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Name: 20080404_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 4, 2008
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You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday, the fourth day of April, 2008.
We'll be transmitting worldwide against tyranny for the next three hours, simulcasting on the AM and FM dial, global shortwave satellite systems, and of course, the internet at InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv,
JonesReport.com, TruthNews.us.
No guest today.
I might have one pop in about Iran war news in the third hour, but we're working on that right now.
No guests right now today.
I just want to be able to open the phones up and take your calls on the economy, on the Jesse Ventura interview, on the build-up for war with Iran,
There is just so much news and information that we have here today that we're going to be going over and I'd love to hear from you on all of these issues or whatever topics you bring up.
I love spinning the wheel of fortune and reaching into the grab bag and hearing what the callers have to say next.
Takes us in so many unexpected directions.
That's the real wild card.
I was on Coast to Coast AM last night.
I get so accustomed to knowing what a piece of filth Ted Turner is that when it came out in the news in the last two days that Ted Turner was talking about world population reductions and one-child policies in the U.S.
that I didn't even talk about it.
And that's because
You tend to be so close to a problem, so close to an issue, it's common knowledge to me and to you, the listeners, to I and everybody out there listening.
And so, we become aware of this to a point to where, as it becomes common knowledge, it's old hat and we don't warn the people
When they begin to find out about what's happening, because it is old hat, we need to, when this type of stuff is in the news, point it out to people.
When it's in the Associated Press and when it's in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and hundreds of other publications in the last two days, you need to print that off and show it to your co-workers and then tell them, hey, find out the rest of the story.
Watch in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
That film needs to be seen.
It needs to be understood.
I believe it is the most important film ever made about the New World Order.
And not because I made it, but because in the 2 hours and 20 minutes in the film proper, in the 40 plus minutes of extras, we give you the history of the global elite, how they operate, the political system they're setting up, how they've broken the world into unions, how they're now merging those unions.
How they're setting up a control grid, and then why they want to strap us down, why they want the police state grid in place, so they can have an orderly extermination of the population.
Through bio-weapons, mainly, they will release, and then they will pose as the saviors during each cycle, trying to keep us safe from the new bio-attack, administering vaccines and other drugs that are only the precursor to the next attack.
So it's free on Google Video.
And I know you know that, but I'm asking you to get the link, to get it out to everyone you know, and to not stop.
I've seen a lot of hype for books and things that are out right now on 9-11, and that's fine and dandy, but the public doesn't really read anymore.
Film is what is more effective.
It's like loose change.
And of course, my hounding helped wake up Jesse Ventura.
All right, I'll give you a preview of what's coming up today.
It's very important.
On the other side, stay with us.
It is a big idea.
A new world order in the near future.
Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Murray is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after these years.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I was making the point that we have Ted Turner running around talking about how there's too many people and how we need to have a global one-child policy.
And I suggest that if people are so bad and we all need to die, that Mr. Ted Turner, that he and his five children go out and find a large cliff at the Grand Canyon, they can all hold hands and say, one, two, three, and jump off together and plunge to their deaths.
Now, I don't want that to happen, and there's plenty of room for all of us to live in peace with the globalist Ted Turner, but if he insists on pushing his eugenics policies and funding hardcore eugenics ops in Africa and other places,
I would like him and his disgusting family of degenerate scum to go ahead and jump off of the cliff.
It's real simple.
Or he can go out on his yacht, as I said on Coast to Coast AM last night, and he can tie some bowling balls to his legs, and he can jump off the side of his yacht into the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Georgia there at his home, and he can go to the bottom.
No, he needs to live.
He needs to oversee the eugenics.
Oh, no.
Ted Turner is very important.
Ted Turner, his life matters.
We're gonna let everybody know you're the enemy, Turner.
And if you and your buddies are dumb enough to release a bioweapon, everybody's gonna know who did it.
Doesn't matter how many microbiologists get double-capped in the head or run over by trucks or drowned or tortured to death.
You understand?
When that bioweapon gets released, they weren't able to stop ya.
Everybody's gonna know who's behind it, scumbag.
You can have some ADL grandson on television, uploaded by the Intel Center, saying he did it, but it ain't gonna fly, you understand?
It ain't gonna fly.
Yeah, that's what I think about when I go to bed at night.
Very serious issues.
We live in a very serious world.
This isn't a joke, it isn't a game, it isn't a drill.
This is for all the marbles.
And people in the FBI and in the CIA and others who don't want to die and who don't want to be culled, you better get up off of your hind ends and stop living in denial or stop rationalizing what the elites are doing and saying it's good and realize it is a nightmare.
It stinks to high heaven, you group of freaks.
A lot of you are control freaks, but you think you're going to be on the top of the pyramid.
Let me just give you logic here.
Look at history.
Study the numbers.
You are not going to be at the top of the pyramid.
You, in fact, are the first group they're going to target, because you know where the bodies are buried.
Better extricate yourself from the situation.
It's never too late to turn back.
If you've got any inkling of conscience right now, any inkling of a tingle in your spine, know when I'm telling the truth.
That means you haven't lost your soul yet.
It means you haven't burned off your psychic feelers yet.
You haven't hardened your heart yet.
You haven't been totally turned over to wickedness yet.
And if you have any feelings now, of remorse, or any feelings of wanting to join us, and if you feel drawn towards the light, then come towards it.
You can still come back, no matter how far you've gone into darkness.
I've taken my own forays into darkness.
And I'm telling you, you can come back from that.
Some ways it makes you stronger.
A lot of people who have never seen the dark side are in some levels blind.
But those of us that have in our lives seen the dark side, it's much easier to see it.
Much easier to see it.
We're going to get into Turner.
That's my point.
I meant to get to it yesterday.
I was on Coast to Coast AM last night for 45 minutes, but still didn't have time to get into all the points I wanted to make.
I really appreciate George having me on to talk to 16 million people an hour in the first hour of his show.
That's the biggest hour.
Because this is big medicine.
This is the big issue.
This is what it all hinges on.
This is the ideology that drives the mindset of the globalists.
Their every waking moment is dedicated to this dark
Let me just read you the headlines.
Federal cops continue roundups in Juarez, Mexico.
State fusion centers and Pentagon-run FBI programs spy on Americans.
How many years have I told you?
The FEMA emergency management centers, the threat fusion centers that they built in the late 90s, those are all federalization centers.
And I want to get into some today how they integrate the police
Into the Marshall Lock Grid.
That's now in the mainstream news.
Secret DOJ memos says Fourth Amendment has no application after 9-11 inside the United States.
So, we're now getting the memos where senior White House officials were ordering torture.
Not just saying, use pliers on children's testicles in front of their parents, but senior White House officials going to Abu Ghraib
They've had the tape sent to the White House and poured over them.
They like it, ladies and gentlemen.
I remember hearing 12 years ago that Cheney was into torture.
I never believed it, but now it starts making me believe Kathy O'Brien and others.
These people are sick.
See, they do this because they like it.
They want the power so they can do it and get away with it.
You understand?
Stalin getting into power, it was a means to an end.
Lenin, Mao, Hitler.
Secret DOJ memo says Fourth Amendment has no application after 9-11.
The Department of Justice says there's no Fourth Amendment.
Now get ready for the Supreme Court to rule that you don't have a Second Amendment, but it will be heralded as you do have a Second Amendment.
Get ready.
They didn't triple the size of the BATF and build the biggest federal building in the U.S.
and D.C.
Bush broke ground on that four years ago.
It's been completed because they wanted to be sweet to you.
They're coming.
And they got drug dealing lawyers at the BATF who rule.
Topless bars and yachts on the weekend.
Slapping you around and dragging you to prison for your firearms during the week.
Devil tat shaved heads rocking and rolling.
Hundred thousand dollar Corvettes.
As long as they're given that by their masters, they'll gut this country.
They'll slit this country's throat ear to ear.
They got the knife pressing into the soft flesh of her neck, blood's trickling down, and they're just saying to the government, give me the order, I'm ready to slice!
Just like you saw in New Orleans.
They're just begging, please let me lay this neck open.
And their master's saying, hold that, hold that.
Get ready, we've masked your force.
You're going to get your go-go.
Don't worry, men.
They're just going to turn us loose on these people.
We hate them and we hate this country.
By the way, I'm not joking when I say that.
That's the spirit of them.
NAFTA countries to introduce simultaneous legislation to stop SPP.
That's some good news.
Lawmakers have 196 million invested in the defense industry.
Congressional study.
That's the tip of the iceberg.
Air Force veteran was at a U.S.
college that only flies the Mexican flag.
He took it down.
And he has been convicted.
And there's not a mention of why does the school fly the Mexican flag.
It's only about how he's evil.
I'm telling you.
No global warming since 1998.
His planet cools off.
We'll get into that.
Really funny satire piece from the spoof.
Alex Jones ventures into children's toy market.
Good article from Paul Craig Roberts.
What do we stand for?
Ritter says U.S.
war with Iran is in the offing.
Army toyed with telepathic mind control rays.
New scientists.
They didn't toy with it.
They use it all the time.
Gadget recycling may be poisoning China's children.
Robotic cargo ship docks flawlessly with Space Station.
Murdoch support for Clinton.
New Yorkers read between the lines.
New Yorkers hate Clinton because they know Rupert Murdoch controls her.
Got bad news for you.
They're also behind Obama.
They own it all.
Also, once a dollar bulls, he's long-term decline.
Chertow, once a dollar bulls, he's a dollar decline.
Oil edges up as dollar slumps again.
Gold goes back up as dollar slumps.
Traders await U.S.
payroll data.
Fed's interest rate gains could destroy the dollar.
Dollar peg poses risk to economy.
Gulf news.
Top Democrats demand Attorney General provide 9-11 memorandum.
New York gold futures turn higher on weak U.S.
Air America host suspended for Clinton remarks.
That's right, I can't talk bad about the Queen over there as the Liberals wake up to the fact that they've been controlled all along.
Can't allow that.
Alright, that's just some of what is coming up today.
And your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
But I'll say it again.
The public doesn't know there's been tens of thousands of admitted chemical and biological and radiological tests on the American people, hundreds of times designed to kill us and to see how citizens would die.
Endgame covers that, and tells you why they do it, and then gets into the eugenics larger program.
Endgame needs to be seen.
And I'm asking you, the listeners, I'm trying to enlist you to help me get the free Google video out to everyone.
I'm not asking you to, you know, go buy a book or something.
Films will wake people up.
Films are effective.
And if you want the high-quality DVD, which I suggest you get, get it at InfoWars.com, make copies of it for non-profit,
Educational purposes.
We're seeing super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Bottom line, I want in-game blueprint for Global Enslavement out.
We need a major push.
I'm seeing huge pushes for books and things and it's a PR campaign and it's almost pointless.
We'll be right back.
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You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
The Bill of Merit is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they need.
Order In Game on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
In Game.
Blueprint for global enslaving.
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The elite don't respect you, when in plain view they poison you with the sodium fluoride, and the mercury, and the shots, and everything else they do.
They do respect you when you fight back.
And this is a message to them.
Yeah, I'm taking the fight!
If you think I'll sit around...
All right, I need to make a correction yesterday.
I get on air and literally get so excited that I'm not very good at basic math.
Everybody knows that
One digit is one, and two digits is ten, and three is a hundred, and four is a thousand, and so on, up to a trectogillions and to infinity.
But yesterday I was reading Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the New York Department of Health and Environment School Fluoride Program.
