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Name: 20071031_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 31, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends, welcome, thank you so much for joining us.
It is already Wednesday, the 31st day of October 2007, All Hallows Eve, Halloween, Samhain, the big harvest human sacrifice night all over ancient primitive Stone Age and up until just the last thousand years Europe.
And it has now become the most popular holiday next to Christmas.
And people who've been kidnapped in the last few weeks across the country will be murdered tonight.
We'll be kept very quiet in the back of the news because of our loving government that runs everything.
Likes to keep that type of fun knowledge from everyone.
But I thought I would just open up with that interesting news on the whole
Anthropology side of the situation.
The dollar plunged again yesterday to all-time record lows.
It's nudging up to 1.45 to the euro, with the euro opening at 80 cents to the dollar seven years ago.
That is a 65% drop.
And the media is just now starting to talk about the dollar in trouble, and could it be in trouble, and might it be in trouble someday?
That's like if someone just shot you four times in the chest with a .357 Magnum at close range, and then the media says that you might be in danger of getting a gunshot wound.
Dollar likely to drop no matter what the Fed does.
The question is, will they cut interest rates, which will boost the stock market but plunge the dollar further?
Will there be a half basis point cut, 500 point cut?
Will there be a 250 basis point cut?
Or will there be no cut at all?
Is the Fed trying to, quote, hold back so they can act like they're our saviors when they are the progenitors of everything that's happening economically right now until later?
Because the real sliding starts next year.
And most of the real forecasters and actual government publications and industry publications, not the stuff you even read in the Wall Street Journal kind of for outward consumption, say that by the middle of 2008,
We're talking red-level emergency.
We're talking depression-level crises.
But the elite openly are stating in the Financial Times of London and other publications that they've been trying to reposition their wealth for two years, trying to hold the economy up until they've got their wealth positioned.
They've got so much of it, it's quite a job.
They're trying to find safe havens before they completely pull the rug out by design, pose as saviors again, and just absolutely shear this country to the bloody bone.
So we will be going over those new developments.
Dollar likely to drop no matter what the Fed does.
This is from MarketWatch.
Economy strength raises doubts about rate cuts.
Meanwhile, the proles are being fed that the economy has never been stronger.
Oil jumps to above $93.
They claim on surprise inventory decline.
Yeah, it's not because the dollar dropped again.
It's because a... It's because a Barracuda bit one of the oil rig cables.
Yeah, there was a stone dropped...
Off of the top of a refinery that hit a turtle on the head.
Just whatever nonsense you want to make up, that's it.
Ron Paul's presidential odds drastically slashed as he surged forward.
They claim they know how the fires got started now.
Even USA Today admits that the estrogen leaching out of the plastics is totally frying our physiology.
It's all coming up.
Massive transmission today.
And Ms.
Jackson was found guilty.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Sherry Jackson found guilty of all four counts
We talked to her yesterday and I think she's a little upset right now to even come on the show, but anyone who was at the kangaroo trial and anyone that would like to comment on that when we open the phones up, I would like to hear from you on that.
She was a veteran IRS criminal investigator that looked into the law and found out
That the District of Columbia did take over after the Civil War, a group of lawyers working for the central banks, this is all mainstream history by the way, just created the District of Columbia Incorporated and then started switching all the federal assets over into that and then expanding federal operations.
It's like the state police were all federally chartered and set up by the feds after they declared the War Powers Act of 33.
Between 33 and 37 they were all set up in the states that existed
uh... at that time and you tell the average state police officer that they are a federally chartered police force out of a private corporation in the District of Columbia they're like the general public who doesn't even know where the U.S.
is on a map most of them uh... they don't know what the District of Columbia is just a few hundred square miles up there in Virginia straddling Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac
People don't know what fractional-deserved banking is, that the rulers of the earth took over in the last couple hundred years because they learned how to issue credit on gold receipts.
People would deposit their gold, and the banks would sometimes loan out 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200 times in receipts or in checks, in script, in notes.
And that they could end up using the notes they issued themselves, those private banking houses, to buy up real property and get other people in debt.
Well, everyone's waiting with bated breath for the Federal Reserve to come out today and say they're going to cut rates further, how much they're going to cut them, or they're going to leave them the same, and we all hear the Fed, the Fed, the Fed.
I could start a business called, you know, Federal Cleaners.
It wouldn't be federal.
Come there to get your shirts laundered.
I could start something called Federal Express.
Or FedEx.
It's not federal.
In fact, if you look at the white pages, there are hundreds of things called federal.
Hundreds of banks that call themselves federal.
Federal savings.
Federal money market.
Federal this, federal that.
It's not federal.
By the way, the Federal Reserve, if you have one of their branches in your city, there's 12 branches and some sub-offices, it'll be in the white pages in the private business section.
I know most Americans know that.
In fact, it's even admitted by mainstream television now, but they just kind of, okay, it's private, big deal.
At least the president recommends who their chairman is.
Yeah, you got this whole big board that makes all the decisions and private bankers, but then the president gets to
appoint and have some oversight on the chairman who can break tie votes.
Ooh, wow, man!
And that banker who has made the chairman always comes right out of the nest of the fellow reserved to begin with.
And they are raping this country.
They are by design destroying the dollar so they can come in with their foreign assets and buy up what's left of the infrastructure that they don't already own, and they own the majority of it, over 80%.
And so, Sherry Jackson finds out about it.
She finds out about it.
And they call her in and say, you've been going around the country teaching people, you don't have to pay the federal tax to the private Federal Reserve.
Now, Jo Banister, Treasury Agent, Criminal Division assigned to the IRS, he was found not guilty in San Francisco.
She was found guilty.
And this particular article here says, I'm sick at heart for Sherry and all who are there and across the country working and praying for her, but it is my unhappy task to report to you that the jury, without taking time to give her a fair deliberation,
Has returned four guilty verdicts.
The case went to jury at 415 and at 520.
The news was bad.
The jury found Sherry Jackson guilty of four counts of willful failure to file.
Not one juror understood what they were deciding.
Not one.
Yeah, and she was getting tried by mainly white jury.
She's black.
It's in the South.
Goodbye, lady.
That judge wouldn't let any of the evidence out, none of the laws out.
Nine people just got found not guilty in Las Vegas because they were able to show the law and able to talk to the jury.
But these guys just don't understand, folks.
They don't understand.
They think open borders is conservative.
They think five-year-long wars that were supposed to last six months are good.
They think Shiites are Sunnis.
They think
They don't know what fractional reserve banking is.
They don't even know how basic banks work.
They don't even... They're lambs to the slaughter.
And this lady had a good career at the IRS.
She was making, you know, 80 grand a year or so.
Senior person there.
She had a long way that she could move up.
She was young.
Very intelligent.
And it's over for her.
Found guilty on four counts of willful
Failure to file.
To file!
Now, of course, it used to say just a few years ago in the IRS packet that, well, now you don't have to violate your Fifth Amendment, you don't have to file this, but then they'd arrest you if you didn't.
Since when?
I mean, they can... A lot of you don't really know what's going on in the world, but you know Jack Bauer, your hero, tortures people to get answers.
Because, see, they're not compelled to answer questions, at least not used to, before we had secret black site death camps.
But see, we have something called the Fifth Amendment.
I take the fifth, but they tell you, hey, you don't waive that fifth, and you don't send us data in and then swear that it's all correct when the tax law is 20,000 pages long and no one can figure it out, and Money Magazine can go out and get 50 different CPAs and they get 50 different answers.
It doesn't matter.
If we say you're not following it right, we're going to send you to prison.
That's just the way it works.
Well, she found out it was all an offshore scam and spoke out against it, and the idiots will say, How we gonna run this country?
How we gonna fight El Cato?
Or the liberals will be, How are we going to help people?
How are we going to find welfare?
How are we going to... How did we build that Capitol building and all those rows and everything we did until the mid-1950s?
We didn't have an income tax until 1913.
It was less than 1%.
Only about 10% of the population paying it.
Liable, they said.
And then, at the end of World War II, it was 2% for the whole public, and then it went up from there.
It hasn't been more than 4 or 5% since about 1955, and now look at it.
Some people are paying 40% federal tax bracket.
You know, if you're making a million bucks a year, you're paying 40%, but as soon as you start making 20, 30 million a year, it drops down to a nice 20.
See, and all these dumb liberals think it's the rich that are being made to pay these taxes.
No, it's middle class.
But you think rich is a millionaire when somebody who was worth a hundred grand twenty years ago would be called a millionaire today.
A millionaire isn't a millionaire.
A billionaire is more like what a millionaire was fifty years ago.
And see, they'd already devalued the dollar down massively from what it was worth
In 1913.
But they just accelerated the loss the last couple years.
And now it's at turbo level.
One cent a week on average dropping.
Red level, just absolute implosion.
And the news is running around going, America's doing pretty darn good right now.
Man, the economy grew at 3.9.
That's ripping, dude!
China's growing at like 12% a year on average.
They're telling us 3.9's ripping.
As one commentator I heard say, when we're looking at at least 13.6 compounded each year for inflation.
So you're looking at a 9 plus percent drop just last year in your value.
The index hasn't even been adjusted yet properly this year.
It'll probably be more like, and this is in mainline publications, 20% when we hear about 2007's numbers, and we're talking about 30% devaluation, inflation, coming up in 2008.
And again, by the time the yuppies learn about this, they will have all these saviors on TV explaining who did it.
And as we predicted years ago, it'll be some banker or broker.
Oh, it's those poor people that cheated on their loans.
They caused it all.
They found her guilty on four counts of willful failure to file.
Not one that juror understood, but they were deciding not one.
Not one.
They're like blind lambs for the slaughter.
It's like taking a deaf, dumb, and blind sheep with no legs and throwing it in a pit with hungry wolves.
That's the average American.
They don't even know what terms mean, what government systems are, what separation of powers are, what due process is.
They're just, huh?
I mean, literally, just huh?
And I marvel at it.
I marvel at it!
Because it's not hard to figure out!
Ron Paul's presidential odds drastically slashed.
Here's the good news.
Britain's biggest bookie has Texas congressman at 12-1.
Vegas only has him at 3-1 right now in some books.
To win White House, down from 66-1 odds.
Ron Paul's supporters attempting to raise $10 million cash infusion.
State Department under fire over reported Blackwater immunity.
I'm going to spend some time on this.
Again, more on the Sherry Jackson trial.
Recounted by Court Observer.
This is from Traillogs.com, but their site's crashed, but I luckily printed it off.
Declassified U.S.
spying could top $50 billion in 2007.
And let me tell you what declassified spying is.
It's billions going in their personal bank accounts and running slave brothels, okay?
That's the operations.
There's a mafia with national security power and unlimited funding.
Boy, that's a recipe for freedom, isn't it?
We are Change Minnesota on the O'Reilly Factor.
UN Director General says food riots would not be a surprise globally.
Mexican truckers say pilot program nothing new.
That's absolutely true.
It's all coming up.
You'll want to stay with us.
I'm going to get into the news and we'll get back.
Ted Anders from Midas October 31st 2007 gold 786 on scroll coins can be purchased for $809.88 $399.20 per half $199.60 per quarter that's $809.88 $399.20 $199.60
In the face of mortgage bankruptcies, the bond market continues to slump.
