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Name: 20071225_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 25, 2007
2132 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
They had a newscast two nights ago in Austin about a horrible flu going around town.
It starts in your throat as a strep throat.
That's what I've got.
Yes, I'm insane.
I shouldn't be here on air, but I'm taking off part of next week, and so I am not going to take off this week.
So I drug my hind end out of bed.
I did go to bed at 8 o'clock last night, though.
I drug my hind end out of bed and I am here ladies and gentlemen because the money bomb just happened a day and a half ago as you know 6.6 million is the final official tally because see when they first announced it after the Sunday ended they hadn't collated all the mail that came in that weekend they hadn't collated all of the money that was given for the money bomb over the telephone 6.6
Million, and the news called it a pathetic failure.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The media, one big media outlet, called it a pathetic failure.
That's right, 6.6 million, breaking all records, any record of any type for fundraising, carries with 6.1 mil.
Doesn't matter, it's a pathetic failure.
And they continue to not allow Ron Paul to be in most of the polls, and they say, well he doesn't show up in polls.
Well, because you don't
Put him in the poll and that has the effect of people not hearing his name.
So, they're pulling out all the stops.
We didn't talk enough about the money bomb yesterday because I got off into a bunch of other issues.
We're going to have open phones for the full three hours today.
Because, A, I've got a horrible sore throat and I really don't want to pontificate, though I do tend to do that and I'm sure I'll... I'm sure I'll...
Do it.
But we will be taking your calls today at 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 and getting you up and on the air.
Speaking of looking sick, well, I saw Ron Paul on Fox News this morning and he looked like he's got a cold or something.
He can hardly talk and kind of out of it.
Imagine being 72 years old and working about 16, 17 hours a day.
And meeting and greeting people and going from event to event and doing interview after interview is grueling, because you get hyped up every time you're on the air.
You get, uh, your adrenaline starts flowing, and then afterwards, you get even more exhausted, and there's another interview and another interview, so we've all got to be praying for Ron Paul.
You know, I could get Ron Paul back on this December.
He comes on once a month.
But I think I'm not even going to have him on this December.
I think I'll have him on in January, just so I can give him a break.
I mean, at least a 30-minute break there.
But then I see Ron Paul doing big interviews, little interviews, and I'm just like, well, might as well have him on here.
At least I'll ask a lot of hard-hitting, serious questions.
We've got a lot of other really important news and information we'll be covering today as well.
Callers always take us in a lot of different interesting directions.
You can talk about whatever you want.
The economy, the Ron Paul revolution, how the establishment is countering, how you think they're going to counter, how will he do in Iowa, how will he do in New Hampshire, Michigan.
Then I've got other reports like this.
Knife at lunch gets a 10-year-old girl arrested at school.
And, uh, she brought leftover steak from the night before, fifth grader, and pulled it out of her lunchbox and was cutting it up, and it was one of those little butter knives that's got the serrated edge, so they call it a steak knife, and they arrested her, felony charges.
But I thought I'd read this story because it illustrates something larger, and I want to get into what's behind all this and where it's going in the future.
Also, a World Food Stocks Dwindling Rapidly U.N.
Report says, Daddy Bush Makes Skull and Bones Pilgrimage, 100,000 Young Britons Pushing Unemployment by Immigrants.
This is only the tip of the iceberg of a lot of important news and information that we are going to be covering
In the next two hours, 55 minutes.
Your call's straight ahead at 1-800-259-9231.
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I think so.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We've got several little news clips with Rob Hall that we'll be playing today.
We're going to have wide open phones.
I have to say that the Money Bomb Sunday that raised $6.6 million, now that's the official number that's in, breaking all records, shattering carries by over $500,000, has been a big success, obviously.
And the way the news cycle works, people were saying, and I was saying, the media isn't giving this Money Bomb as much attention as it gave the last one.
But now, scanning what was on television last night, scanning the different blogs that collate and collect all the different video clips, it looks like it was as big a response as of yesterday, and maybe even bigger today and tomorrow.
So, a huge coup.
Not just raising the $6.6 million that he can use for direct mailers, TV, radio, in the key battleground states with the
I don't know.
We're good to go.
Uh, to quickly, those that aren't educated on how to do it, educated to be able to go out and poll watch and expose all of this as it unfolds.
There's no doubt that there will be fraud.
There's always fraud going back for hundreds of years.
The problem with these electronic machines is that they can hide their fraud much easier.
And they can then say it's proprietary, owned by the private companies, so you can't look under the hood, into the black box, and find out exactly what they're doing.
No transparency.
They just say, trust us.
And for the last 50 years plus, exit polls have always been plus or minus 3 to 4 points.
Very, very accurate.
And so when you saw elections that were stolen, local or federal or state, you would see very small margins of theft.
And now, magically in the last five, six years, that they put in these machines, and about 40% of the country now, it's grown.
Some areas are now removing them.
So that's a guesstimation.
It's about 35% a year ago, but they say more have adopted it, so I'm just guessing it's 40%.
But over 30% we now have them.
Suddenly with exit polls we are seeing where the exit poll by 5, 10, 15 points is showing that the anti-establishment candidate is winning and then magically the pro-establishment that's got the big money behind them candidate magically wins.
One of the first big ones was
When Senator Chuck Hagel first got into office, there was big news articles about, does he own the electronic voting machine company that 82% of the state of Nebraska would be casting ballots on?
And then he lied in the papers and went on television and said, I don't own this company.
I own a little stock in it.
Then it came out that he was the majority owner and on its board of directors and had been its chairman.
And he was about 15 points behind in the polls.
And then the exit polls show he lost by about 10 points, but it didn't matter, he won by 14 points.
Now, that's a 29% difference.
You see, when the pre-polls and the exit polls are showing he's going to lose by 15 points and he wins by 14, that's a 29 point difference from the exit polls and the polls.
That's fraud, ladies and gentlemen.
There's no
Way to get around it.
Caught red-handed and nothing happens.
That's just one of literally, literally thousands of examples.
I mean, every time they have a off-year election or a big presidential election or regional elections, I mean, there are just hundreds of cases.
Engineers from the companies have quit and gone public and said, I was hired to steal elections and design this for fraud and for wireless electronic access to flip votes
They testify before the Florida Legislature, before the Iowa Legislature, before other legislatures, and it's never on the news!
It'll be in the local regional news, and they'll just kind of calmly report in the back of the paper, yeah, the engineer from this company or that company, there's been a string of them, literally risked their lives, came out,
Told us what was happening.
People always say, well you can't keep a secret.
Something this big, something this corrupt, you couldn't hide it.
They haven't hidden it.
It has come out.
But they just moved forward.
You'd think Governor Rick Perry getting all this money from Central Spain and handing over 8,000 miles of existing Texas roads
With a law firm of Bracewell and Giuliani handling it, filled with Bilderberg Group members, even in the law firm, making hundreds of millions themselves off of it, just transparent corruption on its face, you would think that that would be a news item.
But you can't even get the news to admit when Rick Perry has a press conference announcing trans-Texas corridors that it exists.
I mean, we've entered a hyper-dimension or something of bizarro lies.
Where they will deny basic things that are fact, knowing that about half the population literally doesn't know anything.
From birth they were set in front of televisions five, ten hours a day.
Some children watch over ten hours a day.
It's over five hours on average.
Adults over four hours.
And they just are spectators.
They don't know how anything works.
They don't know how anything operates.
They don't understand systems.
They don't understand anything.
They literally are zombies.
More and more, I talk to people, either people are awakening, getting more intelligent, more informed, more excited about the world, or they're getting deeper into zombie-ism.
They're like sleepwalking.
You just joined us and I shout strange.
I have a really bad cold right now and a strep throat.
I don't want to get graphic, but I'm popping blood up here.
Please don't call and tell me Cure Zero.
Alex, keep it up.
I'm only telling you about it because I know you care about me, but I'm not whining.
You're a great guy.
Just so you know, I sound a little strange today.
Or why you may hear me pause when I hit the cop button, or why I may be a little bit dull today.
And that's because I feel like a horse stomped on my throat and ears.
Alright, so that's just some of the information here.
I do want to go over the comments of Rand Paul.
I do want to go over some of the media calling the 6.6 million dollar money bomb a failure.
And you'd think, man, that's obviously ridiculous.
That's a lie.
That's stupid.
That'll discredit them.
The groups and outlets saying this don't care.
They know you're already awake.
And they don't care if you know they're liars.
They're trying to keep that 50% out there who is completely mind-numbed, who only read headlines and then think they're intellectual for doing that, neutralized.
Oh, Rob Paul's thing failed.
Did you hear?
I mean, if they'll publicly stage straw polls and say, Ron Paul won this one, so we're going to shut it down and not issue the results in California, or Ron Paul people are only allowed to vote once, but Mitt Romney people can vote as many times as they want, and say that in front of St.
Petersburg Times video cameras.
The last time I mentioned that, somebody emailed me and said, it's a newspaper, they're not TV.
Most papers now do TV.
Most papers now shoot video.
There are also citizens out there shooting video.
So, again, they're trying to come up to the Times, and they are doing video blogs, and you don't know what you're talking about.
And sometimes I think these emails and calls I get are like jokes, and then I actually talk to the people or email them back, and they're still arguing with me, and I figure out they're just dumb!
It's an amazing thing to realize that there are a lot of people who literally
Are functional, functionally retarded.
And again, they had the brain, they had the physiology to be intelligent.
They weren't genetically retarded.
They weren't mentally retarded via nature.
It was nurture.
They never were taught critical thinking.
They were never taught the joy of learning.
They were never taught how amazing history is and systems and how things work.
They were never taught complex thought processes.
And so, I'm just a commoner.
I mean, I would be kind of a dull fellow to people back in 1776, and I really mean that.
I'm not romanticizing them.
I mean, literally.
I would be somewhat dull compared to a Thomas Jefferson or a Benjamin Franklin.
I've read their writings.
And I have to, you know, sometimes in certain passages really focus to even understand what they're saying or look up the words they're using.
And the thoughts are so subtle and multivariate with so few words is the incredible part too.
It's easy to give a complex thought in a big, big bulk release.
But they could do it just right off their tongue and poetry of language.
So I'm this dull,
You're like a different
We're good to go.
The ultimate greediness.
The ultimate selfishness.
To dumb down whole societies just so they're more easily controlled?
That is a crime against the soul of humanity.
And a crime against God.
Your call is straight ahead.
Ted Anders from Midas, December 14, 2007.
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Alright, I've got a news report also talking about suicide and antidepressants we're going to be playing.
Got another clip going back over a decade.
Dealing with how they're going to turn existing roads into toll roads, which they deny they're doing in Texas as they put them on the existing roads.
They go, there's no toll road as there's a toll road there.
See, it's a new level of lying, because they know people are in cognitive dissonance, and so they just engage in mass mind control.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Kentucky, you're on the air, go ahead.
If Ron Paul wins, and then multiple nukes start going off and terror attacks all over the place, what are we going to do?
And what is Ron Paul really going to be able to do?
Because I know it wouldn't be him responsible for it, but the people who have infiltrated the government, but aren't actually the government, the people with all this power, if they go ahead and do this when he gets into power, you know, what are we going to do?
Well, that's why about a year and a half after 9-11, when they attacked Iraq, Bush actually said, forget about Bin Laden,
Forget about 9-11 for a while.
They actually publicly said, shift your anger onto Saddam.
He did it.
Saddam is the man.
And Bush would even on purpose go, bin Laden, I mean Saddam.
And then after they were done with Iraq, at least the invasion, they switched back to Al-Qaeda.
And so they backed off saying Al-Qaeda is going to get us.
A, because people started seeing through it.
Even major polls showed that people were saying that they were using terror alerts for political gain.
So the public understands that they're, even if they don't think the government did it, they know the government's using it to take our freedoms and to politically, you know, shut the opposition up.
