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Name: 20080109_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 9, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
Wake up!
Boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the words, revolution.
There are men coming down from the valley.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
I don't know.
I've got a bunch of U.S.
government declassified documents on it, so I'll be talking about that some.
About 30 minutes and a third hour.
Most of it's going to be election fraud, Ron Paul, Hillary Clinton news.
The big national debate for the last two days, I didn't talk about it once yesterday, but everybody wants to talk about it.
Hillary cried, and they're having debates about, was it real?
The neocons are saying, oh yes, it's real, she thought she was going to lose, so she cried.
This is a woman who goes to Kentucky and goes, How are you?
Good to see you.
How are you?
She comes to Texas and she talks like this.
I mean, they put videos together online of four or five different fake accents.
She'll go to England and adopt an Atlantic.
Uh, or, uh, you know, Eastern, uh, Buffy, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
And magically all the polls are wrong and there's New York Times and Washington Post and Associated Press and L.A.
Times articles about, oh, why the polls were wrong and the scandal of the bad polls and the scandal of Time and Newsweek having Barack on the cover.
Totally staged.
Totally staged.
Totally staged.
And again, I don't like Barack Obama, Mr. CFR, the whole nine yards.
Let's stay there.
We're gonna break it all down.
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Bill of Rights makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
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That's what they're after.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
That's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, 10 a.m.
Mountain, 9 to noon Pacific.
to 1 a.m.
Thank you for joining us.
The network retransmits 9 to midnight.
Send drill over the AM and FM dials, satellite, shortwave, WWCR, and the internet.
And 24 hours a day at Infowars.com, TruthNews.us, PrisonPlanet.com, RonPaulWarRoom.com.
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That Gauntlet of Sights and that Maginal Line of Sights and you can link through and listen to the show restreamed 21 hours a day until the next live transmission.
We're also here Sundays live 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
There's so much news and info.
About a year ago I started the Sunday transmission.
Okay, they're having to spin right now, nationally, that okay, Barack Obama was between 10 and 20 points, depending on the poll, in every poll, ahead of Hillary, and polls have always been accurate until Diebold gets involved, and magically, he was winning in the areas, the 20% of areas where there wasn't Diebold, and then of course losing where there was Diebold, just like
The individual who's the head of the Democrats right now, who I don't trust, but he wasn't the anointed one, he wasn't George Bush, he wasn't John Kerry, and that of course is Howard Dean, and he won in New Hampshire as high as 10 points, some areas lower, some areas higher, but on average the news reported 9 to 10 points, in the areas that have paper ballots, but lost by 10 points in the areas where it was Diebold.
The three-state area, 80 plus percent of the ballots are controlled by one company and one man.
Bev Harris covered that yesterday.
BevHarris of BlankBoxVoting.org.
She told us what to look for.
Notice in Iowa, they still haven't issued the final results.
Well, they can't do that because then the precincts will notice that, hey, wait, we sent you a win, or we sent you Ron Paul in second place, or we sent you... and it doesn't show that.
And then there would be news coverage.
They have to wait.
That's always a telltale sign.
It wasn't transparent.
Same thing in New Hampshire.
We got a lot of emails and calls and posts on the Ron Paul War Room last night that we confirmed.
We called the people and they said, well, we're talking to county officials first before we talk to you.
Yeah, we went on yourronpaulwarroom.com and posted that our whole family voted at this township in New Hampshire and it showed zero for Ron Paul.
But now the township's telling us that don't talk to anybody.
That's what they always tell you.
You better go public now.
And in a whole bunch of townships where they get 300, 400 plus votes, not one Ron Paul over and over and over and over again.
So exactly what Bev said look for happened.
There is no doubt there has been chicanery.
There's no doubt Obama's been cheated.
There's no doubt Ron Paul has been cheated.
The pollsters had Paul at least getting third or second.
Now remember, the polls have been skewed against him and he had 15, 14, depending on the poll, in New Hampshire.
Then magically he gets 8%, almost half of what the polls showed he'd get.
Something stinks in Denmark.
Okay, let's go to Bev Harris.
Bev, break down exactly what we've seen develop here.
Oh boy, I just got off the phone with Tana Sutton.
Ron Paul got 31 votes, not zero.
I have it confirmed from the town clerk.
I asked her why the discrepancy and she said they simply failed to put the right number on the form they sent to the media.
Sure, it's accidental.
It doesn't matter.
This is unacceptable.
Shut it down!
The classic method for rigging a hand count is to write the wrong number on the form.
If you go to wherestepaper.org, that's a site that does a lot of research on all kinds of election fraud.
Bev, this is huge breaking news.
Stop, stop.
This is huge breaking news.
Again, tell everybody listening the name of the township.
This is just one.
Within hours, we're going to have you give us all the names.
This is huge breaking news.
Uh, it's the Town of Sutton.
Now, remember, they don't do counties in New Hampshire.
It's all done by township.
Township of Sutton.
It's just town.
It's the Town of Sutton.
And, uh, I just got off the phone with Jennifer Call, who is the town clerk, and she confirmed that Ron Call actually did get 31 votes, not zero.
Now, understand something.
This is more votes than he got, or was reported to have gotten, in almost every place.
Now we caught this because our listeners at RonPaulWarRoom.com, an entire family, the parents, the out-of-the-home twenty-something-year-old children, all five of them went down to vote and then they watched the results and it said zero, baby!
And now you called the town clerk, give us her name again, spell it.
Jennifer called, C-A-L-L, just like telephone call.
And here's the thing, the way that a hand count can be rigged is, and here's what they're doing in New Hampshire, they have, the people are counting everything in public real nice, they fill out a form in public real nice, and then they transfer it to another form and they call that a summary sheet and that's the one they send in.
And so what happened is she said they did not transpose the number correctly and put zero instead of thirty-one.
That is unacceptable as an answer.
That is unbelievable.
Bev Harris, what needs to happen?
I think they need to throw all the results out now and have a recount at least in the twenty percent.
Look, it's bad because let me tell you what else.
If they have a recount, it will cost Ron Paul about $67,000, and there is a problem with chain of custody.
I'm sorry, I've got another phone ringing, but I'm going to ignore it.
Sorry, it's coming over your line if it is.
No, it may be breaking news!
Pick it up!
Pick it up!
No, no, it's okay.
I'll tell you, because I've been getting all kinds of things from all kinds of citizens asking.
Okay, now, in New Hampshire, we are not comfortable with the chain of custody for the recount ballots.
It's a toss-up whether he should spend $67,000 to get a recount, which is what it'll cost him.
He's sure, because it'll draw national attention to the cheating, and then if they cheat the recount, we catch him again, Beth.
Yeah, if they do it, they have to do it statewide, because if you do a spot-check recount, it can be gamed very easily.
They gotta do it.
I understand.
Look, he's got to do it.
I'm demanding the campaign.
They have been caught.
Now listen, the campaign likes to play the highbrow, above the fray, you know, really classy.
This isn't the time for that.
We saw Ohio officials go to jail this year for 2004.
You called it, Bev.
The witnesses called it.
I called it.
We're not putting up with this crap.
And I'm sorry, that's what it is.
Any more.
The campaign.
This is red-handed.
I'm getting so mad right now.
Bev, I'm sorry.
Well, let me tell you what else we've done.
One of the things I did yesterday was I put together a spreadsheet.
Because, understand, it's very Byzantine and difficult to even come up with data to analyze it.
And I knew that was going to be the case.
So I put together a spreadsheet and put it on the website for everyone to use to put their own results into, which outlined every one of the 250, you know, New Hampshire townships and which voting system they used.
And there is also a discrepancy.
The voting machines gave him worse results than the hand counts.
That's the same thing with Howard Dean, wasn't it?
Yes, it is.
And by the way, the discrepancy there was they gave Ron Paul about 2.5% worse results than the hand count.
And they gave Hillary 5% better results than the hand count.
Which is exactly what she beat Barack Obama at.
Now, as much as I love Ron Paul, and as much as I'm behind his campaign, I stayed up until about 1 in the morning last night.
I got up at 6.
You know, just like everybody else, totally obsessed with this.
I've been scanning, tracking, everything.
And it looks like Barack Obama got screwed even worse than Paul.
Is that accurate?
Well, again, all I can do is report results because, you know, I'm under these constraints.
But I will say that there was a difference between the hand count towns and the voting machine towns.
And I will give you some more breaking news.
I haven't even put this on my website yet.
I have a report coming to me.
Now, yesterday we broke the story about this one sole source provider programming every voting machine in New Hampshire.
You also broke the news that Hillary was kicking Barack Obama and Ron Paul, specifically poll watchers, out.
That was widely reported on the internet.
I was not able to confirm that because... What do you think citizens need to learn?
The Boston Globe did report it.
Let me stop you.
The Boston Globe did report it.
Good, good.
Okay, good.
Ready for this?
Sit down!
Okay, go ahead.
LHS Associates.
The firm that programmed every voting machine in New Hampshire.
I have just gotten a call and I'm waiting to fax confirmation that one of the key people there has a criminal record.
Evicted cocaine trafficker.
Oh my god.
You know, and with, not just that, but with complaints to the Attorney General already.
Uh... for election related uh... complaints.
Just like they always catch Diebold and others with convicted hackers and and and other... I mean how many times Bev have we caught hardcore crooks working inside the elections at key places?
Well, this is the thing.
There is
I don't know what to say.
You know, let me tell you where we're at here.
Another story and it will come right into this.
In Pima County, Arizona, that's where Tucson is, you know, we've got a member of our board of directors, Jim March, has been working on a lawsuit and they've finally been able to pull out and
And really getting close to proving, using all this computer stuff, that there was fraud in the election there.
And they went to court, and the judge ordered them to release the stuff, and the county was resisting.
They had a town meeting.
And they have a video of this.
It's supposed to go up fairly soon.
I can hardly wait.
And the town supervisor said, we're not going to release the databases, and blah, blah, blah.
Even though the court said, OK, we'll just give you this.
The citizens stood up.
Packed the room and started chanting, release the files, release the files, and they did.
Because the citizens were not going to accept it.
And they just, in unison, said, you will not keep our election files from us.
Doesn't matter what the court said.
Doesn't matter what you say.
We want the files.
And it was such strong public pressure that they did.
Now Bev, I want to stop you right now.
I don't think listeners realize the magnitude of the three stories they just heard.
A. It has been confirmed that in one of the township voting areas, Ron Paul got 30 plus votes but showed zero.
You've talked to the head clerk.
She admits it on record to you.
D, and I want more details, as much as you can give us on this now, I know you're double confirming it with facts, and maybe that'll come in during this break, you've got some time to check.
A cocaine trafficker with histories of election fraud and complaints.
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, call everybody you know, this is huge.
It is a big idea.
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I was a highwayman.
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I don't care if you're in Germany, in China, in Mexico.
Border to border.
In the Netherlands.
In Africa.
You're listening right now.
The evidence of the fraud.
Spread the word everywhere.
It's got to go supernova on the web.
Paul Watson's got an article going up in the next 10 minutes with the exclusive.
Bev Harris just brought you.
She is an impeccable source.
Don't produce HBO specials on this.
She has been the stalwart out there, ferreting all of this out.
She's also very conservative in her analysis.
Frankly, it's much worse than even she says because I've been on this for over a decade.
But she's very, very precise.
Last night, we got the tip at RonPaulWarRoom.com.
We talked to the family this morning, and they're saying, well, the county officials are telling us to wait and only talk to them.
No, no, no.
Well, the good news is, Bev Harris called that very same township, they have towns, not counties there, but it's set up in the same system, the city clerk, and she said, too bad, right before airtime, that yes,
And this is the big news.
Yes, 30 plus votes in that township for Paul.
Now that's just what they're saying.
See, because they've got all these people coming forward saying, hey, I voted.
It might even be bigger.
How do you, Bev, accidentally, because I want to go back to this, then into the cocaine trafficker, and boy, this is, I just got the backside secret scoop because I can be trusted.
We can't say that much, but this is going to, this is just, it's always, it's always cocaine dealers.
That's who runs the government.
It's who runs America.
But it's black ops, folks.
But getting back to this key area, this key area of confirmed in this particular town, tell folks again.
Well, at Pam Sutton, they reported zero votes for Ron Paul.
And I believe they were pretty much sticking their guns all the way up through last night.
And there was this family who said that they had voted for Ron Paul, so how could there be zero votes?
And let me tell you, that's an overly aggressive stance.
They must have really needed to do something, because it's happened before, where zero votes come up, and it's very dangerous for them to do that, because all it takes is one person to prove that there was a problem.
Well, they have now admitted that there were 31 votes for Ron Paul, not zero.
