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Name: 20071022_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome back and thank you for joining us.
Bruno Breweiler and Katie Kurtzman are going to be joining us coming up in 30 minutes.
Friday night, they and others from We Are Change Los Angeles confronted Bill Maher, took over the show for about five minutes.
This is the future of activism.
It isn't just about taking over the show, it's about the people taking action
Not letting anybody stand in their way of getting the truth out.
They'll be joining us.
Then, coming up in the third hour today, we're going to have Dylan Avery and, of course, Jason Vermas, two of the producers and makers of Loose Change Final Cut, coming on the show.
And we'll be telling you about the official release date on the Internet.
Which will be November 11th.
You can start pre-ordering on that day.
It'll ship November 26th.
It was just finished last week.
Just finished last week.
And so that is, of course, coming out November 11th.
We'll be talking about that in some of the interviews and breaking information that is in the new film.
We are also going to have open phones today.
I will take some of your calls here on the show today.
In fact, I will take them in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
You'll be getting the behind-the-scenes developments of what really happened, not just what was going on on the stage Friday night when Bill Maher's live HBO program was taken over by 9-11 Truth.
Turkish troops weapons head towards Iraq.
AP will be covering that.
Cheney says U.S.
will not let Iran go nuclear.
They're not going nuclear, but Cheney doesn't care.
He's an arch criminal.
Scientists to step closer to steering hurricanes.
Remember two years ago, we broke it here, then it was all over newspapers across the country afterwards.
They even created a weather control board in Congress.
Right when it was declassified, we were able to get a hold of Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons, who had been in the Air Force right out of World War II, and then they put him through school to be a meteorologist, and then he'd been the first storm hunter flying into typhoons with over 225 mile an hour winds, hurricanes over 165 miles an hour,
They had stopped dead in their tracks and knocked out hurricanes by the early 1960s.
Stanford Research Institute and the Pentagon certified it secretly in 1967.
They killed a series of hurricanes, we're talking category fours, coming in to the East Coast in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and they secretly certified weather control over hurricanes with primitive seeding.
Now, when Katrina hit, we shamed the world and pointed out that the government had weather control of the primitive type.
We're not even debating the new stuff they've got, which we know they have.
But this was declassified that they had weather control in 67.
Certified by the U.S.
government, weather control over hurricanes of any category.
And typhoons, by the way.
Typhoon, again, is just a Pacific hurricane that gets even faster because the waters are even warmer.
There's larger stretches and bigger heat differentials for them to power up their cells with, but I'm not going to try to get into meteorology here.
The point is that this is huge news.
So, I'm going to cover this in the sound, but I think I'll get to that first so I don't forget.
Sunday, New York Post blacks out Ron Paul.
Goldstocks see sharp
Crystal says Iran is the only real threat to success in Iraq.
It is all coming up.
And the murder of Dr. David Kelly is all but admitted now.
He was about to blow the whistle on no WMDs.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by our government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Both their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Again, it is Monday, the 22nd day of October, 2007, Year of Our Lord, and we are going to be live here for the next two hours and 51 and a half minutes.
Let me just get to this first, before I get to gold and oil and the dollar and the central banks and our economy and housing and all the big developments that happened Friday and throughout the week in the 300 plus point plunge of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is only the top 30, ladies and gentlemen.
The other tens of thousands of stocks are gyrating into a bottomless pit right now.
The yuppies are smiling and running around in football outfits as usual.
If they would have woke up, we could have stopped it, but they're not going to wake up.
There's a team effort here to stop the New World Order, and they have to really get hurt first before they come in and join the team and come in for the big win against the Globalists.
But don't worry, you will.
You'll learn.
The world has a way of teaching you.
But before we get into Cheney and World War III, I mean, the news every day, I don't even have words to describe how serious, how on the razor's edge we are.
But I thought I'd cover this first.
Malibu is burning.
Beautiful area there overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Some of the most wealthy people in California, in the world for that matter, live there.
And it's burning down hundreds of lavish homes, buildings, landmarks.
It is bad.
Seven county emergency.
The firefighters, the police,
Are fighting a valiant battle.
I commend the firefighters, true public servants.
One of the few groups, finally, that are still public servants out there risking their lives.
But it shows that man doesn't have as much power as man thinks he does.
And you never know the
I don't
that are available, and this is out of the London Telegraph today.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Scientists, a step closer to steering hurricanes.
Scientists have made a breakthrough in man's desire to control the forces of nature, unveiling plans to weaken hurricanes and steer them off course to prevent tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina.
Let's just stop right there.
I don't want the Prison Planet folks or the TruthNews.us curtain MO to just put a link under it saying, see we told you so, here's the weather control archive.
Or, see we told you so, here's the murder of Dr. David Kelly archive.
I want an article on this with video snippets of the report we did for PrisonPlanet.tv, the hour-long report.
Interview with Livingston, we flew into Austin, we thought it was important enough.
I mean, I want to go through and point out that this article is a lie.
It says they've just developed it in 2007.
It was certified by the Stanford Research Institute and the Pentagon and by the Naval War Laboratory, Naval Weapons Laboratory, in 1967.
They'd already done it by 64, repeatedly, that they could absolutely kill hurricanes or scare them and control them.
And conversely, make them bigger if they wanted to.
By the way, they are.
That's why they don't want this news out.
They are scaring hurricanes.
Meteorologists have looked at it.
I mean, top meteorologists have said these hurricanes are acting like we've never seen before.
And so we pointed out that they could have knocked out and stopped Katrina and Rita, but devastated the Gulf Coast.
A year and a half ago.
And that Ben Livingston's technologies, I mean, he is the recognized father of weather weapons.
But he could never talk.
When you watch shows on the weather channel, one of them is called Atmospheres, they did like six, seven years ago, it talked about how they could, during the dry season in Vietnam, take one tiny cloud and turn it into a huge thunderstorm that would dump ten feet of water onto the ground.
That is
Fifteen, twenty inches, and then down in the canyons it'd be ten feet of water flooding out the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
He would go in there with the squadrons himself, leading them, with the SAM missile shooting up at him.
Of course, he'd been a pilot right out of World War II.
They'd trained him to be a meteorologist, and by the time he was, I think it was like thirty years old, he was the head of the Naval Weapons Laboratory.
He was the first guy to ever fly into a hurricane.
On purpose.
People have done it and died.
Ships have gone into them on accident.
But to fly into a hurricane, fly into a typhoon, and get measurements and get wind speech.
And he led squadrons of planes in the early 60s into hurricanes off the coast of the U.S.
and knocked them out every time.
But that was all classified.
He could only go public two years ago because they declassified it.
And when it got declassified, he could then say, OK, I'm ready to go on the radio.
I'm ready to talk.
I'm the guy that did it all.
And sure enough, in all the documents, it's Ben Livingston.
He secretly met with Lyndon Johnson.
He got presidential awards.
He's an amazing individual.
But of course, like all those old vets, he won't brag about himself.
I mean, he was 50-something years old flying into hundreds of SAM missiles going up at him over and over again.
Hundreds of missions going in to control the weather as a weapon.
You can call that negative weather modification versus positive weather modification when they could steer it or control it or knock it out.
They have total control and they've also done studies that it doesn't cause problems because it's just more water going in the ocean to go in and weaken them or knock them out or stop them.
And he said with seven aircraft, modern aircraft, it would take him more back in the 60s
They can go in and hit the four or five power cells that speed up and empower the hurricanes and knock them out.
You just fly in and spray them and then they die.
They dump into the ocean.
Absolutely amazing.
Talk about going into the trenches of the Death Star.
I mean, these guys have got amazing courage.
And they had it certified, guaranteed, absolute, proven scientific fact in 1967.
But by the time... I remember neocons making fun of me on radio nationally and locally.
I remember getting emails going, you tell that old fart he's an idiot and a conspiracy theorist just like you, even though I'd sat in hotel rooms with him with stacks of declassified documents and some that were classified he wouldn't let me look at.
With photos of him getting in the planes, the squadrons, the certifications, all of it.
The major papers had reported on it.
After we interviewed him.
And that's what this show can do.
We're big enough.
We're not that big.
We're big enough as a blasting cap or as an igniter to start bushfires on issues.
To get people on 9-11 Truth or eugenics, neo-eugenics.
People go, well, you need to call it transhumanism.
Eugenics became transhumanism, so I call it neo-eugenics.
Modern eugenics.
Post-modern eugenics, whatever you'd like to call it.
So these are the major issues that we face.
And here it is in the papers, there's several of them today, that, oh, they can knock out and weaken hurricanes.
Oh, they just found this new technology in the bottom of a Cracker Jack box.
Now, remember, this was declassified two and a half years ago.
We learned about it two years ago.
You spread the word on it, and now they've been shamed into having to at least discuss.
And next time a big hurricane's barreling in, I want all of you calling Congress, I want all of you throwing fits, just like we did last time, and saying, why is there not a squadron of aircraft?
There are hundreds of these companies around the world.
The ski slopes hire them.
Cities hire them.
It works.
They know it works.
They can make it rain.
It's literally 100% effective, but government won't get involved in this.
But of course they won't tell you they're involved in it, because they already are.
If they admit this stuff exists, then people will ask, why is there a horrible drought for five years?
Why is it flooding here, but drought there?
And see, I don't just look up at the sky and say, I think it's the government because there's been a drought.
There's been natural droughts.
There's been natural floods.
There's been a lot of natural things that happened.
The sun is going wild right now.
But on top of all that, we know there are massive classified weather modification programs going on.
And I have hundreds of points to prove this.
It came out in San Antonio papers and on TV eight years ago.
There were flash floods that in one night killed 30-plus people in south and central Texas.
And they then admitted in the news, because some of the pilots spoke out, that there had been a huge Navy weather control, weather weapons test in south Texas with planes, and they went in and sprayed into thunderstorms, folks, and it created thunderstorms the likes of which Texas has never seen.
And it was just a footnote.
Well, and then the Navy said, well, we did do some weather weapons tests that night, but it's not related.
I gotta dig that out.
It was in the Express.
It was in one other San Antonio paper.
It was on San Antonio Radio and TV.
I mean, it was just like Noah's Ark or something.
And see, that's just one example.
And there's so much going on.
There's so much happening.
And you tell the general public this,
I mean, it's like Vicente Fox admitting they're setting up a North American Union.
That they're setting up an Amero.
On television.
On two different national TV shows, and still the neocons go on Dig and our... and other... ...message boards and just say we're liars.
And you can give them a link and go, here he is saying it, and they go, aw, shut up, it's a lie, it's fake.
Here's Vice President Dick Cheney saying he was secretly part of the CFR.
Oh, that's fake video.
It's the same thing here.
Here they admit weather control, but it doesn't matter.
The general public doesn't read, folks.
They'll just say we're liars.
See, it's incredible.
So we'll come back, cover this article, get into a bunch of other key news, talk to the folks that confronted Bill Maher, and a lot more today.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back!
Scientists have stepped closer to steering hurricanes.
That's like scientists have stepped closer to developing the wheel.
Scientists a step closer to inventing the steam engine.
Scientists a step closer to inventing transistors.
Scientists a step closer to inventing the teapot.
They have been certified 100% effective in 1967.
But remember, the people who even read don't know that.
It's up to us to show them how they've been lied to.
We have them, yet again, on another front.
Just as it's now coming out, and the vast majority of Britons, in their mainstream polls, bully the government-murdered, the head of the Fortin Down, race-specific bio-weapons lab, Dr. David Kelly.
It's all coming out.
There is nothing hidden.
That will not, one day, be seen and revealed.
Scientists have stepped closer to steering hurricanes.
Scientists have made a breakthrough in 1964 in man's desire to control the forces of nature.
I added the 64 part.
Unveiling plans.
Oh, they'll probably get Nobel Prizes for it when Ben Livingstone invented it.
They never end!
Of course, Livingstone will tell you he didn't even invent it.
They were doing it in the 20s.
