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Name: 20080514_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 14, 2008
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Let's go ahead and take a few quick calls here.
Greg in New Jersey, thanks for holding in on the year with Pastor David J. Smith.
Excellent show, gentlemen.
I really appreciate it.
I learned a lot today.
One thing that I've been called is a racist, because in New Jersey, they had a Mexican consulate on wheels, literally come through Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex County.
Yeah, handing out fake IDs to everybody, but then the police throw the book at you for not having a driver's license, but the illegals are above the law, allowed to drink and drive.
That's because they're part of taking over for the North American Union.
Again, we're not bashing those people.
The point is, they're a weapon, a tool.
Go ahead.
It's even better than that.
They even had representatives from Bank of America there, signing up people for accounts.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong.
I mean, I understand.
If there was something going on in America, and something terrible was happening in America, and Canada was the only place to go, maybe, you know, I could see... Well, let me be clear here.
Wells Fargo and Bank of America, they both accept, with a consular matricula, and give them bank accounts.
A citizen has to have three forms of ID.
And we've gone in and protested Bank of America.
Let me get a comment from David J. Smith on this.
Well, it's obvious that they're going right along with President Bush and Fox's and British Prime Minister Martin's program, and they want to have a United States of North America, you might say.
The three nations, one economy, so they're going to try to give them their own bank accounts, open it for them, because they see nothing but money.
Once again, this is the greed of what's going on in America, and basically the whole world.
And two years ago, Bank of America admitted in an AP article that, quote, oh, there's pressure to kick these poor people out, so yeah, we're bending the rules to help them.
No, this is an agenda to balkanize and drive down wages in this country.
That's right.
Anything else you want to add there, Greg?
Well, the thing that just troubles me is the fact that if you bring up the fact that, you know, if you're a law-abiding citizen of the United States, and then you point out the flagrant violations of federal, local, and other laws, you know, by people who don't even belong here, somehow you're labeled a racist.
It's like, no, I stand for the rule of law.
Also, we have the Catholic Church running around with their diocese pushing for legalization, and I think that's wrong.
That goes back to what Pastor Smith was saying.
Does that tie into this?
It absolutely does.
Even the Pope, when he came here, he chastised America and said we should have more compassion upon these illegal aliens coming into our country.
But the truth is, they don't want to keep them down there, so they force a good revolution.
They're using the U.S.
as a steam valve.
Well, thank you so much for that call, Greg.
Anything else?
No, I'm really glad to be a member of your subscription service.
I learn a lot, and thank you very much.
Thank you.
PrisonPlanet.tv is how we finance much of what we do, and it's a great value, and it's a great activist tool, but it also supports us.
So win, win, win, win.
Thank you so much.
Okay, we'll come back and take more calls.
I'm going to let Pastor David J. Smith go now.
He spent two hours with us today, and I want to have him back up in the near future.
Thank you for your tireless work, sir, for my family, everybody else's family, and the great work you've done to try to bring people to the Lord.
It's my pleasure.
And God bless and keep going.
Take care, my friend.
Thank you.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with more of your calls first than a lot of news.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're back live ladies and gentlemen.
And now I'm going to take some more of your calls, then we've got a big news blitz coming up.
I'm going to skip ahead of everybody.
Betty in Florida says she disagrees, so she'll go to the head of the line.
Doesn't matter, my detractors still say all the calls are screened and fake.
And even when they call in themselves, it's all part of the dishonesty and intellectual bankruptcy of those that claim only they fight the New World Order, no one else.
But let's see if Betty really disagrees or not.
Betty in Florida, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I really do disagree with you, but this time it has to do with when you were talking about the Catholic Church being part of the New World Order.
Well, I mean, let's be clear here.
I'm not bashing Catholics individually.
I believe Pat Robertson and the main Protestant movement is controlled by the New World Order.
I just had David J. Smith on to talk about how, well, I mean, the Catholic Church, no one can debate that Ratzinger is calling for a New World Order.
No, I'm not debating that.
What I'm debating is that, and this comes out, this message comes out over your show quite a bit, whether it's from you or it's from your callers, you've had Hutton Gibson on your show.
Yes, I think he's a nice guy.
Right, and you know that there's a distinction between those who follow the post-Vatican II church and those who decry it.
Listen, here's the deal.
The network runs the ads at once.
There's a Catholic ad running about how the Catholic Church has been taken over by the New World Order.
I have nothing to do with it.
I'm accused of being a Jesuit for that being on.
Then there's another ad that just aired saying that papal Rome is taking over and going to kill us all, basically.
So I'm not involved with that.
And I understand this is divisive.
It's why our movement can never grow and go forward.
Because everyone is obsessed with Jews, Catholics, Protestants.
I mean, and I'm not joking when I say this, ma'am.
I'm not joking.
Let me list everything.
Last night we were at the office.
And by not joking, I mean this is not made up, but I am joking in that I think it's funny, but it's also sick.
And I am, according to many people, and let me think of the best way to line it all up, there's so many to remember, a reptoid, Scientologist, Jesuit, co-agitator,
Let me think, what else?
Zionist, Nazi, CIA, Neanderthal.
There's serious websites that show my head and claim I'm part of a Neanderthal devil race.
Let me think of the other ones.
Oh, there's a bunch of other ones out there, and most of our movement, the Liberty Movement, just spends its time all day bashing other groups, saying, this is the leader, that's the leader, this person's got it right.
I mean, I had some law website send me an email yesterday, and it just said, I know more than you, I'm better than you, you better call and talk to me, you never have me on, I'm going to get you unless you call me.
Get me!
I don't care about you getting me.
You know, the point is,
Is that I had people call me up.
Oh, let me think.
I'm glad you bring this up actually, Betty.
Because I had a guy call me like, or email me like seven, eight years ago and it was like, you better interview me.
You've been contacted by my people and haven't.
If you don't, I'm going to expose you as working for the Vatican.
And so I was like, my gosh, and then I didn't know that guy was like the leader of that movement, which is sad because, you know, the people believe it's legitimate.
Their leader says flying saucers are controlled by German soldiers and that the earth is on a string with the universe orbiting it.
I mean, these people are nuts!
And so I think, well, there must not be truth to the Vatican running it, because they're making all these lies up about me, and running around saying I'm a Catholic and a Vatican agent when I'm not.
And then so I don't talk about it, because I've been threatened that I'll be exposed if I don't.
Well, I don't take to terrorism.
You know, so it's kind of a reverse psychology.
It's like, if they do think Jesuits run it all, that's how they would actually behave, to act totally insane, so no one would then follow them.
And then once people attack you, they can never admit they're wrong, so they always find other things to add on to it.
But at the same time, Tony Blair has become a Catholic, so he can head Europe.
The Catholic Church is calling for a world government.
And I agree, the Catholic Church has certainly gotten more New World Order in the last 30, 40 years.
And I agree with Hutton Gibson that it's certainly New World Order now.
He writes a book saying the enemy's here.
But see, that isn't enough for the Catholic bashers.
You know, for Hutton Gibson and others to go and fight what Rome is doing and expose it, that it is an engine of New World Order.
No, it's got to be all Catholics are going to hell, you're devils, we're good, you're not, and Alex is bad because he doesn't drip with pleasure bashing Catholics or
Jews or whatever group, you know.
And so, these people are sectarian.
It's always been that way.
And so, I'm not saying Catholics are bad people.
I'm not saying they're evil.
But the Catholic Church is at the forefront of opening the borders.
They're at the forefront of gun control in the U.S.
I got all these letters from dioceses that people mail me saying, you know, turn your guns in.
It's of the Lord.
You don't need to own guns.
But the Protestant churches are doing it, too.
So, I try to get past labels.
It's just nothing's taboo here.
On air, I said, what do you want to talk about, David J. Smith?
And he said, I want to talk about Jesuits.
So he can talk about Jesuits, you know?
This is a free and open forum.
Those that say that we're run by the Zionists or run by the Jesuits or whatever it is that week, they lie about us.
You know, they say your call was screamed.
They say this is a staged call right now.
Even though they call in, they still say, I've seen YouTube videos of them call in and go, they're fake staged calls.
I'm going on air now.
You know, I mean, this is the mental illness.
And see, it's because I'm on the tip of the spear.
I'm on the vanguard of fighting them, waking people up.
And I know we're on the radio on 60-plus AM and FM stations.
And people are driving around in Colorado and Missouri and Texas and New York and Florida and California on all these valiant mom-and-pop stations that pick us up.
And they're going, what on earth is this guy talking about?
These people sound like a bunch of nuts!
Instead of us talking about the Federal Reserve being private, and torture, and the New World Order, and how they're doubling and tripling water prices.
That's why my show's been successful, because it is issue-oriented.
And then as soon as you mention one of these groups, it goes into this big ball of wax, and you can't satisfy any of them.
I could put on a Hitler mustache, howl Hitler, say Jews are devil seed.
The Nazi groups are still going to attack.
I could say Catholics are seed of Satan running everything.
It won't satisfy them.
I'm not here to satisfy them.
I'm here to really get at the truth.
I respect David J. Smith, and he was saying that he thinks the Jesuits are highly involved, and there's no doubt today they are.
Now I've said my little five minute rant.
You go ahead and make your point.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
I'm not attacking you either, Alex.
I think you're a sincere Christian.
I am.
I'm sincere.
I try to tell the truth, and I also try to not be divisive.
What I'm trying to do is make the distinction for your listeners that there is a traditional, true Catholic Church that still exists, and it is not part of the New World Order.
You are very correct that every Pope since John XXIII has been part of it.
They are open heretics.
They were living heretics.
Ratzinger, in all his writings, is part of the New World Order.
The Jesuits are part of the New World Order.
I don't disagree with that.
What I disagree with is making the generalization that all Catholics are part of it because they are not.
There are traditional Catholics
No, I know that.
I mean, look at the fruits of Hutton Gibson and Mel Gibson.
They're fighting the New World Order.
I know Hutton and his family personally.
They're good people.
They're not bad.
They're fighting what Rome is doing.
But that isn't enough for the people that, I mean, their religion is
The Catholics are the source of all evil.
If they were gone, everybody would be okay.
And that's not it.
It's evil in the hearts of men.
They can take over any organization, any group.
And Betty, I really appreciate your call, and I'm sorry what you heard earlier hurt your feelings.
Listen, I want to fight face scanners going into the bars, where everyone must be face scanned when you go in a bar or when you buy cigarettes.
I mean, that's a pretext to get buy and sell global face scanning, and as I told you a decade ago, they do.
And I don't want to turn Catholics that are listening to this show off, where they won't go fight face scanners because they tune me out because I'm bashing Catholics, any more than the disgusting fake Protestants.
See, I'm non-denominational.
And then they tell me that's a denomination.
What I mean is I'm not in any group.
I just love Jesus.
And see, then it turns into a show about religion when I'm just trying to cover the news, which I find to just be a million different groups fighting with each other and all running around saying they've got the answer.
Listen, man, I'm just somebody going here.
Daily Mail, AP, other articles, face scanners to catch drinkers.
I'm just trying to cover that.
Then I've gotten, you know, threatened by groups, you better say it's Jews or we're going to kill you.
And I'm like, God, these are really nasty people.
Or you better say it's the Catholics or we're going to get you.
And then they just, they engage in such intellectually bankrupt lies.
I mean, they say things about me that are not true.
And it's very painful because
And I've asked all those groups.
Look, keep attacking me.
Because if I tell them, don't attack me, they'll think, oh, you don't want to be attacked.
It must be effective.
We'll redouble it.
It isn't that I individually don't like being attacked.
In fact, it's wrong, and it's a sin.
Last night at about midnight, we were winding down work here, working on the new film, and I'm going to be showing at the Alamo Draft House, coming up this Saturday and Sunday.
Only two showings, and that's it.
And Burnham starts laughing, and I go, what is it?
He's down there working on the film, too.
With Aaron, and I walk over and it's a 1950s horror film cover, very famous, of a woman screaming with her hand up and he goes, look, they say you are a transvestite and this is you.
And we start laughing, but then I kind of got a sick feeling it's not funny.
And then Rob Jacobson gets up and he goes, that's it!
And he's the one that said it, he goes, you are a Neanderthal, transvestite, Vatican assassin, Zionist, Nazi, because they say I'm a Nazi too, Scientologist, reptoid.
And we all literally started laughing so hard we were crying, but then at the end of it, I just said, this isn't funny!
You know, I mean, we can individually laugh about this, but that our movement
is not the general listeners, not the main group, but so much of what's on YouTube and the web is just bedlam, man.
It's just absolute bedlam.
And then each group, you know, the Zionist group or the Catholics do-it-all group, they'll then say, well, don't mix me in with the Reptoids and the Neanderthal people and the this, you know, we're being serious.
But it's not serious.
And you know what?
I could even send the person the 1950s horror poster that that's not me with a wig on in drag.
