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Name: 20080331_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 31, 2008
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is the final day of March 2008.
Tomorrow will be April Fools, and of course the general public will be fooled, not just by their neighbors, bosses, friends, and families with different
Practical jokes, but the very central banks that have engineered the financial implosion that is taking place will fool the general public into, quote, accepting their bailout, which will only intensify the severity of the crisis and the monstrous debts that each American will owe in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now, over $90,000 is what the average American currently owes in government expenditures.
That's with what is just due
Currently, not what it has been committed to.
It is in the millions of dollars, if you look at the derivatives and all the leveraging, that each person owns.
Impossible to pay back.
Slaves of the New World Order.
Human resources chattel.
Let's just admit what the enemy sees us as, and to a great extent admit what we are, so we can set about reversing this course.
Instead of being arrogant, well-fed cattle.
Masses of important news and information for you today.
FedEye's Nordic-style nationalization of U.S.
We'll break down what that really means.
That means governmental power for the private Federal Reserve and the complete takeover of the economy.
Bush and Brown in push to deal with crisis.
They're going to save us, the two of them that both call for world government.
Paulson promises financial overhaul.
So we'll go over that financial news.
And then remember, about four months ago, Fox News, British papers came out and said thousands of blonde-haired, blue-eyed, basically the Swedish bikini team meets ABBA, have been recruited by Al-Qaeda.
There is an army of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Al-Qaeda's.
They are everywhere.
Trust no one.
Report on everyone.
Everyone is a terrorist.
Well, good old Hayden, the guy that says there's no such thing as a Fourth Amendment.
Before the Congress, he said that they don't need warrants to spy on the American people.
Intel sources, Al-Qaeda recruiting Westerners, possibly U.S.
New Al-Qaeda agents look Western.
New headline out of Reuters today by Hayden.
He went on Meet the Press this weekend and he said Al-Qaeda is
He said Al-Qaeda is everywhere.
Recruiting Westerners.
It's unbelievable.
Don't trust your neighbors.
Don't trust the mailman.
Don't trust anyone.
Only trust the government.
Only trust the face scanning cameras.
Only trust the national ID card.
Never mind the borders are wide open.
Just totally give up all of your freedoms.
We've got to convert to domestic checkpoints.
Life on the streets will be like life in an airport.
We've got to do it now.
They're announcing that it's already in England.
They're going to have loudspeakers just announcing, look for terrorists, look for bombs, look for weapons, watch your neighbors, spy on everyone, just like at an airport.
Don't leave bags unattended.
Here in Austin, it happens every week, there'll be a paper box on the side of the highway that blows out of the back of a truck and they'll have the bomb squad and robots will scoot up next to it and blow it up.
Just, just wriggling with fear, everyone.
Land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
We really are land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
And if you don't like hearing that, some of you don't like it, I'm sorry, we really are the dumbest.
The most unhealthy, the most cowardly, the stupidest people on earth.
Now, I'm not saying all of us are, but we have to admit what we've become.
There's a paper box on the side of I-35!
It is a big idea.
A new world order in the near future.
Earth is dominated by a powerful new world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Put their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build America is making great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They have all the money they need.
They're not after money.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
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Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Reuters Today!
Now, I told you three months ago that it was a talking point.
We have seen every major host from Chris Matthews to Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, all of them.
have gone on their TV shows repeatedly and said that people protesting the government, people going to public events and standing up and asking tough questions, our domestic terrorists need to have the military used against them, need to be taken to secret camps, need to be tortured at secret camps, need to be tasered, need to be beaten, need to be killed.
And then they had official Fox reports that they spun out of nothing, where a British anti-terror expert said, in a British newspaper, he believed there could be evidence, it was very sketchy, put out to be propaganda, you can always tell the MO, that they could be.
There's evidence that they could be.
Not that they could be, there's evidence that they could be.
And then didn't give the evidence.
Thousands of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Westerners to carry out terror attacks in the West.
No evidence, totally made up, completely.
Now, they understand that the public, still about 30%, at the time of the war about 55% in major polls, believed that Saddam Hussein is Bin Laden.
They couldn't even
Tell the difference.
I'm not joking for sane, rational people.
Go pull up the reports.
They believed it was the same person.
The average individual just drives along thinking about how they want fancier clothes, to act cool at work, to look like a peacock, who they want to have sex with, a bigger house, how they want to get chrome on their truck, or how much they hate their boss, or
How much they like their secretary, or how do they save enough money to buy a $10,000 bag of golf clubs to look cool on the golf course, and maybe then they'll get the raves.
I'll never forget working on the golf course, watching those guys kiss up to their bosses on the golf course, and all the monkey behavior.
It makes me so sick.
Just a nation of plastic fake people, but I'm already digressing.
They just have no idea about anything.
Only their little niche at work, whether it's auto parts or eye surgery.
And so they still think and they still say that Saddam attacked us on 9-11, while at the same time they claim Iran is Al-Qaeda and attacked us and is Sunni.
No connection to reality.
I'm not joking.
I'm not overplaying this when I say it.
You need to talk to these people.
You need to read their writings.
You need to listen to them on talk radio.
They really believe this.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
No, I'll stand my ground.
I won't be turned around.
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down.
So we have massive scripting going on.
We have the talking points going out.
to the intelligence agency announcements that yes there might be some truth to thousands of blonde-haired blue-eyed al-qaeda fighters that are just in every city all around us about to attack any minute and then Fox even showed some training videos
of British commandos doing terrorist role-playing, white guys dressed up as terrorists.
And they even show you a training simulation video and then say, look, there's the white Al-Qaeda there.
Remember almost three years ago, they had a big press conference and said, ladies and gentlemen, Al-Qaeda was about to blow up the Liberty Tower in Los Angeles.
And then they cut to video from Independence Day of a giant black flying saucer firing an energy beam into the building and blowing it up.
And Fox had this up within two minutes of President Bush's press conference announcing how they'd thwarted Al Qaeda
Within two minutes they'd already scrambled and had video of the building from a science fiction movie being blown up.
There was just one problem.
The building was never called Liberty Tower, is not called Liberty Tower.
So how did Fox, even in two minutes, if it was the proper name, scramble
And figure out that there was a movie that showed the Liberty Tower being blown up, but then it turned out that wasn't even its name.
And then the little controversy erupted, and a few national media outlets said, why did you call it the Liberty Tower?
And the White House just said, well, that's what we like to call it.
So they had to have that propaganda image of, Al-Qaeda wanted to blow up our Liberty Tower.
They wanted to blow up our liberty.
Meanwhile, it's the federal government taking our liberties so fast.
Don't blink, because if you do blink, you'll miss that last look at your freedom.
I mean, this is a massive military build-up, bigger than World War II or World War I or Vietnam or any of the wars.
I mean, it's just a huge, hundreds of billions of dollars being spent to turn the U.S.
into a giant prison grid.
With agents and spies and tattletales and every industry being ordered to spy on their customers from major bookstores to libraries to doctors to lawyers to just spooks everywhere.
Borders wide open.
Rocket attacks on our borders.
Cities burning.
Never makes the news.
Keep that real quiet.
And so it's the same thing here, just all of this scripting.
Al-Qaeda recruiting Western fighters, CIA boss.
And so, the Feds bombed the Murrah building, because it was a big move against the UN and the build-up of the police state.
And then they tried to set up that whole apparatus, and the FBI put out training manuals saying gun owners, people that talk about the Constitution, frequent references, land rights groups, they're all terrorists, and then you go to Marine Corps and Army drills, and that's who they're training to fight?
They admit it's for U.S.
citizens, and it's land rights groups.
They train mowing farmers and ranchers down.
They train to kill men, women, and children.
That's their main mission.
Preparing quietly for decades.
Al-Qaeda recruiting Western fighters.
And so now the CIA boss, the criminal, Mr. Hayden, who ran the NSA criminally, they had to go into Congress and retroactively, which by the way is illegal, and the Constitution says you can't do it, but they did it.
It says you can't spy on people without warrants either, but they did it.
They admitted they had to pass this retroactively, just so he wouldn't go to jail and others wouldn't go to jail.
So this criminal, this felon, now runs the CIA, and all the atrocities they're engaged in, and he comes out and says, yep, they're recruiting
People, and they're just, they're everywhere.
They're gonna get you any minute.
Al-Qaeda recruiting Western fighters, CIA boss, Al-Qaeda is training fighters that look Western, could easily cross U.S.
borders without attracting attention, CIA Director Michael Hayden said on Sunday.
Let's go back to the Fox News Pentagon piece right now, and we'll play the rest after the break.
Here it is.
Have you heard about this new thing going on in Great Britain, that Al-Qaeda rotten up all these Britons, essentially.
1,400 strong, apparently, in a new, what's being called a new white Al-Qaeda army.
Tougher to detect, potentially.
Yeah, because they're not Muslims.
They look just like regular British people.
They're converts.
Also, we're going to talk more about the controversial subject regarding Al-Qaeda.
Are they recruiting a white army now in Great Britain?
Some people say it's 1,400 people strong, and why is that important?
Because this is what we've always talked about.
We're going to come back and finish the rest of it.
So see, they build up this massive system.
One in ten college graduates for homeland security-related fields, they've got to have jobs.
There is no Al-Qaeda.
There is no real threat.
And so, they've got to flip it now.
And by the way, here it is in the Associated Press, Mukasey, Attorney General, terrorist behind copyright violations.
Copyright violations.
See, all white-collar civil stuff is now terrorist.
Forget misdemeanor, civil!
Terrorists everywhere!
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future.
Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build America is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
Order In Game on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
In Game.
Blueprint for global enslaving.
You have been warned.
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I'm going to finish up with this Pentagon propaganda, and that's what it is.
Taxpayer paid for it.
Fox is an organ of the private banks that own our government.
I'm going to be getting into the new financial bailout, the latest military news.
We're going to get into Gary Hart being confronted by We Are Change Colorado.
Play some of that in the third hour.
In the second hour we're going to be breaking down the illegal DNA databases that everyone has put in at birth, just to again illustrate the total criminality.
And the organization of the government.
This is all organized.
This isn't haphazard or, oh, they accidentally did it.
This is going on for decades.
But understand, just as I told you they would do, they're building this giant mechanism to track everything you do, trace everything you do, micromanage you, turn your national ID card off.
Your pharmacist, your doctor, your lawyer, school teachers, everyone spying publicly, truck drivers, neighbors, neighborhood tattletale squads recruiting the high schoolers.
I mean, it's massive.
Hiring the former head of the Stasi to train the feds how to do this.
Hiring the former head of the KGB.
I mean, they're really doing it.
Going for broke.
And always... Afghanistan.
It's to kill the Middle Easterners.
Don't tell them that they're not Middle Easterners.
That can't get into the Middle East, boys.
It's all for you.
It's all for you, so when they take your ranch and you say no, they can bring the SWAT team up and burn your house down with you in it.
