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Name: 20080323_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 23, 2008
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There could be a delay in further reductions of US troops from Iraq until at least later in the year.
The New York Times reports senior military commanders have made that recommendation in a report to the Bush administration.
President Bush, meanwhile, likely to make a decision by April 1st concerning a
Additional withdrawals.
State Department warning Americans against travel to China's Tibetan Autonomous Region.
Officials expressing safety and security concerns for U.S.
And Americans in Tibet are discouraged from traveling to areas where demonstrations are taking place.
Russia has agreed to conditions set by Israel concerning the delivery of armored vehicles to a number of Palestinian security forces.
You're listening to IRN USA Radio News.
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The private passport files of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain have all been breached.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormick blamed the breaches on new people who were brought in to deal with a huge passport backlog last year.
The State Department's Inspector General will be conducting a full investigation of the unauthorized access.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice talked about calling Senator Obama.
I told him that I was sorry and I told him that I myself would be very disturbed if I learned that somebody had looked into my passport file.
Rice also apologized to Clinton and was expected to do the same with McCain who was overseas.
I'm Terry Moore in Washington.
Two elderly women in California on trial in the deaths of two transients in order to collect life insurance money.
Prosecutors say the women took out policies on the two men and later killed them.
The women allegedly collected three million dollars in insurance money.
For the latest news analysis log on to IRNnews.com.
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As the Merrimack River continues to rise, authorities in Eureka, Missouri, working to protect that community, Lt.
Nick Humphrey of the Missouri State Water Patrol.
We are trying to start to move some of our personnel out of southeast Missouri and where the Merrimack River is supposed to crest at about 24 feet over flood stage.
It would be the highest that that area has ever been.
He says the situation is critical.
We're trying to sandbag in all the locations where we think it might do some good, but our concern is the levees, and one of the levees of a sand boil, which basically means that that levee is being eroded by floodwaters.
Since earlier this week, flooding in the Midwest claiming the lives of at least 16 people.
Four men who were lost in a cave in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park have been safely rescued.
Park rangers began searching for the men after one of the wives reported them missing early Friday morning.
A convicted sex offender is accused of murdering a 71-year-old Wisconsin real estate agent.
Authorities say that James Hull had asked Ann Nelson to show him a home, then allegedly choked and beat her to death.
Quite a week on Wall Street.
Ups and downs all over the place, but when it was done, the Dow Industrials gained 410 points, Nasdaq up 45.
I'm Jason Walker with news on IRN USA Radio Network.
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This is the Alex Jones Show.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us.
It is Ishtar Day when we worship Ishtar, the mother goddess
of Babylon and we simulate fertility through the rabbits.
That's why playboy symbol is a rabbit because rabbits are well known for their sexual stamina and how many cycles of young that they can birth each year.
Hence the terms like they're breeding like rabbits.
That's why Hugh Hefner picked the rabbit as the symbol for his playboy empire.
And so
In the last 60 years, our children have been trained to not be Christian on this holiday.
But for hundreds of years, it's been called Easter, the occult symbolism hidden in plain view, the Eastern worship of Ishtar, the mother goddess, fertility, the eggs, the rabbit.
And it is a huge fertility ritual.
We just had the beginning of spring a couple days ago, and then we celebrate the high occult holy day.
Practiced by different occult branches all over the world, from the Aztecs to the Babylonians, of course, to the Druids.
Now, we did celebrate Ishtar today.
We did put the eggs out.
We did worship Ishtar.
I'm not saying you're bad that you worship Ishtar.
I'm just simply pointing out that, like everything else, we need to be aware of what's happening.
We need to be aware
...of what things really mean.
Have you noticed that all the big holidays, Christmas, Halloween, you name it, they're all on a cult high.
Holy days.
Samhain, or what you know as Halloween, in the encyclopedia, is the day all over Europe the... ...sacrifices... ...the European slang...
In Germany and England for bone fire, that's in National Geographic, when they would take men, women, and children and throw them into fire to pits.
Now again, I'm a Christian, and the kids have fun with the eggs, and the whole point is that I don't worship Ishtar because I'm conscious of it and I realize what it is.
But the globalists enjoy tricking you.
They enjoy manipulating you.
They enjoy having things hidden in plain view.
In fact, that's part of their Illuminist religion, is that they get more power out of things being in plain view and you still not seeing them.
So that's all part of the basic craziness.
But just look up the term Easter.
It's in your encyclopedia.
The root from Ishtar, the goddess of fertility, and in springtime,
All over the world, different cultures, they had different names for the goddess, but it was always the goddess, would engage in different sacrifices.
Sometimes a goat, sometimes a ram, sometimes a bull, sometimes a horse, but more often than not, a child.
And the Aztecs and the whole Mayan culture, from Central America up into Southern North America, in Mexico, they would sacrifice their children on this holy day.
So just remember that, and understand that, and then ask yourselves why you're not told that.
You didn't know Ishtar symbolizes a rabbit.
You didn't know Easter means Ishtar.
You didn't know that the Bible says that Christ reportedly rose on a different date than this date.
None of that matters, though.
We do have the bunny rabbit.
Maybe, maybe, maybe that's Christian.
Maybe Ishtar
We'll take good care of us.
My whole point is, you should be aware of the hidden things that are hidden in plain view, as I just said five times in a row.
Okay, this is going to be a weird radio show today, and you're not going to want to miss it.
Just in the last three days, a whole bunch of weird news has come out.
Now, most of this is news that you as listeners here are already aware.
But what's crazy is that more and more mainstream outlets are admitting these things.
I think that cameras in thousands of school district bathrooms, in the bathrooms, is Orwellian.
Being videotaped while you use the bathroom is the height of the destruction of privacy and of totalitarian control.
But many of you have been conditioned that that is a good thing, to have cameras in the girls' showers and the boys' showers and in the bathrooms.
I'm not kidding.
All over the country.
Wired into the police department as well.
And then hooked into federal databases.
Many of you think having your cell phone tracked down to three feet by GPS under federal law, that the police can type in your code.
All cities haven't adopted this yet, but the feds offer it.
And then track your cell phone in live time, where you're at, what you're doing.
Type in a code, even if your cell phone's off, and the audio comes up.
Designed by law to track and listen to you, and the feds now admit that.
I told you ten years before it was in the news, but we talked about that last week.
I seem to think that's big brother in a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
But here in the land of the slaves, home of the cowards, a lot of people think that's what America is all about.
But a big security company is working with the airlines to make you fit a taser bracelet around your wrist.
Everyone who gets on a plane will be fitted with a taser bracelet and zapped if they have their way.
And they say they've done polling and the people want to be fitted with your taser bracelet.
And again, this is about training you to be a slave.
Making you take your shoes off.
And I've got the federal docs on that, about humiliation, about setting the precedent for you to do anything and everything.
This is all part of a dog training, basically.
Pavlovian training to train you how to be a slave.
But we're going to play this clip coming up after the break.
Where, uh, they're advertising the fact that you'll all be fitted with your, with your zappers.
Everyone will have their, and then they say, oh, by the way, in the real world, you know, outside the airports, we can all have these zapper bracelets.
And the police in L.A.
are pushing, and they've done it in some cities, where your car has to have an automatic kill switch for the police.
Because, see, somebody might run from them, so we're all guilty until proven innocent, so we all gotta have a kill switch in our car.
Of course, who's going to watch the government, who historically is the most dangerous thing we have to look out for?
It doesn't matter.
Automatic kill switches in cars will all be fitted with our taser bracelets or necklaces.
Again, you can't make this up.
You can't make this up.
This is not a spoof or satire.
You'll laugh and say it's not true today, but when you hear about it on the news next month, you will, in double think, shift and say, okay, I'm for it.
That's how you've been pre-programmed with high-tech mind control of the television that then leaks out into the culture and then is amplified by the cultural zeitgeist known as the peer-pressure hundredth monkey nexus overdrive.
Little term I just coined there, but that's basically what it is.
I told you about this 10 years ago again when I first learned of it.
Congressmen on, Australian parliamentarians on, in all major Western governments.
Europe has been doing it for 35 years.
Australia, the US, England, Canada, and New Zealand.
New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, and England.
But the entire West for the last decade at least.
