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Name: 20071114_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 14, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, you did it, listeners.
You sent in-game from number 500 on the charts to number 23.
It's now sunk back to 26 a few minutes ago on the Amazon DVD best-selling charts.
I'm trying to send it all the way to number 1.
Because many stores around the country, as we talked about yesterday, do their ordering off of that main indicator from Amazon.
So I want to thank you, and if others would pile on and go to Amazon.com or link through at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to the sub-page where in-game is offered, we could drive it potentially to number one.
It is number three.
of documentaries on Amazon.com right now, beating out Al Gore and his film, and of course, Michael Moore's Sicko.
So I commend you.
Thank you so much.
Let's intensify it.
Q's show lined up for you today.
We have Gail Zappa coming on, the wife of Frank Zappa, and of course, the mother of their four children.
To talk about this amazing man, because the more I learn about him, and I obviously knew who he was and was a fan of many of the things he stood for for free speech, but he was big on government-sponsored operations, terror.
He was a pioneer in exposing race-specific bioweapons and AIDS as an engineered plague.
He was a very, very intelligent man who died an untimely death of cancer in the early 1990s, so she'll be joining us coming up in about 30 minutes in the second hour today.
Huge story in the Washington Post.
We also have a local TV newscast.
Parents must immunize their children or go to jail.
And last night, before I was even aware of this story that came out last night, at the Waterloo Music and Video where I was giving a speech and a video signing, a young lady said, well, I go to school, but they'll arrest me if I don't take it, they say.
And I explained to her that was a complete hoax and a criminal fraud being perpetrated.
And here's another example of how they engage in this scam.
This nationwide fraud they also carry out in Canada, England, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, and many, many other nations.
And it's an identical fraud and a very dangerous pattern because if they set the precedent that the police come arrest you and inject you with things, which they're now claiming, in a suburb of D.C.,
This is very, very serious for all of us, and under continuity of government, and under the BioShield program Bush has funded, they have been training firemen, police, and others to forcibly inoculate the general public.
In fact, there was an article a few weeks ago about drive-thru terror drills, drive-thru terror drills around the country, where you drive through at Walmart, and they give you a flu shot out the drive-thru window.
So this all ties together, and I'm going to open the show up when we start the next segment, with this extremely important issue.
Also, a new poll.
Majority think Bush and Cheney have committed impeachable offenses.
Some good news.
New York governor abandons driver's license for illegal aliens.
But at the same token, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco supervisors approve ID cards for anyone that lives in the city, including illegal aliens.
Pump prices to jump 20 cents in the next two to three weeks to all-time record, the federal government says.
Also, no need for more oil now.
OPEC tells U.S.
signaling that oil prices will only go up as they artificially drive up the scarcity of this foundational
commodity in our civilization.
Empty houses become the home to crime as loans fail nationwide.
dollar will get stronger, says Bush.
Experts laugh.
And more on how subcommittee presentation equates 9-11 truth with terrorism.
This and a lot more today.
Absolutely power-packed info transmission.
The website.
You'll want to check it out.
TruthNews.us and JonesReport.com.
We'll be right back.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network, and I have an urgent message for our listeners.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There is a concerted, massive, sustained hoax being perpetrated against the people of the West.
It's also being carried out in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
But in some cases, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the governments they fund are so criminal in Africa, it's been all over the news the last decade, they will send in armed military.
They will surround the village, not let anyone exit, and force them to take vaccines.
Because the Africans and many of the indigenous Indians, natives, living in India, living in Australia, living in Latin America, know that it is chilling and maiming and diseasing their children.
Just 50 years ago, and back from the time that the white man interfaced with, quote, native, quote, savages, they love the white medicine man and their medicines and flock to them.
So it isn't that they're ignorant and don't want medicines, and don't respect Western medicine.
It's that they've seen their children die and become ill from these, and they're literally running into the forest, running into the hills, running into the plains, hiding in the canyons, all over the planet.
Now it's a little more sophisticated here in the West.
We have a quote, public school, federally mandated, federally controlled, state and local schools.
The only thing independent about it is that they call it the Austin Independent School District, the Chicago Independent School District, the San Francisco Independent School District, the Pensacola Independent School District.
There's nothing independent about it.
It's all federally guideline textbooks, federally guideline fences, and thumb scanning to get school lunches, and cameras in the schools wired in to the police departments.
And the schools are there to induct children into the squeeze chutes to be acclimated into the welfare slash criminal justice system period, and also standardize their education to regurgitate information off of the German brainwashing model developed 150 years ago in Prussia.
That's all just mainline history.
The kindergarten system extends past the first grade.
And that's the bottom line of what's happening.
But last night, we were at the Waterloo Records and Music, I guess, Music and Video, and a young lady, who looks like she was about 12 years old, said, well, they tell me they'll arrest me at school if I don't take these vaccines.
It's the law.
And I went through the fact that it was not the law, that it was color of law, and that they played a little legalese trick on them.
Now, the average American doesn't check into the facts, they just simply go off who sounds the most credible, or who sounds the simplest.
And so, every year, before school starts, I know most of you know this, but we have to get this word out to everybody.
This is very serious.
Every year when school starts, in two months running up to it, on every local news station in the country, on all the national news outlets, they say, take your vaccines or be arrested.
Take your injections or be arrested.
It is the law that you must take the 50 plus mandated vaccines.
If you ask them to show you a law, they can't do it.
There is no law, and then on a lot of the newscasts, we've been pointing this out the last few years, and you've been calling these stations, and people made a big fuss out of it, and news articles have been written to counter it, they add after saying 5, 10, 12, 50, I mean sometimes they'll have an hour-long show on it, and say 50 times on radio, it's the law, you'll be arrested, and they'll list people who've been arrested and falsely say they were arrested for not taking the inoculations.
But they will generally quietly, because they're aware of the crime they're committing, they're aware of the deception, they will add the loophole that, well, there are waivers to it.
And then they'll say, and the children are going to jail for truancy.
And the parents are going to jail for their children being proven.
So they add that at the end in many, I'd say a third or fourth, it's a minority, but a large minority of the newscast, they add the caveat after repeating
Over and over and over again.
Now the point here is they're deceptively in unison from New Zealand to the United States, from Germany to Argentina, saying the exact same thing, the exact same script.
This is a federally funded PR move that has been going on for at least 12 years since I started paying attention.
Now the good news is, is ten years ago they had 97% inoculation rates on average in this country.
You can look them up.
Now they've got in some school districts only half the children taking it, but on average about 75% or the vast majority, three quarters, are being bullied and buffaloed into taking the injections.
Now, in this little three minute newscast we're going to analyze that is from Truth News,
And it's posted up on Infowars.net right now.
Parents must immunize their children or go to jail is the headline.
Let's play this clip, and then I'm just going to write notes here, and there are literally more than 20 pieces of disinfo in this short newscast.
So, listen carefully, see if you catch the willful, premeditated deception.
Here it is.
First at 5 tonight, 800 local families forced to come to court for something they have not given their children.
Hello everyone, I'm Shawn Yancey.
And I'm Laura Evans.
More than 2,000 Prince George's County students have not gotten their state-mandated shot.
Tonight, an ultimatum to some of those parents, come to court, get the shots, or else.
Talk to Sherry Lee Lime in Forestville to explain this one, Sherry.
Laura, some students here in Prince George's County Schools have missed up to a month and a half of school because they have not gotten their vaccinations for chickenpox and hepatitis B. Now the school system says it's time to get tough and take those parents to court.
Free clinics, free shots, door-to-door visits, and countless letters.
Still, more than 2,300 Prince George's County students don't have their required immunizations.
We need those students immunized.
We need them in schools.
We need them safe.
This Saturday, more than 1,600 students and their parents have been ordered to appear in circuit court for the children to be immunized.
Health workers will be on hand to give the shots immediately.
We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way, but it's going to have to get done.
The problem is a new law that took effect last year requiring students in the 5th through 10th grades to also have the chickenpox and hepatitis B vaccine.
Parents who don't show up in court and who don't comply could end up fined or in jail.
I don't think it should have came to that in the first place.
You know as a parent that you give me the shots.
Those that are immunized and those that aren't could pass on some diseases.
Now, it may seem unusual for children to be immunized by court order, but the Supreme Court has actually ruled on this very issue more than a hundred years ago with smallpox.
The school system says they do make exemptions for religious purposes or other medical reasons, but you have to apply for that exemption.
Now, if parents do not show up in court, they could face a $50 fine and up to 10 days in jail.
We're live in Forestville, Sherri Lee, Fox 5 News.
And of course it's Fox putting it out, but NBC, ABC, they all do it.
I mean, there's so many things they were saying, I couldn't write notes for all of it.
Over and over again, come to court or else.
The parents were forced.
It's the law.
The Supreme Court ruled, but then they admit that it's actually for truancy, and they say there's a waiver.
But how can there be a waiver for not taking the injections if there isn't even a law?
It is the policy, a quote new law issued by the governor, just like Rick Perry with the human papilloma HPV live virus shot.
Remember he said he told the health department that he wants it added to the recommended list.
Now that's what the executive order says.
I want it added to the recommended list.
And now they're over, on average, 51 different
51 different things that they supposedly give you injections for.
And now, just a few years ago, it was 44.
But see, now they've added a bunch of new ones.
For earaches, and for hepatitis, and for all these sexually transmitted things.
Very dangerous vaccines, very toxic vaccines, high risk vaccines.
Even the mainstream media admits it.
So it really does just completely blow me away to hear them imply over and over again, you've got to take it or you'll be arrested, you'll spend 10 days in jail.
When it is the school that doesn't tell you that there is a waiver or that you have a right by just saying, I don't want them.
No, they just expel your child when they haven't had it for the duration before you don't until you bring in the sheet showing they've been immunized.
And then criminal law on truancy triggers and is activated, and then they come arrest you for truancy.
So they call these ignorant parents into a truancy court, and they tell them, if you don't show up, we're going to arrest you, and there are going to be medical workers there, health department workers, giving you injections in the court.
Now is that not a science fiction horror movie?
The image on the news, the image being played out, is that you've got to show up to this facility and you've got to be given your injection or you'll be arrested.
And then because of the pressure we put on them, you put on them, they have to add the caveat, oh there is a waiver for religious or medical reasons.
But you try to go in these schools, and I've talked to parents that have done it, and they'll say, we don't have a waiver.
We don't have a waiver.
Because they get federal money for it.
And you have to demand it.
You can go to the health department website in your city.
They'll have it online.
If they don't, they're supposed to by law, you'll get it from them.
But even that, then, you tell them where your children are, and it puts them in a database, and you shouldn't have to do that.
It's our body.
And then you hear that ignorant man saying, well, I think they could spread diseases to the other kids.
Well, if you've had the monkey pus and vomit, if you've had the eugenics injection, then your child's supposedly covered.
They're not in danger from the other children that haven't had it.