And one thing I would encourage your listeners to do is to
Go to the website, or go to whatever website has these results, and just look at how many little townships in New Hampshire even have as many as 31 votes for Ron Paul.
And that's the point!
If you wonder how much he really got!
And by the way, there are a bunch
Of townships that show zero, and you'll have hundreds and hundreds of votes and he gets zero, even if he's at 8%, then he should get 8 out of 100, instead of 0 out of 300, 500, 600.
Folks, this stinks absolutely to the gates of heaven.
Another thing to look for, as you're looking at the detail results, is look in the ones where they say, other votes.
In the Democratic column, I noticed that the town of Manchester reported 570 votes of other.
I mean, what is 570 people voting for other?
Guaranteed it's Ron Paul and Barack Obama.
Well, you know, they have to shift it from bin to bin so it matches the number of voting people who showed up.
Now, Bev, you're talking about anomalies with Obama.
All the polls showed he was going to win by a landslide.
Magically, he loses.
That stinks.
But then you have the Hillary people.
You first reported it here, but said it wasn't confirmed.
The Boston Globe did report that the Hillary people did kick
The Ron Paul and Obama poll watchers out specifically.
I have that report right here in front of me.
You can Google it.
Show, that's Boston Globe there.
Now you can call that an anomaly, but this is not an anomaly.
I mean, this... Let me tell you a little bit about how... But people really respect you, so I need you to specifically say, what is it when they admit they gave him zero and it's 31?
That election's thrown out right there.
That election is...
Look, they're always going to say it was an error.
Guess what?
When someone embezzles money, they always have a plausible excuse for how this and that happened.
It is not acceptable.
What is their job?
They have one job on election night, and that is to resolve numbers for what?
Twelve candidates?
That's it.
Folks, you've got 350 something votes in the town, and 31 of them are for Ron Paul, but they can't get that on the paper.
They take the people's votes and then magically... Look, if they miss 5 out of 31, it could be believable.
But all of them bad?
And you have to actually write a circle, a zero, in the spot.
You know, it doesn't matter to me if it's plausible.
I think we have to get to the point where we stop accepting excuses.
What about these other towns?
I guarantee you the other places he got zero, he didn't get zero.
And I guarantee you those towns where it says 500 and something other, I bet my bottom dollar 80% of that's Ron Paul and Barack Obama.
What do you say, Bev?
Well, I can't speak to that because I'm conservative and only report exactly what I can brew.
But let me say... Stay there!
Final segment with Dev Ares.
We gotta break!
She's gonna pop back in in the third hour with all the new stuff she's learned.
This is Armageddon!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I've only got Bev Harris for about another 10 minutes.
She's going to be back with us at the end of the third hour with all the new info she's learned.
You understand they have been caught red-handed.
There are a ton.
I counted them up last night.
It looked like 15 or 20.
I've got to count them up again because they're changing.
And this just came in during the break.
We confirmed it.
The site Politico did have Ron Paul at zero.
They were using the official maps.
Now it's at 31.
I don't think so.
I mean, we're not playing games here.
We've got to let them know we're coming after them.
But again, I was talking to Rob Jacobson last night, my editor, and he said, Alex, they don't have a choice.
They've got to block him.
They've got to steal from him.
You know, even if they get caught, they've got to block him.
Beth Harris, let's finish up with the situation with Ron Paul and then this other individual who's involved at the LHS company that you're triple confirming right now to have this criminal background that he's reportedly got sealed.
But right now,
I mean, don't you see the strategy, or give me your expertise and take, on Ron Paul's gotta say, hey, we caught towns, guaranteed it's towns, but we've got a town where I got, they say I got zero, but I really did, we have in some towns 500 plus that say other, we want to know what those are, pay for the recount, that way we get to get attention, get to have an investigation, because people are never going to hear.
About how Ron Paul got cheated in this town.
See, they're never going to know.
It'll be an urban legend, even though they admit it and we've confirmed it.
Matt, what do we do?
The two women in Ohio that you mentioned that went to jail for rigging a recount was because Michael Bednarek and David Cobb, the Green Party and the Libertarian Party candidate, demanded a recount.
And then citizens were all over that recap to see what it is they did, and that's when they caught him cheating.
So, uh, and let me just mention one other thing very quickly I forgot earlier.
I was watching the CNN coverage last night, and I was shocked, and let me tell you, the coverage shocked me.
But, there was a person with a huge pie wedge in the pie slice graph, and sometimes he was
We're good to go.
Well, and they have, it's Republican, right?
So they have the different shades of red, and then they just have a gray, huge pie slice that they kept taking the camera off when it got bigger, without a name on it, that's not even red.
I mean, it was, and it wasn't just for a minute.
This was on, this was for like an hour.
How in the world do you justify
Not naming a person in the pie slice when everyone else has a name and having it a different color.
It was the most blatant thing I've... I mean, it was just so visual.
It was really one of those things that just makes you sick.
You're just going, I don't care what candidate it is.
Every candidate deserves to have his name in the same
Especially when he's beating Giuliani, but they're showing his name.
Now that was before they had a chance to rig it.
Now, Bev Harris, I want to get into the news that you're going to be breaking by this evening.
You are getting the actual criminal record that was sealed, but you've been able to find a source that you say is extremely credible.
I was using your words in the last two breaks, talking to you, who was investigating him in a separate issue, an LHS...
Should we say high-level associate?
Like a vice president, yeah.
Okay, but give us as much as you can right now so we can track this before it fully breaks.
Well, I think that's as far as we want to go now.
I'm awaiting the documents and when something is this serious, I need those criminal records.
But the minute I have them, and it should be today, they will go up on my website blackboxvoting.org
So watch for that, because it won't be the first time.
You know, Diebold had a convicted cocaine trafficker running its ballot printing plant for the West Coast.
So, you know, it's weird.
It's like...
These guys aren't allowed to vote.
It's called Black Ops.
They're pilots or coat dealers.
Look, look, look.
It's CIA.
I mean, you know, they've had former Diebold heads are CIA.
Other companies are former NSA directors.
I mean, you go to these people's offices, it's 25-year-old guys with high and tight haircuts, machine guns underneath their coats.
I mean, it's an op.
And the point is, they're going to be defeated, they're going to be brought down, they're going to be exposed, and we're going to continue to ferret them out.
And five years ago, people didn't know there was fraud.
Now they know.
And I am telling the Ron Paul campaign.
Look, I want to make it clear for new listeners.
We just proved that they gave him zero in a town where he had 31, and that's what they're saying.
And there's all these other towns that show zero, or 500-plus here, 200-plus there.
And sometimes we're talking about
That would make Paul a majority.
We need to know who that other is.
This election all needs to be thrown out, put on hold now.
I do not want to see Bush, you know, this be a replay of Bush in 2000, Bev, where Gore sits out or Kerry 2004.
We can't have Ron Paul sit out.
I mean, it'd be one thing if we think there's fraud and he showed double in the polls what he actually got.
It's another thing when we've caught him red-handed or when we catch him with convicted traffickers running things.
You know, this 31 vote discrepancy is not just 31 votes.
That's what we have to remember.
It's a procedural breakdown in the system that's very serious.
You can't spin it.
And I have to, you know, we've all seen it.
It's not that many candidates.
It's not like they have a list of 200 races and different candidates all over the place.
They had 12 numbers to report.
Well, ma'am, you've been using the word discrepancy.
Discrepancy is when you don't know what's happened specifically.
Now we know.
They just say, hey, we didn't put the 31 down.
What did this city clerk, the township clerk, what did she say to you when you said, how did this happen?
She said, it was human error.
I'm sorry, human error doesn't cut it.
You could say human error about anything.
And it just so happened to be Ron Paul.
Don't they even like add up the number of... Actually, in New Hampshire they require that they do what's called a reconciliation form and on that form they have to say how many people showed up and how many votes showed up.
It's easier than balancing... If you're 31 off, why don't you do something?
It's easier than balancing your checkbook.
Oh, it's not.
This is basic arithmetic and it's basically we had 350 people walk in the door to vote
And we had this many votes show up.
There's no excuse for this kind of stuff.
And the question then becomes, how many other places did something similar or something?
What we found in Ohio, remember, in 2004, was a whole range of different things.
It wasn't just one method.
So there was all kinds of different things.
They attacked the voting process at every level.
Yeah, there's a lot at stake.
Well, I mean, look, Fox just got caught with fake focus groups and fake people saying they supported neocons.
I mean, it's all fake, Bev!
You don't have to tell me that.
I was in PR before, and I had the experience of being able to write something and watch it show up on TV, and I was like, wow, this is all it takes.
You know, but this is...
This should be unraveled further.
Whatever it takes, we need to keep pulling at those strings.
Bev, what do you think is going to happen?
You say it's a very credible source.
You've already vetted it quite a bit.
These are sealed records.
You're having to get them.
You've even had run-ins with this person.
You've done your own investigations.
That's why you're saying it's credible.
You're saying her info from a separate area from voting, dealing with, uh, no, we don't want to say it, nexuses with that.
If this is triple confirmed, what do you think's going to happen when it comes out?
I mean, how many times has it been
I mean, this is too obvious!
Well, listen, the citizens have been demanding of the Secretary of State of New Hampshire that he get some corrections in place, and I contacted and talked to the Assistant Secretary of State of the State of New Hampshire two days before the election and said, have you done anything to mitigate the risk of this inside access?
And he said, not really.
And he's a good... I didn't get the impression he was thrilled about that.
You know?
I don't know what the big obstacle is, but nothing was done, even though it was a known risk.
And Harry Hurstie, the person who hacked in the HBO special, Hacking Democracy, he personally came to New Hampshire and laid it all out for them.
And he urged them to take certain steps, and they did not take those steps to protect the election.
Then you have Barack Obama, depending on the poll, 10 to 20 points, on the average about 15 points ahead of Hillary, and some polls even higher.
And then magically, they're saying, oh, this embarrasses all the pollsters, this embarrasses the media, this embarrasses major magazines with Barack on the cover.
You know, Hillary magically wins by a big percentage, and then you go look at the machine discrepancies from the other ones, and Barack's winning with the non-machines predominantly, but on the machines that are 80 plus percent, 81 percent, he's losing.
That's just what they did with Dean!
I mean, this is, for anyone with half a brain, Bev, this is right out in the open!
This is like if you're playing dice with somebody and they keep rolling double sixes every time and beating you with their dice and you pick them up and they're loaded.
I mean, they're not going to roll.
That's a good analogy.
We have a guy on our website that talks, you know, works on the issues of communications of this because a lot of it's just communicating it to people in a way that they will see.
And he's like, you know, we try to do all these things to monitor elections, but we have to understand we don't hold the cards.
You're going in there going, okay I won't show you this and I won't show you this and I got this in my back pocket and it's like...
It's a rigged game.
Here's the analogy.
Here's the analogy.
It's like going into a casino and they take you to a white windowless room and they show you nothing and then someone walks in and says this is who won and they just tell you.
I mean you're not allowed to see the machinery, look under the hood, not even allowed to look at the slot machine.
I mean they could rig it and still let you look at it but they won't even do that.
Oh, I think this is worse because we have, because in fact when I found those files, we did look at them and we found that they're basically made for cancering.
That's not too strong a statement.
We have to understand that the guy who programmed the master computer, and it's a little technical, so it's more relevant to some of the other states than New Hampshire, but he had just gotten out of prison after four years on 23 counts of computer embezzlement.
His prison record is on our site, and the first thing he did with the kind of vote tallying system that adds them all up, they don't use this in New Hampshire though, I will say, but in every other state they do,
The first thing he did with this computer program that tells us to vote is put in a double set of books.
I can prove that because I've looked at it, so it's not even like... Give folks... We've looked at it and we've seen that it's designed for this.
Give folks that guy's name again?
That guy's name is Jeffrey Dean.
And he and his prison buddy, John Elder, who was the cocaine trafficker, ran the ballot plant and wrote software.
And they're also, a lot of the software that they had developed is now starting to count the mail-in votes.
And process the sorting and stuff of the mail.
Now, let's be clear.
We have elections where the polls keep showing that the anti-establishment candidate is going to win.
Magically, they lose.
We have Senator Hagel owning his own company, 15 points behind.
He's going to lose.
He magically wins because he owned the voting machine company that had over 80% of Nebraska votes cast on it.
And we have thousands of cases like this with people going to prison.
We have cocaine dealers, and traffickers, and hackers, and top crime bosses running everything, and black op companies, and former CIA deputy directors running the companies.
I mean, we just have a mafia running things, and it's time for the public to come to grips with this, Bev.
Yeah, I think the biggest thing I see is it's such a scary concept that a lot of people reject it outright and just go, I can't think about that.
You know, they just feel like... Because, you know what?
It's a one-way road, Alex.