And you know what they're gonna say?
You know what they're gonna do?
You know what they're gonna push?
They're just going to come right in there and burn your house down, burn your farm down, and they're going to announce on the news that they were fighting Al Qaeda.
That's what it's all about.
You are Al Qaeda.
You are the terrorists.
You go in the criminal database.
A million Americans in the terrorist database.
Head Marshals resigning, going public, telling the Denver Post that they're ordered to put families in it for no reason, just to create the image of a false threat.
You, my friends, you the American people, are the terrorists.
Let's finish up with this Fox News clip.
Also, we're going to talk more about the controversial subject regarding Al-Qaeda.
Are they recruiting a white army now in Great Britain?
Some people say it's 1,400 people strong, and why is that important?
Because this is what we've always talked about, that if you have people in one country transplanting to another religion, and they maybe aren't exactly what you think they are, that can be more difficult to fight.
Yeah, they're converting them in prison to extremist Muslims.
To kill us!
Okay, great.
Now, here's Mr. Happy Burry Kilman.
I'm always happy because Mike Baker's here.
There's word that Al-Qaeda is building up a white terror army of up to 1,500 operatives in the UK.
How soon could they strike us here, and would they be trying to do something similar using convicted criminals?
Mike Baker served for more than 15 years as a covert operations officer until I blew his cover.
He's here in studio.
Thanks for that, by the way.
I owe you a favor.
So, Mike, I forced you out of the business, so tell me, let's pretend you're back in, is this a big deal?
It is a big deal in a sense.
This is an area where Al Qaeda and the CIA and other intel services around the country actually have something in common.
We're all looking for the same thing, which is individuals who can blend in.
From our side, we're looking for people, obviously, who can penetrate Al Qaeda.
Most agency officers, most officers from other liaison services,
Don't blend into Al-Qaeda.
So we're looking for people who we can fit into there as penetrations.
Al-Qaeda on the other side of the fence, they're doing the same thing.
I mean, obviously, if they could recruit a Scandinavian, that's the holy grail for them.
They need people who can move around freely and do their bidding.
And converted, people who convert to Islam, sometimes are more militant than those who were born that way, correct?
And they always go to prisons, too, to get the recruits.
Yeah, you tend to get converts.
You can argue the converts are always a little bit more zealous in terms of their religious fervor, but part of the problem with Al-Qaeda is that to go into a prison and try to recruit individuals, that person's already tainted.
What they really need are they need people who haven't run afoul of law enforcement in the past.
And so, in a sense,
And then it goes on and on that it is, just like the FBI training manuals say, white male who locks his desk.
A lot of times it says we're in management positions.
It says we're quiet.
We keep to ourselves.
They're evil white males and they're Al-Qaeda.
They're everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
The guy pumping your gas, Al-Qaeda.
That school teacher, Al-Qaeda.
In fact, the FBI manual says that priest, Al-Qaeda, it says the Caucasian woman pushing the baby carriage, Al-Qaeda.
That's a quote.
They're just... They're everywhere!
Take all my rights away, government!
Take all my freedoms!
Put a bracelet around me with a taser!
Keep me safe!
They're everywhere!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, we're back live here.
All of us, American Al-Qaeda.
Intel sources, Al-Qaeda recruiting Westerners, possibly U.S.
And by the time Fox News gets it, it is transmuted into, they are everywhere, we're all dead.
Hayden, while he was on Meet the Press, declined to comment directly on the Post article saying American Al-Qaeda is under every bed.
But he stressed that the
It's very sensitive.
The situation along the Afghan-Pakistan border presents a clear and present danger to Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to the West in general, and the United States in particular, Hayden said.
Now, it's been in the BBC, it's been in the London Telegraph, it's been all over foreign news, that in the months before 9-11, the CIA was visiting bin Laden, that they also visited him when he was in Dubai, having kidney work done at a dialysis center.
And it is a fact, Zbigniew Brzezinski likes to brag, he wrote in his latest book, that what we'd already told you, because it had been released and declassified, but it had never really been national attention, but now it's admitted by the guy that ran it.
In 79, six months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the people running our government, I don't even want to say the U.S., I'm even programmed where I keep using the term us, the U.S., not the U.S., criminal elements that control and use our government,
And use our tax money and our energies to carry out evil, launched attacks into several of the Russian republics bordering Afghanistan.
And so the Russians then poured into Afghanistan and did engage in a lot of slaughter and very oppressive activities, similar to what our government's doing.
And it's bad when both sides do it.
And the rest is history.
You know, we're told that U.S.
involvement didn't start until the mid-eighties, and that has now been proven to be a complete fraud.
You see something like Charlie Wilson's War, it is a fairy tale.
You might as well go see a Disney movie like Fantasia.
It has more reality in it than that movie Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks.
But it makes Americans feel good.
Al Qaeda means the base.
in Arabic, and it is the name of the CIA Computer Program and File Section, basically the operation.
And our government, with Saudi Arabia, created Al-Qaeda.
Saudi Arabia matched the funds that the US gave.
Israel put in large amounts of armaments and money as well.
And Al-Qaeda is a creation
of British, U.S., Israeli, and Pakistani intelligence.
In exchange, the U.S., of course, gave Pakistan the bomb to menace India.
The British have not liked India since the Indians, the peaceful Indians, are friends.
They're friends with the U.S.
Doesn't matter.
They must be destroyed by the little buddies in Pakistan.
It's just so disgusting!
But you try to explain the complex nuances of the geopolitical actions to the average American who literally cannot find the U.S.
on a map, and there's just no point.
It's like talking to Helen Keller.
Deaf, dumb, and blind cannot understand a single word you say to them.
Not that they're mentally retarded, they are pre-programmed.
Where it just, it sounds like gibberish right now to them.
You tell them that Bush, publicly for four years, has been commanding Al-Qaeda in eastern Iraq into western Iran, that the White House last year even put a press release out about it, admitting that number three in Al-Qaeda is commanding the U.S.-backed forces against the Shiite Iran, and they will laugh at you.
I've gotten the emails, I've gotten calls, where they're just going, I can't believe you make stuff up like that, you're nuts, man.
And I'm like, no, no, it's all admitted.
They go, sure it is!
I mean, what's wrong with you?
Do you like being stupid?
And I don't enjoy in some sardonic fashion sitting up here calling you stupid.
I'm not talking about our main listeners.
I'm talking about dumbbell liberals and dumbbell conservatives.
Mainline people.
This isn't funny.
It isn't funny
The people running our government flew those planes into buildings.
They're dangerous.
Fighting them, speaking out against them isn't funny.
It's dangerous.
I have to live with this every day, but I have to do it because it's my mission.
It's my duty.
They must be opposed.
These are very ruthless, wicked people.
And they think you're stupid.
They get up on Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage, and John McCain, and Fox News, and they say every day, Iran is Al-Qaeda, Iran is Al-Qaeda, Iran is Al-Qaeda, Iran is Al-Qaeda, Iran is Al-Qaeda.
They are not!
Even if you believe Al-Qaeda is real, and you believe that fairy tale,
Even if you believe the official line, they come out of Saudi Arabia, and it's the warring sect against the Shiites.
And I know I keep talking about it, I just can't believe the public doesn't understand this.
It's dangerous to be this ignorant!
So now they're going to be 10 times more paranoid at the TSA at the airports and the cops when they pull you over and they're giving them briefings all over the country the last few months of the police telling them look for Al Qaeda anyone and everyone can be Al Qaeda and it just adds to all the insane paranoia and you see the cops creeping around everywhere scared to death it's just unbelievable.
Meanwhile their number one cause of death is automobile accidents and
Being hit by cars, hanging their butts out in the middle of the highway, writing tickets.
But see, the government doesn't tell them to be scared of that, and doesn't give them briefings on that.
Man, I've watched all these videos of police training seminars in these big classrooms, and the way they talk to the cops is like they're two-year-olds.
And about how we're going to keep you safe, and how we're a brotherhood.
It's all like a third grade level.
The cops just suck it up.
Like they're in a brotherhood, they're in a club.
Oh, they're being given the inside scoop.
If you were being given the inside scoop, they'd tell you don't give your kids the mercury shots.
The vaccines.
Don't drink fluoride water.
Don't eat and drink corn syrup.
Don't eat GMO food if the globalists cared about you.
They tell you don't use cell phones.
They don't care about you.
The whole art of the military, the whole art of the police system, is to control you and to manipulate you and to play you off against us.
Just like a leader of a gang.
Whether it's the Crips, the Bloods, the Vatos, it doesn't matter.
The Latin Kings.
It's all about manipulating you in gang culture.
And then the more abusive you get towards us, the more the people hate you.
And then they say, see, it's us against them.
They hate you.
Only your brothers care about you.
Hey man, they don't like you.
They don't like the family.
They don't like the gang.
They don't like what we've become, brother.
It's all you got is your family.
It's all you got now.
And that's how it works.
They play you like a fiddle, just like they play the dumbed-down public.
Meanwhile, Mukasey, Attorney General Mukasey, says that they have to treat copyright violation as terrorism, not just as civil or criminal, because it's aiding terrorists.
See, general crimes.
In Section 802, it's been like this for six years.
It says in Section 802, any action that endangers human life, it's a violation of any federal or state law.
Now they're expanding that.
Mukasey, terrorists behind copyright violations.
Now that Michael Mukasey is firmly installed as Attorney General, we begin to get a whiff of his agenda, as directed.
By the bankers and their neocon collaborators from the Associated Press.
In remarks of Silicon Valley executives at the Tech Museum of Innovation, Mukasey said the economy and national security of the United States are increasingly threatened by violations involving copyright software code, patented innovations, and trademark properties.
He says terror groups are taking their cues from organized crime increasingly, funding their operations from counterfeit and piracy, and it goes on to say they've got to treat any copyright violations as terrorism.
Go read it for yourself.
So see, they're shifting it all over now.
Just as they always plan to do.
Here's one out of USA Today.
Notice how they phrase it, and sell it, and term it.
USA Today is the worst.
They make all their big propaganda announcements there, I've noticed.
Of like, hey, guess what?
The government reads everything you do in your bank account every day.
Didn't exist ten years ago when we told you, but now they announce it there last week and
They tell you why it's good and keeps you safe from Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, we look at everybody's bank accounts with no warrant, but it's freedom.
Well, here's this week's announcements.
Civilians handle minor duties for strapped police.
About 12 years ago, they started suddenly having the police... You'd be at a demonstration or at any event and they'd say, Stand back, civilians!
Uh, civilian means we're under the Constitution Bill of Rights.
When they start calling everyone civilians, that's because you're under military rule.
Now mayors call us civilians.
See, they're part of the military.
Now the police train with the military.
Hey police, you're under civilian law too.
But see, now we're not under the executive orders of last year, PDD 51, John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
We're being eased into martial law.
They're just slowly turning the dial up.
But see, they don't come out and say, hey, you're going to have tattletale squads and spies everywhere now, which they've already had for decades.
