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Name: 20080407_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 7, 2008
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We're good.
Hello, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It is already the seventh day of April, 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Here on the GCN Radio Network, we have a very important broadcast lined up for you today.
Alan Watt is an amazing researcher.
Cuttingthroughthematrix.com will be joining us in the third hour today.
In the meantime, I do want to properly remember Charlton Heston.
I'm also going to re-air an interview that I did with Charlton Heston.
I looked for this this weekend.
I found out he, of course, had died Friday night.
I got in the car at midnight, leaving work, and turned on the radio, and they were announcing that Charlton Heston had died.
And I went home and searched for about two hours on the web and found the links on InfoWars from seven years ago, but the MP3 links were dead, we'd moved servers, hadn't migrated it properly, whatever.
Spent two hours looking for it on other sites, couldn't find it.
Came into the office, tore the place apart, and was able to find it.
In fact, we'd printed up about 400 CDs seven years ago.
And I'd put them up on the side as part of a Second Amendment package that we don't sell very many of and guess what we were down to?
We were down to the last two copies.
And about one of them I guess goes a week.
So what about timing?
I was going to have to go on air and beg listeners to mail the CD back.
But we're going to have to burn some more of those and keep that part of the package.
But that is coming up today in the second hour.
I've got
Throughout the week, I'm going to play clips of him doing Shakespeare, his speeches to the NRA.
I mean, he really was a gentleman.
He was an amazing actor.
They said on the London stage that he was one of the best, if not the best, Shakespearean actor, and that's tough stuff.
You get an idea for the language those people used and how intelligent they were.
The Founding Fathers were of the same ilk, kind of at the tail end of that, and they weren't showing off in the prose they used.
It was just they were
They were truly alive in the spirit of the Renaissance, so I want to play that too.
Also, Charlton Heston presenting the Bible, just to get an idea of his voice.
He was doing this live, in these live reads he would do from Jerusalem when he voiced what the ten-part series, the Bible.
I'm going to play some of those clips this week.
I played about five minutes of my interview with him yesterday on the Sunday Show, and we posted the transcript back up on
There were like 50-something comments in there this morning.
And some of them were saying, how dare Alex Jones say Charlton Heston's good?
And how dare him?
Listen to him defending John Ashcroft.
That interview was done on the 18th of January 2001.
Nine months, like eight months and twenty-something days before 9-11.
John Ashcroft was saying he was going to be pro-Second Amendment.
He had been saying he was going to go after the Clintons.
He had blocked the Clintons on warrantless wiretapping.
Ron Paul has read his quotes before.
It's in Matrix of Evil, where John Ashcroft sounded like us.
He was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
So this is a seven-year-old interview, and it shows how we are fair here.
We were giving Bush the benefit of the doubt in this seven-year-old interview, so that is coming up today.
It's okay audio quality, but this is not on the web, this is nowhere.
We're going to air the whole 20 minutes here coming up in the second hour.
In the meantime, web could collapse as video demand soars.
Superfast Internet may replace World Wide Web.
They're now introducing Internet 2 and the shutdown of the web to the general slaves.
War crime charges for Bush being discussed on national television in the U.S.
AP reports that the public schools are making little boys dress as girls.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a jam-packed transmission.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Put their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
The Older Party is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
Order In Game on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Blueprint for global enslaving.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
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So, Cyrus Jones, live forever.
This is dedicated to Charlton Heston.
Grave digger, when you dig my grave, would you make it shallow?
So I can feel the rain, gravely 84 years old Mural Stonewall, 1903 to 1954 She lost both of her babies in the second great war
He died Saturday in Beverly Hills.
Saturday night I heard the news and went home and dug up the interview we're going to be airing in the second hour today.
Let's let it roll out for Chuck.
Gravy digger, when you dig my grave, can you make it shallow?
So that I can feel the rain.
Hello, Mikey Carson, 67 to 75.
He rode his bike like the devil until the day he died.
That's Willie Nelson!
His new hit, Grave Digger.
It's a cover off of Dave Matthews' band song.
You know, I am making a big deal out of Charlton Huston dying.
Because when an icon like that dies, that every living generation knows who
Charlton Heston is.
World War II veteran.
Big actor since the late 1940s.
Soylent Green.
Planet of the Apes.
The Ten Commandments.
Ben Herb.
NRA President.
The list goes on and on.
And the fact was, he really was a nice person who spent every major holiday, wherever he was, out feeding the homeless.
Not making a big deal out of it.
Not making it a PR stunt.
Not alerting the media.
He was somebody that gave large portions of his fortune to good charities.
He was somebody who really did fight for the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s before it was something popular to do.
And when he got boycotted for doing it, he was somebody that stood up for the Second Amendment.
Now, has Chuck Heston been perfect?
Is the NRA perfect?
No, they've certainly been infiltrated from the start.
They certainly have pushed gun control measures.
Quote in the name of being reasonable,
But I believe, from all the evidence, Charlton Heston meant everything he was doing and truly did help build up the Second Amendment culture and reawaken it in this nation.
There's no doubt that he's been very, very good for the Second Amendment.
And then you watch the video in Bowling for Columbine of Michael Moore trying to set him up.
I don't know if we're going to play that today, but all this week we're going to play multiple clips daily remembering Charlton Heston throughout the week.
I'm going to do it right through to Friday.
I'm going to spend more time on it today, and then I'll only spend 10-15 minutes each show throughout the rest of the week looking at this versatile individual.
But when an icon dies, it reminds us of how short life is, how transient it is, how precious it is, and how blessed we are to be conscious, and that God gave us consciousness, and that we are alive, living on this plane of existence here in the third dimension.
It is...
Unspeakably magical.
Unspeakably wonderful.
The life we live, being children, learning the discovery growing up, being young men and women, discovering love and passion and the adversities.
When I was young, I remember adversities.
I mean, nothing particularly bad, but fistfights and bullies beating me up and things, and I look back on them, those are things that added character to me, and the tough jobs I had, and the mean bosses I had, and all the things I've gone through only made me stronger, and have only added to the bouquet that this arrangement that is my personal life, and my personal journey, and then as I live on, through the species, through my children, and through other people's children, and through humanity.
That's why it hurts my feelings to see things like the La Reconquistas, and Absolute Vodka, the Swedish vodka company, the dominant vodka company in the world, and the number one vodka company, biggest sellers.
You know, they did their market research, they told the LA Times that, so they ran newspaper, magazine, ads all over Mexico, saying the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
I have to respond to that.
I have to fight back against that.
I have to talk about how they're a group of people
That have been brainwashed and who have been taught and who have been told that this country belongs to them and they're here.
And it hurts me because I love them.
How could you look at a black child, a Hispanic child, a white child, an Asian child, an Inuit child, an Aborigine in some place like Australia,
And not want that child to grow up straight and strong and have opportunities.
It's only when you look at the adults and you think, does that black person hate me because I'm white?
Or does this Mexican hate me because I'm white?
And they're thinking the same thing.
Does this white guy hate me because I'm black?
And so even if you want to be up above it all,
You still get sucked into it.
And the establishment, the globalists, know that, and they play us off against each other.
And that's what's happening.
We have to remember who the real enemy is.
It's the New World Order.
It's the big private banks.
They're the ones orchestrating all this.
They're the ones poisoning our water, setting up Planned Parenthood to euthanize and sterilize and kill our babies.
They're the enemy.
And whatever they're doing is then our enemy.
So, the globalists are supporting open borders and La Reconquista, and they've been paying for 50 years for the textbooks and comic books in Mexico, saying the U.S.
belongs to Mexico.
Our universities and public schools have been pushing it.
And so, right there, you know that it is the enemy of liberty and freedom.
The man
The scientific masterminds, the overlords, the architects, are for this breaking down the borders.
They are for the La Reconquista, because it's not going to empower your people, your Chicano Nation.
It is not going to give you any future.
It is going to make you peons, just like you are in Mexico, and everybody else is going to be peons, too.
It's real simple.
I don't have to sit here and think about where my allegiances lie.
I don't have to sit here and think about will this offend this group, will it anger that group.
This show, this broadcast is real easy.
I do what my heart says is right.
I go with what the evidence shows and I always defend the Republic.
I always defend this country and the Bill of Rights and Constitution because they're beautiful documents.
And so if something is against that, whether it's the modern NRA or whether it's Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John McCain,
The SPP, George Bush, Mecha, La Raza, the Ku Klux Klan, if it's against my republic, I am against it!
Duty is mine, consequence belongs to God.
I don't worry about it.
I don't spend my time thinking, is this offensive?
I try to come to you from the heart.
I intellectually analyze the facts, come to my decision,
My analysis, but it all is from the heart.
If you're Hispanic out there, I know people have done racist things to you.
I know you've been called names before.
I have too.
We have to be bigger than that.
Believe me, I flop the handle all the time.
I mean, I'm sick of it.
I understand how you feel.
And it's good to go get into race.
It's good.
It feels good.
It's primitive to go ahead and serve that tribalism and to go ahead and just hate all the gringos.
But you need to understand that your leaders, why do you think the University of Texas and other universities pay to have the head of Chicano Studies say the plan of San Diego needs to be implemented against whites?
Juan Gutierrez, I played that yesterday on the Sunday Show where he said, implement the plan of San Diego on whites.
Kill all whites 16 and older.
Is Mr. Gutierrez telling you don't drink fluoride water?
Is Mr. Gutierrez telling you don't take the vaccines?
Is Mr. Gutierrez telling you don't send your women into these abortuaries?
In fact, he's a big liberal.
He's for abortion.
I've looked into it.
So he's not protecting your Raza.
Or the man wouldn't be bankrolling him.
Have you seen who funds La Raza and these other groups?
Every Fortune 500 you can imagine.
The list is hundreds and hundreds of Fortune 500 companies.
Almost every one of them is up there.
Now, why did I defend Barack Obama's preacher?
Because he talks about it and says, don't take the vaccines, they're giving you AIDS.
That guy may be a little down on Whitey, but at least he's actually warning his people about something real, so I have to respect it.
And it is Whitey that did that to him.
But not the Whiteys I'm with!
We'll be right back.
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Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth?
I tell you no, but rather division.
There shall be houses divided, son against father and father against son, and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ye kill the prophets, and stone them which are sent to thee.
I would have gathered thy children together, and ye would not.
Behold, your house shall be left desolate.
And you shall not see me until the time comes when you shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Take ye heed.
Behold, I have foretold you all things.
And in those days after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light.
The stars of heaven shall fall.
Then shall we see the Son of Man coming in clouds with glory, and a great sound of a trumpet.
And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather all nations from the four winds, from the uttermost parts of the earth.
And all shall be before him.
Then shall the Son say, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat.
I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink.
I was a stranger, and ye took me in naked, and ye clothed me.
I was sick, and ye visited me.
I was in prison, and ye came to me.
Then shall the righteous say, Lord, we did not these things unto thee.
And the Son shall answer them, inasmuch as ye have done this unto one of the least of my brethren.
Ye have done this to me.
Take ye heed.
I say, when all these things be done, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
But of that day and that hour knowest no man, no, not the angels in heaven.
