing.
Alan Watts, stay there.
Folks, this isn't a game.
It isn't a joke.
DPS, some of it we're resisting, saying making their main mission fighting terror.
That means pulling you over, running checkpoints, searching you, spying on you, following you, and staging more terror attacks.
They're going to turn the military cadres loose on us here like it's Baghdad.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
The feds shut things down, quote, for the safety of the governor's mansion, and then called in their people keeping the state folks out of it.
This thing just follows
Every other action they've done in the past.
Alan, I know I'm focusing a lot on this, on them burning down much of the governor's mansion.
They're admitting, I'm reading more articles, that there was, quote, people in the building that they let in, and that someone that they let in, they think, set the fire.
I mean, how obvious?
They always open the door.
They always protect whoever, supposedly, they blame.
I mean, it's always the same, Alan.
You probably couldn't move anywhere in that mansion without being on video camera and having it recorded.
So they know who did what.
It's filled with million and two million dollar famous paintings.
I mean it's just filled.
They're not going to let those workers in there.
They admit it was all under surveillance.
Of course.
And here they are going out asking the public if they saw anything.
This is a joke.
Yeah, go out and ask the public, did you see anything when the whole thing's got at least a hundred cameras on it?
Yes, exactly.
What do you think we ought to do, Alan, about this?
I think I'd watch it a little more closely and get right in there when they start to hint at who they think may have been behind it, which of course will be the Patriot community.
So you're predicting they're going to claim that the anti-New World Order crowd did this?
No doubt.
In fact, anything that happens today will get blamed on them.
In fact, even if it was a real accident, it would be awfully handy.
They wouldn't miss the opportunity.
They've got to... You see, it's the general public.
It's not the listeners to these shows that they've got to convince.
It's the general public that's got to convince the dual average that we're under tremendous attack and people are all around you.
Terrorists are all around you.
They're everywhere.
And they must get this mode going, this mode of thinking going.
Well, Jim Tucker said that was one of the main things being discussed inside Bilderberg was how, again, to say that blonde-haired, blue-eyed al-Qaeda is everywhere.
And then magically this happens.
While the Bilderberg group is meeting at 2 a.m.
Sunday morning.
As I say, when you read the Department of Defense's documents, it's on my site, there's 90 pages there.
I don't
You're already targeted as a terrorist.
You're post-industrial.
You're post-technological.
You don't have a function anymore.
You're a useless eater in a service economy that's now been... that they're pulling the plug on, and therefore they want to start eradicating us.
And to do so, they've got to create a new system of terror and fear and obedience as we go down the
It's getting more and more serious by the millisecond.
Pray for this show.
Pray for everybody that's fighting it.
Pray for Alan Watt.
All of us have to spread the word ten times harder now, as fast as we can, to expose what these people are doing.
Alan, fire out your website.
Yeah, it's CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
And as you see, I've got lots of documentation on there.
I go through the history of this
And try to show the big picture.
We've got to understand the big, big picture and the long-term planning.
That's the hardest thing for the average person to understand.
These characters work inter-generationally.
Long-term, compartmentalized system.
Yes, and again, Quigley mentioned this.
He said an institute or a foundation that's set up can go 200 years working on the same agenda
And hiring and retiring and hiring and retiring and then complete that agenda.
That's how easy it is to do with the money and the mandate.
Okay, I want to play a short little report here.
This is from the Associated Press today saying about the arson suspect in the fire down at the mansion.
We'll go ahead and roll that for people now.
Arson is suspected in a fire that swept through the historic Texas Governor's Mansion.
No one was hurt, but the blaze left much of the 152-year-old home severely damaged.
The roof buckled in, parts of the mansion's columns and front wall were charred, and some of the elaborate decorations inside were completely destroyed and cannot be replaced.
About 100 firefighters responded when an alarm went off around 2 o'clock Sunday morning.
More than 6 hours later, small hotspots were still burning.
Investigators are reviewing security camera footage and talking to people who were in the area when the fire started.
Texas Governor Rick Perry and his wife were out of town at the time and authorities say there's no evidence they were being targeted.
Perry and his wife moved out of the mansion last fall so it could undergo a multi-million dollar renovation.
There's no immediate financial estimate of the damage.
Carlotta Bradley, The Associated Press.
