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Name: 20080122_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's become such a foregone conclusion that I really didn't spend more than 20 minutes on it in three hours yesterday.
It is Black Tuesday, ladies and gentlemen.
The 22nd day of January 2008.
And unfortunately, this Black Day is going to be dwarfed.
That is almost guaranteed in the next few days, next few weeks, next few months.
No one knows as we play Russian Roulette here with six areas, six chambers as it rolls around.
But they're going to continue to pull the trigger until the financial brains of this nation are blown out across the ground.
We have multiple financial experts coming up today.
The first one will be, who he re-aired last Friday, but this will be live, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the father of ergonomics, head of policy at the Treasury, former Wall Street Journal editor, to continue to track and chronicle everything that he and many others have been predicting.
Why is this Black Tuesday?
Well, the markets opened and plunged to hundreds of points, and then, of course, the Fed announced a 75 basis point cut.
That is massive!
World markets were begging the U.S.
not to cut by even 25 basis points.
That would have been considered reckless to the dollar.
75 basis points
Is a devastating injury to an already flagging, sinking, capsizing, beached world reserve currency.
This is all by design.
This is all being engineered by the globalists because they wanted to consolidate wealth.
They wanted to blow out markets.
They wanted to
We're good to go.
And how some of the old money or institutional sovereign wealth and private wealth really stands to gain from this.
But the Financial Times of London went on to say that the bubble is so large that in this contraction it may even devastate old wealth, institutional wealth, sovereign wealth as they call it.
To even try to fathom what this means.
The market is way down right now.
We're going to give you all those numbers when we get back in the second segment, up to the second info.
The fact that it's plunging while they made a 75 point cut in the basis rate
It's just unbelievable.
Do you know what it means, ladies and gentlemen, that they made a rate cut this big?
They have sold the jolly, goofy, doe-eyed, slack-jawed, know-it-all, arrogant, what-does-it-matter-if-it-doesn't-affect-me yuppies, that all that matters is the stock market.
Let me explain to the yuppies why the market goes back up when they cut
Interest rates, because the dollar is then devalued, and so it just takes more dollars to buy those stocks.
The stock market is really at about $5,000 right now, the dollar value, compared to $2,000.
But we'll talk to one of the real experts on the other side.
About how bad this could get, what he sees unfolding in the weeks and months to come, the days to come, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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That's what I have to do, sir.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are now into the second segment of worldwide transmission on over 60 AM and FM affiliates.
Global shortwave WWCR.
The internet number one on Shoutcast.
Hundreds of thousands of listeners.
And of course, the multiple satellites.
As well as over 100,000 podcast subscribers.
I want to say hello to everyone.
Listeners to this transmission are fully aware of the real economic outlook and the true economic climate, what's happening fiscally here in the United States, North America and worldwide.
A 75 basis point cut
They were talking about another 25 basis point cut having a devastating effect on the dollar.
Many were saying that it was extremely reckless to do that.
A 75% basis point, I never imagined they would do this, and it didn't matter.
The market began violently plunging.
They then, of course, started hyping the basis point cut.
This would have happened yesterday if not for the Martin Luther King Day holiday.
There was
More than $60 billion wipeout just on the London markets yesterday alone.
All over the world, stock markets are plunging.
We're seeing other currencies drop as the dollar drops.
As Dr. Roberts has said, this will pull the world into it.
This is just a black hole, and to talk to the real expert, who I really want to thank for spending so much time with us.
He normally comes on once a month.
He's been coming on every few weeks lately because things are getting worse and worse.
He is the father of Reaganomics, the head of policy at the Treasury Department under Reagan, former Wall Street Journal editor, syndicated columnist, and he's got a new edition of his book coming out in just a few weeks.
I do need to talk to his publisher.
I want to carry that at the InfoWars.com bookstore.
And again, a true statesman, we are honored to have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on with us.
Sir, thank you.
Hello, Alex.
Break down what this means to have a 75% basis point cut and how this is going to affect the dollar, the markets, what you see unfolding.
Well, Alex, look, I'm not a forecaster.
I look at how economies work and what policies work.
For the economy.
I think right now the United States policy makers have sort of maneuvered the economy into a position in which it's hard for any policy to work.
Concerning the stock market drops, I don't know that there's a whole lot to that because the markets drop a lot when they get
We're good to go.
And the Federal Reserve's response to the 29 market crash essentially was to drain liquidity rather than add it.
But what we see the Fed doing now with this cut is to attempt to pump more liquidity into the markets.
Now, of course, it's possible that the banks are too damaged, that consumer credit is too
I don't think we're going to be faced with a lack of liquidity.
The tax rebate is an effort by the policy makers to bypass the easy credit low interest rate policy in the event that it doesn't work to pump the money back into the consumer economy.
They simply want to give everybody $800.
I think that that policy would be very effective in terms of an overall boost in consumer demand and preventing a recession, if that's what we're in for.
Most likely, it would be drawn down in paying off credit card debt.
And 23% of anything that actually finds its way into consumer spending goes abroad.
Through the imports and the offshoring.
So, we may be in for a recession and a realignment of stock market prices.
Whether or not this is going to hurt the dollar is also not predictable because on the whole low interest rates make holding treasury bonds less attractive for foreigners who finance our government.
But on the other hand, the drop in share prices make them look more attractive.
So the demand for dollars could go up in order to buy up our cheap assets as the market declines.
It's just hard to know how this works out.
The problem, of course, is that to deal with the domestic situation, they need
More liquidity.
And in some sense, that liquidity is a threat to the dollar's exchange value.
But in the short run, that could be mitigated by the bargain that may appear in share prices.
So it's hard to predict how it will come out.
I think the more important thing is the hardship for the average American family.
Many of them have not had any real increase in their income for years.
And yet, and they've lost jobs to offshoring, they've lost jobs to work visas for foreigners, and now they're confronted with losing jobs to recession.
They've also, they are heavily indebted and they've used up their
Home equity in consumption and many of them now have mortgages that threaten them with being homeless and so I think the worst part of this will not be felt by Wall Street and banks and shareholders but by the average American family.
They're I think now going to
Go through the ringer.
Dr. Roberts, the last time you were on with us a few weeks ago, you talked about how this could literally, for a time, send us back to the barter system, destroying world markets.
Do you think it was a good thing to have a 75% basis point cut?
I mean, right now the dollar is going down as we speak.
Gold is up about $10 plus and rising as we speak.
Certainly, they moved in with this huge basis point cut to try to keep a massive decline in the stock market, I guess because it's a benchmark of overall success in the economy.
That's the first point.
And secondarily, I'm now seeing all the pundits talk about serious global recession.
I'm now hearing on the McLaughlin Group and CNN and Fox talk of depression finally being thrown around.
We know they tried to keep the confidence up until just a few weeks ago, and I've seen a shift
And what the talking heads are saying, what does that signify?
Probably just a lot of noise.
It is true that in the long run, the decline of the dollar could cause it to lose its reserve currency role and if another currency hasn't arisen to take its place,
It would be very hard to conduct international trade on the basis that it is now, where you have a reserve currency that everyone accepts and payment.
So the fact that the United States worsens its economic position by running huge trade deficits and by running large budget deficits, the $150 billion tax rebate will raise the deficit $150 billion because
The deficit's already in the red.
So this does signal to people concerned with inflation more liquidity, which usually means more inflation, and will make them anxious.
But they may not be right in their supposition, because generally in recession, prices don't rise.
And the oil price may be falling, for example.
It is falling right now.
So this signifies a very uncertain economic climate, but an acceleration of the previous policies that have now brought us to this point.
And as you said, Bank of America, Wachovia, a bunch of others are saying zero profits, negative profits.
People are tapped out.
Prices on the ground are going up.
I'm seeing it personally.
I mean, there's no doubt we're in a recession.
You talked last time you were on about how people lost $1,000 in income on average a year in the last supposed boom economy because we're going to service jobs.
This just looks like a long, slow decline, or do you think it's going to plunge?
I think the decline in the American economy will be gradual and slow, but it will be nonetheless
Very hard on the average American family because living standards will gradually fall.
I think that that's the way an economy such as the United States will decline.
That's what the British went through when the British pound lost its reserve currency role
Largely due to the two wars.
So a long winter.
A long winter.
See, when you get recovery, it doesn't always boost the average American back up.
Like the recovery we've had since 2000.
People's income, the average income, is still below what it was before the recovery began.
Dr. Roberts, stay with us.
One final segment with
Your take on what's happening with the economy right now.
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Look at Apple shares plunging!
Losing a large percentage of its value.
And that's what the stock market paid for in inflated dollars.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, just three final questions for you.
We've only got about five minutes.
A, if you were in control of the Treasury again, if you were being listened to in policy, what would you do to try to stabilize things?
As you said, it's kind of a perfect storm.
No matter what you do, it's bad.
And then, what can individuals do who aren't in debt, you know, the 10, 20, 30% of the public, depending on how you look at it, that actually have some assets, $100,000, it's liquid, $1,000,000, $2,000,000, what would you do to protect yourself?
Well, Alex, I think the biggest problem is the dollar reserve currency basis.
What the world is concerned about
Overall, is the way the United States government has abused the reserve currency role and what the United States needs to do to put stability, the basic thing, the most important thing, is it's got to do something to reduce the trade deficits and the budget deficits.
And the question is, how can they do that?
It's very difficult to reduce
We're good to go.
$100 billion defense bill!
But we can't afford that.
We don't have $700 billion to spend on Bush's wars.
If they got rid of that, or cut that in half, and just maintain, you know, get these wars over with, we can't afford them.
The dollar can't afford them.
The economy can't afford them.
If they just stopped that, cut the defense budget in half, that would pretty much balance the budget.
And this would put a great sigh of relief throughout the whole world.
They would say, oh look, the pressure on the dollar from that end has been stopped.
What can they do on the trade deficit end?
They'll have to do something to arrest, stop the offshoring.
You can never balance your budget as long as your own companies are taking your own production offshore to make it.
Because when it comes back, it counts as imports.
So they'll have to do something about that.
If they can't do anything about that, the world is going to conclude the dollar is not going to be the reserve currency forever.
And they'll start getting out from under it in larger ways.
And then that pressure on the dollar will mount and become stronger.
And it will completely cancel the ability to do anything about the domestic economy, whether it's in recession or depression.
Because that requires liquidity.
That is more dollar.
The low dollar causes the dollar to go down.
So that is the problem.
If we address the budget and trade deficits, these big problems that are sitting for a massive trouble, not a recession, not a stock market collapse or decline, but a real serious breakdown, they have to be addressed.
Now you ask me what can people do?
