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Name: 20080205_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 5, 2008
2383 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
It is already the fifth day of February 2008.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
Once a month, Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com joins us in the second hour.
Riding shotgun halfway into that interview will be Colorado We Are Change.
He's confronted Mitt Romney, Bill Clinton, and many others in the last week.
We've now gotten the We Are Change video.
ABC News would show big wide shots of Clinton yelling at them.
We learned that ABC had cameras up close, but chose to not show you what they were actually saying.
We actually have their video and their audio of what they were bringing up to Bill Clinton, so you can actually get both sides of that exchange that happened late last week.
So that is coming up today with Colorado.
We are change.
As we are change, this explodes all across the planet thanks to the leadership of Luke Radowsky and all the great people that rallied to the banner of 9-11 Truth.
Speaking of 9-11 Truth, you know we had Willie Nelson on yesterday and I want to take your calls, get your take on that.
This is about survival.
This is about living.
If they, if the establishment
is able to stage terror attacks and get away with it, like Oklahoma City, the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, and many other events, the Gulf of Tonkin staged event, the USS Liberty with Israel in the U.S., if they're able to stage the overthrow of Mozedek with staged events, they're going to continue to do it with bigger and bigger events in the very near future.
This is life and death to expose this, and
That's why I've been somewhat successful at taking action against the New World Order, because I realize that this is a life-and-death situation.
And I have to tell you that I've noticed that the vast majority of 9-11 truth sites, the vast majority of quote, Patriot, alternative news sites, think that they're in competition with me because I'm the 800-pound gorilla.
This is life and death, and it's one thing to have the Drudge Report posted last night, our article about Willie Nelson saying the towers were destroyed by controlled demolition.
It's another thing to have some of the biggest sites out there refuse to link to anything we put out or anything we do just out of pure competitiveness and jealousy.
I link to everybody's websites.
I even have links to competing radio networks on my websites.
This is about survival.
And if you don't stab me in the back repeatedly, I will work with you, I will have you on, I will promote you.
But I want to turn the listeners loose, not on mainstream media.
They play all sorts of games, censoring Ron Paul, lying about Ron Paul, never showing what We Are Change says up close, though they had cameras up close.
You know, they play these type of games.
But see, We Are Change doesn't care about being in the news.
Their name being in the news, which the media, you notice, nationally is always very careful not to say their name.
They don't care about having their name in the news.
They care about bringing murderers to justice and stopping martial law.
They got their heads screwed on straight.
Luke Rodowski has his head screwed on straight.
And that's why it's been successful.
He has the proper spirit.
A lot of you out there do not have the proper spirit.
I don't mean my listeners.
And so know this.
The mainstream media and alternative media is censoring the Willie Nelson story.
They're fools!
We bring this show, most of the people, into this movement so they can then be filtered out to you.
We are not in competition with each other.
You can take my name out, I don't care, but talk about how Willie Nelson, I mean, he is in the top ten icons.
I mean, the guy is as big, you know, as an icon globally as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He's as well known.
He is Americana.
He says he's afraid of martial law, suspension of election, and the government carried out the attacks of 9-11.
That is a big deal.
I want you to go to Infowars.com.
I want you to go to PrisonPlanet.com.
I want you to get the articles we've written and posted in the audio files, and I want you to ram them down the Internet's throat and go absolutely insane, Infowarriors.
We are changers, liberty lovers.
Go wild!
Go wild!
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You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
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Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
If you look at the majority of the combat shoot-em-up video games that are coming out right now, and you look at many of the TV shows, including 24 now,
They are now putting out the plots that secret elements of the government are the ones staging the terror attacks.
Now, the news is controlled.
The dominant national television is run by spooks.
That's come out in congressional hearings back in the 70s.
That's admitted.
That doesn't mean everybody working there are spooks.
Key people, key gatekeepers at key positions.
But there's two ways to look at what Hollywood and television is doing right now.
Why are they putting out so many plots where the government is staging terror attacks or going to stage a nuke attack to set up total martial law in the United States?
There's really several ways to look at this.
There's more than two ways to look at it.
It's revelation of the method.
It's psychological conditioning.
It's the globalists throwing it in your face before they do it.
It's the establishment bragging, gang member type of tells, or it's a fight within the elite, and one section of the establishment, we know they do fight with each other at certain levels, does not want the military-industrial complex to stage events, and nukes going off in U.S.
cities are in the cards.
Council on Foreign Relations has said it's going to happen.
And they've said Dallas, Cleveland, Denver.
I mentioned one other city, I forget now, it was three years ago, four years ago.
So it could be the establishment fighting amongst themselves, or it could be good people, good writers in Hollywood, people that know what's going on, who are trying to warn the population as best they can.
Now, I tend to think it's a mix of all three.
Some of it's throwing it in your face.
Some of it's writers sneaking stuff through.
Some of it is different sectors of the power elite who want to go with the slower Fabian Socialist Brave New World model than a fast fascist shift into total control.
In fact, it's always a mix of things.
Nothing in life is just one thing or the other.
It's almost always a combination.
But here is the new three-minute season promo for Jericho on CBS that is running right now.
Then I'm going to give the Willie Nelson interview and a lot more.
Here it is.
A small town in Kansas that witnessed a series of nuclear attacks that destroyed 23 American cities in a single day.
The attacks crippled and fractured the U.S.
government and left our town cut off from the world.
Please help us.
This country is at war.
We need to know it.
Even in the worst of times, it's possible to find the best in ourselves and in others.
Robert Hawkins, a covert agent who was supposed to stop the attacks, is now hunted by his former bosses for the secret he holds.
What is that?
A nuclear bomb.
There were dozens of these things used in the attacks, right?
And now you have the last one.
The smoking gun behind the greatest crime in the history of the world.
Now, as we're about to be overwhelmed by a hostile neighboring town, a new government appears, based out of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The government of a new face, flying a new flag.
They fought to save their town.
Now they're about to change the future of a nation.
The street between these two towns is now freshly old.
There isn't going to be any reconciliation until he's dead.
I have evidence that could expose the whole cover-up.
This is the flag of a new country flying from the Mississippi to the Pacific.
God bless the allied states of America!
The wait is over.
Jericho the Return, February 12th on CBS.
You know, I have met a lot of the big Hollywood writers.
One of them, Marconi, who... I ought to get him on sometime.
He doesn't mind if I talk about it.
Who's got a big film coming out this year about government-sponsored terror.
He also, of course, wrote things like Enemy of the State with Will Smith.
And he knows all about the New World Order.
He came to the 9-11 Inside Job Symposium that we had in 2006.
Hard to believe that was almost two years ago.
And of course, Dean Haglund said the CIA would come and recommend plots for the X-Files and Lone Gunman.
And then they have a plot where exactly what happened happened.
A secret element in the government hijacks a jet by remote control.
They have the rest of NORAD stand down, telling them it's just a drill.
They're going to blame it on Afghan terrorists.
I mean, six months before 9-11, that airs on Fox television.
I mean, exact.
Police officers out there listening, you're not stupid.
I mean, what is that?
What is that?
And they do it over and over again.
There's literally thousands of examples, so many I can't even remember them all, of where they flaunt and throw their stuff in our face.
But I know quite a few of the writers
We are good and know what's going on.
And I know part of the writer's strike, I've been told, is because they were telling them what they could and couldn't write.
And we're trying to control them.
And trying to make them spew propaganda.
But the neocons, I'll never forget U.S.
News and World Report, right before the election in 2004, the last presidential election,
They had a report saying top White House official tells us secretly, we can't tell you who it is, that we will be nuked.
That there will be a nuke go off.
Probably before the election.
Now, they used the Cold War fear after they gave the Russians the A-bomb and the hydrogen bomb and they fried some patsies.
And they had duck and cover and said we were going to have war, and that didn't happen.
So, they may not do it.
The point is, they told us that there's all these nukes in the country.
They claim that the Russians sold them in Cracker Jack boxes to whoever wanted them.
Totally made up.
They tell us that Alexander Levin went public on it, and then his helicopter crashed.
The top Russian general.
All I know is, if you don't think the New World Order to bring in their world government won't set off nukes, or won't release bird flu, or won't do something else like that, you are gravely mistaken.
They'll kill 3,000, they'll kill 3 million.
And they'll do it with pleasure.
And they haven't spent decades setting up a total police state takeover system for no reason.
So the police, the military, everybody
Out there should know.
When you've got scores of TV shows with the basic plotline you just heard from Jericho, why, and by the way, in the plotline it's come out that it's the government, a faction, they haven't said exactly what faction, but I'll bet money just from watching that piece, that it's going to be quote, Bible-thumpers, right-wingers in the government that are going to set off nukes to do all this.
That set off the 23 nukes so they could destroy the government and take over themselves.
Because that's always the bad guys.
They know the public knows that 9-11 is an inside job, so they're... a lot of these plots are being written because they're just... they know they have to go with the flow.
So we've gone a long way from six and a half years ago when I first got on air before 9-11, on the day of 9-11, and brought forward the point that it was an inside job.
And others as well saw what was coming, and the propaganda was so clear.
But when you see television programs like this, you better know that it is in the cards.
Just like Russian Roulette, you got six cylinders, six 357 Magnum casings and rounds loaded in.
There's one round loaded into the six chambers.
They're spinning it.
It's in the cards.
And they're going click, click, click, spin, click, click, up against our head, and I don't like it.
And they need to stop it, and this doesn't need to happen!
But if we're just a bunch of football-watching, beer-swilling, yuppie know-it-alls, stumbling around acting cool, talking about killing Al Ketter, you just can't do that anymore, you neocon trolls on the web, and the neocon bought and paid for people running our media.
And the liberals that are, I mean, watching this We Are Change video up close of him confronting Bill Clinton and watching the people come up and put their hands on him and stick their Hillary signs in front of the brave guy's face.
I'm going to get his name from We Are Change when they come on.
We're trying to get him on.
I didn't write it down.
Trey just mentioned it to me.
And he's sitting there for five minutes yelling at Bill Clinton.
As Bill Clinton tries to use mass psychology, laughing at him, and people are booing him, all those poor, you know, well-meaning, dumb-as-dirt liberals, you're just as dumb as all the neocons following Bush.
You've bought into a brand name of the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and it's shameful.
These are cold-blooded intelligence operatives that work for a very sinister organization.
Call it the New World Order.
Call it the Illuminati.
Call it chaos.
Call it death.
Call it the devil.
Call it greed.
Call it avarice.
Call it power.
Call it history.
When we get back, I'm going to get into Willie Nelson and the attempted media blackout.
It's big news.
I need your help to break the blockade like we did for Ron Paul in many cases.
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Isn't their objective to be world domination?
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Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
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They have all the money they need.
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That's what happens here.
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On a lonely, lonesome highway East of Omaha You listen to the engine moanin' And this one old song You think about the woman The girl you knew the night before
Welcome back.
You know when I met Willie Nelson a few months ago and learned that he'd been watching my show and listening to the show for many years, I didn't really get into it much on air.
And then I didn't really push to get him on the show and boom he called and we had him on and I didn't really push to have him talk about 9-11.
I didn't want to get him into a big controversy and then he brought it up.
He brought it up and said, yeah, they blew the towers up.
Yeah, they want martial law.
He's afraid they'll suspend the election.
It's certainly in the cards, as I like to say.
I mean, Willie Nelson is a global icon.
He is pure Americana.
And he's a very intelligent man.
You get a chance to talk to him on the phone for 10-15 minutes.
You get a chance to meet him in person.
I mean, he's the real deal.
He's down to earth as it gets.
And he came on air and he brought up serious issues and we were hit by trolls like we've never seen on our message boards, at theprisonplanet.com forum, on YouTube, on the newinfowars.com, sections where you can post on all the stories.
And they just repeated the same thing over and over again, like zombies.
Willie Nelson smokes weed!
Willie Nelson smokes weed!
Well, it's a lot less worse for you than alcohol.
And so, since he smokes weed, we can't listen to a word he said.
Of course, George Washington smoked it.
Mary Jane.
So, I guess he can't be our founding father, either.
Just absolutely ridiculous and sophomoric.
But a lot of it had to look a Cointelpro.
Their M.O.
is to come on and say, how dare you say the firefighters and police carried out the attacks?
You're saying the government did it.
Why did they run into the buildings?
When you're on the ground at Ground Zero and the known Feds are out there confronting you, trying to start fights, they always say that.