At birth, your DNA is taken illegally and put in a DNA database.
But I thought I would take this time today to report how the government is now announcing this.
It's always been illegal and criminal and just totally wicked, but now they're admitting it and they're saying that your baby's blood is then diagrammed, a coding laid out,
Your DNA sequence, and then it goes to the Department of Homeland Security.
That's right, your baby, at birth, is put into a federal DNA crime database.
Cameras in bathroom stalls, DNA databases for babies, they want to fit us all with taser bracelets, all of us when we get on the plane.
Uh, that is Land of the Slaves, Home of the Cowards.
Because they say, they say they pulled people in focus groups and said, Yes!
Put a taser around me in case there's terrorists on the plane!
And then, taser assault is a terrorist attack!
There's terrorists everywhere!
Oh, but I'm not done.
I told you about a year and a half ago that Google proudly has announced that the camera in your computer and microphone is watching you.
Now Comcast is announcing it publicly and saying, What's the big deal?
We're going to watch you in your home!
And to show your conditioning and brainwashing, right now you're thinking I'm weird for saying a camera watching you in your home is Big Brother.
We'll be right back, slaves.
It is a big idea.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, it's Hitchcock Day!
That fella in Palestine named Jesus Christ by putting out purple, green, and pink Easter eggs and hopping around.
You know, imagine if somebody fell asleep 50 years ago and just now woke up on a cryo-freeze and turned on the news and they were proposing that we all walk around wearing shock bracelets.
If it makes the officer feel more relaxed, shouldn't the entire public be fitted with a shock bracelet?
Oh yeah!
I'm definitely Al-Qaeda because I don't want to wear my shock bracelet.
The men in black ski masks are good.
The government's good.
Everything is fine, my friends.
Let's just go ahead and get into this now.
You know what?
This is actually very serious.
Here inside the good old New World Order
This is a story from LRCblog.
Will the militarized police state shock you into submission?
I would have had the headline, I'm trying to get Paul Watson to write an article for PrisonPlanet.com tomorrow on this, but integrating all the craziness that's happening with a headline like, Airlines considering forcing all passengers to wear taser shock bracelets.
I mean, that's really what they're doing.
This is perhaps one of the most kooky
And creepy security state tactics that I have come across.
The EMD safety bracelet.
It's called a safety bracelet.
Which is being billed as the last line of defense.
A company called Lampard Firearm Training Systems is trying to commercialize this item as an airline security product.
The company's video that hawks the device talks about current facial recognition called biometrics where cameras capture photos of people and it goes through it.
So I googled the company and looked into it and they've been doing consultations
For some airlines, they are considering it.
The airlines are talking about, well, if you're on a watch list, there's over a million Americans now on the watch list, bad credit, ever had a misdemeanor, anything, you're on the list, and they're going to say, would you mind wearing this bracelet?
That's how they always integrate it first.
And then you're walking around with your shock bracelet.
But let's go ahead and roll just a few minutes of the sales pitch, so the slaves out there can do this to be safe.
See, it's all about being safe.
Oh, they're building FEMA camps and getting rid of the Bill of Rights so you're safe.
Oh, they're... No, none of this makes you safe.
The greatest threat to you and your family is the government.
Always has been, always will be, throughout history and into the future.
Let's go ahead and roll this now.
Is there a solution to deterring hijackers once they are on the aircraft?
Yes, there is a very viable, workable answer.
It starts here, when passengers are issued their tickets.
At that time, they can also be fitted with a special electronic ID bracelet that they will wear until they disembark the flight at their destination.
These electronic coated bracelets will make traveling much more convenient for the public.
It will replace the need to carry a ticket by containing all pertinent passenger information.
In addition, the bracelet could permit tracking of the passenger through the terminal, including carry-on luggage.
Checked luggage can be coated to match the bracelet to ensure no tampering or diversions.
By further equipping each bracelet with EMD technology, the bracelets will allow crew members using radio frequency transmitters to quickly and effectively subdue hijackers.
The electro-muscular disruption signal overrides the attacker's central nervous system and will render even the most elite and aggressive terrorist completely immobile for several minutes.
This will allow the crew to subdue and handcuff that individual.
EMD technology is designed to incapacitate a target from a safe distance without causing permanent injury, which means these criminals will survive and go to trial.
The bracelet would only be armed by someone on board upon confirmation that a takeover situation exists.
To a business
Oh, for some reason this YouTube clip is cutting out.
I tell you, the computer's up here from like the 18th century.
So hey, you know what?
Later we'll play the rest of the clip.
It goes on and on.
You can watch it up at InfoWars.com right now, our main news site.
And PrisonPlanet.com's got a link to it, too.
But, you know, I shouldn't laugh about any of this.
I shouldn't laugh about it because they're really considering this.
You know, they made all the Attorney General's employees in his office
In Mexico City, four years ago, take microchips.
Under the skin.
They've made special forces take them.
And I was told this.
I saw this in the news.
They were considering it, like, five years ago.
But I've got family who's now confirmed that it has happened.
That are in special forces.
They're not supposed to talk about it, either.
In case you get blown in pieces, we can identify you.
But it's all about control.
And, I mean, they'll probably propose next that at birth, we've got to have heart plugs put in, where the police can just, like,
Pull a little string, like in the movie Dune, and rip a hole in your heart, and have like a tube hanging out, and you know, so your blood pours out.
It's for the officer's safety!
Maybe they'll just like start planting a little explosive right in your carotid arteries, and the cops can have like a little remote control, and then you jaywalk or back off, they just hit a button, blows up your, you know, arteries explode.
Kind of like an escape from New York.
Ha ha ha ha, Snake Plissken.
Folks, you know,
I decided not to rant and rave and scream about this today.
Let's just laugh at it.
But they did internal focus groups and polling and found that about half people say they want to wear taser bracelets.
I mean, let me tell you something, cowardly cattle out there who like all of this.
I'm not talking about everybody, but the percentage out there that loves it.
You're never going to be safe, okay?
In fact, if you are a bunch of jellyfish, spineless,
Quizzling cowards that worship all authority and then run around hiding from men in turbans under the bed.
You're going to be enslaved.
Wolves come when you act like a mindless, lobotomized sheep.
I mean, you're worse than sheep.
Sheep sometimes will run from a wolf.
You're like a lobotomized sheep that's had his legs cut off.
And shaved for ease of access for the wolves.
So they don't have to bite through your wool.
It's like a shaved sheep on its back with its legs cut off.
So it doesn't have to be scared or see anything.
It's got blinders on, earmuffs on, and its mouth is muzzled in case it accidentally, flailing in pain, might bite the wolf.
And the wolf comes running up in a black ski mask saying, I'm from Homeland Security.
I'm here to keep you safe.
And you can't even hear them.
You just start worshipping them.
That's pretty much what this country's become.
When we get back, we're going to be taking phone calls at 877-590-5525.
States hand over the DNA of newborns to the Department of Homeland Security.
I want to spend some time on this.
All of your children, 35 or younger, you've been put in a legal international database.
Now, your conditioning just kicked in.
You went, wait a minute, Homeland Security's six years old.
I know that.
I'm going to read the actual documents.
This is real.
That blood, they say, goes to the health department for a blood test?
Did you ever ask why the hospital couldn't do a blood test?
Your blood publicly went to a federal database and then to an international database.
For DNA testing, DNA backgrounds.
They claim they own your child's blood.
They make DNA patents out of it.
New proteins and things.
But now it goes to Homeland Security in the national crime database.
With murderers, bank robbers, everything else.
You want to be slaves?
You're gonna get to be!
And I want to tell the cops something!
You think you're on the winning team?
Just drink more fluoride water from your masters!
Inject your children with mercury-filled shots!
Just trust the system!
Go ahead!
Serve it!
Love it!
They'll come back with the DNA databases and your cable boxes watching you!
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, when I talk about the government being corrupt, the government being out of control, I don't mean the average cop, the average fireman, the average tax assessor, the average bureaucrat who's just studying water samples.
A lot of good people in government, but the structure of it, who runs it, how it operates.
Here's an example.
It has come out that a secret branch of the British government
has been spying on all members of parliament for decades and tapping their phones and tapping their parliamentary phones.
