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Name: 20080129_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 29, 2008
2331 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, welcome ladies and gentlemen.
It is the 29th day of January 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours and we're going to have wide open phones.
We're going to get into some of the lawsuits that have been filed and some of the actions being taken by some of the big gold mining companies against the private central banks who've been trying to artificially suppress the price of gold.
They're buying a $300,000 ad
In the Wall Street Journal exposing all of this, so the battle is joined.
The heat is intensifying on the private crime syndicate that controls the issuance of currency and liquidity.
We are also going to get into the Florida primary that is happening right now.
We're going to get into some of the other Republican and Democratic primaries that are taking place.
Some of the dog and pony shows being engaged in with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and of course the Republican candidates as the media tries to freeze out Ron Paul as he continues to gain massive momentum.
Also, yesterday Paul Watson wrote a blurb.
He's now expanded it.
Poor guy was up to midnight his time in England getting up the basic facts of a red-handed criminal operation going on in New Hampshire.
In fact, the headline on PrisonPlanet.com is in the Prison Planet section at the left, top right-hand corner.
And again, as I said, Paul Watson is updating this as we speak.
He's going to be posting it at the top of PrisonPlanet.com in the next 10 minutes or so.
We need to get this out to everyone.
Bev Harris at New Hampshire Recount, a criminal enterprise vote fraud expert, convinced chain of custody is corrupt.
Well, it's not just convinced, there's evidence of that.
Uh, violating every canon of chain of custody.
Fresh from her confrontations in New Hampshire, during which public officials were grilled about slapdash chain of custody and ballot box tampering issues, Bev Harris is now convinced that a criminal enterprise is running the primary recount.
That's a quote.
Now, again, she's very reserved, ladies and gentlemen.
That's an extremely hyper-bold statement, uh, from her.
It is extremely bold.
Harris was fundamental in vetting the production of the HBO special, Hacking Democracy, and has contributed towards bringing charges against vote fraudsters who cheated in Ohio in 2004.
The average public doesn't know people went to prison.
We need to add a link there showing that they went to prison.
Harris traveled to New Hampshire personally to discover for herself the disgraceful lapses in chain of custody for the memory cards and ballot boxes used in the recent primary.
Harris is featured in the video below.
Asking public officials, we're going to play some of that.
John, I forgot to send you that link.
Asking public officials, authorities, gods, rulers.
How about public servants?
About slits in ballot boxes as they brazenly deny that these slits are big enough to allow tampering amongst a myriad of other disturbing questions about chain of custody.
Like the fact that they wouldn't lock it in the vault or there were high-speed car chases that passed 90 miles an hour with them catching the van full of ballots, meeting with some shadowy character in a green jeep.
What they're doing here is a criminal enterprise, Harris told the Alex Jones Show today.
It has all the earmarks of it.
So, as promised last night, this was posted on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's being massively updated and beefed right now.
It will be going up momentarily at the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
It's already moved down the page somewhat.
The updated version will be posted at the top, and it will be posted on TruthNews, Jones Report,
Infowars.com, Infowars.net.
I need you to get it out to everybody.
This is proof.
This is what the recount was all about.
It will be for naught if we don't get this out to everybody.
We'll be right back.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Shouldn't their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what I have to do, sir.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to have wide open phones today.
We'll be getting into the unraveling economy.
What's happening militarily in Iraq.
The domestic New World Order police state grid being put into place.
I think so.
It's to make sure that nobody tries to bust the 747s taking off of kidnapped children that the government and private corporations traffic in.
By the way, they've been caught doing it.
Mainstream news, but nobody gets in trouble.
It's to track government when different agents or agencies that are in different compartments are learning about cancer viruses and vaccines or poison in the water supply or eugenics operations or insider trading or corruption.
The entire NSA grid is to keep control of the government and burn good guys.
That's what over 90% of it is pointed at.
That's finally in Reuters yesterday, and I never got to that.
It is here in my stack, and I will be covering that today.
Another story I haven't gotten to, we're going to cover right now.
Then I'm going to get into election fraud and take your calls at 1-800-259-9231 on this Tuesday live edition.
We're here weekdays, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
By the way, I'm back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I do six days a week of radio, just in case you're new.
Listener, I'm firing out the times for you.
Now, let me just walk through this.
We know, and I know I talked about this some Sunday, but it needs to be talked about again, and I'd like to get your take on it and what you think should be done.
We knew that it was White House enemies in the House and Senate that were being mailed these super-weaponized anthrax.
We knew it was American media that owns the National Enquirer and the editor that had done hit stories.
They can be called hit pieces.
They were accurate about the Bush daughters stumbling around drunk, falling on each other.
He was the first person to get the super weaponized anthrax, and then they shut down the building, quarantined it all, and the feds carted away decades of inquired dirt on every politician you could imagine.
So that was a nice cleaning house there, and then of course it came out that they knew within days that it was in the central mail facility in D.C., and then also that the subdivision of the
Federal Postal Service that supplied the Capitol, and they didn't warn the people, they didn't shut it down, because they wanted those letters to go ahead and get to their targets.
That was weeks after it, of course, hit Boca Raton.
And what happened there with American media.
And then the coup de grace, or the real nail in the coffin, the red-handed
Flag came up and that was that the Bush White House, the Cabinet, Bush and of course the Vice President Cheney, were on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic, on September 10th, four weeks before it first popped up in the news, or three and a half weeks if you want to get technical.
And this started leaking out and coming out in a few newspapers and so the AP during a press conference asked Ari Fleischer in 2002,
Almost a year after it happened in October of 2001, late October, into November, about, we hear there's reports that the White House, much of the cabinet, much of the employees, the president, vice president, you go read the AP article by the way, was in several other publications and wires, were on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic that was handed out to everybody.
And Fleischer said, yeah, it's true.
Is that true?
And they said, why?
And he said, I'm not going to talk about it.
Just a in-your-face, open threat to everyone.
We're gangsters.
We'll even tacitly admit to it in front of everybody.
Then they tried to burn Hatfield, who had no connection to it.
They tried to say they thought he'd brewed it up in his basement with a bucket.
The FBI said it was low-grade anthrax.
Then, indeed, it came out that it was super high-powered, miniaturized spores
Which takes a huge factory installation to produce.
I mean, this is level 3 bio-weapons stuff.
It was the AIM strains of the U.S.
and England Guard, and it had been coated at a microscopic level in bentonite, basically having little wings affixed to each spores to help them float around in the air better, aerosolize them, when you open your letter or when it's sprayed out on your town.
It wasn't some Russian variety or it wasn't some primitive variety they might have in the Middle East.
It was U.S.
super weapons grade.
And if you really ask me what happened, I think they botched it.
Too much leaked out.
It was a little too bold.
They were planning to blame it on Saddam Hussein.
Oh look, we got hit by terrorists.
On 9-11 and a few weeks later we get hit by anthrax.
At first they tried to say it was Iraq, but then too many people in the scientific community and in the government itself said, no, somebody in Fort Detrick got in.
We even know who their name is.
It was Connections Israeli Intelligence, by the way.
And so they kind of just shut that down and used it for fear to get the Patriot Act passed.
But they were intending to say that Saddam had done it, and guess how they were going to do that?
In 2001, early 2001, Newsweek and everybody else reported this, the AIMS screen was shipped
As part of a science transfer from the CDC to Saddam Hussein's government, and it came out that Saddam Hussein's government hadn't even requested it.
Now, remember, they weren't letting them have the tubes that pump air to drive the suction system for dental chairs.
They weren't letting them have basic machinery that could make aluminum foil because it might be used in weapons.
They weren't letting them have machines that could even stamp out the casings for bullets.
They would ship them, you know, quote, all this health care equipment that Saddam would buy for his people, but then wouldn't give them all the parts for it.
He'd have warehouse after warehouse full of it, and the media would say,
Look, there's warehouses full of equipment, but what they wouldn't tell you, and later this video was released side-by-side as 60 Minutes was there inside the warehouses, was that Saddam's people were pointing out, look, you ship us dental chairs without the tubes, without the electrical equipment, because we're not allowed to have anything, we're not allowed to even have basic medicines here, because it could be used militarily for our troops.
But I'm already digressing, the point is, they just out of the blue ship him botulism, Amestrain,
Anthrax, everything!
Planning to then frame Saddam Hussein and say he was behind the anthrax.
But to make a long story short, here we are six years plus, six years and change, or six years and two months, three months later.
And, uh, even the History Channel, Hearst Publishing owned, can tell the truth.
I guess a blind hog finds an acorn occasionally, or broken clocks are right twice a day.
Uh, but, uh, here it is.
Within weeks, five would be dead, and thousands of others exposed to one of the deadliest bacteria known to man.
There are very few people who have the Dutch skills to make a product this good.
Federal investigators discovered clues to the perpetrator's identity encoded in the bacterium itself.
There are 89 different types of anthrax, but each one has its own kind of trail.
This one led directly back to our own defense establishment.
Was the U.S.
government hiding a terrorist inside America's fire defense community?
Some say yes, and that the official government investigation was a sham.
The only people who know anything about the subject are also the suspects.
They protected this individual.
What we're dealing with here is an inside job with a real insider who has secrets that nobody wants to get out.
It's going to be too humiliating, too embarrassing.
All the spores were sent for immediate forensic testing.
The U.S.
Biodefense Program.
I love how they call it that.
Oh, it's for
Biodefense, as the Baltimore Sun a few years ago reported, they are creating thousands of gallons of, quote, liquid death.
Every type of known declassified stuff.
You know, we always hear about 50, 60, 70-year-old bioweapon systems.
But it's leaked.
James Weapons Quarterly has reported they have bioweapons with 100% kill ratios.
They kill everybody.
They have them down even to someone who is Chinese or Mandarin in derivation, even sub-regions of China.
They have it even down to where it will kill only certain genetic strains and genetic markers in certain groups of Arabic
They have it where it will kill Congo blacks versus far southern blacks.
I mean, they have it all.
And Cheney writes about it in the PNAC documents.
And these are people who believe it helps the world to kill us.
These are people who revel in killing.
It's part of their power trip.
Meanwhile, you're running around talking about which Republican you like, Mitt Romney, which Democrat.
Oh, I like Barack Obama.
None of this even matters.
They've been putting chemical weapons in our water for 60 years openly.
We have the documents.
Imagine what they're doing to us now.
So go ahead and snicker and feel like you're part of the system.
Go ahead and snicker and go ahead and be worldly and go ahead and wax your car and feel important.
If you would have gotten involved and stood up to tyranny, we could have turned this around.
We may still be able
To do it.
But we better get our priorities straight and get off the fence.
Those of you that are on the fence.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Don't their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burdick is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what happens.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
This is George Whitehorse Ferry of the Genesis Communications Network.
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Have you noticed they started with the bus drivers, the firefighters, the police putting GPS in their cars?
Tracking everything they do.
Making them thumb scans.
Making them jump through all the hoops.
And then, well, if they're the enforcers, and they've got to do it, why shouldn't they make us?
Governments only bring tyranny in because powerful elites want to suck us dry.
All of us, 99% of us are going to be hurt by this system coming into place.
I know now they're committed.
They're not going to hold back.
They're not going to quit.
