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Name: 20080111_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 11, 2008
2300 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Oh my, this is going to be an absolutely, completely, totally jam-packed transmission.
I'm going to have to really focus my thoughts and just put
The info out on literally 50 different subjects and little info war bomb packets.
Bev Harris joins us in the next segment on this Friday edition, the 11th day of January 2008.
Albert Howard, one of the Republican candidates there in New Hampshire for president, who's going there, I believe he's already there now, in New Hampshire for the recount.
We're very close to getting Dennis Kucinich
We're good to go.
To come on the transmission with us, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts starts off the second hour.
We got Brad Friedman of the Brad Blog tracking election fraud popping in after Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and then Larry Pratt to cover the absolutely massive assault on the Second Amendment.
So, Bev Harris, Albert Howard, Dennis Kucinich, Benjamin Fulford, Paul Craig Roberts, Brad Friedman, Larry Pratt,
And I'm even going to try to jam some of your calls in on the election fraud, on the new Gulf of Tonkin II happening in the Middle East, the saber rattling on what's happening to the economy, 1-800-259-9231.
And I'll have a guest on, I'm just going to stop him and go to one of your calls and just throw it in.
It's going to be an absolute radio graffiti today where it's just going to be thousands of angles basically coming out.
Ron Paul got asked about 9-11 Truth last night and said, hey, he doesn't control what his constituents believe.
He's up there about issues.
I also want to try to take time not to play the Ron Paul clip of him responding on Wolf Blitzer to, quote, racism.
He really stood up for himself and actually got some of his blood flowing.
Ron Paul has now made a brief statement about election fraud, and he says, yeah, he knows that he won't put it past his enemies to engage in election fraud.
And I've now talked to the campaign, and they're just still trying to analyze exactly what's going on.
And, of course, they're pleased that the Senate and others are investigating.
So we'll give you some strategy on that end as well.
This is the other type of news I have.
The U.N.
recession can cause a global slowdown.
and U.S.
Gold goes up to $900 after Bernanke's speech, which means total inflation is what his speech meant.
First, flush, New York City unveils public pay toilet.
We're becoming a third world country.
More and more taxes, less and less services.
See, first they get you addicted to services, make you slaves, and they take it all away.
That's just some of what is coming up today.
Just so many guests, literally my head's spinning, but we're going to cover it all.
The big news, obviously, is that not only has Albert Howard Jr.
One of the Republican presidential candidates, a little-known, is joining us for the next segment with Bev Harris.
Not only is he going there for a recount, and the start of it, it is $2,000 to start it rolling, but then it costs tens of thousands after that.
Taking collections now up at $13,000 worth to try to pay for that on the Howard end.
We have Kucinich again calling for one on the Democratic end.
Kucinich seeks New Hampshire dim vote recount.
We've got Ron Paul's Daily Message yesterday where he did allude to election fraud.
Good, we're seeing some movement.
It's all coming up after this quick break.
This is a broadcast, my friends, you are not going to want to miss.
Absolutely jam-packed.
RonPaulWarrim.com is going crazy right now with folks in there posting.
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We're good to go.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Here's the headlines right now on presentplanet.com.
Ron Paul, Vote Fraud Is Not Beyond These People, is the headline on PrisonPlanet.com.
Right beside it, another story by Paul Watson.
Kucinich backs New Hampshire recount, but Bev Harris, the preeminent election fraud expert,
And of course, one of the co-producers of Hacking Democracy on HBO says that it could be a trap if it's not done exactly right.
And we're also lining up.
We just talked to him.
He's trying to get to his hotel room so he can call in.
He is in New Hampshire, we're told.
He did get there?
Correct, John?
Last time I talked to him was last night.
Albert Howard, one of the Republican candidates, who didn't wait for orders from headquarters, he went, flew there last night with the Granny Warriors, thanks to your donations, financing it, flew out there and he's paying the two grand.
I think that's already been done, or is being done right now, so that, and this is the filing date today,
So Paul's responded to the election fraud and says it could be going on.
So much is happening.
To give us her expertise on how this can be dealt with and the circuitous route and the tricks they're going to play in a recount to foil us again, how do we defeat them and grab victory from the jaws of defeat and then any other new developments.
Frankly, I'm surprised.
We had Bev on two days ago.
It became massive news everywhere, and has now broken into the national news, finally, but not as big as it should have, that it's been confirmed in Greenville, confirmed in Sutton, now it's coming out in other towns.
Zero votes for Paul.
He really got a lot of votes.
The bigger issue is these towns with hundreds and hundreds of votes, sometimes over 500, that just say other, and they won't say what it is.
That's the big issue.
That went huge.
But then we find out this guy is a convicted narcotics trafficker running it all, and wasn't even big on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net.
A real shame.
So, Bev Harris, thank you for joining us again.
Hi there!
We just got new information as well, so yeah, let's see.
Well, hit us with that new info first, Bev, and then get into your advice from your studying these creatures, how to try to effect a recount that's harder for them to steal again.
Well, you know, I'm very careful about what I say.
And I've been saying for several days here, you know, watch out, be careful on this recount business.
There's something I wasn't able to say publicly, but I've known for some time privately.
And that's because I needed some corroboration in a public way to be able to do this.
In New Hampshire, the person in government who is in charge of ballot chain of custody is not a friend to election integrity.
His name is Dave Scanlon.
And he has just outed himself in a way by publishing a statement that is disinformation.
And he knows completely that it's better.
And I'm at this point going to name names.
David Scanlon.
If he's involved in any way, shape, or form with the ballots, then we need to get an independent corroboration of everything from step one, from step A to step Z. Can't we just trust him behind closed doors?
This is a guy who just divert, divert, divert, divert.
I have now two leads on who does the ballot printing.
One of them is from a better source than the other, but they're both good.
One citizen, a wonderful citizen, found that the state of New Hampshire has printing contracts with a prison, you know, like a work training program inside a prison.
And so that was not, it's a bit of a concern because you don't necessarily want convicted felons running around the state who've just been trained on how to print ballots.
It doesn't look like that's where they're getting them printed.
It looks like one of the players involved in the printing is LHS Associates.
You know, essentially, when people say there's a discrepancy between the hand counts and the machine counts, and we know that the people who coded those machines is this LHS Associates, which has a convicted criminal.
If you coded the machines to cheat, you're going to know exactly what ballots need to be replaced.
And if you're involved in the ballot printing in any way, shape, or form, you've got your plan B sitting in a warehouse ready to substitute.
Now Bev, I want to bring up Albert Howard Jr., who has flown, thanks to listeners and others donating to get him out there.
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
The concept of doing a recount, a statewide hand count, and just doing a spot check is worthless.
But if you're going to do a statewide hand count recount, it's exciting, but we made assumptions in the past.
It's very dangerous for us to make assumptions that the ballot chain of custody, or that it would be difficult to rig that ballot system.
We have to ask every question we can think of.
So let's be clear about this.
Unless this is done right,
Not haphazardly, unless this is done statewide, and that's still an incredible risk as well, we have to preface it with that, then don't do it.
Don't go do two or three spot checks, don't go fall into their hands.
Now Bev, the national media wrote a half dozen stories that I read last night, it's more today, I didn't have time to read them all, Dallas Morning News saying we're conspiracy theorists, we're imagining there's fraud, because Obama was 13 to 20 points, depending on the poll,
I don't think so.
That the voters all, with no evidence, the voters all lied to pollsters about Obama when it was really Hillary.
So there's the media, no evidence, just making it up in unison, actually hundreds of reports saying that, and more than six saying we're insane.
When we have counties... And remember, those hundreds of reports come essentially from the same source, the Associated Press.
That's right, which is Voting Services.
Again, we always want to look for where that pipeline narrows.
Anytime you see something like this, and this is the big thing, it'll be, oh, well, the media, and they're all this, and you think, you assume, well, it couldn't all be wrong, and then you watch, and you ask questions, and you're like, oh, wait a minute, it's all coming from one source.
Well, that's my point, is that they just say, oh, the voters all lied, they cheated, that's why the polls are all wrong, but wait a minute.
We have discrepancies in the machine leaning for Hillary, for the Republicans, for the establishment candidates against Paul and Obama.
We have Paul getting half the votes he was supposed to get according to the polls.
We have a 20-point swing, and that's what it is when you count the 3.5%, 4% and then the polls, against Obama.
And then you have a felon running it, and then you have all the... I mean, it's red-handed, Bev!
I mean, don't we have something serious here?
I think here's what we have to be careful of.
The bigger the thing is that you're looking at, the more you have to be very precise.
And I think it's helpful for us to say there are huge multiple red flags that we have no answers for and no adequate explanation for.
And they're in multiple areas, like they're in the polling area, they're in the results area, where different results are showing up a day later.
They're in the fact that we had all these other votes on the machines that are unexplained.
They're in the fact that the machine counties reported late, four hours late, time to cook the books.
They're in the fact that you've got this felon and this one company doing this.
So, what we have is across a variety of spectrums, multiple red flags, and
But, Bev, I want to get more into that.
We've proven fraud.
That's not, you know, if you do that, then they come back and say, where's the fraud proof?
Give it to me.
So you don't want to fall in that trap either.
You want to say, this is what we got right here.
Well, we have a convicted, Bev, we have a convicted narcotics trafficker who was told what he was doing in Connecticut in a previous election was illegal.
And I have more information on that, too.
Yesterday was like the CND.
It was for cocaine distribution and he did a plea deal and filled out the guy up above him in the ranks.
Okay, I want more on that, but we've got to get to Albert Howard, who's been holding.
Albert Howard, you got out to New Hampshire.
When last night or this morning?
I got out last evening around 12.30 in the morning from Detroit Metro Airport.
I'm actually in a phone booth in the State House.
I've been in meetings all morning with Secretary of State William Gardner.
Also agreed to pay any additional cost of the recount in addition to the $2,000 fee I've already paid.
Now, what total numbers are they giving you?
I mean, are you telling him you want statewide?
I ask him that repeatedly and it is a statewide operation.
He suggests that there will be... Now, is it a computer rerun or they're going to physically retabulate the paper?
This is a physical paper trail, old-fashioned.
We have warned him about tricks!
Well, the problem there is the Ballot Chain of Custody in New Hampshire.
There's a lot of information that we need to know so we know.
We can't make assumptions about it.
They're going to give you a lot of lovely things that say, well, this and this and we do this and there's this check and balance.
As we start really asking the questions, we're finding out some answers that I really don't like to see.
We're getting
And I think we don't know what it is quite yet, but we don't have the answers, and the big risk here is ballot substitution.
If you don't know where those ballots have been, because they started out in townships all over the place, 230, and then they're all going to go into a central location, and if you don't know... And we've got the cocaine dealer over it.
Yeah, if we don't know everything about that situation.
And not just believing what they say all the time.
Stay there.
Quick break.
I know you're in a phone booth, Mr. Howard.
We really appreciate you.
Ann Bavaris, stay there.
Tell us more.
You've got the floor when we get back.