Again, the military-industrial complex, the private banks, the arms manufacturers have taken over every western government.
They run us at their pleasure and then they all only have the illusion or simulated liberty, simulated free market, simulated capitalism, simulated voting.
That's why they don't care about me being on the air.
In fact, I've been told by some of them, when I've talked to globalists before, they just laugh and say, we don't care if the slaves know.
We don't, you know.
These people don't want your help, Mr. Jones.
I've talked to big corporate chieftains, you name it.
They say, Alex, these people don't want your help.
Look, you tell them and they don't want it.
Of course it's all true.
See, that's why I was laughing earlier, was to show you how they're laughing at you.
And look, you're always going to have boss hogs and good ol' boys and corruption.
What I don't like is that they put poison in the water knowingly for eugenics to dumb down their competition, and they say it's to dumb down the middle class who might get in the way of their plan.
Or the fact that they knowingly, by the twenties, had isolated cancer viruses and started putting them in the vaccines.
Or that they've sterilized women forcibly all over the planet.
Or that our government paid China hundreds of billions of dollars in the aggregate over time to forcibly sterilize and have a one-child policy.
I mean, that's hardcore.
Now, I remember when I first got on air about 13 years ago, getting emails, first out of Australia, and it was a supposed table company installer, and he got into one of the cable boxes and it had a camera and microphone in it, and I got on there and I said, that's a hoax, that story's not true.
Turned out I was wrong.
I mean, 13 years ago, I was, the Federal Reserve is private, we need to get rid of it, and we need the Second Amendment, and I was kind of like a
Ron Paul style Republican, but still pretty mainline.
But then over the years I found out all this stuff was true.
I remember in 1996 getting on the radio and saying, you guys are kooks that believe in black helicopters.
They don't exist.
And it's just something the media just throws out there to make us all look dumb.
Let's talk about serious issues.
Then they started attacking towns all over Texas.
I went and witnessed it.
I went and interviewed police chiefs who they tried to bribe.
Emergency managers like Thomas Sanchez in Kingsville, when they came to him and said it's PDD 25, we're gearing up for martial law.
And then it was in the front page of the Statesman, remember?
Army terrorizes South Texas, remember the headline?
But then next to it a big column saying conspiracy theorist Alex Jones doesn't like it.
They admitted it was all happening, but then said, but still you're a conspiracy theorist if you don't like it.
People said, well then I'm all for it.
Those helicopters don't exist, even when the paper says they do.
See, this is basic psychological warfare they're using on you.
And I remember in 98,
Uh, it was in the San Antonio Express News, they came in the police chief of Delta Force, they had big bags of cash, they tried to buy off the mayor, everybody else, they were able to buy off a bunch of people, bags of cash, the police chief said this is illegal.
He was former Army Intelligence himself, good, patriotic guy, Allie Philippus.
I called him up, said I'd like to interview the Chief for my local show on Channel 10 and for the radio.
I got in the car, drove down, went down to the police station, went upstairs, talked to him, and he said, yeah, this is for martial law and I'm not going to be part of it.
That interview's available, it's all over the web for free.
It's in my film, Police Day 2000.
Just a police chief.
Then we went to Alice, Texas, interviewed a police chief who admitted foreign troops were with him, but he was all for it.
He said, the foreign troops could know about their secret plan, but the citizens couldn't.
But the emergency manager at Kingsville said no.
And they said, oh it's okay sir, we've seen your file, you were in the intelligence in Vietnam, Mr. Sanchez, we'll let you see the plan.
And it was PDD-25, Clinton's gun confiscation op.
It was a training op.
They do it to condition each city before they carry out the op in the future, if it's ever needed.
That way when they actually attack your cities,
And take over your city halls where need be, you would have already seen it happen before in drills and everyone is acclimated to it.
Now it's in PDD 51, Bush is reauthorized, John Ward Defense Authorization Act openly says for taking over the states and fighting the American people in insurrection and rebellion.
It's not our military, it's not our government anymore.
Does that mean our young men and women in uniform didn't join for the right reasons?
Does it not mean they're not brave?
No, they're in a bad system.
Just like German soldiers, by and large, weren't bad, but they were in a bad system.
Most of them were compartmentalized.
Maybe 4 or 5 percent of the German military was involved in death camps.
I used to think that the Germans were lying at the end of World War II when General Eisenhower made the Germans, and I've seen the film of this, made Germans
Haul the dead out of the camps and bury them.
You see everybody throwing up.
They have the townspeople out.
And the Germans are saying, we didn't know.
We didn't know.
Well, now I've read a lot of documents, read a lot of history books.
They really didn't know.
They're just like the average American.
You don't know.
You don't want to know.
You don't want to believe.
You don't want to know what's happening.
I'll tell you who did know.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's daddy was running operations.
We're arresting people in the entire sector.
He knew.
He was part of it.
That pig gets up on TV and always wears that Nazi belt buckle.
I'm so sick of Schwarzenegger.
But that's only the land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
Would you have a Nazi who said he admires Hitler?
Son of a top Nazi running the seventh largest economy in the world.
But the Pentagon's paying compliance with mind control weapons.
That's another mainstream article we're going to be going over.
But you know what?
Let me just go ahead and, before we go to break, and come back and take your calls, let me just go ahead and get into the cable boxes first.
Then we'll take calls, and then I'm going to get into the DNA database.
Your child is in a Homeland Security criminal database.
Even if your child is 10 years old, and Homeland Security didn't exist then, they have now gone back and gotten all the blood samples the feds took illegally at your child when your child was born, and the hospital compliantly and cowardly went along with, and that's now in the federal DNA database.
But I thought I'd get into this first.
About a year and a half, actually about two years ago, now, maybe longer, you can go pull up the Present Planet article about it, Google put out a press release and said, we've been testing this for years, but now we're going ahead with it.
Most computers have built-in microphones and cameras.
And you use it for video conferencing, but it's two-way.
And we're just going to have a piece of software pre-loaded when you use us, or we're working on deals.
They said Yahoo has their own system.
Microsoft has their own system, but our system's better.
Now Microsoft owns Yahoo, but back then they didn't.
And so, they even talk about everybody else has the same system, but ours is a little bit better.
And they said that computers with keywords are recording everything going on in your house with the microphone and the video camera, either or, or both.
And it said that if your dog is barking, they know to flash and even sell your name and send you junk mail for the dog barking.
For foods or toys or products for pets.
They even know what TV show you're watching in the background and then they know how to tailor ads.
You wonder why the TV show you like, those ads pop up on Google when you're on the computer?
How do they know that?
A lot of times it's not just cookies.
The computer is listening to you and it is, with the same NSA keyword technology, it's typing out everything you say and then the whole of that data
Is then analyzed and put into your file.
And they brag about this.
They have an entire psychological algorithm, everything about you, what your true habits are, what you're really into.
Not just what you visit, what you do online, but what happens in your home.
And then they said, but don't worry, humans aren't actually listening.
The computers are just creating files on you, and then humans look at that.
Imagine if somebody came to your door and knocked on it and said, I'll pay you a thousand dollars a month to put cameras all over your house.
And to listen to you and you'd say no, unless you were some exhibitionist.
And don't they make tens of thousands a month, those women?
You'd say, get off my porch, pervert.
But Google announces it and you go, oh, I don't want to admit I'm in a tyranny.
I'm going to make an instant yuppie, crime-stop, double-think motion from Orwellville, and I'm going to decide just to mentally ignore that.
That's what cowards do.
They make minute-to-minute, cowardly decisions.
So there's been a big new announcement about this, uh, Comcast.
Let me get back, stay with us.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communication Radio Network.
Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
The face scanning cameras were wonderful and happy.
I had to thumb scan to get in the bar.
The police demanded a drug test, me I refused.
They tasered me five times, and I had a heart attack and died.
La la la, I have that article here.
It's all part of being a slave, and I love it!
It's so much fun, oh please, beat me more!
Alright, I'll stop.
This is the Easter fun show, you know?
Wild America, wild and free!
Face scanning cameras everywhere, everything you do, tracked.
But I wasn't allowed to own a gun in America anymore.
And I wasn't allowed to fight either.
You know, in this country, the kids aren't allowed to play tag or dodgeball.
