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Name: 20071026_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 26, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the 26th day of October, 2007.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
And we're going to have open phones in the first, second, and third hour today at 1-800-259-9231.
The dollar plunged to its all-time record low again today.
New lows every week.
Oil went to over $92 a barrel.
At the urging of the heads of the IMF, the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Exchequer.
They give the orders, the dollar goes down, the yuppies run around acting stylish and giggling and snickering at anyone that says that there's global elites or power structures or that you have to defend your liberty.
That's the biggest joke they ever heard.
And if you tell them that the dollar being devalued is absolutely devastating,
They again will snicker.
I don't mean to get off into attacking them.
I'm just getting really tired of the 10, 15, 20 percent of people in this country that still buy whatever this criminal establishment says, whatever they push.
Though I've been trumpeting the ongoing Gallup polls and Scripps Hour News Service polls,
That together, separate polls show an 11% approval rating for Congress.
I guess the public really is awake, but there still is that cadre of people that snicker and giggle.
I found another scientific poll last night, it's here in my shtack, where 95% of Americans, quote, do not trust George Bush. 95%.
But I guess the 5% are like one of the Dolphins football players was going over to England, London to have a football tournament game.
And he was trying to hire an interpreter for the trip over and told the press, well yeah, won't I need an interpreter when I'm in England?
No, that's where English comes from, Bubba.
That's where it comes from.
So see, when the general public can't find the U.S.
on a map and think that
I've seen other reports where Americans think that they speak a foreign language in England.
It really, really boggles the mind sometimes, but that's what they've done to the public.
I guarantee you that football player knows all about acting cool at parties.
He knows all about acting like he knows everything.
He knows all about his false political paradigm.
He probably likes Hillary Clinton.
But when it comes to the real world, he has absolutely no grasp of anything.
Now, there's degrees of that in the public.
You've got people who've got multiple letters after their name and have jobs getting paid $200,000 a year, but outside of their own area of expertise or outside of the false so-called intelligentsia roadmap that they're given, which itself is as comical as the general public that thinks England speaks a different language than English, there's just really
Really, it's something we all have to worry about and be concerned about because no wonder they can still sell the public, some of them on 9-11 not being an inside job.
No wonder they can sell them on that Iran has the WMDs now.
Or they can sell them on just ridiculous issues because the public has no gauge by which to compare what they're being told.
Let me just tell everybody something.
I know my listeners know this, but it's hard to believe that a lot of Americans don't know that English comes from England.
English, England.
That's where it comes from.
We'll be right back.
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And next time I ever get a hack attack from the feds, a confirmed attack, we will launch another website!
By the way, that's the little secret about the web.
We create one website, it doesn't make the other website stop getting less traffic, it makes it get more.
We're just multiplying, like the New World Order says, like Glenn Beck says, we're a disease spreading the truth.
No, my friends, the New World Order is the disease and we are the white blood cells coming in with our little tentacle arms and latching on and just chewing right into the hind end, right into the bellies, right into the necks of the New World Order.
By the way, I have a large stack of news dealing with genetic engineering, bioweapons, race-specific bioweapons, cancer statistics just exploding off the charts, the poisoning of the public intensifying.
I just, I wish the New World Order would stop.
But we all know they're not going to stop all the things they're doing to us, and we're just going to have to recognize them for the enemies they are, and we're going to have to take action against them.
Let me just play this first before I forget.
This is Bill Clinton a couple days ago when We Are Change Minnesota confronted him and these exchanges went on off and on for ten minutes.
That raw footage I'm told is going up today or tomorrow.
But this is just a few seconds of it from a local newscast and it's that same, I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky with this fake consternation, this fake indignance and outrage.
Clinton, you look as guilty as a cat caught with a canary in its mouth.
We know you carried out the op on the first World Trade Center attack.
That's even mainstream news.
Your FBI did.
And we know you carried out Oklahoma City.
That's even mainstream news now.
And we're sick of you.
And we're sick of your bosses carrying out 9-11.
Now we know you want to run your commissariat ops here.
You're bought and paid for by foreign interests.
But, uh, we're not gonna go along with it.
So, here's Bill Clinton.
An inside job?
How dare you?
How dare you?
The hecklers were removed from the crowd.
Tickets to the State Theater went for between $25 and $100, and tickets for a fundraiser earlier in the night went around $1,000 to $2,300.
Let's play his lordship again.
How dare you?
How dare you?
An inside job?
How dare you?
How dare you?
Again, play this murderer one more time.
An inside job?
How dare you?
How dare you?
And I know so many liberals who'll even know that Clinton was involved in Mena, Arkansas and all those murders and all these serious things, and they'll just say, but he's better than Bush, he's so intelligent, he's so smart.
I mean, yeah, compared to Bush, it's not as insulting that, you know, he's actually a smart evil, Dr. Evil running things instead of a brumbling, malfunctioning one, but it doesn't matter, they're puppets to begin with.
By the way, later in the hour I'm going to get into the last few days' reportage.
I have dropped the ball on this.
There were some stories the last two days at PrisonPlanet.com and TruthNews.us.
The Fox News and the federal government running around saying they think Al-Qaeda set the fires out in California, the fires they have every year.
The big Santa Ana winds of 60 to 70 miles an hour keep blowing for weeks straight.
You throw a cigarette out, fireworks, a campfire,
And sometimes it's scumbag, anarchist-type kids out doing it.
It's very serious, and at least eight people have died, and of course it has just destroyed tens of thousands of homes, burned over, what is it, 500 plus square miles.
And then Fox said, oh, we have a memo, five days old.
Al Qaeda was going to do this.
And it turns out it's four years old and then comes out of a whole package of fake intelligence that Bush put out.
But that doesn't matter.
I mean, Bush gets up and says, the Liberty Tower, they were going to blow that up in L.A., but we stopped them with tough interrogation, i.e.
Now, which one of these attacks would you have wanted to go ahead and have them?
Of course, it turned out that Liberty Tower wasn't even real.
The building isn't named Liberty Tower.
They just, they even just pick buildings that aren't even named that and shoot video of them.
They picked that building because they had footage of a flying saucer blowing it up in the movie Independence Day.
I'm not kidding!
And they cropped it out on TV and showed it blowing up because that was a simulation they had from a movie.
And they thought, well, the name of the tower doesn't have anything to do with liberty, but let's call it liberty for the image of it blowing up.
I mean, they sit around and they go for the most base propaganda.
Because they know!
I would say, well, I wouldn't say, we know that 20 plus percent, or it was 25 percent, in one of those big national university studies they did a few months ago that got so much attention, that can't find the United States on the map.
The media said one-fifth is spinning it.
It was way over that.
What one-fifth would have been like 20 percent.
It's above that.
And they know, the 25% of the public, folks, does not even know what planet they're on.
I mean, they have, and so you show them a tower and a flying saucer blowing it up and saying Al Qaeda did it, they think Al Qaeda's blowing skyscrapers up in L.A.
And just to illustrate that, I was mentioning that football player earlier,
And this is out of the Palm Beach Post last night.
Crowder learns he won't need translator in London.
The gregarious Dolphins linebacker, Channing Crowder, confessed today he didn't know until Tuesday that people spoke English in London.
Crowder, a former Florida Gator and Atlanta native, apparently isn't sure where the plane is headed when it takes off this afternoon for Sunday's game against the New York Giants in Wembley Stadium.
I couldn't find London on a map if they didn't have the names of the countries.
Crowder said, I swear, I don't know what nothing is.
I know Italy looks like a boot.
I learned that.
I know Washington Redskins linebacker London Fletcher.
We did a football camp together, so I know him.
That's the closest thing I know to London.
He's black, so I'm sure he's not from London.
I'm sure that's a coincidental name.
I mean, but he's not a bad person.
I mean, he's like 25% of the public.
I talk to people in stores and on the street.
They can't even talk now.
It's like they grunt and whoop and say half words and kind of splitter about.
And the media and the culture is reducing the words and the language down, down, down, as Orwell wrote.
And it just goes on that he thought he needed an interpreter when he was going to go to
See, you can't make this type of stuff up.
Now, what's on the plate for really serious news today?
Oil briefly spiked above $92 a barrel before dropping down to $91.
All-time record just a week ago.
Dollar sinks to new all-time low.
Dollar continues to scent with interest rate stocks in high gear.
Yeah, they're talking about cutting it even further.
That will please those of you that enjoy the vapor, the pipe dream, the projection, the hologram that is the stock market.
And you're lying to yourselves.
Again, I talked to adults who are successful businessmen, and I explained to them that the stock market is at $14,000, but that the dollar has been more than 60% devalued.
Please don't send me an email or do some YouTube video showing me two months ago saying it's at 50% and I'm going, look, he says 60% now, he said 50% then.
It's dropping.
People play games with statistics and things I give like that.
They're very manipulative.
Yeah, it's my point.
It's the same thing with abortion.
It's a claim come up many times.
They go, what is it, 47 million or 50 million, Alex?
Well, you get a show from three or four years ago, I'll be saying 47 million.
And I'll be saying 50 million, that was last year's numbers.
I don't know, it must be bigger now.
But I'm already digressing there.
It doesn't matter.
The point is the dollar is being devalued.
And people will do whatever they can to mentally get around this fact.
If the dollar is devalued by more than half,
It will take more money to buy the stocks.
The stock market is really at about $6,700.
We did the math a few weeks ago.
It's probably about $6,200 right now with the dollar dropping and the stock market dropping.
See, that's not up.
That's down.
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We're good to go.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sit down with big brother.
Don't like those RFIs.
Got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I sat down with Big Brother and the National ID.
Don't want a chip in my wallet, chip in my car, and if I wanna travel, it's nobody's business how far.
I don't want no shackles on me.
I don't want no shackles on me.
I've had enough of it, man.
I was just reading some more stuff during the break.
Just never ends with these people.
And they're just so dastardly, so wicked, and the general public doesn't know what continent they live on.
Defenseless against them.
We've got to wake these people up.
And tell the cops and FBI and everybody else, this New World Order hates you too!
They'll shoot your kids up full of stuff that'll kill them.
Leukemia, you name it.
They'll shoot them up full of AIDS virus.
Bayer caught red-handed knowing it had AIDS in it.
And shipping it out to millions over ten years.
And how... Talk about how dare you... How dare you just say I'm lying.
How dare you not check in on the claims I just made.
These are some pretty big claims.
These are some big claims.
And so you better go see if they're true.
And you know what you're going to find out?
You already know it in your gut.
I'm telling the truth.
You know Bill Clinton's a liar.
And you know I'm telling the truth.
In your gut, you know Bill Clinton's a liar.
In your gut, you know that George Bush is a liar.
And in your gut, you know I'm telling you the truth right now.
I'm tired of all the things I see and happening.
I'm freaked out.
I just want to get out of here.
I want to beat them.
I want to get them off our back!
