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Name: 20080320_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 20, 2008
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Stand by, ladies and gentlemen.
Global Transmission Against Tyranny now commencing.
T-minus ten seconds.
It is the 20th day of March 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
The head financial writer for the London Guardian, the largest paper in England and Europe, will be joining us as he is now exposing the fact that this is an engineered collapse and fraud going on within the banking system.
Then Aubrey de Grey, we only had him on about 30 minutes last week, he'll be on with us a full hour today to talk about
The true development of life extension technologies and how far along it really is, and how that ties into the elite, and how they wish to suppress these technologies from the public getting access to them.
So that is coming up with Andre de Grey in the second hour, and then we will go to Tibet again, or from the border of Tibet from India, where the exiled government is, and the chairman of the head
of the major human rights organization for the Tibetan people.
Ugin Tenzin, who joined us on Monday.
Big developments in Tibet.
Very important broadcast today.
I mean, I have maybe a show every month or two that has this much news and info, and I've got to cover it.
It's all too incredible.
Drinkers face drug checks.
So see, now when you go to have a drink, it's not just thumb scan, face scan.
Some bars have to take a microchip to get in.
If you didn't hear about that, check into it.
I'm not kidding.
Now, all over England, they want to make you do a drug check.
So all part of being guilty until proven innocent, we'll be breaking that down.
Of course, they're putting two-year-olds into probation in England.
If their parents have criminal records saying it's genetic,
In Texas, they say they put more than two-thirds of foster kids on drugs because they are quote genetically deficient.
Just out of the blue, they just say it.
Oh, we're killing you, poisoning you because you're genetically deficient.
We'll be going over that today.
I have now read the White House briefing, the brief to the Supreme Court saying you have no Second Amendment right and that all of your guns can be confiscated.
I spent hours and hours last night reading Gunners of America's brief to the Supreme Court, the Justice Department brief from the White House.
Of course, two nights ago I read the entire 90-plus pages of their oral arguments, what the Supreme Court justices had to say.
It is bad, but I've studied even more last night, so I have even more information for you on that front.
But here's the big news today.
Comcast cameras to start watching you.
And Comcast is announcing themselves that they are going to have cameras on the front of all cable boxes that will watch you.
Now, this is hidden in plain view.
They just come out and announce it happily, and it's so shocking and incredible, people just go, okay.
It's a mind trick, like a Jedi mind trick.
Then it goes into psychology, corporate manipulation, Delphi technique, but mainstream news.
I mean, you will be watched in your home
And if you're not for it, you're a weirdo.
But see, the way they do this, well, if you don't want a cable box, you don't have to have cable.
And people will know, I want it.
Or like, you don't have to have a cell phone.
We track you with it, listen to you.
You don't have to have a cell phone.
And I've been telling you for 12 years that all of your DNA at birth, if you're 35 or younger, been about 35 years since it started, started back in 72,
All of your DNA is taken and put in an international database.
In Australia, Canada, the US, New Zealand.
It's in five nations.
It finally is in the mainstream news.
So I thought I'd get into that too.
Oh yeah!
They take your baby's blood and it goes right into Homeland Security.
Every American is put in a DNA database at birth.
It's all part of the freedom.
We'll be right back.
It is a big idea.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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Okay, we've got Ombre de Grey, one of the top experts on live extension technologies and
What's real, what's hype, joining us in the second hour.
Then, of course, from India, the Dalai Lama's government in absentia will have the head of their human rights and democracy group on.
I'm joining us, Urgent Tinsend, coming up in the third hour, but that'll be about a 20-minute interview that I'm going to cover financial news and some other things of the fifth anniversary of the wondrous war of George Bush's manhood and strength showing off as our war president.
I'm a war president.
So, we'll be covering that coming up as well at the end of the show today.
Right now, Larry Elliott joins us for this segment and the next.
He is the economics editor at the London Guardian, biggest paper in England, and they do a lot of great reporting there, and we're really honored to have him.
I've read a lot of his reportage over the years, but a story he did earlier in the week, America was conned.
Who will pay?
The South Sea bubble ended in riots.
As trust was lost, Wall Street duped the public.
And then it goes into what's really happening here, and now they're leaving the dollar and the American people holding the bag, devaluing our currency.
We're going to pay back all of these hundreds of billions a month they're pumping in to these brokerage firms and banks.
We'll have to pay that back in tax money, so they're going to tax us and they're devaluing our savings.
People on Social Security fixed incomes.
I think so.
Well, I think the real point about this is that for a large part of the last 70 or 80 years since the New Deal,
I mean, certainly for the first half of that, America grew in steps and everybody got richer together.
So rich and poor got wealthier, and everybody got a fair share of the pie.
Of course, the rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor, but everybody got richer together.
And I think it was John F. Kennedy that said, a rising tide lifts all boats, and that for sure happened in the 50s and 60s.
Well, in the 70s and 80s, some sort of weird stuff happened, really, which was that all the controls that had been put on big finance on Wall Street by Roosevelt and the new dealers were gradually stripped away.
So, essentially, Wall Street was allowed to do pretty much what it wanted, and you saw these stratospheric salaries, and the rich got very much richer than poor people, who saw their salaries pretty much stagnate for a large period of time.
But of course, you know, you still have to get people to buy stuff, otherwise big business doesn't make any money.
So they came up with this great idea, which was that everybody would get on the housing market, and they went around and sold loans to people who really weren't well equipped to pay the loans back, and these were sort of subprime and all-time loans, and then they sort of mixed stuff with sort of teaser rates and exploding ARMs and so on.
People didn't really know at that point.
I think it's a great question.
I think it's a great question.
I think.
I don't think so.
And someone described it like this, you take a meat pie factory and you put a few really rancid carcasses in there and you mince it all up and put it into some pies and then you sell the pies off into the supermarket, into Walmart or whatever, and then suddenly there's a big panic because someone says some of these pies have got bad meat in them but nobody actually knows
We're good to go!
And so that was when the financial markets themselves went into a complete meltdown, because nobody would actually deal with anybody else, because nobody knew how much of this toxic waste they'd got, how many of the bad meat pies were actually sitting in Citigroup or in Merrill Lynch or in Lehman Brothers or wherever.
And so that's really the genesis of the crisis.
Ordinary American people who were genuinely, I think, conned by the slick salespeople who came around and sold them the loans, have actually
Absolutely, and the article you wrote, America Was Conned, Who Will Pay, gets into more detail and a lot of historical perspectives.
I want to talk about the British experience in the 1770s.
Thank you for your time.
Or to boil it down, they always make it a left-right political football.
And I'm a libertarian, but by the left would be seen as more right-wing.
It has nothing to do with left or right, but Rush Limbaugh and the other big neocons want to make it a political football instead of having a rancid, corrupt financial system that's totally corrupt.
We can't have a discussion about that.
They get on the radio and they say, evil liberals claim that it was the banks that did this, but no, it's dumb, poor,
Greedy liars!
And sure, I mean, I use the analogy of a five-year-old child... Hello?
I use the analogy... Sure, I just heard somebody's cell phone cut into the wire, so I was just pausing... You're having trouble with being in an office here, but carry on.
No, no, no, I totally understand, that's fine.
I was just pausing for you to answer, or whatever.
Going back... It's like a five-year-old child, yeah?
Yes, like a five-year-old child who you tell don't play in the front yard, and then the kidnapper comes by and kidnaps them.
The child was bad, but the kidnapper is the predator.
And that's what we have with these brokerage firms and banks.
They knowingly went and lobbied the federal government to take off the restrictions in the early 90s and then in 99, as you know.
And then the average American doesn't even understand how the financial system works or even where DC is or where the US is on a map.
All they know about is Britney Spears and American Idol.
So where do you think we're going with your economic expertise and what you watch with markets?
How bad do you think this is going to get?
Are we seeing just the beginning or is everything fine?
I think this could get very bad indeed.
I think it is actually quite bad in the US at the moment.
We're already now
I think so.
We're good to go!
The South Sea bubble in the 1720s, or tulips in Holland in the 17th century, or the railroad booms that America had in the 19th century.
It's a classic bubble which always ends in a very, very deep bust, and that's what we're getting right now.
I think what's interesting about all this politically is that Wall Street finds welfare a very, very good idea when itself is in trouble.
All the time that things are going well, it wants the government off its back, it wants regulations to be removed, it wants
It wants the freedom to do exactly what it wants, up until the very moment when it gets into trouble.
Then it suddenly finds it wants a really big fat check from the US taxpayer to pay that out.
I agree, sir.
Let's get into the South Seas bubble, because you call it the classic Ponzi scheme, with more crap paper chasing more crap paper.
I mean, for the average person who doesn't understand how this works, the South Seas example I think is a good one.
Yeah, essentially what happened there, people
We're good to go.
We're good to go!
And he was the CEO of a big Swiss company.
He said, I was the CEO of a company and we knew these guys were out there doing all these weird stuff and dealing in these exotic financial instruments.
And we just turned a blind eye to it because they were making us money and we didn't know what they were doing.
But we thought, hell, they're making loads of money.
I mean, that was the problem.
Let them get on with it.
That's why it's exactly the same as the South Sea Bubble.
It was people were just buying because everybody else was buying.
And eventually it does become a Ponzi scheme.
And I would say there's no doubt that we could have imploded in the 70s, the 80s, the 90s.
I mean, it had already built up.
But the corruption of the 90s and 2000s makes the stuff in the 60s and 70s look like a tea party.
And we're now entering the end of this mega global bubble.
It's not just going to affect the US, it's going to pull the world down with us.
I want to come back and get your take on how bad you think it'll get, what the experts are telling you, the time frame
Is with all of this with the financial editor at the London Guardian largest paper in England and probably in Europe one final segment with him at this quick break stay with us
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What we are looking at...
Alright, going back to Larry Elliott, he is the financial editor of the London Guardian.
We were talking about collusion, and it's admitted that from the big brokerage companies and banks right down to the local appraisers, the realtors,
And then, yes, the people taking the loans, but they're there, yeah, I have no money, I have an $8 an hour job, but I'm getting a $300,000 house.
I mean, they just did it.
And so can you speak to that?
I mean, this amazing systemic corruption across the board.
I think it's a bit bizarre to blame the people right at the bottom for this.
I mean, I think that's a rather bizarre thing.
They were told that they could live the American dream.
Yeah, this was advertised as the financial instrument!
Yeah, I mean, Alan Greenspan has been banging on about this in his memoirs, saying that the good thing about what happened in the last few years was that it enabled people to get their foot on the property.
That was the way it was heavily marketed to people.
And I think a lot of people, they did raise issues with the people who came around and sold them a loan and said,
You know, actually, I don't have a full-time job, or, you know, I don't earn that much money.
And the people who were selling them the loans said, that doesn't matter.
I mean, you know, hey, chill.