In fact, it's the children that haven't had it that are in danger from the children that have gotten it spreading it that way.
You didn't know that?
That the vaccines actually spread it?
But the big news here is the lying about it.
The mass hoax.
We'll be right back.
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Now with the backdrop of them announcing all over the news that it's the law, come to court, we're going to inject you when there is no law, all color of law.
We have the different newscasts that we may play if we have time today.
It was up on Drudge yesterday, where they're wiring the cameras they put in the schools into the police departments, and for the smallest infraction, you go to the criminal schools they've set up, which then induct you deeper into the system.
This is a completely predatory system, 110%, by design to dumb everybody down and destroy our society for control.
Now again, this is an absolute fact.
There is no law that you have to take these injections, but the state and the government plays on the ignorance of these people.
But what do you expect going to a government re-education camp?
Governments throughout history have set up government schools.
They've always been brainwashing centers.
Either to make soldiers, or to make subservient populations.
And now they do both.
You put your child, quote, in the free school that really is off the gigantic property taxes, and they go there and they learn how to be drug addicts, they learn how to act cool, they learn how to become sexually permissive and promiscuous, they learn how to get into all this trouble.
I mean, I've said it'd be better for your child to just be stuck in work at an auto mechanic shop and learn how to work.
And to go to school and eat a bunch of corn syrup and have cameras over them with cops lurking around trying to get them in the system.
A large percentage of them pedophile cops.
I heard two different news cases last week here in Central Texas with pedophile cops in the schools.
I mean, it's just... You're asking for it when you put your children in these giant nests of predators.
So again, the entire government is indicted.
The media is indicted.
This Fox 5 is an absolute, complete joke.
In fact, I meant to dig up their number and give that out on air.
But it's Fox 5.
You can go up to PrisonPlanet.com and Infoworks.net and link through and dig up their phone number.
And give them a call.
But a waiver to something that isn't even the law.
Here it is.
First at 5 tonight, 800 local families forced to come to court for something they have not given their children.
Hello everyone, I'm Shawn Yancey.
And I'm Laura Evans.
More than 2,000 Prince George's County... Stop right there, Prince George's County.
Right outside D.C.
Again, forced to come for something they didn't give their children.
No liar!
It's because the school didn't tell them about the waiver or that there was no law to begin with.
It's their policy you have to take it.
It's their policy that you've got to sign a waiver if you don't want to.
You don't even have to do that.
And you know that, you deceptive liars.
But it's for the good of the society.
Kind of like with eugenics, sterilizing 500,000 women or 450,000 women in this country.
Doing all that, or maybe the black men giving them the syphilis injections, huh?
Was that for their own good, huh?
Back to the lies.
Prince George's County students have not gotten their state-mandated shots.
Tonight, an ultimatum to some of those parents, come to court, get the shots, or else.
Talk to Sherry Lee Lime in Forestville to explain this one.
Laura, some students here in Prince George's County schools have missed up to a month and a half of school because they have not gotten their vaccinations.
Stop right there!
Again, you lied and said it was because they hadn't had shots.
And then now you admit the clause they've missed over a month of school because you kicked them out fraudulently.
You are ruining their education through fraud, through a policy that isn't even law.
Just like they'll kick you out now if you hug.
See, it's any way to get you in the system.
Or any way to send you to the little criminal schools they set up right alongside them.
In some cities, they're a third the size of the regular schools.
If you do one thing wrong, you're thrown in with hardcore criminals, you never leave.
It's inducting you into juvenile and then into the penitentiaries where you'll work for the big drug cartels that own the prisons.
Own the banks that own them.
Again, listen to that lie!
And people are asking me on the street every few days or at events about, well, if there's not a law, will they say there's a law?
We better talk about this.
Paul Watson is doing a big article this evening on this, and the minute it goes up on PrisonPlanet.com, I want it up on Truth News, Jones Report, I want it on all the sites, and I want all of you to get it and email it to every friend, every family member, everybody you know that has children, and say, hey, even if you're for vaccinations and you buy the propaganda on that front,
Even if you buy into this, you need to know that it's a fraud and they're lying to you about it being the law.
And somebody that lies to you can't be trusted.
And somebody who's been caught doing chemical, biological, and radiological testing on school children hundreds and hundreds of times that we know of, killing over 4,000 children with radiation that the state had control of, then how could we trust these people now to do anything?
They are criminal liars!
The government are criminal liars!
And anybody that pushes this lie is either a complete idiot or a criminal liar!
I am sick of it!
Alright, we'll be right back with more on this and a lot more.
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Alright, coming up, I'm going to get into a lot more detail on the school situation.
I'm just going to play that newscast and just stop it on each live.
That may take hours.
But this is such a hoax.
I mean, it's just like England four months ago, five months ago, nationwide, from Scotland down to Wales, to Cornwall.
Just announced to the elementary school students, in the third grade nationwide, Concerted Federal Deception, Central Deception, said, you're James Bond agents.
We're going to, you're going to look in this little retina scanner, put your fingerprints on this digital scanner, and we're going to take some of your DNA, and you're not going to tell your parents that you're now spies for us and you're James Bond.
007, don't tell anyone.
See, it's all about the state taking your children from you.
It's all about them getting them in the databases.
And they're doing similar things from Michigan to Texas, where unannounced, with even the teachers not knowing, some of them have collapsed and gone to mental institutions, literally.
They come in, scream, I'm going to kill you, march them out in the woods.
The children are defecating on themselves.
The police will throw fake blood on them.
Hardcore mind control.
Of the most hardcore type.
And now, everybody's gotta come and have their shots!
Come on, go to the police station, go to the, go to Walmart and get your shots.
Go to the, go to this park and take them.
You've gotta take them.
Go to the judge's office.
And everybody hears.
It's the law, it's the law.
This is for adults, ladies and gentlemen.
The whole cognitive government is about this.
And the police giving you special injections.
Cause they love you so much.
Remember, this is the government that's killed us thousands of times.
Over 400 American children radiated to death.
Let's see, 400.
Over 4,000 radiated to death.
Mainstream news.
And they've just done it thousands of times.
They've killed us in tests.
But we're just supposed to... I mean, when I say thousands of times, I mean thousands of different operations.
That might kill a few dozen in New York in the subway, or might kill 4,000 children, or radiate 110,000 Jews paying their government.
I mean, this is who runs things!
This is the endgame!
But let's just trust them when they lie and say it's the law, and demand we'll be arrested if we don't come to the police station to take our injections.
I mean, it's incredible!
And then coming up, majority think Bush and Cheney have committed impeachable offenses.
Some good news there.
Also more good news.
New York governor abandoned his driver's license for illegal immigrants.
Got some clips of that.
But San Francisco says they're going to give them to illegal aliens.
On the financial end of things, well before I do this, before I cover this news.
End game has gone as high as 23 on the Amazon charts today.
It sunk back down to 28.
This is our one chance, our one run at it, to drive it up into the top ten.
We've done that with Terror Storm and as high as number eight.
There's a lot of big films out, a lot of big releases out.
It is the Christmas season.
It's hardest to do this now, but we're, because the bulk of sales is higher overall in the aggregate, so we're trying to go upstream and drive in-game sales to number one, not just on DVD.
We're on number three for DVD sales, but there's a DVD that's number seven on the overall Amazon charts.
We're trying to go all the way to number one on documentaries.
Get in there and let's do it together now.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, I make a literal fraction on these sales on Amazon, but I'm doing this because stores purchase and video stores purchase off of the Amazon number.
They have a formulae.
That is the number one indicator, is that Amazon sales rank.
And so we can get it out to more people who will just be browsing around the stores and they'll find Endgame.
So go get it today at Amazon, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, you can't get Loose Change Final Cut at Amazon.
You get that at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Get your DVD, Loose Change Final Cut, the preeminent 9-11 film, now available at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
And I'm sorry if I start hyperventilating about this vaccine thing, but when they're
1,600 of you gotta show up for your injections right now at the judge's office.
It's the law!
You broke the law!
And then they admit, because you're truant, because we kicked you out.
They kick you out, they ruin your school year, they do it fraudulently when there's no law, no nothing, when they know they're supposed to give you the waiver, which itself is a fraud, you don't even need that, and then they send idiot police, they're just like the idiot public, I'm not saying they're bad, they're just morons,
I've seen them take babies who haven't been vaccinated when there's no law, folks.
We live in a tyrannical filth pit!
These family courts aren't even real courts.
They're all color of law frauds.
And by the way, a federal judge just ruled on that last month.
We covered it.
I'm sick of your color of law, I'm sick of your lawlessness, and I know the family courts and the social workers were all set up by the eugenicists 130 years ago in England.
That's what Endgame covers!
I know how diabolical this plan is!
We got a government that constantly is murdering us, and it's time to stop going along with them.
Man, I'm getting really mad.
Pump price to jump 20 cents the next two to three weeks to an all-time high for gasoline in the United States.
This is out of Reuters.
And there's no inflation.
And OPEC has announced that they are not going to increase oil production.
That is a cartel.
That is an oligopoly, a monopoly of select groups joining forces.
And that's out of Reuters as well.
So, they're announcing that they're not going to increase output.
And so the dollar is basically right at 66 cents devalued, or right at about 34% of its value seven years ago, and Bush is saying he plans to stop the sinking at that point.
That'll already be devastating, if he can even do it, inflation by the time it fully monetizes and affects us domestically.
It takes it longer for it to affect the actual country where it happened, but once it hits there, it's worse.
Empty houses and homes to crime as loans fail.
AP, we'll get into this later about how in some areas you'll have 80% of the houses empty now that we're built.
That's just some of what's coming up.
We got Gail Zappa, wife of Frank Zappa, coming on in the next hour.
I wanted to get him up because he hadn't been up since last week for just a few minutes because I want to get back into this mass hoax of claiming you've got to be vaccinated and how this will be for the entire public soon.
I don't know.
Yeah, I think so.
Yes, we are.
You're going to see some sell-offs.
It's in the futures market, and there's some manipulation coming in from the central banks, not only here in the United States, but across the globe, trying to bring back some credibility to the United States dollar, but we know that that's doomed.
It's all just short-term smoke and mirrors.
So, no, definitely at this particular time, I believe that $1,000 an ounce gold is very conservative.
Obviously, it's only $200 away, and that's
That's definitely something that you need to consider if you're sitting in paper investments right now.
If you have IRAs, if you have your money in the stock market, if you're in the bank, any of that stuff.
I mean the way that you put it to me Alex, it's like having a big old block of ice sitting in the hot desert and as it sits there it just melts away and that's what's going on with the United States dollar.
It's just losing purchasing power.
It's just like
It's like having a dollar bill slowly burning away and all that's left is just the very core of it and that's practically gone and that's what we have right now.
There's no question about it that people should be getting involved in the precious metals market.
Every single economist out there are agreeing upon that.
When Ron Paul took on Chairman Bernanke the other day at the Federal Reserve Bank, they just showed what was going on in Wall Street and the people in Wall Street were cheering Ron Paul on.