If they're in cash, they're probably
The dollar is probably going to fall less than the stock market.
Gold is difficult.
First of all, unless you take possession of it, you don't know whether you have it or not.
If you take possession and it's very much, you're a target for theft.
In fact, all gold holders are targets for government theft.
They stole the gold in 1933 from Americans.
They can do it again.
You could say, well, go into foreign markets.
Well, they're falling too.
So there's real no safe haven now.
That's what you've always said, is that this wasn't just going to be contained here as foreigners were laughing.
This is really going to bring down the whole market if it continues.
It's not going to bring it down.
It's going to make people lose a lot of paper wealth.
A lot of people who are worth $20 million are going to be worth $15 million.
Well, that's what I meant by bring it down to the level it's in.
Yeah, it's going to come down.
But to be clear, you're talking about if this policy continues, and by the way, Joseph Stiglitz says the same thing, that it could cause a total worldwide breakdown.
You're right.
If the destruction of the dollar's role as a reserve currency continues,
And there's not a clear alternative that arises to take its place.
That's exactly right.
That's what will happen.
And that's the biggest danger, because there's no way to survive that that's known through economic science.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
It's always a pleasure to be with you.
You're welcome, Alex.
God bless you.
We'll be right back with tons of news, all the details.
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I think so.
Remember yesterday I read an article headlined, Conference Promotes Global Citizenship?
Of the Daily Herald?
And at the end of it, it talks about how they're training all the professors to tell their students about world government, world citizenship, and how great globalization is.
And at the end, and I hear this on NPR, I see it on television, I've been hearing it, you know, twelve years ago.
Before I even got on air.
I heard this.
Listen to this last line.
The United States has had a good run using 50% of the world's resources, but the world won't let us do that anymore.
McGaugh said.
That's the person going around having all the professors come in and teach them the curriculum of world government.
And just out of the blue, they just add that onto there about how the U.S.
has had a good run, but that's over.
And I've heard them on NPR go, yeah, soon the markets will implode.
This was like three years ago.
And, you know, we're living outside our means.
We're going to have global carbon taxes, and we're going to do all this for the earth, and we're all going to live like serfs, but it's what we deserve.
It's so good.
Then you get Roberts on, who's very, very conservative.
And he says, man, they've just done everything wrong.
There's no way out of it.
They've done the exact thing that
That just any way you cut it, we're in deep trouble.
Did you hear him talk about that?
He's like, man, they're just really dumb!
He said that over and over again on the show.
No, they're not.
The Council on Foreign Relations put out a report two days ago saying the end of the dollar is basically a good thing, and that we're going to have a world currency.
We'll still have our regional currency, but they'll be pegged by the central banks, globally enforced, whatever they say the currency is worth, so they can inflate it, they can reduce it, they can do whatever they want.
He thought the globalists were bad.
He's having the power to issue the currency and issue credit,
Now they're going to globally control it, everywhere, and not even have to play the currencies off against each other, which is what the Trilateral Commission said they'd do back in 1974 in their writings.
How many years have I told you?
How many times have I quoted it?
They would bring up the euro, bring down the dollar, then have currency crises between the two, and then offer you a world government.
And by offer it, offer you can't refuse, they just do it.
But offer it as a solution.
And as the Financial Times of London, as the SPP documents show, as the IMF World Bank documents show, the big central banks are doing this by design to blow out thousands of smaller and medium-sized and even mega-banks, to blow out the brokerage firms.
I mean, everybody was getting into lending.
Private individuals.
Just regular companies.
I mean, I know doctors and dentists and lawyers who started selling credit and buying debt
Basically acting as bankers.
Unlimited liquidity.
Now the central banks in 29 did call in the margins.
Did call in the margin calls on leverage put options.
People going short and long.
They didn't restrict the money supply until about 1939.
By design, wouldn't issue more credit
And a handful of banks that had positioned themselves before, who already dominated the economy and owned most of the newspapers, fully took over the economy.
Got the commanding heights and have been then going in sending in their teams to buy off cities and counties and county commissioners and creating National Association of Governors, National Association of Counties, cities, city managers where they all go to New York and Davos and go to these meetings every month and where they get lavished and are told do these deals and you'll be given a job when you leave a city manager at the small city and then ten years later after they leave the big brokerage firm or the big bank or the big equity group
The Sovereign Wealth Group, they then go back into a bigger city, then they go back out after five years, back into the corporate banking world, institutional banking, then back in as city manager over a major city like Manhattan or Dallas, Texas.
And that's who really runs everything.
And even those mayors are just little political hacks and corrupt individuals that just wheel and deal.
They don't even know the inner workings of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.
How, since the 50s, now over 80% of the stock market is owned by institutions, by governments, which are headed up by corporate officers, who then nexus in
And plug into the larger corporate umbrella.
I mean, you understand this is piracy.
This is mafia, no holds barred, military conquest financially.
In a military corporate structure of command, carried out with intelligence agency oversight and precision.
And they're now going to take us into the long decline.
Things are still booming compared to the way they're going to get in the next couple years.
Give all the forecasters a ride, and the globalist plans are accurate.
And you need to understand, they did it to you.
They engineered it.
They created it.
And just like Joseph Stickels when he left the World Bank and IMF, when they openly
Tell them we want to go into third world countries and blow them out.
We want to give them loans, tell our politicians not to pay them off, have the politicians sign loan sharking 20, 30, 40 percent interest deals, then they are designed to not be paid back, then they take over the water districts, the national parks, the city streets, the infrastructures, and the foreign corporations come in and say,
We're literally buying up your government.
We're buying up your roads.
And the Supreme Court says, yeah, private companies can come pay off.
It's actually in the ruling.
It says paying them off.
It literally legalizes theft, kickbacks.
It says they can come in and lobby and finance campaigns to take private property.
And then the big debate is about, oh my God, they don't have to, you know, just have government take private property.
Now private groups can do it if they request it.
What they didn't tell you though, unless you read the local papers in New London and Connecticut and Freeport, Texas and a thousand other places, is that they come in now and say, you know what?
We're not even going to pay you 10% of what your property tax says this is worth.
And in some cases they just say, you get nothing and they literally send SWAT teams.
In and just throw you off crying off your 300 acre farm and on the edge of a big city in New York or New Jersey.
We've had those families on.
I mean, the cops don't know.
They just hear, oh, they won't get off their land.
And the cops just follow orders.
They don't know what a comprehensive annual financial report is.
They don't understand what a derivative is, just like the general public.
They're just told bad people.
And they get nothing.
In New London, the hundreds of families that held out and refused to move out when private interest wanted it, they got nothing!
In fact, some of them got given a demolition bill to tear down their three-story Victorian houses valued between $300,000 and $600,000 depending on which house we looked at.
That's the new America!
They're not going to have 10% of the college graduates be in security, and spying, and homeland security, and domestic CIA offices in every city, and command centers tracking our every move, because they're looking for Al-Qaeda under the bushes, or under the bed, or under a rock.
This is for us.
They're totally shifting it over, and the same private interest own the big security firms, and the private Merck armies, and they then make the profits off of the new predatory economy.
Their plan is so hellish, so cold-blooded, so long-term.
It's not like Hitler just coming to power and having someone organize and take an action, or the Soviets.
This is creeping death.
This is calculated.
This is system-wide shift.
Global shares are tumbling all over the place, and the reason the stock market, again, it was plunging hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of points.
It plunged hundreds of points last week.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars being lost a day in your portfolios.
And you can say, well, I don't have the stocks, you know, I cut wood for a living, or I mow yards, or I make a pretty good living in that in the past, because there were yuppies and people with money to buy it from you.
But see, there's that stagnation in the economy.
But notice everything they're doing is to get you leveraged out in debt, get you bankrupt, not able to get a job.
A $100 million ad package from the Mexican government, U.S.
government, PR firm Rob Allen & Co.
We're into the third year, you just now hear it on CNN.
Paying for TV ads, radio, buying reporters, school programs.
You know, there's areas all over Texas where English isn't even allowed in the school.
They just say, sorry, you will speak Spanish.
The Mexican flag flies over at least seven Texas cities.
Again, big corporations behind it.
Anything to destroy sovereignty, destroy culture, break down borders so the globalists can absorb the infrastructure and get past the Bill of Rights and Constitution, which is already gone, but people still think they have vestiges, so they're standing up and fighting, so they have to act like it's still there.
There's still time to at least put a stop to this.
To at least hold the enemy.
But I'm sorry,
You're not going to be able to do that leaning over a Mexican food bar watching the ball game.
You're not going to be able to do that if you don't spend any time getting involved.
Any time in real issues.
Now I'm not going to preach here anymore.
I have just stacks of financial news here in front of me.
In fact, some of these aren't stapled.
I need to go through these during the next break.
Of course, the financial news is changing so fast that it makes my head spin.
But again, the market opened at 9 a.m., plunged to $11,700.
It's at $11,956 right now, and you're saying, okay, well that's just a
A few hundred point loss and it went back up.
That's with a 75 basis points cut.
That's it.
I've got to refinance my house.
I am so busy working that I've got an old high interest rate.
I have got to go refinance that sucker.
See, that's the other problem.
I do the show.
I work all the time.
I make films.
I don't even have time to get my finances in order.
I've got a few months of operating capital for my little organization.
And I'm so busy, I don't even plug my videos anymore.
By the way, support us financially, ladies and gentlemen.
We're trying to have more webmasters, better systems, better servers, better films, all of this.
And we need your support, but that's the secondary.
The films are powerful, they're excellent.
Go to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, order off the Secure Shopping Cart, get the books, the videos, the rest of it.
Get them out to people.
Let people know who's behind this, who's causing all of this.
And of course, refinancing is a big hassle, but we all should be doing that now.
My goodness.
But don't let them sell you on some new mortgage because you're refinancing.
I know you're tapped out, but some of you aren't.
We've got smart listeners who've known about the world for decades longer than I, and you've been positioned, and you're doing quite nicely.
But we'll break it down.
The factory closings, the huge layoffs across industries.
Globalism's really doing great for us, isn't it?
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up for this segment and the next.
I got him on late.
Then we're going to cover all the news for the first 20 minutes of the next hour and then wide open phones for the balance of the show.
And I believe we have another financial expert popping in later in the third hour as well.
You heard Dr. Roberts.
If you have gold certificates, you know you can't get them.
There are private vaults around the country.
We're good to go.
The government can come and take it too, but I mean they can certainly take it instantly if it's in the stock market or if it's just in cash sitting in the bank.
Ted, everything we've talked about is happening and they're continuing the exact same policies that ensure, you heard Dr. Roberts earlier, that ensure a total collapse in his words.
