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Name: 20080423_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 23, 2008
1845 lines.
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Okay, Richard Reeves is going to be...
Richard Reeves is going to be in studio with us coming up here in about five minutes.
I am going to stream the YouTube video downline for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
This is just a Schwarzenegger test video.
This has not been
I think?
Uh, they're able to see the in-studio cam, the document cam.
They're able to see all of it.
So we're about to play this.
Schwarzenegger being confronted by Luke Rodowski.
Other members of We Are Change.
The video starts with Arnold picking his nose and examining the contents.
Uh, it is sophomoric, but it just shows everything's scripted.
How the media covers up and only shows the good side or the flattering side of Schwarzenegger.
Uh, and then Luke walks beside him and people try to push him off and try to stop him and try to threaten him.
Bringing up Kurt Voltheim, bringing up Arnold where his Nazi belt buckles.
Uh, it's just amazing.
I want to commend We Are Change.
And I want to just commend everybody out there.
So here is the video of this, ladies and gentlemen, the audio for the radio listeners.
PrisonPlanet.tv members, this is the Maiden Voyage.
You are seeing this video now for the first time.
Arnold, can I get your comment on Kurt Voltheim, your friend?
Can you comment on Kurt Voltheim, sir?
He's my brother-in-law's son.
He's the smartest in the whole family.
So Arnold, what about Kirk Volton?
What about him?
Comment on him.
He's your buddy, right?
Can I help you out?
No, just asking a question.
He wouldn't answer my question beforehand.
I was there in front.
I'm Aaron McQueer, Governor's Press Secretary.
How you doing?
My name's Luke.
Hi, Luke.
Oh, you're the Secretary of Defense?
Maybe we could exchange contacts, set something up.
What do you need?
I understand you're piling questions in.
What can I help you with?
We're Kurt Volatom.
We just want to comment.
Please remember, Kurt Volatom is just a good friend, good buddy.
We just want to comment from him about his relationship with him.
Thank you.
What's this?
This is just something my friend gave me today.
And what are all these things?
These are press passes.
How'd you get them?
I registered them.
I come from Austin, Texas.
I'm a reporter.
Austin, Texas.
If you ever get a chance, check out that website.
For the people, by the people.
You work for the university as security?
Just making sure everything's okay?
Any questions, I'm here.
Ask me.
Just journalists.
That's our job.
Alright, thank you.
We were very nice to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the beginning, but since he never wanted to answer any of our questions, we decided to step it up a notch.
Arnold, you still got your Nazi belt on?
Got the SS belt on today, Arnold!
You got the SS belt on?
Why don't you answer questions about your friend Wildheim, who's a known Nazi war criminal?
What'd you do at the Bohemian Grove, sir?
What'd you do at the Bohemian Grove?
You came to the Behemoth Grove, yes you did.
I lived because of you.
He just threw you out of the inside, so you get out of here.
Do you have your SS belt on again?
What about your father who was an SS officer?
Your stepfather was an SS officer.
You said in your book you loved Hitler.
You did.
It's a comment.
I loved Hitler, sir.
I loved Hitler.
I loved Hitler.
I'm not doing nothing bad.
I'm not doing nothing bad.
Don't worry about me, I ain't...
Any comments on Karkabella Time, your good friend, who you said you loved, who was a Nazi war criminal?
Any comments on that?
Just tell me where to go.
Arnold, thanks for coming in.
We know that you're a Nazi and this is not going to be hidden.
We know that, sir.
Your Nazi history won't be... Stay on the sidewalk.
Stay on the sidewalk.
Mr. Schwarzenegger, please, can you sign the autograph for me?
You will never get a new world order!
Arnold, please!
Arnold, we know that you're a Nazi!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Can you give the graduation speech for 09?
That's the only thing that's changed, because they've put a flag in front of it.
And then they've removed the flag.
Okay, folks, we are back live here and we're going to be taking calls later in this hour and into the fourth hour today.
Again, Luke, we just got in the mail this morning the Arnold Schwarzenegger footage that we were just streaming to presentplanet.tv viewers.
You notice it's a YouTube template, but this is a test because they're uploading a better quality version of it
Right now, this one cut off some of the websites and things, so they're redoing it.
That's why we're not showing you the title of the video, because it's a test video, but the higher quality one will be up in the next hour or so at WeAreChange.org, InfoWars.com, WeAreChange Rhode Island, where this took place.
These individuals, there's a lot more on the video, people freaking out that they dare talk bad about their God, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Now understand, his father was an SS captain who ran an entire city and sent thousands to their deaths, that's admitted.
Then when his father died, his mother married the number two SS guy from World War II in Austria.
Just amazing that this type of stuff
was going on.
Here's the black ski mask police in their little German outfits.
I don't want to bash the Germans.
Their little Nazi outfits.
To keep Lord Schwarzenegger safe from the evil American rabble.
And the cops get to be above the law and get to drink and drive and get to do whatever they want.
So it's fun to be part of that whole system.
Okay, tell about
Thirty after in the next hour, so for the next forty minutes or so, we're going to have my good friend Richard Reeves here in studio with us.
And Richard has been deeply involved with the local Ron Paul campaign, the local Ron Paul meet-up group here in Austin, one of the largest in the country.
And he was bringing up Broker Convention to me six, eight months ago before it was all the big buzz.
And so I thought that I would have Richard Reeves in studio with us, because there's some people in the camp who, if you say that Ron Paul isn't going to be president, they will get mad at you and say that you're an Al Qaeda terrorist, basically.
I'm joking, but they say, you know, next to that.
And then there are others who say, no, we're just trying to take over the party, take over the state and federal platform of the party.
We're trying to inject real issues at the convention.
I'm all for that.
Some have misconstrued what I have said and have claimed that I am against Ron Paul people becoming delegates.
That's not what I said.
I have just talked to people in Minnesota and in Tennessee and in Missouri and other places where they were told by the Ron Paul campaign at the delegate process at the county level months ago that if you are a delegate and if four John McCain votes, then you need to then go vote for McCain.
I rarely have coughing attacks on air, and I'm having one.
This is about every five year occurrence.
I'm not quite sure why I'm having one, but perhaps somebody can get me some water.
Actually, I do know why.
I was eating a sandwich, and you start eating sandwiches like in a three minute break, trying to gobble the whole thing, and you end up having some go down the wrong hole.
Then you ignore it.
And I guess having a little piece of food in your lungs doesn't feel too good.
Alright, I'm feeling better now.
Richard, you having fun in here?
Yes, sir.
I think my eardrums just got blown out there.
Alex, thanks for having me in the Big Infowars ivory tower today.
Yeah, the ivory bubble.
Oh my God.
Yeah, I muted the mics and tried to roar the piece of food out of my lungs.
It didn't work, but it dislodged it for a second.
I want to start over here, Richard.
While I compose myself, just tell us about yourself and why this is so important, and there's different camps in this whole movement that I support.
There's a few camps that I just think are misguided, but try to break down the delegate process and how these things really work for people who are laymen out there.
Okay, well, ultimately,
The bottom line is, let me start with the bottom line.
What this is about is the number one thing you talk about all the time, and that's waking people up.
It's getting in the Republican Party, waking these people up, getting them on our team, and the consequence of that and a side effect of that is growing our numbers.
Waking people up grows our numbers, and so that's simply what it's all about.
And at the same time, we can enjoy the synergy of
Taking back the Republican Party, which is one of the major parties in our country.
It's like you've got two big battleships out there when it comes to parties.
You've got the Republican battleship and the Democrat battleship.
And the Republican battleship is listening to one side, thanks to the bad leadership they've had for so long, that we've got a real opportunity.
And Aaron Russo talked about this on one of the last interviews he had with you prior to his passing.
He talked about trying to get in the Republican Party and getting it taken over.
Now, I know that the focus, unfortunately, has been a lot about the possibility of a brokered convention, and that was a very valid possibility up until when Romney suspended.
When Romney suspended, when he stepped out, which I think was March, it was right after the March primaries, no actually, I think it was February,
February 5th or 6th, about two days after Super Tuesday, when Romney stepped out, then that really reduced the chances of having a brokered convention, and we can talk about the details of that, but bottom line is, I'm very, very excited about what's happened over the last year and a half, and at the same time, I'm frustrated as well, but in general, we have a lot to be excited about going forward.
And the thing about us becoming delegates, like I say, we get involved in the Republican Party.
We're going to send a contingent here in Texas, somewhere between 10 and 30 percent Ron Paul loyal delegates to the state convention.
As a matter of fact, one of the projects we're working on now is we're going to be sending out DVDs to the entire
Delegation and including the alternate delegates that are going to the state convention in Houston.
We're going to be sending them out DVDs, so we're going to work on waking those people up and that's what needs to happen all over the country.
We need to have all these Ron Paul meetup groups, which by the way, that is one of the most exciting things that's come out of this whole thing, are these Ron Paul meetup groups.
Prior to January of 07, we really didn't have any way to link up
Patriots, liberty and freedom lovers all over the United States.
We didn't have a way to link them all up, get them networked together, and those Ron Paul meetup groups really made that possible.
So I would encourage all the folks out there in this audience that I know are
We're good to go.
By the way, this information is so important that I'm not even going to go to break myself on my end of the internet streams.
And for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, the network will break here in a few minutes.
I'm just going to continue and then we'll come back for the AM and FM affiliates and shortwave affiliates that are out there.
We are with Richard Reeves.
He is coordinator here in Austin, really doing a great job keeping the Ron Paul revolution going.
And I'm going to try to clarify my position on all of this and where I stand when we get back.
Stay with us.
Okay, Richard, I don't want to cut out any of this time.
Please continue.
Okay, well, I'd like to back up a little bit.
Like I said, I'm very excited and I'm frustrated at the same time.
I want to talk a little bit about what I'm frustrated about, and that's a little bit of hindsight here, looking in the rearview mirror.
We had a great campaign going on.
We had that real successful money bomb on November 5th.
We had the great successful money bomb on December 16th, the Boston Tea Party Day.
And we're really moving into having a real strong campaign.
We got the Ron Paul Air Force going.
We got the Ron Paul Blimp going.
We got the alternative media going.
Everything was rocking.
And then what we had is we had a debacle that really deflated our campaign.
And what it was
I think so.
Ron Paul was not winning.
If you talk to people at Canvas, and I would challenge people at Canvas to call in on your show and let them know about actually being out there going door-to-door, making phone calls.
I think the Ron Paul vote was suppressed.
I don't doubt that at all.
I think New Hampshire, probably Ron Paul did get a third place, but did he win New Hampshire?
In my view, no.
I've talked to, for instance, Don Zimmerman, one of our great activists and a county coordinator here in Travis County.
Oh, he's just wonderful.
Well, he went up to New Hampshire.
The guy went up to New Hampshire and worked door-to-door up there in the snow and ice.
And you can talk to people like him that canvass door-to-door and they'll tell you, okay, did we dominate in yard signs?