Now they're banning running during recess.
Again, everything's prison.
Police dogs in the schools, learning how to be prisoners.
Look, I know we got Ronald, Kyle, Jira, Ted, Patrick.
I'm going to get to all of you here, but I'm in a little bit of an obnoxious mood today.
You can go online, and a lot of news articles were written about it after Prison Planet broke the news.
To be clear, a couple years ago, Google puts out a press release on their website, and they brag about how they're going to use the cameras and microphones and computers to watch you, track you, listen to you, and then, on the surface, as if it's not bad enough, use it for marketing.
It's okay, we're going to use it for marketing, listening to you inside your house.
And of course, Google's really the NSA, and their main headquarters is in the NASA headquarters.
You didn't know that?
Look into it.
And I've had a top CIA expert on to admit that it's really an NSA-CIA front, originally run out of MIT, up in New England, up in Boston.
But I already digress.
They're really going to use it to track and trace and control and watch what you're doing, and tailor propaganda to find out what you're really thinking, what you're really saying.
Very sophisticated.
But we reported on it, and then a bunch of publications reported on it, and attacked us and said, yeah, Google's going to do this, but Prison Planet, I mean, major computer websites, said, but Prison Planet's still bad for not liking it.
It's not the people listening to you without asking or without permission.
It's those that don't like it.
We're a bunch of kooks.
That's the same thing out of a
Very large TV review website that tracks the whole industry, and that's newtv.com.
Comcast cameras to start watching you.
I did some googling and found out this is the case.
If you have some tinfoil handy, see, just to report on this, though, we have to say we're bad.
Just to report they're saying it, we're still bad and need tinfoil.
You're still bad to even talk about.
They're going to do it, but they use psychological warfare tactics here, but we're kooky to talk about it now, okay?
So don't say no.
Don't call the cable company and say, oh no, I don't want this to happen, because you're kooky if you say no, you see.
So just go along with it.
You've got to keep up appearances.
It's not Hyacinth Bucket, it's Hyacinth Bouquet.
That's a little inside joke for those who have seen that stupid show.
Comcast cameras that start watching you.
If you have some tinfoil handy, now might be a good time to fashion a hat.
At the Digital Living Room conference today, Gerald Kunkel, I want to get him on, Comcast Senior VP for User Experience, told me the cable company is experimenting with different camera technologies built into devices so it can know who's in your living room.
Now, Google talked about this too.
They're all competing with each other.
This is already going on, by the way.
The idea being that if you turn on your cable box, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations.
If parents are watching TV with their children, for example, parental control, see it protects the children, appeared to block certain content from appearing on the screen.
Kunkel also said this type of monitoring is the holy grail because it can help serve up specifically tailored ads.
See that's on the screen will pop up ads just for you.
And then, of course, if you let your kids watch R-rated movies, Child Protective Services will come grab them because they're going to report on you with this system.
Toyota, it wants to come out with a camera watching you in your car.
We'll tell you about that later.
Kunkel said the system wouldn't be based on facial recognition, so there wouldn't be a picture of you on file.
Oh, goody!
Instead, it would distinguish between different members of your household by recognizing body forms.
He stressed that the system is still in the experimental phase.
Uh, yeah.
Remember, three Super Bowls, almost four Super Bowls now.
Janet Jackson had the wardrobe stage malfunction.
The simulated wardrobe malfunction, because it wasn't a malfunction.
It was simulated, so I made it okay.
And then, TiVo, which is a DVR system, said, oh, we have 2.3 million rewinds and replays.
And the Chicago Tribune said, years after we'd already pointed this out, my point is that it doesn't exist until they say it.
They said, boy, how did you know?
They go, oh, it's two-way.
Not just with a camera, but your viewing habits, data, what you watch, what you do.
They score each part of the show at different psychological points.
Knowing more than a psychiatrist giving you hundreds of tests could ever know.
All going in a nice little file.
Now, I remember when Time Warner came out, about eight years ago, or was it nine years ago, the guy was putting digital cable in at my house and he was a fan here locally.
He said, you see this microphone?
And I said, yeah.
And he goes, well,
That can listen to you, and that's two-way, and we're told it's for marketing.
And I didn't believe the guy, so he showed me the actual manual, the install, like, not the manual I would get, because I wasn't getting it, the actual manual.
Then I got all these mean calls from, not Time Warner execs, but employees going, you liar, we don't do that.
Those Scientific Atlantic boxes, because it's not just Time Warner.
Scientific Atlantic supplies like half the boxes I was reading to the industry, some years more, some years less.
But here it is in the news now.
Now they're coming out with cameras, because, see, it's also Internet for you, so it's two-way.
You've got to do video casting, video conferencing.
It's in all the computer screens.
It's built into the computers.
This is the system.
So I just thought you might want to be aware of this.
By the way, the Feds, by about five years ago nationwide, have license plate reading cameras up everywhere that track you in real time, where you're going, what you're doing.
That's all uploaded to the government.
They now admit it.
Face scanning cameras are up nationwide under federal control.
Like I said, your cell phones track you down to three feet even when they're off.
Green Bay was the first city four years ago to announce, or is it five now?
It's in Matrix of Evil.
I made that four years ago, so it's about five years ago.
The governor announced in Green Bay, he was there visiting with the city, and they showed the emergency management center for the city the feds had paid for with our tax money, and they punched up people's names, and in live time it was tracking each cell phone in real time.
That's going in nationwide.
Most cities, though, haven't announced to the cops.
They have to incrementally brainwash them to accept that the cop just types into his console, and you pop up.
I wonder where Alexander E. Jones is?
Here, I've got his driver's license.
The number here?
Oh, there he is.
He is at Pokey Joe's right now.
We want to pick Alex Jones up.
He is at the barbecue place.
Land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
To be in a free country, you've got to be free.
We can't be America Freedom!
And they're proposing we wear taser bracelets, all of us, on the plane.
Because in case, see?
Guilty until proven innocent.
Let's give all our rights up, because shadowy men are going to get us.
The shadowy men run our government.
So, uh, that is the basics there.
Comcast cameras to start watching you.
Perhaps I've seen Enemy of the State too many times, or perhaps I'm just naive about the depths to which Comcast currently tracks my every move.
I can't trust Comcast with BitTorrent, so why should I trust them with my must-be-kept-secret DVR-clogging addiction to keeping up with the Kardashians, whatever that is.
Conkle also spoke on camera with me about fixing bad Comcast user experiences, the ongoing BitTorrent battle of VOD.
But he mostly towed the corporate line on these issues.
The monitoring of your living room came up after my camera was put away.
And then it just goes on and on.
But don't just believe that news article.
Go Google this.
And Google will brag to you how they've got the best system, and Yahoo's got a great system, and they all are competing with who can watch you best in your house.
Here's another one.
This is out of the Oxford Mail, out of Oxford.
Customers at Drinkers Face Drug Checks.
And it says customers were tested for drugs before they could go and get a pint of beer at an Oxford pub.
About 80 people were tested for drugs.
In the I.T.
Miser outside Blackbird, that's the device, and Blackbird lays last Friday night with the promise of more crackdowns to come.
Two people were arrested, seven were searched, and a quantity of suspected cocaine was found, police said.
If you think the government lets... England has ironclad customs.
Total ironclad.
And, uh...
They ship the cocaine in, by the way.
But, but, if you refuse to let them take a tissue swab and test it out of your cheek, they arrest you.
See, guilty until proven innocent.
Under the thumb.
And I know, don't believe me.
Keep drinking your sodium chloride water.
Keep taking your laden injections filled with mercury.
Go ahead and, uh...
Eat your GMOs, and love your government.
I promise, loaded phone lines, your calls straight ahead, after the news.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
News Radio 590 KLBJ, Austin, Texas.
Higher-end proposals for a delay in further reductions of U.S.
troops in Iraq, at least until the end of the summer, have been presented to the Bush administration by senior military commanders.
The New York Times reports those proposals would also limit deployments to 12 months, down from the current 15.
Pentagon says a pause would provide more time to assess the impact of the withdrawals already completed.
President Bush likely to make a decision about any additional withdrawals before he leaves for a trip to Ukraine, Romania and Croatia on April 1st.