It's just an amazing thing that's going on out here in the economy.
And everybody, even the paper pushers, and everybody knows that the United States dollar is doomed.
And anybody that's sitting here on these paper investments, you've got to have your head examined.
You know, I don't know what you need for proof that there's problems in the markets right now.
The housing's, you know, going down in value.
The dollar's dropping like a stone.
Every single commodity that you can think of, silver, gold, oil, copper, aluminum, I mean, you name it, steel, the grains, everything out there, everything's going up in value as the dollar drops.
You just don't need to have more proof than what we have in front of us today.
So, without a question, if you're looking at your investments,
You know, I would say in stable times, just the average person should have 10% of their portfolio tied into gold.
At this particular time, I'd look at everything I have and make sure that it's secure.
There's no question about it.
That's right.
Absolutely, Ted.
I'm going to jump into this school news, but just please tell people about the British Sovereign.
It's a great deal.
And the Silver Dollar Rolls, which is another fabulous deal.
Tell the listeners about that in case they want to protect themselves by getting into something they actually physically hold.
Last night I was giving a speech, and people asked me during the question and answer about gold.
And I was saying, yeah, it's great.
And some guy said, well, wait a minute.
All those companies just give you receipts.
Midas Resources doesn't.
They ship you the gold, folks.
Yeah, that's right.
You have to have the gold, and the British Sovereign is a great way to get it because it's a quarter ounce gold piece, and you get them for $225 a coin.
You're going to actually have physical possession of this.
When Hitler's regime was marching through Germany, if you had paper certificates, you had nothing.
It's like the difference between having a pitcher of a can of beans and having the can of beans when you're hungry.
You've got to have the gold in your possession.
$225 for the British Sovereign's, $400 for the Silver Dollar Rolls of $20,
You just, you know, again Alex, it's real money.
This is the money that was used, that was commissioned by our revolutionaries that wrote the Constitution of the United States of America.
Those silver dollars were used here in the United States as money.
And these are the ones that are going to be money in the future.
People understand them.
It's a great way to trade.
Worst comes to worst, you can use those things to trade for food.
Give them the number, Jed.
It's 800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
Call the people.
We've got them standing by if you need information, whatever it is.
And Alex, I want you to get back to that school thing, too, because it just makes me sick.
It makes my stomach turn upside down when I hear it.
Well, Ted, I appreciate you coming on the transmission with us.
And folks, get those British Sovereigns.
And people will be there until about 11 o'clock tonight for those that hear the rebroadcast in the evening.
It's always a great pleasure to be on your show, Alex.
God bless you, Ted.
Alright, again, I am just raging with anger right now.
At this school piece.
So let's just try to play it and then I'm just going to briefly pop in and point things out as we play it.
And then, John, as soon as I shut up, start playing it again.
From the start, here is the propaganda newscast engaging in pure lies and pure deception and pure spin, deceiving people that it's the law, you have to take shots and you'll go to jail if you won't.
Here it is.
We're seeing police in New Jersey now have access to a live video feed of what's happening inside schools.
That's another piece.
We're going back to the other piece about the vaccines.
I want to go through it and comment on it.
That's the one about how the police are watching you live feed.
I mean, it's just all over, folks.
Total Big Brother.
That's coming up.
This is that other one with the vaccines.
We're still analyzing.
Here it is.
First at five tonight, 800 local families forced to come to court for something they have not given their children.
Hello everyone.
Let's stop right there.
They're not forced to come to court for not giving the shots.
The school lied, didn't tell them there were waivers, or that you didn't even need to get a waiver, that there's no law, that it's a color of law policy, and so now the judge orders them to come under truancy laws.
Back to it.
Total deception.
Hello everyone, I'm Shawn Yancey.
And I'm Laura Evans.
More than 2,000 Prince George's County students have not gotten their state-mandated shot.
Tonight, an ultimatum for some of those parents come to court.
Stop right there.
You know, it's a mandate.
And that's a key word written because it sounds like it's mandatory, sounds like, but mandate could be also they want you to.
No, the state law, we've looked it up, it's the same as everywhere, color of law, the governor and the state legislature recommends it as the mandate in the schools which they ask you to take.
Back to the lies.
So you don't tell us why they supposedly missed the school.
You don't tell us why they're out of school.
The school kicked them out.
The school says you can't be here.
They have committed a crime against the students who supposedly have the right to go to this government training camp that their parents' taxes paid for.
So you fraudulently kicked them out of school, didn't tell them there was a waiver, and now you trigger false charges!
First you commit a crime, and then you trigger false charges, an even more serious crime, against these young people!
This school district and every other one of them that does this needs to be sued into oblivion!
Back to the liars!
Now the school system says it's time to get tough and take those parents to court.
Free clinics, free shops, door-to-door visits, and countless letters.
Still more than... Stop right there!
CPS visits trying to kidnap kids.
Any excuse to get involved in your life?
Letters harassing people free?
Oh, it's free!
Free hepatitis deadly vaccine!
Oh, we want to give your girls the live HPV virus!
The governor says you have to take it!
Again, admitted total lie in Texas.
When do we get mad?
But this is about setting the precedent to make us take these shots.
Five years ago, they tried to force 14 million first responders, medical workers, doctors, nurses, janitors, police officers, firemen, city workers, county workers, 14 million of them.
Times reported.
And only 4,000 took it.
That is less than 1%.
Headline LA Times, 99 plus percent refuse it.
Why did the cops refuse the smallpox shot?
A live smallpox shot, killing at least 1% of those that took it?
What's 1% of 14 million that would have died?
And then a few cops went ahead and took it, and firemen took it, and they started having heart attacks and dying.
And they also spread smallpox.
For the first time in 30 years, we had smallpox cases that year in the U.S.
Because it's a live pathogen.
Now, the cops won't take it, because they've got a brain.
But these poor, ignorant families are being threatened with police if they won't take shots that cops won't take.
Now, I am sick of it.
I am tired of it.
I'm tired of color of law.
It's a bunch of eugenics, social workers, who think they rule us.
They're putting cancer viruses, you name it, in these shots.
You're insane if you take any of them.
It is a big idea.
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I hear the train!
I hear the train a comin' It's rollin' around the bend Oh yeah!
And I ain't seen the sunshine I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison
I don't know about that train.
Home down to San Antonio.
My cadence is off a bit.
This is a live version.
I was listening to Johnny Cash in the shower this morning.
Had the iPod out on the counter next to it, blasting.
I just like Johnny Cash.
God bless Johnny Cash.
You know, I only got to see Johnny Cash twice in concert, and then about a year before he died, he came to Austin, and I was too busy making a film, fighting the New World Order, I think I was making, like, Martial Law.
One of the last concerts he did, I later found out, it was at some small venue.
My parents went, we're, like, in the front row, and I'm already getting off into distractions, I'm sorry.
Back to the scum, back to this newscast of pure deception and evil, here it is.
Still, more than 2,300 Prince George's County students don't have their required immunizations.
We need those students immunized.
We need them in schools.
We need them safe.
This Saturday, more than 1,600 students and their parents have been ordered to appear in circuit court for the children to be immunized.
Health workers will be on hand to give the shot immediately.
We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way, but it's going to have to get done.
Alright, I can't listen anymore.
Turn it off.
Thank you.
You can just turn it off.
Ladies and gentlemen, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.
You see, the reason a crime is being committed here is this is official oppression.
This is color of law.
There's a bunch of other serious violations of civil rights and human rights going on here.
To fraudulently kick them out of school for something that wasn't a true violation of any law, to then fraudulently not tell them by law they're supposed to present the waiver on the first contact before they even threaten truancy, and then tell them they've got to show up and set a precedent to force vaccinate because these people believe they're under law.
See, if a cop or a judge or somebody tries to compel someone to do something that isn't law,
That is official oppression.
That is fraud, ladies and gentlemen.
And on its face, trying to herd people in there like cattle.
Predominantly poor black people.
That's, by the way, who they are in this town.
And to do this to them in this school district is an absolute outrage to the Conference, to the Bill of Rights, to the Constitution, and I literally am enraged.
I was enraged
When I saw this this morning, but I see it all the time.
This is just, usually it's we're going to take you to jail if you don't show up to a free clinic and get it, and here's five clinics you can come to on five dates, or show up at Zilker Park, or we'll arrest you in Austin.
That's bad enough, but to say you've got to come to the judges chambers and we're going to shoot you up, and I guarantee you they're going to have those parents crying, and they're going to be signing those kids on to probation as well.
There'll be probation fees all triggered by that stinking school district and the people that run it who are engaged in this fraud.
Now some of those idiots in the school district may just be ignorant.
Remember, we've got a moron public that can't find the U.S.
on a globe, who don't know how many continents there are, who don't know what the First or Fourth Amendment is.
But I'm going to tell you again.
They have a plan.
This has been public years after we reported it.
It's public.
We had firemen and police tell us on air and others that they have been preparing forced inoculation centers and forced roundups and forced quarantines for decades.
And they tried to get the firemen and police and medical workers to take the shots to get them ready for it.
And they refused.
So that whole program is dead in the water.
I'll tell you what, police officers.
I'll stand by you all day long for your right to not have some government you can't trust one bit injecting you full of some deadly poison.
You need to stand with us.
You know how much testing they've done on us?
You know how dangerous these people are that are running things?
Thank you for listening to GPS.
Visit GCNLive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The military pharmaceutical industrial complex that rules this nation and most nations on earth is desperately trying to set the precedent to forcibly inject us, spray our food, and adulterate our food with different, quote, vaccines, many of which the new generations are made up of live viruses.
Live viruses that attack the brain to, quote, cure you of drug addiction, actually eating the brain cells, receptors,
That it pick up the normal endorphins you get when you make a sale in business or do a good job in basketball or get that date with that girl you've been sweet on for years that eats that part of the brain.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
They're trying to force children from England to Texas to take the HPV live cancer virus shot that's killed a whole bunch of people and caused horrible, agonizing, accelerated autoimmune deaths.
That look and act like Ebola?
You cannot make this up!
And now, in a school district right outside D.C., they are telling people it's the law, you'll be arrested if you don't take shots, and they play a trick and expel you for claiming you violated their rules, and then they come after you for being expelled, because they won't let you back in until you have the shots, and they don't tell you there's no law to take the shots, and they're supposed to tell you that by state and federal law.
See, 50 years ago, when they started mandating vaccines, people said, well, we don't have to take any shots.
They said, well, it's just a mandate.
You know, you just opt out.
And then they said, oh, well, it's a waiver.
Now you've got to sign a waiver.
Now they're trying to phase the waiver out.
There's no law.
They just do it.
It was the same thing with churches.
It all started in the 1950s.
The bankers took over in 1913, but they didn't make their moves until the 1950s with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the double set of books, the foreign corporations buying up the government.
They didn't make their move until the 50s.
