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Name: 20071120_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 20, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The globalists are racing to the finish line, attempting to set up open dictatorship in this nation.
Many conservatives, libertarians, and classical liberals
...are upset about it.
Naomi Wolf's book, The End of America, has gotten a lot of traction with her 10 Steps Towards Total Tyranny, an actual blueprint that our government teaches at the School of Americas to countries around the world, not just Latin America.
But she gets it wrong in that it isn't just the Republicans that are doing this.
This is a system-wide, five-decade-long movement.
Now coming to a head like a festering scrofulous.
And we're going to break this down today.
It's been a lot of time on Marshall Law.
Who is joining us today but Fritz Wenzel.
He is the Head Analyst at Zogby International and their Director of Communications.
They normally don't put out their reports until about a week after, but those that buy the polls are welcome to put that out.
But because they've gotten so many phone calls asking, is our poll real?
Does it exist?
That he's going to come on the show today and talk about the poll that we conducted, and tomorrow they're going to rush a summary, instead of putting it out this Friday, they're going to put it out tomorrow about the Ron Paul poll.
And I had no idea they were going to ask so many other questions.
I guess that's just what they do.
They take an opportunity with another poll to add more info.
We're going to tell you all the areas that Ron Paul won in.
Ron Paul, hands down, won in every category with NASCAR fans.
Ron Paul won in every religious category.
Ron Paul wins by double digits with religious voters across the board in Zogby Poll.
Ron Paul wins Zogby Blind Poll.
Nationwide, as well, where they just read his bio to them, next to the other people's bios.
These are basically the campaign bios.
Romney and others were even stronger in their polls, in their questions, leaning towards them than Paul.
But Paul still won, hands down.
It's got a lot of attention.
It got 1,200 digs by last night.
Usually 100 digs puts it on the front page.
But Dig itself censored it.
But it doesn't matter.
We're going to continue to put dig links up on our stories to educate everyone about their censorship.
See, we don't give up.
We just lean against you.
Kind of like the Founding Fathers did, losing, I don't know, more than 20 battles, actually, in a row before they started winning them.
Now, you see, we just don't stop.
We just continue like piranha to attack, because you're attacking us.
You're bringing in your New World Order.
You're trying to destroy our liberties, and we are not going to stop.
We have just begun to fight, and I hope that's clear to all the New World Order people out there that listen to this show.
You attacked us.
You're destroying our liberties and our freedoms.
You're systematically dismantling our republic.
Everyone sees it now.
I mean, it's widespread.
There are hundreds of commentators and former CIA officials and governors and everybody else saying we're going into total tyranny.
It is as plain as the nose on your face that this is happening.
So, we'll be going over all of that today as well.
Uh, Fritz Wenzel joining us coming up in the middle of the next hour.
Uh, the head of Zogby's Communications and their Chief Analyst.
And, um... Aaron just walked in and handed me some new information.
And then we have Ed Asner.
He's been on a couple times with us in the past.
Former head of the Screen Actors Guild.
We're good to go.
Also going to be getting into dollar slides the record low against the euro before housing data the dollar fell to a record low against the euro and the Swiss franc on speculation a US government report will show a deepening property slump promoting the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates again.
We'll cover that too.
So the police state in great detail
In the coming martial law system, we're already being basted and marinated in.
And Ron Paul info and a lot more.
Huge transmission.
Stay with us.
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Attention, this is Jack Blood with an urgent GCN News Bulletin.
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Learn how to finally teach financial vultures some humility by beating them at their own game, and above all, learn how to bail out for a soft landing.
All right, Curt Nemo.
Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Aaron Dykes, Ryan Slickheisen.
We just talked to the head analyst at Zogby this morning.
We talked to him last night, yesterday afternoon, and he said that he would have a report out tomorrow morning for us.
Someone else may have put this out at Zogby.
We've got Mr. Wenzel coming up.
But I have to say, it's an amazing spin, but we'll talk to him.
There were three major questions, and we posted those.
And when people were given Ron Paul's bio, and the congressman from Texas, and this is his policies, he won by double-digit leads in every category of religious voters except Jewish.
He won there too, but 17% instead of 33%.
The others were all undecided.
He won with NASCAR.
Why they asked that, I don't know.
He won with
He won with military families.
He won with internet users.
He won with conservatives, liberals, with moderates, because they were asking who they were.
I mean, he won just incredible, hands down victory in two of the three questions.
Now, in one of the questions, just on name recognition, Giuliani won.
And we, of course, reported on that yesterday.
But what do they focus on at Zogby?
I go pay for this poll, I make it, quote, fair, which the other polls aren't.
People write up how they want to make who they want win.
I just did it with a blind poll saying, here's their policies, here are your four, and Ron Paul wins with incredible numbers.
And what does Zogby do?
This is now on Zogby's website, folks.
Paul Watts and everybody, I need an instant response to this, but I'm not going to attack them and call it spin and stuff.
I want to get their guy on.
Zogby poll, Giuliani,
Leads among Republicans in latest blind bio survey.
That's not true!
Hey Aaron, come in here!
I just started reading this like in the minute before we went on air.
We have to call that spin.
Because he won in the blind bio survey.
But that's crazy!
No, it was his name.
He won when they asked about Republican, uh, you know, who would they go for in the primary.
Giuliani won.
But then when they asked him about policies, they said they'd vote for Ron Paul.
So, Watson, I hope you're listening.
Zogby Poll.
Giuliani leads among Republicans in latest blind bio survey.
They rushed this out.
They made a mistake.
Holy mackerel.
I've got
I don't think this is a mistake.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh, Zogby Poll.
Giuliani leads among Republicans in latest blind bio survey.
He did not.
Survey pitched resumes of former New York Mayor against those of Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Fred Thompson.
Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's long the favorite in nationwide samples of Latin Republican voters in 2008 for the party's presidential nomination has the strongest resume of the four top contenders
A new Zogby International Survey shows.
That's not true!
Yeah, go ahead and call Wenzel up.
Just say, get a comment from him.
The survey, known as a Blind Bio Poll, likely voters are given details of the candidates' resumes without their names attached, shows Giuliani wins 34% compared to 22%, each for Thompson and Romney.
Paul, who had served recently in the polls as a significant online following, came in last
With 13% support, while 9% said they were undecided on the question?
Only those four candidates were included in the question.
We have the question, which was commissioned by Jones Productions, a media company based in Austin, Texas.
The survey included 389 likely Republican primary and caucus voters, and was conducted... Oh, they sub... Aaron!
I've got them!
They subsampled!
They pulled just...
Uh, what they called, uh, extremely conservative.
They sub-sampled out of a thousand and spun that, because out of that sub-sample, Giuliani won!
Man, there is no end!
You pay for a fair poll, you pay $4,300 for it, this has all been a great education for everybody.
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely mind-blowing.
This is ab-so-lutely mind-blowing.
The blind bio question was also posed to a larger pool.
There's the spin!
See, I hadn't read this yet.
Ha ha ha!
Man, this is amazing!
It won't matter, though.
First, when EOCON said my poll wasn't real yesterday, we made it up.
Even though Zogby's policies say they issue it, and then it's up to you to put it out if you want, and they decide if they want to.
Then they said it wasn't real.
And then now they're going to say, oh, it's real, look, Ron Paul lost with 13%.
But the truth is, they took one small demographic, where Giuliani won.
See, I thought it was the other question, the one question Paul lost, out of all the questions.
It wasn't that.
You're getting behind the scenes right here, okay?
Sit down, turn your mic on.
This is unbelievable.
There is never an end to any of it.
I am just completely blown away right now.
Aaron, this is staggering.
So we're talking about it in a survey with multiple dozens of demographic categories.
They've zoned in on the conservative and very conservative.
Definite headline.
There's no debating it.
Zogby spun this in mega overdrive.
We pay for a fair poll.
We publish all the questions.
People can see how fair it was.
So you notice you never see the polls, folks.
You see
Or if people leak them, you see them.
We put the poll out, the raw poll data out, the public's so dumb they can't even believe it's real.
And then by the time we actually get this data, we see the spin.
Let me just read the rest of this and then I want you to comment.
Now listen to this.
The first they tell you Giuliani wins.
Out of 389 likely Republican primaries or caucus voters.
Well, they kept saying, we want Republicans.
I said, well just everybody.
I just want a poll.
Of everybody.
Can I please have that?
They said, oh yeah.
That didn't stop them though from sampling out.
So out of 1,000 plus, they pulled 389.
And by the way, we have the numbers.
That was extremely conservative.
There's a spin there.
And it goes on.
The Blind Bio question was also posed to a larger pool of 1,009 likely voters nationwide, including Democrats and Independents.
And Paul was the big winner among the universe of voters.
Winning 33% compared to 19% for Giuliani, 15% for Romney, and 13% for Thompson.
To all you neocons on Dig and Free Republic, you accused me of lying and putting out a fake poll!
You think I would just make something up?
I told you the preachers over a year and a half ago were being trained for martial law and now it's mainstream news.
To take your guns, you idiots!
You're not real conservatives.
You're like football fans that pick a team.
Well, my team's America and the Bill of Rights and Constitution, not that piece of trash Hillary or Bush or any of these people!
I'm going to calm down, folks.
See, they just walked in a minute before break and I read this thing about Giuliani wins poll, so I thought, whoa, did they just spin it for that one piece of the poll?
One question out of all these questions?
And I thought, no.
And then I read down, and to explain this calmly, they went and they
See, and they told me, oh, we have a special pool of Republicans we poll.
These are all a bunch of little, little, little lapdogs.
They admit it.
It's a special little group.
They go to people and call numbers they already knew what the answer would be, just so they could then screw up my poll, and then say that Giuliani won.
When this is huge news, that Ron Paul won a nationwide poll!
Aaron, does this make... I mean, this is incredible!
Well, yeah, they're saying the sign of success is the shrinking GOP, quote, base of the conservative and ultra-conservative, when that's split wide open from the... But then they expose religious conservatives and want Ron Paul won!
See, that's the headline.
Folks, the headlines on this are Ron Paul wins every religious group.
I mean, non-Christian, Christian, born again, Catholic, Conservative, Protestant was one of the... Go get all your numbers.
I want to read these on there again for people.
This is the raw Zogby data.
And we do a fair poll.
And they said, oh, this is a very fair poll.
We rarely see people actually wanting to ask these questions.
These are excellent questions.
I think so.
Long the favorite in national shambles of black Republican voters, the 2008 race for the party's presidential nomination has the strongest resume of the four top contenders in New Zogby International Poll shows.
And all of this is true because it's spinning!
You see?
Because they're looking at one tiny area.
The survey, known as the Blind Bio-Poll, because likely voters are given details of the candidates, and I told them I wanted that, and they go, oh, you know about those?
Resumes without their names attached show Giuliani wins 34% compared to 22% for Thompson and Romney.
Ron Paul, who has surged recently in polls and had a significant online following, came in last with 13% support, while 9% said they were undecided on the question.
Only those four candidates were included in the question, which was commissioned by Jones Productions, a media company based in Austin, Texas, because those are clearly the four frontrunners.
That's why I put them out there.
In money-raising and everything.
The survey included 300... And by the way, Zogby now has Paul III in New Hampshire, by the way.
The survey included 389 likely Republican primary or caucus voters, and was conducted November 14, 17, 2007.
It carries a margin of error of plus or minus 5.1 percentage points.
The Blind Bio was also opposed to a larger poll.
Yeah, that's my poll!
I asked for that poll!
I say, Blind Bio, everybody!
And they go, is it alright if we sample Republicans?
And I went, well, who are they?
Well, it's a group we call.
And I said, is it like Party Faithful, Hacks and Will?
Is it old people and landlines who don't have internet?
She was reading me numbers.
I go, well, alright.
Well, they don't really.
At least we'll just say that we polled the hardest group.
But we polled that group and he actually won in the blind poll!
Folks, this is incredible.
The Blind Bio question was also posed to a larger pool of 1,009 likely nationwide voters, including Democrats and Independents, and Paul was the big winner among the universe of voters, winning 33% compared to 19% for Giuliani, 15% for Romney, and 13% for Thompson.