No, no, no, no, no.
They were doing it in biplanes, ladies and gentlemen.
Scientists had figured this out in Germany and England.
But he invented going into the hurricanes.
Oh, and they'll give it to some zit-faced New World Order's grandson.
It'll probably be some Rothschild.
Hello, little baby Rothschild invented it in 2007.
He's a genius.
I'm so sick of these people.
Scientists have made a breakthrough in man's desire to control the forces of nature, unveiling plans to weaken hurricanes and steer them off course, to prevent tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina.
We wrote exact articles on this two years ago.
The damage done to New Orleans in 2005 has spurred two rival teams of climate experts in America and Israel.
To redouble their efforts to enable people to play God with the weather.
The government's already doing it, Jack.
So now they'll take a at least 40 year old technology
Again, being used in the early 60s, certified in 67.
Prance around and then claim they can be big heroes every once in a while with hurricanes.
They'll probably claim it doesn't work or something.
Then they can continue with their high-tech, ionizing the atmosphere with radio waves, microwaves, blasting it, controlling storms, huge antenna farms.
And that's 30-year-old.
Who knows what they've got now?
But you tell the general public they can do that.
Doesn't matter if you can hire the Chinese government or Chinese companies to do it.
You can totally control it with antennas.
The Russians have firms that do it with antennas.
It's all over the foreign news, but you tell them... I mean, they can tell Americans that the combustion engine doesn't exist, and they'd believe it, because they don't know what a combustion engine is!
I mean, they're now starting to ban carbon dioxide and saying you can't have power plants because it's a deadly poison.
It's like water has a scary-sounding scientific name.
You tell people and they'll go out and say, ban it.
Under one scheme, aircraft would drop soot into the near-freezing cloud at the top of a hurricane, causing it to warm up and so reduce wind speeds.
Computer simulations of the forces at work in the most violent storms have shown that even small changes can affect the paths, enabling them to be diverted from major cities.
But the hurricane modifiers are fighting more than the weather.
Lawyers warn that diverting a hurricane from one city to save life...
When property could result in multi-billion dollar lawsuits from towns that bear the Perot instead, Hurricane Katrina caused more than 41 million in damage to New Orleans.
So this is how they're spinning that we can't use this.
No, they form out generally at least 500 miles out over hot waters, sometimes 3,000 miles out like the last few that came in out of the Atlantic into the Caribbean and into Texas and Mexico.
Screaming right over Jamaica and other areas.
It doesn't matter.
The point is that you go out.
That's where you hit it.
You don't hit it when it comes up to the city so it dumps all the water and floods people.
You hit it out in the ocean.
You hit it in the Atlantic.
You hit it in the Pacific.
You hit it in the Caribbean.
You hit it in the China Sea.
You hit it in the Gulf.
You go in and you hit it.
You knock it out.
But now they've got to tell us that we can't do it.
It'll hurt the towns.
Totally made up.
Seven to eight aircraft.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill of Rights is making great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
They're after apathy.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned!
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We're good to go.
Welcome back!
You found it, the front line of the InfoWars.
We wage war on corruption as we crash to the lies and disinformation.
Monday through Friday 11 to 2 Central Live.
Back from 9 to midnight right here on the GCN Radio Network.
Restreamed 24 hours a day at InfoWars.com.
We're about to go to WeAreChangeLA.org.
The great folks at We Are Change spreading across the world, great info warriors, who confronted Bill Maher.
You can watch the video up on PrisonPlanet.com and TruthNews.us.
Kurt Nimmo did a great story on it.
Saturday it's had more than 500,000 views in the different postings I've seen of it online.
We're going to be going to them here in about two minutes, but tonight Endgame is almost sold out at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
They do hold back 20 tickets to right before showtime, so if you show up 30 minutes before, you should be able to get in still, because they don't sell all of them electronically.
They've got about 20 tickets left.
I just talked to them.
Tomorrow night and the next night is only about half sold, so you can definitely get tickets online to tomorrow night's show and the show after that, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Here is the extended online trailer for Endgame.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Dillberg is making big progress toward a world government, and only an educating form of it can stop them in their tracks.
Alex, did you tell Abby yet?
For the first time, all the pieces have been put together.
The dots have been connected, and the picture is crystal clear.
Earth's ruling elite believe they have discovered the fountain.
But before they can attain it, 80% of us must die.
A psychopathic technocracy is establishing world government so there can be no escape from their plan.
The New World Order is the Old World Order.
I mean, it's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
Have a pull of a plane and you and it can be interrogated in four hours.
Some shots were fired.
I need you to move off the province.
Their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
I don't have to tell you that it is dangerous to make a film like this.
I thank God every day that I'm still alive, that I haven't been set up, that I haven't been killed, that I haven't been run over, that my family hasn't been attacked.
And I know the cost.
And I want people to know that if I ever am taken down, if I am ever crushed by the New World Order, that
At least I was still in control, because God's in control.
And I do what the Spirit of the Lord wants me to do, and I have put myself in the position of not being afraid.
I have committed, and I passed the point of no return a long time ago, and frankly it's a good feeling.
It doesn't mean that I'm not cautious.
It doesn't mean that I'm reckless.
It doesn't mean that I have a death wish or want to be crushed.
If I have any fear, it's that I won't be able to continue my work.
If I have any fear, it's that I have projects I want to complete and people I want to warn.
So, in that respect, I am terrified of being killed or put in a bottomless pit because of that.
I have a burning desire to want to reach people, to warn people.
I mean, just like I told you about all the weather control they had, patented, designed, U.S.
government-developed, to totally control and knock out hurricanes safely out in the ocean, and all the meteorologists that they consulted said, yeah, it'd be totally safe, wouldn't cause any other corollary effects that would hurt anything.
And, of course, they'd only knock out the biggest and baddest ones that were going to hurt and kill people.
And I told everybody about it.
We had to declassify documents and now it's finally in the news and private companies and our government says they're going to test it.
They had it certified in 67.
They're doing this because we shamed them.
Well, it's just like Endgame.
You see this scientist Watson, the head of the Human Genome Project, the discoverer of the double helix in DNA.
You see him getting the Nobel Prize.
In fact, in a couple of the trailers you've seen, when I talk about the dark spirit of the New World Order, we show him having, you know, with all the royalty and the Nobel laureates, giving him the Nobel Prize for discovering the double helix of DNA.
In Endgame.
I mean, he worked at Cold Springs Harbor as a head of their genetics testing when it was the worldwide capital of eugenics.
He's a eugenicist.
The top one in the world.
A top one.
He's still alive.
And he's the president, the dean, of the Coal Harbor Springs Lab, and he comes out and he says blacks really aren't human, they're not the same as Europeans.
He goes on to say people should be banned from having children, that their IQs aren't high enough.
You know, he's all for one-child policies.
I mean, we've read the books he's written.
We went and read books he wrote, folks, where he says, well, I'm not for eugenics, but certain races are better, and we should control who has children.
I'm for one-child policies.
I'm a geneticist.
See, and now you see it all in the news.
I mean, I started making Endgame a year and a half ago, and it's now all over the news.
Cartoons for children about how we're a virus and all need to be killed, and The World Without Us best-selling books all over TV about how we need to get rid of everybody and humans are a disease, and all these professors saying it, and they're talking about it on the news, and Forbes writers are writing about it.
See, now it's real, it's weird.
It's like they're almost
Throwing it in your face or something, because I've been talking about this for years.
No one was talking about it.
I mean, I don't know anybody.
Except maybe Alan Watt.
In all fairness, I've been aware of him for about two years.
I know he's around longer than that, but Alan Watt knows what he's talking about on this.
Because he's just right off our own documents.
That's why I'd never even heard of Alan Watt, but saying the exact same thing he was saying.
And he'd never heard of me, and he was saying the exact same thing I'd say.
Because you're just reading their own documents.
I mean, it's not like we're, you know, we're singing from the same sheet of music here.
We're not making this up!
We've got boxes of books out there that I read, and Aaron read, and others read here in the office.
Written by these monsters.
I mean, they're not... We're going to go to our guests.
I'm going to shut up.
The point is, all these ignorant people are looking at our trailers on YouTube and Google and commenting, and, you know, he just makes this all up.
There's no plan to get rid of 80%.
That's the official UN goal in the Convention on Biological Diversity.
I mean, that's what the conservatives say.
The liberals in the movement want to kill all humans.
And they got the power, folks.
They got the Human Genome Project.
They are developing the bio-weapons.
And admitting it.
I mean, you know, I'm totally freaked out.
I mean, every day I'm living in a science fiction nightmare, and then I see everybody mesmerized like literal zombies.
I mean, I mean, they really are zombies, watching their TV and their sports and their entertainment, and they have no idea how far down we are.
I'm going to tell you something, though.
It's very humbling to realize that we have this amazing universe around us, where this planet hurtling through space, orbiting the sun, out on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy,
There's all this wonderment in the cold weather so crisp, beautiful green trees and grass and butterflies and the people and the happy, intelligent artists and the actors and the scientists and the school teachers and the friendly auto mechanics and hot cups of coffee and cold streams and trout and rainbows.
I mean, the world is beautiful and wonderful and I love it!
I'm in love with life!
And then I just see the New World Order.
It's horrible and stinking and degenerate and avarice-filled.
And I'm just a normal guy who sees an open threat of war against me.
I find out they're poisoning our air, our water, our vaccines, our medicines.
They're carrying out eugenics on us!
I just want to warn people!
I've put my life on the line here!
But I don't want you to say, oh, thank you for putting your life on the line.
Hell could I not!
I have a deep
I have a feeling in my very fabric of a brotherhood of man, I love seeing people do good.
I love seeing beautiful things.
I love seeing success.
I have a deep feeling of wanting to build and wanting to construct and wanting to honor science and arts and wanting to move upward and onward and to raise people up.
And instead I see angry, hyper-competitive, unhappy people swooping around on their sports cars, and poor, unhappy people grindily eating all their MSG and poison with headaches, watching their sports drunkenly with their kids on drugs about to go into the prison system, and the CPS grabbing kids and testing pesticides and drugs on them and killing them, and just corruption everywhere!
It just drives me up a wall!
I think about what we've done, and we have, by letting it happen.
The elite going into Iraq, their own stated goal to commit genocide, break it in three parts, destroy it, killing those innocent people.
I make myself look at the children dying of cholera like it's Somalia with their swollen stomachs from no food, no medicine, the extermination ops.
We know that many of the contractors have been hired to actually attack the Marines and troops, that's even come out, to keep the war going, bringing in and funding and using Al Qaeda forces.
And it even comes out in the news, and people don't know what they're reading!
I mean, I just think about it, how horrible it is!
Who would want to go blast and kill children, and then do it in our name?
See, they're really evil.
The globalists not only do all this, they then tack it on America, hang it on America's neck, hang it around our head, and point at us as if that was part of their plan!
They are totally ruthless.
Alright, that's it.
I'm going to go to our guest, Bruno
We're good to go.
Because it's humans taking action.
It's people infiltrating.
It's info war.
They split up, nine of them.
About five or six of them spoke out.
But just being there, it took guts and guts is enough.
And they spread out so when they grabbed each person, another one would start speaking out.
Pure genius.
Exactly what you should do.
Exactly what I've advised in the past.
And they took it over for five minutes.
And it's going to happen again and again.
You know, they're not going to get away with this anymore.
And so, I haven't talked to Randy yet, so let's bring him up first.
Randy, do you want to say your last name?
Hi, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be on with you.
Yeah, I'm the one that was escorted out of the studio.
They turned the camera on the audience, and that was me.
I was the one that was roughed up the most.
Randy, Randy.
No, no.
Again, confronting Bill Maher.
Do you want to tell people your last name?
I prefer not to, because... That's fine.
Yeah, and I'll tell you why.
CBS, where the show is filmed, their security manhandled me the most and they did take my ID out of my wallet while I was handcuffed and I'm sure that
I'll never be admitted on the CBS lot again.
