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Name: 20071101_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 1, 2007
2261 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Just a couple times a year, I have something so important that I want to discuss that I actually engage in hyping.
And by that, I openly tell you I'm doing that.
I have a special announcement to make.
Very, very special announcement and, frankly, warning
Coming up in 30 minutes.
30 minutes from now.
30 minutes into this 1st of November 2007 transmission.
Hard to believe we're now into the last two months of 2007, isn't it?
I have a very special analysis and announcement that I'm going to be making coming up in 30 minutes from now.
If you want to get exact 31 and a half minutes from now, we will come out of break.
And I will break down exactly what we're facing and exactly what we're dealing with.
Very serious enemy operation.
And there's no doubt that I picked up their attack pattern.
And I mean it when I use terms like that.
We've certainly picked up their attack pattern.
There is no doubt about that.
And it shows they're floundering.
And flailing like a drowning man, but other less very, very dangerous when you have this floundering behemoth and you're within reach of it.
So that is coming up in 30 minutes.
In the meantime, this is the type of news I have in front of me.
Army chest James Bond style tank that is invisible.
This is out of the Daily Mail, mainstream news, and I remember reading about this 10 years ago in military publications and talking about it and being called a kook, even when I had their own documents.
I remember it was even on Discovery Channel the last five years still if we talked about it we get emails saying we were nuts but this shows a video of it cloaking device kind of like a Klingon spaceship in Star Trek or the Predator from the 1986 movie Predator with Schwarzenegger it's cloaking device all it is is little mini cameras on one side
We're good to go.
Kind of like I told you six years ago, we had Mexican trucks already coast-to-coast in the U.S.
It was in industry publications.
I could see the Mexican trucks.
Now AP announces it yesterday.
I mean, so much of what we talk about is just already mainstream.
It's just not popularly known.
Like, it is mainstream news, declassified, admitted, that our government and other governments have staged hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, our government over 200 declassified, terror attacks, killing people, or claiming people got killed.
There's a mix of them.
And it doesn't matter.
For some people out there in the public, they just say it doesn't exist.
So we'll go over that coming up a little bit later today.
Some of the other news we have, gold hit $801 in gold futures and gold stocks.
It went right up to $800, just a few cents short of $800, yesterday in actual gold bullion.
And it went down a little bit this morning, a few dollars, but then now, right now, is surging upwards.
And looks like it's going to go past $800 today.
That's a major psychological benchmark there.
So, bunch of financial news when we come back.
And then the big announcement coming up now in about 26 minutes from now.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Analysis and announcement and warning coming up in about 25 minutes at the bottom of the hour.
So everybody you know to tune in.
This is very, very important.
We're going to have an article about it up on PrisonPlanet.com in just the next few hours.
Right now, let me jump right into the economic news.
Reuters, don't bet on China's rescue if U.S.
economy tanks.
We're good to go.
Slight let up for the scorching pace to which the world has become accustomed.
There would be no extra pop and fizz from China to fill in for the United States, many economists say.
And it goes on.
Gold tops 800.
This is AP.
For the first time since 1980, gold barreled above 800 an ounce Wednesday.
For the first time since 1980, as investors cheered the Federal Reserve's decision to lower its benchmark interest rates a quarter point.
As they cheered, that caused the dollar to plunge yesterday to right up at 160, 145 to the euro.
Again, the euro opened at 80 cents to the dollar in 2000.
That is a 65%
It's going to plunge.
I mean, it's just staggering to me that people have trouble understanding what's already happened.
I pray it stops its plunge, but that's already disastrous, because it generally, if you study inflationary spikes and currency devaluations, there's nothing general about it.
It generally, in between a year and two years, the only thing general is that it's going to affect us in a big way.
I just don't know if it'll take a year or two years, and we're already really into a year into this.
It's just deepened.
So, most analysts say by the middle of next year, it's going to be just insane stagflation, which we haven't seen since the late 1970s.
And this time, the private debt of private citizens and private companies is deeper than in the depths of the Great Depression in late 1933.
That's federal numbers that came out in January of this year.
We passed the all-time depth, and it's only deepening.
In the 70s, we still had a lot of people who had savings.
And we've only seen the beginning of this housing market unraveling.
We've seen home, new home starts, half of the orders cancelled.
Horton and others have announced half there were, I mean, you look at real economic numbers and they try to put a salve on it and say, we've got 3.9% growth!
With a conservative 13.6% inflation?
And that's compounding each year.
I'm just saying, batting down the hatches, get ready.
On the good side, it's going to be a serious, deep, sustained three or four year recession.
That is what I've got my fingers crossed for saying my prayers every night.
But the bankers don't want that.
They want a slow, continual recession leading into what you could only call as a depression, which they'll try to spin in the media and contain without hysteria and riots in the streets.
That's Ministry of Defense documents.
That's Times of London.
That's RAM Corporation.
That's federal documents.
That's what they're saying.
Gold tops 800 for first time since 1980.
A couple years ago we said it would go up to $800, and we said if it went past $800, it's going to go to $1,500.
I got stacks of the news here yesterday.
They had CNN and CNBC analysts saying gold could go to $1,500 or $1,800 by the middle of next year.
I don't know if that's going to happen.
We said $800.
Ted Anderson said $800 a few years ago, back when it was at $500.
We said $800 back when it was at $325 in 2002.
I don't know how long, how much it's going to go up, but I know this, it still hasn't adjusted, and this is what they were saying on CNN and CNBC, and I have the articles right here, that for inflation, it hasn't adjusted, it won't adjust until $1,500 an ounce.
Now, silver though, right now, adjusted for inflation, should be $24 an ounce.
It's only, what, $13, $14 an ounce right now.
I think so.
Has only made half the move it should for inflation.
Gold has only gone up halfway towards its ceiling.
That's mainstream analyst.
I'm going to be conservative.
Let's say it stays at 800.
At least it's not losing value.
That's the key.
That's the key.
And yes, I got Ted Anderson on again with us for five minutes today.
Ted, I don't know where gold's going, but when the mainstream starts talking about $1,500, $1,800 an ounce, that looks to me like it's left orbit, it's going to continue now, it's left the gravitational pull here, and it's just going to continue to rise.
Ted, what do you see happening?
Oh Alex, you're exactly right on that.
Back in 1980, when Jimmy Carter was in office, we had 840 gold.
Now think about what a dollar could buy in 1980 as it compares to the year 2007.
The dollar has lost more than half of its purchasing power.
If you take a look at 840 and multiply that by 2,
Your $1,500 number is right on track.
That's why the experts are saying that.
The United States dollar is falling faster than that.
So when you get a market frenzy, you could easily hit $2,000 gold.
Now $1,500 actually is just something that's right on the money.
$1,300 an ounce is probably conservative.
Silver, $50 an ounce in 1980.
Now, mind you, the Hunt brothers were getting involved, but they didn't control the complete market.
The people were buying silver, and there was a shortage, and the stuff went up to $50 an ounce, and that was what went on then.
That means that if you just take the same calculation today, silver could be $100 an ounce, the equivalent of what the dollar was worth back in 1980.
Now regardless, it's way undervalued, at least half undervalued right now, and so people need to move into silver, they need to move into gold, they need to move into metals, because it is a you-cannot-lose equation.
The dollar has already been devalued and gold hasn't even corrected to the dollar devaluation.
Though it's starting to move that direction, silver is a sleeper and hasn't even begun to move.
Regardless, ladies and gentlemen, you are at least going to keep your value, and everybody says it's going to go up, but let's just say that's not guaranteed.
Regardless, you're actually freezing your assets now, and at least keeping the value.
Ted, you've got three offers.
You've got a collector, you've got a collector at near bullion price, or at bullion price, I haven't been able to find it anywhere cheaper, and you've also got silver, I mean, right at price, so three great deals today.
Oh yeah, right now what we have is we've got the British Sovereign coin again.
Surprise, surprise, they've gone up a little bit.
They're $215 per coin.
Gold has gone up like crazy.
Right now it's a great time to be getting into that coin.
Again, it's a coin that was issued back at the turn of the century.
Gives you that chance of privacy, that 60-45 ruling.
It's exempt from that.
That's the IRS ruling that determines what's bullion, what's numismatic.
The silver dollar is a great buy.
$360 per roll.
Silver is now at $14.11.
That's the same price you offered here two weeks ago, and silver has already moved a couple dollars up, so it's starting to correct, but you've got it already in your vault locked in.
Yeah, that's a real good buy on silver.
There's no question about it.
And then you've got the $10 Olympic coin.
And mind you, there's only about 600,000 of these total out there to go around.
They were issued in 1984 by the United States Mint as a collector coin.
The current coins that are in the same ilk
That's coming right out of the government right now at this particular time are trading between $650 and $700 per coin.
So it gives you an idea of where that particular coin is at.
It's actually a very good buy and I'll be getting involved with those as well.
So here's the three offers.
There's the British Sovereign.
They're at $215 a coin.
The $10 Olympic right now at $590.
That's the one that Jack Brownrig keeps on talking about on the commercials.
You've got the $360 per roll, the $20 silver.
That coin is just a tremendous sleeper at this time.
If you're getting involved with silver, the old silver dollars are the best buy in the marketplace, hands down.
They're at $360 per roll.
That's a roll of $20.
And it's a great way to get into silver.
That's a private way to get into silver.
Obviously, Alex, when you're looking at $14 silver, the last high was $50.
I'm just going to say this.
Folks, if you're not getting into metals, you're insane.
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Ask for George.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sit down with big brother.
Don't like those orange bottoms.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I sat down with Big Brother and the National ID.
Don't want a chip in my wallet, chip in my car, and if I want to travel, it's nobody's business how far.
Don't want no shackles, don't want no shackles on me.
I said shame on big brother, always
I said down with Big Brother!
Here it comes!
Now do you want a chip in your forehead?
A chip in your arm?
Always tweaking your brain and causing you harm.
Don't want no shackles!
Don't want no shackles on me I sat down with Big Brother In the good old USA I sat down with Big Brother Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Don't want to spot you beneath!
Alright, Jimmy Vaughn!
I said, Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
It's all about liberty!
All right, and there's Jimmy Vaughn, great Austinite, blues legend, good friend of mine, patriot freedom fighter with his no shackles on me.
By the way, you can see him do that live at the Texas Independence Day from this year, what was it, March 24th, at the Capitol in the anti-RFID, North American Union, no toll roads rally.
And it was just fantastic.
That is in, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
That's one of the 40 minutes of extras that is in the film.
Battle for the Republic, and of course, some extras from Istanbul, and then Jimmy Vons down with Big Brother.
We appreciate him letting us put that in the film.
Coming up, I've got a special announcement and a warning to everybody, but it's really a positive thing overall.
And I hope you pay special attention to what I'm saying, and I hope the article that's written later today that's going to be up at PrisonPlanet.com by the end of the show, I hope you all pay special attention to it.
I heard Kurt Nemo, I hope he does a report on it.
I hope you do reports on it.
You don't even need to run your own Patriot or Truth website.
You don't need to source me.
You can just write an article about it.
It's extremely obvious what's going on, and we're going to be talking about that coming up in the next segment.
As for the economy, I believe what I'm saying.
And we have a track record of being right.
I mean, it's not hard to predict what's happening right now.
