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Name: 20080606_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 6, 2008
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Yeah, I think.
All right, folks, it is the fourth hour in this historic broadcast live from Bilderberg Group 2008.
Alex Jones has just done an amazing job.
We just left you with some bullhorning.
But we have an amazing guest with us right now.
She has an incredible voice.
She's been on MTV with her song, Revolution.
I guess they kind of nixed her album, though, which kind of sucks.
And of course she has the unofficial Ron Paul one that we just played.
She's smokin' hot, too, guys.
It is Amy Allen.
Thank you for joining us, Amy.
Hey, how you doin'?
And I just gotta tell you, I love your message.
I became aware of you about, I don't know, two or three weeks ago, when someone posted your video on my MySpace page.
And I mean, you talk about a lot.
I mean, you talk about the Build-A-Bear group in that song.
I do talk about the Bilderberg Group, and nobody else seems to be talking about it.
I mean, Alex Jones does, which is awesome.
I'm a huge fan.
No way!
Yeah, they're over there live right now, and if you go over to wearechanged.org, they've got a live video feed.
Yeah, they've got a couple hundred people out there.
They've got about thirty people outside right now.
But a huge turnout, and it's so much of a turnout that the Bilderberg actually put out their first press release ever today.
It's a paragraph long, we read it earlier.
And of course, they're meeting in secret for our good, Amy.
It's not the plan anything bad.
And they say, well, there's not going to be a press conference and the only reason that they're meeting in secret is so they can talk openly and honestly.
Now, why can't they talk openly and honestly about policy that's going to be passed in this country in front of the American people?
Yeah, and why is it just so... I mean, this is amazing that they're doing a press release since, what, just a few days ago, Hillary had no idea what anyone was talking about.
Yeah, exactly.
Hillary doesn't know what Bilderberg is.
She's been confronted on it a couple of times.
Her husband has admitted to going.
They even released the list this year, and let me name off some of the people that have been confirmed.
Of course, Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, is there.
Then we have David Rockefeller, like we always do.
Paul Wolfowitz.
Condi Rice is there officially.
Tom Daschle.
This is nauseating.
It really is nauseating that people that are even supposed to be on the quote-unquote other side of the spectrum, like Daschle, former Senate House Majority Leader for the Democrats, is there.
You know, it just proves again and again and again that these two collude behind closed doors.
They're going to have this big meeting.
Of 125 to 140 people were going to pay for their iPods.
I don't know if you saw that story.
Yeah, I did.
Yeah, we're going to pay for their iPods.
I don't even know what music they're listening to.
I mean, is it just... Hopefully it's your music.
Is it their or like, what are they listening to?
That's probably pretty satanic, hardcore.
Anyway, so they're going to have this meeting, and this weekend with these people now, in a month, they're going to get together at the Bohemian Grove, where there's 3,000 of these people, and then they're going to dispense their agenda throughout those 3,000 people, through compartmentalization, and then they're going to dispense it to their minions and so on, with only a partial part of the picture being known to each of these people.
And again, they're deciding what's going to happen in our country for the next 12 months,
And it's tragic to me.
It's tragic to me that more people don't know.
And that's exactly why I wrote the song.
It's because I, you know, in talking to people, they just don't know.
They just don't know about Bilderberg.
They don't know about the global elites and the fact that they want to take our sovereignty and our constitutional rights.
And they literally have the agenda of the North American Union.
People don't know at all.
And it's just like, it's so frustrating.
And it's also,
It's devastating to watch our country just sort of being brought to its knees systematically.
Yeah, through incrementalization.
So what woke Amy Allen up?
What was it that... Have you been doing this for years?
Have you always looked into this?
Was there a certain film or book or television show?
No, I've always, even going way back to high school, I actually spoke on C-SPAN.
To, uh, in front of Congress about the decriminalization of marijuana.
I've always sort of been, um, an activist and wanting to, um, create change, you know, and to get people to wake up.
But, um, when I was on a lecture record, um, what really sort of was interesting was I would pose questions about, uh, political questions about things that were going on.
Alright, hold that thought because we have to go to break.
We have Amy Allen, Start a Revolution.
We'll be back after this.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, we are back at the Command Center in Austin, Texas.
I am Jason Burmess, subbing in for Alex Jones at the moment.
I want to remind everybody to go to InfoWars.com and pick up some of the videos, make copies, hand them out.
Get Terror Storm, get Martial Law, get my film, Loose Change 2nd Edition or Loose Change Final Cut.
Make copies, hand them out.
