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Name: 20080305_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 5, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ron Paul won handily 70 to 30 percent.
The national media put out scores of polls showing Ron Paul losing by 25 points in an attempt to dissuade people from voting for him.
He won by his biggest margin ever, 70% against his opponent in his congressional district, and now is continuing his presidential campaign.
Hillary Clinton won in both of the big contests in Texas and other areas.
All the polls show that she was going to lose, but just like New Hampshire, it doesn't really matter what the polls show, does it?
It doesn't matter Barack Obama's 15-plus points.
Ahead of her, he's going to lose by four points.
Now, I've been saying maybe I'm wrong.
All the hype, all the Democrats I know, all the signs I see in Austin, the feedback I get from around the country is that people hate Hillary.
The Democrats know she's a warmonger.
They want Barack Obama.
And I said, barring cheating, though, it looks like he's going to win.
Well, maybe I'm right that she's going to end up being her president.
I know the Republicans and Democrats have been behind her.
The Republicans are claiming that they are behind Hillary.
Because they think McCain can beat her.
Any way you cut it, Hillary will beat John McCain.
The real discussion here is, which Democrat are we going to have in the Oval Office?
Does it matter?
And overall, Hillary has more baggage, has already been exposed as a liar.
Barack Obama would probably be able to get more through for the new world order.
Frankly, it is very bizarre what's going on.
We're obviously going to find out in the fullness of time.
But if it isn't Ron Paul, it doesn't matter.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, they're all for open borders, gun confiscation.
Hillary and Barack, of course, are for socialized health care, CPS, eugenics-type control.
That's what that means.
Rationing, health care rationing, not giving elderly people treatment.
That's in mainstream news.
They say under the new policies.
England and the U.S.
want to adopt that, where the bioethicist boards decide if you give care.
Do you want to give the government that much control?
So we're going to break this down, go over the numbers.
For you today and take your phone calls.
Again, Hillary won Texas and Ohio.
And 54% of the votes she got in Ohio versus 44% for Obama.
In Texas, she got 51% versus his 48%.
Now, some people are saying it was Republicans in Texas coming over to vote for her because Lord Limbaugh ordered them to do so.
If that is the case, that is truly distasteful.
Now, how did I predict five years ago, over and over again, that you would hear Rush Limbaugh endorse Hillary?
And I said he would have his spin and his reason.
How did I know that?
I didn't know how they'd spin it or how they would do it.
I just knew that if Roger Ailes, the guy that created Rush Limbaugh, went and found him in Northern California, there at their capital in Sacramento, when he was on one station in the late 80s,
The guy that created Fox News, Rupert Murdoch's number one henchman, and Rupert Murdoch was having meetings with her six-plus years ago, and strategizing, and the White House was helping write her speeches, and saying they believe she's the best for the job out of the Democrats.
That's now admitted that it's Hillary, unless that was some elaborate ruse.
But I didn't know how Limbaugh would get there.
would trick his audience to accept that it was conservative to vote for Hillary, but there you're doing it like brainwashed automatons.
So, all I knew was the power was behind Hillary, and that the big Republicans were king-making her.
I didn't know how they'd endorse her, what spin they would concoct, I just knew that they were behind the scenes, fully behind her.
And it was a done deal.
That's how I made that prediction.
People are shocked by me being able to make it and come through.
It's not hard!
2 plus 2 equals 4.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We do have a
Big surprise guest Scheduled to be popping in In the next hour or so.
I'll just leave it at that.
They are on the road in between important work that they're doing and so Hopefully it will go off without a hitch.
I do not like cell phones, but that is how this is going to be done and So you can look for that surprise guest
Coming up in the next hour.
Just to fill you in on that today, gold has broken $1,000 an ounce.
And gotten right up to it in futures, it went up to there.
The Reuters headline is gold breaks $1,000, but that's in futures.
It's went to $989.30.
Since it has been gyrating back and forth between there, we will be going over those reports as well.
CNN had a very well-known respected economist, an individual that tracks the unofficial government numbers because they cook the numbers so bad now, saying we are hurtling towards depression.
Oh, I forgot, John, did you get that clip I sent you?
Good, we'll play that maybe here in a moment.
Are we ready for that?
Fantastic, we'll do that in a second after I cover some election news.
Good news, Ron Paul again trounced his neocon, warmongering, hundred-year war supporting, deceptive individual that he was running against, that the Republicans ran against him in a sneak attack.
One of his supposed previous supporters had sworn not to run against him.
He trounced
The Piedon Files, Mr. Piedon and his supporters, the Piedon Files, and so they have been defeated 70 to 30.
Dennis Kucinich also had huge corporate attacks, massive funding within his own primary against him, and Dennis Kucinich, who is an anti-establishment whistleblower, another canary in the coal mine, a watchman on the wall there in Congress,
Certainly an independent, not broader control.
I don't agree with all of his policies.
But we're going to be getting him on either today or tomorrow.
They're telling me I can get Ron Paul on today or tomorrow, but they have been, let's just say, overwhelmed in the campaign the last few days.
So look for that on the broadcast as well.
And I want to get more into Ron Paul hammers neocon rival to remain.
And to retain his congressional seat because the Democrats are not running anyone against him.
The bigger issue there, of course, is that respected polling agencies showed Ron Paul beating him by 20 points.
Of course, he really beat him by 40 points.
Just a massive, massive trouncing.
30 to 70.
Just absolutely amazing.
Ron Paul got just an unbelievable, unbelievable amount of votes.
So this is the largest margin he's ever won by.
In his last congressional election it was 64%, and one time he got 66%. 70%!
Super whopping majorities.
Just absolutely amazing.
So, that is certainly some good news to keep him in Congress.
But the issue here is that national media gave attention to Chris Peden, the peon from South Texas,
And kept running with, quote, internal polls that Chris Peden couldn't source, saying that he was beating Ron Paul by 25 to 35 points, depending on which piece of propaganda he put out.
But that probably just worked against him, because that just made Ron Paul supporters go even that much more wild and to galvanize.
And they would cheat him.
They do have a lot of the Diebold-type machines in some of his district, not the whole district.
But it becomes too obvious if he's getting 70% in one area of his district and 30% in the other.
Especially when the Paul campaign has been cheated before and kicked out of Congress.
So they have robust poll watchers and canvassers that are there getting the exit poll numbers and affidavits.
The Paul campaign has a big machine in South Texas compared to the limited grassroots machine.
It's still powerful, but not entrenched and well-trained nationwide.
But our liberty muscles have been built up that much more in this contest and continues to be in the debates and inject real issues for the next few months into the Republican National Convention.
So it again is a victory.
Not fighting is the only defeat.
Not resisting this tyranny is the only defeat.
You always win
In the end, when you stand up and give fight, and never stop, and never surrender, and ask God for leadership and guidance, and that you be supported.
So, now let us turn to what happened in Ohio, in Texas.
CNN's reporting, the Clinton campaign has turned the corner
Senator Hillary Clinton Wednesday said her campaign had turned a corner with dramatic wins in Ohio and Texas Tuesday night, with the Republican Party machine supporting their darling.
She also hinted she would consider a joint ticket with her rival of the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama.
Now this is what Newt Gingrich likes to brag.
You know, he's on the big CFR board that proposed Homeland Security and said we'd be hit by terrorists and we'd have to give up all of our rights and he likes to... It's the same panel that Gary Hart, you know, said we need to use this disaster, create a new world order, two days after 9-11.
The Hart-Rudman Commission of the Council on Foreign Relations, they like to brag.
I saw a lot of big kingmakers eight, nine months ago
Say, oh, it's going to be Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
And so we said, well, these guys don't usually like to be wrong.
They like to show off to everybody.
The other CFR people, that they're in the highest room.
And then I talked about all the big Republican support for Hillary, covertly.
And then the only question was, how were they going to fool Republicans that this was some sophisticated ruse?
And that this was some, uh, strategia, uh, to
We're supporting her, wink wink, so that McCain wins.
Well, that's their little scam.
And you watch!
If Hillary is running as El Presidente on the Democratic ticket, McCain will lose.
They're going to bring out Heating Five, Mafia Connections, his behavior in Vietnam, the Songbird, they're going to bring out his rages, they're going to bring out his corruption, all of the mentally ill things he says and does, and you're not going to have John McCain as the next president.
Besides, we're almost seeing in many states two-to-one Democrats coming out and voting in primaries versus Republicans voting.
The Republican Party is seen as the arbiter and the progenitor and the engine of the war, the engine of the destroyed economy.
Of course, they're not.
They're just the latest front puppets.
The globalists own both parties.
But the Republicans are dead ducks in every real political analysis poll focus group.
All the momentum is behind the Democrats.
You could only have a Republican who was anti-war, but could still get Republicans and Libertarians to vote for him, being pro-gun, pro-sovereignty.
And Ron Paul, in every demographic, and I even paid for a Zogby poll and published the full questions.
They never do that.
So you can see they were fair questions.
Ron Paul won in every demographic.
Every demographic but one.
And that was Jews.
And he got the other candidates who didn't beat him, they were undecided.
They said, not sure who we're going to vote for.
So he wanted every demographic.
Black people, white people, Hispanics, women, conservatives, liberals, evangelicals.
Remember that Zogby poll?
I mean, I put it to the test.
And of course, other polls showed the same thing.
So we had the candidate.
We had the candidate that could beat Hillary.
The Republicans attacked him, demonized him, shut him down.
Only a Republican that has been anti-war.
That's why Barack is the real winner.
No doubt there's cheating going on at a Republican's vote.
It's admitted they're cheating.
That's cheating right there.
It's dirty pool.
You're supposed to vote for who you believe is the best person, not a, oh, let's go cheat and vote for Hillary so it's not Barack.
Because we can beat Hillary easier.
It's just all dirty.
But it's not just that.
Don't think you're smirking.
Neocon, Gun Control Supporting, Neolibs, whatever you want to call yourselves, have won anything.
You run nothing, you're nobody.
Diebold and the other companies came in to the rescue.
It wasn't Republicans going over to the Democrats to make sure Hillary won in New Hampshire.
It wasn't Rush Limbaugh that made precinct after
Precinct in Harlem, where you'd have as many as 10,000 plus votes in one precinct, and not one vote for Barack Obama.
You really think in Harlem, 90% black, that there were precincts where 10,000 and another one 8,000 people plus vote?
You really think out of just those two precincts, 18,000 people vote, and none of them vote for Barack Obama?
Do you really want me to buy that?
In Black Harlem?
You think I'm that stupid?
You think we're that stupid?
You don't run anything!
You know, they sit there on those neocon shows and brag, we run things, and you, the talk show host, run things, and they just sit there, and they totally beguiled you, they totally sold you out.
Until every candidate you've got is for amnesty, gun control, more wars.
It's just you're sick.
You are shameful people.
You really are.
You don't run anything.
They just need to point to you.
Just like they point to environmentalists and say they're stopping Alaskan drilling.
The oil companies have.
We've got their memos.
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It is a big idea.
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Both their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights makes great progress for the world government.
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They're not after money.
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That's what they have to do.
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We're good to go.
We're good.
We're good to go.
We're coming straight on.
Welcome back.
Yep, we're coming straight on for you, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm playing my hand through to the American people and the people of the world.
I'm committed to the fight against the New World Order.
And I'm never going to surrender.
Never going to back down.
It's a good feeling to be committed.
And to just turn loose.
And not have any more fear.
And know that we're in the right.
And never surrender.
Made my mind up.
Let's come straight on together.
Marching into history.
You don't go into a fight thinking about who's going to win or lose.
You commit.
And you start swinging with everything you've got.
You turn loose.
You get into that groove.