Therefore take ye heed, watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is.
The Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house and gave to every man his work and his watch.
Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the Master cometh, at even or at midnight, at cockcrow or in the morning.
What I say unto you, I say unto all.
Yeah, there's a little glitch in there.
That's from the web, a little clip from that Bible series he did.
We're going to play some Shakespeare.
Charlton Hester did this week.
I'm going to play a longer segment of that Bible series he did.
Just amazing, amazing actor, all from memory, memorizing 10 minutes of dialogue at a time, straight.
We're also going to play part of it today, his 1989, before he was NRA President, when he was still Screen Actors Guild President.
We're going to play Charlton Heston's speech there, breaking down what the Second Amendment stands for and how, if they ban the guns, he's not going to turn his in.
Very, very important information because, you know, in the next few days, next few weeks, everybody's going to kind of forget about Charlton Heston.
He'll just fade off into oblivion.
But right now, people are talking about Charlton Heston and we can use this to expose them to the truth about the Second Amendment.
You know, it's really sad.
I was on YouTube and Google watching clips of Charlton Heston the last two nights.
And you see the anti-gun people, very vicious, very hateful, going, I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead.
I hope they pry the gun out of his cold, dead hand.
And, you know, clips of people saying, aha, he's dead, now they're taking the gun, or this dirty gun nut, he's pure scum, these gun lovers, these violent people.
And I realize they're domesticated.
They're cowardly individuals who were never brought up with guns.
They don't understand that a free man has guns.
That if women had guns in New York and Chicago, where they get raped and killed every day, that this stuff wouldn't be happening most of the time.
They understood that it is the right of a free creature to be armed.
I mean, why do they... Why do the anti-gun minions... The anti-gun controllers know it's about enslaving the population.
But the anti-gun minions, they don't know the first gun laws were against blacks.
They don't know that the first thing a dictator does is disarm their slaves.
They don't know that statistically you have less home invasions and crime by a factor of just unbelievable numbers.
I mean, depending on the state, but it's just unbelievable where people are armed.
And they're just scared to death of guns in the people's hands.
They see some stormtrooper with a gun, they just love it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We're going to get into the latest economic news as the dollar continues to plunge.
Gold surging again.
We're going to break down the police state, the brainwashing of our children.
The U.S.
news is starting to demonize having more than one child.
The push is on there.
We're accelerating towards the big announcement in about 30 minutes, early in the next hour.
And, yeah, call everybody you know.
Big announcement coming up next hour.
And we got the Charlton Heston interview that I did with him seven years ago.
But before we do that, here's another little three-minute clip.
This is Charlton Heston on climate change, on how ridiculous it is to say that carbon dioxide is going to kill the earth.
He recorded this about four years ago, right before he retired.
Let's go ahead and roll it.
You think man can destroy the planet?
What intoxicating vanity!
Let me tell you about our planet.
Earth is four and a half billion years old.
There's been life on it for nearly that long.
3.8 billion years.
Bacteria first, later the first melted cellular life, then the first complex creatures in the sea, on the land, then finally the great sweeping ages of animals, the amphibians, the dinosaurs,
At last, the mammals, each one enduring millions on millions of years.
Great dynasties of creatures, rising, flourishing, dying away, all this against a background of continuous and violent upheaval.
Mountain ranges thrust up, eroded away, cometary impacts, volcanic eruptions, oceans rising and falling, whole continents moving in endless, constant, violent change.
Colliding, buckling, to make mountains over millions of years.
Earth has survived everything in its time.
It will certainly survive us.
If all the nuclear weapons in the world went off at once, and all the plants, all the animals died, and the Earth was clicking hot for a hundred thousand years, life would survive.
Somewhere, under the soil, frozen in Arctic ice,
Sooner or later, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would spread again.
The evolutionary process would begin again.
Might take a few billion years for life to regain its present variety.
Of course, it would be very different from what it is now.
But the Earth would survive our folly.
Only we would not.
If the ozone layer gets thinner, ultraviolet radiation sears the Earth.
So what?
Ultraviolet radiation is good for life.
It's powerful energy.
It promotes mutation, change.
Many forms of life will thrive with more UV radiation.
Many others will die out.
You think this is the first time that's happened?
Think about oxygen.
Necessary for life now.
But oxygen is actually a metabolic poison, a corrosive gas, like fluorine.
When oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells some three billion years ago,
It created a crisis for all other life on Earth.
Those plants were polluting the environment, exhaling a lethal gas.
Earth eventually had an atmosphere incompatible with life.
Nevertheless, life on Earth took care of itself.
In the thinking of the human being, a hundred years is a long time.
A hundred years ago, we didn't have cars, airplanes, computers, or vaccines.
It was a whole different world.
But to the Earth, a hundred years is nothing.
A million years is nothing.
This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale.
We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try.
We've been residents here for the blink of an eye.
If we're gone tomorrow, the Earth will not
And you can debate how old the Earth is.
Regardless, life is incredibly resilient.
The United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group are publicly saying carbon dioxide is a toxic waste.
They're registering it as a poison.
Carbon dioxide is the original life gas.
As I've told you many times, oxygen came later.
The basic building block is solar radiation,
H2O and carbon dioxide.
You can have life with that.
Oxygen is secondary.
But for mammals, it's part of those four ingredients.
Plants need three, we need four.
Plants put off more oxygen.
And during the cycles when this earth has been as much as 20 degrees hotter, that's when you had giant tropical belts.
And this planet didn't even have ice caps.
I mean, it's gone through all sorts of changes.
The Earth is oxygen and carbon dioxide starved right now.
Just 200,000 years ago, the ice cores show 10 times higher carbon dioxide.
10 times!
It's been registered in 400,000-year-old ice to be 14 times.
Now, that's the highest they know.
That's as far back as they can test.
It's just amazing.
Same club of rums and we're going into an ice age in 1965 and we had to have global taxes to stop it.
Now we've had one of the coldest winters on record globally.
The earth has been cooling since 1998.
NASA now has to admit that.
There's a big story up on prisonplanet.com where the BBC was basically ordered by the government to lie and not report on the government's own findings.
They had the different enviro lobbyists even lobbying them.
The Earth does have problems though.
Genetic engineering can hurt us and hurt other animals and biological diversity.
It can hurt the interlocking biospheres in the atmosphere, on the ground, below ground, water tables.
We have the different weapon systems that have been developed, things that are being worked on.
Fish infusion, cyclotrons, antimatter systems.
All developed, all admitted.
And those are real threats.
I actually disagree with Heston that mankind can, for all intents and purposes, really tear stuff up.
And so what if asteroids and comets have done it before?
You know what?
I want to keep on living.
I want the humanity to get off the planet.
And I do not want to wreck the Earth.
And we are wrecking it.
He will come back, granted, but, you know, not in our time, unless we reverse it.
But the globalists, they're the ones wrecking it.
You understand the Royal Institute on Population, the Royal Commission on Population, said they were going to block the third world from industrializing, and that they would use the people bomb to hold them back.
The eugenicists just want an excuse to kill people.
Then they go in and soft-kill the Latin Americans and blacks and Asians.
Then they go in and poison them after they've been born.
It's totally sick!
And they come back and say, well, there's too many people.
You're not for it.
When they're the ones that went in and made sure that they didn't industrialize.
It's just unbelievable.
It is absolutely unbelievable.
We need all of the hippies out there and the yippies and the trendies and the rest of you.
I don't care what you look like if you got a purple mohawk or nose rings or you're wearing a three-piece suit.
It doesn't matter to me.
I don't look at that.
But I look at it in that
It is a uniform.
It's an outfit.
You're telling me what group you're part of.
And predominantly, people that dress in those outfits, people that, predominantly, that go to RNC meetings wearing cowboy hats and George W ties are idiots.
Warmongering, pencil-necked fools.
I shouldn't say pencil-necked.
They have huge jowls like me, but... And then predominantly, somebody with long hippie hair or dreadlocks walking around in sandals
If you start talking to them, they'll say, yeah, we need to kill the middle class, and socialism and communism's good, and we need to have one-child policies.
I mean, they're like cult members, man.
They're dangerous.
And I'm just telling you, you have been programmed with false information.
You know what?
Let's play Charlton Heston Hamlet.
There's so much of this.
I'm going to play this, and then an NRA clip, and that's going to be it for the day, well, in our interview with him.
I've got a lot of other news here, and I'm going to go over all of it.
I'm not going to take any calls until the third hour today, when Alan Watt is on with us.
Because I've got a lot of stuff I want to cover, and I want to spend some time talking about Charlton Heston.
Big announcement coming up next hour, and I'm going to re-air.
It hadn't been heard in seven years, it's not on the web, it is nowhere.
You'll hear it here first, out of the archives, seven years, coming up in the second hour, my interview with Charlton Heston, from the grave.
So proceed you.
Oh God, my lord, well spoken.
With good accent and good discretion.
And on he finds him, striking too short at Greeks.
His antique sword, rebellious to his arm, lies where it falls, repugnant to command.
Unequal match, illicit priam drives.
Enraged, he strikes wide, but with the whiffed wind of his fell sword,
But father fault and senseless Ilium seeming to feel his blow with flaming top Stoops to his base and with a hideous crash takes prisoner curious ear
Below, his sword, which was declining on the milky head of Reverend Priam, seemed in the air to stick.
So, as a painted tyrant, Pyrrhus stood, and like a neutral to his will and matter, did nothing.
But, as we often see against some storm, a silence in the heavens, the wrack stands still, the bold winds speechless, and the orb below as hush as death.
Anon, the dreadful thunder, doth rend the region.
So, after Pyrrhus' pause, a roused vengeance sets him new a-work.
And never did the Cyclops' hammers fall on Mars, his armor forged for proof etern.
With less remorse than Pyrrhus' bleeding sword, now falls on Priam!
Out, thou strumpet fortune!
All you gods in general cinema, take away her power!
Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel, and pull the round knave down the hill of heaven, as low as to the fiends!
This is too long.
It shall to the barbers with your beard!
Prithee, say on.
He's for a jig, or a tale of bawdry, or he sleeps.
Sayon, come to Hecuba.
But who, oh, who had seen the Moblit Queen?
Moblit Queen?
That's good.
Moblit Queen is good.
Run barefoot up and down, threatening the flames with bison room.
A clout upon that head where late the diadem stood.
And for a robe about her, lank and all o'er teeming loins, a blanket in the alarm of fear caught up.
Who this had seen, with tongue in venom steeped, against fortune's stake, would treason have pronounced?
But if the gods themselves did see her then, when she saw Pyrrhus make malicious sport, mincing with his sword her husband's limbs, the instant burst of clamor that she made, unless things mortal moved them not at all, would have made milch the burning eyes of heaven and passion
All right, that's a little bit of Shakespeare.
You can go online and watch hour-long performances of Charlton Heston endlessly spewing Shakespeare.
And by the way, the Founding Fathers and then the upper classes in England at the time actually were talking like that 300 years ago, 250 years ago.
And now, look at us, the public, the vocabulary is pared down to almost nothing.
This was discussed and bemoaned, grieved by Eric Blair, known as George Arnwell.