That's what a Fed says.
Most of them are just useful neocon idiots, who think open borders and gun control and Ann Coulter and endorsing Hillary Clinton is good.
I mean, they're into the party, they're into the ideal, they don't admit the fact that the vast majority of the troops are against the war, support Ron Paul, they're in total denial.
But to say that we say the police and firemen were involved in the attacks, they went into the buildings, they died.
And then they reported bombs going off and they were told to get out of seven because they were going to bring it down.
They're the heroes!
And by the way, by September 12th, I was saying the dust was poisonous, and I was saying, send gas masks.
The Genesis Network was saying send gas masks, and we listed two local churches that were trying to get mask filters for the people, and I know my listeners sent thousands of filters.
Go listen to the September 12th show.
I'm not tooting our horn, but we know what we're doing.
We're smart.
We assess things with critical thinking.
They didn't need you hanging American flags outside your house from what the American flag symbolizes is dying.
They need you to actually give them filters.
And to stand up to the EPA opening scores of schools and thousands of businesses two days after saying the air was good when there was two feet of concrete and mercury on the ground.
And every other toxic chemical you can imagine.
Tens of thousands of computers.
The thermostats, the light bulbs, all of it aerosolized into fine powder.
By whatever turned those buildings into dust right in front of everyone!
Fire doesn't make a bunch of buildings turn to pulverized pyroclastic volcanic flow!
And five weeks later, 2500 degrees, NASA photos!
But you sit there and you try to block us.
Now, we ran into major censorship.
I have watched the Drugs Report since 1996.
I know his pattern.
Stories stay on the site on average of about eight hours and then they move down and about four hours later they're gone.
He rotates the site twice a day.
It's being updated every hour and it just scrolls down.
He's got a couple people that work for him.
Brett Bart is one of them, the main guy running it.
Brett Bart, no doubt, posted the Charlie Sheen and within one hour it was down.
It's what all the big newspapers and people look at.
And it's a big site.
It's declining in popularity as people figure out he's a neocon.
He's lost his radio show and a lot of other things.
But it's one of the biggest sites out there.
There are sites a lot bigger, but they have thousands of pieces of media to pick from.
He'll only have 50 or 60.
So that's where you get real focus there.
That's a breakthrough point.
Yesterday, he put a link, Brett Bart did, up to, from Drudge, up to,
And within one hour, it was taken down, though saved in the archive, and that link went back to Drudge.
Now, I expect that from Matt Drudge.
The neocons shniveled.
But I do not expect that from the alternative media.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
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This is the end.
This is the end.
Beautiful friend.
This is the end.
My only friend.
The end.
The New World Order plan is bogged down in the mud.
It's in trouble.
It's smoking.
Explosions are going off in its belly.
Are we going to swarm this thing and take it on and bring it down?
Or are we going to sit around and play patty cake?
Roger, Jim, Elijah, others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join me on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, finishing up with Willie Nelson, we're going to re-air some of the interview, a few minutes of it today, and then we're also going to have again Mike Rivera on.
Colorado, we are Change Your Calls.
Here are the different stories.
Willie Nelson fears election could be canceled.
We could
Have George in there ten years longer, says country music star.
Drudge Report cans Willie Nelson's story, 9-11 revelations, briefly on the Popular News website front page.
Quickly removed, Willie Nelson's explosive take on 9-11 at the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7, looked like a Las Vegas-style implosion, has largely been ignored by the media.
Thus far, though it briefly appeared on the front page...
of the Drudge Report before quickly being canned.
About an hour after we released the story, members of our forum alerted us to the fact that our headline had been posted on the front page of Drudge Report.
They took a screenshot as one of the biggest news websites in America and compete for traffic with the New York Times and Washington Post.
Though it was not linked to our website, the headline, Willie Nelson, Twin Towers Were Imploded on 9-11 Developing, appeared on the left-hand side of the Drudge Report late yesterday afternoon.
It was linked to Brett Barth.
It was linked to us.
However, within less than an hour or so, the headline was pulled from the front page.
A similar thing happened when Charlie Sheen went public with his 9-11 doubts in March of 2006.
The story briefly appeared on the Drudge before being removed.
To hazard a guess as to what happened, we believe that one of Drudge's assistants posted the headline before swiftly being overruled by Matt Drudge himself, resulting in the headline being Memory Hold.
The headline as it appeared on the Drudge before it was pulled can still be viewed at the Drudge Report Archives website which takes a screenshot of Drudge's front page every two minutes.
We think it was Brett Bart because he works for Drudge and he has his own website and he has left it up.
The story did make the front page of Breitbart, which is run by Drudge assistant Andrew Breitbart, meaning that it was probably Breitbart who posted the Willie Nelson story before being overruled by Drudge himself.
So why did Drudge pull the link?
Charlie Sheen's brave embrace of 9-11 Truth left the establishment media with two choices.
Either to ignore the story or attack Charlie Sheen.
They chose to attack Sheen and that decision disastrously backfired because it gave 9-11 Truth a public platform and promoted a national debate.
And you just see it exploding from that point.
When his father Martin Sheen went public a few months ago, the media took a different approach and completely blackballed the story.
It appears that Drudge has set the standard, and they have many sets of standards for many media reporting, for the second method to be employed again.
Though the story was covered last night by Texas News Channel, local ABC,
The rest of the media are so far silent on the issue as it remains to be seen whether or not they will keep up a united front of censorship in an attempt to diffuse the importance of Willie Nelson's comments on yesterday's Alex Jones Show.
And I get these tired comments from the minority of even our listeners, emails, message board comments, I stand over it, I want your feedback, going, he's a star, a movie star, more than a hundred films,
And, uh, the latest big one, the Dukes of Hazzard playing Grandpa Jesse, and, you know, who cares what Hollywood people, who cares what people say?
Well, they'll obsess 24-7 about anything anybody in Hollywood does all over every major TV news program.
When they're doing something stupid, but when Willie Nelson, who's always been socially active and been on the right side of every issue that I've seen, anti-war, against the drug war,
Spoke out when they were banning people from the radio, and they tried to reduce his amount of playing on the radio.
They tried to shut down the Dixie Chicks and boycott them.
I mean, they're paying a price for this.
He knows what he's doing.
He has great courage to be doing this.
And it's news when Willie Nelson comes out and says he thinks we're going into a dictatorship, and they suspend the elections, and he hopes they don't.
He's trying to stop that, and that 9-11's an inside job.
I mean, that's news any way you cut it.
Dig, of course, banned all our stories and said they were spam.
No, it's news.
It's news.
Local Austin television.
KBUE knew it was news.
Let's play that local news clip.
It's very, very short.
Here it is.
Willie Nelson went on national radio today and questioned the official story of what happened on 9-11.
Nelson said the collapse of the World Trade Center towers reminded him of a hotel implosion in Las Vegas.
The day it happened, I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical.
And I said, wait a minute, I just saw that last week at the, you know, at the casino over in Las Vegas.
And you see these implosions all the time, and the next one fell, and I said, hell, there's another one.
And they're trying to tell me that an airplane did it.
And that's, you know, I can't go along with that.
Nelson's publicist... Alright, there's more.
You can go watch the end of it up on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
But the point is, this is news.
And you bet, we want to get a new big 9-11 debate going back in the media again.
They've openly said in the National News, New York Times, time to forget 9-11, time for Bush to stop using it, time for Giuliani to stop using it for their aim of police state.
They didn't say that, they just said it's time to put it to rest because they know they're losing the debate.
They told 9-11 truthers it's time for you to shut up and time for everybody to forget about this and just move on to the next inaugural terror attack Hillary or McCain or whoever gets in is going to launch.
So there's several big stories.
Drug Report, Kans Willie Nelson story, need to get that out.
Another story, Willie Nelson fears an event that could keep Bush in office for another 10 years.
Op-Ed News did that, we need to get that out to people.
And of course there's the original story.
Willie Nelson, Towers, 9-11 Towers.
Let me get the actual headline on that because it's scrolled off the page now.
We probably need to post that back up because that's the
That's the big story there.
Let me go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Willie Nelson, WTC imploded on 9-11.
It's in the News and Focus section on the right-hand side of PrisonPlanet.com.
I need you to put it on MySpace, YouTube, your email list, call into talk radio shows, call into country shows.
I mean, I even called into a few talk shows last night.
I mean, I put my money where my mouth is.
And I called into, I don't know, three or four shows last night and said, hey, we need to talk about this.
This needs to be covered.
And the big group that has no excuse is other patriot radio networks, other talk shows, people that talk about 9-11 truth.
I tuned into quite a few 9-11 truth shows last night.
I called in and asked board ops, hey, have they talked about this?
Have I missed it?
No, they're not talking about it.
So I called some hosts who said they knew that they were going to get around to it, which I believe was only six, seven hours, eight hours into it.
But now we're 24 hours into this, or about 22 hours right now, 23 hours.
And I want to see this break big because so many people love Willie Nelson.
The left loves him, libertarians love him, country, western music people, just people who like Americana culture.
I mean, I've seen the big global polls.
They have them every year about, you know, what do you associate with America, good things in America.
And they say baseball, Willie Nelson, apple pie.
I mean, he's up there with all those things.
He's a living legend.
The guy's been playing since 1949, been big since 1956.
I mean, he hung out with Elvis, Johnny Cash, all of them.
This is a living legend who came on this show, who contacted us and came on this show,
And I said, Willie, I don't want to bring a bunch of controversial stuff, get a bunch of heat on you, and during the break, and he said, look, let's just get into serious stuff right now.
And now, in hindsight, I'm going to get him back on in the next few months and, you know, flesh it out when he talks about Bilderberg groups, or talking about endgame, and I'll move on.
Well, what do you think about the Bilderberg group?
Well, you know, well, what do you think about him using 9-11 for tyranny?
Or what do you think about the toll roads?
They tried to get him to name a bunch of trans-Texas toll roads after him, and one of my friends called him up.
I wish I could tell the story.
He doesn't want me to.
I should have brought this up to Willie, and I forgot.
But another music legend here locally called up Willie and said, look, you don't want him to, that's like naming, you know, an electric chair after you.
That's naming, every time somebody pays money, they're going to think about Willie Nelson.
They're going to throw one on I-35 and name it after him.
And Willie then went on TV and said, I've had second thoughts.
I don't want him to name an electric chair after me.
You know, Willie's a nice guy.
He tries to help people.
And, you know, he hadn't said yes to it yet, so I guess he really hadn't changed his mind, but they'd asked him to, and a week later he came out and said no.
He was against the toll roads.
So I forgot to ask him about toll roads.
Alright, I'm going to take some of your calls.
The point is, Willie Nelson has gone public.
Remember how they took the bait on Sheen?
And then it was big national debate all over the place, and then 9-11 Truth, all the 9-11 Truth sites had 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 times the traffic.
You remember that 9-11 sites?
And then out of that it just got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, and it's huge now!
This is another wave!
But they know Willie Nelson is loved.
They thought that they could demonize Sheen, blew up in their face, everybody resonated with his courage.
Because of stuff he did 10, 15 years ago.
You know, partying.
Liking women.
Oh, great sins.
Who hadn't sinned?
Especially if you're making 30 million dollars a year and you're 25, 30 years old, you know.
18 year old.
18 years old in Los Angeles.
Yeah, let's see how you behave.
Out there.
You ever been out there?
You ever been around it?
Anyways, I bet you haven't.
Well, I have.
But, uh, to make a long story short, ladies and gentlemen, we need to get this news and information out now.
This is important.
They are going to release a bioweapon, or they're going to blow up a string of buildings, or fly more planes into buildings, or set off a nuke.
I don't know what they're going to do, but the government keeps saying it's going to happen.
Not a question of if, but when.
Not a question of if, but when.
Going to happen.
It's going to happen.
We're going to have Marshall Walker.
It happens.
It's for your own good.
Do you see what's happening?
9-11 is the key.
We have to take the mechanism of false flag, state-sponsored stage terror, and take that mechanism and destroy it.
We need to break it right in front of the New World Order.
We need to dismantle it in front of them.
And we've been doing that, but we're not done.
And if the election ends, I love We Are Change and the other 9-11 truth groups and everybody else that's out there, because they're going and confronting the liberals, the Democrats, the people involved in the 9-11 cover-up.
They're going to continue this throughout the election.