It doesn't matter.
They're not going to say it's not me ever.
Because they've committed to saying I'm this bad thing.
They're invested in that and they're never going to go back.
So I just want them to expose at least mercury and vaccines are a few things.
Like keep spending your time on me, but redouble your efforts and do some good too.
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We're good to go.
Hey, Jones.
Alright, we got John in Texas, Rob in Florida, Mike in Wyoming, Haley in California.
And then we have Evian in Tennessee.
That should do it.
Okay, I got it.
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Coming up, I'm going to play this great video I saw put together on YouTube using some clips from my films.
New World Order on trial.
About five minutes long, we'll be playing that coming up.
Alright, let's try to move through your calls a little bit quicker.
I apologize to new listeners all across the country that had no idea what that whole discussion was earlier.
Any movement is also going to have schizophrenics attracted to it.
I mean, when the government's on TV saying everybody should be forced to take microchips, then that makes all the schizophrenics say, see, I told you they put chips in me!
And maybe some of those that are schizophrenics really weren't schizophrenics and were under mind control.
But you've just got a lot of crazies out there, and this freeing up of the media is part of them having a venue, and some can say that about me.
But I'm glad that we're having a larger open debate about all these subjects.
I would just ask people that if you're going to engage in the morbidity of just attacking a bunch of innocent people and making crap up, spend as much time attacking the New World Order and actually warning and waking up new people.
That way you can have your cake and eat it too.
There's few things in life, and frankly I still need the entertainment in a sick way, so don't stop.
In fact, maybe even increase your attacks on me a little, but then separately as a moral thing, spend time, you know, actually on something you can prove, and something we can do.
And I've listed a lot of those issues.
Okay, I'm already digressing, it doesn't matter.
Let's talk to John in Texas and Robert, Mike, Haley, and Evian, and that's it.
Go ahead, John.
Oh, and then Alex over here, too.
Sorry, go ahead.
I was going to say that I'm going to be at the film premiere this weekend.
I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you.
And my question was for Pastor Smith, but he's gone now.
And he brought up the Knights of Malta and, you know, the Jesuits and things.
No doubt it's New World Order.
No one's debating.
Heard a Catholic earlier say it is.
Okay, I'm not a Catholic, and I'm not doing anything of that nature, but he brought Knights of Malta up, and my question was about Patrick Buchanan, who's written all these sincere books about us losing our sovereignty and our borders and NAFTA and these bad trade deals, and he's even spoken out harshly against the New World Order on TV.
I've seen him, but I also know he belongs to the Knights of Malta.
And if there's any elaboration there, should we believe he's sincere?
I really don't know.
Well, you've got to judge somebody by their entire track record, and the stuff he did with Nixon is not good.
But ever since then, he's done nothing but good stuff.
People claim that I'm best buddies with him.
I have met Pat Buchanan once at a Republican debate in 96, or was it earlier than that?
And then it becomes their own little inquisition of, you know, have you ever known a communist?
Did you ever know one?
It's like McCarthyism.
But we've interviewed Buchanan, and we're also supposed to not interview anybody that's Jewish for the anti-Zionist groups, and then we're also not supposed to interview anybody that's Catholic.
Then they put a whole list of whoever you've interviewed that's Catholic, and then it's some great evil.
Then they ask, how do you interview Buchanan?
How do you get him?
Well, you lazy jackasses, when he has a new book come out, could call the publisher and say, I'd like to interview him.
That's how it works.
Publishers every day mail us books and want us to interview these people.
That's how I got that Rothschild on and then attacked him, because he had a new book out.
People said, look, he's got a Rothschild on.
He's in league with them.
See, I'm asking people to be adult.
The point is, Buchanan's putting out books that wake you up to the New World Order.
You can use that book to wake people up.
The book doesn't have anything bad in it.
And so, no, I don't think he is... See, it's not the lower or even mid-level people in any of these groups.
It's the high-ups.
And the New World Order runs all the major groups.
So if you just say it's this group or that group, you fall into their hands.
Carol Quigley at Georgetown said that in his book.
They can never beat us because they think it's one group or the other when we've got all the big major groups.
We've got to get the people together to fight back against it on a larger scale.
Yeah, and I'd like to make a point about this all.
A part of our movement, when it comes to religious aspects, there's a part of our movement in films and books that dispute whether Jesus actually ever walked on the earth.
Yeah, that's zeitgeist.
Listen, I appreciate your call, I gotta jump.
That guy used clips of me on the internet.
I get attacked for that.
Why are you in zeitgeist?
Why am I in 10 million videos on the web?
They took my stuff and put it in there.
You know, but again, it's this inquisitor thing.
I wish everybody would go inquisit their mayor, their county commissioner.
I wish you'd go find out the public schools teaching the kids how to spy on you.
But you won't do that.
It's easier just to lazily say that I'm in league with the Tooth Fairy.
Let's go ahead and make another call.
Rob and Florida, you're on the air.
I am a graduate of a Baptist seminary from out in North Texas.
Just wondering what you think about, as far as reasons why our government goes after these other dictators, like Manuel Noriega, you can, the list goes on and on.
What is the reasoning behind them going after these other dictators to promote these wars?
Well, stay there, stay there.
I'm going to come right back to you on the other side.
It's a great question.
And, Rob, and then we'll go to Mike.
Haley and Evian, and that's going to be it for calls today.
I've got a bunch of news I want to play, and we're going to go out with this video, the New World Order on trial.
Stay with me, presentplanet.tv members.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, let us now go back to the calls.
Sometimes during break I forget what I was talking about, running around doing things during the break.
I think we were talking to Rob in Florida, that's right.
He was asking about why do they go take out dictators?
Okay, let me try to give you my answer to this and then get your take on it or any follow-up questions, Rob.
And it's basically just this.
They're good, bad, and indifferent.
They don't care if a nation really is run by a thug or run by an angel or run by a mix of in-between as it normally is.
They just want a client state that will
Follow orders.
They want a client state that will do the will of the New World Order.
And if Manuel Noriega, who they openly worked with, George Bush Sr.
met with, and openly worked with the CIA, and he owned giant palaces in Switzerland and France, and one next door to the Bushes, and laundered the money, and he publicly stopped paying his cocaine cut,
And they just had a huge military invasion a few months later.
And they announced that some of our women had been kidnapped.
We have interviews with the women.
They said, we were never kidnapped.
Special forces showed up and said, stay inside our house.
They were there to protect us, and the gunships an hour later attacked.
So, whenever I say we shouldn't attack Iran, that doesn't mean I'm even defending Iran.
Most governments are wicked and evil.
That's the nature of governments and powerful type people that are willing to do what it takes to get into power.
They're intelligent, but also ruthless.
So, but you have the globalists.
It's like a global risk game.
They've almost got all the countries on the table, but a few, quote, rogue nations.
Some of those nations are good, some are bad, some are in between.
The point is the globalists want a monopoly so that they have total control across the planet.
And they say that that's what they want.
So, that's why they overthrow dictators and put other dictators in.
I mean, all over the world, the United States, again, a unit of the Anglo-American Empire, regardless of who's running it, we know it's the Anglo-American Empire, they go around overthrowing nations and actually putting dictators in.
The Arabs were somewhat secular in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and the public U.S.
policy was to go in and fund radical, mainly Wahhabist, that the British controlled and created Saudi Arabia, to radically go in and machine gun, bomb, kill as a shock force.
They used those on all the other Arab and
We're good to go.
It was the Russians were a corrupt empire, but then the globalists went and attacked them to get them to come in.
Well, no.
And at a higher level, that was all a game too, to really play off the nations, the Central Asian nations, and keep them from industrializing.
That was meant to wreck infrastructure.
It was also meant to bankrupt Russia to bring further banker control in.
So, this is how they operate.
It's like they used the Muslims to attack the Serbs, because they were sovereign.
So, does that answer your question, sir?
That certainly does.
The reason why I ask that is because, from my heritage, my grandmother immigrated here from Panama.
My grandfather was stationed in the Panama Canal during World War II.
And my great-uncle, who was still living in Panama at the time, he was high up in the government of Panama before Noriega took over and had to flee the country for his life.
Because once Noriega gained power, he basically was exterminating anyone who was dissident to his rule.
And it's just kind of having known the United States' dealings with Noriega, kind of a matter of hypocrisy that they will deal with somebody and then turn around and go and then depose them.
Well, I agree, but it's not even hypocrisy.
This is a plan.
I mean, there's declassified textbooks on this.
They didn't want the poet that spoke five languages and had 170 IQ and was secular
Mohammed Mosaddegh was pro-U.S.
and trained in the West as a president.
They sent in Wahhabist Muslims into the Shiite Iran.
They sent Al-Qaeda in.
The British Intel with the Section Chief CIA Commander Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of the President, and they wrote books about it.
It's all declassified.
They staged terror attacks and blamed it on him.
They bombed mosques and blamed it on him.
A reverse false flag.
Very complex to implement, but they admit they did it.
And it's the same thing.
It isn't that they deal with dictators.
They got Saddam when he was 18, top of his class, military academy, well-known secular family.
They sent him to Egypt for four years in CIA, in coding, espionage.
Explosives, there's a commander.
He helped run hit teams that killed hundreds of the Socialist Ba'ath Party.
He was unstoppable.
Then the Ba'athists came to the U.S.
and said, we now want to do whatever you say.
He machine-gunned the President, shot him twice, almost killed him.
So they came and said, look, stop trying to kill us.
And the U.S., controlled by the globalists, this is all declassified public.
Said, okay, put our man, now thirty-something years old, Saddam Hussein, in 1969, trained in 48 through 52, in Egypt by the CIA, this is all admitted, they said, put him in power as the head of Ba'ath security and we'll stop trying to kill you.
So they made a deal.
Once he got his people in place, the globalists then were treacherous, killed the Ba'athist leadership, put Saddam in, in a pure CIA slash Israeli government,
Uh, now that they were in place, they started a war with Iran, hundreds of billions, but he owed 35 billion, he over-pumped oil to try to pay off his debts, he then wanted to actually be a leader, and they said, no, you work for us, then he said, well I'm gonna invade Kuwait, they're stealing oil, they said go ahead, we're behind you, then they set him up, claimed he threw babies out of incubators,
We're good.
Armored techno-citadels that then direct the turning of Iraq into a stone-age nation, then they roll in with the UN forces as the saviors later, after a decade of US occupation, with forced inoculation, sterilization compounds, further black up, which they mean to roll into Iran, Syria, and every other Arab nation to carry out eugenics operations against them.
Does that answer your question, sir?
It sure does.
Totally evil.
That's the black op.
But the globalists, I appreciate your call, will say, well that's why we're in control.
We're willing to do this.
We got the organizational skills to do it.
We got the institutions to do it.
And by the way, we're going to do it to you too, Americans.
And you're going to love it.
Enjoy your cancer.
All right.
It's all part of the freedom, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why I don't even... I want to live, I don't want to die, but I'm not even worried if they kill me anymore, because it's like, you've got to fight these people.
I mean, this is the most diabolical stuff that anybody could ever come up with.
I mean, it's just...
Oh, God.
They always betray their minions, just like they create the Mujahideen 80 years ago.
They use them to take over regional areas.
They use them against Russia.
They use them against Iran.
The government admits they're using, quote, Al-Qaeda to attack Iran.
They've been bombing mosques, blowing up government buildings.
Right now, Iran's suing the U.S.
because they said you publicly admit you fund Al-Qaeda.
It's so sick how dumb they treat us.
You know what, I'm just going to play this right now and then go to your calls because I don't want to run out of time and miss this.
This is the New World Order on trial.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Right now, it is really good.
If you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you can see the video of this right now.
So go sign up at PrisonPlanet.TV if you have not yet become a member, because this fourth hour, or like yesterday, we did three hours live, an hour and a half with Galen Ross, an hour and a half with myself, and then we post these later if you don't watch it live at PrisonPlanet.TV for members.
And by the way, there's a lot of good shows.
There's like 20 plus of them archived now.
They're on PrisonPlanet.tv that a lot of you probably haven't seen, so be sure and get those and make copies of them, put them on disk, the file size isn't too big, and you can get them out to people.
See, I figured out their formula by reading their own documents, and I'm just trying to warn people.
That's all I'm trying to do.
You can figure out who's behind it and what the penultimate goal is and the rest of it yourself.
I'm just exposing how they operate, what they're doing.
I'm going to go ahead and go to this now.
Here it is.
New World Order on trial.
What is at stake is more than one small country.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a new world order, can emerge.
Now we can see a new world coming into view.
A world in which there is a very real prospect of a new world order.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order in order...
This is no fantasy.
No careless product of wild imagination.
No, my good friends.
These indictments that I've brought you today... Specific charges listed herein against the individuals.
Their acts of treason, their ultimate aim of sedition.
