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Name: 20080212_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 12, 2008
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Ron Paul is doing the right thing.
He is standing up saying we have to energize what has become known as the Ron Paul Revolution.
Tens of millions of Americans and people worldwide against the new world order and tyranny.
He's saying we have to now organize into a national force
To basically pressure government and to continue to carry the torch of liberty and educate others.
He's calling for a national march, and the congressman is scheduled to be joining us sometime in the first hour today, though he is traveling and on the road, so I take that to mean any time in the next three hours.
He's scheduled to be with us in the next segment.
We'll see if that happens.
Meanwhile, Principal Electrical Engineer for the World Trade Center Construction is now saying that fuel and planes alone could not bring down the towers and it looks like they were destroyed, blown up.
Again, Ron Paul calls for March on Washington, D.C.
Screams and tears of delight as polls show Obama set to perhaps beat Hillary Clinton in key battleground states with big delegate prizes like Maryland, Virginia, and others.
It means absolutely nothing.
Both candidates, as you know, were bought and paid for, but we'll be breaking that down
Great story here, great article by Lou Rockwell.
Ron Paul has already won, echoing many of your thoughts, my thoughts.
All of us have won.
Let's be positive and not be angry at Ron Paul or his campaign for not storming the victory, presidentially.
Remember, we asked him to run.
This is a process, and we have already won by taking action.
So I'm going to be breaking that down.
Is John McCain ineligible to be a U.S.
A lot of people are calling me about this.
I've done a little bit of research on it, and we'll break down the findings later.
The way it looks, according to the Constitution, is no.
But the Constitution also says that you can't have the President and Vice President hailing from the same state.
Dick Cheney's tax return said he lived in Dallas.
Bush's tax return showed he lived in Austin.
Did that stop him from running, or is he President now?
Is Dick Cheney vice president right now?
I mean, since when does the law?
That only applies to us milk cows that are milked by the wolves.
That doesn't apply to the New World Order, or their third world slave minions, or any of their protected groups.
So we'll be going over that.
Also, remember, I told you, there's a two-tier control grid system.
They're using anti-terror as a pretext to set up prisons, secret police checkpoints.
But the bigger attack is coming in the velvet-covered iron fist of the environmental movement.
And understand, think in a three-dimensional format, liberals.
I'm not saying there aren't environmental problems.
I'm not saying there aren't good environmental groups.
I'm explaining that it's hijacked.
But that's not even right.
It was founded by these people, by the eugenicists, and it's to control humans.
Here's Mayor Bloomberg, out of the New York Sun today.
Mayor compares global warming to terrorism, you see.
And he says that we are, quote, all going to die if we don't submit to this.
Washington State, Oregon are set to pass laws.
All these new greenhouse gas laws.
Other states are moving.
California's moving.
It's all happening.
It's all happening.
Total micromanagement of our lives.
Now, I know you know that.
But we need to codify this into easily understood reports, and we need to get this out to the people now.
When you hear neocons attack environmentalists, they attack it from, oh, they're just wackos, they're a bunch of idiots, ah-ha, they're eating granola and wearing sandals.
And so it's a joke, it's not a threat.
See how they minimize it?
No, it's the big corporate boardrooms and the big central banks setting up a whole new tier of taxation, regulation, and social workers that are going to mind your every action.
It's the end of the family farm.
It's the end of the small business.
It's a whole new tax system.
See, they never identify it.
They pose like they're against it.
Then they identify it.
Then the hippies all think, oh, it must be good if Limbaugh's attacking it.
We'll be right back.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, my friends, we have a really important radio broadcast lined up for you today.
I will let you know we're going to have another big surprise guest next Monday.
I'm going to start promoting that now.
We gave you Willie Nelson for a full hour, talking about the New World Order and how he thinks the government may set up a dictatorship or martial law.
That made it in over 400 newspapers, the Associated Press and on Fox.
We have another big guest joining us next Monday.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
That is coming up.
Now, very exciting.
Ron Paul campaign is moving forward.
They're defending the House seat and moving forward in the primaries and educating the public all the way along.
And what people have called for is some type of national movement to form now that goes past the election with these millions of Americans and millions of others worldwide who love liberty, who love freedom, and who, you know, want Dr. Paul to pull us through the night here.
But he said, hey, I'm not going to do that.
We're going to do that together.
And so he has now announced a fabulous idea.
A march on Washington.
Let's put our money where our mouth is.
People need to stop whining in the trenches and realize this is a long, hard fight.
We need to understand that we drafted Ron Paul and demanded that he run.
He has broken every major fundraising record.
He has done things with the grassroots never before seen.
Even mainline pundits admit that.
We have made history together.
And with us until the bottom of the hour for another 21 minutes or so is Congressman Dr. Ron Paul.
Thank you for coming on, Congressman.
Great to be with you again.
Let's just break it down.
Where is the campaign right now?
Where is it going in the future?
And tell us about the march, sir.
Well, the campaign is, you know, doing exactly what we've been doing.
Getting out as far as we can, and getting involved.
There's a lot of things pending.
Some of the elections that have already occurred, they still have their caucuses, and they still have to pick their delegates, and we're urging everybody to stay in there, not only to maximize our delegates, but also to watch what they're doing.
You know, this is the toughest job.
Raising money is one thing, getting our message out in spite of the mainstream media, but then making sure the votes are counted.
So people who have been involved and know what's going on locally, they need to be engaged and they need to stay into those caucuses and maximize our delegates, because we don't know what's going to happen.
You know, with Romney out, they're there for a while, so, oh, the whole thing is over.
I haven't accepted that idea, and we have to just wait and see.
Things can change, and there's been so many bad stories out about McCain and what he really believes in that already, you know, the people are backing away from him.
He's not winning the primaries anymore, so there's every reason for us to stick around and keep doing that.
At the same time, I mean, we have to be realistic.
The media claims we have, like, 14 or 16 delegates.
Our con puts us up between 40 or 50, and there'll be a bunch more when the dust settles.
And we will continue to enter, you know, some of these primaries as they come along.
But everybody knows that in the next couple weeks, I am going to campaign very hard to make sure that we have our base.
Our base is the 14th District here in Texas.
But we also have to make long-term plans.
Long-term plans means that we have to show our strength.
If we, and I said this in my message, this is risky business, just like it was risky putting it on the internet how much money we're going to raise on a certain day.
Others tried that and they didn't raise any money and they were embarrassed and had to take it off.
But we were, it always encouraged our people.
So if we have, which I plan to have, you know, a rally or a demonstration or a march on Washington, you know, if a couple thousand shows up, pretty embarrassing.
So it is risky.
But, if we have a grand showing, it just means that mainstream media will have a much more difficult time ignoring us, and this would encourage everybody to keep the momentum going.
We put a report out Saturday at PrisonPlanet.com, Congressman Paul, where we laid out the four different options, and the fourth one, we basically stated what you just stated from your letter.
We basically laid out the fact that it was a shrewd thing that you were doing, focusing still on the presidential campaign, but also to the mothership, your base in Texas, and we made the point that
Some horrible scandal could come out on McCain.
There's already more than a dozen out there.
He's being swift-boated by the very same veterans group that went after Kerry.
And so who knows what's going to happen to McCain?
And so by staying in the race, regardless of how many delegates we really have, we know there's chicanery there, that this buys us time to keep growing the movement, to keep educating people, and just puts us in a better position.
Same reason that
Mr. Huckabee isn't dropping out.
Can you elaborate more on the strategy and why you chose the strategy that you put forward Friday?
Well, my argument has always been if volunteers keep coming in and the money keeps coming in, I have my name out there, I mean, to walk away now, you know, would be wrong.
And we've had 11 people offer themselves.
They've been in the debate.
They've been on the stage.
We're done at three, so
Oh, why, you know, the people who argue will just fade away.
Of course, those are mostly the people in the media who would like that to happen.
But, you know, there's obviously some shortcomings because it would be great to have a lot more delegates signed up.
But at the same time, compared to what?
Compared to where we were a year ago?
I would say that we have rallied a lot of troops, and I have said it so many times, that the numbers out there were far greater.
And you know yourself that I was very reluctant to do this, believing that there hadn't been enough changes, not enough groundwork, not enough philosophic understanding.
But so I have been impressed with that, and that's why it's important to continue this momentum.
Simply put, and I'd like you to elaborate on my take, we have built the base, people now in the popular vernacular.
It's now North American Union, inflation tax, the fact that both parties are pro-war and there's not a dime's worth of difference.
All of these issues now are openly being discussed and big Republican pundits are admitting
That your campaign, at the bare minimum, has exposed the fact that the Republican Party, with its current leadership, is completely bankrupt, and there's nothing Republican or conservative about them.
This is a massive sea change, and revolutions don't happen overnight.
I mean, many people could never have imagined that it would have gotten as big as it got.
And you know, there are two articles now, Doug Weed and also Newsmax have come out and
Their spin on it is, we've won!
You know, it's never going to be the same again.
You know, the country won't be the same, the Republican Party won't be the same, because of what has been started here.
So, this is to me very encouraging, but it really does, you know, I just feel like I've taken a risk, and maybe I'll get some feedback on this today and tomorrow about what kind of numbers we might get in Washington.
Just think how many people are sick and tired of the IRS and they don't want another tax in its place.
How many people are sick of the Federal Reserve System and understand that, you know, and I've said on your program before, that the loudest applause right now are essentially, other than the war, has been the Federal Reserve System.
This to me is so impressive that a lot of young people have been educated, you know, on college campuses, that they're screaming out against the Federal Reserve System.
And with the dollar going to the dogs, and with this war continuing, and McCain saying we should stay for a hundred years, it really is a great opportunity for us to keep the momentum going.
On the McCain front, I interviewed Vietnam veterans head
Just last week, and he said that they're throwing everything they can behind defeating McCain.
He is also the head of the big motorcycle veterans group, Rolling Thunder, that's gotten as many as 600,000 motorcycles in DC.
I think that if you tie this in, which you've even said that you're staying in also to go after McCain,
Wouldn't it be something to have them come and join?
And they have on a small way.
Some of them showed up in Texas a couple times.
I think I had a rally.
But if it was a national thing, you know, you can't ever tell what this might turn into.
If it's big, it's going to be pretty hard to ignore.
This is in its embryonic phase right now, but as you say in your message, we've only got a few months now.
Until the primary is locked up.
So we need to go ahead and set a date.
When are we going to see a date?
I mean, is the campaign going to set that date?
And how long until we get that date?
Well, it's going to be soon.
I talked to somebody this morning.
Matter of fact, I'm on my way back to D.C.
probably this evening.
I am going to be driving by certain areas in D.C.
that are available.
And right now in my mind, I'm thinking Memorial Day weekend or Fourth of July weekend, depending on the space and the time.
And whether people think we need until, you know, the extra six weeks to wait till the 4th of July.
But, you know, it would be pretty neat if you could do something on the 4th of July.
That really might be a great time to do it.
I think that's the time to do it, just from a gut level, and I think having more time, having a month and a half extra, I totally agree.
So, you're going to go to D.C., you're going to drive around, and we should hear in the next few days, Congressman?
Hopefully I can make that decision, because I had somebody visiting down there on the technique on how you reserve these places and how you do it in a proper manner.
I probably wouldn't have
You know, it's more difficult and more complex to do marches through the city.
You know, that's more difficult.
I'm thinking of just having a grand rally.
You know, that would be a little easier to manage.
So, these are the thoughts right now.
I take a little risk revealing that much until they're solidified, but your listeners might be interested.
But I am interested in finding out.
Your response was very positive.
I'm hoping the response from others will be the same.
Oh, people want to physically be part of the movement.
They want to see that it's going to continue on.
And I keep trying to explain to the minority out there, but it is a large minority, that is upset that this is a process.
I mean, you have been in and out of Congress.
You've had victories.
You've had defeats.
That's what life is all about.
But if we don't get out on the field, in the arena, we're never going to save this country, never save this society.
No, and I think that's probably what persuaded me to do something a year ago.
I kept thinking that we needed more time.
Time is moving quickly when you look at the deterioration of our foreign policy and our commitments overseas that we can't afford.
But, to me, I keep looking back and harping on the dollar.
When the dollar value goes down, that means there's a vote against confidence.
Congresswoman, stay right there.
Stay right there.