Once you see it, you never turn back.
You know, nothing ever fools you again.
Now, some people will say, well, then why vote?
We have to engage this process and watch it so we can expose it.
Look, in five years, the majority of Americans in major polls, 85 plus percent, believe there's fraud now by the government and by the corporations.
Well, soon it's going to be 99 percent, and soon we're going to go arrest all these people.
You have to engage, otherwise you just basically surrender and say, you guys win?
What is that?
You know, I think the word patriot is appropriate in this day and age, and that's how we have to think of ourselves.
In closing, I want to let you go, so you can be with us in the third hour, Bev Harris.
Quickly, break down for the listeners, explain to them that New Hampshire was advertised as free and fair, though 81% is die-bold.
The other is hand-counted, but then they just don't give Ron Paul his votes there.
Then it goes to another layer, where it's all taken to his central clearinghouse, so they can have fun with the goodies.
Well, you know, yeah, New Hampshire has one good thing going for it, is that any candidate can get a recap, doesn't matter how far ahead or behind.
And it's not very expensive, $67,000 to recount a state isn't too bad.
But they take all the ballots, you know, this is just a chain of custody analysis here, and they take all the ballots from all the townships and take them into one central location, which basically centralizes the chain of custody over those.
And it's only going to be as good as whoever has access to those ballots while they're awaiting a recount.
And the key things that we're looking at there are
The potential for ballot substitution.
The ballot printers have a very spotty record in terms of their own criminal background sometimes.
And that's something that nobody ever looks at.
But the ballot printers, we obtained documents from one of the ballot printers showing that they were printing 25% more ballots than they need.
And just not delivering them, so they didn't show up in the books.
But they were sitting on all these extras.
Bev, every point you've made needed to be put by Kurt Nemo or somebody, by Steve Watson, by Aaron Dykes, one of my writers, together in a chronological order, so people get a grasp on this is happening, and literally nine times out of ten, when you've got fraud going on, you find out it's a coke dealer, or a black op, former CIA commander, or a top hacker,
Or an embezzler, and they know what they're doing.
So blackboxvoting.org, we'll talk to you coming up in about an hour and 40 minutes for the second update.
Beth, I'm going to let you go so you can get back to the important work you're doing.
Thank you for the time.
Thank you.
Folks, you have been given absolute breaking news.
Okay, it was first reported at ronpaulwarroom.com.
A whole family went in and voted in this specific township.
That we just discussed.
In New Hampshire.
Five people in the family, they look on the news, no votes.
We call the family this morning, they say, look, we're supposed to talk to election officials.
They don't want us to talk.
By then, Bev Harris is already called the head of the city who's over these operations.
That's the township clerk.
Called a county clerk in most areas of the nation.
I guess a parish clerk in Louisiana.
And she said, oh yeah, just an accident.
That's what they always do.
I remember when Karen Sunlightner, County Commissioner, was losing by 10 points.
Magically, at 2 a.m., the paper admitted she collapsed, started crying.
The county clerk goes in, the numbers flip.
Double counting ballot boxes, breaking safety seals, falsifying signatures.
I went down to the state to try to block certification, and the state board said, yeah, they did all this, but it was an accident.
Kind of like if I go rob a bank this afternoon, it's an accident, officers.
I went in here with a mask and bags of money over my shoulder with a revolver.
It's an accident.
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We are on!
Alright, we've been talking to the Paul campaign.
They say they're confirming these reports.
And, uh, the township has now reversed itself on the maps and is saying Ron Paul did get 31 votes there.
If you can believe that.
So that is confirmed, ladies and gentlemen.
Tell everybody you know to tune in right now to this radio show, whether you're listening on AM or FM, internet, shortwave, satellite.
You know, I've got the father of the family coming on who got SWAT teamed to tell you exactly what happened.
Well, I'm going to spend about 10 minutes on that now.
Because I want to open the phones up for you to respond.
I want to recap this as it develops.
Bev may even be back on earlier.
As new things happen, you will hear it here first.
You will read it first at PrisonPlanet.com and TruthNews.us and RonPaulWarRoom.com.
We built the war room because we can't stay up 24 hours a day.
We don't have the staff, the armies to give us the tips.
Your tips about 90% of the time turn out to be accurate.
Folks are doing a great job, every man, woman and child out there.
You gave us this tip.
We got on it.
Harris got on it.
It got out on the web.
She made the phone calls.
From the Ron Paul Warren story, got it up this morning.
You are the ones moving the ball.
We can't watch every precinct.
We can't watch every township, every county, every city.
You can!
That's how we knew there was all sorts of weird stuff going on at Blacksburg when that happened.
And another mass shooting and the Fed standing down for four hours and all the rest of it that the media didn't want to report for months.
It's because of you.
We had a bunch of students living on campus witnessing it all.
We've got people everywhere.
God bless you.
It is such a responsibility to even be in the shoes I'm in.
I'm not worthy of this.
I want to tell you right now.
For the record,
And new reports going up on PrisonPlanet.com any minute, ladies and gentlemen, any minute.
It should be up on PrisonPlanet.com.
A new report off of everything you just heard Bev Harris say.
Now we already had it up this morning that they didn't count his votes and that we were saying those are the reports we got.
Now they admit it.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Get it out to everybody right now.
We're also going to have a report up that Bev Harris is reporting that she's vetting and confirming that just like in all the other cases, we need to add in that report that it's over and over again with Diebold, cocaine, top smugglers,
Computer crime experts, embezzlers, that's Stalin, emptied out the prisons, that was his top guys.
How do you think they do this?
How do you think they operate?
This is huge.
Then you've just got the circumstantial evidence of Barack Obama, huge double-digit leads against Hillary, magically losing.
Magically all the polls being wrong.
You got Ron Paul getting half the poll numbers.
In people casting ballots for him that his poll numbers showed, and we even knew those polls were spun against him.
He was tracking second or third place in New Hampshire.
By the way, South Carolina has decertified illegal, in 40 plus states, voting machines that are even worse than these.
That's mainstream news out of South Carolina.
And you watch, it'll turn out some mob boss, you know, or some top CIA operative runs it.
I remember interviewing the Collier brothers before they died, and of course Victoria Collier, their daughter.
I mean, you go into these facilities, I mean, it's open CIA.
It's open 35-year-old special ops walking around, Uzis underneath their jackets, you know, guys out front in black sedans.
I mean, it's an armored compound of evil.
They run the country.
They run the printing of the money.
The government runs the smack, the coke, all of it.
They run the CPS.
They run the private prisons.
They rule!
And they've got private armies now growing.
Merc Forces.
I'm telling ya!
The Mob!
That's all it is, is the Mob!
Bunch of good ol' boys got together and said, we oughta, we oughta, we overthrew a bunch of third world countries.
I ran.
Let's do it here!
Yeah, we can do it.
There's plenty for all of us.
These stupid cattle will never figure it out.
Ron Paul, red-handed.
Ladies and gentlemen, had New Hampshire stolen, it was skewed.
It all needs to be challenged.
Thank you for listening to GPN.
Visit gpnlive.com today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In three minutes, a detailed report confirming our earlier report this morning.
Ron Paul votes not counted in New Hampshire.
It's admitted.
They've officially retracted.
In the town saying they gave him zero.
They've got areas where, it's just, I'm going to recap it all this hour, more coming in, Beth Harris coming back on, breaking news, they've stolen it, the Paul campaign has to, pay for a recount, 67 grand, pay it, you got 20 mil, more pouring in, get in there, expose what's happening, Beth Harris is reporting that a top cocaine trafficker,
We're good to go.
Hey, I just want to commend you guys, first of all.
You know, true patriots are working to find solutions, to work together, even with the status quo to a degree.
Well, we're just doing whatever we can to fight the new world order, sir.
What's on your mind?
Well, here, I mean, I've got some facts about California, but here I want to mention 2004 election was rigged by the voter machines, of course.
Who knows how many votes were added for Bush.
He supposedly got 59 million votes.
Well, Ohio made him win, and the people that did it have gone to prison.
It's confirmed.
Now, but the thing is, there was another factor in that.
There was a Swift boat ad, but there was something else.
There were millions of people who didn't vote for Kerry.
We know that turnout was pretty low.
I mean, it was under 60%.
We know that for a fact.
But, how many millions of people didn't vote for Kerry because maybe they went to
I don't
People to actually show up and vote for Obama.
Well, it's clear that Hillary is the anointed.
Obama certainly is in New World Order, but he doesn't have murders under his belt.
He's not Hillary.
I appreciate your call.
And look, they're cheating Obama.
We're just reporting the facts.
That's clear.
I don't like him.
I mean, at personable, he's a nice, smart fella, and I don't hate him, because he doesn't have the baggage of Hillary.
But you watch, he'll end up being her VP, okay?
I like to know something.
I always agree with you and everything, but I'm starting to wonder about Ron Paul not making a gripe.
Why isn't he really getting more forceful about this?
People's got faith in him.
He needs to start griping about this a lot more, or bring this to the fore.
Well, I mean, the New Hampshire's only been over for 12 hours, so they're studying it, they gotta be careful, they gotta analyze, give them some time.
But yeah, I'm gonna go completely ape if they don't pay for the recount, and if they don't make a big deal out of this, because he definitely is getting robbed.
Well, I talk to people that say that Ron Paul's state, Texas, has got the most control under the Federals out of all the states.
And I want to know why.
I would like to ask him a question.
I support him.
Why ain't he really... He better get to the forefront on this or I'm going to lose faith in him, Alex.
He's too calm about this.
Well, he is calm.
He's also exhausted.
I know people have met him in Idaho and all that.
They report back to me.
But my friend, I want you to take it easy right now.
You just got over being sick.
I'm sick right now.
Take it easy Alex, because we need you.
You know?
Now, our listeners, just our listeners alone, if they could just get out and get these words out, I guess, make up a paper or tell people about your website.
We got to fight hard, Alex.
We got to, Charles, and you keep fighting.
I love you.
Take care down there in Louisiana.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, about 15 minutes.
I'm going to go back to your calls.
I'm going to recap all the top stories.
Ron Paul, openly, at every level, was cheated in New Hampshire.
Not just his poll numbers being double what he actually got,
Not just that he got in dozens of township zero votes.
Not just that they show 500, 600, 200, 300 uncounted votes or other.
Not just that they took his name off the pie chart on CNN.
We have a major township
Saying that he got zero votes.
Witnesses came forward and said, we voted for him.
And they said, OK, there are a bunch of votes for him.
Caught red-handed.
It just went up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
We're going to read that report in its entirety after this guest is on with us.
New Hampshire district admits Ron Paul vote skewed.
Well, I mean, I would just say Ron Paul vote not counted.
Change that headline, Watson.
I know you're doing a great job, but it's not skewed.
It was not counted.
Ron Paul votes not counted.
They have been caught red-handed.
See, I mean, we've been conditioned to not use strong enough language here.
All of the latest is coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
I am just hopping mad.
Now, before we go to our guest, who is a Vietnam vet himself.
He was acting medic there when their medic got killed in Vietnam.
Had a lot of experience there.
You know, I know a lot of middle-class people.
I even know quite a few wealthy people.
And all the time I hear about their sister, their brother, their cousin, or them, their child falls off a jungle gym in front of 20 witnesses, breaks a finger, falls out of a tree, falls out of the jungle gym in the backyard or the playhouse, breaks a toe, breaks a foot.
My mother broke her arm.
I broke bones falling out of trees.
My mother would have been CPS back in the fifties, gone forever.
And I talk to them.
I mean, folks, here in Austin, your child bruises their eye.
Your child, they come to school, fall off their skateboard when they're 10.
CPS is coming.
Your child tells them, I fell off my skateboard.
They don't care.
When I dislocated my shoulder when I was like 12.
Wrestling in a pool.
You know, chicken fighting on somebody's shoulders.
My dad is a dentist.
Or a surgeon.
He said, I'm taking you into Mesquite to go to the hospital.
Now, they're going to ask you how this happened.
Be very careful and tell them that I didn't do this.
I thought, why are you telling me that?
Just get me to the hospital.
Sure enough, doctor comes in.
Did your parents do this to you?
And I said, no, it happened in a pool.
How did it happen?
It's a secret police nation of scum.
The CPS is five times more likely to abuse you in every case.
That is federal numbers.
They are filled with pedophiles and criminals.
That's come out in the news.
Just like the voting machine companies are full of coke dealers and drug runners and CIA operatives.
That's all coming out right now.
We're run by crooks.
Now I'm not saying there aren't good social workers who help old ladies and different divisions of it and a few of the social workers.
That's why social workers have a 50% turnaround a year.
The good ones get out.
So I'm going to shut up now and go to our guest.
Uh, but, uh, his son was hanging on his sister's car.