It isn't ever going to stop!
And we may back them off.
They may not stage more events.
Or they may do it in the Middle East or something because we've exposed so much here.
We're trying to save lives.
We're in a race against time.
I look down the barrel of a gun every day.
This is work.
This isn't fun.
I was dead dog tired last night at 8 o'clock.
I didn't want to do my TV show.
I had a splitting headache.
But I drug my hind in there with Trey Kincaid, and we did that show.
And then I called in to 1, 2, 3, 4 radio shows after that until midnight.
I called in on the line, went on the shows, trying to get this information out.
Trying to break through the electronic Berlin Wall.
I need your help.
Willie Nelson gave us the ball.
We need to carry it now.
He is loved across the country.
He is absolutely adored in the Midwest.
We need to hear every talk show.
We need to hear Gary Brownfield talking about this tomorrow.
Now he's usually four or five days behind on the news.
He's a great guy.
And he's on like 80-something stations.
We're all over the heartland into Colorado.
And he's all over the country from Indiana to Texas.
Need to hear Derry talking about this.
Need to hear every one of these shows talking about this.
And I could care less about hearing the name Alex Jones.
You can cut out my voice.
You can post the clips without me on your site.
You can write it and say on a radio show.
You can even say it was your radio show.
I don't care.
In fact, I want more of you to be big, more of you to be prominent.
You know, I've had people ask me to take over leadership of different 9-11 groups.
Can you imagine?
And I've told them, no, I'm not going to take over leadership of your We Are Change chapter or of your 9-11 Truth chapter.
You found more groups.
You be leaders.
Don't you know I could have a group and be the big pimp daddy?
Everybody's struggling.
Grasping after what I could have and I don't want.
I want to stop them from blowing up a couple cities and troops in the streets and it's all over.
It's camps, it's rape rooms, it's all of it.
We are one inch away from this.
Do you understand?
You think Willie Nelson likes having to come on here and talk about martial law?
And now he's afraid we're going to go into martial law?
Don't you think he's got better things to do?
He doesn't want to be attacked.
He's a meek person, but he has to do it, because if we don't expose this, more is going to happen.
Do you read me?
Do you understand?
This is life and death right now.
I want you to go up to InfoWars.com.
I want you to get the little nine minutes boil-down we did, video, where I'm here in studio interviewing him over the phone, but they've got a camera on me and pictures of him.
It makes it more viewable for people.
I want you to take that YouTube video and I want you to ram it down the throat.
I want you to go, each one of you who are web shabby, have a goal.
20 prominent message boards, go post it.
A piece.
We've got millions of listeners, hundreds of thousands of active web people listening right now.
If you'll do that, this story will roll over their blockade.
We'll run right through their censorship.
And I'm asking other networks.
And it's an olive branch.
Promote this, get this out, and I'll move one inch closer, and I'm only a few inches away from just openly promoting everybody.
I've been attacked a lot, a lot of things have happened.
I get to where I just isolate myself, stay away from everybody, because as I get bigger and bigger, the craziness and the jealousy and the envy... Look, it is not a fun job.
I got black circles around my eyes, I work all the time, I'm a machine.
This isn't about being cool.
You think I like pickin' a fight with hardcore killers in the New World Order?
You think I like endangering my family?
Alright, we're gonna go to break, I'm gonna come back, and I'm gonna take your calls in this segment, and the next segment, and we're gonna get Mike Rivero on.
Roger, Jim, I like you, others.
We'll definitely get to all of you before they come on with us.
We're going to have phones, you know, during Rivero, during we are changing to the third hour.
I got a bunch of other police state news.
Well, I say you're not going to believe it.
I guess it's all part of the course now.
You will.
But it's all just absolutely amazing.
And while I'm at it ranting, go to Google Video.
You know, they've taken the hit counters off.
They've taken the video link off their main page.
Because it's all Patriot stuff in the top 20 of the top 100.
Get that, get it out to everybody right now!
Get, it's free!
Just get in game and give it to everybody!
Oh, thank you, she just brought me some pizza and a salad.
Thank you.
Um... Multitasking here.
I'm like a Chinese princess in here.
You know, they bound their feet and made them grow long fingernails so they could control them.
They could never leave their bed.
That's me.
I can't ever get out of the radio studio.
Multitask on the phone during the breaks.
I have to bring my food in here.
It's like I'm a Jabba the Hutt or something.
Or buy the DVD and make high quality copies and get it out to people.
I don't care.
I just want to get this information out.
Get a 15 cent a day membership at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We'll be right back.
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What the neocons and the liberals owned by the military-industrial complex are doing isn't America.
This is not America.
But what you're doing as listeners is taking action.
What We Are Change is doing.
What Charlie Sheen did.
What Willie Nelson has done.
What Jimmy Vaughn has done.
What the former German Defense Minister has done.
What the former Italian President has done.
What the Japanese Parliament has done.
Is liberty, is freedom.
Look, it's dangerous.
We can't let a bunch of killers run the government when they carried out the attacks.
We have to expose you!
And we're not going to play nice, we're not going to go along with you, you killers!
It's over!
Roger, in Pennsylvania, then Jim, Elijah, and others.
Go ahead, Roger, thanks for holding.
Yeah, thanks, Alex.
After your usual brilliant opening monologue, I just about had the life sucked out of me with the last 20 minutes of rerun, unfortunately.
You know, arguably, the best thing out there, the most powerful, important thing out there,
I'd give my eye teeth for that elephantine memory and recall.
Do you have an idea, Alex, how endlessly frustrating it is, not from the caller's but the listener's perspective, that is, on almost any of the most brilliant of your guests, there's almost none whose sentences can't better be completed by Alex himself, nor who might pursue a more
Uh, important line that might occur to you.
Yeah, well, if you, um, and you're saying this politely, Roger, if you listen to the Willie Nelson interview, I would pause.
There'd be two second pauses.
Willie Nelson has short sentences.
And so I was filling up an hour.
Are you saying I was talking over?
I just, the overall, Ross, that's, yeah, you, I, we only construct the criticism.
No, I agree that maybe I could have just, hold on, let me finish.
Roger, you said something.
I'll let you talk.
I'm going to talk now.
Okay, that's not interrupting.
I'm talking.
Listen, I guess I could have just sat there for 10 seconds with a pregnant pause and made him say more.
And it is true that I get excited, but I've gotten actually better about that.
No, we all have our faults, and I'm afraid my own would be worse than yours in the same position.
But we can all be improved, indeed.
I hope your board ops criticize you from time to time, and you welcome that from them.
Anyway, that's all.
That's the end of that.
There's not a single one of your listeners.
I'm going to cite the object lesson of the absolute worst radio station maybe in the U.S.
is WABC in New York.
Now, for the last three months, this is like screen and triple filters.
Now, I've gotten on there about seven right times.
Now, how did I pull that off is because I haven't really been trying.
There is no reason we can't double or triple your syndication every couple months.
Brutally incisive, powerful plugs for Ron Paul, combined with simultaneously exposing the intellectual and constitutional bankruptcy, plugging Alex, etc., and it's gobs and buckets of fun.
Now, we have to get our head in the hustings, and pamphleting for Ron Paul, etc.
Now, unfortunately, I'm not that ambitious.
So while washing my dishes, I only am able to reach anywhere from 10,000 to a million at a time.
That's right!
You know, this is just so easy.
People think these shows are hard to penetrate, etc.
No, you just have to act stupid.
Now, I'll bet you, if just
Two or three of those supposedly appreciative listeners follow through.
I'll be able to tell the difference because I do a lot of talk radio and I almost never hear any follow-up, reinforcement, building upon base of understanding.
God bless, Alex.
Thanks, Roger.
And by the way, you had four minutes of that five-minute segment.
Now let me add a key point to what he just said.
True conservatives, libertarians, true liberals, patriots
have made Neocon Talk Radio start to criticize Bush and move away from the New World Order.
We're bending them.
So, what would happen if you all got in a fight?
You are listening to GCN.
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Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, now into the second hour.
We are Change, Colorado.
Running Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney, and many others.
He's going to be joining us in about 30 minutes.
Rivera will be riding shotgun with us.
Right now, let's go to David in England and Jim, Elijah and others.
David in England, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you today, Alex?
Good, sir.
Alex, I just want to say, I'll be very brief, because I know you've got a lot to get through, but it's an absolute pleasure talking to you.
And obviously, things over here in England are vastly different, although very similar, to the things you talk about every day.
I listen, you know, religiously every day.
The one thing that I want to urge your listeners to do is like pretty much what you've been saying today is we've really got to start manifesting this knowledge that you're going out and researching that we're collectively acquiring and use Google and use YouTube because we've been given tools
You know, these tools may be slowly being blunted by the New World Order and by these, you know, these almost fascist regimes that want to remove our liberties, but until that very last moment, you know, if we can keep hammering that nail into the wall... Oh yeah, we better use it before they try to take it away, and the more we use it, the harder it'll be for them to take it away.
Exactly, Alex, and another thing which I want to also really urge your listeners and people who follow you is that
We've really got to work together and I've noticed that people using YouTube and I remember a couple of weeks back there was a chap on YouTube you know he quite heavily criticized you with a very little amount of you know intellectual backing or research behind him.
He got some really sort of vitriol comments thrown at him and the issue got detracted and it became a sniping match and all I'm saying is this anger or this
I think about it as passion, which you have, Alex.
I applaud you for the job you're doing.
It can't be easy, but we have to work together.
We can't snipe and use this energy we've been given from above, from the Buddha.
I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
It's great to have you tuned in, David.
Let's go to Jim in Florida.
I'm trying to cram everybody in.
Jim, go ahead.
Uh, Webb Tarpley always emphasizes the Angel is next threat if that's what it is.
I don't think I've ever heard your hunches on that subject.
What's the next threat?
The Angel is next threat on Air Force One that Bush supposedly, that we heard he got on Air Force One.
Webb Tarpley always emphasizes that.
There's somehow somebody who had the code for the day of what Air Force One was, was Angel, and he, uh, we called in a threat to Air Force One that said Angel is next.
In other words, we're going to get you next if you don't go along with our plan.
Yeah, I'm aware of the code word Angel, and I've seen those reports.
All I know is it's an inside job, and then we've caught them.
They've declassified that our government staged lots of things before, so the prime suspect here
And Congress should know that this Bush saying he's above continuity of government, that he could decapitate them now.
So it's... We've all got a noose around our neck.
It's like, do we want to twiddle our... so the trapdoor falls out from our doors, you know?
I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
Your phone's breaking up a bit.
Elijah in California, and I'll probably hold you over.
Go ahead, Elijah.
It's just an honor to just talk to you on the radio.
How old are you, Elijah?
About 12.
Are you about 10, 12?
Me and my dad watch your show all day.
He's the reason he's on the computer.
He watches you night and day.
And the reason how we found out about you is about a few years ago when you went undercover and you saw those people
Oh, was she in MoLab?
And it was just amazing.
And I opened my eyes to Ron Paul and everybody at home.
And 9-11.
I want you to be able to finish up, then Mike Rivero.
Elijah, stay there.
And then Jim and Jim and many others that are patiently holding.
Stay there, Elijah.
We'll come right back to you after the break.
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We're good to go.
We're back live.
Mike Rivero is about to be with us.
He's waiting in the wings.
Let's go back to Elijah in California.
Twelve years old.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, son.
I was just saying that it was just great about what you're doing.
I really appreciate it.
Me and my dad.
My dad was going to talk to you, but he was a little too much of a chicken.
Me and my dad wanted to talk to you about the chemtrolls, chemical trolls, that you've been leaving at California.
These alpines have been spraying these stuff around in these days and it makes clouds and clouds.
And we did some research about it.
And it has high barium and at night it comes to the ground, to Earth, and just
It makes people really sick.
It slowly kills them.
Well, that's because the government loves us.
Yeah, we find out that the government is trying to kill us like that.
And most of the people that bring it live in Washington, so it rains a lot and washes it away.
Listen, it's good to have you listening.
How long have you been dialed in?
How long since you saw the Bohemian Grove video?
Two years or something like that?
Well, remember this, Elijah.
Stay out of trouble.
That's how you beat the New World Order.
Don't get in fights.
Be clean cut.
Never use the government's drugs.
Make good grades.
Keep your head down.
And have a great family and live.
The best revenge is living well.
And you got a great dad.
God bless you.
