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Name: 20080110_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 10, 2008
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the 10th day of January 2007.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Bev Harris of blackboxvoting.org with an ultra-massive exclusive will be joining us coming up in the next segment.
You heard it here first.
I am proud of my producer and the work we do here, getting you the most important guests out there on the daily news and issues that affect our society.
Bev Harris, of course, privately told me the name.
They already had some documentation.
It's frankly far worse than even what you're about to hear.
She's still vetting even more hardcore dirt.
But she was still vetting it and wasn't going to put the report out until today.
She did that in the early morning hours, Pacific Time.
Not only has Ron Paul been cheated in Sutton, now we're learning he got zero where he really didn't in other townships.
More people are coming forward signing affidavits.
The Granny Warriors have already raised a bunch of money to start a recount.
I've got wealthy folks calling me, gracious people offering to pay for privatized total recounts.
I need to get the Paul campaign on, and we're working on that, to tell them there are people coming forward with money right now for the whole recount.
I mean, this is all happening, this is all developing right now.
We have the National News trying to spin the fact that Hillary was between 10 and 20 points, on average 15 points, behind Barack Obama in scientific polls with margins of error from 2 to 4 percent, magically beating him in all the electronic machines, losing in the non-electronic 19 percent of the state.
This is huge!
This is huge!
And the bigger issue now is not just the fraud, but what is Ron Paul going to do about it?
People are hopping mad.
They're upset.
We have clear evidence of fraud.
And as if all that other evidence wasn't enough, now this.
Drumroll, please.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Steve Watson.
He wrote this yesterday, but held the story.
In fact, I learned that at about 5, it was about to go up.
And I said, no, don't put it out.
I know Bev's always 100%.
I mean, she literally, you know, vets things for HBO, but I said, we have got to hold on this story, and we did.
See, we don't come in here and tell you Houston's going to be nuked next week and it doesn't happen.
We don't come on the air and tell you that Henry Paulson's been shot when he hasn't.
We don't come on air and, I mean, maybe ten years ago I got caught up in stuff like this, but not now.
And a lot of times we hold back on stories because we want to absolutely make sure it's accurate for you.
Now, I'm very accurate in my vetting of stories and my analysis.
It doesn't sound very credible when I start yelling and screaming and hyperventilating, but frankly, I get mad, folks.
I don't enjoy this.
This is not fun.
This is not cutesy.
This is very upsetting, and I'm going to try today.
To not get mad, because I don't like how it makes me feel.
But that issue aside, I'm glad you're angry too, and we're going to need that anger to carry through on this.
But the bigger debate is, what is Ron Paul going to do?
Drum roll.
Drumroll, this is up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net right now.
I need it up on TruthNews, InfoWars.
We need full-spectrum attack on this.
I need this to go viral now.
And that's up to you.
Attack, ladies and gentlemen, with this information, because the mainstream media is being forced to start to report on election fraud.
They don't like it.
We have to ram this out into a national issue, even if Ron Paul tries to take the high road.
It's not a high road.
He has a responsibility to speak out.
When we get back, the ultra-massive, exclusive, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side, with Bev Harris, who ferreted this out, thanks to investigators in the state of New Hampshire, that have locked horns with this guy before.
All the gory details, on the other side.
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Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
We're good to go.
I think so.
I think so.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to attempt to go to your calls today.
A lot of your calls let you respond to the clear election fraud red-handed by the system in New Hampshire, all the new developments.
Joining us is Bev Harris of blackboxvoting.org.
She helped produce the big HBO special, Hacking Democracy.
She's written books on the subject, posted them free on her website.
She's a national treasure.
Bev, I didn't talk to you during the break because I was busy doing some stuff.
So were you, but I want to let you know we have a wealthy benefactor who's actually donated to us before who's offering to help pay you because he knows you have the expertise.
So don't forget to let me give you his number so that you can send some PIs to New Hampshire or there's people calling saying they want to pay outright for the recount.
And I believe, Bev, that anybody in New Hampshire can go pay for a recount, or is it just the candidates?
Just the candidates, but along those lines, there's something kind of interesting that's cropped up.
You know, there's a very minor, minor candidate by the name of Albert Howard, whose wife just called me, and he is on the Republican ticket, and they're interested in doing a recount if they can raise the funds for it.
So, it doesn't necessarily even need to be, but what I told her to do is find out first
To make sure that if they do a recount of any candidate that they have to recount all the candidates on the slate.
But we need the Ron Paul machine behind this, and it's one thing if we think there's fraud, he's doubling the polls and then he only gets half of it.
It's another thing when we start catching them red-handed.
Now, drumroll Bev, I had to bite my tongue not to cover this yesterday.
You got the documents, and now to give people the full story, headline, Infowars.net,
PrisonPlanet.com, BlackBoxVoting.com, Diebold Voting Machine, contractor, executive, has criminal record, and they tried to keep it secret, and this fits into a pattern.
This is huge.
Bev, you've got the floor.
Yeah, and remember, it's .org because the BlackBoxVoting.com site is a harassment site for us.
Did I say .org?
Yeah, BlackBoxVoting.org.
I've got to get that site someday, but he won't give it up.
Anyway, yeah, and it's interesting because
Well, I can't confirm it was for narcotics trafficking, which is what my source told me, but he was sentenced to a year in jail for, it says the offense is selling CND.
So it's either candy or controlled narcotic drugs.
I don't know, something like that.
But we have the actual photocopy of the arrest record.
And he pled guilty to it.
But that's tongue-in-cheek.
It's obviously not selling controlled candy.
It's controlled narcotic substance.
Whatever he was selling, he was selling something that was CND.
And so you can say candy or you can say nose candy.
I don't know which one it was.
But at any rate... But you don't go to jail for candy?
No, you don't go to a year in jail for candy.
And he was also fined and so forth.
So actually, it's entertaining if it wasn't for status.
Their response was to pull the staff list off the website so no one can check who works there.
But we got a copy of that, and that's linked up on PrisonPlanet.com and BlackBoxVoting.org.
Beb, the same great
You know, three-minute analysis you gave me during that break yesterday before you came on.
Give us the background, give us the intel, the source.
She got involved with him from a totally different perspective, but you said what she was telling you matched up with your own investigations.
You'd already had run-ins with this individual.
We've now got his name.
Go ahead and break it down.
Yeah, well, basically, there's the two guys that have, like, grown up together, and they started this company, and this company has the programming contract for
All of the voting machines in New England, which, New Hampshire is of course in New England, so they've got all of New Hampshire.
And basically you have John Silvestro, who is in this video we show, he's kind of a pontificating type, you know, and then you've got this Ken Hajar.
Ken Hajar is a very nasty character, frankly.
He threatens, he's threatened us, he wrote, he threatened Brad's blog, Brad Friedman has a very popular blog about, it's on the progressive side, and apparently he threatened a woman that was in opposition of his, on a political thing having to do with building a power plant, and it was sufficient that she actually filed for a restraining order.
And so that's one of the documents that I'm wanting to add to his little file on our site.
And then I found more information from a radio interview he had granted, and I have that quoted in the latest article on our site, in which he made quotes like, well, I don't always follow every little law.
And he admitted that he sometimes totes memory cards, which are the little ballot boxes, around in the trunk of his car, and he doesn't see anything wrong with swapping a memory card in the middle of an election if he's servicing the machine.
Well, that's what these guys always do, and police know that from criminology, is they always flaunt it all, they love to throw it in your face, they love to brag, they love to habitualize it and try to get you trained to accept it.
Yeah, that's actually what we see.
It's like, they say stuff and you think, can that be true?
Okay, it must be true because he's saying it's true with such confidence.
But you step back a step and go, look, the core issue here, I don't care if it's a Girl Scout that's got memory cards in the trunk of her car, I can't see what she's doing.
And I certainly don't want someone who is convicted of selling whatever kind of candy and sentenced to a year in jail for it.
The issue is, this system has got to be put out into public view.
If we can't see what they're doing... But Ben, you're being too conservative there, because people are going to take that seriously.
This is how conservative you are.
You've even told me more off-air.
I mean, it says in there, controlled... I mean, that is the code.
That's the police code, and that's the code and convictions for narcotics.
I typed it in.
So for dealing in this, and he's sentenced to a year in jail, which is a pretty stiff penalty, so that's showing it's a goodly amount.
And then of course, where there's smoke, there's fire.
And what this lady told you checked out, so to say, you know, or for selling illegal candy.
I mean, clearly this was either cocaine, heroin, it was something that is in a narcotics classification.
And now, we're not getting all the records.
Part of them are blacked out, aren't they?
Yeah, apparently so.
And then there's always a problem because this particular one was 1990.
I have a mistake in my archives.
I said it was 87.
Apparently that's when they arrested him, but he finally pleaded guilty in 1990.
And they told me that that's back in their archives and so there's so forth.
So what I have done is I have requested every document from every Secretary of State in New England on everything they have from this company during the entire procurement process and ever since then.
And they will either
Know that this guy has a criminal record, or they should know.
So I'm going to find out what they knew.
Now I want to give people some background here.
This isn't only popping up once.
How many times have people working at Diebold or administrating through sub-companies over multi-states, like these guys, five states, the majority of five states,
How many times have we had narcotics traffickers, drug dealers, spooks, top hackers, embezzlers, caught in and around this company?
I mean, every time it pops up, it seems like that's all who works at these companies.
You start to wonder if it isn't required in the resume or something because it really is amazing.
I mean, I've literally lost count.
In fact, I haven't had time to do this, but at some point I actually want to start a section on my website called the criminal documents of all the elections people in the industry.
It is staggering.
In fact, I recently wrote a report pulling out the criminal records of actual election officials who are the government officials who conduct elections.
I had to consolidate it down to eight pages and just use recent.
There were so many examples.
I even have election officials who've been convicted of drug dealing and convicted of embezzlement and so forth.
It's kind of shocking and
You know, you look at this and just go, there is no solution other than to count the things in public where we can see it and keep the chain of custody in public.
There's no other solution.
To try to have to guess whether someone is honest or not is not acceptable.
And I want to tell the listeners something.
Just in my own investigations here in Austin, nine times out of ten, if you investigate any government agency, any group, I don't just mean the police.
In fact, I found they're not as criminal as most of the other government groups.
You just burrow in anywhere and you run directly into crimes.
I mean, we send people to prison many times.
I mean, I personally have gone out and investigated people and sent them to prison.
I'm telling you, nine times out of ten, in fact, you can probably just say, you're a criminal, I know I have the evidence, and they'll start begging, like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not, and then you know you've got them.
Just like cops use that trick of going, you know, we got the evidence, then they spill their guts.
I mean, it's a legion of criminals feeding on us,
And, you know, you've been a corporate fraud investigator before you got into this, Beb.
And my dad's a mid-level executive for a pretty big company, and he told me years ago that half of the employees corporations have found in studies steal.
I mean, is this just a nation of criminals, not just in government, just criminals everywhere?
Well, you know, I think the reason that we're so, um, facing this difficulty in government is that they tend not to prosecute each other a lot of times.
And so, I mean, quite literally, they'll go, you know, they give each other a break and they don't... That's it!
Government is... A lot of times they let each other resign!
It's terrible!
They'll say, well, you know what?
Um, you just resign and we won't do anything about it.
And then they say things like, and I saw this in Ohio, where she finds these terrible problems with Secretary of State, and she goes, but we're going to be forward-looking.
And I'm like, forward-looking just means you're not going to consecrate anything.
Bev, you just said it, though.
Government is a safe haven for criminals.
That's why there's so many in there, and then they recruit more criminals, and that's why you always get tyranny, because criminals first get into low-level areas, then they protect themselves, then they move up, and within a generation, they're in power, and then they wage war against the good people.
That's called tyranny, Bev.
That's exactly how it works.
Of course.
I mean, you nailed it.
Stay there in the next segment.
I want to get into detail on these articles at PrisonPlanet.com and BlackBoxVoting.org.
A great story by Steve Watson.
Your documents, your excellent analysis.
I want to talk more about where we should go from here.
For those that just joined us, it isn't just townships counting zero for Ron Paul.
It isn't just the polls being turned on their heads, always an indicator of fraud.
It is a individual, and you've gotten in some of your stories here, Bev, that some laws may be broken by having this guy in there.
I want to talk about where you think we go from here.
This is huge, folks!
Evidence is just mushrooming of total fraud in New Hampshire.
What will Ron Paul do?
That's the big one.