These are matters of undeniable fact.
I ask you now to pronounce judgment on those accused.
On this
This mindless aberration, whose only means of expression are wanton violence and destruction.
Once trusted by this council, charged with maintaining the defense of the planet itself.
Chief architect of this intended revolution and author of this insidious plot.
To establish a new order amongst us.
With himself as absolute ruler.
You have heard the evidence.
The decision of the council will now be heard.
After 1989, President Bush said, and it's a phrase that I often use myself, that we needed a new world order.
A new world order.
A new world, a new world, a new world order.
We're good to go.
The way we're gonna win over the long term is not just militarily, we gotta give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like.
The problem of the Bush presidency
It will be the emergence of a new international order.
Within the next four years, we will see the emergence of a new international order.
The beginning of a new international order.
In this new world, we'll have a profound impact.
The forces shaping this world, at this moment, are so strong, and they all tend in one direction.
To establish a new world order amongst us.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
Where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause.
It is a big idea.
The new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
It is a big idea.
The new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
It is a big idea.
Alright, and you can see a little bit more of that online.
Yeah, that's Dick Cheney laughing at everybody saying that he wouldn't tell his constituents the CFR existed.
Of course, Limbaugh, his buddy, lies to him and says it doesn't.
We'll come back, take a few final phone calls, and I guess I didn't get to all the news.
I don't think I'm due in a fifth hour.
Wait a minute, maybe I should.
But wait, I have films to make.
I have too much work to do.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, final segment.
We're going to talk to Mike.
We're going to talk to
Hayley and Evian.
What a pretty name, Evian.
We'll be right back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones, and I want to talk to you about the high price of gasoline.
It's no secret that gasoline quality is poor, even though we're paying record prices at the pump.
I have run across a company called SFR, who has developed two products that improve gas mileage.
Instead of paying a mechanic as much as $300 to clean your injection system, Protect-A-Complete Fuel System Treatment cleans to 95% of new engine condition, improving mileage in only one tank full.
Actually, John, I have to go over.
Because I gotta get to Alex and George in Florida.
So just tell the callers Mike and Haley and Evian to call right now 512-646-5400 and I'll get to them.
Okay, I'll do that right now.
Okay, thanks.
What's the Alex Jones Money Bomb website?
...a mechanic as much as $300.
To clean your injection system, Protect-A-Complete fuel system treatment cleans to 95% of new engine condition, improving mileage in only one tank full.
Protect-A-Engine treatment not only reduces friction, but it extends the life of your engine.
Let's face it, with the high price of gasoline, it's time to take action.
Purchase a Protect-A-Fuel system treatment for only $9.95 and receive a free engine treatment, which is a $12.95 value free.
Call 888-USE-SFR1.
That number again is 888-USE-SFR1.
Or check them out online at oilcompanysecret.com.
That's oilcompanysecret.com.
Satisfaction is guaranteed, or your money back.
And it's safe for all cars.
Act now.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Put their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build America is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Blueprint for global enslaving.
You have been warned.
Hey Emily!
Wow, you look great!
I feel great!
I've been using MediCleanse Colon Cleanse.
What is it?
How does it work?
MediCleanse is a natural fiber therapy with ground flaxseed, psyllium, and bentonite clay that eliminates toxins from your body.
MediCleanse is easy to use without being intrusive.
You take two tablespoons of MediCleanse powder, mix with water or juice, drink, and it does all the work for you!
Well, it sounds so easy and convenient.
Well, that's it?
It is easy.
Plus, the FDA says flaxseed works to prevent cancer and help... Alright, I'm going into overdrive.
Because I want to get to, uh... Mike, Haley, Evan, Alex, George, Leo, and Hell, do the news splits like I promised.
So, uh, we're gonna do that.
You know, we're going to fix things with an inside job.
Changing ourselves first.
Having the courage to stand up.
The courage to fight back.
The courage to get involved.
Just like it always is.
Chalk it up to business as usual.
I know it's hard to live out in the light.
Alright, final segment of the main Genesis transmission back tomorrow.
We're going to go in overdrive for about 20 minutes today to take everybody's calls and hit some news I wanted to get to.
But before we do that, here at the end of the main show, I'm showing my new film, 9-11 Truth Rising.
I mean, it's just an amazing documentary.
It's cinema verite.
There's no voiceover.
It's very well done.
Very professional.
Two showings!
And then I'm going to take your feedback and make a few tweaks and release the film in about a month and a half.
It'll first be on PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and the DVDs will ship out to everybody.
It really is an amazing film.
Two years in the making.
And it's kind of a sleeper because I'm so busy working I haven't had time to hype it up.
But it really is
The best-looking, most entertaining film I've ever made, and it's also very informative.
So, I hope you'll be there this Saturday.
Go to Infowars.com, link through to buy your tickets, at Infowars.com, to the Saturday, 3.30 p.m., downtown Austin, at the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz, and then Sunday night, after my radio show, 6.30 to like 9 at night, I'll be giving a 30-minute speech at the beginning as well, so get your tickets.
More than half have sold for the first showing, half have sold for the second showing, so
There aren't a lot of tickets left.
They always hold about 10% of the tickets, though, at the door.
So you can go to the door now and buy them, or buy them the day of at the door, but it's limited.
So I hope to see you there.
Also, I meant to talk about this during the main show.
I didn't.
It's the InfoWars Money Bomb.
The website's InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
This is the guy that originally came up with the idea of the May 31st 08 Money Bomb.
And then it got picked up by Trevor Lyman and others.
And I want to get this guy on.
But I have been so busy that this has been out for like a week and I haven't even mentioned it.
Now I thought about not even mentioning it because frankly I don't really ask for donations and I'm not trying to get donations but
It just so happens that I want to gear up, build a stage, build a system to do a national TV show at least once a week on cable.
On Dish Network or one of those.
It's very easy to do.
Well, it's hard to do, but easier than you think is the way to put it.
It just takes capital.
We want to go into a bigger office, do a lot of new things, but it takes money.
We want to do that.
And this is perfect.
The Infowars money bomb for May 31st.
Go pledge on the site and they want to get 20,000 people to give $100 on that day.
We did this for Ron Paul and everybody else and I can't think of a better place to give.
Also, if I don't plug this and then it's a bomb...
In a bad way, then it'll be like, oh look, they only raised $10,000.
We can raise people hundreds of thou all the time.
Ron Paul admits we raised millions of his millions.
So, I would hope you'd raise money, and we will put it all into, all of it, into buying cameras, better equipment, better studio, and paying for airtime on TV.
So, InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com will be right back in Overdrive at InfoWars.com.
You gotta go to InfoWars when you hear the audio stream of PrisonPlanet.tv in the 20 minutes of Overdrive.
Gotta go to that stream right now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
John, great job.
I will see you tomorrow, my friend.
Good job, as usual.
Tell Ted I'll call him in 20 minutes.
Thank you, my friend.
I know he wants to talk.
And I will see you tomorrow.
I'm in overdrive.
Take care.
Thank you, my friend.
Entirely new two-hour film.
The completely destroyed theater.
All right.
That's it, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now in overdrive.
And you know what we do during this music at the start of Overdrive.
Gotta have some fun.
I'm having fun.
That's why I want to do Overdrive now.
Here comes Eddie Bear.
What a character.
What do they call those 50's style hats he wears?
40's style hats?
I don't think people have seen Eddie Bear.
Have him come stand in front of the window.
I want to get people a shot of him out the window for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Hey, Trey!
Come on in here in your fedora.
I want people to see it.
Here he is, ladies and gentlemen.
Here, go ahead and say hi to folks.
How's it going?
Going good.
What are you wearing those sunglasses for?
Well, it's bright out there.
I'll bet it is.
Oh my god.
What is that you have there?
Oh, we're going to put info weapons on all of those.
Public access material.
Right here.
Info bombs.
Well, you're doing a great job.
You know, we've got a big guest next week.
We can't tell people who it is.
Hell, I've got a couple.
And, oh yeah, one of them is really big.
But I forgot to ask you, is that super mega big one confirmed?
I have his number.
Oh, he's going to be at home?
Well, I have our call-in number, so we're set on that.
No, but that's what they told me, is that this time he'd be at home.
Yeah, yeah.
I'll double-check that.
Do you, but I mean, so we're calling him or he's calling us?
We're calling him.
Okay, double-check it all, because you know... Most definitely.
So, what, we have two big guests next week?
Well, we're getting a couple lined up, but we have one solid big guest.
Where'd you get that hat?
Got it from Target.
What section was that in?
Just buy all the hats.
Yeah, just the hat section.
I like fedoras, but I was thinking about buying one, but now I can't wear one because you are.
I want to be like Jim Morris, honestly.
I know, he is cool.
When I met him on the JFK film, I wanted to steal his whole wardrobe.
Well, you were wearing a fedora before that.
Well, I had it in my closet, but I didn't have it.
I like that pink trucking hat you got, too.
That's good.
Yeah, I can get you more of those, too.
Hell, I'm going to start dressing like that.
We'll all be copycat Jim Mars.
I'm serious.
I'll grow a beard.
Well, hell, you did grow a beard.
I told you.
I told you.
I want to be Jim Mars.
I'm working on that.
Alright, well, you've got to go out there and get your orders from the Neanderthal Vatican Assassins.
From the Zionists.
Alright, take care.
There he goes.
Alright, I'm going to shut up.
I'm out of control.
Ladies and gentlemen, I probably shouldn't do overdrive when I'm hyper.
I'm not going to say it.
Okay, here we go.
Let's go ahead and take a few calls.
We had folks holding from the network line on to the other lines.
Let's just go in order here.
Mike in Wyoming has been holding like an unbelievable trooper, and I apologize for making Mike hold this long.
While we talk to Eddie Bear, go ahead, Mike.
Yeah, hi Alex.
You had a caller a little earlier who was, I think the first thing out of his mouth was praise for Israel's 60th birthday.
And I couldn't let that one pass, since that's so important to, you know, an important cause to the schizophrenia of our movement.
Was that praise?
That was my understanding, yeah.
Yeah, you know, that's why you've got tens of millions of supposedly Christians out there rooting for endless war in the Middle East, because they believe somehow that blesses Israel to slaughter
Uh, Palestinians and Iraqis and Iranians.
And I just, I would encourage that caller to go to a website.
It's run by a former Baptist deacon who was also a member of the Council of the Birch Society.
So he eventually saw through the nonsense.
And he's dedicated the rest of his life to waking Christians up to the Christian side.
Yo, what's his name?
I've actually heard him on shows.
What's his name?
Charles Carlson.
Charles Carlson.
Maybe I should get him on.
He's down in the Phoenix area.
Yeah, that's him.
We're going to get him on.
Tell Eddie Bear to get Charles Carlson on.
His website is www.whtt.org as in We Hold These Truths.
And I would encourage him to go to the Roots of Christian Zionism link at the upper left.
Also to go to the bookstore and look for... Yeah, he went down and protested Pastor Hagee a while back.
Yeah, that's the same one.
Kind of hurt my feelings.
He was on a radio show and I called him and said, oh, I really agree with you.
And it was almost more important for him, to a certain extent, and the host to be exclusive and only they knew the truth.
And I was like trying to agree and have solidarity.
And it was like, no, you're bad.
I mean, that's what's kind of wrong with our movement, is that it's so sectarian.
Did you hear my rant on that earlier?
Yes, I did.
I don't know what happened there.
He may have misunderstood what you were saying.
He sounds a little more gruff than he really is.
No, it wasn't that.
He was being friendlier than the host, but it was just kind of, well, you can't join us because you're obviously badmen covering us up.
Yeah, but if the caller would go to the bookstore also, any of Dr. Gordon Ginn's books will help him see through the fog.
Well, I mean, Charles Carlson is an eloquent, well-spoken guy, and it is true.
I mean, Hagee sang, I got clips saying, we need to kill more Palestinians, every dead child is wonderful, and Jesus wasn't the Messiah.
I mean, that's how weird all this has gotten?
You know, I called one of his associate pastors and the guy called me back a couple days later and we got to talking for quite a while.
When I started explaining, you know, the roots of modern-day Judaism, how it came directly out of Phariseeism, how most so-called Jews are actually Gentile converts to Pharisaic Judaism, all of a sudden some kind of buzzer goes off, and, oh, I've got to go!
So these guys are brainwashed, I'm afraid, and just don't want to hear the truth.
Well, we'll get Charles Carlson on.
Yeah, but you know, the bottom line is the Scofield Bible, which is probably the real source of all this nonsense, was a creation of the Oxford University Press.
No, no, I know the whole story.
I know you do, but I don't think he does, which is also the epicenter of globalism, as in the Rhodes Scholarship, etc.
Well, they understand about myth-making and slowly, over time, crafting societies.
They think multi-generationally, and we don't, unfortunately.
Take care.