Or what's in the Philadelphia Daily News a few years ago about where they recruited the juniors and gave them M-16s and had them do warrant service and gun confiscation drills.
No, no.
They sell it like, oh, it's to help.
You can't get the cops to your house when it gets robbed.
It's because there's not enough officers.
No, they've just gone from 300,000 cops to 2 million in the last 15 years.
There's not enough cops.
There's more cops than ever.
Back when there was hardly any police, 50, 60 years ago, though, they took all crime very seriously.
And crime, you got the book thrown at you.
But see, now, they don't mess with real criminals.
They just throw the book at non-violent people, and then now the general public are all being made criminals.
Civilians handle minor duties for strapped police.
See how that one line, just every word is propaganda.
We're all civilians, police included.
Handle minor duties for strapped police.
And then the minor duties are your house being robbed.
Listen to this.
Departments under budget, burdens higher, outside help.
Facing tighter budgets, law enforcement agencies across the country are increasingly turning to civilians to respond to some calls that sworn officers and deputies are usually responsible for.
That means people calling 911 to report a traffic accident, a burglarized home or a stolen car may be greeted by a civilian in a polo shirt instead of a gun-toting officer.
Now see, that sounds reasonable.
This is really all about the spy corps.
And see, you think 2 million cops is bad?
They're talking about 10 million by 2015.
10 million!
Just everywhere!
And they're going to find stuff to report on.
They're going to find stuff.
They're going to find something to justify their job.
Just like the federal marshals are ordered to put innocent people, thousands a month, being added on the terror list for the rest of their lives.
The new economy is going to be prisons, checkpoints, your daughter's going to bring guys home in black uniforms, you're going to have to be quiet and not even tell her you don't like them, or shoot your mouth off to them, or they'll send you to prison!
That's how it worked in Germany and Russia!
You're not even going to be able to talk back to them.
You understand, they're going to rule!
People with no skills, no nothing, no background, no work, no nothing.
They just go get a black uniform and they are God!
Just as Dr. Roberts told you on the show last week.
This is the new system.
That means people calling 9-1-1 to report a traffic action, a burglarized home, or a stolen car may be greeted by a civilian in a polo shirting.
And who are they?
They work in the hospitals.
They work in the banks.
They get off on their little badges.
They have, mmm, they love it.
They love being toadies of the Stasi system.
They didn't hire the former head of the Stasi.
Six years ago.
Marcus Wolfe, who just died last year.
The former head of the Stasi.
The East German police.
They didn't hire him to play patty cake.
It hasn't been universally adopted throughout the country, but most areas have at least thought about the alternative and are more open to it now because of the economy, said Richard Bradley, president of Apollo Alto, a California-based matrix consulting group that has worked with more than 250 law enforcement agencies.
The idea of using civilians who require less training and are less expensive than sworn officers is responsible to minor police calls and has been around since the 1980s.
And we have all these videos.
I sent them to John a few weeks ago.
I didn't play them.
Where it shows auxiliary cops with tasers, with guns, not supposed to in small towns, pulling people out of cars, running checkpoints.
And it's the exact person that shouldn't be a cop.
You know who becomes a cop now?
The control freak.
The bully from high school.
The person who can't get a girl.
The person who wants that power.
I saw this footage out of Portland, where the cops are randomly going down the street demanding people's IDs.
So somebody starts videotaping it with their camera phone.
They're about fifty feet back and the cop walks over, all muscle-bound, about three feet tall, and he walks over, a little Napoleon, and he just says, you're not allowed to tape me, you're getting audio, give me that camera, and grabs it.
And of course then tried to, and you can type into Google, man arrested for videotaping police, they come to people's houses now and arrest them.
And it doesn't matter if the courts say that there's no reasonable
Expectation of privacy doesn't matter if there's no law.
They still charge you with wiretapping and you usually go to jail.
Because the juries are a bunch of bootlicking toadies, too.
Just, it's all about, that's who they put on there.
The husbands and wives of the police and the prosecutors and the good old boys.
And they just sit in there all day sending innocent people to jail.
They just love toting.
They love corruption.
They love kissing up to uniforms.
They love killing this country.
And don't worry, you're going to enable the bankers to do everything they want to do.
Don't worry, you're going to enable them to have their way.
You know, President Bush threw out the opening pitch at the Atlanta Braves Stadium, and he was universally booed.
Now, a few years ago, when he would get booed, Fox and others were caught fading up cheers over it.
And I do have the original ESPN feed.
ESPN, it appears, put some kind of delay in, because you can hear the tape jump and it cuts to something else, but they messed up.
Some of the booing went through, then they fade cheering over it.
But see, that's the good news.
You may hire 10 million scum suckers who will destroy this country, but the rest of us know the score now, and we're going to stand up against you.
And so we'll come back, play this, play Karl Rove being confronted, and the people chanting, tase them, tase them for their free speech, begging for Nazi Germany.
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Who am I?
Steve Schenck, Someone Who Cares.
Yeah, just a correction.
It was the Nationals.
I was reading the AP headline here and it says that the Washington Braves tried to get him to wear a Braves jacket and he said, oh no, they might boo me.
And then he went out wearing a Nationals jacket and they boo him.
That's the quote.
And then the announcer just kisses up and just says, oh, that's the best throw by any president ever.
He's God.
We ought to dig up that Fox News one where you hear the booing and they just fade it down and then fade up cheering and then they go, they love him!
It's like in Martial Law, I have that clip from his second inauguration where they're saying, cheer for him!
Let him know that you love America!
Do you see the propaganda in that?
It's saying Bush is America.
You love America, don't you?
Cheer for him, as hundreds of thousands booed and screamed and spit.
But the national news cut back to wide shot and said, they love him!
I have that in martial law.
It's like something out of a dystopic science fiction movie made 50 years ago.
Where the emperor is driving through and everyone's booing and then the announcer's going, they love him!
But it isn't about him.
He's only a puppet.
It's just an example of the propaganda.
Bush gets first pitch, first look.
President Bush had enough to worry about, like not flubbing the first pitch in front of a crowd that might not exactly be his biggest fans anyway.
So before the game, when a couple of Atlanta Braves gave him a team jersey and suggested he wear it to throw out the first pitch at the Nationals Park, Bush laughed.
Oh no thanks, guys.
Might as well put a sign on me that says booming.
I'm not going to give them any excuses, Bush said, of the 40,000 plus people gathering at the opening of Washington's gleaming baseball stadium.
And then it shows that he went out and was massively booed.
Let's go ahead and play that.
Here's the president, the 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush.
He will be throwing the first pitch out to Manny Acta.
And here's the announcement by Jerome Peruska.
Manager of the Washington Nationals, Manny Acta.
And managing principal owner of the Washington Nationals, Ted Lerner.
And here to throw out the inaugural pitch at Nationals Park to mark a new era of Washington baseball, the President of the United States.
Okay, that's enough.
Now, let's play Karl Rove.
In fact, I gave you the time code, John.
Did you see where I told you to play it from?
Oh, darn it.
We're not going to be able to play it this time, though.
I did send it in the IM.
I think it... No, you know what?
Pull it up.
From memory.
It's 1.30 in.
If not, you'll get a big Karl Rove question beforehand.
This is Karl Rove with people protesting him, and the crowd is chanting, Tase him!
Tase him!
Tase him!
Here it is.
Well, Senator Obama says it sounds pretty good.
The only problem is, is he fails to back it up with his actions in Congress.
Well, my question for you tonight is, why is it that you think you evoke such a visceral reaction in many of your detractors?
We've seen tonight people here accuse you of being a war criminal.
That's not it, just forget it.
Yeah, I mean these clips are like 10-20 minutes long so we have to have the exact timecode to be able to play it for you.
It's up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if you want to see it.
We'll try to find the exact spot and play it for you after this quick break.
It just blows me away that you have the crowd chanting, tase him, tase him, tase them, tase them.
Remember the fella that just stood up and said, hey, what about Skull and Bones?
You're in it with Bush.
Then they grab him, tackle him, he's got his hands out, he's not even resisting, he's got his hands up.
And he says, please don't tase me, and the officers just go, and just repeatedly tase him.
The National News said, good!
You shouldn't ask questions, you shouldn't stand up and disrupt.
It's a message of, shut up!
Let the illusion go forward.
I wonder if they could just tase the whole crowd.
We'll see after we're all fitted with our taser bracelets, as Homeland Security is considering doing.
By the way, I'm not joking.
Then, if you do boo Bush, we will all be tased.
It's the new system.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The only problem is those words of Senator Obama were not backed up.
Well, Senator Obama says it sounds pretty good.
And when you watch this crowd of mainly young Republicans at a university, it is like a Kurt Vonnegut caricature of a sycophant.
These are supposedly 18, 19, 20, 22 year old young conservatives and they're wearing tight neck suits, they have pudgy fat cheeks with rosy, you know, red circles on them.
They're giggling and snickering and just getting off on all of it.
They look just absolutely weak and evil and pathetic.
And shameful.
And they're not conservatives.
They're not pro-Second Amendment.
They're not pro-national sovereignty.
They are just baggage picked up by the propaganda of the fake conservatives, neutralized, who are helping destroy this country.
They've been neutralized.
And I'm sure their parents are real proud of them.
They all think they're real rich and elitist and powerful.
Most of them, you know, might live in a $500,000 house and think they're members of the elite when they're nothing.
And their whole future, everything's being destroyed right now in front of them.
And they just have no idea and can care less.
They're just saying, tase him, tase him, tase him.
Just like the liberals were calling for a local Austin group, Project for a New American Citizen,
who just held up a sign in front of Bill Clinton saying investigate 9-11 and they were screaming and attacking and punching him and grabbing him and ripped his sign away and people were calling for him to be tased too.
You're the exact same type of person but instead of being in a little overweight pudgy-faced white-skinned red-cheeked piggy people you're these little sandal wearing, take all the guns, I love government, I'm Bill Clinton, I'm bed-wetting right now, I love you.
Just, just, just red diaper doper babies.
There's nothing more disgusting than people that love the government and love corruption and love these political parties and love being toadies.
If you believe in this corrupt system, you're an idiot.
If you can't see this is corruption, if you can't see the Democrats work for the bankers and the Republicans work for the bankers and one group gives you fascism and the other gives you fascism and they call it
Conservatism, and they call it socialism.
It's none of the above.
I mean, the Federal Reserve publicly engineered the liquidity crisis, the mega-bubble in 93 and 99, and now they're going to, quote, save us by the Federal Reserve being given more power than they had in 1913.
Now they're going to have governmental power to go around and forcibly nationalize banks, and they're calling this
Oh, they're not going to just bail out banks.
They're not going to bail out brokerage houses.
The Federal Reserve is just going to take them over.
The government is.
No, this is the Federal Reserve becoming the government, taking full control of the economy, and then going out and gobbling up all the other banks and brokerage firms.