We need to wake up the masses.
And we were talking about your time with Elektra Records and what set you off there, Amy?
What happened was, being on a major label, they really threatened me with not talking about politics.
They basically said, we're not going to release the record if you continue.
And this is, I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning.
And what happened was, because I had the word revolution in my title of my song, there was a lot of people that would go on my message boards and talk about revolution.
And right after 9-11,
The CIA called my record company and said, you have to take her message board down, or she has to either stop talking about what's going on, or, um, using the word revolution, um, or, um, or else.
I mean, I don't even know what the threat was.
So total censorship.
Total censorship.
Total censorship.
So I got a call from my, my label saying you have to stop being political.
We got a call from the CIA and I was just like blown away.
I couldn't believe it.
I was like, really?
You know, and so that really, so as soon as my record label folded, um, you know, I thought that, you know, doing the Ron Paul song was just such a release for me, because, you know, I could finally, like, say what I wanted to say without, you know... So they, what, effectively censored you for almost five years?
Oh, well, yeah, well, they wouldn't, they would not let me sign with another label.
They held me, you know, hostage.
They're obviously very, very talented, and that's probably why they don't want this type of message to get out to the masses.
And it's through song and pop culture that we really are able to wake up the most amount of people.
And I'm so happy that the videos had the response that it had.
Basically, we just had to do it.
We watched Lucien, who is the producer of the song,
We're really good friends and we just sat there and watched Freedom from Freedom to Fascism together and we watched Parts of Zeitgeist and we were just like, you know, what are we going to do?
And we were sitting there in our house and we just looked at each other like, gosh, I wish there was just something we could do.
And there was silence.
And then we just looked at each other and just laughed and we're like, let's do it.
Let's do it right now.
Let's just write a song right now.
Because there was no other choice.
It's like we had to say something.
So everybody in that video pretty much worked for pro bono, and it's an awesome video by the way.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, what we realized is that I live in West Hollywood, a big gay community, and a lot of my friends are gay.
Almost all my friends are gay, guys.
And if you're watching the mainstream media, they'll tell you that the gay community is for Hillary Clinton.
And that just wasn't the case.
And that's just not the case.
Because there's a huge gay community for Ron Paul because they understand, you know, they want freedom just as much as, you know, the next person.
And they knew they could get married and there'd be so many more rights because the government would stay out of religion, which is what marriage is.
Absolutely, less government intrusion in their lives.
Exactly, and so pretty much everyone who worked on the video was just
Super into Ron Paul and they're like, let's do it, let's go.
We got, you know, cinematographers and lighting.
We got free everything because everyone wanted to help get the message out and it's just so refreshing and just an awesome, awesome display.
And then you're also friends with the Suicide Girls because they make a little bit of an appearance too, right?
Well, I host... I'm not a Suicide Girl, but I host a show on Indie 103.1 called Suicide Girls Radio and
So I get a chance to take down the New World Order on the radio show.
What's that, on FM?
Yeah, 103.1 FM in Los Angeles.
But the Suicide Girls, I had to compete with the hip-hop music videos.
No, I'm kidding.
I wanted to have the Suicide Girls on there because they're like punk rock.
Hey, a little sex appeal never hurts, right?
Sex appeal gets people's attention, you know, because people are a little dumbed down these days.
If I show a couple of cute girls in bikinis, maybe they'll listen to my message about the Boulder Burger.
But yeah, they're punk rock, and the owner of the Suicide Girls
Had bikinis made up that says, you know, Ron Paul.
Two cigars love Ron Paul.
Just had him made up for free just because he's about smaller government.
Ron Paul is the punk rock candidate and he is the voice of the people who really want real freedom.
Yeah, no, I'm absolutely with you.
In fact, you know, I just got down to Austin, Texas a little less than two months ago for the very first time, and I'm from New York, and although there was a big, you know, Ron Paul movement in my community in New York, I never expected to come down here and just see Ron Paul on all these cars.
I saw young people wearing Ron Paul t-shirts with ties on.
I mean, I was just shocked.
That that many people, especially younger people, like you T-Kids, knew that Ron Paul was the only candidate that was going to offer freedom, the only candidate that was going to get us out of Iraq and Iran, the only candidate that was going to limit government, and the only candidate that's not a globalist.
Yeah, with the CFR agenda, and the war on drugs, that's just been...
A huge issue for me for many years.
I just think it's so ridiculous.
No, I'm with you there.
Have you seen American Drug War yet?
No, you've got to see American Drug War.
