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Name: 20080101_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 1, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is 2008.
2007 is now ancient history.
I know there's quite a few of you tuning in across our AMIN-FM affiliates, Global Shortwave, the Internet, and Satellite.
I know a lot of you are snuggled in with your families watching college bowl games.
I don't blame you.
I'm sure that's a lot of fun.
Frankly, I'd like to be doing something like that.
But we do have the ongoing march of tyranny against free humanity and a massive, sustained eugenics extermination program being carried out against every single one of us.
We're good to go.
What do you think is going to happen in 2008?
Will we go to war with Iran?
Will the dollar continue to drop?
Will there be a new false flag stage terror attack in this country?
What will happen to the Ron Paul revolution?
Who will get the Republican nomination?
Who will get the Democratic nomination?
There's just a few of the questions I would throw out, but it's all fair game.
We don't screen your calls other than what your first name is, and we'd like to know if you're calling from England or Russia or Texas, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba,
Antarctica, the Arctic, we've gotten calls from the North and South Pole, you name it, Belgium, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, 1-800-259-9231.
And if you disagree with me, this is the only call screening we do, if you volunteer that you disagree with me, and it's on a substantive issue, but we don't really screen that, and usually it's, I don't agree with you, you're not hardcore enough, or
But I mean, serious disagreement.
We will put you to the head of the line if you volunteer that.
And you can, amazingly enough, I've had people email me and call me and send me YouTube clips where people claim that we screen calls, we have fake callers, and that if you disagree we don't let you on.
No, this show is the opposite of that.
We don't screen your calls.
In fact, some of the people call in and they say, well, I don't want to tell you my name.
Well, make one up.
Call yourself Tex, or call yourself Billy Bob.
Call yourself Wilbur.
Call yourself Spider-Man.
We don't care, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, you can claim you're calling in from the 12th dimension, or Timbuktu, or the 14th century.
So, to all the ships at sea, to people listening around the world, toll free number 1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the year.
Now, I said I go to calls early in the show yesterday.
I didn't do that.
So, we'll go to your calls in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
I do have a lot of audio clips I plan to play today.
Mike Rivera joins us once a month.
And he will be spending his New Year's Day with us today, joining us in the second hour.
We'll also have open phones when Mike Rivera from WhatReallyHappened.com joins us.
My website, freshly updated daily, multiple times daily, TruthNews.us, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be launching a new Ron Paul website Thursday that's interactive and a blog.
You'll be able to have your own page on there.
Kurt Nimmo's launching that on Thursday.
He'll tell you more about that later.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I want to hear your analysis, your projections, your predictions,
Your dead reckoning, gut feelings, or your cold hard intellectual bottom line take on what you think is going to happen in 2008.
A great year of change, no doubt.
It is cliché to say that 2007, now ancient history, went by in the twinkling of an eye, but it really did.
I mean, 2007 went by two or three times faster than any previous year in my life.
I remember being five years old, six years old, ten years old, fourteen years old.
Years would drag on like millennium.
And so as I got older, the years certainly went by faster, but everybody I talked to, even young people,
Say that 2007, literally, you better stop and take a breath and look at it because 2008, we're going to be here next year, God willing, Lord willing, and 2008 would have gone by in the twinkling of an eye.
And that's really one of the bigger issues that I wanted to discuss today is that if you, from a sociological
Look at human development.
I talk a lot about this, but we really ought to spend some time on it later in the show I intend to.
We're about to go directly to your calls.
I mean in a couple minutes.
That going back to the Bronze Age, the height of the Bronze Age 6,000 years ago,
Previous to that, humans from Asia, to Central Europe, to the Middle East, to Africa, and of course in the Americas as well, humans were hunter-gatherers.
Humans were in bands generally no bigger than just a couple hundred, and that was some of the larger archaeological settlements that have been discovered around the world.
And you would travel from place to place after you'd exhausted firewood, after you'd exhausted the squirrels, the rabbits, the deer, or more often than not, driven them out of the fertile valley that you had entered into.
Fertile valley.
Humans also concentrated around
Of course, the oceans, the seas, large lakes, bodies of water because of the higher concentration of life and the more easily availability of calories.
But due to the end of the Ice Age and the Iberian Maxim of 6,000 years ago, when the Earth on average was 10 degrees hotter,
We saw an exponential explosion in human population numbers between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago, accelerating right through into today.
On the entire face of the earth, there were no more than about 35,000 anthropologists, archaeologists believe, humans 10,000 years ago.
By 6,000 years ago, there were hundreds of thousands of humans.
And after that, within just a few hundred years, you start seeing hundreds of thousands turn into millions, upon millions, upon millions, upon millions, and now we have six billion, four hundred plus million and growing on the face of this planet.
Plus billion people alive right now on the globe.
And humans went through the process of being hunter-gatherers, wanderers, and that grew and expanded into the discovery of agriculture.
And because of the larger growth belts and longer planting seasons, humans were able to develop agriculture and stay in one spot.
Then new sciences and arts and new technologies were developed that allowed even larger settlements.
Medicine was developed.
Longer life was attained.
Populations again began to swell 6,000 years ago.
Then we see rapid industrialization, starting with the Renaissance, 350 years ago.
And in the last 100 years, we have seen the Western world go from 90 plus percent rural, agrarian, farmers,
To now close to 90% urban and when you look at the 12% or so that quote live in the
rural areas only a fraction of those two to four percent depending on which number you look at universities the feds have done studies on it and it differs on the studies but two to four percent actually are what you call self-sufficient and could actually take care of themselves and feed themselves two to four percent
Look at the massive change in 100 years, and most of that change has happened in the last 50.
Back in the 1950s, you still had about 50-50 city-country, and even the people in the city had gardens, and knew how to take care of themselves, and had family in the country.
If they had a problem, they could go to the country, as they did in the Great Depression in the 1930s.
So in 50 years, we've gone from 50-50 to 90% living in the cities, and only 2-4% a fraction of that 10%.
You know, people live in the country, but they don't even have a garden.
The old barn's fallen down 30 years ago.
They drive into town to work at the prison, or at the power plant, or at the sheriff's department.
You're probably saying, Alex, what are you getting into?
Why are you talking about all this?
Because technology, you keep hearing the number doubles every two years.
Well, actually, computing power and storage was doubling every two years.
That's about an eight-year-old number.
Computing power and storage is actually doubling every year now.
And general technology is doubling every five years.
And everything is accelerating now.
So we've seen more change technologically.
And the way news and information is delivered in the marketplace, thousands of different facets of the economy, in just the last three years.
More change in the last three than we saw in the previous seven.
And we're going to see more change in the next three years than we saw in the last decade.
And then it's going to be more change in the next year after that than we saw in the last 50 years.
You see, it's all happening right now.
You are alive during absolutely incredible times.
I'm going to elaborate on that more.
I wrote a lot of notes this weekend on thoughts I was having along these lines.
We'll be discussing that, but as I promised, let's go to your calls.
Mike in Maine, you're on the air.
Hello, Mike.
Mike, just drop when I went to him.
That's classic.
Noel in Rhode Island.
Noel, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I'm going to be talking to you, man.
No, I just wanted to ask you, there's a lot of gaining popularity on the internet about this, I know you're aware of all these lies about you, but this new one that's gaining the most popularity is this Jesuit, Temporal, Quaget-er, and I just think it's absolutely insane that these people waste their time and dedicate all their time to just making up lies or just saying things that they can't even prove.
I just wanted your take on this.
Well, those very same people, because I've seen some of those videos and people send me that stuff, those very same people say that I screen calls and I have fake callers and this is a fake show.
I mean, it's fake on its face, and even when I talk about how Tony Blair has become a Catholic so he can head up the European Union,
And I told people two years ago that he was selling out England to become the head of the EU.
I was called a conspiracy terrorist.
Now it's mainstream news.
That's going to happen.
I talk about how the Pope pushes for a New World Order.
But at the same time, I don't bash Catholics.
I think Catholics, on average, are good people.
The Protestant Church is controlled by the New World Order.
The Catholic Church is controlled.
You know, I talk about it all.
And really, you're always going to have
Sectarian groups and infighting and people that do that.
I mean, really, it's what cults do.
And, you know, there are a lot of weird little niches and kind of cult groups out there that push that stuff, and it's really a distraction.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, if all I wanted was attention for this show in a sick way, all the groups that attack me and say that
All the things they say about me, and there's a lot of them, it actually brings me more listeners and makes more people tune into the show.
And overall, I guess God turns lies and false accusations and false witnessing, turns it against the enemy.
And most of these people, I think, mean well.
They're just really deceived and kind of only two-dimensional in their thought processes.
But yeah, I think it works out in the end.
But no amount of logic gets to the people who just... I don't know, the biggest group is the people that say I'm a Mossad agent and all that.
That's the biggest and most vicious group.
You know, that call for me to be killed and say that I'm a child molester.
I mean, it's just bad stuff, man.
But you know what?
I expect that, and I know that's going to happen, and I think those folks are flat-out feds.
The Catholic
I actually think mean well and are just really sad people.
Because you can see how righteous they think they are.
And it just hurts my feelings because I know I'm good.
I know I'm for real.
I know.
I'm just here trying to get you to realize the power you have and to get you to go do your own research.
And the sick thing is most of these people that attack me even say, oh Alex woke me up.
Well, how did my tree bear that fruit to wake you up, but then I'm still bad?
But then maybe that's true.
Maybe I am bad, because I woke them up and they're bad.
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It's sundown on the Union and what was made in the USA
Alright, I've got, again, a ton of news.
Mike Rivero coming up.
The phones are wide open.
I would challenge the listeners to tell me your predictions for next year.
I'd like to hear what you think is going to happen.
Will we go to war with Iran?
Will the dollar continue to plunge?
What's going to happen with this housing market and the economy?
I've got my own take on that and a bunch of new news reports that came out today.
It is the first day of 2008 and 2007 is now ancient history.
I'm going to try to go to your calls quickly now.
George in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Alex, I'll get right to the point.
For the last three years, I've been making road trips down into Texas and around Oklahoma, passing out 9-11 tapes and other tapes.
My idea was to target rural and small towns because I thought the word would spread faster.
Have you ever read a book called The Gods of Eden by William Bramley?
The Gods of Eden?
Does that have a flying saucer on the cover?
Yeah, I read that about 15 years ago.
Yeah, I gave it to you, Alex.
Oh, really?
You had just moved to Austin in the summer, and it was right before your birthday.
You were doing art on canvas.
Acrylic, I think.
I wrapped it up and gave it to Carol to give to you for your birthday.
Oh, okay.
That's strange.
I kept passing those books out because it's kind of like the history of the New World Order.
Another book I want to recommend is The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout because that will help people understand the mindset of these New World Order people.
And in the future, I see a pandemic and an economic meltdown.
Well, that's interesting, George.
Do I know you?
I mean, if you know my parents, you gave me a book 15 years ago.
No, I only met you once.
I kind of know your parents.
I'm a friend of a friend.
I've been over to their house a few times.
I left Austin.
They got too big.
I hear you.
Well, thanks for the book.
You're welcome.
It's got some interesting chapters in there.
If you want to skip around in it.
Anyway, I... No, a real famous musician, I can't tell the story, gave another famous musician I know that book, and I was at that famous musician's house, and he showed me that book with the other famous musician at hand and inscribed it to him.
That was just a few weeks ago.
So it's funny you just mentioned that book.
That gets into the Sumerian text and all that.
It's pretty weird.
It's a touchstone.
It goes into the...
Well, it just covers so much territory, it's ridiculous.
Well, anything else, George?
That's it, Alex.
Take it easy.
Hey, have a great 2008, and pray for this country.
John in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Happy New Year.
