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Name: 20080522_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 22, 2008
1411 lines.
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Okay, I want to play this little three-minute music video.
You can watch it if you're watching PrismPlanet.tv's stream right now, or we'll, in a few hours, post the file from this fourth hour.
The Flowbots!
I learned about them last night.
Their new music video came out a few days ago, already had half a million
I think so.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handlebars.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handlebars.
Look at me, look at me, hands in the air like it's good to be alive.
And I'm a famous rapper, even when the pasts are all crooked-y.
I can show you how to do-si-do, I can show you how to scratch a record.
I can take apart the remote control, and I can almost put it back together.
We're good to go.
And I can see your face on the telephone, on the telephone, on the telephone.
Look at me, look at me, just can't say that it's good to be alive in such a small world.
I'm all curled up with a book to read.
I can make money open up a thrift store.
I can make a living off a magazine.
I can design an engine 64 miles to a gallon.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars No handlebars No handlebars
We're going to be right back with Kevin Booth and your phone calls on the other side.
We're talking about americandrugwar.com.
The key created crises.
The military-industrial complex is an excuse to take over our lives.
They launched the fake drug war in 1971 supplying the crises, the drugs themselves.
I'm Alex Jones.
Transmission continues on the other side.
Freedom is rising!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they come on, supplying the crises, the drugs themselves.
I'm Alex Jones.
Transmission continues on the other side.
Freedom is rising!
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build America is making great progress toward a world with government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
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Tommy Chong on, we're gonna get Cheech on, they're reunited.
He said they do their first together interview with us.
Promised to do that.
I mean, that is gonna be amazing.
And to know that I'm just a little nobody and I've made 18 films, my 19th is almost done.
To know Kevin's made all these great films and music videos and already been a
You know, big rock star in the eighties and the producer for Bill Hicks and all the stuff he's done.
Human beings are amazing and I'm just so blessed to be alive and to be fighting back against this evil.
And if it sounds like I'm screaming and yelling at the government, what's the mind trick to where we wouldn't be sick of it?
They bring the majority of the drugs in.
They only raid at the source level, their competition, which is small.
They're enslaving us.
They're taking over.
There's no debating it.
We're in deep trouble.
We have to take the moral authority back from them and say, get off my back, get out of my life, leave my Second Amendment alone, let me protect myself.
We've got loaded phones on both phone systems, Kevin.
I'm going to take a bunch of calls for the rest of the hour with you, if you'll stay with us.
I'm going to play one more music video from Flo-Bot, coming up, called War On Fear Mind.
I wonder where they got that.
Just for five, ten minutes, anything you want to talk about, Kevin, concerning what you were saying about the drug war, the war on terror.
It's the key boogeyman, and we have to understand they are creating it.
They are provocateuring it.
They are behind it.
This is their business of making us think that we need them.
You know, and back to the marijuana argument and what the statistic that you told earlier about 85% of all illegal drug users only smoke marijuana.
And so when you go and you, you can go to the DEA's website, and it's like a, it's almost like a shell game how they've flipped marijuana in with all these like really dangerous weird substances.
I mean, go to the DEA website, look for yourself at the drug scheduling, and you're gonna see all these dangerous, huge, long, dangerous list of substances, and then marijuana is just mixed in there like it's no different.
And, you know,
Um, the drugs are, and other people will argue this by saying, oh well we tried to legalize this uh...
You know, this one seed for, you know, the treatment of cancer a while back, and it turned out that it had cyanide in it, and they have all these bizarre and ridiculous, like, arguments.
But the funny thing is, is that what other substance on Earth has there ever been where you're going to see people have, like, these giant parades and rallies?
You know what I mean?
You're never going to see a Prozac rally or a Prozac parade.
You're never going to see a crack parade or a crystal meth rally.
Um, you know, marijuana is, you know, a freedom and a right that, you know, should be guaranteed to everybody, and them taking that away is really at the nexus.
You know, it's a canary in a coal mine type of thing.
Just like Robert Steele in the film talks about that marijuana is right at the nexus of good versus evil, of corporatism versus, you know, freedom and sovereignty, and I just can't get that across enough that it doesn't matter
The people listening to this, whether you're completely sober, or whether you're a teetotaler, or whether you sip on whiskey... Yeah, I'm a teetotaler!
I mean, Kevin, you've known me for like 15 years.
You ever seen me smoke marijuana?
No, never.
It's just not part of your personality.
And I've been at parties and been Joe Rogan there and all these other people and I just do not like it.
And they would say, smoke this in your pipe, but they'd mix it in with tobacco and inhale it.
And they would smoke, and I've read the old apothecary, smoke the sexual buds of the plant when it's going to seed.
It would explain what types to smoke.
George Washington raised it on several thousand of his hundreds of thousands of acres.
I mean, this is a fact.
This is a fraud.
George Washington would have been SWAT teamed.
Yeah, no, exactly.
And by the way that they've demonized it by mixing it all together in the same category with these horrible chemicals.
And the other thing that the DEA does, too, and the drug czar does, one of the ways they skew the lines is that they always tell you, well,
Um, if you go and you look at the statistics of children being sent to rehabs and drug arrests, well, marijuana is the highest thing.
Marijuana is just, well, because I, you have to understand the way that they come up with those numbers, is that if you take a guy that does heroin,
Show me a guy that does heroin and he probably will also be a beer drinker, a cigarette smoker, and a pot smoker.
Show me a guy that does crystal meth.
He's probably a beer drinker, a pot smoker, a cigarette, you know what I mean?
So, anybody that does the harder drugs probably also does smoke marijuana and then they will use that as this big phony gateway.
They also claim it's a gateway, when really what it is, they tell you all drugs are bad, then you smoke marijuana and you're like, oh well the other stuff must not be bad.
They say reefer madness, makes you run around murdering people as they taught in the 50s and 40s.
People then smoked it and felt like laying around on a couch giggling, or you know, rating the refrigerator.
So they go, it must be lies, but here's the deal.
Uh, it's a very small percentage that tries a hard drug and likes it.
And I was among the majority that didn't.
I mean, I tried cocaine and absolutely hated it and thought, this felt like when I'd been in a car wreck and, you know, adrenaline was up and or I'd seen somebody killed, you know, in a car wreck.
I mean, it was like being freaked out and my heart beating.
I'm like, my God, I hate this.
And I tried speed once and threw up for two days.
I was like, my God!
This is like getting the flu, paying to get the flu.
You know, you're at a party, you're 14, they go, here, try this, and you're throwing up for two days.
You know, thank God I tried a few hard drugs, they were so horrible that I never did them again.
Some people like that stuff, but by it being illegal, they then brew it all up with these toxic chemicals so it's ten times more poisonous instead of the old stuff Elvis did that, you know, gets you speedy but, you know, isn't as toxic waste.
But then luckily, I smoked marijuana some and just always hated it every time I tried it.
And folks, don't get mad at me.
You worship marijuana out there.
I'm trying to get it decriminalized for you, but at the same time, don't tell me I have to like it.
You know, Tommy Chong called it an original thought.
I just didn't like being like, ugh.
And you know, maybe that's me.
But the point is, different strokes for different folks.
I have a different metabolism.
than most people.
I can drink Starbucks coffee and go to sleep.
Other people can't, so I've got a different brain than some people.
But you get the point I'm making, Kevin.
Right, but let me tell you about two other things that this prohibition also causes.
Like, let's take that girl that OD'd in San Diego, okay?
It's tragic.
But what is the reason, one of the reasons that she did OD is that because when people buy illegal drugs off the street, there is absolutely no control over the strength.
And so these prohibitionary tactics create a situation where people that are out there doing heroin, you don't know if you're getting 1% pure or 100% pure.
And there's just no way to tell when you're buying a powdered substance off of some gang member on the street.
And this prohibition is also causing your average old pot dealers in college to now have to sell cocaine and heroin and crystal meth in order to make a living because
It's easier and more profitable to sell the harder drugs, and that's what this prohibition has created.
It's much easier to get caught smoking marijuana because of the bulk and the smell, and it stays in your urine for 60 days, versus if you do cocaine, it only stays in your urine for 72 hours.
Cocaine is much easier to conceal.