They told churches, well you don't have to be tax exempt, but if you'd like to be tax exempt, you already don't have to pay taxes under the First Amendment as a church, but just sign this form and it's much easier and the heads of the denominations, Catholic, Protestant, different sects,
Demanded this of their different sub-churches, their different parishes, and their different diocese, and they did this, and now they come into churches with guys in SWAT teams and say, you didn't do 501c3, you're not allowed to operate!
There is no law!
But the cops can't find the U.S.
on a globe!
The cops don't know how many continents there are, the cops are just like the general public, dumber than dirt on average, or they just follow orders, and I've seen them take church after church!
I've seen them take children in Austin because the parents said no to vaccines when there is no law.
You ask how they do it?
How did they take people 90 years ago in this country by the hundreds of thousands and cut their tubes?
Or castrate the men?
They sent by a new division, health workers, that were part of the Eugenics Records Office, federally funded in 25-plus states.
30-plus that had semi-systems doing that, but the 25 that did it completely.
And the police didn't know, they just thought it was the Health Department, why it's men in white uniforms.
They're outside the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And they built this whole system up on that.
And it is a reign of terror that we are now under and intensifying.
And if they're able to set the precedent to arrest you if you don't take vaccines, the sky's the limit and they're going to inject us as they're trying to do.
They're trying to make it mandatory.
quote, recommended, but then they call it mandatory, to take three new classes of vaccines that are live virus that actually attack the brain.
You are not going to shoot me up with it.
And for cops out there listening that don't believe me, go to Google and type vaccines that cure drug addiction.
And it'll be growing articles in AP, Reuters, London Guardian, BBC, American Medical Association, but then read deeper into the article.
And it'll say that it's a live cancer virus, redesigned to go into the brain and create micro-plaque tumors in the receptor sites and actually kill.
And a virus eats!
That's what they do.
They go in, they inject into the port, program the brain cell to reproduce more of the viruses, and they go in and they eat every receptor site.
Go read it.
Go read the horror.
Calmly stated.
Listen to me!
This is science fiction nightmare on steroids!
This is red-level bio-weapons attack and blame you against us all!
We've got to wake up!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a new government.
It's known as the Builder-Birds.
Both their objective be world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build a barrier of space to make progress toward a world of darkness.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
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Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, she is the wife of Frank Zampa and four great children with him.
I noticed that Dweezil was here in Austin yesterday, but we didn't want to call her and bug her and try to get both of them on air at the same time, but I think this interview is going to go well and perhaps we'll be able to get Dweezil Zampa on.
A very accomplished musician in his own right.
Frank Zappa of course was a classical composer, rock and roll composer, great musician in his own right.
We had Warren Cucurillo on several times with Duran Duran and also he was with Frank Zappa's band and he's also got a lot of best-selling songs that he's produced and written himself and I was aware of Frank Zappa.
I've read a lot of his writings.
I had agreed with him on a lot of things but
Once we brought him up a few months ago again on air everybody heard sending me clips of him on Crossfire and clips of him in interviews and radio shows and articles he'd written and in sections of books he'd done.
And I knew that he advised major governments, finances, and the feds have gotten mad and demanded they stop.
And then I went and saw him give interviews where he warned about race-specific bioweapons and how AIDS was engineered and how the government was poisoning us by design.
And I have to tell you, he was saying this in the 80s.
He was saying this right up until he died in the early 90s.
And now, I've spent over a year researching this.
I've done it, I've researched it years before, but now I'm really an expert on it.
I made the film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, which I'll send you a copy of, Gail.
And just my respect level, I already respected Frank Zampa, but now, it's one thing to be Alex Jones, and people think I'm breaking all this in 2007.
But to be Frank Zampa, and of course, I know his dad was a
Thank you so much!
There's so much to talk about.
We could talk about the book and things he said in the book, things he left out, how far you want to go.
Just talking about Frank, you've got the floor.
Okay, well first of all, let's not do what the government does.
Let's not mix fact with fiction and act like the whole thing is factual.
In fact, Frank's father was not a top government scientist.
I don't know where he got that from.
He was a math teacher and a history teacher.
Um, and actually, my father was in the military and was a nuclear physicist, so maybe there's a connection there.
Well, three different encyclopedias say that he did work for the government in research.
Maybe that's wrong.
Yes, he did, but I think it was largely where he submitted himself for patch tests.
For chemical warfare tests, you know?
I mean, tell us how you met Frank, and just, I mean, really behind the scenes stuff, things we don't know about this amazing individual.
Well, you're talking about things that Frank said, you mentioned things that Frank had written about, like race specifics, weaponry, and things like that, but all of that is, as Frank did the research, and I think he shares that in his book, you can find most of the basis for that in the congressional records for various hearings.
And especially in the late 60s when they were conducting hearings on allocating funds for that kind of research.
And that's where you see it.
And then it goes underground after that.
That's exactly what my research and other research shows.
You see them funding in 71 an autoimmune virus for a population.
I mean, that's incredible.
Yeah, it's pretty nasty.
How did Frank discover all this?
I mean, what got him onto that trail of investigation?
Well, I think that it's not so much that he's a fanatic about that sort of thing or that he was a conspiracist, no offense, but he, you know, he's just a guy who was very observant and he was quite rational.
Most people are not as rational as they think.
They make decisions all the time that are completely irrational, but there's some sort of justification for it in their head, so they think they're being rational.
But they're basing their information on, you know, a misunderstanding or a lack, an extreme lack of factual information.
And Frank was very good at synthesizing information.
I mean, I think that's why he was such a great composer.
I mean, that's a reflection.
I think so.
Really not as proficient in because you know musicians one thing musicians do unlike most people is they spend a lot of time in the present making their art.
Most people live in the past or in the future but they're not present.
What do you think Frank Zampa, your late husband, would think of the world today?
The war on liberty, the two different wars our governments launched, the new war they want to launch.
What would Frank Zampa, I mean nobody knows him better than you Gail I would imagine, would be saying today?
I told you so.
I think that's what he would say.
He predicted all of this.
He predicted we would be, and I have video of him saying this, in a fascist dictatorship that we were going into one.
Theocratically based, yes, absolutely.
Now there are different accounts of this, Gail, and forgive me for moving fast, there's just so much I want to ask you.
I do see different accounts of different European governments that he was advising, and one government where they wanted him to be, you know, basically the main tactician with the development of their economy, and that the U.S.
government got mad and threatened sanctions if they appointed Frank.
Is that accurate, and which governments were those?
Well, it was actually the Czech Republic, but it's now the Czech Republic, and then it was Czechoslovakia.
And he was appointed as a trade ambassador, which meant that we had to file papers as acting as a foreign agent.
And then his responsibility was really to help develop businesses and promote the arts
And actually what happened as a result of that is there was a scheduled visit from the Vice President, but James Baker, who was the head of the Treasury State Department at the time, formerly the head of the Treasury when the PMRC was invented, said, you know, went to visit and had a private meeting with the ministers
And we understand that he said, it's Frank Zappa or it's the U.S.
That's it.
That's who you're going to do business with.
So, but Frank's main objective was to warn them that if you do business the American way to get those American dollars, it will be disastrous to your business.
Because the IMF and World Bank that our government controls or dominates always try to basically have neo-mercantilism where they control your economy.
Pretty much.
I think that's true, but although Frank didn't specifically say that.
He just said that you have the chance to, you know, break the bonds of business as usual.
And you can step out into a whole new set of opportunities that you can create for yourself if you do business your own way and not the current model.
He also was censored a lot.
Can you give us a synopsis on them trying to keep his music off the radio?
Why were they so threatened by Frank Zappa from early on?
Well, you have to understand that it's corporations that have a business line, a bottom line, and they don't want anything to interfere with their commercial revenues.
So, someone like Frank, who makes you stop and listen, is dangerous to your format.
I think that's the simplest explanation, but he was banned from, you know, radio, and he was definitely banned from
Yes, and if you read his book, you'll see that he invented the idea of distributing music over telephone lines, because that's something that he copyrighted in 1983 and wrote about in his book in 1989.
Not to say that it would have been free, by the way.
Well, he was certainly just an incredible visionary.
There's so many facets of Frank Zampa.
What did you find to be the most interesting about your husband?
I think his sense of humor.
Well, his whole perspective, really, but his sense of humor primarily.
His brain didn't work like most people's brains, in my experience.
Not that I know most people.
But you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody else like him.
Now, Frank Zappa's, at least from my perspective, people are rediscovering the things that he talked about scientifically, the things he talked about economics, the things he talked about with music, with government.
I mean, are you seeing what I'm seeing from my limited perspective, Gayle Zappa, who's being rediscovered right now?
I think it's interesting that all those clips are now available out there, and I like that people are sharing that.
And I do think that it's making sense in a larger context when you can see, when you can actually begin to see who your enemy really is.
I mean, Frank has always been a patriot in this particular sense, that democracy, which was, which was,
Our greatest export.
It's a great idea.
It's one of the greatest ideas of mankind.
And that was something that he was fully in support of.
Because he believed in freedom of expression.
And especially for artists.
Freedom of artistic expression.
Well now we're exporting torture and lies and propaganda.
Well, yeah, imperialism.
Gail Zampa, the widow of the legendary Frank Zampa, is on the line with us.
I'm very honored to have her joining us.
We're going to come back after this quick break and really talk about any subject or issue with Frank.
It's such a huge pantheon of things.
I don't even know where to start or finish.
We'll be right back with Gail Zampa.
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Go tell that long-tongued... He is our guest.
And we were just talking during the break about his book that came out in 88, and there were some things that he didn't put in the book, and I hadn't gotten in my conversation with her exactly why, but she said she was happy to talk about that, because obviously I want to bring things forward that people have never heard or didn't know directly from his wife, Gayle Zappos.
So Gayle, again, anything that you think people need to know that Frank didn't think the world was ready for,
And that, unfortunately, was taken from us early in 1993.
Well, that's a big question.
I mean, I think that Frank didn't think the world was ready for a lot of things, including sex, considering who's breeding.
But I think that in his book, there were some specific references to the Bush administration or the future of a Bush administration that he left out.
Because he felt that it wasn't probably, you know, really relevant to the whole arc of the book to suddenly end in that particular thing.
But it's too bad because it would have been very interesting to see.
It's certainly pertinent now after another administration, two administrations of another.
Bush, can you give us any tidbits of his notes or what he left out?
Well, I don't know that I can be very specific.
I didn't do the research for this particular show.
I'd have to go back.
I could do that at another time.
But I think that one of the things was certainly, it's no mystery and no mistake that Bush Sr.
was the head of the CIA and that there are various operations that people just, people, congressmen don't even get to vote on, that the government's responsible for.
So he was writing, what, about the shadow government or clandestine black ops?
Well, sort of, yes, exactly.
I would say clandestine ops, but they were more based on the favors, perhaps, in favor of religious evangelical
I mean, here's what you have to do.