It's done by Kevin Booth, who used to manage comedian Bill Hicks.
But it's got Tommy Chong, we had him on the program a couple times in the last few weeks.
And it's also got Selly Castillo, who helped run the drugs for this government into this country.
They've got Jack Arpaio, they also have Barry McCafferty.
It's just a very well documentary that
Really peels back the layers on how we ship in the drugs and then we prosecute the users and we have them work for slave labor wages in our privatized prisons.
I couldn't put it better.
Thank you.
First of all, I love Bill Hicks.
I just have to say that.
American Drug War, we'll definitely check that out.
Definitely have to.
It's an excellent movie.
It's got a great cover.
We actually carry it over at Infowars.com for the listeners.
And I think that it might even be posted over at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go check it out.
So what's the future for Amy Allen?
Are you going to put out a new album?
Are you going to sign with a new record label?
I mean, I'm sure... I am definitely not going to be a slave to any record company.
I'm starting my own company and just releasing my music on my own.
That's just the best way to do it.
We, um, I released an independent, um, album called Scott and Amy.
And it just won Best Punk Song of the Year, a song I wrote called Miss America.
And, um, and, uh, just, uh, we finished that and, um, now I'm just doing solo, solo work.
Um, just my own material, gonna release it myself.
Not gonna have any label tell me what I can say, what I can't say.
And it's a big relief.
That's amazing, and it is through art and song that we're going to reach the masses.
It's Scott and Amy, and people can download that, they can go get a hard copy.
How do they get that out?
For the listeners, it's called A-I-M-E-E.
And at Scott and Amy, you can get that on iTunes.
Amy Allen's MySpace, you can get the Ron Paul song for free.
I'm just giving it away, I just want the message to get out there.
They can buy it or they can get it for free, like whatever they want.
Yeah, well I hope people do support you because, what is it, Sidetracked Records is your new company?
No, Sidetracked Records is independent, just like a small company that we formed for Scott and Amy, but that's just for that particular record.
My particular record label is not named yet.
Well I hope you come up with a good name because it's great music, it's a great message, and actually California is one of the more active places.
I spent a little time out in Hollywood myself and I went out to the big Hollywood protest last summer.
There's a lot of awake minds out there, maybe a little left-leaning I guess, but
As we expose them more as globalists, I mean, even in your song you're talking about the Verichip.
You even talk about the Mark of the Beast, which I found shocking.
You know, the 666, the fact that these people are into weird stuff like numerology and paganism and their Bohemian Grove Club.
But what really does scare me is that the Verichip is very real, and just a few weeks ago,
One of the people that likes to go after loose change and debunk loose changes on the forums all the time, he's a military guy and he got called into the office and he said, alright, you gotta go for a check-up and he wasn't due for one for five years.
He checks out on the check-up and then all of a sudden they stamp his thing with RFID and the next Thursday he had to take the chip and he had no choice.
It was either that or get court-martialed and go to military prison.
You know, I wish I was making this stuff up, but I'm not.
This is one of the debunkers, and even he was really disturbed by it, and about half the people that normally attack us and would have gone after us just kind of stopped posting altogether, because my producer Corey Rowe, who is a former soldier who was both in Afghanistan and Iraq, had just given a speech after one of our screenings about how they were chipping soldiers.
And it's not just soldiers, I mean,
Back in 2004, we had members of the Mexican government, about 140 of them, take chips in their arms for security reasons, and now Mexico is proposing getting rid of their passport for other South Americans.
Basically, if you live in Guatemala and below, you're going to have to take an RFID chip to get into Mexico.
It's to curb illegal immigration.
And whenever they're forcing us to take chips, I think it's time to wake up, Amy.
I mean, there's certain jobs that you can't even get unless you get chipped.
So, I mean, where does it end?
And the thing that really just killed me is that when you bring it up to people, they just write it off as insane.
It's like, no, go look for yourself.
Go do the research.
Go find out for yourself what I'm talking about.
And then, you know, the response is always like,
You know, if I'm at a party or hang out, people are like, you know, the rules are you don't talk about politics and you don't talk about religion.
But it's like, alright, fine.
Can we just throw those rules out the window for like five seconds?
Because right now our country is being taken from us.
Yeah, those rules need to go.
I hear that all the time.
You need to reach out when you can.
We're going to be back after this with Amy Allen.
It is the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
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And then these criminals just go and nail that.
Alright folks, we're back at the Alex Jones Show and I'm watching a live feed from Bilderberg right now.
They have the entire place taped off.
They have no trespassing signs.
