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Name: 20080304_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 4, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have rarely been as angry as I am right now.
I did a full hour television show last night, my weekly TV news program here in Austin, and I was completely calm the entire time.
I don't think I've ever been more calm.
In my hour-long discussion of the video of the troops killing a little eight-week-old black and white puppy with pleasure.
Now, I'm even more mad today, and I'm so mad that I'm probably not going to blow up, but because if I do I'm going to start smashing things.
Since this went out on the web, we received scores of emails, scores of videos of troops shooting puppies, killing dogs, killing other animals, killing people for sport.
It's not like we're trying to bash the troops and we're out there combing around for this.
But you know what?
Now I am going to comb around, because Michelle Malkin and a bunch of other neocon enemies of this country have come out and basically defended all of this, and I'm not putting up with it anymore.
Humans are dehumanized.
We don't care if there's 50 million abortions.
We don't care if they're killing Iraqi kids.
Okay, for the sake of argument, fine.
But you're not going to sit there and kill puppies and kill dogs and the soldiers laughing while they torture this old black dog.
And it's the sickest stuff I've ever seen.
Folks, video after video after video after video.
There are so many videos, we probably couldn't even play them all here in 10 hours.
Just murdering animals.
They're driving by.
There's a sheep dog with some sheep.
They throw a hanger-nade out, watch it kill the sheep dog and a bunch of sheep.
Ha ha ha!
Walking up to old dogs, torturing them, laughing at them before they kill them.
Don't you understand Jeffrey Dahmer did that?
Don't you understand that they're all coming back?
They're all coming back, and I'm telling you,
I've seen the numbers.
Eighty percent of the new cops are vets out of Iraq.
Eighty percent of the new recruits.
I've seen those federal numbers.
They're coming.
They're coming for us, ladies and gentlemen.
They're coming for you and your family.
Every time.
I mean, nine times out of ten, somebody's on our message board or on our Dig comment section or on the MySpace saying, I want to kill you.
I can't wait to put you in a camp.
Do all this, I get their handle name, enter it into a search engine, and pull up their MySpace, and folks, their Marines, their Navy, their Army, they mean it.
They want to kill me, they want to kill you and your family.
Now, right next to them are wonderful troops, and right next to them are people that serve for the right reasons, and they're in hell, and I talk to them all the time about the nuts and psychopaths,
And I talk to family that's been around it, and they say, well, they're under pressure, and they just go crazy, and they're bored.
I don't want to hear they're bored another time.
Killing puppies, and killing old dogs, and sitting around laughing as a dog drags around its intestines behind it.
I've had enough of this!
What have we become?
You know, Steven Spielberg said that he was going to make a movie about
A runaway lost little kid.
But he decided that humans don't have empathy for other humans anymore.
But we do for Bambi or something that isn't even real.
So he made E.T.
where it's a little alien.
And then you're so sad for him because he's lost.
See, you don't care about humans anymore.
Maybe you'll care about a dog.
Now, I can't help my emotion.
I emotionally love dogs.
I'm a dog person.
Whole family just loves dogs.
I'm grown up with dogs.
My whole life we've always had dogs.
One of my dogs died just last year, a Boston Terrier, just absolutely cried my guts out.
And I'm just, you know, if they can do that to a dog, folks, when statistically, psychologically, the troops care more about dogs than humans, it's over.
And we've got to prepare ourselves for the scourge of death that's now in our police forces.
And nine times out of ten, you hear about them killing some innocent person or tasering some old lady, it's some nut back from Iraq.
They're mind-completely-blown, psychopathic killers.
It is a big idea.
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I never pretend to know everything, and I've always said to listeners that as bad as I
portray things to be that in my journey in my life it always gets thousands of times worse.
Even during the break I am discovering huge fan sites where they post the murder of innocent people and animals by the troops.
I was wondering why I was on YouTube yesterday and about half the comments were saying, yes, I just wish it was an Iraqi baby, please kill babies, because we have lots of sick youngsters and people in the U.S.
who love death and destruction.
I knew there were sites that were into dead bodies and images of dead babies and images of piles of dirty restaurants and trash and human excrement.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I never really talk about this on air, but I knew that there were sites that were into that, a large growing group on the internet that enjoys this and enjoys pure wickedness.
I did not know that they are huge fans of the troops, big supporters, and that they
Love all of this, but you're going to see articles on Prison Planet, you're going to see articles on InfoWars.
We are going to go into full coverage of this because it isn't enough that John Yoo...
For Alberto Gonzales wrote memos saying the President is the law, we can torture children with pliers sexually, and we played audio of him saying, yes, the President has that power.
And the Academy Award winning documentary this year has him in the film saying it.
I mean, this is now mainstream news.
You know, when I said it four years ago, it wasn't true, and I was crazy when I would read the official memos declassified that came out in federal court cases.
Uh, but see, you don't have to believe Alex Jones anymore.
The Academy Award winning film, uh, for 2008, Taxi to the Dark Side, we interviewed the producer, Eva Orner, last week, right after she won it.
Going over all of this, were you?
Now, in the film, they've got video and photos that haven't been seen yet, until now, and it's even worse than the things I had seen, and frankly, we can't even talk about this stuff on the air.
It is that bad.
Now, we're going to get into Barack Obama, and we're going to get into Hillary today, and we're going to get into all of it.
We're going to cover what's happening with this big primary day on this Tuesday, the fourth day of March 2008, and we're going to cover the economy, and we're going to cover how doctors have been recruited, and it's finally in mainstream news.
We told you this
A decade ago, now it's mainstream news, we have the training manuals, where when the pediatrician gets your 5-year-old, your 4-year-old, your 3-year-old, your 10-year-old behind closed doors or at the school, they say, does mommy beat you?
Do they have drugs?
Do they roll cigarettes that have green stuff in them?
Do they argue?
And then they stick CPS on you, the total secret police apparatus.
Folks, when you start investigating the evil, you find out it's everywhere.
I wish this wasn't the case.
I wish it wasn't true.
I wish the troops weren't doing this.
Believe me, I take no pleasure in doing this to our military, but they have done it to themselves.
And if we don't expose it, and if we don't say it's wrong, and if we don't punish the people doing it,
Then it's going to continue and grow and come home.
And our name is going to be fully destroyed.
If we imprison these people, if we prosecute these people, if we say we're sorry, then we can be reprieved.
But when Michelle Malkin and her website
Come out, and I've got the disgusting print-offs here, and cover this up, and defend this, and say we're traitors, and we're bad, and we hate the Tribs because we're exposing this.
It is just so incredibly evil.
It is so amazingly evil.
So, this is the basic type of stuff that we're dealing here with today, so I'm going to try to be calm.
And I'm going to go over this news and information that we have here.
Doctors interrogate children as informants on parents' behavior.
That ties in with homeschooled Germans fleeing to the UK, that I covered last week, and with the high court, state court in California, saying you do not control or have custody over your children.
It actually says the state has control and that they must attend a government certified school.
I want to go over that.
I want to go over Tony Rezko, the weatherman that Barack Obama is tied into.
This is now in the Chicago Tribune.
We are going to get into all of it today, but I want to explain something to you right now.
I have, without even looking, going on the Prison Planet message board, reading a little bit of my email, looking at the blog posts,
And just with what's coming into my office have hundreds of links.
Here's just one email and we sat there this morning for 10 minutes quickly watching just these.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Killing and torturing animals.
I mean this is stuff that literally people had tears in their eyes in the office
And people were walking around talking about how they wanted to take these people on.
I mean, because as a mammal, you see another baby mammal being tortured in a predatory way, you understand instinctively, if you're healthy, that these are enemies of life, and you instinctively want to fight them.
Soldiers blowing up dogs for fun.
Two different links.
Soldiers shooting dogs for fun.
Three different links.
Soldiers tormenting a dog before killing it.
One link.
Soldiers throw a grenade into sheep.
Hurt her sheep and find it funny.
Blow up a kitten and cheering.
Now the most sick of them all, killing unarmed civilians in front of their children.
That's right.
Oh, by the way, yeah.
These sites mainly are snuff sites.
Snuff films are now mainstream, legal, open, and are praised.
And if you criticize open snuff films, you're now bad.
Because the White House said we can rape children.
We can torture children with pliers sexually.
You see, they did that on purpose to say, it's okay, this is the reign of terror by psychopaths.
Now that's one email.
I've got all these others that I don't even have time to go through that have screenshots murdering women, men, children, lining them up, shooting them, killing animals, murdering, slaughtering, all of this going on.
Because I don't like looking this stuff up.
I know there's snuff films.
I know there's images of them sitting off the side of a road, laughing on a major highway in Baghdad, just shooting minivans full of men, women, and children, them falling out dead.
I mean, there's hundreds of those.
There's footage of just everything you can imagine.
I don't like looking it up.
Half the time when you email it to me, I can't open it.
I have been avoiding this.
I have been subconsciously... I apologize.
I repent.
You're going to hear about this constantly.
We're going to write hundreds of articles about it.
We are going to call for these people's arrest.
And we are also... We need to have a debate about these websites that think it's cute and funny.
These are snuff film websites.
And I have had enough, ladies and gentlemen.
I have had enough of these evil people.
And then Michelle Malkin and a bunch of, you know, I randomly this morning just typed in, Soldiers, Kurt Puppy, Soldiers, U.S.
Soldiers Puppy, and I was going to big message boards, sci-fi message board and military message boards, and about half the people in there are saying, we don't know, that dog might have attacked them, or that dog might have grown into a big dog to attack our troops, and how dare you try to demonize our troops, you support Al Qaeda.
You see, that is the news.
That is the larger issue that is going on here, is the defense of it.
It's not just the troops killing women and children, killing little puppies, killing old dogs, torturing animals, blowing sheep and sheep dogs up, blowing sheep herders up.
That's not the... That's a big issue.
But the bigger issue is that
You go on these message boards and large portions of the people are supporting it.
And then I'm a radical.
I'm seen as this big radical on talk radio, and this incredible, shocking Alex Jones, and you know, people who, national talk show hosts that I see at occasional events just stand and look at me like, like I'm a
You know, leprechaun or something incredibly rare and bizarre.
I mean, it's... Why am I weird?
I mean, I read White House memos saying they can sexually torture children and I say it's wrong and I'm anti-America?
Because you're destroying our very soul?
Our name?
Not to mention the children they're doing this to?
And the Army Report says they do it?
I'm bad?
I'm bad because I'm against tasering defenseless people?
I'm bad because I'm against devaluing our dollar and destroying our currency?
I'm bad because I'm against a private Federal Reserve running our nation?
I'm bad because I'm against CPS stealing people's children and every day there's multiple articles where high-level CPS chiefs all over the country are caught running child porn operations?
And I expose them and say it's bad?
I'm bad because I recognize evil has taken control of our society?
And I'm fighting back against it with every fiber of my soul?
And I am upset about it?
And I know we literally have a dark spirit that's taking control of us and trying to condition us and sell us on evil as good and good as evil?
And Michelle Malkin's website?
Comes up with stuff defending all this?
I mean, I just can't believe it!
And I haven't confirmed this, but I have.
I probably saw 50 emails, message blogs, MySpace posts.
This is where I get all my intel and info and I track it back.
Supposedly, the morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, who left the Congress under a cloud of mystery with a bizarre death, I would add.
Just check into it.
Scarborough, totally compromised.
We're good.
It happened.
I mean, 99.999.
In fact, I've never seen it where I'm getting all this much chatter from hundreds of sources, but none of them taped it.
Did you see it?
Did you TiVo it?
Do you have it?
Because they're saying this more and more.
O'Reilly's saying, arrest us.
They arrested somebody who had a sign out front of Clinton event in Corpus Christi, Texas yesterday.
The people assaulted him, and so the cops arrested him for a 9-11 troops sign outside.
It's happening!
The evil is taking over!
We've got to raise the alarm now!
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The Place to Focus will open up threads on the PrisonPlanet.com forums, and I want you, the listeners, to go out and do Google searches under different keywords, go to all these different sites, and find all the videos we can of them killing families, killing children, killing parents in front of their children, killing animals, and getting it out to everybody.