But that's why exposing government sponsors is so important.
A lot of people, even in the Patriot movement, or the quote, Ron Polk type movement, go, okay, 9-11's an inside job, but let's not discuss it or talk about it because it sounds kooky and it scares people.
We better desperately be exposing 9-11 and government-sponsored terror, because if we don't, Hillary or whoever else is going to come into office, and guaranteed have some type of inaugural terror attack, so that they can firmly bring in their next wave of control.
I mean, we have the sword of Damocles hanging over our head every day, where the globalists could pull the stops out and do this.
And that we have to continue to expose government-sponsored terror.
That is the key.
Out of everything.
So what you're saying is that it's a Catch-22 situation, kind of, because if Hillary wins, she'll probably stage something.
And if Ron Paul wins, the secret controllers will most likely stage something as well and force him into the position where he'll have to point at somebody else, like a ghost enemy.
Because he doesn't want to look like the one that did it.
You know, we voted for him, and he really is the people's candidate.
You know, I mean, he has our interest at heart.
Well, here's the deal.
Justice be done.
Justice be done.
I appreciate your call.
May the heavens fall.
And so, no doubt, that's a very astute point you make.
If Ron Paul was a good elected president and they weren't to assassinate him because they decided that was too dangerous to do,
They would try to manufacture dirt on him.
They would try to crash the economy and say that he had caused it.
They would probably have American hostages taken and then say Ron Paul's foreign policy caused it.
They would sick some foreign ne'er-do-well group under the control of a globalist on them.
And yes, they could certainly stage terror attacks and say that Ron Paul had caused it.
He wouldn't let us fight him over there, so we got attacked over here.
That's why they're going to continue to hold us hostage with staged events until everybody understands that government-sponsored terror has happened in the past, has happened recently, and can happen again.
It is their ace in the hole.
It is the pivot on which their entire system orbits.
And, you know, the crowd that doesn't want to talk about 9-11 being an inside job, they don't want to talk about Tonkin being staged.
To get us into Vietnam, that's admitted.
They don't talk about all the hundreds of admissions, and they don't understand the larger globalist strategy.
If it does not become a household understanding that the government is criminal and run by criminals, it doesn't mean the whole government is criminal, but the leadership and the directors of the agencies and the financial institutions that have put those people in power and lobbied themselves into control.
They're going to continue to have their way with us.
They're already saying, SPP, we've got to have the SPP, North American Union for Security.
But then you look at what the SPP does, it actually destroys border security.
They know, though, the average person can't grasp that.
It isn't about logic.
And so when there's another terror attack, they're going to say, see?
We've got to have the SPP.
And that's a talking point.
On Nightline,
The Wednesday after 9-11, Wednesday week, eight days later, I saw the head of United Nations Peacekeeping, General McKenzie, say, we need a continental security perimeter from southern Mexico to Alaska.
That's what we're going to do.
That's what we're putting in place.
You see?
And then now that's what the CFR proposes years later.
This is a plan.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have studied psychology in a late fashion.
And what we don't want our movement to be is soft, and weak, and knock-kneed, and slow, and timid.
We need to be bold, well-spoken, forceful, and have the evidence.
I mean, if you knew that criminal elements of the government killed 2,800 people,
And you knew they'd done it hundreds of times in the past and then it was declassified.
You would do that.
You would speak out.
You would be bold.
I mean, you almost become a member of the criminal operation.
They're aiding and abetting.
You are an accomplice to the crime after the fact.
When you know that it's an inside job, or you know the evidence points towards it being an inside job, and you self-censor.
And you also bring doom down on your own head.
You know, they tell people in campaigns, be timid, don't be bold, don't be focused, don't attack.
And then the establishment candidates, they do attack, and they are vicious, because that's what's effective.
But they then give you a strategy that is ineffective in your daily life.
And so I am going to boldly expose 9-11, and I'm going to boldly, if I've got hundreds of mainstream news stories and government documents about cancer viruses and vaccines, or the vaccines causing Crohn's disease and literally scores of other autoimmune problems in the intestines, upper and lower, small and large, I'm going to talk about it.
And if AIDS is an engineered bioweapon and we have all the documents, I don't care if it's shocking,
I don't care if it's scary.
I don't care if the cowardly public can't handle it.
I'm going to talk about it until they can handle it.
It's real simple.
I mean, it sounds crazy that the average state has more than two-thirds of their foster children on seven psychotropic drugs.
Not just an average of more than two-thirds on drugs, but more than seven drugs, or seven drugs is the average.
Sounds crazy, but it's the truth.
Just like when I told you about glow-in-the-dark monkeys.
Six years ago, and you couldn't believe me, now it's all over the news.
Glow-in-the-dark monkeys, glow-in-the-dark cats.
Everybody's emailing me, oh, talk about the glow-in-the-dark monkeys and cats.
You know, people called me kooks.
How many radio shows made fun of me about that just because I read the news wire?
And went online to Hong Kong shops.
And look at the glowing monkeys that I could buy, and have shipped to me by the way, that are just spawning super viruses and bacteria literally just coming off of them.
And the establishment knows that when all of that breaks out, they just label it as all these new diseases and then they've got the treatment for it.
And that doesn't mean the average doctor does.
He or she is compartmentalized and carries out the AMA approved treatment.
I mean, you better figure out the diabolic nature, the dark philosophy, or the dark mathematics of the New World Order.
They are records.
And I've told the story about this down in Cornwall in southern England, on the seacoast there, on the white cliffs of Dover nearby.
They would, for hundreds of years, this goes back over 800 years, would put up fires at night, guide fires at night, knowing that Spanish and French and Viking ships, and then Dutch 500 years ago, 400 years ago, we're going back 800 years ago, and they would come in and wreck on the rocks
And then they would set the fires where they knew that it would bring the goods in to the shore, or near the shore, and they would go out and they would salvage that.
And when you actually read some of the riddles and sayings that are admittedly from skull and bones, it's about how they're wreckers.
I didn't know exactly what that meant until I read history books the last four or five years.
I kind of, the last six years, got into naval history.
Not just the Napoleonic Wars, but
1776, the American-British War.
And I went back and read a lot of history before that.
And they had wreckers in ancient Greece.
They had wreckers in Egypt.
They had wreckers everywhere.
And see, that's just one little example of their philosophy.
They come in and put cancer viruses in your vaccine, poisons in your water.
They create hundreds of new diseases every decade.
Then they have treatments for them.
that don't cure you, but only treat the symptoms.
And if we don't have a new renaissance, a revelation of just how serious things are, then we're going to have watered-down movements that are easily co-opted.
And with this huge background shatter of thousands of radio stations and hundreds of TV stations and more at it every day,
Only someone who tells it like it is, and again, I don't have words to describe how serious all this is.
I can't have all the knowledge about this.
Just what I know is so unspeakably dark and wicked, and yes, hard to believe when it's in their own documents, that I couldn't put it as bad as it actually is to you.
Billy in Chicago, you're on the air.
Alex, I just want to tell you first hand that I took your advice about not waiting for orders from the top and started my own website, started producing my own videos, and the response has been overwhelming.
I was starting to average 10,000 hits a month.
Rosie O'Donnell picked up one of my videos, put it on her blog, Air America.
And the response has just been nuts, and I've been going up talking to people directly, and people that have been staunch Bush supporters are finally even seeing the light.
A friend of mine, who basically was going to go down with the ship, said to me a couple days ago, this guy needs to be impeached.
The big problem is, though, a lot of people are jumping over to the Democrats, or they're jumping over to other candidates.
Every one of them is controlled opposition, except for Ron Paul.
Well, and people are waking up to that.
They're just watching these people on TV and they're just like, they're liars.
And if people would just realize, if they can get through the fear and choose love over fear, watch something like the battle at Kruger.
Realize that the people have the power and we're the ones that are going to make the changes here.
And the establishment knows that.
That's why they say Bin Laden attacked us because he hates our freedom, but then they do everything they can to take our freedoms and all the mechanisms they've built are for suppressing us.
And I sit in my office and every week I look down on the street here, there's a police checkpoint.
At least once a week, where there's seven squad cars and they're checking people for, you know, allegedly for seatbelts, papers, please.
But if they're illegal aliens, they're let go.
Citizens have the book thrown at them.
And they reach in and check the ashtray for roaches.
For those who don't know, that's the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
Uh, and, uh, it's just a... while their bosses ship in the narcotics.
I mean, and while their bosses push, again, Ritalin and Prozac type drugs whose molecules are more deadly than the illegal narcotics.
And the point I've been making to people is, like, when I'm talking to them, I'm like,
Okay, so you agree with me that Christine Todd Whitman lied, Giuliani lied about the air quality in New York, and... And by the way, that's going to kill more people than 9-11.
Go ahead.
Sure, and police, firemen, and citizens of New York are dying.
You believe the story about Walter Reed and the investors and how they're treating our vets when they're coming back, and the homeless vet situation.
And we've had over 15,000 troops die.
The Pentagon admits that.
But only 4,000 that have died in-country, so they don't count those that die from having their arms and legs blown off a week later.
So what's funny is I keep citing these things, and they agree, and they go, you know what, you're right, you're right.
And I go, so why is it so hard for you to believe that they would fly planes into buildings and kill us that way if they're doing it all these other ways?
Well, that's the point I make, and that's what Endgame does, is we spend 20 minutes of the two-hour, 20-minute film, literally 30 seconds apiece.
Okay, here's London Guardian.
Deadly bioweapons sprayed over entirety of England.
Massive deaths occurred.
And they did it hundreds of times just in that one experiment.
Oh, here, deadly plague bombs set off in Scotland.
Oh, here's another one.
I mean, I use this example because it's the most horrific of all of them.
Taking toddlers, putting them in a radiation tank, and flying them?
Oh, but they wouldn't!
And that's admitted!
That's Time and Newsweek, folks!
I mean, you know, flying babies, folks!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
So I'm just making the challenge to everybody just to... The only way things are going to change is if you get out there and get active.
Well, that's all I'm saying.
And whether that's just talking to people, or campaigning for Ron Paul, or starting a website, or making videos, or just handing out information, or directing them to your site, that's what's going to make the change.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
I agree.
Why don't you plug your website?
Thanks, Alex.
It's Puppetgov.com, and we've got links to you, and we cite you in a lot of the videos.
Hey, brother, I don't even care if you do.
All I care is that you find the new old order.
God bless you, and take care.
You know, I start thinking about it.
The New World Order is best described as vampires.
Now, before the New York Times misquotes me and says I believe in vampires, I mean, they don't have fangs that come out at night, and they don't turn into bats and flap around, and they, well, at Skull and Bones they do sleep in coffins, but they literally fit the M.O.
of vampires.
I mean, they have no remorse.
In fact, they enjoy killing us.
They see us as cattle.
They see us as a disease.
They're selling the world through environmentalism, false environmentalism, that humans are bad and setting a precedent to tax all of our daily activities, micromanage our lives.
They mean business!
Meanwhile, they are literally doing everything they can to destroy the Earth.
I mean, again, I don't know how many top scientists we've talked to, how many mainstream articles I've even read, but they don't get any attention.
Where they're saying super viruses are already out there, things are already being leaked, there are hundreds of thousands of known viruses that have come out of genetically engineered crops and animals and organisms that just haven't jumped into humans yet that are killing trees, and killing fish, and killing birds, and killing deer, and some of the stuff has jumped into humans and then they whitewash it.
I mean, we're living in a science fiction nightmare.
And all I know is I love my family and I care about you too.
You know, you see the stories all the time about some toddler walks out in the street and some man jumps in front of a bus to save them, or firemen go into a burning house to save children, and the firemen die, but the kids get out.
You know, it's that same instinct.
I mean, I just have an instinct.
I see other people's children as mine.
I have an instinctive tribal thing.