Morgan gets caught in a $10 billion bad deal for Chrysler.
Housing sales fell 6.6%.
Mortgage giant Countrywide showed mortgage payment woes spreading to the middle and upper class.
Investors cast doubt on investment banks.
Credit protection insurance for mortgage lenders is skyrocketing due to the increased risk.
The U.S.
dollar is free-falling against foreign currencies and countries that previously financed the U.S.
are now seeking safer alternatives.
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Alright, I had read in industry trucking publications six years ago that tens of thousands of Mexican trucks were hauling loads all over the lower 48 and even into Canada and as far north as Alaska.
And a couple years ago I was on an airplane
And I was watching this guy sitting next to me with his laptop, and he was putting out trucking orders, and it was distribution centers all over the country.
I was kind of looking over his shoulder, reading what he was doing, and I said, oh, you're in trucking?
He said, yeah, I manage a trucking company with a couple thousand trucks under us.
And I said, oh, how many Mexican trucks out of Mexico you got?
And he goes, well, we're about 10% now.
But he said, we're about to switch about halfway over.
We're building big facilities in Texas and right across the border in Mexico and in northern Mexico by California.
And I said, well, you know, they talk about letting the Mexican trucks in.
He goes, yeah, we always laugh about that.
It's a big joke.
What do you mean?
The Mexican trucks are already here.
And it's the same thing with all these other issues.
By the time you talk about a toll road, they'll deny that there's a toll road as they're building the toll roads scanner booths into existing roads.
They'll deny everything until they already do it.
This is their policy.
They'll deny there's a national ID card when Clinton signed the executive order in 1993.
It's in my 1997 film, America Destroyed by Design, where I go into the DPS with 100 demonstrators and get arrested.
I mean, I was just reading the executive order.
I handed out 100 of them in there and was holding it up to the camera and giving you the executive order to standardize all the state driver's licenses for a national ID, and that was under international standardization.
I mean, Texas was the first to do it, by the way, the first to implement.
Then in 2000, they had a big UN summit in Australia and codified the global numbers.
They were already pretty much standardized, but they signed agreements to standardize it.
So your state driver's license is really a global ID.
And they've got us debating the real ID coming next year.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Well, here's the Associated Press today.
Mexican truckers say pilot program nothing new.
And it goes on, the American truckers, environmentalists, and politicians who are sounding the alarm about the potential dangers of allowing Mexican tractor-trailers on U.S.
interstate highways rarely mention an important fact.
Hundreds of Mexican-plated trucks already deliver cargo all over the United States and have done so for years.
See, I don't make anything up.
And by the way, when I was showing you all this in the past, I had articles.
But six years ago, when I first heard about this, I hadn't seen many Mexican trucks.
And now I live
200 miles from the border.
And you'll pull over at a truck stop, because that's the only gas station out in the middle of nowhere, and there'll be 15, 20, 30, 40 trucks lined up gassing up or sleeping, and I'm not kidding, half of them are Mexican plates.
And my wife's like, get back in the car, we gotta get home, the kids are asleep, they're gonna wake up, and I'm like trying to get the video camera out to shoot video, this was just a few weeks ago.
Because I end up shooting video everywhere we go.
I just see evil billboards saying, report illegal guns, and it shows a revolver all over Texas.
People then think revolvers are illegal.
Then the carpet cleaner's in your house and calls the cops on you because he sees a revolver in a case on the wall.
That happened to me with a shotgun.
They think shotguns are illegal.
It's all brainwashing.
It's just everywhere.
So, there you go.
The trucks have already been here.
And the point is, they can work for 20-30% of what American truckers do.
They've already driven down the wages of our truckers.
And it's a national security threat.
None of them are being searched.
But you don't worry.
As a citizen, we're searched at random checkpoints by Homeland Security teams under the Viper squads.
So, I'm not trying to say, see, I told you so, but there they are.
Teamsters union members have waged angry protest at the border and on Capitol Hill waving signs that NAFTA kills and unsafe Mexican trucks.
But more than 1,000 south of the border companies.
Oh, now, first it's hundreds in the first paragraph, then they go, oh, thousands, see?
And I'm sure it was going on before six years ago.
But more than a thousand south of border companies are already allowed to drive cargo beyond the border zone under a long-standing exemption to the U.S.
moratorium on Mexican long-haul trucking.
Folks, I was in New York City a month ago, and I saw a Mexican-plated 18-wheeler driving down the highway in New York City, coming into the city.
But you show that to a Yuppie, they'll just look at you with dim eyes and tell you you're Al-Qaeda.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We're good.
In 1814 we took a little trip along the Colonel's Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept for coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they'd forget to run it.
On down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We looked down a river and we see the British come And there must have been a hundred of them beatin' on the drums They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring We stood beside our cotton fields and didn't say a thing We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin' There wasn't as many as there was a while ago We fired once more and they began to runnin' On down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Thank you for joining us today on...
Welcome back!
By the way, Russia's trying to ban Halloween in schools and college.
That's not gonna work.
That'll just make it more popular.
We're going to have open phones coming up later in the show.
Looks like now that we're lining up Ms.
Jackson right now for the show.
We've been in contact with her.
Sherry Jackson found guilty on four counts and she wants you to write the judge.
It's not going to help saying mean things, but it will help to try to educate the judge if he gets a thousand letters.
To not nail this woman to a cross any more than she's already been abused.
So that is coming up.
All right, let me cover news.
I just got into the Mexican trucks that have been here basically forever.
As I told you, I mean, I just see Mexican-plated trucks everywhere, and it's an industry publication six years ago, and I talk about it, and I'm a conspiracy theorist.
There's AP.
I figured it out.
If you actually read news wires and actually read industry publications and actually spend, you know, five, six, seven hours a day researching issues,
You're called crazy by the general public because you actually know things.
We got one that can read right here!
But then people I'll be like at the gym or at church or walking down the street and somebody will walk up to me and say, man, how about them Red Sox?
Did you see that, uh, that grand slam or whatever?
And I'm like, no, I didn't.
They're like, what?
You're weird.
I'm sorry.
I just, everything was milk and honey and
Happy days and there wasn't a big crisis happening with foreign banks imploding us right now for total consolidation and foreign mercenary troops mashing our military being taken over and our currency being destroyed.
I might know about the ballgame.
All right, I'm going to stop.
I just I just can't believe how asleep the country still is while we are living through amazing times and all of this is a prelude.
We've just gone over the edge of the slide, and we're sliding downwards now, down the razor blade, into the large pool of alcohol.
Now, Blackwater has been given special presidential immunity.
Special presidential immunity, which the scholars have looked at, legal scholars, and common sense tells you they don't really have.
You can have immunity up to a certain point, but when you start murdering families, killing innocent people, when you start engaging in arms trafficking, as has been reported they've done, when you start doing all these really serious things that the troops would be held liable for, you are liable!
And they say the Army can't prosecute them, civilian courts can't prosecute them, no one can prosecute Blackwater or any of the other mercenaries in Iraq.
State Department under fire over reported Blackwater immunity, Associated Press.
The U.S.
State Department forced and faced tough questions.
We're good to go.
has stated that it is criminal murder and that they are calling for criminal charges and the arrest of all these people that they just wantonly, out of the blue, it now looks like there was a car backfire in a big traffic jam and that Blackwater just, they're hoping it was a backfire, there's not even really a report of that, just suddenly they got spooked and started shooting into the crowd.
They didn't just kill the 17 people, they injured over 100.
I mean, they were just machine-gunning crowds of people.
And that will create more resistance.
That will cause people who weren't going to be part of the resistance, people who weren't going to be part of the insurgency, as it's called, now they are going to be part of it.
I mean, if somebody shot your mama or somebody blew your toddler in half for absolutely no reason, what are you going to do?
Stop dehumanizing these Iraqis.
Before 1991, they had rock and roll music on, Playboy was sold in the stores.
I'm not saying that's a sign of a good society.
My point is that 60% of their college graduates were women, 64% of their graduates from medical school were women, and women all over the country did not wear hoods over their heads.
Westerners could fly in there, no problem.
It was First World.
And that whole setup took place where they told their CIA operative, from an earlier, more sensible policy of stabilization, Saddam Hussein to go ahead and attack Iran, go ahead and attack Kuwait.
And when he did it, they shut him up and went in and did that.
And now 17 years, almost 17 years later, it's almost 17 years, over 16, you got 3 million Iraqis that are dead.
3 million, that's an official number.
3 million gone.
And the truth about the sanctions was, they'd let them have dental chairs, or they'd let them have medical equipment, but then they couldn't have the hoses or the motors for them.
See, I looked into that.
They would claim, oh, people are starving and everything's falling apart because Saddam hoards it all for himself.
And they would let U.S.
crews, British crews in.
They'd show them whole warehouses of all the materials.
They'd show the State Department letters where they could have a thousand dental chairs, but no tubing or no wiring to work them.
And they couldn't have any tools, machine tools, to build anything because it might be used in weapons production.
But then they told the media here, no, no, Saddam's just evil, he steals it all.
So now we're almost five years into liberation and they have less power, more disease, cholera, more than half the children in the country have dysentery.
And I've talked to crips that were over there, not just the numbers.
They say big cities have just sewage flowing through the streets.
They're starving families just stumbling around.
It looks like Somalia.
First thing liberation forces did was make the statistic keeping by the government illegal.
But still, lands it in the American Medical Journal and others have been able to get it.
It's now over a million dead in four years of liberation.
And meanwhile, Blackwater is immune.
Blackwater is above the law and they've been authorized to engage in domestic operations.
They were involved in support to the FBI and the police when they did all their gun confiscations in New Orleans.
There are 180 plus thousand mercenaries, and the government's saying they're going to use them here in the United States, including foreign mercenary countries and companies.
Do you know who guards every U.S.
military base, every U.S.
nuclear base in the country, any base that has nukes on it?
Do you know who has the contract nationwide in all our territories?
One Israeli company.
I mean, how is that for national security?
I remember when Halliburton was given an almost no-bid contract, people said, well, at least they're an American company.
They're not anymore.
They're in Dubai.
And it's Halliburton that is building the FEMA camps in America.
And don't email me saying I made that up.
It's in the Houston Chronicle and other papers.
Newsmax reported on it.
Five years ago, they reported on it.
So, we are on the edge.
We are on the edge right now.
Top Democratic lawmakers sent letters to Secretary of State Honoliza Rice demanding answers of reports that Blackwater, which protects U.S.
implements in Baghdad, had been offered protection from prosecution when the State Department investigated the September 16th shootings.
Now remember, Bush's granddaddy and the Warburgs and others tried to hire the two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Major General Smedley Butler, in line
And he didn't get that because he refused.
They said, we want you to lead an organization of 500,000 men to overthrow the U.S.
government and put in fascism, and we're teaming up with Adolf Hitler.
I have the newsreels of Butler.
I have the congressional hearings, McCormick-Dickstein committees.
By the way, it's in Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
That's a few minutes of the two-hour, 20-minute film.
What do you think Blackwater could be used for, or any of these other private merc armies?
What do you think?
Who do you think they owe allegiance to?
Do you know what black water means?
I just learned what it meant.
