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Name: 20080413_Sun_Alex
Air Date: April 13, 2008
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1,300 soldiers and policemen who deserted or refused to fight in Basra have been dismissed by the country's government.
Since the operation in Basra, government officials have revealed that about 1,000 members of Iraqi security forces have mutinied and in some cases handled over vehicles and weapons to militias.
We're slow but on leakage.
Government troops are conducting sweeps through neighborhoods trying to find illegal weapons and ammunition and actually hunting for active criminals who have taken refuge in Basra.
And the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are wrapping up their spring meetings by looking at the effect the unfolding financial crisis is having on food and energy prices in developing countries.
The president of the World Bank says it needs to respond to what he calls an immediate emergency by helping those countries improve health care, reduce malnutrition, and lower infant mortality.
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Zimbabwean authorities say they will recount the votes from nearly 2,000 recent parliamentary races.
A state-run newspaper reports that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission will conduct a full recount of the presidential and parliamentary ballots cast in 23 constituencies.
All but one of them were won by the opposition.
This is British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
They have voted.
The presidential election results have not been announced.
We cannot wait any longer for the announcement of these results.
A power-sharing deal is being implemented in Kenya.
President Moakye Bakye has named his rival to be Prime Minister.
The two men agreed in February to share power after weeks of deadly violence followed the country's disputed presidential election in December.
And President Bush's National Security Advisor says the kind of quiet diplomacy that the U.S.
is practicing is a better way to send a message to China's leaders.
Stephen Hadley, appearing on the Sunday news show, says it would be a cop-out for countries to skip the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics.
For more news and analysis, log on to IRNnews.com.
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Former President Jimmy Carter is getting a cold reception in Israel.
Here's Mark Levy.
As president, Jimmy Carter brokered the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.
But in the 30 years since then, Carter's worn out his welcome in Israel.
The cap was his recent book called Palestine, Peace, Not Apartheid, charging that Israel's using the tactics of the old racist South African regime in dealing with the Palestinians.
So Carter won't be meeting Israel's leaders while he's here this week.
He will see Israel's ceremonial president, Shimon Peres, who's a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, like Carter.
Mark Levy, Jerusalem.
Pope Benedict is asking the faithful to pray for his upcoming visit to the United States.
I ask you all to pray for the success of my visit, so that there may be a time of spiritual renewal for all Americans.
His first trip to the U.S.
is Pope against Tuesday.
He's scheduled to spend five days in Washington and New York, and will give a speech at the United Nations.
And Tiger Woods is starting the day six shots behind Trevor Emelman, who says he's excited about the chance to join Gary Player as a South African winner of the Masters.
Gary's won this tournament three times.
And Ernie and Goose have come close so many times.
And Tim Clark has come close, and Rory came close last year.
So there's a few guys that have had a shot.
So I count myself fortunate to be in this position.
And I'm going to just go and give it my best shot.
I'm Jody Jordan, and that's news from the Information Radio Network.
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Prepare yourself.
He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
He stands for what's right.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now live from Austin, Texas.
Here's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
It is April 13, 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours.
I'm here Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
From upstate New York to San Diego, California, coming to you from the studios of NewsRadio 590, KLVJ here in Austin, Texas.
All right, I have been quite reflective the last few days just researching some of the different declassified
Government programs that are being carried out against the people of the planet.
Eugenics programs.
I, in my research of the last 15 years, have learned that we are living in a false reality.
And by false reality, I don't mean a false reality as intense as the Matrix.
Where you are having this virtual reality fed to your cerebral cortex by a group of supercomputers, as you live out your life in a pod, supplying heat to drive their systems.
When I talk about a false reality, I'm talking about belief systems that we have been programmed with, and I'm talking about a global
Shadow government or national security apparatus that has developed advanced technologies and has engaged in everything from government narcotics trafficking to banking and money laundering, underground bases, super weapons that make hydrogen bombs look like quaint paper swords.
This is the type of information that I want to go over today.
And then, of course, take your calls on any subject you would like to discuss.
We have Tax Day coming up.
The Congressional Commission, back in 1981, reported that not one cent of any tax money, any of the income tax money, goes to run the country.
And Ronald Reagan, of course, quoted that commission and put out his own statement saying the IRS should be abolished.
The Internal Revenue Service, what an Orwellian term, they provide a service for you,
It goes to pay interest on the debt to the private banks that control the issuance of currency, credit, and liquidity.
There are hundreds of other taxes that you pay.
Death taxes, social security taxes, property taxes, oil taxes, fuel taxes, real estate taxes,
Corporate taxes, on and on and on, that do fund the government and all the horrible things government does.
But you need to know that the income tax is in the Communist Manifesto.
Go read it for yourself.
Just type into Google, Communist Manifesto, and you should read those ten planks.
It's everything our government's implementing.
Public school,
Open borders, gun control, a private central bank, income tax.
Go read it for yourself.
Of course, the private banks created it.
It's actually not communism in the popular sense.
As Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote in Tragedy and Hope, the bankers created communism to con rebelling serfs in Europe back into slavery.
They finance it.
They want command and control systems.
So know that when you pay your taxes,
Your taxes coming up in two days, that it goes to destroy America.
And the people devaluing our dollar, destroying our sovereignty, our borders, our name, are the individuals that bring you the IMF World Bank tax.
And that is what it is.
That said, we can discuss that as well at 877-590-5525.
If you're listening to the station this originates out of, the mothership 836-0590, or I should say the flagship.
Because that is the radio station I'm coming to you from.
The flag is right here.
The flag of resistance to tyranny.
Never surrendering.
The flag of humanity against the social architects, the scientific dictatorship.
Okay, before I get into the slave grid paradigm, let me just give you some of the news we have today.
The government is trying to wrap its mind around yours.
Washington Post.
And it says that the brain scanners are going in nationwide, scanning your brain.
Another report here.
Government scientists propose geoengineering Earth's upper atmosphere, and then admit they've already been doing it.
In the last six months, thousands of government publications have admitted they are altering the atmosphere.
There's no longer a debate about chemtrails.
They just say the details are classified.
Shut up!
They're having it basically added to the jet fuel by law.
That way it's compartmentalized.
The companies buying their jet fuel have nothing to do with it.
It's just done.
And the nuclei is being entered into the atmosphere.
And they have darkened the Earth by 20% according to NASA.
They are terraforming us, altering the atmosphere.
Now we can have a debate about this.
It's kind of like they built the Trans-Texas Corridor, but CNN and Fox, I have clips we've played here, say it doesn't exist.
As a Texan, we're on several stations in Texas, you are driving along
And you will see Trans-Texas Corridor signs by the state.
You will see the highways.
You will see them putting toll roads on.
But for those outside the state, they just say it doesn't exist.
And they even transmit and broadcast TV programs saying it doesn't exist.
Just like they're chemtrails spraying us, putting poison in our water, everything else.
It's all admitted.
But you can't get the public to admit it, even when there's billboards.
Because if they tell the yuppies it doesn't exist, they see the billboard and then say, this toll road I just went on doesn't exist.
I mean, this is mass mind control.
You're under mind control.
The fact that I sound weird and extreme to you shows how you are in a false reality.
You literally are programmed.
You know, I've told the story that I never believed, studying World War II and Nazi history, read more than 30 books on the subject, I still call myself a novice, that the Nazis, the general public didn't believe they were killing all these people.
You know, when our troops went in there and found all the death camps and millions of dead people, Germans said, we didn't know, we didn't know, and the troops would beat them up or drag them in front of the dead bodies and make them bury them.
But in studying more history now, I know that is the truth.
They were delusional, just like us.
You know there's been concentration camps in the United States since 1986?
I wrote a book in 2002 with links and documents to the armies on website.
It's all public.
But you don't choose to know.
There are Americans in slave labor camps for... I guess that's 20 plus years.
22 years.
So this is the type of information we cover here.
Now other folks out there will say, well why are you still alive if this is all true?
Because the psychological dictatorship is so
The scientific dictatorship run by behavioral psychologists, they are in such total control that they basically believe that I am just a stimuli to test response and that I am a little toy or something.
It just doesn't even matter to them.
I mean, you're already ingesting chemicals daily, put in the water supply, declassified by design to reduce your IQ by 20 points on average.
It's even higher if you've been ingesting sodium fluoride since birth, which most of us have.
