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Name: 20071113_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 13, 2007
2334 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, they've had a congressional hearing that gives us a clear indicator of what their domestic terrorism prevention board is going to do.
Which will call for, of course, literal book-burning and censorship of the Internet for ideas that could lead someone to commit a terrorist act, which, under the new Patriot Act definition, Section 802, is any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
Everything is terrorism.
Very tyrannical system that they are setting up.
Well, we got a good view of that yesterday, and we have the C-SPAN clip coming up.
We're in testimony before Congress.
They are saying that 9-11 truth, anyone that questions 9-11, including architects and engineers for 9-11, big mainline groups, are terrorist disinformation groups.
Now, this is absolutely, totally desperate activities on their part.
We are the people exposing government-sponsored terror that's been declassified more than 200 times in U.S.
history, not to mention hundreds of times in other nations.
This is a fact.
But this has gone on in the past.
You could debate 9-11, but as Robert Baer
The one of the most highly decorated and famous CIA case officers, as high level as you can get in the actual field, actual James Bond type, saying all the evidence points towards 9-11 being an inside job.
And we've got so many other prominent people saying the same thing.
So how do they come, how do they counter that?
They come out and they say, well, you're terrorists.
And the State Department says depleted uranium isn't bad for you, and that that's evil terrorism.
I mean, this is getting... this is getting just over-the-top crazy.
So we'll be covering that today.
Also, Lou Dobbs got protested as they screamed, racist, racist.
He was too classy to point out that his wife is Hispanic.
He's not against Hispanics, folks.
We've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of Latin Americans
Who are trying to come into this country.
They are the largest groups.
We talk about them all the time.
Driving down the wages, sucking the welfare system dry.
The state governments are on the verge of bankruptcy.
So is the federal government.
When Europeans came into the U.S.
they tested them for different diseases like tuberculosis, meningitis.
That's not even done now either.
And these Latin American groups have lost a bunch of wars with the U.S.
And they uniformly hate the U.S.
and we have thousands of examples of Spanish television, speaking television radio, talking about how they're going to overthrow the U.S.
and billboards saying L.A.
is Mexico and ha, ha, ha, we're going to run a La Reconquista and we're going to run the plant of San Diego.
And I go look it up, and it's a plan to kill all whites, 16 and older.
And I go, hey, that's not good.
And the Texas Civil Rights Review says, well, the plan of San Diego does call for killing all the whites, 16 and older, but, you know, Hispanics are downtrodden.
It's okay to talk about killing all whites.
I mean, I'm here with a mass of people, a large percentage of which, are talking about killing all whites, overrunning the U.S.
and overthrowing the country, and me and Lou Dobbs and others talk about it, and we're evil.
We're not going to be politically correct anymore.
We're not guilted.
We haven't done anything wrong.
We want to be left alone.
But the federal government and the New World Order are pushing 90 to nothing to set all of this up.
To set up this system.
And we're not going along with it anymore.
It's really that simple.
And by the way, the majority of Hispanics in major polls don't like what's happening either.
The media keeps phrasing it as if it's Hispanics against whites and blacks, trying to make it racial.
So we're going to get into that, too.
More on the economy, more on Ron Paul.
Big news, ladies and gentlemen, because there is so much of it today.
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We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9-1-1 sites alongside radical jihadist sites to house hearings on terrorism and the internet.
On Tuesday, November 6, 2007, a House Homeland Security Subcommittee had a hearing on terrorism and the Internet.
The hearing featured presentations from several groups, including the RAND Corporation and Mark Wiseman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
The hearing was chaired by Democratic Representative Jane Harmon, a ranking Republican Representative Dave Retchart.
Now, this goes on for hours, and we've been trying to watch most of it this morning.
It's up on
PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.net right now.
And literally, they'll just be talking about Al-Qaeda and terrorist attacks and Al-Qaeda recruiting on the internet, and then they'll just suddenly talk about 9-11 truth and websites saying the government did it.
And they just mix it together.
And they talk about Adam Gadon, the grandson of the head of the ADL,
Who suddenly converted to Islam, and then puts out these Al-Qaeda tapes that the Intel Center uploads, and then Wired Magazine computer experts have looked at it and said they're affixing the Al-Qaeda logo at the same time it's being uploaded with the logo of the Intel Center.
And he says exactly what Bush needs, exactly what the neocons need, exactly when they say it.
I mean, there's no doubt the guy's in a Hollywood studio somewhere.
This is such a sick joke.
My friends.
But that's not even the issue.
The issue is they then just, just, just, in the middle of talking about disinformation and terrorism and terrorist recruiting, they talk about 9-11 truth.
This is so amazing.
Toward the end of the hearing, Wittsman rolls out a PowerPoint presentation
That presents a few 9-11 truth sites switched in between websites that offer training in terrorist tactics.
John, I know you've got hours of it, but it says it's the key parts 43 and try to find that part where he's doing PowerPoint or maybe go back to the video to find it.
I want to play that specifically.
We're trying to wade through all this.
There's so much propaganda.
A website that glorifies the attack of 9-11.
Now, did you hear that?
They mix 9-11 truth sites in between sites of terrorist training and terror tactics, the guys running around with machine guns and, you know, those supposed Al-Qaeda videos with the CIA guys dressed up, and a website that glorifies the attacks on 9-11.
Look at these people glorifying the attacks and training terrorists and saying the government did it!
Well that's an oxymoron right there!
If the terrorists are glorifying the attacks and Al Qaeda really hit it out of caves, then why are they also saying the government did it?
And Paul Watson's doing an article on this, an extended article on this today.
This is a good article the 9-11 blogger put together, and we commend him.
Going back to three weeks ago, the clear talking points of all these national radio hosts and TV hosts, Melinda Beck and Bill O'Reilly and others, saying we're dangerous groups, 9-11 group is dangerous anarchist, dangerous terrorist, McVeigh,
No, we are non-violent groups exposing that the state either calls innocent people terrorists to go after them, or stages terror attacks, or provocateurs terror attacks, or provocateurs police dressed up like anarchists to then attack police so the police can attack peaceful protesters.
Another form of agent provocateur, false flag, inside job, staged event, now mainstream news in Canada a few months ago during the North American Union SPP Summit.
I mean, how many times do we have to catch you over and over again?
And listen, the jig's up.
The public is now learning about this.
Toward the end of the hearing,
Wichman rolls out a PowerPoint presentation that presents, I want to try to get that Wichman guy on here and let him say all the stuff here on air, presents a few 9-11 truth sites sandwiched in between websites that offer training in terrorist tactics and a website that glorifies the attacks on 9-11.
Among the websites presented under the heading Internet, Incubator of 9-11 Conspiracies and Disinformation are architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth because they're traveling the country and all these engineers and even NIST has come out and said yeah bombs could have done it and other sites such as Killtown who brought
We're good to go.
Harman is your representatives, please set her straight.
So again, Californians who are listening, if this particular representative who's saying all this is your representative, please set her straight.
Washington State is Reichert's, and if he is your critter, don't let him put out this type of propaganda without any static.
Has been more than fair to 9-11 skeptics.
Last year they broadcast Alex Jones American Scholar Symposium.
In 2005 they broadcast, or transmitted I would say, David Ray Griffin, and they will probably listen to feedback regarding this broadcast.
Absolutely, we need to be able to get on there immediately.
on Washington Journal or one of the shows and talk about how outrageous this is.
This is incredible.
Not only is the government trying to go after the Second Amendment right now, the First Amendment and free speech, the Fourth Amendment and privacy, the intelligence czar over the US with the NSA says there's no more privacy, there's no more Fourth Amendment.
I mean, they're just showing us who they are right now.
They are launching unmitigated open assaults on everyone right now.
So again, you can go to the 9-11 blog or you can go to Infowars.net.
You can click over to the stream if you want to watch it.
View the video stream here.
The pertinent section begins at 4331 mark, but I recommend watching the entire program because there's so much information in this broadcast, it's hard to know where to begin unraveling it.
I agree.
I mean, it's just wall to wall.
It's called the Homeland Security Intelligence Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment.
Please ask the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mark Wittsman in particular to stop integrating terrorist violence with 9-11 truth, and even though he was not extended the courtesy to us, be polite.
Well, this is absolute, total, complete, crashing in flames desperation.
Kermit Roosevelt, CIA Section Chief Commander, in 1999, right before he died, wrote a best-selling book.
He died in 2000, and he went on NPR, rebroadcast in 2003.
I heard it.
That's when I went and found out he'd already done it in 99.
There's so many government-sponsored terror events, I can't even cover them all, or even know about them all.
There's hundreds we know of.
Went in and staged terror attacks, blowing up mosques, machine-gunning crowds, handing out thousands of handbills with a 12-man team, saying that Mohammed Mosaddegh had done it, and that he wanted down with Allah and up with communism.
Totally made up.
They cut his cabinet's heads off, put him on house arrest for the rest of his life.
Declassified, Kermit Roosevelt bragging about it and talking about it.
Robert Baer, again, one of the most famous living field operatives, commanders.
The movie Sirian is the true story about him.
Has gone public in multiple text interviews and radio interviews saying all the evidence quote points towards an inside job.
That's a quote!
Robert Baer!
It's over!
Do you understand?
Do you understand how many engineers and how many scientists?
You understand the vast majority of the 9-11 victims' families believe it's an inside job.
The major national organizations' heads, like Bill Doyle and others, have gone out to demonstrations, have said it's an inside job.
We've interviewed them.
And the media tries to cover this up.
You're not going to be able to cover this up forever.
You called us conspiracy theorists because we could read the San Diego Herald Tribune from 1964 when captains of ships came back and told the media it was staged.
Our ships weren't attacked.
By the time it hit other parts of the national news, it was called a conspiracy theory.
And then 40 plus years later, in 2005, 41 years later, it was declassified.
It was declassified that the whole event was staged and the audio tapes of LBJ from his ranch outside Austin to the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, thousands of hours were released and we played over 30 minutes on this show of them having conversations about staging it and how they were going to stage a press conference that next day about it.
Do you understand?
We have Operation Northwoods.
The public declassified U.S.
Pentagon green-lighted operation they wanted to go live with, not some battle plan or scenario.
They tried to green-light staging terror attacks, bombing D.C., bombing Miami, hijacking jets by remote control, crashing them, claiming terrorists did it, to start World War III.
Okay, we now know it's been in the news that Bush wanted to get a U.S.
aircraft flying low, painted up like a U.N.
plane, shot down, the White House memos.
We know they staged WMDs and fake Niger Yellow Cake uranium documents.