When I say that we could see mushroom clouds over our cities, the black ops that run this world will do it in a second.
If they sample the wind,
And realize that you're going to go along with it, and rally to them, and kiss them, and love them, and hug them, and thank them for being your Savior when they stage the attacks.
They will do it.
Your fear, your ignorance will bring them.
Just like a bleeding, crying, wounded sheep, or antelope, or hare in the mountains, in the woods, brings the coyotes, brings the wolves.
The minute the globalists are sampling the internet, they're sampling the feedback of the public, they are tracking what the population is saying, and the only reason they haven't staged more massive terror attacks in this country, remember they said that it was going to happen, Al-Qaeda was going to hit us, it was going to be nuclear, it was going to be biological, our way of life was over, martial law was coming, they even passed the legislation, set it all up, they would have already done it, but we hit the front lines of the enemy, we went right at their heart,
And we took the high ground from them and the general public now knows what inside job means.
They now know what false flag means.
That is now in the nomenclature.
I'm hearing it everywhere.
I'm hearing people use the term.
You've done it.
You did it.
E-mailing and going on the message boards and talking to people at church and showing films in your area and talking to your family at Christmas.
You did it.
Just look at yourself.
Look what you've done.
You've already saved millions of people.
There is no doubt.
And by millions, they can kill tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands here, and then invade third world nations and kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions, as they have already done.
You've saved a lot of lives.
Now, I told you we'd enter the Catch-22, though.
So much of life is a paradox.
So much of life.
Is damned if you do, damned if you don't, as they say.
Because now that they're cornered, now that their global agenda is stalling, now that people hate government worldwide, now that they're losing more credibility, now that their credibility is literally bleeding out, they are more dangerous than ever.
But they would have already staged attacks, they would have already done what they were going to do, if we hadn't exposed them, and then they would have had the initiative and the people wouldn't have known who was behind it.
Now we force them
And I believe that they're going to do something.
I don't know when.
Something big.
The way they salivate and talk about mushroom clouds, that will probably be it.
It could be bio.
We could discuss that today.
I'd like to hear your views, your thoughts.
We brainstorm together.
This show is a think tank.
A college of ideas.
My ideas, the guest ideas, your ideas.
But now, if they do it, more people than ever will know they tear it out.
And they understand that.
The enemy knows that it's only going to wake more people up, but that means they're going for broke.
And they are going for broke.
There are now anti-gun billboards up all over Austin saying, Stop Crime Guns, Crime Guns Destroy Lives, Guns Crime, Crime Guns.
There's CPS Grab Your Kid signs everywhere.
There's Take Your Inoculation signs everywhere.
They are propagandizing.
They don't care if 90 plus percent don't want open borders.
They don't care if upwards of 80 percent don't want the war.
They don't care what we want.
They don't care what's constitutional.
They don't care if we catch them stealing elections.
They're going for broke.
And see, they have basically cut
The rope that tied them to sanity and to reality and they're going for Brooke now they're running scared which makes them more dangerous than ever but at least we get to fight them on equal ground and they don't have the high ground now.
At least now it's a 50-50 fighting chance.
At least now we didn't let them just have a walk in the park and walk all over us.
At least now
When they stage more terror attacks, some people will rally to them in fear and cuddle up to them, but that'll wear off even faster in larger amounts of the population.
There are police everywhere who went and read New Scientist and went and read and typed in fluoride studies.
They found out the government knew in the 30s it brain damaged you.
What are you gonna do when your enforcers find out you're poisoning them?
What are you gonna do, New World Order?
What you gonna do?
Oh, you can kill people like me.
That'll only make us stronger.
That'll only give sustenance to the Liberty Tree.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
I'm sorry that reality is dark.
I'm sorry that we have to talk about serious things here, but we've gotten into these straits that we're in today because we've denied reality and we've denied the criminal culture that's exploded and grown up around us and then institutionalized itself and
Spent trillions of dollars to propagandize the public that slavery is a good thing, that slavery is safety and security when it's not.
It is the opposite.
Where there is liberty, there is security.
Where there is liberty, there is strength.
Where there is tyranny, there is despotism and misery.
You really ought to go to a third world country and you ought to
Get out of the tourist section they have even in the worst armpits of the planet.
You ought to go see the children with no legs.
This is usually a toxic waste dump nearby or maybe they got three arms.
Or maybe they got one eye.
And you ought to see them, they don't even have wheelchairs, you ought to see them dragging themselves along the ground, sitting outside doorways, the prostitutes, the human sewage running down the street.
You ought to really go look at how people live in societies where they have amazing amounts of resources.
They have timber, they have oil, they have gold.
They have fish, they have fertile fields, but corruption got in place in those nations, whether it's Africa, Latin America, Asia, hundreds, and in some cases thousands of years ago, and strongmen got controlled, and there's always the garrisoned, militarized police nearby, and so a tiny elite of less than 1% owns
Almost everything.
And why do they care if people live in squalor?
In fact, they want them to live in squalor.
They don't want them to become educated.
They don't want them to own property.
They don't want them to become independent.
And that's what the Royal Commission on Population, the British government model from 1949, implemented as official U.S.
policy in 1973 under State Department Memorandum 200.
That's the system we're going into.
The Carnegie and Ford Foundations openly, and there were congressional hearings on this, said they wanted to destroy the family, destroy the borders, one day destroy the currency when the time was right, and bring you into bondage.
Because when you're a poor, pathetic person that works 12 hours a day and then goes home and drinks your malt liquor,
We're good to go.
They'll be 6'3", they'll weigh 85 pounds, their eyes sunken, literally like Day of the Dead.
You can go hire those people and pay them on set and supply them with crack and you wouldn't even need make-up for your Day of the Dead zombies.
Just zombies running around everywhere.
I mean, this is what we've become.
This is what we are.
And you see the young children in the public schools on the Ritalin and Prozac with their sunken eyes and their black circles.
It's all of it.
We're all going to hell in a handbasket.
I hope you know that.
And the reason I point out the evil and the reason I point out the sickening things that are going on, the family unraveling, is because if we're not aware of what's happening and the implosion that's taking place, we can't turn this country around.
And I say this a lot on air because I know there are young people listening.
And I have, I have, I understand the paradigm of how the establishment creates counterculture, most of it.
How they push the drug culture, that's been declassified.
The CIA put out the drugs, put out the opium, put out the coke, put out the formulae for LSD-25.
They created these movements.
Then they make it trendy by making it illegal.
It has a lot of money involved in it.
And so then you go out and get involved in it because you think it's cool and radical and cutting edge.
It isn't.
You have fallen into a spider's web.
Never use it that first time.
Never get near it that first time.
So if you approach the young people and explain that it's a slave grid, a trap, not just with the dealers wanting to get you hooked and that whole manipulative scumbag society, but the corrupt
Military-industrial complex that controls the police that wants to fill their private prisons that are owned by the drug cartels, literally.
We've tracked it.
The big money laundering banks own them.
That's how you beat them.
Be straight, be strong, exercise.
Also, don't be worldly.
Don't get into what other kids think about you.
Don't care what scum who have totally bought into this modern culture of materialism
Looking down their nose that you feel sorry for them.
And move on.
Beat them!
Be strong.
Be learned.
Dress well.
Go to college.
Meet a great woman.
Meet a great man.
Save money.
Have children.
Be strong.
And raise them to be good.
And beat the enemy every time.
Every time you stop drinking their fluoride.
Every time you quit using their drugs.
Even when you quit drinking their alcohol, which is old as the hills, it's part of humanity.
Still, they control that.
You need to try to get away from that.
You're hurting them badly.
And that's what you need to do.
When you do well, it hurts the New World Order.
It makes them pull their dirty hair out.
Richard, Eric, Tony, Mark, Joey, many others.
We're going to go to your calls here in a moment.
I wanted to go ahead and get into this.
Before I forget, again like I did yesterday, I never caught, this was yesterday's news, Bush orders NSA to snoop on U.S.
Let me say that again.
This is out of the register, mainstream news.
I told you, now again, it wasn't hard to tell you, I've read the congressional reports, I've seen the court cases, I've talked to the experts in the Pentagon and in former intelligence,
Most of the NSA spying, I mean, if you're an actual CIA officer, or agent, or CIA asset, if you're a mid-level, and I mean millions of dollars a year, drug dealer, if you are a inventor or own a small computer company,
Or if you're in hydrology, or you're working on key things in infrastructure, you have physical people, not just AI keyword computers, listening to you, tracking you.
You have a person assigned to you.
And most of this, in the last 20 years, has been processed out to private corporations.
If you're a cop, if you're a lawyer, if you're a DA, you have computers listening to you.
If you're FBI, you have computers listening, and people every day with keywords flagging and looking.
It's all being recorded.
That's your free country.
And again, that's so... Every time the FBI agents, and this came out in several mainstream newspapers.
What, the Times of London reported on it?
Some New York papers reported on it?
Remember those headlines?
You can go pull them up.
We should do flashbacks on these.
It's the exact headline.
Go back in the memory from six years ago.
FBI agents were sure Al-Qaeda had moles at the highest levels of FBI and intelligence.
I think you Google that, you'll find it.
And it goes on with these quotes going, Al-Qaeda knew our every move.
Every time we were about to bust them, we would be called off the case, we would be threatened, we would be reprimanded.
See, those guys can't see it.
The forest for the trees.
It isn't that Al-Qaeda had moles at the highest levels of the FBI Directorate and the Director of Central Intelligence.
That's who runs it!
They were trained at the bases!
And we have smoking guns with the two different embassy heads that went public, Springman and the other guy, because they weren't going to let them back into the U.S.
I know I talk about this, but it's important.
Have you told your neighbors?
Have you given them the articles?
Came out in the Canadian papers?
I interviewed them.
They were going to let Mohammed Adam and the other guys back in, and they were flagged as Al Qaeda terrorists.
And they said no!
And the State Department deputy head called them and said, let them in.
And he said no!
And they sent them a sealed and partially blacked out CIA official letterhead and a call saying, yes, these are our agents.
The terror designation is their cover.
End of case.
They should all be arrested right now.
You're caught.
Done deal.
Springman and others risked their lives.
Colonel Butler, the head of the Defense Language School, the Dean, risked his life.
They began court-martialing him for releasing national security information until he agreed to shut up.
When he told the AP and he told the Pensacola News Journal,
Not the Pensacola News Journal, that was them training at the other base in Newsweek.
The San Jose Mercury News, that these guys trained in our base.
These were government agents.
The government's behind this.
He said, I don't know what's going on, but those guys that are on TV were trained by me!
Case closed!
End of it!
And I'm not supposed to go on air and talk about 9-11 being an inside job?
And the people that attack me and say I'm making it up, that it's an inside job, you attack me with the stuff your COINTELPRO disinfo people put out about space beams, and about no planes, and those guys violently go around demanding that people, really aggressively, demanding everybody cover it, and they get all these weak-minded people to follow them, so that Hearst Publishing and the rest of them can attack us, using the stuff the government put out?
That's exactly what they did with the Kennedy assassination.
It's the exact same thing.
Doesn't matter though, your credibility's blown.
You've been caught lying so many times.
You've been caught killing citizens so many times.
They got an army of killers, folks.
And people say, why do I bring up being killed?