By the way, when was the first time Rick Perry went to Bilderberg?
Last year and unprecedentedly put out a press release.
He's handing over the infrastructure, the waterways, the power plants to a known Bilderberg member who is under indictment.
And this whole thing has Bilderberg written all over it.
I mean, it's just every angle.
The more I think about it, it just keeps popping up.
Alan, your take on that?
It's standard.
Once again, the main characters are not in the building at the time.
You find this down through history with the same scenarios.
They're always somewhere else.
Well, Nero burned Rome to get a police state going, and they love these fake fires.
Yeah, the same sort of idea, too.
Terrorism was everywhere in ancient Rome, and everyone had to obey the authorities, and the troops were set on the general public, as always.
So this is standard.
This is an ancient technique, and it generally works because it creates so much fear within the public, who want to be safe.
And the government says, we'll keep you safe, but here's the conditions.
Bend over and touch your toes.
And if you want to eat, we'll feed you, but here's the conditions for that, too.
They have the world right now in their hands because they've given us a system, they've created a system of interdependence.
That means individual interdependence.
You're dependent on your authorities for your water, for your food being brought in, the gasoline, everything you need to live.
And they know this.
They have the big powerful cartels that run all of this.
And this is going to be used as the biggest weapon very shortly.
Alan, one area that I don't want to say I disagree with you, but I have questions and I was trying to figure out exactly the full point you were trying to make, is I heard you doing your own radio show a few weeks ago, driving my car locally on
I think it was 96.3, maybe it was 90.1.
And I heard you talking about how you act like a zombie in your own neighborhood, your own area, and that you don't talk to your neighbors, and that because there's spies and CIA and intelligence everywhere, and that you only talk out of your area.
And I just wanted to say this.
I wanted to give you a chance to respond to what I'm going to say and respond to what you were saying yourself, but first off, here's my take on that.
We have to be more open than ever.
We have to be louder than ever.
We have to point out that they're the terrorists, they're the criminals, they're illegitimate, they've lied a billion times.
Talk to our neighbors so that they don't have a chilling effect, so the darkness doesn't fall, because as soon as that intimidation happens, they win.
That's A. B, we know with black ops and from analyzing the budgets and even some of the secret budgets,
That they probably have, and now I have newscasts today where they're training school children all over the country to tattle on their parents, their neighbors, they give them little credit cards and then have briefings every day about who you're going to tattle on.
Total East Germany.
So I'm not saying it's not going on, it's just that they haven't geared up yet to that total level.
And a lot of the people that work for the government I've talked to are waking up.
They're upset about what's happening.
A lot of them are blowing the whistle.
And I just disagree with saying you should be secretive, because I've found when you're secretive and creep around, that lets the evil and the tyranny grow.
And I don't think I agree with you on the number, or maybe I misunderstood the number of spies you were talking about.
But if we get intimidated and shut up, they definitely win.
What were you trying to say?
Well, I was responding to someone who generally is trying to get their own relatives, etc., to wake up.
And I keep telling people, don't spend that kind of energy trying to wake up people who are telling you they don't want to.
They don't want to know.
And so you have to go further afield.
And if you do go further afield, or even locally, too, you've got to have your facts correct.
Most people come out.
Remember the average person out there, they watch television.
That's their only source of media.
And here you're hitting them with all this information and it's completely foreign to them.
So you have to have facts here.
Most people will go out and start rattling on what they've just heard on the radio, on the Patriot stations, and people look at them as scams.
They can't understand where you're coming from or where you're going and it's not being on the regular media.
I try to tell people, especially here where I am here, I mean I can't afford to know the locals because I know how the chain of gossip gets to the police.
Well I have to agree with you.
I mean, if you show somebody a Ron Paul video, sometimes you get arrested.
They have a system where if they get called, they won't respond to a real crime, or a robbery, or a shooting half the time, or your car being stolen, but they will then respond to just a petty rumor, and it's encouraging that.
Yes, and as you see, here in Canada,
I know this for a fact.
I know how it works.
And this was mentioned, by the way, in the 1950s by Jack E. Lull.
He said, since the 1950s onwards, they'd already set up the spy system.
He says, even if you live in a rural village in any of the Western Hemisphere, he says, at that time they were using a Kardec system.