I thought it was a joke, meaning they were sewer water.
No, it's a Japanese term for what they did in South Korea and China and North Korea at the time and other places.
They would put in their mercenaries in plainclothes before they would then take over and they'd carry out assassinations against the whole government and overthrow it that way for the Japanese military to come in.
And that's what they follow, a weird, uh, slash infiltrator slash samurai slash ninja code.
And that's what, uh, Mr. Prince, the owner of Blackwater, modeled it after.
I don't know, that's what the name means.
It means infiltrating mercenaries, overthrowing your country.
Boy, I feel good when I learn that.
I was told that, and I believe the guy, but I went and looked it up, and sure enough, it was true.
Oh, and they've got immunity!
They've got immunity!
They're literally the Praetorian Guard, Caesar's Praetorian.
According to the Washington Post, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents who took over the investigation... By the way, they've had to get special bodyguards of themselves because of threats.
The FBI has.
According to the Washington Post, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents who took over the investigation of the shootings are barred from using any information obtained in the State Department probe.
The rash grant of immunity was an egregious misjudgment.
Henry Waxman, the chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Committee wrote to Rice.
It raises serious questions about who conferred the immunity, who approved it, to the State Department and what their motives were.
Waxman said, urging the department to answer his questions and provide any documents related to the report of immunity deal by Friday.
But it gets worse than that.
We have Cheney claiming total immunity, even outside of executive rules that he wrote.
And that he is, quote, a creature outside of government.
A creature.
I guess meaning a... some sort of corporate entity.
That's the terms they use.
You know, a corporation is a person who has a life, it does not die unless terminated or dissolved.
Look in the corporate law.
Cheney just announced this, what they did after the Civil War, in the Sub-District of Columbia.
He just says, hey, I got my own corporation!
Go read what he said!
I'm running my own thing!
Yeah, and buying a $60 million house in Dubai and dumping your dollars last year, you punk.
These guys wrapped themselves in the flag all day long.
They could care less about this country.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, any and all of them.
By the way, I have an article here.
I don't have it in order.
Let me try to dig it out.
I've got a story here about how Hillary's raised double the money of all the Democrats combined.
She's raised more money than all the Republicans combined.
And now the majority of defense contractor donations are going to guess who?
Hillary Rodham Clinton.
It's here in my stack.
Let me actually dig that out because
It is very, very important.
Hillary is the chosen one.
Here it is, London Independent.
Weapons industry dumps Republicans back Hillary.
Folks, when I learned five years ago that she was having four hour a week long dinners at the private penthouse of Rupert Murdoch in secret,
Being delivered via the underground garage, and that Roger Ailes was going to advise secretly her whole campaign.
That's the discoverer of Rush Limbaugh, folks.
The head of Fox News.
When I discovered, and now it's been in the news that he runs all these big fundraisers for, and I've had neocons on the show, I've been on their shows, I've talked to them, and they'll just giggle and say it's not true.
How dare you just sit there and smile and giggle and smirk
When they're getting ready to put Hillary Clinton in.
It's not funny!
How dare Free Republic cover this up?
How dare Michelle Malcolm cover this up?
They're all phonies.
They're to neutralize conservatives until it's too late!
As bad as George Bush has been, I can't even imagine Hillary Clinton because she's formidable, she's intelligent, she's wicked, she's fooled many liberals.
And she is cold-blooded and she wants absolute dictatorship and Bush is going to hand her all these new powers when he leaves office.
She's going to do a flanking maneuver like Clinton did, like Bush did for Clinton blocking Dan Burton's committee with the pardon gate of Chinese generals and, you know, payoffs to them and cocaine dealers being pardoned.
They've always been in business together.
They've been in business since MENA and you cannot get a Rush Limbaugh, Neil Bort's head to talk about it.
I mean, the Federal Reserve is private, and I've heard Neil Bortz say it's not, and he isn't going to talk about it.
I'll tell you now, Neil Bortz knows that.
They've made cold-blooded decisions to work with these people, and to be in powerful positions, and they're scared, too, and they've decided, and Rush Limbaugh didn't tell the line, he'd be busted for oxycontin so fast, he'd tell Billy Harrelin, make your head spin.
But we have to know, as a country,
That these phony conservative blogs and websites are frauds.
And many of them have been caught being on White House payroll or under other federal agency fake news purchase.
I mean, you know what?
I've become so jaded and so conditioned to all of this that I spent 10 minutes on one show Sunday, the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
talking about FEMA having a fake news conference.
And they wouldn't let the media in.
They made them sit off-site on telephones listening but couldn't ask questions and they had over a hundred FEMA employees put on suits and hold notepads and as actors and told them beforehand how to stand there and act like reporters so they could put out a bunch of bull and say half the houses had burned ahead and they were doing a great job.
It just shows how they're fake!
FEMA could take over every radio and TV station in this country.
Except for micro-FM's, that's why they're so important.
Even if you don't have a feed for them, have the tapes of the shows and information, and maybe you're not even on the air with a quote, pirate micro-FM.
I say that so folks know what I'm talking about.
Have 100 Water ready, on the antenna, tested.
They go to martial law, I'm telling you, that's what stopped the Ruskies in many areas of Eastern Europe.
It's what stopped a lot of their activities in Latin America.
We need to use that right here in defense of this Republic.
Because people will be listening once we're under martial law.
But that's what FEMA's ready for.
Total fake newscast to take over every transmission, you name it.
Alright, we're going to come back and I'm going to continue.
We'll take your calls in the second hour.
We're working on getting Sherry Jackson on the air with us.
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Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Call him drunken Ira Hayes He won't answer anymore Not the whiskey drinking Indian Nor the Marine that went to war
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About a brave young Indian, you should remember well.
From the land of the Pima Indians, a proud and noble band, who farmed the Phoenix Valley in Arizona land.
Down the ditches a thousand years, the waters grew Irish people's crops, till the white man stole their water rights, and the sparkling water stopped.
Now, Ira's folks were hungry, and their land grew crops of weeds.
When war came, Ira volunteered, and forgot white men's greed.
Call him drunk, and Ira ain't his evil actor anymore.
Not the whiskey-drinking Indian, nor the Marine that went to war.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's get into the news here.
I'm going to come back, take calls, and then get more into what I'm about to just shotgun over.
Dollar likely to drop no matter what Fed does, and analysts ponder the U.S.
Federal Reserve's next move on interest rates.
That'll be today.
Currency investors ponder the likely market reaction, and the consensus for both is that it's a matter of degree, not direction.
It's going to continue sliding downwards, no matter what they do, because they designed it from the beginning.
And again, they're just positioning themselves now for a slow, gradual drift into depression, so you don't freak out too bad, and so you still love the government and love your leaders.
Meanwhile, they're spewing all sorts of propaganda about economy strength, raises doubts about interest rate cut, oil jumps above $93 on surprise inventory decline.
That's right, it's going up, not because the dollar's devalued, it's going up because there's not enough of it.
Oh boy, it's just amazing.
So we'll be breaking down a lot of that.
Google Stocks goes above $700 a share.
The company is now worth
218-something billion dollars.
So even with an overvalued stock market with confetti dollars, that still is quite a growth right there.
Absolutely amazing.
That's some of what we're going to be going over.
Also, Ron Paul, Congressman Ron Paul,
They have been looking at his numbers, the big booking houses, and are finding that he's got more and more of a chance to win.
We'll be going over that.
Got a bunch of audio clips I haven't played yet.
The UN Director General says food riots would not be a surprise this year and next year.
We will go over all of that as well after we take calls.
Coming up in the next hour at 1-800-259-9231.
Oh, by the way, I didn't mention it this hour.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement is out.
Available at PrisonPlanet.tv in incredible high quality.
Folks, see it in high quality.
See it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you haven't gotten your monthly membership, get a trial membership for 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Or get DVDs at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Republicans are fully positioning behind Hillary Clinton.
It's now even public news that most are supporting her for president, basically.
Weapons industry dumps Republicans fully back Hillary.
More news on the economy, on Blackwater's so-called immunity.
Ron Paul surging, not just in polls in New Hampshire, but also the big booking agencies.
The bookies saying he could be a winner.
He's gotten even better odds now by some of the London bookies.
But let's go to Craig in D.C., then Francis in Georgia, Steve in Mass, Ivan in Texas.
Craig disagrees, so he goes to the head of the line.
Craig, welcome!
Hello, Alex.
I just started listening to you recently and I agree with some of the points that you make.
And I'd like to also add that I did order your new film, Endgame, with your previous film also.
I can't remember what it's called right now.
I'd like to say that I think that from what I can see so far, you're definitely overstating things.
I mean, you're blowing things way out of proportion.
It's not that bad, as you say.
And you generalize things way too much.
You talk about the New World Order, but I never hear you really naming any names.
I mean, who is this New World Order?
It sounds like you're talking about some boogeyman or something.
I don't know.
Okay, so you haven't heard all these presidents and prime ministers and, I mean, I'm talking about the CFR publications they put out, the government policies.
Globalization, sir.
North American Union.
European Union.
I mean, first you say I'm not naming names, but you're also saying I'm blowing out of proportion.
Please tell me what I'm blowing out of proportion.
Well, I mean, it goes back to the generalizations.
I mean, I hear
Hold on just a minute.
Hold on, I'm trying to understand something here.
I mean, generalization.
I get into all sorts of specifics and numbers.
I mean, I don't know what you're talking about.
You refer to the New World Order.
The New World Order.
Who is the new warlord?
All the time I talk about how the private central banks are owned by less than 20 families and we've had guests on, we've listed articles with their names, we've gone over the names, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Gothas.
That's what we do.
And in the endgame we show a whole bunch of who they are.
I'm really confused, man.
Well, another thing that I'd like to raise is your...
From what I can see, you seem to conduct a slick attack on Christians.
You have a guy on there, Mike Rivera, that comes on every now and then.
And the last time that I heard you and him discussing, you know, some of the stuff that was going on, you know, you were kind of bashing Christians, and the other day... Absolutely, absolutely I was.
And if you look at what Jesus did, He was there criticizing the Pharisees and the Sadducees for their corruption, all being worldly, they're praying in public, they're stomping their chest and saying how pious they are.
I make no secret that I'm a Christian, and I love Jesus, and I believe in His teachings, and I believe He's my Lord and Savior.
But do not ever tell me that when I'm bashing Pastor Hagee, or I'm bashing the Pope, who's up there calling for one world government and a new world order, and that's all over the news, you say, who are they?
I mean, he's calling for one world government.
That those are Christians.
Well, I'm not talking about that.
Yeah, but I'm giving you specifics.
Listen, listen.
This is very frustrating, sir, because when I get up here, I make it clear.
I say phony Christians who love this New World Order, who want to kill all the Arabs, and who put out all this propaganda are deceived, and we do attack them.
You're absolutely right about that.
Okay, now what about the remark that you made the other day about
Something about Christians aren't going to be going up on golden ropes.
They're going to be going through the tribulation.
That's exactly what I said.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll come back and talk to you.
Listen, man.
I do the best job I can.
And no one could really accuse me of generalization.
I mean, I talk three hours a day.
I do generalize on some issues, but we get into a lot of detail here.
It is a big idea.
A new world order in the near future.