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Final segment with Congressman Paul.
We're going to get Jesse Benton on later in the day.
He's addressing a city council right now to talk more about the rally that will probably be set for July 4th or a date around there.
We have Congressman Paul with us right now.
He's going to stay in the race, continue to get delegates, continue to educate the people.
Other points that need to be made.
We see the economy worsening, we see these cables being cut, more talk of attacking Iran, now from Israel.
Can you speak about the economy and the situation with the war?
Well, you know, people now are saying, and I remember when Kim Russia brought this up in the debate, he says, well, now that the polls are showing that people are interested in the economy, and the foreign policy is not as important.
Of course, I, you know, tried to explain to him that, uh, how can you separate the two?
I mean, it's just spending overseas that causes the economy goes down.
When you spend a trillion dollars overseas maintaining an empire, the country has to get poorer.
This is historic.
Everybody knows it works that way.
And we had a tremendous decade, a terrible decade in the 1970s when we were paying for Johnson's war and his, his guns and butter program of the 60s.
We've done the same thing, I think only that much worse.
So we're facing major, major changes here in the economy and the people know that their standard of living is going down.
So that really invites us to
To explain our monetary policy, how inflation is so destructive to the middle class.
That's what we're witnessing, and that's why we're getting a lot more attention on the economy than we did before.
And the longer you stay in the campaign, as you said, in the next few months, who knows what's going to develop?
Who knows what's going to happen with McCain, or the economy, or any of it?
Shifting gears into your congressional race, we need to keep you in Congress.
They've been running unbelievable attack ads, and big money against you.
I don't want to mention him by name, but he treacherously said he supported you in the past, wasn't going to run against you.
That's on record.
What's the strategy?
What do you need from Texans that are listening to defeat this individual?
Of course, the people anywhere near, just like in all campaigns, it's a little bit more confusing for us because we have two campaigns, but we also need the money to campaign in the 14th District and the people near there to vote and get out and do the volunteer work.
And things are going pretty well.
I mean, we were getting a little weak in there because he was hitting us pretty hard, but now that we're concentrating on it, we have to prove ourselves in the 14 districts.
We have several jobs at one time.
We have the education job, the long-term projects, the presidential campaign, as well as maintaining credibility here in our district.
But I think it's going to work.
A year ago he was praising me and then promised me he would never run against me.
But all of a sudden it's changed.
So that is the important issue just for credibility.
And we're actually using one of his quotes on our literature to show what he really thinks and then why did he change his mind because nobody ever accuses me either of flip-flopping or that I have violated the Constitution.
So when they oppose what I do, they have to challenge the Constitution.
And just to be clear for listeners, you're keeping the presidential money separate for the presidential run and you're now trying to raise money to defend your congressional seat.
That is correct, and that is the way it's going to be, because not only is that the reason they sent the money to the presidential campaign, but legally that's the way it has to be.
I can't start spending money from one campaign in the other.
Now, getting into a third-party run, you said you're not going to do it.
Why are you closing the door on that?
Because would they be able to throw you out of the Republican Party, and then you'd probably lose the House seat, or you just don't see that as viable?
Well, I don't think it's viable, and I don't think I have the... I think there's so much bias against us to do that, but when you're still in a Republican primary, in two primaries, to get re-elected as a Republican, as a Congressman, and also, you know, to be in the presidential race, to start talking about, you know, you're going to be something else, you know, just doesn't seem very smart.
But the truth is, personally, I cannot see how that can happen.
Uh, just because of the need for, you know, to be a Ross Perot or a Bloomberg to have a billion dollars to compete and go out there and do it.
It just doesn't seem practical for me.
We've only got one minute left.
Fire out the congressional website for donations, Congressman, and then I'd like to ask you briefly any other ideas to take all these meetup groups and these huge grassroots organizations and try to make them permanent to work with the Liberty Committee to direct our energies against the Federal Reserve and others into the future.
This is an army.
Yeah, it is, and we have to keep together.
And the best way to get to my website, or any of my websites, is go to ronpaul.net.
RonPaul.net, and it'll go to any website, but it will be the Congress re-elect website that you can connect to, because that's pretty important right now.
So we're going to be hearing other ideas, not just the march on Washington.
We're going to be hearing other ideas to keep this army together and growing.
Absolutely, it's crucial.
I mean, for us to have had this organization come together spontaneously,
They're just begging and pleading to make a change in this country and change our direction.
We've got to pursue it.
Congressman, thank you so much.
Be safe.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you very much.
Good to be with you again.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I want to tell a little story about something that happened yesterday.
Then we're going to go to Vincent, John, Skip, Frank, Leo and others.
I have so much news today.
So much news.
It's just amazing.
So many different stories and things that I want to go over.
Jesse Benton is going to join us coming up in about an hour.
He's, of course, the media head for the Ron Paul campaign to talk more about strategies to keep the movement going.
That's what I wanted to see.
We're seeing it.
Movement, fight from the campaign, aggressive action, and, you know, it looks like he's not going to win, but we won because we got the word out.
We stood up, we fought.
It's like the founding fathers.
It's like George Washington losing battle after battle after battle after battle after battle after battle after battle.
That's more than 20 battles before they finally won one at Trenton.
And then they lost a bunch more and then won some.
But it was the given fight.
It was the willingness to keep standing up and moving forward and never surrendering.
That is the key.
I see a lot of cynical people in our movement, people that attack Paul, attack others,
The congressman is only one vehicle in this ride.
A very strong mechanism and we need to use it.
But we need to not just all throw fits now and run off, you know, back into our houses to our computers and, you know, start surfing cartoons or whatever.
We need to stay focused on fighting the New World Order and be positive and know that we're seeing an awakening bigger than anything we've ever seen before.
Now is the time to push and fight.
Because we don't have a choice.
The New World Order is not going away.
They're not going to stop coming after us.
They're not going to stop pushing their agenda, their control grid.
They're not going to let up.
We can't let up.
And what this fight has shown us is that we can have a big effect.
And we're not going to stop.
I ran into these two ladies yesterday.
Well, they came by the office, and I do not encourage that because I don't have time to talk to you, and I'm just working all the time when I'm here.
But I did talk to them, they were really nice, and they came in with their Bibles, and they both said that they separately, that they're friends, that they separately opened up their Bibles.
And I wasn't rolling my eyes at this, but you know, you take it with somewhat of a grain of salt.
To the prayer of Jehoshaphat, 2 Chronicles 20, 15, 23.
Verse 15, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.
And it goes into standing up against overwhelming odds.
And then I'm thinking, oh, that's interesting.
Nice ladies.
I've talked to them about five minutes.
It was my birthday yesterday.
The staff had gotten me some, the crew had gotten me some cake and gave me some cake and they left and I went back to all the stuff I had to do.
And then I was at a gas station getting gas and this old Hispanic man walked up to me while I was getting gas and he said, Alex, I know you get bummed out sometimes,
But you've got to remember that it's our job to stand up and fight, but God does the rest.
And you've just got to trust in God and let God work through you.
And I'm thinking, man, that's weird.
That's the second time I've heard that today.
These ladies were saying that they'd simultaneously gone to this passage separately and then called each other.
They were friends.
And I'm thinking, man, this is weird.
And then my TV show ended, and there was this older black man
Standing at the end of the hall, as I'm leaving the TV studio, and he says, Hi Alex.
I was just seeing you.
You had a really nice spirit about him, really friendly.
And he said, Listen, I was watching your show.
You really, you know, seem upset.
You're really stressed.
And I really was angry, but in a controlled rage last night.
I'm told by people who watched it on a local TV show.
It was pretty powerful.
And he said, Listen, I just felt moved to come down here and tell you
That you've got to let God work through you.
You've got to turn loose and let God work through you.
You can't take it all on your shoulders, and that's what I do.
I get very upset.
I get sick of covering all the evil.
I get tired of even having to watch videos of police tasering people when they're held down, or strip-searching women, you know, male guards.
I mean, I don't even like covering it.
It's upsetting.
It's not like, oh goody, I get to bash the cops again.
It's like, oh no.
And he just said,
You've got to be like a prize fighter.
You've got to be loose.
You've got to be relaxed.
You've got to realize you're doing the best you can.
Turn it over to God.
Keep fighting.
And that's amazing.
Three separate individuals, well four total, but three separate events yesterday with people coming up to me saying the same thing.
Being not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle.
It's not yours, but God's.
And I have to tell you, starting out Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I was more depressed than I've probably been in 10, 15, 20 years.
I'm not somebody who gets depressed, folks.
I'm not a manic-depressive where I'm up and then I'm down.
I'm just up all the time.
And I get mad, I get angry, but I just was really upset the last three days.
Very upset.
I mean, just literally felt like I had a million pounds sitting on top of me.
I'm just so disgusted with the New World Order.
I don't even have the... I still have some of it, but I don't have the old hatred of them I had before.
Now it's just disgust, and I'm just sick of them, and I'm tired of their arrogance and how they enjoy petty power and all the controlling bad things they do, and how they just get away with it.
And how obvious it is that the general public, a bunch of giggling zombies, laugh and call me some emails, message boards, it's all real funny to them, and people giggling saying, yeah, you're a nut, I can't wait till we put you in camps, I can't wait till somebody kills you, and you just get tired of that.
Because you're just trying to help people.
You're just trying to reach out to them.
You know, to have them have that spirit of evil, not even evil most of the time, it's just of a silliness.
It's like a junior high snickering, and it's not funny.
This is not funny.
What's going on?
This stuff's real and it's happening.
I have researched so much of it, the more I learn, it's just staggering how evil the New World Order is, and the things they do, and they revel in it.
That's their strength.
They're very proud of how ruthless they are.
And I was very, very upset
Because I feel cornered.
I mean, I know that all this stuff's going to come to pass.
They're not going to stop.
It's going to get really nasty.
I then worry about my family.
I look at my children.
I just, I get, I get upset.
I'm like, my God, why does it, why do we have to have a bunch of social engineer scientists who are inbred and on power trips and super smart and super evil, running everything?
Why do they do this?
Why can't they just stop?
Why doesn't more people stand up and fight it or realize it or see it for what it is?
And it's hard for me to appreciate any accomplishments we make.
Making films, getting big guests on, waking people up.
I just got really pessimistic and in a nasty mood.
And all of that lifted.
Got a little better when those ladies were here.
Got a lot better when that old Hispanic man walked up to me.
And it was like in a movie.
Especially with the old Hispanic man and the old black guy.
It's like they were angels or something.
Especially those two.
They just walked right up and said, I just want to tell you something.
And then they said the same thing.
And I'm not saying they were literally angels, folks.
It was just...
It took a big weight off me, and I just thank God for that, because it is torture.
People call in, they say, have you seen this footage of him strip-searching this woman?
And I was embarrassed to say no.
I mean, it's my job to watch this stuff and read about it and know about it, and I just said, was honest with the caller.
I said, I can't.
I haven't watched it.
Okay, fine, I'll watch it.
And then we played it here on air, and then I got mad.
I'm sick of getting mad.
I'm sick of watching what these people do.
I don't... I'm tired of it!
And I know a lot of you aren't religious.
You see the corrupt churches and the corrupt religions and all these groups and it makes you turn away from it.
But there is more out there than meets the eye.
You need to know that.
And there are no atheists and foxholes, as they say.
And I've had things happen in my life that I don't talk about on air.
Amazing things.
I've had dreams of things that have come true many times.
Dreams I've told people about and they come true.
I've had a lot of other things happen.
And there is more than meets the eye.
I mean, come on, we're a planet hurtling through space at, what is it, twenty-something thousand miles an hour, around a huge sun, out on the edge of a galaxy, and we can look with our telescopes out and count hundreds of billions the computers can.
I mean, we're just in a sea of light and life and mystery and majesty.
It's just magic.
And so stop, number one, Madison Avenue makes you feel inadequate.
Makes men feel inadequate.
Makes men feel like they're not manly, unless they watch football or act tough.
It makes women feel like they're not beautiful.
It turns men into these greedy, hateful, petty ne'er-do-wells and turns women into irritable, griping, you know, individuals.
And it really starts there.
Madison Avenue knows how to
Give you false needs.
Make you feel inadequate so they can then sell you junk.
And so what they sold you is, you know, you're not safe.
Al-Qaeda's gonna get you.