And to the scientific dictatorship, this is the ultimate power, the ultimate control freak system, because they're in control, you don't even know they're in control, and they're poisoning you, they're brain damaging you, they're attacking you daily, and you don't even know.
This story out of the Washington Post says, Defense Agency Research Projects, that's DARPA,
Department of Defense, John Hopkins University and others are engaged in mass mind control operations.
See, they're now showing the slaves.
They're now telling you.
Mainstream news admits mass chemtrailing of the population as chemicals are sprayed on you daily.
I have the copy of the government textbook here where they tell the school kids how they're spraying them for their safety.
See, they introduce it to the children while they still deny to the adults because it is a big idea.
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All right, we're back live.
I know we've got loaded phone lines here.
People like Mike and Jack disagree, so we'll go to the head of the line.
Your call's coming up later in the hour, but I need to get now into this false reality and just skim the surface at first, and then it's such a wide tapestry of social engineering, biological engineering, guinea pig testing going on against all of us, psychological, chemical in nature, genetic.
Here's a story.
Final agony of RFA volunteer killed by Sarin in Britain.
And it's the London Guardian.
Because I mentioned this the other day on the radio, and someone emailed me and said, where's the article?
There are thousands of tests where they've killed US and British troops from the 50s right through to the 80s, and then it's been classified since then, where they would just march someone in and tell them, go into this chamber, and they'd nerve gas our troops, British troops, our government would.
It's not our government.
These criminals that run it.
In the name of scientists, and they would kill them and then dissect their bodies.
Now that really wasn't about testing what nerve gas does with mammals.
They knew it was sheep and cows and humans from other wars.
It was done to test cadres of scientists and technicians that would be part of that to move on to other projects.
That's why at the end of World War II, tens of thousands of Nazi scientists were brought into this nation.
That's why most of the bio-weapons labs, chemical weapons labs, NASA facilities, are named after the Goddard Space Center from Goddard, the Nazi, or the Werner Von Braun Research Laboratories, the head of the Nazi program.
He became the head of all Nazi weapons development there during the war for a while.
And they were brought here, and my uncle and mom remember when they lived here in Austin, their dad, my grandfather, said, we've got to go see Werner Von Braun.
He was into the NASA program.
These little kids, he took them down to see him speak at University of Texas.
But, you know, the point is, is that they brought them here because they formed the cadres to form larger groups that would engage in this type of activity.
And so for the elite, because they're willing to do this, they believe that it's survival of the fittest, they're willing to do these psychopathic things, so that makes them stronger than the rest of us.
Those of us that don't kill innocents,
Cold-bloodedly, they see as weak and sentimental and pathetic.
And, starting in about 1996, there have been tens of thousands of admitted tests in this country.
Taking, in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, small children, foster care children, radiating them to death.
The U.S.
paid Israel to radiate 110,000 of their children.
Just type Israeli radiation test on children or ringworm children into Google, you can hear about them frying kids in chambers.
All mainstream news, but you'll wonder why you never heard about it.
It's just back of the paper here, back of the paper there.
We take all these and integrate them in together in my film, Endgame.
Well, not all of them, just a few hundred or so.
There's tens of thousands, as I mentioned.
I mean, you could spend the rest of your life just reading the ones that they admit they've done.
Now it's all secret, and we know they've intensified it all, but it's being done against general populations.
So understand, you think the government loves you, you think it's legitimate, you think it's good, you think it's taking care of you.
It is a bunch of scientists on a complete power trip working for the big private banking families that own the planet that understand how important it is to have cutting-edge science and control the mass of humanity.
And if you go to any major biology conference or any major climate conference or any major architecture conference, I just had one last week with Prince Charles here in Austin,
It's all about how they've got to kill 90% of us and how humans are bad.
And most of you go, yeah, there are too many of us.
See, it's such a mainstream view inculcated into you by the elite that you believe it, you just don't know why or where you even heard it.
And so understand that any question about the government lying to us, being run by crooks, I wish we just had boss hog crooks running things.
I wish they were just shipping the narcotics in as bait so that when you use them they can throw you in their private prisons building widgets.
In private prisons owned by the banks that launder the money.
I wish that was the case, because it's about a hundred times deeper than that.
Now, there is the non-passive and passive aerosol programs.
You can Google that.
There are thousands of universities, government agencies that admit they are manipulating the weather, spraying the atmosphere with barium salts, aluminum salts, microbeads,
And I kept wondering why none of this was in the news.
I mean, until 96, condensation trails, ice crystals from jets, would fly over, and my whole life they'd disappear in seconds, if not two minutes.
And they would form at 20,000 feet and higher, and usually in the fall or winter, when it's cold, there's more ice crystals.
Now, starting in 96, they would suddenly form at 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 feet.
They would fan out and get thousands of times their original size and form cloud banks.
Planes would fly right next to other planes and not leave trails.
And by 2000, there were hundreds of websites and groups and scientists saying something's happening.
NASA in 2004 admitted that jet trails had made the Earth 20% darker and were reflecting solar radiation.
Now the Earth's cooling.
It was heating.
The sun had really heated up to record levels.
And some said, oh, they're doing that to save the Earth.
And then in a major U.S.
textbook, this is used in thousands of school districts, it's Science 1, Essential
Interactions and it is put out by CenterPoint Learning and in this they teach the kids that chemtrails are sprayed and added to the fuel, that chemicals are added to the fuel.
You see that's what spraying is.
They put out tiny nuclei, it could be different types of nuclei, different materials, microbeads of glass, it doesn't matter, and then it forms clouds.
The problem is barium salts and aluminum oxide is very bad for all life forms.
Especially mammals.
Connected to all sorts of nervous system problems, breathing problems.
So here it was in a story.
Chemtrails sunscreen taught in schools.
Just Google that and you can link through to the textbook and you can go read Science 1.
This came out a few years ago.
Now, this week, finally, Cybercast News, and then after that, several other news wires picked it up.
And we did a more detailed article at PrisonPlanet.com on it.
Government scientists propose geoengineering Earth's upper atmosphere, research tied to increased reports of chemtrails over the past 10 years.
Or aerosol sprays.
Government scientists have been experimenting with the feasibility of bombarding the Earth's upper atmosphere with microscopic glass particles to dampen the effects of global warming, despite warnings that the process could damage the ozone layer.
Are admissions of government research into altering the Earth's atmosphere tied to increased reports of chemical spraying over the past 10 years?
According to documents obtained by Cybercast News Service under the Freedom of Information Act, and you can just go to these documents yourself, scientists at the U.S.
Department of Energy's DOE, Savannah River National Laboratory, and again, I found this six months ago, thanks to listeners.
We reported it here, but now it's out in the news.
South Carolina are conducting limited tests for developing computer models of what might happen if a huge amount of particle matter is shot into the stratosphere.
The project, which began last year and ends April 30th, is closely tied to the idea by Nobel Prize winner Paul Kritchin, who proposed sending aircraft with 747s to dump huge quantities of sulfur particles into the far reaches of the stratosphere to cool down the atmosphere.
He proposed this in 95.
It started in 1996.
Now, the point is, if you just Google these terms, you'll be on all the universities, Department of Energy, Atomic Energy Agency, foreign governments, and they'll just say, we're spraying you.
And then you talk about it on the news and they say it doesn't exist.
It's like Trans-Texas Corridor.
There's billboards up everywhere they're doing it.
CNN and Fox.
I have clips where they say it doesn't exist.
You're insane if you say it.
I mean, it's just amazing.
We'll be right back.
These stories are all on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
Look, your calls are coming up in a few minutes.
And then later in the show, I'm going to get more into this whole control grid that's in place.
So we've had a national security dictatorship since 1947 when the government went underground.
It's privately owned.
All the rage in the 30s, 40s, and 50s was eugenics.
The people that set up the shadow government set it up to carry out eugenics.
They admitted that in a lot of different textbooks and government documents.
When top scientists like Dr. Eric Bianca right here at UT give speeches saying that 90 plus percent of the earth's population need to be killed, they get standing ovations at the Texas Academy of Sciences or
When Bianca and others like Singer are over in London at the Royal Academy, they get standing ovations.
And the news reports on this, and Prince Philip and Ted Turner and Prince Charles, they all shoot their mouths off about it.
And then the governments in England, Europe, and the US have been caught thousands and thousands of times apiece, spraying chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals on us.