Take care.
Look, there's no debating the fluoride they put in there to brain damage and reduce our IQ.
There's no doubt.
There's no doubt about that.
That's public.
That's admitted now.
That's your government.
That's who runs your life.
They're real nice people, let me tell you.
Do we have Mike Rivera?
Mike Rivera of whatreallyhappened.com joins us once a month.
Hopefully he can stay a little bit with us into the next hour.
We've got him on late this hour because I went to your calls late.
And popping in with him will be a quick report with We Are Change Colorado confronting Bill Clinton.
Mike Rivera, great to have you on, my friend.
Well, thank you.
It's great to be back here again.
How is the production going on my wife's favorite television program?
You've actually got my wife back watching television greedily when the new Lost shows come on.
She's there in front of the television now.
Oh, well, we're going to have to send her a crew t-shirt, I guess, just to keep her loyal.
The answer to your question here, we are not yet back in production.
We are still, of course, shut down by the writer's strike.
There are eight episodes of season four already in the can and ready to broadcast.
But if the writer's strike is not resolved in the next couple of weeks, it is very unlikely episode nine would be ready on time to air.
And of course, if the writer's strike really continues for a very long time,
Then either the balance of Season 4 will be combined with Season 5, or it'll just be cancelled outright.
You know, I never thought to talk to you, because you've been involved in some big movie productions, a lot of big TV productions.
We're not going to get into exactly what you do there, unless you want to, Mike, because you've always tried to keep that quiet.
I brought it up here.
But this writer's strike is important to the economy.
We know they've been cheating the writers, at least that's my opinion, from the percentages of the money they make compared to what the stockholders make.
Where do you see this going?
I mean, this is just ongoing.
Well, it is.
It's a terrible problem.
And unfortunately, part of what's fueling the current strike is there's still a lot of bad feelings left over from the very prolonged strike back in 1988.
And of course, we're looking at a potential SAG strike in the summer.
So overall, it's a very, very bad year for the industry.
The real irony is... Oh, a Screen Actors Guild on top of it.
Yeah, now the Directors Guild has signed their new contract, so the directors are not going to go on strike, but the actors are still making noises like they might.
The real irony is, the strike was over a couple of percentage points residuals on what are called secondary showings, which is DVD sales, internet airing, and so forth and so on.
The writers are saying because a lot of people don't see the original broadcast on TV, for them the DVD or the internet showing is a first
Screening and therefore should be paid appropriate residuals, and I understand their particular point of view But the irony is that TV has lost an estimated 25% of its audience during the strike
And a lot of experts are saying, now that these people are out of the habit of watching TV, they may not be coming back.
There was the habitual training of the ritual of watching television, and now that 25% of, and they'd already lost a lot of their viewers over the last decade, as you know, Mike, now they may not be coming back to TV.
They've discovered the internet, they've realized that those small people are actually their own children there in the living room, and they're starting to interact with them again.
No, they aren't.
And so in the long run, even if the writers get this additional residual percentage point, they're probably going to be losing out in the long term, because the 2% gain versus the 25% loss, you know, that's, residuals are based on total number of viewers and buyers and so forth, and they may have actually done more harm to themselves than good with this.
But I'm not going to cry for Sumner Redstone and others.
You know, I think one of the reasons that people have not sympathized with the writers too much is they see them driving up to the ticket lines in BMWs and Mercedes.
And, you know, very often the writers are also serving other functions within a show.
For example, on the show that I work on, some of our writers are also the producers.
So they wear two hats and, you know, it gets kind of schizophrenic at times.
But we're hoping that, you know, they're talking about the potential of reaching a settlement sometime next week.
If they do, we're going to have to hit the gas pedal really hard to get Episode 9 ready to go to air.
Now, again, we're not covering this because of entertainment and television, and my wife doesn't watch hardly any TV, but she does like Lost, and she's going to get mad at me.
What's your t-shirt size?
All right.
As soon as the production starts back up, we'll get her a crew shirt and small.
That's awesome.
But no, she really does like the show.
I haven't yet seen it, but supposedly it's pretty captivating.
But this is important from an economic view.
Speaking of Hollywood TV production, Mike, you've been in for decades.
I was kind of wondering in the last hour why there's all these now on 24, the governments behind the terror attacks, Jericho, the governments behind the nuke attacks to bring in martial law.
A bunch of these shows have now shifted into this in just the last few years.
Is that the writers trying to give the people what they want because the public already knows?
Or is that the New World Order throwing it in our face, as we know they've done in the past?
Or is that a mix of all of this?
I think it is mostly not so much the writers but the producers of the show who realize that this is now the common awareness in the audience and that if they don't go with that they risk losing audience.
They looked at how shows like Boston Legal where they take some of these issues head-on and their ratings go up and the audience is going to watch the shows which reinforce their own current opinion about what's going on and the producers who are in this really to make more money than anything else
They follow that trend, and they're going along with that, and they're doing these shows about the governance behind these deceptions, because they realize that is now what the majority of the audience...
Uh, it's
Not a lot, maybe 15 big writers over the last few years, and some of the biggest writers, and they are totally anti-New World Order, and I know for at least six years that 9-11 Truth and awareness of the New World Order has just been mushrooming throughout the entertainment industry.
I mean, these people are not putting on acts.
They know what's going on now, and I think that feeds into it, too, Mike.
I have quite a few of the show's writers that I work on who know about me and my website,
Oh, definitely.
Uh, and they're fans, but you know, they're, they're understandably cautious.
You need to understand something about people who work in Hollywood.
They're really very aware of what's going on, but they've spent their entire lives to build their careers and they don't want to risk it because they see what happens to people who really get a little too far out of line.
And again, the example I point back to because it's historically safe is what happened to actress Jean Seberg back in the sixties when the FBI decided it was time to destroy her career.
And we have seen even during the Clinton administration, some actor or celebrity would come out and say, I think the government is doing wrong.
And then 24 hours later, oh no, I didn't really mean that.
I think they're doing a wonderful job.
And you realize phone calls were made and somebody said, look, if you want to continue working in Hollywood, you have to tow the official government line.
It's my secret.
No secret.
Go ahead.
It's no secret the government has exerted tremendous covert influence over film and TV ever since the days that J Edgar Hoover got Charlie Chaplin kicked out of the country for refusing to stop poking fun at authorities in his movies.
But I do see the fact that in news, especially, and forcing the mainstream media to start tackling at least some important issues, or giving alternative issues more time, because those are the dominant issues, and I am seeing more of that now in entertainment, the establishment is certainly in crisis.
Oh, there's no question that it is.
And, you know, something that TV show producers are looking at, they're looking at the viewership of the news, and they're realizing if they take the same spin that the news programs do, they're going to lose their audience as well.
And they're all about numbers and audience and making money, and they're going to go where the majority of the audience headspace is, and that's what's happening.
And that's what I see.
I see that the Patriot Truth Movement, Liberty Movement, Alternative Reality Movement, I see that we are beginning to take over the main paradigm, and the establishment knows that, and they're panicking, Mike.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, you know, I mean, we're seeing all these polls about the majority of Americans do not believe the official story on 9-11.
We're seeing the government still continue to try to spin the story, to counter it, this new one about trying to blame Saddam for making us think he had weapons of mass destruction, when he was all over the news in the weeks leading up to the Iraq invasion, saying, I don't have weapons of mass destruction.
And the inspectors were saying it, Saddam was saying it, now they're trying to say, oh, he made us think that he had the bombs and that's why we invaded.
And it's like the government's motto seems to be, if at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again.
And they don't understand that the very nature of information flow in the society has changed forever.
And it's all about trust.
People are looking for who they can trust.
Mike, stay there.
I want to get your take on the Willie Nelson bombshell that exploded yesterday on this very broadcast.
On the other side, we're talking to Mike Rivera, WhatReallyHappened.com.
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We're back live.
Mike Rivera is our guest.
You know, I've seen a couple of the trailers for the TV show Jericho, and they imply that the government stages the terror attack there, and then listeners on my MySpace sent me a link to the CBS previous link about previous episodes, and yes, it says the government brings together anarchists, domestic militia, and religious extremists
To stage nuke attacks with a faction of the government to bring in a new dictatorship.
See, you didn't say that in that little video piece I played on the three-minute TV ad for Jericho on CBS.
But I said, I bet it's right-wing Christians working with terrorists that are in the government.
See, they know the people now know it's the government, but they're going to go back to the old ADL propaganda that it's the right-wingers.
It isn't about ideology at the top.
It's about power.
And so there's spin within spin.
I mean, I just know how they operate.
So see, that's not an example of the media being good.
That's the writers knowing they have to go with the flow that we know it's a terror attack, but trying to spin it back on to the people.
Mike Rivero, your take.
Yeah, absolutely.
There's a spin within the spin, and it's called fallback position, which means, OK, they know 9-11 was a fake.
Let's find somebody to pin it on to save our own re-rent.
It's like what we're seeing with this idea that Saddam is somehow to blame for us thinking that he had weapons of mass destruction.
That's the fallback position.
And again, it isn't the writers who set the tone, because the writers basically come in and they're handed a story assignment on a TV series.
Normally, the producers will work out the overall story plot for the entire season ahead of time.
The writers come in and they're handed, this is your chunk for this episode, this is what you will write.
And the writers will fill it in.
But the executive producers generally set the tone and content.
Yeah, you're right.
I mean, the writers I know are pretty high level, so they're producer-writers.
You know, the fellow who did... Exactly, the guy that did Enemy of the State and the rest of it.
Willie Nelson, have you had a chance to hear the interview we did yesterday, Mike?
Oh, absolutely.
And of course, Willie Nelson, I just have so much admiration for him.
He's got a lot of courage.
You know, he got really pounded on by the government years ago over the tax situation, so I'm not...
I'm surprised that he has sort of had his epiphany and realized that the government is not a friend of the people.
And I noticed that the Drudge Report, for like five minutes I think, reported on your interview where Willie Nelson said that the World Trade Center was imploded, or World Trade Center 7 was imploded, and then Drudge pulled it real quick.
So I think he got his little phone call later in the day.
And I'm looking right now at your website where Willie Nelson is concerned, as are many Americans,
That Bush could use a national emergency to basically say, okay, the elections are suspended.
They're all rigged anyway, so we can't trust them.
So I'm going to stay in power for another 10 years.
And I'm pointing out here that if we don't expose the government-sponsored terror, corporate-sponsored terror, false flag, blame it on somebody else event, they're going to keep doing it.
This is life and death.
And Mike, I appreciate you linking for the Willie Nelson stories.
A lot of the other Patriot sites think they're in competition with me.
This is life and death.
And I mean, this is a big interview.
I just want to get it out and I'm asking everybody, help us break through the mainstream media blockade.
Help this break out into the open.
Mike, how important is it or do you think it's important that everybody really get out there and email it and call talk shows and call the media and call the local AP office here in Austin.
Call the AP office in Nashville.
Those are the type that would do a story.
Get it out on the wire.
How important is that?
It's always important for everybody who is listening to your show, or who is reading my website, to take that information and spread it as far and wide as they can for two reasons.
One, as we get the information out, and clearly in this regard we are winning, if you look at the poll numbers about people who doubt the official story of 9-11, the more we get the information out, the more Americans are being given the information they need to have to decide what they're going to be doing in the future.
But more importantly,
If you speak out, you give courage to everybody around you to also speak out.
One of the hoaxes the government likes to perpetrate is to cast anybody who's dissenting or who's doubting the official story as a crazed, lone nut, social outcast that you really shouldn't be seen associating with.
And so you wind up with like a room full of people, and all of them have serious questions about what's going on, but they think they're the only one in the room.
So when one person speaks out, all of a sudden everybody says, you too?
I feel the same way myself.
I thought I was all alone.
And then that talking begins to grow and spread where everybody finally begins to realize that doubting the government is now the majority opinion.
Not trusting the government is now the majority opinion.
I mean, Mike, you're right, but to break through the final illusion that the controlled corporate press has that we're all the minority, everybody's got to speak out in the street, at work, at church.
I mean, the government is not recruiting 26,000 preachers to tell their flocks to hand in their guns and submit to martial law.
I mean, that's admitted for nothing.
They're planning something big, Mike.
They absolutely are.
Let's talk about it when we get back, and also I want to, you can co-interview with me if you'd like, I want to keep you into the next hour or two.