Look, I mean, well, you can see what this is for yourselves.
We'll come back with Aaron commenting.
I meant to get into the police state news, but this is unbelievable.
That's right.
We're good to go.
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I think so.
Alright, let me be very calm about this.
I paid for a poll and I said I want this as fair as possible.
I want it of all likely voters.
And that's what they polled.
Then they put out a spin because Ron Paul won the poll.
They admit that in the last paragraph and decide to focus on conservative Republicans, the one group that Ron Paul lost in.
But by the way, he won in all the other questions with conservative Republicans at the highest number.
Evangelicals, born-agains, that coveted group.
Remember how it was huge news a month and a half ago, when they had a national scientific poll they had at every election, every two years, off-year-end presidential, of the Evangelical caucus of Christian conservatives, and Ron Paul came in third.
I think he got 14%.
I'm going from memory.
Pull it up, folks.
I'm asking my writers to get on this.
He came in third, it was huge news!
Huge news!
That they're waking up.
That's 50 million Americans, a key base for the Republicans.
Now, why would Zogby not have that amongst eligible voters in the United States, likely voters Ron Paul wins by double digits?
That's our headline.
That's what it says.
And then later we did say, oh, but he lost amongst those that call themselves very conservative.
We have the numbers.
I want them all published, by the way.
I know we put a lot of them out.
I gave them to put them all out, but Paul's taking screenshots, I guess, to simplify it in certain key areas.
I mean, he won NASCAR.
He won non-Christians.
He won Christians.
He won Catholics.
He won every group.
He won among Democrats, Independents, Conservatives.
He did not win amongst very conservative.
Aaron, give them the numbers.
So this is a breakdown of ideology and then we also have a breakdown of party.
And under ideology they have it sort of spread across the left or right spectrum.
Progressive, liberal, moderate, conservative, very conservative, libertarian.
And the reason they're probably focusing in on this conservative, very conservative, is it is that kind of right-of-center, heavy bloc.
And they were polling for more conservatives in this poll, so it doesn't mean there's more conservatives out there.
They actually found there's about 38%.
They had to over-sample just to get 38, yeah.
Yeah, generally they found there's about 38% hardcore Democrats.
36% hardcore Republicans with an independent... And because we're in a realignment, it used to be about 10%, now it's the vast majority.
Which is why Ron Paul can beat Hillary.
And the poll showed that across the board he would beat Hillary.
That's the headline we should have been putting out.
Yeah, and that's what this poll reflects as well, that while Rudy Giuliani, who, we were talking about resume, he doesn't have a conservative resume, but
He does have name recognition among the conservatives.
That's why he's the frontrunner.
They've been shoving him down our throats here.
But you can see by party that he is overwhelmingly supported by all the Democrats polled in this thing, which was over 380, the 38% number.
He has 46% of that support in this theoretical primary here.
46% amongst Democrats!
When the vote is split.
That's not a general election where he'd be going head-to-head in theory with Hillary, where he would just dominate.
He'd get the Republicans in, he'd get the Democrats and Libertarians.
Total victory.
He's the only man that can be Hillary.
And then there's another 30% outstanding of undecided vote that's all up for grabs.
It doesn't go to the other candidates.
They're all under double digits except for Mitt Romney in that poll.
And Republicans, Ron Paul is doing better than he is in the ordinary national polls.
He has 15%.
And Giuliani has twice that with his name recognition.
That's the victory.
The point is, when a fair poll was finally asked, Ron Paul won in, there's got to be 15, 20, 30 questions per main question.
I don't know how many questions total, but the point is he really won 98% of them.
He dominates the poll, and they put out a press release about Romney winning one subgroup.
The point is, we wanted a poll of the general electorate across the board.
That's what I asked for, and what do I get is their spin out of it about how great Giuliani is, but at the end they say, the Blind Bio question was also posed to a larger pool of 1,009 likely voters nationwide, including Democrats and Independents, and Paul was the big winner among the universe of voters, winning 33% compared to 19% for Giuliani, 15% for Romney, and 13% for Thompson.
Double digits against these yahoos.
Yeah, that's the key.
Double digits!
The middle ground independent party, which is 26% of this vote, he is 37.7% one point away from a 20 point lead on Giuliani.
It's ridiculous.
Okay, so understand ladies and gentlemen, this shows, if you stack it up against Hillary's numbers, who's very unpopular, with like a 25% approval rating with Republicans and Democrats, Ron Paul would clean her clock.
The question this raises is Ron Paul vs. Hillary or Giuliani vs. Hillary.
It's no question.
Ron Paul is a uniter, not a divider.
It's true.
It's not rhetoric.
This poll shows he literally unites every seat in America.
And this is the bottom line.
Executive summary here, ladies and gentlemen.
Executive summary is that National Poll
Shows Ron Paul is the winner, Zogby spins and focuses on subgroup that went for Giuliani.
I mean, that is the bottom line.
That is the bottom line of what's happened.
38% of moderates.
A whopping lead.
We'll be right back.
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That's right.
Coming up in about nine minutes, we're going to have Aaron back in here with analysis.
We didn't even talk about how he won in every minority group with giant whopping double-digit, in some cases, 20-point leads.
We didn't talk about, in any detail, Giuliani's at NASCAR yesterday and everybody hates him.
In this poll, Giuliani got destroyed and Rob Hall won with NASCAR voters.
Because they asked him that question.
Uh, he won with every major religious group and every Christian sect, from Catholics to Conservative Protestants to Born Again to Evangelicals.
He won everywhere, but with
Conservative voters in a sub-poll.
And what did Zogby go with?
They went with that headline.
This is huge news.
Here's the stories at truthnews.us, prisonplanet.com, infowars.net.
I want you to go get these stories if you're sick of the censorship, the spinning.
We didn't spin this.
We posted the data.
We showed what it was.
We tried to do a straight-up poll, and it's been spun right out of our hands.
It's just unbelievable.
In the last paragraph they say, oh by the way, Ron Paul won the general poll all across the board, but we're going to tell you all about Giuliani.
I want you to go to PrisonPlanet.com and I want you to get all these articles and I want you to go absolutely berserk.
You've got 1,200 digs, 100 if you put it on the main page where hundreds of thousands would have seen it and they buried it.
Not the members, the administration.
This is the type of stuff we go through on a daily basis.
We're going to go through all these numbers, you can hear them for yourself.
Aaron's going to do another report.
I need smart listeners.
You see these data.
Other news writers.
Go take our data.
Don't even give us credit.
I don't care.
It's a Zogby poll.
Go do your own articles.
He has won a national poll, hands down, in every demographic but one.
And he showed a whopping 15% there.
And they say 13% in their crunch.
And they even get their sample number wrong.
And we got the guy from Zogby coming on.
I'm going to talk to him about this.
I mean, at least they admitted he won the general poll.
Okay, he's a great sponsor, and this is something because we're, everything, food's up 15%, all your oil product things, that's where your detergents and all these toxic things come from, have more than doubled in the last three years, oil prices surging, I don't have to tell you about that.
This is a great sponsor, it's organic, they have, for what, 60 years, since 1947 when he got back from the Chemical Corps, and that's why he knew how bad chemicals were from the military,
Marty Schachter out in Oakland, California.
Him and his daddy started it.
He and his son run it today.
And they have organic soaps at 85% off supermarket prices.
And you save money, and it's organic, and it's super high quality.
I don't know how anybody could not get involved in this, especially as everybody's budgets are getting tighter.
And they, again, for 60 years, about for 56 or 57 of those,
They sold just to hospitals, nursing homes, government institutions, because they knew what was inexpensive.
They knew what was quality to the wealthy.
They started selling directly here, ladies and gentlemen, on this network to you.
That's how you get no middleman, no nothing.
Marty, thank you for coming on.
Good morning, Alex.
I'm so excited.
It's just so wonderful with December coming up and the holidays coming up, and we're advocating pure soap for gifts.
Pure Soap Bars!
You know, you couldn't even come on yesterday.
You were so hammered with orders.
It was unbelievable!
We're just trying to keep up with it, but we know that your listeners will be hanging our Pure Soap Bars on their Christmas trees as ornaments.
They'll be buying 100-bar cases.
We're not talking a $5 and $10 a bar.
We're talking about a 150-bar case.
We're talking about
78 cents a bar!
We're talking about an 100 bar case, 82 cents a bar!
They could go to the marketplace and buy it like this!
Now let's explain.
The detergent, toxic poison, hundreds of chemicals that you put under your arms.
Until 50, 60 years ago, we had real soap.
Tell them the difference between just one of your products, this bar soap, why it smells so good with the almond oil and the cherry.
I mean, describe what's in it versus one of the, you know, Lever, Procter & Gamble things.
It don't take much to pick up a bar of zest, or Dove, or Irish Spring, or Dial.
Read the side panel.
Whenever I walk through the grocery store in the soap aisle, it makes my eyes water.
It's got 20 to 25 chemicals in it, including high-developed perfumes, including sodium chloride, a main ingredient.
What is sodium chloride?
It's table salt!
Would you wash your face, your baby, your body with cable salt?
Give me a break.
This is what this stuff has.
The perfumes burn your skin.
The smell on it, it makes you sick.
It stays on your skin.
It stays on the towels.
It stays in the air.
You don't need it no more.
We don't use that.
We're good.
We use
It's gone, but it's beautiful.
You will love it.
There's nothing like it in the marketplace.
We're the only company in the country that's promoting pure soap, not detergents, not harm, not chemicals.
Don't need it ever again.
Marty, give them the toll-free number.
They can call me every day, 1-800-340-7091.
That's 800-340-7091.
Get your bar soap for gifts.
Get your one month tote bag supply for gifts.
It's all available.
It's all in stock.
We're happy to send it out, not only to you, but to any one of your loved ones.
Well, there's no extra charge for... 1-800-340-7091.
No extra charge to send it to loved ones.
We'll take care of everyone and anyone that wants to get back to good old-fashioned pure soap.
And I'm telling you, a lot of family you give this to is going to get addicted.
I bring you things I use.
Calvin Pure Soap, Berkey Water Filters, I tell you get into metals, it more than doubles.
I mean, this is just basic stuff, 85% off supermarket prices.
And it's organic.
Organic stuff at the main stores costs double what the toxic does.
This is real organic.
60 plus years in operation and it's 85% less.
We bring you the deals 1-800-340-7091 or go to InfoWars.com.
There's a banner on the left hand side to CalVinPureSoap.com or FiveStarSoap.com and a huge banner on JonesReport.com over to CalVinPureSoap.com or FiveStarSoap.com
Or 1-800-340-7091.
Again, folks, they're a great sponsor.
It's a great deal.
I suggest you take advantage of it.
Thank you, Alex.
That was beautiful.
Are we ready for our limerick of the day?
Yeah, give folks a limerick.
No matter how grouchy you're feeling, a smile is always quite healing.
It grows like a wreath
All around the front teeth, thus preserving the face from congealing.
Oh man.
Marty, we're going to let you go here in just a moment.
I know you've got to go, but I wanted to bring this up.
I mean, we're serious when we say that big petrochemical companies literally bought up and bought into the soap companies and took them over in the last... When did the shift happen to this toxic waste versus, you know, just plant and, you know, vegetable and fruit essence?
From 1947 to 1950, the conversion of eliminating all soaps, real soaps from the marketplace,
And converting them over to detergents, petrochemical detergents.
Now you were in the Chemical Corps, was that the Army Chemical Corps?
For two years I was in charge of the chemical depot in Japan.
I learned all about the chemicals that we were going to use in World War II.
And I got a tremendous amount of knowledge.
But here's my question to you so I can understand this.
Because I've read the history and I know quite a bit.
I want you as an expert to tell me if I'm right.
I've been in the soap business for 60 years and the chemical weapons business before that.
From the knowledge I have that they built up all these war industries and the war ended and they had all these factories for munitions production and oil production and all the rest of it and so they then lobbied with Congress and the rest of it to shift those over and to take over the soap industry and to replace it with chemicals.
At the same time they had the literally millions of tons of sodium and stannous fluoride from aluminum and weapons manufacturing
That's exactly what happened.