But look at all the houses in between that don't have a Ron Paul yard sign.
Frankly, I would love to say, hey, we had election fraud, we got cheated, Ron Paul was winning in the first place, but that's not the case.
I can have my own anecdotal evidences right here in Austin, where we worked on the other side of Signal Hill.
Robert Morrow, one of our great activists here in Travis County, we were on the opposite side of Signal Hill, you know where the big towers are here in Austin, and in that neighborhood, in that precinct, there was not one visual cue of Ron Paul's support, except for Robert Morrow's house himself.
There were no bumper stickers around.
There were no yard signs around in that precinct.
Go ahead.
We're just about to go back and join the network in about 30 seconds.
Richard, I don't think we need to sit here and convince ourselves that there's not election fraud going on.
You didn't see other politicians' signs.
I remember back in 96, counting votes for Pat Buchanan downtown, he was like half the votes and he got less than 10% at the end of the night.
We've caught him in election fraud.
People went to prison in Ohio over that.
We're about to go live with the network right now.
Let's get back into how the delegate process works.
I'm gonna chase the sky forever
We're back live talking to Richard Reeves, who does some camera work for us, and also a local Austin activist, known him for many years, and he's been intimately involved in this move to get Ron Paul, people to take over the delegate positions.
Richard, try to describe the different camps, because from my perspective there are different camps.
There are people that say he will be president, we are going to take the delegates, John McCain will not be the nominee, and then meanwhile Ron Paul has put out press releases saying, no, it looks like McCain will be the nominee, give your delegates
That's my position.
Maybe I should ask it this way.
What is your view of what this delegate takeover is really about, Richard Reeves?
Well, my view is that we just need to do what Ron Paul has said, and that's to have as many delegates there at the St.
Paul Convention as possible.
Now, will that be enough to win?
Who knows?
I mean, the only possibility... So you're saying Ron Paul does want everybody to take over the delegates for him?
Well, he said that in the past.
I haven't heard him in the last month, what he said on that.
But the thing is... Hold on, hold on.
Where is he saying that he wants the people that are taking over the delegates to make him the nominee?
Well, on the website in the past, on rompaul2008.com, he said what we want to do is ultimately have as many delegates vote for Ron Paul as possible up at the St.
Paul Convention.
And as far as I know, that's still the stance.
Now, that being said, that does not mean that he wants people that are bound
To John McCain.
Like here in Texas, the rules of the Republican Party state that the delegates that go to the St.
Paul Convention are bound and contracted to vote for John McCain.
So on those, I say we don't mess with those.
We follow the rules.
But to be clear, there are some people, because this is a grassroots deal, who want them all.
Well, and of course, that's fine.
But the thing is, to me, the more realistic... I think, Rob Paul, there's still an outside chance that something can happen.
I mean, we know John McCain has had health issues in the past.
Look at Gary Hart years ago, one of your favorite CFR guys.
Gary Hart...
He was a big leader in the Democrat party for a nomination back a few elections ago.
He had it in.
He went down.
And the other thing about McCain is he has got federal election commission problems in a big way.
Well that's the thing.
He openly goes to England and every one of those contributions is a felony and so does Hillary.
They just commit felonies everywhere.
Well, I understand that, but with the FEC case, the part I'm talking about is that he agreed to do public financing of his presidential campaign back sometime in 2007.
In the fall of 2007, he used that potential money... And he's now maxed that out, and now he's young.
Well, there's actually kind of three issues on it.
He used the public financing opportunity coming up.
He used that as a way to actually collateralize a loan to continue his campaign in the fall of 2007.
Then, on top of that, since he accepted public financing, the skids were greased for him to get on ballots all over the United States, which normally he would have had to pay fees or maybe gather signatures.
He had a lot of hoops that he had to jump to get on these ballots that by accepting the public financing for a presidential race,
He was put on these ballots basically for free.
And that's now a controversy as well.
Well, I mean, there's no doubt that they mean to give it to a Democrat.
He's a dead horse.
They're just running to make it look like, kind of like Bob Dole.
He's a Bob Dole candidate, exactly.
That they ran against Clinton.
So, you guys think that the media is not going to destroy him until he gets the nomination officially.
And then they'll destroy him.
Right, but it's our job to inform the Republican Party and those conventioneers and delegates, hey, these are issues with John McCain, so we need to do that.
Richard, I totally agree.
That's where I think you guys should take over the delegates.
I've just been told that I need to support trying to push him for president.
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We are now into our number four, Richard Reeves, local coordinator to try to get Ron Hall the delegates.
Maybe we should start here.
I know a lot of the audience knows this.
A lot of them understand this, Richard.
But explain how the delegate process, how the Electoral College works, how nominations work.
How this works is that we've had broker conventions before, and certainly if it was a close race of just four or five points, you could have Ron Paul behind McCain in the convention, have a revolt, and then have Ron Paul win the nomination.
But even when it's two, three points difference, it is political suicide, and they've been failures in the last hundred years when they've had them.
For the candidate who's behind, because it looks like they're trying to take popular vote.
The delegates are supposed to represent and honor that popular vote through common practice.
Now, it's a little bit different from state to state.
I am for taking over the party.
I am for making sure real issues are there, for making sure Republicans know that John McCain is staged, that he's going to take a dive for Hillary and Obama, who are going to be on the same ticket together, just watch.
That's what they've been saying for years, the insiders.
So, with this scripted deal, I know that most of you guys in the Ron Paul revolution who are doing this are trying to foil that, expose that, sabotage that.
I support all that.
I'm just saying, there are a lot of people saying, no, he will be president, we're going to have all the delegates, which of course that's not even happening either, but y'all guys are getting a lot of delegates, which I commend, and we're going to go say Ron Paul is our nominee.
So just explain the delegate process to people, please Richard.
To start with, to win the nomination, you're supposed to have 1,191 delegates, which is 50% plus 1 of the total delegate count.
Now, one thing that was a little bit inaccurate about what you said is that it didn't necessarily have to be close race.
It could be, for example, John McCain, maybe he would have ended up with 1,000 delegates.
Let's say Romney got 300 or 400.
Huckabee, theoretically, if he'd had 400 or 500 and Ron Paul got 100 or whatever,
That opens it up for a brokered convention.
If nobody reached that magic 1,191 number, then it's up for grabs, and those delegates... Well, hold on.
I didn't say you couldn't have a brokered convention.
I said politically, if they're not neck and neck, and even when it's neck and neck, it's supposed to go, historically, to whoever has the majority.
Well, no.
Those delegates on the floor make that decision, and whoever gets the most number of delegates... No, I didn't say they couldn't make the decision.
You're saying it's political suicide?
Well, perhaps.
Do you have any historical examples?
Well, Abraham Lincoln is an example.
So, so, so, he had 60 delegates versus somebody with 1,000?
You know, I don't know the exact numbers at all.
No, it was neck and neck.
Neck and neck.
Okay, well, that's not my understanding on the Abraham Lincoln.
And, bottom line is, sooner or later we're going to have a face-down with the press anyway, but I'm not, I wouldn't have been too concerned about that.
But now, let's talk about, realistically speaking, I mean, the opportunities for something to happen and Ron Paul to become the Republican nominee right now.
We're good to go.
The fact of the matter is, is there are many, many states, Iowa, Wyoming, Michigan, Nevada, Maine, Alabama, Alaska, a lot of these states were won by Romney or Huckabee.
Those delegates for the Ron Paul campaign are fair game.
And the way we get those delegates is you get, you start at the very beginning.
You go to canvassing your neighborhood, a simple get out the old-fashioned get out the vote effort on election day.
And by the way, we've got several elections coming up, which I've got the list of.
But on Election Day, you go to your precinct convention and precinct caucuses.
You become delegates to your precinct.
Then from your precinct convention, you go to your regional convention, which could be a county or senatorial district in Texas.
We have senatorial district conventions and county conventions.
You go to your regional conventions and you keep moving up as delegates.
Through the convention process here in Texas we're going to have a minority of Ron Paul supporters going to the state convention.
I think it's probably going to be between 10 and 30 percent.
Ultimately at St.
Paul we can have a 10 or 30 percent minority and that won't be enough to push it over to do a brokered convention thing or whatever, but we can still nonetheless be up there waking people up, handing out DVDs, etc.
I am, man, I am fully behind all that.
I just think in some of the vitriol, not with you, but some others, me just saying it wasn't realistic to go take delegates for McCain because of how that would be seen, just for pointing that out, we're supposed to strategize here, I was evil.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go.
We've got Richard Reeves in studio with us today, because I'm trying to, you know, look at the larger picture here, because some people don't understand what's going on.
They have no idea how these delegate processes work.
It's different in every state, so it is confusing, even if you try to understand it.
But to also clarify that I have the entire time supported trying to get delegates.
I just, day one, when Ron Paul put out that press release saying, well, it's pretty clear we're not going to get the nomination, but I'm going to continue to fight for our values, then I talked to state coordinators and people who were being told by the campaign, hey, you need to, if you're supposed to cast a ballot as a delegate for McCain, you need to do that and follow the state rules.
And then I would say that on air, and people would email me saying, you're a liar, it's not true, when it's on record.
So, you know, I think there's a little bit of delusional stuff going on out there, and I just don't want to build up expectations.
I want people to realize we've already had a great victory.
Tens of millions of people have woken up to liberty and freedom.
They found out about real issues.
They found out about the Federal Reserve, the North American Union, the inflation tax.
They have discovered Ron Paul, who was a doorway, a gateway into this show, and hundreds of other prominent radio shows and websites.
And it's been wonderful.
Some people are all bummed out and run off and say, oh, you know, Ron Paul didn't do it right.
He didn't run third party, so I hate him.
And I said, no, no, no.
You know, he's doing what he said he'd do.
That's fine.
Other people are saying, no, he will be president.
And they're going to kind of be like the UFO cult when the UFOs don't land.
They're going to freak out.
And then you've got people in the middle, like Richard, who I agree with, who are saying, no, we need to take over the party, take over the delegates, do as much as we can to change the platforms, to take over the Republican Party.
And that's what's exciting, is that all over the place, the Republican parties at city and county level are now Ron Paul strongholds.
Hundreds and hundreds of them.
And that, Richard, is where I want to commend you and everybody else.
You have just done a fabulous job, and you've worked so hard, Richard.
Well, Alex, I appreciate that, but you know how it feels like you can never do enough.
The thing of it is that we've got to remember is that us waking people up, you've said it a million times if you've said it once, waking people up, getting them awake and
Bringing them along with what we're trying to do, and that's the big picture behind this whole delegate process.
But you know, I mean, for example, in Pennsylvania, the Republican Party is supposed to allocate 74 delegates in Pennsylvania.
Well, those are all unallocated delegates.
So, all these Ron Paulers that end up going to Pennsylvania, they could potentially vote
They're unallocated, Alex, despite the fact, whatever the popular vote is.