And the enemy starts falling.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Like they say in a fistful of dollars.
Yeah, you're a big man, but I ever get you down on the ground, you ain't ever getting up.
All right.
Gold right now went above $9.90 and has settled back down to $9.81.
And if you look at the graphs today, it's just going up and down, up and down at all-time highs.
Just absolutely amazing.
Silver has gone way up above $20 amounts.
So we'll continue to track that here on the air for you.
And coming up in the second and third hour, we're going to have wide, wide open telephones to talk about Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, to discuss it all.
Because this country is going to be being led by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or John McCain during such important times.
During a time when our country is facing depression, already in massive recession, a time when our military is at the breaking point, when our name has been drugged to the mud, when we have neocons defending people throwing puppies off cliffs,
We are a sick society, but there's still a lot of good in us and a lot of good people in us.
But the good people have been doing nothing or next to nothing, and that's why we have gotten into the rut we are in today.
And we've got to turn all of this around.
We have got to
Realize that if we aren't engaged in society, if we aren't engaged in our local governments, if we aren't engaged at the schools, and if we aren't engaged, and not just engaged, if we don't understand their tricks, and how they neutralize us, and what their overall larger plans are for this new world order, they're going to win, and these are the most wicked people you could imagine, and even more so.
We can't get into their minds.
We just know their actions and the things they've done.
And they have
Overshadowed, dwarfed.
All the crimes previously in the thousands of years of human history have been overshadowed by the last century and they are lining the world up, preparing all of the systems to do things far larger and far worse.
We'll be right back with a ton of news, your phone calls, guests, and a lot more at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Livin' on the road, my friend Was gonna keep you free and clean Now you wear your skin like iron And your breath as hard as kerosene Weren't your mama's only boy Her favorite one, it seems
She began to cry when you said goodbye.
He sank into your dream.
Monsher was a bandit boy.
His horse was fast as all his steel.
He wore his gun outside his house.
Where all the honest world feels.
Pancho met his match, you know.
On the deserts down in Mexico.
Nobody heard his dying words.
But that's the way it goes.
Your calls are coming up.
I'm going to blitz through a bunch of news as well.
There's a lot coming up today.
Stay with us.
But I'm going to let a little bit more of Poncho and Lefty, Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson play.
Lefty, he can't sing the blues all night long like he used to.
But doesn't Poncho live downtown?
He ended up and left his mouth The day they laid poor Pancho low Left his foot for Ohio Where he got the bread to go There ain't nobody else
Here comes Merle Haggard.
Poets tell how poncho fell.
Made it live in cheap hotels.
The boys tell how Fonjo fell and left his living in cheap hotels.
The dead is quiet, Cleveland's cold.
So the story ends, we're told.
I don't need your prayers and rules to say that Hugh left it too.
He only did what he had to do.
I thought you'd grown over me.
All right, my friends, back live here.
Again, gold is above $9.80 an ounce.
Silver is continuing to climb towards $21 an ounce.
Your phone calls are coming up.
I have told you we have a special guest today, and the problem with big guests is
That they are constantly traveling.
They're constantly doing things.
We're dealing with some airplane and travel issues right now.
And if the guest isn't on by the middle of the next hour, they promise us they'll be on by the end of the week.
This is something we deal with routinely with big guests.
And it will be a news-making interview.
We're able to get that interview this week, and they promise us that's the case.
But I certainly get very, very excited about landing these guests.
We're good to go.
Many others that are patiently holding with us today.
I sound a little bit tired.
Whenever I'm tired, people say it's actually a better show because I'm more relaxed.
I rarely go out to concerts.
I rarely stay out late at night.
I'm having a good time, but I went to the Austin Rodeo last night.
It was great.
Took the office out there and saw Willie Nelson and he ended up playing for almost two hours instead of an hour like he was supposed to.
And then, I'm driving home at, I guess we got out of there about midnight, and I wanted to get something to eat.
I went and got something to eat at one of these places where you can get breakfast 24 hours a day, and dropped the guys off at the office that rode with me.
I'm driving home about 1.15 and run out of gas.
And that was a lot of fun out there in the freezing cold middle of the night, out of gas like an idiot.
I'm so busy running around I hadn't looked at the gas gauge, but luckily I called Rob and Aaron and they were still at the office.
I don't know.
Imagine me and Willie Nelson.
Driving all over the country in his bus every year.
Playing in all these venues.
Just how does he do it at 75 years old and going and watching it is tiring.
I tell you, what a lot of energy he has.
The Clinton situation.
Clinton campaign has turned a corner.
Let me just go through this article from CNN.
Senator Hurley Clinton Wednesday said her campaign had turned a corner with dramatic wins in Ohio and Texas Tuesday night.
She also hinted she would consider a joint ticket with her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama.
The New York Democrat broke a 12-contest winning streak, my Obama.
Clinton also won Rhode Island, while Obama won Vermont.
Victories in the Democratic race will continue at least through Pennsylvania primary on January 22nd.
Clinton attributed her win to the belief of voters that she would be the best candidate to protect the nation.
And that's what Rush Limbaugh has said, the neocons, the White House hasn't said it's because we think McCain can beat her.
They've said because she's pro-war.
And she's been an operative of the CIA back since the late 60s.
Running Mena, of course, with Bill and the Bushes in the 80s into the 90s, early 90s.
It's just incredible to know that all of this is going on.
And this is electronic voting machines and Republicans coming over to register as Democrats to vote for her.
This is why this is happening.
This is cheating in the extreme interface.
Remember all those precincts were in Harlem.
Where Barack Obama got zero.
Oh, just a side note before I forget.
Here in the office, one of the guys that works here says that he has families in South Texas, he has friends here in Austin, and we've gotten a bunch of phone calls about this.
We'd like your names and who you are, or permission to use your names in articles to show this is going on, or you can call into the show and talk about it.
But, uh, in fact, I forgot to tell Derek this morning, because he was telling me this last night, to contact his friends and have them call into the show, where they'd go in to vote for Ron Paul, and they'd say he's not on the ballot.
Now, that's been confirmed in New York and other states where that keeps happening, and then they told him at the polling places.
But, you know, he said four friends told him this in South Texas?
Three in South Texas, Southeast Texas, and, uh, I'm sitting here reading IMs from my producer.
Rescheduling massive guests right now.
If all goes well with travel, the individual will be on sometime in the next hour.
If it doesn't, he, everybody's waiting with bated breath, will be on Thursday.
And it looks like longer.
That's better because the individual won't be traveling and won't be on a cell phone
I feel like taking a nap right now.
I apologize.
This is a rarity.
You're getting the, uh, sapped Alex Jones.
You don't think I engaged in imbibing and cerveza, do you?
Oh, man.
Oh, boy.
I'm just beat.
And I'm beat by the snooze, and I'm beat by the killin' the puppy thing.
I just can't handle it anymore.
So usually when I get tired I just get mad.
And now sometimes I just don't even get mad.
I don't even want to say I get sad.
I just get like... I just want to go crawl in a cold bed.
I love a cold bed about 65 degrees.
Turn the air conditioner down about 65.
I can't do that though since I've been married.
My wife likes it like 80 degrees in the house.
Being single was great, but I loved being married and having children.
But I remember being single.
One of the good things about it was you could just get home at 5, 6 o'clock.
You were tired.
You could just go crawl in bed and sleep till the next day if you wanted to.
Might be that I have a little blood sugar.
I need to eat something.
In fact, I keep forgetting to eat.
It might be 2, 3 o'clock before I eat sometimes now.
Hold on one moment.
I'm gonna tell somebody to get me some chow.
I'm like a Chinese princess in this radio booth.
I can't ever leave.
You know what a Chinese princess, every time I use that weird example or comparison, people email me and say, what are you talking about?
Guilds, elites that served elites within just a few generations through style.
have always been able to take control of ruling dynasties in Japan, China, to some extent India, Iran, which was Persia, the leaders in the Ottoman Empire out of Turkey, and you can see shadows of these technologies that were developed by the Chamberlains and others
Going back thousands of years ago that have been developed into general control of the population itself today.
So I might as well spend a few minutes on that and then get back into the campaign and take your calls.
And that is that they would tell them, oh, the latest style!
They found they could more quickly get control of the imperial women, for some reason.
This is in history books when you read it.
It's not bashing women or saying they're stupid.
It's just more predisposed towards women.
And I'll explain how they would then knock off the males.
Once they got control of the women in the Imperial House, they would then knock off the males and you'd have 300 years of queens.
But what they'd do is they'd say, oh you're so beautiful, you're so stylish, you can't be allowed to walk and get your own food, you can't be allowed to feed yourself.
It would take them time to get up to this point.
They would tell them,
This God that you are descended from has long, beautiful fingernails.
She is the tigress, or she is the... And you've got to have long, beautiful nails we paint.
And then they would get literally two feet long, all curled and disgusting, looking like some type of grim, grindle devil.
And then they would say, oh, we must bound your feet to make them tiny and beautiful.
To where they couldn't even walk, and they would put, you know, blocks around their feet and tie them from birth.
And it was only the ruling class that had to be carried everywhere, and everything had to be done for them.
Because you had these sycophants, the power behind the throne, that ran everything.
And then you would have dynasties, families, that would transcend even imperial dynasties, in some cases for more than a thousand years in China, who would just, you know, in the Forbidden City, before that, control the ruling aristocracy, the ruling imperium.
So that is my little joke about I'm a Chinese princess.
Because in three-minute breaks, sometimes I've got to bring a sack lunch.
I always forget, though, and then I'm like, bring me food!
Sounds like I'm a... So that is where I've come from with that weird statement.
And now they do that with fashion today.
Women, it doesn't matter how incredibly gorgeous they are, and how electric their eyes are, and how incredibly, you know, dynamic and
Just wonderful they are.
In fact, the better looking the woman, the more ugly they think they are.
And then, of course, they are completely destroyed when they, quote, lose their looks.
But you never lose your looks.
The looks is the soul.
It's the electricity in the eyes.
You know, the most beautiful women you see, you notice it's the eyes.
You can have a beautiful woman and she has dull eyes.
There's nothing but to have a beautiful woman look at you and the eyes are electric.
Everything is the eyes, the window to the soul.
You just see these women who are so inadequate or they teach you that you can't have wrinkles, you can't get old.
And you know, your beauty as you get older is your children and what you've built and who you are and how you're revered and loved and protected within your family.
But see, modern feminism was designed to break up the family and to destroy women.
And they've done that.
They've debased you completely, turned you into nothing but sexual objects.
And it was all scientifically crafted.
But, uh, so that's style again, and you've got to have the latest creams, and you've got to have the latest cosmetics, and you've got to have the latest, you know, styling, and you've got to spend all your money on that, and you can't even, you know, have children because that would mess up your body, and, you know, you've got to go out and make a bunch of money and run around acting powerful, and then you're 45, desperately, and now you realize you've got the power and the money, and, my God, I wanted to have children!
And you run out and spend $100,000, $200,000 on fertility treatments.
Then you adopt children.
You don't even know that child was CPS from some poor 18-year-old woman.
So, that's the type of issues that the culture that's being artificially manipulated has created.
Now, were there other distorted cultures where women were abused and held back and controlled?
But if you really study ancient cultures, that's not generally the case.
More often than not, women are always just the uncrowned dominators of society.
That's why any advertising exec will tell you, as Adolf Hitler did, first you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
Eighty-plus percent of advertising is targeted at women.
But women need to realize their true power
Instead of being played like fiddles by the architects of the New World Order, which are predominantly men.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists.
Okay, I know we got loaded phone lines.
We'll just come back and finish up with some of this election news and then start your calls into the second and third hour.