I mean, you ever get sick of a mean boss you got, or some bad employee, or some evil neighbor, or a mean wife, or a mean husband, whatever it is, or a mean cousin, and you just want them out of your life?
Well, imagine, I want this stinking New World Order out of my life.
Always hanging over us, no telling when they're going to launch some bio-attack, or blow a city up, or hijack jets, or blow up some embassy.
We've caught them hundreds of times doing it.
I mean, admitted times, where they admit they've done it.
Not the stuff where it's still being debated like 9-11.
I'm tired of it!
All right, let me just cover news.
I'm just... I really am getting upset.
I mean, it gets to a point where this is such a serious issue, it almost insults the issue to do the whole radio shtick and sit here and cover it in an interesting fashion.
It's kind of like just have a moment of silence for humanity and all the carnage and everything that's taking place.
In fact, let's just have one right now.
I can't even talk right now.
I'm going to make fun of the general public.
I'm not making fun of them.
I'm trying to shame them.
They may be driving along on their car, on the back of their tractor, in their squad car, listening in their office, and I just want to somehow shame them and to stop their snickering and their giggling about all this just to look into it.
It's true.
It's documented.
It's real.
It's upsetting.
And if you would just wake up, we could fix a lot of problems we've got.
The world will never be a perfect place, but we can certainly make it a lot better.
But when you give up and decide that you can't fight corruption, and that you shouldn't be involved, you get a cynical attitude, and you disengage, bad things happen every time, and it gets really bad.
Oil briefly spikes above $92 a barrel.
Dollar sinks to a new all-time low.
$1.4319 to the Euro.
With the Euro opening in 2000 at 80 cents.
80 to 143 is 63.19 movement.
63 cent movement plus.
I mean the loonie just a decade ago was at 63 cents to the dollar in Canada.
It's worth two more cents to the dollar right now.
And if you would just get upset politically about it, instead of going to stupid Hillary rallies and talking about old socialist garbage and hearing all her promises, or going to Fred Thompson stuff, he's an actor meant to stall conservatives so Ron Paul doesn't win, so Hillary gets in.
I mean, come on, stop being scammed!
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All our times have come
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Oh, you worldly people!
Your possessions are going to break.
They're going to rot.
They're going to fall apart.
Your good looks are going to wear away.
Your skin is going to wrinkle and twist and burn.
Your eyes are going to dim.
Your hearing is going to fade.
You're going to die one day.
All the power.
All the corruption.
Everything you've done is going to finally come to an end.
That disgusting maxim of the twit.
Of the loser.
That the man who dies with the most toys wins.
The man who dies with the most junk.
Just know that all you arrogant, full of yourselves, know-it-alls out there, who think you've got all the answers, and think you don't need to be involved in your society, and who laugh at those of us that fight tyranny.
Just know this, you're gonna be humbled.
You're gonna be brought low, like every one of us,
Death is a hundred percent and that's why it's the great equalizer and that's why the global elite are obsessed with life extension technologies and that's why they also revel in taking our lives away and in shortening our lives.
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And then your Christmas shopping is done.
You don't have to go around and fight the crowds and buy them baubles and crud and fruitcakes and ties and sweaters they don't want.
Or some obnoxious reindeer wind-up toy.
You can give them endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
And even if you're giving people other gifts, go burn copies at PrisonPlanet.tv and say, oh, a stockings cover.
Here's in-game.
Very interesting.
Watch it and tell me what you think of it.
Then you'll understand why they kill so many of us.
Then you'll understand why they test chemicals and biologicals and radiologicals on us with absolutely no conscience.
They do it with pleasure, believing it's a holy thing they do.
A loving thing they do for Gaia.
Because Gaia needs blood.
Great black founts of blood.
I say great black founts of blood.
You ever seen blood really pour out?
It pours out.
It's like a dark purple.
It's almost black.
Black founts of blood is what Gaia needs.
The UN even says that in their biological diversity assessment.
Actually says that they should bring back human sacrifice.
You can't make this type of stuff up.
It's so over the top.
It's so crazy.
Yes, you're living in a science fiction movie.
You're living in something like the Wicker Man, some horror movie, but it's not some little island off the coast of Wales.
I know Wales is inland.
They're off the coast of Cornwall, you know, in a movie setting.
They're off the coast of Scotland.
And, uh...
Because they've said it in different places.
I've seen two of those different films.
I think they did one where it's supposedly sent in the U.S.
And, you know, the devil worshippers for the harvest, they want to burn him up in a wicker, man, to make the harvest come in good.
He's got to be a hero.
He's got to be someone who came from outside trying to save someone.
So they lure him in.
He's a police officer and they kill him.
You know, that was really done.
They would kill a hero.
Was the highest form of sacrifice.
And they would tie him up in a wicker man and burn him to death.
All the little pagans, they always say, Oh no, we're not into that!
That's lies of the Christian Church!
That's lies!
There's never been any devil worship.
There's never been any human sacrifice.
That's what Julius Caesar wrote about it?
Oh really?
That's why they dig up all the bones and all the bodies and get them out of the peat bogs?
That's why it's in their own Gaelic and Norse and
Welsh histories?
And Germanic histories?
And Austriagoth and Visigoth histories?
I mean, let's just get honest about what we're dealing with.
And we have a global elite that follows that, and they like to kill.
They're very pious about it, very solemn.
They're Luciferians.
And under them are the Satanists who just enjoy the revelry and the destruction and the death, but the Luciferians are far more dangerous and far more powerful.
Because they are committed and they work together, unlike patriots.
They are focused in their goal.
They are directed by the dark energy force that empowers their New World Order.
Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement is now available at InfoWars.com, as I said, or watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This message needs to be gotten out to people.
The question is, will you heed the call?
Will you come to the call?
Alright, I got Trish, Anthony, Megan, is it Jack or Jake?
Chris and others that are holding and
Again, let me just run through the news here, just some of the news.
Gold prices strike fresh 27-year peak.
Gold price strikes fresh 27-year peak.
Very interesting financial news, isn't it?
Oil goes above $92, sinks a new low.
And I know every day it's a new low, and I just keep mentioning this to people.
I'm in dumbfounded amazement.
I mean, I knew the Globals were going to do this.
They said they were going to do this.
But just to see them carry it out, it's grievous to our economy in a long-term way.
It's not just a recession.
And they said they'd do it, but to have them drop the hammer, pull the switch, pull the lever, drop the guillotine, and to know what this is going to do by the middle of next year, I mean, it's already causing big problems.
And it's going to be so frustrating to watch the yuppie so-called intelligentsia parrot, like a pack of macaws, a flock of macaw parrots, or cockatoos, what the media tells them caused all this when they finally learn about it.
And then they'll be telling you, did you know the dollar's devalued?
And do you know what that means?
Explaining what it means to you.
And you'll be just looking at them in stunned amazement.
They'll tell you how Bush was trying to save you, or how Hillary has a plan to jack the dollar back up, and if we have a union, if we team up economically with Mexico and Canada, that will boost the dollar, and the minute they sign the treaty, the bankers will jack the dollar up ten, twenty cents, and they'll say, See?
We had to team up like Europe!
This has all officially been announced.
SPP has said, their different board members, it's in their documents, that the dollar is going to go down, and that they'll dollarize
Canada and Mexico, that's really the Amero, and it'll then go back up, see?
That's what the Trilaterals said back in the 70s.
And we'll have to watch all that.
Oh man, it's just, it's unbelievable.
Hurting the foolish public towards total enslavement.
Reports suggest broader losses from mortgages, New York Times.
Every time economists and Wall Street executives think they've acknowledged the full extent of the losses from the meltdown in the real estate mortgages, more bad news turns up.
Maryland yesterday said that it would take a charge for mortgage-related securities on its books of $3 billion, more than $5 billion is expected just from two weeks ago.
And a report from National Association of Realtors showed that sales of existing homes in September fell twice as much as economists had expected, to their lowest level in nearly 10 years.
Yeah, and just that month drop was the biggest in history.
Look at this one.
You just want to warn these girls.
You just want to be able to physically walk up to each one of these little doorways and knock on it and talk to these parents.
Schoolgirls to get cancer jab.
And as cancer spreads, as more and more people get it, people get scared and the government says,
Problem, reaction, solution.
Problem, they've helped exacerbate and accelerate.
Some cancer is natural.
Most of it isn't.
Oh, we got a shot that'll fix that, and then it's a live cancer virus.
Hemopapilloma vaccine only covers six of more than 300 strains known to cause cancer, and then they admit it doesn't even protect you from those six strains, and that it actually causes you to get cancer, but all over your body.
And dozens and dozens and dozens of people have died in the U.S.
since they started taking them a year ago in trials.
And I know families it's happening to all over and it just doesn't make the news.
The girl takes it, she swells up, blood comes out of her eyes, her mouth, their ears, their hind end, their armpit pores dripping blood, they flop around, sheath, have convulsions.
And that's only the huge autoimmune response.
The activation of the cancer may come that month, may come ten years from now.
But your death has now been assured.
But it's all part of the friendliness.
They run total African style depopulation ops on our women.
And by the way, I saw it three years ago and now they are moving ahead to do it.
They're trying to make it quote mandatory in England and the U.S.
To force all school children to take another new live virus, that's the new wave, that causes brain plaques to form in these uptake areas of endorphins that are released by the glands in the brain.
And it actually attacks those neuron connections and severs them with a viral attack.
Actual viruses actually eating your brain.
You could not make it up mainstream news and they say it's good.
The articles all say it's wonderful and good, and you'll never use cocaine or heroin or cigarettes because those areas have been removed.
Of course, the endorphins, they admit, later in the articles, won't be able to access that, but then they say they have drugs that will hit other receptors and will treat you for it.
Actual lobotomies, en masse, and many parents are opting in to go ahead and take it, and lobotomizing their children en masse, but it's not yet been, quote, mandatory.
Even that is a fraud.
Of course, it's not mandatory.
Even though they have socialized health care, they try to force you to take it.
There's no law.
Same thing here.
And again, this is so off the chart evil, I didn't even put this in Endgame.
It's Endgame 2.
It'll have stuff like that in it.
And, uh, yeah, live cancer viruses, causing huge autoimmune responses and deaths.
And, uh, tens of thousands of women that take it getting sick.
And, uh, you'll give your son, your daughter, the injections so they won't be a drug addict, and they're gone.
Their poor little brains hit by the virus.
I mean, actual virus eating your brain.
Again, I'm living in total fruitcake land!
They're coming to take me away!
I mean, we're in a science fiction nightmare!
The public's under mind control!
They think they don't speak English in England, they can't find continents, they don't know where the U.S.
is on a map, and they're being injected with live viruses!
I mean, it's just... No, heaven help us, please.
Folks, I want to go camping in the Rocky Mountains.
I want to go deep-sea fishing.
I want to go fishing.
I want to go do stuff, but I can't.
I have to work seven days a week.
I can't control myself.
I'll be on Coast to Coast AM three hours Saturday for Endgame with Ian Punnett.