I mean, they said, you know, we can sort that.
We'll give you a low-cost loan.
And they didn't actually tell them all the ramifications of it, what would happen after one or two years when the real deal kicked in.
So I think people really were
I don't know.
No, it's like abducting a child.
And I just want to add that they may have cut interest rates down to almost nothing.
They're still not giving loans to people that have pretty good credit here in the United States.
The level of fed funds rate is really irrelevant to the real level of mortgages that people are actually paying because what's happening is that Wall Street firms have taken such big hits on their profitability as a result of all the stupid stuff they did, that they are now trying to make that money back by
Yeah, I've actually looked into it because I have a mortgage and the Fed fund rate went down.
Yeah, exactly.
7.5% for the mortgage, they're seeing the price of gas go up because of $100 oil prices, they're seeing the price of food go up because of what's happening in the global food markets.
They're not getting a big increase in their take-home pay.
I mean, this is a really, really tough time for Americans, and that's why I think there's been a sort of con job done here, really, by the
Well, listen, I want to come back and ask you just a few more questions.
We'll keep you about 40 after.
The bigger thing now is we have the credit cards leveraged and coming due.
And it's simple.
When I was poor and in college, I got a credit card every week in the mail.
I wasn't dumb enough to use them.
But now that I'm not insolvent, I don't get credit cards in the mail.
But, you know, once every two months.
That's all coming due now.
I mean, this looks like it just gets worse and worse.
Yeah, I mean, I think that the problem at the moment is that if you don't need credit, you can get loads of it.
So if you wanted to have a credit card and you're on, if you've got a lot of equity in your house, then you can get it easily.
But if you do need credit, it's very hard to get hold of and very expensive.
And a lot of people... I mean, what's really happened in the States, I think, over the last 15 years is that one bubble has been solved by creating another bubble.
So there was a dot-com bubble, and that seemed like it was going to fizzle out.
And Alan Greenspan responded to that by creating another, even bigger bubble.
And now all the bubbles run out.
And that's where we are, which is that all the bills are coming due.
Did you see Bush?
Yeah, I did see Bush.
I mean, I just thought what he said was ridiculous.
Did you see him call it a bubble-neck?
Yeah, yeah.
I think most ordinary Americans would find what he was saying to be ridiculous, really.
It bears no resemblance to what's happening... He says everything's wonderful!
Let them eat cake!
Well, it may be wonderful if you're living in the White House and you've got a big ranch down in Crawford, but I mean, I'm not sure that it's particularly wonderful when...
Well, we saw the markets plunge after those two speeches.
People knew it was pure crap.
Stay there, sir, just about five minutes on the other side.
I want to get your personal forecast or dead reckoning estimation, and I want to hear from you what the majority of experts you talk to, what they're saying we're really going into.
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Let me get this straight.
Alright, Dad.
Uncivil Liberties takes place in the future, right?
Like Star Wars?
Yeah, that's right.
Slightly in the future.
Wait a second.
I thought Star Wars took place a long, long time ago.
Alright, Einstein.
But it is kind of like Star Wars anyway.
Just like Star Wars, there's an evil empire and some people have started an armed rebellion to fight the evil empire.
Okay, so don't tell me, the government's the bad guys again?
Yep, that's right.
Oh, so your character's like Luke Skywalker?
Not exactly.
I know, you're Chewbacca!
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Wait a second, they can't track us, it's a free country!
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You know, it's humbling.
It really is.
Been playing that song for years.
This bumper music to find out that for 10 years Willie Nelson's been a big fan of this show and to have him on and it's just amazing.
We've got some other really big guests coming up in the next few weeks by the way.
There'll be surprises.
We always surprise you with a really big guest.
Going back just about five minutes left with Larry Elliott.
He's also a very prominent best-selling author.
He's also, of course, the financial editor of the largest paper in England, probably the main paper in Europe.
I've seen it everywhere when I've been in Europe, and we are just honored to have him with us.
Really great reports, accurate reports, things that mesh with what I'm getting from all the economists and experts we have on.
We'll have on all these different experts, and they will
You know, talk about all these serious issues, but then most of the mainstream media doesn't.
Larry, why is it that so many big financial reporters and people don't want to really put out the hardcore news?
Is it they don't want to rock the boat, or it's too controversial?
Are there sponsors or big brokerage firms?
Why is that?
I really can't talk for any other journalist, really.
I just write it as I see it.
I mean, maybe a lot of journalists are quite well paid and quite well off.
And don't really see things as they are on the other side of the tracks, or, you know, it may be that some of them are constrained by what they write because of the ownership of their paper.
I mean, The Guardian is good in that we have complete editorial freedom to write exactly what we want.
We're not owned by a big proprietor, we're owned by a trust, so we're allowed to just write what we think is true and accurate, and that's what I try and do.
So, you know, it's nice if people want to hear what I've got to say, but
You know, I understand that people have totally different views to mine.
Some people genuinely disagree with me.
Well, let's talk about...
Let's talk about, in just the last two minutes, we've got your personal view on, from studying history in the current economy, where this is going, and then other experts.
Pretty much everybody agrees, serious recession, how deep will it get?
And then the big issue starting to come up is serious inflationary depression.
Give us your basic analysis.
There's three possibilities in my view.
We've just about got away with a quite serious recession.
The action the Federal Reserve has taken this week and the money it's pumping into the system and the support it's been giving to Wall Street banks and so on will eventually turn things around but not for quite a while.
I mean, that's the first thing.
I think that it's going to be a serious recession.
House prices are falling across the U.S.
by around 20% a year, which is, as far as I'm aware, the biggest fall in house prices there's been certainly since the 1930s.
So this is a really serious downturn.
Even the baseline case is serious.
The second thing that could happen is that we could have a return to the 1970s, a sort of stagflation, allowing the dollars to fall, making imported food and fuel more expensive.
So you get a weak, very weak period of the recession in the economy, plus higher inflation, which is really the sort of quite nasty message that we had, the mess that we had in the 1970s.
And I think that could be prolonged and painful, and that seems to me to be a quite strong possibility.
And of course, the final thing is, is this really the return of the big one?
I don't actually think there's any real evidence yet to say that it is the return of the big one, partly because, you know, in the 1930s there was a much smaller state and the government will take up some of the slack in the economy.
But I mean, it is a possibility that if the financial system really does melt down, I mean, if that happened, if the financial system melted down,
And you saw really big falls in house prices.
More just prime loans started to go bad as well as sub-prime loans.
People started to get foreclosed on in a big way.
Then of course you could be looking straight down the barrel of a 1930s experience.
But I would say that I'd put a 50 or 60% chance of it being a really deep and serious recession, about a 30% chance in a period of stagflation like we had in the 1970s, and about a 10% chance of there being
Yeah, it's like walking out your front door and having a 10% chance of getting struck by lightning.
I mean, it could be different, but I would say that the biggest risk is of a quite serious prolonged downturn.
I think the U.S.
is already in recession and will remain in recession for the whole of 2008.
I mean, I don't think this is going to be changed by the first Tuesday in
This is the big problem that I see.
The dollar, cutting interest rates, increasing spending, all these wars, trillions of dollars.
I think that the fall in the value of the dollar is actually pretty serious because you
At some point, the U.S.
government is going to have to get together.
It's going to have to drop its unilateral stance and get together with the other countries in the world and stop it happening.
Because at the moment, a lot of U.S.
banks are being bailed out by sovereign wealth funds and rich investors from overseas who are pumping their money into Citigroup and all these other companies.
And if they think that the dollar is going to go down in value,
Well, Larry Elliott, the financial editor for the London Guardian, just in closing tell me about the two books you've written and the new one coming out.
I read a book about how I thought this was all going to happen 10 years ago called The Age of Insecurity, and then I read a book about the UK experience under Tony Blair called Fantasy Island, which came out last year, and we've got a new book coming out myself and my co-author Dan Ackerson in the summer called The Gods That Failed, and the gods are the gods of the financial markets, Wall Street and so on.
And how they completely screwed up the world and messed things up for ordinary people, and what we should do about it.
So that's coming out this summer in the UK, and it should be out in the US sometime in the autumn, I hope.
Okay, thank you for spending time with us, sir.
Okay, that's great.
Take care, bye.
Alright, folks, so there's the financial editor for the London Guardian.
Hedging his bet gave you a very conservative estimate of 10% chance of absolute war-in-the-streets-type depression.
We're already in stagflation, so he was giving that a 30% chance.
You were hearing massive hedging.
I guarantee you, if you were drinking a beer with that guy at a pub, you'd hear, oh yeah, we're going into a depression.
Now, only politically admitting what we're going into could change that.
Only admitting just how bad things are, just how serious things are, can turn this around.
This next story is personal for me, and you're going to hear more about this in the days to come and weeks to come.
Because I've only got a few more days to make sure that this doesn't happen.
And it gets into a lot of complex issues that I want to flesh out, because I know we all go through this experience ourselves.
It's like I know a cell phone is bad, but I still use it just because it's so easy, convenient, and I'm so busy.
I work when I'm in the car driving home, doing business, taking care of things.
But I've cut that back about 95%.
I got cut down like 98% just checking message on it.
I've been so busy lately I've been back on it.
I've caught myself back on it.
What are you talking about, Alex?
Well, I know they're bad, but I still use it.
Well, I know hospitals are pretty much bad.
But I also know statistically it's tough with a doula or one of these midwives.
And I know there can be problems.
And so we tried to have a baby the first time, pretty much natural, but he was over 10 pounds.
And for a woman's first baby, that's tough.
So, you know, I've had all three of my children in the hospital and the doctors and nurses are good.
They're not bad people individually, but the system and how it's set up is very evil.
And you're sitting there and they go, we want to give them vaccines.
You go, no.
And they say, well, we don't give them to our kids either, but we were supposed to push on.
And they come in, look, it's a mandate.
It's a state law.
And I knew it wasn't state law.
I knew it was all fraud, but they're brainwashed idiots.
We just want the blood.
Maybe it's for a blood test.
And I started telling them, I said, look, I'm just happy the baby's healthy, whatever.
I've been through this three times.
I said, look, you may not know this, but it's no law.
It's a health department mandate through the feds to the states.
It's based right here in Texas.
The main center that organizes this in the U.S.
and then U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
England, they're all involved.
Now Europe's involved, but they're the oldest.
Started 35 years ago in the US and England.
It's been in Australia for 30 plus years.
And I told them, I said, I said, why don't you do blood tests here for blood disorders?
And they said, well, we don't know, but we got to send this to the health department.
Then more nurses come in.
And, uh, you know, they say, well, you signed that form when you were admitted.
And I just, I said, you know what?
Just go ahead and do it.
And I know it goes into the blood database.
I understand that.
It's all documented.
But... But I just want parents to consciously think about this and read everything you sign and what you do.