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I never thought I'd go But it's time to let you know You're gonna harden my heart You're gonna swallow my fear I'm gonna turn and leave you We're back live!
I promise we're going directly to your calls when we start the second hour.
Steve, Joel, Steve, Dino, Josh, and others.
Before we go to your calls, Freedom Law School's 2008 Justice, Peace, and Freedom Conference is coming to Irvine, California on the 28th through the 31st.
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Very nice.
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I didn't get much into this yesterday.
Later after I take calls,
I am going to get into doctors interrogate children as informants on their parents' behavior.
Now, this is starting to hit the mainstream news, and this has been going on for a while, but they're going public with it now because they're going to start using it more.
And it doesn't get any more anti-freedom, anti-liberty any way you slice it or cut it, and it just follows the continued trend of this total destruction of freedom.
And we need to fight back against this now and really hammer the American Medical Association over this.
These doctors need to be sued.
There are lawsuits being filed.
We need to get aggressive and punish them so they know this type of behavior is not going to be tolerated.
It's simple.
It's just like gun control at the state level.
You've got to beat it or they'll just keep marching.
It's like we're basically getting all of the hormone now out of about half the milk.
Just four or five years ago, it was in almost all the milk.
Now, more than half the cheese companies and yogurt companies, dairy products, are taking it out and it's accelerating.
So, again, we can have victories, folks, but once they get their grit in place, it's very hard to fight them.
Right now, as bad as you think it is, we've got a lot of tools and we can really hurt them.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, here's the deal.
We've got callers holding that want to weigh in on the troops throwing the puppy off the cliff.
People saying it isn't real, and it obviously is.
The Marine Corps say they believe it probably is real.
They're going after the guy with an investigation.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to give you some feedback from the convention precinct we had last night here.
You know, I've been active in the 9-11 Truth Movement here and I've always been just a little bit suspicious of the New Age mentality, that everyone's good and
Don't judge people, and I've been noticing some New Age attempts to influence the 9-11 Truth Movement with a certain movie that starts with a Z out there.
Anyway, last night we had the majority at our precinct convention.
We got the chairmanship, and it was time to vote for the slate of delegates, and we had a list of Ron Paul supporters as the delegates.
Now, when we took the chairmanship, the incumbent chairperson complained.
You know, of course, the neocons, when they get kicked out of power, as happened across the county last night, in at least 30 different precincts, most of the time they're cute, old women, right?
And so when it comes time to kick them out, and they complain, certain members of the Ron Paul contingent in our precinct convention started to have second thoughts.
Oh, look at the poor old lady, you know,
I feel so sorry for her.
It's so bad to kick her out.
Let's include her.
Well, by kicking her out, what exactly are you saying?
I'm just saying that there were two members of our contingent who voted against our own slate of delegates that they were on, simply because it wasn't inclusive enough of our opposition.
Well, I mean, you've got a lot of new people in politics, so they don't know how to play hardball.
Right, exactly.
And so you're going to have that, and you've got these operatives who come in there, and it's, you know, that's kind of their main brigade.
But it's incredible, when we have the power to take the precinct cleanly, non-violently, obviously, and kick out all the neocons, and it's right there in front of us, and people have this programming that, oh, you know, we can't hurt anyone's feelings, so let's include everyone.
Well, exactly, and, you know, there are real focus groups,
Whether the government's really trying to find out, or corporations are trying to find out what people really think, then there's fake focus groups, where they'll call people in, and say, oh, we want to include you in the decision-making process, say, about cameras in the schools, or checkpoints, or whatever.
And then they hear from everybody, and then say, OK, we're going to do what you want now.
You want checkpoints, or you want cameras.
It's the same type Delphi technique of, OK, well, you really were going to take over an Austin Ron Paul people, and now
You'll be taking over the political process, but just be nice.
Let us in.
Come on, share with us.
It doesn't matter if you're really winning and are going to be able to take over the Republican Party in this county.
Don't do that.
Be sweet to us.
But I guarantee you, they probably wouldn't do that for you.
They wouldn't.
And, you know, they were saying things like, oh, well, you have to have the full list of delegates.
You have to have a person-free delegate slot.
And they were basically lying about the rules, and people in our contingent believed them, you know?
It was really frustrating, anyway.
But you still, uh... We still got the chairmanship, and we ended up with a minority of the delegates because of that snafu, but hopefully we'll reclaim a majority at the next level, but it's just so frustrating to go to the work and bring all these people, and then Ron Paul people defecting and voting for the opposition is crazy.
Well, you're now learning, and this is a process for everyone, we all continually learn, and I appreciate your call.
That was a great caller, but I had him on for about four minutes.
And so, I need to move a little bit quicker, or I'll never get to your calls, which I never do.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 We're going to continue with your calls.
I'd really... Listeners, you're welcome to call me about whatever you want, as you always are.
I'd like to hear about what you think about Barack Obama losing.
You think that's the voting machine?
Republicans coming over to vote for Hillary?
What do you think about just all of these issues on the other side?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Continuing with your phone calls and all of the important news as it develops and we're analyzing it, let's talk to Joel in Texas.
You're on the air.
Yeah, Alex?
Yes, go ahead.
Just as surprised as you are about Hillary, actually, that news last night.
I'm not sure what to say about that.
I don't know if anybody is.
It just seems that the majority of Americans, it seems like they're ready for a woman president.
It's just kind of a backwards society, it seems to say.
I'm not by any means a sexist, but it seems like... It's not about that!
They make it about, is he black, is he white, is it a woman?
Instead of, what are their policies?
And so, look, look, look.
I've seen the trends, I've seen the polls.
Hillary Clinton didn't win Texas, she didn't win Ohio.
They've been cheating Barack Obama, and I don't like him either.
He's totally New World Order controlled.
I talked about this first hour.
But again, in Harlem, he's getting zero votes.
I mean, do you really believe that?
Right, right.
I don't believe it.
And you really believe in an area of New York with 90% black, that in precincts with thousands and thousands of people, no one voted for?
By the way, we've confirmed people all over the state of Texas were told Ron Paul wasn't on the ballot.
Now, some areas he was.
Well, I voted last night and he was on the ballot.
He was number one on our ballot.
That was Austin then.
Austin, he was at the top.
McCain at the bottom.
Yeah, exactly.
Austin, it was there.
But we got reports that in Williamson County, in some areas he wasn't on it.
In fact, I'm going to track that down, hopefully by the third hour, but go ahead.
What about the thing with the puppy?
I saw on your website, it said that Michelle, whatever her last name is, said that she thought it was a fake puppy and stuff.
I mean, anybody who knows anything about a puppy or a kitten or anything, when you pick it up by the back, the skin of the neck, they actually go into a trance state.
Where, so the mother can actually, you know, pick them up and move them from one area to another.
I remember being five years old and my dad saying, be careful, don't lift them up around the neck by the scruff.
And him saying, look how it goes into a trance.
All mammals that are carried by their mothers like this do this.
And he picked up the, you know, pick up the puppy, pick up the kitten.
And I remember being little and going, wow, they lift their legs up, they go into a trance.
Yeah, exactly.
That's so the mother can carry it to a new den or if things are flooding.
And, you know, they're designed to do that.
And he's got little dirty feet, his little pretty face.
It's a puppy.
It's a real puppy.
Now, did somebody shoot with a computer video of holding a puppy up?
Did they then superimpose it over Marines?
That's the only way it could be a fake.
But then you look at his picture on his own MySpace-type account.
It's another site.
It's a Lance Corporal, the Marines say.
They believe it's a Lance Corporal.
They say they're interrogating him now.
ABC News.
And they throw this puppy.
But regardless, we have literally hundreds of videos, and Steve's finally doing it right now.
He's been overwhelmed.
A big article that's going to be up on InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.com in the next hour, I'm told, with just scores and scores, not just of them killing puppies, but killing dogs, cats, and humans.
Just shooting people.
Uh, and from the extreme, you've got them just shooting innocent people and laughing for no reason, to things that are war crimes as well, where you've got a sniper, uh, shoots at Marines, now you don't even see that happen, they say it on the tape, you hear them like telling their story so they don't get in trouble, and supposedly a sniper shot at them, I believe that,
Uh, they're up on top of this building, on like a five-story building.
Across is two-story buildings.
Somebody shoots at them.
They're all shooting at this building.
And there's a major highway in front of it.
And so they just start shooting all the cars, and people are falling out dead, they're falling out wounded, crawling, they're running, the guys are laughing, and they're going, do you see that guy in that car?
Man, I shot 30 rounds into him.
Do you see him crawling?
Ha ha ha.
I mean, there's hundreds of these.
I'm just mentioning one.
That's on the lesser extreme, and then you hear the commander, whoever the captain is, say,
There were no civilians unarmed here.
No, no.
We did not shoot any unarmed civilians here.
And then there's like laughing.
Because they're just machine gunning anybody on the highway, because across the highway, a sniper shot at them.
Yeah, I actually, I deployed three times to Iraq, once to Afghanistan, and I actually saw, you know, some things where
People, definitely there was animal cruelty.
I'm not sure what drives some of the people.
A lot of problems are, some of the people, not everybody, there's a lot of good people in the military.
A lot.
And there's more good than there is bad.
And then the bad ones, just like anything else, make it, you know, bad for everybody.
But the thing is, is that it's a... Do you think that that corporal was in command of like a small team?
Or do you think he was the boss?
Yeah, probably for the Marines.
Because a lot of times, corporals will get put in place of
Because I mean, why didn't somebody tell him not to do that?
Well, somebody should, but they obviously were on the side of a cliff by themselves somewhere, but it's just bad leadership.
I mean, the thing is that your leadership is supposed to instill in you either the fear or the morals they're supposed to instill in you so that you don't do these things.
When these kids come up, they're younger, they get up to this point, and if they don't have good leadership at that point,
They didn't necessarily get those morals and what needs to be instilled at a young age from their parents.
So you're playing catch-up.
You're playing babysit at this point.
You've got to take leadership.
Yeah, this guy is a club kid according to his own descriptions.
A big party animal.
And it just says that's all he likes to do.
And then suddenly he's in command of people with life and death at 22 years old.
Well, you know, the other thing is that what's happening is a lot of guys are
I don't think so.
Then somebody else has got to fill that slot.
Well, it's not going to be as good as the guy who was there before them, and then that just continues to happen over and over again.
Now, I'm not saying that there's not going to be guys that come in that are super solid all of a sudden out of nowhere, but at the same time, what's happening is the guys who were there initially, the guys who have all the experience, the more mature, the guys who are going to instill the morals, instill the discipline,
I mean I saw similar stuff and honestly at the time when I saw it I was lower ranking and I just, you know, I actually did make somewhat of a stand as much as I could and then
And then, uh, there wasn't anything that I could do about it.
What type of stuff?
I mean, tell me, tell me specifically.
Well, I mean, just, you know, I've seen, uh, you know, I've seen the same, like, animals get killed before, you know, and I, it's just like, it's, but it was addressed also.
It was addressed and, and, um, you know, but I... So you're just walking along and, and,
And somebody says, Sarge, can I kill this dog?
Or is it usually Sarge?
It's more when it's not, it's isolated events where the leadership isn't around and some of the younger people obviously have problems, they have issues that I don't know, you know, they get off on a, they don't have supervision is basically what it is and there's nobody to say, hey, you know, don't do that or something.
It's not necessarily probably as much now because there is more of an infrastructure in place
Uh, but obviously it's still happening.
Let me say this, we're getting a lot of emails and calls, and I had remembered this, and I think I even mentioned it yesterday, I can't remember, it's come up in literature, I've read a lot of military history, it's very interesting, you know, both ancient and somewhat more modern era, in the last 2,000 years right through to modern times, the current, and uh, I know that the Greeks,
Early on, we'd have them raise a puppy, the Spartans, and then after they'd done their little tour out in the woods, they'd have to kill it.