They have private property signs.
Alex just got done with another bullhorning session.
Hopefully he'll be joining us in the final hour with a call-in.
We're going to be taking your calls in about 10-15 minutes, hopefully on topic.
But right now, we're talking to Amy Allen, who had her album suppressed by the CIA, folks.
Believe it or not, the CIA said, no dice.
We can't let you put this album out.
God forbid people think for themselves, Amy.
Well, the CIA, they just said they didn't want me talking about revolution.
They didn't want me talking about politics after 9-11.
Which I just thought was astounding.
The record label folded right after that, so I don't think... Well, it was definitely from CIA pressure.
Yeah, the whole label went down.
I just thought it was karma.
That is karma, you're right.
You bow down to these globalist masters of yours and it's not going to be good for you.
That's why when people, like you said, you're at a party and everybody's like, oh man, just shut up, just have a beer, play some beer pong, this and that.
It's like, listen, we're not going to be able to do this for much longer if you don't wake up immediately
They've blown up the price of gas, and now, I can't believe it, but they're literally rationing food in New York.
You can only buy three bags of rice over at BJ's and Sam's Club.
You know, I thought I lived in a free country where I could buy as much as I needed.
Yeah, what happened to the free market economy we were all promised?
It's anything but.
I mean, the apathy is really the biggest disease of all.
I mean, it's just like, people just
The, I mean, it's really unbelievable that people just don't care.
They're like, Barack Obama, you know?
Just, sure, real change, you know?
Change, it's like, you really know what you're voting for?
Change you can vote for?
The Patriot Act, like, he's voting to take away our freedoms.
Like, why are you getting behind this guy?
He's CFR, like, you know?
It's just, people
He's a slick talker.
He's a slick talker and this consumerist culture of mall rats, you know, I think he's going to save him because he has a slogan called, Change We Can Vote For.
I'm going to play some of Alex live bullhorning right now.
He's bullhorning one of the members.
Hold on one second.
He guards the Westfield Marriott Ultramaster vehicle.
Well, listen, when your mom and dad die prematurely of cancer, and when half your family has it, because that's their plan, we have their documents, just remember they did it to you.
I don't know, it's funny.
But it won't be funny.
People born, uh, who are born in 2000 and after won't live as long as their parents.
Because of these people.
We have all the documents on it.
What about AIDS being engineered?
Well, they're not just going to kill the black people.
State Department Memorandum 200.
Royal Commission on
All of it.
You need to learn about it.
That's their main agenda in there.
Getting a world government to kill you and your family.
I know it's funny now, but it won't be when you're dying.
Well, there you go.
And Alex is educating some of their minions.
They just walked away.
And it is exciting times when they're forced to put out the list without Jim Tucker getting it.
They realize the list is going to be leaked.
It is exciting times when they're putting out a press release.
And I don't know if you've heard this, but did you hear that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton magically met last night in D.C.
when the Bilderberg Conference was kicked off in D.C.? ?
No, I didn't know that.
Yeah, they're all over television yesterday.
Barack was on a sit-down interview over on Anderson Cooper's 360, talking about how it was going to be the most important decision he's ever made.
And, you know, for the last six months I've been saying, look, it's going to be an Obama-Hillary ticket or a Hillary-Obama ticket with John Edwards maybe being the vice president for either, if that falls through.
But, you know, these are their top two dogs and I feel like they wanted Hillary Clinton a little bit more
But they'll take, you know, CFR Obama just because he is a slick speaker.
People are getting behind him.
They are fooled because of his rhetoric.
He hasn't said anything.
You know, he hasn't said anything.
He hasn't said, we're getting out of Iraq.
He hasn't said, you know, homeland security is out of the picture.
He's going to keep the same bureaucracies that have been created by this administration and he's going to continue this agenda.
And shouldn't we have a president that's loyal to our country?
I mean, that just doesn't even seem to be an issue that people aren't even bringing up.
It's like, he's not loyal to our country.
I mean, even his church says, you know, talked about having loyalty to Africa.
It's like, well, shouldn't we just have a president that's loyal to our country?
I mean, I don't know, maybe that's crazy, but I...
I'm thinking maybe a president who believes in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and wants smaller government, and wants oversight, and wants checks and balances.
I'm thinking Ron Paul!
I'm thinking Ron Paul, too.
All right, we're going to take your calls with Amy Allen on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, Myspace.com slash Jason Bermas.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There truly is a war on for your mind right now.
Every day, every day you turn on that television, they're pumping disinformation into your brain.