I'm going to be doing my Sunday show.
I'm doing all these other interviews, and I just can't stop.
I can't stop working.
I mean, Mike, because, see, I have had my life stolen, too.
I can't stop fighting.
I'm mad about this.
And I think about all the neocons, people that listen, and they send me emails snickering and laughing, saying I'm crazy.
Man, I wish every day I was crazy.
It's mainstream news!
Oh, God.
I mean, they're killing us.
People are dying all over the place.
I know.
Young people!
It's just gonna get worse and worse, and I'm scared for my family and all the crap they got in the air and the water and everything else.
The globalists aren't going to stop.
It's just, God help us.
Please God help us.
Please at least put a hedge up of protection around people that aren't pure evil.
I know I'm evil.
I know I'm bad, but just please.
And then I'm almost embarrassed by how wicked this world is to even ask God to protect me.
I mean, is that even what we should ask for?
Let these eugenic engineer eugenicists do all this to us and they're not going to...
I'm genuinely upset right now, folks.
I think about all these little girls, and now they want to give it to boys.
Admittedly, it doesn't even protect them.
They're not even susceptible to it.
But they just... The public doesn't know.
They don't know basic up and down.
You can tell them the molecule for water, and they think it's toxic waste and say, ban it.
They know nothing!
They're wide open to the slaughter!
They're like sheep that don't even have legs, much less, you know, and can't even run from wolves.
They're like blind.
They're like sheep that have had their eyes ripped out, their ears gouged in, their nose cut off so they can't smell.
And yes, I know if you cut your nose off you can still smell, you know what I mean.
And they have no legs.
All they can do is feel the wolves tearing their guts out.
That's what a wolf goes for first, you know.
They like the enjoyment too of the animal in pain.
So they'll hamstring their back legs and then get them down and kind of maul their neck a bit and then they have the enjoyment of eating the live guts.
They like the blood spraying in their mouth.
That's kind of how the New World Order is.
They just enjoy it.
And I watch it.
They're on the ground, blind, deaf, dumb.
They're just ripping your guts out.
Just ripping, ripping.
You're just, you're just loving it.
You're going, thank you!
Oh, yes!
Give me more injections!
You only tens of thousands of times we know have radiated and killed American citizens and injected women and everything else.
Oh, we love you, government!
Give us more injections of live viruses that attack our brains!
Oh, I love the government!
Oh, I love all of you!
I'm so sorry I didn't love you more!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network, and I have an urgent message for our listeners.
The mass media keeps telling us that we are the richest, most powerful economy in the world.
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Why is the United States the world's largest debtor nation?
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Call 888-8XANADU.
That's 1-888-8XANADU.
Ask for George.
It's a lot further along than you even know.
It's a lot more serious than you know.
They're attacking us, they're killing us, they're hurting us.
It's a little more obvious in Asia and Latin America and Africa.
But it's happening right here too.
They're carrying out eugenics ops against us.
They shoot the troops up over the years with hundreds of shots.
The average American child by the age of four has had 47 shots.
They're talking about making it 75 shots with next year's recommended vaccines by the feds and that becomes, quote, law.
There is no law, they just have cops that come arrest you if you don't.
Just like the federal judge said, you can't come grab people and arrest them with CPS if they don't let you in the house without a warrant.
But they go, yes we can, we got machine guns, we got automatic weapons!
And we got cops who are like the general public and think they speak Spanish in England!
And who can't find the U.S.
on a map?
First they brainwash you with a television set.
Then they get you neutralized.
They dumb you down where you're set in front of the television in your dirty diapers from the time you can even sit up at three months old.
Four and a half hours a day is what an adult watches.
It's almost six hours a day for children.
I kept quoting old numbers.
I looked them back up.
It's almost six for young people.
Just sitting there with that blinking light flashing in your face programming it.
I'm your friend, police.
Everybody else in the government and bureaucrats and all of you.
And I want you to know we're all under attack.
And you better figure that out real fast.
And you better go research what I've said and my claims and find out that I'm telling you the truth.
And this is serious.
We're looking down the barrel of a gun here.
They've done all these horrible things to us over and over and over again.
They've proven they do it, from staging terror attacks to chemical and biological and radiological testing on us, lethal testing, I mean on children, on families, on highways, on trains.
They did it to create a giant infrastructure of scientists and military people who will follow orders for when they do it for real.
You know the Sunshine Project discovered, for Congress,
Five years ago, six years ago, a plan with every major city with hangers, with helicopters waiting with knockout gas to knock out whole cities.
That's your federal government.
They got pre-positioned, now they're putting up barriers where you can't cross the highway, where you can't turn around, where they can lock them down and control everything.
Everything's building a prison grid, a control grid.
It doesn't have to happen.
These people are more sinister and powerful than Hitler.
They are more focused and professional than Stalin.
They funded both those guys.
They are literally out of the pit of hell.
And the sooner you figure that out, the better.
By the way, Sunshine Project discovered they had knockout gas, which they admitted would cause huge fires and wrecks and shutdowns and cities would just toad, but they got them ready.
Major cities have dozens of helicopters folded up and ready with the knockout gas.
Smaller cities, single helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft as well.
Wind patterns have all been tested per time of year.
GPS loaded.
This has been over a decade.
They discovered it five years ago.
You better believe they've got lethal gas.
You better believe they're ready to spray us like cockroaches snap their fingers just like that.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I got freaked out for 30 minutes instead of going to calls.
Because of this headline, schoolgirls to get cancer jab.
Well, that's a truthful headline, cancer jab.
They get live cancer injections.
Schoolgirls in Britain will be vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer, but it doesn't protect you, their own TV ads admit.
From September 2008, ministers have announced it will go further than recommended by experts, with all ages 12, 13 eligible, and a catch-up campaign up to 18.
It is thought
It is thought that vaccinating against human papillomavirus could save hundreds of lives in the UK each year.
That's right.
It's a very rare cancer to actually die from.
Hundreds of lives.
The vaccine is given in three injections over six months at the cost of around 300 pounds a course.
That's 900 plus dollars here in the U.S.
I said we'd go to your calls.
Looking for my call list.
Here, we're going to cover a bunch of news.
Today I've got a bunch of different audio clips I'm going to be getting to as well.
Who's up first here?
Tiffany in Maryland.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
I love you, Alex.
Take it easy.
There's so much to cover, isn't there?
And doesn't it just drive you nuts?
Well, they're just killing us and I'm sick of it.
I know.
Hey, look, I've got a question and I found an interesting quote and I was wondering if I could read it.
Sure, go ahead.
It's about the drugging of our children.
This is on a site called Teen Screen Truth.
And it says, every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, towards our elected officials, towards his parents.
Towards a belief in a supernatural being and towards the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.
Yeah, that's the... I'm going for memories, I have actually a copy of it.
That's the minutes, the official minutes of the Department of Education meeting back in the 80s.
Well, this was done in 73 at Harvard and this was a psychiatrist... Yeah, well I know they also gave that in the minutes of the... Well, go ahead and re-read the quote.
Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, towards our elected officials, towards his parents, towards a belief in a supernatural being, and towards the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity
It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.
This was said by psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce at Harvard University addressing teachers at a 1973 Childhood International Education Seminar.
Yeah, he also said that a few years later I know at a Department of Education meeting.
Look, I had a question, dear.
I'm trying to do a website.
It was supposed to be about the NAU, and it's not going to be, because that's just such a small piece.
It's going to be about every freaking thing I can think of.
But I've got a section on schools being paid to drug our kids, and I'm looking at teen screen, and I know there's a grant that goes through Columbia University and federal grants that are funded by, you know, Big Pharma, but I can't
I've read somewhere that schools are being paid to the tune of like $500 per month per child that they drug.
And I know it's under my nose.
Yeah, well let me tell you how they do that.
Once a child is being drugged, then they're under special needs and they get even more than what you just mentioned on the average school district once they are in special education.
We're good to go.
Chris, others, stay with us.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They have all the money they need.
They're not after money.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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We're good to go.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to let you know about you know how you're always putting up articles about what's going on in the news and everything and dig
Um, considers it spam?
Go ahead, you got the form.
Anyways, I was, I'm not a user of Digg, but yesterday I had logged in and became a user, and I looked around and I saw some of the articles that you had put up there, and I saw lots and lots of Diggs on it, and then it doesn't ever hit the front page, and I've noticed the people talking about it, that it never hits the front page.
So, what I did, I'm a webmaster, and I created a site called duplinks.com.
That's D-U-P-L-I-N-K-F dot com.
And that site is a viral news link duplicator.
You can place your news links, your video links, and this is for the Patreon community because I know that everybody out there has a website.
And it's free.
I created this in response
To the tyranny that Digg is doing.
Well, I'd like to check your site out.
What do you mean it's a viral news site?
Well, what it is is basically a replicated site.
You can place your news link on there or blog article and what happens is you get a replicated site and you get a unique link that you can post on all your future content and blog articles and whenever someone joins under you
Your position is on the top on the front page goes to the second position and that person promotes theirs on their news article sites and you can get a readership and it just duplicates and duplicates and goes absolutely viral.
So you would have basically people reading your article on other people's article sites.
I'd like to check it out.
Anything else?
Well, also, you had mentioned... I saw the video, the We Are Change video about Bill Clinton.
I just wanted to mention something about that.
I have to say that We Are Change is a fantastic group.
I really condone exactly what they're doing, but that video was very poor.
And I just hope that they would just, you know, take a second look at that the next time when they do future videos.
To really reassemble, you know, what they've been doing and to do it right.
Because that one was very poorly made.
Alright, thank you so much, Anthony, for the call.
I gotta say something, though.
I got an idea for everybody.
How about you go out and confront Bill Clinton and do a better job?
That's my idea.
My idea is, instead of saying, hey, you guys that are taking action need to do a better job, that you should go out.
All the time I get emails and calls, you should fix this, you should do that, you need to do more here, you need to do more there, you need to cover this, you need to cover that.
They have put out, I don't know, it's got to be more than a hundred confrontation videos.
And a lot of them are really well done up close and excellent.
Some of them are a little choppy.
I mean, they're in a big bookstore with all these people around them pushing them.
And yeah, it's a little bit choppy and it's hard to hear exactly what Clinton's saying.
The point is, he's being confronted.
And then a lot of people get it confused.
They're going, wait a minute, you said Minnesota confronted him!
We've caught you in a major lie!
This was New York where he was confronted.
Two separate confrontations.
Two separate!
People do that kind of stuff all the time.
And, again, you need to be more complex in your thought processes.
I mean, instead of just coming to a position, you need to research a little more and make sure you're right.
Instead of, and I'm not going to try to sit here and get into a criticism deal.
It's just that it sounds ridiculous to me.
It sounds ridiculous.
To have loose change out there busting their hind ends, putting out great videos, mediocre videos.
I mean, this is live action.
This is real.
Putting out, you know, good, bad and the ugly.
