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Name: 20080226_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 26, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
It is already Tuesday, the 26th day of February 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And guess who we have joining us today?
Eva Orner.
Just a couple nights ago, she got the Academy Award for Best Documentary, 2008, Taxi to the Dark Side, about rendition, secret arrest, and the torture camps.
And in my goings and comings and travels, Eva Orner called me, I guess, about eight months ago and came with a documentary film crew, the same folks that made a lot of famous films.
And they came here to town.
They made Brothers Keeper and Metallica some kind of monster in Paradise Lost.
She came here with Joe Ballinger, the famous filmmaker, and interviewed me for some upcoming work they're doing.
And I got a chance to talk to her about how they were finishing up Taxi to the Dark Side.
And it beat Michael Moore's Sicko for the 2008 Best Documentary.
And it's pretty hardcore.
Frankly, it could have been even more hardcore, but it's a lot of great research.
They were in Afghanistan, Iraq, you name it.
A lot of stuff I had never seen.
Photos and videos of torture I had never seen.
And then disgusting interviews with John Yoo and others.
And some of the torture guards.
So she's going to be popping in later in the show to talk about the Academy Award.
She is the producer.
An amazing lady.
Headline, Australian wins documentary Oscar Eva Orner.
You can Google that.
An Oscar for Eva?
While Belfort misses out.
And you can just type Eva Orner into Google and read all about it or Taxi to the Dark Side.
Orner wins.
Oscar slams U.S.
as war criminals.
So very, very powerful information
And then, of course, this weekend I saw a 9-11 blogger blurb from, it was actually from Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
One of their members was at an event and saw Willie Nelson's daughter, Paula Nelson, who's a great musician and singer in her own right, at an event and said, hey, do you agree with your dad's statement?
She said, oh yeah, I agree with it, of course.
And so I thought, why not just have her on?
I've thought about having her on a few weeks ago, but I thought, you know, I'll give the Nelsons a rest.
We've had her dad on twice, but... Today, right now, we're going to get the Dixie Chicks on.
We're going to get some other folks on as well.
We'll talk about the war, a lot of other issues we're lining up right now.
Some other really big guests as well, but they're coming up later today.
We will have Paula Nelson on at the show, talk about her dad, her own career,
What it's like being Willie Nelson's daughter, what it's like being a musician who speaks out politically, plays some of her songs as well, that is coming up later in the show today, on this Tuesday 26th of February 2008.
In the meantime,
Trader Greenspan urges Gulf states to abandon the dollar.
Alan Greenspan has again exposed himself as a trader working against the interest of the American people by urging Gulf states to abandon the dollar peg, a move that could result in financial chaos and an economic depression in the United States.
Another report here.
Here comes the $739 billion
Taxpayer bailout.
Clinton camp and drudge team up.
This is just some of what's coming up today.
Big broadcast lined up.
Call your friends.
Call your family.
Tell them tune in today.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker about torture exposing John Yoo and the New York Times.
Eva Orner will be joining us.
And, of course, Paula Nelson, one of the prominent children of Willie Nelson, a great musician and vocalist in her own right, joining us in the third hour today.
Trader Greenspan urges Gulf States to abandon the dollar.
You know, that's quite a headline by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
It's an amazing headline, and that's actually what he said.
And the implications of that... All we have left in this country is our fiat currency.
I mean, 80 plus percent of our industrial base has been moved overseas.
The service economy is faltering.
Debt, corporate private government is leveraged at all-time highs.
We are on the verge of economic collapse.
According to the majority of experts, financial forecasters, we're hoping for just a deep recession and not a financial calamity.
We've been talking a lot about that the last few years here, as this perfect storm came together.
But to have Greenspan come out and encourage Arabs to move away from the dollar, which will precipitate its downfall, is so they can fully wreck it and then dollarize, is how they're going to term it, in the future, the North American and then the entire Pan-American Western Hemisphere, and claim, oh, we had to reorganize the dollar and put it to an international peg to rebuild it, which is the trilateral plan for now more than 30 years.
34 years now.
And this is quite a signal here.
The world has still not completely abandoned the dollar.
They're slowly creeping away from it, from China to Japan to Germany to Russia to Iran.
The neocons get on radio and say, Iran's dumping the dollar!
It's their fault!
While the government itself does everything it can to have a weak dollar policy.
Cheney, three years ago, dumped all of his dollars.
But that's never really discussed.
It's all, it's Iran's fault.
They did it!
So, the neocons carry out this operation for their banker masters, and then blame it on Iran.
As they always do.
As if one country could swing the dollar out of its global reserve currency position into one of a faltering currency.
Trader Greenspan urges Gulf States to abandon dollar.
This is a big deal.
Alan Greenspan has again exposed himself as a traitor working against the interests of the American people by urging Gulf states to abandon the dollar peg, a move that could result in financial chaos and an economic depression in the United States.
The dollar peg mandates Gulf nations to price their assets in U.S.
dollars and follow U.S.
monetary policy at a time when the Fed is cutting interest rates, a system that has produced a boom in oil revenue but led to high inflation as the dollar weakens.
Well, if they move off the dollar peg, it'll only make the dollar weaken even more, and will, quote, cost us more oil.
If you gotta love the mainstream media spin, Paul's basically quoting it there.
This is a quote.
The most useful thing that can be done to stop the increasing influence of foreign assets on the monetary system, and therefore the monetary base, which is basically the major force in inflationary pressures, Greenspan told the Abu Dhabi Corporate Leadership Forum yesterday.
This is all quoted out of the Financial Times of London, AP, everybody carried it.
So he's saying, you know, oil's $100 a barrel because the dollar's been devalued
And you guys are pricing oil in dollars.
Well, just take it off of dollars and price it in Euros or price it in a currency that's worth more per unit.
Well, you'll still have just as expensive oil if they price it at the equivalent of 62 Euros instead of $100.
But if they do that,
It'll actually just make the dollar even lose more favor and then lose more confidence and lose more value.
And then we'll probably be paying $120 a barrel, which is what the elite wants.
So Greenspan, this is like going to someone who's sick, who's got a toe chopped off and chopping their entire foot off.
This is just basic monetary, basic economic information.
But the general public,
Can't find the U.S.
on a map.
Doesn't know the three branches of government.
They hear this, and they probably think it's a good idea.
Oh, yes!
Abandon the dollar further!
Oh, great idea!
That's just... No, they're trying to kill the dollar.
This is the biggest sign yet that they are openly trying to destroy this economy, while being hailed as big fixers at the same time.
According to economist editor Paul Woodall, Greenspan's comments heralded the beginning of the end of the U.S.
As the currency of choice for foreign exchange reserves.
In the short term, free floating will not fully dissipate inflationary pressure, although it would significantly do so.
What does that mean?
Add a green span, giving a green light for Gulf Stage to drop the dollar pick.
Don't you love that double speak?
In the short term, free floating will not fully
Disappoint inflationary pressure, though it would significantly do so.
According to economist editor Paul Woodall, Greenspan's comments heralded the beginning of the end of the U.S.
dollar as a currency of choice for foreign exchange reserves.
In Asia, central banks hold today more than 80% of the global foreign exchange reserves, which indicate the shift of the global economy domination towards Asia.
It seems quite awkward that the UAE still maintains the peg of its currency to the U.S.
dollar, she told Gulf News.
You know what?
I know we have Eva Warner coming on.
I know we have Paula Nelson.
But in the second hour, we've got some time.
Get me Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, or get me... just tell them a ten-minute interview.
I want some of their comments on this to get there.
I know what they're going to say, but you need to hear it from experts.
Or try to pop in and get
Bob Chapman.
We can get them quick and easy.
They're good guys.
We hear the same thing from Joseph Stiklitz, Nobel Prize winner, Chief Economist, World Bank, former Chief Economist.
Or you'd hear it from any other expert.
We could get George Humphrey in here, very accredited economist and businessman.
Folks, let me just give it to you straight.
All we have left, you've heard all the experts here, is the dollar.
Okay, and it's tanking right now.
Slowly sliding into oblivion.
This is Greenspan literally trying to... The dollar is like a drowning man or drowning woman fighting to get air, struggling every minute or so to get one quick gulp of air and being pushed back under by the global architects of the financial infrastructure.
And now the dollar's been underwater about four minutes, water's going into our lungs, we're starting to pass out,
And we have one chance to get to the shore, get a gulp of air, get to shore, and Greenspan literally has basically taken a hammer and hit the drowning person on the head.
This is unbelievable.
I do not have words to explain how devastating this is, how evil this is.
How, over the top, we will be completely, financially destroyed.
And by the way, every financial expert we've interviewed, even mainline analysts, say that if the dollar plunges another 20% even, they're talking about more now, depending on the expert, 20-30%, if it does that, it will bring down other currencies.
It will cause a worldwide implosion.
Anybody who wondered whether the central bankers
And the big banks that are out there, you know, rating junk as AAA and selling securities and selling credit card debt, they bundle that and then sell it as some wonderful security when it's horrible debt, very dangerous, especially at this time in history, historically very bad investments.
And they've been AAA rating it.
The states are about to go bankrupt.
The federal government is bankrupt.
You've got 40 plus percent inflation the last couple years combined with people on fixed incomes in red-level crisis already.
All of this is cascading now into businesses and companies in the service industry and into the automobile industry, the manufacturing durable value-added goods.
And Greenspan
Well, I mean, he's been doing this now for the last year, coming out and bad-mouthing the dollar, coming out and saying bad things about the dollar, coming out and saying bad things about the economy.
This is just... I'm actually dumbfounded right now.
I, uh... I'm not even shaken.
I'm more just... stunned.
I'm, uh... I don't even know what... I'm literally speechless.
Let me just read the article here.
This is incredible.
Greenspan's zeal to destroy the dollar is evident in numerous public statements he has made predicting the replacement of the dollar with the euro as the world's reserve currency.
The former Fed chairman has repeatedly bad-mouthed the dollar and hyped the inevitability of economic chaos at a time when market confidence is in the toilet.
Greenspan's rhetoric matches that of the IMF, who in October of last year brazenly slammed the dollar as it overvalued at the same time the greenback hit its all-time low against the euro.
A decision on behalf of the Gulf states to abandon the dollar peg would have disastrous consequences for the greenback and the American economy.
Such a move could lead the likes of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia
To diversify their foreign exchange holdings out of dollars.
This will amount to a vote of no confidence in the dollar and may cause other countries with large dollar reserves, may cause, it's already happening, such as China and Japan to follow suit and begin dumping the green back in mass.
They've already been doing it, but yeah, they would accelerate that.
This is it, folks!
And the public is so ignorant and so ill-informed that you ought, you're going to be at the
Church, or golf course, or the mall, or family.
When we're in a depression, hearing them tell you about how Greenspan's working to save us.
They just need to be slapped upside the head.
Heaven, help us.
I'll finish up with this.
I'm sorry I have to bring you news like this.
And we'll get into a bunch of other news.
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You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
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They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what happens here.
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We're good to go.
Thank you to the Academy.
Thank you to all the people who worked on this film.
Sloane Clevin, my editor, Maurice Alberti and Greg Ondraki, all the executive producers.
Thank you to everybody.
This is an extraordinary moment.
Very difficult film to make.
It's a great moving moment to get this statue.
Thank you.
I'd just like to thank Alex Gibney, actually, for taking such a chance and being so brave to make this film at a time when people said this film should not be made.
I'm incredibly proud and honoured to be here as only one of two Australians nominated this year.
Thank you.
And I'd actually like to take the time to thank all the participants in the film and all the servicemen who risked a lot by coming to New York and telling their story after they'd already had such a hard time with this current administration's policies.