Earth is dominated by a powerful new world government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Wouldn't their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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Alright, I got a lot of calls I want to get to and a ton of news we haven't covered yet, but when somebody disagrees, I'll tend to give them more time on air, especially if they're legitimately disagreeing with something I've said.
I mean, he's really
Has a problem with something I've said.
But frankly, Craig from Washington D.C., District of Criminals up there, I'm trying to find out specifically, it's like George Bush Sr.
said, the New World Order, it's a big idea.
And I give you all these hundreds of references on air to books and publications that have been written and what the globalists say they're setting up and how they're going to do it.
And I have Dr. Corsi and all of their experts on to go over UN documents, Dr. Michael Kaufman,
We're good to go.
You know, when they first said that Dubai was getting six ports, I went and found the documents.
It was really 26 ports, and we broke that.
I tell you, there's been Mexican trucks in the country, and now they admit they've already been here.
I mean, I tell you about national ID cards a decade before it's even mainstream news.
I mean, I'm trying to, A, I want to understand, you say I'm being vague.
Earlier, when I talk about Blackwater immunity, I go directly into the State Department's statements on it.
Uh, and then Senator's statements on it, and then the history of so-called immunity.
When I talk about a John Warner Defense Authorization Act, I've several times on air, I've mentioned it dozens, but I've actually read it on air.
And I have people like the former Wall Street Journal editor and father of Reaganomics on to break it down.
I have law professors on to talk about it.
I mean, we bring you more experts than anybody I know of.
I mean, I've got a tax lawyer coming on who just beat the IRS.
Sherry Jackson just lost.
I've got him coming on in the last 30 minutes to comment.
I mean, what are you talking about?
What did I say last hour that was vague?
I mean, FEMA admits they had a fake newscast.
They wouldn't let reporters in and had FEMA employees dressed up like reporters in there, and they even had fake news cameras in there that weren't even hooked up to anything, just looked like a bunch of reporters.
I mean, how is that?
I've been telling you they have fake newscasts for a long time.
I mean, what am I doing that's vague, A, and then B, how do you think I'm bashing Christians?
Okay, addressing your first point, most people don't really understand what FEMA is.
I think what I'm talking about is actually naming names, telling us who is responsible for these things that are happening.
Now, it may be that I haven't listened to you for long enough,
I don't know enough about what you're talking about.
Like I said, I did order your two films, Endgame and the other one.
I still can't remember what it's called.
Terror Storm?
Terror Storm, yes.
Well, all Endgame orders shipped out yesterday, so it should be in your happy hands today, or tomorrow.
I'm not willfully ignorant.
I am going to check out what you're saying, but to me it still seems, you know, there's two things.
A little blown out of proportion, just a little bit.
I don't know, maybe a lot.
You know, there's a Paul Craig Roberts article that I was just reading last night that states everything that we've covered here, but he does it very succinctly, and so I think the magazine it's in is still here.
I'm going to go in the back office during the break, or if somebody hears this up front, bring me the Paul Craig Roberts article in that magazine that came in yesterday, and I want to read
That article, just for you, later in the show, if you think I'm overstating things.
As for FEMA, sir, I can't... I've done the history of FEMA in Police State 2, the takeover.
We spend about 10 minutes on FEMA and its history.
I mean, you can just Google its history and learn about it.
Set up in 1979 by Jimmy Carter.
It codified all the executive orders that were already there for martial law and putting us into forced labor camps.
We list those executive orders.
It's been getting more and more power and control.
Bush, on May 9th of this year, said that Congress no longer has authority over continuity of government.
He controls it all.
Then, two months ago, in Canada, in Monticello, he publicly said that he was putting the UN over our government during crises.
A bunch of news articles reported on that.
We had reporters there that covered it on the show, from the ground, both in and outside the meetings.
I don't understand what else I can do for you.
As for bashing Christians, I know so many good Christian people who, by good, I mean, they're not at the topless bars, they're not out gambling, you know, their kids grew up well, whatever, but I'll tell them about all this.
They'll go, praise the Lord, Alex, things are getting bad.
It means Jesus is about to be here.
And I go, fine!
But I have a job to speak out against evil.
I have a job to speak out against corruption.
And then they'll say, but Alex, Romans 13 says we're to submit to government that God puts government over us.
And I go, excuse me?
Why was Jesus killed by these people for speaking out?
Why were 11 of the 12 disciples?
Why were all these other prophets put in lion's dens and put in furnaces and, you know, we had
Jonah and Nineveh saying, you guys better repent of your ways.
It's all about fighting evil.
It's all about speaking out against evil governments.
Romans 13 doesn't even say what they say it does.
You've got to read the whole chapter.
Hitler used Romans 13.
And they all think that they're just going to be teleported out of here.
And frankly, I'm just tired of it.
And regardless if you think you're going to be teleported out of here, you need to fight evil.
Or you're not truly on the path of righteousness.
Okay, well, I hear what you're saying.
One more thing I'd like to add is, going back to when you were talking to Mike Rivera, when I heard the conversation, my impression was that this man's a nanny Christ.
This guy was just outright attacking Christians.
From what I understand, a large part of your audience are Christians.
Is that true?
Yes, sir.
But I do a news program.
This is a news radio show.
I'm not about to jump into the 10,000 sects of Christianity that don't spend any time saving anybody.
They spend all their time fighting over which subgroup they're part of.
And I appreciate your call.
You know, I've tried my best to answer your question.
And I know the things I talk about are frightening.
They're irritating.
They are... It's not tickling your ears.
I understand that.
But also, I'm not here to win a popularity contest.
Let's also be clear about that.
At the end of the day, I try to be honest, I try to be balanced, I try to speak my mind, and I try to be fearless.
And Rivero's talking about the group that wants World War III and says they're going to make Jesus come back and that they want to kill all the Arabs and all of this.
That's what I'm talking about.
Let me just read this article now.
Impeach now.
Or, Face the End of Constitutional Republic, by Paul Craig Roberts.
And he's a former Wall Street Journal editor, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, father of Reaganomics, former contributing editor to National Review, also the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions, and now a syndicated columnist.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, okay?
An icon of true conservatism.
Not the phony neocon, phony Christian stuff.
You ever heard of beware of false prophets?
Beware of... yeah.
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney a year from now, the U.S.
could be a dictatorial police state and at war with Iran.
Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of executive orders that are triggered whenever he wishes to declare a national emergency.
Now this is to answer your statement of I'm exaggerating or I'm overstating.
Actually, sir, I'm surprised I haven't left the country.
If I had just since only cared about myself, I would not be going down with a ship, okay?
It's that bad.
Do you understand, sir?
I'm having to look at the end of my life, imprisonment, execution, whatever.
I mean, I'm literally, I know that's in the cards.
I'm not saying that's gonna happen, it's a possibility.
Okay, I mean, I'm literally here in a ship going down, okay?
And if I could wake you up to take action, we could turn it around.
He continues.
Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican Senator Rick Santorum, and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged or false flag terror events in the near future.
Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush administration will not bow to expert advice and public opinion and begin withdrawing troops from Iraq is the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.
False flags, government-sponsored terror, Jack.
Too much is going on wrong with the Bush administration.
The failure of its Middle East wars, Republican senators jumping ship, Turkish troops massing on the northern Iraq's border, poised for an invasion to deal with the Kurds, and a majority of Americans favoring the impeachment of Cheney and the near majority favoring Bush's impeachment as well.
The Bush administration desperately needs dramatic events to scare the American people and Congress back in line with the militarist police state that the Bush-Cheney have fostered.
Conservative commentator William Norman Gregg recently wrote that the GOP is praying for a terrorist strike, that's a quote, to save the party from electoral wipeout in 08.
Chertoff chaining the neocon Nazis and the Mossad Israeli intelligence agency would have no qualms about saving the bacon for the Republicans, who have enabled Bush to start two unjustified wars with Iran, waiting in the wings to be attacked in a third.
The Bush administration has tried unsuccessfully to resurrect the terrorist fear factor by infiltrating some blowhard groups and encouraging their members to discuss staging terror events.
Encouraged by federal agents, these conversations resulted in terrorist arrest, hyped by the media.
But even the captive media was unable to scare people with such transparent sting operations.
This is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the father of ergonomics, talking about the government's aging care.
Are you listening?
If the Bush administration wants to continue its wars in the Middle East and enrich the unitary executive at home, it will have to conduct some false flag operations that will both frighten and anger the American people and make them accept Bush's declaration of national emergency and the return of the draft.
Alternatively, the administration could simply allow any real terrorist plot to proceed without hindrance.
We'll come back, finish the article, and I promise to get to your calls.
Stay with us.
We're good.
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Finishing this article.
If the Bush administration wants to continue its wars in the Middle East,
Trench, the unitary executive at home, it will have to conduct some false flag operations that will both frighten and anger the American people to make them accept Bush's declaration of national emergency and the return of the draft.
Alternatively, the administration can simply allow any real terrorist plot to proceed without hindrance.
Yeah, but we've tracked the, quote, real ones back and it's almost always another foreign government, i.e.
controlled by ours, funding the actual terrorists.
A series of staged or permitted attacks would be spun by the captive media as a vindication, and I've already heard them bragging they're going to do that, of the neoconservatives' Islamophobic policy.
The initiation of which is to destroy all Middle Eastern governments that are not American puppet states.
Success would give the U.S.
control over oil, but the main purpose is to eliminate any resistance to Israel's complete absorption of Palestine into Greater Israel.
And it's about weapon sales and opium in a domestic police state here, I would add, Roberts.
Think about it.
If another 9-11 type security failure, in quotes, were not in the works, why would Homeland Security's Art Chertoff go to the trouble of convincing the Chicago Tribune that Americans have become complacent about terror threats and that he has a gut feeling that America will soon be hit hard?
What have I been saying for six years since 9-11?
I said when they're getting ready for a new one,
They're going to bring in all these police state measures, and then they're going to claim that us fighting the Patriot Act held it back from them keeping us safe, and blame liberty advocates for it happening.
And I said, when they're getting ready to do it, you'll see them say, you didn't let us keep you safe.
Now, I've said that hundreds of times, you're now seeing it.
I know how they work, folks, okay?
I got my head in the game.
This is what I do.
If another 9-11 type security failure were not in the works, why would Homeland Security's Artur Tov go to the trouble of convincing the Chicago Tribune that Americans have become complacent about terror threats and that he has a gut feeling that America will soon be hit and hit hard?
Think about it.
Why would Republican warmonger Rick Santorum say on Hugh Hewitt's radio show that between now and November 2007, that's next month, a day from now, a lot of things are going to happen?
And I believe that by this time next year, the American public is going to have a very different view of this war.
Well, we had Republican memos two years ago saying they were going to stage stuff or needed to stage stuff.
And now we have Republican Party Chairman of Oklahoma and other places saying, I mean, we're in trouble, folks.
They're out in the open.
And then we had that big columnist say that 9-11 was good, we need another 9-11.
And the Philadelphia Daily News.
Throughout this country's existence, the government has staged incidents that it has then used on behalf of
We're good to go.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of ergonomics.
Ask yourself, would a government that has lied us into two wars, and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran, shrink from staging terrorist attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?