We Are Change is going to be on with us for a segment or so.
We Are Change Colorado, and we're going to play the confrontation with Bill Clinton.
Not the one-sided you saw on national TV where they didn't show you what was actually being said up close, but the up-close video.
You'll hear the audio from that straight ahead.
We're on the march.
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I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
That is not my office.
I have a Dropbox in there for 13 years.
Okay, people keep showing up there and they're gonna not let me use that Dropbox anymore if it continues.
I may just have to, after all these years, it's just gonna be like 20 people a day.
I'm not there.
But again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
We're about to go to Colorado We Are Change.
Mike Rivero is taking out a lot of time from his important news website, WhatReallyHappened.com, and of course, being one of the top guys helping make the TV show Lost.
A lot more out in Hawaii, but we've got a big link up at the top of InfoWars.com to Colorado.
We Are Change is fabulous, folks.
Let me play you the audio from the video shot by our guest, Jonathan Ellenhoff.
I hope I'm pronouncing that right.
And this is Adam Miller.
I mean, we're talking 15 feet from Clinton, yelling up there about 9-11, inside job, new investigation, North American Union, and Clinton tries to ridicule him in mass Soviet-style psychology.
People come over and start putting their hands on him, pushing him.
Clinton says no, because he didn't want to make him a martyr.
He wanted to humiliate him.
It still backfired, Clinton.
The whole country saw you denying 9-11 is an inside job, and everybody knows you're a stinking criminal liar!
So here's a few minutes of the audio from the video.
We're good to go.
Support a new investigation into the attacks of 9-11!
Alright, the video is a lot more powerful than the audio, and it's up on Colorado We Are Change, it's up on InfoWars.com.
Going to Jonathan, and as an Elinof, Jonathan, I apologize, I should have asked you how to pronounce your fine name earlier.
Okay, good.
You know, I'm a country bumpkin from Texas.
I got it right.
I can't pronounce my own name properly at the time.
Mike Rivera's right there with us, popping anytime, Mike.
I just want to say the courage.
You guys all took in front of Mitt Romney, swarming him.
There's video of that.
You're getting news attention each time.
I just want to say, fabulous job.
What is it like to a formed Colorado?
We are changed.
How old is the group?
And what is it like to be having such a huge effect in the trenches?
We've been around.
There are about six or seven of us that started it here in Colorado about a half a year ago.
And everyone I know in this We Are Change Colorado group is probably the most courageous and dedicated person.
We all, you know, we all got into this different paths.
I've been in 9-11 Troops since, you know, 2002, 2003.
As a filmmaker, starting out as a journalist, which, of course, I probably can never start a career into this.
So, because I have no career to blacklist, I have no problem starting it out this way.
But everyone I've met out here, we're all extremely dedicated.
I mean, I'm not stopping.
I know my friend Rob, Adam, Josh, Jason, Micah, all of us, we're not stopping until somebody goes to jail.
Or else we're going to jail.
Somebody's going to have to either confront us or move out of the way, because we're not stopping.
Let me add a point here, and then I want to get Mike Rivera's take on it, and then let you continue with the fine things that I totally concur with.
Jonathan Ellenhoff from Colorado, we are changed.
Six months in action, and it's having a huge effect each week, getting national attention continually to the issues.
This is key, as Mike was saying about 20 minutes ago, just like in Ceausescu's Romania, where people finally started standing up, finally started...
Speaking out, and then that caused the whole facade to crumble.
I've had Nightline call me.
They're freaking out over this.
You can tell they're scared.
The establishment is scared because they know that other groups, not just We Are Change or InfoWars groups or Truth groups, but other groups, people are getting in the streets, they're going to events, and they're disrupting the dog and pony theater for the establishment.
Mike, they're getting scared.
Yeah, absolutely they are afraid because
You know, it's not like the American people have to actually prove anything.
The real danger is that we're just going to stop listening to the government.
We're not going to see the government as legitimate or legal anymore, and we're just going to stop paying attention.
We're going to stop paying taxes.
We're just not going to go along with what the government wants us to go along with.
And so it is a crisis of credibility.
It is of their own making.
And again, this gets back to that whole thesis that the people in charge of all of these covert operations and everything are still playing the game by the rules that work back at the height of the Cold War in the 50s and the 60s.
And they just don't understand how the flow of information through our society has drastically, fundamentally changed.
And they don't get it.
They don't understand that the way that it used to work can't work anymore.
They're just going to keep trying and trying and trying.
And they have to compartmentalize their minions, to where their minions think they're doing good work, and their own minions are finding out, and they're back-engineering it and finding out that they're really engaged in evil.
So they're having a crisis of credibility and conscience within their own system.
So I hope that everybody realizes the historical effect
Literally standing up against this evil.
Jonathan, your take on what Mike and I were just saying?
Um, you know, I just came across, somebody came to one of our WEIRD Change meetings the other day, somebody mentioned NASARA.
Are you familiar with that?
Yeah, the National Stabilization Act.
It's not real.
Okay, yeah.
And, well, the idea that they were putting forth, out here in Colorado, we know a ton of people.
We're all very aware of the income tax fraud.
We all, America Freedom of the Press.
Fascism has been played on local access TV.
We've had it played there.
You know, we're ready for this exposure, and we're waking up the people every day.
However this happens, eventually we're going to get large enough, at least here in Colorado, and I don't know how it is elsewhere, that, yeah, you're going to be able to go somewhere, and pretty much everyone's on the same page.
Nobody's either paying their income tax.
Everyone wants a new investigation.
You've got people confronting politicians.
You know, out here in Colorado, it's very, very... It's all over the streets.
Everyone knows about it here.
And here's the key.
They're not going to be able to put a Hillary in and change horses in the middle of it and make us think that everything's okay because they put some new puppet in for the first time in modern U.S.
history since the last realignment 110, 115 years ago.
During this political realignment, both parties are being criticized, and Congress has an 11% approval rating.
Mike, I think we've broken their back.
Now, they're still a dangerous leviathan.
They can set off nukes, anything.
Do you think they're just going to do something really desperate, or are they going to realize that they have been destruto?
You know, we've got so many people within the government who are realizing that things have really run their course, and those people left to themselves.
Basically, they're just going to run the government out until it collapses, like the Soviet Union.
There are, of course, certain fanatics in the government who are still convinced that God is on their side, and if they set off a big enough scary monster, a nuclear explosion or biological attack, that the American people will magically line up behind them one more time for a march into the New World Order.
And, of course, these are very dangerous people, because they're not really listening and paying attention to what's going on out on the streets.
Now, I'd like to change direction here a little bit and address our other guests.
We are Change Colorado because the individual who came in spouting Nassara, you need to remember, and this goes all the way back to COINTELPRO in the 60s.
If you haven't studied the history of COINTELPRO, you need to.
As a group becomes visible and in the media, you will be subject to infiltration by people whose job it is to trick you into doing something that makes you look bad in the press.
And you need to be on the lookout for that, because you'll get people who come in and say, hey, we need to attract more attention and we can do it by splattering paint on a public building.
We need to throw firecrackers at a building.
We need to say that no planes hit the towers and that it was holograms and laser beams fired from the galactic snoople snap.
And these people are all government plants.
And there's nothing new.
I mean, every college campus has got FBI informants whose job it is.
Listen, I've been at events and I've had no planers walk up and go, we're going to get you, Jones.
I mean, they're feds right out in the open when you don't have a camera.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so you need to be very careful because obviously you're having an impact
I agree with confronting politicians and media people publicly, but do it politely.
Don't ever let yourself be seen as... Well, you gotta scream to have it heard, but let me just add a caveat here, and that's this.
There are too many groups forming, too many popping up.
That's another problem for where their infiltrators and operatives aren't having enough success.
But I do think once your We Are Change group gets up to about 20, you should call it, you know, We Are Change Southern Colorado, We Are Change Eastern, you know, whatever.
That's the cell
format, but you're not hiding out as gorillas in cells.
Jonathan, Elenov, are you aware of the cell structure?
Yes, we have a We Are Change Grand Junction and We Are Change Colorado Springs that's starting up right now, but I was going to say, you know, that's why, I don't know if you saw the Mitt Romney confrontation, that's me in the video there talking to Mitt Romney.
You know, we were able to get right in there and we had a formulated crowd around us that was
Completely aware of what was going on, Romney made a fool of himself.
He completely ignored our questions.
And people hung around and went up to us and said, hey, you completely ignored your question there.
And we said, yes, we know.
We didn't get upset.
You know, there was no foul language.
There was no anger.
We wanted to expose Romney and local congressman Bob Beaupre for being essentially people who either are unfamiliar with this information or not interested in it or trying to ignore it.
And that achieves a lot.
Locally, here in Colorado, the Romney confrontation was a great success.
Clinton got a great success, but the thing is, with Clinton, we weren't able to get close enough up to him, so the only thing we could have done is heckle.
Luckily, we were large enough in the crowd to basically spread ourselves out and yell at different times, and if you watch the video, it goes on for about six minutes.
Clinton eventually addresses the issue, and people in the crowd came up to us afterwards and said he completely
Well, we're good to go.
Talking about, you know, the 9-11 Commission Uncensored book comes out today, and the AP reports that, oh, Philip Zelikow, he was working for the White House.
That was no secret.
We didn't need the New York Times to tell us that.
We've been reporting this for five years since they started setting up that commission.
He was there to whitewash.
The Bush appointed the commission.
But they're trying to make it look like the commission was legitimate and is now exposing the head staffer
Yeah, absolutely.
Everybody in the Commission had a conflict of interest with the administration.
They were all insiders.
There were no really independent people.
And you need to remember,
That the Commission was set up specifically to look at intelligence failures that allowed the attack.
They were never allowed to look at the attack itself and re-examine the primary assumptions.
And to propose national ID cards and police state as, quote, the solution, exactly what the new world order wanted.
I want to go ahead, before we go to break here, I want to commend We Are Change Colorado.
I want to tell you, I salute you, I love your energy, your focus, your bold, champions of liberty.
Let's bring up the man
Adam Miller, who like a bull, stood in the face of that wicked devil Bill Clinton and continued to shout at him.
Good job, Adam Miller.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Alex, thank you for having me.
Well, I salute you.
I salute Jonathan and everybody else.
What was it like?
I mean, I've been there in a crowd.
I've been arrested before for asking questions of George Bush.
I mean, you know, the energy.
Did you have butterflies until you opened your mouth?
And then did you just feel the power of humanity fill you once you took that step?
I gotta admit, I did have a little bit of butterfly action going on there in my gut.
It is a lot like that.
It's just, you know what?
These people are public servants.
I reminded myself of that.
These people are public servants.
They're here to serve us.
There's no reason why we should feel intimidated by them.
And furthermore, there's no reason I shouldn't address these tough questions.
I'm sick of them dodging the issues.
But you released the dogs of truth.
Fly Havoc, let loose the dogs of truth.
I mean, that's my experience.
It's empowering.
What was it like once you started shouting, though?
Did all the butterflies go away and you just felt energized?
It was a certain amount of righteous indignation, yeah.
I mean, really, it was just... Because you don't see people challenging our elected officials and our previously elected officials in that manner, so... Yeah, it felt good to get that off my chest.
What happened after we see the, you know, the tape turn off, the short clip?
What happened after you confronted his lordship?
Um, there was a lot of talk of me being dragged off by security.
That, in fact, was not true.
I believe that, uh...
Bill Clinton is one of the more shrewd and intelligent and cunning leaders we've ever had in power.
Yeah, he tried to belittle you and then not make you a martyr.
I think he knows that we are a peaceful movement.
I think he's done a little bit of homework probably on us.
And I think he knows that there's nothing to fear as far as threats of violence.
Yeah, he's one of the greatest CIA propaganda officers out there we've ever seen.
We'll be right back.
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We are ChangeColorado.org.
We are ChangeColorado.org.
For listeners we have out in Colorado, be sure and join them.
Start your own We Are Change group or 9-11 Truth Group, InfoWars group, InfoWars news gathering organization.
Whatever organization you want to start, start it.
Call it whatever you like.
As you like it, as Shakespeare said, just get out there and take action.
We're going to have Rivero stand over with us.
I want to get into the communications lines being cut.
Going into areas of the Middle East and Central Asia.
A lot of other subjects with him for another 20 minutes to the next hour.
We've got We Are Change Colorado on with us right now.