Good to hear from you.
You too.
Let's go ahead now and take another censored call.
They're all censored.
They're all fake.
Well, you'll see that on YouTube, but you can any day call in 1-800-259-9231 when I'm doing my show.
Or you can call the 512-646-5400 and we just put you on.
You disagree, go to the other line.
You can disprove all those liars right now.
Anytime you want, you'll notice.
But the facts don't matter, do they?
It's just more important that the New World Order win for you, isn't it?
People are jealous of the real McCoy.
Anyways, I work all the time and I'm dedicated because I'm covering up for the secret Neanderthal takeover.
I'm not kidding, folks.
There's a whole group that believes that now.
Let's... I'm just... Oh my gosh.
Who's up next here?
I want to go to Evian in Nashville holding like an incredible trooper.
Go ahead.
I have a question.
I thought you were a woman.
I'm not bashing her name, Evian.
What a pretty name.
It is a pretty name.
Oh, it's fantastic, oh yes.
I read an article earlier that said that the Vatican says it is okay to believe in UFOs.
Yes, I actually have that in my stack today as part of my cover-up.
Yeah, it's fantastic information.
Because that goes, for me, into the suppression of innovation in America, and then to Henry Kissinger.
Because with the suppression of innovation in America, we have this literal future sitting right before our eyes that is sitting in a secret room somewhere.
Well, it's not sitting in a secret room.
You have the... I'm going to draw people a picture.
I'm going to put you on hold.
I'm going to come back to you.
Document cam, please.
I think my controller flew off on the floor over there.
Because I want to go to document cam instead of money bomb cam.
I want to draw a picture for people to explain this to them.
I have a remote control to switch between the video feed off the computer.
I think it's under those papers.
It fell off.
Oh, here it is.
Never mind.
There we go.
Okay, I'm going to draw a picture for everybody.
Okay, you see this?
Here is the general technological plane of existence, okay?
And technology grows very slowly
Even though it appears like it's growing fast, on a decade-by-decade basis, it is growing and developing for the general public.
But, with the national security apparatus that took over in 1947, they have put 90% of government research funding into secret operations, into control, into developing new technologies.
Some of that they farm back out into our society.
So basically, this is the general public's technological level.
And you could argue that some first world nations, like South Korea, is the most technically advanced.
Japan is about as advanced.
The U.S.
is about here.
Germany is about right here.
England is about right here.
Portugal is about right here.
These are actually based on statistics.
You can go look up.
Portugal is one of the least advanced of the so-called western world.
In fact, there's arguments on whether it's really a first world nation or really an old world country.
So here you have the third world down here.
Here you have the slow advance of technology every decade or so in the aggregate.
Even though that looks like it's accelerated, it's really suppressed.
They're just repackaging old 50, 60, 20, 30 year old technology, depending on which type of technology and what family it's from.
And so you have all these technological spires in western countries, but then in within those countries, say you're looking at the United States, you will have MIT.
Okay, and so it will have technology out to this level, and then it will work with other spires in South Korea, and Japan, and everywhere else, Portugal, England, all these other, Germany, all these other countries, and these are guarded by national security fences, national security control, national security classification.
Now, we then have underground bases within the Western nations,
Russia's also got a lot of advanced technology.
And then they farm that, genetic engineering, cloning, been going on for 50 years, now they admit it's been going on for a decade publicly.
Growing humanoids inside cows for organ harvesting, all of that.
These technological spires are walled off by national security.
We don't know what's going on underground.
In the underground strata, it could be up here.
We're good to go.
Technology to this level, and then I'm projecting that they have hidden technologies out to here.
Once you get into these hypothetical areas, we don't know if it's, you know, 100 feet long, or 5,000 feet long, or a million feet long, or, you know, they've already got stargates that are frolicking around with leprechauns in deep space.
I mean, you know, there's no telling, ladies and gentlemen, because the technology you see today would be the magic of just 50 years ago.
I mean, look at what we already have, and that's what they're letting us have.
We know this.
They are suppressing technology.
We know that they are holding it back.
We know they're handing it out to select global corporations.
Because I was looking at this as nation-states.
In the backdrop of nation-states, out of the hundred biggest economies,
Close to 50 of them now, I haven't looked in a year or so, it's always growing, are corporations.
And so you have corporations that are bigger than most governments, and they're in the forefront and in the back, and they have their own research projects, and they fund back and forth between the corporation's research laboratories and the university research laboratories that they fund, and so this is a revolving door, so we don't know what technological stuff they have developed.
You understand?
I mean, is this making sense?
I'm asking the crew through the window, my small studio audience.
Is this making sense what I'm doing here?
So, this is PrisonPlanet.tv, members can see what I'm doing here.
So, this is the problem, and this is technology in computing, technology in weapons, technology in physics, technology in life extension, technology in metallurgy, technology in...
Here's an example.
The B-2 bomber was in service in 1980.
It was brought out in 1996, wasn't it?
The SR-71 Blackbird, in service in 1955, developed in 1942, publicly announced to the world in the 60s.
They still claim it's the fastest plane in the world.
Do you think a plane from 1952
It's still the fastest plane in the world.
I'm just asking everyone that question right now.
So see, that's an example of where, you know, here is SR-71 technology.
This is where they're telling you that aircraft technology is.
They say it's 1952, okay?
They're telling you that this is
Airplane technology.
Now, do you believe that?
Do you believe that this is the technology they have?
They have to extrapolate.
Now, they also have leaks out of their strata down into the public, and so we're held down in this area.
I mean, even if we wanted to find out, reading government reports and policy reports and leaks about antimatter weapons and cyclotron energy beams,
We would not be able to find out much past this level.
Okay, so we're held under this national security disinfo bubble that even if you scholarly want to know, you can't find out.
But then, above that, above this, you have different strata of compartmentalized technocracy
Where different people have access in the strata out of the pyramidal structure to different areas of the strata.
There's also a problem in the compartmentalization that the elite probably doesn't even know everything they've got.
There are discoveries going on in these laboratories, in these technological spires more advanced than us.
Where they may not even know what they're discovering, and I've had a lot of top scientists on about that, about these particles, these negative particles, other particles that will sink to the middle of the Earth, and then the calculations are over 20, 30 years, depending on what type of particle, will then turn the planet into a strangelet.
Because once it gets up to the size of a grain of sand, then it starts replicating to the size of Texas, and then the size of North America, and then the size of the planet.
That's just one equation.
And don't laugh at these equations.
These similar equations predicted the A-bomb 40 years before it was dropped.
So, the globalists then argue they need a pyramidal world government structure, so that they can keep any of these technologies from developing, falling into the wrong hands, third world hands, so that they could then destroy the world.
But in truth, the globalists are busy handing out all the technologies, and putting some of the most dangerous genetic engineering policies into the global biosphere, the whole of the spacecraft.
Liquid core spacecraft with floating islands of continents on it orbiting the sun.
And so they've introduced into the spaceships very thin atmosphere, you know, here's the planet, and there's this incredibly little thin atmosphere that just goes around the edge, this little sheet, this ribbon of life, and the guys running this, when they're not busy kidnapping children and murdering them, which has admitted their taste, and running around partying and putting cancer viruses in our vaccines and engaging in all forms of inbred evil,
They're busy having their military and cyclotrons and heavy superconductors colliding things that they admit and the equations will probably end up destroying the planet and they write books saying we're suicidal nihilists, we do plan to kill everyone, and then the general public just giggles and laughs and talks about American Idol.
While the elite are playing God up here in these technological, heavily armed pillars.
So we're suppressed down in our caveman technology down here.
If you want to find out what's going on, you can only progress to here.
The American Idol crowd is even down here below what the technological threshold is.
The football crowd.
God knows even what the reality is.
It could be Matrix-like.
Because the military says in a 1992 document, declassified in January 7, 2000, that the main military job is converting the entire economy under a New World Order grid
With implantable chips, face scanning to buy and sell, phasing us in through fads and through being able to have jobs as a requirement that we'll all have brain chips and because of the pleasure center induction, we will all then be warehoused, kind of like they have in Tokyo and German tour buses where you sleep in like a coffin that just comes out of the wall, that we will all acquiesce to have our pleasure center stimulated to be put into those and then we'll be allowed to live and work and die in cyberspace
Hooked in, but that we won't be able to breed.
While the elite run around flying around in their spaceships and enjoying themselves and life extension and playing God, we'll think we've been given freedom in the false reality of the Matrix.
See, the Matrix is a Pentagon operation.
I'm not saying the Wachowski brothers are evil, they may have been given the info, but what is in the Matrix 1999, and I know Keanu Reeves by the way, I've been in a film with him, everybody knows that, but the point is that this is an extrapolation of what they're really planning to do.
Now, I don't know if in 2024 they're going to take me and insert me into the bay.
But if they ever get you one time on that pleasure center, they had rats 40 years ago, other mammals, pigeons, you know, that the ornithologists were working with, where they hook them in with just a primitive wire into the pleasure center, and a monkey, a primate, a bird, a pig, they will just sit there
We're good.
Aldous Huxley, brother of the UN head of the eugenics program, also the head of world eugenics and the founder of transhumanism.
He gave a speech before he died at Berkeley.
You can go listen to it.
Clips of it are in Endgame.
And he said, look, I learned all this from actual globalist plans in 1930 when I wrote this in 1933.
That's why Brave New World's all coming true.
And he said, you know, in the 1950s, 60s, I visited people already under remote control with their pleasure centers in Britain.
And now they've declassified all that, but he was shooting his mouth off.
They probably killed him.
He died two months later, unexpectedly, for shooting his mouth off, bragging a little bit too much.
But this is what you face.
Okay, I said I was going to end the show.
I've got a lot of work to do, but we've got loaded phone lines.
Who was I talking to?
Who was that last caller?
Does that answer your question, Evian?
Oh, that was a fantastic outline of that metaphor, sir.
That was very in-depth.
Thank you very much.
I just got one more thing for you.
Oliver North is coming to In and Around My Town at the end of this month.
Is there any question you would like me to ask him for you?
I think we've had Oliver North on the shoot.
Oh, that's an idea.
Get Oliver North back on.
Oliver North.
Who's the other guy?
He's out.
He's got a book out called Heroes right now.
He's on a book tour going around talking about being heroes, I suppose.
Hey, who was the other guy?
I've already lost a piece of paper.
Oh, Charles Carlson.
Okay, I'm getting these.
Oliver North.
I would... Oh, I have an interview in ten minutes.
Oh, we can simulcast it.
That's an idea.
Have them call here.
Isn't it Southwest Radio Church?
That is huge.
Okay, for listeners in overdrive, I'm going to have to let them control the interview.
Make sure it's okay with them that I do that, and if not, I'll just end in ten minutes.
Just want them to know I'm doing an internet simulcast for presentplanet.tv.
You know, the best way to describe it to them so it's simple, so they don't... It's just that I'm doing... I'm going to record this and put it on the web.
Is it okay?
Okay, that's what we'll tell them.
Tell them I just want to put the interview myself on the web.
And if they don't want to do it, that's fine.
We won't do it.
Okay, thank you for the call.
Oh, you were asking about Oliver North.
What should I do with Oliver North?
Or what should you do?
I saw him talking about Reverend Wright and how he inspires terrorism in America and that was very interesting just because he brought me to Leonard Horowitz, who you also had on your show, and I find his writings and his documentaries and it's very intriguing information.
Now I hear you.
Let me try to answer that question.
I'm trying to think.
I don't want to think quickly and give you a bad answer.
All the time we are changed calls me and says, what should we say to this person?
What should we say to that person?
A lot of times the questions you hear are ones I gave them.
They're great folks.
I don't know.
Everybody defers to me for questions.
But you could always ask him about CIA narcotics trafficking.
And when he denies it, say, but the CIA solicitor general, inspector general, said in congressional hearings that the government was involved.
You could talk to him about Rex 84 and his concentration camp program that's now been made public.
So, how many Americans do they want to put in camps?
Why is he doing this to America?
He swore an oath to it.
I appreciate your call.
Just whatever you think.
You sound like a smart guy.
Okay, now we've got to race in case they don't want to simulcast.
Well, even if they want to simulcast, I've got to let the callers go.
Haley in California, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Alright, how you doing?
Um, listen, I have a real problem with the whole, like, religion factor.
I mean, that is one of the main things that have gotten the country into, you know, brainwashed into believing all these things.
I mean, we're the only creature on this planet that really has
The need to fight over something we don't know.
Well, I mean, there's... well, it's philosophies, too, is really what it comes down to.
Yeah, basically.
But, I mean, they also... so, even if you are an atheist, it still has value.
It's your philosophy.
And that tends to be a religious view.
It is true that the infighting amongst the religions and subgroups is used to control us, and that really needs to stop.
Yeah, yeah.