The Earth is gonna die.
You're not safe.
Give us a tax.
While they fund the terrorists and while they really do destroy the environment.
And then give you solutions to it that have nothing to even do with it.
So we start beating the New World Order by not being as cynical, not being as pessimistic, not being as hateful, and I'm talking to myself here.
I'm not preaching at you.
You know, when I get up here and say, we should do this, we should do that, we should have this attitude, we should... I'm saying that to myself as well.
People say, well, you're not perfect.
Absolutely I'm not.
But, uh... Call it prophetic, call it whatever you want.
It's... it's...
Something I shared with you because it happened, and it really lifted a weight off of me.
Because at the end of the day, the New World Order will be punished.
They punish themselves and the way they live.
The universe will punish them.
The laws of nature will punish them.
And we'll be punished right along with them.
We're headed into very serious times.
There's no way to get around that, my friends.
Okay, I said I was going to take your calls.
Let's go ahead and take a bunch of them.
Vincent, in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I want to say that I'm an Iraq War veteran.
I spent the entire year of 2006 in Iraq, and I'm asking every Ron Paul supporter in Texas, every Ron Paul meetup group to show up to my event next Wednesday, February 20th.
On February 20th, we're going to go down to Killeen, Texas, and we're going to sign wave at the gates of Fort Hood.
We need to show up in mass numbers.
10,000 soldiers in the 1st Cavalry Division just returned from Iraq two weeks ago, making Fort Hood 25,000 strong.
We need to go down there and show these troops that we support the troops and we want to bring them home, and that Ron Paul supports the troops and he wants to bring them home.
We need to show up in mass numbers.
If you want to know more details on this, go to austinronpaulmeetup.com, go to the February 20th calendar and
Check on the event on that day.
It's called Ron Paul Meetup Groups Descend on Fort Hood.
And by the way, everybody around the country should go to the meetup groups and other places and see what other groups are doing and continue to stay in the fight and intensify what we're doing.
What was your tour in Iraq like?
It was all of those six.
I spent all of it in the green zone.
Every day I did missions outside in the red zone.
I personally pulled security on the Saddam trial.
I've escorted... Oh, I've met you.
You gave me some photos, didn't you?
Yeah, you're a great guy.
I'm asking all of Texas to show up to this next... Take that day off.
I'm asking all of Texas to show up to this next Wednesday.
We need your support.
And also, we need to go down there and support and promote the
Colleen Riley on the 23rd.
Ron Paul will be in Colleen on the 23rd to support the Troops Rally and Welcome Home Rally.
That's great, Vincent.
Thank you so much.
Good to talk to you again.
Great guy.
John in Colorado, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this is John.
You're on air now.
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, Alex, I just want to thank you very much for your service.
You do a great job, and we definitely need you.
Just a couple of things.
I know you just talked about not having a hard time keeping up with what the police are doing, but there's one really aggravating
uh... situation where a police sheriff a woman actually takes the handles of a wheelchair and dumps a quadriplegic out on the floor in the middle of the police station and they laugh at it.
Oh, that happened to one of my friends.
He was a manager at Home Depot and the cop pulled him over and he said, and the cop's a well-known individual who, well let's just say he's got really big muscles for some reason, fatty, large, blubbery muscles and goes into rages,
It's not on YouTube, it is on a news
I have the URL, but it's too long to give.
Well listen, if you just give me the headline, that's how you find things.
People always call in with long URLs.
It's teaching you a trick.
It's the headline you need, not the URL.
What's the headline?
You know what?
I don't even have it up right now, and it would take a minute to do it.
Well, you know what?
We need to see this.
We need to see things like this.
I'll email the URL.
Offline, I'll get your email to Aaron.
Almost as disturbing as that woman that was... And why did they dump the quadriplegic guy?
Just to satisfy... No, they don't.
I mean, they just... He had been picked up for some kind of a traffic violation.
Just to probably satisfy demonic pleasure.
The demons need it.
I want to hear more about it when we get back.
Stay there.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Here's a headline out of WKRG News.
We typed police pull a man out of a wheelchair, throw a man out of a wheelchair, about hundreds of lengths.
But the police chief, once he's fired, Chicago's new police superintendent gets his way, and it's, uh, they beat him up, a guy in a wheelchair, and throw him out on the ground, but there's no video here.
Oh yeah, there's video right here.
There's a video right next to it.
I found so many.
You don't remember the headline, or do you have a chance to find it during the break, John?
It's on Tampa Bay Channel 10.
It's on their website.
It's on Tampa Bay Channel 10, and what's the headline?
Deputy suspended after dumping man from wheelchair.
Deputy suspended.
And we do this on air because it's a good educational to teach people how to use search engines.
Deputy suspended.
Keep talking.
Deputy suspended after dumping man from wheelchair.
After dumping.
Usually that'll be enough.
Deputy suspended after dumping.
And, uh, there it is.
Tampa Bay News 10.
And we'll, uh, we'll watch it and play it for people.
It is very, very disturbing.
Uh, one other thing I want to... Oh, my God.
There it is.
They just... It's a big, big celebration about it.
It's just funny.
It's a great time.
Well, you just don't like police.
How dare you?
Oh, I love the police.
I do whatever I can to help them and they help me.
The last thing I would do ever is call the police.
I've dealt with them a few times over things and I'll tell you what, the very last thing you want to do if you're in trouble is call the police.
The nice thing about Colorado is we have carry law here.
And, uh, so you can take care of yourself.
I was actually almost knifed one day by a guy, and I just lifted and showed him my nice .45, and the guy took off.
But I ended up with five cop cars pulling up and handcuffing me for about an hour, even though I had a permit.
Well, I mean, there are some good police forces that have more good cops than others, but by and large, the training is to make them evil and abusive and to dehumanize us in their eyes for martial law.
And it is accelerating and getting worse and worse.
One real quick point I want to make.
This is going to go back to the religious leaders that are talking to their congregations.
I actually know Ted Haggard from the New Life Church.
I've known him for years.
I knew him when he started his church and we had three people and built one of the largest churches in the country.
That's the guy that gets the massages?
Well, let me just put it this way.
I know him very, very, very, very well.
He actually had a lot of control over a lot of other ministers because of
How he moved up in the ranks and what he has done.
He's only about a mile away from Dobson's place and he's actually out doing hands-on ministry work, Ted was.
I had heard before any of this came down that Ted was approached to make some comments and to kind of help his, the ministers that were under him and his organization, which is worldwide,
And was approached about talking to them about this subject.
And right after, he declined to do it completely because that's not the type of person he is.
And so they used the dirt they had on him for what he does sexually?
Well, the guy that was the dirt actually has been at the Bohemian Grove.
So, you can take it from there.
I know some of the inside information because I've known Ted ever since he started the church.
And he is just not
That type of person.
So, bottom line, you're saying, you're saying, and he's the guy that, you know, got caught basically with a gay prostitute or whatever.
And meth, they talked about meth.
Yeah, yeah, so, so, so, so what you're, I don't want to put words in your mouth.
You're saying he basically wouldn't go along with martial law and so they set him up with what they already knew on him.
All I can say is he was approached and was asked or told to do what they wanted him to do.
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Working on a few bugs there.
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Really proud of the work Nemo's doing over there.
Alright, I know we got John, Skip, Frank, Leo, George, others.
I'm going to go to George in a minute, he's a friend of mine.
But Skip, everybody stay there, I'm going to get to you.
Open phones this hour.
Going back to John, Ted Haggard, the big mega church, global church leader.
I'm not defending what he did, but the whole thing had the look of a setup.
And they don't recruit you to those power positions unless they've got dirt on you.
And then this fellow is saying, and I don't know if it's true, but I know most of these guys in these power positions are into this.
You've got to basically do this and scolomones all of it.
It's like a club.
It's homoerotic.
I got arrested in Canada for saying that, saying I'm bashing gays.
I'm just reporting what they do sexually.
And that it's a guild.
And, you know, came out the drugs and the sex and all that.
And I had seen a blurb in the news about the guy that brought it out on him being connected with Republicans and other big, high-powered people.
I didn't know about the Bohemian Grove.
I'll check into that.
But just so you can finish up what you were saying, John, did you say you know Ted Haggard?
Did he talk about this before he got busted, or what did he tell you?
Very well.
And I would tell you, he does not belong to any... He started this church himself from ground up from about three people.
He's just a very charismatic individual and he is not involved, would not be involved in any of this.
And I had talked to, not him directly, but somebody else that had talked to him about this and they were really kind of surprised on how this was, how they had asked him to do this.
And this was not too long after they did a story on him on U.S.
World News, reporting news, and I happened to be in the church that day when they did that.
So Ted is not that type of person, but he's completely run out of town here and is now retraining, as is his wife, in a new field.
So they approached him about pushing the whole martial law deal?
They approached him about talking to the congregation about, and the ministers that were, he was a mentor to them that were under him, talked to him about that issue.
Because Colorado is a, well, Colorado is one of the most open gun states in the country.
I understand, I understand.
I appreciate you calling him about that.
Okay, let's go to George Butler, talk show host, on what, Saturday night here on the Genesis Network.
Go ahead, George.
Yeah, Alex, you're doing great today, and those beautiful personal experiences are great.
You know about this march that Ron Paul was suggesting earlier in your program?
Well, Memorial Day is a rolling thunder thing already set up up there, and John Holland has spoken at several of Ron Paul's rallies.
And Ron Paul is strong for the POWMIA movement.
So a joint thing like Rolling Thunder and a Freedom March together might bring one million there to Washington, D.C.
on the 25th of May.
So you're thinking Memorial Day is a better day than Fourth of July?
I think so because the July 4th, all those people already have the events tied up on a lot of those venues.
I've already checked out some of the venues.
And a lot of people are going to be out of town, too, on vacation.
Yes, and John Holland is a stand-up guy, a veteran of three wars, and he stands up for the vets and the POWs.
And it would be a great time.
A synergy there would be created, I think.
We have one million strong in Washington, D.C., Memorial Day weekend.
Well, the Congressman just got on a plane, so I can't call him up and give him that advice, but I'm sure he'll figure it out.
But people should give that feedback to the campaign.
Thanks, George.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Actually, George brought me the birthday cake yesterday.
Thanks, George.
Alright, I'm going to come back.
I'm going to go quicker to your calls.
Skip, Frank, Leo, many others.
Check out the new and improved, and it's only going to get better, InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, it's a top story in Tampa.
Cops come over to somebody paralyzed from the chest down.
And they just start laughing and dump the guy forward.
And when you're paralyzed, you just slam full force, reportedly breaking some bones.
And they laughed at him and put him back in the chair.
I mean, it's just, it's just, look, they're hiring in psychopathic goons who are low-grade morons.
Every time I mention this, people don't believe me, but most departments they've been sued a lot over, because it is discrimination, won't hire you now if you have over 100 IQ.
And I'm not saying cops are dumb.
I got a lot of police that listen to the show and they know about the New World Order and 9-11, and I've been out in L.A.
But around all these retired police detectives and people that are bodyguards to the stars, and some of the part-time guys are still, you know, on the vice squad, and they just, oh, they all know about the New World Order.
They all know it's corrupt.
They all know it's a big joke.
But I'm talking about street-level police.
Either they're nice guys or they're psychopaths.
And, uh, I don't know.
I mean, I don't even want to play this audio of them.
But it's the laughing at them that's so disgusting.
It's the laughing.
And I know somebody.
Cop pulls him over and he says, what are these?
And he goes, these are my hand controls.
I'm paralyzed.
He says, get out of the car.
And he said, OK, I've got to get my wheelchair out of the back.
And he said, no, get out now.
And he said, sir, I can't.
Started pulling on his arm saying, get out, get out.
And he said, I can't.
This went on for about a minute.
So he yells back at the cop and says, I'm paralyzed.
And that was it.
That the full slamming around in the car into the ground all tore up and I just it's I mean this must be going on everywhere because I typed before I knew what the actual headline in I typed in a basic headline in just hundreds of stories
And not just here, it was Spanish police beating people up in wheelchairs.
I think there's a predator instinct with predators that they just go wild when they've got a paralyzed.
Kind of like a rabbit if it's back's broken and it's squealing, just drives a coyote nuts.
It's just got to chomp into it.
I don't know, now men frisking women, tearing their panties off is good.