And then just to say, they need to do a little bit better on those videos.
We're trying as hard as we can.
The fact is, we're on the field, we're out in the game, we're doing the best job, we're going 110%.
But I think with a nation of spectators, it's this mentality of them telling the people that are on the field how they can do it better.
But obviously, sir, you're out there doing something with the website, so I'm not criticizing you on that point.
But if you don't like being criticized, imagine how it is for We Are Changed to be being criticized.
It's shocking.
Absolutely shocking.
I'll let you go because I didn't want to yell at you.
I wanted to be a little more respectful.
I'm trying to be nice.
Megan in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Megan.
Hi, how are you?
Yes, I am.
Thanks a lot for your show.
Yeah, there's so many things you brought up in the hour.
I've been on the phone, but one thing I would, I wanted to call and ask for your help for Ron Paul.
We're having a huge rally for Ron Paul in Philadelphia on Veterans Day weekend on November 10th at Independence Mall, right across the street from Independence Hall.
And we're hoping to have thousands of people here and we need to have thousands of people here.
There's going to be national television media covering the event.
And we want to have lots and lots of people.
Well, there's no doubt that this is the big push and that we need to contribute, we need to spread the word, put up more yard signs.
And in the first three or four states where they're going to have primaries, if you happen to be living in those states, call in to talk radio every day plugging Ron Paul.
But do it by telling a story or including him in the news.
It doesn't do much.
You just say, vote Ron Paul.
That's right.
Google will then show you where that's at and then contact that group and organize and bring a bus load or a van load or even just yourself to that rally because there's so many hundreds of rallies as he's having it's almost impossible to go through them all and list them all.
Right, that's true.
And this is on the Meetup.
If people go to Meetup for Philadelphia, they're going to find a link to the rally.
We also have a website if I can plug it.
Yeah, go ahead.
It's http colon slash slash
Thank you for the call.
I really appreciate it.
But listen, this is happening every other call now, and I'm trying to explain to people that the most effective thing to do is if you live in Philly, or you live in Denver,
Or you live in Chicago.
But I'm talking about the key states, like Michigan and Detroit and New Hampshire, the places that are going to have primaries first, or Iowa or Ohio.
You need to go search that out.
It's very easy with a search engine.
You type Ron Paul Rally and the name of your state.
And you click News, you click Web, you go to Meetup.
I mean, that's the best way.
Here's the deal.
Because the chances are that people who are in
Philadelphia that are listening to this show is probably hundreds listening, because it's over internet and shortwave.
We have listeners everywhere.
Every little town, every big city.
But the chances are they're listening right now isn't very good.
But the chances that people all over the country is 100%.
And so it's better just for you to individually activate and you go seek out the Ron Paul people and get involved that way.
I'm really talking about the whole theory of information distribution here.
Also, go to ronpaul2008.com and look at the list of events.
Look at the list of their sponsored events and where Ron Paul's going to be.
See, that's the best way to do it.
Because it destroys a radio show when it's just plug after plug.
Hey, here's a website.
Hey, here's a Ron Paul.
Hey, I got a tractor for sale.
I know when I was out of town, supposedly, that's basically all that happened.
Let's talk to Jake in Louisiana.
Hey Alex.
Go ahead.
I'm fired up today.
I just watched Endgame for the second time and that's got me fired up.
That's top-notch dynamic
Journalistic work right there.
I'm telling you what.
That is a great job.
Hats off to you and Rob and Aaron and the whole crew.
You guys did a great job with that.
I'm excited about it.
I'm excited to get my copy and start burning them.
Well, thank you.
I mean, we did just launch it last night and I'll hold you over it maybe if you have more to say, but yeah, I haven't put that question out to the listeners.
And I am asking the listeners to call in who have seen Endgame at PrisonPlanet.tv to tell me, to give me your true, honest feedback.
I mean, I want to know what you really think of the film.
We're going to go to break, but I'm going to come back to you.
But just right now, start telling me, sir, what you thought of Endgame.
Spot on.
I couldn't, it's just, it's professionally done, the music is great, and it's, the information is right on.
I've looked into a lot of this stuff myself over the past seven or eight years, and it's
It's right on.
It's entertaining.
It puts the information out there in an easy-to-understand way.
And I can't wait to give copies to all my friends and all my relatives and everybody.
I saw it in... I made a road trip to Austin last month just to see the premiere at the Alamo.
And I was blown away then.
So this is the second time I've seen it today.
And it streams great on the site.
It downloads quickly.
You've all done a great job.
What part of the film did you think was the most powerful?
Oh, let's see.
I love watching Jim Tucker work.
He must be a character.
I love watching him work.
My favorite part so far is the part where y'all are confronting the Bill Hicks guys.
That's just great.
That is classic stuff.
That's what got me so fired up.
Taking it to these, as Bill Hicks used to say, these liars and murderers.
Taking it to their chance every time.
Anything else you'd like to add, sir?
God bless you and thank you for the work you do.
That's all.
Thank you, Chris, Tim, many others.
Your calls are straight ahead.
I'm starting to get into my rhythm.
I take a lot of calls this hour.
Have you seen the endgame?
I want your review of it.
Any news stories you want to talk about, you agree, you disagree, we'll get you on air.
It's Friday.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
They treat you like children.
They tell you Al-Qaeda is burning Malibu and San Diego.
And they're on talk radio saying, and I've been hearing them, scaring you, using terrorism to terrorize you.
Chris in Boston, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello, how... Hi.
Hi, how you doing?
Well, I just want to say, I'm watching the news and
The Mexican Consulate in New York City has been bombed, according to CNN right now.
But anyways, that's not what I'm calling about.
Hold on, there's big news.
Let me check that.
We'll get that up on PrisonPlanet.com and TruthNews right now.
Let me just refresh.
I bet it's already up there.
The Mexican... Now, now, is it the bottle bomb thing the British government's been caught where they set off and blow up a trash can?
I don't know.
I was just seeing that and it caught my eye.
It was barely a blur, but it was kind of, you know, obvious.
Well, let me just stop you, because the British have done this in London, at their main, not their embassy, but their foreign office department.
They've been caught doing it in New York, some of the Israelis, and years later it comes out that they'll set off like a large firecracker, basically blow up a trash can, and then they do that to get more security, or they'll have some mental patient
And literally, they just got some guy for pipe bombs here in Austin.
It wasn't even really a pipe bomb.
It was like some homemade explosives and some nails.
And then he's literally a mental patient, registered schizophrenic.
Then they send him to prison for it.
So it could also be a schizophrenic, anti-illegal alien group, and now they'll have to ban protesting illegals, because we all know that we're terrorists.
This is big news.
I'm going to go to CNN.com.
You keep talking.
Yeah, I just wanted to call about the TSA law that requires internal passports.
I just want to know how the fires will affect that law and if drivers are going to be put into that public TSA.
I'm worried about that.
Are they going to be searching cars for lighters?
I'm rude.
I'm rude and I normally wouldn't allow a computer in a studio for years because I would do this.
I would start surfing and ignoring you and I was just ignoring you, looking and reading for pipe bombs or whatever.
What about TSA?
Start over.
Oh, TSA, Internal Passport Law, are you going to give us permission to ride any state?
Yes, they have announced that, and again, yes, first it's, and they said this right when they staged 9-11, they're going to phase in our slavery.
First it's, you've got to have IDs and barbed wire fences to get into schools.
Then it's 9-11, you've got to have it to get on planes, then it's buses, then it's trains, then it's ferries, then it's the highways, then it's, they're going to build permanent checkpoints
I saw this in transportation and anti-terror funding in 1998.
It's in my film, Police State 2000.
I show the documents and news articles.
They're going to build hardened checkpoints on the NAFTA superhighways, 83 of them, and search you at state lines, search you at national parks, search you in controlled zones to get into cities that have federal buildings, all publicly announced.
People say, how did you know this was going to happen?
They publicly announced it!
You can go right on whitehouse.gov and read it for yourself.
It says you have to have an internal passport.
No, no, this is Nazi Germany.
But the illegal aliens don't have to have IDs to live in New York and get a driver's license and... I mean, that's what's so sick about this.
It's totally, for us, the cattle.
In case we don't want to have our cancer virus injections.
Anything else, sir?
Um, no, that's, oh, I thought Endgame, it was wonderful.
I'm a CG artist, and I just have to say it was very good, um, and I enjoyed it.
And the, um, compression you used was really good.
I actually wanted to, uh, get the number of the compression you used, because I want to use it.
Well, I'll tell you this, you know, a year or two ago we were terrible at the compression in the videos we put out.
We need to go back and redo a lot of the ones we did and put them out.
I mean, they were okay, but we spent like three guys, six months, testing compressions and fiddling and checking things and we think we've gotten it.
In fact, Aaron was just in here.
I think he's getting some coffee across the street.
I'll have Aaron come in here in the next segment and tell you the compression.
You want to know how we compress the Flash or the QuickTime or the Windus?
Uh, the windows, because a lot of the windows I use for YouTube, and I'm having compression problems, they always come out choppy.
Well, here's the problem, though.
See, we did it specifically for our servers.
It's different with how, then, they secondarily compress.
And, see, you've got to fiddle with it and test.
I don't think we've even perfected that ourselves.
We've just done it with our own prism.
You do like a tip or something.
Yeah, but we don't even know ourselves.
It's really weird.
It seems like minimal, uh,
I've gone through all the data.
I don't know how to explain it.
It seems like the cruddier the camera, the simpler the signal, then the way they compress it looks clearer.
It's strange.
You take high-definition signals, then compress them, down to intermediate, and then down again.
I don't know all the technical terms.
I just watch them do it.
Then it does weird stuff on YouTube because they compress it again.
So I think it's the two conversions there, and I think it's the pixel shapes.
That's what I've heard and read.
I don't know.
I'm going to get somebody in here who knows a little more about it than me during the next segment, okay?
PSA, love.
What'd you call on that?
Is that a Peg in the wake-up call or what?
Oh, absolutely.
Of course, man.
Oh, by the way, I haven't even covered one of our top stories today.
For some reason, I haven't even gotten to our top story.
I'll tell you about it when we get back.
Stay with me.
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The dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed.
The poor stay poor.
The rich get rich.
That's how it goes.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
Everybody got this broken feeling.
Like their father or their dog just died.
Everybody pockets to their pockets.
Everybody wants the pops and chocolates and the non-stim rolls.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that you love me, baby.
Everybody knows that you really do.
You've been too faithful to give or take a night or two.
Everybody knows you've been discreet, but there were so many people you just had to meet without your clothes.
And everybody knows.
Everybody knows.
Everybody Knows!
We're going to go to Tim, Rochelle, Bob, Jesse, Ed, and many others.
Welcome back.
And I've got a top story I haven't even gotten to yet.
Thought crime bill could ensnare peaceful activists.
We're good to go.
Yeah, in general, we try to give a little bit higher file sizes for the new film because everyone's so excited about it, instead of with our weekly reports and everything.