She drove into the... I did the exact same type of things with cousins and people.
Got a little bruise.
CPS comes, uh, and they SWAT team him, everything else.
Here to break this down, this is out of Newcastle, Colorado, is the father, Tom Shifflett.
And Tom, thanks for coming on with us, sir.
You're welcome.
Uh, you've got the floor.
Just tell us in a nutshell what happened.
Well, my boy was goofing around.
They were delivering hand flyers for the trailer park.
My sister was coming home from a babysitting job and stopped to ask my wife if they needed the car, and she told her no.
Well, John ran up and grabbed the door handle and went jerking on it, laughing at her, and she told him to turn loose.
Well, she thought he did, and she stepped on the gas and moved forward, and he hadn't turned loose, and he tripped and slammed his head on the pavement.
And he got a little bruise, but he got a big knot.
It was big.
And somebody's seen it, and I want to make this plain.
I'm not upset with the person that called the paramedics, because I know him, and I haven't talked to him, but I did find out who it was that called.
And he knows his family, and he did it out of kindness and concern.
And I have no animosity towards the person at all.
But it was the paramedic, when they came, that I didn't call for.
And they asked my wife, she was standing outside with the land lighting, asked my wife, because she delivers milk to us every week, and if they could come in and see the boy.
And my wife said, well, just a minute, let me ask my husband, when she came in the house,
And she didn't shut the door.
Now, most people don't know this, but an open door is licensed for entry.
That's legal.
That's law.
Well, they followed her in.
And she told me, John, these people want to look at John.
Because I was dealing with John.
I had my back to him.
I turned around and said, well, where'd you come from?
I said, I didn't call you.
I didn't call an ambulance.
He said, well, somebody in the neighborhood called and said there was an injury here and they wanted to
Examine the boy.
I said, you can look at him, but you're not going to examine him.
So they looked at his head.
When you get a head injury,
And you can hit on the head.
If it swells up, that's a good sign.
Yeah, if not, it's a subdermal hematoma.
Yeah, because if it didn't, it would tell you that's internal damage.
There would be dilation of the eye.
Oh, come on.
My head had goose eggs on it every week.
So I know this because of the training I went through, but I'm not qualified, so we'll skip over that.
And anyway,
I had the kids crush me up some ice and make an ice pack, and I stripped his pants and shirt off him to see if there was any other injuries.
I checked him on the road for broken bones or anything, but he didn't seem like he could get up and walk, so I picked him up and carried him.
I put his head up against my shoulder, and I said, go sit him up carefully and come home with him.
I sat him on the couch, and we elevated his feet and covered him up with a down comforter.
I understand.
Go ahead and finish the story about what happened.
Well, they called for a medic bag and somebody went out and got a big bag of, I don't know, medical tools, I guess.
And this one gal started to pull a stethoscope out and an air pressure belt.
I think so.
Most people I know that have died go in to have some minor surgery and die of infections.
It's so dangerous getting in their clutches.
And I'm not even saying paramedics are bad, but in San Antonio they came to a site, thought the girl was dead for hours, and put her under a tarp until the medical examiner saw her and then she died.
So the point is that he's got a knot on his head, probably got a concussion, they can't do anything, brain surgery isn't needed.
And you're sitting there watching him, and so what?
You tell him to leave, what happens next?
Well, the landlord, by that time, the landlord, because he has a voluntary fire department here in the area.
He's the chief of the fire department.
He monitors calls.
Well, he knew they were here, so he came over.
And he told them, look, you guys are just causing more trouble than this guy needs.
Why don't you just leave?
So they went outside, and this one woman that was with the paramedics, she got kind of huffy.
And I told him, no, you can't do this, because she had the stethoscope in her hand.
She put her hands on her hips and looked at this other guy and went, huh.
And I guess she wanted to do her cranium.
To make a long story short, they went and called the SWAT team on you.
What happened?
Well, they called the Sheriff's Office.
And that night, they sent out a couple of deputies.
And they said, well, look, somebody from the ambulance service was pretty concerned about the boy, dah, dah, dah, dah.
They said, can we see him?
I said, no, he's asleep.
I said, he's okay.
He's alright.
They said, well, that's all we wanted to know.
And they smiled, waved at me, and laughed.
Well, the next morning when I got up, there were two social workers standing at the door.
She didn't get the satisfaction from the sheriff, so she called the social services.
The social services all but told me that I was not qualified to take care of my boy.
And I told them, my experience is just like you've understood, so I can't get into all of it now.
And I looked at the kid, I said, you, excuse me, I looked at the man, and I said,
Uh, you tell me who's more qualified to take care of my boy, you or me?
And he started talking about something else.
Well, at that time, my landlord had come up behind him.
Now, how he got wind of all this, I don't, I don't really know.
We gotta move along though, sir.
Finish up the story.
So he said, he said, uh, I said, no, answer my question.
He said, and he looked at the ground and he said, you are.
And I asked my landlord, I said, did you hear that?
He said, yeah, I did.
They left, got a court order, a couple of them, warrants, two warrants, one to take John to the hospital, one for a search warrant.
Now, the sheriff is saying that they would have sent two guys, blah, blah, blah, blah, but I had been previously arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.
But under make-my-day law here in Colorado, I was within my jurisdiction.
The sheriff told me I wasn't.
They arrested me, cost me my rent money to get my bail out.
When I did go to court, I got a letter from the D.A.
stating that we're not... I understand, sir.
You weren't convicted of that.
I understand.
So they send a SWAT team.
Please tell us what happened.
Well, that's the reason they sent the SWAT team.
They sent, they fed two officers out with warrants.
Nobody told me they had a warrant.
They come out after 10 o'clock, they always do, when it's dark, they know everybody's getting ready to go to bed, they know people are home, and they told me, I looked at them through the window, they told me, if we can see your boy, this whole thing will be over.
It'll be settled.
I said, you're telling me, if you can see my boy,
That this is going to stop.
They said yes.
They didn't tell me they had a warrant.
That's what they told me.
It was a ruse.
I knew when they did it.
I called for John.
And the minute I called for John, he came in the kitchen to look out the window.
I seen a lineup of about six, eight people coming up the fence line.
And I knew what was going to happen.
And I turned around and said, kids get away from the door.
Get away.
And about that time the door got flammed with a battering ram.
Stay there, stay there.
I want to hear what happened once they came in on the other side.
And then folks, complete Ron Paul coverage.
We have caught a brand handed in New Hampshire in the middle of fraud.
We're talking to Tom Shiflett, Vietnam veteran, medic in Vietnam, whose son hit his head on the concrete, had a bruise, and the ninnying public all showed up.
And then they got SWAT team.
You'll hear what happened once he did get sent to the doctor.
Nothing wrong with him.
Well then, I'll stay with us.
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Alright, we go now back to Newcastle, Colorado.
Huge breaking Ron Paul news in the next segment.
Huge election fraud news.
And on Obama, he's been cheated as well.
There's no doubt.
Tom Shifflett, I want to help you, sir.
I want to try to get people to, you say you're looking for some type of legal aid, people in Colorado, support, whatever.
But finish up in a nutshell, sir, because I had to set you up on the day when everything's going to Hades in a handbasket with the situation in New Hampshire.
I mean, specifically, what did the SWAT team do?
And then go through what the doctor actually said.
You know, in the end, here it is in the local newspaper, the doctor said that he needed Tylenol,
I used to treat the bruises and there was nothing wrong with him, just a bruise on his head from falling off the car.
Go ahead sir, what happened with the SWAT team?
They came in at gunpoint, both in my daughter's face.
They slammed the kids to the floor, drove one daughter halfway down the hall and over the edge of the couch and threw her on the floor.
Put a knee in the back of one of my daughters, told everybody to put their hands on the back of their, in the back.
And they pushed me up against kids' cabinets and handcuffed me with plastic cuffs.
They handcuffed my wife with plastic cuffs and handcuffed one of my daughters with cuffs.
They shut us down and they said, we don't want to be doing this.
We don't want to be here.
We don't want to do this.
But this is your fault.
Yeah, we have orders and it's always your fault.
What's that?
Yeah, we have orders.
And I said, well, if you don't want to be doing it, what are you doing it for?
Uh, and, and, uh, on all of this, nobody, until I was handcuffed, told me that they had warrants.
Now, that's a no-knock warrant.
That's called a no-knock.
They don't have a right to walk in just because your door is open.
But let me just expand.
I know you think that and somebody told you that.
It might be different in Colorado, but I know how it is in Texas.
But let me just expand on something here for a moment.
All this force, drawn guns, loaded weapons, slamming kids on the ground, the trauma, and you never threatened anybody.
You never did anything.
You just said, I'm a parent and I don't want to have you in here.
I didn't even say that to them.
What happened next?
But what happened next is they took John into custody.
I had to call John out of the kitty.
He's the only one they didn't touch.
He was standing back there in the kitty and said, don't touch me, don't touch me.
So they didn't.
And I called him out.
I said, look, these guys are going to take you to the hospital.
The doctor did a complete CAT scan.
When they brought him back, the sheriff came back with a social worker and she said they did a complete CAT scan and they couldn't find anything wrong and he had an aftercare sheet to tell me what he needed done and all it said was to keep an eye back on the bruise and put anesthetic ointment on any abrasions to keep him.
And now you're gonna get a $50,000 bill.
No, I'm not.
Hey, I told him, you take him, you bring him back.
I said, the social workers said, we can pay for this.
I said, you can?
I said, but will you?
They never answered me.
They did this whole thing.
I didn't do it.
They're just looking for kids to put on Saudi flights to Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, but I want to, I was told that if I did this interview, I could have a certain few minutes here.
I want to challenge the presidential nominees
All of them.
If they don't hear this, and if their aides and their committees don't pick up this, that's their fault.
But I want to challenge them.
Whoever becomes president, whoever becomes president of this nation to represent this people and protect this country, I want them to stand at my door shaking my hand, telling me that I am going to do everything I can to redress loss.
That do not protect you.
And then I'm going to be waiting for that person, that president.
I'm going to be waiting for him to do that, and I want him to know that all America is going to be watching.
Well, I'll tell you this.
We're going to have to do it ourselves, sir.
We're going to have to expose it, and a lot of these social workers aren't bad, but... Well, you guys are the ones that vote for the president, so do it yourself.
Well, that's what we're talking about, sir.
Nobody's helped me yet.
It's all staged, sir.
It's all staged.
But listen, I'm just trying here with you to expose it.
It's the exposure that has the effect, and the point is... It's been exposed.
It's not only on national news, sir, but it's on international news.
I found out this morning from my son-in-law that his uncle's girlfriend works for BBC.
They already sent him the story.
Yeah, well, it is on the news wires, and we're really honored to have you with us.
Sir, Mr. Shivelett, how can we help you?
You said you wanted some help with a legal defense fund, or for people to give you advice?
No, I don't want a fund.
I want some lawyer that's an American to stand up and say, hey, this is a bunch of crap.
This man was violated, and I'm going to take his case to court for nothing.
And I don't care if he sues them for billions of dollars.
He can have it all.
I don't want it.
I want justice.
I understand.
Do you want to give out your contact info?
Well, the thing is, it didn't happen to me, sir.
It happened to every father in America.
It happened to every mother in America.
Sir, you are the plaintiff.
You are the person and your son who were violated.
You must file the suit.
All you have to do is talk to a lawyer.
Okay, well stay there real fast.
I'm going to try to find out how you want people to contact you on the other side, sir.
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I think so.
I think so.
Look, the government's always got a good reason for what they do.
Oh, we're going to SWAT team you to get the illegal drugs.
Meanwhile, you find out the drug cartels in the 30s lost their monopoly.
They lobbied to make narcotics illegal so they could ship them in, make bigger profits, and corrupt the police.
Now, no, the CPS is going to come grab your child because somebody saw the child hit their head and you're not giving them medical attention.
And again, I understand the control freak mentality of how this begins, how this starts, but it always leads to greater evils.
I remember growing up, a few times I'd see something I thought didn't look right, but as long as it wasn't hurting somebody else, my dad would say, just mind your own business.
I remember my uncle saying, mind your own business.
That's what I do.
I just mind my own business.
It's a real good thing to do, and start worrying about the government, ladies and gentlemen, that brings more hurt to the world than anything else on this planet.
Finishing up with Tom Shivelett, did the SWAT teams wait there while the other police and social workers took your son, or did... I mean, how did that all end up?
Well, the social workers weren't here when the SWAT team took the son.
I told John to go with a certain officer, and I told him to bring him back.
They said, well, we'll call you and let you know where you can pick him up.
I said, no, no, no, no.
You're taking him.
You bring him back.
He said, well, we can do that.
Well, they took John and they all left.
