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Name: 20080115_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2008
2463 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Have you heard about this new thing going on in Great Britain?
That Al-Qaeda wrote up all these Britons, essentially.
1,400 strong, apparently, in a new, what's being called a new white Al-Qaeda army.
Tougher to detect, potentially.
Yeah, because they're not Muslims.
They look just like regular British people.
They're converts.
Also, we're going to talk more about the controversial subject regarding Al-Qaeda.
Are they recruiting a white army now in Great Britain?
Some people say it's 1,400 people strong, and why is that important?
Because this is what we've always talked about, that if you have people in one country transplanting to another religion, and they maybe aren't exactly what you think they are,
That can be more difficult to fight.
Yeah, they're converting them in prison to extremist Muslims.
To kill us.
Okay, great.
Now, here's Mr. Happy Brian Kilman.
I'm always happy because Mike Baker's here.
There's word that Al-Qaeda is building up a white terror army of up to 1,500 operatives in the UK.
How soon could they strike us here?
And would they be trying to do something similar using convicted criminals?
Mike Baker served for more than 15 years as a covert operations officer until I blew his cover.
He's here in studio.
Thanks for that, by the way.
I owe you a favor.
We're going to play the rest of this later.
Remember years ago, even before 9-11, I got on air and I talked about how, and even some websites tried to imply it was racist.
That's their basic tool.
Kind of like the time I found two black guys being bribed by a white guy for false testimony in front of the state legislature.
Ended up all over papers across the country from the Washington Times, the Austin American Statesman.
And the paper called me and said, are you racist?
These are black men.
And I said, what do you mean they're black guys?
I mean, I'm reporting on people being paid off.
And they said, but would you have if they'd been white?
And that was even in the paper.
But I'm already digressing.
The point is that I've always told you they're going to develop the apparatus of the police state, the New World Order, claiming it's for Muslims and people overseas, knowing, playing into white racism.
And, oh, that's for the foreigners.
That's for people that look different and look strange, who are strange to our senses here, who are foreign.
And that they would then suddenly, overnight, shift it on to the domestic population, and that they would say, blonde-haired, blue-eyed.
In fact, I'm kind of glad he attacked me at the time, because it's enshrined on his website.
Here's another documentation.
He took it out of context, too.
Who was it?
Mike Rupert, of all people.
You know, said, how dare Alex Jones come out and say that soon they'll be going after the white people?
That was my whole point.
They took that out of context, and I went on to say, yes, racist white America thinks this is for the foreigners and the blacks and everybody else, but this is for them.
They're the fat, dumb milk cows.
And in the full quote, we put up in a rebuttal to that.
But how many times have I told you this?
I'm glad the ADL attacked me on September 12th, saying, look at Jones.
He's crazy.
He believes the government is going to launch a bioweapons attack in the next month.
They had my quote in there.
And what happened?
There was a bioweapons attack.
An anthrax attack.
I mean, I understand the enemy, ladies and gentlemen.
I've studied them.
I know their tricks.
I know their signature.
I know their profile.
I understand them.
I've immersed myself in their mind.
I have immersed myself in their activities.
I have read their writings.
I have studied who they are and what they are.
And here is Fox News, just totally... First they say there's a 1,400 blonde-haired blue-eyed Al-Qaeda strike force.
Then notice later they say, is there?
Could there be?
Will there be?
I mean, Al-Qaeda, if they're even real, can't even recruit more than two guys to botch crashing a car into an airport in England.
But now they've got, gee, oh, the white guys.
They're blonde-haired.
They're everywhere.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You see, they're building up this huge anti-terror complex.
10% of the college graduates to be Homeland Security or security-related.
They're shifting the entire infrastructure over.
The military-industrial complex is literally absorbing the United States, Europe, Canada.
That is the new economy.
It is the economy of dominance and control over the population.
Now, real terrorists, even if you believe Al-Qaeda exists and that terror attacks in this country and Europe exist, it is as rare
As being struck by lightning three times in a row.
I mean, you have thousands and thousands and thousands of times better chance dying of carbon monoxide in your house from your furnace or carbon dioxide.
You have thousands and thousands of better chance... Go pull it up in the Almanac.
Reporters have broken down the numbers.
Thousands and thousands of better chance of grounding in your bathtub, hitting your head, or having a heart attack in your bathtub, or of getting shot, or being beaten over the head with a blunt object.
But they've got the entire media, the entire culture, everything is Al Qaeda!
They're under your bed!
They're watching you!
We've got to face scan you and scan your license plates and have total access to all your web searches and email instantly in a database where everything goes to the NSA.
Already set up over a decade ago.
Twelve years ago now.
Hard to believe 96 was twelve years ago.
But see, now they're announcing it.
And, oh, you've got to have a national ID card.
It's really internationalized.
And now they've publicly announced that it's been merged with the British and the Germans and the Japanese.
Told you that five years ago.
Now they've announced it yesterday.
Oh, guess what?
This was all merged.
Gee, it's all happening, and then, oh, guess what?
Al-Qaeda has recruited 1,400 blonde-haired, blue-eyed people.
They're everywhere, and at the end of the report, they say, could they do that?
Notice they slip that in.
First, they report it's happened.
This is the same media that will tell you that top Al-Qaeda leaders have been killed 14 times apiece, and then announce the next week they've been killed again and never retract the last statement.
This is the same group that claims Iran is funding Al-Qaeda when Iran is Shiite-run, the arch-enemy of the Wahhabist sect that is known as Al-Qaeda out of Saudi Arabia, that our government hired in 79, six months before the Russians invaded, to have them launch attacks on the Russians so the Russians would invade.
By the way, that's now declassified.
I told the Peter Boyle Show that in Denver, the number one show there, and he was speechless.
He didn't believe me.
Brzezinski's book's public.
You can go read excerpts of it.
We already knew that, but now it's public.
And then, of course, Bush announces four months ago what the New York
New Yorker reported, Cy Hearst, that they're using five different Wahhabi Al-Qaeda groups, headed up by the number three in Al-Qaeda, who's known CIA, to attack Iran, blow up dams, shoot police, there's terror attacks on a daily basis across Iran.
I mean, they're under massive terror attack, and the media then says they're behind Al-Qaeda, when Al-Qaeda publicly works for the White House, and publicly is attacking them.
Then, they go on Fox News, and they announce they foiled an Al-Qaeda plan to blow up the Liberty Tower.
Then they show the image of a laser beam shooting out of the air and blowing up the tower from a movie, Independence Day, and it turns out that's not even the name of the building, but who cares what the dumbed-down public, just call it Liberty Tower, because now Liberty's under attack, and show a flying saucer blowing it up to create archetypal fear.
I mean, they have hit levels of propaganda I've never before seen.
Now, all the real, quiet anti-terror training that's going on behind the scenes, all of the police state activities that are taking place across the world,
The FBI training manuals, the training videos, the actual footage we have of FEMA training.
Huge rooms of police, firemen, sheriff's deputies.
They're there saying gun owners, anti-UN groups, people who talk a lot about the Constitution.
These are exact quotes.
That's where all the training is.
And then the NPR shows, and the TV programs, and the front lines.
It's all about Muslims and Muslim communities, and now they're being harassed by the FBI.
That's all that, so people who are, even if they're not racist, they don't care as much about the foreigner.
Well, that's just them.
But really, literally, 90 plus percent of the mechanism is always been aimed at mainline Americans.
You could be Hispanic, black, white, but mainly the white male.
They even teach in these things that white males are the most dangerous.
There's a bunch of FBI manuals.
Don't believe me, just type into Google, FBI manual says white males most dangerous.
There's so much of this, we can't even put it in one report.
Look for the quiet white male.
The one who keeps to himself at work and locks his desk.
The white male who password protects his computer.
The white male who's clean cut and wears a suit and tie.
Oh yeah, the FBI's taught that right here in Austin.
We have footage of that.
Oh, he dresses nice.
He's clean cut.
He drives a nice car.
He's quiet.
Now, the entire mechanism, and they're now filling the FBI with foreigners, with other intelligence agency people, jamming the CIA full of foreigners, who themselves hate Americans, and have been counter-programmed by the image of the white FBI agent persecuting them.
They're now being put into positions, and it's actually going to be a horde of foreigners that actually rule over us domestically.
See how sophisticated that is?
People running things are slick.
But again, they've hired the former head of the Stasi, the former head of the KGB, Primakov and DeWolf.
They brought them over here.
They did the same things in their nations, in East Germany and Russia and in the different satellites.
They'd bring somebody from one end of Russia, from Mongolia, and then they'd drag them way over to the western side on the border with Ukraine or Georgia.
It's the same tricks.
So, they literally on Fox News show some video of white guys, clearly it's police in a training seminar, with a rocket launcher and black mask, and then they just say there are white terrorists everywhere, 1,400, a huge army, they're blonde haired, they're blue eyed, and then simultaneously they're running all these newscasts
About how we've got to have the National ID Card Real ID Act to stop Al-Qaeda from getting in the country, when in reality Al-Qaeda was CIA.
They told the embassy heads, let them in, when the embassy was blocking them in Canada, in Saudi Arabia.
And they were trained at bases.
And they're protected.
And they're openly hired by the White House, for three plus years, to launch a covert war against the Iranians.
The White House, four months ago, actually put out a press release, and said, yeah, we're using these five groups, and yeah, they're Wahhabist, to attack.
Look into it!
But again, the average cop, the average citizen, the average person driving along in a car, doesn't know what a Wahhabist is, doesn't know what a Shiite is, so they can tell him I ran Zalkind.
It's like saying Papa Smurf is George Washington, but it doesn't matter to a moron public.
And folks, I'll never forget,
Being in the airport last year, flying out to cover the Bilderberg Group meeting, and there in the Austin airport is a black-and-white novel.
It was like the beginning of a dystopic novel.
Sitting there, and I was watching this dim-witted looking TSA worker, very dull-eyed, sit there in this little twit uniform, reading this black-and-white book that said
I forgot.
What did it say?
Hey, Aaron.
Aaron was there.
Come on in, bro.
I know Aaron was there and pointed it out.
We were literally sitting a table over from him.
Hey, what did that black and white novel that that TSA guard was reading at the at the lunch table at the at the Austin Airport?
Yeah, it was like how to spot a terrorist.
But I think it was how someone becomes a terrorist.
It was like a training manual.
I mean, it was incredible, but it was black and white.
I'll turn your mic on.
I mean, what were your thoughts on that?
That was actually a particularly surreal day in the airport.
I could really feel the paranoia on the part of the establishment there.
But yeah, this guy was reading a trade manual, a training manual, on how to spot a terrorist, and was just really buying into this propaganda and fear for his own personhood.
Uh, while he was at his lunch break.
As if he doesn't get enough of it in the job.
Well, imagine how boring that job would be if you really realized it was all a hoax.
Yeah, well, he doesn't want to believe in that.
Yeah, and that's why he can go take his injections and trust his loving government.
Thank you, Aaron.
Yeah, I forget the exact... I tried to sneak my camera out, but it was in my bag, and by then it was time to get on the plane.
I didn't get a photo of it.
It doesn't matter anymore.
I mean, it is becoming so surreal when they say the government's going to control our thermostats by remote control, mainstream news.
The government's going to control our TVs and radios by remote control, mainstream news, to give us emergency announcements so they turn the TV on and make announcements.
That's mainstream news.
The government's going to take our organs forcibly.
The government... I mean, just all the news we've seen the last couple weeks, it's all getting
Weirder and weirder and weirder and just, yeah, we're going to read all your emails and all your web searches.
And then this, the new Al-Qaeda, blond-haired, blue-eyed Westerners, Fox News hysteria labels Caucasians with no criminal record as new breed of terrorist.
I mean, if you didn't know Al-Qaeda was a hoax, and you didn't know that was staged, you've got to know this is staged.
And that's why they put out manuals that say if someone has a roadmap and a almanac,
In their car, they'll go ahead and search them, that's a sign of terrorism.
Well, I actually have Rhodalmanax in my car.
I mean, everyone does who's got half a brain.
And remember the manuals they put out that said, right after 9-11, that said, a woman with a baby carriage, a white priest, people you'd never think were terrorists, that's who they'll be.
And see, it's about buying into a mass psychosis, a mass hysteria, with cops running around in high and tight haircuts and bloused uniforms with their jeans, their pants tucked into black boots, running around, looking around every corner.
Oh, there's Al-Qaeda!
When you're going to see a unicorn before you're going to see an Al-Qaeda.
You're going to see an elk.
I mean, they're that rare.
They don't exist.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
The police state, the open thuggery, is so big that it makes my head spin.
It's so obvious.
It's so classic.