Now, I'm not saying break the rules.
There's an important difference.
The rule is, in Pennsylvania, these are unallocated delegates.
They can vote any which way they want to vote.
Now, most states, like Texas, like I said, it does appear that John McCain has the number of bound delegates that he needs to get to get the nomination.
However, there are some wild card issues out there with health.
I don't want to dwell on that.
But the thing of it is,
Is that what happens if the window of opportunity opens up and we're not there, which I think at this point we're going to have a 10 to 30 percent representation in St.
That's wonderful.
And that's going to be a good minority.
And you know what?
We're going to be up there handing out DVDs and probably in advance we'll probably make our best efforts.
I know here in Texas we're going to send DVDs to all these delegates before they go to St.
So, you know, if we can change hearts and minds
Then, the thing is, we've been indoctrinated in so many things, and you discuss it all the time, and politics is a big way that the majority of Americans have been indoctrinated.
They go to the first Tuesday in November, they get the ballot, and they vote.
It's kind of like when you go to a fast food place and you go to the drive-up window and you get your hamburger, fries, and a soda, or it's kind of like you go to the Chevy dealer and you buy a car.
You don't think of all the processes, all the different steps.
That's a good question.
Them guts!
And just the process of getting into the guts, we learn how it works, we learn how corrupt it is, we learn that there's these little gatekeepers and infiltrators that the system has put in place, and we learn that we're as smart as they are, or smarter, we're just not dirty scumbags who want to suck blood out of the system.
We want them off our back, and that's why I totally support this process.
I just don't want to see all these infiltrators and saboteurs inside the New World Order.
If he doesn't get elected, or doesn't get the nomination, freaking out and leaving.
I wanted to know that it's a victory.
That's all I said, is that it's a victory what you're doing.
Absolutely, and that's important.
It is a process.
For instance, I describe it sometimes in military terms, sometimes I describe it in baseball terms.
We're right now, in the political scheme of things, we're like a real good 5A high school football team, or 5A baseball team.
We've been through Pee Wee back in the early 2000s, I think we were in Pee Wee League, then we moved up to Pony League, Little League, etc., and then we got into junior high, high school, and we're like a really good high school baseball team in politics, and we proved that.
We got sidetracked at the New Hampshire vote.
I'd say we're a good college team, and then the next level's going to the majors, and then after that, moving on to professional, and then winning the pennant.
Well, that's just it.
See, in 2010, personally I think we will be a college team in 2010 if we can keep everybody fired up and working, get out there in your precinct level right now.
For instance, we've still got Guam.
Let's see, no, I'm sorry.
Indiana, North Carolina, Hawaii, Kentucky, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Nebraska.
All these states are yet to vote.
Folks, if you're in these states, get out there and drive by, canvass your precinct.
Go to your precinct, your county,
Tax Assessor Office or whoever runs elections there, get your precinct map, drive by Canvas, your precinct, look for bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.
and contact these people and get you a little cadre of folks in your precinct and then go divvy up that precinct, go door-to-door, make the phone calls, turn up these people, old-fashioned get-out-vote efforts, and then get your precinct conventions and caucuses
And we can send a lot of delegates out of these upcoming states that have yet to vote because the mainstream media is declaring McCain the victor.
So as a matter of fact, some of these Republican talk show hosts like Bill Cunningham and Limbaugh and Hannity and others, they're suggesting for Republicans to go vote for Hillary so we should be able to dominate in these states with delegates.
It's really disgusting, shifting gears.
As I predicted, people thought I was nuts when I did it, but I knew that they were behind Hillary and Obama.
To now hear Limbaugh endorsing Hillary Clinton.
People couldn't believe that I was right about that, but it's staged.
McCain, Obama, Hillary, they're all together.
Obama's friends with Hillary, that's all staged and admitted.
McCain vacations with the Clintons, just like the Bushes, his wife has campaigned for.
I mean, this is as phony as a three dollar bill.
They're just... Oh, what's the term I've heard people use?
You know, the chief newsreader.
I mean, that's really all they are.
Well, and the Pied Piper for the Republican Party.
The good opportunity that opens up for us is the Ron Paulers in all these different states can get involved in the nuts and bolts and the machinery of the Republican Party.
A lot of them, since they go vote Democrat, they're not going to be eligible to go to their conventions.
They're not going to be eligible to caucus, etc.
So that opens up
I think?
We're good to go.
We're going to be able to soon, in 2010, I think we're going to have, because of the work that's going on right now, is we're going to have ultimately thousands of candidates running in 2010 for local offices.
From dog catcher, to city council, to mayor, I mean you were talking about running for mayor just the other day, to county commissioners, state reps, state senators, etc.
We need good candidates.
Let's, like I say, let's get
Like I was talking about the example with the Mississippi River and New Orleans.
Let's get to the headwaters of the political process.
And we only win by engaging in the process, even though it's rigged and has scams and fraud.
You don't give up because of that.
You get deeper into the guts to ferret it out.
I mean, I go back to just five, six years ago, you'd see polls where 20, 25 percent, depending on the poll, thought that the election system was fraudulent and Diebold was a scam.
Now I've seen polls as high as 86 percent.
Major national polls.
And so now those companies are getting sued.
They're getting removed.
People think it's an oxymoron on air when I say there's a lot of thieving and scamming and fraud going on, kind of like he got second place in Nevada and they said he got third place.
Or kind of like he got first place in Louisiana and they said he got third place.
Or second place.
They lie.
They have been caught in fraud.
People say, well you're saying there's fraud, then why do you say vote?
Because you have to stay involved.
Just because they're cheating, you keep going to the tables, showing how it's a rigged deck.
Showing, because if you just give up and walk away, they win.
You know, you take your marbles and leave, they win.
You've got to stay in the game, even if it's rigged, to keep showing everybody how it's a fraud.
And so I see people doing that.
Now, I'm not criticizing Ron Paul, but this isn't a cult.
So I'm going to say my ideas for this.
Some say you shouldn't even question Ron Paul.
When I had him on air about a month ago, and I'm getting him on soon again, I politely said during the break and on air, I said, you need to come out with a plan against socialized health care, you need to come out with a plan against the war, a pull-out plan, write a one-pager, simple plan, you need to come out against
The Open Borders.
And he's like, well, I've done all that.
And I go, no.
Have like a battle plan.
People will do it their own creative way on your website.
Ask people to form into core groups.
And then to even get directives from the campaign, you know, to continue this as a defense for the Republic.
To take those 20, 30, you can debate even more, Ron Paul supporters, say, hey, the fight isn't over.
Now we're going into this mode.
Instead it shifts it into a
We're good to go.
That from what it was at its peak, when I think we could have kept 90% and then expanded that, this was a once-in-a-lifetime.
I'm not saying we've lost it.
We can still codify a plan and go out and get these people.
And so, Richard, when we come back, I want to discuss that with you on the other side.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers that are watching us on television right now, we're going to continue during this four-minute break, and we'll be right back for all the radio listeners after that.
On the other side, you can go to my screen for us.
Okay, so you want me to carry on?
What happened in January is, you know, you talk about the momentum that's been lost.
I mean, 80% of our movement was kind of been sidetracked.
What happened with that New Hampshire debacle is that the Ron Paul campaign, all the alternative media, we made a big deal about the election fraud situation, which rightfully so, it was a true issue, big-time issue.
But what we failed to do, unfortunately, is that we failed to ignite
I don't know.
I talked to people who saw thousands in LA.
I saw thousands, 7,000 here in Austin.
And I'm not going to disagree with Zimmerman and people like that who know it all, but the larger issue here is that we had to talk about what happened in New Hampshire, and if there was some spin, then maybe people will lose confidence.
I don't know if you're saying that, but if that's what you're saying, I disagree.
I saw all Ron Paul's numbers peak up to Super Tuesday and after, and what happened in New Hampshire had already been forgotten.
And so I saw the numbers, the web, I track all this, Richard.
And so if you look at the graphs, it all peaked right at Super Tuesday and went one day past that, and then Ron Paul put out that press release, and let's analyze this so we don't make the same mistakes.
Kind of saying both.
Well, yeah, I'm kind of out, but I'm still in.
The media did spin it, but not much.
And then there wasn't, by the way, here's the next phase.
It was kind of, let's wait a month and then say there's going to be a March and then never hype that.
And then just kind of fizzle out.
So I'm saying, I'm glad that the remnants, which are quite large, those cadres went and started this whole delegate thing, and I'm all for it.
I think it's beautiful.
And this idea to run candidates, Ron Paul should have said he was doing that.
Heading up some deal of that, and like a manifesto of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, you know, are you one of us?
Here it is.
I mean, we're talking five manifestos, five one-pagers.
And organize people, and then that would have continued that momentum as long as people see their goals.
With any army, you've got to keep them in the battle, or you're going to lose them and they're going to wander back to their farms.
Right, well that's where we've definitely got to keep people in the battle.
Those Ron Paul meet-up groups have to keep on going.
In defense of Ron Paul, on the disconnect between Ron Paul and the grassroots, and the disconnect between the national campaign and the grassroots,
In defense of that, I worked in a campaign in the southern part of Williamson County, which is a very small geographic area, and we had a cadre of about 20 folks, and let me tell you, just running that small campaign, half of Williamson County against Mike Cruz up in 06, that was a daunting, overwhelming task.
I suspect that the Ron Paul campaign at the national level and Ron Paul himself suffer from the same thing that all of us suffer is that we're trying to crowd about 40 hours of life into 24 hours and I know that you're probably trying to crowd 60 hours into your 24 hour day.
So I suspect it's just a matter of that there hadn't been enough time.
I know Ron Paul
He's campaigned hard in Pennsylvania just over the past three or four weeks.
If you checked his website, he was constantly making stops all over Pennsylvania, and on top of that, we know that he's been really dedicated to maintaining his duties in the House, at Congress.
He's been over there trying to make sure he's been there for his votes.
No, he's been confronting Bernanke on a weekly basis, and confronting Petraeus and the rest of them.
I mean, Petraeus, not Betraeus, sorry, or Alciada, I meant Al-Qaeda.
Again, I'm just here saying that I don't want people to get totally bummed out if he doesn't get the nomination.
And there's still a lot of Kool-Aid drinking going on.
Well, the thing of it is that we've gained so much ground, and we've got yet a lot of ground to gain.
We've got this election cycle to continue, and at the same time that we're working hard at this election cycle to gain all the ground we can, wake up every Republican that we can, give them DVDs, etc.
Richard, we've got to go back on right now.
Richard, in the five minutes we've got left, and I want to have you back in as this develops in the next month or so, give people some of the dates, what they need to do around the country, people in Austin, how they can help you and others.
You guys are taking over the party, you're injecting real issues, you're getting ready to run.
In the next election in two years, thousands of people nationwide, your leadership, other leadership, fabulous idea.