That's what we're going to do.
We're going to get this out to everybody, and we're going to say, OK, Michelle Malkin, OK, Neocons, we're bad because we're against this.
By the way, Kurt Nemo has broken a major news story here.
We're going to tell you about it in just a moment.
David Moratori, now that's who they say his name is on the tape.
And Malka and all the rest of them denied it was going on and said we were basically, and they even say it in there, evil Al Qaeda, we're just lying, it's all fake, the puppy's dead, or it's a doll.
Anybody who's been around dogs knows that's a real puppy.
These are fake Marines, it's Academy Award winning, uh, Academy Award winning performance.
But see, we have hundreds of these videos.
Are they all fake?
Well, by the middle of yesterday, when this first broke, in Hawaii, the Marine Corps base had said, OK, we don't condone this.
We don't condone this.
We're going to do an investigation.
And they had already said, yeah, it looks like it is a corporal.
And here it is in ABC News.
...and started yelling at him.
You don't do that, you see, because that's when the Secret Service steps in.
The man is led away in handcuffs and hopefully taken to one of those secret prisons in Eastern Europe, never to be heard from again.
Oh, if that happens.
We can only hope.
Will people leave that man alone?
I hope we have a special prison for the 9-11 conspiracy theory.
No, he's been once alone.
He's not going to be left alone.
He's made that very clear.
Okay, Donovan.
Okay, we're back live.
Ladies and gentlemen, we only cut out when I have a particularly huge guest on.
ISDN lines aren't supposed to do this.
We have two different ISDN lines with two different companies.
I'm in Austin, Texas.
The main network's in Minnesota.
This only happens during key information, and I believe it's warfare test
The government admits they're targeting the internet and alternative talk show hosts three years ago for information warfare and quote practicing operations to take us down if they cut out both ISDN lines.
There's no doubt now because it only happens during key information generally with the military because they have rules and under purview of that then they let CENTCOM and the rest of them who are always dialed in not
They're trying to cut in right now.
We're going to have to go on to some other ISDN lines or phone.
You're not going to stop me from getting this information out, you killers!
And all you're doing is showing everybody exactly who you are.
Knock it off, you criminals!
Don't you know you work for the bad guys?
Dial back up during break.
I don't know if people can hear him cut.
We're good to go.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, I'm going to leave the phone on.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, coming to you from Austin, Texas,
Uh, they have brought down and killed one of our ISDN lines.
We have a totally separate company, different phone number.
Uh, this line doesn't sound good.
Uh, looks like they're probably gonna bring us down on this one.
But I just want CENTCOM to know and the rest of them to know.
I will then go to telephone.
And I had it hooked up last week.
I got to get my engineer in here.
I'll just go to Skype.
I've got a blue box.
I haven't hooked up yet.
And because they've done this, just like with the websites, trying to bring them down, I'm now going to put in five ISDN lines.
I'm going to put in T1 separated for ISDN.
I'm going to put in blue box.
And I'm going to have continually connected Skype.
Okay, we're going to have at least eight connections after this because I am sick of it.
Every time I've got a massive guest,
It only happens four or five times a year.
Every time we're breaking hardcore news, they want to break our train of thought.
I guarantee they're coming in and doing this.
They want it.
Now guys, I'm getting breakup on my ISDN.
Are we clear over the network right now?
Roger that.
Will you please pop in and let me know?
Okay, I'm getting nothing but static, but I'm going to continue despite the business here.
We are clear here.
And again, folks, this is guaranteed operations.
Play for them the Scarborough clip, because I haven't yet heard it, and I need to hear it to be able to comment and continue with the dog and human murder and torture that the Satan forces that they're breeding in Iraq will be ruling over us with.
Here it is.
Do we have that clip?
That's not good cleaning.
Shut up.
Ed Klin was working the crowd after the speech.
What's Roger O'Connell doing in Corpus Christi?
The man got close to the former president and started yelling at him.
You don't do that, you see, because that's when the Secret Service steps in.
The man led away in handcuffs and hopefully taken to one of those secret prisons in Eastern Europe, never to be heard from again.
Oh, I hope that happens.
We can only hope.
Will people leave that man alone?
I hope we have a special prison for 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
They deserve to be together.
Ladies and gentlemen, there you go.
Now, you just heard total disinformation and lies from them.
I have the Corpus Christi Caller Times.
Article here in my stack the man was out front the event.
He was on the side of the street Standing with a 9-11 was an inside job sign, and I bet my bottom dollar It's a listener if they're able to call in we're not opening the phones up right now unless you're that man And that's 800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231
And we would like to get you on the line with us to tell us exactly what happened, but the reporter who witnessed it reported, and this is up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, the link for the Corpus Christi Caller Times, that he peacefully stood there with his sign.
Bill Clinton came out of the front of the building across the street.
He began screaming that 9-11 was an inside job.
Bill Clinton supporters, Hillary supporters, ran over, grabbed his sign away from him, shoved him, ripped the sign in two, and then police arrested the man who was assaulted.
But you heard them say that it was the Secret Service, and that he got in Bill Clinton's face.
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
So people hearing that would think, oh, he wasn't arrested for free speech, he was arrested for threatening the President.
That's what's implied.
And then they go on to say, we need to be arrested and put in camps.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, listen carefully, because they've got audio playing over it.
I want to play that clip one more time, here in just a moment.
And then we are going to continue here, ladies and gentlemen, with this worldwide transmission on AM and FM stations from San Diego to upstate New York, from Austin, Texas to Kansas City.
Stations like KCXL in Kansas City, WBCR right there in Knoxville, Tennessee.
All the wonderful people.
The growing transmission simulcast on satellite, internet, and of course, global shortwave WWCR.
We will continue
Ladies and gentlemen, no doubt, you hear them saying we should be put in camps, you hear them saying we should be arrested, that's now a talking point.
You've heard Glenn Beck say that we're terrorists like McVeigh, and that the military needs to be used against us.
I can give you all the news articles where they say they're going to start using internet warfare against U.S.
sites and radio shows, and no doubt they've been doing that here, because it only happens when I start going after the military and torture or classify documents.
Because they can't have me on air talking about how they're defending the torture of children, women, men, the killing of animals.
They cannot deal with this information.
Let's play this Scarborough clip one more time.
Again, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
But yesterday it was a screaming audience member who got Bill's attention.
President Clinton was campaigning for his wife in Corpus Christi, Texas yesterday when an idiot started waving a sign that claimed 9-11 wasn't inside yet.
As Clinton was working the crowd after the speech...
The man got close to the former president and started yelling at him.
You don't do that, you see, because that's when the Secret Service steps in.
The man led away in handcuffs and hopefully taken to one of those secret prisons in Eastern Europe never to be heard from again.
We can only hope.
Will people leave that man alone?
I hope we have a special prison for the 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
They deserve to be together.
I hope we have a special prison for the 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
You see, they're losing, we're confronting them everywhere, all these Hollywood people, Willie Nelson, best actress, all these people, Italian former presidents, intelligence chiefs, German defense chiefs, Japanese government,
It's a massive breaking happening.
The terrorists, these literal Hitlers, these literal Stalins, and their whole media cover-up, and their whole private Federal Reserve, and their whole system, they know we're winning the info war because they're criminal slime bags, and we're exposing them, and so they're getting desperate, ladies and gentlemen, and I told you my listeners were right, because I got all these emails and calls and the rest of it, saying that on that show they called for that.
And there you just heard it, ladies and gentlemen.
That's got to be the hundredth-plus time that we have seen similar type newscasts and information here.
Now, I have been distracted off of the dog, and I guess that was their main point, knocking us off air.
And so now I am going to try to calmly go through this information.
Okay, I'm going to break it all down for you right now.
Here is ABC News video of Hawaii Marine throwing puppy Spurs probe.
The Marines on Monday responded to a video clip on YouTube showing what appears to be a Hawaii-based Marine throwing a puppy while in Iraq.
The video shows two Marines talking as one holds a puppy by the back of the neck before throwing the dog over what appears to be a cliff.
There is the sound of the dog yelping as the puppy is seen flying in the air.
The clip has been viewed thousands of times by people.
It's been being taken down off the web, by the way.
On the internet, while several emailed Honolulu TV news stations.
I don't know what feed you're testing or what you're doing, Network, but I just got a horrible hum.
Let's just cut whatever feed that is.
Thank you.
The leadership at Marine Corps Base Hawaii...
at Kennehu said they are investigating the case and that they do not tolerate such behavior.
Now here's the key.
This is a shocking and deplorable video that the contrary to the high standards we set for the Marines.
We will investigate this and take appropriate action, Major Christopher Pern said.
Officials said they believe the Marine in the video is a Lance Corporal who returned to Hawaii in October from Iraq.
Okay, it goes on.
Now, there you go, Michelle Malkin.
The Marines are basically saying it's real.
And guess what we found off of his MySpace?
Now, I want to be clear.
When these people, and we're posting these in the story Paul wrote, Neocon scrambled to downplay shameful puppy video.
There are hundreds of these a day, but we take a few now, we track them back, we take their handle, we go to their dig sub-pages, we find out who they are, we search it under their handle, and we find their MySpace accounts, or their Facebook accounts,
And they're in the Marines, the Army, the Navy, and they will say, I'm gonna kill you, Alex Jones!
We're coming for you!
Yeah, we're gonna put you in camps!
See, they've been trained for this, and they're saying, yes, we're gonna kill you, we're gonna kill you, Alex Jones!
And I'm supposed to just calmly sit here, while they're openly death-threatening me on my website, because I don't like the killing of puppies.
So, you know, off 200-foot cliffs.
Now, Curt Nemo's got the story, David Montiore, alleged puppy killer, tracked down.
It didn't take long for internet sleuths to track down the perp.
David Montiore, and that's who he says he is on the tape, the Marine accused of pitching a puppy off a cliff for the sheer psychotic
Fun of it, is a member of the Bebo Social Network.
Although the network requires registration to view member profiles, an enterprising researcher was able to log in and capture a screenshot of Mortiori's profile, clicking small image at left to see larger image.
Mortiori is a Lance Corporal, just as the Marines said in ABC News.
Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, stationed at Haditha, Iraq, and based out of the Marine Corps base in Hawaii.
He is from Seattle, Washington.
Don't have to follow nobody's footsteps, writes the Marine, on Beto Profile.
I'm walking on my own, fully grown, and my life is mine, Mortuary tells.
Us, he is the happiest when chillin' out, sleepin', playin', sportin', hittin' the gym, hangin' with friends, with my family at home, Fridays, eatin', runnin', cruisin', and definitely when I get out the Marine Corps.
He forgot to add, he is especially happy when emulating Jeffrey Dahmer, who also shared a penchant for torturing and killing small defenseless animals.
There is no way to know for sure if the puppy is real or not unless you are the one who produced it, explains Charlie Powell, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University.
However, after watching the video on YouTube, it certainly appears that the puppy was alive prior to Morfiori's sadistic stunt.
These icon links to social bookmarking sites where the readers can share and discover.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Again, I worked for a small animal vet for several years and a large animal vet who also, on weekends, did small animal practice.
I've also owned and had dogs since I was born.
You know, there's photos of, you know, me, about three days old, with a German Shepherd laying down next to me, licking me on the head.
It's basic mammal activity in feline familiaris and in canine familiaris.
That's domesticated cats and dogs and in all wild species variants of dogs, wolves, coyotes, big cats, large cats.
The mothers pick them up by the fatty scruff of the neck lightly to move them because they're not bipedal.
They're not on two legs with two arms.
They carry them with their mouth.
For those that have never had dogs, puppies always tuck their legs in and pull them up so they don't drag the ground.
It's instinctive.
And they lay their front feet up against their chest and they go into a literal trance.
They become mesmerized to be calm and to be carried from one den to another den for their safety.
It's genetic.
It's in their hardwiring.
The neocons went on the websites, the blogs, Michelle Malkin, and said, look, it's got its legs up.