To you as well.
Yes, sir.
I have a comment and a question, and it's like normal people, they can see the symptoms all around them, but the root cause of the disease are subversive demonic spirits
And children of the devil.
And at the top, mankind ain't running nothing.
It's all rigged up.
And also, I've noticed since 1991, they've been using some kind of occultic science, demonic mind control on us where they can put a demon in you or a hologram and take over.
I have to fight them.
I've been fighting them.
I have to just literally physically push them out of me and their people drive by and do rituals.
If you don't believe me, I can take you by the hand and show you what's going on around here.
The question is, what happened to RBN?
Thank you.
Well, that was an interesting phone call about demons and rituals and my God, I don't know what in the world is going on here.
This is some crazy radio today.
Oh man, let's go ahead and
We don't have time to go to another call right now.
We'll come back and talk to Richard and Kenny and many others.
And we'll get you, too, up and on the air.
When we come back, I'm going to get a little bit of the news I have here in front of me.
Really, listeners, what do you think is going to happen in 2008?
Do you think we're going to have war with Iran?
Or is that truly on the back burner now?
Or do you think the dollars continue to plunge?
What will the yuppies do if we have another Great Depression?
Will they behave as well as our ancestors did?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
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Hello, I'm Fred Thompson.
In the closing days of this historic contest here in Iowa, I wanted to take a few moments to talk quietly with you about the stakes in this election and the critical issues you will soon decide.
Because there is no frontrunner here in Iowa, and because yours will be the first vote cast in this crucial election year,
Your decision will be one the entire country closely watches and learns from.
When you go to your local caucus on January 3rd and fill out your paper ballot, and by the way, it's just that easy, how you vote will go a long way toward deciding who will lead us as president through dangerous years ahead.
That the years ahead will be dangerous needs no elaboration from me.
Most Americans know the forces of terrorism will not rest until the mushroom cloud hangs over one of our cities.
The recent tragic assassination of former Prime Minister Bhutto in Pakistan again demonstrates the terrorists' will to power and their relentless cruelty.
Along with threats to our national security, we have great domestic challenges before us.
The economy, taxes, protecting our borders, and protecting the right to life.
So I want to talk to you now about the threats and dangers that we face as a people, but also about the hope and opportunity I see out there.
Before doing that, however, I'd be remiss if I did not, on behalf of myself and my wife, Jerry... Since when did we turn into a nation where all the politicians do is get up and talk about the great fear, the great power of the terrorists, the mushroom clowns, how they're going to hang over our cities?
That's what LBJ
Did in the 68 election.
They showed a little girl and then she looks out the window and a giant hydrogen bomb goes off and kills her.
And ever since then they sit there and use that mushroom cloud analogy.
Meanwhile, if you actually look at Pakistan, the CIA and MI6 out of England run the entire thing publicly.
They created the Mujahideen in 79, had them actually attack the Russians.
When the Russians responded, they put out a bunch of... And again, I'm not friends of the Russians.
I'm giving you mainline fact.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who ran the whole thing for the Pentagon, has written the best-selling book on it.
Operation Cyclone.
And then they have their puppet dictator, Musharraf, kill her, gun her down, right on video, and they say, oh no, she's not being shot!
Doesn't matter if you've got the machine gun splattering her up against the car.
Doesn't matter if there's video of her getting pumped full of multiple rounds, knocking her up against the car door, then they detonate a bomb as a smokescreen distraction.
Fred Thompson will sit up there with that good old boy act.
I mean, I can literally do a Fred Thompson act.
Would you like me to do one?
Hello, everyone.
I'm glad that you're joining us today.
We'll be taking some of your phone calls coming up.
Appreciate the fact that you've decided to spend some time with us.
And I can act like a, you know, chief orangutan or chimpanzee and put on all the simian attributes that primitive man seems to love.
The guy is a complete and total actor.
And I, for one, am sick of Fred Thompson.
And they're all running for no reason.
Hillary has gotten all the defense contractor money, more money than all the Democrats combined, more money than all the Republicans combined.
All the establishments behind her, Fox News is behind her.
Fox News has been having fundraisers for her for five years.
They've been strategizing for her, helping her write her speeches.
So has the White House.
And you tell mainline Republicans that, and they'll go, you're a liar!
And you'll go, okay, here's five mainstream articles.
I just found them in ten seconds on Google.
And they'll go, well, so what?
And then, you could even have all these national individuals, even National Review Online came out and said it.
They had, I don't know what's his name, Michael Reagan came out and said, Hillary's better than Ron Paul.
And then Friday,
The Ron Paul campaign, and they're not infallible, but they've got a better accuracy rate and better truthfulness rate than anything I've ever seen, ever imagined to see.
They came out Friday and they said, it's despicable, that's outrageous, we have been told by Fox we're banned from the final debate.
There's only going to be five candidates there.
They've actually got McCain there, who in many New Hampshire polls is below
And they even admit that, by the way.
There's an ABC News story about it.
There's a Baltimore Sun article.
There's a World Tribune article.
I've got them all right here in front of me.
And they all admit, yeah, well, he is higher than, at least, he's higher than one of the five they've chosen, and he's tied with one of the others.
So it does kind of look bad that Ron Paul's not included, but Fox News just says that's it and won't respond to calls.
And that's Baltimore Sun, International Herald Tribune,
I don't know, I've got four or five articles here on it.
But, oh, then, Saturday, all these news articles denying it, neocon websites denying it, saying Fox News didn't ban him, that's made up.
And see, they knew to do that.
Because they knew.
And then other well-meaning sites picked up on it.
Like Nolan Chart and others.
That's a good site.
And I started believing, and I thought, well, it must be true.
My son abandoned him from the debate.
Again, that's a military tactic.
That just kind of put us off balance for a minute, and we went, OK, Ron Paul's wrong.
We never posted that, but I was calling webmasters up and going, hey, we've got to look into this.
There's sites saying, you know, hot air and Nolan chart, and they're all saying it isn't true.
And wonk it, but I go, but they've gotten so much stuff wrong in the past, we've got to look into this.
And now it's confirmed, and Fox says, yeah, we're not having him there.
When they don't have him at the debate coming up this weekend, they'll probably just say that there was no debate, or that it doesn't exist either.
I mean, that's their tactic now.
They treat us like children.
And if you know what the wide sweep is, and you know what the bootleg is, and you know what the I-formation is, or the drop-back shotgun is, or you know what a wild hog is,
With an Arkansas football team where the running back plays the part of the quarterback.
I mean, you've got all that trivia figured out out there, but you can't figure out what a comprehensive annual financial report is.
Double set of books, foreign corporations totally owning the U.S.
state government's water districts.
We're already bought and paid for.
You don't know what a recombinant cancer virus is.
Or the 1920s research on how to put it in vaccines by the Rockefeller Foundation.
You don't know about the 1920s, 30s, 40s German and U.S.
Why, most of the research I found was, well, most, a large portion of thousands of them, when I spent months, five years ago, studying.
And I wanted to know, I guess it was actually about seven years ago now, I wanted to know if sodium fluoride and stannous fluoride was really bad for you.
Or if that was another, you know, kook thing put out by the Patriots.
Because some stuff is kooky.
I thought a lot of it isn't true.
But let me tell you, I found out it was a lot worse than what I'd heard.
And they knew by the twenties and the thirties at UT that if they gave different types of fluoride to mice, they'd just sit in the corner and drool.
At very low levels.
They'd stop having sex.
They'd stop reproducing.
Rabbits would stop reproducing.
Guinea pigs would stop reproducing.
They'd get all sorts of bone fractures and
Alzheimer's and they call it bad brain function, lower brain function.
You'd have a rat or mouse, half the age of one that wasn't put on two parts per million sodium fluoride, at half the age of its brother who wasn't put on it, its brother or sister would be running around in wild circles in a cage next to it, it'd be sitting there urinating on itself in the corner with huge cataracts grueling from strokes
They hit us all, they hit us hard.
I didn't believe it that the Nazis had put it in water in work camps to make people docile, but they were using U.S.
university studies from the twenties and thirties and they sure did do it.
So if you know all about the special plays run by the Pats, or you know all about what kind of car your favorite linebacker drives, you even know what his wife's name is, you know all the names of the cheerleaders on your favorite team,
You drool and salivate all over your false tribal manliness, but you don't know how they're hitting you with a deadly, toxic, neurochemical weapon.
You don't know, do you?
In fact, a lot of you have been hit so hard by it, you can't even understand me right now.
And I'm dumb, too.
I went to a Chinese food restaurant last night.
I worked until the New Year, but me and Rob went and had a bite to eat.
You know what, I like cold water and ice cubes and I'd forgotten to take a Berkey with me and a sports bottle and I'd just suck down three glasses of it.
Now I have stopped using my cell phone about 98%.
I only use it every day or so to retrieve a few messages if I'm on the road.
At least I've quit doing that.
But I couldn't help it.
But maybe it's better for me.
I'd be too upset about what's happening in the world around me if I wasn't getting my sedative.
If I wasn't doing the drug.
But I only go out to eat once or twice a week and drink the iced tea or the... I said I'd take your calls.
I've got a lot of news I want to cover as well.
Oh boy.
There's thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of issues.
So much more important than cleaning and polishing your Hummer.
So much more important than
You know, most Americans, most people, we've been taught from birth how to do this.
Fight with our husbands and wives when we have anxiety about taxes, or anxiety about our waistline, or anxiety about getting old, or anxiety about wrinkles, or anxiety about our prostate burning because we didn't drink enough water, or anxiety because you've got a sore throat, or anxiety because you're worried about whatever you're worried about, or because you're
Or because you've been cut out of the inheritance, or whatever it is you've got anxiety about.
And so, you just have little petty wars and fights with each other that mean nothing, ingrained little games we play with each other that mean nothing, when life is so precious and so short, and when such wonderment and majesty and beauty and goodness is all around us.
And we focus in on the dalliances and the distractions and the worthless baubles that have been set up as our idols and our gods.
I mean, I watch professional people I know, or when I go to different parties or functions, and I watch people talk about how bored they are and how unhappy they are.
And these are middle class people with boats and slips.
On beautiful lakes, and beautiful wives, and wonderful children.
All they want to talk about is, I can't wait till the game comes on, I'm bored.
Or some stupid fantasy football they're playing.
Are they looking at Hubble Space Telescope colors of distant galaxies?
Are they thinking about the mysteries of life?
Are they trying to study how humans interact and what it is to be human?
Are they trying to build amazing things?
Are they thinking about what oil paintings they wish they could rot?
They're hating their boss, or they're hating their supervisor, or they're hating their employees.
They're jealous of their neighbor's wife, or their car.
Stuff that doesn't matter.
You see, we need to get back to what really matters, ladies and gentlemen.
And that doesn't mean any of us are perfect.
It doesn't mean I'm up here in judgment of you.
I'm in judgment of myself.
We all fall short.
We all do these things.
We all behave like animals.
The point is, can we at least be conscious of the process and try to be better?
Because in that is enlightenment.
In that is at least a step towards betterment and the unknown.
Quantity that is perfection.
Because if you don't strive to be upright, and strive to be moral, and strive to be loving, and strive to hate evil, you will succumb to it.
You will give in to it.
You will turn into a nasty demon.
And you will be unhappy.
Alright, I want to hear your predictions for the new year.
I really want to hear what you think is going to happen with the economy, the wars, will there be staged terror attacks?
We're going to go to your calls now.
I'm going to move quickly here.
Richard in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
It's Richard.
I really like your Pastor Hagee impression that you did a few days ago.
That was awesome.
That was hilarious.
I got some dead reckoning for you.
Did you hear that John Zogby report that came out December 21st?
Did you hear what he said about Ron Paul?