They'd also have to go find a, uh, a, uh, one of the Hellions, or one of the other tribes, and, and kill someone.
And that was kind of like a human sacrifice, and that's in the mainline history books.
Uh, but I, we're getting a lot of emails and reports from people who say that there are certain Marine Corps training systems where, in Special Forces,
And the Army as well, where they do raise a puppy and then they break its neck at the end.
Have you heard about that?
Special operations.
You get a lot of myth mixed with legend and all this kind of stuff.
That's just not true.
But I will say that that has existed in the history.
And if you look at some of the SS special operations, that is true.
They had to raise a German Shepherd.
It slept with them all throughout their training.
That's right.
The Germans did it too.
And at the end, their last thing to see whether or not, their initiation, to see whether or not they would pass and go forward, the German, all these special ops guys, they'd have to slit their puppy's throat.
So, you know, and that's actually, I forget what the book is, but there's a book about it, talking about the training that they'd have to go through, and that was the last part.
So you develop this bond, and then at the end it's like the true test, like, can you slit your puppy's throat that you developed this bond with?
No, that's not going to do it.
Yeah, that caused a psychotic break.
Listen, I appreciate your call, my friend.
See, that was a great caller, but we just spent ten minutes with him.
Let's jam one in right now.
Steve in Chicago.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Steve.
Yes, Alex.
I want to give you an update on the Tony Resco trial.
It comes out that Resco was caught giving a $1.5 million bribe to the former Iraqi electricity minister.
I can't pronounce his name.
It starts with an A.
We're good to go.
Now, let me stop you and hold you over.
You're in Illinois, so you know all about this.
You've got weird Weatherman lawyers, you've got this guy, you've got all these people tied into shady dealings with Barack Obama, and there really is meat to it.
But, again, Barack Obama wouldn't be where he is if they didn't have enough dirt to destroy him.
Stay there.
I'm going to give you a chance to explain what's happening to people, Steve.
This is important.
With Hillary, with McCain, with Barack Obama, the establishment has to have so much dirt on them that they can destroy them whenever they want.
That's the power they have over them.
They don't let them get big unless you're compromised already.
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I've never been with anything less than a nine, so fine.
I've been on fire with Sally, still gone fast with a girl named Bo.
But somehow they just don't end up as mine.
It's a death defying life I lead.
I take my chances.
I die for a living in the movies and TV.
But the hardest thing I ever do is watch my leadin' ladies kiss some other guy while I'm bandaging my knee.
I might fall from a tall building, I might bought a brand new car, cause I'm the unknown stuntman that made Redford such a star.
I've never spent much time in school, but I've taught ladies plenty.
It's true, I hire my body out for pay.
Hey, hey!
I've gotten burned over Cheryl Teagues, blown up for Raquel Welch.
But when I wind up in the hay, it's only hay.
Hey, hey!
I might jump on an open drawbridge.
Alright, Steve and Chicago, continue up.
Breaking down Barack Obama's associates for us.
Okay, well, uh, the director of Blink, Mr. Ouchy, the billionaire Iraqi paymaster, couldn't get into the United States for business.
So, uh, Barack Obama's office, there was, because he was a convicted felon from France for bribery, so Barack Obama's office gets him a visa to come here.
After he comes here, he meets Barack Obama at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago.
I don't know what was discussed there, but that's the direct connection.
He can say he just had a casual meeting with him, but he's the one that interceded for him.
The situation is that Rescoe's on trial for giving all sorts of bribe money to... And for folks that don't know who Tony Rescoe is, fill him in.
Well, he's a foreigner.
He's from Syria, Lebanon.
He's like a cut-out for this ouchie.
He's the guy that distributes the bribes.
Now, they've bribed their way into all these state control boards, you know, oversight boards and all that.
But then he's also connected to Weatherman lawyers and a bunch of other people.
And this particular accusation came out yesterday that he paid $1.5 million to I.M.
Alsomari, Iraq's former Minister of Electricity, so that this Alsomari would hire his companion security
For this $50 million contract to guard all the power plants in Iraq.
Well, I mean, that's just part of the course.
There's just hundreds of billions of dollars a year pumped into black hole that is Iraq.
The problem is, if you want to burn Barack for that, and being connected to this guy and the weathermen, I think is an even bigger issue, you've got to then look at how Bush and Chalabi, Ahmed Chalabi and all these other guys, I mean, it's just that that's
That's who our whole government works with.
It's disgusting.
Yeah, another thing, a follow-up.
You said, why did Obama falter?
Well, Lynne Sweet's got a column, Chicago Sun-Times.
She said she was down in San Antonio, Texas with Carol Marine, All Chicago Women.
Reporters, and they said that they ganged up on Barama, and he stammered and he called off the press conference in San Antonio, Texas.
No, no, I've seen the video of that.
That was even on the news.
One of the few things I've seen on the news, walking by the television set.
Yeah, they brought up a bunch of issues.
They brought up the Weatherman stuff.
They brought up the
Other issues with the connections to Iraq and Obama folded.
But that news didn't really get out very widely and didn't really become an issue.
And that happened Election Day, basically.
That happened the day before Election Day.
Well, that happened Monday.
It's Wednesday now.
Oh, right.
The only other thing, I don't know if they brought this up, Lynch, we had it in our column that one of the deputies for Obama
Uh, his name is Austin Goolsbee, was meeting with the Canadian Consul General in Chicago to talk up NAFTA.
I don't know if that was brought up.
Well, no, that was in the Associated Press, that, uh, that was last week, Obama, all these big business groups, big internationals, were saying, what, you're gonna get rid of NAFTA?
Yeah, and he said, no, no, no.
He said, we just need to revisit it and maybe redo it.
Well, see, they'll redo it and say, this'll fix it now, and they'll make it even worse.
That's how they always do it.
So yes, he said, don't worry, I'm not against globalization and quote free trade.
So he basically said, don't worry, I'm only telling the schmucks this.
Mothers, did you hear about that story about Michelle Obama who works for Rockefeller University of Chicago making $275,000 a year, getting a loan to buy that property from, this is Rita, what's her name?
Uh, Resco.
Yeah, it's Resco, yes.
I know, it's amazing.
It was more than that.
He bought a $2 million house for way under what it was worth.
They just magically sold it to him.
And the people that sold it to him, well, I'll break it down later.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I think so.
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Front porch sittin' in an old rockin' chair The sun is hot in the Texas sky
A garden growin', clothes out on a line A dusty road when a car goes by Story tellin' of days long ago And the only place she'd ever been Singin' softly, this world was not my home
Memories taking it back again.
When I was young, and Grandma wasn't old.
When she guided me as I watched life unfold.
Anything we didn't have, we didn't really need to hold.
When I was young,
We're back live.
I'm going to jam in a few more calls and I'm going to plunge back into news and into more of your calls.
To all the poor Democrats I see out there thinking they're having some great victory.
You know, Hillary Obama is going to save her.
You're going to end up with a Hillary Obama ticket.
That's what the neocons said almost a year ago.
And they want everybody to know when they make those announcements, a bunch of them made it, Gingrich and others, that they run the show.
And, uh, clearly Hillary is not winning.
There's clearly been election fraud.
And they have clearly, at the same time, had Republicans cross over in Ohio and Texas to try to skew that.
But we've caught them in other states engaging in fraud, and I would assure you it happens in Ohio and Texas.
We've caught them before.
People went to prison in Ohio for the 2004 election running scams.
You know, that's the state we fingered as the main fraud and came out, we were absolutely right from the evidence we had.
People are going to say, but Obama's bad too.
I understand that.
We're just reporting what's happening here.
You see, people got it so stuck in their head that you're supposed to politically choose who you like and then fix the facts in your mind around that.
Well, Obama's bad and so is Hillary.
Why are you saying he's being cheated?
I don't like either one of them.
I'm just reporting what's going on.
And then I was getting ready to say I was wrong.
I still get sucked in by the hype.
You know, all the polls showing Obama's going to win.
All the polls showing he's surging.
Seeing it on the street.
Almost no support for Hillary.
And then magically she wins again.
Oh, it's amazing.
Let's go to Dino in Oregon.
Dino, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good, sir.
How are you?
I am sitting here in a big software company.
All the people here seem to really don't do much work.
It seems like America is really sinking.
We're talking about all of these minute issues about Hillary and Obama and if they're going to win.
We know what they want to do.
We know that they have a song to play and they're playing it and we're following along.
It seems like to me that we need to do something
We need to start planning to do something beyond.
Well, let me just stop you.
I'll let you finish, Dino, because I want to hear what you have to say.
Let's be clear.
I'm not up here talking about Hillary and Barack Obama and John McCain because I think they're real, or I'm saying that's the big news.
I'm trying to talk about it because that is the big news, and then by using that big news story, I'm analyzing and breaking down how it's staged.
Because a lot of people aren't as informed as you are.
They don't yet know it's staged, and they're driving along in their cars in California, and Kansas, and Missouri, and Florida, and New York, and Tennessee, and Ohio, and Iowa listening to us, and right here in Austin, and they don't understand that.
And so, yes, our dollar is plunging.
It's plunged even more this week.
Gold is exploding.
They're down talking about depression.
I'm going to play that in a minute from CNN.
All this is happening.
So, yes, sir.
And I want to hear your solutions.
In fact, callers, people say they want to hear solutions from me.
I always say, let's wake people up.
That's the biggest solution.
Then, they have to be awake first, though there's a problem, to then do something.
I don't sit up here claiming I have all the solutions.
You know, repeal government, cut taxes, get government off our back.
If China's got tariffs on us and we don't on them, that's not free or fair trade.
You know, stop giving people tax incentives to move overseas.
I mean, there's a million things we can do.
Start deporting illegal aliens.
I mean, there's a lot of things, hundreds of things.
Repeal gun laws.
Stop letting the environmentalists steal property.
They're not really environmentalists.
I mean, I understand that.
But people say, well, we want to hear more solutions.
Call in.
Tell me.
Go ahead.
Well, all that requires us going to them to beg them to do something and they're the great managers who will manage this until every last one of us is cattled away.
So obviously it's time to do something.
I mean, one of my solutions is I was thinking about coming up with a lawsuit against you.
I've lost my job, my good career.
I can't get a job or get real estate business because, hey, I tell the truth.
And if anybody wants to know what's going on, I tell them 9-11 was an inside job.
Here's the facts.
Stephen Jones can prove it to you.
And it seems like to me, well, if you're telling the truth, Alex, then I don't have a lawsuit to stand on.
But if you're not telling the truth, then I can sue you for everything you have.
So let's go to court so we can vet this out, because I know you're telling the truth.
But it's just like that lie.
Now, if you waste my time doing that, I will slap you with about six lawsuits and lawyers.
You know what I'm saying, right?
Then I'll cut your, you know what's off and hand them back to you.
Oh, well, listen.
I know that you're telling the truth, but one way to vet it out... You also need to know I'm not litigious, but I've got a history.
Anybody that messes with me, I hammer them into the ground.
Well, I'm ready, because right now... Go ahead, buddy.
Follow it.
You need to prove in court all this stuff, and that'll prove it to the world.
I believe you, but I'm just saying,
I'm playing devil's advocate here.
You know, if I come to you and say, look... Hey, you don't know this, but a nut case actually did sue me and do that, and I had to deal with it.
Well, that's... Do you know how much time that wasted?
No, it's not a waste of time.
We need to figure out what's going on.
We're talking about... I appreciate your call.
I'm not going to have these type of insane ideas put out on air when I already had some nut sue me saying that I had to go to court and prove that 9-11 was an inside job.