And I was reading where different states have pills and drinks and mouthwashes
that they make the kids take that are 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5.
They're all 0.2 or above.
And I was on air, I just said to Quandary, I said, what is 0.2?
And on air I said, is that one one thousandth?
And then, after I got off air, I thought about it and went, no, that's two one hundredths.
And that's why I couldn't
On air, it didn't click!
It's so amazing!
One part per million in university studies, government studies, has been found, especially in young people, it's even greater effect, a 20% excuse me, 20 point IQ reduction.
Some studies show 10, some show 15, but you can look that up.
We've got newscast we can play right here that say 20 point IQ reduction.
It really affects developing brains.
So when I saw the numbers of 1 one-hundredth, 2 one-hundredths, 3 one-hundredths, 4 one-hundredths, 5 one-hundredths, I mean, ladies and gentlemen, 5 one-hundredths, 2 one-hundredths of sodium fluoride, that is Centers for Disease Control, that is Poison Control Center,
But in plain view, every week, in public schools, coast to coast, generally in disadvantaged areas, we want to... You're poor.
We don't think you're probably brushing your teeth.
Wink wink, black Hispanic.
We've got these pills we want you to chew, these gums, these fluoride treatments, that are deadly poison.
Part per million is devastating.
We're talking on average two parts per hundred zombies.
Now the government now, the CDC, the FDA, and then private groups like the American Dental Association, the
Kidney Disease Association, they've all had to come out in the last three years and said, okay, yeah, children shouldn't even have one part per million.
It's very toxic.
It gives them fluorosis.
It's causing kidney problems.
We need to take fluoride out.
But the public doesn't hear about that.
Meanwhile, the feds, and see, I went to Margaret Sanger Elementary, and it had kindergarten in Dallas.
I went one year right in the heart of Dallas, then we moved to a suburb.
It was about half black.
It was a lower
Middle class, kind of blue-collar school.
And man, they came in there all the time and they gave us these red pills that would make us sicker than dogs.
They made us wash our mouths out.
Of course, the teachers meant, well, we're helping these poor disadvantaged children with drinks.
Two parts per hundred.
Two parts per hundred.
I feel like I'll just repeat this every day on every show, because I have a responsibility to warn parents that your children are in the schools, in the first five grades, in some schools every week, in others every month, being hit with a toxic sedative that eats holes in their brains, attacks every organ in the body, and retards growth massively.
That in some schools, a third of the school is special ed now.
There's a reason.
We're under chemical pentagon attack.
We are under pentagon attack.
We are under pentagon attack.
We are under chemical attack.
Repeat, chemical attack.
Protect yourselves.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Dad.
Let me get this straight.
Uncivil Liberties takes place in the future, right?
Like Star Wars?
Yeah, that's right.
Slightly in the future.
Wait a second.
I thought Star Wars took place a long, long time ago.
Alright, Einstein.
But it is kind of like Star Wars anyway.
Just like Star Wars, there's an evil empire and some people have started an armed rebellion to fight the evil empire.
Okay, so don't tell me, the government's the bad guys again?
Yep, that's right.
Oh, so you have characters like Luke Skywalker?
Not exactly.
I know!
You're Chewbacca!
Not really, but my character does help the rebellion to stop the government's evil tracking system, which is happening now in the real world, just like in Uncivil Liberties.
Wait a second, they can't track us, it's a free country!
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I'm coming straight on.
I've made up my mind.
Now I'm strong.
Straight on.
Our enemies are effective because the average person can't believe that they would hand out pills and chewing gum and mouthwashes that savage the brains of small children, that wreck their minds forever, that give them chemical lobotomies.
Our enemies are effective because the public can't believe that they ship in and control the major conduits that bring in the narcotics to this nation.
But now the people are beginning to wake up.
Now they're beginning to realize the truth.
Now they're getting angry.
Now they're girding themselves for battle.
Now they're coming straight on for the New World Order.
And nothing's going to stop this conflict.
It's going on right now.
It's called the Info War.
We're beginning to win more and more battles thanks to you suiting up, getting on the field.
Not listening to the naysayers anymore, but just attacking the enemy.
Never stopping!
Never surrendering!
Never giving up!
We're gonna beat them!
We can beat these technocrats who think they're better than us.
We can beat these people that think they can manipulate us and punch our buttons.
We can bring down the New World Order.
Alright, Jarrett, Skip, Mike, Peggy, Jimmy, many others, your calls are coming up here momentarily.
Then I'm going to get into all the Jesse Ventura news.
Thank you, listeners.
You did it again.
Two days ago, we interviewed Jesse Ventura.
Two days ago exactly, he was on air with us.
He said he woke up that 9-11 was an inside job, buildings were blown up.
We talked about the evil government, how they could do it, how the public can't believe that they're getting in the car with a killer.
You know, the same analogy of Ted Bundy I use.
He agreed with that.
We were just talking about
And it is in hundreds of newspapers today, all over television stations across the country.
It is in scores of newspapers, separate articles, not just the AP story.
And now, more and more people are not afraid to speak up and stand up.
It's becoming more and more mainstream to look into it being an inside job.
And all the CENTCOM bullies that want to gut this Constitution, this Bill of Rights, all the people that have infiltrated our government, infiltrated our military, want to bring us down, all the people that are on the take, they're defending from a cowardly position just because they get paychecks, or they're weak-minded.
And they get paychecks so they rationalize.
We're defending because we have to save this country and this is where we live and they're building FEMA camps and we don't have a choice, we've got to fight back.
So you're failing miserably.
And I want you to know that.
And you're failing because people are committing.
They don't care if you kill us, they don't care if you trump stuff up and imprison us, and I'm speaking for myself right now, we don't care
What you do, we're doing what we're gonna do.
You understand that?
And you can do whatever you want.
We see your deck.
We're at ramming speed.
We're a hundred yards off your bow and you can blow us to kingdom come.
We're still gonna run right into you.
And it's gonna blow up your magazine in the info war.
You're going to the bottom and you know it.
There's hundreds of kamikazes in the info war coming in straight on, and there's nothing you can do.
There's not- you cannot stop us.
There is nothing you can stop.
You can do nothing.
You set off terror attacks, it'll give you limited power, but it'll burn out even quicker because the concept of false flag is introduced, and who has motive has now been introduced.
Our numbers- we've got people everywhere.
Our numbers are exponentially growing.
We are defeating you, the cancer.
You are the cancer and you will be cut out.
Do you understand?
Wrapping yourself in the flag.
That's camouflage.
That's just like an enemy aircraft painting itself up.
Like friendly aircraft.
We have ripped aside the veil.
We've shown people you're the enemy.
People know you're the enemy.
And it's exponentially growing right now.
So we're going to get into that.
Let's go to the calls right now.
Let's talk to Jarrett, first time caller from Oregon.
You're on the air Jarrett.
Hi Alex, I've been listening for a couple years and I just wanted to say something about chemtrails.
People don't know what they are.
Those are vitamin trails, sir.
Oh yeah, you're right.
The EPA, the same guys that said the air was safe to breathe on 9-11, they sent me a fact sheet.
They said it was ice crystals.
It's such a relief.
Anyway, I looked it up and there's like two pages of bacteria.
It's biological warfare.
That's what made me want to call you.
Well, the Chemtrail program, the aerial spraying, the aerosol spraying, which a lot of it's declassified, is a cocktail.
It's weather modification.
And then at the lower levels, I mean, it'll be the summer at 3,000 feet they're forming.
Oh, ice crystals at 3,000 feet.
What a beautiful valley!
And I mean, I'm an Easter Bunny.
And yeah, suddenly these ice crystals stay there for five hours, and then now universities and others have done it.
It's barium salts.
It's aluminum oxide.
It's nutritious, sir.
Well, let's paint the picture for people.
I mean, look up in the sky.
There's a plane going overhead, and the contrail disappears.
That's the trail behind the jet.
But then some of them don't disappear, okay?
Well, sometimes... That's because they're different.
Well, people say it's atmospheric conditions.
You'll have a plane at the same level, flying, not leaving one, and you'll have another one at the same level, leaving one.
It's called biological warfare.
No, it's your minerals.
They're giving you your minerals, sir.
Well, they need everybody.
Let's take some action on this.
Let's call.
Let's raise hell.
I've been calling 9-1-1.
And the operator says, well, I don't notice anything.
I said, because you haven't been paying attention.
Let's raise hell about it.
It's biological warfare.
That's the air we breathe.
I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
Take my uncle.
Helicopter pilot in Vietnam.
Then he was a fixed-wing aircraft pilot all over the U.S.
and Latin America.
He never saw them until 96.
And he said, suddenly in 96, and he was in, I guess, Llano, Texas at the time, suddenly, and then he was in Fredericksburg, suddenly it just changed.
Suddenly it just, they started hanging there.
And then NASA admitted five years ago, the Earth is 20% darker now.
Something changed in the atmosphere.
And the evidence is they add stuff to the fuel.
It's compartmentalized, where they only need to control a few of the jet fuel major companies, and then whatever's being added is aerosolized through the engines once it's in the atmosphere.
And then now in government, federally approved and written textbooks for 8th graders, we've covered this a couple years ago, it said, oh yes, it's a sunscreen because of global warming.
It's saving the Earth.
And then you can look up government programs about the aerosol program and then they admit they've done, quote, weather control.
We've got newscasts in Oregon and Florida and Dakota where you'll have thousand-mile, 500-mile long sprays that are, you know, 500 miles long and 300 miles wide.
And you'll see, oh, this is Air Force chaff.
I've never seen this much chaff.
They release the little aluminum
And ten pieces of metal chaff behind them just over a maximum of maybe a few hundred square miles, not even that much.
Not hundreds of thousands of square miles.
And that's so when they're flying over on bombing runs, radar can't pick them up.
That's just to confuse right where the planes are for missiles, for SAM, surface-to-air missiles.
It isn't 500 miles long.
I mean, I remember watching this newscast out of Florida a few weeks ago.
It's at least 200 miles wide and 400 miles long.
I mean, it goes 100 miles out in the ocean, across Florida, right through the middle of it, and then 100 miles on the other side.
Perfect square.
And the guy says, oh, it's Air Force chaff.
No, it's not.
I mean, now the weathermen are seeing giant patterns that cover
More than half the state, and they're saying, uh, chaff.
It's not chaff, ladies and gentlemen.
It must have taken 200 airplanes to do that.
I mean, they're just, they're just running wild everywhere.
They are, it's a scientific dictatorship.
They've been developing secret technologies for 50 plus years underground.
Lord knows what they've really got.
Publicly, they've been for more than a decade, cross-human animal species.
It's finally hitting the news.
They have just... It's genetic engineering.
It's all just completely out of control.
Fission, fusion, heavy reactors, giant cyclotrons smashing heavy elements together.
Understand that's how they make A-bombs and hydrogen bombs.
They're just doing it.
The globalists are suicidal nihilists.
That's, by the way, in Endgame.
They say that about themselves.
Nero finally committed suicide.
I mean, they get so hateful.
This is what they do.
They are... A guild of psychopaths runs the planet, okay?
I said I'd take calls.
I'm already digressing.
I just can't believe that that's what runs this planet.
I just... Why?
In California, you're on the air.
Hey, I have a couple of observations I want to run by you.
One is, last year when the movie Borat came out, mimicking him was kind of the popular cool thing to do.
Half the people I work with did it.
We did it too around here, it's pretty funny.
Well, you've got another character named Bruno that's a gay fashion journalist.