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We're good to go.
Alright, one of the granny warriors, Linda Honeycutt, who drives all around the country for years in a big bus fighting the New World Order.
They have contacted one of the Republicans who was in on the race, who's saying he wants a recount, and they've already raised like six grand as of this morning on their little chip-in deal to go for a recount.
We've got donors calling us wanting to fund it.
So, I'm not going to try to haunt you all this.
I'm just going to turn that info over to you, Bev, later today, if you would like.
Do you want to carry the ball, Bev?
I can't on a recount because, again, it gets into campaign stuff and we're not allowed to, but I can certainly, I can do things like consulting on procedural issues and stuff.
Maybe you can help direct them or something?
Or put people together?
Yeah, I can't get directly involved in someone's recount other than to discuss it in this case.
Sure, well here's the deal.
I mean, you know, I'm helping with the Ron Paul Air Corps.
I'm helping with a lot of other things behind the scenes.
I just don't want to put myself front and center out in front of the campaign because that's already, the media's already made such a big issue out of that.
It's just the bottom line is if Ron Paul stands by, I'm not going to stand by.
And so... Well, and we have to remember again in Ohio,
It was not John Kerry that asked for a recount, it was Michael Badnarek from the Libertarian Party and David Cobb from the Green Party.
And the same difference, you can still have people from any campaign out there watchdogging it and that's how they ended up putting the women in jail because they didn't catch them rigging the election, they caught them rigging the recount.
But I am concerned about some strategic issues procedurally in New Hampshire, and so that's something I can definitely discuss at more length.
It's a little bit boring and mundane for the show like this, but it's exciting.
Well, we're going to have Linda Honeycutt coming up in about 15 minutes, right at the tail end of the interview with you, Beth.
Words cannot really describe the magnitude of what we're witnessing.
I mean, we're not just seeing one or two of the key indicators of fraud in New Hampshire.
We're seeing an entire constellation, the entire complement of what you would see.
You've got a crook, you know, convicted felon in the middle of all of this for the sale of controlled narcotics.
You've got him running around with the memory cards.
You've got the machine showing
Totally skewed numbers away from what the polls show, but the hand counts matching what the polls show with Obama and poll.
I mean all of this happening, more about this guy and more about this company.
I want listeners to realize what we're seeing here.
People don't seem to quite grasp what I'm saying here.
You know, inside access is always bad, and everybody made a big deal of the fact that in California they were sending these voting machines home with poll workers for sleepovers.
Well, of course, the poll workers, because hacking these machines takes only the smallest amount of computer skill, a refrigerator repairman can do it.
The information is on the internet for how to do it.
So, you don't need to have anything, you know, usually special in order to figure it out.
It's like changing your email.
Calling and hacking isn't even right.
Well, for the memory card, you have to know, you have to be a technician.
Let's put it that way.
So, the idea is inside access is a problem, but now let's compare that situation where you send it home with a random poll worker here and there.
They can then get at that machine, and they can then hack that election on that machine.
LHS Associates, though, in New Hampshire, has access to every memory card in New England.
Every memory card in New Hampshire.
So, the issue is the level of inside access given to just a tiny handful of guys is unprecedented.
I don't know if it's unprecedented.
Heaven knows.
We'll probably find it somewhere else in the U.S.
in just the larger scale.
The level of inside access is so huge.
They literally controlled the memory cards for the entire state of New Hampshire and coming up February 5th for Massachusetts and Connecticut and Maine and Vermont.
Now let's be clear here.
We have someone convicted according to the documents you've gotten and according to now what's been published at PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, BlackBoxVoting.org.
It's all there folks.
On top of Towns saying zero, on top of all of this, on top of the polls not matching, if you were Ron Paul, you know, separate from your tax-free, you know, group, your 501c3... If I was a candidate, Mr. Jones... Yes, if you were a candidate... ...with a similar discrepancy... What would Bev Harris do right now?
I would first, and I have already done this through public records requests, but it'll be a little slow, I would immediately start nosing around about what exactly is happening with those paper ballots.
Because you see, here's the issue, and no one wants to really deal with this, but yes, it would put a lot of attention on everything to request a recount, but there's also a huge incentive for someone to make sure that that recount matches.
What we don't want is someone to come back and say, see, told you so, everything's fine, if they actually
Substituted in the ballots to make it fine.
So the very next step is to find out, they use one company, just like they use one company to program voting machines, they use just one company to print all the ballots in New Hampshire.
I have not yet been able to get the name of that company, but I will.
But if I was a candidate, first thing I'd do is tell me the company that prints the ballots, and let me tell you why.
Here in Washington State, the company prints 25% extra ballots every time.
Explain all this on the other side, then let's talk about this other town, Greenville, with the zero votes now saying they've got votes.
If we confirm this, it's just going sky high.
We're on the march.
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I think so.
Welcome back!
We're now about two days out from the New Hampshire primary.
Exponentially, the evidence of fraud, corruption, laws being broken is flooding out.
One company controls the majority of votes in a five-state area.
One of their top executives is a convicted narcotics trafficker.
Distributing controlled narcotics.
We're getting even more documents right now on restraining orders.
People reportedly being threatened who tried to block him and weird power plant deals.
That's all coming out.
This massive breaking story is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
InfoWars.net and BlackBoxVoting.org.
She's got her own reports, we've got our own on it.
We're going to be expanding all of these as new info comes out.
Bev, continue with the fact that we have these companies printing extra ballots, and then I want to get into the Greenville situation.
There's so many facets to this, Bev.
Yeah, the ballot thing is important.
It's subtle at first, but think this through.
If they do a hand recount throughout New Hampshire,
And if they were to show through that hand recount that there was fraud, everything topples.
What that means is there's a huge incentive to make sure that hand count doesn't show anything.
Okay, then we go to the habits and procedures of ballot printing plants.
Now, we know from the one near me, because I got leaked financial documents from their employees,
That showed that they were printing 25% more ballots than were needed and not delivering them.
But that's important.
That means they don't show up on the books anywhere.
They're just at this private company that we don't have a right to see.
But they're hanging around there, blank, in case something needs to be substituted.
Then in Ohio, there's a great researcher by the name of Richard Hayes Phillips, who was able to document 10,000 ballots that were delivered
I believe it was Claremont County during the recount, or shortly before, but they were off the books ballots.
In other words, they weren't official ballots, they supposedly didn't exist, but he was able to prove that they took delivery on 10,000 ballots that didn't show up.
Understand, during a recount, they're shipping in ballots.
Folks, that's red-handed.
Well, I don't know the timeline.
It could have been they got them before the recount, but they were, you know, that is basically a plan B situation.
If we have to recount, we need something to substitute, right?
So, that's why it's very important now to find out who the ballot printer is for New Hampshire and what their chain of custody procedures specifically are, because what I do know
Is in New Hampshire, what I understand to be the case, is that all these 240 townships ship their ballots to one place.
Okay, well, anytime you see a narrowing of the pipeline, where everything is going to one place, there's fewer hands on it and so forth, you've got to really, really look at that chain of custody.
Because you have to understand, this is not just some normal, you know, the dog catcher wants a recount.
This is a situation where the whole world would be looking at this.
And if there is a problem,
Really amazingly, it would be a shake-up that wouldn't be... it would be unprecedented.
We're on the edge of something that could really get our electoral process back or voting process back into our hands.
We have gone from people not believing this was happening to the majority of Americans in major polls knowing there's fraud, people are going to jail, criminals are being caught, drug dealers seem to be the favorite employee of these crime syndicates.
Deb Harris recapping the fact that one of the chief officers
Of the company.
Recap the top story for people that just joined us.
Recap that top news.
I don't want to get into what's happened in Greenville.
Looks like another place where they're now reporting, okay, he didn't really get zero.
And so it's now mounting.
You can say zero one place is an accident.
That's not, I mean, that's ridiculous, but still you can say it.
But it's now being duplicated.
This is just, folks, this is massive.
We've got to ram this out into the mainstream media.
But recap, Bev.
Yeah, well essentially when you have a situation where one company has inside access to everything, and that one company also has hired someone with a criminal background, it's unacceptable is putting it mildly.
And then going on to Greenville, yeah, what's so important about that, these are tiny little towns and so forth, but if there was zero, and then if it turns out to be 25 votes for Ron Paul, and I know I have a screenshot of it being zero by the way,
Well, what that means is not only was there an unacceptable discrepancy in the town of Sutton, but if it also shows up in the town of Greenville with the same candidate and it's the same discrepancy, what are the odds?
You know, that's where we really get into a problem.
Bev, again, if you were a candidate, you say there's strategy involved here,
And you've just begun to analyze the New Hampshire laws on this, but groups that are calling for recounts, candidates that are saying they may do it, what would be the most logical step to ensure that they weren't able to further abscond?
Well, first you have to understand that it might not be possible to ensure that, and that there's a great... But I think the first thing to do is gather information.
We've got to know everything.
And you have to look at this from the other side's point of view.
If something happened here, and they don't want it to come out, they're not going to make it easy and say, well, la la la, let's get down the road and look at these things, and we'll all go to jail, no problem.
So you have to look at it from the standpoint of,
Okay, if I was a really bad guy, where are my opportunities?
And I always look for where there's a narrow spot in the pipe.
In other words, there's all these eyes on the process over here, but then look over there when there's only two people.
You know, that's the kind of thing you want to look for with the chain of custody.
What type of areas would that be?
Well, I would look towards certainly whoever prints the ballot, where those ballots are, how many extras they are, who they're friends with, what their names are, do they have criminal backgrounds?
The guy who prints the ballots here in Washington was a cocaine dealer, that's one of the ones!
You know, that would be one of the things to look at.
Another thing to look at would be which specific officials, public officials, are the ones charged with custody of those ballots, and how many of them.
And they often give you a lot of, you know, there's this and this and this and this, and we have all these different procedures, but you almost have to follow it yourself to see if those procedures are followed.
That was done in Riverside, California, and it was great.
This wonderful activist down there by the name of Tom Corbett got in a pickup truck and followed the ballots around during a live election.
Oh yeah, it's going to take just good old-fashioned getting out in the streets, spying on people.
Folks, the government's so corrupt,
That if a judge has wronged you, or somebody's done something bad to you, and you know they're screwing you, you know they're corrupt, you know they're lying, nine times out of ten, don't hurt them, don't threaten them.
You're allowed to be a private investigator.
Start following them around.
You're going to see them cheating on their wife.
You're going to see them drug dealing.
You're going to see stuff you don't believe.
And I'm telling you... And there's one thing I can tell people that will help if they're starting to look into this on their own.
On blackboxvoting.org, we have something called the Citizen's Toolkit.
It's one of the red tabs right on the left.
And there's a section of that called Following the Money Trail.
And it has all kinds of tips for what people can do from their own armchair in their living room to find out all kinds of information.
And that is appropriate if you're saying we need to find out about ballot chain of custody.
It's completely appropriate.
This is a public function.
I've done it before and caught people being bribed on tape, caught people stealing, sent them to prison.
I mean, these crooks are arrogant.
Which, by the way, brings up a point.
It doesn't do any good to see it and tell your neighbor about it.
You have to be able to get a document, which is why we didn't... That's why we didn't really break this story, isn't it, Alex, yesterday?
It's like, I need that document in my hand.
I have credible information.
It's corroborated by something else, but I'm not going to really... Nobody will really believe it until I show them a photocopy.
No, no, I mean, let's talk about what we know about him and...
We're good to go.
Telling people that they're full of it in more profane terms than that.
And he's done that on several websites and been tracked right back to who he is.
And so, you know, he's just kind of a blustery
Well, I want these guys to know we're committed.
We're not saying bring it on.
We don't want bad things to happen to us, but we're committed.
You understand what that means?
It means we're not playing games.
We're going to head up against you.
Your threats don't work, okay?
Understand that.
We understand you're dangerous.
We understand you're serious.
We understand who you are.
Understand who we are.
Understand that.
You can sit there and play your games, governmental, and the people that work for you, and the little corporations that have grown up around you, with all your black ops and the rest of it, we're done.
We're committed.
We're ready for the fight.
We're head up, okay?
We're coming at you, and we don't care.
Understand, punks.
We understand the danger, and we don't care.
We're sick of you, and if you want to play chicken, let's go, because I ain't turning.
I'm not getting over in the other lane.
I'm going all the way.
Do you understand?
Do you under- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Bev.
It just freaks me out to see these people running wild, to see them always getting away with everything, and I'm tired of them cheating.