And to now have them come out,
And just say, yeah, there's 1,400 Al-Qaeda, they're gonna kill you, they're blonde-haired, blue-eyed.
This is a whole new level of Al-Qaeda.
And to know this is what the FBI's already been teaching, this is what Scotland Yard's already been teaching.
I keep telling you and warning you.
And, I mean, don't you understand there's not one Al-Qaeda?
But they keep saying, oh, well,
You know, they've recruited these groups.
And then, oh, Ron Paul supporters are with Al-Qaeda.
Remember that?
And we keep hearing that out of CNN, Fox, all these national hosts.
Or we're aiding Al-Qaeda.
See, now they're just saying, you're Al-Qaeda.
You don't agree with a hundred year war in Iraq.
You don't agree with open borders.
You don't agree with gun control.
You don't agree with homeland security and face scanning cameras.
You're with Al-Qaeda.
This is the doctrine.
Remember the Deputy Attorney General of California, 2003,
Either the war, he said any anti-Mr. Calhoun, it was in the Oakland Tribune, he said any protest are against the war.
The war is fighting Al-Qaeda.
If you protest the war, you're aiding Al-Qaeda, you will be arrested.
No protest allowed.
Now the rest of the country just said free speech zones in a park on the other side of town where nobody can see you.
And by the way, the riot cops will probably come up and beat you up.
By the way, in Portland from 2004, they finally got the police to release the videos.
Cops openly saying, we're gonna frame them now.
This is on our Myspace account.
Just saying, alright, we're gonna say they had bottles, alright?
That's the story.
Alright, move forward.
First start spraying with pepper spray, then beat them with the batons and rubber bullet them.
And they walk right up to babies on purpose, this is their video, and spray two-year-old babies in the face and then laugh and say, hey, bitch, shouldn't bring a baby.
I mean, pure evil being released right now.
You know, they always, public relations officers say, well, that's their side of the video from the anti-war people in Portland, thousands on the streets being routed and rowed down.
That's their view.
Well, now we have the police view.
Or don't forget what just happened up in Ottawa.
Up at the North American Union meeting.
They had cops dressed up like anarchists but still wore police boots.
Then they started pulling their bandanas down.
It was huge 6'5 cops with giant arms out there trying to start fights with trade unionists and doctors and a good-looking crowd of middle-aged folks.
And then here come the anarchists, led by cops, hired by the cops, they fly them in.
This time we caught them and caught the cops with fake arrests and letting them go, and they had to admit, okay, we staged it.
Criminal false flag op!
Black op!
Totally exposed in your face.
But this announcement by Fox News, you watch, you're going to see it everywhere now.
There's white Al-Qaeda, there's white Al-Qaeda.
And they'll even get a few of their patsies they'll burn.
They'll take special ops guys and insert them in, like they did in Pakistan.
Then they'll bust them, claim they're Al-Qaeda, then change their identity and let them go.
They'll have two or three poster boys now, like the Reeves guy, the shoe bomber.
And it's over, folks.
They're gonna have checkpoints everywhere.
The white men are Al-Qaeda, gotta get them.
Oh, it's so bad, ladies and gentlemen.
Echoing the much derided 2003 FBI warning that a good way to spot potential terrorists is to check if they are carrying an almanac, Fox News went beyond this pale this morning by suggesting that al Qaeda's most likely acolytes are blond-haired, blue-eyed, Caucasian Westerners with no criminal record.
Well, as usual, Watson, your story isn't hardcore enough.
That's not an attack on Watson, but people think Prison Planet's extreme.
It's never, unless I write it, as bad as it actually is.
The newscast says there is this 1400 Al-Qaeda, blonde-haired, blue-eyed brigade.
And then later inserts, could they recruit them?
Could it be real?
Just made up bull!
With spooks on TV pushing domestic propaganda illegally.
I mean, this is a declaration of war on the American people.
They build up this... I mean, you think they're going to have 10% of the college graduates in anti-terror to deal with a terror attack that happens every 5, 6, 7 years, whether it's real or not?
A total shift of our whole society into total surveillance and control for the imaginary Al-Qaeda, and now they're going to tell you there's white men everywhere working for Al-Qaeda?
And it turns out that the Southern Poverty Law Center was running the McVeigh compound?
The Nazi compound?
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I think so.
I think so.
We're back live here.
I keep making this point because we have to make this to everybody out there.
Everybody that you know and your family.
Everybody on talk radio.
It's bad enough to sell imaginary Al-Qaeda to the public while real
Wahhabists, the group they claim Al-Qaeda comes from, commanded by the number three in Al-Qaeda, are under U.S.
government pay attacking the Iranians.
I mean, that is just, that is just too incredibly rich.
But you've got literally a mindless scum public that loves being idiots and they love being fed lies.
Now they're going to feed them the lie that the government controlling your thermostat by remote control, that the government spying on all your emails and phone calls and tracking everywhere you're at through your cell phone is good, and that face scanning cameras are good, and license plate reading cameras everywhere you go are recorded.
And the total surveillance, total anti-Americanism is good to fight the imaginary Al-Qaeda.
And by the way, Al-Qaeda has just exploded.
Bush isn't worried about Bin Laden.
He's set in clips.
He isn't trying to capture him.
But there is 1,400 blonde-haired, blue-eyed Al-Qaeda's out there wanting to kill each and every one of us.
The story's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Paul wrote this last night.
It's already scrolled halfway down the page.
This needs to be top story everywhere.
It's in the middle of the left-hand column on PrisonPlanet.com.
The story, which is based on a comment by a single MI5 source, must be true then, that was subsequently picked up by the Scotsman article, claims that Al-Qaeda have recruited, I'm sorry, I said 1,400, 1,500 white Britons to carry out attacks in the UK.
For those of us who recoiled in absolute horror at the proficiency of the dumb and dumber suicide
Exploits and setting a car on fire at the Glasgow Airport.
It's obvious that Al-Qaeda's recruiting efforts need to be improved if they are to live up to the status lavishly bestowed upon them.
And it just goes on.
Let's go ahead and play the clip in its entirety to analyze this.
And you're going to see more of this.
I mean, they're going to tell you Al-Qaeda is everywhere.
Creeping in the bushes, spying your father, your brother could be Al-Qaeda.
Anyone who questions the government could be Al-Qaeda.
When you take people in for questioning and ask if they're Al-Qaeda.
Where'd Alex go?
He was with Al-Qaeda.
Where'd your neighbor go?
Oh, they picked him up for questioning.
And then after they torture you, see, they have to legitimize the torture.
Torture isn't good for good intel.
Doesn't work for real intel.
But it works wonderfully for fake confessions.
You torture Bob for a few weeks, you release Bob, Bob will come out on TV and say, hey, I'm Bob Jones, I'm Bob Johnson.
Yeah, I was recruited, Al-Qaeda is everywhere, I was going to carry out attacks, but
I'm now public, and I'm only being given a 20-year sentence in a work camp.
And then, again, most of the public is cowardly and makes a split-second, double-think decision to A. accept all this is real, even though deep down they know it's not, and to go ahead and run around screaming and ratting out Al-Qaeda all around them, because then that will prove they're not Al-Qaeda.
I mean, they hired the former head of the Stasi.
This is how they work.
This has been done for thousands of years.
It's been brought up to a fine art in the last 200.
250 years.
And, uh, it's here!
I mean, look!
10% of the college graduates!
In some areas it's even more!
In spying, and databasing, and security, and homeland security, they're going to have a job, and it's going to be running things.
And when they walk in with their badge and their uniform of federal police, people, hello sir, oh let me get you some coffee, oh you're so good sir, oh thank you, oh they caught more Al-Qaeda, oh they caught more of the other domestic Christian group that supposedly blows up the implantable chip factories.
This is just the start of it.
And I just can't believe that we're going to have to put up with this.
With them on street corners watching us and political police, and they're doing it all now!
They're openly announcing three-year courses in all the high schools with Homeland Security and how to spot
Terrorist and crime, and you see then this whole apparatus is also for crime.
You know, you'd think you wouldn't just get due process and would be under a federal jackboot for being a terrorist.
No, no, no, no.
Now it's all the crime.
Because there is no real terror, but see now, normal crime is terror, and then no due process in that.
You think CPS and the family courts are bad?
This is a whole new level.
And there are greater minds than mine to go out and chronicle all the thousands of FBI reports and manuals and statements to show this picture, to spell out in writing what I've just said.
Do you understand the magnitude?
I'm just so upset when I saw this last night.
And imagine being in these New York Fox News people.
They love being in a fancy studio.
They love driving Mercedes and being in a big apartment and putting lipstick on and being in the whole frat boy club.
And it's so cute to get up there and talk about, oh my gosh, hundreds and hundreds and thousands of these white Al-Qaedas.
They're everywhere.
And then slipping in.
They know they're lying.
Slipping in.
Is it real?
There's 1,500 Al-Qaeda.
They're everywhere.
They're going to get us.
And five minutes later, are they real?
It's a longer news piece.
There's one on YouTube.
It's like eight minutes long.
This is just three and a half minutes out of it.
Some of the... I mean, here it is!
Listen to this!
Have you heard about this new thing going on in Great Britain?
That Al-Qaeda rotten up all these Britons, essentially.
1,400 strong, apparently, in a new, what's being called a new white Al-Qaeda army.
Tougher to detect, potentially.
Yeah, because they're not Muslims.
They look just like regular British people.
They're converts.
Also, we're going to talk more about the controversial subject regarding Al-Qaeda.
Are they recruiting a white army now in Great Britain?
Some people say it's 1,400 people strong, and why is that important?
Because this is what we've always talked about, that if you have people in one country transplanting to another religion, and they maybe aren't exactly what you think they are,
That can be more difficult to fight.
Stop right there.
See, they go from saying in one report, well, you know, it's real, but, oh, it isn't, to, oh, it's just real, white army, prepare for the attack.
I mean, just, now remember, they busted, what was it, eight black kids, oldest 18, youngest 14, all on welfare, five of the eight registered as morons, that is, ADIQs or lower.
And they said, an army, an Al Qaeda army.
And remember it turned out it was all fake.
They were Christians.
The FBI gave them a hundred grand to go videotape the FBI building.
Totally fake.
Not real.
Made up.
Or they deliver fertilizer to some Muslim kids in Canada.
But by the time it comes out six months later it was fake and staged.
It doesn't matter.
Back to the lies.
This is a covert operations officer until I blew his cover.
He's here in studio, Mike.
Thanks for that, by the way.
I owe you a favor.
So, Mike, I forced you out of the business, so tell me, pretend you're back in, is this a big deal?
It is a big deal in a sense.
This is an area where Al-Qaeda and the CIA and other intel services around the country actually have something in common.
We're all looking for the same thing, which is individuals who can blend in.
From our side, we're looking for people, obviously, who can penetrate Al-Qaeda.
Most agency officers, most officers from other liaison services don't blend in to Al-Qaeda, so we're looking for people who we can fit into there as penetrations.
Al-Qaeda, on the other side of the fence, they're doing the same thing.
I mean, obviously, if they could recruit a Scandinavian,
That's the Holy Grail for them.
They need people who can move around freely and do their bidding.
And converted, people who convert to Islam, sometimes are more militant than those who were born that way, correct?
And they always go to prisons, too, to get their recruits.
You can argue the converts are always a little bit more zealous in terms of their religious fervor, but part of the problem with Al-Qaeda is that to go into a prison and try to recruit individuals
Now, are you listening carefully to all this?
Now, this is the guy that actually is putting out the report.
And it's, oh, we think Al Qaeda would like to recruit white guys.
And when they're done with it, there's an army of fourteen, fifteen hundred, depending on which news report, literally out there.
Now, I remember, it came out on the news here a little bit, we covered it about five years ago in Austin, and then even before that in Austin it came out that they were, the Justice Department was going around giving speeches to the police,
Shane, what we're worried about again is white guys in suits and ties with no criminal record.
They're everywhere.
They're terrorists.
They're domestic terrorists.
They even said this before 9-11.
It's the same bull that's in these FBI training manuals.
And then you notice who they use it on.
Oh, Ron Paul supporters.
Oh, they're gonna get violent.
They're terrorists.
They're aiding Al-Qaeda.
That talking point all over radio and TV.
These are government talking points made up
And I will say it now.
I am not Al-Qaeda.
I have never been with Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is a CIA creation, 1979.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, he admits it.
It's Mujahideen.
It's all staged.
It is not real.
Now, are there other, a few disparate Muslim groups that bomb and provocateur and do things?
But has Israel been caught creating fake Al-Qaeda groups?
I mean, we know the intelligence services are running this.
And now they're going to say, those of us that fight them and fight the real terrorists, we are Al-Qaeda.
It's not going to work, boys.