It was really brave of them and hopefully people will watch the film and think things should change.
Thank you very much.
That's right, all the enemies of liberty are coming straight on, straight on.
It goes for all my enemies here locally.
We're coming straight on, straight on.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Uh huh.
That's right, now I'm strong!
And I'm coming through!
Straight on!
That goes for Alan Greenspan, all of them.
All the criminals in government, from our mayor, to the New World Order, you, the American people, the people of this planet, are coming straight on!
We're exposing the New World Order.
And we're never going to back down.
And we're never going to stop.
We're going to let the people know who their enemies are.
We're going to let them know who staged the terror attacks.
We're going to let them know who the torturers of children are.
We're coming straight on.
Straight on.
You've made up my mind.
Now I'm strong.
Straight on.
We don't have a choice.
We've got to come straight on.
Forget the maneuvers.
Go straight at them.
That's the way to win the fight, ladies and gentlemen.
Stop caring what your neighbors, stop caring what your employees, your boss thinks.
Stop thinking about the cost.
Let's start thinking about what's going to happen when we defeat these people.
Because I'm going to tell you right now, ladies and gentlemen, if you give in to fear and you think about what the New World Order might do to you if they win, and you've already lost, you've got to think about the bigger cost.
Ladies and gentlemen, understand that it's only us that stand between all the innocents out there that the New World Order is
Literally feeding on and abusing and destroying.
So get past your fear and look at the bigger cost.
Think about the larger picture of humanity and society and where we're going.
Yeah, that film calling for socialized health care lost, but the film exposing the bloodthirsty torture and the Cobb activities and the orders from Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzalez, John Yoo,
That's now been exposed.
You know, it's going to be on HBO now, and it's going to be all over the place, and in your local video store, and people are going to find out the truth, how they took innocent people and murdered them, tortured them to death.
Now is the time, ladies and gentlemen, to throw caution to the wind, and to take action, to commit fully,
And then it doesn't matter anymore.
Because you're committed.
And you're coming straight on.
We'll be right back with Academy Award winner, Eva Horner.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Here are the headlines.
Australian wins documentary Oscar, Eva Horner.
She is the producer.
An Oscar for Eva.
Another headline, Harold Son, Oscar winner, Eva Orner, slams U.S.
government as war criminals.
They are war criminals.
We had Willie Nelson on again last week.
We've got his daughter, quite a musician in her own right and vocalist, joining us in the third hour.
Bunch of financial news coming up as Greenspan tries to kill the dollar.
But I really appreciate her and her busy schedule.
HBO just bought the film and it's an amazing documentary.
Let's go ahead and play the trailer.
It's not as powerful, obviously, as the
But here's the audio from the trailer of Taxi Cab to the Dark Side.
Here it is.
On December 5, 2002, Dillawar, a young Afghan taxi driver, was brought to Bagram.
Five days after his arrival, he was dead.
A U.S.
major took the books, the homicide.
I said, my God, they killed him.
It became plausible to me that this man wasn't even guilty of anything and he was murdered in detention.
People do crazy things.
People were being told to rough up Iraqis that wouldn't cooperate.
We were also told they're nothing but dogs.
Interrogators were telling the guards, strip this guy naked, chain him up to the bed in an uncomfortable position, do whatever you can.
You had these young soldiers with very little training, just as the rules were changing.
And they weren't told what the new rules were.
You start looking at these people as less than human, and you start doing things to them you would never dream of.
And that's where it got scary.
It was only the night shift.
There's always a few bad apples the brass knew.
They saw him shackled and hooded, and they said, right on, y'all are doing a great job.
There were emails from FBI personnel down in Guantanamo saying, you won't believe what's going on down here.
We've got to disassociate ourselves.
You have no right to a lawyer.
You have no right to witnesses.
You don't really know what the charges are, and you certainly don't know what the secret evidence is against you.
It's taken at the height of the Pentagon to put out a fog of ambiguity.
We're going to have to work the dark side, if you will.
We're going to spend time in the shadows.
What starts at the top of the chain of command drops like a rock down the chain of command.
American values are premised upon the notion of human dignity.
We don't know what revenge is coming down the road.
There will be no outrageous upon human dignity.
It's very vague.
Taxi to the Dark Side, taken from Channing talking about we're in the dark side now.
Eva Orner, congratulations.
I'm really honored to count you as a friend.
You're an amazing filmmaker.
Thanks, Alex.
It's lovely to be on your show as a guest.
Yeah, it's been a pretty great week so far, what can I say?
What was it like to be, I mean we're talking about the film of course, but to be nominated and then to win when they said Eva Orner and Attaché to the Dark Side?
You know, it was really great.
We were so hoping we were going to win because
It's such an important film, and all of the documentary nominees this year, out of five films, four of them were war-related films.
There was a film about Iraq, No End in Sight, there was Operation Homecoming about the soldiers, and it was a great acknowledgement from the Academy that something is wrong with this country.
And the Academy is a very conservative force, so it was really a great vindication and validation of all of our work.
We were concerned that, because of all the films, ours is the darkest, it's about torture,
You know, it's incredibly critical of the administration.
It features waterboarding.
It features so many difficult subjects.
And we were a little nervous that maybe it was too dark for the Academy.
But we really wanted to win.
And also, you know, I must talk about Alex Gibney.
He's the writer, director, producer.
I'm the producer of the film.
And, you know, he's been making films for a long time.
He made Enron, Smartest Guys in the Room.
He was nominated for another Oscar a couple of years ago.
And we're so thrilled because he's so deserving.
He's one of the best filmmakers working in the country today.
It was great vindication and validation, and you know, it was really fun.
Well, you've done an incredible job as the producer, the head honcho over the whole deal, and I'm just blessed and lucky to have ever even bumped into you, even because you're so smart and such a sweet person.
You also have the clip, we had Professor Kassel on a few years ago when this first came out,
Uh, you know, the clip where John Yoo writes in these memos about crushing children's testicles and vulnerable parents, and then Professor Castle at a closed CFR meeting, uh, even the CFR's mad at him in Chicago.
You're not supposed to record it, but Castle did.
He had to get this out.
And Yoo just says, yeah, the President has that authority.
I mean, immersing yourself in this film, you guys started working on this film back when it still wasn't kosher to get into this type of topic, back when the regime was still riding high to a certain extent.
So tell us about the process of deciding to make this film.
When it began, all these locations, I mean, it's such an incredible film, getting to interview some of the guards that did the torture, people who were convicted and sent to jail, but you have the memos and documents where they were ordered to do it, I mean, just basically the process, Eva.
When the film started, we finished the film about a year ago, and it's been on the festival circuit for the year, and it obviously has just been released, but, you know, we started making it a year and a half ago before that, so it's really a two and a half year process.
And the film came out of some conversations with Alex Kidney, the director, and a couple of extraordinary people who became executive producers and actually put a lot of money into the film when no one else would.
And it came out of a conversation about what is going on in this country.
Things are being reported in the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Why aren't people in the streets?
Why aren't people screaming?
The rule of law is being broken.
There is no regard for habeas corpus.
The Geneva Conventions are being disregarded, and it was just this conversation that was just about rage, and it was a conversation involving patriotic Americans who were so disturbed by what was happening to their country.
And, you know, people have branded the film anti-American, and it's the complete opposite.
It's about the preservation of what made America great and what America should be.
So, you know, a couple of the executive producers, one was Rob Johnson, who used to be, you know, a right-hand man of George Soros.
Another one was John Glasgow, who's an incredible human rights attorney.
Sidney Blumenthal, who was one of Bill Clinton's policy advisors in the Clinton administration.
These people all came forward early on and, you know, they put their money where their mouths were and really helped us out because we were having trouble getting distributors to put money up on the film.
You know, Alex's previous film was incredibly successful, Enron, as I said, and a lot of people were saying,
Is this really the follow-up film you want to make to Enron?
This could be a really big mistake.
It could be career damaging.
And, you know, kudos to Alex for having the unbelievable courage, tenacity, and dogged determination to say, I have to make this film.
We have to make this film.
So that was sort of the genesis of the film.
And then from there, you know, we gathered, as you know with documentaries, we gathered a small and very hardworking crew of people.
Um, you know, we had one researcher, we had another producer, you know, it was a team of like six people and it was really about getting access, getting information, you know, using a lot of archival material, which you know is hard to source, and really convincing people to, uh, to talk on this film and to be a part of this film.
So that was, that was, you know, the initial process.
Did you, I mean I'm, of course you learned a lot making the film, did you ever get really creeped out?
It was, I think we all say often, it was really, um, it was the hardest film I think any of us have ever made.
I mean, you know, the material's grueling.
You know what it's like when you're in an edit suite looking at horrible material.
You know, we got a lot of classified photographs that nobody had seen before from Abu Ghraib.
The thing that I find the most disturbing in the film is actually there's some, there's just some cell phone video from inside the prisons of prisoners smashing their heads against walls and collapsing.
And I mean,
It's just so brutal and so inhumane and unhuman.
It's just, you know, it's hard to be around that kind of material all the time.
One of the, it sounds so silly, but one of the saving graces of us making this film and keeping our sanity was we were making another film at the same time, which was a lot lighter in subject about, it just premiered at Sundance in competition, and it's about Hunter S. Thompson, the great writer.
And, you know, we were able to sort of bounce between the projects a little bit because, you know, a year and a half being immersed in torture and your failing country is very hard to take.
You bring away from the film, with the eyewitnesses, the documents, the death certificates, that the White House, with the memos, the orders, the systematic, whether it was in Cuba or Iraq, at Guantanamo Bay, where our government has a base, or in Afghanistan,
That it was all the same standard torture, the same sensory deprivation, hanging people from the tops of their cells for days on end.
All of this, beating people until they're, according to coroner's reports, liquefied, the tissue in their bodies, literally turning them into jello.
And then, to have the White House send people to prison, who they ordered to do this, but then, that was enlisted people, but promote
The individuals, the officers who were actually above it, and the one lady who ran it in Iraq and Afghanistan, they send her to the interrogation training base, and now she's over the training?
I mean, to know that the White House ordered all this, and then when they got caught, they said, oh no, we're not behind this.
And of course, you also point out how 24 has created a constituency for torture, how they're brainwashing.
Can you talk about that?
I mean, you know, I think the villains of the film obviously are George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, John Yoo and Gonzales.
But, you know, the big criminal, I'm ashamed to say, is a woman called Carolyn Wood, who obviously did not interview for the film and has done absolutely no media.
And, you know, she went from prison to prison enforcing these torture methods.
And as you say now, you know, her punishment for
This great violation of human rights and, you know, the American way is to be, you know, to end up in a training, an interrogation training military facility.
So, you know, she's a complete villain.
She does no media.
She does nothing.
And I guess the most interesting thing, one of the most interesting things in the film is, you know, a bunch of these young officers, these ex-military guys that we have in the film who are young.
I think it's fair to say a lot of them aren't overly educated and certainly weren't educated in the ways of the military.
And they were thrown into these situations where they were
Untrained interrogators, some of them had never come across the Geneva Conventions, and that's what the higher-ups wanted.
And they were put into these incredible situations of stress, of fear of terrorism in America, that was placed on their shoulders, and they had to get information by any means possible, often from innocent people who had just been picked up in the fields of Afghanistan.
And what's so interesting is we managed to get a number of these people to talk to us and I think they're the heroes of the film because they're so brave and they're so honest and they know they did the wrong thing but they're also willing to talk about the fact that they're misguided and you know when you're put into a bad situation people do bad things.