And even the gossip that gets to your local restaurant or cafe or whatever that you attend, or the gas pump,
Well, certainly.
We're going to go to break, but right now let me play a clip from San Antonio News about the Tattletail squads.
Here it is.
As you know, in the San Antonio Independent School District, the district launched a Crime Stoppers program itself today.
Students can now help police catch other kids and even adults committing crimes, and they can be rewarded for it, just as with the regular Crime Stoppers program.
Students can remain anonymous.
And anything we can do to encourage kids to come forward and be productive parts of our community is a very, very good thing.
The San Antonio District students can call 227-TIPS to report a crime.
Rewards range from $25 to $250, but they can reach up to $1,000.
And by the way, we know about that program for 10 years in Austin and all over the country.
They debrief you daily and ask about your parents.
Boy, that's freedom, isn't it, Alan?
It is.
And the FBI are recruiting ones that have got into trouble and then let them off on condition that they're tattled.
Yeah, it's a total criminal state.
Total criminal state.
Stay there, Alan Watt.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
I think so.
Alan Watt is our guest.
We're going to be taking some of your calls coming up in the next segment at 1-800-25-99231 for Alan.
I'm going to recap in the final segment a little bit about what's happened at Bilderberg.
Very suspicious of the Texas Governor's Mansion.
What do you see happening in the next few years, Alan, from your studies of the Globalists and some of the things they're doing?
Going by what they've published themselves and what's in the newspaper today, we know they're going to
Give us rationing for everything we need.
And that's food, possibly water and all the rest of it.
They want to get us into a total war mode.
And they're also using the high tech weaponry.
They've been spraying the skies across most of Canada here for the last four days.
And it's so hot and humid.
And you see them spraying like crazy.
They're using harp technology along with it.
They must convince the public that we are the problem on the planet.
And now the universities admit there's a spraying program.
I mean, it's just all drugs in the water, everything.
And Joe Average that watches TV will start, because we've got David Suzuki and the big players working for the World Wildlife Fund and the United Nations, telling them repeatedly, we're the problem.
They're creating these abstract terms like carbon footprints.
They're all breathing out carbon dioxide and killing the planet.
Thank you.
They also admit that as they reduce the resources artificially, we will then fight with each other more, and they're already saying, you don't have resources because there's too many people, and then the general public will accept one-child policies, euthanasia, and the rest of it.
And now you've got youngsters coming forward that have been brought up with the greening program who are talking about voluntarily sterilizing themselves.
That's exactly what the victim is meant to do.
You'll believe the propaganda and he will acquiesce and go under.
They want to kill off the old type, but that's us.
The old type of humanity, the imperfect type species, and bringing in a new perfected slave system to serve them better.
But they won't have to use propaganda on, because you won't be able to think as an individual human being.
It'll be impossible to think individualistically.
At the Loyola Science Conference they had, kicked off by Newt Gingrich a few years ago, he talked about giving us the brain chip and he says, when this is done,
Thank you.
Well, that's what the Pentagon said in 2000 that the Federation of American Scientists put out.
It was really from 93.
They said their job by 2025 would be inserting themselves, the last of us, into the hive chambers as described in the Matrix.
See, they didn't make that up in the Matrix.
In the movie, it's the Grand Architect, basically Lucifer.
And folks, you can't make this up.
These people are totally insane, but they're doing it.
And also, you had the Borg in Star Trek series, where everyone is part cyborg and chipped, and Queen Bee controls them all.
And their ship was even called the Hive, you know?
So, they give you all this subliminal programming to accept what's coming.
And you don't consciously think through it, and then what really happens is kind of familiar to you, so you go along with it.
That's the programming through.
Meanwhile, Mr. Shatner, he is, William Shatner's big into all this and admits that's the plan.
Yes, he's all for it himself, you know.
He thinks he's one of the superior ones, and he belongs to the transhumanist society, and gives talks to them, yeah.
You know, it sounds all so amazing, but we have an amazing life.
We live on this incredible planet, spinning through the galaxy.
There's all these wonders all around us.
It's 2008.
We're living in a science fiction nightmare.
But there's also all these great things around us, and we don't have to go along with it, folks.
I know all this sounds crazy, but it's their own words.
It's their own admissions.