It got so bad that in 1965, detergents were to be outlawed throughout the United States.
And the chemical and detergent industry paid off Congress and the Senate and said, well, let us at the industry take care of the problem of pollution of our waterways.
And then all they did was water it down so it doesn't even work.
But then they called it a new word.
They called it biodegradable.
A fictitious word saying that all these chemicals will break down.
Ain't so!
I gotta get you on as an actual guest sometime, Marty, just to give us your knowledge, and I can dig up the documents and let folks know.
Well, I'd love to share all this information for you, including how detergents got created from Nazi Germany, and how it's progressed throughout history.
Thanks, Marty.
Thank you.
Talk to you soon, Alex.
Yeah, we get him up once a month.
Take care, my friend.
He's a great sponsor.
And, uh, you notice, you know, I just gave you the history of it, because I've seen films, read books on it, studied it.
See, the globalists are monopoly men.
They come in, they engineer a whole new movement, a whole shift, a quote, a new technology, and it's generally just to put some toxic waste in your food, water, or other products.
And that's what they do now.
This whole, you know, they're saying the ocean's dying and everybody's dead and the earth's gonna die, big UN report.
And you actually read the UN report, they say, oh no, there's no evidence to this.
But the headline's what people read.
See, it's all about the spin machine.
And now there's a full court public relations advertising campaign, and they'll tell you that they know this stuff works.
That's why they have so much of it, to tell you the earth is dying, they've gotta save the earth, with hundreds of new regulations and taxes.
But then China, India, Mexico, and 163 other third world nations have to make zero cuts.
What will that do to all the rest of the jobs we've got left?
They'll totally leave.
They'll have to leave.
And by the way, where in the UN report do they say the ocean is acidifying, by the way, from the detergents, and they even admit that?
It's off the coast of China, off the coast of India.
There are some problems in the oceans with these rivers, with all this toxic waste, and a big part of it's your detergents!
It's petrochemicals!
Alright, I'm already getting off the subject, ladies and gentlemen.
It's just, to have this knowledge, and to want to warn people.
They're gonna do nothing about all this toxic stuff they sell us.
Nothing about real problems of the environment.
We're mammals.
It kills us, too.
It hurts us.
It makes us sick.
I'm a real environmentalist.
But they take all your environmental energies, and they give you disinfo.
I'm going to try to be calm here for the next 15 minutes of this hour, then I'm getting into police state news, then we'll get back into the polls, and we've got the head of Zogby coming on, the head of their relations, and our head statistician coming on, but then we've got legendary actor of stage, screen, TV, coming up at Asner in the third hour today.
Alright, alright.
I don't know.
Okay, I'm going to settle down.
Paul Watson's listening.
We're all doing analysis together right now.
Aaron has been quietly working over there with all the numbers.
Aaron, I have to say you're a real asset around here.
Give our writers the facts.
They'll double check and vet it all.
They're all listening right now because we've got to do a counter strike against this spin.
Give people the facts of what just happened with this Zogby poll.
For those that just joined us, Zogby
Let me just explain calmly.
Last week, I paid $4,300, and I wanted three simple questions.
By the time they were done with it, it was this gigantic poll.
We had to have them change a bunch of stuff to, quote, make it fair.
I was leaning towards the other candidates in ridiculous ways.
I went with Zai because they're the most well-known and most respected next to Gallup.
I'm probably going to buy Gallup.
By the way, we just got a donation, so I'm going to buy Gallup.
They're pretty expensive, or even more.
I'm going to buy Gallup in the next few weeks.
And thank you, listener, by the way.
I was actually having discussions here at the office and people wanted Christmas bonuses and wanted me to buy another poll for Ron Paul.
And we're going to be publishing the poll in its entirety.
We've already published big pieces of it.
And first off, people said it wasn't a real poll and we just made this up.
Yeah, I would commit Harry Carey on the radio and the web.
I would just make things up.
Folks, do you know if I get up here and say, bear knowingly put AIDS virus and let AIDS virus be in their factor 8 for 10 years knowingly and I have their own documents, that I wouldn't just get here and say it if I was lying, I'd be sued into oblivion?
You know, if I get up here and say that the head of a defense language school went public and said that the government trained Al Qaeda at their bases, it was NAP and San Jose Mercury News, do you think I would just make that up?
We don't make anything up!
In fact, nine times out of ten, things are worse than I say!
Because I don't know everything, I can't ever grasp all of it, and every time we learn more, it's always worse!
Always worse!
Never better!
Always worse!
Alright, I'm really mad, I'm gonna settle down.
Hold on.
Here are the basic facts.
We go out and we have 1,009 people polled, and then even more, because they oversampled and asked more to get a third Republicans.
They get a third Republicans.
Conservative Republicans is how they call themselves, and Giuliani did win that, but Ron Paul got a 15%.
Zogby says it's 13.
And you've got all the numbers.
Correct me if any of these are wrong, Aaron.
You're right over there with it.
You're my navigator.
Fact checker.
Double, you know, double brain over there.
Whatever you want to call it.
We all edit each other's stuff.
We all oversee everybody here to make sure we're putting out the best info.
We try as hard as we can to bring you the most vital, most correct information.
And so he wins in all these demographics.
Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Liberals, Moderates, Libertarians.
Hi, this is David.
I have a presentation for the Memphis District Attorney's Office.
There are no public comments in the attempt.
The district attorney's office is responsible for receiving the evidence.
Okay, somebody broke in on our broadcast.
Reconnect right now.
That's right, we won't back down.
You're not supposed to be able to have two ISDNs dial into the same double line ISDN.
That's supposedly impossible, I've been told by IT people in the telephone company.
Now, years ago, I guess it was in 1999 when I was exposing Waco and covering all that, twice I had someone break in over the line and threaten to kill me, but one way.
ISDNs are two way.
Threaten to kill me, and then there would be gunshots in the background and motorcycles revving.
Now, you just heard that.
It was somebody calling about some account, and I couldn't understand exactly, but a ISDN call, that's a digital separate type of phone line call, to my box, to my number.
Very, very funny.
Or maybe it's a mistake, I'm sure it is.
We know the calling up, you don't shut up, we're going to kill you, is not a mistake.
Oh, heaven help us, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to come back and try to calmly walk through all this now.
I'm going to try as very best as I can, when we get back, to calmly walk through the analysis of what has transpired.
We'll be right back.
It is a big idea.
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For thousands of years their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here.
Why not go back to basics and be safe with Calbin Purse Soaps?
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm not going to rant and rave anymore.
There's a lot of points you've got to make, Aaron.
Go ahead and make them about the numbers and give me your take.
I want your view, your analysis of what Zogby's done.
Okay, so what we're talking about overall is obviously Rudy Giuliani has the name recognition.
That's what this whole election is hinged on.
But what this poll shows is that in a blind bio, people resonate with Ron Paul's resume, his issues, they don't resonate with Giuliani or the other goons.
And you take the NASCAR example from yesterday, Ron Paul wins on the issues.
I don't think so.
And that's the mentality of this whole race.
It's all about who can stand at a NASCAR race, but if you show a NASCAR person the issues, they support Paul.
Now let's be clear, Paul did best with conservatives in the NASCAR question and almost beat Giuliani.
Give them the numbers.
That's right.
The numbers here.
Paul did 32.5% amongst NASCAR fans.
We're talking about 17% of registered voters in 2004, estimated, I'm sure it's not exact.
Whereas Giuliani had 28%, which is still pretty strong.
But what we're saying is that Ron Paul can do well in this very hardcore base.
Ron Paul won that, but then in the subgroup of conservatives, he almost beat Giuliani.
I was reading the numbers earlier, is that correct?
I mean, he won the general poll.
He won.
But even amongst conservative voters, extreme conservatives, he was 28, wasn't he?
But this is my point, is that the extreme... I'll call the number.
I want to make sure I have it.
Don't worry, we've got plenty of time.
We've got two hours left.
We'll just cancel everyone, including that Asner.
Hey man, I am really mad about this.
I mean, this is... Again, but I'm glad Zogby did this in a way.
You pay for a poll, you make it fair, you try to play fair, Ron Paul wins everything but one thing, and then they focus on that, and it just never ends.
Okay, so... Because imagine how much money old Republican Party that's pushing Juliani's spending with Zogby.
Go ahead.
So we have the left-to-right spectrum here broken down into categories, percentages per candidate.
In the conservative category, Giuliani is leading.
However, Ron Paul has 20.9%, which is certainly a striking distance.
He has 26.9%.
Keep in mind, we have 15% officially undecided.
And then in the other subcategory, very conservative, and we're talking about the very hardcore GOP base here, Giuliani is pulling 24%, and Ron Paul again in striking distance with 20.3%, and Romney and Thompson also showing up here.
So they also chose the one sub-question demographic where he lost where he had the lowest number.
But this is my argument.
We're talking about... These are, I mean, these are hardline GOP men who wear dresses every night to have Jeff Gannon over.
I mean, literally, that's a hardcore group.
Go ahead.
By the way, I'm really serious about that, but go ahead.
I don't know about the segue into the religious question, but one of the big questions on this field is the split of the religious vote, and we'll talk about that when we get a chance.
We will talk about that when we return, ladies and gentlemen.
Right here on the one and only GCN Radio Network, I am Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to have big reportage in the next hour on PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonNews.us.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.
Let's take this spin and ram it down their throat and educate everybody exactly how they're spinning these poles.
You are listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Jones Productions, truthnews.us.
We're good to go.
Because, again, these aren't really Christian conservative voters.
They love Mr. Abortion and the rest of it, but I guess Pat Robertson said he worships him, so, you know, that's good enough for them.
But the illustration here is we went and paid for a fair poll, and when they issue the results, they say at the last paragraph, by the way, Ron Paul won the whole major poll, but in one little demographic, he came in last place.
And then that's your news, and that's what the media and the news will run with.
And that's what we're illustrating.
So, Aaron, continue what you were saying.
Yeah, what we're saying here, for Ron Paul supporters, the big question is the name recognition.
That is the one hurdle.
We've already demonstrated that these issues, the so-called message, resonates with these people.
If we can overcome the name recognition issue, Ron Paul wins in a landslide.
He's conservative, even amongst the most hardcore conservative and very conservative sub-demographics, which
Do not match up against the religious question in the GOP in this race.
We have these people backing Giuliani, but the other leaders are not necessarily willing to go along with this.
They've decided to split that vote and let people go where they're going to go, and they have decided against going with Giuliani because he has no integrity on the association.
And then go for those religious demographics for people that haven't heard them.
I mean, he won every religious group, even non-Christian.
He won it all
And by the time they're done, they tell you Giuliani's the winner.
Yeah, so let's take a look at these religious questions.
They divide it into Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Other, which is all-inclusive and not necessarily a voting clause.
Then Born Again and Protestant, Protestants half.
Yeah, they split the Protestant, which is 50% of the vote, between Born Again and Not Born Again.
We're good to go.
No, no, no.
The other is a larger voting bloc, 20% of the other category, the all-inclusive, and Ron Paul dominates with 38.6%, his largest religious lead amongst many.
And then he has the coveted black vote.
Go to those numbers.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is amazing!
We did a fair poll, and he's dominating everywhere!
Yeah, so they separate this into wages, gender, do you shop at Walmart, do you have a passport, every conceivable demographic.
They divide race into five blocks, white, hispanic, african-american, asian and other.
Ron Paul has more than a 30% lead in each of these categories.
He wins all the minorities, ladies and gentlemen, and he won white.
Uh, yes.
That's another huge headline right there, folks.
Yeah, that's true.
We need to use this ammo immediately!
Okay, so the all-inclusive 2% other race group, Ron Paul is 45%.
Uh, Giuliani only has 6.2%.
In the Asian category, he has 40.2%.
Giuliani has 30% there.
In the African-American black vote, he has 40.5%.
Giuliani only has 9%.
Only 9% of that vote.
In Hispanics, Ron Paul has 34%, Giuliani only has 17%.
In the white demographic, he has 31.5% and Giuliani only has 20%.
I mean, dominating, dominating.