Well you also captured the essence you also captured in the film the essence and this is the point we've always made from guests and witnesses that we've had on just in a radio format
That this was the White House and their technocrats seducing the military, seducing the public, really trying to sell us on the most barbarous forms of torture and everything in your film is documented.
In fact, I think it
I don't want to say it's soft, it's horrible, it's about as hardcore as it can get, but, you know, reality is even several steps deeper and worse.
Like the Army Zone report from General Togumbo, where they admit raping the people, using acid with large objects.
I mean, I can't even get into it on air, but this is even on MSNBC.
So as bad as the film is, I want people to understand, and it was very upsetting even to me, I got tears in my eyes several times, studying this,
Studying torture in the last 10 years, knowing our government for decades has been training the world how to torture, I think it makes the film even stronger that you guys, I know, could have even made it more hardcore.
And the CIA admits, we've had the former section chief on,
That they wouldn't arrest real Al-Qaeda or Taliban.
In fact, Taliban and Al-Qaeda would go just grab goat herders and turn them over and get $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 in some cases.
And the bases even knew that they were innocent, but they would then send them on after being tortured out of Afghanistan, out of Iraq, to Camp X-Ray in Cuba to keep the cover-up going.
And then the CIA brainwashing.
I mean, it's just so incredible.
And I'm trying to describe a
90-minute film here, and I guess it's impossible to do on radio.
Yeah, I mean, that's really covered in our film.
You're absolutely right.
And one of the examples of that is, in order to tell this story in a cinematic and interesting way, we had to find a story and a metaphor for what this government is doing and what torture can do to people.
And we found that in the story of Gilawah, who's this young Afghani cab driver who's innocently picked up and
And sent to Bagram where he's, as you say, he's pulpified to death essentially.
He's beaten by the military and he ends up dead.
And he was picked up in a cab.
He was driving with two other people who were both innocent.
And they were actually, after Dillawar died, they were sent on for absolutely no reason.
It was proven that they were innocent and they were sent to Guantanamo where they remained for a couple of years.
They've since been released and returned to Afghanistan.
But it was just about filling up this facility.
It was about saving space for the government.
It was about
You know, getting 500 men with dark skin and showing them to the world in orange jumpsuits as terrorists, and it's just, it's incomprehensible to me, and it's incomprehensible to me that some of the Republican, you know, frontrunners, who are no longer, thank goodness, in the upcoming elections, you know, we're saying we need to double the size of Guantanamo, you know, based on what, this incredible success?
I mean, come on, it's just,
It just doesn't make any sense, you know, having made this film and being so okay with all of this material.
It still just is like a bad movie.
Well, Eva, your film's been done for a year, but it's very timely now because they're going to try a bunch of these people who have no connection to 9-11, and after six years of incarceration and torture, even mainstream news is saying, you can't believe anything they say, and then these trials aren't even real trials.
So now we're going to have kangaroo courts six years later?
Well, and the death penalty is what they're going for.
I mean, it's pretty, it's, it's unbelievable.
And, and, you know, we have a number of human rights attorneys in the film and they talk about the fact that they had no access to their clients for many years and how preposterous that was.
And one of my favorite comments and one of my favorite characters is Clive Stafford Smith, who's an English human rights attorney.
And he says, you know, when I was studying in America, I hadn't, I, it just, it never crossed my mind that I would be having trouble to get access to my clients and that my clients would have no rights to a trial.
I mean, it's just,
It's just, it just makes no sense.
It's the same kind of thought for me as, you know, when I was, I'm 38 years old, and when I was studying, and I'm Australian, and when I was studying in Australia, legal studies, learning about these great precedent cases like Roe versus Wade, and suddenly, you know, 25, 30 years later, there's a possibility that they'll be turned over, and it just, it just doesn't make sense.
It seems so, it seems like the world's a little, a little backwards these days.
Well, what they do is, and you point this out, they get everybody into fear,
And then they try to set the precedent to be able to torture children.
In fact, let's go ahead and you've got two different John Yoo clips.
Play the short one, John, first.
This is John Yoo in the CFR being questioned by Professor Castle about writing that they can sexually torture children.
Here it is.
We're good to go.
And then even the elitist CFR in Chicago laughed at him.
Eva Orner, the Justice Department's investigating him.
There's talk of indictments against John, you know, Eva.
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable.
I mean, I won't believe it till I see it.
But, you know, I always feel like these guys who are involved in this administration have so heavily self-protected themselves.
You know, I feel like they've written in all of this legislation to protect themselves from any kind of questioning or any possibility.
Stay there.
Let's talk about it on the other side.
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I've been sittin' it out Didn't take no chances Was a prisoner of doubt
Eva Orner is coming straight on for the neocon Bush administration.
She's in papers all over the world, saying war criminals run our government.
And if we don't bring them to justice, it'll then be in our name.
And people will see Americans as the Germans were seen after Hitler.
I mean, this is hardcore murder of innocent people who they knew were innocent, literally just to have the illusion, while Bush is saying, don't go after bin Laden,
Who he supposedly said attacked us.
Meanwhile, let's take some, you know, 15, 13, in some cases, year old kids.
Let's torture him.
Eva Orner, you've got a delivery coming to your hotel room here in just a minute.
You may have to drop off and come back for a few minutes with us, but there's so many facets.
Other areas of the film, Taxi to the Dark Side, that just won the Academy Awards, 79 for Best Documentary.
Other facets, points I haven't brought up.
What do you think the most chilling and upsetting part of the film is?
I mean, you're the expert on this.
You lead.
I mean, oh God, what is the most chilling part?
You know, to me, it's really the images.
It's really, well, you know, it's actually, you know what the saddest thing to me in the whole film is, is at the end of the film when you find out, you know, the state of the number of soldiers who were involved in, you know, in torture and brutal interrogation techniques and when you see what happened to their lives and, you know, you see that these kids in their 20s, usually from the South, I think it's fair to say,
You know, their lives are ruined.
One of them says that, you know, financially he's ruined, he can't get a job, he's, you know, they've spent time in military prison.
And these are the victims of the administration.
And, you know, and everyone else who's going to leave this current administration that already has goes on to prestigious jobs and nothing happens to them.
And I guess that's why I've been saying that, branding them as war criminals in the media, because that's what war criminals do.
They commit acts of atrocity and they get away with it.
I think that's probably, you know, aside from all the images of torture and all of the terrible images that we see, I really think it's these innocent people who signed up, who served our country, unlike most of the people in the current administration, who then got scapegoated and ended up in prison.
Speaking of that, Eva, I remember, I was even in the Associated Press and other news wires a few years ago,
One of the guards in Afghanistan, a private contractor who tortured people to death, he was about to blow the whistle and said, look, we were ordered to and then they used the Patriot Act on him to shut him up.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, it's just...
You know, it's just incredible evil to me.
I mean, I think another thing that's really worth talking about is the fact that, you know, we're all obviously, you know, pretty far on the left side, all of us filmmakers, but it was really important for us to make this not a left-wing, you know, propaganda piece.
And so one of the things we were very cautious and careful to do was to try and get, you know, insiders in the Republican side of the country to talk.
And, you know, people like Alberta Moira, who's the former Navy General Counsel,
And he was very much behind stopping what was going on at Abu Ghraib.
So I just think it's really worth letting audiences know that this is not a propaganda piece.
It's a journalistic piece.
No, I'm going to say right now, as bad as it is, there's actually even a lot more stuff that's even worse.
I mean, I'm sure you came across the Army report where they admitted that 98 percent
That are sent to Abu Ghraib, were picked up at checkpoints for not having proper papers, and that women were raped in front of their husbands.
Did you see that?
Yeah, absolutely.
And I mean, that's what happened to our lead guy, who was murdered.
I mean, and it's also, it's very much, you know, the reason we know about these stories is because of the incredible people on the ground in Afghanistan working for the papers in America.
You know, people like Carlisle De Gaulle, who discovered the Gilawai story.
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll be back in one minute.
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White House!
People running it aren't stupid.
They're just arrogant and full of bravado, full of hubris.
The son of the gods.
And if they're able to get away with torture and creating a constituency for torture and selling us that it's okay, it's over.
And now we see police nationwide, copycatting, abuse has gone up in the prisons.
Eva, you know, your film really points all this out.
We really have been seduced over to the dark side.
I think we're pulling away from it now.
That's why I just think this is one of the most powerful films, documentaries I've ever seen because I think I know it all about this stuff and I'm immersed in it, but I became very upset and I hardly ever feel almost panicked, but it was just exactly like some of the cell phone video inside the torture facilities.
My God, just seeing it.
I mean, it makes movies like Saw or Hostel.
That's nothing on the real thing, is it?
You know, I think you're right.
Another thing that I should mention is, you know, we made this, as I said, we finished it a year ago.
When we were making it, you know, when we started it two and a half years ago, we were so naive.
Our biggest concerns were, God, what if it's irrelevant by the time it's ready to come out and be in cinemas?
And, you know, when you think about it now, it's more relevant than it ever could have been.
And we were so naive and so hopeful.
But I do think that this is an incredibly exciting time, you know, this part of the year up until November.
And I feel like everyone in the country is outraged.
Everyone is furious.
It's so great that the film has got an Oscar nomination because more... Sorry, that it's got an Oscar.
Because it hasn't quite sunk in.
Because you know what?
A lot more people are going to see the film now.
You know, it's still in cinemas.
It's going to get a lot more people to see the film.
A lot more people will get outraged.
And hopefully that will affect the elections later in the year.
And also, you know, the other thing you talk about is, you know, just how what's been going on in the country has affected popular culture.
And you mentioned 24 earlier in the show, and it's funny, I had never ever watched 24 before we did this film.
You know, there was a weekend and I took home a couple of box sets of the whole series, and I was just... I mean, everyone loved this show.
This was a huge show.
People I knew loved this show, and I watched it, and I was just outraged.
And we used... I'm so happy that we used a clip in the film to explain what a ridiculous notion the ticking time bomb scenario is.
Because I've seen it in law enforcement magazines long before 9-11 they were selling police on this that there's a bomb about to go off do you torture the person's child to get answers and then in 24 they actually have that plot.
I just love it because again I've mentioned already Clive Stafford Smith is this incredibly UK based
Human Rights Lawyer, he says, you know, and it's so great as he tells the story in the film, we show the footage on 24 and he says, you know, there's a terrorist and he's got a bomb in Times Square and he's about to kill a million people.
And we've got the guy in custody.
What do we do?
So are we allowed to strap the electrodes to his testicles to get him to talk?
And we have a scene sort of mimicking that in 24.
And then Clive says rightly, well that's all just fine, but when in the last 500 years have we ever been in a situation where a bomb is about to go off and we have the culprit?
And also, if we do, that man or woman is going to be so committed that no matter what we do to them, they're not going to talk.
So it's just this pathetic, false way to get around a loophole and make torture a viable option.
It's incredibly evil.
You know, this is such an important film.
It is.
Can I have you and the director back on before it goes on HBO, maybe for a full hour, Eva?
Alex is a wonderful guy.
Once I get back to New York, because I'm still in LA, we could totally work that out.
I'd be honored, Alex.
I'm a big fan, as you know.
Well, Eva, you're a sweetheart, and I'm just so honored to know you, and I'm just honored to be able to interview you.
Fire out the official website, because I see several different sites.
Which site should people visit?
The official website is TaxiToTheDarkSide.com.
We've got a link to that up on InfoWars.com.
Eva Ornish?
And also, I think we're going to be down for South by Southwest, because our other film is screening there.
So we might be down in Austin in a few weeks.