It is... It's horrible.
It's absolutely horrible what we're witnessing right now.
And it's the globalists that are engineering the entire thing.
We have that documented.
Their job is to, again, gradually bring us to our economic needs.
They don't want it to plunge too quickly.
And they also need to do it in the dark and keep the people from learning who's behind it.
It's our job to expose them to avert them really bringing us down to the bottom.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, here is the big announcement, the big warning to everybody.
A few months ago I started hearing national neocon fake conservative talk show host whose jobs are to deny the North American Union, deny the New World Order, deny the CFR, deny that Fox News and Roger Ailes are behind Hillary Clinton fundraising and consulting for that matter that's been in New York papers three years ago, we told you five years ago.
Their job is to neutralize conservatives to be sure and get to the global corporate agenda, which is the
total stripping and looting financially of this nation.
Their job is to cover up Halliburton moving to Dubai, Cheney moving to Dubai, Cheney dumping his dollars last year.
Their job is to cover up the fact that Bush ordered Congress to not go after Bill Clinton when he left office for pardon gay.
They're all together, they're all in bed, and they just call anybody who isn't for warmongering and open borders and New World Order liberals.
Mr. Bush is more than double the size of the federal government, triple the size of the BATF, and campaigned for the assault weapons ban.
It's you, mister, that aren't a conservative.
And as Gandhi said, the truth goes through several stages.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
Another philosopher said, to paraphrase, that truth goes through three stages.
First, it is universally ridiculed, then it is attacked, and then it is accepted as fact.
And we're now entering into the area, according to all the scientific polls and non-scientific polls, of over 80% of the American people believing that the government's lying about 9-11.
And depending on which poll you look at, 37% to 68% believing that it is a total inside job.
So we can safely say that more than half the public believes it may be an inside job, and 84% in the highest scientific polls, Angus and Reid and others, believe they're being lied to about it.
And just a few weeks ago at an in-game premiere here in Austin, Texas, in my speech I said, we are winning the fight.
They're going to get mean.
They're going to get vicious.
They're going to move into their final phase of attacking us.
And that's because I'd already heard national talk show hosts saying, 9-11 truthers are violent.
9-11 truthers are evil.
9-11 truthers are the type of people that'll bomb things.
9-11 truthers are the type of people that need to be arrested.
9-11 truthers are aiding Al-Qaeda.
9-11 truthers are aiding our enemies.
And then Glenn Beck did it several times on his TV show, we've heard that here, saying we're very dangerous, dangerous, we're the types that are like McVeigh.
O'Reilly's been saying it for months.
With no evidence?
That'd be like if I got up on air and said, Bill O'Reilly is very, very dangerous.
He's very, very violent.
He's aiding Al-Qaeda.
He's helping terrorists.
And something needs to be done about him.
That would just be an unbelievable lie.
To claim he's violent and to claim that he's aiding terrorists.
Just out of the blue.
Just to say it.
I could truthfully get up here and say, you know, he's reportedly a pervert, sexually harassing employees, and that's why he's so obsessed with perverted stuff on his show while he talks bad about it.
But again, that's a side issue.
This is a guy who made it up that some professor was a terrorist in Florida, and the guy got arrested for over a year, and tried, and was found not guilty, and had his life ruined.
And O'Reilly brags on TV that he engineered all that, and that he's hooked in with the feds, and he just gets up on TV like Judge, Jury, and Executioner, like the Grand Inquisitor, and just says, Seize that man!
Well, he's up there every week now saying that 9-11 Truth is violent and dangerous, when we've done nothing violent, we've done nothing...
Again, we know it's a script that they're following.
Then simultaneously on our message boards, on the We Are Change message boards, people will go in and say violent things, posing as 9-11 truthers, and then within seconds of it being posted at the stamp time, we can go to the quote 9-11 debunking sites, 9-11 truth debunking sites, and they have posted it within seconds.
Which again, shows simultaneous coordination.
They or their cronies are doing it, and then watching, knowing we're going to pull it, and then posting and saying, look, they're calling for violence.
Now, I have sources, and a few weeks ago I got warnings, and now they've become specific.
I'm not at liberty to get into it, because the sources won't let me, but I've independently verified this.
That the Feds are trying to target, and of course they're liaisoning with their talking point people who are pre-putting out the story, that 9-11 Truth is terrorists and planning terror attacks, and that... I mean, this is just incredible.
This would be like if I got up and said Bill O'Reilly is.
It's just totally made up.
But remember what Nixon did.
Remember what they did before Nixon got in.
They would go... The FBI would detonate a stick of dynamite in the mudflats
North of San Francisco, in the hills, and, uh, what, northwest there, no, northeast there, and then they would just go arrest peace activists and say they were behind it.
You saw, just a few months ago, at the Monticello meeting in Canada, in Ottawa, in the Capitol,
Where it was cops dressed up like anarchists with rocks hitting other cops, and WWF staged events, the cop would kneel his head down, and the cops would run over and hit him, and it was, and then we noticed they were wearing the same boots, and then it came out that they staged their arrest, and then they had to admit, yes, we were provocateuring, yes, it was fake.
See, they wanted to be able to attack that peaceful crowd, which they did, so they had four cops dressed up, running around like anarchists, attacking peaceful people and cops.
It was all staged.
I mean, they're being caught, again, staging terror themselves.
Staging provocations themselves.
And this isn't the 1960s or 70s where there wasn't YouTube and Google, and where there wasn't thousands of independent magazines and newsletters.
This isn't a day and age where you guys can get away with your 1960s, 1970s operations.
So I say go ahead and try to frame people, go ahead and try to set people up, go ahead and try to intimidate everybody, go ahead and do what you criminal murderers do.
It isn't going to work.
And the answer for 9-11 Truth is to re-triple our efforts, not just re-double, and to confront more and more politicians, and more and more media people, and to bring up 9-11 being an inside job, and just intensify it.
They are panicking right now.
When I watched Tucker Carlson a few weeks ago,
On his show, he was scared.
I mean, he looked freaked out and he said, I don't want to even think about it being an inside job.
He said, oh my goodness, the large portion of Americans believe this.
They're taking over.
No one believes the government and the media anymore.
And the two analysts he had, one from the Washington Post, one from MSNBC, said, yeah, we can't beat these people.
That's right.
You can't beat the truth.
And so you go ahead and try to turn the checkerboard over, turn the chessboard over, try to throw a fit, try to do what you're creeping around doing.
We're the people that expose false flag.
We're the people that have got your number.
We're the people that know about provocateurs.
We're the people that know about you staging events and pipe bomb attacks on your embassies and all the rest of the crud you do.
We're the ones that got your number.
We're the people that have exposed you as being the terrorist.
So it's not going to work, you idiots.
We understand the chink in your armor, your Achilles heel.
We've been pointing out that you're behind the terror.
You fools!
You think it's going to work on us to claim that we're involved?
That we're doing that?
That we're involved in terrorism?
That we're with Al Qaeda?
We didn't found Al Qaeda like the U.S.
government in 1979.
We didn't fly the Bin Ladens out to safety like Bush ordered it the day after 9-11.
We didn't train them at military bases.
You understand that?
We didn't order the embassies to let them back in when they had terror designations and tell the embassy heads they were U.S.
We didn't write the White House memo talking about staging shoot-down of our aircraft to start war with Iraq.
We didn't write the PNAC documents by Dick Cheney saying that the government needed terror attacks to get the people behind this.
I mean, you're the arrogant idiots, like criminals always do, that wrote all the stuff you were going to do beforehand.
The people now know Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
It's declassified.
They now know about Operation Northwoods.
They now know about the overthrow of Mossadegh.
It's come up in presidential debates.
It's now out.
People know about false flag now.
They know about inside job.
This isn't the 50s or the 60s or the 70s or the 80s where you can just run around killing us!
Where you can run around bombing police stations like you did in the 60s and 70s.
Where you can pull all the stuff you do and then blame it on groups you don't like.
We're the people exposing that!
And you idiots come back with the same attack pattern when we know what your key device is and have done everything we can to break it.
Everything we can to expose it.
So they're flailing right now, ladies and gentlemen.
They are absolutely flailing in every direction possible.
They are grounding.
And Aaron Dykes wrote an article for JonesReport.com, which is a good article, but it focuses in on O'Reilly's people trying to act like they're guerrilla journalists and going out with a Handycam and confronting, at a book signing, Rosie O'Donnell,
And you look at them, these little effeminate frat boy types, they're literally holding on to their coat lapels and leaning back, sticking their bellies out, and just real arrogant and weak and pathetic, who work for O'Reilly, going, we work for Mr. O'Reilly.
Why are you hurting the families that don't like 9-11 inside job people?
When Bill Doyle, the head of the Biggest Victims Group, says the majority of them, a year ago and growing by the way, believe it's a total inside job, and Bill Doyle believes it, and we don't have benefits for the victims and their families, and the vast majority of them know the truth, and they know that their family members' bones and ashes were used to fill potholes, AP,
He doesn't work anymore for you to just run around enjoying your deception, enjoying lying to the public.
But that isn't the story that O'Reilly sends cameras to ambush Rosie up on JonesReport.com.
The story is that O'Reilly slips in that these are very violent, very, very dangerous people that are aiding the terrorist.
We've done nothing violent.
But what did Silverstein's off-duty cop goons do when they walked up to Luke Radowsky and we are changed?
We have the audio of that.
By the way, cue that up to the point.
They said, hey, we're going to say you have bombs.
We know you don't have bombs, but we're going to say you have bombs in your backpack and we're going to send you to prison for it.
Now, we know you don't have them, but we're going to frame you right now.
I mean, that's how they think framing is so normal.
They just in front of three cameras go, we're going to frame you now.
They walk up and say, we're now going to frame you.
This is what they do.
And again, they are panicking, they are afraid, they are scared right now.
They know the people are waking up to them in their lives.
They know Congress has the lowest approval rating in 220 plus years.
Congress has an approval rating of 11% and dropping.
Some show it as low as 8 now, but major scientific polls show 11%.
You are in red-level crisis, and you know it.
The people know you're killers.
They know you're criminals.
They know you did the attacks.
They found out about all the other declassified attacks.
You just calling us nuts and anti-Americans doesn't work anymore.
They know the North American Union's real.
They know the CFR's real.
They know you decided to destroy the dollar.
They know you made the public statements.
They know you did all this, and they're not gonna just lay down to your raping anymore.
Is that clear?
And Hannity's saying we're terrorists.
Glenn Beck is saying we're very, very violent, like McVeigh.
And there you have the talking points.
Just suddenly in the last three weeks, they're all saying it in unison like a bunch of mockingbirds, a bunch of macaws.
It is unbelievably transparent.
Meanwhile, they're so arrogant that Santorum and the Senators and Republican Party heads and
Uh, top neocon syndicated columnist are in major magazines and newspapers saying, oh 9-11 was great.
Oh, it would be great if we had another one.
Oh, you just wait, there'll be another one by the end of 2007 and you'll all learn to love us.
This is Santorum saying this.
And, and, oh, it's got a Republican memo saying, oh, we sure needed an attack.
I mean, you guys want to laugh at us and call us kooks while you're running around praying for attacks?
I mean, you people are dangerous!
You're nuts, man!