Yeah, that's what we're looking at right now, the dollar.
I mean, that new economic stimulus package that was just passed, everybody's going to get, what, 800 bucks or whatever?
That's going to drive the dollar down.
They're lowering the interest rates.
That makes the dollar drop further.
The economy's turning down.
The stock market's in the tank.
Everything spells bad news for the United States dollar.
There's no question about it.
It's a perfect storm.
You're never going to see, at least I should say in the history since I've been studying economics for the last 30 years, I've never seen it like this.
This is just an amazing time.
Well, any way you cut it, it's going to be bad.
On the good side, a slow, dark winter of decline.
On the bad side, barter collapse.
Just absolute, I mean, I guess you're talking about Planet of the Apes or something.
Which is exactly what the globalists want because then they can come in and play the part of the saviors, reorganize economies.
Ted, you've got an offer on gold at its lower price from a few weeks ago.
It's racing back up towards $900 right now.
I mean, if I had the currency, if I had the capital right now, I would continue to buy gold and silver.
I'm tapped out right now, but for anybody that does, you've got three offers today.
Tell them about it.
I do, yeah, as a matter of fact.
All this stuff is relative to about $870 an ounce.
Right now it's $891, so it's already gone up $20 since this particular price point.
But you can get them now and you'll get them at that level.
Right now I have the British Sovereigns.
They are trading currently at $240 per coin.
It's a quarter ounce gold piece.
That particular coin was $2.50 when gold was $8.90 last time around.
The next thing that I have is the $5 gold pieces which are the commemorative coin by the United States.
They're at $3.27.
That particular coin was in the $3.35 range here just recently when gold was at $8.90.
I have the francs at $1.92.
Well those were trading around 196 at 890 an ounce and I also have the silver dollars now silver dollars are at $400 per roll of 20 and and that was the price when silver was at about $15.50 and right now we've got silver sitting at $16.13
So, everything is being pushed back upward.
There was a little sell-off here, a little manipulation to support the dollar, and it didn't last very long.
It's all falling apart.
Obviously, the U.S.
stock market, we've seen that go down.
We've just seen gold go down.
That was because of central banks selling, trying to manipulate the market.
And, Chad, there's no doubt, and correct me if I'm wrong, but even in this more than 25 years, a 75% basis point signals a total commitment
To the phony stock market and a further decline of the dollar.
It is.
It's like they're fighting fire with gasoline.
They're trying to prop up the economy by printing more money and the problem right now is that we've got too much money as it is.
That's why the dollar is falling.
That's why we have the recession in the first place.
Lowering interest rates at this time makes people want to buy bonds even less.
Less money lent to the United States.
1-800-686-2237 if you want to hear more about the specials.
Alex, are you going to keep me over to the other side of the break?
Yes, 1-800-686-2237.
This is the Globalists fully destroying us financially, rolling us, beating the daylights out of us, absolutely Shanghai-ing us, bushwhacking us.
We're going to break down what this means when we get back.
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We're good to go.
What do you want to bet old Bob Dylan knows about the New World Order?
Hmm, I wonder.
But I'm not telling.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Man, he wrote these songs years and years ago.
And we know that, uh, Willie Nelson knows about the New World Order.
Everybody knows, as they say.
Can't we stand up?
Can't we move together against these people?
Look, they're monopoly men.
They've been positioning their wealth for at least a decade in preparation of this.
We know, and this used to be in the article that I know the Watsons are working on right now, the great job they do.
Nemo, I hope, does one.
You know, just got over the flu.
Doing a great job at TruthNews.us.
We need to have a report explaining that Bilderberg, three years ago, two years ago, we told you, was trying to pop the real estate bubble to start this domino going.
They issued all the credit to get countries and individuals and companies in this position.
Now it's going to be a long squeeze at best, and at worst, total implosion.
Ted, tell folks about those three coin offers.
They're all fabulous deals.
Oh, they're great deals right now.
You've got $240 for British Sovereigns.
That's a great coin.
It's a quarter of an ounce of gold.
It's a good way to have a small piece of gold to trade for what you need to trade for.
The franc coins, they're coins that were issued by the French, the Swiss, the Belgium countries.
It's at $192.
It's another good buy to be getting into a small piece of gold trading known, recognized throughout the world.
I don't know.
Sure, now it's up at $16, but still it hasn't moved 20% of what it should for dollar devaluation.
It's the real sleeper.
It is the barn burner buy like gold was, you know, in 2001 at $300 an ounce, now $900.
Ladies and gentlemen, the silver deal is smoking hot.
Ted, give them the number.
Yeah, again, it's 1-800-686-2237.
That's 1-800-686-2237.
There's no question about it.
The silver dollars are a real good buy at this particular time.
The gold is a good buy.
The dollar's falling.
It's not going to stop falling.
We're going to be looking at prices on gold.
$800, $900 gold is going to seem awfully cheap.
It really is.
People are going to be looking at $1,600, $2,000 gold and just wish that they had it at $900.
The silver dollars at $14, $15, $16.
Now we're at $16.13 an ounce.
$50 an ounce in 1980.
Think about it.
The dollar has lost more than 50% of its value.
That means if it swings properly it would be $100 an ounce.
It's easily $100 an ounce.
I mean, that's what's going on right now.
We have an economic crisis going on.
People need to have precious metals.
There's no question about it.
Look, this is an absolute no-brainer and I just wish I had the capital to move into more silver.
Ted, give them the number.
Hey, it's 1-800-686-2237.
Give us a call.
We'll be happy to help you out.
Get a large order, small orders, it doesn't matter.
Just give us a call at 1-800-686-2237.
We'll be happy to give you all the information you need to get started on a gold and silver portfolio.
Ted, I want to hold you over for five more minutes before I get into the news, because, and go through all this financial news, because I want to get your take on watching this happen before when things weren't 10% as bad.
How do you see this unfolding yourself?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The global financial oligarchy that owns our military industrial complex and almost every state, county, city, state government, federal government, is making a consolidation move.
He's been a stockbroker, he's been in all sorts of financial
Trading businesses.
He's been in the precious metals business for more than 25 years.
Ted, is there any doubt in your mind, and we have the declarations from him, that this is being done by design?
He's Ted Anderson.
And B, from what you've seen in the past, we've never had anything this bad, but how do you see this unfolding in the short term and the long term?
Well, even short term, long term, same thing.
I mean, the problem we have right now is the United States dollar is losing its world-class status.
People are no longer using U.S.
dollars as a second alternative to their own currencies when I say people, people of other nations.
They used to have great reserves of U.S.
dollar in hand and on stock.
Because of the Bretton Woods Agreement, the United States dollar was exchangeable for gold and silver for foreigners, even though it was illegal to own here in the United States after 1933.
Well, Nixon had a problem with the Vietnam War going on and deficit spending, that the United States dollar was falling so fast and gold was going up so quick that Fort Knox was going to be emptied.
And in order to stop that from happening he raised the price of gold first from $36 to $44 an ounce, $42 an ounce.
And then the dollar continued to plummet so he just shut the gold window completely and ended the Bretton Woods Agreement.
I think?
We're good to go!
Absolute bedlam!
Trade back into some more stronger currency.
They'll set up a stampede with other countries as well.
And the entire portfolios will be wiped out.
So they're sitting in a situation where they know that their value of their resource is going down and very fast.
But if they try to sell it, it goes down even faster.
So they're just trying to quietly get rid of it.
Can you believe that Roberts is openly talking about total collapse?
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, Craig Roberts is more likely to tell you to be in the stock market and everything's going to be rosy and good.
I mean, this guy's not a gold bug.
This guy is more of what I would consider an institutional type investor.
This guy's telling you that you've got to get out.
That's amazing.
And it's not just Craig Roberts.
There's a lot of them out there right now that are talking the same tune.
I think?
Uh, we're, you know, like Ron Paul says, we're borrowing... We've got all the states now trying to demand their institutional investment back, according to contract, and the, uh, funds they're in are saying, sorry, the money isn't there, they AAA rated junk.
I mean, this is...
I, Ted, I'm freaked out.
I mean, I keep trying to explain to people, we're not joking around about, as bad as you think it is now, folks, we're sitting on top of a pile of dynamite with a flamethrower.
Well, that's exactly right.
If you're not, you know, if you're frightened about your investments in the U.S.
dollar, you should be.
And if you're not, you've got your head in the sand.
You're going to get wiped out.
Folks, we need to give you a call, Ted, at 800-686-2237.
Again, 800-686-2237.
The Alex Jones Special to get gold and silver at the prices it was a few weeks ago.
If not, you'll pay the current price.
It's still a good deal.
Give them a call.
Ted, thanks for the analysis.
Yeah, you bet.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Jerry, David, Aaron, Jeannie, Bob, others, your calls are coming up.
Bob Chapman, international forecaster who is one of the top forecasters on the planet.
He's had two of the biggest newsletters ever in history.
His calls have been spot on about 97% of the time.
He'll be joining us coming up.
In about 25 minutes, into the third hour, taking your questions, your comments here.
There's so many facets to this, but here's just the basics in layman's terms.
They try to make it overly complex on the news, or they only focus on certain sectors of the economy, and really it's a lot of hyperbole.
The fact that we've really been in recession for decades, but it's been deep for six years, the average income has been $1,000 less per year,
Then it was the previous year.
And they call that a booming economy.
Quote, economy growth is at 1.4 percent right now.
That's with conservative inflation at about 12 to 14 percent.
Different groups have different numbers.
It can be as high as 20, especially in some commodities like gold and energy, fuel, natural gas.
But you have most people are tapped out.
In January of 2007,
Using 2006 numbers, it only got worse the next year, but the number is always about a year behind.
We passed the waymark.
So to be technical, in 2007 they announced that in mid-2006 we crossed the waymark to be in the most indebted we've ever been in our history.
The previous record for private, corporate, institutional debt
was in the depths of the depression in December of 1933.
That is the depth, that was the depth of a country, and these individuals as well, in negative asset, negative savings position.
We are now over a year and a half into that, and the numbers haven't been released because they come out every two years.
That's when the Feds release those.
But we'll be finding out soon.
And it's clear that it's only getting deeper.
So, credit cards are all coming due.
Big banks are reporting.
I mean, I literally have probably a hundred articles here in front of me, and I would imagine ten, fifteen of them.
I didn't count them.
Are about how Bank of America, Wachovia, on and on and on and on and on.
Bank of America, third largest bank in the U.S.
Global bank.
But a customer bank.
Retail bank.
They are reporting zero profits for last year.
Um, zero profits.
I think so.