We're going to expose you jack-booted, blood-sucking trash.
Here it is.
Scotland Yard called in.
They're saying, right, all the indications are Al-Qaeda.
But 50% of the people in Pakistan's survey thinks the government has something to do with it.
Where do you go from here if this case was paid in the air?
You know, at the end of the day, you could have... Alright, stop right there again.
Stop right there.
Rewind a little bit.
Go ahead and play the clip down for a minute.
Okay, um... Again, they're all trained in psychology.
Everything you're hearing is operatives together.
I'm sorry, I actually blew your cover as an intel operative, you know, black operator here on air.
You heard him?
Oh, I'm sorry, too pal.
It was good seeing you when we went to school together.
Like Anderson Cooper admits he's CIA.
I mean, this is disgusting what, and they're recruiting all of the, just tens of thousands of young people every year to CIA to domestically just run around on power trips.
They watch Jack Bauer who tortures people.
They think torture's good.
They will torture the daylights.
Look, if I disappear into prison for six months and I come out and my eyes don't quite point the same direction and, you know, I'm sitting there looking like, you know, the guys that were in North Korea or Vietnam and I'm saying I'm Al-Qaeda and everything, just know that they've been torturing the daylights out of me and drugging me or threatening my family.
You cannot trust a government that tortures.
They do torture you for fake confessions that's even come out.
And they are training armies.
I mean, they train everybody that is in army intelligence now how to torture.
I mean, they train them how to do it all, folks.
And, my God, I can't believe we've become this evil.
And then they'll have them go out and torture the public, have the public come out and say they're terrorists, and then the idiot, soft, chicken-necked scum of this nation, the cheeseburger, beer-drinking, football-worshipping, soft, cowardly, stupid people will buy it and cheer it on, and then there'll be all these proud fathers getting their sons into it.
Oh, I love your black uniform, son.
Oh, I love your suit and tie, son.
I love how, you know, and then they're all in drug dealing and corruption, just all, just
Massive criminals feeding on us!
Ugh, it makes me sick!
Murdering scum!
Alright, I'm not gonna get... I just... Ugh, I can't handle it anymore.
I just can't handle these killers!
And to watch them building an army of darkness to be unleashed on us just makes me sick!
Just go back to the scum.
Play the rest of the scum.
And so, in a sense, their problems are extreme in trying to recruit someone who can go out there and carry out their business.
Benazir Bhutta assassinated, Scotland Yard called in, they're saying, right, all the indications are Al-Qaeda, but 50% of the people in Pakistan's survey thinks the government has something to do with it.
Where do you go from here, if this case was given to you?
Well, at the end of the day, you could have all the evidence in the world that shows that Pakistani Taliban, Al Qaeda sympathizers, however you want to refer to them, were responsible for Buddha's death.
It wouldn't make any difference.
You're not going to sway the conspiracy theorists, and there are a lot of them who exist on the anti-Musharraf side, on the Pakistan People's Party, Budo's party, and others who are against Musharraf.
They just may not be convinced.
Did you just hear what just happened?
Major analysts, major governments, major western organizations have said that they believe that Prez Musharraf had her killed.
He had all of the motive.
Now they claim she wasn't shot, that on video she's being shot.
They had their shooter do it and they detonated a side bomb as a distraction.
Pakistani ISI with Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski set up the Taliban and Al Qaeda six months before the Soviet invasion.
That's public.
They've run the thing the whole time.
Eight billion in funding total, a billion a year to them to create them.
Pakistani intelligence wired $100,000 to Mohammad Atta, the reported lead hijacker.
New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press.
But he knows the Fox News audience doesn't know that.
But that's not what matters.
They just spent three minutes talking about how there's domestic Al-Qaeda, 1,400, the report actually says 1,500, strong, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Al-Qaeda, but then throwing in, maybe, we've got a tentative report they might be trying.
But, see, the public hears, oh my gosh, huge armies, death forces, they're going to destroy us, give up all your rights, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, they're with them now.
But then, did you notice, they scare you about domestic Al-Qaeda, then they shift into conspiracy theorists about Budo.
See, the message is, the conspiracy theorists that say it's the government, they're really Al-Qaeda.
You see, you find out who the main enemy is.
That's us.
And, I mean, that was all pre-scripted.
They had discussions about how they were going to do it.
They're all trained.
Uh, man, hardcore psych warfare.
I mean, you're being hit by hardcore psychological black ops.
And all it does is drive me into a rage.
I'm sick of you poisoning us, and I'm sick of you killing foster children.
You murdering filth!
You are the biggest scum on the planet!
You make these movies about Charlie Wilson's war, absolute, complete bull from start to finish.
Hey, you're a bunch of good guys.
You're a bunch of murderers!
You're a bunch of drug dealers!
I told you for year after year after year after year they were going to come out and announce it's blonde-haired, blue-eyed al Qaeda.
I even know the terms they're going to use because they'll use the most extreme.
I told you these people aren't joking around!
They want to eat your lunch.
They want your pension funds.
They want your organs.
They want to control your life.
They're going for broke.
And I'm telling every cop and even FBI people and the rest of you out there, you know this is a parasitic system.
And you're compartmentalizing.
You're being attacked as well.
And you just better get it through your head.
You understand me?
You know, there are all these websites and news articles and YouTube videos where they say I'm crazy that I claim fluoride's poison.
Here is Scientific American.
Second thoughts on fluoride.
New research indicates that a cavity-fighting treatment could be risky if overused.
And see, they have to admit the truth because it's coming out, and then they spin it.
And then they just admit, oh, it's deadly poison.
Oh yeah, it's deadly poison.
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I read the news today, oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh.
I saw the photograph.
He blew his mind out in a car.
He didn't notice that the lights had changed.
A crowd of people
Look, it's simple.
Criminals run our society.
They know we want our freedom back, so they're saying we're all terrorists.
2 plus 2 equals 4.
Real simple.
You know, I talk about how the government says they're going to remote control our thermostats, face-scanning cameras, tracking us everywhere, already reading our license plates, it's already in place.
NSA, no warrants, everything being watched.
And then here it is, Reuters update, U.S.
gives blessing for food from cloned animals.
Gonna let you have GMO, cross-species, it's already in the food, already causing massive illnesses all over the place.
Again, the government says you have to take, when there is no law, a live cancer virus that gives you a 45% increase of the actual cancer.
It's killing people.
I don't care anymore.
They're just coming right out in the open with it on all of you.
I mean, who knew we'd end up having a planet run by a psychopathic elite?
Who knew that it would come down to this?
Who knew?
I mean, we are just... The future's here.
We're living in a science fiction movie.
I mean, imagine this headline.
gives blessing to food from cloned animals.
And then you read about the U.S.
where they just take your organs whether you say yes or no.
And then in England, they just say, it's for the greater good.
We're going to take your organs.
It's not for the greater good.
They don't even have the Hippocratic Oath anymore.
And then it's one more step to killing you to take your organs.
I remember there was a debate in Europe about just taking organs from prisoners that died.
Now it's, we're just gonna take it from wherever we want!
And if you don't like it, we'll drop by with guys that are trained killers, okay?
We took your guns a long time ago, scum!
Shut up!
Shut up!
We own you, you understand it, Phil!
I mean, that's the message.
That's what they say, and we're supposed to just sit here and be nice about it?
You know, I gave a message to the future.
Last week, just a little three minute talk.
It wasn't pre-scripted, pre-thought out, and it's got like 19,000 views on YouTube and people are in there trying to say I'm crazy and I'm making this stuff up.
Or they go get clips of things I've said and take them out of context.
Like they got this clip on the web where I'm talking about flying saucers flying around tasering people.
That was AP and Reuters two weeks ago.
The headline was, what, Flying Saucer Taser.
And they're developing these flying discs that have little tasers that fly out self-propelled at their targets and stick in you.
I mean, I just read the news.
I mean, they'll probably create a website right now going, Alex was insane.
He thinks they're going to feed his clone meat.
I'm just reading Reuters.
You know, I mean, I've got this story here where it admits that fluoride is actually toxic waste and deadly poison.
It doesn't matter to these people, they don't read!
I've interviewed Nobel Prize winners, top scientists, people who are making tens of millions a year.
Who in the mid-90s, in the late 90s, discovered that all the rats they were feeding this GMO potato to that was inappropriate for humans were dying.
It had new amino acids that never existed.
And we're eating it all right now.
Why do you think everybody's got allergies and sick and everybody's got weird stuff and all these diseases are exploding?
We're under bio-attack right now.
And let me tell you something, cops.
The New World Order doesn't like you.
They're poisoning you just the same.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dollars continuing to plunge to all-time record lows.
Gold surging, rampaging towards $9.10 an ounce.
The yuppies still stumble around, giggling mindlessly, feeling self-important and powerful.
Slothless, unhappy people who've had everything thrown at their feet.
Just totally have no mind the great evil matrix that's been woven all around them.
Hell itself being now released upon us.
I'm in a really nasty mood now.
Because, I mean, I just look at it all.
I mean, this is all in the last few days.
You ought to see all the weird, freaked-out stuff I've got here in front of me.
Just absolute insanity.
Trying to ban homeschooling.
Just SWAT teams everywhere brainwashing the public.
White people or Al-Qaeda sneaking around secretly.
Armies of them.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
It's bad.
They're gonna do it all.
They're gonna do it!
And you're going to scream and yell and cry.
So many of you that have laughed at this show as it gets more and more hardcore on you.
God, these people running things.
They ran World War I, World War II.
They put Mao in.
That's declassified, admitted.
He killed 60-plus mil.
I mean, these people, I just want to beat them.
It'd be basically like if there was a grizzly bear hopped up on PCP
Starving was about to come in here and rip my office to pieces and it's sitting right outside that door and everybody can see it plain as view and there's a bunch of yuppies going around giggling and snickering decadently.
Uh, you know, looking at the latest, you know, pattern they want for their curtains or their latest Swedish furniture as Fight Club says it so well.
And there's this frothing PCP addicted
Psycho grizzly bear about to come to the door, and I'm going, Get ready!
Brace for attack!
Or, Well, let's get out of here!
Let's do something!
And they're walking around going, Everything's fine!
I mean, can't you see it?
Industrialized, cloned meat they're gonna try to feed us?
They're trying to force it to where all meat and all nuts are radiated?
Which destroys any food value it's got.
They've already been radiating school children's food for five years.
They've got hundreds of vaccines they want to make mandatory.
They've got vaccines that go in and create antibodies that block drugs, but they have others that go in and create plaques in the receptor sites.
I mean, they've got, it's just, and they're just doing it all to us.
They're just having their way with us.
They're just, they're just doing whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want.
I mean, look at this.
The U.S.
gives blessing for food from cloned animals.
So does Europe.
The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration has ruled food from certain cloned animals and their offering is as safe as other food, opening the door for using controversial technology in the U.S.
food supply.
Meanwhile, you're saying, well, I just won't eat it.
They're shutting down family farms and mansions all over this country.
There's no law, but when you, but they trick you to sign a contract, they say, oh, you want to be in the 4-H club, or you want this tax exemption, you've got to sign this, and then they SWAT team your butt, take your property, thousands of dollars of fines for each chicken or cow or pig that isn't marked right, or your daughter wants to show her cow, she's got the blue ribbon, she's going on to the national championship, and they just say, sorry!
That was in the news yesterday.
Sorry, oh, by the way, we're going to have the police escort you off the grounds to make it look like you're a criminal, but there's no law.
See, there's no law, but then they can regulatory say, you gotta go, you don't have the chip.
Which then the big agri-companies don't have to have in their animals.
Only the small farms and ranchers.
And this is just the chip.
You sign a contract saying, they run and own and control your property.
Go read it for yourself.
And right now, every day, hundreds of farmers and ranchers, thousands a month, are signing on, having no idea.
It's all color of law, it's all criminal, it's all jackbooted.
Alright, I got a message to the future when we get back.
And I'll preface it and break it all down.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There are so many of these articles every single day that I don't even have time to cover them.
I mean, here's just the news.
Update 1.
gives blessing to food from cloned animals.
Organs to be taken without consent.
Homeschooling a crime in Germany.
Thousands of U.K.
prisoners to be chipped like dogs.
That's a quote.
Hopes of custom-built organs as scientists create beating heart.
Demonstrators in London against government ban on free speech beaten.
Ryan Haw, beaten up and arrested by police.
I mean, that's the kind of news I have.
And then I have Scientific American here admitting that they take... the fluoride they put in the water is from the toxic waste of aluminum production and the production of fertilizers, and it's got all these other heavy metals and toxins too, and they put that in the water.
And then it's a... then they call you a conspiracy theorist if you say it's poisonous.
This is all being done by design.
They're putting hormones in the food, hormones in the water.