I see my fellow man as my tribe.
And then I realize that the establishment's taken that out of most people.
They've gone to most people,
And they have trained them to hate their fellow man, to be cheats.
And I heard a talk show host this weekend, George Butler on Genesis, talking about how, and he was absolutely right, that college today is about who dresses the best and who can pay the money to have somebody write their papers for them.
And then they just, and it's just screw jobs everywhere.
And everything's starting to unravel, and everything is about the surface.
And people rationalize what they're doing.
So it's not just the New World Order, it's the general public is either getting smarter, better, more enlightened, more virtuous, or you're getting more evil.
I mean, who would have ever thought they'd be on television promoting torture, promoting secret arrest, promoting NSA spying on everyone?
The New York Times comes right out and tells you what I've been telling you for 12 years, since 1996 yesterday, and says, yeah, the government's paying billions to telecoms to put in more snooping systems in their telephone companies.
I mean, whole floors at every facility.
I knew that from the legislation.
Now they're just putting in another layer.
And then it's big breaking news when somebody in San Francisco, one of their IT top guys, talks about how a whole floor was built by the NSA, and how everything runs through it, and how they spy on everything.
Everybody's so shocked.
I mean, it was in the bill!
It has nothing to do with terrorists, except for when the military or the FBI would try to stop
The Patsy's who were going around taking part in drills, and they didn't know, they thought it was actual terrorists on 9-11, they could be ordered to stand down.
FBI agents are on record in a bunch of news articles, but one headline in the London Guardian, let me paraphrase, about five years ago, it was a top FBI deputy anti-terrorism director was saying, and John O'Neill before they killed him said this too, they said it's like
Al-Qaeda has moles at the highest levels of the FBI and CIA.
No, you got that wrong.
It isn't moles.
That's who runs it.
So the FBI agents on the ground are going, it's like they got moles at the top!
And they tell us not to go after these people!
Let's go to Frank in Georgia.
Thanks for holding them, Nathan, Richard, Dino, and others.
Go ahead, Frank.
Hey, man.
I just want to say about Ron Paul, like, you guys have done a good job of getting everybody to donate and everything, and now you have all these people that are not only emotionally vested in this campaign, but now you have people who have never been financially vested, who are financially vested.
But, uh, I mean, I really think, you know, these people, they're not gonna, they don't relinquish their power, they just pass it around.
And so, it's not, you know, if there's an event, it's just when.
And I think that really, like Romney and Giuliani and all those other guys need to worry about being, you know, caught up in some sort of event that eliminates Ron Paul along with them so that they can really wash their hands of it and say, no, we didn't do it.
And then they can install, you know, Jeb Bush to run against Hillary, which is what they'd really love.
Yeah, there's no telling what they can pull.
There's no telling.
There's no telling, for sure.
But, um, I just, you know, if something is pulled, now that you have all these people who are also financially vested, you have to, I mean, you're also always talking about how you don't want anybody doing anything offensive, you know?
We have to have a defensive attack, you know, like you say.
Well, by offensive, I mean physically offensive.
We need to be on the offensive in the info war.
I'm just saying, you know, if something does happen, you don't want these people who are first time in, you know, financially invested in the campaign really thinking, taking it personally on their $50 and saying, well, I'm going to do something now.
You know, just because everybody's all pumped up and fired up, you still don't have to be smart about it.
Yeah, because the establishment will use that as an excuse for a crackdown.
But what about that?
You know, I guess, you know, yeah, they can do anything.
Not if we expose government-sponsored terror.
Not if we explain
Hey, I'm going to read two paragraphs from
I'll let you come back to it real fast.
Well, stay there.
Then I've got Nathan, Richard, Dino, and others.
I've got a bunch of audio clips, more of your calls, a ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet that I want to cover.
So I'll try to hurry up your phones a little bit faster on the other side.
And you can still give somebody at PrisonPlanet.tv membership for Christmas.
It's not too late to get five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
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Alright, Frank and George, finish up quick.
So this is Noam Chomsky on a speech that he gave talking about how the war on terror should be reported if it was truly being reported objectively.
And it's called The Journalist for Mars, and it's, you know, if somebody from Mars came down here, how would they really report on it?
So he says, the first thing you have to do is define terrorism.
It says, terrorism, as I'm quoting, is defined as calculated use of violence or the threat of violence.
To attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature, through intimidation, coercion, or installation of fear.
And it says, well, you know, that sounds all good and everything, but there's two reasons why you can't.
And the first one is, the official definition is unusable.
It's unusable for two important reasons.
First of all, it's a very close paraphrase of official government policy.
Very close, in fact.
Yeah, if you don't do what we say, we're going to hurt you.
But that's Chomsky.
That's Sam Stanislaus himself.
I just figured I'd let him get that out there.
Okay, thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nathan in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
I got a couple questions for you about your headlines today, but first I'd like to say
I actually was on Ritalin when I was younger and I gotta say that is definitely messed up for kids.
I was misdiagnosed and what they do is they have a practice of if you don't like the Ritalin and you tell them that you don't like it and you don't like the way it feels, they literally have a system set up so that they just up your dose.
So if you don't like what they're giving you, they just give you more.
And then they tell you, you know, you'll feel good with this.
It's the same thing with the Prozac drugs.
Yeah, well, so I started on 50 milligrams and by the time I just stopped taking it, I mean, I just stopped taking it because it's bad.
But, um, I started on 50 and by the time I stopped that was like, I started on 5 and by the time I stopped that was up to like 50 milligrams.
But, um, another question I have for you is, um, something really weird happened while my friends and I were watching the Money Bomb.
It was midnight Eastern Time, well, actually it was 1155.
And within the last five minutes, we were counting down to see if Ron Paul could hit $18 million.
He was at $17,980,000.
And then my computer had a little glitch.
So we got back on the internet, and we looked at the countdown again, and he had lost $30,000.
So I just chalked that up to a technical problem with the counter.
It was at $17,960,000.
But I was wondering if you had any comments about that.
No, we know he got 6.6 million in one day.
Yeah, okay, okay.
And you had a comment about headlines?
Yeah, the headlines.
This Rand Paul, the fear that some of the votes might be given away to the other
These are the other candidates for his father?
I was wondering what you think Ron Paul might do about that, if that happens.
Because I noticed that most candidates... Yeah, most candidates won't contest.
That's why we need poll watchers now, and people who are election workers now, to oversee all this, to make sure there's not chicanery.
Now, you can't tell when it's an electronic machine, but places like New Hampshire, quote, paper ballot, they still feed it into a computer.
So, there's a lot of things we can do.
I appreciate your call.
Here's an example.
In 1996, Pat Buchanan was running in the Republican primaries.
I was working downtown at the Austin Convention Center.
It had a different name then.
They'd torn it down and built a bigger building.
Palmer Events Center.
I forget.
One of those big buildings downtown.
That part doesn't matter.
The point is, I'm down there.
And half of the votes or more were for Pat Buchanan.
I started asking other people, because we were stacking the scantrons, you can see them right there on the front, that was bubbled in.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into our number two, Dr. Michael Kaufman, coming up here in about 10 minutes or so.
Hello, bro.
You're ever in our prayers.
I understand you're being distraught, as am I. I am heartbroken.
I've heard about the Reese Commission and I've looked online and had a bit of difficulty finding a concise summary.
The former State Director of the John Birch Society told me there were like 4,000 pages of documents regarding this.
I don't know what it is.
Just in a nutshell, tell them.
Well, basically, there was an investigation back in the fifties of the non-profit organizations, primarily the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, that they were like, they're up to something.
And who was the head staffer on that?
He's real famous.
I interviewed him before he died.
Was that a Dodd?
No, that was Senator Dodd.
Yeah, he was like 90 years old and they had a pretty cogent interview before he died.
It's on Google.
I just can't remember his name.
Right, well the thing is that they said that basically these non-profit organizations had a
Hidden in plain sight kind of agenda.
Yeah, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, as early as the 20s, and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, see, the billions of dollars, and that was billions 80 years ago, 90 years ago, they all went tax free.
And then they used their, you know, their mansions are owned by the foundation, their helicopters, their oil companies, it's all tax free.
It's like the Gates and Bill and the Gates things now tax-free.
All 60-something trillion of it.
No, it's more than 60 trillion.
It's 70-plus trillion now.
Keeps growing.
And it's all tax-free.
And they publicly say they're going to set up world government.
I have read the documents.
I've interviewed the people that were staffers on it.
They're all dead now, but being around 12, 13 years, I interviewed a few of them before they died.
And yeah, I'd have to go back into all my files on that, but what specifically are you looking for?
Well, yeah, the thing is that they would use the instrumentality of war, which I gather means the opening of the purse strings, the false sense of peace.
Yeah, that's the Carnegie Foundation for Peace saying they would use war to bring in their world government, yeah.
Well, war is peace, of course.
They said war is the great organizing factor.
Yes, well, my website, I'll be the first to admit it, a wreck if doyoulovejesus.org, letter U,
And I'm preparing a letter, in all fairness to Muslims, because I see this neoconsteady stream of vilification that it's like there's nobody being allowed to present the other side to say, wait a minute, these people, you know, it's the same old tactic of
I don't know.
They would distort it and make it sound like, well, he's crazy, like the Reef Commission and the Grace Commission.
Would you concur with that, that the reason why he doesn't use these certain... Well, he knows.
I mean, he's talked about the Tax-Free Foundations and the New World Order.
He's introduced bills.
When he's on TV, he knows he's talking to people that literally can't tie their shoelaces.
And so he dumbs it down.
I take it these are... what he says about these things is available in his writings, then, right?
Yes, and all the legislation he's introduced, and all of it.
Well, you know that it is written, they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
And for a lot of people, it's that they don't want to deal with the truth when the truth is painful.
This thing called godly sorrow is vitally important.
Hi, Harry.
We gotta go.
We gotta jump.
But when you're in denial long enough, that leads to ruin.
TruthNews.us is the new website.
Be sure and check it out.
We'll be right back with more of your calls and Dr. Michael Kaufman.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Isn't their objective to be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
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Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
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Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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Hey, Dad, we need your help finishing the Christmas tree.
Okay, boys.
I just got a few more Uncivil Liberties DVDs to ship out today.
Why do you guys make Uncivil Liberties?
You know how we like to look at those cool illustrations on Rents.com?
Yeah, David Dees rocks.
I like the chips one.
Well, those aren't chocolate chips.
Those are little tracking devices the government wants to put under our skin someday to track us.
You mean the government's not the good guys?
Well, they should be the good guys.
They're supposed to do what we the people say they should do.
But these days, the people are too busy watching their favorite TV shows to keep an eye on the government.
You mean like SpongeBob?
Yeah, that's right.
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Purchase a copy today at uncivilliberties.com.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Dr. Michael Coughlin is a PhD in forest ecology.
He's a biologist and he was doing a multi-million dollar study for the U.S.
government on the forest ecology of the entire U.S.
and discovered that it wasn't about helping the earth, it was about taking control of property and controlling populations.
That was back in the 80s, and he helped shoot down the big biological diversity treaty that would have totally regulated everything that's happening.
Now they're pushing man-made global warming.
Certainly there's crises in the environment, but the sun is what's heating the earth.
We've gone over that here in his new film, Global Warming or Global Government.
Available at Infowars.com.
And he's one of the big contributors to the new film, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And I would add to that, that I'm just now announcing this, in about two weeks, or on the 28th of November, we're going to release close to two hours.
Really, you could call it Endgame 1.5.
Uh, all of the interviews with Dr. Kaufman, Daniel Estillan, Jim Tucker, stuff at Brook Street, the police harassing us in Canada, things that we couldn't put in the film, uh, I mean, right now it looks like more than two hours, but we'll see how much we, it might be three hours we put up, I'm not sure.
But another reason to have a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, that is coming up the 28th!