We know with the Jane's Weapons Quarterly documents that the military uses, they went right to the facility that had the eight British-sold dirigible pumps, the trucks that fill the dirigibles,
That Saddam used in the Iran-Iraq war for artillery targeting, with cameras mounted on them.
They went right to them, knowing what they were, and called them anthrax trucks.
This is the same crowd that had the head of a PR firm's daughter get up before Congress and say that Saddam was throwing babies out of incubators.
Totally made up.
This is the same criminal group that told Saddam, their boy, to attack Iran and then told him to go ahead and attack Kuwait.
On the record.
Hundreds and hundreds of examples of this and I'm sick of it and I'm tired of you killing us and thinking we're just going to go along with it.
So the fact that you've got Glenn Beck and the rest of them and Bill O'Reilly coming out saying we're terrorists, this is the talking point now.
They want to try to ban our free speech because they are deathly afraid of the murders they've committed,
Of what they've done and that you are finding out.
Listen murderers!
You're the one killing us!
You can't blame us for fighting back against you!
We don't have a choice!
You don't give orders!
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I was a highway man.
This is unprecedented, ladies and gentlemen.
We have to redouble and then redouble again our efforts for 9-11 truth.
The fact that they would have scores of national talk show hosts in unison starting three weeks ago, start saying that McVeigh's come from our groups, that we're terrorists, that we're evil, that we're dangerous.
These are all quotes that were anarchist.
To then have the government come out and say, we need to restrict dangerous internet speech that could influence people to become violent and say violent things.
Frontal assault on the First Amendment, then they create the new office in the Congress, the Office of Domestic Terrorism Prevention,
And we were all holding our breath saying, watch, it's going to be 9-11 truth.
Watch, they're having subcommittee hearings on it.
Watch, and people said, oh, they're not going to talk about you, you kooks.
You know, the neocons out there on the web.
And sure enough, what is it?
Who do they attack?
Sure enough!
They come out and they talk about neo-Nazis.
And again, you take their free speech, we all lose ours.
They come out and they mix us in with white supremacists, with al-Qaeda groups recruiting, and then say, oh, and 9-11 architects and engineers and websites.
Oh, they're with the terrorists.
They're helping the terrorists.
How dumb do you think the public is?
We're the ones exposing that you are staging the terrorists.
The people running our government.
That you are the people funding and shepherding and operating and pulling the strings on these marionettes.
It is more important than ever.
I want every one of you out there listening to commit to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
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By the way, Endgame goes on sale today at Amazon.com, discounted for $14.
Now folks, the most I make off these is a dollar and a half, and some of them I make like 50 cents off of, depending on what discount they give.
Again, this is not about the money.
I am a long way away from even making the money back on Endgame.
I put these out so that you can have the information, so we can expand what we're doing and get better and more web people like Kurt Nemo and Paul Watson and everybody.
But I'm telling you, I want to drive this to number one on Amazon, and if you'll all go buy copies.
Do your Christmas shopping today.
Do it early.
Go buy Endgame's Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
We have links on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now, where you can link right over to Amazon.com.
And again, I lose a lot of money doing this, because when I sell them, we make all the profit.
You know, make ten bucks instead of a dollar.
But I don't care.
I want to drive it to number one because Amazon is the main indicator that bookstores and video stores, they use several in a formula, but it's the number one indicator for how they stock videos.
Nationwide today, from Virgin to Barnes and Noble to Borders, there are one or two copies of Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement,
At all those stores.
But those sell, and then last year, because we sent it up to number 8 on Amazon, they reordered 3 or 4 times, and more people, who had never run into the truth, were trying to break into the market, in the info war.
Help me now, please!
I'm making a sacrifice, you can make a sacrifice.
Go to Amazon.com.
Go to Amazon.com right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, Amazon demands like 60% off when we sell these to them, so 60% off, $14.
We're talking about like, I don't know, what is that?
$6 is what my distributor sells them to, and then I get about 15% of that.
Again, so it's 15% of $6.
I don't know, do the math.
The point is, is I'm doing that literally just to get the information in the stores, in the video stores.
Please, please go to
PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com and link through to Amazon.com and buy copies.
Let's send it to number one right now.
Let's do it today!
Put it out on MySpace.
Put it out everywhere, folks.
Help me do this like we did last year.
But instead of just going to number 8, let's, of all the videos, we were already number 1 in pre-orders on their documentaries.
Let's go to number 1 today.
They want to censor us.
They want to block us.
They're calling us terrorists now, folks!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I hurt myself today I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the things
The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become?
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all, my empire of dirt.
I'm going to get back into the government saying we're terrorists if we question the official story.
We need to be censored, we need to be controlled.
But desperate action.
And a lot of important information on Ron Paul.
Big developments there.
There's so much today.
We also have a huge guest coming up in the next hour.
Norman Baker, ladies and gentlemen.
He's the one exposing the fact
That they killed Dr. David Kelly.
He's the Member of Parliament sending shockwaves across the nation.
Very hard interview to get.
That's coming up in the next hour from England.
And he is the Member of Parliament from Leaves.
But since I heard that Johnny Cash song, I want to say something about that.
You can have it all.
You can have my empire of dirt.
I will let you in.
I will let you down.
You know, everybody builds me up, and I'm really beginning to realize just how many people I've reached worldwide.
I mean, I can be in England, I can be in Canada.
When I was in New York, I could be in some little side restaurant at 10 o'clock at night eating, and half the people would come up to me.
I can be in L.A., and the same thing happens now.
And I'm just one little person, and I realize what an incredible responsibility I have, and everybody analyzes the tiniest minutiae of what I say or what I do.
Well, I'll let you in, but I'll let you down.
Like Johnny Cash was saying, I'm just a human being.
I got black circles around my eyes and a pot belly.
I'm not your hero, folks.
I'm just somebody that sees clearly what's going on and is dedicated to this fight and works tirelessly.
You know, I went home early last night, 10.30.
But I work hard.
I've made a lot of sacrifices.
But I only do it because I realize how serious the threat is, and I passed the point of no return a long time ago.
I don't have time to be afraid of the New World Order coming to kill me or coming to imprison me or coming to set me up.
And I can see the path where all this leads.
Believe me, I know where it goes.
I don't have time to do that.
I don't have time to even worry about what they might do to my family because I'm committed to this and these murderers have to be brought to justice.
And you know, everybody that I love goes away in the end.
You know, I love my family so much.
My family are the best people in my life.
They're the people that love me.
They're the people that care for me.
They're the people that have always been there for me.
I think about my grandfathers who I love so much who died and how much I miss them.
And there's no way to turn off the grief I have years later after their deaths.
My grandmother who I love so much.
You know, I think about it almost every morning when I wake up.
I think about the people I've lost.
And that's what life is really all about.
And then I think about all the supposed friends I've had throughout my life.
I always judged the world by who I was.
I always judged the world by how I saw the world and the things I did.
And I've been shocked by this world, not just by the wickedness of the New World Order, but just how wicked and grievous and sneaky and backstabbing people are across the board.
People who've worked for me, people I've worked with, the things I've seen, and they always do it in a self-righteous way.
That's why if you've got friends, and you've got family, and you've got people you know, and people that you can trust, that is worth more, as I said once, than all the gold in the hills.
That is true treasure.
That is true value.
And your liberty, and your freedom, and the knowledge you have, and the time you have on this earth, that is true capital.
You know, in years past, I tried to have all the other Patriot Talk Show hosts on my show.
I tried to promote everybody else, and I never realized that I was detested for that.
I was hated all the way along for that, for being an open, good person.
You know, when I was a child, I didn't try to jerk the toy away from the other kid.
I just wanted to play with them.
And growing up, I was somebody who never started the fight, but I was always the person that finished it.
And I just see myself as an average person, but I see the mutation of our society.
I see what they've turned people into.
I see, not just out in the world or in the government, but in my own daily life, the things I've witnessed.
And I literally crave honor.
I crave decent people who want to work together.
I crave individuals who aren't always angling to screw someone.
And then self-righteously doing it and, you know, angry at me because I've been successful.
Successful, by the way, going down a very dark and dangerous road.
You see, I've got my head screwed on straight.
I know what road we traveled.
I know that we've got to put out the maximum effort against the New World Order and not infight and not ninny and not do all those other things.
I realize that the time is very short and the enemy knows that and they're moving against us.
You know, there's all these people that think that if they just had some super success in life, they would be happy.
And I assure you, you will not ever be happy with that.
You will not be happy until you are a good, decent, loving person.
And until you exercise out of you all of the incredibly corrupt worldliness.
You know, I never realized that envy and jealousy and enmity and craven lust ran the world, and now I realize it.
Growing up, I really didn't ever have envy or jealousy.
I didn't understand why people acted the way they acted in school, why they acted the way they did in college, why people did the things they did.
And now I know.
Now I've learned what drives the world.
And we've got a bunch of selfish, inbred, totally wicked people with unlimited capital running our society, and they're telling us in speeches that there's no more Fourth Amendment and no more privacy, and we're gonna watch, track, and trace everything you do, everywhere you go.
And they say, we're going to take your Second Amendment, and they say, we're going to get rid of your borders, and we're going to destroy your dollar, and we're going to do it all, and you're going to sit there, and you're going to take it, and you're going to like it!
Well, I don't like it!
And I'm not going to take it!
You take the evil you see in your everyday life, and the people that are around you, and the people at work, and you take that, and you magn...
Nefias a thousand times and you start to get a picture.
You start to get a window into the New World Orders mindset and then you realize we are in deep trouble indeed.
I have stories here today where coast to coast, I've been talking about this for ten years, but it's really never been in the news that much until now, where they put cameras in the bathrooms at the schools, where they put cameras in all the classrooms, where they put cameras and microphones in the playground, where they wait for a child to say one cuss word or push somebody down or do one thing wrong and they're arrested.
The public schools have been turned into induction centers
Huge cattle pens and squeeze chutes directing our young people into the New World Order prison industrial complex.
The government has 180,000 full-time mercs and other hundred and plus thousand part-time mercs.
They're openly hiring mercs.
They're openly telling us torture is good.
They're openly telling us preemptive war is good.
They're openly pushing every disease of evil, every sin, every vice, until we are literally swimming in a ether, a dark sea of detritus.
And I'll say it again, you can have it all, my empire of dirt.
This is an empire of dirt.
And Madison Avenue's baubles and vapors that they got you running after in a hall of mirrors will never give you satisfaction until you become honorable, until you look at yourselves and admit just how greedy and envious and avarice-filled you really are.
And I'm talking to people in our own movement.
The Norman Baker time got messed up.
Can we take him now?
Yeah, they got the time.
I told them 6 o'clock.
Yeah, they got their time zone.
How long is he going to be on with us for?