Albert Howard.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I've analyzed the enemy formation.
It's black ops, CIA, private intelligence agencies with an army of convicted narcotics traffickers, hackers, fraud specialists.
They run the country.
They run almost every county and city.
But we don't disengage.
We double our efforts.
We have Albert Howard on with us.
And it says on his website, Albert B., America's first black future president from Ann Arbor.
And you can go to his website, vote-smart.org.
We have a link to it up on prisonplanet.com and then his sub bio there.
And very articulate, very intelligent man.
I really enjoyed talking to him yesterday.
We don't have a lot of time with you or Bev.
We're going to have to hold Bev over.
Maybe get you back on later, Mr. Howard, once you get to your hotel.
But just anything else you can report to us, sir, on what you're doing, how we can help you while you're there in New Hampshire.
Well, it's great to see the troops assemble and basically I'm here in this region as long as necessary.
I believe that I represent the spirit of liberty and I'm just a conduit of truth and basically I am encouraged because of the psychological profile of these wimps and these thugs.
The spirit of insecurity will be exposed and they will be defeated.
I'm just grateful that the Lord has given me an opportunity to be a part of what he's doing, because it's going to happen sooner rather than later.
Mr. Howard, is it okay if I give Ms.
Harris your info because she really is the expert.
There's a couple other really good experts out there so you can know what to watch for.
Specifically, who did you speak with again at the state?
What are they telling you?
What type of recount do they claim you paid for?
Specifically, I have been in
In Secretary of State William Gardner's office all morning since about 9 a.m.
this morning and I've been talking with the press, the Concord Monitor and some of the other press but basically he has been sitting down with me talking to me about the laws and the bylaws and instructing me that this will be a statewide effort and that as soon as the $2,000 was submitted to him that started the trigger of this
of this wind uh... of this wind machine and uh... he i've i've been saying to him what i'd like to do uh... secretary i'd like to get a press i'd like to go in the press room and get a press uh...
And you say you just paid that money 40 minutes ago?
Alright, and you've got a receipt, and what does the receipt say?
The receipt says... Just a moment, let me get it out of my pocket here.
See, here it is right here.
He made me write out a letter as well.
Maybe I don't have time to read that to you.
No, go ahead.
Okay, the letter is in my handwriting.
It has the sealed stamp on it.
It's dated 11 January 07.
To Secretary of State,
I, Albert Howard, request a recount of the ballots cast in Republican Presidential Primary.
I, Albert Howard, was a candidate and received the votes on the primary ballot on January 8, 2008.
There's the official New Hampshire Secretary of State seal received, my signature, and it also says I, Albert Howard, agree to pay any additional cost of the recount in addition to the $2,000 fee I've already paid.
And he said the last time that this happened,
Like this was with Ralph Nader in the primary.
Now, specifically, what does your receipt say?
The receipt has a number on the top of it.
It says, State of New Hampshire, Office of Secretary of State, Concord, New Hampshire.
Albert Howard, $2,000.
And there's a section down in the elections box that says, recount $2,000, total $2,000.
It has the secretary's signature.
But it doesn't say what type of recount.
Bev, he needs to get a letter specifying, doesn't he?
Well, it's a two-stage process.
So you first put the $2,000 down and then you choose the areas and that's when they give you the bill.
Now I know that Nader, I believe they told him initially, and he did a mistake because he picked just like 11 wards or something, but initially they told him $17,000 and then all of a sudden at the end they jacked it up to $53,000.
Uh, and that was just for 11 locations.
Remember, New Hampshire has over 240, so we have to be very careful.
But yeah, I would be interested in just, I can talk about procedural issues.
Yes, I definitely would like to link up with you.
You need to help out.
I'll tell you what, both of you stay right there for just a few minutes on the other side, then I'm gonna, we're gonna exchange numbers right now.
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Welcome back.
Alex Jones here live.
We'll be here for the next two and a half hours.
Benjamin Fulford joining us from Japan.
I believe he's in Tokyo.
He'll be popping in in a moment.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, founder of Reaganomics.
Talk about the economy, the election, and what's happening with the exploding gold and plunging dollar.
Brad Freeman from the Brad blog on election fraud.
Larry Pratt, Gunners of America.
And Dennis Kucinich, congressman, who's doing a Democratic recount.
We'll be coming up in the last 30 minutes.
That is confirmed.
This is an absolutely jam-packed transmission as we cover the economy, the attack on the Second Amendment, the New World Order, police state, all of it.
Bev Harris of blackboxvoting.org, breaking massive story after massive story.
Before we briefly go back to Albert Howard, who just paid for the beginning of the recount process in New Hampshire, and we've connected you guys.
You're going to be advising him and others, and hopefully we can have you back on with Kucinich later to maybe give him some advice.
I think he could use it.
Because you've got the real expertise and are the brain on that subject.
No man or woman is an idol and none of us know it all.
That's why we go to trusted, vetted experts.
But Bev, you said there's other news.
Quickly in 60 seconds, you said there's been other big developments on election fraud front, on the cocaine dealer front running it.
Tell us what's going on quickly.
Do what, Bev?
I'm sorry?
Are we on?
Yes, yes.
I'm sorry, I was talking to my assistant, I'm sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry, you thought we were still on break, Bev.
Quickly, you said there was some other breaking news on election fraud.
No, it was just going to be that we have identified the guy at the state that is in charge of the chain of custody and that we knew that LHS has some involvement in it.
So the next level is going to be
These recounts are all about Ballot Chain of Custody at this point.
But then you said there was some other big issue, something else that had come out, and we went to break.
Probably on the... I can't remember what we were saying.
There's so much, yeah.
Yeah, I know, there's so much coming in.
There's a lot of stuff that's coming in.
The statistics have been run on the hand count versus machine counts.
And the hand count
And the machine count, there are some really weird anomalies like, you know, percentages when you run them out to two digits are too much the same in certain situations.
So that's one of the next stories that I'd like to get out.
But it's going to take really vetting out those numbers because, as you know, people love to, you know, discuss all kinds of things with math.
But it does look like that hand count versus machine count
It's probably going to come up with interesting information.
One of the interesting things is the hand count locations where Obama apparently did better are also the locations where black candidates tend to do worse.
Now that's interesting, isn't it?
Interesting, and on top of it, the numbers we've seen show that Paul and Obama did better in the 19% paper and did worse on the machines.
Yes, but the question there is, we had, see this is where these kinds of statistics can be very tricky.
They're initially done on those associated press results, and as we know, those things changed.
In fact, you know, situations where Ron Paul had zero suddenly ended up, when the official results came out, that he had some votes.
So the associated press numbers that were used initially for that analysis are not quite the same.
Similar but not quite the same as the official results.
And going, okay, you know, let's take a look at the racial profiles for the two different areas.
We've got another guest, and I know you're very busy.
I just wanted to get some final comments from Albert Howard right now.
And we've got to go to Benjamin Fulford, who I appreciate holding from Japan.
Benjamin Fulford, again, stay right there.
We're going to go to you in a second.
Any comments, questions for Bev?
Anything you'd like to say in closing?
Again, you're the Republican candidate who is contesting.
The Republican side, Dennis Kucinich, is contesting for a recount of the Democratic.
I believe that God has assembled the right technology in the mind.
I believe that Bev, and of course you Alex Jones, but we cannot forget as Christians there's a spiritual, and I'll briefly just say, we need to pray.
This is a spiritual warfare.
We need to pray and we need to fast.
And with the combined knowledge of the wisdom that God has assembled with Alex Jones and with Bev, with Black Box Voting.org, we have the victory in this.
I believe it.
I did not come here by just showboating.
We are people with effective results and solutions, and it's going to break.
This is going to be something that we're going to... Yeah, well this isn't Howard Dean, this isn't John Kerry or Al Gore.
We're not taking this lying down.
Bev Harris, BlackBoxVoting.com.
Links to Mr. Howard's website up on InfoWars.com.
We'll check in with both of you throughout the day.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
All right, let me play this minute clip of Benjamin Fulford, former writer for Forbes, who quit over being censored.
And this is him interviewing David Rockefeller about a month ago.
Just one minute of it, then we're going to go to him.
Here it is.
So let me start by you.
I know that you, I've read quotes from you before, and I believe also from your memoirs, where you have said that you would like to see the formation of a world government.
What sort of vision do you have for humanity to stop war and
Well, I'm afraid I have to start with what you recall.
I don't recall that I have said, and I don't think I really feel, that we need a world government.
We need governments of the world that work together and collaborate, but I can't imagine that there would be any likelihood or even that it would be desirable to have
A single government elected by the people of the world.
So I think whatever you heard was misrepresented, my feeling.
By the way, in his memoir published four years ago, he says that he wants a world government.
He says he wants to get rid of sovereignty.
He says he's an internationalist.
So he also says, I'm not for global government, I'm for global governance.
Joining us is Benjamin Fulford.
Mr. Fulford, thank you for spending time with us.
Yeah, it's a pleasure to be on your show.
Just from watching from Japan, as an international writer, what do you think of the situation in New Hampshire, the clear election fraud coming up?
Well that's, you know, I think these people just got too arrogant or too desperate and they did something just too obvious.
When you see these incredible sort of mental acrobatics in the New York Times and other places trying to explain how the polls were so wrong, you just
You can see these people are desperate.
If I were in their situation, I would be very scared.
Their whole thing is starting to crumble.
New Hampshire could be the key.
They could be the thing that causes everything to collapse for them.
I don't even hope it will be.
Just a recap and anything new about your report that you were contacted by the Asian Secret Society or, you know, Mafia, whatever you like to call it, and basically what struggle is going on right now and how that's playing out.
Okay, well, you know, the battleground I'm involved in is obviously Japan, because if the Japanese government suddenly says to the American government, look, we're not going to finance any more mass murder,
Then it's game over for these guys.
So, you know, that's the struggle I'm involved in over this side of the Pacific.
But I got into this because I was a business writer for many years, and I came to a very obvious sort of conclusion, which is that Japan had five trillion dollars sitting around overseas, and that would be more than enough money to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, etc.
So I said, well, why don't they do it?
And asking this question got me into some very deep waters, and, you know, I got really close to this when I interviewed former finance minister Hazel Takenaka of Japan, and I had followed a trail of murderous and ruined careers, and uncovered the fact that he had betrayed his own people and sold out the Japanese financial system
To a bunch of front companies controlled by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
So I actually followed a financial paper trail to these people and confronted Mr. Takenaka with this.
And the very next day, I got an email from somebody saying that there's someone Mr. Takenaka wanted to introduce to me.
And it was a man who said he was a professional assassin.
And he gave me a Freemason badge and told me I could either become... The actual wording used was, you know, a... Instead of being a bug scholar, I could become a bug.
And this is a very unusual phrase that was used by Takenaka to describe how he became a finance minister instead of just being an economist writing about the economy.
And so they said, either you join us or you die.
Then I started talking to the guy.
At first I thought, well, maybe I have no choice but to go along with these people.