You sit up there in your ivory towers with all your yes-men and your interns running around in the miniskirts and you just buy into the... You still think we're buying your bull!
And you may have a few poor people with Alzheimer's that still believe you, but I mean, it's become so cartoonish and so dumbed down that it isn't working anymore.
And how obvious is it going to be if they try to set up some 9-11 group?
How obvious is it going to be if they try to set some group up out there to try to scare everybody to run off?
How obvious is it going to be if they try something like that with Ron Paul claiming that they're throwing all kinds of dirt at him right now?
This is their attack pattern.
This is what they do over and over and over again.
And now they're all up there, so O'Reilly and all of them can say, see, I told you they're violent.
See, I told you they're dangerous.
See, I told you.
Just out of the blue, they're just saying we're violent.
And we know that they literally get talking points from these people, and we know this means they are panicking.
You look at O'Reilly, he knows most people look at him and know he's just nothing but a media whore, an intellectual prostitute, weak, chicken-necked, nothing bully.
They know he's pathetic.
He knows even conservatives don't believe him anymore.
It's all of them.
They have wed themselves to this evil.
They have committed to it.
They are committed to go all the way with it.
And I heard he's saying, Hannity's saying, arrest all militia members again.
And Bush is geared up for martial law.
I mean, they really want to... Remember the Salon Magazine article a few months ago?
Where it was a conservative writer, and she was there with her friends at the New York beach, these rich ladies, and they were talking about, I can't wait till we totally take over.
We're going to put everybody and electrocute them and kill them and imprison the people that were against the war.
And our time is here.
I mean, folks, that's what they walk around and talk about at Fox News.
That's what they're into.
These people want to literally rule us like it's Nazi Germany.
They openly write books about how they want to put everybody in camps!
They call for my arrest all the time!
I mean, they're there trying to sell the public on literal jackboots going around and lining people up!
That is so un-American!
And the jig's up!
So, good luck.
Don't let them intimidate us.
Don't let them stop you.
We are pre-empting them now.
We triple efforts now to expose the real terrorists.
Their guardians, their defenders, are destroying themselves by defending them, and they know it.
They are desperate!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by power.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Both their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
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Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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He's got a bomb in his bag.
I saw wires coming out of there.
I think he's got a bomb in his bag.
Terrorist act?
We're not terrorists.
We're Americans.
By the time the government figures it out, you'll be in a hole for 30 days.
What we face for defending our beloved republic
We're fighting against the gun control.
Fighting against the hordes of illegals.
Fighting against all the scum, fake conservatives.
Backing Hillary.
Defending Ron Paul.
We know you're the terrorist.
And we know you defend him.
We know you wolves have come to gorge yourself on the blood of the American people, and we stand against you.
We ask God for guidance and divine providence just as George Washington requested it.
I beg for it in front of the altar of my almighty creator.
This song's for you, scum.
We're watching you.
You belong to me.
I'm a fool always.
Every step you take.
Every move you make.
Every vow you break.
Every smile you fake.
Every claim you stake.
I'll be watching you.
I keep calling to the real conservatives that have been mesmerized and deceived by these enemies to wake up.
For all the liberals that still believe Hillary's a good person for you to wake up, to join us in the battle for the republic when she's on her knees and when she needs you so desperately.
Right now is the time.
You know it in your gut.
You know the truth.
You can verify the information.
Join us and defend the United States in its darkest hour.
We have other clips here.
You know, there's so many.
What I'm going to do is, later in the next hour, I'm going to play, just exercise those out.
I don't want to play his whole
I don't know.
But they're putting this out preemptively at the exact time I get data that they're surveilling, they're infiltrating, they're provocateuring, they're doing all of this.
They're trying as best they can.
And you see the intelligence operation, those that want to bring down this country, working in tandem with the propaganda channels.
We know they get walking orders.
And it just shows you how much we're hurting them.
And listen, it's not going to work.
But I know you have to follow your old paradigm.
Old dogs don't learn new tricks.
I'm trying to say we're with the terrorists now.
No, we're pointing out that the central government is carrying out and provocateuring the terrorism and we're catching you.
We're not just saying the cops dress up like anarchists to start riots.
It's documented mainstream news now.
You've been caught from San Francisco to Seattle to Ottawa, Canada to Austin, Texas.
You've been caught staging terror attacks, and your mouthpieces have low approval ratings, and the people aren't buying what you shovel anymore.
So, heads up, folks.
We're drawing more enemy fire from their capital ships.
That means we are engaging.
And again, engage their main lines.
Engage their flagships now.
Hit them, and hit them hard in the info war.
Oh, we're dangerous, but we're dangerous to you, the terrorists, and we're bringing you down, terrorists!
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now back live into the second hour.
Dean Puckett of We Are Change England and some of his cohorts.
These are the filmmakers that got arrested with me in New York for bullhorning Fox News in the Infowar.
They are going to be joining us.
They confronted the former head of MI6 on and off again and basically ran him out of an event just by asking him serious questions.
Man, this is the guy whose memos have been leaked about staging intelligence and fixing it around saying Iraq has WMDs and this is the guy coming out in the White House memo about staging events, staging US aircraft shoot-downs.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And he's also a Bilderberg Group member and he just absolutely got hammered.
In fact, get that audio.
Have you gotten that yet, John?
Now I got you doing 14 different things.
Did we send you that?
The one with the MI6 chief being cornered?
Okay, it's top story on Prison Planet.
While you're doing 10 other things, go grab that 6-minute clip.
It's going to be in the film, The Elephant in the Room, by these We Are Change filmmakers.
They weren't on our team in the fight against the globalists until they started covering 9-11 truth and found out it was all true.
And that's what happens.
And again, we're dangerous to the New World Order, but not violently.
We're dangerous in destroying myths and blowing up lies in the Info War.
And, uh, that's why they're so scared and trying to claim that we're terrorists and trying to claim that we're, you know, doing all this.
And you just heard them earlier with Luke Radowsky and We Are Change saying, hey, you got bombs.
We know you don't have bombs, but we're going to say you have bombs and you're going to get arrested.
By the way, that's a violation of federal and state law to, uh, and they even did call it in.
They said, we're going to claim you got bombs and they called the cops.
Off-duty cops.
Silverstein Security.
Oh, we know you don't have bombs.
We're going to call the cops and say you've got bombs.
Yes, officer, there may be bombs here.
Just go right out and go again.
You thought you'd just come into the U.S.
and totally blow out the economy and the dollar and the borders and the sovereignty and there wouldn't be organic resistance from the few Americans that are left?
You thought we'd just let you wrap yourselves in your Chinese slave-made American flags and sit there on Fox News with American flags in the background and that would fool us?
You thought you could just do that and we would just sit here and buy Wolf Blitzer of AIPAC and buy all the people on CNN and all the other channels spewing what you do?
I mean, some of us just don't care!
About your threats and the horrible things you do.
We know how dangerous your bosses are.
We know how evil you are.
Believe me.
And we've made the decision to fight you in the info war and we are kicking your hind ends.
You and your ratings are plunging.
Your support is absolutely falling apart.
And you know it.
I can see it in your eyes.
You're sapped of energy.
You're sapped of
Any type of gung-ho spirit.
Oh, you had it four or five years ago when you thought you were going to roll this country easy and you were all going to get to be the big propaganda bureau chiefs over a new fascist state.
And now you think you're going to ace in the hole, pull out Hillary on us and fool us with that?
I'm giving you a break.
The word's out on you and there's nothing you can do to stop the truth.
There's nothing you can do to stop us.
Ideas, ladies and gentlemen, are eternal.
You cannot tear those down.
You cannot kill ideas.
You cannot kill information.
The Manifesto of Liberty and Freedom is out there.
People love freedom.
The message of freedom is popular.
And the true message that you are a pack of lying, government-paid propagandists is out.
And I just hope your bosses realize this.
I don't think they do completely.
That's why we know your bosses will carry out more huge black ops.
We've tried to stop them, but we know you're going to go ahead with them.
But at least when you do it, it'll be your undoing and everybody will know it's you.
I mean, you guys went out and bragged about how you needed more terror attacks and laughed and said more terror attacks are coming and then you'll all see.
We'll be vindicated.
I mean, that's pretty obvious.
See, even idiots out there woke up when you did that.
I mean, you expect us just to stand down while you kill more people?
Is that what you expect us to do?
The jig's up!
We're not playing games with you anymore!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They have all the money they need.
They're not after money.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
A little bit late getting back there because I was talking to Dean Puckett from We Are Change England.
And they are, him and his partner, are the two folks that got arrested with me for just being there videotaping it when the police arrested me for a non-arrestable offense.
Uh, of using an unpermitted sound device to bullhorn a live Fox News television program with Geraldo Rivera that night a few days before 9-11.
And again, in the words now of all of these people, we are dangerous, we are violent, we are evil, we are aiding Al-Qaeda.
No, that's the opposite.
We're here exposing the violence, calling for non-violence, exposing the fact that most terror is government or state sponsored.
And black ops.
They are provocateur to set up police states and oppress the people.
Now, there's an amazing article up on PrisonPlanet.com, and at the bottom of the hour we're going to air some of this.
War criminal, that's in quotes, ex-MI6 head, dear love, confronted at events, and that's who did this was the folks from We Are Change UK.
Who are also filmmakers making the elephant in the room.
Man who admitted intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy of invading Iraq, grilled on 7-7, Bilderberg membership, forced to leave after being called proxy mass murderer.
Author of the infamous Downing Street Memo, ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove, was confronted and branded a war criminal by audience members, and it wasn't just We Are Change, it was dozens of people, it was almost every question.
He just ended up leaving and just running out of the meeting.
Audience members who attended his talk at London School of Economics last night before being hounded out of the building.
See, I mean, I love it.
They got their video out quick.
But subsequent media coverage of the event completely failed to mention the controversy.
Ironically, during the lecture, in which Dear Love pushed the notion of how the media should acquiesce to government demands in reporting aspects of sensitive stories, controlled,
In their write-ups of the talk, the BBC admitted any details of how Dear Love was intensely questioned and eventually forced to leave by members of We Are Change UK.
And he admitted to being a Bilderberg group member.
He admitted all sorts of stuff.
He got confronted by former MI5 agent Andy Michon.
He got totally freaked out.
He threatened to leave and then he indeed did run and leave.
Just absolutely freaked out.
This is an ultimately evil individual.
MI6 is as wicked and the heart of evil as you can get.
The head of it, it's just off the charts wicked.
And they certainly were, he was the guy that wrote the famous thing about fixing intelligence, manufacturing it.
The discussion entitled, Can We Trust Journalists With Public Security?
See, they're all selling the public, only they've got to restrict free speech.
It was merely a platform for dear love to spew propaganda.
He went on to say there were WMDs, by the way.
And non-existent weapons of mass destruction and how the public and the media need to fall in line and mute their dissent about the so-called war on terror.
And Tony Blair is panicking, by the way, to Reuters a few months ago saying they have no credibility, no one believes them anymore, they've got to basically go to tyranny now because they can't sell their lies anymore.
A topic certainly not on Dear Love's agenda.
The fact that the leaked Downing Street memo, written nine months before hostilities began, in which he admits that the facts of the intelligence about WMDs were being fixed around the policy of a pre-planned invasion of Iraq.
