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Name: 20080218_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 18, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 18th day of February 2008.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
And for the full first hour, we're going to have country music, legend, anti-war icon Willie Nelson joining us for part two.
He will return to the broadcast for the second interview.
We'll discuss 9-11 and the emerging police state.
True environmental crises and solutions to the problem that the UN and others are blocking and speaking out against like biodiesel.
Willie Nelson coming up in the next segment.
He'll be with us for the rest of the first hour.
Second interview, the last one, two Mondays ago or 14 days ago to the day.
Made the Associated Press, Fox News, every major news wire out there reported on it.
And I probably had a hundred people on the street, and I haven't been on the street much, come up to me saying they heard the interview or heard it online, and that it blew them away.
Very, very exciting, and almost all the feedback that Willie's gotten has been extremely positive.
He's going to be joining us today to talk about 9-11, the emerging police state, to talk about how we end this war, how we organize against both political parties that are moving forward with this entire system.
That is coming up.
And now I want to get more into the escalation of a new Cold War the globalists are trying to set up with Putin threatening to aim nukes at the former Eastern Bloc because the United States and others and NATO are moving in to those areas.
More on the mass shooting last Thursday in Illinois and the victim disarmament that is taking place in a new drive to engage in gun control against the American people and the people of the planet.
Victim disarmament.
We'll also get into the economy.
Looks like we're probably going to have Dennis Kucinich on today as well.
He has boldly come out and met with first responders.
He's saying he's going to call for hearings and investigations into the cover-up of the dust, the poison dust.
We're also very, very close to getting some other really big guests in this week and next week on the broadcast.
Willie's courage to go public.
Charlie Sheen's courage to go public.
All these former presidents and prime ministers and defense heads from Europe going public about it being an inside job is really causing a domino effect.
We Are Change is on fire, reporting for InfoWars.com.
They got an interview with Vicente Fox, who was actually pretty nice and talked to him and admitted we're setting up global government.
So that's coming up as well today.
You know, getting a chance to interview Willie Nelson two weeks ago was definitely one of the high points, if not the high point, of my radio broadcasting journey.
And he's just such a personable and down-to-earth person that he agreed to come back on so soon, because we ran out of time in that last hour-long interview.
But today, I've got a long list of things that I want to discuss with Willie Nelson.
Some of the things that he's working on, of course, is his new album.
With more than 100 albums behind him, he continues to improve with age.
That's Press Report here.
Moment of Forever just came out.
Also, he has his
Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute that's trying to unify a lot of different peace groups together to somehow end these criminal wars of aggression.
We'll be discussing that.
Earth changes.
We'll be getting into what's happening to the climate.
Regardless of what's causing it, it certainly is happening.
And we've had more disasters just in the last eight years than we had in the previous 25 years.
I mean, just remember the tsunamis, the earthquakes, all of it.
That's something that's also important to Mr. Nelson, so we'll be discussing that with Willie Nelson as well, coming up in this hour.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
My website's at presentplanet.com, infowars.com.
Willie Nelson PRI is the Peace Research Institute site.
Be sure and check it out as well.
We'll be right back.
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It is the 18th day of February 2008.
For the rest of the hour, we are honored to have legend, icon Willie Nelson for part two of an interview we did two weeks ago.
We are live.
The new album, and it's a big one, is Moment of Forever, getting rave reviews for how eclectic it is and just a whole range of country pop, you name it.
Really poetry.
And he's also here to talk about his Peace Institute and a lot more earth changes that are happening with the climate and the tectonic forces of the planet.
He is rolling along, I guess, to the mountains out of New Mexico into Texas right now via cell phone.
And we are honored to have Willie Nelson on with us.
Willie, thank you.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Glad to be with you.
I tell you, that interview we did a few weeks ago made a lot of waves.
Did you get any feedback from it?
Everybody, I seem to agree with what we were talking about.
There's definitely things that we don't know.
Well, I can only commend your courage.
Last time you were on you were talking about my courage.
What has spurred you to have the courage to speak out against the war from day one, to speak out against the 9-11 cover-up?
Oh, I don't know.
I think it would take more courage not to say something.
I mean, I'm pretty easy when I usually say what I think, and it's harder for me to shut up than it is to quit talking.
I want to get into the war and a lot of other issues, but we only talked about several different areas of 9-11.
I was talking about the third building that nothing hit and yet it fell as if it was hit the same way.
I mean all three buildings fell the same way.
But the third building wasn't hit by anything.
And we made that clear on air, but that's what the corporate media does.
That's what the neocon media does, is they build straw men.
They won't attack what you actually said.
They will misconstrue things.
Yeah, and you know, you're right.
That's what they do.
Willie, how's the tour going?
You just played last night in New Mexico, didn't you?
We played finally in New Mexico and just ended this portion of the tour.
I'm not touring for a week or so.
I'm going to New York for a couple of days and then I'm headed out to New Mexico to do a movie with Toby Keith.
We're doing that Beer for My Horses movie.
You know, I'm 34 years old, and I get tired working 14, 15 hours a day.
How do you, at almost 75 years old, make movies, tour constantly, go to benefits for the farmers, go to benefits for democracy now?
I mean, you just are constantly working, Willie.
What drives you?
Oh, I don't know, Alex.
I guess, you know, I do have a lot of energy.
And, you know, who knows where that comes from?
But I'm just out here doing what I like to do, really.
Well, I guess that's what it's all about.
You're blessed, I'm blessed, many others are blessed to get to work in areas that we enjoy.
Anybody can run around out here on the highway and make a living playing and singing Whiskey River.
You can't complain too much.
Whiskey River, take my mind.
I remember one of your barbecues when I was in college out in Lukenbach.
Just amazing.
Where are you going to have Willie Nelson's 4th of July picnic this year?
This year it'll be in San Antonio at the Dome and it'll be me and the Lost and Lonely Boys and Toby Keith and Johnny Bush, Ray Price, Merle Haggard, Sleep at the Wheel, David Allen Coe and Billy Joe Shaver.
We're going to have a big time.
Willie, getting back into the really serious issues.
When did you, in life, really start questioning authority and questioning the official line?
Because the Founding Fathers, over and over, wrote about how that was, where liberty came from, was questioning authority.
Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, said the greatest expression of patriotism is questioning your government.
But today they try to tell us that being patriotic is not questioning, it's just shutting up.
When did you start questioning authority?
When did you start thinking about things behind the scenes?
Well I guess early in life, I was raised up in really strict fundamental Christianity, which I love.
I think it's great and I learned a lot from it and I still have a lot of it with me, but I do find that I was raised by people who thought if you
I think so.
What an incredible life, and again, it just seems like fine line.
You just get better with age.
I'm not just saying that.
I mean, everybody that I talk to and the people that follow music, your reviews just get better and better, Willie.
I mean, I think you just get better and better.
Well, it's good to hear.
You know, we're still having fun out here trying to, you know, play music, and we're still having good crowds, and the band is still together.
We're all fairly healthy, you know, considering
You certainly have, my friend.
Willie, I didn't bring this up last time and a lot of listeners wrote me and emailed me and called me and asked why I didn't.
What was it like with what the IRS did to you, or the Times, you know, for no reason, and you guys get pulled over and rousted for things that George Washington smoked, and now it's come out in congressional reports that all the income tax goes to pay debt to private banks that finance it out of nothing.
Can you give me your take on the whole expanding police state and the IRS and the rest of it?
Well, you know, back when the IRS and I had our problems, it was really ridiculous, and I knew it was ridiculous, and I think they did, too, unless they were... You know, I figure they... As good of bookkeepers as they're supposed to be, I would have figured that after checking my history and everything, they would find out that I wasn't trying to beat anybody out of anything.
I had just made some bad investments and took some bad advice.
So here it was, I owed the IRS $32 million.
And somebody asked my bass player, B. Spears, if I was in trouble.
He said, well, if he owed them a million dollars, he would probably be in trouble.
But since he owed them $30 million, that means they're in trouble.
And why was that?
Well, I didn't have $32 million.
There's no way I could pay $32 million.
And the fact that some of the greatest talents in the world, let a guitar player from Abbott, Texas, run up a $32 million debt.
You wonder who's watching the store.
Well, I don't want to talk about myself, but growing up, my dad owned a dentist's office.
He's a dentist, and he was a stickler about paying it all.
He's a total straight razor.
And they had the retroactive taxes, tax increase from 1989, and they took everything my dad had.
He didn't have much.
And my dad, in an office in Dallas with the IRS, he brought all these receipts in.
They said, we don't want to see that, Mr. Jones.
We're white-collar criminals.
Just give us the money.
And they almost bankrupt my dad.
And just watching that and witnessing that really helped wake me up as well.
Yeah, you've got to understand that those guys are apt to take what you have and they'll go to any means to do it.
On the other hand, if you owe taxes, pay your taxes.
That's kind of the way I was brought up.
If I can afford to pay them, if I can make enough money to owe taxes, I ought to be able to pay them.
I don't have any problems with that.
I'm glad to pay my taxes.
I think it's the lying and claiming massive interest.
Like you owe them $5,000 and they turn it into $50,000.
Or you owe them a million.
That's what happened to mine.
I started out owing them $2 million, and after I think 14 or 16 years of daily accruing interest and penalties, it was up to $32 million.
Yeah, loan sharking rates.
The war.
We talked about the war last time you were on, but just briefly.
The vast majority of Americans want it to end.
It's a fraud, but McCain says they're going to stay 100 years.
Hillary says they're going to stay a while.
Barack Obama claims he's going to pull them out.
That's certainly some good news if we can believe that.
But we need to keep the pressure on them.
How is your organization doing that?
How is the Peace Research Institute helping to do that, Willie?
There are several peace-thinking people around the planet, and I believe that if everyone starts thinking together that we can stop the wars, it has to start with the individual.
If you're tired of the war, and I'm tired of the war, and everybody else is tired of it, then it will have to stop.
So it has to be everybody thinking the same way to stop the wars.
I think there's enough of us and more of us every day starting to think, whatever happened to peace on earth and how can we get it?
Well, a lot of organizations have networked with your group.
Tell us a little bit about the website, about the organization, or for other peace groups that haven't heard about it or haven't gotten involved with it, how they can do that.
Well, you know, if you're involved in a peace group and do want to connect or network up with WillieNelsonPRI.com, it's easy to do.
Uh, we'd love to hear from you, and we'd love to hear your ideas, and the more we talk about peace, and the more we try to, you know, I think we need a Department of Peace, Dennis Kucinich tried to put one together, and uh, if you're gonna have a Department of War, you damn sure need a Department of Peace, don't you think?
And that website's WillieNelsonPRI.com.
If we don't continue to organize and fight back for peace, we're going to have endless war, as the neocons and the New World Order have promised us.
Stay there, Willie Nelson.
Quick break.
We're going to come right back to you and continue discussing the unfolding police state, what's happening to the earth, the weather changes, the earth changes on the other side.
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I'm going to chase the sky forever
Ah, The Immortal!
Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash.
Willie, we were talking there in the break and I was ferreting out what type of response you got coming on the show and you told me that folks out there when you're signing autographs at these events in the last two weeks have been bringing it up.