They're telling you, buy, buy, buy, pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.
Well, the men behind the curtain are being exposed right now at Bilderberg 2008, and it's thanks to people like Alex Jones, who's a personal hero of mine, a good friend.
And God bless him, Luke Rudowski and others who are out there.
I saw Dave Cahill was out there.
He's an amazing musician.
Abby from 9-11 Truth in LA.
Just a lot of people showed up this year and it's great.
It forced them to put out a press release.
We're talking to Amy Allen, who in her own right is quite the patriot.
An amazing singer.
She's got the Ron Paul, Start a Revolution song.
When can people expect new material outside of this Scott and Amy project?
Well, I'm actually recording it.
I've written all the songs, so I'm recording it now.
I'm in the recording process.
So, very soon.
In the next couple months or so.
Alright, let's take some callers, Amy.
Let's go to Joe in Chicago, because it seems to be on topic.
Joe, are you with us?
How are you doing, Joe?
Doing pretty good, Jason.
How's it going?
Before I had a couple questions for Amy, I had one thing that I wanted to tell you.
Obviously, I'm here in Chicago, you know, Obama country, and I was watching local TV last night.
I don't know if it was WGN or WBBM, one of the local stations here, but somebody was asking, well, where's the whole party for the Obama thing?
And they were talking to one of his staff, and he had said that Obama is in Virginia.
Yeah, oh no, it's all over the news!
He's in D.C.
He met Hillary Clinton last night, supposedly in her D.C.
home, on the night that Bilderberg kicked off in Chantilly, Virginia.
There's no doubt that members of the conference were there at that meeting.
Give me a break, of course!
Yeah, unbelievable.
But hey, I'm just very pleased to be able to talk to both of you.
Jason, you've got some awesome works.
I don't even have a word for you because your music is just awesome, I really have to say.
Oh, thank you so much!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yeah, definitely.
I mean, I just got, it was really funny because I actually got turned on to You Believe It or Not by, through Infowars.com, if you can believe that.
And I watched the video on Ron Paul Revolution, I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm like, this has got an incredible production, it's got a great hook,
Incredible synth bass line.
I'm like, this is seriously what we need.
We need somebody who's got incredible talent that is a celebrity that is able to get, you know, this message out to the people.
You know, because I mean, that's kind of like how I got involved with this.
And now if we can only, you know, because of the fact that you had all this information on your MySpace page, and we're getting other people that are getting more interested in this and it's breaking wide open.
And I think that's really great what you're doing.
And the way that you took a stand against Elektra, and what they were trying to do to you, I think that is just appalling.
Well, thank you.
There's not too many artists that are putting their career on the line to stand up for what they believe in politically, but it wasn't even a choice.
I don't know.
Get to his knees.
Thank you, Joe.
Thank you for the call, Joe.
Yeah, absolutely.
We can't let this nation crumble, and you know, it's just great that you stepped up to do that, Amy, and you know, you are going to wake up a lot more people that wouldn't normally be woken up.
Again, pop culture is the way.
I mean, how many people were brought into 9-11 Truth through Rosie O'Donnell?
How many people were brought into 9-11 Truth through Charlie Sheen that would have never, ever, ever taken a look at this information?
Alright, on topic, let's go to Rick in Ohio.
Rick, are you with us?
No, did we drop Rick?
Hi, how are you doing?
Hey, how are you doing, Rick?
Interesting show.
I wanted to bring up something that's on topic, but perhaps something a lot of your listeners haven't thought about.
In most respects, I'd have to say I support Ron Paul, like I'm assuming both of you do, from listening to the last ten minutes here.
But I'm a real animal lover as well.
Anyone who's had a cat or a dog or... I got two myself.
Yeah, I would imagine most decent people are.
And one thing I googled was the presidential candidates and animal rights.
And much to my dismay, what I found was that the three tools in the election at this point, you know, Obama, Hillary and McCain,
Actually have either perfect or very good animal rights voting histories.
Well, let me speak to that for a second.
Ron Paul doesn't.
Well, alright, first of all, I think Ron Paul is not only about human rights, he's about saving this country first, and that's why maybe animal rights take a secondary nature.
Secondly, these globalists love animal rights.
Peter Singer, who is a total one-worlder, you know, talks like animals
are are better than people and I just don't believe that man I'm here to save humanity I'm sorry but animals come second it you know I feel like those people are their hearts are in the right place but we have so many real issues from the Federal Reserve from the gas prices to imperialism in the Middle East to the police state at home that animal rights is just gonna have to take a backseat I thank you for the call.