Cocaine, you can do it much quicker.
You can get away with it.
You can sit there and do cocaine right in front of a bunch of people just by flipping off in the bathroom.
No one will ever know about it.
But you can't do that with marijuana.
For PrisonPlanet.tv we just put up an image of Celica Stillo poses with 600 kilos of cocaine seized.
And here he is on record with everybody else saying the government brings the drugs in.
It's just, uh, you know, I just, you know, what I want people to do with my film, you know, I know a lot of it is preaching to the choir in these kind of situations in that a lot of people listening to this have probably already seen it or agree with it, but what I want is for people to get a copy of American Drug War
And to force the person that you know in your life, the conservative person that does think that someone belongs in jail for... Well, let's be clear.
They're not real conservatives.
Drugs weren't illegal in this country.
You can go in the drugstore and buy anything you wanted 80 years ago and there was less use.
So they're not real conservatives.
They're chicken-necked, cowardly, control freak, nanny state lovers.
Go ahead.
No, absolutely.
Right, right.
The so-called conservatives, whatever you want to label them.
But to get them to watch the film, that's what I targeted.
I created this film and edited this film as a way to try to pry loose some pretty hardcore
And it was five years in the making.
And let me add, I've got a picture of the DEA with a marijuana drug bust.
They put money and a gun next to it to make it associate guns with drugs.
So now they're using the huge mechanism of anti-drug war they've got.
They're shifting that into the attack on the Second Amendment.
So all you good old boys out there, they're coming after your guns now with all these cops they've got.
Yeah, that's all they have to do.
If they put a picture of like a pistol next to a bag of marijuana and a little stack of cash, then all of a sudden it's like, oh my god, oh my god, look at these horrible people.
Yeah, it's a vice versa demonization, yeah.
Yeah, no, it's the same old thing.
It's the same old story.
People should check out this organization called LEAP.
It's Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
It's leap.cc, I think.
And these are thousands of retired narcotics officers that now are almost like repenting for what they did because they realize that they have destroyed hundreds of thousands of decent lives.
You know, the drug war.
We've got a situation now going on with the drug war where
Uh, a 15-year-old kid in high school gets caught with a single joint, and as a result of that, he can't get student loans.
He's not gonna go to college now.
And so, instead of going to college, he's gonna go to prison.
Now, if you tell me, like, how that helps our society at all, on any level.
Well, they also glorify the DEA.
I'm looking at Pamela Anderson dressed up like one.
I mean, I'm just sick of all their propaganda.
They're a bunch of drug dealing thugs who are too cowardly to be regular thugs.
They've got to run around like they're good guys, and I've just had enough of it.
All right, we're going to take Infowars.com calls during the break, and then come back to everybody with Genesis Calls.
Okay, let's go ahead and take a call here, Kevin.
We're going to continue talking for a large part of the audience.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Tampa.
Chris, you're on the air.
Oh, pardon me, I didn't know I was being muted.
Hey, that's okay!
That was the only call on your line there.
I've called him before about the value of hemp seed oil, and we should be able to grow it just for its nutritional value, being the only land foliage that has the essential balance of omega-3, 6, and 9 oils.
And, you know, essential fatty acids are essential, so we need them for our teeth and bones.
But let's be clear, let's be clear.
There are a bunch of varieties of hemp.
Most of them have zero THC.
The food hemp and the hemp used for cotton, used for clothing, and rope and the rest of it, the magic crop, it's so easy to grow everywhere, and so good, that is separate.
But they ban that here, too, in land of the dumbed-down cowards.
We can import it from Canada for some reason.
Well, it's just because we're the dumbest people on earth.
That's why we pay five times on average what people pay for prescription drugs.
We pay, you know, five, six times what everybody else pays for fuel.
We are the nation of idiots.
And I love this country, but I'm telling you that on average, we are the morons.
Kevin, you got any comments on that?
Well, yeah, I mean, that's basically exactly right what I wanted to talk about earlier, and that is, you know, hemp or cannabis, whatever you want to call it, could really be the source of biomass
That could save us on a huge, huge level because of how fast and big it grows.
And you could make fuel from it.
You could stop the destruction of the rainforest from all the trees that we cut down.
It just goes on and on and on and on.
And so these corporations are allowed to make this herb that could kind of save our planet in many ways.
They're allowed to keep it illegal, just as the oil companies have banned the electric car so far.
Because of our energy independence and our health independence.
And Alex, I wanted to bring to your attention, if you've ever heard of the group Jamiroquai, they have a lot of great songs.
And one is called Don't Give Hate a Chance.
There's a little caricature of what's his name, who the State Department Memorandum 200
Henry Kissinger.
Yeah, yeah, a little caricature of Kissinger in there, you know, trying to keep the war going by paying our soldiers to blow up the oil wells and such like that.
You should check out the YouTube video, don't give hate a chance, you'd really enjoy that, I'm sure.
Anything else you want to add?
That's it, thanks.
Take care.
Thank you so much, Chris.
And I have my call list, John, will you send my call list back down to my IM or down to Bob's down here, so I can go to the calls when we come back out of break.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kelly in Iowa.
Kelly, go ahead, you're on the air.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, yeah.
I was wondering, how come hops, which is used in beer making, how come that is in the marijuana family, but that isn't?
being excluded from this drug war.
And it is.
Well, I mean, you've got an idiot public that thinks that hundreds of different hemp plants are devil weapons.
They have no THC, it doesn't care.
You grow it, they'll come out to your house with SWAT teams, and you'll be lucky if you're not killed.
Because this nation is run by cowards and scum.
When they ended the prohibition, the alcohol prohibition, you know, the alcohol and tobacco corporations, they did a really amazing job of getting in there with the FDA
And making sure that their products would not be subject to the same laws and discrimination that they wanted anything that we could tax.
And the main thing about marijuana that people need to realize is that the reason that they keep wanting to make it illegal is because everybody can grow it themselves.
That's it.
Stay there.
And they can't regulate it.
It's decentralized.
We're going back on the main transmission.
Okay, we're taking calls during the break for people listening at InfoWars.com, some behind-the-scenes stuff, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
When I call us a nation of cowardly scum, a nation of idiots, it's so you'll wake up and not be a nation of idiots.
I love this country.
This has been the greatest country in history.
The most inventions, the most wealth, the hardest fighting.
I mean, we have been it.
But we sat on our laurels and have become degenerate scum.
Again, they pay $0.14, $0.15 in Venezuela for a gallon of gas.
In U.S.
dollars, we pay $4.
They pay about three times, four times bigger on the drug, less in Mexico than we pay.
We pay more for gas, more for legal drugs, more for everything here.
We're idiots!
We're idiots!
I mean, they're passing global warming fake environment taxes all over.
It's all scams.
They treat us like morons, the left and the right.
And so when I call everybody idiots, I'm saying stop being conned.
I mean, we are a pathetic country, and it's getting dangerous.
The cops and the corrupt drug-dealing government have decided to just take everything over.
That's what Homeland Security is.
I mean, they're saying no more free market, no more nothing, we own you.
And Kevin was just making the point, a caller called in and said, well why is hops still allowed to be grown?
It's in the hemp family.
Yeah, they ban like something, what is it, 25 different forms of hemp.
There's like more than a hundred.
But all of those don't have a THC except one variety and then only one sex of the species.
But in the 30s, they paid the federal government to go around to public schools and teach and show them film clips of people murdering and killing and killing babies and like
The sheriff smokes some and then murders everybody.
I mean, just totally mad.
And they said, my God, we've got to ban it.
So they banned all of these types used for oils, used for cotton, hemp cotton fabric, ropes, and it could be grown anywhere.
And Kevin made the point that they're doing this because they want to ban it everywhere.
They have to ban something that can be done at the family farm level that is so, such an amazing, it really is an amazing plant.
Because if people were allowed, say, everybody with a little bit of land could grow enough of this stuff, I could list thousands of pharmaceutical drugs that would probably just go out of business immediately.
Anything for depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, nausea.
Uh, heartburn, indigestion, uh, just goes on and on and on.
And not to mention the fact that you can make all the fuels from it, the oil fuels, you know, we could probably have hand-powered cars.
And it's literally a weed.