Only a die-hard minority believes in the honesty and integrity of the Bush-Cheney administration, and in the truthfulness of the corporate media.
That's why they may go big, I'd add.
They may be huge when they hit.
Hitler, who never achieved majority support in the German election, used the Reichstag fire to fan hysteria and push through the Enabling Act, which made him dictator.
Determined tyrants never require majority support in order to overthrow a government.
America's constitutional system is on the verge of being toppled.
Will forthcoming terrorist events, which Chertoff warns of and Santorum promises, be the means of overthrowing our country?
Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and the Reagan Administration, associate editor of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, contributing editor to the National Review, now syndicated columnist.
We need to get him back on.
We have him on every month.
There you have it.
Very simply said for you, Craig, in the District of Columbia, who called in and said, I'm exaggerating.
They funded Marshall Law for this year, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, and said it was to fight resistance in the population.
He said it was for, quote, revolts.
For us.
Do you understand?
Stated in the entire defense funding package for 2007.
Do you read me?
Do you get it?
Do you receive me?
Do you get it?
The Military Commissions Act.
Presidential Decision Directive 51.
Tommy Franks on government payroll running around saying martial law is coming.
Do you get it?
Do you read me?
This is not me saying this.
This is the facts, bubba.
We'll come back, go right to your call.
Stay with me.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Francis, Craig, Steve, Kyle, Mike, we're going to get to all of you here in just a moment.
First off, in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
The long wait is over to cover the history of the global elite, who they are, how they took control of Europe and the U.S., how they set up the Federal Reserve.
That's the first 20 minutes or so.
Then we get into the Bilderberg Group today, 2006-2007, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Of course, what happened in Canada when I was there.
And then we get into the North American Union, how they're taking over the infrastructure for the taxation grid, how they're doing it all.
And then the last half of the program, the last hour, is the history of eugenics, why they hate us so much, why they think it's good to kill us.
And why they believe that they're going to have all these life extension technologies that they don't want us to have access, and how they want to get rid of us.
And you want quotes, you want names, you want documents, you want statements, you want clips, video clips.
I mean, it's all proven.
This is really three films in one, like a lot of my videos are.
Martial Law is almost three hours long.
And it covers the police state, 9-11, and the whole Nazi connection to Schwarzenegger and the Bushes.
This is really my best work, and you've heard a lot of people saying they've now seen it, and that they love it, and that it's extremely powerful.
It's also upsetting.
But we need to be upset.
We need to know what's happening.
We need to understand the mindset of those above Bush, and above Hillary, to understand how they do so many truly evil things.
I don't know what I have to say or do to get you to go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
It takes about 60 seconds to sign up with PayPal or credit card.
And you can download all 17 of my films because Terror Storm Special Edition was the 16th.
Endgame is the 17th film.
You can see all of my films, all of my weekly TV reports going back for three plus years, three and a half years now.
Thousands of audio interviews.
I don't know.
It is an arsenal of resistance in the Infowar.
Go to PrisonPlanet.tv, get a 15 cent a day membership, get in game, burn it to disk, give it to your friends and family.
For heaven's sakes, please don't go to Google Video.
It's up there.
I'm leaving it up there.
That's fine, because it'll get to people who can't afford 15 cents a day or $5.95 for a month.
It'll get to people, and that's my main goal.
But if you're going to make copies, if you're going to burn copies, or if you want to watch it where it's almost television quality.
I mean, it's so crisp.
Then get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
If you want to know how good it is, go to WhatIsTheEndGame.com or EndGameTheMovie.com or link through at PrisonPlanet.com to the trailers that are on our site.
We have links to YouTube ones too, but those are one-tenth as good.
Watch it for free, the three and four and five minute clips from the film to see the type of quality that you're going to be able to download or stream the film to your hard drive on.
I mean, it is unbelievably crisp.
The quality is amazing.
I busted my brain making this film, and I just want you to see it in high quality.
If you're going to burn it to disc or DVD, which I want you to do, do it off of your download from PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go get your memberships right now.
Go get a trial, $5.95.
That's the cost of two Starbucks cups of coffee.
I mean, I got a small cup in there the other day, and it was like $1.79.
They use double things.
They call the small a tall.
You gotta love it.
I mean, you're talking about for the cost of three small cups of coffee at Starbucks.
That's how much it is to see Endgame and to print off copies of my book, Paul Watson's book.
Oh yeah, there's two e-books on there.
I mean, it's an insane deal and it just pays for us to have, and I went out and got the best servers you can get, folks.
The best, the premium of the company, and it cost a lot of cash, I don't care.
I want this film out in quality.
And so get your PrisonPlanet.tv membership today.
Do not wait.
Or get the DVD even better at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Look at all the different specials we have in the secure online shopping cart.
Look at the books and other videos that it meshes with, that we have specials on.
Big discounts at InfoWars.com or call 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.tv.
And then in closing here, with the plugs, we're going right to your calls.
I got stuck with that last caller.
I read the book that comes in the package.
I did not listen to the 60, 70, I don't know, we tried to time it out.
Hours of speeches and seminars on debt, but I spot checked them.
There's like three other CDs.
Everything I spot checked was spot on info.
Because I wouldn't take the sponsor for a long time.
Like, out in 90, because that's kind of a catchphrase.
Like, oh yeah, you got a debt in 90 seconds or 90 minutes.
That's just to catch your attention.
The material...
My sales guy just said, please read it.
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It is really good information.
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877-327-0365 or Outin90.com.
It's just amazing stuff about keep your assets, lose your debts, how to deal with harassing calls.
It's not some magic thing.
I thought it was one of those.
I've turned down probably 50 sponsors that, you know, magic filings and, you know, Patriot mythology.
I'm not sending my people into anything bad.
This is good.
Out at 90.com, 877-327-0365.
There is the book, Debtor's Secret Weapon, and the three audio CDs.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, I'm going to go fast now.
I can't give you 10-15 minutes like I gave the other caller.
I won't be able to get to any of you.
Francis in Georgia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Well, sir, I'll just start in.
I disagree with you.
I'm a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, and so I've got a disagreement about PrisonPlanet.tv, the forums, and also what your statements about the South, and Miss Jackson.
Okay, go ahead, sir.
Okay, real quick about PrismPlanet.tv, the forums, a lot of the members who support you when their membership expires and if they don't pay up quickly, their names and personal information has been flashing up.
Well, no, what happens is when you're personally re-signing up, it's got your membership name and you have to then create the name.
And this is what I'm going to do just for you.
I'm going to get rid of the PrisonPlanet.tv forum because I've had about, that's what the mainline big software we use does when you sign up.
And so we're getting rid of that and we'll just have the free PrisonPlanet.com forum.
In fact, I've been meaning to pull the plug on it, but people begged us not to.
There's no way to quote, fix that.
So it's gone.
In fact, we're pulling the plug right now on the PrisonPlanet.tv forum.
I had forums years ago, and they descend into slanderfest and trollfest, and people begged for them, so I put two of them up there, and they just caused problems.
People complained about the .com one.
I'm probably going to pull the plug on it, too.
I'm real sorry to have to tell you that.
Now, go ahead and make your comment about the South.
Well, okay, just... Don't worry.
The plug's pulled.
I'm making the call during the next break.
In fact, I'm going to make it right now.
Go ahead.
Hey, that's up to you.
No, no.
I've been meaning to do it.
Let me just pull the plug on it right now.
Okay, and the other thing is, we're not all trolls.
We support you, and also, too... Yeah, I understand.
...the South.
I feel that you're playing into the New World Order when you're... Hold on one second.
Let me just get the order.
I want you to pull the PrisonPlanet.tv form right now.
Kill the form right now.
Okay, it's dead.
Thank you.
There you go.
Okay, go ahead, sir.
That was the last straw right there.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and make your point.
I'm trying to, Alex.
My point is, you're promoting racial disharmony when you're talking about that Ms.
Jackson was convicted because she's black and in the South.
Have you ever read the hyphen by John Wayne about how it can divide us?
No, I've actually played that speech by John Wayne on the show.
Well, I'm just sorry that you're promoting that Ms.
Jackson was convicted in Atlanta because...
Well, I mean, Atlanta is a lot of black folks and there were black folks on the jury.
There are federal and state studies on the disparency of blacks convicting whites in a larger number than they convict blacks, and whites convicting blacks in larger numbers than they convict whites, and Hispanics convicting whites in larger numbers than they convict whites, and whites convicting Hispanics
Alex, come on.
You're saying you don't journalize, but when you make a statement that Ms.
Jackson was convicted because she's black and in the South, that's not true.
The truth is that Americans are brainwashed, for the most part, and juries can be... Prosecutors can manipulate juries to convict anybody.
I'm a former Georgia State trooper,
I know a little bit about Atlanta and I know a little bit about how juries work and how prosecutors work and there's a mentality, for example, after Easter I tried to buy a stuffed rabbit for half price after Easter sale and the cashier wouldn't sell it to me because she said just last week
That's right.
You know, saying that, I don't sit here and calculate everything I say.
I have a sneaking suspicion that might have had something to do with it, or maybe the South is more law and order.
And again, that's used against us.
Let me be clear.
My whole family is from the South, on both sides, and we're in the Civil War and the whole nine yards, and I'm not here bashing people from the South.
But it is a fact that whites have been getting off in the South on these tax cases, and in, quote, other liberal areas, but that we see the tax cases against blacks going badly in the South.
Well, that could be.
You know what, I think we're both a little bit right here, okay?
And I appreciate your call, sir.
And yes, as for the PrisonPlanet.tv forum, we've tried to explain it to people.
We just added it for members.
And then for some reason if it lapses when you re-sign up, because that's your name, that's your ID name, that when you sign yourself up, you've got to then make it the new screen name you want.
And that's what the program does, and people don't like it, so it's gone.
And I already meant to pull the plug on it once the .com got real big, it's just, I'm sorry, it's gone.
Alright, and maybe someday if I can fix that, but it's not a fixing it, that's what the program does.
Because it's a members forum.
So, it's gone.
We can't help you and I'm sorry.
You know, we're a small organization.
Here's another thing.
There were three months at the start of this year where I was losing, I never talked about this really on air, about $10,000 a month.
But I kept my employees hired, I kept everything going, I kept funding and financing in game, literally out of my savings that dwindled down.
That's fine.
I'm not whining.
And then now the film's coming out, we're able to recoup, and then we have other light times, which we always do hard times.
I use whatever we accrue to fund things.
This is a mission.
This is not even really a business here.
This is about getting the word out.
If this was a business, you wouldn't be able to watch Endgame on Google Video right now.
By the way, when it went up on Google Video, sales went right down into the toilet.
Whatever, fine, I don't care.
Really, I don't.
This is about getting the word out, okay?
Literally getting the word out, even though that film cost me about $150,000 to make.
So... Amazon.
You order stuff from them, they've got shipping things in every city, they're a $100 billion company, they're gigantic, and everybody's got this instant gratification where you order something from them and you get it in two days.
With us, it might take us a week to ship it out.
Now, I've hired more people and done more, and a lot of times we ship the day after it comes in.
But people can complain about that.
Or we said pre-order in October.
It ships November 1st.
It really shipped the 29th.
It really shipped Monday.