A trillion dollars a year plus for the military.
uh... the government is racing ahead spending billions per major city i mean billions was like five billion they spent one year in boston a couple years ago two billion in new york five hundred some million dollars but that was only for cameras and microphones then we added up the rest of money was over a billion for spying tracking police being issued systems that look through walls license plate reading scanners on top cars government is spending wildly everywhere telling uh... the banks telling the insurance companies telling
Uh, the apartments that don't enforce, let the illegals not have IDs, but enforce on citizens.
I mean, it is all by design a mass raping.
What do you do if you're a cop?
You're making $35,000 a year if you're lucky.
What, a new cop's making about $30,000.
A guy's been in 4, 5, 6 years, maybe $35,000.
Been in there a decade, you're making $40,000 or you're a senior person, maybe $50,000.
$50,000, you could live pretty good on that.
I mean, you can go back to the old story about how my parents, my mom's parents, I think they bought a house for like $3,000, $4,000 in Hyde Park, Austin, a nice three-bedroom home, and when I saw that thing sell, it hadn't been in the family in decades, but when I saw it sell, I happened to see it
Online, and when it's sold, it's sold for over a million dollars.
That is devaluation in the currency.
A three-bedroom home, of course it is in a trendy area, in Hyde Park, Austin, one million dollars.
This is not New York.
This is not San Francisco.
This is not Hollywood.
This is not the Hamptons in New York.
This is Austin, Texas.
That is fiat.
That house
Again, it was $3,000 back in the 50's.
And how much is it today?
I remember them telling me the value of the house was like $3,000 when they moved into it.
The point is that that's the type of things that are going on.
I remember buying a new Mustang when I was a senior in high school.
With money I'd saved and then my dad gave me part of the down payment.
I remember buying a brand new green 8-cylinder Mustang that would go, you know, 165 miles an hour and boy did I have fun with it.
I never drove that fast, wink wink.
I remember buying that for like $12,000.
Folks, that was only, let me see, I'm 33, I'm 34 in a couple days, February 11th.
So that was 3, 10, and 2.
Fifteen years ago, I bought a Mustang for $12,000 fully loaded with leather seats.
Do you know how much a Mustang is?
Do you know how much it cost?
I happened to see a loaded Mustang in a parking lot, well let me think of this, a few months ago, and guess how much it cost? $30,000!
That is a more than doubling in 15 years.
Now, you're maxed out on your credit cards.
You've been living off of that.
You've got two mortgages.
You thought the value in your home and the growth of it would get you out of the hole you're in.
Everything's going up.
Everything is more expensive.
I mean, I was in Dallas taking, you know, the people who were interviewing out to dinner just to mid-level restaurants that would have been $20 a plate
Five years ago, because I've been to those restaurants, and it was $30, $35 a plate.
I was shocked.
We'd go to a cheap barbecue place the next night to save money.
A plate of barbecue would be $16, $17.
I'm talking about some barbecue beans, some coleslaw, some brisket, and some sausage!
That's just basic money!
My business!
Tons of money comes in.
Ninety-something percent of it goes out.
I try to save a little just so if everything went to hell in a handbasket I could keep people employed for two or three months.
But at least I'm not fully leveraged out in debt.
I'm not in a great position and I'm in a heavenly position compared to some people.
Because I don't really take vacations and don't wear fancy clothes and things like that.
I got a little bit of money saved for my children.
You know, putting $200, $300 back a month for them for years, for five, six years.
And what do I have?
A paltry sum in a bank account that's been devalued since I started saving by 60%!
I got gold in a safety deposit box.
But they can come and take that anytime.
But you sure can't have it on you because somebody will break in and take it.
And even that much gold!
Enough to run this business for a month!
And imagine, it's everywhere!
It's everybody!
And as things get worse and worse, heaven help us!
What are you going to do as the dollar is being devalued?
Even if it stays the same.
If inflation stays the same.
But it's compound.
I know my grandmother didn't have a lot of money when my grandfather got so sick he had to be put in a nursing home because, you know, he had all these strokes and heart attacks.
And she had a little bit of savings, but she had to basically spend that, give it away to charity, because she couldn't afford to put him in the nursing home when he was going to live more than just a few years.
He did die about a year later.
And so she spent a little bit of money she had, so that Medicare and Medicaid would pay for him at a decent place.
And God loved my uncle and my aunt.
They did go see him every day.
He was out of town in Atlanta, so I could only go see him every few months.
But she's living on social security folks and she buys nothing except a little bit of food her little house is paid for and she doesn't have any money anymore because for at least four years it's been over 10% inflation a year and they only increase her check by 2% a year.
She got a 40 plus percent reduction in the buying power of her social security check.
She worked her whole life until she was like 70 years old at a local print company here in Austin.
And she doesn't have anything.
And the money she's got in the bank was down to like $5,000.
That's all she had in the world.
And I want to be able to take care of her and I'm not even in a proper position down the road to take care of her.
That's why I told my dad he better hustle and get some money in.
He doesn't have that much and he's a successful oral surgeon and dentist.
After he pays 40% taxes?
Again, I said I'd take your calls.
It's just I'm telling you personally what my life's like, and I'm in a better position than most of the yuppies I know in the middle class neighborhood I live in.
I talk to them and they talk about how, yeah, they don't own their house, and they don't own their cars, and they're laying people off.
You know, one guy works at a food service, you know, delivery company.
Not Cisco, it's the other one.
He's a high-level manager, but he's up for retirement.
And he isn't even sure if he can keep living the lifestyle he lives in.
And that's people that are in good positions.
That's people that, I mean, most people I know, and all the college people I know, are indebted to their eyeballs, they have nothing, they have no future, and we're going into a long, dark winter, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said.
Jerry, David, Aaron,
Jeannie, Bob, we're going to get to you.
You'll also get to talk to Bob Chapman, a lot of you.
We're going to have to open phones when he's on with us.
International forecaster.
But, even if it just continues this slide, what is it going to do to all the elderly?
The people who paid their whole lives into Social Security, and Social Security is being destroyed by inflation.
What are they going to do?
What are we going to do?
And it's all the stinking New World Order.
It is a big idea.
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Alright, let's go to Jerry in Indiana.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How's it going, buddy?
Hey, Alex.
Oh, well, pretty crazy times.
Alright, I just want to plug a couple of things.
Thanks to everybody for the Martin Luther King money bomb yesterday.
It was a success, regardless of whether anybody thinks it was or not.
Well, I mean, what other politician can raise over two million dollars in one day?
I'd like to also plug, we've got RonPaulRacing.com coming up.
We're working on the site right now.
Anybody can go there and donate to try to get Ron Paul on a NASCAR.
And also, we're going to have another Money Bomb on Tax Day.
We're either going to call it the Tax Day Money Bomb or we're going to call it the George Bush Stimulus Package Money Bomb, whichever anybody chooses.
Alright, I appreciate that.
Yeah, right now is the time to push Ron Paul, regardless.
He's in the debates, he's educating people about the currency, the evaluation, inflation tax, the New World Order.
We're winning the hearts and minds, regardless.
We should have done a story.
I mean, we posted some at PrisonPlanet.com.
But we get desensitized in condition, too, dealing with the fact that Fox News
You doing okay today, Alex?
You seem a little more optimistic than you did last week.
Listen, I googled some of your videos just one day.
I had some time at work and you had a video, I guess several years old, where you confronted George Bush before, I think it was probably before he was president.
You asked him about the CFR and the Federal Reserve and they arrested you and took you out of the room.
Is that on one of your films?
No, it's not.
Or is that just something somebody got a hold of and put it on Google Video?
Yes, that is just on the internet.
Okay, well anyway, sir, I don't want to take up a lot of your time.
I'm looking forward to your next two films.
We always get a carload of people from San Antonio and drive them up to Austin to see your films, to see your draft house, but I just want to encourage you, sir.
You sounded kind of down last week, and you know, you've got more friends than you think you do, and I just hope you keep up the fight, Alex.
You inspired a lot of us, and I don't think you realize that sometimes.
Well, God bless you, my friend.
Yeah, I'm trying to not make it about me.
It's just
I'm very upset and freaked out about what's happening.
Mexican government to run a hundred million dollars worth of propaganda ads saying get rid of our borders, total corruption, the grid going in place.
They're doing it all.
I mean, they're destroying the economy.
Everything the globalists said they do, they're doing.
That means all the rest of the stuff they said they're going to do, they're going to do.
I mean, this is serious.
Aaron in Ohio.
Aaron, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
The reason I'm calling is because I've noticed within the past month or so there's been a huge increase in TV and radio commercials where they're offering instant cash if you just send in your old gold.
You know they advertise how great it is if you just send it in and get instant cash.
I was just wondering if you've noticed this and what your thoughts are on that?
Yeah, they give you below spot on most of those for your old rings or necklaces or for your fillings and that's because
Gold is only going up in value, and they know, the market believes that it's going to only go up above $1,000 instead of just $900 and something, and so people are getting positioned.
Right, right.
All right, that's pretty much it.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you, my friend.
Let's get another one in here.
Let's talk to Jeannie in Texas.
Jeannie, welcome.
Yes, hi.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Well, thank you.
I was calling in because I'm a loan officer and I heard your information about you need to refinance your house and I'm really a newcomer to the site and everything.
I only started really paying much attention to what's going on in the world about September and man have I learned a lot of stuff on the internet, on your site, some of your movies I've downloaded.
It's just been amazing.
Well, I mean, certainly people who've got loans at 6, 7, 8 percent, you know, years and years ago, they would be crazy right now to not refinance.
I mean, it's not as low as it was 3, 4, 5 years ago, but it's certainly going down now.
It is going to go down, that's true.
I can't believe all the things that I've learned about the CFR and the Illuminati and all these things, all these people trying to take over the world.
You've been instrumental in helping me know that and I really appreciate it.
I've been spreading the word to my friends and family as well, so hopefully you'll have more and more listeners.
Well, we are.
The listenership is just exploding.
I am an anthem affiliates, internet listenership, shortwave listenership.
And we're here just talking about basic info, but a lot of people weren't aware of it.
I wasn't aware of it until I began to find out about it years ago.
Anything else you'd like to add, Jeannie?
Well, I can't use this as an advertising call because there are certain laws that regulate us as mortgage brokers.
Tell you what, stay there.
Stay there.
I'll talk to you after the break.
And Bob Chapman's coming on.
We'll be taking your calls for him as well on financial issues.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, 12 and 3 p.m.
We're here live!
Thank you for joining us.
We know who the enemy is.
We know who the Global Crime Syndicate is.
We know what their operation is.
We understand what their plans are.
They're going ahead with their attacks.