It's over-sexualizing our women.
The reports are out that three-year-olds are going into puberty in the U.S.
and England and Europe.
Then they give them hormone shots to suppress that instead of saying, hey, get your child off of the human growth hormone.
It's the very same that they have in the milk.
And that's what it is.
It's this bovine growth hormone.
It's the same as the human growth hormone.
I mean, surprise, surprise.
Don't get off the hormones.
Just go take other hormones to counteract that, because that's what big pharma and medicine's about.
Their whole industry creates the crisis, and then they offer the solution, which doesn't go at the root of it, but offers something which then causes more problems, and they've got more drugs to treat that.
And that's my message to the future.
Now, by a message to the future,
The other day I put one of these out on YouTube, and whoever put it out, I think in a kindly way, cut off the end of it, where I pointed out that I was saying this is a possible future.
Not that I was staring into some crystal ball.
And then other people on the YouTube page were commenting that I must have seen Christian Bale in some movie.
And no, I hadn't seen that movie.
And that movie has people in compact control grid cities, forced drug by the government, with the elites living outside of that in rural, palatial palaces.
That's because that's what Aldous Huxley said.
That's what the UN says they're going to do.
That's what the Club of Rome says they're going to do.
That's in the official documents.
That's why Hollywood has made movies along those lines.
That's why Hollywood makes movies about clones grown to have organs in them, because they're openly practicing that and testing that now.
I remember the Washington Post like four years ago came out and talked about how they were splicing with the DNA of chimpanzees and humans.
And they've got tomatoes and potatoes and corn on the shelf.
It doesn't just have one chimera, one cross-species of crossing an insect with an animal and then putting it into the corn or salmon and a cockroach into the corn.
But they'll have 50, 60, 70, 100 cross-species splices
And then you read the top scientist reports on it, and they admit that, well, we can change the one gene we want with each of the genes we insert or alter, but then it randomly, each reproductive cycle of the animal or of the plant, randomly changes thousands of other things!
It doesn't matter!
We still just put it on the shelf!
And new super bacteria have sprung from this.
New super viruses have sprung from this.
All of these things have happened.
All of this is already causing major crises.
The disease is worse than the cure.
So when I say, what's going to happen in the future, I'm telling you
That the majority of the environmental biologists, the majority of the climatologists, the majority, because this is where the funding is, this is the people they recruit and that they nurture, that they give the PhDs to, believe in reducing our numbers by 90%.
The UN Biological Diversity Assessments say 80%.
So that's the number we go with.
Dr. Eric Pionka at UT got all that attention for saying 90% of us need to die by airborne Ebola.
But that's not the news.
The point is, he got a huge standing ovation when he got the Texas Academy of Sciences first place award.
He got a 90 plus percent standing ovation, according to the newspapers that were there, and he got a 90 plus percent standing ovation at St.
Edwards University right here in Austin, Texas.
When you've got hundreds and thousands, in some cases, of people in an audience, of their peers, he talks about, puts red skulls on the wall in a projection, in a PowerPoint, and they stand up and clap.
That's the news!
I know it's crazy!
I know it sounds nuts for you out there that don't know about this.
I remember reading in the BBC in 1996 how they'd already cloned humans.
And then they keep announcing every week that they just now cloned humans for the first time.
It's like some conditioning thing they do.
Don't believe me when I say that.
Go Google the fact.
Go look it up in the library.
They cloned humans back in the 60s, ladies and gentlemen, at embryonic level.
I don't know if they implanted them in women and took them to term, but you knowing scientists, you can bet your bottom dollar they did.
This is all the declassified stuff we know about.
They have thousands and thousands of companies doing hundreds and hundreds of experiments every month, open-air plantings of everything you can imagine across species, jumping into the entire biosphere!
And we have an elite that says they're going to put us in compact cities to carry out the orderly reduction of our numbers, with one-child policies, with implantation of viruses, with euthanasia of people.
You know, I interviewed Wall Street Journal writer Wesley Smith, who's interviewed hundreds of people and their families.
Did you know going on for at least 20 years under the bioethicist human eugenics program, they go into the hospital where somebody's paralyzed, neck down, begging for food and water, and deny it from them, and kill them when they can talk?
Forget Terry Schiavo, folks!
They've got cases where they're just killing people outright!
And don't tell me I'm making that up!
This is too serious!
If you're gonna say I'm making it up, then you go try to disprove me!
You can't do it!
The hellish stuff going on is off the charts.
New York City.
They've been caught a lot, so we talk about that case.
New York Daily News, other papers.
They take little black foster children, and when they don't get enough black kids, they come to the mother and say, we'll take your two-year-old if you don't give us your eight-year-old.
They take them, strap them down, and test pesticides on them till they die!
And the newspaper calmly reports how they strap them down and kill them!
This is hell!
This is Jeffrey Dahmer, right out in the open, running everything!
I'm sick of it!
I want these people brought to justice, and they're brainwashing the public, they're brainwashing the police, they're selling them that torture's good, they're preparing the future.
So you figure out what the future's going to be with all this going on.
All I know is they say they're going to put us in compact control grids and keep us off 90% of the property in official U.S.
government maps.
In official U.N.
This is what they're doing, okay?
They say they're going to do it.
And why?
Because they don't want the general public knowing about the advanced life extension technologies they're developing.
And don't take me out of context and say that I'm saying that they can live forever now.
I'm saying what they believe.
I'm saying what they think.
And don't attack me and say I don't believe in Darwinism.
I'm not getting into that debate.
I stated in the endgame the facts that they are social Darwinists and they believe survival of the fittest so it's their right to kill us.
That's their statements.
But you've been conditioned and I have real intellectual debates.
I'm not debating with you about evolution one way or the other.
I'm saying it's their belief system and an offshoot of it is what they're doing.
And they believe that evolution has been short-circuited
Because things are too easy now and that the gene pool is getting bad and so it's a great gift to kill most of us anyways.
It's a perfect excuse for these control freaks.
And then a lot of you will say, well that sounds reasonable.
Okay, are you ready to die?
The doctors around you won't even know why you're dying.
It's all compartmentalized.
It's all been conditioned.
It's all been tested.
It's all being done incrementally.
My message is to the future, all we knew in 2008 was a bunch of psychopathic control freak geniuses with top scientists for a hundred years had been building a world government plan to carry out mass eugenics.
And they transmuted that into the terms and created, the top eugenicists at the time, created transhumanism.
Aldous Huxley, his brother Julian Huxley, head of the UN UNESCO program that runs our schools and runs our policies.
All I know is they believe they're going to live forever, but first they have to get rid of us because they can't share all the life extension with us.
Whether that's real or true or not, I'm not debating, Jack!
I'm telling you, that's what these people are doing!
And they run things!
They're the social planners!
They're in control!
And I don't know how you sit here and talk about this without getting upset.
Again, you go yell and scream about your football team and that's normal.
I get upset about Peter Singer and Eric Bianca and the majority of scientists in academia saying they want most of us to die and that it's a wonderful, beautiful thing.
And that a beautiful thing is about to happen.
They even say sick stuff like that.
And then he's got photos on his UT website of him dressed up like a druid with his bull buffalo Lucifer.
I mean, that sounds crazy!
Go look it up!
Dr. Eric Bianca's UT page!
I know they're crazy!
I'm not the crazy one!
I'm sick of these crazy people running things!
But see, they care so they're in control.
You don't care.
You go with the remote and the beer and you watch the television.
You don't study what they're doing.
We have a criminal elite in control.
And all I know is the future is going to be hellish if we don't turn things around.
They're putting a grid, a cashless society tracking grid, in place so you can't struggle and resist them right now.
Do you understand what all this means?
This is a serious warning!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
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We're back live.
Finishing up with my Warning to the Future Part 2.
I'm gonna do an entire hour in the near future and I want to write up some notes, get a stack of documents and articles and footnotes together for you.
We'll even videotape it and put it on the web ourselves.
In fact, maybe next week's TV show I'll do a message to the future.
I think that's probably the best way to do it.
And really lay all this out in a serious way so people watching can actually see the documents, see the articles, find out where to get them for themselves.
Because this is all extremely, extremely serious.
This is as serious as it gets.
Bottom line, look into the Scientific Dictatorship.
That's a term founded, coined by the Fabian Socialists.
And they were in lockstep in the same camp as the Eugenicists, who believed that they could control human destiny through breeding in England.
And then that came to the US and Germany and Mexico and Japan and you know the rest of the story.
I mean, they passed eugenics laws in 30 plus states and sterilized almost half a million people.
And there's a lot of evidence that they also killed a lot of newborn babies.
See, I just said a lot of evidence.
It's actually admitted.
Not just in Germany, but in the U.S.
and England.
That's how it started in Germany.
And so I'm just trying to warn you out there that this group, this powerful group, got the ear of the British Crown and a lot of other wealthy people.
It got funding.
They put out Royal British Commission reports, 44 to 59, the Royal Commission on Population.
That became State Department Memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger, 1973.
I mean, go read this!
They're gonna put us in compact cities!
And they're going to set up global one-child policies.
Remember, years ago, I told you that the U.S.
founded and funded the one-child policy in China.
First, in 1975, they said, it is a tax on having more than one child.
And then, five years later, in 1980, they say, oh, it's the law now.
And they come by and kill your second or third baby, or give you giant fines, and now it's a big scandal because communist officials are allowed to have four or five kids, and now they're getting arrested and getting in trouble.
Now Australia, the US, and others are proposing a tax, a carbon tax.
Why do you think they don't have environmental laws on genetic engineering?
Or environmental laws on cutting down green forests?
Or environmental laws on serious things that are happening?
No, they got one on carbon.
What animals?
Insects exhale, and what plants breathe.
It's a tax on life, and their own UN documents say they're going to regulate how big your house is, how many kids you have, everything you do.
This is a control tax.
It's on carbon dioxide.
They want taxes on methane, the flatulence of cows, when there have always been high levels and high loads of bovine across the world.
From the Antarctic to Chile.
From the steppes of Russia to the plains of the Savannah in Africa.
It's taxes on farms, on ranches, on life.
It's feudalism.
It's control.
They don't want free market.
They want global monopoly.
And they say once they get their global monopoly in place, they're not just going to have soft kill weapons like mercury in the vaccines, which by the way they haven't taken out.
Check it in for yourself.
They're lying to you.
Or the cancer viruses in the vaccines, or the GMO in the food, or all the things they've done.
I mean, for new listeners, I want you, when you're listening to this on YouTube, watching this, I want you to go Google atomic experiments on the U.S.
population from the 40s right through the 70s, last time they declassified it.
How they took 4,000 plus children and put them in radiation chambers and killed these foster children.
Don't put some smart ass, excuse me, I'm sorry, don't put some smart mouth comment in the message board.
I demand you go, and there's even pictures of some of these kids, and I demand you look in their eyes.
And I demand you wipe that grin off your face.
Because you know the kind of bad luck as they say, what comes around goes around, reap what you sow, you get in life making jokes about stuff like this.
You're going to have sorrow in your life and you're going to have pain.
You're going to have enough of it.
And let me tell you, you wicked people, I've studied history, I've studied individuals, I've seen it in my own life.
When you do bad, it comes back on you tenfold.
And I wouldn't want to be in the place you're in, you people that think torturing kids is cute.
You people that think all this evil is cute and you don't think the future is going to be a nightmare with all the trends and the things that are developing and how they're setting up grids to track us or if you're not a good globalist, turn your national ID card off.
It's all here.
It's all happening.
Your calls and a ton of other news straight ahead at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm fired up for freedom!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are Change UK.
Got arrested.
Folks got beat up.
You're not allowed to demonstrate or protest, even peacefully now.
That's not allowed because we're so free.
And in the studio will be Luke Rodowski in the third hour.
Right now, let's just go to some of your calls and I'll get into the economic news, the war news, the Ron Paul news, all of it.
Buzz in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Okay, Alex, I have the schedule for the Trans-Texas Corridor Town Hall meetings.
But Trans-Texas Corridor doesn't exist according to CNN and Fox, so why can't you discuss public meetings with government officials that don't exist?
Well, someone needs to know where these meetings are and the time so that we can go.
But of course I'm being sarcastic.
There's 1,500 white Al-Qaeda about to kill everyone, totally made up, but then Fox says the TTC doesn't even exist when it publicly exists and the governor vetoed the legislature saying he couldn't have it.
Isn't that crazy?
Can I make a recommendation?
Okay, first, let's go to the computer.
Sure, Buzz.
Type up UNBiodiversityTreaty.net.
When that corridor grid comes up, my recommendation is download it, copy it, and take it to these meetings.
I can give you the meeting times and locations if you want those.
Go ahead.