Now tasering people because they won't give a urine sample or can is good.
Now, you know, paying compliance.
I have video police in martial law breaking pro-lifers' arms for sitting on the sidewalk.
They say, get out.
They say, no.
They go, okay.
They wrap nunchucks around.
They go, break it.
Arm goes the other direction.
Cops all laugh.
It's just funny to break people's arms.
And then I'm supposed to sit here and go, oh, thank you, officer.
I didn't want to talk bad about you.
The police didn't act like this in the past.
I mean, there were some of it, but nothing like the levels it is now.
And not just the fact that we have YouTube and video and now this comes out.
We're seeing it.
That's certainly part of it.
But I've seen the numbers, the statistics.
I mean, remember Diallo in New York?
And later the police got the surveillance camera tapes and it wasn't him.
The police are forcing people out of a club at closing.
They're mad about it.
And somebody punches a cop, so the police get mad, beat up a bunch of people, and randomly arrest some folks.
They take Diallo to the New York booking, and they raped him for four hours.
I mean, and this is because a good cop blew the whistle.
There were six cops behind closed doors watching this.
And of course, they all got mad at him.
But I mean, you know how hard that is just to be the person doing it?
Beating him and sodomizing him with a broken mop handle.
I don't want to get into details here, but he lost pints of blood.
I mean, just blood.
And the cop was enjoying it.
He's a Jeffrey Dahmer.
He shouldn't be wearing a badger uniform.
And they got this culture of defend bad cops.
All that does is then give all the police a bad name.
But see, the system ends up promoting most of these guys.
Remember the Army recruiters in Denver and Houston four years ago when it first started breaking and now there's just been literally countless stories?
Because it's a handbook.
And they call the 16-17 year olds up, and some of them are smart enough to record it, or bring a recording device to the meeting.
There's been a combination of it.
Or the military will even call up on an answering machine.
I mean, the corruption, the evil, is so bad that they will leave incriminating evidence on a phone message.
We ought to play that.
We played that years ago, where it's, listen to me, it's the law, you've got to sign up.
It's the law.
I'm going to arrest you if you don't sign the paperwork now.
And I get them all mixed up.
Houston, New York, Denver, LA, there's been a bunch of Chicago, a bunch of cases.
To the point of where I get conditioned to not even cover it anymore when I see it.
Kind of like more companies are
Telling their employees to take microchips, and more police chiefs are taking it, and more hospitals are putting in the systems to administer it, and more governments are pushing it, and trying to make their population take it, or make illegal aliens in their country of Mexico take it.
To the point of where I've recovered it so much as it gets worse and worse, I don't even cover it anymore.
I go, well, I've covered this a hundred times.
Yeah, it's a new chapter, but see, I'm even becoming acclimated.
To where I don't even get into a lot of this now.
And that's bad.
We have to be consciously aware of what's happening and not be conditioned.
But I digress.
Do you know what happened in that first big case?
And I forget if it was Denver or Houston.
Hold on.
I want to say it was Denver.
Guess what happened to that head recruiter who did that?
He was recruited.
They suspended him when we were doing an investigation.
He was recruited to being one of the national directors.
He got a national position in recruiting.
You can pull that up.
I would type in a headline like
Controversial army recruiter promoted, I think we should bring it up, or army recruiter promoted after incidents or something like that.
I mean, that's who they, they're not hiring aggravated felons into the military and illegal aliens with felony records because they want to play patty cake with us, okay?
Now, that's how criminal it is.
That's how bad it's gotten.
Where it's just all color of law.
Just like they'll tell you it's the law, you gotta show up at the courthouse to take your injections, you'll go to jail.
There is no law.
They got police dogs, MP5 machine guns, everything, because there's protesters trying to warn the people.
They must be terrorists.
You see how bad this has gotten?
Let's play this clip that I promise I'm gonna go to Skip, Frank, Leo, many, many others that are patiently holding.
This is Deputy Suspended After Dumping Man From Wheelchair.
Here it is.
Come on, this way.
Meet Brian Sterner, who broke his neck almost 14 years ago and is a quadriplegic.
But watch what happens when Sterner, who can drive and was arrested on a traffic violation, gets to the Orient Road Jail.
And this deputy, Marsha, you know, she looked at me and she didn't believe that I was a quadriplegic, I guess.
And she walked behind me with those handles on the back of that hospital-grade wheelchair and just
Yeah, let's just stop right there.
Let's just stop right there.
Again, when you've been paralyzed, especially like this guy, chest down for years, your muscle turns into just like jelly.
And so you get injured really, really easily.
Bones break, ligaments pull out, blood clots, very dangerous.
In the video, they just manhandled the daylight side of him.
You know the type of bad karma, I don't believe the term karma, but it reports you so?
You know the type of bad luck you're getting doing that, lady?
I wouldn't want to get between you and God.
I know you don't believe in God, but you're gonna believe.
Oh, you're not afraid?
You will be.
You will be.
Back to it.
Oh, my ribs.
The Hillsborough Sheriff's Office didn't know anything about the incident until we showed them their tape.
And now an investigation is underway.
This has all come to light today.
Therefore, there's a review very active.
And while we asked for a written report of the incident, the major in charge here at the Orient Road Jail told us there isn't one.
Because as far as they're concerned, they didn't have a problem with, nor cause a problem to, any inmate in a wheelchair.
But don't tell that to Brian Sterner.
It's incredibly degrading.
It's an example of how poorly trained the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office is.
You know, if they're trying to figure out if somebody's in a wheelchair or not, there are many other ways you can do it besides dumping somebody on their face.
But it's something Sterner had to face, and now the Sheriff's Office will have to face the fact that a deputy at the jail thought it was appropriate to dump someone out of a wheelchair onto the ground, and another deputy appears to think it's funny.
In Tampa, Mike Deason, Tampa Bay's 10 News.
See, this is the dehumanization that's happened.
And it's going to get worse when you have millions of young people playing shoot-em-up video games where you rip people's guts out and chop heads off all day.
And I'm not bashing the video game makers, and we've got a lot of fans that are in that industry.
The point is, is that it conditions you and desensitizes you.
The first shoot-em-up video game, like Doom, was developed as a shoot-em-up for the Pentagon to habitualize and create instinctive firing.
Because if you shoot silhouettes of humans tens of thousands of times, again, it becomes second nature, reflex.
And it's that, I mean, I've interviewed people where a 90, I think she was 93, I forget, it was in Oregon, 90 plus years old, blind, the cops show up,
The health department was taking away a wagon in the front yard that had been her daughter's.
Her daughter was 74.
We had her on.
I remember her age.
And she starts arguing with them, so they tase her.
Then they go in the house, and the old woman doesn't hear anything, doesn't see anything.
You know, she's shutting down.
Lose their sight, lose their hearing.
That happens, folks.
If you're blessed enough to live that old, it'll probably end up happening to you.
So they beat the living daylights out of her, drug her out of a wheelchair.
I remember that report.
I think they tased her too.
Oh yeah, she had a fake eye.
They knocked that out of her head.
I forgot that part.
Hit her so hard in the back of the head that the fake eye flipped out.
Look, it's your own videos.
Men strip searching women as they scream and beg.
Pulling their panties off.
Throwing quadriplegics out on their face in wheelchairs.
Beating up old women.
It just isn't going to fly.
You're not going to be able to put perfume on that pig.
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Alright, let me move quick here to your call.
Skip in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Skip.
Hey, um, I had a quick suggestion for what the meetup groups could do and two points I wanted to touch on.
One is, I was thinking if all these meetup groups could, on April 15th, Tax Day, get copies of America's Freedom from Fascism and just pass them out of post offices, I think that'd get
We could get possibly millions of copies of that film into hands of people that pay taxes on the one day they're thinking about that most.
That's a great way to get it out.
You can also just pass the Google Video link around to people.
Yeah, I thought it'd be a good way of getting all the media groups together to kind of show how big the numbers for support for this movement is and for Ron Paul even if he doesn't have that much of a chance anymore.
But then I had a thought on a different point.
If you can equate the New World Order to a machine, if you get a gear to stop turning in an engine, the whole thing will shut down.
Do you know where the term sabotage comes from?
In French, we'll tell folks, in French they were wearing the sandals and people would stick them in the gears, kind of a protest in the factories.
So explain that.
I don't know the original term, but I think if you just throw a monkey wrench in an engine, it's gonna break down.
I just wonder what the best way to throw the monkey wrench into the New World Order's engine would be.
Well, first you've got to educate people.
And I've got some big brother news coming up that will just blow you away with the face scanning, talking, cameras just everywhere in America and in England.
It's going to be like an airport.
Look for suspicious activity.
I mean, it's already happening in some U.S.
cities and England.
Just constant announcements.
Look for terrorists.
Again, there's no real terrorists.
You're walking down your street and there's announcements.
Look for suspicious things.
It's literally making everything a prison.
They're doing it.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Skip.
Let's talk to Frank in Connecticut.
You're on the air, Frank.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, I was actually watching that video of that police lady tipping over that poor kid in the wheelchair as I was on hold there, and it's just unbelievable.
I mean, what have we come to?
But then there's the celebration.
Yeah, I saw the man in the white shirt, the cop.
He's running off.
He's got a big smirk on his face, like it was great.
Man is a mammal.
And when we start acting like animals, we become animals.
And it's just, it's real funny to have the prey, we're seen as the prey, flopping around pathetically.
It made him feel powerful.
See, a lot of people like to wear the black uniform and like to beat people up.
Not because they're a servant.
Some of them do get into it because of the instinctive need to serve and defend.
I've been in jail a few times, and I've been in some bad jails, and let me tell you,
You hear the jail guards talking about how they beat people up, or how it was real funny, or how somebody had diarrhea and crapped all over the cell, and how they left them in there for two days.
In a way, you become like that because you're in with a lot of bad people in jail, and you're in with others that would stay in that job.
You see how it just creates evil?
Oh, I see.
It's unbelievable.
I had a couple quick things I just wanted to tell you about.
First off,
That song by Parris that you play, I think it's awesome, and I actually, uh, I sent you a song in the mail one week ago about 9-11 that I did.
I don't know if you got it, but it's on CD.
I think you'd, uh, really enjoy it.
Um, and I've seen all your movies, uh, and I wonder, I was wondering, you talk a lot about W-1-9-I, W-1-9-9-I in the movies, but you never talk about him as smoking gun evidence on the air when you're talking about it.
Was there any reason for that, or...?
You know, there are hundreds of smoking guns, and I put it in a film, I put it in Road to Tyranny, we had Greg Powell who broke it with the BBC on, and so we've covered it.
Yeah, okay, I just never really heard much talk about it on the air, and I had seen a show on the Discovery Channel the other day about the Freemasons, and they were talking about
Some things on the dollar bill were in the back of the Latin translation.
New World Order.
Yeah, awaiting the birth of a New World Order.
I just found that unbelievable.
But it doesn't exist!
Yeah, I know, it's amazing.
They tell Ron, they come on the news and it's whatever Ron Paul talks about, he's crazy, he's delusional, he's out there.
I mean, it's just unbelievable how people don't see it.
I appreciate your call.
It is.
We're going to come back and take more.
We've got Jesse Benton popping in as well, but Leo, Dr. Roberts,
Ed, others, it's all coming up.
You know, for some reason I got on Google Video last night and I watched the intro to Road to Tyranny, that I made in the final edition.
I'll finish up after the break, when we get back.
But I was talking about life-saving technologies, how they plan to kill 80% of us.
I mean, I've been saying that for 12 years.
People just now think I started talking about that.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I think so.
Alright, more of your calls coming up.
Jesse Benton's going to be calling in the next 10-15 minutes.
More updates on the Ron Paul campaign, the big march on Washington coming up.
Got a bunch of other news I want to get to as well.
But my point is this.
I was watching Road to Tyranny.
I watched like the first 10 minutes of it, and I do like a 3-4 minute introduction.
And at the end of it I say their master plan is to put in this cash flow society control grid.
In fact, I was tempted just to play it today, but what's the point?
Road to Tyranny is out there if you want to see it.
I've got the DVD here in high quality, which I recommend people do.
The old films are excellent.
People are just now starting to discover those.
But I laid out how they're using scientific dictatorship, how they're controlling us, how they're going to put us into the compact cities, how they're engineering the population, forced drugging.