And they started telling me, you know, I asked stuff I'd been reading about the conspiracy sites, and is it really true that you're trying to reduce the world population?
They said, yes.
There are too many people, and war doesn't kill them enough, so we're going to try to use disease and starvation.
We need to get the world population down to two billion in order to protect the environment.
And, you know, they were talking about it as this
It was like nothing.
You know, killing billions of people.
And I started setting out the alarm.
I found out that SARS was an artificially created disease aimed at killing Asians.
And, you know, I started, like all sorts of other people, waking up, you know, following the trail from spree masons to skull and bones.
And you eventually, what I ended up discovering is basically
It's aristocrats.
That's the easiest way of thinking of it.
It's like the old aristocracy of Europe and North America.
These interbred group of families who have been manipulating world history for 300 years.
And suddenly, because of the birth of the Internet, people started to realize this.
And they were very upset.
I'd also like to say we can thank George Bush very much for being so incredibly stupid.
And presiding over such a brutally incompetent regime that all sorts of people suddenly realized what was going on.
Yeah, they stopped being elegant about their evil.
Yeah, and it just became too obvious, and the internet allowed all sorts of us to sort of put together a puzzle.
You know, each of us had our own piece to contribute.
And I think we started sort of learning from each other, and reaching a point where there's really some kind of threshold we're almost at.
And I'd like to say, I mean, here in Japan, people are really becoming aware of all this.
And most interesting of all is that last night, on NHK, the Japan National Broadcasting Television, broadcast nationwide, they had a 40-minute segment where the opposition Democratic Party of Japan was grilling the Prime Minister and the Cabinet about 9-1-1.
Presenting all the evidence we know on national TV.
Excuse me, they're now grilling the President about Inside Job?
The Prime Minister.
They were on national television in Japan, broadcast nationwide, grilling him, showing the pictures of the Pentagon, Building No.
7, all the really kind of obvious points that they can't refute.
And it was amazing to see the expression on the Prime Minister's face as he's looking at this evidence.
Uh, this... I will try to get an English version of this grilling up on the internet sometime.
Yeah, give us your website, sir.
Repeat that several times for folks.
Well, no, I'm gonna get this on, probably, press TV.
This is the Iranian, uh, you know, answer to Al Jazeera.
Uh, they have the facilities to get that.
No, no, I understand, but go ahead and, um, we've got a link on InfoWars.com to your website, but go ahead and give it out.
Alright, well, it's BenjaminFulford.com, and I will try to get that online over the weekend, uh, with an English transcript.
But this is a sign of things that are changing out here.
And you've got to remember, the perspective out here in Asia is that the entire sort of US military economy is not sustainable.
The idea of the United States being a superpower just doesn't make sense in this part of the world.
Okay, think of it this way.
The United States is 5% of the world's population, 20% of the world's GDP, but 50% of the world's military.
And the only reason they can keep 50% of the world's military is because the rest of the world used to love America and were happy to pay the bills.
And it was the fiat.
They accepted our fiat currency.
Yeah, but now they say, wait a minute, you know, these guys are crazy.
They're murderers and they're ruining the planet.
And maybe we shouldn't be financing them anymore.
I think so.
I think so.
Yeah, I was contacted by an Asian secret society
And I had actually read about these people in the history books, because my university degree was in China Studies.
And so, it was like, you know, meeting a ghost from the history books, right in front of me.
And it turns out, what it was, was the old Ming Dynasty army.
The Ming was like the high point of Chinese civilization.
It was an era of, you know, they still wax nostalgic about it.
And they were invaded by these very crude barbarians who were... I mean, it's sort of like a university suddenly broke into by a motorbicycle gang, and all these professors are terrorized by these hoodlums, right?
So the entire Ming army and navy went underground and devoted themselves to overthrowing the Qing, or the Manchus, and restoring the Ming.
And they were responsible for the Boxer Rebellion, which
...was a rebellion against the opium consumption.
In other words, they were fighting skull and bones back in the 1800s.
They came very close to succeeding, but... Yeah, China was divided into nine areas, the U.S.
sector, the British sector, and it was run by the opium barons, British East India Skull and Bones.
And these people nearly kicked them out.
And then, they finally succeeded in 1911.
They put in Sun Yat-Sen.
Who was considered the founder of modern China.
Once again, these Illuminati, these people, started getting, you know, trying to break China up, setting up warlords.
Yeah, put the communists in.
Stay there, stay there.
We're going to come right back with Benjamin Fulbert.
It's clear that 30 minutes is not enough, and I want to beg him to come on for an hour, two hours with us next week.
Or maybe the Sunday show, because that's later in the afternoon.
That'd actually be early morning, 5, 6 in the morning for him instead of 3 a.m.
Benjamin Fulbert joins us from Japan, former Forbes writer.
Amazing information.
Dennis Kucinich coming up.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts coming up.
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Tip of the spear in the Info War, in the fight against the New World Order, the Nexus Point, Bev Harris, Albert Howard, Benjamin Fulford, Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts, Brad Friedman, Larry Bratt, Dennis Kucinich, we may even get Ron Paul on today to comment.
Ron Paul has spoken out now and said there could have been election fraud.
In a brief statement we have that.
That's coming up.
We have him asked about 9-11.
And he didn't forsake us.
He just said, look, my people can have their own views.
And that shows it's becoming an issue.
I mean, I watched that debate last night.
I mean, I've been contacted by all sorts of people asking me, you know,
What's going to happen to them, saying that they're going to try a more moderate line now?
You know, they're scared.
They're terrified.
And this could, I mean, this should be taken all the way to the top.
We're going to have to get to those people in London.
I've finally concluded what the Japanese have been telling me all along, that it's not David Rockefeller at the top of all this.
We've got to go into London and get to the Rothschilds.
Or this whole thing won't be fully uncovered.
That's what I've concluded.
Well, and you've got Queenie, though.
I mean, the British Royalty, Merge, Lord Milner, all of them.
Yeah, I mean, we've got these aristocrats.
Basically, it's a battle that we thought we won years ago against the aristocrats, and apparently we didn't win.
Or they came back sneakily and got us again.
Well, it's the hidden empire.
It's the covert op.
It's the espionage system.
But what's great about this Chinese society is that they have strict rules against using society for personal benefit or gain.
In other words, they will only act if it's for the greater good.
So it can't be used for nefarious purposes by selfish individuals.
And they really are powerful.
There are 6 million members, as I've said before, there's 100,000 professional assassins, and pretty well every NC gangster in the world is a member.
Now, with your info, though, because this is the info I've got separately, you know the U.S.
put the Communist in, actually kicked the Nationalists out.
Does my statement match with what they told you?
Yeah, you see, the Communists were agents of the Illuminati, the original Communists.
Oh, it's now on History Channel that our government put them in.
We always knew that, but now it's admitted, yeah.
Sure, but, you see, you've got to remember that in the 1960s, they had this... Russia and the Soviet Union and China nearly went to nuclear war.
And the Chinese set up so they could put their entire population underground.
And you've got to remember that, you know, Lin Biao
Who was the number two man for Chairman Mao.
He died in an airplane crash as he was trying to flee to the Soviet Union.
And the members of the society basically kicked them out in the 1960s.
And there have been no mass slaughters of Chinese since the 1960s.
They then arrested Mao's wife, too.
That's right.
I mean, once Mao was dead, that was it.
The rest of them were kicked out.
These people now are nationalistic autocrats, technocrats, but they are not part of this group.
That much I'm sure of.
I know that many of the Asian gangs are involved with skull and bones in the opium trade.
And I know that there's this so-called Taiwan lobby, China lobby, that's linked to them.
But they're underneath the overall umbrella organization.
Which extends not just to China, it's in Japan, it's in all of Asia.
In every Chinatown in the world, you'll find them.
So, I'm confident that the trains are not part of this whole thing.
Stay there, we'll be right back with Benjamin Fulford in our final segment.
Then the father of Reaganomics.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Fulford is our guest.
Coming up later, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
We're very honored to have Mr. Fulford on.
We have links to his sign-up on infowarriors.com.
His website's mentrumanfulford.com.
Very easy to remember.
So why did you decide to leave Forbes?
I mean, they were still letting you write.
I guess you couldn't write what you wanted to, though.
Why did you leave Forbes?
Well, there's a lot of things.
At first, they let me, you know, expose whatever I wanted.
But, and I did a lot of stuff about the Japanese mob and their links to the Japanese government.
But then, the people in the Japanese government started telling me that, you know, the Japanese mob and the Japanese government were subcontractors to the even bigger mob that controlled the West.
And so, I started noticing that all sorts of stories were getting spiked.
Now, spiked is a term that's used in the corporate media for stories that are killed by, you know, top management for reasons that are often mysterious.
Or they always, they try to convince you it's about some factual thing.
The final straw was when I found out that an anti-virus software company was making viruses.
And they told me, they actually told me that the president was a friend of Mr. Forbes, and that he was buying lots of advertising, and so he could not run the story.
And at that point, I just got so disgusted that I just didn't want to work for them anymore.
And fortunately, I sold some books in Japanese that sold very well, so I had an independent income.
So I decided to
Make the plunge.
The other thing, though, is that I realized I was dealing with some very dangerous people who killed with, you know, alarming frequency.
Oh, I think it's best to just go completely public, and then you're afforded at least a larger modicum of protection.
Yeah, what I did, though, was I decided that I would stick to just writing in Japanese for a while.
So I switched languages, and I started writing in Japanese, because if I could convince the Japanese to stop financing them, that would be the end for them.
That's what I realized out here, that without Japanese money and Asian money, this US military machine and these people cannot function.
But, uh, you know, it was like many of us, it's like bit by bit, we started realizing the whole thing.
I mean, it was the Japanese security police of all people who told me about 9-1-1.
How were you approached by the Japanese security police?
Tell me that story.
Okay, well, I wrote a book.
I was going to write a book in English, and I sent two chapters to my agent, and it was so explosive.
I was naming names of actual gangsters and politicians and actual murders and incidents that I would either have to leave Japan or be killed after I wrote that book.
And the day after I sent those two chapters, I got a phone call from the granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, who told me, subtly out of the blue, that you should not make the Yakuza angry.
And it turns out these gangsters work for the Emperor.
That's another story, which we don't have time to get into right now.
But, um, they told me that I did not understand.
She told me I did not understand what was really going on.
And she gave me Von Kleist's 9-1-1 video, which happened to have a Japanese edition available.
And that's what got me started.
But she told me, eventually, I was the Japanese security police that asked her to contact me.
So they were trying to get me on their side.
It was clear there's a lot of people in Japan who really wanted to, you know,
Get rid of this secret government of the West and free Japan.
And the Asians generally, especially if they see you as honorable, they'll kill you in a minute if they don't think you are, even when they're crooks.
They think it's kind of bad luck to kill a good guy.
Is that why they reached out to you?
Well, you know, these guys aren't scary.
I mean, you can think of them as like, say, a colonel in the U.S.