And then backing it up with our tax money, and devaluing the currency.
So after our guest joins us in the next 30 minutes or so,
We're going to get into what's really happening with the financials.
The next phase of it, they implode the economy, then they set themselves up as the saviors and take over whatever's left.
And set up a domestic police state to control us in the new third world system.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's the background.
Our modern sciences were generally founded by or dominated from their inception by adherence of eugenics.
It was the governing umbrella science that all other major sciences were directed into.
Going back about a hundred and fifty years ago, reaching rock star mania
By the 1930s in the Western world.
That's why Hitler was a rock star in the U.S.
Our media doesn't like that to be generally known, but that's the mainstream history.
Just go pull up news headlines from 33 and it's just how wonderful this young man is and how loving and good he is and how it's so good that he's killing the retarded children and
So, the apparatus of 500,000 plus women sterilized in this country, and blacks given syphilis, and not just allowed to die of syphilis, the full ramifications of that have now come out, and thousands of above ground tests of chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals, on our own military, in some cases killing them,
This attitude came from the general public are animals, the elite, the scientific minds are a different species.
We have a right through survival of the fittest to call out the gene pool and so it's a good thing to basically sterilize, cull, kill these people.
Now I'm bringing that up.
I don't know our guest views on this and she's got quite a bio.
Out of that attitude, you kind of have this secretiveness and this elitist behavior by a lot of the health care systems in the country, whereas the public view on eugenics isn't even there anymore within the mid-level elites.
The direction of the ship and the architecture of the health care system is in that direction.
And I learned about 12 years ago that for 35 years, England, the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand
Take blood at birth and send it to the health departments and put it in an international slash national database.
They use it for genetic testing, genetic engineering.
I went to the Human Genome Project, Coal Springs Harbor, the former head of the Eugenics Records Office, last year the head of the Human Genome, who was working there when it was the Eugenics Office, said blacks basically weren't human.
See, this is the ruling elite and it kind of bleeds through there.
And so that's
That's why I give you the eugenics background is because that's why this is happening.
Now they've announced that it's going to Homeland Security and criminal databases.
And there's a lot I know about this.
I've had congressmen on.
I've had members of the Parliament from Australia on.
I've had members of the British government on about this over the years.
But I saw a story in Op-Ed News, states hand over DNA of newborns to DHS.
And they quoted a lady who had testified before the Minnesota Legislature, and then I spent hours reading the organization she heads up research and found out even more.
Then I found out University of Texas in the US runs a lot of this.
So I learned a lot more.
And Twyla Brace, RN, PHN, Public Health Nurse, Public Citizens Council on Health Care, is our guest.
And her bio is so lengthy that it would be hard to go through it.
She's been on CNN, USA Today, Washington Post.
I've tried to go over all the legislatures she's testified before.
Brace, why don't you, in a nutshell, tell us about yourself and your credentials and how you got into this and what your organization does, and then we'll get into the blood.
Thanks so much.
Our organization has been around for about 12 years.
We started getting into the privacy issue realizing that the newborn, or that privacy really allows you to give control, allows the individual to get control.
And so our organization has looked at privacy and we have testified at the national level before national committees and at the state level here in Minnesota because here is where a lot of the national policy, healthcare policy comes from.
And I have also been in different publications, either in op-eds or been quoted, particularly on privacy, it seems, although we also are a free market healthcare policy organization and work on that issue as well.
Yeah, Blue Cross Blue Shield is based up there, and I've learned that a lot of policy, not just in healthcare, is developed in Minneapolis-St.
The HMO actually came out of someone who was here.
Living in Jackson Hole, but was here at the time.
I mean, overall, your organization deals with a lot of privacy issues, but give us the skinny on what they're doing with the blood samples they take from the babies, where it goes and what is really happening with it.
All right.
I think that most of the public, I mean, most mom and dads, they come into the hospital, you know, the mom is in labor and delivery.
And everything is very exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.
They have this baby and then they're just like recuperating.
In the first 24 hours, 24 to 48 hours, a lab tech or a nurse comes into the room.
Sometimes they'll just take the baby out and say, we'll give the baby a bath.
And while they're giving the baby a bath, they also have the lab tech come and prick the baby's heel.
Sometimes they'll do it in the room.
Sometimes, as I said, it's a nurse or sometimes it's a lab tech.
Mothers and fathers are just thinking that this is just like one of the tests that happens just like when the mother's blood got drawn, etc.
They don't understand that the hospitals are essentially contractors for the state government in every state of this nation, and that that blood is then sent to the Department of Health in that state, and that the
It used to be that it was just the PKU, the phenylketonuria, which was a devastating disease if you had it, but it's very, very rare.
But now, the states have expanded and are doing many more... Let me stop you right there.
I want to go back, because you're just going off the modern manifestation of this.
This was set up between five nations 35 years ago, and the big red flag at first should have been, well, the hospital could do this blood test.
Why is it sent to the state or county health department?
So that was their cover story, but then it was rapidly expanded to what it is today.
Go ahead.
And so, I mean, that is the question, right?
When parents try and get this done privately, it's almost impossible, although there is pediatrics now that does it privately, but also does it for some of the states.
So what we have, in essence, is the health department, and many of them are just able to expand the number of conditions for which they test a baby ad infinitum.
We have the health department being able to take and own the blood of the newborn, and every newborn is a newborn citizen.
They're not just a newborn baby, they're a newborn citizen.
And now suddenly the state owns and has control over the DNA and the complete genetic profile.
Now let's be clear, they've had court cases, federal court cases, where they've taken blood, didn't tell the people, and then later biotech companies contract, buy it, patent certain proteins and things in blood, and then they claim ownership of it.
That's true.
I think that is, you know, there are different levels to look at here.
There is the whole commercial level, which is sort of what you're talking about there.
But there's also the level at the government actually knowing the genetic profile of an individual.
And you have to understand that what they say out there is that we have five to seven defects, each of us.
Well, you know, what does that mean?
And what if somebody looks into your blood and says, you had this defect?
When, how can you possibly as an individual change anybody's mind about that and what does that really mean?
And here what you have at the state level is the state health departments are building genetic or DNA warehouses of the blood
of infants and that will be the blood of all citizens as it grows now some states are only keeping the blood for three months but more and more the states are saying that they're going to keep it indefinitely
And the Centers for Disease Control had a meeting in 2002.
They convened a meeting to look at the possibility of taking all these dried blood spots from newborns and combining them into either regional or a national registry of blood spots for research purposes.
And so really what we're talking about here is government research, unconsented government research, on the citizens of the states or the citizens of the entire country, where you can be examined for genetic defects.
Yeah, I'm on a line, it's deceptive, you're paying them money, you go in there to supposedly have this privacy, you're trusting of the nurse, she's sitting there hooked into the health department,
She sends the husband out of the room.
Honey, is he beating you?
No judge, no jury, no due process, no reading of your rights.
There's even that whole level of tattletailing working for the government.
Then you expand.
They take the blood.
Most parents don't even know they do it.
They trick you to sign a form as you're being inducted into the hospital.
Then it's sent.
The companies are buying it up.
It's going into Homeland Security database.
Please continue.
Yes, and they're also doing biomonitoring now with those blood spots to look at potential causes or environmental problems in different regions of the state or different regions of the country.
And so, you know, I think that the real bottom line here is that we do not know what purpose those blood spots could be used for, what purpose that genetic profile or those
Thank you so much.
With any cancer registry that might be in the state if a child eventually ends up having cancer, with a defects registry of any child that's diagnosed with a birth defect.
And so, you know, at the government level, they're creating, and they call it a child profile.
And they also want one-third of the time, just on the blood disease test, get false positive, doesn't matter, that goes to the insurance companies.
I mean, they're just, folks, this is criminal.
And the thing about the false positives is it causes long-term anxiety for the parents, like five years worth of anxiety, where they think, well, okay, they say it was false, but it's probably really true.
And so they found that to be kind of harmful for the parent-child relationship.
But I just think the fact that citizens don't know that they're losing their genetic privacy rights, they're losing parent rights,
They're losing patient rights, because any other test that would be done in the hospital, you'd actually know about, you'd be able to ask questions about.
Look, if you told the parents, your child's going in the Homeland Security criminal database, they'd say, hell no.
But they don't tell the cattle.
We'll be right back.
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This is just one more example of the type of government we have, the type of institutions we have.
Most states don't even slip a form in, quote, about blood testing in the hundreds you sign.
Most states just take your baby's blood, and they sell it to private companies, and now they're giving it to Homeland Security.
They do what they want, when they want, and they treat you like dumb animals.
Stop acting like it.
Get mad.
Sue them.
If you didn't sign a consent form, or they had you sign it through fraud, you're a plaintiff.
You need to sue the Texas Health Department.
You need to sue the University of Texas.
Need to sue the federal government.
They took your baby's blood and put it in a criminal database.
They take your baby's blood and they say they own it.
They're gonna take your baby's blood and claim your baby's got genetic malfunctions and your child's gonna wonder why their insurance is three times what everybody else's is for no reason.
These dirty crooks.
Wyla Brace heads up a national organization that's testified before Congress, state legislature, she's a registered nurse, and PHS, PHN, and she heads up Council on Health Care, Citizens Council on Health Care.
Why don't you fire out some of the websites so people can check out more information?
Sir, our website is www.cchconline.org.
Or simply, CitizensCouncilOnHealthcare.org.
Please elaborate.
Sure, please elaborate on the fact that most states don't even tell you they're stealing the blood.
Well, because for most states it is just law that this is a legal program, I believe there's only two states that require parent consent, and that is Massachusetts and Wyoming, I believe, and the rest of them
Is that you don't even have an opportunity to object.
It's simply a state program and there's no need for any paperwork.
It just happens.
And then the results of the testing are sent to the doctor's office.
They're not sent to the parent.
And so a lot of times there's no real way for the parents to understand that this is the government that has done the testing.
Now let's be clear.
The government comes and gets in the middle of your private health care, your body, your child's body.
They had it for DNA databases since it was found that I've had congressmen on who have been involved investigating it.
It's an illegal eugenics program.
I don't know if you're aware of that.
I know you're a nurse, but that's a separate area of my research.
Well, I was just going to say that it has been a concern of ours that the newborn genetic screening, they call it newborn screening.
We call it newborn genetic screening.
It has been a concern of ours that it will be used in a genetic way.
That it will be used to determine which parents should have which kids and when they shouldn't have children and here in Minnesota there's a bill that would allow the state to actually have ownership of this blood and to not require consent
At all, just to make sure that they aren't under our genetic privacy law.
Well, England's pushing for forcing people to be genetically tested, but I want to add the key point here, and that is that this is the government playing God, and this is a violation of our Fourth Amendment.
Go ahead.
When the author was asked by one of the other senators here in Minnesota why they needed this data bank of all these DNA specimens, she said, well, this whole program is not just about the screening of the child.