And you got 45 days to make them destroy it, but it's come out that they don't.
Now, here's the issue that makes me mad.
I know it goes to a federal database.
And I know they use it to develop bioweapons, drugs, chemicals.
By the way, I have mainstream news here.
That's all admitted.
It's been in the news.
It's finally back in the news.
You tell the public this, they just laugh at you.
They've been trained to be slaves.
And they admit, bioweapons development, genetic engineering companies, they buy your kid's blood, the government sells it.
It goes to the human genome, the Cold Springs Harbor Genetic Engineering Facility.
It's all run by eugenicists.
The head of it just said, you know, black people basically aren't human.
He was back running eugenics 60 years ago there.
I mean, it's just, they're Nazis.
And it's just everywhere.
And it's criminal and they just do whatever they want.
And they'll tell you it's a law when it isn't a law, but then if you tell them it's going to a DNA database when it's on the government's own sites, they'll laugh at you.
It's a programmed nation of cowardly, mindless idiots.
And I guess myself included, I'm like a sheep.
You'd think Alex Jones wouldn't be, but you get tired fighting this 24 hours a day.
It's exhausting.
I spent two, three hours last night just reading the other briefings from the Supreme Court on the Second Amendment.
That's just, you know, the filings by the White House and others.
What a revelation there.
They say you have no right to own guns.
They say you have a right, but they have the right to ban all of them.
Which, of course, they don't.
I mean, I could talk... What do I cover?
What do I do?
What do I get into here?
They, without asking you, without anything, go in there and suck blood out of your baby, and the reason I got mad last night is I knew it went into an international database, and I knew it was for eugenics and the rest of it, and that they say they own it and they patent proteins and different things in your own DNA.
That's, by the way, in the mainstream news that I've got in front of me here.
Again, this is admitted, yuppies driving along in your car saying this doesn't exist.
What made me mad is I learned for the last five years it all goes to Homeland Security.
Your child is enrolled in a FBI DNA database through Homeland Security for five years with this now and that's what's new.
They didn't just have the samples and hey, someday they might use it for that.
They are putting your children, my babies too, in an illegal
Database with the murdering scum that run Homeland Security.
And I don't mean the average officer, but the people that run it are the ones that carried out 9-11.
They're the ones that take your blood illegally and put it in illegal databases.
They are people playing God.
They do whatever they want.
They spray our cities.
They poison our water.
They're a bunch of Nazis and I'm tired of it.
America isn't cameras in school bathrooms and newborn babies in FBI DNA databases.
They're criminals!
The government is bankrupt, retrobate, and gone!
Now I'll tell you, I do a cost-benefit analysis.
Statistically, and I'm all for home births and all that, but statistically, it's more dangerous at home.
Physically for the baby.
Now then, statistically, it's more dangerous in the hospital for CPS to grab your kids.
But if you've got a little bit of money and are middle class and know your rights and are calm, you'll be fine.
If you take welfare and try to have your kid in this hospital, look out.
But I have to warn people, and I have to talk about this, I have to even talk about my private life, because I care about you.
You understand that?
Believe me, I don't, you ever hear me years ago talk about my private life?
You ever hear me talk about my children, or how many I got, or any of that?
Now you do, all the time.
Because it's just, I'm just letting it all be open, and that's just the way it is, folks.
Because, if you're gonna be free, I'm gonna be free.
And if I'm gonna be free, you gotta be free.
I love you.
I care about your children as much as I care about mine.
Do you understand that?
That's what it's supposed to be as a healthy tribal human.
It makes me sick that this is going on.
And it makes me sick that I don't have enough writers or staff or people that understand this or the time to even be able to do this or the money to hire the people that understand this stuff to write articles and
And show people their rights and I want to create legal centers showing people their rights and easily downloaded forms and we try to put it all together and we give you the vaccine waiver forms for 50 states and made a section and we're working.
I mean, Paul Watson works 16 hours a day.
I work 16 hours a day.
Most people at this office work 8 hours, 10 hours.
Aaron works about 12 hours.
Rob works about 8.
Sometimes we work 14, 15, 18, 20.
Sometimes we don't sleep.
We might, you know, while making a film, there might be 10-15 nights.
We just don't sleep.
And then I want to spend time with my family.
I want to go out on a boat.
I want to go fishing.
And I can't.
I got to stay and do this.
I got to fight.
I can't.
I don't want to sit here and plug sponsors all day.
But I got to or I can't fund what I'm doing.
Also, at least I go out and get good sponsors I believe in, unlike a lot of people.
Things that I know are good.
I just, you know, there's a lot of give and take here.
Nothing's perfect.
No one's... I just... And you see, here I am just ranting emotionally where I coldly last night for an hour and I had to choose.
I said, I want to learn more about this DNA illegal database.
I was learning even more last night.
And I said, no, I have to stop this.
And I had to think, you know, maybe I won't even go in the five days I've got left and stop them from putting her in the FBI database because
Because I've got to fight for the Second Amendment and I've only got limited things I can cover.
And so I literally will let my own family go by the wayside to a certain degree just to try to warn you.
You understand that's the position I'm in.
I mean, I've got my head screwed on straight, folks.
Is yours screwed on straight?
Is yours screwed on straight?
Because that isn't freedom.
Having your newborn babies put in government databases.
Now, it came out a year ago that England does the same thing.
Remember three years ago?
And I want Watson or Nemo or somebody to get all these articles and put them back together.
Or maybe folks on the prisonplanet.forum put it together nicely for me, because I don't have the staff or the research.
Actually, I remember it all.
You know, the European research, the Australian research I did.
I did all this an hour last night on the U.S.
and the developments.
I have that in front of me.
All the printouts, everything, the laws, everything.
The regulations, I should say.
And I burn with desire to warn people, but for newshounds, Australia had a couple news articles, biggest papers, three, four years ago saying, hey, we've got a 32-year database, now 35, of every kid born in the country.
We ought to use that to fight crime.
And so they announced and then put it as a criminal database.
Well, see, they've done the same thing here.
Oh, it's just so sick.
It's just, it's just so evil.
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Okay, so here's the documentation.
I saw a story from Op-Ed News.
Great folks over there.
But then I looked through all the mainstream documents and news stories in their article, and it just reminded me, and I read the story, and the lady, you know, that they quote in there, and the government documents they have in there, and the stories they have, don't, again, cover one-tenth of what I know.
And I don't say that as I'm tooting my horn.
I'm saying it's much worse.
But then, of the 10% though, a lot of it was stuff I didn't know, and I didn't just believe it.
I went and tracked and Googled it and searched it, and it was, frankly, what they taught me turned out to be much worse than what they even thought.
It's just from every angle.
And I got madder and madder.
But I only spent about an hour on this, and, you know, only an hour on this.
That's the problem.
I have giant stacks of things.
I spend hours on them, I spend minutes here.
How many of you start doing like a ten hour radio show or something?
States hand over DNA of newborns to DHS, Op-Ed News, and that's Marty Oakley, and it goes into the fact that
And they have links to the documents and where they are now putting it in an FBI database.
They're putting it nationally in a crime database.
Just like Australia, just like England started in the last three years.
I mean, we always said, hey, you're not just taking that blood of the health department.
We knew 30 plus years ago because they started storing it and we knew that they were using it.
But see, that's the thing.
Now they're just openly, yeah, we're putting your kid in a criminal database.
Your newborn baby!
I got a newscast from CNN where they went to the house, no one was armed, no one resisted them.
They shot and killed the mother with the baby in her arms.
The bullet shot through the baby's shoulder and hand, blowing its shoulder open, cutting its fingers off.
Killed the mother and then the cops got them and said, well, we make mistakes and we didn't do anything wrong.
Nobody's getting in trouble.
It's all just nuts!
We'll put cameras in your bathrooms, we'll shoot your babies, we'll, uh, we'll, uh, just, you know, the baby deserves to be in a criminal database.
Two-year-olds in criminal databases in England because of their, quote, genetics.
But they don't even do a genetic test.
They just say, well, we just say you're poor, so you deserve it.
This is the type of news I've got.
And so I've got the combined written testimony submitted to the committee
In Minnesota, I've got the state legislature hearings on it, and it goes back to when they started it.
And then I've got the federal government's own website, and then the subsidiary groups, National Newborn Screening and Genetic Resource Center.
You can just go to their website and read all about how they're doing it to you.
It's genes-r-us.gov.
Yeah, that's right.
Nationwide, the wicked University of Texas.
And if you're an alumni, I'm not bashing you individually or Bevo, the longhorn Spanish steer on massive doses of tranquilizers.
I'm saying UT is a military industrial complex front.
And they're involved in every form of wickedness you can imagine, and their permanent funds getting up close to $50 billion of cream cash not spent on anything, but their own bank accounts.
And the University of Texas, in association with the federal government, runs the entire black-off.
Go read it!
They also put up the money for Clear Channel.
You know, they really run that.
And then they handed it over to the brokerage firm headed up by Mitt Romney.
Just a few more little connections for you.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number two.
Let me finish up with some news I was covering.
We're going to get into part two of Life Extension Technologies.
The third hour we're going to get a quick report from Tibet on what's happening there and your phone calls and more news.
Okay, so for 35 years in the Echelon group of nations, I call them that because the same nations that have Echelon, I noticed about a decade ago, the NSA spying system,
New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the U.S.
and England all have Head Start, Secure Start, Good Start.
It's all the same programs, all the same or similar names, same police uniforms.
It's the same social planners.
It's run by the same people, the Anglo-American establishment.
And the European establishments, like the twin brother, it's almost the same, but a little different.
Worse in some cases, not in others.
You know, we're worse in some other areas than they are, but it's pretty much the same system.
But I mean exactly the same with our five nations.
Because we're all really commonwealths under the Queen of England.
We've been under that at least since 1913 back here in the U.S.
Went into receivership.
But, and then in 33 they expanded with War Powers Act.
But they take your blood at any hospital in Australia, England, U.S., Canada, and many other areas.
Those are the big five.
And they put it in a database, they use it for genetic engineering, and they say they own it, and they patent it, and they're even talking about charging you later for your own genes for gene therapy.
I'm not talking about you bagging your own blood or cord blood for your child later if they need it, with the different types of cells, the stem cells.
I'm talking about they take your baby's blood and they put it in a database.
Now, they announced in England, Australia, and now the U.S.
In the last three years that, yeah, it's going into a Homeland Security and in those countries, Scotland Yard and the rest, your child's put in the government database.
Now it's not put into the main index, but it's entered in and prepared and ready.
No Fourth Amendment, no nothing, just criminal government doing what criminals do.
Now, two years ago, I reported, because Google put a press release out,
That they were going to use cameras built into almost all new computers.
By almost, I don't know of any computer that doesn't have them built into the screen, or above it, or beside it, and microphones.