Okay, I had to deal with that.
By the way, that individual went to jail.
And I didn't even ask for that.
It turned out he'd done a bunch of other crazy stuff.
I just, you know what?
I am not the person to mess with.
And I'm not challenging people and saying, bring it on.
Please don't jump out in front of a Mack truck going 80 miles an hour.
Heaven help us.
Stanley Hilton
Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, who went to the Straussian School of Economics up there with Rumsfeld and the rest of them, who did his PhD thesis on false flag terror, did sue repeatedly, did do everything he could to bring this out.
The courts are incredibly, massively corrupt.
You think in some civil case it would prove anything?
The media would just totally ignore that.
And the larger issue would be you wouldn't have a claim on me because I'm not involved in the attacks of 9-11.
Heaven help us.
That's the type of just screwball stuff, man.
Okay, let's go ahead here.
You know what's happening?
People are frustrated.
People are angry.
They're upset.
And the number one solution is not biting yourself.
I've seen dogs.
Get so mad barking at a fence wanting to bite you.
I remember working on a golf course one summer here in Austin.
What, Great Hills or whatever it is?
And I remember having to weed eat up against people's wrought iron fences and they'd have these dogs and I saw this a few times would be wanting to bite me so bad
That they would be biting the rod iron so hard that one time I even saw one of their teeth break.
And the dogs would get so mad they would turn around and bite themselves.
Literally turn their head around and kind of bite themselves on the iron quarter.
And that's what this is.
As a movement, we have to stop spending literally half of our time
Attacking this person, or this host, or this radio person, or they didn't do it right, or they don't have the proper answers, or they won't interview this person I want, or they won't attack this group and say they're behind it all.
Look, if you know you're so good and you know you're so great, go out and just continue fighting against the New World Order.
If we give up, they're really going to win.
We don't have a choice.
I just really, it's not that I can't even take criticism.
It's not being criticized that makes me mad about myself.
It's that I'm frustrated that you are not addressing things, that you're not moving forward, that you're kind of griping at me.
I mean, I've done nothing here.
I found out the Federal Reserve was private when I was a teenager.
I found out about the New World Order.
I got informed, and all I've tried to do is save the Second Amendment, save our sovereignty, defend the Republic, stop CPS from stealing everybody's kids, stop them from killing what's left of the Native Americans, stop the New World Order from destroying our currency.
It's just like people getting mad at Ron Paul.
He ran, he basically lost.
He's out of it now.
There's no way he'd get enough delegates to win now.
Unless Hillary comes out and has been involved in a bunch of evil and it actually brings her down and it comes out on Barack Obama and it comes out on McCain, then maybe something could happen.
We asked Ron Paul to run.
He did run.
We woke the country up to a whole other level.
And that's positive.
He retained his House seat.
Good job.
We played a hard game here, folks, against overwhelming odds, and we got a lot stronger in the process, and the enemy got a lot weaker.
They were an 800-pound gorilla, now they're a 500-pound gorilla, and we're a 400-pound gorilla.
Pretty sure we're going to be bigger than that gorilla.
So get in there and start pumping iron.
Start running.
I mean that as an analogy to, or parallel, to political action.
All right?
I know we've got Josh, John, Ted, and a lot of others.
I am going to get into doctors interrogate children as informants on parents.
This is very serious.
You all need to be made aware of this.
Also, I'm going to get into Ron Paul's win, Kucinich's win for now.
We'll also get into some of the dirty tricks they play.
We can learn from this.
But first off, CNN warns Americans a Great Depression is coming.
And let's go ahead and play a few minutes of this economist on there, talking about this, and then we're going to continue with some economic news.
My name is John Williams from Shadowstats.com.
Things are only going to get worse.
I caught up with him this week.
We brought him back.
We want to talk a little bit more.
You've been incredibly pessimistic about what's happening right now, and you've also been very pragmatic that in Washington, a lot of people are telling me that in Washington, they're not really embracing the true magnitude of what some people say is happening in the economy.
You know, a year ago, and you guys have talked about this on the show, a year ago, Ben Bernanke, the head of the Fed, Hank Paulson, head of Treasury, even the President said the subprime crisis was gonna be contained!
There are 9 million houses about underwater right now.
That's not subprime.
And experts say that that number could easily double.
That 15 to 20 million houses could be underwater in a year or two.
That's not contained.
So when you hear Ben Bernanke this week talk about how we're not in a recession, we don't see a recession, the President, same song, not in a recession, not going to be in a recession.
Where are we going?
We have a severe recession ahead of us with even higher inflation than we're seeing now.
It's going to be the
Probably the worst business cycle seen since the Great Depression.
I wouldn't want to be the president in the 2012 election, because whoever wins this upcoming one is going to take blame for a real bad economy.
So, with that kind of a prediction, did you hear that?
An inflationary depression is coming down the road.
And my first question was that.
Let's stop right there.
I'm going to get into some other news on the financial end, then we're going to come back and play the last two minutes of that four-minute clip.
Now, how many top economists have I had on?
Last week I had, you know, the big New York School of Economics top guy on.
And they're all saying the same thing.
And did the government, a couple years ago when we talked about this happening, how the Bilderberg Group was designing this, and so it would unfold to cause a collapse so they could consolidate?
They may have overdone it.
They're even starting to panic and saying, this is worse than we even wanted.
That's in the Financial Times of London.
I keep going back to that.
In multiple stories.
I mean, they wanted to blow out smaller institutions and banking and lending institutions and consolidate, but now, I mean, it's just, it's out of control.
And what's Washington doing?
Massively increasing spending.
Devaluing the dollar.
That's their answer.
That's only going to make it worse.
The credit cards are fully leveraged.
Their answer is, issue more credit cards.
I mean, this is, this is bad to worse, and look, am I trying to scare you folks?
Yes, I'm trying to scare you.
I'm upset.
I have to consciously
Every day when I wake up, literally, pinch myself and say, realize consciously Alex, how much peril we're in.
It's like we're standing on the edge of a cliff, and we're inching towards it, our toes are over the edge, we're leaning out.
Don't do that.
But see, I don't have control of the body politics.
So, whether I like it or not, I'm going along for the ride here, I'm being taken along, pulled along, I'm being forced to lean out further, I'm going, my God, we're about to fall off!
And I have to pinch myself and go, I've got a little bit of savings for my children.
I'm so busy doing interviews and films.
Alex, you've got to get to the bank, get your money out, and put it all in gold and silver.
And then I say, man, but it's so high.
And I go, yeah, but it just keeps going up.
And if you wait, your dollar is a depreciating asset going down every day.
I guess I'll have no cash.
Then it's in a safety deposit box.
Can't have it at your house.
I guess you could bury some in a field.
What do you do?
I mean, we're all going through this.
And then every day, I hope, maybe it's not as bad as they say.
Maybe we'll turn a corner.
And then, last Monday, Federal Reserve Chairman, former Federal Fed Chairman, goes to the big Arab summit for the oil producers and tells them, dump the dollar.
And then it was in the news.
Days later, after I told you that was the main cause, the dollar plunges again, gold explodes.
I'm upset.
I have to consciously go, you need to be more upset, Alex.
You need to do something for yourself.
We can't save this whole thing.
I don't know how hard or how fast or how bad it'll get, but it's already real bad.
It's clear it's going to keep falling for at least the next two years.
Every expert we have on it agrees.
So I'm just telling you what's in my mind.
I don't know.
All I know is you can shift your money
We're good to go.
He's been holding for ten minutes because I wanted to drag him on to talk about it.
I'll hold him over to the next segment and then I've got all this other news coming up in your calls.
Ted, I mean, I'm upset.
And I keep telling people this.
They better get involved in gold and silver right now.
Alex, there is every reason in the world to be upset.
And are you scaring people?
If it means telling people what the truth about the economy is and what's going on and maybe motivating people to do something to help themselves?
I don't think that's scaring people.
You're just warning people to take some action.
Well, I want to be clear.
I tend to be lackadaisical.
I have to look at the evidence and tell myself, hey man, what you're seeing is what you're seeing.
What I'm saying is we need to be upset.
The country needs to be mad and tell the bankers, we know you're behind this.
Stop it!
Right, exactly.
And what do we have?
We have McCain coming on.
We've got Hillary.
We've got Obama.
None of them want to address this issue.
We had a candidate up there that actually could do something about this, and people thumbed their nose up at him.
By the way, you had aircraft over three Texas cities yesterday.
I want to hear about that.
Ted, what are you, 40, 50 grand of your own money into those planes now?
Yeah, yeah, well, it's worth it.
What do you do?
You're something else, man.
I tell you, Ted is a super patriot.
We'll be right back, Ted.
We'll spend five more minutes on this, then I'm going to get into all the other news.
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We're good.
I think so.
I think so.
I think.
Man, those horses were so beautiful last night.
I love the barrel racers.
Those women just are like riding like lightning on the backs of those horses so fast around those barrels.
They had the world champion there.
It was amazing.
Oh, they were riding.
They were riding like a one-eyed jack of diamonds.
I just see the beauty and grace of life.
Those horses, those women.
How dynamic and incredible those bulls were.
Just all the majesty that's around us with a bunch of scum running it all.
Feeding on us, perched on top of us, sucking us dry.
I want you to be concerned when mainstream news admits they've built concentration camps all over the country and talking points all over MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, FOX, is that we need to be tasered, beaten to a pulp, put in camps, tortured, put in secret prisons, those are all quotes by the way, for holding up 9-11 inside job sites.
And arrested.
Yeah, I want you to be scared, folks.
I'm upset.
We need to be scared.
You get scared for a reason to then take action.
Then you're not scared anymore.
So, yeah, the economy is going to hell in a handbasket.
And there's no doubt of that.
And the dollar's plunging.
Ted, just, I wanted to make the offer again to listeners.
There's no doubt gold's going over $1,000 very, very soon.
And you've got gold very close to melt.
These are, again, the lowest prices you're going to find.
And believe me, I've shopped around.
These are great prices.
Tell them about the offers, Ed.
Well, right now I have the British Sovereign.
They're at $270 per coin.
I also have the Frank coin, which is a fifth of an ounce.
And currently, right now, those ones are trading at $215.
Alex, here's the thing that's really blowing up right now.
I mean, we're offering silver dollars.
I can't even get them anymore.
Just the last time I was on air with you, we're looking at the dimes and quarters.
They're gone.
I can't even get them.
I was able to just secure a decent position in Walking Liberty Halves.
They'll be gone too.
It's getting to the point now where it doesn't matter what price it is, paper's not buying gold and silver.
The supply's running out.
And I don't know how serious people, you know, how they're looking at that.
I've been talking to you off-air, Ted.
You're starting to have trouble even getting it.
At reasonable prices, you'll be able to pay insane premiums and get whatever you want.
Well, you've got to remember, Alex, this stuff is in finite supply.
This is the stuff that was manufactured back in the early part of the 1900s.
They're not pumping this stuff out anymore.
I've got articles every day about the jewelry makers can't even get enough gold, much less
Yeah, sure.
The silver halves right now are at $210.
That's just such a great buy.
It's not even funny.
Silver right now is almost $21 an ounce.
It had a little bit of a back off yesterday and just blew through 20 again.
So how much is it per coin?
At $210, that's 20 coins if you multiply.
They're 50 cent pieces, so you've got to figure 20 divided by 210.
I think it's $10.50 a piece.
So literally, it's just a little bit above spot.
Moving these out the door.
Tell them about the gold, Ted.
Yeah, once again, $270 for the British Sovereign, $215 for the Frank coin.
Call us at 1-800-686-2237.
Supplies are getting real tight.
The market's going up like crazy.