I know there's been several Zogby reports saying that he could win New Hampshire, and that could catapult him, so that's now why Fox is blocking him from the debate, and then saying it doesn't exist.
Is that the Zogby report?
Well, that's part of it, but one of the key things he said in that December 21st report that he wrote is, I'll read one sentence.
He's against the war, and he has the one in four Republicans who oppose the war all to himself.
Well, Alex, to me, that sounds like a 25% right there by itself.
Look, every way you cut it, he's the only person that can beat Hillary Clinton.
That's why Fred Thompson is literally fighting for his life, probably going to die.
He can hardly talk in those speeches.
He's got death in his eyes, and I've seen folks dying from cancer many times, friends and family.
None of them are even running.
It's all a money collection deal.
But you can't tell these idiot Republicans that.
You can't even tell them that they're passing gun control laws.
Oh, I know.
But I've got a couple more anecdotal pieces of evidence.
Back in 2006, last year in the governor's race here in Texas, we had a 31% minority that voted independent in some way, shape, form, or fashion.
So my numbers that I've been looking at show that
In every state, there's probably around 30 or 40 percent.
That are basically independent-minded, and that's the people that are going to go after Ron Paul.
And if we could get them to vote, Ron Paul would win hands down.
And we are getting a lot of people that traditionally have never voted.
So the polling company, when you call them, they refuse to go outside their pools of Republicans or Democrats.
So of course Ron Paul isn't going to poll well when they're not polling non-traditional voters or people who haven't voted before.
And expanding on that, he's not even included in most polls.
Just like Barack Obama admitted yesterday, and I have the article, NBC News, Obama admits they don't poll Ron Paul.
He said in his speech, he goes, yeah, they don't poll him.
And I found a couple of news articles generated, I don't know if they were generated by AP, but they were reported by AP, and they were titled, one of them was titled, Iowa by the numbers, and another one was titled, New Hampshire by the numbers.
And I found that in Iowa, there are about 1.9
I don't
They have a 31.4.
That's right.
Undecided independents are the largest group.
Again, Ron Paul will get anti-war, libertarians, and most even mainline liberals like Ron Paul because he actually does what he says he's going to do.
There's a hunger by both political systems and the false spectrum.
Well, bottom line is, if these numbers play out, he's looking very good to potentially win, as long as we don't get blackbacked.
I can't today, but I can swing by tomorrow.
Well, it's just that Richard's done some camera work for us, and I've got a job for him.
Alright, we'll talk to you soon, Richard.
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We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Continuing with wide open telephones at 1-800-259-9231, I want to hear your predictions for next year.
By the way, we can also talk about some of the top stories of 2007, and some of the things that happened this year.
Last year.
Now, we saw a huge explosion of the Ron Paul Revolution.
Who could have thought it would have gotten this big or this widespread?
Also, Aaron Russo, of course, back in August, late August of last year, died.
And now the year that he left us in has elapsed.
A lot of things.
The official 9-11 cover-up really officially started to fall apart in 2007, like it never had before.
The fraud of WMDs in Iraq completely fell apart in 2007.
A lot of things happened.
I'd like to get your take on that.
But more importantly, what do you think is coming up in the next year?
Before I do that, for just a few more weeks, we've extended out the December special into a New Year's special at PrisonPlanet.tv.
All 18 of my films, including Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, and Endgame 1.5, over an hour and a half of extras from the film that didn't make it on the DVD.
My weekly TV reports, my Sunday show we videotape, my local TV news show is up there each week.
All my best interviews, a lot of archival older shows that people have never seen before except locals in Austin are being uploaded.
It's all at PrisonPlanet.tv and you also support us by having a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
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And that special is just going to run for a few more weeks, so be sure and take advantage of that.
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So again, PrisonPlanet.TV
And you can also go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and link through and get Loose Change Final Cut, get it with Endgame, you can get Endgame discounted, American Dictators, Terror Storm Final Cut, all available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Let's talk to our Kenny Hung Up, Mike in Maine.
You're on the air, Mike.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
It's Mike.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you, sir.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can, sir.
Yes, I can.
Okay, great.
You're on the air, sir.
I just want to say you're off and I listen to you every day.
We contribute to Prison Planet and we contribute through our business 5% of all of our sales to Ron Paul's campaign.
And we have started in Maine something that nobody else has talked about and this is going to be groundbreaking historic information that I'm going to unleash right now.
We are starting a Ron Paul localized voter oversight initiative.
And we started a website called VoteSafe2008.com, and we're going to be starting in the primaries in New Hampshire, and we're gathering 10 to 15 people to go, and we're actually going to go and count every single person that goes into the voting booth, and we're going to go and ask people who they voted for, and we're also going to have an affidavit that we're going to be handing out to those kids.
So, an affidavit.
Now, is another group doing this, or did you call the show Sunday?
There is another group doing the affidavit that we're actually working with called Watch the Boat 2008.
We're actually collaborating with them.
This is the process.
Big things start small.
It'll prove the fraud that we know is going on.
Fire off those websites.
Yeah, the website that we started is Boatsafe2008.com and you can... Alright, folks.
I need to go there and get involved.
We'll be right back.
You are listening to GPM.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into the second hour.
John, I forgot to tell you, are you getting Rivero on?
Okay, go ahead.
Get him into 5 after, that's fine.
We're going to continue with your phone calls, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Real Talk Radio, issues of real significance that actually affect you and your family.
We've got a ton of news, a bunch of audio clips.
We're going to talk about more on the Butoh assassination.
We're going to get into the economy.
Your predictions for 2008.
Some of the biggest stories in mainline media of 2007.
Also some of the alternative stories that you think are important.
Harry in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Harry.
Happy New Year, Alex.
Happy New Year to you, sir.
What's on your mind today?
Well, I'm calling from Edmonton, which is in Alberta, which is north of Montana.
And the reason that I'm calling is
People that want to see the modern face of fascism need look no further than the north of the border of Montana.
Last year, the Alberta government utilities board was caught spying on Americans.
They want to run a power line down through into Montana.
And this board hired private investigators to spy on the meetings and conversations of Americans.
You know, I saw a blurb on that, and folks, it's private corporations, quasi-governmental corporations.
I've had, according to my sources, LCRA, which people think is over water.
They have their own SWAT team, surveillance, spy on me, try to do stuff to me.
I mean, it's so massive, folks.
You have no idea.
Go ahead.
Well, another interesting thing is I'd like to put up is,
Canada has what's called a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, much like the U.S.
Constitution, the articles in the U.S.
However, the Edmonton Police Department now claims that if they receive a 911 call, whether real or imagined, they now have the right to conduct warrantless searches at home.
Well, that's a trick they do here.
People have gotten phone records in Austin, Texas, I know.
And you'll have a carpet cleaner or somebody in your house will see a gun case.
The average American or Canadian has been taught all guns are illegal.
You know, the crowds that don't know anything about laws, they think that.
Then they go call the cops.
The cops want to get in, so they show up and claim they had a 911 call.
Go ahead.
Well, anyhow, and I would like to take issue on something that I've heard you talking about.
I've been trying to get a hold of you.
And that is regarding John Hagee's statement that when Jesus came,
Uh, and presented himself in Jerusalem, he did not present himself as the Messiah.
That is scripturally accurate.
He came as the lamb, the sacrificial lamb, and will, when he returns, will produce himself as the Messiah.
But that's not exactly what Hagee was saying, and that's why he's now recalled the book and is backtracking, and he just basically talks about... he also says that the Jews, that is the leaders, the rabbinical crowd, didn't demand Jesus be killed and that it wasn't their fault.
Well, I'm not aware of that.
I do know that when Christ came, he came as the
As a propitiation for sin and not as the Messiah.
And that's what some of the apostles were trying to get him to do.
They wanted to be free from the yoke of Rome.
And that was not wise of him.
Sure, sure.
Pastor Hagee, though, is preaching something entirely different, and I appreciate your call.
But I just want to explain something, too.
This is not a doctrinal radio show.
And I wouldn't even really call it secular, so much as it's a news broadcast.
I don't know.
Man, we've opened a can of worms there, and now we'll be debating.
There's something like 10,000 different sects of Christianity, and they all just, everybody says they've got the answer, and everybody's got the divine teaching, everybody's got the thing, and everybody's the real Christian, and they never do any good work, they never wake anybody up, they just fight with each other and run around saying they're the holiest.
And that's why I stay away from all that stuff.
We will come back with Mike Rivero, a ton of news, more of your phone calls.
Can I get any predictions on the New Year?
Does anybody have one?
Or is that just not going to happen?
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Are you sure?
We're good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got an hour and 52 minutes left of transmission.
Got six different key audio clips I want to play.
Mike Rivera riding shotgun with us.
Loaded phone lines.
You can get in though and you hear each caller disconnect at 1-800-259-9231.
I know this is always a daytime radio audience, so folks are either work at night in their home and just woke up, or it's folks that are not working right now and are just kind of off on whatever issue or angle they want to discuss.
But I always marvel how when I do nighttime talk shows, people will actually call in, it's like night and day, and talk about issues that I every once in a while want to discuss.
Now, I don't screen your calls, I don't tell you what to talk about, but I do want to hear your predictions for 2008 and what you think is going to happen.
On the economy, on Iran, on the Iraq war, on what's going to happen to the dollar, will there be a false flag terror attack?
Joining us is the man who runs one of the first big, muckraking investigative websites on the web since the mid-1990s.
He exposed, of course, the Vince Foster suicide murder for what it really was.
And he's Mike Rivero.
He joins us once a month.
WhatReallyHappened.com is his website.
Our websites are TruthNews.us, Infowars.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
By the way, none of those sites will be seen by new people.
Those sites won't do what they're meant to do unless you spread the word about them.
So I'm asking you in this new year to spread the word about all of your favorite alternative news sites.
Because just because you know the truth,
Well, now the next step is to carry the ball to the next person.
All right, that said, Mike Rivero, I want to hear your dead reckoning, your guesstimations, your predictions, or what you think we're tending towards in the new year, in this next year, with the economy, with Iran, with the current Iraq situation, with Bush, with Ron Paul.
Mike Rivero, thank you for spending your New Year's with us.
Well, Happy New Year to you, too, and thank you for having me on the show on a holiday like this.
As far as my prognostications, I'm afraid there's a crack in my crystal ball, so some of this may be a little bit fuzzy.
And I think after the disappointments of last year, probably a lot of people are very skittish about making predictions for 2008.
Because I know that on New Year's Day 2007, we had just changed the ownership of Congress from the Republicans to the Democrats, and we had a lot of high expectations that finally we were going to see Congress stand up to the... I predicted it!
Let me just be clear.
I predicted we were going to stay.
I know you did as well.
I mean, because the official Pentagon plan says they're going to be there for 50 years, and of course they told the public one thing, but the document says another.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
There were a lot of expectations about the Congress finally impeaching Bush for the lies that got us into the war.
And of course, Nancy Pelosi, as soon as she was in office, said, oh, that's all off the table.
We have more important things to use up our time and political capital on.
And of course, nothing has really changed this last year.
So my forecast going into 2008, obviously the economy leads the way.
It is not looking good at all for the lower 80% of the American population.
The top 20% are going to do okay.
The top 1% are going to do fabulously well.
But for the rest of America, their actual quality of life is going to continue to decline.
Their access to medical care is going to continue to decline.
As inflation really takes hold of the dollar, it may look like you're making more money on that paycheck, and certainly the government will use those larger numbers to move you into higher tax brackets so that they get a bigger share of what you're making.
But what you're going to be able to buy with what's left over is going to be in short supply and in decline, and your actual quality of life, quality of health care, quality of education for your children,
It's going to decline.