And, like, with the whole genetic engineering, with their, with the whole, like, uh, what was it, that ship, the boat, uh, Jonah, Jonah Ark, or whatever the hell that was, or whatever that was, that's, like, genetic engineering is basically the only way that they could have fit every creature on that boat.
Well, it's funny you say that.
Genesis actually has a lot of stuff about genetic engineering in it.
Very interesting.
I mean, because there's no way they could have fit all, you know, they would have needed to have two of every creature to reproduce, you know.
And three carpetbaggers on board.
Yeah, and enough food to keep all those creatures alive.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call, and I am tired of all the infighting.
I really appreciate your call.
I want to talk to you longer, Haley.
You held so long, but I'm having to move fast.
Alex in New York, go ahead.
Adon, you know, it's funny.
You were talking about Atlas Huxley.
That's exactly what I'm calling in about.
The speech you're referring to at the Berkeley Language Center.
Have you listened to the question and answer time after?
Now, I was very conflicted about Alice Huxley because I've gotten into researching eugenics a lot, like I've been reading books like War Against the Weak by Edwin Black, the guy who had all the access to the confidential Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation documents.
Yeah, it's exactly about how they ran the operation.
Right, yeah.
So now, I was looking at Alice Huxley, and you know, of course, with him being part of the elite structure with this
Grandfather T.H.
Huxley and his brother Julian Huxley founding UNESCO and all that.
I figured he must be part of that power structure, but then apparently it looks like he went through some sort of psychological change around 1929 to 1933 and then after that wrote Brave New World.
So I was wondering if you had any insight into whether he was a whistleblower or whether that was one of those things where, you know, the New World Order... Where it was revelation of the method?
I've listened to other recordings of him and I think it's kind of in between.
It was like a thing of being moral to let you know they're doing it, kind of like a vampire, you know, kind of tells you he's coming for you before he does.
I think it's a mix.
I don't think he was one of the nastier ones.
To them, you know, it's this esoteric, well, that's just the way it is.
I mean, there are too many people.
We have to kill them.
And so, I think that's really the angle.
I see, I see.
Well, on a related subject also, I was looking into SV40.
Now, do you know what other vaccines besides the polio vaccine that SV40 has gotten into?
Well, it's not just SP40.
It's hundreds of different cancer-causing viruses have been found in a whole bunch of vaccines.
And then they always say, oh, it accidentally got in there!
But then we go back and do further research and it's clearly being added.
Do you know where we could go where there's sort of a... Yeah, I've had guests on, I've covered it, it's a huge area of research we've had guests on.
We'll have more guests on about it.
I can't really tackle that in the time we have.
Okay, all right.
Thanks a lot, Biff Alderman.
Thank you, sir.
Great to hear from you.
That's a good idea to do more on that.
Are you going to call Savile's Radio Church?
Or they're calling us?
Okay, well, as soon as they call, we've got to end this.
And then we'll go back to rebroadcast at InfoWars.com from the earlier interviews with David J. Smith.
I had the day, got into the whole Vatican angle and the rest of it.
But no good to evil, go unpunished, don't worry.
So ridiculous.
So ridiculous that I'll be accused of covering up for the Vatican if we're doing a show on it.
This is crazy.
Oh man, it doesn't matter.
Let's go ahead and talk to George in Florida.
George, go ahead.
Hey, God bless you, Alex.
God bless you.
Go ahead.
Yes, I'd like to have a question for one of the steamer train pastors.
I'd like to explain Romans 13 to those World War II veterans in 1946 Athens, Tennessee, when they took back their government.
They were of the devil.
The government should have been stealing and robbing from everybody in Athens, Tennessee.
That's a good thing to have guests on about.
What was it called?
The Battle of Athens?
Is the book about that?
You just Google 1946 Athens, Tennessee, and you'll get a whole thing.
The Jews for Preservation of Firearm Ownership has a nice little explanation to it for it.
In fact, I'm having this brainstorm of guests.
I want to get Aaron Zellman on about the battle for Athens, and they're the ones that have a book about it.
Well, Alex, I've been doing a little research around here, because Athens, Tennessee, sort of like, you know,
It made me ashamed of my manhood because these men really stood up.
I'm not interrupting you.
This is all live action.
We're not going to rebroadcast in a minute.
Southwest Radio Church, which is on hundreds of stations, is going to let us simulcast with them.
I think this is a recording they're doing.
We're live or is this live too?
Okay, are they online now?
You just talked to them though and they're happy to simulcast?
Okay, are they going to call us?
Just being clear.
We're multitasking here.
Excuse me, sir, for interrupting.
This interruption brought to you by InfoWars.com.
Go ahead and finish your point.
Well, I'm doing a lot of research in Florida, around the local areas, about real men.
Back in the 1950s and 60s and 40s, with the civil rights, I found out that
This victimization they try to portray, because there was a lot of black communities that ran out with their shotguns when the Klan group was going to go firebomb somebody's house.
And that's why they had gun control to disarm the blacks, absolutely.
Somebody get me another tea, please.
Please, thank you.
As you can see, I can't leave, folks, so go ahead.
I mean, and like I say, where are the real men gone?
They're all hanging out in sports bars.
They're all acting tough.
Again, a real man is afraid of getting in a fight with somebody.
Okay, because you know how bad they're going to hurt him.
A real man does not hold back and psychologically fully engages somebody.
These tough guys, like when you're fighting them, they'll even act tough, like they'll posture when they swing, like that makes it tough while you're busy knocking their teeth out.
Not that I've ever beaten anybody up, but you know I'm hypothetically acting tough myself now.
Alright, well listen, I appreciate your call and it was really good to have you on.
They are calling us.
You check with Eddie Bearer.
They have the number and everything.
Okay, that's a big show.
I don't want to mess that up.
Leo and Mass, go ahead.
Hi Alex, good to hear you.
I've been kind of worried that I think that we're functioning more like a stink tank than a think tank.
I agree.
It's all about who's bad, who's stinky.
It's a gossip complex.
We're part of a small faction that actually can see that the bridge is out and the train is going to crash.
Okay, so with that in mind, let's make a video game about the poisoned food and the international intrigue.
Oh, and you're a globalist who has to poison everything, and I think that's the best way to do it, because population controls your goal.
Great idea.
Hold on.
The video game has to be historically correct, okay?
I mean, and get it peer-reviewed by history people, and so that kids can play the game, but they can also learn history, and they'll have links
Yeah, that game would take about two million dollars in development.
I actually know a lot of video game makers here in Austin.
This is one of the capitals of video game production in the world is Austin.
And I actually know some people, but the problem is big corporations own them.
But I know the guy that puts out the Illuminati games, he might do that.
Because he's exposed the Illuminati.
By knowing him, I met him one time.
What company is that?
I forget his name.
I met him at a party once, and I know people that know him well.
He put out the Illuminati card game.
Jackson games?
You can Google it, but yes, that is a genius idea.
Anyway, another topic.
You say you're overweight, right?
Well, I'm losing weight.
I've been running every day.
Yeah, but get an exercise bike and work out while you're on the show.
Okay, listen, I gotta go.
We've got our folks that have got to interview us here.
We're going to continue with a simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv for TV viewers and over the internet at Infowars.com for folks listening on the screens.
And we're going to go ahead and go to Southwest Radio Ministry.
Let's bring them up.
And it's Larry.
Larry, thank you for having me on your show.
Well, wonderful, Alex.
I'm really excited about the interview.
I've looked at Endgame twice.
Man, it frightens you, and it'll make you angry as well.
I think it's a great DVD.
Well, I know you have millions of listeners, and I just want to thank you for letting us do this simulcast.
My show ended at three, but some days I go over with just an internet side of it.
And so thank you for having me on.
It's your show, so you conduct it, and I turn everything over to you on my end so that I'm not co-hosting something.
Okay, well, very good.
Well, I want to greet all of our listeners of Southwest Radio Church Ministries.
You know, friends, Isaiah 21 and verse 6 tells us that the watchman has to declare what he sees, and man, there are lots of things out there.
We're going to be speaking to Alex Jones, and we're just so excited to have Alex on the program.
Thank you for being with us, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
I didn't know we were live.
Thank you for having me on.
Okay, well, this is pre-recorded on our end, but I guess it's live on your end.
Very good.
Well, Alex, let's speak about Endgame eugenics.
Maybe you could elaborate on the eugenics operation you cover in your movie Endgame.
Well, I mean, anyone who's engaged in news or research about the New World Order, the Antichrist world government system, realizes that eugenics is a big part of it, that the UN openly carries out sterilization programs, abortion, and other horrible things worldwide, from China to Nigeria, South Africa to the United States.
First world, second world, third world, old world.
I set out to make a film about the history of the New World Order, who controls it, what the globalists are setting up, and what made them tick.
And I read, myself, dozens of books, re-read books, re-read David Rockefeller's book, re-read Carol Quigley's book, taught globalists, my staff read a bunch of books, all totaled about 40 books.
And I went and got the letters of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and I went and re-read not just Mein Kampf, but Hitler's speeches and transcripts from the National Archives.
I mean, I spent probably four years of research on this.
This was a film that took about a year of intense editing to make.
And we only scratched the tip of the iceberg.
As horrifying as Endgame for Blueprint for Global Enslavement is, which by the way is free on Google Video, just Google Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement or go to Infowars.com to get a copy, buy a DVD if you want, but whatever you do, just watch Endgame.
It is just so horrible to realize everything they do, everything they do is about killing 90% of the world's population.
And of course that's the mainline UN view.
It was 80% for the last 50 years.
Now the main thinking, the biological diversity assessments, the University of Texas statements, the Princeton statements, the Prince Philip statements in his books is 90%.
And then a lot of other
Groups and organizations, they say no, total extinction.
Eco Group calls for voluntary human extinction, that's the Times of London.
They go in and teach school children in England that they shouldn't have children, that all humans must die, and that we are a count cancer on Gaia.
And then in the film we covered thousands of people, Dr. Eric Pianca, University of Texas, one of their top biologists, been given awards by the
Royal Society in England and others.
He, a few years ago, was in Texas and he was getting the Lifetime Achievement number one award from the Texas Academy of Science, 2,000 people in attendance.
And local papers, two of them reported, he got sustained three-minute standing ovations when he said, 90% of us need to die, a bio-weapon needs to be released to kill us.
When he would show giant projections of red skulls, they were in rapture, like it was a tent revival, you know, crying, clapping, kill everyone, and when you go to his website, he, on the UT website, he is dressed as a druid, and he speaks about his love for Lucifer.
Well, you know, in Mein Kampf, Hitler actually quotes American eugenic ideology.
I did a little research on this, and Hitler said this, quote, I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock, close quote.
So, um, the eugenics movement really has never gone away.
It's just been repackaged, hasn't it?
That's right, and understand, at a major scientific conference, 95% standing ovation, and some of the people at this event work at level 4 bio-weapons labs.
So, again, I'm not trying to scare people.
This is a fact.
The globalists have been promised, and they say this in their own documents.
It's incredible.
Ray Kurzweil, all of them, that only the elite can have live extension technologies, so we must get rid of 90 plus percent of the world population.
In fact, I had his graduate students threatening me, sending me their own papers.
Some of them now are graduated as doctors at major facilities with dangerous pathogens, and they said all humans must die.
But the elite believe this because they believe that it's a new age belief of saving the earth.
Humans are a cancer but that also the elite have to kill the majority of the population so they, the elite, can have the access to the life extension technologies because they say you can't give six and a half
Billion people.
Richard N. Haas, the head of the CFR, said in a Club of Rome report that they published that they will use staged terrorism as one pincer to take our liberty, and that the other pincer in the pincer attack that they're going to come in and grab us with is saving the earth, global carbon tax,
To quote, make humanity the enemy, that's a quote, and that the state will wage war against humans.
So, exactly what Revelations talks about, and so they believe it's a holy sacrament, and the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment, in two separate assessments, 96 and 87, and these are in the film, and then we have a full bibliography at whatistheendgame.com or endgamethemovie.com, we have a bibliography where every
The claim we make is a link to the document that the U.N.
says, an official policy, and folks, this is so crazy, I know it's hard to believe, do not believe me, check it out, they say, we need to bring back human sacrifice, we need to have staged wars, we need to have staged famine, this is an official U.N.
policy, to serve Gaia to reduce the world's population by 80%.
Now again, some say 90, some say all, but they are the minority that runs the universities, runs the bioethics boards.
In 1945, they were embarrassed by Hitler, who picked up eugenics in the US and England.
And gave awards to Margaret Singers, got awards, IBM chief Thomas Watson gave awards.
The systems where they put the barcodes on the Jews and others, that was an IBM punch card computer.
They'd put in their weight, their age, should they go to a work camp and be worked to death, should they just be killed.
Out of hand.
I think so.
Well, Alex, you know, we've been seeing some major catastrophes taking thousands and thousands of lives.