So, uh... Yeah, I know, but not putting your name out there always then creates less protection.
I've seen this a thousand times a thousand.
The few people that will listen to me and I tell them to take action, don't buckle, get out of all this stuff, those that do what the lawyers say and are quiet are then privately fed on.
But go ahead.
Well, Alex, I... Fine, fine.
No one knows your name.
Tell people what happened.
Uh, well, uh, we got tickets for the Bill Marshall
in L.A.
and we had about 10 going in and we dispersed ourselves through the audience and we had a plan we discussed and we were going to wait for the right opportunity if Bill said anything about 9-11 or the war on terror that was our opening and so Bill got through the monologue
And we didn't do anything, and then John Edwards was on the show, but that was pre-recorded, so it played in the studio.
I know, walk through.
You stood up, you said what, tell us about it.
Okay, so finally, during the panel discussion with Chris Matthews and Congresswoman Jackson Lee and Time Magazine columnist Tim Klorstein,
Okay, I stood up and I said, I yelled quite loudly, Investigate 9-11, nothing else matters.
And that just caused a little pause.
Chris Matthews let out a little laugh.
Oh, and by the way, you know, he had the celebration show two months before 9-11 with Gary Hart and Warren Rudman about how big buildings were going to come down, life was going to change, and he literally was thanking them for sharing the big secret on air.
He's a particularly wicked person, by the way.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I would like to see that.
Yeah, I'd like to find out where it is.
I saw it on television.
It caused me to go on air and issue the 9-11 warning, but go ahead.
Well, I had a line for Chris Matthews himself, because when I knew Chris Matthews was on the show, I wanted to direct something at him.
But the second thing I said, and I flubbed my line a little bit, but I think I got it out, and I opened the door for the whole thing.
I said, because the Sands Hotel in New Jersey had just been imploded like the day before, and it was all over the news, so I said,
Building 7 fell faster than the sands in New Jersey!
And actually, I flubbed it a little bit.
I said, Building 7 fell faller than the sands in New Jersey because I saw security coming for me.
So, at that point I was a little nervous.
And, uh, I held up my sign.
And then Matthews did that fake little laugh he does, you know.
He he he he!
He he he he!
I'll get you, you little dog, too!
And so then the line I had, uh, specifically for Chris Matthews and
It was the last line I got out besides, don't tase me bro.
I said, Chris Matthews, you said I promised not to let anything get by me.
Which is a line he uses in his promo advertisements for his show.
Well, you did a great job.
You know, a 9-11 inside job is always a good basic.
But then more and more people stood up and spoke out.
When we come back, we're going to talk to Bruno and Katie, who I interviewed yesterday on the Sunday Show for about 30 minutes.
And I want to just walk through basically what happened and why this is so important.
This is a big deal, my friends, because this is happening everywhere.
I mean, we are changing.
Infowars.com, folks.
All over the country, there's InfoWars chapters, InfoWarrior chapters, WeAreChange chapters.
There's no orders from headquarters, just call yourselves that.
InfoWars California, InfoWars Austin, WeAreChange New York, WeAreChange LA.
Just go out there, call it your own group.
Make up your own name, it doesn't matter.
Just get out there, lots of organizations, lots of groups, lots of people, and you get together and you take action.
And you go to live shoots, you go to events, like I used to do years ago, you jump in front of live cameras.
When they had stage bio-attacks in Austin, I'd jump in front of cameras and say it's absolutely fake.
And it would come out that it was fake.
We'll be right back.
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Well, yeah, actually the LAPD was just fabulous.
It was the CBS security that roughed me up a bit.
And actually, it was crew members
Uh, when it first started, when about five of them got around me, it may have been one security guard and mostly crew members, but there was one that was particularly rough on me.
They handcuffed me.
I was twisted on the ground like a pretzel on the pavement on an outdoor balcony.
He said some rather nasty things to me.
By the way, we've got the clip, we're cutting out all the cuss words to play it later, but didn't Mar also say rough you up?
Didn't he say kick you in the butt?
Oh, he said that about one of the last people, I think about Bruno, he said, don't be gentle, ass kicking is what's called for.
Uh, that he directed to... Yeah, and we apologize about that malanguage, but we're saying it here for documentary purposes.
I mean, I'm not a litigious person, but this sounds like grounds for at least an apology.
This guy's calling for violence, and indeed, they were violent with you.
Uh, yes, they were.
Um, uh, so that's what came out of Bill Maher's mouth.
Well, without saying any cuss words, what, you said he said some nasty things.
What did the, what did this crew member say to you?
Okay, uh, I, I would try to clean it up a little.
He, uh,
He said, uh, you're, you're spending the night in jail.
You're spending the whole weekend in jail.
And, uh, so then he, uh, told me what a, what a black man was going to do to me in jail.
And, uh, very vividly, uh, described what the, the cell would smell like.
I don't know why, why, I've had, I've had a cop tell me that when I was a teenager.
I wonder why that's such a favorite cliche to say.
I don't know.
I really couldn't tell you.
When I turned around, I was on the ground like a pretzel and I finally got a look at the guy's face and he looked like, I said, Ted Nugent reincarnated.
I told him that he's got a job with Blackwater.
It took 30 minutes for the police to arrive.
They were just fine.
The LAPD, as soon as they got there, and I maintained throughout the whole thing, once I was outside.
We got a break, but tell us what the LAPD said.
I was telling them, you know, I heckled a comedian.
Well, the police got there, they immediately unhandcuffed me, and they listened to my concerns about... Stay there, stay there, everybody.
I'm going to get to everybody in 70 seconds, second hour.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to spend this segment and a little bit of the next segment on it, and then I'm going to get into a bunch of the world news.
We have the Loose Change crew joining us in the third hour today.
We'll open the phones up later in this hour.
This isn't just about confronting Bill Maher or screwing up his TV show.
He made on his program
We're good to go.
Security grabbed one of them, another started speaking up.
This went on for about five minutes.
We were talking to Randy, the first to speak out, the first to be arrested.
You can see him on video.
Then we're going to go to Bruno and Katie, who are also there, and I appreciate them holding, and I appreciate their time.
Again, I salute what all of them have done, because this is a phenomenon spreading.
This is really hurting the globalists.
It's a kink in the armor, a missing scale on the dragon's belly we need to exploit to the maximum right now.
In the info war, because it's free speech, people always heckle on these quote, live things.
So the LAPD got there, I heard you were on your belly, and they said, why is he in handcuffs?
And they heard your story, and what happened?
Tell us what happened.
So, as soon as they arrived, they immediately unhandcuffed me, and told me to put one hand on my head, and then they took the other one off.
I was about to put my other hand on my head, and they said, that's okay, you don't have to do that.
I, they listened to my concerns.
I said, you know, I, I, I told the police, I feel I was assaulted by a crew member.
And, um, actually some of the other people standing around were saying, man, he needs to chill out a little bit.
And so the police listened to my concerns.
I had heard the guy's name and I told the police that I, I believe they located him and they, uh, checked me over for visible injuries.
And, um,
And I said, you know, depending on what happens here, you know, I would consider pressing charges.
Well, they gave me their card with the two officers' names and badge numbers, and I was allowed to walk off.
And there were producer types standing around out watching this too, so the last thing I said was to someone who looked like one of the yuppity-ups, I said,
Why don't you have Ed Asner on your show?
I did when it escalated, so I walked off the lot.
They should have me on, or David Ray Griffin or somebody.
Asner is a great guy, we've interviewed him, but he's real conservative about it.
But I think he'd step up if he was on the show.
Just a great actor, a great mind.
I've talked to him many times on the phone, a really friendly fellow.
He's been very supportive of us out here in L.A.
I want to see you on there, Alex!
I'll say this, I'm not going to be run over.
We're going to come back and go to Bruno and Katie and keep you there if you've got the time for a few more minutes, but just in closing for this, any other key points you want to add that you saw or witnessed?
Oh, one thing I did think of, so when I was on the ground outside and I was the first one out and I didn't know what was going on in the studio because I couldn't see and they were taking them out another door, but I heard someone over top of me say, oh jeez, we got six more in there.
So security had their hands full.
So they were panicking as they would have grabbed one and another would pop up.
Yeah, they didn't have enough security for this.
Well, people always ask why they haven't killed me yet.
It's because there's millions of us.
You get one, it makes, it creates ten more.
Now, in the case of Iraq, they know that, in the case of insurgents, not info warriors, that when they kill one, it makes ten more.
They want to destabilize, so they do do that.
Pentagon Plan P-2-O-G states that.
But here, they don't want that right now.
We'll be right back.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future.
Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Wouldn't their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Build a barrier that makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, isn't it?
Order In Game on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
In Game, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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We have the bully pulpit in Washington and that means that if we had a domestic agenda
And that we've realized that we are far behind in our science and NIH and CDC.
We'd be able to attack this very bad disease that's attacking us.
We'd be able to attack it.
So I think it's about domestic priorities, and I think we need to get the CDC working, we need to get the NIH working, take that money from Iraq, put it down here, and begin to fight that disease so people can live.
This is part of the Democrats.
I'm from New Jersey.
Boy, sometimes here at CBS, I wish the sound wasn't working.
Where'd you go?
I didn't even know what that song was playing.
But, you know, this is the problem sometimes with government.
Hey, do we have some security in this building?
Or do I have to come over and take this guy down?
They won't stand jury for you though?
You know, is that right to throw somebody out of a building?
I'll kick your a**es out of here too.
This is the Iowa Caucus!
It's not a debate.
It's a debate between us.
You're in the audience.
Audience comes from the Latin to listen.
I was only allowed two guests, so things could be okay after that.
That's great.
That one's not mine.
Yeah, this is the problem with live television.
I guess it gets around that if you're on live, then the nutcase is... Yeah, and you are a nutcase, Building 7.
You know what that's all about?
Of all the things I've said, and believe me, I've said a lot of things, as you all know, that could get my head on a block.
The one that they protest about out here is the people who think that the World Trade Center was a controlled explosion.
See, in that instance, I'm actually defending President Bush.
I don't think President Bush brought down the World Trade Center.
And cows disagree with me.
Anyway, I have some good news to you.
One of our generals this week said that we have now eliminated Al-Qaeda in Iraq, who by the way, goes by the name now AQI.
I love that.
That's cool.
It's like KFC, you know?
We don't make the bombs that kill the troops.
We make the hate that makes the bombs.
How come I don't fire my audience department?
It's running through my mind.
And there's a little more, but very effective, and it doesn't hurt Marr.
That made his ratings go way up.
He got AP articles all over the news, Fox, CNN, all carried it.
And the fact that people were protesting that there's a 9-11 cover-up, the government's involved, tens of millions more people heard that.
And it's coming out of the woodwork.
I mean, I've got big actors calling me here on The Verge.
I'm going public.
I was talking to another person in Hollywood who's talking to another huge actor who's about to go public.
All these, I mean, it is just, and there's all these people speaking out.
And the majority of people in polls a year ago, 80 plus percent, think there's a cover-up.
68 percent believe inside job.
I mean, you guys are in trouble.
You want to keep calling us the kooks.
90 plus percent know you killed Kennedy.
You got a 10 percent approval rating in Congress.
Jigs up!
Jigs up!
Jigs up!
The public doesn't know exactly what you've been doing, but they know you're criminals.
I know you're going to set some nukes off or get us into World War III and try to smoke screen it.
That's just going to make your fall harder.
Kind of like Hitler, when he was getting in trouble in the West, he turned East and went into Africa.
South and East.
I mean, okay.
Go ahead.
Escalate the fall.
Uh, that you're going to have when they pull that switch and the floor under you drops out.
And that's why I feel good.
At the end of the day, the bad guys lose, folks, throughout history.
Throughout history.
Going back to Bruno Breweiler and Katie Kurtzman, and of course Randy was the first to get grabbed.
Again, I just commend you.