Gentlemen, just in closing, again, I salute you.
I want to thank you for all you've done.
Any other points that you would like to add?
I think that you made the best point there, Alex, is that we need to get out and get active.
Go join your own group.
Start your own group up.
Get out there and make something happen and understand that it's fun.
Sander Hicks, in an interview that we made of him when he was out in the Denver area, made this point extremely well in one of the videos that we have documented.
It is fun.
Don't look at it as a task.
Enjoy yourself.
And also, you know, we're switching a lot of the, you know, I talked to Luke Grodowski and we're switching a lot of the confrontations to
Local representatives, local news media anchors, anything like that, you know, we really got to get out there and talk to the people who represent you in your county, in your state, in your city.
Meet those people.
Tell them to their face.
Say, listen, this is me.
I'm not some crazy fringe, you know, what you're calling me.
I know what I'm talking about.
If you want to debate it, let's do it.
Otherwise, move out of the way, because I'm going to put somebody in there who does.
Well, I like how you're getting on AXSChat.
I like everything on AXS TV, using whatever venues you have, but I would also continue to go after the big fish, too.
Oh, absolutely.
They are our representatives.
Now, was everyone hissing at you because you were talking bad about the great Bill Clinton, or were some people waking up?
A lot of people were hissing, but it was amazing how many of them were not.
It really was.
I mean, it seemed to a certain extent like the audacity.
It was almost like they were in awe, like, wow, someone's challenging our God, Bill Clinton.
Yeah, there were people, we were, I was about 15, 20 feet from the stage, and when Adam, when you walked off, and you got like, you know, you went up to the bleachers,
We were down in the immediate area where people were coming up to us with cameras.
They knew we were a group, eventually.
And security was there.
You could tell because they had the earpieces in.
And they were talking to us.
And while Bill was talking, we were holding our own conversations about 9-11, a new investigation.
We were handing out packets.
You know, I just wanted to plug real quick.
We have Loose Change coming out to Colorado, the three Loose Change producers.
It's February 24th, the Gothic Theater.
We put a lot of money into it.
We have advertisements and everything.
And we got a great opportunity to get Colorado really up to par.
I plan to do this on a regular basis.
By the way, that's the final cut that went on selling bulk orders on InfoWars.com earlier this week.
I'm executive producer on that.
Well, absolutely, people should go to WeAreChangeColorado.org and go to that event.
Gentlemen, I just want to thank you both for joining us and give Mike Rivera the floor here in the last minute or two for any other points or questions he's got for you.
Well, the only comment I have, and again I join Alex Jones in applauding what you're doing, you're being visible, you're getting the word out there, you are reminding people that they are not alone in their doubts about the official story of 9-11 or the war or taxes or anything else.
And again, my only advice is be careful that you're not being infiltrated and lured into doing something that makes you look bad because the government plays dirty and has a long history of doing that.
But you can spot them.
I mean, anybody who wants to do anything violent, anybody who wants to do anything illegal, anybody who wants to give you drugs, anybody who wants to... We really need to talk about no planes and space beams.
Just automatic fed.
It's a federal informant, a drug addict.
They have the worst scum working for them.
They're either drug addicts or child molesters.
They have working for them.
Men, I salute you at Colorado.
We are changed.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We got some highlights of the Willie Nelson interview coming up at the bottom of the hour.
We got Mike Rivera with us for another 15-20 minutes or so.
I got a bunch of immigration, Lou Dobbs news, the ADL saying he's a hate criminal now.
Oh man, they get our free speech, it's over.
But I want to keep Mike on because I want to talk about some geopolitical war issue, Ron Paul issue.
And first off, four internet undersea cables cut in a space of three days.
Uh, that is just astronomical.
Then people keep saying, well, there's still internet up.
It hasn't totally cut Iran and a few other countries like Egypt off, but they've got servers mirrored on DNS and CDNs, content distribution networks.
We have this, by the way, because we've been attacked and things have happened outside the country, and I went and did an analysis of it, but Mike knows a lot more than I do about these type systems.
I know I've got great IT people who basically told me this, but what's your take on the cables?
Okay, well, first of all, as of yesterday, and again, there's so much information flowing around, nobody can really be sure.
But an article that appeared in the press in the United Arab Emirates is claiming that the total of cables cut is now five.
That's impossible!
That's astronomical if it's five now.
Yeah, it absolutely is.
And, you know, if you look at the way the cables are constructed, they are really very, very durable.
It's not just a bunch of optical fibers wrapped up in black electrician's tape.
And what is really interesting, and the reason so many people are suspicious about this, is that when the first two cables were cut,
Off of Egypt in the Mediterranean.
The first thing that was hitting the press was, oh, well, they were probably cut by ships that dragged their anchors.
And for anybody who's done any sailing or spent any time on ships, you understand that ships don't drag their anchors.
It's not something that they like to do.
They also mark the cables in less than 100 feet of water.
And these cables are in different armored jackets in deep water.
And the two first cables got cut simultaneously 250 miles apart.
Yeah, absolutely.
And plus, of course, the location of the cables are on the nautical charts.
They're maritime exclusion zones where ships don't go in.
And Egypt has video cameras that watch those cable access, the stretch of ocean where the cables are coming shallow, and confirmed there were no ships in the area when those cables were cut.
So whatever happened, happened entirely under the surface of the Mediterranean Sea.
So that was the first indication that something's going on where we're being fed a ludicrous story about dragging anchors.
Well, we know that back in the 60s, the US developed a bunch of medium subs for tapping into cables and cutting cables.
Yeah, at the USS Park and the USS Halibut.
And they were used actually to tap the cables with these inductance taps.
And we also know Israel, this has now been declassified, what was it?
It was right during the whole Libyan thing in the late 80s.
They went and tapped in offshore, right by the station in 30 feet of water, into the Libyan radio transmitter system on their army radio and transmitted, we're going to launch terror attacks on America.
Yeah, and that's what tricked Reagan into bombing Libya and killing Qaddafi's daughter.
So, you know, all this kind of stuff is definitely going on.
And if you look back at the history, when World War I began, the very first action Britain took was to cut Germany's underwater communications cables.
So, cutting a cable as a prelude to war is definitely, you know, a very common incident throughout history.
And so now we're seeing all these cables being cut.
We don't know if any more have been cut since then.
Because of the redundant nature of the internet system, more cables may have been cut that we are just not aware of yet, according to some of the IT people that I talk to.
As far as Iran being on or off the net, the main router that is shown on the Internet Traffic Report still reports off, but obviously these countries have satellite links
They have access to the older copper lines that they used to use before the optical fiber came along.
And Mike, stay there.
We've got a break.
I want to come back and get more into this.
And that's the same analysis I came to.
And even people in our own movement are going, it's quite normal to have four cables cut.
And this is just, you know, don't get scared.
Nothing's going to happen.
Iran's still online.
Yes, certain government sites that have their servers mirrored outside the nation and have satellite uplinks.
Mike Rivero, stay there.
This is a big deal.
This may be the balloon going up.
Or they may be trying to trick Iran into doing something.
This is the biggest thing I've seen in this Iranian escalation.
This may be it.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to be talking to Larry Becraft about the Wesley Snipes trial.
He's interviewed and talked to the lawyers that ran it.
He got off all the felonies, as he should have, but not on the misdemeanors.
But those are going to get shot down as well, because he actually did fill out the forms.
Then we got Jesse Benton popping in on Super Tuesday to talk about the Ron Paul campaign.
I don't know how I'm going to play my Willie Nelson boil-down of the highlights.
But it's good to have a jam-packed transmission.
Mike Rivero, I just really enjoy your analysis.
It's spot-on.
There's always even more research on many issues than I've even dug up.
I want to get you back up before the month elapses.
This is very ominous in my view, these cables being cut, and the fact that our media is acting like it's not suspicious and calling it conspiracy theories makes me even more concerned.
Yeah, like I said, normally I would have said, you know, these things break down, but when they started floating that anchor story, you know, the red lights went off because I've done enough sailing to understand that that story really did not have any merit to it at all.
And, you know, it may be related to Iran opening the oil bourse on the 12th.
We're not sure.
I do know that the first of the repair ships will be at the first cable break tomorrow or Thursday, and we'll very quickly know exactly what happened to the cable, we hope.
But whatever is happening, you know, if something is happening, if it has not been called off, it's going to happen quickly.
Well, the CIA, who during the Cold War actually had officers in command over those subs that would go up and tap into the Soviet cables,
In literally 20-30 feet of water, we know that they would even tap into those, and in some cases they were also caught later cutting them, and making it look like a ship's anchor did it.
I mean, they engage in all sorts of chicanery, so I'm not even sure we'll know what cut them once they get there, because they have these dome bubbles, as you know, these feet that they put down over the cables when they do this, where these guys are working, you know, in the dry air on the cables.
Yeah, and they have to do that now with the optical cables because the old-style inductance taps won't work anymore.
So they literally have to open the cable and maybe somebody just botched the job.
Yeah, but I don't think they'd botch five of them.
Who knows?
Mike, I mean, I have to tell you...
I think they may go ahead and hit Iran.
The word we get from the military is they don't care what the American people think.
They're going to go ahead and do it.
I don't see how they can do that politically without staging an event.
I mean, for two years has this built up.
You, Dr. Roberts, myself, Webster Tarpley, anybody who's anybody in analysis.
Has said that they're going to try to stage some Gulf of Tonkin.
Now it's come out, admitted weeks after you and I reported on it, and others, that they staged that.
That it was, you know, some Anglo voice coming in, doing a fake Arab voice.
I'm going to blow you up.
They say that it was staged.
The ships didn't do that.
The patrol boats didn't do what they said they did.
I mean, exactly what you said has now happened.
But luckily, it's not 30 years ago.
They didn't get away with it.
Now what's going to happen?
Mike, what do you predict now?
Well, right now, the biggest problem that the warmongers have is that Russia is supporting Iran.
And the only way that they can conceive of invading and conquering Iran without Russia coming in is to do something that makes it look like Iran started the war.
Then they can tell Russia, you should not support them because, after all, they made the first move.
And otherwise, we're going to be at war with Russia.
And so they're no doubt trying to find some other little dodge that they can use to trick Americans into supporting a new war.
It isn't going to work.
They keep thinking that it will.
And sooner or later, they're going to make a really big mistake and it's all going to come unraveled.
Now, Ahmadinejad is about to be removed out of office.
He's very unpopular.
He's making weird world government statements.
The people are pro-US, pro-US culture.
The Iranians are very sophisticated.
And everything the neocons are doing is trying to shore up the fanatics in Iran.
I mean, there is no reason to go up against them.
The CIA even admits they won't have a nuke for seven years.
Yeah, and absolutely.
The real danger, of course, is the oil bourse is going to accelerate the downward pressure on the dollar.
Saudi Arabia is already dropping hints that if Iran succeeds in getting their oil bourse up and running, that they too are going to start taking euros for their oil.
And without that foreign demand for the dollar as an oil exchange currency, we're going to see the dollar take a major, major beating.
And that is the real danger.
We're good to go.
And, inevitably, the dollar will take a major hit from that.
The central banks loaded everything with the liquidity, flooded it, and now all these nations have steadfastly held onto dollars.
That's right.
It's hurting them as they even try to creep away from it.
Then the neocons blame them as being traitors, even though Dick Cheney, two years ago, dumped all his dollars and bought euros.
But if Iran does what Dick Cheney did, they call him a traitor.
Mike Rivero joins us once a month.
We're really honored to have you, Mike.
Well, thanks.
I look forward to it again.
You bet.
There goes Mike Rivera.
We're going to get him up sooner than a month because we need his analysis on the war.
Even if you think you know it all, folks, you need to have counsel.
And speaking of counsel, one of the best constitutional lawyers, one of the most successful in the country, trained at the nation's top schools, but at the same time, he's had a great effect out there in the court cases, winning and winning.
And we have him joining us because he's been conferring with Snipes lawyers.
He's also been reading over the court record and reporters that covered it.
And I can't think of a better person to give us the lowdown.
Snipes cleared of felony tax fraud charges.
I've already voted for Ron Paul today, so... Oh, I just went into the polling place early and voted!
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Again, give us a little snippet of your bio for those that don't know who you are.
Fire out the website.
I'm a lawyer from North Alabama, Huntsville in particular.
That's where I live.