If you could go back in time and see the kind of shows that were being put together by people like Pat Robertson and the 700 Club and that sort of thing, and you could see direct link to
Oh, absolutely, and now that's come out that a lot of evangelicals are even used in third world countries as government ops and that they're domestically here running a political operation through religion.
And I knew Frank had publicly spoken about that.
You're saying he left some of that out of the book?
Yeah, but I mean, you know, he was quite adamant about taxing churches.
Because the monies are unbelievable, and the ways they get used are not things that responsible people in a democracy should be practicing.
Well, I agree with that, but if the government comes in with an attack on the First Amendment, they're only going to use that to go after churches that don't agree with them, and they're going to leave the big corrupt ones alone.
Well, that's the situation that you have.
I mean, Frank certainly said this.
Once the government attacks any premise of any religion,
All the religions will come back in support of whatever that religion is, whether they disagree with it or not, because it's their own, it's in their backyard.
And so you do have that situation.
So consequently, you know, I think it's time that everybody started church.
Exactly, then we could bring ourselves from underneath the purview of this big federal monopoly.
Now, Frank described himself as a conservative, but not in the manipulated modern term.
Well, I think he's conservative in the sense of, you know, ethics and business practices.
So, I think financially he's conservative.
What would Frank have thought of Ron Paul?
You know, I don't know.
I don't know that much about Ron Paul myself and I hesitate to make predictions about what Frank would have thought.
I just know that Frank is one of those people, this is my personal theory from living with Frank and my own observation, but I think that there are some people that appear on the planet from time to time that have very broad vistas in which they can detect patterns.
So that some people might have the room they're sitting in inside their head, but other people can have the scope of the entire universe.
For instance, Einstein inside his head so he can figure out stuff, right?
So people that have the ability to put the entire universe and whatever is beyond that inside their head can see patterns that the rest of us can only even
Guess that, if at all.
Getting out of the box in a huge way.
Final segment, quick break.
Long segment coming up with Gail Zampa.
And definitely, Gail, I'd love you to dig through those notes.
We'd be honored to have you on again.
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Some folks are born to make the way to fly
Welcome back!
Dale Zampa, widow of Frank Zampa, is our guest.
The website is Zampa.com.
Z-A-P-P-A dot C-O-M.
We have a link to it up on InfoWars.com and TruthNews.us, as well as PrisonPlanet.com.
And the book still in print is The Real Frank Zampa Book.
The Real Frank Zampa Book.
And I haven't read it, but let me tell you, it's on my list of reading.
I've read passages of it I've seen online.
I think so.
We've just got so much going on here because Frank Zappa, even if you don't agree with everything he said, was truly a visionary.
And I like what Gail was saying about this wide spectrum, larger vistas.
And I don't claim to have a huge vista, but larger than many who can't even find the U.S.
on the globe thanks to the governmental education systems by design.
I was talking to Gail about what I do is I have a good knowledge of history.
I've studied it.
It's very interesting.
I just think that you have to be wary because history is written by the people that end up being in charge.
So it's kind of like electricity.
There's people that are in charge.
They are the ones that are causing all the furor, always.
You know, so yeah, I think that that is an interesting option that we have to look at the past and therefore say that, you know,
Human nature is such that you can definitely see that this is going to continue until people wake up.
So the question is, how do you get people to wake up?
And I think one of the ways that you do that is you doubt everything.
Frank wanted to put up billboards all over the country that said, doubt it.
Just learn to say that.
I doubt it.
And then that's one step toward examining information.
And then, you know, just end suffering.
Let's stop.
If you start with the premise that there's no reason for people to suffer, and you want to end suffering, you're going to go a long way toward peace in our life, in our planet time.
Well, it really does just start with finding out what your true goals are and how we can do better things in society.
I guess most people never even really think about that.
I think that's true.
I know that Frank, you know, he had a few things to say about that sort of thing.
He said, for one thing, that the universe works whether or not you understand it, and he also said that if you want to understand something, you have to stand under it.
So it's a big lesson in humility to not take yourself so seriously, and it will help you expand your horizons enormously, I think.
Well, that's the thing I've learned.
It's the old cliché, but the more I learn, the more I learn that I don't know that much.
That's right.
And the other thing that I like to say is, you know, if you want to take a real vacation, a real vacation, far away from everything and everyone, try reality.
There's no one there to bother you.
That's certainly true, Gail.
Gail, I just threw it out at you during the last break that so many jewels that we know of that came from Frank Zappa and your family and you and your great children,
Thank you for having me.
Well, I think that he did discuss most of the things that he wanted to share with people.
It's just that people don't have access to all that information.
People used to read a lot more than they do now.
But one thing for certain that he was good at is educating his audience so that in all of his shows, he was one of the most heavily bootlegged artists of all time because he never played the same show twice.
And one of the reasons for that is because he was constantly experimenting and he had a thorough knowledge of most of the major composers he was familiar with in the last century.
And so he would always introduce musical ideas.
So that his audience would develop an ear for that.
So they would, you know, accept things that they've never heard before.
Because, you know, you could couch it in rock and roll.
Because rock and roll is simply defined by the instrumentation.
If you have your basic piano, bass, and drums, and guitar, that tells people that it's rock and roll.
And you can play anything in that context with those instruments, they'll believe it's rock and roll.
So he was very keen on educating the musical taste of his audience.
He didn't want anybody to be left out.
He wanted everybody in on the inside track.
So it was the same way about information.
I mean, you know, you make fun of things like Don't Eat the Yellow Snow, which seems so obvious, but no one else was telling you, okay, this is your first basic
It's a piece of information about what is the obvious, and if the obvious is true.
And in that case, Don't Eat the Yellow Snow, that's a good thing to know.
Don't eat it.
Because why?
Because, you know, you know what it could be.
But he started with the most basic principles to tell people, here is real information.
Even though it sounds funny and puerile, it's real information and it's useful.
Well, I think that's really where it starts.
You can boil it down to doubt it, or learn to say, I doubt it.
But also just learn to analyze and ask yourself where things come from.
I don't think young people even think about where a stake in the plastic wrap at the store comes from, or where power that comes into a light bulb comes from, and the processes that bring that to you.
Or people don't even think about the fact that we're on a planet hurtling through space around a giant sun, or that we're out on the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
Yeah, I think so.
Or, you know, my nose doesn't look right, I'm not a good person, because they say this is the image of beauty.
Learning there's a Madison Avenue there that wants to make you feel insecure so they can sell you products in the name of being secure.
I mean, there's thousands of things, but just waking up that there's bigger things and larger things and hidden agendas, I think that's the start of freedom.
I think so, yes.
I agree with you there, and I think that Frank was absolutely
I mean, his name meant free.
Frank, that's what it means, it's free.
And I think that that's his first and most important idea, you know, to be free.
And he said that he was only limited by his freedom.
And if you think about it, it is very limiting, because if you want to be truly free, you can only be that all the time, and any step you take away from that
is a mistake and a misstep and a disastrous calamity for freedom.
Gail, in the time we've got left with you, and I would definitely love for you to dig through some notes and come back on to share Frank's perspective and knowledge with people.
Any other facets to his concern about race-specific bioweapons in their future?
And he also believed that they were currently being used via AIDS.
I mean, behind the scenes, did he ever say, oh, this is horrible, we've got to warn people?
I just think that it's part of the person that he was.
You know, he was always that way.
When you think about the kind of level of the work that he was doing at the age of 24, it's hard to imagine that he wouldn't have already figured out most of that stuff.
Which I think is the case.
You know, he was always very interested in manipulation, the government manipulating people and buying into that.
I mean, it's not that the government is necessarily a bunch of evil people that are doing that, but there are evil people that take advantage of a situation for their own reasons, their own agenda, which usually has to do with greed.
I think that that's pretty obvious, and historically, you know, you can see the evidence of that in every direction.
I mean, that's what PR is all about, but somehow they convince the public that none of that even exists, that there's nobody trying to influence you.
And just believe whatever you see, kind of like we're rats released in some maze, and we should never question the confines.
Well, it's like, I mean, look, a perfect example of the kind of stuff that Frank would have had a really great laugh over.
Is Blackwater reinventing their logo to reinvent their, you know, their sort of current agenda, which is to seem more corporate and therefore safer and more under some sort of control, whereas their logo before suggested that they were definitely on the prowl for a prey that didn't even know that it was powerful.
Well, Gail, let me ask you.
You know, the question is your view on this.
They first got rid of Posse Comitatus to allow the military to engage in domestic law enforcement.
You know, they destroyed that line, that wall, in the war on drugs.
Now they're saying Blackwater, with total immunity that cops and military don't have, is going to operate domestically and be given all these billions of dollars to do it.
I mean, that is right out of the textbook checklist of a tyranny of a police state to have mercenaries.
We're good to go.
Any candidate to run for president should be willing to go on record saying that they will protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
That's something that Frank said when he was running.
That he said, all you have to do to make your point is stand up for the Constitution.
Because they can talk about lowering taxes, they can talk about all these other things that they can do for you, but until they actually say, I will protect the Constitution of the United States of America,
Then, you know, you don't have a real candidate.
So, my question about Blackwater gets back to, who, where is their allegiance?
Because they're sitting here discussing jurisdiction over prosecution of those people that slaughtered the 17... And by the way, the FBI and the Army reports say they killed them in cold blood, and then the State Department says, well, they are above the law.
I mean, they've been given God level now.
Well, yeah, and above what law?
I mean, there's a basic law.
They're not above the basic law called murder, even if it's not murder one.
Well, it's definitely a dangerous precedent.
Now they're going to be operating openly, coast-to-coast, border-to-border in the United States.
Gayle, where do you see all of this developing?
Where do you see all this going?
Well, what I see is...
That I think, like the 60s, and I could be real wrong about this, but here's my prediction, that like the 60s, there will be another revolution.
And basically, the 60s was just a jump in consciousness, which we didn't really fare too well, given what we were given, as history has proven.
But I think there will be another leap just like that, and that's what I think evolution actually is, is evolution in consciousness.
And once that happens, I think that it's possible that, you know, in the very near future, you could win a presidential election by popular vote with no party.
The establishment knows that.
And that's why they're moving with these admitted companies run by the government.
CIA runs three of them.
NSA head runs the other one, former NSA head.
Their own engineers go public and testify before state houses they were hired for fraud, but still it just rolls forward.
So they know that revolution's coming.
They're trying to preempt it.
Well, I don't think they can.
What I think they're actually trying to do is protect their real agenda, which is, you know, once you have corporate affiliations on a worldwide level with, you know, across borders, where people are buying into, let's say, a major entertainment corporation that crosses every border,
Then I think you have allegiance by large numbers of people from every country that's very dangerous because that's when the government can be taken down everywhere.
New systems are going to form outside of the global corporate system that's going to rival them and this is a revolution, you know, looking into the future that I see unseating the elite and even the new British
Well, you're right.
The military report they put out for the future says that the population is going to attempt to overthrow the old existing order, and they admit they're positioning the police state to counter us.