We've got about seven minutes left in this segment.
You've got the floor.
Any other points you want to make?
Anything you witnessed?
Are you proud of yourselves?
I mean, you should be, because this has been all over national television everywhere again, highlighting 9-11 truth.
Just anything we haven't added or
Any of the behind-the-scenes things we don't see on camera as they went through the five or six people that spoke out?
What Mar did?
I mean, try to take us there.
You were there, Katie and Bruno.
Tell us, and you pop in too, Randy, with anything we haven't covered.
There is something I want to say just real quick.
I want to plug an 11-11 event that We Are Change LA has got going on in Santa Monica at 11 a.m.
Sunday, 11-11.
You can check it out at We Are Change LA.
We're good to go.
I think, you know, people have to realize that it really is an info war and that one of the most disturbing things about 9-11 for me was realizing that the media is controlled enough that they're not reporting it.
No independent investigation.
As far as the Bill Maher show, you know, they come out in front, you know, there's applause signs.
Everyone thinks that the live audience is reacting spontaneously.
They're not.
They're very controlled.
They even have an audience warm-up guy.
Yes, that was Billy Martin, the lead writer and co-executive producer, and he's saying, okay, you have to help make this show.
You need to laugh.
No booing.
If you feel anything negative, keep it to yourself.
Just laugh.
Laugh, you know, and when we tell you to laugh, laugh.
It's like we were in an audience full of sheep, and that's the challenge.
There are sheep all around us.
I was a sheep once, and I'm really thankful to you, Alex, for even before 9-11, warning everyone about what's going on, and for everyone between you and me that helped wake me up.
And it's the best feeling in the world when you realize that you're waking other people up.
I mean, even on the street.
That's what life is about.
Life is about helping widows and orphans.
It's about building things.
It's about being guardians of your strong.
It's about nurturing.
It's about science.
It's about love.
It's about passion.
It's about honor.
It's not about running around with bling like some kind of clown trying to act cool.
Yeah, and what you were saying earlier, Alex, about knowing what you know, how could I not?
From the moment I found out about 9-11, I did my normal two weeks of not sleeping and researching everything I could find and listening to you.
Yeah, reading all the Professor Stephen Jones paper and all of that information that was available at that time about a year and a half ago.
The pull inside of me to do something to wake people up.
I can't tell you how many friends I lost.
I can't tell you how many friends I've made.
And the friends that I made now are real friends.
I mean, that's beautiful, Katie.
It's like a love affair with humanity.
I mean, I have to say, the passion to warn people
I'm good, bro.
I totally agree with you, and I challenge Bill Maher to have Richard Gage on his show, because Richard Gage will bury Bill Maher before he even has time to taste the dirt.
And that's where, you know, we are Change LA, and for this 11-11 event, and the stance we're taking is that
We have everything on our side, and we have the facts, the evidence, and the truth.
We don't have to try that hard.
It's like all the evidence debunks the official story.
We don't really have to try that hard.
And you see, I mean, Bill Maher looks desperate.
I mean, he's so desperate to support the official story.
He looks scared.
He looks scared.
He's got nothing, though.
I mean, everything he says is empty.
And I think even the most diehard
Official story, you know, supporters can't help but realize there's just nothing there.
I mean, it's so easy just looking at the evidence for 10 minutes, you start to realize, okay, nothing is adding up here.
And then all the sitcom guys and disinfo and TV shows, BBC, History Channel do, is they create the strawman.
They either go to kooks in our movement and say, that's what we all say, or they make stuff up we never said and then debunk the fake arguments.
Did you hear what Bill Maher said about supporting Giuliani?
If this is a cross-section of the U.S., boy, he's hoped that Giuliani is president.
Now, that really tells you where he's at.
Well, it shows that, I mean, obviously Giuliani, the majority of firefighters, policemen have bought ads and TV ads saying they hate him.
He ripped them off.
He didn't give them treatment.
He wouldn't let them have respirators.
He's a liar.
He's a coward.
He says he bled more than they bled.
They hate him.
Yeah, I mean most of them are.
Even if they're not insiders, they are, without being able to use the word I want to use, they're wimps.
Chris Matthews is a... I mean, you watch the show, you see Chris Matthews continually get shriveled up and wrap his arms around himself because he realizes that he's... Yeah, that's right, that's right.
His body language is, I'm scared, I'm freaked out, he's rocking back and forth with his arms crossed, but the fake little Joker smiles there with a, hee hee, hee hee hee hee hee, like a hyena, hee hee hee hee, stay there.
I want you guys to have a final word on the other side, hee hee hee hee hee hee, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee,
I think so.
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This song says it all.
Sending out that SOS.
And that's what people are doing all over the world.
I don't care if you call yourself InfoWarsChicago.
We are changing Miami.
Or start your own organization.
And by the way, when Bush leaves office, we're not under World War III and martial law.
He's passing the baton to Hillary if Ron Paul doesn't win.
We need to continue, not stop.
This is non-partisan.
Both parties are involved in the cover-up.
Both parties are involved in government-sponsored terror.
I'm talking about Ron Paul.
Big developments there.
We'll come back in the next segment.
Bruno, Breweiler, Katie, Kurtzman, Randy, tell me, just in closing, about the two or three other people that went with you and that spoke out, and about some of the things they said.
And I want to acknowledge them if they want their names out.
If they don't, just their first names.
I think Lisa was one of our brave girls too.
When Bill Maher said something about these people believe that the Twin Towers were brought down by, he was very careful to say, controlled explosives as opposed to controlled demolition, she screamed out, they were!
And then the two girls next to her on either side pointed at her and she got taken out.
But I just wanted to point out how effortless it was.
At least it was for me.
Randy took the big first step.
He gave me my cue.
Then I got up and raised holy hell like I was just an innocent bystander pissed off that they're being mean to a, you know, a truther and that I am a truther and that what about building
Yeah, and once you do it you realize that you have the upper hand.
They're scared of you.
And it's just really powerful.
And I want to give credit to Peter Thottam who came, who was the one who was asking about Building 7 right after Katie did, and he was pretty roughed up when he was taken out.
And he actually is leading the cause for impeachment at bcimpeach.com.
Yeah, the Atlantic, the L.A.
National Impeachment Center.
Now, we ought to learn from what you guys did.
Again, this is uncoordinated.
This is people just out there doing it on their own.
That's the most effective attack pattern in the info war.
Learn from this.
Splitting up's good.
Next time when they try to grab the first person, cause a distraction by yelling 9-11's and inside job right before they lay hands on them.
Yes, we are.
I would give those key words out because the cable audience most of them have got internet and then they're going to go check what you said and it's a higher conversion rate for conversion to the truth for them to actually see US government documents to carry out the attacks.
I mean that's what I found personally is the challenge to people to go research this for yourself.
Good advice.
Good advice.
Thank you so much for having us.
I'm just so honored and pleased to meet you, Alex.
I just can't even tell you.
I hope you'll come out for the 11th.
What's the chances we can get you out here on 11-11?
You know, unfortunately, I'm tied down with the release of Loose Change and Final Cut and Endgame that just so happened they came out together.
Loose Change is going to be out earlier in the year.
I do what?
Speaking of Endgame, I was there in New York and I saw the premiere there in New York and I have to tell everyone that you got the entire audience stood for several minutes giving you a standing ovation.
It was really impactful and pretty intense.
Endgame is really intense, for sure.
Well, God bless you, my friend, and I want to tell you thank you, Randy, because it's hard to be the first one on the beaches or going up the hill, and you certainly planted the flag on Bill Maher's head.
You've conquered him.
I wonder if copycats are going to be popping up.
I wonder if we're going to see Bill Maher infiltrated week after week.
I hope so.
And there's other live shows out there, folks.
There's other live shows out there.
Oh yeah, The View could use some help.
Boy, there's a ton of live shows that are shown in New York.
Here's the problem, here's the problem.
That show, I've looked into it.
Bill Maher actually goes live.
The View, they say it's live, but it's actually like 30 minutes delayed.
Well, they started that for Rosie.
Some days on Tuesdays and Thursdays it is live, you're right.
So yeah, find out when it's live, get yourself tickets, get a group, go, just do it.
And if you live in New York, let's say it isn't live the one time you go.
Hit em, hit em, hit em, till you get it out there.
I salute you, take care.
Alright, we love you.
We love you too.
We love seeing you take action in almost every major television show in the country, news show, talking about it.
That's how the info war is going to be won.
Introducing the idea to people's minds that the terror isn't coming from where they say it is.
Then they check into our fax and they find out we're telling the truth.
We're gonna win!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Endgame blueprint for global enslavement right here in Austin, Texas, where I broadcast from deep in the heart of Texas.
We'll be showing...
Tonight at 7 o'clock, I'm going to give a speech, show the film, take some questions afterwards.
It is almost sold out, but they hold about 20 tickets until the hour before, so you can buy them at the door.
We've never turned anybody away.
They even put out folding chairs sometimes if needed.
But tomorrow night and the next night, it's still wide open.
Half the tickets have been sold for each engagement.
So you can walk up to the door and buy tickets today.
You can also get them online at Infowars.com.
Now, I'm not officially going to be at those events, but everybody's whining and crying about it, so
Fine, I'll go to them, but I'm just going to give a short speech at the beginning of each one.
Because if I wait through the whole film to do a question and answer, I just never see my family.
And I'm trying to get Endgame out.
I'm trying to fulfill Jeff Rentz's show in two nights.
Wednesday night.
So I have to be there for that.
There's just a lot of stuff going on.
Interviews and things.
I have the loose change deal coming out.
I'm just really busy.
I love meeting you.
I love seeing you.
But we're going to be there selling the videos, books.
It'll all be there tonight, tomorrow night, and the next night.
And then I keep saying next week.
It's actually the week after that.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I'll be at that Monday showing as well.
But fine, we'll put on the websites that I'm going to be there.
In fact, Aaron, I keep forgetting.
Just have him.
He's running in.
Thank you, my friend.
Hey, you know what?
Everybody's whining and freaking out.
I understand.
I'd like to see you, too.
They want me to be there.
So will you just call the Alamo and call Paul and all the webmasters and tell them just put that I'll do an introduction at
The next two shows too, and the next week.
Then I'll do the big speech and question and answer at the first showings.
I'm just going to be at all six of them now.
I'll just do it.
I like seeing people anyways.
I've just got stuff I've got to do.
So that is definitely coming up.
By the way, if you want to order Endgame on DVD, it's going to ship.
We're putting the shipping orders on the 29th if you want to get down to brass tacks.
So we're talking about six days, ladies and gentlemen.
So these suckers ship out to you and we're talking about three days.
Three and a half days so you can watch it at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And if you haven't gotten your PrisonPlanet.TV membership for 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, you get a yearly membership, you get three months free.
Go to PrisonPlanet.TV and get that membership.
We've got it really nice.
Well, two different content distribution networks to stream it out to you.
It comes out at four times T1 speed, depending on your connection, but that's how fast it will go out.
We got it in three Flash formats, two QuickTime, two Windows.
The QuickTime, frankly, looks even better than Flash.
It just, it looks almost DVD quality.
It's insanely good.
And, uh, it's gonna be available at midnight Thursday night.
Thursday night, uh, Friday morning.
So, we're talking about the rest of the day, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then Thursday.
So, in about three and a half days, you're going to be able to see in-game, ladies and gentlemen, in super high quality, and burn it to disk, and get it out for non-profit, not-for-sale educational purposes to everybody, and I'm asking you to.
We rewrite the book here, internet first, PrisonPlanet.tv, and then DVD shipped out just a couple days after that.
What's the 29th?
It's Monday?
These suckers are gonna be shipping out the 29th to you!