But if you're going to Google Video, you definitely want to go with the higher quality settings.
In this case, the Windows High setting was 850 kilobits a second.
We went with a 640 by 360 frame size, which was a 16 by 9 ratio.
And what's the compression system we're using?
We use Apple's compressor.
The latest one, right?
Yeah, they just put out a new compressor.
And we play with a lot of stuff, but this new one really came out good.
Yeah, I was particularly happy with the streaming flash settings.
I thought that looked really nice.
Any other tidbits for folks?
Yeah, in this case we went with three QuickTimes.
We have an even higher quality than usual QuickTime file, which is the largest file we have.
And there's also some low file sizes for people who might still be on modems or slow broadband or something.
So break that down.
How many total formats and then how many size files?
There's four size files for Flash, three for QuickTime, two for Windows, or what have we done?
Yeah, that's about what we've done.
Flash being the most handy.
Trey is bringing us some information.
Thank you, Trey.
Thank you so much.
Ah, yes, thank you.
I'd forgotten to get those news stories, and now we have them.
So quite a day here at the office as well.
We had one great employee here, his dad collapsed while his mom was having surgery at the hospital.
And they're older folks.
And then one of my other employee's girlfriends was diagnosed with cancer.
I'm not going to say who, but the point is it's just a sad day here at the office.
I don't know why I always say everything on air.
You know, Aaron, that's the thing about the small crew we've got here.
We went through a lot of steps just
Well, we spent like a month just fiddling with these, what, eleven files or so, haven't we?
Yeah, I was surprised how much the post post-production took.
Because I was familiar that it would take a long time to edit, obviously.
It took us over a year.
But the actual post-production, getting it to DVD and getting it ready for the web, took over a month, I believe.
Well, the DVD took a month, and then this has taken a month of work separately for you.
Yeah, well I hope folks are enjoying it out there.
Well, it certainly paid off in the quality.
I mean, we had it on different computers here last night watching it or during the evening.
And when we launched it at about 6 o'clock, and it was just crystal clear.
We got it on big screen monitors, and it was blown up on big screen computers, like 25 inch monitors.
And it just was crystal clear.
I'm like, my goodness, this is super quality.
Yeah, it's just too bad that by the time you go to Google Video, it's never going to be as crisp.
It's always going to be watered down a little bit.
Well, that's why folks should go to PrisonPlanet.tv to see it and pay the 15 cents.
Because it's like watching it on television instead of watching it through 15 feet of water.
Yeah, pretty much.
But it's nice that it's out there, too.
Well, Aaron, really good job.
I appreciate all your work on that.
Thank you.
Okay, I know we have loaded phones here, and
There's several different pieces I want to get to.
I'm not going to play the whole thing, but here's Keith Oberman talking about the forest fires, and then I'll comment on them a little bit more.
But he frankly says it better than I can, and I've got a few comments to critique what he said.
And then I'm going to get into the big news, thought crime bill could ensnare peaceful activists
And I read the bill last night and it passed the house.
We get blindsided by this stuff.
It talks about internet radio being terrorist.
And how our speech is causing terrorism.
Basically what Glenn Beck and all these other hosts are saying that we're dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
He said me by name on his radio show, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
I'm just so dangerous, folks.
Because I'll report that they want you to take live cancer viruses that attack your brain when it's in their own news articles.
I'm just completely radical and insane.
I make films with the thousands of admissions, just covering a few dozen, where they admit they nerve gas and kill American citizens and troops and radiate us and torture us and just absolutely hate our guts and enjoy killing us.
You know, psychopathic killers run things.
They try to warp our police and military to be like them and serve them.
They haven't been able to fully do what they wanted because the cops and military aren't evil yet, though they're trying to twist them right now.
So here's Oberman.
It is postulated by some historians that the original reign of terror, the endless cycle of rises to power, followed by denunciations, followed by the horse cart expressed to the guillotine in revolutionary France, finally collapsed because ordinary citizens just couldn't take it seriously anymore, in a grisly, costly, nauseating way.
The idea that there were enemies everywhere, even among those who had just said, there are enemies everywhere, had become laughable.
Our fourth story on the Countdown, we may be nearing that tipping point for the terror publicans, their president, and their television propaganda channel.
As Fox Noise breathlessly reports a four-year-old memo as breaking terror news about the California fires, and as a president sets up the ultimate stupid strawman argument, the old Avis commercial comes to mind.
Ever get the feeling some people just stop trying?
First, the president.
We established a program at the Central Intelligence Agency
To question key terrorist leaders and operatives captured in the War on Terror.
This program has produced critical intelligence that has helped us stop a number of attacks.
Including a plot to strike the U.S.
Marine Camp in Djibouti.
A planned attack on the U.S.
Consulate in Karachi.
A plot to hijack a passenger plane and fly it into Library Tower in Los Angeles, California.
Or a plot to fly passenger planes into Heathrow Airport and buildings into downtown London.
Despite the record of success, and despite the fact that our professionals use lawful techniques, the CIA program has come under renewed criticism in recent weeks.
Those who oppose this vital tool in the war on terror need to answer a simple question.
Which of the attacks I have just described would they prefer we had not stopped?
Alright, let's back it up, back to Oberman before we go back to it.
It is not lawful.
Now, it has been confirmed and generals have gone public that Bush ordered the memos written up, the directorates, to, the memoranda, to order the brutal torture.
And then the memos, they said, well, waterboarding, torturing children in front of their parents, beating people up, freezing them, doing all these hundreds of things, is not torture.
It is now in tough interrogation.
It is pressure.
And if we kill someone, but we didn't mean to kill them, it's not even torture.
I mean, torturing people to death isn't torture.
See, they play lawyer games with you.
It's like Karl Rove said, we control reality.
We just change what words mean.
And yeah, for a public that can't find the U.S.
on a world map, for a public that think that they speak a foreign language in England, that you need interpreters, for a public that literally don't know their state capitals or anything, you might as well just tell them that killing somebody by torturing them isn't torture.
Now it has come out in the last two weeks that Bush signed a secret directive ordering what they call torture and that generals have gone public now saying, oh yeah, I read the president's actual order.
That has not been released yet.
They just admit it's there, ordering the torture.
And so the incredible news here is that once they got caught, see first they said they were torturing on the news, remember that right after the attacks, they thought they could sell you then on it, they tried to break the ice.
Then when the images came out, even the whitewashed ones, they backed off and said, we're not involved in that, we're going to imprison the people.
So they send the people that followed the orders to jail, and I'm not absolving them either, but the greater guilt is those that gave the order.
And then he gets up there and says, you know, we stopped all these attacks.
Which one of these attacks would you want to have happened?
Here it is.
Setting aside all the intelligence community skepticism about all those alleged plots, including the one in which Mr. Bush could not even get the name of the L.A.
skyscraper in question correct, there is the additional element of what happens when the culture of fear begins to inspire not terror nor outrage, but laughter.
Fox News today on the California wildfires.
Believe it or not, its morning team today wanted America to see Al Qaeda's shadow in these flames.
Pay close attention, because it's almost all wrong.
The June 25th memo from the FBI's Denver offices was reported three days ago, excuse me, five days ago by the Arizona Republic.
That was in the newspaper.
They carried this story and they continue to expand on it.
Brian, the plot they say, according to this detainee, and they don't know if the detainee is telling the truth or if he's just lying.
The plot was to set three or four wildfires, but they don't mention California.
They mention Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming.
Okay, apart from the irrelevancy, just the major factual mistakes on the air there.
The memo was reported not three days ago, excuse me, five days ago, but six days ago, plus 1,560 more days ago.
The memo is from July 11th, 2003.
The Arizona Republic is a newspaper.
Congratulations, Fox.
But it has not been carrying the story, nor continuing to expand upon it.
The guy who reported it doesn't even work there anymore.
The never-confirmed, four-years-old-plus-old plot not only didn't mention California, the fires were also supposed to be set simultaneously, unlike these, and they were intended for the middle of summer.
Let's turn now to Rachel Maddow, who's show airs every weeknight on Air America Radio.
Rachel, good evening.
Hi, Keith.
Overall question.
Am I being too optimistic, or has giggling now passed paranoia in response to the president and these macaw parrots working at Fox?
Yeah, the Al-Qaeda started the wildfires line, the Barack Obama went to a madrasa line, and the new line too, which is that the only barrier between us and peace in Iraq is that we haven't yet started a war with Iran, because once we do that then there will be peace in Iraq.
It would be one thing if
This was just a news network that was wrong a lot.
That would be amusing enough, but they're wrong for a reason.
They're wrong to try to make Republicans seem right, and they're wrong to try to make what is an extreme and therefore kind of an extremely indefensible Republican agenda right now for the country seem sane.
And because it's about such serious stuff, I feel a little guilty thinking that it's funny.
And finding hilarity in it.
But at the same time, when I heard this morning that Fox was saying that Al-Qaeda started the wildfires, I will admit to copies streaming out my nose, onto my desk, and laughing very hard.
Alright, and you can watch the rest of it at presentplanet.com or truthnews.us.
But she noticed it's the Republican agenda.
No, the leadership of the Democratic Party are more pro-war than the general Republican Party.
They are the biggest hawks, the Schumers, the Hillary's.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting.
And so there's a spin, though.
Oh, the Democrats, they will save us while Fox News is bankrolling and advising and fundraising for Hillary for five years.
I mean, they're running the show!
Bush is already appointing all these cabinet people and the Pentagon people from the Clinton administration, saying that they are for her and going to put her in office.
And Fox News is, by the way, attacking Ron Paul, and every Fox-owned, Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper is attacking him, or omitting him, or lying about him.
I mean, you people, you fake Republicans make me want to throw up.
I am so sick of you pushing Hillary and attacking Ron Paul.
There is no end to your treason.
Now, the really big news, and then we're going to go to all your calls, and I know we've got a lot of them, and I'm going to take them.
Thought Crime Bill could engineer peaceful activists.
Now, Paul Watson's got a great article written up on this.
There was another good one from RogueGovernment.com.
They've got a great site.
I've been watching it.
They've got another analysis of it.
House passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill.
You can go over there and read that, too.
I saw the best link to it's over on Rents.com, but um... Thought Crime Bill could ensnare peaceful activists.
Fears that government could define internet radicalization and criticism of terrorism mount.
Violent comments left on message boards by trolls could be exploited to entrap peaceful 9-11 truthers.
A very important article by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
A new bill that recently passed the House is headed for the Senate.
Approval has online activists worried that the vague definitions used for defining the Internet's contribution to radicalization of political terrorists could lead to a government crackdown on talk radio.
Well, they've been calling for that.
Free speech and the 9-11 Truth Movement.
The bill is H.R.
1955, the Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorist Prevention Act of 2007, and passed Congress after a bipartisan vote yesterday.
And they voted, 402 of them voted.