I'm tired of them destroying my country.
Now, in closing, Bev Harris,
I said I wasn't going to get mad today.
I apologize, Bev, and to you and the whole audience.
Well, it's exciting!
No, Alex, everybody loves you.
You know that.
Yeah, but I really, physically, it's starting to drain me getting mad.
I'm trying to, I'm getting to the point where I can't control my temper anymore, Bev, and I don't like it, because, but at the same time, I just am so mad.
And I need to be able to think straight, but I mean, do you ever get really mad, or is it just fun to expose them?
Oh, well, my reaction when I, you know, a lot of times I'll see something new, and it happens every couple weeks, and I, it usually kind of really makes me quiet for like a whole day, where it's, you know, you can talk about it, and it's all like a big spy movie and a novel, but sometimes when you see real stuff, documents, you know, you just go, oh my goodness, this is real!
You know, and that is when you just really get, to me, I just get a little bit more introspective at that point.
And I'm not scared.
I mean, I've raised my kids and stuff.
It's just... It's chilling.
It's just chilling.
And it's not a good thing to look at.
And I know it's hard for a lot of Americans to even let themselves begin to look.
Bev, I totally agree.
When I'm at home, late at night working, I'm very introspective, very quiet.
It's when I'm forced to talk about it, and forced to get into it, that's when I start getting angry.
Because exactly, it's like bracing, it's chilling, it's not even fear, it's more of just, God, there's all this evil, and if they'll steal elections and do all this, what else are they doing?
Oh, I know.
There was a consortium of media people that wanted to get together and talk about licing all of the different issues together, and I thought, I don't know.
I keep my spirits up by just staying in my little corner here because it's bad enough over here.
But I think what we have to do is, look, it's always depressing to not take action.
We have to do constructive action that's real.
And by the way, I wanted to mention to your listeners,
Once we get into really going head-to-head and looking at what's going on and getting the documents and getting videotaped and so forth, don't necessarily think... I would say what you do with that is you propagate that out to five or six different sources.
Never think, well, I'm going to turn it over to the Attorney General and he will prosecute.
Ha ha!
Or, I'm going to take it to my local newspaper.
Do that, yeah.
Turn it over to the AG, take it to the newspaper, but also get it to at least three or four other kinds of sources.
And that will give it legs.
Well it's like here, we get stuff piling up and a year later find some incredible thing we were sent.
So get it out to five or six activists.
Get it out to five or six mainstream media.
Get it out to two or three police agencies.
And I know that's a lot of work, but it's like siege.
You've got to plant a lot of them to make sure a few of them sprout.
Bev, in closing, we've got the Granny Warriors on the line.
I want to thank you for your incredible research.
We're going to call you back in an hour or two if any new developments come out.
We want to have you pop back in.
I've been very honored to have you in your very busy schedule as all this happens here with us during Election 2008.
And I thank you for your incredible research and all those giving you tips.
The Greenville situation also there.
Tell us what's coming in on that.
I gotta get that confirmed, that's the next order of business, because either he went from zero to 25 or he didn't.
And also, remembering Greenville, they also had Romney at zero, and the Nashua newspaper had him as the winner.
So, what the heck?
You know, I mean... And one last thing in closing.
When they say it's an error, understand that they have to fill out a reconciliation form where they write down the number of voters who showed up,
I don't know.
It just doesn't make sense.
We also have Ron Paul getting, on average, 15% as the polls showed he would, and that'd be third place, folks, in all the places, you know, that's where it averages out to, where the 19% where it was handwritten, and then you've got him getting 8% or even lower in the places where it was electronic.
I mean, that right there stinks.
And then you add to that Obama way ahead of Hillary and then being 5 percentage points behind.
That's a 20% swing.
That stinks.
And then you have this convicted crook in there at the high levels of the company admitting he's involved with the memory cards.
Bev, I mean, on the face of it, are laws being violated here?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, laws are being violated.
I mean, it's against the law for one thing, to report 0 if you've got 25.
It's not just that you can say it's error, it's also against the law.
And, you know, in the state of Connecticut, by the way, one of the reasons we know that this guy had memory cards in his trunk and they were swapping them out in the middle of elections is because the state of Connecticut called him on it and said, hey, stop, it's against the law, you're not going to do that here.
Of course, they still go back and program the cards for Connecticut, so... Now, if I'm robbing a bank, are the cops going to pull up with a SWAT team and say, stop, go home, Alex?
That's against the law?
I know, that's... Well, good point.
Yeah, they do this over and over with elections.
They give these guys a free pass, and they say, well, you know what?
Stop it.
And they don't even fire them.
They don't even say, we weren't going to use your company anymore because you broke the law.
They just say, oh, don't do that anymore, please.
Well, that's why not making illegal aliens have driver's licenses or insurance, and the cops will tell you they've been on record.
Police chiefs are ordered not to arrest them, because the judges just let them go.
Once you start selectively enforcing laws, it's over, folks.
The country's gone.
Yeah, yeah.
When we see them going after somebody who is, for example, an activist or a citizen researcher, and then not going after somebody who's done these horrific things in government and saying, well, you know what?
Don't do it next time.
Absolutely, and it's not the people destroying the precious system that police and others think they're there to protect.
They're there to protect the Constitution.
It's your government and the crooks running it that are destroying the system.
Look at the dollar.
I mean, gold went to $900 today.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Bev Harris, we'll check back in with you later.
Your research, the tips.
Are we going to talk about the lady who had to leave the state because of this individual?
Probably not.
I think we should probably not shine a huge spotlight on her because, you know, she was patriotic in getting me the information.
I will say that.
You know, and I know who she is, but we don't always need to have our sources.
Sure, I agree.
I didn't know if she wanted to be public.
Where do you see this going as more and more fraud comes out?
People say, well, why should we vote?
There's fraud.
We're proving it.
We're engaging it.
We're fleshing it out.
We're lancing the boil.
Thank you.
That's exactly right.
If you don't do it, then you might as well just say, okay, I'm going to hand you my country.
And what kind of a patriot is going to say that?
What are they going to do, Bev, as all this begins to unravel, as the people begin to wake up?
Because it's definitely happening.
We're going to see smear campaigns and disinformation campaigns stepped up.
That'll be the first thing, where you'll see... You see how they do that, you know?
Anybody who gets the goods gets smeared.
Yeah, but people know the media lies now, and so when I get smeared, it just makes people, oh, you must be good.
Bunch of crunks.
Hey, Bev, God bless you.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
All right, we're going to come back with the Granny Warriors, Miss Honeycutt.
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on Oh yeah!
But the train keeps a-rollin'
Well, the train that goes to San Antone, the Union Pacific line is about 300 yards from where I sit.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
All right, huge, massive breaking news.
Total election fraud, wall-to-wall, every indicator, every sign, intriplicate, total fraud, felons running it.
The town's reporting zero, and it's been confirmed, by the way, in Greenville.
We really got a lot of votes, just the polls not being right, flipping, all sorts of chicanery going on, red-handed.
Barack Obama and Ron Paul cheated handily in New Hampshire.
What do you expect?
And I wonder if the folks at this company, with the felon there, I wonder if they hear the train a-coming, rolling around the bend.
Shifting gears to Linda Honeycutt, who just rolled into Austin, by the way.
She called in.
I heard her listening to the radio in the background.
She's one of the granny warriors.
We've had them on before years ago on other issues.
They've been up in New Hampshire and Iowa and everywhere else.
I'm not sure why we're graced with them here in Austin with them rolling in, but they've gotten in contact with one of the candidates there in New Hampshire who's saying he wants a recall, or he wants a recount.
I say throw the whole thing out now.
There's ample evidence of that.
And giving us a report on that, I appreciate you holding, Linda.
Honeycutt, welcome to the Airwaves.
Oh, thanks for having me on, Alex.
So tell us about this gentleman and tell us exactly what's going on.
I don't want to give his name yet, because
Well, it might cause a problem for him.
Well, no, I think he was a candidate.
I mean, he's public.
I think Bev gave it earlier.
Or as he said, he doesn't own it out there?
Yeah, I didn't hear that part.
Okay, so what's going on?
Well, we just got in here, and last night I got so aggravated at all this mess, I said, the heck with it.
I'm going to put a chip in it.
I'm going to see how much money we can raise.
We raise enough money, we're going to fund him.
And if we haven't raised enough money, we've got enough, well I've got some credit cards, I'll personally fund them and we need to recount, period.
Well you already, I looked this morning and it was like six grand, how much have you raised?
Oh man, I didn't realize it was that much.
I guess you've been on the road and haven't looked at the internet.
Well, now you know there's a special strategia that needs to be done right here in New Hampshire to catch them.
Because you've got the Fox also running the hen house after a massacre.
He's got blood dripping out of his mouth, feathers sticking out, and he's going to put on his police uniform now and direct us about, you know.
Well, we're going to try to put some crimps in all their plans.
I was surprised at the response I got from the people in the Ron Paul revolution, really, you know.
My lord, they're so tired of not having something done and they're tired of the campaign committee backing down to the GOP and, you know, sucking up.
It's just, it's amazing.
Well, I don't want to get a bunch of, you know, the campaign's got to analyze this, they've got to have a few days to look at it, but by Friday, which is tomorrow, we're not getting some answers.
By next week, there might be a problem.
Uh, I mean, we're catching wall-to-wall fraud here, and I know they want to look forward, but look forward to the next state, and the next cocaine dealer, or heroin dealer.
I mean, you know, look forward to the next black op, the next CIA deputy director, or, you know, or the next, you know, van load of guys in short haircuts with machine guns, running around in the night with voting machines.
I mean, this is the stuff that goes on everywhere, and I'm tired of the government and its filthy drug dealer army doing this!
And so, yeah, the Ron Paul campaign can't be like Kerry or Gore.
They've got to fight this and fight it now.
That's right.
They've got to stand up and say, hey, this is wrong.
They're so afraid of infuriating the GOP against them that they'll be so far against Ron.
Well, hell, they are anyway.
Well, the GOP is already calling them terrorists all over the news.
That's right.
So why suck up to them?
Tell them where to go.
I agree.
I mean, everybody's going ape.
Stay there.
Every website says go after him.
Ron Paul, it's the right thing to do.
Do it!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, weeks ago we lined up a lot of special guests for today.
We lined up Larry Pratt last week to talk about
If Bush was going to sign the massive Veterans Disarmament Bill, huge federal expansion, total nightmare.
We've had to cancel Pratt.
We're going to reschedule him to tomorrow.
I haven't had him on in about a year.
His analysis has been spot on.
That's who we have back, is people that actually make predictions that come true, people who have track records.
He's made the government very mad.
He's Bob Chapman.
We've been interviewing him off and on for 10 years.
But he's going to be with us for this hour, and we're going to have open phones on Ron Paul, on the economy, it all ties together.
Gold hit 900 smackers today, and then they called it, and then it went way down to 891.
Of course, but you watch the trend, it's going straight up.
This is, I mean, it's Valhalla now, and what this means for the economy, because even though we've got election fraud in New Hampshire,
Let me just recap the analysis there.
It's at PrisonPlanet.com.
We're also coming up in about 20 minutes after Bob Chapman comments on that and the economy with Bob Chapman.
I'm going to take your calls on two issues.
The economy and Ron Paul and election fraud.
That's it.
That is what I'm going to hang up on you.
That's that.
We don't normally screen calls.
We're not screening your calls.
But because this is so serious, we're covering election fraud,
And we're covering the economy.
You can also talk about Iran and the new Gulf of Tonkin documents and how they're trying to rig that.
I mean, it all ties together.
Bob's very well-versed and just on many, many issues worked, of course, in military intelligence and then in a lot of other places and was at the highest levels of, you know, a lot of different stocks and bonds and gold.
And he can tell you what's happening with the P.E.
ratios and what's happening with the derivatives and what's happening with states being told their investments are gone, they weren't AAA, they were actually double junk.
Just absolute crap.
I mean, this is Armageddon financially we're talking about, so I'm not canceling Bob because his info is on par or even trumps the Ron Paul situation.
It is unbelievable.
Here's a recap.
This happens everywhere with Diebold and everywhere with their subsidiaries.
The number two guy at the company is a convicted narcotics trafficker.
We already knew that.
He had his record sealed.
We were able to get it from sources.
Bev Harris has already had run-ins with him.
He's got restraining orders against him for threatening people.
These are very serious people we're going up against.