In 1984, he talked about how they'd already reduced the language down to almost nothing by the late 40s.
And now that nothingness is a mountain of complexity and selection compared to the meager scraps that we attempt to convert to understandable language with our fellow man today.
You go see a movie like Idiocracy put out by
Local artist here in town, Mike Judge, and you know, I don't even think it's a joke.
We're basically, the public is unable to even really talk.
I think that's the point we're coming to.
We'll just text message each other in abbreviations.
Abbreviations of an abbreviated language that was abbreviated each year.
A new version downloaded into the minds of the
population as they simply stand at their control panels punching the pleasure button like a rat in a laboratory with wires hooked into its brain punching a pleasure center 24 hours a day instead of even spending time to eat or sleep and finally collapsing and dying with its hand jabbing at that pleasure center, that splinter in its own mind.
In fact,
Lest I not have time, let's go ahead and start rolling with NRA Part 1.
There's three parts to this.
They're up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is his 1989 speech, Charlton Heston before the NRA.
Or perhaps it's not loading in the computer, the NRA speech.
So we will
Play that after the break then.
Some of the other news that I have in front of me, something I didn't get to last week, because we, again, have a blind spot here, is that we already know their program, know their plans, read their memos, their documents, their court findings, their pleadings, but this is now a large national issue
Secret DOJ memos.
His Fourth Amendment has no application after 9-11.
I want to cover that when we get back.
And then state fusion centers and Pentagon-run FBI programs spy on Americans.
And then that dovetails with this report about war crime charges for Bush officials.
This was discussed this weekend on the McLaughlin report, and that's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
So we'll be going to that after the break.
Then I'm going to get into this.
And this ties into population reduction programs.
Normally when I see these type of stories we just don't cover it because they're so painful to go into, but Kids Dress Up Day draws Christian ire.
Oh, see, it's those backwards Christians.
Only they are against this.
AP, an elementary school event in which kids were encouraged to dress as members of the opposite sex
Gender drew the ire of the Christian Radio Group, whose angst and angry broadcast prompted outraged calls to the district office.
What is this really about?
We'll cover that too, and we'll get into the Charlton Heston clips from the NRA, and a lot more.
On the other side, Alan Watt joins us in the third hour, and I have a big announcement coming up at the eight after.
That's in about 13-14 minutes.
We'll be right back.
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All right, we're back live.
Big announcement coming up next hour, Alan Watt in the third hour.
I'm gonna play the entire interview that I did with Charlton Heston, January 18th, 2001.
And I got a lot of other news we're going to be going over as well.
I'll play part of one of his NRA speeches.
I'm going to play all of it.
It's about 25 minutes long throughout the week.
But first off, this is the McLaughlin Group this weekend, and this is openly being discussed all over the world now.
Go ahead and roll it.
...press conference telling superdelegates to decide.
The latest revelations on the torture front show the memo from John Yoo as well as revelations in Philippe Sand's new book means that Don Rumsfeld, David Addington, John Yoo should not leave the United States any time soon.
They will be at some point indicted for war crimes.
Okay, really?
I'll be right back with this week's...
Hi, that's Chris Matthews filling in on McLaughlin Group, airs on PBS nationwide.
Now, you're thinking, John, you memo knew?
We heard about this four years ago on this show.
They don't dare read the memo about how they torture children sexually.
By the way, sometimes when I mention that, I get emails.
You think we just say that?
Go look it up.
It's mainstream news.
Yes, for people that support this administration.
You support people that put out child molestation memos, okay?
I mean, it's scary!
These people are scary!
They're dangerous!
I'm only fighting them because there isn't a choice.
If we don't fight back against them, they're going to win and take over.
And by the way, they intend to put Hillary or Obama or somebody else in, it doesn't matter, all three of them are evil.
They're going to continue this agenda.
They're going to continue all these policies.
Now, there is a new memo out directly from the White House
Admitting that the White House did order it.
And did say, and did order the Justice Department, and told the Generals, we don't care about Fourth Amendment with spying, we don't care about laws on torture, do it!
But we already have the other Johnnie memos where they said that the President's God, what he says, goes.
They said the President is the law.
The President cannot break the law.
And that's not true, folks.
The President is not God.
I use the analogy, when they first started saying this five years ago,
Can the President barbeque small children on the White House lawn?
So, can they torture children in front of their parents with pliers?
And the answer is no.
Well, I remember in horror, in October of 2001,
It said the CIA section chief in the Washington Post in the Middle East said that they take people's families to facilities and torture them.
I mean, they admitted it then.
See, they thought they could sell you on it then.
And so that's in Road to Tyranny.
Road to Tyranny that came out in February of 2002, the first major 9-11 film, has that in it.
See, we talked about it here first.
I'm not tooting our horn.
The point is, this has all been public for a long time.
All right, we're only about eight minutes away from the big announcement.
Stay tuned for second hour of transmission.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Okay, we've got my big announcement coming up in the next segment that I've been telling you about for the last seven days.
I'm going to re-air the entire Charlton Heston interview this hour.
It's about 20 minutes long.
That I did seven years ago.
Seven years and three months ago.
And we've got Alan Watt joining us in the third hour today.
I'm going to get into the economic news and a lot more.
Now, this is going on nationwide.
I don't think this is just an isolated event.
Kids Dress Up Day draws Christian ire.
Now, couldn't the AP just do an article about
Schools have the boys dress up like girls and the girls like boys to teach them about sexuality?
They have to make it about, oh, the Christians, those backwards people.
An elementary school event in which kids were encouraged to dress up as members of the opposite sex group.
The ire of a Christian radio group has angry broadcasts prompted outrage calls to the district office.
Students at Pineview Elementary in
Reidsburg had been dressing in costumes all last week as part of an annual school tradition called Wacky Week.
On Friday, students were encouraged to dress either as senior citizens or as members of the opposite sex.
And that's out of Wisconsin.
Students at Pineview Elementary.
A local resident informed the Voice of Christian Youth America on Friday the Milwaukee-based radio network responded by interrupting its morning programming for a special broadcast that aired in nine radio stations throughout Wisconsin.
The broadcast criticized the dress-up day as accused the district of prompting alternative lifestyles.
And they basically go on and admit the school admits that.
Okay, look.
They teach third graders in California statewide and in certain districts all over the country.
They teach third graders
Who are thinking about Superman and thinking about, you know, Transformers and thinking about football and baseball.
They teach them about transgender and men becoming women and women becoming men and, you know, there's this woman that they call a man and they say a man's having a baby and how can a man have a baby?
It isn't a man.
It is a woman who says they're a man.
And I'm not even attacking this poor mixed-up person.
The point is that this is what decadent societies falling apart always do.
Got the third world starving, the environment falling apart for real, global taxes being set up on fake issues, and billions of dollars are spent to quote, teach the children how to be diverse so no one's feelings are hurt.
No one at the school in third grade is dressing up like a girl.
No one is thinking about sex.
Children aren't supposed to be thinking about it in the third grade.
And they have all the studies.
When they started sex education, death education, promiscuity goes up.
When they had the D.A.R.E.
program, like I was talking to Trey Kincaid, the producer of the show, he remembers, four or five years before he even saw marijuana and stuff, when he was in elementary, the cops came in and showed him all the drugs and how to use them.
And then that made kids use drugs.
It's like advertising it.
Why has suicide exploded?
Well, they've seen it in the first pilot schools that did it in 1991-92.
Columbine was one of the first, Littleton.
Massive increases in teenage suicide.
And of young children.
They'd never seen it in 10 and 11 and 12 year olds.
They saw a few in teenagers.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Never before been seen in 10, 11, 12, 13 year olds.
And suddenly it was an epidemic.
Because you go in and you teach them about, oh and the little girl hung herself.
And she died.
And this is how she did it.
With a little rope or shoelaces.
And the little girls go and do it.
It's made real poignant, like Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet.
Oh, when a little girl gets depressed now, they go commit suicide.
Or a little boy, he goes and mass-shoots everyone.
And they, in the early 1990s and mid-1990s, had the book, The Basketball Diaries, and it was taught as part of federal curriculum at the schools about mass shootings.
And then suddenly, mass shootings.
The feds, literally, in thousands of school districts.
I don't know.
Then they think, what do I do?
What do you do when you're depressed and upset?
You dress up in black, it's romantic, you come in and you shoot everybody.
You put black eyeliner on, you spike your hair, you put on a black trench coat and you go kill people.
And then they come in after our guns.
And the psychologists, the Pentagon psychiatrists, knew when they designed this what it would do.
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We're good.
Yeah, we're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time
Got Alan Waugh coming up next hour.
Okay, you want the big announcement?
I'll tell you the big announcement.
The big announcement... is that since 19... 98...
This has been a three hour radio show from 11 to 2 Central.
It's now going to be four hours.
11 to 3 Central Standard Time.
And that is a big deal to take on a fourth hour radio.
But that's not all.
That's only a small part of the announcement.
We're going to do this like a TV program.
The fourth hour is going to be on the web.
At PrisonPlanet.tv, for all members, you'll be able to see the TV program, and then of course we'll still have the audio for the general audience.
And it's gonna be in 32-bit, and then we're gonna upgrade it to even higher.
And the audio with the video is, what, 64?
And we've got a document cam in here.
We've got a video mixer and feed in here.
We've got audio feeds in here.
We're going to have a guest cam in here.
When we're done we're going to have three cameras in here.
We've got two in here right now.
And I will tell you that down the road I'm going to go ahead and start an online TV network.
Might as well just go ahead and let that out now too.
Because I welcome everybody else to try it.
I hope you succeed.
But I gotta get bigger offices and that's a big gear up.
Going into a massive recession, it's quite a gamble.
But that's what we're doing here, ladies and gentlemen.
We're upping our game.
You know, I started about a year ago, a Sunday radio show.
Sacrificed my Sunday afternoons and I get ready for about two hours before.
And then of course I drive in and do that, so all total it's about a six hour commitment.
And I'm committing to five hours more a week doing this show.
Now, for the first few weeks I'm going to do it two or three days a week, but always we'll have something special.
Like this week I'm going to go four days live, but on Thursday we've got three video edits of special interviews, some exclusive video as well from our JFK film,
Members of PrisonPlanet.tv are going to get that first over the stream.
And so days when I'm not here live, you're going to have audio radio show with video TV program.
And so we're going to have that for you as well.
Now you're going to be able in the fourth hour today, and by the way, Alan Watts going to be with us today.
We're going four hours today and four hours tomorrow.
Alan Watts going to be with us on our maiden voyage.
Honored to have him.
Expert on the New World Order.
Really excellent information.
He'll be joining us, getting into more of their systems of control or their predictive programming.
Want to give him a lot of time today.
He'll be with us about an hour and 50 minutes.
Most of the third hour and then all of the fourth hour.
It is $0.15 a day to see the video.
$0.15 a day, $5.95 a month, the cost of two and a half cups or less of Starbucks coffee.
Get a yearly membership and get three months free at PrisonPlanet.tv or you can hear all the audio for free of course at InfoWars.com.
Now, the big question is this, is this show going to be on Genesis?