January 15, Texarkana, Pleasant Grove High School.
January 16, Carthage, Texas.
Country Music Hall of Fame.
January 17th, Lufkin.
Lufkin Civic Center.
January 22nd, Hempstead.
Knights of Columbus Hall.
January 23rd, Huntsville.
Katie and E. Don Walker Senior Education Center.
January 24th, Rosenberg.
Rosenberg Civic Center.
January 28th, Belleville.
Austin County Fairgrounds Building.
January 29th, Victoria.
Victoria Community Center Annex.
January 31st, West Laco.
Lecture Hall, South Texas College.
You know, the best way to do this is to give people a website where they can go and look at it for themselves?
Well, I don't know of one.
This is from the newspapers.
What paper is that from?
This is from Tyler Morning Telegraph.
Is the Tyler Morning Telegraph online?
Yes, sir.
I'm sure it is.
Well, you sound like a real gentleman.
I'm not trying to be rude and run over you here, but I think we can list all of these.
What particular... Are these little brainwashing meetings the state's having to sell everybody on having their roads turned to toll roads?
Well, I can give you an opinion on what I think is going on here.
I think they are dividing all this up at different towns which closely parallel the route that this thing is going to follow.
My opinion is this makes it more difficult to assemble a lot of
A lot of people who don't want the program at any one location.
And two, if very few people show up at each of these locations, they can come up and say, hey, here's what was presented.
This closely parallels the route that we were on.
Well, that's not your opinion.
We've had 1,400 people at a meeting and the paper says everybody's for it.
Uh, and they've had hundreds of meetings, and they're always highly attended, so I would imagine you can go to CorridorWatch.org, and in fact, I bet my bottom dollar they'll have all this listed.
Oh yeah, they probably will, but the point I wanted to make is this is part of a larger agenda called UN
Agenda number 21.
Yeah, no, it's all in UN treaties to take over the infrastructure, put toll roads on existing roads, isolate existing populations, economically depress them, force them into compact cities.
Everything I keep warning people about.
And if the maps were distributed at each of these meetings, if someone could go and distribute the maps at the meetings,
Yes, sir.
My, Lance, that totality of the big picture would be right there in front of the public to see.
Absolutely, and sir, Buzz, I don't know if you saw the CNN and the Fox, but I've seen CNN and Fox both say it doesn't exist.
How dumb, I mean, do they think that's going to go over when the billboards are up and they're taking over the roads and the governor vetoed the
Well, I thought this had been delayed for, what, a moratorium of two years or something or other.
And now it's raising its head again.
Well, I mean, sir, they're lying and telling everyone it's the law, you've got to take vaccines.
And I appreciate your call, Buzz.
I know I make that point over and over again.
Because that one little place, if the media, all of them together, the dominant media, corporate media, and the police, and the news, keep saying it's the law, you've got to take any shots we say, and you can go find out there is no law, you're going to realize, see, they're lying to you about medical issues.
All over the country, Army recruiters go in and tell the kids, it's the law, you've got to take these tests, and you've got to take these shots.
There's no law.
Now, you've got to, uh, oh yeah, they've had the military help with inoculations.
You know, that was a, uh, misstatement I just made, and I was about to correct myself, and I went, wait a minute, the Army's done drills all over the country assisting in inoculations.
Oh, I, perfect martial law type.
I remember, see, anything I can even, even if I mess up and say something horrible, it's been done 50 times that I know of.
Oh, God, it's so horrible.
I mean, it's so big!
All over the country, they've had these drills where the military comes in and says, this is what martial law is like.
By the way, we're here with the health department with a list of kids that forgot to take their shots.
And of course, the military has been training to forcibly inject us.
We're going to give them to you.
That's been in mainstream news.
And they try to get the cops and firemen to take it, and they almost unanimously said no in 2003.
John, in Michigan, you're on the air.
Don't you love the grassroots for Dr. Paul?
You love the good news, buddy?
What's that?
I had a letter to the editor published.
I put Dr. Paul against Mike Huckabee.
I had it published last Monday, and I planted over a dozen signs in Monroe County, Michigan the last two days, and I pulled the trigger for them today.
And if people want to read my letter to the editor, I got published.
I scanned it and put it on a website.
Is that right?
Yeah, go ahead, sir.
Yeah, if they go to windowjohn.com,
There is a Ron Paul tab.
If they click that, there's photographs of all the signs I put up, and then my letter to the editors there.
I caught Mike Huckabee in the first CNN debate.
Wolf Blitzer asked him if God made the earth in six 24-hour days about 6,000 years ago, and he said, I don't know.
I wasn't there.
Now, for an ordained Baptist minister, you just denied the Word of God.
Dr. Paul has a Christian testimony too, but he doesn't use it like a political football, and nor should he.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Mike Huckabee is a complete fraud and a fake.
Now people are emailing me saying, did you know that John McCain's wife is a convicted narcotics thief?
Did you know that his own people that were in the Hanoi Hilton said he turned against them and went and sold them out and didn't go through all that torture?
Did you know that he was part of the Keating Five savings and loans scam and involved in the mafia and reporters that have reported on him have ended up having their cars blow up?
It just doesn't matter.
Anybody but Ron Paul, they're all little crooks.
I mean, it's that simple.
I mean, John McCain, they call him the anti-corruption Mr. Good Guy.
You know that slogan about how McCain's so upright and not involved in corruption?
The guy couldn't be more corrupt!
The guy, I mean Giuliani's dad and uncle were mob capos and served time in prison.
You can't make this stuff up!
That's what I keep saying!
All right.
Ted ran in here earlier, but now he's dealing with the Post Office.
He was bringing up the Granny Warriors, who we had on, who we put links to to raise money.
And somebody called in, and I was trying to vet who it was, wanting to plug to get more money in time for the recount.
And my news, the info I had is the Granny Warriors had raised
And so I'm confused on their website.
It says, attention, our last chip-in ended due to technical difficulties.
Congratulations, we have raised over $40,000, but we still need $25,000 by tomorrow, 3 p.m.
So please spread the word about the new chip-in.
And then I don't know if this is a new chip-in.
So, the way, you know, I looked at New Hampshire law, and what I knew was you had to put in $2,000 to start it by last Friday.
And then you had to pay as the recount, you know, in the phases.
And if they don't have enough, they can say, we want to recount 80%.
We want to recount all the hand ballots.
You know, it's not an all or nothing.
And if they're telling you that, it's not true.
But I can't tell how much has been raised here.
And again, I can't do everything, folks.
I can't be everywhere.
I can't get everything done.
They're welcome later, the Granny Warriors, if they're listening.
To call in and give us an update, or when Ted gets back, he can give me one.
But again, Ron Paul is, uh, what's gonna happen is if you don't have somebody politically who knows how to watch for this, well, we already know who has the chain of custody.
And they are not a friend of fair or free elections in the words of Bev Harris.
Black box voting.
She's not a friend.
And so basically, they're just gonna rerun them in the dark again.
And so I said in the time frame we had, we had to have some plan to do that.
And I think that's why Ron Paul just said forget it.
You know, it's not fraudulent everywhere.
I got Fox News laughing and saying Ron Paul, people are delusional.
They think there's election fraud when only one town accidentally didn't count 31 votes and said zero.
No, it's quite a few towns now.
And there's a bunch of towns that said 5,000 votes, 500 votes, 300 votes that say other.
All total, it's in the thousands.
What is that?
And why do you have a convicted cocaine dealer running the election?
And running the data cards?
Who was told he was doing illegal stuff with elections two years ago in Connecticut.
Why is he running things?
Why are the machines way off different from the... than the hand counted?
Why did the hand counts have Barack Obama winning?
Like the polls said he would.
I mean, you know, don't sit there and tell me they're in stinking fraud going on.
But the big issue is showing how we're going for a recount to draw attention to the fraud.
But we need to say now that there'll probably be fraud there.
We don't have the infrastructure.
We don't have a big Barack Obama campaign.
We don't have the Ron Paul campaign in this, helping with all the people watching.
So, you know, we all get emotional and say, give money for a recount.
I'm not saying it's giving for naught.
I know you've given a whole bunch of money.
But I just, you know, I'm not even mad at the Paul campaign.
You know, they've all we've got.
They're not perfect and they've got their reasons.
There's no point in breaking up the movement and stopping the momentum we've got.
We're waking up so many people now to the New World Order.
We need to keep that going.
But at the same time, each one of us can't say the Paul campaign has to do exactly what we want.
Sure, there's a few things he's done I don't particularly like, but the campaign basically is saying, hey, it'll probably be a fraud anyways.
They recount.
So, you know, what do you do?
Svengali's are running it!
That's what I mean, ladies and gentlemen.
I feel like playing that Everybody Knows song.
In fact, let's go out the last two minutes of this segment with that.
But see, it's okay.
It can be like Poland.
During the Velvet Revolution.
Or it can be like what happened in Romania with Ceausescu.
Or it can be like what happened with Mussolini.
People just stop buying into it.
I mean, you can vote so many ways with who you spend money with, or who you promote, or who you run down, or by speaking out, or by not having your children in the government's camp, or by fighting locally to not have more cameras put in.
I mean, people now are getting the idea there's bad people running things.
And so, we're moving in a good direction.
Now, the enemy's moving fast to try to get the tyranny in place before that.
But we're moving to counteract that as fast as we can.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Colorado.
Steve, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey there, Alex.
Boy, I tell you what, every time I listen to you, I have about, from what you're saying, I have about five more questions I want to ask you.
Like, you had mentioned this article in Scientific American, the article on fluoride and heavy metals and stuff in the water.
Do you know offhand what issue that is?
Yeah, I've asked Paul Watson to do a story on it in amongst all his other duties.
But he works 14 hours a day, but he's going to do one.
Second thoughts on fluoride.
This is the December 16, 2007 edition.
All right.
Very good.
Let's see.
Anyway, then I had a question about, do you know who the guy was that was on Governor Perry's staff?
That ended up, he was the chief of staff of Governor Perry down there, that ended up going to one of the pharmaceutical companies?
There was a woman.
I know that the chairman of the committee that helped Raymond through, she went there, and then I know, and I know I forget his name, but I remember, it was like half the staff.
I mean, it was just a whole bunch of names all in bed with Merck, yeah.
Oh, okay.
Alrighty, and then one thing that was really interesting, you had mentioned that World Vision is a CIA op?
Well, World Vision was run by the Hinckley family, and then they had dinner with some of the Bushes the night before.
The President or Vice President wasn't there, but they were really good friends of the family, and yes, both the shooter of John Lennon and the shooter of Ronald Reagan worked in World Vision, and of course, the person that shot Reagan was the son of the head of World Vision.
Yeah, John Hinckley.
I mean, whole articles have been written on that, sir.
See, I'm not saying the whole thing is either.
There's a lot of missionaries and things they do outside of it and within it.
You know, it's kind of like, is all the CIA bringing in heroin and cocaine?
No, select divisions do.
Or are all the cops, you know, running the whorehouses in Austin?
No, it's a certain detective crew that's doing it and they've been caught many times and they never stop.
You know, it's compartmentalized.
And so,
They love using wildlife photographers.
National Geographic decades ago was caught having a lot of CIA.
They love using missionaries.
What do you expect to see white guys out in the African bush or in Malaysia or in Chile or in Tibet?
You're going to see missionaries.
Okay, that's the kind of folks that uses covers.
I appreciate you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with me.
The war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed.
The poor stay poor.
The rich get rich.
That's how it goes.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
Everybody's got this broken feeling.
Like their father or their dog just died.
Everybody talking to their pockets.
Everybody wants a box of chocolates and a non-stim rose.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that you love me, baby.
Everybody knows that you really do.
You've been faithful.
I give or take a night or two.
Everybody knows.
You've been discreet, but there were so many people.
You just had your feet without your clothes.
And everybody knows.
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You know, a lot of people do wake up to the New World Order and they make the sick sociopathic decision to try to team up with it and to work with it, at least as long as they can.
They know it's probably going to fall, but that's okay.
They lack power and control.
They're going to join it.
Oh yeah, you didn't know that a lot of people that find out about all this evil decide to serve it?
Oh, absolutely.
I would say more people that actually wake up, decide to join it, than decide to fight it.
And that's who our enemy is.
There's a lot of people who think it's powerful.
That's who they are.
They think it's dark and sinister to be evil, and they think it's cool and cute.
But I remember reading a report
Out of a German military journal that had been put in historical text I was reading about Heinrich Himmler finally went out to see a death camp in 1941.
They were lining all these people up, shooting them, and there was all these dead bodies and he started vomiting.
They tried to act tough again and look at it again, he just started, kept vomiting.