And I imagine that when he comes out, again, mimicking him, acting effeminate will be the cool thing to do.
Well, I disagree with you.
It's fun to make fun of some Central Asian, and that's kosher to do, but most people aren't going to want to imitate an effeminate person.
But who knows?
We'll see.
Do you think it's mass programming?
I don't know what it is, but I do realize that when it comes out,
Let's see what happens.
But the other observation I wanted to touch on was I really thought a lot about these black holes that they're possibly creating.
And I kind of came up with two reasons why they would want to do it.
One is I think that it kind of works as a safety net.
Like if you have these set up all over the United States or wherever you want to be protected, no one's going to drop a bomb there because it'll get rid of the entire world.
So it keeps
That area is safe from being attacked by another nation.
I understand what you're saying and I appreciate your call.
You're saying that they use these big field generators to contain the black, the tiny black holes that they admittedly have created.
They're not the same type as you would see in deep space, but they're similar, similar phenomenon.
And so then the Russians wouldn't attack it because if they blow up the facility, then the black hole will get loose.
I don't really think that's kind of far-fetched, but who knows with these people?
The point is, they want to play God.
And so, they don't even know, according to what they're saying, what they're doing.
It's pure research.
And they admit, oh yeah, this could cause a chain reaction, and could implode the Earth, or could shift, create a particle that bonds to everything else, and basically turns us all to rock instantly.
There's a lot of different things it could do, to put it in layman's terms.
They've got us all worried about carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
That's the new global tax, a new threat.
They've listed it as a toxic waste.
It's not.
It's a life gas, just like oxygen.
It's 50% of the life equation on this planet.
Well, you could argue you need oxygen, you need carbon dioxide, and you need water.
But of the two gases that are used in respiration by humans,
By all animals and then by plants, it's a 50% of the equation, or you could say it's 33.3% of the equation if you added water into that.
But meanwhile, they're just running around wildly doing whatever they want, dumping toxic waste, chopping down forests, cross-species, open air everywhere, spreading, you know, huge cyclotrons smashing heavy particles into each other, just hybrids, human-animal hybrids, just frothing insanity.
You understand, when they're firing these DNA guns into the cells, it creates super viruses.
It activates ancient viruses and bacteria that are built into our DNA.
They thought 96% of it was junk.
It wasn't.
It's an entire code of not just our species, but other species that aren't even related in our evolutionary development.
And I'm not debating evolution with people.
I believe in God.
I believe it's a false debate they've created to make people go argue how the Earth was created or what was done.
And I'm not saying the evolutionists are all right about how old the Earth is.
I'm saying that the DNA, it's a fact.
It is a fact that there are all these other viruses and bacteria and everything we've defeated as a species.
I mean, they have found basically the entire DNA of a prehistoric crocodile in our genetics.
Genetic engineers and the Darwinists don't even know why that's there, because they don't believe we're even descended from that, in their false equation.
The answer is we don't know, folks.
I mean, we were designed.
In fact, that's now happening.
All these top geneticists who were atheists, I could list them, just type in top geneticist, you know, says there's design here.
Says we were, I mean, you look at it, folks, it's basically got serial numbers on it, okay?
And they're in there with DNA guns just firing into all of it.
96% of it they thought was junk.
It was not junk.
There is all sorts of incredible code in there.
And they blast genes into it and suddenly thousands of random things happen.
Because they gotta play God.
They gotta find out what it's gonna do.
And I'm not against research, but you better be careful about it.
Well, they're not careful.
All right, Peggy, Mike, Jimmy, we'll get to you when we... Let's just go to one right now.
Let's talk to Mike in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
I just wanted to bring up the fact that we're now in the second quarter of 2008 and listening to all the news reports out there.
You hear about the negative growth of the economy, and everything's pointing towards a recession.
And I'm not an economics guy, but I did take a few courses in college.
I do remember that a recession is pretty much two consecutive quarters of what they call negative real economic growth.
Now, my question is, why
Why can't any politician or any media news outlet just admit that we're in a recession?
Let's talk about it on the other side.
Stay there.
I'll give you my take on this important question.
Then we'll talk to Peggy and Jimmy and many others.
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Living on the road, my friend
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Ah, the immortal Willie Nelson!
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We're waking people up.
All right, we're gonna go to Bud, Peggy, Jimmy, Ian, many others here in a moment.
Go back to Mike in Connecticut.
Mike, to answer your question, in the past they would admit a recession because they were still trying to have some truth in the media.
Now they are just practicing deception.
In reality, for the last, what, six plus years, we have had the average Americans lost about a thousand dollars pay a year.
Those are federal numbers, but they don't really publicize them.
So we've really been in a recession for a long time.
Most economists we have on say standard of living has been going down since the late seventies.
So that really is a recession too.
We're just in now a new debt economy.
But there's no doubt that for the last two quarters, the last six months, which really been contracting,
But they're still having debates about that and lying about that.
And it's because things are so grave that they're busy positioning their money, getting themselves ready for a larger implosion.
They don't want to scare all the cattle.
So they keep telling the cattle everything's fine.
Does that answer your question?
Well, yeah, that's kind of the answer I was expecting.
But when there's so many obvious indicators
Like 80,000 jobs lost in the month of March.
Wall Street has its worst quarter ever, well not ever, in five years.
The first quarter of 2008.
Unemployment and joblessness at all-time highs.
You start to see all these major indicators, not just things like corporations losing money or the price of consumer goods going up.
You see major indicators that
Not only are we in a recession, but that we may be headed towards a depression, a total economic depression, and they're saying on the news that, well, maybe we might be in a recession.
It's almost like they're saying 1 plus 1 does not equal 2.
They're saying 1 plus 1 equals 5.
And I just don't understand how
We could be expected to believe the accuracy of any economic reports coming through the mainstream media when they're telling us that 1 and 1 don't equal 2.
I mean, if you look at the actual reports, most of those are pretty accurate.
It's the overall conclusion they take from those data.
They'll take horrible data and know we're not going to look at it.
Then tell us the data shows us everything's fine.
I appreciate your call.
We're gonna go to break for 70 seconds, and I'm coming right back to Bud, Peggy, everybody else that is patiently holding 1-800-259-9231.
It is open line Friday.
I haven't gotten into Ted Turner and how he wants to reduce world population.
I've got some comments and analysis on that.
The Jesse Ventura story broke massive yesterday, breaking even bigger today.
Good job everybody spreading the word on that.
Got some audio clips there.
Universities like to fly Mexican flags only in the U.S.
If you take them down, you will go to jail.
We'll be covering that as well.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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In Game.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is wide open phones on this Friday edition, the fourth day of April 2008.
We're going to be getting into Ted Turner saying that we need to get out of the way and dive.
He'd only have one child, but he's going to have five.
We'll get into that, all the economic news.
There's so much, but let's continue with your calls.
You're on the air, Bud.
Bud in Texas.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I agree with your statement on fluoride, and all of us who are awake know that fluoride is bad for you.
I don't really agree with your math, mathematician, I mean, your mathematics, though.
Um, when they speak of one part per million fluoride being okay, and then they say .2 fluoride or .202 fluoride,
They're speaking, it's still the one part per million.
No, they're not.
But then they say two-tenths of one part per million.
Sir, sir, I actually looked it up last night.
I wanted to be specific.
Okay, when something says 0.1, that's a hundredth.
And then when it says out from that another, then it's a... No, no, no, no.
0.1 is one-tenth.
Are you saying that there is one part per million in toothpaste?
No, you said there's two, I mean one part per million is acceptable.
No, I did not say that.
What did you just say?
No, I said they say that.
Okay, you said that they said that one part per million was acceptable.
Yes, sir.
You also said it's two-tenths of one part per million in our water systems or in a lot of school water systems.
Now, two-tenths of one part per million is less than one part per million.
Listen, I appreciate your call, sir.
All I can do is on the website post the numbers to you, okay?
The water supply has much lower levels.
This is very simple, instead of making this this hard, okay?
Look, let's just make this real simple right now for everybody, okay?
You know what?
I'm just going to have an article written about it.
And I'll have all the math out there, okay?
We can do it all with a calculator and make it very clear for everybody.
I can even videotape me with a calculator if you'd like.
And put it on the web.
It's very simple.
What I was discussing is, there is a lot more fluoride
in toothpaste and fluoride treatments and fluoride gums and fluoride pills that they push on elementary school students than there is in the water.
There is more fluoride in fluoride treatments, in toothpaste, in things of that nature, than there is in the water supply.
That's what I was saying.
I was saying that it's bad enough to have one part per million in the average water supply.
Some are higher, some are lower.
But the average is one part per million.
Austin says they're one and a half parts per million, but they've done water testing.
Sometimes it's higher, sometimes it's lower.
And then I was saying, if that's bad for your brain, they say it's good for you.
Though now, the Dental Association and others are saying it isn't.
Then imagine how bad two parts per hundred is.
And yes, if you have 0.2, you can go to the Health Department website, you can read, that's what's in these fluoride treatments and gums.
Some of them are 0.5.
That is one hundredth.
Sometimes the simplest math is hard, and I know it gets confusing here.
But that is
Two parts per hundred.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with me.
Look, you can go buy the fluoride treatment at the store and read on the back of the bottle.
It'll say.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm looking at the New York State Health Department and it says that they give the children 0.2
Fluoride treatment.
The mouthwash.
The high-powered, uh, syrupy stuff.
And I know that is extremely, extremely strong.
I need to call my dad.
He's a dentist.
But he just went on vacation.
A well-deserved one.
You know what?
I ought to just call his office right now and have them go back and get one of the big bottles of fluoride treatment.
And then tell us what it is.
But on the back of toothpaste, it just says in what order fluoride comes.
Sodium fluoride.
It doesn't even say what part.
The point is, it's very toxic.
And so we can have arguments about what the health department means by that.
Some of them say 0.5, some of them say 0.4, 0.3, 0.2.
0.2 is what most health departments say.
They're fluoride treatment and pills and gum they push on the kids.
You know, we got the experts out there.
How about you all go call the info for yourself or look it up online and how about we create a thread on theprisonplanet.com forum?
And I'll remember in the third hour to go read some of it on the air and go to links and the research you guys and gals do is just amazing.
My point is we know it's a lot higher.
We know they say if you swallow a pea-sized amount of toothpaste, go to poison control.
By the way, John, I sent it to you three days ago and I forgot to play it.
Do you have that fluoride clip from the San Diego City Council where they have the top scientist,
The head of a national organization up there talking about how deadly it is?
Yeah, cue that up.
I had that printed off three days ago, his actual title.
He's like the former head national toxicologist or something like that.
I can't keep track of all this data anymore, but the point is, the head dentist in Canada, who's also a toxicologist, like 16 years ago, it's been all over the Canadian news a couple years ago,
He lobbied to get fluoride put in, but he thought it was sodium fluoride in a small amount.
Then he found out it was hundreds of times what you need, and that it wasn't even the right fluoride, and that under law they're allowed to put hundreds of other mercury, lead, arsenic into it.
What they call fluoride isn't fluoride.
It's toxic waste from the manufacture of aluminum, nuclear power plant rods, and
So go ahead and... They got a guy from a Cancer Research Institute first, and then they have the scientist up there.
There's just hundreds of these on the web.
Go ahead and play this.
But the top dentist in Canada then has now apologized.
He travels all over.
He said, my God, this brain damages people, and they knew it.
Why are they doing this?
He goes, they're crazy.