And the answer is yes.
I'm not going to do that right away.
There's going to be no commercials at first, and there'll probably be less commercials in this fourth hour.
It's tailored for television.
It's really what it is.
I'm doing an hour of TV.
And the feed is going to be on the radio, and I do want Genesis to carry it.
They want to carry it.
But I'm doing this at first on my own, and I also don't want to push around other people.
Right now, today, I could be on Genesis.
But I'm saying hold off on that.
I'm just going to do this on my own for a while.
And then very soon you will hear it on Genesis and the Star Guide and the rest of it.
They have to get me another Star Guide feed and things like that.
I was basically offered it and I'm just saying, no, get another feed for reasons that are obvious.
So that is the big announcement.
And it is a big deal.
I mean, I've got a document cam so I can show you books, documents, news articles, camera on me, a camera on my guest for having more in-studio guests.
Um, audio feeds, video edits, special reports.
You're going to get things exclusively on this show before it's even uploaded to be downloaded by members.
Members are going to get it immediately live streaming.
We're going to give you all sorts of sneak peeks.
It's just so exciting.
And then I do plan in the next six months or so, and I've got to really bust my hind end.
I'm going to do that while I'm making two films, while I'm doing radio interviews, while I'm taking care of a family and three children.
To start, and I've got to recruit the talent and do a morning news live show, an afternoon and an evening, and then refeed those throughout the day.
And Ted's always been a sweetheart and always been there for me, so if he wants to be in association with that or run those feeds over his network, he's welcome to as well.
So, we're up in our game.
We're up in our game to the next level against the New World Order.
Nobody's getting any younger.
The fight has to be upped, and we're going to do it.
I keep putting out the ideas for other people to carry the ball.
I've told people what will be successful.
Others haven't done it, so I'm stepping up to the plate.
I'm going to the next level.
With your help, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's why you need to support our sponsors, buy the books and videos I sell, buy my films at InfoWars.com, because that's how we're going to bankroll this.
That's how we're going to do this.
And so, by your PrisonPlanet.tv membership, that funds what we're doing.
And if you haven't gotten a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, the four-year anniversary is today.
Four years of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Back on April 7th, 2004, we started PrisonPlanet.tv and then it was just one server, and at night it would get bogged down and stuff, but you stuck with us.
Then we expanded to four servers, and now it's two content distribution networks.
I mean, you can download it in four times T1 speed on one system, even faster on the other.
We've got it in five different speeds, depending on your connection.
We're just upping the game, upping the game, upping the game, making it better and better.
We're going to add more and more.
We're going to upload some of the old films that aren't in super high quality up there for you.
We've got to hire the people to have the time to do that, because I've got three people working on PrisonPlanet.tv basically full-time right now, and we've got so much content we can't even get it out to you.
Well, we're going to up our game here for you.
This office is not big enough.
I've got to get a bigger one.
So, uh, we're struggling here just to, you know, basically we're cramming a size 12 foot into a size 10 shoe.
So, uh, I just want to commend the whole team and everything else everybody's doing here.
For those that just joined us, I'll be doing a fourth hour today.
Alan Waddle will be with me in the third hour and then in the fourth hour as well.
We're going to play a five minute video intro at the start of the fourth hour.
And then, again, later this week we're going to have some exclusive video never before seen from the upcoming JFK film I'm working on.
Later in the week we'll also have some clips from the new 9-11 film that I'm working on.
And it's just going to be constant.
What members of PrisonPlanet.tv get.
Of course, anybody can go and hear the audio.
We welcome everybody to go listen for free to a 32-bit stream and we're going to be upping that as well in the near future for everybody with the audio.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, that is the big announcement, and it is a big announcement.
I have, for ten years, since 1998, been doing three hours, eleven to two, head-to-head with Rush Limbaugh.
And now I'm expanding it to four hours.
So you'll be able to hear me up until 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And that fourth hour is always going to be more produced, more special, even better guest in that fourth hour.
I'm going to make that a shining jewel.
Some days we'll just go to nothing but calls during that hour, but a lot of days it's going to be really special.
And the calls are always special as well.
Now we're going to break and come back and play the 20-minute interview with Charlton Heston.
Then I'm going to get into the economy.
Then Alan Watt joins us.
Finishing up with the kids' dress-up day draws criticism.
Boys told to dress as girls, girls told to dress as boys.
This is nothing.
They teach them about things I can't mention in elementary school.
Things I can't say on the radio are taught to these children, ruining their innocence.
And why did the eugenicists a hundred years ago say they wanted to promote all this?
It's not because it's cutting-edge or cool.
And I don't hate any of these people.
I'm not bringing this up to hate you.
I'm saying why this is scientifically done.
So that you don't breed.
So that you don't have children.
So that the family is broken up.
So you have no one to defend you or protect you.
The tribe has always been the defense mechanism against tyranny.
The family.
And that ties in with... Look at this Washington Post headline.
Three kids use show-offs.
And it's about, oh, having more than two kids is evil.
More than one kid's evil.
See, it's not just Ted Turner now.
It's everywhere this is being promoted.
The attack is full scale.
We'll be right back.
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I'm taking fight!
I said, I'll never give it up!
Ha ha ha!
You only live once!
I am excited!
I'm not standing still.
I'm not settling in.
I'm intensifying my info war.
You're thinking like a fool, because all it takes is you and I. Out there is a fortune waiting to be had.
And what is that fortune, ladies and gentlemen?
It's liberty.
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It's happiness.
It's arms.
It's property.
It's sovereignty!
Not being the chattel slave of a bunch of scum!
New World Order!
I'm gonna go ahead and roll the Charlton Heston interview.
Come back and play the rest of it after the break.
Short clip now.
Right here on the GCN Radio Network.
I don't know.
And I don't say that lightly.
I mean, everybody knows who Charlton Heston is, and it really made the socialist in-the-culture war, as Mr. Heston calls it, angry when he stepped up at the plate a couple years ago, back into the Second Amendment fight, and now his new book is amazing, The Courage to be Freak.
Mr. Heston, thank you for joining us today.
Well, thank you for loaning me your audience.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
You bet.
Why did you decide to get back really involved in the Second Amendment fight at the forefront and to write this new book, The Courage to Be Free?
Well, of course, I've been involved with the Second Amendment, you could say, since I was a little kid shooting deer up in Michigan.
Then I became involved more seriously with the Bill of Rights, and I came to see the importance of defending every one of the 12 articles of the Bill of Rights, of which the second is the right to keep and bear arms.
And we had a lot of success with it in the last election.
There's an interesting thing.
The president last April,
He felt that this would be a good time to take down the NRA.
And he made a couple of brief radio addresses about it and so on.
But he realized it wasn't going to fly.
And so he abandoned it.
And of course, what he didn't realize, as we found ourselves rather amazed to find,
When I was campaigning through, what, eight different states and several different cities.
And what the President has not realized is not just the NRA.
The NRA has, what, just under 5,000 members.
I'm sorry, 5 million.
And we
I've campaigned on this issue in part because, of course, as again, the President did not realize that an overwhelming proportion of people in this country are hunters.
Of course they are.
This is a hunting country.
The whole continent is a hunting continent.
Except for New York City and L.A., of course.
Yeah, those... We had enormous success.
We would gather a crowd.
Flint, Michigan, I think, was the biggest one.
We had a rally at 7 o'clock in the morning, which meant people who were going to work, of course, striving to work, had to get up to come at 6 o'clock.
And we had over 3,000 people in some different venues.
And in every case, the Second Amendment won the day.
It was quite surprising, I have to say.
Well, we see the mainstream media, the controlled propaganda arms is what I call them, and I think they've shown themselves to deserve that title, convincing a lot of people that the average American isn't for the Second Amendment.
But if you can explain to people the basics of how it's there to defend us from the street thug, the government thug, or to put food on the table, not to mention just as a sporting enjoyment and heritage, most people are actually for it.
John Ashcroft right now.
They're trying to confirm him.
I think he would be a good... I think he will be confirmed.
I think he will make a fine Attorney General.
Certainly a far better one than Janet Reno.
That wouldn't be too hard to do.
But Mr. Kennedy, who I really don't think has any room to talk, with all the skeletons in his closet, began to attack the show.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You ever love someone so much you thought your little heart was gonna break in two?
I didn't think so.
You ever try with all your heart and soul to get your lover back to you?
Oh no, sir.
You ever pray with all your heart and soul just to watch her walk away?
That wouldn't be too hard to do.
Mr. Kennedy, who I really don't think has any room to talk, with all the skeletons in his closet, began to attack... There's no one in the U.S.
Senate that has more skeletons in his closet than Kennedy.
He should be ashamed of himself.
He really should.
I worked for his older brother.
I voted for him.
I campaigned for him.
But Teddy Kennedy is another piece of work entirely.
But anyway, to return to the question of the Second Amendment, there are, for example, now 41 states that have concealed carry laws, meaning that if you pass a background check, show that you have no felony convictions of any kind, show that you demonstrate that you know how to use a firearm safely, you can then get a permit
I think so.
The murder rate, the crime rate, too.
Never mind the murder rate.
The crime rate has dropped significantly.
Significantly in every one of those states.
Because, of course, most people who have this permit don't carry all the time.
But the point is, the bad guys don't know who's carrying and who isn't.
So that is, of course, you don't need to have to carry that.
It does indeed.
Kennedy attacked him on the Second Amendment because, of course, Ashcroft is pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution Bill of Rights, and he said, how dare you say that these guns are here to defend us from tyranny in government?
Well, it turned out that Ashcroft's actual quote was basically paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, so how dare Kennedy?
Any comments on that?
You know, I have to say, much as I admired his big brother,
I think Teddy Kennedy is one of the worst members of the U.S.
I really feel that.
He shoots his mouth off, and he has the right to do so.
He's a U.S.
Senator, but he is not a good one.
Well, I think they show their hatred for the Second Amendment.
You talk about a culture war a lot in your newest book and, of course, in your eloquent speeches.
I almost fell over when I saw you on one of the NRA news shows when you said, you can take it from my cold, dead hand.
You raised up that musket.
The old musket, yeah.
That worked out very well.
I can give you any number of examples.
For example, do you know the largest and fastest growing group of purchasers of small handguns in the country?
Single women.
There are women with permanently absent husbands who have two or three kids they're trying to support.
Of course.
They want to spend some time with them, so that means they have to be there when they're home from school, which means they have to work, make a living, because their husband's long gone.
Uh, by cleaning office buildings till three, four o'clock in the morning, and then they ride the bus within three or four blocks of where they live.
But then they gotta walk those last blocks in the dark, all by themselves.
Of course they want a small pistol in their purse.
And how dare this corrupt government, those running it, especially the Democrats, tell women they don't have that right?
I'm sure you've heard that the Solicitor General has said that the Second Amendment, Mr. Heston, does not extend to individuals.
Yeah, I've read that, but of course that's not true.
Every one of the Founding Fathers, those wise old dead white guys that invented the country,
Every one of them is elaborately on record at the time about the importance of the Second Amendment and the meaning of the Second Amendment.
It is simply impossible to deny that.