What do you think Amy?
I mean I agree we have to prioritize I mean the fact is that if we don't have
Um, you know, if we don't have our country, you know, then, uh, what if someone else is, uh, you know, we're going to have a North American Union if we're all going to be chipped.
If, um, you know, we don't have a great trial.
I mean, I just, I want to prioritize.
I mean, there's just, we have to prioritize.
It's like, I feel like we're in a state of emergency.
Yeah, absolutely.
And we had Jesse Benton on, who is the chair of Ron Paul's campaign.
He announced today that they're going to be having something going on in Minneapolis on September 2nd, a Tuesday.
And I also mentioned them to you, and they were very well aware of your work.
They wanted to thank you.
And they're a huge fan of the song.
They were telling me they would love to have you go out there.
I know you're a busy girl, but I hope that you do get in touch with Ron Paul and Jesse Benton and work something out because, you know, you are a strong voice.
This is popular culture and we're trying to bring, you know, the youth, the older crowd, everybody together to realize, you know, it's Code Red.
This is the time.
Yeah, I would love to...
Telling your producer that I'd love if Alex played the Ron Paul song over the bullhorn at the Bilderberg.
Well, I'll call him after the show and I'll definitely, maybe we can get that live on the We Are Change feed.
By the way, WeAreChange.org has a live video and audio feed of Bilderberg right now.
There's about 15 or 20 people around Alex, you know, Matt Lepacek, Luke Radowski, Aaron Dykes, writer for Jones Report.
Just a ton of awake people.
It's so good to see.
All right, let's jump to yet another caller.
Let's go to Corey in California.
Corey, are you with us?
Hey, hello.
How you doing, man?
This is Rick in Ohio.
I think you got our names switched around there.
Oh, okay, all right.
Okay, but on his call, I need to address, he mentioned the animal rights in the voting.
Okay, first off, let me try to explain something to him, if I can do it well.
This is, you like PETA?
The PETA people, the environmentalist people, a lot of people get involved in this because it sounds good, it sounds like you're going to help the animals, you're going to help the environmentalists, but all it really gets down to is these CFR-funded front groups, is all they are, they're trying to enlist you as a useful idiot to support further restrictive
Legislation against you, the people, and that's the reason Ron Paul doesn't vote for these scams because he knows a scam when he sees one.
Well did you see the website that ABC, we did a story about this last week, ABC linked to this quote-unquote child's website called planetslayer.com and it was all about your carbon footprint.
They're getting ready to tax you for breathing.
How much gas you use, how many cars you own, how much energy you use.
They're going to actually tax that.
And they were saying that your carbon footprint was less than that of a pig.
The pig deserved to live.
And they literally showed a small baby pig and a big pig and how much their carbon footprint was.
And they said by the time that you had used your carbon footprint up, you'd be a whopping 14 months old.
And there was a pool of blood in the middle.
They quickly pulled that website.
But, you know, we know what the agenda is.
It's more control, it's another tax, and it's absolutely ridiculous.
Al Gore is not your friend either, folks.
I thank you for the call.
Let's see if we can get Cory in California.
Is he on the line?
All right, how about Franklin, Ohio?
Oh, Cory.
We got Cory.
All right, Cory, what's your question?
Hey, what's up, Jason?
No, I was just Googling Bilderberg last night, and then I come up on Bilderberg
Yeah, we've read it on air today.
Can you believe that?
I was in shock.
I was in shock, too, this morning when I actually got into it.
I actually went and did a Google search of the past 24 hours on stories on Bilderberg.
Someone had emailed me the press release, but the list was already out.
And yeah, they're just announcing it.
We're your global masters.
You don't deserve to know what's going on.
It's going to be a private meeting.
No thank you press.
You're already on the inside, so we'll tell you what to write.
Has anyone called this number?
Yeah, a lot of people have called the number.
It's the American Friends of Bilderberg.
It's actually an organization that I just learned about.
Aaron Dykes enlightened me on it last week.
I didn't think that Bilderberg had any friends outside of the organization.
Well, they're not my friend, that's for sure.
Yeah, American Friends of Bilderberg.
It's all part of the language and the nomenclature.
They want to make you think that America supports Bilderberg when the vast majority don't even know what it is.
Amy, what are some solutions?
I mean, obviously we've been talking about bringing it up at parties and trying to get into the popular culture, but what else can we do?
Well, the way I look at it is, when I got really deep into my research and pretty much
I just completely immersed myself in just research and study and everything that Alex would say.