But the evening turned into a spectacle after Dearlove came under rapid-fire questions about his membership in the Bilderberg Group, the alleged 7-7 mastermind status as an MI6 agent, and MI6's deliberate counter-terrorism failures.
Dearlove refused to answer any of the questions before struggling to explain away Bilderberg as, mm, it is a conference, it is a gathering in which people discuss issues rather like this, mm.
The fact that Vildenberg is, that was a quote, is really a secret gathering of global elite completely closed to the public and the mass media which is secured by armed guards and secret service personnel at which a consensus for global policy is agreed upon according to their own documents we've snuck out seems to contradict Dearlove's terse rebuttal.
After the speaking engagement, We Are Change UK members and former MI5 officer, Annie Machon, tried in vain to get Dearlove to answer their questions before branding him a liar, a war criminal, and stating that he had the blood of 600,000 dead Iraqis on his hands and was a proxy mass murderer.
Dearlove was forced to scuttle out and leave the building as his lackeys tried to block the camera while they assaulted it.
Uh, and it went on to say, you dress it up however you want.
It's a lie, sir.
Shouts one way or change.
UK member, dear love exits.
You will hang from the gallows, calls out another.
The people will not stand for it.
See, and they're afraid of this flashpoint.
They know 90% of us hate them.
They know 90% of us are awake, or 89% on our polls.
They know we know what they've done.
They know there's an exponential awakening happening right now.
They know they're in trouble.
They're afraid of what they call the Ministry of Defense flash mobs.
This was a flash mob.
This was actually very intelligent, very well-spoken academics and others and students hitting him and hitting him hard at the prestigious London School of Economics.
And everywhere they go, people have the quotes, they have the documents.
He couldn't debate.
He said, I will not answer direct questions.
I mean, he went on and on.
We're going to play that at the bottom of the hour.
Before we do that, coming up in the next segment, I'm going to play these clips of O'Reilly and others saying we're dangerous terrorists that aid the terrorists who are violent, when we're not violent.
See, they're scared to death of our words.
They say we're dangerous, and that's true.
Dangerous to those that cover up for the mass murderers.
It isn't going to work calling us crazy anymore.
People are finding out about the 200 plus times the U.S.
government blew up buses or bombed the ships or carried out staged attacks or finance groups.
There's hundreds of declassified examples of where they did it.
Hundreds of British examples.
Hundreds of Russian examples.
It's over!
NIST says they're having a look at bombs in the buildings now and that they can't say why the towers fell.
That's the federal government.
I mean, stop killing us!
You understand?
Back off!
You want to rape our countries, rape our currencies, destroy our borders, destroy our freedoms.
You want to cinch it all up.
You already owned almost everything.
You control the banks.
You have it all.
Now you want to physically kill us?
I mean, again, we're asking for quarter.
We've asked for quarter.
We've said stop!
But you can't stop, because it's all about the power.
It's all about the control.
You like doing dirty, nasty things.
You like wickedness.
You like it!
We're not playing games anymore!
And you're not gonna intimidate us, and you're not gonna shut us up.
They can't get us all.
They are trying to move into a provocateur stage.
It isn't going to work.
Just watch your six.
And re-triple your efforts.
Start more groups, more organizations.
They don't have the one hundredth of personnel to deal with us.
We are winning.
And we're converting most of their personnel.
We're converting most of their agents.
Because most of them are not pure evil.
They don't have, that's why they try to make Jack Bauer the new archetype to sell him on torture and secret arrest and killing children and all this.
They're trying to imprint that on people.
It's not working.
We reject you.
You're like some rotten meat that you force-fed us and we vomited it up.
We got over the toilet and we vomited it out, I'm sorry for the analogy, and we feel a lot better.
And you're standing over the thing going, oh, eat that, it's good.
No, no, that's nutritious.
No, we don't want your maggot-filled meat anymore.
We're sick of you!
We're sick of you!
We know who you are!
Stop killing us!
I mean, I'm going to say this.
How on God's green earth could they, two senators, a former senator, two Republican Party chairmen of states, Oklahoma and Michigan, all these publications, PNAC documents, you all come out, Michael Savage, and you say, there's about to be more terror attacks.
And when there are, we're going to take all your rights and show you that it was your fault, and we sure need them, and it'd sure be good, and boy, it'd sure help us.
I mean, how obvious does it have to get?
But it's like Karl Rove saying they control reality, they control... Alright, I'm going to shut up and get our guests with us for the rest of the hour.
Man, he's a Dean Puckett, he got arrested, and it's all on video.
Fox News has the video, it's on web, just type Alex Jones Arrested in, and it's the first link that comes up.
And you'll see these two cameramen about ten feet away from the cops videotaping my arrest, and then they assaulted the Discovery Channel camera, knocked him down, they assaulted two of my camera guys, and then they go and knock these guys down to the ground, and then arrest them.
Then the cops told me they were going to charge me with assaulting them, and I pointed out there were cameras on all of them, and so they backed off and just let me go after a while in the jail.
But again, the news here is this dear love being exposed, and Dean, good job.
Thanks very much, Alex.
It had to be done.
I mean, you know, the gall of this guy holding a conference that's talking about whether journalists are responsible is just, I mean, it's ridiculous.
You know, I went down with the We Are Change guys.
You know, I didn't want to shout at the guy at the end.
That's actually me shouting at the end.
It wasn't my intention to go in and shout at him.
My intention, as you can see in the video,
It's to get an interview for the documentary.
But when faced with his wickedness, you rose to the occasion.
Well, I just, you know, we asked him over and over again, can I get an interview?
We just want to say a few words.
You know, I'm making a documentary.
I didn't want to have to go and shout.
And he just refuses.
He turns his back on us over and over and over again.
And then as you see, I'm listening in on a conversation he's having with somebody else, and he actually has the audacity to say, there was a WMD there, but they got taken over into Syria.
And at that point, I just saw red.
And I just couldn't take it anymore.
And I just had to shout at him.
And then my friend Andy, who's part of We Are Change, who's actually the guy who brought up the Bilderberg comment in the bit beforehand, he then was telling him there's a Bilderberg.
And as you can see on the clip, we literally run him out of the room.
He leaves and they're trying to grab me and take the camera off me again.
Seems to be a recurring theme.
Of this film.
But yeah, you know, the bottom line is that the memo that he did was leaked in 2002.
Now, that just means, you know, they try and muddy the water all the time.
They're saying, oh, this information came from here, this information came from here.
In the video, you'll see he says, oh, I'll say that the reason that the intelligence leading into Iraq was so confusing.
No, his own memo says they manufactured it, there were no WNBs, that they fixed the intelligence.
Exactly, and the thing about the memo is that in it he is quoted as saying that the fact that the intelligence had been fixed by the US around the policy.
And that was being circulated in 2002.
And then, you know, they went to war in 2003 on information they all knew was not the case.
Stay there my friend.
We're going to come back and get into this and a lot more and play the audio of the video that's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Stay with us.
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Hi there.
Um, yes, there's been a report on Fox News by John Loftus, a well-known public prosecutor in Fenton South, that Haroon Rashidas was an MI6 agent.
They've been a mastermind behind the 7-7 bombings, and apparently he flew out of London on the day before the bombings, and was, um...
He was caught in America trying to set up a terror campaign, but you know, the two of us, and he got let off.
And it was reported by John Lotherty and NY6 agents.
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
I'm not going to comment on things like that.
It's just stupid.
Alright, the audio gets even better in the last five minutes, and we're going to come back and play that.
You can watch the video at PrisonPlanet.com and check out We Are Change UK sites as well, and the Elephant in the Living Room site as well.
We're talking to the filmmaker right now, Dean Puckett.
Dean, I mean right there, it's admitted it was in British papers, it was even on almighty Fox News, former federal prosecutor.
I mean, basically Andy is talking about CIA analysts on Fox News saying that this guy is MI6.
They're talking about journalism.
I mean, how much more relevant can it be?
He dodges every single question.
And he won't even let Gareth finish his sentence.
Gareth goes on to say, he doesn't even ask him a particularly tough question, Gareth.
Gareth just says, what are your thoughts on the 9-11 Truth Movement?
This movement exists.
You know, once again, it's the elephant in the room.
It's just a thing that exists.
You know, what are your thoughts on it?
And he just won't even let the guy finish the sentence.
You know, and then Annie, obviously,
Annie, I've got to give a lot of respect to Annie.
She was fearless last night.
She really was.
She was great.
And, you know, this guy, as I was saying before, they tried to muddy the water all the time.
And I was standing in that room and everyone's sort of drinking red wine and just like having a chat with him.
And I'm standing there thinking, how can these people, these guys that are meant to be academics and journalists,
They're just sort of asking him these really cosy questions and drinking red wine with him.
And in my eyes, the guy is a murderer.
As I said, by proxy, the guy is a murderer.
And I tried to be polite to him, and he ended up just ignoring us.
Well, that's what happens.
We're sick of playing nice.
We're sick of letting them rule over us and do all this and start phony wars.
And that's why they're getting scared, because they know the people aren't buying into it anymore.
And he got confronted by a lot of people, didn't he?
Yeah, well, basically what happened is that we all went down.
There was about five of us from We Are Change.
Annie and some other people from the 9-11 group.
We all work together, but we're a bit more proactive than we are change.
And Annie's fantastic.
She does so much great work.
And we all just sort of split ourselves out around the event, so we didn't sit anywhere near each other.
So it looks as if everybody's asking the same questions, all of us, in different positions, all putting our hands up.
And yeah, I mean, the Bilderberg quote is telling.
I mean, if you watch his reaction to that question,
I mean, he goes pale and he looks down.
He really does, doesn't he?
He looks so nervous.
I mean, I don't know, who knows what goes on really behind there, but he looks as if he's made a mistake, in my eyes.
It's like he's really worried about what he's just said.
He's admitted that, you know?
But I mean, you know, that's speculation.
Yeah, first he turns white, looks down, then he admits it, then he looks down again and kind of quivers.
It's true.
But Simon as well, I mean, he's, you know, Simon, the guy from tomorrow, he's the young man that says, you know, that quotes him his memo and says, you know, the facts and the intelligence were being fixed around the policy.
This is something that was floating around MI6 and obviously the UK government in 2002, a year before they invaded Iraq.
So the whole thing's a lie.
They muddy the water constantly.
And it's just
You know, he's meant to answer questions.
He's a public servant.
That's what he is.
He works for us.
You know, under Nuremberg principles, you know, Nazis were hanged for this kind of thing in the 40s.
You know, Iraq is an act of international aggression.
And, you know, my friend Andy said, you know, you'd be getting the gallows.
And that might sound extreme, but, you know, if the law was actually applied, then that is what would happen to these people.
As far as I'm concerned, you know.
And I just, you know, I've never really done anything as aggressive as that, but I really did lose my temper.
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Dean Puckett is our guest, joining us from the UK.
We're all brothers in arms in the fight against the tyrants.
I mean, this is history.
Elites always try to take over and launch empires and enslave populations, and they run all sorts of black ops and dirty tricks, and the jig's up, the word's out.
We're tired of you killing us.
We're tired of you maiming us.
We're tired of you falsely imprisoning people.
We're tired of fake wars.
We're tired of you using DEU all over the planet.