Well, that's every other comment on the message boards and the YouTube and the question I get 50 times a day.
And every time I do a radio interview, that's the question I get.
I'm sick of it.
I don't like thinking about it, but it's one of your big questions you ask me.
And number one, it's because God's in control.
And I know I wouldn't be here.
Before I got into all this stuff, the stuff that happened to me in my life, I wouldn't be here.
I've had a lot of near-death experiences, folks.
Really, just quit asking me about it.
I'm sick of it.
I know that isn't going to happen because we talk to a new audience all the time and new people call all the time or on other shows all the time.
If that's true and they're so evil, why aren't you dead?
Well, I don't know why I'm not dead, I guess, on this earthly plane.
I guess it's because if they kill me, I've got a big body of work and people will pay more attention to what I've had to say.
Maybe I'm a little young for it to look like I have a heart attack, their favorite way of killing most people.
I mean, I've been physically attacked, told to shut up.
A lot of other things happened to me.
I got death threats yesterday.
Phone calls.
I want the people knowing that death threat me whenever I'm tired, whenever it's 10, 11, 12 at night, and I've got more work to do.
It is an ego that drives me to do the work I do.
In fact, I miss the ego I had years ago as it fades away.
People take my bold stance against tyranny and my leadership as ego.
It's not.
It's passion.
It's desire.
It's my heart.
It's who I am.
It's the pain I feel for those I know that are weak, who are being abused and hurt, who I have empathy for.
Because if you don't have empathy, you're not even alive.
Well, when people threaten me, and people do things bad to me and my family, it only makes me work harder.
And I hope you know that, and I hope you understand that.
That's why I'll never stop.
I'll never stop.
I'm committed.
And that's a key word.
I am committed.
I've already jumped out of the airplane, folks.
Whether my chute's gonna open or not, who knows?
We'll find out.
The point is, I jumped out of that airplane, and I'm committed.
And there's nothing you can do to me
It'll make me stop because I can't stop.
I can't censor myself.
I can't control what I say.
I am who I am.
I prescript nothing of what I say on air.
I just go with the flow of truth.
I do the best that I can to warn people and wake them up.
And I want to tell all the government agents
And I want to tell all the minions of the system something.
You know you're working for an evil system.
And you've decided to be worldly.
Out of fear, you've decided, many of you, to go ahead and serve the system.
You better stay in it and try to ride the tiger.
Others of you enjoy evil.
You enjoy raw power.
You enjoy the vicious exercise of it on innocents, your psychopaths, your sadists,
And still others are delusional.
They've bought into the lie.
They've bought into the image of the FBI agent as Captain America, or the BATF agent as the good guy, and you're fighting criminals, so you've got to be more criminal than the criminals.
Or your uncle got shot with a gun, so your guns are bad.
Whatever freak of you you've got.
But you're on the wrong side of history.
And even if you don't believe in God, you're on the wrong side of goodness.
You're on the wrong side, and together, taken together, this out-of-control animal that you compose, this beast, this machine that's been turned loose, is going to chew you right up with everybody else.
The pit you dig for your neighbor is the pit you are going to fall into.
And I just want you to know that.
And I want that to sink in real good because you know out there listening people who are evil.
Those of you that hate goodness and righteousness.
Those of you that revel in darkness.
Like a moth to the light, to the flame.
I've been there.
I've been where you're at.
And you better hope you turn back before it's too late.
You better hope you turn back towards the light before you get so deep into evil and do so many bad things that God turns you completely over to your known nature and turns you completely over to the God of this world that you think is so sexy.
Evil isn't sexy.
You know what evil is?
It's rickety, leaning,
Two-story slums with mud streets with feces running down the middle of it.
With dirty whores whose white linen is turned yellow out in the Mediterranean sun.
With children with different ailments and who don't even have their parents.
Who've got worms in their liver and their guts who are in pain every day.
It's a pile of stinking dead bodies.
It's burnout cities.
It's black uniforms.
It's people chained down, having their teeth ripped out and their fingernails torn out.
It's the flu on a planetary scale.
It's piles of dead bodies to the sun.
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Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you.
Alright, I promise, as soon as we start the second hour, I'm going to write to your calls and all the election fraud news.
You know, when you picture the evil of the New World Order, I remember it was, what, three years ago, Bush did a tour of, what was it, several African nations.
I know it was in the BBC, the description of it.
Several other papers.
He was going into one, and in the week before, they bulldozed tens of thousands of shantytown homes on the main road to the airport, and it said they arrested more than 10,000 people and stuck them in the sports stadium for martial law for the week, just so Bush wouldn't have to look at them.
See, that's how they'll treat us in America if they can have their way.
That's who they are.
A John F. Kennedy would have gotten out of the car.
And for all of his evils, and he wasn't a perfect man, he did have humanity.
I've seen the film clips where you watch Bill Clinton acting fake with a bunch of African children.
It's as fake as it gets.
It wasn't with JFK.
He would have gotten out, and he would have been with those people.
But not the elite.
No, they don't just drive by in their armored limousines.
They have it all bulldozed out, and it turned out the White House
Had told them to do it.
And when the Queen of England, quote, goes to an African nation, she doesn't really go.
She goes to a soundstage for a soap opera with actors and they stage that she is with the people.
That came out in the BBC.
Oh, there's nothing fake.
There's nothing staged.
So I want to tell everybody who works for the government, I want you to listen up, and I want you to listen real good.
Bush orders NSA to snoop on U.S.
Again, this is a public announcement of what's been going on for 50 years, because they want you to know now.
See, they know you've been buying into, this is America, they don't listen to me, they listen to Bin Laden.
They want you to know now, to scare you.
I'm telling you, don't be afraid.
I'm telling you, stand up.
For these people, because the valiant only die once, ladies and gentlemen, but the coward dies a thousand deaths.
Bush orders NSA to snoop on U.S.
agencies, the Register.
Not content with spying on other countries, the NSA, the National Security Agency, which in the 80s they said didn't exist, will now turn on the U.S.'
's own government agencies thanks to a fresh directive from President George Bush.
Under the new guidelines, the NSA and other agencies
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to detail the latest developments in election fraud proven red-handed in New Hampshire this hour.
A bunch of economic news as well.
You've been holding long enough, though.
Let's go to your calls.
Richard in Maryland.
You're on the air, sir.
Alex, long time listener.
I'd like to talk about the United States Gold Depository at Fort Knox.
Do you know how much gold there is?
They have not allowed an assessment since the 50s, but the word is it's all been transferred out.
Well, after an hour and a half, I got a hold of a Miss Hamm, H-A-M-M,
At 5-0-2... Hold on, sir, we can't give... Who is this number you're trying to give out?
It's a public number to the Gold Depository.
Okay, so you called Fort Knox, and before you gave the number out, what did she say?
I spent an hour and a half talking to everybody, and I finally got ahold of this woman at Fort Knox.
And what did she say?
He said they had 147,300,000 ounces of gold.
Well, they have not even allowed Congress, as if Congress doesn't run the country, to get in there since the 50s, and Ron Paul believes that's a lie, and I mean, it's even on MSNBC that they believe the gold's been transferred out.
Well, did you tell him to let us see it?
I have the public, I have a number that I call her on my telephone.
So we can call her and she can tell us what?
She can tell us how much gold there is at Fort Knox.
But they won't let you see it?
Now, guess what else I found out?
The gold held in reserve is not held at market value.
It's held at $42 an ounce.
And they are not buying any more gold.
There is no more gold being put into reserves.
Listen, I appreciate your call, sir.
Look, people can call Fort Knox if they want.
Congress, they won't even answer Congress's questions.
We're run by private banks.
Federal Reserve owns the country.
They paid out the politicians in 1913.
That's what happened.
Since then, they've been transferring the gold out of there.
We know that.
They've been caught doing it.
And they won't let anybody do an assessment.
They have a small room with a little bit of gold in it for tours that people can see through some bars.
And no one's allowed in, Congress isn't allowed to see it, no assessment, no audit has been done.
They just say, trust us, we're the government, we love you.
Eric in Alabama, you're on the air.
I just wanted to say I enjoy listening to your show.
I'm a first-time caller.
And about the guy calling
Fort Knox, if he actually believes that he needs to wake up.
Another thing, I was listening to The Dictator last night and he mentioned something about that they were going to have North American, I guess, Summit in New Orleans in April.
And I was wondering if you could find out exactly when?
Well, if you go to SPP.gov, they'll tell you when the next summit's going to be.
Yes, sir.
Alright, because I want to protest it.
Dot gov.
I know it don't help, but, you know... Well, they reportedly don't allow demonstrations or any type of protest anymore in New Orleans.
A bunch of black folks, peaceably, about a month ago were out there, and the cops just literally pull out clubs and start beating them in the head.
It's all part of the new freedom.
Well, I don't know.
It would be more than just me, sir.
No, I understand.
I mean, who knows?
Maybe I'll go out there.
That sounds like something interesting to cover.
So it's SPP.gov?
Absolutely, and I'm on their website right now.
Appreciate it.
You bet.
Thank you, sir.
The last meeting they had was August 20, 2007 during the North American Leaders Summit in Montebello, Canada.
And I'm going to look for upcoming summits here during the break.
Maybe I have an answer for you on the other side.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I just spent a few minutes in the press releases at the North American Union holding company, SPP, and couldn't find them mentioning an April North American Union meeting in New Orleans, but I'm going to Google that during the next break.
Right now we're about to go back to your calls.
That big story I told you to look for is at the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
Harris calls for resignations in New Hampshire recount fiasco.
This is a detailed article.
This is the one that's got to go supernova.
And then when you read more into the article, it gets into how she's calling it a criminal enterprise.
That is extremely strong from her.
This is it!
I mean, you understand?
You, the listeners, predominantly contributed to the Granny Warriors.
The Patriot Movement contributed to this.
The Republican candidate went there.
Mr. Howard, Albert Howard, and he paid for it, $56,000, plus the $1,000 to fly him out there and for him to stay there in a hotel.
And people said, well, if it's a fraud, why are you paying for a recount?
And we said, because we are going to give fight every time the enemy shows themselves.
See, that's the whole point.
We sent people, that Harris did, with our investigators,
Quite a few people with felonies, they are behind bars in Ohio right now.
Other individuals are behind bars for election fraud around the nation.
More and more are going to prison.
So, just because people are committing murders, we don't then just say, okay, let's legalize murder.
We then go out and we hunt them down, we catch them, we get the evidence, and we send them before a jury of the peers, and then we send them to prison, or we send them to the electric chair.
That's how that works.
And so, this is a prime opportunity for us all over the country, and there was fraud in South Carolina, and fraud in Nevada, and fraud in Louisiana, and that's now come out.
Ron Paul's saying that finally, and that's good.
I think they realize how much it hurt the campaign that they didn't give fight in New Hampshire.
I didn't agree with it, but I'm sticking with the team.
They're not perfect.
I'm not perfect.
None of us are perfect.
But the point is, is that ought to make a lot of you really happy.
But we need a story on that.
I wish we didn't have to do it all, and I didn't have to flog my riders to get all this done, but we need to point out, Ron Paul's done the right thing.