InfoWars.com PrisonPlanet.com to order via the safe secure online shopping cart or you can simply call toll free to order via the phone 888-253-3139 888-253-3139 for the great DVD cover, the film, highest quality, 2 hour 20 minute film, 40 something minutes of extras,
It's got a whole deal of minifilm, 18 minutes long, on the La Reconquista, more on Bilderberg and Istanbul, incredible stuff with secret agents following him, trips with machine guns, a little wake people up, Rick Perry over there, and then Jimmy Vaughn playing shackles on me at Texas Independence Day Rally, great performance of that, and I appreciate Jimmy letting me put that in the film, so that's the extras.
By the way, the extras are just going to be on the DVD for a while.
A couple weeks after the DVD is out, I'm going to put it up for presentplanet.tv members.
The presentplanet.tv members get the film first, but then the DVD buyers get the extras first, but the extras will be up in a few weeks.
It's kind of a give and take.
I'll put it up about two weeks from now, about a week after it comes out, up there for the presentplanet.tv members.
I know we've got Levi, Mike, and many, many others that are holding
For those that just joined us, let me recap some of the top stories and get into some of them that I have and I promise I'm going to get to your calls.
Scientists have stepped closer to steering hurricanes.
Scientists have made a breakthrough in man's desire to control the forces of nature, unveiling plans to weaken hurricanes and steer them off course.
Does this sound like deja vu to you, listeners?
To prevent tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina.
The damage done to New Orleans in 2005 has
spurred two rival teams of climate experts in America and East Orleada to redouble their efforts to enable people to play God with the weather.
Under one scheme, aircraft would drop soot into near-freezing clouds at the top of a hurricane, causing it to warm up, so reduce wind speeds.
Computer simulations of the forces at work in the most violent storms would have shown that even small
Changes can affect their paths, enabling them to be diverted from major cities.
But the hurricane modifiers are fighting more than the weather.
Lawyers warn that diverting a hurricane from one city to save life and property would result in multi-billion dollar lawsuits from towns that bear the brunt instead.
Hurricane Katrina caused about 41 billion damage to New Orleans alone.
Now, what are they saying in government documents?
Only a world government can direct it, and then they'll decide and be given immunity.
And under the UN Treaty of the Seas, they'll be able to control all this.
Number one, you don't hit the hurricane when it comes into shore.
You hit it 500 miles out, and you completely destroy it and have it dump into the ocean.
Certified to totally work in 1967, as we broke here two years ago, with Dr. Ben Livingston, who we're lining back up for the show.
This is now in the London Telegraph and other major papers.
And they're saying it's just been developed.
It was done in the early 60s, 62, 63, 64.
They knocked out a whole bunch of hurricanes all around the U.S., mainly off the West Coast, 100% knockout.
They could steer them, they could knock them out, with just a few dozen aircraft.
Now he says he can do it with seven to eight aircraft.
And they just go in with the little micro-particles and put them in there and it causes the storm to condense into forming the rain droplets and you kill the 4-5 cells that form.
It's like as easy as kissing my hand or making a ham sandwich.
I mean it literally is easy.
He also ran the weather weapons.
I already talked about this the first hour.
I'm so excited about it because we should call everybody, force them.
Next time there's a hurricane, we've got to get it admitted that they can fly in and knock them out.
But of course they're going to claim liability.
But now they at least have to admit all of this.
Alan Moreau of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology told the Sunday Telegraph of his plans.
You've got to love how, 40 years after it was certified and developed 50 years ago by Ben Livingston and the Navy, that they're going to claim MIT and Mozy did it.
I hate how they suppress technology.
Oh, see this B-2?
We had it for 20 years.
We're good to go.
Al Amaro of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, told the City Telegraph that this plans to paint the tops of hurricanes black by scattering carbon particles, either soot or black particles, from the manufacture of tires.
From aircraft flying above the storms, the particles would absorb heat from the sun, leading to changes in the air flows in the storm.
No, the sun is blocked out in there.
You use classic cloud-seating salts.
Let's just go to the experts, okay?
I mean, again, I'm so sick of how the media, how dumb!
You've got to contact Shipman, Tim Shipman, at the Telegraph and go, Tim, have you seen PrisonPlanet.com's report from two years ago, a year and a half ago?
Have you read all the declassified documents?
But see, they've got to act like this is all new.
I guarantee you Tim Shipman knows all this.
Oh, MIT, it says it's invented it.
Oh, yes.
Oh, MIT, save us!
And then Israel, save us!
And it says I need to sign an international treaty with the UN.
Ah, that's disgusting.
Alright, let's just go to your call.
I got all this other news and you already know all that.
I'm gonna get to it.
Oh, where's my call list?
Where you calling me from, Levi?
Hi, how you doing?
Good, where you calling from?
I'm calling from Maple Grove, Minnesota.
Okay, welcome sir.
My story is about me and the military.
And some of the things I want to let you know, some of the things that you were saying about the things that's going on in the military,
And the people, even the people from other countries that was in the war and stuff like that.
My thing is, I'm going to let you know, I was in the Boston Globe newspaper, a story about me.
I was in the Marine Corps.
I was 17 years old.
I had problems with reading and writing and everything.
And what happened was, the recruiter got me in the Marine Corps.
When I got in there,
Um, instead of my name being Private Jones, it was Private Dumber.
And because my name was Private Dumb, I was beaten every single day.
So he put you in there as Private Dumb as a joke?
No, when I got in there, my name was Private Jones, but then when they figured out my
I have a speech problem because I have aphasia.
Bear with me.
When I went into the Marine Corps, when they figured out that I was kind of slow and everything else, well, they said, oh, you're a dummy.
And from there, well, I had problems.
I was beaten.
They tried to rape me.
Well, that's because most of the Marine Corps now is La Raza and Bloods and Crips gangbangers.
I mean, is that what you found in there?
Well, I was 17 years old and that was back in 75.
Well, it's been like that for a long time.
So, when was your story in the Boston Globe?
It was about a soldier who waits 26 years for respect.
And the problem was that
All the things that happened in there, to me, in the Marine Corps.
I tried to press charges against the Marine Corps at the time when I was in there.
And what's happening is that I was fighting ever since then, and now they don't have my records?
They said my records was in the fires?
Well sir, this is a government that will steal $4 trillion and then just say, we have machine guns, shut up.
I mean, there's $4 trillion missing.
The pension funds are all gone.
Everything's all gone.
The whole government's acting like the country isn't going to be here soon.
See, that's what's so scary.
They're all evacuating.
The companies are all leaving.
They're sucking everything dry.
They're taking everything offshore.
And they're just hiring masses of cops and building camps everywhere.
I mean, that's not a good sign when all the money's leaving and they're building camps everywhere and putting cops in black ski masks and uniforms.
And I just hope the cops wake up and don't go along with it.
But now they're hiring aggravated felons to be
The military, then they give them waivers to be cops.
I'm not kidding.
It's been in the news.
You can't make this stuff up.
They're hiring illegal aliens as cops.
I mean, listen, send me your story.
Email me your story to Aaron at Infowars.com.
Maybe I'll have you on as a guest sometime, Levi.
There's a reason why I wanted to get on the show, to face you and to face the audience.
And the reason why is because I had Paul Wellstone dealing with my case.
And he was working with me.
For some reason, he's gone.
Well, it's all part of a larger picture.
He was starting to talk about 9-11 being an inside job.
They weren't about to let that happen.
Listen, my friend, send me the story.
God bless you at Levi.
I mean, look, it's part of the course.
We need soldiers.
We need to have them tough and ready.
But 60 years ago, the Marines didn't have chance about killing children or about doing all this.
Uh, they introduced all these skulls and chanting and kill, kill, and it's gotten to be, the military has gotten to be a pretty sick culture.
And, uh, I remember talking to a family who were in the Marines and stuff, and they were back in the 70s, and they would tell them, you know, if I tell you to kill your mother and father, you're gonna do it.
Yes, sir.
You know, it was brainwashing.
And shaved heads, no sleep, gotta kill your family.
I mean, that's Jim Jones.
That's hardcore.
That's government brainwashing.
And it's been in the mainstream news about Marine Corps chants they've had the last six, seven years, where they talk about killing American school children.
It was in the Pensacola News Journal in 1999, Hobbs Middle School.
We have it saved on InfoWars.com.
And, uh, where they, uh, it was in the paper, it said the Marines came in, they lined the kids up, had them put their hands behind their heads, he said, we're going to kill you now.
The children defecated on themselves, as they're trained to do.
It's all part of the shock mind control.
And the troops said, we are, Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is like.
Then afterwards, they gave them candy and toys and said, we're your friends.
It was break them down, build them up.
It was hardcore, and it was all later came out.
It was a Department of Defense mind control experiment on the children.
They've since done it all over the country with police and others, screaming, yelling with guns to their heads, not even telling them it's a drill.
Teachers fall into convulsions or in catatonic states the rest of their lives, drooling in the corner.
They took one woman out and said, we're not going to kill you in the woods.
The teacher, she's a mental patient basically now.
I mean, they do it to third graders.
They throw fake blood on them.
To freak them out, they even release stink in the classrooms to give the smell of death.
It's all part of hardcore Soviet-trained... But by the way, don't be driving along in your car and say it isn't happening.
It's happened in Michigan.
It's happened in Texas.
It's happened in Alabama.
It's happened in Ohio.
I got it in the takeover.
It's been in the news.
You hear about it all the time.
And the cops will come in for eight hours with the guns to their heads, they'll make them defecate in buckets, part of humiliation.
They put them through hardcore brainwashing.
I mean, it's right out of the Soviet torture camps.
Our government hired all those people and they're over here running things.
That's mainstream news.
Again, we're living in the twilight zone.
Everything I said is true.
I know, when I say that I can't believe it, but it's true.
Well, in one case in Michigan, they marched the elementary students out, blew a part of a bus up.
They did that, by the way, I've got that on video.
I shot that up in Belton, just south of Temple.
But they just blew up two cars in that case.
And they have the school kids out, and they told them, we're homeschoolers here to kill you.
Which then makes the kids hate homeschoolers.
Which also then makes them hate guns.
They know what they're doing.
We'll come back, talk to Mike and others.
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Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Let's go to Micah, New Hampshire.
Micah, we're on the air, welcome.
I run a site called 911dude.com and we met in New York in September, I don't know, in the rainstorm.
I don't know if you remember, but not important.
When I saw the Paxil remark on Bill's show last week, my first reaction was to cancel my HBO account.
And I did.
I've gone a week now without it.
I had to hear about Friday's episode on YouTube.
But I suggest if everybody wants to put the pinch on HBO and turn the screws, that that's probably a good thing to do.
Well, I mean, if you individually want to do that, that's fine.
But at the same time, I don't want to attack people's speech and just say, boycott it.
I mean, I personally, I think that we're going to continue to get the info out on Marshaw.
We're going to beat him that way.
I'm not, you know, saying go out and
I'm not saying don't call for a boycott, I'm just saying that's just such a serious thing to do.
I think we should boycott things like Fox News because it's purely sitcom propaganda.
Yeah, speaking of Fox News, did you happen to catch their coverage of Ron Paul after the debate last night?
Well, I said that I was going to get into Ron Paul.
There's been some big developments.
I haven't.
Go ahead.
Well, one thing.
I'll let you talk about that.
More importantly, after the Bill Maher incident on Friday, I happened to catch their coverage.
Classic disinformation.
I don't know if anybody caught this, but they actually referred to Building 7 as Building 17.
I don't know if anybody saw that, but I thought it was pretty funny.
Look, look, look.
They show footage clipped from Independence Day of flying saucers blowing up a building in L.A.
They then misname it the Liberty Building within
Fifteen seconds of Bush making the announcement, they already had it cut and cued with the fake name he used.
It's not called the Liberty Tower.
They knew what building he was talking about and had it edited with a flying saucer blowing it up to say terrorists did it.
Folks, that was scripted with the White House.
They're in tandem unison.
And one more thing on Bill Maher.
I think if not canceling, then at least this.
I think his reaction
Shows the effectiveness of what the, you know, the We Are Change people did.
And anybody listening, you don't have to be a member of their organization.