They're not crazy.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Go ahead and roll it.
Fluoride is an extremely dangerous toxin.
It's a toxic byproduct of the fertilizer and the aluminum industry.
And twice San Diego voters have rejected it.
1954 and 1968.
Now we're trying to put fluoride back into our water and we're dead set against it.
Hydrofluoric acid is not fluoride.
It is raw, untreated hazardous waste from the pollution scrubbers of the phosphate fertilizer mining industry.
What citizen in San Diego would say yes to that?
And our city council is saying, what?
There are a number of studies, some rather large, with 450,000 participating children, showing that African-American children suffer a six-fold increase in blood levels of lead,
And a doubling of the amount of dental fluorosis.
The CDC, this is their disclaimer, fluoridation is safe and healthy and promotes its use for people of all ages.
This is a brief outline from the CDC about fluorosis.
You can find it on San Diego County Dental Society's webpage about fluoridation.
Until now, most researchers concluded that fluoride intake during a child's first 10 to 12 months had very little impact on the developmental condition in permanent teeth.
A recent study, however, has raised the possibility that fluoride exposure during the first year of life may play a more important role in the fluorosis and development than was previously understood.
That means that the results aren't in yet and we're still giving our kids, we're subjecting them to possible fluorosis even though the results aren't in.
The results are in and it rots holes in your teeth.
Wonder why you got white spots all over your teeth?
But you go to the store, it says fluorinated water added extra fluoride.
Because your baby needs it.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to Peggy in Pennsylvania.
Peggy, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
I'm glad you're telling the truth about cavities and teeth in general because I have some more information about various
Lies told to the public by food manufacturers.
One of the biggest lies that's still being perpetrated even in health food magazines is that saturated fat is bad for you.
I'm talking about saturated fat in milk and meat.
No, it's good for your brain and there's literally thousands of studies on that.
What's bad is the trans fats, the processed fats, that are basically like plastic.
They're unnatural.
They're made in a laboratory and if you were to take a
There was an experiment done by one guy, he took a margarine, this was in the 30's when it had been around for a while, and he took some margarine and set it on his windowsill.
The flies wouldn't touch it, the bugs wouldn't go near it, the animals wouldn't lick off of it.
In fact, nothing happened to it, it just sat there, and he said after two years that it collected so much dust that he threw it away.
It's not natural.
And your body, when you eat margarine and trans fat and it goes into your body,
It makes your cell walls stiff.
They're supposed to be softer and pliable, which is what saturated fat is.
When they get like that, basically nutrients can't enter into it properly.
When that happens, it interferes with all sorts of disease processes.
I mean, it interferes with the healthy processes in your body and sets of disease, such as heart disease.
That's right, and now they even have to admit 20 years of statin drugs to suppress cholesterol, actually cause heart attacks, cause strokes, cause cancer.
Instead, when they do the autopsies, they just pull out huge globs in the arteries of people, and it is the trans fats.
It is the fake
The other thing that they're lying to you about is that they're telling you if you eat saturated fat you'll gain weight.
Uh, are what causes you to gain weight.
And that is just a fact.
It is absolutely the sugar or carbohydrate.
Well, you need some carbos.
You need a balanced diet.
And I appreciate your call.
And every point you're making is documented and true.
It is absolutely admitted.
And I have an uncle, uh, my dad's brother was a motorcycle accident.
He's just fine, but he has, you know, seizures a few times a year.
But in the medical literature, I remember 15 years ago reading about it and him talking about it, they tell you, no, eat more fat.
Eat more bacon.
The brain is made, the part that isn't water, 70% water, is over 90% cholesterol.
The brain is an electrochemical oil-based computer.
And that's why they tell people now, advanced chess players in international championships, they tell people, you know, before you take a test, make sure you've had a balanced meal and make sure while you're doing studying you've been getting enough of complex fats.
You need the whole scale.
Too much of any fat's bad.
It's all about balance, ladies and gentlemen.
And yes, fats are very good.
Take Scandinavian men.
They have one of the highest fat diets of any culture, but it's beef.
Organic beef.
And they just had a study that came out yesterday.
The longest lived men in the world are Icelandic.
And the second longest lived group is also on the mainland, one of the Scandinavian nations.
I need to pull that up.
He posted it on InfoWars.
And then the third most long lived are the Japanese men.
And it's because
They get up early, they work all day, they're big into exercise, but they also get a balanced meal that they're eating.
And they eat a lot of fat, ladies and gentlemen.
They eat a lot of fat.
Most northern people do, because it's a good energy source.
The Eskimos, the Inuits, the Nordics are all big fat eaters.
The Nordics eat a lot of whale.
Not anymore, but
Really only with the Eskimos, there's a few countries that still allow whaling.
I'm not saying whaling is a good thing, I'm just saying pure blubber.
They have an appetite for succulent fat steaks, not me.
One of them could eat no fat and one of them could eat no fins, so together they clean the platter.
What's the saying?
Let's go ahead and talk to Jimmy in California.
You're on the air, Jimmy.
Hey Alex, thanks for letting me jack into the worldwide broadcast on InfoWars.com.
Hey, that last caller really makes the phrase, I can't believe it's not butter, change the whole commercial for me.
Hey, listen, last night I noticed you were, when you were on Georgian Ori, he seemed like he was leaning a little bit in the direction of Ted Turner when he was saying, he was trying to get you, it seemed like he was trying to get you to go down the road of admitting that there was more people than are necessary.
Well, I think George, he said what he was doing.
He said, I'm going to play devil's advocate.
That way it's not just a one-sided show.
And he said, you know, are there too many people?
And then I got to answer the question.
Hey, can I ask you one more question?
I'm curious about why there seems to be sort of an extreme silence about Barack Obama.
I mean, it seems like there's a lot of red meat inside of his compound as far as his background is concerned.
And I don't really hear a lot of coverage about it.
What do you think?
Well, stay there.
I'm going to let you have the floor and you can talk about the dirt in Barack Obama's background.
I'll tell you why I don't cover him much when we get back.
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Bring down the Berlin Wall, baby!
Too many slaves in this world, got atrocious and funny.
Too many people do not see, making themselves go insane.
Too many people do not know,
You gotta love it!
I love this music video showing a big ball crashing into the Berlin Wall.
And I made the point yesterday, but I'll make it again.
The globalists did stage the falling of the wall.
They decided to bring it down because the rebellion was already so great.
They capitulated.
They gave in.
Then they tried to control it, but it still didn't work for them.
And that's because artists and musicians and activists
In Germany, all over the world, it started rebelling.
And even that incredible police state that the Stasi were running, that our government's tried to recreate, by even hiring Marcus Wolff, is now falling apart.
Alright, getting into Barack Obama.
Barack Obama has Zbigniew Brzezinski as his handler.
He has all these other globalists.
He's CFR, his wife's CFR.
He has said that he's not going to get rid of NAFTA or GATT.
He's total New World Order.
It doesn't matter if it's Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or John McCain, they're all New World Order.
Now Hillary's been involved in more murders, more corruption, she's clearly more evil, she's been around longer.
He'll make his bones, I'm sure, and, you know, become more wicked, more like the Emperor as he gets more power.
McCain is completely out of his mind.
You have to give it to Obama that he did vote against the war, but other than that, he's got all these communists in his background and
He's got corrupt money in his background.
He's got all the big brokerage houses in his background.
But we don't... I mean, I didn't talk about Bill Clinton's last year and a half in office, because we know Bill Clinton's evil.
We know Bill Clinton's bad.
We know Bill Clinton is doing all these terrible things.
And I just call him a puppet.
Minimizing him down to puppets.
They don't run anything.
Only if we got a Ron Paul in.
Where he could actually use the office of the presidency to cut back on the New World Order, and he used it as a bully pulpit to white people up, would it have value?
So I hope that answers your question, Jimmy.
It really is a distraction overall.
Well, I mean, do you think that the Brzezinski clan
You know, the Calderons, do you think these people are already assuming the position and controlling some of the world events that are going on right now?
Because, I mean, it similarly looks a lot like the events, you know, taking place during the Carter administration.
I mean, just with the whole inflation, the economy.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, they'll use Barack Obama, whoever goes in, as their front.
And then four to eight years later, and I appreciate your call, they get everything blamed on them, and then the next puppet comes in.
Instead of the people realizing it's the elite that never left office, it's the elite that are falsely in control of our government at the bare minimum since 1913, and fully since the National Security Act of 47.
And then Kennedy tried to buck that, so they blew his head off.
So, instead of them always tricking us with a new puppet, let's see past the puppet.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ian in Canada.
You're on the air.
Yeah, hey Alex.
I was just wondering, you were talking about Ted Turner and bioviruses earlier, sorry, like bioengineered viruses earlier, and I was just wondering what you thought of possibly, instead of attacking our bodies with the bioengineered virus, but attacking our food.
I was thinking that they'd probably attack our food with the bio-virus.
They've been doing that.
Iran's had all sorts of clear bio-weapons.
Hit their wheat, hit their corn, hit their crops.
Oh, and the CIA's always flown over and dumped out bio-weapons, chemicals, locusts on who they don't like.
Yeah, because I was just thinking that they'd probably release that on us, and then, you know... Oh yeah, they do all the time.
They do it in Africa, Asia.
There were programs in the 50s to kill the crops in Asia.
It's just how it operates, yeah?
Well, I'd just like to say one more thing.
You know, I was just woken up, actually, a few months ago to the New World Order and what's going on with that.
When I was, like, a kid, between grade two and my first year of university... Stay there, I want to hear what happened on the other side.
More calls, I'm going to get into the latest Ventura information, the latest Ted Turner info, the economy, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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His mother told him someday you will be a man And you will be the leader of a big old band Many people coming from miles around To hear you play your music when the sun go down Maybe someday your name will be in lights and Johnny be good tonight Go, go, go Johnny, go!
Go, go, go!
Chuck Berry!
Granddaddy of it all!
That's the Chess Classic, the original.
One of my friends recommended we play that, and it certainly is some good bumper music.
I'm going to say hi to Jimmy out there listening.
Going back to the caller, I'm going to take a few more and I'm going to get in the news and back into your calls.
We're at the halfway point of the transmission here and I've got to start getting into the news.
Let's go ahead and go back to Ian in Canada.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just wanted to say as a little last point, don't give up on anybody who you don't think you'd be able to wake up because
I was prescribed and addicted to Ritalin from grade 2 until about last year, my last year of university.
I kicked Ritalin and basically the minute I did that I started waking up to the new world order.
I just wanted to say, if I can kick their mind control drugs, if I can
You know, kick that and... Oh, I would never, no listen, listen, I've been fluoridated my whole life, had a lot of head injuries, I mean, I mean, you know, the body is resilient, it comes back, despite their chemical warfare against you, that they institutionalize into the system, you have defeated them, and the best revenge is living well, and so live well, never use their trash, and defeat them.
I grow my own potatoes, so I'll never need theirs.
Good, defeat them, good, good to hear from you, my friend.
That's how you defeat them, never use their drugs, legal or illegal.
Never get caught in their snare.
Just know they're miserable, pathetic scum, and know you're living good life.
That's how you defeat the enemy.
Okay, I know we've got Scott, Jason, Stefan, Mike, others.
I'm going to get to you, but I need to go ahead and get into the economic news, and then I'm going to take calls, and then I will spend a lot of time on Ted Turner and his population reduction info.
Just here in the office, they just did a bunch of research
Mike did here in the office.