Well, they're telling me he can only do a short segment, so I'm going to call him now.
Let's just cancel it.
Yeah, just cancel it.
I don't, you know, they got the time.
I don't even care, yeah.
It doesn't matter.
We already know they killed Kelly.
The police walked up and there was five guys in black uniforms running off from the body.
But, I mean, I'd be happy to have him on, but at the time, I'm screwed up.
Just, uh, there's no point in doing a five-minute interview.
I know he's a member of Parliament and all, but, I mean, how long does he think he wants to come on?
Thirty minutes now?
Well, they're wanting to cut that short.
Now, get a commitment or not.
If not, tell John we'll call him and get him on.
Stuff moves fast here in fluid, ladies and gentlemen.
And, you know, everybody needs a serious attitude adjustment in society.
I think half the people I know right now have cancer.
I'm talking about young people.
20-year-old women, 25-year-old women, 30-year-old men.
We're bathed in cell tower and cell phone radiation and
There's poisons in our water and food by design not to mention all the stuff that just gets in there because they don't care.
We have an elite that openly say they want to kill us and then some reviewer writing a big review for a
Big publication came out and said, oh, Endgame's all made up.
He's crazy.
He says the elite want to kill us and that our government hired thousands of Nazis and that there's a plan to do this and that.
Everything he's stating is publicly available information, but you're still in denial.
Our little lives, our little world is on the edge of massive change.
You think all the change you've already seen is a big deal.
It literally is the tip of the iceberg.
And I've got all this news in front of me.
I mean, we already knew this, and I knew about the science of polls, and I dropped the ball and haven't even really explained it.
I've explained certain facets to it, but I've got a big article here about Ron Paul.
Opinion polls skewed to marginalize Ron Paul, and when they call it about other presidential candidates, they get right to it at short and sweet.
But when they ask about Ron Paul at the end of the long survey, first they ask about how you cook rice, what sexual positions you like,
Dozens of other questions that they know will make effect.
We've gotten copies of the Zogby poll.
It's up on the Stories Opinion PollsCube to marginalize Ron Paul.
Since we wrote it, folks have posted the actual poll that they got.
That's in the dig section.
They do that so you'll end up hanging up on the poll before you ever get to Ron Paul.
That's one of the tricks they play.
They also have key demographic numbers they've called before.
Key areas in certain cities across the U.S.
where they know the type of people on average that live there and what numbers they'll get.
It's a rigged game.
And then so many other Libertarians and Conservatives say, well, I won't vote for Ron Paul because he doesn't have a chance to win.
I mean, they just put that in your head.
Hey, a vote for Hillary or a vote for any other Republican is a fraud!
I mean, Giuliani or Hillary?
Both of them Fox News backed and funded, I mean... And how do conservatives square with that?
Like the clip we played of Sean Hannity being confronted yesterday about it.
About how Murdoch's been strategizing for five years and meeting with her every week for five years and secretly fundraising for her and now publicly fundraising for her.
Fox is giving more money to her than they've given any Republican.
And we're supposed to just buy into all of that.
And how do liberals see that?
The evil Fox News behind Hillary.
And then that's a shill itself because the presidential election compared to county, city, state, those are much more important.
That's where we could actually have a stopgap and block these people.
Let me get into this article and then we're going to get more into them saying 9-11 truthers are terrorists.
Opinion polls skewed to marginalize Ron Paul.
Choosing Texas Congressman led to bizarre questions about sexual positions and cooking rice.
Even admitted practices and pollsters artificially deflate polls' real support.
Important article we did yesterday for PresidentPlanet.com.
Hope you go find it and get it out to people.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has broken fundraising records, consistently trounces the opposition in phone-in and internet polls, and the Texas Congressman always performs well at scroll polls.
Yet, this is the reason for the meager support in national opinion polls due to a deliberate effort to skew the results.
A reader tells us that he recently signed up with Zogby, and Zogby's confirmed this, to take part in a national opinion poll in the 2008 presidential election.
Upon confirming Ron Paul as his pick, they find out first.
See, there's different ways of doing this.
The poll branched out into a myriad of bizarre and intrusive questions that would put most off completing the process.
See, Paul needs to fund a Zogby poll.
That's it.
Let's just come up with a poll.
I'll just pay the money to Zogby.
We'll do it.
In fact, I want that implemented.
I don't want this to just not happen.
We said we were going to make him a TV ad, and we said we were going to have a contest for $2,000 here in the office last week for whoever can make Ron Paul the best TV ad on YouTube and Google.
You know it.
December 1st is the cutoff date.
You've got
I don't know, 17 days or something, $2,000 prize for the best one.
It'll be up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com by the end of the day.
There, I'm launching it on air.
And yes, I'm going to fund a Zogby poll, a presidential Zogby poll, and I'll just have them form the poll fairly, and I'm not going to say, oh, I want this so Paul wins.
I want you to give the, you know, seven top Republican candidates and ask people who they're going to be voting for for president, or who they're thinking most likely that they would, or who they support the most.
We could have a couple questions.
Who do you support most?
Who would you like to see being the presidential nominee on the Republican ticket and list their names?
We won't even list Ron Paul first.
We'll list him third to make a quote fair.
That's it.
I'm funding it.
Find out.
I want to call Zogby right now.
I guess I have to do everything.
Because frankly, the TV ads they're running are just not very good.
Let me just tell you that in New Hampshire.
We'll see what Zobby does.
Maybe we'll fund two polls to see what happens.
I mean, why doesn't his campaign think of stuff like this?
Like, we came up on air with the guy that thought up the original idea, Mr. Lyman, to raise $10 million on the 16th and 17th on Bill O'Reilly's day and then Boston Tea Party day after that.
And I think it'll happen.
But, uh, I mean, let's just take action, ladies and gentlemen.
That's after the battle.
We'll be right back.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Isn't their objective being world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They have all the money they need.
They're not after money.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, you see.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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Federal Agents!
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What do they think they're doing to you?
You're on the field again.
Won't you stand up for truth?
Or are you turning away too?
And then what if you saw all of the things that's right?
Won't you stand tall and strong?
Or will you turn and walk away?
So how the Zogby scam and the other poll scams work is they ask, who are you planning to vote for?
But then they rig the poll where the poll isn't seen as completed and where your vote for Ron Paul in the poll is thrown out.
If you don't complete the 30, 40 questions that come after it about, okay, you're for Ron Paul.
Now tell me, how do you cook rice?
Do you boil it or do you use a rice cooker or a pan?
We have all these questions.
We need to add those to the story.
And they say, oh, or, what sexual position do you like?
Well, most people, when somebody asks them, what sexual position do you like, you say, no.
You say, I'm done talking to you, you pervert.
See, that's why Ron Paul isn't in these polls.
They have other ways of doing it, too.
They call people on landlines, key demographics.
I mean, here it is.
Here they are.
They have IP address internet voting, where you can only vote
Via one computer, one time.
You could sit there and text message.
One phone number IP per phone.
Very scientific for who's watching those shows, compared to these old-fashioned polls they claim are scientific.
And Ron Paul won every one of those.
There have been more than ten, except one.
When it closed with 35,000 plus votes, he was number one.
But then they said, oh, after it closed, Mitt Romney won.
Ron Paul lost by a few points, second place.
Now he raises $4.2 million in one day, breaking all-time, any pre-nomination record.
It is the all-time record.
Now he's showing up nine points, even in skewed polls in New Hampshire and Iowa and places.
He's coming in second, third, fourth, and fifth, depending on the straw poll, all over the country.
This is happening everywhere.
Exit polls are showing at straw polls that there is cheating going on.
This is all happening.
They've had private companies come in.
Three of the four have former CIA and NSA directors running them.
Their own engineers quit and say, I was hired to design these machines for fraud.
It doesn't make the national news.
And they put them in over 35 plus percent of the country.
They're taking over at every level, saying free speech needs to be restricted.
It's all happening.
We rescheduled Norman Baker because of time zone conflictions.
You'll be back on either later this week or next week.
We're rescheduling him right now.
We're going to have open phones in the next hour, in the third hour.
That's good, too, because I want to have open phones.
And just in closing for this hour, before I come back and cover all this other news, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement is out, ladies and gentlemen.
Blueprint for global enslavement is out.
You can buy it on DVD at Infowars.com and get it discounted with the late great USA.
We've got that back in stock or any of the other great books and videos we carry.
Big discounts at Infowars.com or do this today.
We're trying to drop it to number one on
Amazon, we have links on Prison Planet and InfoWars.com.
Link through to Amazon.com, get it discounted for $14.
We're trying to drive it to number one because that's the main thing, the main indicator.
Indices of data that the bookstores and video stores use for stocking it.
There are a couple copies in stores nationwide and in Canada today.
In a few weeks they'll be in stores in England.
And it is Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
But they watch that Amazon number, and then they reorder off of that.
They also reorder off of sales.
Go in there and buy them off the shelves, ladies and gentlemen.
This is about the Info War.
Get Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement now, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action!
Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
We'll be right back.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
On December 1st, somebody's gonna win $2,000.
It's whoever makes the best original Ron Paul 2008 television ad.
You should do it for free, but we're launching it December 1st.
That's in 17 days.
Plenty of time.
You will win the $2,000.
That'll be up by this evening.
Also, I'm Colin Zogby, and I'm going to fund a poll.
A real poll.
Who do you most support for Republican nominee?
Or a question like, if you were supporting Republicans, which Republican candidate do you like the most?
Which Republican candidate would you like to see win the Republican nomination?
Who do you think will win?
Three questions!
Just ask the questions, Zogby!
I'm predicting Ron Paul will have a narrow first place against Mitt Romney and against the other minions.
I'm predicting that people will still buy the propaganda and will say that they don't think he's gonna win.
That's it!
We're calling Zogby right now!
I just, I keep putting these ideas out for weeks and nobody picks up the ball and goes with it.
I am glad that Lyman picked up the ball when I suggested $10 million, $5 million raised on each day, the 16th and 17th.
We're trying to push that at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We're trying to do everything we can in this fight.
We're going to have open phones in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
I would like to hear what you have to say about a Homeland Security Congressional meeting that they just had a few days ago that just popped up on C-SPAN last night.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And they are saying that the mentioning terrorists, Al-Qaeda training camps on the internet, and then mixing in 9-11 truth sites.
It goes on for hours.
We're trying to just grab clips out of it, but there's so much of it.
And how they need to restrict and control these terrorist activities, and that ties into the homegrown domestic terrorism prevention body that Congress is setting up, I guess, to be run by the ADL and other miscreants.
So that's where we stand right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're going to be going over that report.
I hope you want to talk about that.