See, the problem with this election fraud is, once they start engaging in it, you kind of just give into it and go, oh, that's the way it is, you know, they just do it, oh, the first time we're real upset in New Hampshire, and then after in the other states it happens, and we just kind of go, oh, well, it's just, what do you do?
This is an opportunity.
It's an opportunity, if they don't cheat, Ron Paul wins and becomes the next president.
If they cheat, we wake up a bunch of people about the private Federal Reserve, and the wars, and the New World Order, and the inflation tax, and the currency, and the rest of it.
Huge awakening happening!
Who would have ever thought you'd see Jay Leno talking about the Federal Reserve, and talking about banking scams, and MSNBC with Kramer and Ron Paul.
I mean, who would have ever thought
You'd see this type of stuff on Bill Maher.
Who would have ever thought, see?
Who would have ever thought you'd see doctors and state legislators and congresspeople and the majority of the people at the EPA going public and saying, it's a chemical weapon, get fluoride out, it's now happening, we're having victories.
Giving fight is the key.
And I remember being 12 years old and these bullies beat me up several times.
And when I finally started fighting back, they just left me alone.
Didn't mean three of them couldn't pile in and fight back, but I was still gonna bust their nose, bust their lip.
Didn't matter if they were 15, 16 years old.
If they tackled me and had me down, I went ahead and bit one of them real hard.
Blood was pouring out of his arm.
And then they finally just left me alone.
You see, you win by giving fight, ladies and gentlemen.
I remember coming home when I was 11 or 12, and I told this story, and I had two black eyes, and I came home and my mom hugged me, and was all, I'm so sorry.
I think she made me some hot cocoa or something, and my dad came home, and he said, well, did you fight him back?
He acted disgusted with me.
That was the right thing to do.
But I guess we're just macho down here in Texas.
It's probably a bad decision, though, to go too far to the other extreme.
The first time I put somebody in a hospital that attacked me, I remember my dad was kind of smiling, was proud of it, and I thought that was the thing to do.
The point is, there's extremes in everything.
We've got to be careful to moderate moderation.
I agree with Benjamin Franklin on that.
But you have to give fight, ladies and gentlemen, so we've done what you wanted.
We did what you thought needed to be done.
You, the listeners, gave the money.
We did the recount.
Red-handed, 90-plus mile-an-hour car chases, catching the ballot van in some secret rendezvous with some spooky guy in a Jeep who then speeds off.
Ballots are loaded on the van, sealed, pristine, in beautiful shape.
They get off the van, torn open, ransacked, with huge slits cut out of them.
They wouldn't lock them in the vault.
They left them out in the open area in the building.
Said, no, we're not going to put them in the vault.
Get out of here.
We're not going to.
There's room.
These seals are clearly for fraud.
They come on and off.
It's that type of plastic sticker or stick-on.
Post-it note, basically.
Convicted narcotics trafficker running it all.
Caught with a trunk full of the data cards.
Last election, two years ago, in 2006, in Connecticut, where he also runs the show, driving around, caught by the police, with a trunk full of the data cards, during the election.
And it goes on and on and on and on, and corporate, seasoned corporate crime investigator, Bev Harris, who sent people to prison, who produced the HBO special, Hacking Democracy,
Who normally is completely reserved, says this is a criminal enterprise.
That's her quote.
A criminal enterprise.
We give you red-handed corruption.
She's calling for resignation.
She's calling for you to call the FBI.
And again, we know that they'll get orders from higher-ups to stand down.
It doesn't matter.
We need to put heat on these people.
And if enough comes out, oh, there's a lot of good agents left.
That's how people went to jail in Ohio.
And they say, I'm not going to falsify that report.
Because later when all this comes out, I could go to prison, or I could go to jail.
I'm not going to falsify that report!
You can't have my job!
We've interviewed a lot of those FBI agents on 9-11 who wouldn't falsify reports, who wouldn't shut up about how they were ordered to stand down.
And quote, stop the hijackers.
And they said, fine, you can fire me, I'm going to the media.
I'm not going to be an accomplice to this!
That's the attitude that's going to save this country and save humanity.
Not the attitude of just going along with all this stuff.
I said I'd go to your calls.
This is big news.
Look, here it is.
We broke with Babb the fraud in New Hampshire.
We had to break it.
We put it out.
You gave the money.
Now they've been caught.
What are you going to do with this article?
Harris calls for resignations in New Hampshire.
Recount fiasco.
Vote fraud expert.
Convince chain of custody is corrupt.
Says criminal enterprise is at work.
What are you going to do with this?
Are you going to go April this?
Or just decide, uh, let's just let them steal it.
Now we got to call all the radio stations.
Now you got to call the TV stations.
Now you got to call the Associated Press in New Hampshire.
This is what works.
You get one AP article or one story on this in the mainstream press, it's going to become a national issue.
Or they're just going to recount and cheat and say, oh, the Kooks were wrong.
Yeah, our system was right.
Everything's fine with the machines.
No, we've caught them.
Now we have to get that out of the public.
Or they're going to come out and say the recount came out and Obama did lose to Hillary and Paul got half the votes the polls said he would and the Easter Bunny is real.
The ball is in your court.
I'm going to get more into this later.
Who's up next here?
Tony in Florida.
Go ahead.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
Yeah, just kind of responding to what you've been talking about today.
It is.
It's rampant deception.
These criminals have been throwing it in our face.
They've been ramping it up in the last ten years now.
They're just throwing it in your face.
And I get angry too, Alex.
I get very, very angry.
But I have to keep it in because that can be used against me.
So I have to, you know, go along like when I went today to go vote.
All these new machines there.
You ask a simple question.
Of course, I look at it and I have to see how flawed it is.
People, elderly old ladies behind the machines, you really don't know how to operate them.
You ask questions and they are frightened.
What have they been told?
They just kind of silently with smiles, you know, please go along to the next.
It's just, that's not freedom.
I shouldn't have to give my government issued ID and have it MAG scanned to just simply go and have a piece of paper.
Well see, they've made it all about voter fraud, which is tiny compared to election fraud.
It's the system.
But again, they make it all about keeping the people from voting.
Well, it's the system, it's control, it's manipulation.
And it's tyranny.
Well, they also, in Florida, knocked over 100,000 blacks off the rolls who didn't even have criminal records.
Of course.
And in Florida, I mean, because this is New World Order ground zero.
I mean, chemtrails in the skies.
Yes, rampant fluoride.
Biometric scanners when you go down to all your, you know, the Americans love all their theme parks.
Statewide, statewide, they're scanning all your plates as you drive down the road.
Not even a mile away.
From the main intersection of my neighborhood.
Camera's right there, locked on as soon as you pull up.
And that in itself, because going back to the anthrax, yes, that was more sobs, more control.
But at the same time, the same people that tell you that anthrax, which is the biological al-Qaeda, and that's Ben Laden of biologics, they tell you that fluoride, chemtrails, Ron Paul, the CFR, all these things are just conspiracy theories and don't
Because everyone knows.
I mean, David Rockefeller, everyone knows this.
He didn't commend the media for their involvement.
He commended them for their lack of involvement.
And it's frustrating, Alex, but you know what?
Stand up to them in your daily life.
You will win, because God will honor that.
Great call.
Thank you so much.
Tony, Mark, Jelly, Mike, Chris, and others, your call straight ahead, right here on the GCN Radio Network, TruthNews.us, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net.
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Alright, I want to go back to your calls.
Yeah, they flaunt it in our face.
I mean, when the head CFR minion over the Homeland Security Development Package, Gary Hart, former Senator Gary Hart,
Wrote a letter three months ago.
Remember that?
We didn't make a big enough deal about that.
He wrote a letter to Iran saying, our government stages terror attacks in the past.
Don't just think because 80% of the American people are against attacking you that there won't be some provocation.
You've got to ask yourself, do we stage provocations?
I mean, that is just open now.
They know, the public knows.
They know, the world knows.
So they just say, hey!
I mean, it was the thinnest, the thinnest veil
They didn't even hide it.
They didn't even... It's just there!
And that is a psychological tactic.
To make you feel helpless.
To scare all the other criminal organizations in the hierarchy as well.
Just look at them!
They're openly admitting it!
Because they know the dumbed-down public won't even understand what it means when they admit it.
And for the rest of us, it's just like, oh my gosh, and then even their own criminal system gets freaked out by that.
It's just ultimate arrogance, hubris.
Let's talk to Mark in Vermont, then Joey, Chris, Justin, and others.
Mark in Vermont, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex.
I want to thank you for bringing me my new heroes.
I've been listening for maybe about six months, and you've brought me John Talegatto, who's a great new hero to me, and Bev Harris, and Naomi Wolf, and yourself.
So thanks.
And what I want to talk about is one of the things that I'm concerned about is that even if Ron Paul can win, even if things can change in the upper executive branch of the government,
I'm sitting in a creepy little town in Vermont that is full of neo-con jobs all over the place.
Maybe we can win up top, but are these little ones going to go away?
It's like a double fight now.
We're going to have to knock the little ones away.
I was actually told in an email... I decided to do some activism downtown.
Actually, you gave me a great pointer one time.
You told me about the Delphi technique.
Which, uh, that was a great and so I would tell anybody to check up on the Delphi Technique if they're going in to be involved in their community.
Know that strongly.
So I went down and I just, I mean, these are about putting art and community together and the merchants so that everybody tries to prosper in the downtown.
And all I was getting was, you know, don't talk to the merchants.
Oh, I hear you've been talking to people and that's not going to work around here.
You know, even the tyrannies from top to bottom now, and the little ones, they think they can get away with it just as well.
So, I guess what it is is, you know, you give us all the information, but now we need to take it and do what we need to.
And so, what more can we do locally to get these neocons who think that they're just going to make it through?
They're going to get to, you know, keep their little serfdom.
Oh yeah, there are a lot of people
Who do find out about the New World Order on their own, working in the system, and then make a conscious decision to serve it, to use it.
You know, most people just decide to say, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and do whatever they're told within an organization to move up.
And all over the nation, police will just walk up if you're on a street corner interviewing people and say, turn your camera off, you're not allowed to do this.
Or if you're going in shops saying, hey, we need to get a community organization together of the merchants,
And yeah, the city council will send cops out to arrest you.
Hey, you're not supposed to be talking to people.
You don't have a right to talk to people.
This is America.
What are you, Al Qaeda?
And I think Americans who think they have all these rights need to go out and experience.
Like I did a few months ago, the Austin cops walking up saying, OK, I'm going to arrest everybody here if you don't leave.
I'm like, I have a right.
I'm not blocking traffic.
I'm on the sidewalk here.
The governor's in there.
Go ahead and arrest me.
But I'm going to sue you.
And I assure you.
That you're gonna lose money.
And I said, go ahead.
It's your call.
Let's go.
And they backed off.
And it wasn't some victory.
This is disgusting.
I was depressed.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
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Jillian, Michigan.
Chris in Atlanta, Georgia.
Justin, Washington State.
Stephen, Colorado.
Todd, North Carolina.
Your calls are all coming up here in just a few minutes.
Then I've got a bunch of other news I want to cover.
But getting back into a bunch of election fraud news.
Getting back into the Austin Police, it was not fun having them come over and try to violate our First Amendment.
I mean, it's scary.
Not in that I was physically scared, but scaring me for the country.