A couple of years ago we had the tsunami in Sumatra, now we've got the cyclone in Myanmar.
China has some earthquakes, we've got tornadoes, hurricanes.
Do you think, maybe through HAARP or through some other fiendish method, that this is part of this plan to reduce the population of planet Earth?
I know that the Times of London today is reporting that the majority of Chinese in polls believe that the earthquake that they were just hit by was staged.
Let me just put it this way.
I don't know what caused Sumatra.
I don't know what just caused the Burmese, or Myanmar as the military junta has now renamed it.
I don't know what caused that.
It could be natural, could be God, could be the New World Order, who wants to play God.
In 1997 in Army Times, and I covered it on the radio at the time, I had THE Army Times.
It was mailed to me from Fort Hood.
Not just an internet, I mean I had THE Army Times, and I'd love to find a video of this.
I'm told it was at a press conference.
He, uh, Secretary of Defense William Cullen gets up and says, we have earthquake weapons,
Others have earthquake weapons.
He called them tectonic weapons.
We have weather weapons.
Others have weather weapons.
And then, two years ago, it was declassified that the U.S.
government could create, control, lessen, strengthen hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tornadoes,
Certified Stanford Research Institute, Naval War Laboratory, 1967, been done by 1965, and I then interviewed Ben Livingston.
I was reading the secret documents, and it said Ben Livingston, he was 80-something years old, still alive, runs a major weather modification company.
I don't
Hurricane busters who go into them.
And he was the guy that flooded the Ho Chi Minh Trail, leading squadrons spraying the clouds.
And that's with 40s technology.
They can make it rain 10 feet of water out of a cloudless sky with just eight planes, he said.
But they do have HAARP.
A lot of that's been declassified.
And so, yes, they do have these technologies.
Is that what's happening?
I don't know.
We're now having earthquakes where we've never seen them in Illinois.
Huge earthquakes all over the world in strange places.
It's bizarre.
Our guest is Alex Jones, and we're talking about the New World Order.
Once free nations will be slaves to a tiny elite.
The plan is to eliminate the middle class.
Every form of independence will be eliminated.
Supercomputers will record every action of every human being.
Conspiracy theory?
Not at all.
Our guest Alex Jones is laying out the facts.
And they are brutal.
Alex, what about the concentration camps that we hear about being built in America?
Is there such a thing as concentration camps?
Well, before the days of the Internet with access to all the newspapers of the world, it was a rumor.
But then in 86 it was admitted that there was a plan by Oliver North and the neocons, and of course the Democrats as well.
It's bipartisan.
And it did come out in Miami Papers and others at the time.
To claim they were going to arrest illegal aliens, which then it was popular, just like Hitler went after a group that was popular to go after, but then really it was everybody.
First they came for this group, then they came for that group, then they came for me.
And Rex 84 was to have a military dictatorship come out, take over, put us in FEMA camps, anybody that disagreed,
And that was a repeat of Kermit Roosevelt and some stuff he had been planning to try.
And that went back to Bush Sr., Prescott Bush, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, others.
But two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Smedley Butler, in the late 1930s, they came to him.
He was about to be Marine Corps Commandant.
And they came in, because he was right-wing, and they said, we want to have, we're going to work with Hitler, and we're putting him in power.
See, we put him in power, that is the group here in America, with the British.
That's why never Chamberlain wasn't against him, because he was working with him.
Another faction came in and stopped it, but they were just as bad.
To know what's happening currently, you've got to go back in history.
To make a long story short, they went to him and said, we want you to lead a 500,000 man team to set up martial law, and we're going to team up with Hitler.
He then ran to the Roosevelt administration, who wasn't much better, and he blew the whistle on that.
So you got one Roosevelt involved, another Roosevelt's not involved, but it all gets complex.
But they go to Roosevelt, that gets stopped, later they have the McCormick-Dickstein committee in the early fifties that brought all this out, that is an endgame.
So they keep trying, trying, trying, but yes,
Now finally, the Houston Chronicle, January 24, 2007, reported that they had built giant FEMA camps for the American people.
Then the San Francisco Chronicle reported on it two months ago.
Presidential Decision Directive 51 says the President is a dictator.
That means Barack Obama or Hillary or whoever else is coming, not just Bush.
Again, it's not these personalities, it's the office that's controlled by the globalists, puppeteers, we have to worry about.
It's non-partisan, that's key to understand, because that confuses people how they keep, you know, throwing in different politicians.
And yes, now they've built camps all over the country, that's admitted.
They are doing martial law takeover drills everywhere.
They are having federalized drills where they set up checkpoints and quote, check everybody's driver's license.
Now they've now announced they're going to put in federally funded face scanners that scan everyone's face at convenience stores to quote, make sure you're not buying beer or cigarettes if you're underage.
That's hooked into the national databases.
Thumb scanners, biometrics are going in at tanning salons, churches, schools.
Well, you have a segment on your DVD entitled Battle for the Republic.
It's shocking and frightening.
Anyone who looked at Josh Moore's clip
I think would be deeply troubled.
Here was a horrible example of selective law enforcement, and as you point out, the Seattle Police filled paddy wagons with American citizens who peacefully protested, and yet the illegals, they were marching down the street, they were breaking stuff, and the police had absolutely nothing.
So we're moving, I think, very quickly into a police state.
That's right.
You're going to have the 30 million illegal aliens, and it's going to double in the next decade.
That's a conservative number, 30 million.
The media says 15, 20 million.
It's more like 30.
They're going to be used as a weapon, and the police everywhere, they go to post offices, pull down American flags, if a citizen
goes and runs up the American flag again, they arrest them.
This happens coast-to-coast.
They physically beat up people in cars.
If the person even flips them off, which they shouldn't obviously do, but they're being attacked, or the illegals take over the streets and are taking over an unpermitted march, citizens have to be permitted, the illegals don't, and the police then come and bust his face open on the concrete and then celebrate and the police clap with the illegals as he's beaten.
Well, I know there is a clip of a young man, I believe in a white Honda, who is, you know, peacefully voicing his distrust and dislike of the marching people.
And the police come, the Seattle police, it's all on the film, they come, they pull him out, they break his window, they stomp on his head, they force him to the ground, there's blood coming out of his face.
And yet nothing is done to those who are demonstrating who are illegal.
It's absolutely shocking.
The police commander who orders them to arrest him, he claps with the illegals.
The illegals come over and celebrate and say, I can't repeat it because it's cussing.
And unfortunately, folks, there's a little bit of that in that extra of the film, so viewer discretion advised.
Well, as you point out too, the local police are being militarized.
How are militarized police different from the type of police that we're used to?
Well, they are trained that if you even ask a question, you are tasered.
They are trained to arrest you in mass.
Police in most major cities have been trained to drive buses now for mass pickup, mass arrest of citizens.
They have been slowly brainwashed, and I'm not saying the individual cop is bad.
The training is what's bad.
They've been given armored vehicles, now tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles.
Now they have SWAT teams quote running random checkpoints.
That's been going on for five years.
They just march up in multi-state federal drills and then they call them anti-terror drills and they check everybody's IDs and arrest people for unpaid tickets, parking tickets.
It's just basically like Russia or Nazi Germany, and they've been incrementally trained to do this.
It's face scanning cameras going up.
It's license plate reading cameras up coast to coast, quietly tracking everywhere you go.
It's a Pentagon-developed plan, but it's not our Pentagon anymore.
It's privately owned by the foreign corporations.
The globalists are removing our system of government and replacing it with a globalist order.
David Rockefeller said, and I'm quoting him, and you put this clip on your DVD, quote, we are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the new world order, close quote.
So, we're looking for maybe another terrorist attack, maybe some kind of a flu outbreak, maybe something happening on our Mexican border, and people will say, do anything to keep us safe, and boy, they've got us.
It could even be, exactly, it could even be economic.
You know, instead of work brigades going out and building dams like happened when we were introduced to socialism in the depression, which is bad enough, they're talking about the citizens.
This is in government documents.
This is in a film I made in 1999 called Police State 2000, the government documents, where they're going to have millions of citizens who get like an $8 paycheck to run around tattling, spying.
I mean, it is just a nightmare what is being set up.
I know your DVD really explores the whole situation with the Bilderbergers.
More and more people are saying, who?
Do the Bilderbergers really exist?
I know the New York Times in 2000 said I was crazy and they didn't exist.
But yes, we've been to a bunch of their meetings.
We've gotten their minutes.
The BBC admitted two years ago that they set up the European Union.
They were founded by Prince Bernhard, the former SS officer and cousins to Queen Elizabeth.
And it's got the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds involved, and they are the ones setting up world government.
You've got all these different management groups and roundtable groups, shadow government councils, like the CFR, but that's only over the U.S.
This is the international group where the super elite, 125 of them, meet each year.
And I've been to cover it in Ottawa, Canada.
We've been to Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey to cover it last year.
And it's very hard to discover where they're going to be meeting.
I was detained and threatened when I got off the plane for Bilderberg in Canada.
Almost didn't let me in.
That's all in the film.
And I just want your listeners
So please get in-game Blueprint for Global Enslavement either at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
They can watch it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv or they can watch it free on Google Video.
But please don't take it for granted.
It cost me $150,000 to make.
And I'm putting it out for free because if we don't expose this, we have no future.
And even if it is, you know, the end times and Antichrist and the rest of it, if we don't expose what this world system is doing, people are going to be deceived by it and accept it.
So regardless, if we don't expose it, the blood is on our hands.
We have to be watchmen on the wall.
Well, I know the meetings of the Bilderbergers are attended by the Movers and Shakers, Richard Haas, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, David Rockefeller, Paul Wolfowitz, Governor Pataki, and Perry.
Now, with regard to those last two,
Aren't those elected officials violating the Logan Act?
Yes, but I mean, look at John McCain and Hillary Clinton.
They went to Lord Rothschild's house, just type Rothschild, McCain into Google, it was mainstream news.
It's illegal to go to a foreign country and discuss policy if you're in the federal government, but it's totally illegal to take one dollar.
He went to PAC meetings, five thousand dollars a plate, and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, so did Hillary, and
Just said, I'm above the law!
So, same thing with the Logan Act, and yeah, we have all these government people, Hillary Clinton goes to it, when she was in the White House and as a Senator, and Governor Perry is handing over our entire power plant, water systems, they triple the prices overnight, he's handing it over to known Bilderberg group members,
And boy, when you go to a Bilderberg Group meeting, they only invite about 10 governors or prime ministers or up-and-comers.
Bill Clinton was invited a year before he announced for president in 1991.
Tony Blair in 1995, a year before he ran for prime minister.
Little Known went.
Gordon Brown went a year before he became prime minister.
I mean, the fact that Perry went is a big deal.
Well, friends, we're just about out of time for this interview with Alex Jones, but we're going to have him back for another broadcast, so be sure to tune in.
Alex, we're going to do a second one.
I know you're kind of live down there, but are you ready to go for number two?
I'm ready to go, however long you want.
Okay, we've got about 24 minutes to go.
Let's do it.
Thank you, Jerry.
Again, we're visiting with Alex Jones.
In our previous broadcast, Alex was sharing some really shocking things with each and every one of us, and, my, he opened our eyes.
You know, friends, Napoleon and Hitler were trying to bring in the New World Order.
They were trying to do it by force, and they failed.
Now, it is being successfully done by stealth.
And I think it's very interesting that the EU is established under the guise of trade deals.
There's lots of things going on behind the scenes.
Hello, Alex.
Good to have you again.
It is great to be back.
Thank you, sir.
I got from Prison Planet the other day an article, Goldman Sachs, Bilderberg, target of $200 a dollar oil near.
So, in other words,
From this, it indicates that the Bilderbergers are actually controlling the price of fuel oil?
Now, you have a hundred of the top elite in the world, about twenty-five guests, sometimes less.
They're invited each year.
Queen Beatrix, the Rothschilds, members of the British royal family, the Rockefellers, presidents, prime ministers, and they go to these meetings, and we've gotten minutes, we've gotten hotel staff over thirty-plus years,
I don't think so.
And they, two years ago, when I traveled to Canada, Ottawa, to cover Bilderberg there at the Brook Street Hotel, we learned, and I have Daniel Estillan, international reporter, bestseller, I had, of course, Jim Tucker of American Free Press has been covering it for 35 years.
They had sources, they even got the list of Bilderberg attendees when nobody else had it.
Which later turned out to be accurate.
And I said, what's going to happen?
And they said, okay, here's the agenda.
We only had people in the economics part of the meeting, because it's three days, one issue each day.
But they said, this is what's going to happen.
To show the power of this group,
We're good to go.
A barrel of oil.
And this is in my film, Endgame.
This is two years ago.
We shot this footage.
It's now in Endgame.
It came out six months ago.
And, you know, proof's in the pudding.