I hope you want to talk about Ron Paul.
When Zogby calls you up, we've got the polls, big news, and when Zogby calls you up and says, hey, who are you voting for for president?
Zogby International Poll.
And if you say Ron Paul, they then ask you about your favorite sexual position and how you cook rice.
How much money you make, and all these things designed to make you hang the phone up.
And they say, oh, can't have Ron Paul at it, they didn't complete the survey.
Think of the diabolical nature, and all the big polls are doing that, because it's who comes and pays them.
The big media comes and pays Zogby to do that.
Consortium of Media paid for that poll.
They wanted the results.
And that's what they wanted.
Well, I won't call Zogby and say, cook the poll.
I'll say, just ask who they want to be the Republican nominee, and then we'll list the top seven candidates.
We'll even stick Ron Paul in the middle.
See, in order to rig things, I'd put him first, and then if somebody said anybody else, I would then have them ask about sexual positions.
Oh, you're for Ron Paul.
Thank you.
Let me ask you a few more questions.
What is your favorite sexual position, if you don't mind me asking?
They actually do that.
Now, would you hang the phone up?
I know I would.
What is your favorite sexual position?
This is outrageous.
Absolutely outrageous if this is the case.
And it reportedly is.
So, absolutely off the charts to have these type of things going on.
But it's all staged.
And now we have a Hillary questioner claims I wasn't the only one at the event that was a plant.
Of course!
I mean, FEMA has fake newscasts with fake reporters in the audience.
The Republicans make you sign a waiver saying you're a supporter before you go into a, quote, public town hall.
You're arrested if you have any kind of peace shirt on.
It's all rigged, folks!
It's rigged!
It's staged!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful group of government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Isn't their objective to be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They have all the money they need.
They're not after money.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The dominant media, the majority of it, if it's produced by political parties or big corporations, is a tissue of lies.
The big national events you see are staged.
Many of the smaller news stories and side issues are not.
They don't have complete control.
Most people just believe in the propaganda themselves and then parrot it, regurgitate it, mockingbird it.
As a young person, I'm worried about the long-term effects of global warming.
How do you plan to combat climate change?
Well, you should be worried.
And, you know, I find as I travel around Iowa that it's usually young people who ask me about global warming.
The Clinton campaign admits a staffer encouraged the question, but insists Senator Clinton was not aware of it.
The Democratic presidential hopeful told reporters, quote, it was news to me and neither I nor my campaign approve of that and it will certainly not be tolerated.
But a second incident at an Iowa event last spring is being disputed.
Democrat Jeffrey Mitchell, a Barack Obama supporter, told us by phone that a Clinton staffer encouraged him to ask Senator Clinton a question about Iraq.
He asked me if I would ask Senator Clinton about ways that she was going to confront the President on the war in Iraq, specifically war funding.
And I told him that that was not a question that I felt comfortable asking.
Turns out, no questions were taken.
When asked about the event, a Clinton campaign spokesman says a campaign staffer bumped into someone he marginally knew.
They started talking... That's enough.
It goes on and on.
Now, let's expand on that.
A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was at a major university and a public event outside a park in a square in the middle of the campus
And there were other people's campaign signs.
They didn't care about that.
They were busy trying to pull down and physically trying to pull down and block and physically grabbing the Ron Paul 2008 banner that two people were carrying.
About, I don't know, about an eight foot long, five foot tall banner.
There's video of them and then they come up and say, who are you violating my free speech?
Well, I work for the Hillary campaign.
The director hired me and told me to go around and take down Ron Paul sites.
Well, hey, this is America.
This is a university.
We're students.
We're allowed to hold this up.
This is what they do!
They don't like our First Amendment.
They don't like our Second Amendment.
They don't like our borders.
They don't like our sovereignty.
They don't like ANY OF IT!
I'm gonna try not to get mad.
We just gotta get behind Ron Paul.
They're scared of him.
They're doing everything they can to try to stop him.
I'm going to take calls and I'm going to get into them trying to demonize Lou Dobbs and why this is important.
It's a bigger story.
And I've got economic news and war news and, well, just a lot more today for you.
Let's talk to Steve in Colorado.
Steve, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi there, Alex.
You know, it's really tough not to get mad with all the garbage that's going down.
It's really difficult.
So I just want to say thanks for what you do, once again, for myself and all the people that are listening.
And the questions that I have here are not trying to play stump the professor, but you're the only person that I know of that spoke of these things.
So the first question is, when you were on Coast to Coast the other night, you mentioned that there were two congressmen that investigated Marine General Smedley Butler when Prescott Bush tried to
That's the McCormick-Dickstein Committee hearings.
They were widely televised and all over the news.
By televised, they were on the newsreels and all over radio.
We even have video of that film footage of that in Endgame.
Okay, very good.
Alright, then the next thing was E. Howard Hunt, was he one of the tramps, one of the three tramps?
Okay, do you know which one in one of the pictures?
Yeah, he's with Frank Sturgis and one other that'll pop in my head, another really famous high-level CIA commander.
Okay, wasn't it Woody Harrelson's father, I think?
Charles Harrelson.
Okay, and then Sturgis was... Yeah, but that's not in the photo with Sturgis and Hunt and the other guy.
That's in a Dallas Times Herald photo, plain as day, up close, you know, not even grainy, great black and white photo, full length.
I mean, it's him in the picture, walking with police on both arms, Charles Harrelson, spitting image.
Looks like Woody.
Okay, and then...
I think so.
And it was in the Dallas Morning News.
Also, Dallas Times-Herald took similar photos of them walking out when they were being released.
They have their collars up around their faces.
E. Howard Hunt, again, they named Mission Impossible Ethan Hunt after.
You know, he totally deforms his face and puffs his mouth up.
And you see him puffing his cheeks out, squeezing his eyes.
That's a technique in being photographed.
It's better than even covering your face.
But then other folks were taken where he dropped the pose, holding his breath, and it's clearly him, his son, has identified it as him, but now he's admitting it.
Okay, and then the last question I had for you, you had mentioned concerning a live AIDS virus that was put in corn, and you mentioned the name Protegene, now is that, can you tell me how you're spelling it, and whether is that, what is, is that the name of a company or something?
That's Prote-Gene, and in, was it 2001, or was it 2000, it was in the AP, Austin American Statesman, all over, Texas-based company, with pharmacological corn, a whole list of things they were trying to grow in corn, where the corn cells secreted
I think so.
And that was in the news.
Just type pharmacological corn in, AIDS virus, and it'll come up.
In fact, I was on the show and said it, and he went, what?
So I googled it, and there were, going from memory, I'd say 124,000 hits.
Okay, and so it is a Texas, the name of a Texas company.
It's now defunct, I believe, but yeah, that was in the news.
Okay, alright, and thank you also for reading that article yesterday on the news, or on the air about
Well, I got to tell you, I ended up staying up late last night getting about 20, 30, I don't know, articles, mainstream.
I thought I'd just come in and cover those today, but I just don't have time.
But sometime this week, I'm going to do a whole presentation, not just off some article, boiling it all down, but the actual studies and other news articles.
Well, thank you once again for all you do, Alex.
Okay, very good.
We really appreciate it out here.
Us that are trying to get real news as opposed to just garbage from the mainstream.
It's McCormick-Dickstein Committee, it's Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times Herald Photos, and it's Protegene, Pharmacological Corn, AIDS Virus.
Alright, thank you once again.
Yeah, those are your keywords.
You'll find more than you could ever imagine under those searches.
Just type in E. Howard Hunt, Dallas.
I just wanted to mention about that committee that they had on C-SPAN attacking the Truth Movement.
I want to be clear.
It's hours of it.
I've only watched probably 30 minutes this morning.
John's trying to watch it right now to get all the clips out.
What did you see?
Well, it's not what I saw, it's what I've observed about the entire aspect of it, is that it's an attack.
Oh, it's a scripted attack that was launched three weeks ago in unison.
So that means we've moved past their first line of defense, which is ridicule.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you wait.
So we're now in phase three.
We're in phase three.
So it's actually heartening to see that, because what's the next step?
Well, people don't know why I give the analogy of when you're over the target you get the flack, but the Germans would burn thousands of these big tar pots over their industrial centers in Poland, Germany, France, surrounding areas.
We're good to go!
And so they learned it, but the Germans would put rings of flak actually around the place that was actually, they wouldn't waste ammo.
And so they knew, in some attacks they would lose, on average they would lose half in some of the attacks, but on some, they would lose 90 plus percent of their planes.
And they would literally fly into, not just the exploding shells, but just the falling metal.
That's another reason to just make more effort.
Put out more effort towards it.
It's a positive that they're attacking now, because now they are on the defensive.
It's not a positive?
You're me, though, man!
No, no.
Can you imagine being right at the tip of the spear?
Well, you've just got to be careful.
Well, it's in God's hands, my friend.
But I've seen endgame up in New York, and that may be another reason why they're attacking, because you've gotten that word out there.
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To fight the hordes!
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Welcome back!
Let's talk to Stephen Illinois.
You're on the air, sir.
You're the notorious, disreputable, soon-to-be-infamous Alex Jones.
One aside, there's a great article that's in The Spiegel written by Gabor Steingart.
It's entitled Pearl Harbor Without War.
It's published today online, Spiegel Online.
And in it, he says that the Superfund is nothing but a PR gag, and that we have to move the industry back into this country so we can have productive jobs.
Now, I... Yeah, that's right.
They have totally destroyed the economy and given us a debt economy for servitude.
It's only going to get worse.
My center of gravity, the Zionist nihilist Hebrew-phrenic Hebrews at the Weasel Thought Center.
They have set up with the University of Arizona, the Project Dark Web, and they're using U.S.
tax dollars and the House on American Activities to blacklist us and to blackball us.
Yeah, they're actually really doing that.
This is McCarthyism, but for real this time.
And they're, I mean, they literally in this newscast, and it's coming up, well, not newscast, these clips, they literally are saying, we have the text of it up on Infowars.net, they'll talk about Adam Gadon, the grandson of the ADL head, who's now Al Qaeda, and say he wants to kill Americans.
They'll say, here's training camp photos, and here's the terrorist websites, and then, by the way, 9-11 Truth, you know, is helping them.
And by the way, Scholars for 9-11, you know, these different groups, oh, all these organizations, the architects and engineers, they're bad.
I mean, this is not going to work.
I mean, how obvious does this have to get?
Well, the thing is, is that who nominated these extra-legal vigilantes to go after anybody in the country and denounce somebody as a Benedict Arnold?
I mean, who gave them the authority and the power?
What legal authority do they have?