We have the vote up on PrisonPlanet.com, you can link through to it, and see how 402, or 90 plus percent of the Congress voted for it.
The bill defines violent radicalization as the process of adopting or promoting extremist belief systems for the purpose of facilitating ideological-based violence.
To advance political, religious, or social change.
Folks, I'm going to tell you what this nexus is in with when we get back.
And it's... It's the Soviet Union, man.
This is... This is... Alexander Sholzhenitsa must be freaking out over in Europe.
I'd love to get him on.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Be patient Tim, Michelle, Jennifer, Dennis.
We're going to get to all of you.
Wide open phones the next hour.
I want to finish up with this horrible federal bill saying it's illegal to have political speech if they can then claim that
It caused somebody to later do something violent.
That's what they're always trying to say.
Oh, they shouldn't be able to talk like that.
These 9-11 truthers are dangerous.
They're making people hate the government.
That should be illegal.
America's about worshipping your government and not having free speech.
They're doing all this because we're hurting them, so that's come up in a moment.
You know, I wouldn't carry this sponsor until I'd read the book.
And quite frankly, there's four CDs that come with it, and 50, 60-something hours of audios, and
All these other documents, I couldn't screen all that.
I spot-checked it, and it's all accurate from what I've seen.
Great tips, a lot of things that took me years to learn, and a bunch of stuff I didn't know, but it's just good, sound advice on how to shut the debtors down, how to know all the loopholes.
This is the real stuff, not Patriot mythology about how you send them some chicken legs and some foo-foo dust and, you know, a Federal Reserve double note and your name in all caps.
Now, this is just real stuff that works.
And it is the book, Dead or Secret Weapon, audio CDs.
And it just goes on and on on how to shut them down, folks.
There's just too much to tell you all about it.
You've got to get this.
It's outn90.com, outn90.com, out, O-U-T-I-N, and then 90.com, or 877-327-0365, 877-327-0365, or outn90.com.
These guys have been trying to get me to sponsor, take them for like two years.
And I just, all that debt stuff, most of the time is a scam.
I wouldn't take it.
I said, Out in 90, I mean the name's kind of, I guess it's to get your attention, but the material is spot on.
From my research, 877-327-0365 or outin90.com, but get the book and decide for yourself, because I wouldn't attempt to steer you wrong, but it's for you to make your own decision with the material, but it's pretty much mainline stuff, but most people don't know it.
That's supposed to be a 60 second plug, it's about a three minute plug, because I get into a subject and I can't shut up about it.
Because this is something helpful for the listeners.
Finishing up with this, you can go read the bill itself.
We've got links to it in this article.
The bill defines violent radicalization as the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideological-based violence.
You see, so it says you say something that makes people hate the government, see that causes ideologically-based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.
It further defines homegrown terrorism as the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States and possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
So this just publicly nexuses Section 802 of H.R.
3162, better known as the U.S.A.
Patriot Act of October 27, 2001, which states that any misdemeanor is an act of terrorism, and then says that trying to influence government is terrorism.
Any political action is terrorism.
That's why they can claim that they can arrest you for demonstrating, because that's terrorism under their definition, and they teach the feds that.
And I mean, this is just so criminal out in the open.
This is so ridiculous.
But Rhode Island, three years ago, it was in the Rhode Island Journal Sentinel.
It was in, what, News 11, NBC.
It said, in Rhode Island, that criticizing the government was illegal 50 years in prison.
Now, they tried to pass a law in Oregon.
It did pass, but they repealed it overnight.
I don't
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wide open phones in the shower.
I want to hear from you, the listeners, about what you think about this bill that's passed the House in the Senate, H.R. 1955.
And it says that you're a terrorist if you criticize the government, basically.
I mean, it's just, and if they can claim to influence somebody, I mean, this is thought crime.
And it just shows how unbelievably criminal the people running things are, and how they're just getting rid of the last even, you know, facade of any freedom in this country.
But you got a 10% approval rating, an 11% in Congress.
Bush has a 95% negative rating on trust.
That's an official scientific poll out today.
Actually, out yesterday.
And so, I mean, just go ahead and show us exactly who you are!
Just make a tyrant act like a tyrant.
Go ahead, try to ban peaceful demonstrations, try to pull all your garbage.
You're such a pack of murder and crooks.
I'm so sick of this criminal government.
It's fully owned by foreign corporations, just sucked in this country dry.
And we're waking up to their NAU and their government-sponsored terror and all of it.
And they're mad!
They're mad.
I heard a report about the ADL saying bad stuff about Ron Paul now.
There's just no end to these people.
Southern Property Law Center running the Elohim shitty camp that McVeigh came out of.
I'm just tired of what you do.
I'm tired of the things you pull.
We're sick of you.
Just leave us alone.
We're not your property.
I know you want to run a commissar op on us, but I don't think you're going to get away with it.
This isn't Ukraine.
This isn't Peking, okay?
You're gonna push too far, you understand?
I know you think you got us, but you don't.
Let's go to Tim in Ohio, then Rochelle, and Jesse, and Ed, and Dennis, and Jennifer, everybody else.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Tim.
I haven't talked in a while, but you know my soul is in lockstep with you and all your work.
I have a quick question about Endgame, but before that I want to put everybody on notice in Orlando, Toledo, Richmond, San Fran, Salt Lake, Pittsburgh, Des Moines, Tulsa, and Charleston to grab a piece of paper and a writing implement for some good news coming up.
Endgame, is that going to be available retail?
Excuse me, yes.
You can order it right now on DVD at Infowars.com.
They all ship Monday.
Even orders that come in today should be shipping out Monday.
We've got orders that came in yesterday.
We're already packed yesterday.
I've got great guys here now.
They will be available in stores November 14th.
That would be the borders in Barnes and Nobles last time?
They're really supposed to go on the 13th, but sometimes they get in a day late.
But 13th, 14th, that's when they'll be available at Amazon.com, places like that.
Very good.
Now as far as those cities, it's time to call out the confrontational dogs on Glenn Beck.
He's going on tour.
December 1st in Orlando, 3rd in Toledo, 5th in Richmond, 7th in San Francisco, 8th in Salt Lake, 10th in Pittsburgh,
12th in Des Moines, 14th in Tulsa, and 15th in Charleston.
Everybody needs to get out there and give them a taste of what being confronted is all about.
Yeah, well, if folks are going to do it, make sure they cuff their hands.
I see so many people yell and scream, but they don't cuff their hands around their mouth.
It makes it, like, five times louder.
You can literally throw your voice.
I mean, I was throwing my voice at Geraldo before I even used the bullhorn and got arrested in New York.
I was about 15 feet away, and I was throwing my voice, and you can hear it on the live Fox News tape, my voice above the whole crowd of 300, because I was throwing it and aiming it right at that microphone.
And, of course, I also have a very loud voice.
But I sound like an elephant when I really turn it on.
That's certainly what we need.
So tell me about when this little sniveller is going to be out there?
Yeah, starting in December, from the 1st through the 15th, in those cities I named.
I don't want to pump his website, but you can get the... Oh no, go ahead and go to the website.
I don't think anybody's going to support him here.
Go ahead and give it.
Oh right, it's glenbeck.com slash tour.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Device explodes at Mexican Consulate.
Caller called about 30 minutes ago.
Sure enough, I predicted it.
Because it's always the same when they stage it.
The Mexicans do it, the British do it, our government does it overseas.
When they're mad and want the host government to provide more security, or want to ninny around and have domestic coup to claim terrorist or after them to look heroic, they will detonate a large firecracker in a trash can or up against a window.
A lot of times they detonate a firecracker
They always do it at night or early morning when no employees are around because they don't want people to see that it was this embassy security that does it.
And this has been in the news.
They've been caught over and over again, by the way.
And they'll throw it up against a window and break a window or blow a trash can up.
And I predicted this earlier.
And sure enough, it's the window deal.
Always a window or a trash can.
And again, we've caught the British.
They'll just knock the window out and then just throw a cherry bomb just to hear the boom and then say Al-Qaeda has attacked.
Then later it comes out in documents, 30 years, 20 years, 10 years, a month later now, that they stage it.
So now it's a 98% chance the Mexicans staged this, or New York did, because they're in a lot of heat for standing legal, so they don't have to have a driver's license, or can have them if they want, or above the law, but citizens gotta be at checkpoints.
You gotta love it.
This is out of CBS News, New York, WCBS.
Device explodes at Mexican Consulate.
Oh, by the way, I should have said earlier too, they always claim it's a rocket or hand grenade.
And then it's always a firecracker.
They see first some type of other device, then a week later, a group of firecrackers.
Or firecracker.
Or homemade firecracker.
Window shattered in overnight explosion.
No reported injuries.
Police and bomb squad units were called to the Mexican Consulate in Manhattan early Friday morning after some kind of explosive device detonated in the building.
Sources say the device, which was initially said to be some sort of hand grenade, a GRENADO!
But sources later confirmed it may have been something else that exploded outside the building, located at 27 East 37th and 9th Street and 5th Avenue, shattering glass and sending debris into the building.
I mean, they do the same tricks, man.
I've probably seen this 20 times.
I mean, this never ends.
There are no reports of any injuries.
McConnell employees were tense.
I bet they were.
As the news spread, everybody got nervous when they heard something about this, but we can stay calm, said Alginardo Aquino.
A woman,
Who works near the building, tells CBS2's Sean Hennessey that her boss heard an explosion about 3.30 a.m.
I bet he did.
And he said he heard something that sounded like a bomb.
He never heard anything loud in his life and it scared him, she said.
Boy, this gets big national attention, but when they have actual rocket attacks and mass murders and 800 dead in a year on the Texas-Mexico border, it never gets past Texas News and it's very quiet here.
Car bombs go off in Dallas, mass assassinations.
Footnotes, my friend, footnotes.
Puttin' firecrackers, man.
It's fear, hysteria, troops in black uniforms strutting around, bulging their eyes out.
New York cops in these Hercules outfits, these big black, they look like complete twits.
I mean, it just looks so ridiculous.
And they sit there with this joke frown, just like, mmm, just like a clown frown on their faces.
You just bowl over laughing when you watch it.
It's just such a sick joke, Phil.
Suckin' this country drive.
It goes on.
When consulate employees arrived at the building Friday morning, they said they didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
Other than a broken window, which is when they notified authorities.
The NYPD's arson explosive unit and the bomb squad are investigating the incident and the FBI said they have been cordoned off.
Now, there is a 10-15% chance that in a week or two they're going to find a schizophrenic white male
Or blackmail, but generally whitemail, who's been in government custody and was just released last month.
A lot of times they'll have shock therapy.
The person won't even be able to finish sentences, but they'll be on TV confessing that they're a Christian white supremacist.
And sometimes they're actually schizophrenics that do it.
More than often they were tortured and followed a plastic bomb op.
That small plastic little duddy, maybe a quarter of a dynamite stick, might have been as big as this guy.
Same op over and over again.
We've seen it so many times.