But it said that clearly on the site and people are calling up saying, hey man, you didn't ship that out to us.
And see, we can't do this on air.
I don't screen your calls.
But at the same time, you've got to have some governing control.
Some governing control over yourself, because I don't screen your calls.
We certainly could.
Hey, where are you calling from?
What are you talking about?
And if we don't like what it is, boom, you're not on air.
I don't do that, brother.
But at the same time, I can't have endless plugging, and I can't have Nanny Fest here on my show.
Can you imagine people driving along in England listening to this right now, or in Canada, or in Texas, and they don't even know about the New World Order, and they're hearing something about message boards.
I mean, I just can't do it.
I mean, I hear all these other Patriot talk shows, they're all failures for one big reason.
They have like little private discussions on air and talk about little, little, little things all day with each other.
I just talk about the issues.
Holy mackerel, man.
Let's go ahead, and frankly, I can just suspend taking calls for a while again like I've done the last few months because I've got so much news here to cover.
People say, oh no, please take the calls again.
Well, here we go.
Let's talk to Steve in Mass.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, I just wanted to back... I want to touch down on two issues.
I just want to back you up on one thing.
If people are calling... You know, I get this in my life all the time.
You give people information, and they're calling you on it, and they don't do the research themselves, and they're arguing with you, then they don't know what they're talking about in the first place anyways.
So, I mean, when you're trying to give people information, and they don't research themselves, but they're arguing with you, they have no reason to be arguing with you in the first place.
And I just wanted to send that out to
Listen, every night I woke up, and I really do do this, I mean I woke up at 2am last night
I got up wide awake, I walked around for about 30 minutes, in the middle of the night, in the cold, still, dark night, and I just, I just thought, my gosh, murdering criminals run everything, they're setting up martial law, building FEMA camps, I post all the articles and documents, and people still don't believe me.
I mean, I talk about how FEMA had a fake news conference, they admit they did, and people are emailing me saying I made it up.
I mean, look, I can't, I can't make a claim and then not have people not even check it out and just say I'm a liar.
I mean, I'm not lying about anything!
Man, this is really happening!
I know.
I've been doing research myself, and everything you've come up with is exact.
I just want... Two issues I wanted to touch down on.
One is the Blackwater issue.
I wanted to ask... You know, I was reading that the Iraqi government, they passed this... this... what would they call it?
It was something law, where they're trying to get it to get leverage to turn over the immunity.
That was passed the immunity order?
Now it was saying that the State Department had already promised them immunity before they got any testimonies from?
Does this Iraqi pass this law, does it have any leverage over that?
Or it could overturn?
The Iraqi government are complete puppets, but the country is in near total revolt over it, so the government's just acting like they've got some authority.
And when the government said, we're going to arrest them, the real government said, no you're not, special ops will blow your head off if you try it.
And then even army colonels said, yeah, we saw it, they killed them, it's murder, nobody fired at them, and the army's told, shut up, they're not under your rules.
This is dictatorship when they say, these guys have immunity, they're Rabaf and SS.
Yeah, exactly.
Hitler's SS had immunity.
Yeah, they didn't have to be... Yeah, they could do basically whatever they wanted.
Yeah, you got mercenaries that are allowed to operate in the U.S.
who have got diplomatic immunity.
And the other issue is, from Massachusetts, back in September in Boston, they had a biotech drill.
Um, I don't know if this is going on anywhere else, but, um, it was on a Sunday, the post office... Stay there, I want to hear about this from you.
Steve, I'm going to go to Kyle, Mike, and many others.
Continual open lines into the next hour and a ton of news, stay with me.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
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Here I come now, baby!
Fighting the New World Order.
Coming up, I'm going to spend more time on this.
Weapons industry dumps Republicans, backs Hillary.
The U.S.
Army, arms industry, Army.
The U.S.
arms industry is backing Hillary Clinton for president and has all but abandoned its traditional allies in the Republican Party.
That's right, the true commissariat now is coming to power.
There's all these, they literally smile and giggle, little jelly-bellied and fake conservative neocons are just, you tell them Fox News is behind Hillary, they just laugh.
Call it a conspiracy theory when it's in the mainstream news.
Clinton has also emerged as Wall Street's favorite.
Investment bankers have opened their wallets in unprecedented numbers for the New York Senator.
Yet the other Republicans are just collecting campaign contributions they're going to keep.
Other than Ron Paul.
Las Vegas has him as the only one that can beat Hillary.
And they've got him 6-3-1, depending on which Las Vegas bookie you're looking at.
Big firms.
But they've been very accurate in the past, guessing.
So he's still an underdog for getting the nomination.
But he is the man who can win against Hillary.
He's got the demographics.
The Republicans are dead ducks.
And everything Bush does is to drive down the Republicans' chances.
He's already appointing a bunch of Clinton people to his cabinet and in the Defense Department and State Department.
It's over!
Hillary Clinton anointed!
Fake conservatives will continue to snicker and giggle and say it's not true until she is inaugurated.
They will then hail her, because we're no doubt will be hit by a massive terror attack within six months of her being in office, which of course her people will stage, and then it will be martial law and blood in the streets and total ruling.
And it's over!
So, there you go.
Good job, conservatives, for being seduced by Bush and the New World Order.
They may have even staged terror before that.
I just hope you're glad.
I just hope you enjoy yourselves.
Thanks a lot for what you've done to us.
Let's go ahead now and go back to Steve and Matt.
Steve, you were saying they had some type of drill?
Yeah, there was a report I was looking at.
It was a Boston report where
The federal health officials were working with the Boston Police Department and Post Office, and they staged a bio-terror drill on a Sunday, where the Post Office had postal workers delivering mock medicine boxes in
We're good to go.
Five years ago, but the police and firemen wouldn't take the smallpox shot to be indoctrinated.
See, they were saying smallpox would hit us in 2005.
In 2002 and 2003, they said they had to get all emergency workers to do it.
Ninety-nine percent, according to the LA Times, refused, so they had to drop that.
If the cops and firemen would have took it, they would have launched the attack, guaranteed.
I mean, it's just that they do it all in stages.
It's all right out in the open.
But thank God the cops and firemen weren't stupid and didn't take it.
I just want to warn all the listeners, if they Google Boston Biocare Drill, they can look up on it and keep their eye out, because it could happen anywhere else.
Thank you, my friend.
Yeah, they recruited tens of thousands.
Was it 13,000 in 2006?
This year they tried to double it.
I don't know if they were successful.
And they're training them.
Tell your people, hand their guns in, submit to government.
Romans 13.
Take the injections.
Let them split your families up.
Let them put you in camps.
Now, we reported that a year before it broke in the news.
And then it just broke in the news.
Remember two months ago?
Hey, you ought to dig that newscast up.
We ought to play that again for people who forgot.
See, we forget all this.
I forget all this.
I mean, they're locked and loaded.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Does that ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
NFKHL News 12's Jeff Beryl discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
From my cold, dead hands!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value, the overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived.
Something far easier to do even now thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is let's go out there and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to diffuse that situation.
Because the government's established that already.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect a suspension of their rights might last.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day, around the clock, at eight different camps.
So I thought we'd bring that back to your attention.
We broke that over a year before it came out earlier this year in the news.
We have the actual FEMA documents with names and phone numbers.
It was going on in every county in the U.S.
And we had the preacher on.
We had them all.
And there it is!
There it is for you.
This is what they do.
And when this whole martial law thing comes down, I hope the cops get wise.
Here's the M.O.
They tell you, this such and such is a terrorist.
each time.
They have pipe bombs and machine guns and they plan to kill you.
And the person really has a pack of chewing gum.
But by then you hand them over to people's custody and disappear to a FEMA camp.
Or they just lock down whole cities and break up the families and take them to different facilities.
They got the preachers being trained to tell folks to turn their guns in.
And to take injections.
I mean, this is like out of a horror movie.
This is like out of America with a K. But it's happening.
And I'm sorry it's happening, okay?
I'm really sorry that this is the truth.
I'm really sorry that it's all come down to this, and that caller first of the hour, last hour, just couldn't believe it.
He just couldn't deal with it.
He just said, oh, you're just vague.
Okay, there, I wasn't vague.
I read what the father of Reaganomics had to say in a syndicated column.
I just played you a newscast about what we broke a year before it came out.
I mean, do we get any brownie points ever for being right about things?
I told you six years ago, Mexican trucks were already here, because I'd read it in publications, industry publications, and seen them driving up and down the road.
That's all I do.
I mean, they built a FEMA center out at the old airport here in Austin.
I told you about it before it was in the news, but then it was on local Fox.
I mean, all we do is report facts all day long to you.
There's trillions missing from the Pentagon.
Total criminals run the country.
They're looting everything.
They got mercenaries hired.
His grandfather funded Hitler, was his top agent in the U.S.
Marine Corps, Major Generals, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winners blew the whistle.
We're in red-level crisis!
I've probably sacrificed my life just to warn you about this.
I hope that isn't the case.
Just take it or leave it.
Take it or leave it.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Both their objective be world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Dillberg is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now taking your phone calls.
Kyle in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
You were talking about the industry publications earlier that you go to for different various things to keep a track on stuff, you know,
Hey, yes, Alex.
Which publications usually have good information on banking?
Well, I mean, they'll be listeners.
I mean, it piles up every week, and they'll put yellow stickies in it and say, look at this.
Or a truck driver will call me six years ago.
I'm going from memory and say, hey, I'm mailing you a truck driving magazine, and in it is the transponders they're going to put in them, and the Mexican trucks, and everything else.
And then I see the Mexican trucks.
I mean, by industry publication,
Is that they all just report it nonchalantly and they just say what they're doing right out in the open or I'll
Get a tip, and I'll go to the Federal Register, and there's the bill they passed to put up, you know, federally around the country.
Hundreds of thousands of microphones to listen to us.
And I'll get a copy of the bill that passed and show it, and then show the federal funding for $844,000 to put in hundreds of them in Austin, Texas.
I mean, it's just, it's original source or industry publications.
Or, I'm talking about
I'll go to what the actual transhumanist different associations are saying about how they're going to have a world government, and the elite's going to have the life extension, and we're not.
I mean, it's just... These people communicate with each other.
Say an industry publication, it's published for the public to buy, but nobody really gets it.
It's foreign affairs put out by the CFR every two months, and they just openly say what they're going to do right there.
Okay, because, you know, I'm at work sometimes for like nine hours sometimes, and
I just want to educate myself.
I've been reading Tragedy and Hope at work and now I just go to some of their quotes and I just read that and educate myself about who these people are.
I've already seen Endgame.
I went to the Alamo Draft House and thought it was an excellent film, by the way.
Good job.
So, I mean, I'm educating myself and, you know, as you said before, these people are monopoly men.
And why else would they back Hillary Clinton?
Look at every one of her policies.
She's a monopoly woman because she will use force to guarantee their monopolies.
Through government regulations and all sorts of other tools that government can use.
And then we go to Michelle Malkin conservatives and point out that Fox News is buying Hillary and we have all the articles and all the admissions and they just say it's not true.
Oh yeah, I mean, I have a friend on my MySpace.
She has like, she says Fox News is my favorite news station.
I almost have to hurl every time I look at that.
