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Name: 20080124_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We'll be going over the latest global economy news right here in the United States.
We got Bob Chapman popping in for a 15 minute interview in about 30 minutes.
International Forecaster, some of the best economic true analysis you're going to find anywhere.
And then Charlotte Thompson-Isserby, been interviewing her for more than 10 years.
We haven't had her on in about two.
So I thought, why not get her back up and continue the series we're doing here, yesterday with John Taylor Gatto on education, from their own source documents, how they're dumbing down the population.
How they took us from the most intelligent people in the world with the highest test scores, dwarfing any other nation, to being the dumbest in the industrialized and behind 20-plus third-world nations in the rankings as well.
That's right.
People growing up in dirt-floored huts in tiny villages are getting better educations than the American people.
And the reason I decided to get Charlotte on today
Well, I'm going
Individual who implies that he's going to school to be a social worker.
He's 30-something years old, I guess, and still in school doing that from what he implied.
And he just said that, I believe space aliens run everything.
I believe George Bush is with space aliens.
I've never said that.
We don't talk about space aliens here.
And he went on to say that we're just making it up that social workers have called the family a disease and said that it has to be eradicated and that everyone's mentally ill who is part of a family and that the state has to re-educate us.
But he did issue a challenge that last night and this morning I have yet to be unable to meet.
And that is about five years ago
Bob Dacey came to me.
His son was going to college.
He's now a police officer.
And he was going to school here locally in Austin.
And I went way back in memory, to be accurate, it was ACC at the time.
Then he went to Sam Houston and got his official degree in law enforcement.
Really good guy.
And knew him when he was a little kid.
Grown-up man and a cop down in Houston, but long story short, Bob came in, and now Bob's only here eight, nine years, one of my great proteges, very proud of Bob Dacy, and he came in with a textbook down to the TV station.
He gave me photocopies of it, and it was Calhoun Readers Social Working something, and it was the textbook used at ACC and UT.
He had documents on that.
And it said that something like, the family is a throwback to ancient times.
We must cure this disease.
The family is a disease.
Then I saw Bob a few months ago and I said, Bob, can you find that?
And he said, yeah, I'll try.
But, you know, in five years we go through quite a few documents.
And Bob, since then, I haven't really stayed on him, hasn't found it.
And then I did some Google searching and I couldn't find it last night for about an hour and got madder and madder.
Then I spent about another hour and a half of time I didn't have this morning doing it.
So I'm going to turn you loose.
But that means if I forget to not talk about this in the third hour and you posted it in the PrisonPlanet.com message board, you need to call in and tell me where it is so I can go find it.
Here's an example.
Four or five months ago I went on air and talked about how
Cities all over the country won't hire you if you have over 100 IQ as a cop.
People said I was a liar.
And the listeners literally found like 30 mainstream articles and we blew them away.
So I'm turning you loose.
I need your help.
Find me textbooks, quotes, government documents where they call a family a disease.
Post them all in there.
The power of millions of you taking action is unstoppable.
I know it's there.
Find it.
We'll be right back.
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You're leaving your number out I knew that you would You think that I'll be home waiting Just like I should But if you're thinking you're right then you'll be wrong And when you get home, babe, I'll be gone Your name represents you I don't believe a word you say
And if you wonder what I'm doing, I'll tell you I found a better way.
Well, those were times in the past we shared, but now, baby, I don't really care.
I'm over my head.
When you're sittin' alone, you look up at that west Texas sky.
Well, the clouds are dustin', clouds are rainin', let you know that I was doin' fine.
There's only one thing to put it, you were definitely wrong.
But now I don't even care anymore, cause baby I'm gone.
Baby, I'm gone.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Now this song's never been heard before on the radio.
That's our very own Weldon Henson and Trey Kincaid.
Weldon Henson and the Hillbilly Renegades from right here in Austin, Texas with his first CD.
Yeah, I think so.
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You can get the CD at WeldonHenson.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're also on MySpace, if you care to peruse over that direction.
Okay, let me just stop and go back to what I was saying before the break.
I remember about four or five months ago, I got on air and I mentioned stories that I've covered many times over the years.
And I've talked about how the states, under federal guidelines and federal grants, from Detroit to Dallas, Texas, from New York City to Los Angeles, California, I mean, every major city I've seen, there have been lawsuits and cases, I see them pop up every few months, where if a police officer now has over 100 IQ, they don't hire you, and that's done, we have the documents, because they found people over 100 IQ, over average intelligence,
100 IQ isn't stupid.
Most of us have 100 IQ.
I'm not saying cops are dumb, I'm just saying they don't want above average that are going to see the big picture and ask questions.
And sure enough, YouTube videos, emails, phone calls, I'm a liar, I'm making that up.
People didn't believe it.
And they said, Alex didn't give proof for that.
Alex just made that up.
Well what happens is,
If I've already covered something 30, 40, 50, 60 times with the actual news articles, I will then get into shorthand on the air, and I will say, yeah, they won't hire cops if they've got over 100 IQ.
That's been that policy for at least a decade, that we know of.
There have been national TV programs about it, trying to spin it.
And sure enough, our great listeners, when I mentioned it, went into the
PrisonPlanet.com forums and literally found dozens and dozens of stories and articles and mainstream reports.
It's the same thing.
When I get up here and I say the Mexican Attorney General made his employees take implantable microchips, that was in MSNBC, Associated Press, Reuters.
It was big news four years ago.
And the last time I mentioned that I got emails and calls and YouTube videos were made saying I was a liar.
I'm not a liar.
And frankly, before you just say I'm making something up, you should go Google it and search it out for yourself.
But maybe since I mentioned that, we should just post it right there in the forum.
But the people that are saying these things, I don't even think that they're out there themselves lying, calling me a liar.
I think they really think I'm making this up.
They can't believe that the Mexican Attorney General took a microchip and made his employees take one.
I don't think they believe that the California Bureau of Prisons in 2003 tried to make its prisoners take it, Reuters reported.
There was a backlash and lawsuits and then they backed off.
I don't think when I talk about civilian inmate labor camp programs and the admissions of secret concentration camps from 86 until 96, declassified in 96, I think people hear that and they just think it's a lie.
Why don't you type civilian inmate labor camp program into Google?
And you will find it.
You will find out I'm telling the truth.
Now, occasionally, I go back from something 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 years ago, 13 years ago, 15 years ago, because I was politically active and, you know, fighting the New World Order two years before I got on air, and it's so many years ago, I can't even find it.
I know I reported it.
I know I held it in my hand.
I know it's true, but you know what?
Now, it's kind of like a pet peeve or an obsessive compulsive in a way.
There's a few things I obsess on.
And it might be not being able to find some 15 year old t-shirt with holes in it that I love.
That happened this morning.
Or it might be not being able to find my car keys.
I just go crazy.
Or it might be, I mean, we've all got them.
Well, one of them is not being able to find something I've had.
Now, it's Calhoun Reader, Social Work 101, something like that.
Five years ago, maybe six years ago, I had it on TV, the textbook.
Bob took it back and gave it back to his son who was going to college here locally.
I asked Bob for it.
He can't find it.
He gave it back to his son because he sold the textbook back.
They're so expensive.
He had photocopies of it.
I'm lighting a fire.
I want that text.
Where it said the family is a disease, and primitive, and needs to be eradicated.
I want it, and I want it now.
Now John Taylor Gatto read the Hillary Clinton quote, footnoted from his free book, at JohnTaylorGatto.com yesterday, where he came on and talked about Hillary saying the family was a primitive, you know, bad institution.
I know that we've got official Department of Education documents where they said they wanted to remove the family from being in control.
So I just went ahead and set Charlotte Iserby up today for the third hour to address this.
In fact, let's just go ahead and play the first minute of this guy.
And again, he's just indicative of the average person.
I believe he really believes I'm lying.
I believe that he really thinks I'm making this up.
And I guess in his social working classes or whatever he took at college, he implies it was social working.
He says he never read this in his social working books, but he didn't come across this.
I don't know how you didn't.
It's said in different ways throughout the literature.
I mean, I've got in Endgame the quotes of him talking about taking over the family and mass drugging the population.
I mean, there's hundreds and hundreds of these quotes and statements, but let's just hear the very first of this, where he, out of the gates, though,
Says that I say that space aliens run things, and that George Bush is working with space aliens.
I have never said this.
So at first he makes totally illegitimate attacks, and then he expands out, though, into things that are legitimate.
Because he's seen shows where I just mention that, oh yeah, I saw this textbook where it said this.
And, you know, five years later, I don't have it in front of me.
But it is real.
Here it is.
Hello there, YouTube.
This is the Scientist, and I'm doing a video response to the Alex Jones Family and Socialism thing.
First off, I want to say that Alex Jones nuts.
This is the same guy who does Prison Planet, and we all know it for gems like Aliens are Invading, you know, Bush is an Alien, just weird, off-the-wall crap like that.
And this video is a perfect example of what this guy is all about.
Absolutely perfect, and I just spelled it out for you.
First of all, why are police and social workers in a children's classroom bad?
And I don't think they mean, like, right in the classroom, but working with teachers, I don't know why that would be a bad thing.
I mean, you know, schools are, in and of themselves, designed in part to catch things like abuse, or
Childhood did all the problems.
Guilty until proven innocent.
What about the state?
The Fed's own numbers cover Newsweek, the shame of foster care, 2000.
That little black kid on the cover.
Go pull it up.
Don't just sit there and say I'm lying.
Go prove I'm wrong.
Said that you're five times more likely to be abused in foster care or in the CPS, Child Protective Services system.
It's the most dangerous place for children.
And, you know, he probably thinks I'm lying when I say AP reported in Michigan they threw fake blood on kids and set off fake bombs with smoke and told them that the homeschool defense league quote against public education, that was in the news, was going to kill them.
Or that they come in unannounced and make the children urinate on themselves in SWAT team drills
Or that it was in the Pensacola News Journal that Marines came in, aimed guns at them, and said, Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is like.
1998 Pensacola News Journal.
I mean, there's hundreds of these stories.
It was in the major Minneapolis St.
Paul newspaper in 2001.
I had the teacher and her lawyer on, where they came into the portable buildings, aimed guns at them, told them they were going to kill them, marched them out of the woods.
She had a nervous breakdown.
Kids were defecating all over themselves.
This was in the newspaper, not telling them it was a drill.
And I see one of these every month.
This is the type of brainwashing and trauma that's going on in these schools.
Or Swansboro, North Carolina, the police dogs grabbing the bags, ripping them open, all on school surveillance cameras, looking for drugs, no drugs found.
They're indoctrination centers for putting kids into the prison system.
Cameras in bathrooms aren't good, little boy.
This is what's happening.
The social workers were set up by eugenicists.
That's the historical fact.
But he just goes on to say it's not true.
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Ira Hates!
Ira Hates!
Ira Hates!
Oh no!
Ira Hates!
Social workers!
Didn't do anything to the Native Americans.
They didn't take their children away from them and re-educate them.
They didn't sterilize them.
No, that didn't happen.
That's right.
You know what happened?
By the 1850s they'd set up the first social worker battalions in England.