And you'll be able to download those, burn them to disk at PrisonPlanet.tv, get them out to people.
And Dr. Kaufman, of course, in probably an hour of that two, three hours we're going to put out so much vital info in the two days he was here that we interviewed him.
He ended up being about seven, eight minutes of the two hour plus film.
And really a great contributor to it.
In fact, he's one of the most prominent voices in the film.
But there was just so much we couldn't have a four or five hour film, so we had to cut a lot of it out.
But you will be able to see that in these expanded in-game extras that aren't on the DVD.
There's 40 minutes of extras on the DVD that are really just parts we cut out of the film as well.
Highly produced.
A lot of this is just the raw, high-powered info and presentations.
And then a lot of other things happening, so that is coming out in March.
Going to Dr. Michael Kaufman, I haven't really asked him yet what he thought of the film.
He just now saw it yesterday.
I've been so busy I neglected to even mail him a copy, so we gave him a PrisonPlanet.tv code.
He said he watched about two hours and ten minutes of the two-hour film and ran out of time last night.
But Dr. Kaufman, what did you think of the film?
I thought it was incredible.
I really do.
I think everyone that's listening to this needs to get a copy because it really defines
What has been happening, how they're doing it, and what they're expecting to get in the future.
And people need to wake up.
It is one of the most earth-shattering DVDs I have ever seen, in a truthful approach.
You know, I have been in this now for almost 20 years, and everything that you're saying in there, I know is either solid fact because I've researched it myself, or have read enough to realize that there is that emphasis on that particular subject that I may not know as much about.
And it is incredible what you have done with this, Alex.
I just kind of fear for your safety.
Well, I literally, you ever have that feeling?
I certainly know that I've really crossed a line here, but I'm putting that all in God's hands.
Breaking down the film, because you're a big part of it, walk through what you thought, seeing about 90% of it so far, because you just got it yesterday.
Walk through the parts that you thought were most important, or give us your impromptu review.
Boy, trying to define what's the most important is really tough, because I think it's all important.
If you need to understand, and this may be the most important aspect, what the DVD does, if you can keep an open mind, if you're not really aware of the magnitude of what's going on in the world, it will be so shocking, it will almost make you physically sick.
But at the same time, what it does is it allows the person to see the magnitude of what they're attempting to do over an entire society.
In all aspects of our society, what we do, the whole feminist movement, you name it, it's in there in one form or another, and it's all designed to break down the normal society of controls and re-establish itself
What they want to do as the new template for our culture and bringing the nations together as a world government.
There's no question after you see this that this is exactly what they're trying to do.
What I really was impressed with is how you have brought the various segments of this using headlines of local papers and so forth to show what they're doing in putting all of this together.
The average person
Can't see this because all they're seeing is little bits and pieces.
They see this headline and they think, oh that's interesting, but they see it in an isolated context.
What you have done is been able to put that together in a total, in a totality as it were, so that people can really begin to see how it all fits together.
It's the first time I've ever seen that.
Well, that's incredible.
You know, we didn't talk before the show, and I haven't talked to you in a few months since you were last on, but that is exactly, and I never really even said that on air, that's what I was intending to do, was to give people the, you know, start to finish, just a wide view of what their ideology is, who they are, what their plan is, what drives them.
Exactly, exactly.
And some of these you only touch on.
For instance, at least at this point, you only touched on global warming to some extent.
My whole DVD, Global Warming or Global Governance, really focuses on that one issue by itself and shows clearly how they have abused science
And totally denied the opposition, any voice in the media and so forth, to push this agenda so that they can get those controls that will come with the carbon taxes and caps and so forth.
That is inevitable.
It's going to happen in the next several years, how those controls will control us.
And you've done that with so many aspects of this particular agenda.
It is in every aspect of our culture.
And some of them you focused on and gone very deeply into to show how deep this whole thing is to drive the credibility.
Some of you only touched on because you just don't have time.
You can't cover it in two hours.
Well, that's it.
I mean, we did spend a lot of time on eugenics and then all the thousands of admissions of where they killed U.S., British and other citizens in admitted tests.
I mean, that shows the cold-bloodedness and how it's all done scientifically, though, but as if we have the same value as a white lab rat.
Exactly, exactly.
Now, eugenics isn't my specialty.
I'm not real knowledgeable in that area, but I have read enough material to know that what you're saying is factual.
Well, that's right.
I mean, you could study one pine tree, as you know, that's your specialty, for your whole life and never know everything about that pine tree.
More than one guy here in the office read 20 books by these people.
I read about 10.
We went to libraries.
And exactly.
I mean, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of globalists and their minions and their whole lives' works.
I mean, it's just... It's so big.
That's the point I want to make.
We didn't even... People say, oh, this is really dark, or this is really... You might have exaggerated.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's thousands of times worse.
It really is.
I cannot explain to you, what would you say in all your years of research about the globalists and the UN Biological Diversity Assessments where they openly talk about exterminating the majority of us and reducing us.
As you were discovering that, what was it like for you realizing, my gosh, these people are nuts, they're psychopaths, they believe they're good, and they're in power.
I went from one state of shock to another, and you know what you have just said is very true.
You start opening up this can of worms, and you think you have a handle on what's going on, and then you find out there's another dimension to it, and another dimension to it, and another dimension to it, and it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and I don't even think you probably plumbed the depths of deprivation that these people are in.
They are evil incarnate.
There's no other way that you can describe them.
And yet, they believe that they are doing the right thing.
Doc, I want to talk about your video that's doing incredibly well because it's so well documented, and I want to go to the basics of global warming is happening, but it's sun-driven and also particle-driven from space, solar winds.
But where do you see all this going?
I mean, do you feel the same anxiousness I feel and everybody else feels that it's accelerating?
And where do you see this going?
I really see, in the next two years,
Something precipitous is going to happen.
In fact, David Rockefeller and Kissinger and others have actually said that they need a precipitous event to tip us over the edge.
9-11 got us prepared and we got legal, you know, the Patriots Act and so forth put into place because of that.
And now they need a precipitous event in which they can
Use our fear against us, and we'll bring in some sort of an answer.
I think it's going to be an economic crisis of some sort.
I mean, we're running the brink of it right now anyway.
And they have the only solution, and to do that we have to give up even more, and it's going to put us over on the other side of that slope.
I think it's very close.
They see us as a disease, and so that's the perfect rationale for a thug
Well, I agree.
Or a group of killers just to say, oh, well, they're animals anyways.
That's what they always do.
They did that with black slaves out of Africa saying they weren't human.
I mean, you've been to these global meetings.
You've covered these people.
I've been to some of them.
They literally look like cult members, you know, who have that wide-eyed look and are almost pious, very religious.
I mean, they almost act like they're holy or something.
Well, I'm glad you brought that point up because I want to emphasize the one thing that you did not emphasize very much, you alluded to it a couple of times, is that this whole thing is occult driven.
They are very deeply into the occult, they believe in theosophy and what Alice Bailey has done with that belief system of reaching godhood and so forth.
They're really into that.
They really do believe that they are gods, and they need to be able to control us, to get rid of most of us.
They believe that the Earth is overpopulated.
They need to eliminate two-thirds to three-quarters, eighty percent of the human population, of the dumber sect and so forth, that's you and I. And then they'll be able to manage the world the way gods should be able to manage.
It is really incredible, their mentality.
When you really get down to it.
Now, many of the people at these international meetings, when you enter these international meetings, it is like walking into the twilight zone.
Any semblance to reality just slides right out the window at times.
It's not always that way, but many times, it is like they start talking about different things in ways that just are not possible.
Stay there, I want to talk about that on the other side, to understand our enemy, to understand their mindset.
And then to realize how they're conning a lot of well-meaning people who do care about the environment.
And how they're using this to totally control our human environment and put a tax on breathing.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Ted Anderson, Happy Holidays, December 24, 2007.
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Welcome back.
Dr. Michael Kaufman is our guest.
We'll be taking your calls on the whole globalist move for global taxation coming up in the next segment of 1-800-259-9231.
We've got legendary Dallas Cowboy Mark Stavnoski joining us to talk about 9-11 truth and a lot more in the next hour as well.
So, a lot more information lined up for you.
Doctor, again, the mindset of these people, they think they're doing holy work, but then you also study them, they also think darkness is wonderful and beautiful, as well as light.
They, quote, embrace it all.
Yes, they do.
Go ahead.
In fact, one of the things that is very prominent with the whole concept of theosophy is what is known as the
Secret societies and so forth, so that you do not know what the next level of initiation will be.
And as a consequence, you're always striving to get to that next secret level of evolution, as it were, into higher states of knowledge.
And as a consequence, what that does is it always keeps people off their guard, that they have to join the system in order to have these truths revealed to them.
Which is totally antithetical to a Christian society that we originally established this nation on.
It doesn't exist anymore.
But we originally established this nation on, which was open truth.
You have everything that you need to have available to you.
It's up to you to take it and run with it.
With these secret societies, it's always a situation in which you have to prove yourself to be worthy of going to the next step in order to accept the next level of knowledge.
I mean, how do we stop these people?
I think what you're doing is absolutely essential.
You mentioned on the video that more and more people are becoming aware, and that is very true.
I kind of take a look at what I produced on global warming or global governance.
That's kind of an introductory DVD as it were, as to the realization that we are having this drive towards global governance.
I don't get into it very deep, because I'm trying to reach those people who believe that you and I are black helicopter nuts and so forth.
Well, here you have really important people saying the same thing that we're saying, but on a much lighter level.
And once they begin to expose, and that's one of the things that has encouraged me about this DVD is that I'm getting feedback from people that have been seeing it, which they had no understanding of global governance, or if they did, they thought it was some sort of a nutcase conspiracy type of thing, all of a sudden realizing, because there it is right in front of them, with this global warming agenda, that the whole purpose is to create global governance, and they're angry.
Now, once they're angry, you can take a DVD like Endgame,
And really show them the breadth of it.
Now, they're going to go into a state of absolute shock when they see it.
I mean, I did.
I think everybody who has really investigated this could never believe the levels of which they have gone to to create this control over you and I. And how long it's taking.
I mean, it's taking multiple, multiple generations of men.
That's why you have to understand it's the occult.
You can't understand why
A man would put so much of their efforts into an agenda which they would never see the fruition unless they realized it was a religious belief that they held that their future generations are going to benefit by what they're doing today.
I agree, but also in the secular, it's like a 250-year-old university like Harvard or Yale
The chancellors and people that own and run it want to increase its power and wealth because they sit in the positions of power while they're over it, but then they also have a feeling towards the institution, a lot of times the patronage and nepotism for those beneath them, and so that's also how these institutions grow and maintain their activities.
And it's very interesting as I've attended a lot of these international meetings, the vast majority of those who are attending
I have no concept of what the final agenda is going to be.
Even people who are in positions of power.
You mentioned that in your DVD.
They're compartmentalized.
They're compartmentalized.
They think that they are doing the right thing.
Because people that are more important than they are, are telling them that they're doing the right things.
And they can see the fruits.
You know, socialism, the only reason socialism could survive is the promise that if you did this, created all men equal and so forth, or treated all men equally, not created all men equally, then somehow this is going to bloom into a utopian society and so forth.
But for that model, you've got to have command and control and somebody over the individual.
They really believe that.
Now you've lost the individual and that's the trick.
Now you've gotten a system where higher-ups can control you.
And socialism is the unique way of gaining control over the population because it does exactly what you're saying.
And of course the British monarchs literally funded and developed it, Lord Milner and the rest of them, as a way to get people back in the serfdom.
And people don't realize that.
That's why we're losing our middle class right now.
Let's come back and talk about the real environmental problems we've got, what's really causing the Earth to heat up, is that bad or good, and then take phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
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I don't think so.