This isn't a joke, folks.
We've been telling you buyers since it was $264, $1,800.
686-2237, 1-800-686-2237.
Thanks, Ted.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here's what John Williams at ShadowStats.com says about what's coming down the road.
Where are we going?
We have a severe recession ahead of us with even higher inflation than we're seeing now.
It's going to be the
Probably the worst business cycle seen since the Great Depression.
I wouldn't want to be the president in the 2012 election, because whoever wins this upcoming one is going to take blame for a real bad economy.
So, with that kind of a prediction, did you hear that?
An inflationary depression is coming down the road.
And my first impression of that was, wow, what do we do?
I'm not the kind of guy that goes down the air and tells people what to do, but listen to what John Williams says, and he makes these predictions to Fortune 500 companies and hedge funds around the country.
This is the guy who gets paid for his advice, and we're lucky enough to get him on CNN to tell you what to do with your money.
Listen to what he says you should do.
It's a bad time.
For stocks, it's a bad time for bonds because of the higher inflation and what's going to be weakness in the dollar.
That will tend to push the long-term rate tariff, pressing down on bond prices.
Sell stock?
Cash, you want to be liquid, you want to be safe, and I'd hold a little bit of gold as a hedge against inflation.
Very simple.
Now, you know what Robert Shiller at Yale University, the famous economics professor up there who does the K. Shiller reports?
Amazingly, he says the same thing.
So does Nouriel Roubini over at NYU, saying the same.
These aren't a bunch of kooks.
These are guys who are educated.
These are guys who are looking far out into the economy.
They say, look out, there's a big pie coming in your face.
Craig, let me ask you a question.
I was listening, you know, the other day when President Bush made his speech, Ben Bernanke was testifying before Congress for a second day.
I was listening to Bernanke speaking.
Senators were asking about inflation.
Everybody in America, certainly in Texas, spent this week talking about inflation and how serious it was in 2007 and how bread and milk and cheese and gas and all of that is more expensive.
And Ben Bernanke, with a straight face, said to Congress, no, no, corn inflation is quite contained.
In fact, it's under 3%.
Core inflation, as we've all talked about, is inflation that excludes food and energy.
This is a problem when we say that that's contained because no one in America buys stuff that excludes food and energy.
Well, yeah.
I mean, the king has no clothes on, if you say the king.
And another thing that he blurted out, which I can't believe he blurted out, and it's my reoccurring theme, that the banks are in trouble, and he says there's going to be increased bank failure.
He wasn't even pressed on that.
He said some small banks will likely fail, and that caused markets to be very concerned by the end of the week, because, you know, the Federal Reserve Chairman,
Okay, now that's CNN.
Now look,
I consider and say that we told you 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago exactly what would happen right around this time frame.
Because we had the experts on.
But not just the experts.
When they're printing money like it's going out of style and giving college kids who are already in debt more credit cards and giving people with no credit and no money million dollar and $500,000 home loans.
And when the Federal Reserve says they intend to just keep inflating the currency, it wasn't rocket science to say the dollar was going to implode, and the economy was going to completely crater, and that that was by design so the internationalists could then buy this country up for literally nothing.
We have IMF World Bank documents, 2002, where they said that's what their plan is.
I've been freaking out for six years.
Okay, now it's starting.
And, uh,
So I'd like to say, oh, I'm real smart predicting this.
They all know, all these people in government and finance know at a high level.
It's the public that does it.
Look, coming up here and saying what I'm saying is not rocket science.
It's very easy to understand.
It's the basic fundamentals of true economics, not the false economic paradigm we've been taught.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I'm going to blast through your calls here in just a moment.
Then doctors interrogate children as informants on parents' behavior to CPS.
Also, can neocons deny plethora of other abuse videos?
It's an InfoWars.net story.
It's also up on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com.
And it's just all the links to hundreds of videos, literally hundreds of them, killing children, women, laughing, beating them.
Torturing them, shooting animals, laughing.
Will Michelle Malcolm say that's fake?
By the way, it's not fake.
The Marines are saying they're going after the guy.
But I was on Malcolm's site this morning.
I was thinking, maybe she's got a soul.
I'll go to the site and they'll admit it and say that the guy was wrong, but he's a bad apple.
It's not real.
And in the comments are, so what if it's real?
This dog could have attacked him.
I mean, you cannot make this type of mind control up.
You see, that's the proof that we've become a sick, wicked society.
These people are sick and wicked.
I'll never forget Salon Magazine, like two years ago, one of the big writers is a Republican and was hanging out with all these Republican rich women, you know, in the party machine at the beach on the East Coast.
And they were all talking about how they were going to kill us and put us in camps and how they can't wait to kill us.
That was in Salon, folks.
And she said it freaked her out, so she wrote the article and told her friends they were sick.
The Daily Joe, MSNBC, comes out and says we need to be tased, we need to be beaten, we need to be taken to secret prisons, we need to be sent to prison for saying 9-11 is an inside job, and saying good, they arrested a guy for holding a sign up when Bill Clinton came outside from an event saying 9-11 is an inside job, and the Corpus Christi Caller Times says that he was standing across the street yelling 9-11 is an inside job,
And there's even video of him being let out in handcuffs, and didn't get in Clinton's face, and the Clinton supporters ran over, physically shoved him, grabbed the sign, ripped it in half, and then cops arrested him!
And then they say send him to a torture camp?
Man, these are talking points, folks!
These people mean business!
You seriously think I get up here on air and say this to be shocking?
I've got to gut up every day, folks, knowing if we don't beat them, they're going to come and they're going to kill me.
And don't think for a minute you can just shut up and run off to the countryside and this is going to go away.
If you don't fight, they're going to take over and do what they did in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
I'm talking about killing 10-20% of the population.
Our government financed the Communists in China to kill 60 plus mil.
That's the official number.
Some Chinese numbers say 80 mil.
Some say 100 mil.
He was paid to do it.
Did you hear me have the head of the Lakota Nation on yesterday?
He had never heard of me.
He didn't know who I was.
He just sounded like Alex Jones.
I sound like him.
He said global eugenics extermination.
We're all in the same system now.
He laid it out.
How they CPS their kids, more than 25% of them.
How they inject them with polio and give it... I mean, folks, we're all under attack.
I called Ted back in here because I had him on for like five minutes, and I want to just make this clear, because I'm doing this almost every day now, because I know a lot of you aren't listening.
And there's a few things you can do, like filter your water, get storable foods, educate your neighbors.
These are things we need.
Firearms, ammo to protect yourself, and gold and silver.
And Ted owns and runs this network.
He spent $50,000.
What is it now?
Of his own money, putting Ron Paul aircraft everywhere.
He tried as hard as he could.
And he's got gold.
I just wanted to be clear about this, because you started seeing a newscast about depression, that it hurts the New World Order.
I mean, even that guy said we're going into a depression, an inflationary depression of the top expert.
And they mentioned some other top experts, some we've interviewed.
You notice he said, well, you know, cash.
And then some gold as a hedge against inflation.
He just said we're plunging into total stagflation, hyper stagflation, the worst ever seen.
And then he says, but get a little gold as a hedge against inflation.
A hedge, like it might happen.
It's already happened.
It's getting worse.
A hedge?
A hedge is if there's a small chance something's going to happen.
You know, a hedge is $500,000 worth of life insurance.
But if you know you're going to be dying and they don't know it, you've got $2 million, that's bellying up to the bar.
And then he goes on to say, cash and a little gold.
Cash, that's a depreciating asset.
And I know you're like me, folks.
I don't have a lot of money.
And the little bit I've got, I'm such a saver that I'm just used to leaving it in the bank for my children.
I've got to get it out because it's going down the toilet.
They've hired the FDIC, all these new people, for bank foreclosures and shutdowns?
Ted Anderson, I drug you back in because I wanted you again to explain those coins and that deal again.
Happy to do it.
Right now what we have to offer is we have the British Sovereign coin.
They're at 270.
That's a quarter of an ounce gold piece.
Practically spot gold or spot silver.
Silver is blasting through $20 right now.
And again, this stuff was made back in the early 1900s.
There's a finite supply.
When that stuff sells out, anybody's guess is what the price will be.
And by the way, you've already sold out of dollars, you've already sold out of pennies, quarters.
Now you're at half ounces, which I love.
I've got some of those gorgeous coins.
Yeah, right now Alex, I mean, everybody knows it.
This guy, I listened to that newscast when you were putting it on there from CNN.
I mean, how could he come in and say, you know, you should buy a little bit of gold, and you should have most of your money in cash, when he's talking about the dollar falling through the market.
The dollar's falling so fast, and the inflation is going to be showing up, and he wants everybody to sit in cash.
So you can get your goose cooked?
I mean, the dollar's falling.
Can anybody wake up to this?
Why do you think I'm flying those banners out there?
I'm hoping that maybe a few more people will go, oh, maybe there is something going on here.
Like three weeks ago, I said, Ted, how much have you put in yourself?
Well, this last one was just $10,000 for that day.
We also flew Galveston on Saturday, too.
For his congressional district?
Yeah, exactly.
And you've done that three times, right, in Galveston?
Well, I mean, I just, yeah.
Well, no, not in Galveston.
I mean, South Texas.
I flew Galveston twice.
Because we did fly South Texas during the Ron Paul rally the other day too.
I know, I've seen it over Austin a couple times.
So Ted, how much of your money, is it now up to $60,000 of your own money?
Well, I haven't counted completely.
I had $30,000 in before, so you had another $10,000 plus.
But a few weeks ago you said it was $40,000.
Yeah, I guess it's $40,000, $45,000, $50,000, somewhere in there.
I mean, as far as what I'm... And that's not counting the $20,000 listeners gave.
So folks, bottom line, that's what Ted's doing.
He's selling you gold and silver with just a tiny commission for the brokers in there.
Give them the number, Ted.
Yeah, they can reach us at 1-800-686-2237.
Again, that's 1-800-686-2237.
And Ted, I remember though, about a month ago, and I'll just tell on myself here, I said,
Ron Paul, you know, is educating people, he's moving forward.
I said, if you're going to fly anywhere, just do it in his district, because I said, you're putting your own money into this.
I'm not even really going to tell listeners now to give to the airplane thing anymore, because it's kind of over, but I don't want to say that on air, but at the same time, you know, I said, and remember what you said, you said, I don't care, it'll make them go Google Ron Paul, and they'll find out about the fellow deserves.
So, and Ted, when I knew you first 13 years ago, you were pretty much a mainline conservative Republican.
You've really, I don't want to say changed, you've got a patriot network, but you really are a hardcore patriot now.
Well, Alex, and even back then, I mean, when I used to come out on KJFK with you, we used to talk about the creature from Jekyll Island.
I was trying to get that book to people.
I mean, as a consequence to getting that book in people's hands, yes indeed, they end up buying gold and silver.
And back then, in those days, they were buying gold and silver, gold at about $300 an ounce and silver at about $3 an ounce.
And obviously they're just whistling Dixie right now, but the people that just bought the gold and silver here just three weeks ago are sitting in a fat profit now, because they listened to your interview just a few weeks ago.
But it's a hollow victory, because the country's coming down around us.
I feel sick.
That's exactly what's going on.
The country is what's falling apart.
The United States dollar is doomed, and it's because we let the Federal Reserve... Folks, we wish this wasn't the case.
The news hasn't even begun to tell you how terminal we already are.
Oh, it makes me sick.
800-686-2237 if you at least want to get off the ship with a life raft.
Ted, thanks for coming back on.
God, it's going to be bad.
I mean, if they did all the right things in government right now, they could slow us down into a bad recession.
And then, but instead, they're all running around saying, get out of the dollar!