And then it's admitted that in the twenties and thirties they knew that sodium fluoride made you passive, made you dumb, ate holes in your brain.
Attacked all your major organs, fries your kidneys.
You can go read all the studies at Nauseam.
I mean, these are cold-blooded people who want you to be unhappy, who want you to be sick, who want you to be dumb.
And then they just come out and admit, yeah, we've been spraying the atmosphere, manipulating the weather.
Now, everybody knows about cloud seeding and weather weapons, or at least you should.
In 2003,
It was declassified, uh, the details of the weather weapons in Vietnam that Ben Livingston, the head of the Navy Weapons Laboratory, a meteorologist, had deployed.
They could, during the dry season, when there was no rain, make it rain ten feet in one day and flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
He led squadrons of jets.
Just a few squadrons could spray and cause that to happen.
Before that, he certified secretly with the Stanford Research Institute that they could create hurricanes, kill hurricanes, weaken them, make them stronger.
And I interviewed him, and he came on the radio show, then Fox News, CNN, everybody picked it up.
I noticed it when he classified, saw his name, called him up.
He was like 86 years old at the time.
He won't come on now.
He said he was told to shut up, but I got him on coast-to-coast AM, called up and got them to have him on.
So, that's the old news.
People say, could they control hurricanes?
I don't know.
government certified, mid-1960s.
You can watch a video interview with him at PrisonPlanet.tv or just Google Alex Jones, Ben Livingston Radio.
The audio's all over the web.
Just Ben Livingston, Alex Jones.
Google it.
I mean, everything I say is documented.
But it isn't just that.
They have been spraying biologicals on us.
They killed Americans in 1968.
Now, I use this example because it's one that's well-known.
Of thousands, it seems to be well known.
In 1968, they released biological weapon in the New York subways.
Won't say what.
They had government doctors from the Pentagon pre-placed.
It was actually Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Pre-placed at hospitals.
And they were even paying the hospitals, hospitals even knew, to see how they would die when they came in.
Let me explain.
Little girls, little boys, mommies, daddies, grandmas going to work.
Your government murders you.
It isn't your government.
Remember the Manhattan Project?
Half the scientists thought it was going to ignite the atmosphere and blow the earth up.
The other half didn't.
They detonated it and it didn't.
Then half the scientists thought if they detonated them in the upper atmosphere, it would cause a magnetic pulse and blow out all the transistors on the planet.
So they detonated in one night over a hundred of them out in New Mexico.
Hydrogen bombs in the early 60s.
It did blow out transistors all over the country and the world, but not all of them.
It did, though, blow holes in the ozone layer.
Now, that's on the History Channel.
What's that movie?
Trinity, where it shows all the government footage for two hours of the nukes and A-bombs and hydrogen bombs going on.
This is who we're talking about.
Now, the hardened heavy cyclotron in Switzerland, the biggest superconducting supercollider in the world, on their own website, it's basically run by the Pentagon, but they built it in Europe,
You go on there and they admit, well, yeah, we don't know what this could do, and it could create a black hole, and it could create smashing these ions together in this collider.
That's, you know, how we make hydrogen weapons.
It could blow the Earth up, but we're just going to do it.
They're on their website with little video intros saying, oh yeah, we're going to start doing tests every day with this.
And this is how they make A-bombs.
This is how they made hydrogen bombs.
They had those equations for A-bombs over a hundred years ago.
Max Planck and others came up with it.
They just do it.
They're mad scientists.
There's a reason you have that cliched term.
I remember reading in the BBC ten years ago, in 1998, about human-animal hybrid clones.
I remember reading in scientific journals about how they had part chimpanzee, part humans in 2002 in the Washington Post, and I'd come on air and I'd be called a kook that I was making it up when I had the Washington Post.
It is insane, and they've got these DNA guns that randomly shoot other animal and insect DNA into human DNA, RNA, into the mitochondrial DNA that only the females pass.
They admit it's giving rise to superviruses, bacteria, but they're doing it in level 2 laboratories instead of level 4s.
They're starting a global tax on carbon dioxide that humans exhale.
Footprint tax is a tax on humanity for eugenics.
Now, I've spent a lot of time on this.
When we come back, I'm going to go to Mike and Jack and Skip and Richard and Lauren and Kathy in short order.
But I wanted to just, instead of even reading you the Chemtrail article, I wanted to read you the Washington Post today.
And there's about ten articles like this today I've got that are just as bad in the news.
You understand, this is today!
There's so much of this I can't even get to it all.
The government is trying to wrap its mind around yours.
Imagine a world of streets lined with video cameras that alert authorities to any suspicious activity.
A world where police officers can read the minds of potential criminals and arrest them before they commit any crimes.
A world in which a suspect who lies under questioning gets nabbed immediately because his brain has given him away.
Now, see, this is a throw-it-in-your-face article.
I remember a New York Times article in 2002 saying, every credit card purchase, every phone call, everything you do is tracked.
They're throwing it in your face.
Let's dissect that first paragraph.
Imagine a world with streets lined with video cameras already here that alert authorities.
You mean the criminals that run our government and abuse everybody and get away with everything?
It's a suspicious activity.
Like demonstrating that they're banning everywhere.
A world where police officers can read the minds of potential criminals and arrest them before they commit any crimes.
You mean where they have quack computers, quackery, where they claim the computer shows that you've got evil intent in your mind.
Five airports in the U.S.
have had that since 2002.
CBS, ABC News.
It's in my films.
It's in Police State 3 total enslavement I made in 2002.
They put passive MRIs that scan your brain and quote show increased brain activity associated with violence.
It's quackery.
It's just like they've proven lie detectors to be a fraud.
It's just something to fool the slaves into this says you're guilty.
It's a total scam.
See, so they're telling you it's coming.
It's just like they tell you their national ID card is now here in the form of your state driver's license, federal license, when we had it 12 years ago.
So see, a world where police officers... See why I can't cover everything?
Because I can read each paragraph and give you all the propaganda.
A world where police officers can read the minds of potential criminals and arrest them before they commit any crime.
See, guilty until proven innocent.
Forget guilty until proven innocent.
Guilty before anything ever happens.
A world in which a suspect who lies under questioning gets nabbed immediately because his brain has given him away.
Though that may sound a lot like
2002 movie, The Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, and based on the Philip K. Dick novel, I'm talking about science fiction here.
I'm not talking about science fiction here.
It turns out we're not so far away from that world.
But does it sound like a safe place or a scary one?
Hey, cattle!
They're putting hundreds of poisons in your water.
They're murdering you and your family.
Cancer's gone from 1 in 33 to 1 in 3.
Diabetes has gone from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 3.
You're under black-op Pentagon attack.
You understand?
I'm risking my life to bring you this information.
You're under black-op attack!
Black-op attack!
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the GCN Radio Network.
Basically what this Washington Post story that we have a link to up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com says is that they'll just aim a black box at you and it'll just say you're a terrorist.
And that's it.
You go to a FEMA camp, a labor camp forever.
Google civilian inmate labor camp program.
When you get home today, cop, you're out there laughing, driving along in Kansas City, Austin, Texas, San Diego, Rochester, New York right now.
Okay, go home and type in Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program.
Find out about Americans in camps since 1986.
Well, it was secret for a decade until 1996.
And we told the world the minute it was declassified.
They were beta testing those camps.
Again, it's very simple.
You have an elite that believe there are too many of us that we're bad, and they're testing how to kill us, they're testing how to soft kill us, and then tell the doctors how to misdiagnose us.
The doctors don't know.
They're just told what the American Medical Association says.
And then there's all this soft kill operation going on around us.
But see, people are getting the news.
People know AIDS is engineered.
And by the way, that isn't just a rumor.
You can pull up the documents on that.
And they know about a lot of it.
They're now finding out about it.
And 99% of us are not involved in this and the less than 1% that are do it through their control of the financing and the government and they use national security and now the war on terror to cover up their steps.
Here's the other news I've got.
Oakland cops going door-to-door asking people to hand in their guns.
It's happening nationwide.
No warrants, they just demand to be let in.
Lawyers moved to get torture memo author John Yoo tried as a war criminal.
That's the White House official that said sexually torturing children is okay.
Go read the memos for yourself.
These are very nice people.
EPIC obtains documents revealing federal role in state fusion centers.
Same thing I told you ten years ago because I got the documents.
The CIA runs all your local emergency management systems.
They introduce them to the public as
Oh, a traffic center.