Black voters, white voters, Hispanic voters.
On and on and on.
We'll give you women and more on the other side.
But what did Zogby decide to report on?
The tiny demographic that Giuliani won in.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Both their objective being world domination.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got the head analyst over at Zogby.
He's also the director of communications.
He'll be coming up in 20 minutes.
I've got a couple of our news items I want to cover.
Aaron, you're going to be back in here with him.
By the way, I can't find my copy of the numbers.
I think I took it home.
We make another copy.
I know these are marked, the ones you've got.
But scan in your marked ones so people can focus in on the data, too, later.
We are talking about the fact that there is massive spin going on in the media against Ron Paul, evidenced by, we pay for his IOP poll, we make it fair, we publish the actual poll, you know, the questions that were asked.
The people who were running through this huge gauntlet of questions answered all the questions, and Ron Paul won.
Women, blacks, Hispanics, whites, Christian, conservatives, born again, Protestant, just on and on and on, just unbelievable win after win after win, and Zogby decides to write a headline focused in on the one area where Giuliani won.
Uh, one little demographic of the poll.
Uh, but at the end they say, oh yeah, by the way, Ron Paul won the general poll across the board.
And, uh, surging.
Uh, but, you know, that's no big deal.
Uh, so, uh, there's a story there.
We haven't even got a report out yet ourselves how he won in blacks, women, Hispanics, whites.
This is the great unifier.
We need to do a story on that.
Uh, you do a story on it.
We can't do it all, folks.
Uh, Aaron, um, continue with women.
What happened with women?
Uh, women, uh, some have suggested Ron Paul doesn't have the support of women, uh, but in this National Scientific Poll, he has 34.7% of women, uh, as compared with 30.8% of male.
It's close, but he has more percentage support from women
I don't know if that means more women gravitate to the polls.
No, instead they're just saying, first the poll didn't exist, and then Zogby was forced to put out an early report and says, ah, Giuliani, hail him!
But that's why these elections continue to be controlled.
It's still name recognition.
They won't acknowledge Ron Paul.
But what I'm saying is, if Giuliani gets the nomination, third parties may split off from the religious factions in other places.
And Mainline is in the analysis of this.
Hillary will win if it's Giuliani or any other Republican.
Only Ron Paul can get the Liberals and Libertarians and the Blacks and Hispanics.
He will win.
If he gets the nomination, folks, it's over.
If we have a fair election, he's your president.
Well, absolutely.
The religious leaders have said they're going to stay home on Election Day if Giuliani's the nominee, or they'll run third party, which will always split in favor of the larger party, which is the Democrats.
It's a no-win for Giuliani.
He would be a ringer.
It's real simple.
Here's the facts.
If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination, the Democrats win.
And they will continue the war, they will continue all the same policies.
That's why Ron Paul is so popular when his issues are put out.
That's why every time they have a poll where he's on TV, he wins by 80%, 50%.
It's always a huge domination.
People go, I like that guy.
Okay, so we do this poll, show the issues.
Ron Paul wins in every demographic but conservatives.
This is the point Ron Paul has been making the whole election cycle.
All the moderates have abandoned the party over the war issue, and now the last vestige of GOP strength, the large religious bloc, is splitting or staying home.
And big money has looked at this.
That's why Hillary has gotten more military contributions than all the Republicans and Democrats combined.
I know it's more than Republicans combined.
Why are the defense contractors going with her?
Why are big Republican donors, this has been in the news, giving to Hillary?
Why is Fox News behind her?
Why do Fox News get mad at her getting heckled by anti-war protesters and they're calling for violent attacks on them?
Because they're guarding their precious.
In fact, they had on the screen, Hillary Hater.
Clinton gets chided in L.A., and they called for violence against them, which was one of the steps towards setting up a dictatorship.
So let me boil it down.
Only Ron Paul can beat Hillary or any other Democrat, and this proves it.
A. If you're a conservative or a libertarian or a liberal who doesn't want the war and doesn't like Hillary, then you better vote for Ron Paul.
The other Republicans are all in line.
Nothing's gonna happen.
B. So number one, Hillary can be defeated by him.
Okay, he's got the Democratic women voters, minority voters.
He dominates.
That's A. B. Then more information needs to be put out.
It's a separate story.
Because all this is big news.
This is important for Ron Paul.
Important for the country.
Ron Paul wins amongst every religious demographic except Jews, and they're 44% undecided, and he came in a close second place against Giuliani on that subject.
So, he wins in every religious demographic, non-Christian, Catholic, Protestant, born again, he wins in every demographic but one, he totally dominates, he dominates with every racial group, male and female, he takes the entire field, no candidate ever has to
Total unification.
This is unbelievable!
This is what we need!
So we've got that happening, and then we have...
Ron Paul winning with conservatives nationwide when they asked him about his bio, separate from name.
Okay, so there's also showing the schizophrenia of these so-called conservatives that when it's Giuliani's name they win.
Folks, this is incredible.
Look, it's simple.
If the mainstream media gave Ron Paul the name recognition coverage that it gives to the other main candidates, he would be a landslide winner.
End of story.
And now it's up to you, ladies and gentlemen.
I went and spent $4,300 of my meager savings to do this, because I knew, I had a gut instinct, and frankly, my instinct's never been wrong.
It's starting to scare me.
I knew that if I did a scientific poll that was fair, and I knew they'd spend it, it actually leans towards the other guys, because I'd read the other polls.
Again, they're asking about Mitt Romney, about Giuliani, about other people.
Paul Watts, you need to integrate this, too.
I know I'm flogging the horses here, but this is a key fight.
Listen to me carefully.
I kept looking at the other polls.
And if somebody said Mitt Romney or Giuliani or something else, they would just ask a few reasonable questions and then that would be sampled.
Because if you hang up, they don't.
But if you said Ron Paul in that Zogby poll that was reported and the poll was released,
They would then ask about sexual positions and how you cook rice.
And a bunch of other questions that are designed to make you think it's stupid or intrusive and hang the phone up.
Then Ron Paul's taken out of the sample.
And they all do this.
They all do basically what they're paid by the big politicos to do.
Or that big political money doesn't come there.
So I stepped up and said, here, I'll pay for a fair poll.
I won't even spin it for Paul.
I won't even do that.
I'll do a fair poll.
And remember last week when I threw a fit on there and said I was going to do it?
I did it.
And Aaron did the work.
A lot of it.
I commend you, Aaron.
And so we went through all this.
We got the poll out.
I got on the telephone, haggled with these people.
We got it out.
Aaron did.
Ron Paul dominates in 90 plus percent of the areas, wins the overall poll, as Zogby says, and they bury it.
That is a big deal.
So it's up to you to get the poll results and all the articles we're writing, Kurt Nemo, Steve Watson, Paul Watson, Aaron, and to get them out to the four wins.
Yeah, the final point I would make is that Ron Paul is the only true candidate in this election, and our listeners know it.
The people in this country are tired of being used, they're not going to be force-fed these candidates, especially Giuliani, on the GOP scope, and that now includes religious right.
They didn't wake up for six years, they're now awake, they're tired of being used.
And so, in the final summation, what should people do, Aaron?
We had to get Ron Paul's name recognition out there, you know, to the key states.
He's doubled his numbers in New Hampshire and Nevada, and so that's happening right now.
Oh, it's happening.
I'm sure it has to do with the donations and everything.
I wish I knew the answer.
The point is, this poll demonstrates that if you can get the awareness out there of Ron Paul, he's a winner.
The value vote is there, as they say with that conservative poll.
He dominates every demographic.
He's a winner.
He really is a unifier.
I mean, this is like going into the horse stalls before a race and there's ten horses and nine of them have broken legs and snot running out their noses and flies all over them and can hardly walk.
And there's this huge, you know, giant black stallion with, you know, streamlined muscles just snorting.
I mean, you know who's going to win.
And then we pay for this poll.
It's fair.
The stallion wins and they still trot out a snot-nosed loser covered with flies and horse manure and tell us that's the winner.
Well, sometimes the mean ones do their bidding.
Well, we got this pollster coming on, so we appreciate him coming on.
We'll find out what happens.
Aaron, take a ten-minute break.
There's some more research and we're going to have you in here with this individual coming up.
Thank you, sir.
Let me read this to you.
This shift gears into the how.
They got talking points to say, Ron Paul, supporters are terrorists, liberals are terrorists, anti-war are terrorists, beat them, kill them, taser them, attack them, ban them, get them, stop them, they're treasonous, they've got to be grabbed.
Use the military on them.
The talking point continues.
Fox host says dissenters should be tased.
Kill need.
Laments that people who confront politicians aren't beaten to a pulp.
So just standing up as your First Amendment saying, hey, I disagree with you!
They do that in the House of Commons.
That's a sign of Anglo-Saxon common law.
And it goes back to Mount Sinai and Moses where anybody can stand up and argue and have debates.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They say tase them and beat them to a pulp.
Kilman laments that people who confront politicians aren't beaten to a pulp.
That's a quote.
As the establishment continues to sell war on anyone who disagrees with their tyranny.
During a discussion about the Code Pink member heckling Hillary Clinton at a recent event, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade said that people who confront politicians are threatening, see, speech is threatening, and should be tased or quote beaten to a pulp as the establishment media continues to sell the idea that anyone who disagrees with authority should be brutally punished.
A segment on the Fox and Friends morning show yesterday turned into an opportunity for Kilmeade to share his dictatorial fetish that dissenters be dealt with in a proper manner, as footage aired on Clinton's Heckler began removed from the event by security.
They should tase this guy.
See, it's about your behavior.
It's punishing you.
They should tase this guy.
Quote, Kilmeade says, at one point, when security's so high and tension's on edge,
See, because the terrorists, we've got to use... See, we're the terrorists.
They've even said it now.
Don't you think they're going to get the very least tasered or beaten to a pulp by somebody?
These people look... And he goes on.
Somehow the printer cut that off.
Oh, these people look threatening, he said.
See, oh, you look threatening.
I better beat you to a pulp.
I mean, this is amazing!
They're making their move, because they know we see them!
We know who they are now, and they want to get violent with us!
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Alright, it gets even worse in this Fox piece.
And then the story Paul wrote, Dershowitz comes out and says, don't tell me torture doesn't work.
The Nazis did it.
It works quite well.
Let me actually read you the actual quote here.
If that was not good enough for the Nazis to torture the political foes, then it's good enough for us.
As Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz made clear in the Wall Street Journal last week, there are some, this is a quote, there are some who claim that torture is a nonsense because it never works.
It only produces false information, wrote Dershowitz in the Wall Street Journal.
This is simply not true, as evidenced by the many decent members of the French Resistance who, under the Nazi torture, disclosed the locations of their closest friends and relatives.
Forget about the antiquated Geneva Conventions.
Let's use what the Nazis did as a role model for how to conduct ourselves and see where it gets us.
Because that's what they're calling for.
They're calling for arrest, violence, and this is one of the key things.
Our government has an official blueprint that they teach terrible countries how to set up... how to set up tyranny.
By the way, our story has now made it in Reuters, and there's massive spin.
Oh no, this is the other story.
Okay, yeah.
I'm going to be covering that later coming up.
Let's just play the Fox Show where they talk about beating people to pulp and how they need to be tasered because they look threatening.
See, now you need to be punished for free speech.
Here it is.
Saturday night, Hillary Clinton was heckled by a Code Pink anti-war demonstrator.
You know, what's up with these people?
I thought that they favored the Democrats.
You sounded a little like Seinfeld when you said that.
What's with these people?
Oh, uh, it wouldn't be because I watched any of the shows recently, unfortunately, because you're not on the air anymore.
But, anyway, um, this anti-protester shouted out to Hillary.
I don't understand why they go up against the Democrats.
Didn't this happen to President Clinton recently as well?
Yeah, it did.
It happened to a lot of them, and she was one of the three candidates who responded to the invitation to go out to Los Angeles and give their policy on global warming.
Here's the heckle as it happened.
It done through the Senate.
Were you invited to speak here this afternoon?
Anyway, as I was saying, we need to elect more Democrats.
Because our obstacle to getting anything through the Congress is the filibuster rule in the Senate.
