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Name: 20071203_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 3, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on which time zone you're listening to.
Across and around this beautiful globe as it hurtles through space.
It is already the third day of December 2007.
We are already rapidly approaching the end of 2007.
Before you know it, it'll just be another memory.
We don't have any guests today other than Trevor Lyman from the Big Tea Party event coming up the 16th.
We'll try to raise at least $5 million for Congressman Ron Paul's campaign.
He'll be popping in with a little 10 minute report in the middle of the transmission in an hour and a half.
In the meantime, we have just so much important information and news to cover today, and we're also going to be having open phones throughout the full three hours at 1-800-259-9231.
Now, I talked a lot about this last week.
Last night I talked about this, and I'm going to talk about it more today, but with more audio clips, more evidence.
There is no doubt
A full court press by every major newspaper in the country.
I mean, I've just been randomly googling their names and no NAU or made up conspiracy and every paper is popping up with it.
Boston Globe, LA Times, Austin American Statesman, Chicago Tribune, on and on and on, hundreds of them.
All saying that we are completely insane.
That there's not only no plan for North American Union, there are no trans-NAFTA highways.
It's all made up.
There is no plan by stealth to set up an American Union.
We are liars.
By just doing a little bit of searching this morning, past the hundreds of audio and video clips we've got of government officials, from presidents to prime ministers saying it,
We found the head of the Quebec State House giving the state of Quebec address bragging about the merger of the nations after he'd been to the SPP meeting.
All in his little, you know, royal, peer-of-the-crown monkey suit.
And so I thought we'd play that and integrate it in with the Prime Minister, Mr. Harper, saying that, you know, talking about space aliens.
He goes, North American Union?
Oh, and space aliens?
And Bush goes, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh, I am so tired of their propaganda.
But this is a great opportunity.
We have the SPP documents, we have their own statements, we know they're setting it up.
But when they start getting up on CNN, we have clips of this as well, saying, this crazy Ron Paul, this guy's nuts!
He thinks there's a trans-Texas corridor!
He's talking about imaginary things!
The Texas legislature had to pass a law against it.
Anyone in Texas watching that, even if they hide under a rock,
He's gonna know it's been the Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express News, probably a hundred times per paper.
I mean Perry's been on TV giving press conferences about it.
I mean, this is like saying Rick Perry doesn't exist, the governor.
This is like saying the Dallas Cowboys don't exist in Texas.
I mean, they're all over the news, constantly pushing it, constantly grabbing everything, giving Mexico facilities in San Antonio and Kansas City.
That's all over the Kansas City Star, all over the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
It's everywhere!
I mean, now they're saying that doesn't exist!
They treat the public like they are complete morons.
And sure enough, I get emails from people going, you delusional nut talking about imaginary corridors.
So we're going to talk about how we deal with this.
I'm asking you, the listeners, how should we deal with this?
How do we counter this?
Because this is their big push.
And this is a great opportunity for us to show what liars they are.
We've already done it a thousand times a thousand, but this is a really big one.
I mean, they're now saying the Trans-Texas Corridor doesn't exist.
I mean, I'm speechless right now.
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We're good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us on this December 3rd, 2007, Monday edition of Start Your Engines.
This is going to be a very important transmission today.
CNN hack claims NAFTA superhighway figment of Ron Paul's imagination.
But then we have a lengthy clip here that's got all the documents.
It's up on presentplanet.com.
It's got screenshots of the official Texas Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration's own official maps, press releases about the 83 trans-U.S.
NAFTA corridors, the main one through Mexico, down at the Pacific Port, up into Canada.
And there are official maps of 8,000 miles of toll roads in Texas.
There's only 7,000 in the country, calling it the Trans-Texas Corridor.
And then CNN is just denying that any of that even exists.
So first off, let's play the Double Speak 101 clip.
We're going to play this, and then there's pauses in the video where they put text up and show you government links to government websites where they admit all this.
And then I'll be commenting during those breaks.
Then we have Ron Paul responding to Will Blitzer asking questions about this.
But first, let's play this clip.
And you're going to hear the head of one of the Canadian states
Manitoba, up there in the official State of the State address about how he's been to the SPP meeting.
There's another one here from Quebec.
I actually have two.
Here's the problem.
I have too many clips of this to play them all.
I have too many clips.
But in the interspersed, you'll hear little cut-ins of George Bush making jokes and Stephen Harper making jokes, the Prime Minister up there in Canada.
So here it is.
Mr. Speaker,
Members of the Manitoba Legislature, welcome to the second session of the 39th Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba.
In addition, Manitoba has been working with the Canadian government and state governments in the U.S.
to protect and enhance our access to key trade markets.
In response to U.S.
border security measures, Manitoba will begin offering an enhanced driver's license as an affordable and secure form of identification for travelers.
The new license will be available in the fall of 2008.
Let's stop there!
Now see, there they are with a standardized North American Union ID that's in the SPP meeting from September 23rd, 24th, and 25th in Banff, Canada.
We have the documents, all of it.
It's all official.
It's all just right out in the open, completely and totally admitted.
Okay, let us now continue with, and this is in the state of Manitoba, address.
This is just like the national address, and when the President gives the State of the Union, states also do it.
Here it is.
Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a mid-continent trade corridor, connecting our northern port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central U.S.
and Mexico.
To advance the concept, an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the corridor.
When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an inland port in Winnipeg with preclearance for international shipping.
As you three leaders meet here, there are a growing number of people in each of your countries who have expressed concern about the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Thank you.
This is addressed to all three of you.
Can you say today that this is not a prelude to a North American Union, similar to a European Union?
Are there plans to build some kind of superhighway connecting all three countries?
And do you believe all of these theories about a possible erosion of national identity stem from a lack of transparency from this partnership?
Thank you for... Well, let me begin.
I, uh, and I guess I've read some things from my opposition in Canada.
I'm not sure these are generally expressed concerns, but a couple of my opposition leaders have speculated on massive water diversions and, uh,
Superhighways to the continent, maybe interplanetary, I'm not sure as well.
And I'm amused by some of the, some of the speculation, some of the old, I think you call them political scare tactics.
If you've been in politics as long as I have, you get used to that kind of technique.
Where you lay out a conspiracy and then force people to try to prove it doesn't exist.
That's just the way some people operate.
So I appreciate that question.
Alright, let's stop right there.
So Harper makes an interplanetary space alien joke.
Bush is on the same stage.
And that's really double speak.
They love to talk like this and he doesn't deny it.
He says, oh, you lay out a conspiracy and then force people to prove it doesn't exist.
That's exactly what they do.
They say it doesn't exist.
And then we have to prove it does and hope the public will actually go to official U.S.
government websites.
I'm amused by the difference between what actually takes place in the meetings and what some are trying to say takes place.
It's quite comical actually when you realize the difference between
And what some people are talking on TV about.
Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a mid-continent trade corridor.
Maybe interplanetary, I'm not sure.
Connecting our northern port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central U.S.
and Mexico.
An alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the corridor.
When fully developed,
The trade route will incorporate an inland port in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping.
Maybe interplanetary, I'm not sure.
Maybe interplanetary, I'm not sure.
It's quite comical actually.
When you realize the difference between reality and what some people are talking on TV about.
Reality, reality and what some people are talking on TV about.
So there you hear in Winnipeg
Where they're in the state of their state address and they're just laying out what the SPP does.
And we have the official Texas Department of Transportation documents.
We have the official Federal Transportation Department, Federal Highway Fund.
I mean, again, if you live in Texas, and you live in Oklahoma, or you live in Florida, or other areas where they're publicly building these and announcing it, you've got to call people in other parts of the country and explain
And we're trying to do it all here, too, to get all the articles and documents together.
We do it over and over again to put them in new articles with these new denials and show people that they're doing it.
But all over, Texas television, radio, print, I mean, the governor's had a bunch of press conferences.
They've released maps.
They've been in the paper.
They talk about how the trans-Texas corridor is going to be great, putting existing
Uh, tolls on existing roads, and taxing people, and it openly says to fund road building in Mexico, and the feds have introduced legislation, and they're doing it, and the highway department has announced, and they have the NASCO website, and... But again, instead of up front being able to have a real debate and say, we don't want this, the American people don't want this, and 80 plus percent don't in major polls, it's as high as 99 percent in some polls,
We're not even able to have a real debate.
They just keep patting us on the head, going, it doesn't exist, crazy man.
But then, Vicente Fox can go on Larry King Live and say it does.
The Council on Foreign Relations can put out all these quotes and statements and put out official plans for North American integration of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
They can openly state their plan as globalism and a one-world government.
They built the
European Union through stealth approach and they wrote about that in its founding documents in 57 and England for the last eight years they've been trying to force England even longer but really hardcore pushing in the last eight years to make England give up the pound make them give up their complete sovereignty and be merged into Europe
And you can read every couple weeks articles in England where they'll introduce some new legislation claiming it has nothing to do with European integration, and they say, oh, but the treaty's secret, and then the treaty comes out, and it's the merger!
So it's the same tactic of openly pushing all this, openly saying it, and then denying it if anybody brings it up.
So when we come back, we've got a bunch of other clips.
We've got Rudolph Giuliani introducing David Rockefeller,
At the Council on Business Relations at the UN, and he says, you know, you founded the Trilateral Commission, you're a founding, you know, involvement in the CFR, and you're a steering member of the Bilderberg Group, and you're really helping us set up this whole system.
But then they get up on the news and say it doesn't exist!
They treat us like complete morons, and the question here is, how do we respond to this?
How do we deal with this?
That's the big question that everybody has to ask themselves.
Because if we just let them call us conspiracy theorists, if we let them call the Congress and the Texas Legislature who passed laws against it, if we let them deny, and I have a CNN clip here coming up where they say there's no
There's no deals.
Nothing's being done.
As Mexico is being given the inland ports.
As it's actually happening.
As foreign countries are being given almost all of our ports.
On the main waterways and on the Pacific Ocean, Gulf, and Atlantic.
I mean, it's all happening, and they just continue the military tactic of denying.
This is stealth.
This is camo.
Knowing that a large portion of the public will be fooled by this.
And will just say, well I do whatever is politically correct.
They say it doesn't exist.
That's just some of the news today.
There is so much coming up.
A bunch of different audio clips.
A bunch of new taser news.
Stay with us.
Ted Anders for Midas, December 3, 2007.
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We're good to go.
Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cryin' cousin moan.
Friday evening we posted an article that didn't have the photos because they were in the middle of a blizzard and because it's up a 400 foot tower halfway the owner John Stokes didn't have a digital camera that could zoom in good enough he's gotten some pretty good photos now
Z600 is the website, one of our fine affiliates, and the photos are going up on PrisonPlanet.com the next 10 minutes.
Illegal aliens, last Wednesday night, they discovered it Thursday, took them a day to get a hold of me, kicked down the security fence around the radio station KGEZ, been around since the 1920s, one of the oldest stations in the country, if not the oldest.
And they went at least halfway up the 400 plus foot tower that was frozen and covered with ice, AM tower, without any type of safety devices it appears, and put a pretty good sized Mexican flag up on it.
Though it's tiny from, you know, 200 plus feet up, you can go up to PrisonPlanet.com, those photos will be up in the next few minutes, we just got them.
Mexican flag hung over U.S.
flag at the perpetrator's scale, huge radio tower.