You know, he couldn't... And I think all these people that love the New World Order, you just ought to go find a pile of dead bodies and just roll around in it because that's what you're going to be doing in hell for all eternity.
You think it's so cute and so funny?
You think it's just, uh, you know, taking some money, or going along, or okay, being a cop and going and snatching some woman's kids?
With no judge, no jury, no nothing?
Just all color of law?
No, no.
There is good and evil, and people are brought to justice.
Whether it's in this life or the next, you will be brought to justice.
And I am right.
And I do know what I'm talking about.
And I have done my homework.
You know, people listen to this show because they know it's real.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a painful broadcast today.
This is not a fun broadcast.
It's not cute.
It's not good.
It's not anything.
And I have got a laundry list of trash and evil literally stacked to the ceiling in front of me right now that I haven't even gotten to.
I can't even give you all the knowledge.
I can't even... You've got to study 14, 15, 16 hours a day to even begin to realize that their crimes are so huge, their crimes are so legion, that you can't even cover them all.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Luke Rudowsky is going to be in studio with us for the rest of the hour.
We're not just going to talk about We Are Change and political activism.
We're going to take your calls.
Talk about people rising up and taking action, period.
That's the thing the establishment's really scared of.
The national media has said that they are scared to death of the people taking action and getting involved.
Also, We Are Change UK will be joining us after the break.
Really appreciate their fine work.
One of them got arrested, just like some We Are Change UK got arrested when they were in New York with me, and they videotaped
A gentleman that I met who's in Terror Storm, the peaceful little anti-war demonstrator, they beat the living daylights out of him.
And then when they took him behind closed doors, supposedly the beating even got worse.
This is America.
This is England.
This is where they have hired goons, where it's all about their force, their thuggery.
You're going to submit to them, and they're going to beat you up.
I want you to remember about Luke Rudowsky.
Remember that Luke
When he first started We Are Change, he'd already been a 9-11 Truth for three years, since he was like 17, 18 years old.
He's now 21.
Remember that Luke, out at Ground Zero at Building 7 with Fody, who was also brave, had
Silverstein's security walk over and say they were cops and say, we're gonna call in a bomb threat, we're gonna say you've got bombs.
We know you don't have bombs, but we're gonna go ahead and... I mean, it's a felony being committed according to New York State law and federal law.
Fake bomb threat's actually in the Patriot Act.
They didn't even need that expansion, it was already in there, in the law.
And they call the cops, and the cops grab Luke and grab his camera and say it's a gun and almost took him to jail.
This is the type of stuff we go through just to expose what's happening.
I've had
Uh, military police come up and put a gun to my chest.
I've had them grab Mike Hanson and stick him in fire ants because he protested because we were trying to show Delta Force in San Antonio.
I mean, I've had them stick a gun to my chest.
That was in World Net Daily, by the way.
That got picked up at the time back in, what, 99?
I mean, this is real, folks.
This happens.
I've had special forces
Outside of a military reservation in Brooksville, Florida, chasing me through the woods.
And I knew that I couldn't let them catch me in pitch black woods, running through a swamp, because, ladies and gentlemen, they had weapons.
And I don't know what they were planning.
And that, of course, is covered in Police State 2 The Takeover.
You know, out in the open, in San Antonio, it's one thing.
But, you know, people are chasing you through the woods with weapons.
On Dune buggies, in black uniforms, you better believe you take cover.
So, the government's at war against you and if you don't know that, you're living on another planet.
And even if you serve the system, I want to tell hitmen this, I want to tell FBI guys this, I want to tell gangsters this, truck dealers this, tough guys this, repo men this, I want to tell jail guards this, they shoot you up with cancer viruses.
You need to know that.
You're already walking dead.
You've got many years already taken off your life.
They already spray you and put poison in your water and food.
Since I've been mentioning so much, before this show ends, I'm going to read the Scientific American story where they just come right out and admit what we've already told you.
Well, we know you don't believe us, so we're just going to show you what they say.
Then maybe you'll check into more of it.
I can't tell you the burden that it is to immerse yourself in this and to finally start coming to grips.
I mean, every day I come to grips that, my God, they're approving cloned meat.
They're cloning humans for body parts already.
They are coming out with all these new live viruses and all these live vaccines that actually change your very chemistry and makeup and attack the brain.
I know I keep talking about this, but you know, it's because we're in the real world.
Ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, we're going to talk to Luke Rudowsky, who's in the studio with us, and we're also going to talk to We Are Change UK.
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And unfortunately, when we're usually wrong, or that 3 or 4% where we're wrong,
It's 90% of that percentage that it's worse than we thought.
You need to know that.
It's real bad.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The UK will be on with us in a few minutes, under assault by the New World Order.
We are changed.
But right now, Luke Rudowsky.
Luke, so much has happened.
Looking back on all you've gone through with We Are Change, how it spontaneously has grown all over the world, 50 plus chapters from Europe to the US to Canada, and now to just see the fact that, yeah, the people are waking up to tyranny,
Is also really now bringing out its fangs to bear.
Just to give us your take on the state of the world and everything that's happening right now.
I mean, it's pretty obvious the war on terror is the war on the American people.
And that's why you have Fox 5 calling blonde-haired, blue-eyed people terrorists now.
I mean, that's what they're doing.
They're attacking Americans.
They're attacking people who are Caucasians.
That's what they're doing.
They're trying to make this war on terror against dissent.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
Targeting UK change.
And they also targeted We Are Change last year, outside building 7, when he flushed it all up.
Let's explain.
They're now saying that, oh, Al-Qaeda's got 1,400-1,500 white guys secretly working for them, and then Fox adds, well, they might try to recruit.
It's just made up.
They've built this huge anti-terror apparatus, now they're swinging it over onto the general public.
It's not only made up, it's conditioning.
They're conditioning the American people to understand that other terrorists are also blond hair and blue eyes and they're white and Caucasian and they're Americans, but they're not.
Because seeing a terrorist is literally, as I said earlier, like seeing a leprechaun or something.
You've got a better chance of being struck by lightning repeatedly, literally, than actually seeing a real terrorist.
But our whole society has to change.
Everything has to switch over.
Everything has to gear into this whole New World Order system
And so to do that, now they've got to say, oh, they're really terrorists everywhere, and Homeland Security's going to fight terror and crime.
And that's a great point you brought up.
Flesh that out.
How these people came over and said, we know you're not terrorists, but we're going to say you are to stop your free speech.
I mean, there it is in action.
It's openly admitted, Larry Silverstein set this up.
Larry Silverstein told security guards to confront us outside his building 7 and told us to say that we're terrorists.
And the guy even admitted, he knows we're not terrorists, but we're going to say you're terrorists, you're going to spend 30 days in a hole before the government even finds out.
And as soon as he comes, he starts chanting and screaming, you're going to jail.
But what people don't understand how serious that is, that's a federal violation that they committed and that's liable.
But it's selectively enforced, nobody's going to get in trouble.
They selected against dissent.
They selected against me because I'm outside building 7 exposing the real terrorists.
See, Larry Silverstein is scared because I'm exposing him as the real terrorist and the only thing he can do is the childish response that he is, the childish response that he responds to us is by calling us terrorists.
Now, that was about a year ago, and then a few months later we have 9-11-07.
Six, eight months later, I bet he didn't like a thousand people out front.
He sure didn't.
It was great on 9-11-07 seeing thousands of people out there, outside Building 7, with the police department, and those guys couldn't do nothing.
They were just sitting inside.
We definitely sent them a message that we will not be going away any time soon.
And that's what it's about.
It's about bringing truth to power.
It's about going outside, library service teams, Building 7, the new World Trade Center, Building 7, and speaking truth to power and standing up for what's right.
But that's not the only time, Luke.
I want to repeat for people on record the amount of death threats you've gotten, the things you've gone through, just to illustrate who we're dealing with, who we're facing.
I mean, death threats, I did get many of them right after the Building 7 Confrontation, right after the Zbigniew Brzezinski Confrontation.
And one thing that's very important to understand, as soon as I started getting these death threats, they were very personal, very scary death threats, as soon as I started getting them, I decided to step it up.
Because when I step it up, when I show them, you know, you can't scare me.
You send them a message.
In fact, you said some things in an interview I did for the film that no one's seen yet,
You said something you never said on air about how you said, here's my address, come on over.
I've done the very same thing when I've gotten death threats.
I'm like, look, I'm going to go ahead and go outside.
And that takes their power away when they know you're not afraid.
Because see, they're afraid.
They live in a world of fear of their higher ups.
And when you just turn loose, and they knew where you were going secretly on vacation for a few days, they knew everything.
Yeah, a man with no fear is a dangerous man, and when you show them, you're not scared, you have nothing to lose, and you will stand up for righteousness.
These guys can't stand on nothing, and they will be destroyed.
And right after, right after I got the death threats, I went on your show, I talked about it, and I decided to step it up, and they're not going to stop me.
And that's when I confronted David Rockefeller, that's when I confronted Rudolf Giuliani 11 times this year, and all the other presidential candidates.
We decided to step it up, and guess what?
Right after we stepped it up and showed them that we're not going to be scared,
They stopped calling me.
I mean, I still get phone calls, the usual phone calls, people call me and breathe and hang up, but they're not as they were right after the building 7 confrontation with specific knowledge of where was I when nobody else knew beforehand.
Now, and earlier we were able to get a hold of them, now the phone lines aren't working to England to this, but we're trying to get We Are Change UK on.
There's video of them out there peacefully
Uh, being beaten up by the police and being arrested because they just say, well, in areas of London now, big squares where people protested for 300 years, you're not allowed to have free speech anymore.
See, this is what they're doing.
The war on terror is a war on dissent.
They're going against people exposing the real terrorists, just like UK change.
I mean, what they went through is horrible.
And we all have to understand, we all have to stand up.
We have to stop being mousepad revolutionaries, and have to stand up just like UK Change did, and stand up for truth and justice.
And whatever happens, don't ever stop filming, because right now with the power of the internet, we are changing people's minds, one person at a time.
And that's why they're moving in now, too, in the name of net filtering to stop copyrighted stuff.
They're going to be able to block out, control big internet companies.
We told you five years ago they were going to do this, because we read Internet 2 plans.
They completely
They plan to completely shut down the old web.
Not only that, but then YouTube also censors our videos.
I remember seeing one of our videos, which we just released, which had two views but three comments.
I don't know how is that possible to have three comments, but two views on a video.
It doesn't make any sense.
Well, there's also glitches and things.
We've had Google, when we've had millions of views on my films, like Martial Law, Terror Storm, Endgame, just erase the views, or erase it all together, and then later put it right back up.
I mean, that's what they do.
They're trying to get rid of the people watching this so this doesn't grow.
But it's grown tremendously.
It's not being stopped.
And people have to understand, just get off the computer, get in the streets, fight for what's right, and stand up to truth, and speak truth to power, most importantly.
Guys, the course of action here is to call UK Change and just have them call us.
That's the course of action I'd like to be taking.
Because you haven't had any luck, John?
So, clarifying that, that means they're, okay, whatever that means.
We'll tell them I'll pay for it then.
They call us, I'll send them a check for whatever it is when that comes out.
We can't call them now, they can only call us.
It's just classic, man, everything's classic in this country.
This whole planet's going to hell in a handbasket.
Alright, shifting gears now, how many folks do I have on from the UK?
Simon Moore and Robert Little, we are Change UK.
Hey guys, thanks for coming on with us.
That's fine.
That's great, thank you.
This is the same guys that were in New York, correct?
Uh, no, that was Dean Bucket that was in New York.
But there was one other fella that was in New York from We Are Change UK.
Not that I'm aware of, but... Was there somebody else in New York?
Yeah, there were two people.
Andy, maybe.
Andy, yes.
Flesh out, gentlemen, just exactly what happened and the video.
We're going to be doing a report on it.
Do you mean on the 12th?
Yeah, the being arrested, people being beat up.
Yes, that's what we're talking about.
Basically, it was a peaceful gathering and march around London, a walk around London, visiting a few landmarks.
And the police were very softly, softly, because I heard they did not have the resources to deal with us.
And they just, they, you know, they need two cops for every arrest.
And then the when it got towards the end of the day, when the tactical support group were on going home,
They then picked up the people that annoyed them the most, and they were very violent, pushing people to the floor, punching people, slamming Brian Hoare's camera into his face, causing quite a nasty gash to his face, and then they also, when they arrested Brian, for swearing of all things, given that they were swearing at us all the time, they
They basically tortured him in the back of the van.
Now there's video of a lot of this happening and the blood pouring out of his face and there's video of a polite cameraman and I believe one of you guys got arrested didn't you?
I did myself, yeah Rob.
So, Robert Little got arrested.
That's correct, yeah.