They picked up the very same ideas by the 1880s in the U.S.
through eugenics and they forcibly took tens of thousands of Native American youth from all the major tribes and they put them on trains from out west
From the East, they'd take them up to huge training centers.
You didn't know this.
And they'd cut their hair short.
They'd make them wear suits and ties.
And they'd destroy their culture.
That was the males.
They'd take their women by the turn of the century right through to today and sterilize them.
And I saw the Austin Chronicle.
Somebody sent me an article they'd written a few months ago.
I just read it the other night.
And it made a joke about me.
It said I was basically crazy and
Made stuff up about the government sterilizing Native Americans and how I was a nut.
That's on PBS, you pieces of filth!
That's public!
And I'm sick of you making jokes about everything that's happening and everything that's going on around us, just because you're little kids, mentally, and you don't know about the real world, and you're not aware of the horrors that are taking place.
And they practice it all on the blacks, they practice it on the natives, and by the way, they're doing it to everybody now.
There's a lot of yuppies and a lot of know-it-alls.
I was talking to a friend just last week and she was talking about her sister who's a prosecutor in Fort Worth.
And she was talking about a documentary out about toxic waste in China and the industry and how the deformities are up and the children are dying.
And she just said, and how does that affect me, what's happening in China?
She's on a power trip.
You know, that woman, I'm sure, engages in tyranny every day up in Fort Worth and just enjoys herself on a big fat power trip, but she takes the shots and she drinks the fluoride and she feels like she's part of the system.
You're nothing.
This same system's chewing your very soul out, lady.
So you go ahead and make jokes and say they didn't take the Native Americans and destroy their culture.
You know, the government, 250 years ago,
The British government, the French government, openly in textbooks, in field manuals, talked about how they could go into a smallpox area, go into people's homes that had smallpox, and how they could get the blankets, because again, Europeans have been dealing with it for tens of thousands of years, so they weren't as susceptible, they just got sick generally, and how they could take it and give it to the natives, and how it was a good way to wipe them out.
Did you know?
That didn't start in the 1860s out west.
That was being done in Canada, what's Canada today, in French Canada, in British Canada, and in British Colonial, what is the United States, original 13, and into the wilderness areas.
Going into Ohio and Iowa and going even further out into Illinois, going into Michigan,
Going into Tennessee.
By the way, they even got it on Discovery Channel now.
I won't watch a lot of TV, but I happened to flip it on a few months ago.
I even saw them admitting, what I already read in history books, that the Huns knew how to take somebody who had the plague, or they knew how to take somebody who had smallpox, and they would catapult their rotten bodies over the wall when they were running sieges against the Chinese.
The Chin.
And others.
Where Chinese comes from, the Qin Dynasty.
That's what they would do.
Oh, but the government doesn't launch biotechs today.
People were just doing it a thousand, two thousand, three thousand years ago.
Oh, no.
They don't do anything.
There's no social engineering going on.
None of it's happening.
We can just trust the government and do whatever they say.
Doesn't matter if New Scientist admits fluoride eats holes in your brains and massively lowers IQ and lists a whole bunch of government and university studies.
I mean, I only mention that because people won't believe me, they'll believe New Scientist.
Doesn't matter if the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association since 2005 have said children shouldn't drink fluoride and shouldn't brush their teeth with it.
They're not going to stop.
Doesn't matter.
A lot of you out there are... would have just been averaged 100 IQs, but you've got a 90 and 85 and 80 because of the fluoride alone.
So you can't even understand me right now.
You're a grueling mess.
But for those of you that have still got some brain left, listen to me.
Stop drinking it.
Stop letting them attack.
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We're good.
Jimmy Bond!
What a class act!
My good friend, his wife's another wonderful friend, wonderful lady, Robin.
That's why I love being in this movement.
Because I get to know the coolest people, the smartest people, the folks that love this country, that love decency, that love honor, that love...
Goodness, righteousness, and Jimmy's just a sweetheart.
And so is Robin.
Every time I play that song, I think of Jimmy, another fellow Austinite.
I've got about a five-minute clip.
I'm not going to play it all, because I want to go to Bob Chapman.
Now I'll give you the economic outlook, what's happening.
The stock market's up right now, as he predicted it would, but that was at the cost of a 75 basis points cut, which is decimating the dollar.
Gold has surged back above $900 an ounce.
It was $300.
Just five years ago.
That's the real inflation being mirrored there.
I wanted to talk about what a crash will look like, and if we are going to have a crash, when he thinks that will unfold, or if it will just be this long, slow slide into night.
Then Ron Paul's called for investigation of the Fed, so is Cramer now.
Jim Cramer, of all people, on MSNBC, CNBC's on both.
Who is to blame?
Why they're orchestrating this?
How they're doing it?
I was in a store line yesterday, bringing some food home to the family, and I heard people talking about how the Federal Reserve was behind this, and they didn't even know who I was.
It wasn't like they were listeners to this show.
The word's finally getting out.
But I want Bob Chapman, international forecaster of TheInternationalForecaster.com, to be able to comment on this.
So let's play a few minutes of Jim Cramer attacking the Fed.
You thought you'd never hear it.
Well, now you are hearing it.
Things are changing.
Here it is.
You know I am no fan of the Federal Reserve these days.
You know that I think the Fed has hurt this stock market and this U.S.
Frankly, I think the Federal Reserve has run amok.
It's become totally unaccountable.
Tonight, I think I found a fellow traveler, Congressman Ron Paul, who's running for president as a Republican and has been highly critical of the Federal Reserve.
I'm inviting all the candidates to swing through Mad Money and talk about your money.
Congressman Paul's position is so important on the Fed, and his method of spreading his message for his campaign is so different from everyone else's, that we're thrilled to have him on the show tonight.
Welcome Congressman Paul.
Thank you very much.
Nice to be with you.
Great to have you.
Look, one of the things that's changed, and you're changing it, caucuses and kissing babies, they don't cut it anymore on the campaign trail.
This is 2007.
YouTube is king in so many ways.
I never thought we would have so much in common, Congressman Paul, but you and I have struck a chord and become YouTube sensations.
And it's about an unlikely topic.
It's about the Federal Reserve.
And we know even the younger people, younger people are into it.
Why is it that your message, my message, somewhat critical, absolutely critical to the Fed, is just reaching home to so many young people and actually everyone throughout the country.
Well, to me it's utterly amazing.
When I go to the college campuses, I get the loudest applause when I criticize the Fed and indicate that I don't even like the Fed and think we should talk about getting rid of it.
So it is an important issue and I think this is the first time in over a hundred years that it's become an issue in a presidential campaign.
So I'm really excited about it because the monetary issue is something that has driven me to get involved in politics for a long time.
Now you have been, I think, spot on in saying that the Federal Reserve created the stock bubble with low margin rates and it created the housing bubble with low mortgage rates.
Yet I never hear about anyone talking about investigating the Fed in Congress.
It's a creature of Congress.
Why don't we do it?
You're absolutely right.
That's why I introduce a bill constantly to audit the Federal Reserve.
We've created the Federal Reserve, and it has no oversight.
We don't even know if they have the gold there anymore.
And it's so important, yet there's no oversight.
I think it's even more secret than the CIA.
So, to me, it ought to be open.
When we come in at the 8 after the next hour, I want to play the rest of it.
I want to get to Bob Chapman now, who will be with us until then, maybe even a little bit longer.
I don't think so.
They are really getting desperate right now, but thank God Kramer did have him on.
Bob Chapman, I mean, two, three years ago, I would have never imagined we'd hear open discussions of the private Federal Reserve stealing gold, being more secret than the CIA, running the country.
Now, the top five, six videos on Google 100.
Are the Money Masters and other videos exposing the Federal Reserve, the Von Mise Institute, my video, America Freedom to Fascism, I mean all the top videos now.
This is really catching fire, Bob.
Well, and well it should.
Incidentally, Aaron Russo is one of our subscribers.
And I infrequently talk with him.
It's very nice to see intellectual honesty coming out of Wall Street.
I hope Mr. Kramer knows the wrath that that's going to bring down upon him.
I'm glad he said what he said.
The tape that we've heard is totally truthful, but they don't want to hear about that on Wall Street.
They want to do what they want to do, and they've had free reign for a long, long time, and they essentially have a license to steal.
You know, I spent 28 years in the brokerage business, and I own my own firm for a number of years, and so I know what they do.
I'm one of the ones who left retired, and unfortunately I have to work because I'm an A-type.
But anyway, in the market, we saw a two-hour turn that took the market from a minus $300 on the Dow to a plus $300.
Now, let me tell you something.
That doesn't happen by smoke and mirrors.
That happens because the working group and financial markets
Which is a creature of an executive order by Ronald Reagan in August of 1988.
They go into the market, and they rig the markets.
Now, it was intended for emergencies.
The emergency being September, October the 18th, approximately 1987.
I was in London when the market collapsed.
What has happened is that they put this in place for emergencies.
So what does the Fed and the U.S.
Treasury do?
They use it 24-7 now.
They're in, bobbing in and out of markets of pure fascism.
But anyway, that's what they did.
And of course, they suppressed gold because they knew that they were going to drop rates, and they knew how much they were going to drop them, and they knew that would make gold go up, so they hit gold.
And they do that by either
Arranging for selling from, perhaps, and I say perhaps because we don't know whether America's got any gold or not, it hasn't been audited since 1954.
Or they've got another central bank to sell gold into the market, or bought puts, or shorted, or whatever they did.
Anyway, they drove gold down.
And then they did their 600 point turnaround after they made their announcement and a three-quarter of a point cut.
And what happened?
Gold goes up $25 this morning.
They're not going to keep it down.
The world is catching on, finally, to what they're doing.
Well, Bob, also on the face of it here, I mean, when you've got the private Federal Reserve with all these governors and presidents and chairmen who openly are in revolving doors with the biggest private banks, you know, the IMF and World Bank, this is the ultimate insider trading for select interests.
You know, in the past years, I think the only one that's come out of any of those institutions that was worth a salt was Joe Stiglitz.
And he's still traipsing around telling people the truth.
He just got fed up.
He was the chief economist there.
Well they gave him the quote IMF 100 point plan and they openly stated we're here to destroy third world countries we don't want to do it to the first world and we want to totally implode them so we can buy everything up with the credit and liquidity we issue and he just said you know what I'm a globalist but I'm not going to be part of this.
You're absolutely right and the outcome is that he's letting information out that people need to know
And I think he's doing a fine job and I'm glad his honest conscience took command over the kind of greed that we fell with Alan Greenspan.
Well last January 24th on this show, in fact I looked it up, this is the day, he was here last year with us when he was in Texas.
And he said that within two years, they hadn't reversed their policies, which he said they were doing on purpose, that it was a majority chance that we would go into a global depression, and now we're a year into that, and it looks like they're only going to accelerate the policies that are going to bring us to that.
And that's correct.
And the only question, like you raised earlier, will it be quick or will it be delayed?
And I am in the delayed school, so to speak.
They're going to fight ferociously to keep the system going, to keep their money and power rolling as long as they can.
They don't want to give up.
And plus, they don't want it discovered, what they've been doing, because people are just going to go off the deep end when they find out
That they've been in rigging the markets?
They're also busy for three years positioning their wealth into transportation, into military, into communication, into staples, into commodities that they know aren't going to go down when all the paper corporate paper goes down the toilet.