I am totally behind it in my own meager capacity.
And again, I don't want people to think it's a loss if Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination.
That wasn't even the goal by the serious minds.
The goal is to take over the party.
That's right, and ultimately we'll be doing the same thing in the Democrat Party.
In Travis County, we're already on our way.
But what the folks here can do in Texas is Charlotte Brown, the guest host with George Butler on a GCN Live program, is heading up the effort to get DVDs out to all the state delegates and the alternate delegates.
And her website to contact her is OperationWakeUp.com.
Yeah, got it.
I'm going to get that, because it sounds like it's right up our alley of what we're trying to do.
Let me talk a little bit about the third party.
That's been a big topic of conversation, and I want to go back to the 06 to give real-life examples of problems that third-party runs give us.
We had to abstain from the primaries.
In 06, members of your audience, including myself, we worked in the Republican Party
I think so.
That's the Byzantine rules, but for listeners with a national, international audience right now, they need to all get with their local Ron Paul meetup groups and other organizations.
The fight is still going.
We can't give up.
Look at how much ground we've gained.
Don't expect to win the Super Bowl, kind of like you said earlier in your first time out on the field.
This is very, very exciting what's happening.
And what are the delegate numbers right now?
I know it's hard to know state to state, but I know there's a lot of news articles saying Ron Paul folks are capturing counties, capturing cities, capturing districts.
We know this is happening.
Well, the delegate numbers are, according to the news, it's probably around 1,300.
Out of that 1,300, 1,400 some-odd, I think he's probably got bound delegates, probably 1,000, 1,100 or 1,200 bound delegates.
He's going to get more bound delegates in these upcoming elections.
But what we've got to remember are the unallocated and unbound delegates.
It would be beautiful, OK?
How many does Ron Paul have now?
Officially, I'd say it's a low number.
I would say it's probably less than a hundred.
But what can happen at the convention... But I mean, at the state level, we know Ron Paul people are capturing a lot of them, so those chips won't come out on the table until later.
That's right.
It's a process to see where it ends up.
For instance, we had in Senatorial District 25, we had a majority of Ron Paulers in Senatorial District 25.
I think they're sending 80 or 90 percent of their delegation are Ron Paulers, both the delegate and the alternate slate.
They sent a huge majority
And there may be other.
It's very hard to find that news.
You've really got to scour.
But we're going to find out and give folks the date of the convention when we're going to learn all this.
Okay, here in Texas, like I say, we need people to go to OperationWakeUp.com and get on board with the DVD project.
The convention dates for Texas are June 12th, 13th, and 14th.
That's a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
That's going to be in Houston, Texas at one of the good Illuminati people, George R. Brown Convention Center.
But then coming up in Minnesota later this year, there's going to be the National Convention.
That's right.
The National Convention in St.
Paul is starting on September 1st.
And I believe that's a Monday.
So it'll be up there.
That'll be an exciting event to see if we can get as many Ron Paulers as possible.
And we're about four months away from that now.
That's right.
That's right.
And so that's coming up.
And earlier I made the example of some local politics going on here.
And the reason I make that, though, is to emphasize why a third-party run makes it kind of difficult.
Because the Achilles heel of us taking out a lot of incumbents
It is in the primaries.
It's very important that we be able to participate in the Republican primaries, and when we've got the Constitutionalists on the left and the Democrat Party, we need them to be able to participate in these primary parties, because that's where the headwaters to these bad politicians is.
I understand, but the big battles about who the executive's going to be, who the president's going to be,
It's a rigged game with these three-stage candidates.
These puppets.
There's no doubt.
And so, the whole point is Ron Paul had something historical going.
Massive momentum built up.
I understand the anger of people who wanted him to run third party.
And I think it was one of the few times in history that there could have been a chance for something to happen.
At least in the Info War, it would have expanded and continued the debate and the discussion.
But I think this alternate plan is just as good.
Either way, we fight.
We get involved in the Info War.
We win.
Richard Reeve, I'm going to come back and do a big news blitz, but I want to thank you for coming in studio with us, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Stay there, Richard.
During this break, for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, we're going to continue the discussion, and for the streams at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Go ahead Richard, you've got about two minutes.
Finish up any other statements you've got.
Well, the thing of it is, you mentioned earlier how it appeared that we had the internet numbers, these things were going.
I'm like you, I was watching these numbers too, and it looked like things were coming up to the zenith up until Super Tuesday.
And I agree with you, on the net, we looked like Godzilla.
On the net, we had a hundred or two thousand people on the net being active.
I saw those Google trend charts where Ron Paul, you know, was just zooming way over everybody else on the Google hits and things like that.
Just don't buy the government's propaganda that they didn't cheat him and do a bunch of stuff.
I'm not saying they didn't cheat him.
I'm not saying you bought him.
I mean, a lot of people, look, they're telling you, oh, that was in your mind.
That was just the internet.
Record money donations in record small amounts.
That was a manifestation of something never before seen.
Well, and the thing is, now we've seen it with the Obama campaign.
It's been amazing that the money they're generating with over a million individual donors.
So the good news behind that is that we've got a renewed level of political activists.
I think eventually a lot of those Obama maniacs
They're going to end up in our camp, I think, and it's going to be good because they're going to be active.
And so, I think they're just still buying into the deception.
I agree.
Ron Paul people should reach out and explain that all of this staged persecution of Obama, all of it, this is theater.
It's why the globalists are in control.
They are masters of that type of deception.
Richard, any other websites you want to fire out?
No, that's all I have is if you can help us out in the Texas effort to get DVDs out, OperationWakeUp.com.
Email Charlotte Brown, one of the great GCN hosts, co-host with George Butler, on Saturday night.
Email her.
And also, a big thing that happened here in Travis County is the footprint of the low-power FMs is where our strength really wasn't.
In West Austin, over on the other side of Signal Hill, where we don't have a low-power FM covering that, despite our efforts, is we still haven't penetrated.
So it's going to take, you know, the low-power FM... Yeah, I mean, it's really simple.
I mean, I
That's right.
Somebody could run 24 hours Infowars if they wanted to.
I could stick one in my house if I wanted to, but I'm not going to.
You know, the point is that I'm just busy doing my own job, putting out films, doing a radio show, so it's kind of like if there's a fight at a party, I just leave the party.
And I mean, because all the weirdness that went on locally, I just extricated myself from that.
But Richard, you've done a great job.
We need micros covering everything in Central Texas, but every city in the country.
Folks can call Ramsey, get the kids, hook it up to Satellite Dish, put the shows on now.
Richard Reeves, thanks for talking to us.
Hey Alex, thank you.
Take care.
Good to have you in here with us.
Okay, we're going to now join Genesis back in progress.
Stay with us.
That's right.
Baby, little babe, you don't have to go.
Little baby, tell me you won't go.
We'd be so good together if we had the time.
I could listen to this all day.
Craig White.
Good 80s, 90s band.
Ain't no crime.
All right.
I'm going to do a news blitz here for you.
And I'm uh...
Also encouraging all of the listeners out there, because I get so busy on air, I never even plug what makes all of this possible, and what is the best tool I've found to wake people up out there.
Sometimes I've been told how dare I mention that videos are the most effective tool, but they really are, and I hope that everybody will go to InfoWars.com, will order on DVD, Washington, you're fired!
and American Drug War, The Last White Hope.
This has three hours of extras on it, all available at InfoWars.com.
Washington, you're fired, and American Drug War.
We also have Ron Paul's new book that's out, The Manifesto for Freedom.
And just a lot more, they're available right now at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Man, it is weird not doing commercials sometimes on my own internet feed and for the PrisonPawn.tv viewers because then you come out of break and there was no break and you're used to having those breaks as a breather.
I can't go around shouting orders during the break.
I can look out my window and see Burmess working hard right out there.
Everybody, you want to see Burmess?
Everybody want to see Burmess out the window?
Here, let me show PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Get up out of my seat here.
And we will, ah, there he is right out there.
Oh, man.
How's it going, Burmess?
I ought to get a wireless camera and walk around the office with it.
I could do the show out front on a headset.
Paul was joking I could go to the beach with my family and do the show with a headset over the Skype system over the access unit.
There he is out there working.
And who is that over there on the wall?
I know I've walked away from my microphone, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll be back over there just in a moment.
Here's our studio in here if you want to get a look at it.
Little camera on me.
Got the document camera right there.
Got another screen in here.
I control things from right here.
We also got some folks out there that do some of the work.
Well, basically this is my little broadcast pod in here.
Go ahead and set this camera back up here.
This is Truly Insane Radio, brought to you by The Meathead.
Alright, hold on a minute.
Get my camera back up there.
Okay, oh man.
Some days doing this fourth hour I get really tired.
Especially if I want to go through a big news blitz of information.
But, here we go.
T-minus 22 minutes left in this transmission against tyranny.
Food shortages or globalist depopulation agenda?
I mentioned this the last few days, but I really should read this whole article, but there's just not time.
I think everybody should, really, as soon as possible, go read that story.
By the way, is the Schwarzenegger video officially up yet?
Because I saw that test version, good thing we played it then, and whoever pulled that down, and uh... I wonder if Burmess was involved in that?
And then we've got... Oh man, teasing people is one of my few pleasures.
This is something that's really, really serious.
Oh, I said I'd take phone calls.
I know we've got phone calls on the main network phone system, and we've got phone callers here in the call-in number, but we will take a few calls.
I'm going to do two intensive news blitz today at 512-646-5400.
Coming soon, a medical research lab is planned for the heart of London.
Is it safe to house a facility dealing with deadly diseases in a large urban population?
Natasha Gilbert reports.
And here is the London Guardian story there.
It's called Coming Soon.
It came out yesterday.
Now this is an important article because under BioShield program,
36 level 4 bioweapons laboratories were built from 2001 to 2006, last time I looked it up.
And they put Level 4 bio-weapons labs in new Level 2 and Level 3 and aging Level 2 and 3 facilities all over major cities, Chicago, Baltimore, Maryland, Galveston, Texas, Los Angeles, and
They admitted in the press that these are laboratories of race-specific bio-weapons and this is the super stuff.
I mean, anthrax is a level 3.
We're talking level 4.
We're talking about mammal pox that kills 99.9% of whatever it comes in contact to.
Total death, total destruction.
Meanwhile, the cops are running around freaking out, running checkpoints, harassing bedraggled families that work
Hours a day, you know, on their Prozac, driving home from work.
Police running around, hiding under their chairs from Al Qaeda.
Bin Laden's going to get us any minute.
Oh, he put out a new video report agreeing with Bush on something.
Uploaded by a known neocon CIA website, but everything's okay.
Meanwhile, we've got genetic engineering completely out of control.
Bioweapons labs everywhere.
Fish infusion systems.
Giant nuclear reactors being built.
I mean, you tell the local Austinites, they've got
Very high-powered research nuke here in Austin.
Reactor, and they'll tell you it doesn't exist.