I think we're going to have a major recession, could even be a depression, this next year.
And what's really going to exacerbate the situation is our government is still so focused on finding ways to kick off more wars in the Mideast, they're really not paying much attention to what's going on domestically.
We saw that with the way they shortchanged the levy maintenance in New Orleans.
We saw that with the way they were short-changing bridge inspections.
We saw it the way they short-changed federal funding for dry brush removal and wildfire prevention programs in California.
So you're predicting just ongoing crumbling of the infrastructure?
Yeah, absolutely I am.
We are not seeing any interest in our federal government in paying more than lit service to our domestic needs.
Their heart is still very much in their weapons and in their wars that they're trying to get out there.
Yeah, they're strip-mining the infrastructure and the currency and the name of the United States, and it's kind of like that line from a Highlander song, he was old and almost gone.
The country is almost gone, but out of that can come a rebirth.
You mentioned what they're doing with the economy.
I don't know.
Just in the last two years, it was about an 8% the year before that, so now we're talking, you know, 33-34% reduction.
It was 5 or 6% the year before that, 40% reduction.
So in the last four years, we see about a 40% or close to it, reduction in people on set incomes.
They are exhausting, the old folks I know are, are exhausting whatever funds they've got, they're almost on empty, and then now they're talking about upwards of 20%
Well, I think the inflation factor is going to be a lot worse than 20%, and the reason is
Bush has been borrowing from the Federal Reserve.
Okay, but 20 on top of the last 4 years at 40% is 60, so let's just say it's going to be 20.
That's 60% inflation in 5 years.
How are they going to hide that, claiming that in 5 years they've only had 10% inflation, when it's really 60?
I don't think they're going to be able to hide it.
I think they're going to try and distract from it as much as they can with all of these wars, and that's one of the reasons to keep the wars going.
But the people are against the war, so enter false flag.
Yeah, I think that's a very real possibility, but I want to step back here and look at the reason why the inflation is likely to be more than 20% this year.
Because while Bush was printing up the money at the Federal Reserve, or the Federal Reserve was printing up the money to loan to Bush for his war, which was off the regular congressional books, Bush was relying on the exploding real estate market to act as a cash sink to soak up the surplus cash he was dumping into the
I don't think even the United States government is unified.
I'm seeing all kinds of signs.
of deep factionalism.
I think we've got Bush and his neocons are still pushing for war, and I'm seeing more and more factions of the rest of the government saying we've had enough, the country's in danger if we don't come back home and take care of problems here.
I think that was the main reason there was such a unanimity of opinion on the national intelligence estimate regarding Iran.
Okay, let's go back and finish your other point then about the neocons intended to have the housing bubble soak up the inflation.
Go ahead.
Yeah, basically the neocons intended to have the housing bubble continue to soak up the surplus cash to prevent the inflationary pressure on the currency.
And that way they could go on just printing up money, spending it for bombs and bullets, and it would go into the society and people would put it into these more expensive houses and they would feel good because, hey, I'm living in a five million dollar house.
And the fact that it's still the same three-bedroom, two-bath, lousy parking that their parents paid $40,000 for didn't make no mind.
It was now a $5 million house, so look how good we're living.
And then, of course, now that it's popped, the house is still the same three-bedroom, two-bath, lousy parking property.
And now it's stuck with negative equity, and the people who are in it owe more money than they could pay off just by selling the property.
And that's why you're having this huge, huge epidemic of foreclosures.
And even with the new laws, there's still a lot of people are declaring bankruptcy.
A lot of people are just walking on their debt loads, and it's spreading beyond the subprime.
It's hitting the A-list lenders now.
It's starting to hit commercial real estate.
Because everything was so cross-connected and leveraged and derived, there's no way to contain this.
And you know, this has always been my big argument against globalism and the removal of national boundaries, is when you start to get a catastrophe in one area,
It spreads everywhere at once.
It's like the bulkhead in a ship or a firewall, as you've said many times.
But that, at the larger level, even the Financial Times of London has reported, and that's the true paper record, by the way.
The establishment has to have one or two publications where they only lightly spin.
They've been admitting for three years that the larger central banks did plan an implosion to consolidate.
They said they feared, though, that that would cause a domino effect, even threatening them
But then they said, but the bubble's gotten so big, we've got to implode it at some point.
Do you think they're going to be able to maintain control of that?
Well, I think they're betting that they can.
I think their idea was that if they let it down gently, like they've been doing with the stock market... That's exactly what they said.
They said they want it slow, yeah.
Yeah, they want to let it down gently so that there is no panic reaction.
But I think the bottom line is we're getting close to the point where I think people are going to start panicking.
Because they're beginning to realize that even the stock market numbers which are kind of holding, if you factor in the loss in value of the dollar itself, you'll begin to realize that the stock market is
Heading down very, very rapidly.
It's at $6,000 in real dollar values, and then the $64 million question is, they finally have a bunch of top economists coming out and going from everything's fine, everything's wonderful, to okay, it's 2008, we're going to have a recession, it could make 1929 look like a picnic, that's a quote.
That concerns me when the establishment goes ahead and dumps bad news.
Well, it does.
I think what they're probably going to try and do is get it over and done with very early in the year, because that way they can sort of hide from it and recover from it by the time the main elections come around in November.
So I think their attitude is, we can't hold it off until after the elections, so let's go ahead and have it happen now, and then by the time the election rolls around, it'll be old news and people won't be thinking about that.
Well, the election will be a political solution.
Of course, it's like sending the Democrats to Congress for the war.
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I think that a parasitic dream will never come back.
It painted my hands and my face blue.
And suddenly, in the wind, life gave me...
Michael Varadero, great political mind, great patriot, joins us from Hawaii, very early in the morning still out there.
And he runs whatreallyhappened.com.
Scott, Bill, Dan, Sean, Mark, your calls are all coming up in the next segment and in rapid succession.
Mike, that was a great exchange we had back and forth.
I was trying to get to a lot of different facets of it and get your take on it.
We did do that.
Quickly now, I want to get your insight on
How bad do you think it'll get, A?
B, are they going to be able to spin this off and blame it on some broker or some cow that kicked over a lantern, some distraction?
Or will we be able to explain to the public, or does the public already have an understanding that the globalists did do this, did design this, and are literally shearing us to the bone?
And how do we get that message out?
Well I think the trend in 2008, I mean we saw in 2007 more and more people deserting the mainstream media, turning to alternative media like your radio shows, reading our websites, you know our audience numbers are definitely definitely up and are continuing to climb and so I think getting the message out is definitely working.
People traditionally tend to vote with their wallets and a lot of our American leaders have gotten away with a lot of really
Unconstitutional actions during times when people felt comfortable and secure in their own homes and finances and they could sort of tune out what's going on in the rest of the world.
But if the economy continues to decline, inevitably the voters are going to turn against
You know, their elected representatives and their government... And the establishment knew that.
The establishment knew that, so they came in with the electronic fraud machines, they came in with the face scanning cameras and the federalized riot police.
They certainly have tried to counter that, but when you look at it, that only seems to accelerate the awakening of the people.
Oh, absolutely.
You know, it's like this saying we have on this coffee mug around here, the fastest way to bring down a dictator is to force them to act like one where everybody can see it.
And this last year, we're seeing the police giving these tasers, and they're never chastised for you.
Well, there's been one exception.
The officer who tased the pregnant woman was fired, but for the most part, there have been 400 deaths from these tasers in the United States, and the police officers are never arrested.
It is deemed the appropriate thing for them to be doing with these tasers.
Now, folks, just because it's a taser doesn't mean it's not police brutality.
A taser is just a police beating with all the modern improvements in it.
And, you know, the cops are just using these things like crazy in very inappropriate situations.
That lady who got tased in Florida because the Best Buy store was mistreating her basically underscores the fact that the police are not about protecting the ordinary citizens of New York.
They're protecting the stores.
Just asking questions now, like, why am I getting a ticket?
Boom, you're tased.
Or, oh, you won't urinate in a cup at the hospital.
Boom, you're tased.
It's pain compliance.
They're just legitimizing torture.
That's exactly it.
It's police brutality with modern improvements.
That's all a taser is.
It's not harmless.
It is not non-lethal.
People have died from these.
That's a microcosm of the larger system.
That's why they want globalism.
They get to create the new system and then claim its liberty when it isn't.
It's just like they invent a taser and deploy it.
And now if a cop beats you with a club for not answering the question, he'd go to jail.
But now because it's electricity, it's okay.
By it being something new, it tends to trick the public and think it's okay.
Yeah, that's exactly what's been going on here.
Now we've got this portable microwave oven that they drive around, the area denial weapon.
And they're saying that's non-lethal, it's for crowd control, and it's basically to deny us of our First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble, to petition the government for redress of grievances, and on top of it all, it is not harmless.
They had a recent test with this thing where one of the test subjects was sent to the hospital.
With $17,000 worth of burns all over it.
Well, absolutely, and that's on wide beam.
When they turn it down, it actually blinds you, burns your eyes out.
And let me expand on that.
The head of the Pentagon office, the civilian head of the Air Force, said earlier in 2007, hard to believe that's last year now, remember it was in AP, he said, well, we can't use this against enemy troops, it's illegal.
But if we legitimize it with our police, then that gets us around Geneva.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
A lot of people, looking back to the Waco disaster, forget that our government used a tear gas on a church that's illegal to use on enemy troops.
Our own government is treating American people worse than they treat enemy troops.
And that is something people are... Yeah, CS gas.
That's something people are beginning to finally wake up to and realize.
That the U.S.
government, they're conducting medical tests on us without our permission.
They're reading all of our email.
They're listening to our phone calls.
They're data mining all of our records.
All without our permission.
Stay there.
I want to talk about Benazir Bhutto with Mike Rivero.
Who does he think is behind it?
What does the evidence show him?
And then, your calls.
We're also going to talk about his predictions on false flag terror and the Iran situation.
We're now inside 2008.
The first day of 2008.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I want to go to these calls, Mike, but you heard my questions before the break.
What do you see happening in the election?
And I understand it's all fluid, but what do you see the establishment trying versus what could happen?
What do you see happening with the Iran situation, the Iraq situation?
What do you see happening in this new year?
Well, I think as far as the elections are concerned, if this was a nation with free and honest elections, I see Ron Paul winning.
Unfortunately, we are not a nation with free and honest elections.
We're already
I've seen major warning signs that the vote fraud will be epidemic in 2008.
I know that Bev Harris over at Black Box Voting and the Ron Paul people are trying to get poll watchers in to the Iowa caucuses to be able to keep track of exactly what's going on in those caucus rooms so that it can be reported independently of the company that was hired to tally
The caucuses across the state, and of course the Voters News Service, which has a prior record of altering the results from Iowa to suit a predetermined outcome.
So, I think vote fraud is definitely going to be a major story of 2008, even worse than we saw in 2000 and 2004 and 2006.
And it's going to go on until the American people just stand up and say, we will not obey a government that cannot prove the elections by which they claim authority are fair and honest and accurate.
And you really need to think about it, especially, you know, as the end of the year, a lot of people are starting to collect together their paperwork for the Infernal Revenue Service.
And you need to start thinking that if the government didn't really win the election,
And if they can't prove they really, honestly won the election, then you shouldn't pay them any taxes.
Because they don't have a right to your money.
And then it's not a debate!
And then it's not a debate about whether the income tax is legitimate in 1913, which it obviously isn't.
Then it's not even a debate about that.
It's that this isn't even a real government.
This is a completely rogue, fraudulent government.
And it's a major form of protest.
That's absolutely right.
Because, you know, the government does not have an automatic right to your money
If they cannot prove they were fairly and honestly elected.
And that's why for the first time we see large groups of the left refusing to pay taxes over the war.