He's not scary to you unless you're at war with him, right?
So that's how I look at these guys.
If I'm not picking a fight with them, they're not going to hurt me.
And if I'm not doing something to betray them, I'm okay.
So I don't feel any danger with these people.
I sure hate to be their enemy.
Stay there.
I just want to, after the break, ask you about the Rockefeller meeting, what it's like being in a room for an hour with him.
Folks can watch it online at your site and on YouTube and the rest of it, but a few more minutes with you and Dr. Roberts coming up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is waiting in the wings.
I get him on every month or so.
Very gracious.
Spend time with us.
Father of Economics.
One of the top ten living economists.
Listed by major publications.
I said, what do you want to talk about?
And he said, well, the situation in Iran, the hoax, the election fraud in New Hampshire, and of course, the economy.
Gold going to $900.
The country's sinking.
Unfortunately, all his predictions are starting to come true.
Benjamin Fulford quit.
Forbes last year because they wouldn't let him write about what he wanted to.
He lives in Japan.
He's broken a lot of amazing news.
We're going to get him back up.
He's agreed to come on the next week again for a full hour or more, very late over in Tokyo.
In closing, sir, what was it like getting that long interview with David Rockefeller?
How did you get it?
And just any other comments about what it was like?
Well, I told the society that, you know, it seemed that the Illuminati weren't willing to give up their ways, didn't realize what they were facing when they were dealing with this Asian society.
I told them that maybe I should get a hold of Mr. Rockefeller.
So when he showed up for a supposedly secret visit in Japan, I was informed, and I called him directly in his hotel room, you know, and got him without any, you know, straight to his line.
He answered the phone.
And then he knew that I could have had him killed then.
And so he agreed to meet me just for 15 minutes, you know, just before he went to meet the ambulance.
See, Mr. Fulford, your story's got national attention here in the U.S.
And it's been all over, you know, the news.
And then you say things about how the Asian Mafia is mad at the U.S.
and amazing statements like that.
That's what I've got to have you back on.
That's the area that I find just really shocking.
Uh, and I'm not doubting what you're saying, it's just so incredible.
I'm gonna have my producer call you now and set you back up for a longer interview, okay?
Sure, okay.
Thank you, Mr. Uh, BenjaminFoldford.com, correct?
Yeah, keep up the good faith.
Thank you.
Uh, again, we waited the last three, four months while this story was out there.
It got national attention, we can't ignore it.
Uh, the guy has a pretty credible background, and then he gets into things like that, it's pretty amazing.
So we're gonna have him up now.
Let's go to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, shifting gears.
You're welcome, Alex.
There's so much going on.
We have limited time with you.
You've got the floor.
What do you want to cover first?
The situation in Iran and the Strait of Hormuz.
Do you want to get into New Hampshire, the economy?
You've got the floor.
Well, Alex, I think the first two we can run through real quick.
It looks like the Iran video that the White House claimed showed aggression against our ships was another hoax.
It was fabricated in order to increase the pressures toward war.
They are still determined to have war with Iran, and I think that proves it.
The New Hampshire vote, again, we see what we saw in the 2004 presidential election.
Areas that had the Diebold electronic voting machines programmed by right-wing Republican warmongers
Those sections of New Hampshire gave the vote to Hillary and, of course, McCain.
In the sections of New Hampshire where there were paper ballots, the exit polls and the pre-election polls were again correct, and Obama won.
And there is, as of yet, no explanation why the exit polls are always wrong
in areas where there are people electronic voting machines program
With secret software not subject to anybody's examination.
Dr. Roberts, can the mainstream media continue to just claim everyone lied to over 50 polls and that suddenly polls that have been accurate, scientific, aren't right?
They can say whatever they want.
Unless somebody goes online and spends a lot of time locating sites with reliable information, nobody will know.
So yeah, they can keep saying that.
They're not worried about their credibility because they are a unity now.
The concentration of the media has created a propagandistic ministry.
So that's all I have to say about those two areas.
If we turn to jobs, what I did recently was to look at the total job creation in 2006 according to the official statistics of the United States government, which are available online from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
And what we found out is that in all of 2007, there were 1,054,000 new jobs created.
This is far below the number of jobs necessary to stay up with population growth.
Well, 3 million illegal aliens are coming in a year and a million legal, and that doesn't even...
That's a different problem.
Without them, we can't stay with population growth.
Now, where are those jobs?
Well, I had a good close look at where those jobs are.
29% of the net new jobs in 2007 were waitresses and bartenders. 29%.
Health care and social assistance accounted for 45% of the net new jobs.
Then we had wholesale, retail, trade, transportation accounted for, let's see, 181,000.
That was maybe 20% of the net new jobs.
So there you have it.
I've been pointing out for years, the only areas of job creation in the United States are in low-value-added, low-wage, domestic service jobs, just like a third-world economy.
So the transformation of the workforce toward third-world economy is continuing.
But sir, I also see reports about many service sectors contracting rapidly.
Well, they will now.
That the lack of any consumer spending.
You see the consumer is maxed out on credit cards.
He's taken all the equity out of his home and spent it.
And by the way, as you said a few months ago here on air, now the credit card situation is starting.
I was just reading last night, a bunch of the big credit card companies are now posting record losses on people just defaulting.
That's right.
People are heavily in debt.
What kept the economy going during the years, creating the waitress and bartender jobs, was the real estate boom.
Because that created both construction jobs and it created equity in homes for people to refinance and spend.
Well now, there's nothing to drive consumer spending.
There's nothing to drive consumer demand, so yes, we'll see contraction in
The job categories I just described.
What does all this mean, sir?
I mean, how bad is it going to get?
I don't know, Alex, but I think it'll be fairly bad because the dollar, to support the dollar and keep foreigners financing the budget and trade deficits in the wars, the pressure will be for high interest rates.
To try to offset the loss in the dollar's value.
But they want to keep the market up, is that an illusion?
Yeah, let me... Go ahead.
And on the other hand, to bail out the credit mess, they need low interest rates.
So they're kind of caught between two disasters, which one will happen.
If I had to bet, I would say they'll try to save the borrowing power of the government, otherwise it can't finance its wars and trade deficits.
Now, let me quickly say one other thing about what's happening to the American economy.
Your listeners can find this information on the website of the Institute for Policy Studies.
The Congressional Budget Office recently released its income data for Americans.
And what we see is that
80% of the American population have experienced a falling share of U.S.
income and that the top 1% of the income distribution has received almost the entire income gain of the top 20%.
So we see increasing concentration of income in the United States from everybody else
To the investment bankers and the CEOs who are offshoring jobs.
And Dr. Roberts, isn't that the classic profile of a third world cesspit?
Yes, it's also a classic profile of massive political instability.
So you can see why they're building detention centers and putting in place martial law and all the foundations of a police state.
Because we are going to be faced with, I think, a very large political instability based on falling living standards.
The Institute of Policy Studies also recently pointed out that despite six years of economic recovery, that is from 2000 through the end of 2006, which is, as of this moment, the last complete annual data,
In these six years of economic recovery, the median family income is still $1,000 below where it was prior to the last recession.
So six years of recovery has not resulted in the recovery of the median family income.
Because it was all cannibalistic, feeding on overspending and devaluing the dollar?
I think it mainly had to do with the substitution of low-pay jobs for high-pay jobs.
The jobs that they offshore are the high-pay jobs.
That's where they save the money.
Stay there.
Final segment.
More incredible insight from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Wall Street Journal editor, former head of policy, Department of Treasury.
Very honored to have him with us.
We'll be right back.
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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, final segment with him, syndicated columnist, author.
He's got some books out there.
Great guy, Google his name, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
I know most of you know who he is, but we have a lot of new affiliates across the country.
The show's exploding.
By the way, I'm not glad that my credibility is going up.
I'm not glad that we're getting more and more attention.
I was attacked by five national talk show hosts separately this morning with talking points.
It lets me know that, unfortunately, we were right about what was going to happen in America twelve years ago when we saw the signs, and it's all happening.
It's kind of sad.
I'm sad Gold's at 900.
Dr. Roberts, I would imagine you're not happy that you've been proven right.
No, I'm not happy.
I think they can get away with it.
And I don't think Hitler was popular.
He never got more than 42% of the vote.
Well, I know it was a parliamentary system and he got elected president and then abolished the chancellor and made him... No, he got appointed by Hindenburg, the president.
No, I know, but he got a percentage.
It was in the lower house, but then Hindenburg stepped down and made him chancellor and president, was my point.
No, he never made him president.
It's just that Hitler used
The Reichstag fire to get the Enabling Act, which essentially gave Hitler legislative authority.
Well, I know he made himself president and chancellor.
Well, when Hindenburg died, he was a very old man.
Hitler was just a dictator.
He didn't make any further difference, but he was never elected.
Through this office, and I don't think ever had more than 42%.
No, no, you're right, sir, but I mean, I don't want to argue about this all day, but in the parliamentary percentage, he though had the... See, here we think of it 52 versus 48, but obviously there you have a bunch of candidates, so it's not a majority 50%, but it was enough to where they had to let him in because he had the biggest percentage.
That was my point.
Well, yeah, could be that, yeah.
But side issue, sir, you think they can get away with it?
Well, they are, aren't they?
They continue to get away with it, and they've gotten away with everything.
What haven't they gotten away with?
But Ron Paul thinks it's all going to go bankrupt, and that that's what's going to bring them down.
Well, that's possible.
Their hubris and their general economic ignorance may have caused them to overlook the economic vulnerability.
But you have to keep in mind, Alex, that when people start losing their jobs and their homes and can't pay their debts and are
Thank you.
Of economic decline.
Well, if that's the case, why does it appear on the surface that the neocons are trying to stave off the collapse?
I don't know that they are trying to stave it off.
They're even much aware of it.
What they're probably trying to do is to save the financial institutions.
They're trying to contain the collapse of the population, not the heights.
I agree with you.
Yeah, they're just probably trying to save the financial institutions because of the
I don't know Alex.
I just don't know.
There's no real way of knowing.
You see, the Fed was able to have that low interest rate and inflate because the all-shoring was lowering the price of goods in Walmart, so the inflation didn't show up.
As long as China pegs to the dollar,
They can inflate without the inflation rate going way up, because when the dollar goes down, the Chinese currency goes down with it, and so the price of all the all-shored goods don't go up.
So, if you see China break the peg, or continue to adjust it, but much more rapidly, or in bigger jumps, that would be a good sign.
The Chinese peg.
Watch the Chinese peg.
Once the peg goes, the dollar crisis will hit them.
Does gold going up signify that dollar's going to go down more?
It shows that people are betting that, but all bets in markets are not right.
Dr. Roberts?
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In 2005, President Bush signed the REAL ID Act.
We're good to go.
We're good.
You know, I'm always trying to get Dr. Roberts to plug a book or something.
He comes on so much where this gives us his time.
And he just, ah, even though he's written some books, he's like, ah, I don't want to plug it.
Who cares?
He's literally here just to warn you.