And the point Paul's making is down below, there's an American flag on a flagpole in front of the radio station.
Now, two Hispanic males, two months ago, came into the station and yelled at the people across the counter and said, that flag out front is disrespectful, take it down.
They said no.
And so the American flag was jerked off the pole.
There's also photos of that going up.
The front of the radio station has a U.S.
flag on the front of it, a continental flag, and a big USA in red, white, and blue.
And it also says Ron Paul Revolution on the front of the station building.
Under it, it says, Google Ron Paul.
And I guess the pro-Laurie Conquista people did not like that one bit.
And so there is a flagpole out front of the station.
The American flag was torn off that and disappeared.
And we have video of this in San Diego, video in Phoenix, video in other places, where they would have the illegal alien demonstrations in the last year and a half.
And then police will hold other people back while the illegals... There's Google videos and YouTube videos of this.
We've posted them many times on Prison Planet and InfoWars.
We have links in the story that Paul did that's been updated and going up right now.
Where you can see the illegals go pull down the American flag, tear it up, throw it around, and then run up the Mexican flag.
And it's always big news on the internet, but if you talk bad about it, the ADL will write big hit pieces on you, as they've done.
I was just on the ADL's website last week, and there's demonizing anybody that discusses this.
And they say that it's delusional and made up that these immigrants want to recapture the Southwest, and it's another conspiracy theory.
Just like it's a conspiracy theory that there's a trans-Texas corridor, just like it's a conspiracy theory that there's an SPP or an NAU being set up.
They just lie and lie and lie and lie over and over and over and over again.
And it becomes big news on the pro-US, pro-sovereignty sites.
It gets picked up I think once or twice by Lou Dobbs, but it's happened hundreds of times that we know of.
Or there's this business of flying American flags upside down and Mexican flags on top of them.
That made news up in Reno, Nevada a month and a half ago when a vet went and pulled down the Mexican flag and retrieved Old Glory.
But the point is, why do these immigrant groups
Why are they doing this and why aren't we supposed to talk about it?
It's like when a big media company in California bought 670 plus, I think it was 676, that did make LA News, billboards that said LA is now Mexico.
It said Los Angeles, USA and they crossed out USA and put Mexico.
And we're supposed to not talk about it.
It's like we're not supposed to talk about anything else that's happening.
We're just supposed to sit down, shut up, while it happens, and now it's happened to a radio station that I'm on weekdays and Sunday nights.
And they've gotten death threats over my show and over the station owner's show.
The station owner, John Stokes, covers immigration issues on his own program.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I think so.
In World War One, they pioneered some of the
Modern forms of propaganda in warfare, as the tanks, the primitive tanks were rolling over the trenches into the German lines and vice versa into the Allied lines, the French, Canadian, US, British lines.
They would bullhorn back and forth at each other, but this is not an assault, we are not attacking you.
Because the psychoanalysts had predicted that that would cause people to at least hesitate.
And just wait a moment while they were rushing their lines.
And it did work the first few times you tried it on each line.
Just long enough, just enough hesitation to be able to get over into their lines.
And that's all it is.
It's a military tactic.
Oh, it's a conspiracy theory that 47 million immigrants that have come here in the last eight years, more than half of that being illegal aliens, that's official government numbers,
Oh, they... they're not here to hurt you!
They love you!
And none of them are on welfare, and they're only here to work!
Never mind the Fed's own numbers say that they're twice as likely to be on welfare.
That that's their subsidy for the low wages they get.
Taxpayers pay for it.
Big corporations love it.
We fit the bill.
And they'll say, oh, there's no La Reconquista movement.
That doesn't exist.
It's just crazy schizophrenics that think it does.
Oh, yeah, well, when I was in high school, they were teaching it to us, how bad America was and how Mexico belonged to it.
And I would raise my hand and argue and be told to shut up at Anderson High School.
And UT teaches it.
I mean, it's just taught everywhere.
But we're not supposed to talk about what's on the Mexican radio stations, what's being said.
I mean, most Mexicans still aren't for this, even if they are not Native Americans.
Even if they were not born in this country.
Native of this nation.
But a large portion is, and that number now is starting to grow, because it's perfect for a takeover.
You've got another language, the general public doesn't understand it, doesn't know what's going on, won't spend the time to look into it.
The mainstream control press keeps telling everybody that nothing's going on, everything's fine.
Lou Dobbs is an evil xenophobe who hates Hispanics and wants to drink their blood, doesn't matter that his wife's Hispanic.
And the Census Bureau is reporting that in the first seven years, because they cut the numbers off in 2007 started, in the first seven years since the census, they now have the numbers out, 37 plus million.
More than half of them being illegal aliens.
That's in the New York Times this weekend.
You know, wait a minute, you just said 47 million.
We're being conservative.
The Census Bureau admits that they believe they're only able to get numbers on about half of the undocumented migrants, as they call them with doublespeak.
So, adding 10 million to, they say, more than 15 million illegals.
Now, in the official census, they say in the last seven years, 15 plus million.
That's a huge number.
But then if the Census says they're getting less than half, then that number would be 30 million.
But see, we're only adding 10 million more to the 37 million admitted.
15 plus million being illegals, and the rest being, quote, legal immigrants.
You can go read the numbers for yourself.
But let's be conservative.
37 million.
Let's just go with the Census Bureau's own numbers.
More than half being illegal aliens.
And the same Census Bureau admits that they are at least twice as likely to be on welfare.
I covered this last night for a lot of you that tuned in.
But it's a big deal!
They are not just here to pick the lettuce and the strawberries.
They're not just here to work hard.
If they were getting paid 12, 13, 14 bucks an hour, what it really takes to live on decently these days with inflation and the rest of it, and they weren't on welfare as a supplement to live,
It would still be bad because we can't absorb in 7 years.
37 plus million.
And if you add 10 million onto that, not 15 million, what the number really is, you get 47 million.
But let's add 15.
52 million.
52 million.
In fact, since I brought this up, let me just get to it now, and then I'll get to your calls.
And the problem here is there's too much evidence.
I, uh, oh, where is it?
I have a whole stack of these.
Here they are.
Immigration at record-level analyst finds, analysis finds, New York Times, immigration over the past seven years was the highest for any seven-year period in American history, bringing in
Masses of new immigrants, more than half of them without legal status, according to an analysis of census data released today by the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington.
One in eight people living in the United States is an immigrant, the survey found, for a total of 37.9 million people, the highest level since the 1930s.
The survey was conducted by Stephen A. Camrota, director of the Research Center, which advocates
Reduced immigration.
Mr. Camarorda has been active in the national immigration debate, independent demographics, disputed some of the survey's conclusions, but not Mr. Camarorda's methods of data analysis.
And then it's actually the Council of La Raza took the same numbers and crunched that different, and they actually found even higher numbers.
Excuse me, I'm getting these mixed up.
And then here's another one.
That's out of the New York Times.
Here's one out of the London Times reporting on it.
And then here's the one I had out
Regardless, ladies and gentlemen, we are facing a tsunami of illegal and legal immigration
And it's bankrupting the prisons, it's bankrupting the schools, it's bankrupting the hospitals, it's bankrupting the infrastructure, while undermining the wage base of this country.
You know, we've had anti-open borders rallies before, and a lot of great Hispanic folks show up, and the Spanish-speaking media will walk over to them and go, what are you doing with these racist devils?
And they'll say, what are you talking about?
Back to them.
I'm a truck driver.
I was making $25 an hour just five, six years ago.
Now I'm making $15 an hour, and they're now telling us, hey, you see all these Mexican truck drivers?
If you don't like it, we'll just fire you.
We can pay them $10 an hour.
And then more immigrants come and even displace those immigrants.
This hurts everyone who's already here, including the 30-plus million illegal aliens
And the tens of millions of legals that are here.
And now under the amnesty plan, that they said wasn't an amnesty plan, it would allow them all to bring 11 family members in a six year period who can then bring 11 apiece in chain migration, jackpot anchor babies.
And don't forget, we've got 30 plus million illegal aliens.
That's a conservative number.
Thirty plus million illegal aliens on average having four children.
What is four times thirty in the next decade?
Four times thirty million.
And you tune into the Spanish radio stations, that's all they talk about.
They say, it's the RAZA bomb, our race.
What does RAZA stand for?
For those inside the race, everything
For those outside the race, nothing.
Sounds like... Well, actually, David Duke doesn't even speak that strong.
I guess he did 20 years ago.
And I find it distasteful what David Duke's doing, but... I mean, can we play fair here?
Why is La Raza, the National Council of La Raza, allowed to have an Aryan nation's... I mean, that literally...
That is the same type slogans that the Order and the Aryan Nations and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have.
The continued preservation of the white race to protect our people and the future of our people and our homeland and survival.
In fact, that isn't even as strong as, for those inside the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
I mean, it's on their website!
This is a powerful group saying, for those in the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
And then you're not supposed to talk about it.
Because it's a client group of the government who wants the North American Union, and who wants to break down this country.
And this is something the controlled press isn't going to win.
That's why Congress has got an 11% approval rating.
We don't want open borders.
We don't want depressed wages, always plunging, the great sucking sound, the race to the bottom.
We don't want the wars.
We don't want the high taxes.
We don't want the poverty.
We don't want the open sewage.
We don't want the crime and the car theft and all the rest of it.
And Hispanic Americans don't want it.
Black Americans don't want it.
White Americans don't want it.
No one wants it!
Except very tiny groups that run the government and run the big tax-free foundations and their clients.
Imagine being 30 plus million illegals, tens of millions of illegals, you show up, the welfare red carpet is rolled out to you, you work at a meat packing plant for 10 bucks an hour, you displaced people a few years ago getting 25 an hour, the company pays you
To take off work and go be part of all these demonstrations.
That's been all over the news.
Hundreds of U.S.
The big janitorial services.
Wall Street owned.
They say, hey!
Take off.
You've got three days to demonstrate.
Paid day.
We want you to leave.
We're shutting down the plant.
We want you to go out and bully the American people into serfdom and submission.
And it's because the globalists are racing to set up their NAU, to abolish the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and set up their police state.
And they've got to get the job done.
They've got to militarily, through economic warfare, bring down this nation, and they're doing it right now.
And it doesn't matter if 91% of Americans in a Gallup poll
Or 72% to 67% of Hispanics want this.
They get up on news and keep the illusion going, the American people want open borders!
The American people want, and all these sad puff pieces about the poor little immigrants, every day, day in, day out, on this military, industrial complex owned media.
It'd work in scum!
Wolf Blitzer,
All of you.
It isn't working anymore.
The people now know you're a pack of liars.
And the Austin American Statesman yesterday was bemoaning and they were saying, these delusional people have taken everything over.
People are listening to them now.
They're believing these wild conspiracy theories.
They're not listening to us.
What are we... Stop lying!
There's a story in the Statesman by Drake Bennett.
A new order for the ages.
It says, as fears of the mythical union grow, they appear to be subtly shaping more mainstream debates about immigration and trade.
Representative Herzl Good, Republican of Virginia, introduced a congressional resolution this year to block the creation of the union and the Napa superhighway system in July.
The U.S.
House of Representatives easily approved the measure that would cut off federal funds for an existing trade group set up by the three countries.
And what is that existing trade group doing?