And the efforts of the anti-gun mob are just... specious.
You're talking about the Federalist Papers documenting the true intent?
Yes, of course.
And the Bill of Rights itself, and the Federalist Papers, but also while they were drafting the Bill of Rights, they went, they wrote, every one of them wrote papers on this, as you say, one of the Federalist Papers.
Mr. Gesson, I know you're incredibly busy.
We've got a real short three-minute break right here, if you can stay with us.
Sure, I'm here.
I'm fine.
I want to tell folks how to get the courage to be free.
And if every one of you out there doesn't get in a fight like Mr. Heston has done for the Second Amendment, we're going to lose it.
And, well, we know who was for gun control.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, you name it.
I want to bring up that historical fact to Mr. Heston that has lived over quite a few decades watching tyrants globally.
We'll be right back.
This is Genesis and the Liberty Works Radio Network.
Stay with us.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And one of our talk show hosts, Davon Kleiss, just called in and said that he'd be happy to donate his song, and it's awesome.
You can take it from my cold, dead hands.
Probably have to send Mr. Heston a copy of that.
We're talking to Charlton Heston, his new book, The Courage to be Free.
And right now, I'm going to tell you how to get it, ladies and gentlemen.
You really need to order this book.
You need to, after you're done reading it, pass it on to friends.
Yeah, it's a toll-free number to call.
It's 800-697-8844.
That's 800-697-8844.
Or go to the website.
It's one word.
Now going back to Mr. Heston, who really needs no introduction.
I mean, isn't that one of the strongest arguments against gun control and restricting law?
I'm so glad you asked me that question, because if we consider that our revolution was the first and most significant, close to a democratic government since the founding of the Roman Republic, then following our revolution, successful,
Was the French Revolution which quickly collapsed into the bloody terror followed by the Dictatorship of Napoleon followed in due time by the dictatorships of Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and mind you both two of those men both Hitler and Mussolini were elected by a democratic procedure and
Uh, and then we get to Paul Pott and Laurent Kabila, who was, uh, killed just the day before yesterday, I believe.
I, I thank God we'll not miss him.
And, um, Marci Tung, and, of course, Fidel Castro.
And every one of these monsters, and I think it's fair to call them that, every one of them, their first act on taking office, including the two that were elected democratically, their first thing they did was to confiscate all privately held firearms.
Absolutely, Mr. Heston.
Again, Charlton Heston, ladies and gentlemen.
In fact, I've looked at the actual numbers, and accountants and others have, and the states with the highest taxes have the most egregious gun control.
I don't think that's an accident.
No, I don't think so either.
It's the firm intent of the liberal left.
No question.
Well, how can they even get away with the term liberal, meaning they're into freedom?
I see the so-called liberal left militarizing the police, building prisons everywhere, and going after good people's guns.
Well, of course, originally, the idea of being a liberal meant a certain concern for the rights of the individual.
Now it doesn't mean anything like that.
Now it means the rights of the government.
And we have to constantly stand against that.
Well, the left has really had a problem coming after you because on the subject of, you know, the God-given rights of black people in this country, you were right out there at the forefront fighting.
When there were real environmental problems, you were out there at the forefront fighting.
And now they're like, what is Heston doing?
He's out there fighting for the Second Amendment.
How dare him?
I actually saw some guys on
On one of the big classic movie shows, bad-mouthing you before they aired Soylent Green, which is one of my favorites.
Oh, there you go.
But I have to tell you, on the other day, on Martin Luther King Day, I was invited by CORE to attend their banquet, and I was the principal speaker, and they gave me a bust of Dr. King, which, having spent as much time as I was able to do with him, I'm very proud to have.
So it's really hard for them to attack your record.
I mean, this really is another human right to be able to defend ourselves.
It is certainly among the first.
Again, folks, the book, The Courage to Be Free, the website, thecouragetobefree.com.
That's one word, thecouragetobefree.com.
When we come back in the next segment, Mr. Hessen would have left us, but I'll give you the number again to get the book, and I imagine it's in all the major bookstores, or should be.
Last question, where do you see the fight in the next
No, we couldn't get Mr. Clinton back.
That would be against the Constitution.
Yeah, do you think Mrs. Clinton can be elected?
I don't think so.
I'm not sure.
Well, we're going to have to work on that, aren't we?
Well, we certainly are.
In fact, I have to tell you, Mr. Heston, I'm glad to see the NRA getting more hardcore.
We've got to do it.
It's too important.
We've tried to keep out of that fight, but I think this last election proved that it was important to stay with it.
Every American should vote.
I've seen one of your news shows on where you admit the U.N.
and others are involved actively internationally to get our guns.
Yeah, oh yes indeed, absolutely.
Well, Mr. Heston, God bless you for joining us, and I appreciate your long fight for people's rights, and I know you will continue, and best of luck.
And thank you for loaning me your audience.
It's been a pleasure and a privilege.
God bless you, sir.
And you.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN.
What will you do without freedom?
The Genesis Communications Radio Network.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, from the archives, January 18th, 2001.
Now to be clear there, Ashcroft hadn't been sworn in, Bush wasn't in office, it wasn't until January 23rd, another five days or so until he did get sworn in.
We were giving Bush a benefit of the doubt.
You notice I talked about FEMA camps being built, militarization of police.
I talked about how they were positioning Hillary Clinton to be president.
And, of course, then Bush came in and was pro-New World Order, just like his father had been.
I would get on air at the time and say, his father was bad, pro-New World Order, it looks like Bush is going to be bad, let's see.
It's like if Barack Obama gets elected, we're going to say, let's see.
We know it's going to end up being really horrible and evil and bad, but let's give them a bit of a doubt and let's see.
We don't need to see with Hillary or John McCain, they have too big a track record.
We know where they stand.
Some people, we posted the transcript a few days ago up on the website of the interview, and people were on there going, why is Alex saying John Ashcroft's good?
Read the date.
He was saying he was going to repeal gun laws.
He was saying it was an absolute right.
He was being attacked.
Ashcroft had voted against Bill Clinton's omnibus crime bill and terrorism package after the Oklahoma City bombing when he was in Congress.
He had voted against it.
And he had spoken out against warrantless wiretaps in police state, so it was looking pretty good.
And then he came in and was just absolutely horrible.
Even before the 9-11 attacks, you can say, well, he did that because of the attacks.
No, even before that, he was big-time police state.
And it just shows you who we're dealing with here.
So, Charlton Heston, believe in the Second Amendment.
The NRA is infiltrated and controlled, but he meant well.
Actor, father, civil rights activist, all-around amazing person, and I was honored to be able to interview Charlton Heston.
You know, I'm the type, though, that doesn't really try to get people back on again and again and again.
And so many of these legends end up dying.
I should have got Heston back on.
I regret that.
But I'll tell you, I'm going to get Willie Nelson on more.
I'm going to get some of the Hollywood people on that I haven't pushed to come on.
I'm going to go ahead and push them.
Try to get Ventura back on soon, because I could have gotten Heston back on.
Mercury Group, that was his PR firm, went out and scanned the bigger radio shows and only did about 50 interviews for his book tour.
I remember the time they contacted us, he fell into our hands.
And then I talked to Heston a few times at different events I went to, and he even remembered the interview.
That's why I say it's very strange that he suddenly, about a year after that interview, suddenly, oh, I've got Alzheimer's.
And I guess it can have an onset that fast, it doesn't generally.
And I remember his wife, Diane Sawyer, trotted him out, had him basically apologize for his stance.
He looked completely drugged up, didn't look like that fire in the eyes that Heston had.
A genius, very smart.
The stuff he wrote, very eloquent.
Just a very unusually smart and interesting person.
Dynamic voice.
Very powerful actor.
A lot of courage.
And I saw Heston about six months before his announcement at an event in Dallas and he wasn't like that.
It was like suddenly they roll him out and he was on Sawyer.
I tried to find it on YouTube.
I couldn't.
Somebody's got that uploaded.
And his wife was like, he's very sorry for all he's done with these nasty guns.
And he goes, well, I... And she's kind of looking at him, he goes, well, I did work on a little too much.
I should have spent more time with my family.
You could tell he was more of a kept man at that time.
And I'm not trying to attack his wife.
It was just, I remember my wife was my girlfriend at the time.
No, I think we just got married.
Yeah, we got married.
When he announced, we just got married.
I remember I'm sitting there, back then I watched more television, more news, but I would get too angry.
So I quit watching it right around that time.
I still watch it some, but I'd watch hours every night then.
And I remember watching it and getting so mad.
In fact, she remembered that when I was talking about it Sunday morning at the house, about how mad I got.
She said, don't worry baby, if you ever get Alzheimer's, I won't come out and say you were wrong about all this stuff and trot you out in front of people.
But notice the media didn't pick up on that and they didn't then write articles saying he recants his position because it was so obvious.
Right before he announced that, that snake Michael Moore got an interview with him, and then Moore comes in and says, it's your fault this little girl died, and Heston just politely gets up and pats him on the arm and leaves.
And then Moore stages an event with a camera after Heston had left, claiming Heston ran off, staged all that.
Moore is just a despicable creature.
I don't know, he's kind of... redeemed himself a bit coming out and saying he thinks 9-11 is probably an inside job, but...
He's just a dishonest filmmaker.
We'll come back with key economic news, then Alan Watts, and one hour and ten minutes from now, the new fourth hour on video.
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He didn't learn to read and write so well, but he can play the guitar just like he's ringing a bell.
Go Johnny, go, go!
Johnny B. Goode!
He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack Or sit beneath a tree by the railroad track Ball engine, everything glistening in the shade Strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made When people passing by, they would stop and say Oh my, was that a little country boy to play Go, go!
Go, Johnny, go, go!
Go, Johnny, go, go!
Go, Johnny, go, go!
We're back live.
Alan Watt coming up at the gate after.
He'll be with us for an hour and 50 minutes.
That's right, we're doing a new fourth hour of the radio show.
You can hear the audio for free at InfoWars.com.
Gotta go to those streams to hear it.
In a few weeks it'll be on Genesis.
And the video is from PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Live video feeds, clips, document cam, guest cam.
We're gonna even do stuff where our guests have their own video connections, their own camera pods.
We're going to dial in.
We'll do this in the next few weeks.
We won't be with a lot today.
With him on the internet, pumping that feed in here as well.
So a lot coming up here.
Listen, this is out of Bloomberg today.
Dollar bottom elusive, G7.
Bets doubled.
Optimism for a dollar rebound that pervaded the currency market at the start of the year is fading because of the market basics.
It's not coming back.
Futures traders doubled bets against the greenback in the past two months.
And they're also betting gold's gonna surge.
They're not wrong.
Data from the Commodities Future Trading Commission in Washington shows Citigroup Inc., Deutsche Bank, and Royal Bank of Scotland Group, which have almost 40% of global exchange trading, say the currency may slump to 1.65 per euro by October, to 1.70 by the way, that's what the full report says.
While the dollar rose April 1st,
And then it goes on to say that it's actually going to go down.
And again, the futures are doubled down on it, that it's going to go down.
I mean, hundreds of billions of dollars are betted on this.