All you got to do is call their phone number and get in the audience and you can do the exact same thing.
Anyway, I'll let you go.
I hear you.
I mean, I think boycotting them is okay if we say because you're lying shills.
But I wouldn't be because you won't say what we want you to say.
I think whenever you start doing that, it starts getting into the First Amendment.
And I mean, frankly, HBO compared to a lot of channels has got some
Pretty good stuff on it.
Three weeks ago, a string of Rupert Murdoch-owned papers in the US, Canada, Australia, England said that Ron Paul was fake and had hired a marketing firm and that he didn't really have any support and it was hackers.
Now, I mean, that is just insanely ridiculous.
I mean, Oliver Austin, his signs are everywhere.
I haven't seen anyone else's signs.
I've seen hundreds of Ron Paul signs.
He has more members on his MySpace than all other candidates in both parties combined.
He's raising now what was number three, now number two in the Republican Party.
I mean, the guys... It's incredible!
His website is bigger in Alexa ratings than all the other candidates.
It's bigger than Hillary's.
By tens of thousands of places.
Every gauge says he is an incredible dark horse candidate.
Las Vegas has him 3-1 now and saying only he can beat Hillary.
I mean, he's surging.
His trajectory picked up.
At the last trajectory a month ago he would have won the nomination if it was a fair election.
I mean, he is on turbo.
How does Fox respond?
Again, who's behind Hillary?
How does Fox respond?
Sunday's New York Post blacks out Ron Paul and doesn't even mention that he came in number three in a national poll of conservatives.
You see?
Because they're behind Hillary Clinton.
It's all staged, ladies and gentlemen.
They are behind her.
It's even admitted now that Bush is preparing for her to come in.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Loose Change crew is coming up to talk about the release date for Loose Change Final Cut, now announced, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's finish up with Ron Paul and I'll start trying to jam in a few calls from Tom and Will and others.
Sunday New York Post blacks out Ron Paul.
Great folks at FreeMarketNews.com covering this, even though Jeffersonian conservative presidential candidate Ron Paul
Has declared the media blackout of his presidency is over, which it was.
We said that last week.
It really is.
Don't tell that to the editors of the New York Post.
Well, of course not.
That's Hillary Central.
By the way, when I say they're Hillary Central, that's a fact.
When I say the NRA got the first gun control bills in 34, in 68,
In the 90's and in 2000 past, and is now supporting the new gun registration, where it's not just felonies, it's going to be misdemeanors, any mental illness they claim, military police being barred.
It's unbelievable!
I tell governors that and they don't believe me!
I mean, we're not making this stuff up!
I mean, listen to me.
We're on the razor's edge here.
Listen to me.
It's time for you to stop being phony conservatives.
I mean, the left has woke up and they're not buying guns.
You haven't.
Something's wrong with you.
You're just unbelievably ridiculous.
Sunday New York Post blacks out Ron Paul.
Now, he won in every presidential round, every two years, they offer your election in Congress.
It is huge.
This is the most important poll for Republicans.
And it's done of the conservative caucus.
It's done of Christian conservatives.
Ron Paul got a strong third place.
That's huge.
Of that brainwashed mass, because all of them aren't brainwashed fake Christians, they're real Christians.
They're not the Jerry Falwell slash Pastor Hagee, paid off by foreign government types.
And he's climbing!
Exponentially, we've got 80-something days until the first primaries.
This is incredible!
They just don't even mention Ron Paul!
The conservative paper, and that's in quotes, owned by media mogul... Is everybody starting to get this?
The jig's up.
It's fake, folks.
They've seen behind the curtain.
They've seen the strings.
The conservative paper owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch... I just got the image of a child finally learning that puppets aren't real and they have strings.
That's American people.
We ought to be excited this is happening.
The conservative paper owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch has managed the feat of covering the Family Research Council's recent values voter, put out by Dobson, presidential debate and ranking candidates according to their popularity with value voters.
Without mentioning third place finisher, GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul.
By the way, I've actually looked at his record.
It's better than the two guys that beat him.
But look for Dobson to not... I'm surprised Dobson, even though that wasn't even fair, but I actually like Dobson compared to all the others.
I mean, he's tasteful and he's a lot better, I'll just put it that way, than Hagee.
The page four... I grew up listening to Dobson.
The page four story in the Sunday Post, religious rights rejects Giuliani's values plea.
Choose to report only the on-site voting results and then actually drops off Ron Paul's name.
It also manages to write a full article about mentioning either Ron Paul or his results, but everybody else's results.
I mean, you got ten people in this roster and they leave out number three.
Four conservative listeners, Roger Ailes, Russ Limbaugh's discoverer, the head of Fox News,
Top Nixon Republican strategist.
Roger Ailes is as conservative as Mao Zedong.
He is behind in strategizing for Hillary, raising money for her.
They have been meeting for five years.
I told you that for a full two before it showed up in papers three years ago.
They've been positioning Hillary since before the last election since 2003.
Heaven help us!
Heaven help us now?
You're for Hillary against America, conservatives?
What is your problem?
What is your malfunction?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by power.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Wasn't their objective being world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what I have to do, sir.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
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Alright, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm fired up.
You go to PrisonPlanet.com, we've got an article put out by Paul Watson breaking down the basic
Let me just go ahead and get these out, then we'll get into what the film actually covers.
We decided, and that is the Loose Change crew decided, you'll notice the article doesn't even mention that I'm the executive producer because, frankly, it's about the film.
It's not about Infowars or Prison Planet.
It's about getting the word out on 9-11.
But my role in this incredible project, I've just been honored to be involved in it, is that I was just invited in out of the blue.
Infowars provided some of the footage for the film, a little bit of consulting, and then they just invited me into the film, I guess about six, seven months ago, and the reason it didn't come out until now is they kept getting new interviews, they kept getting more material, more and more witnesses kept coming out, more and more information was fleshing out, and this film is just light years ahead of Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Which is the most downloaded film in history.
We put 50 million times.
I know I've seen 50 million downloads.
You know, I've watched them.
Google reset it.
I've watched YouTube.
I've seen it on the other trackers.
I mean, you can go online right now in 10 minutes, look at the different places it's posted and see 20 plus million views.
And I've seen Google reset three or four times.
And that's no telling on the BitTorrents and all the other hundreds of systems that are out there.
Conservatively 50 million.
I would guess it could be as high as a hundred million.
I don't know, but it is the most watched film, internet film, in history.
And you'd have to say it's the most watched in the top hundred of films ever, because there are films out there seen by billions like Star Wars and stuff, but I mean it's definitely the most downloaded film ever.
And again, it's a testament to what individuals can do with their associates by themselves.
Dylan makes it for $4,000 on a cheap laptop by himself.
Sets out just wanting to make a fictional account.
Finds out it's all true.
Makes it.
He gets tens of millions of downloads.
He spends maybe $10,000 more.
Makes loose change second edition.
And now he's done this one all kosher, going out and getting the footage and all the information and buying it all and putting it together, not just under fair use.
And now he's made it.
And it costs a lot of money to make, a lot of places to fly.
It's expensive to fly all over the country and Canada and you name it, interviewing people.
And they've done it.
And it is just an unbelievably powerful film.
It dwarfs Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Now, it's the final cut.
Now, the big question is, when does it come out?
You'll be able to watch it at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
That is, we'll have links to the site we built.
It's not launched yet, but you can download it and watch it.
Also, at Loose Change,
Those are the three places.
And you can watch it there and starting November 11th when you can download it and watch it in super high quality.
You can also order it on DVD and then it will ship out November 26th.
We have the DVDs via May right now.
We'll have them on before, but that's how we're doing it.
And so November 11th, that's when it starts.
You can order on InfoWars, you can order on Prison Planet, you can order on Loose Change until
November 11th.
You can go that day, watch it online, order DVDs online, all at the same time.
We are so excited about this, and I've just been so honored to be involved with these great guys.
I mean, just like Loose Change LA just took over Bill Maher's show for five minutes.
Headlines everywhere, all over the news, huge attention.
Again, it's individuals taking action, having the will.
And to see the growth in just a few years of these young men, and to see them deal with all the attention and the pressures, I'd have to say I give them an A-plus on it.
And that's for being inside this movement and knowing the pressures myself.
And so to see this come to fruition, to be able to help out when they needed help, it's just really been exciting, and for better or for worse.
We're going to give them the floor, Jason Burmiss and Dylan here, in just a moment.
But before I do that, I just want to tell you, this is not a sad thing for me.
It's not a bad thing.
It's neutral.
Charlie Sheen is not narrating this film.
And we didn't even twist his arm to do it.
Uh, it took about six, eight months longer to put the film out than we thought.
Charlie wanted to voice it when he was in his off-season, not doing the TV show, because that's a five-day-a-week deal, getting ready for that and doing it, and he also has a lot of other TV appearances and spots and clothing lines and 10 other things he's doing, and his family.
Well-publicized, he's doing a lot of stuff in his divorce and with the children, and his Hellion wife, ex-wife.
Uh, well, the behind-the-scenes stuff, I wish I could tell you, but he's just a real gentleman.
We'll just leave it at that.
He can sink her in two seconds.
But I don't want to get off into all that.
Charlie's custody battle heated up right when it was time for this to happen, and his show's number one, and he's under a lot of pressure, and we couldn't even tell him a few months ago exactly when it would be ready, and so we just said, look, we'll just get this out now, and then someday we'll see what happens.
Also, Theatrical, a bunch of theater chains have contacted us, they're looking at carrying it, but we just finished it a week ago.
We're just rushing it out because of the information, how important it is, how pertinent it is,
We're trying to stop another false flag, war with Iran.
It really could stop it.
I mean, 100 million downloads conservatively before.
Who knows what it'll be this time?
Once it gets out there on the web, I just pray we can make our shekels back so we don't all go bankrupt.
It's easy to get 10 million people to watch it.
It's hard to make $100,000 and pay it off.
But the point is, is that this is exciting.
And I'm just glad to be on this ship with these guys, these real explorers, these trailblazers, and I'm so thankful.
And Charlie, a few months ago, when it hinted that he might not be doing it, the Fox News, Washington Post, Rupert Murdoch attack arms, one's attacking Ron Paul, came out and said that Charlie Sheen had pretended he no longer believed the 9-11 truth, he believed the government version.
He never said that, they just made it up, they're liars, they're CIA, admittedly.
I mean, they have paid operatives of the government on television.
And Charlie gave me an email to post and said, this is preposterous.
I don't back off 9-11 truth one micron.
I believe in it more than ever.
I'm just saying, I haven't even seen the film yet.
I don't know.
I'm so busy.
Things have changed.
We'll see what happens.
He never even totally committed to it.
He said he was probably going to do it.
So that issue out of the way, we salute Charlie for going public, for
Accelerating 9-11 Truth.
Everyone resonated with his courage.
He'll go down in history for that.
I'm sure someday you'll hear more from Charlie Sheen.
The point is, is that he hit the barbed wire, he hit the beach, he planted the flag in a big way before anybody else had of his caliber.
You're going to see more actors going public.
You're going to see more happening now.
That's his chapter in history.
And a key part of history.
Remember, the first got to do it, not the second, the third, the fourth.
So, this is exciting.
And with that said, ladies and gentlemen, here is Jason Bermas and Dylan Avery.
Gentlemen, I salute you on finishing the film and making it even better than I thought.
Thank you, Commander.
Thank you, Alex.
And we're really just excited to have this new version of Loose Change out there for the public.
Like you said, it's a completely new version.
It's got a ton of new information.
And the production value has gone way up on this one.
This one really did cost us a lot of money.
We did... Hey, you know, Jason, Murphy's Law, your IP phone or wireless phone, can you get closer to the weigh station?
Um, yeah.
I'll leave you on with Dylan for a minute.
I'll try to switch phones up.
Dylan, go ahead.
You've got the floor.
Well, yeah, you know, as Jason said, this is a far more ambitious project.