And people say, well yeah, that's just so you can do video conferencing.
Yes, but they are going to use it to watch you and listen to you, and then have text ads and audio ads.
If a dog's barking, they will send you dog food ads.
That was their press release example.
And it's going to know what you're watching on television by the audio of it with keyword computers, NSA type technology.
Again, the computer puts it into text, and the Google software, which is really NSA, and it's old generation stuff, comes in, now they're upgrading it, comes in and scans it.
And so, forget just cookies and tracking you on the computer, this is your camera watching you.
We'll have repairmen around the office, or people like that, and they'll say, hey, why do you have a piece of tape over that camera on the computer?
And they'll kind of laugh at me, and when I tell them, because they can tune in and watch me, oh, they're watching you!
It doesn't matter if Google puts out a press release.
It doesn't matter if they say they're already doing it.
Comcast, and this was covered by New TV, a big industry blog, but you can actually go to Comcast announcing it, Comcast cameras to start watching you.
And this is going to be in the cable box.
Now, remember I told you ten years ago, an engineer, I was first told by an installer, then an engineer told me, yeah, these new digital scientific Atlantic cable boxes listen to you.
And he opened it up and showed me the microphone.
He said, no, no, they collect data, keywords for marketing.
That's what we're told.
And man, I had cable companies calling me up, threatening me.
Not, not, not executives saying I'm a liar.
I had people, you know, just like, I work there and how dare you lie?
And I go, what are you in?
Well, I'm in sales.
Well, then shut up.
You don't know anything.
Here it is, Comcast cameras to start watching you.
We'll cover that in the third hour.
And they say, if you don't want cable, fine.
But they say, we're going to watch you.
See, it isn't like Orwell where they make you take it.
It's like, you want a cell phone?
You want cable?
You want video games?
You want to have your baby at the hospital?
This is what we do.
We put them in a database.
We take their blood.
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I think so.
You know, very often, pretty much every day, we have guests on who've got so many letters behind their names and have done so many interesting things and written so many best-selling books and award-winning journals that I can't, you know, really give them a good bio here.
We had him on for about 30 minutes last week.
He's with us for the rest of the hour today because it's an important subject.
Aubrey de Grey, Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
You know what, Doc, before we get into all this, it's best for you just to tell us about yourself.
I know you don't like that, but instead of me just going over 20 pages of stuff, what do you think is most important for my listeners to know about you?
Sure, I have no trouble doing that.
Well, I'm a biologist.
Specifically, I'm a biomedical gerontologist, which means that I'm interested in the biology of the aging process.
But with a view to eventually being able to do something about aging, and in particular with a view to being able to defeat it completely in the future.
I was originally a computer scientist, more of an engineer than a basic scientist, and one thing that has certainly helped me a lot in being able to make a contribution in my chosen field is that I have this sort of bipartite background, an engineering training and also a basic science training.
Tell us about some of the books and journals you've written.
Well, I have a book out that came out about six months ago.
It's called Ending Aging, and it describes the technical details of how I think we're going to go about ending aging in the foreseeable future.
I have written it very much for a general audience, so nobody who's listening should be scared of buying it.
But at the same time, I don't really cut any corners on the science either.
I go into as much detail as necessary to show that
We really do know a great deal about how we're going to solve this problem.
Trying to, I guess, think-tank all this information together, but also fund some of the research.
That's absolutely right.
The foundation is called the Methuselah Foundation, and we solicit funds from the general public, which we then give out again to researchers to perform important critical path research in universities around the world, so that we can hasten the defeat of aging.
You've got several sites.
Which ones are important to plug?
Well, it's all really within one site, mfoundation.org, but there are two main parts of the site.
One of them is dealing with the actual research itself, in the more abbreviated form, of course, than is present in the book, and talking about the particular research we're funding and what we'd like to fund in the future.
The other part concentrates on our other main activity, which is the M-Prize, a prize competition that we run, which is simply intended to encourage researchers to try to break the world mouse lifespan record.
And the purpose of that is because mice are sufficiently similar to humans that serious progress in postponing aging in mice is likely to have forfeitable biomedical relevance to humans.
And they're already living 50% longer!
Well, that's not completely true.
At the moment, we can get mice to live maybe 40 or 50 percent longer if we start really early.
That's what I was saying.
If we alter some of their genes before they've even been conceived, so we alter the genes of their parents.
I think so.
You probably remember the details better than I do, but talking about just with diet mice living a lot longer, you're talking about separately genetically modified mice.
That's right.
I mean, so basically the genetic modifications that have been discovered so far that make big increases in the lifespan of mice are actually based on the same sort of science as the dietary interventions that were discovered a very long time ago, 70 or so years ago.
Basically, the genetic interventions trick the mouse into thinking that it's not getting enough food, and it responds by altering its metabolism in a way that has a side effect of slowing down its rate of aging.
But the thing about that intervention, about the dietary intervention of just not feeding the mouse as much as before, is that unless you start it really pretty early in life, it doesn't really have much of an effect.
If you start in middle age, it only very slightly increases.
And we covered that last time.
I want to get into another area.
There are those trees in the high desert areas of California that they think are thousands of years old.
Not just the big redwoods, but the smaller ones.
And I remember reading in some studies, a long time ago in college, that scientists think that it's brethren, lower down, that only live 200 years, but these trees are over a thousand years, is because it's very low water, very low
I don't know.
There is some, but we would be very unwise to read too much into it in terms of its relevance to what we could do for ourselves.
Now I understand, but why are those trees then up on those mountains living ten times longer than their brethren down in the valley?
Well, there are a variety of reasons, including simple erosion and the degradation of the weather that you've mentioned.
But the reason why we can't read much into it is because in a tree,
The cells that are actually alive still on the surface of the trunk and in the leaves and so on are all continuously dividing.
I mean, not rapidly dividing, but there is not a single living cell in a tree that has spent more than 20 or 30 years without dividing.
But our brain, our eyes, all these key parts, they stop dividing.
Absolutely, especially the brain and also the heart and one or two other tissues.
And that's really important because a non-dividing cell has much harder problems to solve in terms of avoiding aging, avoiding the accumulation of damage than a dividing cell does.
If a cell accumulates garbage, you know, material that is indigestible in some way, and it doesn't know how to get rid of it,
I think so.
So, the evolution of tissues that have long-lived, non-dividing cells, especially the brain, was really the point where we sold our cell to aging.
And that's why we need biomedical technology to do something about it.
And again, he's got peer-reviewed studies, papers by major universities and medical institutions, and they're saying there's a lot of evidence.
I mean, it's backed up scientifically.
How are you saying that we now know that in the future we'll be able to put it off, and then as you said last time you were on, then if we can put it off another 30, 40, 50 years, there'll be more advances.
Then we know the development.
I mean, what is proven?
I mean, how do we know you'll be able to do this?
Ultimately, we know it simply because we know that the human body is a machine.
That's really all it comes down to.
We don't know how soon we're going to be able to do it.
I think we have a 50% chance of getting there within, let's say, 30 or so years, but we certainly don't know how long it's going to take, and that's because we don't know enough about the obstacles that we may encounter going forward.
But at the moment we can describe in quite a lot of detail all the various types of damage that the body accumulates as side effects of its normal operation.
Molecular and cellular changes throughout life that start even before we're born and that are initially harmless, just in the same way that it's okay to have a little bit of garbage in your house, but that eventually when they get too abundant they start to cause real damage.
So we need to repair those various types of damage.
Those molecular and cellular changes.
And since we can already describe what those types of change are, we can look quite closely at how we might get rid of them.
And my reason for optimism is that we can describe, not just in general terms, but in a lot of detail, exactly what we need to do, and in some cases we're pretty close to already being able to do it, to reverse those various changes.
I mean, continue, give me some examples of what we currently know that is working.
Okay, sure.
So one very well-known area of biomedical research is, of course, stem cell research.
And here I don't just mean embryonic stem cell research, I mean stem cell research in general.
Yeah, it's in the female breast, it's in fat, yeah.
Yeah, stem cells come from a lot of places, that's right.
And we're getting pretty good at manipulating cells so that they are the right sort of stem cell.
Now the reason why stem cells are important is because one of the changes that happen throughout life is that in some of our tissues, especially some parts of the brain and also the heart and one or two other places, cells die and they are not naturally replaced by the division of other cells.
So we have to help the body out by putting in new cells ourselves by medical treatment so as to maintain these various tissues.
Well that's just like if somebody, and they've seen some success, you probably know about all the hundreds of studies, but
You know, with somebody with Parkinson's, you know, putting brain cells, and they can now culture these, in there, and then the body is absorbing them and using them.
Parkinson's disease turns out to be one of the easier applications of stem cell therapies because the part of the brain where the cells die is a very well-defined, localized one.
That's exactly right.
Okay, so then... But what's amazing is the brain is actually using the new cells.
That's incredible.
I mean, that's a big step towards what you're saying, isn't it?
Oh yes, absolutely.
And the reason why these things aren't so hard as they might look...
It's because the information that the cells need in order to know what to do when you put them into the brain is already encoded in those cells.
So long as they are more or less in the right state, they will take cues from their environment in just the same way, really, as the cells did when the brain was being built in the first place.
It's like the rest of the brain is a drill sergeant that tells them line up?
Well, to an approximation, yes, that's right.
Just simplification here, because this is complex stuff.
We'll be right back with our guest over this quick break.
Best-selling author, multiple doctorates.
You can go read his bio if you've got five hours.
Aubrey de Grey will be right back on the other side of this quick break.
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We're going to talk about some of the genetic manipulations going on, some of the injection of stem cells, currently the treatments, and then what the research and some of the advanced stuff that's on the horizon that's being developed, and then we'll talk about the social ramifications and even have some time near the end of this hour to take some calls with our guest at 1-800-259-9231.
Going back to Dr. Aubrey de Grey, please continue.
Okay, so one other area that's very, very important to combating aging and that is really moving forward very nicely is in the combating of one aspect of Alzheimer's disease.
So Alzheimer's disease, as you may know, is a very complicated phenomenon in which, first of all, you have got cell death, very much like in Parkinson's disease, but more distributed around the brain.
But also, you've got the accumulation of various types of indigestible molecule inside the neurons and outside the neurons.
And the stuff that accumulates outside the neurons, which is called phenol plaques,
I think so.
So that treatment was so effective in mice that it's already moved to clinical trials, and the clinical trials are going very well.
The Phase 3 clinical trials, the final stage, have just begun.
So that's going nicely.
Other areas, other things that are being developed?
Well, the ones I've mentioned so far are probably the ones that are furthest along.
If we look at things that are not quite so far along but are still going pretty nicely, one example is
The accumulation of really, really difficult to break down things that are inside cells already.
For example, various molecules similar to cholesterol that are inside cells in the wall of our arteries.