You see, since the 1960s onwards, they had done so much to gradually, step by step, dehumanize society.
Destroy the family completely.
And destroy even conversation between people.
Everyone sits and watches TV, and even those in the room don't communicate unless they're talking about what they're seeing on television.
And what you're fed is degrading stuff, getting more and more degrading.
And when you're apathetic and degraded, you're easily managed.
And even the language itself has become minimalistic.
They've taken so many words from the average person's vocabulary, they can't convey an idea.
And you're the perfect target, and you can't concede your thoughts to another.
Alan Watts, my guest.
Your phone calls.
Straight ahead.
This is the one, the only.
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I'm Alex Jones.
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Remember, the New World Order staged the September 11th attacks.
The first World Trade Center attacks in 93 as well, the Oklahoma City bombing.
And there's countless others, like Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, where they admit what they've done.
Hitler brought in his tyranny by burning down his own Capitol building.
I believe they've done something similar here in Austin, Texas.
Just a heads up to everybody, I'm going down there 15-20 minutes after the show ends, so about 3.30 Central, I'm going to be down at the Governor's Mansion trying to survey
Things they try to tell me I can't have cameras and be getting video of it, but I bet they're already trying to cover it up.
So we can't see evidence of what they've done.
95% chance they've done it.
I mean, out of that 95% chance, I would say an 80% chance out of that, that it was arson by the government, by a criminal element.
That maybe there's a, you know, 15% chance that it was something in the construction that caused it, and they're just hyping and saying it's terrorism, saying it's arson.
But the DPS had come out saying that they were going to switch over to mainly, quote, fighting terror.
The imaginary bogeyman that is suppressing the public.
When you hear that, that means the terrorist running your life.
Turning the state police into total thug goons, as they've already been converting.
They used to be a lot nicer.
Now they're really getting bad.
It's really a shame to see this happen.
The government's training your kids to be tattletales on you.
They're sucking blood from you at checkpoints.
You see, they're not going to stop, folks.
They're not going to stop with 9-11.
They're going to keep going.
They're not done.
They're not going to give up.
They're not going to give in.
This is life and death.
And I realize that.
I mean, I am totally into this fight.
We don't have a choice.
None of us have a choice.
We can't just sit here and let them carry out eugenics and rationing and microchipping against us.
Alan, how do you see them, we're going to go to calls from Australia, the Colorado, California, North Carolina, but how do you see them trying to get the public ready for the chips?
I mean, I know they've made the military do it now, most of them, that's now admitted, the unbelievable has now happened.
I guess to have a job, you're going to have to have one or be a trusted traveler, you're going to have to have one, that's what Bilderberg was saying, you know, you're going to get special perks if you take it.
I mean, I guess I'm answering my own question, but anything else you want to add?
Yes, they'll also hype it up.
There was also an article put out a little while back there from the major drug companies to do with chips will save us all in times of pandemic.
And because you're able to scan you and that chip will tell them if you have a fever and possibly are carrying a plague.
So they've got a whole bunch of scenarios they can use to make us take this thing or try and convince the public.
And as you say, you'll get little perks if you go along with them.
I don't
This is the creation of what they call social acceptance and non-acceptance.
They copied the system from China to do with abortion, where they get society to turn against you because you're the odd one out, you're a threat to them.
And so they're using the same technique.
Peer pressure!
Let me just add a point here.
We've got a story up on Infowars.com named Bilderberg Goon with a gun and people are saying, why is it a still shot from a YouTube video?
Why don't you show the actual video?
Well, let me explain something.
We've got about 60 hours of footage that four of us shot while we were there.
There were hundreds of other people there.
I got in at 1230 last night.
My plane was delayed for an hour and a half.
This is not our footage.
We got the same footage.
I saw them with the guns.
We haven't even had time to dump our footage to the computer or put it up.
This is other people that were there putting up YouTube videos of what I saw and reported to you days ago, them flashing the MP5s at us.
So they're in the comment section saying, it's blurred.
You can't tell it's a gun.
It's not a gun.
It's a seat belt.
They had guns.
They had them out.
They were aiming them at us.
We have clear video of it.
We're not a million people.
We actually have to do this work.