We are waking the people up, though, under enemy bombardment.
This is the real world, ladies and gentlemen.
Bob Chapman is waiting in the wings.
We're going to be talking to many of the calls here at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm going to go back to Jeannie, let her finish up the points she was making before we go to Bob.
But before I do that, Bob's going to be with us to the bottom of the next hour.
Very thankful for him to spend an hour with us today.
To cover what's happening in the global financial markets in the beginning of the slide down, and what do you think is going to happen in the future.
But before we do that, just briefly, I have an online video store.
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Real fast, Jeannie in Texas, and I'm going to go to Bob Chapman, who I really appreciate joining us.
Jeannie, you wanted to finish up something about, I was discussing refinancing.
If you got your mortgage at six, seven percent, you'd be crazy to not refinance now, but go ahead.
Yes, that is true, and we do that on a daily basis here.
I'm at Arise Mortgage in Houston.
The number is 281-668-7000.
8086, that's the office number.
Jeannie, you are something else.
I appreciate your call.
And I do allow plugs, some plugs.
But it's good to have you on board, and I'm glad that you've woken up.
I mean, I guess that's the one good thing out of all this is, I guess if you've got a higher interest rate, you can refinance.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
I really appreciate him coming on with us, International Forecaster, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
We have links up to it on InfoWars.com.
Well, thank you for having me again at these exciting moments.
Put out what I see, and then I want you to break down the basics and then flesh it out what you forecast in the next week, the next month, the next year.
Where the trends are going, Bob.
First off, if we have inflation way above 10%, we have now the
Fed saying 75 basis points, that's going to further erode the world reserve currency position.
Even though they did this, the stock market still is down from Friday, of course closed on Martin Luther King Day.
My info is the globalists are orchestrating this as a consolidation from the highest levels.
The Financial Times of London, of course, are saying that.
And that this is a program so that foreign interest can come in and buy up what's left, not just of the US, but Canada, Europe, for pennies on the dollar.
But that people from, you know, millionaires up to billionaires, it's still going to hurt most of those individuals.
Well, first of all, we predicted that something like this would occur.
This is a stopgap measure.
The reason why is that they have not been able to solve their credit problem.
They have a full-blown recession that's really been coming on for two years.
They finally have had to recognize it.
And this past weekend, or this past week and weekend, others throughout the world have said, no, this is not going the way that it should.
And we're going to be sellers.
And yesterday, in several programs that I was on, I said that I felt today, when the market opened in the United States, yes, it would open down 500, and that the working group and financial markets would come into the market either before or just after the opening, and try to keep the loss at between 1 and 200 points on the day.
And in the gold market, that they would
The goal was off in the excess market which is very thin yesterday 1710 in London it was off about 990 and I predicted that a goal would come in off today and then go to even and end the day either even or up five or ten dollars and this is exactly what's happening.
I think that the timing on this was very important to these people
You saw the pep talk this morning on CNBC from the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce by Paulson, and that was followed by the three-quarter of a point cut.
And that was used as an excuse to take the market back up, so to speak.
And the market will probably meander in this area
For a couple of days, and then it will start to slowly seep down further until it reaches some level.
The earnings that could be coming in this month and next from the past year, they're all not very good.
And the second quarter, which will be April, they'll see the earnings from the first quarter, and then they're going to probably be worse.
I projected no growth for the U.S.
economy for this year, last November, and incidentally, I was right on the year before as well, 4 to 6 percent growth, and the experts said 13 and a half.
And so, we have a market that's probably going to base out somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000, for lack of a number, 10,000 to 10,300.
And once the bad news is out on the first quarter,
The market will consolidate and probably move back a couple of thousand points to the upside on the Dow until the election, unless some untoward event happens.
I think that's what their plan is.
They knew what they were going to do.
Over the weekend and today, and the market being down was a perfect excuse for them to cut three quarters of a percentage point rather than a quarter or a half.
Now that's an extreme move.
People were predicting a quarter and they did three quarters.
That must have meant that they knew that a really strong incentive was there to boost that market.
Well, I think they were instrumental in taking the market down.
And I think they did it so they could cut off three quarters of a point, because they're in serious trouble.
And this cutting of rates is not going to do a great deal.
It'll allow business to borrow more cheaply, but it's not going to help the housing market much, because lenders are being much more cautious than they were before.
And a president making an $800 per poor family
Uh... uh... check uh... uh... to to them so that they can uh... make it through this rough time uh... the uh... the force of that will last uh... three four five months that'll be the end of that well i remember i remember all the inflation it's almost nothing i remember getting a hundred dollar check from bush and my girlfriend got one now my wife at the same time right after nine eleven it was like a joke it's like a mafia boss it's the same thing they do in iraq with planes flying over dropping out
100 dollar bills, it's a total gimmick, with massive inflation compounded, really raping people on fixed income, social security, with all the credit card debt starting to come due now and accelerating to the next two years, with all these other debt structures falling apart, AAA rated bonds and corporate paper securities that were filled with junk,
I mean, what do you see on the ground?
Not just with the markets or dollar value.
I mean, things are already bad in the economy.
They tried to cover that up, as you said.
But the fundamentals are so bad, I mean, I see things deepening.
I mean, they tried to say it didn't exist, now they're admitting it exists, so it's accelerating it, and they've gone from two weeks ago not saying that, you know, saying there was no recession, to saying we're in a recession, and it could become a depression.
When I start hearing depression on CNN and the McLaughlin Group, I get worried, Mr. Chapman.
Well, you should be, and everybody else should be, because that's exactly where we're headed.
Again, more stopgap procedures.
The economy is going down.
I saw for the first time in one of the major news services, they were talking about people who were laid off and had collected checks for unemployment for six months, and they said that they are no longer counted.
And, you know, it's the first time I've seen that happen, ever.
And that's why my unemployment figures are 14%.
And not 5%, because the government lies about everything.
The CPI, which is the inflation figures, they're calling it 4.3, and a core of 2.75, and I'm calling 11.6.
The Fed won't publish M3, but myself and two others do, and it looks like this month's going to come in somewhere around 15.75 to 16%.
That would be for the previous month.
And so the money and credit is flowing.
Every two weeks they have a $30 billion auction, which the money secretly goes to banks that need help.
And what's happening, instead of the money being paid back after 10 or 30 days, whatever the term is, they're just rolling it.
And so all this monetization that's going on has got to turn into inflation, which is offsetting some of the deflation that's happening
We're good to go.
Exactly, but then when the economy finally stalls, which it's now starting to do, and when all that inflation, you know, finally comes home to roost, it makes it that much worse when the jig is up.
You're absolutely right.
You know, the famous newsletter writer Harry Schultz coined that term stagflation many years ago.
It's the stagnation of the economy and inflation at the same time coming out with a new word, stagflation.
And that's exactly what we've got already.
And it's going to get a heck of a lot worse.
And that's why people should do every effort that they can to get out of debt.
And if they're going to invest, they should be in gold and silver related assets, because this is just the beginning.
We've got a long way to go yet.
Yeah, there's a certain sadness I have because even though I knew this was all going to happen every day, every week, every month, as it just confirmed, it looks like we're going down the worst road towards total collapse and depression instead of the better road of just, you know, a long, dark winter and a prolonged four, five, six year deep recession.
Every indicator looks like of the two bad roads that we know we're going down, it's going to be the worst of the two.
I agree with you, and you know, I have the same feelings, but after almost 50 years of doing this, I put my heart in my back pocket, and my sympathy there as well, and continue to just report the facts and the truth of what's going on.
Because if I stop to think of it just like you just did, I get morose, because it's a nasty situation.
Meanwhile, still a lot of mainline yuppies and you know the types, the know-it-all, the types that you tell them, hey, you know, kids are dying in Africa and they say, how does that affect me?
You know, they're on power trips.
They still have no idea that they're dancing around in a minefield.
They're making no preparation.
They see people losing jobs all around them and they just giggle about it in a weird, competitive way.
I don't think they understand.
We're talking about near total wipeout if this trend continues.
And that's not just Bob Chatman.
It's, of course, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
It's Joseph Stiklitz.
I mean, this is the real brains.
They're all in unison saying this.
Well, my daughter.
is giving talks to her children 8, 9, 10, 11 years old and telling them about the 1930s and we have to be prepared for that sort of a scenario so that's what you should be doing with your children and grandchildren and your grown children who aren't listening because what's going to happen is they're going to be totally unprepared they're going to go bankrupt they're going to lose their cars and their homes and everything else
If they don't get on their horses and learn what is going on and do something to combat it now.
And speaking of now, here is the perfect candidate, the perfect time.
God always gives people a chance to do the right thing.
And you talk about lying.
I'm seeing lying reach biblical proportions.
Ron Paul won by a full percentage point.
In Nevada, that is, he won second place by a full percentage point, and Fox and CNN and the rest of them, I have screenshots, didn't even show him and said McCain was second place, and then didn't even mention Paul.
I mean, we're entering a vortex of lies that shows me the government and the media have decided to go absolutely corrupt, Mr. Chapman.
Well, they certainly are, and they have, in their arrogance, lost all touch with the people.
They are on a genuine imperial power trip, and there's no stopping them.
I mean, they're going to take this right to the end.
They're going to crash this economy, and they think they can get out of it.
I've got news for them.
There's too many people out there who suspect and know what they've been doing, and there's going to be a time for retribution.
I agree.
Hitler did it.
So many others have done it.
They just think they're invincible.
And I think they can consolidate and pull these games and rape everybody.
What happens when the yuppies, Bob, find out that they've had their dollar value destroyed?
I think probably most of them will sit down and cry because they've had a bad day in their life.
And then they're going to come try to loot our houses.
I wouldn't recommend that.
Because people like us are well prepared.
That's right.
Any of you yuppies try to come bustin' down my door for my food,
You threaten my family, I'm going to lay you down right there on the doorstep.
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Bob Chapman's our guest.
He's going to be with us into the next hour.
We're going to go to your calls.
Bob and Joe and Derek and Jake and Jack and many others that are patiently holding at 1-800-259-9231.
Bob, we really should reintroduce you, because some of my audience may not know who you are.
Why don't you spend a minute or so just telling us about your evolution, military intelligence, and then getting into stock market, you know, gold brokering, a financial writer, biggest newsletter, back in the age of newsletters, that's a big deal, biggest financial newsletter in the world.
Just spend about 60 seconds on that, then I've got more questions.
Well, I grew up in Boston, went to university at Northeastern, was in counterintelligence
I spent several years doing that.
I went into the stock brokerage business.
I was there for 28 years specializing in gold and silver related assets, gold and silver shares.