The highest levels of, you know, the economic order out there are highly respected.
Yes, I've gone through all of Bush's
Executive orders and presidential directives and the legislation that he got the bipartisan Congress to pass.
It has essentially vitiated the Bill of Rights.
Americans no longer have any rights except by default.
They have rights only because the government hasn't come after them individually.
But whoever it decides to go after has no rights.
And it also updates many of the legal cases in which the same thing is happening to people accused of felonies.
Defendants, for example, have lost the traditional rights that guarantee them a fair trial.
So that's in there as well.
People need to understand that the entire constitutional and legal basis of the society in which they live
Yeah, I think so.
That it's supposed to resemble.
Well, Dr. Roberts, I remember six months after the Patriot Act, early 2002, I was reading AP, Reuters, I was reading the local cases in South Carolina, Texas, where they, you know, using the Patriot Act in non-terror related cases and spying on lawyers and not letting people face their accusers.
I mean, and then all these good old boys think it's for somebody with a, you know, turban on their head.
It's not.
It's aimed at us, isn't it?
It's for anybody, right.
That's exactly it.
All laws are very expansively interpreted and have always been.
And so the new ones that they put in to apply to terrorists, what nobody pays any attention to is the definition of terrorist is entirely subjective and entirely up to whatever the executive branch blunkey is who makes it.
It can include abortion protesters, environmentalists,
Well, they are now, and you're right, and for six years I've had to sit there and watch Bill O'Reilly and the rest of them say, show me one case, one case where the Patriot Act's been used, and we write articles literally with thousands of, you know, links to things with hundreds of pages, and they just count on the public, not
I mean, the public doesn't know the three branches of government, Doctor.
I don't even think I'm smart.
And then I talk to the general public, and it's like a different order of creature.
It's like they're a rhesus monkey or something.
And I'm just telling the public they better wake up.
I mean, what do you say to the public that doesn't know their head from a hole in the ground?
I don't know.
They don't know what habeas corpus is.
They don't know what that is.
And I'm always getting letters when I write about it, emails, people, what is habeas corpus?
So they don't even know the most important thing that guarantees their liberty.
So I don't know.
I don't know, Alex.
That's why I think, as we discussed earlier, that the regime can continue to get away with it.
And I don't think there's any alternative to this regime.
If you look at all the candidates that are in the running, they're all the same.
So there's no difference between Hillary, Bush,
McCain, Giuliani, they're all the same.
Well, there's no mistake that McCain and Hillary are the two warmongers, and magically the machines went for them.
And in closing, the reason we held you over, the economy, you were finalizing that point of watching the Chinese currency peg to the dollar.
We already see, again, more and more people creeping away from the dollar.
Do you think it will be an overnight snapping point, or just this gradual going out with a whimper, not a bang?
Well, if I had to guess, I think it'll be sort of a rolling avalanche.
It'll start moving quicker, and then all of a sudden so fast, and then poof!
And I think the key is the Chinese peg.
As long as the Chinese keep the peg, or some semblance of it, it'll support the dollar by holding down the price level in the United States.
The minute they
Let's do it!
The Chinese can't stay on the peg independently of what the rest of the world does.
Well, that was my next question, is all these other countries are accelerating, Russia, the Middle East, Venezuela, Europe, away from the dollar, and now that's hurting China to stay pegged to us.
Chinese citizens are now allowed to buy gold starting last year.
That's in the gold news, that that's the main engine driving gold up, which then puts more pressure on the dollar.
My God, I mean, me just looking at it, and other experts I interview,
We're looking at, what, six months before I think that avalanche starts, or who knows?
The only way they could save the dollar would be to correct the budget deficit and the trade deficit.
Who knows?
I don't think in a recession, which we're now entering, I think, that they can correct a budget deficit, and I see no way they can correct a trade deficit as long as all this offshoring is going on, because what offshoring does is it turns American
Gross domestic product into imports.
In other words, American national income becomes Chinese income, and it comes back in as imports.
It's not trade, it is cannibalism.
It's cannibalism.
There's no way they can correct the trade deficit.
And so, these two deficits, despite whatever the Federal Reserve is doing, inflating the money supply, these two deficits require so much foreign
I don't think so.
Uh, total lunacy, uh, in, you know, AAA ratings on junk.
Uh, the state's now trying to cash in, being told they can't on investments.
And so, I've seen the last ten years them quietly building the infrastructure of the police state.
So I think they've just committed that it's gonna implode.
They're racing to finish their police state in time.
It does look that way.
Where you and I disagree is you tend to see it as a plot and I tend to see it more as just a total incompetence and a congruence of events.
But I have no way of knowing who's right on this and don't care to argue about it because I think the factual description of what's happening, we probably agree a good bit about that as to why it's happening.
It doesn't really matter if it is happening.
Well, no, I agree with you, but I think you're right.
In the final equation, I think they think they're in control.
You're saying they're not, but I believe they believe, with the hubris and delusional behavior that we've seen in history, I think they think they've got a handle on this.
I think they're delusional.
Yeah, well, they damn sure don't control China or Russia.
And they think they control Japan, but I think Japan's just sitting there biding its time.
It'll be allied with Asia.
I don't know.
What would you say to a police officer listening right now who's going to get the order to go arrest people and put them in paddy wagons and set up checkpoints?
I mean, I guess he's just going to do it because he gets his paycheck.
I guess it's all over.
Yeah, he'll do it.
And they may not even rely on him.
They may rely on the Blackwater SS.
I mean, Blackwater is really like a Nazi SS, isn't it?
It's a private army for the ruler.
And they've now announced they're going to operate domestically.
Yeah, and then they've got
They've got the National Guard.
Bush can order the National Guard from one state into another state.
So I think whether they'll rely on ordinary police, I don't know.
But you now have the militarization of the police.
You have all those SWAT teams and they've been for a number of years bullying people in their own communities.
So I don't know that they would be hesitant to arrest people or not.
It's unbelievable.
Dr. Roberts, again, you've been very gracious.
The book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, Random House, coming out in one month?
It's supposed to be out in February, yeah.
Alright, we'll have you on here.
God bless you.
Okay, Alex.
Thank you.
Have a great weekend.
We got Brad Freeman coming up.
In fact, do we have him?
Brad Freeman?
Okay, we had to move him.
Alright, no problem.
He was shut up and we couldn't have him on.
In fact, I want some time to talk about Ron Paul, so we just won't have him on.
We've got Dennis Kucinich coming up in the next hour.
We've got Larry Pratt coming up in the next hour.
I know I said I'd take calls in the last hour.
In fact, we'll take some at 1-800-259-9231.
I have been getting so busy covering news and having guests on, and so much is happening, and we're in such incredible times that I literally have not even been doing my sponsorships on air.
I have not been plugging my own books and videos on air.
I've cut back by about 90%.
Just remember that when you're listening.
Things are so serious right now that I'm not... I mean, I'm just...
You know, I mean, there's just basically nothing I can do at this point, but just sit here with my mouth hanging open, and I look at these yuppies and people out in the street giggling and snickering and laughing, and they think everything's funny.
It's not funny.
I assure you that what is going on, and the way they're trying to shoot down this great man Ron Paul, you know, now it's over a dozen different newsletters put out in his name through gold companies and things, where they would pay him for a sponsorship.
You know, literally, multiple publications, never even read, and the stuff in there is pretty darn mild and taken out of context.
You know, that kind of stuff matters, but then putting all the black people in prison, that's okay.
It's just unbelievable how the public is still just a bunch of chicken-necked idiots who have no idea.
And by chicken-necked, I don't mean they physically have chicken necks, you know.
It just means they're souls.
They're just little, twitly, weak, dumb, easily influenced,
I just have no idea why people like to be such mindless idiots.
It's just scum.
I mean, how could this not be obvious to everyone?
All the credible people, all the serious people, everybody who hasn't sold out can see right in front of you, they're setting up hell.
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Alright, I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to shut up now.
I'm already getting hyped up.
Ron Paul has responded to election fraud.
Ron Paul has responded to election fraud.
Ron Paul has responded.
That is coming up.
Also, Dennis Kucinich has signed on for a recount now for the Democrats.
We're going to read some of his statements.
We also have a Republican candidate who we had on earlier, Mr. Howard, Albert Howard, who we talked to, who is there and has paid for the beginning of the recount, but then they make that very hard.
The point is, this will get attention on the fact that there's fraud.
And I want to just repeat what Ron Paul said in his admission that there could be election fraud, which we appreciate him saying that, at least, you know, showing that we all know what we're seeing here and that he's aware of it.
He said, we've already won regardless.
We're educating a whole new generation about the new world order.
There's never been an awakening this big.
They're going to get even bigger after this.
This is only the beginning.
It's exponential.
And he just talks about how wonderful this is.
And none of us get negative.
A lot of people have shown up in my office cussing and yelling that Ron Paul isn't calling for a recount and isn't out there.
He may be.
He may.
Who knows?
The point is that he's a good guy.
He has a good record.
He's a man of honor being attacked.
We have to get behind him.
We have to circle the wagons.
I get mad too.
But no one is perfect.
I'm never going to be perfect.
People all the time think I've got to be perfect.
Ron Paul doesn't have to be perfect.
I know why the campaign right now is insane.
I've talked to some of them and I already knew the reason.
They think it'll lose momentum if it acts like we think there's an election problem, then why should you go out and vote?
They know people don't vote because they know it's a scam.
But they want to let the process roll out and let us do recounts and let others do recounts.
That strategically is better.
And I at one level see the strategia of just always going public
Forget the maneuvers.
Go straight at them.
And calling for the recount.
That would get them a lot of attention.
But they think the public's too dumb to understand that.
I think they're wrong.
Just like Ron Paul didn't think he'd get this big.
I knew he would.
Frankly, I think I know more.
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Better get that through your head.
Democracy don't rule the world.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
This world is ruled by violence.
But I guess that's better left unsaid.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, glad you joined us.
I know we've had massive record loads on the internet and the streams have been going up and down.
The show, when it ends today, in about an hour and five minutes, you'll be able to come back and listen to any part of it you wish.
There's also the podcast that goes out, and that's why it's great to be on the AM and FM dial via the satellite, because those rarely go down, and shortwave, and a lot of other ways to listen, but I apologize to everybody out there about that.
That's why we have the refeeds.
Brian in California, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for keeping us up to date.
You know, I never thought I'd be sitting up next to the old Victrola just to try to get the real news.
Is he listening to this on shortwave?
No, actually it's the internet, but I'm calling it the Victrola because it's basically, you know, everybody's sitting around listening to what you have to say because everything that you have to say is eye-opening and unbelievable.
Well, truth is stranger than fiction, Bubba.
And you're a true patriot, I can say that much, and I support everything that you do, and all your supporters, and I also support Ron Paul.
What do you think about what's happening right now?
Well, I think that the government should be held more accountable for everything that's being exposed.
It's been exposed before.
Bev has actually come out and exposed it before.
And they should have a means of checks and balances.