The police monitor traffic.
Then, oh, and during emergencies we do this and that, and oh!
But here it is, the actual documents, mainstream news.
New documents to tell FBI wiretapping on Americans' emails, IMs, and phone calls.
Washington Post admits that it's millions of Americans, no warrants, non-terror related.
You think it's for Al Qaeda?
Of course it's not.
That's the government.
LCIA doesn't spy on itself.
Anti-terror laws use a spy on families.
CPS uses it to detect children.
Mainstream news.
Get ready for terror.
Warnings on your cell phone.
Everything flashing, you know.
Ben Richards is loose.
The Running Man.
Who loves you and who do you love?
Police remove Olympic torchbearer on orders of Chinese paramilitary thugs.
Chinese troops attack U.S.
citizens in U.S.
Chinese troops attack citizens in England.
Chinese troops attack people in Paris.
The French.
I'm going to cover this later in the show.
Oh, you think I'm joking?
No, it's all mainstream news.
Just right here.
Chinese troops in America.
See, you're living in the Twilight Zone now.
I just can't handle it anymore, folks.
I can't handle the denial anymore.
I can't handle any of it.
We're going into tyranny.
They only leave me around because if they kill me it'll be too obvious because I'm too vocal.
And all the stupid
Black uniformed servants of this evil as it unfolds.
You've been implanted with the cancer viruses in your vaccines.
You've been implanted with the mercury.
You've been implanted with the chemicals.
But you just don't care.
You think you're on the winning team?
You'll just deny what I say.
I understand.
I understand.
Your kids aren't even worth it to you to check out what I'm saying.
Just go ahead and give them the fluoride water.
Go ahead and give them the shots.
Go ahead and give them your cancer.
Go ahead and do... You know, the Nazis really won, ladies and gentlemen.
Because the Nazis weren't even the Nazis.
The Nazis got their whole mindset from the U.S.
and from England, where eugenics was developed.
You know, the Olympic rings were drawn by Hitler.
The Olympic torch run was done by Hitler.
The first major Olympics was in 1936, resurrected from Greece, which was where eugenics came from.
Go to the encyclopedia and look up eugenics and it will say, the Greek idea of the god-like man.
Or eternal youth is its root translation, but then it expands out to mean the eternal youth is what the gods have, immortality.
And if you watch movies like 300 that are exaggerated, but they did kill any babies that had a blemish of any type, that was eugenics, the strongest, the Spartan.
And then Plato wrote about how they would cull the mass of slaves and all the rest of it.
Now they'd use different layers of education to dumb down, have the hierarchical mass
That's, uh, what, 2,500 years ago?
2,450-something years ago?
Oh, but you won't look it up and find out.
No, you're not going to.
You're going to be a good little slave, aren't you?
Well, some of you are going to listen.
Okay, some folks disagree.
Now calls until the end of the show when I get into gun confiscation going on nationwide.
They didn't triple the BATF.
Bush didn't triple that because he wanted to suck its thumb.
The grandson of the head Nazi agent in the U.S.
is a good agent of the New World Order.
He's been very effective.
Great leadership.
Okay, here comes Hillary and Obama on their heels, or McCain, doesn't matter.
They're all anti-gun, so get ready.
Get ready.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Jack in New York.
Says he disagrees.
Go ahead, Jack.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Well, first of all, the reason why I disagree is because, you know, I think you're betraying America.
I mean, you're blaming America for everything.
I mean, you're saying, you know, the government's to blame for 9-11 and this, that, and the other thing.
You know, I actually don't believe that.
And, uh, I bet you think I'm lying about how the government tens of thousands of times has sprayed lethal and semi-lethal toxic, chemical, biological, and radiologicals on the American people?
Sir, I don't believe that.
I don't believe that at all.
Well, hey!
Hey, I'll tell you what.
You can get bonded, and if you want to make a $10,000 wager, then we can make that wager, but you won't put your money where your mouth is, and I'll meet you in Vegas.
You can bring 10 of your stupid friends, and they can all bet me $10,000.
We'll go where it's legal, and again, I'm not a betting man.
I know you won't take it, because in your gut, you know I'm telling you the truth, and we'll just see what happens.
You see,
I wish that it wasn't true that this is all going on, sir.
Do you think I made it up about them bringing tens of thousands of Nazis over here to help run every major agency?
Well, yes, because, you know, obviously, you know, I have a friend who says, you know, you're getting these research from these donors from England.
You're getting these research from these two guys from England.
Pardon me?
That's what I heard about it.
Research from two guys.
It's totally admitted mainstream information that tens of thousands of Nazi top scientists and SS officers were brought over here to be in the CIA, NASA, Department of Energy, just everything.
And you're just saying I'm making that up?
But you won't bet me about that, will you?
Excuse me?
See, you... I shouldn't be mean to you.
Your mom didn't breastfeed you, did she?
Sir, what?
Did your mother breastfeed you?
What are you talking about?
Your brain can be... No, no, no.
Your brain will be about 25 to 30 percent smaller if your mother doesn't breastfeed you.
You know, mammals feed their young a fatty substance filled with complex fats and sugars.
It's called milk.
And I mean, I'm not being mean.
You're just retarded, sir.
I mean, that's... I mean, as if your mother not breastfeeding you on top of it, you have a small brain.
I'm not joking.
This isn't funny.
I mean, other people are laughing.
It sounds like I'm being funny.
I'm not.
It's very sad.
This young man's mother didn't breastfeed him.
I... bottom dollar.
And he got fluoride.
And everything else they put in there.
I mean, he's got a tiny little brain.
That's why everybody's getting Alzheimer's.
Have you heard how they have early onset at 30, 40 now of Alzheimer's?
And then they go in there and they admit it's plaques of heavy metals and chemicals and fluoride.
I mean, listen, we're a nation of drones.
The government told us that, hey moms, you don't need to give your babies milk anymore.
And they can't, you can't, even if it's the best formula out there, you can't give babies the fats they need that form the brain.
I've read the studies.
I got time to take one more, Donna.
Let's go ahead and talk to somebody else that disagrees, see if they're retarded.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
You're retarded.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm not being mean to people that have mentally retarded family.
It's very sad.
I'm not making light of that.
I'm saying that the people, and most, a lot of Americans,
are right on the edge of being low-grade morons right on the verge of having seventy IQs and uh... they'll call in and say I choose not to believe there's a nafta superhighway or tram texas corridor when it's all official on government websites and legislation and they'll say no nazi scientists were brought over here they'll say there were no atomic soldiers they'll say they didn't radiate foster children they'll say there was no Tuskegee experiment with black men they'll just say I'm a liar and hey
You know, they choose not to believe the government ships the drugs in.
They choose to believe in the tooth fairy.
Well, I choose to believe in reality.
I said, the eugenicists have called me up and they said, well, see how dumb they are.
Why are you siding with these people, Alex?
You ought to join us.
The cattle don't want your help.
I'm sorry, I wasn't kidding.
You're mentally retarded.
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I killed one man and one local group is offering... This is the GCN Radio Network.
The Iraqi government has dismissed a huge number of soldiers and policemen.
Here's Slobodan Lieklic.
About 1,000 policemen and soldiers, including a full infantry battalion, had deserted to the enemy, had gone over and taken their weapons, and in many cases their vehicles as well, and handed them over to the militiamen.
Since the operation, government officials have revealed about 1,000 members of the security forces have mutinied.
Tiger Woods is still in the picture at the Masters, but just barely.
He starts the day six shots behind Trevor Emelman, who says he'll give it his best shot for the final round.
All I can ask for myself is to go out there and play as hard as I can and believe in myself.
I've got to believe in myself and hope for the best.
Woods has never won a major when trailing going into the final round.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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The International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings are wrapping up today with a focus on how to deal with the global financial crisis and the effect of higher food and energy prices on developing countries.
Bank President Robert Zoellick calls it an emergency situation, adding while many in the U.S.
and Europe worry about filling their gas tanks, others are struggling to fill their stomachs.
President Bush's National Security Advisor says it would be a cop-out for countries to skip the opening ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics.
Stephen Hadley, speaking on Fox News Sunday, says quiet diplomacy is a better way to send a message to China's leaders because the world would be watching the Olympics.
And Pope Benedict is asking the faithful to pray that his upcoming visit to the United States will be a time of spiritual renewal for all Americans.