The problem is the police state is made up of the people.
It's made up of the population.
Yes and no.
And they're being made to feel special while the rest of the population is made to feel like victims.
I mean, that's social engineering that's going on.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
There are certainly a lot of thugs that want the power.
And thugs that buy into whoever they perceive as the power.
Which is more important, because they're not going to be in control.
Somebody's going to be controlling them.
That's right.
They're being used literally as cannon fodder.
Gail Zappa, it's been an amazing interview.
I want to thank you for coming on with us.
I do want to get you on in the next month or so, and I want to get Dweezil, your son, on as well, who was just here playing in Austin.
In the last minute we've got left, anything else you'd like to add?
Well, I hope that people will go out and check out the shows, because I think that Dweezil's doing a stunning job bringing
What is called music.
A lot of people claim to have heard about it.
I don't know.
But I think this is your chance to go hear it for real.
That's right.
He's playing Flanks music.
He is.
It's called Zappa Plays Zappa.
So type that into Google and find out the next city or town that Dweezil and his band are going to be in.
And again, Gil, I'd like to get Dweezil on as soon as possible to plug his events.
And I know he's in a grueling schedule and to talk about his father as well, because I'm trying to... I mean, not that he was ever undiscovered, but...
I'm trying to kindle an even greater interest in Frank Zappa because I really am just extremely impressed with his foresight and that he was concerned with the very same issues that I have on my own research been led to know are the key to what we're facing in this society.
So again, I'm very thankful to you and your late husband and your whole family for the work they do.
Zappa.com, thanks for defending the First Amendment and free speech.
Again, Z-A-P-P-A dot com.
Gail, thank you.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
All right, folks, there goes Gail Zappa.
I tell you, I mean, he was talking about race-specific bioweapons, how they engineered AIDS in the 80s.
In 83.
I mean, no wonder they shut him up.
No wonder.
They shot him down.
I asked her during a break if he thought they'd killed him with cancer, you know, and she said, well, I know they have race-specific cancers, but I know they have cancers they can give you.
But no, he thought they did it when he was a kid, trying to cure his asthma, pumping up his nose and into his lungs, radioactive material.
That's what Frank thought.
I'm sure Frank's probably right.
We'll come back, get into a bunch of other news, a ton of info, and a surprise guest in the next hour as well.
Stay with me.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made you great.
And though the news was rather sad Well, I just had to laugh I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car He didn't notice that the lights had changed
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Later in the next hour, I'm trying to get one of these school officials on from this Maryland suburb of D.C.
where they're trying to say it's the law, you gotta take vaccines.
Big article Paul Watson just posted.
Need to warn people, they are putting bioweapons in the vaccines.
They've done it.
They've been caught thousands of times.
The criminals run the government.
This is a huge eugenics op.
The idiot nurses and idiot teachers and idiot principals don't know this.
That's why they think it's okay to lie and tell them it's the law because it's for their own good.
Just tell them it's the law.
Suspend them and then arrest them!
You know, we're doing something bad for the good.
Parents have to get their children vaccinated.
No losses.
Paul, good job.
We need to add a headline like... Schools lying or schools falsely arresting children for not taking vaccines.
That's what it is.
I'm sick of it!
I mean, it's just outrageous in your face!
They treat you like you're complete idiots!
And you buy into it!
How many of us do they have to kill before we stop trusting these people?
The cops know to not take the vaccines!
I want to tell you about a great sponsor, then we're going to get back into the news.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I told you yesterday that I was going to go out and buy a pole.
We are buying a poll that will be out in the next few weeks.
I'm not going to say what polling agency we decided to go with, but it's scientific, calling thousands of Americans for their supposed scientific polls.
And I'm just struggling to have it be a short poll, but that doesn't cost as much money, so they're trying to sell me some 14-foot long one.
But it won't be like the other polls.
They're asking about Ron Paul, or they ask about sexual positions, when you say Ron Paul is your candidate, to get you to hang up the phone so they can throw you out of the sample.
Alright, I have a ton of really important news here in front of us today that I haven't even begun to get into.
And we're going to be walking through that today in the hour that we have left.
I just had Gail Zappa on, Frank Zappa's widow.
Very interesting interview and I'm going to get Dweezil on as well.
Just know that it will be coming up in the future for you.
Not a lot of economic news.
I'm going to go over Blackwater news.
House Subcommittee presentation equates 9-11 truth with terrorism.
The subprime black hole is getting scarier is the headline.
This is just some of what we're going to be going over today.
But frankly, I can hardly even talk.
I'm so angry about what's happening in our government training camps and the lies and the fraud.
It's time for us to get angry about the lying that we see concerning telling children they'll go to jail if they don't take shots and telling their parents they will when there's no law.
And this is definitely setting the precedent across the country to make you go to these relocation centers or emergency centers and take forced inoculations when they stage some bio-release
And we just had a story two weeks ago about Walmart training people to drive through and get thousands of free flu shots out the window.
And there was even video of them injecting them out the window.
In fact, John, I forgot to send that to you.
Go Google that.
Free flu shots at Walmart and Terror Drill.
Pull that up if you can.
I want to play that later.
But listen to this.
We haven't played the clip yet where they're wiring these school cameras into the police stations either.
This is by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
No law says parents have to get their children vaccinated.
Government media propaganda hoax continues as parents in Maryland hoodwinked and threatened into believing it is a new law.
To vaccinate kids.
Error-strewn Fox News report relays this information.
News networks and state authorities are again, once again engaging in mass public deception by claiming that vaccines for children are mandated by law and that parents will go to jail if kids do not take the shots.
In reality, there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal and religious exemptions are freely available.
A situation in Prince George County, Maryland has attracted media attention and once again provided a platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass-produced Big Pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked to dangerous side effects.
Boy, that's putting it lightly.
More than 2,300 children in Prince George County have been expelled from school for up to a month.
And a half because they have not received their, quote, shots for chicken pox and hepatitis B. This Saturday, the parents of more than 1,600 children have been ordered to attend a circuit court where medical officials will be on standby to forcibly inject their children in the scenario befitting a scene of science fiction horror movie.
Somebody's got to go to this and videotape this and protest this.
School officials have said the parents will receive a verbal reprimand from the judge because they can't do anything else.
See, it's all psych warfare.
We're going to come back and finish up with this.
I just can't talk about anything but this.
I'm just... If you've got your children in a government death camp, and that's what they are, they're death camps, you're insane.
I know you don't have the money.
Hey, get another job or don't get divorced so you can take care of your kids.
Even if you hate each other, you ought to stay together to love them.
It takes a man and a woman fighting as hard as they can just to protect their children from the demon system.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful group of governments.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Both their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
In reality, there's no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal and religious exemptions are freely available.
But again, you don't even need that.
They just say, oh, there's a waiver to something that isn't even a law to begin with.
You understand?
But if you want to do the waiver, go ahead and do it.
A situation in Prince George County, Maryland has attracted media attention and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies that it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass-produced Big Pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked with dangerous side effects.
Plus, I would add, we have a criminal government that murders us all the time and secret tests they've now declassified.
You shouldn't trust them to do anything.
If you had a neighbor that murdered thousands of people in secret bioweapon attacks, would you trust them to now inject you?
Come on, man!
What is wrong with you people?
More than 2,300 children in Prince George County have been expelled from school for up to a month and a half because they have not received the shots for chickenpox and hepatitis B.
And it goes on, this Saturday the parents of more than 1,600 children have been ordered to attend circuit court where medical officials will be on standby to forcibly inject their children in a scenario befitting of a science fiction horror movie.
School officials have said the parents will receive a verbal reprimand from the judge and be ordered to have their children immunized in the courthouse.
The students will be then allowed to return to school.
Parents who refuse to comply will get fines and could be jailed for up to 10 days.
Because they're saying, we'll waive your truancy charges, though we expelled you.
They expelled you for no reason.
They kick your child out.
They ruin their quote education at the death camp.
They kick them out of the death camp, the brainwashing camp, the New World Order federally controlled indoctrination center, and then these scum have the nerve to then say, alright, if you agree, see, it's all contract law.
If you agree, right now to take that shot.
We will let you off of the truancy when they triggered it.
See that lawyer trick?
And it's the same from Louisiana to Texas to Tennessee to New York to Alabama to right through from Kansas right through to New Mexico right through to California.
I mean, mass fraud, mass evil.
And they don't just operate at this level.
They do it everywhere.
They do it everywhere, in every way, every day.
And most of the idiots at the school and most of the police don't know they actually believe this.
Do you like being fooled?
Do you like being gamed?
Do you like always being wrong?
You know, we protested and demonstrated and sued.
They gave hundreds of thousands of troops the anthrax shots.
Thousands died excruciating deaths.
And then it came out that Admiral Crowe's facility, quote, had problems at Bioport in Lansink, Michigan.
Quote, problems.
Jeffrey Donner accidentally grabbed people and injected acid in their brains and raped them.
Hitler accidentally came to power.
No, there's no accident.
It was a giant test, and they were filled with cancer viruses.
Pull up BioPort shut down.
Go read it.
By the way, they reopened it.
They're now injecting the cribs with the shots from more than 10 years ago.
I mean, it was just vats of foul monkey kidneys and the rest of it, and all the viruses.
You know, they breed this stuff up in pig tissue, monkey tissue.
They tell you, oh no, this was bred on egg whites.
And egg yolks, yeah, but they take the original source samples and then grow those in the egg whites, or in fetal parts.
Oh yeah!
A lot of vaccines for humans are bred in baby paste.
Ground-up, pulp babies.
Aborted fetuses.
With all sorts of viruses in them.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
This is unbelievable.
And, you know, let's say
99 of the 100 babies they pulp don't have those cancer viruses in them naturally.
You know, because mama had them.
One baby that's pulped.
I'm sorry to talk like that.
They pulp them.
That's what they do.
You know how they turn an apple into applesauce?
They pulp it.
Turn it into pulp.
They take that baby pulp, and that's what they grow your goodies in.
Your goodies.
Just like, knowingly, for more than 10 years, Bayer Pharmaceutical took blood from prisons in the United States, even after it was against the law to do it, the corrupt state governors like Bill Clinton, but it continued after, took that in Factor VIII, and hundreds of thousands known, more than 200,000 known, hemophiliacs died directly from Factor VIII.
And now it came out last year, even on MSNBC.
We have Papantonio, the lawyer that beat them, here on air.
And people in France, on Bayer's board there, went to prison.
Not here, not in New Zealand, not in Canada.
By the way, when the Hemophiliac Society of Canada started the lawsuit, back in the late 1990s, in one night, they got firebombed, and then the office of the doctor that blew the whistle in Little Rock got attacked, and his whole office destroyed and firebombed.
These people don't play games.
Oh, you want a take?
A vaccine that Bayer puts out?
A blood product?
Every shot had HIV and hepatitis of every form, A, B, and C. Horrible, painful deaths.