Like, I'm going to have to get in the car and drive down there to investigate the governor's mansion, even though I haven't seen my children, because I just got home last night, saw them early this morning, and in five, six days.
I'm not whining.
It's just, I'm not Superman.
I'm not Superman, and we, this morning, I saw that somebody put up the video of the guns I saw, so I told Kurt, I said, get a screenshot of this, you did the best job they did.
If you don't like the fact that it's not that clear, you need to have been out there and get video of it.
It's just, it's just, and I'm not complaining, it's that they've trained the public, even our own people, to never do anything themselves, but then nitpick and demand everything else out of us, Alan.
Yes, they have, and again, people live on fiction, and the
A generation has been reared watching cops smash doors down and so on in movies and in dramas and real life things.
And those youngsters, youngsters want to be on the winning team.
This is an instinctive survival thing with all youngsters.
And the heroes to them through the video game from the military organizations, that's where the videos all came from,
To all the programs they watch with their superheroes, the guys dressed in black.
That's what they want to be.
Well, now we have a generation who are in the police and in the military with the toys and the guns, and they think nothing about turning that gun on you.
They think nothing about it.
They're being conditioned that you're not a human being, you're just a target like the video games.
And believe you me, they will do what they're told.
That's the unfortunate thing.
They're like robots already.
Yeah, another issue is we have InfoWars posting open to everybody.
It's a First Amendment forum that allows our enemies and detractors to come in and say, I'm an agent, you're an agent, everybody else is an agent.
No, that's what agents do.
They go around telling you that, telling you all these things.
They're in there, and before we've tracked the ISPs, it's government most of the time saying, let's get the government, let's kill them, let's do that.
We're not saying that.
And again, we have the Feds in there trying to destroy free speech by posting these type of things.
And again, I had Fed after Fed come up to me and say, come on, Alex, you know we need to get violent.
And I just look at them and go, man, knock it off.
You're such a traitor to this country.
I mean, how do they get these Feds to be so criminal?
It's not so hard.
We have, again, it's to do with the psychopathic type people at the top.
They give you
A psychopathic culture which we live in and we emulate, and success is getting to the top by any means possible.
We worship, look at the television, they worship the stars.
They worship people who are multi-millionaires, the rich and famous.
And this is what you've been taught to worship.
It doesn't matter how they got up there, how many they destroyed to get up there, as long as they got there.
Uh, this is what we're given.
So we have a psychopathic culture.
And, uh, these characters who get well-paid, Lennon said this, he says, first we must pay the police well, and the military, then the teachers, because they all have to do with social control.
Long-term social control.
And this has never been stopped.
Let me give you an example of that.
Let me give you an example of that.
They admit they fly in tens of billions of dollars, it's over $60 billion they admit to, on huge pallets and they just give $30,000 to privates, $50,000, $60,000, $70,000, $80,000, $100,000 to the different grades of officers above that, up to colonel, millions to colonels.
And these goons were there and I said, they pay you guys off when you're in Iraq.
And they just started going, yeah, we do.
So what?
Yeah, when I was there, I was in it.
It's total criminality.
They've been trained to be involved in criminal activities.
They've been compromised.
Yeah, they're bought off.
And technically, they have a mercenary attitude.
They've done programs in BBC on this very thing years ago on the psychopathic types that are recruited, especially by the US military, for top positions in special forces.
And they give them tests to see if they have psychopathic tendencies because they said they can count on them to do whatever they're told and they will simply obey the man who pays them.
And this is the psychopaths we're dealing with right here.
They have no moral clans whatsoever.
They also belong to the part of the mind control from the military that they use in the police now as well.
You're a separate species.
You belong to a brotherhood of the fraternity of police.
And your enemy are those people out there, all those people walking the streets, the ordinary people, they're now your enemy.
Well, you're right, you're right.
They start to believe it.
It's a very well proven technique of mind control.
That's a gang mentality and us against them.
They segregate them.
Well, when they would drive in and out with big SUVs with sirens on the top, they would have the windows down, sometimes the doors cracked, and they would lift up and show you the MP5s and look at you with pure hatred, like it was scaring us.
And I just saw little punks.
But the point is, there they are, menacing peaceful protesters with guns.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
It's unbelievable, but that's what we have.
They've been, as I say, bred for this job.
They've had 30 years of a debasing culture gradually dropping to the bottom.