His first trip to the U.S.
as Pope begins Tuesday.
He is scheduled to spend five days in Washington and New York.
For more news and analysis, log on to irnnews.com.
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Life doesn't mean a Corlaid, it's something where the fuse is directed.
Sounds from Haiti where United Nations sources say a UN police officer bringing food to his unit was pulled from a car and killed execution-style in Port-au-Prince.
Haiti has been the scene of deadly protests and looting over rising food prices.
Haitian lawmakers today dismissed the country's Prime Minister hoping to diffuse widespread anger.
The Prime Minister's answer reflects frustration over soaring food prices in a nation where most people live on less than two dollars a day and chronic hunger that has become unbearable in recent months.
A man serving life for a 1982 murder in Chicago will ask a judge for a new trial on Friday after two attorneys revealed that their one-time client, now dead, confessed to the crime some 25 years ago.
The man who was convicted, Alton Logan, says he's not angry with the lawyers for keeping the confession a secret.
I've been saying this for the past 26 years, it wasn't me.
And Hollywood has gathered to bid farewell to screened legend Charleston Heston.
Among those attending Heston's Los Angeles funeral yesterday were California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former First Lady Nancy Reagan and Director Oliver Stone.
Heston died last weekend at age 84.
Heston's son says his father was cremated earlier this week.
Here's Bob Thomas.
He and the family took the ashes in an urn and planted it behind the church.
And he said, we had a ceremony, very brief, just before the funeral.
I'm Jody Jordan, and that's news from the Information Radio Network.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
You know, I analyzed that last caller's call.
We're going to your calls here in a moment, a bunch of other news.
Notice he said, I heard you get all this from people in England.
Somebody that dumbed down, that hooked into the matrix.
They don't research things, they just hear it from other people.
So they think I get things by hearing it from other people.
I must have heard all this and none of it's true.
Yeah, I say DynCorp's been caught running giant child kidnapping rings or Halliburton has.
Let me just tell you something, fella.
I wouldn't be on the air next week if that wasn't true.
I'd be sued into oblivion.
Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, BBC.
Now, it's not a big nightly news cycle.
That's Anna Nicole Smith and O.J.
But yes, they run giant child kidnapping rings.
Or that there have been scores of the heads of CPS in Florida.
You have to be one there.
It's run by pedophiles.
Florida's the worst.
People that take your kids are generally pedophiles.
Run by pedophiles.
That's been all over the Florida news.
I mean, I'm sorry all this sounds crazy and hard to believe.
That's what I mean.
The evil is all around us.
But because the general public is still good, we're all these suckers thinking that, oh, well, I'm a good person.
Everybody else must be good.
Well, I'm sorry, Dorothy.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
And so, understand something young man, and I shouldn't be mean to you, but you did sound so stupid.
You're either smoking pot, or you were drunk, or if you study, and they've got a lot of medical studies on this, the cc size, see the first couple years when you get most of the brain growth, still grows a little bit until you're about five, but the cc size of the brain is tied directly to the milk fat, and it's got the milk you need from your mother plus all of the things that, excuse me,
That she is immune to.
And so you tie that in with the fluoride and all the other things that are in the water that retard intelligence and brain size and actually rots micro holes in the cells in the brain.
Little lesions all over the brain from your fluoride that you drink because the government cares about you.
That's why a lot of your kids are in a haze.
You don't know why.
And suddenly the special ed centers of the schools are bigger than the rest of the school because you're under chemical attack.
And we have government documents on that.
In my film, Endgame.
I mean, official government documents, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, where they said, yeah, we're going to put fluoride in the water, and we're going to give them shots of mercury, because it's the best heavy metal to attack the brain, and we're going to lobotomize the general public.
I mean, Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 33, where the government, you know, brain damages the kids at birth, so that they can be the servant class.
And he, later in 62, gave his last speech at Berkeley, and said, this is all real, my brother runs the UN,
Julian Huxley, head of UNESCO, Director General, and he said, this is all real.
This is our plan.
And we're doing it.
I'm sorry that reality is so amazing.
I'm sorry.
It's true.
It's happening.
And you heard that caller going, well, I don't believe that the government ever brought Nazis into the U.S.
Now, those of you out there that would have been geniuses, now you're just average.
But you probably got some good milk fat when you were little that kind of counterbalanced all the heavy metal and other toxins they hit you with through the water supply.
You are able to remember that you've read that and seen that and even seen it on History Channel and you know it was true.
Now you don't know that they're spraying you and poisoning the water.
The guys at the water plant don't know that.
They're just told what to do and the canisters come in and it's all hidden in plain view and approved.
Kind of like the head
Toxicologist, he had several scientific degrees, also a medical MD and a doctor of dental surgery, dentist.
He had a bunch of degrees.
I've interviewed the guy.
He, decades ago, got fluoride rammed through and put in the water supply of Canada.
And then, about five years ago, he went public and said, my God, I finally read the research.
I thought it was calcium fluoride they were putting small amounts of that you do need.
This is sodium fluoride.
Oh my God!
Breaks your bones, attacks your organs, retards growth, attacks the brain, attacks the kidneys.
But what they approve is sodium and stannous fluoride mixed together from the toxic waste dumps with hundreds of other chemicals in it.
I just beg you to look into what I've said, folks.
Just look at fluoride toxicology studies, or sodium fluoride.
There's thousands of them.
I never forget reading a University of Texas, 1933 study, where they gave it to lab rats, and how it made them all totally retarded.
And they said, well, this is a sedative, but it's also toxic.
And the Nazis picked up that UT study, and that's why they put it in the death camp water.
That's in Pulitzer Prize winning book on World War II, but I know you won't check it out.
You won't find out.
You won't look into it.
You won't, because you've been bred to be slaves!
Oh, look, I've got loaded phones, and after this segment and the next, I'm just nothing but calls now.
We're about to go to break, but nothing but calls now.
Kathy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Calling from Virginia.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I've got a couple of quick things to tell you about, and then I'd like your comments.
I have a letter from
Edward Sondik, the Director of National Center for Health Statistics.
Supposedly, my phone number was selected by random chance because they need to ask all about the vaccinations and our children's health.
Some households may be asked questions about the health services their children need or use.
If we have a child between 18 and 35, please have all their immunization records in front of you when they... Yeah, let me stop you and say what's happening.
In 2000, they started sending out 35, 45, 69,
And plus, they have different ones, questionnaires saying it's the law, you've got to answer these when every American has a Fifth Amendment.
You don't have to answer the census if they add all those other things to it.
It's a total felony every time they send it out.
Threatening by law, you've got to do it.
And now they have hundreds of agencies demanding everyone fill out reports on themselves, and it's just all part of this tyranny we live in.
And one other thing, if you happen to work for the federal government, now they want you to register on a website and every single time you engage in any kind of physical activity, you've got to report it to the government for some kind of contest on our good health.
Well, that's how they introduce it to you.
That's eugenics.
Where if you don't exercise, and they're going to have a record of it, and don't eat the quote, right foods, you're going to be denied health care.
Just type in, elderly to be denied health care in the U.S.
under Hillary's plan, and it's them saying it.
It's not us saying it like we're attacking her.
They say you're not going to get health care.
It's already that way in England.
It's bioethics boards, which is the new term of eugenics.
After Hitler embarrassed the eugenicists in 1946, the International Eugenics Society met and changed their name to bioethics.
Thank you, Alex, and Endgame is waking people up.
Great video.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Thank you.
Yeah, we're all in the Endgame.
I could kind of go along with this stuff and shut up and water down what I'm doing and then just go ahead and, you know, let them keep killing everybody.
Or I could risk my life and my family and everything.
Just go ahead and let you know the truth.
We got time for one more?
Yeah, let's go ahead and take one more here, then we're going to come back and really go to your calls.
Skip in California.
Go out to the West Coast now.
You're on the air, Skip.
Hey, I want to touch on two things.
One is last night I picked up the current issue of Time Magazine, and on page 8 it says, How the War on Terrorism Saved One Desert Outpost.
And the picture shows basically a military officer instructing four SWAT team officers going down a street and
Playas, New Mexico.
Yeah, Plays, New Mexico.
And they took that over six years ago, and they're merging the military, the police, everything.
CIA runs every major city.
I told you that decades ago.
Now it's mainstream news.
They're there controlling which narcotic shipments go in, which go out.
They're listing right now.
They're running black ops on everybody.