It's taken us a lot to do.
We've had to fly places and interview people.
We had to pay a graphics house in Germany for some imagery, which was totally worth it.
You know, it totally helps make a presentation.
You know, I did some special effects myself, but not nearly as much as... Man, this is Discovery Channel quality!
I mean, it's got... It's better than Discovery Channel, because you saw the History Channel piece that they did on 911 Truth a while back.
They used the Pentagon animation that they used on 9-11.
Like, they couldn't even go through and recreate anything.
They just pulled their archive footage and threw it up on screen.
It was terrible.
But yeah, you know, I'm really impressed with this.
There's still a lot of work to be done on the project.
I mean, the bottom line is, you know, we had to fit 20 pounds of sausage into a 5-pound bag, if you know what I'm saying.
And there's a lot of material that ended up getting cut from this movie.
I mean, if you want to get technical about it,
The amount of material that got cut from Loose Change Final Cut is actually longer than the movie itself in the aggregate.
But you said that soon we're going to put that out on the web for members or something like that.
Put what out?
Well, we've been talking about, you know, later putting out the extra pieces of it.
Oh yeah.
There's going to be an expanded DVD release at some point.
Right now we're just glad to have the movie done so we can take a step back and take a neutral look at the project and see what people think.
And there's obviously changes that are going to be made.
We're probably going to make it better and we're going to have to improve it and do some work for our theater release.
It's inevitable.
There's still a lot of work to be done on it, at least personally, I feel.
Well, Dylan, you as a director always do that to yourself, but the film is absolutely phenomenal, absolutely fantastic.
Tell folks, just give them a brief rundown of how this is different from the second edition.
Well, first and foremost,
This is one specific reaction we got from the screening in New York City.
This one woman was very disappointed because she felt that the final cut was a totally new movie.
She was expecting a better second edition.
So again, I'd like to take the lead and stress that this is an entirely new movie.
The presentation is different, the layout is different.
I don't want to say we take a neutral stance, but we don't
We don't come right out and say things the way we did in the second edition and personally I think it's great because we truly, this time around, we're truly letting people absorb the information, take it upon themselves.
And you can love David Ray Griffin or hate him on some of his political views.
The fact is he's very scientific and orderly in his presentation of the facts and he vetted the script and all the info and signed off on this film.
Yeah, and by the way, we stuck to everything that we could prove.
You know, if we said something about somebody, we showed you the article and where we got it, and we prefaced where that information came from.
But that doesn't... I'm sorry, Jason, didn't mean to cut you off.
It doesn't mean that, you know, David Ray Griffin, you know, held our hand and walked us through the entire project.
We disagreed on a number of issues.
I mean, he wanted us to delete the War Games chapter entirely.
So, you know, there's little things here and there we disagreed on, but he definitely helps steer the project in the right direction.
My point is, is that there was a lot of editorial debating and things going on.
I mean, this is really a high caliber film.
Gentlemen, stay right there.
We're going to come back after a quick break.
For the rest of the hour, with Dylan Avering and Jason Bermas, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the one and only GCN Radio Network.
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No, we're good.
Well, Dylan Avery and Jason Vermas and Corey Rowe and everybody have just done such a fabulous job and I salute them.
And again, this film is extremely powerful.
It is definitely the best 9-11 film out there, bar none, with so much new info presented, just like Dylan was saying and Jason was saying, professionally.
They just say, hey, look at this, look at that, look at these facts, look at this information.
And it is, believe me, it is just, everybody here in the office watching it just a week ago when it was finally done, we're just like, whoa, this is, this is so good.
Dylan, I mean, do you feel good about what you've done?
I mean, if I was you, after all this work, I mean, I would be really, really excited.
I mean, do you have a feeling of satisfaction?
Yeah, of course, man.
It's been a long two years in the making, so I'm definitely glad to have it done.
Let's talk about what the film covers.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, we start off in 9-11-2006 to let people know that there is a movement behind this, and this isn't just a movie.
You know, this is an issue that has and will affect all of us until we bring the actual perpetrators to justice.
So, you know, that, right off the bat, is very different from the other two loose changes.
From there, we really bring it into the hijackers and the evidence against Bin Laden.
Again, something we weren't able to dwell on as much in the second edition, and we really lay it out, culminating with Able Danger.
And I'd say, Dylan, that the Able Danger section is one of the strongest in the movie.
It's not bad.
Personally, I would disagree with you on that.
I do like Able Danger.
I think it might be a little bit... It might be a little hard for the newcomers to understand, although I think after one or two different viewings, they might get it.
But, you know, we did what we could.
I mean, the problem is that Able Danger is a very comprehensive issue, and we only had so much screen time to dedicate to it.
It's definitely good.
I mean, we definitely got all the information about Able Danger out there.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the reaction is to it.
You know, and then from there, we really jump into the morning of 9-11 itself, and we go over some of the war games that happened prior to 9-11, and then what the reaction was after 9-11 by President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and others saying, you know, we never knew about these plans, yet the United States government are the ones that are drilling, running planes into buildings.
And then we go over Northern Vigilance, Vigilant Guardian, Global Guardian, and all these different exercises that are going on throughout the country.
You know, from there, we actually dedicated a large section to the flights.
But unfortunately, the movie was just so jam-packed full of information that we had to cut that chapter.
But when you get the DVD, you'll get the flights chapter as well.
I think that's another 20 minutes, isn't it, Dylan?
Ten minutes?
So, you know, there's something that had to get on the cutting room floor.
This is a DVD 9.
What's the total run time with the film and the extras?
With the film and the extras?
Folks, this is an entirely new film.
Again, I can only commend you men.
Please continue.
Well, from there, you know, we start to get into the actual attacks on the World Trade Center, and the probability that this was a controlled demolition, and we have experts Stephen Jones and Gordon Roth to help us along the way, along with just a slew of new footage.
I mean, Dylan and I scoured over the Internet Archive, over, you know, CNN footage, and all this stuff to bring the most comprehensive picture of what actually happened to the Twin Towers.
You know, after we go through that, we get into Building 7,
You know, as notorious as that is, especially after the Bill Maher incident, I think that we've done the best job.
in summing up what happened there and why the official story can't be true.
I mean, this building falls in on itself in about 6.5 seconds after the media is already announcing it's fallen.
It falls in a controlled demolition style.
We have two eyewitnesses that were blown up in the building.
We have the news footage of that in this movie.
So really, you know, that on top of Danny DeWenko, the controlled demolition expert, seeing it for the first time and saying right away it has to be a controlled demolition where they blew the columns from the bottom.
You know, I think that we have the most comprehensive World Trade Center 7 segment of all time.
So I think there's no doubt.
Plus, you've got the new BBC deal where they're saying it fell before it did.
And, you know, from there we go into the anomalies in Shanksville.
We go into the large debris field.
Dillon was actually lucky enough to go get a interview with the mayor of Indian Lake.
Why don't you tell people about that, Dillon?
Yeah, stay there because I won't have time to cover that.
Talk about when we get back.
But, Dillon, I've seen stuff in the film I never saw anywhere else.
You've got the original footage of all these newscasters talking about how there's no plane.
Are you talking about Shanksville?
Oh yeah, yeah.
It's from the NBC anniversary special.
It's some pure gold in there.
Not only that, we've got
We've got numerous news accounts from members of the military saying that they were actually tracking Flight 93 as early as 936, and they're very specific about it.
But, like I said, I'm really looking forward to seeing how people react to this.
As you said, Alex, I think we're bringing a lot of people to the table, or a lot of information to the table that people haven't seen before.
Yeah, stay there, Jason, and stay there.
When we come back, I want to hear about this mayor, make your point there as well.
Jason, we're going to take calls about Lou Schenk's final cut.
Stay with us.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles in my trade
Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade.
The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five.
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor.
I was born upon the tide.
I sailed a schooner round the Horn of Mexico I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed But I'm livin' still I was a dam builder across a river deep and wide
Oh yeah, we're talking to two trailblazers, two adventurers, two Lewis and Clarks,
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We'll go right back to our guest here in one moment, and of course your phone calls.
Before I do that, I want to
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Let us now go back to Dylan and back to Jason Burmiss of Loose Change fame.
Final cut coming out November 11th at Loose Change.
911.com and Infowars.com.
Go to the link there and watch it there.
Then pre-orders on November 11th start for shipping that will go out on November 26th.
We have both of these young men on with us today.
Gentlemen, you got the floor.
Tell me about the mayor you went and interviewed and other caveats in the film and we're going to take some calls.
You want me to take that one Jason?
Well, me and my buddy Gideon, we went down to Shanksville about
Two weeks ago, I estimate.
And we ran into a couple people there.
It was kind of an impromptu trip.
It was about two weeks from release, and the Flight 93 chapter was lacking.
It was definitely missing something, so me and Gideon went down to Shanksville to try and fill in those gaps.
We ended up interviewing Barry Lichty, who was actually the mayor of Indian Lake.
And we did.
You might recognize him from the BBC 9-11 hit piece.
He was also interviewed for the History Channel hit piece, but they didn't use it.
But basically, his testimony to this day remains the same, and that is that he and his wife were sitting in his house, which is about, if memory serves, about a mile and a half, two miles southeast of the crash site.
Basically what happened was, their lights went out, they heard the explosion, which was the plane crashing in Shanksville, they heard the explosion, and then immediately afterwards,
Um, and his words, Barry's words is, it sounded like a missile flew over our house.
They were going that fast.
And I, you know, I pressed on him.
I'm like, well Barry, are you sure this happened immediately after the crash?
He's like, oh yeah, absolutely.
It was absolutely right after.
He maintains that A, it wasn't Flight 93 that flew over his house.
B, it happened immediately.
And, um,
Those are really the two facets of the story.
And then it got even better when I was like, well, you know, Barry, it's interesting because the 9-11 Commission claims to this day that the military wasn't even aware of it until 10-07.
And so there's no way that a plane could have flown over his house immediately afterwards.
And he just smiled and started shaking his head and he was like, well, you know, I know what I heard, you know?
So that's one of the things.
The other thing is we got him talking about how he was one of the first people on the scene at the crater, looked in, didn't see anything.
He saw maybe a
Six by eight foot scrap of metal that said air cooled on it.
Uh, but that was about it.
So, um, he was a really likable guy, real up front, real honest.
Um, and he wouldn't have known that a plant had crashed there unless they told him.
You know, that's yet another person that got that.
Well, I mean, there's the famous footage of the, of the, uh, you know, feds out there, and they're waving their arms going, where's, where's the wreckage?
What's going on?
Now, now, to explain what a straw man is, for those that may not know, and I know a lot of you do know what it is, you need to tell people that have been, you know, put through the fake debunking.
By the CIA-controlled Hearst Publishing, which is admitted even in the encyclopedia, ladies and gentlemen.
That's not my opinion, it's government.
Minion group.
They literally wrote the book on yellow journalism.
State police, firemen, said that there were parts found over four miles away.
I have all those Pennsylvania newspapers, AP, the Newscast, and then they go, and then in BBC, and in the other piece, History,
They just falsely claim that, well, the Loose Change guys aren't evil, they were just wrong.
Yes, on a computer, if you do a map quest, it takes you by roads, and it's all these miles, but really it's only less than a mile away, and it was pieces of paper.
Let me just finish.
We've never hung our hat, we've never said that.
That's not what the state police or people said.
They were finding engine parts four plus miles away,
I mean, everybody saw this, heard this.
They just made up something we never said.
I mean, that's... and then disproved something we never said.
Go ahead, Dylan.
I was just going to say is that I interviewed a woman who was living in New Baltimore.
She found burnt black pieces of webbing in her backyard.
She's eight and a half miles southeast of the crash site.
And, I mean, they heard the explosion, too.
And she's behind a mountain ridge.
It's behind a mountain ridge.
Basically, she was a... she's a secretary at a local church.
And she, she was working, and her priest was up, her boss, the priest, was upstairs.