By that time, they had cut the plastic cuffs off of us because they seemed we weren't going to resist.
I have never resisted on any arrests I have.
They can't give you proof that I did.
And when they left, we walked around the house here for a while.
And my wife called some people to pray.
And so what happened was, I got ready.
Everybody went to bed.
I got ready to go to bed.
It was about 2, 2.30.
And I was sitting on the couch in the living room.
And I started to get up, but I seen some car lights.
And when car lights come down the road, sometimes that happens all night long.
But I was up and they seemed not to pass the house.
So I stood up and I walked to the kitchen, looked out the window, and I seen a sheriff officer and a woman, which I figured was from social service, but I didn't see my son.
Well, I went to the door and opened the door, first person in the house was John.
And they came and said, the officer introduced himself, he said, this is so-and-so from
From Social Services.
Ann, I think you said.
And she looked at me.
It was the same woman that was here the day before.
And she said the doctor had done a complete CAT scan.
Okay, give us how you want any lawyers or anybody that wants to try to help you with a lawsuit against these people.
What's the contact, sir?
How should people contact you?
Okay, my telephone number is 970-
Give it out again, please, sir.
Tom, it's a nightmare you went through, and the things that all happened to us when we were children now are great high crimes in the nanny state, but we'll follow your case as it develops.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Trying to help those people, trying to bring you that story.
Now, I canceled the next guest, so we've got an hour and a half together, or an hour and twenty-five minutes now.
So we can take calls, cover the Ron Paul News.
For folks that just joined us, I could yell, I could scream, I could jump up and down.
Words do not describe the open, in-your-face magnitude of what happened on so many fronts.
Let me just recap with the
With the evidence that isn't the strongest, but normally it is just ironclad in your face, you know there's fraud.
And I have all these articles in front of me, they're all over RonPaulWarRoom.com, they're all over PrisonPlanet.com.
I've been, again, covering election fraud a lot longer than even Beth Harris.
She does it 24 hours a day and she's the expert and we love her.
My point is, I've been on air 12 years, I've been covering it 12 years, I know all their tricks, okay?
So before I give you the latest info, let me just give you the kind of foothills of the big enchilada we're going to be covering.
And we just go where it leads us.
I don't like Barack Obama.
I don't like open borders, anti-gun promoting stuff.
We just report the facts, but it doesn't look like the evidence shows he was 15, 20 points ahead of Hillary Clinton in every poll.
There's a whole bunch of them.
Magically he lost by about 6 points.
Then you go in and you look at how he lost by 5 to 6 points in all of the Diebold machines.
And then he won in the hand balance.
There it is right there.
The polls show he's winning.
Not just one, not just two.
That was the big story the last few days.
Barack Obama, Barack Obama.
He clearly was going to win.
Then you've got also the discrepancy, the same thing that happened with Howard Dean, when he was winning in other states, then he gets to New Hampshire, and on the machines, he lost by 10 points.
On the paper ballots, he won by 9 points.
On average, that's the average.
See, they do this over and over, but you say, well, then he should have 50-50.
No, no, only 19% have the paper ballots.
They're trying to phase those out, too, so that little embarrassment doesn't happen.
Then you add to this that Diebold's been caught more times than I got fingers.
I mean, I know it's more than 10 times with felons, coke dealers, hackers, running, I mean, vice presidents running whole elections, intelligence operatives, former CIA deputy directors,
The other companies, it's the same thing too.
And I've interviewed people that have gone into these offices.
It's littered in people that have worked there.
And engineers have gone public saying they were hired to engage in fraud.
I mean, it's black ops.
It's private.
You know, people out of special forces.
35, 40 years old.
Sometimes 25.
And, uh, you know, they've already run ops all over the world, they've already strangled people, run assassinations, flown in the aircraft with the goodies.
I mean, they don't play games, understand?
These people are HARDCORE!
I'm gonna say it again, HARDCORE!
And Bev Harris is about to break that one of the execs, she's reporting,
Within the company that runs 81% of the voting in New Hampshire is a convicted cocaine trafficker and involved in previous election fraud.
Well, I mean, of course.
How do you think they run these operations?
Who do you think runs this country?
Again, a couple weeks ago, CIA plane crashes, 3.3 tons of cocaine, pure cocaine, uncut, directly from the source, flying into America.
All over the Mexican Niche, nothing in our niche.
Confirmed tail numbers, everything.
CIA torture pilots flying it.
What do you think national security breeds?
Total anonymity, can't get in trouble, kill whoever you want, do whatever you want,
They also hire all these felons, because if they ever blow the whistle on corruption, they'll just say, oh, that's a felon.
Alright, your calls are coming up, so I'm giving you some of the background.
Ron Paul was between 12 and 15 points, depending on the poll in New Hampshire.
Those were, quote, scientific polls, which evidence shows are even skewed.
New Hampshire is 46% independent.
We commissioned a fair Zogby poll, made the actual questions public.
Unlike the other polls.
And Ron Paul won in every demographic of independence except Jews, and he got second place there.
So see, he should be winning that.
But even the rigged polls, at 15%, he gets 8.
He gets almost half, a little over half, of what he should have gotten.
Just like Barack Obama's 15-20 points against Hillary, he loses by 5.
You see how they operate?
So, that right there, Paul should have a recount.
Now, this.
We get contacted by great listeners at rompallwaterroom.com.
They tell us, hey, the family voted and then it showed zero.
We went and noticed last night and this morning, all these towns, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
You'd have 500 votes, 300 votes, 400 votes, thousands of votes, 3,000 votes.
It'd show 500 other.
Wouldn't say who it was.
Definitely Paul and Obama.
200 other, 400 other, 600 other, 200 other, 100 other, 50 other.
And the first town we call, Bev Harris calls right before air time.
The first town she calls.
They say, oh yeah, that was a mistake.
He got 31.
We're going to change that.
And then all the maps, that suddenly changes.
What about the other towns?
And again, I need listeners to go into these official maps.
Count exactly how many towns say zero.
I was doing this last night.
I had Nemo screenshot and everything.
What's been changed?
What's been manipulated?
They count on you not checking them, not investigating them.
We've got to discredit them.
I told you we win either way.
Ron Paul's going to get cheated.
People say, well, then why do you say he should run?
We should give money.
Because for every dollar you give, he ends up getting about $20, $30, $40 in advertising on Jay Leno, CNN, ABC, the web, every magazine and newspaper.
People are finding out about the Federal Reserve, about the New World Order.
They're finding his old newsletters where they write that AIDS is an engineered bio-weapon against blacks, and that the Bilderberg Group is evil, and that they're engaging in homosexual orgies at Bohemian Grove.
Yeah, Paul knew that in the 80s!
People are looking at these old newsletters and saying, this makes Paul look even better!
Of course Paul knows about 9-11!
I'm just going to stop there.
I'm not going to say any more.
And then of course they go get people out of his newsletter and then go find writings he did and then spin what they said.
Or they have some scholarly thing with top university professors about secession from the British and they spin it as some Klan rally.
It's a thing about 1776, not about the Civil War.
All lies, but then you do get to find all the goodies that Ron Paul was writing and the other stuff people were writing back then.
Or they spin it and say... I mean, there's just all sorts of spin in there.
If I read the whole newsletter, they're saying David Duke's bad, but they're saying his state's rights message is scaring the feds.
These are intellectual arguments and documents.
Saying, yeah, we don't like David Duke, but his state's rights message, which we do agree with, has got them scared.
Oh, he likes David Duke!
Oh, he likes David Duke!
And it turns out he didn't even write that, but when you read it, it's good info.
And by the way, they released that on the day of the New Hampshire primary and gave it massive TV coverage everywhere.
The sniveling creature.
I didn't even recognize this Monday when I was talking about him on Tucker Carlson attacking Paul and I was attacking him saying he was spinning and lying.
I'd forgotten that.
I went, wait a minute.
Didn't that guy call me to my producer and he said, yeah, he pulled up his name in the email?
And we got his emails right here saying, oh, this is a piece about the Ron Paul movement, just its momentum.
And I called him.
I said, you promise it's not a hit piece?
And he said, I promise you, sir.
It's just about how his campaign's growing.
And I said, you promise?
And I said, look, I know it's a hit piece.
Just don't think you fooled me.
I'll still give you the interview.
And then, in my own experience, he says in there, in fact, I forgot that.
I don't have time to pull it up.
Aaron, will you bring me the New Republic piece, please?
Will you bring me the New Republic piece?
I don't have it.
Thank you, sir.
The New Republic piece, will you print it off for me?
I don't have it.
Thank you.
I meant to read the actual quote.
The reason, I'm going to get into the fraud in a minute, but this is important background.
This is more the fraud.
It says Alex Jones believes that Governor Pataki has a plan to kill everyone on 80% and Jones believes the elite will merge with computers and become cyborgs to fly to distant planets.
That's not what I said.
I said the elite are total lunatics, that the head of the United Nations UNESCO department, Julian Huxley, with his quotes in the film, founded transhumanism as a front for crypto-eugenics.
And that he was the founder, admitted founder, of transhumanism.
I'm not saying all transhumanists are bad.
Most of you don't know what your founders are.
By the way, Michael Crichton does and writes about it, but side issue.
I'm really excited to learn he knows about all this stuff, independently of me.
In fact, probably before me.
Very exciting.
But again, he's a surgeon, scientist, 170 IQ, and made a billion bucks writing books, so I guess he was smarter than me.
The point is, this stuff's real.
Michael Crichton knows about it.
Oh, that's exciting.
I thought I was the only one, but anyways.
In the media, that is.
A lot of you know, of course.
You knew 50 years ago, a lot of you.
But, I'm digressing.
It then says, Jones believes they fly around in outer space.
Totally insane.
That's not what I said.
I said, they believe.
Those were quotes from Ray Kurzweil, who also calls for world government.
Ray Kurzweil writes about how they're going to merge with technology and then that the elite will basically have multiple copies of themselves and will want to explore the galaxy.
I quoted them, it's clearly them, and he went in and lied and said that I believe this and then took clearly excised partial quotes linking them together.
You can watch the film.
Read the New Republic story, Angry White Man.
By the way, there's over a thousand comments on there, and literally 95% of them are against that twit.
They all see right through him.
It's all been debunked.
It's all lies.
By the way, why is Ron Paul writing about AIDS being engineered?
Why is Ron Paul, uh, you know, doing things like... Oh, because he wants to hurt the blacks.
That's right.
Exactly what I always say.
You know, Arnold Schwarzenegger can say he admires Hitler, say it in a film, say he wants to be worshipped like Hitler, dress up in Nazi outfits, hand out Hitler records, hundreds of witnesses, all over the news, video of him saying it, he bought out the rights so that it couldn't be released from the pumping iron people.
This is all admitted.
It's in my film, Martial Law.
And then he's a champion of the ADL, because his daddy was a real live Gestapo captain, that's the equivalent of a colonel, running an entire region of Austria.
Arresting people, taking them to be killed, but he's good.
But Ron Paul exposes killing blacks with the AIDS weapon, and he's bad.
Yep, that's how they operate, ladies and gentlemen.
That's how they operate.
And Ron Paul in there did write about being a physician and how gays in San Francisco wanted to die.
And he knew that in the 80s.
How smart!
Coverer Rolling Stone three years ago admitted that all these gay men want to catch AIDS and die.
Not all of them, but by all this big group.
And how horrible it is.
And I was talking to a gay writer of a major newspaper and he was saying how horrible it was that his friends wanted to go out and die.
Ron Paul knew that in 1988!
He's bad for saying it!
But you want to go out and catch AIDS?
That's out of control!
That's nihilistic self-destructiveness!
And Ron Paul's bad.
Everything that's actually written by him, I agree with.
And then there's like five, six newsletters, things that his name was put on.
He'd have a gold company, and then he'd have an employee put out some newsletter to a new list, and then it's even taken out of context!
Can you imagine Ted Anderson being blamed for everything that's said on twenty-something talk shows on this network?
And don't worry, he has been blamed for it.
We've got liberal shows, conservative shows, mainly libertarian Ron Paul type shows.
But we've got a few fruitcakes on the network.
That's what Ted believes in.
Maybe I'm one of them.
Hey, listen.
I'm going to get into the big Ron Paul news in all the details.
It's at PrisonPlanet.com.
You need to take this article and cram it down the throat of every newspaper, every talk show.
Call into every talk show.
Say, caught red-handed fraud.
Ron Paul needs to demand a recount and make a huge stink now.
Get it at PrisonPlanet.com exclusive.
All the details at PrisonPlanet.com.
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Don't want no shackles!
Don't want no shackles!
Don't want no shackles on me!
That's Jimmy Vaughn.
And if you've got tyranny in the voting process, you've got nothing.
Hey, that's okay.