That feels good to know that we're having an effect, we're getting the message out there.
Yeah, you really are.
I knew you had a lot of listeners.
I knew you had a popular radio show, but I didn't really realize how popular.
But every night someone would say, Hey, I heard you on the Alex Jones Show.
When are you going back home?
That was good to hear.
Well, I think it's you that's popular in that interview.
On the internet, just got millions and millions of listens just on the web alone, not to mention when you were on live.
So it's good to know we're not wasting our time.
Willie, I've got a laundry list of questions here that I want to go over with you before we run out of time.
My biggest issue is, we have to end this war, but also collectively, even if we were against it from the beginning, say we're sorry as a nation, and repent to the world, because we did have a pretty good name, despite some things we've done in the past.
We were better than a lot of other countries, and now we're the bad guys worldwide.
You're a great symbol of Americana, you know, one of the top symbols out there.
What is it like for you, when you go all over the world, to realize that our good name has been destroyed by these warmongers?
Well, one thing I found out that most of the people I talk to around the world realize that it's not me and you doing it, that it is our government that's doing it and a certain small number of people that are running the whole show and they're wondering how long we're going to let them stay in power.
That's for sure.
They're wondering why we hadn't thrown them out years ago.
But as far as blaming America, blaming the people, I haven't found that yet.
I haven't found American haters that much over there.
I found a lot of sympathizers that said, damn, you guys have got problems.
And we have to agree.
Yeah, we do.
Well, that's good news.
I mean, I've gotten a mixed response.
I think people know your position.
They love you.
So they're not blaming you when you're in person.
But if you're just a nobody American like me in England or France, it's bad.
I mean, they know it's our government, but I've had them say, why don't you get them out of there?
Well, what do we do with the voting machines?
What do we do when they've got both parties?
Well, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The deck is stacked, and we have to figure out a way to get a fresh, new, good deck in the deal.
I don't know how else to do it except
Throw the bastards out, you know.
Well, it's true that because you and many others have been speaking out, and a lot of other Americans have protested and demonstrated and gotten involved in the media, that the world does know that the majority of us are against it, but again, like you said, they ask, why aren't you getting them out?
Yeah, they want to know why aren't we doing something about it, and we've went through a couple of elections now and didn't do anything, and we thought we did, but come to find out that, like you said, the voting machines are crooked,
Everything's stacked against us.
The politicians that we vote for won't stay and fight.
They won't count the votes.
So, I don't know.
We just have to hope that this new bunch of politicians that we're looking at has a better idea of what we want.
And keep their feet to the fire.
And keep their feet to the fire.
Willie, you brought up Europeans and others knowing that it's elite groups doing this.
Last time you were on, you mentioned Endgame and the Bilderberg Group and the men behind the scenes.
You said that you've always believed from the evidence that we have elites, secret elites, running things.
People are starting to wake up to that.
Can you talk a little bit more about these secret elites that are really governing the planet?
Well, what simplifies it for me is that you have a group of people who make a lot of money starting wars.
And they've been making a lot of money starting wars a long time.
And it's the same group of people that you were talking about.
And the elite who have all the money they could ever need, and all they're needing now and wanting is more power.
And so, if they can start a war over here, and start a war over there, and then sell bullets to both sides, and finance both countries, whoever they start, I mean, they got a huge
Lucrative business there and it's been going on a long time on the planet, and I don't know how much longer we're going to let it work.
But we see what's happening there.
And like you say, a lot of people are realizing that wait a minute, this ain't right.
There's things happening in this country and around the world.
We should stop.
And I think the more we find out about it, the more chances we can have on putting it to a halt.
Let's talk about your specific ideas for solutions on the other side with Willie Nelson.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
We're good.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
But we're going to change that.
George Washington said that all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
Imagine Willie Nelson.
I mean every album that comes out is a smash hit.
We're good to go.
Oh, my pleasure, Alex.
Glad to be on your show.
You know, earlier you talked about, well, it's not even courage, or if it is courage, you'd have to have more courage and know all this evil's happening and not do anything, and that's actually my view.
That's how I always feel.
I can't shut up knowing this stuff's going on, and I wonder about other wealthy, successful people that I talk to who aren't one-tenth as successful as you are, who, they have this attitude of, I got mine, so what?
You know, I told the story of talking to a lady who's a prosecutor up in Fort Worth, and we were talking about
China and the toxic waste, people dying in Africa, and she said, so what?
I got mine, why should I care?
I feel sorry for those type people, because they're missing out on what life's all about, and they're so unhappy.
You know, I agree.
There's one of my favorite comedians, a guy named Ron Wyatt, has this joke that he tells about, you know, he said he got stopped by this cop, and the cop says, you have the right to remain silent.
I had the right, I just didn't have the ability.
I think that's where we're at.
You and I just don't have the ability to remain quiet when all this stuff is going on all around us.
You know, we've talked about getting involved, demonstrating, marching, calling, voting.
I think the key is education, because people know something's wrong in the world, they just don't have the specifics.
That's why I think what you and others are doing is so important.
What are some of the ideas and specifics you have to expose this global elite, this cabal, and to fight them?
Well, you know, I don't have any great secret solutions except that you and I have to keep talking about it and have to keep it in front of the public and have to keep reminding people that it's happening and that there is something they can do about it.
And then just keep doing it.
I don't think there's any day that we can stop and say, well, it's over.
We've won.
This is an ongoing battle.
You're in it.
Every human being out there is in it.
I'm in it.
So I have to stop and ask themselves,
You know, what am I going to do?
I've got choices.
I can do nothing or I can do something.
I think that's it.
I think it's not taking action, not putting one foot in front of the other.
I've always told my listeners, don't expect you're going to save the world individually.
Don't expect to even do a great job.
It's the act of taking action that builds up those psychic muscles to be involved.
But we know we're going to lose and evil's going to win if we just sit back and do nothing.
Yeah, and you know there's the old saying that one man can't change the world, but one man can definitely carry a message that will change the world.
Well, Gandhi said the seed of the universe is in each and every one of us, and I see that.
I see people that are bored with life, unhappy, they buy into Madison Avenue, making them feel inadequate, and I just want them to know that
We're literally a planet, a spaceship hurtling around a sun in the middle of a huge universe.
Every moment is just magic.
The trees, the mountains, the sky, life, children, babies, love, passion.
I mean, all of it is just so wonderful.
And am I wrong, Willie, when I assess and look at you, that you are just in love with life?
Yeah, I enjoy life and I really enjoy, you know it sounds corny, but I enjoy living in the now.
Now is the only thing that I can enjoy.
It's the only thing I can do anything about.
I can't do anything about yesterday.
I can't do a family about tomorrow.
But I can look around me now and see everything's fine and my job is to keep it that way.
And I think everyone should look around them and say, you know, police your own area.
If there's something wrong, fix it.
And that's the secret.
People say, well, Alex, you're being negative about the world.
No, there's so much beauty, so many good things in the world.
I want to protect that.
I'm involved in fighting back against tyranny because I want to protect what we've got.
I don't want to lose anymore.
I don't think we have to.
No, I don't either.
I just think we have to take a winning stance and say, hey, this is a war we're going to win.
And it is a war.
It's a war against the people who are
Trying to take over the world, become the world order, all that stuff has to be stopped.
In my gut, I know they're going to fail.
Tyranny always fails, no matter how scientific or well-organized.
I see fear.
Just five or six years ago, I saw arrogance and a plum in their eyes.
Now I see the elite with a look of desperate fear, so they're squeezing even tighter.
I think that's going to be their downfall.
Do you feel in your spirit and your gut that humanity and goodness is going to win out in the end?
Yes, I do.
I was raised believing that and I've never stopped believing that one day there will be peace on earth.
Whether we are willing to see it or not, I don't know.
But we have to be a part of it one way or another.
We have to be a part of causing it or stopping it.
Willie, did you always have such a great attitude about life?
I mean, there's a lot of people that have kind of a fake positive attitude, and that's still better than nothing, but you really, meeting you in person as well, radiate peace.
I mean, were you born with that, or did that develop?
No, I probably would have been the last guy in habit to have been thought to be a peace advocate.
You know, if we wasn't fighting bumblebees, we were fighting each other down there.
So it wasn't exactly that I was a total peace guy.
But through the years, you know, my grandmother used to say, a hard head makes a sore ass.
So I found that to be true.
You know, your grandparents were amazing people, weren't they?
Yes, they were.
They were.
My granddad was a blacksmith.
In my early years, I grew up in the blacksmith shop with him, watching him shoe horses and make sweets and plows and helping out the farmers and ranchers in the area.
He was a well-loved, well-respected guy in Abbott, Texas.
Yeah, for folks that don't live in that part of Texas, you've got those ground-burrowing bumblebees that are vicious.
No, I've been out shredding before on the summers I worked on the family ranch and those suckers when you go over their burrows they come after you.
Oh they will and we used to go out on Sunday afternoons and make our own paddles and wooden paddles.
I never did that, but my dad told me the story of ping pong paddles.
They were so bored out in the country they'd fight them with ping pong paddles.
Oh, it's weird being from the same neck of the woods.
Unique cultural perspective there.
Speaking of history and culture, I think it's very important historically, so they can't rehabilitate Bush and the neocons after they're long gone, that we try to impeach him now, that we don't just let him fade away, that we expose who he is.
Historically, how would you like Dick Cheney, George Bush, and the neocons to be remembered?
A. And B. Do you support impeachment?
Well yes I do and our old buddy Dennis Kucinich had it on the table there and it seemed like everybody took it off the table.
If you break the law you ought to have to pay for it one way or another and these guys haven't broke the law and nobody has.
You know, Willie, I'm not the best guy in the world.
I've been pretty worldly myself in the past, but when I do bad, I feel guilty about an obsession.
When I do good, I feel good and my life's happy.
I believe in karma, reap what you sow, whatever you want to call it.
I wonder what it's like to be George Bush or Dick Cheney or Henry Kissinger or David Rockefeller.
Well, of course, you mentioned four names and you've got four different people, so each one probably has different places they're coming from.
I really do believe that George Bush believes he's right.
I think he really believes what he's saying, and that makes it even more pathetic, I guess, because to have someone that wrong and think they're right, and have him to be the leader of our country, that's a scary thought.
So I just think he's been the victim of a whole lot of bad advice.
I find it hard to blame the guy.
I almost feel sorry for the guy.
You know what I mean?
Oh, I know.
Ten years ago I would hate all these people, but now I almost feel sad for them because they're missing out on so many things.
And I've studied how the global elite, the Bilderberg Group, manipulates presidents.
And you're right, what you just said, from my study at least, from my perspective, that these presidents, they handle them, they manipulate them.
They also like to look for people that are unstable, like Bush, like Nixon.
Yeah, and they find them and they groom them and they put them in office and they stay there and they do exactly what they're supposed to do.
You give them speeches with small words and big letters and let them go.
You know, a lot of people say, oh Alex, oh Willie, you know, all you people that were against the war, you turned out to be right about no WMDs and being about oil and expanding wars.
But I don't even, like, feel good at the end of the day that we've been proven right.
It's sad that they didn't listen to begin with.
I mean, it's not that hard to figure out.