And being that they don't, that tells me that they just don't really give a damn and they're probably involved in it.
In almost every case we've spot checked.
Here's the deal.
And I mean almost all of them.
In fact, it's almost always.
It's a convicted cocaine dealer, heroin dealer, black ops, CIA guy who is running the vote.
So these felons can't vote, but they can secretly behind closed doors run everything.
It's been proven that they can tamper with the machines.
Why doesn't the government look at that and say, hey, you know, we're going to do something about it so it doesn't happen again?
Well, clearly Paul got half the votes he should have from polls.
Obama should have beat her by at least 15 points.
Maybe more, depending on the poll.
And they just say, no, everyone lied to the pollsters.
That's why this happened.
And they have no evidence for that, and we have all this evidence of fraud, and they just go, oh yeah, it's a conspiracy.
Yeah, that's what we have a legislative part of our government for, to verify that our election process is going right.
Look, we're totally mafia Ron, and they're trying to go for broke.
They're trying to fully take control.
And I appreciate your call, sir.
That's another reason criminals want martial law and tyranny.
Because they're scared.
They know they've gone this far.
They can't believe how much they've gotten away with.
They are so evil.
They've brainwashed the police and military.
A lot of them against us, though.
Some of them are waking up.
They've got a lot of the public mesmerized watching football and other sports, not knowing they're having a hole in the ground.
And they know people are waking up to them and getting wise to them.
So they're getting scared.
So they need to go ahead and just get full tyranny in place so they're safe.
See, tyranny is the end zone for them.
That's why tyranny is the norm in human history, because tyrants get in, they do a lot of corrupt things, they've got a lot of people who want to bring them down.
They've got to have martial law, they think, to protect themselves.
I mean, we had to go bad sometime.
It happens in England, it happens in Germany, it happens in Russia, it happens in Japan, it happens in Mexico.
And man, we do it bigger and better here in the USA.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now back into the second, third hour.
We've got Larry Pratt popping in for just about ten minutes with the attack on the Second Amendment.
Bush signed it.
We've got Dennis Kucinich lined up for the last 30 minutes, popping in to talk about his recap on all Ron Paul recapping coming up during that time period.
More on the economy.
Your phone calls right now, Bob in Arizona, then Zach, Russell, Paul, and others.
Go ahead, Bob.
I was appalled last night.
That debate that they had, the way they insulted Dr. Paul, the way that McCain was laughing and giggling at him and looking at him like he was some kind of a nut.
And I'm thinking, what was coming?
And then when Mitt Romney jumped on him, I could hear what Dr. Paul said under his breath.
He's making fun of me.
I was so mad, I tell you.
It's just, the man's the most intelligent of all those candidates.
The rest of them are a bunch of jerks.
Actually, they're actors.
They know the average American is frozen in a child state.
A foolish little giggling child.
So if they all laugh, the other monkeys watching, that's what they treat us like, will then laugh at Paul with them like we're in the fifth grade.
Like he's a village idiot or something.
It's ridiculous.
You know?
I think he would, like I say, if Ron Paul, Heaven and Fervor, doesn't get in, I think Mike Huckabee would be a good choice, because at least you know he's honest and he's a Christian, you know?
I'm coming from my point of view.
Well, Paul needs to say, listen.
Let me tell you, Huckabee's a ringer.
Paul, you say, listen, don't try your childlike tactics of laughing.
Deal with the issues.
You saw the crowd booing him when they do that.
The crowd isn't buying it.
The good news is it's working on some people, but not everybody.
And McCain's looking at him like he's half out of his mind.
Well, McCain is out of his mind.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Let me just tell you about Huckabee.
It's all an act, ladies and gentlemen.
He's pro-open border, pro-gun control, all of it.
He goes out and fools good Christian Americans.
He's CFR all the way.
Let's talk to Zach in New York.
Zach, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I was wondering what you thought about those Visa commercials that have been playing for some time now.
There's a whole clockwork, you know, it's like there's a lunch counter or a store and everyone's going and swiping their RFID Visa card.
And then some jerk decides to pull cash out of his pocket and then tire.
The entire world falls apart and everyone gives him a dirty look.
Yeah, well that's the same thing.
The guy pulls out the wrong beer and his pants fall down.
It's all monkey conditioning.
You're not cool.
The crowd of sheep won't like you.
It's not socially acceptable.
It's dirty and bad to like Ron Paul.
It's dirty and bad to use cash.
It's dirty and bad not to drink Kerslite.
It's all Pavlovian base
Conditioning, it should make you all mad!
It should, and you know what?
A lot of cattle, and that's what they are, mindless pigs, are going to actually sigh when you pull cash out, even though statistically it's quicker, because they're scum, they're dumb, they believe to get more credit cards, they believe take all their shots, they believe open borders are good, they believe on being slaves, and that's why they are pathetic idiots.
Go ahead.
Well, I was also going to mention, there was recently a new municipal bus system put in in my town.
Well, a new set of buses.
And there's cameras on them.
There's cameras, but beyond that, all the new, the new shiny seat covers they have literally have pyramids of the all-seeing eye all over them and, you know, sunrises and all this stuff.
Yeah, look, look, look, the cult running the world is completely insane and I think they get power from the more of their gang symbol they tag and postone everywhere.
No, I don't believe you, Alex.
This isn't true.
You're a conspiratorialist.
In fact, the cameras on the buses don't exist, right?
No, no, no.
They're just there to keep you safe.
They don't exist.
No, no, no.
You've got to learn to really get into the double thing.
If someone says they don't like something, then it doesn't exist.
Okay, but then if you say you like the pyramids, then they exist and we can talk about it.
That's how Crimestop works.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Many other calls coming up.
Larry Pratt popping in with some very painful news for everyone.
Dennis Kucinich calling for a recount in New Hampshire on the Democratic side as scheduled.
My producer Trey's on fire.
Aaron here in the office.
Everybody's doing a fabulous job.
Watson Brothers, Kurt Nimmo, everybody.
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Ron Paul's comments are coming up.
We're going to let you get his statement on how election fraud is possible.
Dennis Kucinich joining us.
He's going for the recount right now.
Larry Pratt.
We've got to give you the news, the good, the bad, and the ugly, ladies and gentlemen.
And we thought that we'd beaten it.
I said I had a sneaking suspicion they were going to attack right before Christmas.
Pratt said that could happen.
Director of Gun Owners of America, GunOwners.org.
I told you to go join, at least get the free legislative updates.
Look, they've gotten slicker in the New World Order.
They don't say they're coming after our guns.
They're blocking ammo importations.
They're blocking gun importations without laws, just through the bureaucracy.
They're shutting down gun shops, suing, raiding, attacking.
We have never been under an attack this big.
And this law they just signed, Bush just signed, is wide open for them to expand in.
I mean, we are in red-level emergency, and I know there's not a demon like Hillary out parroting or a Sarah Brady.
These witches and these demons have gotten good at keeping their fat mouths shut so they don't alert you.
Then they use their Judas goats like Bush to stick it in you.
Joining us is Larry Pratt.
Larry Pratt,
Absolute treason.
Bush signed this on Monday.
They didn't announce it until Tuesday.
And here it is.
Please break it down for us, sir.
Well, Alex, you shouldn't be alarmed because the NRA was in favor of the bill.
Yeah, Judas Iscariot helped out.
The bill is more than anything else.
Now, we've called it the Veterans Disarmament Act for good reason.
More than anything else, even beyond that incredible problem, is the fact that you can now lose a constitutionally protected liberty on the basis of one person's subjective, unscientific, unrebuttable opinion.
A psychiatrist or a psychologist can say, gee, I think this poor guy has PTSD.
Or any other number of diagnoses that might be interpreted to say,
Could be.
Might be.
And we just have Big Pharma and their Guild of High Priests just further taking over society.
No judge.
It targets police and military mainly.
No jury.
And their reign of terror will now start kicking in.
Well, there's a lot of reason, a lot of financial reason, then, to have a lot of us all drugged up because that's the only way to, quote, keep us calm.
And that means if you have to be kept calm, guess what?
We're not going to trust you with a gun.
Now, the fact of the matter is, people that have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are no more likely to commit a crime than anybody else in the population.
So it's a stigma that says, oh, they've got a mental disorder.
Well, we don't want them walking around with guns.
We don't want jobs walking around with guns.
That's just not what this is all about.
This is all about getting veterans, especially veterans, but as you said, cops, firemen, crime victims for that matter, anybody that's had this so-called post-traumatic stress disorder, getting them so that they can not any longer own a gun.
Not hardly had the ink been dry from Franklin Delano Bush's pen, then I got a call from one of our members
Actually down your way.
He's a lawyer and he had a client and pretty soon the fellow was on the phone with the three of us were then talking.
He had gone in to get his concealed carry permit renewed and guess what happened?
In the time between his getting his permit the first time or the last time whatever the case may be and the present renewal application
They had put in his post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis, reject, and even though the psychiatrist at the time of his diagnosis had written, this should not bar him from having a gun,
That obviously didn't go along with the diagnosis.
They just want to keep people from having guns.
They're not trying to keep people safe.
Of course not!
They know that Ritalin and Prozac causes psychotic breaks.
Both drugs do in killing.
That's why they're trying to put more kids on it, and there's more suicide in killing.
Then they say the answer is more drugs.
We've got in their internal documents the new Freedom Initiative.
And more gun control.
And more gun control.
And more gun control.
And of course the Judas Goat
The NRA, gun control all along, the poor members don't know that.
It is now time for all of them to leave the NRA.
I'm telling you, don't wait.
You said something very important, the members don't know, and listen, if the members of the NRA don't know, you can imagine the public doesn't know, and even members of Congress.
Really pro-gun members of Congress, just, you know, what makes you think they read the bills?
Well, they don't.
Well, here's the deal, Larry.
I don't know what happened.
The New World Order is making its move on every front right now.
I mean, they've pulled out all the stops.
I've seen all the indicators of the attack on the Second Amendment.
That's why the last six months I've been telling listeners, get behind the only national gun group with a couple hundred thousand members.
Join it today.
They need money.
They need more lobbyists, more investigators, more congressional experts.
They need more money to start a YouTube channel.
They need your support.
I told you, look what's happened.
This is only the beginning.
And the other thing that's needed is when they join,
Even if they're not a paid member, if they would at least get those email alerts, and then they would be able to send their own email up to the Hill, the Hill is really not aware.
The substitute for thinking is listening to big lobby groups.
So if the NRA comes in and says, this is a pro-gun bill, you will sit back and relax, well that's what they do.
Don't worry, be happy.
The NRA said it's okay.
Well, you always find out who the double agents are when the enemy makes their big move.
We already knew this decades ago, but the public didn't.
I've heard the NRA is losing a lot of members over this, Larry.
Well, that's one way of getting the point across to this
We've got to do that because there's an Achilles heel.
We can kill the funding.
Yes, absolutely.
This actually doesn't happen until they put the money in the till.