And I owned my own firm for a number of years.
When I retired, I had 6,000 clients.
The average broker has about 200 or 300.
And after a very short term of retirement, which I called the end at 52 years old,
The last 18 or 19 years I've been producing the International Forecaster and we've had great success.
I'm very happy that we've been able to help a lot of people and hope we can continue to do so.
Bob, and I want to get technical in the next hour and take calls, but right now, just in basics for laymen out there, what do you see?
I mean, you've laid out the next 11 months, 12 months into the next election.
But in the next two years, three years, four years, how long... Dr. Roberts thinks it's going to be a long, dark winter just slowly sliding as they consolidate power and wealth, and that the globalists do believe they can control it.
I mean, that's, again, what major financial papers are saying and admitting.
But a lot of people are saying it's so bad they can't control it.
I mean, what are people going to do on the ground who literally are becoming homeless?
I don't have an answer for the people who are
Homeless are in that track because the damage has been done.
I think their families and friends have to help them.
That's the only way out for them.
The opportunities to get jobs are very, very small.
And now it's very affecting educated people, college degrees, who leave a job or lose a job for whatever reason.
They are finding that they can't get re-employed, particularly if they're over 40 years old.
You know, companies just don't want you anymore.
And we have this continual offshoring and outsourcing, not only in manufacturing, but now we've got it at the higher levels of employment, jobs that are paying anywhere between $60,000 and $200,000.
You were talking about radiologists and attorneys and accountants and many, many professional
uh... areas so uh... this is all coming at exactly the wrong time and of course we don't have any tariffs so uh... other countries continue uh... to devalue their currency so they can continue to send inexpensive goods to the united states at the same time they're importing inflation that other countries don't care about and uh... until we stop them from doing that
They're going to continue to slaughter our economy.
And the only way to stop that is to put up tariffs.
And we had tariffs since 1800.
And it made America a very strong country because we didn't allow the Chinese in 1795 to send brooms in that cost them five cents to make that they could sell at a dollar.
We wouldn't allow that.
Bob, stay there.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into the third and final hour.
I want to go over some headlines with Bob Chapman, and your calls will be in the next segment, I promise, for everyone patiently holding.
I was talking to Bob during the break, and he concurred that there are elite factions that are trying to
And didn't want to pop the real estate bubble to start this unraveling so they can consolidate, so they can come in with their foreign currencies and buy up the infrastructure.
Bob, what happens now that the credit card debts are starting to come due?
What happens?
I mean, you say that things could, you know, just continue their slow slide into the end of the year.
What's the percentage, you know, guesstimation, debt reckoning on that versus... I think at any time it could just implode even faster.
I mean, what's the possibility of that?
Well, we don't know that.
It is possible.
It's probable.
But we just can't say that.
We have to look at the fundamental facts that we have, and we have to look at the mosaic that's put together by what these people have done in the past.
And that's why I was projecting what I did with the market and then with the economy.
As you mentioned, there's big consolidations going on, and this real estate market was taken up, and now it's being deliberately taken back down again.
And they did it through what they call a credit crisis.
And what's happening is very obvious in the retail real estate industry.
And we haven't come anywhere near the bottom yet in the 30 form of hot areas.
We're looking at 35 to 40 percent losses from the top.
And we've only experienced about 15.
So we've got a couple of years to go on that.
Plus the subprime also loans.
And then we've got the option loans coming after them.
So, this is not going to go away for four or five years.
But, one of the interesting things here is, why was that done?
It was done to consolidate the mortgage industry within the banking industry.
You know, Morgan takes over WAMU, and Bank of America takes over Countrywide, and there's been 211 mortgage companies that have gone out of business.
They want all the business.
Second of all, you're going to see the big hitters, the real big hitters, a lot of money from outside the country coming in to take advantage of the commercial real estate market.
In just six months, the commercial real estate market has dropped from 15 to 25 percent, depending upon where you're at.
And that's because people just can't get any money to make deals.
And so it'll continue to slide along with the retail market when it reaches what they, the people who cause these things,
To a bottom that they're looking for, and they'll just waltz in and buy everything.
Again, creating an economic climate where it's a fire sale.
And they'll do the same thing with the stock market, too.
Yes, they'll hold it perhaps above $10,000 before the year's out, and there can be an untoward event that'll happen that could cause that to blow up, but assuming that we don't have that event, this will go
Meanwhile, government spending like it's going out of style on police state apparatus.
Well, not only that, they think $800 is going to help families.
Yeah, it'll help a little bit for a couple of weeks, and that's the end of it.
Now, that's a political ploy, just like it was when you received your check way back when.
$100, and it said, from George Bush.
I'd like to get his autograph.
I mean, what?
I tell you, Bob, when we come back, I want to go directly to the calls, and then any other subjects and issues you want to talk about.
What are some of the other points that we need to make that you haven't gotten to yet?
Well, I think we've covered a lot of the economic parts.
I can go into the guts of really why this is happening.
I can do it very simply.
All right.
We'll do that when we get back.
With Bob Chapman after this quick break and your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
You can email them there and get a free copy of the latest newsletter.
You can also subscribe there at TheInternationalForecaster.com.
My website's at FreeTheNews.us.
Infowars.net and JonesReport.com.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bottom line, the global elite control the central banks of the world, except in a few nations, third world nations, that they call rogue nations.
They could create a wall, a tsunami of credit and currency that they could then get people leveraged out and pull the rug out from under them and consolidate everything.
They have the power to do it.
They have done it.
Now they want to incrementally pull the rug out so you don't get mad at them or realize what's happening.
They've openly stated that.
Again, we have their own IMF World Bank documents.
They're doing it now.
The question is, how deep will it get?
Can they keep control of it?
You were about to go to the calls, but you said you could simply, Bob, boil down the mechanics, the bottom line reasons that this is unfolding.
Well, they learned in the early 1930s that you can't withdraw money and credit from the system because it just collapses.
And so, no matter what they do, they will continue to inflate as long as they can, because on the other side of the equation, you get deflation.
You've got the values of commercial and retail real estate coming down.
You've got a credit crisis.
You've got manufacturing coming apart at the seams.
We're losing all of our manufacturing in our markets and have been for some years, and we've already lost over five million jobs.
And so they see that going in the deflationary area, and so they must offset it.
And that's why I was quoting those figures before.
With the creation of money and credit at around approximately 16 percent, inflation at 11.6 percent, unemployment really at 14 percent.
These are the important factors that are going to lead into that.
And what caused all this?
The U.S.
Federal Reserve.
Who participated in it?
The banks.
Wall Street.
In the case of real estate, the mortgage industry, the appraisers, and the borrowers.
85 to 95 percent of all the applications were full of lies.
And so, there's fraud all the way down the line.
And the regulators... We live in a corrupt society.
A corrupt society, you're right.
And the regulators allowed that to happen, knowing that that would happen.
I mean, I use the analogy of when I was in college and had no money, literally in a cockroach-infested one-room apartment,
And I would get credit cards four or five times a week in the mail.
Now that I'm not in big debt, and do make a little bit of money, I get a credit card every once a month.
I mean, because they were issuing credit out of nothing, why not get me on the line?
Bob, what are they going to do, though, as especially people on fixed incomes, Social Security and whatnot, they can't hide the inflation there if it goes from 10 to 16% in a year, maybe up to 20, as this accelerates.
How are they going to hide that when old people are out on the street everywhere?
Well, they're not going to be able to, and that's why probably they're constructing and refurbishing all of these internment camps that they have throughout the country.
And they'll probably put them in there.
Well, that's what the Pentagon plans from REC 84 said, a huge economic downturn, and that's their excuse to move, and that's what a lot of experts like Dr. Roberts and others are saying, that he thinks that they know it's going to happen, and they want to use this to bring in an even greater police state.
Well, I agree with that.
And that means that sometime during that course of time that maybe the yuppies will wake up and maybe we'll have to do something about what the government's doing.
They still giggle at us.
They still say there's no inflation.
I've seen stuff on TV where stockbrokers are laughing and saying the dollar's fine.
Well, their attitude will change.
As the economy gets more difficult, and they will start searching for answers, and since they're not dumb, they're just full of arrogance.
Ron Paul is on the Dallas Morning News, says Ron Paul blames Federal Reserve for weakening economy, and I mean, here's the perfect guy who has plans, as you said you agree with his look, I mean, he's gotten all these awards for his economic theorem, but the country and the corrupt system is going to probably reject him.
Well, that's possible.
I think one of the best things that can happen is if Mr. Bloomberg runs.
And that would split the Democratic side.
And if Ron Paul is shunned by the Republican establishment, then he could go, too, if he chose.
That's right.
And then he'd have a real shot at getting elected.
That's right.
You've got to stay behind Ron Paul, folks.
We've got a lot of aces in the hole, a lot of things that can happen.
Even if he loses, he still injects real issues into the debate.
Do you agree, Bob?
He's exposing all of the things that you'll never see in the national media.
Bob in Delaware.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Thanks for holding.
Wanted to thank you for everything that you do.
I don't think people realize the risk that you take every day just doing what you do.
I'm pretty sure that you've heard about the Harvard's little tiny microbot fly.
It's only about as big as your finger.
They're actually going to be putting it in the New York Museum of Modern Art February 24th, and now that they're getting funding from DARPA because they want to use it as a surveillance project.
Well, that's only one university.
MIT's got these all sorts of hover drones, tiny drones, the total surveillance.
Bob Chavin, I know you're aware that they're shifting over now.
No longer electrical engineering or history or education.
It's all just going to be spies, and the economy is just going to be a predatory economy with tattletales and jackboots everywhere.
Well, I agree with that, and I do have hand-printed
I don't think so.
Hello Alex, hello Bob, I've got a question for both of you.
I just built an interactive graph for the New Hampshire primaries and I'm just wondering what is the best use of my skills to expose the new world order?
I could throw up a webpage and say, graph the results for yourself and people could look at it and say, ah, this is what they're doing to me.
The second would be for Alex.
More like your message to the future, just advice to the future.
What would be the best case scenario for a family starting off in life?
How would you keep your sanity?
How would you reassure and comfort one another?
Okay, first off, if you were starting a family, I would learn that you don't need all the baubles and trinkets of success.
What you need is security.
So try to live in a small house, rural area, or outside a city if you could, and commute.
Uh, not have a bunch of baubles and junk and plasma screens.
We don't have the money.
Don't eat out a lot.
Teach your children, instead of about Santa Claus who's fake, teach them about the New World Order.
Teach them about corruption.
Teach them that family comes first.
Yes, have a credit card, but make sure you pay it off every month.
It's the most expensive form of debt.