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Again, I want to take time out to thank all of our sponsors, the listeners, the stations that carry us, AM, FM, shortwave, internet, satellite.
And I want to thank people like Dr. Michael Coffman for coming on with us.
We've got loaded phone lines here for you, Doc.
And I want to take some, but I want to make it clear.
Because I've talked to you in the past, and I know we're of the same mind, the same research.
This is what you have degrees in.
This is what you study.
And thousands of other prominent scientists and university experts have gone public on this.
We know that there's dioxin from the plastics.
We know there's toxins and stuff in the air.
We know there's bad things in the environment.
Genetic engineering can be dangerous if it's released openly and in chimera cross-species.
There's a lot of serious things going on.
But the globalists have openly said that they're using conservation and our concern about the Earth to set up world government, to set up total federalization, to have control over people locally, to control markets.
And to control populations.
And then we know that from 9,000 to 6,000 years ago, the earth was on average 10 degrees hotter.
There were vineyards in southern and northern England.
You can't grow grapes there now, folks.
We know that that's when humanity blooms.
We know that's when the plankton blooms.
We know that oxygen with higher carbon dioxide creates more life.
Carbon dioxide is not a toxic waste, as they're trying to list it.
Two weeks ago, they set a coal plant
Couldn't burn clean burning coal.
They locked that up, as you know.
But they didn't just tell them they couldn't have a permit because of dirty coal and mercury, which I'm concerned about.
They said, oh, carbon dioxide's a toxic waste.
Permit denied.
So that's a great control.
Now they're talking about, can't have a 3,000 square foot house without government regulators, new bureaucrats, taxes on fuel at every level, taxes on consumption, controlling us.
Uh, and again, it sounds reasonable.
Oh, we're consuming too much.
But this is about control.
These are very wicked people that want to get control.
And as evil as the globalist are with these international bodies that pose as liberal organizations, they're not.
Just as Bush poses as a conservative.
They want global taxation to fully be able to bring in
An even greater mechanism of control.
So can you just explain the scientific facts, in a nutshell, of surprise, surprise, that huge burning ball of different gases that we see up in the sky every day, that that's what's driving the prime mover in climate, as any climatologist will tell you?
And, I mean, to claim the carbon dioxide that's been ten times higher in our past, and we've literally had a much higher life load, much healthier,
I mean, it's so simple, and I'm not even a scientist, how could it not be clear?
How could they fool the public?
The answer is, one-fifth of the public can't find the U.S.
on a map.
They've done the test where you can put out on air the scientific name of water, and people will say, ban it.
Well, first of all, to keep it a simple thing, you've heard from Al Gore that CO2 causes the Earth to warm.
He walks in front of this huge 40-foot screen showing you how there's this correlation between carbon dioxide.
When carbon dioxide goes up, temperature goes up.
When carbon dioxide goes down, temperature goes down.
Well, there's a good correlation there, all right, but the correlations mean nothing.
The correlation is 100% of us are going to die if we breathe air.
Not because we breathe air, but because there is a relationship there that has nothing to do with cause and effect.
And this is the same thing with carbon dioxide and temperature, the Earth's temperature.
In fact, if you were to actually superimpose the graph that he has separated, what you would find is that the temperature almost always precedes carbon dioxide, either going up or going down.
And if anything, it's the temperature that causes the carbon dioxide levels to change.
Because there's 40,000 times more carbon dioxide in our oceans than in the air.
And carbon dioxide will go out of solution at warmer temperatures.
When the temperatures of the ocean get warmer, the carbon dioxide evaporates off into the atmosphere and the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide goes up.
And conversely, when the oceans cool down, it absorbs more carbon dioxide and the atmospheric levels go down.
So, it's very easy to explain.
Just like you were saying a moment ago, there's good, hard, physical science behind it as to why temperature is causing carbon dioxide to change, not the reverse.
Now, when you get to the actual level, information as to why the Earth is warming, a huge amount of research has been done over the last 10 years, and it's just coming to forefront right now, that shows that cosmic radiation from exploding supernovae thousands of light years away, when it finally reaches the Earth,
That acts as what's called hydroscopic nuclei that water droplets form around.
In other words, clouds, specifically at the lower levels.
Now, if you've ever flown in an airplane and you've flown over low clouds, it's almost impossible to look out at them because of their brilliance.
So much sun is reflecting off the top of those clouds, it almost hurts your eyes to look at them.
Well, this is called albedo, and albedo is the direct reflectance of the solar radiation back out into space, never reaches the Earth's surface.
Therefore, lo and behold, and you've seen it every day, that it rains, it's colder underneath clouds than it is when it's sunny outside.
Now, every once in a while, on an 11 or 22 year cycle specifically, the sun actually becomes more active, and when it does,
It spews out solar winds.
If you've ever seen the magnetic storms and the aurora borealis and so forth, that's what happens when you have a very active sun.
These solar winds have a tendency to push back this cosmic radiation right out of the sun's heliosphere, right out of our solar system.
And as a consequence, when that happens, you have a situation where there is less clouds being formed because there's less cosmic radiation reaching the Earth's surface.
Only two to three percent difference, but that's all it takes.
You can account for all the global warming that we've had by two to three percent.
Reduction in our lower cloud levels over the last 50 to 100 years.
And it's been demonstrated that this is almost a 95% correlation.
But also, and your film and other films document all the top scientists, they claim that 2,000 plus people signed on to that UN letter a few years ago, and it turned out that hundreds of scientists are saying, I wasn't even contacted, or I was contacted to give information, but I don't agree with this.
But also, he claims that heating comes with carbon dioxide,
But in the graphs, it's 200 to 600 years after.
Carbon dioxide always follows heating, because heating causes photoplankton and plant blooms, which then increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
It's an absolute ice core, and every other sampling, NASA sampling, that carbon dioxide follows warming because the plant life forms
Exhaling in their respiration more carbon dioxide.
I mean, it's a 2 plus 2 equals 4, but I can sit here and say to the public, how dare you, Dr. Michael Coffman, wanting to poison our children with hydrogen oxide?
How dare you with deadly hydrogen oxide?
Well, hydrogen oxide, tell them what hydrogen oxide is.
Well, you can't live without hydrogen oxide.
It's water.
Uh, you can't live more than three or four days without it.
And, you know, water will kill you if you drowned in it.
It will kill you if you drink it.
But, you know, they've gone out, different crews, and gone out to environmental, you know, fairs and walked up and said, we've got to ban this.
Sign our petition.
Hydrogen dioxide.
That was in fixed signatures.
90 plus percent.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, ban it immediately.
It's the same thing with carbon dioxide, folks.
And two hydrogen.
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water, H2O, are the three major building blocks.
Then you add to that the energy of the sun, and those are the four total building blocks.
Are those not the most important building blocks?
I mean, there are many others too, but those are the big three.
There's no question about it.
You can't live without one of those.
If one of those is missing, we would not have life on planet Earth.
But, how dare the plants spew this deadly waste?
I mean, they're assaulting our children with deadly carbon dioxide!
Well, you know, that's the other fallacy of this whole thing, is the fact that there's less than 1% of all the greenhouse gases that is made up of man-caused, or man-emitted carbon dioxide.
The rest of it is all natural.
Even carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide
Ninety-seven percent of it is naturally created by trees, plants, and other sundry things.
But, I mean, the botanists and experts have found that plants can grow three times faster, live longer, be healthier.
They create higher oxygen.
They've done studies and found that they believe that during the Hyborian Maxim 7,000 years ago, that humans were healthier because of higher oxygen.
They dug up the bones.
It really is.
It's amazing.
There's been literally thousands of these studies being done to show that food production, for instance, can be doubled.
Increased by 50% with a doubling of carbon dioxide, doubled with a tripling of carbon dioxide.
And the oceans, the plankton do better, then the krill, then the shrimp, then the minnows, then the larger fish up to the bluefin tuna and the great whites.
This would be good for the ocean, but they don't want it!
Well, it's not that they don't want it.
They don't want us to know about it, because if we know about it, we'll know how much of a fool they are and we won't go along with their agenda.
They're using this whole thing as an agenda item in order to enslave us.
As you said in your DVD, there is no question of this.
There is no viable science, and I'll say this,
In a hard and fast way, there is no direct science that shows that man is causing global warming.
I have looked at literally thousands of research results, and there is none.
There's a lot of circumstantial evidence, but so what?
The hard evidence that we do have suggests that what we're seeing today is part of a natural cycle, and we're recovering from what is called the Little Ice Age, back in the 1700s and 1800s.
It's a natural warming, and thank God, because back in the Little Ice Age, that's when you had the Black Flakes of Europe and mass starvation because crop failures and all the rest.
Huge snowstorms is when the Thames River and London froze over every year.
It was a horrible time.
We're recovering from that.
We do not want to go back to that.
Why do you want to hurt our children?
Why do you want to hurt our children, Dr. Kaufman, wanting them to ingest the deadly poison sodium chloride?
Well, that is unfortunately the only tactic they can use to try to discredit us.
But sodium chloride is deadly!
It's in poor people.
Yes, ban sodium chloride.
Tell folks what sodium chloride is.
You eat it every day.
Again, the scientific terms scare the buffoonish, dumbed-down public.
I mean, 50 years ago they would never have gotten away with this.
People knew too much.
People knew too much.
It was part of our high school education, if not our elementary education, and all that material has been taken out.
Our history courses have been dumbed down to very mundane types of understanding of history, totally eliminating the concept of what private property rights mean to wealth creation and all the rest.
You and I, when we grew up, well maybe not you, maybe you were too late,
You're a lot younger than I am, but when I grew up, it was part of our curricula.
We understood how important private property rights are, or how important this is, and that's not being taught anymore.
Oh no, we were just taught that world government was good and handing in guns is good.
I want to take some calls, but if folks want Global Warming or Global Government, your DVD film, it's available.
At Infowars.com.
You can also get it discounted with Endgame together as a combo pack on Infowars.com.
It also makes a great gift.
Let's say you know all about this.
You're a scientist.
You're a researcher.
You're a biologist.
You're a lay scientist.
A tinkerer.
You know these basics.
Your neighbors don't, folks.
They think sodium chloride is cyanide.
They've done studies where they tell people that and they believe it.
They believe that water, if you give them the scientific term, is poison.
They believe that
Carbon dioxide, literal main engine driver for all life.
It's plants of the basis.
They're at the bottom of the food chain.
They believe it's a devil gas.
And again, they're treating us like ignorant morons.
And it's got to stop.
Please call 888-253-3139 to get in game.
Or Global Warming or Global Government.
Get them today.
Let's jam in some calls here.
Don in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Michael Kaufman.
Go ahead, Don.
I'd like to return to the subject that you brought up, sir, of theosophy, and I'd like to comment on what Alex often says.
It's not actually what we believe that's important, it's important what they believe, because they're actually making the moves off of their beliefs, so whether it's true or not, the fact that they believe that is very
Every time I talk about the globalists being occultic, atheists send me emails going, I don't believe in that, you kook.
Okay, it doesn't matter.
Hitler wasn't an occultist.
It doesn't mean you believe in that.
The point is, that's what's driving him.
You know, the hillside strangler, Mr. Satan, believed he was doing it for the devil.
Even if you don't believe in the devil, he believes in you, and you know, he's Richard Ramirez or whatever.
Dr. Kaufman?
I would agree with you.
It's not what we believe, it's what they believe when they're in the seat of power.
That they're going to impose on you and I. I mean, that's what a criminologist does.
Understand our enemies.
We understand what makes them tick.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
You posed a question earlier, Alex, of how do we stop these guys, and I would contend that we should learn as much about what they believe as possible.
However, that is a slippery slope, and Doctor, I'd like for you to comment on this.
Once you start learning about what
They know there's so much disinformation within what they're learning.