We're educating the public about it right now.
We're showing everybody what's going on.
Your call's coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
Dev Harris with new reports coming up in about 40 minutes.
We're also going to have some of the folks on who voted and then showed up zero, but they've been told by the county that it was all an accident, and they're even kind of believing them right now.
Come on, folks.
Come on, man.
They did it all over New Hampshire.
Do you really think in places with 500, 1,000 votes, 300 votes, that Ron Paul didn't get one stinking vote?
It's all over the state.
Do you think Obama's 15, 20 points ahead and he loses?
Come on!
Come on!
This stuff didn't used to happen until they put these machines in!
The head clerk of the New Hampshire town of Sutton has been forced to admit that Ron Paul received 31 votes, yet when the final amount was transferred to the summary sheet and sent out to the media, the total was listed as zero.
The fiasco throws the entire primary into doubt and could lead to a recount.
And I'm telling you, I look at strategy, Ron Paul has got to go for a recount, because A, there's evidence of fraud, he's got to do the right thing.
B, it'll bring massive attention to this, and people will see more counties and more corruption exposed.
And it's for our voting process he has to do it.
Or he can just forget it.
He's going to be cheated in South Carolina.
They've got even worse machines down there.
And a bunch of criminals running that as well.
As reported earlier today, an entire family voted for Ron Paul and Sutton.
And it was your email to us, or your post at RonPaulWarren, that caused the investigation to start.
Now confirmed.
Yet when the voting map on the Politico website was posted, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero.
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris contacted the head clerk in Sutton, Jennifer Call, who was forced to admit that they had reported zero.
See, they did report zero.
We need to add that, by the way.
Who was forced to admit that 31 votes for Ron Paul were completely omitted from the final report sheet, claiming human error was responsible for the mistake.
And it was all over the state, too, wasn't it?
I mean, you get 25% in a few areas, 30% in a few, that's where they didn't have the fix in.
Two or three votes not counted could be a plausible mistake, but 31 votes for one candidate and showing zero?
The classic method for rigging a hand counter is to write the wrong number on the form Harris told Alex Jones Show!
They are continuing everything, they're counting everything in public
Real nice.
But fill out a form in public, real nice, and then they transfer it to another form, and they call that a summary sheet, and then that is the one they send in.
So you have it showing 31 votes.
I don't believe that.
It was probably, he probably had 50%.
And then magically it's, oh, magically it's zero.
Explained Harris.
What happened is, she then did not transfer the number correctly and put zero instead of 31.
That is unacceptable as an answer.
It certainly is.
I accidentally put $100 out of the cash register in my pocket, boss.
I promise, it's an accident.
With hundreds of precincts now reporting, the map originally listed zero votes for Ron Paul, as you can see below, and now has been updated to reflect the 31 votes Paul actually received.
Man, why did I have, why did I tell Lino to screenshot that last time?
I just had a feeling.
By the way folks, I get emails from people thinking I'm arrogant, or Daily Paul has big discussions about, am I arrogant?
I'm upset!
I'm in like, pick up, you know, chairs and throw them through window mode.
I take it real serious when criminals are stealing our elections!
And you hear me get up there and you think I'm putting on a Macho Man Randy Savage act, this is how I actually feel, okay?
I'm mad, okay?
You should be mad too!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, there's a lot of other Gulf of Tonkin news I gotta cover.
Both Gulf of Tonkin, originally, and the new Iran situation.
This is the type of news I've got.
Citigroup refuses to process firearms transactions.
Remember, Dell Computer won't sell to gun dealers or gun shops.
This is how it's going to work with the cashless society.
They're just going to say, we don't do business with you.
If you've got a Citigroup bank account, shut it down now.
And it's confirmed right here, they're official City Merchant Services.
They will not be involved and let you use your cards or anything for guns.
Purchasing guns, selling guns, just a bunch of criminals.
They are.
The people that run this society, they're mob bosses and they don't want their prey having weapons.
What does a criminal do when they come into a store and pull a gun out?
They say, everybody get down on the counter, anybody that's got a gun, drop them on the floor.
It's real simple.
Can you get two plus two?
You got mob bosses like Mayor Daley up there who wants your guns.
You got mob bosses like, and literally his dad and his uncle, both mob bosses.
Time for armed robbery, made men, Giuliani.
We have mob bosses running for president now.
We are ruled by scum!
And I am... Do you understand how dangerous this is?
The people running things are the grandsons and sons of people that killed 200 mil.
They don't play games!
They're coming for you and your family!
Oh, Alex gets a little extreme.
He gets a little upset.
He goes, what are we supposed to do?
It's the fact that we're not upset that this stuff hasn't changed.
I am getting mad.
Hold on.
I just started thinking about it.
They're all mob bosses, or coke dealers, or Chinese generals, or espionage, or deputy directors of the CIA, and they're poisoning us, and going after our guns, and grabbing our kids, and just having their way with us.
You've got this cowardly chicken-neck public trained to just go along with all of it.
And then you've got Ron Paul all over New Hampshire.
It was last night.
It was zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
I looked.
Hundreds of votes in these towns.
Thousands of votes.
Zero, zero, zero, zero.
Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
For Ron Paul, that ain't happening!
That's bull!
Means we're in a dictatorship if they get away with this!
A dictatorship of a bunch of arrogant criminals that need to be defeated!
You understand it's either us or them!
You understand with the historical paradigm that if they continue to grow and they continue to expand their operation, it's going to get really bad!
My back's against the wall.
I just happen to know it.
You haven't figured it out yet.
And I pray every day you'll figure out that your back is against the wall.
These criminals have gotten high-tech.
They're building high-tech control grids all around us to micromanage us and control us.
Because they got such bad stuff planned for us, they know we're going to go absolutely ape.
We got to go ape before they're done putting the grid in!
I'm not risking my life to play TiddlyWinks!
I'm not on this show to play games with you!
Do you understand me?!
It is a... Hold on a minute.
It is a normal response to get mad about this type of stuff.
I'm mad that we got autistic kids coming out our ears.
And they're sitting there telling you they took the mercury out, and so it can't be the mercury making autism explode, when they didn't take it out!
I'm tired of them lying, saying it's the law, you gotta take the shots, when there is no law!
If they set that press up, they set it all.
You know what it's like to read the insert for the Gardasil HPV live cancer virus injection, and to find out it actually doubles your increase in cancer, a 45% increase?
To find out that it's deadly and killed a bunch of people and they don't care?
It's the same folks that brought you the arthritis medication and made all the people die?
It's the same one with the latest recalled vaccine?
You know what it's like to know Bayer Pharmaceutical, not just Merck, knowingly put AIDS into hundreds of thousands of people?
They don't play games!
You understand that?
They don't play games!
Do you get it?
Through your head, they don't play games!
They're killers!
You understand that?
They want to survive, and they think we have to die to make sure their monopoly is secured!
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We're good to go.
We're working on getting a Ron Paul campaign statement.
We've got a couple from listeners that have responded with the same thing we got from their office, that they know stuff's going on, they're formulating a response, they're tracking it, double-checking everything.
We'll definitely have Jesse Benton, Ron Paul, or one of the campaign people, maybe even
Snyder, tomorrow, maybe even today.
Beth Harris coming up in 25 minutes.
I want to go to your phone calls.
The top news at PrisonPlanet.com, the exclusive.
There's another one coming out about the drug dealer.
Paul Watson, I want one on that.
Beth Harris is coming out with that this evening.
You can just take the exact quotes from earlier, you champion of liberty over there.
By the way, the scumbags at Digger and they're giggling and snorkeling about how they're burying our story, trying to block it.
You just take it and email it to the Four Corners, ram it down MySpace's throat.
Just go absolutely insane with this.
We cannot let, this is a test of the Internet's power, we cannot let them take the fact that they stole New Hampshire from Ron Paul, the polls show it, the stealing, the not counting the votes, red-handed,
You need to get this and get it out to everybody right now.
This is one more brick and their wall we're pulling down to expose their fraud and how criminal they are.
And again, the campaign has to call for a recount now.
They have to go in there now.
They have evidence now!
I mean, my gosh, when you get half of what the polls show you're supposed to get, something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
Obama clearly cheated.
He better not just go along with it.
That's Snake Hillary.
Jason in Ohio, you're on the air, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hi, thanks for having me on.
Hey, I just want to say, you know, we're the people that have contributed the money to this campaign, and if we, if they're not going to spend the money to get us to certify we're going to get free elections, I'm telling you right now, this movement is going to shut down.
I'm all for giving money to the campaign, but that $69,000 is about 50 cents for everybody who gave the last money bomb.
Yeah, it is literal chicken feed to the 20 plus mil they brought in.
Yep, and I'm behind the campaign.
I want them to do the right thing.
I think it's time for business as usual to end.
It's time for the facade to end.
It's time to get aggressive.
That's what I'm saying.
With what we're talking about, I mean, it was 2,000 votes between Ron Paul and Giuliani.
30 votes here, 30 votes there.
30 votes is enough to call for a recount.
And the thing is, they wanted to keep him out of the top three.
Because they knew that that would take the wind out of the sails of this movement, or at least they're going to try.
So what I'm saying right now to the people out there is we've got to keep standing up, we've got to keep fighting for this, and we can't be so naive to think that they're going to let these trillions of dollars of no-bid contracts and all this corporate welfare
No, that's why they've got special forces recruits in high and tight haircuts and black suits with submachine guns running all these ops.
Thank you.
I mean, seriously, go down to one of these offices.
Go in and experience it.
You'll literally be in a government command bunker.
Go experience it for yourself!
Look, I know I'm really mad.
And I am, folks.
This is what you're supposed to get mad about.
I'm going to say it again.
Not the Dallas Cowboys.
Not all these things that don't matter.
I am enraged!
It'd be like watching a football game where it's just total cheating by one team and the referees.
Where they give one team a hundred downs and the other team gets none.
You'd blow up over that, wouldn't you?
Well, you better blow up about your country.
I've got to settle down.
I'm actually sweating and my head's pounding.
I haven't been this mad in a while.
I should let myself get mad.
I just get so tired of these crooks.
Let me just say this to the scum, all the people that have decided to join Evil, all the people that have piled on and who are just social climbers and decided to join on what they think is the winning team, you're going to lose.
And don't think if Ron Paul loses and gets cheated that we lose.
We're showing everybody the fraud.
We're educating everybody.
We're growing our movement.
Chicken necks.
And we're that much closer to getting our hands around your throat.
You understand me?
Because there's some of us that love life and are willing to fight for it.
And there's some of us that haven't been domesticated.
And there's some of us that knew an enemy.
An enemy is somebody who's out to get you, folks.
And there's a lot of people out to get us.
And I take this deadly serious.
That's why I get so mad.
It's very real for me.
And even if you don't know how real it is, it's still real.
Just like you don't know a bus is coming 60 miles an hour down the road.
But nevertheless, it's coming.
Why don't you turn around and see it coming so you can step out of the way?
New developments?
What is going on here?
9.11, 9.11, 9.11, three counties.
He got 9.11 in three counties.
God, they throw it in our face, don't they?
They love their Kabbalah and their numerology.
Three townships he got 9.11.
55 votes for 9.11.
604 votes, he got 55% for 9.11.
Hampton, he got 3,114 votes, 286 votes, 9.11.
It was 395, he got 36 votes, 9-11.
That's funny.
That's real funny.
I guess it was a coincidence, too, that Fox produced a piece where the government secretly hijacks a jet by remote control, a passenger jet, and uses drills to make the rest of the government stand down to fly it into the World Trade Center to launch attacks against Afghanistan.
That aired six months before 9-11.
I guess that was an accident, too, wasn't it?
That was just a coincidence.
Billy in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Well, first of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Anyway, I'd like to talk about the ADTRAP test.
Do you know what that is?
Yes, the test to get into the military.
Well, I have a little story and a couple questions.
If you could help me out, please.
One of the classes I'm taking my senior year is co-op business, and today we have to take the ADTRAP test.
Now, there's often military in our school, but in the library alone there were several military men when we had to take this test, and a teacher talking about it said that it's not optional, yet my teacher said it's part of our midterm and you have to take it, so how is that optional?
With that said, they also wanted us to sign something to the government saying that we were in no way forced to take this test.
When I read it, um... Yeah, no, no.
There's no law you have to take that test, because there they are saying you weren't forced.
Kind of like they told everybody, it's the law, you gotta take shots in Maryland, and when they showed up by the thousands to take it, the judge said, now you don't have to take this with police dogs.
It's all color of law, ma'am.
It's all fraud.
The whole thing is criminals.
The military has been caught in Colorado, Texas, Ohio, New York, calling 16-year-olds going, sign the commitment or I'm coming to arrest you.
It's the law to sign it.