It isn't like corn you need, you know, lots of water and fertilizer for.
It grows everywhere.
Yeah, just the idea that they've made something that grows naturally everywhere, and they've made it so you can go to jail for growing a plant that already grows everywhere naturally, should just tell everybody it doesn't matter.
It has nothing to do with wanting to get stoned.
Now, let's be clear.
They banned in the 30s, DuPont, Dow Chemical, they banned varieties that have no THC.
I guess Kelly's gone.
Kelly in Iowa, you just hung up?
Yes, anything else Kelly?
I was reading like a 1903 study, I think it was from the Rockefeller Foundation, where basically when Henry Ford was starting out his car company, a lot of it he was making out of hemp.
And they basically, from what they could tell, is that Hemp could pretty much take away 70% of DuPont's business.
And the British were in Vietnam and Thailand with the rubber for the tires, and Hemp makes better tires, and he was already making composite that was going to be plastic cars like we have now, and they just said, you want a SWAT team to drop by?
Shut up, slave!
You're trash!
We're banning a plant that helps America that has no drugs in it!
Shut up!
You're slaves!
And that's the end of it.
Anything else?
No, it's just a nation of idiots.
Anything else?
Nope, that's it.
Thanks for your time, guys.
Makes me sick.
Doesn't it make you sick, Kevin?
Yeah, no, it's just sad.
It's just sad of how... A nation of idiots.
It makes me sad of how they were able to sell my parents on it and how my parents both went to their grave as heavy alcohol drinkers
Thinking that all this was true just makes me sad.
Exactly, exactly.
But they will still, they will still just, you know, on their website just say marijuana is a dangerous thing.
They've done national polls, over 70% want to decriminalize marijuana, 80% want out of the war, 90% want to control the borders.
Ain't none of it happening, because we have an armed camp of criminals that work for foreign banks that own and rule this nation of cowardly scumbag idiots.
It's just sad.
It's sad.
But, you know, I have to agree with Tommy a little bit.
And, you know, I hope that in the end this could kind of be a renaissance.
And that in order for a revolution or change to take place, I mean, you've got to hit a bottom.
And hopefully this is our bottom that we're hitting now.
It's death camps, mass graves, total control.
Zach, Chris, Richard in Scotland, Steve, Will, your calls are straight ahead on the other side.
We'll be talking behind the scenes right now.
We're on the march.
Want to go back to Kevin right now?
Yeah, Kevin, we're talking during the breaks here now.
Now that I do this TV thing, I'm getting everybody used to it.
A lot of viewers out there are watching on the web via TV and tens of thousands listening right now, audio-wise, just over the web.
So it is a shadow of our main audience, but still quite substantive.
Tell us a little bit about some of the new films you're going to be working on.
Well, you know, I'm just working on promoting this right now, but I definitely, you know, want to elaborate on what I started with this film and think of this film as a pilot project.
I mean, some of the, you know, more, I guess, what some would refer to as conspiracy-minded people when they watch this film, they're like, well, why didn't you go more into, like, the banking and the money and the bigger picture of that?
And that is because I purposely wanted to start
It's a ground, because Americans have been so deprogrammed for so many years to just get this scared look on their face when you even talk about drugs.
How it's an engine to take over this society.
And again, I can only commend you for what you've done, Kevin, because I think this is more effective.
It's such a stinking fraud!
And every cop you talk to privately admits it!
Yeah, no, it's, uh, you know, in the upcoming election, nobody is even, you know, the closest that any of the candidates have even gotten to talking about it is just Obama saying that he'll review some of the medical marijuana things, but he even said himself that he doesn't want to spend any of his political capital on drugs or dealing with drug laws.
So that's kind of depressing.
But I just want everybody to stay focused on this, because this is an important part of 9-11 and the whole story of 9-11 as well, and what's going on in Afghanistan right now.
There's another film that's in the works right now called A Life in Hashistan.
This girl Tanya Dreyer is working on.
I think you can Google that.
Life in Hashistan.
I've been able to watch one of the rough cuts of it.
It's just an incredible story of this guy, this American guy that spent 40 years undercover in Afghanistan.
And he was there when the U.S.
military did a whole op to get the Russian military addicted to heroin back during the whole war against the Mujahideen.
And, you know, this is just a professionally documented story.
This guy was actually shooting film for the American government.
And they have, like, little pieces that the government, I guess, didn't buy from them at the time.
And that's what they made this documentary film out of.
Well, that's what they do.
They get our kids on drugs.
They set everybody up.
They're masters of using psychology.
Imagine if you had no morals and could just cold-bloodedly do anything, and you had unlimited funds.
And they've done that.
They're turning everything into a nightmare pit.
We're going back live.
By the way, that new band I like out of Denver, Flo-Bot, set up with a show next Wednesday.
We've got some other really big guests next week.
I told you we'd have big guests this week.
Maybe Tommy Chong.
We're going to have an exclusive with Cheech with him soon.
They just got back together.
National Tour is starting in the next few months.
And we're also, of course, have Jesse Ventura back on.
Big guests tomorrow.
Not tomorrow, excuse me.
Next week.
I think of weeks as days, so tomorrow, next week, time goes by so fast.
I wonder who's coming on.
Hint, hint.
Alright, let's go to all these calls on the main network line.
Richard in Scotland.
You are on the air, sir.
Hi Alex, how's it going, man?
Good, sir.
How's things in Texas?
It's alright, it's already 100 degrees last week one day so we're heating up.
Burmas is from New York and he's already thinking it's the hottest thing he's ever seen and we're explaining to him that 110, so he's going to feel like he's living in a bread oven.
It's about 90 degrees over here and it's pretty warm.
Can't wait to torture Burmas with the heat.
I'm looking at him right now.
I like having Burmas around, he's a smiley face creature.
Anyways, I'm sorry sir from Scotland, you're on the air with Lord Booth.
All right, Kevin, how's it going, man?
Very good, how's it going?
Not bad, not bad.
Just wanted to say thanks for all your work as well, man, because I've got some of your stuff about your book on Bill Hicks and stuff, and I didn't realize you're the same Kevin that Alex speaks about until he started talking about you and Bill going to the Branch Davidians.
Oh, yeah, yep.
The penny dropped, if you know what I mean.
I just wondered if you'd read Alfred McCoy's book on the politics on heroin.
Yes, I have.
It's been a while, but yes, definitely.
It's a very complicated, lengthy book, and I came very close to interviewing him.
It just didn't work out.
I've actually interviewed him a couple times.
Yeah, it's definitely a very, very powerful book.
I recommend that.
I recommend reading Dark Alliance.
Those are probably two of the big Bibles, you know, besides Celica Studios.
By the way, there's no doubt they killed Gary Webb.
You don't shoot yourself twice in the head.
I know one of your sources in the film is a nice guy, but he's wrong about that.
No, I know, and I was just having to go with, like, you know, once again, just so I wouldn't be blamed, I was just saying this is what the party line was, you know?
This is what they told us.
That was kind of the point.
Well, just give me, if they shoot me twice in the head, I didn't commit suicide.
I believe it.
Please, for God's sakes.
I mean, they just killed the D.C.
She was on my show saying, I'll never commit suicide.
They're after me.
She told friends they're planning to kill me.
Oh, no.
Well, that's what I was talking about.
We should start an anti-suicide league where everybody wants to sign a thing saying if I suddenly end up shot, I did not commit suicide.
Yeah, because then they'll have government spooks or well-known operatives pop up and say, oh, she called me magically and said she was.
Any sons of bitches, excuse me, anybody does that, it's a lie with me.
Yeah, and the tricky thing with Gary was that, you know, you have like the whole thing with his wife being involved and then owning the rights to his book and the film rights and, you know, it just became like all these other situations where it's like, oh, it's, you know, saying that it was a suicide is too upsetting to the family.
So just, you know, everybody go along with the story and please be quiet.
Yeah, because they don't want to get killed.
Anything else, Richard, in Scotland?
Yeah, I just wonder what your thoughts on the UK reclassifying cannabis back to Class B and substance, because Tony Blair put it down to a Class C about four or five years ago.