You know, he always says, you know, if you don't believe me, go research it, go find it out, go look at the documents.
And I did that, you know, and I really got into it.
And what I found was, well, the A, I couldn't please, ever, because I was just so upset and distressed about everything.
But what I realized was that it's truly a spiritual battle.
It's not just a political battle.
I mean, I feel that it is
The spiritual battle.
What we can do is do what I believe God created us to do.
So if you're a good writer, blog.
Write a book.
If God made you a good speaker, speak.
Speak the truth.
Speak to people.
If you're a good organizer, organize.
If you're a politician, run for office.
If you sing, write a song.
But we all have to play our role.
We all have to do what God created us to do.
And if we all do our part, we can turn this around.
Each of us have great power from within.
We just need to harness that power.
We have to say, you know what, I've had enough.
What can I contribute?
That's why I make documentary films.
That's why I blog about the subject.
That's why I do this radio show.
It's because
We have to reach these people by any means necessary, and I don't see anybody in the so-called establishment stepping up and saying these things.
We had a couple people kind of hinting at the truth, Dennis Kucinich isn't all that bad, and I liked what Mike Revell had to say 90% of the time, but they're not out there every day trying to get this
To the masses, and that's what we need.
We need more and more people to say, alright, it's time to step up, it's time to share this information, it's time to take our country back, and I hope that Ron Paul has that march on Washington he talked about some months ago.
Hopefully the next time we have Jesse Benton on, we can go over that.
And it does not be to stop the brainwashing of it, you know, not cool to talk about it.
Like, it is cool, you know, and it is cool to talk about it.
It's cool to talk about politics and what's going on in the mainstream media, and the fact that they're completely... they're not reporting, you know, they're rooting.
Yeah, no, I'm with you.
And you know what?
You're right.
It's time to make it cool again to be informed.
You know, it shouldn't be the time that everybody goes and reads the tabloid rags about Britney Spears and how she's gained 20 pounds and she's on five different medications and shaved her head.
I don't care.
It means nothing to my life.
You know, Paris Hilton's latest sex tape, yeah, it's great for a laugh,
But other than that, I don't know why it's on every single network.
Jesse Ventura made a great point.
When Anna Nicole Smith died, who cares?
She was a reality TV star after she was a train wreck and a Playboy model.
It doesn't affect my life.
But most people don't even know.
I would say most people couldn't pick out five names on this Bilderberg list when a lot of them are part of the U.S.
A lot of them have been making decisions like Henry Kissinger for almost half a century.
I mean, that's scary to me.
It's totally scary.
And when I put out the song, there's so much support for the song.
There was so much love, and I was actually astonished at the support.
It was on the front page of Dig several times, and Dig would pull it.
Well, they got the Berry Brigade there.
How dare you tell the truth on Dig?
The funny thing about that is the guy from Dig joked about how he went to Bohemian Grove with his dad, I think, last year.
That's on YouTube.
It's just like, yeah, you know, I go to these elitist meetings and we're going to bury your stories and we're going to act like PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com are the onion and they're not real.
You know, it's absolutely ludicrous, but we just got to keep, you know, pressing and using the mainstream against itself, I guess.
Yeah, exactly.
And what I was going to say is that I was getting, you know, some really, some of the negative comments, or not negative, but some of the posts were, would say things like,
Oh, come on, Amy, you know, has the Patriot Act really affected you personally?
And it would just make me so mad, because the Patriot Act has so, so much affected me personally, that I can't even, you know, I just couldn't, I can't even tell you.
But basically, I went down to my bank, and because of the Patriot Act, I couldn't get an ATM card.
Literally, they said, due to the Patriot Act, my strip on my card is broke.
And it wasn't working.
So I was like, well, I need to get, you know, an ATM card with a symbol, like MasterCard Visa.
And there was all this drama, and they're like, you know what?
Because you don't do this, this, this, and this, and this, there's like a list of five things, you could be a potential terrorist.
So, we can't issue you another one.
Well, I imagine you also fly pretty frequently and the hoops you have to jump through at the airport to get on a plane are just absolutely ludicrous.
No water bottles?
Come on.
Oh, the terrorists are going to use liquid bombs to blow us all up!
Give me a break!
The only time they ever get weapons through there's a drill.
I had a good buddy of mine.
He was in the military.
He got out right before 9-11.
He didn't end up having to go overseas, but he went into security.
Over at LaGuardia Airport, he was in the TSA, worked there for like five years, and he would tell me how it works.