And he found different university studies in Australia, in Brazil.
He was just doing a search for... He's a paramedic.
He got sick of it, but he's a pretty smart guy for looking this stuff up.
Got a lot of medical training.
He looked up levels of fluoride.
And here is New York.
New York, ages six and older.
10 milliliter, 5 milliliter of 0.2 sodium fluoride solution.
So there it is, and it says, they don't say what that means.
So we looked it up.
We're going to do more research on this.
This is, the study here I've got is out of Brazil.
Oral-B and all the other brands.
And this university study found that in many cases it was hundreds of times what the bottle even said.
This is incredible.
All this data.
We're going to get all this posted on the website.
I'm going to do a big article.
I'm going to do a lot of research on this this weekend.
Holy mackerel.
See, I'm here reading this on air and just pausing.
Put it to you this way.
One part per million fries your brain.
Really bad for you.
We're talking about parts per thousand, ladies and gentlemen, bare minimum.
This is just amazing.
Absolutely mind
Blowing that these type of things are happening.
Okay, let me go ahead and get into the economic stack here.
This is Bloomberg Financial today.
Chertcow, once a dollar bull, sees long-term decline.
The dollar will fall in coming years as the U.S.
seeks a weak currency to boost exports and cut its trade and current accounts deficits, said Paul Chertow, a former head of currency strategy at the Bank of Tokyo, Mitsubishi, UFJ, one of the biggest banks in Japan.
currency will drop to between 80 and 85 yen this quarter, the lowest since 1995,
The U.S.
Chertow said, who retired this week of a 27-year career on Global Foreign Exchange, said in an interview it will also fall to 1.65 against the Euro and may trade as low as 1.70.
That would be 5 cents weaker than it is now at all-time lows currently.
The dollar will go weaker over time, said Chertow, 60, who currently predicts the U.S.
appreciation the nineteen eighties a forecast he said earned him reputation as a dollar bowl so he correctly predicted the appreciation that is the increase in value the americans arm like the weakness of the dollar because it improves the competitive position of the u.s.
which is one of the few things going for the u.s.
economy but we have no real industry so it doesn't help americans also had to recognize there has to be weakness in domestic demand the dollar
Which has lost 14% against the yen in the last year alone.
Was at 102.38 against the Japanese currency.
But has fallen further.
It just goes into it.
So that's one of the top currency experts in the world.
And he goes on and on.
You can read the article.
We've got a link to it up on InfoWars.com.
Not good news there.
Oil edges up as dollar slumps again.
Traders await U.S.
And oil recovered.
Yesterday's losses as the dollar turned lower against the euro, making dollar price oil cheaper for holders of foreign currencies.
See, it's the dollar devaluation that makes oil go up.
Meanwhile, they have the oil executives, and I'm not saying they're lily white.
They're very corrupt, and they're part of a cartel.
But by the way, the oil execs yesterday
Properly said, hey, we just sell from the cartel.
The cartel, OPEC, is jacking up the price artificially.
And they said, but the dollar's also dropping, so it's a perfect storm.
And they went on to add that we're just the resellers.
I mean, OPEC's more than 90% of production.
Yeah, there's wildcatting in Colorado and Texas and
Off the coast, in the Gulf, and all over the place, but those are small wells compared to the type of oil.
You know, sweet crude, it's almost like gasoline.
It's so refined, so pure, it's coming right out of the ground in giant three-foot-round pipes.
Biggest pipes you see in the U.S.
out of a single well are six inches, sometimes a foot, but I'm digressing.
The larger issue here is that
They are issuing more liquidity.
They are printing more money.
They are driving down the value of the dollar.
That fundamental is only intensifying.
And the general public is buying the controlled media spin by thinking that they can judge the health of the dollar and the economy on a week-to-week basis.
I mean, the dollar slides to 156.
Against the Euro, and then it goes back to 155, and the headlines are, dollars recovered, the country's strong, everything's fine, because it gains back less than 1% of its value, and then the next week, loses it again, and then is set to plunge even further.
That is the year-long graph is going straight down.
The five-year graph is going straight down.
The seven-year graph is going straight down.
But the media focuses in on the daily and weekly graphs, and they're not lying outright by showing you a daily or weekly graph.
They're telling the truth that, yeah, the dollar's up when it goes up half a cent, but then the next week it drops another cent.
Then they don't really talk too much about that.
That's where the manipulation is.
Now, the oil companies did artificially buy up 200-plus refineries in the U.S.
Their own memos came out in 2000 in lawsuits AP reported.
We've written articles about that at PrisonPlanet.com.
They did come in and buy up refineries to create an artificial bottleneck to add some of their own padding in domestically and when Atlantic Richfield and others found oil reserves larger than Saudi Arabia's in the seventies and that's now leaked out and not just been talked about by Lindsey Williams but by oil execs and in oil publications and
Because they're in a deal with the cartel to keep prices down.
So they're all colluding together.
But it isn't the oil companies alone that are doing it.
That's my point.
And payroll data came out.
Payrolls are dropping.
Fed interest rates gains could destroy the dollar.
This is the Detroit News.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has reduced the key federal funds rate six times in as many months.
Reducing the cost of major borrowers significantly.
This combined with providing $270 million in funding, plus $30 billion in additional guarantees for JPMorgan Chase and Bear Stearns Co., which means they're in trouble.
Helicopter Ben is living up to the nickname he earned after he remarked in a 2002 speech that he would stave off recession even if he had to drop money from helicopters to do it.
The results of these policies have been destructive.
The dollar is collapsing, not only against foreign currencies, we now are at par with the Canadian dollar, and rocketing towards, actually the Canadian dollar is above us, towards a 2 to 1 deficit against the Euro, but also against commodities.
Gold was passing the $1000 landmark, silver $20, even industrial metals like copper and zinc are fetching record prices.
Now a spike in particular commodities, say for instance, $100 per barrel oil, can be attributed to the shortage.
But when they all move dramatically and simultaneously, it's the purchasing power of our money that has gone down.
Now, when they start admitting this in the Wall Street Journal and the Detroit News, we're in trouble.
Because then that does destroy confidence.
See, you're getting the inside angle the bankers have.
They've been positioning for five, six years their money into commodities and out of the dollar.
That's why we said, hey, they're abandoning ship going to lifeboats five years ago.
You see, and then we got confirmation three years ago out of Bilderberg, and then out of Davos two years ago.
And we said, folks, get to the lifeboats.
They already left.
They're already way off from the ship.
The ship's now listing about to capsize.
Get off the ship!
But if we could talk to the whole country, it'd probably cause the Depression tomorrow.
It's coming, but the idiot yuppie confidence is allowing you to extricate and evacuate as well.
You might as well do what the globalists are doing.
I mean, the Vice President a couple years ago dumped, what was it, six million dollars of all of his dollars.
He dumped all his dollars that he had in the bank and bought Euros and Swiss bonds.
Oh man, I'm starting to get really mad here.
I mean, I consciously know all of this, but then when I read it just in the open... Okay, we got some 9-11 news coming up dealing with Mukasey and all of his corruption.
The Attorney General's in a lot of trouble.
But before we do that, I wanted to bring Ted in here.
Gold has rocketed up today, and I'm telling you this is a buying opportunity because all of the fundamentals say that gold's going to go well above $2,000 just to reach its dollar parity with 1980's previous high.
You know, gold hitting $8.50 in 1980.
At its all-time high.
Well, for inflation, we're talking $2,300 plus now, because the dollar's been devalued more.
So my point is, at least gold can't be completely devalued.
It's real.
And when the dollar folds, it won't be that gold's $5,000 an ounce, which it could conceivably go to, but $2,000 is conservative.
The fact is, and it's not a question of if but when, this bubble will play out.
It is playing out.
You're seeing all the real effects on the streets.
And when it does play out, next week, next month, two years, three years from now, we don't know.
We just know it's going to happen.
And God help us.
Ted, we only have about three minutes.
I keep babbling here.
It's just that
If I had extra funds right now, and I've got a little bit, enough to buy some silver, but you're basically out of that, I would move into gold right now.
I'm going to try to buy a few coins.
But, Ted, people are crazy because you've got gold when it went to its new low last week, and now it's already gone up 50 bucks or something.
So, what should people do?
To me, Alex, it's obvious.
I mean, gold was, the sell-off came from the central banks.
They're trying to prop the dollar back up again, but we know this dollar's going to be doomed and it's going to be dead.
So when they sell it, they're creating an opportunity for us to get into something at a lower price.
It's like they put it on sale today.
They were able to sell some of their stock to you for less than what it was going for in the market.
Now's the time to be getting in.
Right now, the same fundamentals that created the rush for gold here just two or three weeks ago are still here.
Just like Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul and everybody else who's lining up.
I read economists all the time.
Everybody can say the same thing.
They're all pointing at the same thing.
I remember when gold was $2.65 on the show, and then it went up to $400, went back to $350.
I said, buy, buy.
And people generally don't.
They wait until it's skyrocketing.
Then it goes to $500, drops back down to $450.
I say, buy, buy.
They don't.
They wait until it's at $550.
Then it goes back down to $500.
I say, buy, buy.
They don't.
They buy when it goes to $600.
Then it goes to $700.
It drops back down to $625.
I say, buy, buy.
They wait until it goes to $800.
They don't.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Gold is only going to go up.
It may go up or down a little bit, but it's already found its bottom.
And Kitco and others are almost always right.
They're saying it's going to start racing back up again.
They predicted three weeks ago it would go down in a week.
It did, because the central bank said they were going to dump their gold.
Ladies and gentlemen, tell them about the offer you've got, Ted.
Yeah, right now it's the same thing I offered yesterday, but gold's even up higher.
I have British Sovereigns right now at $247 a coin.
That is a steal.
We also have the Frank coin right now.
They're at $197.
Alex, there's never been a time since 1980 that I've been in this business where I haven't been able to sell gold or silver, but I ran out of silver to sell.
Give that a thought in your head for just a minute to think about the supply of silver.
Has that ever happened to you, Tim?
I've never been in a position where I couldn't sell.
How many years?
24 years?
Well, it's coming up on 30 now.
So that's the kind of market that we're in right now.
The supply is very tight.
The supply on gold is tight as well.
The central banks have been pushing down the prices of gold and silver to the point where their mining production stopped.
So now we have short supply all over the place.
And it's no surprise to me that when the dollar starts falling, the supply chain drops.
Because you can't just turn on a silver mine.
You know what it takes to do it?
You have to buy all those trucks and hire the people.
Give them the numbers, Chad.
It's 1-800-686-BILLION.
Again, it's 1-800-686-2237.
Yeah, you really do need to get involved now, Alex.
Every now and then, I get somebody that calls me.
They're concerned that things have dropped a little bit.
Hey, wake up, man!
The same problems that occurred here just three weeks ago are right here, right now, facing us, and we're going to see the gold and silver go up as the dollar goes up.
It's racing back up.
Use this as a buying opportunity.
You have got gold at, what, 40-something bucks marked in?
I mean, so you've secured gold, what, a week and a half ago?
Yeah, it was around $8.87 when it hit its bottom.
How long until you're out of that gold?
Well, right now, people are buying it up.
It could be just sometime this weekend, you know.
I'll hold on to it.
I want to hear on the other side how long you can do this deal.
Hold on, Ted.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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Front porch sitting.