Yeah, you know that a lot of time has been wasted, a lot of lives lost, and a lot of things that could have been done earlier that's too late to do now, but something has to be done now.
You just can't say, well, we waited too long.
We waited.
We waited a long time, but I don't think it's ever too long.
I think it's time to do something now.
Last time you were on, you said you were worried about Bush trying to stay in office, or at least the cabal that controls him trying to stay in office in some type of staged event.
Flesh that out specifically.
I mean, what can you imagine seeing their past action staging terror?
What could you imagine?
Would it be a biological release?
Another plane flying into buildings?
I mean, what are your specific concerns?
Well, it could be anything, and anything will work, because they have everyone scared to death.
I just think that there are people out there who will do anything to stay in power, to do anything to keep what they have.
They've already proven they'll do anything to keep it.
And what to do about it, I don't know.
You know, we just have to realize that those people exist and have to figure out a way to undo what they're trying to do.
Speaking of undoing what they're trying to do, I know they approached you
Well, first of all, I don't like toll roads.
I mean, I wouldn't like for a guy to drive up on the William Nelson Road and have to spend his last dollar getting from point A to point B. I don't like that.
I mean, I didn't want a toll road named after me.
That's ridiculous.
You know, I'd rather have an electric chair, I think, name that.
When they first approached you, I mean, did you ever even consider it?
I thought about it, and then I got some feedback from different people about what the toll road really was going to be and where it was going to go, and people who hadn't paid anything yesterday, tomorrow, was going to have to pay to get on that same road.
And it just didn't seem right.
Uh, and it still doesn't seem right.
Did a fella named Jimmy call you up and tell you you might want to think about it?
One of my friends, Jimmy, who knows you, Jimmy Vaughn, I'm not even supposed to tell the story on air, said that you were already considering not doing it and he called you up and said, yeah, that's like, you know, that's like naming something really bad after you.
And you said, yeah, that's like the electric chair.
That's the story he told me.
There is just so much going on out there.
Plus, Willie, didn't we already pay for these toll roads?
Oh, his cell phone cut out.
They're driving down the road, coming out of New Mexico into West Texas, and notoriously bad cell phones out there.
That's what I've been worried about.
You have that backup number, don't you?
Yeah, classic.
It's just amazing that we have Willie Nelson on air talking about the New World Order, talking about global elites, talking about stage terror, talking about NAFTA superhighways, talking about it all.
I heard clicking and I was worried.
That's the problem with doing an interview via the bus while he is hurtling down the highway.
I got to most of my questions, though.
Look, folks, if Willie Nelson can speak out,
If Willie Nelson can get involved, Willie Nelson who has, you know, quotes, has so much and so much to lose can do it.
Why can't you speak out?
There's a lot of people who are sitting pretty, who think they're members of the establishment, and they think that they're going to be safe as long as they go along with this.
The danger is going along with it.
The danger is not speaking up.
The danger is not being involved.
The danger is not reaching out to others.
That's the danger that we face as a society.
The danger is in inaction.
It's in allowing this status quo to continue.
Again, some of the websites you can check out are WillieNelsonPRI.com WillieNelsonPRI.com
And of course, WillieNelson.com is his main site.
The new album is Moment of Forever.
John, are you having success getting him back on the cell?
Yeah, that's West Texas.
When we have to, we'll finish the interview up later, or we'll go into the next hour.
Let's go ahead and go out with some music here.
Pick one of those Willie songs we haven't played, or one of those High Woman songs we haven't played, and we'll go out to break right now, John, and try to get him hooked back up on the other side of this break.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, this is the GCN Radio Network, and we'll be right back after this quick break.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, when Willie told me they were driving to the mountains, coming out of the Mexico into Texas, I was like, Willie, your phones are going to cut out.
And he said, Oh, I think it'll be okay.
So I'm sure he'll pop in later as soon as his shell comes back.
Or we'll have him back up for a third time.
He said he'll come on anytime.
It's really great to be able to spend time with him.
A lot of amazing things we talked about.
You are absolutely welcome to coming up in the next hour.
Talk about any issue you like, the economy, the wars they're trying to stir up, what's happening with Russia, how they handed Kosovo over, how the U.S.
has gone in and taken that away from Serbia.
They promised when we backed the whole takeover that wasn't going to happen.
Of course, that was the plan all along.
We're also going to get into a host of other
Issues today.
We've still got two plus hours left in the broadcast today.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And what an amazing 48-minute interview we got with Willie Nelson before his cell phone cut out driving to the mountains out in the great Southwest.
Just absolutely amazing.
And to hear about the big response he personally got, I've gotten a huge response on the street.
I was in the KLBJ studios yesterday and I walked by four different people that were just in other offices.
They got seven radio stations in that building.
And almost everybody I walked by said, Oh, I heard that interview.
I heard about that interview.
Oh, great.
Willie Nelson knows about 9-11.
And one lady that's a DJ there on one of the alternative stations, I was out there in the lobby during a break and I heard a Willie Nelson song playing and she came walking in.
She said, Oh, yeah, I'm playing that right now.
And she talked about how she went to the saxophone club and saw Willie's daughter playing and she was there with her daughter, his daughter and her boyfriend talking about it.
Just so many people discussing that interview and it's that type of courage that's going to lead to others speaking out.
Others getting involved.
Others waking up to what's happening.
Others having the will and the courage to then come out and speak out.
And that's what it all comes down to.
People say, well, what's the point of having a celebrity on to say 9-11 is an inside job?
Well, I mean, if a celebrity gets a stubbed toe, it's big news.
But then, when they bring out serious political issues, the mainstream media tells us we shouldn't be concerned with that.
We should just listen to other petty celebrities like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh and all these fake conservatives.
Putting out their propaganda.
Putting out their view.
But there's nothing that's going to stop the 9-11 truth revolution.
And I just have to commend We Are Change.
He did an interview with Vicente Fox.
We may even have time today to play some clips of that.
They asked him questions when he was on the stage, and then when he walked off for about 10 minutes going out to his car, he let them follow him, didn't push him away, didn't try to have him arrested.
And he basically admitted that he's pushing for a North American Union that's going to emerge and be part of a world government.
See, the establishment won't even admit that's happening, even though it's in all the documents, because they don't want to have a debate about it.
Instead, they want to have a debate about does it exist or not.
And that's just a political tool that they're using.
So we'll discuss that as well coming up today.
We'll take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
The election's heating up.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, McCain.
I don't see any difference between any of them, other than the fact that Barack Obama says that we will take the troops home within one year.
But we saw the Democrats lie before and say that if we put them in Congress, they would do that.
And they've been in Congress since 2004.
They got in in 2005.
So that's three years they've been in power, and they've been walking lockstep with the White House.
People say, well, then what do we do?
What's the political process?
You continue to expose the fact that the people, 80 plus percent, don't want the war.
70 plus percent of the troops.
Ron Paul gets the majority of the contributions.
But the war just continues.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back after this break.
We'll see if we can get a good sell in the mountains with Willie Nelson.
My experience in West Texas is you can drive an hour without being able to get a good sell.
So we'll see what happens.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, sure enough, just what I predicted.
Driving around out in West Texas, coming out of New Mexico.
Cell phone's out, but they pulled the bus over just for us.
This is a guy that packs 100,000-person stadiums for hour-long sets he's doing.
In fact, I'm taking my whole office the 4th of March to see him at the rodeo, the rodeo championship, the semifinals.
Then they go off to Mesquite, Texas from there.
There's nothing like seeing the bull riding and bronc riding and roping championship for two hours and an hour of Willie.
That's coming up at the Travis County Expo Center, Travis County Star of Texas Rodeo, March 4th.
By the way, when I tried to get tickets, they were sold out.
I had to get them from scalpers.
Willie, you must be doing pretty good if almost a month before you play, stuff sold out.
Well, yeah, everything's going good.
We ain't got any complaints.
Of course, when you're playing a rodeo, uh, them camper-uppers and bull riders, they'll sell tickets, too.
So, we didn't sell that rodeo out by ourselves.
We know that.
Oh, yeah, you did.
Well, I really look forward to coming to see you.
I've seen you several times, and I always enjoy it.
This is a quick segment.
We're going to come back and keep you for the next.
Again, I'm very thankful, but we'll let you go by 15, 20 after.
Willie, we were talking about toll roads.
And then during the break when I finally got you back, Jimmy Vaughn, I know, and others called and encouraged you.
What was some of the feedback they gave you about the toll road?
Well, you know, I heard from Jimmy and I heard some more folks who said, hey, this is something you want to think about because it's not what they're telling you.
It's a little different.
And then when I started finding out how different it was, you know,
Today, the people are having to pay to drive on a road that was free for them yesterday, and that didn't seem right.
First of all, I didn't want a toll road named after me.
That's one of the dumbest things that I could have done, I think.
Now, you've seen Endgame.
Which film did you think was more informative on the whole New World Order system, Endgame or Terror Storm?
Well, you know, Endgame was to me, I think, a little more informative.
I learned some things that I didn't really, wasn't that aware of.
For me personally, they're both good DVDs.
The reason I brought that up is it gets into the toll roads, and I know you're already aware of a lot of that.
What did you think about the fact that we have the documents that they're going to use the toll road money to build even bigger roads in Mexico up to Canada to bring in even more slave goods to get rid of our jobs?
Yeah, I heard about the superhighway that they were planning and how you and some of the folks in Texas stopped it.
Maybe you can tell me exactly how it happened and what y'all did.
Well, we've cut back on a lot of it, because they tried to lie, but then the legislature did say no at the time of making that film, but Perry just said, I don't care what you say, by executive order we're going to keep building it.
But now it's in question.
So, what do you do when the leading legislature agrees with you, and then CNN and Fox say it doesn't exist?
Yeah, well, I don't know.
Well, all I know is most people that I talk to are already pretty much broke.
I don't know how we're going to pay four or five dollars going to and fro work even here in Austin as a case point when people are already barely making it, Willie.
And also when you have this network of toll roads set up across the country and they start controlling where you can get off and where you can get on and the next thing you know there's more country towns drying up and
Uh, it's just like they're trying to control us more and more by making us go on the roads that they want us to travel on, and that's one reason we have to stop them.
I want to know more about the toll roads, more about the Peace Institute, and the big issue we had Willie on about, weather changes.
Stay there.
What's happening in the environment, the Mayan calendar.
That is straight ahead in the final segment with Willie Nelson.
What a trooper, spending so much time with us this morning.
And we've stopped his entire cavalcade, his motorcade, there coming out of the mountains into Texas.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Final segment with the icon, the legend, Willie Nelson.
Willie, you know, talking about the toll roads, that's an example of where we're aware of the New World Order agenda, and we are really curtailing and cutting it back all over the country, more than 90%.
It's in trouble.
Another example of we're in the fight, we're having an effect, if we just get involved.
That's good to hear.
I'm glad to know that it's working, and it's supposed to work.
If enough people are against it and speak out, then
It's supposed to work.
We're supposed to stop them.
Even if the establishment has the high places and has the fortresses, we're down here on the ground, and if we say no, it's not going to work.