Parts of the Midwest coping with heavy flooding.
At least 16 people have died in the floodwaters this week.
Now forecasters say more heavy rain over the weekend will make the situation even worse.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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Correspondent Abbott Dutton says the state of California fining 11 hospitals because of mistakes made concerning medication.
Kathleen Billingsley with the State Department of Health says the fines should serve as a wake-up call.
Gives all health care delivery systems an opportunity to review this, to then go back, look at their own systems and processes to make sure that they have fail-safe processes in place.
The hospitals were fined $25,000 for each penalty.
The violations mostly involved prescribing the wrong type or dosage of medication.
Health Department fined nine hospitals last October.
Abbott Dutton reporting.
A couple of Senate Democrats now demanding the resignation of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alfonso Jackson.
Christopher Dodd and Patty Murphy say allegations of cronyism and contracts that were improperly awarded are reason for Jackson to step down.
They say because of this, he cannot effectively do his job.
For the latest news analysis, log on to IRNnews.com.
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Slots could be opening up on the United Nations' most powerful body.
The Associated Press has obtained a proposal that suggests expanding the Security Council from 15 to 22 members.
The catch is that it would be up to the 102 90-member states to decide which countries should fill the posts.
There is strong support to enlarge the Security Council to reflect changes in global world power structures since the body was created following World War II.
Previous attempts, which started in 1979, have failed.
The Treasury Department is thinking small these days.
Starting next month, individuals will be able to buy Treasury securities in amounts as low as $100.
That's down from the current minimum of $1,000.
The change will take effect for the weekly auction that will be held on April 7th.
Since New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace in a prostitution scandal, questions have swirled as to whether he spent taxpayer money or campaign dollars to subsidize trips.
An analysis by the AP shows little signs money was used for illicit activity.
More from Lauren Levinson.
The Associated Press analyzed a year's worth of expense reports for Spitzer's office and his campaign for re-election.
It found little sign that either was used to pay for the governor's assignations.
Spitzer did a lot of traveling in his short time as governor, but nothing in the papers suggests any of those trips was taken for the purpose of meeting prostitutes or getting a hotel room.
Spitzer could afford to use his own money.
He's a wealthy man.
Federal prosecutors have yet to take a position on the matter.
At last report, they were considering whether to file charges against the ex-governor.
Warren Levinson, New York.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
The government, the criminals that run it, look at your bank account without a warrant, they look at every prescription you get, regardless of what it is, anything prescription.
Every major police department, put in the Austin Police Department, where I live, for decades look at your power bill to see how much power you're using and then they use that to get a warrant to SWAT team your house thinking you're growing dope.
Half the time it's something else.
They got helicopters look right through your walls for over a decade.
Now they've got resident systems that have clear pictures of you inside your house and they can say, we're doing it.
We're going to fly over and film you naked in your house.
They're going to walk you through the airports.
A bunch of airports have these now that take high-tech digital photos through your clothes of your naked body and put it in a database.
They track your cell phone.
I've been talking about this last hour.
Now your cable boxes, your computers, the cameras built in and all the new models, they say they're already watching you and listening to you.
The companies themselves are.
Not just the NSA, but these companies basically are.
Microsoft is a known government front.
So is Google.
And I've had top government people on to expose that.
This is not a free market.
It is a simulation of a free market.
Private interest own the Fortune 50, who then have subdivisions and own the Fortune 500 and control it.
And mostly NSA is used to steal patents and cheat other companies and make sure the free market doesn't win.
And to stop the FBI and CIA from stopping government black ops.
To make sure this drug shipment gets busted and that drug shipment doesn't.
Oh, there's a drug war on the competition of the banks.
You try to ship drugs in this country and you're not affiliated with the globalists, it's not a major shipment.
The major shipments just come in on trains, 18 wheelers and aircraft, Atlanta government aircraft, military's there, M-16's guarding it, loaded right in, taken right out to your local mob, shipped right out to your family.
That's been in Esquire Magazine, C-SPAN, everywhere else.
People say, I don't believe the government is involved in the drugs.
You don't believe much, do you?
I think Kennedy was shot once.
And I think that bullet changed direction nine times and hit seven bones and wasn't even damaged.
Alright, I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to get into how they're taking your children's DNA at birth and putting it in the Homeland Security database, coming up after calls.
We got Ronald, Kyle,
Yeah, I'm excited.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
I just want to tell you some of the things that happened here.
I got a call from the coordinator for the Ron Paul.
I just wanted to show you, I got a copy of the Missouri State platform.
There's a lot of them that are pretty good in there, but listen to this.
We believe Missourians are safer, stronger, and more optimistic with a republic in the White House.
And then it gets worse.
We commend the efforts of our elected Republican officials in Congress.
And then we commend President Bush for eight years of restoring real American values, integrity, credibility, vision,
Strength and courage.
Can't put perfume on a pig.
Same with the Democrats.
All bought and paid for.
It makes me... Our name's destroyed.
I know, man.
Our dollar's destroyed.
We're hated universally.
The country's sinking into third-world-em.
And they're just running around delusionally saying everything's wonderful.
Another thing I wanted to mention, Joe, I really wanted to tell you how much I appreciated that 19th of March broadcast you give on the Second Amendment.
The only thing is, you didn't put it on like you did the 18th, and then you did the 20th.
I downloaded the 19th, but I messed up on the first hour and let it go two minutes too long so it won't go on the CD.
I wanted to give it to everybody that belongs to the gun club I belong to.
What, you've got our podcast and you can't get it?
Well, I got it.
I just messed up, Alex.
I let it go too long on the first hour.
Well, I mean, do you need me to have that show posted on the website?
Well, if you would, boy, I'd appreciate it.
You got the 18th and you got the 20th on PlanetTV.tv.
I'm a member of that one.
Okay, we'll get them all up for you, my friend.
I appreciate it.
Great caller.
Let's try to go to the next caller.
Let's talk to Kyle in Oklahoma.
Kyle, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
To say, first of all, you are like the Paul Revere of the 21st century of my eyes.
You are like
No, I'm not.
Look, you don't have to be a genius to know cameras in the cable boxes in school bathrooms isn't freedom.
Yeah, and I wanted to talk about that too.
Like, you know, the education and the way they run the school systems because, you know,
I went to school and in, you know, I think it was 10th grade, that's when they started teaching you how to use drugs, you know, this is bad for you, just like Freudian psychology.
No, no, they admit, and of course the cops doing it don't know this, but they admit that the D.A.R.E.
program increased drug use.
Here's a bag of this, here's a bag of that, here's how you use it.
But where I went to high school the first couple years in Rockwall, the police dealt the drugs and later went to prison for it, so of course they were there teaching us how to use their product.
Right, yeah.
And I would also want to, you know, compare this whole, like, uh, you know, time span to, uh, you know, 33 to 45 when the Hitler reign, you know, and a lot of people are comparing this to, you know, maybe like the third reach because... The fourth Reich.
The fourth Reich.
You know what you're talking about way more than I do.
I'm sorry.
The fourth land.
I just started waking up to this and I think it's time to, you know, start discussing solutions and
I was going to ask you one question before.
I just wanted to say a little bit.
Do you know, what do you know about Rex 84?
Well, that was the first massive FEMA camp program to put the American people in prison camps and bring us into total martial law.
But it was in the embryonic phase then, and it came out in Senate hearings in 86.
I've got clips of that in my film, Police State 2, The Takeover.
But now it's publicly announced that they have camps for about 30 million Americans.
And so is it true, too, that
Like the same technology for the RFID is implemented by IBM and so is that?
Yes, IBM did the Nazi computers.
It was Thomas Watson was the top U.S.
Nazi, and then under him was the top designate officer of the Nazi Party, was Prescott Bush.
That's New York Times, Mainstream News, from the 40s and 50s.
And they developed the machines that, you know, the coded number they tattoo on you, that was entered into the machine.
And the machine would decide off your age and weight whether to go ahead and kill you or to work you to death.
And they would put your medical data into that first computer.
And then it was used for that.
And now IBM runs the National ID Card System.
They own the Applied Digital Solutions.
The Impliable Microchip Company is their front.
They're involved in the Human Genome, Cold Springs Harbor, they run that.