The ADL has been caught repeatedly and been criminally charged and has been found civilly liable for millions for slandering people, for stealing police files, for engaging in clandestine operations for Israel in this nation.
Well, I'll say this.
And I think it's clear who the foreign threat is.
Yeah, it's those people because they're working proxy for a foreign government.
Man, I know, it's just incredible, but how obvious is it when the grandson of the head of the ADL is the American Al Qaeda in English saying, I'm going to get you, I'm going to kill you, and he pops up every time in a greasel, whatever George Bush is saying?
It's all fabricated.
It's all fictitious.
Fictitious characters.
It's as fake as that FEMA... It's play-acting.
It's as fake as that FEMA fake press conference they had three weeks ago.
Thank you, Alex.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
Now, I want to be clear here, folks.
I'll criticize Israel for government-sponsored terror.
Their own newspapers admit it.
I'll criticize Israel as a corrupt foreign power meddling in our affairs.
My only problem is people think that's the only evil on Earth.
No, there's evil everywhere in high places.
So, see, I criticize the Catholic Church for their corruption.
I criticize the Baptists for the weird stuff they're doing.
I criticize the Israeli groups.
Again, it's high places.
That's what the Founding Fathers said.
Big institutions.
Powerful, dominant men.
We got time for another call.
Dan in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
It's an honor and pleasure.
Yeah, it's funny with the Hillary plan.
I mean, they don't have a choice at this point.
I mean, look what's going on.
We are changed.
Everywhere that Giuliani goes or Hillary goes, they get confronted, they get a question that isn't a softball question, and they're afraid now.
They don't have a choice.
And, you know, the Homeland Security saying we're all terrorists.
I mean, we're saying that you're the terrorists, so they don't have a choice but to come back and say that we're the terrorists.
And they're trying to chill free speech because they can't win a debate with us.
Yeah, I mean, it's absolutely amazing.
I just wanted to say, Endgame, absolutely love it.
I mean, from watching America Destroyed by Design and Masses of Terror to this, it's like finger-painting to Picasso, my friend.
I mean, you did an absolutely wonderful job.
And congratulations on the end.
Well, I mean, it's my vision, but my team, Aaron Dykes, Rob Jacobson, Michael McWhorter, the camera guys, it was a team effort, but thank you.
You're welcome.
I just want to say, everybody get out there and buy Endgame on Amazon.
Let's push it to number one and just keep up the fight.
A number one, ladies and gentlemen, could do so much with putting this in stores and video stores.
Do your Christmas shopping right now, folks.
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Please go get it now at Amazon.com.
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We're good to go.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, I've got some other news that's very important for me to cover, and then I will go to Rick and many others that are patiently holding.
Before I get into that news, I want to tell you about some really exciting things that are coming up.
One of them is Freedom Law School.
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And I'm not going to belabor this all day, but Loose Change Final Cut, the long-awaited DVD, is available right now at InfoWars.com.
You can order it right now, and you can also get a discount on in-game when you get it with it.
All available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139 or writing to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And then last but not least, in-game, we are assaulting Amazon today.
It got up to like number 25 last year with Terror Storm.
Without us even trying, we're like, oh look, it's number 25!
So we said, oh, let's assault it and get number one.
And we stayed in the top 20 for about two weeks.
It went as high as number eight on Amazon.com.
And that really helped more stores and video stores believe in our brand, what we do, the info.
And so Amazon has made a bigger order this time.
Stores have made bigger orders.
If we got a number one, folks, that makes the news.
Amazon is what the retailers look at.
And let me explain this.
When I sell a DVD, I end up making about $10.
I'm a long way away from paying in-game off.
I don't
We're losing money just so people that have never heard the truth, never seen the truth outside the choir will be able to see this on bookstore shelves and video store shelves.
This is the way to do it.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.com.
There's an article, Endgame Gears Up for Amazon Assault.
Get the DVD now and help outsiders wake up to the truth by Paul Watson.
Well, actually I wrote it, but Paul Watson wrote some more and posted it.
And there's something else I haven't even...
Well, there's a special announcement that we will be making coming up in the third hour.
We'll continue with open phones today.
Let me just play this clip and then I'm going to write some notes and see if you catch
The manipulation.
See if you catch the spin.
See if you catch the one-sidedness of all of this.
This is Lou Dobbs, who's got a book out.
A book that just came out.
And listen to it very, very carefully.
He's now an evil racist, they say.
Here it is.
CNN personality Lou Dobbs had to deal with protesters during a stop at UCSD.
Hey, hey, ho, ho!
Lou Dobbs gotta go!
He is without question a racist.
He is against the Hispanic people.
From everywhere, especially Mexico.
I think it's great that the university supports the constitutional right of assembly and free speech.
And I'm delighted to be one of those folks who are fortunate enough to live in a country where everybody gets to express themselves.
I was delighted to see them doing just that.
Activists say Dobbs is a racist because he supports the Minuteman Project.
Dobbs would not discuss the matter we just heard when we tried to ask him about it.
So... The whole tone is that he is an evil racist and he's bad and the faces they're making on the local television station is, oh, how dare him!
And everybody says he's a racist at least ten times.
And he's too classy... By the way, the video and the rest of it's up on TruthNews.us right now.
Too classy to talk about how his wife's Hispanic.
Now, what's happening here?
Every time you hear this, A, they're trying to make it as if you're for national sovereignty and for controlling our borders, and for not letting unlimited groups of people in from all over the world.
Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, but Latin America is where most of them are coming from, so that's the main point.
That you're against all Hispanics.
The media always says that, and despite all that propaganda of, hey, the Hispanics are together on this, we're brokering borders, it's a Hispanic issue.
If you're a good Hispanic, you're brokering borders, and if you're not, and you're a white person or black, you're really a racist.
When in Gallup polls, and every other major poll out there, it's between 67 and 71 percent, depending on which poll.
They're never below 67.
I've seen scores of them in the last few years.
Upwards of 70% of Hispanics see right through this, and know it's driving down their wages, bankrupting the economy.
They know all this is happening.
But they keep phrasing it, and Republicans will say, well, we've got to vote for open borders, Hispanics want it!
But only 30% do.
See, they act like it's a popular issue, and that only weirdo racists under rocks, or wearing white sheets, want to control our borders.
So they make it a racial issue.
Secondarily, they don't ever talk about how Mexico has fences up with Guatemala, armed troops, and will hold someone for six months when they're captured coming in from Guatemala, and will hold you in open-air prisons in dirt floors with mosquitoes biting you.
That's been on foreign news.
I've seen it.
I've read the human rights groups talking about it.
I've seen the photographs.
If an American citizen goes down there and does anything wrong, they'll lock you up and extort your family and suck you dry.
Everybody knows about that.
If you live in Texas, you'd really know about it.
The police are so dangerous in Northern Mexico that the State Department says don't even go there if you're a tourist.
So there's that, too.
Then you expand out on this, the fact that in LA alone, almost 700 billboards put up at a local TV station saying LA is now Mexico.
It said LA, USA, and they crossed out USA on the billboard, and it says Mexico.
Or that hundreds of stations are called the Invader, or La Raza, meaning up with the race, along with the race.
Or that you go to these rallies and there's two-to-one Mexican flags against American flags.
Or that they fly the Mexican flag above the American flag.
Or that from Tucson to L.A., San Diego to Chicago, in the last year, illegal aliens in hordes
Come in, go to post offices, go to public schools, on video, in photos.
Never makes it out of the local news, though.
We take it and put it out national.
And pull down American flags, and stomp them, burn them, you name it, and run up the Mexican flag.
So we got groups saying this is Mexico, saying they're taking over.
Our schools teach this was Mexico.
They're pulling down the American flag, or flying the Mexican flag above the American flag.
The illegal aliens
On average, you take out three times more money than they even pay in taxes.
That's California zone numbers.
The vast majority of those in L.A.
County jails are illegal aliens.
There are criminals from Mexico who run up here because they can have any identity they want, then they engage in crime sprees here and then run back.
We're in an absolute, complete, and total crisis, and Lou Dobbs mildly talks about it.
Mildly spins it and says it's broken borders.
No, it's not broken if it's designed to be open, Dobbs.
And hundreds of people show up.
I guess I had the phone turned up here on my headset, sorry.
We've got all this happening, all this going on.
All of this unfolding, and Lou Dobbs is bad.
See, bullying American citizens and saying, you can't say no to people who run around screaming racist.
Remember two months after the 9-11 attacks, they were having Latin American soccer championships in Mexico City, and the entire crowd, it was reported, there was video of it, was chanting, Osama, Osama, Osama, against the USA team, and holding up pictures of Osama Bin Laden.
That's on record.
And I'm sick of it!
Then you actually study who had Texas and California.
You know the six flags of Texas?
France, Spain, the Mexicans, the Texans, the Confederates, the U.S.
I mean this was the Wild Wild West.
There were all these empires.
Russia had California for a while, Oregon and
Washington State?
Does Russia have a claim?
Could we have 30 million Russians taking down American flags and putting up Russian flags and saying, RUSSIA HAD CALIFORNIA!
We would laugh at them.
And it wasn't enough.
Do you know how Mexico lost the Southwest?
They attacked Oklahoma.
Over a thousand Mexican troops attacked less than twenty federal U.S.
scouts and murdered them all.
They killed most of them, they surrendered, and they cold-bloodedly killed the rest.
Just like any survivors at the Alamo, there were two of them.
They just killed them, burned them all in a big pile.
And I'm supposed to go, oh, I love you so much, Mexico.
You teach in all your textbooks that this is Mexico and you're going to La Rica and Quista us.
And then, two years ago, I'm out at a Mexican Independence Day rally and there's these guys wearing green shirts that say, plan to San Diego.
And a Hispanic friend of mine walks over and he goes, you know what that means in Spanish?
And I said, no.
And he said, that's a plan to kill all whites.
above the age of 16.
He said, Google the plan of San Diego.
I went home, University of Mexico, Mexico City, University of Texas, hundreds of historical documents.
Germany took over Mexico from Spain.
Maximilian, the crown prince of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, was sent to Mexico.
He took the name Maximilian, Frederick Maximilian.
They had a few other German kings.
They built the railroads, everything down there.
Germany, during World War I, attacked the United States through treaty with Mexico.
In one night, 23 people were killed alone.
Now, under the German plan, they were only supposed to kill whites 16 and older, but they went ahead and just murdered toddlers, you name it.
Now, they don't teach that in schools.
What they teach was the Texas Ranger response going up to 3-1, 5-1 in fights with the Mexican paramilitary and kicking their butts.
You don't like that, do you?
You don't like that the Texas Rangers are got the real huevos, huh?
You don't like it that your little German friends plan didn't work, did ya?