Uh, yeah, you have to know, and I also think, too, that, uh, uh, you know, we were talking about the weather.
Uh, I still believe in, uh, divine interference, I like to call it.
Uh, that we may think that we're in control, but
Fortunately we're not in control.
There are weather patterns right now that are happening to the earth that's causing a lot of turbulent bad weather and it's going to get worse according to what I've read and what I've seen.
And I think these are going to be the things that slow down or stop the elite from doing what they're trying to do because I don't care how rich you are or what yacht you own or wherever you are, a hurricane
I know you've seen the numbers, they've been widely publicized.
In the last 7 years, they say we've had more disasters, more hurricanes, more tsunamis, more earthquakes, more fires, more mudslides, more red tides than we had in the previous 20 plus years.
Yeah, and if you do a little research on it, you can find that it's all predictable, and that it's a cycle, sun cycle, whatever you want to call it, but every so often these things happen, and the world, the planet goes through some extreme weather conditions, and they last for 34 years, and then things are back to fairly normal again, but we're building up to it right now.
And all the talk about 2012 and my encounter, all those things are figured into it.
We're headed toward some really bad weather.
And how it's going to affect everyone, I don't know.
There have been times when the tsunami that we just had a couple of years ago took out 250,000 people.
Well, let's say, well, the world's coming to an end.
I don't believe that, but I do know the world came to an end for those people on that day, so there's a lot of things happening out there.
When did you first start learning about the Mayan calendars?
A lot of people are very interested in that, and it does predict all those things.
I just started hearing about it and started checking up on it and reading about it, and
From what I've read, though, it doesn't say it's the end of the world.
It's more like, uh, that they're, uh, uh, what do you call it when, uh, your, uh, speedometer, uh, pedometer, I guess.
It's a reset.
When it takes over 100,000 miles and it starts over again.
Uh, I think that's what's happening with the Mayan calendar.
It's not the world's not coming to an end.
It's just their method of, uh, of counting the days is over and it starts over again.
So the end, the end of a cycle, the end of an age, a reset.
Yeah, and there's been talk to say every so often, every 25-26,000 years, the Earth goes through these cycles, and that at some point, when it reaches a point that it will actually turn on its axis, and at that point, we'll get the most extreme weather.
But right now, it seems like we're building up to that point where the Earth is going to sort of take a jerk on its axis.
Who knows what will happen, but the good news is there's not anything we can do about it.
Now on that end, the elite try to control things they're afraid of, and I've interviewed the father of weather weapons who can make it rain 10 feet of water in Vietnam with just 15 or 20 jets spraying different chemicals into clouds.
Have you read about or heard about weather control?
I have heard.
I don't know a lot about it.
Tell me about it.
Well, I don't think they can control things on even a regional scale, but they can locally.
You know, the Russians, you can pay them a million and a half bucks and they can make sure your parade's clear.
The Chinese government says they have limited weather manipulation and control.
And I've interviewed Ben Livingston, who was the father of weather weapons in the 60s, you know, against Vietnam.
He ran the squadrons who could flood them even in the dry season.
And he says the government has the power to steer hurricanes or neutralize them or basically create them or kill them.
Well, whether that's true or not, I don't know.
I kind of doubt it.
I mean, they might be able to...
To slow it down in some local areas, but as far as stopping the planet from doing what it's been doing for millions of years, I doubt very seriously that we're going to do that.
Well, I agree with you from the evidence we've seen.
It's the sun that mainly drives our climate, and it's heated up on a record cycle since they've been recording it, and then suddenly, in the last month, it cooled down.
So the sun is definitely, in the 300 years they've been studying it, is doing some weird things right now, Willie.
Yeah, and again, fortunately we're not in control.
All we can do is watch it and hope that we're in the right place, because that's basically what it's going to amount to.
If there was a storm or a tornado or whatever, and you're in the wrong place, that's the end of the world for you.
So we just have to hope that we can stay safe.
I just hope the establishment doesn't use all these weather changes and things that are happening as an excuse to get more control and kind of pose as the saviors.
Well, yeah, you're right about that.
I see now we're getting ready to shoot down some bus-sized satellite that's falling on us.
That may be just target practice, getting ready for anything else that might want to shoot down.
It's come out that a bunch of these satellites have come into orbit and they burn up.
Well, I agree.
They've never hurt anybody.
Why suddenly do they want to shoot them down with particle beams?
To prove they can, I think you have to test out these weapons just to make sure they work, Alex.
You know that.
Speaking of weapons, the Iran situation.
The neocons are still pushing to attack Iran.
They're trying to claim that Iran's supplying weapons to Iraq.
But time and time again, it turns out that they're making that up.
What's your view on starting a war with Iran?
Well, we do know that they're trying to do that, and whether they make it happen or not, I don't know.
They're certainly capable of it.
If we did attack Iran, would that affect our elections?
Would that be considered a national emergency?
I don't know.
I don't know what it takes to
Well, the good news is, a month and a half ago, they tried to claim that Budo
Wasn't shot, and the video came out that she was, and it turns out some of our government agencies were clearly involved, but the polls day one showed that people weren't buying the story.
I think that's the difference.
Whereas five, six years ago people would buy the bull, why do you think now they're not buying the baloney?
What was that the George tried to say?
Fool me once.
I think we're all...
I think we're all thinking the same thing, you know, that you may approve me one time, but I'm not going for it this time.
But what is the establishment going to do?
Because it looks like they're just keeping on their course.
Be damned if the people are waking up.
I see a... I mean, everybody I talk to who's tuned in says they've never felt such a feeling of concern that big changes are ahead, and I think it's the earth, I think it's the environment, I think it's genetic engineering, but I also think it's wars.
I mean, do you feel that same sense of...
Urgency, Willie?
I really do, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fear factor, and a lot of it has to do with the unknown, a lot of it has to do with the fact that the planet is spinning a little faster now.
That means information is coming at us a little faster.
Maybe we're not quite ready to accept all the information that's being thrown at us from radio, TV, newspapers, and also from our own subconscious that we're picking up messages
I don't think so.
Yeah, it's hard.
A lot of people won't wake up, or they refuse to, because they don't want to be proven wrong.
And it isn't about that, folks.
It's never too late to turn back, is it?
No, it isn't.
And the longer you deny a fact, the more it's going to affect you in a negative way.
So once you realize this is the way it is, and accept it,
Uh, then we can do something about it, but if we just remain ignorant about it, or choose to remain ignorant, it's just going to, it's not going to help anything.
I agree.
They say that one of the, I think Carl Jung said the greatest form of mental illness is doing the same thing over and over again, thinking you're going to get a different response.
Yeah, that's, uh, that's absolutely true.
And, uh, hopefully we'll, uh,
Well, we'll have to change our way of thinking because the world is changing and we'll have to change with it.
Willie Nelson, I want to thank you for spending more than an hour with us today.
Happy and safe trails, and I'll be there watching you coming up March 4th at the Star Texas Rodeo.
Moment of Forever is the new album, and Willie Nelson, God bless you.
It's just been absolutely amazing spending this time with you, sir.
Well, thank you, and you too, and come down and see us at the rodeo.
I will, sir.
I'm going to be right up there over the bullpens with the rest of my crew watching you.
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A man thinks, because he rules the earth, he can do with it everything.
And if things don't change soon,
Oh, a man is invaded, he's doomed.
First step was touching the moon.
Got every woman on my blood.
She said, just sit there, as the night grows dim.
She'll say, who's gonna take away his license to kill?
Now they take him and they teach him and they groom him for life and they set him on a path where he's bound to get it.
And they bury him with stars, serve his body like they do a used car.
Now there's a woman on my block, she'll just sit there, facing the hill.
She'll say, who's gonna take away his lions to kill?
Now he's helping for destruction.
He's afraid and confused.
And his brain has been mismanaged with great detail.
Well, all he believes are his eyes And his eyes, they just tell him lies But there's a woman on my block Sitting there in a cold chair She says, who's gonna take away his life from his skin?
Baby, noise makers, spirits makers, heartbreakers, fast breakers
We're good to go.
Okay, we're going to shift gears into the escalating crises between the U.S.
Is it a new stage cold war or is it real?
and Russia.
I want your take.
That was the second live interview.
That was a new interview live with Willie Nelson from the start of the show to 20 minutes into the second hour.
So about an hour and 10 minutes total time with Willie Nelson.
Second interview with us and you know you will hear Willie Nelson, God willing, again and again on this radio broadcast.
We're lining up some other really big celebrities to be coming on the show very soon to talk about 9-11, the police state,
And a lot more.
Again, I want to get your take on Willie Nelson and the interview.
I want to hear what you have to say about the shooting last week, the victim disarmament.
I want to get into the economy with all of you that are out there listening.
We're either getting Dennis Kucinich on.
He's calling for an investigation on 9-11 with the dust and how it's killing the people.
He did meet with first responders, as he promised.
We are changed.
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I was in one of the message boards.
People were like saying, oh, Alex is re-airing the Willie Nelson interview.
No, that was not a re-airing of the Willie Nelson interview.
That was another interview live with Willie Nelson.
I was so busy talking to him, though, that I was not making that point repeatedly, as a news broadcaster should do every minute or two.
This is a new, second interview with Willie Nelson.
But I'm going to break down the situation with the Second Amendment and a lot more.
We're facing the most dire straits we've ever seen on that front.
We've got 2,700 members at InfoWars.com.
We got about 1,400 in one day when I launched it last Wednesday.
Then I was out for a few days dealing with family issues.
And we got a thousand or more people that, or I guess almost 2,000 more that signed up.
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We'll be right back.
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The Empire's on the run.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss The days are bright and filled with pain
You'd rather cry?
I'd rather fly.
Play a little bit of this and we're going to go right to Bronco, Leo, Ted, Eric, Jake and many others.
As we reach the waypoint.
The no point of no return.
Right in the middle of this broadcast.
On the 18th day of February 2008.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back
Welcome to your phone calls.
Bronco in Canada.
Bronco, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I'm amazed, Alex, how you keep pulling this off.
The guests you keep getting and bringing on the show.
It's just incredible.
Willie Nelson, that was just a very powerful interview there.
Part two, brand new interview, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody get that interview, get it out.
We're going to be writing articles at PrisonPlanet.com later.
Go ahead.
I've got two questions, Alex.
One deals with, like, my dad, my background's Croatian, right?
My dad always talked about, like, Tito, the dictator in Yugoslavia at the time.
He was always saying that there were two Titos, right?
That the original Tito died in Spain or something and he was missing fingers.
And that the new guy, he was like a double or something.
Do you know anything about this?
Yeah, I've read that, I've heard that.
I mean, what we know is, however many Titos there were, they were Soviet Union puppets.
Yeah, that's what he was getting at, but he was... Well, I mean, Tito was an admitted puppet of the Soviet Union.
He was a dictator.
Now, I don't want to say beneficent or benevolent, but compared to some of the others we've had, you know, he was better than others.
About as bad as a Pinochet.
Pretty bad.
But, you know, you're Croatian.
I'm not even attacking the Croats.
I'm saying the actual death numbers was the Croatians and the Muslims
That was my next question, the whole Kosovo thing.
I was curious what your take on that is.