Announcing all these corridors and taxation and open borders.
And they call it the integration of North America.
They call it the integration of governance.
That means government.
And then, I have eight employees here in Austin.
And I get a Texas Workforce Commission document last week, as I talked about.
You can see a copy of it in the article Paul wrote.
That says I've got to give them, because no longer does the Department of Labor Statistics hold these numbers for the state, that it now goes into a new organization of the North Americas.
Well, that's all in the SPP.
They were going to give us our North American Union tax ID number, and that's what it gives you.
I mean, they're even shifting the tax ID numbers over.
That's why you hear they're going to pay Mexicans in Mexico and Canadians in Canada American Social Security.
That's why you hear they're merging air traffic control codes and the beacons and the GPS.
That's why you hear that our military's down there training their military now.
And state police from Texas are in Canada training their state police how to run checkpoints.
And they're announcing standardized IDs for North America.
And then we talk about it.
Play a clip again of one of the major states up in Canada at their state of Manitoba.
We're good to go.
In addition, Manitoba has been working with the Canadian government and state governments in the U.S.
to protect and enhance our access to key trade markets.
In response to U.S.
border security measures, Manitoba will begin offering an enhanced driver's license as an affordable and secure form of identification for travelers.
The new license will be available in the fall of 2008.
Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a mid-continent trade corridor, connecting our northern port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central U.S.
and Mexico.
To advance the concept, an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the corridor.
When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an inland port in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping.
Thank you.
As you three leaders meet here, there are a growing number of people in each of your countries who have expressed concern about the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
This is addressed to all three of you.
Can you say today that this is not a prelude to a North American Union, similar to a European Union?
Are there plans to build some kind of superhighway connecting all three countries?
And do you believe all of these theories about a possible erosion of national identity stem from a lack of transparency from this partnership?
Thank you for... Well, let me begin.
I guess I've read some things from my opposition in Canada.
I'm not sure these are generally expressed concerns, but a couple of my opposition leaders have speculated on massive water diversions and
Superhighways to the continent, maybe interplanetary, I'm not sure as well.
And I'm amused by some of the... some of the speculation.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
They know that only a tiny fraction will go to judicialwatch.org and read the declassified documents.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
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Wouldn't their objection be world domination?
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Bill of Rights is making great progress toward a world government.
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The whole country's on a bus with a crazy driver that the passengers can't get hold of the wheel.
We're all gonna go over the cliff.
The government's gonna know where everybody's ass is every minute of the day and night.
This is the hour.
Beautiful crowd.
This is the end, my only friend, the end of all the elaborate plans, the end of everything that stands, the end.
Alright, I know I said I'd take your calls, and I'm gonna do it.
For all of you that are patiently... patiently holding.
Look, it's good news, actually, that the establishment continues to live.
Sometimes they spin, sometimes they misreport, or they lie by omission.
But just the blatant lying.
In fact, here's part of a CNN clip.
I'm not going to play the whole thing.
It's up on Prison Planet.
It gets into Giuliani making globalist announcements and a bunch of other stuff.
But here's CNN just a few days ago, basically saying that the NAU doesn't exist.
That the trans corridors don't exist.
I mean, that's the federal government's own websites that they're building them.
The governor's announcing it.
There's huge fights and meetings with 2,000 people showing up, and it's all over our news.
They're denying something here.
Again, I'm staggered by the lying.
But we've just got to go out and educate the public and show them this.
But this won't go over well in Texas.
Where they've rolled it out.
I can't imagine.
Imagine somebody watching CNN and they're announcing on our news here for years they're building it and the governor's for it and the legislature had to pass a law to try to block him.
This is big news here and they're just saying it doesn't exist.
Here it is.
I think if you want to be a serious candidate, I think you've got to say serious things.
And you can't sound like Ron Paul, who is still on national television talking about a trans-international highway that some secret forces are planning between Mexico and Canada, that is a figment of his imagination.
I mean, I think, you know, people need to address the facts of what they say.
Good evening, candidates.
This is Seekster from Arlington, Texas, and this question is for Ron Paul.
I've met a lot of your supporters online, but I've noticed that a good number of them seem to buy into this conspiracy theory regarding the Council of Foreign Relations and some plan to make a North American Union by merging the United States with Canada and Mexico.
Alright, let's stop.
And then while they're talking on the video, they show the official NASCO website, North American Transportation Corridor.
They show the maps calling it the Trans Corridors, 83 of them.
I mean, there's videos online where you can go to TextDot or Federal Meetings and they're up there for three hours talking about it with giant maps.
I mean... I just... I mean, I start giggling crazily because, Hello, this is Shakespeare.
Who are you, Mutt?
And this guy's delusional, you know, making up imaginary things that are figments of his imagination.
You got the Federal...
Congress passing laws against it, but the bureaucracy still keeps building it.
You got the Texas legislature doing it.
You think the legislature just passes laws against imaginary things?
But you've got a general public that watch the news and think they're establishment, and they just regurgitate whatever the news says.
They did the same thing to the EU, the same thing.
We're trying to get England into the EU right now.
I know I've made my peace here.
Let's just...
Next hour I got a bunch of Ron Paul clips concerning the North American Union where he's being attacked for it being delusional and a lot more.
And this is their big campaign attack on him now.
They were trying to make up earlier stuff and now they're just coming out in the public saying he is crazy.
I've got a bunch of clips saying it.
He's delusional!
Because he reads legislation.
Just like there wasn't torture going on in Iraq or just like they had WMDs.
But the good news is their lying is now really blowing their cover.
And so it's good.
I hope they keep lying.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, last hour I played a bunch of key audio clips of the Manitoba Statehouse admitting the SPP's real and saying how great it is, now they're merging the governments.
I played the news saying Ron Paul's delusional and insane, basically, and that there's no trans-Texas corridors, no nothing.
It's like denying the sun came up this morning.
I got a bunch of other key stuff we're going to be getting into in this hour.
says it has a right to kidnap British citizens.
Immigration at record levels.
Federal numbers show.
Ron Paul warns Republicans that they face certain defeat with pro-war Canada.
Saudi Arabia, Yemen to build their own border fences around their nations, but the U.S.
can't have it.
They say they're using oil money to do it from us.
Another report here, the last days of the U.S.
Utah Highway Patrol, reasonable to taser motorists for not signing ticket.
They now say it's part of pain compliance or public torture, legalization of torture.
And continuing here, we're going to get into a bunch of other important news concerning the wonderful immigrant invasion in France.
France stunned by rioters' savagery.
For baseball bats and shotguns.
That is just some of what is coming up.
Plus an update on Senate Bill 1959 to criminalize thoughts, blogs, books, and free speech across the United States.
That is just some of what is coming up.
But right now, let's get through a bunch of your calls we've been holding patiently.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Boston.
You're on the air, Chris.
Hi Alex.
Yeah, I'm doing a video.
I got the audio of President Johnson's attack on the U.S.
And I'm confused on one part.
I understand he had Israel attack the U.S.
Liberty in 1967, June 8th.
But who did he blame that on?
Is what I need to know from the video.
You're saying from the video?
What video, sir?
I'm making the video.
I'm a CG artist.
I'm making my own graphics.
But you're saying you have the audio of Johnson?
Yeah, the whole phone call.
I didn't even know that was out.
I'll email it to you when I'm done.
Yeah, I have it.
I got my... Where was this released from?
I don't know.
My buddy just passed it to me, so I'm making a Google video of it.
Well, this is huge.
I mean, is this talking to Admiral Geist?
And he talks about the G&E ship going to the bottom of the ocean?
Well, he talks about blaming it on Vietnam, and it's Johnson.
I mean, he swears, and he's like, I want that effing ship to the bottom.
Where did you get this?
Well, please don't wait until the video's done.
Can you put that on?
I have the whole audio track ready.
I'm just waiting for my... I can't play Cussing on air.
Listen, do me a favor.
Do whatever you're going to do with the video, but this is huge.
Is there any way for you to compress it?
Not too much, though, on the web?
I have it on MP3.
I'm a CG engineer, and I have it to all that.
Can you send it to Aaron?
Okay, cool.
I'm looking at him out the window.
Can you send it to Aaron at InfoWars right now, sir?
Yes, I will.
I have another point.
Hold on, hold on.
I'm having heart palpitations here.
This is so exciting.
I know they've released something like 10,000 hours.
I have the 9-1-1 tapes to Nora talking.
I know that's been released, some of it, yeah.
Let me just stop you.
Yeah, I have all that.
I'm going to hold you over, sir, so don't feel like I'm rushing you.
I've got to ask you questions right now.
Now, I know they first released 3,000 hours, another 2,000 hours, and some... I forget how much it is now, but the last five years they've been releasing in huge blocks thousands of hours.
I guess somebody went through all those.
They've been posted by the Johnson Library here in Austin at UT.
I know no one can listen to them all.
I've gone and listened to hours of them.
C-SPAN posted like five hours, a few years ago, and said in it was Johnson admitting that they staged the Gulf of Tonkin.
I had to listen.
Sure enough, it was.
Ended up being up to like four in the morning to find that.
But you're... Stay there.
This is huge.
This is absolutely huge.
Stay there, sir.
And see, we can't do it all.
Oh, man.
It's people like you, this listener, who are out there, Chris in Boston, who are ferreting all this out.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we are talking to Chris in Boston.
He says that he's got some of the newly released LBJ tapes.
Where he's on the phone to the fleet out in the Mediterranean.
And I've interviewed two of the admirals who were on the line because they were sitting in via radio relay.
That is, Johnson calls up a telephone, then it relays out to the fleets.
And I've talked to multiple admirals here on air and their officers who heard the phone call about that GD ship going to the bottom and bleeping this, bleeping that.
Turn the planes around, don't give them any help.
I'm not going to embarrass our allies.
We have the tape of course and have aired it many times where LBJ is on the phone with McNamara and McNamara is explaining that they're going to stage the event with the USS what was the name of that particular destroyer in Tonkin and then there's the next day that was in the evening it's the next morning and he's on the phone to LBJ
We're good to go.
And to bomb D.C., bomb Miami, commit sniper attacks in the U.S., how to frame Patsy's, hijack jets by remote control, kill astronauts in orbit, John Glenn namely.
They're not playing games!
They don't play games!
And don't forget, this really didn't get as much attention as it should have, a month and a half ago, Gary Hart of the Hart-Rudman Council on Foreign Relations Committee
I sent a letter to the Mulas, to the 12-member council in Iran, saying, look, our government has staged events before.
So don't think that just because the vast majority of Americans are against the war that we won't attack you.
You better submit, because the question you've got to ask is, will we stage another event?
I mean, their heart is just out in the open now.
They might just come out on TV and say, we did it, America, and you better submit to us or we'll start killing you en masse.
I mean, these people
Because they know the majority of Americans know it's an inside job now.
And so it's just kind of like an open thing now.
Okay, we're hardcore.
What you gonna do?
Yeah, there's a North American Union, but half the public's dumb, and so we're gonna tell them it doesn't exist.
What you gonna do?
Yeah, we're building FEMA camps.
We're gonna put it in the major newspapers, like the Houston Chronicle.
What you gonna do?
Yeah, we've created $1,500 trillion dollars, $1,500 trillion in derivatives as a tsunami of cash to buy up the whole planet.