And your hatred of America!
You are the racist scum!
And 70% of Hispanics stand with America because there is America and Americana as it gets!
And they know this is a good country for all its problems.
And they know Mexico's corrupt and bad, where you gotta lick down and lick the boots of the police, where they shake people down everywhere.
I've been there and seen it.
I've seen them pull our tour bus over with a hundred people on it, or however many fell on one of those big, huge buses, and just demand money.
I don't wanna live like that.
I know you think it's great and it's funny.
But it isn't funny.
And we're not gonna shut up anymore about it.
We're not going to sit here and we're not going to take it anymore!
And so Bush and the rest of his criminal gang talk about the Minutemen who are literally the Texas Rangers of our day who are just down there with binoculars reporting on the crime wave and all the criminality and they call them all these names and they demonize Simcox and get a few losers up there to talk about how he didn't build enough and how he got a couple hundred thousand dollars and tried and blah blah blah and you didn't get the equipment you needed, a bunch of old whining neocons.
And I'm not even particularly defending Simcox, I don't even care.
The point is that it's all about demonizing.
You know, this is a sick joke.
I mean, I didn't know what it meant when these guys who literally looked like caricature devils in these green shirts were just cussing at me and looking at me with pure hatred.
And I didn't know what San Diego meant.
They were just smiling at me, just smiling, showing their teeth.
And I went and found out, you want to kill me and my family?
You want to murder my son?
And you think I'm just gonna sit here and go along with it?
You think I'm going to sit here while the New World Order sets up the North American Union to enslave all our futures?
Let me tell you something, you radical, racist Chicanos who hate America.
You don't try to keep your babies from taking your mercury shots, do you?
You don't stop the, quote, liberal communities with their death mills murdering your Hispanic babies at the Margaret Sanger Nazi camps.
You are trash, you are un-American, scum!
You hate this country and I declare war on you!
From the bottom of my heart and from the very base of my gut, from the center of my soul, you will be defeated!
And your New World Order will be defeated!
I swear allegiance to the United States of America and to Texas!
Long live the Alamo!
Long remember Goliad!
Long remember San Jacinto!
This is a great country, and you've teamed up with the New World Order, and you think you're gonna have a bloody feast on the carpets of this country?
You're gonna lose!
And how dare you, you racist scum, try to go in there and attack Lou Dobbs!
We know you're the enemy, and we know what your plan is!
You got it?
We see you for what you are!
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Isn't their objective to be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress going to World Government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me Don't want no shackles on me I sit down with Big Brother Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I sit down with Big Brother Don't like those all red bottoms
Got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I sat down with Big Brother and the National ID.
Don't wanna chip in my wallet, chip in my car And if I wanna travel, it's nobody's business how far Don't want no shackles, don't want no shackles on me
You tell him, Jimmy.
I say shame on Big Brother.
Always tracking and tracing me.
I sit down with Big Brother.
Don't wanna chip in my mother.
Chip in my wife.
Chip in my babies.
Stay out of our lives.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sit down with Big Brother No more slavery Here it comes!
I sit down with Big Brother
Now do you want a chip in your forehead?
A chip in your arm?
Always tweaking your brain and causing you harm.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sat down with Big Brother in the good old USA.
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
I don't want a spy trippin' me!
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
It's all about liberty!
Bravo, Jimmy Vaughn!
I got really mad earlier because it's so insulting to Americans, Hispanic, Black, White, it doesn't matter, to have to sit here and have a bunch of people that hate this country, a large percentage of these illegal aliens, the others just won't work, being used as a political weapon by the big banks of the New World Order to break this country up and we're supposed to sit here and just shut up about it?
I just feel so sorry for great Hispanic Americans who just want to live their lives and be part of this country.
To have to have the media try to associate the racist trash with them.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number three wide open phones in this hour.
A bunch of economic and military news I haven't even gotten to yet.
And I haven't played the audio yet of Homeland Security Congressional meetings saying they've got to restrict free speech in America and tying Nylander and Truth to Al Qaeda.
That is coming up still.
Let's talk to Rick in Oklahoma City, site of the government-sponsored terror attack of 1995.
Compliments of Hare Clinton.
Go ahead.
God bless you Alex Jones, good to hear from you and good to talk to you.
I've been a long time listener and I really do appreciate all the work that you and your staff do and I wanted to take a time to mention about Ron Paul and what you were saying earlier.
I know you've had the communications director on many times, you're interviewing him and I tell you he's a good guy but I really think
Uh, that We Are Change people could do a lot better job and get the message out a lot better.
I've tried to contact them a lot of times to try to get, try to lend them my services.
I make local TV commercials and I have all the equipment and I was wanting to make something for him, uh, many times and they won't even respond to me.
So I know that- We Are Change or who?
Lew Rydowski.
Make him the Communications Director.
He's earned it.
You gave him the cameras and I think he could do it.
I have a very small staff.
I'm in a little building.
I'm not fancy like everybody thinks I am.
We're not taking orders from headquarters.
We're going to the sound of the guns, my friend.
MSNBC had a contest to make the best TV commercial and other people have too.
I've tried to contact the Ron Paul campaign and they won't even return my email.
I know, that's because they've only got like 70 people and they're getting probably a thousand phone calls every 20 minutes.
Look, just do it yourself, brother.
I mean, that's the thing, is that, yeah, we can't sit there and get... I mean, personally, I don't think the Ron Paul campaign's done too good with their TV ads they've done.
I don't blame them, they're new at this.
But we as citizens can do it, that's why I'm... $2,000 prize, whoever makes the best TV ad, and I will judge it, and I will announce it on December 1st.
$2,000 prize, it's been announced.
Email your entries to www.AaronAndInfoWars.com.
Post them on Google and YouTube.
We'll put those rules up today or tomorrow.
It needs to, you know, just plug the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.
It does not need to mention me.
In fact, that's a rule.
It doesn't need to mention me or Prison Planet or InfoWars or anything like that.
It just needs to be www.RonPaul2008.com.
I'm going to do that and I want to donate.
Well, great.
If I win, I want to donate that money to the campaign because I think this is our last chance.
And if we only have one chance at this,
And I'm not going to have a job.
I'm not going to have any businesses to call on if Hillary gets into power.
Well, Hillary will probably stage another terror attack or something.
Everywhere I go.
She just slipped up and said, well, when I was president.
Did you hear about that?
Yes, I'm saying.
Everywhere I go, I see Hillary signs.
I see people out doing stuff for Hillary.
Hillary gets on the local news more than I've ever seen any other candidate.
I never see Ron Paul just appear on the local news doing a quick news story.
It's obvious that they've got a place to win, and this is our last chance.
I wouldn't say it's our last chance, but it's a big chance and we're right down to the wire.
Even if Ron Paul doesn't win, we've shown the power of grassroots, we've shown the action of individuals, we've educated people about central issues.
It's already been a victory, sir.
Well, let me ask you a question.
What if Lewardowski were to be involved in the campaign?
Don't you think that he could do a good job of getting the message out as well?
Luke is a great guy.
He goes out and confronts politicians and people and has done a great job.
And through the idea, it started, I don't know, 30-something groups.
But Luke's going to college.
Luke's working a job.
You're saying Luke?
Communications Director of what?
A million dollars?
Number one, the Ron Paul campaign doesn't want to be associated with 9-11 Truth for political reasons.
Listen, I hear you, sir.
So many people come upon this with the idea of trying to direct everybody and have big centralized deals and everybody come under me, you know, be under my banner and do what I say.
It's all about us with a manifesto of liberty and freedom moving forward with it.
Alright, we'll be right back with more of your phone calls.
On the other side, stay with us.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what I have to do.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
5 p.m.
tonight if you're a listener in Austin, Texas or Central Texas, about 5 to 6.30.
I've got about a 30-40 minute speech, signed DVDs.
I've got to split at 6.30.
I've got to come back to the office and do an hour on National British Radio on Talk Sport.
But I'll see you down at the Waterloo Ice House at 6th and Lamar this evening.
Waterloo Records and Ice House is the restaurant right next door.
I'm going to be there giving a speech again and signing endgame blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I'd love to meet you.
I'd love to see you.
You want to copy an endgame?
That's how you can come over and physically get it if you would like to.
Let me run through a bunch of these calls.
They'll go a little bit quicker now.
Thank you for having me on your show.
Every time we bring up Mexico and our foreign policy with Mexico, it always reminds me to urge other people to go to the CFR website and download the PDF of Building a North American Community.
Go ahead and go to page 10 of that and read the black and white in front of your face.
Or read what we had to get via lawsuits through Judicial Watch, the four-year releases from the SPP meeting last year.
And a lot of our foreign policy with Mexico and a lot of this attitude and what's going on behind the scenes becomes much, much easier to understand.
They say they're merging the countries, getting rid of our Bill of Rights, merging our militaries, everything.
It's happening right now.
And yeah, and a lot of people in your audience says, well, I want proof, Alex.
I want proof.
There it is.
Please go and read that.
Another thing, I'm one of the people at A&E, I'm one of the engineers at A&E 911truth.org and I appreciate you bringing Richard Gage to the public spotlight.
One of Richard's people emailed me earlier this week about an event in Austin.
Since I committed to a family function Saturday night, I think my wife deleted the email, so I'm sorry I don't have the details, but as far as what I can recollect, it's UT.
Someone contacted Richard again about that event, and before you let me go, I would like to implore all the undergrad engineering students, do an FCA analysis on Towers 1, 2, and 7.
Start crude, start with the floor, all the different assumptions, and see if you can come up to anything close
You're absolutely right, my friend.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go to David in California.
David, go ahead.
Hey there.
What's up, brother?
I got a question for you.
First of all, I want to thank you for being there, for answering these questions.
We have a Ron Paul Southern California get-together today, and the LA Times has decided, we didn't even invite them, but they decided to show up.
So we need a lot of folks to be there.
You're going to be 60 of us there.
And what, I mean, how do you handle this gentleman who's decided all of a sudden to cover us?
It probably won't be too, you know, they tried to demonize him and now they've noticed that it didn't work, so they'll probably... I mean, just be yourselves, and, uh, and, you know, just raise the fact, I would raise the fact that Hillary is pro-war, and that, uh, both parties work for the same interest, and that, and that, and that Ron Paul, uh, you know, broke that fundraising record, and it'd bring up facts like that.
Because everybody seems guarded about it.
Well, I wouldn't act all, you know, creeped out and weird and think you're a bunch of weirdos.
Just be, you know, just be nice and friendly and charm them.
Bring them over to honor's side.
It's easy sale.
Freedom's an easy sale.
Freedom is popular.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much, David.