That even though the Austin Police Department and the State Police lost lawsuits,
Back in 2000, 2001, because they would just arrest you.
They tried the free-speak zone thing here.
Clinton had just started that, too.
Just know, you know, first it's, well, if you want to shut down the Main Street, you know, Congress, whatever it's called, you know, Broadway in New York, and you want to have a parade, you get a permit.
Totally reasonable.
And then they decide when you can do it, how you can do it, if it's big enough.
Because you're shutting down a whole road,
And it's for an event.
And it's city-sponsored.
But see, after a generation of just that, then it was, oh, you need one to have five people on a street corner.
Didn't matter if all the court rulings didn't say that.
They just told the cops that.
And then now, everywhere in this nation, they'll walk up in England.
It's the same thing in Australia.
They've openly said, three or more people cannot congregate anywhere.
That's called martial law.
Martial law is when three or more people cannot congregate.
That's one of its basic bedrock pillars, or legs of the stool.
And here come these cops, and we're out there with Bullhorn and Rick Perry, and he's in a meeting inside an event.
For children, of course, and we're pointing out that he's just approved the HPV live cancer shot, live cancer virus shot that supposedly cures you of this, but they admit it doesn't, and it's killed all these people.
And so we're bullhorning about that, we're bullhorning how he just came back illegally from Bilderberg, reviling the Logan Act, and how it was in the Dallas Morning News, and again, it exists!
Oh, that kind of messes up your little play world where you said it didn't exist, those of you out there.
News 8 Austin, it's all over TV, all over radio, AP,
And the head cop walks over and he says, listen Alex, uh, you need to go.
He knew what he was doing was unlawful.
As he whispered it, he leaned over to me and he said, you're going to have to go or I'm going to arrest everybody here.
And I said, well, wait a minute.
You're not allowed to be here.
The first cops that got here said, don't block the road.
And we're not, we're not blocking the entrance here.
Now we got a hundred people on this side, a hundred people on that side of the street.
And, uh, he said, listen,
I'm going to arrest you and everybody here.
And they had about a hundred plus cops massed down in the parking lot about a hundred yards away.
They were getting ready in their gear and everything.
Had paddy wagons showing up.
And I go over to the Hill Country Reporter, because the Hill Country Magazine was there.
And I said, he just said he's going to arrest all of us and we don't leave.
And the guy goes, no, you've got a right to be here.
The other officers just admitted that.
He walks over to the head cop and the cop goes, I didn't say that.
Well, it turned out, you know, the cop was saying it, whispering it to me.
We had a camera six inches or eight inches away and they came right up with it.
And we have him on tape saying it and it's on YouTube now.
So we have him saying he'll arrest us, trying to violate our First Amendment.
And then we have him lying to the media and saying he's going to have us arrested.
Then they just openly say, okay, fine.
We told them they were on tape.
Yeah, you're going to be arrested if you don't go.
And I said, listen, you're violating the First Amendment.
Believe me, I don't want to spend 10, 15 grand suing you personally.
And I got lawyers that will sue you.
I'm not the ignorant public who will go out and get some local lawyer that will take their money and do nothing.
And it's all on tape.
I told them this.
I said, don't make me spend all this money.
But I give my word
If you violate my rights, and if you arrest me or anybody else here who's done anything wrong, I'm going to personally sue you, you, you, and you to the top cops right there.
And I said, you need to go have a discussion, and you need to ask yourselves whether or not you want that to happen.
And I said, and you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.
And I said, you're going to take me to jail, I'm going to take you to court.
And I also told them, I said, don't feel sorry for yourselves and act like I'm not being reasonable.
You're the one here in the United States of America!
You know how many veterans have fought and died?
How many women have lost their husbands, their fathers, their brothers?
Our founding fathers didn't drag those guns through the snow with their shoes falling off of the Trail of Blood.
That was reported.
Over a hundred miles dragging giant cannons off Ticonderoga Mountain.
They didn't drag those to fight the British for liberty and freedom, who were telling them they didn't have a right to assemble, by the way.
That's how a lot of it started.
So you could sit here, in this country, and come up to me, and tell me that I don't have a First Amendment!
Just because you're wearing that uniform doesn't make you God, and doesn't make it to where you can violate my free speech and my liberty.
I want you to be a brother and a sister.
I want you to live a good life.
I want you to stop shooting your kids up full of mercury-filled shots.
I care about you.
I know you're just a human being like me.
I want you to stop being lied to and told it's policy you can set up warrantless checkpoints.
Or it's policy you can tase somebody if they just ask you a question and argue.
Or it's policy that you can do this and that.
Don't tase me, bro.
As four cops are sitting on him and he's not resisting.
They're saying put your hands behind their back while a cop is sitting on each arm.
You're not allowed to go into a hospital to somebody who won't give a urine sample and taser them five times till they do.
Again, you've been brainwashed like the general public.
And to have the police come up and tell me I don't have free speech.
To have the police come up and tell me that.
It's just so painful.
It shows you how far gone this country is and that I had to risk.
And they were seriously getting ready to derail arrests.
And then a higher level cop shows up and comes over to me and asks me to go on.
Why don't you just go?
And I said, look, you know he just threatened to arrest me.
You're not allowed to.
Just leave us alone.
We were already going to leave until he started doing this.
We're going to leave.
We were already, by the way, we stayed two extra hours because of that.
And he was more reasonable and left because he didn't want to get sued.
But frankly, he probably would have arrested us if I didn't explain to him the law and spout some U.S.
code at him.
I didn't feel powerful.
Oh, I just stood up to the cops.
I just backed a bunch of cops down.
I just, you know, took control of the situation.
I'm in control of the situation.
You know, the police are all into that.
Power continuum, force continuum.
They need to be in control of control.
They are holding up society.
Now, I was sick that night, psychologically, with disgust and was upset.
You think I like having to have brinksmanship with cops?
I have to defend the First Amendment!
That's America!
I was sick of you guys there lying to the media and pulling all that.
You think I'm happy about it?
You think I want you to be the bad man?
You think I want to dislike you?
You think I want to fear you?
I know you're with me.
I know you're with the people, whether you know it or not.
I know.
You're under attack.
I know what they're doing to you, and I know it's documented.
I don't care how crazy it sounds.
I know about the New World Order.
These are bad people!
This is a bad government!
These are very, very ruthless, wicked people!
And they're incrementally destroying you, and they're destroying me, they're destroying everybody, and I'm tired of it.
And I don't need to have you saying you're going to arrest me.
Now, I also choose my battles.
I know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run.
New York has lost over 200 lawsuits and has paid out more than $50 million.
You know what the federal and state courts do because there's so much precedent?
If you're arrested for even an hour for peacefully demonstrating, do you know what the finance
$250,000 personally on the cop.
But see, New York pays that.
In New York, they don't care.
They'll arrest AP, American Spectator, conservative Fox News people, NPR reporters.
In 2004 at the RNC, they would just randomly scoop up whole thousands of people and drag them.
The cops would run mopeds into people, jump off, beat them, and say that they had assaulted them.
Later it came out the Feds were commanding them and had the FBI and CIA involved.
They have lost hundreds and hundreds of suits.
I'm in New York.
I'm demonstrating on a city street.
Fox News was stupid enough to have an outside event, live TV.
And I knew when I walked up to that Fox News set, I knew I was getting arrested.
I counted the cost there.
And I didn't even threaten the cops.
I didn't even say I'm going to sue you.
Because see, here in Austin, they've lost suits, so that's why they've backed off.
It doesn't even have an effect.
They're in a deeper level of tyranny in New York City now.
Where they don't care.
They don't care if it's illegal.
They don't care how much money the city pays out.
It's just your money to begin with.
But you notice I still didn't back down there.
Now, could I go sue them and spend $10,000, $15,000 and get $250,000?
Am I doing it?
That would take too much time and energy.
My goal here is not to make money.
But in 2000, they started arresting people for demonstrating without permits, and we backed them off with lawsuits.
And this is still somewhat of a free city.
So here, where I could still have an effect, I was ready.
And it was such a good move on the officer's part to back off.
Because they were the ones attacking us.
They were the ones trying to take our free speech.
They were in our backyard.
They were in our business.
They were in the wrong.
And as soon as they got out of the wrong, I left them alone.
Alright, it's a long story.
The point is,
I'll probably never tell it again.
It's just, it's on YouTube.
I forget the name of it.
Hey, Aaron!
Aaron, when you get a chance... Aaron, he can't hear me.
He's got headphones on.
Maybe we'll repost that.
Okay, well, it doesn't matter.
You can come on in here if you want.
I gotta get an intercom system in here.
That's on YouTube with the police saying they're going to arrest me and then lying to the media.
Yeah, it's up there.
Can you bump around and find that and put it on Jones Report?
I've seen it.
Thanks a lot.
What's that little tidbit you got there?
Half of gold in Central Bank's gone.
Jerome Corsi.
That's an interesting story.
We ought to get Dr. Corsi on again.
A friend was asking me who I wanted on today and I've been forgetting I wanted him on.
Let's get him on.
He called me this week and we talked and I forgot I wanted to set him up.
Yeah, we'll post that up on Jones Report for you.
See, seeing is believing.
We'll actually document everything for you.
All the claims that we make will be documented for you.
Alright, before I do go back to your calls and get into the huge election fraud news, it's on PrisonPlanet.com.
Bev Harris calls for...
Resignations in New Hampshire, recount fiasco, vote fraud expert convinced, chain of custody is corrupt, says criminal enterprise is at work.
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Straight ahead, stay with me.
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Joey in Michigan, and Chris, Justin, Steve, Todd, and others.
You're on the air, Joey.
Hey, I'd like to commend you in pointing out the prison planet, and I'd like to tell everybody to go to the Philosophy of Liberty video, because you own yourself, God willing.
They don't have the right.
I, myself, have been thrown in jail many times for butting horns with the authority figures.
Right there in Austin, Texas, actually, for ten years.
You were thrown in jail for ten years?
No, I lived in Austin, Texas for ten years, but I was thrown in jail for butting heads with the authority figures, speaking my mind, you know.
If you speak the truth, it scares people.
You end up getting in trouble.
Well, not for long, because either they're going to win and have total tyranny, or this is going to fall apart, because the people are waking up and seeing through it.
Well, Alex, I've been tortured in jail, in Austin, Texas.
I mean, they threw black bags over my head.
They've shoved needles up my dick and called it... Well, sir, I appreciate your call, but if you don't respect this show and use crude terms, just don't call in.
It's real simple.
And by the way, I recognize voices from just one or two calls.
And I know people have been calling in who've said similar things.
I recognize your voice.
I've still let you talk.
Just don't do it here, okay?
A lot of children listening to this show.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Atlanta, Georgia.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hey, I hope you can hear me okay.
Yes, I can.
Alex, first off, I just want to say it was a highlight of my life being with you in New York on September 10th at those six with you and your crew at Trade Center Plaza watching you do your thing.
That was pretty inspirational.
Well, I better do a good job if it's the highlight of people's lives.
I don't think I do a very good job.
Thank you.
It was quite an event, and I do pray for the safety of your family as you put yourself at the tip of its spear.
My comment is about Ron Paul.