I've been involved with the Freedom Movement since about 1979 and been around the track more than once.
I end up representing a lot of people that have battles with the government.
I'm sorry, you also graduated top of your class in one of the best law schools in the country.
Well, I went to Samford University down in Birmingham.
It's a Baptist-associated school, and then I went to Cummins School of Law there at Samford, and I graduated back in 1975.
Now, let's break this down, Larry Becraft.
Just in layman's terms, what happened with this trial?
In Wesley Snipes?
He was charged years ago, he ran into a fellow by the name of Eddie Cain, who had a Patriot Tax Organization down in Orlando, Florida.
I've defended a number of people that have relied upon Eddie, and Wesley Sipes turned out to be one of those people that was a client of Eddie.
Eddie was raided about three or four years ago, then the government turned around and sued him for one of these injunction suits.
He took off and fled down to Panama, and in the interim, the government came out with the indictment that involved Doug Roesel, Eddie Cain, and Wesley Snipes.
Now Wesley Snipes got involved with Eddie Cain, you know, he just heard about, you know, this guy could do something in reference to taxes, so Eddie educated him on a popular argument at the time, back in about 2000.
For lack of a better word, it's been commonly called the 861 argument.
In essence, the 861 argument says those that are required to file income tax returns are those that are external to the country, outside the country.
Non-resident aliens and citizens that reside abroad.
That's the basic legal theory.
It has a lot of legal support for it.
Wesley studied that and said, hey, I agree.
And then Doug Roesel is the guy that persuaded
Along with Eddie, to have Eddie and the two of them get together with Snipes and they file these admitted returns to get back money that Wesley had paid in in taxes.
And from that point forward, after they did that, Wesley, even though he's a movie star and makes big bucks and has been filming movies all across the world, he didn't file income tax returns because of what he'd learned from Eddie Cain.
Ultimately, about a year and a half ago,
An indictment was returned.
It charged in the indictment that there were three parties involved in the conspiracy to, you know, hurt the government.
And that was Eddie Kane, Doug Roesele, and Wesley Snipes.
And then the rest of the indictment charged specific tax offenses against Wesley alone.
Now, this creates a very interesting problem.
You know, you can have the venue, the place where you can bring a charge against people, typically is where the criminal offenses occurred.
So they could, in reference to the conspiracy, they could allege, well, you know, a lot of this stuff happened down here in Orlando.
Then they ultimately tried it in Ocala.
But, you know, the problem with the rest of the indictment is this.
You know, when you charge a specific tax crime against somebody, there's places where the criminal action can be pending.
One is at the service center, where the return should have been filed.
Or two, where the defendant lives.
Now there's a very interesting question that's presented here.
You know, when you have these six counts of tax crimes against Wesley Snipes, you know, how can they be included
In an indictment pending in, or brought in, Orlando, Florida.
The rest of his family does not live there.
When he lived in New York.
He lived in New York, and I guess the government's so sloppy that they didn't even think to try to try this right.
And some people will say, well, how dare his lawyers not put him on the stand and explain that there's a gold fringe and all the rest of that stuff, when the technicalities are what got him out of the felonies.
Well, I don't know that it's the technicalities.
Here's the way I have viewed it, and I only had a chance over the last couple of months.
You know, Bob Bernhoff is one of the lawyers for Wesley Snipes, and Bob Barnes is the other lawyer.
Over the last couple of months, I haven't had an opportunity to talk to him, although last Friday, you know, when I was gone all of January, but last Friday when I got back from being out in Hawaii,
I picked up the phone and called Bob and he just kind of gave me a little update because we hadn't talked in a long time.
I had a crowd going on when he had a crowd going on.
And I got a little bit of a, you know, I was going to call it later on this week, but I got kind of a heads up on what they've been doing in Wesley Snipes' case.
You know, pre-trial, what the issues that were created in reference to Wesley... Stay there, let's move quick with Larry Becraft on the other side who talked to Snipes' lawyer.
You'll get the inside skinny and scoop on the other side with Larry Becraft right here on the one and only GCN Radio Network.
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Larry B. Crabb is our guest.
I'm going to get him back up for a full hour in the next week or so to really flesh out the true nature of the income tax, the real arguments,
The reality and not all the patriot mythology that has sent so many people I even know to prison.
There are so many nut quacks who believe what they're saying and they they will not help you when you're going to prison.
This is a very serious issue and
Uh, getting back to Wesley Snipes, uh, just boil down what actually happened in the four minutes we've got left, Larry, and where Wesley Snipes goes from here, what his lawyer told you.
Okay, well, not that he told me a whole lot because we didn't have a long time to talk.
These are the issues.
Wesley was prosecuted on the six counts and he died of the charged tax crimes.
Willful failure to file.
The two places where that crime can be brought is number one, where the defendant lives, or the service there, where he should have filed.
Now, during the course of the trial, I was reading, not that I liked the lady, J.J.
She calls herself Tax Mama, but it was the only website I could find that was giving kind of a blow-by-blow, daily recollection of the trial of the case.
And she was just sitting there wondering, you know, why are the defense attorneys asking these questions about where Wesley lives?
Well, you know, there's a dispute about where Wesley lives.
And Wesley maintains that he lives in New York.
For that reason, the venue for tax prosecutions in Ocala, Florida or Orlando, Florida is completely wrong.
That is a very solid issue for appeal.
That's point number one.
Point number two is that when they were trying the case,
Or leading up to trial, you know, the defense sent out and did a survey of the Ocala, Florida area where Wesley's trial was held.
And they did a survey and found out that, you know, there's the racial preference down there, you know, the racial percentages of the population were not reflected in the jury panels that were being called in to sit in cases.
So they made that motion.
So you got two good, solid issues.
They're preserved on appeal that I dare say will win on appeal and result in a reversal of what Russell has been convicted of.
But he was found not guilty on the big felonies.
That's what matters.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Jeff Dickstein is a friend of mine.
He used to work with Bob Bernhoff in Milwaukee.
They tried Joe Bannister.
In certain situations, when you're sitting there and going through a trial, you can detect that the government's got a weak case.
Well, that's the same thing that happened in Joe Bannister's case.
Jeff sat there and listened to it and said, this is a weak case.
They didn't put Joe Bannister, the former IRS agent that was being prosecuted by his former buddies, they didn't put Joe on, and the jury came back and acquitted him.
Now, the same thing happened here in Wesley Snipes' case, you know, on the big felony counts, you know, on the conspiracy count.
You know, as the government presented its evidence, the defense said, hey, this is weak.
And they took a risk, you know, any trial strategy is a risk, but they took that risk and they were gambling on and betting, based on the evidence, that the jury would not acquit, would not convict Wesley Snipes of the major felony counts, and that's exactly what happened.
And they convicted him on the willful failure to file counts, for which you've got some very good issues that I think are going to result in reversals on appeal.
They got the venue issue in reference to the prosecution of the tax crimes.
Should have been prosecuted up in New York and not in Ocala, Florida.
And number two, you know, the composition of the jury.
You know, where are all the blacks?
You know, if you get into an area where
You know, 99% of the people are going to be white.
You know, that's prejudicial against Westin.
So I think they've got very strong issues for appeal.
Personally, I don't think that Westin Snipes ever are going to have sentencing.
He's probably going to get probably three years on those misdemeanor convictions.
However, I'm sure he'll get bond on appeal.
And I bet the 11th Circuit is going to reverse Westin Snipes' conviction.
Then he'll ultimately have to be tried up in New York if the government wants to pursue it further.
But let's be clear, he now has misdemeanors against him, not felonies.
Absolutely, that is correct.
So overall, this is a great victory again.
And again, you and a couple other real patriot lawyers are able to get people off.
Others have been able to beat it in court as well.
But I don't see anybody with these fraudulent patriot
Moon is made of cheese arguments, ever winning, and I just have a moral responsibility to warn people, and I need to get you up for a full hour or longer sometime, Mr. Becraft, to walk through... You do that, Alex!
I'm going to have my producer actually call you now since you're at the office, Larry, and set that up.
Let me just talk to you during the break, because 15-20 minutes of airtime isn't enough time here.
And I want to get you up soon, because this is such a central issue.
All right, thank you, Larry Becraft.
We'll be right back.
Scheduled to have Jesse Benton on, the press secretary for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.
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It is Super Tuesday!
I'm only going to keep Jesse Benton, the Communications Director for Ron Paul's 2008 campaign.
Hey, thanks for having me Alex.
I really appreciate it.
You've got the floor.
Tell us what's going on right now, what the numbers are, what we can do right now.
Well, we've been barnstorming, Alex.
I'm sure most of your listeners, as avid as they are, have been paying attention to what our strategy is.
And our strategy has been to focus on some of the smaller states, especially smaller states that have caucuses.
We might not have the widespread, top-to-bottom, mainstream media-driven support that a John McCain might have, but what we do have is a really powerful, strong, deep grassroots network that's very committed, very intense, and I think that our success in a lot of the caucuses shows how well we can do.
You know, we recently won about a third of the delegates in Maine.
We believe that we won Louisiana, if they had counted the votes correctly, and we placed second in Nevada.
All smaller caucus states.
So we can compete dollar for dollar with some of the bigger candidates.
And Ron Paul is in third for delegates, above the anointed one of just two weeks ago, Mike Huckabee.
Sure thing.
And, yeah, we're, well actually, Huckabee has 40 delegates and we have about a dozen.
And I saw Paul's report on that, okay.
Yeah, he won a bunch of delegates in Iowa.
He does have about 40 delegates, but we think he's topped out.
We don't see him doing too much more.
It's all about delegates today, Alex.
We get people out to our caucuses, and we can win a substantial portion of delegates.
If we can walk away today with a bunch of delegates in the bank, then we'll be really strong to move forward into Texas, and move forward into some other states that we think we can win, especially if we get a little bit more mainstream media back in states like Idaho, Washington State, down the line.
So, again, today's delegates, I can't stress enough to all the loyal listeners out there, all the loyal supporters, you've got to get to your caucus in the caucus states.
If you're in North Dakota, Minnesota,
Colorado, Alaska, get out there, please, get to your caucuses, and then the primaries, too.
We need strong showings in primaries.
Every single vote is going to help us in places like Tennessee, where we think we've got a lot of support, New York.
Please, get out there, vote in your primary, get to your caucus.
It is just so essential.
Jesse, I have a report here, I want to know if it's accurate, that Ron Paul was in Minnesota today at the university.
Last night, yes, sir.
Last night, and there was more than 3,000 people there?
There were about 4,200 people there last night, Alex.
We packed it.
Hillary Clinton had had an event in the same venue about five days earlier.
She brought in about 3,200.
So we beat Hillary Clinton in turnout at the University of Minnesota.
It was absolutely incredible.
One of the most electrifying crowds I've had the pleasure to be around.
Well, when Ron Paul was there,
Well, Louisiana GOP has declared the results final and they have us in second place to Romney.
We believe that we won Louisiana.
Uh, they were about 500 provisional ballots that were thrown out because they said that people that cast these ballots were not properly on the voter rolls as of November 30th.
We think that they were using a bad list and that they should have counted those provisional ballots.
There were just a whole bunch of consistencies and inconsistencies and problems with the entire caucus process.
You know, we don't think necessarily that there's anything nefarious going on, but we do think that there was perhaps some incompetence and a lot of mistakes.
And we just want the ballot counted.
People voted.
You know, when people turn out and vote, we think it's pretty important that they're not disenfranchised, that their votes are counted.
We do not think that people of Louisiana were properly treated in this caucus.
So, we've considered moving forward with some kind of legal action.
We're not sure that we're going to do that, but it is a real shame that there were 500 and some provisional ballots thrown out, 500 and some.
Louisiana, that we think wanted to vote very heavily for Dr. Paul Disenfranchised.
I've got the report that Hillary is having coughing fits and crying again, trying to manipulate people.
This woman is an absolute nightmare.
She's now proposing that they garnish everyone's wages for national health care.
How could anyone vote?
For any of these Democrats.
I mean, they need to all come over and vote for Ron Paul.
I mean, I'm just throwing that out there.
I mean, we've got Ann Coulter endorsing Hillary Clinton over the other Republicans.
I mean...
Sounds like Ann Coulter might have jumped the shark this time.
She's been very savvy in marketing herself, but this seems pretty over-the-top to me.