Oh, oh, I tell you.
You know, I rarely want to beg for tickets, but I might even buy a wristband for that one.
Well, you know what?
I might see you at South by Southwest.
I might be able to get you in, Alex.
Eva Ornith.
Oh, you're too good.
Eva Ornith, thank you so much for joining us.
She just won the Academy Award.
She is the producer.
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You know, every day I think about how I better do a good job.
Willie Nelson's a fan, Eva Orner, Charlie Sheen, Charlton Hefton.
Of course, you know what?
You notice I don't come on air and say to Eva, hey, what do you think of my films, Eva?
What do you think of me?
She just brings up, hey, I'm a fan of what you do.
But that doesn't make me get a big head.
It actually freaks me out.
Because I could tell you stories, folks, of the things I've seen in Hollywood, the things I've seen here locally in Austin, how many people are awake, the people that are awake, but I'll never betray them, I'll never talk about
Some of the big names I know that know about the New World Order, it's just up to them to come out.
And Eva Orner's done that.
I didn't put her on the spot about 9-11.
But, like Rick Linklater, when I've had him up a few times, I didn't ask him to come on there and talk about 9-11 being an inside job.
He just volunteered.
He thought it was an inside job.
Rick Linklater, award-winning filmmaker.
Now, he's had big blockbusters and quite a few art films as well.
He's more known for his art films.
Then he goes, oh, by the way, I'm friends with Bruce Willis.
It woke him up.
Gave him your video.
And now he says, and then the proof was six months later he's in Vanity Fair saying a secret group runs the U.S.
and the same group that killed Kennedy runs the government today.
We woke Bruce Willis up, folks.
Now, listen.
I've got an incredible responsibility.
But I can't enjoy any of this, quote, success because I'm constantly freaked out by the fact that we're putting poison in our water, they are destroying our currency, they're about to start World War III, but all I can do is fight back then.
I mean, everybody I know says, why aren't you happy?
Why are you so serious?
Why are you always obsessed with this stuff?
How could you not be obsessed with a pack of psychopathic killers running the world government, setting up world taxes, trying to sell us on torture,
Well, they won the Academy Award exposing how the White House ordered torture.
Now they're talking about indicting John Yoo, who wrote the memo saying they could torture children sexually.
I've said he should be immediately arrested!
Now, he was in Army Counterintelligence, one of the most successful gold brokers out there.
Stocks, bonds, you name it.
He's got a financial pedigree that is second to none.
He joins us popping in on short notice and I appreciate him doing that after we just had that Academy Award winning producer on for Taxi to the Dark Side.
Willie Nelson's daughter's coming up next hour.
I've been here vitriolically talking about everybody's waking up and we're exposing these people, but we put an article up today, several articles up today, where
I'm trying to find the article.
I read it at the start of the first hour.
I just can't keep track of it all.
Let me go to Prison Planet and try to pull it up.
But I know Bob has already seen it.
Greenspan, two days ago, and it just hit the news today, gave a speech to the Association
That makes up the grouping of all the Arab OPEC members.
And he said, go ahead and get rid of the dollar.
Please, you know, drop the dollar as the peg.
You need to get off.
And then he said, it's going to help us with inflation here.
And according to everything I know about basics of economics, if they dump the dollar, and countries are already moving away, that's going to precipitate an even faster slide
And according to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Joseph Stiklitz and Bob Chapman and, I mean, how many experts have we had on?
All we've got left is the dollar, and just last week, Dr. Roberts, former Wall Street Journal editor, the father of economics, head of the Treasury, he said here that
Depression, total collapse if the dollar collapses.
And he said if the dollar can just hold, it's kind of a mediocre currency, we may just slide into a five-year recession.
Same thing Bob Chapman's been saying.
And then Greenspan comes out and says, no, it's good, let's get rid of the dollar.
I was shaken when I saw this this morning, but it fits in with his activity the last year.
And this is treason, is it not, Bob Chapman?
Right, and the answer is diehard.
Anyway, that is quite a switch for Mr. Greenspan.
But, you know, Mr. Greenspan's been on their payroll for a long time.
And he's saying what he is being told to say.
And if that is the case, he is telling you that the insiders have decided they're going to let the dollar go.
It's no longer going to be the reserve currency.
It'll be one of many other currencies.
The OPEC members will probably use a basket of currencies which they already have set up.
Haven't used, but haven't set up.
They've abandoned any premise, possibility of the dollar continuing as a world monetary unit.
And how far it goes down remains to be seen.
But when you spoke of inflation and what Mr. Greenspan said about inflation,
That is absolutely and thoroughly incorrect.
Because if the dollar continues to fall, because it's not going to be a reserve currency anymore, and countries won't have to hold large amounts of it, then that currency will enter the marketplace in one form or another, whether it's being used to buy stocks or properties or gold or silver or whatever,
I think so.
But it seems like this is literally an elementary, kindergarten level, economic 101.
That if the dollar continues to tank, that's the cause of the inflation, is because they devalued it by over-issuance of the currency, liquidity, and the credit, and sold all this bad debt, and that having the bag handed back to us will only accelerate its destruction and our standard of living.
I mean, how can he get up there and say,
A tanking dollar is good for inflation.
Do they think the public's that dumb?
Well, first of all, you may have an elementary knowledge, but it's quite good.
And what you've just said is perfect.
The only gaping hole there is that while all this is going on, in order to keep the U.S.
economy and the world economy, for that matter, from slipping into deflation, what they must continue to do is increase money and credit.
Uh, as fast as they can.
It's being increased 16% right now, and 18 of the other 20 major currencies are running around 14% on average.
Some of them are higher, some of them are lower.
The European Monetary Unit, the Euro, the European Central Bank, ECB, and over in London, it's 12.3.
We get 2.9.
So, everybody's on the bandwagon.
So, what are they doing?
They're all
They're all depreciating their currencies at the same time to keep the inevitable away, which is deflation.
They know what's coming.
They've known since 2002, when they made the turn at the corner and then the Middle East blew up in their face.
Brzezinski came out two years ago and said, you've set us back 30 years in our quest for world government, referring to the Bush administration.
They have just made so many mistakes, and they're going to get caught.
And the whole thing's going down, just like Paul Craig Roberts said.
And it's just not good.
And the inflation's going to be there, and it's going to be big time.
So we're going to have stagflation?
That's right.
Unemployment, frozen or very small wage increases, productivity increases will probably run normal, which are 2.5%.
And then you get the collapsing real estate market, a credit crisis.
Here's the $64 million question, Bob Chapman.
I appreciate you popping in to comment on this today.
Why are the big central banks, the IMF, the other organizations over there, the big central banks of Europe, why are they
Going along with this, why would they want to accelerate the destruction of the dollar when they hold so many reserves in it?
Why are they doing this?
Who stands to gain from this?
It's a commonality of losses.
And you know, I think what they're looking at as the final product here is that all currencies go down against gold because they can't hold gold down forever.
And I'll get into that in a second.
But if they're all going to go down, those currencies against gold,
They'll say, ipso facto, I think we should have a world currency now.
And that's really what they're asking for.
Maybe they're trying to take them all down for that reason.
Now that's what they've said.
They have to build the euro, then make the dollar fall, then claim it's because of currency problems, dollarize the Americas, then have destabilization between those, and then, oh, we've just got to have a world peg on the currency.
That's probably the final culmination of what they're doing.
And you saw the events here on Friday and Monday with regard to rumors on CNBC that AMBAC and NBIA are going to be bailed out and that they'll keep their AAA ratings.
And then S&P said yesterday that they will allow them to keep their ratings even though one of them just put out some notes that are paying 14%.
Doesn't sound like AAA to me.
And so why did they do that?
Well, they had to calm the market, but they also knew some horrible news was coming.
The PPI figures were at 1% on the month.
You were looking at 10% falls in sales and house prices and consumer confidence indexes in the basement someplace.
And they knew all this was coming.
And so that's the game they played.
They're manipulating all the markets.
Now, what'll happen is slowly the market, the stock market, will go back down again, and slowly gold will start to move back up again.
And, of course, they threw in an IMF sale, which McCormick at the Treasury, who was appointed, incidentally, by Paulson, both from Goldman, he says, oh, the administration says it's okay to sell that gold.
If they cut some expenses.
That's right.
To be clear, what was that a week ago?
The IMF dumped a ton of gold in the market trying to suppress prices and gold responded by going to $9.50.
It's at $9.46 right now.
So, if they wouldn't have dumped all that gold in the market, would gold be above $1,000 right now?
Oh, sure.
Incidentally, I have a piece in tomorrow's issue written by Jim Sinclair about the history of IMF dumping.
Well, stay there.
Let's come back and talk about that if you can with us, Bob Chapman.
On the other side of this quick break, we've got a bunch of other news coming up.
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Alright, a ton of news coming up in the next segment.
Paula Nelson, daughter of Willie Nelson, joining us in the third hour of the day as scheduled.
Gold is at $9.47 and climbing right now.
Look, bottom line, Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
You can email him there, get a free copy of his newsletter.
It's excellent.
I suggest you subscribe.
Bob, in the minute or two we got left here, and I appreciate you popping in, in layman's terms, it's very bad to have the former Fed Chairman tell the Arabs to dump the dollar.
And in the long run, even the short term, we just don't know how bad it'll hurt us, but it's gonna hurt us either way.
It's hurting our economy because our fiat currency was the main thing we had left as an economy, and we let these guys get in there and create this fantasy world, and now they're showing us that they're globalists and they're selling us out.
Is that a correct statement?
It certainly is.
So what do we do about Greenspan?
I mean, I think we need to expose him as a traitor.
We can't do anything about the man.
I mean, he's going to do what he's going to do.
He came out of obscurity, in actuality, a failed economist, with one client when he was brought into the Federal Reserve in the 1980s and then graduated to his job for 20 years.
He's going to do what he's told to do.
He's been paid to do that all his life.
And when he talks to those people at OPEC, he gets several hundred thousand or a million dollars for speaking to them.
And it's, you know, this is the game that they play.
They don't care about the public, you and I. They care about enrichment, whether they're 83 years old or not.
Well, I mean, obviously that's the fact.
I'm just trying to impart to the public.
Gold is, I guess, this signals that gold's going up for sure if Greenspan's saying dump the dollar.
Absolutely, and I'll tell you, if you're not on board, you're still at the beginning of phase two of three or four phases.
You want to be long gold and silver-related assets immediately.
By the way, silver's exploding right now.
What's your take on that?
It should explode.
It's underpriced.
It's been a long way.
You know, the short positions by the commercials in both gold and silver are at all-time highs.
And if these two medals continue to go up, they're going to take big losses.
And I'm a former professional trader for 25 years.
I belong to the Traders Association, etc.
And I want to tell you something.
You never see what you see going on among those commercials.
The only conclusion I can come to is that the United States government has guaranteed them against loss.
Why else would they do anything so suicidal?
Boy, I tell you, it's just amazing.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Thank you for spending time with us today, sir.
My pleasure, whenever you want.
Take care.
There goes Bob Chapman.
Now, he's only with us for two minutes.
I called Ted during the last break, and I said, how are you on the deal you've been offering for a week?
And he said, we have very little of the three different types of gold coins left.
We've got some of the silver left.
He thought yesterday was the day.
It's going to be going up, because it's been staying at near $9.50 for a week now.
Ted is almost out of these.
Limited supplies.
This is going to be it at that price.
It may go up a little bit or a lot.
We're not sure.
Ted, tell them about the offer.
People just heard Bob Chapman.
Well, just like you said, Alex, I mean, silver's at $18.71, almost $19.