And there were some other folks, the Elephant in the Room guys from We Are Change UK, when they were here, they also got arrested just for filming me being arrested.
But on these videos, it shows the cops just walk right up and just hit the camera and then start beating people.
So, I mean, now they're just allowed to beat whoever they want, I guess.
That's right.
They've been shown that they won't get punished, and so they just do that.
And that's the message the government wants.
We're the slaves, they're God.
Yeah, and they kept me for 12 hours without food, and they also kept telling me I'd be out in half an hour or something, and then it wasn't, obviously, sort of mental torture, and they were lying.
Some of them were looking a bit sheepish and a bit ashamed of themselves and so they should be because I was a political prisoner.
Now Brian Hoare is in my film Terror Storm three days before they banned any demonstrations or even any talking.
You can't even walk up and talk to someone politically and people have been arrested for having Times of London newspaper articles because they said that the headline about Blair was a demonstration
All of this has happened.
I mean, this is like this old Soviet Union or something.
This is the same type of stuff that's happening here.
Luke Rudowsky, comments?
I mean, this is insane for what happened to you guys.
You guys have to get this video out as soon as possible.
They have us up on it.
The court of public opinion should play into this one and let the people's, the officers who assaulted you, give their names out.
Let them know.
Let the public know what's going on because this is crucially important.
We can't allow this to happen to our citizens, to our freedom fighters.
Yeah, of course, because the media, the mainstream media are not obviously covering this, and we've got to do it ourselves.
They're not covering this, and again, it's against us, we have to fight back, get the names of the officers, release them, get the video out, and spread it all over the place, man.
Stay there, UK, we are changed.
Simon Moore and Robert Little, UK, we are changed.
One of them was arrested, Brian Hoare, who we interviewed in Terror Storm, very friendly fella.
Physically assaulted and tortured with pleasure.
It'll be right back.
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The Bible says, Would like you to receive this new offer, Packet B, The Unholy Alliance.
These materials document the global leaders, political and religious,
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, We Are Change UK is on fire confronting Peter Power about the drills of the exact same trains at the exact same time, exact same locations, running drills of those being attacked on 7-7.
It's always, they always run a drill.
We've got him confronting the former head of British Intelligence.
They're just all over the place, and we are talking to Simon Moore and Robert Little.
There's quite a few websites to plug, different places to see the video.
I noticed that we haven't gotten it up on InfoWars.com yet for some reason.
I just called Paul Watson.
The next ten minutes it's going to be up on PrisonPlanet.com for everybody, an easy place to find at the very top.
But Simon Moore and Robert Little, go ahead and give out websites so people can watch the video or check out the group's website.
Okay yes, wearechange.org.uk is our website and you can download our radio shows from there and there's links to the videos and we managed to even get a an advert on Tube System as well and there's a donate button if anybody's too busy to help out physically they can
Give us some cash and we'll make sure it's put to good use.
How is the establishment responding to what you guys are doing?
You know, actual slaves getting out and daring to speak to their gods.
Well, our website's been down for a little while and it's the only server in that organization that was down and a few strange things have happened but you can never tell whether it's
Whether you're being directly attacked or it's just coincidence, you know?
Well, you know, the bottom line is they can't stop you from getting it up on archive.org, the video, or YouTube, or Google, and that's why it's so great about the web.
You know, stuff just spreads virally everywhere.
When people hear that they've tried to suppress something, they just go after it even more.
But your site is up now here in the United States.
And so we do have a link to that on InfoWars.
I meant specifically, there's some 9-11 sites I've seen that have Brian Hoare all bloody and have the actual video posted and easy to find right on the main page.
So we're going to link to that up on PrisonPlanet.com.
The group's growing.
How many people are actively involved and how many confrontations have you engaged in?
Well, we've kept it small and tight because we've been involved in other groups which have been managed to fail and we're keeping it tight at about 10 people now.
Well, it's better to have We Are Change from a neighbourhood.
If there's too many in London, you can have North London, South London.
It's better to have the splinter groups.
Yeah, there's nothing to stop people copying what we do.
We can give people advice on how we've done it, what we've learned.
You know, we're just not scared.
We realize that fear is what controls people and we're not scared anymore.
And it scares Peter Power and others when you get up in their face and let them know you're fully aware of their activities.
They can't believe that we even know where they are or what they're doing.
Well, because they're used to the public.
You know, like Americans, one-fifth can't find the U.S.
on a globe.
I mean, they're used to, and it's pretty much the same in England, I mean, they're used to the public who basically, I mean, I talk to professional people, and when it comes to the geopolitical system, or the way the world works, they literally are retarded.
Okay, I'll pass on to Simon, because he wants to have a quick word.
Alright, thank you, Robert.
Thank you.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, Simon.
This is Simon Moore, right?
That's correct.
How are you doing today?
You've got the floor.
Good, sir.
Give us any more info.
Um, well, today we were, um, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but today we had a press conference, um, just next to the House of Parliament, um, detailing the crimes committed by our government, uh, under English law, which, um, basically the armed invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were legally, um, criminal offences, and we managed to get quite a few mainstream media outfits to attend that.
See, there you go, you start a group, what, six months old or less, and you're out there making major news all the time.
That's right.
Just really, you know, we just try and stick with a healthy ethic of doing your best that you can and hoping to effect changes, however small they are or big they are.
But we take a lot of inspiration from you as well, Alex, and just generally it's really
Great feeling to know that we're working in solidarity with groups all around the world.
Well, we certainly are, and I commend both of you gentlemen, and all of We Are Change UK and the elephant in the room filmmakers that are also a part of it and taking action.
And the establishment needs to know we're never stopping, we're never backing off, we're never going to give in, and they can't get us all.
I mean, that's why we've got to continue to have more and more splinter groups, as the establishment calls it.
Gentlemen, let me do two or three minutes with you on the other side, let Luke Rudowsky ask a few questions of you, so stay with us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
I'm live here Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
to 2 p.m.
And robhallwarden.com is one of the websites, prisonclimate.tv is one of the websites, infowars.com, truthnews.us.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Simon Moore and Robert Little.
Before you go, Simon, I'd like to commend you for all you've done and talk to
Robert Little, a little bit more, but Luke Rodowski, any comments you've got for We Are Change UK?
Just really quick, if you guys had a press conference, released a press conference on the internet as well, and just really quick, were the cops, how were the cops acting?
Were they slapping you?
Were they hitting you?
Were they using batons?
Were they using horses?
I mean, if you guys could describe... They were punching them, grabbing them, slamming them to the ground from the video I've seen.
Yeah, they were, um, they were, it wasn't truncheons, but it's this tactical support group
They were very heavy-handed, punching people, slamming them into the ground.
I mean, potentially life-threatening stuff.
Pushing women to the ground with real force.
Yeah, there's some video of an old man in a wheelchair, and he's out of the wheelchair on the ground by the time they get over to him.
What happened to the guy in the wheelchair?
I think he was okay.
They just sort of... But they were certainly on top of certain other people who were resisting a little bit.
And putting, uh, pressure points and, uh, other things like that.
Now, now, now, it was, uh, Robert Little that got arrested with the camera, right?
That's right.
Yeah, I'm, I'm here, yeah.
They took my camera as well.
They didn't just take the tape, they took the camera.
As well.
Now, I guess they gave it back to you because there's footage of them... No.
Oh, they... No, luckily, luckily we have several cameras.
People, uh, lots of people have cameras and they don't know how to deal with it.
But they took my camera and the tape, obviously.
They stole your camera?
Basically, yeah.
I'm bailed to return pending further investigation.
And so describe the arrest.
What happened?
Well, they just suddenly grabbed me because I suppose I pissed them off saying they had Masonic headbands on and they weren't wearing S&M gear and things like that.
Let's be clear though, they were yelling and cussing at you guys too.
Oh yeah, yeah, totally.
That's it, all the violence came from the police.
We were totally peaceful.
No, no, you're all peacefully sitting there and all of a sudden they come over and start assaulting you and then they freak out if you even talk back to their godliness.
That's right, indeed.
Indeed, yeah.
Alright, well we've got the video up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
It's now been posted.
Both of you, I commend you, I commend everybody out there.
Now the government is under a lot of pressure to repeal the anti-free speech laws.
Are they on the verge of doing that?
Well, they want to harmonize it, which means put it over the whole country.
This is the danger you see, and then we've also got the EU Treaty which is the constitution.
Oh, harmonize it!
That's a nice word.
So now just ban free speech everywhere.
Basically, yeah.
And they also, it's because they can't, I worked it out I think, they cannot cope with the number of groups that are now demonstrating and so therefore to manage resources they need to be informed.
Because otherwise, the only reason they arrested us is because they were going home.
You know, that was the end of their duty, so they could take a few of us back.
But, yeah, it's very dangerous.
And this EU treaty is terrible as well.
It's basically giving all the British people's power to Europe, which is totally unaccountable.
And then the media just says it doesn't exist on the side that's for it, and the other media that does cover it, it's total takeover of your nation.
And just like here, they say the EU doesn't exist.
And they won't talk about the Euro at all.
They're going straight for electronic cash.
They're now openly talking about microchipping criminals to let them out of prison early.
I know.
And your media is the same as ours, though.
They'll have the media admit it, but then simultaneously say it doesn't exist.
That's right.
People are starting to wake up gradually and the new media is the key and I thank you for the work you've done.
Absolutely, and I'm sorry you had to call in.
You've certainly got me.
For some reason we couldn't get a hold of you so when your bill comes in, I would imagine it's more than £10-£15 but I'll be glad to pay for that.
Or listeners can come and donate on your site.
I know you guys are short on funds.
Thank you for coming on UK We Are Change.
Thank you.
If I could just say one more thing quickly.
I know you had some information on hemp but hemp is a real key and I will send you some further facts on that and it's amazing the US government want to eradicate it from the face of the earth.
It must be a big threat to them.
Thank you, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate you joining us.
Luke Radowski, there's so much to talk about, so much that's happening.
Just more about We Are Change and just an example of what you can do by taking action.
The example of you, one man, starting an organization and what it's done.
That's why I always tell people, we can beat these people if you out there, the listeners, will become the leaders.
The real secret is we can do anything we want, as long as we want it.
And people have to understand, we have to follow an example just like Gandhi did.
I mean, what WeAreChange.org did, they didn't fight back in UK.
They just, you know, they just took it.
And their video is going to come out and the police are going to look really bad in that video.
And they're going to expose the tyranny that's going on in the UK, and it's going to fail back on the UK police, on the UK government, via the internet.
And that's the way we're fighting.
We're going to keep fighting that way, just like Gandhi did it.
Gandhi did it peacefully.
We're going to do it peacefully, and we're making a difference.
We're a person at a time, and we're doing many things.
I mean, we're working with first responders.
I mean, we have people in New Jersey, we are changing, who are feeding the homeless.
We have people fighting against fluoride, people fighting against mercury.
Join the fight.
You don't have to call yourself a We Are Change member.
Just join the fight or Infowarrior.
Call yourself what you want.
Join the fight.
This is 2008.
This is the last year Bush is in office.
This is the only time we have to take this country back.
Yeah, let's be clear about that.
If I wanted a group and I wanted to get people under me and out there doing things as volunteers or whatever as others have done, I could do it.
I encourage, I'm glad Luke's out there doing what he's doing.
We're not in competition with each other.
There's also the false conception that Luke's out there doing when I tell him.
Luke does whatever he wants.
I've talked to you about whatever, two, three weeks?
Maybe for five minutes.
And we're telling you go start your own organizations.
That's what's powerful.
I mean, you can call yourself an info warrior.
You can call yourself an InfoWars news person.
You can call yourself a We Are Changer.
You can call yourself whatever you want.
I mean, it's time for you to get active, get involved, and get in the street.
Yeah, we don't tell people what to do.
It's something that people have to look within themselves to see what's right and what's wrong, and then act on that.
If you don't act on it, you're complicit.
And we have to stop being complicit, because look at the situation we're living in right now.
People are peacefully demonstrating in the United Kingdom.
They get beat up, bloodied.
They get even tortured in the back of the van.
Well, now they finally, after three years, they released, or now four years now, Wild Thumbs Flying.
We're good to go.
And then they just go in and it's just cops walk right over to old women and start choking them and they're in Darth Vader outfits.
You've all seen the famous photo on the web of the lady with the sign about free speech and there's a guy in a Darth Vader outfit literally choking her.
It's the video of that.
And they're choking her and she's down on her knees and it just goes on and on and he's choking and choking and she's passing out and she's just begging saying this is America and they run right up two babies on purpose and spray little babies in the face and then scream in profanity, you know you shouldn't bring a baby.
And I remember interviewing parents who were there at the time, and people couldn't, and the cops said, well that's their footage.