It's dead.
It's rigor mortis.
No, you can see the puppy looking around.
You can clearly see it's alive.
It is a little sweet puppy.
And what did you do?
You went out and said it was fake, or other sites said it was good, because it's an Iraqi dog, kill it.
And people we tracked back who are in the military, off their handles, said the only problem was it wasn't an Iraqi baby.
And then people say, oh, well, they're just joking, being sick.
No, you track them back, and you can find out their own personal blogs, and you find out they're troops!
You find out they like it!
It'd be one thing if somebody was threatening to kill me and said, I can't wait to have you in a camp, Jones.
Yeah, we're gonna gash you and kill you.
It'd be one thing if I clicked on it and it was some 14-year-old punk.
But it never is.
It's always guys with huge muscles and shaved heads!
And they mean business!
Just like what they did with that puppy!
And I'm not backing down from these people!
I'm sick of them!
And I'm sick of what they do!
They think it's manly to do this type of stuff!
But not only that, you've done it now!
We're gonna post hundreds of videos of you killing innocent people, and killing animals, and killing people, and torturing people!
We haven't even attacked you!
I don't like having to do this!
It's disgusting, and it hurts my soul!
But because it was defended, and because half the websites I saw, half the comments, or more in some cases, are defending this, and some sites it's the third of them, I'm gonna make a big deal out of this, and I hope you'll make a big deal out of it.
Go get Kurt Nemo's article where they discovered who he is.
Kurt, you need to add the ABC to that.
I know you're moving fast, but they're gonna, the neocons are gonna hit it and claim it's fake.
You need to point out the Marines are saying it's a corporal, his own site says he's a corporal, where he's from, it matches.
The Marines are not denying this.
The Marine higher-ups know they've got a big problem on their hands, but their attack dogs, like Malkin and others, are out there denying this entire situation.
They are out there covering this up in every way they can, and that is the larger issue here, is that it came out, the memos came out, the news came out of torture.
And so the Pentagon leaked through CBS News, them piled up naked and things like that to try to condition you that it was just fun, and yeah, it was like a high school prank or college fraternity prank.
They didn't want you to see the Army report that MSNBC posted in full, where it said raping women, raping people with acid, murdering people, torturing them to death.
You see, they know if you're going to find out about something, they'll give you something smaller to divert you.
And the government leaked those photos, they brought them out on purpose.
Then they sold you that it was a good thing.
Then they admitted that, yeah, we torture children in front of their parents.
And they tried to sell everybody that it was good.
And they had hundreds of different dramas and TV show episodes.
Probably more than 50 on 24 alone.
Where they torture people or torture their children in front of them to get answers.
Selling you on evil.
If they can sell you on killing puppies and torturing babies and raping children and crushing children's genitals with pliers, as the White House documents say, I mean, that's what they told the troops.
That's what they said, not me!
I'm sorry, yeah, I'm radical, because I see radical, disgusting stuff like this, and I have a radical response to it, which is the only normal response.
You don't have any legs to stand on, and by defending this, you have just, it is incredible!
Now I want to explain to you, this puppy footage is nothing.
The stuff we've discovered last night and this morning, without even looking, is so mind-blowing, that it literally makes my head spin and swim, and has totally depressed me, and upset me, and brought me to a new level of disgust.
And then there's the melancholy of it, knowing they're coming back to be cops, they're being defended, they're being protected.
The media's saying, put us in camps, arrest protesters, don't let people demonstrate, get rid of free speech.
All of these people in suits with makeup on, preening on TV about putting us in camps, about beating us to pulp, about tasering us, and physically beating us to a pulp, at the bare minimum, that's a Fox News quote, at least, they say.
Remember that clip?
He knows all the clips from the computer.
John's out today.
Donovan's coming in today, running the show, doing a great job, despite all the stuff that's happening.
I don't even know if Donovan can find that clip.
Let me call Aaron in.
Can you come in here, please?
Aaron's in Austin, Texas with me.
Remember for the new film we're making, I had you guys dig back out all those Fox News and MSNBC clips where they say, arrest us, kill us, taser us, beat us to a pulp?
Remember all those clips that are on the timeline in there?
Yeah, okay.
I don't know if the network can find those.
Will you grab those off our source somehow?
Get them up on the website?
Because I want to do... I don't want to just say we have all these clips, even though most of you have already heard them.
New listeners don't know.
This is a talking point.
This is a chilling, bloodthirsty, across-the-board system attacking us right now, ladies and gentlemen.
This is huge.
Call everybody.
Tell them to tune in.
We've got to take action.
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Every move you make.
Every puppy you torture.
Every mother you gun down in front of her child and laugh.
We're gonna be watching you scumbags.
Every camp you build.
Every time you become a cop and abuse somebody.
When you get back from Iraq or Afghanistan.
Every woman you rape.
We're gonna be watching you punks.
You better know that.
This is what tyranny and evil is.
We have Pentagon documents.
We even have documents going back to previous empires hundreds of years ago.
Where they admit that wars create hardcore killers and screwed up people.
Hell's Angels was founded out of Korean vets.
A lot of your organized gangs came out of World War II and Vietnam vets.
And most of the vets are good people and they deal with it and most of them become Christian or get very religious, like a lot of my family.
They either become greater men or they become demon pigs.
And statistically, about 30% become these demonic, psychopathic killers who just love hurting innocents and love doing this.
And that is the 30%.
Then they have their studies.
They ask, will you fire on Americans?
And about 30% say yes.
And then they become part of the secret police that we now have here in America.
And they like it, folks.
They want a police state.
They want to take me to a camp.
They want to kill me.
They want to torture me.
They've said they want... You understand, they're on my website every day.
Saying, I'm a Marine, I love the Marine Corps, and we're gonna get you, Jones.
We're gonna kill you, Jones.
Yeah, there's camps, and we're gonna kill you in the camps.
And then you track back who they are, because they'll give their public handle.
And you'll find out, man, they mean business.
They mean business.
Now, we don't need to be scared of these people.
We need to prepare
We need to try to wake up as many people as we can peacefully.
We need to try to call for sanity and humanity and get as many good people in the military and in the government to rebuke this and say no to it and punish these people.
But of these individuals that are torturing this dog and killing this dog and all the other videos, you know, they can try to deny this one.
They're not denying it now.
They tried to at first.
Of course, Michelle Malkin won't retract.
The point is they're trying to defend it.
You can't.
We have hundreds of videos now.
Over a hundred we found this morning.
And I'm not going to play it.
I'm not going to post it, because we have a lot of children listening.
If you want to go see the video, they're going up on PrisonPlanet.com.
They're going up on InfoWars.com.
They're going up on JonesReport.com.
They're all over the Prison Planet message board.
You want to see this stuff and to understand the evil, and I recommend you go watch it.
Especially if you're listening and going, oh Alex, you know, it's no big deal, it's just war.
You go watch them line families up and shoot them and laugh about it.
You go watch them shoot people out of a window for fun and laugh about them dying when they're not even a combatant.
You watch them killing dogs.
You watch them killing cats.
You watch them up close shoot an old dog and it's dragging along and then they laugh at it and then kill it.
And the poor old dog's talking to him.
It's looking at him after they've heard it, and it's dragging itself, and it looks back at him, and it's begging.
And they're literally just going... It's like dragging away.
They're so much like people.
And it's, you know, they're pack animals.
They're troop animals.
And they're so much like our social order.
Desmond Morris, the famous animal behaviorist, you know, the parallels.
That's why they're our best friend.
And it's just like trying to get away from them, begging, please don't kill me, and they just kill it.
They say, all right, go ahead and shoot it, and then they cut the tape.
I mean this is the type of stuff, I mean there's a little puppy begging and they shoot it and just blow it to bits and start laughing.
Little puppy about 40 yards away.
It is so evil.
Now folks, there are people out in the country who can't get the animal control out and they got a pack of 20 wild dogs that are breeding and they're killing their dogs and you know these old farmers sadly go out and shoot them.
And that's one thing, and you've got to do that, because wild dogs basically become wolves.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about people who enjoy killing puppies.
There is a total and complete difference in that.
Alright, Mike Rivera is coming up at the gate after, but I'm going to try to condense all my comments down on this.
I've got a call to action for you, then Mike Rivera will join us.
Then we've got the head of the Lakota Nation joining us third hour.
You are listening to GCN.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mike Rivero, talk show host in his own right, has a great news website joining us coming up in the next segment.
To give us his monthly analysis, he joins us once a month.
We're going to open the phones up later in the shower about the puppy torture and killing video.
All the other videos of our troops killing and torturing animals.
And the bigger issue is that the media, the neocon media, tried to defend this and say it's no big deal or say it wasn't real.
Now the Marines are coming out and saying, yeah, this is a real corporal.
Looks like this is real.
Of them, in Iraq, taking a baby, a baby dog, a puppy.
And throwing it off of a cliff and laughing about it.
And then since people denied this, all my listeners went and found all these videos of them doing things even worse.
Killing dogs, killing cats, killing people, laughing about it, killing people for sport, just shooting people totally innocent and laughing about it.
Just saying, watch me kill this group, you know, shooting carloads of families, laughing about it.
We're just going to take all that too, and we're just going to create a huge site on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
And expose all of this.
You know, just because war is hell, and brings out the worst in people, doesn't mean this is okay.
Our militaries didn't act like this in the past, or when it did happen, it was very rare, and it was punished.
Now, a lot of backwards third world nations do act like this, and other militaries have acted like this.
One reason the British, who first had majority support in the colonies, lost, was they engaged in a lot of massacres.
This is in the mainline, even British history books, and we didn't.
They do things like you see in the Patriot that's fictionalized there, but it really happened in a real case.
Put everybody in a church and burn it down around them.
So the government wants a bunch of psychopathic killers and is encouraging them, you know, the helicopters with 666 on the side, that's a Reuters video, CBS News has stuff with human heads and skulls on the tanks, playing heavy metal music.
Can you imagine the Iraqis when we, quote, liberated them?
Tanks driving around with human heads stuck on the end of it?
I mean, that's what the bad guys do.
That's what the evil guys, you know, the SS, the Nazis did stuff like that.
How have we become this?
How have we turned into this?
How have we fallen this far?
Big story up on PrisonPlanet.com that Paul Watson put a lot of work into.
Neocon scrambled to downplay shameful puppy video.
I want this to go viral because this tells the full story.
The enemy's propaganda bureau is trying to say it's no big deal or it's okay or it's fake, even when it's admitted to be real.
We need to counter them virally by emailing this, posting it on message boards, putting it on MySpace.
I want this story, Neocon Scrambled to Downplay Shameful Puppy Video, to go everywhere.
We need to integrate and cross-post on all of our stories.
Kurt Nemo, with the listeners' help, has discovered David Mortieri as the identity of the reported puppy killer.
It fits with a Marine Corps statement out of Hawaii where he's based, and he came back in October.
That he is, as we fingered him to be, a Lance Corporal.
He is addressed as Mortieri, M-O-T-A-R-I.
Just absolutely incredible.
David Mortieri.
And if you look at the photo, it is the man in the Marine Corps battle gear.
This is from his own personal MySpace-type website.
This is from his own personal MySpace type area website.
We have links provided to that.
And he needs to be punished and made an example of.
See, we've been taught to not care about humans being killed and Iraqi children being killed.
And humans have been dehumanized.
We have been dehumanized by design, by the cultural overlords.
But people still humanize animals.
They still have empathy.
And so, we need to point this out and say, if they do this to dogs, what are they doing to humans?
And we have the video of them killing innocent families.
Okay, this is war, ladies and gentlemen.
This is info war.
Defending the Republic against enemies foreign and domestic.
Our country has been seized by foreign criminal organizations.
They're engaging in psychological warfare, mutating us, turning us into pure scum.
Trying to build armies of psychopaths that will carry out martial law here domestically.
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Alright, we're gonna get into this big primary day.
Barack Obama, mainstream news articles about him.
Tied into known members of the Weathermen who've been involved in his campaign, who he does business deals with.