And then I detail all that in the film.
Now that's a film I made six years ago.
I mean, I put out a version two weeks after 9-11 happened.
And then I put out another version that was the official Road to Tyranny, and people didn't know that if they ordered after February, that was really a third edition.
The first edition was like two hours.
Next edition was two and a half hours.
Next one was like three hours.
But my point is, it isn't about, ooh, I was talking about all the things you see happening now.
I get calls and emails from people going,
You just now started talking about population reduction, and you just now started talking about, you know, forced drugging, and you just now started talking about life extension technologies, and how the elite want these, and you're copying this person or that person, and then I'll go look up the person, and the person's been around a year, two, three years.
It's just a weird feeling to have pioneered so much of what is now common knowledge with people that are informed,
And then to see so much of our movement obsessed with who said it first.
It isn't that I come on here and say I said it first, because by the way, I didn't.
That isn't what matters.
But at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and hear that I just now started talking about these things.
I mean, I've been saying the same thing for 12 years.
13 years.
Because I'm going from documents, and I'm going from textbooks, and I'm going from their own admissions.
That's why you can find thousands of other people independently saying the exact same thing I'm saying, and it doesn't matter.
You know, I've had people try to say that that videotape of me live on TV, that by the way, Jimmy Vaughn saw live when I did it,
A lot of other people saw me do a two-and-a-half-hour show once a week.
I did two-and-a-half hours on July 25th on TV and radio, saying the government's going to say bin Laden attacked us, it's going to be staged, they'll probably attack the World Trade Centers.
And I did that because I knew the Feds had bombed it before.
Cooked the bomb, trained the driver, the detonators.
I knew that they were hyping it.
And then I saw them bragging on TV about, your life's about to change, here's Bin Laden, he's the bad guy.
I put two and two together and was able to then come out and warn people and say, call the White House, tell them don't do it.
But, I mean, who cares if I'm the first person to talk about it, or if other people saw the propaganda and made similar predictions?
Not as exact, but close.
Who cares?
This movement isn't about who first exposed the Federal Reserve.
It was exposed by Senators and Congressmen at the time it was rammed through in 1913.
It was fought in the three-year lead-up to it.
Who cares?
And who cares?
You know, one talk show host focuses on the Masons, another talk show host focuses on Catholics, and another focuses on Jews all day.
And I'm sorry, I've just studied society and history.
There's evil people running every group in every major nation.
Evil in high places.
And the New World Order is in control of all of those major groups.
And so when we go on air and we bash Jews, or we bash Catholics, or we bash Protestants, or we bash
What's the other group I was mentioning?
You know, any of these groups, the people, the masons, the people that are members of that, 99% of masons don't even know that there's degrees above the 33rd degree.
They think 33rd's it.
And the masters, you know, the masons that get up to the 33rd level, they're not supposed to tell the porch masons, the outer masons, what's going on.
So you get up here and you bash a bunch of masons,
And then people who are masons know that George Washington was one, the founders of Texas were, and they weren't evil men.
So then they think, well, I'm not evil, and I'm in a fraternal order raising money for kids.
And this is just a good old boys club.
How dare people lie about us?
If you just approach it and attack them that way, instead of showing them no, this is how they control good people, and this is what is above it.
This is how they're leading you around by the nose.
Thinking you're part of something good and big.
Just like they recruited 23,000 corporate execs, and they plan to double that.
They recruited 26,000 preachers, they plan to double that.
The average preacher is given a handout and a presentation that sounds good, sounds reasonable.
And so now when they hear me on air bashing the FEMA camps and the takeover plans, well they've been told it's all for good reasons, and they've been included in it, and they're being manipulated.
So we have to reach out to them and show them the process of how they're being manipulated to wake them up.
Does that make sense?
I mean, it's not intellectually fair
For people to say that I cover up for the crimes of Israel, when I have always exposed the fact that Israel admits they staged terror attacks on their own people.
It's now admitted that they staged events in Uganda with Idi Amin, but the Israeli commandos going in to save the hostages didn't know that the government had set them up to be shot up.
Generals will put troops down in a valley
A couple hundred of them, no one is going to bring in a larger force just to expose them.
Sacrificing those troops, it's like sacrificing a pawn.
Or if you're playing chess, and you're getting right down to checkmate, and it means you've got to sacrifice a knight, or a rook, or a bishop, you do it.
You see?
See, once you have collateral damage and acceptable losses, once they have that idea, that's how the military carried out 9-11.
I mean, a criminal element of it, with private contractors.
That really is the military, by the way.
Been like that for decades, now it's just becoming obvious.
The delivery systems, the weapon systems, all of it has been secreted down to the troop level.
See, you have to separate that out.
We're not bashing the military.
We're bashing who's in control of it.
It's like saying, don't bash the military.
Hitler would always say that.
Don't criticize me for your bashing our brave military.
Well, no.
People were bashing, in Germany, you and what you were commanding them to do.
So we have to be clear about this.
It's not fair if I... And again, I'm not whining about myself.
This is good for thought processes.
This is educational.
It's the only reason I'm talking about this now and earlier calls.
It's because it's not fair if I, in my film, boldly expose the fact that Israel attacked the U.S.'
's liberty.
By the way, that's now been declassified by the NSA.
They have the transcripts where Israel knew it was an American ship, and they were ordered to sink it, and their pilots refused three times, and then followed orders.
So all the debate's over, all the books trying to debunk us are over.
Just like Tonkin, it's now over.
It's admitted that was staged.
Game over!
It's over!
It was exposed.
Now it's up to us to get the Chicago Tribune and other papers out that reported that.
I never said that Israel didn't run that attack, it wasn't involved.
I went further and said, by the way, the U.S.
was clearly involved with Israel, planning to go against the Russians, go against Egypt.
It's like if two guys rob a bank, and people say, no, only one guy robbed a bank, and I say, no, two people robbed a bank.
And people say, no, no, you're defending Israel.
That's a fraudulent attack.
That's not real.
You've got people who want to teach the public that all evil flows from one place, and that is Israel.
And that's just not the case.
Evil is in high places everywhere.
Ahmadinejad calling for world government two weeks ago.
Just because he's bad, and that regime's bad, doesn't then mean that the New World Order is good.
Because the New World Order can point at documented energy in these other countries and say, look what they do to their people, look at their oppression.
Oh, we're good.
No, you're both bad.
See, it's evil in high places is the point, is the main thing I'm trying to get across to people.
You know, it's the same thing.
I can get up here three, four months ago and say Tony Blair just converted to Catholicism.
He's sworn that he would never be EU chairman.
He's not in line to be EU chairman.
It supposedly rotates in order, but the EU does whatever it wants.
He's converted to Catholicism because the European Union is basically a vessel of Rome, and that's in their founding documents, from the Treaty of Rome.
It's an extension of that empire.
You can debate who's driving it, but you've got the last two popes calling for world government and having all the religious leaders together.
I mean, that's bad, and that's a bold stance to come out and say that's bad.
And now Tony Blair, they admit, is about to go for EU head, and he lied the whole time and said he wasn't, and I was right.
And then my detractors just lie and say I've never talked about any of it.
When I've had all these guests on over the years, I've covered it a hundred times.
It's the same thing with the Masons.
I've had hundreds of guests on over the last thirteen years exposing it.
I've made films the order of death about it.
I have done it.
And it's frustrating to me, not that I'm being attacked, because that means I'm having an effect.
And a lot of it's paid for in this info, but most of it is just people parroting what they heard somebody else say.
It isn't that I'm being attacked that bothers me, it's that I know that a lot of our energies that could be used towards fighting evil, a lot of our energies that could be used towards warning people about the vaccines, or the water, or the air, or the open borders, or the Second Amendment,
Or the National ID Card that about half of our movement, it's about half, spends none of their time actually doing anything but fighting with each other and saying who's right and who's got it right and who's an agent and who isn't.
But it does bother me at a certain level because I know I'm for real.
I know I've got my integrity.
I know I try every day to be a moral, upstanding person.
And I try to not hurt people's feelings either.
You know, when Pat Robertson came out and said, China's doing what it has to do with a fourth abortion and infanticide, I read his quote, I played the CNN clip, where he came back and said, yeah, I do agree with that.
And I had lots of Protestants, and I even had Christian radio stations.
Some of them get mad at me and threaten to take me off the air, and a few of them did, because I came on air and said Pat Robertson was bad.
I don't like having to polarize the audience.
I don't like having to turn off whole groups.
You know, I'm trying to get the basic message across and reach as many people as I can.
But, I mean, when Pat Robertson comes out and endorses Giuliani, who is, you know, pro-abortion and all of it, you just, if you're a Christian, you can't support him.
And now most people agree with me about Pat Robertson.
But I don't like having to do this, and I don't do it in some type of vitriol, where I'm the high and mighty judge
Up here telling everyone how bad they are.
You know, I don't judge Tim Haggart.
The guy definitely got led astray and got in a lot of trouble and I'm sad for him.
And it's bad what happened to his church.
I don't take any pleasure in laughing at others that are doing bad things with their lives or indestructive lifestyles.
You know, none of us are perfect.
And I want listeners to know this, too.
People are always saying, well, you need to do this, or you need to do that, or you need to have this higher moral standing, or you need to say this on the air, or do that.
Hey, I'm not your preacher.
And I'm not your leader.
And I'm not holding myself out as some super moral standard.
And telling others, you know, how they're bad morally.
I'm saying it's wrong for cops to be throwing quadriplegics out on their face and laughing up for no reason.
And I got more reports Aaron brought me.
Police allegedly hang quadriplegic man.
News Channel 8.
Jurors rule the city of Pasadena must pay $80,000 to a quadriplegic man who sued because police officers jerked him out of his wheelchair and hung him upside down to search him.
Greenhouse sued the city and four police officers for assault, battery, false arrest, false imprisonment, excessive force, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, and negligence.
And the cops, you know what they said in the arguments?
They said, Well, the standard way to do a search is a pat down, and you gotta be vertical, and he can't stand up, so we hook him up.
Long as we follow procedure, it's alright.
I got a stack of these wheelchair news.
A stack of wheelchair news.
So, I'm not here to fight with police.
I'm not here to bash you.
I'm mad at the abuses and how you get away with it and how you're in a gang mentality society.
How you're being conditioned by the federally mandated and designed training.
I'm mad at the minority groups, you know, the Hispanic groups saying, this is Mexico, we're going to take you back.
Ha ha, on their radio and TV.
And if you point it out, they get mad and say you're not supposed to let the secret out, racist gringo.
And I'm like, man, I don't care what color you are.
I just care about this country.
Stop running around saying you're going to bring it down.
Stop going to rallies wearing shirts saying the plan of San Diego, a plan to kill all whites 16 and older.
Public plan!
Type plan of San Diego into Google.
I mean, you know, I don't like that!
What do you expect me to do when you sit there and say stuff like that?
I'm just supposed to shut up and go along with the government line of, oh, they're all sweet, and they love America, and they all just want to be friendly, ny-ny-ny-ny.
It's just not true!
The dominant culture, I don't know if the people are all buying it, I know a lot are, of these illegal aliens, the majority of which are from Latin America,
Is that they're going to bring down this country, and the globalists have opened the door for you, and told the police not to enforce laws on you, and told the banks and everybody else to give you the red carpet.
The New World Order is evil.
Whatever they're pushing, whatever they're behind, is for bad intentions.
And so, what you're doing is bad.
And your invasion is bad.
And I don't care, I'm going to talk about it.
But I don't do it in some type of vitriol.
I want people to have liberty in Mexico.
I want them to fix their own problems.
I mean, I could probably handle 30, 40 million illegals driving down the wages, bankrupting the hospitals and the city governments.
It's all happening now.
I can handle that a little bit better.
I still would be against it, but just the, I'm going to kill you once we take over, go back to Europe pilgrim.
You know, all these racist names.
I mean, I just, I just, I just, I want to live in peace.
And I don't come at things from a preconceived notion.
I come at things from research, from hard study of history.
Because when you know history, you understand elites do the same thing, just in different combinations, over and over and over and over and over again.
The New World Order is killing us.
They're attacking us.
It's real simple.
Your black nationalism, kill Whitey,
Or your Mexican nationalism, kill Whitey or kill Blacky too.