Yeah, they always do a stunt to make you think they're liberal or reasonable, but of course, I mean, sir, they now arrest you in the UK for dropping a banana peel or, you know, as you know.
It's the same thing here now.
It's maximum enforcement.
We are the slaves.
We have to realize that to become human again and not be slaves anymore.
Our government's gone bad.
It's gone rogue.
Our governments are exactly the same and it's disgusting.
Yeah, they're trying to ratch the laws back up.
Kevin, you got a comment on that?
Yeah, I mean, it's kind of, I remember how Tommy was talking about how they bust people with crystal meth and all of a sudden they'll say there's, you know, this many things.
The word that they use, the DEA uses, is dosage units.
Like, if somebody gets arrested with mushrooms, they'll say like, oh, those two caps of mushrooms were like, you know, 10,000 dosage units.
And you can get X amount of years for each dosage unit.
I've got to be clear though, and I've seen these cases, the mushroom head might get one person hallucinating a little bit.
But they'll say, no, that's dealing $10,000.
See, we've come into a corruption level now, where it's just la-la land.
Kevin, did you see the front line they aired a few weeks ago?
Where they show Texas, where the private prison corporations lobby to put people in jail for speeding and stuff?
No, I haven't seen it.
I mean, there's a new reign of terror, Kevin, where it's just like, you speed and you never see your wife again.
But back to what he said about the scheduling, and that is, you know, it sounds good on paper, and it looks, and it makes a good story, and it makes everybody go, oh, okay, you know, everything's cool again, but even if they moved marijuana to, say, schedule 2 or schedule 3 here in the United States, it's still, people, it's not going to stop them, you know?
It's just like a front for how dangerous it is to say.
It's like Schedule 1, so they'll still arrest you for whatever schedule it is.
Yeah, but we need to decriminalize now, not next week.
And of course, the drug dealers, I guarantee you, the drug dealers would kill anybody who really was trying to repeal stuff, because that's where they make all their money.
Folks, anybody who doubts the government controls and deals and wanders the drug money,
Bottom line, that's why there's so much money, because it's illegal.
It's 2 plus 2.
And that's why I say our country is so stupid.
But really, it's not.
The majority of us don't want the drug war, but it doesn't end because the government is rogue and criminal.
I appreciate your call, Richard.
Hey, real quick, check out American The Movie.
It's going to be a new documentary about Bill Hicks coming out, made by my friends there in London, Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas.
So go to AmericanTheMovie.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Zach in Canada.
Zach, you're on the air with Kevin Booth, American Drug War.
Hey, guys.
Here's some more scary stuff.
Have you guys heard of Bill C-51?
It's going through in Canada up here.
No, I mean, what's it do?
Just throw five-year-olds in prison for looking at marijuana or something?
Oh, no, not that bad yet.
Basically, no, well, basically they'll be throwing you in prison now for having vitamins and stuff.
Oh, yeah, I did see that.
Yeah, they're going to ban all the vitamins and make you pay $500 for fish oil.
I'm not kidding.
I know it's one of these just lawless criminals running everything.
I was hearing that under the S.P.P.
it will also affect America and Mexico.
It will become law there?
Yeah, I know.
That's part of the Codex Alimentarius.
Here's the deal.
They're very mad that people are self-medicating.
And sure, there's some bull out there, but there's more bull.
And you don't hear about vitamins killing 300,000 people a year like prescription drugs.
And so they're just going to make everything prescription.
And they're going to shut everything down incrementally.
They've already SWAT team rated aloe vera facilities.
Kevin, did you hear about that last year when they SWAT teamed an aloe vera facility?
No, I didn't hear that one either.
It's incredible.
They're now claiming that if you drink a bunch of aloe vera it gets you high, which is pure bull.
And they've rated a bunch of other herb places now.
I mean, there's no end.
There's no end to these criminals.
That's crazy.
You know, Ruttiger is on aloe vera.
It really helps with stiffness.
But, you know, I'm pretty sure they'll start arresting us if you lick a toad or if you drink some fish oil.
No, no, they do arrest people for licking toads.
No, I'm not.
I mean, they had a ray and they caught him with the toads.
You know there's that toad that's got poison on its back.
Right, I know, I know.
Yeah, you lick its eye and you're supposed to hallucinate.
Oh my God.
I tried that this morning, actually.
I do that every morning.
Instead of coffee, I go... That's a joke!
That'll be in the New York Times.
It's a joke.
It's a joke.
Okay, anything else, Zach?
Oh yeah, another thing.
I noticed in the Army, I noticed the rapes were at like around 3,000 of like officers.
In the Army?
And I see how they're letting more and more, I guess, criminals in, except they're not letting any people who use pot into the Army.
Yeah, I've got a report.
Everyone else but drug users, like the marijuana users.
Guess where the largest, well that's because the military hands out military-grade amphetamines to everybody.
Thanks for the call.
They call them Mickey's?
What do they call those?
It's what Elvis, his commander, he was so patriotic.
When he was in the military in 20-something in Germany, this is admitted, his commander was making him do four or five events every Saturday and Sunday.
He said, I'm too tired, boss.
And he said, look, take these.
And they ordered Elvis to take the amphetamine.
Yeah, I think a Mickey is something that knocks you out.
I know what you're talking about.
Yeah, it's like a Mickey's a, oh, what's the one that they take that's the pure amphetamine?
Same thing they give the school kids.
It's different than regular.
Is it like Benny's or what is it?
Benzene's or whatever that's the drug, yeah.
But just back to that last caller, I don't know if you're aware of the new bill that's up right now with Barney Frank and Ron Paul.
One of the things is called Make Room for Serious Criminals and the other one is about medical marijuana.
We've got a deal right now where we'll send a free copy of American Drug War to your senator, your congressman, or your state representative if you go to americandrugwar.com.
All right, let's go ahead and make another call here.
Chris in Idaho, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Chris.
Hey, Chris.
Yeah, Deloitte.
Yeah, I'm here.
Okay, buddy, you're on the air.
We're going to have to let you go in a minute if you don't talk.
My name is Deloitte Scott.
I was attacked by two police officers here in Coeur d'Alene last week.
No, you weren't.
Because I didn't have a headlight on my bicycle.
Well, see... And I was tased.
They tried to tase me into compliance.
They actually held me down and tased me again.
That's a good idea.
They're going to have you get on the bike and put your tongue on the wires.
Put the wire in your mouth and then they'll ride behind you tasing you down the street to light the light.
That's good, Kevin.
I don't mean to laugh at you.
Tell me the story, slave, of what your God did.
I was riding down the street, an officer said what I believe to be hi, and I said hi back and waved, and he asked me if I had an identification, and I said I don't need any.
You waved?
Hold on, Paul, stop right there.
See, acting like you're on the same level as a fellow human, you're whale scum, you're whale poop, okay?
You're lower than that.
You don't wave.
You should have bowed like it was the Pope.
Boy, now you tell me what you did.
You shut your mouth, slave!
This country's ruined much!
Tell me what happened.
Tell me how that officer put you in your place.
Tell me how he put you in your place, slave!
Tell me what happened.
I asked for identification.
I told him, I asked him if I was under investigation for a crime.
He said, yes, you are.
And I said, I need my assistance of counsel.
So at that point in time, I shouldn't have had to say anything more.
And they decided they would threaten me with going to jail.
And when I demanded I see the warrant and the affidavits,
Uh, they, uh, tased me, and one of the officers come around to grab me, thinking that I was still hooked up.
I had pulled the taser out of me, and he spun around after realizing I was still up and capable, and he lost his flashlight.
And I grabbed his flashlight and I said, you little MF, you tased me.
I couldn't believe that he had done that.
And what was he doing, crapping his pants?
I bet he pulled a gun on you.
Little coward.
Oh, he run.
He run.
Cowardly scum.
Absolute filth.
Assaulting you with a deadly weapon out on a dark road.
He's been in Iraq probably running offs.
Then they tased me again.
So wait a minute, tell me about the coward running.
So he tazed you to get his pleasure, you pulled it out, what happened next?
He tazed you for sexual pleasure.
He grabbed me, and when he realized I was still capable of moving and defending myself, then he turned around and ran.
And when he turned, he spun around real quick and he dropped his flashlight.