IBM was founded for eugenics, by eugenics.
Microsoft is their front company.
Uh, trying to get around any trust laws.
Bill Gates is their front.
His dad's the head of Planned Parenthood.
They run their block off that way.
Nice little operation they run.
We don't have time to get another call, do we?
Let's jam one more in there.
Let's talk to, uh... Let's talk to Yura, I believe, in beautiful Montana.
Tana, you're on the air.
Um, it's Uriah.
Uriah, go ahead.
Yeah, um, when I was going up the canyon with my dad, um, um, we saw about, um, four helicopters just flying
Like, just real close to the ground.
Those don't exist, sir.
And then back up, just on the highway.
Highways don't exist, sir.
Like, a lot of cops just all around running the operation.
That's good.
Keeping you safe.
But if you say you don't like what they were doing, they don't exist.
If you say you appreciate it and want to live in a police state, they do exist.
You understand how that works, sir?
You've got to learn how to work like the average yuppie.
A yuppie thinks as long as they claim in their own mind they're winning, and that they're on top of things, that they are.
That's a loser's creed, is that the analogy is somebody's business is falling apart, their competition's kicking their butt, and they'll say, oh, my competition, they're in deep trouble.
Anything else you want to add, sir?
How are you listening to us in Montana?
I normally listen on the internet.
Well, we've got an affiliate up there, so we appreciate those folks up there.
Um, no.
Anything else?
Good to hear from you.
I'm gonna come back with the next segment.
I'm gonna rampage through Ted, Patrick, Kyle, Rob, and Ted.
Two different Ted's calls.
And then, uh, we're going to, uh, get into how they're taking your children's blood for DNA databases.
Because they say, basically, we're all Al-Qaeda.
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And you're starting to wake up.
Big Brother doesn't like that.
That's a joke, folks.
He'd pop in there.
We're back live, my friends, and I am fired up today.
I am extremely fired up today.
Ah, man!
It is normal to get angry about the government criminally, illegally taking your children's blood at birth and putting it in the Homeland Security criminal database.
We're going to cover that after calls.
Let's go ahead and take calls right now.
Let's talk to Ted in North Carolina.
Ted, you're on the air.
Alex, what's up, man?
I've got a couple of points I want to bring up.
Number one, I did some research, a little bit of research, on the Aztecs, and they talked about the year 2012 being the end.
Are you familiar with that?
2012, doomsday.
And I found out that supposedly there's this planet that comes around every 36 years.
Nibiru, or Planet X, as it's referred to.
And when it comes, basically it causes pole shifts, causes solar tempest, and things of that nature.
In addition, you know, I found out about the Phil Snyder guy, the guy who was a government geologist, whose job was to build these deep underground bases.
Now, I interviewed him.
Did you?
Yeah, about ten years ago.
And I was just like, man, that is crazy.
I mean, have you, so obviously you're up on this.
What are your thoughts on this?
Well, I know this.
You know, the Aztecs had incredible science.
They had a calendar accurate for thousands of years.
Our calendar isn't accurate even every couple dozen.
That's why we have leap year.
And they did believe at the end of a cycle, the end of an age, and again, I'm not putting stock because, you know, one way or the other.
I'm just reporting here on what they believed.
And they believed that it wasn't the end of the world.
It has been interpreted as that by those who want to sell books and things.
What it really says, and I've actually been to the museums, read the text, looked at it, been on a lot of tours down in Central and of course Southern North America, Southern Mexico, on both sides of the peninsula there, and so they believe that it is the end of an age, and so kind of a reset at that point, and then others come in and say there's a pole shift in this planet,
I mean, in 2000, 2002, 2003, there's always authors trying to sell books that the Planet X is going to kill us, and it's coming, and freakouts, and then people try to put that with what I cover and what I talk about, because there's other shows that are in kind of a different genre, but are similar to me.
They cover the politics and the weird stuff going on in politics, then they mix it in with chupacabras, space aliens,
Planet X. And I'm not saying that's bad.
That's all weird.
It's interesting.
It's creepy when you're driving down the road in the middle of the night to be listening to that.
We're talking about shadow creatures.
You're looking over your shoulder, you know, as you drive down the road.
The point is, that's not what I do on this show.
When I come on the air and I say, hey, the government's listening to your phone calls with AI computers with keywords.
Here's the documents.
Or the government says they're building FEMA camps.
Here's the San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle.
Or Halliburton and Nine Corps run child kidnapping rings, Chicago Tribune.
You know, I bring you all the crazy weird news that's admitted, but that never gets national attention, but it gets regional attention, and I cover that.
A lot of people think it's the end of the world in 2012.
I don't think it is.
The end of the world, if it does come, will come next week with some bioweapon the government releases on accident, or some, you know, huge meteor hitting like happened with the dinosaurs.
So, I appreciate your call.
Am I not putting stock on what the Aztecs say?
As interesting as they were, as interesting as their art was, I mean, they would sacrifice thousands of people every month, tens of thousands every year on certain holidays.
They would drown their children.
They would take hallucinogenic drugs and then pull huge strings with jagged glass through their tongues, like Hellraiser, for pain and... I mean, while they were hallucinating.
Can you imagine hallucinating and pulling strings through your genitals and through your tongue, blood spewing, slicing themselves, cutting their children, gobbling their children's intestines?
And people then say, well, that's their culture, don't bash them.
Well, the Nazis had a culture of black uniforms and death, and that's a bad culture.
And there are cultures that are degenerate.
And the Aztec culture was degenerate, and the Mayan culture it grew out of was absolutely evil.
Killing your children, sacrificing people, I mean, that's bad.
The Soviet culture of killing
50 plus million people.
The Chinese communist culture of killing 60 million, invading Tibet, mass murdering millions is wrong.
So I can make a judgment about a culture being degenerate.
And the Aztec culture was degenerate.
And very satanic.
I mean, you ought to go down there and actually look at those temples, man.
Just thousands of skulls carved in the walls and just hell-raiser, man.
It was like Hellworld or something.
With just these power-tripping priests whacked out of their mind on drugs.
And by the way, the main meat
For the public, the reason the general public liked the sacrifices is they had a couple sacrifices every day in the smaller temple centers around villages.
They would have villages all around and then a central city where they got their orders and they would kick the dead bodies of the people they sacrificed every day at sunup and sundown and the people would get select meat cutlets.
In fact, you've got the local sub-priest class would hang them up by their feet and cut up the select giblets and sell the meat out at reduced prices.
And so you may think that's good.
I don't think that's good.
And so the main meat, and the treasured meat, was that of the children.
So, and I've interviewed top anthropologists on the subject, and it doesn't matter.
I'm probably with Al-Qaeda because I'm against that now.
Just worship Ishtar Banning.
Everything's fine.
Why know about religions or backgrounds?
Just be ignorant.
Just march madness.
Just trust your government.
Everything's fine.
Everything's going to be fine, folks.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Patrick in San Marcos?
Hey Alex, happy Ishtar Day!
Thank you, sir.
I just wanted to, I know you're a Christian, and I applaud that, especially for the business you're in, and I would like to kind of, I guess, for you to describe, or kind of maybe answer a question for me, is how can, especially on a day like this that's been taken over, you know, and it's supposed to be Christian,
For these super-churches and these just extreme religious zealots that are changing Christianity and changing the basis of what you and I both believe and supporting a one-world government and basically leading several Christians and, you know, sheep, so to speak, down to basically slaughter.
That's a great question.
You want me to answer that after the break?
Yes, sir.
Take as much time as you need and I'll listen on the radio.
Thank you.
I'll come back and give you my quick take on that.
And we'll talk to Rob, Ted, Paula, and others.
And then, I'm going to get into your child in a federal DNA database.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, waging war on corruption.
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I'm not somebody up on my high horse.
I'm not somebody up there telling everybody how to live their lives, or the thousand different Christian sects that all fight with each other, like the Pharisees on the hill saying they're the best, or praying in public.
But I am a Christian, been raised a Christian.
I believe in what Jesus taught.
I believe in Jesus.
And you go to these churches, you don't find that.
You find a bunch of warmongering, New World Order-supporting groups on the right, or a bunch of gun-grabbing socialists on the left.
And then, you know, it's just tailored to each little group.