Also, consumer confidence is slumming.
A lot of other key economic indicators.
Government spending at all-time highs.
And cutting interest rates over and over again, which only draws down the dollar.
The fundamentals are hyperinflation, which leads to an inflationary depression.
Every economist we've had on has said.
I hope that's not the case, but
It's like having a bulkhead that can only hold the pressure of 100,000 tons of water, and they're going to put 300,000 tons of water against it.
It's going to break.
And the bulkhead's righted to 100,000 tons.
They've already put 200,000 tons against it.
It's creaking.
It's starting to bow.
There's even a few leaks.
And they're going to add another 100,000 pounds of water pressure on it.
I mean, a miracle might happen and the Easter Bunny might flap down out of the heavens and wave a magic wand with pixie dust and make all this stop, but the globalists have engineered all this.
I pray it doesn't happen.
Bringing in Ted Anderson.
Ted, gold is going back up again.
Its futures are up.
And they're betting the gold's going to go up.
The futures market a month ago betted it was going to go down.
Now they're betting it's going to go up.
That's the market fundamentals.
Tell us about it.
Well, Alex, we will have hyperinflation.
We have the dollars falling way too fast.
They're printing way too much money.
We will have hyperinflation here in the United States.
It's going crazy right now.
I know we're going to the break, but there's some good information on there we should talk about on the other side, because yes, indeed, the dollar's falling and it will continue to do so.
And you've got a life raft as well.
Ted secured gold over a week ago when it was about $30, $40 cheaper.
Great deals.
And these deals are not lasting long, ladies and gentlemen.
Use it as a buying opportunity.
Five minutes with Ted on the economy, then Alan Watt from Canada.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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...stream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
One hour from now, we go live on the video cam with the document cam, video clips, everything.
In my new fourth hour,
Going back to Ted Anderson, owner of the Genesis Network, also owns Midas Resources.
28 years, almost 30 years in the gold and silver precious metals business.
Ted, continuing with what's happening with the market, the futures market doubling down their bets that the dollar is going to implode and that gold and other commodities are going to explode.
Well, it's going to happen, Alex, because of the fact that we've gone too far into debt, and now we're financing our debt with more debt.
The credit bubble's bursting.
Every single economist that you talk about out there are saying the same thing.
We've got these problems.
It's here, and there's no way to get away from it.
They're hot.
We've just simply sold our future out.
We've ruined our children's future.
The United States government, the Federal Reserve System, it's
It's coming to the end of its reign, if you will.
I mean, they're just simply, the Federal Reserve note is not going to be doing well because of the fact that we are just too far down and we're no longer a world currency, we can't borrow it from anybody else, so now we have to take printed money and send it into the system to solve our problems.
And that is why we're going to have hyperinflation.
And you can blame it on the politicians going all the way back to 1913,
Controlled by the bankers, although they orchestrated this.
Ted, tell them about the coin offers you've got.
Oh man, Alex, I just got into a deal on silver dollars.
I can't believe it.
I can offer silver dollars again, first time in probably a month.
Nah, a month and a half, yeah.
$540 per roll of 20.
And these are silver dollars, and right now if you've been thinking about getting involved in the silver market, this is the thing to do, because it is very tight right now, and I'll be lucky to get these in the future.
The other thing I do have to offer, like you said, I kept the British Sovereign Deal the same exact as it was on Friday.
And gold hit a high today of $930.
That's $30 more than it was on Friday, and I picked this up in the $889 area.
So right now I've got British Sovereigns available, and they're at $247.
I also have the Frank coin sitting in the same situation.
It's $197 per coin, and that coin was priced back when gold was less than $900 per ounce.
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous deal.
Ladies and gentlemen, convert out of greenbacks now while you still have time.
At least hedge your bets.
Even mainstream news is saying 20% gold now, when they used to say 10%.
The brokers are there to take your order.
You just call up, tell them the Alex Jones Special that Alex Jones and Ted Anderson sent you, or it will be this week's prices.
Gotta tell them that Alex and Ted sent you the Alex Jones Special.
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to move into the medals before they go up again.
Yeah, the British sovereigns are in the 250 range now, so definitely, and so are the francs.
I just didn't price that particular coin, but all that stuff has gone up.
So you do have an opportunity to get it.
You locked in, you bought these, what, a week and a half ago?
That's why, how long until these are gone?
Well, it's a small supply.
It depends upon how many people are buying at this particular moment.
But I'm going to hold them today.
If you want to get into something and you want to get into something... By the way, when you say that a lot of times, you get 10, 20, 30, 40 orders that you've got to buy at the new price because you've run out, but you still give it to them at that price.
Well, if I have to take the loss, I will.
But the thing is, the main thing is, we'll get the money, we'll get the gold into the hands of the people.
And right now, with the way the economy is going, the more gold in the hands of people, the better it is.
And this is real currency.
This has been real money for six and a half thousand years.
If you missed that number, it's 1-800-686-2237.
What is it?
I'll tell you, Ted, in between alarm passcodes and computer passcodes and 1-800 numbers, I can't keep track of any of it anymore.
You've had that number ever since I was with you 11 years ago, but 1-800-686-2237.
I've got to say it faster, I can't remember it.
It's kind of like U.S.
Code, Title 32, Chapter 32, Subtext 1528, Paragraph B. Stuff like that, I've got to say it faster, I can't remember it.
Well, thanks for having me up, Alex, and I just think it's just great that we're getting that television thing up there.
We'll knock this new world over one way or another.
Ted, thank you so much.
We'll be right back with Alan Watt.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up in about 52 minutes from now, we're going to start the new fourth hour of the show.
Since 1997, I have been doing a weekday show.
At first it was one hour, then in 98 it went to three hours.
And so for more than 10 years we have been in this time slot.
I'm expanding it to four hours.
We're going to have video feeds up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com starting in about 51 minutes from now.
A document cam, video clips, we're going to have guest cams, we're guest in studio.
All of that for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
But everybody can listen to the radio feed for free at InfoWars.com at 32-bit.
And we're going to be upping that to 64.
It is already 64 starting today for members in the fourth hour at PrisonPlanet.tv.
That's 15 cents a day.
That pays for the super content distribution network servers that we have.
Big difference there from your normal server systems.
Okay, Alan Watt is a very interesting person.
He's a musician.
I mean, let me just read his bio.
He's been on with us a few times before, but he's with us for about an hour and fifty minutes today.
He calls it his Wee Bit bio from his Cutting Through the Matrix dot net website.
Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causes and forces behind major changes in historical development.
His background is that of a Renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religious philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms.
For much of his life, for
Main income, he was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer, songwriter, performer, involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical.
Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups.
Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties in politics and media as they guided the population of the UK covertly in the European amalgamation.
He has been
Warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.
With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture.
That's right, they always have us in a current phase and are prepping us for the next phase.
Just like they're creating economic collapse, the Federal Reserve publicly engineers it, now they're offering you the next phase, giving them unlimited governmental power, no oversight, private bankers literally running everything.
It's a pleasure to be on.
You've got the floor.
Just tell us a little bit more about how you woke up, and then when you really clicked and decided in the last decade or so, I became aware of it in the last five years or so, to start fighting the New World Order and really go public against them, which is a risky business.
And then let's break down the basic overarching system and then get into eugenics, their overall drive.
Let's understand the elites' mindset before we go into their control grid.
Well, I caught on when I was very young to the fact that even the British system, although with the appearance of competition and free enterprise and so on, was entirely fixed.
It was a fixed system.
And it had a rigged system.
And it also had a completely fake history.
The history that was being taught in school didn't jive with the books written 200 years ago, which were available
at some old libraries in Scotland.
And I got into these libraries very young, from at the age of seven and eight.
And I was reading stuff that happened at the time, only to find out that what I was being taught in school was a completely revamped, altered history.
And then I got into some of the major players very early on, the Bertrand Russells, the Huxleys, the big families that had a hand in the creation of culture.
And it wasn't just the creation of culture.
I caught on earlier that there was a huge agenda at play and that we were all living through parts of it.
Every generation was living through a part of it.
But you can go back in history to find that this agenda was laid out openly in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, for instance, with John Dee, who coined the phrase, the term, the British Empire, for the first time.
And he presented his idea
of a British-style empire with a British-type government running the world on a system of what he called free trade.
And he laid it out right down to those countries which would adopt that system.
They would be given most favored nation trading status.
This is in the 1500s.
And then you follow it down from there and see it working through the British conquest of the world during the Victorian era.
You also find this other group that appears initially to oppose them, and that was called Marxism, only to find out that all the Marxist philosophies were written in London, England, and that Marx himself and Engels and others were being sheltered and given protection by the British government.
Let's stop and zoom in there.
When I made my film, Martial Law, back in 2004,
I went out on the streets of these peace demonstrations where most of the people were well-meaning, but there were the control groups kind of leading, and the communists were there.
And I've had communists and anarchists who people say that's the opposite.
No, they actually work together.
Not the minions, but the controllers come up to me and even tell me, yeah, we work for the government when they see there's not a camera, and we're going to kill you soon.
And they understand that the leaders do.
And I was explaining in the film that the big banks created communism to con the people back into serfdom and try to block some of the renaissance that the globalists controlled but that had gotten out of their total control later.
And I tried to explain that it's a false counter-revolution or a false revolution by the people and the public just can't get that or understand it.
Can you zoom in and flesh that out a bit more?
Yes, because Karl Marx, for instance, talked about a world
They would eventually come in to view, and he said that there'd be three trading blocks in the world, a Far Eastern trading block, a United Europe, and a United Americas.
And he wrote that in the 1840s.
And lo and behold, we're living through this very, very thing.
And so they needed conflict, because they believe, you see, this is the Hegelian technique.
Yeah, it's false choices, and that goes back to the mystery school of the left and right hand.
One is the left, the liberal, the other is the male, patriarchal, for those that don't understand.
And of course, Eric Blair, in his 1984 world, there are three blocs, the Anglo-American, the European, and the Asian, but then he finds out they're really all working together, and it's war against the people.
That's right.
The only reason they could keep power over the public is constant internal warfare.
And that's, of course, why government exists in the first place, to protect you from those bad guys over there.
Now, in a world governmental system, and Karl Marx knew this too,
It has to have a new enemy, and the new enemy would be the terror within.
Terrorism would be the new enemy in a global society where there are no real borders.
And we saw that happening on a mini-scale with Stalin.
Once they had basically conquered and took over the Soviet bloc, they had to find new enemies, and suddenly they had these purges on terrorists within.
It could be your next door neighbor.
And they had hate speech laws, they had hate crimes laws, they even used the term terrorist, and understand, anytime the Nazis, the Communists, any of these different tools the globalists get in control, why do they always then mass kill?
That's their eugenics, which is then part of their religion, which has to have the human sacrifice, but I'm interrupting, go back.
Yes, and so, there's no doubt about it, the big bankers and the British elite
Who do exist in Britain.
Most of them never appear on television.
They're very old families.
They come from the Norman descendancy.
These characters are called the establishment in Britain.
They are the real government above the so-called elected governments.
And they don't play politics because politics is a game.