They just had that happen in Austin.
So, uh, this never ends.
Never ends.
Okay, let's blast through some calls, and I'm going to get back into the top story that we have here about, uh, your speech is terrorism now.
And the government will decide, did that speech spur someone to do something?
Well, you're with Al-Qaeda then.
All part of the new domestic phase of their terror ops.
Glenn Beck leading the charge with others, lost the talking point.
Let's talk to Rochelle in Pennsylvania, then Ed, Dennis, Sue, Joe and others.
Go ahead.
Hi, how are you Alex?
Good, thanks for holding, welcome.
I called your show before and I was wondering if you could verify the May date that they have for the Vera chip.
Is that true?
I'm not, I'm not, what with the chip?
Well that they're going to chip us?
May of this coming year.
I have not heard that or seen that.
Who is saying that?
On the internet.
I had read that and on the internet it said that Jack Van Eppie also on the internet.
Oh, well.
Jack Van Eppie.
It must be true.
I'm trying to... I'm joking.
Dr. Van Eppie and Rexella Van Eppie.
The new film, Revelation.
I mean, it's a funny show.
I've been watching that for decades.
Some of it's good.
A lot of it's ridiculous.
But, no ma'am.
I mean, are they saying a particular date that they're going to chip Alzheimer's patients?
No, they're going to chip everybody.
They got a very cheap van and they're going to bring the very cheap van to each city and everybody's going to have to take it.
Well, they must have tens of thousands of these vans.
Well, I guess they got quite a few of them, from what I understand on the internet.
Yeah, they call it the chipmobile.
Dear, I appreciate your call.
I really do.
Let me try to answer this question here.
Here's the deal.
I have the Houston Chronicle, AP, Reuters, that Halliburton built more than 27 camps
Off of a funding package from early 2006, a year and almost two years ago, a year and a half ago.
Now Newsmax got a good tip in 2002, in January, and just got the Federal Purchase Order link off the Federal Registry, where they purchased these bids, where FEMA put out three one million man camps, or even more,
And Halliburton did get one of those, and a couple other companies got some of the others.
DynCorp was involved in building them.
And Newsmax was shocked.
They wrote another headline saying, yes, of course it's true.
We're not lying.
Here's the link.
The headline was something like that.
Like, what do you think, we lie?
Here it is, you fools.
You people can't believe it.
And it said they're building three one million man camps for the American people.
And the Houston Chronicle did it.
But everybody that calls here, 99%, never call and ask me about camps.
It's all, they heard a neighbor who knew somebody at the Five and Dime who saw guillotines in the boxcars in Chicago.
And my point is, no one ever goes off of what can be proven, which is horrible and unbelievable.
It's always got to be a rumor.
And no, they are incapable of, by May of next year,
Making everyone take a chip.
And they're not that far along in their game plan.
Now, with the microscopic chips they've got, they can just put them in the food, and there's a lot of studies showing they're already doing tests with that, with RFIDs that bind to the stomach wall, intestinal wall, hardened RFIDs, they're certainly doing a lot of things like that.
The Stasi would track dissidents by irradiating them without them knowing, actually watching them with special scopes, and lacing their shoes, and there's a lot of stuff they do.
But you have to understand, they don't have the infrastructure or the mass to carry it out yet.
They intimidate by fear.
They're making announcements about camps to intimidate you.
They're making announcements about how they'll arrest you if you protest the government.
They're praising Jack Bauer's torture of children to sell the public on torture.
They think it's normal.
They have to sell you first!
And they have not sold the public.
They've got an 11% approval rating.
I'm spending five minutes on this because it's important.
And Jack Van Ampey, I don't think he's a bad guy.
I'm not going to bash him, but it's cartoonish.
I remember him 20 years ago saying within two years we'll be in Revelations.
I remember him 10 years ago saying within one year we'd be within it.
I remember him sitting there, you know, about all this stuff on and on and on.
By the way, the Christians
Are waiting for Jesus to return, and what's going to happen is the Antichrist is going to show up, and they're going to say that's Jesus, folks, to see they believe they're going to be raptured.
It's really, it's incredible deception.
It just makes my head spin.
So I don't know what to say anymore.
I just, they've got two chipmobiles, Applied Digital Solutions, ADS,
I don't know.
Sandbagging and conditioning you, kind of like shock troops to accept chips.
And then Sean Hannity goes up and says, every child needs a chip.
And I've got him on tape saying that.
And they just keep pushing and pushing until you finally just get sick of hearing it.
And then now they're announcing they're going to chip the old people.
And they did announce they were going to chip the Department of Prisons in California's employees, Reuters.
And then there was a backlash and they didn't do that.
There's some hospitals where they are chipping babies in the umbilical cord, but it falls off.
They are not going to chip you by next May.
They do have national tours of the chipmobile, chipping the children of Supine Yuppies.
So, yes, that is going on.
We'll be right back.
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And top heaps a-draggin' on
Yeah, when I was just a baby.
There's probably rich folks eating in a fancy dining car.
They're probably drinking coffee and smoking big cigars.
Yeah, I've given up smoking big cigars, but they're good with a hot cup of coffee.
Sounds pretty good!
I bet there's rich folks here In a fancy dining car They're probably drinking coffee And smoking mixed cigars Well I know I had it coming I know I can't be free But those people, people losers
And that's what tortures me.
Alright, let's go ahead and take some calls here.
Oh my goodness, who's up next yet?
I guess Ed and P.A.
and then others.
Go ahead, Ed, you're on the air.
Two things, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I contacted an Amish bishop.
And one, they know about the N.A.R.S.
If and when they vote, they always vote Republican.
So I'm turning them on to all kinds of info about Ron Paul and his stand on NAIS.
Now for those that don't know, that's the National Animal Identification System, the National Premise Identification.
No law, but they're just telling everyone it's the law and most of them are submitting and groveling, especially Texans.
Once the freest in the country, now some of the most servile people out there.
It's total shame.
And so we're the worst in the country on it, and it's just total fraud as usual.
All written by Big Agra.
Small farms have to do all these regulations.
Big ones have to do nothing.
All meant to shut us down.
Go ahead.
If you live around the Amish or Mennonites, please give them information on it.
They will give it to their bishops, and we could possibly have hundreds of thousands of votes, because they'll all vote the same.
And also, did you see these bodies with the muscles?
They're covered in plastic.
The Human Bodies Exhibit they're showing them?
Yeah, Chinese they've killed and stuff like that, yeah.
Well, they said the guy has gone through Von Hagen and I'll give you one guess at who his father was.
Let me guess.
Some type of SS officer or something.
You got it right, buddy.
You got it right.
My uncle was telling me about Vietnam and he was going around doing security detail
Yeah, he was an SS officer and he turned in 44 of his neighbors when he lived in Poland.
Just, you know, just turn your neighbors into the, you know, the rest of the... Well, John Shalekashvili's dad ran huge black ops in Poland.
His dad was like the number two Nazi poll general.
I mean, you can't make this up, and I'd go on radio stations in Fort Bragg and bring it up when Clinton was in, and the guys would call in and go, I'm a Colonel Special Forces traitor!
We like it, but he's a Nazi!
You know, I'm just so sick of you destroying my country, you traitors!
Look, they're all on payroll, they're all getting big black bags of money.
That's why they love this New World Order.
I want them not to wrap themselves in the American flag anymore.
That's what I want them to know.
That we know who you are, and we know who Blackwater is, and we know you're enemies of this country.
My buddy's dad's still alive.
He was a Polish soldier, and he has the numbers on his arm.
I hear you, my brother.
I appreciate the call.
It's disgusting filth.
It's all disgusting filth.
They all just think we're their cattle to be fed on by them.
I've had enough of it.
Time to get mad, folks.
Let's talk to, uh...
Is Jennifer still there?
She hung up.
Okay, Dennis in Colorado, and I'll hold you over if we have to.
Go ahead, Dennis.
Hi, Alex.
I called you a few times I couldn't get through, but I sent an email.
I got to reading the Gulag Archipelago about the same time that you started telling people to read it, and the parallel is that Homeland Security with Primakov as KGB agent and so on.
Well, I don't know if you've heard... Stay there when you come back.
Stay there when you come back to talk about Schultz and Eatson who spent quite a few years in a slave camp.
Of course, a yuppie will tell you Russia doesn't even exist and Alexander Schultz and Eatson doesn't exist.
They'll make a little joke like a weepsle beatson?
What's that?
I'm a yuppie scum!
I like Rush Limbaugh!
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Some folks, some folks are born to make the way to fly.
Some red, white, and blue.
Some red, white, and blue.
And when the band plays, head out to the deep, Lord knows, they point the cannon at you.
Goddamn ain't me.
It ain't me, no.
I ain't no sinner, that's fine.
Let's go.
Love, don't they have themselves?
Don't they have themselves?
The tax man gives them to keep in the land.
There wasn't far to nothing left for school and health.
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Oh, let's do this last part.
We are in.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're my bestie.
Secret service.
You're telling.
I am a fortunate one.
No, no, no, no.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And we are.
We are in.
We are in.
Who was it I was talking to, John?
Who was the last person I was talking to?
Alright, Denison Colorado, go ahead and finish up what you were saying.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
I'm going to slow down just a little bit so I don't stumble over my words, but... First of all, I work in the government.
There's an official government training for whistleblowing and discrimination that says Hispanic is not a race.
So, how can we be racist against the illegal aliens?
Number two, there was a 108-year-old rabbi that just sent out a secret message that said that he'd had an encounter with the Messiah, and he revealed the name as Yeshua, or Jesus.
And number three, back to the gulag, my father came from Latvia, and I never met
Any of my relatives because of the government operation called Operation Keelhaul, which brought back people that were trying to flee the Stalin regime, which killed at least 20 million, into the Nazi regime, which only killed millions, but less.
And they had no place to go, but they were turned back by Roosevelt and the
The troops under the U.S.
government at the time.
So, my mother is a Hispanic.
I'm not claiming it's race, but she was born in Colorado.
Her father and grandfather had Spanish land grants.
Okay, that sort of gives me a background for Article 58.
Article 58 is like this thought crime bill on roguegovernment.com.
Still there?
Uh-huh, sure.
It starts to attack us for our thoughts.
Article 58 talked about anti-Soviet propaganda, anti-Soviet agitation, and you could get charged for that for just having an accident and having a newspaper with Stalin's picture on it.
You might wrap your fish in it or
I don't think so.
And I know you go to Jeff Rantz's website a lot, but there's this person named Rip Rantz on there that just blasts Jesus and anybody that follows him.
So I don't know who he is, but people of faith have survived.
I hear you, sir, and I appreciate your call.
I go on a lot of radio shows, a lot of interviews.
I'm just like Ron Paul, reaching out to people, going on programs, trying to reach whoever I can.
I know Jeff has a lot of wild stuff on his site.
I think it's part of an open discussion there.
I was plugging that site earlier.