Any old system of religion has been almost totally destroyed.
There's no moral qualms, and they will please their boss.
They want to be on the winning team, and they've lived their whole lives to wear those black outfits and carry those guns.
Let's take some calls.
I'm going to go to Al in Australia, who's been holding the longest.
Thanks for holding, Al.
You're on the air.
I'm lucky my surname's not Kida.
You're on the air, sir.
Yeah, um... I've been listening to every show of yours for the last three years, Alex.
This is the most powerful one I've ever heard, and you're the creme de la creme in guests and Alan.
Um... A quick thing I wanted to tell you, I did a huge backdrop banner for you, or a promotional banner, whatever you want to use it for.
Cosmos has it.
He took it back from the 9-11 Truth Conference that was in Sydney.
I did the art for that.
And the quick point I wanted to make is that I think the actual global genocide is well underway.
I rang Lee Rogers about this the other day.
I just wanted to get your take on it.
I think that we're just one whisker away from a cashless society.
I mean, 20, 30 year old women getting lung cancer who don't even smoke.
We've got from one in 33 having cancer to one in three.
All these other diseases are off the charts.
We know they're poisoning the air, water, and food.
And all these poor cops and goons, they have no idea they're being killed.
I've got the tape from Dr. Salk that was aired on the CBC television here a few years ago where he admitted
This is a live interview.
He admitted that he knew that all these cancer viruses were contained in his polio vaccine.
He also talked to his staff and he did say that the only purpose these particular viruses had was to cause cancer.
Now Salk himself was one of the top members of the Eugenics Society who prior to that, prior to the polio vaccine,
He was working on ways of depopulation.
He was a prime advocate for massive depopulation.
And there's massive evidence that they engineered the polio vaccine to then give people a, quote, cure to train everybody to take vaccines.
Yes, and it was right after the polio vaccine, you had the burst out of tremendous drop in health standards.
People are getting sick with junior arthritis, adolescent arthritis, never happened before.
Their immune systems were about half of what they should be.
That they had in Africa?
I see a synchronistic date for the 30th of December next year when the Codex Elementarius sort of comes into place.
Add that to what Alan was talking about before, the chemtrails and the wealth famine that they're just bombarding us with and the CO2 tax, I reckon that's the actual date that the global
Government is in place, you know, and that's what Bilderberg was actually about.
Well, it certainly is, and I appreciate your call, Al, from Australia.
Look, I'm not saying I'm a hero.
I'm not saying I've even got courage.
I learned of criminals doing bad things 15 years ago.
I got on air 13 years ago.
I go to the Bilderberg, try to warn the people.
These are the folks setting up the North American Union, their own documents.
The European Union, they're the ones that want to destroy the dollar.
They're the ones that want to jack up oil prices.
They're the ones that launched the wars against Serbia and Iraq.
They're the ones who want to go into Iran.
They're the ones hurting us.
And I know for a fact they're poisoning you police.
I know for a fact they're staging almost all the terror.
I know for the fact they're the bad guys.
Alan knows.
And I didn't go there, you know, enjoying bullhorning them or enjoying putting myself in their way and then having their phone calls to my family about gang raping and, you know, before that about how I'd gotten some girl pregnant making it up to freak my wife out, which didn't work.
It upset her that they did it, but she knew it was bull.
I mean, it just reaffirms that we're living in one dangerous time.
These are very evil people.
It's a matter of, first off,
Educating yourself into, number one, you've got to understand that this is their system already.
For the last 50 years, that was their system.
They gave us that system of factories and employment and so on.
They're simply, from their point of view at the top, they're upgrading their system.
They owned it then.
It gives a little bit more freedom and scope and a little bit more luxury to afford.
And they admit that, they admit in policy reports, that was to get us lackadaisical, to get us fat and happy, to get us to trust them.
Yeah, you see, you must create a socialized society where the people gradually accept, without reasoning it through, but it's a gradual process of acceptance that there are experts ruling over you and taking care of all the big problems.
So you're being taught to be like a child forever and allow your betters to take care of the big problems.
They're destroying your independence, that's what it is.
That's it, it's making you totally dependent on them so they can carry out the eugenics, the soft kill, and orderly exterminate you through the system.