A little region's broken off from Serbia.
Well, they admit that they sent in funding, and that Al-Qaeda helped the CIA start the war with the Serbs.
When the Serbs then responded, the media said it was massacres, and there were some massacres going on.
Both sides were killing each other.
And then the rest is history.
They would have staged photo ops.
Now, admit it.
It's admitted.
The BBC and others first did it.
Time Magazine had it on their cover.
Remember in the early 90s, it was in 94?
They would show the cover of Time Magazine
And they showed this skinny man with his shirt off, reaching through barbed wire.
Now, later, the rest of the video got released.
It was a fat guy next to him, and another skinny guy, and a fat guy next to him.
They were trying to get into the UN food station.
It was protected in that war zone.
But the media said, oh look, the Serbs have got them in camps.
And then, of course, in 2000, after the war, the U.S.
helped stage a coup.
They overthrew Slobodan Milošević.
The U.N., this has come out, killed him in his cell, poisoned him.
They admit he was poisoned, but they say, oh, he poisoned himself.
He was just winning the trial, even though it was staged.
And so, again, I'm not for Archon.
I'm not for Slobo.
I'm not for any of the Gribbs.
They've all been killing each other for a thousand years.
The point is, the globalists sided with the Croats and the Muslims, and they went in against the Serbs.
And when the Serbs engaged in their own ethnic cleansing, then it was selectively demonized.
And now the country's been bombed with DU, regardless of which ethnic group you're part of, or religious group.
And that's the end of the story.
The globalists have kept a sovereign area from rising.
Just like Iran.
Iran's run by Ahmadinejad, and calls for world government, and has their own evil.
I'm not saying they're good.
The point is, the greater evil is the New World Order, and they want to bring down Iran because they're not under their control.
Sure, but even looking at it,
Like, the Albanians are generally like a Muslim religion, right?
And the US is waging this war on terror, supposedly against Islamo-fascism.
Yeah, it's totally staged!
They're helping create an Islamo-country within Europe, right?
So, you know, they contradict themselves with some of their moves that they seem to be making.
Well, that's it.
Serbia had refused to go under Central Bank, IMF, World Bank control, and so they had to be set up.
And they admittedly funded Al-Qaeda.
Bin Laden was in Albania to help launch the attacks in the mid-90s.
And the rest is history.
So they went in there and fomented that.
I mean, the quote, Muslim extremists.
Remember 6,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders a month into the invasion of Afghanistan flown out to safety by the U.S.
source on that London Telegraph?
Leningradian and others.
They control them.
And now they say Al-Qaeda is reconstituting in Pakistan and about to hit us again.
It's just, it's staged.
Yeah, yeah, no, for sure.
One last question before I go, Alex.
I was always curious how you got started with this whole, like how you got introduced to the New World Order and how you started your show and all of that.
Just kind of the history behind that.
I'll hang up and listen to you.
Sure, let me answer that question.
There are thousands of things that did it.
I kind of saw the back side, the real side of things.
I never got into drugs.
I mean, I tried a few of them.
I never liked how they made me feel, illegal drugs.
But I had a lot of friends, and I had a friend that I played baseball with whose brother was kind of the local Playboy drug dealer.
He was like six years older than his little brother.
And so I remember yelling over to their middle class household.
My parents had no idea.
They thought I was having water gun fights and going to the neighborhood pool, but really I would go over.
The neighbors house and down the street and I was introduced to other local drug dealers and I would witness while they were taking bong hits in front of me, you know, the local police officer, local captain show up to actually deliver drugs, large portions of them and then I would go to school and again I
By the time I was 15 or so, you know, I was drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, but I just didn't like how marijuana made me feel.
I tried cocaine twice, hated it each time, so I was going to have a heart attack.
So I never got into drugs, thank God.
But I saw it all.
And these were my friends.
These were nice people.
It was kind of like middle class, you know, type corruption.
And I remember, you know, driving along with my friends, giving me a ride to high school when I was 13, 14.
And they had to pull over in their brand new Corvette.
My parents would think I was going to the bus stop, and I'd go jump in with them and drive to school.
They'd drop me off.
He'd say, hold on.
He'd pull into some, you know, $20 million house and deliver drugs to them.
And I remember seeing the cops wave at us at red lights, and they all, you know, knew who the drug dealers were.
And I didn't see a ton of it, but, you know, I probably saw it 30, 40 times when I was hanging out with neighborhood friends.
And then once you know those guys, then you're okay.
So you're at a party.
You know, when you're 16, and I say, come on back here, and, you know, the cop car pulls up and makes a drug delivery.
I mean, I kind of got in on the... It's just like in the mobster movies, you see how they recruit the neighborhood kids.
That's really how it works.
And so I was never recruited, but I witnessed it.
And then I would see drug dogs in the school, and the D.A.R.E.
program, and they wanted to do drug testing, and I would see local police, who I knew were involved in drug dealing, going around giving anti-drug classes.
So I started shooting my mouth off, going, you know, you need to quit taking people to jail.
You know, you need to quit taking Billy to jail because you caught him with a tenth of an ounce of marijuana.
That's like four or five joints.
And you're throwing the book at him, and parents are putting their kids in rehabs, and people's lives are being ruined.
Friends of mine who were great-looking, smart football players had it all, had the best-looking girlfriends, had everything.
We're just turned into crackheads that I knew.
By the time I was 17, we moved down to Austin to get away from it all.
I would see them destroyed by it.
I mean, I just saw, and so I became anti-drug, but not anti-drug in the way that the mainstream says, like SWAT team everybody.
I became anti-drug realizing, my gosh, that the sheriff and the police deal this.
And right after we moved, the
Sheriff Jack McWhorter went to prison for flying in cocaine and marijuana there at the airport.
And I remember talking to people involved in drugs in Dallas who were getting drugs from McWhorter right before all that happened.
I mean, it was just drugs were everywhere in the late 80s, early 90s.
And, uh, you know, I had great girlfriends who I would see get on drugs and turn bad overnight.
I mean, I just, I just got in a few years where I hated drugs.
Then I wouldn't hang around with old friends that dealt drugs and then they'd get mad at me.
And then suddenly the cops would pull me over and say, if you say one word about what's going on, you're going to end up dead.
And then a local lawyer, prominent lawyer, who's friends with my dad, going back to when they were like 20 years old, called my dad and he said, the word's out they're going to kill your son.
I suggest you move out of Rockwall, Texas.
And my dad never said why we were moving, he just said, I've sold my dental office, we're moving to Austin, let's go.
He got me out of there so fast, he hadn't even sold the house, and he stayed up in Dallas for six months while we closed down his business and left.
Sold his business.
So, I mean, there they were, all this drug war, and at least where I was at, the police ran the operation.
And that's all just because I went down, and you know, when I was about ten years old and started playing softball and baseball, every day when we got home from school, we'd run down there immediately.
I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood that had a golf course.
I mean, it wasn't super rich.
There were some rich people there.
But it was, you know, golf course and tennis courts and baseball and basketball.
And that's why I knew all these people.
And I saw a lot of my friends that I knew who got addicted on drugs that police sold them, who had their lives ruined.
And then I saw them taking people to jail who were low level.
I mean I remember I would about 11 o'clock at night my parents would go to sleep they were pretty lenient didn't really spy on me I remember going out to my dad's Land Cruiser when I was 14 starting it up driving around all night doing whatever I wanted to do
Cops would pull me over and they'd say, Oh, you're Alex Jones.
You can go ahead and go, you know, tell blah, blah.
I said, hi, all because I grew up with some of the big dealers for the police.
Never really told that part of the story.
And I was like, I got a case of beer in here.
You're letting me go.
Just dump that one out.
You got, but as soon, I mean, I was above the law.
All because I was in the in crowd.
And by the way, I was too young and dumb to even know that.
And I was too young and dumb to even... And then as soon as I started saying, hey, you shouldn't take kids to jail, it was a big mistake to walk up to the rent-a-cop at the school and say, what are you doing taking people to jail and doing all this for drugs?
You guys are dealing this.
And man, a week later, I get called down to the principal's office.
There's the cop.
He tells the principal, get out.
The principal leaves.
And he says, you listen to me, you little bastard.
And he grabbed me by the back of the hair and slammed me down on the desk.
And he said, if you don't shut your mouth, we're basically going to say you're stealing stereo equipment.
And I said, you know I don't steal anything.
I don't even use drugs.
And he just said, listen, you're going to go to prison and a big black man's going to rape you and give you AIDS.
You're going to have a big bleepin' up your bleepin'.
And I was, by then I was about 16.
So, I mean, I could go on and on with the stories, folks, the things I saw growing up.
And right around that time, a little bit before that, I could look at it in hindsight.
You know, my dad, IRS, stole everything he had.
He didn't even owe it.
And that was a retroactive tax law.
Remember of 88, 89?
And then I, you know, my grandparents live in South Austin.
You know, my grandpa had just been a roughneck, blue-collar worker.
We're good to go.
I'd also read some history books and found out about the New World Order and read None Dare Call a Conspiracy by Gary Allen.
I was just sick of seeing all of it happen when I was about 19, so I got involved in the media.
And local stations wouldn't even give me an intern job, so I went down and got an AXS TV show.
And really, when I was, I guess, 20, 21?
I guess 20.
I'm 34 years old now, and that's basically all she wrote.
Alright, that was a good call, but I've really digressed off into that now.
Leo and Mash, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, it's always great to hear Willie.
He's my icon presidential candidate that will never get the chance.
But I think the real problem is that we don't have a really good general.
Now, you're a good armchair general.
I composed this little ditty that I'm putting on the top of my emails, and it's going to say, close ranks spiritually, spread out tactically, find the enemy's agents, and underneath it says, bits of wisdom from stepping through the minefields, notes from the Armchair General by Cyber Tacticus.
In other words, most of us are stepping, are walking through a minefield, and we don't have the soldier's sense to see the minefield.
And close-ranked spiritually means, uh, let's stop chasing all these other things and focus.
Spread out tactically means don't be in one place so they can poison you or kill all of us.
We're going to lose some people, but be spread out.
Leo, I want to pay attention to what you're saying.
You've got a TV blaring.
Oh, I'll get away from it.
Okay, I'm in the other room.
And, um, my second thought is
Oh yeah, the Kosovo thing?
Check into the minerals.
They have strategic minerals in Kosovo.
That's why they went there, because South Africa went black.
And they weren't sure of their strategic minerals.
Watch the strategic minerals.
No, I know.
There's uranium, a bunch of other metals.
There's gold, silver, titanium.
People don't talk about these things because these resource wars have been going on
For years, Vietnam was supposedly a resource war where Rockefeller was having them drop bombs in the bay to find out, with sound things, where the oil was off of Vietnam.
Well, they knew there was oil all over Vietnam.
They didn't need to drop bombs in there to find out.
It had already been surveyed by the French.
Anyway, my latest idea beyond the cyber-tacticus is... Yeah, right.
Don't waste your vote with the CFR candidate.
Here it is, right here.
Don't waste your vote with Rockefeller's CFR candidate.
The real hope is a massive write-in campaign to stop the CFR.
Write in Ron Paul, Keith Olbermann.