Amanda in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hi, Amanda.
Hey, I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you do and your staff.
And I did order two in-games from Amazon today.
Awesome, thank you.
We're trying to drive it to number one for folks that are wondering.
That's right.
I work in marketing, so I do know the power of, you know, marketing.
So people need to realize, get them Ron Paul signs out, and we will win.
What else is on your mind?
That's it.
I just want to say thanks, and I bought your
In games, and I'm getting one out for Christmas and one for my library.
You are absolutely fabulous, Amanda.
Yeah, let me explain this.
And I appreciate it.
We're going to let her go, John.
I... Let me just get down to brass tacks with you.
If I'm the only person selling Terror Storm, we get to keep the profit from it and make more films and hopefully try to pay that film off, which we're getting close to paying off that $100,000 plus film.
A year plus later.
And as soon as we put it on Amazon, our sales slump because they always undercut and sell stuff really cheap.
And I have a distributor, which I almost make nothing from, you know, comparatively.
You know, let's say from a distributor to a store, I might make $2 of sales out of $10 of sales myself, on average.
But when it's on Amazon, they demand 60% off when you sell it to them, then they discount it on top of that, and then I get a paltry amount, 15% of that.
And so that's what happens.
So why then would I be here saying go to Amazon.com and save five dollars and get in game?
Because by driving Endgame to number one, we drove TerrorStorm to number eight, that made us break into the market, and now stores, instead of ordering two copies like they did with TerrorStorm, they're ordering five copies of Endgame, four copies of Endgame, two copies instead of one copy.
You know, it depends on the store.
Some stores might have ordered one before, now they're ordering two.
Some stores might have ordered two before, now they're ordering four.
Some might have ordered five, they're ordering ten.
You see how that works?
And then people who've never heard of Alex Jones, people who have, I mean, I was in a Virgin Atlantic in L.A.
with Charlie Sheen like a
A year ago, and we were just walking around in the record store, and I went over to documentaries, and there was a Terror Storm.
One copy.
That's what we're talking about.
It is at Barnes & Noble, Borders, all these places have them right now today.
Go in there and buy the one or two copies they've got, they will restock.
If they don't have it, tell them you want it.
So literally, just like I say, well go ahead and get it on Amazon, I also say it's up on, uh, my film is up on, uh, Google.
Endgame is free on Google, folks!
I could stamp my fingers and bring that down.
Like the folks at Loose Change, and I don't blame them because it was so much more expensive to make.
They've got to make their money back just to survive.
They're literally broke.
You know, for a while, it's not going to be available on Google, and we pull them all down.
Every time they go up, it's like whacking the mole.
We have to, you know, take it back down.
People grab it off their site, grab it off mine.
But with Endgame, I just, I just, I just, it's free, folks.
It's free on Google Video.
And I'm here on air telling you that.
Well, this is $14 on Amazon, and I literally make about a dollar, dollar and a half, it depends.
It's a formula.
And it isn't the money.
If we sell a few thousand of these today, it will drive it to number one.
And then it tends to stay at the top once it gets there.
I'm asking you for your help.
I would sell 10 times as many in-games if it wasn't on Google.
I just morally can't make myself not let you have it.
And I can't morally not let this on Amazon even though it hurts me.
This is life and death, folks.
I'm putting my whole life on the line to bring this information out.
Endgame is the big picture.
Who the global elite are, what their history is, what their current operations are, the North American Union, the American system being merged with the EU, the Asian Union.
And then what their master plan is, what makes them tick, the philosophy founded over a hundred years ago that drives them, their own words, their own statements, their own plans of world population, forced reduction, extermination, how they killed 200 plus million last century alone.
This is weighty stuff!
This is explosive stuff!
And so go to Amazon.com today.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
I think so.
It will be a major bellwether, just hitting number 8 last year, double the amount of store placement of endgame.
If we hit number 1, it will mean end caps in many stores.
Do you understand what that means?
We're pushing a boulder uphill, but we're right up at the crest at the very top.
It's simple.
And any support we get, I mean, I'm going to put $2,000 out to give a prize to the best Ron Paul internet ad.
50 or 60 will get made.
Those will get millions of views.
In the aggregate, that gets the word out about Ron Paul.
Whoever makes it will get $2,000.
And you heard me, I don't want my website or my name anywhere on that video.
He might just put it at the end and we'll snip it off, but just for record, you know, so people can tell where it came from, that it was part of the Ron Paul TV ad competition.
But bottom line, we're going to make those rules up and do that.
None of this means anything to me.
None of this pile of dirt, the junk.
What matters is ideas and minds and literal souls, people to wake up and realize,
The truth of what's all around us.
I am committed to this fight, and this is a key area of the Amazon charts.
We want to assault it.
We want the number one rating.
And I've sent a mass email out to everybody that's gone to the Yahoo store and gotten any of our films or books in the last year.
And I'm asking you to forward that email out to a few of your friends and family, but write your own personal email out so they know it's not spam and say, hey, I want you to check this film out.
It's little things like that, like this radio show.
Help us.
Every AM and FM affiliate we've gotten is because either a station manager or his wife or some little network executive heard me on some other station or show or you called into a station and they tuned in and picked us up.
The internet listeners we have, the biggest internet radio audience out there, according to ShotKast,
Is because of you spreading the word about the screens and the free podcast.
This is a fight.
This is about viral marketing in the info war.
And the ball is in your court right now.
This is the endgame assault.
We're just going to run it for two days.
We want to drive it to number one.
All right?
It's a cascading effect.
Get in there and buy it right now at Amazon.com.
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You're only going to live once.
What do you do for society?
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Are you remembered as a hero or a piece of trash?
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If humanity survives, I know, hundreds of years from now, my ancestors will remember me.
And hopefully, carry my actions as an example unto them, as my ancestors have been an example to me.
This song is for my ancestors.
Then we're going to your calls.
You're here for now.
Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity.
Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity.
Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity.
Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity.
Welcome back.
Let's go to Omar in Toronto, Canada.
You're on the air.
Hi there.
We just got one of the opposition parties in our government here to try and stop the SPP.
Which is Jack Leighton, the NDP group, so I'm asking everybody to contact their local MPs and make them aware of this.
As I'll tell you why, I heard that our government's paving the way for Blackwater to be able to come up here into Canada now.
Oh, absolutely, they're already in your airports.
Yeah, and we just had some guy tasered in the eye last week, and it's getting worse, so I want to make people aware of that.
The other thing I just wanted to plug is that we're having a meetup for Ron Paul this Saturday at 1pm at Niagara Falls.
So if there's any people in upstate New York that want to come over, we'll be there.
You can go to the Toronto Meetup Group or contact me through CanadiansforRonPaul.com.
Alright brother, anything else?
No, that's about it.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Maggie in Tejas.
Go ahead Maggie.
Oh, hello Alex.
You often mention vaccines and there's a situation I've been following for a while now.
Have you ever heard of Dr. Andrew Wakefield?
Yes, I have.
Okay, he was the British physician who about 10 years ago in an article in Lancet called attention to the relationship, well, to the dangers of the MMR vaccine and from his point of view primarily
What he was looking at was the persistence of live measles virus in the gut which was causing children to show gastroenterological symptoms.
I think we interviewed him.
It's also associated with destroying the blood barrier in the intestines and allowing heavy metal transmission of the bloodstream.
Right, so secondarily autism.
And you know then, I guess, that he is now based in Austin.
I did not know that.
It rung a bell and I did.
I think I interviewed him like seven, eight years ago.
What's his name again?
His name is Andrew Wakefield.
Yeah, let me tell you what's happening with him.
What happened was a few years after that, Lancet reversed itself.
Well, people were starting to not get that triple jab, as they call it.
and uh... granted reversed itself and they took away his hospital privileges he lost his job and so he relocated and it happened that he set up in Austin and that's an interesting story in itself which I won't go into keeping a rather low profile uh... but now he's back he is back in England defending himself from in a hearing a very very long hearing from charges uh... that
That would lead to the loss of his license.
And the agency is, let me see, the General Medical Council is what they call it, and he's been up there testifying in these hearings that go on and on, apparently giving a very good account of himself.
Well, they want to punish anybody that exposes their eugenics operations against us.
Thank you so much for that tip.
We'll try to look into it.
We'll be back with more calls, special announcement, and one more.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Every breath you take
Every eugenics op, you engage.
Their religion is poisoning us and killing us.
It is their sacrament.
They come to kill, steal, and destroy.
It is their code.
Their driving propulsion system.
They want to fight, they've got one.
Humanity is rising against the New World Order.
As darkness settles upon the globe, the information we put out is being paid attention to more than ever.
Alright, I got at least five callers I'm gonna take.
James, Joe, Matt, Patrick, and Howard.
I will jam you all in if I have time.
I also want to get into Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9-11 sites alongside radical jihadist sites to house hearing on terrorism and the internet.
That ties into attacks on free speech.
We're going to cover that, play a few minutes of it coming up.
But here's a special announcement.
We've had these in for about a week.
I have been so busy that I haven't even plugged them, hadn't even gotten them on the shopping cart, hadn't even told you about them.
If you go to InfoWars.com and click on the Endgame story, it's one of the top stories.
Endgame gears up for Amazon Assault.
Get the DVD now and help outsiders wake up to the truth.
When you go there, halfway down the page, it says, Now available InfoWars music from the films of Alex Jones.
Click here to get the outstanding new DVD CD for $9.95.
It's 20 tracks.
And it's the music of Endgame and Terror Storm.
20 tracks, and this is a third of the music that's in the films, but, you know, you don't really get how good the music is just when I'm talking over it, or there's scenes, or... I mean, this was Graham Reynolds, and two of these were done by a symphony orchestra.
We paid for this, but they did it all at cost so he could do it.
I mean, he's done things for big films out there, like Scandidarkly and others.
And it's out and there's a lot of spoken word and clips from Endgame in it and over the music as well.
In no real order, just go ahead and play the... I know he's got them in a jumbled order, so just play the first track you've got.
We'll just play samples of the new CD.
I mean, it goes from hard rock to classical to experimental.
I mean, this is an amazing CD, ladies and gentlemen.
Here it is.
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
Alright, that's an example of one of the main symphonies.
Just go ahead and go to number two.
Here it is.
You are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, have stood since the beginning of time against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
You will and you are failing now.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slain for the will of a tiny elite, the dawn of a new dark age appears upon mankind.
Conflicts are a thing of the past.
Every thorn of independence is under attack.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks whose power can never be challenged.
Alright, that gives you an idea.
These are small samples.
This is 20 tracks.
Go to the next, please.
I mean, this is as high grade as it gets, man.