Ann Coulter, she likes to get a lot of attention for herself, and I think she just found out another way to get herself on TV a whole heck of a lot.
I don't really think that anybody with any conservative bones in their body would think that Hillary Clinton should be the choice for president.
Well, I think it shows that they've circled the wagons.
Republicans and Democrats in the establishment have circled the wagons.
What can we do?
What can we do to continue to energize the campaign, Jesse?
Well, you know, there are three things, Alex.
And I would say this, first of all, to tribute to the presidential campaign.
We are going to move forward tomorrow.
We are going to have delegates at the back.
We are going to move forward.
And this thing is going to keep going forward as a presidential campaign and also as a movement.
There is something, even if we fail at our bid to the White House and we haven't given up on that yet, we're still fighting the big fight.
There is going to be a movement that's going to come out of this, an organization that is going to help elect constitutional Ron Paul Republicans to Congress and is going to continue to spread the message.
So continue to contribute, continue to support, and you people out there in states like Pennsylvania, Washington State, Idaho that haven't gotten a chance to vote yet, keep up your energy and your passion.
It's your energy and passion that's going to let this thing move forward and give us good chances at accomplishing great things.
And second of all, we need to make sure that Ron Paul keeps his congressional seat in the 14th district.
If you go to RonPaulForCongress.com, we have another place where you can contribute anything that people out there can afford to give.
Yeah, they're coming after him.
They're coming after him there, and he got up to the plate, folks.
We've got to support him.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, we've got a guy nearby.
He's a city councilman in Galveston.
And he's praised Ron in the past, said Ron was a great citizen, sliced bread, and also promised that if Ron ran for president that he wouldn't run for his congressional seat.
But he's gone back on his word, and he's trying some real distasteful smear tactics against Ron.
He doesn't support the troops, he voted against body armor for the troops.
He doesn't support our president enough.
You know, people in the 14th district, they've heard this all before.
They know who Ron Paul is.
They know he's the taxpayer's best friend.
But we just need to make sure that that congressional race just gets just enough money that there's no threat there.
We've got to watch the cheating, which we all know is going on.
In closing, Jesse Benton, look, we're all going to maximum output now into the next sectors of the primary.
But people want to look forward into the second half of the game or to know there's a second half of the game.
Are you looking at brokered convention or are you looking at the third party?
Because I think you've got the grassroots.
We've got the grassroots to put him on the ballot.
I know he'll then get the money.
He'd be in a three-way or four-way with Bloomberg coming in.
And I think Ron Paul
I mean you never say never with things like that.
I would say though that
I don't know.
We could do great things in Minneapolis.
Well, I know we've got the Congressman coming on next week or the week after that.
I need to get him on quick and I want to get his take on how we'll deal with the Brokered Convention because this is something that is an unknown country for a lot of our listeners.
They don't know what a Brokered Convention is and I'd like to hear
The congressman's take on that.
So we know what the in-game strategy is here.
So people understand that we are still in this game in a big way.
And bottom line, we've already won because people are being educated about the true nature of government, the Constitution.
We already have won.
We've won big time.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
You know, when there were 11 candidates starting out a year ago, nobody had heard of Ron Paul.
Would anybody have thought, would anybody have bet a month's grocery money that we'd be standing here right now with delegates in the bank,
Probably in third place overall with still a shot in this ball game to win the Hall enchilada.
So much of the message has been spread.
We've already won big time and we hope to continue this victory.
Well I saw a press report and I couldn't dig it out during the break.
A couple of news sites are saying he's in third place.
Where did they get that number?
Because you just alluded to really being in third place but then you said fourth place.
I mean where is he?
Are we in third place or fourth place?
I'm not sure.
I'd argue that we're in third place with our potential to score delegates today.
It seems like Governor Huckabee has hit a ceiling for himself.
We continued to beat him.
We just trounced him in Maine.
We actually beat John McCain in Maine when it comes down to actual delegates that will go in the bank.
Again, second place in Louisiana and Nevada.
Let's look and see what we can do tonight in Montana, North Dakota, I think Alaska.
He's looking good in Washington State.
Thank you, Alex.
Always my pleasure.
All right, now we're going to go into excerpts of the interview I did yesterday, the history-making interview with Willie Nelson.
Please get this YouTube clip out to everybody.
Here it is, nine minutes long.
We'll go into the break with it, come back, and I've got some final news.
He is a global icon, an American institution, there's probably nothing more.
Americana, what symbolizes America and Texas?
And it's Willie Nelson.
But now both parties have circled the wagons against the people, and they're saying, we don't care what you want.
John McCain said this war is going to go on for a hundred years.
Yeah, and it can't.
It just can't.
We can't let it go on another year.
I mean, it has to... The other day I was getting interviewed, somebody said, what would you do if you were elected president?
I said, I would stop the damn war.
I don't know.
You know, the way I heard it, there was 15 people from Saudi Arabia that hit us in New York and we go jump on Afghanistan.
I never could figure that one out in Iraq.
Well, I did figure it out too, but I'm surprised more people haven't figured it out.
Willie, you brought it up.
You figured it out.
What's your take on 9-11?
It just came out in AP today that the White House was running the commission.
We always knew that, but now they admit.
In fact, I have the headline right here, I read it before you came on, where they're now admitting it was a staged commission.
Well, that ain't good news, but it doesn't surprise me, did it you?
I'm glad it's coming out.
No, it didn't.
What's your take on 9-11?
Do you question the official story?
I certainly do and I saw those towers fall and I've seen an implosion in Las Vegas.
There was too much similarities between the two.
And I saw the building fall and it didn't get hit by nothing.
So how naive are we?
What do they think we'll go for?
So are you saying you started having questions or was that little voice in your head?
Did you have a bad feeling the day it happened?
Is that what you're saying?
The day it happened, I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical.
I said, wait a minute, I just saw that last week at the casino over in Las Vegas, and you see these implosions all the time, and the next one fell, and hell, there's another one.
And they're trying to tell me that an airplane did it, and that's, you know, I can't go along with that.
And then you find out that mainstream news reported, but it never got any attention, that the supposed hijackers were given national security clearance and were trained at U.S.
bases, and the dean of the Defense Language School, Colonel Butler, goes public and says, we train these people, the government's involved, and they start court-martialing until he agreed to shut up.
True story, I guess.
I hate to hear it, but it's probably true.
You've had a chance to see what, Terror Storm, Endgame, some of the other films.
What's Willie Elson's take on those films?
Oh, I think they're right on.
I think, you know, the fact that there are a few elite that are running everything, calling the shots, starting the wars, financing them all.
I believe that.
And what else they're doing, who knows?
But that one thing alone is enough for us to think about how do we stop them.
Well, the proof is in the pudding.
If you've got, on every issue, 75 to 85, in all the major scientific polls, the people are against everything this government's doing.
We send the Democrats to Congress to end the war.
They increase it.
And now they're saying they're going to be there 100 years, Hillary and McCain.
I mean, to me, that is a small group running things right there in front of us.
And as far as I can see, all those people attended the same meetings that you and the guys attended up in Canada.
Am I wrong?
A lot of them do go to the Bilderberg Group.
Oh, no.
Yes, sir.
Is that freedom?
I don't think so.
It's not democracy either.
Willie Nelson, you're blowing me away here.
Today we're seeing that they've recruited 26,000 preachers the White House has in FEMA to tell their flocks to stand down in the Presidential Decision Directive 51.
Bush says he's above the Congress.
It's no longer involved in continuity of government in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
They had openly funded for insurrection and rebellion by the American people.
The whole police state apparatus they built up after 9-11, and I want to get your take on this, Willie, because I know you're aware of it, is now being used against the people.
They're not even talking about the boogeyman of Al-Qaeda anymore.
No, and I do believe that it's a long time until election day and some sort of national crisis could put off the elections and we could have George in there ten years longer.
A lot of people are saying that.
I was saying that many years ago and now Bob Woodward's talked about others setting up for martial law of all people.
Naomi Wolf is talking about it.
I think that might save us.
I'm seeing a
I would hope that we'd be smarter than that, and I would hope that, you know, we're throwing all you guys out and we're starting over.
You know, you can stop the elections if you want to, but you can't stop the people.
Well, Ron Paul has gotten more donations from troops and people in Iraq than all Republicans combined.
The troops in polls, 75% are against the war, so if Bush is planning on using these troops here, it looks like he's going to have a problem.
Well, again, the troops are under orders, and if they don't do what they, you know, the orders are, then they get shot.
So, uh, the troops have no choice.
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If Bush is planning on using these troops here, it looks like he's going to have a problem.
Well, again, the troops are under orders, and if they don't do what they, you know, the orders are that they get shot, so the troops have no choice.
There's a few of them in there that are there because they
I think it's the right thing to do.
There are a few there because they just like to fight.
But there's a lot of them, like you say, that would rather be home with their families and save our good men and women for something that really matters, for really something that is the defense of our country.
If we need some people down here on the borders, let's take 150,000 people out of Iraq and put them on the borders of Canada and Mexico.
We can secure our borders that way.
Well, how do we have this war on terror where there's an Al-Qaeda terrorist under every bed, under every table?
We've got to have checkpoints and kids getting thumb scanned to get their lunches to stop Al-Qaeda, but then the border's wide open.
That kind of makes the war on terror look like a fraud.
Well, yeah, and they're fighting over there, because you remember the old joke about the guy that dropped a quarter and he was looking around, and I said, where did you lose it?
I said, I lost it over yonder.
And he said, what are you looking over here for?
I said, well, I call the lights better.
I think that's why they're over there with the lights better.
Well, it's a black hole to launder money and dump trillions of dollars in no-bid contracts to Halliburton.
We're out of time with that interview.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, boiled down, some of the most hardcore stuff he's said, to about ten minutes.
Nine minutes, 44 seconds.
If you want to get technical, you just heard about seven minutes of it.
Get it, email it out to everybody.
They're trying to censor it.
It has not broken out into the mainstream media because they don't want to have to attack him because he's so loved.
But Willie came out and went public because he wants it out.
He told me that.
He wants people to look at it.
He wants people to investigate Building 7.
If we don't turn this around, they're going to stage more events.
And I need you to go to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and get the articles that we have written about this, the original article that's in the News and Focus section on the right-hand column of PrisonPlanet.com, where Willie Nelson talks about the controlled demolition of the towers.
We need to get this out to everybody.
Here's your mission if you choose to accept it.
Willie Nelson, Twin Towers were imploded on 9-11.
American Icon tells Alex Jones Show he questions official story.
ABC News here locally did a blurb on it.
We commend them.
That's on the site.
Drudge had it up for less than an hour.
Pulled it.
That's because they're afraid to attack him.
People love Willie Nelson.
He's done this to try to stop further attacks.
We absolutely... This is a test of the alternative media to see if we can make this story go supernova.
We are now 24 hours into the interview.
24 hours after we had the interview.
We were ending the interview this time yesterday.
This is up to you.
What are you going to do?
Are you going to get it out to everybody?
Are you going to let them... See, Willie Nelson talking about how he's worried about a dictatorship, martial law, government-sponsored terror.
This is a big deal.
We need to get this out everywhere.
The message boards, call-in-to-talk radio shows, call-in-to-mainstream talk shows, call-in-to-locally on Jeff Ward's show today.
You know, call-in-to-everything.
I'm going to be calling to shows.
Get our stories.
Send them to the AP in Austin.
I want them to be knee-deep in it.
Get the AP office in Austin.
AP office in Nashville.
AP office in LA.
Call them all.
Help us.
We don't have a big staff.
We need your help to explode 9-11 Truth even bigger.
And get that YouTube clip.
Get it out to everybody.
Send the link out.
Put it all over MySpace.
Spam the daylights out of it, as they call it.
But it isn't spam.
This is InfoWAR.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWAR.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, or if you don't even have a computer and you're listening on AM or FM, shortwave satellite, call your local news talk station and say, have you seen the ABC report out of Austin?
Send them that.
They're more likely to pick it up.
This is big.
Willie Nelson, all the country stations, hit them.
Hit them, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a big... It's like they've ignored Ron Paul.
We forced them to cover him.
We've got to force this to be reported on.
We'll give you all the details of what happened on Super Tuesday tomorrow.
More guests.
Ron Paul's either scheduled this week or early next.
You heard Jesse Benton.
Give the nod on that.
God bless you all.
Retransmission starts now.
I covered key stuff in the first hour at InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.