How about that?
I agree.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
The Ace of Spades!
The Ace of Spades!
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Ted N. Tejas.
You're on the air, Ted.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I was wondering if you'd seen the video on Google where they're giving Walter Cronkite the award for the world government establishment for the World Federalist Association.
Yeah, and Hillary cuts in via satellite on a TV screen to thank him.
That one?
That is the most important video that I have seen today.
It doesn't matter if Vicente Fox and Barack Obama are calling for world government.
It doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist.
Yeah, the 30 websites that are linked from the Coalition for Democratic World Government dot org.
So I'd just like to direct anybody listening, do a Google search, World Government Hillary.
It'll come up.
But the television says it doesn't exist.
I should believe them and I should drink mercury and fluoride and the government loves me.
I'll tell you what, give me the exact name of the Google video.
I saw it about three years ago, so I can't remember.
I never played that on air.
Maybe we'll play that next hour.
It's called Hillary Clinton's admiration of world government.
Hillary Clinton's admiration of world government.
John, do you have that?
Hillary Clinton's admiration of world government.
Okay, we'll play that.
Yes, I remember the loving clip.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, but it doesn't exist.
Think of the nerve of CNN to go up and say there's no Trans-Texas Corridor, when there's billboards everywhere and they're publicly announcing it.
But again, yuppies hear that and think, oh, it's not kosher to talk about it.
So see, that propaganda is directed at saying this doesn't exist, it's morbid and bad, it's evil.
I remember reading a big psychologist who ran the Department of Education back in the 50s quote,
I was looking at it this weekend, and it was saying, we will teach the children that snow is black, and anyone that believes snow isn't black will be considered to be an outcast and morbid.
So, you go, hey, Hillary's calling for world government.
Does not exist!
Shut up!
Eric in New Hampshire, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, how's it going?
Good, I'm a member of Student Scholars for 9-11 Truth with Justin Martel and my brother Mike Jackman.
You have done well!
Yeah, I want to just talk about a couple things here.
I think it's great that we have people like Willie Nelson, Charlie Sheen, Daniel Sonjata all going public, but I always think that they could be doing a little more by all getting together to hold a press conference and say, we support the family members' push for a new investigation.
And we're trying to organize a conference up here in New Hampshire for April,
And we've invited people like Bob McElveen, Sandra Hicks, the Jersey Girls, many other family members to come and speak.
But even if we have big names like that, we're not going to get as much press and attention and funding as we need.
So we really need these celebrities to step up even more, I think.
I mean, I think it's excellent that they're going public, especially on your show.
But we need, you know, we need them to help and chip in any way they can.
And we need more.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean,
They have a platform.
It's great.
They have a lot of people who will listen.
Well, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
Celebrities, and I appreciate your call, are more finicky than other people because they've been screwed.
People treat them differently.
I mean, I'm not a celebrity and people just act nuts around me.
They either grovel or they backstab or they act crazy.
And so celebrities don't just
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we did our second interview for more than an hour with Willie Nelson today.
Huge revelations on a bunch of fronts, we'll talk more about that.
Continuing with your phone calls, I will get into the economy, what's happening with Russia and the U.S.
right now.
The gun situation, the victim disarmament, how they're hyping for gun control, it's all coming up.
But right now, Jake in Illinois, you're on the air worldwide.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, listen, have you seen that video on the internet with Benjamin Fulford interviewing David Rockefeller?
Yeah, we've interviewed Fulford, we've played some clips here.
Yeah, um, listen, what's your take on that?
He says there's like some Asian secret societies want to attack the Illuminati and things like that.
What's your take on that?
I believe Folger believes what he's saying, and I believe there's some truth to it.
I can't vet lots of it, so I don't know.
But the globalists want to reduce world population by 80%.
The Asians have had bioweapons tested on them.
That's been declassified.
They've sterilized them.
There are agreements with China, and so I believe a lot of it.
I can't confirm it all, so I can't say that I can prove it all.
Right, because he's saying that they want to... Because we can see in the United States that everything is still going as planned with these people, but he's saying that the Asians want peace, and they want to end the European dominance of the world.
Yeah, we have to understand, that's not European people's dominance, that's the global elite's that sucked off of us and used our ingenuity and used our strength and prowess and intelligence and inventiveness to dominate the world.
We have been a great war horse, a great dragon that they shackled and used to turn the mill.
And I want to say one more thing, too.
Listen, I don't know if many people know about this website, www.taxday08.com, it's the Ron Paul
Uh, Tax Day website, I want everyone to go check it out.
Yeah, they want April 15th to have a big money bomb.
Right, and Ron Paul is calling for a March on Washington, so everyone should check it out.
Yep, he announced that.
Exactly, he announced that here.
And they should have the date set either Memorial Day or July 4th, very, very soon.
I appreciate your call, my friend.
Neil in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I've got a question.
You just had a baby here recently.
I'm about to have one too in about five weeks.
And I'm trying to wake up my wife, the whole vaccination thing, but she's slowly waking up.
But I think it'd help if, coming from you,
You support any of them?
Okay, well here's an example.
We had our latest child at the North Austin Medical Center Division of Seton because we know the doctor.
She's a patriot.
We know the people there and it's best to have it in the hospital if you can trust the people and it's great service and great care.
Uh, when I was there, they diverted me off to do something, and when I came back, my wife said, yeah, they were just asking if you, you know, if it's a good home, and if you basically beat me.
And they've got a computer screen up that they do through the health department, where the nurse, right before you have the baby, is asking you all these questions that goes right to the CPS.
So they spy on you everywhere, A.
B, after the baby had been born, they were in there washing it and everything, and I was there at all times.
The nurses were like, so you don't want the hepatitis B shot?
And I said, no.
And they said, good.
We didn't give it to our children.
There's no point in having it.
It's a sexually transmitted virus, or through IV drug use, and it's also a pretty dangerous vaccine.
And I said, yeah, I know that.
And I said, but you don't tell people that.
And they said, no, you said no, so we told you.
So the nurses that have children were agreeing with me.
And so know that the hospitals themselves are big social networking systems.
You know, when you get arrested with a machine gun and a dead body in your car, they still give you due process.
But when you go in to have a baby, it's just institutionalized at every major hospital that everything is a tattletale system and the nurses aren't even thinking about how this is set up.
The people aren't even thinking about it.
You should be aware of that.
Uh, but, uh, why would your daughter or your son that you're having need some dangerous vaccine?
By the way, they'll probably tell your wife they've taken the mercury out.
Demand to see the insert.
You will read the Marisol are still in there.
Does that answer your question?
Uh, yes, I do have... Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, let's go back to Neil in Texas.
Or was it Joe in Texas?
Who was I talking to?
Neil, your other question?
I think I'm in a pretty good school district.
Is there anything that they can do to, if you don't take the shots, to stop you from going to public schools?
No, because they're pig-like criminals that run our government.
These are hardcore pieces of filth and trash.
They are.
I mean, that's the bare minimum we can say about them.
They knowingly at the schools lie and tell you it's the law to take shots.
Even when we were being discharged, some head nurse that didn't know us came in and said, now you know you've got to take the shots, and why not?
And I just said, look, I know it's not a law.
And then she was like, oh, I got one that can see.
I mean, I shouldn't have to sit here with a bunch of bluffing people who are pushing this bull.
The good news is, 10 years ago, you had a child at a hospital, all the nurses were trying to push shots.
Now almost none of them are, and most of them are saying they know it's bad.
So there is no law.
Let me explain.
The legislature or the governor mandates to the health department through executive orders and through regulatory commissions that they want the schools to put on the list of recommended to attend school, but they then lie coast to coast, border to border, they do it in Europe, tell you it's the law to take shots,
Then they expel you, suspend you, and then they kick truancy laws in, and the public is too dumb about the law and systems.
All they know is cops are coming, they're going to jail.
Your child's not in school, you're going to go to jail for that.
And they think, oh, it's the shot.
I mean, look at the mass fraud.
All of them need to go to prison, anyone that lies.
I mean, if I show up at your door and say I'm going to arrest you if you don't buy a vacuum cleaner, I should go to jail.
Well, the schools are getting money for this.
They lie and say you've got to take a shot.
They're criminal scum.
Hate them!
They deserve absolute hate!
Now, again, on average, they're useful idiots who think the shots are good.
Why wouldn't you want to take the shot?
They don't know that a bunch of criminally insane eugenicists run things, and then in public documents, they plan in the 20s and 30s to put poisons in vaccines to reduce your IQ or implant cancer viruses in you.
And that's bottom line true, and it's come out.
You can't trust anything they do.
How many times have they been caught lying?
How many times have they been caught having HIV in the blood products?
How many times have they been caught knowingly doing it?
So, again, it isn't that magically you couldn't have some clean vaccine that would help the children, and maybe it's good.
That's debatable.
The problem is that we know bad people run these big companies.
We know it's a black op.
You can't do it.
Is that clear?
Yes, it is.
Alright, thank you my friend.
I'm glad you called.
I mean, here's an example.
My family pediatrician, very well-known, prominent pediatrician in town, doesn't... A lot of pediatricians will just refuse care if you don't take shots.
He doesn't do that.
But he says that you ought to take tetanus because tetanus is a real threat and is a real problem.
Because you run into something rusty and old, it might have the tetanus on it.
The problem is, that's the very one that the globalists have been caught repeatedly adding hormones to, to sterilize your children.
And it's come out in studies, it's associated with infertility in women and men.
Perfect bio-weapon, because they bond different hormones involved in the reproductive system to it, and then your body has autoimmune responses to those, and attacks the glands that secrete them.
That's not me, that's epidemiologists, top scientists in India and Africa that discovered it in 1995.
And they've discovered it countless times since then.
And every week or two I see a new BBC article where, oh, we accidentally gave them live polio and thousands of kids got it and died, you know.
Oh, we accidentally gave them an AIDS virus in...
Libya, the U.N.
program, all the kids that went there were injected with AIDS, but we think it was evil nurses doing it.
Yeah, right.
A huge hospital, they were all in on it.
No, they didn't know.
The U.N.
aid workers even meant well.
The nurses out there working in these third world pits and the doctors that go volunteer, they don't know the U.N.
World Health Organization shots come in.
They're turning down $100,000 and $200,000 and $50,000, $60,000 a year jobs in the West to go help.
I'm not saying the nurses and doctors are bad!
It's compartmentalized!
They don't know!
Just like our police, just like our military by and large mean well, they just don't understand the sophistication of the grid.
But I haven't even given my children tetanus.
Not that I don't know tetanus is a threat.
But because
There's a very good chance.
You know, if they got caught, they'd call it impurities.
Or, oh, there's a recall.
You hear about that every day.
When people actually, you see, people are watching the vaccines now.
They're not getting away with what they used to.
Oh, you have blood pouring out your eyes and hind end and out your underarms and you're flopping around having convulsions.
Oh, it was a, the vaccine was tainted.
It was a mistake.
It was, it was a screw up.
The government screwed up.
They're not screwing up.
They're doing exactly what they intended all along.
Joe and Tejas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
It's an honor to talk to you, sir.
Honor to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
Yes, sir.