It's more like an action-adventure film, doesn't it?
It is.
It's the intro to Terror Storm.
The first two you just heard were from Endgame.
The one you're hearing now is from Terror Storm.
This is all on the new DVD called Info Wars.
Music from the films of Alex Jones, Endgame and Terror Storm.
Composed by Graham Reynolds, a true savant, a true genius.
Uh, let's go ahead and go to the next track.
I'm not comfortable with that at all.
Who elected these guys to run the planet?
We're only playing eight of these.
There's little clips of eight.
There's twenty.
We're going to put these clips up later on the web.
Here is the fourth or fifth one.
Here it is.
This is the only track that Graham Reynolds didn't compose or perform.
This is Rob Jacobson.
Made this as the theme music for Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
Let's go ahead now and go to the next piece.
By the way, stop it for a minute.
I want to play this one again.
I wanted to say something.
Weldon Henson works in his office.
He got out of the Air Force a few years ago.
He's an up-and-coming, really good country singer.
Weldon Henson Band.
And you can see his MySpace account.
You can link over to it.
But he was looking at the DVD yesterday and went, oh my gosh!
You know you have one of the best steel guitar players in the country?
Now it's funny because Graham never really talks about the magicians he works with.
But he had pointed out, Graham, who made all this, that this is one of the best steel guitar players in the country.
He told me all these big, huge country legends he plays steel guitar for.
And then Weldon pointed out his new CD that's coming out in like a week.
Steel guitar was done by this guy.
In fact, I should have a CD in front of me.
Actually, I've got screenshots of it here.
It's too small for me to be able to read it here.
I'm trying to blow it up where I can read it.
But the point is, one of the best steel guitar... In fact, he's like recognized as like in the top ten.
Some say he's the second best in the country.
Be nice if I remembered his name, but I mean, just listen to this steel guitar.
There's a couple tracks for him in here.
I mean, just listen to this.
And they say they don't make them any better than from Texas, so here it is.
Uh huh.
Let's go ahead and play the next clip.
And again, that's another sample.
That steel guitar player is Ricky Davis.
Pedal steel guitar.
And I think there's just one or two more of these samples.
Right, John?
Yeah, one more.
Here it is.
Total criminals have seized control of the government.
They've brainwashed the police and turned them into attack dogs.
The North American Union has been shut up.
We're going down worldwide.
I mean this.
For the whole world.
I'm serious.
They're now starting to censor our communications!
They're killing and arresting more and more patriots!
The United States has been seized by the New World Order!
Everybody, you've been mesmerized and conditioned incrementally to accept it!
Wake up to what's happened!
Scientifically crafted psychological warfare programs are working in unison to deliver us into total tyranny.
They're preparing for a worldwide depression to consolidate all the wealth and totally enslave us and launch World War III and endless wars.
I mean, we've got to take this serious!
I'm here going down with the ship!
We're under attack!
The entire western world's been seized by criminals that are using scientifically developed techniques to brainwash and condition us to lay down!
You've got to break your conditioning!
People in the government!
Please listen to me!
There's toxins and poisons in the water!
They're putting poison in the water to condition us!
It's a toxic sedative!
Sodium and stannous fluoride, both!
Major studies going back to the 30s, 40s, 50s, and even today!
All different forms of brain tumors are up several thousand percent!
Hundreds of major scientific studies show it's causing huge brain tumors with the radiation emitted by cell phones!
We're under attack, ladies and gentlemen!
They're pointing machine guns and screaming at our children!
Do you understand they're conditioning us?
They're building FEMA camps!
They'll abolish the Bill of Rights!
I've sacrificed everything I am, everybody I'll ever be, to fight this thing, and I'm telling you it's even more horrible than I thought.
It's moving quickly!
So there's also some samples like that of me ranting throughout it.
Info Wars music from the films of Alex Jones.
This is put out by Askan BMI.
It's available on iTunes and all of that as well.
We should, we ought to add a link to that and Graham just keeps all the money for that.
I felt so good.
Graham did all this at cost and all these big musicians, we had cost like four or five times more and they found out it was one of my films.
They just wanted to do it at cost so it could be even that much better.
I just told Graham, you know what, you take that music and you make a CD out of it and you can just have all the profits.
So anytime you get those online or go over to the Golden Arm Creos website, just type it into Google and they certainly deserve support.
There's so few true high quality people and he certainly and his crew are certainly that.
And so you're good to me and good to the country.
I just say, here, have it all.
That's how it works.
The scum out there that try to use me and try to ride my coattails on this network and other places have nothing to do with my life ever again.
They take my love and they just flush it down the toilet with hatred.
Well, that's just how it works.
Graham Reynolds, though, is a true sweetheart and his whole crew are just wonderful people.
And so that's why you can
Go to iTunes and the rest of it and get the M4 Wars CD.
And it's just theirs.
Or you can buy the CD from us, ladies and gentlemen.
The proceeds of that go to Graham Reynolds and the Golden Arm Trio for all he's done for us.
He's done so much for us.
I mean, some of the best cello players, some of the best violinists, some of the best people on banjo.
I mean, just for Terror Storm and Endgame and the things they did.
I mean, this would have cost
I know for films he's done big, you know, major films.
It's like 80, 100 grand for less music and he did it for a tiny fraction of that, literally.
Top musicians doing this for nothing.
So I just said, you know what?
And they couldn't believe it when I said it.
I said, just have it.
It's yours.
Doesn't matter about the copyright.
You just have it.
Have it for you for doing it.
You reap what you sow.
That's how this works.
And I just hope everybody will go up to
Infowars.com today, and I hope you'll buy the in-game DVD and route it up to number one on Amazon.com.
I'm giving here.
I'm doing this.
We're putting it on there even.
We're just trying to get it out there to the people.
Okay, here is a clip.
I want to take all these calls.
I don't know if I can now.
Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9-11 sites alongside radical jihadist sites to housing hearings on terrorism and the Internet.
Here's just one clip of many, you'll watch hours of it, where they're talking about evil internet conspiracy terrorist 9-11 and mixing us in with Al-Qaeda.
Here it is.
Well, when I say positive message, I mean that a message that is basically countering the counter-history that Dr. Hoffman just mentioned.
These people are constructing their own version of reality, full of conspiracy theories, full of doctored videos, things that will both recruit or inflame the emotions.
They're presenting a one-sided view of Islam, as well as any other religion, as well as many other events in world history.
We're good to go.
Arabic, Farsi, Indonesian, etc.
People in basic history or view of Jews and Judaism that would be presented, obviously, by people who knew the traditions and knew the history, did not get into the politics.
It goes on and on.
There's hours of it.
The point is we've got all the quotes pulled out here, and they project on the PowerPoint screen architects and engineers from 9-11 Truth's website.
They project things like Killtown.
And other sites that call for no violence, nothing, just show the inside job information.
And they're trying to set up this new commission, they passed it out of committee now, to set up a Thought Crimes Commission.
That literally will decide what could lead to hatred and what needs to be restricted.
And it's the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, and the rest of it.
We're going to come back and jam in calls from James, Joe, Matt, Patrick,
We'll try to get y'all in.
Final segment straight ahead.
We are assaulting Amazon today.
Don't forget.
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You have been warned.
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Yeah, Alex, I'd just like to say you are a true patriot, sir.
This drug, this black water getting involved in the drug war thing has really got me upset and I just believe it's not going to be very long before we're going to be experiencing what the Iraqi people have been experiencing.
That's how they, well they did in New Orleans, that's how they got the military involved in our lives was the drug war.
Yeah, I mean they're going to be walking in our house pretty soon, right here.
There's no doubt, there's no doubt.
Thanks a lot.
Anything else, Shermie?
Keep it up.
What does that mean to you?
You sound like a veteran.
Are you a veteran?
No, I'm not a veteran, but I keep track of things.
I've listened to you for a long time.
First off, to be honest with you, I had my doubts, but as I took it upon myself to educate myself, I see what you've been talking about.
You know, after a little bit of time of looking at this stuff yourself, you have to be just a complete idiot if you can't figure this out.
That, I know, it's right in your face.
God bless you, sir.
Joe in New York.
Hi, Alex.
Joe, go ahead.
Great show.
I just wanted to, again, alert the listeners that the Law of the Sea Treaty may be up for a vote in the full Senate either this week or next or very soon.
And can I give a toll-free number to Congress?
Total, you're in control of the oceans and our waterways.
Go ahead.
And, uh, it, they may vote, you know, Bush is pushing very heavily for it, wants to make sure that they pass it, and very little opposition, uh, passed the committee by a huge, 17 to 4.
So, it doesn't look very good, but, uh... Yep, all these years, the gun control's happening, the U.N.
takeover's happening, the carbon taxes are happening, the open borders are happening.
They're making their move, God bless you.
Matt, in Virginia, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex, it's Matt Kazee.
Hey, Matt, how you doing?
I'm doing good.
How are you?
I had a question for you about gold and taxes, whether you have to declare the value of the gold or the printed value on the coin itself.
That's argumented, and people have won in court claiming, declaring the denomination of a $20 gold piece.
It's really worth, you know, $800 and something bucks, but you can only declare the $20 if you want.
The key is, once you buy gold as an investment,
You don't have to pay any tax anyways, when it appreciates, until you sell it, and then that would be a capital gains tax.
So it's a great form of savings.
Congress passed a law in the 80s saying it had to be denominated in face value for taxing, but then the IRS ignores that.
So the law says that's the case, but that isn't how they operate.
Well, I heard about that case in Las Vegas, the 163 tax charges, no convictions.
And it was all based on the guy paying for... But they take kids for CPS every day for not taking vaccines and there's no law.
I mean, that's my point.
They do stuff.
Hey, good to hear from you, man.
I really appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Patrick in Michigan.
Go ahead, Patrick.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for your show.
It's been great.
I just started listening to you literally about a month ago.
Good to have you on board, brother.
I can't believe this information.
Really quickly, my question was, this past weekend on C-SPAN, I was watching the Miami Book Fair International, and Paul Krugman was on.
He talked about his new book, and at the end there was a Q&A, and quite a number of people asked about the devaluation of the dollar.
And you had Paul Craig Roberts on last week, and I was listening to that.
He basically said that the devaluation of the dollar wasn't really going to affect the U.S.
economy that much.
Is that true?
I don't know what to believe at this point.
Could you talk about that really briefly?
Thank you so much.
It's going to affect us in a huge way.
It's already affected us.
Prices are exploding.
Food prices, energy prices, everything.
So... I mean, does it affect the Mexicans back when the peso was worthless?
Did it affect the Russians when the ruble was devalued?
God bless you all.
Retransmission starts right now at Infowars.com.
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