Cholesterol itself is not really a harmful molecule because our cells know how to deal with it, but it gets spontaneously modified into forms that our cells don't know how to deal with.
Those forms accumulate and eventually stop the cells in our artery walls from working and that's where an atherosclerotic block comes from, that's where heart disease and heart attacks and strokes come from.
So there's progress going on at the moment, actually a lot of it funded by my foundation that is looking to identify bacteria in the soil that can break down these things and then to identify the genes that they have that allow them to break down these things.
The idea here is that when we find those genes, we can modify them in some fairly obvious ways and introduce them into our own cells so as to give them a greater versatility in the range of things that they can break down.
So that's a pretty ambitious idea.
It will take quite a long time to get it to work, but when it does work, it will be by far the most effective way to address heart disease and also various other things like macular degeneration, for example, far more effective than anything we have today.
Now that's just one body of science, isn't it, that fits in as a unit into the larger plan that you've devised?
That's right, yes.
So I normally describe the range of things that need to be developed and done as breaking down into seven different categories.
And so I just mentioned that atherosclerosis and macular degeneration are both within one category.
That's because the general approach to fixing those two problems is broadly similar.
It's not exactly similar, we have to find different enzymes to break down different target compounds, but the general approach to finding those enzymes is more or less the same.
Now, guesstimation, how far along are we until somebody who's, say, 50 years old can live comfortably to 150, or are you saying we're already at that point?
I think that we have a 50% chance of developing the technologies I'm talking about here within about 25 or 30 years.
And the technologies we have at that point should, in my view, be sufficient that we can take someone who's, let's say, 60 years old at that point, in other words, let's say 30 years old now, and give them an extra 30 or so years of healthy life.
In other words, essentially rejuvenate them, not completely, not totally comprehensively back to a 20 year old, for example, but maybe back to the age of 40, the biological age of 40, such that they'll be maybe 90 years old before they get back to being biologically 60.
And during that time, those 30 years, the therapies will have been improved in terms of their comprehensiveness, so that we can apply them again, the improved therapies, to the same people who are now 90.
And we rejuvenate them back to, let's say, biologically 30, and so on.
So I wanted to kind of get into the social ramifications of this on the other side.
I mean, if you don't die, how do you go to heaven or hell?
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Dr. DeGrade, you know, I don't know if we'll be able to ever, quote, live a thousand years, but I know certainly with technology, people will be able to live a lot longer.
There's no doubt of that.
Will we still be human?
Then that gets into the whole transhumanist, posthumanist discussion.
And I think a lot of what you're talking about borders into that, but you're talking about the admitted technologies that can extend that are being developed.
But what about people who have trouble dealing with this?
In my last film I quote futurists, saying we'll have world government and we can't let the general public have this stuff and we're going to get rid of them.
That's in Wired Magazine, Kurzweil's talking about it.
This is all being discussed
And how only the rich are going to be able to have it and the suicide nihilists will basically turn into spaceships and fly off the planet and blow us up.
These guys sound nuts and they're getting huge prizes and money and they're inventing computer technology and they're billionaires so people tend to listen to Bill Joy and others.
It's much easier than you would think, actually.
Because ultimately, all of what I'm talking about revolves around alleviating the suffering that most of us have to look forward to when we get older.
And that's an awful lot of suffering, as we all know.
If we find really comprehensive treatments to all of the various things that go wrong with our bodies in later life, then people are going to welcome those things.
And it just happens that there's going to be this side effect that we won't tend to
You know, to die in our sleep anymore.
We will tend to wake up the following morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that.
But it should be regarded as a side benefit, not as the main goal, to live longer for the sake of living longer.
And I think when you talk about it and you think about it that way, the idea that there might be any religious objection to it becomes a good deal, you know, harder to defend.
I mean, I've just had other guests on like yourself.
I've mentioned this in a film, and I've gotten criticism saying I'm basically a devil for even talking about it.
But I mean, how could you not talk about it?
I mean, I remember when I had great-grandparents and grandparents dying when I was a kid.
I thought, man, I don't want to watch my parents die.
That's when I, very young, began to think about not even that I was going to get old or die myself,
Exactly, and they probably didn't want to die either.
Even people who are getting quite frail and sick probably don't want to die immediately, and certainly people who are youthful mostly don't seem to want to die any time soon.
The question therefore is, how do we arrange to maximise the ability of people to live as long as they want to, and to stay healthy as long as they want to?
It seems to me that the message from scripture is very clear there, for example, that we're supposed to do our best to alleviate suffering and to save lives.
Well, I certainly have a good point there.
My whole concern is that these systems to extend our lives are leaning towards the cybernetic merging
With all the genetic engineers, kind of like the whole, well there's the whole replicant view of Blade Runner, where it's pure biological, designed by machines and humans, versus the cybernetic, cyborg merger, and I just see it leaning more and more towards the cybernetic, and then even on the genetic, I mean really, once you get into machines and genetics, it's pretty, at least from my novice view, similar, in that it's all just programming,
And setting things up so as we begin to play God, I see this erasing
A lot of what we were.
Now the transhumanists say that that will actually make us something more human than human.
Can you comment on that?
Yeah, I think that it is important not to be too scared about the future decisions that humanity will make sequentially in determining whether to adopt certain opportunities for progress.
Because after all, there are plenty of times when we choose not to.
For example, we had a very rapid and successful and enthusiastic advance with regard to powered flight during the first two-thirds or so of the last century.
But then, what happened?
Why do we not have our flying cars now?
The answer is not because we couldn't, but because we couldn't be bothered.
You know, there wasn't enough pressure for them.
And similarly, these biomedical advances that may have the opportunity to merge with non-biological advances,
Well, I happen to love humanity and my heritage and my ancestors and God's creation.
I mean, I don't want to fundamentally... I'm all for pacemakers, I'm all for somebody having seizures to have a chip put in there.
The problem is, every time I turn around, I mean, there's a big controversy right now,
England, the US, they take babies' blood, they put it in a DNA database, and now they want to use it for law enforcement, and they don't tell the soccer moms down the street that this is going on.
We have the eugenics, we have the former head of the Cold Springs Harbor, back when it was a eugenics operation, basically saying blacks are inferior.
I mean, we have such a, the bedrock of what is the modern intelligentsia was built on this elitism, and you can say long-term everybody's going to demand these technologies for themselves,
But in reality, with resources, and the elite tend to do this even when there are enough resources, they like to control the resources as a mode of domination.
And down every avenue I see, I see the haves and the have-nots.
I mean, oh, I'm rich, I don't get cancer.
I was genetically engineered, but you're a poor person, you're going to get cancer.
I think there's a good answer to that, a very persuasive answer to that prospect, and the reason why we don't need to be worrying about it, which is simply that the reason why we see inequality of access to important things at the moment is because there is not enough desire on the part of the general public, the less wealthy people, to actually get those things.
If we look at things that really are very important to everybody, then they are available when the ability to pay is found.
Like, for example, basic education is available for free in every country in the Western world.
And the reason it's free is because there's a general agreement among the population that it's important enough that it ought to be free.
I think it's going to be like that.
I think at the moment, the medical treatments that we have just aren't effective enough and therefore aren't important enough to drive that sense of
I mean, everything's growing exponentially.
I think sooner than 30 years, a lot of things you're talking about are going to start happening.
Mexican Attorney General, four years ago, made a bunch of his employees taking plantable chips.
Companies are making employees.
I've had police chiefs on from the U.S.
saying they would forcibly inject us with chips because it's for our own good.
Bars make you have it to go into the topless section.
I really can't see us chaining people down and rejuvenating them by force.
It just doesn't seem very plausible.
I don't know.
A lot of the other genetic engineer people, a lot of the other people in biology, a lot of the other people and they are really a bunch of freaks and I'm sure you know about a lot of your colleagues.
I mean a lot of them are eugenicists, crypto eugenicists, population reduction enthusiasts.
It sounds pretty much like enslavement to me, but I haven't thought about it or studied it at all.
I'd rather stick to my own narrow area.
Well, I mean, by narrow, it's a wide area, but you have the narrow view that because you're a good guy, you're not doing it for bad.
I'm just saying, just like we don't have a big debate about life extension, which we should have because it'll make people desire it, and then we will get it.
It won't be used for bad.
Well, at the same time, we need a bigger debate about this to make sure it's developed in the right direction instead of being used for bad.
I agree with that.
So how do we do that?
How do we have a big debate?
Well, actually, I think progress in getting the debate going on life extension may be a good start.
I think a lot of what we've seen in society over the past few decades is really important problems appearing that affect all of us.
Things like climate change or the ozone layer or whatever.
And sometimes we develop technological or other solutions that are just in time to stop the mattering.
But we're very slow about it.
And I think a large part of why we're slow is apathy that we don't think most of us don't think we can do anything.
And that's, of course, true at the level of democratic influence over what the state does in a whole range of ways.
So I would say that any progress that we may make in addressing and confronting our oldest
I don't know.
But I see the opposite happening.
I see the general public completely drunk on entertainment, totally tuning out of reality, the elite providing them, and it also makes money in the free market, with new forms of wirehead type cyberpunk distractions, literally a acquiescence, a self-insertion into a matrix.
I really see it inexorably leading it towards that.
Well, that's right.
That's what I'm saying.
This is the apathy I'm talking about.
And I think that apathy may actually be very strongly diminished once we start to make breakthroughs against this thing that we're all so scared of.
Well, I want to take some phone calls to get different angles and perspectives from listeners at 1-800-259-9231.
And we're talking to Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
And fire out the website again, sir.
And we've got links to that up on InfoWars.com right now.
Let's go to Merritt in Kentucky.
You're on the air, Merritt.
Hi, how are you doing?
Good, sir.
Dr. DeGray, I was studying this subject probably a little over a year ago, and I was wondering, is cellular degeneration, is it still being linked to something like oxidation?
Certainly, yes.
Oxidation is a damaging... it's a term that covers a wide range of damaging chemical reactions.
Unfortunately, it also covers a wide range of important and very desirable chemical reactions.
And a large part of the reason why the early attempts to try to control and postpone aging by diminishing the level of oxidation reactions and the level of the product of those reactions is because of the side effects, because one was diminishing the things that we wanted to have as well as the things we didn't want to have.
So, that's actually one of the sorts of data that led me to the approach that I tend to follow with regard to combating aging, namely to target specifically the undesirable products of things like oxidation rather than targeting the process itself.
It tends to be a good deal more capable of avoiding those sorts of side effects.
What about telomeres?
Alright, so the idea that telomere shortening is the dominant influence on the rate of aging is the number one urban myth about aging.
Telomere shortening may have something to do with aging of some very limited tissues and it certainly appears to have a role as a sort of ancillary side effect of certain other disease states.
But in general, the cells that we have that need to divide a lot more than they could in cell culture, they're able to do so because they express a sufficient amount of this enzyme called telomerase that compensates for the telomere shortening that happens when a cell divides.