If you don't like it, we'll shove a gun down your throat.
It's all fiat.
We're going to bankrupt the whole planet and consolidate it all.
If you don't like it, we'll send a SWAT team by to blow your head off.
These boys don't know which end is up, but they know they like to pull triggers!
Now, let's go back to Chris, who's busily trying to
Hey, Chris, don't worry that we've got Macs.
Send this to us.
We've also got PCs.
Send it however you want, and we will air this before the show ends.
I'm going to do some Google searches during the next break.
It's probably already out there if people are hearing about it.
I'm sure it's part of some new tape release, but you say your friend sent it to you.
Please continue there, Chris.
Yeah, I have it.
On MP3, can I put my mic next to it and see if you recognize this, if this is new or old or whatever?
Well, I'm going to have to hear it a little better than that to tell you, but go ahead.
Chairman of the Congressional Committee, I don't know what the story is, but anyhow, it's broken.
And it seems to me State and we and George Reed ought to agree now on a statement that could be made by one of the departments.
I presume the Pentagon.
But before doing that,
Um, okay.
Is that new or have you heard that before?
That sounds like him talking to McNamara.
Is that, that's McNamara.
I have 22 minutes of audio.
I don't know how much audio you heard.
Well, don't crunch it too small or we won't be able to play it if it sounds like hammered you-know-what.
No, no, no.
They're separated different files, but there's a total of 22 minutes of audio.
Well, according to the admirals and people who heard it, because the president was coming over to a whole bunch of people listening, he was screaming and yelling at them.
But you said there is audio of screaming and cussing?
Yes, in the middle of it.
There's 22 minutes of audio.
I mean, how much audio did you hear?
What do you mean, how much audio did I hear?
I mean, how much audio is there of LBG talking about this?
How many minutes?
I don't know.
It was always classified.
They told people they'd kill them if they ever spoke out, but the admirals and captains and people still didn't speak out.
You're saying they've... Look, they've released thousands and thousands of hours.
And so... So, someone probably condensed it.
Yeah, I would imagine.
Look, I'm going to have to Google this.
It's hard to sit here and talk on air.
Let me just stop you.
What I'll do is I'll have everybody who is in the... You know what?
You just go ahead and say what you want.
Go ahead.
There's 22 minutes of audio and I'll let you go through it and hear everything for yourself.
That's about it.
And then you said you had some questions for me.
Basically, all I need to know is
Liberty, from my video on this audio, who did we blame that on?
Well, if they were able to sink the ship, the Pentagon in conjunction with Israel, if Israel would have been able to sink the ship, which they tried to do for hour after hour, as you know, with torpedoes, white phosphorus, 50 cal cannons, if they were, air and of course sea attacks, if they were able to sink it,
And they did blow a 30-plus foot hole in it with one torpedo.
They were going to blame it on Egypt.
And we've had the captains and admirals, and Admiral Moore, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he just died a few years ago, uncovering all that.
And now, declassified communiques in the Chicago Tribune just came out a month ago for the
What, fourth or third anniversary, confirming that Israel said, that's an American ship, we don't want to attack it, and the fighter pilots were ordered three times, we reported this ten years ago, the pilots had already gone public.
So we have it from the pilots, and they said, those are allies.
In fact, the main Israeli pilot leading the Mirages, and another one flying, leading the squadron of Desant Miseries,
...had reported and said, no, we did attack it premeditatedly.
These pilots had been trained in the U.S.
They had buddies who were in the U.S.
and they argued and circled and circled and said, but that's a big American flag.
No, that's an American ship.
They're 13 miles out.
They're not even in our water.
I don't want to attack it.
And they came back three times and finally said, that is a direct order.
You're going to be court-martialed if you do not engage that ship.
Attack that ship.
Now, we already had that from the pilots.
No debating.
Now, declassified National Security Agency intercepts that the Navy review had and that the Congressional hearings had but kept secret have been relieved.
That must be what that is.
It is, I guess, since only the transcript was released.
Now, that makes sense, because they just declassified it this year, because it's 40-something years later.
I guess that's what that is.
No, it's not 40 years.
It's exactly 40.
That's right.
It happened in 1967.
So it was the 40th anniversary, 40 years later.
They usually declassify it 35 or 40 years later.
They just declassified 40 years later.
And so that's what happened.
Listen, I will get your number just in case I have trouble.
I have Yahoo installed right now.
So just give me your Yahoo name because it's too large to email.
I can't give my Yahoo over air.
I'll just give it to him.
I don't know what we're going to do.
I just can't do it anymore.
You know what?
Give your number right now to John and I'm going to have Aaron call you.
Just get his number.
Right now.
I could go to music right now.
The problem is I do news gathering on air.
It's very, very frustrating because I'm having to calculate.
I'm having to think.
I'm having to put two and two together.
I haven't even confirmed this tape yet.
This is a big deal.
And then we've got to race against time and cut the cuss words out.
John, give him your info.
You're on PCs.
Give him your Yahoo.
John, are you listening?
I want to make sure he's only doing five things at once.
Good job.
Get from Chris, give him your Yahoo account, and then have him send it to you there, okay?
And get his phone number, for heaven's sakes.
Let me just find the Johnson tape right now.
I'll just do this on air right now.
I just get sick of doing this radio show.
I'll just be flat out frank with everybody.
What I'd like to do is just pure research all the time and make films 24-7.
I'm a filmmaker.
But then I need the radio show to interface with all of you and get all this information.
And the radio show funds everything I'm doing.
I'm not whining right now.
I'm just getting really mad.
Because there's so much I want to do and I want to be able to do it.
I want to be able to do it properly.
And I want to be able to take your calls.
And I've got literally 10 more audio clips I want to play.
And tons of news I want to bring you.
And just everything is just... I just want to get the info out.
And I have this burning desire to get it out.
And I want to get this out before the show ends.
Jim and Matt, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Let's try to see if we can talk to him.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I know you're pressed for time.
I have two quick points.
I don't know if you caught the debacle on Good Morning America this morning.
No, what was it?
Okay, well, Diane Sawyer interviewed four young adults from Afghanistan.
They were probably between the ages of 19 and 21, and she was asking them all the questions about, uh, what kind of music from the West do you listen to and blah, blah, blah.
And then she got, you know, she got to the question of, so what do you think about Osama bin Laden?
And they said, Osama Bin Laden?
There's no such person as Osama Bin Laden.
That's the CIA agent that the United States cooked up.
And you saw her jaw drop.
And they're like, yeah, yeah, that's something the United States got cooked up so they could go to war.
Everybody knows that over here.
And then she cut to a quick, to another question, and she asked, well, how many percentage do you think of young people in your country, Afghanistan, jump on board with Osama Bin Laden?
Stay there, I want to hear more about this.
Yeah, their whole house of cards is falling right now and that's why they'll probably stage some giant filthy attack and then pose as saviors.
I'm so sick of watching killers in suits sit up there and con this country.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, uh, yes.
The National Archives, on the 40th anniversary of the USS Liberty attack a few months ago, released what appears to be hundreds of hours more.
We've got listeners sending us all these different National Archives and other links.
What I need you listeners to do is to go to theprisonplanet.com forum.
I wish I had like a big newspaper and had hundreds of employees.
I don't.
I need you to go to the PrisonPlanet.com forum and find me all the sources for this you can, because Chris is saying, from Boston, and his friend just sending this, because even though we've just found the tapes ourselves, we need to be able to fully source it or know where in the files to find it.
That's the problem with all these documents, and all this audio, is that you have to plow through it.
And so next time, listeners, somebody sends you something like this, ask them,
So I just got an instant headache last section.
I'm sorry, folks.
This is not a game.
It's not fun to be a talk show host.
It's not fun to be the big shot, the king Alex Jones, like they call me on the web of conspiracy.
I don't like it.
I can't stand it.
These are hardcore tellers who attacked our own ship to try to go to war!
I'm just sick of all of it.
And I'm sick of all you out there that think this is a patriotic good government.
So we're getting that audio.
We should have it by the end of the show.
We've also got to cut out all the cussing.
But you know PBS airs cussing.
I'll be driving home sometimes and hear cuss words if it's documentary.
If it's not done for lewd purposes, maybe we should just air it with the President cussing.
You know, I watch PBS Frontline.
They have cussing on it.
If it's real, you know, there was cussing on the floor of the house.
Now, we'll cut it out.
We'll cut it out.
But you should hear this slimeball cussing.
It's the President we're talking about!
You have a right to hear this!
I just commend Chris for calling in with it.
I just... I'm literally like a hunting dog, folks.
And it's like I'm having to watch rabbits be released out of a cage.
Running down the forest path, and I'm literally just chewing on the grate of the enclosure I'm in, wanting to get out and get at the New World Order.
I'm going to settle down.
Think of all the other jewels that are just laying on all these tapes and all these other presidential tapes.
That's why they were supposed to release, what, five, six years ago, all the Kennedy stuff, and they said, oh no, it's declassified again to 2023.
We're going to declassify it for 60-plus years now.
Or 50-something years now.
We're just not going to let you ever have it, because you know it's there.
They accidentally declassified that Oswald was a CIA officer.
Not that we didn't already know that.
I mean, we've already got E. Howard Hunt going public.
We already knew it.
He'd been photographed at the scene, arrested by Dallas police, running the operation!
I said I'd take your calls.
Jim and Mask, go ahead and tell me what else it was.
Yeah, so Diane Sawyer, I think, got her hand caught in the cookie jar because her face dropped and almost hit the floor.
When I was in college, I was always taught you don't ask a question unless you already know the answer to it.
So I thought she was going to get something totally different.
So you could just see her face drop.
So hopefully you'll be able to capture a clip of that.
Maybe somebody's going to put it on YouTube or something.
And then they went on to say, you report
They went on to say that they asked, well, how many people support the Al-Qaeda?
And they're like, that group isn't even really around here.
Very few.
Right, yeah.
Because I think what they were trying to get at is to see how the young people are radical and so forth.
And they were like, no, all our friends and all the people that we know in our portion of the country are only about maybe 1% or even ascribing to that ideology.
And, you know, they brought up the thing about
If he's so sick and stuff with dialysis and everything, why can't anybody find him in the case?
They said this is purely a United States fictitious character that they made up just to...
You know, advocate going to war, not only here and now.
And let's be clear, it's not the United States.
It's not the US that attacked the USS Liberty.
It was Israel and criminals that run our government.
And it was not our government that staged the Gulf of Tonkin.
It was criminals running our government.
Listen, if somebody hijacks an 18-wheeler and starts running people down the road, it's not the fault of the Peterbilt
18 Wheeler, it's the fault of the person that hijacked the truck.
And you're right.
You see my point?
I mean, my point to the listeners is, they always tell me, well, you're bashing America talking about this!
You should shut up!
This is people using our government, using our name to do this!
Can I make a final point real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Last week, I remember you talking about the Second Amendment.
Well, here in Massachusetts,
It's up to the local police chiefs to dictate whether or not you get a permit for a gun or not.
You can have a spotless record, no criminal background, model citizen.
All he has to say is, no, I'm not going to give it to you, and your only recourse is to bring him in before a judge.
And he doesn't even have to give the judge the reason why he's denying you a permit.
Yeah, it makes them local gods.
I knew that about mass.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you for all your fine points.