You got 80% of the American people not wanting it, 70 plus percent of the troops.
It's an illegal war.
It's gone on five years, almost five years.
And then they're trying this little scam saying, oh, portray us the surge work.
You're just against the troops winning, Mike.
Yeah, and another thing to pay attention, look on TV and see all those commercials for these companies that are going to help you get out of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service.
I mean, they're not going to pay the advertising costs to run these commercials as much as they do unless there is a huge market out there.
And by that I mean, and I got these figures from J.K.
Harris, one out of every five American households has tax problems.
They're behind on their taxes, they've got liens, they've got levies.
We're not talking just a few people.
We're talking 20% of American households.
And as the economy falls apart even faster, more people aren't going to be able, because if your credit cards are maxed, the house payments are due, the kids need food, people just don't have the money anymore.
No, they absolutely do not.
We've been taxed to the edge of collapse by a government that just seems to think the money is going to go on forever as long as they're in power.
But getting back to the vote fraud issue,
If the government cannot prove to you, you don't have to take it on faith.
Especially with the government that lied to us about Iraq.
You don't have to take the fact that they're the government on faith.
They have an obligation to prove it to you.
Every step of the way, they have an obligation to prove to you that everything they do is legal and constitutional.
Every step of the way.
And if they fail that proof, you're not obligated to obey their rules.
You're not obligated to pay their bills.
You have every right to just say, you are not my government anymore because I do not believe you were elected by a majority of the people.
And people, the American people need to develop.
And they know the people, and they know historically, the globalists have studied history, and they're all about sociology and studying human interaction and the socio-economic structure.
They knew that was going to happen.
But what happens when the cops know the truth?
The military knows the truth, and they do.
The polls show it.
I mean, the major law enforcement groups are now supporting Ron Paul.
They're sick of the phony drug war.
They're sick of gun control.
I mean, you know, we could get this country back if... Here's an example.
Four years ago, they ordered 14 million first responders, cops, military, firemen, nurses, doctors, medical workers, medical... everybody.
And what?
Times reported 4,000 took the shot and like 100 died?
I mean, what did the cops know?
They don't trust the government either.
They didn't take that smallpox shot.
No, they absolutely did not.
And I think what one of the reasons why everybody's watching Pakistan very carefully right now is following the assassination of Bhutto.
That was the next thing.
We got to move fast.
Give me your Bhutto take.
Okay, basically, if the military decides that they've had enough of Musharraf, he is history and he is gone.
The Pakistani people are going to do what any people should do when they realize their government has been lying to them and abusing them.
They're going to kick that government out and they're going to put a new one in.
The real danger is
Yes, that Bush may seize this as an opportunity to put U.S.
troops into Pakistan.
To roll in.
Yeah, because by golly, there on the western edge of Pakistan is another front into Iran.
And by the way, this was the plan all along.
We got a bunch of troops in Afghanistan.
Yeah, and they have not given up their plan to go into Iran.
The embarrassment of the National Intelligence Estimate, as soon as they're convinced that the American people have forgotten
That every U.S.
intelligence service says Iran is not building nuclear bombs, they're going to wave that at us again, they're going to go right back into Iran on the flimsiest of excuses and scream traitor and coward to anybody who stands up to them.
Well, you know, the globalists are really lucky that the general public can't find Pakistan on a map, or even the U.S.
for that matter, because, I mean,
Iran is ten years, eight to ten years away from having a nuke.
No delivery system.
It's all peaceful.
Meanwhile, Pakistan was given nukes by the U.S.
and England to menace India.
The dictator they put in is in power.
The whole thing's unravelling.
And then now they're still saying we've got to attack Iran.
I mean, that really makes their official paradigm look like a fraud.
Yeah, it is just a fraud.
They're basically just going down a laundry list of countries that they have been told to invade by their top political donors in AIPAC.
And, you know, even in Great Britain, we're starting to see the British people are starting to stand up and say, we want this Israeli influence out of our government, because... What is the deal with Israel?
I mean, is this really just a case of chutzpah?
Yeah, there's a lot of chutzpah and arrogance there, and if anything, that's actually a good thing, because if you look back throughout history, at every time Israel has gotten into real trouble...
Basically, they don't know when to quit.
They don't know when they've pushed too far and called too much attention to themselves.
There are a lot of American Jewish observers who are very concerned that AIPAC has become so powerful that it represents more danger to the world's Jewish people than any Palestinian.
But that's actually always been the Zionist plan, and we have a lot of their own documents, folks, that we can cover here and you can even read.
Back in the twenties they said, in thirties and forties and fifties, they said, we want to get Jews persecuted, because then Jews will give us all their money to quote, protect them.
It's like the mafia coming to you and saying, give me protection money.
That's all it is, is the Zionists are just Jewish mafia.
Well, it's basically the same scare tactics that anybody uses to raise money.
And we saw it with, you know, back in the fifties and sixties, the communists were coming to get us.
And so we forked over trillions of dollars for missiles and bombs and submarines and the communists weren't really coming to get us.
Meanwhile, over in the USSR, their people were telling them, oh, those capitalists are going to come and get you unless you give us your money so we can build bombs and stuff to hold our from that.
And it was a scam on both sides.
And whenever they met, the American political leaders and the Russian political leaders would elbow each other in the ribs and say, boy, we got it really good.
We keep each other's... And by the way, that's now been declassified.
The old-timers out of the Pentagon always wrote books about it and were called conspiracy theorists 20, 30, 40 years ago.
Now it's come out that they would have meetings and say, we've got to keep this going for our economies, and the U.S.
would ship them, you know, the billions of pounds of grain.
Yeah, absolutely.
It was just keeping the scam going.
And I remember back at Reykjavik, when Reagan took those first steps to basically end the hostility between the U.S.
and the U.S.S.R.
and the U.S.S.R.
was on the verge of collapse.
And I think it was Gorbachev said, we're going to do the worst thing to your country imaginable.
We're going to take away your biggest enemy and your biggest threat.
And of course, that happened.
And, you know, immediately the American people said, well, the threat of communism is gone.
We need a peace dividend.
We need our taxes to go down.
We need more of that money to get spent on our schools and our roads.
And here comes Saddam, the U.S.
government agent, told to invade Kuwait so they can set that next thing up, setting up their own CIA-trained patsy, mainstream news.
And then comes the Islamofascists, all trained, right out of the U.S.
and Israel, cooked up in 1917.
Oh, by the way, have you seen Charlie Wilson's war yet?
Not yet, but I'm definitely going to see it.
Let me tell you, absolute bull, as you know.
In 1979, the U.S.
created Mujahideen, had them attack the Russians.
Then when the Russians invaded, and I'm not defending the Russians, the point is they set it up just like they had the Muslims attack the Serbs, the Serbs respond.
I mean, when are people going to wake up to the fact that Al-Qaeda works for the globalists?
Yeah, Al-Qaeda is just a fake front group.
I mean, you know, the American Al-Qaeda is actually the grandson of an ADL board member.
You know, George Bush's business partner was Osama's big brother.
Our president's grandfather's business partner was Adolf Hitler.
It's just this one little global clique that creates war so that they can justify stripping the wealth from their own population and putting it in their pocket.
Yeah, absolutely.
Thank you.
Who are following the Adam Smith model of economics, which is, if I'm taking care of myself, that helps the society as a whole.
Which we all know John Nash disproved, he won a Nobel Prize for that.
But they're still following Adam Smith because it justifies personal greed, and they're importing products to self-elicit on credit, at the same time they're sending the high-paying manufacturing jobs overseas with the blessing and tax benefits from our own government.
It's a cannibalistic system!
Yeah, because now all of a sudden nobody can pay their mortgages, nobody can pay their credit card bills, and these same business leaders are standing there scratching their heads and wondering what went wrong.
Let me explain how this works.
This is an analogy from an agrarian range management perspective.
The German immigrants and Czech immigrants, predominantly, also some Polish immigrants and English, came into central Texas where we had rolling green hills 150, 160 years ago.
As far as the eye could see, dotted with giant oak trees.
The green grass grew about five feet tall.
The cows became huge and fat.
The Chisholm Trail is what I-35 is today, running up to Kansas City and then Chicago to supply beef to the east.
And so they came in and they thought, this is Valhalla.
This is heaven.
And there's old black and white photos of it.
Now, within 50 years, they had brought goats and cows in.
Now, the cows...
We're good to
Yeah, basically that's right.
There was a lot of very short-sighted
Uh, thinking and planning, and you know something, you understand it if it's just an individual farmer or something, but when your own government is doing it, when their thinking stops at the next election, you begin to realize that our country has been led down a very self-destructive path by people who are thinking about getting money into their own pocket, and whatever happens after the next election and I'm out of office is somebody else's problem.
And the most visible manifestation of this, of course, is this tendency for each administration to borrow a ton of money and figure the next administration will figure out how it's going to get paid back.
Bill Clinton is a good example of that because, you know, everyone's still touting his budget surplus, his budget surplus, but they don't realize that he got his budget surplus
By basically taking the money in the Social Security Trust Fund that was being put there for the baby boomers.
Remember when we all had our Social Security taxes raised in the 1980s because we were expecting this huge surge in retirees?
Well, by the time Clinton got into office, there was a lot of money in that Social Security Fund.
Well, he just took it, and he borrowed it, and he spent it.
They also created thousands of federally mandated, unfunded mandates to the states.
Yeah, absolutely, but the bottom line is 2008 is the year when the first of the baby boomers starts to retire and that social security trust fund is basically ticking on empty.
Your call, straight ahead!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Mike later in the next hour to give me his specific view on who's behind the Budo killing.
It's probably the same analysis I've got.
We're looking at the same info.
I don't know what his take is.
You're going to find out with me.
I got a bunch of things I wrote up last week when I wasn't here.
Ideas, thoughts, basic philosophy I want to discuss.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Happy New Year to you and to Mike.
That's true.
Thanks for putting me in there.
I was glad to be a little bit a part of it.
Well, welcome, sir.
What's your prediction?
My prediction is Ron Paul wins New Hampshire, and I'll tell you Tucker Carlson's prediction.
I was out in Pahrump, Nevada last month, and I spoke with him for about 15 minutes concerning Ron Paul, and his prediction is if Ron Paul does
One thing I'd like to have you and Mike discuss, or talk about off air, is whether or not a lot of people who are in the Patriot movement ought to have their kids go into the FBI, the CIA, and the law enforcement
In order to protect the rest of us against this tyrannical government?
Well, a lot of times they'll get turned over the dark side, but more often than not, it's good.
And yes, I think that some of you should make the decision to go undercover, and that means even with your friends and family, and train your children to infiltrate, just as the New World Order did, and don't think we're not infiltrating into their system.
We've got people everywhere.
Mike Rivera,
Yeah, that's definitely one way to approach it.
The problem is these organizations, you know, I had a brush with the CIA years ago when I was with CBS television, and just the way they behave, you know, after a while, if you can't sustain that kind of sheer crookedness and greed, you get weeded out.
That's right, it's compartmentalized.
They're going to find out real fast if you're a crook, and if you're not a crook, they're going to shunt you off to some, you know, type of paper-pushing job.
Yeah, very, very much so.
And if you look at some of the people who do get to the top of the CIA, and obviously looking at that crew around Clay Shaw and David Ferry and that whole crew during the JFK assassination, there are some very, let's say, put it gently, some very colorful individuals and very colorful lifestyles.
And part of it, of course, is that groups like the CIA and Mossad and whatnot, they love people who have got a dark side to their life,
That they can be blackmailed with, because that is what makes them reliable.
You want to know why people like Larry Craig reach high office?
Because the people who know about his private lifestyle know they can control him.