It seems to me that the root of theosophy and all of this occult stuff is a concept called star-seeding, and I'd like you to comment on this, that they actually believe that they are descendants of a cross between alien and the human species, and that is what separates them from the normal man.
Yes, in fact, not all of them believe that, necessarily, but I have read in the... No, we're hearing this a lot now.
It's really popular.
In fact, you have to, you know, the whole thing is set up by the concept of evolution.
I'm not going to get into an evolutionary discussion right now.
But it's set up by evolution, and therefore, they are part of the new gene pool that was brought in from other planets and so forth.
Well, that's even what the BBC is saying now.
We're going to split into two groups.
I appreciate your call.
Robert in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Yeah, a couple of things.
One is that I was doing some research on what the terminology that you keep using, Luciferian, they believe in an evolutionary process from Homo sapien to Homo divinus.
Yeah, and that predates Darwin.
See, Darwin didn't think any of this up.
And we're not getting into... I agree.
We're not having a debate about evolution, folks.
We're telling what they believe.
That's all we're doing.
See, I don't even attack Darwin in this film.
I just state what he believed.
I show the documents, the books he wrote.
Dr. Kaufman?
Yes, absolutely.
It is... Again, you have to understand what they believe.
You know, I wrote the book, Saviors of the Earth, a number of years ago.
It's still available on my website.
I wrote that book trying to help people understand what is motivating the environmental movement and where it's coming from and what they believe in, because unless you understand what they believe in, you will not know where they're going.
It's one of the reasons I was able to stop right an hour before the Senate was to vote on it, the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Because I knew exactly what they were trying to do.
I explained it to the Senate.
They didn't believe me.
And I finally got the evidence, the smoking gun, the day before that they were supposed to vote on it and send it down to the U.S.
And it was introduced on the Senate floor an hour before the scheduled vote for ratification of this treaty.
And it just literally blew it right out of the water.
You have to know where they're going.
Robert, stay there.
I'm gonna let you finish up.
Then Richard and Will, that'll be it for Dr. Michael Kaufman.
Then we got the two-time Super Bowl champion, five-time pro bowler, speaking out for 9-11 Truth, scheduled.
We'll be right back.
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Dr. Michael Coffman is our guest.
Is Robert from California still there?
Some answer.
Yeah, they think they're going to be homo-divine.
They think they're going to be the new God-man.
That's right.
That's the whole push since the Greek philosophers.
Any other comments?
Yeah, and also a couple of news points.
One, I don't know if you already covered this or not.
Pat Robertson has just endorsed Billy Giuliani.
That's all you're hearing.
Yeah, pro-abortion.
Oh, by the way, I actually heard the radio ad.
Pastor Hagee says Jesus is not the Savior.
And again, this is a new show.
A major supposed evangelical preacher says Jesus is not the Messiah.
And yeah, I'm just reading that right now.
It happened 11 o'clock a.m.
Also, a little point on what you've been saying, Alex, about them ratcheting up the war machine.
I've been driving around L.A.
listening to all the talk show radios on the a.m.
dials around here, and they just keep talking about nuclear strike, nuclear strike, nuclear strike.
So I think we should be
Hold on to our socks, as they say.
I agree.
I mean, to hear Hagee, and this is not a religious show, but this is the guy who's all pro-war, knew Kyran all this, and Dr. Kaufman, the network even has the club I'll play at tomorrow.
I mean, can you believe he actually is saying that now?
No, I'm stunned.
I'm stunned that Pat Robertson would support Giuliani, too.
I mean, just, that is so far from what they had been preaching for all their lives.
It's just beyond what I could conceive of.
We're seeing it all happen right now.
We're seeing it all.
Imagine 11,000 members of that guy's church down in San Antonio, and they all just sit there loving it.
I mean, they'll buy anything.
See, once you buy into torture and world government and corruption and police state, you buy into it all.
Rich in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Michael Kaufman.
Hi, guys.
Another quick news item, and then on to something a little bit more pertinent.
I've read on Rents today that we have grounded all of our F-15s on a worldwide basis, including in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And secondly, I wanted to reinforce the request that you urgently get Jim Phelps from GOE Watch on to your show.
He takes this information to an even deeper hole.
He's a whistleblower that was involved with Oak Ridge.
For his second generation, his father was in it as well and died from contamination there.
And there's just a monstrous amount of information out there that I think you would really enjoy getting into.
Okay, thank you for the call.
Dr. Cobham, we're out of time.
Fire out your excellent website.
It's discerningtoday.org.
And again, mention that book that's still in print.
Saviors of the Earth?
And what I do is I basically define exactly where the environmental movement came from, and more importantly, what they really believe in, in the leadership of the environmental movement.
Where they're taking us into this occult belief that nature is God and we must worship nature.
All I know is that everything is being turned upside down right now.
It is.
And the economy is gyrating downwards into the abyss, and the neocons are on radio just jabbering about World War III and everything else.
We are definitely in the middle of massive change, and it's only going to accelerate.
Dr. Michael Coffman, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're going to get an amazing individual on the line with us.
After this break, Mark Stepnowski, and many of you know who he is if you're football fans, I remember watching him on television myself back when I still had time to watch television and football games back in the mid-1990s.
Growing up in Dallas, quite a Cowboys fan, and he has eloquently spoken out for 9-11 Truth, and he's scheduled to join us coming up in the next hour with some other big 9-11 breaking news as well.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Last week, George Carlin, legendary top comedian in the country,
Went public and said he doesn't believe the official story and questions it.
Martin Sheen, of course, last week also went public.
You heard it here first.
Charlie Sheen, his son, last year was the first big star to go public.
Now we've had a bunch of other top Hollywood stars and others go public.
And the point is, is this takes a lot of courage for him to do, and more and more people are starting to stand up and speak out.
We had a story a couple days ago, former NFL star, latest to question,
9-11 official story, ex-Dallas Cowboys lineman Stipnoski tells Indiana newspaper of doubts and I believe Paul got that part of the headline wrong right there, but let me give you his bio then we're going to go to him.
Matthew Stepnoski is a former American football offensive lineman in the NFL.
He attended Cathedral Preparatory School in Erie, Pennsylvania, and went on to star at the University of Pittsburgh.
Stepnoski's pro career in the NFL was spent with the Dallas Cowboys from 89 to 94, and then back from 99 to 2000, and the Houston Oilers from 95 to 98.
Stepnoski won two Super Bowls while with the Cowboys.
I remember watching those.
And was a five-time pro bowler, attending the game from 92 through 96.
Also notable among his achievements
Are the contributions he made to help Emmett Smith become the all-time rushing champion of the NFL?
And again, in November 2007, Sapnowski expressed support for the 9-11 Truth Movement, and he is also working with Normal, which I don't smoke marijuana, it makes me paranoid, but I think it should be legalized.
George Washington smoked it, and it has thousands, it's a miracle drug, much bigger than aspirin,
And, uh, Mattel's throwing you in jail for that, but you can take Ritalin and Prozac all day, or Hillbilly Heroin, or the Oxycontin.
But, uh, sir, I am so honored to have you on with us.
Thanks, Alex.
It's great to be here with you today.
I want to, just out of the gate, when we come back from break, get into 9-11 truth.
And I talked to you during the break.
You told me when you woke up to it, the day it happened.
Same here.
And then I want to talk about normal, because the whole war on drugs is obviously very important.
But, um, talk about that day, 9-11.
Yeah, that was a two today, which that was my last year playing football in the NFL and that was our day off.
So I happened to catch a decent amount of it on TV.
And I just remember at the time thinking to myself, you know, is this really a terrorist attack on us by a foreign nation?
Or is this a false flag operation being conducted by our government?
I think we're good.
A lot of the unofficial story about that event, and I noticed there were a lot of parallels between that event and 9-11 as far as bombs being found in the building, scientists coming out and saying that an ammonium nitrate bomb could never cause that much damage.
I read another book about McVeigh's trial called Others Unknown, which was actually written by the gentleman who represented him, and he was convinced that there were other people involved in that event that never were brought to justice.
So there were just a lot of similarities between the two.
And, you know, once that event occurred, I was skeptical.
And then obviously, you know, once you start following it from the get-go, you're exposed
Constantly, the information to reinforce your belief.
Exactly, I've tried to disprove my own research, but take Oklahoma City, or the first World Trade Center, where the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave them the detonator.
Now lawyers have gone in, gotten the admissions from Terry Nichols that McVeigh was a government agent.
We already knew that.
Now the Southern Poverty Law Center, it's come out in federal documents, was basically running Elohim City, the white supremacist compound.
I mean, this is incredible.
Yeah, there's so much, again, the two events, there's so much information behind the scenes.
Well, you're a well-known iconoclast, known for being quite intellectual in your own right, and I'm just very impressed just talking to you in a few minutes here.
I'm very excited about the 55 minutes we've got left with you, sir.
We'll be right back with pro bowler, two-time NFL Super Bowl champion, Mark Stepnoski.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
As usual, we're having great discussions during the breaks.
Mark Stepnowski.
He is our guest.
He is a five-time pro bowler, two-time Super Bowl champion, and he's the guy that opened up those big holes and credited most of those big holes and driving through so that him and Schmitz could get that all-time record.
And I asked him what he wanted to talk about, and he said, hey, 9-11 is a big issue.
We'll talk some about the war on drugs.
And absolutely, I agree with him.
And I think that the
Yes, we're good to go.
Maybe recap, you've got the floor, sir.
Expand on how you were already aware of false flag, what you thought that day, and why you've taken this major plunge going public for 9-11 Truth.
Well, I just think that, you know, growing up reading books about the Kennedy assassination, books like High Treason, you know, there's so many books out there and videos.
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, the five-part series that's played on cable television, was really well done.
But that was just a great introduction over the years of, you know, some of the clandestine activities that occur with the military and with the intelligence services, things that you're never going to see in mainstream media.
And then again, you know, just going along that line throughout that time period, studying the Vietnam War, Watergate, all these things that
Signify a cover-up by the government.
As time goes on, you become more and more aware, as a citizen, that secrecy is the rule of the day with our government.
And any time that anything revelatory comes to light regarding the nefarious activities of our government, it's immediately discredited and hushed up.
So, you know, fortunately we live in an era where alternative media provides true sources of information that can't be sanitized by corporations.
If I can just add, speaking of the Kennedy assassination, now over 90% of Americans in major polls believe the government killed him.
Well, they better.
I mean, E. Howard Hunt now
Now, deathbed confession, only Rolling Stone reports on it.
I mean, we now have the CIA section chief, the guy who was photographed at the scene by the Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times Herald, now admitting that he did indeed run the op to kill him, and it's not on the national news!
Absolutely, and we see things like that all the time.
Recently, this past summer, documents were released proving that the CIA often worked hand-in-hand with organized crime figures to implement their plans.
All these things that at the time would have been considered quote-unquote conspiracy theory are now being substantiated as being true.
So again, fortunately we live in a time where information is a little bit more accessible, so it's becoming harder and harder for a corrupt government to cover up their illegal activities.
You know, in the 60s it took years and years before the Zapruder film was even released.
Yeah, absolutely.
I thought the movie The Fog of War with Robert McNamara did a great job of just letting people know what that behind-the-scenes planning consists of.
And there's so many parallels.
You know, you look at that, the false intelligence leading to war, same thing that's going on now.
You know, history really does repeat itself.
But like you said earlier, if people don't read and they're not familiar with history, it's not as apparent to them that these things happen over and over again throughout time.
Well, history's like having the other team's playbook, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
When you see modern events unfold around you, it's a lot easier to interpret them if you have read their mail, so to speak, ahead of time.
Now, what made you decide to take the blinds for 9-11 Truth?
Well, it just became a question of not really being able to be quiet about it anymore.
I've talked to my friends about it all the time for the last six years.
You know, I'll gladly speak with anybody who wants to talk about it.