And these characters do make an agenda.
And if you look into one of their front organizations, one of the biggest front organizations that they have,
It's the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
And explain, that was then transplanted here as a regional governorship known as the CFR, and they have these behind-the-throne imperial shadow governments in all of the original holdings.
Yes, and Margaret Thatcher admitted that publicly when she gave her tour of the world.
The tour was called the New World Order back in the 90s.
And she said, we ex-politicians, ex-premiers, ex-presidents all know each other.
We never retire.
She says, we have a parallel government, which is unelected to the people.
We can get more done because we're not responsible to the public.
And we work tirelessly towards this goal.
So she admitted to what their establishment was.
It is the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
And they're given a royal charter by the British crown to exist.
And to speak on behalf of the crown, the unelected elite.
And they've been working tirelessly towards this world system.
But again, to go back to how they created the two party sides, they go back to nature in ancient Egypt, and they talk about the laws of nature.
And of course, they talked about spring, and then you'd have fall in this opposition, and summer and winter.
And therefore, the whole idea was everything works in harmony.
To a new beginning, if you go through the process of having opposites in battle and conflict.
And it was updated much later and put to new terminology with Hegel, who called it thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
Synthesis is the merging together of the two opposing sides in a compromise.
And over thousands of years, the elites developed this, and if the elites didn't develop this, and if the power behind the throne, who was always his magicians, they were just the con artists, they understood psychology, that is the hidden mystery religion, they then put on the theater for those out there in the general public or the congregation, and that is the big secret, is just how to punch the buttons in people's minds.
Is that your take on it, Alan Watt?
It's old formula.
That's right, formula.
We'll be right back.
We're gonna get into their mindset, what they believe, not just what they tell us, and their extermination plans for you and your family.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future.
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In about 35 minutes we're going to go live with video feeds at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You'll be able to hear the audio for free at InfoWars.com in the fourth hour, in a higher bitrate, or on the mainstream at InfoWars.com.
And we're going to be hooking into the satellites and all the affiliates in the next few weeks for our regular radio listeners out there in AMNF and Lambert stations that choose to carry it.
Going back to Alan Watt, please continue.
You know, we've talked about the grid they built.
We're going to get more into that.
Specifically, their mindsets, what they believe, what they're into, where they think they're going.
From your research, get into that, Alan.
Where they're going is to a utopia.
They've talked about a utopia, a golden age for thousands of years.
Every elite has talked about the possibility of immortality in this world, in this particular body.
Understanding nature once again, in other words, science, by conquering the laws of nature to conquer death for themselves.
And there's no doubt about it.
They want to fix, as they say in their old religions, the spirit and the physical body for eternity.
And no more.
And the top two, many of them do believe in reincarnation, but they believe
That they are the most evolved species, both spiritually and physically, on the planet.
Later, this was brought out by Charles Darwin under another guise, a pseudo-scientific guise of determinism through superior types.
Yeah, let's be clear.
They claim on the surface they're atheists, but they're actually deep occultists and believe they're God and have God complexes.
That's why they've got giant
Heavy cyclotrons colliding heavy particles, which the equations show could cause a huge chain reaction and destroy the whole planet.
They can't help it, though.
They've got to play God.
They have to.
And they truly do believe that through their advanced sciences, they will dominate nature and everything in it.
When you look at the old Psalms written for pharaohs, you'll see that the psalm would say the pharaoh is God.
He is God on Earth.
And he owns everything in the world.
Everything that flies, crawls, walks, or burrows in the earth is his.
The land is his.
The people are his.
He was the owner of everything.
And it hasn't really changed.
The elite truly believe that we should worship them for giving us their system.
We should worship them for giving us jobs.
I think
But through the genotype of different people and the Human Genome Project, they're going to take the best genes and create a better race of purpose-made slaves.
This has been published in many scientific journals.
Purpose-made humans for purpose-made jobs.
That's right, and what, in 1916, H.G.
Wells had already written about atomic and hydrogen bombs, because Max Planck and others
By 1905, it already put out the equations.
Probably before that, that's when they told the public about it.
And then they used Einstein as the vehicle to basically publicize it.
They had, you know, he had written about the Eloi and Morlocks almost a hundred years ago.
This elite, cold-blooded, psychopathic elite and their slaves.
And going back 150 years ago to Galton and his cousin, of course, Darwin.
This is all an endgame, ladies and gentlemen.
They already believed they were the super race.
They interbred and actually made unhealthy lunatics or people who had extra or less chromosomes.
Massive genetic problems.
So now they want to prove they're the best.
They're saying, OK, well, we'll actually come in artificially, just like in Huxley's 1933 Brave New World.
We're going to make you stupid.
Oh, there's no doubt about it.
They had meetings at the beginning of the 20th century.
On how to dominate the public, the general public, the entire planet, through chemical means, through ways of using chemicals to lobotomize specific parts of the brain.
Yeah, to make people more, and also by using the needle.
Even Bertrand Russell talked about the use of the needle will make people very compliant.
And it can, it can target specific parts of the brain through chemicals or viruses that it can send right to your brain.
And I really do believe that that's the main reason for inoculations because we look at the IQ dropping, plunging since the 1950s.
Just like sperm dropping and then all the PR ads about how good the shots are for you.
And people are becoming so unhealthy that surgeons are calling me telling me that they're opening up young men and their bodies inside are of advanced aging.
I think they were 17 years old.
Well, that's the GMO food, which they knew would do that as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're being orderly exterminated with soft kill weapons.
All Pentagon run.
Hope you enjoy it.
Go ahead and serve the system.
Those that are laughing, they're killing you.
I know you love your masters.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright, Dad.
Let me get this straight.
Uncivil Liberties takes place in the future, right?
Like Star Wars?
Yeah, that's right.
Slightly in the future.
Wait a second.
I thought Star Wars took place a long, long time ago.
Alright, Einstein.
But it is kind of like Star Wars anyway.
Just like Star Wars, there's an evil empire and some people have started an armed rebellion to fight the evil empire.
Okay, so don't tell me, the government's the bad guys again?
Yep, that's right.
Oh, so your character's like Luke Skywalker?
Not exactly.
I know, you're Chewbacca!
Not really, but my character does help the rebellion to stop the government's evil tracking system, which is happening now in the real world, just like in Uncivil Liberties.
Wait a second, they can't track us, it's a free country!
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be our maiden voyage today.
The audio is going out for the fourth hour at InfoWars.com.
We're going to be taking your calls off a new phone number for the time being.
Coming up in the fourth hour today that starts at two o'clock central, and Alan Watt will be with us for the duration of that hour.
Also, we're going to take the hour-long encoding of my document cam, of the video cam in here on me,
And on the video clips we play, Anne Allen Watt, and that will be uploaded and posted at PrisonPlanet.tv within a few hours of the end of the show.
Because this is the internet, and sometimes there will be glitches on the cam when thousands and thousands of people are on there, but we're always encoding here locally.
We've got one machine encoding now, we're going to go to about two soon as backup, and so you'll always be able to see it, period.
It's going to be very, very timely.
Always, even if you miss it live while you're at work, you'll be able to get home and there'll be the new video for you five days a week.
We're even looking into coming in with just a basic webcam on the Sunday show.
Yes, and so the dialectical process works so well because
The public, as I say, will always pick this side or that side, whichever one appeals to them, or whichever side their father or mother has followed before.
They adopt the same attitude, and they don't think beyond that.
However, this agenda was to be set up under a new system, eventually, that would take over from this vague term called democracy.
We've never really had a true democracy in the history of the world.
The new system that would come in, and this was published at the beginning of the 20th century, it said that under this new democracy, only those biggest groups that exist and who are authorized to exist would have a say in the affairs of government.
We now call them non-governmental organizations.
And so with the use of, again, front NGO groups, non-governmental organizations,
Who would pretend to demand from government on behalf of the public that certain laws be passed on various things.
They would guide this whole system into their brave new world scenario.
And it's all stated, and they brag even in these textbooks, hundreds of books out there, well at least some of the names, that the slaves never read so we can admit they're slaves, and they also point
At the rent-a-mob NGOs, non-governmental organizations, and then say that that is the grassroots.
Really, this is all an elaborate thespian.
The whole world is a stage, each of us a player upon it.
Of course, we know that
Shakespeare was an insider.
That was really just an acronym for a group of Illuminists that wrote under his name.
He really wasn't writing a book a week, ladies and gentlemen.
And the history shows that.
Some say it was really the king or the prince.
Well, it was.
William Shakespeare was just a front for a whole group of these people to put this out.
And so they expansively then pre-programmed the public control both sides of the debate.
It was even deeper because they introduced a whole new language into England with the King James Bible and Shakespeare around the same time.
Because prior to that, if you read the writings of Chaucer and others around the 11th century, you'll see that they were speaking a form of Saxon German.
And so they even upgraded the language because language itself is very important to this whole agenda.
We think in a language.
We're like computers.
And technically, and they knew this a long time ago, if they gave you a certain type of language, and they already know the logic, like the logic of a computer,
Then the programmer will know the answer to every question that you as a being must arrive at, because you'll use your logic, use their language, and you'll arrive at the predestined conclusion.
Why do people love logos?
The Volkswagen logo, the CBS logo, because in our development we would know what if a spider was poisonous or not by its spots, or by its red hourglass, or by its little violin.
We would know
Whether a fish was good to eat by its spots, by the way it looks.
And so language really, in the human mind, is symbols or characters, like in Chinese or Japanese, where it's pictorial, pictographs, pictures.
They then come in and change the meaning of those words and then add new mental recognition to those verbal signals and they are now altering those.
Yes, very, very simple.
It's very, very simple.
And sure enough, they do keep changing the meanings of words.
And George Orwell warned us about that, too, how easy it is to do.
And if you start to adapt and adopt the new terms that are given to you, you're being programmed.
Most people today, and this was written about in the 1960s by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, when they had the world meeting to decide which organisation, which country would lead the world for the new culture, and they said that they'd give the job to Hollywood.
Most young people that watch all these soaps and so on, the dramas, their school dramas and so on,
And they don't realize there's new words, new vocabulary being introduced, new meanings of words as they change them, and they start to parrot them, they mimic them, as Charles Galton Darwin said.
So this is an age-old technique of controlling culture through the use of words and the gradual... Now let's be clear.
That was firmly institutionalized going back 50 years ago where the FBI
Would oversee all the production houses and have you arrested or blackballed if you didn't follow the order.
There is the overt control.
Now today, the feds since 2001 have been spending 45 million a year, and this was in the Washington Post, LA Times, to just pay one script writing house
To write the quote government terror scripts and then you look and they're actually using those terror scripts in real attack so it goes vice versa and then I remember having the lone gunman and X-Files star Dean Hagelin
He called me up and said, I want to come visit you.
He said, listen, the CIA visited us and they would plant these on us and tell us, hey, it's a good idea if you use this.
So I want to be clear.
Everybody in Hollywood isn't marching around getting CIA orders.
It's the top producers.
It's the top production houses.
They decide what they want to pick out of the millions of scripts.