People wanted to find a particular road government article.
But okay, I'll try my best to get folks up on the air and give you time to speak.
Now, I really haven't plugged this properly today.
This is the day.
This is the official release day.
I released it a few hours early last night in case anybody wanted to try to block us or sneak attack the sites.
But it's been streaming out, super high quality downloading, super great.
In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement is available right now at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can link through all the sites and watch it online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go get a monthly membership or get a yearly.
Sign up for that and get three months free.
See it right now.
No more waiting.
It's over.
And then if you really want it in a super high quality DVD in the hard case with the, you know, nice tricolor embossed on the disc, great gift.
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It doesn't matter if you're not a Christian and don't celebrate Christmas.
You might as well celebrate it as a way to give people these DVDs.
It doesn't matter if you're Jewish or Arab.
Why don't you go ahead and celebrate it?
For the holidays and get this is your excuse to give everybody an endgame and it looks like a horror movie cover it's the UN with a big skull on it and say hey watch this and tell me what you think it covers the history of the global elite the North American Union the roads what they're setting up that's the first half and then it gets into
The phony environmental movement, how it's really a way to micromanage and regulate populations and taxes and neo-feudalism, then we get into the history of eugenics and how they're carrying out eugenics, how the eugenicist Julian Huxley, the head UN guy at UNESCO, founded transhumanism, Greg Kurzweil calling for world government openly, as well in the film.
So it's all there.
It's all there, my friends.
And I hope you'll get it on DVD at InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
By the way, operators are there 24 hours a day.
You can call, put your order in.
You can also get it discounted with TerrorStorm and all my other films in a bunch of different combo packages.
Again, InfoWars.com or 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, I'm Alex Jones, Ed 3001, South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Oh, by the way, three months ago when Tony Blair left office, he converted to Catholicism.
Did you notice that Tony Blair, who admittedly is a New Age occultist,
I mean, scores of mainstream articles of him flopping around possessed each morning when he asked the Spirit of the Light to enter him.
Him and his wife doing seances, going to Aztec and Egyptian pyramids and doing rituals.
I mean, if you don't know about it, don't believe me.
Just go check it out.
It's going to blow you away.
This guy converted to Catholicism three months ago and everybody said, that's it!
He's doing this to be the head of the European Union.
They said, well, wait, that's supposed to pass year to year in a rotation.
And I said, the European Union doesn't follow its own rules.
The people all voted against it, and they keep them in it.
It's a dictatorship.
They're getting rid of all their freedoms.
And I said, that's it.
He's going to be, or at least he's going to try to be, the next head of Europe.
And there's no doubt that Catholic Church dominates and runs Europe and is a big part of the whole New World Order system.
And I'm not bashing Catholics.
It's just like Pat Robertson is out saying, you know, China's abortion is good.
I'm not bashing Protestants.
I'm a Protestant.
And I know Catholics are good people out there fighting abortion and some of the other things.
I'm not attacking individual Catholics.
But, I mean, the Pope calls for a New World Order, folks.
He was Hitler, Hugin.
And the guy before him called for a New World Order, Pope John Paul.
And I had this in my stack from yesterday and I wanted to get to it because it's just unbelievable to have him go and convert to Catholicism just so he can be the head of Europe.
I mean, it is just absolutely amazing to see Tony Blair being positioned for that.
He's such a little crook.
It really shows you where this whole thing's going.
And it's scary.
It's extremely, extremely scary that every major institution, folks, is under New World Order control.
And just to see the major faiths and all these ecumenical things where they're saying all the religions are the same and everything, it's really scary to watch it all unfolding.
All right, let's try to get through the rest of the calls and I want to hit on this other top story.
I haven't really detailed yet properly, of course.
Let's talk to Sue in California.
Thanks for holding, Sue.
Yeah, actually this is Dave in California.
She couldn't wait on hold and she's my wife and we're hoping to actually watch Endgame tonight.
Okay, fantastic.
Looking forward to that and we have a big following here on the central California coast and the issue that we have may be right in line with your Endgame movie.
We are under a biochemical attack from the state of California.
They have issued an emergency status for a moth that has been here for years and hasn't caused any crop damage, but they're using that as an excuse to spray biochemical pesticides.
Yeah, I saw that in the news.
Even the mainstream news admits everybody's getting sick.
First they denied it was going on and said it was secret moth spraying.
They're spraying Austin for the same moth every few days.
Everybody's sick.
Oh, they are.
I've been outside at night like a movie, getting home at 2 a.m.
working a few months ago, I was chasing the flies right over my house, no exaggeration, 200-300 feet, with plumes coming out the back, and I went and Googled, and sure enough they were spraying for an Asian brown moth, memory serves, and I thought that was the same one I saw, some brown moth, I guess I was wrong, but a similar moth.
And yeah, this is also a corporate welfare system.
Where one person dies in New York of the bird flu, and then they, you know, they spray tens of thousands of gallons of pesticide on the people.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, yeah, at first the ingredients were a secret because the company was claiming a trade secret, so they wouldn't tell people what it was.
Same thing in Austin.
Then the EPA, the federal EPA, leaked it to our local newspaper here, the ingredients.
And then after a judge in Monterey issued a restraining order to stop the spraying because of this one questionable ingredient, two and a half weeks later, the EPA comes out and says, oh, we made a mistake.
That ingredient's actually not even in there.
Here's an example.
They have had tens of thousands of admitted tests where they spray some telesclobagi and other bacteria, and then you read
But that bacteria, mainline science, causes spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, and it happens, and they just giggle and snicker.
They're over us every day spraying, folks.
We're told this is safe, and the company that manufactures it admits that long-term testing has never been done.
The product they're spraying, they're going to spray, is called LBAM-F, L-B-A-M-F, Checkmate product.
Interesting name, Checkmate.
Kind of along your endgame line there, but yeah, so they're saying they're going to spray that every 30 days.
For as long as it takes to get rid of this moth, and this moth has been here for a while, and Australia has had this moth for quite a while, and they keep inflating on how much financial damage that Australia has, when in fact most of the finances come from controlling the moth and not actual crop damage.
Yeah, they call it an invasive... Well, they call it an invasive species, and nine times out of ten it's just completely made up.
No, I agree.
And they're dead set on this.
I mean, they told us that it's not up to the people.
They are going to do this.
USDA official was here during public meetings and said that if the state doesn't do this, the federal government's going to come in and spray us anyways.
Yeah, I was telling my neighbor the day after I said I was out in the front yard about 9 a.m.
and I said, yeah, Point and Clover was sprayed last night.
He was like, yeah, right, Alex.
I mean, you can show them a news article, they'll just gruel and go, ooooh.
They just love it.
Well, we're given this false sense of choices where they tell us that we either need to spray the human population with this stuff,
Or that the agriculture business is going to suffer.
Well, there's other means of taking care of this moth.
They have all sorts of different traps that have been working phenomenally, and also these things called twisty ties that they tie up that do the same exact pheromone thing that the spray is doing.
Yeah, point of contact, localized pesticide is bad enough because it still goes in the water and you drink it.
Look, again, most of this stuff in agriculture, and I've talked to the experts and actually researched it, is not needed.
And it also destroys the soils, and then they've got another added thing that comes after that.
No, exactly.
And again, here's an example.
I was talking to this guy, and then I actually researched it and found out he was accurate, this engineer who built these big shrimp farms.
And I appreciate your call, sir, here outside Austin.
And we're going to let him go now.
Thank you for the call.
And they built them.
I don't
Without any here, and they can do it cheaper, and they can use all the illegal drugs and antibiotics on the shrimp, and get them even bigger, filled with carcinogens.
Then they just ship them right up here.
And it's the quote environmentalists that are doing it.
He was talking about how they went to higher level board meetings, and the Clintons were on the board, and how at the top, they can care less about the environment.
It has nothing to do with it.
They use environmentalism to steal property, and to shut down competition.
It's all about monopolies.
And yes, I've seen the case with the moths out in California.
Look, they're spraying people all over the country.
It's constant.
It's ongoing.
It's non-stop.
It never ends.
But my answer is mercury and poison is good for you.
I mean, that's really the media's answer.
We've got the clip where they say that poison food is good for you.
By the way, people won't believe me.
Cue that up where she says poison food's good.
No, I've already played it ten times.
You know, if you don't believe me, I don't care.
I don't care.
People out there, listen.
You know, you think it's good to take mercury into your brain.
It's just, I'm fine.
I'm not even going to argue with you.
Go ahead.
Alright, we'll come back to him in a few final calls.
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We're good to go.
How dare you!
How dare you!
How dare you!
I did not have sex with that woman!
John of Missouri, then we gotta go to John in Winnipeg, and that's it.
John, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, how are you today?
Good, my friend.
Hey, um, I've got a suggestion on how we could, uh, take our country back.
I've called in a few shows and suggested it, but I don't know with this fraud to crime prevention bill, they might be coming after me if I suggested it again.
You wanna hear it?
Well, we better just submit to him.
Go ahead.
I hear there's a lot of veterans that's backing Ron Paul up, and Washington wasn't president when the revolution started.
Why don't we take Ron Paul and back him up, go up there, arrest him for treason, and then we'll see about electing Ron Paul president.
Yeah, I'm sure Ron Paul's gonna jump on a horse and go up there with a saber.
Listen, I mean, I hear what you're saying.
The globalists would detonate bombs and say that we'd done it.
Uh, we have to first convince the public that they're complete criminals, and I'd rather fix things peaceably.
Plus, I don't even trust the population today to have a violent revolution because they would just try to take over and set up their own dictatorship overnight.
Generally, revolutions turn into something as corrupt, or more corrupt, or almost as corrupt.
I want to have a process, a non-violent process.
I'm worried about the Globalists setting off nukes or releasing bioweapons if they get too much on the run, but then let them make the first move.
That'll end up backfiring on them.
You know what it is we do and you know what it is we don't.
So it's a tough situation.
But the best course is to be peaceful, wake as many people up as possible, point out that they always stage the terror or provocateur it, that we're peaceful, and then they're going to be the violent demons they are, and people are going to know who they are, and they're going to be exposed.
This is just huge news over here, ladies and gentlemen, dealing with
The story that's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Fraud crime bill could ensnare peaceful activists.
This is just totally outrageous and un-American on its face.
And needs to be exposed, needs to be dealt with.
Real fast, two sponsors I want to tell you about.
First off, I want to be on with Ian Punnett three hours Saturday night and that should be very interesting.
So be sure and listen and call in.
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Alright, I'm sorry to all the other callers.
I don't have time to get to you, but I will be back live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
In the meantime, if you missed the first hour, it was Power Packed Info.
It's about to restart at infoawards.com on the streams and re-aired on many stations across the country and WWCR at night, 9 to midnight Central.
Frequencies on their website, WWCR.org.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for the GCN Radio Network.
The end game is loose.
The info weapon has been released.
And it's up to you how damaging to the globalist it is.
God bless you all.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.