We'll be right back.
Try to get the rest of your calls functioning under this here.
I've been put into a complete frothing greediness for this clip.
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Day after day
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
We are getting these supposed recordings of the USS Liberty conversations between Johnson McNamara and Admiral Geist.
Now, I'm going to believe it when I hear it.
I believe Chris believes he has these recordings.
I know they have released the NSA intercepts of the fact that the Israelis didn't want to attack the ship and were ordered to and they knew it was a U.S.
That's Chicago Tribune now!
For all the deniers out there.
But I've interviewed multiple admirals, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, on and on and on, the Judge Advocate General who was secretly told to cover all this up,
I've interviewed them all.
Oh, I mean, just literally.
I've probably done a hundred interviews on this.
Literally, over the last ten years or so.
And we already told you this and people couldn't believe it, but we'll just see.
He's already sent us a couple of the seven clips.
John, have you found out yet which one of the clips is the famous statements about GD ships to the bottom and bleeping this, bleeping that?
He's not sure.
Folks, we're going to try to go through these clips for you.
We're going to try to analyze them while John does the job of three people.
A radio network this size would normally have about three people in the back room.
There's one guy answering the phones, running the show, and doing everything.
That's John Harmon.
So that's our command, John.
We'll try to get this for you, and we'll try to listen to it.
John, just drop everything once you have the clips.
Start listening to the first clip.
Find me the clip.
Confirm if it's Johnson.
Let me hear it during another break.
We should be able to play this by the end of the show.
This is huge news.
And somehow I need to get these up in web format so I can get a prisonplanet.com or truthnews.us story out on this.
As this develops, we'll confirm whether this is accurate or not.
The waiting here is just driving me absolutely crazy, folks.
I don't know about you, but I'm frothing.
Scott, Giorgio, and others.
I'm going to get to you in just a minute.
But right now, Trevor Lyman, who runs the TeaParty.com, TeaParty2007.com, and also runs Rudy's reading list, they raised, I don't know, $600,000 or so on Friday, and then it caused another boost the next day, a couple hundred thousand more.
They're now at like $10,500,000 something.
I checked last night, it was $10.5 million.
So we've got the big tea party coming up on the 16th and we're just going to go ahead and shoot for the 16th.
I hope the giving and hysteria begins before that because two days it could really go supernova.
But we'll go for the 16th and everybody I know is going to give again and this is going to be even bigger than the last.
The Catapult Rumble.
He's already getting as high as 15 percentage points.
First it was 4, then 8, then 15 in New Hampshire.
He's still low in Iowa.
The media is trying to shill with Huckabee as if he's the only choice for conservatives.
But Ron Paul is in prime position across the country.
Sure, sure.
I don't think they are upset with it at all.
I think they're pretty happy.
But the big one, the big one, I mean, tell folks how many pledges you've gotten alone for the money bomb on the 16th of this month coming up in 13 days.
Sure, I think we just broke 24,000.
It's very close, if not.
And we, again, on November 5th, we only had 18,000.
And we, you know, we ended up doing 4.3 million.
So this time, we're already beating it.
We have two more weeks to go, which is about the same time that we had to promote
We could get it up to 35-40,000 pledges by the time of the actual date.
We're in good shape.
Now is the crunch time.
I think people are going to start promoting more than ever now because this is it.
The date is coming up and who knows how much we can do.
How much have the 24,000 people that have pledged to give, how much have they pledged to give apiece?
Well, it's $100 each.
So, but with that, so again, we saw this on November 5th.
It didn't count for, you know, many of those people who will give a lot more and also the number of pledges that listed there doesn't count for the people who are going to give something but can't give $100.
They won't pledge, but they will give on that day.
What's $24,000 times $100?
That would be $2.4 million.
But again, we had 1.8 million pledged before and we ended up doing 4.3.
So I guess it's a ratio of about 2.2 or 3.
So we should probably see, you know, right now we're probably in the vicinity of the 5 to 6 million.
You know, but again, you know, the bottom line is to do it on the day and
You go to ronpaul2008.com and donate there, and we'll see what we do.
But I think we're going to do very well.
I know that we're going to beat November 5th.
I'm very confident about that.
Well, we actually have a clip of Ron Paul talking about this, and we're going to be playing that coming up in the next hour.
And he said that he thinks more than $4.3 million will be raised, and he said it's going to be another big day.
He said we have another big day planned, so the campaign is definitely now seeing this as their baby.
I think you were right when you said about 10.5.
It's right about there.
One and a half million.
He breaks his goal.
I'd love to see us break that goal of 12 million before the Tea Party because then we get in the news twice.
But we'll see how that goes.
I imagine people are still giving.
Might happen.
At any rate, we'll blow past everything.
And then again, there'll be another run-up at the end of the month because people are going to just want to run up the score for the total quarter and results.
Absolutely, and fire out the different websites that people can visit.
There's TeaParty07.com, and for the December 15th, we wanted to, you know, make that a day of action to get out there, and the site's good.
Just get them going now.
You can actually still go to it, though, and sign up.
It's at RightsRally07.com.
And basically, we're just saying, you know, to pledge if you intend to be out there on the street, you know, being a part of a sign waving or a sign bomb or passing out literature, you can go ahead and just enter your email address.
There's no money involved, so everybody can do it.
Basically, we want to get that number as high as possible so that, you know, it just feels good to know that you're not alone and everyone else is out there working with you.
It's very motivating.
So if you want to go to rightsrally07 and sign up and, you know,
Sure, you're going to do it and also motivate others to do it as well.
You know, I think it would be a good idea to try to hit 12 million by the 15th.
That could be the goal.
That would be a way to start momentum up at the 15th, to try to get the other million and a half in by the 12th.
That's pretty much sure to happen.
Probably happened before then.
I mean, before the 15th.
And then on the 16th, try to get at least, what, 5 million donated?
Sure, or more.
Hey, let's do as much as we can.
But yeah, if we hit 12 million before, then the press will go crazy with the 12 million.
If anyone can, you know, do some research themselves and see all the articles where they compare, you know, how close he is to 12 million, they'll go crazy about it.
When they do, they'll be calling in, you know, there'll be all kinds of press for Tea Party 07, which will only make that even bigger.
So yes, definitely hitting 12 million before.
And they're going to have trouble spinning this like they did Guy Fawkes today.
And again, Ron Paul could win.
He could win in primaries.
All the big polls, all the big numbers.
Ron Paul said himself on CNN this weekend that Republicans better vote for an anti-war candidate or they're insured to lose.
The White House is already preparing for Hillary to come in.
Republicans better realize that a vote against Ron Paul is a vote for Hillary.
And even if Ron Paul didn't win, we're building a big national patriot movement.
We're building a liberty movement, a freedom movement.
We're building the grassroots.
The establishment is already saying unanimously this shows a political shift and that both old line parties are completely discredited and in deep crisis.
And so this is just good, good, good on every level.
History like this only happens every once in a while.
Be part of it, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, absolutely.
Giving, you cannot lose, no matter what happens with Ron Paul, because, exactly like you said, it only gets the message out.
The bigger the day, the more the message will sink in, which means it's a setup to take back Congress, to take back House.
And it's a perfect lead-in, it's a perfect lead-in to 17, 18 days later with the Iowa caucus and then New Hampshire.
Trevor Lyman, fire out those websites again.
Okay, sure.
I don't think there's a person in this nation that won't hear or know the name Ron Paul.
That's the goal.
A big blimp floating around with Ron Paul on it.
Well, I also, you know, I talked about having people have Cessnas dragging banners around, and then I was presently surprised to find out in Florida, for the straw poll, they had a whole bunch of planes flying around with Ron Paul on them, and streamers behind them, so people are spontaneously out there.
Anything I can think of or you can think of, they're already doing.
That's the excitement about this.
Trevor Lyman, I cannot thank you enough for all you've done.
Thank you to everybody out there who participates, and thanks for letting me come on.
Thank you for coming on.
We're watching this USS Liberty thing.
Have you been able to listen to those clips?
They are working, John?
You mean you're halfway done downloading the first clip?
The whole thing?
Okay, that's exciting.
Have you been able to test it yet, though?
I thought he was doing it in seven parts.
Folks, I know if you put your brain power together, I want to play this before the show ends.
If you put your brain power together, you can go type in tapes of LBJ, USS Liberty, you can find all these declassified tapes, cull through it, find it, because I'm not just going with the hope that this is going to work and that we're going to get this.
Aaron, have you had any luck yet?
Because I'm not sure what those hand gestures mean.
I just sometimes I feel real nasty, and this is one of those days.
I haven't even slept, waiting.
What's going on?
I've been told it's going to be sent to me.
It's not on that archive study.
Okay, okay, okay, whatever.
I'm trying.
No, I know you're trying.
Good job.
Good job, man.
Yeah, I'm supposed to be going home to James and stop money.
Ron Paul's already the top money getter for the whole quarter.
He was the top money getter so far, unless somebody surpasses what he's done.
He's already raised like half a million more than anybody else.
Yeah, that happened Friday night.
Okay, let's go ahead and I'm just mad about our radio station, one of our great affiliates.
How many illegal aliens go up their tower?
And run up a Mexican flag.
You know, I'm just sick of it, man.
I have to be honest with you.
Sometimes I just get really nasty feeling about all this.
And I just get sick of all the criminals and sick of the New World Order and sick of all the things they're doing.
And I don't understand why the Mexican story with the flag is not up yet on PrisonPlanet.com.
I just don't understand it.
Okay, let's just see what a caller has to say here.
Who's up next?
Toby in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Alex, this is Toby.
How are you doing?
I'm alright, I guess.
Yeah, I guess.
I love this country, and I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't think the country had been hijacked by a bunch of maniacs, but I was in the Air Force, and for two years, 94 to 96, I worked on the E-4B, which is the mysterious plane that they filmed over at D.C.
on September 11th.
That's the big command and control continuum of government aircraft.
Yeah, the warplane.
I inspected the oxygen masks
And the inflatable raft and everything on the plane.
I worked on the plane for two years.
Um, I dormed with the engineers and other people, other enlisted people that worked there, and I haven't seen the specific tech order, but it was understood in the time that I was there that the general rule was three, there are four E-4B planes.
I don't know if I'm crossing the line telling you this, but whatever.
Three of them have to be on base and under maintenance and inspection, while one of them has to be around the President wherever he is.
Well, D.C.
isn't Florida, so something, you know, is messed up right there.
No, that's actually come out that they always have one of the planes in the vicinity of the President and the others are on standby.
I don't even know if CNN said that, not to the specifics.
Look, man, the things up there, it's just a bunch of sick killers, you know?
I mean, what do you do?
No, I checked out a room at my local library and I'm going to film Press for Truth for people.
And that's something anybody can do, too.
I was the one that was out protesting last Sunday with my family.
Let me ask you a question, Toby.
Good job.
What do you think it means that this black-op, shadow government plane was over D.C.
in the minutes while the Pentagon was hit, meanwhile Bush is in Florida?
It means that the protocol wasn't being followed that day, for sure.
For sure.
But that aircraft is to coordinate continental government.
And I don't know about, you know, the specific jobs and machinery on the plane.
Right, right.
I just know about, you know, the safety, the oxygen masks and stuff.
But I know the general rule was that one was supposed to be by the president and three are on the ground.