And it must be a power trip to be able to poison babies, kill everybody, give everybody leukemia.
Haha, it's so much fun!
Yeah, the second point I wanted to touch on was on the torch.
Yeah, the Nazi torch, which that guy just did.
It was real.
The first time that it actually was lit in Athens and then traveled the flame from there was for the 1936 Olympics.
And one of the reasons they did that was it was so Hitler could get kind of like reconnaissance and intel on all the countries he wanted to invade.
Stay there.
That's right.
I want you to be able to speak more about that.
Of course, they won't check into Mainline History.
They'll just say you're lying!
Chinese troops are in the U.S., in England, and in France, commanding our police.
Mainstream News.
We'll cover that before the show ends.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communication Radio Network.
Yeah, I was standing around the office during the radio show Friday, watching Chinese troops in San Francisco manhandle American citizens.
And I said, you know, this whole thing's degenerate.
It was a Greek exercise of eugenics to show who the Superman was, who was related to Hercules.
And then that's where all the Nazi ideas and the rest of it came from.
And I was talking about how Hitler in 36 started the torch run.
He drew the rings.
He drew the way the flame should look.
Then later, I come walking back from doing some other work and Trey's like, Oh man, it was just Will Blitzer was just saying.
In fact, I didn't see it.
Swing your microphone around.
I should have told you.
Swing your microphone around and... But see, people will say when I'm saying this doesn't exist.
And then when they see it on the news, they'll say, Oh, it does exist, but it's good.
But the point is they have Chinese secret police, the same ones that arrest people and kill them and take their organs in China.
That's in the news.
And they beat people up.
They beat up Brits, Americans, French.
I've got all the new articles.
I've got like ten of them here.
And the police take their orders and there's no free speech.
And if an Olympic runner pulls out a Tibetan flag, they tackle them.
Or if they don't hold it up high enough, there's video of them shoving them and giving them orders, Americans.
I mean, we're slaves, ladies and gentlemen.
You need to understand that.
Let's go ahead and go up.
Go ahead, Trey.
You said you saw Wolf Blitzer?
Oh yeah, I just saw Wolf reporting on it and he went on to say how the torch was run through all of the countries that Hitler would soon invade.
Well, I want to explain to everybody, the modern one was created by Hitler, exactly.
But more than that, it is the celebration of the New World Order religion, which is eugenics.
Anything else, Trey?
You were talking about Will Blitzer?
Oh, no, I mean, it's just, it's, honestly, it's just good to see, I mean, yeah, it was maybe just a ten-second bite out of a two-hour news broadcast about the Olympics, so I was upset about that, but at least they're starting to talk about it a little bit.
They just can't deny it anymore, you know?
Well, the globalist, yeah, I mean, I remember the last Olympics, actually two Olympics ago, writing articles for InfoWars.com.
Just type NaziOlympicsInfoWars.com into Google, you'll get like six, seven, eight-year-old articles.
And I get hate mail.
You liar!
And I have the hand sketches Hitler drew in mainstream university links.
You traitor!
You hate America!
You know, it came to Salt Lake, you bastard liar!
Man, all I do is tell you the truth.
That's all I'm telling you.
And you better understand, the elite openly write and say that they're poisoning you, they're killing you, but because you're too stupid to realize it and fight back, you deserve it.
You understand that?
And I've had elitists, you know, heads of corporations, you name it, contact me, talk to me, and it's always quote-off records so I don't, you know, violate people's confidence as I learn intel.
And they just go, the slaves don't want your help, they're not going to understand you, they don't care, they want what's happening to them.
I just can't stand by, even if the public is dumbed down and wants to be slaves, I can't stand by while they CPS people's kids for Saudi Arabians to rape them, you know, over there.
I mean, I can't stand by while snuff films are made and while drugs are dealt.
I just can't believe it's this sick.
Oh man, okay, I'm going to blast through.
Oh, Jay hung up.
I was going to go back to Jay and let him comment on the Hitler thing, but thank you, Jay, for your great points.
Lauren in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Pleasure to talk to you.
Um, me and my boyfriend, we take a lot of your advice.
We went and we bought the, uh, the Calvin, or the Calvin soap, and we use it, and we try to wipe it off with our toothpaste and all that stuff to try to, you know, better ourselves.
But anyway, I just had a question for you.
I wanted to comment on something.
Uh, I went to the hospital yesterday for a rash, and the doctors gave me a shot or something, I don't know, they probably sterilized me for all I know, I don't know.
Anyway, I went in there and all the nurses were wearing like camouflage and like BDUs and they have like military in the hospital along with alongside cops in there and I just want to know what your comment is about that.
What do you think about that?
Was it a VA?
No, it was just a local hospital.
I went there for a rest and they just wanted to have it checked out and my boyfriend called the hospital to see what they said about it.
He's like, oh, I'm the guy that you talked to.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, they're probably doing a bioweapons test in the area.
No, I'm not joking.
People are laughing.
Google Subtilis Globus here.
Bacteria spread over Oklahoma.
This is just one from two years ago.
They sprayed every town with tons, multi-tons, sometimes three tons, sometimes one ton, of a bacteria that causes spontaneous abortions in all mammal species and kills people.
But it only kills about one out of a hundred that get it.
And anybody think I'm lying?
This is mainstream news.
Subtilis Globogy sprayed over every town and city in Oklahoma year-long.
Every city, every week was sprayed with prop planes at 1,400 to 1,000 feet.
And remember earlier I talked about how they had the military and the people in New York when they murdered the Americans in 68.
Remember that?
And so you showed up and was there a lot of folks there with the rash?
Uh, no.
There wasn't a lot of people in the hospital.
Oh, I'm not sure.
There was just a lot of nurses.
They were all dressed in green camouflage, and there was some guy with, like, a military suit and a sash on.
He had brains, all dressed up in beads, standing there alongside, like, four or five cops.
Well, I mean, number one, when they come up to you with a shot, you say, what is that?
What is this treatment?
And, you know, they're supposed to tell you, oh, you have strep.
This is this wide-spectrum antibiotic.
You're supposed to talk to them.
It was a steroid shot.
Oh, so it was a corticotypic steroid, non-anabolic?
Sounds like it was good what they gave you.
I don't know.
It seemed kind of weird to me.
They were all dressed up in BD.
Well, I mean, that might have been a separate op.
Let me tell you a story.
I showed Endgame about six months ago.
I just told this Friday.
I was number two, or is he number three?
I'll tell it again.
He's the head.
He gave me his card.
He is the head media assistant.
He handles media, but he's the main assistant.
You see him on TV with Perry.
And he shows up with his wife, and he's there at bed-in game at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
He said, I mean, I had Rick Perry walk to me when I was eating Mexican food and say, hey, have a nice Thanksgiving, Alex.
It lasted, oh, two years ago.
So these people all know who I am.
But no, this guy comes to end game, and he comes over and he goes, listen, I want you to know Rick Perry's a good Christian, and I am too, but I want you to know that
And the guy seemed real, you know, clean-cut, nice, friendly, realistic, but he said, but I know that Perry's evil, so, and he admitted, he knew, he goes, well, I'm here because you cover Perry going to Bilderberg, and, you know, I wrote the press release on him going there, I didn't go with the governor, but, you know, I believe he was there teaching about our system of government, and I'm like, yeah, right, whatever.
He goes, but I want you to know I worked at Fort Sam Houston Medical Facility as an Army medic, and they flew in Special Forces guys, we were told to give them shots,
And the base gave him shots and then they all died three days later.
And then we pulled out all the equipment and were told to clean it.
And he goes, I believe it was a weapons test.
So there's one of Rick Perry's head guys.
Just, you know, I was there and the base gave him shots.
We weren't told what it was and they all died.
You know, that idiot calls in earlier and I've got the London Guardian article.
Headline, final agony of RAF volunteer killed by sarin in Britain.
It goes on to say they marched him in and killed him.
Now this only came out, this is one of hundreds at that base they murdered.
You think I'm making this up?
You think it's fun messing with these people?
You think it's fun?
What about those special forces groups that all died?
You know, what about all these people?
Who's going to stand up for him?
Who's going to speak out?
Who's going to say, quit killing us!
Quit murdering us!
It's going on.
You've got a bunch of mad scientists who think of you as animals carrying out a bunch of eugenics against you.
If you don't know what eugenics is, find out today.