It doesn't matter once you figure out there's a global scientific elite poisoning your water, does it?
And they don't care what color your little baby is.
See, that'll get your priority straight, won't it?
Why are we fighting with each other?
Well, they know we're fighting over resources.
So even if I want to reach out to Larry Conquistos,
They're in their primitive tribal mode.
Everybody else is.
We're fighting for resources, so we're fighting, period.
Hispanics are figuring out, though, that they're losing the resources to the illegals.
That's why the majority of Hispanics are against it.
But the media acts like all Hispanics are for it, and you're racist if you're against it.
Alright, I promise, we'll go to your calls on the other side, and a lot more, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm good to go!
Don't want no shackles on me!
Don't want no shackles!
Don't want no shackles on me Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I sat down with Big Brother Don't like those RFID's Got the blues about my freedom
By the way...
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Don't forget I'm a documentary filmmaker.
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Leo and Mash, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, bro Alex.
In all fairness to us listeners and callers and to the station,
The next time you want to go into a 15-minute tirade, which is great, could you warn us so those of us who actually have a life could, you know, hang up and call back some other day?
Anyway, that being said... Well, hey, hey, that being said, people know what I do on the show, and I like people calling, but that's... no one made you call.
No, no, no, I understand that, but if you're going to go into a tirade and I have to do something, it would be a kindness to the caller
To, you know, let them know, and if you're going to hang up, you're going to hang up, but I'm going to talk for the next 5, 10, 15 minutes.
And that's cool, but just let us know, you know, that's all.
Anyway, back to the real point.
You're talking about the shoes, that was a sabote, which is a wooden shoe you threw in.
Anyway, that was the Luddite thing.
Now, the other guy was talking about the dollar bill, and he should look over to the right side, right above the eagle,
There's a Rothschild Star of David arrangement of the stars.
That's another interesting thing.
Anyway, that being said, I've got this plan for Ron Paul for the major election.
Don't throw your vote away with the CFR.
Don't stay home and dissent.
Let's have a massive write-in campaign.
Just a matter of... We have a write-in.
I mean, we do have the right to write in, don't we?
Okay, so everyone who's disgusted with the candidate, you have to be a Ron Paul supporter.
If you don't like the current CFR candidate, then write in Ron Paul.
Anyway, that's one thing.
I think the big demo has got to be done a little differently.
Why should we all go to Washington, waste gas, and stuff?
I think what we should do is have a nationally televised, on the internet setup, where each of us goes to the state capitol
With a list of people who are registered voters who couldn't show up and present them to the legislators in our local state capitals.
Could you imagine 50 state capitals having Ron Paul and other supporters?
Well, I think we need to try to focus on the Washington, because that's where it'll get media attention.
But I agree, for people that can't travel, and that'll be a lot of people, simultaneous state rallies at every capital.
Exactly, and televise it over the internet also, so that people who couldn't go even to the state capitals can see it.
I mean, this could be a major worldwide event.
Well, more importantly, everybody needs to contact the media locally to make sure they come out and cover it, and then you get thousands of media outlets covering it instead of just a few dozen like what's going to happen in Washington.
Well, that's the whole thing.
I think each state capital having to deal with a group of people, and the people will see who they are and won't have to travel all that way to Washington.
I hear you, Leo.
There's one problem.
If I'm going to get to the calls, I've got to cut you off.
A lot of hosts who take a lot of calls, they give each person about a minute.
See, that's another thing.
Leo got about three.
So we can't do everything here.
We can't satisfy everybody.
Time to cut you off now, Leo, because we've got to give time to Dr. Robert, Ed, and others.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, I got some McBrother news coming up.
Some key audio clips, a bunch of environmental news, how they're going to shift that into the new police state mechanism.
More developments there.
Chapter 800, whatever you want to call it.
I got Kelso.
He's the big gossip comedy hound who writes for the Austin American-Statesman, scheduled in the next segment.
He wrote what can only be called a hit piece on
Willie Nelson, but he also wrote a piece I really agree with about something else locally dealing with the police state.
So we got Kelso coming on because of that, and I like Kelso, and he's a nice guy, and it's really sophomoric what he did, and so we're gonna roast him a bit here.
Let's go ahead and go to Dr. Roberts in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'm a chiropractor.
I've been a chiropractor for, oh, since 1995, and when I got out,
Back then, when we were adjusting people and taking care of people, they would regain their health really quick.
Other chiropractors and myself, we've noticed over the last 10 years that people are just getting sicker and sicker.
Well, the big thing is the GMO foods and what they're putting in the water.
There's no doubt.
Everybody's noticing.
Even medical doctors, I know, are saying they're seeing this.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and my health really went downhill from the time I was about 34 to about 38.
And I started detoxifying and watching what I eat, and even that didn't make a difference.
It hasn't been for the last three or four months that I started doing heavy metal detoxing, and I went and got some tests done, and I found out that I had all kinds of heavy metals in my system, and I don't know where I'm getting them from.
It's in the products, it's in the air, it's everything.
Well, they're spraying the living daylights out of the skies out here.
I mean, some days it looks like a checkerboard up there in the skies.
And even mainstream media has tested it, and it is barium and aluminum oxide.
And what I want to tell people is that, you know, we've got to, like you said, we've got a war on.
We've got to keep our health up.
The number one thing they're trying to do is destroy our health.
And if you notice, you know, the people nowadays look so tired, so worn out.
And I'd like to tell people that there's websites that they can go to and get some of these heavy metal chelators.
One of them that I have we use on autistic children to help chelate the metals out of their systems.
And I started using it and I've noticed in the last three months of using it that I'm out of the fog.
All my aches and pains have gone away.
I can clearly think again.
And I would encourage people... What type of chelating elements is in the treatment?
Well, it's out of Germany, and it's a liquid substance that's got heavy metal fragments in it that have been diluted down.
And what it was designed for was autistic children.
And what it does is it stimulates the body to draw the toxins, the heavy metals, to it
And then you excrete it through the urine.
Or it's such an interesting, I've never heard of a treatment like that.
I'll have to look into that.
Yeah, it's fantastic.
I don't want to give the name of it over the air because I don't want to draw too much attention to it and then all of a sudden try to go get it and it's not there anymore.
But if people are interested I could give you my email address or I can fax you over or email you some information on it if you like.
Yeah, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate your call.
You know, I really can't get into a lot of medical recommendations here, but people can look into chelating.
There's some of it that's real, some of it that's questionable, and I'm sure yours is great.
But, you know, we've got message boards at InfoWars.com.
On every story, you know, you're welcome to go into any of the medical stories we've got there and post whatever you like, sir.
But that's basically my statement on that.
Okay, more of your calls straight ahead when we get back.
And I do need to save some time so we can also play some of these audio clips that I have coming up of the talking cameras.
You're just, the life on the streets of America.
And several cities are now doing it.
They're talking about nationwide.
London's now putting it in.
It's going to go nationwide in England.
I think, what, more than 15 cities I was reading in it now have it.
And it's just announcements.
It's just, you are being watched.
Look for bombs.
Look for terrorists.
To create hysteria, create fear.
Total Big Brother, that is coming up as well.
Stay with us.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
The 12th day of February, 2008.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got economic news coming up.
Also talking surveillance cameras that are going to shout orders at you going up across the western world.
That is coming up.
All part of the Big Brother system.
I saw this little attack piece, but it was done in a jovial fashion by a really funny writer.
I mean, I like his columns.
John Kelso, been there many years with the Austin American Statesman, writes three columns a week.
And I wasn't going to get him on today.
I said, you know what?
There's hundreds of articles about Willie Nelson coming on the show.
But then I saw a story that he did about what the Austin Chronicle that owns South by Southwest Festival is up to.
And I was aware of this.
Yes, we are.
But then I saw in the paper, I didn't know this, but it just figures with the Chronicle Mafia is what I call them.
They just think they own the planet.
I've had run-ins with them.
I mean, they're bizarre people that run it.
That they sick the fire department on people who don't have a supposed permit
And they got all this past just because they're so upset about having this big festival, and then other businesses and groups piggyback on that.
I mean, that happens with any big film festival or music festival.
That happens in New York.
It happens in Sundance.
It happens everywhere.
It happens at the Cannes Film Festival.
And it's just, they're bullies.
I've had so many run-ins with them, and they're just bizarre people.
Yeah, and he did a number before I wrote it.
No, I'm just kidding.
Just a little joke there.
Listen, I don't want to burn up all the time we've got here, but you use the term conspiracy theory, and you say my conspiracy theory radio show.
We talk about how Bush made up the WMDs.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
Or we talk about the budget deficit.
I mean, that term conspiracy theory, it just is a label that means, oh, these people that make stuff up.
All we do is question things, sir.
I think that's kind of what you're known for.
It's probably not accurate, though, but I write a humor column.
What would you prefer I refer to it as?
You can say that I have a few conspiracy theories I talk about.
I mean, if two cops go arrest somebody for murder, they, you know, they think it was a conspiracy to commit a murder.
I mean, I just think that term is overused.
And I think, you know, you keep saying, Willie was probably real stone.
He rolled a fat one.
Here's the headline.
Willie must have been smoking a fatty when he came up with his 9-11 story.
Well, I mean, I write a humor column, and I thought that was funny.
Yeah, but it's also taken a little bit seriously, because Willie Nelson, I mean, the Italian former president just went public and said it was an inside job.
All these former CIA section chiefs have said that.
All these architects and engineers.
I mean, there's a lot of serious people.
And then you also imply... Well, I just don't believe them.
Um, I saw planes fly into a building and then the building just fell down, so... Well, he was talking about Building 7.
You imply, and Fox News also implied, hey, Willie, did you see the plane in it?
He was talking about Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane.
Did you see Building 7 fall that afternoon?
That big 47-story building that nothing hit?
That house the CIA just blew up and fell into its own footprint?
No, I didn't see that one.
Well, I mean, you cover Hollywood here locally in Austin, you cover the music, you cover it all.
What do you think about Willie Nelson coming out and saying he thinks it's an inside job?
I just don't agree with it, that's all.
I don't think that, you know, I think that the government has done a lot of bad things, and I think that they based a war on a lie, making up the
Weapons of mass destruction, but I just don't think that there was a conspiracy.
I don't think there was a conspiracy theory.
I mean, I don't think there was a conspiracy.
From the government to knock down any of the World Trade Center buildings.
But see, John Kelso from Austin American Statesman, Ryder, you know that because we have the documents and we now know they premeditatedly lied.
We have the White House memo and others.
See, I have documents too, like Operation Northwoods.
Will you Google that for me and find out about the declassified U.S.
government plan, ABC News, Baltimore Sun, to carry out 9-11 style attacks to start war with the Soviet Union?
Google what?
Operation Northwoods.
Operation Northwoods?
Northwoods, yes sir.
Look, we were called conspiracy theorists for saying the Gulf of Tonkin never happened.
Now it's declassified that that event was staged.
Are you aware of that?
I never knew that was a secret.
Oh yeah, I've been called a conspiracy theorist by national publications over it.
The NSA just declassified the Israeli intercepts that Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty, Chicago Tribune.
Gee, I mean, it's not a conspiracy theory.
They wanted to blame it on Egypt.
Look, I'm not going to beat you up over the Willie Nelson thing.
It's a funny article, and I am a fan of some of the stuff you write, like this one.
Tell us about what the Chronicle newspaper owned South by Southwest is doing.
Well, I don't know what they're doing this year.
I know what they did last year.
Last year there were some clubs that had parties that were in conjunction with South by Southwest, but they weren't sanctioned by South by Southwest.
In other words, South by Southwest wasn't getting the action on these parties.
And South by Southwest thinks that they're not making money off these things, so they want to stop them.
So what they did was,
They turned in a list of clubs around town that were having parties that weren't sanctioned by the music festival, and there's something called a change-of-use permit that you have to have to have these parties.
And so the fire department went around looking at these places that didn't have these permits, and if they didn't have them, they shut some of these places down for the parties.
Now see, there are a lot of companies that spent thousands of dollars in advance
To have these parties and, you know, spend a lot of money on food, booze, dance and so forth, and all of a sudden everybody gets sent home.
But see, that's a conspiracy.
They send out the government for business, for their golden egg, as you call it, properly, to then shut down individuals who own clubs and bars, which in a free country should be able to do whatever they want.