He won't have a sudden attack of conscience, he won't have a sudden awakening, or God won't speak to him and say, you've got to be moral all of a sudden.
Yeah, it's like Barney Frank.
He's publicly allowed to run at underage brothels.
Yeah, because he can be blackmailed, he can be countered on, and that is why we have such disreputable, immoral people reaching high office in this country.
They can be controlled, and the people who control our elections and our media want people like this in high office, because they know they can rely on them to do as they're told.
Thanks for the call, Sean.
Scott, let's talk to Sean in Tennessee.
Quickly, Sean, go ahead.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Alright, I wanted to comment on something earlier.
I don't think they're trying very hard to cover the financial situation, the inflation and all that, because they're trying to scare the public and push them into accepting the Amaro when the North American Union comes.
Well, the elite, one sector of the elite certainly started the domino rolling on the implosion of the housing market to precipitate the consolidation phase they're in.
Stay there, let's get Mike's take on the other side.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mike Rivera is our guest for another 15-20 minutes or so.
And I've got a bunch of audio clips from where you're called to take your predictions for 2008.
It is the first day of the new year, January 1st, 2008.
Sean, elaborate on any more of your comment or question, and then give us any predictions you've got, and then we'll get Mike's take on it.
Alright, I mean, I see the North American Union being pushed even more so next year.
I mean, the Real ID Act signed back in 2005, I think, but the deal is, I mean, you see more and more pushing, you see the borders being more wide open, you see
Border Patrol people who are doing their job being sent to jail and not being pardoned while you see all these illegals being pardoned.
But my prediction is that maybe next year it won't be implemented but you're going to see of course more false flag attacks and I think what's going to try to be done is there was an executive order signed that if another national disaster happens that Bush can take office
Do what he wants, pretty much.
Run a dictatorship.
And what's going to happen with that is you're going to get another false flag attack, probably on America.
Congress cannot review it for six months.
What I think they're really going to try to do is push this election off by doing it less than six months before the election so people
I mean, if the elections don't happen, nobody knows what they're going to do with that when they would hold them, and Congress can't do a review until six months afterwards, and that'll be time too.
Alright, Sean, thanks for the call.
Let me give you my take on what you just said.
In places like Pakistan, or in places like Serbia, and many other second or third world areas,
You will get dictators, you will get overthrows, you will get suspended elections.
But I don't know the establishments ready yet to have something like that.
They like to have the illusion of freedom and put a Hillary in, or put a Giuliani in, in everybody's face.
You see, the dictatorship isn't by Bush.
The dictatorship is by the global military-industrial-banking cartel that controls it.
In Rome?
In Germany?
In other cases?
In the Soviet Union?
Did you have internal coups?
Did you have other people jockeying?
Does that happen?
Are they acting more barbarous?
Are we in danger of them having an open dictatorship?
And even somebody like Bush or Hillary?
I think it would be somebody like Hillary that would really try it.
They're more professional than Bush.
Trying to go to a pure dictatorship.
We see them setting the groundwork, legitimizing it in the media.
Mike, they're not legitimizing it and pushing it for no reason.
They're certainly thinking of it as an option.
When would the hard dictatorship be an option?
Give us your take.
Well, I think they're pushing toward it, and they're trying to just get there so gradually that people don't notice, much as the way Hitler did.
And again, probably because his grandfather spoke so highly of his German business partner, Bush,
It does seem to be playing a lot of the same games and methods that the Nazis used.
We've had... R-911 is basically Hitler's Gleiwitz attack, and all these things about internal terrorism and so forth and so on.
We have a targeted minority on which everything is being blamed.
We have the acceptance of the use of torture, and we have the, you know, basically the police are
You know, sending out the message, if you speak out, if you don't agree, if you don't do as you're told, you'll be zapped, you'll be harmed, you'll be beaten.
And it's basically step-by-step.
And I've got to be very honest, given that the rubber-stamp Congress, you know, spent 2007 absolutely refusing to stand up to President Bush, I think he's already got that dictatorship that he likes to joke about so much.
The only thing he doesn't have is a way to stay in office past the end of this year.
Being as if there was some... Okay, we've got to take a break here.
Yeah, stay there.
I want to get your take on that and we're going to hurry through your calls.
Mark, Robert, Ron, Pat, stay there.
We'll get to all of you in the next segment.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've been spending weeks trying to figure out how to articulate this properly, and you can have an idea in your mind and it makes such sense that it's hard to put it out in words, but it almost lessens these topics that we just nonchalantly, calmly analyze it and discuss it.
In a way,
Kind of, you know, we get up and go, yeah, the Mexican Attorney General's making his employees take chips.
Yeah, the Mexican government's gonna make immigrants take tracking chips.
Yeah, Bush says he's a dictator in PDD 51, and we read the PDD, and oh, yeah, they're buying billions in fake newscasts, and oh, yeah, they've been caught putting cancer viruses in the shots, and oh, yeah, they're, you know, yeah, one in three is getting cancer now from one in 33 50 years ago.
On and on and on.
It's kind of like, and here's Mike Rivera, and I'm doing it too, we're both guilty of it, or maybe we're not guilty, maybe it's the right way to do it.
Oh yeah, the martial law, huh, sure.
I mean, I can't, I mean, almost like yelling and screaming is the right response, and I used to do that more in the past, now I'm just kind of acclimated most of the time.
Years ago, I would just consciously, you know, have the shock, you know, the sticker price shock, kind of, of the tyranny, but now it's kind of like we're all being
marinated in this.
I mean, open, and they do that on purpose first.
We're only wiretapping Bin Laden.
Then we're only wiretapping Al Qaeda.
Well, we're only wiretapping foreign calls.
Well, guess what?
For decades, we've been listening to every call, and we're tracking everything you do, and all crime is surveilled by the NSA, and, you know, we're going to face scan you everywhere you go.
We've been doing it for ten years, and, yeah, the NSA's got offices in every phone company, and, yeah, we've got the military spying on you locally, and, yeah, we do ship the drugs in, but it's for your own good.
Yeah, we're going to put half the kids on drugs, and yeah, everybody's going to get CPS visits, and social workers are going to run your life, and yeah, we're signing on to global carbon taxes, and yeah, the U.N.
wants global government, and yeah, the U.N.'
's going to brainwash every American school child with free comic books.
I mean, Mike, do you get the point I'm making?
Almost running down the street just screaming and freaking out would be the normal response to get people to wake up.
Instead, we just kind of ease into the next level, and it seems like even though we're waking up, it's more like we woke up in the stew.
I mean, do you see the point I'm trying to make?
Yeah, I see the point you're trying to make.
It's like the old analogy of boiling the frog slowly, and what I've learned through the years is running down the street and screaming hysterically, you know, tends to turn people off.
They don't want to listen to you.
And, uh, you know, what you have to do is you have to give them one piece of information they're ready to accept, and then once they accept that, you say, okay, and then there's this next piece of information, and you have to kind of lure them forward, gently, one at a time, because if you just take somebody who's been totally brainwashed by the TV networks in school, and say, the government's behind 9-11, they're gonna say, oh, that's complete nonsense, I can't believe our government would do that.
So what you have to do is you have to start with the things that everybody is ready to accept, like, our government lied about Saddam's nuclear bomb.
You know, and our young men and women in uniform are dying because of that lie.
And they say, well, yeah, I guess you're absolutely right.
Well, maybe our government's lied about other things.
Well, yeah, maybe they have.
Maybe they've lied about taxes.
Well, maybe.
And you start with what is an easy sell, as it were, and step by step... No, I know.
I mean, I agree with you.
But if we don't freak out, at least at some level, then we all just sit here knowing we're run by crooks.
It all depends on what you want to see as the ultimate outcome, and for myself, I am convinced that what is going to happen to the United States government is it is going to simply collapse on itself the way the USSR did.
But still, that's going to be a painful process.
We've got to go to calls, Mike.
I just love having you on.
Let's go to Ron in New York, and then we'll go to others.
Ron in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Good afternoon, gentlemen, and Happy New Year.
You hadn't called in about a year.
This is Ron, the retired cop, giving me a lot of good news tips from the past.
Where you been, Ron?
Well, I've been very, very busy on the issue of H.R.
2640, is what we discussed, I think, the last time I called.
Extremely busy with that.
And my report on that, the follow-up on H.R.
2640, which is essentially a new gun control and steel records bills, so that you get more people into databases and systems.
Uh, it's known as the Nick's Improvements Act, or Nick's Improvements and Amendments Act.
And by the way, they just passed that with the expansion of the mental health records, and that's the good old NRA supporting it.
That's right, and not only does it deal with mental health records, we keep forgetting, it deals with so-called crimes, misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence, which basically is any trivial act, and I mean any petty or trivial act,
That's elevated to an unfair status to where it could wind up now disqualifying you from practicing your constitutional rights.
Yeah, it's more than misdemeanors.
Basically, half the public is going to be banned from owning guns.
Mike, overall, they're making their move right now.
As a retired police officer, what is it like to see it getting this crazy?
This is disgraceful as an American who is a retired police officer.
This is well outside the realms of anything that I've socially or politically seen in my life until the last few years.
We're talking about, in the situation I just mentioned, taking offenses that are so petty, we're talking about glorified jaywalking folks, and bringing them up to such a level that you'll be deprived of constitutional rights.
But that's what the Soviets and the Nazis did!
They make everything a crime, and then selectively enforce.
Mike Rivera?
Yeah, absolutely.
That is correct.
The whole point of this, the government knows they have pushed the people to the edge of a revolution.
They're all watching to see what happens in Pakistan.
We're seeing this new committee they're just now forming to try and identify and head off domestic terrorists.
What they're really talking about is they realize the American people have lost faith in the government.
They don't trust the government anymore.
It is only a matter of time before there's some kind of an incident.
The government's trying to hang on to power, but they're afraid.
Why don't they just back off, man?
Yeah, why don't they just do the right thing?
Because they don't know how to do the right thing, because their motivations are for the acquisition of power, influence, and everything else, and they don't want that.
And they're being blackmailed.
They don't require that.
And let's face it, and I'm not bashing gays, I don't hate you.
The point is, it's a fact that it's a guild up there, and you basically about, I'd say more than half of them, you need to be in the, just like, they tried to make a movie, and I know the guy that helped write the screenplay, Jim Mars, the movie JFK, bottom line, in the movie it's all run by homosexuals, and bottom line, it's either that or they've got a bunch of mistresses, and frankly they're blackmailed.
You want to comment on that, Mike, and then you, Ron?
Go ahead, Mike, I'm sorry.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
And one has to wonder if, you know, part of the ritual of the rite of passage into power in Washington, D.C., is that you have to let yourself get caught in a compromising situation with a small boy or a young girl or a Monica Lewinsky or something like that, so that you become trustworthy to those people who are really controlling the American political process.
Because it seems like, you know, somebody who doesn't have that kind of compromise in their background, like Ron Paul, you know, is very obviously being shut out by the mainstream media and the electoral process.
Mike, in the 70s, they had to fire, what, more than two-thirds of the New York Vice squad because they were dealing drugs.
I mean, I've interviewed a lot of high-level former New York police who've written books about it, where day one on the job, it's like Serpico, they try to get you to take the stolen goods, it's the same thing in Congress.
Comment on that.
Well, that's an accurate assessment, Alex.
In many respects, I call that the Mafia principle.
Anyone who's familiar with Lacoste or Nostra will know they have a term called making your bones.
What that means is you have to commit a murder in order to be one of them.
The reason for that is because once you're all compromised to each other, you've all done the same dastardly thing, then they feel that they're more secure in having you as part of their group because you can't go and say something about them otherwise than they could go and say something about you.
And uncover your criminality.