Dave in Colorado, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Okay, thanks.
I just have to admit that when you asked everyone to say a prayer earlier today, despite myself, I found myself saying that prayer.
I felt inspired to go ahead and get on the line, although I knew I wouldn't be talking to you, and here I am.
Miracles do happen.
I'm a professional cultural anthropologist specializing in the Andean region, and I've worked for the Smithsonian and have taught in the University of Maryland system, where I taught 9-11 Truth, by the way, and showed Terror Storm.
Uh, co-authoring a book with Peter Dale Scott that starts around the turn of the 20th century and the eugenics movement and going into the 1930s fascist coup attempt and then obviously World War II and then post-World War II Operation Sunshine, Gladio and Condor.
Sure, I'd love it.
Would you mind if I told you that after we get off the air?
They want to control history.
They want to control the future.
They want to wall us off and orderly get rid of us so they can inherit the future.
It's the ultimate form of selfishness.
The ultimate form of abuse.
The ultimate form of greediness and small-mindedness.
And I'm just begging everybody in the system to fight back against it and spread the word and we can beat these people.
We've got to do it.
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Don't you know that it's time to get on board?
Final segment with Alan Watt.
We'll be back live tomorrow, 11 to 3 central.
Rebroadcast from the internet starts in five minutes.
If you missed any of the first hour where I broke down what happened at Bilderberg, it's going to restart in about five minutes.
Dave, yeah, I'm going to have him put you on hold a minute.
Get your contact info if you want to come on about being a guest.
You can come on when the book comes out, too.
Sounds interesting.
What's the point you wanted to make?
The point I wanted to make today, just wrapping up in the completion of the, talking about what we're writing about is tying all of those antecedents towards 9-11 and the development of these private mercenary armies, Blackwater, and the entire private security apparatus that Oliver North and all those people are setting up.
What I wanted to say today, having a very short amount of time, is that
Really, what we're looking at is just a reoccurrence of the same type of system, just with better technology that we've seen in Gladio and Condor.
And I do want to hype a book.
It's not mine, but the best book I've ever read in terms of Operation Condor, one of the most frightening books you'll ever read, is titled Predatory States, Operation Condor, and Covert War in Latin America.
By Jay Patrice McSherry.
I've read it.
That's what I was about to say, is they're setting up death squads.
That's exactly right.
And the part that Peter and I are focusing on is the recurrent thread of Nazism in its most virulent form in all of these settings.
It was, as you know, since you've read the book, that it was Nazis, SS,
Well, people have to realize, number one, what are they fighting for?
And it isn't until you get to that stage and stop and say, well you can't fight to save the system that's not yours in the first place, that's owned by the crooks at the top right now.
Most of you are trying to save what they already have and hope it doesn't get any worse.
But what you're really fighting for is that inner self of the higher things in humanity.
It's the higher things that bond us together.
It brought us through thousands or millions of years together.
It's the cooperation.
It's the decency.
We've got to bring back decency within people and show that because that's the only way we're going to combat this system.
It's when we interact and help each other out as real human beings instead of being selfish.
And it's agreeable, because that's really the only chance we have collectively of altering this and coming through.
But it will be a different system we come into.
We can't go back to the same system with the same groups running it.
Cutting through the matrix dot com.
I appreciate you spending an hour and 20 minutes with us today, and I want to get you back up in the near future.
Thanks for all your fine work.
Thanks for having me on.
You bet.
Take care.
These are very dark times.
I am very chastened.
I am very...
Humble by all of your love and passion and all the great people I met up at Bilderberg fighting the establishment, trying to get the word out peacefully in the Info War.
I am saddened by just the continued confirmation of pure evil that we're fighting and that so much of the public is not aware of it.
My passion is to wake people up.
My passion is to simply warn people.
I just want to warn people about the poison, the water, the fluoride, the mercury in the shots.
I just want to warn the people how they're putting cancer in your body through the vaccines with the cancer viruses.
I just want to
Stop this and turn it around.
It's so horrible.
These same people killed 200 million last century.
They've killed millions so far this year, last few years.
We've got to fight them.
Rebroadcast starts now at InfoWars.com.
But for the shortwave, AM and FM satellite, we'll be back at tonight 9 to 1.
God bless you all.
InfoWars.com right now.
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