You know, that only shows one side.
This is the cop, and it shows one guy early in the March, uh, just didn't even smart off to the cops.
You know, he doesn't cuss at them.
He's like, oh, whatever, you know, police state, you want to whatever, some people were cussing.
And so the cops go get him.
It's not like gang members, you know, yeah, that's him.
Radio him in.
Get him at the street.
And then he gets up to the end of the street, and the cops just walk over, grab him, and just slam his head in the ground.
I mean, they show you, you American piece of shit.
People have to ask themselves, do they want their kids living in a world like this?
They have to understand that they're complicit in the situation by not acting.
And we all have to stand up, act for what's right, and do the right thing, most importantly.
And what's great about all these organizations, we don't tell them what to do.
And now even in the UK, there's even different splinter groups.
There's about two, three other change chapters in the UK that have splintered off and they're doing their own thing.
Do your own thing, but do the right thing, most importantly.
I mean, I don't understand why people are allowing this to happen.
Do it!
We have all the power as people, as citizens of this country, to do what we want.
And, again, it takes some girding yourself to really... I mean, Luke, you've been doing a lot of studying.
I mean, Luke's really informed about who the New World Order are, where they come from, where the Mujahideen came from, the stage terror, in just a two-minute nutshell.
Tell people what 9-11 was and how it was carried out.
9-11 was a false flag incident that allows the global elite to do and say what they want.
That is allowing President Bush to do and say what he wants.
This is the reason why we're in Afghanistan, why we're in Iraq, why we're going to be in Iran soon.
And many victims' family members who lost loved ones on 9-11 questions were never answered.
These questions are key, they're crucial, and everybody should understand these questions if they really want to understand 9-11.
We went and saw Charlie Wilson's war last night.
I'd already seen it, but you wanted to see it.
And they've got it like in 1981 that Charlie Wilson just started this whole thing, but it's declassified, admitted that the U.S.
six months before
In early 1979, created the Mujahideen with Saudi Arabia, went in with the money, literal Al-Qaeda, and had them attack some of the Russian republics.
And I'm not defending what the Russians did.
The point is, they precipitated that attack, and the Russians came in, and then they act like, oh, again, that's the genius of the New World Order.
And you go see this movie, the kid's arm is blown off, and oh, America's good, and there was this one alcoholic congressman who engineered it all.
I mean, that is just pure baloney.
It sure is pure baloney, because it's even declassified that America knew the Russians were coming in and set up the Muhajirin beforehand.
And they worked with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and even Egypt to build and finance the Muhajirin, the so-called Freedom Fighters, as they called them at the time.
To fight their Cold War against the Russians.
And they set up this war from the beginning.
They knew it was happening beforehand.
And this is what they do.
They know beforehand.
They set it up.
Problem, reaction, solution.
The Hegelian dialect.
This is what these people used against us.
Once we understand that, we are not going to be victims of their crimes.
We're going to start fighting.
We're going to start standing up and living life like it should be lived.
And there's a key point, they are religiously cold-blooded.
I mean, to the globalists, it's that they're scientifically cold in everything they do, and it's about dominance.
They want the elite's control and monopoly to survive.
And they've cold-bloodedly said, we've got to create a world government to control the development of technology, to monopolize it, and to carry out eugenics, reduce the world's population numbers, to keep the choice technologies for the elite.
And they're just cold-bloodedly doing it, folks.
I mean, your life, I mean, the media says the government wants to take your freedom to keep you safe.
I mean, that is just asinine.
It is asinine, especially when he thinks Osama Bin Laden attacked us because he was jealous of our freedoms.
Then why are they taking our freedoms away from us?
It doesn't make any sense.
It is asinine, and we have to stand up.
I mean, I'm just sick of mousepad revolutionaries.
Get educated, get activated, and most importantly, get motivated, and do the right thing, and stand up for what's real.
Well, I want to be clear, it's not like a horse and carriage.
The Internet's a great vector point to spread the info war, to aggressively energize people, to show our actions, to manifest in the media what we're doing physically in the three-dimensional plane.
But you're right, if you just mouse pad it, that isn't going to be one-tenth as effective as going out and engaging.
And by going out and engaging, going out and engaging doesn't have to be confronting Larry Silverstein four or five times, or Giuliani eleven times.
It can be
I would strongly recommend, especially for the people in the United Kingdom, is to talk to the police department and to talk to the military officials that they see in their towns.
And tell them about false flag incidents.
When they're off.
Tell them about the truth.
Tell them about how cops in New York City are dying because the government lied to them and they're ignoring them right now.
Educate them about the truth and make them understand that they are servants of the people.
They serve the people, not the elite.
And the elite are only using them and they will use and sacrifice police officers just like they did in New York City on 9-11.
Well, I remember cops four or five years ago, when I was in New York, laughing at me about the Dutch.
None of them laugh anymore.
Now the police captains go, yeah, keep it up.
Now we know it's an inside job, a fireman.
Because the government, it turned out, didn't just screw up.
They knew.
They knew.
Yeah, it's declassified by Christy Todd-Whitman and Giuliani that they knew beforehand the air was not safe to breathe.
Giuliani then opened up the stock market, opened up the city, and then specifically told first responders not to wear masks.
Specifically told them this.
And according to Christy Todd-Whitman and official documents... And it was just because they had all those schools, they weren't able to be scared.
Supposedly not to be scared, but also the money-wise, they wanted to open up the stock market.
No, I know.
They didn't want people to know about the danger.
They didn't.
Because those buildings were full of asbestos.
That's what people don't understand.
Let me expand on that.
This is out of Reuters, ladies and gentlemen.
That's Reuters right there.
And here's the Scientific American, the original article.
Second thoughts about fluoride, reports Scientific American.
Some recent studies suggest that overconsumption of fluoride can raise the risk of disorders affecting teeth, bones and brain and the thyroid gland, reports Scientific American editors.
The University of Texas in 1933 said it is a powerful sedative
Sodium, stannous, even high levels of calcium fluoride.
And that's why the Germans cited the UT study here in Austin and used it in the camps.
Now, I've been telling you all this for years, but you wouldn't look it up.
So don't just say this doesn't exist.
This is Reuters Scientific American.
Now, let me continue here.
Disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain, and the thyroid gland.
Report Scientific American Editor.
Scientific attitudes towards fluoridation may be starting to shift, writes author Dan Fagan.
That means we've educated people.
They knew.
They developed it.
They knew.
Pulitzer Prize winning World War II books have this in it, okay, boys and girls.
Fluoride, the most consumed drug in the USA, is deliberately added to two-thirds of the public water supplies, more than that, theoretically to reduce tooth decay, but no scientifically valid evidence proving safety or effectiveness, says lawyer Paul Bieber, president of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.
Fagan, award-winning environmental reporter and director of the New York University Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program, writes, there is no universally accepted optimal level for daily intake of fluoride.
Some researchers even wonder whether the 1MGL added into drinking water is too much, reports Fagan.
After three years of scrutinizing hundreds of studies, the National Research Council Committee concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, that's all your key body hormone fluctuations, especially in the thyroid.
The gland that produces hormones regulating growth and your metabolic system, reports Fagan.
Fagan quotes John Doole, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacological and Toxicity at the University of Kansas Medical Center, who chaired the NRC Committee.
Thusly, the thyroid changes do worry me, he said.
This is all whitewash, by the way.
Fluorides in foods, beverages, medicines, and dental products can result in fluoride overconsumption, visible in young children as dental fluorosis.
White-spotted, yellow-brown, and pitted teeth.
Yeah, it actually rots your teeth.
It destroys your teeth.
We can normally see florid effects to the rest of the body.
Reports fake, and a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoridation exposure with lower IQ.
That's why the Nazis used it.
It's why it was decided in the 30s to put in your water, Mac.
Lower IQ.
You hear that?
You hear that?
That's why you're so stupid.
But you can still, even though you've got the minds of rats,
I'm talking to the neocons out there.
Even though they've hurt you badly.
I know you love your masters.
It literally rotted holes in your brain.
It literally rots holes in your little pink brain.
You still have got the fire in you.
Don't you want to get them?
The ones that did this to you.
Don't you want to get them?
You don't.
I know, because first they made you mentally retarded, and then... Can you imagine what my intelligence would be if I hadn't been hit by this until I was 18 and stopped drinking it?
Or you, Luke?
And now they know we're getting around it, so they're putting in all the food.
I'm retarded, too, because of this.
I took it, too, and now they put it in baby water.
Oh, extra, extra for them!
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Look, we're out of time.
It's in everything.
Your water, your ice cream.
They're spraying it on the crops.
They knew in the 30s, really before that, I've got studies back in 1922, that it massively reduces IQ.
It actually eats holes in your brain.
Then you add all the brainwashing to it.
That's why the public's like children.
That's why people seem stupid and dull.
You can detox.
I mean, if you're 40, 50, been on this your whole life, it's pretty much filled up your hypothalamus.
And that's what it does.
It calcifies it.
This goes on to say Fagan interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study, which tracked about 700 Iowa children for 16 years.
Nine-year-old Iowa children were living in communities where the water was fluoride, where 50% were likely to have mild fluorosis.
The nine-year-old children living in non-afforded areas of the state, writes Fagan, and it goes on and on.
Over 1,200 professionals urge Congress to cease water fluoridation.
Let's see, they'll do anything they can to get that fluoride in there.
And you can actually go read in the Scientific American even more, this was a Reuters thing about it, where they admit it's causing all sorts of problems.
Luke, I mean, they know it's a toxic sedative that reduces IQ from actual tissue damage in the brain.
This is a chemical lobotomy.
They put it in our drinking water, and they also put it in baby drinking water.
And also... They don't say fluoride for children, it's increased for them.
Increased fluoride for babies.
For babies.
In baby waters, and also, uh, pollen sprinkles.
And then they had a big news article saying, this isn't even for their teeth.
Why, they just said, oh, uh, but the babies.
And HomeSpring even has a little bottle, miniature bottle, that says added fluoride for kids, special kids bottle and all that.
And WeAreChangeOhio, there's actually a corporation in Ohio which puts fluoride in baby water.
They actually went and protested and confronted these people outside in Ohio.
You can see the video on WeAreChangeOhio.com.
I remember I was in a baby store like five, six years ago, and it was just all these big things of water, water, all for fluoride for kids, for babies, newborn babies.
Let's give them something that eats their brain.
I mean, it's sick and twisted.
The people of America have to do their research.
We have to wake up to this, and we have to resist this as much as we can, and that allowed this to happen.
I mean, for fluoride to be in our drinking water.
Now, now, now, understand, this is major universities.
It's reducing our IQ.
Luke, tell us about the first responder.
There's a new report up on JonesReport.com.
They can also go to WeAreChange.org.
Yeah, Aaron wrote a great article last night about the conversation that David Miller did with Dennis Kucinich on 9-11-8, and they held a private meeting.
They're also going to have
Uh, congressional hearings into the 9-11 issue.
Uh, David Miller, since then, has been hospitalized.
His cancer has grown from his lungs to his neck and to his head.
And he's been hospitalized ever since.
And one thing we want to do is, if we can raise millions of dollars for a political campaign, why can't we do it for our 9-11 heroes who are sick and dying, that need basic necessities like food and medication.
You guys gave, I mean, I flew up there for free and everything for free, brought my whole crew for free.
Yeah, you were a part of the fundraiser.
You guys gave fourteen, I just want to make it clear, I actually gave money, I'm not getting any from Mrs. Enders-Lewis, you gave $14,000 to... To many first responder organizations, mostly the John Fieldgate Foundation, and we did everything for free on 9107.
We're going to keep doing, we're going to keep helping these guys out because these guys need the most help.
I mean... I mean, here's an example, you didn't even use We Are Change money to fly down here.
Not even, you know, thank you enough for having me here.
No, no, I'm just pointing that out to the listeners.
I want them to know that.
Yeah, exactly.
We do everything for free.
We donate everything we have.
First responders need a lot of help.
We're doing a money bomb on February 16th.
The story's on JonesReport and WeAreChange.org.
Luke, it's been great having you here in town, my friend.
God bless you, man.
Thanks for having me.
We really appreciate you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're out of time.
You'll see this later at PrisonPlanet.tv on the web.
And start your own We Are Change, your own InfoWars group.
I can't think of any better names.
Think of your own group.
You know, Texas for Freedom.
Keebler L's for Cookies.
You're going to be eating cloned meat in America.
They want to take your organs forcibly.
They're building FEMA camps.
They're now saying their secret blonde hair blew out Al Qaeda everywhere.
That's up on Prison Planet right now.
That story needs to go big.
We love you all, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back in 21 hours here live.
If you missed the first hour, go to InfoWars.com.
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