I was on the war room last night and I linked over to Ron Paul Racing and I see that they're trying to get a Daytona, a Ron Paul car, a Daytona 500 and I've donated $100 and I sent the guy, I got an email and he said he had the granny squad on it but I think everybody listening to your show, if everybody's sending maybe $20 or $50 to put a Ron Paul car in the Daytona 500
You're going to get about 100 million people watching that race.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
I'm just a big fan.
You've really given me the red pill.
And I think we need a 200 mile an hour red pill at the Daytona 500.
That's at Ralph Vaughn Race Car.
You know, they're going to have the number 28.
That's Davey Allison's number.
And that's been retired since the 90s.
So that's going to be major media coverage just for that alone.
And if Ron Paul's face is on that number 28 car,
You can't buy that kind of advertising.
I hear you and I appreciate it.
Look, what needs to happen is people need to call the NASCAR Association and they need to say, you've had Giuliani, you've had Mitt Romney, where at the start they'll have them, they'll give a speech and then wave and it's national TV.
If Ron Paul's been getting double and even more, in some cases more than double, the votes in all these primaries than Giuliani, why is he getting all that attention?
I can see Mitt Romney, he's been getting some pretty high numbers.
So see, instead of us having to pay for it, the media, and when you call them and go, hey, he's been on Jay Leno twice, hey, some people admit he deserves all this attention.
You need to have Ron Paul at the Daytona 500.
That's what needs to happen.
I mean, it's fine and dandy to go finance some car and there's been blimps and airplanes and all the rest of it, it's just, um, we really
Really need to demand that the media stop censoring Ron Paul.
And that the media cover that there is evidence of election fraud in New Hampshire, just out, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to talk to Justin, Steve, Todd, and others.
Then I'm going to get into the election fraud in detail.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We talked a little bit about this yesterday.
I'm going to cover it more in the next hour along with election fraud news.
central banks may have less than half the gold they claim to possess, and their vaults charges a washed-out group in an ad scheduled for publication in the Wall Street Journal this week.
And we have the head of GATA, the chairman, William J. Murphy III, WorldNetDaily reported on the Gold Antitrust Action Committee.
claims a fellow reserve in the U.S.
Treasury are surreptitiously manipulating the country's gold reserves by participating in undisclosed leases, according to an advance copy of the report to be running in Thursday's edition of the Journal.
In fact, we have a copy of that ad.
I need Watson to do a story on that, or Steve Watson, maybe Aaron Dykes, maybe Curt Nemo.
Somebody needs to do one on that.
We're also going to do one on what course he's about to cover with us.
GATA believes much of the borrowed gold out of the lease will never be returned to the central banks.
And again, they do that.
They transfer and sell gold way under what it's actually valued as, one of their tricks.
So that's then seen on the markets globally as gold going down to artificially suppress it.
Though it's not working too well now.
GATA believes much of the borrowed gold out of the lease will never be returned to the central banks.
With the demand for gold so strong worldwide, it has become impossible to return much of the least gold without driving the price to the moon, said Gatz Chairman.
And we got him coming on tomorrow.
Dr. Korsh is coming up in a little while.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Let's talk to Justin in Washington.
You're on the air.
Hey, hey Alex Jones.
Since the spring of last year,
I've been having mental problems about me being the Antichrist.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
We're getting prank calls today.
They do it together in mass sometimes.
That happens.
I really appreciate you, man.
Take care.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
See if it's his buddy.
The last two have been the same deal.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Colorado.
Steve, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi there, Alex.
Hey, I wanted to congratulate you once again on an excellent job.
On coast-to-coast last Friday.
Boy, talk about wall-to-wall information.
I just wanted to also mention where you talked about the scriptures being fulfilled, about the ten kingdoms that are being built, of which, of course, NAFTA is one of them.
Well, Norrie brought up, you know, is this the Antichrist?
And I made the point that, well, the Club of Rome said ten financial kingdoms.
I mean, they're following it.
Whether you believe it or not, these guys do.
Yeah, that's true.
Well, they are, and they do call them kingdoms.
I remember reading a book called Enroute to Global Occupation by Gary Kahn.
He had a map in there of a reproduction of a map from the Club of Rome that they had drawn up back in the 70s showing the world broken down.
Sir, we went to UT and got their official handouts.
I mean, we have the official stuff from the 60s where they said they were going to use global warming for a global carbon tax on humans.
It's all eugenics.
Wow, I didn't know UT had it.
These are official.
This is not secret.
This is official Club of Rome stuff.
Right, okay.
Yeah, well that's true.
You just got to know where to look to get their official documents.
That's certainly true, but yesterday you had mentioned that this is not really a religious program.
And I just wanted to encourage you, don't apologize for talking about the Living God, because... You know, sir, I don't, but at the same time, I'm not going to get into a thousand different sectarian groups fighting with each other about how they've all got... I'm here to cover news, information, I don't hide the fact that I'm a Christian, I talk about it.
And we even have pastors on from time to time.
So, I resent the statement that I'm hiding something.
This is not a religious broadcast.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like I was resenting it or anything like that.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to mention that because some of us are praying for your physical safety and the safety of your employees down there and everything because we know what they're... Well, if I don't want to cut you off, stay there, and then Dr. Gorsey's coming up.
Look, I mean, this is a Christian radio show.
I mean, I believe in Christ.
Okay, but this is a news program.
That's all.
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I don't know.
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We're good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number three big news up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Hey, I know a big shot in the media, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Multi, multi, multi-time New York Times best-selling author.
He, of course, swift-boated John Kerry.
But now he's been critical of Bush.
He's got the best-selling book over 100,000 copies sold.
That's the Late Great USA.
They couldn't even keep it in print, but we've got some right now at the bookstore at Infowars.com.
The Late Great USA, the definitive work on the North American Union and the destruction of the United States.
And, you know, I really like Dr. Corsi because he's very intelligent, worked in finances, worked in stock brokering, worked at the highest levels.
He also, of course, has a degree in political science.
And he fights the New World Order, he exposes the North American Union, and he started looking into 9-11 a couple years ago, and it's taken him that long to research it, and now he's getting ready to come out with some stories about 9-11.
And so we'll talk to him about that in a few minutes here as well, and that's what I really respect about him, is that he isn't afraid to go anywhere.
Yes, we are.
Gold Antitrust Action Committee.
We just got him on the phone today.
He's going to be joining us tomorrow.
But Dr. Corsi already got a hold of him.
We've interviewed the chairman before.
This group has sued different central banks and private banks.
They have all these different scams they run.
Dr. Corsi has a unique perspective to analyze this because of his background.
It's always a great pleasure to be with you.
Thank you.
This story, I got into this story, you know, when I found out the Wall Street Journal was going to publish on Thursday, this week, a half-page ad, full-color half-page ad from the Gold Antitrust Action Committee, that caught my attention.
Because the Wall Street Journal is not going to publish any ad from a fringe group where they can't validate the claims, at least to know the claims are not wild and absolutely insane.
So I called up, I tracked down this Ivanka Wallner at the Wall Street Journal, she's an advertising sales rep, and she confirmed to me the ad is going to be run, and moreover, that the Wall Street Journal's lawyers have reviewed the ad, and they've given it their blessing, it's okay to run it.
So that got me deeply into the story, and that's when I got in touch with Bill Murphy, who is the chairman,
Of GATTA, or the Gold Antitrust Action Committee.
And by the way, they make you prove everything in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal when you buy one of these full-page $300,000 spreads.
That's the point Dr. Corsi's making there.
That's right.
They're going to spend $264,000 to run this one day, full-page, in the national edition of the Wall Street Journal.
But even if they had a quarter million dollars they wanted to spend, that's not good enough for the Wall Street Journal.
The lawyers have to confirm that what you want to run is valid.
Gotta have some truth to it or they won't run it, even being willing to pay them that much money.
So that's what caught my attention.
If the Wall Street Journal was willing to publish the ad, there had to be something to it.
And as I got in touch with Bill Murphy, the fundamental claim is that the central banks of the world, including the Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the Treasury, have been for years, back since Greenspan, involved in the gold market,
Making transactions to depress the price of gold to buoy up the fiat dollar.
By the way, Greenspan was an Ayn Rand publisher.
He wrote a book with her and was even anti-Federal Reserve and a top gold expert with his firm on Wall Street.
That's why they chose him.
Go ahead.
Well, that's right.
He's written some very interesting things about gold.
Now, what specifically they're doing, this is the scam, as it were, that most people know nothing about, and that is that
The central banks for decades have been leasing their gold.
Now what this means is that there's a London Bullion Exchange.
And bullion banks, there's about a hundred of them in the world, I linked to them, they're all listed on the London Bullion Exchange website.
So JP Morgan being one, or Citibank.
Citibank comes to the Fed and they get a contract that's never disclosed.
To lease gold from the Fed, so the Fed says, okay, here, you take this amount of gold out of the Treasury, you've leased it.
And then the bullion bank takes that gold into the gold market and they sell it to, say, a commercial user, somebody who wants to make jewelry, or they want to make watches, or they want to make computer circuits, whatever they want gold for.
By dumping gold on the world market through these leases, the central banks, and the gold actually leaves the central banks,
The central banks are able to depress the price of gold because they can match the demand, which is increasing worldwide, with the supplies out of their own vaults.
Now, the slight of hand here is that since the gold is technically leased, the Fed and the other central banks in Europe do not have to report that the gold is gone.
They continue to report that it is in their reserves, even though the gold is physically left.
And the problem is that
You know, whether that gold ever returns or not, we're never going to know.
And with gold increasing in prices, now over $900 an ounce, it's conceivable and argued that a lot of these gold contracts are not being repaid.
Also what happens, and Gat's taken them to court on this and gotten documents on it from some of the big private banks they've sued, that they will then go in with the central bank and the treasuries that control these gold reserves, not just here but in England and Germany, France, Japan, other places,
They will go in, and then they will get to lease the gold way under what spot is.
That then shows up on the world market at a lower price, so it drives down prices.
That's how they also suppress.
They can also then get it at lower prices and then leverage it out with fractional reserve banking ten times.
And they also swap gold back and forth, which makes it even harder to track, so that the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank in Europe might swap gold, and then
The Federal Reserve leases out the European gold, which is kind of a double ability to keep it both on the ledgers of the central bank in Europe and on our ledger.
And they ping-pong it, according to the chairman of the group we've got on tomorrow that you're reporting on, they ping-pong it back and forth, so it's never even really moving, but it shows artificially.
I want to make this clear to people, as gold being sold, it reduces prices, again, rigging the market.
Financial statements of the you know KPMG audits them and the Treasury or the US Mint statement the line item says US reserves or custodial gold and it also includes swaps so the truth is even if you saw the physical gold in Fort Knox you wouldn't know who that gold belonged to because you wouldn't know how it was encumbered and
By various of these derivative transactions, like swaps or leases or something else.
But they won't physically let you in to see the gold, and Congress hasn't been able to have an audit since the fifties.
Break that down.
Well, because the gold is actually being shipped out on these leases.
It's still being kept in the reserves on paper.
But when it's sent to the gold bullion bank and sold, it leaves the Treasury and goes to the commercial buyer.
That's how they
Increase the supply to meet the demand.
It's physically coming out of the central banks.