Is that accurate?
That's accurate, absolutely.
In fact, I saw the accumulation in commodities begin
In the early 1990s, and around 1995, six and seven, Jimmy Rogers started to talk about it.
And Jimmy has a lot more visibility than I do.
He used to be George Soros' partner, for those of you who don't know.
And Jimmy recommended commodities in 1999, and he's done handsomely with it.
But the ones who are accumulating the commodities
Yes, we are.
This signals to me, Ron Paul of course is a loose cannon to the establishment, but Kramer is on somewhat of a leash.
For him to be attacking and now others to be attacking in some of the columns shows a shift in the power structure, at least at some strata.
Your take on where that battle is coming from and how deep it goes?
Well, it is the main topic of discussion at the Davos World Economic Forum as well.
And they're blaming the Fed.
The only place that I think that this idea and the promulgation of this idea is coming from is financial interests in Europe.
They are very disturbed that AAA paper was sold to them when in fact it was bogus AAA paper and it was laid off on them, not sold to them.
And they're going to take hundreds of billions of dollars in losses, and they're not very happy about it.
So I think there's a chasm that has been happening over the past two and a half to three years between Illuminists in Europe and the United States.
Part of that dissatisfaction is with the production of warfare and occupation.
In the Middle East as well.
Well Bob, on Monday... They really got bagged on this and they're mad.
Well Bob, I want to hear what you think they're going to do, but on Monday, when our markets were closed for Martin Luther King Day, as you know, a $60 billion dollar, a $64 billion dollar, or 40-something billion pound loss in England, and I'm looking at different numbers, $250 bill, $300 bill lost in these markets to this junk just in the last four days.
What number do you have?
I'm looking at the long term on it.
And my first estimate before the CDO crisis was with the homeowners in the United States, which is the mortgage end of it.
And I projected between $750 billion and $1.3 trillion in losses.
And this estimate was made a little over three years ago.
Well, they've already dumped $700 billion in the last three months in the markets.
Well, you're talking about dumping and I'm talking about losses.
No, no, I understand.
So, I mean, why then is our Fed and the other central banks dumping over 70, I mean 700 billion over the markets and you're saying, I mean, what's that going to do?
Well, first of all, the figure is probably close to about 1.2 trillion that the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Fed Reserve have poured in to the banking communities
And they're rolling that money.
Yes, the interest is being paid, but they're rolling it.
And that's what's keeping these institutions in business.
Otherwise, they'd go under.
Yeah, my number was about a month old.
So you're saying in the last month, month and a half, it's been another $300 plus billion?
That's right.
And you know, they're having auctions every other week for $30 billion.
And they create it out of thin air.
So that's $60 billion a month, you know.
Ten months, you get another $600 billion.
And they won't tell you who they're giving the money to.
It's a big secret.
And their excuse is someone's going to make a run on some bank if they find out that they're borrowing it.
We know who's borrowing the money.
You know, it's just like Kramer said, it's more secret than the CIA.
Well, I used to work in counterintelligence, and he's probably right.
But the final numbers, we're looking at probably
Well, Bob, that's my next question.
You know, this paper sold, these bundled mortgages, the bundled credit cards, all of that has been leveraged and loaned out in the fractional reserve system over and over again.
Big banks set up subsidiaries to get around the ten times rule.
We get into the hundreds of trillions and so these waves just go into other sectors.
I mean, what's the time frame until this completely unravels?
Hard to say, but it's at least two to three years.
And the reason why is ABS really hasn't been attacked yet.
It's asset-backed securities.
Those are the loans that were securitized that are loans for vehicles, motorcycles.
Incidentally, we shorted Harley Davidson way up there, and people are making a pile of money on it.
And pools, and mobile homes, and all those kinds of loans
There normally are relatively good loans, but we're not in a relatively good economic time and it's going to get worse.
Remodeling loans?
So the ADMs will come in later.
Remodeling loans, small business loans?
And so those loans will continue to go bad over the next three years and that people will have the same problem that the CDOs have.
Within the CDO structure, we're looking at subprimes and we're also looking at ALTA loans.
Well, they're going to stretch out over the next year and a half.
And coming like a thundering herd behind them is another group called Pick and Pay.
Stay there.
I want to hear about Pick and Pay on the other side.
See, if we had a booming economy, we probably couldn't grow our way out of this.
But instead, we've got a contracting one.
We'll get Bob's take on the other side.
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TheInternationalBroadcaster.com is Bob Chapman's website.
Get a free copy of his newsletter there or subscribe.
My websites are PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com, Infowars.net, JonesReport.com.
TruthintheNews.us, RonPaulWarren.com.
Bob's going to be with us for a little bit of the next hour, then I'm going to get into your calls, a ton of other global and financial news, as well as political news.
Bob, in layman's terms, who stands to gain from this?
Why are the elites doing this?
And how do you see this unfolding, either on the good side or the bad side?
Well, a capitalization is everything was put into motion with the situation in the Middle East geopolitically for oil to continue to keep the dollar being traded as the denomination for oil and one of the excuses that the US used to go into Iraq was that
Iraq was trading oil and Euros and other currencies.
But there's that aspect of it, and that went completely awry.
It's a disaster for the planners, the Illuminati.
At the same time, in early 2002, they passed the point of no return.
They had set a time plan whereby they would be able to start moving
In 2009, 10, and 11 into a recession depression in the United States.
And what happened was after they set everything in motion everything went upside down for them and they tried to stop this economic and financial motion into recession and depression and were unable to do so.
And then came the exposure of the
A misrated CDO problem and the absence of a market for them and so all of these things came to a confluence and the powers behind a government didn't want that to happen because they weren't ready for it.
Now they're scrambling to try to keep the system afloat and the system unfortunately in Europe is almost as bad as it is here.
And so, Europe has been very badly affected, which wasn't expected, but nobody expected the CDO securitization to fall to pieces, which is essentially what's happened.
And Bob, get into that final type of security that you said was unraveling.
We were going into break, and you were going to bring up another type of investment that was also going to unravel.
Oh, that was the ABS, the anti-theft securities, which we talked about before.
And then we talked about the pick and pay, which is a different type of adjustable rate mortgage where you have choices as to what kind of payment you're going to make.
And you see those unraveling as well?
Well, starting now actually, but in a big way in about a year and a half to two years, those pick and pays are going to start coming due.
And the price of houses have gone down and all they've been doing is paying interest and probably nothing on the back of the loan and a home they bought for a million dollars might be worth $850,000 and they're going to have to write a new loan so that means they're going to have to come up with money to be able to make a new loan and they can't do that and there's a tremendous amount of those loans out.
In my next publication I have like Downey Savings and Loan and some of the others and
And how they're going to get stuck with these things.
So, this thing is going to go on a long way in time.
And sure, something could happen in the meantime that could, like a Continental Bank disaster, and everything could go down the chute.
But in the absence of that, and we can't plan for that.
Stay there Bob, we'll be back in 70 seconds.
I want to ask you about rabbits they might be able to pull out of hats.
Stage terror.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
A little bit into the next segment, then we're going to open the prongs up.
Third hour, getting into another in-depth analysis of education, how it was designed the last hundred years to dumb our people down.
This is absolutely key.
It's not just education in public schools or college, it's the re-education in the corporate world, it's the whole structure of their propaganda.
Bob Chapman, I agree with your analysis, and again, even the Financial Times of London, which I found to be the real paper of record, admits a lot of this, just puts their spin on it, that the elite are about four or five years behind.
They wanted to have their police state firmly in place.
They wanted to have the Middle East tied down so they could force an evaluation of the dollar, but still force the world to accept it as the world reserve currency.
Now that's unraveling.
China and Russia are going sideways.
The American people have an 11% approval rating for Congress.
Both parties are now in the doghouse.
We're good to go.
In the next few months, next year, if they're unable to blame this on somebody or stave it off or slow it down to a crawl, what do you see happening?
Well, I think your synopsis on those things are true.
But the solution, the solution is the election of Ron Paul and the defeat of all the incumbents in Congress.
If we were able to accomplish that, Ron Paul could stand up there and say, look, I'm an honest guy.
And I got lots of experience in this, and this is what's wrong, and this is what we've got to do.
And whether you like it or not, this is what's going to happen.
And it's as simple as that.
If you tell the people the truth, they will hang in there, and they will talk it through.
Just like they did in the 1930s.
Americans are very resilient.
All they want is the truth.
We don't ever get the truth from Washington, or Wall Street, or from the Fed, or from corporate America.
They're always lying!
Well, it's rare that they're not lying.
Now, am I right in saying, in your educated opinion, Bob Chapman, that the longer this goes with them staying the course, the worse the collapse is going to be?
Absolutely, because what's going to happen, they're going to go to Weimarism.
And I write about it for the next issue I was writing about this morning.
And the Weimar Republic was the result of the defeat of Germany in the First World War.
And the reparations, which means the Germans had to pay the other countries in Europe because they caused damage to them, those reparations were so insane that Germany couldn't pay them, and they just kept on printing money.
And in that process, in this Weimar government, they had this tremendous inflation.
And we're going to have the same thing, and maybe even worse, if these people in the Fed are given another two or three years
To continue pumping out money and credit to keep this system going.
Now, studying inflationary spikes and bubbles in history, can you in a nutshell explain that it gets worse and worse exponentially right at the end, and then on a scale of 1 to 100, the real balloon starting at about 70, where are we on that gauge?
We are probably at 25.
Oh my gosh.
We've got a long way to go.
And you know, this is what brought Mussolini and Hitler to power.
There was a very interesting book written on the subject called Hitler at Versailles by General Leon de Graal, who was there as a journalist and an attorney, and who laid it all out as to how it happened and why it happened.
Well, that's what Dr. Roberts says.
The Second World War was created by Versailles.
Stay there.
Let's talk about it.
Versailles Treaty and that railway car.
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman's final segment with our guest, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment with Bob Chapman.
Bob Dacey called in.
He's got a book footnoted with a Harvard professor about the family being a disease.
We're trying to locate the other textbook that says similar things.
Then when his son was going to Sam Houston University for law enforcement, basically teaching him that they're part of a global system,
And we got Charlotte Iserby joining us in the next hour to go over all of that because some guy on YouTube, and this is the type of attacks we get, just says we're making all this up.
Okay, fine.
We've got scores of emails, posts coming in, people finding just all sorts of things where they call the family bad and say they want to get rid of it and call it a disease.
All in the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
In fact, I've been in there during the breaks looking at it all, so continue please.
And Aaron's got a big stack of emails coming in with footnotes and documents and links.
So we're going to put a whole story together just for this guy in the next few days and then say, okay, you said we made it up.
Here it is, Bubba.
Admit you're wrong.
You know, Bob Chapman, I don't want to be right.
I'm not happy about what's happening.
We study this stuff literally 18 hours a day.
We are type A personalities.
We've done the research.
We know what we're talking about on the economy, on the social workers, on how they took over education, on who the globalists are.
They have their own textbooks, their own documents.
What is it like for you when you talk to people who just won't even check into what we're saying and just call us conspiracy theorists?
Well, I get the same thing that you do.