It's not just about the infant and the parents.
It's about cost containment and prevention.
And I think, you know, it's good for your listeners to let that roll around in their brains a little bit, because cost containment and prevention
Um, likely means that we don't want any child that's not perfect, and we worry about the day where the genes of a child are fished into to find imperfections, and it will be part of whether or not you can be married, whether or not you should have children, that that in the future when you have the DNA of every child and every citizen in this country, and you start looking at cost and prevention and perfection,
Then you do set yourself up for a eugenics agenda.
Well that's what this is all about.
The guy running this whole program and who helped 30 years ago set this up is the one, Dr. Watson, saying blacks aren't really humans.
So he, by the way, ran the program.
Did you know he was instrumental in setting it up?
Well, it has been going since the 1960s, early 1960s.
Okay, well maybe you've got info that I don't know.
According to the Australian Member of Parliament and a U.S.
Congressman, it's 35 years.
But I believe your research, you've got so much, it's unbelievable.
We're going to come back and talk about that with our guest.
You need to support this organization, ladies and gentlemen, as we fight the eugenicist.
We'll be right back.
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Lila Brace is our guest.
She is the President of Citizens Council on Health Care, registered nurse, and a public health nurse as well.
I have studied the quote state laws and it's all regulatory.
It's just like Governor Perry saying it's the law every girl has to take the live cancer virus HPV which they admit doesn't even protect you from the human papillomavirus.
What he did was direct the health department under law that they make it a quote mandated vaccine and the schools tell you it's the law.
Now I've only spot checked a few of the states but it's looks like it's the same I'm sure she can correct me if I'm wrong
What they say is, oh, it's the law that we're going to take this blood and blood test it for deadly childhood diseases and disorders.
And of course the lawmakers thought that sounded reasonable.
But it isn't in the law that they take your blood and use it for research and that they own it and that they put you in a criminal database, your newborn baby.
You can't do that to a citizen.
You pull over, you can't take their blood and put it in a database.
How are you going to do it, though the police are trying now in Denver and other areas?
Brace, is that a correct statement I just made?
About pulling them over and taking their blood?
That's going on all over the country now.
Well, no.
But I mean, that the law is only dealing with a blood test for a disease, that the law doesn't give them shelter on all the other things they're doing.
Yes, it really does depend on the state, and as you said very correctly, some of the states it is within the rules, and some of them it is an actual law.
But the rules, if the rules are allowed to exist, the rules function as a law, but no legislator actually voted on them.
Yeah, it's called a public law and they just operate through force majeure or like takings.
If you can go to somebody's property and for even five years put a fence around it and guard it, then it becomes yours.
And that's what they do.
They just practice these new laws.
Go ahead.
Well, and I think that the DNA, I mean you have to look at this whole thing about DNA and start to say that, you know, we have DNA property rights.
And I think that's one of the things that we should be claiming.
Is our right to determine who can have access and use our DNA.
Because we need to look at this well beyond the privacy aspect and look at it as the property aspect because it can be used against you and it can be used for commercial purposes and it can be used for all sorts of things without your consent unless you actually claim a property right to it.
Now in some states you found some documentation about 45 days you have to demand it back and claim ownership.
Actually, here in Minnesota, several years ago we got a law that allowed parents to object.
We couldn't get the actual opt-in informed consent, but if you knew enough, you could object and then you could have the blood specimen and the test destroyed.
You don't have to do it in 45 days, you can do it any time, but they have to destroy it within a certain length of time after you have requested it.
So we do have here in Minnesota something that most people do not have because
Our organization is in this state, and that's sort of how we discovered what's going on in every other state.
But that's really not good enough.
It really has to be informed consent from the get-go, and they can't have ownership to it.
You have to have the parent's consent before you start doing genetic research on children, before you start claiming ownership to this DNA.
You know, one thing that I would tell you for your listeners is that we have done a YouTube on this issue.
And all they have to do is put in either my name or DNA Warehouse Citizens Council on Health Care and they will come up with this YouTube.
And you can have something that you can share with other parents and other people to let them know what's happening.
We also have a DNA survey which talks about ownership that's on our website and we'd love to have more people fill it out as to whether they think that you have ownership rights.
Well, I haven't seen this YouTube.
I'm sorry, I missed it.
How long is it?
Oh, it's only seven or eight minutes.
Is it okay of next hour after you're gone, if I play that here?
Okay, good, because I just want to inform people.
Now, it doesn't just stop here.
Have you looked at U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B?
I can tell that I have missed something in all my research.
But before you go on, let me just tell you that the Senate, the U.S.
Senate, and the U.S.
House have a sort of a nationalizing newborn genetic testing bill.
The Senate has already passed theirs, and the House has yet to discuss it.
But go ahead and tell me about this thing that I have apparently missed.
No, tell me about that first.
You're saying that they're about to nationally codify it pro-DNA snatching?
Right, they would, that's right, they would standardize it across the country and they would allow research on sort of like what the CDC wanted to do, allow these multiple state or regional research banks to be set up and do research accordingly.
Well that's what they were really doing going back to the 60s when it was, under federal direction, set up.
I thought it was in about 72.
You're saying, can we go back, when did you learn this really started?
Well, when you say it, the newborn screening started in 1961, that was the first test, and the very last state to put it into place was like in 1992, I think.
So, some states have been way ahead, so to speak, of doing it, and others have been farther behind.
But the whole thing about keeping the blood, our state decided to do that, Minnesota, ten years ago.
And some other states are not yet to that point, but I think there's about ten states or so, or no, it's more than ten states.
They keep it, they say, either they keep it indefinitely or they say they keep it more than two years, so you don't know what that means.
Well, this is a clear violation of people's property rights, and we need parents or children as plaintiffs to start suing, and I don't have the time or energy, folks.
I can't do everything.
You need to do it.
You need to confer with our guests and find out more.
But if you want to stop Big Brother and really fight the system they're setting up, this is a key area.
Do you run into the problem of telling people they're putting you in an illegal database, and now even giving it to Homeland Security, with them going, that's impossible, this isn't Russia?
Because I've been telling people about this for years, I've been having congressmen on and members of parliament.
Well, I think it's less likely to happen now.
They're not really in denial about it.
They remember the prick of the heel.
And now that we have started to expose that this is happening, but the fact of the matter is, until the last few years, they only did the PKU and sickle cell and some things that people didn't understand.
But now that people are starting to see that these government entities are keeping the blood.
I mean, this keeping the blood is not all that long ago that it started.
Minnesota, it's been a decade, and it took a while for us to figure out that they were keeping the blood, right?
So, keeping the blood is not even in statute here.
They just did it by an executive decision.
They just decided we've got it.
Why not keep it?
Well, you know a lot I don't know, and I know a lot you don't know because it's such a big subject.
My intel is it's 35 years international program.
Well, that is interesting.
I know that there are other countries, lots of other countries, that are doing newborn genetic testing.
Oh, they even follow the same protocols.
That's absolutely true, but the fact that you say that, what's his name, Dr. Watson started this.
That is news to me and that I certainly will be looking at to see what kind of connections I can find.
Yeah, well he's been heading up the human genome since the 60s.
He was there as a top eugenicist in the late 40s when they changed the name from the Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Records Bank
Oh, yes.
Well, I think a lot of these things tie together and they have a variety of purposes because I think there are people in the health departments who are focused on trying to cut costs by essentially eliminating any, you know, imperfect children.
There are other people who have commercial purposes for it and other people who just want to advance their research careers.
I mean, I think there's a lot of different things going on here.
In every case where we have this type of evil stuff happening, it's a perfect storm where you have a cost-benefit analysis where industry wants to pay a lot of money for the samples, the big genetic engineering firms, and then you've got the government and institutional interests that want to do studies and create maps and law enforcement that wants a national DNA database, and then they come in with our tax money, and that's key, which you mentioned earlier.
Well, you're right.
They're paying the hospitals as their agents.
Go ahead.
And I think that something that happened recently in England, which you may or may not have told your listeners about, is that they decided that doctors and teachers should be on the lookout for children that they think might be criminals.
And then they would like to collect the DNA of those children in advance of the possibility that they might be criminals.
I mean, this sort of thinking is the kind of thinking that's out there.
It's eugenics.
It's, well, it's eugenics and it's, you know, it's tyrannical.
It's, you know, this kind of control where you take their blood and their DNA and you wait.
And you've already classified them as a problem.
It could be a problem for the... Yes.
I did see the British piece last week, but if you, in my film, Endgame, that just came out a few months ago, we have news clips and the news articles and then government documents where two-year-olds in England are put on probation.
Because if one of their parents has a criminal conviction without any medical testing, nothing.
They just say you are genetically a criminal and so they put you on probation at age two for the crimes of your parents.
So it's even worse.
It's not just let's take blood from five-year-olds if they show traits of aggressiveness which we claim means criminality and then getting you in a system.
They're already putting two-year-olds.
I mean, I have the headline.
Well, I think that, you know, what people could be tested for, there are genetic collaborations that have said that we envision a time where children will be tested for 200 conditions.
Some of those conditions are things probably like Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Leukemia, but there are other conditions like crime and behavior.
I mean, 200 conditions.
But let me stop you again because you just keep bringing up so many keys.
We've got to have you back up again.
You're an amazing lady.
I mean, your understanding of this.
We already caught with the New Freedom Initiative three years ago now in play in 50 states.
Well, I do have to say that there is sort of a medicalizing of every possible
Uh, error or defect or problem that there is and saying that it can be treated somehow and that someone has the solution for whom you must pay money.
Well, they say aggressive, they say aggressive, rebellious boys are mentally ill.
No, that's a, that's a man.
That's what men do.
They say, I mean, this is ridiculous.
They say kids lying and, and, and being rude is a disease.
No, they haven't been disciplined.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, I think that's absolutely true, but when the people think that it can be medicalized, it sets a whole other thing into play, and it takes the child, and it takes the parents out of the equation, and it puts other people into the equation to fix the child, or to fix the parents.
And there's money to be made, and there's political agendas to be made, and there are bigger departments to build for this kind of medicalizing of everything.
And I think that that is one of the ways that government is being expanded, is just to look at all these problems which have to do with things, as you say, like discipline, and time with children, and all those sorts of things, and instead to say, no, there's a medical reason, and we will build a bigger agency to deal with it.
The nanny state in their own documents, and I've had the number two Department of Education on, other top educators, this was admitted 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago in the highest councils.
That it is about the corporate system being able to label everybody.
Either get you on welfare, get you in the criminal justice system, or get you in the mental health system, or get you in debt.
Everything is about getting you into a slave position where, oh, you've got your bill of rights, but only one out of a hundred can keep from being designated in one of these categories where you don't have your rights.
You see, they're finding us all incompetent.