So the cells in which one observes this thing called the Hayflick limit, this finite amount of ability to divide, are cells that, when they're in the body, just don't need to divide very often.
Well, as far as the ethics angle on this, I think if we maintain our honorable intentions behind it, I think it's a very good technology, but a lot of the socio-political issues
They're going around today, have to be fixed before we actually get into the meat of this thing, I think.
I think that's right.
And so the question is, what do we do?
Do we say, let's slow down the development of the technology until we're satisfied that we know what the first logical solutions are going to be?
Or should we go and develop the technology as soon as possible, but also, and parallel, do our best to come up with a forward plan in terms of the first logical implication?
I think that second approach is the best way to go, because ultimately every day we delay, we are condemning another 100,000 people to an unnecessarily early death, and that's pretty bad.
Now, commerce is the goal of the Tyrell Corporation, that's the line for Blade Runner, but at the same time, so many of the elite think tanks and powerful organs think there's too many people and have an absolute disgust for humanity, and all they talk about is culling the herd, as Prince Philip likes to do.
Well, all I can say is that if there are people who want to reduce the size of the human population, they don't seem to be doing very well.
Well, they have reduced the growth mightily in China and Africa and other places.
I think most of the reduction of growth has happened voluntarily.
Certainly China is an exception, but in every other country around the world in which there has been a sharp decline in the number of children that the average woman is having.
Well, I don't think infertility is voluntary.
I don't think the infertility numbers are voluntary.
Doctor, have you looked at any data that deals with life and fertility and things?
Ed Weiber sings of massive infertility in women and sperm count numbers plunging in western males.
Oh, certainly.
The situation with male fertility I'm not talking about at all.
I'm talking about the choices that women are making to have fewer children than they used to and to have them later.
And my understanding of the data is very much that the overwhelming majority of the decline in fertility that's being seen is voluntary, though of course there is a small increase in female infertility as well.
And that could be due to sociological pressures as well.
You have these hypochondriacs that think they're sick and make themselves physically sick.
Well, look, I've seen the numbers.
A large portion, but not even half, of it is that it's 45-year-old professional women who finally want to have a child.
But no, we have massive infertility now developing in 18-, 20-, 30-year-old women, men.
I mean, I know a lot of fertility doctors.
I've seen the numbers.
Something's going on.
Yeah, certainly for men there's plenty going on, and there's a lot that's not known about how it's going on.
But of course, the technologies that I'm talking about, among the applications of those technologies will be technologies that can restore fertility by making, for example, testicular stem cells work better.
I understand, that's amazing, and that certainly is something that's important.
And can certainly help a lot of people.
We'll be right back in this next segment with a couple more segments with Aubrey de Grey, Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
And we will also continue with your phone calls, Ted, Harry, and others that are patiently holding.
I've got some really serious questions I'm going to be getting to on the other side for our guest.
And as I said, we'll continue to take your calls.
You can check out his website by going to InfoWars.com.
We've got a link right over there to it right now.
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Yeah, pocket full of posies, ashes to ashes, we all fall down, grave digger.
Going back to our guest, apropos, I didn't even know that Bummer Music was coming up, it randomly plays, Aubrey de Grey, talking about life extension technologies, what about accidents?
I think we will take much more care not to expose ourselves to risks.
But I think obsessed may be too strong a word.
I think one consequence of an increased quality and quantity of life will be that we place a higher value on life, and I think that's going to make the world a much less violent place, because people just will take other people's lives more seriously, same as they take their own more seriously.
But, with regard to accidental death, I think there are going to be lots of ways in which we just throw money at the problem.
For example, with regard to automobile accidents, we already have, in the military, plenty of technology available that can involve, you know, very sophisticated sensors to invoke automatic overrides in the case of human error, whether on the part of the driver or a pedestrian, for example.
It's just that those technologies are really expensive, so nobody puts them into your average automobile.
You know, keep postponing death almost indefinitely, you know, barring hyperactive super viruses that come out of nowhere, or meteors hitting us, or jet airplane crashes.
I mean, there'll always be something that'll have a fix for that, but it's a practice on ourselves, you know, perfecting it.
How do you deal with the artificially intelligent computer taking over?
Well, I sometimes feel that computers have already taken over my life.
I seem to spend my entire day sitting at one.
But, no, seriously, I think that so long as it's gradual, so long as we make our own choices with regard to how much we get computers to do for us, and we know that we're making those choices and that we can always reverse them, I don't really see a big problem with it.
But we've already got computers, pretty much designing computers, and no one person knows how the whole computer works.
You've got all these expert eggheads who are geniuses and have trouble understanding it.
I mean, we're already getting there where the computers are going to take total control.
Even if they're not AI and evil like the Terminator, it's just that they'll just start making decisions.
It is important not to let the whole thing go out of control, and some of my good friends actually are working on precisely that problem on the design of computers.
Oh, I want to hear a little bit about that.
Stay there, sir.
We've got a break.
We'll be back in one minute with more calls.
Please stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Ted in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I spoke to you a couple weeks ago about the swimming pool water and I originally called to suggest that eliminating chlorine in tap water, you know, drinking chlorinated tap water might produce some life extension and as I researched the article that you asked me to do, I found that they've begun replacing chlorine with chloramines
Which is a far more dangerous oxidizer and chemical, and I was wondering if Dr. DeGray knew anything about that.
The cocktail of toxic waste in our water.
I brought up toxins last week with him and he said that wasn't as big a problem, but from all the studies I've seen, I mean massive increases in cancers, you name it, with all the stuff they're adding, the stuff we're breathing, the mercury from the coal plants.
Yeah, I don't want to belittle these things.
These things are certainly things that we need to worry about and we need to try to prevent.
However, we have to remember, we have to keep a sense of proportion about it if we're talking about life extension and the postponement of age-related disease, because we know that
Ted, did you send me that story you put together?
Yes, I do, and you guys have the website, the page that it's on, with some photos.
I don't know.
That was... I just gave it to him.
I can give it to you right now.
No, just send it to Aaron at InfoWars.
Thank you.
Harry in Florida.
You're on the air with Dr. DeGray.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
This is Harvey in Florida.
Harvey, go ahead.
How are you doing?
It's great to talk to you and your guest.
I'd like to ask him about what he thinks about the patenting.
Like Geron patented the telomerase gene.
What does he think about the patenting and how the investments
Well, the tremendous investment leads to a rush to market like it did with the plant genetics.
I don't have any real fears in that area.
I think the market will look after itself in regard to all of this.
And I think one of the main reasons for not being scared is that the therapies that are going to be necessary in order to comprehensively postpone aging will have many, many different components.
Each of which will have been developed by different people, and these patents will be owned by different people.
So there will be a requirement to have a great deal of collaboration and business common sense, shall we say, in order to... Well, let me throw this out, though, Doc, and I understand you're real positive about all this, and I'm not saying it doesn't have a positive sign.
It's one thing if it's for humans, and we know a lot of bad drugs and things do get on the market, but I agree there's more focus on that than, say, GMO crops.
But there's total evidence of GMO crops, the ones that have been heavily altered, causing all sorts of problems.
And so I don't have confidence that there's not going to be all sorts of disasters.
It's certainly important to regulate the experimental testing of things that are used on all of the living world, absolutely, because the knock-on effects can be very unpredictable.
And I don't deny that there have been some cases, not just in the case of drugs applied to humans, in which things have been pushed forward too quickly.
Anything else, Collar?
Yes, yes Alex.
I was an early investor in plant genetic companies and it seems like mostly the wondrous things that they promised us, they've actually used most of the inventions towards evil, like putting more nicotine in the tobacco plants, may be able to use more chemicals on the plants.
So there's a tremendous potential for this to be misused and in fact they forced the
The people in our country to take it without any labeling.
It's all in all our foods without any labeling.
I'd like to hear his remarks about that.
Well, this is not really my area.
Mr. DeGray, we've got a break right now.
Come back and finish up, please.
And this will be our final segment, Mr. DeGray.
Then we're going to then go to Tibet with what's happening there with a guest as well on that subject.
We'll be right back here on the GCN Radio Network, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're good.
Thank you for joining us today.
We're already well into the third hour.
And I appreciate Dr. Aubrey de Grey joining us, best-selling author, researcher, published
We're good to go.
I think this is certainly true that some things are not always rolled out in the optimal way.
Let's remember, we do all live in a democracy, and our elected representatives are the people who control all this.
Their ultimate goal is to get re-elected, and so it's really just a question of how much we care.
If we want something to be done, then we can get it done.
Well, Dr. DeGray, I hope in the next six months or so we can have you back up to get more in-depth in all of this, and I really appreciate your time.
Fire out the name of the new book and the website.
The name of the new book is Ending Aging, and the website is mfoundation.org.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Thanks for having me on the show.
Take care.
Okay, we do have Mr. Timzin on the line.
Fantastic, getting him lined up there from India.
And he's the director of the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy.
We have reports of the Chinese paramilitary police.
Parading people on the backs of flatbed cars all over different cities in Tibet.
The Reuters is reporting that the rebellion against the tyranny has spread.
We're now seeing neocon propaganda demonizing Tibet and trying to either make stuff up about the Tibetans or exaggerate things.
They're certainly not perfect, no one is, compared to the communist Chinese.
They hadn't killed 60 million of their own people, I know that.
Penn and Teller attacking them, the list goes on and on.
I'm basically saying, a lot of our media is saying China's good.
And boy, that's not just a 180 from our government supporting the Tibetans, who have obviously been invaded, enslaved, and mass-murdered, and their women forced to marry Chinese.
I'm not bashing Chinese either.
It's to commit genocide, destroy their culture.
Our government's gone from, the Tibetans are good, to neutral, to now they're bad.
And by government, I'm seeing the media and others push this, and we appreciate our guest for coming on with us.
Ergin Tenzin, thank you for coming on.
Yes, hello.
Thank you for coming on.
Can you give us, because you have of course inside sources like no one else inside Tibet right now.
We're seeing a news blackout since they expelled foreigners three days ago, and less and less info coming out.
What's really happening there?
Now the situation inside Tibet is very tense, and it's worsening day by day.
And according to our informed sources, now the Chinese have already started house-by-house raids in the cities of Lhasa before the deadline given by the Chinese.
So now in the Lhasa streets you can see only military tranks rolled, and people are afraid to come outside.
Uh, or effort to speak with outside people, you know, and we have also got information that more than 1,000 Tibetans have been arrested and more than 23 people, uh, uh, more than 70 people have been killed, you know, and 23 people have already been shot dead by the Chinese in one incident, you know, so it's very unfortunate and Chinese, they are continuing with the repressive action, uh, against the peaceful Tibetan demonstrators in Tibet.
Have you seen the reports in the western media?