The J.J.
Pickle Center.
You can Google it in five seconds and find it, but you won't.
You're pre-programmed, you coward.
It's alright, don't matter.
Run around police, run checkpoints, looking for El Cato everywhere.
Meanwhile, your bosses write public documents saying they want to use race-specific bioweapons to release on the public.
Dick Cheney wrote that, and everything's fine.
That's why I'm living in the Twilight Zone, man.
We got the sons of Nazis that send people to their death, actual SS officers, running around under the control of the ADL, wearing SS belt buckles on TV.
I just can't handle it anymore, man.
I'm living in the frickin' Twilight Zone here.
I mean, I really am.
Let me read this article to you.
A medical research lab is planning for the heart of London.
Is it safe to house a facility dealing with deadly diseases in a large urban population?
Natasha Gilbert reports.
Let me see.
The last two foot-and-mouth releases were admitted by the government and accidentally released during bioweapon drills at Porton Down.
Then it came out they released it on purpose.
The government is run by psycho killers, you understand?
They're bored.
They're tired of mistresses and jets and money and power.
They like killing you.
They like killing me.
They like poisoning your water.
They like playing God.
They like running it all.
A 500 million pound, that's over a billion dollar medical and U.S.
money, research laboratory in the heart of London could carry out work on the world's most deadly diseases.
Guardian Education has learned, backed by the Prime Minister, the land to be built yards from St.
Eurostar Terminal in the British Library will replace the National Institute of Medical Research in Mill Hill, which includes one of the UK's 10 Category 4 labs.
Now, again, weaponized anthrax is Level 3.
Level 4 is supposed to be underground, in-pressurized, like a submarine sealed, with automatic burners ready to burn it up underground, surrounded by three fences with minefields, a machine gun nest, huge armored doors to enter.
And they're robotically controlled in the labs so humans don't even get into the pressurized area.
Now instead they're sticking level 4 and level 2 and 3 facilities.
They get hit by hurricanes.
It's all over.
Remember four years ago when they mailed super weaponized flu that kills the vast majority of those that come in contact with it?
It was like 5,000 different labs were accidentally shipped it by the Centers for Disease Control.
They accidentally shipped the super deadly flu!
The government loves you!
Give up all your rights, Al-Qaeda will get you!
What's up?
Honor, make an eye contact like there's something going on.
Oh, God help us all.
These have included security levels and work on highly contagious and incurable diseases such as Ebola,
Lassa Fever, the government also, has around 350 Category 3 labs where work on SARS and HIV takes place.
Yes, where they are building new ones for you and your family.
Look, I know you're not going to listen to cops, and I know the evil's probably going to end up winning a few more rounds, and I'm not saying this for effect.
When your children are dying and you're dying of the bioweapon attack, it is in Al-Qaeda, okay?
It isn't the Al Qaeda you think it is.
Look, man, I want to go surfing.
I want to go to Hawaii.
I want to go see Crater Lake.
I want to go camping in Monument Valley, Utah.
I do not want to be here.
I do not want to have to talk to you.
I do not like the fact that you take it as me begging that I warn you and you get on a petty power trip.
I don't like the fact that psychopathic Nazis, hooked up with a bunch of nuts in Israel and other places, run everything and that we're completely screwed.
Okay, I'm telling you the truth here.
You've just got to die, don't you?
They've got to kill you first before you wake up.
As you're dying, you'll probably think about the shots.
I take no pleasure in that.
It's all over.
Oh, jeez.
Now listen to the crap.
It's the same way they sold BioShell.
They say it's done to protect from terrorism.
They have to have all these weapons to protect you, because they have to study the weapons and produce thousands of gallons apiece of them, as the Baltimore Sun reported three years ago.
Thousands of gallons of liquid death was the term they used.
The potential threat of terrorism, as well as the ongoing investigation into the biosafety branches of the Pirbright Laboratory in Surrey, which caused last year's outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, another one they did, means a discussion to build a Category 4 lab in Kings Cross area by 2013 to cause a potential storm as London gears up to host the Olympics.
Folks, the government of Australia six years ago released the full genetic code diagram to make a mammal pox for any mammal that kills close to 100%.
Oh, but they're not worried about that!
They're worried about carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
That's the deadly weapon that must be stopped.
That's the deadly ooga-booga that we all have to fear and that films are shown to all your kids in public school about the Earth's going to die from the deadly carbon dioxide that humans exhale.
It's making us the enemy, in the words of the chairman of the CFR, so the state can, quote, wage war against the enemy human kind.
But the elite will do that waging war.
Do you get it, cops?
You're not the most powerful people.
You're nothing to them.
You think you're part of the power structure.
Do you hear me, FBI?
Do you hear me, BATF?
You understand they've killed hundreds of microbiologists.
Who were in government weapons programs in the US, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, on and on and on, Italy.
It's over 300.
They murder them, they double-tap them, they run over them, they kill them.
They're all in key bioweapons programs or identifying key bioweapons programs because they don't want these universities finding out who's going to release this stuff.
That's why they don't care about me.
They don't care about me warning you, they don't care about me on the air, because they're going to kill you and your family.
You understand me?
You think 9-11 is anything?
That was just to set the table and get you ready for their eugenics.
You think I make movies where I say they plan to kill 80% of you to get your attention?
You think I like attention of murdering killers?
You think I just make this stuff up?
I'm not making any of it!
Find out that the damn CFR, excuse me, find out that the CFR came out and said you're the enemy.
You and your family!
You think I like being surveilled by these bastards?
You think I like the fact that they got their finger right there on the button to kill me, but they don't want to scare you before it's too late?
They want to move on all of you at once after a few more terror attacks and economic collapse when they got you really under their control grid?
It's when you think you're safe, cops, and you're strutting around your cities with everybody locked down, having a thumb scan to leave their homes and buy and sell, when you think you're the big boss and you're the heroes on TV and everybody kisses your butt, that's when you're gonna get sick and everybody around you's gonna be sick and you're gonna fall over and die because your dirty masters are gonna murder you!
You understand me, boy?
This isn't a joke!
This is for real!
And let me tell you something, in your gut, all you out there watching, all you out there listening, all you that serve this system, all you psychopaths that think you're on top of things, and think you run the whole show, who only care about yourselves, you know deep in your cowardly gut, you know I'm telling you the truth right now.
And you know it's true, and that's why this show upsets you.
Because you know there's some of us who have courage and who love humanity, enough to warn everybody.
And I am mad.
I am bitter.
I am angry because I have sacrificed so much to do this.
I have sacrificed more than you know, more than you can imagine.
Because it's my instinct to defend and warn people.
I am upset about what's happening.
I am disgusted by what's going on.
I don't even want to do this radio show, but I do more hours, and I'm going to go over four hours today, because I've got a responsibility to warn you.
And I'll take your calls, Eric, Mark, Carter, Mark, and a couple others, and then that's it when we get back.
I'll probably only go ten, twenty minutes into the fifth hour.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
They're gonna claim this crap's gonna get out of there.
They're gonna say terrorists released it.
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We're good to go.
I hear the train a-comin'
It's rollin' around a bit And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on
But that train keeps a-movin'.
But that train keeps a-rollin'.
On down to... On down to San Antonio.
Hey, the train track that goes to San Antonio is right here.
Right down the street.
Mama told me, son, always be a good boy.
Don't ever play with guns, but I shot a man in Reno.
Just to watch him... Bunch of control freak murderers are in control of everything.
I got a sick plan for you and your family.
Hey cops, go to any big environmental meeting with top professors on climate and the environment and watch them get standing ovations when they talk about how they're going to kill everybody.
You'll think you're in a cult.
Hell, who knows, you might join them, you might like it.
Is it powerful to kill everybody?
Will it make me feel tough?
Is it the law to kill children?
Then I say kill them!
That's the crazy mindset.
I bet there's rich folks eatin' in a fancy dinin' car.
They're probably drinkin' coffee and smokin' big cigars.
Oh, I knew I had it comin'.
I know I can't be free, but that train keeps a-movin', and that's what tortures me.
All right, I gotta stop screwin' around in the fourth hour.
I just get, not even depressed, I just get sick of it, man.
I just get tired of it, don't you?
I'm going to continue into the fifth hour.
I've got a few other news items I want to hit.
We'll say bye to Genesis here in about four minutes.
Appreciate John Harmon up there running the show.
Ted Anderson, everybody.
I've got Snoop in here running the things down here in Austin, Texas.
and uh... sneaky snoops his name and then uh... will come to quit screwing around.
We're going to take some of your calls.
Eric and Philly, you're on the air.
Good to hear from you, Eric.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, how you doing?
Um, you know, we really do appreciate your work ethic.
It's a very good influence on us.
Well, thank you, Commander.
Right, so I have a whole list of stuff here I want to talk to you about.
I don't even know where to begin.
Start with the price of tea in China.
It's up.
One thing people talk about is how the Illuminati worships Lucifer and that's why they're so bad.
Do you think Lucifer's real?
Uh, I do believe, yeah, that there is a dark force, call it whatever name you want.
The point is that even if you don't believe in it, the globalists believe in it very strongly.
And, um, are you familiar with Skype?
Yeah, Skype's a form of internet communication, kind of like a phone line.
Right, they have these Skype casts where you can host and have people call in or whatever, and I've been talking to a lot of Saudis and stuff like that, and telling them about that story about the Palestinian guy in Austin that you were just talking about, I was getting that story out to them.
Yeah, I noticed all the sites that say I don't talk about Israel, and I do every day, wouldn't post the stories we get about him being probably murdered.
Because it's more important just to hate me and be right about the fact that I'm bad than it ever is to admit that they're wrong and have slandered me.
Same thing with the Catholics run it all crowd.
Yeah, it's the Illuminati who run it all, so just to clarify that.
That's right, and they run every major group.
It doesn't say that these other groups aren't evil or bad or being controlled, it just means it's a larger, overarching system.
Good to hear from you.
We're going to end this side of the GCN Radio Network transmission now.
There are the audio streams over at InfoWars.com, the one place to listen to The Overdrive or to watch us online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Where for 15 cents a day you can see the fourth hour, a lot of times more than that, on video, the document cam, the guest cam, and a lot more at PrisonPlanet.tv.
15 cents a day and your membership lets us hire more people and fight the New World Order that much harder.
God bless you all.
Genesis, see you back tomorrow.
For everybody else, we'll see you at InfoWars.com streams.
Right now, stay with us.
Sayonara, John.
Good job.
Thank you for listening.
Thanks, Alex.
I'll see you again tomorrow.
Take care, bro.
You too.
Oh, can you hear that, viewers, how he says bye-bye?
That is a championship.
Hey, John, want to say hi to folks?
Hey, folks.
See ya, buddy.
See ya.
Alright, one of the little Keebler elves.
That does a great job around here.
Okay, who's up next here?
Mark in Florida?