That's the hardcore communist terror group.
Hillary Clinton, all of it.
We're going to get into economic news, a bunch of military news.
I haven't even covered a lot of it because yesterday this video of a reported Marine throwing a puppy off a 200-foot cliff came out.
It's obviously a real puppy.
Veterinarians have looked at it.
Yeah, it's real.
That's what puppies do when you pick them up by the scruff of the neck.
Then Michelle Malkin's site came out and defended it, said it wasn't real or even if it was real, big deal.
Now the Marines have come out in Hawaii and said, yeah, he's based here, we're doing an investigation, but we found his MySpace type site account and it says he's this Lance Corporal, just like the Marines say he is, just like the video shows he is.
But that's a side issue.
We have hundreds of these videos of him killing animals, killing people.
Why are people more upset about an animal than a human?
It's because humans, especially Iraqis, have been dehumanized.
Once you allow them to be dehumanized,
Once you allow them to be dehumanized, once you allow the Iraqis to be dehumanized, then you yourself are dehumanized here domestically.
And so that's what's basically happening there.
And this is just so nightmarish to realize most of these guys are coming back and getting into, quote, law enforcement, homeland security.
That's why they've gone from 400,000 cops in 1990 to more than 2 million police.
They're talking about hiring a million more now.
They're taking the cream out of the military, and by the cream, the psychopaths, and making them cops.
And that's why we're seeing all this brutality and all this craziness.
Mike Rivero, thanks for coming on with us.
Well, thanks for having me on today.
You bet, my friend.
Now, Mike, let me just tell the network something.
This doesn't normally happen.
You're doing two ISDN feeds right now.
I'm going to turn back up lower Comrex down.
Okay, because Mike, this never happens unless I have huge guests on or breaking news dealing with the military and Iraq.
It only happens about five, six times a year when I'm talking about the military and some torture news or some secret document or a WikiLeaks document.
That's why I finally, after years of this happening, I'm pretty sure it is the government because we have multiple ISDN lines on two different companies and other systems here
And it's only when I talk about the military, and as you know, three years ago, the military said they were going to engage in war against the domestic internet, against radio shows, you know, this disinfo, as they call it, and so they're back and forth knocking down both lines, so I'm having to go back and forth, kind of jumping from one line to another as this happens, so there may be some disturbances.
Mike, sorry.
Okay, I understand how that works, and by the way, I am absolutely in agreement with you over this video about the puppy.
And I want to make two points before we move on to the other stories.
The first is, one of the first things I thought of when I saw this video was back before we invaded Iraq, the U.S.
government put out this video of a puppy being gassed to death with what we were told was one of Saddam's gas weapons that he was making ready to use on the United States.
And we were all supposed to feel very bad about this poor little puppy, and it was a cute dog.
I mean, somebody went out and bought the cutest puppy they could to maximize the sympathy value.
And then they gassed it to death, and they showed it all over the news, and back then the mainstream media was saying, oh, the poor puppy!
What kind of terrible person could do this to the dog?
And just milking it for all it's worth.
Now we have this video, and that same mainstream media is just saying, ah, it's just a dog, who cares?
And to me, this dichotomy really calls attention to itself and underscores that it's okay to kill a puppy when it serves U.S.
geopolitical interests,
But, you know, when it doesn't, it's not a big deal and you're somehow anti-American for paying attention to it.
You're absolutely right.
I want to flesh this out more.
Michelle Malkin's website and others tried to say first it wasn't a real dog.
Anybody watching it could tell.
These were either Academy Award-winning, Oscar-winning actors, and it was the best computer generation ever, or it was real.
You're in special effects in Hollywood.
You've looked at this puppy.
Now they admit that it's real.
The Marines are saying, yeah, he's a real person.
We're going to investigate.
So they're basically admitting it now, but just for the sake of argument.
First, they tried to say it wasn't a real puppy, but we have hundreds of videos of them killing animals and people in Iraq.
So, I mean, why didn't Michelle Malkin just come out and say, this is terrible, there's a few bad apples?
That would have been the proper thing to do, you know, from their propaganda perspective.
Why are they just so dedicated to just outright defending evil?
Well, because it's all they've got left to defend there, and I got flooded with these emails saying it's a fake, it's a fake, it's a fake yesterday.
Now, because of the poor quality of the video, you know, it is really hard to make a determination one way or the other.
However, you're absolutely right, and I'm a farm kid, so I understand this.
When you pick any animal up by the scruff of their neck, the way their mother would carry them, they go limp automatically.
It's instinctive behavior to make it easier for the mother to carry them around.
So that is absolutely normal behavior for cats, dogs, pigs, whatever.
Anything that the mother will pick up and carry, they go limp when they're grabbed that way.
That's instinctive.
And, you know, it certainly did not look like it was any kind of a stuffed toy or anything like that.
There is movement that you can see.
I don't know.
It looked to me like somebody wanted people on the internet to harass this guy's family so they could turn it around and make him the victim and make people on the internet and the blogs the villains for harassing this brave and valiant soldier.
So I want to be really careful about doing anything to this guy's family that's negative because it's going to be used against us.
Well I think it's also important to right now at WhatReallyHappened.com, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, everywhere
To get literally, Mike, we found hundreds, more than a hundred just this morning of them shooting puppies, shooting cats, shooting dogs, torturing them, shooting innocent people, machine gunning cars, laughing about it.
So we're just going to post all that too and say, oh, is all this fake too?
When the puppies
Uh, you know, now the Marine Corps, I don't know if you've seen the ABC News story out of Hawaii, but they're saying, yeah, it looks like it's a Lance Corporal, here's his name, then we found his MySpace account, it looks just like the guy, it says he's a Lance Corporal, so it pretty much looks like it's confirmed, Mike.
Yeah, it is pretty much confirmed at this point, and all those people who were sending out the emails about it's fake, this and that, they're government operatives, they're propagandists.
As you said, the Pentagon has, for a couple of years, been trying to figure out some way they can control what's going on on the Internet.
In fact, flesh that out!
You're an expert on that, too.
There have probably been 60, 70 mainstream articles, Pentagon hearings, Congressional hearings.
Uh, where they come right out and they say that we're going to engage in counter-propaganda on the web, we're going to engage American bloggers, we're going to engage American internet radio shows.
That's a quote.
And then, lo and behold, it's only because it's their only purview.
They got an officer standing over them right now at CENTCOM,
Yeah, I believe it.
I absolutely believe it.
It's like the old Soviet style.
Uh, censorship, but it's not going to work because people are getting the information from the websites.
They're getting it from my website.
I link to all of your stories.
What do you want to say to the guys at CENTCOM?
And again, mainstream news, they admit they're hacking sites, blogging, bringing them down.
There's a guarantee this is going on right now.
What do you... and we guarantee they're on the web.
We track back these guys' handles.
They're all troops.
A lot of them are in CENTCOM and in psych warfare.
We've been on their sites where they admit they're in that.
And then we track them back so dumb, they're using their own handle.
So we know they're doing it.
What do you want to say to them right now who are defending this evil?
Guys, the pay is much better over at McDonald's.
No, but really, let's talk to them as human beings.
How do you think they've gotten to this point of thinking we're the bad guys, Mike?
Well, I'm sure they're convinced, you know, with the true believer mentality, where right from the beginning they're indoctrinated to believe that all this talk about freedom of expression and will of the people is really nonsense, and that the leaders of the country really are smarter than everybody else and know what's going on.
Believe it or not, in the U.S.
military manual that was issued to soldiers,
They used to actually say, democracy equals mobocracy, and therefore we cannot really ultimately support this system.
Now that became public, and they had to pull it out, but that really is the thinking inside the military, is that democracy really is just something to make the people feel good about the nation.
It doesn't really work, because it turns into basically a very politely behaved mob, but still a mob anyway.
And you get this true believer mentality, we know what's best,
It's like Henry Kissinger used to say to defend what they were doing in Chile.
That what was going on in Chile was really far too important to be left up to the Chilean voters.
And we hear this same kind of mindset over and over again.
So they find people who are, you know, willing to be brought into the inner circle because it makes them feel like they're part of the smarter crew, and they sit there and say, yes, I'm defending the country.
And just by changing the definition of what the country is, away from the 300 million
I don't think so.
And they develop drinking problems, or they quit, or they try and make atones for it, and it gets really, really ugly.
But yeah, there's a lot of self-delusion going on in the upper levels of the government, just as we saw in Nazi Germany.
They give them a bunch of medals, and they decorate them, and they dress them up in really fancy-looking uniforms, and say, you are the leaders of tomorrow's world, and they get all caught up in this self-image of greatness, and they don't really see what they're doing.
And here's where that whole torture scandal comes in.
Because once you get your people to go along with that, then they're psychologically trapped.
They can never look at themselves objectively.
That's it.
That's it.
Because most people, the Nazis call it the cement of blood.
Once you've done bad things, it's like a criminal gang has them go out to become a made member of say the East Side Vatos and knock over an old lady to do something bad.
Now they can never admit they're wrong and they've psychologically got to accept more and more evil saying it's good because they can't admit that they're evil.
That's absolutely right.
Stay there.
I want to continue along this line, dealing with people being arrested now for saying 9-11 is an inside job.
The National News calling for our arrest and incarceration.
That's right, on MSNBC this morning.
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Okay, we're back live with Mike Rivera with us for the rest of the hour.
I was going to have him up for like 30 minutes, but I'm going to have the head of the Lakota Nations only up for like 10-15 minutes.
Because I've got all this geopolitical news, financial news, so much.
Your call is coming up in the third hour, so stay with us.
There is so much today.
Mike, I don't know if you've heard this.
This is Scarborough country this morning.
A man in Corpus Christi, just when Bill Clinton came outside, he was across the street.
He came across, held up a sign saying 9-11 is an inside job.
People then assault him, take his thing, push him, rip it in half.
Then the Fox News piece lies and say that he got in Clinton's face or the Secret Service got him.
That's not what happened.
Then he got arrested for his free speech under disorderly conduct in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Then, on top of that, it just goes on and on.
They call for us to be put in a prison camp for believing a 9-11 truth.
Senator Clinton's husband has had his share of fainting audience members lately, but yesterday it was a screaming audience member who got Bill's attention.
Here it is.
President Clinton was campaigning for his wife in Corpus Christi, Texas yesterday when an idiot started waving a sign that claimed 9-11 was an inside job.
Shut up.
Shut up.
As Clinton was working the crowd after the speech, the man got close to the former president and started yelling at him.
You don't do that, you see, because that's when the Secret Service steps in.
The man led away in handcuffs and hopefully taken to one of those secret prisons in Eastern Europe never to be heard from again.
We can only hope.
Will people leave that man alone?
I hope we have a special prison for 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
They deserve to be together.
Okay, and now you heard him.
Send us to a secret torture prison.
Put 9-11 truthers in prison.
Mike, we now have a bunch of, we have clips of O'Reilly, clips of Beck saying this.
This is a talking point.
Yeah, it is a talking point, and the reason for it is really very, very simple.
The mainstream media has been complicit with every lie and deception the federal government has dumped onto our heads for the last who knows how many years.
And they understand very well that when the majority of the American people understand that 9-11 was a hoax, that the mainstream media gets tarred with that brush.
They're already trying to get the tar and feathers for Iraq off of their clothes and out of their hair right now.
And so they're going to take this hard-line attitude that anybody who doesn't agree with them is the enemy, they're idiots, they're going to name-call, and they're going to continue to lie because they really don't have anything else to do.
Start telling the truth and say, hey, you got us, here's what really happened.
What are they going to do?
Well, Mike, I think it's a little even worse than what you're saying, because we have all these CENTCOM guys on the website, on the message boards, and we know because we go to their MySpace accounts, saying they want to kill me, kill others, and that they can't wait to get us in camps.
So this, I mean, they're telling the news media, and they've admittedly had a lot of talking points, because they're saying the same thing.
We're terrorists, we need to go to camps.
I mean, savages, they're all saying it.
They're all saying it.