That's basically the new form of slavery is incompetence and they advertise all these diseases and all these illnesses and all these mental problems and then their cure is worse than the disease and then you try to go buy a gun and oh sorry you got
You were diagnosed, remember, your wife said, your husband said you should go in, since your mother died, to a counselor, and the counselor says, oh I'm going to get you on some meds, but then they diagnose you with post-traumatic stress, and then your life's over.
You have no rights.
Well, and I think that people really don't understand how the information travels, and someday I would love to talk just about the whole national health information system, but what you said about, you know, them deciding that you're incompetent, we have here from the Holocaust Museum here in Minnesota, they're showing this little expedition which is called Deadly Medicine.
And there is something from the American Eugenics Society in the 1920s, and it has these flashing light bulbs, and one of them says, the light flashes every seven and a half minutes.
And here's a little thing that it says underneath.
It says, every seven and a half minutes, a good person is, a high, sorry, a high-grade person is born in the United States who will have ability to do creative work and be fit for leadership.
About 4% of all Americans come within this class.
So they're saying that only four percent, this is the American Eugenic Society back in 1920, but it fits with what you were saying about finding this all incompetent because they would say that only four percent of the American population is fit for leadership.
Everyone else has some incompetencies that need to be dealt with.
Absolutely incredible.
The sign actually even says
On one side, less of these.
In other words, we need less of these people who are born mentally at a lower level or are criminal.
And then it says more of these.
And that's at the level of those 4%.
I mean, you know, this thinking is old thinking.
No, I've seen the big... I don't think that the thinking has gone away.
No, I've seen the big, you know, photographs of that.
In fact, that very photo is in Endgame, where it shows what they put out nationwide.
And really, this is a way for the elite to just sit up there and then they can decide who's good and who's bad, and it's really just a mode of total control.
And then you find out the eugenicists want 95% population reduction, some only want 80% population reduction, but that's why they believe that, because they believe only 5-10% of us are worth living.
Right, and then when you combine that with what they want to do with health care and how they want to cut costs in the health care system, you see who will get the kind of health care that they need and who might not.
Fire out the website again.
www.cchconline.org or citizenscouncilonhealth.org
I look forward to speaking to you again in the near future.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for us, you song
We are Change, Colorado.
A lengthy, 25-minute conversation with Gary Hart about government-sponsored terror.
We're going to play some clips of that coming up in the next hour.
We're going to get into what's happening with the economy, even take some of your phone calls a little bit later.
Not quite yet, so I'm not going to give the number out right now.
But I do want to hear from you.
Always enjoy it and always very thankful for your calls.
There is just a giant stack of important news I'll be going over as soon as we start the next hour.
In the meantime, just meditate on the fact that this government is criminal and does whatever it wants, whenever it wants, however it wants.
It's just lawless.
It's totally lawless.
And if you complain, they say, but there's blonde-haired, blue-eyed Al Qaeda!
You better do what we say!
How transparent is it?
But they know deep down that you know the truth.
They just know that you're scared to admit the truth to yourself consciously.
Because it is scary.
But admitting the truth only lets you be ahead of the ball.
If you deny all this happens, it's still there.
It's still going on.
A lot of you are very childlike.
That is a lot of you who listen to this show who think I make this stuff up.
You think if you just deny something's happening that it doesn't exist?
No, it still is there!
It still is there, my friends.
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Alright, we'll start the next hour and get into the news.
Oh, don't forget, I'm also a documentary filmmaker.
I've made, I don't know, 17, 18 films.
Endgame's the newest.
If you want to know what runs the planet, what every move the government does, why, you might want to have Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement on high-quality DVD.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, we have
About 200,000 separate individuals that download the free podcast every single week of this radio show.
That is one of the biggest podcasts out there.
200,000 every week.
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I know a lot of you know that you can listen how you want, when you want, where you want.
But a lot of you don't know that you can now download the podcast directly to your cell phone
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We post new ones.
That right to your cell phone.
We need to post the simple instructions on how to do this, because I am no techno expert.
I mean, I'm a techno idiot.
And I know how to download it and play.
I want to hear some interview I did or something somebody else did.
I hardly listen to the radio.
Now, I don't put my cell phone in my pocket or up to my head.
I only listen to messages on it once or twice a day, because it does give you huge brain tumors.
That's back in the news.
But I will type it in, just radiating my hand.
It's still not good.
And then I will put it on speaker and lay it down on the console.
Because the corona that really gives you the cancer is only about a foot around.
Then the microwave dissipates after that.
All the studies show it's not as bad for you.
Still bad.
Here I am recommending cancer-causing things.
It's all around us.
And also, I've got a little thing I can plug into my cell phone.
That then broadcast it over the radio so I can turn it up and listen to what I want, when I want, where I want.
That is really revolutionizing everything.
But it's also very important to continue to support our AM and FM stations.
Nowhere do you have more listeners than you have on the AM and FM dial.
And if you've got an AM or FM affiliate in your town, please tell people to tune into it.
Please stop your car at the red light.
I know I do.
Right here in Austin, I'll roll the window down when I'm driving up Sunday to do my Sunday show, and I'll say, hey, in 45 minutes, tune into 590.
Yeah, the talk station.
Or if it's a weekday, or I'm driving to work in the morning, I'll stop at a red light almost every day, and I'll roll it down, I'll say, hey, tune into 1330 right now, or tune into 90.1.
Tune into 96.3.
Those are the stations here locally you can hear the show on.
And a commercial station, Summer Micros, like 90.1, 96.3.
I mean, if you're listening in any of the 60-something affiliates we've got that are commercial around the country, I said I'd get in the news, I'm about to do it, it's just that I forget how effective it is and how we grow our numbers by you spreading the word.
So I just want to remind you that I'll be in the grocery store line and somebody will say, man, I used to listen to you
Nine years ago on, you know, 98.9 FM.
Man, I sure miss you.
And I go, you didn't know I'm on the radio here, here, here, here, here, locally?
No, thank you!
Even people that like the show lose it, forget about it, don't know.
I'll tell you what else is beautiful in the fight against the global architects, the global control freak scientists, the eugenicists,
That's LiveLeak and BlipTV and YouTube and Google Video and a hundred other big platforms.
You men and women out there are going wild.
I mean you're taking the radio shows, you're cutting out my best rants or my best guest and putting them up there and every day, and I don't even look for it, I see hundreds and hundreds of new clips and cuts and different cuts from the show and the average clip you put up gets thousands of views in a week and then
Hundreds of thousands over the next year and it's just building in the aggregate where it's just hundreds of millions of people coming in contact with us as we take over cyberspace and that's only with my radio show and what you're doing.
You set us free.
You are the ones tearing down the globalists.
You're the ones scaring them.
You're the one that's got them rolling around in fear and acting stupider and stupider.
And they keep telling you with all their arrogance and bravado and chutzpah that we can never defeat them.
They're scared, folks.
They're not as arrogant as they once were.
They're scared in their eyes.
They know.
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Okay, I'm going to play a few minutes of Gary Harding being, I would even say confronted.
People asking him serious questions about the North American Union, government-sponsored terror.
That's We Are Change.
Colorado, it's up on JonesReport.com right now.
That's coming up in a few minutes, but right now, here's a few minutes of the eight-minute clip about DNA warehousing, illegal DNA databases of your children, as the government does genetic testing, gives it to Homeland Security, does whatever they want, when they want.
Here it is.
The Minnesota Department of Health has been collecting the blood and DNA of the children of Minnesota for over ten years.
The department did that without statutory authority or without any parent consent or knowledge.
And in March of 2007, a judge said that the 2006 genetic privacy law would require the Department of Health to get informed of parent consent for both the genetic testing of the program as well as the collection of the blood and the retention of the blood.
And for research, genetic research on the blood.
The department decided that they would appeal that decision.
They lost the appeal and now they have come to the legislature asking for the newborn genetic program to be exempted from the state genetic privacy law.
And one of the things that the people of Minnesota need to understand about that is that there are 73,000 children born every year.
And the blood and DNA of those children now become state property of the Minnesota government.
That means that the government holds on to the DNA and can provide that DNA for genetic research on the children of the state.
In 18 years, every child turns a voting adult and their DNA will still be the property of the state of Minnesota.
So what we're saying is if there is a genetic privacy law here in Minnesota, as there is, why are we going to exempt the DNA of every citizen born since July of 1997 from that genetic privacy law and continue that exemption in perpetuity?
Because clearly that means that the genetic privacy of all the citizens of Minnesota starting since 1997
Or at least since those who were born in 1997, that they don't have genetic privacy.
The state of Minnesota does a variety of things with the blood and DNA that they collect.
Stop right there.
Thus far... We're only going to play a few more minutes of this.
We're going to post the whole thing up on JonesReport.com.
That's kind of a live action site while I'm on air.
Aaron, subscribe to The Window Post whenever we talk about air.
Doing a great job.
Remember, when she's talking about Minnesota, it's the rest of the country, because it's the main model.
The two states working wicked tandem together.
So is Texas.
University of Texas runs the national program when it comes to DNA testing and putting it in a database and then handing it over to Homeland Security back to her.
The state of Minnesota does a variety of things with the blood and DNA that they collect.
Thus far, as we see in this chart here, there are
As I said, there, you know, since 1997, 780,000 children whose DNA is the property of the state of Minnesota.
But if you look down here, there's 42,210 who have had their DNA given to genetic researchers.
And genetic research has been done on those children without the consent or the knowledge of their parents.
I know that the department also conducts
What the state of Minnesota does is it collects five blood spots on every newborn child typically before 24 hours or at 24 hours after birth and they send two of the blood spots to Mayo
And then they keep three of them.
And the Mayo Clinic does part of the testing, and the state of Minnesota does another part of the testing.
We give the names of Susie, and Henry, and Dakota, and Marianne, and Aiden, and Kaiko, and Taisha, to give an understanding that these are all the children from every nationality and every walk of life who have their blood spots owned as state property by the government.
The genetic testing of babies has grown exponentially.
In 2003, the Department was, I believe, testing babies for only five conditions.
They came to the Legislature in 2003 and asked the Legislature to give the Department of Health the ability to increase or expand the number of conditions for which children are tested without having to come back to the Legislature.
And again, they do all of this.
It's kind of like they ask for wiretapping ability 40 years after they start doing it without warrants.
It's 35 years at least.
The major Western nations, it goes in an international DNA database.
And then I have the articles right here where it now goes to Homeland Security in the criminal database.
Let me go ahead and get these audio clips out of the way because then I want to get into the economy.
I want to get into the latest war developments, some mobile phone news.
And I've just decided I'm not going to take any calls today.
I'm gonna take a lot of calls tomorrow and then we got a special guest several special guest actually on Wednesday and then before I forget I keep forgetting to do this there is going to be the biggest announcement this radio show has ever made the biggest announcement in the history of this particular manifestation of my radio show that's been here for
I've been doing this show since 98, so 10 years, this syndicated show.
The biggest announcement in the history of this radio show coming up next Monday, about 8 days from now.
It's really 7 days from now.