Mark in the Sunshine State.
Wish I was there on your white beaches.
It's a beautiful day today, Alex.
It's just gorgeous out here.
It's beautiful here too.
I wish I was outside.
Yeah, I wish you were too.
Well, I'm sitting on my porch and I'm looking at my computer.
I wanted to continue this discussion about the UN.
I called you like last week and you mentioned on
You mentioned on Monday the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which I am familiar with, and I don't really get your interpretation of the last two rights.
So I've got it in front of me.
I can read it if you'd like.
Well, it says in there that any right that gets in the way of U.N.
policy basically doesn't exist and they can just run over you.
It's that classic clause.
Can I read it to you?
Just a second.
Yeah, let me finish.
You asked a question.
It's just like the Supreme Court says, well, you have a right to own guns.
We just have a right to restrict it, which is not a right at all.
A license is an authorization to do something that would be illegal.
But let me just go to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so we can read together, but go ahead and read Article 29 and 30.
I'll start at our... You're talking about Article 29.3, but I'll start at the 29.1.
Okay, 29.1 is...
Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
Yeah, duties to the community, meaning the government is going to be your boss and tell you what to do.
And we also have the UN's interpretation of these.
So, boy, wonderful to have duties to the local scumbag.
Yeah, but, you know, you could interpret it that way, but... Well, that's what the UN does when they're murdering 800,000 Rwandans.
Yeah, I mean, I'm not trying to justify the deeds of the U.N., you know?
But look what you just read about the duty to be a... Listen, let's stop.
Put him on hold.
Let me explain something to you, sir.
I'm going to give you plenty of time here, but let me explain something to you.
As best I can, okay?
As best as possible, okay?
In communist China and communist Russia, they come knock on your door and they make you go dig ditches or work in the sewage plant or work on top of everything else you do, while a bunch of fat cat commies in fancy outfits and uniforms prance around telling you what to do living in villas and owning racehorses.
Okay, so that first part you read, right there it says you have these duties to the community to be their little minion, and that's what the UN does.
It is a communist organization, but not in the commie system you think of, but for the bankers.
They want to use and control national systems, having the people be slaves within those units, having minions that they control from without through the resources they bring to those dictators, or oligarchies.
Go ahead.
You know, I see your point there, where you could read that, and you said that Communist China has become the big UN model, so you may have a point there.
Can I go on and read the other point?
Yeah, go ahead.
This is one of the things that, you know, you say, go check out what you say and everything, and I think, when I checked it out, it looked great to me, so just going over it will help.
In the exercise, this point too, of 29, in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject
It's kind of like common sense.
But then at the end of it, it says that you have no rights.
And let me try to explain this to you.
It's like contract fraud.
I was about to buy some royalty-free music to use in a film I'm making, and some royalty-free websites and symphony, you know, orchestra stuff, you can buy it.
It says once you buy this, you have a total non-exclusive license to use it however you want in perpetuity.
I was on this other site, and it was like 20 pages of contract notes, and at the end it said, we can change this any time we want, revoke your rights, and you have liability.
That's called a sharecropper clause, or a slave clause.
This is a slave clause, and on the screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers right now,
I have the UN.org forward slash overview forward slash rights dot html.
I am on the United Nations website.
I typed in Universal Declaration of Human Rights into Google.
The first thing came up, UN website, and it says
In Article 29 it says all this stuff, it sounds great, except for the everyone has duty to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
See, that's total communism.
You'll be empowered by the wonderful community exercise.
That's how we all empower each other, part of the whole.
Now you move down here to 3.
The rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purpose and principles of the U.N.
So they're saying, just like they say, oh you can't protest us because the U.N.'
's trying to help you, we're banning protest in Rwanda as we kill you.
Or, you know, the U.N.
supports countries that ban demonstrations and freedom.
They say, we will decide who run the U.N., not you the people.
We will decide what is allowed.
You would never sign a contract for a house, or a credit card, or buying a mule from somebody, or buying a wheelbarrow with that clause right there.
That is an open-ended lawyer clause.
So is one about how you got these duties to the community.
Nothing in this declaration may be interpreted as implying for a state, group, or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
So it's also saying you do not have a right to revolt clause which is in our Declaration of Independence saying we have a right and a duty when someone becomes destructive of the rights to resist it.
This is saying the opposite of that.
It's saying, no, this is always pristine and wonderful, and cannot be reformed, and you do not have a right inherent to resist against this.
Yeah, I've always heard that called the universality of the Universal Declaration.
Sir, what do you do?
I mean, that you're hanging around with people who talk about this.
Oh, I don't do anything.
You mean as a profession?
I'm a physician.
A medical doctor?
Medical doctor, yeah.
But we don't talk about this at Bayou.
Well, I'll tell you what, do a contract and then let me have a clause in it like three where it says I can do whatever I want.
Well, you know, I think, you know, you can get lawyers to do a whole bunch of things and... No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I understand your interpretation.
And I understand the bad things that the UN has done.
with a lot of a lot of the things you claim and and you know i'm not a big supporter and like i said i said you know who created the united nations yet that the rockefellers cool created and it's on rockefeller land and that but not just the one in new york not just the one in new york is a person you know in nineteen forty five it's a total front
Just like the League of Nations is a shadow British Empire.
Right, they wanted to do a League of Nations.
This is what I was told, you know, in my education.
That they couldn't get the League of Nations, and so... Well, I mean, did you know that Woodrow Wilson, before they poisoned him on the train, wrote letters and admitted and said, I've been conned by international bankers, this is a fraud, the New World Order is a great tyranny.
I was bleeding heartened by his letters, public.
I've seen portions of that letter.
My interpretation of things are changing, Alex, but what I'm saying is, if I go to the preamble in that Universal Declaration, and the whole thing sounds pretty good, maybe what you're saying is correct, but what I'm saying is that it's a sucker's game.
Well, here's the deal.
Preambles don't matter.
They say at the end,
That we have the veto power over you.
And then what is the UN calling for?
Where we don't even really have votes, and non-governmental organizations and corporations run everything.
Right, I mean, that's absurd.
And that's what Bobbitt at UT, you know, LBJ's nephew, who's one of their top planners, just wrote in the Statesman, with an image of the Bill of Rights being burned.
And I mean, you're for individual rights.
From what I heard with your interview with Mayor Koch, you're not just for the rights because they're written in the Constitution, you're for rights because they're human rights.
Well, I agree.
But the Founding Fathers themselves said, the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Constitution doesn't give you rights.
It simply enumerates existing, organic, in stone, call it God-given, whatever you want,
This is already existing.
This is enumerating and pointing out that the government is recognizing this, and if the government violates these, it is engaged in treason, and you don't just have the right, it is a duty to overthrow this enemy.
This is the opposite.
Right, at the end it does seem like to go out with a fizz where you have a duty to overthrow if they're violating God-given human rights.
You know, I see what you're saying.
However, if you look at the preamble, you'll see that it says the exact same thing that you just said.
Yeah, but it always says that.
Hey, hey, listen.
A contract conning some poor family, you know, with a balloon payment, is in small print at the end.
And they have to go to a legal dictionary, even if you're smart and informed, to make sure exactly what they're saying.
Whereas, the founders wrote the Bill of Rights where they said so lawyers couldn't invent and twist meanings out of it.
What's the Supreme Court now doing?
Saying, oh magically, the Bill of Rights says you can have all your freedoms taken.
You know, oh you have rights unless we say so.
It's the same crap that's in this UN thing.
Oh, you've got the right to own guns unless we say it's restricted by law.
They're saying their little laws and regulations are above the big, set-in-stone Ten Commandments of the Bill of Rights.
Right, and you have the right to freedom of speech as long as you're not a 9-11 truther.
Then you're treason.
Yeah, look at the RAND Corporation and others, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center putting out stuff showing terror training camps and saying 9-11, you know, architects and engineers are al-Qaeda about to attack and kill all of us.
And now they've got their CIA front putting out fake audio tapes saying Iran works with 9-11 truth.
You know, Al Qaeda says whatever the government wants.
It's absolute crap.
I appreciate your call.
Look, I'm telling you, sir, I've had former UN officials on.
I've had people that have been to hundreds of these meetings.
I have the interpretations of the UN.
Have you read the Biological Diversity Assessments?
Where they talk about how they're going to kill us in mass, and how they're going to have human sacrifices of us?
I mean, you can't make this stuff up!
You can't... By the way... Oh my God.
That's what I mean, you can't make it up!
Today I was watching this footage, it's up on InfoWars.com now, and WeAreChanged.org, of Arnold Schwarzenegger being confronted by Lew Grodowski.
And I'm just like, it's the son of a Nazi SS officer who ran a whole city in thousands of their deaths, admittedly.
When he died, his mother married the second highest SS guy in Austria.
He wears Nazi belt buckles, he says he admires Hitler, and he gets ADL awards!
I exposed Zionists working with Hitler to not let Jews get out of Germany unless they went to Israel, and the ADL attacks me because I don't like the fact that Israel, for millions of dollars, radiated 110,000 Sephardic Jewish children.
I got the Nazi groups attacking me, I got the Jewish groups attacking me, all because I just don't like scum!
Whether it's Mossad running around killing people in Austin, or Schwarzenegger in Nazi outfits, I mean, I just can't handle it, man!
Nazis walking around with Nazi belt buckles?
Guarded by our police in black Nazi outfits?
I mean, excuse me, how did it ever get to this point?
How did I ever enter such a twilight zone?
I'm living a twilight zone episode!
In fact, I'm going to YouTube.
I'm going to play a twilight zone intro.
Oh, man.
Let's take another call.
I'm going to just real fast now.
Carter in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I love you, bro.
Hey, Dr. Mark, he doesn't understand about the compulsory nature of things and, you know, Republic, you know, laws restrict, you know, government and that sort of thing.
I'm reading Henry Kissinger's book called Diplomacy from 1994, and I'd like to get the name of the book that he wrote in 74.
Wasn't a book in 74, it was State Department memorandum 200, also put into action as U.S.
policy by the Central Intelligence Agency, and President Richard Milhouse Nixon, covertly in 73, put into document form in 74, declassified in 93.
SD-200, I've got that written down.
In this book I'm reading, it has the most unique, the reason, a friend of mine gave me the book.
He said, read this.
I started reading it, I found, I was interested in the words and phrases he would be using, what's pinging around in his head as he sits down to write, and a very eclectic phrase jumped in there, and it is this, the Ancient Medieval Aspirations of Universal Empire.
Now the first chapter of that book was called The New World Order.
And the last chapter of the book is the New World Order Reconsidered.
And in it they talk about Woodrow Wilson and all the balance of powers.
And it's kind of like the analogy is of a bunch of pepperonis all over the top of a pizza.
And no one pepperoni gets big enough to upset the system.
Because all the other pepperonis will go gang up on them.
But that's the fraud they put out on the surface to sound reasonable.