Get out of the dollar, Europe and Arabs!
Get out of the dollar, it's going down!
You know, they're doing everything they can to totally rape the daylights out of us, and I am so mad, I'm calm.
And every day I go home and look at my family, and then I go outside and I look at neighbors, and I look at yuppies, and I look at people in the streets, they have no idea what's going on.
If there's a real depression in this country, they're going to turn into animals overnight.
When they find out they don't have bank accounts, when they find... I mean, it's just... it's... oh my... it's just incredible.
I mean, I'm not trying to be negative here.
I just... I owe it to you to really tell you what I think and what's going on.
And then I see Michelle Malkin and the rest of them with this puppy saying it's not real.
And we have hundreds of videos of them killing animals and people laughing about it.
It's posted on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and Infowars.net.
Steve posted a blurb at the top of a bunch of these videos and a link, if you dare, to the Prison Planet forum, where our listeners have just found hundreds and hundreds of others.
And I can't even watch any more of them.
It's just shooting children, beating children, killing women, laughing, killing animals, dogs begging to shoot it and laugh and shoot it again, hand grenades at sheep and sheep herders, humans.
Uh, you know, just killing people, killing motorists and laughing, just randomly murdering people.
And it's not a big scandal, people aren't going to prison.
Instead, they're defending it!
You go to site after site on the blogs and message boards and half of them are saying it's good!
They just say, I mean, these people that say glass parking lot, it's true!
They just say kill them all, they're not human!
And they're coming back to be our cops,
They're saying on news they want to put us in camps and we criticize the government?
I mean, the world's being handed over to a bunch of demons!
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We're good to go.
We're good.
Okay, I got to cover news, but you've been holding too long, and I want to take a lot of your calls, so just have your point ready.
Josh in Canada, thanks for holding it on the air.
Oh, you're welcome.
Uh, wow, this is going to be anticlimactic after that, but, uh, I just saw a television program regarding Internet 3, where everyone's data won't have to be saved in the hard drive anymore.
Uh, it'll be stored on this internet cloud spread over many servers.
Yeah, that's right.
They make you stay on their servers.
Remember I told you years ago, you're going to have your own subdomain with them, you sign contracts with them, no free speech because it's all a private network, not public.
Yeah, that includes your PDAs, cell phones, computers, etc.
Everything ties into one system and you'll have to have it because you're just going to upgrade the system whether you like it or not and force you onto it.
Well, it's the best thing since sliced bread, isn't it?
Yeah, we better fight this, folks.
This is how they're going to... They're not just letting you have the web for nothing.
They're getting you addicted, then they're going to clamp it shut.
No, we're fighting it.
Okay, well, that's it.
Thanks a lot.
That's it, brother?
What article was that?
Where'd you see that?
I want to pull that up.
I mean, I know what they say, but tell me.
That was on a... Was it TVO, The Agenda?
It was a Canadian program on... Let's see here.
Oh, I forget his name, but yeah, it's on TVO.
You might want to check it out sometime.
For people that don't know, explain.
You won't hold your own data in your own hard drive.
You won't have any control.
You won't dial into a huge grid that's truly libertarian and then do what you want that's bad enough because they control that and DARPA created it.
This is what they really meant it for.
Web 2 and Web 3, Internet 2 and 3, is where they take over, shut down the old grid, force you onto their grid.
Well, I mean, Internet 2 is bad enough, you know, with people putting up
All of their personal info on Facebook and things like that.
I mean, you know, I guess that's fine if you want that information out there.
Well, Internet 2 is institutional, Hubs.
It's really what you're calling 3.
Oh, is it?
Okay, well, I mean, including all your PDAs and cell phones, though, I mean, is it not... With the blue cloud and all that, is that... It's not an upgrade at all?
It's still Internet 2?
Same thing?
Well, we're not even off Internet 1 yet.
They've built a separate Internet 2.
Then they say they're going to shut down the other hubs, claim it failed.
They say they're going to lie to us.
They have public meetings in Austin, London.
They've had them and read their minutes.
This is publicly how they're going to do this.
It's like taking over existing roads and putting toll roads on it.
You've already heard about how, tear to tear, they're saying, oh, we're not going to have net neutrality.
Comcast and others aren't letting certain traffic over their systems.
That's a part of Internet, too, and then making you have your server always on a CDN, which is theirs, but then you sign a contract where it's under their control.
And they say, well, you still have free speech, but there's no Internet now to have free speech on, because it's kind of like everything's a shopping mall, and then they say, well, you're not on public property anymore, you're on private property.
You understand?
It acts as if it's a public commons, but really it's private divisions.
Well, what I was wondering, too, is, I mean, does this include peer-to-peer?
I mean, would it be possible in the future if somebody were to, say, start up a renegade sort of network?
Well, that's already going on with the BBS systems before it previously, and there will be ways around it.
It's going to be a fight.
Appreciate your call.
We need to do a whole show on that soon and have the experts on.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to John in, is it New Hampshire?
A couple questions.
Go ahead.
First one, if you had, say, I mean, like $60,000, $70,000 in the bank,
Would you put it more in like gold, silver, is there anything else you'd diversify it in?
Well, I do agree that even though it's being devaluated, you might not be able to instantly shell gold.
It'll just retain value, then you can piecemeal sell it off for silver.
You want some cash, but personally, again, I'm not telling you to do this, but I would be 20-30% in precious metals, and I would diversify.
Gold, silver, because if you buy multiple metals, palladium, platinum,
Then, you know, even if some of those went down, others will go up.
You know, it's hedging bets.
But, my God, I mean, I wouldn't keep money in the bank.
Another question.
What do you foresee?
I'm in the mortgage business, actually the subprime business, and it's like a nightmare right now.
What do you see as far as, like, companies like Citi Financial, Beneficial, which is owned by HSBC, Wells Fargo.
What do you see with, one, their employment?
I know they've, it's gotten downsized incredibly.
It's going to go down, down, down, down, down.
Do you even see them lending within a year?
I mean, do you feel like this is like, you know... Oh, there's still people that are going to have assets and still, yeah, they'll still be lending going on, but I mean, what, the market now, they're saying, is half of what it was two years ago?
And they're talking about it going down to 25%?
And in some areas of the country, like Minnesota and Florida and places, it's even worse than that already.
Oh, it's horrible.
And just one more comment I wanted to make.
I actually have a family member who was
Um, in special operations in the Vietnam War, and all this stuff you're talking about with throwing the dogs and, you know, I mean, you know, I mean, all this stuff was going on in the Vietnam War.
I actually, like, five or six months ago, um, had a chance to sit down with him, and for, like, two days, just picking his mind, he was a sniper on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
And the stuff he would tell me, you know, you know, taking, you know, North Vietnamese up in helicopters, because I said, I said, like, you know, you guys didn't torture, you know, and he'd be like, you know, no, we, the United States doesn't torture.
And he would tell them, tell them what they did.
It was just like,
You know, it was just shocking.
You know, throwing guys out of helicopters when they wouldn't talk.
I mean, he was 18 years old.
Well, see, that's what they do.
They don't call that torture.
They say, we don't torture.
We just throw you out of helicopters.
Anything else you want to add?
They were having serial torture.
Well, stay there.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Up on InfoWars.com, we have a disgusting video exchange between Hillary and Karl Rove.
And she publicly worships him, he worships her.
She thanks the Fox News people.
And they say she's a human being and they like her.
They're getting you ready for your master, like I told you they would.
And they tell you that it's all so they can hit McCain, and sure it is.
We're running a big scam!
Oh, these people never stop, do they?
Do you like being scammed?
Do you like being conned?
Liberals that are listening right now?
You understand these people work for the very same people?
The very same institutions.
They're in power because they know how to manipulate you and lie to you.
They're in power because they're willing and able to push your buttons.
And it's time that we pull the curtain aside and start seeing them
For what they are.
Their greatest trick is making you invest in them.
Believe in them.
To where you can't go back through cognitive dissonance.
You can't admit you've been conned.
I've talked to so many people who got the Nigerian emails.
You're not on the computer, you don't know what we're talking about.
Where they say, I am Prince Abuki Masupi.
And I've got $14,000,000 for you.
And if you will just send me $4,000,000, that allows me to get it out of the bank and give you $5,000,000 of it.
And people have even called this show, going, I got a Prince, a Ibuki Suzuki, he's going to give me $14,000,000 if I can just get, you know, this money in.
And I paid it, but now the U.S.
is holding it up in a bank.
And I say, let me guess, you called the Nigerian contact and they said they can have $5,000,000 more.
They can get it out of the bank, but Bush is holding it up or something.
How did you know?
Are you one of them?
There was even an idiot talk show host one time who was like schizophrenic and put up on some website that I
That I was behind the Nigerians, and that it was an attempted bribe, because I'd talked about Nigerians before, and how did I know about the Nigerians?
Because everybody gets it in their inbox about 50 times a day.
But see, they can't admit they've been conned, and they've already been ripped off for the 4,000, the 5,000.
So they go, oh no, it's real, I've got to get more to Prince Abuki.
Well, it's the same thing with Hillary and Obama and Rush Limbaugh and all these guys.
You're just still believing in Prince of Gookie or whatever his name is.
Prince of Gookie ain't real!
The Nigerian money isn't real!
You just thought you'd lucked into 14 mil.
You wanted to believe the fraud, the con, the scam.
Alright, finish up John in New Hampshire.
You were going to tell us some more stories your uncle was telling you.
Uh, yeah.
Go ahead.
And, uh, you know, the reason he started talking about it is because I started talking to him about 9-11 and everything going on in the country.
And, uh, you know, he kind of opened up with, you know, a lot of what he went through.
He was 18 years old when he went over there.
I believe he was in a lay house when we weren't even supposed to be in there.
And he was a sniper.
Um, but he was telling me about how they had, like, serial killers over there in the United States Army.
You know, like, just people like that over there just love to kill people.
He was working with the CIA.
He was working with people that... Are you still there, Alex?
Yes, I am.
He was just working with all kinds of government people that weren't even on the books.
You know, they weren't allowed to wear, like, dog tags.
You couldn't have a tattoo.
And it was just insanity, the stuff he would tell me.
He actually believed... I mean, he didn't really... You know, he'd tell me he didn't really make close friends over there.
Um, but he said, you know, he kind of knew another sniper over there.
You know, they'd pretty much drop him off out there at the Ho Chi Minh Trail, leave him out there for a few weeks, you know, then a Marine platoon would come by, pick him up and bring him back.
Um, but he, he was like, I'm about 95% certain that a CIA agent, um, ended up killing a sniper and the spotter with the mission that they went out on, because the CIA guy was the only guy that came back.
And, you know, he, I mean, it was just, it was insane the stuff he told me.
And then when he came back, you know, he had threats, you know, about, you know, because they tried to tell him that he was doing bad things over there and manipulate him when he'd go to the VA.
No, no, they always get you to do bad things and they use that to control you.
I appreciate your call.
That's the standard operating procedure.
Our government's totally criminal.
We've got this image of the flag and mom and apple pie and it isn't real.
And we can just keep being schmucks.
We're good to go.
It's always the same time.
I'm tough because I know it takes collateral damage.
This country had to have a way to keep standing up and keep dominating the world.
How do you think you have your standard of living, boy?
Because some of us are strong enough to go in those buildings and blow them up.
You're just weak.
No, I'm not weak.
I take a little Native American children and sterilizing them or shooting them up with smallpox or polio and
Watching them die, or get diseased, or... CPSing all these kids, and all the stuff you... All this whole thing, you're just a bunch of sick freaks.
And you all rationalize amongst yourselves, and... It's just sick!
It's just sick!
And now it's all just rotting!
Now you've festered so badly, the whole system's imploding.