Because they would take thousands of blood donors' blood and wouldn't test any of it.
Though it only cost a dollar per pint at the time.
But it wasn't just about prophets.
It was about eugenics.
And they shipped that blood around.
That's one more example.
I've been using that a lot.
That's been in the news.
People have heard of that.
I could mention all the other stuff.
You wouldn't believe it.
Imagine the cold, dark power of taking a two-year-old foster child and strapping them down in a head gurney
And sliding them into a big radiation tank and hitting them with 50,000 times the safe level of radiation.
Many children in U.S.
tests died on the gurneys!
They will murder you and your family with extreme pleasure!
As soon as they get their system in place, and as soon as they think they've got the cops ready to carry it out, thank God they're not ready and they haven't been able to turn them yet,
But if they have a big enough terror attack, they will accept it and go along with it.
They want to unleash this type of hell on us, like they did in China, and like they did in Russia, and like they did in Nazi Germany.
Like they did in Rwanda.
Like they did in Turkey, to the Armenians.
I am not going to sit here and take this anymore!
Let me tell you something, police.
Because you're where the rubber meets the road.
I don't even blame you, but you're where the rubber meets the road.
You better not laugh and giggle in your squad car.
You better go research Bayer Pharmaceutical and what I told you.
You better go research the blood product coming out of Arkansas and Texas.
That's just one of the famous cases, so I mentioned Arkansas.
It was all 50.
You better go and research what they're putting in the vaccines they give you.
They don't tell you what's in your water, do they?
They don't care about you.
I get, why do I get so mad?
How would you not get mad?
Cold-blooded murderers strapping two and four and five-year-olds down and frying them so hard they die in an hour?
Some they just hit with 10,000 times, 5,000 times, 1,000 times just to study the little kids.
And you want to go through the files, you go to the major federal websites, they'll have tens of thousands of files on foster kids they'd take.
They'd have the foster child when they were two, because the mother was poor and they said she couldn't take care of them.
And the child's got a cleft palate, but he's got a good mind.
And they take that child and they test on them for 20, 30 years, till they're 40 years old, and you look at their records and they've been through thousands of god-awful pesticide tests, and tests pulling their teeth out, and tests cutting into their brains, and tests you just can't even imagine!
You don't know how evil these people are!
You don't have any capacity to even deal with it!
We're all dead!
You understand that?
As soon as they get their system in place, they're gonna start spraying our whole cities!
They got helicopters on standby!
Declassified Sunshine Project 2000 got that release from Congress!
I'm sick of these murderers getting away with it!
And I'm sick and tired of scumbag schools, and scumbag newspapers, and scumbag television!
Gettin' up there from coast to coast, border to border, tellin' you it's the law, you gotta take their vaccines.
They're a bunch of criminals!
They're a bunch of scum!
They wrongfully kicked these kids out to force them and get them into the system!
Wrongfully, criminally, then hop them up and inject them with their death!
I got people all around me.
There are people across the street at the coffee shop, about half of them I know have got cancer.
There are two people working at my office, both their girlfriends have got cancer.
I mean, serious cancer.
I'm mad, man!
They're twenty-something years old!
I'm sick of it!
I'm not gonna sit here and take it anymore!
They eased you into this water when it was nice and cool, and they've been turning that heat up real slow, froggies.
And I'm sitting here on the edge of the pan, it's burning my feet, and I'm trying to reach down to you, and I'm a little fat little froggy, telling you, get out of there, froggies!
Get out of there!
And you look up at me, and you giggle, and you snicker at me, and I'm watching you boil, and I'm watching your eyes go red, and I'm watching some of the froggies sink under the water, and boil to death.
And I'm watching them grab people's kids, and I'm watching the war, and I'm watching the D.U., and the troops coming back and dying, and I'm watching the illegal aliens running all over us, and the wages plunging, and the dollar dying, and everything else coming down and happening around us, because a bunch of psychopathic killers run the world, and you won't wake up from their programming and their brainwashing to realize what they're doing!
So you just remember this, cops.
When your 30-year-old wife's dying, it seems they've targeted women more than men, and women tend to go get more shots and believe in the medical care system more.
I've looked at statistics and found out women on average are taking about double the vaccines of men.
There's direct correlations here.
I just tell you what, when your kids are dying of leukemia when they're three, when you look at all the kids dying on your streets from the shots and from the stuff they're drinking and everything else, maybe then you're going to wake up, officer.
Maybe you're going to wake up.
I pray it doesn't come to that for you and your family.
I pray you listen to me and don't give them a shot so your son or daughter survives.
And I want you to join us and realize you're under enemy attack.
Ted Anders from Midas.
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I think so.
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I think so.
Get up!
Stand up!
Stand up for your right!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right.
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight.
Reach up and oh tell me if heaven is on the dear.
Welcome back.
I am outraged.
There is an overt chemical, biological, radiological war going on against us, our troops, and the entire world.
The people running our government hate America, are doing everything they can to destroy it.
While wrapping all their criminal activity in the flag, they have a pack of morons that will carry out anything and everything they say.
And I'm tired of it.
I mean, here is just a microcosm of it.
This is Reuters today.
No need for more oil now, OPEC tells US.
OPEC sees no need to increase oil production at any moment.
Secretary General Abdullah al-Bardi said today rejecting a U.S.
appeal to boost output sooner than the producer groups meaning next month.
As it goes towards $100 a barrel.
But the Feds really aren't trying to lighten up on the American people.
Because they have blocked any new pipelines in Alaska.
They have blocked, not the environmentalists, any of the extra oil being sold in the U.S.
80% of it goes to Asia, 20% goes to the West Coast.
They're doing everything they can to artificially shut down oil production in this nation.
That's come out in all their own documents and lawsuits and the Associated Press has reported on it.
We've covered that.
But look how slick they are when they've got phony environmental groups out there saying we can't have more oil wells in Alaska when there's more oil there than Saudi Arabia.
Look at how they're raping us.
And then putting out news articles about how OPEC
He's the one doing it to us.
Well, of course they're involved.
It's like a branch on the same tree.
Meanwhile, we have things like this.
House Subcommittee presentation equates 9-11 truth with terrorism.
Steve Watson put this out on Infowars.net.
More info than we had for you yesterday on it and the video.
Represents the internet sites such as MySpace and YouTube as virtual terror training camps and equates terror training with architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth.
By the way, Richard Gage is coming to speak this Saturday, I think, in Austin.
We're the ones exposing the government for being behind the terror, and so they come out and they say, oh, we're the terrorists.
We're with the terrorists.
I mean, go read the transcript.
Go read the article.
Go see this for yourself.
Okay, let's say the government didn't carry out 9-11.
They admit they radiated more than 4,000 foster children that they killed.
They radiated tens of thousands of others.
There, right there, you're a terrorist.
You killed more people up and into the 60s, from the 40s to the 60s, mid-60s, and that's when... We don't have the new stuff declassified.
They said they're never releasing it now.
They used to release it.
That's more than 9-11 that you murdered.
So there, done!
You're convicted, see?
And there's thousands of other cases and then hundreds of admissions where the criminals that run our government, it's not our government, the criminals that run it, that have hijacked it, have carried out terror attacks all over the world to blame it on their enemies and have control.
And we list those examples in TerrorStorm, the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
These people have made a science out of killing us, out of controlling us, out of poisoning us.
And I'm not that even nice of a person.
I don't even think of myself as some kind of saint or angel and that makes me so mad.
And I want to go out and help homeless people.
I want to go out to soup kitchens.
I want to get people off drugs.
I want to help poor people.
I want to spend time with my family, but I'm setting up the times right now, at least two or three times, to go work a day at soup kitchens at one Methodist church my parents go to, First Methodist, to go and work at the Salvation Army for a day with soup, giving money to Meals on Wheels, looking at setting up some driving dates, Christmas Eve, because we need to help people.
I have no time.
And isn't the government that's going to do it?
But the real charity is just stopping you from taking these shots!
I mean, how do you not have the drive to warn people and help people?
I don't understand it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm scheduled to have one of the public servants, one of the government officials, on in about 10 minutes.
To talk about this wonderful thing of claiming everybody has to take shots or they'll be arrested.
Up in Maryland.
You gotta go to the judge's office and be injected.
I mean, come on.
So we'll see if he shows up in the next five minutes.
It's actually in the next five minutes.
If he's not here in four minutes, call him, John.
Let me tell you about an event that's coming up in just a few days that you really ought to attend.
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One CD's got like 60-something hours of
We're good to go.
Debtor's Secret Weapon Book and 3 CDs.
Now we're joined, I really appreciate him coming on, it's a busy schedule, by Glenn Ivey and he is the current state's attorney
For Prince George County in Maryland.
He's a former federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C.
who also served as Assistant U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia in 1990 until 1994.
And his bio goes on and on.
He's also a championship former basketball player.
And you can go to glenivy.com to learn more about him.
I saw him in this Fox 5 newscast where they were talking about people are going to be arrested
Thanks for having me on.
Tell us in a nutshell what's happening.
Well, we've had, as you pointed out, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 kids who have not gotten all of their shots taken care of, and so they're not able to go to school.
We've tried to do it the easy way with free vaccinations and vaccination days we've done around the county, the school system, the health department, but, you know, we still have a lot of parents that haven't complied, so they asked the court system to help out, and I was willing to step in.
Mr. Ivey, you're a lawyer, and you've also worked as a federal prosecutor, and now you're the state's attorney for Prince George County, a very large populated county.
How many people are in your county?
We're somewhere in the neighborhood of 875,000.
So that's a big county.
Yeah, we are.
It covers the east side of Washington, D.C.
Now, have you watched this Fox 5 newscast?
Have you seen that?
I have not.
Well, I mean, they talk about how for not taking the shots they're going to be arrested, but isn't it really that there's no law you have to take the vaccines, but then if you're truant, that's when criminal penalties kick in?
Yeah, there's a statute here in Maryland called Child in Need of Supervision, and I have used it for chronic truancy cases to pressure the parents to get their kids back in school.
We would use that same theory on the vaccinations case.
Well, the reason I got you on, and I appreciate you coming on in a timely fashion, is that you, out of the principals, the teachers, the parents, are not ignorant of the law.
You're obviously a very intelligent and successful individual.
You know this is coercion because there is no law you have to take the shots.
By state and federal law, they're supposed to present them with the waiver form for religious, medical, or other objections.
And the schools then kick them out wrongly, claiming they can't be there without the shots because they're mandated by the governor and the state.
No, I think the way it would work is if there's a failure to use the exemption process for religious objections or other objections.
Say, for example, parents that are concerned about autism.
Are the parents being educated?
I mean, are you telling them that at the school?
Yes, actually, and that's been part of our message outreach through the media as well.
If you need that process, that's fine.
But if you're not going to do the process, if you're not going to try to use the exemption approach, and you're not even going to contact us, and your kids are missing school, yeah, I'm willing to intervene and use a lot of pressure then to put their kids back in school.