So a long time ago,
I said that to myself, that if I can rescue one out of a hundred, I'm doing a good job.
Because it's so alien, and people have been so brainwashed, and that is a true word for them, they've been propagandized, and they don't know, because they just don't understand, because they've had no exposure to the things that you and I, and others like us, have seeked out over the period of time.
And, you know, it's a long process, and what's going to jerk them into reality,
A lot of people are starting to listen, though.
I mean, ten years ago, 80% of people disagreed with us.
Five years ago, half the public agreed.
Now it's a minority that totally disagrees with us, and the others are starting to at least ask questions.
I see a tough road ahead for the New World Order architects, for the engineers, and I think that's why they're racing to try to put this whole surveillance, suppression, oppression apparatus in place.
Well, I think you're certainly right about that, and that's why, and you've known this for a long time, I'm not in the United States.
But I think the institutions within the structure, which you brought up before, and I showed the dichotomous nature,
Between the European Illuminati and the U.S.
This morning, Forbes came out with an article that says U.S.
dollar policy amounts to Zimbabwe economics.
Now, would you have thought you'd see something like that just two or three years ago?
The answer is no.
No, they only say the Fed was God and could do no wrong and was perfect.
And so, they want to be accepted.
They see the writing on the wall.
The Fed is being isolated.
Wall Street is being isolated.
I agree.
Whether they like it or not, you get Jim Cramer saying, no, these people out there are right.
The Fed's doing the wrong thing.
Yeah, I really think, as much as I want to like Cramer, he's an insider, and I've seen him do a lot of bad stuff in the past, I think he sees the writing on the wall as one of the first big rats to jump ship.
And believe me, he's not dumb.
No, he's... I mean, you're a top market guy yourself, very successful, biggest newsletter ever, and, you know, one of the biggest stockbrokers out there, and one of the biggest gold brokers out there.
What do you... what's your assessment of Jim Cramer?
Well, I think, first of all, he's been very successful.
He had an excellent education.
He went to Harvard.
And I think he's been through the battle on Wall Street like I have.
His main
The point in life was to make a lot of money, which I'm sure he has.
And now I think he's looking over the field and he's seeing things that he didn't see before.
And he's coming to the realization that, gee, I've been working in this thing called Wall Street, which really is just a slime pit.
And, you know, let's find out why it's that way.
We were talking about Hitler coming to power out of what developed in Versailles at the close of World War II there at that little railway station.
And to talk about the wicked foresight of Lord Milner, I was just rereading last night over official congressional reports about the funding of the Bolsheviks out of New York and London, and how Lord Milner, for the Queen of England, gave even more than Warburg did in gold to send 250 people out of Brooklyn on that train full of gold and machine guns in to take over Petrograd first.
Well, they were, and of course then Max Warburg, his brother, was running the finances in Germany.
Again, we're supposedly fighting with Germany, but they're at the end of World War II, World War I, already backstabbing the Czars, the first cousins of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas.
They're in England, the royal family.
Again, these aren't any one country.
They engineer these mass
Collapses to then pick up the pieces and I see them doing that now in a way almost blaming the Federal Reserve when they're just a appendage of the same creature.
Well you're right.
And what you have to figure out is what direction they're going to go in.
And now that we're getting close to or we are figuring out what they're doing, which we weren't able to do before, let's say over 50 years ago,
And we've got the internet, and now we're able to inform all of these people out there throughout the world, mind you, of what's going on because of the knowledge like you just talked about, the research that you do and I do and others like us.
It's opening people's eyes, and it's so, so important.
And where are they going next?
That is hard to say, but we can guess.
Well, the cold-blooded calculation, this is published, this is mainstream, of Lord Milner in the 20s, saying Germany's going to implode, then we're going to put a strong man in, who we will then set up, he won't even really work for us, we'll just finance him, but psychologically we'll assess a nutcase, to then destroy everything, then we'll come in and pick up the pieces, but first we've already brought down Russia.
I mean, these guys are geniuses.
The people running this really are just literally burning with wicked intellect.
Well, they also make some pretty big mistakes.
And they did in 1348 when the Lombard system collapsed.
They did it at the Ancient League in the 1600s when that collapsed.
And just here in America, in the last couple of hundred years, they've had one panic after another.
So they do make lots of mistakes.
But obviously, in the final analysis, they make less than
Others do, so they remain in power.
Well, I think the debate hinges on what was mistakes and what was engineered.
Go ahead.
Well, I think this time they are scared to death that the world is finally going to find out what they've been up to for a thousand years.
That's what they're afraid of.
This whole thing is going to be exposed and everybody will understand it, who wants to understand it, and their game will be over.
I agree with you, but in that violent death spasm, there's no end.
I mean, they'll shut off nukes and say Al Qaeda did it, just to pose as the saviors and rally support and keep people in their orbit.
I think you're right, and I think that hopefully we'll survive and be able to bring the message so they won't come out the other end whole, even if they survive.
There'll be people there who will be able to say, we know that you did this.
How many people, you were in counterintelligence, and a lot of other folks who fight the New World Order, who were patriots for this country, I mean, the thinkers left in government, a lot of them I've talked to, they know exactly what's going on, they're just as angry as we are, but they're within a system where they can't do much.
Well, that's absolutely the truth, and if you're in corporate America, or on Wall Street, you're in the same bag, because
Let's say you're an analyst or an economist, and you think that the stock market's going to go down.
And you're on Wall Street, whether it's a bank, insurance company, or in a brokerage firm.
And you say to management, I'm going to write a report, and the market's going down, and they're going to say, you write that report, and you're out of here.
And that's why economists and analysts are wrong two-thirds of the time, because they can't tell the truth.
Well, O'Neill back in 2002 said that, and they said, get out of here.
It's amazing.
Bob, thank you again for coming on with your great analysis and foresight.
We'll be talking to you next week, and we appreciate you spending time with us.
Thank you very much.
I'll talk to you later.
All right.
I'm not going to spend too much more time on the finances and what's happening.
We're going to be taking your calls at the bottom of the hour, but now I want to bring Ted Anderson up instantly with a gold offer.
He's got gold at the price two weeks ago.
It's above 900 right now.
If you've got the capital to move into gold and silver, I would do it right now.
Ted Anderson, we just heard the analysis.
This is a no-brainer.
I hope people will get into precious metals, and I know you've got a deal that's fabulous.
It's really a good buy at this particular time.
We still have those British Sovereigns.
They're currently right now at $245.
They're going to be moving up.
Gold is up over $22 an ounce today alone.
We have the Franks up at $196.
I have $5 gold pieces.
The same exact price the last time I was on the air with you.
That piece is going to be definitely reflecting the prices of the gold increase.
Like I said, $22 bucks up.
And you've got rolls of silver at 400.
That's going up.
Give people the number.
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Yeah, 1-800-686-2237.
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Ted, you've gotten airplanes with the Ron Paul Air Corps up over Michigan, New Hampshire,
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Here I come now, baby!
Come on, come on, come on, baby!
Come on, come on, come on!
Oh, by the way, Ted and the network, he's the guy that founded this network, finances through thick and thin, off his metal sales, and he's giving you offers, deals, where
I don't know, I've asked him before, like $4 or $5 a coin.
These are just introductory offers at the price of gold a few weeks ago.
It's way above $900 today.
You're crazy if you don't give him a call.
Ask him about the Alex Jones Special.
I want to get briefly to the Ron Paul Air Corps and then come back and take calls, Ted.
Again, we were telling people to get into gold with $300 an ounce.
The stock market is way down, even if you see it at its official number of $12,000 or $11,000 something.
The dollar's devalued.
It's such a no-brainer for people to protect themselves, but they don't advertise it.
It isn't something in the culture.
People I've talked to don't even know how to physically hold gold, or they say, oh, I own gold certificates.
Look, you need to physically hold it.
Ted, how important is that?
Oh, you've got to physically hold it.
I mean, just take a look at what happened to Norfed when they had the silver certificates and the silver was stored up there in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
You've got a Ron Paul dollar now.
Yeah, the Feds just came in and took it all, and all of a sudden now the people holding the paper have something that's worthless.
And it's easy to grab one or two volts.
It's harder when it's in millions of people's hands.
You really need to have it in your hands.
I mean, if you're hungry, do you want to have a picture of a can of beans on your table, or would you rather have the can of beans?
And that's what it comes down to, because if you have the gold and silver, you're going to be able to trade.
There's no question about it.
You're going to be able to do the things you need to do.
You've got to have it in your own possession.
You've got the British sovereigns, you've got the Franks, European Franks.
They could be French, Swiss, it's a mix.
I think so.
Uh, to putting airplanes in the air.
We also tell you how to call people, get your own airplane up, we don't care.
Tell folks where you, where we put airplanes up, and where we're gonna put them up, and then how much we need to continue that.
Well, we flew New Hampshire, we flew Reno, Nevada, we've flown, uh, um, gosh, there's a whole long list of them, I can't even remember.
Yeah, Iowa was... Michigan.
Michigan, yeah, we flew there, um... Nevada.
That video's up.
Now I can tell you right now on tomorrow, February 25th, that we will be flying Boston, Massachusetts and Salt Lake City at the same time.
And then right after that we move on into Nashville, Tennessee on Sunday the 27th.
And the reason for that is that's where John Paul's having his rally and we're showing support for him.
And then on the 29th we move into Miami.
Florida, Tampa, Florida, Pensacola, Florida, and one of the banners being flown into Phoenix, Arizona for the Super Bowl.
We'll be flying that three days in a row to get all the publicity we can get there.
Then we move on to Birmingham.
Now see, Chad, I've been so busy I don't even know about that.
The Super Bowl!
Yeah, I mean, you're going wild.
And look, he just won second place in Nevada, second place in New Orleans, in Louisiana.
They're not, the media's not covering this.
Folks, this is viable, and regardless, I'm going to tell you, there's going to be a third-party run.
That's pretty much in if he doesn't get it.
We're injecting real issues as all this happens to the economy.
This is a win-win-win-win-win.
Yeah, there's no question about it.
We keep on bringing it to people's attention.
And when you see a banner this big, it's 30 by 90 flying over your head, you're going to look up.
Everybody knows it flies through.
I've had so many people call me up and say they've seen it.
Again, from there we go to Portland, we're going to Denver.
Well, the Ron Paul campaign sees it everywhere they go.
And again, that's Ted Anderson taking action.
That's you, the listener.
Taking action.
And I know I talked to Ted behind the scenes.
He's paying for the employees that are getting these planes up, working, sending the checks, doing it all, just out of the network's pocket.
Ted, is it okay to say on air what you put $8,000 in this or something?
Yes, it's probably closer to $12,000 now, but it's well worth it.
That's on top of the $40,000 or whatever that's come in.
Yeah, that's right.
And I'm sure we'll get more donations, too.
I mean, New York City, we need to hit the St.
Louis... By the way, every Saturday I call Ted up and he's out knocking on doors two or three times.
I mean, Ted, you're even on the ground, too.
You're going crazy.
Well, I know.
I'm going out there with the Minnesota Campaign and dropping leaflets and talking to people and trying to just convince as many people as we can.
Right now we have the caucuses coming up.
February 5th is Super Tuesday and we need to have as many people signed up as precinct captains and delegates of the precincts to move on up.