I guess you could call that a conspiracy.
Oh, absolutely it's a conspiracy, and I think it's an unfair trade practice, and I think the city should be ashamed of itself doing this.
Well, the other thing about that was, if I remember right, they got the South by Southwest got $90,000 in city fee breaks last year.
At the same time, they're shutting these other places down for having parties in conjunction with their festival.
They're getting the city money to put on their festival.
Well, the line I like here at the end of your story is...
But I can understand SXSW's position, you say.
Everybody likes to make a buck, right?
So let's say you're getting hitched at the Driscoll Hotel during SXSW.
Shouldn't you have to pay the festival a little something for the right to put on the reception?
And that's what this comes down to, is the government was going into bars, restaurants, shutting things down.
Four South by Southwest.
How much money do they make with all these zip-faced teenagers lining up paying $300, $400, $500 to see bands?
Plus the other thing is they get a lot of volunteers to work for them for nothing.
Working the doors and stuff.
So it's a real cash cow.
Do you have any line on how much money they make?
No, I don't.
It's got to be multi-millions.
I'm sure.
They've got 1,600 bands coming from all over the world this year.
And the thing is, very rarely do any of these bands go anywhere except here and then back home.
So who's making most of the money?
And again, we're not against the Chronicle, the little birdcage liner, fake liberal establishment people that write articles saying that Cintra
Spain isn't foreign.
Taking over the roads.
But here's the headline.
Want to throw a party during South by Southwest?
Let's see the moolah.
This is a great article you've written, John.
I'm waiting to see what the response is going to be, if any.
They hammered me pretty good last year if I remember right.
I wrote about it last year when it was happening.
Maybe this year it goes back off and leave it alone.
Who knows?
Well, I mean, it's fine if they want to make a bunch of money, but the point is to go around trying to muscle people and using the government to shut down other people in a free country who are piggybacking on something.
I mean, this is despicable.
Yeah, and I'm wondering how much the fire department knew that they were being a
We're good to go.
There's not just a list of places that aren't approved by them, so they send out the fire department, but they also come up and tell the bands that they'll be blackballed for ever playing in South by Southwest.
I mean, it's like a new McCarthyism.
If people want to contact you with first-hand knowledge... Sure, yeah, that'd be great.
Yeah, my phone number is 445-3606, or they can email me at jkelso, that's J-K-E-L-S-O,
Absolutely, folks.
This could be a big story, and this is how tyranny starts.
This is how bullies act.
We need to put the Chronicle back in its place.
The headline is, Want to throw a party during South by Southwest?
Let's see some moolah.
You can just type the name John Kelso into Google.
It's in the front page from Sunday's news, wasn't it?
It was on Sunday, yeah.
I should also point out that the newspaper I work for, the American Statesman, puts on a gigantic jogging race every year called the Capital 10,000.
But we don't go around busting people for running.
Or do you go bust run techs if they try to put a booth on?
No, I don't think we do that.
It might be time to start, but we don't think we do that.
Hey, maybe you can start a statesman mafia.
I've tried to stay out of the jogging thing completely, by not doing it myself.
Alright, John Kelso, thanks for spending time with us, and be nice to Willie.
Okay, well thanks for having me on.
You know, I haven't heard... Say what?
Stay there, stay there.
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My blood pressure has normalized.
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I think so.
Okay, we have all these national issues, war issues, economy imploding, all this police state stuff happening.
Why am I talking about this?
Here it is right here.
90 plus thousand dollars in tax breaks.
Selectively sending the fire department out against other bars and businesses that have bands out.
When tens of thousands of people, 1,600 bands, I would imagine 20, 30, 40,000.
I mean it's huge.
I think the city of 50,000 sometimes come.
The city fills up and then now they have these shop by shop West police running around.
And I've actually run into the Chronicle in other media events, like they're always getting in my business, even with the Local Access Show.
Really bizarre group of people, they think they're God, and it needs to come to an end.
John Kelso, the statesman writer, the big entertainment writer, he is on the line, John's pretty much the biggest columnist at the state, so I think it's safe to say that, the most read column.
Is that safe to say, John?
It depends on whether the Longhorns are playing that day or not.
But if not, you're the biggest.
So it's Kurt Bowles or you?
As far as I know, yeah.
Here is Rob Jacobson.
Rob, I was talking to John this morning.
I didn't want to give him all the details because my memory was hazy on it, but my memory was correct.
Tell people what you were told by Susan, the owner of the coffee shop across the street.
Basically, I went across the street because they had a sort of music festival of their own at the same time of South by Southwest.
We were kind of concerned about the sound, you know, what time they would end, because we were doing some audio work over here.
And I got into a conversation with them, Susan, you know, we would talk.
I kept coffee there all the time.
She told me about, uh, there are some South by Southwest people who show up here and, you know, take notes about who the bands are just to make sure that if they're in a South by venue, they'll be, you know, knocked off or put on, you know, put on some kind of list of, uh, South by Southwest.
Yeah, what she said last year was, if memory serves, that they were told if you play at this, you'll be banned in the future for playing at our event.
Like, they'll somehow put you on some South by Southwest blacklist.
Right, exactly.
I mean, that's McCarthyism.
Where is this place, anyway?
It's in South Austin.
I'll give you the address off air.
We have a closed office, listeners.
Please don't come here.
It's Cafe Caffeine.
So, when did this happen?
This was during their festival right during the two days of South by Southwest.
So I mean last year?
Last year.
Last year, yeah.
In March is when South by... But I'll tell you what, Rob's here working at night, and are they having an event again this year?
If they do, we'll videotape those little buggers when they come over here.
I don't know.
Did they have a name for their event or something?
They did, but I don't really recall what it was.
Well, I'll give them a holler and see what they have to say.
But, I mean, John, that's news that not only are they calling the fire department on people, now they're sneaking around, uh, you know, I mean, that sounds like the mafia or something.
Like, you're not allowed to sell cheese unless I say you can.
I mean, you grew up in Brooklyn.
Does that not sound like the mafia?
Exactly, exactly.
It's like they go around and they say, you know, this is the cheese company and you're going to buy our cheese and that's it.
And over here, especially because across the street, they feature mostly, I think almost 100% or 90% Austin local artists, you know, give them an opportunity while it's in town.
And they had bands before that, too.
Yeah, they had bands about a day or so before.
They're always having bands, it's year-round.
Yeah, they have a band here every week almost.
This is their business.
Exactly, they're a coffee shop with a stage and, you know, now we have these South by Southwest people here taking notes, you know.
It doesn't sound like any place with the name Caffeine as far as its name would be much of the competition.
For a national festival.
But yet they find they have to go out of their way to come across the street.
I'd say the maximum they had out there was about 50.
They got a big parking lot.
I'd say they had about 50, 60 people would show up.
How dare them in America?
How dare them have a keg of beer and serve coffee?
They've got to be shut down.
And play the guitar, you know.
Well, you know, I'm wondering about these dog parks.
We're good to go.
Maybe when a funeral profession goes by, they can count the cars and charge them five bucks a head.
I don't know.
There's all sorts of things.
Well, Mr. Kelso, we're going to give you names and numbers.
Anybody else out there, any bands that have experienced this, give Mr. Kelso a call.
This is news, because this just shows the grassroots bullying that's going on.
I'm tempted to have my own band out front here, and then Chronicle better not show up here with their little arrogant goons.
Yeah, I mean... Well, just don't learn to play the accordion, and I think you'll be alright.
Okay, John Kelso and Rob Jacobson as well.
Do you want to talk to Rob off air to get a quote from him or anything?
Okay, what I'm going to do is, sir, I'm going to give him your number.
I imagine everybody's calling you, but I'll just have Rob call you in just a few minutes, okay?
Enjoyed being on your show.
Hey, good.
John Kelso.
Well, I enjoyed you coming on with us, even though you were mean to Willie, which is pretty disgraceful.
Well, I think Willie can put up with it.
I know, he likes it.
Hey, John, thanks a lot.
All right, thank you.
Take care.
And anybody who's against the Chronicles, my friend.
Well, folks, I'm not going to tell you the stories.
These people are just unbelievable.
Well, you know I don't like thugs.
We're on the march.
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Alright, Jesse Benton was just calling saying now he wants to come on.
He gets so busy that he gets off track.
Ron Paul was on with us in the first 30 minutes of the show.
We understand that.
That's going to restart in about 26 minutes at InfoWars.com if you want to hear the Ron Paul interview.
Very important information he brought forward, the future of the campaign.
He even brought out some new information that hadn't been released yet.
And about the big rally coming up of course also in D.C.
probably on July 4th or Memorial Day, one of those two dates.
Look, we should spend most of our time on the economy.
Derivatives are unraveling, the states are coming in, trying to demand their investments that were AAA rated as high quality, when really it was corporate junk paper.
They're having debates about, are we in a recession?
When factory productions weigh down, when the jobless rate's up, when the debt's spiraling.
But the big news is the dollar has slid further in the last week.
To all-time lows.
Gold has been between $9.08 and $9.30 again, back and forth at its all-time high.
So much is going on right now, and every economic indicator from the financial experts we've had on say deep, prolonged recession, continual devaluation incrementally of the dollar.
Regardless, the dollar against the euro opening at 2000 is down by 61% against the euro when it hit parity.
It's down 40 plus percent.
What, 43%?
We want to be exact.
And it is just so essential that we educate the public about who was behind this, who stands to gain from this.
It's essential that we educate the population
concerning who stands to gain and how the big central banks orchestrated all this and then that's available that's public it's just not popularly known and the financial news that I have in front of me just gets worse and worse in the actual financial publications but then when you get into kind of the pop culture pop financial news it's it's it's it's more deception
I mean, I've got headlines here where Fed's pool predicts U.S.
will avoid recession.
We've been in a deep recession.
In the last six years, the average home income went down by $1,000.
That's a recession.
National debt went up.
Corporate private debt went up.
We have a higher private individual debt ratio than the previous record in December of 1933 in the depth of the Depression, the Great Depression.
And by the way, leading into 29, it took six months before things really fell apart.
It went up and down, up and down.
You're seeing all the same things.
All I'm saying is, strap yourselves in, because this could be a very, very bumpy landing.
And all of us need to think about our finances.
I know most people are living paycheck to paycheck, or people are heavily in debt, living outside their means, but
I want to see patriots.
I want to see freedom lovers.
Oh, and by the way, we're not going to have any time to take any more calls.
For everybody who's been holding.
So you want me to tell you that?
I might have had time at the end, but just as it irritates people, we just won't take any more.
I'm sorry.
That said, because now Benton's about to call in, and I forgot I got to plug this other news.
It's just so much in front of me.
It's a Catch-22.
I love your calls.
I love you out there.
Sorry we have you hold too long sometimes, but I've been getting better about it.
Look, all that aside, let's bring Ted Anderson up.
Ted, where do you see all this going, and what do you say to the media trying to claim that we're not even in a recession?
Alex has got to say that it's just mind-boggling.
I mean, I mean mind-boggling.
I was out campaigning for Ron Paul, doing the literature drops, and there was at least four or five houses that were vacant sitting there without their driveways plowed.
I would say per every four block radius, there was about one house per block in my area that were vacant because the banks had to take back these houses.
The economy's not looking good.
Everybody knows that.
The dollar's falling like a stone.
I mean, it just drives me crazy when I watch those debates.
There's massive service layoffs everywhere, not just factory closures.
Yeah, it's nuts.
And then you watch Ron Paul use logic as to why the economy's coming down, and all you see is snickering from the other candidates.
And it's like,
What, do you guys live on Mars or something?
I mean, people can't even, you know, it drives me crazy.
I can tell you right now, I am very happy to see at least 20% of the people are waking up to this economic issue with the U.S.
dollar falling, the Federal Reserve System, you know, the new Amero currency that's coming.
I mean, it's being not only spoon-fed, you know, now it's being dumped on us by the truckloads.
And, you know, it just makes me sick thinking, you know, my kids, they're just coming into adulthood.
Your kids are young.
What kind of a future are we leaving for generations to come?
Well, the propaganda has gotten so bad that they're now having to freeze mortgages.
They're having to send everybody $600.
All that does is devalue the currency more.
And then what does that do in the later this year and next year?
All the major economic forecasters say it just gets worse.