Have you ever played the Davin clip from Popular Mechanics?
Well, which clip is that?
Yeah, anytime they talk about this it just falls apart.
Anytime they talk about it.
I tried to do a radio show about this and people would call up joking and stuff and I just could not take it.
I had to quit.
I know it's not a joke that we have hardcore murderers running our country, now declassified that Israel and our own government staged the USS Liberty attack.
I mean, that's declassified, the text of it, and still it's just all a big joke!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
They staged the Gulf of Tonkin, they staged the Liberty, they staged everything!
Ha ha ha!
They carry out 9-11!
I mean, it's not debatable that the hijackers were U.S.
government agents, according to the embassy heads that were ordered to let them back in.
The head of the Defense Language School.
It's all mainstream news.
Back of the paper.
There's no debate.
The CIA was running drills of hitting the same targets at the same time.
Superimposing fake blips over NORAD so they would be confused and they were ordered to stand down.
There's no debating.
We have murdering killers running everything.
And the dumb yuppies are just stumbling around giggling and laughing about it all.
Do you think that Sabelle Edmonds should forget about 60 Minutes and just make a video and put it on the internet?
Oh, I mean, it's ridiculous.
She's for years.
I think we talked to the media.
I won't talk to any alternative media and force the story out.
I'm waiting for the controlled media to interview me.
I've been gagged.
I've been told not to speak out.
Do you know how much danger she's in not speaking out?
Good to hear from you, sir.
We'll be right back.
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Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
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We're good to go.
I've got the transcripts.
Of some of his cables that have been released in Declassified.
We're trying to match them, but I know McNamara.
I even know he has three different secretaries' voices, and I know Johnson's voice.
I can tell you right now, this is McNamara.
This is Johnson.
Now we're trying to track this back in thousands of hours of audio, which has been released, exactly where it came from, to confirm this.
This is huge news.
I believe this is the first time it's ever been heard on national radio.
Now, we've got to cut out a lot of cussing.
And so, we've got to play a little bit of this and then John, by himself, has to scramble and try to cut all the cussing out.
You can hear this never before heard Liberty Audio.
Here's a little bit of it.
Here it is.
Secretary McNamara is calling you again, sir.
General Wheeler and I are sitting here together.
We just received a cable from Admiral Sharp making three recommendations with respect to our destroyer tracks and enemy action responses.
I wanted to mention the two with the recommendation.
I've discussed this with Dean Rusk and he and I are in agreement on the recommendation.
Sharp recommends first that the
The track of the destroyer be shifted from 11 miles offshore to 8 miles offshore.
This makes no sense to us.
We would recommend against it.
His purpose by shifting the track is simply to make clear that we believe the 12-mile limit is not an effective limit on us.
We think we do that adequately by sailing at 11 miles.
Okay, stop right there.
See, that listener told me that, and I've heard this, that's Gulf of Tonkin.
Now, he says it's got the cussing and the screaming about the Liberty, so somebody may have sent him a compilation.
That's why I get mad, folks, because I don't like something to be announced here and it not be the case.
Fast forward a little bit, John, so I can listen to it during the break when we get in there.
Now, I haven't plugged this yet today, and we won't be around if we don't do this.
And plus, these are powerful tools.
They're running around saying there's no North American Union.
How about you see video of Bush saying it?
And Merkel?
And Barroso?
And the rest of them?
How about that?
How about you get in-game blueprint for global enslavement, and how about you go, viciously, buy a DVD burner, dual DVD burner,
You guys are still running me the president's audio.
And how about you go buy one, and how about you jam an endgame in there with a big stack of dubs, a big stack of blanks, and how about you start making copies of the endgame?
And how about you start giving them to people and knowing it's one more inch closer to us bringing these murdering criminals to justice?
It's one inch closer to us exposing all these criminals that keep running around lying about all the things they're doing.
It's one step closer!
I want you to go to Infowars.com and I want you to get Loose Change 2nd Edition.
And I want you to get Loose Change Final Cut, just out, incredibly powerful.
And I want you to get Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I want you to get them to everybody you know.
And I want you to get up right now, and I want you to call right now, and I want you to GET THEM!
This is the Infowar.
Nothing can stop us.
With God's aid, if you take action,
Nothing can stop us if you'll just get the films and get them out to everybody.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Get a 15 cent a day membership and just burn my TV shows, my special reports, all my films to disk.
Give them to people!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into our number three!
And yeah, it's Gulf of Tonkin Sandwich with USS Liberty, it appears.
Boy, and I've got to listen to this during the next segment.
Here's the problem.
I've got to analyze this before we announce it.
It looks like we've got the famous tapes.
It looks like it.
I had 60 seconds during that last break to listen.
And we skip forward to track number four.
And whoever did this, I guess it's sandwiching it in.
And it is the President.
It is the tape.
You hear that thump, thump, thump.
It's because it's a round, you know, tape.
And the tapes get worn on certain edges as it goes around.
And I've listened to many hours of these tapes.
And it is the President.
It is McNamara.
But I mean, I don't even want to go with this until we find out where in Hades it came from!
I've got to learn to settle down.
I've got to go take up boxing or something.
I am just in a...
I've been trying to be calm lately, folks, and I just get mad at a primitive level.
I'm so sick of these killers.
I'm so sick of their crimes.
I'm so sick of all the things they do.
Scott in Arizona, you've been holding forever.
You really are nice to do that.
You're on air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey, man.
I just get mattered and you know what sometimes.
Hey, man, I got a question for you.
Have you ever heard of a guy named Ronald Weiland?
He's been going around the country.
He wrote a book called End Times 2008.
He claims to be a prophet in the Bible.
He claims to be the end time witnesses.
You know how they talk about the two witnesses?
Yeah, Elijah and, you know... Well, he claims to be one of them.
And he's saying that in 2008, in April, that we're going to get struck by a nuclear bomb basically in the port cities through not so much the suitcase nuclear bombs, what he's talking about, and it's going to come into one of the port cities
And then, after that, a chain of events will occur with more nuclear bombs going off by terrorist attacks in some of the major cities.
And he says, what's going to happen at that time?
Our economy's going to start crashing even harder at that point.
He talked about the falling dollar already.
And then he talked about Europe coming to bail us out.
And then the ten heads of the nations over there with the European Union form
More of a Roman-type style of government over there?
Well, I have no doubt that stuff like that is in the works, and that's what they've even planned.
But it isn't profits just saying it.
Get me that Shattered Union clip, John, in amongst the 500 things you're doing.
Man deserves a medal.
I mean, they've got video games about this happening.
And so, you know, I'm not attacking this person.
I don't know who he is.
If I had a dollar for every self-proclaimed prophet out there, claiming Jesus in 88, and Jesus in 98, and Jesus in this date, and into the world this, and into the world that, it's that attitude that ever keeps us from moving forward and getting our society back, and why the Christians stay in their prayer closets, and not on the battlefield.
I mean, are we in a prime position for the globalists to set off nukes, as they've said, quote, will happen?
I don't know!
News & World Report?
I mean, the government's saying it's going to happen, and they're going to take all our freedoms when it happens.
Now, will this guy be a prophet if it really happens?
I'd say I'd be pretty darn suspicious about who he is if it actually happens on that date.
And I don't want to sit here and put out dates and things.
I never do that, and then I get accused of it.
I said before the election, we're in a prime zone for the terror attack, because of all the indicators I saw.
The feds were saying that, too.
I said, get the word out, and it won't happen.
And it didn't happen.
I got one more question for you.
The thing I wanted to talk to you about was Glenn Beck.
I've been watching him, you know, staying up with the news and everything.
And watching him, and he is saying everything that you talk about on your show, minus the thing that we know that 9-1-1 was an inside job, minus that.
He's talking about how we're coming into a military state now, wake up America.
He's talking about, you know, the North American Union.
He had Patsy Cannon on there.
He even said at the end of Patsy Cannon's interview, he goes, you know, there's a guy out there that I like a lot of the things that he's saying, but he goes, and there's a lot that I don't.
Let me explain what he's doing when we get back.
We'll be right back.
I appreciate your call.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It appears that it is the USS Liberty, but I've got to be really, really careful about this.
I'm trying to check into what the caller said.
We're still listening to it.
They're in the breaks.
It's absolutely torturing me because I want to just go ahead and go listen to this.
I tell you what, John, can you play that Ron Paul clip anyways?
I need to play that regardless.
The one where he's on Wolf Blitzer and they're asking him about the imaginary North American Union.
Okay, play that and then you can feed me the other one in my ear.
Can't do that.
Oh, man.
Well, you just keep listening, okay?
You know what?
I can call in on a phone line, can't I?
And I can listen to it that way, right?
Go ahead and go to the Ron Paul thing.
I'll call the hotline.
McCain a few years ago.
So I would say that since 70% of the American people want out of the war and they're tired of it, Republicans better pick somebody who's opposed to war or have a new foreign policy or they can't win.
And I think the whole sentiment is shifting.
The people are sick and
We're tired of the war.
We can't even afford it.
We can't even fight the war without borrowing the money from the Chinese.
So it doesn't add up.
It really doesn't matter whether I'm right or wrong.
The war is going to end because we're going to have such a political and financial havoc here with the devaluation of our dollar because we just can't keep affording.
This is usually how empires end, by spending too much money maintaining their empires.
We're in 130 countries.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Saying there is no such superhighway like the one he's talking about.
It doesn't exist in plans or anywhere else.
On the basis of what are you making that suggestion that there's plans underway someplace to build this kind of super international highway?
Well, look up the website Security for Prosperity and Peace, which is a government project, and they talk about the highway.
Texas passed unanimously in both House and Senate a resolution to put it on hold.
We have a bill in the Congress to stop all the funding for this particular highway, and I think we have over 50 co-sponsors of it.
To be in denial of this, that this is not planned.
They're not going to admit it.
It's subtle.
They'll say, we're just proving highways.
But how come they had a meeting in April of 2005 with the President of Mexico, United States and Canada, and they talk about these things.
So, to be in denial is one thing.
I mean, they do believe in globalism, much more so than most Americans.
So, I don't think there's any doubt about the
It's not going to happen tomorrow or the next day, but in time this is likely to happen unless we have a shift in foreign policy.
I want to talk a little bit of politics in the brief time that we have left.
The latest Des Moines Register poll in Iowa that's just out today, Congressman, has you at 7%, the same number as John McCain.
Huckabee's at 29, ahead of Romney 24, Giuliani 13.
As far as fundraising is concerned, though,
And this is significant.
In the last quarter that ended, you had raised $5 million, but there's some suggestion in this final quarter of 2007, you could raise more money than any of the other Republican presidential candidates, given the enormous amount you've raised online.
Is that your assessment right now?
Because there's some suggestion you've already raised in this quarter, what, $8-9 million?
That's not exactly right because yesterday it went over 10.5 or 10.4 million.
Our goal was to raise 12 by the end of the quarter and there's going to be another super day sponsored by our supporters spontaneously like they did on 11.5 when they raised 4.3 and they say this one's going to be bigger and that's December 16th.
So something big is going on.
The people are really annoyed with conventional politics and we're
Spending this money.
We're spending it in Iowa.
So I think those polls are going to continue to shift.
Our numbers are going up and people are just starting to think about how they're going to vote in these primaries.