Yeah, and I hear it, and it is a cause for concern and worry.
And again, we saw the same kind of thing happening in Hitler's Germany, where they reached a point where the dissenters could not be ignored anymore, and they had to basically take action.
But I think in this age of the Internet and alternative radio,
Every time they do something like that, it's just going to make the situation worse.
I agree.
Hitler was very popular, and it wasn't until late, when the war had already started, that resistance mounted.
This time, they are very unpopular with Congress with an 11% approval rating.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, you know, there's a saying we have around here that the fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everybody can see it.
And in this age of the internet, everything they do that acts like a dictatorship, everybody does get to see it.
Take the French Best Actress.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to get onto her as well, but I really do think that ultimately the U.S.
government is going to collapse the way the former Soviet Union did.
It may get ugly between now and then, but I think ultimately that's what's going to happen.
No, you're right, Mike.
I totally agree with you.
It's that the French actress, best actress this year, the media claims she recanted yesterday, but then you read her statement, and the London Times got it right.
She did not apologize.
So they need to make it look like people are buckling.
They need to create this chilling effect, and it's not working.
No, it isn't.
They've done it to too many people, and too many people have had this happen to them and survived.
You know, and not to beat my own drum, but this is what happened to me back in the mid-90s when I first got onto the Vincent Foster case.
I found my career in Hollywood absolutely dead ended and destroyed and for a lot of years it was very difficult but now I've got my career back and I still think Vincent Foster was murdered and you know the more people who speak out and survive it the more easily it's going to be for other people to speak out and what we're getting out of Hollywood is
The majority of people there agree with her anyway, and she's not going to lose her career.
Because everybody says, yeah, what she says is absolutely true.
In fact, we have a story up on PrisonPlanet.com, it's up on WhatReallyHappened.com today, where a bunch of newspapers have professors and media people saying, hey, this is the majority view in Hollywood, she's going to become more popular.
Absolutely, because she's got the courage to speak out.
And speaking out is going to become the fashion trend, and then they're not going to be able to stop it.
It's become the fashion trend, ladies and gentlemen.
Ah, this is incredible.
Stay there, Mike.
I want to talk about the New World Order's implosion.
I want to talk about Barack Obama.
I want to talk about whatever else you think is important.
And we'll even take some calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We're leaving a line open for that fellow from Corpus Christi.
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All right.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Back to Mike Rivero here in just a moment with his great analysis and of course your calls here in just a few minutes.
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Mike, I got to move quick because there's a ton of calls I want to get to and I want to get your take on a lot of other issues, but again, I cannot stress how serious it is, and I want your response on this,
I see it as total desperation that they're coming out and saying, by the way, did you get that Fox clip I sent you, Donovan, where they're talking about beating us to a pulp and tasering us?
Let's play that clip.
Again, I have dozens of these.
We've written articles about them, but there's a bunch of them.
But it's not just this morning saying, put us in secret prisons, you know, secretly arrest us, put us in camps, and we believe in 9-11 being an inside job.
That's to scare you, because they're scared.
They're scared.
The majority of Americans know it's an inside job now in every poll.
But they're doing this to try to cue the police and others to do this.
And they did arrest a man in Corpus Christi for holding up a sign.
He was assaulted.
That was in the Corpus Christi paper and on TV.
They came over and ripped his sign down.
Other citizens did.
And then they didn't get arrested.
He did.
Here is the latest audio with Fox.
Hillary Clinton was heckled by a Code Pink anti-war demonstrator.
You know, what's up with these people?
I thought that they favored the Democrats.
You sounded a little like Seinfeld when you said that.
What's with these people?
Oh, it wouldn't be because I watched any of the shows recently, unfortunately, because you're not on the air anymore.
But anyway, this anti-protester shouts out to Hillary.
I don't understand why they go up against the Democrats.
Didn't this happen to President Clinton recently as well?
It happened to a lot of them, and she was one of the three candidates who responded to the invitation to go out to Los Angeles and give their policy on global warming.
Yeah, it did.
Here's the heckle as it happened.
You know what?
Stop it.
I should have given you better direction.
Donovan doesn't usually run the show.
I just want the end where they say they need to be arrested, they need to be beaten to pulps, and tasered at the minimum.
Beating to a pulp.
Cue it up to the end.
We'll play it later.
Fine, that.
They're getting desperate.
Yes, they are.
Without question.
They realize that they're losing their audience to the blogs, they're losing their audience to your radio show.
They understand they are losing the war for the minds of America, and they don't know what to do.
Because the one thing that would get their audience back would be to tell the truth, and that's the one thing they cannot do.
So they're stuck.
And, you know, threatening violence and probably eventually carrying out violence is about the only option they can think of.
Well, they tasered the guy when he was held down, not resisting, with his hands open saying, please don't tase me, bro, for asking about skull and bones.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, what a taser is, my definition of a taser is it's police brutality with all the modern improvements.
Because contrary to the propaganda that went out about it, the use of tasers, or the availability of tasers, has not reduced police shootings with guns.
That's what they were supposed to go out there, is use the taser in a situation where you use the gun so less people get harmed.
But police shootings with guns are just as prevalent as before, and now use of the tasers has run away because everyone's been taught, oh, they're harmless, it's benign, you know, it's just to get you to do what you're supposed to do.
But it really is.
It's a cattle product, if you think about it.
Well, a whole bunch of people are having their people die every week from them.
Yeah, there have been about 400 deaths last six months, I think, something like that.
People are dying from them.
They're suffering permanent damage from one guy had his eye put out when the barb from the taser hit him in the face.
And by the way, Mike, I believe from the non-lethal, which is really less lethal, weapon systems in their own documents, they're habitualizing this.
And I predicted years ago they would increase the power of the taser.
And they're now doing that.
So basically, they're just legalizing killing us now.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, you know, there's no review.
Big deal about a shooting board and yet, you know, people are dying from these things.
There's no
They're being injured severely.
And as you say, they're trying to get the American people used to the idea of the police have these.
They can use them with impunity.
So you better do what you're told and shut up and sit down and not stand up and fight against the authority.
And it's all about terrorizing the American people.
You want to know who the terrorist in our society is?
Go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Well, I'm sure you've seen the 60 Minutes clip of how they're saying how great the new microwave guns are they want to use on us.
We forget the head of the Air Force last year said, we can't use these against foreign troops until we use it here domestically.
Then we can say it's a regular police weapon and use it.
And on the blogs and on YouTube, the troops were on there saying, I love this, I can't wait to fry people.
Just like they love killing puppies.
I mean, this is getting out of control.
It really is.
There was actually an incident not too long ago where they staged a public demonstration of one of these microwave weapons and the guy who volunteered to be the subject was so badly burned he wound up with $7,000 worth of hospital bills.
So these things are not harmless.
No, they're certainly not harmless.
I want to go to some calls, but then after we take some calls quickly, Mike, I want to get your take on Barack Obama and the election happening today, the big primary that will basically show up with the Democratic and Republican nominees.
We'll see if Ron Paul retains his House seat.
We're praying for that.
What are a few of the other things you want to bring up?
Well, the situation in Iran, where now the U.S.
has got its sanctions, and this has actually backlashed on them, because now everybody's saying, well, you don't have a reason to invade now, because you got the sanctions.
And so, that may have blown up in their face.
We'll talk about that coming up.
John, in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I'm a Marine Corps veteran, and I just wanted to honor you with what you're saying, and let people know that
You know, I was in the Corps, and we all sang the songs about, you know, shooting the kids at the playground, not thinking about it, and we're coming home.
We're coming home, and a lot of people are coming home not right in the head, and they're going to be your cops.
They're going to be your neighbor, and they're going to have to deal with this.
We've gone to an unconstitutional war, and to all these neocons supporting it, you know, I hope you get the PTSD cop, you know,
Watching your kids at the traffic stop.
Well, don't go, John, because Mike's probably got a question.
I've got one for you, too.
About seven years ago, even before 9-11, the L.A.
Times reported Alexander Cockburn writing for them, he also runs Counter Punch, that they got the manual.
Yeah, in Paris Island.
Okay, well don't say the cuss words, but do you remember the chant?
It just pretty much goes, you know, going to the playground where all the kiddies play, bringing out the candy and, you know, let the machine guns spray, stuff like that, different variants, you know, kill, kill, kill, just, you know, nothing, just inhumane, crazy garbage like that, you know, and you get into it, you think it's all a game, but, you know,
I never got deployed, but my buddies come back with horror stories about, you know, getting kids getting mowed down, you know, mowing people.
You know, it's affecting their heads.
Well, have you studied German, Soviet, North Korean brainwashing?
That's the exact thing they do to create psychopathic killers.
The sleep deprivation, the shaved heads, chanting about... So many Marines have told me now they get them aside and they say, will you kill your parents if ordered to?
Are you ready to follow orders to kill Americans?
Oh, we were given...
Well, we were given questionnaires whether we would fire on American citizens or not.
Now, that's been in the news too, but you're specific.
I want to hear how they did that with you, how that was presented.
This was presented in infantry school.
We were given questionnaires whether we would fire on American citizens if there was a civil insurrection, or you know, if we were just ordered to.
And you know, some of the guys said no, some of the guys said yeah, and you know,
Now, we've documented with generals that have been on the show, and it's all done very quietly, but do you know what happens when you say no, you won't?
Yeah, I was one of, like, a minority who did.
And, uh, I guess you get deployed, and the guys who say, yeah, I get to stay, you know, they get promotions, they get, you know, they get to stay behind while the rest get deployed, I don't know.
I hope listeners understand what you're hearing right now.
This is the truth.
Well, I'm very much aware of how much money the government spends to take ordinary, you know, just basically decent people, and after about six, eight weeks of basic training, turn them into these monsters.
The problem is, and we've seen this just with the medical care coming back from the war, the government doesn't want to spend any money to maybe turn them back into people who are able to easily integrate back into society.
And, you know, it is a problem, because these people are coming back to live among us.
And they've been brainwashed into this kind of an attitude where the solution to any problem is to kill people.
They're talking now about this 60-year-old guy who just went into a Wendy's and started shooting, and they're saying they don't understand why.
I remember back in the 1980s, there were a whole series of incidents where these Vietnam veterans were starting to melt down and going around just shooting people at random, and it was all blamed.
You know, George Carlin used to joke about it.
We blame it on Marine Corps training.
But he's absolutely right.
That's what's going on.
And they don't spend the money to undo it.
Well, look at the Tower Shooter.
He was a champion Marine Corps sniper.
UT Tower Shooter.
Well, it's incredible.
I mean, these are killing machines we create, and then we just bring them back here.
Go ahead, John.
They're going to be your cops.
I'm telling you.
That's the only place, you know, you have to go.
It's law enforcement, you know, or you stay in and do tour after tour after tour until you don't have a mind anymore.
And if I can make a plug real quick, if people want to know why this is happening, I suggest they read The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship by Paul and Philip Collins.
It's an excellent book on the philosophy behind the police state.
I've read it.
It's excellent.
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, which is what the scientific dictators call in hundreds of best-selling textbooks.
They openly say all this, and then they tell you, the public, that Mike Rivero and I are lying, and none of this exists.
Can I just tell you how I woke up?
How'd you wake up?
I woke up in the Corps, reading your website around 2002.
It was pretty early, back when being a 9-11 truther was even rare for the civilian population.
And, uh, they suck, uh, they put, uh, Navy Intel on us.
Me and a lot of my friends who are waking up, but, uh, you know, we had a choice to either, you know, keep on spreading the word, and we were safe.
You know, if you didn't back down, they wouldn't mess with you.
They'd try to scare you, but they wouldn't mess with you.
What did Navy Intel, same folks that are breaking in today, what did they say to you?
Uh, I was never approached, but all my buddies were approached, and, uh, we were approached at the, uh,
We had break times sometimes, like a little hut set up with computers and stuff.
And they would come in there and request the computer files that we were on and start yelling, you know, who got on this?
Who's this guy?
Start yelling about your name and stuff like that.