Really, they are taking the power out of all the pepperonis and building a big pepperoni that's bigger than the pizza that then manipulates the pieces on the board and plays the other pepperonis against themselves to destroy themselves.
The war machine, the global hegemony, the old world love of intrigue.
And the book is basically... I love it!
That's what I mean.
It's their entertainment.
Cloak and Dagger.
It's such a big joke they poison us.
It's such a big joke we're dying of cancer.
It's such a big... It's so funny to these control freaks who just keep winning and winning and winning with idiot cops in black uniforms supporting those that are murdering them.
Hey, you know another thing?
Locally, man, I'm the kind of guy... I go and approach cops.
I can talk my way into and out of everything.
And I'd go and show them what's going on and where they need to put their money.
I mean, I had the police chief unprovoked hand me his business card.
You know, I know the assistant DA around here, and he's all ears, and I'll put him on your movies.
I know, I'm not saying they're bad, they're just like the general public.
They don't know, and that's one of the things I've learned.
They're so busy.
And this happened in Nazi Germany.
They're getting mounted up with paperwork.
They don't have enough time to let their eyes hit the horizon.
The Nazis did that on purpose.
Yeah, I know, and they're immersed in it.
And people wondered when was going to be the Eschaton moment that they were going to all realize and go to the streets and stop things.
And it never came.
And so they know.
They've been through this program before.
This is something, this is their master's thesis on, or their dissertation on... Exactly, you know, they say Zionists run the whole, they say Zionists run the whole New World Order, certainly a big part of it, but it's all Nazi.
There's also weird Nazis in eugenics mixed in, and Nazi homeland security, and Nazi-style eagles, and Nazi black uniforms, and Nazi names, and the Gun Control Act is an exact copy of the Weimar Republic Gun Control Act.
There's this overarching British Anglo-American mixed in with a Rothschild.
It's disgusting.
There's something I don't hear you say much anymore and it's nothing can stop a man in the right who keeps on a-coming.
And you know something, right now we really need a lot more of that.
We need to just educate ourselves.
You only get better, Alex.
You're only getting better.
I'm just having a personal conversation with you and I'm glad to have this opportunity to do it.
But, I mean, I care a lot about you.
I don't want anything bad to ever happen to you.
This junk going on with the Palestinian guy, he was trying to get a boat because he was going to go proactive and try to bring relief supplies or something.
Was that it?
And as soon as he put feet forward to do something about it, they go and they clip the head off of a snake like that.
Because they're worried about action.
Hey, now I want to ask you something.
When I called in, the phone rang two times after the show picked up.
Who's, who, where's that ringing?
It's going directly to a giant alien spacecraft.
There's just, it's a, it's a, when I go overboard and after the show, we take calls locally, you're, you know, you're calling into an internet phone system.
And so there's one guy and they're punching buttons and putting you on.
So you're, there's a guy six feet from me, through the glass, he's running the board in there.
So there's, so there's no big conspiracy.
Hey listen, I appreciate your call.
Oh yeah.
I gotta jump here or I'm never gonna get it in the show.
Here's the Twilight Zone thing I wanted to
Wanted to play.
Here we go.
See if I get the audio.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of sound.
A dimension of sight.
A dimension of mind.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.
You've just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone.
I think I'm gonna watch The Twilight Zone Plan to the Apes.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of sound.
A dimension of sight.
A dimension of mind.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.
You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
We're here to stay.
This is some weird re-edit of Twilight Zone with Planet of the Apes.
Let's all enjoy a little TV time, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, where are we?
Do you have any notions, Skipper?
We're some 320 light years from Earth on an unnamed planet in orbit around a star in the constellation of Orion.
Is that close enough for you?
That could be Bellatrix.
It's too white for Bellatrix.
You didn't have time to read the tapes.
So you really don't know, do you?
What went wrong?
We weren't programmed to land in the water.
The question is not so much where we are, as when we are.
All right.
Well, you've had enough sleep to hold us for a while.
Start earning all that back pay.
The time is the day after tomorrow.
The place, a far corner of the universe.
A cast of characters, three men lost amongst the stars.
Three men sharing the common urgency of all that's lost.
They're looking for home.
And in a moment, they'll find a home.
Not a home that is a place to be seen, but a strange, unexplainable experience to be felt.
Look at this!
I think so.
Oh, yeah.
They didn't leave much, did they?
Well, at least they haven't tried to bite us.
Blessed are the vegetarians.
They look more or less human, but I think they're mute.
We got off at the wrong stop.
You're supposed to be the optimist, Landon.
Look on the bright side.
If this is the best they've got around here, in six months we'll be running this planet.
This is basically how the New World Order sees us.
That's really what we are with our IQs, what we know about how the world really works.
We're like half-naked savages running through cornfields.
The police just ride us down with their leisure.
The brain scientists calculate how to manipulate us and control us.
They poison us, they sterilize us, they murder us with pleasure.
They feed on their own minions.
I want to see how it ends in 20 seconds.
Take three final calls and I'm out of here.
Oh, they shoot the evil humans who are resisting.
They deserve it.
Maybe Fox News will do a news piece about how... Look how evil Charlton Heston is, abusing the officers.
The officers.
Oh, they're so good.
And now, Planet of the Apes Part 2, ladies and gentlemen.
Twilight Zone, Planet of the Apes Part 2.
And then I promised Mark, John, Roy, and Paula, and that's gonna be a... Twilight Zone meets Planet of the Apes.
I didn't know they had this.
I love all these re-edits and weird stuff going on on YouTube.
It's really enjoyable.
Wish I had time to watch it more.
Now that I live on the radio, we'll just have it here.
This two-year-old is a defective, that's why he's on Prozac.
He deserves it.
You had instructions to clean up the beast.
Now these rags he's wearing give off a stench that's offensive to the dignity of this tribunal.
That's how they talk to kids they're CPSing.
I have them on video saying they're subhuman.
Prepare to feed the child pesticide!
The government loves you!
It's for the greater good of it.
You may proceed, Doctor.
You may proceed with this piece of filth.
This tribunal has not yet defined the purpose for this inquiry.
You asked for the opportunity to present your case.
Surely you must know why you're here.
At the very least, this man has the right to know whether there's a charge against him.
This exhibit is indeed- Charge, exactly!
It's like the Secret Service just- and the guy beating up the We Are Change person and then charging them with it in front of witnesses and video.
How dare him!
How dare we say they have any rights!
This is horrible!
...need a man.
Therefore, he has no rights under 8th Law.
Dr. Zira, this is a man, is it not?
He is unlike any man you have ever seen, as we hope to prove.
Answer the question, Dr. Zira!
Is it a man?
Sir, perhaps the question is the pointed issue.
Is he a man?
Is he a deviant or a freak of nature?
Sustained now, Dr. Zira.
In all fairness, you must admit that the accused is a non-ape and therefore has no rights under ape law.
Then why is he called the accused?
Your honors must think him guilty of something.
It is not being tried.
It is being disposed of.
It is scientific heresy that is being tried here.
Let us warn our friend.
And I'll...
I'll defend myself.
Dr. Zero, would you tell... Right Eyes to be quiet.
My name is Taylor.
Silence the animal!
Wait, let me...
Now see, the analogy of this in the real world will be how they always seize our videotapes and then frame us.
Or they don't show the squad car video when it shows what they don't want.
But now, it'll show them beating you for no reason, and then they charge you for having to make the baton bounce off your head or the taser prod set you on fire, as they now do.
You haven't seen, Mr. Prosecutor.
Learned Judges, my case is simple.
It is based on our first article of faith.
Let's skip ahead and see what happens.
This is the trial.
Good, I'm glad those officers are treating that criminal well.
Needs to be dealt with immediately.
A village of control freaks.
It's like a university.
There are the students who pay their money to be slaves.
So all the money can be sucked out and invested in Swiss bank accounts.
Colleges now are just fronts.
That's why they're so into the football.
It's the only real thing there.
That's him!
That's Lennon!
Which one?
Those bastards!
They cut out his brain!
Do you acknowledge kinship with any of these creatures?
With one of them, yes.
Identify him, then!
Speak to him!
That's what the feds do now.
They, uh... They cut him.
Did you know about this?
I swear, I never saw this man before.
But, babe... You did it.
You cut up his brain, you funny baboon!
Damn dirty ape!
How dare him assault an officer!
Take him inside!
Alright, that's enough.
That's enough, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll just quit screwing around here.
But no, that's what they do now.
There's cases where they've kept people more than ten years.
Famous case of the dentist is up to like nine now.
Because he sued them over them claiming Medicare-Medicaid fraud in Kansas City, wasn't it?
Interviewed his family and lawyers.
And they have been drugging him on anti-psychotics for no reason.
Until he's now just a vegetable and they hold him still at a prison saying he will never get trial and he will be in solitary confinement and he will be drugged with anti-psychotics until he dies.
Look it up yourself.
Ah yes, it's such a good... And again, the cops think they're escaping it.
They're escaping nothing.
So your own masters are hiding their way with you as well.
Uh, Mark and Mass, thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, hey, I wish I had some popcorn, man.
Oh, you want some more?
Here, hold on.
Keep going, go ahead, I'm sorry.
So, I wanted to try and volunteer some movie footage for, or not, some footage for your film, your upcoming Truth or Film.
What is that?
Well, actually, I'd like to talk to somebody off the air and see whether or not you can actually put it up.
It's in the vein of the North American Union.
I'd imagine that you'd probably be pleasantly surprised.
Sir, I would imagine I would be.
If you want to donate it, that's fine.
I would love to.
We want to know if you want credit or not.
We need a letter saying we can use it.
Yeah, let me put you on hold and we'll get your name and number and give it to Aaron Dykes.
I'm looking at it out the window here.
Yeah, I just don't want it to get lost in the shuffle.
I really would like somebody to see whether or not it's worthwhile, if it's something you guys would like.
Well, what is it?
It sounds interesting.
I'd prefer to talk to you or somebody off the air about it.
Okay, I'll put you on hold.
Anything else?
Yeah, get involved in the Boston 9-11 Truth movement, and if people don't join me in their efforts here, I'd like to try and start a We Are Change chapter here.
Well, good.
Is there a website up there?
Well, right now we're just going through the Boston 9-11 Truth on the Meetup page.
A lot of people are very, you know,
Lackluster and you know I'm trying to do this.
Well they need to get involved and be part of history and the excitement of fighting evil and that's the Boston Meetup Group on meetup.com.
Yeah that's unfortunately the best way we can.
I'm very technical savvy.
I'd edit these videos out myself if I knew how to but I don't unfortunately.
I really need to figure it all out.
Alright bro, well I appreciate that.
We'll put Mark on hold and Mass and get his info.
Thank you.
I can't help it.
Let's play this.
This is the end of the real Planet of the Apes.
Just a minute long and we'll take another call.
You bastards!
You really blew it up!
Don't worry, they probably will.