But it's real simple.
Christianity was oppressed and dominated and attacked for several hundred years after Christ.
Then a Roman emperor decided to adopt it, but the occultist wouldn't go away.
And so they hid everything, basically in plain view, in all of the saints and all of the different holidays and when they celebrated Christ's birthday.
You know, that's for the middle of the winter, the darkest time of the winter.
You know, when it starts then getting lighter after that.
All Saint's Eve is on the date of when they celebrate going in.
To the winter, out of the fall.
I mean, they have all of these dates.
They're all on key occult dates, all over Europe, all over the Mediterranean, right into Asia.
And, they hide them in plain view.
The bunny rabbit is the fertility symbol.
The egg is the fertility symbol.
The four-eared star, both of them.
The Babylonian goddess of fertility was worshipped all over in her different names.
Every culture has a fertility goddess.
This is all pre-Christianity stuff.
And, you know, the big Baptist churches with the big steeples, that is the male phallus, and that is the Washington Monument.
They'll give you a tour and tell you that.
It is a giant male member.
The capitals are women's breasts.
The doorways into them... I'm not going to go any further.
This is mainstream architecture, mainstream historical info.
If you go get a tour of the Washington Monument, or of the Texas Monument,
Or the goddess on top of the Texas Capitol.
They're very point-blank about it.
And that's because predating Christianity and then really taking over Judaism under Solomon, the son of King David.
You know the Star of David?
That's the most powerful and occult black magic.
Do you know what that is?
That is the most powerful symbol.
If you read the Old Testament, Solomon couldn't put the genie or the demon back in the bottle.
And so, God gave him that symbol to have total control over devils.
I'm not saying this is real or not.
The point is, I'm telling you the history.
So, the Star of David is a black magic symbol.
It's not really the Star of David.
It's the Seal of Solomon.
See, nothing you've been told is what it really is.
So, they openly call Easter Ishtar, Easter.
You run around talking about Jesus, and if you actually look in the Roman annals,
It's three months off from when he was actually crucified.
What Easter is, is it comes three days after the New Year.
When is the New Year?
Well, I observed it.
And by observed it, it doesn't mean I spiritually observed it.
I mean, I physically watched it happen.
I was standing up on top of a natural gas platform out in the country, and I watched the moon come up at the exact same time that the sun went down.
I was looking one direction, looking at the huge red moon.
Why is it red?
You're looking through all the dust on the edge of the... It's a lens effect.
Looking through hundreds of miles of atmosphere instead of just 30 miles of atmosphere looking up.
That's why the moon changes color.
Ever wondered that?
When you're looking edge-on, when the sun comes up or the moon comes up, why is it red?
You're looking through all the dust and it's also... Why does it look larger?
It's a lensing effect because you're looking cross-on.
It's like taking the lenses of a pair of glasses and turning them to the side and looking through the glasses.
It's all blurry and stuff's larger.
Lensing effect.
I'm trying to... Paul's in there looking at me like he doesn't understand, so I'm not... Because the Earth is round, yes.
Well, you're Al-Qaeda now if you say that.
It's actually flat.
But I'm already digressing.
To answer the fellow's question... Just be aware of it.
I'm not saying you're going to hell if you put out some Easter eggs.
Just the point is, realize it is a pagan ritual.
And the occultist...
You know, they openly laugh about it and say, look at all these idiots out here.
They're practitioners of this.
You ever seen the movie Dragnet with Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd?
It's really funny.
And notice it's the local preachers, actually the devil worshipper?
Well, that's how it actually works.
The cop's the drug dealer.
The big megachurch pastor, he's the high priest locally, generally.
I mean, you have hundreds of cults.
There's usually around all of them.
And that's just how it works.
And then you go into the church, and they've got the big steeple, and you're all in there, and it's a... That means that this is a patriarchal religion.
You see, if the religion has a dome, it's goddess worship.
The dome is abreast, and it's always crowned.
Let me tell you another little esoteric secret.
Wherever you find a war memorial at a Capitol or anywhere else, look around you.
Let's say you're walking along next time and you see, for the 5,000 dead in the cavalry battalion of whatever, from Civil War.
Stop and go, wait, there'll be a goddess looking.
And look around you.
You will see, within 100 yards, up on top of a big pillar, there will be a goddess.
And she'll have her hand outstretched towards the sacrifice.
This is all over the world.
Or, vice versa.
You're driving along, and you see a goddess on top of a pillar, or you see it on top of a capitol, or you see it at a university.
Go and stand in front of her, and then look.
And within about a hundred degrees in front of her.
In a wedge shape, fanning out in front of her.
Generally straight in front of her.
It will be a sacrifice.
They will put a dead woman memorial in front of her.
She needs blood.
And so the practitioners of this religion, they had to be secretive about their Mithra cults and their Ishtar cults and the rest of it.
So, are there Eulogia cults?
Remember, even ABC News admits that the Bushes worship Eulogia, the Greek goddess, at Skull and Bones.
You see?
And if you study Hitler, he worshipped a goddess.
And this is just what they do.
So, I hope I've answered your question now.
Let's take a few calls.
I'm going to come back out of the esoteric into what I mainly focus on.
And people call me and they go, you say it's Moloch in your videos when you snuck into Bohemian Grove and showed the Skull and Bones boys when they're older, you know, running around doing their rituals.
Yeah, I snuck into one of these meetings.
I got footage of it.
Doesn't just happen in movies.
It happens in the real world.
It's called The Order of Death.
My film.
I snuck in with Mike Hanson.
But people call me and they go, Alex, that's not Moloch.
Moloch was a big bull.
They threw children into pits before.
I know that.
The Canaanites, I understand that.
We're going off what they call the owl.
They call it mullet in their literature.
The Bohemian Grove, mainly Republican, Christian hierarchy leadership.
Imagine the sick joke to all these top preachers and top Republicans.
They go to a homoerotic, ancient... To them it's not the devil, they believe it's God.
And they do all this for 15 days in July.
And then the people sit there and believe they're good Christian conservatives.
It's kind of sick, isn't it?
But that's the whole thing about a cult.
I mean, take India.
They have tens of thousands of gods.
Don't expect me to ever say any of this is serious or makes any sense.
I'm just reporting on it.
But people keep calling me and emailing me.
You keep saying in your films that's Moloch.
I know!
And they go, Alex, we would show a picture of a bull with him throwing a baby into it out of old Roman text.
That's not an owl.
I know that.
Don't say these occultists make any sense.
Okay, I'm done.
That doesn't even matter.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kyle in Bastrop, Texas.
You're on the air, Kyle.
Hello, Kyle.
I don't even hear a phone feed there.
Let's go ahead, sorry, Kyle, and talk to Ted in Texas.
Ted, you're on the air.
Okay, let's go to Rob.
Rob in New York, you there?
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
First time calling to your personal hero of mine, Alex, but I wanted to get your opinion on a couple of things, particularly this Reverend Wright situation with Obama.
He basically says a lot of the same things you do, particularly with the drug trade and the drugs filtering into the country.
And the media kind of really slammed him.
Stay there.
I wasn't watching the clock.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
We're going to talk to Ted, and that's going to be it.
Rob and Ted on the other side, then I'm done.
I can't take any more calls because I've got to get into this.
Illegal DNA database story.
Final segment, two hours went by so fast.
Some shows it's all news, some shows it's all calls, and some shows I just flip out on air.
That's one of them.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Alright, final segment here on Ishtar Day, Worship of the Goddess Ishtar.
I'm going to take a few more of your phone calls, and I want to hit on this final story.
I actually have a couple here.
I should have gotten to this earlier, but Selah V. Going back to Rob,
Rob, finish up the question or the point you were making.
And, uh, hello?
Yeah, Rob, go ahead.
Yeah, I saw Endgame and I saw, you know, how the Bildberg was, uh, group was trying to outline the plans for getting somebody like Hillary or
You know, McCain, and I was kind of, you know, I read 1984, and I saw, you know, how Winston was in the Outer Party, and Obama's really kind of striking me as this Outer Party guy.
And I kind of want to get your feedback, and maybe if you could have, you know, Wright come on your show or something.
I mean, I just, I'm kind of curious about how you think this is going to play out.