But luckily, I made friends with some people who were high up who stood up for me.
Well, let's just stop right there.
I want to be clear.
That's the good news.
What, 10-20% like to kill puppies and children?
There are a lot of good people and high up.
Mike, we have a lot of friends in the Liberty Movement we don't even know about, don't we?
Yeah, we absolutely do, and you're absolutely correct.
The vast majority of Marines and Army and Navy people don't engage in these sort of things.
When I still lived in Southern California, I had an ex-Marine who had worked for me as an art director, and he had taken that combat arms survey at 29 Palms, which is the survey where they said, would you be willing
To shoot your neighbors and friends, to confiscate their guns if you're ordered to do so.
And what he told me is that a lot of people answered yes on the survey because they thought that's what the officers wanted to hear, but they really, really didn't feel that way about it.
I would say that that's true.
But still, you know, you got people compromising their morals.
I mean, I got buddies getting back from, uh, getting back from Afghanistan who were, you know, they're telling me, I was just over there protecting poppy fields and talking about how they would, uh, they'd set up camp and they would be,
Inside buildings full of marijuana, just so full of marijuana powder from the marijuana drying that, you know, it'd be like a foot to six inches of just marijuana that they're laying in that they didn't even know was marijuana until, you know, a couple guys who had smoked it before told them.
This is what we're doing, people.
This is straight from the horse's mouth.
Well, I mean, the head of the New York Stock Exchange, in front of AP and Reuters, went and hugged the FARC in 1999.
They just killed the leader who refused two days ago, and said, invest your drug money with us or we'll invade, and then the globalists did.
And then I post an article, Kurt Nemo writes one, and they say it's communist propaganda.
We gave links to AP and Reuters!
It's grass so limp there!
But this guy who calls himself the Marine comes on my website and basically says we're liars.
Mike, why can't they even admit that our government deals the drugs when all the troops I talk about who come back from Afghanistan say all they do is guard poppy fields?
Well, the problem is that there are two kinds of political scandals in our country.
They are the ones that are used by, for example, Obama and Hillary to bash each other during the election, but they're harmless because they don't really threaten the entire system.
Then you have scandals like government-sanctioned drug running, Iran-Contra, 9-11 itself, lying us into a war.
These are not scandals that can be used to win elections.
These are scandals that, if they're brought out, would bring the whole government down.
This is why Ron Paul did not make us think about vote fraud during his early election.
Stay there.
I want to hear more.
John, call back soon.
I want to hear from you more.
Stay there, Mike.
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And that's the key.
Mike was talking about it earlier.
The more people go public about 9-11 being an inside job, about the private Federal Reserve, about it all,
You ever seen the old movies?
They're based on real historical events, where they'll be in a church about a fight they gotta have with a neighbor in town or whatever, or with the local bully mayor and his strongmen.
And the preacher says, come on, it's time to stand up.
Who's with me?
And nobody steps forward.
And finally, one guy says, I'm with you.
I'm with you.
I'm with you.
I'm with you.
And suddenly, it's everybody.
It's just like Colonel Travis at the Alamo.
My mother always wants me to plug, because she's proud of it, that his last letter from the Alamo was to my family, and we raised his son.
It was victory or death, and they knew they were all going to die, and they just weren't backing down.
Well, we have a lot better chance than they did at the Alamo.
And we can't let these enemies of America continue to pose as patriots and turn our military into a bunch of psychopathic killers.
I think they're trying to do that, Mike, selling torture and the rest of it, but I think people aren't buying into it.
What are they going to do?
I mean, it seems like they're just adding insult to injury, accelerating all this.
Yeah, they absolutely are.
Well, they're trying to get ahead of the curve.
They use a lot of football analogy in planning what they're doing, and they're trying to basically get ahead of the ball to stop
The trend.
But they really, I don't think they can, because everything that they do to try and regain control of the minds of America simply advertises the fact that they're in the business of controlling the minds of America.
And Americans really aren't very happy about that at all.
And ultimately, I don't think there is a way that they can reverse the trend.
I think we're headed to some kind of a crisis that's going to bring down the current government.
And, you know, sweep it away and take its debt with it so that we, the taxpayers, are not shackled to it for the rest of our lives.
Let me add this down.
We're going to go to Rourke, Jack, Joe, and Joe, and I'll hold you over for another five minutes before the head of the Lakota Nations comes on, because, Mike, that's the big issue here.
I think they're trying, they were going to go with Hillary, Republican and Democratic money.
The whole machine was behind her.
I said that she'd be it.
I'm rarely wrong.
I was wrong.
Because they saw that people rejected her.
Obama's very charismatic.
They control him.
He's got all this communist background with the Weathermen.
That's real.
The Muslim stuff isn't.
We've investigated it.
But the commie stuff's even worse.
And so they control him.
Very evil advisors.
But they know it's change.
He's saying what they want to hear.
When they say bring the country back together, they mean bring us back under believing the government's cons, but that's not going to work very long and it's already starting to wear out.
I mean, do you agree that's why they're pushing Obama?
Yeah, I absolutely agree with that.
Hillary's got too much baggage.
I've been putting out the Vince Foster and the Jorge Cabrera story, and the Arkansas cattle trade, and all of that stuff, and it's gotten out there, and it has impacted her.
Yes, they're selling Obama to us, but again, for everybody who was out there backing Ron Paul, they've already decided that this election is a complete waste.
We're getting another puppet shoved at us, and they're not going to be behind Obama any more than they were behind Hillary or McCain or Lieberman or any of them.
And the government's almost completely bankrupt, and their answer is, give us more government socialized health care, CPS your children if they don't have insurance.
Yeah, and don't forget to pay your carbon tax.
Global tax.
Uh, Rourke in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Gotta move quick, go ahead.
Yeah, when I was in the Navy, uh, they had this chanting, blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill.
Yeah, that's an old one.
Now it's to kill American school children, but go ahead.
Alex, my question is, when do you think we're going to have the mass that we need to go into Phase 2 of?
Phase 1 is the learning phase.
When are we going into Phase 2?
Well, Phase 2 has already begun, taking back our government and our country, but the educational process continues.
That's our propaganda.
And by the way, our propaganda just means information towards a political aim.
It doesn't mean it's a lie.
And we're open about us.
You know, in our propaganda, it's the truth.
It's liberty and freedom and blood and guts and true grit.
Mike Rivera?
Yeah, absolutely.
I think, you know, it's kind of hard to say there's a transition here where we all of a sudden say, okay, we stopped learning, we're going to go on to phase two.
It's a gradual thing.
Yeah, stay there.
We'll be back in one minute.
We're going to break.
Back in one minute.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I've been adding a lot of points.
I appreciate Mike going back and forth with me here.
It's always great to have him on.
What really happened to .com now in its 14th year?
Just doing a fabulous job.
I'm sorry to have to move so quickly to the callers now.
We spent so much time with John the Marine.
Finishing up the point you were making, Mike.
The point I was making is that there are scandals which nobody will dare touch because they bring down the entire government.
This is why Ron Paul did not get into the vote fraud allegations when he started losing primaries in states where the polls showed him very much in the lead, because he knows that it would bring the entire government, both parties, down.
And these are the scandals that nobody wants to touch.
This is why 9-11 is protected by both sides, why nobody will talk impeachment about
W, why Pelosi said it's off the table.
Back when Nixon resigned, in the Watergate scandal, even his worst enemies were working to protect the real story behind the break-in to the Democratic National Headquarters, because that scandal of government involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy would have brought the entire government down.
The entire government really is facing a crisis of its own legitimacy.
A lot of people see it as an illegitimate government now, and it's accelerating.
And they're admitting that now, and they hope Barack Obama will save them, because, quote, it's change, he's a black guy, it's change, he's super... No, folks, it's the same New World Order running him.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say.
Jack in Winnipeg, Canada, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, go ahead.
I was listening to your show yesterday afternoon.
Yes, sir.
And I was on my way out, and I heard
Some guy talking about his brother being involved somewhere in the New World Order.
I wasn't really paying attention, so when I came back, I wanted to check out that again, and I noticed it was recorded over.
What did I miss on that?
Recorded over?
What do you mean?
It was around, I think it was around the third hour.
He had said something about his brother.
No, no, no.
Where was it recorded over?
Uh, right around five minutes into it, all of a sudden a commercial came on, right?
What machine?
What network?
Where were you?
Look, sir, we got limited time.
I'm not going to be able to answer your question unless you tell me the source.
Where did you record it?
No, I didn't record it.
On to what?
I was listening to your show yesterday afternoon.
And then some guy came on, and then I was listening to your re-feed.
I can't do it.
I can't.
Okay, so you were listening to the refeed of your show after on the network.
At night or on the air?
Yeah, after like around 11 o'clock or so.
Well, the podcast goes out for free, so if you subscribe to that, you should get it there.
Things do screw up on the network from time to time, evidenced by today.
We're a very small operation, but I'll assure you that no one here cut anything out.
So you were listening on a refeed where?
I don't know what I can do for you, because we didn't play over anything, yeah.
Sure, thank you.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of weird stuff that goes on with computers, sir.
That's all I can tell you.
We're not cutting anything out of broadcast or doing anything here.
It all goes out live.
I know, I heard some of it, and then I just wanted to check it out again to see what it was, and all of a sudden, I couldn't even get stopped after the guy said his phone was tapped.
Very interesting.
That's very strange.
Yeah, that's probably a coincidence.
Well, we're out of time.
I just can't take more calls now, because I got another guest coming up, and we're just out of time.
It's kind of a catch-22.
I want to have Rivero on.
I want to take your calls.
I want to cover the news, and I just can't do technical stuff here on air.
You know, it all goes out.
Everybody grabs it.
It's all there.
Another conspiracy theory for people.
Mike Rivero, I want to thank you for all the time that you've spent with us, and I guess we'll talk to you same time, same bat channel next month.
Absolutely, looking forward to it.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Okay, we've got another big guest coming up, and then we'll shift gears in the last half hour into a bunch of news we haven't gotten to yet.
Very important third hour that we're now well into.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com is the website.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I have this problem a lot with the guests we have up here.
People like Willie Nelson, Charlie Sheen, and Senators.
We're good to go.
Tens of millions of acres.
More than four states.
It's definitely their land.
I think it should be completely given back to them.
The U.S.
doesn't even exist anymore.
It's a total new world of Iran.
So that debate doesn't even matter.
And we need to go the opposite direction of globalization and world government.
We need to have areas we can run to that have some liberty.
And the Native Americans don't have a right to this.
Nobody does.
He is a well-known actor from Last of the Mohicans, one of my favorite movies, and just so many other films.
He's a grip on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
He's probably one of the, if not the, best-known activists for Native American rights.
And we went over his bio.
You can go to some of their websites and check that out.
We'd be here all day.
He'll be listing those.
But the main reason he's on is because they're moving for independence.
They have their independence.
And this is serious, and this is real.
He goes over in a video up on YouTube, very eloquent, I mean, in the 70s alone, 40 plus percent of Native American women on reservations were sterilized.
That's declassified.
George Bush Sr.
ran that off.
They've been exterminating them for hundreds of years, and the globalists are doing it to us too.
And I just want to commend you for all your work and for trying to save your people, who are my people, who are all just human beings from the same planet here, all the same blood, and I just love what you're doing and I support you.
Thank you very much.
Great to be on.
You don't want to talk about yourself, but for those that don't know who you are, if they saw you, they'd recognize you from all the movies and television and the rest of it.
Tell folks in a nutshell about your life, encapsulate it, then we'll get into your greatest mission, trying to have sovereignty for the Lakota people.
Well, first, I gained my infamy as an activist with the American Indian Movement, which, by the way, was founded in the Twin Cities back in 19...
But after the activism, I of course went into politics.
I ran for the presidential nomination, the nomination for President of the United States on the Libertarian Party ticket in 1988.
I ran for governor in New Mexico in 2002.
And three times I've run for tribal president.
And in each instance, and I even went to the Supreme Court to prove it, I was cheated.