So he actually heard an explosion and told Melanie about it.
Melanie is the woman's name.
And then what happened was Melanie's gardener ran over and said, hey, you know, there was this explosion and all this stuff started flowing through your yard.
Then again, there was black, burnt pieces of webbing.
She found, uh, In Flight magazines.
She found all kinds of stuff in her backyard.
It's incredible.
Now, you've... Well, I mean, that's just that section.
Just break down for people the different sections in the film.
Well, after the Shanksville section, we really sum up the 9-11 Commission and all of its, let's say, corruptions.
You know, these guys were compromised from the very beginning.
They weren't really in it to find the full and complete accounting that they first said they were in for.
And, you know, we really picked partly Hamilton, Thomas King throughout, but we go over all the commissioners.
In that section.
And then we conclude with where we are today.
And would we be here without 9-11?
And I think the thing I'm most proud of about this film is that we're going to satisfy the majority of loose change fans out there.
The people that are aware of this.
The people that have followed the movement.
But we're also going to bring in a massive amount of people that haven't heard this information before or been able to look at it.
I really believe that this movie is going to bring in even more of the masses.
And hopefully we can hit that soccer mom demographic.
I think that's where we're lacking.
We have the young people.
We have those people aware, but if we had two people in the family, if we had the soccer mom and the younger person, maybe we can knock over that breadwinner who seems to be the most stubborn, who just can't get around the fact that our government may have been involved.
Yeah, this is made.
for the general public.
This is made for people because it just lays it out and it lays it out really in an irrefutable way and that's what I'm so frustrated by is that
People haven't looked at things like hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases.
That's in mainstream news.
I mean, that right there brings the whole thing down.
They don't look at any of that.
All they look at is the Pentagon, the Pentagon, the Pentagon, which I'm not saying that isn't bizarre.
My point is, is that I got suspicious early on because that's all the media ever wants to debate is the Pentagon instead of the hundreds of other issues.
So I'm glad this film does do a great job on the Pentagon, but then it gets into so many other areas.
Absolutely, and just bringing up the Pentagon, I think that we were more objective than ever in the Pentagon chapter, having spent some time right outside of the Pentagon at the Sheridan Hotel that supposedly recorded the attacks that day, but we couldn't get the manager there to talk to us, let alone show us the videotapes they may or may not have.
And we really went out and we wanted to know what happened.
You know, we went and talked to Father McGraw.
We tried to talk to Jimmy Walter.
We obviously talked to Bob Pugh, who made it into the film.
But, you know, that is just one of the minor issues.
And like we say in the movie, you know, the big issue is, why was the Pentagon struck in the first place?
And then we get into Norman Mineta's testimony.
And not only his testimony, but, you know, the Seattle VR change.
People were able to confront him again.
And he was actually on ABC News a year after the attack saying the very same story, wasn't he, Dylan?
Sure was, unfortunately we had to leave that on the cutting room floor.
And then people deny that Minetta even ever said it, and we talked to him and he says the exact same thing.
You've also got the InfoWars crew here in Austin.
Bob Daisy for InfoWars confronting his lordship.
That's absolutely right.
He asked Thomas Clanson.
Thomas Keene, the Chairman of the Commission, some key questions about the ISI, the funding, and of course, Building 7.
So, you know, that stuff is just great to get in there, because you see when these people are confronted with real questions, they don't want to answer them, and they kind of run off, and they kind of, you know, try to dissuade the question.
They don't want to answer it.
They don't want to answer, you know, why was the Pakistani ISI funding the hijackers?
They want to act like that never happened, when in reality, it did.
Well, the second that Bob Daisy says, Building 7, Kane's body language immediately changes.
Like, immediately.
The second the words come out of his mouth.
Yeah, he, like, gets more stern and stands back like it's a vampire that's just been shown a huge crucifix.
It's literally like a vampire movie when you go, ha ha!
And the vampire goes, ha ha!
That's very cute, Alex.
Well, it's true.
He does look ghoulish.
It does look like his cheek is melting.
No, no, I mean, I say what it looks like.
He looks like Count Dracula.
Do you notice his skin suddenly gets translucent and wet?
He does not look comfortable and then he just kind of trails away with, we didn't find any evidence of the thing you're talking about and there was no loss of life in that.
Don't you just hate that Atlantic accent?
I mean, nothing against people in the East, but I mean, he's the old blue-blood who's literally, like, mmm, bossy.
What's funny you say that, because when we were down in Princeton, actually, showing the second edition a little over a year ago, we went to one of these little bars that has all the politicos, and, of course, I believe Thomas Kean did go to Princeton, because they had his picture up when he was a younger gentleman, and, you know, he was one of the hyped wall members, I guess you could say.
Thurston Howell III!
Yes, exactly.
Let's talk to Tom in Boston about how we carried out the attack.
Tom, you're on the air.
Welcome, Sam.
Tom just dropped.
Stuart, New York.
Go ahead, Stuart.
Hi, I'm an audio technician, and not that you need any more evidence, but have you examined the audio signatures of the explosions going off?
When the two towers collapse, especially like when the firemen who were in that interview say they kept, they said something like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Each one of those booms, no matter how fast they came, would have presented its own audio signature.
Well, I mean, boil it down.
What are you saying?
What I'm saying is, not only is there plenty of video evidence, but there should be plenty of audio evidence to the individual explosions.
Well, yeah, I mean, in the second edition, in fact, we cover the two explosions, the plane crash, either before or after that initial explosion.
I believe they're about seven seconds apart, Dylan?
Yeah, about nine.
Nine seconds apart, but yeah, we go over that.
I mean, it sounded like something just exploded is the guy's exact words, and there are two distinct explosions.
I mean, you know, I guess the original 9-11 eyewitness movie does a really good job of
Going through the audio from across the way that, you know, sound wave control demolition.
So, it's been done.
Speaking of audio, Jason comes to us from a tin can and string.
Sorry about that.
I'm just teasing.
You have a special line from upstate New York to Minnesota.
The string we have strung.
I'm just having some fun.
It's a very long string.
Anything else?
That's it.
I just can't wait for the thing to come out.
I've got your Terror Storm.
Alex, which was absolutely wonderful and I've shared with many people.
It feels good to be alive.
Absolutely it does.
Speaking of taking action tonight, end game, and then tomorrow night, the next night, and yes, I'm going to all three.
I'll be at all three giving a speech at all threes.
I'll see you tomorrow and the next night.
And then we show it again in a week there on November 5th, 6th, and 7th.
Just go to mfallwars.com.
We'll see you there.
It's pretty much sold out tonight, but there's a lot of tickets left tomorrow and the next day.
I want to see you there.
Who's up next here?
Got my call list scrambled as usual.
Steven Tejas, you're on the air.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that when the Twin Towers fell, or when the first one hit, I'm a news junkie, and I was at work at a major employer here in Austin.
And I was listening on AP Radio Network News and I have been looking for it ever since 2001 and I can't find it.
During that they said that one of the F-16s had made visual contact with Flight 93.
And they said it right there on AP Radio Network News.
I've been looking for any kind of transcript I can.
No, no.
I remember them saying that on ABC News and CBS that they were going to blow up Building 7.
Everybody else remembers hearing it.
I remember reports about F-16s on its tail.
And then there's even recordings of, I'm going to fire AIM-9s, which are sidewinders.
You guys want to comment on that?
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, we have the NORAD tapes.
There's no doubt they were tracking Flight 93.
I've listened to the data sources.
I mean, they were fully aware of Flight 93, but the Commission tries to misconstrue it and say, well, when they thought they were chasing Flight 93, they were actually chasing Phantom Flight 11.
You see, they were chasing Rudolph there.
And Kevin King knows.
Uh, uh, Steve, is that it?
Anything else?
Yeah, that's it.
I just, I just can't believe that there aren't, like, written archives of that kind of thing that, uh, someone could look up.
Who are you to ask questions?
You're not a blue-blooded Steve from Texas!
You're one of those Beverly Hillbillies!
Loose change, final cut!
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Let's try Tom in Boston and then Tom in Michigan.
That'll be our two final calls for this Monday transmission against tyranny.
Nobody said we didn't go down without a fight.
Tom in Boston, you're on the air.
Howdy, Alex.
Hello, my friend.
This is a real honor.
Actually, I met Jason
After the Ron Paul debates up in Manchester, New Hampshire... Lord Burness!
Yes sir, and you said earlier that Rupert Murdoch says that it's a fake revolution about Ron Paul.
Let me tell you what, after I met Ron Paul...
I went home and took $500 out of my own pocket, put together a web space for Ron Paul, and I wrote an anthem for Ron Paul.
Yeah, but it doesn't exist, just like the NAU doesn't, just like Mercury and the vaccines doesn't exist.
Government's good, Hillary's good, oh, she's conservative now.
Yes, sir, so anyway, you can download the anthem for free at midnightride2008 at myspace.com.
And my question was, I've seen the other documentaries and one thing that I wish actually that Dr. Paul would confront since Rudy Giuliani, I don't know how, but he's in these debates now, is you talked about new information about all of those exercises they were running, so my question is
Is there any new information on exactly how Rudy was connected to... Okay, we've got to stop.
We've got to stop because we're out of time.
Okay, Ron Paul has called for an investigation.
He said there's something spooky.
He just won't commit the political harry-carry with saying it's an inside job right now.
Uh, Burmus, uh... Yeah, from our information, uh, Rudy Giuliani was in Building 7 early that morning and he was evacuated with the rest of the crew.
Uh, we did touch upon tripod
For a little while in the movie, not too much, but we weren't really able to find out anything other than it was a bioterror attack and that there were basically people being set up throughout the city for it.
Absolutely, and that's all confirmed.
Later he lied about that, but got caught.
Let's take a final call.
Tom in Michigan, you're on the air.
You're our tail gunner.
You're on the air with Avery and Jason.
Hey, how you doing everybody?
It's an honor to talk to you.
Alex is an admirer of your courage and these guys' courage and putting yourself out there.
Well, it's great to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Last night in the GOP debate, real quick,
One of the guys, and I was pretty tired early in the morning, it was either Huckabee or a hunter, made a kind of a half joke about eliminating the mass population of people that were going into Social Security or talking about health care.
He made a quip about, well, getting rid of them wouldn't be a good idea.
It was Huckabee.
Yeah, he sort of made a half-hearted joke.
Wait a minute, I want that quip.
Who said that?
What did he say?
He made a joke about it.
Yeah, he made a little joke and it was almost like he was making a little joke for his buddies or something.
It was really scary.
And one other thing Alex, just for your consideration, as more importantly your brother in Christ, please don't be like those people outside the Bohemian Grove.
Stop playing Jimmy Page's music on your show.
It's satanic, dude.
Well, I appreciate your call, my friend.
We're on the AM and FM dial.
We're putting on a news program.
I am a Christian.
Jesus was out there all over the place, meeting with everybody.
I'm just doing a radio show.
And I like all the music the network's been putting on personally, but thank you, and I appreciate what you're saying.
Guys, we're out of time.
I want to thank you for the great job that you have done on Loose Change, Final Cut.
It's incredible, available at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, and of course,
The good old loosechange911.com November 11th and it ships out on DVD November 26th.
Men, take care!
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Alright, if you missed any of the first hour or second hour, I covered a bunch of key stuff.
I covered the Bill Maher thing.
They now admit they can knock out hurricanes.
I covered that in the first hour.
It starts over on the web right now at InfoWars.com on our screens if you missed any of it.
If not, I'll see you back tomorrow live at 11 to 2.
And I'll see you tonight, 7 to 10 at Alamo Draft House in South Lamar.
And that's almost sold out.
There are plenty of tickets tomorrow and the next night.
I want to see you with those.
I'm going to go ahead and show up to those too.
Everybody's wanting me to.
So I'll be there tomorrow night and the next night as well.
And then coming up in a week, we'll show it again three more times.
God bless you all!
Take care!
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