The bill that was passed and signed by Bush was an authorization, and in Washington, D.C., that just means you can do it if you take the next step, which is an appropriation.
And that's like the fence.
They said they'd do it, but didn't build it.
Now you better believe on this, they're gonna fund it.
So we want what the illegal aliens wanted with not getting the fence.
We don't want them to appropriate the money.
If the money's not appropriated, it's gonna slow down
At least what's happening from the states.
The problem is we're still going to have the veterans getting zapped unless we can go into the Veterans Administration budget and unless we can go into the Justice Department FBI budget which maintains the gun ban list and turn the money off there as well and we're seeking as you and I speak to get that done to get
A repealer introduced that could then subsequently become an appropriations amendment.
There are a few groups that are worth joining and fighting with, and one of them is Gun Owners of America, GunOwners.org.
Larry, give people the toll-free number.
You know, you shrink from this.
You need to give it out.
Give them the toll-free number.
Give them the website.
What is it, $20 a year, $500 for a lifetime?
Join Gun Owners today, Larry.
Well, the triple eight number, toll-free number, triple eight, double eight, six guns.
That's 888-886-GUNS.
And really, I hope you can get on the web, because not only can you join and thus get the mailings and the postcards that will be sent out for longer range projects, but when those fast-breaking emergencies happen, and we've got to have input up on the Hill right away, that's when the email is needed.
So go to gunowners.org, you can
Pay you money to become a paid member but the email alerts are free.
At least do that.
Blair, we've only got about a minute with you here.
Give that number out again.
The toll-free number, 888-886-888-886, and then G-U-N-S.
How long do we have to beat this funding?
And then conversely, they did this in a voice vote with no record, which is only supposed to be like the sense of the Senate.
Isn't that fraudulent, even how they passed it?
Well, they have what they call in both houses a calendar, a list of things that are going to happen.
Uh, that are on unanimous consent.
Supposedly non-controversial.
Uh, the National Bacon Eaters Day or something like that.
And, you know, nobody cares about it, so it goes on unanimous consent.
Well, this was put through as a unanimous consent measure.
It happened in the Senate right before they adjourned the session, and then they whisked it over to the House, and nobody in either House knew that this was being done.
Most of the members had already left town.
They'd been told, no business on the schedule for this afternoon, just unanimous consent stuff.
We need to see a repeal of this.
We absolutely need to see a repeal.
Bottom line, they have no excuse but to kill the funding.
How do we kill that funding?
Well, the repeal measure, which we're going to do, it's kind of a two-step process.
We're going to seek to get this bill introduced.
Once it's introduced, we can do something that was not done before.
We can say, if you don't become a co-sponsor, that's an anti-gun vote.
And then subsequently, in the appropriation process, we can try to get this used as a way to turn the money off.
Alright, Larry Pratt, I want to thank you for spending time with us.
GunOwners.org, we salute you.
Defeat these pieces of trash.
We love you, Larry Pratt.
Thanks, Alex.
Take care.
Same here.
Alright, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with Ron Paul News.
Your call.
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We're good.
I think so.
In constant sorrow He stands I am the man of constant sorrow I've seen trouble all my days I'm a bit far away
You know, old Hillary, when she does her fake Kentucky accent, she's got it pretty much down, doesn't she?
And the fake crying and the rest of it.
Oh, boy.
But she makes it sound like an ugly accent.
It's actually a nice one, isn't it?
Alright, a bunch of Ron Paul news coming up.
Dennis Kaskenich scheduled for Internet Lister.
Internet was down for about an hour.
If you want to listen to it again, it'll be re-airing when the show ends at infowars.com.
They're on the mainstream.
Uh, that's the stream you want to listen to right there on the side.
That's the best quality, the best stream at InfoWars.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Russell in Texas.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
I'd like to tell you that having my voice heard like this is worth more than gold and silver.
And if all the apostles had this chance to do what they do, what would they say?
But on the other hand,
I, in 1991, I was on the USS LaSalle.
We were in the Straits of Hormuz, and we got attacked by two gunboats.
And a lot of people, they haven't ever heard about that.
And we had a big shootout with them.
Well, that's the biggest naval battle since the end of World War II, since the big battle there in the Coral Sea.
And if you expand out from there, with the Midway battle, how many of the Iranian ships did you guys blow up and sink?
And anyway, for somebody to be a military genius, before I ever went into Iraq or Afghanistan,
The first thing I would have done was taken that whole Straits of Hormuz.
I would have invaded it with Marines and Army and everything and took that whole area.
Because you ever get caught up inside that Persian Gulf and like China or somebody coming around you, we're going to be in trouble.
You understand?
Oh, I understand that the Iranians say they're going to fire 11,000 sizzlers.
No way for the ships to block those.
And the admirals have brought the ships in within range of the sizzlers.
It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I mean, how stupid can some of these military people be?
I mean, they're not very smart.
Well, no, they're not stupid.
It's just like they had the ships tied together and sent the new carriers out to sea and ordered the people to stand down when the Japanese aircraft were coming in and the subs attacked early and they were told to stand down as the subs were attacking.
That's now mainstream news.
Subs were attacking an hour before at the island.
They were still told, stand down, commanders, don't tell anybody.
Yes, we're in Iraq and we're in Afghanistan and it's going to be hard getting out.
But I tell you that they should have never slowed down.
They sat idle.
We're sitting idle.
By the way, you were there, but you can go online and read the big accounts on the military news sites.
You guys blew up two of their battleships and blew up a bunch of their little ships and then blew up a whole bunch of, they have oil rig platforms with special forces on them.
You blew up a bunch of those too.
It wasn't just two ships.
And well, this was after they had already called the ceasefire whenever this happened.
And it was the scariest 15 minutes.
I'm the one that called in for air support because I was a telecommunications officer.
And that was the scariest 15 minutes of my life.
But let me just ask you, are the accounts right?
Are they also shot up a bunch of patrol boats and oil rigs?
And it's just terrible.
They do not know how to fight this war right.
And we need to get somebody in there that's going to be a military genius because I would have taken that place first and foremost.
But then that would be a ground invasion and a whole other escalation.
Alright, but anyway, thank you Alex, and like I say, this is worth more than gold and silver to me, because all these people, they traveled the earth trying to have their voice heard, and just think what would they do if they had this technology we have.
Absolutely, God bless you.
No, we're living in Buck Rogers, folks, walking around on phones, watching TV, jets flying around everywhere, high technology.
But it's all being used for the police state.
We're here, folks.
They got vaccines that go in and eat parts of your brain.
I mean, we're living in La La Land.
Alright, we'll see if Dennis Kucinich joins us.
He scheduled your calls.
Tons of Ron Paul news.
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Cosenix seeks New Hampshire Dem a vote.
Recount AP.
Got the failed reports up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Democrat Dennis Kucinich, who won less than 2% of the vote in New Hampshire primaries, said Thursday he wants a recount to ensure that all ballots in his party's contest were counted.
The Ohio congressman cited serious and credible reports, as well as allegations and rumors, about the integrity of Tuesday's results.
Deputy Secretary of State David Sacklin said Kucinich is entitled to a statewide recount, but under New Hampshire law, Kucinich will have to pay for it.
And he said he had every confidence the results are accurate.
Yeah, sure they are.
You've already had a bunch of places after they finally announced their final totals that turned out to be a bunch of towns.
Now it's not one, it's not two, it's not three.
More towns where Ron Paul got zero votes, or now they're admitting got less votes than he actually got.
They say, oh, he had zero, and then oh, he had 50, oh, he had 31, or oh, there's all these thousands and thousands of votes that say other.
We need to find out what those are.
Meanwhile, Ron Paul did put a statement up last night.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Message from Ron Paul.
Message from Ron onward.
And he says in here that we face just an incredible attack from the military-industrial complex.
They'll do anything they can to try to block us.
The subversion of our Constitution to the media and the other second-hand dealers in ideas.
Vested interest in the current order will do anything, everything possible to smear me.
They will do and say anything to try to block our movement.
Even vote fraud is not beyond these people.
So there's Ron Paul saying even vote fraud is not beyond these people.
We've only caught them thousands of times.
And now New Hampshire, a convicted cocaine trafficker.
It was cocaine.
We just had his record a few days ago and it said narcotics trafficker.
I said it's going to be coke because that's what the CIA's in on.
I mean, I can't even tell you what drug it's going to be.
I mean, it's a certain profile.
We know who they are.
And, I mean, it's just walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.
And you've got Obama, 15 to 20 points, depending on which poll behind, and then he loses by almost four points.
That's almost a 20-point swing.
Hillary is a warmonger and is not popular.
At least Obama's in the middle of the road.
Everybody I know hates Hillary who are Democrats.
They like Obama.
In fact, I know Kucinich is higher in the numbers because every liberal I know loves him.
And Kucinich is too much of a high-road guy to come out and say he's being cheated, but they've been caught a bunch doing it.
It's clearly Dean won New Hampshire where there weren't machines, and it's the same skew again.
Machines go for the warmongers, the non-machines do better for those that aren't joining us, is Dennis Kucinich.
The Congressman, I really appreciate him coming on.
Again, for those who just joined us, he is calling for a Democratic recount.
We have a Republican candidate.
We had him on in the first hour.
Arthur Holmes, who is in there doing this, and calling for a recount.
And so, again, we're joined by Dennis Kucinich.
Congressman, thanks for coming on.
It's a pleasure to be on your show.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Where are you right now, Congressman?
I'm in Detroit, Michigan.
Getting ready for the Michigan primary.
Listen, let's not mince words.
I just want to get you to boil down and flesh out the statement you gave to the AP.
The Ohio Congress decided, quote, serious and credible reports.
I want to hear you amplify those and elaborate.
And allegations and rumors.
Please flesh that out.
Well, you know, first of all, the disparities between the poll results that were announced the day before the election, day of the election,
And what we were told were the actual returns indicate that there's either something seriously wrong with the polling of firms that collectively are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the election results were reflective of the vote,
There was something wrong with the election results, and the polls were correct.
Now I don't know which it is, but I know one thing.
That the biggest, one of the biggest issues nationally is the integrity of our elections.
People want to make sure every vote counts and is counted.
And I'm in a position as a candidate to be able to ask for a recount, and not for myself, because it's unlikely to change my ranking in the
I mean, that is not to say that it's going to dispose of all the issues here.
It's not.
There are issues that relate to the technology itself, to the transparency and technology, and how these things are programmed.
You know, I'm for paper ballots in all federal elections, so we don't have to deal with this.
But if we don't straighten out this issue right now about what happened in New Hampshire, and if it's nothing, fine, then we'll know.
But if there's something there, then the American people will know that at least one person made the effort to come to a real accounting.
And I think that these opportunities are rare, that you can actually
And to stop things, slow down, and say, let's take a look at it.
And we better do this, because, you know, if it's not straightened out in the primary, and no one challenges it, what are we to expect in the general election?
Congressman, obviously you're well-versed, well-read, you're aware of the situation, the different things that have happened in New Hampshire.