You will see a huge announcement here, very, very important announcement coming up next Monday.
And that will be here pretty quickly.
And that announcement will be immediate next Monday.
So it's not like I'm going to make an announcement and you're going to have to wait to see that announcement manifest.
You will see it immediately manifested within the course of a day.
You will see it manifested next Monday, seven days from now.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
Coming up
Next Monday, huge announcement.
I will make the announcement next Monday at 12 noon Central Standard Time as we start the second hour, if you'd like to know the announcement time.
And don't ask me to tell you what it is going to be until then.
That's the fun part about surprises.
Alright, um, this is We Are Change Colorado.
The first question is about the North American Union Security Prosperity Partnership, Trans-Texas Corridor, stuff like that.
And Gary Hart just says, I've never heard of that, that doesn't exist.
Have any of you heard of that?
And about half the crowd says, yeah, we've heard of it.
That's just like Governor Ridge saying, I'm for a national driver's license, not a national ID.
When you read the actual federal documents, it's a global ID.
They play stupid.
Then he says he knows nothing about government-sponsored terror, and he's too tired to talk about false flag terror.
No, he just writes letters publicly, published in newspapers, to Ahmadinejad of Iran, saying, our government stages terror attacks, you better do what we say, or we'll stage one and blame it on you and attack you.
You know, don't think for a minute that just because 80% of people in polls are against attacking you, that there won't be some staged provocation.
We staged the Maine, we staged Tonkin, we staged stuff.
I mean, he publicly writes letters with the thinnest veil of saying the government did it.
Because he knows the public doesn't read.
What is it?
Less than four percent of the country reads a book a year?
I'm not being sardonic or mean.
I realize more and more
They get away with all of it, because people get up, they take a shower, they eat breakfast, they start watching television while they're eating breakfast, they go to work, they try to make as much money as possible, they go to the sports bar, or if they've got kids, they go home, cook them dinner, do laundry, get up again, and they just know how to turn on their blinker, start their car, turn on the blinker, they know how to put their tie on, and they know how to sell insurance, or they know how to run checkpoints, or they know how to change oil filters.
And that's it!
Meanwhile, we've got a bunch of psychopathic, power-tripping scientists working at the behest of the biggest banking families literally on the planet
With delusions of grandeur, with life extension technologies, thinking they're never going to die, but saying the planet's got to be saved by culling the mass of humanity.
And then I get emails every day saying, well, the public is dumb, maybe they should die.
Meanwhile, the elite are doing things, pell-mell, that could destroy the planet.
And I'm going to list some of those at the bottom of the hour.
That's why I decided not to take calls.
So I can have time to cover that.
Big news coming up.
We'll play the Gary Hart after the break, then I'm going to come back, blitz through some economic news and some other stuff, then I'm going to spend the rest of the show, the last 15 minutes or so.
I'm going to do whole shows on this.
I'm going to put physicists on, scientists, and experts, and quantum mechanics physicists.
I've been doing a lot of research on this for more than a decade, and now it's just really starting to get a lot of attention.
So we'll be breaking that down, because
The elite say that they're taking all our freedoms away at the higher levels.
You know, they're calling in governors and presidents and CEOs.
They openly write books about it and put out corporate minutes saying, yeah, we got to get rid of 80% of the people to save the Earth.
It's real sad, but we got to do it.
We got to have a tyrannical world government to stop the spread of super technologies that can destroy the planet if they're not controlled.
Meanwhile, it's the very elitist that have already controlled those technologies.
And are running around like a lunatic who sets themselves on fire in a fireworks factory, running across a carpet of fuses, hooked into kegs of dynamite as big as the Empire State Building.
We'll be right back, stay with me.
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Blueprint for global enslavement.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time in the Mississippi River she's a gold drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see A woman and the kids and the dogs and me I've got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive And a country boy can survive Country folks can survive
I can fly a field all day long.
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
We'll make our own whiskey and our own smoke too.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
We grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine and country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
Oh yeah!
Because you can't starve us out and you can't make us run.
Those woodland boys raised on shotgun.
We say grace.
We say grace.
We say ma'am.
If you ain't into that, well don't give a damn.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Boy, it's hard to cut off Junior, isn't it?
Country folks can't survive.
A black hole chain reaction and a superconducting supercollider.
And neither can the friend in New York City called Junior Hillbilly.
I'd like to spit some beach nut in that dude's eye and shoot him with my old .45.
Alright, that's enough torture.
Torture of the audience.
I'd rather just have fun and play music here on the show.
You'd have your hard rock music with your country and your classical all mixed in with your 60's music.
Now, here's Gary Hart, just a little bit of the being confronted about the North American Union and saying it doesn't exist, and the crowd saying that the King has no clothes.
What is your position on the proposed North American Union, given that it is likely to reduce our national sovereignty and render irrelevant our Constitution and Bill of Rights?
I'm sorry, the first part again?
What is your position on the proposed North American Union?
North American Union?
I've never heard of it.
Who's proposing it?
George Bush signed a treaty back in 2005 with Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico.
Combining the three nations as one?
You've never heard of it?
You've never heard of that?
North American Union?
Bush is such an incompetent word.
For some reason, when you're watching video with bad audio, you see the lips moving and it sounds like good audio, and when you play it, it just sounds terrible.
But I know you can make that out.
Hart has actually been on the Council on Foreign Relations board that helped codify some of these plans.
He was also on the CFR board that came up with the 9-11
Homeland Security plan years before it happened.
He's the guy that's telling me to use this disaster for a new world order.
He's a consummate globalist, and he's like, what is that?
And for everybody out there listening, remember last year they had the 50th anniversary of the European Union, remember?
And they celebrated it as the Treaty of Rome, 1957.
But the whole world was told the European Union was founded in 2000.
See, people in Europe 20, 30, 40 years ago would complain and say they didn't want to be integrated, and they would just say, it doesn't exist, what are you talking about?
Now it isn't going to take 50 years in this case, we're talking 20 years, and we're already decades into NAFTA.
So we're here, it's happening now.
And we've sued and gotten their own documents where they admit it's a North American Union.
And Vicente Fox says, yeah, I'm all for it.
Yeah, it's turning into a union.
We're merging the countries.
He said that on Larry King.
He admitted that to Luke Radowski.
Our guys from We Are Change talk to him.
So, uh... But again, you tell a yuppie... See, a yuppie's threatened by that.
So they'll say it doesn't exist so they don't have to deal with it.
And then they'll act cool.
That's what it's really all about, acting cool.
Thinking you're tough when you're really not.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Also on that 25-minute, Gary Hart
Question and answer session.
He doesn't just say, what's the New World Order?
What's the North American Union?
And everybody says, we know what it is.
He's like, oh man, all these people can see.
They're all wearing black sunglasses from where they live.
They also bring up how he called for a New World Order.
And he says, New World Order?
What is that?
I don't know what that is.
Again, talking to everyone like they're children.
And he goes, oh, wait a minute.
Is that what George Bush Sr.
called for in 1991, I think only once?
Scripting exactly what he said two days after 9-11, where he says, I remember President Bush, and he only said it once, he called for the New World Order, and that's what we need to do.
Use this disaster and make lemonade out of lemons, and use this disaster for a New World Order.
See, it's all scripted.
All scripted when they talk to you, and they talk real slow, like they're talking to a baby.
Well, more and more of us can see you, scumbag.
The jig's up, criminal.
You think you can write letters to Iran saying, back off or we'll stage terror, and we won't make a big deal?
I mean, you think we're that dumb?
You think you can write White House memos saying crush children's body parts?
We're not like you, we're not with you, and we're tired of you using America's good name and dragging it through the mud.
And there is an awakening happening again.
I want to say this, I've studied history and the U.S.
has been the most amazing country in history for its form of government, its revolution, its ideals, the leaders that set it up.
We had more patents than anybody else in the world, more innovation, more liberty.
Just incredible people.
Whether you came here as a black slave, you were the strongest because half your people died on the way over.
Or whether you came here as a white and injured servant, you were tough.
Or whether, you know, it was adventurers, it was criminals, it was black sheep, it was a nation made up of misfits, the dirty dozen.
And this has been the greatest nation ever.
But, even back in the time of the philosophers,
at their heyday.
In Greece, they knew that, and they'd seen it already happen in their different kingdoms, Greece had a lot of different kingdoms in it, where whoever got on top for a couple hundred years would then fall, because the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren of those that were as hard as nails and fast as a rattlesnake
Well, the next kid's pretty tough, and dad makes them work hard, but then they kind of spoil the next kids, and then they spoil the next kids.
It's hard work to make children be tough and strong, and make them march up hills, and make them clean up their plates, and make them, you know, throw out the trash.
It's real basic stuff.
And so people turn into spoiled brats.
They turn into weak brats.
Then they say, oh, protect people.
Don't let kids have fistfights.
Don't let them grow up.
Let them learn how to call the cops instead.
You see, and so the men are soft, and they're on tons of hormones, and the milk, and the food, and the plastics, and so they're effeminate.
The women are hyper-feminine.
And so I'm very upset about the fact that in every statistic, we're the worst there is.
We're becoming one of the least free, we're becoming the dumbest, the fattest.
Myself included, I'm not up on some high horse.
We just really are becoming slovenly.
We are becoming slovenly.
We're falling apart.
And in a vacuum, when you have a nation of braying, lazy sheep who just think that life is Disneyland and that everything's fine and everything's wonderful, when you have people that have that attitude, the wolves come.
And they're institutionalized.
They're in power.
They love it that everybody's stupid.
They've done everything they could to accentuate it and to accelerate the dumbing down in the last hundred years.
And they've done it.
And our biggest weakness isn't even that we can't find England on a map or can't find Iraq on a map or don't understand the
The order of the planets are just... which are wonderful things, I mean, interesting, dynamic, exciting.
I mean, I'm braced every day and chilled with the incredible wonderment of consciousness and being living on this giant molten rock that's covered with the thin skin of life, hurtling through deep space.
I know I talk a lot about that because I am just chastened.
I am thankful.
I am completely blown away.
I mean, when the sun sets, you're looking up through the gaseous atmosphere, and you see distant stars winking into visibility, and the moon rising above the trees, the giant dead satellite that orbits our planet, and the birds in the trees, and hopping around, and their colors, and their sharp eyes, and just everything!
It's amazing!
You're only here one time, and you're unhappy.
You've been made to feel inadequate by Madison Avenue.
You've been made to feel pathetic.
You've been made to feel weak.
You've been made to be focused in on issues that don't matter.
And you feel inadequate because you don't have some stupid black Corvette or Cadillac or Mercedes.
You feel unfulfilled.
When the universe is open before you, and I'm not saying a black Cadillac is a bad thing.
I think they look sharp.
I'd have one, but it's not my style.
The point is that if that's your God, you've got a problem.
I'm low-key.
People say, well, what do you mean things are bad?
I'm not saying we should be a bunch of communists.