Dead in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I have some non-mainstream analysis for the Barack Hillary election.
I've noticed an underlying divide and conquer paradigm, referring back to your work on eugenics studies, where they placed the woman over the black man, which reversed the
Original traditional family structure to kind of for the psychological impact.
Well, that's a Roman Imperial model that they used in Germania and also with the Austria Goths and Austria, I mean for those that don't know, let me just tell them briefly, this is important, where they, yeah, they set the women, the housewomen up over the men who were kept in barns as animals.
They didn't invent that for the blacks, but go ahead.
I was just referring back.
No, no, sure, sure, go ahead.
I actually learned that from you, and so it seems like they're kind of doing a bait-and-switch where, you know, I don't believe in race, black guy, but I don't believe in race, and I study a lot of the black people's forums and stuff to see how they're taking all of this, and I'm amazed.
Have you seen about how many black forums are popping up that know about the New World Order?
Oh, yeah, the black folks know what's going on, yeah.
Yeah, and so, you know, I just wanted to say that, uh, have you ever heard of Steve Coakley?
No, it doesn't ring a bell.
Well, he's, he's advertising your videos, and, uh, basically what he's doing is he's starting to expose the black elite at this society called the Boulay, and, uh,
That's pretty much what I know.
I know about that, mm-hmm.
You're in that direction.
Yeah, well they use the Masonic overlay as an organizational template.
It's not even the Masons.
They use that envelope as the delivery mechanism for the pathogen to control their people, yeah.
And so my appeal is basically that the black population not buy into any of it and, you know, continue to see us as one human race?
Well, we need to continue to understand both those people are puppets and bought and paid for, and whatever's going on at stage, we're going to see, okay?
I hear you.
Just quit being suckers, folks.
I mean, it's the same thing.
I mean, how many times do they have to sucker you?
I've got the Margaret Sanger documents that in every black area of town, growing up in Dallas, here in Austin, the black area of town, I mean, it's Margaret Sanger this, Margaret Sanger that, and they just love their Margaret Sanger.
That lady hated you and called you animals and weeds.
And they've got death mills in your neighborhood, but you think it's some sweet little thing there to help you.
Now, the black folks are starting to wake up to that.
They do it to every community and every group.
But the point is, is that they went and hired the big famous black leaders of 60, 70, 80 years ago to go out and, I mean, they wrote memos.
These are universities.
These are public.
When I read quotes online in mainstream news, you know, scholarly reports,
About Margaret Sanger saying blacks weren't human and we're animals and weeds and we can't let them know we're exterminating them.
We've got to recruit black leaders and pay them to do this for us.
They'll only trust black doctors.
I didn't just believe it.
We sent off to several universities.
What, one in Missouri?
Because it was part of the Big Soap Foundation.
Big family.
We set off for that when we actually got the photocopies back from the letters at the universities.
It's real!
It's so sick, man.
This is just so sick.
You're never going to hear that out of Barack Obama's mouth.
You're never going to hear one word out of it.
And then, you know, you got all these other liberals and people.
You start bad-mouthing Edward Bernays, you start bad-mouthing any other people.
You start bad-mouthing Sanger, they go absolutely apes in your threatening email saying you're a liar.
I'm not a liar.
You don't know who you work for.
You don't know how you've been conned.
You need to stop being conned and stop getting mad at people that have done the research.
You know why liberals fight back against this instead of fake conservatives?
I know.
Because it's scary, folks.
It's scary to know the truth.
It's scary to know who runs things.
But you know what?
Not knowing they're there doesn't make them not be there.
That little mind trick you play where you just decide none of this exists so it doesn't.
Hey, it's still there.
There's no going back.
You know in your gut right now I'm telling you the truth.
You know right now in your soul that little survival sixth sense part of our brain that we all got that you've been taught to ignore your whole life.
You know right now I'm telling you the truth.
Now, don't just go off that instinct.
Go deeper.
Research my claims.
And then find out that I told you the truth.
And then you ask yourself, what are you going to do about it?
I'm risking my life to do this.
I'm putting it all on the line.
Because these people cannot continue to get away with what they're doing.
They cannot continue to just have their way with us.
And I'm going to be honest with you.
At a certain level, I know that there's huge groups of black nationalists that hate my guts.
And I've had black people walk up out of the middle of nowhere years ago when I was in college and say, oh, look at the blue-eyed devil.
You know, the big joke, and, you know, they can be racist, but we're not supposed to be as a white man.
All of that is programming they've been put through, just like the whites.
I don't look down at them for it.
It's irritating that they've been shut off and made small-minded, but so has everybody else.
And then that racism is real, though.
Just because you understand they've been manipulated, you still... it's a threat.
It's still something coming at you.
And it goes back at them.
I know a lot of whites that see that racism from blacks and others, and so they say, and the Hispanics, and say, well, you know, let's just dominate them, let's just cheat them, let's just not work with them, let's have a big fight with each other, but that's how they control us.
And then I've seen the writings and read really hardcore white supremacist and people who are like, you know, are for sterilization and all these things, and I'm just telling you, and then you got Khalid Mohammed who was saying sterilize the white people, kill the white people, you get the same thing from him, you know, you lose your humanity when you even
Entertain that mentally.
So, uh, even if a lot of quote, you know, minorities are really the majority globally and now here in the US hate me and want to get me and feel all good about it.
Uh, does it mean I can play into that paradigm and want to kill them?
Understand that?
All right, I'm going to get to, um,
Chris and Rico and Don here in a minute.
I've got to hit this news or I'm not going to get to it.
Let me just break this down.
When Germany reinstated the Hitler Law of 38, as London Guardian reported a few years ago, and banned homeschooling for the CPS and kids, they didn't care what color you were, did they?
Whether you were German or Turk.
When they put mercury in your child's shot, they don't care if you're black or white, do they?
No, they don't care about that.
Or whether you're Mexican.
When they do all of these bad things, they're doing it to everyone.
Did they test it out on Indians and blacks?
Yes, they did.
That's how they got the first generations of our government to go along with it, because they wanted to, you know, it was race, racist.
But the big plan's for everybody.
You actually, when you study eugenics, you find out the real target is the most intelligent, the most healthy, the best looking.
I don't care if you're black or you're white.
They're targeting leaders.
They're targeting anyone that could overturn their system.
They're monopoly men.
It's a scorched earth policy.
It's very diabolical and I don't admire it, but I marvel at it.
I mean, you have to respect these people.
This is cold-blooded, willful power at just an unspeakable level.
If you're black or white, it doesn't matter.
Though, statistically, blacks don't have as much money as whites, and it's always kind of in the happy hunting ground on them, so it is a little worse.
In fact, it's a lot worse.
But it happens to everybody.
For decades, when you go into the doctor, and your three-year-old goes behind closed doors with the doctor, they immediately start saying, do mommy and daddy touch you?
Well, absolutely, mommy and daddy lock their hind in,
Even when they're three or four and they mess up everything else, it doesn't matter.
If that doctor wants you, he's got you.
Your kids are gone.
Three-year-old doesn't know.
Yeah, Mommy and Daddy touch me.
Do they touch you here?
Do they touch you there?
Do they hit you?
Spanking's not illegal, but they don't care.
They'll still take your kids and CPS them.
They'll get the visit at your house and there's a dirty dish in the thing or some dog hair on the ground.
It's over.
Doesn't matter if that CPS worker's house is a total cesspit.
They're going to take your kid.
And this has been in the news, encouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP.
Pediatricians across the United States have begun questioning children about their parents' habits, in some cases even filing police reports based on the information.
In some cases, this is nothing, according to an opinion article published in the Boston Herald.
Article author, Michael Graham,
We're good to go.
You know, we're not tough enough to have children at a home facility.
We've pretty much tried that, and my son was over 10 pounds, and my wife said, I'm done with this, so we go to the government facility.
We're all government controlled.
I told this briefly, but about three weeks ago or so, I'm there, come in in the morning.
My wife can have deficit sharing.
She's already had two.
And the lady, the nurse, and I picked up on it.
The doctor's a fan, all the rest of them.
She didn't know who I was.
And she says, hey, will you go out there and tell them this for me?
Then down another level.
I said, yeah.
And I saw in her face what she was going to do.
My wife.
I came back.
She said, she asked me if you abused me.
The lady left.
She asked about, you know, all sorts of stuff.
And there she is with a computer hooked into the health department typing it all in.
See, these are the inquisitors.
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Alright, I've got to move quick to finish this.
I'm going to come back tomorrow and do a whole hour on this.
Maybe I'll get this writer on.
A mainstream news writer and his kids come back and they say, the doctor was asking if you hit me, if you hurt me.
Again, that's guilty until proven innocent.
That's pre-crime.
And of course, the government, statistically, is five times more likely to abuse your children than you are.
The point is, is that yeah, there's bad stuff going on, but the government is the worst.
So why is the worst group of offenders doing this?
Well, a lot of it is indentured servitude.
They just say it's the regulations, and in every hospital room, there are now little social workers next to Stan.
They train the nurses to do this, and a head nurse comes in, and she sits there, and they're trained to be predatory.
They're the boss.
They're the God.
They're going to decide.
Hey, will you go down there and do this for me and bring this file over here?
And then she said to my wife, like it was her friend, woman against man, we'd just like to ask you these when your husband's not here.
Now, does he hit you?
Is your a dangerous home?
Is it safe for children?
And she's sitting there at the computer entering all of it.
Of course, I already knew that, talking to other nurses, that is a database.
Now, the good news is we're infiltrating.
The two nurses in the little room where they take them and check them and, you know, warm them, right after they're delivered, they were both talking bad about vaccines and the New World Order.
By the way, I didn't know who I was.
That's always a great sign.
Don't know who I am, but know everything.
Again, that just shows my limited operations separate.
There's other stuff happening.
And, of course, the doctor's a fan, and most people at the hospital are great, and, you know, they're nice folks.
The point is, the evil has been integrated right in where that nurse thought she was doing a good job.
And, you know, this changed from 30 years ago, the woman comes in with a black eye, missing her teeth, and the husband's walking around going, watch it, bitch!
And she's, you know, and he lifts his hand to take his hat off, and the woman, you know, the woman shrugs.
Yeah, then you might say, hey, will you take this file downstairs for me?
And then say, is he hurting you, honey?
And then that'd be a criminal matter.
But see, it always sounded reasonable.
Now it's not.
You got middle class people in there, clean cut,
My wife's a professional, multiple degrees.
She's sitting right there.
And this is a procedure.
This is the secret police.
This is America.
This is how we do it.
But here's the key.
They don't tell you, when a cop takes you into a room after you've been arrested and you've been found with a pound of marijuana, they gotta say, you know, do you want a lawyer?
Or they gotta say, this can be held against you.
And if they don't, it gets thrown out of court.
But see, in this whole social network and social services system that's integrated into the schools, into the businesses, into everything, where they just tell them it's policy, do it for your liability, they're taking kids every day out of these hospitals.
You never hear about it.
It's all done real systematically and quietly.
Some are worse.
That's one of the better hospitals where they don't grab too many because it's kind of an upper middle class place.
Compared to some of the others.
You go to the Cesspit Main City Hospital.
They grab about a third of the kids in there.
It's literally vampiric hell pits out of some Clive Barker movie.
But it's all pretty and sweet and done well.
And it tears my guts out.
So they don't tell you that this is being entered into a database with the Health Department.
They don't tell you that this is going to bring police and CPS workers down any minute.
One question answered wrong.
They don't tell you there's a Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination.
See, the country's gone.
Constitution's gone.
They're on television calling for us to be put in camps.
I'm out of time.
Retransmission starts now.
Incredible first and second hour.
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