Initially, you know, people were very reluctant to even entertain the possibility that it was an inside job.
But again, as the years have gone on, as time has gone on, you know, now we're, you know, six, seven years out, enough information is out there to where people are willing to consider it more seriously.
You know, you're probably familiar with Peter Phillips from Project Censored.
Oh, absolutely.
I love that, his books, read them every year.
He calls it a threshold concept.
You know, people really need to get to the point where they can assimilate enough information to make that leap.
To go, to think, you know, beyond the parameters that they already possess.
It's like, once we finally believe that we can fly, within a few years of thousands of tinkerers trying it, the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk were able to do it, or Copernicus had enough knowledge to finally convince people the world was round and not flat, or Galileo, that the Earth orbited the Sun, not the Sun the Earth.
Yeah, people, when you try to hit them with this all at once, if they're totally uninformed and this information is entirely foreign to them, they're really not willing to entertain it, because it's just too much of a paradigm shift for them.
But for people who gradually are exposed to more and more information, it's less and less of a shock to them.
I think we've reached that point now, because honestly,
When you look at the information that's out there and the credibility of the sources, anybody now who still believes the official story of 9-11 is either incredibly naive or exhibiting complete and total denial.
Well, we know denial is certainly a powerful factor, but
Did you decide to really speak out and go public?
I mean, I'm just asking because you think things are getting more serious or that they may be planning something else.
I mean, I'm just speculating because more people that I've talked to that are going public now say that's their reason.
I mean, does that play any factor here?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
You know, we have the desire to start a third war since 9-11 in Iran.
You know, there are stories of missing nuclear warheads floating around.
You know, you read the Kenneth Bunkport warning online.
There are many people worried about Cheney staging another false flag attack.
He's already come out and said the next time it happens, it'll be in the form of a nuclear, a mini-nuke somewhere in a U.S.
And anybody who is familiar with all these military exercises that are constantly going on, they realize that not a lot of people are needed to pull off a false flag attack like that.
Well, what about Colonel Butler?
Defense Language School tells the AP in San Jose Mercury News that they train hijackers in secret spy programs at the base.
Mr. Springman, the head of the U.S.
Embassy, ordered to let hijackers back into the country and was told, don't worry, the terror designation is their cover, they're government agents.
I mean, that right there, and those are only a few of thousands of smoking guns.
Drills of the exact same buildings attacked at the exact same time by aircraft, and then Bush says he never heard of a plan to attack buildings with planes?
Yeah, it's really absurd.
When you think back to the time prior to 9-11, all the precautions that were taken at the GA Summit in Italy, you know, these are all scenarios that have been discussed by policymakers.
They know what the threats are.
They know the technology that's out there and what's possible.
Now, the general public doesn't know.
So then, obviously, when they see this scenario envelop, they don't think of it in terms of a drill or an exercise gone live.
They think of it in terms of, you know, a terrorist attack from an outside entity.
But again, when you listen to the transcripts of the air traffic controllers on the day of 9-11, the first words out of their mouth was, is this live or is this an exercise?
And then they said, I've never seen so much real world going on during an exercise.
Yeah, and I think, you know, you read a book like Crossing the Rubicon by Mike Rupert, or 9-11 Synthetic Terror Made in the USA by Webster Tarpley.
These guys do a great job of highlighting how many military exercises were taking place on that day and how they served to
Make the event possible and also to confuse people at the time who are in charge of trying to deter things like that from happening.
But again, I sometimes think that people don't realize how much influence the military has on everyday life in the US.
Well, then there was also Tripod 2 going on where they did a simulation of terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center complex with the Port Authority.
They'd moved the Emergency Management Center the week before out to the end of the pier, out of the big spook complex.
We're good to go.
Yeah, there are just too many lies for people to go back and, you know, cover them up.
It's such a web of lies that, you know, people like Giuliani have already contradicted themselves repeatedly.
But again, you know, when you think about the similarities to the Oklahoma City bombing, you know, that day the alcohol, tobacco, and firearm agents who were employed in that building didn't show up for work.
And then showed up a minute after in full bomb gear and the police said, why are you here?
And they said, we got a tip.
The same way that John Ashcroft got a tip not to fly commercially before 11.
The same way Willie Brown got a tip not to fly beforehand.
Yeah, I mean, there are too many instances of foreknowledge to be discounted.
Mark Stepnoski, two-time Super Bowl champion, five-time Pro Bowler, Dallas Cowboys, and of course Houston Oilers.
When we come back,
I want to talk to you about their mindset, how they love to brag.
The PNAC documents, Cheney saying we need a terror attack, a big event.
Brzezinski saying it.
Why do you think they've been so arrogant?
Are they operating on the old 50s, 60s paradigm as Cold War dinosaurs?
And where do you think this is all going?
Because the jig is up with 84% in major polls not believing the official story, as high as 68% believing inside job.
We'll be back with Mark Stepnowski right after this quick break.
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Alright, we're going to your calls.
Richard in Texas.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Alex, how you doing?
I'll tell you what, it's a great show here the last few days, especially about the Zogby Pole stuff.
That's really great stuff.
You've been exposing them, how they operate.
We did it, Dale.
Let's hear it.
A lot of thanks.
Well, it sure has.
I'm looking forward to hearing some more on that.
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I agree.
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Get involved in election watch groups like Vote Rescue in Austin and other groups around the country.
Go to Black Box Voting and find out different groups.
Just start going in different directions.
Just start frenzying.
I mean, if we just start running in all directions and snapping and biting and getting the word out, we can't be stopped.
Get moving, folks.
You don't have to be perfect.
You don't have to have all the answers.
And, you know, we're sitting here in a world of soundbites, so I figured if we could call this the primary bomb, and that way we've got a one-word expression that encompasses that effort to unelect every incumbent.
A primary surge.
Primary bomb, primary surge, whatever, but just go to primarybomb.com and it just simply states, hey, let's unelect all these incumbents.
So hopefully we can just put that on the wrong side.
Who launched that shot?
Is that you, Richard?
Yeah, I set it up.
I set it up and it's just all it is.
It's just a blog.
It's got one paragraph on there.
Real simple.
No ads or nothing like that.
No, that's a good idea.
That's right.
Thank you, Alex.
Hey, thanks, Richard.
Oh, by the way, Richard, give me a call.
Richard did camera work for us in New York.
I just gave him a little camera and we watched the video.
He's quite a savant with the camera.
Charles in Michigan.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, how's it going?
I want to thank you for taking my call.
This is the only way I get a chance to actually listen to your program here in Michigan because we don't have any affiliates here and I don't have internet access.
Okay, go ahead, sir.
You're on air.
Thanks a lot.
I wanted to say that Kerry and Gore, of course, they won.
But you know, they put in who they wanted to put in, and Clinton, now they're spending this to where, oh, she has all this experience.
She has experience.
Experience of being a witch and a criminal.
And now they have Giuliani, now he's Mr. 9-11, Mr. 9-11, Mr. 9-11.
It gets to be so ridiculous, it's comical, but it's not comical.
I mean, you want to cry.
You want to see what it is that you can do.
And I'm trying to get a radio station here in Detroit, Michigan.
And I'm trying to put your information out there and I'm trying to do everything I can.
And I'm voting for Ron Paul.
And that's all I had to say.
Well, God bless you.
You know the problem.
We've got quite a few AM and FM stations for a stand-alone, independent, small network.
I mean, there's like 300-something affiliates of different shows on Genesis.
I've got like 50-something stations in growing that carry us live, a few dozen more that carry us on the weekend.
But, you know, the big companies have bought up everything and they put their talk show host on syndicated because they then get all the ads.
And, uh, but there are mom and pops, I guarantee you, going into Detroit.
That's how we've gotten all the stations we've got.
There's people like you, Charles, getting on the phone and telling them to go to GCNLive.com or CuriousNews.us.
And they can get the satellite coordinates.
They can get us anytime they want.
We'll come right back to Don, Cliff, Kyle, others.
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We're good to go.
Thanks to the Renegades, we are free today.
And Mark Stepnowski is certainly a renegade when it comes to taking action, speaking out, and having a lot of courage.
In fact, this is out of the Erie paper.
Q&A with Mark Stepnowski.
Since retiring from football six years ago, Mark Stepnowski has changed countries, buying a house in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he now lives with his long-time girlfriend.
And it goes on, he's also changed lifestyles, trading the hectic demands of playing for the NFL for the relatively laid-back retirement that includes travel, reading, and taking in concerts and performing arts.
But Sipnowski, 40, always a bit of an iconoclast, hasn't changed, continues to work towards the legalization of marijuana, an effort that began pursuing in the earnest after leaving football.
And he has now added a new interest, speaking out publicly, it's really an old interest we learned now, 9-11 Truth Movements, whose adherents question the mainstream accounts.
And I read it here, he's also a fan of George Carlin, who said he questions the official story last week.
What do you think of George Carlin now saying he questions the official story?
Well, I think it's great.
I think that, you know, if you had to pick one guy who might do that, he would be the guy.
You know, he's kind of, has a reputation as being an anti-authority figure.
You know, a guy who kind of, you know, cuts through the chase and gets to the point.
Yeah, I was excited to hear that.
Boy, it'd be interesting if we saw some, the biggest country star out there go public on 9-11 Truth, or maybe
I'm not going to even say it.
There are so many people who know what's going on who haven't yet spoken out or gone public, but I just pray that that happens, because as more people go public, it makes it safer for others to do it, and I really think a mass awakening, a renaissance of awakening, could totally expose false black terror and really inoculate the public against it to where the New World Order basically can't use that tool anymore.
I agree, and I think one of the things that is helping people come to that conclusion is the amount of information that's out there that is sourced from mainstream media.
Now, you're never going to see discussions like we are having today in mainstream media, but at the same time, a lot of people who are skeptical of the things we are talking about
You know, they always tend to believe that these sources that we are reading on the internet or in books or magazines are subversive, unsubstantiated,
But that's why I think people should be open to reading things like the Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson, which is entirely sourced from mainstream accounts.
People can look at how this information is put together even when it is gleaned from major media.
So I think, you know, once people expose themselves to that kind of book,
Or if they read something by David Ray Griffin, which debunks some of the theories being put out by mainstream media, then I think they'll be a little bit more willing to accept some of the things that we are talking about today.
Well, here's an example of debunking poplar mechanics.
We'll show some physicist and say that they just say, oh, it's not true with a guy saying expert under some 20-year-old kid.
Or they would say, oh, NORAD never intercepted any plane before 9-11 but Payne Stewart in 2000, the golfer.
And then we went and got the very same spokesman for NORAD who said that to popular mechanics in AP and Reuters during the Payne Stewart thing, saying they had 167 of them in just the months before that.
I mean, you know, my dad's a pilot and he's been off course before and, you know, they get on the radio and threaten to send an F-16s up when he's flying around a storm in a Cessna over Central Texas.
So, I mean, it's just, they build strongmen.
Can you comment on that?
Yes, I think, you know, once people become familiar with the protocol that exists, it's readily apparent that that protocol was broken on that day.
And that, you know, the events that happened that day, the way they transpired, that is not commonplace.
And it doesn't matter who's
Who's in charge as far as giving the order to shoot down planes?
There is a protocol that's been established, and like you said, it's been followed repeatedly in the past.
So, to see such a divergence from the normal way that things are supposed to occur, as far as the response of jets and the response of NORAD, it just goes without saying that it's an anomaly.
You know, things were purposely altered that day.
And then we have all these first responders, medical workers, police, scores of them saying they heard the 22nd countdown when they blew up Building 7, and then BBC, 25 minutes before it falls on two different channels, says we've just gotten word Building 7, Salomon Brothers, has fallen from fire, total collapse, and there it is behind them, out the window, and they gave the exact official story that later came out hours later.
I mean, that's smoking gun!