I'm still holding silver at $19 per face value.
Again, that's 10 dimes or four quarters equals $1.
So you're paying like 25, 30 cents above spot.
I mean, you can't get that anywhere.
No, that's ridiculous.
I mean, the gold right now is at 947.90, and I still have the British Sovereign at 2.54.
That was when gold was at 9.20.
I have a few of those francs left at 2.02.
Gold's gone up
Incredibly, silver's gone up as well.
These are perfect coins to get in on at the bottom floor.
It's only going to go up.
All the evidence says that.
These are great coins.
These are the type of coins I pick up a few of every month.
Give Ted Anderson a call, 800-686-2237.
He has great professional brokers.
Yeah, and it's getting to the point where I know darn well my wholesalers are not going to hold on this stuff.
I'm probably going to end up taking a little bit of a loss, but like you said, it gets people involved in the market.
But right now, without a question, I mean, you said it's going to go up.
It is.
It already has gone up.
When you look into the past, and you go, hey, look, I can still buy something that, you know, because this compares to silver at about $17, and I'm looking at $18.66.
Call 800-686-2237.
Now's the time to get in.
It's here.
This is a great value, and there's, you know, I don't know how to say it.
All right.
Tons of news and a lot more ahead.
Ted, thanks for popping in with us.
Hey, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
And if you missed Bob's website, it's theinternationalforecaster.com.
Incredible insight.
We'll be right back.
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I never thought I'd go But it's time to let you know I'm going to harden my heart I'm going to swallow my fear I'm going to turn and leave you
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us today.
Willie Nelson's daughter is scheduled to pop in with us.
She's on the road, though, but can always be bumpy.
Coming up, here comes the $739 billion tax bailout.
More on Trader Greene's spanner as Gulf states abandon the dollar.
Antidepressants taken by thousands of Brits do not work.
Major new study reveals.
Clinton camp drudge have teamed up.
Of course they've teamed up.
How vaccines can damage the brain.
I'm going to scan over these as quickly as possible.
Russia abides by international law in its support of Serbia.
Their foreign minister says.
Crossing into the U.S.
has increasingly become a matter of life and death.
And they're calling for DNA databases of the illegal aliens.
It's going to start with them.
It's going to be for everybody.
And I've got a bunch of other really important news here that I want to go over as well.
But he joins us once a month, and it's time for that visit now.
And people actually call in and email me and write me and say, when are you having Marty back on?
He is such a character.
We love his limericks.
And look, I bring products on from time to time that I believe in.
And I've told the story before, but I think it's best I tell it briefly.
Michael Drudeau was a sales manager here three or four years ago.
He'd been there for 12 years before that.
He was a Republican, but he was into environmental stuff.
I think so.
You know, I won't take cookie sponsors, folks.
I won't take things I don't believe in.
Plus, I try to have my... I told my wife, just buy organic stuff at Whole Foods.
It's like three times the cost of detergent stuff, and it would still upset my kid's skin.
She said, no, I want that soap.
So it really is different.
It really is quality.
He's been around since 1947.
It's organic, certified under California standards.
Those are the highest.
And you save 85% off supermarket prices while you're at it.
Because there's not those billions of dollars of advertising.
In fact, from the 40s until the late 90s or 2000 and something, they only sold institutions.
Hospitals, five-star hotels, because they knew how to save money and they knew what was quality.
That said, Marty Schachter, it's always great to have you on.
It's always a pleasure to talk to you and your listeners.
It makes my day, if not my month,
And it's just such a wonderful pleasure to relate information and share with you something they can't get anywhere else.
Bottom line, in a nutshell, for listeners that haven't heard you and there's, you know, hundreds of thousands a day that are new to TuneIn, the show's just exploding.
In a nutshell, why your soap is soap versus detergent, what it's made up out of, the products, and then how you can make the claim, which is true, of 85% off supermarket prices.
Well, number one, our products are triple concentrated.
We don't use fillers, air, salt.
It doesn't take much to pick up most of the products in a supermarket like Dove or Zest or Dial and read the label that says it's got a wonderful product in there called Sodium Chloride.
And people think they've got, my God, must be a new cleaning product!
Sodium Chloride is table salt.
They use table salt as a filler, as an inert ingredient, as a weight enhancer.
Most of the products have large amounts, anywhere from 30, 40, to 50% of the content is table salt.
Now that's a scam right there, but I'm not even worried about the salt myself.
What about all the chemicals
And the things they admit.
I mean, the first thing an allergist will tell you, a medical doctor, if your kid's got asthma, is get him on organic soap.
People are breathing this stuff.
I mean, I'm an issue.
I get one drop of shampoo in my eye, it'd burn me.
None of it's Caldense soap.
Well, right now, if you go to the supermarket and walk down the detergent aisle, you'll need a respirator.
Yeah, my eyes water, yeah.
It just fumes from the perfume.
Perfumes are toxic.
We don't use perfumes.
We use natural juices from oranges, from pears,
From cherries, from almonds, from coconuts.
These are materials that don't stay on your skin, don't stay in the air, and doesn't stay in your towels.
It's safe, it's food, and it works so well.
We believe in that.
We're very old-fashioned, very conservative, and very stubborn in our products.
You know, old is new again.
Soap is
Thousands of years old!
And yet, it's here, it's new again, because of Alex Jones saying so, and we've got to introduce this to the people, because there's thousands of chemicals.
Basically, it all sums up, it's called junk science.
Well, the globalists are chemical makers, so they put sodium fluoride in the water, instead of it being a toxic waste, they say it's nutritious, or they put mercury in the shots and say it's good for you.
Or they put all these toxic chemicals, the byproducts of cracking oil.
You worked in the military chemical course, you know about it.
And they just dump it into our soap, and then we put it down the drain.
It's a great way of getting rid of their toxic waste.
And they call it soap.
It's not soap, is it?
It's a petrochemical made from petroleum.
It's a detergent.
The word was created in 1945.
A sludge.
A sludge.
That's what it is, basically.
It's too strong.
It's too toxic.
It's got three basic fillers or inert ingredients and products.
Number one, sodium chloride, which would you wash your face, your body, your baby with table salt.
Number two is air.
They puff it up like ivory soap, which is a good bar soap, but it's got, you know, 30, 40% air in it.
So it'll float.
And the other third item is water.
But again, I'm not even worried about that.
I mean, that's bad enough.
It's all the toxic things.
Marty, tell them about some of the specials, some of the products.
Give them the number.
Well, first of all, our main number to reach us is 800-340-7091.
That's a toll-free number.
You can ask for me.
You can ask for my son.
You can ask for my daughter.
We're a family company, a family partnership.
We're not a big corporation.
We don't believe in it.
We believe in America, American products, American health.
We don't import, export any of our cleaning materials.
We feel it's the safe and better and honest way to go.
To get started with our Pure Soap product, you should try our Soap Tote Bag, which is a one-month supply.
It'll last a family of four, anywhere from four to eight weeks.
It's basically a six-pound package that's got four bars of our Pure Soap, nothing like it in the country.
It's got a 16-ounce bottle, a pint of our triple concentrated
Cocoa butter shampoo, nothing like it.
Can't even compare it with anything in a dispenser bottle.
16 ounces of our liquid pure cream soap for pots, pans, utensils, pans, floors, windows.
Safe, concentrated in a dispenser bottle.
18 ounces in a little plastic jar of our laundry soap powder.
Real soap that won't hurt
One of the things that's been happening, I've been getting a lot of phone calls from people who are concerned about shelf life.
Our products have unlimited shelf life.
You can store it.
You can put it away.
You can warehouse it.
You can do anything you want.
It won't spoil.
Another thing I've noticed is just like detergent soaps and bars.
If you leave one on a shelf for like a year, it like eats through the paper and starts bubbling out like it's a toxic waste.
Your stuff doesn't do that.
We have never in 60 years, going on 61 years,
A business had any product spoiled.
Give them a call.
At least get a free catalog or get the sampler tote bag.
Or 5, just the number 5, starsoap.com.
There's a big fat banner in the middle of jonesreport.com.
If you forget the site, it's right in the middle of Jones Report.
It's a huge banner at jonesreport.com.
Okay, this is way, way, this is my most favorite limerick.
Very, very old.
The other side's winning!
Marty, you're something else.
Marty, we'll talk to you soon, my friend.
Looking forward to it.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
That's 5starsoap.com or 800-340-7091.
We have a few sponsors we have up once a month.
And Storable Foods folks, the soap people, the water filter folks.
And that's how I pay for all the employees in the office and the websites.
And I also try to bring you things that are good deals that I buy myself that I believe in that are discounted on top of it.
So, I just believe in it, and thank you for letting us have sponsors on, folks.
Marty's a sweetheart.
Man, there is so much here to cover, so much to go over.
We're going to be having Paul Craig Roberts at the end of the show.
Dr. Roberts can pop in real fast with his take on Greenspan saying the dollar needs to be basically abandoned.
That is a big deal.
But look at this story on antidepressants out of the Daily Mail out of the United Kingdom.
And you'd think this story was hardcore and exposing something.
It really is a whitewash.
I mean, even when you think something's exposing something, it's not one-tenth as bad as it really is.
Antidepressants taken by thousands of Brits do not work.
Major new study reveals.
Now, literally, I've seen scores of studies, their own internal studies.
They found back in 81, 82, when they were doing trials of Prozac, the big granddaddy of all these,
This is a new one I'm going to get to in a minute.
I just want to give you the facts.
You can go look these up.
They found that it caused massive increases in suicide, psychopathic acting out, homicidal
Just rage, stabbing, shooting, killing, people slicing themselves.
Women, it really drives nuts when they get an imbalance with it.
Running around slicing themselves with butcher knives is one of their favorites.
Cutting their baby's arms off.
I mean, it's always the same.
I hate to have to mention that, but you need to know what this stuff can do to you.
You're having a good trip, you're happy.
It's in the hallucinogen family.
You have the bad trip, folks, and you start killing babies.
Antidepressants taken by thousands of Brits do not work.
But see, they have found, even in the 80s, and then right to the 90s, every one of these, that sugar pill has a bigger effect in control.
This is their own studies, by the way.
But still, the FDA approves them.
Sugar pill, placebo.
It isn't.
It makes you worse.
Just go to Luvox, or go to any of these serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
Uh, fluoride slash chlorine base that combine the molecules.
This is chemical weapons.
Same stuff that's in sarin and VX nerve gas.
You don't believe me?
Go look it up.
Of course you're feeling good, baby.
Your brain cells are dying.
You like that VX nerve gas, don't you?
What did they get away with?
It's just incredible.
But, of course, it's tied to Alzheimer's and diabetes now.
Of course!
You start taking chlorine and fluoride molecules combined together in different combos.
I mean, yeah, you're going to feel real good.
That's why drinking liquor makes you feel good.
Your brain's dying.
You ever broke your leg and a few minutes into it you get euphoria?
Kind of becomes numb and you kind of feel euphoric?
That's your natural endorphins coming out.
That's what happens when you take these babies.
Your brain says, I'm dying.
Oh, I feel good.
Yeah, go sleep now.
Oh, it's more complex than that.
There's a lot of different interactions.
Antidepressants taken by thousands of Brits do not work.
Major new study reveals antidepressant tablets taken by millions of Britons may be a waste of time and money, researchers show.
Well, it's not just a waste of time and money.
It hurts you.
Any analysis of dozens of studies, this is mainstream news I'm reading here.
Any analysis of dozens of studies involving thousands of patients revealed that some of the most widely prescribed antidepressants work little better than dummy pills.