He's like, look, in the last five years I worked here, we never had one real terrorist threat.
He's like, every time that weapons or quote-unquote explosive materials were snuck in, it was part of a drill, they would bring it in piece by piece, and they would run teams and squads against different checkpoints and areas.
And he was telling me how they could get him in.
But not one real terrorist threat in one of the biggest airports in the world, yet he would say every three to six months they'd run one of these drills, Amy.
Pretty shocking stuff.
We got one final segment coming up with you, Amy.
Is there any other message that you want to get out there?
You want to talk to the people?
You want to let people know where they can find, you know, Amy Allen stuff?
Well, they can, um... Once again, name's called A-I-M-E-E.
We're good to go.
Where I call it a swindle and a farce and a lie.
And we've got some UCLA panelists that are, you know... Hold right there!
It's Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
It's the Alex Jones Show final segment, up next.
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We don't need no education.
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They do need to leave those kids alone, man.
Because they're brainwashing them every day.
This is the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
And Alex will be back with you on Monday.
I know you guys have put up with me most of the week.
But you can check out the re-feed of this broadcast over at InfoWars.com.
We're going to be replaying all four hours.
Some powerful stuff.
We had Jesse Benton on.
Of course, this conversation with Amy Allen has been extraordinary.
Alex has checked in several times from Bilderberg.
We had Luke Radowski, Rob Jacobson.
We had Philly911Truth.
Just another power-packed show.
And in the beginning of the first hour, we went over, I'd say, about 25 to 30 of the members that are at the Bilderberg Conference.
As we speak, deciding our fate.
And we went over the press release, the first press release ever.
Good, they can read over the press release while they listen to the iPods we bought them.
That's just wonderful.
Amy, you have a show over in L.A.
You're putting out a new album independently.
Can we expect you on tour anytime soon?
Are you going to be traveling around, performing?
Yeah, after I record the album, I'm going to, of course, I'm going to be touring in a city near you.
And just, you know,
Shining my light, just speaking the truth wherever I can, on the radio show, in my blogs, in my music.
You know, I find that, you know, literally just being inundated with the lies from the mainstream media, and just when I watched what they did to Ron Paul, and just not cover him at all, it literally devastated me to the point where I had to just really, you know, attach myself to the real freedom that I was searching for.
Which is God, you know, the real freedom, the true freedom that I have found.
And I had to turn off my TV, I had to stop watching the news, because it was killing me.
Like, it was just killing me.
So I can get it out there, I can release, you know, what has happened and what is happening not only to America, but spiritually to the world, you know, through my music.
That's my assignment.
Well, you're one of the most well-rounded, well-educated guests we've ever had on this show, especially if you're going to be throwing a debate up on the 22nd rebuking the global warming line.
No one's saying that climate doesn't change, the Earth doesn't go through cycles, but they're trying to say that we've destroyed the ozone layer and now we have to pay for it.
Literally pay for it.
We literally have to pay for it.
We're going to have to pay for the air we breathe, the house we live in, the cars we own,
And it's going to be carbon credits.
I'm so glad Al Gore is out there for the other side with Leo DiCaprio and all these celebrities telling us about, you know, another global Armageddon.
Yeah, that people are the cause of...
Of course, yeah.
People have to go.
They don't like the fact that there's six and a half billion of us.
They'd rather cut that number down quite significantly.
And I want you to think about that, folks.
Six and a half billion people.
Now, some people have discussed they want half a billion as the population, maybe even a billion.
Are you going to be lucky enough to be the one out of six?
Probably not.
You know, and if you are lucky enough to be the one out of six, who says that you're not going to be in their little FEMA camps that Halliburton built for them?
You know, and then they move their company to Dubai.
So, you know, it's gone well beyond the pale.
Have you by chance seen that, uh, I know the Flo-Bots are pretty popular right now, they're all over.
Have you seen their music video yet?
Oh man, you really have to- we had them on a couple weeks ago just because I came across the music video and I showed it to Alex.
Had them on for an hour, but it shows people are waking up.
It's total anti-police state stuff.
I want people to check out Amy Allen.
That's A-I-M-E-E-A-I-M-E-E-Allen.
And she's got a MySpace, a website, and a radio show.
Amy, any last words?
God bless America, and thank you for having me.
Well, thanks for being with us.
She's been an awesome guest, and this has been just a great week for me.
Remember, the refeed's over at InfoWars.com.
The Money Bomb, $240,000, folks.
We're going to try to make it $250,000.
Keep it open this weekend.
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We'll see you on Monday.