It's just criminal.
It's all criminal, ma'am.
When I read it, it discussed how we were eligible for enlistment.
I had a strange feeling about this test.
Like, uh, you take, well, okay.
I had a strange feeling about it.
Like, if you take it and the score, well, if you score well in a certain area, can't the military recruit you for that area?
Yeah, you were taking a military test.
You weren't taking the regular mandated federal exit exam under No Slave Left Behind.
But they put federal funding in.
They've tied it to state funding to let the recruiters in.
Now Homeland Security is doing three-year courses recruiting the kids into domestic spies.
It's hell on earth, ma'am.
It's all criminal.
It's all evil.
I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Uh, well, this is good news.
Also, anyway, I was the only one left.
I decided not to take it, basically.
Like, right when that happened, I refused to take it.
But then, it was so odd what happened.
Could I just say this, please?
Like, right after I refused to take it, because I just stand up and I'm like, I'm not taking it.
Yes, go ahead.
And keep in mind, there were all these students and military.
And they're telling you it's the law, but then saying you gotta sign a form saying we didn't force you.
Go ahead.
All of a sudden, right when I said that I wasn't taking it, the military started coming up to- it was very odd- started coming up to all the kids and acted like they were, um...
They're friends and all this crap, you know?
Yeah, ma'am, that was a distraction op.
They train them how to put us in camps, how to force inject, how to deal with us on the street, how to create a distraction.
Like, oh, hi, friend!
They started kind of moving their arms around, kind of talking.
That was a distraction from you because they teach them how to move you into camps, how to move you into buses, how to get control.
Those are...
The whole country's going to martial law incrementally.
10% of the college graduates all black off.
It's just total hell, ma'am.
But notice they said you had to tag it, but then you didn't have to, did you?
Well, I didn't have to, but that's because I refused.
I know, but they were telling you you had to.
Yeah, well, it was very double talk, but they would say it was like
You need to write up a story about what happened to you and post it on RonPaulWarRoom.com.
We'll post it everywhere else.
I'd like you to use your full name.
That's how you beat them.
Everywhere they're saying you've got to have breathalyzers to go into school and saying it's the law and headlines.
No law.
Saying you've got to take shots.
No law.
Saying you've got to let home inspectors in your house.
No law.
It's just, but see, the whole economy is shifting to this.
Hordes of them being released on us.
The government is criminal!
And that's not a stretch.
Throughout history, that's who they are.
Throughout history, tyranny is the norm.
And all those scumbag recruiters care about is getting some fresh meat so they don't get sent to the front.
And folks who have your children in government training camps, public schools, those recruiters literally abuse your children.
They've been caught having sex with him, intimidating him, paying him, threatening him on video, on audio.
And the guy, by the way, remember the first guy in Colorado who got caught on audio?
He said, you're going to jail if you don't sign up, boy.
It's federal law.
Ten years in the pen.
Guess what?
He got promoted, ladies and gentlemen, to a major.
And he's over now an entire recruiting sector of multi-states.
And I told you he'd be promoted.
Remember, first he said, oh, we'll discipline him.
And he went right to the top.
Now, if he was a cocaine-dealing black-op officer, he'd be running elections.
They only take made men.
Folks that have run ops in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Eastern Germany.
People who brought smack in.
People who run slave brothels.
Oh, I hate them.
I hate them!
I'm sick of them!
Letting all this evil just breed all around us!
Meanwhile, the cowardly public can't see it!
See, I made a decision to fight them, folks, so I get fired up.
I'm gonna try to settle down.
I'm just so sick of their crimes.
I'm so sick of them getting away with it.
They have clearly robbed Ron Paul of the election in New Hampshire.
They have clearly stolen it from Barack Obama.
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Alright, I settled down during the break.
I'm going to try to not get mad.
Dev Harris was breaking new information coming up.
We got the Rockwall campaign on the line.
We're trying to get a statement out of them.
Evidence is coming in that more towns, as we knew, voted zero that really didn't.
Guess that's all an accident too, right?
Bush has signed the Veterans Disarmament Act.
Headline, Bush signs bill geared to tougher screening of gun buyers.
Federal databases, misdemeanors, they're coming after us.
You're only alive once.
Be on the side of the good guys.
Fight the New World Order.
Joe in Arkansas, thanks for holding her on the air.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Go ahead.
I think everybody in the country should listen to your show for a daily dose of health insanity.
I was thinking, maybe people in New Hampshire that voted for Ron Paul could write affidavits to that effect and use those to sue the clerks that reported zero?
Yeah, no, exactly.
We've got to start suing clerks, getting aggressive.
This is our vote you're talking about, you scumbags.
Unfortunately, I have to believe it's happening.
I know it's happening.
I know things have got horrible in this country.
It's run by criminals.
I see it all the time.
You know, I just wonder how the American people let America get so bad.
Well, now the dollar, uh, gold has gone above $8.80, the dollar's going in the toilet, they're admitting we're going in a deep recession, they're spending unlimited funds on all this police state stuff.
I mean, they're really recruiting a large portion of the kids out of the schools to literally be secret police in America!
I mean, and they're all playing video games where they simulate murders hundreds of times a day.
I mean, we're in deep trouble, folks.
Brainwashed killer zombies is basically what the youth have turned into.
Well, I will pledge $10 to the Ron Paul campaign if they demand a recount.
And I hope other people do the same.
In fact, that's it.
We're launching a fund.
I need to get a hold of Trevor Lyman.
He's got the infrastructure.
Or Ted Anderson can do it.
We're launching a deal to pay for a recount right now, but we've got to have the campaign sign on to it.
We'll raise the $70,000, $100,000, whatever's needed.
You're the greatest, Alex.
No, you're the greatest.
You're the people that make it happen.
And again, I apologize for blowing up the last 30 minutes.
I'm just upset.
I mean, I want to go play golf and go skiing and go hiking and I want to work eight hours a day.
I don't want to be in here freaking out with a bunch of drug dealers and CIA people running everything.
I'm tired of it, man!
I want my America!
I want that apple pie!
I want to go watch football!
But all I can do is fight this!
David in Canada, go ahead.
I said I wasn't going to get mad.
Go ahead, David.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
Uh, whatever.
How's it going?
Um, I just wanted to say I've been listening to your show for a long time.
I've been a fan for years.
I never really got the chance to call.
I wanted to know, just a little bit off-topic, what's your whole thought about the Canadian politics, referendums, and the whole kit?
Like, what do you think about it?
Total New World Order run, a facade of liberty and freedom, but serious attacks on free speech.
I'd be all for French separatism, but I know the globalists want to break Canada up first before they absorb it into the NAU.
Their own documents have come out.
And I think the Canadians, by and large, are some of the nicest, most educated, friendly people I've ever met.
The cliché's true.
But they're also some of the most ignorant about how evil their government is.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
Anyway, I just wanted to keep up the good work.
I've been calling all my relatives in the States since I've been listening to you to tell them to vote for Ron Paul.
I got cousins in Connecticut and cousins in Florida, so I've been calling them left and right, leaving them emails, and I really, really hope this guy takes it.
I'm not an American, but I hope this guy takes the cake.
It's time for a change, you know what I mean?
God bless you, my friend.
I agree with you.
By the way, the same company that's reportedly got this TAPA running it.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
Uh, what we need to do here in New Hampshire is, uh, we need to get somebody to call the police, uh, seriously.
You guys are talking about suing, and I think that's, like, way undercutting what's going on here.
This is like election fraud, right?
You can't rob a bank and give the money back to the bank and expect not to be charged, right?
The police chief's name is John Sims.
And his phone number is 603-927-4422.
Well, let me stop you first.
I agree.
In Ohio, we send people to the Who Scout.
We need to have affidavits.
We need the police to go ahead and start going in and interviewing all those people.
And I'd like to say another thing about the whole brand new Gulf of Tonkin thing.
I really hope that all your listeners know that that Iranian boat attack stuff, that is just complete BS.
Well, Iran's saying it's fake, but I've been in channels and been out to sea quite a few times.
Those motorboats are literally about a half mile behind one of those giant cruisers.
And that's Iranian waters that they're right there on the edge of.
And it's the U.S.
that's blown up a bunch of their planes and bombed a bunch of their ships out of the clear blue sky.
Pure provocation.
I appreciate your call.
And now it's come out how the Gulf of Tonkin was even more staged.
Did you know that?
I mean, what did Ron Paul say?
What did Brzezinski say?
What did Dr. Paul Craig Roberts say in the last year?
They all said they're afraid Bush is going to stage a Gulf of Tonkin by claiming the Iranians did something.
What's happening right now?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Every breath you take Every move you make Every voice you break
Bev Harris is our guest.
She's had tons of stuff come in.
She's trying to sift through all of it.
To recap with any other added info on a lot of things that have happened is Bev Harris.
I'm not going to keep her long so that she has time to elaborate later tomorrow on the show or later this evening on other shows about what she's discovered.
Ron Paul
A vote not counted in the New Hampshire district.
The New Hampshire district admits Ron Paul's vote was skewed, was not counted, and now we need other people.
Bev, I'm getting hundreds of emails, calls, people saying, yeah, I voted in this district, I voted in this township,
Me and a bunch of my friends went and voted.
It said zero.
It said zero all over the place.
Is this just incredible hubris?
There's no way that they made mistakes in all of these other towns and just accidentally didn't add Ron Paul.
I guess we need to just dig through those, have those people do affidavits.
I guess their election officials kind of like calling the fox about problems in the hen house.
What needs to happen, Bev?
Well, we need to know first just the name of the jurisdiction and what their story was, and we can, in other words, if it's a jurisdiction that had, you know, 65 votes for him and there's one person that says I voted for him, but if they say there's zero votes and I voted, in other words, or I know of two people who voted and there's one, we need to know immediately the jurisdiction
And I will call them, as I did the jurisdiction in the town of Sutton.
And by the way, we've seen this in quite a few other cases.
Just an election earlier this year, or now last year in Arkansas, the guy and his wife voted for him for mayor and he got zero.
And I can't remember the resolution on that, but it was pretty dramatic.
They either did a new election or they dumped the voting machines there or something.
But this is
You know, it's interesting too, Hale, it was almost like another thing I thought was an anomaly, I've been up so late I don't talk well enough, is typically when you have a whole lot of small jurisdictions, as we do in New Hampshire, there is quite a bit of variation in the overall rankings.
I mean, we saw that in Iowa, you know, when they said that Huckabee ran away with it, but the C-Span is covering it and McCain won in that particular place.
You don't see that every single place has a uniform ranking of everybody's placement.
You have six candidates.
They don't come out in the same 1-2-4-5-6 in 240 different locations, especially when they're small, where just, you know, ten voters can skew it.
It could be a family.
But that did happen with Hillary.
That's very suspicious.
In New Hampshire, pretty much with both parties, it was kind of uniform across the state.
It was almost like there was just, this is how it's going to be.
And we have that.
We have the polls not matching.
We have the Obama situation.
Bev, what does the Ron Paul campaign, from your studied expertise in this, what do they need to do?
What would you do if you were them?
Well, I usually don't get involved in campaigns.
I mean, I never get involved in campaigns.
But as a private citizen!
What needs to happen next is the Secretary of State of New Hampshire has not released the results.
Let's remember that.
All we've seen is something released to the media.
And so this is another thing where
I'm getting to have a problem with how the media releases it and calls the election before the results are even in.
In fact, there was only 16% in for McCain when I was watching.
Only 16% in.
I was told it was 14% when I started announcing, but I saw it at 16% last night, that he was the winner with only 16% in.
Oh, well, yeah, I mean, the thing is, they are, well, and I believe I told you about the one in Iowa, I can't remember all the people, but when I saw it I said, what, it gets so busy now, but in Iowa, I talked to the guy from the Republican Party, now remember in Iowa the Republican Party runs it, not the state, and he said that they had no more than 1,500 votes in out of 200,000 or however many there was,
There was less than 1% of the votes in, and remember, they're running it.
And he walked by the TV and CNN was announcing the winner, and said it had 40% in.
I think that is just plain creepy.
Well, I agree, Bev, it is very creepy.
So again, what should we do about this?
What should we do about it?
We don't hold the cards.
You know, it's like we're sort of like I have this video up and it's got at the end these people sort of peeking through blinds trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
We definitely need anybody who is...
Voted for Ron Paul and sees that there were no votes reported, or the less than what they know there needs to be.
We need them to identify the precinct and give some sort of contact information.
They need to go to RonPaulWarRoom.com.
It's a blog.
Anybody can register and post.
And post your info, your contact, so we can vet this out, and then we'll call.
We'll give it to Bev.
She'll call.
Yeah, if it looks like it's a pretty darn interesting thing, then get it to BlackBoxVoting.org.