So they have to have common criminality in order to trust each other.
But let me digress for a moment back to what I was saying about this H.R.
2640 bill.
Three points.
And they're important.
You'll now have also a situation where somebody was tried without a jury.
Even if they wanted one, because in most of these petty offenses in most states, you're not entitled to a jury trial.
And they will lose their rights without even the benefit of having trial by a jury of their peers.
I know, and that's why we tried to fight it last year, and it passed.
Let me say this about the so-called passage of it.
I did a little research over the weekend.
Yes, it did pass in a rather deceitful way on December 19th in the Senate.
However, there are two technicalities that are still holding it up, and your listeners might be able to bring some influence to bear on it.
I understand that as a technicality, it has to be signed off on by the senatorial leaders of both parties, McConnell and Reid.
I would recommend that maybe your listeners notify McConnell's office not to sign off on the bill so it doesn't get processed along to the President's desk.
And for what it is worth, I emphasize for what it is worth, that your listeners contact the President's office and ask him not to sign the bill.
I think if we focus maybe some energies on McConnell and ask him not to put that signature that enables it to be processed to the President's office, we might have some impact, maybe make some dent.
Bottom line is, we have nothing to lose by doing this at this point.
The bill is a horrific bill.
It's the biggest gun control bill ever.
The people are watching.
It dwarfs the 68 Act.
And you can't even get conservatives to realize that it just passed.
They're too busy sucking their thumbs and rolling around worshiping Bush.
Mike, good to hear from you.
Oh, sorry, go ahead.
Is he gone now?
No, I'm here.
I thought you were talking to Ron.
Yeah, I was.
Ron, are you still there?
Yes, I am.
Finish up what you were saying and then we'll get Mike's take.
What you say is true.
It has a great element of truth to it, but also this bill was done in a dark corner in one of the most deceitful ways I have ever seen legislation passed.
Yeah, the way they passed it was supposed to be a only vote, voice vote, no record, where it's just unanimous feeling of the Senate, where, oh, you know, we make this pork belly day in West Virginia.
But this was a massive piece of
Federal legislation, dealing with the Second Amendment, and so of course it's illegal what they did.
They don't care.
We're now under tyranny.
Thank you, Mike, for the call.
I mean, thank you, Ron.
I keep getting you two mixed up.
Mike Ribeiro, comments on that?
Yeah, absolutely.
We're going to see, if you want to know the prediction for 2008, we're going to see more staged incidents, more media bashing of gun owners.
You know, they are still very much concerned about gun ownership in the hands of private Americans.
And what is interesting about this bill is it's specifically targeting ex-military who may have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder to disarm them.
And so in a way, it's actually targeting that portion of our society who are the most trained and ready to engage in combat against a government that's gone out of control.
And so it's not just gun control, it's targeted gun control against the most likely people to join a revolution.
Yeah, we've got to mobilize right now because the people don't know the Second Amendment's under attack.
It's a cold war.
Mike Rivero, thank you so much for joining us.
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Alright, I'm going to rampage through a bunch of your calls right now, then I'm going to get into a whole set of other news and some audio clips coming up in the last 30 minutes that we've got here.
I guess Mark in Oregon is up first.
Mark, you're on the air.
Yeah, hello Alex, and I want to wish you and yours the very best New Year yet.
Alex, when it comes to the evasion of Iran, I believe that it's in the agenda of the Illuminati, but at the same time,
The Bush administration was moving too fast for the overall plan of that agenda, and that the invasion of Iran is really a precipitous event.
Yeah, it's meant to start World War III or something that looks like it, and I agree.
It's kind of like the New World Order is a boa constrictor.
They've already eaten five or six piggies, and they need to rest a bit before they gobble another.
Yes, they have.
They've had success upon success, and they've been building on those successes, and they've furthered their agenda.
Really, at a much greater pace in the last two years than they have in many years before that, I believe, as far as the total control of the world on an economic, political, social level.
And that you ask for predictions, and I believe that it's coming up, but what's connected to it, in my view, is probably the things that we talk about, such as the false flag terror operation actually manifesting in this country.
And that it will set up a chain of events in a very short time frame, which will gain them even more ground than they've gained in the last two months, or the last year.
Well, unfortunately, I agree with you.
I think they've lost so much credibility that now they're forced to go ahead with false flags and expanded wars and go for broke.
But they were going to do that regardless, so the fact that we've exposed them and hurt them means that they will attack us now from a weakened position, but nonetheless attack us.
How do you see the American people responding?
Alex, the American people, I believe, like you mentioned in this program, most of the American people actually do not care for this government in any way, and they really see the destructive activity of this government as far as our Constitution, as far as our society.
So how are they going to get troops when people aren't joining, or police when they're not joining?
Well, they've got to have a false flag and then try to force conscription.
Well, it would certainly come about at that time that, you know, I believe that there would be enough patriotic Americans who would nevertheless join up just to protect their own front yards, basically, if this country was actually attacked from within like that.
And God knows what would happen otherwise, though, Alex.
You know, I just think of a false flag event in this country as being one of the effects that
They feel an invasion of Iran would allow them to go ahead and do, because of the atmosphere that it would set up, the fear.
And that beyond that, I would be interested to hear your views today or in the future, what you might come up with about what else they may have planned around an invasion of Iran.
Thank you, my friend, for the call.
I mean, if they attack Iran and bombard them for several months with thousands of Saudis, that is, you know, giant squadrons of aircraft bombing them, Iran's going to respond.
Any defense will be called terrorism.
And some Americans will still buy the fact that defending yourself is terrorism.
And then the globalists will probably stage events either before or during saying Iran did it.
Here domestically and then of course notice the crackdown will be on us the slaves because we're the real target of all this.
But it's just a way to get the cops and the military to stampede and just support it in their initial shock.
Later they'll sit around in the locker room and say, yeah, it's an inside job.
And then that'll be a distraction from the economic collapse that's happening here.
You know, the real attack is financial as they're sucking us dry.
So I would think that
You would see a massive terror attack right as the market starts really tanking.
I think if you see the market go down two, three, four thousand points, look for a massive terror attack the next day.
It'll be totally obvious that it's not, quote, Al-Qaeda, but Al-Cieda.
I don't think so.
Uh, you know, Chicago, Dallas is gone.
Uh, we've gotta, you know, go sign up our 18-year-old men, and then there'll be lots of battlefront videos.
They run around slaughtering everyone.
Of course, it'll be completely innocent people, nothing to do with anything.
Uh, and, uh, we're off to the races.
Mass arrests, FEMA camps.
The big bankers can take over everything, and, uh, they'll start wearing literal black uniforms with military lapels.
Hillary or Bush or whoever it is marching around being being hailed in huge parades and red banners and hell on earth, man!
Absolute and the bureaucracies and the social workers turned loose on us and just Homeland Security admittedly with the FBI is in all the public schools priming with three-year programs.
They've started the kids to take about a third of the students and make them Homeland Security.
That's me.
I mean we're talking a total shift.
I mean secret police everywhere.
I mean it's here!
Tattletale squads, neighbors spying on neighbors, the youth marching around, ordering their parents around, everyone kissing up to the, you know, junior when he comes to the, to the barbecue, you know, men coming over and kissing up to the young punk in the black uniform, the armband.
Just absolute humiliation, absolute enslavement.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The disciples asked Jesus in Matthew 24, What shall be the signs of thy coming, and the end of the world?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We're good to go.
Welcome back to the most news in the morning.
The government taking a big new step, looking to build a huge database of people's physical characteristics.
The FBI is taking on a billion dollar project to gather fingerprints, palm patterns, even digital pictures of faces.
Eventually, it could expand to include iris patterns, face shape patterns, scars, even information about how you walk and talk.
It's called biometrics.
And it could change the face of law enforcement, but it's also causing a lot of controversy.
American Morning's legal contributor, Sunny Hopkins, joins us now.
So we're talking about some incredible stuff like tracking the shape of your ear lobes.
So what is the FBI's goal in doing all of this?
Well, the goal is to have a comprehensive database to track terror suspects, criminals, that sort of thing.
Alright, let's stop right there.
A, they've almost got a million Americans now on the no-fly list.
I mean, for what you order, the food you get, taking pictures on the plane, laughing.
The air marshals have said, we're ordered to put innocent people on there.
It ruins their lives.
That's a million in three years.
So A, you've got that.
Remember 10, 12 years ago, I'd warn you about biometrics, how they were going to scan your face, track everywhere you went, control everything you did, how they would put up FBI billboards, flashing who the terrorists were, and mixing them in with general crime?
That's now all been announced.
They're doing it.
Just like out of The Running Man.
You see, it was all in federal documents.
And now it's here.
Now they're announcing it to the general public.
Now let me break something else down.
Right after the attacks of 9-11, they made all these made-for-TV movies and television shows and CSI on 24.
Where the heroes of these young people being recruited into a huge CIA, or domestic spy, or FBI, and how great they are, and how cool they are, and how they fight Al-Qaeda every day, and the rest of it.
Simultaneously, the CIA more than quadrupled its recruiting in colleges and high schools.
Before 9-11, going back ten years ago, BATF in thousands of school districts did two-year courses, six months a year, in law enforcement training.
By the way, when I was even in high school, they had this.
I guess this was like 18 years ago.
I never signed up for it.
And when you go in, we have the curriculum.
It's in my film, Police Day 2, The Takeover.
It says, what do your parents have in their medicine cabinet?
We're training with machine guns, warrant service, searching people.
Now, when they take about a third of the new scholarships and say it's for Homeland Security, and that means data mining, spying, all of it, they're funding the universities to switch over to this.
When you start talking about a third of the new scholarship programs, that comes out to be about 10 or 12 percent depending on the college, of all scholarships to be for homeland security related things.
And you've got tens of millions of college students a year.
You're talking about hundreds and hundreds of thousands of spies being graduated each year.
And I already knew about this again years ago, but I've heard the callers on talk radio brag, I'm going to A&M, and Homeland Security, and Secret Ops, and domestically, and data mining, and I know people at UT who are doing it, and I read about the course curricula.
The point is, what are they going to need millions of data crunchers and spies for to fight a few hundred guys in caves?
I mean, let's say they did the attacks.
But you notice they always say, yeah, we're going to fight terror and crime and crime suspects.
And oh, yeah.
I mean, I knew.
We had federal congressmen on years ago exposed it.
But I remember hearing good old boys before I even got on radio 15 years ago going, yeah, they take your blood at birth at the hospitals and sent to a federal database.
You know, my sister worked there.
Then I'd roll my eyes, and then later it came out in the news, and I had state reps on, and congressmen on, and I had Australian government officials on, because it's all the same in the Western countries.
Same years it implemented, same names usually.
Everything's the same.
It's all lockstep.
It's a total control grid.
Thousands of facets to it.
I'm giving you just a general, kind of doorway warning, so you can check into it yourself.
Just a signpost is all this is.
As bad as it sounds, it's not even a snowflake off the tip of the iceberg.
It's so huge.
And they are literally shifting the entire economy into this.
For 35 years, everyone born in a hospital has their blood sent to a federal database.
They've now admitted that.
In Texas since 93, but in every other state since 2000, your face scanned, your thumb printed, the digital chip's now being added.
By 2000, it was already international standard.
We already had a world ID card in 2000.
They're just now getting into telling you about national ID cards now.
Again, this is a sophistication of these people.
We've been under the North American Union since March 2005, and they're just now having a debate about whether it exists or not.
Because I know most people don't go to judicialwatch.org and spend 10 hours reading 500 page reports and there's like 15 of them.
I do.
And we boiled it down in Endgame.
You can freeze the pages and even see the page number.
You can go to whatistheendgame.com or endgamethemovie.com.