We're tired of your New World Order.
Let's go ahead and play the rest of this audio, Dean, and then get your take on it, okay?
Dean Puckett, you game for that?
Yes, yes, that sounds great.
Now again, the audio that you hear that's a little bit muddy is him up there on the stage being asked questions in the big theater, and then later it's at a reception cocktail party with the media and the academics that attended, and then that's when you hear Andy Michon, former MI5 agent, and others from We Are Change, as well as Dean Puckett yelling at him and saying he's a war criminal by proxy.
Here is the rest of it.
It's just ridiculous.
I'm not going to comment on things like that.
It's just stupid.
I mean, do answer the questions.
Come on.
It doesn't answer the questions.
It doesn't answer the questions.
I don't know that I wasn't in the service of the damn thing.
But I mean, you know, really, let's try and talk about the issues.
If you were an agent, you would have known it before us.
You would have been told us about it.
Hi, I was just wondering whether you'd care to comment on the 9-11 Truth Movement, a rapidly growing global movement of academics, scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, military professionals, ex-members of the intelligence services, activists, witnesses from the day, victims, family members, I could go on.
One of the reasons I believe that the intelligence
The facts were fixed around the policies, Sir Richard, that's what you said about Iraq.
I'm giving it back to the people of the British domain.
What about the war crimes charge in Sir Richard?
For the millions of dead Iraqi people at the moment?
What about all the children in Iran that are dying today?
What about the plagues again?
What about the depleted uranium and the dead people?
Why can't you speak more openly?
Why do you have to use that chatter?
Well, because it's pretty serious stuff, isn't it?
I came here on my own terms.
And I'm not yours.
And, you know, if you want to walk off the stage, fine.
But I don't want you to do that, of course.
Hi, yes, my name's Annie Mashall.
You may be aware that you will be on the show today for the HBN Internet Expo 395.
I'm not going to answer specific questions.
I'm not going to answer specific questions.
Answer the questions!
I would like to know why you seem very positive about the creation of a National Security Council.
And specifically, what problem is this designed to fix?
Well, I'm not sure.
I mean, I'm just really... To be honest...
What is Build-A-Burger, Sir Richard?
It's a conference, it's a gathering in which people discuss issues of our language.
It hasn't not been held in public, but that's all.
We're making an independent documentary and we're trying to get a few comments from Mr Deerlof.
Well, good luck, but you won't get them.
You won't get them.
Because he said he won't do anything like this.
No question.
Well, I can see that in the comments.
I'm not going to throw you out, but... There's a point in factivity as well.
Are we not allowed?
Can we not ask?
You're free to ask me the same thing.
I'm sorry, Sir Richard, can I just ask a question?
Why there was no official inquiry into David Shailer's allegations of MI6 funding Islamic extremist terrorism in an illegal plot to assassinate Khan al-Qadhafi in 1996?
I'm at a drink spot, I'm having a chat, and would you please leave me alone?
It's hard to imagine that Pakistan could have built on this.
I have no problem.
Let us ask one question, right?
Sir Richard, I just have one quick... Sir Richard, just a quick question.
I just got a quick question, that's all it is.
Mr Dhillon, I personally believe you're a liar and a war criminal and you have the blood of 600,000 dead Iraqis on your hands!
I think you're a liar and a murderer.
And you have the blood of 600,000 dead Iraqis on your hands.
You're a liar and you're a war criminal.
You are a war criminal.
You're a war criminal, sir.
It's lying.
You dress it up however you want, it's a lie, sir.
You are a liar.
You are a liar, Mr Dearlove.
You are a liar and you are by proxy a murderer, Mr Dearlove.
Put that away.
Why should I put it away?
The people will not stand for it, Mr Dearlove!
We know exactly what you're doing, Mr Dearlove!
That was Dean Prockett right there at the end.
We have Dean on with us now.
Dean, you seem like a pretty friendly, low-key fellow.
Is this the first time you really felt the boiling righteousness come up in you?
You know, as I say, I don't know what it was.
I've been pretty chilled out
In a sense, making this documentary.
Well, you know this guy's a cold-blooded race, and you realize he's a threat to you and your family, your instincts, and plus the data you have.
That's why you got angry.
It was just a comment.
I'll tell you what it was.
You can't quite hear it on what we just played because it's quite muffled, but the comment about how there was weapons there, but they took them over... No, no, you can clearly see it on the video and you can hear it, but, you know, it's strange how with audio, if you have the video too, you almost, like, hear stuff better, but you can hear it clearly.
Nah, he's going, oh yes, I believe they have WMDs, they had them, they brought them into Syria, and then that's when you jumped.
And all these people are staring at me.
I mean, the room was... How dare him talk to his sir-ship?
Oh, we need to submit to them and let them feed on us.
It was just, you know, I just couldn't handle it.
I just couldn't stand around and drink red wine with the guy and not call him what he was.
As you hear, you know, to Thief, the co-producer of the film,
He's saying, can I get a few words?
Can I get a few words?
Can I get a few words?
Really simply, we were going to have a respectful interview with him, and he just kept ignoring us.
He's a public servant, and he needs to be made accountable for his actions, because, as I said, you know, numbers are irrelevant.
600,000, some people say a million, it's irrelevant.
Let's be clear, from 2003 in March of the invasion,
March 15th or so, through the end of 2005, there were 654,000 dead Iraqis.
The British Medical Journal, Lancet, highly respected.
Then the American Medical Journal and several universities looked at it and said, well, no, the British are wrong.
It's more like 700,000 dead in two and a half years.
Now, a year plus later, the statistics are always about a year behind.
We're almost five years in now.
Well, we're four and a half.
The number is at a cool million dead from the war, conservatively.
Then you have another two million dead before that.
In 97, only six years after the war, Madeleine Albright on Dateline NBC was asked, is it a good price to pay 700,000 dead Iraqi children?
She did not dispute that number.
She simply said, yes, it's a good price to pay.
That was meant, by the way, it later came down to enrage Muslims and cause them to fight so they can then call them terrorists.
So, so, bottom line, 3 million Iraqis are dead in the last 16 and a half years of the extermination op going on in Iraq.
I mean, also, I do think that numbers, to some extent, obviously they're relevant, but they are also relevant because one death is enough.
Well, exactly.
If a guy lies and one person is murdered, then he's a murderer.
You know, 600,000 is beyond all convention.
A million, it's like, you know, you can't just tell a lie.
On his watch with the fixed made-up intelligence, it's over a million.
Right, well you can't just lie and then just go and have drinks party.
You know, this guy, this is one of his first public appearances.
He doesn't really do many and I can understand why after what happened last night.
But I mean, if it wasn't for us,
He would have just had some cozy evening drinking red wine with lefty judges.
Now let me stop you and salute you Dean Prockett.
Right now, tell folks about your website, your MySpace account.
It's myspace.com forward slash the elephant in the room.
This is all part of the documentary I'm making.
We have a radio show every Sunday on Resonance FM in London.
If you want to hear it, it's between 6 and 7.
If you're not in London, you can download it every Monday from our website, wearechanged.org.uk.
So yeah, just check it out.
So you're taking action, you're making films.
Now, how long ago did you start wanting to make a film about it?
You told me you weren't even sold on it being an inside job, you thought it was interesting, but then in making a film, you looked at the evidence.
Well, I've been making this film probably for about eight, nine months now.
I was totally impartial when I started, and I think last night my impartiality pretty much went out the window.
But when was the point in the last few months when you started to realize and look at the evidence?
Well, I started to look at the evidence, obviously, through researching, wanting to make the film.
I watched Loose Change, basically, and there are some, you know, I'm a filmmaker myself, and I'm quite critical, and, you know, I watched Loose Change, but I found there were some things in it which
I wasn't 100% on, and by those guys' admission, there are problems with, like, say, Second Edition, for example.
Well, yeah, sure.
Nobody's perfect.
We're trying at the produce, yes.
Yeah, so basically, I was just astonished that I hadn't even... I wasn't even aware of this even existed.
I didn't even know it existed.
But now I study into it, I actually was one of the first people I met, funnily enough,
And she said come along to a meeting, and I filmed this person, that person, Callum Douglas, who my radio show is about on Sunday, he actually, through the Freedom of Information Act, got the black box data from Flight 77, and he actually, his actions, you know, he's the guy who lived in England, in Oxford, his actions spawned Pilots for 9-11 Truth, actually, and, you know,
All he says is, without speculating, needless to say, that somebody's lying about what happened.
We know the official story from pillar to post, up one side and down the other is a fraud, and then we know who has the motive, and we know who's lying, and then you look at it, we know who staged terror before, and you have the hijackers trained at bases, it ends right there, and then you've got a million other pieces of evidence.
Let's stop right now, though, as time's running short.
I want to bring up another issue here.
They keep saying we're violent, we're dangerous, we're evil, we've got bombs, you heard them in New York say that about Luke,
And they admit, they know he didn't, they were just lying to put him in jail, they say that.
And then now we have, here are these clips.
This is O'Reilly in two different shows, and there's a bunch of others.
This is, of course, the individual on CNN, Glenn Beck, a little sniveller, saying we're violent, the McVeighs are going to come from us.
No, we're exposing that there's government sponsored terror, it's the opposite.
And so it shows they're going into a new talking point phase
To try to, I guess, set up a few people to scare everybody to shut up.
That is not going to work.
This movement has got thousands of academics, scientists, millions of people.
The evidence is out.
It is unstoppable.
And it's sick, but I almost hope they try to provocateur or set somebody up because it's going to be so transparent.
They're in an attack profile from the 60s and 70s.
It's not going to work now in this new environment.
Let's go to these clips.
Here it is.
These truthers are exactly the kind of people who want to rock this nation's foundation, tear us apart, and plant the seeds of dissatisfaction in all of us.
Which is why I believe these guys are dangerous.
I believe these guys are...
Are anarchists that are looking to tear us apart?
I mean, this is the kind of group that a Timothy McVeigh would come from.
This kind of propaganda is hurtful to those who lost loved ones on 9-11 and damaging to America's image abroad.
But the more serious matter is the rise of dangerous radicals roaming the country unchallenged, infringing on freedom of speech, disrupting worship, and insulting decent people.
Stop providing comfort, comfort,
Did you hear that?
And there's more that O'Reilly says.
Again, you can see what they're doing there.
Did you hear that?
Uh, it's worrying, isn't it?
I actually find it worrying.
It's like they're setting people up for something.
I don't know why.
It doesn't matter though.
It shows that they are flailing.
This is a sign.
First they ignore us, then they laugh at us, then they attack us, then we win.
Believe me, when their big capital guns, when their big ships come in, swing their turrets around and start shooting at us, it only brings more attention to 9-11 truth, it only shows people how serious it is, and it only lets us know it is hurting them bad.
But I just don't understand why, you know, we can't ask these questions.
We just want to know what happened.
I don't think so.
You have to be exactly sure what happened on that day.
And that's kind of where I'm coming from.
That's the journey that I'm making.
We have the White House memo, ten times worse than the Downing Street memo.
The White House admits it's accurate, with Bush talking about staging shoot-downs of aircraft deployment on Saddam.
I mean, this is incredible stuff.
That's mainstream news.