And I decided, hey, I need that.
And that's what kept them off me for a period of time.
There was people videotaping.
There was close to two dozen witnesses.
Oh my God, I've got to have the video!
I would have been... You'd have been dead.
You'd have been dead if there wasn't a video.
What else happened?
Tell me what else.
Oh, I know it!
Well, uh, his supervisor came.
I said, I want these guys arrested.
They assaulted me.
And, uh...
I said, I want the sheriff out here.
You guys don't have jurisdiction over me.
You're employees of a corporation.
And, uh, the supervisor turned around and said, you're under arrest, and shot me with a taser again.
I took the flashlight out.
See, stop, stop, stop.
See, that was your punishment.
That was your punishment.
Oh, no, my punishment is yet to come.
My punishment is yet to come.
Oh, you're on the run.
I hope they know that.
Were they having orgasms while they were doing it?
I've seen cops when they do it go, oh god I hate America, oh it feels so good, oh yes, oh god I'm destroying freedom, I've got the power, I've got the power, I'm the boss, oh god I hate freedom!
Oh gee I love it.
I mean what were they doing?
Well my face was pushed into the sidewalk so I couldn't tell whether they were having an orgasm or not.
Oh god I hate freedom, oh yes.
Then I was forced, when I got to the jail, and I was denied a phone call.
I was denied assistance with counseling.
Okay, so what's happening now?
What's happening now?
You didn't give them my name until I was being arraigned.
They still knew me as John Doe.
That made them so mad.
But you've got video.
Do you have video of the assault with the deadly weapons?
I do have.
God, you gotta get that on YouTube immediately.
Well, why did these mad dogs attack you?
Because I didn't have a flashlight on my... or a headlight on my bike.
No, I understand that part.
Well, they got nothing to do.
They're just hiring more of these felons.
Are these guys felons?
Well, one of them is up on steroids.
I mean, he's got 18-inch biceps and he doesn't have any neck.
But he can't... He's the guy who approached me.
But no doubt he can't have sex with a woman because he's destroyed his real manhood.
These guys definitely either got beat up in high school or they were like the high school bully who then couldn't get a real job.
And they can't get real women, either.
They're real mad.
Yeah, I think his testicles are about the size of a green pea.
Alright, let's stop.
This is getting out of control.
We have a lot of people listening.
I'm sorry, that's just an indication of that.
Hey, you're a slave.
Now, what's your criminal name, slave scum, and where do you live?
Uh, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
You're an Al Qaeda criminal.
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
My name is Deloitte Scott, and I was, they knew after I was in there 12 hours, they knew that they had a problem, and they started using up on me.
But there's still a little Nazi down there on the night shift that thinks he's God down there.
Well, don't worry, he's scum.
He doesn't realize what's about to happen to him.
Well, they don't know what's going to happen when we take this country back.
There's going to be some serious problems for Redcoats.
Now, let's go back here.
What ended up happening when you were brought before the corrupt little Mason in the black robe?
Well, actually, he didn't have a robe on.
So there wasn't a bad little mad worshipper?
Okay, so what happened?
He gave me a $150,000 bail, and I told him this was BS and a whole bunch of things.
I raised my hand, I'll Hitler, and said, Papers, please!
And this is on the arraignment court tape, I guarantee you.
Well, listen, when are we going to see this on YouTube?
You know how to upload that?
I'm working on that.
I've got people working.
We've made copies.
There's other people involved.
Mail me a copy.
I want to see this.
I mean, imagine just roving bands of roidheads ready to taze if you don't submit.
I guess the new greeting for cops is to get down and start licking their boots and going,
King of Earth!
You're my God!
My whole existence is to worship you!
We'll take calls during the break and in the final segment with Kevin Booth.
Get AmericanDrugWar.com.
Expose the terrorist!
Alright, let me talk.
Keep us going with Kevin.
Let's talk to Robin in Canada.
You're on the air with Evil Scum.
Yes, and I like your Jai Bhutan impression once in a while and I think you don't go nuts enough because I feel sometimes more nuts than you.
I'm gonna taser this woman in a wheelchair!
I told my Commissioner of Ontario and the Sudbury Police to take that taser gun and shoot it up their arseholes.
I hope I'm not on the air.
And I've just written my evil Prime Minister, and I've described him as a moronic arse licker, as he's described by the CBC.
And I'm wondering if he's gonna reply, because I sent this letter to General Tso.
And I'm wondering if this asshole has immunity, because he's got a bunch of arse lickers... Stop, stop!
Even though we're not on the main radio show, let's not get that profane here.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I want you to say a prayer to government, right now!
That we exist!
Shut up, slave!
We exist to worship black uniforms, to worship government!
You exist for them, boy!
You understand me?
Don't you ever make jokes at me!
Don't you ever talk down to me, boy!
You know what I'm gonna do to you, scum?
I rule!
You understand me?
You don't rule, you just hide yourself behind that bat, take that off and let's fight like a man, you evil scumboot!
Alright, thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
That was completely insane.
David in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Oh yes Alex, just wanted to say I love your show.
Wanted to tell you about a little story here in Austin that happened about a week ago and it didn't make any kind of news or nothing.
My wife was coming down Wickersham Lane, and she had a cop behind her.
Dealing with her!
Well yeah, she called me and said, well there's a cop behind me, so come outside.
So I came outside and she parked, and the cop, she actually had a guy in front of her that pulled into the apartment complex too.
Well this guy parked a little bit down from us, and uh, he was an African American, and the cop
Blocked him in once he parked.
And after that, he got out of his car and he's like, you know, had his hands up and he's like, uh, is there someone helpful with the officers?
Because his window was down.
And then the officers didn't say nothing to him.
And, uh, shortly after that, another cop car pulled up.
So what happened?
What'd they do to him?
Well, all of a sudden, I was out there and all of a sudden, they just started beating on this guy.
Well, that's what he deserves!
Yeah, exactly, I guess.
So you're a witness, the guy's just there and they just go...
It's time for you to be a slave.
Ooh, I hate America.
I'm gonna feel powerful.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
I wanna hear this story on the other side.
We're going live right now on main transmission.
Whoever's juggling the phone around, stop it.
Okay, Kevin Booth, final segment.
We're talking to David in Austin, Texas.
Wickershire Lane.
He pulls into his apartment.
He's out there with his wife, and this black guy gets out of a car.
They block him in.
He's peacefully standing there.
They beat the daylights out of him.
Probably didn't pay his cut or something.
What did you see?
We're at the end of the show.
Tell me in an abbreviated fashion what happened.
Well, a third cop showed up, African-American, and they almost were beating on this guy.
They didn't ever say a word to him about what they were doing, why they were doing it, nothing.
And then I bet they charged him with assault.
He didn't resist, he took a beating, and I bet he's charged with assault.
Oh yeah, I mean, the guy, they didn't say nothing to him, they just approached him with their clubs and started nailing him.
And this lady came out of her apartment with her video camera, and she got, actually one of the cops walked up to her and forcefully put her back in her apartment.
And then... Did he steal the camera?
I don't think he did.
Oh, you've got to go over there and get that video.
See, when you see this stuff, you've got to get that on YouTube.
Yeah, I've been trying to contact her because... Look, they're getting ready for martial law, and they've told the cops, do whatever you want, act however you want, the nation's your enemy, but they do the work of protecting America by getting tough with them, and they don't know about the real terror threat, and they're all spoiled, and they deserve it.
So, how long did they beat this guy?
It went on for like 10-15 minutes.
I mean, just beating him.
I mean, he was on the ground.
He wasn't doing nothing.
And they cuffed him.
They continued to beat him.
They eventually put him in the car.
I attempted to walk over there and ask them, you know, what's going on.
Well, I want to be clear about something.
I don't want to really get off into this, but I mean, I'm not even a tough guy.
And I put three people in comas, you know, that started fights with me.
And thank God, there were all these witnesses.
A couple times I went to jail, because when somebody's in a coma, they take you to jail.
But I wasn't trying to, you know,
Crack somebody's head open and mess their brain up.
But I mean, they kill people all the time with this and I'm tired of it.
Oh yeah, definitely.
I mean, this guy is definitely... I mean, the reason I probably got a second cop there was this guy was huge.