We have the video there at the hotel, in the bar, having the discussion, debriefing the guys that had sources inside.
And they said, showing the Bilderberg's power.
We're going to have $120 barrel oil by 2008 and they want by 2009 $200 a barrel oil.
Now mainstream media is reporting that indeed that's going to happen.
They also said we want to implode the US economy and the Western economy.
And so, in Europe, so that we can consolidate, so the big banks can blow out smaller banks, companies, families, to get real assets.
The private banks just create fiat liquidity, then when people can't pay it back, the banks get the real assets, then taxpayers bail out the governments that have backed those failed currencies.
So it's a big Ponzi scheme.
And they said, we're going to pop the subprime mortgage starting in one year.
And it's going to lead into an extended global hyperinflation, which will make all commodities rise, which the globalists own the commodities, raw materials, pork bellies, diamonds, gold, coal, oil, fuels, energy, infrastructure.
And so that's now what's happened, and they did that, and they went in and put out, remember eight months ago when it all started, suddenly hundreds of articles, the subprime's popping, it's a scam, it's going down, and so they have engineered all of this, but we don't just have those sources.
In 2002, we got the IMF World Bank documents, and I interviewed Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiklitz, who quit at the time over it,
And he said that they wanted, just as they go into third world countries, pay off the dictators to not pay back loans, then the infrastructure is handed over for pennies on the dollar to the global banking elite, which is the Bilderberg Group's main power source, and their main holding.
He then said that, and the IMF World Bank documents showed, that they wanted to do that in the United States.
So, that's now happening.
They have to destroy us so their new world order can come in.
The middle class is their enemy.
Alex, you have publicly challenged the Bilderbergers.
I copied down some of the things that you said over the bullhorn in Ottawa.
Quote, you are not our god.
You are not our king.
We will defeat world government.
I ask the creator of the universe to lead, guide, and direct us.
You are arrogant.
You believe you are invincible.
Humanity will defeat you.
Close quote.
What kind of a response have you gotten?
Have you gotten any threatening letters, an IRS audit, resignations from the staff, flat tires, broken windows, or what?
Yes, I've had a lot of things happen.
I don't like to advertise what the enemy's done to us, but you know their attacks on us are really a blessing because it shows us the old World War II saying, and I had a grandfather who actually was in B-17s, and the old saying was, when you're over the target, you're getting the flack.
And so when I got flat coming up at me, that means I'm over the enemy target, dropping my load of info bombs on them.
But yes, just last week he has a new book out called Super Class, and I had the head of the Kissinger Group, one of the heads of the Carnegie Endowment, doesn't get any more powerful at the global technocrat level.
He's not an owner of the New World Order, but he's a top manager.
And I had this Rothkopf on, and during the break I went to him and I said, OK, I'm about to interview you, and he started laughing at me.
And I said, what, do you know who I am?
And he said, yeah, Alex.
And the board operator heard all this and talked about it on air.
But I was like, thank you, Mr. Rothkopf, for coming on.
We'll be live in a few minutes.
And he started laughing at me.
He goes, oh, yeah, Alex.
And I said, what, do you know who I am?
He goes, of course we know who you are.
And I said, why are you coming on?
He goes, to tell our point of view.
And so, you know, he came on and said how great world government was on air.
But let me tell you, that's chilling when Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group, I mean, Kissinger's the top globalist puppet.
He's the guy that runs around with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers doing this.
And it's not a power trip for me.
It's actually very upsetting.
But I have to continue on to know that the chieftains of the New World Order know who I am.
Well, they obviously know all about us.
You do some work in RFID technology.
Maybe you could tell our listeners a little bit about RFID technology.
Should we have concerns about its use?
And do you think maybe it's the kind of technology that the mark of the beast will involve?
Well, I certainly think so.
There are people who aren't Christians and who are denying the reality of what's happening out there.
It totally describes it in Revelations, and in Ezekiel, and in Daniel, over and over again.
You'll buy nor sell without this mark, and it is a number that's in commerce.
I think so.
The Associated Press is reporting, so is the Daily Mail, that in the U.S.
and England, insurance companies are demanding that the local convenience stores...
You'll be in a 7-Eleven and an 80-year-old woman, I mean I've seen this, 70, 80-year-old, and I'm talking sometimes walking on a cane, old men buying cigars, they will be carded.
And I talked to people in corporations and I went and looked at RFID conferences they had in Chicago and read their minutes.
That was from 2004.
RFID Global Conference and they said the public will submit and that you know they will take over and they can't stop us and we're going to use this to control and tax everybody and just like Google has everything in cyberspace listed by having chips and everything they can track everything in real time and the radio readers have been up in every major city for at least seven years.
San Francisco is where it started in the United States.
You think it's to read you know the scanner tag in your car for the toll road.
No, really they have readers up all over the country now
That's right.
And then it goes on to say that through the national ID card, through the driver's license, through the citizen IDs that are already global, since 2000 a UN treaty over a hundred countries are signatories to it.
You know, Americans just now learned we got national ID cards, but really since 2000 we've been in a global ID card.
It has a regional name like US or Texas on your passport, US on your, like they just told British people to add a sticker
That's RFID retroactively to their passports that says EU citizen.
See, it's the same thing.
But the New World Order is masters of deception.
They make it look like...
That you've got a U.S.
passport, but really it's a global passport.
Well, it's the same thing here.
You go into the supermarkets and they're going to scan your face and compare it to the driver's license slash passport database.
That digital photo was really a face scan.
Now all U.S.
I think?
And you're totally naked.
It shows a color image of your naked body.
That is then stored in the government database as well.
It's like posing for Playboy for the government.
So it's very obscene.
Face scanners to catch underage drinkers.
See, this is how they're going to introduce it for buying and selling.
And the globalist documents say there'll be a global sales tax on everything, quote, to save Mother Earth to carry out the eugenics program.
A supermarket chain is introducing face recognition cameras to prevent staff mistakenly selling cigarettes and alcohol to under-18s.
The biometric technology is being piloted by Budgins and London branches.
If successful, it could be rolled out across the country to create a database of youngsters who try to buy alcohol.
But I've read deeper into this.
I saw policy reports six, seven years ago on this.
This is really hooked into the driver's license database.
HEBs in Texas try to make you thumb scan to get your food.
That's in the state driver's license database, off the thumbprint you gave when you got your driver's license.
Well, friends, we're talking with Alex Jones.
He has assembled a massive amount of documentary evidence that exposes the dark agenda of the New World Order.
The United States of America has never faced this kind of a threat, and the shocking thing is that most people are not even aware of the extreme danger that we are facing.
Our very way of life is in jeopardy.
And Alex Jones has produced a really great DVD, it's called Endgame, and I certainly encourage you to look at that, give it to your friends.
This is something that we all need to know about.
This is a great threat to us.
Alex, you know, several months ago, this was really an eye-opener to me.
You probably remember Jose Medellin.
He was the Mexican national.
He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1994, I think, for raping and murdering two teenage girls in Houston, Texas.
The International Court of Justice ruled that this conviction was in violation of international treaties and President Bush agreed with them.
Well, that's right.
We've had four of the nine Supreme Court justices in an article a few years ago, it was five years ago, in the
USA Today say that they will follow the Hague's rulings and U.N.
rulings and that that is now their Supreme Court.
And so, and already our courts at the federal and state level are bringing in arguments and precedent from foreign court cases.
That are totally, most of them, Napoleonic or Roman civil law, not our English Anglo-Saxon common law that was also mixed with Judaic law of Sinai.
That's what our system is.
What we have is an amalgamation of Anglo-Saxon Germanic common law mixed with the law given on Mount Sinai.
That is our common law.
That's being replaced in a Roman civil commerce law
Guilty until proven innocent is being brought in.
Well, we want to move to another area.
There are so many things we could talk about, but let's talk about genetically modified food.
We hear all kinds of good things, put that in quotes, about genetically modified food, that they're really not harmful, that, you know, we can dapple with corn, make super corn, that is drought-resistant and will grow very quickly and so forth.
Are there hidden dangers of genetically modified food?
Well, there certainly are hidden dangers of GMO.
I have had Nobel Prize winners on, top scientists, people who were heading up major companies making millions a year, and they would feed the rats their potatoes, or feed the guinea pigs their corn, and they would all die.
And science had always thought that mutations that were non-cancer only happened in utero as a genetic malfunction.
They were having mutations while they were alive as adult animals, and what's happened is
The disinfo agents from the big pharmacological slash GMO companies, there's three big ones, they come out and say, hey, George Washington Carver had GMO, you know, he made cross-species stuff, but no, he would take five different types of peanuts and cross-breed them.
And he would do that through natural pollinization with the lagoons.
Or he would, it's like dog breeding.
You may get a Chihuahua out of a wolf, but it's still only the data that was originally in God's creation, that was originally in that code.
And I've interviewed top genetic engineers who were atheists, but they said when you actually get into the code, they first thought 96% of it was junk, then they found out, no, it's not junk, the DNA is like handiwork, it's like a signature, it's like manufactured.
It's so incredible they can't understand it.
They liken this to genetic engineers claim they could make an elephant, but really what they give you is a picture of an elephant.
But God actually makes an elephant.
They give you a photo of an elephant and say it's an elephant.
So what they do is they have these gene guns.
And at a microscopic level, they take cockroach genes.
For some reason, cockroaches have so many, it just works well in corn, salmon, spider goats have it.
You have cross-species creatures that may in some cases have over a hundred different insects, reptiles.
Just hundreds of different things put into a tomato, put into a potato, and they go in and they can change one genetic trait, but then every time, say the potato, one example of hundreds, replicates, it randomly changes other things.
So, these potatoes that we're all eating, and there's a bunch of different varieties that are cross-species, that haven't had their genes manipulated, they've had other genes added.
That's the really bad ones.
It creates
Totally new amino acids.
There's 54 amino acids.
There's now hundreds of new ones.
The body's never had it.
We're not designed.
Totally fries you.
We used to have 1 in 33 getting cancer.
Now it's 1 in 3.
1 in 1,000 and something getting diabetes.
Now 1 in 4, 1 in 5.
It's just growing, growing.
All these new gut diseases, Crohn's, exploding.
All these new bowel problems.
Same things they found in rats, monkeys, guinea pigs that have similar intestines, similar autoimmune systems than us.
It causes you to be allergic to everything else, gets your body's immune system really jacked up, and so they have these gene guns randomly firing into other organisms, and they'll put that organism... Here's an example.
One big GMO company, Monsanto, has a soybean and they have several others that have a naturally occurring fungus that is toxic to bugs that is on the plant.
But it's thousands of times the level that naturally occurs in nature, and it's inside the plant, and the plant grows it themselves inside.
And so now, German studies have shown that's killing the honeybees, because they don't know and still eat it.
Humans eat it and are having problems.
I mean, it's just, it's so mind-boggling.
I mean, I remember interviewing the CEO, who I saw on a CBS news piece in 2000,
uh... with the part spider part goats in upstate new york in a military base where the where the others are spider parts and instead of you know the uh... milk udders create body armor and people couldn't believe me we'll just google spider goes it's mainstream news and uh... that's an example but now i remember ten years ago in the bbc they had started implanting human embryos that were cloned uh... this is a tactic they use they announce things
And then, if people don't like it, they shut up about it.
I mean, they were cloning decades ago, but they admitted in 1998, in the BBC, that in England, and in South Korea and other places, they had taken human embryos that were clones, and they had implanted them in cows to grow them up to larger size, but they were part cow, part bovine, so that the cow wouldn't reject them, and then they could harvest larger body parts, larger organs, off of the humanoid.
We can argue whether they have a soul or not, but it's part human, part cow.
Just enough cow where the cow doesn't reject it.
If they're growing them in a Jersey cow's uterus, the little humans, or whatever they are, these poor creatures, then they take the genetics of that line of cows, and then they do that.
Now they just now announced that again, and they've got part human, part spider, part human, part chimpanzee,
Washington Post three years ago reported that in Costa Rica, a big U.S.-based biotech firm has part human, part chimpanzees, but they won't show them to us.
And again, that I talk about it, I'm weird.
I know it's crazy, folks, but the point is it's light years ahead of what we probably even know.
Well, Alex, speaking about GMO, genetically modified foods, you know, the price of food is going up and increasing and so forth, so will that be used by the government or by the elitists to force us
To produce more genetically modified food?
You think that's going to be a wedge or a crowbar?
Oh, there's no doubt.
That's the New World Order master plan.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Their methodology is break up the family, take God out of the schools and out of the culture.
Then when the family breaks down, have CPS and the government come in.
And that's in their textbooks.
Ship in the drugs, and when you use them, they bust you and put you in their private prisons owned by the same banks that launder the money.
They only attack the cartels that don't pay them a cut.
Stage the terror attacks, fund the terror groups, leave the borders open, then take our freedoms.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Create a crisis, offer the solution, and then it always gets worse.