And I'm sure listeners have known, I remember going back even ten years ago, you could be in Europe and you could go to gold dealers and buy gold coins that were coming out of the central banks.
They were selling gold at that time ten years ago in Europe.
And it's all through these leases into, through the gold bullion market,
With the promise that whoever ultimately gets the gold is going to, at some future date, replace the gold to end the lease.
Now, why should this be important for the average person out there?
Explain, Dr. Corsi, you've got a financial background, on how this ties into the larger economic system.
Well, there's several issues.
First of all, we all think, you know, once we... we don't have gold-backed currencies anymore.
They're all fiat currencies.
So the central banks figured out they don't need to keep the gold.
And here the American people are saying, we've got this U.S.
Reserve as gold, and it's in Fort Knox, and it's secure, and it's not going anywhere.
And we've been lied to, because the Treasury's been manipulating it now for two or three decades.
Well, this is how the goldsmiths 300 years ago got their power that let them leverage their way into controlling Europe, is they would put out receipts on people's gold holdings, and they would leverage out 10, 20, 30 times actual holdings.
So this isn't some new trick they just learned.
No, it's an old trick reinvented.
I think so.
But in a manipulated market, there is no natural price.
But the news is, even with all their manipulation, when the Chinese two years ago legalized their privately owned gold, they have driven demand up.
Now demand is accelerating worldwide.
What are they going to do from your analysis, Dr. Corsi?
Well, the question is whether or not they've run out of their game, their ability to manipulate the gold.
What are they going to do next?
I mean, one critical question here is, is the price of gold now increasing to such a level that this game is over?
And that we're going to see a continual rise in the price of gold.
Also, the dollar is tanking, which is what you'd expect as the price of gold is not able to be suppressed anymore.
The dollar is depressing in value.
Now, I've argued that this is, again, a manipulation.
This may all be manipulated in order to force the scenario where we say the dollar is at such a low value, we'll have to move into a North American market.
And create the Ibarro in order to compete on an equal basis with Europe.
Which is what the CFR last week in a policy paper publicly said they wanted, and which the globalists have been saying for 30 years, and now we have pundits on MSNBC and other places talking about it.
That's right, it's being much more openly talked about.
The Council on Foreign Relations, Ben Steele, just published a paper a few months ago, saying we need to move beyond national currency.
And this current manipulation could easily be designed to tank the dollar and to move into a new regional currency.
Stay there.
Let's talk about what the repercussions of this are and where you see it unfolding, how it's going to develop with Dr. Corsi.
We're also going to talk about his new investigation of 9-11.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
We're back live with Dr. Jerome Couricine.
I'd like to get him up for a full hour in the near future.
I want to get into election fraud and more on the economy in the next segment.
Doc, wrapping it up, I mean, this is a big deal.
They've been suing him.
They've been having successes.
This consortium is made up of a bunch of big gold mining companies.
They're tired of the manipulation that they've been under, where they drive down the price of gold so low they can't even extract it.
Then the big central banks come in and buy up the gold companies.
The elite are obsessed with gold.
Why are they obsessed with gold?
Well, it's just a natural standard of value.
I mean, since ancient times, gold has been something people have wanted and have been willing to exchange goods for.
So gold is a fundamental money.
And if you control gold, you know, you control the fundamental root of money.
What we've got now is a fiat money, and you can't have a fiat money if you don't control gold.
Because you've got to keep gold suppressed in price and relatively worthless, or people are going to dump their fiat money.
And, you know, look, it costs today, you know, we're going in, say there's no inflation, but we're spending over $3 for gasoline.
Go see what $100 will buy in a grocery store.
Doesn't buy very much.
People are getting to the point where they're saying this money is worthless, and that's intentionally being contrived.
Well, Doctor, let's shift gears.
Let's just shift gears, and maybe I'll hold you over to the next segment on the 9-11 thing if you can.
I don't know if you have time.
But, I mean, let's take Austin, Texas.
Sure, I can do that.
I went to a restaurant last night at 11 o'clock.
Yes, we are.
A recession when we've really been in one for over a year.
I mean, all the on-the-ground economic things I see is that stuff is shutting down.
The economy is clearly shutting down.
We're going into a deep recession.
This is not going to be a minor recession.
And this is an asset crisis.
It's not a liquidity crisis.
The Fed's not going to solve this by sending out lowering rates and this plan to send everybody a refund check.
If they'd send the jobs that they sent to China back with that refund check, it might make a difference.
But if they can't do that one-time refund check, it's just a band-aid.
It's not going to help anything fundamentally.
We're into a recession, and we're into a recession that's going to be accompanied by very severe inflation.
So people are going to be squeezed even more to provide for the basics of food, gasoline, at a time when they can't sell their houses because their houses are going down in value.
They can't just sell their houses and bail out of their mortgages or the loans they've taken against their equity in their houses.
People are trapped in their houses if they're not going to lose them.
And everybody's going to feel economically squeezed under this crisis.
It's the precondition for saying we have to have a North American Union, North American market, in order to compete with Europe and solve this problem.
We would never give up the dollar if the dollar were strong.
A condition of making the dollar weak is to increase the price of gold and to weaken the dollar simultaneously.
And there's no doubt your analysis and others, you know, mesh together.
Dr. Roberts, Joseph Stiklitz, the elite is creating a global collapse so the big central banks can consolidate the sub-lending agencies and other organizations.
The elite openly
It's a manipulated economy.
There's no question about this.
It goes back to Greenspan artificially holding rates
This is a manipulated crisis.
2003 and 2004 at 1%.
Now we're into another phase of this crisis where the dollar is tanking, where you're seeing gold increase in value, and it's being manipulated again.
The outcome of this is to say we need a North American market.
We ultimately need a transatlantic union between a European Union and a North American Union.
Stay there.
You heard a story a few weeks ago about how they're already merging the European and American Union.
It's in my film, Endgame, when they openly had press conferences.
They'll even tell you there's not even a move towards an NAU as they're already merging and, quote, integrating the economic systems of Europe and North America.
I mean, we are so far down the road on this.
How long can they just say it doesn't exist?
A few more minutes with Dr. Corsi on the other side.
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The empire's on the run.
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Alright, final segment with Dr. Corsi, then I want to get into election fraud.
And a lot more.
Dr. Corsi finishing up with the economy.
I mean, their own IMF World Bank documents.
I'm like a parrot repeating this.
In 2002 stated they do this on purpose worldwide.
These are predatory groups.
They've bought off governments.
They're able to issue currency, credit, liquidity out of nothing.
We've all grown up in a controlled system, but now they've gotten so greedy, they want everything.
They're destroying our name, destroying our currency.
What can we do, in your opinion, to turn this around?
I mean, I'm saying, know who to blame, expose that it's staged, expose that it's engineered, expose, they say, that they're going to create a crisis.
Well, and I think, to answer what we can do, I think it's not only
Get informed about it, but it's pressing it, even if it's on a grassroots level, even if it's the state legislators and the congressmen.
The congressmen have to run every two years.
Focus on them.
The senators are largely lost cases.
They're not going to pay attention, and they're probably pretty deep in the pockets of the multinational corporations that are funding their campaigns anyway.
But I think it's a case that this is going to take a grassroots saying, no, we're not going to do this anymore.
And it's coming to that, Alex.
It's coming to a crisis.
When the economic crisis hits, as hard as I think it's going to hit, people are going to be so upset they're not going to take answers that are, you know, the kind of answers that denial, no, this is not going on, don't worry about the man behind the curtain, which is the answers that we've been getting.
I don't think people are going to put up with that anymore.
Well, I mean, if we've already got national television and a national
Financial hosts like Jim Cramer saying it's private, it's horrible, it's scamming us, it's doing this on purpose.
They're reportedly going to cut the basis points 25 to 50 points tomorrow.
I mean the dollar... They're going to try to fix it with another Fed cut.
But the Fed cut isn't going to do it because this is not liquidity.
This is not a liquidity problem.
The only ones who are winning in this right now are the multinational corporations and, you know, the Middle Eastern countries.
With their huge sovereign wealth funds, are also buying gold, and China, with its huge foreign exchange reserves from our balance of trade imbalances, are re-militarizing.
And the ex-Soviet Union is doing just fine.
Putin's got a huge supply of oil and natural gas, which he knows is deep earth in nature.
Our geologist told Russia at the end of World War II that they didn't have any oil and natural gas.
You know, they compete to be first or second producer in the world right now.
Putin knows that that's an economic resource and he's going to use it.
Well, it's also a documented fact that just in the north slope of Alaska there's as much oil as there is in Saudi Arabia.
No question about it.
But they will not allow it to be exported or brought to the U.S.
because they want to work with the Arabs in that cartel because a monopoly makes more money.
Well, I think, you know, we've just got to press these things to hopefully break... When people are in such economic distress that they're going to be in,
I don't think they're going to stand for seeing the politicians like, here's the Clintons, how did Hillary Clinton get to be a multi-millionaire and earn a Senate salary?
Here's George Bush, he's going to retire out of the White House and go join his father on the ex-president's famous speaking tour and start collecting fees from Dubai.
I think we're going to sometime realize that our top politicians are traitors to the United States for the opportunity to enrich their own pockets at our expense.
I think American people are going to finally have had enough of that.
I don't think these schemes can last forever with the people not finally waking up to markets are manipulated and they're being manipulated by the central banks with the, you know, advice and consent of the multinational corporation whose agenda they're implementing.
Dr. Corsi has written multiple best-selling books.
The newest is
Of course, the late, great USA.
It's available at InfoWars.com via the Safe, Secure Online Shopping Cart.
Discounted, by the way, but you can also buy it in bookstores all across the country and the world.
I hope you get the book.
I know a lot of you are already awake, but your father, your mother, your son, your daughter, your neighbor, your police chief, your sheriff, your pastor, your rabbi, your whatever is not awake.
You need to give them this book.
It's full of documents, a very easy read, very well done.
Again, available at InfoWars.com.
In closing, Dr. Corsi,
You said you've been investigating it.
You've been investigating it for over a year now.
You say you're really starting to question the official story.
This is a big deal because you're very respected in the conservative community out there, and of course wider than that.
Tell us why you smell a rat.
Well, I'm going to come out with a story I think is going to be earth-shaking, and that is from Stephen Jones, the physicist from BYU who's been dismissed.
Well, he's now gotten samples of the World Trade Center dust, and he's done a spectrographic analysis of it, and also analysis under electron microscopes.
And he's demonstrated that the dust has formed these spheres, these iron spheres, together with aluminum and silicate spheres, that can only be formed under extremely high temperatures.
And I know enough about the science to know he's right.
The fire from jet fuel does not burn hot enough to produce the physical evidence that he's produced.
Now that means that the government's official explanation that the building collapse occurred from the weakening of the iron from the jet fuel fire.
Fine, but it does not explain why we have these spheres, microscopic spheres, in the dust that indicate the temperatures were much higher
than a jet fuel could ever have created.
So when you've got science that the hypothesis doesn't explain, evidence, then the hypothesis doesn't stand anymore.
It doesn't mean there's a new hypothesis you validated.
It just means the government's explanation of the jet fuel fire is not a sufficient explanation to explain the evidence of these spheres, these microscopic spheres,
That Steven Jones has detected and proved exists within the WTC dust.