They are the minority of the reports.
The majority are neutral, but a minority are actually demonizing the Tibetans with this information.
That's the first time I've seen this.
Have you seen this?
Yes, please.
I couldn't pick up your question, please.
Will you read the question?
Let me be clear.
There are some Western media outlets, some media in the West, is siding with the Communist Chinese.
Are you aware of that?
Yes, yes.
There are so many Western media giving information from Tibet, you know, but the Chinese, they have now already started sending back Western reporters, you know, out of Tibet.
We've got press reports about the rebellion by the Tibetans spreading all over the country.
Yeah, the demonstration in Tibet is now taking place all over Tibet.
It's outside the Tibet Autonomous Region also.
So the demonstration is taking place in all parts of Tibet.
Can you go through any details that you've gotten from your sources inside Tibet that we haven't seen on the news?
More details about the rebellion.
You see, the demonstration has first started on 10th March, commemorating with the 49th anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day.
On 10th March, you know, the Tibetan monks
And it is protest, you know, the Tibetan monks, Tibetan nuns, and then Tibetan students, and Tibetan nomads, you know, and all the ordinary people, almost all Tibetan diaspora, they have rised against the Chinese rule inside Tibet.
Well, let's be clear, this all started after 50 plus years of bombings and attacks and arrests and secret police, and in the last few weeks going around and arresting
uh... leaders of the opposition then people peacefully on the fifty-plus anniversary of a mass murder uh... as the press has reported peacefully demonstrating its chinese domination and that's when they attack the peaceful people the chinese military now the peaceful people are fighting back how are they beginning to physically fight back we are saying still some video burning buildings and things like that
The Tibetan people, you know, they have started the demonstration peacefully.
And, you know, the demonstration was in a number of... so many numbers, you know, like it was crossing 2,000, 5,000, 3,000, you know.
So the Chinese armed police, you know, they tried to clamp down on the demonstrators and they cracked down, started beating them and just shooting guns in the...
Yeah, you know, so that's why, you know, sometimes, you know, the cows, they got frustrated and they started throwing stones.
They got tired of groveling to thugs and they decided to fight back.
They got frustrated, you know, they are tired, you know, the military, they are beating like anything, you know.
But bullies always push and push and push until you push back, don't they?
Yeah, right here in Austin, they're doubling the size of the SWAT team, swelling with recruits to dominate and oppress us.
But it's all part of the new liberty here in a country where they forcibly take DNA samples from your children for FBI databases at birth.
It's part of the land of the free, home of the slaves.
We're talking again, ladies and gentlemen, to the director of the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy.
Sir, in the time we've got left, anything else that's important for people to know?
Any other reports?
Anything that I haven't asked you that people need to know?
Yes, I want to let the people know that the situation inside Tibet is very tense, and now the Chinese government, they are kicking out all the foreign journalists out of Tibet.
I don't
Free media into the world, you know, because in Chinese, you know, they're a billion people country and they get only censored information.
Whatever the government information is given to them, they receive only that kind of information.
So it's very important that there should be a freedom of press inside Tibet, you know, which is very important.
And we appeal to all the peace-loving countries.
The United Nations, you know, to send a fact-finding mission inside Tibet, you know, otherwise there is no other way to know the real situation inside Tibet.
Are the Chinese letting the U... Are the Chinese Communists letting the UN in?
Yes, they're trying to pressurize all the other countries, you know, because they are super-powered, economically very strong, you know.
So they use, I mean, like, their power in the economic market and all, you know.
And so the UN isn't going in?
They are going in.
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Okay, folks.
Final segment with our guest.
I've got a ton of news.
I'm in a shotgun in the last 30 minutes.
He is the director of the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy.
To boil it down, you heard the UN isn't helping.
They're not going to help.
The U.S.
isn't helping.
No one's helping.
It's all just lip service.
And now our media is starting to lie and exaggerate about the Tibetans.
It's just getting sicker and sicker.
In closing, sir, how do we support you guys?
How do we help you guys?
And any websites, phone numbers, anything else we need to know, sir?
If peace-loving people or a country, they want to support the Tibetan cause, and they really want to know the Tibetan
Uh, issue, you know, and to follow up this, what is going inside Tibet, you can visit our website, that is pchrd.org, and then you will get all the latest information about what is happening inside Tibet, you know.
And at the time, we appeal to, uh, all, all our supporters, you know, who, who, who like, uh, love peace and, uh,
To support us, you know, and appeal your government to pressurize China to send a tech-finding mission into Tibet, you know, and to restore the human rights of the Tibetan people, and please ask your government to send a free media inside Tibet.
Mr. Tenzin, last question.
What do you predict is going to happen?
Is this going to spread?
Is this going to embarrass the Olympics?
Is this going to get the Olympics boycotted?
I mean, do you think this resistance to tyrants is going to continue?
I think this has given ample indication of human rights violations inside Tibet.
So I think now it has become very hard for
The Chinese, you know, it has shown the world how the Chinese are dealing with the human rights violation inside Tibet.
And all the participants, now they must rethink about participating in the Olympic Games, you know.
So, until and unless China stops brutal action against the peaceful demonstrators, I think all other countries should reconsider of what they do in the future, you know.
All right, sir.
Well, thank you for spending time with us, and we'll talk to you in the next few days as this develops.
Thank you, Mr. Thank you.
Ah, man.
Now, again, I feel empathy for what's happening in Tibet.
And I've seen so many news pieces and comedy pieces and other things.
Billing the Dalai Lama is some type of wicked dictator.
And how the Tibetans deserve what's happening to them, and the Chinese, Communist Chinese government are good.
I want to be sure and differentiate between the Chinese people and their corrupt government.
It's killed at least 60 million of them.
And obviously the Dalai Lama's not perfect.
I don't follow his religion.
I don't follow what that country did or what they believed in, but they were statistically a pretty peaceful, prosperous, but also sparsely populated roof of the world, you know, on average about 12,000 feet.
Uh, population.
Some of them living up as high as 18,000 feet.
Uh, and they have this huge military just roll in after the Communists took over.
And it's now been declassified that our government gave them the weapons.
Our government gave the Communist Chinese the power.
They actually blocked and sabotaged the Nationalists.
And it is just, it is just despicable to see
The way our country's changed, the way we've gone from supporting the Tibetans, at least on the surface, because they had to, meanwhile funding their enemies all day, to now just publicly, yeah, they deserve it.
They're bad.
They're evil.
And that's just basically the end of the story.
Okay, here's what I'm going to do.
I've got about 50 news articles in front of me.
And I'm going to come back and I'm just going to read the headline off each article and comment a little bit on it.
I'm also going to get into your cable boxes watching you.
Now, I know for our listeners that's old news, but now it's in the mainstream media.
And they just hide incredible things in plain view.
It's just all... I mean this sarcastically.
I don't really believe this, but some people do.
Maybe they'll just take their mask off and they'll all have lizard heads next week.
I mean, you know, it's starting to get
That weird.
I mean, a huge flying saucer might land and pigs might walk off of it and Bush goes and shakes their hand and if you say it's weird, people will say you're crazy.
I mean, you know, your cable box watching you isn't good, folks.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I love it.
I love fighting the New World Order.
I'm so honored to bring on all these great guests, talking about all these serious issues.
I want to thank my whole crew here in Austin, Texas.
All of you, the listeners, the affiliates, the sponsors.
Don't forget, we're not just here weekdays, 11 to 2 central, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Oh, we're live.
Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Oh, I gotta hear this one little part.
It's not the kill.
It's the thrill.
Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Okay, let's go ahead and plunge into the news here today.
I've already covered some of this in the first hour.
There's no real way to even categorize this.
I tried this morning.
We've already covered what's happening in Tibet.
We've got into live extension technologies.
We've also had on the editor from the London Guardian, their financial editor,
Talk about the possibility of coming depression and how our government and corporations engineered what's happening with the subprime mortgages in the first hour.
You know, I'm not going to do rhyme or reason.
I'm just going to borrow into the stack and I'm going to just cover it.
Drinkers face drug checks.
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Miser outside the Blackbird in Blackbird Lays last Friday night with the promise of more crackdowns to come.
Two people were arrested, seven were searched, and a quantity of suspected cocaine was found, police said.
Landlord Glenn Williams said he wanted to prove drugs were not being taken in his pub.
Hailed the stop checks, the first such operation in Blackbird a success.
Let's stop right there.
This isn't Russia.
This isn't Communist China.
By the way, they don't do that there.
Never did.
This is England, the supposed birthplace of modern liberty and what turned into the United States.
That's where our system comes from.
And I see reports every day where they demand your thumb scan, face scan to go in, where they demand DNA samples.
Where they demand to search you, and they are just doing this in mass.
And they also set up these mobile vans that they make you walk into, walk through, that scan your body, basically with high-powered sound waves.
Some of them use other systems.
Then they get a digital naked image of your body.
I mean genitals, everything.
More human than human.
It's better than the human eye.
You can see every pore, everything.
And they record that onto a database.
And they swipe your card when you go in.
They swipe your card.
Let me see.
You're naked.
You go through it.
It's just like in England and the U.S.
They put you in a DNA database.
They've been doing it for 35 years.
And now they've announced Homeland Security's doing it.
And I've got direct government websites.
University of Texas running it.
Nationwide here in the U.S.
They don't.
They just do it.
You're a newborn baby, folks.
45 days after they're born.
If you don't contest it, it goes into the FBI database under Homeland Security.
That's not freedom.
That's not a free society.
That's not liberty.
The government's criminal.
See, I said I would just read headlines and move on.
I can't.
It's all interconnected.
Customers were tested for drugs before they could go for a pint in an Oxford pub.
We got very good feedback, and it went without a problem.
See, it's a sheep training drill.
The cops just ordered them to do it, and they would do it.
They said, oh, they like it.
Just like the British News always says, everyone loves the cameras.
You have actual polls, though, they all hate it.
They'll say, everyone loves the European Union in England, but you read the polls, 90% now hate it.
The polls are from 80 to 90 plus percent.
But see, this is written for cattle.
The whole article is just to, oh, we just, uh,
Only one person refused to go through, and that gentleman was arrested.
So, let's be clear.
You don't even have a choice.
You think you're going into a bar, and boom, they're there drug testing you.
I believe it was success, and we will be using the
IT-Mizer, that's some kind of tester, again at the Blackbird whenever we see fit.
Whenever we see fit, because we're the government, we're God.
This was the first in a line of initiatives to fight drugs that we will bring into Lee's.
We got very good feedback.
The overwhelming opinion from people was that it was a good thing and they could enjoy a Friday night without worry.
Without worry.
The guy goes, you're not going to test me for drugs.
Oh, we know you've got cocaine, you're arrested.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Just like all your bank accounts are instantly uploaded to the government.
Ten years ago they had to file a suspicious transaction report and they would see your account.