What I find heartening, and what I actually think is happening, and maybe I'm being optimistic, but I think
The more and more people that are aware of these facts, and aware of all the unanswered questions and the anomalies in the official story, the more and more people that wake up to that, they then, they turn on, like, say Fox News or ITV News, and they watch and they go, well, hang on a minute, this isn't what I know, this isn't what I'm kind of experiencing, this isn't what I believe, and all of a sudden it's like, hey, wait a minute, my whole life, this institution has been telling me this.
And it's not what I actually think, or it's not what... Exactly, when they're... See, see... There's not a single shining line in history where that line is actually being drawn in the sand between the corporate media and the people.
It's actually quite... It's a scary, but also quite an exciting time to be alive, especially as a filmmaker and somebody with the internet and everything, because it is.
They are so clearly, even by what they're doing,
Is that they are, they are drawing that line in the sand.
I mean, you always have people that are going to support people like Bush blindly in your country, and people that would support Blair blindly.
But I think the numbers are diminishing.
But the people on our side are growing and taking action and making change, being the change they want to see in the world.
It's happening.
And the enemy is scared of us.
And we're dangerous to their myths and their lies, but we're not physically dangerous to them.
And they know that.
We know that their bosses are physically dangerous to us.
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For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
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Next hour we're going to have wide open phones, a ton of economic news, war news, 9-11 news.
I'm going to recap the fact that they're trying to claim that 9-11 treatment is violent and evil and has all these evil plans, which is their desperation move that is not going to work.
It'll go over like a lead balloon.
People know you're crooks now, and that's not going to change.
Before we go back to our guest in closing, I do want to encourage everybody
We're good to go.
I hope to see everybody at those events coming up next Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the Alamo Draft House Cinema on South Lamar.
Go to infowars.com.
You can link through on the big banner.
We're good to go!
By the way, for all three days of the showings, I'm going to have in-game, just as a promotion, with your ticket stub, half price, $10.
For everybody who has a ticket stub, it can be a ticket stub for any of the other showings if you have it.
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You know, you guys are pretty talented.
I bet your elephant in the room is going to be a good video.
Maybe I'll carry that next year when it comes out.
I just want to thank you for what you've done, and you inspire me and many others, Dean Puckett, spontaneously resisting this creature.
And I salute you for what you've done.
Folks, you can go to PrisonPlanet.com and read the big article, War Criminal Ex-MI6 Head, Dear Love Confronted Event.
And just in the last minute or so, we've got left.
Anything you'd like to add?
Nothing really, just that, you know, what we did was not rocket science, we just, we found out an event where one of these people was going to be speaking, we went there with the camera, and it just takes the guts basically to just do it.
And if you feel, it's not just going down there for the sake of shouting at somebody, it's if you feel passionately about it, and if you don't feel like the mainstream media is asking the questions then, and they need to be asked,
I think so.
There's something else to talk to you about.
Look, it's important to physically, in their presence, in their space, tell them, hey, we know what you're doing, we know what you did.
You don't fool everybody, folks are waking up.
That will make them back off and not stage more events.
Or it may have the opposite effect and make them lash back even more viciously.
But regardless, justice be done, may the heavens fall, we'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, for stations just joining us around the country or folks that just tuned in on satellite or the internet or shortwave, I want to thank you so much for joining us today.
I've noticed a pattern, and I want to talk to listeners about this in the shower.
O'Reilly by, of course, Hannity, by Glenn Beck, and by a bunch of other national TV and radio talk show hosts to claim that 9-11 truth
People confronting Bill Maher, people confronting Bill Clinton, all these politicians, Giuliani, that we are violent, that we are helping terrorists, that we work for Al-Qaeda, that we hate America, that we need to be stopped, that we're out doing all these horrible things, engaging in our First Amendment and true activism as the First Amendment states.
They're doing this because they're panicking, because they're scared.
They know we're exposing them for pushing open borders and being fake conservatives.
They know we're exposing fake conservative groups for backing Hillary, which is now mainstream news.
They know that the American people, liberals and conservatives, are breaking that paradigm and waking up, and they're scared to death.
Everywhere they go, activists, anti-war activists, anti-open borders activists, pro-Second Amendment groups, 9-11 truth groups, but mainly 9-11 truth, we are changed mainly.
Are out there, getting in their face, bringing up, hey, the firefighters say that you claim there was no asbestos, but documents came out and it shows you did know that.
We're confronting them on real issues.
And the firefighters are buying TV ads saying, in New York, that's where We Are Change started just a year ago.
And they go and they confront him about, hey, you said you were told by the government to get out of Building 7, because Tower 1 and 2 were going to fall.
How did you know that was going to happen?
Oh, I didn't say that, Giuliani says, and in the media,
Even NBC in New York goes and gets the clip of him on TV saying it twice!
And they go, well, he did say that!
Where did you hear that?
See, I mean, and that's just one example of hundreds and hundreds of confrontations.
Hundreds and hundreds of times where real questions are being brought up to Hillary, Bill Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, Mitt Romney, the other Democrats, like John Edwards.
I mean, hundreds of them!
And former CIA chiefs, and former MI6 chiefs, and
Governors and Bill Maher and all of these people are getting confronted.
And Bill O'Reilly's the type, it's been in the news, where somebody calls his radio show, they have caller ID, we don't have that here, call the office we do, and disagrees with him and he has security call and threatened to arrest him when there are not even cops.
A guy in Florida, and they even recorded it.
Hey, we're going to get you if you ever call in again.
You don't call in here and disagree with us.
I mean, they're nuts!
Man, O'Reilly is mentally ill!
I mean, there's no doubt.
I mean, the stuff with the sexual harassment case and the recordings of that that came out... I don't know, I just think it's mentally ill to have some woman under your power and then to harass them, and it's always real dirty.
It's always real creepy.
You know, I mean, I'm married, but before that, I want women to like me and to want me.
That's the whole point about it, is they like you.
See, I don't want
We're good to go.
When I was growing up, he said, son, most people in business out there in America would rather screw you out of 25 cents than make $100 with you.
They like rebel in the taking.
He enjoys getting up there and saying, ban First Amendment, ban free speech, arrest everybody that disagrees with the government.
You know, he brags about how he's gotten innocent professors arrested who were later found not guilty of things.
He gets on TV and says, I call for your arrest!
I call for it!
I have power!
It's disgusting.
But O'Reilly once knew the truth.
He reported on the JFK assassination, government drug dealing, the New World Order.
Oh yeah, he was once one of us.
Just like Alan Greenspan wrote books against the New World Order and against the Federal Reserve until they went and hired him.
By the way, did that up him on JFK?
That's in the computer.
We aired it about a year ago.
We ought to play that today.
And his minions confronted Rosie O'Donnell.
That's coming up as well.
Your call is 1-800-259-9231.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I have seen Bill O'Reilly get up and make fun of JFK conspiracy theories.
In fact, I just thought of that.
We ought to find those clips on YouTube and put it with this one from the late 1980s with him on it.
I think it's extra.
Getting up there and talking about the murder of JFK.
He's got shows about government drug dealing.
I used to watch him and he'd be talking about the Illuminati and the New World Order.
That's what's so bad about O'Reilly is he knows.
And then he gets up and says, oh, none of it exists.
It's kind of like when he, um,
Limbaugh says put everybody in prison that uses drugs and then he gets caught with all these drugs and doesn't get in trouble but he still says throw kids in jail the first time they're caught with drugs.
I mean it's just so hypocritical.
Then we've got his minions confronting Rosie O'Donnell and then we've got them basically claiming that we're all terrorists now.
Just amazing stuff.
Then we're going to go to Spencer in New York, Frank New Jersey, Andy New Jersey, Scott in New Jersey.
Got a lot of calls from New Jersey and New York.
But first, here he is.
How long is this clip?
I forgot, John.
Okay, we'll play the short three-minute clip of him talking about JFK.
Then we'll play the, uh, his guys confronting her guerrilla style.
They're trying to copy us.
But wait a minute, we're terrorists when we do it, but when you do it at a bookstore, it's loving and good and sweet.
See, I mean, he's just such a hypocrite.
But it's getting dangerous when they start saying we're criminals and we're evil and we're bad and we've got bombs and it's amazing.
So here he is.
Here is the old Bill O'Reilly.
The Select Committee on Assassinations will, at this time, come to order.
The most damaging sealed documents of the House Select Committee on Assassinations accuse high-ranking officials of the Central Intelligence Agency of lying to the people of the United States about Lee Harvey Oswald.
House investigators believe this man, David Atlee Phillips, met with Oswald two months before the assassination.
Phillips was the CIA's Chief of Western Hemisphere Operations, and was in charge, among other things, of plots against Fidel Castro.
According to the secret reports, Antonio Viciana, a leader of anti-Castro Cubans directed by the CIA, saw Oswald talking to a senior CIA agent he knew by the cover name Maurice Bishop.
Viciana provided enough information for house investigators to compile this sketch of the agent who met Oswald.
Could it have been Phillips?
Investigators believe it was.
Phillips denied under oath that he knew Oswald, but house investigators did not believe him and wanted him charged with perjury.
The government declined to prosecute, leaving investigators furious.
The director of the CIA in 1963 was John McCone.
He caused a sensation among committee staffers when he admitted there was an agent using the cover name Bishop.
But a secret memo reveals he was allowed to reverse his testimony.
A CIA lawyer wrote the committee.
I should inform you that he had been in error.
In summary, Mr. McCone withdraws his statements on this point.
The man who fingered Maurice Bishop, Antonio Viciana, was shot in the head soon after testifying, but survived.
Frightened, he will no longer talk about the case, but we caught up with him in Florida.
They wounded me in the head.
They tried to kill me.
You know why?
I don't know, but maybe I know.
Maybe I know.
Did they kill you?
That's it.
That's it.
David Adly Phillips died of cancer in 1988.
Investigators believe Phillips was angry at JFK for botching the Cuban Bay of Pigs operation.
Did you kill the President?
The second explosive revelation in the S.H.I.E.L.D.
document also linked the CIA directly to Oswald.
While living in Dallas, Oswald was befriended by Russian-born George D'Amore and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Investigators determined he was a contract agent for the CIA in Central America and the Caribbean.
In 1977, moments before he was to be interviewed by House investigators, DeMoran Shield blew his brains out with a 20-gauge shotgun.
House investigators believe he was a crucial link between the CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald.
There is no question that the sealed JFK files are extremely embarrassing for the CIA.
House investigators have told Inside Edition that the agency did not fully cooperate in their investigation, and that the CIA had final say in the report that the House Assassinations Committee made public.
Thus, the public report makes no mention of the CIA's links with Lee Harvey Oswald.
But the secret documents are another story.
One interesting sidelight, the movie JFK was partially based on Jim Garrison's investigation in New Orleans.
Well, house investigators uncovered evidence that the CIA planted nine agents inside the Garrison investigation to feed him false information and to report back to Langley on what Garrison was finding out.
A correction here, that was from 1993.
You know what, I just thought of something.
Let's play four or five minutes of that E. Howard Hunt deathbed confession.
Now, he was already arrested that day as a tramp on the grassy knoll at the railway station, the rail yard.
He was in the Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times-Herald, photographed with two other known top CIA officers.
He was ordered released by the Dallas Police Department.