And then once you start ideas rolling, it magnifies and others parrot it, adapt it, change it, and don't even know they're taking part in a larger program.
One month before 9-11 happened, the International Censorship Committees of the world met.
And I didn't know at that time we had an International Censorship Committee.
I knew every country had one.
And you think your censorship committee is there to see what you'll be exposed to on television, and so on.
And it's there to protect you.
But they published their findings, and they published their speeches from the international meeting.
This got lost immediately when the bombings happened at 9-11, but I remember them and I cut them up in newspapers because they had speeches given, identical speeches written by the same scripter, obviously, for two professors, one in the United States who attended the meeting, one in Canada at a university here, and they said, now we have won the battle for homosexuality and lesbianism and so on, we shall push the envelope.
Our next target is for bestiality
Thank you.
And that's because they have to cold-bloodedly remove the old basic human programming to keep tribes together and healthy.
They have to fracture, break up families, break up societies, reduce us to isolated creatures who only have a relationship with the flickering television or computer screen being programmed by our imaginary friends.
And they even call the show Friends.
And it must be very... You see, again, Blair or George Orwell talked about this ability for bureaucracies to adapt so quickly.
What's true and correct one day, you must truly instantly believe it, this new correctness for today, even though it's diametrically opposed to your conditioning yesterday, and it's constant adaptation of political correctness.
Now, the term political correctness came from the Soviet Union.
That's a direct translation from the Soviet for the same thing.
And when they introduced the term political correctness in the West, they also introduced the term also from the Soviet Union, and that was anti-government.
It started to appear in the paper for the first time, anti-government.
So if you complain about government or a policy, suddenly you are anti-government.
So it makes sense, because remember what Senator Dodds, Norman Dodds, found out when he did the Rees Commission back in the 60s?
And he would run the big foundations.
Now, the big foundations are the boys that pretend they're big charitable institutions, multi-billionaire, trillionaire institutions.
They dish out the money that funds these professional, non-governmental organizations.
And Dodds found out from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie and Rockefeller, the guy at the Ford Foundation, told him, our purpose is to eventually blend seamlessly the Soviet system with the American system into one.
Well, let me expand on that.
Let's just zoom in on a tiny, tiny microcosm of the entire picture.
For 50 years, the Ford Foundation has been funding textbooks and comic books, millions of them a year, just like Marvel last year got criticized for giving every American child a U.N.
comic books every few months that teach us to like world government.
The U.N.
They admitted it.
said to teach us to accept global government, teach us how it's good, teach us about the new environmental system as an organizing cause, which is their whole eugenics program.
And they said, don't get mad.
We've been doing this with comic book people since the late 1940s.
Well, it's the same thing.
Comic books in Mexico saying America took the Southwest.
The U.S.
is bad.
You want to break it down.
La Reconquista.
Our government, just like our government.
The criminals that run it.
It came out in the Washington Post for 30 plus years, up until 2002.
We're still shipping millions of comic books and free radical hadiths, radical Islamic texts, interpretations to the Muslim countries from a Wahhabist perspective.
And the Saudi Arabians would match money with the CIA to radicalize Muslims so they could use those religious Muslims to tear down any secular government to actually neutralize and weaken the Middle Eastern and Central Asian areas.
So, again, there's the foundations, there's the governments breeding the rebellion.
And in Soviet Union, you see, it's blending together of the Soviet system.
It has already happened, it's happened here.
They have merged the two into one.
And remember, going back to the book called The First Global Revolution, written by the Club of Rome, published in the 90s, it tells you in there by the founders, in their own words, they said, we, back in the 70s, looked for a reason to unite the planet.
And if they thought about the space alien, would that work?
Would they all fall for that?
Then he said, we hit upon the idea of stating that the people on the planet were causing global warming.
We hit upon the idea, he says,
And so they said yes.
Now, the head of the CFR in 1993, Richard N. Haas, and this is published, this is on the CFR website, and Club of Rome said, we made this up to make humanity the enemy.
That's right.
That's a quote.
I've got the book from them.
I've got the whole chapter.
But I mean, they're point blank.
They're point blank, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, everything Alan's saying is in mainline textbooks.
It's all available.
In the 70s, they had the
Church hearings on foundations.
They called in the heads of the foundations and they admitted.
The Carnegie Endowment for Peace, their founding document says we're going to create war and control it and play countries off against each other to bring in the one world government.
And then when Gorbachev, of course, was president of the Soviet Union, he'd already been given the right to have that organization in the United States while he was still president of the Soviet Union.
This is the top of the KGB at one time.
He was now president
And he was given the right to run this green institution.
For the planet, in cahoots with Maurice Strong and Mr. Rockefeller, and he had a hand in drafting up the Earth Charter.
And that's Green Cross, Green Shield, base of the Presidio Naval Base, in San Francisco, where the U.N.
was born in 1945, set up by the Pentagon, directed by the Royal Institute on International Affairs.
That's right.
And, of course, he was given a knighthood as well.
The Green Cross is a knight of Lazarus.
That's what it stands for.
And, but he's a president of another country, a foreign country, being given a top position within the United States while he's still president of the Soviet Union.
And his last speech he gave to the Politburo, it was printed in the Toronto Sun.
And they never even took the hammer and sickles off the tanks.
Going back and expanding on that,
There are so many examples of our government shipping them hundreds of millions of pounds of wheat every year, oil, the Rockefellers, Arm and Hammer, owning the factories.
We have Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science Division, Bill Clinton's mentor, admitting, bragging to everyone that, hey, the Royal Institute roundtable groups that dominates the CFR and the rest of the world,
They work with these people.
They create these people.
That's like Lord Milner in the 20s said, we need a rabble rouser to put in power in Germany.
We'll put the screws to the Germans, hurt them real bad, and then make them come after us, and then we'll have everybody surrounding Hitler will then sabotage him.
I mean, they're slick, man, because they plan out decades.
So what we're looking at here, and here's where it hits most people who get to a certain stage of waking up, you're dealing with an ancient system
I think?
To do anything, look at past history.
What they've been made to do in the past, if you know the formula, you can reintroduce it again at any time in the future.
And take the movie 300 that was the biggest blockbuster last year.
Made like 400 million bucks.
They show them killing imperfect babies at birth.
They show basically how the Spartans went out and did human sacrifice.
It's all shown as the most wonderful thing in the world.
That's the beginnings of the eugenics.
I want to come back, Alan.
We're going to take calls, ladies and gentlemen, in the fourth hour that's about to start.
I want to explain to people what their real beliefs are.
Start getting into the eugenics.
Yeah, the eugenics is incredible.
If we go back to history, we find, for instance, pharaohs and kings of Persia and so on would often marry their own sister.
Because they truly believed they were the most... they were already Darwinian.
Darwin simply was a member of the same group centuries later, exposing what they already believed in.
They believed that spiritually and physically they were already the most perfect beings on the planet.
And they didn't want to outbreed into the commoners.
They always had two groups.
Themselves, the gods, and the commoners.
And in Britain, people are still called commoners.
If you're not a member of nobility, you are a commoner.
Well, they also called us the little people, and that's how they can tell who comes from a more, quote, noble family, the taller you are.
And because they would artificially starve, and that's feudalism, the people as a way to control them, and then they would get madder and madder as they inbred more and more of their children.
You know, that's why you always hear about kings and queens not being able to have children and not having heirs.
Because they were so mentally ill and deranged and psychopathic.
Really, they say they're their own species.
They are, Alan.
They are.
A psychopath inbred guild.
Do you agree?
I've talked to some of them and heard them speaking about it themselves.
So have I. We'll be right back with Alan Watts.
Your phone calls.
The fourth hour coming up.
The show isn't over.
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All right, Gene, Steve, many others that are patiently holding.
Let me give you the new number to call in.
I've actually got a 1-800.
We haven't hooked it up yet.
And this show will be on the network in the next few weeks.
But it's only going to be at InfoWars.com.
I'm going to call and get a fourth hour shortwave, too, in the next few days.
It's going to be at InfoWars.com.
Free streams there.
But you have to go to the InfoWars.com streams.
You have to go to the website to hear it.
It won't be on the Genesis Streams this fourth hour.
You go to InfoWars.com right now.
You can listen for free there on 32-bit or 16-bit.
And it's going to be in 64-bit for members of PrisonPlanet.tv.
And you're going to have a five-minute video intro feed.
And myself and Alan Watt will be back, and we will be taking your calls.
Here is the phone number.
It's 512-646-5400.
I think 80 plus percent of the public now have unlimited long distance, so 1-800s are really being obsolete, but we're still going to have one for you.
I'll be right here myself, taking your phone calls off my board.
We're going to call Alan back here in just a minute or two and get him on my board here too.
We're beta testing this all myself live this fourth hour with the video feed and the rest of it.
Let me just punch the video feed up.
We're rolling video clips of Stalin and Bush right now, but punch myself up so I can say hi to everybody.
We have a document cam.
I had Chinese food on the document cam a few minutes ago, but there's the document cam.
Got the Finance and Development magazine.
Global Governance, who's in charge?
So this is an industry publication.
It's all just admitted there.
Oh yeah, world government.
We run everything.
You know, that's for people in management.
Twenty-something thousand CEOs get this.
I mean, I'm seen as a CEO, I guess, because I run my own company.
All this stuff comes in the mail, because they have a list of this.
I never went on a list.
I never asked to be on this, but I get sent it.
You see, because I'm seen as somebody higher up in the system, even though I fight them, I'm on a list, they send it to me.
Alan, that's how this works, isn't it?
It is how it works.
And you always promote culture and changes from the top down, not from the bottom up.
So it's following its old routine.
Even management courses now, university, everything has been for quite a few years, globalism, globalism, globalism.
Well, here's another example.
My dad is a
You know, healthcare consultant.
He's also a dentist and an oral surgeon.
So they always hire those guys because of medical laws.
They want those to be, you know, officers, board members, consultants.
And he goes all over the country a couple days a week doing this.
And about four years ago, he called me.
He was at the Four Seasons here in Austin, you know, because they send him to these big seminars.
It was like, you know, $4,000 or $5,000 a person to go hear this top guru talk, this big CEO.
And he goes, this guy's talking about world government, how the elite miscalculated and dumbed everybody down too much.
So now we're headhunting for homeschoolers to get them to join.
I mean, it's like you said, Alan, it's now just right out in the open.
It is.
It truly is in the open.
And they have such a dumbed-down public.
The public
Don't really care too much what's happening as long as their own little life and what they can do doesn't change too drastically for them.
Alan Watts, stay there.
We're breaking, leaving the Genesis Mothership and going out on our own.
To find new worlds and new civilizations to boldly go where no radio talk show host has gone before.
Hey, we'll be right back on video for PrisonPlanet.tv members and with Alan Watt for a full hour with no commercials!
Right after this quick break, if you want to hear it on the internet, you gotta go to Infowars.com and listen to those streams right there.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members and click on the live stream and watch it.
And then of course later we will upload this today for PrisonPlanet.tv members to watch the encoded version of the live show that starts in 70 seconds.
I am Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.tv!
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This is the GCN Radio Network, home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Eugenics dominated the 20th century.
Its ruthless