The mainstream media has put out literally more than a hundred reports saying that, with no evidence,
They're saying it's not voter machine fraud or election fraud of any type or even mistakes.
The voters all lied to the pollsters.
All these different scientific polls that are generally 2-4% off.
They're very accurate.
It's not in the other candidates.
They were all accurate.
It's in Obama and it's in Ron Paul.
I mean, the establishment candidates win.
I mean, when you look at that, so regardless of what it is, how can the dominant corporate media, with no evidence, just their own conspiracy theory, say, oh, the voters all lied to the pollsters?
Yeah, you know, either there's something wrong with the polling technology, or there's something wrong with the voting technology.
But whether it's polling or voting, they're both part of the process, and it needs to be inspected.
You know, we should get some kind of help.
But, sir, Congressman Kucinich, do you agree, though, that it's asinine to claim that the voters all lied to the pollsters?
Well, of course, of course.
You know, people have no vested interest in lying because you just wouldn't know if a lie would benefit.
It can't be done strategically.
And why would they lie only in this case?
I mean, your point's well taken.
I think that it just adds further credence to the importance of
Having a recount.
Now, some would say, well, you know, the recount itself may not reflect the results.
Well, you know, we'll do one and then we'll figure out what their next story is.
You've got several websites.
Which one would you like us to give out?
Well, Dennis4President.com is the one that we'd like to hear from people who are concerned about this.
And we're also
Uh, you know, this recount is not going to come cheap.
I mean, these other candidates have $100 million campaigns.
But to me, the principle of the thing requires that I stand in there.
We're going to need to raise money to do that.
And people can go to DennisFordPresident.com and can help us.
of finance that recounts.
Congressman Kucinich, and make your point a moment, sorry to interrupt, but I'm here in Austin, and I'm a more libertarian, Ron Paul type, but I know you and he are friends, but all the liberals I know, I mean literally almost all of them, including, I've talked to Willie Nelson and his wife, and I know you're friends with them, I mean none of them are supporting Hillary.
They're either like you or Obama.
So I gotta tell you, you better get more than 2% in Texas or something's wrong.
We're... I'm very concerned about this electronic technology that's being used in elections.
Well, you know what?
And, you know, there's... The stories about the potential for mistakes or even fraud are by now legendary.
I just want to make sure that every vote counts and every vote counts.
I mean, American people are entitled to that.
You know, as I go around the country, this is a...
Next to healthcare, this is the second thing that I hear about is a domestic issue.
People are really concerned.
You know, will their vote count?
Is their vote somehow being stolen?
And after 2000 and 2004, there's so much loss of faith that what I'm trying to do is to take a step that would cause people to have renewed faith in the process.
That's not to say that however this thing plays out in New Hampshire, that there's still
Doesn't have to be a deeper discussion about getting rid of the electronic technology.
I mean, I am, I'm just saying, I am for paper ballots only in these federal elections.
Well, let me just say that, sir, I commend you taking the leadership position that it's bigger than Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul or anybody.
It's about the electoral voting process.
The integrity of it comes first, and I commend you for calling for the Democratic recount and paying for it.
I hope folks will support you in financing that also.
And, of course, we're trying to help the Ron Paul folks get that going.
And, you know, Ron,
I understand that.
Ryan's a friend of mine.
We've stood together on a lot of international policy questions.
We're often alone, by the way, the two of us.
I'm glad he has so many friends there.
I really appreciate him and I wish him well.
What do you think about the fact that the polls all showed that he should have gotten almost double what he got, and then he did better in the paper, worse in the machine?
I mean, just like Howard Dean won the paper, lost the machine in New Hampshire.
I mean, this is really starting to have a pattern here, isn't it?
I'm concerned, and you know, we can't
Continue to go through this.
I mean, when when is somebody going to say, hey, wait a minute?
And that's why I am among Democrats.
I decided to be that person to say, wait a minute, you know, let's let's recount this.
And it's not going to benefit me.
It's not going to change my place in the standings.
But you know what?
It may cause the American people to have to redeem their faith in the process that right now is that is at risk when you have conditions where
There's such a disparity.
I mean, look, that's all the media's writing about, the huge disparity between what the polls said on the day before the election and the day of the election, and what the turnout was.
I mean, how it really turned out.
There's something that just doesn't square.
You know, like anything else in life, when you come up with something like that, those kind of mysteries are meant to be solved.
And so we need to solve it.
These machines went in the last 10 years or so, generally the poles were right and things weren't, there were still some problems, but it just gets squirrelier and squirrelier and squirrelier.
Yeah, it does, and you're absolutely right.
Dennis4President.com, my last question for you is just on the issue of different polls showing Congress with an 11, a 12%, Cheney with a 10%.
Both parties universally are, for the first time, out of favor.
It looks like a political realignment is happening, and I don't think all of these electronic defense contractor-owned voting machines
That's a concern, but it's also a moment when the true patriots of America understand that we are called upon in this generation
To save our country.
That we're losing our country to war based on lies, to destruction of our civil liberties, to massive debt.
And we're the ones.
It falls to us to stand up, speak out, defend America, regain our country, restore our civil liberties, stop these foreign entanglements, stop the mounting debt, have prosperity.
I mean, we can recover, but it's going to take not just leadership, but each one of us has to participate.
So to be on your show is such an honor.
And again, if anyone wants to help us defray the cost of what's likely to be an expensive recount on the Democratic side, I ask you to go to our website at www.dennis4president.com and indicate your willingness to help.
This is important not for me, it's important for the American people.
Yeah, you know, I mean, it doesn't surprise me.
You know, we have to have integrity.
The integrity has to be consistent.
You know, there's a line in the Bible that says, that which is crooked cannot be made straight.
And so, you know, we must have an election process which has integrity.
Now, I'm going to follow up on this issue.
I want everyone listening to know that even though it's not going to benefit me much personally,
It's going to benefit all of us, and I want you to know that I'm proceeding.
What I'll do is, as we go down the road on this, I'd love to stay in touch with you to let you know exactly what's going on and give your listeners an update as far as the process.
Who knows?
We may be on the threshold of an amazing, important discovery.
With respect to how our first primary was conducted.
That money is apportioned in that way.
That's a pledge we make to everyone.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Thanks a lot.
That's a number four, Dennis.
Number four.
And again, I want to thank you.
Thank everyone listening.
Help us out.
Help us find out what the truth is behind what happened in New Hampshire.
And we're told that we shall know the truth, the truth shall set us free.
Let's be free.
Take care, Congressman.
All right.
Thank you.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you.
Bye now.
All right.
There he goes.
And, hey, I agree with Senator Lott.
I absolutely can't stand his gun control stance.
But, look, it doesn't matter.
The point is, you heard him.
Especially you Democrats out there, if you vote for Hillary or you don't give money for this recount, you're scum.
Okay, I mean it really comes down to that.
I'm not going to sit there anymore.
I'm not going to sit on my hands and watch these criminals run away with it.
They've got to be stood up to.
And you know what?
We may get our butt kicked the first four or five times when I was growing up.
Pretty soon you learn how to fight.
And so just get in the ring, folks.
Get in the ring.
And everything will be okay.
If you don't, we're gonna get run over.
I'm gonna jam in a few final crawls in the final segment, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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Jimmy Vaughn, no shackles on me.
Type it into Google if you want to watch it.
I don't have time to play this great song.
Here we go.
Okay, big breaking news.
I told you the CIA itself is taking over every U.S.
They're taking over all the colleges.
I mean, all of them.
Community colleges, you name it.
Jesse Ventura told a story about how the day after he got elected he showed up at the Capitol and in the basement there were 22 CIA operatives basically telling them that, hey, we run things.
The CIA has now confirmed that mainstream news, Minnesota Public Radio, CIA confirms Ventura meeting occurred.
It's going up on JonesReport.com right now.
Aaron's right out there posting it right now.
Ventura's book, the former Independence Party Governor says he was stunned to learn the CIA has operatives inside every state government.
Folks, it's all run.
The narcotics, you understand that?
You think they just fly little kids out of the U.S.
or Saudi Arabia on jets and nobody knows?
They run it all.
Most CIA doesn't know that, they're compartmentalized.
But I reverse engineered all of it because I got a good memory and I scan it and I pick up on it because their infrastructure has to, the rubber has to meet the road at the local level.
They're running the voting machines, everything.
That doesn't mean you don't go out and vote.
You've proved they're fraud.
You keep leaning up against them.
You keep engaging them.
And see, it's not just like good old boys.
These are killers.
These are corrupt people.
They're doing bad stuff.
They've got a bunch of crazy eugenicists running everything.
Look, I don't want to fight.
I'm not trying to have a you-know-what contest with you, a urination contest, excuse my French.
I'm not trying to sit here and have war.
I don't have a choice.
I know I'm under attack.
I know what's going on around me.
I know these people don't play games.
I'm not somebody who expects everything to be perfect.
I know we're always going to have some corruption problems.
This ain't that.
This is deviltry.
Okay, I mean, these people want to take everything we've got.
They're hurting us through the vaccines, the food.
Not one of these guys has all the pieces together.
Only at the top do they.
A lot of them think they're doing good.
Or, oh, somebody's gonna deal the drugs.
We might as well do it to control it.
You know, that's how the psychology works.
And next, they're kidnapping kids and loading them on planes.
Look, you gotta stop it.
You gotta stop.
I said I'd take calls.
There's so much to cover, though.
Look, Ron Paul has made a statement on the vote fraud.
There's so much.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
RonPaulWarRoom.com has gone completely insane.
Sometimes there's like 300, 400 posters in there at one time.
It's really taken off.
Throughout the weekend, please post your latest info, your latest tidbits.
Get in there.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Get, uh... What?
Five plus months free right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I'm out of time.
I can't do just the calls.
I apologize.
I'm going to try Sunday to actually just take calls.
To actually get you on the air and take a lot of calls.
But there's just... We had... How many guests today?
How many incredible guests today?
Benjamin Fulford, Paul Craig Roberts, Larry Pratt, Dennis Kucinich, Bev Harris, Albert Howard.
It was amazing!
And if you missed any of that, it retransmits now at Infowars.com.
That's the high-quality stream.
That's the quality stream.
That's where you get to re-hear the show.
Go to I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com, or listen on the web anywhere.
And if you missed any of the first or second hour, the web went out in the second hour.
Had a server go down and about tens of thousands got knocked off.
That's all right.
That's what we've got.
AM and FM satellite shortwave and the rest of it.
But, uh, get your PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Don't go in there and burn all the TV shows and videos of death.
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I want to say to my whole crew, Aaron Dykes, Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Trey Kincaid, excellent producer.
It just gets better and better.
All the people in the office, Mike Nelson, uh, the girls here in the office, I'm going to mention their names.
They like to be private.
Uh, just, uh,
Eddie Bear, uh, we've got, uh, Weldon Henson, just everybody.
Dwayne, everybody.
All right, Infowars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
Get in there, retransmission starts now.
See you Sunday, 4 to 6.
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