You know, the beat cops ran up and arrested him and grabbed him.
Everybody saw the guns, the shots going off, the plumes of smoke, everything.
And we already knew he was the CIA section chief.
We already knew he ran the Bay of Pigs, the overthrow of our dens in Guatemala.
But he bragged on his deathbed to his son.
This has been in the Rolling Stone Magazine.
It's now admitted that, yeah, they went in there to kill JFK for the president.
And then people spin this and say, oh, it went above the president.
The point is, obviously it did.
But as high as his chain of command went was LBJ.
So, uh, here's that clip.
I heard from Frank that LBJ had designated Cord Meyer, Jr.
to undertake a larger organization while keeping it totally secret.
Cord Meyer himself was a rather favored member of the Eastern aristocracy.
He was a graduate of Yale University.
And had joined the Marine Corps during the war and lost an eye in the Pacific fighting.
I think that LBJ settled on Meyer as an opportunist, a parent like himself, a parent, and a man who had very little left to him in life ever since JFK had
I had taken Kord's wife as one of his mistresses.
I would suggest that Kord Meier welcomed the approach from LBJ, who was, after all, only the vice president at that time.
Of course, could not number Kord Meier among JFK's admirers.
Quite the contrary.
As for Dave Phillips,
I knew him pretty well at one time.
He worked for me during the Guatemala project.
He had made himself useful to the agency in Santiago, Chile, where he was an American businessman.
In any case, his actions, whatever they were, came to the attention of the Santiago station chief, and when his resume
He became known to people in the Western Hemisphere Division.
He was brought in to work on Guatemalan operations.
Spades and Morales and people of that ilk stayed in apartment houses during preparations for
The big event.
Their addresses were very subject to change.
So that quite a fellow like Wallace would know one day you're not necessarily associated with that same address the following day.
In short, it was a very mobile experience.
Let me point out at this point that if I had wanted to
Fiction-wise, what went on in Miami and elsewhere during the run-up for the big event, I would have done so.
But I don't want any unreality to tinge at this particular story, or the information, I should say.
I was a benchwarmer on it, and I had a reputation for honesty.
I think it's essential to refocus on what this information that I've been providing you, and you alone by the way, consists of.
What is important in the story is that we've backtracked the chain of command up through Kornbauer and laying the
The doings at the doorstep of LBJ.
He, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal urge to become president.
He regarded JFK as he was, in fact, an obstacle to achieving that.
He could have waited for JFK to finish out his term and then undoubtedly a second term.
So that would have put LBJ at the head of a long list of people who were waiting for some change in the executive branch.
And of course he also, around the table when they killed Bobby, celebrated, hey we got him and said we ought to kill the whole family.
I mean, we know.
It's now declassified that Oswald was in the CIA, that they staged his defection of the Russians.
It's all public.
And there is the former CIA commando.
I mean, he's the guy that in Mission Impossible, E. Hunt, Ethan Hunt.
The head agent in that has got gray hair and is tall and looks like E. Howard Hunt, famous actor playing him.
And they called him Ethan Hunt.
And now it's the young, uh, you know, the young actor playing him, Tom Cruise.
But that's Ethan Hunt.
Folks, that's E. Howard Hunt.
There he is.
For you.
And O'Reilly knows all about it.
O'Reilly knows we're telling the truth.
He knows it all.
We're going to come back and take your calls.
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You see, the globalists staged the whole Soviet conflict, put Mao in all of it now, all declassified, all public.
To get different divisions of their agents, to go out and kill people, murder people, commit bombings, blame it on innocent people.
They did that all over Latin America, all over Asia, all over the Middle East, all over Europe, and now here.
We gotta be more evil than the Communists to defeat them.
The truth's gotta be guarded by a bodyguard of lies.
But now, what have you done?
It's cancer viruses and mercury in the vaccines, your eugenics bosses running you, running us, running everything.
You're just as much slaves as us CIA people and black ops and the private contractors they've got now.
They'll use you up, they'll use you, you know you're in a culture of fear.
And somebody's got to say no to it.
I mean, where does it end?
Where does it stop?
Where does the corruption end?
You're now taking people's property you want.
They're now taking people's kids.
They're now... The government is completely out of control and it's dissolving the U.S.
right now.
And they've got you again, torturing and bombing and killing because, well, the Islamofascists do mean to take over, so we've got a stage attached to get the people to pay attention to this real threat.
Now, men, you've already done hundreds of missions before.
You sign on to this mission.
You know full well if you don't sign on, you're going to get shot in the head or die of a heart attack.
So you sign on and you go and you plant the bombs in the buildings and you blow it up.
I put the M.O.
on some of those neocon contractors.
We're really starting to get their number.
And you bet what I'm doing is dangerous.
But it's a lot more dangerous to not fight them.
You bet it's dangerous.
And I'm not going to be like all this other scum that just sits here and watches this evil grow.
I mean, these are some sick people running our country, folks.
And, uh... I don't want to do here what they did in Russia and China.
You going to stand by and be part of that?
And people in intelligence?
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, sir.
I'm a big fan.
I just started listening to your show this year and, you know, just learning so much.
It's been pretty, pretty mind-blowing.
And as far as, like, with 9-11 goes, for me it was, there was this footage, and all you have to do, I always tell people to just Google rare 9-11 footage and you get this pulled Fox, ironically it's Fox News footage, helicopter footage from Flight 93.
And it shows the hole, and it's like, for people to believe that this hole was caused by a plane, that's, you know, that's the conspiracy theory.
And I don't know if you've seen this footage I'm talking about, the polled fox footage, but... Yeah, it's all in loose change Final Cut.
Oh, okay.
See, you know, I've seen so much... It's like eight different newscasts with no wreckage and a tiny hole.
And the federal investigators with their hands up going, there's nothing here!
They didn't find anything bigger than a phone book.
You can see it by scale.
It's next to a garage.
When I saw it, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone because I knew.
To me it's just
It's close to a smoking gun.
Well, it's a classic black op, too.
I mean, you've got all these dozens of other hijacked planes they admit in a drill.
You've got weird planes being diverted, landing here and there, planes taking off.
Well, that's what Operation Northwest says.
The government says they'd have fake people under fake names getting on planes, other drones crashing, other planes landing.
I mean, it's a black op.
They make it so confusing, even their own agents, who are compartmentalized, don't know what's happening.
And we had contractors and enemy agents running the attack right next to people in NORAD who thought it was a drill.
And then the Cheney, there was the... wasn't there some sort of NORAD officer asking Cheney to... Yeah, it was his aides saying, does the order still stand?
Because they had anti-aircraft, fighter jets, everything right there, and he just... it was a stand-down.
50 miles out, 30 miles out, 20 miles out, 5 miles out, does it still stand?
Of course the order still stands, but how do you think of the contrary?
Well, I've been out there telling everybody, basically annoying everybody I know until they start looking at the stuff and I think that's what everybody has to do is just become sort of like that annoying 9-11 guy.
I also think that if people, that issue, I mean I was just out at the protest in Union Square last weekend
You know, it's kind of, it's disillusioning having been going to them for so many years and it just seems like nothing changes, but with all these groups going out and actually going to the places and confronting the people, you know, like they did with Clinton.
Are you kidding?
You guys have done a great job.
Keep it up.
God bless you.
That's why they're freaking out now, claiming we're with Al-Qaeda.
I mean, come on.
You think that's going to work?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Oh yeah, Johnny Cash!
Play a little bit of this!
Sooner or later, gonna cut you down.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later, gonna cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar Go and tell that midnight rider Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter Tell him that God's gonna cut him down Tell him that God's gonna cut him down
Well, my goodness gracious, let me tell you the news My head's been wet with the midnight dew I've been down on bended knee Talking to the man from Galilee He spoke to me in a voice so sweet I thought I heard the shuffle of angels sing He called my name and my heart stood still When he said, John, go do my will Go tell that long-tongued liar Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter, tell him that God's gonna cut him down.
Tell him that God's gonna cut him down.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Well, he may throw you a rock and hide your hand Working in the dark against your fellow man But he sure has got me black and white What's done in the dark will be brought to the light You can run on for a long time Run on for a long time
That's right!
Yeah, I know that what we do is dangerous, man.
But I've counted the cost.
I want that known.
And I put myself in God's hands.
I believe in the Creator.
I believe in a loving God.
But I believe in a God that also demands justice.
And I have felt the spirit of that Creator.
And anytime I let fear creep in, anytime I'm daunted, I feel the dauntless spirit of God rise up in me and to fight these people.
And it's not too late for evil people that have done evil things for this system.
You're a CPS worker that's violated the Bill of Rights and seized children and rationalized what you've done and you've paid for abortions or you've had an abortion, God will forgive you, you can forgive yourself.
But don't harden your heart.
You've been in black ops.
You stayed terror attacks in different nations.
You came back to the U.S.
You participated in the murder of 2,800 plus Americans.
God can forgive you for what you've done if you're not past the point of return.
You harden your own heart long enough, you shut the door forever on yourself.
So that's why a lot of you are just dark and have those vacant eyes.
What is Mark Kornke?
I heard him say it many years ago.
It's like they have the eyes of great white sharks.
Look at the great white shark's eyes in up close photos.
They're like black.
But you look at people with black eyes, you see the sparkle of life in them and the soul, just like if they got blue eyes or green eyes or brown eyes.
But it's like nothing reflects out of them.
It's like pits in the cold night, just like there's no soul there.
In confronting Janet Reno and many others, I remember the first time, I guess it was 1998, I actually saw that.
I actually stepped back.
I was like, what?
And it was, you know, looking at her, it was just... I remember she smiled at me, stuck her tongue out, made this little demon face at me.
She was at the LBJ School, UT, and she just did this little demon face, this little smile, looked right at me.
I was in the front row, and I just went, ooh, and just looked at me, and I was like, man, that is a demon.
And so there's a lot of things that the eye has not seen or the ear has not heard.
There's a lot of stuff going on, folks.
And I just know this, I do not want to be with the bad guys.
And if it means I gotta have them arrest me someday, or kill me, or set me up, or whatever, I don't want that to happen, but at the same time, I don't want them to win, and I don't want to be with them.
And folks, if you know they're evil, and you know they're bad, and you know they've done all these thousands of crimes, and you know that you should be doing something about it, you know that it's going on, and you haven't stood up against them, or you rationalize and you make excuses,
It's just a crime against humanity.
It's, even if you don't believe in God, it is a crime against the species.
I mean, don't you have the instinct to defend the weak and the young and the poor that are being abused by these people?
Don't you have the instinct to fight them?
Don't you have a burning desire to see right done?
And, I mean, let's get it straight.
I am an aggressive person.
I'm a person who gets angry at people.
I've got my long list of sins, but I'm not proud of them.
And I try every day to be a good person.
Doesn't mean I don't fall down sometimes.
Doesn't mean that sometimes I don't just buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke 20 of them in one night, or buy a bottle of whiskey and drink half of it, and I don't do that often, a couple times a year, but that's why I gotta stay away from alcohol.
It doesn't mean that I don't, frankly, enjoy somebody starting to fight with me, because I like hurting them.
I like the feeling of some big guy starting to fight with me, and I like knocking their teeth out.
That is not good, folks.
And so I try to not be like that.