But they're missing school because the school kicked them out for not taking the vaccines.
That's correct.
So the school precipitated them, so how can they be criminally liable when the school kicks them out for something that's a policy and not a law?
Well, actually, the public health laws do require vaccinations in absence of the use of the exemption process.
Well, I've looked at the Maryland law, and it's similar to Texas and the other 50 states in protectorates and possessions, and the governor or the legislature, depending on the state, recommend that it be added to the list of mandated recommended vaccines, now over 50,
Civil rights violation?
There's an exemption process that parents can use if they'd like to.
I guess I'm not sure I'm following.
We're going to interview a bunch of the parents and we're going to find out if when they were expelled they were presented with the vaccine waiver forms, the immunization waiver forms, because we found in cases right here in Texas and cases in D.C.
five years ago and cases in Portland, Oregon, that they are not being presented with that because the schools have federal funds attached to a high rate of inoculation.
Well, from my perspective, what we're doing in the court process, I'm not sure what happened in Texas, but, you know, we move forward with the legal process only in egregious circumstances.
So if we've got somebody that has an exemption and they want to raise that, that's fine.
But if they don't and their kids are missing school and there's no explanation for why they're missing school and the issue is the failure to get the shots,
Yeah, I'm willing to move forward with legal action.
We're good to go.
He said it was the law, and we actually read the law.
It was an executive order telling the state of Texas Health Department that he wanted it on the list of recommended.
Then the schools, in bed with Big Pharma, call it mandatory.
So what I'm saying is, you shouldn't be expelling children because they won't take the shots, because them taking the shots is clearly them refusing with their God-given right to say no.
I mean, do Americans have a right to say, we don't want the government injecting us?
Are you kidding me?
You're going to compare this to the Tuskegee Experiment?
I thought this was a serious... Nobel Prize winners have now... This is ridiculous.
TB vaccinations are equivalent to the Tuskegee Experiment.
This isn't TB, this is Hepatitis B, a sexually transmitted disease that they don't even recommend in most states for people unless they're in medical work, police work, or are going to be having blood transfusions.
I didn't get Hepatitis B shots for my kids, so I'm not really sure where you're going on this.
It says it's Hepatitis B!
There's an exemption that's available.
That process is available.
Saturday is going to be in the courthouse with judges there who will make the determinations as to how that's going to go forward.
So they're doctors now?
They're doctors?
The judges are the ones... That's pretty science fiction!
Thousands of kids and people in white lab coats with inje... Do you know what governments have done through vaccines?
Did you know they've done bioweapons tests through vaccines with inner-city populations?
Did you know that they have taken African-Americans... And I'm not saying this because you're black.
This is what we talk about every day.
In New York, and taken foster kids and tested pesticides on them.
I don't trust the government, Mr. Ivey.
I don't trust a government that sterilized 450,000 women without their consent until 1985.
We're not sterilizing any women.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You've got somebody who's committed crimes against humanity and against the population.
Did you know that the whole family courts were set up in the U.S.
by the federal eugenics records office with state funding and that the entire social worker slash inoculation center is part of quote genetic and racial hygiene and that these whole programs are hiding?
Do you know how many cancer viruses have been found in vaccines?
Do you know?
The crimes against humanity, I'm not really sure what you're talking about.
We're trying to give kids vaccines so they can go back to school and we can maintain the eradication of some of the most serious diseases that wiped out thousands of people here in the United States.
If they cared about TB, sir, they'd be locking down the borders.
Locking down the borders?
Yeah, that's where the TV's coming in.
Well, you know, I gotta tell you that the vaccine program that we're talking about here in Prince George's County doesn't have anything to do with the borders.
Well, I'll tell you right now, Mr. Darby.
Or eugenics, or... Why didn't you give your children an appetite shot?
Well, it was a decision we made.
We just let the school system know.
But, you know, I'm not saying that anybody has to do
I think so.
Tuskegee Experiment has nothing to do with this.
Border Control has nothing to do with this.
We want to have healthy kids in our schools, and we want our kids in school.
Mr. Ivey, I find it very interesting that you are a middle class, well-educated, intelligent person, and you decided to not have the admittedly dangerous
I bet my bottom dollar, a lot of these poor families, and I saw them on the news, have no idea about laws and color of law, and that there's a waiver, and that there's not even a law behind it to begin with, and you're going to use some welfare clause that they're bad parents with chronically truant children to try to drag them into a court, and we're going to have people there, and we're going to see if that judge tells them there's waivers.
Bring them in.
I'd love to have you bring them in.
You tell me if you see anything related to the Tuskegee experiment or eugenics or anything along those lines.
Let me tell you how it's related to Tuskegee.
I look forward to having your folks come and they can talk to the judges and they can see what's going on.
But I guarantee you, I'm not involved in anything that's pushing the Tuskegee experiment.
I'm not involved in any kind of testing.
I'm not trying to do anything crazy.
Mr. Ivey, we didn't say you were.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I said the government, Mr. Ivey, has been caught doing things with vaccines.
It's been caught doing illegal tests.
It's been caught doing things predominantly with blacks in this country.
I tell you what, if you've got evidence of any kind of illegal vaccines or activities in Prince George's County, let me hear it right now.
Okay, well, I'll tell you what's going on.
This is color of law.
No, no, no.
Do you have any evidence that we're doing anything inappropriate or wrong with these vaccines?
Yes, you are.
Well, let me tell you.
The people in this newscast, not saying you, Mr. Ivey, are implying that it's the law.
You've got to take these shots and you're going to get 10 days in jail.
And they're not telling people that the school suspended them to begin with for something that there was a waiver for.
You drew the analogy between the Tuskegee experiments and eugenics.
Let me answer it.
What is the evidence that connects anything we're doing to that?
Let me tell you.
I'm not saying what you're doing, sir, you're compartmentalized.
What I'm saying is... Open Georges County.
Let me finish.
Because you're trying to impeach me and then not let me talk.
Let me just tell you this, Mr. Ivey.
There are tens of thousands of declassified examples of the federal government through the states, in public schools, going back through the 20s, right through to today, in New York, and in Dallas, and all over... Prince George's County?
Not Prince George's County!
I'm not done!
I'm saying we don't trust the vaccines.
They've been shown to be dangerous, especially the Hep B shot.
And I was saying I don't trust the government, and parents don't trust the government, and predominantly, and your area is mainly black, isn't it?
They don't trust the government because they know what the government's done to them.
I'm saying that's why... Well, I don't know about that.
We've got 136,000 kids in our Prince George's County schools.
We've got 2,000 that are out of compliance.
It's kind of a stretch to say that most don't trust the government when 134,000 have gotten the shots done, don't you think?
Oh, isn't that a record number?
Thousands that haven't taken it?
I don't know if it's a record or not.
You're talking about Texas.
I don't know what's going on there.
But you're talking about eugenics and the Tuskegee experiment.
I've yet to hear you say anything about our economy.
You keep talking.
You're not listening.
That's a straw man, Mr. Ivey.
This is what you said.
No, I said you cannot trust the vaccines.
You're not a virologist.
You're not an epidemiologist.
You haven't looked at what is in those Hep B shots.
And I'm saying the government and the vaccine makers, Bayer Pharmaceutical just lost a lawsuit for knowingly in their factor 8, every shot of it had AIDS in it and hundreds of thousands died, including tens of thousands in this country and Canada.
And the documents just came out on MSNBC that they knowingly shipped it out with AIDS.
My point is... To my people here in Prince George's County?
I'll guarantee you hemophiliacs died in Prince George's County in the last 10 years from Factor VIII.
That they got through vaccines here in the Prince George's County school system?
It is a blood product administered similarly to a vaccine.
My point is, sir... Is that a yes or a no?
You don't know.
You haven't produced any evidence about anything.
I've produced nothing but evidence.
I've brought you on here and you admitted there's no law.
You have to take those shots and you're using the school kicking someone out, then bringing in truancy laws to criminally go after people.
You admitted it.
Is there a law?
Is there a law?
Is there a law?
Is there a law that you've got to take vaccines?
We're glad we have an exemption that people can use if they think it's appropriate.
That's why it's there.
Now, the newscast is clear.
It's implying you have to take the vaccines.
Mr. Ivey, we're going to let you go, but you can hold over to the last segment if you want to try to counter.
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Well, I just talked to Mr. Ivey.
He had to go into court in four minutes, so he left us.
He didn't let me finish my statement that we had Tuskegee, we had the children in New York being given pesticide, we had the radiation of children.
That's why a lot of people in his community don't trust the medical establishment.
He tried to do what lawyers do.
He tried to say, oh, you're saying we're doing Tuskegee and that here.
And I said, no.
And then he agreed with me then during the break and I said, didn't you hear about
All of these other examples, how they had to stop the anthrax shot for the troops and the smallpox shots.
He goes, yeah, I heard about those problems.
I admit there's problems.
There's some vaccines I don't give my children.
And I said, well, come back on air and say that.
And he said, no.
I think people hear me and don't believe me.
You just heard the state's attorney in Maryland admit on air that there's no law you have to take these shots.
But you see that newscast that's up on PrisonPlanet.com, you wouldn't know that.
And I bet you my bottom dollar they're not telling people there's a waiver there.
But the waiver's not even needed because there's no law backing that up.
And I'm asking listeners to go online and dig up exactly where and when this is.
It's all online in the stories.
And to have cameras.
And to go there.
And to be out front talking to people.
My point is, is that the vaccine groups have been given immunity.
And the HPV shot, human papillomavirus, has already killed a bunch of people, and horrible deaths.
It's a live virus.
They're setting the precedent and implying you have to take these, and that's wrong.
In closing, listeners, I hope you'll get Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
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Call them, make sure they have it.
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It's all compartmentalized.
We're not saying Glenn F. Ivey, as he kept trying to imply, is a eugenicist or involved in Tuskegee.
That's ridiculous.
We're saying that he ignorantly goes along with this whole system, and the parents ignorantly aren't aware, and the school isn't, but he had to admit that they're going after him for truancy when the school kicked him out.
And you know, because I've seen it a hundred times, a hundred, that school didn't tell those children.
Hey, there's a waiver right here.
Why aren't the kids at school?
They're so afraid of those shots that they're not putting them in there.
And the school has caused the false expulsion, which has now led to them claiming that they're truant.
This is outrageous, and it's disgusting, and it needs to stop.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, please go up to PrisonPlanet.com and get the article Paul Watson has written about this, and he's going to get
The first part of that audio file and we're gonna post it up there for everybody so they can listen to it.
Maybe have a headline that he admits it's not a law.
He admits it's not a law, but he's gonna be there to make sure they're in school when the government kicked him out to begin with.
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You know, it's just a matter of time until there's a plane on the runway with the toilets backed up, no food, no water, and the passengers going nuts.
Hope you have a great Wednesday.
We will see you tomorrow.
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