So who knows exactly what will happen, but we're pretty optimistic about the position we hold when we're going to be financed for February 5th as well.
Well, a quick point on that.
So just to be precise, as of now, how much have you raised in this fourth and final quarter of 2007, and how much do you expect to raise by the time the quarter at the end of this year is already done with?
Well, I think it's 10.4.
It's very close to that.
I know it's over 10.
Our goal was 12, and we have almost a month left, and we have a big day set, so we're going to be way over our goal of 12 million.
And they can watch our website, and we run the tab minute by minute.
Everybody knows exactly what we're doing.
And I mean, at this rate, it could be, you know, maybe $14 or $15 million.
It just is astounding.
It astounds us.
But it really tells me that although I had a great deal of concerns about the country, the American people were equally concerned, and they're willing to put their money with a candidate who's willing to
Alright, so that's part of the clip.
It goes on even before that.
You can watch both clips.
I don't know.
On every issue, they're going with what's unpopular, but they have to for their financiers.
They have to for the big central banks and others that finance everything they do.
But this isn't just some campaign statement.
We better get this message out to people.
If they do not run an anti-war candidate, as a Republican, the Democrats will win.
Which is what the Bush's do anyways.
They just pass the baton back and forth amongst themselves with the Clintons.
This is really elementary political savvy, but again, you have a public that is just like children.
They're like five-year-olds.
It's like trying to talk to five-year-olds.
The establishment knows that.
There's a huge segment of society that's dumber than dirt.
And there's those of us waking up to the horror of what we really face as a society.
Republicans face certain defeat without an anti-war candidate.
Headline on PrisonPlanet.com, Paul.
Republicans face certain defeat with pro-war candidate.
And the story continues on from there.
Ron Paul.
Has a message for Republicans who continue to offer support for the endless occupation of Iraq.
Pick a candidate who has vowed to bring with her some immediately or surrender the White House in 08.
Well, a lot of these neocon followers, they don't care if it's Hillary.
They'll actually love to freak out and scream about it.
They'll make a bunch of money writing books about her corruption, but nothing will ever be done about it.
Since 70% of the American people want out of the war, and they're tired of it, the Republicans better pick somebody who is opposed to the war, or have a new foreign policy, or they can't win, the Congressman told CNN's Will Blitzer, and you just heard that.
We better get this message out to everybody.
By the way, we were having some kind of server trouble the last two hours.
The servers were working fine, we just couldn't upload to them.
Paul couldn't.
That's why he was unable
To put the article up.
He'd been trying for hours.
Huge Mexican flag hung over U.S.
Perpetrators scale huge radio tower.
They broke into the security fence and did it to our affiliate KGEZ up in Kalispell, Montana.
It goes into several states and you can go to the site
And you can see the Mexican flag hanging from it.
I think I'm going to get Paula to make that where you can click on it and enlarges it.
It is taking up a 400 foot tower of it up there flapping around halfway up.
But you can make out that it's a big Mexican flag.
You can see the red, white, and green.
But like I said, Stacey doesn't have a really good zoom camera.
He wants to zoom.
It's hard to zoom in way up a tower.
But now they've got to have somebody hired to go climb up the tower.
I'm trying to narrow this down.
I do not think this is USS Liberty audio.
Listen to it.
It's not, you know, I knew I'd heard a lot of this before and it's Gulf of Tonkin when they're talking about launching aircraft.
Now he says there's audio in there and he's saying, I want that GD ship at the bottom.
And if that's the case, I just can't listen to 20 plus minutes of this during three minute breaks.
So it's really something to deal with.
Let me tell you.
But I'm going to try again during this break to listen.
Find out.
In fact, call that fella.
Call Chris in Boston back up and say, Chris, you said he's in there talking about he doesn't care if a GD ship goes to the bottom.
We call the wing.
We already have the witnesses and the transcripts.
It's declassified.
It's now admitted.
But that's not up for debate.
It's hearing the audio.
But I guess we got the Vice President on video saying he was secretly a member of the CFR, which he was never secretly.
He was just on there.
He was the director.
It's on their website.
People still deny that video's real.
Or they deny that TxDOT's own website saying Trans-Texas Corridor, NAFTA Highway System, NAFTA Superhighway Grid.
You know, they deny it when it's on the government's own website.
So, you know, at a certain point, why do we even try to prove this to people?
They'll probably say there's no Mexican flag flying above that radio station right now.
They didn't break in.
Even though there's a police report and it's in the newspaper.
We'll be right back.
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I apologize to the listeners earlier if I sounded really grumpy and unhappy.
Sometimes I just, that doesn't happen very often.
Every few months, when I'm on air, I just suddenly feel completely nasty and angry.
And by nasty, I mean nasty weather.
All dreary and foggy, and I don't even call it depressed.
It's more just disgusted.
I mean, to watch the news, it's always a chain of things that makes me go off.
It's always a chain of events.
Running around saying there's no NAU or no Trans-Texas Corridor and Ron Paul's crazy, and illegal aliens pulling down an American flag in front of the station, kicking down the fence, climbing up the huge tower and putting up a Mexican flag.
I'm just sick of it!
And I'm sick of the average Americans not getting more angry, or listening to these lying crooks in government telling them all this stuff isn't happening!
By the way, it is updated with photos, and Paul's going to put even more of the photos.
I don't know why he didn't post all of them.
He's just a busy bee over there.
But you can look at the Mexican flag flying on the tower.
You can look at how huge the tower is.
And he's updating with the fact that they smashed down the security fence, broke it down, big old barbed wire, you know, Constantino wire fence around it.
Knocked that down to get into the tower.
We've never seen the stuff around towers.
They got security fences around it.
And took the American flag down out of the front.
And then we're not supposed to talk about it and say we don't like it.
We're supposed to just roll over while all this happens!
And speaking of the USS Liberty, it looks like this is Gulf of Tonkin.
But there's so much of it I can't listen to and it's all mixed together.
We're gonna find out, you'll find out.
90% of the time, 95% of the time, the callers are accurate when they call in, and I think Chris meant well.
His buddy called him and said, this is U.S.
Liberty, listen to it, and he called in with it right as he heard it.
This is classic, but we did say from the start we weren't sure.
But what we do know is it's been declassified, Israel's own documents, and the NSA has released the fact that they have the radio wires of the plane saying it's a U.S.
ship, we don't want to attack it, and they were ordered to.
And we've interviewed the admirals and people that got the call from LBJ saying that ship goes to the bottom.
And that's even on the Wikipedia entry, which is a big whitewash.
But look, I know we've got a lot of callers now, and I know I didn't go to some of those earlier callers.
I apologize.
It's just, this is real radio.
This isn't a joke.
This isn't a game.
This isn't like... Somebody was asking me last segment, two segments ago, about Glenn Beck.
He'll get up there and say the New World Order's taking over the treaty.
You know, the treaties are doing it.
Law of the Sea Treaty, New World Order's taking over.
Well, so will Michael Weiner Savage.
I've heard him say on air, Bush is fighting the New World Order.
The New World Order is the Arabs, and we've got to fight them.
They will say, control our borders.
They will say, no New World Order.
But then they'll slip in... By the way, let's use the military on the American people.
And Ron Paul supporters are a domestic threat.
And then, yes, he'll then do another show, you'll see the YouTube clips, where he goes, we need to watch out!
They want to use the military on us!
So, see, he puts out rhetoric.
They have to do this now or he won't get ratings.
The majority of Americans are awake, at least to some extent now.
So, see, he puts that out, and then he comes back with, but let's arrest the Ron Paul supporters.
And he has a guest on saying we're in bed with Islamofascist.
And we're the domestic enemy.
Well, Savage does the same thing.
I mean, I agree with about 95% of what Savage says.
I agree with about 80% of what Sean Hannity says.
It's the same thing with Hillary Clinton.
I agree with some things she says.
Doesn't mean, though.
She's evil, at the end of the day.
She's pushing an agenda.
She's saying one thing, and then she's doing another.
Just like George Bush and his daddy.
Now, I try to explain this sometimes, and, uh...
I've got a bunch of other audio clips, but I promise when we get back I'll at least get to one Banker Carl's, Jack and Todd and Chris and a few others that are patiently holding.
Last night I spent about three minutes on the real banking system.
This is a very complex subject, but really a lot of things have been coming home to me lately, psychologically, intellectually.
Just realizing what we're up against and just how big this really is.
And I know I've made these points before, but I really want to try to succinctly... The overarching theme of this show is I'm frustrated because there's so much knowledge, so much info, so many facts, so many... I mean, it's insulting to me to have the state of Quebec
I mean, you should be insulted by that line!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Following a disputed election and a tie vote,
The U.S.
Congress installs the most unpopular president in U.S.
history as David Jefferson Adams becomes the 44th President of the United States.
Shortly after the election, increased unrest, rioting, and a growing number of militias have given rise to ever-increasing domestic terrorism.
In response, the President invokes the Homeland Security Act.
and declares martial law on the West Coast and other areas of the country.
Though highly contested, a Supreme Court ruling sidesteps the electoral process, disqualifying popular presidential candidates from several states.
Public outrage explodes when a sham election leads to incumbent David Adams accepting a second term in office.
During the 57th Inauguration Day Ceremonies, Washington D.C.
is struck by a low-yield nuclear weapon, killing David Adams and most of the U.S.
The destruction of Washington D.C.
effectively breaks the chain of succession, sending the nation into chaos.
In an emergency vote, the European Union deploys peacekeepers in the greater D.C.
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With separatist sentiment rising, California's governor declares home rule and secedes from the Union.
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And a second American Civil War now erupts as seven factions wage war across the land.
They battle one another to reclaim a nation.
To restore peace.
To rebuild this shattered union.
Back live, ladies and gentlemen, back live.
Alright, let's ram through your calls.
Then I'm gonna get into some other key news.
One of the things that enraged me this morning, it didn't even rage me, it made me sick.
I was watching a bunch of new Taser videos and one of them is in a police department here in the U.S.
and this scared woman is sitting there and they're searching her and this man's grabbing on her and the cops are around her and menacing her and she's not even doing anything and then they just... the male officer is grabbing on her and he says, hey, you're a male officer, you're not supposed to be touching me, stop it.
And he goes... and the guy's behind her and he goes, TASED!
And he hits her and tases her and she just flies back, folks.
We're good to go.
This is all pain compliance.
It's all just torture right out in the open.
And I got news for you, police.
They're gonna suck your bank accounts dry, too, the New World Order.
They're gonna fry everything you got and shoot your kids up full of mercury.
I heard Dr. Dina Dell this weekend, national host, saying there's no mercury in the vaccines.
I never listen to the show, but like once a week when I'm driving into the Sunday show, he's on before me.
Every time I tune in, he says there's no mercury in the vaccines.
That's an absolute lie!
Bush just signed an executive order blocking them trying to take it out.
I'm just sick of all the lies!
Jack and KC, you're on the air!
Are you looking for the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or are you looking for the Liberty?
No, no, we were thinking, when I first heard it, I said, that sounds like Tonkin, and the guy's like, no, no, no, it's USS Liberty, and then we listened to it, and it doesn't, it's definitely Tonkin mixed in with it, and that's why I think the caller was wrong.
Well, I found Gulf of Tonkin on National Archives with seven clips.