In an old rocking chair The sun is hot in the Texas sky Garden growing Clothes out on a line A dusty road when a car goes by Storytelling of days long ago
And the only place she'd ever been Singing softly, this world was not my home Memories take me back again When I was young and Grandma wasn't home
Boy, I remember that.
That brings back memories.
I remember when the roads were dirt out there by the farm.
Alright, going back to Ted.
And next hour, your call is totally jam-packed news.
On Ventura, huge developments there.
On Ted Turner, I haven't even gotten into it yet.
We just covered some of the economy.
Ted, the fundamentals are there.
Gold is over $910 an ounce right now.
This is a buying opportunity.
People are going to kick themselves if they don't move into it now.
You know, I bought gold when it was right at $1,000, and I'm happy as a pig, because I also bought it when it was $300.
Happy as a pig in mud.
I have another saying I was about to say.
Because they could devalue the currency I got in the bank any day down to nothing, and they are.
At least I've got some security, and that's what this comes down to, and you've got great buys.
Tell them those coins again, Ted.
Yeah, sure, Will.
We do have the British Sovereign right now.
It's at $247.
I also have the Frank coin at $197.
One of the things I'd like to bring up, Alex, I know we just have a real quick short period of time here, but when I started in 1980, the Hunt brothers were trying to corner the marketplace.
At that time, I could sell junk silver as much as I wanted.
I could get old BU coins.
I could get silver dollars.
I could get all that stuff without any trouble.
And here we are in the year 2008, and I can't get any supply.
That's because the central banks have basically shut down the mining production, not only of silver, but also of gold, back just a few years ago when it hit about that $200 an ounce range.
It's a byproduct of other materials that they're taking out of the ground now.
And in order to go right straight back to strip mining and silver, again, it's going to take a lot.
And same with gold.
It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time, and of course,
Let's explain.
The infrastructure is shut down because the bankers drove down the price to nothing and then documents came out in an intent to buy up all the gold companies to later have a bull market.
But now the infrastructure is not there.
Jewelry makers have just basically stopped selling gold.
That's been in the news.
Now they've rushed back in greedily right now to buy because they know it's going to be going back up.
Yeah, that's exactly what's going on, Alex.
There's just not enough supply to meet demand.
And that's why the prices are going up, and that's why it'll continue to go up.
Plus, also, the United States debt hasn't been erased either.
That's eaten us alive right now, and binarically... Well, I just talked about one of the, you know, the head of the Mitsubishi Bank.
Uh, you know, their currency expert who just retired, and he just said, look, the dollar's toast.
I hope that's not the case.
But unfortunately, it is already toast.
It's already been devalued by 60 plus percent against the euro, and now they're saying it's going to go down further.
Give Ted and his brokers a call.
So you got gold coins, Ted.
You're saying no silver.
Right now, you might be able to, if you've got little tiny amounts of money, you might be able to get into little tiny bits of this and that that I can get.
I'm just not going to make a promise that I can ship something that I can't.
People want to buy silver.
So you literally almost have nothing in your vault silver-wise?
It's just, it's dry as a bone right now.
I can't believe it got to this point.
Well, I mean, remember two weeks ago the headline, 12 major distributors are out?
Yeah, that's what's going on.
I'm pushing all over the place trying to find this stuff.
It's tough.
Very tough out there.
1-800-686-2237 if you'd like to take advantage of any one of these offers.
Ted, thanks for coming on.
Okay, we're going to come back, cover the news, stay with us, but give Ted a call.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, coming up later in the next segment, I'm going to get into Jesse Ventura, play some TV newscast clips.
I also have a clip of a fellow convicted at a university.
The university only flies the Mexican flag in hatred of America.
And that's what it's all about, the destruction of the sovereignty.
They're just using Mexico as a set piece to get it done, and he has been convicted.
And they almost sent him to prison for a hate crime.
They said it's very hateful not to worship the Mexican flag.
Of course, you go to a Mexican soccer game after 9-11, they were cheering and chanting Osama Bin Laden and burning American flags, but I'm just supposed to say that doesn't exist and just shut up and love it.
Oh, the Mexicans in Mexico just love us.
Well, yeah, a lot of them do.
But a lot of them don't.
And so don't you dare get mad about the American flag being taken down and Mexican flags run up.
That's the way it works, boy.
Just shut your scum-filled mouths and love the death of this country.
That's what the government's there for!
Ted Turner.
Last night, I was on Coast to Coast AM.
George Norrie had me on to talk about this and I kicked myself.
I'm like, man, I had this article and I didn't even cover it.
Why is that?
It's because when you're so close to this problem, and it becomes so passe, that Ted Turner wants world population reduction, that we all just kind of forget about it and accept that that's a fact.
But remember, the general public doesn't know that.
And so George had seen Endgame, where we exposed Ted Turner for these beliefs, and saying 95% of us have to be gotten rid of, and so he had me on, but in the time I had, I get so excited I never ran through my basic points.
Some of my basic points.
I want to go over those, but here's the famous quote in Audubon Magazine by Ted Turner.
A total population of 250 to 300 million people, a 95% decline in present levels, would be ideal.
Here's Prince Philip.
This was in the Deutsche Presse Agentur DPA in 1988, said in the event.
That I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overt population.
I just want to add the point that Ted Turner has five children, but he thinks the rest of us should be limited to one.
Ted Turner's science is completely unproven concerning global warming.
Turner claims carbon dioxide, CO2, rises and kills plants when every study shows it does the opposite.
The earth has had 14 times higher CO2
Most of the time it's about ten times higher from the ice core studies, and the plants grow faster, much healthier, live longer, produce more oxygen, and then animals, that's us, mammals, insects, the entire animal kingdom, lizards, reptiles, amphibians, they all live longer.
Carbon dioxide is a good guess.
You know, you can
They did this in chemistry in high school.
The teacher read the scientific name for salt, sodium chloride.
He said, I'm going to make you all drink sodium chloride.
And I was like, no, that's poison.
What do you think of that?
Well, he goes, no, that's salt, table salt.
Just to illustrate, well, you can walk around in a crowd saying, I've got sodium chloride.
And they'll go, no, please don't put it on me.
And with a bag of it.
You know, that's the attitude.
Well, it's the same thing with carbon dioxide.
It's gonna kill us!
Oh my God!
They're releasing it!
We've got to put taxes on everyone and not have as many children and only have one child because the carbon dioxide is gonna kill us!
It's everywhere!
Oh no!
I mean, that's what they're like!
Then they say, well, okay, carbon dioxide is what plants breathe, and they produce oxygen, and that is part of the life cycle.
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water, that's the life cycle on this planet.
The three things that are needed.
When we come back, I'm going to break all this down.
I mean, every radio show, I was on a Canadian show last night, and then I was also on Coast to Coast, and I was on the Canadian show,
They were running ads in the background about everything's going green.
It's not an option.
You must do it for your survival.
Drop by our new green store.
Oh, the earth is dying.
Oh, my.
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I think so.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Private corporations that control the governments of the world know that they can't just come to you and say, you can only have one child.
We're going to say how big your house is or what job you can have.
We're going to put dozens of new taxes on you.
Unless they have an excuse.
Unless they have a pretext.
And that's what they do now.
They come in and they say, the earth is dying.
Everything's falling apart.
We've got to do our part to only have one child.
And it should be voluntary.
But there should be fines.
That's doublespeak.
It should be voluntary, but there will be fines.
In 1975, George Bush Sr., U.S.
Ambassador to China, he'd run the eugenics operations here in the U.S.
That's public information against the Native Americans, blacks, and others.
He then went to China, and they signed agreements for IMF and World Bank loans to follow the IMF and World Bank directives of presidential decision
Directives that tied into State Department Memorandum 200.
It was all an endgame.
And China became the model test ground.
And in 75 they announced, the deal was made in 74, it started in 75 to be precise.
They said, it is voluntary but you will be fined, you'll be fined and there's tax incentives to not have more than one child.
But you will be fined if you do.
And then in 1981, they began coming around and putting people in prison, sterilizing people, grabbing babies, drowning them in front of the mothers.
That's mainstream news.
That goes on.
Our government defends them, has the Olympics there, never criticizes it.
You never hear the media criticize their one-child policy?
No, it's now, well, China, it's controversial, but they're doing what they have to do.
Remember the head of the 700 Club?
Pat Robertson, six years ago, coming out and saying, well, China's doing what it has to do with forced abortion and infanticide.
And he said, yeah, they gotta have stronger Planned Parenthood.
We need that here.
Then I had people call up and go, how dare you talk bad about Pat Robertson?
So he said it, but we do have too many people.
Well, okay, if you think abortion and one-child policies are of the Lord, okay, I mean,
You know, I love it.
You'll be for abortion, but you don't want to hear rock and roll music.
I mean, it's just... You people got a major screw loose.
Major screw loose.
You miss the big stuff and then obsess on little things.
So... We had a few stations turn us off.
They said, yeah, he said that, but we don't want you talking bad about Pat Robertson.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm not for abortion.
And it's not going to happen.
Especially forced abortion.
But... So...
You know about all this going on.
Ted Turner's always shooting his mouth off about how he wants to get rid of us.
So here he is in the original article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Failure to address global warming will have us all dead or eating each other by mid-century.
That's a quote.
Cannibals running around eating each other.
You heard me right.
Says Ted Turner, the restaurateur, environmentalist, and former media mongrel, whose controversial comments have earned him the nickname, Mouth of the South.
And he went on to say, uh, one way to combat global warming, Turner said, is to stabilize the population.
There are too many people.
That's why we have global warming, he said.
Too many people are using too much stuff.
Turner suggested that on a voluntary basis, everybody in the world got to pledge to have just one or two children.
And he goes on to say that the Earth will raise its temperature by 8 degrees, and that it's going to kill us all.
Well, actually, if carbon dioxide goes up, and it does raise, as we had in the last Iberian Maxim back 8,000 years ago at the start of the Bronze Age, that's what made human populations explode.
But don't ever confuse Ted Turner with the facts.
Oh yeah, they're all dying down at the equator.
No, that's where you have higher birth rates.
That's where you have more life.
The palm trees, the coconuts, the... parrots.
127 species of parrots!
In Equatorial Africa alone!
Alright, I'm digressing.
Ted Turner's depopulation plan.
Way too many people, that's why we have global warming.
So see, global warming is an excuse to teach us humans are bad, humans are the problem, and don't worry, other humans are going to have to deal with that problem, and human life is bad, and so once you have the attitude that human life is bad, once you have the attitude that humans are something that are evil and need to be dealt with, then you can kill people, you can slaughter people, you can sterilize people, and it's the moral rationalization
For all of this.
In fact, Czech President Kloss in March of last year said, all of us are very much in favor of maximum environmental protection, protection of nature.
He said in an interview with the Cato Institute.
But it has nothing in common with environmentalism, which is, he's talking about the global warming movement, which is ideological and practically attacking our freedom.
Environmentalism, he said, in the modern sense, a way of introducing new forms of statism, new forms of masterminded human society from above.
You can watch the full interview under that by clicking on Charlie Rose, the link.
This is out of LifeSite News, Turner's E-Population Plan.
So he's got this road warrior future of everybody dying in mass if we don't, quote, stop global warming.
And this is a key I haven't stressed enough.
I don't think I've even said this more than once or twice.
Listen carefully.
They do have weather manipulation systems.
Both from aerial spraying and magnetic antenna arrays.
That's declassified.
That's admitted.
That's key.
They can control hurricanes.
They can steer them.
They can create them.
They can kill them.
They can make them stronger.
They can do a lot.