He's getting second place now over and over again.
Media ignoring it.
You can't buy better advertising.
Help Ted Anderson and the country out.
Go watch all the videos.
There's a bunch of them all over these different states.
This is happening.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much for all you do.
Hey, thanks a lot for having me up again, Alex.
He's not waiting for orders from headquarters.
He's going to the sound of the guns.
Get right in beside him.
Your donations are needed.
When you buy gold, he just puts it right back into it anyways.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Your calls and tons of news straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Rourke in Texas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex.
I've been thinking a lot about the monetary system and it's come to my mind that it's pretty much an exploitable framework and that if we return to that framework
Don't you think it will just lead us down the same path that we're on now?
Well yeah, I mean if we had total liberty again, tyranny would start right back over again.
It's an eternal fight against good and evil.
But to say things are corrupt and so it'll be exploitable regardless, we better just give up.
Well, no, actually, I think, you know, I see money as an illusion pretty much.
Well it is, but you have to have some type of agreed upon exchange.
If you've got a pure barter, and barter is certainly a good thing on certain levels, it then stagnates commerce.
Yeah, but I think the assembly line and mass production have sort of skewed the need for exacting trade.
Well, certainly it's decimated communities and the market, ground market, the classic market interaction.
It's dehumanized us to a certain extent.
We have to then value again the farmer's market and the more classical modes of homo sapien, sapien interaction.
Well, no, my idea would be to
Have the people that have the assembly lines just go ahead and meet demand with no money involved at all.
Yeah, but you can't do that because there's going to be people who are over the assembly lines and then they claim that there's no demand.
Human demand is driven by necessity and by desire and by class structures and signets and totems of dominance in a hierarchical mammalian framework.
Well... Do you understand what I just said to you?
Yeah, but I don't think you understand what I'm saying.
I'm saying... Flush it out!
Like, yeah, imagine a system with no money.
Money doesn't exist.
You just build something because you want to create it.
You bring it into existence... Let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
Sir, I mean, you're... We haven't reached the singularity yet.
of industry or technology or thought, and we probably never will reach some ultimate singularity, only God, you know, a philosopher would say has that.
God is a singularity.
To say that you're going to get the raw materials, to say that you're going to be able to have the space to build it without ownership, you talk about not having money, not having ownership, the space to even build it, the space to be able to trade, to get the pieces you need because you build it because you want to build it.
I mean, that's not... I mean, basic matter and the basic mathematical equations of matter and energy negates what you're saying.
I don't... No, just... Ownership would remain, but money would be eliminated.
Okay, money would be eliminated and then we would own things and then we would trade mechanisms we've designed?
Well, you wouldn't have to trade.
There's no need for exacting trade.
You wouldn't have to get something in return.
If you own an assembly line, you would just produce the goods and then give them away.
How would you get the raw materials to produce the goods?
They would be given to you.
They would be given to you?
That's how human life works?
Well, uh, you know, it has to come from somewhere.
Look, look, look, sir, I, I, I, look, I see where you're going with this, and it's not in, it's not based in reality, and I'm not trying to be mean to you.
People all the time call me up, they email me, they write me, and they say, why doesn't Alex Jones give his videos for free?
And up until the YouTube age, with no production, uh, no nothing, just an internet connection for ten bucks a month or whatever you're paying, twenty bucks, fifty bucks, depending on the connection, right?
You can sit there and do videos for free with no real production quality.
You're still giving your time and energy.
If you wanted to do it professionally, you'd probably need some money to live and buy food and heat your home, cool your home, pay for transportation, medical care.
But me, you know, expensive $5,000, $10,000 cameras, $7,000 computers, power, paying a couple of employees,
You're having enough money to once or twice a year go to the Texas beach and take off a few days and stay in a mid-grade, you know, hotel room.
People actually say, just give us your videos.
Well, I can't give them.
I mean, they say not only is it not enough that you make copies of your films, they make copies for free, but there are a lot of them are on Google for free.
That's not enough.
We want you to physically mail us package tapes you paid to produce, you put your time and energy into produce, and then you want me to mail them to you for free.
There would have had to be capital and assets at the beginning of that that came from somewhere to give it to you, and as soon as that capital was exhausted, I could no longer have the money to mail it to you, or to mass produce it, or to pay someone to stick it in the package, or to pay for the package itself.
Nevertheless, people email me, they write me, and they say, we want it all for free.
And if I was worth billions of dollars, believe me, I would do it for free.
The big tax-free foundations that got their wealth through theft, that have the government pay them corporate welfare, they do, quote, do things for free, but that is to institute a climate that on the downside, or upside, however you see it, then telegraphs and conduits wealth into their hands.
So we'll put in a few cents of foundation monies, which is billions, for the return of trillions.
So, that's why communism and socialism doesn't work.
We're not fire ants.
We're not honey bees.
We're not communal army ants.
We don't operate off of pheromones, you know, completely.
Genetically designed in a hive system.
I'm really getting off into sociology now, Aaron.
Getting into animal interaction, animal psychology.
It's hard to believe that he was even serious, but he sounded like a well-meaning person.
He sounded stoned out of his gourd.
I know, though.
I'm not trying to be mean to you, sir, but I bet money you've been smoking weed today.
I just know that dope, dope sound.
It's like a, yeah, you know.
What if genies came out of bottles and made it all good?
Well, then we'd lay on our back and turn into blobs.
We're meant to have hardship.
We're meant to struggle.
That's how we developed.
That's what we're designed to do.
You're not happy unless you're struggling.
You're not happy unless you're building.
Now, some of the greatest contributions in history, I would add, sir, were from people that just wanted to build it and give it to society.
I agree that that happens.
But then it still takes money and capital to further develop it, and then advertise it, and then deploy it.
I've got to move faster because I've got Bob Dacey coming up in a minute.
Brian in New York.
Go ahead, Brian.
Yes, Brian.
Yes, Brian.
I have a transcript here of Ron Paul's speech to the House of Representatives in 2006.
And in this, he's talking about Saddam Hussein trading oil in Euros instead of dollars.
And then Iran, and then Venezuela.
And it seems to me that this current crisis is in a
It's designed to get out of control to consolidate wealth.
The globalists control the issuance of liquidity, currency, credit, so they can't help but use it to take control of everything.
But they didn't control Saddam Hussein and these acts of evil that are sabotaging our dollar.
Well, they put him in power.
And then they got mad at him for over-pumping oil and driving down prices in 1990 in an attempt to pay back $30-plus billion to BCCI Bank and others.
But, I mean, he even says in this speech, the war is actually to try to prop up our dollar.
Well, that's a small part of it, and I don't completely agree with that.
That's one tiny slice of the onion, one layer.
But you still think this is a pre-planned land grab like it was in the Great Depression?
There are different strata to this elite, but the dominant group precipitated the beginning of the down cycle or the implosion of the weakest link, the subprime housing market boom.
We've been saying that for three years.
They precipitated that
To then consolidate smaller institutions of lending and to further flesh that out.
Yes, sir.
So they're going for all the land?
Like whenever one mortgages, they foreclose on the houses and then they basically come up with all the land in the end?
Yes, and then Bush and the rest of them are acting like they're trying to do something with some $800 tax credit and freezing mortgages.
Alright, I'm not totally convinced though that this... Well, hey, don't be convinced!
You know, regardless, we have a fiat money system, and that's engineered, that's planned, and it's unraveling right now.
And the Financial Times of London and others have reported that the big central banks and the families that own them stand to gain from this.
I mean, do you know what dollar devaluation has done for international institutions to come in and buy up infrastructure?
Have you read the IMF World Bank leaked documents of 2002?
Did you hear me interview Joseph Stiklitz?
I may have, I'm not sure.
Brian, I'm glad you're asking real questions.
I mean, we can debate.
See, there's different subgroups.
They're still interconnected, but there's different groups jockeying within this system, okay?
So there's different plans, different aims, but they're overlapping, going on at the same time.
But it seems like Saddam Hussein really threw a monkey wrench into their plans.
Saddam Hussein's oil revenues were much smaller than even Venezuela or the biggest oil exporter and producer, Saudi Arabia.
And so we hear on the news now that Iran going off the dollars caused all that.
That is tiny.
No, it's globally.
China, two years ago, moving away from the dollar into a basket of currencies.
The euro expanding, moving away from the dollar.
Russia, gradually moving out of the dollar.
It's a global move.
But, are these same as Russia and China?
I mean, are they controlled by the same interests that it controls?
They have been controlled and were set up by the same interests.
And they're interlocking and own some of the same companies together.
But there is internal warfare that goes on.
So it's a little of both?
It's a little of both.
But you have to understand, and I appreciate your call, the IMF and the World Bank and others, and UN official documents going back 12 years ago, stated they had to give us a false choice of a left-right global hegemon.
They need a bipolar dichotomy or a dialectic to give you false choices.
So they own stock in, have control in the eastern system,
And Europe is kind of the tip of the pyramid, playing the two false bipolars of East and West off against each other, while the European oligarchy system has controlling positions in both of the two false bipolar systems.
This is stated in their economic theorem.
It's like earlier I talked about how you had Max Warburg overrunning the German banking system,
During World War I, into the 20s, and then you had his brother, the other Warburg, over here, running the Federal Reserve, and then financing the Bolsheviks, during and at the end of World War I, to go attack the Soviets, excuse me, the Czarists, to bring in the Communists, the Bolsheviks.
At the very same time, they were the U.S.
and Britain and France's allies against Germany.
You see how that works?
That's why they're in control.
They're masters of that, of three-dimensional, multi-level chess.
Alright, I'm going to get to everybody, Seth and Bill and folks in Oregon that are calling, but I want to set this up properly.
We've got Charlotte Isserby coming on, number two, Department of Education, Head of Policy, Department of Education under Reagan.
Her dad was Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Eastern Establishment.
She's quite accomplished herself.
Uh, in the Foreign Service and then coming back here in the U.S.
She went there and was at the highest levels and found out there was a plan to dumb everybody down, to break up the family.
The family was the enemy.
She's got quotes coming up to go over this because, uh, a ne'er-do-well, uh, on, uh, YouTube, a little trendy know-it-all, the guy says he's 33 and he looks like a little girl.
I mean, just totally, and I'm not trying to say people that don't look old when they're 33 are weak, but I mean, he just looks like a child.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
This is five years ago.
I'm going from memory here, but Bob does have the actual quotes and footnotes.
Bob, thanks for holding.
Hey, thanks for having me on, Alex.
I heard you talking about me at the beginning of the show, and that was really old.
That was a long time ago, so I thought I would scratch my memory.
I think the quote you're looking for was from a book called None Dare Call It Education.
My son's book was called Comparative Criminal Justice when he was a student at Sam Houston State University.
And let's get into that in a minute.
One time you also brought me an ACC book, and you probably don't remember that, but we'll flesh that out in the time to come.
But for those just now joining us, again, this is footnoted in the book.
Give people the quote.
Okay, this is in a book called None Dare Call It Education by John Stormer.
It's out there.
It's readily available.
And in the book he quotes a meeting, and this has to do with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, which is trying to dumb down the students of the United States of America.