That means we've got to get... She should just stop talking, because nobody's listening at this point.
They're all watching as that particular, that man surrounding... We should chase this guy.
Why would they tase him?
He's not resisting arrest.
Then he was put in a car.
It is not, however, clear if arrested.
What I find interesting about the Code Pink people is, for instance... What do you find interesting about them?
Well, yeah.
At these, you know, the Senate and House Committee hearings when they have, somebody's going to talk in front of a group of people, and the people who are wearing the shirts that say Code Pink on them,
You can pretty much count on them, at some point, standing up and heckling.
I mean, look at Connie Wright's a couple of weeks ago.
Bill Clinton, too, and John Kerry.
They're going after everybody.
And here's the thing.
I mean, where do they get off doing this, and why do they think they're going to continue to be politely escorted out?
At one point, with security so high and tensions on edge, don't you think they're going to get, at the very least, tased or beaten to a pulp by somebody who goes, these people look threatening?
They don't look threatening?
Now you hear the news, and remember Homeland Security's had parties on C-SPAN 424 saying it's getting everybody ready for torture and the rest of it.
This is all admitted.
And see, now Fox, CNN, Glenn Beck, let's use the Army against Ron Paul supporters.
They're terrorists.
Let's arrest people.
Let's go get Lew Rockwell.
The public doesn't trust us anymore.
It's their fault.
They're in bed with Islamic fascists.
Um, the anti-war people are terrorists.
And see, you just heard it, let's beat them to a pulp.
Pretty soon, some, they're not gonna, do they just think they can continue to do this?
They're gonna get tased and beaten to a pulp.
It's an, A, it's a threat saying, you're gonna get beaten to a pulp, you're gonna get tased if you go do this, which is total Americana.
You can't get any more American than people disrupting, getting in faces, standing up, speaking out.
Now, they can be escorted, but they have all these town hall meetings that have come out that are fake for Democrats and Republicans, where they take your driver's license number and make you sign a form saying that you're for the President and aren't going to heckle.
Then they have a TV about Town Hall!
Let's hear what the public say!
And then they have demonstrations of support when Bush comes into town and anyone with a No Blood for Oil sign or a shirt that says Peace is arrested.
Unpermitted marches are allowed, but not if you're against the war, but we're 80% of the public!
We're the majority, and Fox News gets up there that's supporting Hillary, by the way, and giving her money, and the big money and the big Republican donors are giving 2 to 1 to Hillary, big defense contractors are.
Do you understand if there's any mainline conservatives that still support Bush and Fox?
Don't you understand they're gonna put Hillary in?
They're already appointing people from the Clinton White House and the Pentagon and the White House?
They're already putting them in at the State Department, saying they're getting ready for transition.
As far as the White House and Republicans see, there's no election!
Hillary's in!
Do you understand me?
Do you read me?
I want you to get this through your heads!
You have been suckered!
You have been scammed!
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Now, our guest is Fritz Wenzel, and he is the head of communications at Zogby International, and he's also one of their chief analysts there, the statisticians, or people that go through the poll numbers, and we appreciate him coming on the broadcast today.
It's a great honor to have you.
Oh, glad to be here.
Reading this Zogby Poll, Giuliani leads among Republicans in latest Blind Bio Survey, but in other polls you've done and others have done, here's one, Romney wins Straw Poll at Values Voter Summit.
CNN thought it was enough to be in the next paragraph, I mean right in the front of the story, that Ron Paul got 15% or third place.
Well, among
People that call themselves evangelicals, people that call themselves, well let me use a technical term, born again, or Protestant.
I mean, he got whopping numbers here.
Isn't that more newsworthy?
I mean, why did you guys stick Giuliani up on the top?
Well, because the bottom line number shows that Giuliani leads among nationwide likely Republican primary voters.
I mean, he's in the lead.
34% for Giuliani, 22% for Thompson, 22% for Romney.
And 13 for Ron Paul.
So you lead with the guy who's in the lead.
That's how we do this.
And there is no question that Ron Paul at 13% in a percentage basis is making a big leap forward.
I mean, this is a guy who three months ago was down at 1%, 2%.
And now he's in the double digits.
He's got a pocket full of money now.
And having raised $4.2 million in one day on the Internet,
And he's
That conservative group of voters who are going to decide who the next Republican nominee is going to be.
I have looked at his trend, and we've got the Congressman on tomorrow, and I've interviewed him probably a hundred times over the years, but he's saying that if their trajectory continues the next month and a half towards Nevada, and of course New Hampshire and other places, that he could win.
And your boss, Mr. Zogby, on Fox last week said that Ron Paul could win.
Can you give us your take on that?
Well, I think my boss is exactly right.
We talk about these things, and we come to very much the same conclusion.
Ron Paul is on a very positive trajectory, and what we see happening behind the scenes here is that you've got this pool, and everyone knows who pays attention,
That we have this group of Republicans who are just not satisfied with any of the frontrunners, and they're looking around, and you've got 16 or 17 percent undecided in most national polls.
In some state polls, it's higher than that.
Can't we say that Ron Paul and GQ and a lot of others are saying that Ron Paul is now a first-year candidate?
Well, you can draw the tier line anywhere you want, but he's certainly moving into the top tier if he isn't there already.
I mean, he's long since passed John McCain.
And I still hear people referring to McCain as a top-tier candidate.
So, by those standards, sure.
But I'm not the one to really make that call.
Well, as more Republicans drop out, I think we're only going to see Paul's numbers go up.
Well, look at the others who are left.
You've got Brownback out now, but you've got Ken Credo, who is saying a lot of the same things that Ron Paul is talking about.
You've got Duncan Hunter saying much the same things, particularly on immigration.
I don't know.
Well, I can't... I don't see that yet.
I think you gotta see him move a little bit higher before you start
Start using those terms, but here's why his timing is almost perfect.
He's moving up, he's getting this media attention that you're talking about, but it's not so early that he's going to get a big backlash of negative attention before people actually have to start voting.
Six weeks, eight weeks out before an election is about the time, if you're going to make a big move from the back to the front, that's when you want to make it.
And he's right on schedule.
Is this shaping up to possibly be a perfect storm for Ron Paul?
It could be.
He's making all the right moves.
He's moving in the right direction at about the right time, so the poll numbers are indicating he's moving into the top tier.
He's not quite there yet, I wouldn't say, but he's certainly moving in the right direction at a time when other candidates are not moving.
We're talking to the head spokesman for Zobby International.
Fritz Wenzel, and I really appreciate him coming on.
The website is Zogby.com, Z-O-G-B-Y dot com.
Fritz, I want to ask you a bunch of questions now as fast as possible, just short answers if you can.
I understand there really is no short answer to all of this.
Not that I'm a polling scientist, but I read what all these scientists and experts say, and that clearly, and I think the questions you ask about some of the major websites that some of these people don't even use or rarely use, that phone polling does
We're sampling in a crowd that historically wouldn't know about Ron Paul.
Can you talk about that or are you denying that?
No, I don't deny that at all, that there is that element, but that's only part of the story.
The true story is we're still able to get a complete, full sample that is representative of the American adult and the American likely voter, and that includes all age groups.
Now, is it harder today than it was five years ago?
Is it harder, will it be harder in five years than it is today?
Yes, because... So you claim you're increasing it, I mean I believe you're doing it because I've seen the numbers, that you're trying to increase your sample to make it be more representative, but then how do you explain where you have IP computer polls, where it is one vote per computer, or you have text message voting where it's one person,
And they hear his message, and you know, in some cases he's winning by 80%, on average he's getting 35%, and the next guy's getting 28.
I mean, he's been winning every poll but one Fox poll, and then the old line polling industry says, oh no, you don't want to use one of them newfangled automobiles, stay with the horse and buggy.
And I understand you guys are adapting, you do internet polls, I'm not saying that, but what I'm stating is, is that this claim that there's nothing scientific, I mean, there may be a higher level of error, let's say 10%.
Still, Ron Paul keeps winning when it's the Internet, and they claimed it was people with spy bots out spamming.
I mean, did these bots put a four point plus two million?
Well, that's a good point, but we have been polling on the Internet for nine years now, and what we've done over those years is we've been able to develop a
I know polling works very well.
You need to understand that the internet polling methodology has to closely identify and properly represent
Whatever voting universe you're going to be trying to poll, and I don't know what other internet polls are doing or saying about Ron Paul, I can tell you that ours is as accurate as anybody's, because that's our experience.
Why did Mr. Dogby say that Ron Paul could win New Hampshire?
Because he's got the momentum, he's moving in the right direction now, he's got a lot of money in his pocket, and those two things
Momentum and money are very important, and he's moving up.
People are getting to know him, they're getting to know his positions, and he's doing all the right things right now.
Talking to Fritz Wenzel, and he is the Director of Communications for Zob International, one of their top analysts.
Fritz, I was talking to you off air, we were talking about, hey look, he's won the women, he's won the men, he's won the blacks, Hispanics, he's won all the religious groups but Jews, and came in a healthy second there.
You know, my point is, I'm not saying that he would win with Democrats, but clearly he'll get a bigger piece of Democrats than these other Republicans that are, you know, very unpalatable to Democrats.
I know all these liberal homes out here where my office is have got Ron Paul signs in them.
So my point is, Ron Paul is anti-war.
What they sent the Democrats to Congress for, they haven't done.
Their approval rating at 11%, as you know, in Gallup.
We have all this happening.
I mean, as a statistician, you're saying... I mean, give us your take.
Wouldn't Ron Paul be a stronger candidate than the other Republicans with just these numbers we have against Hillary?
Well, among Democrats, yes.
He would be a much stronger candidate than any of the other three.
Why that is, it's hard to say.
You've identified some of the reasons.
He is anti-war, and the majority of Democrats are anti-war.
He has some other
Other ideas and policies and stances on issues that are more attractive to Democrats, particularly conservative Democrats, even among independents.
He's far and away a more attractive candidate.
But you have to remember, we're comparing Ron Paul with Romney, Giuliani and Thompson.
And when Democrats make that choice of those four candidates, Ron Paul is, far and away, the best possible option.
And so, out of Republican horses in the race, Ron Paul would be the best horse to put up against Hillary?
Well, we don't know that, because... You know that's a no-brainer?
No, we didn't measure that.
I can't say that, because... That's it, I'm buying another one.
I'm going to buy another poll.
Now, this is addictive.
Now, let me expand on this, though.
In this election, isn't it really just people are sick of people waffling and changing positions?
Isn't that what's most attractive?
I mean, that's what I hear from the people, just talking to the public and going on hundreds of other shows myself, that a lot of Democrats say, fine, he's against abortion, fine, he's conservative.
I don't care!
The guy at least doesn't change what he says!
Well, that's always been an attractive thing.
Look back to the era of Reagan.
That's one of his
Qualities that people remember and admire the most.
He just called it the way it was.
The evil empire, etc.
You don't tear down this wall.
It's the sort of straight talk, even if it's not what people want to hear necessarily, or the media wants to hear necessarily.
When people give it to you straight, at least you know where they stand.
That's a very important quality for a politician, especially today.
When so few people have confidence in their government to do what they say they're going to do?
Well, all the scientific polls show this, because I read them every day, that we've never since the last realignment, since polling began the last hundred years, seen such a bipartisan disenfranchisement
With the system, with Congress, again, depending on which poll you look at, between a 10 and 12 percent approval rating.
Can you give us your take on this unprecedented situation?
And it appears that it's accelerating downward, and I even see pundits in the media panicking.
Well, I don't know what the pundits are doing, but I can tell you that you're exactly right when you talk about the disenfranchisement in terms of the feelings of Americans.
They do not believe that Congress is, A, able to listen to them, or willing to listen to them, and B, able to fix the major problems facing America.
They see a problem, a major problem, in our health care system.
They tell us that's one of the biggest issues.
They tell us they see a major problem with the immigration of illegals to America, and the war.
Yeah, they just do not see government as an agent of positive change, and when we ask them, so what do you want in a president, the number one quality they name is a competent manager.
Okay, let's go to Aaron Dykes.