I mean, easily, this guy could probably have taken that one cop.
Well, there's something about cops when they see a big black guy.
They just flip.
It's like... It's like a little dog with a bear, and the little dog will always attack the bear.
It's like it gets... I actually do that.
I get... When a big guy's in front of me, I get charged up and want to open a can up if they're attacking me.
But it's one thing to just flip out and want to go out and beat up people.
I mean, so... So, this just went on and on?
Yeah, I mean, definitely.
Like I said, after everything had kind of settled down, I attempted to ask the officer what had happened, just because I felt like it's my neighborhood.
And he said, SHUT UP, SLAVE!
And he said, I had no business being down there.
I had no right to know, and I need to get back in my apartment or go wherever I need to be and get away from there.
I mean, I started up a big fuss.
I had my kids there and I'm not about to get whooped in front of my kids.
Oh, are you kidding?
They'll kill you these days.
And by the way, Austin cops aren't even the worst.
But they kill people every few weeks over there.
It's kind of like the hunting ground.
Well, you ought to write that up and post it on Craigslist so everybody can see it.
I'm going to actually have the guy's girlfriend call you as soon as she gets
The understanding of the charges and stuff.
I've been talking to her and I told her that she needs to get... Does she have any idea why they did this or was it just like a pleasure thing?
No, like right now, as far as trying to get any information on what's going on and how to get them out and all that, she can't get any information.
You know, she tried to get a lawyer, and I don't know what's going on with her lawyer.
This country's so gone.
Okay, hey, thank you.
Send me info.
Kevin, I could take hundreds of calls, and then I could get those hundreds of videos every day on YouTube.
I mean, where people are tied down, being tasered, and the cops are going... I mean, I don't understand how we got all these psychos running things.
Yeah, and I just found out another person that was in the drug war film, Joe Moore, the big black hog farmer that they accused of being the big drug kingpin.
He spent four years in jail.
You know what, Kevin?
Let's go into overdrive.
I gotta go to a meeting, but we'll do ten minutes of overdrive.
Can you stay with us, Kevin?
Genesis listeners, Steve and Will, call this number right now.
John, great job.
Will you give those two callers that numbers thing calling on the other line?
I sure will.
Thank you.
We're going to end the Genesis transmission now on the AM and FM stations.
Go to InfoWars.com online and listen to Overdrive on those streams.
If you want to hear the rest of the show, you've got to go to those internet streams.
We'll be right back.
John, thank you for everything.
Anytime, Jones.
Awesome show.
Thank you.
Uh, yeah, folks, what happens is... It now from the makers of Loose Change.
Oh yeah, we gotta call Kevin.
Film and internet history.
Comical long-awaited release.
John, will you give Kevin's number to my guy so we can call him right now?
I'll do that right now.
Just tell Kevin we're calling him right now.
Able forever.
Loose Change Final Cut.
Alright, we're still live here, folks.
You get to see all the behind-the-scenes things that are going on here.
Total transparency in this radio show.
The reason I blow up and get mad and make sick jokes about it all is because I know I'm making a lot of enemies with the system.
I mean, I know they bring the drugs in.
I know they're making hundreds of bills a year off of it.
I know it's getting corrupt.
I know we're in deep trouble.
And I'm just trying to shock people into realizing what's happening.
I mean, I was, you know, 14 years old, 15 years old, shooting my mouth off in school that the police dealt the drugs because I knew they did.
Because I happened to grow up with kids in the neighborhood whose brothers were drug dealers, you know, kind of retail, you know, housewives and stuff.
Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, you know, I was never involved in it.
I just knew it.
I'd be over at my friend's house to go play baseball and his older brother would be there and I'd be like, what's that sheriff's deputy?
Oh, he's dropping off some marijuana to my brother.
You know, and then other stuff.
And then I had the police say, we're going to kill you if you keep telling, because they would bust kids for marijuana, and I'm like, but you're a drug dealer.
I mean, you know, that's how I woke up, and I've just had enough of it.
You don't believe me, I grew up in Rockwall County, Rockwall, Texas, outside Dallas.
The sheriff did go to jail, Jack McWhorter, poor drug dealer.
So I, you know, grew up knowing that, and I had them call me into the office and say, you little son of a bitch.
And I remember that guy with his mustache looking at me and he goes, he goes, how dare you say we're dealing drugs?
And I go, but you are.
And he goes, listen to me.
And he grabbed by the back of the hair and he slammed me down on the table.
And he said, listen to me, they're going to take you to prison.
And a big black guy, and he got even more graphic, is going to rape you in the ass.
You understand you little effer?
And then, about a year later, I guess I was about 15 then, a year later, I was 16, I'd been death-threatened by the police, the local lawyer had been called, and I'd been death-threatened, the police had taken me to jail, they went to a bonfire I was at, I'd had about two beers, they were threatening everybody there, and they were going, Jones, you get out of here, and I said, you know, what's your deal, just leave us alone, and he said, oh, publicly intoxicated, you're going to jail, and in the car they said, you know, we're going to hang you in your cell soon, you better get out of Rockwall.
When they put me in the jail cell.
And my dad heard all that and he said, that's it, we're moving.
And it was my last day at school.
Last day of school.
They'd heard I was moving.
I told everybody, I'm moving, I'm out of here.
And the cop in the parking lot walked over to my car as I was leaving.
And he said, Alex, you're a criminal.
And you're going to end up going to prison.
You're going to end up being raped by black men.
And he said, we're going to continue doing what we've always done.
Of course, that guy later went to jail for some other stuff.
He owned a bar in another part of the city, actually in Garland.
And so, you know, I mean, I was like, my God, these people are criminals!
And I'm not going to play along with the fantasy they're not.
Now the average beat cop isn't, the average guy changing tires you see occasionally or giving tickets isn't bad.
But they've been trained now to hit you with a deadly weapon, a taser, for no reason.
And the country's in deep trouble.
It's a predatory government they're coming after us.
Kevin Booth, I appreciate you holding over with us.
We're now in turbo overdrive here.
But I do want to get back to the retransmissions.
A lot of important stuff with Tommy Chong and stuff happened there.
But have you ever had any experiences with corrupt cops?
I've told the story many times about how the cops dealt the drugs rather than Rockwall.
And because I knew because I've been at a few events and parties and a little kid and seeing, you know, my friend's older brother who was involved in drug dealing and police delivering him drugs, both narcotics and marijuana, and then being death-threatened when I talked about it years later.
Because I saw that when I was like 11, 12, and then I shot my mouth off three or four years later.
Have you ever had any experience with corrupt cops?
Well, I mean, yeah, when I was younger, I actually had a Taekwondo instructor that ended up, like, having full credentials of a narcotics officer.
And, um, you know, he ended up, like, telling me all this crazy stuff about CIA involvement and being a hired hitman and all this.
And he was a big, big-time co-dealer.
And then he got murdered, didn't he?
Yeah, he got murdered.
I was actually driving his car for him all the time, this big, blinking Continental.
He lived out there, out in Jonestown.
Had a big, huge lake house out there.
I'm not going to name names.
And he actually introduced me to the guy that killed him.
It's a very weird story, but I was supposed to be driving the car for them the night that their car got all shot up.
I turned on the news, people from my karate school called and said, oh my God, turn on the news right now, turn on, there's this car I used to drive all the time.
Now, is that the guy in the Dr. Death video with the Ninja Bachelor Party?
Yeah, that was the actual guy.
I mean, that's cult classic, so Bill Hicks plays Dr. Death.
Yeah, the character of Dr. Death in Ninja Bachelor Party is actually
It's based on a real character.
And a funny side note, do you remember the Tom Hanks movie, Bachelor Party?
Remember the guy in the movie that did all the drugs and had the big freakout?
He's a drug rehab counselor and he came to my show the other night.
I did a screening in Glendale and so he's pretty funny.
I love that Tom Hanks movie.
Yeah, so I'm friends with the drugged out guy from Bachelor Party now.
Kevin, you are something else.
Isn't that funny?
Hey, let me go to YouTube and play a clip of Ninja Bachelor Party.
Is that okay?
We can play this for all the viewers out there as if they can't go do it for themselves.