Little better?
The studies I've seen say placebo works better.
The drugs studied, including Prozac,
Sero...Seroat...Affexor were a little more efficient than placebos in improving the mental health in the majority of cases, the University of Hull Research Show.
But then they have the side effect of psychopathic and suicidal activities.
I mean, don't read their own inserts!
Say it!
That's not me!
It's...oh, it's an antidepressant.
How is it an antidepressant if it makes you more depressed?
And again, once you get depressed and crazy on this stuff, once that happens... I'm an experimenter, folks.
I've never liked drugs, but I've tried this, tried that once or twice.
I had a girlfriend who took Prozac.
And I wanted to see what it would do, so for just a few days I took it.
And man, I felt like I was in a dream.
You know when you're daydreaming?
You're kind of mesmerized?
That was probably back in about, what, about 1995 or so?
Yeah, I'd go over to her house every night and she'd be sitting there watching TV or whatever.
No, about 1994.
Boy, she was always happy.
Let me tell you, it was like a... That's why I didn't, that's why I quit going out with her.
It was like, it was like dating a robot or something.
A blonde-haired cheerleader type.
Great looking, everything, you know, somewhat smart, but it just wasn't like a real person.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
The point is here, this is bad stuff.
Research, which showed the most widely prescribed antidepressant pills are ineffective, was gathered by combining the results of 35 clinical trials, including 5,000 patients.
Only the most extreme depression of the tablets, which are taken by 2 million Britons and have been linked to a host of side effects, including suicide, prove
Substantively superior in improving mental health.
And again, that's when they've got somebody who's just completely out of their gourd.
But again, it's those really depressed people that it does, and I've seen the studies, help short-term.
But then when they have the bad depression again, it's worse than it ever was, and now it's psychopathic, and they want to stab people.
They want to shoot.
These shooters have always been in the mental ward.
They always have been on four or five drugs.
And then, oh, or they miss their tablets, or mix them wrong, or don't get their prescription, or go to jail for DWI, and they get out after not having it for two days, and the first thing they do is go get a machine gun and go shoot a bunch of people.
And then they want my guns, because you've hocked millions of people up on a hallucinogenic drug.
Matt Grudge, working with the Clintons, I thought he was a big neocon.
This is important news.
We'll cover it when we get back.
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The Paula Nelson, Paula Nelson of the Paula Nelson Band, lucky 13th new album.
Going to be popping in with us for about 30-45 minutes next hour.
And then we're going to have Dr. Paul Greg Roberts pop in with what Alan Greenspan's done.
Oh man.
Telling the Arabs to dump the dollar.
It's just unbelievable treason.
The general public doesn't know what that means.
We don't have factories anymore like we used to.
80% of them are gone.
All we've got is that stinking dollar.
See, they get you under the control of a fiat system, the central banks, the private foreign banks get full control of us, and then you just wanted to trust them like they wouldn't abuse us or use it on us?
All these years we told you the Federal Reserve was your enemy?
I'm talking to long-time listeners that still hate me.
I get your emails.
Believe me, for our main listeners, I have people that have been listening for 10, 12 years, 13 years, that hate me, and that laugh about everything.
You're going to be laughing.
Are you laughing at the economy right now?
This is just the start.
You make me sick!
And I don't like my family going through pain.
I don't like your family going through pain.
I don't think this is cute or funny.
And just because you think it's funny, doesn't make it funny.
I mean, I am upset!
I'm so upset that I'm not even getting mad.
You know when you get so mad you don't even get mad?
You know what I mean?
It's just more like, I'm just tired of it!
I mean, do we have, like, the worst criminals ever running things?
Why do we have the worst criminals?
Just the most out-of-control, conniving, America-hating trash, getting rid of our sovereignty, destroying our currency, destroying our good name, selling the world on torture.
It's just amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
The type of things that we're dealing with here.
And I'm not going to try to whine about it.
I'm just going to try to give you the analysis.
That's why we got Dr. Roberts popping in at the end of the show, the last 15 minutes or so, after Paul Nelson.
She's probably the most successful of Willie Nelson's children in music, but quite a few of them are very successful.
Great music!
We've got a duet she did with her dad, too, we're going to play part of, and a few little short excerpts of
Some of the tracks off her new album, Lucky 13, which you, by the way, can get at paulanelsonband.com.
And so that's coming up.
Rarely am I speechless.
This Greenspan thing, I've got all this other news in front of me and all I can think about is this Greenspan situation.
Because, you know, I live in the past, I live in the moment, I live in the future, too.
I'm certainly not a Zen type of guy like Willie Nelson.
I'm living in all of it.
I do live in the now.
I enjoy the now.
I think about the past.
I learn from it.
I always look forward and project into the future.
As a leader, as a planner, I have to do that.
And this may take six months.
It may take a year.
It just follows a pattern of the big central bankers and their head minions and spokesmen like Greenspan.
He's the most known central banker in the world, the most, quote, prestigious.
Saying that it's good to have countries dump the dollar, when just on the face of it, that is the worst possible thing.
And then he gives a reason for it, saying it'll help inflation, when it's going to do the opposite on the face of it.
You know, he even gives us his reason for saying the dollar needs to die, is that it's going to help inflation.
And I guess that means inflation is going to be so bad, they've got to just get rid of the dollar.
Let me tell you, the process of that happening will take years, and it's going to be like having your wisdom teeth pulled every single day.
So, I know what this means now for our country.
I know what this means for you.
It means they're going ahead with it, they're going to trash the dollar, and I am boiling mad over this.
But hey, I'm going to shift gears and get into a good mood to talk to Paula Nelson.
I'm a fan of her music and a big fan of her daddy and the whole Willie Nelson crew.
Willie Nelson and Friends, as they say.
So we'll be right back with Paula Nelson from the Paula Nelson Band, the new record album, Lucky 13.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Well, it's cold outside And the heart is parked And I can't take away The chill from the night of day And I've been pining on and on About how everything's wrong As if to throw away Everything I own The weather's changed again
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Be that as it may, I'm fallin' on better days.
Be that as it may, I'm fallin' on better days.
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Doesn't pay to blink, cause it's later than you think.
Your whole life could change with a blink of an eye.
Six o'clock in the morning and here I am
Alright, folks, we're back live.
We're about to go to break here in a moment, but let's go ahead and bring her up.
The website's PaulaNelsonBand.com.
She's Paula Nelson, an amazing artist in her own right, and of course, not just a musician, but lead vocals of the Paula Nelson Band.
There she is doing a duet with her father we've interviewed twice in the last three weeks.
Paula Nelson, thanks for coming on with us.
Hi, how are you doing?
Thanks for having me.
It's great to have you on.
I saw you had a new record out or a new album out in the news and I wanted to have you on to talk about just your music, your dad, your whole philosophy, just everything.
Where are you right now?
I'm in Austin, Texas.
Oh, so you're back in Austin.
I heard you've been on the road.
Yeah, we went to Alpine and Odessa and we go to Fort Worth tomorrow and then back here in Austin.
But, you know, traveling's good.
It certainly is.
When did the new record come out, Lucky 13?
Uh, you know, we had a few printed out in December for friends and family, especially, I've been saying since March, that it'd be due in a month.
So by December we got out, well, about 500 or so, and then actually we're doing a CD release party this Friday night with Joe Ely here at the Saxon Pub in Austin, so that'll be the official release.
I talked to some folks just a few weeks ago.
Oh, perfect.
They said they saw you at the Saxit Pub.
You play there, what, once a week, don't you?
Yep, every Wednesday night.
We've been doing that for the last couple of years.
It's a paid rehearsal and we've got all our friends and family there.
So it's a nice addition to the week.
Now, it gets pretty jam-packed.
That's just up the street from where I'm broadcasting from on South Lamar.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it gets pretty packed in there.
It's definitely one of my favorite clubs in Austin.
It's just a really feel-good kind of spot.
You can sit down and enjoy the music.
I don't have an ear for it, but I'm told it has great acoustics.
It does.
It really does.
Well, I think it's just the way, like I said, you can sit down.
There's a lot of clubs in Austin that are big warehouse-type venues, and it's easy to lose the music in there, but Paxton Pub's kind of like them.
Well, we're going to play some little cuts from your album.
Not the whole songs, but part of a few of them, if that's okay when we get back from break.
With our guest, Paula Nelson from the Paula Nelson Band.
We have links up on InfoWars.com.
Right now, we'll be right back after this quick break.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Paula Nelson, daughter of Willie Nelson, an amazing musician and singer, vocalist in her own right, with the group Paula Nelson Band.
We just played a duet with her and her father.
She's with us till 40 after.
The Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Wall Street Journal editor, father of Reaganomics, comes on to talk about what's happening to the economy and Greenspan calling for basically dumping the dollar.
You know, when we got Willie on three weeks ago for the first time, you noticed for about 20 minutes, I didn't throw any hard questions at him because I'm such a big fan.
I wanted to hear about growing up, music, his family.
And then Willie's like, hey, let's get into some hardcore issues.
We're not going to get into too many of those today, though I do want to talk about her father because he's such an icon and such a great person, but also her life, her family, what she's doing.
But we couldn't have a Nelson on without, you know, getting into some of those issues.
We'll probably spend a little bit of time on that.
Paul, you brought something up to me pretty amazing, though, during that last break when we had a few minutes to talk, and that I didn't even know about, that happened the first time your dad came on, and then he came back on still again to show him the type of guy he is, and I think it's pretty historical and important, but do you think we should just out of the gates mention that or just leave it alone?
Well, I think that's something that happens often when people state their opinions and there's strong opinion against it and strong against opinions for it.
So, I'll just leave that up to you.
I mean, I don't want to cause any more problems, but there just are a lot of sensitive people out there.
Well, we've got to stand up to them.
And that's why I think we should, since you brought it up, mention it.
That there's a lot of scum out there.
You know, 80% of the American people are against the war.
It's our right as Americans to be against the war.
The war has been proven to be a fraud.
And your father's gotten some threats and things over that.
Also talking about the towers.
A lot of engineers and architects say they look like a controlled demolition.
Well, I definitely agree with that.
You know, one of the Dixie Chicks went through their stuff and, you know, I think it's just mainly
When we're fighting for peace and we're giving death threats, that doesn't really make sense.
And that kind of goes with the whole war in the first place.
You know, that kind of covers a lot of territory.
Well, the individuals that do that, if you can find out who they are, I'd just call the police on them.
I mean, that is just despicable to try to intimidate our free speech.
I mean, don't we have a right as Americans, even if it was an unpopular view, and by the way, his views are popular, isn't it our right, Paula Nelson, to have those views?
Well, most definitely.
Most definitely.
And, you know, I mean, my dad, as we all know, is one of the most loving men in this whole world.
I mean, he is an icon.
He'd do anything for anybody.
He does so much for his own family, for the family farmers.
I mean, he's done this for 40, 50 years.
You know, the man's 70, 75, 76.
And he's like the Energizer Bunny.
He just keeps giving, giving, giving, giving.
You know, so the whole idea of anyone getting death threats, but especially someone who's just speaking out for peace.
And I think we all just need to kind of wake up and look at the situation the world is in and make differences where we can, especially in awareness, you know, whatever that may be, just finding out what's really going on.
Well, I can't think of anything more American than what your father does speaking out.
As Teddy Roosevelt said, it's our duty as patriotic Americans to expose corrupt governments.
But some people say, no, no, no, we're not supposed to ask questions.
That sounds like Nazi Germany, though, when you're supposed to shut your mouth and not speak up.
No, I believe most definitely, you know, especially if we should speak up and stand up for what we believe in.