And it's talking about a meeting that was held in Denver in 1973 called the Childhood International Education Seminar.
And at that seminar in 1973, a Chester M. Pierce, M.D., who was a professor of education and psychiatry at Harvard University, told educators at the meeting, quote, now here it is, ladies and gentlemen, this is a quote, Chester M. Pierce, M.D.
Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials,
toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.
It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.
Now, everybody actually has that from federal documents, and we have that one, Bob.
No, it was an ACC textbook.
You brought me photocopies of it.
I showed it on television, where they say something similar, but they say it's a bygone, prehistoric thing.
It's a disease.
But there's so many quotes, so stay there.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
All right, Dad.
Let me get this straight.
I'm sure all of this takes place in the future, right?
Like Star Wars?
Yeah, that's right.
Slightly in the future.
Wait a second.
I thought Star Wars took place a long, long time ago.
All right, Einstein.
But it is kind of like Star Wars anyway.
Just like Star Wars, there's an evil empire and some people have started an armed rebellion to fight the evil empire.
Okay, so don't tell me.
They're going to the bad guys again?
Yep, that's right.
Oh, so your character's like Luke Skywalker?
Not exactly.
I know, you're Chewbacca!
Not really, but my character does help the rebellion to stop the government's evil tracking system, which is happening now in the real world, just like in Uncivil Liberties.
Wait a second, they can't track us, it's a free country!
Uncivil Liberties, a political thriller ripped from today's headlines.
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Yeah, this guy on YouTube that was attacking me,
He shows us who he really is because first he says I believe that space aliens run things and George Bush is a space alien.
Never said that.
I don't talk about UFOs on this show.
I talk about documents, bills, legislation.
And then he goes on to say, well, of course we need police and social workers watching over the kids looking for pre-crime.
You know, again, guilty until proven innocent.
A surveillance grid.
He doesn't even see these spies everywhere.
And here in Austin, it's in Road to Tyrney, they hand out little credit cards of 200 bucks per family member they turn in.
It's on local news.
They run TV ads saying, kids, turn your parents in.
What's in their medicine cabinet?
He thinks all this, this is not normal, but that shows how they've grown up in it, and they're the good, you can tell on this little power trip, they're the social workers.
They're going to decide.
They're going to, you go get a degree, and you get to run everybody's life, and have your way with people.
I've been there when the social workers are taking newborn babies from poor families with no criminal record, just because they're too ignorant, and poor, and on welfare, because the baby's blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and they can get 300 grand for it.
I've been there, and I've cried my guts out.
I've opened the door and seen the cops choking a woman into signing the baby over.
I've seen hell.
And I've seen them get on TV and say it's the law, you gotta take shots through the health department.
When there's no law, you gotta take vaccines.
And these punks will get up there and say there is a law.
Bob, go ahead.
I think what the book my son had as part of his requirements of learning how to be a cop down at Sam Houston.
This book was teaching the cop, was dumbing down the cops, Alex.
What they were doing is they were teaching future cops of America that our criminal justice system needs to be gotten rid of and we need to look at other countries like China and what not to figure out how to do things.
This book was to dumb down the cops and attack the American jury system.
I remember it said juries were bad.
Do you have those quotes?
Yeah, yeah.
Let's go over those too.
Yeah, I basically, this is a compendium of writings of these pseudo-intellectuals in the field of criminal justice and under a topic called criticism of the Anglo-American trial jury.
They quote a fellow by the name of, an extreme critic of it, called Jerome Frank, who labeled the jury as the worst possible enemy of the ideal of supremacy of law.
And so there is ample evidence that respected legal analysts and researchers have grave doubts about the Anglo-American trial jury.
And one of the things that they really criticize them on is this.
Jurors deliberately do not apply the law as instructed and that they instead choose to ignore the existing law in order to reach a desired decision in the case.
In other words, they are attacking jury nullification, which of course is one of the foundations of our country.
So because of jury nullification and other things, they want to get rid of it.
And they say, you know, you can't
And I remember you brought photos on the show of the big cases when you go in the big law enforcement center and it's all Chinese badges and how good it is.
Uh, building at San Houston State University, which is of course a premier law enforcement, uh, university in the United States.
Now, now, now you talk to your son.
I've seen him out at a few rallies over the last few years.
He's now down in Houston.
Uh, is he saying the other cops are waking up to what's going on right now?
I haven't talked to him about that.
He's in a, he's in a pretty good department down in Pearland.
They actually do cop work down there and, and the, and the people like them because they actually do police work.
He's not in a politicized environment down there.
He's in a traditional cop environment and I'm glad he is.
He's in Mayberry, huh?
Yeah, he's not like up here in Austin where you can't even defend yourself or your police chief will get you fired.
You know, things like that.
But the medals he was talking about, and he took photographs of, that I had seen, were Communist Chinese police medals and Soviet Union police medals on display in the lobby of the... And it says, this is good.
This is... Stay there, Bob.
I did find some more quotes.
I want you to recap that other quote.
And I really appreciate everybody that's in the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
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Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, if you go to the PrisonPlanet.com forum, and go halfway down, it says... Well, there's a link there.
Let me go back to the actual link.
At the top of it, it says if you find... When you find Social Work 101 Family as a Disease System posted here, this has only been going about an hour and a half, and I've read over a bunch of quotes and things that I hadn't seen that back up what we're saying, but I did find one that I do remember reading,
Because listeners mail me these books, and there are a lot of professors and scholars and researchers that listen to the show, and it says, Sociology, A Brief Introduction.
And by the way, just during the break, I googled this and found the opening introduction online, because Amazon does that, and didn't need to find it, because I'm not just going to read this unless I can go prove it myself.
But this is, and I've seen this before, now this is on page 285, discusses the approach, the family of conflict theorists.
Conflict theorists also view the family as an economic unit that contributes to social injustice.
The family is the basis for transferring power, property, and privilege from one generation to the next.
Conflict theorists argue that the family helps to maintain inequity.
So see, there, the family is bad.
This is over and over again.
Now, we haven't found the one textbook, because it's five, six years ago.
And maybe it was the same night I covered things with Bob.
A lot of these are already on the web.
Maybe you can find it, listeners.
It's the same night I covered it with Bob.
Might have been right around the same time.
And maybe that's why my memory says it was from Bob.
Because I got a textbook.
There were photocopies.
I had to give it back.
It was Calhoun Social Work Reader.
Something like that.
Find it!
Now, we can disprove that I don't talk about space aliens, as this guy says.
We can disprove that the government isn't at odds with the family.
That's well known they are.
But I want the exact quote he's saying doesn't exist.
I will find it.
Bob, in the few minutes we've got left, you want to read that specific Harvard psychologist statement again?
It came from, really, it's all, you know, if somebody wants to really know what the hell it's all about, it's UNESCO, and they had a 1947 book called Towards World Understanding.
You know, and in that book, on page 58, they say, quote, as we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism.
The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitude.
That's all coming from, you know, UNESCO, UN stuff.
Now see how it says they're mentally ill, they're infected?
That's the same as saying disease, but I'm telling you there's one where they call the family.
In fact, read the whole quote from start to finish.
Okay, this is the quote from Chester M. Pierce, 1973.
A professor of education at Harvard in 1973 at a Denver education conference, quote,
Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.
It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.
End quote.
There you go.
By the way, I've now found the textbook.
It's been posted by one of the people in there.
Alex mentioned this, that the name was Calhoun.
On Amazon, I found this, Dictionary of Social Sciences, Craig Calhoun, editor.
Then it says, do any of these book titles look familiar?
Yes, they do.
Contemporary Sociology Theory, Classical Sociology Theory, Contemporary Sociology Theory, Blackwell Readers in Sociology,
That all sounds familiar.
It goes on social theory and politics of identity, nationalism, concepts and social thought.
I think it's the one that's Blackwell readers.
I want to say it's a Calhoun reader.
Maybe like a condensed version, but it was a pretty good sized book.
Bob Dacey, thank you for the incredible job.
Anything else you want to add?
That's it, Alex.
Keep after him, my friend.
Tell folks when the local TV show's on.
It's on from 6 to 7 Monday nights on Channel 10.
It's also SimpleTruthOnline.net.
You can watch it anytime.
And the great work of Jeff Cantaff.
What a super guy.
All right.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, the last hour we gave footnoted quotes about how the family is a sickness, the children are mentally ill, they have a disease, basically.
I have now tracked down who this particular Calhoun sociologist was, talking about the family being a disease.
We're vetting all that out.
The mountains of quotes and evidence.
But I thought I would... This is what my classic detractors are like.
This is off YouTube.
This is the standard thing.
He implies, I'm not going to play the whole piece, he implies that he is going to school, he hasn't read any of the books when he's in school, so he's obviously taking that career path.
He says that I never footnote or never give where something comes from, I do over and over again.
Again, I'll say, four years ago MSNBC, Mexican Attorney General takes microchip, makes employees take it.
And then years later I'll say the Mexican Attorney General made his employees take it.
You can just say, oh that's a lie, he didn't give us a place to find it.
Use Google, man!
Go read it!
If I talk about civilian inmate labor camp programs and secret camp program from 86 to 96, which they declassified in 96.
It's in army.mil.
Just type civilian inmate labor camp program in.
Find out about how they secretly have federal and state prisoners on these.
I mean, I got Senate hearings talking about the secret camp program.
It's now mainstream news.
Decade after I talked about it.
Look, we don't make anything up.
But it's the classic attack saying we don't tell the truth or we're full of it.
So I thought I'd play a few minutes of this and then refute it with Charlotte Isnerby, head of policy, Department of Education under Ronald Reagan.
Herself, quite esteemed degrees and background in civil service internationally.
And then, of course, her father, Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove as well.
So, you know, pretty high-powered family.
From inside the intelligentsia, blowing the whistle from the inside out, we'll be talking to this dear, wonderful lady who wrote the bombshell definitive work, Deliberate Dumbing Down, in just one moment.
But first, here is the creature on YouTube, standard attack pattern, just putting out pure bull.
Hello there, YouTube.
This is Hisinus, and I'm doing a video response to the Alex Jones Family and Socialism thing.
First off, I want to say that Alex Jones is nuts.
This is the same guy who does Prison Planet, and we all know it for gems like Aliens are Invading, you know, Bush is an alien, just weird, off-the-wall crap like that.
This video is a perfect example of what this guy is all about.
Absolutely perfect, and I've spelled it out for you.
First of all, why are police and social workers in a children's classroom bad?
I don't think they mean, like, right in the classroom, but working with teachers, I don't know why that would be a bad thing.
I mean, you know, schools are in and of themselves
Okay, hit pause.
So he impeaches me with saying I believe Bush is an alien and aliens are invading.
Never said it.
Anything close to it.
UFOs are prasada non grata on this broadcast, okay?
Then he goes into, oh, guilty until proven innocent, yeah, we need these spies watching everybody.
That's what he's saying.
But he just thinks it's normal because he's brought up in this system.
Let's go back to this little soft creature.
So, let's take me a little bit further.
And I don't know why he's saying social, you know, social work came from England.
Social work has kind of evolved over probably thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, from charity in ancient times.
You would have
We're good to go.
Let's stop right there.
Simultaneously, the eugenicists taking the theory of Darwinism to social Darwinism.