We'll be back after this news telling us how the IMF is saving us or something.
But that's good news.
I am going to talk about hard news.
The World Bank's worried about how there's no food for us.
Oh, we'll be right back.
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All right, let's go straight back into your calls.
I'm loading the phone lines here.
Let's talk to Mark in Austin.
You're on the air, sir.
Yes, hi Alex.
Yes, I wanted to bring up another point with the vaccines and autism.
I've come across a number of research studies showing 70 to 90 percent of these kids have a specific blood type, and many of these mothers beginning in 1968 were giving brogams.
injections when the mother and fetus blood types were mismatched and those injections turns out contain thimerosal and they bumped this up in the 80s and many other countries were not doing this.
Oh, Japan for more than a decade has banned giving under a two-year-old vaccines.
Japan said there's no doubt but we talk a lot about mercury, the thimerosal, it's technical name, the type of mercury solution they put in there
But, and so they hide it under that name and others, but a lot of it, almost every person that has Crohn's, and this is mainstream literature, they find that it's from the measles or several other shots where a live virus in it attacks the gut.
And then gets into the intestines and causes autoimmune responses.
So they also try to say, well, why is it mainly boys?
Well, boys tend to not have a gene turned on that makes their blood-brain barrier, same type tissues you have in the guts, allow these metals and things to cross over easier.
But the federal court just ruled last month that mercury in vaccines does cause autism.
So it's not only the vaccines the kids are receiving, but also that
I expect the mothers nowadays are giving tons of extra injections for who knows what.
Also, until this became public in the last decade, six or seven years, really, almost all of the eye solution had thimerosal, mercury, for your contacts.
Now, about half of it, because my wife has contacts, she'll send me, honey, go get me this, you know, at night, and I'll drive out doing my honeydews, and I have to look around and find the one that doesn't say thimerosal, and half the time I'm, you know, we're on a road trip or something and I forget and buy the wrong thing and it's got mercury in it,
I gotta take it back.
Thank you so much, sir.
Great point.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Jennifer, in Florida.
You are on the air.
Hello, Jennifer.
You're listening to your radio.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm in Fort Myers, Florida.
I've been listening to your show now for about two years.
I've bought your CDs, Power Storm and Martial Law, and I received my 9-11 with an Inside Job sticker.
I put it on the back of my truck.
Got a lot of crap for it, but I also got a lot of thumbs up and a lot of beeps.
And I just want to say that the Olympic torch was lit by the mother flame in 1936, and Hitler is the one that lit the mother flame.
So every time we light our Olympic torches, it's off the mother flame from 1936, the one that Hitler... Yeah, I forgot that part, but the caller called in and just said, I'm a liar!
See, it doesn't matter what we say now!
A lot of people are asleep and they just don't want to wake up because then they have to realize the ugly truth of it all and that we've been lied to.
But it's not just that Hitler happened to invent all this modern system.
He liked it because the ancient Greeks believed in exterminating the other races.
And I'm not knocking the Greeks, but we're taught they were all friendly.
Spartans had to basically murder
Uh, one of the lesser tribe members.
Okay, well, I just wanted to tell you, you're doing a great job, and people are going to wake up sooner or later.
For them, it's going to be later, and it's going to be too late, but we're preparing, we're storing food, we're trying to wake people up.
It's a hard job, but we're sticking with it anyway, and you just keep doing what you're doing and fighting the good fight, and we're here right behind you.
Thank you.
You know, I don't know if the Global is going to set off a nuke, release bird flu.
Whatever they're going to do, they're gearing up for it, and they've done things in the past, so don't think they won't do it in the future.
And it's key that those of us understand what's going on, the eugenics world we live in, and how we're under a scientific system.
See, under national security, hundreds of underground bases, hundreds of underground railways, that's declassified, that they have them, they just won't say what's under there.
All these secret weapons, all this advanced technology, all these life extension systems, all of it.
We need to understand that we don't know what's going on.
What we know is so horrible, it's hard to believe.
Can you imagine what we don't know?
They admit they're spraying and manipulating the atmosphere.
They admit now they're adding stuff to the jet fuel, which is perfect.
They just under regulations make them add the stuff to it.
The companies just follow the regulations and it's done.
God help us.
God help us.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Harvey in Florida.
You're on the air, sir.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing today?
Just flippin' out, man.
Oh, you're not flippin' out like you were last week.
Flippin' out.
You really flipped out last week.
That's good.
We need to get shaken out of our comfort zone and realize this is serious.
It's very serious, Alex.
It's very serious.
You know, I've been wondering, like a lot of people, how come they haven't killed you yet?
When I had a radio show, one of my friends, who's a federal judge, told me.
He says, well, they like to have somebody they could leave around to point at and say,
You know, it's a free country, you see.
Alex Jones is still talking, but I think it's much more than that.
I think today I hit on it.
What they do is they're using you as a test bed, Alex.
The people are so brainwashed that they don't even recognize the truth when they hear it.
The brainwashing is complete, sir.
That's their report to headquarters.
I mean, it really is.
I mean, I keep making big deal of this.
I played it a few weeks ago, and then again a few months ago when it happened, Fox and CNN said,
Ron Paul is insane.
It was basically the same script.
He believes in a NAFTA highway and a trans-Texas corridor.
The trans-Texas corridor doesn't exist.
Same thing on two channels I caught.
Then we went and got the clips on YouTube.
I found them on YouTube and put them up.
I mean, the trans-Texas corridor, it's billboards everywhere.
They're putting toll roads in it, and they just say it doesn't exist!
And the public says those signs don't exist!
They have 5,000 people lying to every person like you that is to tell the truth.
So you're outgunned.
But the funny thing is that you outdo them with all their billions and all their paid stooges and all their lives.
You outdo them.
You and your small crew outdo them a hundred times.
But why do they're stooges?
I mean, here's an example.
The IMF puts out a report saying, and the World Bank puts out a report saying, they both did it.
Oh, we're so upset about, there's not enough food, the food prices are exploding, there's shortages.
But then I have State Department Memorandum 200, I have the IMF World Bank Memorandums from the 60s and 70s and 80s, I have the Club of Rome Memorandum to the World Bank, it's in my film, it's mainstream news, where they are engineering food crises by design, and they say,
All of our policies are to exterminate the third world and cause our main weapon is food crises and funding both sides of tribal groups to kill each other.
And then I read the 100 point plan as reported even by the BBC and Greg Pallas when we got the IMF documents in 2002 when Joseph Stiglitz quit over it and it talks about how they engineer this and then I got to hear them on the news!
The public thinks they're there to help you!
Yeah, the IMF is getting together this weekend to solve that food problem for the world.
So we're in very good hands.
And Alex, I want to leave you with a comedy, a little bit of comedy.
Maybe this will lighten you up.
Alberto Gonzalez.
Since he left the employment there in the State Department, he's having a little trouble finding work.
Did you hear about that?
It was in today's paper.
Yeah, when he left as the former AG.
And John Yoo is about to be indicted in several European countries.
I mean, he wrote public memos saying they can... I'm not even going to say on air what they said.
It's sexual abuse of children.
I mean, that's what I mean.
Now, that's a behavioral psychologist that went too far because they came out and said, we're torturing, yeah, we torture kids in front of their parents like we would buy that.
Now the people said no, so they're getting ready to burn you.
I mean, why do you think they put those memos out about torturing kids?
I don't know, but I mean, with this story today, he's supposed to take pity on Gonzalez that day.
He's going hat in hand to the law firm, submitting his resume.
I wonder what his resume reads.
Will torture children, will drop bombs on innocent women and children, will lie to the Congress.
Is that all on his resume, you think, Alex?
I think that's probably all on his resume, yeah.
But see, that's the problem.
We heap all the blame on him, and I agree, he's evil, and then the puppeteers behind the scenes, you know, Hillary comes in, Bush goes out, or Obama, or whoever comes in, and then another set of shark teeth roll forward, and then we learn to hate that set of shark teeth, and then another set rolls forward, and we never focus on the shark, we always focus on its teeth.
But I know you know that, but, I mean, any points on that, Harvey?
Well, Alex, you know, I consider this the people that work with George Bush Sr.
I believe that's where the evil emanates.
It is, yeah.
We should have driven a stake through their hearts because they keep coming back from the dead.
Well, politically, it's just hell on earth.
His father was the top Nazi agent in the U.S.
That's mainstream news.