He's in studio here with us.
He's got some comments and questions for you, sir.
Go ahead.
I have a question along the lines of disenfranchisement.
It's clear that the mainstream media reinforces the candidates it sort of selects.
I mean, we've known Giuliani and Hillary as the frontrunners for over four years.
My question is, as those TV numbers go down and people drop out of the mainstream media, are they reinforcing themselves on the internet?
And is there any projection of some sort of raw numbers of voting blocks on the internet who may not be picked up by telephone polls?
And how does the pollster reconcile that idea?
Well, there are certain demographics that are harder to get on telephone polling, but listen, remember our pool involves millions and millions and millions of people, so it's much more difficult today for us to get a valid, accurate representation of the voting public on the telephone, but we can still do it and it's still relatively easy.
It's going to get harder and harder.
That's why we've developed this interactive polling technology
It's almost exactly opposite because you have a lot more users that are younger on the internet and a lot older users on the telephone.
So in some cases we even use hybrid polling where we do some on the phone, some on the internet and connect.
Clearly, the way communication with the likely voters is changing, you've got to change with the times.
Well, what about this?
I mean, I've seen scientific national university polls, a whole bunch of them, where people who aren't on the web can't find the U.S.
on a map, people above 64, the vast majority didn't know what year 9-11 happened.
We have higher incomes, we have higher test scores, higher IQs on the Internet, so we almost see a splitting of people.
Well, that may be true, and it may also have an impact in certain congressional races, for instance.
But we're talking about a race for president here, where you're getting turnouts at 70-75% of the registered voters, and that means you're going to get people to the polls who couldn't tell what state's right next to them.
Mr. Wenzel, stay there.
Final segment with you.
We're very appreciative of you spending time with us today.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Fritz Winslow is our guest.
He's the head of communications.
The director of that is Zogby International.
And we're very thankful for him spending time with us today.
Talking about the Poll Light Commission.
There last week it's gotten quite a few headlines.
You can now read their take on it at Zogby.com.
Uh, look, in closing here, I wanted to ask you because you're an expert on this.
Exit polls.
Until about ten years ago, and I've studied the history of this, and I've seen studies on it,
Generally they were pretty accurate down to four or five percent.
Now magically, with these electronic voting machines with no record and their own executives going public and people saying they were hired to rig it and all the cases of it being caught in HBO specials, now magically in these key races in some areas it's not matching up.
And so you say your numbers in the Senate races were matching up,
Well, exit polls are increasingly problematic, and it's a function
I don't know.
Is a is a certain demographic, but you're missing all those people the 30 35 sometimes 40 or 50 percent Who vote away from the polls in the state of Oregon for instance there aren't even polls to go to anymore so you're missing this this group of voters who 30 days ahead of an election may be able to cast a vote and
And you never capture those people because they're not at the polls, so they won't be included in an exit poll.
And that's the biggest problem.
And that is a new trend from the last couple of presidential elections.
Old Scholar said it doesn't matter who casts the ballot, it's who counts them.
I think from this interview, the one thing we really do wholeheartedly agree on, and tell me if I'm wrong,
Mr. Wenzel.
And that's that there is revolution, change, realignment happening, record numbers of people not trusting the media, the government, the whole system.
And because we see the system ignoring the will and the Constitution.
You get 80 plus percent against the war, 91 percent against open borders.
They don't care.
Both parties circle the wagons against us.
Do you agree with that?
Well, and the other thing you see is record low confidence in the Congress of the United States.
To be able to effectively address these problems.
It's a tremendous vote of no confidence in the Congress of the United States, and to a lesser degree, for the President.
I mean, you have about a quarter of Americans saying the President is doing a good job in office.
That's not what you want to get as a President.
We've got 60 seconds.
Aaron, any final comments to our guest?
I'm just personally curious to see what the projection of internet realignment may mean in the future, not so much this upcoming presidential race.
There's no doubt, is there, sir, that we're seeing an acceleration of internet realignment?
Oh, absolutely.
I think you're seeing a lot more people go to the web, you're seeing obviously what you
Yes, absolutely.
Fritz Wenzel, I appreciate you coming on from Zogby International, and you can collate the data how you wish.
We're looking at it the way we see it, and thank you for coming on.
You bet.
Take care, guys.
All right.
Ed Asner is coming up next.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Winslow came on the show, but we have executives from the voting companies coming out and saying they were hired to engage in election theft.
We have Ohio caught red-handed.
We have it in New Mexico.
We have it in Florida.
We know there's a rebellion against their system, you heard him agree to that, but I mean...
The spin was in overdrive, and all the little answers for all the questions, which they've answered a million times, were there.
Aaron, I wanted to give you a chance to respond to what you heard.
Well, for me, I'm still thinking about this poll in general.
I understand that Giuliani is probably solidified, given that the system is rigged.
The mainstream media is a self-reinforcing cycle that reinforces the establishment, and selected candidates are put forward.
I think we all understand that.
We're good to go.
He's an incredible ability to raise money.
He's shown that even in the rigged polls, he could make a dent that will at least affect issues and may affect election itself, certainly in key states like New Hampshire.
And his trajectory is growing, but expanding on that line.
Regardless, we're forming meet-up groups where we can continue organizations together.
We're injecting real debate into the issue.
We're showing how there's no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.
We're showing that only Ron Paul can beat Hillary.
And you heard him admitting, yeah, no, he's the strongest against Hillary as a Republican.
I mean, that's the news right there.
There's the head analyst at Zogby admitting that.
Well, we all understand that on the internet, Ron Paul is the name that's bouncing off the walls, echoing down the streets and the hall.
Has that solidified into a voting bloc?
Not in past elections.
Will it happen this election?
These kind of pollsters really can't predict that.
Although, there's a good chance they may reinforce it.
That's right, and it's also a message that by the next election or the next, which the established minority foresaw, they got smart people.
That's why they're heading it off with the machines.
And then suddenly, the exit polls aren't working.
And he had a nice little reason for that.
There's a lot of factors.
What do you think in closing, shifting gears to the Fox News saying we need to start assaulting, start beating, start attacking you, you Code Pink people, you 9-11 truthers shouldn't be allowed to go demonstrate and shouldn't be able to ask questions of Clinton or
That's okay.
What's wrong with holding the Constitution in contempt?
I mean, uh...
But I mean, to have them, to know that they've got 11% approval, that everybody's waking up and hating them, and they're on CNN and Fox saying, let's use the military against the American people, admitting they built this whole apparatus for anti-terror to use against the people!
We've always said that!
We always knew that!
The establishment support is shrinking, but for a certain period of time, I think they can hold that inner circle.
There will be a breaking point.
Long term, they can't do it without more false flags.
I agree.
And just as a side note, the other day I saw the filings for the Rupert Murdoch donation to Hillary.
I'm not sure if that's been covered or not.
He's given maximum donation and donated to her in primaries before.
Well, he holds constant fundraising parties for her.
The defense contractors have given her more money than all Republicans combined.
She's it, man.
They're putting her in as their war maiden.
We're good to go.
The supposed left-right paradigm is totally false.
Well, when you've got defense contractors 2 to 1 given to Hillary, we've got a problem.
Yeah, I mean, what we're really talking about here is reinforcing the establishment.
That's the mainstream media's job.
That's why it's that third column.
Oh, no, the mainstream media is not spinning or trying to keep the establishment in line and in power.
They're loving Aaron.
Aaron Dykes, thank you for the great reporting.
Folks, we've got continual coverage at truthnews.us, prisonplanet.com, and jonesreport.com.
Ron Paul wins in minorities, women, liberals, libertarians.
He wins in every demographic, but conservatives.
But he's gaining there as well.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he serves his community and his fellow man endlessly.
The media is demonizing, spunning.
I mean, he was anti-vaccine decades ago.
He knows about the whole system that's been set up.
It's amazing that once you get to know these people, you find out the stereotypes are not the case.
Ed Asner, he was the head of the Screen Actors Guild for an unprecedented period.
Of course, as an American actor known for his Emmy-winning roles as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and of course his own program, he has been in all sorts of award-winning movies.
I tried to go over the bio and personal life and political views and ideas and all the roles that he has played.
It would take just, you know, way too long to go over the Lou Grant Show and all of it today, but he joins us and he's here to talk about 9-11 truth, but not just that.
He's really focused on the School of Americas, which trains the world on how to torture and kill and how to put dictatorships in, and that's what they're now doing here in America.
Naomi Wolfe's finally talking about it with the End of America book.
We're going to get her on soon.
All of this is happening, and I thought just
We're good to go.
Now, that's on PrisonPlanet.com, and then they have David Horowitz on saying, let's go ahead, and that they're, quote, he said, anti-war, libertarians like Lou Rockwell, Ron Paul supporters are, quote, in bed with Islamofascist, that we need to, I mean, this is happening, and now they're calling for violence against all these 9-11 truth hecklers, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, the people are getting mad, they're getting out in the streets, they're confronting
As part of our First Amendment right to speak out against these people.
I'm going to get Ed Asner's take on this.
But this is just this morning.
Here it is.
It's done through the Senate.
Were you invited to speak here this afternoon?
Anyway, as I was saying, we need to elect more Democrats.
She should just have stopped talking, because nobody's listening at this point.
They're all watching as that particular, that man's surrounded, taken outside, handcuffed.
Why would they take him?
He's not resisting arrest.
And he was put in a car.
It is not, however, clear if arrested.
What I find interesting about the Code Pink people is... What do you find interesting about them?
Well, yeah.
At these, you know, the Senate and House Committee hearings when they have, somebody's going to talk in front of a group of people, and the people who are wearing the shirts that say Code Pink on them,
You can pretty much count on them, at some point, standing up and heckling.
I mean, look at Connie Rice a couple of weeks ago.
Bill Clinton too, and John Kerry.
They're going after everybody.
And here's the thing.
I mean, where do they get off doing this, and why do they think they're going to continue to be politely escorted out?
At one point, with security so high and tensions on edge, don't you think they're going to get, at the very least, tased or beaten to a pulp by somebody who goes,
These people look threatening.
They don't look threatening.
You were in favor of the K's for this, but when you talked about the Florida guy, you were not in favor of him.
He was much more unruly than this guy.
But he told them not to tase him.
Can we hear that again?
Alright, let's stop right there.
Ed, I have the transcript here.
They say they look threatening, they need to be tased.
How long do you think you can keep doing this?
The security's so high.
And we got the White House memo.
They're saying they want to now declare anyone that disagrees with their policies as aiding terrorists.
They're swinging that whole apparatus around against us, sir.
Uh, they've been doing it, I mean, look at the people wearing anti-Bush t-shirts, look what they did to Sidney Sheen, it goes back as far as that.
They've been doing it for far too long, and I also think it's a sign of desperation that they're trying to create incidents so that their people look good, the cops look good, and the occasional demonstrator will get freakish.
And make the Code Pink and whoever else they're trying to arrest look bad.
Mary Astute, I agree with you.
And they're trying to send the chilling message.
He says, hey, you're not going to be able to continue doing this without getting tased and beat to a pulp.
They're also putting out the message trying to chill this type of First Amendment protected action.
Well, I think a lot of this is a result that the people don't know how to march in the streets anymore.
They just can't, uh, they don't have the generals, they don't have the, uh, the promulgators to, uh, when, when, you know, and, and we've been inundated, Alex, by the, by the acts of this government.
You'd be out on the street 24 hours a day protesting, uh, with the way that this, this, this government has passed, has, has created, not passed.
They, they skip Congress.
Uh, and then when Congress tries to catch up with them,
Uh, they stroke him on the back a few times and give him a few sugar treats.
And they passed a law that, uh, that allows the president to do whatever the hell he wants.
What would your response be?
It's an awful, awful time in our country's history.
I think it's the worst.
I agree with you, and getting worse by the minute.
Well, you've got a lot of wisdom when it comes to these type of things.
Give us your take on how should we respond to clear talking points calling for violence and saying Ron Paul supporters are aiding terrorists and are domestic threats.
I mean, what should the response be when they say anti-war activists shouldn't be allowed to do this?
I mean, this is getting serious.