I've enjoyed your interview with Willie, and I wanted to, for the first time, I live up here about on 83 North out of Uvalde, Texas, and for the first time here a few days ago,
Uh, I saw, I counted Alex, 13 trucks from Mexico, plates on them.
I've been seeing them for five years, you know.
Oh, I see.
And it's just, uh, you know, I, I was, uh, turned on you here about, oh, three months ago.
And, uh, because of you, my sister's eyes are opened.
And, uh, uh, my daughter, she doesn't take the, have, I just had a grandbaby here.
It's going to be a year old.
And she doesn't, she didn't have her baby, you know, take those shots.
My eyes have been opened because of you.
I told my sister about your web page and when she went to the web page the first words out of her mouth were, oh my God, man.
She had never heard of you.
When she went to your web page she couldn't believe it.
I know you've got a lot of other callers, Alex, but I really appreciate you, man.
And she sees a lot of young people there in Beaumont, Texas, where she lives.
A lot of young people rooting for Ron Paul.
Oh, there's no doubt Ron Paul was second or first place.
They cheated him, but we knew that was going to happen.
Now we have to keep moving forward.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Joe.
Brandon in Canada, you're on the air.
Oh, I was just listening to your vaccine there, and when I was young, like,
I got bombarded with them and gave me violent meals.
That got a lot of hate in me right there, but yeah.
Your story there about when you were young and how you got into this, this is what I'm living right now and it's very, very good.
I go to the local clubs and you see policemen walking with briefcases.
It's wrong.
Everything to do with money is wrong in this world.
Well, at least they're just dealing the drugs in your area.
In Seattle, they go sell drugs to each other and then the cops own most of the nightclubs now.
Then they bust you for having drug dealing going on when they're doing it and soliciting it to get your property.
I mean, it's, it's, the tyranny is so bad, it's off the charts.
Yeah, and now I see that all my friends go through this, too.
Like, they're good people, you know, and now they're doing heroin and just, like, they're lost.
I hear you, my friend.
I appreciate your call.
Heroin production from the poppies, from the opium, is eight times.
That was last year's numbers.
It grows each year.
Record numbers were achieved within two years of the liberation of Afghanistan by 2004.
Two years after the liberation, the opium began to flow in big gushers out of the Golden Crescent right into your children's veins.
And it's even come out in mainstream news that the U.S.
and England, quote, don't spray the poppy fields.
You bet they don't.
What do you think it's about in the news when they talk about hundreds of billions of dollars in hundred and thousand dollar bills?
C-130 after C-130 landing just daily.
A private gets about 40, 50 grand a year in liquid cash.
A captain's getting about a million a year.
A million a year?
No one knows.
We know it's in the tens of mil.
And real fast, that corrupts people.
And if a general or an army inspector or an army investigator comes and looks at torture, they instantly die.
They just blow your head off.
And I was telling you about how they were handing them out cash within a week of the invasion, remember?
You can go back and listen to those shows.
Now, for two years, and it's admitted, they just fly in with cash.
A large portion of the troops are illegal aliens.
A large portion of those are aggravated felons, both illegal and from the U.S.
And you start giving 40, 50 grand to each and every person that's over there.
But they tell them, shh, you've got to be quiet about this.
We know you're not getting the pay you deserve.
The President wants you to have this.
And see, that buys their support, but now they're corrupt.
And they don't even search the bags of the officers from Sergeant and up, coming back into the U.S.
They're allowed to bring in millions in cash.
All they gotta do is keep re-upping and staying in.
And that corrupts the whole thing.
And then a lot of them that seem to like it, they get recruited into black ops, and now they're gonna be dealing cocaine, heroin on our streets, they're gonna be chiefs of police, they're gonna be captains on police departments.
They're going to be used to using electric grills on people in Iraq.
They're going to do it right here.
Oh yeah!
But you know what?
You're not going to get away with it.
See, they've seduced our military and tried to turn them into the spawn of hell itself.
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That Hilbert E. Clinton slash Walter Cronkite world government
There's wonderful clips coming up in the next segment.
I got a bunch of news I'm going to hit.
I will cover it all.
We're continuing with your phone calls today.
And when this transmission ends in about 35 minutes, you'll be able to tune back in if you missed any of the Willie Nelson hour plus long new interview.
Brand new today.
Back on with us for the second time that will re-air at InfoWars.com.
Not even posted on the web yet.
First place you can find is right there in the restream.
He was on in the first hour into the second.
And people are saying it was even better than the first, so help us get those articles out.
Paul Watson's going to do a story on that.
By the way, if you're driving down the highway in Kansas City, Missouri, listening on KCXL, you're driving down the road in our fine stations in Pennsylvania or Ohio or wherever, you're listening to 1330 here in Austin or 90.1, 96.3, whatever you're listening to, KCAA out in San Diego, wherever.
Don't just drive along in your car or your office and think, oh, that guy says they're paying off all the trips.
Now, I did tell you years before it happened, because we've seen this in past wars to a lower degree.
We've seen them do this with domestic populations, and we knew they were using the same Merc trainers and people like Negroponte who'd run the death squads in Latin America.
We knew they'd paid off the Taliban in Al-Qaeda.
With millions apiece at the lower levels, hundreds of millions from the higher ups, that'd all come out too.
Big truckloads of gold, just to take the fall and say they did 9-11.
But, when you talk about hundreds of billions in the last five plus years, I mean, at least 40 grand.
Some privates say, yeah, I'm not supposed to talk about it, but I only got 40 grand.
Some I've talked to got 60, 100, depending on what they were doing.
The more vicious, the more evil, the more you get.
Think about how they're compromising them.
And then officers.
I mean captains, colonels, majors, getting upwards of a million or higher.
And if you don't take the money, that's how corruption works.
It's like when in New York, a couple times they had to fire more than two-thirds of the police detectives because they were all on the take.
That's admitted.
So don't say it and go on.
They would kill you if you didn't take the money.
A lot of cops went public years later and it was on record that they'd been threatened.
They'd been demoted.
Until they finally took the money.
Well, now it's just, oh, here's... And they dole it out.
And then you take it.
Here's three grand.
Here's ten grand.
Here's a hundred grand.
Here's twenty grand.
And then, by the way, we want you to kill that sergeant.
By the way, there's an army investigator coming about what's happening here at the camp.
He needs to have an accident and you're gonna get more of what you got.
You understand?
And if you say no, they blow your head off.
They're all coming back here to work.
And that's a big deal.
We ought to do some news stories on that.
It's been in the news here and there.
It's admitted they're paying them off.
But when they're hiring aggravated felons and illegal aliens, or both, and they're recruiting the troops and paying them off all this cash, and boy, I've seen it.
I know a lot of people have been in the military 10, 15, 18 years.
I know people who lived in the middle class house and drove the two old Chevy pickup trucks and they just came back from Iraq.
I know quite a few of them.
Suddenly they're driving $50,000 fully loaded diesel, you know, duallys.
Suddenly they're moving into $500,000 houses.
Then you hear about how, oh, they're working with the Austin Police Department now, but it's a secret program, can't talk about it.
We got black ops all around us, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you wonder why the neocons and their minions keep going along with all this?
They've been paid, and well paid!
After all, they're just devaluing the currency, they're robbing from everybody else.
What would buy a hundred grand ten years ago, cost a million dollars today, and it's only accelerating and getting worse.
And that's been in hundreds of newspapers, but they report it like it was no big deal.
Huge buildings, you know, just airplanes lined up with huge, and it showed photos of them, huge pallets, each shipment four or five billion dollars, hundreds of shipments, and that's what we know about.
You know why the CIA and the globalists wanted to invade Iraq?
Because they ran the whole show.
They put Saddam in power, they made him the head of Baath security in 79.
Head of Baath security in 69.
Head dictator in 79.
They ran the whole apparatus, and I remember seeing news articles, but then they decided to reclassify them in the week before 9-11, about how they were paying off all the generals millions of dollars a piece, even flying them out by helicopter the night before the invasion.
They already had that whole thing infiltrated.
So of course there was no real resistance when they first rolled in.
And I'll tell you how cold-blooded our New World Order is.
They actually, and we've documented this, created the insurgency and funded all three sides and paid them to shoot and kill our troops and shoot and kill other people just so they could have an excuse to stay there.
And I told you all that was going to happen beforehand.
See, this is a different type of logic they use.
It's a dark alchemy.
It's a system.
Alright, your phone calls, tons of news, news blitz, audio clips, totally jam-packed final 30 minutes of transmission on the other side of this quick break.
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I wonder if we'll ever get Bob Dylan on the show.
Ha ha!
Democracy don't rule the world.
Democracy don't rule the world.
You better get that in your head.
Big news!
Whistleblower site taken down in the US!
Ultramassive precedent-setting case of restricting news domestically.
Your call's coming up as well.
I'm about to play this World Federalist Society, World Government Society clip with Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite.
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And you get three months free at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Somebody mentioned it.
Here it is.
This is Hillary Clinton thanking Walter Cronkite, talking about global government.
The World Federalist Association, or WFA, is one of the largest organizations that openly promote world government.
Periodically, the WFA extends a Global Governance Award to a prominent individual pushing for the same goal.
Former CBS Anchorman Walter Cronkite was among the recipients of the WFA Award.
Thank you very much.
Today we must develop federal structures on a global level to deal with world problems.
We need a system of enforceable world law.
A democratic federal world government.
In a closed circuit hookup, Hillary Clinton congratulated Cronkite.
For decades she's told us, the way is this.
But tonight, we honor you for fighting for the way it could be.
In 1993, the WFA honored an editor for Time Magazine for an essay he had written entitled, The Birth of a Global Nation.
Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete.
All states will recognize a single global authority.
After receiving the award, the editor, Strobe Talbot, was appointed Deputy Secretary of State in the Clinton administration.
In February of 2000, the New York Times allowed the WFA a full-page ad to spread its globalist propaganda.
That's right, free ad, but when Patriot groups want to put an ad in there, it's $300, $400, $200 grand, depending on the size.
Hillary Clinton on tape thanking him and worshipping him.
There you have these global government, world federal bodies.
North American Union, EU, Vicente Fox admitted it last week to We Are Change.
I've got to get them on about this.
We don't have time to play those audio clips today, but they're up on InfoWars.com and WeAreChange.org as well as JonesReport.com.
Aaron Dykes did a big report on JonesReport.com this weekend.
Don't even have to tell Aaron to come into work.
Have to tell him to not live here.
The guy's just constantly in there working, doing a great job.
I know we've got a load of phone lines that I'm going to get to.
Let me just run through some of the news here.
Kosovo Prime Minister proclaims independence.
That was always the plan, obviously threatening Russia.
Do you believe this is all staged?
Do you believe Russia is part of the New World Order?
A lot of evidence shows they are.
I mean, they've got the 9-1-1 system, they've got the Secure Start, the Head Start, they've got the nanny state.
It's all managed by the same central banks, but now we've got big bear bombers buzzing our aircraft carriers.
Our aircraft carriers belong to the globalists.
We think they're ours.
See how I'm even inculcated in the brainwashing?
You know, seeing it as our military, our government, it's not.