Well, obviously, we've been trying to get Barack Obama's preacher on, who just retired, and it's a very important question.
Look, I tried to analyze this, it'd take five hours, but let me just give you the basics.
Barack Obama is a dangerous politician, just like Hillary, just like McCain.
Bill Richardson is top Bohemian Grove, top Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group.
Bill Richardson is as bad as it gets, and he's going to probably be his running mate.
They're all bad.
The globalists win either way.
This is a simulated election.
They have to make you... I mean, the voting fraud alone, proven that it's all a scam.
Now the public knows that.
85% in major polls.
Barack Obama had to be involved in those inner-city politics
To get elected to the state house, and then to become a state senator, then a federal senator.
And so he did attend that local church, which is the prominent black church.
And I do agree with about 90% of what that preacher's saying.
About the government shipping in the drugs, and about how blacks have been enslaved.
I mean, that's not a secret.
His wife, though, saying that America has nothing good about it or nothing to be proud of.
We're not perfect.
But it is taken out of context.
It is hyped up.
But forget what his preacher says.
Barack Obama is a New World Order type.
Do you hear Barack Obama saying CPS shouldn't take black kids to test drugs and pesticides on them, because they do?
Do you hear him talking about all the things they do to blacks?
By the way, Bill Richardson is less than half Hispanic.
Why is he called Hispanic?
Barack Obama is more than half white.
Why is he called black?
I mean, I don't care if they're black or purple or green.
Point is, what is that, too?
Why is that always the case?
Barack Obama is a politician and they're using this against him.
Hillary got scared when the Geraldine Ferraro race comment about people only like him because he's black.
No, people like him because he's charming and because he doesn't have all the baggage and the murders and the death list and the corruption and the socialized health care and the linen pins on the first day in the White House like Hillary was wearing according to Ultimate Access by the FBI agent who was working in there.
Gary Aldrich, we need to get him back on.
Or Unlimited Access, that was in Unlimited Access.
They all came to work wearing linen and Stalin pins.
These people are nuts.
They're completely insane.
They're all bad.
Frankly, I hope Hillary gets in, because she's so evil she'll get less traction.
Barack Obama will get a lot done for the New World Order.
He wants to CPS your kids if you don't have health care.
Yeah, they take your kids in Boston, in Massachusetts if you don't have health care, when you can't even pay for it.
We don't need more government, we need less.
But yeah, the stuff his preachers are saying, that's nothing.
They just hype it up into a political football.
The American people don't care if prison camps have been built, the government's poisoned in the water.
It doesn't even matter.
I'll get to Ted in a minute from Texas if we have time.
I'm sorry to all the others, but let me just get to this now.
Okay, I just saw this the other day in Op-Ed News, a great online news site, and I was already aware of this.
I'm not bragging that, oh, I know everything.
I know even more than what's in this.
It's much worse than this article says.
Just Google, states hand over DNA of newborns to the Department of Homeland Security.
What I didn't know, I learned here, is I knew for 35 years at birth, they say, oh, we're going to take some blood from your baby now, and it's going to go get blood tested at the health department.
Now ask yourself this, why can't the health department, why can't the hospital test the blood?
They're a hospital.
Well, they say it's a mandate, not a law.
A mandate, we just, give us the blood.
And I learned more than a decade ago, and I've had state reps, federal congressmen on, I've had members of parliament on from Australia, that for 35 years, in five nations, it's all part of an international effort, they take all your blood at birth, and they put it in a database.
Four crime databases for DNA studies, they sell it to drug companies, the state says they now own your body's DNA, and that's all in the article.
I have hearings on it from the state of Minnesota,
Go read it for yourself.
But the good part about this story out of Op-Ed News by Marty Oakley, states hand over DNA of newborns to DHS, is that it has links to all the federal bodies that hold it here domestically.
And in the U.S., who is over this in all 50 states, is the University of Texas.
And you can go to UT's own sub-website, and UT's always basically been a government front the last 60 years, it's genes-r-ush
We're good.
But when you, and it's all admitted here, when you sign that, it goes in, now, now, up until five years ago, they said they were using it in some crime databases.
Now, it's all, and it started in Australia, when I first learned of it a few years ago, where they said, hey, we have all the blood of the babies, let's put it in the National Crime Database.
So it started there, then in England, now the U.S.
has announced it, and that's the sick thing about this, is that your baby, again, your thumb scan to get a driver's license, biometrically, what criminals used to have to do, guilty until proven innocent.
They look at your bank accounts every day with their computers without warrants.
The federal government admits it.
They listen to your cell phone, track your cell phone without warrants.
But now they have to sell it to you so they say, oh, we just don't have a Fourth Amendment for Al-Qaeda calling America.
And the public who can't find the U.S.
on a globe or doesn't know any basic facts about how the world works buys it.
So just understand that you have to say no to that form and you have to tell them no.
They'll try to threaten you and say it's the law.
It's not the law.
Unless you want your child in the Homeland Security DNA Criminal Database.
Where they can then frame your child with that blood.
They can then give false positives with that blood.
Also, they admit here in state hearings in Minnesota and Texas, that just some of the states that have looked at it.
Oh, this is being discussed.
They just don't tell you, the slaves, about it.
That one-third of the children are given a false positive for blood disease, and then that goes in your database with the insurance companies for life.
So it's also very discriminatory.
You want to be a slave?
But, so what?
Let them suck your baby's blood at birth.
Let them use their Comcast cable boxes to watch you and listen to you.
This is how they operate.
And... Al-Qaeda is made up... Folks, let me just explain something to you.
In closing, I'm going to cover this.
Here's a story by Paul Watson, by Steve Watson.
McCain says it's common knowledge that Iran is training Al-Qaeda.
Quote from the Washington Post.
Press to elaborate, McCain said it was common knowledge and has been reported in the media that Al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and we are coming back into Iraq from Iran.
That's well known and it's unfortunate.
A few moments later,
This is in Iraq.
Senator Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear.
McCain then said, I'm sorry.
The Iranians are training extremists.
I'll cut it.
Now here's the story.
McCain flubs Shiites and Sunnis, vice versa.
Here is the Reuters story.
McCain shrugs off Obama attack over Iraq gaffe.
Presidential candidate John McCain shrugged off criticism.
And it goes on to say that he said that Shiites are Sunnis.
Why is this important?
The news, mainstream neocon radio, that's not conservative, that's anti-American, meant to neutralize conservatives.
I hear them every day say, Iran is training Al-Qaeda, Iran is Al-Qaeda.
Iran almost invaded during the 1980s, again in the 90s, because of Al-Qaeda, CIA funded, killing Iranian diplomats.
Iran is Shiite, the opposite group from the
Sunnis, and the derivation of that, the Wahhabist.
Al-Qaeda was funded and created by the CIA in 1979 out of Wahhabist sects.
They used previous Wahhabist sects to overthrow secular governments in Iran and all over the region.
And our government puts the radical Muslims in.
Do you understand history?
No, you don't.
Now, we learned four years ago that the number three in Al-Qaeda was given hundreds of millions of dollars.
It was announced publicly last year and admitted.
To attack Iran, kill police, bomb facilities, blow up dams, machine gun children, trying to get the Iranians to take it.
The Iranians lay there and take it, knowing if they fight back against Al-Qaeda, they will say that it's a war, and that a war has started.
Just like our government used Al-Qaeda to attack the Serbs, when the Serbs fought back, they handed Kosovo over to the Serbs.
You didn't know the history?
Go research it.
That's a Senate report on that.
I want to explain this again to you very, very slowly.
Our criminal government created Al-Qaeda.
They used them to attack the Serbs.
Now they're using them to attack the Iranians.
But that isn't enough for our criminal media and government.
Corporate controlled media.
They then come out and say that Iran is funding Al-Qaeda and that Iran was behind 9-11 and that Iran is attacking Iraq with Al-Qaeda.
It's the opposite group.
They're at war with the CIA and Al-Qaeda.
Now, I'm not saying they're good.
All governments are evil.
The history shows you that.
The point is, Al-Qaeda is run by our criminal government.
That's a historical fact.
The hijackers were all U.S.
government agents.
It's all documented in my films.
God bless you.
See you live next Sunday and back tomorrow live.
Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
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