Ninja Bachelor Party.
And let's see if I can find it.
It's got to be here.
Oh yeah, Ninja Bachelor Party.
Okay, I'm not going to launch it full window.
I should have it in Firefox.
Here we go, we'll play a clip of this, Kevin.
It's here to stay!
It's come a long, long way!
The ultimate karate movie you've been waiting for!
Violence, mayhem, front kick, side kick, kihap, and decimals you will not believe!
The film was very costly, so we're gonna ask you to pay close attention, because let me tell you something, the action is so quick, the camera failed to get it.
You're gonna love it!
Pinch yourself!
Okay, that's kind of low on my computer playing it.
Yeah, anybody out there, try to find the beginning breakfast scene.
It's very funny.
Bill Hicks is doing the voice of my parents.
Oh yeah, it shows your dad in it.
Yeah, my mom and dad are in it.
And Bill, but Bill is doing their voices.
Okay, I typed breakfast in.
I can't even spell breakfast good enough for it to tell breakfast.
That's not coming up.
I spelled breakfast right.
I wonder how you, uh... People will find it.
I know, but I want to see it right now.
Oh, okay.
It's about... I'm an officer.
I want to watch it right now, boy!
Yeah, I'm looking for the breakfast scene.
Ninja or Bachelor... Wait, I think this may be a breakfast scene.
Let's see.
No, this is a fight scene.
I don't know why the audio is so low today on my computer.
It's right at the very beginning of it.
I mean, if you could find Ninja Bachelor Party, like, if the entire film is on there, it's one of the, it's right at the first scene.
Yeah, I know, it's hilarious.
Was that shot in Houston?
Uh, part of it was shot in Houston.
I'm sorry, Kevin.
I accidentally turned down your audio.
I'm not a very good board operator.
I accidentally turned your audio down.
Go ahead.
Oh, should I repeat that again?
Yeah, go ahead.
Oh, okay.
Well, yeah.
Some of it was shot in Houston, some of it was shot in Austin, and some was shot in Fredericksburg.
Okay, this is part one of Ninja Bachelor Party.
Here we go.
And we'll take calls.
Bula Bula Entertainment!
In the beginning, there was light, and it was very bright, and it warmed the whole planet, and there were thousands of billions and billions of people born on that day.
I don't see your parents griping at you.
It's coming.
Here we go.
Good morning, Dad.
Morning, Mom.
Clarence, what's that bandage on your hand?
What did you do to your hand, baby?
Um, I think I just slept on it wrong.
Oh, that's a bunch of flu.
He's up there batching that karate.
Well, uh, speaking of karate, I have real high hopes upon becoming a ninja warrior.
Sweet lamb.
No, really, I think it would be a fine career for me.
I wish I was never born to hear the words that are spewing out of my son's mouth at this breakfast table this morning.
Good one.
First of all, son, there is no market for being a ninja.
Look at the index.
They're down .10 or .20% this year.
Down 2% from last year.
Good one, Buzz.
You tell him the truth and you tell him loud and clear.
First of all, son, I am so disappointed in you and I'm hurting, hurting bad.
If my ills could bleed, they would bleed blood!
And I'll be there to squab him up and blame you, my son.
Blood would spout out of my ears like a plasma sprinkler, and I would water the earth with my own dissatisfaction.
Good woman, speak.
Hold nothing back on your offspring, boy.
And on that day, the world would rise full of blood, and there would be only me, an empty carcass, floating, thinking about that son that disappointed me so.
Ninja warrior of all the fluey, of all the hoo-la-la, must be the robot that's a-talking.
Because this doesn't sound right to me.
Son, I'm worried about you.
You've been drinking that robot duster and your cough was 13 years ago.
I rue the day that I was born that I gave you that cough syrup for which to overcome that itchiness in your throat.
Little did I know that it would become a way of life that would spit you out of control like some kind of narcoleptic demon.
I just rue the day!
There's been a murder at our table this morning.
A murder of all hope and dreams.
What's wrong with my baby?
What's wrong with my baby?
What's wrong with my baby?
Kevin, let's just watch Dr. Death and we'll take a few calls.
When does he meet Dr. Death?
Right here, next.
No, this is something else.
Oh yeah, you gotta go forward one scene.
There it is.
I'm gonna bust a cab.
Here we go.
Yeah, cause you just got beat up by the tough guy that took your girlfriend.
Yeah, or all the guys.
There's like six guys with my girlfriend.
There's Bill Hicks, Dr. Death, Ninja Grandmaster.
I'm gonna be a karate child.
Breaking boards while my chick sits in my lap.
Oh, straight yourself up on a chair.
Man, this place gives me the creeps, but it does make me feel kind of secure from the ice and lime grips of the Robotussin.
I feel like I can start a new life here.
Who are you?
Why have you come here?
My name is Clarence Mumford, sir.
I'm a recuperating Robitussinatic, and I've come to learn the ways of the ninja.
Clarence Mumford, with a name like that, it's no wonder you must learn to defend yourself.
I've got a feeling.
Well, tell me something, Clarence, why have you chosen me to teach you the ways of the warrior, when there are many ninjas available in the Yellow Pages, and the White Pages, enlisted throughout the city?
Well, it was a sneak poster I just happened to see on my way riding my bike.
Well, I just want to learn to fight the way of the ninja.
That's all I want to do.
How did you know?
I'll show you my resume.
Twice, it says.
Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
You sign this and we'll think about it.
What is this?
Oh, it's a little thing, Santa.
I'm not responsible for any mayhem or, you know, any good.
I think if I break something, you know, it's not my fault if I do it.
So you say I have the makings to be a true ninja master?
Under my tutelage?
Are you trying to insult me in my own dojo?
I would never do that.
Now, here's one other thing.
It's a sign of faith and good trust.
Shake my hand.
Realize one thing, Mumford.
Never trust anyone, not even your own guru.
And exclude all other thoughts but this one from your mind.
You're a loser!
Party man.
Party man.
Party man.
Ack of my throat.
Sometimes I think the trouble with tussling stems from deep inside of me.
Sometimes I used to have... Alright, that's enough.
Kevin, that's pretty insane.
You like the new direction of the show, Kevin?
Definitely playing a lot looser, Alex.
I commend you.
Aw, his life's too short, Kevin.
Aw, it's about finally letting go a little bit.
I actually am a little freaked out by the Goon Police.
I mean, they're really psychopathic now.
Well, we've got to have fun.
We've got to enjoy ourselves.
We've got to let them have a little fun while tasering small children.
Alright, let's take a few final calls.
Let's talk to Will in Philly and then Steve in Texas and that's it.
You know, great show this whole week, man.
Tell Ted Turner, Jack Cousteau, and David Rockefeller life's too short.
See what they tell you.
That gentleman that was on Deloitte Scott, he also had Chris Hinkley with him.
I was on the Chris Hinkley show with him.
I was scheduled to be alone.
Chris called me and told me about the incident and asked if I minded if I shared the show with him.
And I saw him... Well, I don't know.
I'm showing my ignorance.
Chris Hinkley, I didn't really read him.
He's got a show on GCN Monday and Friday and he's also on the other... Okay, what happened?
I don't... This is all Greek to me.
What's going on here?
Well, this is a 54-year-old Vietnam veteran micro-broadcaster, too.
He broadcast your show in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Oh, so that guy that called in, I thought I'd heard the name.
I couldn't place it.
He got beat up by the police.
He got paid for not presenting his papers to the local slave masters.
Well, I want him to call me tomorrow on the show and tell me how we can help him.
Just unbelievable.
Yeah, it is.
I talked to him at length.
He's a great guy.
He's a little
Apprehensive about coming on air and stuff, I think you could tell that.
Speaking of slave masters... What he is is mad, I mean, you know.
Speaking of slave masters, Mr. Jones, if you want to spread truth, you can go to YouTube and type in slave plantation and see my video.
It's got some footage that you've provided me with, some stock footage of, you know, the people with the nunchucks, was that in the 80s?
Getting their wrists broke?
Yeah, slave plantations.
You don't even have to use quotes.
But I also... See, I've been doing truth music for a long time, and eight years ago I wrote the ultimate pro-sovereign individual anti-multinational corporation anthem!