And I keep on trying to tell her, hey, Rupert Murdoch's, you know, behind Hillary Clinton.
Oh no, no, that's not true.
I'm like, here's the article.
Oh, that's just a liberal media.
I'm like, it's not.
You can go and just do your research on the primary sources of where it comes from, you know?
I hear you, and they'll say that's a fake newscast.
I just aired about the preachers telling their flock to hand their guns in and go under martial law.
I have hundreds of pages of actual FEMA documents, scanned them in for people, had the preacher on over a year ago.
They still don't believe it.
Listen, when I went and shot video in 99 for Police State 2000,
We're good to go.
I'm videotaping this.
I talked to Colonel Love.
He admits that it could be for America or overseas.
And then I had troop ships landing, hovercraft, warrior fighting vehicles, thousands of troops, and I got just dozens and dozens of emails and calls over the years saying it was fake!
Folks, I can't hire giant troop ships and Cobra, you know, sea Cobras.
I don't!
I mean, I can't.
Just, they won't believe anything!
They don't, they're just idiots!
There's a certain threshold where that double think just doesn't work anymore.
Well, all I know is I don't know how somebody could watch an hour in that two-hour film of Marines trying to take our guns in America, and I got footage from all over the country with the same thing, and then they just say it's not real.
It's coming out of the Marines' mouths!
It's Marines!
It's huge ships landing.
It's hovercraft.
It's helicopters.
It's Chinooks.
It's Cobras.
It's Sea Cobras.
It's warrior fighting vehicles.
It's Humvees.
It's foreign troops for America!
And they still can't... Of course I was talking about foreign troops ten years ago.
Of course I was talking about martial law and government-sponsored terror before 9-11.
All these government documents I read where they talk about how they stage attacks.
I mean,
They're so arrogant because they know the public is just totally brainwashed.
But the good news is, the public now knows they've been lied to, but they're not sure exactly about what.
They know they've been lied to, but they still don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
And I'm just totally freaked out at this point.
I mean, some days I get up here and it's like... But I guess it happened in Germany, it happened in Russia, it happens everywhere else.
And I guess Americans have just got to be through living hell before they find out...
I don't think we really do.
One thing I think we should try to do is push through the significance of the FEMA faking a fake newscast.
You push that through, you can tell them, hey, they staged media events.
What else could they be lying to us about?
And get the ball rolling there for some people.
I've done that on some of my friends and they're starting to wake up.
These people are hardcore killers, that's all I can tell you.
I appreciate your call.
When I looked into... I thought I knew about all the chemical, biological, radiological testing where they killed Americans.
I thought I knew about it all.
Man, it's tens of thousands of cases.
It's hundreds of thousands of Americans they've killed.
And it's... I mean, that's what we know about.
I mean, these people are so criminal that it will just blow your mind.
They are so incredibly criminal that it just... it just absolutely
It brings me to my knees to just think that at a certain point I'm speechless.
Meanwhile, we have a president who constantly says things like this that make absolutely no sense, where he talks about kids with box cutters killing all those students, which I think is some kind of slip.
They may be planning something with schools.
I know they put out fake Al-Qaeda memos saying they're planning to hit schools.
Play the crazy Bush clip.
Here it is.
This is Bush talking to Australian television.
Do you have that, John?
There it is.
We need all our coalition partners.
And I would hope that, and I understand, like everybody's got their own internal politics.
My only point is, is that whether it be Afghanistan or Iraq, we've got more work to do.
We the free worlders got more work to do.
And I believe those of us who live in liberty have a responsibility
To promote forms of government that deal with what causes 19 kids to get on airplanes to kill 3,000 students.
What then do you say about the British withdrawing significant numbers from South Africa?
Play that again.
And when you're looking at him on the video, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com, he looks totally nuts.
I mean, he looks completely out of his gourd.
He is just...
He is just completely nuts.
And he said that Nelson Mandela was killed by Saddam in a press conference?
And every day it's some new insanity.
I mean, we're just, we've got literal Nero lunatic running things.
Back in Hillary getting all her people ready.
And there's all these really childish, they're always real giggly and it's all funny.
And Free Republic and Michelle Malkin's websites and all of it.
And they just say we make everything up, and all we do is document everything, and I... Alright, I gotta settle down.
Just, you know what?
That's why I get upset and yell and scream on air sometimes, because it just consciously hits me every day.
Just how far down the rat hole, down the cesspit we've gone.
And I just think about how cold-blooded these people are running things, and how much they love to hurt innocent people.
How many crimes they've done, all the bad things they've done, all the drugs they ship in here.
All the bad things they do to us.
All the kids they're putting on Ritalin and Prozac.
All the... All the live virus shots they're giving people, dying left and right.
It's just... It's just... Sometimes it really gets to me, folks.
And I don't just get mad or yell or scream anymore.
In the past, when I feel like this and feel anxious, I just start yelling and screaming and getting mad.
But at a certain point,
Man, I just sit here with horror thinking about what's going to happen when the news finally breaks that they've destroyed the dollar.
I mean, it's already gone, almost 65% reduction.
Plunging more today, by the way.
I mean, I have a lot of things I want to do.
I want to go out and camp and visit places and do things and fish and
Eat good food and lift weights and jog, be in shape, but I can't.
I just work all the time because I'm busy fighting this.
I can't morally not do it.
At least everything else in life, it's just... I just hope their whole agenda stalls up enough people wake up to what they're doing that it just all falls apart and they just stop what they're doing, but...
They know they're in danger now.
They were going to go ahead with their plan regardless, but now they've got to go ahead with it.
At least we're in the fight.
At least a lot of people know who they are now.
The feelings I have, the analysis I've done, the facts that are coming in, but also just what's in my gut just tells me we're headed into bad stuff.
It's not like we're on a ship going into a hurricane and the people are batting down the hatches and getting the sails down and getting geared up.
They're just stumbling around on the deck, drunk, giggling, and snickering, and laughing, and picking their nose, and laughing at me, and... I'm just... It's just sick.
It's just sick to watch the death of this country.
And it's what comes after the death that you gotta worry about.
We'll be right back.
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John and Holland, Mike, Justin, Peter, I'm going to get to you all right now.
John and Holland, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Good, sir.
Hey Alex.
Hey, a few things, Alex.
I think you shouldn't take things too personal, because your job must be really one of the hardest in the world, because you realize like nobody else what's going on, you know?
If you wouldn't freak out once in a while on your radio show, I really think then it will show something is really wrong with you, right?
Yeah, I mean, I just know they're killers.
I know they're going to put people in camps.
I know they're going to stage more terror.
They already did 9-11.
I mean, we're all in danger, folks!
They're staging fake news conferences.
They're hiring the preachers to tell us to go under martial law.
I mean, we're in a lot of... we're in total crisis!
Yeah, yeah, I know.
And I've been following you for the last one and a half years now, and I...
I'm amazed every time by the fact that you're right.
You know, every time you say things, you predict things, it's all coming out.
Anyway, I've seen your show.
Endgame was really good to see it.
Great job on that.
I really enjoyed to watch that, together with all your other documentaries as well.
Anyway, I've got two questions, right?
First question is about 9-11.
First question is here.
Why aren't the 24 insurance companies, like Swiss RA, not interested in the 9-11 issue and all the things behind it, so they can bundle their forces and push for an independent investigation?
This is the companies that insurance the World Trade Center complex, right?
If they can bundle their forces, they can try to get that $7 billion back from Silverstein.
No, I agree with you.
They have it because big insurance companies are almost all spawned, all the big majors.
The little ones are all basically just resellers.
They sell you insurance, then bundle them and sell them to larger ones.
They're more like brokers or real estate brokers.
It's the same thing.
Because they're involved in the larger scheme.
Why didn't the airlines not blow the whistle?
The airlines got a $25 billion payout because, quote, they were going to go bankrupt, but the biggest airlines only make $4 or $5 billion profit a year.
$25 billion was the major three airlines' profits for the next five, six, seven years.
So they claim they were losing money, so they needed $25 billion.
That was just a payoff.
And so that's why the insurance companies didn't didn't attest anything and didn't get in the way of anything because they're all part of the New World Order.
Yeah, yeah, that's true.
Okay, second question.
Is global enslavement and
One world government is so important to the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers.
Why did America and their allied forces battle against Hitler and stop Hitler in the Second World War?
Because that's what Hitler wanted as well, right?
He wanted world domination.
Well, you've seen in-game, you know, there was a split between the two groups and the Bank of England, this is public, declassified, actually funded Hitler.
Making him think that they were backing him.
That's why he thought England was his ally.
That's why at Dunkirk, everybody escaped there.
Over 200,000 troops and much of their machinery.
Because he thought he was going to make a deal with England.
That's why Rudolf Hess went in and parachuted into England and then they grabbed him and wouldn't let him get out.
He was saying, hey, we had a deal.
Why are you doing this?
And that's why they had to keep him at the tower until he died decades later.
They didn't have the people ready to accept giving up their unity.
There was too many independent wealthy people and too much middle class in Europe, so they used Hitler to tear the whole continent up so they could get their failed League of Nations reincarnated as the United Nations.
They stated that.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Yeah, I understand what you're saying.
Thanks, man.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, I'm just going off what they said.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Do we have time?
Yes, we do.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Ohio.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I'm an Iraq War veteran.
I was in the initial invasion and decided to join the fight against the New World Order and I support you.
I've seen Endgame.
It was really a great film.
And I wanted to plug my website, but that's not why I called.
I called to talk about a few things.
Well, go ahead and plug your website.
All right.
And that's CantonTruth.com.
And the rules of engagement for Iraq, it doesn't say.
All the troops were given a card when we got to Iraq that says what the rules of engagement are.
Rules of Engagement are not, it doesn't say U.S.
Army's Rules of Engagement or anything like that.
It says Coalition Forces Land Component Command Rules of Engagement.
And so, that's why, that's one of the big reasons I call it because it's not saying it's the U.S.
Government running the Rules of Engagement over there.
On there, and that sounds like to me the U.N.
is behind it.
Well, I said before the war, they're going to break it in three parts, then they're going to turn the spigot off and stop funding the insurgents, which the government is.
The criminal group is.
Then they're going to have the UN come in.
Now they're openly talking about that.
Very interesting, my friend.
Call me back on another show with more.
Alright, we've got a lawyer to talk about the Sherry Jackson situation.
Coming up right now.
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We're good to go.
I'll tell you about two sponsors, and Tom Cryer, the lawyer who beat the IRS a few months ago.
Talk about Sherry Jackson.
Found guilty on four counts of willful failure to file.
A couple sponsors first, though.
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And in closing, for the plugs, my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement's out.
We're dealing with hardcore killers.
This proves it.
Just the section on all the admitted radiological, chemical, biological spraying and having our troops go in chambers and murdering them and killing U.S.
children in CPS custody with radiation containment centers, blasting their brains with radiation, killing them.
I mean, we got cold-blood murderers running this country for 60, 70 years.
And they're in full command right now, but they're not in command of you knowing the truth.
And they're raping the dollar and crushing this country right now.
We're going into very serious times.
I want you to get in game, and I want you to make copies of it, and I want you to go absolutely crazy with it.
I mean, it's time to just go wild, folks.