Yeah, in addition to I'm sure a lot of your listeners are familiar with Larry Silverstein's comments about the building being pulled as if it was being demolished.
I was fortunate enough a couple months ago to see to go see William Rodriguez speak live in Vancouver and I was already familiar with his story but nonetheless it was really compelling to go see him in person and listen to it firsthand.
Yeah, like you said, the amount of eyewitnesses who were there that day, they're becoming more and more vocal.
I think that people are starting to realize that they're hearing the alternative belief now about what really happened that day.
The difference is they're not hearing it from corporate media, they're hearing it from eyewitnesses.
Well, speaking of that, up on PrisonPlanet.com, we have the George Washington Blogspot thing here.
9-11 family member, Patty Cazazza, government new exact date and exact targets.
9-11 family member, Jersey girl, Patty Cazazza, has just revealed that the whistleblower told her that before 9-11, the government knew the exact date, the type of attack, and the targets.
And she had to meet the government whistleblower
I don't think so.
I'll be arrested if I tell you what I know under national security.
All I can tell you is the Bush's vacation with the Bin Laden's.
Here is a Jersey girl, Patty Kazaza, talking about one of the inside whistleblowers giving her this information.
I met other whistleblowers on the side of the road in Maryland.
You know, to hear what they could tell us.
None of them revealed state secrets to us, by the way.
But they had information and basically the government knew, you know, other than the exact moment, they knew the date and the method of which the attacks were supposed to come.
And none of this made it to mainstream media.
None of it made it into the Commission.
And yet, again, all of your representatives on the day that the commission book came out were on their pulpits saying, what a fabulous job this commission has done, a real service to this nation.
And it was anything but a service.
It was a complete fabrication.
That's Patty Kozaza.
Going back to Mark Stepnoski, two-time Super Bowl winner, five-time Pro Bowler, Dallas Cowboys, and of course the Texas Oilers, now the Tennessee Titans.
I mean, that is another amazing testimony right there, and as these things mount, they can't ignore it, Mark.
I tell you, Alex, I'm so glad that you mentioned the Jersey Girls.
I was hoping we could discuss them briefly, because, you know, when people who believe the official story of 9-11 hear skeptics talk about it, they always accuse us of not being sensitive to the victims' families.
And that also goes for the war in Iraq or Afghanistan.
If you question the official story, if you exhibit any kind of skepticism, they automatically equate that as being disrespectful to the families of the 9-11 victims or of the soldiers who have died in war.
And I totally disagree with that, you know, because as you just have shown,
The family members of these victims are some of the most outspoken critics of the official story, and they, as much as anyone, are trying to get to the bottom of what really happened on that day.
So I believe it's the total opposite, that by questioning these things, we are doing everything we can to help these families of victims and slain soldiers find out the whole reason behind why they had to die in the first place.
Well, I agree with you.
Over a year and a half ago now, I interviewed in a semi-film, Terror Storm, Bill Doyle, the head of 7,000 plus victims and family members, survivors of 9-11, lost his son, Joey, on that morning.
He came on the show and he said, I believe it's a total inside job.
The words were total inside job.
And he said that the majority of the victims' family groups and victims believe it's a total inside job.
But then the media always says all the family members hate us.
But there have been family members for five years who've gone out and encircled the White House saying Bush did it, Bush knew.
And I saw one little CNN report on that and show exactly how dare them speak for the victims and family members and those that lost loved ones when the majority believe it's an inside job, another hoax by the controlled corporate press.
Yeah, exactly.
And I think it goes hand in hand with the whole secrecy thing that we discussed earlier.
Whether it's the 9-11 Commission, whether it's, you know, Justice Department emails, whether it's extraordinary rendition by the CIA, it could be domestic spying by the NSA, whatever it is, this administration's policy has been secrecy and denial.
So again, that's a pattern that's been clearly established, you know, since the administration began in 2000.
So again, I don't understand, you know, people are willing to accept that the administration withheld information in all those other related areas, yet for some reason it's still tough for some people to apply that same thinking to Line 11 and to believe that the administration was keeping secrets about that also.
I want to shift gears and come at you from left field because I just thought of this.
About a year and a half ago, we talked to Kevin Tillman, Pat Tillman's brother.
Uh, we got his number and he said, I don't want to go public right now, but we have a lot of questions.
We think he could have been murdered on purpose to silence him.
Now, uh, they've put the families publicly said that the media has tried to spin it and kind of whitewash what they said and play it down.
We know that Pat was writing letters back talking to different anti-war groups saying that this is all staged.
There was even talk now that we're hearing about, he was talking about 9-11.
I don't think so.
Three times at close range, in the head, a triple burst from closer than 15 yards, not 1000 yards or whatever.
They kept shooting him.
They kept begging to not be shot.
It kept staying stopped.
And they basically killed him.
Then the army doctors and investigators said it was murder.
They were told to shut up.
We know that they killed some of the people that spoke out about the private lynch thing being staged, and then she came out and said it was staged.
Do you have any comments on, and they admitted a lot of murders have happened in the military to cover things up, any comments on Pat Tillman?
Well, I just think that that whole situation is tragic.
It's just, it's extremely disappointing to see
His idealism be subverted and to be basically him to be used as an agent of propaganda.
I didn't know Pat, but I paid attention to his story, you know, simply because he's a former NFL player and it got a lot of attention.
And I don't question his motives or his idealism one bit, and I don't fault him in any way for wanting to do what he thought was right.
But at the same time, I just think it's tragic that when he did join, he and his brother decided to do what they did, he was championed by the media.
He was looked at as a hero, and rightfully so.
His story was used as a way to propagate the drums for war further.
And then when he wound up unfortunately and tragically getting killed, that was also used as a way to further the agenda for war.
Even though, as you just clearly explained, they didn't tell the truth about the circumstances surrounding his death.
So it was so disheartening to see a guy being used throughout the entire process, used as a guy to sell the war, and then after he was killed, that was used as a way to try and drum up patriots.
And they covered up the fact that he'd written letters and was firmly against the war, saying it was an illegal war and a fraud.
Yeah, and I guess, uh, like you said, you know, he was planning to, uh, make some connections with, uh, famous anti-war speakers, uh, you know, Noam Chomsky, Cindy Sheehan, those were some names that were thrown around.
And, um, again, you know, uh, the whole reason that we're supposed to be over there fighting is for our freedoms, right?
It's supposedly to protect our freedoms.
Yet here is a guy who obviously had his freedoms suppressed in the most drastic way possible, and that was by killing him.
Shifting gears back into 9-11, with Mark Stepnoski, Super Bowl champion, two-time, five-time Pro Bowler, joining us for 9-11 Truth here today.
And again, I want to commend you and thank you, and I just admire you more than ever.
I never would have thought watching you in the Super Bowl that I'd ever be talking to you, much less about such an incredible issue.
But here we are, brought together with the audience and people listening all over the world right now.
What would you like to see happen with 9-11 Truth?
Where would you like to see this go?
Because people call for another investigation.
I'm sure that sounds fine, but it'll just be the same whitewash they already tried to have.
Henry Kissinger is the supposed head of it.
Yeah, that's the thing.
How independent could the commission be?
How much power would it have?
How much time?
How much funding?
Uh, we all know how much Bush and Cheney fought the original 9-11 Commission.
They didn't want to appear.
Then they agreed only to appear together.
They wouldn't speak under oath.
Uh, they fought over who was going to head it.
Uh, they wouldn't, uh, allocate any money towards it.
It was just a complete stonewall all the way down the line.
I think that right there should make people skeptical about what the government is saying about 9-11.
Well then, what's the plan?
I mean, what's your idea, just off the top of your head or from your gut, Mark?
I mean, what do you think we should do?
Just continue to educate the court of public opinion?
Oh, I think that never hurts.
I think that, you know, a vital and functioning democracy depends on an informed voting populace.
You know, we don't have a chance of holding our leaders accountable if we don't educate the public on what is going on and what we can possibly try to do to prevent it.
If you're going to expect constitutional government to react in the way that it's supposed to, then impeachment proceedings would be the way to go.
I am not a Democrat.
However, I am excited that Dennis Kucinich is trying to get something done along those lines.
Where that will lead, who knows?
But at the same time,
Everything during this administration has been geared towards increasing executive power.
At least articles of impeachment would be a step in the other direction.
I agree.
Impeachment is key.
Final segment with Mark Stepnowski.
Full hour with the Super Bowl champion and quite a mind when it comes to understanding false flag terror and the geopolitical system in view of history, present and the future.
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Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown
For listeners that just tuned in in the last hour, I got into the plunging dollar, gyrating oil prices, and gold prices exploding.
Very serious info.
You might want to tune in when the transmission ends to the first hour.
You mentioned a lot of key info.
Dr. Michael Kaufman in the second hour as well.
Very important information.
We have the screens going starting over again at InfoWars.com.
And the AM and FM stations across the country re-airing the broadcast, and of course the network re-airing it from 9 to midnight as well.
The in-game blueprint for global enslavement, who the global elite are, how they use terrorism, how they use control, what their master plan is.
It's available at InfoWars.com, the DVD, or watch it in super high quality right now at PrisonPlanet.tv, as well as TerrorStorm Special Edition, the final cut.
The history of government-sponsored terror, and I take the approach in the same way I woke up, in the same way that Mark woke up, is going through all the declassified admissions of government-sponsored terror.
So I hope folks will get in game at InfoWars.com.
Mark, in closing, I want to ask you about Ron Paul, but we've got about four minutes left.
Real fast, that's another point we didn't get into, all the admitted declassified examples of where criminals in our government have staged terror before.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, as time goes on, as these documents reach the time where they're allowed to be released, I think it'll become more and more apparent to people, you know, how the intelligence agencies work behind the scenes.
I'm excited about Ron Paul just because, you know,
He is the only Republican candidate who is against the war.
And I think that attitude coincides greatly with the general feeling of the American public.
And he's also, for drug decriminalization, he's a medical doctor, he knows that it's a scourge.
Absolutely, very much a libertarian belief.
Even though he has to run as a Republican, I mean, he is truly a libertarian.
And that belief goes hand-in-hand with libertarian ideology.
What would you call your political view if you had to put a label on it?
Oh boy, it's hard to say.
I mean, it's easy to look at a bunch of different guys and take bits and pieces from what they believe.
I am generally reluctant to just put a label on myself or anybody.
You want freedom?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, back in 1989 when the wall came down and the Soviet Union
Broke up.
We were supposed to realize a peace dividend.
You know, we had been through a Cold War for generations.
You know, we had had, you know, Korea, Vietnam.
We were supposed to experience a peace dividend, and that hasn't happened.
As a matter of fact, the exact opposite has happened.
You know, we have Donald Rumsfeld talking about the long war.
Hundred-year wars, a new Britain.
Yeah, Richard Cheney saying that, you know, the war that will not end in our lifetimes.
So this is just, our foreign policy is going the exact opposite direction of what I think everybody expected it to go in back decades ago when the Soviet Union dissipated.
So it's just very disappointing for me to continue to see 450 billion dollars spent every year on the defense budget when so many other things in the United States are crying out for funding.
You're absolutely right, but they use it as the organizing force to scare us into submission.
They use that tribal instinct to manipulate us against these manufactured boogeymen.
Well, you've made a big splash for 9-11 Truth and Mark Statnosky two-time
NFL Super Bowl champion, five-time pro bowler, with the team I grew up cheering, the Dallas Cowboys.
We salute you for your courage and I look forward to having you back on to talk about normal and drug decriminalization in the near future.
I salute you in the true spirit of America and the great tradition of liberty.
Thank you for your bold stance and your eloquent defense of liberty.
Thanks, Alex.
It was a pleasure talking with you today.
Mark, again, thank you, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen, back tonight on the network, 9 to midnight.
The show restarts right now at InfoWars.com and on many stations across the country.
God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
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