And we got a bibliography there.
A volunteer did it.
We didn't have the time.
They've got like two-thirds of the film done.
I think the other part of the film is being done, but the eugenics is even more.
And it's got all the North American Union documents, every claim we make, every second of the film.
It's just right there for you.
How they're going to take your liberty, how the military is going to run your life, how they're going to have a carbon tax, how they're going to... But then they just tell you it doesn't exist because they know, again, the average person can't find the U.S.
on the map.
Imagine how defenseless these general morons are.
I mean, the elite hates you and wants to use your ignorance against you.
I desperately want to warn you.
But they're literally like retarded zombies to the general public.
You can watch them all self-conscious, looking at themselves and insecure.
I mean, I was maybe insecure for a year or two when I was about 12.
I wasn't insecure until I was about 12.
I remember for a year or two I'd be a little insecure when my parents were going to a restaurant.
I'd be self-conscious.
Now I could absolutely care less.
I mean, I can be in front of 5,000 people and fall asleep.
It's kind of a problem though, because then I don't care how I look, and don't care how I dress, and just don't really care.
All I care about is freedom and ideas and liberty.
And my blood.
My family.
And gosh, cops, man, you have been recruited into some wicked stuff, and you're starting to figure it out, but it's too late.
Your masters hate your guts.
You're ruining any future you got.
But I know.
I know this has to run its course.
I understand.
We'll all have to go through this together, won't we?
I understand.
I know.
It is a horrible thing we've all got to go through.
But again, we're able to predict all this.
That's why we have so much credibility.
Everything we've said has happened.
Now, I know a lot of you have been listening for more than a decade, and you're taking seriously what I'm saying.
Plus, everything I claim is right here.
I mean, I have covered it the last couple of days.
To find out, I thought it was like 20% of the kids were taking these in public schools.
Now I learn it's a third are being recruited into Homeland Security.
I mean, we're talking about numbers.
And then out of those, again, about 10% actually go to college and become these people.
And they don't have a choice.
It's going to be their profession, their life.
They're all, the curriculum's all written up to basically subtly brainwash them and turn them.
Then once they're in, they'll test too sociopathic, they'll go to the top.
The others that aren't will be sidelined and, you know, have other jobs and actually do the things that the media will cover, legitimate things.
God, can you imagine millions of secret police having their way with us?
One in ten in Eastern Europe under the Soviets and in Western European sectors like Eastern Germany
Oh man, they even hired all those old guys that did all that and brought them over.
And then they're actually following it.
I mean, they've studied all the dictatorships of the past publicly.
They're publicly implementing it.
We get Pentagon documents where they teach the ten steps to fascism to third world nations.
Teach them how to torture, teach them how to kill kids.
They're hardcore.
And then you got the average yuppie who literally believes mom and apple pie and football, who is like a babe to the slaughter.
They're like blind, deaf sheep that have been lobotomized and are dropped out of helicopters into packs of wolves.
That's what I see the general public as.
Blind, lobotomized sheep who've had their eardrums gouged out.
And I guess they won't even feel it as the wolves pull their guts out their hind end and have their way with them.
But man, for me to be fully conscious and be watching this, it's absolutely horrifying.
I'm not even scared of the New World Order.
I'm horrified at watching you.
I mean, all the people call me desperately.
They're taking my kids, blah, blah, blah.
My son fell off the trampoline and broke his arm and they took him.
And I mean, I've seen the committed cases of it.
And help me, they're putting my daughter on drugs.
She's having seizures.
She was fine until, blah, blah, blah, please help me.
And I'm just like, can't help you.
Can't help you.
I work 24 hours a day sometimes.
Literally, I've worked for full days before.
With no sleep.
I've got a day and a half without sleep before.
I've been so obsessed with fighting these people.
And I'm not done any good job.
I'm not a special person.
What do you expect someone to do who knows absolute hardcore killers have brainwashed and got an army of minions that think they're doing good while they carry out evil while they're dressed up like Nazi soldiers?
I mean, look in the mirror, you fools!
Oh, God, help me.
And help us.
And we're all so worldly.
I'm worldly, too.
We're just too decadent, too soft to even deal with it.
It's got to get tough first.
So I just want this kind of to be a message from the past, and then future people hear this.
When things like what you're hearing now are illegal, and when it's totally clear what you face, I want you to know if you don't resist, it's only going to get worse.
It's not going to get better.
And you will realize that you're the leaders, and you will realize that it's up to you to take action with God's help, when you're really against the wall.
This is my message to you in the future.
A lot of people came before me, and I'm here, and I came before you.
And I'm telling you, you don't have a choice.
The bio-attacks they've launched against you, the herding into the cities every few years, a more horrific event, cocktails of attacks, everything you've gone through, now you've got to spread the word to your fellow man.
Now everyone will see the truth, now that you're in lockdown prison cities.
And I'm speaking to the secret police of the future.
Your mother, your father, your children are dying from the bio-weapons.
You're dying from the engineered cancers.
I know that information is restricted to you now, but in our age we were able to access that information before it had been erased.
There was once a time of goodness.
There was a once a time of wholesomeness.
I know many of you in the future will at many levels not even be able to consciously understand what I'm saying or will be emotionless because you've been given the vaccines to quote cure you from drug use that attacked the areas of your brain associated with endorphin absorption.
And so many of you have been lobotomized.
But you can pray to God and God can heal anything.
I'm sorry that we didn't fight hard enough for you.
And I'm sorry that we didn't do everything we could, but I want you to know I tried.
And I prayed every day that God would make me stronger and make me not be such a weak, pathetic blob.
But we were decadent.
Our forefathers gave us such a great country and so much liberty that we became drunk on it.
I know your future system is basically computer-operated and is
And as fire and forget, I know that it's all automated.
But there's got to be a way out of it for humanity.
There's got to be a way out of it.
If you can even understand me, I know the language has been changed drastically.
And I know access to what the language previously was has become restricted.
But please, research.
It was once better.
It was once freer.
If you're listening to me 20, 30 years in the future, and there's only a few hundred million of us left,
Just please fight against the New World Order.
You'll find your enemies.
You'll find the people that constructed this.
You'll find them in their compact wilderness retreats.
That's where you'll find your enemies.
That's where you'll find the people that did this.
In the future, they're going to become so arrogant, they're basically going to even forget about the people in their extermination centers.
And there's got to be some way for people within the system who've got enough power who are outside the automated grids to be able to somehow resist this.
Again, I know it's hard for you in the future to even understand me.
By the way, folks, this isn't a joke or a game, people here in the present hearing this.
This is what's going to happen, you buffoons.
God help us.
Why did it have to be like this?
Why did we have to have... What kind of planet is this where psychopathic murdering killers run everything?
And have just lovingly, with care, craftily waited and built this grid and incrementally turned the heat off on us?
I'll tell you this, you only live one time.
And the people that control our society want to control your thoughts, your mind, your understanding.
They've distracted you into issues that don't matter, into entertainment.
Official Rand Corporation, official university documents, official Ford Foundation and Carnegie endowments.
It's in Endgame 1.5.
Dr. Kauffman covers it from public documents.
They said they would satiate you with sports and drugs.
They said they'd put you on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the 60s.
They were not invented in the 80s.
They planned it all.
They introduced the LSD.
They introduced the heroin, the cocaine, all the designer drugs.
They run it all.
And they do it through compartmentalization.
And you sit there with your dim minds, just like mine.
The elite don't drink the fluoride.
And you can't imagine, you're unable to balance your checkbook or set up a corporation right, and Lord knows it's tough.
But see, they're the experts at details.
They're neurotic about that.
They're control freaks.
They like it.
That's why they're in control.
They're aberrant.
They're diseased.
Again, I've said this many times, I'll say it again.
They are a cancer in the body politic and the body and the bosom of humanity.
And they believe because they're ruthless, they're dominant, because they're predatory, because they are a sub-species of Homo sapiens sapiens.
That's even what they call themselves.
And effectively that's what they are.
And by inbreeding they really have become a different variety.
And they find and recruit from our masses people that will serve them.
They know our different psychological types.
They know what makes us kick.
They know everything!
And they use the computers and the cookies to get total control and then to understand how we behave.
And they think they're God, but they're a cancer.
Cancer thinks, if it had a mind, that it was the boss, that it was invincible, that the strong have a right to rule.
Survival of the fittest as it races through the organs, as it grows in the bone marrow, as it seeds itself in the brain, until the life force burns out of the eyes and the body itself dies and the cancer dies.
And the elites say, we know we're a cancer, but we are encapsulating ourselves and creating a new life for ourselves, and we're ending you forever, as if they're in competition with us, when they have always been the parasite, the vampires, and have fed on us!
I'll tell you again, of all the tens of thousands of admitted murders and chemical and biological and radiological tests they've done on the American people, the British people, the Germans, the Russians,
You imagine the U.S.
government declassified taking over 4,000 babies ages 4 to 6 months and putting them in radiation chambers and frying them.
110,000 in Israel.
That's the type of people they are.
It wasn't about killing the children, it was about testing cadres of doctors that would do it.
It was about getting the servants, the army!
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We're good.
Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone like I said.
Welcome back!
Alright, I'm sorry, we don't have time for any other calls.
Just in closing, everything I've told you has been reverse engineered.
And with most of it,
It's not even reverse engineering.
It's openly stated in literally thousands of textbooks that I've scanned over, documents, Nobel Prize winning futurist, Theodore Kaczynski, CIA agent, Unabomber.
He quit and left because of all this and tried to kill, and I'm not saying it was a good thing what he did, tried to kill some of the top technologists over this.
I mean, this is it.
And I'm not an anti-technology person.
I understand that it's inanimate, at least for the time being.
It's very close to artificially intelligent right now, truly self-aware.
In a way, I'm not saying it has a soul, the point is you can mimic it.
And you see, if technology is doubling every couple of years, and I don't just mean computing space or data storage, you see, 10, 20, 30 years is like thousands of years in human development previously.
We're having more changes every four or five years than we had in the last hundred.
See, it's exponential, and the establishment knows that, and so at this key budding point in Homo sapiens sapiens development, we have the great-grandsons of Nazis, and drug dealers, and psychopaths, and British royalty, and nutcase control freak Zionists, and corrupt ancient Catholic Church, and weirdo know-it-all, you know, corrupt Protestant Masonic groups, and just... just an absolute nightmare!
When the greatest minds, the most virtuous, well-meaning people would probably drop the ball and release super bio-plagues.
I mean, if we were trying to not hurt ourselves, we would guaranteed have problems.
Instead, these people are racing ahead with open-air testing of everything you can imagine.
Neutron bombs, antimatter weapons giving... I mean, it's just... I mean, reality is so much more bizarre.
And so much more crazy than any fiction you could ever dream up!
And you got a bunch of dumbed-down, ne'er-do-wells being recruited into the police force, or half mentally ill, PTSDed guys from Iraq coming in and joining law enforcement.
You got a system spiraling out of control.
I mean, it's all in God's hands.
That's all I can really say here.
And in closing,
I just want to reach more people.
Everybody knows that my life's in God's hands and it's six one way, half a dozen another whether I'm gonna live or die or get set up or if I'm the walking dead, whatever.
The point is, is I'm committed to this and all I ask is for you, whether you're listening on AM or FM station, shortwave, internet or satellite,
To tell your neighbors, your friends, your community in every way you can about InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and this radio show.
Because I know of no one else, and that's what scares me, who sees it in its full breadth and width as I do.
And that's a scary thing.
And I'm just stating the facts here.
We need more people to awaken to this.
I'm putting it on the line, and I'm asking you to set this information free.
To set the InfoWars free.
The ball is in your court.
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God bless you all!
Let's have a powerful 2008!
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