It's time to get a DVD burner, and put that sucker in there, and I'm talking make 10 copies every day.
Takes you 10, 15 minutes to make a copy each one.
Just make copy after copy.
Or go get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, and go download it in super high quality, and start burning it as a disc and CD right now, and just start giving it to everybody.
I mean, let's just get aggressive.
That's how we're gonna take this nation back.
We don't have a choice.
They're coming for us.
Believe me, I wish it wasn't true.
I can't believe I can even calmly sit here and talk about it knowing what I know.
Sometimes I can't believe I haven't run in New Zealand or Argentina, but there's nowhere to run.
We gotta fight these people!
I just know how to fight.
I don't know how to run, folks.
And there's nowhere to run to.
We just got to fight them.
So please get in game at InfoWars.com or watching on PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Just stop waiting.
Tom Cryer is our guest, and I appreciate him coming on.
Sherry Jackson was found guilty on four counts of willful failure to file.
We've got a lot of work to do, Alex.
We're not there.
And it's going to take, the sad thing is, is that this isn't going to be the last political prisoner that is going to be hauled off before this gets done.
But we're going to have to get them all out to get any of them out.
We're going to have to take Bastille down.
And the only way to do that is, the Bastille in this case, is the myth, the tax myth perpetrated by the federal government on the people.
The world is still flat to them.
Well, that's understandable.
She's got to be broken hearted at this point.
Well, for those that don't know who she is, first tell us in a nutshell who you are, your experience, some of the good cases in a nutshell that have happened, and then who she is and what happened to her.
Well, I'm an attorney in Shreveport, Louisiana.
I learned some years ago, I wasn't part of the movement until just recently.
But I did learn some years ago that the tax law doesn't make me liable.
And if the law doesn't state that you're liable, you don't owe it.
I also went in and dug up all the bones, found out how and why they did it this way.
Why it's written the way it is.
It's written to deceive.
But you conclude, only conclude that they've lied to us about us being liable, they've lied to us about
Uh, what that everything that comes in is income.
Uh, they've lied to us about what they can tax and what they can't tax.
The tax is on taxable income.
It's not on non-taxable income.
Tom, how did we get so evil to have private banks ruling over us with a fake tax system and a fiat currency and to have a government that would take CPS children and kill them with radiation and take troops and... It's a simple matter of power corrupting and absolute power corrupting, absolutely.
Basically, whatever... And the founding fathers, Alex, knew that this was going to be a problem.
They knew that this was going to be a risk, and they tried to guard against it.
That's why they put so many limitations, so many safeguards, were built into the Constitution.
But the problem is, is that whenever the people that are entrusted with those safeguards get in concert with one another, and decide that we can love Fort Knox if we all do it together, then Fort Knox ceases to be safe.
Well, the same thing with the Constitution.
The ones that we entrusted the care and preservation of that Constitutional form of the Republic to discovered that if we joined hands and the three branches, instead of fighting each other and holding each other at bay and keeping each other within the four corners of the Constitution, that if we joined hands, we could become one single trunk instead of three branches.
And if Katie bought a door, then we could rule the world.
You know, and that's basically what you're seeing happening.
But then it just leads from one thing to the next to the next, and now we're in the final throes of it.
And now they're four or five generations inbred, worth trillions of dollars, totally psychopathic, funding bioweapons to kill us all, openly bragging about it and the public can't even read it.
You've got now, the public has been dumped out.
Are the competing values, the competing source of values, the family, the church, the community, your locally operated and run schools?
Where we were instilled with the values of what was right and wrong, and what was proper and improper, acceptable and unacceptable, have now been displaced and dishonored, and there's been open warfare now in Christianity and the family unit.
Right now you've got, you know, the government's paying people not to form families.
The schools are being told from the federal headquarters to tell students not to pay attention to what their parents said was right or wrong, because their parents don't know, but the government does.
The churches have been kicked off the campuses, kicked out of the government, kicked out of the community and held up for scorn and ridicule.
Anybody who would propose to be a source of value guidance or leadership in the community
It's a matter of natural course because the more that the beast has, the more it craves.
If it has a ton of power, it wants three tons.
Once it gets three tons, it wants ten tons.
And every ounce of power comes at the expense of our liberty.
But, I know we got kind of a strike.
We were supposed to be talking about sharing.
Yeah, real fast, your case, let's get into sharing.
Well, in my case, we presented the case to the jury.
The jury understood, and as a matter of fact, later learned that half of them actually believed what I told them.
They weren't sure that what I told them was correct, but they had no doubt that I believed what I told them.
And consequently, they determined that I did not have knowledge or belief that I was under a duty to file, and therefore I could have committed the crime.
In Sherry's case, everything went very well at the first part of the trial.
Their jury selection process was a little bit more difficult than mine.
We had ten strikes, the government had six.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Well, I see this with women and people who haven't been in and around court in the real world.
No, no, you have to stand to your ground.
You have to draw the circle and say, come over here and I want to slap the snot out of you.
We're good to go.
I mean, that's not because she's an accountant for a crime outlet.
And so, I mean, it's not anything you can do for them.
Once you get in bed, you can prepare them for it.
You can tell them that they... I know that Larry... But explain to people, Mr. Cryer, and again, you beat him, and there's still a lot of other folks now.
Explain what that really says.
Well, you can't... If he had done that to me, I'd have rolled it up and popped him on the nose with it.
Made him look like a puppy that wet the floor.
What would you have said?
Well, I'd have said, of course not.
That doesn't say anything about liability.
And you know it.
You're old enough to know, and you passed the second year of law school.
You know that headings aren't law.
You know that these are only hittings when it says tax on individuals.
That's a statement.
Yeah, that's not even a law.
What is that?
There's no verb, there's no subject.
Tell me what it says.
Does it say that tax on individuals?
Does it say that individuals are liable?
It's not even a statement.
It's not part of the law.
Here's the law.
There is hereby imposed on the taxable income of married individuals and surviving spouses, defined herein, a tax in a certain amount according to a schedule that no longer exists.
Now, tell me where Annette said who was liable.
Tell me where Annette said who was liable.
That doesn't say anything, it's liable.
I don't know who you think you're asking this question to, but I can read English, and I know you can, and I know Jerry can.
He didn't even think about doing that to me.
But the thing is, it was Jerry, bless her heart, she was doing her best.
She worked hard to prepare.
I know she did because I was talking to them as they were making preparations and was making suggestions.
And I know that they tried to prepare her for a cross-examination, but when you're up there, I can tell you, I've been an attorney and I've tried cases for 35 years.
I've tried them every size, shape, color, and description.
And I've been in that courtroom, that very courtroom, many, many times.
But I have never seen a courtroom look quite like it did when I sat down at FedFox.
It's a whole other world.
And it's real easy to sit back and say, she should have done this or she should have said that.
But it's a whole other world up there.
You can't know until you've been there.
And the stress and the strain on you and the weight that's on you is just, it's indescribable.
Well also, I couldn't imagine being innocent and having to sit there and knowing, knowing that it's a fraud, knowing the IRS prosecutors know it's a fraud.
Because they know it's a fraud, don't they?
They know it is.
They know it is.
And that's one of the things that I keep trying to tell people, Alex.
You know, one of the first things that people do whenever they get in a boat up with these bastards, excuse my French, when they get in a boat up with these people, with the beast, is they want to send them this 20 page letter.
Explaining to them why they've been wrong all these years and that they should back off and quit doing these bad things to people.
The thinking is, for some reason or other, that IRS is going to throw its hands up and say, oh my goodness, you mean I've been doing wrong and I thought I was doing the right thing?
Oh, I'm so glad that you would have pointed this out to me.
Please excuse me for having trouble with you and I promise I'm not going to do this to anybody else.
No, it's not going to happen that way.
They already know they're stealing.
They already know they're taking things and stealing people's labor without the law, let alone the Constitution, permitting it.
So you're not going to do it.
All you're going to do is give them something and slap you around.
They're going to use it against you.
How much time is Sherry facing?
I know that there's a sentencing coming up.
She's asked people to contact and write letters to the judge.
Well, the maximum, it's one year max per account.
And uh, but there is, and there used to be guidelines, which are not supposed to use anymore, but they do.
I don't know what the numbers, it will depend upon the amount of money involved as to how much they sentence her to.
Yeah, I think so.
I don't know.
I don't think so.
They would not allow her to refer to any specific cases.
What about an appeal then if they crack down on him?
I think she crossed the line on that.
If she wouldn't allow her to specify what cases formed the basis for her belief, I don't think that that's going to be sufficient.
There is a shot on appeal.
There's always that shot.
So, stay there.
I want to hear what Larry Beecraft, our lawyer, said from his friend, Tom Cryer.
Also a lawyer on the other side with Sherry Jackson.
Railroaded by the private IRS again.
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Tom Cryer, before we end this broadcast today, I want to get you and Larry B. Crabb both on tomorrow if you can do it.
Give out your websites, they're excellent.
Well, there's Liferezone.com, which is the website that we set up to seek assistance for my defense and recovery, because although I survived the bomb blast, I'm standing at the bottom of the crater to dig out everything else that was lost.
But the other, the one that's most active at this point is TruthAttack.org.
That's a campaign, a movement that forms the coalition of the taxonistic groups and we are unified in one message.
Larry says basically that she got trashed in rebuttal.
They put on three or four witnesses after, in their case, a rebuttal, which is unusual, who just trashed her and made her out to be a liar and a thief.
And the jury mistook a lack of credibility on her part as proof of the government's case.
I don't believe them, but that doesn't mean that the government... So they went for character assassination?
They brought in hired, on the payroll, character assassins.
With the exception of one of the witnesses was a former partner of Sherry's who they had
We're good to go.
Did Sherry lose that civil thing?
I don't know what happened.
Well, if she didn't lose it, that's a reason for an appeal right there.
That's a false statement right there.
Well, it was a false characterization, but basically... And it's a conflict of interest.
Yeah, well, absolutely.
All those things were argued.
But the jury... When you start singing, and it hits the wall, even though you just crave it all, it's staying still there.
And that's what happened.
They bloodied her.
And they just went in and totally assassinated her character.
And of course, Larry got the court to allow him to put Sherry back up and have what they call a sure rebuttal.
Because normally the defendant doesn't get a chance to answer the government's rebuttal case.
I thought the defendant could go on whenever they want.
The defendant can go on and testify during their case if they want to.
But you see, the government gets their turn with the whip.
Then you get your turn with the whip.
Then the government gets to rebut, and that's the case.
You don't get a chance to rebut the rebuttal.
But the court allowed him to put her on to rebut the rebuttal because of the nature of the material that was raised.
They didn't want an appeal, yeah.
And by the end, all she could do was rebut it by saying, oh, I am telling the truth.
But she'd already been bloodied.
And so the jury, actually the estimates are it was about 20 minutes.
They did not take time.
It would take longer than that just to go over
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I'm going to get it right now.
I'm going to talk to you right now until the show ends.
Thank you.
Stay there.
Alright, folks, if you missed any of the first or second hour, a lot of key news got covered on the economy, on the Mexican truck, so much.
It's about to restart at Infowars.com right now on the streams and rebroadcast on a lot of Aminem stations.
See you back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Live.
God bless you all.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.