They can change the direction
Or the, not the direction, they can admittedly change where a jet stream is, moving it, they can lower it down, they can move it up higher.
That's all admitted.
And the way they're hyping this, I believe, you're going to see more and more disasters, and I believe they're engineering a lot of it.
It's the perfect form of government-sponsored, elite-sponsored terror, because they don't even have to blame it on Al-Qaeda, Al-CIA, the Patsy's, they just, and of course, Secretary of Defense Cohen, in 1997,
...said that there are weather weapons governments have developed and that they could already create earthquakes.
Now I haven't seen the declassification of that, I have seen the declassification of weather weapons.
I mean, they could control hurricanes, documented in 1968.
Stanford Research Institute, Naval Warfare Laboratory certified it.
We had the father of weather weapons, the meteorologist on here, several times, Ben Livingston.
So, they're running around telling you there's going to be mass death and destruction, and I agree, there's probably going to be that because they're engineering it.
Notice they're saying as the temperature goes up, super ebola will get out and will kill 90% of you.
Then they chortle as they work in the biology departments in level 4 bioweapons labs at level 2 security.
You seen 13 monkeys?
Better go see it.
Where the nut scientist assistant releases them super bioweapon and kills 99.9% of the people.
These folks credit Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.
They carried out eugenics worldwide.
They got the money, they got the power.
Do you think Bill Gates gave $40 billion with his wife?
And that Warren Buffett gave more than $43 billion because they want to be sweet to black African children while the Gates family runs Planned Parenthood?
You go look at what that's used for.
It's used in sterilization.
It's used in hardcore, quote, family planning.
It's used in special inoculation programs.
In Thailand, where it kills the babies.
Oh yeah, they make the women in Thailand take three shots of tetanus.
The government comes and makes them.
Says it's the law, there is no law.
There's films online, we've posted them, newscasts and such.
And, number one, tetanus is only given once every seven to nine years.
Why in Thailand are they forcing three shots?
And it's the women in the village lined up.
The baby was dancing in my tummy, happy, ate my soul.
He come, they give me first shot.
Baby stop dancing, start shaking.
Next week, next shot.
Baby not die yet, so they give me third.
Baby die, baby come out big.
Baby beautiful, they kill baby.
See, sometimes the babies fight back and they, oh, the doctor drops by after the shot the next day, which you normally wouldn't do with a tetanus shot, but they're, they're dropping by to see how you're doing.
Oh, baby, you haven't done your miscarriage yet.
Here you go.
Ah, take your fluoride pills.
Do you understand the nightmare, psychopathic eugenics?
I don't want to call them Nazis, because the Nazis learned from these people.
It was the England and U.S.
Run everything.
They're poisoning your water, poisoning your air, putting your kids on super high-powered fluoride known to cause massive brain damage.
Not just the water or toothpaste, but pills and washes forced at school on top of it.
They're hitting us hard from every angle.
Ted Turner's running around saying he wants 95% of us dead.
Dr. Pianka, the example I use, is well documented.
Texas Academy of Sciences wins the big award, 95% standing ovation, repeatedly when he talks about how he can't wait until 90% of us are dead, and how humanity is a virus and a cancer.
And they were just, yes, kill us all!
Yeah, oh, yes, oh!
But here's the larger issue.
We've got 6,400,000,000 people.
It's going to plane out in every computer model, in every population study which has been proven to be accurate, at about 8.5 billion people in 2020.
Now, only 12 years from now.
Once a country becomes industrialized, they have negative population growth.
Two parents have, on average, 1.5 children.
They don't even replace themselves.
Germany's 1.3.
Japan's what?
Italy's 1.4.
The U.S.
is 2.2, but that's because we have a huge immigrant influx, or is it 2.3?
We're dying.
And you read the Royal Population Plan, the Royal Commission on Population, 44 to 49, the British say, well we want eugenics, but that would make them be industrialized, they're gonna lower their population, but we'll go ahead and not let them industrialize, it'll cause a big balloon, but then we'll just use
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I'm going to take five more of your phone calls, Scott to Aaron.
Then I'm going to get into Jesse Ventura, get into
Being arrested if you take down the Mexican flag at a university.
And that's the only flag that's allowed.
And, uh, we're gonna get into some other news as well.
The 30 minutes we've got left are about 40 right now.
By the way, there is a big announcement coming up Monday at high noon.
When we start the second hour, I will make the announcement.
Big, big announcement dealing with this radio show and everything I do.
Uh, just, you'll find out the details Monday.
That's just three days away now.
You will find out Monday at noon, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
Whether you listen on the AM and FM dial, satellite, shortwave, internet, you'll be able to find out, starting with the second hour coming up on Monday, what that is.
Okay, let's go to Scott in Arizona.
Scott, go ahead.
Hey Alex, my question is about a lot of news articles I've been seeing here lately about the Iran war.
deal going on and that Bush I guess warned Russia not to stay neutral that he was going to attack some facilities inside Iran with nuclear bombs and I guess Saudi Arabia is doing drills right now for nuclear fallout and at that same time Israel is supposed to attack Syria.
They're doing all those things and they've got aircraft carriers lined up and if they do that I would suspect Bush would stage some terror attack here first
Uh, as a pretext.
But yeah, they're madmen, and they know their whole agenda, their whole world government agenda is stalling, so they need to really escalate it up to the next level to terrorize everybody into going along with it.
Well, they said this was going to happen in April.
Yeah, they said it's going to happen on the 5th through the 7th, but again, the Russians just do this stuff all the time.
Though, this time, there are some troubling signs.
I just, you know, we hear all the time, we've been hearing for three years they're going to attack Iran.
Yeah, they got the right outside there, ready to launch, and they got all the drills.
Well, I'll tell you why I think they may do it, and I'm not saying they're going to do it, but I'll tell you why I think they may.
The White House has been saying they may do it, and that's off the table, and they basically fired Fox Fallon, the head of the operations over there, because he wouldn't do it.
Go ahead.
Yeah, exactly.
So they got somebody that will do it now, and it's pretty scary.
I think that we might see something here in April.
That's right.
The Israelis can't even take on Lebanon.
The U.S.
and their puppet Iraqi government can't even take on a few thousand Shiites.
But oh, let's go nuke with precision nukes.
Let's go nuke.
They're saying, oh, we're allowed to nuke people first.
They're peaceful reactors that have all been inspected.
Also, George Bush, the other thing is that he warned Russia that we'll collapse your economy with our reserve currency if you get involved in it.
Where did you see that?
Um, it was on one of the articles, and actually I peeped it from the Rob Paul at first.
I was on the Rob Paul site, which didn't let me do the article, and I read, and there's like a couple different articles that are stating that same thing.
Well, I've seen that.
There's a lot of speculation going on.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, there's a Russian rumor, Lou Rockwell talks about it and all this stuff.
The Fox Fallon thing's scary.
Let's just pray it doesn't happen.
But they'll fly planes into buildings and blame it on imaginary men in caves.
I mean, there's nothing they won't do.
God help us.
Just God help us.
Jason in New York, you're on the air.
Yeah, how's it going, man?
Are you aware that 15 high-ranking Bush administration officials were subpoenaed in the AIPAC espionage trial?
Yes, I was aware of that.
Well, the reason why... I mean, basically the Bush administration is either good old boys from the banking system and oil companies, or they're public dual agents of Israel.
I mean, just publicly.
Mukasey, Chertoff,
It's unbelievable.
We might as well just move the Knesset to Washington.
Okay, well, some of the high-profile officials who are actually subpoenaed in that case, Conway Rice, Stephen Haley, Richard Armitage, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Fyfe, you know, there's ten others, but those are the high-profile officials who are subpoenaed in that case.
That's a huge scandal.
I mean, I think the media should be reporting that, like, every day, especially the alternative media like yourself.
Like, that's a huge scandal.
They're trying to suppress that story, man.
That's a big scandal, man.
I don't think anything's being suppressed.
I just had another poll out today where 90 plus percent of the world in polls believes the U.S.
and Israel are the most dangerous threat to world peace.
But the U.S.
and Israel are being used by larger set pieces.
I mean, I'm just telling you who owns our banks, and that is the power elite out of Europe, headed up by the Rothschilds, but it's a larger college of criminals, and I don't think that's any secret at all.
It's a secret to the American people to think the dollar's strong and that everything's fine.
But I mean, they've been on a giant diet of fluoride that would kill a horse, so what do you expect?
Yeah, I think you scandal, man.
Fifteen high-ranking Bush administrations subpoenaed in a spy case.
That's crazy, man.
Anything else?
Good to hear from you.
I posted all my information on the Prison Planet message board, so you can check that out.
What's the headline?
It's, uh, high-ranking Bush administration officials subpoenaed in a spy case.
Yeah, okay.
I'll go pull that up.
I'd seen that yesterday, but I'll...
I'll just go pull it up on the PrisonPlanet.com forum right now.
Also, I'm gonna go look up that fluoride info.
Okay, more calls, ton of news.
Straight ahead, stand by.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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There's too many of you to cry Brother, brother, brother There's far too many of you dying You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today
By the way, at least once a week now we take big interviews like Ed Koch or Jesse Ventura and then we edit articles and documents to either key sections of the interview or the entire interview.
We're doing that with Ventura for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
For PrisonPlanet.tv members today, ex-New York Mayor Ed Koch on hate speech
And we've destroyed him.
Every comment he says is a lie or isn't true, we put news articles blown up, multiple mainstream articles admitting it, over the interview with Ed Koch.
That's for PrisonPlanet.tv members and super high quality right there.
That's the whole point of PrisonPlanet.tv is that it's just almost DVD quality now.
It just looks so good with the new servers we've got.
We just added another CD in to make it even better.
In the next few weeks we will be streaming at least an hour a day of the show over the cameras we've got all set up in here.
And I have a little document camera where I put articles and documents or books or things I want to show you.
I have a multi-camera.
We've got a switcher, a video player in here so I can play clips off the computer or off a DVD.
You're going to see a lot of exclusives, live on air, sneak peeks of upcoming films.
And that hour a day, and it'll be different hours, a lot of times when a guest is in studio with us, or we have a guest on the phone, for PrisonPlanet.tv members, and it's going to be in a higher bitrate as well.
So that's in the next few weeks.
We're going to have that for you.
Also, there's a big announcement coming up Monday.
On the show.
I just want to remind you because we're getting pretty close to that.
Monday at noon.
Big announcement.
Biggest announcement I've ever made about this show.
And about what we're doing and the guests and the rest of it.
It's going to be pretty exciting.
Spread the word about that.
So Monday.
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Four years of that now, the anniversary is next week.
The anniversary of PrisonPlanet.tv is Monday, by the way, strangely enough.
I was just looking that up a few days ago, so four years.
All my weekly TV reports, in-studio interviews, sneak peeks of films.
There were 40 minutes of extras on Endgame on the DVD.
We gave you an hour and a half plus of extras for PrisonPlanet.tv members called it Endgame 1.5.
All the best audio interviews, everything.
My book, Paul Watson's book.
His book's out of print.
My book is nearing being out of print and I'm not going to print more.
So it'll only be available at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of pieces of media.
Okay, I'm gonna take some final four or five calls, then I'm gonna hit some final important news.
Before I get too far behind, well, we'll do the Ventura and the flag in a minute.
I'm gonna give each one of you about a minute.
Stephanie in New York, thanks for holding her on the air.
Alright, just enjoying that 5.9 GHz of light and love, caressing my little brain here.