Yes, we've got it.
You've got that already?
Okay, that's all I had.
Yeah, the caller was wrong and that sent us on a wild goose chase.
Thank you, Jack.
That's okay.
Usually, 90 plus percent of the time, callers are accurate.
He was wrong.
Todd in North Carolina, you're on the air.
It's okay.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Let me first mention that I really appreciate your show.
Unfortunately, we don't have any stations here in our area that carry you, so I have to listen to you over the internet.
Thank goodness for cable modems.
And I want to mention, I listen to, I consider myself an evangelical Christian, and I listen to your show as well as a lot of other Christian talk shows.
And one show I was listening to, in particular this Saturday, by a fellow by the name of Richard Land.
Are you familiar with him?
Rings a bell.
Okay, Richard Land, he was the head of ethics and policies for the Southern Baptist Convention.
He was on a show this week quoting a Zogby poll basically saying that all the other Republican candidates, he said the top five candidates, would beat Hillary in the general election.
And so he started naming off the top five candidates and I kept waiting to hear Ron Paul's name mentioned.
Well, I've seen all the major polls and that's not true.
They're all going to lose hands down.
Other than Ron Paul.
Right, right.
I go on listening for him to ever mention Ron Paul on the show, because I know that you did the Independent Blind Bio Zogby poll, and I was wondering if this was the same poll that he was kind of misconstruing.
And anyhow, he never mentioned it.
Then he mentioned that he was invited to the CFR to talk with them about in-time scenarios, that they had actually invited him.
I thought, well, that's kind of strange.
These guys, as shady as they are... But I can't see how far it doesn't exist.
They keep bringing that up to Ron Paul.
Well, see, that's what's so interesting to me.
I have a lot of, you know, Southern Baptist friends who deny all this stuff, and, you know, they're just totally clueless about what's going on.
And here, one of the high-ups of the Southern Baptist Convention, Richard Land, his website is richardlandlive.com, and he actually has
A statement on the homepage that says, Why CFR?
And then I go on and I, well, I called into a show and I wanted to mention Ron Paul and Ron Paul's statements about the CFR.
And, um, uh, when I called in, they, they got me in on the, like the last 10 seconds of the show.
And I told the guy, the screener that I was going to talk about, you know, the CFR.
Well, I open up my statement with saying, well, uh, first let me mention I'm, um, an evangelical who supports Ron Paul, and he immediately hangs up on me.
And, uh, you know, he said his call screener didn't do a good enough job.
And to me, they're all censors.
It's the whole, look, look, they have, it's just a joke.
It was a joke.
It was proof in the pudding right there that they are totally trying to screen out any mention of Ron Paul because as soon as people hear his name and, you know, they have an opportunity to do some research on him, they agree with him.
And just to tell you that the message is spreading here in North Carolina where I don't think your show is broadcast on many stations, if any stations at all.
You go down I-40 through Research Triangle Park, and there's a big sign on I-40 that says, Google Ron Paul.
Good job, I got to jump.
Thank you.
John in Michigan, last caller we have time for.
Go ahead, John.
Okay, let him go.
No more calls.
Very good point, sir.
There's a little side issue here.
Saudi Arabia, Yemen to build border fence.
Saudi Arabia is to build a complete high-tech security fence.
You want to read all the stuff.
Infrared sensors, double barbed wire fence, berms, helicopter pads.
What does it say?
200 plus border control centers, offices.
With their entire border with Iraq, their entire border with Yemen, their entire border with Jordan, and they say they're going to do it with extra oil sale money, predominantly from the U.S.
and Europe.
So see, Europe and the U.S.
can't have fences, but Saudi Arabia, they can have the fences.
Let me get into, now briefly, this tasering.
I'm not against cops.
I want you to have happy, safe lives.
I've got the text of their press conference this weekend up in Utah that they were allowed to taser that guy because he refused to sign a ticket to make you comply now or if you won't give a urine sample strapped down to a hospital bed they can taser you.
That's torture!
And then I see videos like this poor woman and she's doing nothing.
She's sitting there and they start grabbing on her and she says don't play the audio of the woman getting tasered.
It's just horrible.
It's the power trip of the video!
Thank God!
Don't get your hands off me!
You are a man!
Get your hands off me!
Paper, paper, paper, deploy!
Now, are you going to cooperate, Christine?
Are you going to cooperate?
Now, the woman is sitting there and the police are all stalking around her and he's grabbing on her legs and grabbing on her chest and she starts going, no, I'm not doing anything, I'm not moving.
They say, don't move.
And then they just taser her.
You can go watch the video.
And listen, I don't want to hear it.
I've had friends tortured in the Austin Jail.
And then my friends sued and even got the video.
And right when they start the torture, the video cuts out.
They said, malfunction.
And the one time I was in the Austin Jail, little red-haired, short, it was on the 7th Street, went by 35, little red-haired, short guy.
And I'm not that tall.
He's probably about 5'4".
I'm like 5'10".
He tells me, turn around.
And he's going through my pockets and everything before they fingerprint me.
And all of a sudden, my face gets slammed into the wall.
And he just started laughing.
He goes, you gonna do something?
You gonna do something?
You gonna do something?
And... I just was like, man, this country's gone.
And when I was in New York, they took me behind the closed doors.
And that was in 1997.
And he said, what you in here for?
After I'd been brought to the front booking and was being brought in by the jail cell.
In that little room beside it.
And the officer goes, oh, he punched a cop.
And they, oh, you punched a cop!
Big man, huh?
We take these cuffs off, you gonna punch us?
And I said, nah, I didn't punch anybody.
That's a lie.
And I said, you know there were video cameras out there.
Don't try it.
And I just said, I don't want to have to sue you.
Believe me, I don't want to waste the money.
I just said, just leave me alone.
And they laughed at me and brought me to a cell.
They had a bunch of empty cells.
They brought me to a cell that had feces all over the floor everywhere.
And they laughed when they did it.
It's just gang members, folks.
It's just gang members that get badges and guns.
And I'm not saying all of them, but I'm a human being.
I am a human being.
And I didn't do anything.
And that little runt cop with a Napoleon complex shoved my face into the wall hard.
Crunched my nose into it.
Just slammed my head in the wall.
And those New York cops were actually later discussing in front of me what they were going to charge me with and started talking about, hey, he punched the cops.
Even after that, it's not funny.
I'm a human being.
I don't deserve to be framed.
I don't deserve to be falsely imprisoned.
And let me just tell you something, cops.
Let me just tell all of you that serve the system and all the yuppies and all the people that think, you know, that we're kooks, you don't know what we're talking about.
I want you to write a few numbers down.
Just the top 20 banks, and I did the numbers this week, and they're subsidiaries,
There's a reason they do that.
Because before 93, they could keep doing the fractional reserve banking and loan for every dollar, $10 out.
For every thousand, $10,000.
For every million, $10,000,000.
For every billion, $10,000,000.
But that's in their own bank.
Then they set up a subsidiary with the 10% and they can keep doing the scam.
There is $1,500,000,000,000.
Now I know last year we were saying $700,000,000,000 and something trillion.
But see, it grows exponentially now.
Globally, just in derivatives.
If you don't know what those are, just Google the name, go to the dictionary.
But that's where they just keep selling different corporate securities and leveraging those out and selling others.
It's a whole class of things, but don't look up.
It's only one area of banking and investment.
1,500 plus trillion.
1,500 plus trillion.
The entire federal budget every year is 1.8 trillion.
The United States uses 47% of global resources.
So the country that's using close to half the world's resources, with 4.5% of the world's population, has about a third of the world's wealth, reportedly.
I went and looked these numbers up and they all vary, but they're basically the same.
And we, as not corporate,
We're good to go.
Money out of thin air globally have $1,500 trillion.
$1,500 trillion versus our entire federal budget of $1.8 trillion.
And I'm going to try to take the time out and have some economists on to discuss this, but you'll have to go look at all the other major industrial countries and find out what their investments are versus their government budgets and the rest of it.
Bottom line, 1,500 trillion, basically, to boil it down, you've got a football field, and 1,500 trillion is the derivatives, and the United States and its wealth is like a postage stamp.
And that's a crude simplification, but that's just a basic way to boil it down, to image it in your mind.
Do you think they care about the postage stamp anymore?
Do you think?
They created out of nothing all of this wealth.
They take your debts and put them in the bank and claim that it's money and then loan out nine times that.
But in the early 90's they got rid of that and the banks just started loaning out whatever they wanted to and self-certifying debt.
On what?
We're good to go.
That's why they send you 10 credit cards in the mail every month when you're poor, because they want to get you in debt for debt that came out of nothing.
So it gets you in debt, it bankrupts economies, it destroys currencies, but the globalists had to do it.
They could not do it, because they have the power to create a tsunami of money that's thousands of times what even governments have, where they can just come in with walls of liquid cash.
It is fiat, but militaries back it up, police back it up,
And now they're openly saying they want to just go ahead and blow out what's left of the original economy, that postage stamp on a football field.
They own the football field.
All that's left is the postage stamp.
And they just want to come in with a world government police state and just take the postage stamp away.
All the wealth, all the mansions, all of it is a postage stamp compared to these people.
All the real wealth is to their fiat creation.
It's insane.
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Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Ira Hayes
Look, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I got into Ron Paul, the North American Union hoax, in the first hour.
If you missed it, on the AM or FM station out there, we're very thankful for.
You can just tune in at InfoWars.com.
Or TruthNews.us when this radio show ends in about five minutes and you can hear the first hour.
Very important info.
Also, the photos of the Mexican flag, they broke into the radio station we're on out in Montana.
Broke in, knocked down the fence, climbed up the tower, flew a Mexican flag, and it hadn't gotten the news attention it needs.
The photos are out there right now just to show you how serious this whole arreconquista is.
But getting back
I don't know.
Really a spiritual desire to warn people and to defend people and to stand up to bullies and I just get frothing angry over it all.
Because at the end of the equation, if I don't want to protect others, I don't want to protect myself.
That's what it is.
It's a community thing.
The globalists have built this giant derivatives 1,500 trillion.
There are at least 10 other major forms of
We're good to go.
is bigger than all the oil, all the diamonds, all the gold, all the mansions, all the clothing lines, all the farm property, all the governments, all the government debts.
It's all a complete joke.
These central banks deregulated everything by design for their select banks, and then smaller banks that go out and just act as brokers for them, to set up a system where they could literally buy up the entire world, and now they're doing it.
It's a military financial weapon bomb that they have turned loose, and it could plunge, it could pop of its own accord.
They're trying to have a controlled popping of some of the sectors.
I know we talk about this a lot, but I mean, it's just so unbelievable.
Our whole budget's $1.8 trillion a year.
The whole country's budget.
And then you've got the globalists coming in.
Trying to set up a world government and they've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands of trillions of fiat they just created.
We're talking about quadrillions here.
When you add it all together.
And it's all fiat, none of it's real, but it's all backed up by men in black masks who don't know how to balance their own checkbooks, who don't understand how they're being used, how they're being destroyed.
So of course they lie to us about the NAU.
Of course they lie to us about Amnesty.
Of course they lie to us about Mercury.
I'm out of time.
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And as I said, if you missed seeing the first hour of all the new North American Union analysis, it's coming up right now.
So we'll be right back at Infowars.com.
God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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