Nuke threat puts West on notice.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Ukraine he will aim nuclear missiles at it if the country joins NATO and accepts a U.S.
anti-missile shield on its territory.
Big news there.
And those anti-missile shields aren't going to stop frogs.
They're not going to stop artillery shooting those rounds low.
Nothing can stop them.
Not even an Aegis system.
Again, Russian bomber buzzes U.S.
aircraft carrier heading towards Japanese coast.
Russian bomber twice buzzed U.S.
nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the most stark warning yet from the Kremlin on the return of the Cold War.
Also, Russian bombers have been entering U.S.
airspace coming into Alaska and other areas.
EU just setting a precedent to ban certain types of light bulbs, toilets,
They want remote control, thermostats to control your house like California is proposing.
They want to restrict outside heaters.
They want to ban fireplaces in your house.
It's all about control.
Don't worry about genetic engineering or all the real stuff going on, or toxic waste being dumped in the ocean.
No, no, don't worry about that.
Just restrict us and train us.
The government says what we can and can't do.
UK Daily Mail reports under new EU regulations that England entered into.
I thought it wasn't government, that new treaty they just signed, but it is.
They're basically going to ban fireworks displays.
Headline, EU to kill off fireworks displays as new safety regulations come into force that are... Barack Obama pushes bill that would mandate global tax.
Paul Watson did a report on this from Mainstream News Reports.
Presidential front-runner Barack Obama is pushing a bill that would lead to the implementation of a U.N.
global tax consisting of U.S.
and at least $845 billion.
The Global Poverty Act, again, sets greenhouse standards in each nation to quote, fund helping the poor.
It does none of the above.
It just gives it all to central banks who then loan the money back at 20% interest to the countries.
You pay taxes and they loan it back at 20% to you.
It's all about control.
These guys just sit up there running the money machines.
You know, first they make people coming into the country thumb-scammed, but it's selectively enforced.
Then we make Japanese and Germans and British do it.
Now they make us when we go out.
All federally, internationally standardized in 2000.
But now they're introducing it to you with things like this.
Children fingerprint checks at European borders.
Children as young as six will have to have their fingerprints checked in order to enter or exit European Union under radical proposals made by Brussels.
All travelers including children will be required to enter a closed booth of their own with their biometric details, stored digitally on microchips and passports, will be checked against their real fingerprints.
See, we've been doing that in Texas since 93.
It's all a global system, all the same system.
The globalists may fight over who gets the reins of control, but they are in unison on dominating and controlling us.
Government minister in England sterilized teenage girls, eugenics.
Just sterilize them.
Bill would require all California science curriculum to cover climate change, San Jose Mercury News.
The fact is, though, they're not just going to teach us climate change, which they should teach, that's normal.
No, no, they're going to teach that it's greenhouse gases and we've got to have all these global taxes, just a little brainwashing.
And, of course, the big comic book companies teamed up with the UN to give, quote, free comic books to all the children in the US, teaching us about how global government is good.
But there is no global government and there's no problem, as Marvel Comics has announced it.
Again, Vicente Fox seeks interdependent North American Union and emerging world government.
Former Mexican President urges U.S.
to embrace solidarity and not to establish as the North American Union unfolds.
You can go read that at JonesReport.com.
Okay, student shot at University Landmark.
There's a landmark Second Amendment case unfolds, and notice every time there's a key bill or key argument in a court, there's a massive shooting.
This guy, of course, had been in the military in very strange programs before being institutionalized in a mental institution.
Now, if you've been on Ritalin or have ADHD, the military won't take you.
So this shows that they knew he'd been committed, but they took him on.
He disappeared for six months into their facilities, came out of the military, went to school to be Homeland Security, and shot a bunch of people.
It was a victim disarmament zone.
They had copycat hyped all these shootings.
Of course he was on serotonin reuptake inhibitor Prozac class of drugs, which on their own inserts admit they caused this.
Massive increases in psychopathic killing.
Doesn't matter, they engineered the system.
We should have more guns to protect ourselves from this scumbag.
Guy goes in and kills a psychiatrist with a meat cleaver.
She treated psychopaths.
That was the office's specialty.
He actually visited the guy next door to her in her same office.
How would you work in an office with psychopathic killers and not have a handgun in your drawer with a lock and key or an instant access pistol safe?
Again, we're trained to be domesticated, to grovel on our knees while somebody ice picks us or hacks us to death with a meat cleaver.
Not me!
Right here, ladies and gentlemen, in two seconds I hit this button.
. .
Now is the time to stop giving in to all of this.
I've got some other global news, but let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Who's up next here?
Richard in Maryland, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I'd like to say one thing.
I have 26 and a half years of military in the Army, and I took a bullet for Ron Paul.
When I voted in the primary, and I'll take another bullet when I vote for him in the general election.
We'll never, never, ever, Bert, vote for Songbird McCain!
And you know what I'm talking about.
He's an absolute piece of trash.
Yeah, you know what Songbird means, don't you?
He spilt his guts in ten seconds.
Sean Byrd means that what he did when he was in there, had to handle him to his fellow prisoners.
And I'll never vote for that son of a bitch at all.
And I'd like to say that, and I don't care anything about what other people think.
I'm going to vote for him, and I'm going to put him in a write-in thing.
In Maryland we only got 18,501 votes for Ron Paul, and I'm sure he may have gotten more.
So that's it, Ron.
Alex, have a nice day.
Well, let me just say this, and I appreciate your call, Richard from Maryland.
There is no vote between Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and McCain.
And I believe it's going to be Hillary.
People keep saying Barack Obama's going to win.
I will be shocked.
All the cards are for Hillary.
She is ahead right now.
I bet Edwards gives her his delegates.
I'll bet my bottom dollar she wins Texas.
Now, we know she's cheating Barack Obama.
By the way, he's New World Order 2.
I mean, they hedge their bets.
They own each big candidate, and then they pick who they want out of them to begin with.
All these young people running around with silly looks on their faces, giggling and smirking and laughing about Barack Obama.
There is no vote with McCain, Hillary, or Obama.
Frankly, Hillary might be better to vote for because she's so openly evil, we have the baggage on her, that she's going to have trouble getting anything done.
With Barack Obama, it'll take people a year or two to figure out he's evil, by the time he can get stuff done.
McCain is completely mentally ill, totally compromised, and again, I'm not going to vote for any of them.
I'm not going to vote for Hillary, I'm not going to vote for Barack Obama, I'm not going to vote for John McCain.
I will write in Ron Paul.
You go, yeah, but the election system's a fraud.
Why be part of the system?
We prove it's a fraud by doing that.
We keep engaging it.
We keep exposing it.
85% knew election fraud was a fraud before this.
90% will know after.
It's all part of a process.
We're giving fight.
We're never giving up.
Kelly, in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I was at the Michigan Republican State Convention.
And it was very interesting because we all just had one afternoon's notice.
We got an email one afternoon from the Ron Paul campaign stating that the county conventions were that evening.
And a significant amount of people showed up and became delegates.
And I was one of them.
And we went to the state convention this past weekend.
And the GOP was very surprised to see how many of us showed up and actually were delegates.
Now, did they try to vet you out or put you in the superdelegates that will control your vote?
No, they didn't do that.
As a matter of fact, Ron Paul's campaign basically instructed us, you know, to behave ourselves and to conduct ourselves accordingly, and the delegates, we were supposed to vote for McCain because he technically won the state.
So the Ron Paul campaign is telling you to go ahead and vote for what the delegate place shows it is?
But see, it would be a PR disaster if Ron Paul told his people... That's what I kept explaining to people that wanted to broker a convention.
If he didn't, quote, get the votes on paper, you can't come take those delegates unless it's only a one or two point difference from the other candidate.
When you've got a 40 point difference or 35 point difference, you can't do that or the media will have a heyday with it.
Right, exactly.
So, we did as we were told.
Now, the interesting thing was, we did get to speak up and have some equal time.
Stay there, I want to hear this on the other side.
Again, if the Ron Paul people try to do this, the media will have a heyday with us.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I'm going to blast through Kelly, Rick, Pam, and Thomas' calls real fast like you all get a minute or so.
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Just go sign up for it.
And don't forget the Willie Nelson interview, second interview live today.
We interviewed him today.
Amazing stuff he talked about.
That rebroadcast at InfoWars.com starts in about five minutes.
So just go there, click on the InfoWars stream if you're listening somewhere else on the web, other networks and things, you'll be able to go there and listen to that right there at InfoWars.com if you missed any of it.
Please spread the word about the big Willie Nelson interview we did.
Paul's going to have an article out on it later.
This is a great way to wake up all the Willie Nelson fans and country music fans and others.
The fact that 9-11 is an inside job, he said a lot more today.
Finish up real fast, Kelly.
I've got two points.
One, Mike Huckabee's wife was there.
She went around speaking to all the districts and claiming that Huckabee was first to suggest abolishing the IRS.
Second, we gathered together and got the names of about 70 Ron Paul people that were there and willing to be active.
Their emails, their phone numbers, and we're planning to initiate on a statewide level getting involved in local politics.
Call me back tomorrow.
I gotta jump.
That's very exciting.
We're going to take this movement and continue the fight locally.
That's where we can have even better fruit.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Rick in Texas.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Quick question.
Keith Olbermann.
Many times I've heard you talk about he knows about 9-11, I've heard.
But I hear him, he sounds skewed to the Democratic side.
But I was really surprised, and I'm surprised nobody's asked this question yet.
On Endgame, it is definitely his voiceover on a lot of those tracks.
No, it's not.
What's the story behind that?
It sounds like him.
No, I don't believe Keith Olbermann's in there.
That's me.
Is it?
Well, that's somebody that sounds just like Keith Overman, then.
I'm trying to think.
I don't think there's any clip in there.
Anyway, it's great.
Very great video, though.
And you woke me up over a year ago and totally shocked me awake.
I can't believe that I was so naive before I found out about all this.
Well, you know now and you'll find out a lot more that I'll never even know.
We all learn together.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry we're going so quick here.
Pam in Texas, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Great show today.
Thank you.
I need to make a plea for help from your listeners.
There's a very, very, very worthwhile grassroots project that needs some funding and needs it fast.
It has lots of volunteers on board.
Okay, what is it?
Okay, TexasRonPaulNewspaper.com.
For eight cents a copy, we can produce an eight-page spread, a newspaper, featuring Ron Paul's positions on issues that interest Texans.
Great, great.
We're out of time.
We're out of time here.
Thomas, real fast in Kansas, take us out.
Hey Alex, I got a question for you, man.
On the Global Poverty Act, that's already passed the House, correct?
When is it going to go to the Senate?
I don't have time to dig it out in front of me, but I know it's been introduced, and I know they're pushing it, and that's the global greenhouse.
They're having the states, counties, cities do it.
It's all just new taxes to fund the global government, and they just use well, you know, nice-sounding things about saving the Earth.
Thank you for the call.
I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, Noon to 3 Eastern.
That'd be 9 to Noon Pacific, 10,
To one mountain.
Retransmission starts now at InfoWars.com.
We have the second big live interview with Willie Nelson today.
It was better than the first.
Please help us spread this interview out to everybody like last time.
God bless you all.
Retransmission starts now.
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