Anyway, I wrote a little article on Obama, McCain, Clinton.
It's on here on the Life Show 11 to 2 board.
It's called, Never Before Done, Obama, McCain, Clinton, background and profiles.
It's pretty comprehensive.
It goes into why this country is in the situation it is.
You know, the rampant Obama worship, God worship, stuff like that.
It has profiles on the advisers.
I mean, Goolsby.
This guy, he's just laughing in everybody's faces.
About, um, how he went to the Canadian ambassador and he was like, Oh, Obama's nap distance is just campaign rhetoric.
And then the Canadian TV reported it, confronted him on it, and he was like, Nah, nah.
They were just around the corner and they called me.
They just say whatever they want, they think we'll believe it.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
I'd love to spend more time on your great calls.
We just run out of time here.
And it is posted in the message board.
Rise to be subpoenaed in espionage case.
Judge okays calls for intel officials to discuss talks with pro-Israel lobbyists.
So the White House is really in a lot of trouble.
Here's another Reuters story.
All the Israeli spies basically running the White House.
Man, this country's in trouble.
Judge approved Rice subpoena in secret case and it lists the 15 that have been subpoenaed.
You better bet they're trying to keep the details of this case secret.
There's also a big section on here where they have posted the different amounts that are in fluoride toothpaste.
You know what, I think I'll do a show on this or an hour on this Sunday.
Do a bunch of research, have all the numbers for you.
At least, I'm going to do 30 minutes at least Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
on this subject.
Last week we brought you Jim Mars about the Bobby assassination and we brought you the Japanese parliamentarian about 9-11 being an inside job.
But I'm in here looking at all of it, so I'll talk more about that Sunday, but post all your fluoride percentage findings on there, how much of this stuff's really in the fluoride washes they make the kids take and the rest of it in the government death camps.
And I want to be clear, the teachers don't know, they're compartmentalized like everybody else, that's how this stuff works.
Mike in Louisiana, go ahead.
Alex, long time listener.
Real quick on the dovetailing with the economic news you mentioned before, an interesting
I don't know.
You actually see the real story.
And there's a chart, you type in M-E-W, it's mortgage equity withdrawal.
It gives a truer picture of our real GDP, you know, not this trumped up, super appreciated house value, and let's just live off of our quote-unquote equity.
I think so.
And people not getting as many loans.
I can't wait to see 07 and 08 and on into the future what the true picture is going to look like with and without the GDP withdrawal.
I'm sorry, the mortgage equity withdrawal as it relates to GDP.
That's really amazing.
Well, there's all sorts of manipulations they engage in to the point of where the shadow stats experts and others have said it's not even, it has no resemblance to reality.
Absolutely, yeah.
And this is with the cookbooks, so you can imagine what it really is.
So that's amazing.
One thing I just want to mention is, as a fellow Christian, you know, God says, Proverbs 22, 7, the rich rule the poor and the borrower a servant to the lender.
We know the rich rule the poor.
Our fight is making sure that they're played by the right rules.
And our founding fathers tried to do that, recognizing that the men of aspiration are going to try to seek those elevations to power.
And it's really, can we constrain them?
So keep up the good fight, and you're doing a great job.
Thank you.
Yeah, everything this criminal government's doing, this illegitimate government's doing, is 180 degrees opposite from what the founders said and the laws say.
And just because you got the guns doesn't mean it's alright.
I mean, this government, this is not a free country to a great extent.
This is not what America was founded on.
Land of the free, home of the brave, give me a break.
Surveilled, controlled, lied to.
Let's turn it around together.
Only one-tenth of one percent stand to gain from this.
Ninety-nine percent of us, I don't care if you work for the government or what, we're all in trouble.
We're all together on this.
Eric in California, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
My comment is on the Daryl Issa article.
That's right, Daryl Issa, the federal government, they've spent trillions of dollars in the wars and everything from the attacks.
Yeah, this story has me just absolutely livid because he represents my district.
And I will make it my personal mission to make sure that he does not get re-elected this year.
He's up for re-election this year.
It's got me so angry because what do all the people who oppose 9-11 Truth say?
You know, they say, well, questioning the official story is disrespecting the first responders and those who died on that day.
Well, could you not have a more blatant example of disrespecting the victims of 9-11 by not giving them proper health care after they
Went there and cleaned up that toxic site.
And then the government covered up day one they knew was deadly asbestos and aerosolized concrete and glass and lead mercury from all the mercury switches and the computers and thermostats and the rest of it.
They covered it up knowingly.
That's now been admitted.
Those documents have come out.
It's political though.
They admit there even though all the major hospitals in Mount Sinai, some of their lungs have
Full, multi-ounces of this stuff per lung, even in the different lobes.
Masses of them dying, and they block it, but then they use them and pimp them out to launch wars and make Bush look like a hero, but they can't give them medical care for the cancer and the toxic exposure, because then the government is on the hook for covering it up, and it's a tacit admission of that, so they're liable.
So they're just saying, shut up firemen, shut up police, crawl in your hole and die, thanks for the call.
And we've got the video clip of him, it's up on JonesReport.com.
He just says, you know what, you don't get anything.
This is not our job and there's nothing wrong with you.
Nothing wrong with you, just go die.
Nothing wrong with you.
So that's what you've got to look forward to, cops and firemen.
The government hates you.
They think you're scum.
They use you.
It's a big, sick joke.
I know I got loaded phone lines, but I may have time to take a couple more.
I probably will not, because I got a lot of news to cover in a short time to get there.
The Jesse Ventura clip coming up, my comments on that, and then getting arrested and convicted for a university flying a Mexican flag, no American flag, taking it down, gets you in the hooscow.
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Okay, let's go ahead and play the Ventura clip.
This is out of Minneapolis television.
Jesse Ventura says he is skeptical about the official version of events on 9-11 and wishes he would have said so sooner.
Ventura was Minnesota's governor when the planes hit the Twin Towers.
He now says he regrets not asking more questions about the attacks back then when his words carried more weight.
Ventura spoke yesterday with a radio host who believes the U.S.
government was behind the attacks.
Jet fuel is four-fifths kerosene, which is not a hot, burning fuel.
And they want us to believe that it melted these steel-structured girders and caused these buildings to pancake, collapse to the ground.
I was on the site within two weeks after it happened, and I saw none of these pancakes.
Ventura also said the way the buildings fell appeared to him exactly like the controlled demolition of a Las Vegas hotel.
There's a whole bunch of these from Texas to New York to Minnesota to California.
Jesse Ventura, it's hit international television as well.
I don't know if it's hit national TV in the U.S.
Everybody keeps sending us the links.
Post them on the message board.
The point is, hundreds of newspapers carried the AP story yesterday afternoon that went out.
Dallas Morning News, Dallas Observer, Rocky Mountain News, Minneapolis Star, Minnesota Post,
Enemies like Malkin's hot air attacked us.
On the Alex Jones Show, former Governor Jesse Ventura says WTC collapsed, a controlled demolition.
Ventura's skeptical about 9-11.
Ventura wrestles with what really happened on 9-11.
I mean, this is just West Central Tribune.
Hundreds of papers.
Good job, folks.
You got the word out.
You spread the word.
I'm not risking my life for nothing here, neither is Ventura.
He had the courage to do this.
I mean, we've had best actress this year, documentary filmmakers, best filmmakers, just all these Italian presidents, just CIA section chiefs.
The dam is breaking, it's making it safer for everybody to tell the truth, and it also backs the globalists off.
They recognize that people know they staged the attacks now.
They recognize they didn't like Kennedy where it took 30 years to expose they did it.
Now the majority know, and now the police are finding out.
False flag terror has been introduced in the nomenclature.
My mission, I launched before 9-11 in July to try to stop terror.
Didn't stop 9-11, but it may stop the next one because of you taking action.
Keep getting the Ventura story out.
This is the biggest ever.
Great job.
We'll come back, get into the attack by the police state on the other side.
You better not defend the American flag.
You're going to jail.
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Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!
You know what I'm talking about.
You got a lot of nice girls.
Look, we're not going to play ball anymore.
Mexico got its butt kicked, what, three times by the U.S.
They always started it.
They never really had the Southwest.
They couldn't take it away from the natives.
And then now the corrupt
The government down there teaches their people for 50 years it belongs to them.
And I'm tired of post offices, government buildings, taking the American flag down.
The illegals will tear down American flags, burn them, run up Mexican flags.
But now in Mexican independence days, the globalist run universities run up Mexican flags and take down American.
And that's what happened here.
So this student, Air Force vet, took it down.
Well, they came and arrested him, and then he went to trial, and, uh, oh, they're so nice, he only gets six months probation and forty-something hours community service.
What about the issue is the school flying the Mexican flag with no American flag?
I'm tired of it!
I mean, we're not gonna, I'm not gonna play along with it anymore like the Mexican radio isn't going, we're taking over, we're gonna get you gringos!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Listen, I hear that!
I'm sick of it!
I don't dislike you!
You think we're all ignorant like Ventura who thinks, you know, I guess he doesn't speak Spanish, he doesn't hear what you're saying behind his back.
It isn't funny!
It isn't cute!
Knock it off!
Here it is.
It is a case that has divided a community.
Sides split over whether an Air Force veteran who took down and tore apart a Mexican flag acted out of patriotism or hatred.
A jury spent two days hearing the case of that man, Peter Lynch.
Shelton Donson is live at District Court with his punishment.
Well, when it boils right down to it, this is just a misdemeanor case of criminal damage to property, but then you factor in the racial overtones, and in all likelihood, this is a case that will be remembered a lot longer than... Stop it!
See, racial overtones.
If you don't like a foreign country that attacked the U.S.
during World War I in huge racial murders all over the Southwest in one day, the planet San Diego, if you don't like their racism, you're a racist.
See, it's meant to suppress, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, we're not buying into it.
Here it is.
Any sentence that Peter Lynch could have received?
When Peter Lynch tore apart a Mexican flag that had been flying improperly on the UNM campus, he touched off a firestorm of emotions.
The reading of the verdict against him this afternoon was much more subdued.
We find the defendant guilty of criminal damage to property.
During the course of the two-day trial, Lynch's attorney argued the U.S.
Air Force veteran was only defending federal law by removing the Mexican flag, which should have been accompanied by an American flag.
A point Lynch reiterated in a brief post-sentencing interview.
I was a Cub Scout.
You know, I learned when I was seven years old how to raise and lower a flag and fold it.
If a seven-year-old can learn it, you know, I think it's kind of embedded into our society as Americans, and I just, I feel strongly about the colors of the United States of America, and that's what it's all about.
Lynch faced a maximum of six months in jail and a $500 fine.
But instead, Metro Court Judge Clyde DeMersiman gave him a six-month deferred sentence, placed him on probation, and ordered him to replace the flag and complete
Okay, let's stop right there.
I'll cover this more on Sunday and the fluoride, and we'll be back on Monday with a big announcement.
Bottom line, you see it's now treason to defend your country.
Let's admit it.
Mexico's always hated us.
We took half their country.
They hate us.
Does that mean Hispanics who are American hate us?
Wonderful people.
But let's stop playing games like this isn't the case.
Retransmission starts now at InfoWars.com on the internet.
The streams are there.
And they'll restream until Sunday when I'm back live at 4.
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Now from the makers of Loose Change, the most downloaded film in internet history, comes the long-awaited release of Loose Change Final Cut, an entirely new two-hour film that completely destroys the official fable forever.
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