Most definitely, I believe that, you know.
There's some things that, like I said, I don't quite speak out on yet because I don't really know all the answers.
You know, there's a lot of uncovered stuff out there.
And I, you know, with my stuff, I write about what I know most definitely in my own life, you know, with my own music and the things that are happening in the world and family and people around me.
But as far as, you know, I really just try and
Research everything as much as possible, and like I said, what's going on is terrible.
The war is terrible.
No one should be for them.
Well, talking to your father, I mean, I was already a huge fan of the time I was a small child, being born and bred here in Texas and then in Austin, but I did more research on your dad before and after I had him on when I knew he was coming on, and to find out that he gives so much to so many charities and so much time to charities and then never even talks about
How much he's given.
I mean, he is an incredible person.
He really is.
You know, he's just like I said, he's done so much for his own family and families all over the world.
And, you know, I love and support him no matter what he does, as I know he does me.
Well, to your dad's credit and the Dixie Chicks and others, they spoke out before and at the start and during the war.
And a lot of people tried to demonize him, but I think the chicks have come out even better on the other side of this and more respected.
Big films being made about him, obviously.
Your father, if it was possible, has only gotten bigger and more respected.
So I think, at the end of the day, the moral here is we can't let bullies intimidate us from not using our First Amendment right to free speech.
Yep, I totally agree.
I totally agree.
And I think the person that made those threats, I think they need to know that they failed, because your dad came back on the show and spoke out even more.
He went on Democracy Now!, national television, and spoke out last week.
And so I would just tell those individuals that they have failed.
I want to talk more about your father and your family and your music.
Later, but now let's get into the Paula Nelson Band, because I just love your voice.
I mean, it just sounds like country gold to me, but with kind of a mix of modern to it.
How would you describe your musical development and where it's led you today to the Paula Nelson Band?
Well, I mean, I definitely think I couldn't help the influence from all the talent, you know, surrounding me from birth between, yeah.
My father, of course, Waylon Jennings, Rita Coolidge, Jesse Coulter, you know, and of course, Reece Franklin.
There's just so many.
And then there were so many that we were surrounded with that I didn't even realize how cool and talented they were until I got older and really started appreciating music.
Johnny Cash.
Of course, Johnny and June, Roseanne, their daughter, you know, just all kids that we, Tudor, Jennings, we all grew up together, really.
So I don't think any of us really understood what an honor it was and what great music and what great influences we were under.
Even with all the pros and cons, of course, too.
It was hard growing up in school being Willie Nelson's daughter.
I just would rather kind of blend in rather than stick out.
But it taught me a lot of lessons and made me stronger.
Well, you're a sweetheart to spend time with us, and I get the same spirit from you that I get from your dad and other folks, you know, who do love, you know, just being good, decent people.
Paula, there's so many nuggets.
I'm a huge Waylon Jennings fan, huge Johnny Cash fan.
I mean, not just a fan of their music, but what they stood for, everything.
People are always wanting to know more about the narrative of their lives.
Behind the scenes, growing up, being around them, around their kids, any interesting stories or nuggets about Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, or any of these people?
Well, actually, there's a few pictures out there.
I think there's a couple on my MySpace site, but when I was, oh gosh, I was probably five or six, and Waylon and his band, and he had a drummer,
Uh, his name's Richie Albright and I just had a crush on both of them and, you know, very early I'd run up to Waylon and he'd give me a kiss and say, who's number one?
And I'd say, you are!
And then I'd take off and I'd run into Richie Albright and he'd say, Paula!
And he'd pick me up and I'd give him a kiss and say, you are!
And I'd tell him he was number one.
And then my mom said I'd see both of them coming and just take off the other direction.
You know, at an early age, I knew, well, I don't want to have to choose between the two.
But, you know, they were all my uncles and my buddies and my... That's just one of the many, many stories I can think of that was kind of comical.
I mean, just from afar and seeing them in a few shows, Waylon Jennings had an amazing presence, didn't he?
Or what was it like knowing him in person?
You know, like I said, it didn't click to me that they were any different than anybody else's parents or family members.
I didn't really understand that they were different or that Dad was different or our family was different in any way until the kids in school got old enough to really remind me or let me know that we were different.
Like, well, what is it like to know so many people?
Uh, would you like to be rich?
And I personally didn't have a dime to my name, you know, me, myself, so I didn't understand.
So that made it a little bit difficult.
Uh, but then after I got out, Sloan was able to hang out and, you know, with the likes of Waylon and Leon, I was just in awe by their talent and their, you know, it was Uncle Waylon and Uncle Leon and Dad and I didn't even know how hard it was to play the guitar.
I didn't realize what a great guitar player or songwriter it was until I tried to do both on my own.
And then realize just how cool my dad's talent and really he is.
Last time I had your father on, last Monday, I'm brought up, when did he, you know, I mean, did he start out being this like Obi-Wan Kenobi, a really calm, zen, sweet guy?
I mean, being around your dad a few times, amazing presence.
Or did he develop that?
I think he kind of said he just developed in the things that happen in life.
I mean, you've been there for a big portion of your dad's life.
I think he's always been like that.
He's always been really calm and cool.
Like I said earlier, what you see is what you get.
He doesn't put on any airs or, you know, I'm Willie Nelson and look what all I do.
I think so.
He certainly is.
When we get back, we're going to talk more about your new album, Lucky 13.
What a great name for an album, and great tracks.
We've been listening to them the last few days.
And folks, if you want to get a copy of the new CD, it's at paulanelsonband.com.
There's a link there on the site to her MySpace.
It's a great MySpace page.
I was just looking at it while we were talking.
We'll be right back with Paula Nelson from the Paula Nelson Band.
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We're good to go!
I think so.
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Find your way.
That's on the album Lucky 13.
You can get it at PaulandNelsonBand.com and stores here and there around the country.
You can also go to our MySpace and find out more.
Again, at PaulandNelsonBand.com.
You know, that's also got like a bluesy sound.
Uh, like a blues slash country?
I mean, I'm not really an expert on describing music, but I certainly, certainly like it.
I know a lot of folks here in Austin that I run into that are big, big fans of your music.
I mean, how would you describe your genre of music, Paula?
Well, I think there's definitely the blues in there.
You know, I love country, but I'm more of a fan of the old, old, old country, you know?
So, Ray Charles and, you know, I think it's more of a southern rock, maybe, you know, because there are definitely some rockin' songs, but, you know, of course, I love Bonnie Raitt, you know, and then, say, people here in Austin, of course, Tony Price, huge influence, Carolyn Wonderland, rock, too.
So, you know, Luanne Barton, Angela Stray, I've had all kinds of local influences as well as, you know, all over the place.
There's a lot of tracks on here, coming back out of the next break.
What do you think is a good song for us to play part of?
Well, you know, Day to Day Love is one of my favorites, of course, because my dad and my little brother Luke sing harmony with me, and of course my dad plays guitar, and then Tosca is playing on the song, and it's just a beautiful... and then Fire Below, I'm pretty partial to that one, too.
What was the first instrument that you played, Paula?
I started playing piano when I was about four or five, and I didn't take lessons.
I just played by ear.
In fact, I was convinced that the Partridge family had stolen a song from me, because I started playing, I Think I Love You, the first song that I started playing.
Not actually the way the song sounds, but at five, I was writing my own.
And then I played the piano for a while,
I don't know the first thing about guitar playing, but I asked Jimmy Vaughn, I said,
I said, uh, Willie Nelson's a great guitar player, and then he goes, oh, he's a fabulous guitar player, and that your dad is constantly changing things and improvising, kind of like some of the other greats, that so many times he plays something different each time.
Uh, you know what, he definitely has a very unorthodox way of playing.
He puts his, I think it was Bob Dylan that said,
He puts his own trip on everything, you know?
And he does.
Whatever he does, you can always tell it's him playing because he's got his own style in everything he does.
Jimi Hendrix did that, too.
He was always improvising, wasn't he?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, it's just amazing.
Like I said, I didn't realize how hard it was until I tried to play one, and then I paid attention to how my dad played his, and it's pretty cool.
What's the story on your dad's famous guitar?
How old is that, and how did it get the big hole in it?
Well, it's just a classical guitar, so it doesn't have a pick guard, to my knowledge.
And so that is just from him strumming and strumming and strumming for the last, gosh, I could think he started when he was in his 30s, late 20s, 30s.
Well, he started singing on stage when he was five at his dad's pool hall.
And then it just progressed from there.
But I'm not quite sure how old that guitar is, but it's got to be at least 40 some years old.
Because I'm 38.
What's his nickname for the guitar?
That's right, Trigger.
I'm going to make Trigger.
Do you have a favorite guitar, Paula?
I do.
I have a Guild, actually, guitar that my dad got me and I named her Gilda.
So I still have a big ol' hole in the side, but she's a good one.
That's kind of like an enchanted name.
Well, it was a Gilda, so I just added an A. You know, it wasn't really that creative, but it's a good one.
How long have you had Gilda?
I've had Gilda for 16 years.
Now, you've been playing a long time.
You've had bands for a while.
It seems, just from the buzz I hear, and I'm around the country, that your group's really starting to pick up some steam.
Yeah, it really is.
We've spent the last just over two years playing together, you know, all three or four times a week.
And like we mentioned the Saxon Pub earlier, they were kind enough to give us a residency there, which is just great.
It's given us a great time to practice and try out new material.
Landis Armstrong, my lead guitar player, is phenomenal.
He's just a machine.
George DeVore is a wonderful rock star in his own right here in this town.
And Kevin Remy plays drums.
Chris Johnson plays bass.
Matt Hubbard was playing.
I've known him for years.
He played with us for a while and he... Paul, stay there!
Final segment with you on the other side.
Stay there!
Paul Nelson!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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It's cold outside, and the heart is hard.
I can't take away the chill of the night And I've been pining on and on About how everything's wrong As if to throw away everything I own The weather's changed again But the city looks the same Though I can't find the sun
I think so.
Nowhere is a place more hidden in the things.
Every dream I've had, it just quietly slips.
Doesn't pay to blink, cause it's later than you think.
Your whole life could change with a blink.
She's got an amazing voice.
Paula Nelson Band.
Get the new CD, Lucky 13.
By the way, she is a busy lady.
This is just what she's doing tomorrow.
Fox 7 Morning Show, here locally.
KUT, the big NPR station at noon, 90.5.
Then the White Elephant Saloon, Fort Worth, Texas.
That's all tomorrow.
Waterloo Records, the 28th.
Superstore here in Austin.
The Saxon Pub, this Friday.
KGSR is going to be broadcasting that.
The Saxon Pub, again, Wednesday, March 5th.
It just goes on and on.
Paula, I really do owe a debt to you, your father, everybody, the courage that you had speaking out against the war early on, the poems.
Everything you and your family went through, because your dad really is a class act, you're a class act, and I just want to thank you for coming on and being part of this show, Paula.
Well, thank you so very much, and I'll come back anytime.
We've just got a few minutes left here together, and if it's okay, I'm going to play part of some of the other tracks throughout the rest of this week with your new album, Lucky 13.
Thank you so much.
Just getting back to you and your father, people just love, because they admire your father so much, to know behind the scenes stuff or about the type of person he is or stories.
To add to the great Willie Nelson lore, are there any stories that stick in your mind that you've told before or any other stories that are poignant or touching or interesting or funny that you've never told Paula?
Well, yeah, I mean, there's, like I said earlier, there's so many, you know.
One, seeing him in a Santa suit is hysterical when he was trying to be Santa, you know, when my sister didn't know yet.