Well, it's... I mean, they're reading from the Nazi Bible.
That's all they're doing.
They're creating incidents.
I think they already had their Reichstag fire with 9-11.
Now they're trying to build off from that.
You know, creating the enemy.
They seem to have stumbled in making the immigrant the enemy.
They don't know how to proceed on that.
So now they have to turn to people like wonderful, sweet, progressive Ron Paul.
They're striking out.
They're like a... What is it that strikes itself?
I guess a snake can do that as well.
They're doing it like snakes.
That's a good way to put it, though, that Ron Paul is sweet.
I think his gravitas and how kind he is and how humble he is, and I know him in person, he's extremely humble.
It's kind of like when I met Willie Nelson, it was kind of the same vibe.
Is that what you pick up from him, Mr. Asner?
Of course.
I certainly have not witnessed it.
Call me, yeah, it's not this Mr. Asner bit.
And by the way, I'm not against vaccines.
I want to correct you on that.
I'm against thimerosal in vaccines.
That's what I meant, yes.
And I'm also against, from what I've been reading, the Pertussin is a highly problematical vaccine that I think should be checked into.
But anyway, back to Ron Paul.
I think he's a phenomenal tribute and asset to the Republican slate.
He's the only one on that slate that doesn't look like a jerk who doesn't waffle.
And he's ridiculed, of course, for some of the positions he takes for being a so-called Republican.
But if they could feed from him, they'd be a lot smarter-looking people.
Well, what about the Democrats?
I mean, did you see the reports that the defense contractors are giving her more money, double what they've given to the Republicans?
I mean, this is off the charts, that the other Republican candidates, they're not even really giving to them, but they're lavishing Hillary.
Oh yeah, well, they're switching sides now.
They've always done this, and they're doing it now.
Jane Harman thrived with defense contract money.
And just the other day, what the hell?
She was... I mean, I get so inundated that I... No, no, that's the problem is, as you said, we're getting hit from a thousand sides, but I agree with you.
This is desperation when they start talking about restrictions on free speech and using the military against the American people.
But will the people do anything about it?
I mean, did they do anything about the Patriot Act?
Congress legitimized the Patriot Act with a few excisions, but in the main it still exists.
It's there.
When you get an attorney general who says if they pass a law outlawing waterboarding, well, I'll uphold it.
And you don't have to pass a law.
The Constitution talks about torture.
Torture is already illegal.
Cruel and unusual punishment.
Of course.
So, we see the quality of candidates and media that we have governing our lives, and it's
Isn't it not heartening, though, Mr. Ezra?
Yeah, there you go.
Ed, Ed, Ed, well, I mean, I do respect, I respect my elders.
Ed, Ed, Edward, isn't it, I mean, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, you were speaking out and most people weren't awake then.
It's pretty heartening when Congress has an 11 percent approval rating.
They've never had one that low.
I know.
They don't seem to know how to reverse it.
Giving the money back to defense contractors doesn't seem to be a means of their returning to their former glory or stature.
Our government is rotten.
It is rotten.
It needs an intensive overhaul, but there is no oversight
There is no overseer who can bring our government into order.
Ed, here's my question.
How much more rotten do you think it can get?
Well, not as long as they keep taking the money, not as long as our voting system exists the way it does, not as long as the electoral college is there, not as long as lobbyists rule the roost in Washington,
Not as long as there is no campaign financing, public financing of campaigns.
But if the dollar goes belly up, what's going to happen?
Well, I guess you could say that it would be, uh... I don't know, would you call it cheaper or more expensive to run a campaign now?
Maybe you ought to get people to contribute in Euros.
Or Canadian dollars.
Yeah, the Looney.
Ed Asner is our guest.
Star of stage, screen, television.
Former head of the Screen Actors Guild.
And of course, Mary Tyler Moore, Lou Grant, you name it.
We're very appreciative of his time.
He's our guest.
We'll be right back.
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Ed Asner is our guest in this segment and into the next.
Very appreciative for Ed coming on the show today.
Trying to give us his perspective and view.
On what's happening.
Uh, Ed, Major Publications Mainline News is, as you know, reporting that Bush signed PDD 51, stating that he's over continuity of government, not the Congress.
And, uh, then, of course, last year they passed the John Warren Defense Authorization Act, and we've got those links up on PrisonPlanet.com, folks, where it says that for insurrection, for rebellion of the American people,
A, I mean just in your gut, do you think Bush is so shot politically that he won't try it?
Or do you think that their backs against the wall they will?
I mean, A, do you think they'll try it?
And B, what do you think our action should be if there's some staged event or real event, whatever the case may be, and Bush announces civil emergency?
If Bush announces civil emergency and the people accept it, then there is no hope.
I do not trust or believe in this man and the government that he is running.
And the people cannot wait for an investigation or for Congress to investigate and then turn around and support him.
The people must take to the streets and cry, no, no, no, we will not do this.
We will not invade.
We will not bomb.
We will not take action.
We will calmly sit down and investigate very calmly.
Without martial law and with the most intensive of investigation by all forms of government.
I agree, and what you're doing here now, preemptively discussing this fact, I mean, it's now come out, we said this two weeks ago when it started, because we're already into the history, but now it's admitted that elements of the Bush administration helped put Musharraf in, and Pakistan are now helping him with martial law, and who are they arresting?
Not the mullahs, but tens of thousands of men and women in suits and ties, who are lawyers and journalists.
We can see that that's the last thing that a democracy could perform.
Well, my point is, it could happen here, and they are setting up the apparatus for this tyranny.
And if we don't resist it, if we don't fight it, you know, frankly, we need a couple of burning Buddhist monks to let our people know how bad it is.
Did you know that actually happened in Chicago and one other city last year and the media put a blurb in the Chicago Tribune and it was not even in the news.
Somebody did that?
Two people.
One of them was a Buddhist and police folks don't because the media doesn't even cover it.
Please don't kill yourselves, but I know what you're saying, Ed.
It's that symbol of that Vietnam icon symbol and yeah, I think that's another symptom.
The media ignored it.
Well, the media are
How can you deny it?
They are the slaves.
New York Times got us into Iraq.
They provided the news stories that legitimized it.
Then they apologized for it.
Now let's see what they do with the next incident.
I hope they've learned their lesson.
I hope they've truly become a paper for democracy.
Shifting gears, Ed, 9-11 Truth, you just spoke to a group, saw the video in Southern California a week ago or so, or two weeks ago.
What's your take on the growth of 9-11 Truth and where it's going?
I am not that attuned to either working for the 9-11 group.
I only know that we just have to keep believing in the legitimacy, reject the idea that we're a bunch of loonies.
Talk to as many people as we can and watch them look like we just passed gas, and continue preaching.
And it probably will be years, you know, years before any cogent, worthwhile investigation takes place.
But only if it eats into the hearts and conscience.
Of our people.
And if, of course, we continue to lose our democratic way of life, it'll never happen.
Well, how obvious is it, not just the evidence, as you said, of it being a Reichstag staged event, but at the same time, the fact that how they used it, and how we have all these memos and talking points, and Republican writers in the paper saying, we need another 9-11.
Did you hear about that in the Philadelphia?
Did they actually say that?
The Philadelphia News, and we also have the Republican Memos, came out, what, three months ago?
Big Neo Conrader and said, 9-11 helped us unite, we need another one.
Jesus Christ.
Well, George Bush certainly does.
He's a biggie.
But, Alex, the seeds of this
of this disease were planted a long time ago.
You know Schmedley Butler's speech, don't you?
War is a racket.
When we come back in the final segment with Ed Asner, let's talk about Schmedley Darlington Butler.
Stay there.
He's in my new film, Endgame, when he uncovered the Nazi plot to overthrow the U.S.
with Prescott Bush and helped unravel that.
We'll be right back with Ed Asner.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Elizabeth Border.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Ted Eszter is our guest.
This is our final segment with him and I hope to get him back up in the near future.
We were just talking during the break about icons, how we need those symbols.
Cindy Sheehan was first interviewed on this radio network, first interviewed on this show and other shows on this network, when nobody knew who she was.
And I'm really proud of the fact that she got traction here.
And single-handedly, with the support of the American people, she really shot down the support for the war.
When she started, it had like 50% support.
Now it's got about 20% support.
And you were talking during the break about watching them eat her away, and how the Democrats basically slit her throat.
Can you comment on that?
Well, naturally she didn't name any names, but when she retired from the field of battle, I think the implications were quite clear that the Democrats, the Liberals, the Progressives, whoever you want to call them, used her to their extent, tried to steer her and control her.
And finally, that exercise just became too strenuous upon her and she retired from the field of battle.
So this is what happens.
The good guy... Much smaller, except I found when I was president of the Screen Actors Guild that I knew who my enemies were.
I knew how I could speak out on them.
Where it became taxatious is where my friends defied me, opposed me, tried to ridicule me.
And they were my friends and people that I had supported and who supported me into the presidency.
And one of the reasons they supported me was they thought they could exert control over me 100% of the time.
When it wasn't 100% of the time, then they would turn against me.
So that's who you have to deal with.
That's what makes it difficult when you're in a seat of power.
Totally different issue, but you've got expertise on this.
What do you think of the Ryder strike?
I'm 100% for it.
It's long overdue.
Writers are the greatest intellects in the business of showbiz.
I think every time that they have gone out on strike, they have done it for legitimate and moral reasons.
For them to do it now?
And bear in mind that when the writers go out on strike, they're signaling what is necessary for the other unions to receive remuneration for.
So that's what industry, even management, fears the most.
Because if the writers get anything, then the others will expect it as well.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, couldn't you say riders are the skeleton?
I mean, they're literally the form that everything's built around.
On the subject of you saying Bush needs... The icebreaker.
The icebreaker.
Before the break, you got into Bush needing a biggie.
Every intellectual mind, the left-right center, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of economics, has come on this show and said they clearly are moving for martial law.
He thinks they're going to stage something.
Everybody I talk to from the entire spectrum says that Bush has got to do that or he's sunk.
I hope that's not the case.
Where do you see this going?
Well, what do you mean, what do they mean when he's sunk?
He's only got a year left in office.
What does that mean, he's sunk?
His whole agenda to go into Iran, to, you know, all this stuff.
Well, I mean, he's not sunk.
He's a multi-millionaire now.
He will be the darling of fascists throughout the world.
What, uh... What do you mean then by he needs a biggie?
What does he need?
Well, if he wants to go so far as to proclaim himself emperor forever, then he'd have to do something like that to be legitimized in creating martial law.
He would have to create the bombing.
We would have to react in some form or another.
But I suppose before he goes into Iran, he'll try to create an incident here, which can be
Like he laid Al-Qaeda at Iraq's doorstep, I'm sure he'll create an incident here, and try to create some Iranian terrorists.
I know, it's amazing to me that you have Iran that is Shiite, and the news keeps saying Al-Qaeda is coming out of Iran, then the White House, four months ago, puts out what Sy Hershaw reported, that for three years they've had real Wahhabist Sunni Al-Qaeda groups attacking the Iranian frontier, and then the media says Iran is Al-Qaeda.
Well, that's how ignorant we are.
We, the people, are ignorant about the fine points and departments and sections of the Arab world.
We know nothing about the Arab world.
It's over a billion people.
And I guess we're as ignorant about the Arabs as we are about the Chinese.
It's amazing.
In closing, I'd like to get you back up, or if you've got the time.
You know, it's like one of the guys that was stationed with me in France.
Well, fortunately, I was during the Korean War.
And who wrote the letter home and said, my God, he said, the Mules are so intelligent over here, they even understand French.
Oh, man.
Yeah, there was a professional football player, star from the Dolphins, who was hiring an interpreter for his week-long stay in England.
Well, I can understand that.
I think he was a very intelligent fellow.
Ed, I'm going to have to get you back up on all the environmental crises, but briefly can you speak to that?
But I wanted you to talk about Smedley Butler since you raised that.
Yeah, well, what I want to say is that this is all a culmination of what the military-industrial complex has done to this country.
And it has existed for probably a hundred years.
I don't know for how long.
But when Smedley Butler testified about the Nazi plot to replace Roosevelt,
And who was behind it, etc.