I'm not having a debate about Darwinism.
Then I get attacked for that.
I'm saying that the facts, what they said, okay, what sociology, all of this was born out of, eugenics was the key.
It went across the board in these sciences.
And, of course, the British royal family was German.
They then adopted the Prussian model.
The United States adopted it, and the colonial army as well, and they merged the two.
So, see, he's playing games with it there.
They developed these sciences in tandem and then integrated them as the sciences do, you know, across the Atlantic.
And then, of course, came into the United States.
And then he goes in to say, I never source anything, or I never give any proof of anything.
Let's go back to it in Charlotte, Iserby.
Stop him again.
I have to say something.
It's acknowledged that modern education, kindergarten, the structure of rote, the five to six class periods, the specialization, the regurgitation and repeating, that's the Prussian model.
The prison system is based predominantly on the Panopticon French model that rose in the last 250 years.
I mean, I actually read the textbooks on this.
You didn't, little boy, or you didn't remember it.
Back to it.
And that was Germany.
He's trying to link the idea of social work to Prussia, which he then makes to Germany.
Prussia is not Germany.
Prussia became Germany, but Prussia and Germany are not two
All right, stop right there.
It's part of the whole Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
It's part of the same culture.
It was called Germania 2,000, you know, 60-something years ago by Julius Caesar.
I just can't go any further.
Charlotte, what do you think of that?
Well, I don't know.
That sort of comment, it's just so disjointed and off the wall.
I mean, the guy has got bits and pieces that he hooks together to try to make a point.
I wouldn't take it very seriously, Alex.
If that's all you ever have going up against you, that's sort of pathetic reasoning.
You know, you're lucky.
But that's the type of moron level that connects with some of the public.
Well, I wonder if it really does.
Let me point this out.
My book's been out for
Since 1999, and I believe I've had, to be perfectly honest, two calls in when I've done interviews, and I've been doing them since then, radio.
Two calls where I was absolutely attacked, and it was by a couple of educators, you know, principals and superintendents.
Only two!
In what, eight years?
Everybody knows people have been dumbed down and this has been the process.
Yeah, but all the other calls, I want to make it very clear that you are correct on whatever you've been saying there.
I've had a lot of calls from educators, public school educators, superintendents, sometimes even commissioners of education, and they're all totally supportive.
Of getting the facts out.
Some of them didn't even know them themselves.
And there are these absolutely wild quotes.
I mean, I put together some for you today, but I guess you don't need them.
Oh yes, we need them.
We need them.
Go over them when you like.
You can just... I mean, I always think of it, if I only have, you know, one second or thirty seconds, the most important quote, because it comes from
It's Benjamin Bloom, Professor Bloom's behavioral psychologist, who really is behind the whole dog training method that is necessary for workforce training.
He died a few years ago, but he admits it.
He says, the purpose of education in the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings, and actions of students.
Folks, from what?
From what the parent is trying to instill?
From what the church is trying to instill?
That's the definition right there, the purpose.
Then he goes on to say, a large part of what we call good teaching is the teacher's ability to attain effective objectives through, that means attitudes, values, and beliefs change, through challenging the student's fixed beliefs
And getting them to discuss issues.
Now, there it is!
And then you have the 1945 Treaty, UNESCO.
Kindergarten or infant school can correct many of the errors of home training and prepare for membership in the world society.
It is in the family that children are infected with nationalism.
And you have Dr. Chester Pierce in the 70s, Harvard.
Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with an allegiance toward our elected officials, toward our founding fathers, toward our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government that we have.
Patriotism, nationalism and sovereignty, all that proves that children are sick, because a truly well individual is one who is rejected,
All of those things and it's truly the international child of the future.
Then you have major change agent, I consider him number one in the world, John Goodlatte, schooling for a global age.
Parents and the general public must be reached also.
Otherwise children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home.
And then the education institution frequently, not often enough I might say, comes under scrutiny and must pull back.
And then he says, that was in 1981, actually I leaked that document that was in there.
That's why I got fired.
1968, he says, an article in Learning and Teaching in the NEA Journal,
His top educator folks, behavioral psychologists, behaviorists, right?
He says, quote, the most controversial issues of the 21st century will pertain to the ends and means of modifying human behavior and who shall determine them.
The first educational question will not be what knowledge is of the most worth.
But what kind of human beings do we want to produce?
The possibilities virtually defy our imagination.
Then you have Ashley Montague, aging juvenile who regales teachers and other school people at conferences way back in the 70s.
Summed it up when he said, every child in America comes to school insane at the age of six because of the American family structure.
And then Dr. Reginald Lurie,
President of the Joint Commission Comprehensive Child Development Act, 1971.
And after the break, I really would like to read what he said.
And let's double those footnotes for people out there.
They really want to research this.
They can get it for themselves.
Charlotte Isserby, Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
All right, short segment now, long segment coming up.
Charlotte Isabe is our guest.
Charlotte, out of the gates in a nutshell.
Tell folks just a little bit about yourself who don't know who you are, what you discovered inside this, and then just continue with the quotes by the heads of academia, the heads of the, quote, education science in the last hundred years for social workers and people being trained to be social workers who, you know, go up on YouTube and say, I'm making all this up.
Oh, no, you're not making it up at all.
I mean, I just wish that you were.
There's such an extensive paper trail, it's disgusting.
I mean, they seem to be pretty bright guys in some ways.
They're sick.
They're satanic, really.
They're evil people who would do this to our children.
But they have admitted, they truly have admitted what they're doing and so much of that is in my book and it's also, a great deal of it is on another website I have, too.
I'll give both websites.
DeliberateDumbingDown.com is the website for my book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, the 700-pager.
The book is also
It's a
The most important item on that, if you call it an item, is the Reese Committee hearings.
Norman Dodd was the research director for those committee hearings in 1953 on the tax-exempt foundations.
And I bought
Uh, the 3,000 pages of the hearings.
It was the only copy left in the country.
The foundations had bought up all the copies after the hearings were abruptly terminated for obvious reasons.
I'm sure your listeners understand why.
Because it's the history of the treason.
That's great.
We're good to go.
Some of the new items are donor-only, but it is... the Reiss Committee hearings are free, and if you had any idea what I paid for them, I'm sure you would go rushing in there to grab it immediately for fear something would happen with the Internet.
But they're extraordinary, extraordinary documents in that... at americandeception.com.
Now, going back, I'm going to, in brief, just tell you that when I got out of the Foreign Service in 1960... in 19...
When did I get out?
I got married.
I was in the Foreign Service and with the American Red Cross for over a period of 15 years or something.
And then I got married in Belgium, came back to the United States, became a school board member, went up against the change agents.
I love it the way everybody's using the word change agent now.
I might point out that I went through change agent training because a master teacher called me and she said, Charlotte, you're right on in your battle on the school board against your change agent superintendent, and I want you to go for training, and she paid for me to go, and it was at that training where I really got on my white horse, folks, and I've been on that white horse ever since, and I will never get off the horse as dirty as can be, but I will never get off because of what I was taught to do.
Now, listen.
I was taught, and we were all taught,
And this was Ronald Havelock's Change Agents Guide.
How to bring about change in your community and schools.
And we were taught how to identify the resistors in our community.
And also how to identify the important groups in the community, like the Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club, the Garden Club, etc.
Nice people who really think they're doing such good work, and they've been taken by the change agents to get them on board to support sex ed, drug ed,
Critical Thinking Ed, Deaf Ed, whatever, all the things that have Ed hanging off the end of it, which are geared not towards helping your child be a good citizen with good morals and values and be an individual in this world, but are geared towards brainwashing them to be exactly the opposite, to be little, little, utter chaotic freaks.
And that is the goal of all this program.
So I was taught how to get those programs in.
And how do I identify the resistors?
Well, of course, I was a resistor.
That's quite funny.
I was taught how to identify myself.
But then I went on, again, and I moved on to the U.S.
Department of Ed.
Stay there!
Let's come back and encapsulate that, and then get into more quotes, what their plan is, how they've done everybody down, where they're going.
We're going to footnote again those quotes, we'll go through some more of them, for the individuals out there who just want to say that we're talking about space aliens.
We're talking to the former head of policy, number two position, Department of Education.
Not only was she skilled and intelligent, she came from a skull and bones family.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're good.
We're going to go right back to Charlottesville in just a moment.
Welcome back.
We haven't gotten it up there yet, but the next hour, I decided to carry the Libra Dumbing Down.
I should have done it years ago.
It's one thing to go read the book that took her over a decade to write for free, the LibraDumbingDown.com, and that's wonderful that she's done that.
But I suggest you buy the book the size of a phone book.
I'd say half of it is just documents.
The actual documents.
Every time she makes a claim, there's not just a footnote.
There is the actual document.
We're going back to her in just a moment.
That'll be available at InfoWars.com.
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Charlotte, going back to you, I want to go over the key quotes, the key documents, and in a nutshell, when they took over education, how they converted it, how they federalized it, and then some solutions.
You've got the floor, but I want to hear more of those quotes.
Well, okay.
Alex, I also want to point out, you're correct.
I do have the book free on my website, and that's fine, but I've found that
People, I thought when I did that, that I'd lose sales on the book, the real book, and in fact it increased sales, because people get tired of looking at the white screen, and so Alex, you shouldn't have any problem, you know, with the book.
Well, there's something tactile about it, and you know, my stuff hauls free as well, about being able to hold it, see it, share it, carry it with you, yes, yes.
So anyway, you know, we were talking about how
The effort is not just to get the kids' minds, but it's the parents' as well.
This is an outcomes-based ed quote, because people might say, oh, she's talking about all those old quotes way back there, with U.N.
and Brock Chisholm talking about the, you know, the psychiatrist General Chisholm, good friend of Alger here, saying, we've got to get rid of the conscience.
We're going to retrain the teachers like little psychiatrists.
They can go into the classroom.
And people say, oh, I'm sick and tired of hearing all those 1945 quotes, right?
Well, they're important quotes, folks.
You see, the reason they shut up a bit lately is because they realized that we had their number.
We have all those old quotes.
But a recent quote is good, because this was in 1981, I believe.
It comes out of 1971.
No, 1981.
This is from one of the leaders in outcomes-based education, which we've been fighting across the country for ages, based on Skinner.
Absolutely Pavlov's slobbering dog stimulus response.
You know, I said Skinner, I could make a pigeon a high achiever.
By reinforcing our proper schedule, and that's what they have to have that in.
It's in now completely across the country because they need it for school to work.
But this is a quote from John Champlin, terribly high up with William Spady and the whole crowd, American Association of School Administrators.
This community, this is a program of theirs for outcomes-based education, direct instruction.
This community effort should be designed both to re-educate and to re-norm parents and the general public.
Think of re-norming the community the same way you conduct similar efforts in the school environment.
Don't challenge the community.
Co-op them.
I love that.
That's a nice quote, because people get bored hearing the ones about the teachers.
And that's really a very good quote.
Now, I'm going to read another one, which actually is proof positive.
When you have people saying, oh, you're wrong, deaf ed, sex ed, critical thinking ed, you name it, whatever, those things, the education that has
Has education hanging off the end of it?
Oh, they're for the good of the child, and the families should be really happy the schools are involved in that.