Now it's just all there.
The government just types in, they go right in.
Most of the time they try to cover it up, but government people are in there stealing money out of accounts every day or giving it to their cousin who steals it.
They kind of fence it out.
And it's just a reign of corrupt evil.
Child molesters in every major state around the CPS, Texas, Florida, it's all over the news, Massachusetts.
I mean, just mainstream news.
Child molesters in every top position.
Mass rape rooms in all the Texas youth homes.
All of them, the press admits it.
The women's prison, giant rape rooms, making videotape porno movies of torture films.
They shut it down two years ago outside Austin.
I can just talk about right where I live.
Just total frothing criminals everywhere and then useful idiot morons working next to them who don't even know they're sitting next to the devil.
It's just corruption gone to seed, gone to seed, gone to seed, gone to seed, gone to seed.
It's like giving loans to people with no job and no credit.
The whole system corrupt, blown, shot, fried.
And a huge mass of cattle that still think we're in Mayberry, still think it's Leave it to Beaver, who still think everything's alright.
There's us.
The good people.
And then there's just scum running and sucking and feeding off the entire government apparatus.
And then there's England.
And they're starting this year too now.
Five million cameras in England.
Telescreen shouting orders.
Face scanning.
Thumb scanning.
Transponders taxing you by the mile.
Total control.
No free speech allowed.
Police put you in terror databases for videotaping or even talking in groups of bigger than three.
Suddenly show up, you can be pot-bellied and, you know, look like you're 50 like I do, and they walk over and tell you, move along, they do it to other bitches, total secret police everywhere, feeding on everyone, control freaks, running around, most of the cops are foreigners, frothing and laughing and snicker giggling.
And what do they do?
What do they ship in?
You think that island country with iron-clad controls
One of the biggest cocaine users in the world.
One of the biggest marijuana users in the world.
One of the biggest other... The government is shipping that in and they've been caught.
It's disgusting!
You want to hurt these scumbags?
Go into rehab.
Get off the drugs.
Decide it in the big... Stop using their filth!
Kick it.
It's disgusting!
It's a disgusting, disgusting, disgusting situation.
Oh, you want me to do ten or fifteen shows, three hours long, just with experts on and all the admissions and news articles of state police, feds, CIA, DEA, all caught shipping in tractor-trailers of pure cocaine?
You know why that's important, it's pure cocaine they always get caught shipping in?
That means directly from the source.
Every time the government gets caught with a plane or a truck or a boat full of it, it's pure.
And it's not like it's a debate.
Don't sit there in your squad car.
I mean, a local talk show host last week was saying, I just can't believe what the people say about Alex Jones, that the government ships the drugs in.
I've been an officer for years, a local talk show host now, and that's not true.
The head of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Grasso, went to the FARC publicly in front of news reporters and said, invest your drug money with us, and under federal law,
They are authorized to.
Oh yeah, drug dealing's legal at the international and banking level.
You didn't know that?
These laws are for you.
Because they had to breed a force of federalized local police, because the feds give them the grant money, to kick down doors and drag people out.
It isn't for drugs.
It also fills the private prisons owned by the drug cartels.
That was their first phase.
Phase two is huge cadres of black scheme-ass guys that'll come to your house and kill you.
And come to your house and take you to the FEMA camp.
And don't roll your eyes, it's all over the news now, cops!
And don't worry, you're working for guys that are going to take your pension and everything you got down the line.
So you'll be punished by what you're doing yourself.
And by the way, drink some more fluoride water.
Don't listen to kooks like me.
Don't listen to me.
Just, you know, I'm a kook.
I'm a kook.
I don't like this.
The Chicago Tribune, remember?
Janet Jackson had the wardrobe malfunction, and TiVo said three years ago at the Super Bowl, oh, what was the record?
2.3 rewinds.
And the Chicago Tribune said, well, how are you doing that?
Everybody called me, Alex, you're right, you're right.
You said TiVo tracks what we watch and what we do and creates psychological databases on us.
And I said, well, you think I just make that up?
Then I told you, because they put a press release out, boy, big detective work on my part, that they're using the audio and cameras in your computers.
Multiple companies, by the way, are doing it.
But Google made the announcement to watch you.
Oh, that's freedom!
Well, here it is today, Comcast cameras to start watching you.
If you have some tinfoil handy, now might be... See, this is a big TV blog saying this.
But see, they still gotta do the pre-joke.
Well, they're there doing it, but you're kooky to even read the article and say you don't want it.
See that conditioning?
Oh, well, it's kooky to be against it.
I better let them watch me in my house.
See how being a mindless jellyfish who's a PAC follower destroys you?
If you have some tinfoil handy, now might be a good time to fashion a hat at the Digital Living Room conference today.
And they have a link to it.
Gerard Kunkel, Comcast Senior VP of User Experience, told me that the cable company is experimenting with different camera technologies built into devices so it can know who is in your living room.
The idea being that if you turn off your cable box, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations.
And of course, it's two-way.
It goes into how they watch you and track you.
If parents are watching TV with children, for example, parental controls could appear to block certain content from appearing on the screen.
See, already, it's watching you.
It's like Toyota says in a few years they're going to have an infrared camera, and if there's a pressure sensor in the seat and it's hot, it goes ahead and calls the police through the cell phone in your navigation system.
Sounds good, but see, then they just dial in and watch.
It's controlled.
I mean, folks, you want your cable box making parental controls and then, by the way, calling CPS if it sees a child in the room and you let them watch an R-rated movie?
And believe me, you will see that happen within three years.
This is already in place.
They're now just announcing it.
It's been in place for a decade.
With the microphones, five years with the cameras, it will happen.
Do you understand?
I can't believe I have to even say it's George Orwell to have cameras watching.
And it says it's going to watch you and make sure you're good.
And there's people right now going, good, I like that, that's freedom, that's freedom.
The idea is being that if you turn your cable box on, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations.
If parents are watching TV with their children, for example, parental controls could appear to block certain content from appearing on the screen.
Conkle also said the type of monitoring is the holy grail because it could help serve up specially tailored ads.
See, what did I tell you years ago?
See, because I went and read the research papers on it.
And most people don't know why you live in Austin and you're on a Malaysian website or a Japanese website or a German website and it's popping up with Austin Singles ads.
It might even say, you know, you're a thirty-something year old male.
Look at this girl.
You're on a mainstream website and all of a sudden a woman's shaking her behind at you up on the top banner.
That's just the cookies, Jack!
This is light years worse.
I mean, remember, first hour, I covered the government takes all your baby's blood, now more mainstream news, and now it isn't just they keep it in a federal DNA database, now it goes to Homeland Security.
Your child, your daughter, your son, at birth, is in Homeland Security.
Do you understand?
Do you even care enough so when you're in the hospital and they bring the form and say, it's mandated, you need to, and push it on you to say no?
Perhaps I've seen Enemy of the State too many times.
Perhaps I'm just naive about the depths to which Comcast currently tracks my every move.
I can't trust Comcast with BitTorrent.
Yeah, they're already the ones censoring the web.
So why should I trust them with my must-be-kept-secret DVR-clogging addition to keeping up with the... It must be some pop thing.
It's Kardashians.
Conko also spoke on camera with me about fixing bad Compass user experiences, the ongoing BitTorrent battle with VOD, but he mostly towed the corporate line on these issues, the monitoring your living room came up after my camera was put away.
But you, you, well listen, we need to contact this writer, this is a big, big website, big TV review website, and say, hey, uh, would you like to go to Google's website?
They explain they're already watching you, Bubba.
I mean, I remember it was like almost three years ago.
We first broke.
And by broke, Google put a press release out and no one reported on it.
We found like a week-old press release where they said, we're already watching you, already listening to you, already tracking you.
Yahoo's doing it, but our system's better, and they're doing it, but our system's better.
That's how I learned of all the other companies was them bragging, oh, ours is much more.
It tracks everything you're doing.
Down to the facial expressions.
Is the ads Google is showing you or is it upsetting to you?
You didn't know while you're sitting there watching pornography, masturbating, and that camera's built into the screen that the government's tuned in with AI computers recording that and filing it?
Guaranteed going on with select subjects.
And I'm sorry to have to get graphic here with you.
This is our level of total patheticness.
But they're smart tyrants.
They're putting the grid in.
Now they're gearing up the camps and police and armed robots, which they had on the news yesterday again, and hovercrafts and poison water.
They had to brainwash the cops and the public incrementally to accept this.
Now it can begin.
One month the cops SWAT teaming and pulling a patriot out to go to a camp, but five years later you'll be dying of your accelerated cancer you were implanted with.
Everyone gets their eugenics shot.
That's right, your child's dying of leukemia.
You trust the government officer.
Alex is bad.
Alex doesn't like the cameras watching me without a warrant.
Just randomly, Alex is a radical.
Alex Jones is crazy!
He doesn't like newborn babies all being put in Homeland Security's illegal database.
He doesn't like the fact that the cable boxes have been listening for more than a decade and now watching.
He's crazy!
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All right, I didn't do what I said I'd do, but I got into four or five stories, and they're all up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, stuff I can't even believe we're not even getting into today.
But we'll be back tomorrow, and then of course, if you missed any of the guests in the first hour, that's about to restart.
We had on the editor, the financial editor of the largest paper in Europe in England, London Guardian, incredible info on the economy.
Then we had the live extension expert on, and then if you missed any of that, it starts over at mfulwars.com.
And I need your help to get more listeners, not just on the AM and FM dial, shortwave, satellite, but also on the web.
Perfect way, regardless of where you're at.
You may not have an AM or FM station in your area.
I just want to reach more people.
I want them to know.
I want to run out in the street and tell people, they take your baby's blood at birth, Homeland Security, but they've been preconditioned, that's crazy.
Or, your cable box, it's watching you!
I remember putting the article out and getting emails going, you're a liar, you're nuts, and the Dig comments, Alex is crazy.
I had links to Google, I had their own quotes.
It doesn't matter, they've been trained to be slaves!
They put cancer viruses in you, everything, they're killing you!
Doesn't matter, I got a badge and a gun, they may have implanted me with cancer, my kids may be drinking fluoride, at least I get to act tough.
Now not all cops are like that, but man,
Tyranny comes in a uniform, you better wake up.
By the way, I haven't plugged any of my sponsors today, and that's what makes this show possible.
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I haven't plugged those all day.
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Okay, like I said, I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Don't forget about that show.
And I'm back right now.
The show doesn't end.
Right at the start of the show, we had the head editor, economics editor, over at London Guardian on, and then of course, the live extension, and then we went to Tibet to cover what's happening there.
We can defeat the globalists if we just admit how wicked they are.
It's hard to believe how evil they are.
That's why we tend to stand down.
Stop standing down, stand up.
We'll be right back at the streams at InfoWars.com.
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