He also gave a wonderful speech with People Should Look Up.
How he took Nicaragua for the Brown Brothers, which was a big banking firm.
How he took Honduras for United Fruit.
How he took this place.
I mean, we have invaded, invaded, invaded.
We have used our small pocket armies everywhere.
We are now in 150 countries in the world.
I think our army has stations there.
So we have been seeking, we call ourselves this great democracy, but we seek world domination in our own way and have not.
Well now they're converting the military to mercenaries and saying they're going to use Halliburton domestically in the drug war and quote for the border.
I mean now with immunity we're going to have Halliburton here.
I mean not Halliburton, I'm losing my mind here, Blackwater.
Well, I mean, they're all tied in together, for God's sake.
And when you get such an austere organization such as the State Department using Blackwater, that's like Jesus dealing with the barbarians.
And these guys are thugs and killers.
I mean, they're Hessians.
They're paid to shoot and to kill, and God knows what their mentality must be like.
So I hear them greatly.
And when we can't get our citizen army, if that's what you want to call it, to do what we want, we know we can always count on our Blackwater boys.
Our Blackwater boys now domestically operate, I mean, it's like they're going down a checklist, like Naomi Wolf says, a checklist of every, you know, point of tyranny that Mussolini and Hitler and others developed, and they're just doing it.
I know.
So, what is Congress going to do about Blackwater?
I haven't heard any legislation that's been passed.
I guess they did say now they're subject to army rules.
Is that what they say?
Well, even the FBI and the Army said they murdered those 14 people.
It was more than that.
It should be charged with murder.
Even our own FBI, our own Army and Bush says no.
Yeah, yeah.
But you're right, it's not just Bush, the Democrats, Hillary keeps claiming they need more Democrats to change things, they've got it!
They could be saying no to the war right now!
What do you think is going to happen to the Democrats if they've totally deserted their base?
If they totally, what do you mean?
Well, I mean, they totally deserted their base, they were sent there to end the war, and then they're not.
Oh, well, they've totally deserted their base for a long time, my friend.
They know that so far... We need a third party is what we need.
We truly need a peace and freedom party.
But they know that so far they're the only game in town for anybody who's progressive, for anybody who loves peace, for anybody who wants to not engage in foreign expeditions.
Ed Asner, we've got to get you back up in the near future.
God bless you and I appreciate you spending time with us, sir.
Yeah, a delight to be with you.
Thank you.
What a gentleman, Ed Asner, ladies and gentlemen.
Boy, they painted him up like the devil, and it's certainly not the case.
You know, you could even disagree with him on some things, but people agree with his spirit, his kindness, his honesty, his gravitas.
Just like Ron Paul.
There's a lot of liberals who don't agree with him on everything, but they're voting for him.
And I'll just tell the Democrats this right now.
If you don't go switch Republican,
Or you don't go vote split party, vote wherever you want, but for President and in these primaries, if you're in Nevada, if you're in Michigan, if you're in New Hampshire, if you're in Iowa, you better get in there and vote for Ron Paul.
And I don't want to hear, oh, there's election fraud, Alex, you said there's fraud.
More of a reason to vote.
More of a reason to get in there and do exit polls.
More of a reason to illustrate what's happening.
They don't have these machines in nationwide, and they're under heat, and they're getting sued, and states are throwing them out, and a lot of other things are happening.
By the way,
Headline, PrisonPlanet.com, here's your attack orders in the InfoWar.
If you choose to take this mission, InfoWarriors, alert, alert, alert.
Zogby spins poll results to marginalize Ron Paul, ignored Texas Congressman's domination of nearly every category to focus on single Giuliani success.
Good job, Paul Watson.
In their press release about the results of the new telephone poll, Zogby chose to marginalize Ron Paul by highlighting a demographic that was won by Rudolph Giuliani, while largely ignoring the fact that the Texas congressman completely dominated almost every other aspect of the poll.
Under the headline, Giuliani leads among Republicans in latest blind bio-survey, the Zogby press release reads, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
Long the favorite in nationwide samples of likely Republican voters in 2008's race for the party's presidential nomination as the strongest resume of the top four contenders a new Zogby International survey shows.
He does not have.
In the survey bio poll, Ron Paul won almost everything.
It's gotta be like 50 questions, he won like 48 of them.
I know of two he lost.
The telephone survey, known as the Blind Bio Poll, because likely voters are given details of the candidates' resumes without their names attached, shows Giuliani wins 34% support, compared to 22% each for Thompson and Romney.
Ron Paul, who has surged recently in polls, and has a significant online following, came in last with 13% support, while 9% said they were undecided on the question.
Only at the end of the article does Zogby's statement admit, quote, the Blind Bio question was also poised to a larger poll of 1,009 likely voters nationwide, including Democrats and Independents.
And poll was the big winner among the universe of voters, winning 33%.
We're good to go.
Ron Paul dominated categories where the sample was both traditionally Republican and Democratic votes.
Voters were asked which platform they favored.
Candidates A and D were Ron Paul and Rudolph Giuliani, respectively, but they were not directly named.
And it goes on, amongst born-again Christians, Ron Paul polled 29.6%, with Giuliani garnering 22.5%.
Amongst people with the military and their families, 33.3% sent support Paul's platform, while 18% supported Giuliani.
Amongst NASCAR fans, Ron Paul pulled 32.5% beating Giuliani's 28%.
Amongst women, 34.7% favored Ron Paul's platform over Giuliani's 17%.
Amongst African Americans, Paul trounced Giuliani, 45.5%.
Giuliani's 9.1%.
40.5% support Paul, 9.1% support Giuliani.
Ron Paul's sweep in all these categories, and many more, was clearly the biggest story to come out of the poll, yet Zogby chose to highlight Giuliani's rare success.
There is no doubt that Giuliani beats Paul on name recognition alone, but the fact that the congressman is surging ahead and getting momentum while capturing the sentiment of the nation was the biggest story to come out of this poll, but Zogby chose to stifle it.
Proving once again that the self-fulfilling media obsession with relentlessly focusing on establishment-approved candidates while marginalizing others only upholds the status quo and hurts the democratic process.
And we're going to do other articles, folks.
There's so much here.
And, you know, Zogby, yeah, they could say he won that part of the poll, and that's fine.
Ron Paul did win 90 plus percent of the other sections.
And so, you know, Spinn, whatever you want to call it, you heard their director on media and one of their chief analysts, chief analyst.
He said, I am the chief analyst, but I don't want to brag.
You know, there's an inner circle of analysts, but I'm, you know, the bad guy around here.
Basically, that's what he told me off-air.
But the point is, he's the head of media relations, and he's the director of that.
And he said, oh no, we've never had the government more disliked, more distrusted, more disenfranchised, but we've never had people more awake to this, and the Internet's taking over, and the question is, when will it dominate?
This election or in the future?
And so, he was pretty fair on air, so we'll probably do a story, and maybe add to this that that's their perspective, to look at Giuliani and say, oh, but he won with Republicans.
Well, the point is, Ron Paul surged, even compared to past polls, getting 15%, and I forgot to ask him why they put out in their press release 13.
That's a point we need to point out.
It was 15, not 13, against Giuliani for conservative voters.
Likely conservative voters.
So this is a big deal, and...
People need to get the Zogby Spins poll results to marginalize Ron Paul, and it'll be censored by Digg and the entire other universe of mainstream websites.
So it's up to you, ladies and gentlemen, to take the ball and run with it, because Ron Paul is doing extremely well here.
And the big news is, you just heard one of the head guys at Zogby on this show.
You heard the head of Zogby, Mr. Zogby, last week say Ron Paul could win and is now up to 15 points in some polls in New Hampshire.
That's big news.
But now, you heard him say that yes, out of all the Republicans, Ron Paul does better against Hillary and would be better to run against Hillary.
Now, I'm going to ask Republicans a question.
I know you don't care about, most of you, about actual issues, or actual conservatism, or actual constitutional issues.
Which Ron Paul is not just a great candidate, he is founding father material.
But on a silver platter, you're being given Ron Paul, the only person that can beat Hillary Rodham Clinton, that nightmare witch.
So listen to me good.
You just heard the preeminent polling out there.
You could say it was Zogby or Gallup.
Zogby's becoming preeminent.
You could say it's number two, but most people say it's number one.
So the number one polling group in the world, Zogby International, of New York, New York, tells you that Ron Paul, for every demographic in this poll and all the others, is the man that can beat Hillary.
The Republicans are absolutely unpopular in spades.
Hillary is going to win, as I told you six months ago, when Ron Paul announced.
Unless we get behind Ron Paul.
He has to win this nomination.
We have to pull out all the stops, throw caution to the wind, and get aggressive and do experimental things like I did with this poll.
We have got to throw caution to the wind.
We have got to be part of this Ron Paul revolution.
This is a revolution of the people.
He is only a focal point, a standard, a signet.
We'll be right back.
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You know, one of the most horrible things about living in a police state is they're able to set it up, which they're trying to.
They're accelerating it now that we're wise to them.
They said all their minions and pops and pimps and servants, like a huge
We're good to go.
And to have Fox and CNN and all of them going, oh, let's taser, let's beat people to pulp for their free speech, let's get them!
You people aren't going to be able to continue to confront our people!
There's a threat!
There's a terror threat!
See, they're saying the terror threat is us.
Ron Paul, let's use the military against his supporters, these libertarians and anti-war people!
It's that small government group and their supporters, the established corporations that own their pimps, own their prostitutes,
And they literally are declaring war on us because they know we're awake.
Liberal, conservative, all of us have to come together now, as I keep preaching for years, and see the new world order as the threat and the enemy.
They declared us their enemy.
And this is the facts, this is the reality, this is what we face as a society.
I'm begging you, come to this Republic's aid when it needs you.
I mean, we got articles on PrisonPlanet.com.
Frankly, nobody else is doing this.
You know, Mamie Wolf will write about it, get a bunch of attention, but... And she says it's all bullish.
Oh, it's a lot bigger than that, sister.
Host says dissenters should be tased and beaten to a pulp.
That's a headline.
He says it.
That's a big deal.
Calling for violence.
Trying to normalize this.
I told you that's what 24 is for.
We have Zogby spinning results to marginalize Ron Paul.
We need to counter that so people see this and understand.
This is an education.
That's why I did it.
We need these stories to get out to everybody.
They won't unless you email them.
Unless you send them on your blog.
And look, don't give me credit.
I even called it Jones Productions without a link to InfoWars.
They offered that.
I said no.
Jones Productions.
So that the other patriots and people that are, you know, the leadership who are jealous of me all freaked out because I put my life on the line and I work 18 hours a day.
Don't give me attention!
Say you did the poll!
I don't care!
That's why I called it Jones Productions.
Don't cut it out.
Just say in a poll by Zogby.
Just report that Ron Paul's winning.
I mean, let me tell you the backside stuff.
I know how people are out there.
Not you, the good people, listening all over the world, but, you know, this nature of power and whatever, and it's nature to be a number one in some movement.
I know what it is, the danger of being point man, the danger of being a major leader.
It's incredible weight on me.
I'm freaked out about it.
Other people don't see that or understand that.
Just please, I want to hear every talk show host on this network, on other networks, I want to hear you all talking about this poll.
Okay, I want to hear you all exposing this.
We went and did a fair poll, and Ron Paul won.
Across the board, from NASCAR, to blacks, to Hispanics, to women, to libertarian, to liberal, and the head of Zogby, their head analyst and head of public relations said, yeah, he's the best against Hillary.
That is big news.
So take our data, write your own articles for your websites, don't give us credit.
I don't care about credit!
Frankly, I don't want credit anymore!
It's dangerous doing what I do, you twits!
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Make copies.
Get in game.
No, we're bringing the enemy to their knees.
And they can kill individuals, but they cannot kill ideas, ladies and gentlemen.
They cannot kill the truth, and it's rising.
The sleeping giant is rising worldwide against the New World Order.
Against the globalists.
Go to Infowars.com.
Get in game.
You want to hear all the analysis on the poll and a lot more?
It restarts right now at Infowars.com.
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