But nevertheless, I then entered into the art world, first with movies, then with music, and then with oil paintings, and now I'm getting into sculptures.
I'm putting that all aside because right now we have re-established our nation legally and lawfully and according to international law we have followed all the protocols that are necessary to re-establish and withdraw from our treaties with the United States.
Like I said, unilaterally and to not only
I think?
Some of the worst in the world.
Like our life expectancy for a male Lakota is less than 44 years of age.
The lowest in all of the world.
Well, let's just boil it down.
You have been under continual total war siege.
And I want to get into your deprivation, but you ended that talk on video talking about the private Federal Reserve and kind of a jab at the New World Order.
So I take from that you understand the true nature of the globe.
Can you give us your view on the global crime syndicate?
Well, the Global Crime Syndicate, of course, are the bankers of the world.
They're the ones who have taken the precious metals from behind the currencies of the world so that they turn the currencies into commodities that can be bought and sold in wholesale units.
First you had the Trilateral Commission, and now that was even too small for them, so they enlarged to the New World Order, which is
The ultimate act of imperialism, to have one world order, a la George Orwell, and to control all the world's natural resources.
And what it's all, literally, if you look at the grid they're building, it's literally putting everyone in compact city control grids, as the Pentagon calls it, literal reservations, the same way they've exterminated your people.
Well, exactly, and you know, Indian policy has been U.S.
policy from day one.
You know, the family farmer and the family rancher, they're the new Indians of the 21st century.
They're in the way of progress, which is right-wing socialism.
In other words, corporate ownership of the land and agriculture.
And so consequently, they're the new Indians.
They're being eradicated as we speak from the land.
You have your health
uh... system especially in the united states which is directly taken from the policies of the american indian on the reservation your HMOs, your poor health return, your total ignorance.
It's a cover for eugenics!
And the poisoning of your body with the drugs.
The other thing is education.
They perfected dumbing down the individual on the reservation then exported it
To the rest of the United States.
So your federal schools are just exactly that purpose is to dumb down America, which would mean that people are more easily controlled.
Just like you get the individuals off of the land, the farmers and the ranchers off the land.
Into the cities where you're more easily controlled.
Oh, definitely.
And the, like I say, study Indian policy, you realize that when Hitler wrote about it in the 1920s, Hitler wrote, and put it down, that America has the best idea for getting the unwanted races, the unwashed races of people, and putting them, and selecting them, and putting them away into
Concentration camp.
Yes, Mein Kampf.
That's exactly what he did.
In fact, Hitler loved reading about the West, and all he talked about was doing the same.
I'd even forgotten about that.
The Apartheid Act, the Bantu Development Act, which institutionalized apartheid in South Africa, was a direct copy of the Indian Reorganization Act, which was passed 30 years before apartheid.
So the two regimes that used the role model United States of America are now history.
But yet, they're part of the banking cartel.
And you know, it is shameful that American people have been dumbed down so much that they don't even understand what's going on.
In a republic that is supposed to guarantee your individualized freedom, and yet you only have, in reality, one party, but they give you a facade of two parties.
It's impossible to guarantee individual liberty with a two-party system.
It's impossible.
I have to say this right now.
Because it's mob rule.
I have to say this right now.
And mob rule in the United States of America, if it doesn't satisfy the ruling elite, like in 2000,
They will disregard mob rule and institute their own king, King George.
Russell Means, I have to tell the listeners who just tuned in, you are the main leader of the Lakotas, according to every demographic and group we look at, and I've interviewed quite a few of the other leaders that are supporting you, but I have to say this, talking to you in person, and I don't just say this lightly, I believe you are the leader.
I believe the spirit I feel, the intellect I hear,
Everything I see, I totally support you, and I think everybody should support you.
You are the leader.
I'm going to say right now that I believe that you are doing the right thing and that you can do this.
If the people get behind you, you have done it.
You've internationally pulled out.
How do we support you?
Well, first of all, support just the way we're doing it, on the internet and on the radio waves.
Because the corporate media is not going to pay any attention to this, neither are the politicians.
But here's the good part about it.
As long as the United States is so racist, so anti-Indian, they are ignoring us.
While they are ignoring us, we're reforming our foundation of freedom and strengthening it every day.
And radio programs like this helps for us to strengthen our freedom.
Now, you know, the local governors and the local governments are also ignoring us, even though locally we've gotten front page coverage, and we've got some of our message out.
It isn't complete, but the Internet, and this is the phenomena
We have, every week, TV and print reporters from around the world coming to our country, the Republic of Lakota, in a five-state area of South and North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska.
Those five states, parts of those five states, that is our country, the Republic of Lakota,
We're inundated with the international news media.
Print and TV.
And it's because of the internet.
And you have the absolute... Because of the support and the realization the world over.
You know, it's not just Americans who want change.
Stay there.
We've got a break, sir.
We're talking to Russell Means.
And he is the leader of the Lakota Nation.
And I hope they become sovereign.
And I hope they have victory against the New World Order.
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Free humanity has to come together.
The global architects are waging war against all of us.
They're putting us all on the reservation, as I've said for many years.
We bring you this incredible man, one of the greatest leaders in modern Lakota history, the real leader of the Lakota Nation.
Of course, a movie star in so many films, I'm not even going to mention them all as well.
Involved in community action, born on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
Okay, well, I'll talk about the people first.
You know, we've been a focus group
For American practices and perfections of all their policies, both for domestic use and international use.
And I mentioned apartheid, I mentioned Nazism, and which we're in right now.
But the focus groups, you know, the spread of disease, and the sterilization, and the drugs, they're both legal and illegal.
You know, our manifest on Indian Reservations.
We're the focus group and the practice group that is now policy for America throughout the United States and the world.
In terms of the Republic of Lakota now, we have unilaterally withdrawn from the treaties and we are legal.
We have utilized every law that's available to this
The Enabling Act that enabled the states to become states.
They promised not to violate our territories or interfere in our affairs.
So they became a state.
So the states themselves are illegal, at least in our part of the United States.
So we have hogtied the United States government and the respective states in their own laws and in international law.
So we're on the way
And we're building the strength of our nation as we speak, and we are entering into energy, because we realize that energy controls economics, and we're recreating and structuring an international bank that will eventually be a depository for gold and silver, which will back up our currency.
Might I add, sir, that
The state governors that hail to the feds themselves are governors to the New World Order.
The country no longer exists, so that even adds more claim to what you're doing, that they are all illegal now.
When are you going to tell the state to get out of there?
When are you going to tell the military to get out of your country?
Well, we're more concerned right now with gaining... You see, one of our problems right now is immigration.
We have professionals, white, black, brown, yellow professionals that want to move to our country today.
Some of them are doing it.
Some of them already have.
Professional people, educated.
So this is our problem in terms of immigration.
And as true Indians, we've never had a problem with people moving to our freedom.
We just have to maintain it.
So these
And the building blocks that we've already built in terms of structuring our banking system.
And our provisional government is now putting into place a constitution that will enable us not only to take care of the present people, who we give them an option.
They can become citizens or continue.
We're not worried about the... We have no confrontation policies.
We will not engage in any confrontation with the United States government.
Because the establishment wants that.
How are you keeping provocateurs from causing problems?
Well, the only provocateurs, they would be so blatant as to be immediately exposed.
Because, like I say, we are going after free energy, all the free energy, which is perfect in our country.
The finest wind energy in the 48 states is in North and South Dakota.
Which is presently the Republic of Lakota.
So we're going after that free energy.
We're going to offer nominal cost free energy to everyone.
Citizen or non-citizen.
So we're not going to have property taxes.
We're not going to have income taxes.
We're going to have local control.
That's the only way.
Individual liberty through community control.
Gotta break!
Stay there!
Russell Means is our guest.
We're going to be websites and contact points.
I think what they're doing is the right way to do it.
A nation within a nation, growing its power, being peaceful.
And the New World Order is going to have a big problem dealing with that.
Folks, this has got major force behind it.
I support it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live.
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From 2 p.m.
right back to the next live show the next day.
We do have a huge special guest joining us tomorrow.
I'm just going to let you know that.
Russell Means, again, one of the main leaders of the Lakota Nation.
They have declared independence.
It's large portions of five states.
And before we go any further, sir, different websites, different areas that people can visit to learn more.
What would you recommend?
Well, the Republic has their own website.
It's therepublicoflakota.com.
Republic of Lakota dot com and then there is a website that's concerned with just raising money for a plebiscite, a referendum on freedom in our country, and that is Russell Means Freedom dot com.
And there's also Russell Means dot com, your individual website.
Right, that's correct, but that's more about who I am and
My philosophies.
RepublicofLakota.com, Russell Means.com, and Russell Means Freedom.com?
We'll get links up on InfoWars.com and Prison Planet.
You know, they're building a prison planet, and I want to get back into the action you're taking, but can you spend some time in detail, for people that don't know, about the genocide, the deprivation, the systematic scientific attack on your people?
Okay, well, during World War II, up in northern Minnesota, among the Chippewa Indians, there was a program to inoculate Indian children with tropical diseases and let them go.
It's not unlike what happened to the blacks at Tuskegee in the South, when they were inoculated with malaria, or whatever it was.
At any rate,
These children, that's one thing.
Back in the 70s, for four years, they forcibly sterilized 42% of our women.
We had to get Senator Avarice from South Dakota to get the Senate to pass a moratorium on this.
At the same time, they had sterilized 36% of the Puerto Rican women of childbearing age.
Those are two of the most gross recent examples, but the fact that our life expectancy is the shortest in the world should speak volumes to people in the United States of America.
But all diseases, two of the diseases that are virtually eliminated in America, polio and tuberculosis, is back in academic fashion on the reservation, as well as lupus, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
High blood pressure, all of these things are epidemic as well as self-abuse and internal abuse of all types which has come from the school systems and now our national dropout rate is abominable.
It's enforced
Let me briefly stop you again, sir.
To be clear, everything you just said is mainstream, declassified.
For people that want to understand the apparatus that we're all under now, fully operating, it's been mainly focused on Native Americans, then on blacks.
This is, quote, the government help, the social workers, the CPS.
In your talk on television, I saw you talking about how they kidnap your children.
Break that down.
Oh yes, one out of every four Indian child born in America is fostered or adopted out to a non-Indian home or some state institution in which they, in collusion, and this is, this is facts, there's a law firm here in Hot Springs, South Dakota that is compiling the statistics to sue the state of South Dakota for stealing more than 25% of our children and they, the state of South Dakota then
In some instances they institutionalize them and feed them with drugs.
I almost lost my granddaughter to this very same thing.
And then they, with the drug companies, they experiment.
I don't think so.
Where the smallest infraction, you get in trouble, then they get you in the system.
Same thing they did if you study the reservation history.
We're all going in to this right now.
Understand more than 25% of their children taken 40-something years of age when they die.
They are implanting them with the diseases.
They've been caught doing it.
Now they're doing it to everyone.
This is the prison planet.
This is the end game.
And I want you to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that it's all accelerating and expanding.
I mean, what is it like when they send the CPS to steal your children?
You said they try to take your granddaughter.
Yes, they claim that the parent, they'll come in.
I don't care if the family has five or more children, they'll come in, they'll select one out.
Well, you're not a fit mother or father, you're not a fit grandmother or grandpa, and we don't know where they go.
We can't trace them.
And that's why the Lakota People's Law Project in Hot Springs is now gathering the evidence to bring suit against the state of South Dakota.
It's abominable.
And this has been going on for decades.
Well, remember a hundred years ago, on the East Coast in Oklahoma, they would take all the males of the tribe and cut their hair and send them to a boarding school in Connecticut or New York?
I mean, back then, they didn't even say you were bad parents.
They just said, we're going to force integrate them.
And so, again, the CPS that's taking all your children was born out of waging war on the natives.
I want the listeners to understand that.
But very definitely in the pedophiles of America.
We just had a phone problem.
Are you there, sir?
Yeah, we'll switch over to the other line.
We just switched over to the other ISDN.
Sir, are you there?
It's his phone?