And conversely, it is so rewarding to do good, it is so rewarding to stand up against evil.
And I know, in my own life, that you can do incredible things if you just commit to something and turn loose.
And by turning loose, you stop thinking about it.
By turning loose, I mean just committing to something, giving yourself over to something.
Yes, we are.
I don't know.
I think that evil is cool.
It's advertised as a sexy devil girl, or it's advertised as, you know, partyin' or hot rods and, you know, bank robbers are cool and swashbuckling's cool.
That's how they recruit these people into these black ops.
And then they've just, they lose their soul in the process.
Either they burn out or get out of it or repent, but a certain percent, a 20, 30 percent like it and fully commit to it.
And it's a very dark host that we face.
A host.
A huge army of evil.
But compared to us, they are tiny in number.
If you would activate... If you... Listen, a lot of you are thinking, well, how do I save the country?
How do I... You have this hero's image.
This false archetypal imprint of the lone hero.
That you can't...
Put an ad in green sheets, plug in a website, or you can't call into a talk radio show, or you can't start a website, or you can't go confront a politician, because, well, you might not do it right, or you might falter, or they might not like you, or you might get put on a list, or you might... Nothing's ever gained without risk, and it's a greater risk to just sit where you're at, in the dark, with the New World Order having its way with you, instead of just getting out in the light, out in the open, and just saying,
You know, we didn't look for this fight.
We didn't ask for this fight.
I mean, these people, it boggles my mind every day that they could take 4,000 plus American children from the 40s into the 60s, and this is just what I discovered was declassified.
I always find more stuff after that.
But in one group of tests, and they would take a little baby that CPS had, or in an orphanage,
And they would take that baby in, they'd lay it down in the chamber, and they'd hit them with high radiation and kill them right on the spot.
In others, they would just give different doses to the test and see how the cancers grew, and then they'd cut the little child up and keep them alive and cut pieces out of them and do exploratory brain surgeries on them.
I mean, that's pit of hell!
And if the new world order wants to crush me for fighting them doing that, it's not even a choice, folks.
You think about them having their way with those little children.
And you think about them paying Israel, and Israel being part of this, to irradiate 110,000 of their own children.
That's even on Israeli television.
That's the thing, they just put it right out in front of us.
Yeah, we gave the pregnant wives uranium and plutonium pills in the U.S., see what would happen.
Killed their babies, and killed them in many cases.
Yeah, we knew it was going to hurt the soldiers, but we had them walk through so we could medically watch them as guinea pigs over the next 20 years, and they had, you know, 1,000 plus percentile increases in lung cancers.
John Wayne thought it was real cute to go shoot Westerns right in the bomb zones.
Look at what happened to him.
The point is, is that they're doing it all now with DU at an even greater level.
I mean, there's something past human here.
There's something darker.
It's spiritual.
You can call it what you want, folks, but there is a dark side.
And let me tell you, I don't want any part of it.
I'm a lover, not a fighter.
But if I've got to fight to protect those I love, you better believe I'm going to fight as hard as you can imagine.
And I've seen history, and I've experienced it myself.
Somebody who is in the right, who's committed going up against somebody in the wrong, somebody in the wrong just doesn't have the power that we have.
They just don't have the strength that we have.
Because they're afraid.
They're only worried about themselves.
They enjoy hurting others, and they're deep down, they're scared.
I used to have a picture in here framed, somebody gave me, a cop gave me.
It was a Texas Rangers saying about, founder of the Texas Rangers said, a man in the wrong can't stand against a man in the right who keeps on a coming.
It's real simple.
And if you're in the right and you keep on a coming,
They can't stop that idea.
They can hurt us individually.
They can stop us individually.
They can try to make examples and try to scare you.
Just get past the fear and just say, I don't care anymore.
And that's when we win.
It's when you just don't care anymore.
When you're committed.
Alright, I said I'd take calls and I'm not doing a good job today.
Frank in New Jersey and Andy and Scott and Mike and Zach.
Go ahead, Andy.
Or Frank.
Yeah, go ahead.
Thank you so much for being on with Dr. Stan.
I can't wait for you to get him on.
In regards to fear, Second Timothy 1.7 says, For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of peace, love, and sound mind.
In that regard, I was putting together a How Dare You bibliography of the Clinton crime family today, and I was so overwhelmed from my own personal library that I had to call my local police chief.
I share a lot with him over there.
And just I want to thank you so much.
And if you could please, for
Three months I've been trying to get you to check Proverbs 8, the last four verses, in your quiet time before you go on the air next time, you'll understand.
The last part of that says, All they that hate me love death.
The last four verses of Proverbs 8.
But really, uh,
There's a book out there that, uh, Hillary, uh, you know the people out there, you know Tex Morris with Big Sister, you know, uh, Ed Klein of what, the truth about Hillary, what she knew, when she knew it, and how far she'll go to become President.
Uh, he, his book... Yeah, we linked to that video.
I mean, no, the Clintons are unspeakably wicked, and they rebel and relish evil.
They're so wicked, it defies
Putting it into words, really.
They have all their adult life in criminals.
They have been treasonous.
I got a book here, The Unholy Alliance, where Hillary, when she was the president of the Director of the New World Foundation, which is very communist.
We got a video of her calling for one world government.
You check, James.
Can you believe Fox News is behind her?
Do I believe?
I don't really have all that together, but I... No, but I mean, I mean, that's been in the New York Observer, it's been in the news.
The point is, it's just, it's just, I mean, we know they're wicked, but man... It's, there's, you want to get into things, you want to get off the end, you know about Kathy O'Brien, you know about Wayne Mattson and Jaded Task, you know about Barry and the boys.
And Bill Clinton and his things and Bush's and the whole deal.
You know about defraudingamerica.com.
You know about compromise.
You know about mind control and Jim Chief.
He talks about Robert Pastor and being Zygmunt Brzezinski's aide back at the Jonestown.
Yeah, they no doubt killed Jim Chief.
What really happened at Jonestown?
There's just so much overwhelming information.
Listen, I told my police chief today, I said point blank,
You best understand, Hillary, you think you've got problems now.
She gets in, and I told her right out, RonPaul2008.com.
Alright, good job.
I gotta jump, Frank.
Good to hear from you.
Good, good.
It's good to reach out to the police and educate them.
Andy in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
I met you in front of the Webster Hall that night when you played endgame at 9-9.
I thought I gave you a piece of music, the Shady Patriot.
Good stuff.
Yeah, what else is on your mind?
Well, I'm connected with New York ICE, N-Y-I-C-E.
And we're New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement.
And I just thought it'd be pretty good to call you up and let everybody know that there's a petition that people can sign if they go to our website and click on the link, Sellout Spitzer.
No, Spitzer's horrible with that.
Let the illegals drive without license or have license, but citizens gotta have 500 ID's.
This is sick.
Yeah, yeah.
So we support 287G, which makes sense.
But Spitzer's not a sellout.
He was never with us, so he can't sell out.
Well, anyway, I didn't set up the site.
No, I'm just joking.
I'm just joking.
May I give you the website address?
Sure, go ahead.
It's nyice.us.
That's nyice.us.
Andy, I've got to jump so I can get everybody in.
Call me back another day and we can talk more about your organization.
Folks, you should go join and get involved.
Good guy, good music.
Okay, let's talk to Scott in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Scott.
Mr. Jones, thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
I'm with an organization here in New Jersey, basically dealing with these bottom-dweller debt collectors.
I think that D. O'Reilly quit, if you listen to it.
That's not why I'm calling.
I think what he did was mix 9-11 truthers with the Westboro Baptist Church, which I think he was talking about the process at the funerals, and Al-Qaeda.
He was taking the worst and mixing them with 9-11 truthers.
No, that's what he does.
It's all by design.
I mean, it's just discussing what they're doing, and when you learn to listen, you know, in between the lines when they talk, you know, you see beyond the faith that they are.
But he's also reading off a teleprompter, so it's all craftily written.
Yeah, you know, by design, as you say.
Yeah, we actually were going to have a rally next week, again, dealing with these debt collectors here in New Jersey.
The organization is caipnj.com.
And actually, we got word that they
Cancel the event, you know, and it's exactly true what you say.
You set up a website, and if you see people are doing wrong, people in charge.
We're trying to deal with, on a state level, the corruption and everything going on in New Jersey, and there's been a lot lately.
You know, even on a state level, and getting everybody involved, and seeing that people are being wrong, and just doing something, and not sitting back anymore.
It's just standing up and everything, and then God does the rest.
You just gotta commit, put yourself out on the field, and I'm telling you, God does the rest through you.
I mean, that's everything.
You just gotta stand up.
I mean, I'm not that well-spoken now, but I'm a lot more well-spoken, a lot more informed, a lot more intelligent than I was, you know, ten years ago.
And again, all of us can go on that similar journey.
I really appreciate you, Scott.
Thank you.
Michael and Zach, we're going to cram your calls in in the final segment coming up.
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You know times are very serious right now.
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financial system today, trying to keep it from completely crashing.
That's after a rate cut.
Trying to prop it up, it started plunging, and that boosted it back up.
I mean, this is just, it's like they've got shock paddles having to defibrillate us every five minutes to keep us alive.
I've been in a room when somebody's dying, they ended up dying, they were trying to keep them alive, it was just like that, folks.
Injections of different stuff, you know, working on their heart, just at a certain point, it's just, this is horrible.
Michael in Texas and Zach in Oregon.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hey, I wonder if you're aware that Ron Paul was on the Jay Leno Show the other night?
Yes, he was on the show, yes.
Yeah, he killed, man.
The audience was nuts over everything he said.
He got all his points in.
Coincidentally, the Sex Pistols were the musical guest afterwards in the middle of the song.
Johnny Rotten looked over and said, Hello, Mr. Paul, and waved at him.
And then the next night, the Sex Pistols were on another talk show, and Johnny Rotten, sitting down, commented on Ron Paul.
He said, first of all, he said he kind of made a
Yeah, Ron Paul has captured the left and the right's imagination.
We've got to get behind him.
We've got to donate to him.
We've got to support him.
They're throwing up all this fake dirt right now.
None of it's sticking, thanks to the grace of God.
But we did post a Jay Leno clip up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It was great.
I just wanted to comment on that.
Mike, thank you.
Great to hear from you.
Zach in Oregon.
Last caller.
You're tail gunner.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
We've got a lot of important stuff to talk to you about.
So maybe I'll just call back tomorrow when I've got some more time.
You've got about a minute.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, it has to do with the coming of Pluto and a lot of really, really crazy astrological alignments, which is really going to affect humankind.
So I think it's pretty important stuff to talk about.
I appreciate your call.
Call me back and we can talk about it later.
Look, the elite believe in that, so it is important.
The elite are totally believing it.
I don't personally believe in it.
You understand that?
But so I think we can talk about it here because the elite do believe in all of that.
And they launch wars when Mars is a certain place and they do this and that.
They're completely insane.
All right, back tonight on the Network 9 to Midnight.
As I said, I want to thank all of our MNFM affiliates.
The new one in Nashville I was told about.
That's very nice.
And I also want to thank all of the listeners out there and the sponsors and all of you.
God bless you.
And I want to see you at the Alamo Draft House next week, so get your tickets now.
All right, show restarts right now at InfoWars.com.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.