We broke it here yesterday without the name.
Now we're telling you it all, name names, documents, all up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
We're going head up against them.
We know that in Sutton and Greenville, they showed he got zero votes.
They showed it a bunch of other places.
Now it turns out people are going in and saying, hey, I voted.
They're going, okay, there was some votes for him, but just don't worry about it.
We accidentally took all the votes and then zeroed it out and said zero on the report.
That is a complete scam.
Also, you have Obama on the Democratic ticket, Paul on the Republican ticket.
Both showing in the polls that Obama was going to win by 15 to 20 points, depending on the poll.
The spread's about 16 if you average the different polls.
Paul was showing between 14 and 16.
In the areas where it was hand-counted, where they didn't zero him out, he did get 15 on average.
That's the average, 15.1.
Polls are accurate, generally.
He only got, though, 8 statewide by the end of it.
Total cheating going on on those machines.
Okay, so that's going on.
You've also just got a bunch of other evidence coming in.
It is wall-to-wall insanity.
We've got this other guy caught before running around illegally with new cards in the middle of live elections.
They run five states as a sub-directorate dealer of Diebold.
And it's just, again, all over the country, California, you name it, hundreds of times, they're always, I'm going to ask Bob Chapman why, they're always convicted, generally cocaine dealers, we don't know yet, it says narcotics trafficking.
He's convicted of that, we don't know, most of it's blacked out, but why are they always either CIA, NSA, or drug dealers, or convicted high-level computer crimes experts, and I mean,
A lot of times the whole company is.
It's nothing but spooks, drug dealers, hardcore people.
It's just here it is.
This is who runs our country now.
Bob Chapman on the other side.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're back live.
Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive at Criminal Background.
Company responsible for machines throughout New Hampshire.
Directed by convicted drug dealer.
The sale of CND, controlled narcotics.
Sale of controlled narcotic drugs.
And sentenced to 12 months in Rockingham County Correctional Facility.
Fine $2,000.
And it just goes on.
We have a copy of the criminal record, and it's always popping up.
On the economic front, the U.N.
says prepare for flu pandemic and economic hit.
Yeah, prepare for them to release it.
Recession or depression.
See, first we weren't in a recession.
Now they're saying, is it a recession or the beginning of a depression?
And when the mainstream pundits start doing that, they're trying to pull the plug.
They've been trying to boost it, but certain sectors want to have an implosion.
Some of them are saying they want to have a controlled one now instead of an even bigger one.
We'll hear from Bob Chapman when he thinks about that.
Also, gold got right up to $900.
It dropped back down to $891, if you can call that dropping back down.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Continual coverage of ongoing massive election fraud in New Hampshire.
Don't forget, it's not just towns that voted zero for Paul.
Not just one, but multiple now coming out.
And then saying, OK, he did have some votes.
Well, yeah, even if he got 8% and there's 500 votes or 300 votes in a town, he's going to have some.
But this is baloney.
There's a whole bunch of towns.
Also, scores of towns will say 500, 600, 300, that'll say other.
Just huge percentages.
Well, that's Obama, that's, of course, Ron Paul.
Going to Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, we'll tell you all about his newsletter and his analysis.
Bob, out of the gate, spend a minute, tell folks who you are, your history.
Well, I've been publishing the International Forecaster for the last 18 years, and prior to that for 28 years.
I was a stockbroker specializing in gold and silver shares, probably the largest in the world.
During that 28-year period, I owned my own brokerage firm.
I spent several years in the United States government, and I retired actually 20 years ago, and I decided that it wasn't the thing for me.
So here I am at 73, in the trenches, and I'm loving every bit of it.
Bob, all of your training, Army Intelligence right through to owning a huge brokerage firm and writing.
I remember back in the 80's seeing your newsletter around the house and stuff.
It really was the biggest and now you've got one of the biggest again.
All this criminality, was it always there?
Or is it getting worse?
Or are we now just exposing it and seeing it for what it is?
Because everywhere we look with this Ron Paul thing, it's drug dealers, it's black ops, it's former CIA people.
They're running it all.
How criminal has the guy... I mean, were they always giving AAA rating to junk?
Or is this something new?
Well, first of all, the crime has always been with us.
Look at the movie, The Gangs of New York, and it's just endemic in every society, through all history, and it's going to be that way.
Although, it never had the hold on American politics and business as it does today.
The arrogance of the insiders, the people who were involved in this corruption and criminality, they just don't care.
And the agencies which are supposed to protect us from
Our enemies, the NSA, the CIA, and even the FBI today have had some terrible things happen within their ranks.
And I think it began during the 1960s to become as deplorable as it is today.
You had the evolutionary process of Cuba and going against Fidel Castro, and that grew into a rant contract
And during that period, you had this tremendous CIA and government involvement and narcotics trafficking.
You had people who were subscribers of mine who said to me, you know, Bob, you and I, we never did those things when we did that kind of work.
We never heard of people doing things like that.
I mean, you know, we didn't have torture and we didn't have corruption.
I mean, everybody tried to do their job as best they could.
And we're not interested in those things.
They were interested in what you might call the American Way.
Yeah, I think the American Way went down the toilet a long time ago.
Getting into Ron Paul, I talked to you during the break.
You are aware of those issues and the things that have happened, Bob.
Like you said, they just don't care.
How obvious does this have to get?
Well, I think the American people have been hardened to that and a number of other things.
They don't know which way to turn.
Today, the people who are under 50 have an educational problem to a great extent.
They just didn't get the education that older people have gotten.
That's just the way the system is.
And you have a situation where we've seen elections stolen in America before and people shrug their shoulders.
And I think your take on it is correct.
I believe that
Ron Paul should go after them, and so should Obama.
It looks like they were both cheated out of about 22,000 votes each.
And that's a ballpark figure off some of the estimates I've seen.
And that's a substantial amount of votes.
And it would have made Obama the winner over Hillary Clinton.
And so I think that they both should pursue the matter.
To the utmost, perhaps on a criminal basis.
Now the argument's going to be, oh, that's in the past.
No, it's going to keep happening in state after state if they don't make a big stink now.
That's right.
I mean, these people don't give up.
I mean, we saw the whole group get down to Mexico and steal the election down there.
And that was run out of the U.S.
I mean, the White House and their PR people were down there doing it publicly.
That's right.
And of course, most people don't know what they're doing because
They don't know the insidious nature of what's going on.
Now, the Mexicans rioted and burned down large sections of cities and had riots and literally took over.
And in Africa right now, in Kenya, they're going crazy.
I guess Americans think it's cute to have elections stolen.
I guess so.
You know, if they don't get out their behinds, they're going to end up victims of the Patriot Act.
And, you know, anybody who argues goes off to a camp.
People like you and I, we don't get that opportunity.
We just disappear.
Yeah, it's do or die now in the positions we're in, and we've really committed.
But I do see a lot of people finally waking up.
You know, Americans thought it couldn't happen here, and I think that denial is starting to finally dissipate.
I mean, polls show 80-plus percent know there's election fraud.
They just say, what do you do about it?
Well, you start complaining.
You start going and voting, and saying, hey, my vote, it said zero in my precinct, but I voted.
And you start suing people, and you start getting aggressive, and you start
Well, I agree, and I think another way, too, in the future of handling that is I've been telling my subscribers that I think in the primaries that they should wipe out every one of the incumbents
And because they just won't do what the constituents want them to do.
They're totally unresponsive.
There's really only one party.
And they just ignore what the public wants.
So the way to change that is to kick them all out of office.
And hopefully, elect Ron Paul, who really, really understands the problems.
I heard a video interview with thestreet.com this morning that he did.
And when it comes to what I do, which is economics and finance, I gotta tell you, he knows as much, if not more, than I do.
And this is my life's work, so you're working with someone who can really help you.
Yeah, people like Ron Paul don't come along very often.
He really is a very quiet genius, and reads like two books a day, and really studies economics, military history, geography.
I mean, you stack him up against these buffoons like Bush, who literally can't even string a sentence together, it's a joke.
Well, there's certainly no comparison, and of course, Bush, like many others before him, have been figureheads for the people behind the scenes.
But we've got to put a stop to it.
And radio programs like this are going a long way to doing that.
I think it's very unfortunate.
It's probably 25 or 30 or something like that.
People like you and I, Alex, who go out on a limb, and I wish there were a lot more of them.
I want more people to speak out.
Right now, more on Ron Paul than at the bottom of the hour.
I promise we're going to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
But Bob, what do you see the elite doing right now with the economy?
What are the men behind the curtain doing when they start admitting we're going into a serious recession?
Like you said, we've already been in one six months to a year and a half.
What do you think is coming down the pike?
Well, they know that they can't let deflation get a hold on anything.
And they saw the big mistake that they made in 29 and 30 by cutting back on money and credit and raising interest rates.
So they know that doesn't work, because the only reason they got out of the depression of the 30s is they had another war.
And this time, they're going to inflate until they can't anymore.
And how they're doing that is a number of ways.
And they also have to keep the stock market up, because it's the only viable investment medium left for them to keep everybody from panicking.
Like, if the Dow Jones Industrial Average were up from $14,000 to $7,000, which is very probable it could, if they were to allow that, then the public would panic.
They're concerned enough as it is now, with the value of their homes coming down,
And the probability that they'll come down much more.
And, you know, there's something I want to enter into that thought.
And that is, you know, we've all heard about the resets and the subprime and the ALFA loans.
And they'll stretch out for the next year and a half, maybe as long as two years.
But there is a giant coming behind that.
And they'll start hitting.
In 09 to 012.
Let's talk about that wipeout when it's really going to hit.
The things we see now are just the tip of the iceberg.
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman.
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We're good.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
I gotta apologize to the Granny Warriors.
I got to talking to Bob Chapman.
Even forgot they were on the line earlier to talk about how they're going for a recount.
Try to set them up a little bit the next hour if they can do it to finish up with them.
John, thanks.
Hey, this song goes out to that company in New Hampshire, involved in the chicanery.
You can run on for a long time.
Going back to Bob Chapman.
In layman's terms, what does it mean when gold hits $900,000 as it went up to today?
What does it mean when states like Florida and others start saying, hey, we want our investments back.
You defrauded us.
Our contract says only AAA.
You sold us a bunch of garbage.
I mean, just a fraud.
Well, as I said at the break, we get a year and a half to two on the subprime ultra loans to the downside, and then we've got the pick and pays coming after that, which will last all the way to 2012, and they are far worse
Uh, then the, uh, subprime also problem.
Explain what a subprime is.
Explain what a sub, Bob, explain what a subprime is versus a pick and pay.
I mean, talk to us like we're morons, because, I mean, you know, I'm, it's important.
What they are is option loans, where instead of making a $3,100 a month payment, let's say, on an arm, then you'd pay only $1,900 on a pick and pay, but the difference is tacked on to the back of the loan.
Uh, so that you have a bigger loan balance... Balloon!
...five years hence than you started with.
And if the price of homes go up, it's okay.
If the price of homes go down, it's disastrous.
And that's what we're looking into.
And they, at the Federal Reserve in Washington, who started this whole thing, the fraud goes all the way from the Fed, to the lenders, to the mortgage originators, to the appraisers, to the agents, and 85% of the people
Now, we know that in 93, they went from fractional reserve banking, 10 to 1 leveraging, and banks creating new banks and letting them leverage out, to just now setting up a few, quote, watchdogs that the industry controlled, saying that they would then certify corporate securities and paper.
Can you put that in layman's terms?
Because we entered a new phase in the last 15 years, didn't we, Bob?
And the real difference was the abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act, which put a Chinese wall between brokerage and banks.
We did.
And this is one of the great problems that happened during the early 1930s.
That, along with trust and what the Federal Reserve did, they turned the financial system in America upside down.
So what they did is, around 98, they changed the legislation and did away with Glass-Steagall.
The brokerage houses and the banks got together again.
And now, as an extension of that, we have what you just talked about in real estate, which was to revive the economy after the stock market collapsed in 2000.
And so the next step was to try to extricate themselves from this morass they created in order to keep the economy going.
And what they did was, as you said, they took and called Triple D paper
I think?
I don't know.
They've lost control.
And the bigger banks and the brokerage houses, many of them are on the edge of bankruptcy.
And if you noticed Merrill Lynch and Citigroup are going back to the trough for more money.
Stay there.
I want to completely reduce it down to the basics.
Your predictions, your crystal ball, which has been unfortunately very accurate.
What you see in the next 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months.