Well, Alex, the reason why they're lowering interest rates right now is not because the economy is strong and we're just trying to stimulate things.
They're lowering interest rates right now so they can limit the amount of these armed mortgages that are going into default.
I mean, it's like they're taking cyanide to put off their death!
You know, it's crazy, Alex.
It really is.
The whole economic system... Well, they're trying to slow the slide, and that's what the documents stated.
That's what the Financial Times of London said years ago that they were going to do.
The elite is consolidating and raping the daylights out of everyone.
I want our listeners to protect themselves.
Ted, you've got some great deals on gold and silver coins today.
Yes, I do.
As a matter of fact, I ran into the silver dollars have edged up a little bit higher than I like.
I did run into this per dollar face brilliant uncirculated dimes and quarters from back at the turn of the century at $19.50 per dollar face.
Now the silver dollars have gone over $22.50 now.
So these are, you know, usually they trade parity to one another and the silver dollars are carrying a premium and obviously these are the sleeper.
These are the dark horse in the race right now.
This is the one to get on.
That's the best way to get into silver, no questions about it.
Because they're brilliant uncirculated, you don't have to deal with the 60-45 ruling, where I have to collect social security numbers in order to trade them.
That is true in junk silver.
It's something that was passed in 1984.
I know Ron Paul was fighting against that one, but you know, when you're standing as a lone horse... So again, you get major privacy with this.
Tell them about the gold.
Yeah, the gold right now, we have the British Sovereigns are currently trading at $249 per coin.
And we also have the franc coins.
Some are from Switzerland, some are from France, Belgium, these areas in Europe.
They're at $1.99.
Obviously, the British Sovereign, it's a quarter ounce coin, $2.49.
That's a really good buy.
And we still have some of those $5 gold pieces available.
But like the silver dollars, you know, this stuff is getting scarce.
It's getting hard to come by.
Even if I were to take a trade for silver dollars right now, I'd have to put them on a delayed delivery plan because I can't get enough right now.
And I just said now we're going to stop selling silver dollars.
We've got to go to something different.
And this is actually something that has been trading at a lower price, at a lower rate.
It's been sort of ignored, but I know darn well that they'll just come right back uproar and they'll be matching the silver dollar prices before you know it.
So again, list the coins.
It is a British Sovereign, $2.49, the French Franc at $1.99, the $5 gold pieces at $330, and the BU Dimes and Quarters, if you take a per dollar face, that takes four quarters or ten dimes, that's $19.50.
And the best way to get those things right now is to call us at 1-800
That's 1-800-686-2237.
Man, I tell ya, there isn't a single candidate that's out there in the forerunning that has any solution at all to this economic problem we have.
The only thing we had was Ron Paul, and he doesn't have enough delegates, it don't look like so.
I mean, I'm not saying that he can't win, but I tell you, it's a long shot right now, and we better... Well, I would add this.
Ted, out of his own money, about half of it's been contributions, the other half's been Ted.
Ted, how much have you put into flying the Ron Paul airplanes?
Oh, right now I think I'm up a little bit over $30,000.
We're flying Daytona.
The Daytona 500 is one that I just threw in here today.
We did Los Angeles and we did San Francisco.
Flying four airplanes in Texas during their primary and then
You know, there's just a lot of events coming up.
You're not stopping, Ted.
So how much money have you put in personally versus listeners?
Well, like I said, we've got about $30,000 in myself personally.
The other guys, they've put in about $17,000.
So that's where we're at.
That's where the numbers add up to be right now.
So you put in $13,000?
No, no.
$30,000 for me.
The rest of it is from the listeners.
So you'd have to add that plus $13,000.
We're about $43,000 so far.
Ted, you're going wild.
Well, I just, you know, we've got this opportunity and even if he doesn't become president, if enough people become educated, I mean, that's what I've been doing all these years, Alex, just trying to educate people, plant the seed in people's minds of what the truth really is.
So not only are you getting a great deal on gold and silver, and they are great deals, you're also supporting somebody who's literally been knocking on doors for Ron Paul, fighting the New World Order.
How long is the Alex Jones special to get it at that locked-in low rate?
Ted, thanks for all you're doing.
Yeah, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
You bet.
Take care, Ted.
Yeah, this weekend I called Ted and I said, have you heard?
Ron Paul's kind of slowing down the national campaign.
He said, well, I said, are you going to think about kind of cutting back on the airplanes, Ted?
You're spending your own money here mainly.
And he said, no, I'm not going to stop.
So Ted is really fired up.
I'll give him a call.
Did you miss that number?
OK, I'm just going to play this newscast out of England where they say the people want it.
The people like it.
I told the story yesterday of my friend who works pretty high level at the Austin Airport and he said last year when they started the banning the liquids, he watched News 8 Austin owned by Time Warner talk to 40 plus people.
He quit counting at 40.
They all didn't like it and said it was stupid or bad.
One old lady said she just loved it and he said he knew she'd be on the news that night and she was.
Because I walked into the TV studio, and he was in there talking to his brother that works there, and he was laughing, and they were laughing, and the newscast had ended, and I said, what's so funny?
And they told the story.
That's why I know that story.
Because they'd been in there watching, wanting to see it.
Because he'd been there in the morning, and that was in the evening, and news airs the same thing every hour over and over again.
It's the same thing with this.
They go out and they find people that like it, and then they say everyone loves it, like the Marine Corps story taking over Toledo and the mayor saying no.
They went and interviewed everybody who loved it.
I guarantee you there were people that didn't like it.
They didn't show them.
That's how they skew.
That's how they manipulate.
That's how the neocons do it on talk radio, by screening the calls and only putting on who they want.
You know, when you call here, we don't screen your calls.
It's just first name where you're calling from.
You don't even have to do that.
You can say you're calling from the moon.
We don't care.
This is a real place for free speech.
How a republic works, or how a common law free society works, even if 95% of people say black people aren't human beings and they deserve to be slaves, under real Bill of Rights, just because 95% want to say the other 5% are slaves, they're not, because the minority as well as the majority is protected, and if something violates privacy, it's prasada non grata.
Also, what are these?
They have 4 plus million cameras in London, more than 20 million nationwide in England.
You can pull these numbers, it's growing every day.
Those are old numbers.
At least 15 cities, they report, now have, they just came out two years ago, cameras that are auto-programmed.
If they see you, quote, do something, they shout at you.
Now several U.S.
cities are adopting it.
But the point is, it's like the airport.
Lives can be like the airport.
What were these announcements of?
Unsocial behavior will not be tolerated.
You are being watched.
Look for terrorists.
This is what they're announcing.
Listen to it for yourself.
Total big brother.
But they say the people want it.
Well, it doesn't matter.
And I don't believe that, by the way.
They show a few old ladies.
Classic types who are scared and want people to keep them safe.
From the quote, thugs, but then the police also in England won't enforce on criminals.
They've shown with the CCTV that crime's actually gone up, by the way, and that's government statistics out of England.
But here it is.
So we're here in the control room, and as you can see there's a bank of monitors behind me that's got all the cameras from across the borough feeding into it.
Only some of those do have the talking CCTV function, and for example this one here, which is in the Marks Gate area of our borough,
...has that facility.
So the operators that sit here can pull any of those images down to the desk in front of them, and then they can reach into the microphone and issue the messages if they think that's appropriate.
This is Barking and Dagenham Council's CCTV control room.
CCTV is in operation in this area.
And any social behaviour will be reported to the police.
In responding to the argument that this is a Big Brother issue,
When we ask people of Barking and Dagenham what it is they want that will make them feel safer in our borough, CCTV is one of the prime things that they're coming up with and they're telling us that they need to see on our streets.
I know everyone says Big Brothers watching you, that it's a good way of making people be aware and look after our area.
People around here, especially the youth,
That's what's missing now, is respect.
It's gone.
Absolute bull!
All Pentagon designed, right out of MIT, they put in the same system in England to control and dominate good people.
And now they've got secret police in all the cafes listening for racist words.
This is mainstream news.
They arrest you.
A writer in Canada said that he believed heterosexuality was more preferable.
They arrested him six months in jail.
There's total police state.
And then, meanwhile, it's to keep you safe.
When we get back from break, I'm going to cover a bunch of news.
They also now have these call-to-scrap anti-teen device.
It bleeps out audio at a low range, at a very high range, so only young people hear it to drive them off the street from congregating.
Folks, you can't make this type of stuff up.
We're going to cover that when we get back.
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And again, a big fat banner on InfoWars.com.
We're going to go to break and come back and get directly into the stack of news I have.
Call to scrap anti-teen device, BBC.
The New York Sun.
Mayor compares threat of global warming to terrorism.
But NASA and others are reporting that global cooling is about to start.
Principal electric engineer for WTC.
Fuel and planes alone did not bring down the towers.
Is John McCain eligible to be a U.S.
I don't know if I can get to all that, but I am sure going to try.
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This just in, the White House wants $1.4 billion stimulus national security package for Mexico to help ship the drugs in better and standardize bringing in the illegal aliens.
Oh yeah, they're pulling out all the stops to bring this country down.
Turn those money machines up on high, after all the dumb Americans are paying for it all.
Alright, we're going to get into this news in just a moment.
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Okay, look at this story.
I mean, I wanted to get to all this other stuff, but the White House wants a $1.4 billion stimulus national security package for Mexico.
A reader asked me to check into information that President Bush was pushing a massive foreign aid package, this is Michelle Malcolm reporting on this, to Mexico to help them secure their southern border against flow of illegal aliens from Central America.
We can't even get our own border straight, but we're going to provide Mexico with funding so they can solve their problem.
Well, that's government spend that it's for their border.
If you actually read it, most of it's anti-narcotics money to go after the cartels that aren't paying their cut in the banks.
So even spend within spend there.
Call to scrap anti-teen device.
Now, not only do they have the cameras constantly announcing you're being watched, look for bombs, don't leave packages, behave yourself.
The government, you know, loudspeakers announcing behave yourself.
We're watching you.
I mean, oh, that's not Big Brother.
Everything's fine.
I mean, if they're going to put
They're putting these in the U.S., by the way.
They're going to put cameras in school bathrooms.
Why not just have them shouting orders, too?
You know, it's freedom.
Call the scrap anti-teen device, BBC.
A high-pitched device used to disperse teenagers is being challenged by campaigners who say it is not a fair way to treat young people.
By the way, it's also not good for your ears.
You lose those little nerve endings.
When you hear that beep noise as you get older, for a while that certain nerve's dying.
There are an estimated 3,500 of the devices known as the mosquito.
By the way, even people that think they can't hear it still can.
It irritates you.
It causes angst.
Doesn't matter.
They say they want to put it in the U.S.
Just the government broadcasting audio on the streets to keep the kids on.
It's for the kids.
There are an estimated 3,500 of devices known as the mosquito in use across England.
Their sound causes discomfort to young ears, but their frequency is above the normal... Oh yeah, my grandmother's 80-something years old still has it.
She can hear a dog whistle.
Above the normal hearing range of people over 25.
The Children's Commission in England says they should be scrapped as they infringe on the rights of young people.
They see us as animals.
All of the... By the way, they have similar devices to get dogs to quit barking.
Or also to run rats out of your house.
But these are a little bit lower frequency so humans can clearly hear them.
One step down from the big sound cannons our government's deploying everywhere to use on people.
You see, it's all scientifically crafted.
It's about controlling, manipulating, dominating.
The streets being these grids.
I'm out of time.
I started the show with Ron Paul, by the way.
So if you missed that interview with Ron Paul, I started the show with him.
He was on at the 8 after.
You go to infowars.com.
That's the continual streams of the show 24 hours a day.
21 hours a day until the next live show.
And then on the weekend until I'm back live, Sunday 4 to 6.
I want to thank all our AM and FM affiliates.
I want to thank all the listeners, the sponsors, all of you.
Please keep spreading the word about the show on the AM and FM, Troy the Internet Satellite.
That's how we get new listeners is you spreading the word.
And I want to come in and thank all of you.
I meant to get into Mayor Compares' threat of global warming to terrorism.
Says that it could kill all of us.
And then I've got Oregon and all these other places trying to pass all these new carbon taxes on you to gear up more government.
It's just incredible.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
God bless you all.
Retransmission starts now at Infowars.com with Ron Paul.
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