Okay, we're going to dial him back, but we're good.
Yeah, we've got a bad, you know, when it rains it pours, ladies and gentlemen.
A lot of interesting things happening today.
That was his phone line dropping just now and getting that horrible buzz on it.
Now again, if you just now joined us, ladies and gentlemen,
You can go find out everything he said.
It's in mainstream newspapers.
This is your sickening, disgusting government.
The same one that has troops killing puppies.
Then they deny it's real.
Now they admit it's true.
And we've got hundreds of videos of our troops killing animals, killing children, killing other people.
They have turned us into demons.
And I refuse to be a part of this.
See, they first trained our military that it was okay to kill natives, and to torture them, and to put them on camps, and starve them, and the rest of it.
And now they've basically taken that system and duplicated it everywhere.
Were you able to get him back on?
Just kidding.
I'm sure both our ISDNs have been going out by accident, and I'm sure his phone's had this problem by accident, and everything's fine.
Everybody needs to understand that this is for all the marbles, ladies and gentlemen.
This is all on the line.
This is dehumanization.
This is a plan by the elite to wage war against free humanity.
And I know that most of you understand that, but you need to support our guest, because all they're doing is trying to not be killed.
They're tired of having their children taken, they're tired of being forced drugged and poisoned and injected with bioweapons and soft kill weapons.
All they're doing is fighting for their lives.
They have been exterminated down to almost nothing.
This is open genocide.
This is the criminal elite, because they wanted their property doing it.
They've taken all their land.
Anytime gold or oil is found on it, they take it from them.
It is just absolutely incredible.
Were we able to get his phone line?
Just not able to do that again.
Ask him to call on another phone line.
Give him our line and ask him to do that.
Let's move on to alternate plans immediately when we run into problems.
You know what?
I just, you know, it's always fun.
That's all I can tell you, folks.
It's always fun.
Always fun.
Always great.
David Mortiori, the person throwing the puppy off the cliff, reportedly, we found out his identity.
That's up on infowars.com.
The neocons are scrambling the downplay shameful puppy video.
Let me just read this article.
It's very important.
While others sickeningly lament that it was just a puppy and not an Iraqi baby,
Emotionally castrated neocons are doing everything in their power to downplay shameful scenes of U.S.
Marines throwing a puppy off a cliff in Iraq while others are openly and sickeningly lamenting the fact that the poor victim was just a puppy and not an Iraqi baby.
Shocking video shows two Marines talking on the edge of a cliff as one holds up a puppy by the scruff of the neck.
The soldier then tosses the dog over the side of the cliff as it yelps in panic.
Neocons have reacted by claiming the video was fake or that the puppy is already dead before it was thrown off the cliff.
But we have hundreds of videos of them killing other dogs, cats, and humans.
I would add.
So that debate doesn't even matter.
Now they admit it is a puppy and it happened.
Michelle Malcolm's HotAirBlog attempts to analyze what a puppy would sound like when thrown off a cliff.
How on earth would they know?
And makes out the yelping noises to be edited into the video.
The Post also claims the puppy is motionless and therefore probably already dead before it's tossed over the side of the cliff.
Though it's now admitted to be real.
I would add.
As one of the respondents points out, when you hold up a puppy, or a kitten for that matter, by the nape of its neck, much the way its mother would pick it up, the legs go limp and there is usually no struggle.
It kind of puts the young animal in a catatonic, relaxed state.
Having previously worked closely with a veterinarian, Alex Jones confirms such behavior would be exact and expected for a puppy when picked up by the scruff of the neck.
The neocons attempt to deny the reality of the shocking video.
Even after one of the Marines in the clip was identified by his Marine Corps base in Hawaii, according to ABC News, again highlights the childish nature of how they stick their heads in the sand and pretend something doesn't exist when it completely contradicts the mythical pretense of the sanctity of the war in Iraq.
The fact that some can't entertain the notion that troops can bring themselves to do this underscores the myopic nature of their worldview.
You guys still no luck, guys?
When a government sets the standard that torture is justified,
This is what happens.
People become dehumanized to the point where they treat humans as animals and are fully prepared to torture and kill animals for the purposes of a sick joke.
Donovan, any word?
Why don't you use the regular phone line system to try to call him?
I know you say it's his phone, and I believe you, but let's try alternates, okay?
We are doing that?
Oh, his phone line just went down then.
It's definitely his line.
Okay, whatever.
I'm sure it's all an accident.
In addition, despite the admitted atrocities committed at Abu Ghraib and other torture camps, including raping children and beating people to death, the fact that the puppy causes more outrage reflects on how the rest of society has been dehumanized.
Even more disturbing is the fact that comments by neocons on the original YouTube clip, which has been pulled, express sickening lament that the puppy was not an actual fact an Iraqi baby.
Now, they're on there saying, oh, we wish it was an Iraqi baby they were killing.
That'd be funny.
And then you find out they're troops.
Routinely, when we trace these comments back, they lead to MySpace pages belonging to people who have served in Iraq or are serving.
Would it still be funny if there was a three-month-old baby on a cliff?
Ask a user called EHS332.
Yes, it would be funny, but only if it was an Iraqi baby, he answers his own question.
The frightening thing is that these monsters are coming back and becoming cops, which is partly why we have seen an explosion in cases of extreme police brutality since 2003.
There's a steady legacy of abuse and atrocities coming out of Iraq that we have had the displeasure of watching online for years.
So to learn of a puppy being thrown off a cliff is almost standard fare.
This is how the troops treat Iraqis who, reportedly, they thought might have stolen some firewood.
They run over their car, shoot it up, got them killing Iraqis, it just goes on and on.
So that is what's going on there.
These stories are up on Prison Planet.
And Infowars.com.
They're all posted there for everyone.
And we hope that you will go and get it and get it out to everybody.
Talking about how they're CPSing and stealing the Lakota children.
Remember, the London Guardian reported how the 1938 Hitler Law, that the state has to control your children and you have to go to a government-approved school.
They're all having to flee Germany right now.
They've reinstated the Hitler Law.
That's London Guardian.
Now, California last week ruled, and we read the case yesterday in B192876, Los Angeles Superior Court No.
JD00773, Jonathan L. and Marcy Grace L. v. Superior Court of the United States of California for the County of Los Angeles, and they say on page 3 that parents do not have a right to not have their children in a government-approved school, and they say homeschooling is illegal, and that the state is the guardian of all children.
Just like they say, the state, the government, is the guardian of all Indian children.
It is the exact same system, ladies and gentlemen.
They are here to poison and kill you and torture you, just like they do with the Native Americans and black folks.
This is happening to everyone.
Federal Court just had to admit autism caused by mercury.
There is still mercury in the shots.
We are under sustained, continual attack.
You think it's fun getting up here working this hard?
You think it's fun covering all this?
You think we like this?
This makes us sick!
And it makes me sick to have to show the troops sitting there doing all of this, and then to have people deny it.
So now we have to show you hundreds of videos of it.
And then they'll try to deny that, so we'll show you probably thousands of videos.
We've found hundreds.
But not just videos of killing dogs and cats and laughing about it and shooting them and throwing them off cliffs, but much worse things, killing humans in Iraq.
Sir, very interesting that your phone had problems.
I'm sure that's just an accident, Mr. Means.
I'm hoping so, but all my phones on that line went dead, so I'm on the Republic of Lakota phone line now.
Oh, I'm sure.
We had that earlier today.
It never happens here.
It's been happening to our guests, everybody.
So, we have friends.
I'm sure it's all an accident.
In closing, I want to have you back up for a full hour.
We don't have problems in the future.
In a minute and a half closing, websites, how people can help you, sir.
Well, the help that we can get is not only to continue to be on the web, where Russell Means Freedom dot com.
I think we're good.
I'm a Pine Ridge Sioux Indian reservation in November at the same time as the national record.
We're going to have you back on about that.
In closing, for 25-30% of our audience that isn't on a computer, what about a phone number for folks that want to help you or donate?
That would be 605-867-1111.
Again, please.
Russell Means, we'll talk to you again in the near future.
I salute you.
God bless you.
I am firmly behind you, right beside you.
Thank you for spending time with us.
I'd like to talk to you during the break.
Thank you.
One moment.
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Hey, we're not going to stop.
I talked to Russell Means.
They have multiple phone systems in their office.
And guess what happened?
Two whole systems went down.
And then they had to go to backup phones.
Their phones went down, not ours.
And you saw what happened in the first hour, where we have two different ISDN lines, separate companies, and they're going down when I'm talking about the torturing and killing the puppy and all the other videos and the rest of it.
And the government admits they're, quote, taking countermeasures, a quote, against propaganda.
What, that it's declassified that you take Indian kids and shoot them up full of stuff to kill them?
Or that you sterilize 42% of their women?
That's mainstream news.
You people are sick!
The government is run... You notice his phone line's cut out when he said, yeah, the pedophiles like to have fun with our children.
Because every time you turn around, that's who runs these CPS systems.
And that's when they cut him off, boy.
They just said, that's it!
Just all part... And there's no doubt now it's the government.
We heard Mike Rivero.
He's very conservative.
He said, yeah, there's no doubt.
Then we have the big head of the Lakota Nation on, and boom!
They do that again.
You see, that's their purview.
Oh, it's threatening the United States and all of our pedophilia and all of our criminal activity, and, you know, we can't allow that.
We're the New World Order.
We can't allow any of our precious activities to stop.
Oh, man, there's so much other news here.
There's total coverage of this puppy torture stuff because we have to expose this military as having a bunch of bloodthirsty killers in it.
I'm not saying all of them, but the training and what they're told to do is to, they're trained to kill children, they have chants about killing children, they're killing animals, and then people go online and defend it and say it's good or they say it isn't real.
That's why we're posting scores of videos.
I mean, we're just going to go all the way with this.
If I'm killing people for pleasure, killing animals for pleasure, you need to cram this down the throat of the neocons.
You need to take it and post it on hot air, and post it all over these sites, and post all over about them.
I mean, Michelle Malkin wrote that book, The Case for Internment Camps, and now MSNBC's saying, yeah, put people that say the government's an inside job in secret torture camps.
I mean, that was this morning.
That's a talking point.
Don't let it scare you.
Be scared of them winning.
If you don't speak out, if you don't fire up and get angry, if you don't spread the word, they're going to win.
And I'm telling you right now, they're losing.
This isn't Russia or Germany with no history of freedom.
This is the United States, and for all of our evils, we've still got a lot of liberty and a lot of people that are armed with info and armed with a lot more.
And I'm non-violent until it comes time to defend ourselves, and I'm just telling you, defend yourselves.
And people in government, what have you become?
Look at yourselves in the mirror.
Ask yourselves how you've been twisted.
You take the mission you're on, and then you destroy it.
No matter what happens, you do a bunch of evil, and then it gets more and more evil, and you just keep committing to the same mission.
Look what you've turned into!
You're very cynical, you're very wicked, you think it's funny.
It isn't funny!
Raping children, killing puppies isn't funny!
White House memos saying sexually tortured children isn't funny.
It's sick!
The Nazis didn't even put that in public memos.
It's a new level of evil.
And I'm sorry this show's hardcore and dark.
The world is hardcore and dark.
There's a lot of beauty and a lot of good things.
And the evil's got to be exposed if the beauty is to be protected.
So, that's the bottom line.
That's the bottom line.
I had an incredible first and second hour today, and a lot of wild things happened.
I know a lot of you missed it.
Sometime in the next day, tune back into the streams at InfoWars.com, because we're going to restream this three-hour show consecutively, end-to-end, and I went all through every angle of the psychopathic puppy killing, and that whole saga, and them knocking us off air, and all of it, in the first hour.
And in the second hour, I have a mic on.
This is your mission.
To fight the New World Order if you decide to take it.
To stand up against the Legion of Hell, which they want to turn loose against us.
This is life and death.
Do you accept this mission?
Do you join us in mortal combat, toe-to-toe with the forces of Satan?
Are you going to help us fight these demons?
Retransmission starts now at Infowars.com!
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