I'm saying when it is everything you're focused on, everything you live for, when that is the object of your
I mean, I remember being, like, 18 years old and looking at women and lusting after them and, like, unhappily wishing I could have them all.
You know, that feeling, that anxiousness of, man, she's gorgeous.
Man, I just want her.
To now, I've developed to the point where I don't even desire
I mean, I do, but that's a smaller part of my psyche.
I just admire their beauty.
I share in it, and it's not even sexual.
I don't even know how to explain it.
It's like I've grown.
And I realize that very few people, I don't even think, ever even get to this level.
And it's so much fun.
It's so great to be able to appreciate beauty all around you and see it everywhere.
But I'm already digressing and I said I'd get into things the elite are doing that endanger the whole planet, but I need to get into this news first here.
The long and short of it on the financial end is this, just as we told you.
The Federal Reserve, the private banking group of families that own our nation, most banks are not Federal Reserve owners, they are members, meaning they're regulated by the private Fed.
There's a handful of European and US and British banks, like JP Morgan Chase, who own the private stock in the secret of private Federal Reserve.
And they're the ones that lobbied, they're the ones that pushed for changing the laws to flood everything with liquidity, knowing it wouldn't be paid back.
Then it caused a chain reaction, which they initiated three years ago, the popping of it.
Now they pose as the saviors, and the Federal Reserve is going to be given more governmental power
To nationalize banks, forcibly, and to quote, not bail them out, just give the other bank chairman and even their stockholders and brokerage firm heads, to give them nothing, and then take all the real assets and have the U.S.
taxpayer bail it out.
So it's not a, so they're spinning it as, it's not a bailout.
We're going to go with the
Nordic-style bailout of the early 90s, and we're going to give nothing to the shareholders and nothing to the corrupt CEOs and corrupt officers of the corporations.
And we're going to nationalize it.
But then you look at their nationalization plan, they're saying the National Federal Reserve will have governmental power and will have no regulations on itself.
I mean, just any regulations, they admit.
I was driving and listening to Fox News, driving to do my Sunday show yesterday, and I heard them
During the news say, well the Federal Reserve is going to be taking over most of the banks in the country and having even more power and strangely enough that means even less regulation to fix things.
And so they're just made absolute god over everything with armies of police and military ready for the politicians to snap their fingers to just gun people down on the streets and we get too uppity when they take your pension funds and everything else you got.
I mean, it's just raw, total domination.
And when the cops are out there beating your head in with their clubs, they're going to really think that they're doing this to save the economy.
But as the IMF documents state, they want the riots, they want the total breakdown, to where total confidence is lost, and then the bankers get it all.
I mean, this is the takedown of the U.S.
And so the Federal Reserve gets to take over everything, and then we get left holding the bag, and then they get worshipped as usual.
The media is talking about what geniuses Bernanke and what geniuses Greenspan are.
Oh, we're so lucky to have them when they set the policies that did this.
Fed eyes Nordic-style nationalization of US banks.
The Fed has been criticized for its rescue of Bear Stearns, which critics say
has degenerated into a taxpayer gift to the rich bankers.
A senior official at one of the Scandinavian central banks told the Daily Telegraph that the Fed strategists have stepped up contracts and contacts to learn how Norway, Sweden, and Finland managed their traumatic crises in 91 and 93, which brought the region's economy to its knees.
It is understood that Fed Vice Chairman Don Cohen
Remains very concerned about the depth of the U.S.
crisis and is eyeing the Nordic approach for contingency options.
Scandinavia's bank rescue proved successful and is now a model for central banks, unlike Japan's drawn-out response which ailing banks were propped up
In a half-public limbo for years.
While the response varied in each Nordic country, there was a major effort to avoid the sort of moral hazard that has bedeviled efforts by the Fed and the Bank of England in trying to stabilize their banking systems.
Norway ensured that shareholders of insolvent lenders received nothing, and the senior management was entirely purged.
Two of the country's top bankers, Christina Bank, were seized by force majeure.
We're determined not to get caught in the game we've seen with Bear Stearns.
Yeah, right.
Oh, we're so lucky to have Bernanke.
Oh, thank you, Bernanke, for making everybody's Social Security check worth half what it was.
Oh, and you're going to get rid of all its value.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
But to a public who can't find the U.S.
on a map?
It's a ball-headed guy in a suit.
They believe it.
He must know what he's doing.
Men in suits never are bad.
Bush and Brown in push to deal with crises, Financial Times 1, President Bush, U.S.
President Gordon Brown, the U.K.
Prime Minister, have agreed to step up cooperation over the crisis in financial markets.
They are setting up a joint working group which will develop plans to monitor and regulate the banking system.
And then you read the banking plan, it's unlimited power to the Bank of England and the private fellow reserve.
Oh, I'm so glad they're saving us.
Paulson proposes financial overhaul.
Administration unveils sweeping plan to overhaul financial regulation.
The Bush administration Monday proposed the most far-reaching overall of national regulatory system since the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression.
The plan would change how the government regulates thousands of businesses from the nation's biggest banks and investment houses down to the local insurance agent mortgage broker.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson unveiled the 218-page plan in a speech to the Treasury's ornate cash room.
He declared that the strong financial system was important not just to Wall Street but also for working Americans.
And you look at Bush with a devilish laugh in the photo and Paulson and Bernanke, they are looking like they have just won the lottery.
And they have!
They're raping us, destroying the dollar, destroying the nation's financial future, but they're taking over everything that's left.
And they're getting total Nazi-like power over all the other banking and lending and brokerage and stock institutions.
See, now you're just going to have a few people with it all.
And then there'll be another crisis.
And then they'll offer the next solution as the tourniquet.
It's kind of like one of those traps.
The more you struggle, the tighter it gets.
And they're just always there, going, I'm your friend.
Never mind my hands around your neck.
There you go.
There you go.
I love you so much.
Don't struggle.
I'm just helping your neck.
Just wiping some sand off.
Don't you mind that?
No, you're passing out now.
I'm your friend.
I'm the government.
Well, it's gotten a lot of attention, and I'm glad.
We had a high-ranking, one of the chief guys in his party, and he's on the Council of Advisors.
The highest level of the Japanese Parliament.
Had him on yesterday for 30 minutes from Tokyo on the Sunday show.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
Member of Japanese Diet.
Now it's official, 9-11 fairy tale.
Don't expect the New York Times, CNN report on Fujita Yukihisa's grilling of Japanese Prime Minister over the official 9-11 fairy tale.
Well, the news story we've got, I actually had it here in my stack.
That's an old one Paul wrote.
He's calling for a global investigation and for other governments to investigate and now the European Parliament's looking at it so more and more is coming out, more and more is starting to happen there on that front so that's exciting.
And we're going to get that audio of that interview posted up on prisonplanet.com.
I noticed it wasn't there last night.
Is it there today?
My computer's sick here in the studio so I've had a computer all day.
It's out there in the hall being worked on.
I need to get another one I guess.
That one's being used for something, I think.
You know, I said I would get into all this black hole news on the other side, but I don't think I can really give it justice in five minutes.
I'm going to start the show tomorrow when I'm good and fresh with this and do a full hour on it, and then we've got a bunch of guests coming on.
We'll also take calls.
Because I don't think I can really do justice to this, and I want to try to, maybe even just in 30 minutes, calmly
In a focused manner, sum this up.
Because I've got U.S.
government reports, top physicist, I've got the British Royal Society head saying it's very dangerous.
This is something that needs to be covered in great detail.
And I need to spend time on this.
And properly break it all down.
So I'm going to do that tomorrow.
We've talked a lot about genetic engineering.
But when you deal with... Well, they had the equations a hundred years ago for A-bombs.
They had the equations for hydrogen bombs 80 years ago.
And they were detonating A-bombs 65 years ago.
I'll finish up when we get back.
I'll get a little bit into this now.
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I think.
Final segment.
That covered a ton of news.
Had a very important guest on about the illegal DNA databases in the second hour.
That already starts on the web at InfoWars.com coming up in about five minutes.
But you've got to go there to listen to those streams to be able to hear the show.
Yeah, there was an article Friday in the New York Times that got me talking about this Sunday a little bit, but tomorrow I'm going to do at least 30 minutes on it, probably an hour on it.
Asking a judge to save the world and maybe a whole lot more and then it gets into superconducting super colliders and the physicists that believe it will has a probability to create amongst a bunch of other things that will destroy the entire planet and solar system in some cases that will create black holes but that's one of many.
Now Max Planck and a lot of others have the equations
for the A-bomb in 1905-1906.
That's why H.G.
Wells, that hung around with all of them, wrote a book in 1912 where there were atom bombs.
That term was used.
Now, it wasn't science fiction.
You think they just went out in the desert in 4044 and just pulled one of these out of their nose?
The big problem was enriching the uranium.
By the way, their first test succeeded.
Tested it.
Rolled it out and dropped it on the Japanese in 45.
Now, a bunch of top physicists, and I'm going to go over those tomorrow, have said that the superconducting supercolliders would probably create black holes.
Very small ones, and they predicted they would fall apart and decay.
And sure enough, in 2005, laboratories, and now a bunch of them have done it, have made miniature black holes.
They've got these big magnetic systems that supposedly hold them in place, and they've created artificial suns, and they did that 30 years ago, and they've created new elements that didn't exist before.
Okay, it is Buck Rogers!
It's just you're not told about it.
I mean, it's declassified, but it's not popularly discussed.
Now imagine what is classified.
And I got articles here about anti-matter bombs and what the Air Force has got and the rest of it.
And the point here is, the scientists doing this admit they don't know what's going to happen each time they do these tests.
And they're messing around with more and more dangerous particles, accelerating heavy particles into other heavy particles.
And the scientists that warned people were right about the black holes.
And then now there's these strangelets and these other things that can be created.
And then you've got the genetic engineering going wild.
I'll talk about it tomorrow.
It's just... The elite is out of their minds.
And... I'll never forget watching that film, Trinity, came out in the late 90s.
about atomic program and hydrogen program and it showed in the early 60s where out in Arizona or was it in Mexico they detonated like a hundred hydrogen bombs in the atmosphere in one night to see if it would catch the atmosphere on fire or cause EMP globally and it did blow up stuff around the world, blow up transistors and things.
And some of the scientists thought it was going to catch the atmosphere on fire, and they said, OK, let's try to.
Let's try to catch the Earth on fire.
So go ahead and enjoy your checkpoints, cops.
That's who runs things.
Go ahead and enjoy sending potheads to jail.
Go ahead and put everybody in FEMA camps.
And go ahead and drink your fluoride and think you've got all the problems handled.
Go ahead and hide under your bed from Al-Qaeda.
Their genetic engineering things have already given rise to super viruses and bacteria.
Already mass crises going on, being covered up.
They're messing with the very fabric of antimatter and everything else you can imagine.
Just God help us.
Please, God help us.
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
Go there and listen.
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