I just wish I could have a good life.
But instead, everything's fried.
The future's very dark.
We could wake up, we could stop at any time, but the public just can't believe it.
It's too scary to believe it, so a lot of you are going to have to die.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communication Radio Network.
There's a whole other world waiting right beneath the secret.
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The true nature of the globalists?
Ladies and gentlemen, it takes a strong man to be able to research this and face all their crimes.
To even try to realize and fathom the darkness we're dealing with.
And they'll brag right to your face.
They'll say, that's right, the sheer dark majesty, the power.
They'll tell you that you're weak.
Because you're not willing to poison the mass of humanity, dumb them down so you can control them.
They'll say, you don't have the will to rule.
Well, I know this.
I've got the will to fight them.
I've got the will to not be a greedy, selfish, control freak bastard.
And I'm not backing down ever for humanity.
I'm never gonna shut up.
I control my destiny.
I've committed to fight the evil.
And whatever move they make, it doesn't matter.
I put myself in the way of the fist.
Alright, we're going to go ahead and jam in a bunch of calls.
I promise to get to this, though.
I've got the Daily Mail.
I've got the San Francisco Chronicle.
I've got ABC News.
And we did synopses of these at Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.com.
Police remove Olympic torchbearer on orders of Chinese pill and marital thugs.
You can read where government officials in England are freaking out, saying they were thugs.
They even pushed British lords.
They even physically ran into Lord Cho, the London Olympics chief, was over here describing the so-called torch attendants as thugs.
He said they'd pushed me three times, they're horrible.
Okay, in France,
You've got 30 guys in blue jumpsuits who are secret police, the same ones that are in Tibet.
And this is in the mainstream articles.
And they order the police wherever they're at.
And if torchbearers pull out little, which is their right in the Olympics, it's international, it's not just Beijing that runs it, waving even a small sign or even a bandana that says Tibet, they tackle you, they beat you up, they throw you out.
But they've been on the news, they'll be running by Tibetans, and they'll just reach out and grab their flags.
The first time it got rough, they grabbed a flag away in Paris.
So then, in London, the people rushed them.
But the point is, this is foreign troops engaging in this in the U.S.
And it did happen.
They tackled a bunch of people, attacked a bunch of people, attacked the Olympic torch carrier when she pulled out a small Tibetan flag.
There's video of that in the San Francisco Chronicle.
I got that, and then I had all this other news where they're admitting they're spying on everybody.
And I've got Oakland police, they've started this all over the country, it's called Knock and Talk.
They show up and they say, mind if we search for illegal guns?
And then they intimidate their way in.
We have newscasts of this.
This is just gun confiscation under a federal grant.
Total violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Most Americans don't know their rights.
The cops show up and say, mind if we look?
When you say no, they say, what do you have to hide?
And they just wet themselves and let them in.
And then they find marijuana and everything else, you go to jail.
Just the secret police inspecting your house.
Oakland cops could come and knock on it for Junior's guns.
A six-month pilot program in which Oakland police officers will knock on doors and ask permission to search homes for guns.
Got the green light from the City Council's Public Safety Committee.
Just, end of America!
It's happening all, they've been doing it in Dallas and Tucson for a decade.
And we've had the people on who've been quoted in the news articles.
They come up and they go,
This is Officer Johnson and Officer Brown.
We'd like to do a safety inspection of your guns.
Because in Dallas, you know, guns aren't banned.
And, well, why?
Is there something wrong, officer?
Well, just, mind if we come in, ma'am?
And they report nine times out of ten.
They capitulate a lot of times.
You know, if they find anything illegal, you're going to jail.
And this is just the end of the country.
Just totally gone.
Hell Pit!
And FEMA camps are built.
They didn't triple-size the BATF to play TiddlyWinks.
Like I said earlier,
Okay, let's jam in five final phone calls in the six or seven minutes we've got left.
Next is Robert in Arizona, where they've been confiscating guns for years.
Go ahead, sir, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Only the fools allow them into their houses.
Well, exactly, though.
But see, they're setting the wicked precedent.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, we're wise to that game, and we've told them, you know, when they knock on the door, there are a lot of Second Amendment activists.
I know, but see, in America, the first call I go to has had it happen.
We just, when they knock on the door and they ask their silly questions, we just say, I politely decline to confirm.
Again, in a total police state, they preemptively come out and, hold on, in a police state, they preemptively come out and talk to you.
In East Germany, in Russia, you got political commissars coming to your door.
This hidden land of the free, home of the brave, and I'm tired of traitorous police that take part in this evil, saying they're still Americans!
Go ahead.
I know a lot of cops don't like this, they need to speak up.
Have another glass of water, Alex.
Let me finish.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
We just politely tell them that we decline to converse and we close the door in their faces.
This is happening to you?
What do they say?
Tell me the story.
You go to the door, what happens?
Well, they knock on the door and they want to come in and look around.
We just say, I politely decline to converse.
Get lost.
And we close the door in their face.
And then they try to say, excuse me, what do you have to hide?
What do you have to hide?
Let's come look in your house, cops!
Let's come look in your house, cops!
Let's come look in your house, cops!
Go ahead.
Well, but anyways, that's that.
We win.
They don't win, we win.
But it shows they're just waiting to get our guns.
Well, the TPD tried it.
Thankfully, the Pima County Sheriff's never bought into that stupid game.
But anyway, so I got three things to add.
One thing is, this drooling idiot that called in and pretended that he didn't know what you were talking about concerning AIDS and chronic diseases, I would admonish him to read Ed Hooper's The River, or Hilary Johnson's Osler's Web, or Leonard Horowitz's Emerging Viruses, or Professor Donald Scott's Journal of Degenerative Diseases, Volume 5, Number 3,
You can find most of those on the web.
Look, that guy doesn't even know how to read.
I'm sorry.
You're a great caller.
I've got to move on here.
Let's move really fast.
Let's move to Eric in Mississippi.
You're on the air worldwide in defense of humanity.
Last-ditch effort.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Fighting hard.
Me too, sir.
I just wanted to talk to you for a second about this.
I don't know if you heard about it in Mississippi.
Mississippi is seeking to legalize wiretapping.
Have you heard about that?
Yes, all over the nation they're announcing that no more Fourth Amendment.
Nationwide, they're all announcing for all crimes, you know, no due process.
I mean, it's all happening.
I have stacks of news today.
Here, keep talking.
Yeah, I was just going to tell you that I've watched all your videos and I support you all the way, man.
And in closing, I'd like to ask your
Well, you got Jesse Ventura and everybody else coming out and saying it's an inside job, and there are some good people in the UN.
I don't think it's their jurisdiction, but they can bring it out and point out it's an inside job.
But you watch, that's a lower body in the UN doing that.
That's going to get quashed.
The people that run the US started the UN in 1945 in San Francisco.
Thanks for your time, Alex.
Just keep up the fight, man.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
Yeah, it's just total hell's being released.
Coming after your guns, saying no more Bill of Rights, just frothing FEMA camps everywhere.
They've gone from 300,000 cops to 2 million cops.
They're about to go to 3 million cops, 1 in 10 college grads, Homeland Security related.
Just people... I mean, you go to school and you become a punk chump ordering everyone around.
That's how it works.
Absolute trash.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Summer in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I was actually calling in regards to a survey that I was called about, and I usually hang up on those people, but I wasn't really busy at the time and I figured I'd see what kind of questions they would ask me, and it was a traffic and car survey, but three of the questions, one of them was, how important was terrorism to me?
Another one was,
Uh, how important was, um, how many police are on the street?
And did I think that we needed more police on the street?
And I answered no to both of those questions, and I told them that... You'll be removed from the survey.
They'll say everyone wants it.
Well, uh, I told them that terrorism was the least important, uh, issue to me, uh, in comparison with... Well, see, that's a controlled paradigm.
What if you said 90% of it's fake?
See... But go ahead.
Good job.
Go ahead.
Um, and another question I wanted to ask you was, um, what is the significance of the Sun Cross to the Nazis?
And also, I've heard that in 2012, a lot of scientists are saying that they expect there to be a solar flare.
And that that's the reason that the ancient people built all of their... You know, I don't know.
I don't know, but the globalists are to the occult and they believe all this.
I'm sorry to JD and Jared and others.
Call me back tomorrow on the weekday syndicated show.
Now four hours long.
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We have a vid cam and document cam for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
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