The Federal Reserve engineers an economic collapse, then they come in with regulation to take more of our freedoms and give them total economic control and abolish any federal regulations over themselves.
Same thing with GMO.
They've said, oh, Africa's not accepting GMO.
That's why they're starving.
Oh, Americans don't like it.
You know, you've got to eat this.
And the head of Monsanto said in 99, this was even in major magazines like National Geographic, they said their plan is to contaminate everything so you don't have a choice but to accept GMO and they own the courts and so they then come and sue the
Uh, the people who they infect.
They'll plant their canola right next to you and if it blows over, they, admittedly, fly over with planes, spray your crops with Roundup, and if your crops, one or two plants don't die, they kill your plants!
They attack your property, this has been mainstream news, Percy Smizer, but if one or two plants live, they then know that's their Roundup Ready genetics, the plant that can live in that weed killer, and then they come sue you for them contaminating you.
They say you've stolen their seeds.
I've heard, I don't know if you have any information on this, maybe you do, but do you believe that once a certain percentage of the American population, say 10%, 20%, 30%, realizes what's going on, you know, like what we're doing right now, getting this information out and disseminating it,
Once a certain percentage point is reached that suddenly martial law will be imposed?
Yes, but they'll call it security.
You know, they'll call it helping you.
Oh, Al-Qaeda hit us again.
And that's why they're gearing up.
And I ask every police officer, every military man and woman, we're not saying you're bad individually.
Please, research my claims.
I mean, if you don't believe they've got part spider, part goat creatures, go look it up.
If you don't believe they've got humans, embryos growing in cows, go look it up.
And, you know, don't just say, oh, I don't believe you.
Check it out.
I promise you it's true.
I wish it wasn't true.
I pray every day that it wouldn't be true.
I have a family.
I want to go fishing.
I want to go on vacations.
I don't want to work 18 hours a day.
I was here until 1 last night.
But I can't stop working because I know it's real and I just have a passion to warn people just like you do, sir, and God bless you.
You know, they give you a lot of good reasons for everything they do, but when you get to the end of the line and realize it's just diabolical, I just ask that everyone spread the word about this radio show.
Southwest Radio Ministries for decades has been publishing and speaking and warning and transmitting.
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It's the one film.
There are a lot of other great films, but this one really gives you a wide-spectrum analysis of the larger picture.
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Just Google Endgame and it's the top link that comes up is the Google Video.
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It is available free at Google Video.
One more question.
We've got about two minutes for our end here.
The Oklahoma legislature, April 29, 2008, passed SB 1507.
That would involve the creation of foreign-owned smart ports within the state of Oklahoma.
This is part of the plan to implement the NAFTA superhighway through Oklahoma.
Is there any hope of stopping this massive thing coming through Texas and Oklahoma and going up to the Canadian border?
That's part of the problem.
A lot of people don't even believe it's happening.
Well that's the thing, is that there's 83 of these they're going to put in.
The first big test is Texas and Oklahoma and Kansas.
Up into Minneapolis, St.
That is the first test from the port on the Pacific side of Mexico to bring in the Chinese goods.
Dallas, Kansas City.
Chinese government's already taking over whole areas.
Mexican government setting up a consulate in Kansas City.
The smart port.
We have trans-Texas corridor signs everywhere.
They're putting toll roads on existing roads to fund it.
Bilderberg Group owns it.
Centra of Spain owns it.
And the local paper said, Centra is not Spanish.
Now you can go to Centra right now.
They're the ones that own it, and the paper just says it doesn't exist.
CNN and Fox, on video, said that the Trans-Texas Corridor does not exist when there's a sign one mile from where I sit, put up by the state of Texas.
I mean, no, that's the devilish lying.
They make the debate about whether it existed or not, instead of, hey, let's fight it.
Remember their amnesty plan.
They wouldn't let us see it.
They said, trust us, and then we got it.
It was total amnesty, even for felons.
Again, if we can get people to admit it exists, admit it's happening, understand they're going to grab your land on ten miles on either side of it, yes, we can stop it.
But first, we have to get the public moving.
We have to get the preachers in there that have been bought off by the feds and are
Telling folks to follow Romans 13 and the rest of it.
We've got to get the church in America going again, and out of the clutches of the New World Order, and then maybe we can turn this around.
If not, folks, also they want to use the NAFTA highways, 83 of them, I-35 to be the first being built right now.
They're building it here outside Austin, they say it doesn't exist.
With signs up saying it.
If we're able to beat this, it'll stop so much of what they're doing.
It's the front lines.
And again, I just say to so many people out there that they want to block off all the side roads.
In fact, there's I-35 already in Oklahoma going into Kansas.
They block off all the small towns.
I mean, everybody's seen that.
I know you have a lot of stations that carry you in Oklahoma and in Missouri.
I mean, that's what the whole nation's going to look like, and you're going to have to have special environmental passes to get off the roads.
I'm not kidding.
It's all in government documents.
It's so incredible.
It's turning the country into a prison grid, and they're going to tax us to fund world government with it.
Well, Alex, thank you so much.
This has been very exciting for me, and I know our listeners really appreciate you.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Let me just hold you over for a minute.
Sir, tell us about yourself.
Tell us about your show for my listeners.
Okay, we've been on the radio five days a week since 1933, April of 1933.
We do lots of stuff in the New World Order.
Tell us about yourself.
Oh, about me?
Okay, well, I'm a local pastor in Oklahoma, and I am also the associate pastor here at Southwest Radio Ministries.
I've been here for ten years, working with Noah Hutchings.
And tell folks your name, because I know... Okay, it's a long one.
It's Larry Spargimino.
That's New York Italian.
And I've been to seminary.
I used to be a Christian school principal.
I used to be a state trooper in New York State.
I also used to be a social worker in New York City.
I've been born again, living the Christian life by the grace of God for some 40 years, loving the Lord and very excited about prophecy.
And I praise the Lord for the way that even though there are so many threats, yet God has raised this ministry, your ministry up, and I just love the Lord.
And I think, you know, Christians have been like the ostrich with their heads in the sand.
We need to wake up.
The church is just into entertainment, into all of those kinds of things that make us feel good.
Absolutely, and you're right, it is the persecution, it is the evil coming out that separates the wheat from the chaff.
The bad metal from the good metal, and God's giving us all a choice.
I mean, it's so obvious.
He's sending people out to give people a warning, and I think we can get a reprieve like Nineveh if we speak out.
But Larry, I'm really impressed with you, and I'd love to have you on my little radio show, so let me have Trey call you.
Is today good, or should he call you tomorrow to get you on my show?
Tomorrow would be great, because I've got to run to a prayer meeting about 35 miles north of here.
Okay, well, give us the Southwest Radio Church website.
Tell us where my listeners, there's millions of them, can find out when you're on.
Okay, it's www.swrc.com.
Our toll-free number, 1-800-652-1144.
Okay, well, I'm going to let you finish up doing your radio show.
I know you've got to do those end tags, I would imagine.
And thank you for having me on any time you want me on.
I would love to do it, and I'm going to have Trey call you and set you up for a couple hours on the show, because I bet you've got some stories to tell as a New York State Trooper.
Oh, it'll be great.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Bye now.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I think
How many hours have I done?
Five hours and twenty-four minutes?
InfoWars Money Bomb.
I'm going to go ahead and get behind this.
Now we've got to make it a big success.
All the money you give us, go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
We'll go to buy cameras, equipment, and do a cable TV news show.
It's very inexpensive, comparatively, to do a couple hours a week on the Dish Network, and we can use that to magnify and do a lot of other stuff, but I need the money to do it.
So, the InfoWars Money Bomb.
I'm glad this popped up out of nowhere.
Nice focal point.
Go pledge to give May 31st, and I hope you'll support us there.
I'm totally exhausted, and I've got to go fight traffic to see my family, so I've got to come back and work tonight.
I've got all these guest ideas I wanted to have on today.
I hope I haven't forgotten all those people that I said I was going to be having on the show.
I've got to go give those to Trey.
And we are out of time.
You know what, though?
At the end of the show, actually, we're going to go out with the music.
At the end of the show, though, I want to play that New World Order and diet it again.
That was pretty good.
You think we ought to do that?
Actually, this is Question Your Reality.
This is even better.
We're going to end the show in a few minutes with this.
And then you can
After that happens, when this ends in about eight minutes, this question and reality rant I did, it's an excellent edit somebody did.
We will go to retransmission on Infowars.com with David J. Smith.
You'll hear that rebroadcast, so be sure and watch that.
And I'm going to go ahead and play this now.
Here we go.
Oh, I need to go ahead and, I guess, punch up the computer here.
Running everything in here myself.
We can see a new world coming into view.
A world in which there is a very real prospect of a new world order.
It is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges for the future.
The question is, will they kill untold millions as they did in the last century?
It is not the elite cockroaches that determine that.
It is you!
I am only one man.
But I am a representation, as all of you are, regardless of your race, color, or creed, of the human spirit.
I am blasted by the responsibility I have
I am humbled by the knowledge that I have accrued.
I do not have the words or the intellect as primitive and weak as I am to somehow reach out to your human soul.
An attempt to activate the spirit of the universe that is in all of our souls.
I stand before you blunted, bludgeoned, weakened.
I have been programmed by the society, by the peer pressure,
By the lust and needs implanted in me.
I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water.
All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points.
But the shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave.
The shadow of who you would have been hauls out from the soul that is humanity.
Your families are being broken up.
Your children are being trained to commit suicide.
Our world is in crises.
Everything is parasitic.
Every fulcrum, every benchmark, every root of wholesomeness is under assault.
Because our enemy vengefully seeks to destroy all that is pure, all that is beautiful, and all that is strong.
But from the grave that is humanity, I call out, and I say to the elite, what a great mischief you have wrought.
What a great dark wickedness you have created.
What a blight you are on a beautiful species that had so much promise!
I look into the eyes of the elite, windows into their souls, and I see weak, decadent people who revel in the raw exercise of power.
They enjoy murdering the innocent child.
They revel in killing the widow.
They revel in dumbing down the tiny green shoots that are children that would grow into mighty oak trees.
Everything they are is anathema.
Everything they are is counterbalanced against the spirit of the universe.
Everything they are is a fraud against life and a crime against life that every fiber of my soul cries out against.
It is a great pain to me to see their work.
It savages the core of my soul.
To witness the innocence, degradated, pulled down, bludgeoned, destroyed, burned, decimated, annihilated, kindled to flames that only sparkle in the eye of the psychopath.
We are at the crossroads.
We are entering a dangerous time in the development of our species.
The least you can do
is investigate.
The minimum that is expected of you as a sentient being is to question your reality.
The minimum is that you realize you are in a box and you are being controlled and you are being fed and you are having buttons in your mind pushed
You talk about raw will.
The raw will it takes to have the studies from the 1920s.
In the 1930s, where they knew that sodium fluoride and its derivatives caused bone fractures, cancer, destruction of the kidneys, hypothalamus, pituitary, but most importantly brain tissue and IQ.
And to put it in our water,
And to hurt millions of people.
To eat holes in every person's brain listening.
To take everything you want to be in and to destroy it!
That's who you face from the cold depths of the ninth circle of hell!
None of this even means anything and I cover all their tyranny on the face of it.
Total tyranny.
What does it even matter anymore?
What does it even mean?
I have been robbed!
At the end of the day, I know we're hurtling into martial law and there's this great wicked intelligence that's scientifically diagrammed and chronicled every single button they have to push to control you to the point of you can't even understand what I'm saying, most of you!
You're bringing me in.
All the time.
I've told you the truth.
I've told you what's happening.
We have a scientific dictatorship, an elite using scientific technologies to dumb down, control, poison you, sterilize you.
We're all under attack.
Every one of you has had your IQ, your mind, your intellect, your soul, who you are, massively reduced by them.
We have our own documents from the 20s when they said they were going to put it in the water and dump you down.
And now you're so dumbed down, mainstream news can admit it's deadly poison, it doesn't reduce your IQ.
That matter of the American Medical Association finally gets pressure to say, don't give fluoride to babies, it's in all the baby water.
You can rebel as a species, though.
You can say no.
You cannot just count on Alex Jones to start your own access show, your own website, your own newsletter.
Call into talk shows.
Get your kids off sodium fluoride.
Stop eating MSG and fast food.
Stop eating Jimmy GMO.
Wake your neighbor up who's a cop.
There are thousands of things you can do.
The elite is behind schedule.
Their new world order is in trouble.
They admit they're behind.
They're trying to accelerate.
Things are getting more and more obvious.
You can do things to fight this.
You don't have to let them just have their way with you.
You don't have to let them just win.
If you take action now, and if you resist them, you can have a great fight.
I'm calling for you to break out of your condition and to become aware of your condition and to use your intellect in any way you see fit to bring the new world order down.