And he's also, he's also been validated by the U.S.
Geological Service.
Yes, with the sulfidation of the beams.
We also have them cut in one story and two story neat little pieces with these 45 degree angle slices.
I've seen those.
To me Alex, what's so damaging here is that there's scientific evidence in the dust of the World Trade Center debris
That could not be produced by the heat of the fire that the official explanation says is the cause.
What about the video from all the different newscasts, too, of this?
Got them all.
All those things are going to be next steps.
See, in attacking these things, first, scientifically, I say to the 9-11 Commission, what's your hypothesis?
And they say, jet fuel fire caused the steel to melt.
And I'm saying, well, okay, fine.
Then I look at this
And I say, here's spheres in here.
Now, these spheres, microscopic spheres, from molybdenum spheres, iron oxide spheres, they cannot be produced by a fire that burns at the temperature of jet fuel.
So how did these get here?
And there is no answer from the hypothesis from the official commission.
Yes, Dr. Corsi, Dr. Corsi, actually, my film Terror Storm gets into this.
I need you to send... Yes, I need to see that.
I've seen your film, Endgame, and I admire it.
I've watched it several times.
Oh, I didn't know that.
What did you think of Endgame?
I thought it was outstanding.
That's all your work is.
I watch all your videos.
Well, I just appreciate you because you're highly respected, and you're also a pretty iconic Republican, or conservative, and you coming out and questioning 9-11, but it is the science.
There's also all the video of the firefighters.
I understand, and we can get to that, but see, for me, Alex, what really tips the scale
is when you've got science that the conventional hypothesis doesn't explain.
It's the same thing that got me to abiotic oil.
I said, fine, I understand all your dinosaur stuff, but how did the oil get down so deep?
And why is carbon-14 methane found on Titan?
Were there dinosaurs up there or did hydrogen and carbon get together on their own on Titan?
Once you've got evidence, the conventional theory doesn't explain.
The conventional theory is then
It's no longer valid.
There's no doubt that they can find some coal fields that do have some biological coal shale.
Yes, but they can't produce that that produced the coal.
I was about to add that there is no doubt that oil is being naturally produced on the earth.
Being naturally produced on the earth.
You've got carbon-14 methane bubbling up out of a great crack in the center of the Atlantic Ocean.
And we finally have the technology to go down there and determine that it's carbon-14.
Carbon-14 is the isotope of carbon that is not produced biologically.
You know, I've got to have you back up sometime just to talk about that, because I know you're an expert on it and have written about it.
My point here is, once you've got scientific evidence, like in 9-11, that the conventional hypothesis can't explain, it's time to throw out the conventional hypothesis.
Okay, well let's get past you being scientific here and just looking at that and saying, you know, something stinks.
Uh, with people like you starting to question 9-11 with the science, boy, that's really gonna... That's what rattles the cage.
If I can say on the science, this conventional hypothesis that the jet fuel fire doesn't hold, now the 9-11 Commission's got a problem.
Well, it's real simple.
You got women waving their shirts, begging for rescue, five feet from giant columns that suddenly snap and explode.
Well, that's right.
There's no heat there.
How did the fire not burn her?
How is it not burning these people, but it's burning giant four-foot-round columns?
I just think that this microscopic Sears evidence that Stephen Jones now has proven, has got pictures of, has measured, disproves that the fire was able to produce what we see in the evidence.
That's critical.
It's so critical that, you know, the first thing scientifically, remember,
A Ph.D.
from Harvard.
I was trained on the scientific method.
The first thing you do is set up a null hypothesis and find out if you can disprove the, you know, if you can find something to reject the null hypothesis.
It doesn't mean you've got a new hypothesis that's better.
It means that hypothesis doesn't work.
Dr. Corsi, thanks for spending time with us.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Thank you.
Take care.
All right.
We'll definitely have him back up.
We haven't had him on in a while, and he's just a great guest.
Yeah, he's going to start more and more going public on 9-11.
I told you that about a year ago.
People couldn't believe it.
And now you're going to see this whole thing start to collapse.
Because it's not just Corsi.
When we have the firemen running and the police saying, get back, they're going to blow up 7 with a countdown on video, it's over.
The government blew it up.
And it's all going to come out.
So you just rest assured, New World Order.
Okay, I want to get into this top story.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It is the entire top of the page.
It is huge news.
And that is dealing with election fraud.
But I ended up holding Corsi over longer with his financial news.
Gold is at, what, $9.27 right now.
Last time I checked, 30 minutes ago.
I mean, that's an all-time high.
$8.50 was the previous record.
And I just, the public is not in the position, you're not acclimated, you're not habituated.
Even people that know what's happening with the dollar.
I mean, I talk to people, my friend, just about his buddy got a big inheritance and he's not buying any gold with it.
He is just going to run out and buy some overpriced New York real estate.
A house.
When it's all in free fall, even in Manhattan it's going down.
When gold is up,
Ted Anderson, how much is gold up just in the last year?
Well, in the last year, we're at about $680 here, just about a year ago, and now we're at $924, so that's pretty close to $300 an ounce.
And what was it's low, like $315 or something?
Yeah, $248 it hit a low of here about six years ago, seven years ago.
Oh, they don't want that low.
Yeah, it was not there for very long.
I thought I bought it the low at like $315, $320.
That certainly is low, Alex.
To get that exact low in the marketplace, you never know when it's going to happen.
Well, unfortunately, I got like 10 coins then, but whatever.
But hey, something's better than nothing.
Ted, we don't have a lot of time here.
I just want to tell people about a new special offer.
I'm told that you were able to still keep the price at what you got some for a week or so ago.
When is it going to go up?
Is this the last time?
Because it just keeps going up that they're going to be able to get it at a special price.
Well, there's two things that I have that are exactly the same price.
I still have the silver dollar rolls at $400, even though silver's damn near $1,700.
I'm sorry, even though silver's almost at $17 an ounce.
And the British Sovereigns, just edging up a little bit, now they're at $253.
The Franks are at $203, so they just went over $200.
The $5 commemoratives are still at $327.
And that coin was the same price as it was when gold was at, we were looking at,
800 and I think it was 880 an ounce here just a short time ago, so now we're at 925.
Well, I personally think the best deal is the Sovereign and the Frank and the Silver Dollars.
The Commemorative is great as well.
Ted, they need to call the brokers.
Again, you're the guy that owns Genesis and also owns Midas Resources.
It's all in the same building there, and it's just a fabulous deal for the listeners.
Give them the number.
Yeah, 1-800-686-2237.
Again, that's 1-800-686-2237.
The gold market is hot as a pistol, so is the silver market.
Now's the time to get involved, Alex.
I mean, if there's ever a time that you can get involved with the precious metals, just watch the dollar melt away.
Anybody that's sitting with currency in their portfolio, you're just asking, you know, you might as well just burn it up.
Hey, I'm to the point of I may have to go pull the meager amount that I've got in college funds because the cash is just being devalued down to nothing.
I was trying to be diversified, but I'm in the position of not having too many assets, so it's not a problem.
I just wonder what it's like for folks that really do have a lot of capital and have just never bought gold, never physically held metals.
They just don't understand it.
They are really losing out here.
I've been telling people to buy gold since it was $315 an ounce.
I guess it was 200 and something then, I just didn't notice that.
But, I mean, folks, 800-686-2237.
Gold should be at about $2,300 for 1980, last high dollar value.
They're saying silver should be at about $100 an ounce.
So it's still, it has not moved yet.
And, Alex, you've got to remember, we were not facing the economic crises then that we are today.
We're good to go.
Well, they're saying the central banks may not be able to suppress it, and that looks like what's happening.
Ted, give them the number again.
Yeah, it's 1-800-686-2237.
If you're in anything that has to do with paper, you should be frightened.
There's no question about it that you should be taking a look at what you can do to get out of it.
Get the heck away from the banks.
Get away from the stock market.
Get yourself some precious metals, because that stuff is money and it has been for over 6,000 years.
There are polite brokers, great brokers, educated brokers there to take your order or take your question.
Right now, these four deals he just offered, you cannot beat them.
Here's the number.
Give him a call right now.
Jed, thanks for popping in.
Yeah, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
We'll come back with the election fraud news.
Stay with me.
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The old's actually gone above 930 today.
Excuse me.
Said the Joker.
Harris calls for resignations and New Hampshire recount fiasco.
I'm asking you to get this story out everywhere.
I'm asking other talk shows to cover this and talk about it.
You don't have to plug me.
You can take the material and put your name on it.
I don't care.
I want to stop the election fraud.
I don't want to go into martial law.
So just please cover this.
Other networks, please cover this.
Everybody, listeners, help me get this out to everybody.
Harris calls for resignations in New Hampshire.
Recount fiasco.
Get Bev Harris on.
Vote fraud expert.
Convinced chain of custody is corrupt.
Says criminal enterprise is at work.
Fresh from her confrontations in New Hampshire, during which public officials were grilled about slapdash chain of custody and ballot box tampering issues, Bev Harris told Alex Jones Show that a criminal enterprise is running the primary recount and has called for Secretary of State William Gardner to resign and his assistant to be fired.
Harris was fundamental in vetting the production of the HBO special, Hacking Democracy, and contributed towards bringing charges against the Vote Fraudsters, who were convicted, I would add, Paul, who cheated in the Ohio 2004 system.
Harris traveled to New Hampshire personally to discover for herself the disgraceful lapses in chain of custody and the memory cards and ballot boxes used in the recent primary.
Harris is featured in the video below asking public officials about slits in ballot boxes as they bizarrely deny that the slits are big enough to allow tampering, amongst a myriad of other disturbing questions in chain of custody.
Followed up questions are frowned upon and one official calls security to have Harris removed.
Following Republican candidate Albert Howard's attempts to oversee the recount, Harris said, I knew that somebody needed to get to New Hampshire and
We're good to go.
And he goes on and on, was there either not getting answers or we were getting bizarre answers.
And then he goes into the quotes of her about having to chase the ballot van at over 90 miles an hour, catching it, trying to lose him down a road and meeting some other jeep, and then running very suspiciously, getting the ballot boxes in there, seeing the ballot boxes we put on the vans,
Being picked up clean, getting off the vans torn open, ripped open, slits in them, not locking it in the vault, putting it in a common area in the government building, saying we weren't going to lock her in the vault.
On and on and on, for Bev Harris to come out and say, to use the term that this was a criminal enterprise, I mean this is just huge, it's a long article.
We need to get this out to everybody up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's the total top of the page.
You can't miss it.
Harris calls for resignations, a New Hampshire recount fiasco.
So, this is important because we can point out that it's a fraud.
See, we went and did the recount, and now we're showing that indeed they're covering up something.
They're acting very suspiciously.
Things have been tampered with.
This is an organized criminal enterprise, in her words.
A criminal recount.
This is big news.
It's up to us to get this out.
Because it's bigger than just Ron Paul now.
It's about our electoral voting process and exposing that it's been compromised.
I didn't get through most of the article.
Again, it's a brand new article up on PrisonPlanet.com.
A lot of important information was covered in the first hour.
We'll be right back after this break at the streams at InfoWars.com.
And we'll see you back live tomorrow.
Retransmission starts now at InfoWars.com.
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