And, you know, they do
Something's changed since we had this big Hacking Democracy video come out.
They actually take my calls now and actually feel like they have to answer my questions.
You know, for a long time, they would just feel like, well, we don't have to answer anything.
But they kind of do, and so if I call in, generally they will tell me what's going on, if there's a discrepancy.
And we need, we have a lot of additional
Legwork that we need.
Actually, let me tell you another thing Ron Paul supporters might want to be doing or any American citizen for any candidate.
February 5th is hurtling down the highway at us.
Massachusetts has 390 jurisdictions.
Connecticut has a couple hundred jurisdictions.
All of them are using the same debug voting machines and the same John Silvestro guy is programming them.
We need to start putting together, if nothing else, just organizing the information so that we can start knowing, you know, in Massachusetts there's some hand count locations and some machine locations.
We need to put it all together.
Exactly, and what you need is instead of having a thousand or two thousand or three thousand wrong people screaming waving signs, that's all fine and dandy.
How about leave a hundred behind with signs and have four or five person teams at every place getting exit polls so you know the name and you can instantly report it.
And I can tell you that there's some people in Massachusetts that can help you design or help, that are actually trying to put together something like that but don't have the manpower.
And, you know, some statisticians that know how to do this kind of thing.
And I think they would probably welcome that.
So if folks want to volunteer to do exit polling in Massachusetts and Connecticut on February 5th, and I think that's a great idea,
They can email Black Box Voting.
I'll route them to the right people because that's been a big topic of many of my many emails.
We've got to deal with this.
We've just got to deal with it.
We saw it coming down the pike in New Hampshire and it hit and it just... We have to do what we can figure out.
Again, we don't hold the cards on this because we don't get to make the rules and we don't get to have the information.
So we have to figure out what we can do and get out there and just do it.
And I will say another thing.
We should never underestimate our own common sense.
You know, one person can figure out one thing to do and it's often quite amazing how much to get done with it.
So, you know, we don't necessarily need to be a bunch of ants marching in a column.
If you see something that makes sense,
Do it!
Grab an orange roll!
And Bev, if we have evidence that they are not giving him his votes, and they admit they're not doing it, and giving us these ridiculous excuses, I think the campaign, you know, Black Box Voting can't do it, InfoWars.com can't do it, even though people posted to our site and told you we got it up.
We're small organizations.
The campaign has got hundreds of thousands of volunteers, 1,500 meetup groups, thousands per meetup group, and
It is important for the Paul campaign to get aggressive on this, because there's clearly evidence of chicanery in New Hampshire, and I'm telling them right now they need to go to a recount.
I mean, this will certainly open things up to some sunshine, and I bet we've only found the very tip of the iceberg, Beth.
Well, that tends to be the case.
I mean, you know, it's just amazing to me now, like, after the 2004 election, our organization is small.
We couldn't go everywhere in the United States.
We went to Volusia County, Florida, and we went to Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and in Volusia County, Florida, we caught him in the act of rigging the election, and in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, we caught him in the act of rigging the recount.
What are the odds?
I mean, I don't think we picked the only two places in the United States this is happening.
I think it must be something that is
I think so.
Bev Harris, I want to check back in with you tomorrow on July 11-2, Central.
I know there's a lot more that's developed.
There's even bigger things that are on the verge of breaking.
We'll be watching BlackBoxVoting.org and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll talk to you tomorrow.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you.
Alright folks, I'll cram some calls in here in the last 16-17 minutes that we've got left at 1-800-259-9231.
But I want to kind of move through your calls fast, so in case anybody's trying to call in, we could have had on the folks that originally reported, maybe we'll have time tomorrow, that they all went and voted and their town said zero.
But because of the interest of time, we haven't had them on today.
We've got their names, got their numbers, they're now saying they'll come on.
We appreciate that.
But people from other towns, the ones that are emailing us, calling us, call in if you can get in and tell us your experience quickly at 1-800-259-9231.
I don't want people to get discouraged here because
They're having to cheat us.
They're having to block us.
They're having to propagandize.
They're getting scared.
They know we're waking up to them.
People are now talking about the New World Order, and the Federal Reserve, and the Bilderberg Group, and the CFR.
I mean, New Republic hit piece says CFR doesn't exist.
And they're hit pieces.
Trilateral Commission's insane.
Paul's insane.
My God, this is proof he's nuts.
We're talking about public organizations that publicly call for world government.
And they just count on you being dumb and not going and reading David Rockefeller's autobiography he wrote four years ago where he says he wants to end the U.S.
I mean, he says he wants to get rid of the country!
We get official text.ttc, NAFTA highway maps that say it on there, and then when you call it, the government about it, they say that doesn't exist, it's a conspiracy theory, when we got it from the counties.
From the official maps.
Again, the public's learning what a pack of liars they are.
And their time is very, very short.
So that's the good news here.
And I'm telling you, we're the ones reporting it.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com, red-handed.
Just, oh, you get zero, Paul, and I guarantee you all those other counties that are zero, zero, zero, where he's got 300, 500, 1,000, 2,000 votes, and they're saying there's not one Ron Paul.
Oh, they'll say 500 other?
What's that other?
You think there's 500 write-ins for the Easter Bunny on there?
I mean, we got them red-handed.
And those are the points that need to be made.
We need like a laundry list of this, from the polls not being right, compared to what happened, Paul getting half the votes of what his polls said.
That is baloney.
I mean, I knew it last night.
I knew it was a stolen election.
And they got even worse machines in South Carolina.
Alright, I'm going to stop hyperventilating.
I want to go quickly.
Who's up next here?
Kyle in Iowa.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Pardon me.
My voice is a little ruined right now, but I was one of the actual people who double-counted the votes at the caucuses in Iowa, okay?
I just looked at the precinct where I was at that I double-counted, and Romney had 15 and Ron Paul had 15, and no one else had over 5 votes.
It's saying here that Ron Paul had 9, Romney had 16, and here's the big thing, Huckabee had 22!
There's no way!
There's way more votes than- Well wait, specifically at the caucus you were at, you're saying you saw what, sir?
I was at where Ron Paul actually was.
Now, I was one of the people who double-counted the votes, just for accuracy.
By double counted, you didn't count them twice and add them together, you double checked them, you mean?
Yeah, I double checked them, okay?
And I also turned in a list to my priesthood captain for the Ron Paul headquarters.
Okay, you need to write this up in an email posted on RonPaulWarRoom.com.
We need to then be able to call and vet that like we did this other.
We'll bust our butts.
Yeah, here we are, always at the center of the Ron Paul campaign, energizing because of you, the listeners.
But we can't do any of it without you, sir, so do you know how to use a computer?
It's done.
Okay, go to RonPaulWarRoom.com, your full name, where you were, it's your public affidavit, contact info, who the people were you handed those votes into, post on there versus what they showed.
Do the research.
We can't do it all.
We can just vet.
I'm going to let you go.
I appreciate you.
Good job in Iowa.
I appreciate you, Kyle.
There you go.
And my listeners are 90% accurate, usually more than that, but they're almost always telling the truth or mean what they're saying.
We'll catch them with their pants down right there.
They just count on us not taking action.
Okay, who's up next?
Fred Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, I have two critical questions for you.
What would you think if Ron Paul should hold a national press conference with Lindsey Williams at his side, the Baptist minister from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and talk about the fact, because it has been documented,
That there's enough oil in the ground at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to last America for the next 200 years.
I think that should get Ron Paul the kind of recognition he needs.
Well, the press, sir, ignores what they want to ignore, and they cover what they want to cover.
They all know there's plenty of oil up there, and they universally cover it up.
Ron Paul has even talked some about that, but what's your other question?
I wish he'd have come out with it on the Leno Show.
The other question is... No, I wish he would have, too, yeah.
Why aren't you on AM or FM instead of shortwave?
Well, I am on two stations in Missouri.
I'm on KCXL and one other, but we should be on more, and that's because most of them are owned by conglomerates and oligopolies.
I appreciate your call.
But I am on a growing list of M&FM stations, and we're thankful to all of them, whether it's 1330 right here in Austin, or 590 here in Austin.
Those are commercial stations.
WBCR, KCXL, KCAA, the list goes on and on.
I mean, we've got like close to 70 affiliates now.
We've been as high as 80, it's gone as low as 30, it goes up and down, but then we have shortwave internet satellite.
As George Norris, second biggest talk show host in the country, said here, without prompting, this is the largest unrated show in the world.
Number one on Shoutcast, that's just a small sampling of the internet, you know, just huge.
We get big ratings for any station that puts us on.
It isn't just about the ratings, it's about the New World Order doesn't want the truth out.
Okay, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back in a final segment.
It's fine to go off on things about Lindsay Williams, whatever, that's fine.
But also, do you have any questions about the Ron Paul campaign?
Do you have any comments about what you've seen?
We'll take 5 calls in the 5 minutes we have left.
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We got some feedback, and I know this group.
Tell viewers that WMUR in New Hampshire is interested in this Sutton story.
Well, the idiots can go call the town themselves.
They reversed it and changed their map.
Repeat, they're interested.
Such lazy people in the mainstream media.
Also, RonPaulVoteCount.com needs state and county coordinators.
They are the organization getting affidavits together.
Get it out today, Alex.
I tried to call.
Okay, let's go to Ron in New York.
Hit him.
Quickly, Ron.
Yes, hello, Alex.
As you may and maybe some of your listeners be aware of, as of yesterday, the President signed H.R.
2640 into law.
I'm going to say this, I'll pass a comment on this.
Many people who threw sloth and non-caring, who didn't really pay attention to this issue, are probably going to wind up being directly affected by it and impacted within 12, at the very most, 24 months.
And that concerns things such as what an adjudication of somebody
Who has been considered convicted of a, and I put it in quotes, misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, and even where it relates in the federal realm.
They admit a lot of cops and military are going to be disarmed, which is exactly what they love.
This is what they want.
This is what they get.
That's right.
That's what, and that's what the larger portion of people... This is what they want, want, want.
This is what a larger portion of people who do not care less, they suffer, as I say, from sloth or indifference,
Didn't care less.
They allowed organizations that purportedly are in favor of gun rights in the Second Amendment, who really aren't, to handle a ball game.
It's total scum.
We'll be talking about it tomorrow.
Total evil.
Just more example of the rogue government.
You don't have any comments, Ron, on the Ron Paul stealing stuff?
Well, I'll tell you this.
I saw Ron Paul's speech last night.
Only C-SPAN had his speech on.
No other major network at all.
And, uh...
It's obvious, I think, that they're trying to suppress that candidacy.
Yeah, they are.
We're out of time.
Gotta jump, I promise, to Fred and Philly.
Go ahead, Fred.
Okay, NPR may have actually said that Ron Paul got 23% in the Iowa Republican Caucus.
It was reported to the power the next day.
I don't have verification of that.
They do offer tapes, NPR, on all their coverage.
Okay, what do you think about what's happening right here in New Hampshire?
I think that it's this...
I don't know.
And that includes presidential primaries.
They do.
I appreciate your call.
Will in Philly.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Will.
Mr. Jones!
Don't you dare be upset that you're mad.
That's what made you who you are, and that's what made you the leader of this movement, sir.
I know.
I just don't like getting mad myself.
I'm just really sick of it.
Well, your passion drives people, me included.
Congressman Dr. Paul has to be vehement here.
He has to get upset like never before, man.
This is preposterous.
Oh yeah, the whole bunch of those towns, they said zero, zero, zero.
How arrogant is that?
Five hundred and thirty for other, two sixty for... It's ridiculous.
We've seen it coming, I've seen it coming.
I was up all night, I couldn't sleep.
Me too.
Me too, my friend.
Take it easy, man.
Are you going to be on any other shows later?
What are you doing today?
I know you're going to have a busy day today.
I may even do a special video for the web at presentplanet.com and truthnews.us later.
I'm going to be on two live TV shows tonight.
Luke Rudowsky's in town.
We're working on the film, just going to be working on this.
I'll be at RonPaulWarRoom.com tracking all the things you say and do.
Paul Watson, Steve Watson are on it.
Kurt Nemo's on it at TruthinNews.us.
And I'm going to call the campaign up and say, look, look, they're admittedly giving you zero in New Hampshire.
They're stealing from you.
The polls don't match.
They're going to try to say, move on, move on to the next state where they're going to rob you there.
Look, man, this is even bigger than Ron Paul.
This is our electoral process, and it's being robbed by a bunch of trash.
Get out there and take on the new world order.
God bless you all.
Transmission restarts right now at InfoWars.com.
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Thank you very much.
We will see you tomorrow.
Thank you for making me part of your Wednesday.
And uh, come on the web 24-7 at jimsumptershow.com.
Have a great day.