He is a real live expert.
He's Bob Chapman at TheInternationalForecaster.com.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
About to go back to Bob Chapman and Joe, Jeremy, Craig, Jeff, Mike, and many others that are patiently holding.
Also, Ron Paul recaps huge breaking news.
The guy, second in command of the company, who actually deals with the data cards, is a convicted narcotics trafficker.
And that's up on Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Exclusive, ladies and gentlemen.
We brought it here yesterday, but said the big news was coming today.
It looks like more towns are confirming the news and are now reporting that, oh, they did say zero, but Ron Paul really got some votes.
It is.
This is amazing.
You know there's fraud, concerted fraud, when Ron Paul only gets half
I don't know.
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All right, going back to Bob Chapman as quickly as possible, Bob, because I want to go to these calls.
I'm really honored to have you.
Folks can go to TheInternationalForecaster.com, get a free copy, or they can subscribe.
Well worth it.
This is not baloney or bull.
There's a lot of it out there.
I'm telling you, this guy's got his head screwed on straight in a big way and knows what he's talking about.
You can't get better info unless it's from Ron Paul, and Ron Paul can't do this full-time, so we've got Bob Chapman.
Bob, in a nutshell,
How do you see the breaks?
I know you don't like to make predictions, but you have made them, they have come true.
What do you see happening next 12, next 24?
How high is gold going to go?
Give us your breakdown.
Well, over the next two years, gold should go to $3,000 based upon real inflation since 1980 up until now.
The official figure is around $22.86, but the official figures are baloney in plain English.
And so, that's where gold's going.
Silver will be over $100 an ounce.
But, I think that'll take a couple of years, unless extraordinary things happen.
And so, with that said, if we wait two years, we're going to have all kinds of inflation in between, and that's going to have to be tacked on to gold and silver.
So, with gold, we'll use it as a benchmark.
You could be looking at $5,000 or $6,000 an ounce.
We just don't know yet.
Now, as far as the markets are concerned, between now and the election, I see
I think?
By the way, Bernanke just gave a speech, as you know, ten minutes ago and admitted they're going to dump unlimited amounts of money, if it takes $20 billion a day, on the market.
They're going to do that, but for listeners that don't know, that's robbing you when they do that, robbing Peter to pay Paul for the illusion of the stock market, which is really at what, about $6,000 per dollar value, correct?
Yeah, and so what is the solution to that?
The solution is you have to, you must have,
If you have money, you must have gold and silver-related assets of some kind.
It's the only place where you're going to be able to offset the losses that you're going to take on the price of your home, the value of your business, etc.
And so this is extremely important.
Bob, what happens... I'm sorry, go ahead.
I was going to say, we've gotten everybody out of the stock market, with the exception of a few oil stocks and gold and silver stocks.
And I tell people to have some time with subscribers to get out of the market.
If you don't have the ability to go into gold and silver related assets because you're tied into some sort of a pension plan, at least get into a money market fund.
I think so.
This is one of the top ten economists alive.
Do you agree with his analysis that what he calls fiscal Armageddon, total unraveling, literally to a barter level?
I mean, he says it'll make the Great Depression literally look like heaven.
Absolutely, he's right, and you've got to prepare for that, and so your key is gold and silver, and then you go off and do the other things, the filters, the water, the generators, the food, the weapons.
You've got to have them all.
Because you're going to need them unless we can change the course of Washington by electing Ron Paul and getting rid of Congress.
We have an outside chance there, if we can do that.
Is that why the elite, Bob, in your opinion, are accelerating the police state setup?
As if that's going to somehow suppress... I mean, these Lexus-driving yuppies, I'm not bashing you if you drive a Lexus, but you know, these people leveraged out, acting like they're rich, the nouveau riche, million-dollar house, hundred-thousand-dollar car, liposuction, the fancy golf course membership, but they're not really wealthy.
And frankly, most of these yuppies that act like they are, we all know aren't, and the numbers show that.
And that's why Ron Paul and changing Congress is so important.
It's our last shot.
If it's not there, it's in the streets.
And these people at the Federal Reserve and in Washington and Wall Street, they want to extrapolate.
They want to extend out what's going on here as long as possible so it will not be discovered what they've done.
And that's what they're doing right now.
That's why the interest rates are going down.
And my figures show M3, which is no longer published, at 17.5%.
I'm only one of three people who publish it that I know of.
I see inflation at 11.6%.
A lot of people say that's low.
They say it's at really 15 per year.
Yeah, we can pretty well codify that.
You're saying 11?
And the same with the money and credit figures.
Okay, what's going to happen to those on fixed incomes?
You've got about 25% of the public, and that's getting bigger every year, with the baby boomers retiring.
20-30% of the public, depending on the breaks.
I see all these old folks now, back working at jobs.
I mean, 85-year-old women.
I mean, this is incredible.
And I talk to them, and they go, yeah, my check won't pay for it anymore.
They've paid into Social Security their whole life.
They're being told that inflation's at 2% a year.
It's really over 10% compounded the last four years.
So they've lost 40% of their check.
My God, what are they going to do, Bob?
I expect what will happen is that the Dow, or the market, could go down to $4,000.
And if that happens, all the pension funds are not going to be able to pay what they're supposed to pay.
And that means that we're looking at perhaps a one-third payout on their pension plans.
In other words, if you were getting $1,000 a month, then you get $300.
And I expect at the same time
They would probably arbitrarily in Washington cut Social Security by two-thirds as well.
So, I tell subscribers two things.
If you're over 60, reinvent yourself every day.
If you're 65, do not retire unless you're ill.
You work as long as you can.
Well, I mean, I know a lot of people who had a few hundred thousand dollars, they thought they could retire, live in a little house, and five, six years has gone by, and they're broke, and they're not living a fancy lifestyle, Bob.
No, you're right.
And it's going to get worse.
And I don't know what they're going to do.
You know, nowadays, usually the grandparents are helping the parents.
Well, the parents are going to have to turn around and help the grandparents because their sources of income are going to dry up to an extent.
What do you think all of the yuppies and the people that run around acting like they're rich and are all matched out, what are they going to do when they're completely broke?
I would suicide for a good part of them.
They've never had a bad day in their life.
Well, we saw that in 29, didn't we?
And most of it was done with, you know, the upper echelon of society.
And, you know, people are not going to be able to handle it.
They're in debt up to their eyeballs, just like the government and corporate America.
I mean, there's no way it can be paid off.
The dollar's headed down.
It's down again today as gold is up.
And the dollar on the USDX, which is the dollar index, which is six other currencies versus the dollar on a weighted basis, is selling for about $75.90 right now.
I see that, which was $1,100 four or five years ago, I see that going down to anywhere between $40 and $55.
And Ron Paul said the other day it could get down to zero.
So you don't want to be in dollar-denominated assets.
You want to be in gold and silver denominated assets?
Yeah, you know, I would like to be happy that gold went up and happy we were right, Bob, but I'm not happy.
It's a hollow victory.
I feel horrible.
I'm totally upset.
I'm worried because I coldly analyzed it and I don't, I think people tuning in think we're even, I don't think they understand, Bob.
We can't explain to them when somebody like Dr. Roberts,
The father of Reaganomics, the head of the Treasury comes on here, and I said, really horrible depression?
He said, no, barter, total breakdown, total global disintegration.
If the U.S.
bubble pops, you already see the pound dropping.
People are like, well, how can we be getting weak and they're getting weaker?
Well, that's global inflation.
I mean, I just don't think the listeners realize, Bob, what we're talking about here.
No, and the only currency that could possibly hold up among all of them is the Swiss franc.
It's not backed by gold, and essentially none of them are for all intents and purposes.
And the Swiss franc, the Swiss people do have enough gold to back it if they wanted to.
And so if you have to have a currency, that's the one.
And you know, I know the mentality.
I went to school there.
I lived in Switzerland for three years.
I lived in Europe for seven years and on and on.
So, I know how these people think.
So, as far as currency is concerned, that's the only one.
You know, the Swiss have got it figured out.
Really classy folks over there, and now they're trying to disarm them as well.
So, what type of Swiss denomination?
Are you talking about actual currency or bearer bonds or what?
I would get Swiss franc government bonds.
They yield about 1.8 percent.
You can get them through big brokerage houses, and it's not the yield that you're interested in.
It's the preservation of your capital, and there are people out there who have enough money that they don't want everything in gold and silver-related assets, so they do go to that, but I don't have too many of them.
But I do get questions every day on it.
Now, I looked at the Swiss bonds.
There's different types.
What specifically?
The currency bond?
Which one are you talking about?
Just the bonds that are issued by the Swiss government.
And what year bonds would you buy?
Well, they come in all sizes.
I mean, you can get one for three months, six months, nine months, a year, two years, three years.
But I'm asking, which one would you get?
A grouping of them?
I don't think the yield's important, so I would go out at least three years.
Okay, let's try to jam some of your calls in, folks.
Joe and... And incidentally, you can sell them anytime you want.
Joe in Pennsylvania, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
I'm talking about Ron Paul, the economy, all of it.
I've got three quick points, so I'm going to try and get on and off, because I know you've got a lot of listeners.
First of all, I have about $30,000 in an annuity, and I'm trying to get... My guy won't even take it out and put it into any gold.
Or silver, I've been trying to get them to.
Well, yeah, I don't even know how to do it.
Liquidate the money and buy a physical asset yourself.
Bob, do you agree with that statement?
Where would I do that, actually?
Well, you terminate the annuity, take the money, and use minus.
The second comment was about the Ron Paul thing.
I watched those debates when they had that, and they absolutely made him look like a fool and a mockery.
And I felt really bad for him, but you're right, he's spot on.
And my other comment was about this thing with Iran, the farce, what I call it.
I do believe that that was staged, but my question about that is, do you think that President Bush could conceivably construct something like another 9-11 to usher in
uh... martial law before he leaves office.
That is always in the cards.
Why do you think they're over there stirring stuff up, trying to provoke things right now?
Bob Chapman?
I agree.
I think that was a false flag operation the other day in the Persian Gulf.
Caller, I just lost your audio.
I'm here.
Okay, finish up.
I'm here.
I was listening to the Iranian guy and never, when you hear about these attacks,
They never say, we are going to bomb.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
Okay, Jeremy in Los Angeles, California.
Jeremy, you're on the air with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Go ahead.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, both my wife and I are Ron Paul supporters.
You know, we've donated to the campaign.
The kids are wearing little shirts and the whole deal.
But I do have to say, just as important as this recount goes, and I'm with you, I think that they definitely should put the funds into it and go for it.
However, Arianna Huffington, Matt Drudge, ran that story for quite a while, Arianna Huffington did for over 24 hours, ran that story from the New Republic, and I think it's incumbent that Ron Paul, not just a statement on his website, but he has to get out in front of this stupid thing with his newsletter
Because I gotta tell you, there's a lot of ignorant people out there, and I got his sticker on the back of my truck.
And I don't want people to think that my family is a bunch of racist pigs.
No, no, no, no, I hear you, sir.
You have to get past that political correctness.
They use that as imperial conditioning.
It's literal.
Number one, he had like eight different newsletters, and now it's coming out that he, that some of these he didn't even look at or read, okay?
It's just, it's made up bull.
We have to stop caring.
It's a bunch of bull.
He didn't lose in New Hampshire because of that stupid story.
That is pure bull.
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I don't know.
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I read the news today, oh boy.
Gold had hit 900.
About a lucky man who made the grade.
And there'd been a new Gulf of Tonkin.
And the face scanning cameras are going up.
The government's recruiting the preachers to tell their parishioners to hand their guns in.
Let me tell you a story.
In 1998, during the Texas legislative session, this was picked up even by the NRA website.
Or was it 2000?
No, it was 98.
I forget.
I caught bribery on tape.
The ethics committee got involved, people got involved, the state police got involved, and then people had to resign, a bunch of stuff happened.
And the statesman called me, and the guy that's on the phone, he goes, those are black guys being paid the money that you found them being paid outside.
And if those were white guys, would you have shown it?
And I said, yes, not about that.
They testified, and they were paid to testify, and that's illegal, and they were paid to go up there and act like gang members, and actually that was racist, to make blacks look bad.
And that guy said, no, I think you're a racist.
And it wasn't a black guy, by the way.
It was a white guy, of course.
They use it as a political weapon.
And I said, but sir, you have no evidence.
You're just saying that.
I caught a white guy paying black guys off to go testify and talk about how dangerous they were with guns and how we need to restrict guns.