And I understand now that the average card is over 20%.
And that's something you don't need.
And you save your money so that you can buy furniture or buy a house and have a decent down payment of 15 or 20%.
That's the way it used to be a very, very short time ago.
And that's the best way to start planning.
And what about changing lifestyles?
I mean, if you've got an MP3 player from four years ago, you don't need the newest one that holds 10,000 songs.
The one you've got that holds 1,000 is enough.
You ain't gonna listen to so much music.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Derek in New York.
Derek, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hi, it's an honor to speak to both of you.
First of all, I'd like to touch on the subject of China, and what I've observed recently is that the
World Elite have been splitting into two groups, specifically one based in the US, that is mainly Bush and his cronies, and the other would be based in the Democratic Party.
But they are solely moving everything to China, and I'd like to hear what Bob has to say about that first, and I'd just like to touch on something else in a little bit, if possible.
Well, I don't think that there's much difference between both parties.
The Illuminati runs things from behind the scenes, and they either have
uh... compromised uh... are are representatives or uh... they have uh... bought them off and they will do that with campaign contributions well i don't need so much as just politicians but i think the global elite is almost two shooting factions and one that has now taken over the united states and the other it's it's a global thing it i'm not just talking about the united states but specifically in the united states is the democratic party and
Look, the New World Order made the decision because China has a one-child policy and has played ball to move industry there, but only so they could wage war on the West and blow out all their competition.
That's the first major phase of the game, Bob.
I agree, and it also goes further than that.
Your concept is right, but it's not the Democratic Party.
It's the all-line families in Europe versus the United States, the families in the United States.
And a good example of that is the Iran situation.
If you go back almost two years, you can read what Brzezinski said, and he represents the European faction, about how Washington messed up Iran so bad it set world government back 50 years.
And so they said, through Brzezinski, we don't want Iran invaded.
And so there is a conflict going on there.
And it's not just about Iran, at least.
And by the way, it was the European faction three years ago that made the decision to pop the real estate bubble to bring down the US and the Anglo-American-British-US arm.
Now, at certain levels, you can say they're actually nexus together, but it does, from all the indicators, like you said, the mosaic, Bob, appear that there is an inner Anglo-American-slash-European combat.
Yes, there is.
It's one-upmanship, if you may.
Well, not only that, but specifically in China now,
If you notice, the huge economic boom in China, and just everything in Asia, everything seems to be moving towards Asia.
And right now, honestly, if we were to go to war with China, which seems very likely in the next 10 years or so, they'd be able to hold their own.
You understand what I mean?
Yeah, but the globalists create false bipolar systems to play them off against each other.
Thanks for the call.
We'll get Bob's take on that as well in the next segment, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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We're going to keep Bob until about 40 after, then I'm going to recap more news and take calls.
There's some police state and Ron Paul news I haven't gotten to yet.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Idaho.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hi, thank you gentlemen, first of all, for all that you do.
Thank you, go ahead.
First of all, you touched earlier on the mortgage issue, Alex, and I represent a software program that helps cancel mortgage interest
And it's my understanding that it's endorsed by G. Edward Griffin.
So you're calling in to plug it?
Well, no, not exactly.
I wanted to know what your guys' thoughts were about that, if you've done any research on it.
No, if G. Edward Griffin endorses it, and I can see that, I'm all for it.
But go ahead and plug it.
I mean, what's on your mind?
Well, in my humble opinion, and a limited amount of research that I've done,
It's my understanding that, you know, that type of a mechanism to be able to cancel a mortgage interest without interrupting a person's lifestyle is really what it does.
Well, I mean, is that just a program to tell you how much extra to pay to basically get rid of a lot of it?
No, no.
It's actually more of a... It's like creating a self-directed arbitrage, essentially.
I'm ignorant.
Why don't you explain it to me?
Well, in simple terms,
There's a product that's been used widely throughout Europe and Australia called the Current Account Mortgage.
Okay, Bob, do you know what this is?
I've heard about it, yes.
Well, I did some extensive research.
It's based on the concept that they use over in Europe and Australia called a Current Account Mortgage, also known as an Offset Mortgage.
A balloon payment?
No, it's more, again,
The way that it's designed, let me see if I can explain this concisely.
The way that it works is, the way that the account works over there is they take your, there's an umbrella account known as the current account mortgage.
You keep your mortgage account and all of your short-term liquid funds under that umbrella.
And what they do on a monthly basis is they superimpose the balance of the
Bob, what do you think of this?
I'd have to know more about it.
I just don't know.
Yeah, yeah, send me more info.
I would assume he's done his homework on it.
I'm all for it.
He says it's good.
Well, we have to see if that's the case.
Sergius, send me some info.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
We've got to move quick here.
Leo in Mass.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Chairman.
I'm glad to hear you on.
I've been really worried about the fact that we don't get a good economics background in school, like the free hours.
And I think the only way to really do this quickly
Would be to have an update of monopoly combined with risk.
I would call it crashing the market game.
And, you know, that we've got to teach people quickly about the games that are going on with their lives.
And if we create a board game that can be updatable, that would be a really great way of educating people quickly.
And that was my main concern.
My other concern is, I hear that 80% of the stock market is institutional.
Seventy percent of spending is consumer-directed.
So, I'm wondering how we can, you know, juxtapose these and work it out.
Alright, let me get Bob's take on that.
Anything else?
Yeah, is Paulson dead?
No, that's pure bull, sir.
The people that put that out are always talking about, you know, a magical, imaginary U.S.
ambassador with trillions of dollars, and Barbara Olson is still alive.
It's just absolute bull.
It's the same people.
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Alright, Bob Chapman with his final segment.
More news and info coming up after that.
Before we go to Leo, Rob, Tim, Fred, and Britt, that'll be our last calls that we have time to take.
I wanted to go back to Bob Chappin.
Bob, any other key points that need to be added?
Anything else we should be looking for in the markets?
I mean, my question to you is, clearly I believe that they know this is just a salve, 800 bucks per family, freezing mortgages, because the inflation is what's really hurting everybody, but the public hasn't been educated on that concept, so they don't understand.
They just know suddenly their check doesn't go as far, so it looks like putting perfume on a pig to me.
Well, if they freeze mortgages, it's not going to make the problem go away.
With inflation, the problem is going to get worse.
So, they can't freeze mortgages indefinitely at a certain level, because then the banks won't make any money.
We're talking about a five-year freeze.
That's too long.
The banks would go bananas.
It would have to be a one-year or something like that.
And I think that's the best the public could hope for.
You've got to remember,
That 85 to 95 percent of the people who have the probable mortgages lied on their applications.
They committed fraud.
Again, I've never seen corruption just in business.
People trying to, you know, hammer me.
I mean, I don't do that.
And it's just, it's like they think it's normal.
And they get mad at you when you tell them, listen buddy, I'm not going to sit here and take a rapin'.
Well, that's the way the world is today.
And you're right, it's wrong, but they do it.
Alright, who's up next?
You said, John?
Leo and Matt, we've got to move quick.
Leo, go ahead.
Yeah, I spoke earlier about giving us our culture and economic vaccination, and since running the three Rs into economics is not going to happen any time because they will stop us from teaching the kids real economics, I think the only thing left is to take the monopoly and risk and put it together and call it crashing the market game.
Well, that's right, we were just talking to you.
Thanks, Leo.
What do you think of that idea, Bob Chapman?
I mean, that is a good idea, to show people how the real monopoly works, not the fake financial system that we're taught.
Well, it is a good idea, and it would be probably even better if you were able to do it as a video game, because that would appeal
You know what, they don't have to think as much.
People don't want to think.
I know I'm in one of the big, hot Midway games put out by CBS.
The locals here are fans.
Maybe they should try to do that, but I don't think Sumner Redstone would let them do that.
Let's go ahead.
I think me getting on that video game was already enough trouble.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rob and PA.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster.com.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to touch on a few things.
Hi, Bob.
That Bob had mentioned and sort of disagree.
I think this Bush administration has really started this domino effect back in August with this subprime and then it dominoed into the lending institutions and banks and then the bond rating started to glide and then we have now where the bond insurance companies are going bankrupt.
I know Jim Cramer
What's on CNBC this morning talking about the Treasury Department, the Fed, buying out these bond insurance companies.
And I think ultimately it's going to fall on the American people.
Well, my point is that, what, Florida, California, a bunch of other states are going and saying, you said these were AAA corporate paper.
They weren't.
Give us our money back.
The contract says so and they can't.
I think Bob's being conservative here in his forecast.
He's saying any day now we could wake up and it could be a full-blown depression.
Right, Bob?
That's possible, but it probably isn't probable because, as the gentleman is saying, and I've talked about this in my publication,
...is that the government will step in and nationalize these institutions.
Yeah, that's it!
We have ACA, they're working on their, AMBAC, MIBA.
They're all, one's bankrupt, the other two are going to be bankrupt, and they're insuring the bonds, and the bonds got their rating of AAA from the insurance companies, who no longer have a AAA, which means all those bonds that are in institutional accounts,
Yeah, I don't think Asia is going to continue to buy our bonds.
I mean, this move alone by Bernanke and Paulson this morning
I don't know.
The roof this morning was up four points.
It's just incredible.
Alex, I was on a couple of months ago.
Call it paper, paper.
It just disintegrates into thin air.
It's quite a conundrum.
I don't know where it's going to go.
Well, it's going to be the next big crisis, and it's already underway.
It has been for the last nine months because, for example, Countryline borrowed $51 billion from the Federal Home Loan Bank in Atlanta.
One thing to remember to realize who we're dealing with here is you go back to your Latin root words.
Polly means many.
Ticks are blood-sucking creatures.
So you put it together, Polly Ticks.
Washington, D.C.
is many blood-sucking creatures.
And I would encourage everyone that can legally, when you get that $800 from George Bush, go out and buy some guns and some ammo, people.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you, and that is the final $64 million question, Bob Chapman.
By the way, you can get a free copy of his newsletter by calling 1-800
Bob, that is the big answer.
Once things finally settle out and people have that flashpoint, do you think there'll be blood in the streets?
I think there's a great possibility of it, and that's why I tell all of our subscribers, everybody over ten should have an assault weapon, a thousand rounds of ammo, and ten dirty shot clips, because we don't know where this is going to go.
Well, if 80% of the population in the 1930s Depression, starting in 29, were agrarian, knew how to plant crops, knew how to work together, and were moral, and crime more than quadrupled, and starvation set in, and I mean institutional crime, you know, grapes of wrath, that's true stuff, folks, feeding on you, you know, basically slave plantations.
I'm not talking about for black folks, I mean for everybody.