So, seeing him, and he got busted because he was wearing the same type of running socks that he always wore, the same kind, same brand, and so my sister busted him.
We're good to go.
Yeah, I agree.
I mean, it's not an act.
It's genuine.
He's always saying funny things.
He's always trying to make you feel at ease.
He's just a classic Texan.
I tell you, they don't make him like that anymore, I don't think.
Yeah, well, you're totally right.
You know, I just, well, I love him.
He belongs to the world, but he's just, he's wonderful.
Well, he is your daddy, and Paula, in your own right.
I mean, it's like a blue slash, like, you know, country gold, or even before that, kind of like a Hank Williams mix, or I hear,
I mean, what were the main influences on you?
Obviously your father, but female influences from a vocalist?
You know, early on it was Rita Coolidge and Jesse Coulter.
You know, they were my idols.
I would just look at them on stage and think, I just want to be them, you know?
Of course, then that same era, Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris, and then it moved on to Bonnie Raitt.
Uh, Janice Joplin, of course, uh, Winona Judd, you know, it just, the list goes on and there's so many here in Austin and, uh, out in the world that aren't on the radio that they're just fantastic, too.
So, you know, I just try and listen and get influence from, uh, everything I hear.
Well, there is an amazing music scene.
It's not hyped here in Austin.
Just so many great people.
And North Austin, Central Austin, South Austin.
I mean, seven days a week, you've got just scores of great choices.
Sometimes, do you want to get off the road or out of the studio and want to go hear some of that yourself?
I do.
You know, Clifford Antone from Antone's, we had shared the same birthday, and he was a really, really good friend of mine.
He was very, very instrumental.
Helping me out in this town.
He'd let me get up and sing any time I came down to uh... at Bantam and sing T-99U and taught me how to play the guitar that my dad bought me.
So many people loved him.
I mean, Jimmy Vaughn was really saddened when he just unexpectedly passed.
What was that, last year?
Yeah, well, coming up.
Yeah, it just, you know, it just devastated all of us.
It was just way too soon and he also was one of those people that did so much for so many people.
So he was a great influence in my life too.
Very, very missed.
Well, tell your father that I appreciate him coming on a second time, even after he got death threats.
And Paula, I want to commend you for all you've done in coming on and speaking out against the war.
Paula Nelson, the daughter of Willie Nelson, but in her own right an amazing musician and vocalist.
PaulaNelsonBand.com and check out their great MySpace.
There's a big link at the top of the site where you can go to her MySpace.
And I'm going to take you up on that offer of a beer some night at the Saxon.
I'll see you there, Paula, and God bless you.
God bless you too, Alex.
You got it.
Take care.
There goes Paulette Nelson.
And she told me that during the break.
I'm not going to get into too many more details about people threatening her dad, but again, that's these scumbag neocons.
Hey, they're talking about indicting John Yoo now.
You're not going to get away with destroying our country.
Or maybe they will.
You know, that's up to us to see.
Okay, he came on on very short notice, former Wall Street Journal editor.
He's got, of course, father of economics, head of policy at the Treasury under
Reagan, and he has said in the last couple years here that, I keep saying, well, when's it going to implode, or will it be a slow slider, just from a bad recession?
And he says, I don't know, Alex, but all the signs are bad and getting worse with the people running things.
Trying to paraphrase here.
But this is all in a question for you, Dr. Roberts.
By the way, the second edition of his book is about to come out.
And then you keep saying it depends on if the dollar falls apart or keeps sliding.
And the other economists and forecasters and experts, we concur with what you're saying, that the key is keeping the dollar.
And now Greenspan has come out, and I have multiple mainstream news articles here, I'm sure you've already seen this, and he talked to, he found the actual quote here, he talked to a consortium of Arab leaders yesterday,
And he said that de-pegging their currencies from the dollar is probably the most useful thing that can be done to stop the increasing influence of foreign assets on the monetary system, and therefore, the monetary base and inflationary pressures.
And he went on to say that in the short term, the free floating will not fully dissipate inflationary pressure, although it will significantly do so, Greenspan added, giving a green light to the Gulf states to drop the dollar peg.
This is in a bunch of papers today.
Dr. Roberts, A, telling them to start dumping the dollar, won't that cause more inflation as the dollar drops more for us?
And why is he doing this?
I mean, can you explain that to me, sir?
Well, Alex, I might can.
I haven't seen these... I've been out running errands and haven't seen these releases.
Keep in mind, he's speaking to the oil producers about how to manage their own
And when they're pegged to the dollar, they import ours.
And so what he's saying is to prevent the sharp rise in the home prices is to stop importing the American inflation.
And the way you do that is you break the peg.
So I think that's what he's telling them.
I don't know.
We don't import much from OPEC but oil, and that price seems to be fixed according to American inflation anyhow.
So I don't know that them breaking the peg would affect the oil price or have much direct
Well, sir, I'm a novice, you know, compared to you, but I mean, just from my feeble understanding of this, and correct me if I'm wrong, I mean, I want the answers.
Now, again, I appreciate you joining us short notice.
If the dollar's already been devalued, they've already printed so much of it, and so that's causing the inflation or helping generate it, and then if the dollar goes down even more, and I would think that would happen if the Arabs start moving away from it, then won't that drive up our oil price because it'll be an even more devalued dollar?
Well, that's what I was trying to address.
I'm not sure there's a direct connection between their peg to the dollar and dollar inflation.
There is a direct connection between their peg to the dollar and their inflation, and I think that's what Greenspan was addressing.
I think it's right, and what you seem to be suspicious of is that the psychological effect of the oil producers removing a dollar peg could cause a lot of people to think it meant something it didn't because of the psychological effect, and it could further weaken the willingness of people around the world to hold dollar assets.
I think what will determine the
The future of the dollar is the willingness of foreigners to continue to accumulate dollar investments.
And sometimes a weaker dollar makes them more willing because they say, look, we can buy IBM now 30% cheaper because the dollar's gone down and it's priced in dollars.
So the real question is,
How many of our assets do they want to accumulate?
And if they decide they don't want to accumulate them at the same rates they have in the past, and Washington keeps turning out trade and budget deficits at the same growth rates, then the dollar is going to continue to sink.
And that's what the real issue is.
The Chinese peg to the dollar could have more effect because we import so much from China, far more than we import from OPEC.
As I've told you before on these shows, the manufacturing goods deficit of the United States is three times, four times the size of the
I mean, obviously that's the big issue dragging us down from what you and others have said who are experts on this.
But again, just from a novice perspective, from what you've said and what other experts have said previously, it seems to be in unison that the creeping move away from the dollar overall is bad for the American economy.
Well, I don't know that it's against the interest of the United States.
And Greenspan may be thinking that
What we need is more discipline at home, and it's hard to get discipline if the foreigners are willing to take up the slack.
So if we can just continually behave irresponsibly, running huge budget and trade deficits, and the rest of the world is going to finance them, we're never going to stop!
And so Greenspan may be thinking, and I don't know what he's thinking, but he may be thinking, look, if the rest of the world
It could actually impose some discipline on the United States.
And if they did impose some discipline on us, it might be a good thing.
It might help keep the entire world monetary system from breaking down as a result of American irresponsibility.
Shifting gears, you wrote an article
Who will end the American Empire and its neocon crazies before they end the world?
Give us your rundown of basically what you said in this great story you put out today.
Well, I was looking at the reaction of the American government to the demonstrations in Belgrade against the Kosovo independence and to the fact that the American embassy was damaged.
All the Americans got in the government, they got all upset and said, it's unpowerable!
It's unpowerable!
Our embassy's damaged!
Blah, blah, blah.
But these are the same people who didn't think it was unpowerable to give away a big chunk of Serbia, which is what the United States government did when it recognized the Kosovo separatist
I think so.
Yeah, but what I'm talking about is just the other day.
No, I mean now.
I mean, sure, Belgrade and what's happening, and Kosovo and Pristina.
No, no, certainly, I mean, NATO is handing over a portion of that country to the Muslims, and then how is Bush this anti-Muslim extremist when he's literally stealing about 20% of a sovereign nation?
Yeah, it's the historic part.
Also, Serbia that they fought the Turks over, you know, for several hundred years in the 14th and 15th century.
So, it's a very sore spot for the Serbs to wake up one morning and find out that the United States government has given away part of their country.
And I was astonished that the Secretary of State, our UN Ambassador, our former diplomat,
I would think that they could just give away part of a country and the country wouldn't care, wouldn't notice it, or wouldn't get mad.
It just shows the mentality of the United States government that it is the sole arbiter of every country.
What is a country?
What part of it is theirs?
We decide that.
What part will we give to somebody?
We decide that.
This is a form of hubris and empire that the world has never seen before.
This is the most amazing thing.
And what is it all about?
I've been trying to find out.
It looks like there may be two things.
Apparently we have a massive military base in Kosovo.
And apparently it's something important to us in putting pressure on Russia.
You know, we're trying to start a war with Russia.
Stay there!
I want to just... We've got three minutes on the other side.
I want you to talk about that big picture.
That's where I was going next.
We have the Turks pouring into northern Iraq.
We have Pakistan with nukes that we helped give them.
The teeter-tottering on the edge of anarchy.
We've got the Russians threatening to move nukes in and aim them at Ukraine.
We've got global destabilization.
I want to get your take on that, Dr. Roberts.
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I think so.
Final segment here, ladies and gentlemen.
Retransmission starts in five minutes at InfoWars.com.
In the first hour, we have the Academy Award winner on for the best documentary this year, The Inside of Torture at Abu Ghraib and other places, Eva Orner.
Amazing interview that restarts in five minutes at InfoWars.com.
Dr. Roberts is our guest.
Dr. Roberts,
Before the break, I mentioned all this destabilization that's going on, and I agree with what you're saying.
It's like they're trying to start World War III.
Is this a failing forward, and is that why you're saying, we talked during the break, that go ahead and let the dollar collapse?
Maybe that's the only thing that will save us?
Or what are you saying?
Well, I've been worried about the dollar's collapse because of the effect on American people, but if you think about it, a dollar's collapse would deprive the United States of its war-making capability.
It wouldn't be able to go around attacking people as it does, you know, and all these attacks are based on lies and are not serving any American interest, and the attacks are getting more reckless.
Now we've decided that we, and we alone, can split up Serbia, an independent country.
We're putting tremendous pressure on Russia, wringing it with military bases.
We're always threatening them.
We're trying to break off other constituent parts of Russia by pouring money in there to buy local leaders and fund separatist movements.
I mean, imagine if somebody was pouring money into the 50 states here, creating separatist movements.
Washington would go, hey, but that's the way it treats the rest of the world.
That's what it's doing to the Russians.
They would like to be able to do that in China.
It's just that they hold us by the short hair.
Well, I think there's a method to the madness, but overall I think they do have hubris and are quite insane.
Do you agree?
I do.
They're insane and they're evil.
They have no moral conscience.
They have no sense of honor.
This administration
There's no integrity.
As far as I can tell, no one with any integrity would serve in the Bush administration at any level.
Well, it does seem that globally and nationally, people's confidence in them is evaporating, so we'll see what happens.
I hope World War III doesn't break out in the near term.
Dr. Roberts, thank you for being so kind and gracious to spend so much time with us.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Take care, Dr. Roberts.
That's it for the show.
Like I said, incredible interview with Academy Award winner.
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Endgames out.
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Great broadcast.
Great job to my producer today on the radio, Trey Kincaid.
Great job to the whole crew, the stations, the affiliates, the listeners.
God bless you all.
Retransmission with Academy Award winner starts now.
We'll be right back.
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