Because they're the boss.
They've got power.
They've got black uniforms.
This is classic cinema right here.
You really did it!
You sons of bitches really did it!
Oh, my God.
I'm back.
I'm home.
That's right.
All the timers.
We finally, really did it.
You maniacs!
You blew it up!
Oh, damn you!
God damn you all to hell!
Cinema legend, Charlton Heston.
That was good.
All right.
Let's go ahead and take a ring-a-dingy from John in Austin, Texas.
You're on the air, John.
Hello, Alex.
How's it going?
Good, man.
I called you up to ask your permission to do something, please.
What's that?
Well, every year I do a birthday tribute gig for Willie.
On the Sunday closest to his birthday, so it's going to be this Sunday at Mother Egan's Irish Pub on West 6th Street from 2pm till 5pm and I wanted to ask you if it would be ok if pre-show I played the interview you did with him.
Over the PA.
Two other things.
Could I make a recommendation to you for your bumper music?
There's a song on Willie's album, Spirit.
It's called We Don't Run.
Are you familiar with it?
I am familiar, I believe, yes.
That'd be a great song for you to play, man.
Well, let's pull it up right now.
Willie Nelson, We Don't Run.
And let me ask you something else.
Have you ever seen his video for his song Big Booty?
Big Booty.
No, I don't.
You need to get your eyeballs on that, man.
There's a surprise in there for you.
What is it?
It's a song we released maybe three years ago.
It's called Big Booty.
Sounds good, man.
Thanks a lot, bro.
Take care.
I appreciate your call.
Seriously, I appreciate it.
It's called Big Booty.
You know what I do have is Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Poncho and Lefty.
We're going to get it fixed.
If I open this full screen, for some reason it cuts out the video feed.
But I didn't remember We Don't Run.
I think that was a joke.
But I do have Willie Nelson, Grave Digger.
Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
103 is forever when you're just a little kid.
So, Cyrus Jones lived forever.
Grave digger.
Grave digger.
When you dig my grave.
My grave.
Would you make a shallow soul so hot that it can't feel the rain?
Grave, Jimmy.
You're old Stonewall, 1903 to 1954.
She lost both of her babies in the Second Great War.
Now you should never have to watch your only children lowered in the ground.
I mean, you should never have to bury your own babies.
When you take my grade,
Can you make it shallow?
So Burmese, so that I can feel the rain.
You know what it is?
I'm entertaining about the windows.
I have a studio audience.
Little Mikey Carson, 67 to 75.
He rode his bike like the devil until the day he died.
Brave chicken!
Grave digger.
Yeah, all of you.
Life's the great equalizer.
Death is the great equalizer.
You're all gonna die.
But you didn't exist before, so what's the big deal?
You get one ride, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, there goes Grave Digger.
All right, now it's the new format, ladies and gentlemen.
Hope you're enjoying it.
Let's go ahead and take one final call from Roy in Oklahoma City.
OKC, go ahead, sir.
Yes, Alex, I wasn't expecting to come on just now, but anyway, we have got a new website up for Ron Paul.
And in this era of computer voting, it's kind of difficult for people to make a write-in vote for a presidential election or any election.
Therefore, this website entitled ThePeopleHaveSpoken.org will tell people how to make a write-in vote for Ron Paul or for any other candidate.
There's basically about four around the country.
Yeah, your phone's cutting out.
You'll need to repeat that, sir.
Pardon me?
Your phone's cutting out.
You'll need to repeat that.
Okay, there's basically about four computer systems around the country that are used for voting.
This shows a video on the website on how people can vote for write-in candidates, such as Ron Paul.
So if you go to the peoplehavespoken.org, it will instruct you on how to do that.
Okay, great.
Anything else?
No, this website's only been up for a few days, and I just thought of today that I should call you and let you know.
Thank you, sir.
I really appreciate your call.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
I'll be back tomorrow, live, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're going to go out with Poncho and Lefty.
I'm always playing the song.
Why not play the music video?
We're going to go out with Poncho and Lefty.
And then we'll cut back in with my Bob Chapman interview, if you missed it, on the internet streams at InfoWars.com.
You don't want to miss it.
A lot of key info got discussed.
We also had Luke Rodowski on the show about people getting arrested for questioning Lord Laura Bush and a lot more.
So that is coming up as well as soon as this video is over in just a few minutes.
Here is Poncho and Lefty.
God bless you all.
Have a good one.
Livin' on the road, my friend Was gonna keep you free and clean And now you wear your skin like iron And your breath as hard as kerosene Weren't your mama's only boy But her favorite one it seemed She began to cry when you said goodbye
Back into your dreams.
Poncho was a bandit boy.
His horse was fast as Polly's steel.
He wore his gun outside his pants.
For all the honest world to feel.
Poncho met his match, you know.
On the deserts down in Mexico.
Nobody heard his dad's words But that's the way it goes All the Federalists say They could have had him any day They only let him slip away Out of kindness I suppose
Lifty, he can't sing the blues all night long like he used to.
But Dusty Poncho bit down south.
He ended up and left his mouth.
The day they laid poor Poncho low, Lifty split for Ohio, where he got depressed.
There ain't nobody to know.
All the feds are all the same.
They could have had him any day.
We only let him slip away.
Out of kindness I suppose.
Pancho fell and left his living in a cheap hotel.
The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold, so the story ends we're told.
Pancho needs your prayers, it's true, to save a few who left it too.
He only did what he had to do.
And now, he's grown old.
Oh, let him run this thing.
We could've had him any day.
We only let him go so long.
Out of hindsight, I suppose.
A few great veterans, they say Could have had him any day They only let him go so long Out of kindness, I suppose
In all fairness to the Scott that called in earlier, I thought he was joking about Willie Nelson and Big Booty.
There is a rendition of Willie Nelson called Big Booty.
There's another one that's all this Illuminati stuff that somebody else did, exposing the Illuminati.
Who did that?
Some hip-hop guy?
What is it, Burmess?
I can't hear you.
Come into the studio.
Let's do an hour with Burmess right now.
Come on in here, Burmess.
Okay, come on, pull up over here.
Now we're going to do a show with Burmas.
Yeah, I don't know, a couple years back, I know that G-Unit, one of the guys that works with 50 Cent on his solo album, did this big music video with him and Pauly Shore riding around.
They go into this office building, and it's all Illuminati stuff.
And there's a little bit of, you know, crazy UFO-type garbage in there, but like when they kick open the 9-11 thing, there's all these files and oil drums in the room and everything else, and it's all a bunch of rich white guys.
So I'm trying to find that video.
Hopefully I'll grab it for you and uh... The other guy was joking.
It was that cool Scott accident saying Big Booty.
It was a joke.
But there is some Willie Nelson Big Booty with him and Jessica Simpson.
Yeah, yeah.
There seems to be a lot of Big Booty.
I mean, you type that into YouTube, obviously you're going to get a lot of stuff, but I'm going to try to find the uh... Maybe it's the Big Booty conspiracy.
Well, I tried with the conspiracy thing.
It wasn't working.
I was trying with G-Unit, but I'll have it up by tomorrow.
Maybe we'll do a story on it.
Lord Burmus, how are you liking Austin, Texas?
It's nice.
I mean, obviously, I'm not really outside that much.
I'm here, you know, 12-14 hours a day, but it's a nice little town, man.
It's a cool city, and I've had a really good time.
Do you like our work ethic?
Your work ethic is incredible.
For people who do not know, I mean, the people who work here, I mean, they work here.
They live here.
We're here until one or two in the morning, and it's just really impressive.
You don't have a more dedicated group of guys anywhere, I don't think.
Back at 9am.
Well, I tell Aaron to leave, and he won't leave.
I tell Rob to leave, and he leaves.
I'm joking.
We're going to release him.
No, Rob does a great job, man.
I'm just joking.
Rob works really hard.
Yes, he does.
There's been some days where he hasn't slept for like two days on a project.
It's late, and we've got to finish it.
Well, I can see it.
I mean, again, we're here till all hours of the night, and we're here pretty early during the day, too.
It's exciting, man.
I'm very happy to be here.
They like the power and control, but they love going to events and being worshipped.
I hate it.
They love having power.
I hate it.
They love baubles and crap.
They want to go relax, but they're having to work to keep their power.
We want to work to bring them down, and we love it.
We have to stop ourselves.
Yeah, this is bigger than any kind of entertainment that I want to do.
It's bigger than any kind of television show I want to watch or any vacation I want to take.
If I want to take those vacations in the future, if I want to watch those shows in the future, I better damn well get busy now and expose their tyranny.
Otherwise, we might not have that.
I'm really glad I called you in here.
In two minutes, we're about to meet the show during retransmission.
Some people want to hear the commercials.
Time that for them.
But you will be filling in on the show for all four hours tomorrow.
All four hours, I've got four guests lined up.
Well, maybe more than four, but we have four main hours of guests.
In the first hour, we're going to have Luke Rudowsky.
He has promised me he will have the final version of the Arnold video up, so we're going to be going over that.
In the second hour, I'm going to be having Mark Dyson.
In the third hour, I'm going to be having Jonathan Ellenhoff of We Are Change Colorado.
We're going to discuss the protests over there and the DNC coming to Denver, Colorado.
And then in the fourth hour, we're going to have Student Scholars for 9-11 Truth, and we're going to be talking about their symposium event.
In May it should be a jam-packed hour.
And folks, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv for that final hour of video.
You know, get hooked in!
And if you can, I mean, it runs four hours.
It's actually, what is this?
You're running on your fifth hour now, Alex.
I mean, if you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you need to be.
I was one of the initial members.
I was talking to Alex about it last night, and it's just a great deal.
Not only do you... It's top of the line.
It is.
I mean, you get all of Alex's films.
If you guys haven't seen America Destroyed by Design, you need to, because literally the man predicted what would happen in ten years, and it did.
And, uh, it's just an impressive movie.
Everything you've done is impressive, Alex, and your entire catalog is awesome.
You get all the TV shows, you get other people's work, such as Loose Change, Loose Change 2nd Edition's in there, I'm sure the final cut'll be in there soon.
You know, it's just exciting stuff.
I mean, you got all sorts of stuff.
I think you even got Orwell Rolls and his grave in there now, don't ya?
I don't know, a lot of folks have authorized us to post different things, so we post whatever they authorize us to.
PrisonPlanet.tv has my book, Paul Watson's book, we archive these hours we do here.
We're going to go ahead and meet the show in midstream and retransmission with a bunch of really important people like Bob Chapman, Luke Rudowsky, and others.
Thanks for sitting in for me tomorrow.
You got it, buddy.
I'm gonna go to my son's swim meet and do some other things, and that's basically it.
Okay, now this is the end.
Only four hours and fifty-something minutes today, and I want to thank everybody who's been tuned in.
We will now go back to retransmission.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for joining us.
There goes Bermas.
All right, we'll see you.
Intelligence was manipulated!