Now, with 90% urban, and of the 10%, only 4 or 5% of those know how to plant food,
I mean, we're talking about... Dr. Roberts is talking about collapse of society.
You know, I see that as a distinct possibility, and that's why your program is so very important, because you're waking up a lot of people who are taking the right actions and perhaps making this thing a short-term
Uh, situation rather than a long imprisonment, if you may.
Bob Chapman, we'll talk to you very, very soon.
In fact, I'm going to have my producer, why don't you call my producer?
You've got his number and I'd like to set up a little meeting with you about ways we can get the forecaster out to more people.
Do you have my producer's number?
Yes, I do.
That's... It's the 512-291-57 and then the rest of the number, yes.
Okay, I gotcha.
Okay, thank you, sir.
Just set up a meeting with him for us, okay?
Thank you, Bob.
Okay, bye-bye.
Okay, that said, this is not only a great sponsor we're about to bring up, it's a great World War II vet in the Chemical Corps who found out how deadly the chemicals were when the new detergents they were taking over.
It's a way to save 85% off, and by the way, that number's even getting bigger now as inflation increases, off supermarket prices of all your cleaning products, okay?
I'm talking about shampoo, laundry, dish soaps, all of it.
And it's what I use in my home.
I found out about it because the network just gave me some years ago.
My wife said, I want more of that.
She never, you know, comes to me and says, I want more of that, a free stuff I bring home.
And we got Marty as a sponsor about two and a half years ago.
We're very pleased to have Marty with us.
We've been talking about the economy.
We like to give you tips to protect yourself, like getting into gold and silver and great deals on that or great deals on organic.
They were organic before it was cool back in 47.
Directly to your home and you'll save 85% off supermarket prices.
Marty, thanks for coming on my friend.
Hey, thank you Alex.
I haven't talked to you in a year.
Yeah, exactly.
We talked in mid-December.
Marty, we were just talking about what's happening to the economy.
Again, it's a no-brainer that the soaps aren't soaps at the store.
They're toxic waste.
Talk about that and talk about the difference between your line of fine products.
Well, first I want to say, I want to give regards to Danny in Tennessee who emailed me and said, the best soap in the world.
As always, your products are wonderful, Marty.
Saves us a ton of money, healthier skin, hair, and sinuses to go with it.
God bless you.
Have a happy new year.
Keep on making the best soap available.
Thank you, Danny.
So we're very... The problem with us, because we're a 60-year-old company, we're very old-fashioned, very stubborn, and very conservative.
And when we make soap, we don't call it detergents because it's real soap made from coconut oils and vegetable oils.
And without perfumes, we use natural
Essences of oranges, of lemons, of cherries.
This is what we feel.
It gives it the aroma.
It rinses out.
It don't hurt.
It don't itch.
It don't create redness.
It doesn't boost up the dermatology clinics for getting more salves, more lotions, more pills.
Don't need it.
There's not another company like us, I'm proud to say, and we just want to share the good life
We're good cleaners.
We're people that make life cleaner and better.
And that's what we do.
That's been our whole philosophy for 60 years.
Well, Marty, here's an example.
When I first got some of your soap three years ago, and I would accidentally leave some under my arms like I do about once a month with zest or something, an hour later I'd be burning in pain in the office bathroom with my shirt off.
Splashing water under my arms.
Sometimes it was between the legs and I'd be pulling my pants down with a washcloth trying to get it off.
I had to go home a few times over the years.
I can accidentally leave Calvin's soap between my legs under my arms and it doesn't hurt me.
Well, because we don't use toxic perfumes or any perfumes.
We don't use petrochemicals.
We don't use sodium chlorides, which is the basis
of all these products on the marketplace and you don't have to be an intellectual or a professor to know and read, pick up a bar of zest, of Dove, of Dial, and look at the item they have in there which people think is a cleaner it's called Sodium Chloride.
Sodium Chloride is table salt, a very strong irritant to the skin, a filler, an item that is just
Something that you could do without is very inexpensive.
But that's nothing compared to all those other chemicals that are in there.
You think it's a pound for sodium chloride and it's in there as a predominant chemical?
Who needs it?
Would you wash your face, your baby, your body with table salt?
Well, that's why they say you've got to have baby soap for babies.
Because adults shouldn't be using it either.
You put that on a baby, they'll break out and get bloody skin from it.
That's what the dermatologists are.
Get more business.
The doctors, in the 30s and the 40s and early 50s, the dermatology business was almost zero.
By the way, and kids didn't have zits either.
I remember as a teenager, I learned instinctively not to scrub my face with soap like everybody said, because it wasn't soap.
And I'd get zits when I didn't and left the normal
Yes, we are.
He's the guy that had women flappers, said they were feminists and walked with cigarettes to be photographed in the paper.
Then women all had to go smoke cigarettes.
He's also the guy that got people to adopt, the head of PR, these toxic things in the soaps and the conversion over.
It's incredible.
They sold us poison at every level.
They helped sell the sodium fluoride and stannous fluoride in the water.
I mean, it's incredible.
This is what's going on in the marketplace today.
We're fighters.
We're going forward.
We're fighting Procter, Lever, Colgate, and numerous other chemical companies that are predominant, predominant, to restore shelves in the supermarkets and the billboards and the advertisements.
They're brainwashing and hypnotizing the consumer to buy these chemicals, and we fight them tooth and nail.
And give the consumer something that's real American and that's called the American Choice!
They also pass on all those expenses in their multi-billion dollar advertising campaigns apiece to the consumer.
Exactly, that's where the money's coming from.
That's how you can give them 85% off supermarket prices.
Used to you sold to finer hotels and to institutions, hospitals, because they knew and you've had them, you know, as customers since 47, but what, six, seven years ago, five years ago, I forget, you started selling
First over Genesis, because Michael Trudeau was an environmentalist, one of the salesmen, and he just found out about you guys and called and got you, and I found out about it, and now this is your first time adventure here with the general public, buying it at wholesale prices, high quality organic soap.
Now normally you pay two or three times at a store for organic soaps that are questionable.
This is the original, just wonderful folks.
And you've got a test tote bag with a sample of everything.
Very inexpensive.
Or you've got a free catalog folks can get.
I suggest they just call up now and get a six month or a year supply.
It's so inexpensive, so easy to store.
This is how you change your life.
Get involved.
Stop supporting the New World Order.
You know, chemical plants.
Give them the number.
Tell them about the tote bag.
On the web.
Five star soap.
5 star, 5 the number or 5 the letter, makes no difference.
You'll reach us, we'll send you a catalog.
If you're interested in getting a starter pack, it's a 6 pound package that's got bar soap, hair soap, dish soap and laundry soap.
We UPS it to your home, $18 plus shipping and you'll have a chance for 1 to 2 months to use something that's twice as good as what you're using now, guaranteed.
And you, you, the pleasure will be so immense that you will write me, call me, fax me, email me, how, where have you been all my life?
And this is how we treat them.
Marty, give them that number again.
Or 5starshow.com, again, that number.
Give me a limerick, we only got 30 seconds.
Okay, then let me give you the limerick for today.
Oh, we got the limerick going?
Alright, I want you to write this down, because it's important for your family.
There once was an egg named Mabel, who tried to stand, but wasn't able.
But her problem, you see, was salt.
One, two, three!
If you first sprinkle salt on the table.
Marty, you are a character.
God bless.
We love you.
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This is the way he wants it!
So he gets it!
We'll continue to track what's happening.
Unbelievable blow to the dollar.
Unbelievable blow to the republic.
Had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on.
Then for an hour, plus we had Bob Shatman on.
If you missed any of it and you're an internet lister, you can go to theinfowars.com stream 1.
It's the main stream.
It says main stream.
And you can hear the first, second hour, if you missed any of it, re-air anytime today or tomorrow.
You can also listen and sign up free for the podcast, have it delivered to your MP3 or iPod device, where you want, whenever you want, how you want.
Marty's a great guy.
Don't forget to give him a call.
It really is great, the natural soap.
At least get a free catalog.
Stop letting your children have this toxic waste put on them.
That's what it is.
1-800-340-7091 or 5starsoap.com.
Let's jam in some final calls here.
Fred in Missouri, and then Brett and Fred.
Go quick, Fred.
Alright, Alex, I bought the biggest shortwave I could find.
I put up the antenna.
I've been listening to you for two weeks.
I've been jamming the last third of it.
The last two days, I've jammed all of your program.
I haven't gotten nothing.
And the second thing I wanted to mention was
This Doomsday Law they put in January of 2005 means basically that they can outlaw us even owning gold, doesn't it?
Well, I mean, they say that the President is Supreme Dictator in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
They literally say, the White House memos say he is God.
It says all law flows from him.
Torture is okay.
Mass murder is okay.
Anything's okay.
Doesn't matter.
They're Hitler, basically.
They're Stalin.
They're Mao.
I hear you.
It's getting bad.
Is there anything else?
No, that's it.
Is this wild noises and then static?
And the big woos.
It's just all... There are quite a few hams.
Most of them are good people, but there are quite a few ham operators who hate liberty.
Most of them are, you know, former government people and they submit to globalism.
They've taken the spirit of evil.
And they do, you know, key regionally over the show.
You know, just key over the frequency, but it doesn't black it out worldwide, my friend.
I'm sorry they're doing that to you there locally.
God bless you.
That's what it sounds like.
Because I can tell when people just say it's static or something, but if it's like a
You know what they're doing.
Doesn't matter.
They can censor us everywhere.
Truth's getting out.
Truth's getting out.
Just tell ten people about the show today.
That's how you deal with them.
Brett in New Orleans.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Brand new listener here.
And I want to say I got to meet Ron Paul yesterday.
I'm here in New Orleans.
We got the caucuses tonight.
So we're going all out there, me and my family and friends.
We'll stir up something.
But I wanted to ask Bob this question.
One of the things Ron Paul was saying, that he's not for big government, less government.
He wants to move more to a free market.
Even though most of these big companies back all their holdings with government paper, would fixed securities backed by the claim paying ability of independent companies
hedge any of the risk of this government trash that they're trying to get.
Well, I would certainly think so, but I'm no expert on that.
I have general knowledge.
Call me back tomorrow, my friend.
Good to have you on board, Brett, and we'll talk more.
To Fred and others, sorry we don't have time to take your call, but I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
We are being censured on Dig, all over the place, in the media, libraries, where you can't get to truthnews.us or prisonplanet.com or ronpaulwarroom.com.
Just tell everybody else about the site.
That's how you handle their censorship.
And tell everybody to tune back in.
T-minus 70 seconds.
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
Right back in a moment.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.