Well, I got ahold, this is in deliberate dumbing down of America, I happened to be lucky enough to get ahold of the journal called the School Counselor.
Special issue on death.
And it came that the American Personnel and Guidance Associates, you know those
May 1977.
Nice guidance counselors that your children have access to.
Quote, listen to this, the last goal is to help students, this is on deaf education, is to help students clarify their values on social and ethical issues.
An underlying but seldom spoken assumption of much of the death education movement is that Americans handle death and dying poorly, and that we ought to be doing better at it.
Well, they're probably talking about the fact that we believe in God, right?
And that's where we deal with it very poorly.
As in the case of many other problems, many Americans believe that education can initiate change.
You're not kidding, can it?
Now, here we go.
This is a direct quote, and think in terms of what this says.
This actually says that they will be using death ed, the same way they use sex ed, to change our children's attitudes and values, so that children accept any sexual behavior, anything now.
You know that's true.
Now look, they said it.
Change is evidence.
Death education will play as important a part in changing attitudes towards death.
In other words, getting rid of religion.
Well, that's so they can, and they even say, euthanize people.
Get people ready that it's a beautiful thing to have the state kill you.
That's right.
And now, since they put this in, suicides exploded.
Now in town, seven people killing themselves.
Suicide cults on the web.
Well, the thing is, with death ed, they educate the children towards all the other religions.
Buddhism, Hinduism,
Whatever, ism, everything except Christianity.
But anyway, it says, change is evident and death education will play as important a part in changing attitudes toward death as sex education played in changing attitudes toward sex information and wider acceptance of various sexual practices.
Now look, if that doesn't tell you that they have deliberately, that's why I love the word deliberate in the title of my book,
They have deliberately gone after your children's morals and values and your family.
Now again, it's not just that they're perverts.
That's not the real reason.
If you actually read the eugenicists who started the social working in England, then in Germany, then in the U.S.
as it migrated, they say that by having people be promiscuous, lots of partners, getting people used to abortions and birth control, it's meant to reduce the size of the family, thus to also attack it and break it down, just like the Soviets did.
Well, that's right, and let me read this.
Remember, I think the break came when I was doing Dr. Reginald Lurie.
This goes back 1971.
President of the Joint Commission, the Comprehensive Child Development Act.
That passed by both Congress and the Senate in 71.
We have that.
That's why we have all these people coming into our homes, early age, taking kids away from us, etc.
Now, he said, quote, he's President of the Joint Commission.
There is serious thinking among some of the future-oriented child development research people that maybe we can't trust the family alone to prepare young children for this new kind of world which is emerging.
The Soviets have long recognized the shortcomings of the family.
That is one of the reasons they felt they needed to have access to the babies.
During the first 18 months of life, the brain is growing faster than it ever will again.
It is then also more plastic and most available for appropriate experience and corrective.
And that's why they openly say in Europe and here that they want to get people on welfare so they get the children and now they're offering even middle-class people, oh let us take care of your baby, let us pay the kids to stay late till eight o'clock at night.
I mean this is the total takeover.
Well absolutely and it is.
I'd like to point out that in the U.S.
Department of Education, I was there for not terribly long, two years, not quite
And that Department of Education is a Marxist factory.
And thank God for Ron Paul.
He's the only one that constantly is talking about bringing it down.
If that was all he recommended, folks, he should be president for that!
Because the future of our country depends on how our children have been educated as little individuals for upward mobility, having an understanding of the world, not trained like rats!
To go along with the New World Order.
Ian, right around 1900, I'm going from memory, I remember reading the National Association of Psychologists, Psychiatrists in the 40s, where they said, Americans are the smartest, they read the best, all the inventions are from here, we've got to, they even use words like dumb them down, lower their horizons, constrict them, teach them to be cogs in the planned society, the middle class is going to compete with the social planners, they're upstarts, we've got to dumb them down, use chemicals, whatever we have to,
Uh, to control them.
They openly said they were going to do this, just by making education boring and not making sense they do it.
And they took us from the highest test scores way down.
Uh, and I'm going from memory, but on that National Banking Association document about how we gotta take over education and stop them from reading.
I mean, you know, now they can claim it's for all these reasons, and you're four or five generations into cult-like teachers and social workers.
A lot of them are good.
A lot of them don't see the big picture.
Even if they are good, they can't fight back much.
In the system, but we have their own words where they admit this was about taking control of society and dumbing down.
Oh, absolutely.
And you know, for those who really want a good document to show to people who say, oh, well, you know, things aren't so bad, the education schools aren't so bad, at American Deception, there's an entry, and it doesn't take much, it's about eight pages, and go in there, folks, and just type into the search engine up there,
And you are going to see there a test on the Constitution that is about 12 pages long.
This Kenny Hignite, someone at a conference in California gave this to me, gave me the actual test with Kenny Hignite's handwriting on it.
He got 99 on it.
This was in 1953 in Central California Public School.
Go there, read it.
It is the most difficult test.
He had to name all the cabinet officials.
He had to know all the Bill of Rights.
He had to understand the Constitution, the three branches of government.
He had to know, unbelievable, the protections, everything, and he got 99.
Go there and look at it, and you know what you can do with that?
You can cut and paste, and you can send that to anybody you want on a computer and prove to them
This was America's public school system as late as 1953.
So it was a deliberate, you know, from 1945 on, he just escaped it, 1945 on, that was the UN, going to the UN, UNESCO, get rid of academics, you know, Brock Chisholm, the teacher becomes the psychiatrist, then we have the agreements with the Soviet Union, Reagan signed,
Thank you.
The agenda has been to dumb down your children, to strip them of their values, to make them into the little new Soviet man, because everything in education has been sovietized by now.
It goes right along with William Foster's book.
He was chairman of the Communist Party USA in the 30s.
Buried in the Kremlin, and he said, called for a U.S.
Department of Ed., called for getting rid of religion, called for putting in the scientific Pavlovian method, called for all of these things that are being taught in the schools now.
And it's been done.
It's a done deal.
So, all of those, you're wonderful listeners out there who are homeschooling,
Or who are in private schools that don't accept a penny of any form of tax money, federal, state, or local.
Those are the people whose children are going to save this country.
And the public schools, I'm sorry to say it, because I'm a great supporter, always have been, of public education, because it was the best system in the world.
But all the money that's gone in, the multi-billions of dollars, trillions of dollars, from 1981 when I was there, the Department of Ed was $12 billion.
Now it's $67 billion.
And that's the centerpiece, the headquarters for distributing all the destructive, anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-common sense programs for retraining teachers,
Deliberately ruining your children, making them into robots.
I want to throw a program note in here.
I was on the message board and professors and all these other people were finding all these other horrible quotes saying the family's bad, the family has to be gotten rid of, the family is a sickness, a disease.
And then now it moved off of the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
I can't find it in the sub pages and I can't find it in recent posts.
Can somebody, I know it grew full of quotes and I want to go back and vet those and follow those back for an article we're doing.
Can whoever has that page repost it in a recent post or post it at the top or something.
Charlotte, I know you had other quotes you wanted to read before we hit that break 30 minutes ago.
Do you want to read any more quotes you didn't have time to get to about the family being bad?
Well, yeah, I can read this.
I think I didn't.
This one is good.
This is from Arthur.
This may hook into what you were talking about.
Arthur Calhoun's A Social History of the American Family in 1919.
There are three volumes, I believe, and in the third volume he says, quote, the new view is that the higher and more obligatory relation is to society rather than to the family.
The family goes back to the age of savagery.
Well, the state belongs to the age of civilization.
The modern individual is a world citizen, served by the world, and home interest can no longer be supreme.
As soon as the new family, consisting of only the parents and the children, stood forth, society saw how many were unfit for parenthood, and began to realize the need of community care.
And he goes on there, if you want the rest of the quote.
No, no, that's it.
What they did is, it wasn't a 1919 book.
They took that quote, and then in the UT textbook I was looking at, when they were using there, University of Texas at Austin, it then went on to say, it's, the family's a disease.
But you just found it, Charlotte.
That's it.
Erin, she found it.
Stand by.
She found it.
All right.
Stay there, Charlotte.
We'll be right back.
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Every educator, every person that has children in a government education camp, indoctrination center,
Now again, we're four or five generations into this.
The average social worker, the average teacher doesn't even see what's happening around them.
In the founding documents right through the seventies, they were quite honest.
They're still honest.
In higher level documents for master educators, special schools they're sent to, even above the masters and PhD level.
And correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, Charlotte.
So, some social worker listening may not even know this, but it's the attitude, it's the idea, it's the guilty until proven innocent.
It's the whole system of destroying families and making us all cogs in this larger system.
The sodium fluoride in the water to dumb us down, now public.
That's not even Scientific American admits that.
As you said, the people now know this is going on.
They don't know the full horror or the full details.
But even George Carlin gets up and says the corporations, you know, run the system to dumb everybody down, you know, when he talks about education.
They test to see how much they've dumbed you down, then they lower the test bar.
Charlotte, re-intro what year he wrote that, 1919, the name, because Aaron missed that.
You mean Calhoun?
Wait a minute, I've got it here.
I think.
Let's see.
I hope.
I'll have to look for it and give it to you when I find it, because I threw it away when you said that you... that I found it.
So I lost it, but I will give it to you.
It's okay.
It's Calhoun 1919.
We got a bunch of books you wrote.
We can find and go back and listen to today.
Yeah, I can.
I'll get it for you before this is over with.
But I do... there's something very important in regard to
The mental health testing and all of the... I found that for you.
Here it is.
Third volume, Arthur Calhoun's The Social History of the American Family, 1919.
And I want to give Dennis Cuddy...
You know, credit for this.
Dennis has this in his marvelous chronology of education, which I stole from him and put on americandeception.com.
I just got sort of his permission now.
We're good friends.
But that is Dennis's wonderful chronology of education.
It can be purchased from Dennis, but it also is at americandeception.com.
And this is on page 14 of Dennis's chronology.
1919, about Arthur Calhoun, a social history of the American family, okay?
So anyway, let's give credit to Dennis.
And also, I want another thing, before I forget, we're talking about the justice system in this country.
We've only got a minute left, Charlotte.
Wrap it up.
Alright, Hawaii Master Plan.
That's page 85 in my book and it calls for, it says right here, 1971, it says, recent discoveries from the field of biochemistry suggest that all these drugs will improve learning such as persistence, the application of biochemical research findings,
And that's the new freedom initiative?
It is.
And any child that believes in God or doesn't like world government, when he's screened, he'll be flagged.
He's sick.
And again, it's because you can have no God but them.
That's why they attack it.
It's not because they're these enlightened atheists.
Charlotte Isserby, deliberatedumbingdown.com.
We will talk to you in the very near future.
I want to have you back up in the next few weeks.
We're doing a lot on education.
God bless you for all your great work.
Thank you so much, Alex, and best to everybody.
What a great lady.
We'll be back tonight, live on the network, 9 to midnight.
Central retransmitted out on the network, live, 9 to midnight.
Not live.
And you can hear the streams going out right now.
In one minute, we're going to come back, and you can hear the first and second hour, if you missed it, with key economic analysis, go to InfoWars.com.
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