And I said, how could you bring race into this?
And the paper had me in there.
Alex Jones attacked innocent black men.
Sure, they were being paid off and the committee says it's illegal, but it's all right.
Jones might not like blacks.
I mean, just get over it!
Stop letting them lead you around by the nose by this stuff.
Who cares?
Get past it!
It's a joke!
You know, the illegal aliens with TV stations can put up 600 and something billboards saying, L.A.
is now Mexico, and that's okay.
But then Ron Paul had all these gold companies and stuff and had all these newsletters.
Some of them he didn't even read.
The people that own them have gone public on that.
And now he's blamed for it.
Bob Chapman, you want to comment?
And then the comments aren't even... They're taken out of context.
They're not even bad themselves!
Well, it's what you have to put up with when you're dealing with the kind of people you're dealing with in elections.
And it goes on in corporate America as well.
And the best way to neutralize those situations is confront them immediately and answer the questions.
And that's what he's done.
Well, the New Republic's going to get sued, too.
And I know they're liars because
He did this trick in the article, and I've got it here in a stack, and by lying, he says, Jones believes that the elite will become cyborgs and fly through outer space.
No, I say they're a bunch of nuts, and that the transhumanists, who are eugenicists, have said that, and those are quotes.
So, see, I didn't say that.
He didn't say Ray Kurzweil says.
He says, I believe, and then takes excise quotes and puts them together.
Now, what is that called, Bob?
Yeah, I've just had enough.
I've just had enough.
Bob, I know you're really busy, but I want to take a few more calls.
Can you stay with us about 10 minutes, 20 minutes to the next hour?
No problem.
Okay, great.
Let's try to jam one more in here before we go to break.
Chris in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, it's Craig.
By the way, I'm a graduate, a master's, a government training cap from Ivy League University, and I've read all the New Republics.
New Republic, they stupefy people.
Walter Limmon wrote Public Opinion, Phantom Republic.
He knew all about saying things like they did with race just to stupefy the public for social control.
And look what they said about the CFR.
They said it didn't exist.
I had to read things from Farm Relations in order to get my masters.
And quite frankly, the trilateral CFR, what's really behind it is Howard Stern, the king of all media.
Baba Booey, Howard Stern.
Baba Booey, Baba Booey.
That's funny.
Well, I'm glad you... I appreciate your call, sir.
That's just ultra-mindless.
But that's a good thing, I mean, for you to do there, sir.
As if that hurts me to be bop-a-boo-eyed.
That is just hilarious.
You're going to be saying bop-a-boo-eyed when New York tears itself apart when there's a depression, little boy.
So you've been trained to be a child.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We will recap some of the top stories coming up the next segment.
The company running elections in New Hampshire with a narcotics trafficker running it.
We just broke that up on PrisonPlanet.com, TruthNews.us, RonPaulWarRoom.com.
Kind enough to be with us this segment.
The next is Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
We'll tell you how to get a free copy before he leaves us.
I was going to have a lady on about Kim Trayl today.
I keep rescheduling her and I've got the Granny Warriors coming on.
They're trying to do a recount.
There's just too much happening.
Let's continue with these calls.
We just got Howard Stern, Boppa Booey.
You know, that's all fine and dandy and fun, but we're dealing with adult stuff here.
And believe me, when you're in a soup line, then you're going to remember this, son.
It's not funny.
We don't have an agrarian society now.
We were 80% rural then.
We could survive.
We can't survive it now.
Do you understand?
Because you're a bunch of domesticated monkeys.
You're little children.
You don't know how to skin a buck or run a trot line.
You don't know anything.
Even how to wipe your little snot noses.
Do you have any comments, Bob Chapman, to how soft people have gotten in general and stupid?
Well, they sure have.
It shows up in all segments of society.
And it runs the gamut.
I wrote a piece this morning about corporate criminality and how corporations are
Uh, making arrangements for criminal suits, uh, criminal actions to be dropped against them and, uh, and so that they can pay fines and, and worm their way out of it.
And, uh, John Ashcroft is in, in, in the, in the, in the center, uh, of one of these problem situations.
In 05, they did five of those.
In 06, they did 33 of them.
And what softness there is there,
Is that there's always some way you can buy your way out of something.
Well, the local environmentalists here in town... And that goes all the way down the line.
Take here in Austin.
They got the former city officials who openly own the banks and own the land and own the property of people they stole it from.
I mean, it's just mafia right out in the open.
And they'll just laugh at you.
They just don't even care now, Bob.
That's right.
Well, they will once difficulties come.
If they do come,
Because people are going to say, who did this to us?
And you and I will be around to point them out so that they can go to trial and be adjudicated.
Well, I just can't... I mean, it's scary.
You say, if things unravel, it's going to unravel, isn't it, Bob?
The question is, how bad is it going to unravel and when is it going to completely unravel?
Well, I think it's going to go on for several years, maybe as long as five or six.
They're going to grasp at any straw that they can to keep this thing going, because their whole timetable was disrupted.
The situation that they had created in the Middle East was a failure.
And even Zbigniew Brzezinski said, it set back our plans for world government by 30 years.
And I think it's longer than that.
Why did they think they could carry out 9-11 and that would... I mean, because that failed for them too, didn't it?
It really did, and of course the invasions and occupations in the Middle East have turned into mush.
We've got a situation where they're trying to start a war with Iran and can't.
Pakistan's upside down because Lou Cherif wouldn't play ball with Bhutto.
They both hated each other, so he hurt her, had her blasted away with the assiduance of the U.S.
And because all those things have gone on, what they've done to the economy to make it fall
They wanted to put off because it wasn't time anymore.
And they couldn't stop the timetable.
And they're stuck.
And they're going to do everything they can to keep this thing afloat.
Now Bob... Sorry Bob, go ahead.
Sooner or later we're going to have to face the music.
I want to ask you when we get back and then go to the calls.
Does their extending it out and playing games make it worse when it finally unravels?
Because the common thought is it does.
It does it in your educated opinion.
We'll be back with your calls and a lot more.
Final segment with Bob Chapman.
More on Ron Paul and the election theft in New Hampshire.
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I ain't crazy about dollar-a-gallon self-serve gasoline And they nearly broke me with a high price of beans And the funny thing is they think of putting this over on me I've always been an upstanding citizen But I am getting fed up now my friend
And if you don't understand what I've said I'm tryin' to be, tryin' to be good And I'm gonna be Johnny Red Yeah, I'm gonna be Johnny Red Cause I don't believe everything I've seen and read And I work like hell just to keep a roof and a bed I'm tryin' to be, tryin' to be good And I'm gonna be Johnny Red
Young old Hank Williams Jr.
This country's getting in a kind of bad shape When the gasoline profits are up, up and away And I can barely live on my take-home pay
There's a whole lot of people that agree with what I say.
Don't tell me to ride above and turn down my thermostat.
When you're all running around in jets and Cadillacs.
We can't take this lying down.
We gotta try and fight back.
Till they believe what we said.
We're tired of being Johnny D. Goode.
Then we gotta be Johnny Red.
Yeah, we're gonna be Johnny Rebs.
Cause we don't believe everything we've seen and read.
And we work like hell just to keep a roof and a bed.
We're tired of being Johnny B. Goode and we're gonna be Johnny Rebs.
And that's the $64 million question from Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Warrior Call is coming up in just a moment.
Bob, you heard my question back at the end of the break.
Extending it out, does that make it worse, A?
And B, again, I know you're saying this is going to unravel, it's only going to get worse over the next few years.
I mean, what are the breaks?
Is it going to be 50% chances to horrible recession, 50% chance to depression?
I mean, try to quantify that for us.
Well, we're in recession already, and the recession will get considerably worse over the next couple of years, and it will turn into depression.
And how long can they keep it going?
And how far can they take it?
I don't know, but I do know
That they probably can take it out over the next couple of years at least, and probably three.
Maybe longer.
It all depends on how things break, and you just never know.
The chances of depression, I think, are without a change in Washington, without Ron Paul, and without a change in Congress, we're talking about probably 80% chance of depression.
If Ron Paul were to be neglected, he doesn't have any magic elixirs,
But he knows all about the problems.
They will be addressed, and maybe we'll be able to make it through the Depression without killing each other.
Now the establishment aren't complete idiots at the top, that's why they're in control.
They have to know all this, but they're not changing course.
They're just trying to run offshore, as they're all doing, and literally buying private islands.
I know a lot of elite people, who know even bigger elite people, and they say, the word is, the U.S.
quote, isn't going to exist.
And then I say, what does that mean?
And they just say, just, just, you know, hell on earth.
And I go, well, what does that mean?
And they just said, basically what Paul Craig Roberts says, and what's going to happen when the yuppies start to find out?
I mean, they've been telling, we've been in a recession for, what, over a year, really getting serious.
Now, now they're admitting we're in a recession, now they're saying maybe depression.
What happens when yuppies find out what dollar devaluation means?
What happens when they find out about the real world?
Then they lose confidence, then it accelerates.
Well, I think probably they'll lose their jobs.
They'll have to take jobs which, if they can find them, which don't suit the income that they had previously.
Their debt, which all of them have a great deal of, is going to blow up in their face.
Many, many, many of them will go bankrupt.
And I think that the whole
uh... to genre people let's say under under forty forty five uh... are going to be in a terrible situation because they don't want to understand or they don't understand
And they're just going to have to pay for it.
By the way, as you know, Bob, because I know you watch the national news shows and hear it, have you seen all the snickering and laughing and they giggle at people like us and make little jokes?
Oh, the dollar, it's not going down.
Oh, everything's... I mean, is that a confidence job with most of them?
Or do you think some of them actually believe their own bull?
I think a lot of them believe their own bull, especially on Wall Street.
And, you know, when I run up against them, I say, hey, wait a minute.
Do you want to go back and see what I did?
We got out of the market at the top in 2000, in April.
We got everybody along gold and silver-related assets.
They've made a fortune.
Two years ago, three years ago, we got everybody out of their houses who wanted to get out and got rid of their extra property.
Same advice we put out!
I mean, we've given everybody pure gold, Bob!
And so, you know, they can't argue with us.
They say, look, the record is there.
We're right, you're wrong.
If you want to keep on doing what you're doing, that's fine.
I can't save everybody.
Well, a lot of people are saying, you know, we shouldn't have a gold-backed currency or get back to sound money because the elite owns the gold.
Well, they also own the fiat, and Paul's just saying we need to move out of that system towards something that's got a controlled benchmark, and a lot of people in our own camp are saying he's wrong about that.
Your take on that?
I think he said move parallel, and I think he's right.
You can't totally disrupt the system on the spot.
You know, things are going to be bad enough as it is, and so I think you're going to have to have
A dollar and a gold-backed dollar.
That's what he said is competing currencies.
They misconstrue what he really says.
That's right.
And that's deliberate.
And it's a very complex subject, too, so it's not easy for most people to understand.
Well, I notice when you get attacked, when I get attacked, when Ron Paul gets attacked, because I see the attacks against you, they never attack the man in the real idea.
They create from him and then attack that.
Those attacks are going to get bigger and greater as we go along.
And you're going to have to have an armadillo skin.
And I hope you have a license to carry.
I do.
I like being attacked because it lets me know, Bob, I'm doing my job.
You got it.
Let's take a couple calls here.
Let's talk to Jeff in Vermont.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman, Jeff.
Hi, Alex.
I have a very urgent message to all Ron Paul supporters.
This morning I contacted Republican presidential candidate Albert Howard.
He's from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and he was on the ballot in New Hampshire.
He says he would be absolutely 100% behind asking for a recount, but the trouble is, from my research, I believe it's without an injunction, we only have until tomorrow to file.
So I contacted the Granny Warriors, I know you're going to have them on later.
And I left another message after I talked to him the first time, that they have enough money to fly, get him on a plane, but it has to happen like right now.
We've got to get him on a plane in New Hampshire, put him up in a hotel room.
I know, I know.
Listen, and I appreciate your call.
I can't do it all.
I've called the Paul campaign.
I have talked to Bev Harris.
I have, I've got the Granny Warriors coming on.
I'm not sure about it having to be tomorrow.
We've got to vet that out.
We don't have time to wait.
I agree we shouldn't wait any longer.
I mean, I just can't hold the whole world up on my shoulders like Atlas.
We're trying here.
Bob, I think it's the Ron Paul campaign's place.