The ultimate!
It's called Perpetuity.
You can just go to Google, type in PAYSJOINT, P-A-Y-Z-E-J-O-I-N-T-S, one word, two things will come up.
Uh, MySpace and a SoundClick.
It's on the SoundClick.
I know, you've called a lot before.
I've never had time to go look at it.
I just typed Slave Plantation into YouTube and... Yeah, well, you'll see a microchip held by needle-nose pliers.
Okay, well, I appreciate your call, sir.
Uh, one thing, Mr. Jones.
Uh, see, there's something about you that... By the way, Kevin Booth, I love the movie, man.
Stay safe.
They're looking for you.
There's something about you that makes you so successful besides your intellect, your determination.
I relate to you.
You're the king of analogies, by the way.
The king.
I love your analogies.
But you recognize that you have a reptilian part of the brain.
And thus, you acknowledge it, thus you're able to control it.
Most Americans don't even, they won't acknowledge this, and then when it comes, they're not ready for it, they fight it back, they gunny sack and fight it back.
And then when it comes, they don't know how to handle it.
So that's when they wind up going off the deep end.
You're in tune with it, man.
Well, I mean, I'm not saying I'm a wild man or anything, but if I get in a fight with somebody, I don't try, I immediately start killing them.
Well, just acknowledging it presents you with the option of controlling it.
Most people don't even acknowledge it.
Well, I have to admit, I like it.
MySpace.com slash P-A-Y-Z-E.
I love you, man.
I ain't trying to sell nothing.
I don't have nothing to sell.
Hey, that's fine.
I want to hear your music.
I always just get so busy.
I never... I typed... Plantation Revolter?
Slave Plantation.
Okay, Slave Plantation.
Thank you.
Slave Plantation.
You'll see needle-nose flyers.
You don't even need quotes.
Yes, brother.
Play it.
You'll love it.
Okay, we gotta jump in a minute here, guys.
Kevin, any comment on the Slave Plantation?
I haven't seen it yet.
I'll watch it, I'll watch it.
What do you think Dr. Death would think of that?
Dr. Death has been around the pike, not once, not twice, well at least twice.
Twice I'll show you, look at my resume.
Dr. Death, Dr. Death.
And so this guy out here that got shot by other drug dealers, he was a local narcotics officer.
The guy that Dr. Death is modeled after.
Oh, right, right, right, yeah.
Well, he had the credentials of a narc.
I mean, he basically used to fly jets into Central America all the time.
He was a former, he was a Vietnam pilot.
And a mercenary trainer.
And when I met up with him, he had gotten diabetes and he had lost his wings.
And he was just doing a lot of drugs and alcohol.
So it was kind of like witnessing this super crazy corrupt character right out of a book of the 70s.
Watching him self-destruct in the final days when he got really crazy and careless.
And the last day he ever came and taught a karate class, a Taekwondo class.
Started the class with the meditation and he said, um, he was like, said, uh, tired of living, scared of dying.
And that was the last time I ever, you know, and the next day he was dead.
And I've got the news for you.
I actually have the stories in the newspapers.
Now I've seen it.
I remember at your house.
Are you going to stay out there in California?
That death trap?
Are you going to move back to Texas?
Not forever.
No, we're going to move back eventually.
We've still got our place there.
At the Ranchero?
The Elkada Command Base.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
I watched that movie Southland Tales last night and they had like the nuclear bomb going off in Texas and the whole end of the world scenario takes place in the Southland.
You know that idiots email me and say I'm making it up.
There's not nuclear reactors in Austin.
They got a giant research one in North Austin.
They've had one downtown.
Just the public's completely... I mean I really am mad at the public.
Almost more so than the government.
Because if you've got a complacent idiotic group of people that don't know their rights and won't fight back, you're gonna have predators that come.
But I just don't understand how they just... it's unbelievable.
They have no idea how much trouble we're all in.
No, it's uh... it's weird and... but I... you know...
I just, I'm afraid of people getting too complacent just because they live in Austin, even.
I know, I mean, I know New York and LA are definitely a lot scarier, more dangerous, but...
You know, there's just no telling what's going to happen or how it's going to go down.
Alright, well... On that happy note... Steve in Texas, last caller on that happy note.
Go ahead, Steve.
Yeah, hey Alex, this is Steve.
Jeff's friend, I had him call in and you interviewed him about the Bible College incident.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to relate a couple quick stories related to the drug war.
And I first wanted to say, and you know this, the North American Competitiveness Council, it's no coincidence that one of the
Corporations from America on that is Merck Pharmaceutical.
So, you know, they're helping bring down America.
Yeah, yeah.
And then they get the spoils.
Right, exactly.
Yeah, I got a friend, a guy that did work on my house a couple years ago, and he related to me.
You know, here in Montgomery County, Montgomery County is well known for the meth labs.
They're one of the worst in the state of Texas.
And he had an incident happen where he actually turned in six of these meth labs to the Montgomery County Sheriff.
And consequently, they firebombed his house.
Now, what he was told, and he thank God wasn't home at the time when this occurred, but that the sheriffs were actually in on this.
Of course!
You know, and no coincidence, a good friend of mine, Dennis Anderson, who is a chaplain with Montgomery County Jail, related to me that Guy Williams, the former sheriff,
I mean, he was basically heading up a lot of this stuff, so, you know, and it's also well known that Montgomery County... Well, here's the problem.
I don't know those names of those people, so I don't want to sit there and try to confirm any of that, but I've got to jump.
Again, your friend there at the Bible College was told not to teach the Constitution in class.
I appreciate your call, or to tell Cub Scouts that we're visiting that.
Kevin, does that sound like freedom?
We're not allowed to talk about the Constitution?
Yeah, no, it's definitely, I mean, and that, once again, I mean, it's a proven fact that if a lot of people were allowed to just
Take the drugs that they wanted to.
The drugs that grow naturally.
The drugs that one could argue that God left behind.
There would be so much less of a
of this crystal meth type business, but the crystal meth business is what they want.
It creates this perfect police safety situation.
It's dirty, it's bad, absolutely.
Study prohibition and there is no difference between moonshine and crystal meth.
It's the same exact thing.
It's basically people are going to do whatever they can to get high.
And to make money.
Yeah, and the more you try to stop it,
And the more you try to prohibit it and outlaw it, then the more dangerous and the more horrifying it's just all going to get.
I mean, people will just be injecting rat poison into their eyes before you know it.
Kevin Booth, I really want to thank you for coming on the show.
We look forward to talking to you in the near future.
He is the producer of the award-winning film, American Drug War.
Thanks for coming on, Kevin.
Thanks, Alex.
I had a good time.
See you, buddy.
How long?
A long time talking to you.
I enjoyed it.
Yeah, I wore out two phone batteries.
Oh, you're walking around with your cordless phone.
High-quality audio, Kevin.
I know.
Hey, I'll see you, buddy.
All right, talk soon.
Say hi to the helicopter over your house.
All right.
Take care.
All right, we're out of time.
Refransmission was absolutely incredible today with Tommy Chong coming up in about 35 minutes.
We had a bunch of other key info.
One of the people that works at Genesis has been harassed by the police.
Their daughter has.
That's coming up at the end of this hour, you're about to hear.
So the same stream you're listening to at InfoWars.com on the audio.
You'll want to keep it locked in right there.
Also, we've got the InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Please go give to that.
Get American Drug War, the new film with three hours of extras and a two-hour film.
It's not even out yet, and I've got it for sale.
I've got it in stock, shipping and out at InfoWars.com.
We're going to go ahead and cut back in.
We've got about a minute left of ads, and then you'll be back into the show.
So I want to thank everybody for tuning in.
Thank everybody for doing a great job here with the crew.
And I will be going to Bilderberg soon.
We'll be covering that.
I'll be in Virginia this year.
I want to see everybody out there for that.
So I want to tune in tomorrow for the live main show, 11 to 3 for four hours, Central Standard Time.
And more big guests tomorrow and next week.
Again, fabulous job to everybody.
The websites are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And your support is what makes everything that we do here possible.
So, Vaya con Dios!
See you back live tomorrow.
Retransmission starts right now at InfoWars.com.