I mean, I'm glad this other fellow's going to try it, but I'm not mad at the Paul campaign, but, you know, they've got to get more aggressive.
Well, I agree with you.
We only can do so much.
I mean, I don't have a radio program like you do.
I'm just kind of a
A sidewinder.
I visit 18 programs a week.
But they can't expect us to do publications, get on the air, do all the research, and then run around and take legal actions on their behalf.
They've got to do it.
And I guess we do need to get some money to Mr. Howard and Albert Howard.
And I'll tell you what, I've got some money here offering to bankroll it.
And I know the guys helped me out before.
So I'll talk to the Granny Warriors and I'll just get the number to Mr. Howard and I'll put him in touch with our good friend, I'm not even going to say his first name, and then we'll put the ball in their court.
In fact, I'm not going to wait on this anymore.
Hey, Aaron!
I always yell at Aaron because he's right out the glass.
Aaron, come in here.
I'm not going to wait anymore.
Fine, we'll just take action.
We'll put the airplanes in the air and we'll make Ron Paul run and we'll just do everything from behind the scenes.
Go call the Granny Warriors.
They're coming on later, but we can't wait.
Get Howard's number and then call Howard and put him in touch with this individual.
This is the German High Court article.
Get the other one.
I'm sorry, Bob.
I'm just having to do this live on the air.
No problem.
Give this information.
Now I can't find it.
Go to Mike, the contributor.
Go to him, get the Granny Warriors on the line, get this Howard guy's number, and put the contributor on the line with the Howard guy to give him the money to go.
Sorry, Bob, go ahead.
No, that's okay.
You were going to come up with another question when that struck your fancy.
Well, it's just about waiting.
It'll end up not happening.
We can feel revolution.
Do you not see, I mean the positive side though, I mean I'm asking your opinion, do you not see a huge awakening happening though?
No, I can see it's happening.
It's happening very slowly unfortunately.
What will expedite it is during this year, unemployment will climb probably a couple of points.
They say it's 5%, that would be 7%.
I say it's 14, that would be 16.
And that'll start to wake people up.
Uh, they're already seeing it in the pocketbook.
You saw it in the Christmas sales.
Uh, the credit card debits are up high.
Uh, the, uh, people are scrambling to, uh, use their homes still as long as they can as ATM machines.
That's ending.
Uh, the money's not going to be there anymore.
That $500-600 billion a year.
Bob, do go to the bottom of the hour with us.
Final five minutes of Bob.
Quick break.
I'm going to jam in four of you on the other side with Bob Chapman.
Quickly with your calls.
Go there, check it out, get a free copy.
You want it.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right!
Chapman is our guest, I'm Alex Jones, RonPaulWarRoom.com, PrisonPlanet.com,
Let's jam in some final calls from Bob Chapman.
Mike in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
This is Mike up in Rochester.
Listen, thanks for all you do.
Last Thursday, my son and I, a 13-year-old son, drove up to Manchester to work with the Operation Live Free or Die people, and I just wanted your listeners to know what a great group of people they... you know, they really were decent, smart, intelligent.
You know, they all just came from all over the country.
They just drove up there.
They didn't know where to go or anything.
They just showed up.
You know, we did sign waving and marching and door-to-door canvassing, phone banking and poll watching.
And I want to encourage your listeners to, you know, when I hear you say this to your listeners many times, to just get involved and not wait.
You know, to just, wherever you are, just get out.
You know, that people, you know, they need numbers.
They need to see somebody else doing it.
And they'll get involved themselves.
It was really amazing.
I mean, we were walking up and down the streets.
We own the streets.
Up there in Manchester was really something.
But magically run.
Paul didn't even got half of what he got composed.
But you know, those campaigns know about us.
Let's get a comment from Bob Chapman on people taking action.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Well, you know, it's incumbent that they do take action and otherwise nothing's going to happen.
And in New Hampshire, they obviously just don't understand
Let's say that Ron Paul got 15% of the vote.
They still don't understand what the problem is.
It's got to be communicated to them.
Ron Paul's got to get on the air and he's got to
Continue to tell people what's going on, what's really going on.
Bob, is there a silver lining to all this?
Because we've told everybody about the New World Order, the fractional reserve banking, the devaluation of the currency, what the New World Order is, the North American Union, the public's just now starting to learn about it, and then everything Ron Paul said was going to happen is now starting to happen, and so when stuff really gets bad, then they're going to remember and know who to blame.
Well, I think you're right about that, but
We need action now.
We need people to say, gee, let's put this man in office so that maybe the times won't be as bad as they would be otherwise.
But maybe one of thousands of newsletters over the years that he didn't write, somebody said something halfway a little unpolitically correct.
Let's just forget about it.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead, Tim.
Hello, gentlemen.
I have a comment and a quick question.
Back in 2003, Dr. Lawrence Britt had written a paper where he examined different fascist regimes, and he came up with 14 characteristics, and fraudulent elections was one of them.
If I may briefly read, sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham.
Other times, elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassinations of opposition candidates, and they go into use of legislation, the manipulation of the media, that kind of stuff.
Now, my question is, I know there's a lot, what you said earlier Alex, there's a significant amount of cash involved in these recounts?
$60,000 is a lot of monetized debt, and I'm just wondering if they're doing that on purpose just so they can steal more money from us?
Oh, they could care less about $67,000, thanks.
They control the money, they issue the money.
There's this thought, and I'm not trying to poo-poo you, but I want a final comment from
From our guest, Bob Chapman, people think the elite want to, quote, make money, and their minions do, but the elite issue the currency.
They issue the control of the systems.
They're all about controlling the infrastructure, Bob.
Yeah, they do what they want to do, and a good example of that is the arrogance in which they've tried to rig the election in New Hampshire, and they're not doing it.
And just like in Florida.
And yes, the American people know that that goes on.
And they've got to try to do something about it.
They gotta get out and vote for Ron Paul and vote against people who refuse to cede to their wishes in Congress.
Bob, how do folks get a free sample copy of your newsletter?
How do they sign up for it?
It's a true value.
They can go to the site which you've been mentioning for the last hour or so, which is TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Or they can call toll free to 800-375-4188.
That's 800-375-4188.
Bob Chapman, thank you so much for spending time with us.
And let's not skip a year next time.
Let me get you on very soon again to give us analysis on what's happening.
Just let me know.
Thank you.
Thank you, Bob.
You bet.
There goes Bob Chapman.
A gigantic bus just drove by.
Then it drove back by again.
This is Granny Warriors.
I didn't know that when I said I'd have them on at 1.30.
That they would actually physically be here, but they are materializing.
Maybe they hyper-warped from New Hampshire, but I've got to, I guess, greet them or something, or... Who knows?
It's insane.
I was going to have a lady on about chemtrails today again, but we've moved her to the marsh.
I feel so bad for her.
I want to keep taking your calls on what's happening domestically with the Ron Paul.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live.
It is literally a three ring circus here.
I keep watching a bus drive back and forth with a monkey, a literal monkey of some type on the back.
A living monkey.
It says Granny Warriors.
My whole crew just went spilling out the front of the office.
I'm living in an insane asylum.
Literally, it's a Twilight Zone episode.
And we're trying to get this candidate.
Yes, it's on his own website.
It's all over the web, so it's no secret.
One of the Republican candidates to fly out to New Hampshire to contest the vote.
There's a deadline tomorrow.
There's something about it.
We have not confirmed that.
For those that just joined us, there is definitely... I'm not joking about the monkey folks, okay?
It's like I live in the Big Lebowski or something.
Man, I can't handle it.
First, we had Sutton, where they said he had zero votes for Ron Paul, and then magically people come out and say no on the RonPaulWarRoom.com.
They say, hey, we voted.
And now other counties are saying, the townships, we voted, we voted, we voted, we voted.
On and on and on.
So, that developed, and then you have in all these townships, 500 votes, 200 votes, 300 votes, 20 votes, I mean, where it says other.
It doesn't say who it is, it just says other, and they say, we're not going to tell you what that means.
It's not one of the 12 candidates.
And then you have the fact that Ron Paul should have gotten double his numbers according to what the polls showed.
Same thing with Obama.
He was 20 points against that witch, Hillary.
I don't even like Obama.
I don't trust him as far as you can throw him.
Life's CFR, the rest of it.
But compared to Hillary, he's an angel cake, at least for now.
Doesn't have all the dirt under his belt.
She does.
Maybe someday he will.
I don't trust him.
But the point is, is he obviously has been cheated.
And it's Albert Howard, U.S.
President, 2008.
And he looks like quite a character himself.
We'll see if he's the guy to fly out there and contest it.
Hey, anybody can contest it.
That's fine with me, but we need Ron Paul to contest it!
And I know that's what's making all you go crazy out there.
I don't know what to say.
Let's go to Granny
Warrior, Linda, Honeycutt, I know it's been all over the place on Terry Shiloh issues, you name it.
For years, they drive around on their bus.
Linda, tell us what you do around the country.
Tell us what your job is.
I'm the female Alex Jones.
I like to stir up trouble.
But you got a monkey to boot.
Well, yeah, I've got something you haven't got.
I mean, literally, I looked, I forgot, you guys.
Now describe this monkey, because I'm looking out the window here and I'm thinking somebody slipped me some LSD or something.
What's going on here with the monkey?
Oh, he's my buddy.
What kind of creature is it?
What kind of primate?
He's a capuchin monkey from Brazil.
A capuchin monkey from Brazil?
Yeah, he's one of those illegal aliens.
And what does the capuchin monkey riding around on the back of the RV do for you?
Just spread the word of liberty?
That's right.
He draws a crowd for us and everywhere there's a crowd we get a chance to hand out Ron Paul information.
Well, I know you guys have done a great job.
Okay, you raised... Have you had a chance to go to the computer now?
It was like six grand this morning.
I haven't looked at it, but I just talked to Mr. Howard and he's ready to fly out.
All I've got to do is get him his plane ticket.
How did you just talk to Mr. Howard?
You told us ten minutes ago you didn't have his number.
Well, somebody called me in between there.
In fact, Mr. Howard just called.
Okay, good.
Well, can you get over here to the office so we can talk to him?
Because we have a contributor who also wants to help.
Sure can.
I don't think you're very far away, are you?
Well, are you looking for our office?
We thought we were doing an interview over the phone, but we see the monkey and the whole circus rolling down the street.
We're parked on the street somewhere, and the guy just got out to go talk to somebody.
Okay, okay.
We're going to have you guys just come on over to the office because I don't want any time to waste.
And then we need to go ahead and call Mr. Howard.
We need to call Mr. Howard because I want to fire and forget.
I want to do my duty, give him the contributor, or I guess if you guys have got the money, that's fine.
It's not the money.
We'll just go ahead and make the plans and get it done.
No, I know, but we have a big contributor.
It might help more with other things like paying for the recount.
Well, you know, it's not going to cost that much.
Everybody says $65,000.
From what I've heard, it's $500,000.
I've tried to do recounts here locally, and it was like $60,000-something.
I think, because people live in Travis County, it's about like New Hampshire.
It's a million people.
I think you've got to do a total recount if you do it, because a single recount in a single area doesn't do it.
You want to show the entire fraud.
I think you're going to need more than $500,000.
Bob Harris says it's $67,000.
Okay, well, she ought to know.
We talked to her earlier.
I didn't even get into the crisis with her, though.
Well, really, it needs to be the Ron Paul campaign here.
I mean, I understand Granny Warriors and Monkeys and everything else.
You know, whoever's got to do the job will do it.
But I'm just thinking we need expertise, strategy.
We don't have time to wait on all of this.
That's right.
And you can forget the campaign committee, because they'll talk about it for the next two weeks.
They'll be just too late.
You know, they're just, they're real smart people and I have a lot of respect for them, but they're just not, they're just not able to comprehend what's going on with average folks like us, you know?
We want something done now.
I understand.
I understand what you're saying.
We've got to take action.
We can't wait if it's thrust to us to do this and it has to be done.
Okay, well, just come on over to the office then and
And just walk on in, and you can bring the monkey, too.
We never had a monkey in the office.
Well, I'd make two of them.
So bring them on over, and then let's get Howard on the phone, and if you want this contributor who's helped us out in the past, you can have him.
If not, fine.
You can just try to collect money there on the chip-in deal.
So we'll talk to you in a moment.
Anything else you want to add?
No, just tell them to go to my website and look at what we're doing.
What is that?
Alright, I look forward to meeting you and the monkey here in person in a moment.
Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes.
Oh, God.
Man, this is a twilight zone.
And we've got this felon running the machines and the cards for the computers.
It's always a narcotic trafficker.
It's never anything else.
Sometimes it's the double goody of a CIA operative who's a convicted narcotics trafficker, but that's who runs it all.
You run that, you run everything.
You don't think over every county and every city and every town that they're not going to have somebody in there to control that?
Of course they are.
That's where billions per city is at.
Alright, I said I'd take calls.
Recapping, it's up there right now at
PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonNews.us, InfoWars.com, all the exclusive information, ladies and gentlemen.
Ron Paul not only had New Hampshire stolen from him, so did Barack Obama, hands down, absolutely confirmed.
And now you've got a felon narcotics dealer running it, and the national media, this is the big issue, even bigger than what is Ron Paul going to do.
The national media in a few places had mentioned, okay, there were some places where Ron Paul didn't have his votes counted.
That's a big issue.
Now you've got a drug dealer.
And every time this happens, it's in regional news, never national news.
We had an article up on truthnews.us, prisonplanet.com, prisonplanet.tv.
I don't care which person does it.
I don't care who gets it done of my writers.
You've got smart listeners out there.
You're welcome to go compile it, post it on rompallwarroom.com.
We'll put it on all the other big sites and magnify it.
Somebody needs to put a challenge out to the national media and say, listen, we can't have convicted drug dealers running the computers and running the election in New Hampshire, and also we need somebody to put a call out to Ron Paul.
I know D.B.
Kidd's done it at News Reviews.
That's good.
You know, here's the strategy reasons you gotta do this, but not just strategy.
If there's fraud, the electoral system, the election system, the voting system is bigger than Ron Paul.
And, you know, there's this idea in the corporate world of the two parties that you don't contest elections.
If you've got cheating going on, that is bigger than the election.
That is about the people's right to go in there and vote.
And here we are.
I'm not going to just let this go by.
I'm not going to just sit here and let all this happen.
I'm so sick of it.
I'm just so sick of, you know, you have corruption right out in the open.
The polls don't fit, Matt.
You've got corruption going on.
You've got votes not being counted.
You've got all these witnesses.
You've got Greenville now with the same thing happening.
You've got a drug dealer running it all who threatens people reportedly.
You've got all this happening and the national media isn't covering it!
Call CNN!
Call Fox!
Start a boycott of them if they don't cover it!
Call all the New Hampshire papers!
You tell them,
You talk about this guy having a criminal record, now there's a pattern to this nationwide!
That's news, you little corporate whore media!
And don't you try to say it isn't!
It's as big a news as it gets!
And it's the same thing with all these issues.
I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted.
I'm in between being exhausted and angry.
I'm just emotionally sucked dry.
And all I got is anger left.
And you throw in RVs and granny warriors and monkeys and it just takes me to a whole other level.
I just frankly can't handle it.
Oh God.
You got the UN saying get ready for massive flu pandemics and mass death and martial law, mainstream news, Reuters.
I can't handle it.
The dollar plunging, gold exploding, I can't handle it.
Nutcase, idiot citizenry that knows nothing of what's going on.
Freaked out, brainwashed cops in black uniforms, face scanning cameras, control grids, open borders, foreigners running all over us.
Well, I mean, this is insane!
Is the monkey in the office yet?
I want to see this thing up close.
Hey, Aaron, is the monkey here yet?
What on earth is that?
Oh, that's them drilling in the walls, putting in more surveillance equipment here.
Alright, I said I'd go to calls.
Let's just jam in a bunch here.
Who's up next?
Robert and Callie, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Alright, I've been studying the G-10 and I have a lot of questions about Bilderberg, but I was wondering how close the Bilderberg and G-10 operate, and then also
With the corporations, you're just talking about controlling the media and all that.
Can they reach right through the G10 and hit that?
Or are they more for trade and stuff?
Do you know about that?
Now, to show my ignorance, just a month ago it was still the G8.
Is it the G10 now?
Well, they have the G7, G8, G10.
The G10, I think that's interesting because Bob, the guy before, he said that Switzerland, they've got that strong gold-backed economy.
Um, they are the latest members, so they're actually 11 members of the G10.
Okay, so I guess, well, it's not a G7, G8, it's, they keep expanding the bodies, what it is, it's not separate deals.
Okay, let me just stop you, let me just stop you, so now it's D11, whatever.
Yes, I know the heads of NATO, which is interlocked with the G8, G10 now you say.
I know that it's all, look, if you look at the chairman of the CFR, and the chairman of the Bilderberg, and the chairman of NATO, and the chairman of the, you know, it's literally less than a hundred people, and they all chair these different management groups that are over different divisions of it.
And it's literally like corporate meetings, or corporate boardrooms, and they're all interlocked.
And then the Fortune 100 are all interlocked, and they're interlocked with the Fortune 1000.
And then they're in a lot with the Fortune 5000.
And so, they got pie charts and maps and universities have done big studies on it.
It's not hidden.
They just know the general public doesn't read these scholarly white papers.
And, you know, I'm somewhat of an expert on the whole global structure, but, I mean, it's there.
They're operating.
And, yeah, it's all the same deal.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Stewart and Mass, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead, sir.
Yeah, some people kind of stole my thunder there, but oh well.
I just want to say, this is why Ron Paul raised $20 million.
I mean, if you're going to fight evil, you might as well go for broke.
You should spend some of that money and grease some palms or do whatever you've got to do to blow all this up in New Hampshire, because why keep spending money on campaigning if they're just going to keep stealing your elections?
Yeah, I mean, they're just acting that they won't stage it in South Carolina.
I appreciate your call.
I appreciate it, yeah.
I mean, they're acting like South Carolina, out of their own press, out of their own Charlotte's paper, they're saying that the worst systems in the country are in South Carolina.
I mean, decertified everywhere else, total scams.
With spooks running that, I mean, it's just incredible.
And you politically incorrect nutcases out there, next time I say spooks, don't send me an email like you do.
It's because you've attached every word in the English language to something racist.
That's the name of government secret operatives, is spooks.
You people make me sick.
All you do is fall back on some idea to be flummoxed racially, you know, with every, like when I talk about a comprehensive annual financial report, you email me saying that's a racist term.
It's just you're idiots.
You've been trained how to not be able to take an action.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Eric.
Eric dropped.
Who's up next?
Cal in San Francisco.
Hey, Alex.
You're on the air.
Not to sound like a broken record, but if Ron Paul does not challenge us, this election is over.
The fundraising will shrivel because all the hope will die.
People need to write to Ron Paul.
Just straight up.
He needs to.
He needs to represent the people that are supporting him.
Well, I mean, he's having to vet and check, and the campaign's exhausted.
All I'm saying is he needs to know how deeply important this is to the people that gave him all the money.
And if you believe it, you should write him.
If you don't, don't.
That's all.
No, I mean, I agree with you, sir.
God bless you.
No, people need to call the campaign and say, listen,
They've not been counting your votes in some of these counties.
The polls don't match.
You've got a crook running it.
You need to do something about this.
You need to make a statement.
You need to at least file a complaint about it.
The electoral process is owed this.
Bottom line.
I agree with you.
Who's up next?
Vinny in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I just want to say, I just wrote Kent Snyder expressing my dismay over the situation.
I think that the recount should be taken, not because he's going to get any votes back, because I doubt he will, but
Just to the point of the fact to expose the fraud.
Yeah, the mainstream media, let me stop you, I agree.
Here's the strategy.
The mainstream media is ignoring this right now.
They're hoping it just blows over and goes away.
It's one of the biggest stories on the web.
It's confirmed.
Local papers have had to admit it quietly.
But if Ron Paul comes out and contests it, it will then give him huge attention, it will expose the fraud, and then that will bring hope back in the fight here.
If they don't, they've got a problem.
We haven't heard from the campaign yet what they're going to do.
Finish up.
Yeah, actually, in standing at the end of my email, I said, Aaron Russo and the group, the AFTF group, didn't put their butt on the line for them to bow.
And I said, now's not the time.
You've got to take a stand now.
There's no time for playing games anymore.
The bottom line is just exactly what I agree with you, and some people say, oh well, it's a strategy.
I say no, the strategy is not to compromise, because when you compromise, now you're no longer on the side of truth, and God ain't gonna come to your aid.
I agree with you, and we don't know Ron Paul's compromising yet.
We don't know that yet, but it doesn't look good.
Okay, now I know that they're exhausted after New Hampshire, trying to rest on the ropes a few days.
There isn't time for that in this fight!
Believe me, don't you think I want to rest?
There's no time.
There'll be time enough when we're dead, six feet under, pushing daisies up for a trillion years.
You're only alive one time.
Take the bull by the horns.
Full speed ahead.
Forget the maneuvers.
Go straight at them, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
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Food control has been the plan historically in every enslaved population and is the plan for America.
The only value of the knowledge you have to take control of your food is if you choose to get a supply while you still have the freedom to choose.
Call 800-409-5633 on the web efoodsdirect.com.
Call 800-409-5633.
Everybody knows that Diebold steals it.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
I'm going to jam in some final phone calls here at the end.
It's the latest info out there.
Anywhere you're going to find is the next hour of rebroadcast.
You have to go to InfoWars.com and click on what says the main screen.
Or you can listen to our secondary stream there.
And the show will restart with Bev Harris and the latest analysis still from PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.net, Diebold Voting Machine Contractor is a convicted narcotics dealer, and Rosalind Peterson about the chemtrails will be on Monday.
I apologize for canceling her twice since this election stuff keeps blowing up.
More towns coming in that got zero per poll that actually had votes.
This is crazy.
Tell everybody you know to tune in throughout the day on the web at Infowars.com, the streams there.
Friends or family, you want them to understand what's happened to the economy, how they're stealing it from Ron Paul and Barack Obama.
Have them just tune in right there at those streams or on your local AM or FM when they rebroadcast the show.
And please get all the films at Infowars.com or watch them right now at PrisonPlanet.tv and get five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Robert and Callie, then William and Betty, that's all we've got time for.
Robert, hit us!
Okay, a gentleman just sent me a link to a YouTube video where a man has videotaped Boston.com from the Boston Globe, showing that the numbers were reversed for Ron Paul and McCain, but still, if you look at it, it shows that Ron Paul won by a landslide, but if you go to the bottom of the page, it shows that he got the 17,000 votes.
What is the name of the video?
We'll post it right now.
The name of the video is...
It is called, Is This Fraud?
And I got the link to it.
Send it to Aaron at InfoWars.com and it'll be posted in the next 10 minutes at JonesReport.com.
Okay, Is This Fraud?
You can type it into YouTube, click Date Added, and you'll find it.
Anything else, sir?
There is also a thing from Zoo America, I think it's called, and it shows that there's
Reporting for the 100% that he won by at least 10 to 15 points.
Well, here's why I need all you, the listeners, at the War Room, where we all combine forces, all put our brains together.
Everything's posted there.
Go into the earlier post, folks, as it keeps rolling through so fast.
The most important post that we find, we kind of post at the top of the sticky.
That's what it's called.
And RonPaulWarRoom.com.
Thank you, sir.
Everybody, nexus point there.
Attack, attack, attack, attack.
We're going to push this into the open that it was fraud there.
And if Ron Paul would speak out about it, just say something about it, that he's concerned that they're looking at it.
Then it would explode into the news.
The campaign needs to do that, and I don't want to have to call up and lobby them.
Ugh, I'm sick of it.
I literally do everything.
I'm not whining about it, I'm just exhausted.
William in Florida, you're in the middle of the attack battle group info war.
Go ahead.
Yes I am, sir, and I am a battering ram in this.
I don't see why the New World Order is afraid of you, Alex, because I am 10,000 times worse than you.
And in trouble.
I have severe Crohn's disease.
I know it's traced to the measles vaccine.
And I am disabled because of this.
But I am still in the fight.
I've got blogs coming.
I've got podcasts coming.
And I am making a major film.
I may have major backing.
Fire out the website or something.
It's not yet.
We're out of time, William.
Call me back tomorrow.
We're out of time.
Betty and Ohio, take us out before retransmission launches.
I called Fox News and they said they don't have their story on about New Hampshire tonight at 9 o'clock Eastern Standard Time.
And their number is 212-301-3000.
I'm sure they'll spin at Enemies of America.
God bless you, Betty.
Everybody, ram this story out.
Get it all at PrisonPlanet.com.
Great transmission starts now!
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